Character Notebook: Twi`light


Character Notebook: Twi`light
Tale of a Slave Girl ....................................... 1
A Savior Arrives ........................................... 1
The Phantom Menace .................................. 2
Palapatine's Peril ......................................... 2
The Crypt of Saalo Morn .............................. 2
The Pink Princess ......................................... 3
Trial of the Lightsaber .................................. 3
Conspiracy at Clan Vida................................ 3
A Hutt's Best Hope ....................................... 4
Dark Designs ................................................ 4
Taking a Padawan ........................................ 5
Child of the Jedi ........................................... 6
The Battle of Boz Pity ................................... 6
Order 66 ...................................................... 7
A New Life, a New Hope .............................. 8
Raising a Daughter ....................................... 8
A Granddaughter in Training ........................ 8
The Second Battle of Coruscant ................... 9
Investments in the Future ............................ 9
Rejuvenation ............................................... 9
Leading the Future......................................10
Timeline of Events ......................................10
Interests .....................................................11
Habits .........................................................11
Slave Conditioning ......................................11
Opinions .....................................................11
Weapons ....................................................13
Armor .........................................................13
Vehicles ......................................................15
Starships .....................................................15
Heroic Qualities ..........................................18
Legacy Destinies .........................................18
Asajj Ventress .............................................19
Arka Vance ................................................. 22
Reess Vida.................................................. 22
Yindra ........................................................ 23
Sienn Vida .................................................. 24
Seela Vida .................................................. 25
Kayarra Irrenee .......................................... 26
Lara Vida .................................................... 27
When Sinya Vida was young, a Jedi knight performed a great
service for her father, Ilar Vida. In gratitude her father allowed the
Jedi to test his two children. When Ilar found out that his first
born son scored higher than his daughter, he had the results
switched. The misinformed Jedi took her with him to the Jedi
temple on Coruscant for training by Yoda. As the years passed,
she was repeatedly passed over by Jedi seeking apprentices.
Tale of a Slave Girl
When she reached the age of twelve, the Jedi sent her back
to Ryloth in order to join the medic corps. On route, her shuttle
was attacked and boarded by pirates. The ship was taken with
little resistance. Their captors decided to sell their new prisoners
to the Hutts on the nearby planet of Tatooine. As the pirates
departed with their captives they destroyed the transport vessel,
making it appear to be caused by a faulty power regulator. The
ship's debris was soon discovered by local security forces and all
hands were declared dead.
The news that Sinya died in a shuttle accident soon reached
her father's ears. He felt a profound sense of loss. He has lost both
his wife and daughter and now all he has left is his son. He
appointed a mentor named Jart Kairn to the boy in order to help
train him to become the future leader of clan Vida. Jart saw this as
an opportunity. With Darap Vida under his control as a puppet
ruler, he could control house Vida with out fear of being sent into
the bright lands.
Back on Tatooine, they took her and several others to be
presented to Bogotá the Hutt as slaves for sale. She was stripped
of her clothing and thoroughly inspected by the Hutt. After he had
determined that she was a virgin, he purchased her as a leasure
slave. The Hutt ordered that she be offered to an arriving special
guest - Jango Fett- so he could have the honor of breaking her in.
After Jango departed, she and several girls were assigned to
entertain the guards. The following night, she had a dream that a
Jedi would come and she would go with him. This gave her the
mental resolve to endure this existence without any major
emotional scarring. To her, she was just biding her time until his
The only time she had the opportunity to wear clothing was
when she was being offered to guests. This quickly became her
favorite activity in her new life. On these occasions, they would
make her as attractive as possible and dress her in very enticing
clothes in order to enhance her guest's experience. The rest of the
time, she was either too busy working or being ogled at to wear
A Savior Arrives
Her dream became manifest three years later when a Jedi
knight named Tosh came to negotiate the release of certain
prisoners. The negotiation quickly degenerated into violence.
The Gamorrean guards that were currently enjoying her
services heard the commotion and quickly finished with her so
that could reinforce their comrades. Left naked and unguarded,
she decided that this was her time to leave. On her way out, she
noticed the Jedi battling in the main audience chamber. A bounty
hunter was poised to attack him from behind with a vibro sword.
Thinking that he was the one in her vision, she charged the
bounty hunter - knocking him over, his weapon sliding across the
floor. The unclad girl quickly retrieved the sword and defended
the Jedi's back swinging wildly.
Eventually the Jedi won the battle and liberated both her and
the prisoners. However, the trip back to Coruscant was far from
She was eager to assist him in defending the ship. By the time
they reached Coruscant, he was so impressed by her that he
decided to take her on as his Padawan learner despite the
council's reservations.
Over the next two years, their distinctly different
personalities caused them to drift apart. He is more impulsive and
ready for a fight while she is more intellectual and more inclined
to gather information and analyze a situation before acting.
This combined with the council's hesitance to grant Tosh
permission to train her as a padawan caused her to feel like she
needed to prove herself to them. In order to do so, she set out to
construct a lightsaber that would impress her master and make
him proud of her. As for the council, she would chronicle several
cautionary tales of various people's fall to the dark side. This is
intended to demonstrate to others what weaknesses lead to the
dark path. Of course, she would have to interview these people
herself in order to get the true story. She intends to keep these
projects to herself in order for them to be a "surprise present" for
them. Then, maybe, she might prove to herself that they were
wrong in their disapproval of her becoming a Jedi.
Whenever master Tosh was sent on particularly dangerous
missions that required his particular skills as a lightsaber weapon
master, he was forced to leave her on her own. While he still gave
her occasional guidance either in person or through the holonet,
she essentially learned on her own.
The Phantom Menace
Time passed and she found herself on the planet of Naboo as
an observer during the trade federation blockade. She and a small
group of like-minded people including Chewkabukk - a Wookiee
force adept, Hobart Runlal - a Human scout, and Rafael Argus - a
Human scoundrel - avoided capture. Together, they eventually
joined with a resistance cell and won several skirmishes against
the trade federation. Later, their cell joined up with the rest of
Queen Amidala's army. During the battle of Theed, they provided
diversionary support for the queen's strike force. During the
diversionary strike, they battled with a Force image of Darth
Maul. Seeing the Sith wield his double-bladed lightsaber gave her
the idea of creating her joined lightsabers. She hoped that this
would sufficiently impress Master Tosh.
After the battle was over, they decided to stick together
whenever any of them needed assistance.
Palapatine's Peril
On their first trip to Coruscant as a group, they became
involved in a plot to assassinate chancellor Palapatine by striking
him with a bolt of lightning by taking control of the weather
control station that handled the location of his speech.
They tracked down the terrorist group to a weather control
station and engaged them in battle. The terrorists were forced to
flee the station and try to assassinate the chancellor directly.
During a speeder chase with a conspirator, she learned the
usefulness of the illusion force ability by creating an illusion of a
speeder on a crash course with the fleeing suspect. Eventually,
they arrived at the chancellor's location and engaged the
terrorists in a final battle.
By the end of their adventure the Wookiee jokingly gave her
the nickname "Twi'light." She liked the sound and cleverness of
the name so much that she started using her new nickname as her
preferred name.
The Crypt of Saalo Morn
She was assigned to go to a planet in order to collect some
rare Adegan crystals. After defeating some rather nasty creatures,
they stumbled across the entrance to a crypt. They entered the
crypt and encountered the spirit of a "Sith Lord" named Saalo
Morn. She immediately seized the opportunity to begin her
chronicles by interviewing him. Over the course of a couple of
hours, she recorded his personal history and any other
information that he was willing to give. She found the experience
quite exciting and looked forward to talking with him in the
As they delved deeper into the crypt, they discovered the
helmet of Saalo Morn. He appeared before them and in short
order, created an illusion of her companions choking from lack of
air. Saalo Morn told her that the only way to save him was to put
on the helmet. She had a bad feeling about that action. So,
instead, she called upon the light side of the force and with great
effort destroyed him. The force artifact was recovered and
brought to the Jedi temple; however, she regretted the fact that
she had to destroy him. She viewed it as a lost chance to learn
more about the Sith and their ways.
Once they returned the crystals to the Jedi temple on
Coruscant. Master Windu noticed that she had two purple
crystals. He offered to trade two obsidian colored crystals for
them. She eagerly agreed to the exchange.
The Pink Princess
Over a month later, while on Engebo V, the planet was
overrun by Skekfish. During the initial battle with the new arrivals,
she wanted one as a sample in order to see whether or it was
organic or technological as well as to discover any weaknesses
that it may have. Chewkabukk held one in the air for her to
destroy. She cut it in half with her lightsaber and had it taken to
the speeder for future study. Although, she never received the
time in which to study it, it served to demonstrate that she is
learning the objective detachment that is so common to
intellectuals and scientists.
The owner of the ship they were piloting - The Pink Princess decided to give them the ship as compensation for their ordeal. It
was quickly taken to Tatooine for a refit.
Trial of the Lightsaber
Once there, she was contacted by her master. He instructed
her to meet him at a docking bay. From there, he took her to Ilum
to commence the trial of the lightsaber.
Once she completed her lightsaber, the sound of a shot was
herd and Master Tosh fell over, dead. From around a corner
appeared the assassin - Jango Fett. He looked her over and said,
"You've changed. Why don't you take those clothes off and do
what you do best."
With the look of annoyance on her face, she responded "I
don't need to take off my clothes to do what I do best" and
ignited both ends of her new joined lightsaber for the first time.
She advanced on him while evading and deflecting the
oncoming barrage of blaster fire. He deftly avoided the first swing
of her lightsaber. Unfortunately for the bounty hunter, he was not
accustomed to fighting an enemy wielding a double-bladed
lightsaber and during his evasion of her attack, he mistakenly
placed himself directly within the path of the return stroke of her
second blade. The shock from receiving such a severe wound
rendered him unconscious. Standing over him, she called out for
someone to assist her in taking Jango to the infirmary and helping
her with her master's body.
Awaking from her vision, she found her newly completed
lightsaber in her hands and Master Tosh sitting in front of her. She
had passed the trial of the lightsaber.
Conspiracy at Clan Vida
After a few days, she rejoined her companions on their
journeys, during which they came across a transport that was
under attack by pirates. They moved in to rescue the ship. After
driving off the pirates, she requested that dock their ships in order
to help facilitate repairs and to escort them to their destination as
a deterrent to the pirates.
Once aboard, Twi'light asked the captain about what they
could be carrying that would attract such attention from pirates.
His story that they were only carrying cattle did not ring right with
her feelings. She pretended to buy the story in order to wander
around the ship and gather information.
During her inspection, she felt a disturbance in the force in
the direction of the cargo bay. She immediately alerted her
comrades to this fact and, with Chewkabukk following, proceeded
up to the bridge to discuss this with the captain.
He was hesitant to come forth with the truth about his cargo
at first, but with some further coaxing, revealed that he was
carrying slaves to other worlds with the intention of freeing them
upon arrival.
She insisted on talking with the slaves to verify his story. He
conceded, and she went to talk with the slaves. Once there, she
announced that she was a Jedi and that she was here to protect
them. After talking with then for a while, the captain's story was
From out of the crowd stepped a female Twi'lek. "Sinya, is
that you?" she inquired as she looked at Twi'light. "That is my
name. Do I know you?" The woman then informed her that he
once worked in the palace of clan Vida and that they heard that
Sinya was killed when her transport exploded in route to Ryloth.
Twi'light was shocked to hear that her ship was destroyed. She
always assumed that it was discovered as a derelict ship.
After completing the escort, she contacted master Tosh and
requested to go to Ryloth to set things straight. Tosh agreed and
suggested that she take her comrades with her.
As soon as they arrived on Ryloth she quickly got an audience
with Darap Vida. After verifying her identity with a DNA test he
brought her before her father.
He was both puzzled and glad to see that the news of her
death was incorrect and quickly accepted her back into the family.
She had an uneasy feeling about her father's advisor. He did not
seem pleased to see her return and her instincts told her not to
trust him.
Eventually, they discovered that the advisor, Jart Kairn, had
brainwashed her brother Darap and intended to rule clan Vida
from behind the throne where he would have no chance of being
sent into the bright lands.
They uncovered the plot and gathered proof of his intentions
to present to her father. A battle broke out during the
presentation between Sinya's group and the evil advisor's. The
advisor was captured and her brother taken to have his
brainwashing reversed.
In gratitude, her father gave her a signet ring of clan Vida
signifying her as a member of the noble family. She promised to
return and visit often.
A Hutt's Best Hope
One day at a local cantina a green protocol droid by the name
of H-3PO approached them with an offer from Popara the Hutt
about an urgent matter. Her curiosity overwhelmed her dislike for
Hutts and Twi'light and her companions agreed to meet with him
at landing bay X23. Once there they were taken aboard a Hutt
Caravel and shuttled up to Popara's space yacht, the Imru
Once aboard, they were brought before Popara. "The planet
Endreggaad in the Tion Cluster is beset by a deadly disease and
has been quarantined by the Corporate Sector Authority. No one
gets on or off the planet without is permission. I have business
interests on Endreggaad. I want you to deliver a load of medicinal
spice to help to help the people on that planet. For this I will
provide you with a ship, the spice, and the coordinates to reach
Endreggaad through then Indrexu Spiral. In xchange for this I will
use my considerable influence to remove one of the two bounties
on your group placed by my fellow Hutts. I will also owe each of
you a favor." He later explained that his younger son Mika was
also on the planet when the quarantine was imposed and wants
him returned. They were given some holodisks with pertinent
information on the Mika, the disease, and the corporate blockade.
By the end of the day, they were vaccinated from the disease
and in their ship with the cargo. En route, they were ambushed by
spice pirates. After defeating them the continued on their way to
the blockade where the encountered the CSA Dreadnaught
Resolute. They were escorted aboard and had a conference with
Lieutenant Commander Angela Krin.
After a fruitless conference, they were allowed to leave. After
breaking orbit they took a wide swing around the system to avoid
the dreadnaught's sensors and came in on the other side of the
planet. They eventually managed to locate Mika the Hutt at a
campsite near his crashed ship. They took Mika back to their ship
and once again evaded the blockade to take him back to his father
Dark Designs
Later on, Twi'light received news of her father's assassination.
She headed back to Ryloth to investigate the murder. After
discovering the access rout of the assassin, she quickly came to
the conclusion that their former advisor was behind it.
She headed back to their ship to meditate on the situation.
During the meditation, she heard a beeping in her room and its
source - the holocron. Apparently it had activated and wanted to
speak with her. The personality imbedded in it was of a darksider
named D'ell Zendare. He informed her that he was the teacher of
her quarry and expressed his disappointment in his apprentice's
He gave her the location of his old hideout, where Jart Kairn
was hiding out. When they arrived at the hideout, the faced off
with three Nagai warriors - Cauth H'vok, Avai H'vok and Tarth
H'Vok. After winning a one-on-one duel with Cauth, the warrior
brothers agreed to depart the complex in peace after providing
them with the method of gaining access to the chamber in which
the adviser hid.
They entered the room and confronted Jart Kairn. Suspecting
that he was an Illusion, she tried to strike as accurately as possible
in order to test her theory, instead she discovered that her
lightsaber pierced the real article through the heart.
She was completely surprised by this development. It seemed
too easy, like something abandoned him at the last minute.
With D'ell's blessings, they claimed the complex for their own
and began to set it up to accommodate their needs.
Once she had a chance to, she returned to her room and
meditated on this latest development. She decided to head back
to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and seek the wisdom of the Jedi
Council. In light of the fact that the holocron refused to activate
for any of them, they advised her to keep it with her for the time
being until she could determine the source of her uneasiness.
During their voyage, the Hyperdrive malfunctioned, dropping
them out of hyperspace near an uncharted planet. Suddenly, she
felt the need to return to her quarters. The Sith holocron stored
there was beckoning her to talk to it. Somehow, he was aware of
the planet they were near and informed her that it was more
powerful than those which they had picked up so far. Curious
about what the holocron was up to and concerned with the idea
of a dark side relic being found by the unsuspecting he decided to
play along with the holocron.
It directed them to a skull-shaped structure. Upon entering
they were beset upon by the denizens of the sanctum: animate
corpses. They quickly learned that the creatures were drawn to
the usage of the light side of the Force, severely limiting their
options. After fighting their way through room after room of the
dead, they finally came upon the central room of the sanctum.
They could make out the sound of the dead within and decided to
enter through the two available entrances in order to catch them
in a pincer movement.
Upon opening the doors, they came upon the scene of their
wookiee comrade already at the foreboding sarcophagus. With a
motion of his hand, the holocron flew from her belt to him and he
placed the assembled relics into the slot on the sarcophagus. The
Sith revealed himself as a Force spirit and the fact that the
holocron was actually a receptacle for his essence. He then
descended into the coffin and within scant seconds, his living form
arose from the sarcophagus. They engaged the dark entity and
succeeded in taking him down, only to once more release his
spirit into the galaxy.
Taking a Padawan
She returned to Coruscant and reported the development
back to the Jedi council, who informed her that she was now
ready to take on a padawan learner. They presented with the
dossiers of four potential apprentices:
Subject: Arka Vance
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 11 (Child)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Languages: Fluent in Basic and Huttese, can also speak Bothese
Profile: Arka is a very shy child, almost cripplingly so. She was
subject to familial abuse before rescue at the age of 7 on Nar
Shadda. It seems to have affected her deeply. She is constantly
reminded of it due to her photographic memory. Arka is not as
physically strong as other humans her own age, but she is quicker
than the average human and is very intelligent. When using a
lightsaber she prefers to practice Form IV. She wishes to follow
the path of the Jedi Consular and also aspires to be a Jedi Artisan.
Subject: Chelan
Race: Bothan
Sex: Female
Age: 12 (Young Adult)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Black
Languages: Fluent in Basic and Bothese, can speak Devaronese
and Ithorese, also understands Binary
Profile: Chelan is a curious child. When a problem presents
itself, she finds it difficult to let go until she has solved the
mystery. Unfortunately she also has a tendency to find problems
even if they don't exist. Perhaps in time she will gain the wisdom
to tell the difference. Chelan's family was killed when she was 2.
She was found by the Jedi in a shelter on Ord Mantell and brought
to Coruscant at the age of 5. She has chosen the rather esoteric
path of the Jedi Sentinel archetype which is a balance of Consular
and Investigator.
Subject: Leth Greva
Race: Zabrak
Sex: Male
Age: 10 (Young Adult)
Hair: Horns
Eyes: Brown
Languages: Fluent in Basic and Zabrak, also speaks Ryl
Profile: Leth has dreamed of becoming a Jedi Guardian as
long as he can remember. His family was delighted when it was
discovered that he was force sensitive. He is fascinated by the
lightsaber and practices any chance he gets. It is little wonder
that he excels in his combat classes. Leth's largest issue is his
temper. Any Jedi who select him as his or her padawan learner
will have to be ever mindful that Leth does not let his anger get
the best of him. If he can be safeguarded from the Dark Side, he
will make an excellent Jedi Weapon Master someday.
Subject: Sedar
Race: Cathar
Sex: Female
Age: 11 (Child)
Hair: Tan
Eyes: Brown
Languages: Fluent in Basic and Catharese, also speaks Farghul
Profile: Sedar is most at home in the vehicle trainers. She is
usually reserved, or even guarded emotionally. When she's in the
simulator, however, she comes alive and all emotional walls come
down. The council believes it stems from her early childhood.
Sedar was brought to Coruscant as part of a group of liberated
slaves that tested positive for midichlorians. It would seem that
her need to run or flee manifests itself in a desire to pilot vehicles,
especially starfighters. She wishes to pursue the path of the
Consular and naturally progress to Jedi Ace.
The selection process was arduous as each potential padawan
mirrored an aspect of her. If it wasn’t for the restriction of one
master to one apprentice, she would have liked to have selected
all of them, as each tugged at her maternal instincts. The decision
to accept Arka Vance as her padawan was based on the fact that
her intense shyness would likely cause her to be passed over by
every potential masters until she was sent to the Jedi corps – a
fate that Twi’light had already endured. She did not wish that
upon any child as it had a habit of crushing the child’s hopes and
dreams like it did hers at the time.
She had already thought up a few methods she could try to
cure the youngling of her terminal shyness. On the long term, she
would strive to overwhelm her memories of abuse with positive
experiences. Also, considering the girl’s aspirations and aptitude
for the lightsaber, she could focus heavily on her swordsmanship
as a form of moving meditation in order to facilitate a center of
serenity that she could use to control her emotions regarding her
The order for the padawan to report to her was issued,
however the padawan did not show within a reasonable period of
time. Suspecting that her shyness had dissuaded her from fulfill
her orders, Twi’light set out to ask around the temple for her.
Eventually, she found her padawan up on one of the spire
terraces. She quietly walked out to the terrace to sit beside her
reluctant padawan, without a single word or action outside of
sharing the moment with her.
Child of the Jedi
Two years before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Twi'light
took on a new padawan learner; a young Twi'lek named Reess
Vida. The boy's attraction to her grew greater and greater.
Eventually, the 25 year old Jedi Master decided that it would be
healthier for the boy if he could vent his desire for her and
consented to a physical relationship with him.
A few months later she noticed that she was pregnant. She
requested leave time from the council in order to take a
sabbatical. Her request was granted. They decided to stay with
her brother on Ryloth.
After a few more months Twi'light gave birth to their
daughter, Sienn Vida. They cared for the baby for the remainder
of her leave when they were forced to leave Sienn in her brother's
Soon after, the Clone War broke out and they were too busy
to visit. Tragically, Reess lost his life during the battle of Jabiim at
the age of 15.
The Battle of Boz Pity
Twi'light, now a 30 year old Jedi Master, joined Obi Wan
Kenobi and the other Jedi - Adi Gallia, Agen Kolar, Anakin
Skywalker, Kai Adi Mundi, Kit Fisto, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Saesee
Tiin, and Soon Bayts - for the assault on Boz Pity. During the
battle, Twi'light was wounded by General Grievous and taken
aboard the medical frigate Bright Flight. She closed her eyes and
slowed her bodily processes while using the force to heal her
Shortly after, Asajj Ventress was placed aboard the shuttle to
be transported to Coruscant for a proper funeral.
Two days later, Asajj awoke and headed for the cockpit.
Twi'light took notice of this and followed shortly after her,
concealing her presence in the Force.
As Asajj approached the pilots, one of them turned his head
to look at her in surprise "Who - How?!?"
"Sith meditation techniques slowed my functions. The Force
did the rest." Ventress explained.
Nervously, he asked her "You won't kill us...?"
"No. I still have wounds to be treated." She reassured him
and waved her hand. "But you will change course."
"I'll change course. For where?" he asked as the mind trick
took control of him.
"Just far away. Far from the Jedi, from this war, from Count
Dooku... Just fly as far away as you can." Asajj explained calmly.
The still wounded Twi'light took this time to limp out from
around the doorway. "I believe I can help. Several years ago I
helped refugees found a colony on an uncharted star system.
There, you can find the solace you need - unknown to the
Republic, the Separatists, the Jedi, and the Sith."
Asajj's head whipped around "Why would you help me Jedi?"
"Because I understand what you are going through and I
believe that you need a friend that can help you get what you
need: time and privacy." The Jedi explained with a combination of
injury and serenity in her voice. "The force has led me here to
help you - of that I am certain." She then held out her hand in
friendship to Asajj.
Asajj took her hand "Agreed." And ordered the pilot "you will
take us to the destination she provides."
Twi'light then punched in the coordinates into the Nav
computer. "After they leave, I can make them forget the system
and falsify the flight records."
Ventress nodded her agreement.
"Feel free to contact me if you need assistance or just
someone to talk to. I promise not to preach to you." She stated
with a smile.
"Would you like me to try healing you further?"
Asajj looked away. "No. I'll find what I need in the medical
bay. Do you know where they would have stored my lightsabers?"
"Yes. They should be in the locker with mine." The Jedi stated
and led her to the locker. She opened it and handed Asajj's to her
and took her own as well. "I see we have some things in
common." She observed, motioning to both of their sets of twin
After making a brief stop on Rattatak to pick up Asajj's
remaining four Ginivex-class starfighters, they arrived at Sinya's
planet. Using the resources there, they set up a secluded home
from which Ventress could use the mining colony to covertly
acquire whatever she was in need of.
Order 66
After recovering from her injuries at the Jedi Temple,
Twi'light was assigned to lead a contingent of clone troopers to
counter the separatist attack on Metellos. As her forces were
driving out the droid army, her troopers received a transmission
from the Emperor to execute order 66.
While she was advancing over a bridge on one of the floating
communities, her troops turned on her. She deflected a few bolts
but one struck her in the leg and she fell off of the bridge toward
the spires of Moridebo District far below.
As she fell she used the force to try to reduce her eventual
impact. The impact came much sooner than she thought as she
struck a crosswalk between buildings. Her joined lightsaber
landed next to her, shattering.
She groaned and got up slowly, nursing the ache that
permeated her body and thankful that the Force had seen fit to
save her life. She gathered the shards of her weapon and limped
into a nearby building to lay low as she gathered her thoughts and
began to heal herself.
She realized that she could not go back to her ship or retrieve
R2-FU as the clone troopers would surely discover her and end
her life.
A New Life, a New Hope
She hid in the under city for several days before booking
passage as a refugee to Ryloth to her four year old daughter.
Once there, she was greeted by her brother. Darap was glad
to see that the reports of her death were greatly exaggerated and
happily extended the protection of Clan Vida to her. From that
day forth, she ceased using the name Twi'light in favor of her birth
name - Sinya Vida.
For the next several months, she lived there happily until a
traveler recognized her and informed the Empire of her presence.
Darap caught wind of the incoming imperial forces and
smuggled Sinya and Sienn off of Ryloth before they arrived at the
palace. After a thorough search of the premises, the Imperial
troopers were satisfied and punished the informer for giving them
a false lead.
By the end of the voyage, Sinya and her daughter found
themselves on Imperial Coruscant. Using funds left to her from
her family and a little creativity, she purchased a business space
that also served as their new home and provided a view of the
now abandoned Jedi Temple. She began to gather girls from the
streets that could not survive on their own and brought them in
to work in her new business.
The escort business she started was intended to primarily be
a front for her efforts to lift unfortunate girls from a life on the
streets and into a stable lifestyle.
The girls would be hired to attend social functions with those
who could afford them and provide intelligent conversation and a
pleasurable experience for the customer. She would only take
enough money to sustain herself and the business and allocated a
certain amount of that money to educating her girls with the
intent of them eventually striking it out on their own in their
chosen educational pursuits. She would make sure they were kept
up to date in both current events and culture so that their clients
could expect their companions to be cultured enough to blend
into their environments.
She even managed to gather all of the components necessary
to make a new set of joined lightsabers, but this time it came with
an additional attachment to make it appear as a stylish cane.
Raising a Daughter
Now that she had settled down, she could now fully devote
herself to raising her daughter, Sienn. This included training in the
Jedi arts. Due to the persecution of Force sensitive's by the
Galactic Empire, Sienn was constantly reminded not to reveal her
Force abilities.
Sinya did her best to be an understanding and caring parent,
and she felt the pain of her child’s frustration at being a Force
sensitive in a galaxy that persecuted them. Unfortunately, this
fact drove a wedge between them.
When Sienn reached the age of 18, she decided to move back
to Ryloth in order to get back in touch with her Twi'lek roots.
Within a few months, she fell in love and married a fellow clan
member and rebel supporter - Bril Vida.
Two years later, Sienn gave birth to her granddaughter, Seela.
Sienn allowed her to visit them on the provision that Sinya was
not allowed to expose Seela to the ways of the Force.
After the fall of the Empire, Sienn was appointed the position
of Senator, representing Ryloth in the senate in recognition of her
family's contributions to the Rebel Alliance. She returned to
Coruscant. This allowed Sinya to visit them much more often than
she used to.
A Granddaughter in Training
Sinya and Seela bonded and quickly grew extremely attached
to each other. Sinya decided that the girl had earned the right to
inherit her mother’s headdress. Seela cherished it and wore it
constantly ever since. They spent so much time together, that
Seela learned the ins and outs of the escort business simply
through osmosis. However, the frequency of their visits made it
difficult for them to hide their secret activities from each other.
One day, Sinya grew suspicious of yet another excuse for
Seela disappearing for hours on end and her elusiveness to come
clean about what she was doing. She followed the girl to the
coruscant garbage pits where she witnessed Seela in swoop gang
colors, competing in garbage pit racing. It was obvious that the
young girl was using her untrained Force talent to become one of
the gang’s best racers.
After the competition ended, Sinya made her presence know
to her, and in a supportive gesture, advising he of what she could
do to improve her performance. When asked how she knew of
such things, she decided to reveal the fact that she was indeed, a
Jedi master. They agreed that it was best to keep both the fact
that Seela was in a swoop gang as well as the fact that the young
twi’lek was not Sinya’s new padawan learner.
The Second Battle of Coruscant
Five years after the battle of Endor, Grand Admiral Thrawn, of
the species we now know as the Chiss. He was a tactical genius.
He swiftly and boldly struck at Republic bases winning almost
every time. The Republic was very weakened when he was
defeated. A precise blow could crumble it. Weeks after Thrawn's
downfall, the remaining Imperial council members and starfleet
commanders pulled together and staged a stunning assault of
Coruscant in what is today known as the Second Battle of
Unconfirmed reports state that several fanblade fighters took
part in the Second Battle of Coruscant. The pilots of the four
fanblades were Asajj Ventress, Sinya Vida, Sienn Vida and Sinya's
former padawan, Yindra.
Investments in the Future
Once Seela and Senerasha earned their respective degrees in
Business and Finance, the two women married and Sinya turned
over control of the escort service to them with Sinya instructing
them on the latest trends and etiquette until they were fully
For her "retirement," she decided to meet up with Hosadis
and Niorra Irennee and assist them in the raising of their daughter
Kayarra. This also provided her the additional benefit of reuniting
her with R2-FU. Due to the fact that she resided with their family,
the issue of ownership of the astromech droid never needed to be
Kayarra benefited greatly from the combined instruction
from her parents and Sinya and learned to see situations from
various points of view. Her father instructed her in the skills
required of a future Duchess of the Falleen Federation. Her
mother taught her the ways of the Jensaarai and Sinya instructed
her in the Jedi path of the consular to bridge the gap between her
parent's lessons. In the end she became neither Jedi nor
Jensaarai, but a gifted telepath and diplomat.
One year after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong war ended, Sinya
awoke to a vision where a light beckoned her to protect it from a
coming darkness. A feeling of urgency consumed her.
She headed to Duke Hosadis Irrenee's office and notified him
of her mission. Kayarra was also in the office, requesting a mission
for her newly discovered brother be assigned a mission. With the
Duke's approval Sinya and Dominic headed out into the
wilderness to where it was drawing her to.
Several kilometers out, they came upon a natural clearing in
the woods. When they stepped into the center of the clearing, the
ground gave way.
Dominic caught himself on an underground statue, grabbing
Sinya's hand to save her from falling. Sinya screamed from the
pain in her shoulder as she stopped with a jerk. She saw a landing
and had him throw her to it with him following shortly after.
Within the perfect dome shape of the cavern was an ancient
Rakatan pyramid. After deciphering the puzzle to gain access to
the pyramid, they headed inside, braving various traps until they
reached the altar where the force artifact was stored.
Unbeknownst to them, they were being followed by Lord
Dazym, leader of an opposing tribe of Falleen. During the battle,
Dominic was thrown into a chasm. As he struggled to climb out,
Dazym and Sinya battled. The Dark Jensaarai Lord accidentally
parried her lightsaber into the artifact, destroying the Force
crystal that was its heart. The room exploded in a burst of lightside energy, instilling the two with so much life energy that they
both regressed to a fraction of their physical ages. Dazym was
reduced to a seven year old Clawdite boy while Sinya was
regressed to her former 18 year old body.
Leading the Future
After enjoying a surprised and rather amorous look on
Dominic's face they took the former Lord to their camp where he
was sentenced for retraining by being assigned to a Jensaarai
defender as an apprentice.
Later on she discovered that according to the customs of
Dazym's village, she had become the new chief of that village.
She headed to the village and announced her succession as
their leader. A local blacksmith challenged her claim. After
soundly defeating him, she had the women of the village report
for examinations. All those who had an embryo in the first stage
of mitoses, were offered the catalyst to allow their pregnancies to
proceed. She also negotiated to have the captured warriors
returned back to the village.
With all the positive changes she brought to the people in
such a short time, she not only earned their trust and respect but
practically became a legendary figure. She brought in Kayarra to
take over much of her new duties so she could focus on planning
the construction of a hidden Jedi Enclave.
Timeline of Events
-50 ABY
-44 ABY
-37 ABY
-36 ABY
-34 ABY
-33 ABY
-32 ABY
-33 ABY
-24 ABY
-23 ABY
-22 ABY
-21 ABY
-19 ABY
-2 ABY
-4 ABY
-3 ABY
12 ABY
15 ABY
16 ABY
25 ABY
29 ABY
30 ABY
Birth of Sinya
Stark Hyperspace War
Sinya is enslaved
Becomes a young adult
Sinya is freed
Becomes an adult
Star Wars Episode I
Sinya is knighted and takes an apprentice
Reess Vida taken as her padawan learner
Birth of Sienn Vida
Star Wars Episode II
Reess dies at Jabiim
Star Wars Episode III
Sienn moves to Ryloth
Sinya becomes middle-aged
Birth of Seela Vida
Star Wars Episode IV
Star Wars Episode V
Star Wars Episode VI
New Republic Era
Sinya becomes old Second Battle of Coruscant
Seela goes to University
Birth of the twins
Helps raise Kayarra
New Jedi Order Era
Sinya becomes venerable
Body rejuvenated to 18
32 ABY
37 ABY
130 ABY
Birth of Lara Vida
Legacy Era (Physical Age: 24)
Legacy Comics (PA: 116)
While she is foremost an intellectual, she has picked up some
more aggressive tendencies from master Tosh - a lightsaber
weapon master.
Sinya is a woman with a curious nature. She has a drive to
learn about all aspects of the Force and takes every opportunity
to learn about it.
She wants to write a compilation of cautionary stories about
several force-users who fell to the dark side. She intends it to
demonstrate what light-siders need to avoid doing.
So far, she has interviewed Saalo Morn (a self proclaimed Sith
Whenever she encounters a darksider, she will want to
interview him in order to add his story to her chronicle.
When she encounters a sith, she would prefer to collect all of
their knowledge. This would make her hesitant to destroy him. It
would also make her likely to return to him repeatedly until she
has learned all that she can.
If presented with a sith data source, she is likely to keep it for
further study (DC 30 Will save with a circumstance penalty equal
to half of her total dark side points).
Twi'light relaxes herself by taking a long bath. The bath places
her in to a serene state of mind. After coming out of the bath and
still in this frame of mind, she sits on the bed (if available) or on
the floor and meditates on the events that have transpired and on
the future. After completing meditation, she tends (50% chance)
to remain in the nude until she is ready to leave the room. Having
spent three years largely without clothing, she finds that she is
most comfortable without clothing and doesn't think about others
seeing her naked. By the same token, she also does not go out of
her way to remove her clothing outside of this personal ritual.
Daily Routine
Wake up Get dressed Eat Do activities (varies)
Take shower
Meditate on the day's events (naked)
Go to sleep (naked)
Slave Conditioning
After spending three years as a pleasure slave, she has
become sexually submissive. If someone attempts to have his way
with her, she must make a Will save (DC 20 + aggressor's charisma
modifier) with a circumstance bonus equal to half of her current
dark side points. Failure indicates that her conditioning takes hold
of her, and she submits to his will. Success indicates that she has
overcome her conditioning and can fight him off if she wishes.
As a former pleasure slave, she is well aware of what she can
do with her body and she is not above using her physical charms
to get what she wants if conventional methods fail her or are
simply less efficient.
Twi'light disagrees with a few of the Jedi order's traditions.
The first thing that she disagrees with is the rule of celibacy. She
does not understand why the order would want to doom a
bloodline that is strong in the force. Allowing Jedi to reproduce
would supply the order with a built in supply of new learners and
would reduce their need for searching the universe for new
This brings her to her second disagreement with the order:
the taking of young children from their parents. While she
understands that early training allows the order to control or
eliminate any negative experiences that could lead the padawan
down the dark path and that the parents agree to this voluntarily,
these parents should also be allowed to choose among the
available force traditions without pressure from the recruiter. This
would allow other valid force traditions (such as the Baran Do
Sages, and the Zeison Sha) to coexist and flourish in harmony with
the Jedi order.
Sinya's Dual-Phase Lightsaber
Designed to provide additional support options, Twi'light
created this customized dual-phase lightsaber. Its primary
function is to act as a light-lance while she is on her speeder bike
and can easily be switched to standard length when she executes
an attack to the side.
The length of the handle has been extended by an additional
ten centimeters to provide room for a stun baton (as listed in the
Revised Core Rulebook) on the opposing end. When the lightsaber
is turned off, it can be used as a stun baton (see page 132-133 of
the Revised Core Rulebook) without penalty. However, if it is used
in combat while the blade is ignited the wielder will suffer a -2
penalty to hit due to the clumsy way in which it must be used.
Sinya's Joined Lightsabers
Constructed during her trials, both of her lightsabers are
equipped with magnetic couplers that allow the lightsabers to join
together, effectively becoming a double-bladed lightsaber. Once
joined, pressing either of the blue buttons will release the
coupler. The blue buttons have no function if separated.
The magnetic couplers feature a power and data port,
allowing them to synchronize with each other. This
synchronization bestows the following benefits:
First, if one of the batteries becomes non-functional, the
other lightsaber will share its battery with it.
Second, when the lightsabers are joined and only one is lit,
the other will automatically ignite. If both are off when joined,
they will remain off and each end is ignited individually. If one of
the ignition buttons is depressed for over one second, both ends
ignite simultaneously.
In addition to the synchronization capability, each lightsaber
also carries a transmitter that broadcasts on a unique frequency
which is used to track the direction, distance and speed of the
A strange effect resulted during her attunement of her
lightsabers. Al long as she remains on the light side, the lightsaber
with the lighter coloration receives a +1 attack bonus. If she
becomes tainted or dark, the +1 attack bonus shifts to the darker
Sienn's Armored Flight Suit
Saga Edition
Reflex Defense
Fort Defense
Max Dex Bonus
Speed (6 sq./4 sq.)
Upgrade Points
6 sq./4 sq.
10 kg
1 used on Integrated Equipment (5 slots)
Crafted after Sienn's first foray into the pod racing circuit,
this flight suit is designed to conceal her identity as well as serve
as a full featured combat-ready flight suit. This armored flight suit
is composed of phrik alloy and is custom made to fit Sienn's
specific measurements and center of gravity, allowing her to
move better in it than any other Twi'lek of similar measurements.
It provides additional protection against vacuum for limited
periods, providing up to 10 hours of life support in the vacuum of
space or any other hostile environment.
The helmet contains a full-featured helmet package. This
electronic package allows the armor to grant Sienn a +2
equipment bonus on Perception checks as well as low-light vision.
In addition, it includes an integrated hands-free encrypted shortrange video comlink with a range of 50 km overland and up to low
The helmet is also fitted with integrated electrobinoculars. An
internal display provides data on range, relative and true
azimuths, and elevation. Viewing options include zoom and widevision observation. It also features radiation sensors and a
nightvision mode that grants darkvision out to her normal range
of sight.
Her right gauntlet features a liquid cable dispenser with
enough liquid for 15 meters (10 squares) of cable (Strength 28 and
can safely support up to 560 kg (Break DC 24 Strength check). Also
located in the gauntlet is a Kelvarek Consolidate Arms single-shot,
MM7 rocket-powered flechette launcher. The missile carries an
explosive warhead, inflicting 2d6 energy damage with a range
increment of 10 meters.
The magnetic boots allow her to traverse the outer skin of
starships. The electro magnets in the soles of the boots may be
activated or deactivated by a control on her right gauntlet.
Revised d20 System
Damage Reduction
Maximum Dex Bonus
Armor Check Penalty
-4 (-3 personalized)
Speed (10m/6m)
25.1 kg (12.55 kg personalized)
Crafted after Sienn's first foray into the pod racing circuit, this
flight suit is designed to conceal her identity as well as serve as a
full featured combat-ready flight suit. This armored flight suit is
composed of phrik alloy and is custom made to fit Sienn's specific
measurements and center of gravity, allowing her to move better
in it than any other Twi'lek of similar measurements. This suit
provides a +4 equipment bonus on Fortitude saves made to resist
cold temperatures.
The helmet contains a full-featured helmet package. This
electronic package allows the armor to grant Sienn a +2
equipment bonus on Perception checks as well as low-light vision.
In addition, it includes an integrated hands-free encrypted shortrange video comlink with a range of 50 km overland and up to low
The helmet is also fitted with integrated electrobinoculars. An
internal display provides data on range, relative and true
azimuths, and elevation. Viewing options include zoom and widevision observation. It also features radiation sensors and a
nightvision mode that grants darkvision out to her normal range
of sight.
Her right gauntlet features a liquid cable dispenser with
enough liquid for 15 meters (10 squares) of cable (Strength 28 and
can safely support up to 560 kg (Break DC 24 Strength check).
Also located in the gauntlet is a Kelvarek Consolidate Arms
MM9 rocket system (A&EG page 28). The MM9 can carry a variety
of payloads. Normally Sienn prefers to keep a Merr-Sonn K26
Explosive Anti-vehicle Rocket (A&EG page 27) leaded and ready.
The magnetic boots allow her to traverse the outer skin of
starships. The electro magnets in the soles of the boots may be
activated or deactivated by a control on her right gauntlet.
D6 System
Game Notes
Custom powersuit
Bounty hunter armor / vacuum suit
Powersuit operation
3,850 credits
2, R
+2D physical, +1D energy.
Sienn wears a custom fit powersuit. Should anyone but her
attempt to wear this armor, they will suffer a -1D Dexterity
penalty. Sienn's suit contains 10 hours worth of atmosphere.
Despite the fact that it is climate controlled (allowing operation in
moderately warm or cold climates), she must make a Moderate
stamina or Strength check every hour she is exposed to vacuum or
suffer a wound caused by the freezing cold of space.
The blast helmet is specifically tailored to her lekku, making it
difficult for even other Twi'leks to don without restricting the
movement of their head tails. It features an integrated encrypted
short-range comlink with a 50km broadcast range. The helmet
also provides +2D to Perception checks in low-visibility situations.
Equipment Rhinsome Tracking Corp SureSnoop
The SureSnoop can locate life forms, transmissions, and
energy emissions, providing a +2 equipment bonus on the user's
Listen, Search, and Spot checks. However, the SureSnoop can be
used to find her lightsabers, which requires a computer use check
(DC 10, with a range penalty of -1 per 500 meters). On a
successful check, the SureSnoop reveals the direction, distance
and speed of the lightsaber.
Hot Rod Airspeeder, Sinya's
Cargo Capacity
Speeder [Air]
Huge (6.23m)
0 kg
55,000 (new), 22,000 (used)
Rise of the Empire, Rebellion, New Jedi
1 (Unique +6)
+4 (-2 size, +6 crew)
+4 (-2 size, +6 crew)
8 (-2 size)
20 (DR 5)
12 squares/action (720 km/h)
Shield Points
Hull Points
5 km
*This vehicle provides half cover to its pilot
Weapon: Laser Cannon (2 fire-linked); Fire Arc: Front; Attack
Bonus: +6 (-4 size, +6 crew, +4 fire control); Damage: 5d8x2;
Range Increment: 20m.
Most people on Coruscant don't own personal transports the taxes on such vehicles are excessive and there's no place to
park them anyway. But rich thrill-seekers among the political and
business classes use their money to buy expensive, customized
hot rod airspeeders with flashy exteriors and military-grade
repulsorlift hardware beneath their chassis. Nobles who take their
hot rods out for a high-speed spin can escape prosecution for
speeding by greasing palms of friends in high places.
Sinya's speeder employs some rather unique special
modifications. These modifications include a pair of concealed
fire-linked laser cannons designed to look stepping platforms on
the sides. The fronts of these platforms retract to reveal the
cannon's barrels.
Another modification consists of a pair of blue-bladed dualphase lightsabers hidden in plain view along the shifting column,
cleverly camouflaged to look like they would contain wiring to
attach the front shifter to the panel between the seats. They are
designed to be released quickly by simply giving them a twist and
a pull upward.
Jedi Speeder Bike
Revised d20 System
Large (5.5m long)
1 or 2
Cargo Capacity
Maximum Altitude
1 (Unique +2)
+2 (-1 size, +3 crew)
+1 (-1 size, +2 crew)
12* (-1 size, +3 armor)
Shield Points
Hull Points
20 (DR 7)
Maximum Speed in Space
Not Applicable
Atmospheric Speed
600km/h (11 sq. /action)
This modified Ikas-Ando 10-C is the standard old republic Jedi
Speeder Bike. It can comfortably carry one passenger or
uncomfortably accommodate two. Its emergency repulsorlift,
normally activated only during combat, keeps it from getting
within 4 meters of any surface, making crashes virtually
impossible. It also has a hidden storage compartment underneath
(Search DC 25 to locate) just large enough to conceal a hold-out
blaster, a few datapads, or a lightsaber.
The increased weight and power of this speeder bike makes it
difficult to control - its pilot takes a -5 penalty on all pilot checks
made while operating it. The vehicle occupies an area of 3 squares
long by 1 square wide.
Ginivex-class Starfighter
According to captured Separatist records, only six Ginivexclass starfighters were manufactured by the Genonosians for
Count Dooku. Referred to as "fanblades" due to their distinctive
fan-shaped solar sales, these fighters were as effective as they
were exotic. Dooku eventually bequeathed the six fighters to his
disciple, Asajj Ventress, who had them transported to her
homework of Rattatak. In a short time, the unique starfighters
became Ventress's calling card, striking dread into any pilot
unlucky enough to face one in combat.
During the course of the Clone Wars, Asajj Ventress suffered
the theft of two of her fighters by Obi-Wan Kenobi and his
padawan, Anakin Skywalker. The last known location of these
appropriated ships was the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, but it is
assumed that they were subsequently destroyed or taken by the
Emperor during the Jedi Purge. Ventress's remaining four ships
vanished with her, and their whereabouts are currently unknown.
Rumors that several fanblade fighters took part in the Second
Battle of Coruscant remain unconfirmed.
Saga Edition
Init +13; Senses Perception +8
CL 10
Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 11), Fort 23; +3 armor, Vehicular
Hp 80; DR 10; SR 30; Threshold 33
Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,250 km/h), fly 5 squares
(starship scale)
Ranged double laser cannons +11 (see below)
Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total
Base Atk +5; Grp +28
Atk Options autofire (double laser cannons)
Abilities Str 36, Dex 24, Con -, Int 18
Skills Initiative +13, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +13, Use
Computer +8
Crew 1 (expert); Passengers none
Cargo 50 kg; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none
Hyperdrive x1, limited navicomputer (5-jump memory)
Availability Military; Cost not available for sale
Atk +11 (+6 autofire), Dmg 6d10x2
The Ginivex's solar sail is its most distinctive asset. Although it
increases the target silhouette of the fighter and makes it stand
out like a small sun on shipboard sensors, it also serves as a
transmission plane for deflector shield energy. The solar sail
increases the Ginivex's shield rating from 30 to 45, so long as it is
deployed. The extra 15 points of are depleted before any others,
and they recharge at the normal rate. If the solar sail is retracted,
any SR it provides is immediately lost. As an added bonus, the
solar sail can be used to propel the Ginivex if its sublight drives are
Like other Geonosian fighters, the Ginivex boasts impressive
speed and maneuverability. Unlike other Geonosian designs, such
as the Nantex, the Ginivex is designed specifically for human
pilots; none of the standard Geonosian avionics are included in
the design. In another deviation from Geonosian fighter doctrine,
the Ginivex-class is equipped with an integral Hyperdrive engine
and a limited-use navicomputer. These additions were
incorporated at great expense and at the insistence of Count
Revised d20 System
Cargo Capacity
Shield Points
Maximum Speed in Space
Atmospheric Speed
50 kg
1 week
1 (unique)
+10 (+4 size, +6 crew)
+10 (+4 size, +6 crew)
14 (+4 size, +10 armor)
60 (DR 10) Hull Points 80 (DR 10)
Ramming (10)
1,250 km/h (16)
Weapon: Laser cannons (4 fire-linked); Fire Arc: Front; Attack
Bonus: +14 (+4 Size, +6 Crew, +4 Fire control); Damage: 6d10x2;
Range Modifiers: PB -0, S -0, M/L N/A.
d6 System
16.2 Meters
Starfighter Piloting - Fanblade
Crew Skill
Cargo Capacity
Hyperdrive Multiplier
Hyperdrive Backup
Nav Computer
See Asajj Ventress
2 Weeks
160 Kg
Can Store 6 Jumps
400; 1200kmh
Weapon: 2 Double Laser Cannons (Fire Linked); Fire Arc:
Front; Fire Control: 2D; Space: 1-3/12/25; Atmosphere Range:
100-300/1.2/2.5km; Damage: 7D
*: The Fanblade's shields can only be raised when the fighter
is in combat mode with its wings extended, when activated they
increase the fighters energy signature by such a degree that it is
two levels easier to detect a Fanblade in this mode. However the
fighter has stealth engines which allow it to fly stealthily when the
shields are deactivated, increasing the difficulty to detect the
fighter by one level.
In a manner similar to the sail found on Dooku's solar sailor,
the fan also serves as an alternate form of propulsion, though the
ship is fitted with standard sublight and hyperspace drives.
When not in combat mode, the starfighter loses the benefit
of enhanced shields, but is difficult to target due to its tiny
Also, ion bafflers incorporated into its sublight engines make
it very stealthy.
S-100 Stinger-Class Starfighter
Cargo Capacity
Shield Points
Hull Points
Maximum Speed in Space
Atmospheric Speed
10 kg
1 month
1 (Unique +2)
+11 (+8 size, +3 crew)
+11 (+8 size, +2 crew)
28 (+8 size, +10 armor)
60 (DR 10)
90 (DR 10)
Ramming (12)
1,150 km/h (19)
Weapon: Assault laser cannons (2 fire-linked); Fire Arc: Front;
Attack Bonus: +17 (+8 Size, +9 Crew, +4 Fire control, -4 Nonproficiency penalty); Damage: 8d10x2; Range Modifiers: PB -0, S 2, M/L N/A.
Weapon: Proton Torpedo launchers (2, 4 missiles each); Fire
Arc: Front; Damage: 9d10x2; Missile Quality: Ordinary (+10).
The Stinger-class Starfighter was one of the most reliable
starfighters available around the time of the Sith War. Unlike
many starfighters of its time, it had few weapons and a lowpowered shield array. However, it compensated for these flaws
with excellent maneuverability. With an expert pilot at the
controls, this dexterous starfighter could dodge enemy fire and
turn on a credit. Stingers were popular among Jedi pilots for
nearly a century until newer designs improved the amount of
armor an ion engine could manage.
Niman Mastery (Force Feat)
You are skilled in Niman lightsaber combat and can wield two
lightsabers simultaneously with great speed and deadliness.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +8, Ambidexterity, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting,
Two-Weapon Fighting.
Benefit: When fighting with two lightsabers, the off-hand
lightsaber is always considered a light weapon for the purposes of
determining the penalty for fighting with two weapons.
Special: A character with this feat using the Off-Hand Parry
feat with a lightsaber gains an additional +1 bonus to Defense.
Heroic Qualities
Heroic qualities are introduced in the Galactic Campaign
Guide for the revised Star Wars d20 RPG. Though most of the
examples are for specific characters, this quality applies to a
specific bloodline.
Clan Vida (The "Seer")
The hero hails from the royal blood of the Twi'lek clan Vida.
This bloodline has a reputation for being strong in the force,
especially in the field of farseeing.
Manifestations: The hero can feel the flow of events around
her. This is interpreted as "gentle urge" to react in intuitive
manner to events around her. She also tends to have dreams that,
more likely than not, come to pass.
Bonuses: The hero automatically receives the Force-Sensitive
feet at first level and treats the farseeing Force skill as a class skill,
regardless of his class skill list.
Secret Bonuses: By spending a Force point, the hero can
project her spirit into the time and place being envisioned by the
farseeing Force skill. The hero appears as a Force spirit in that
time and place, remaining there until her purpose is achieved.
This takes no additional time past the one hour meditation period
in the timeline where her body remains, regardless of the time
spent in the future or past.
Drawbacks: The hero is often plagued by dreams depicting
the various shatter-points of the timeline, not all of which can be
altered by the hero. Unfortunately, the hero feels the need to
make changes to those visions that depict unpleasantness, even
though she may not have the information to purposely reach
those vulnerable events.
Design Notes: Regardless of whether or not the hero has the
Sense feat, she will still be subject to the dreaming visions
mentioned in drawbacks. The Gamemaster may opt to allow
farseeing to be available to the hero regardless of the character's
possession of the Sense feat.
Legacy Destinies
Legacy destinies are introduced in the in the Legacy Era
Campaign Guide for the Star Wars Saga Edition RPG.
Vida Legacy
You are a descendant of Sinya Vida, a Twi'lek Jedi master who
achieved the height of her renown during the Clone War. Your
family is known to possess a talent for seeing the future and past
through their innate connection to the Force.
Prerequisite: Twi'lek
Legacy Destiny: If you have the legacy destiny, you can spend
a Destiny point as a free action to automatically treat your next
Use the Force check (when using farseeing or any talent requiring
farseeing) as though you had rolled a 20 on the check.
Asajj Ventress
She hails from the planet of Rattatak, the daughter of
farmers. From a young age, she endures cruel whippings that
began when warlord Osika Kirske killed her parents. Ventress
barely escapes with her life and encounters the Jedi Master Ky
Narec, who had crashed on Rattatak. Narec and Ventress are both
hunted by Osika, and so he starts training with her in the ways of
the Jedi so they can defend themselves. The two quickly become
heroes. Kirske kills Narec before Ventress can become a fullfledged Jedi, however. This is the last straw; she develops a deep
hatred for the Jedi who had abandoned her mentor and ignored
the bloodshed on her planet.
Ventress soon becomes a force of authority on her lawless
homeworld, defeating most of the remaining warlords and getting
her revenge on Kirske. She keeps Narec's lightsaber as a
A month after the Battle of Geonosis, Ventress appears
before Count Dooku when he arrives on Rattatak to add it to his
Separatist movement. Ventress defeats every other combatant in
an audition and claims to be a Sith. Though impressed by her
victory in the arena, Dooku laughs aside the notion that she was a
Sith. The enraged warrior tries to attack him, but he renders her
unconscious with a blast of Force lightning. After she awakes,
Dooku challenges her to a lightsaber duel, which he quickly wins.
The Count is nonetheless pleased with Ventress' abilities, and
recruits her by appealing to her disgust with the Jedi; once he has
enticed her into his service, he makes her commander of his
Separatist forces. He gives her a pair of lightsabers with his
trademark curved hilts. Dooku's Sith master, Darth Sidious,
personally assigns Ventress to kill Anakin Skywalker; Sidious later
tells Dooku that, while her failure is certain, she will serve as a
means to test the young Jedi's worth as a Sith apprentice.
Ten weeks into the war, Ventress joins forces with the bounty
hunter Durge on the invasion of the Naboo moon Ohma-D'un.
Together they use swamp gas to wipe out the Gungan colony and
prepare to launch a biological attack on Naboo. In the ensuing
battle with Republic forces, Ventress makes her first public
appearance in the war. Ventress kills Jedi Master Glaive in the
battle and cuts off his apprentice Zule's left arm. She engages ObiWan Kenobi, and the pair is evenly matched. Ventress escapes
with Durge after ARC Trooper Alpha destroys their fueling station.
Three months into the war, Count Dooku sends Ventress to
Ruul to help frame the titular Jedi Master. Ventress briefly
confronts Sora Bulq, who had been secretly corrupted by Dooku,
as a ruse. Ventress kills Mira in the battle and then engages Sian
Jeisel, K' Kruhk, and Rhad Tarn. Ventress single-handedly defeats
the three Jedi. After framing Windu for the crime, Ventress
corrupts Rhad Tarn. While Tarn fights against Jeisel, Ventress
defeats K'Kruhk in combat. Windu's timely arrival saves the Jedi;
Ventress finds that she is ill-prepared to fight a Jedi of Windu's
power, and is forced to flee.
Weeks later, Ventress engages the Republic fighter forces in
orbit of Muunilinst and lures Anakin Skywalker into a chase.
Ventress and Skywalker go to Yavin IV, and the two fight a fierce
battle from the forest to the Massassi temple. Though she initially
gains the upper hand in the ensuing lightsaber duel, Anakin soon
calls upon his immense connection to the Force (and his intense
anger) and brutally overpowers her. Only her fall into a deep
crevasse saves her life.
Ventress and Durge again engage the Jedi taskforce in a
facility on the planet Queyta. Ventress briefly fought against
Kenobi and Fay. Durge kills Jon Antilles and Knol Ven'Nari. After
an explosion kills Ven'nari, Durge pushes Antilles into a lava pit.
Ventress uses her lightsabers to collapse the ceiling, sending a
shower of lava onto Diath's head. Although the Separatists claim a
victory, Ventress spares Kenobi's life on orders from Dooku,
though she impales Fay in the chest with her lightsabers. Fay gives
Kenobi the last of her strength to escape the facility.
A year into the war, Ventress appears on Ord Cestus during
the Bio-Droid Crisis. She is behind the X'Ting criminal Trillot's
dealings with Kenobi. Ventress also destroys the Republic Cruiser
carrying Barrister Doolb Snoil returning to the Republic; however,
Snoil survives. Ventress later challenges Kenobi and his fellow Jedi
Master Kit Fisto to a duel. Ventress disarms Fisto, but is then
engaged by Kenobi. Their duel leads them into an underwater
chamber, and Ventress is forced to escape after Kenobi slices her
across her abdomen. She lets loose a smoke bomb and flees back
to the Confederacy and Dooku.
Ventress captures Kenobi and Alpha from Jabiim and
transports them to Rattatak for torture and interrogation. Kenobi
and Alpha escapes, and the Jedi Master takes Ky Narec's
lightsaber away, making their animosity deeply personal.
Ventress and another Dark Jedi, Tol Skorr, fights Obi-Wan
Kenobi and Quinlan Vos on Titavian IV. Kenobi unleashes a rancor
to distract Ventress, but she manipulates it via the dark side.
Kenobi fights Ventress after killing the rancor, but Kenobi escapes
with Vos before the duel is settled.
General Grievous arrives to rescue the two Dark Jedi,
shaming Ventress in the eyes of her master, Dooku.
Ventress then travels to Coruscant to kill Vos and Kenobi.
During the mission, she discovers Anakin Skywalker's secret
marriage to Senator Padmé Amidala. Enraged, Anakin engages
Ventress. During the duel, Ventress scars Skywalker's face, but she
is once again overpowered and suffers another huge fall. Republic
Intelligence assumes that she is dead.
Ventress survives her encounter with Anakin Skywalker on
Coruscant, but is badly injured. She is sent to Boz Pity, where
Dooku places her in a bacta tank and fits her with cybernetic
modifications. One month later, Kenobi infiltrates the facility.
Ventress wakes up and subsequently attacks him. She fights
against both Kenobi and Skywalker, only to be abandoned by
Dooku, who orders an IG-100 MagnaGuard to kill her as she runs
towards Dooku's shuttle. Enraged and badly wounded, Ventress
tries to kill Kenobi as he tries to help her. Skywalker slashes her
from behind, mortally
wounding her. As she lays dying, she tells him the location of
the Separatists' next target. Believing Ventress to be dead, Kenobi
puts her on a ship bound for Coruscant.
However, Ventress survives by placing herself in a Sith trance.
While on the shuttle, she emerges from her trance and orders the
pilots to take her as far away as possible from the war, Dooku,
and the Jedi. Fortunately for her, Jedi Master Twi'light was also
onboard and overheard her desire. She interrupted with the
suggestion that Asajj go to the planet that she owns. After several
assurances, Ventress accepted her offer and quietly retired from
the galactic spotlight.
Saga Edition
Asajj Ventress, Separatist leader
Near-Human female Jedi 9/Force adept 4 CL 13
Destiny 3; Force 11; Dark Side 12
Init +15; Senses Perception +18 (Force Perception)
Languages Basic, Dosh, Durese
Defenses Ref 29 (flat-footed 25), Fort 27, Will 28
hp 135; Threshold 27
Speed 6 squares
Melee +16 (lightsaber, 2d8+7) or
Melee +14 (lightsaber, 3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
Melee +16/+16 (2 lightsabers/double-bladed lightsaber, 2d8+7)
with Dual Weapon Mastery III or
Melee +14/+14 (2 lightsabers/double-bladed lightsaber, 3d8+7)
with Dual Weapon Mastery III and Rapid Strike
Ranged +16
Base Atk +12; Grp +16
Atk Options Rapid Strike
Special Actions Build lightsaber, Channel Aggression, Channel
Anger Force Powers Known (Use the Force +18) Battle Strike,
Dark Rage, Force Slam, Force Thrust, Move Object, Surge
Force Techniques Force Point Recovery, Improved Force Trance
Abilities Str 13, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 15
Talents Block, Channel Aggression, Channel Anger, Dark Presence,
Deflect, Force Perception, Power of the Dark Side
Feats Dual Weapon Mastery I & II & III, Force Sensitivity, Force
Training x 3, Melee Defense, Rapid Strike, Skill Focus (Use the
Force), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers,
simple weapons)
Skills Acrobatics +15, Initiative +15, Jump +12, Pilot +15, Use the
Force +18
Possessions two lightsabers (special design; can be interlocked to
create a double-bladed lightsaber), black cloak, black
jumpsuit, various Separatist crafts
Revised d20 System
Asajj Ventress: Female Human Jedi Guardian 5/Dark Side
Marauder 5/Officer 1; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Defense 22 (+9 class, +3
Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 86/14; Atk +13/+8 melee (3d8+2/19-20,
lightsaber) or +13/+8 ranged; SQ Deflect (defense +1), deflect
(attack -4), leadership; SV Fort +11, Ref
+12, Will +6; SZ M; FP 4; DSP 7; Rep +7; Str 15, Dex 16, Con
14, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 12. Challenge Code E.
Equipment: Separable double lightsaber, dark outfit, variety
of personal belongings.
Skills: Balance +11, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +8, Jump +10,
Knowledge (streetwise) +4, Knowledge (tactics) +9, Knowledge
(Sith lore) +4, Pilot +6, Read/Write Basic, Speak Basic, Tumble +11.
Force Skills: Affect Mind +2, Battlemind +8, Enhance Ability
+6, Enhance Senses +2, Force Defense +5, Force Stealth +5, Move
Object +6.
Feats: Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency (light), Combat
Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (double-bladed lightsaber,
lightsaber), Force-Sensitive, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting,
Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse (doublebladed lightsaber, lightsaber), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster
pistols, blaster rifles, primitive weapons, simple weapons, vibro
weapons). Force Feats: Alter, Control, Rage, Sense.
d6 System
Asajj Ventress: Species: Near Human (Rattataki); Gender:
Female; Age: 30; Height: 1.6m; Move: 12; Force Sensitive: Y; Force
Points: 12, Dark Side Points: 14; Character Points: 18
Dexterity 4D, Blaster 5D, Brawling Parry 6D, Dodge 8D, Lightsaber
7D, Melee Combat 7D, Melee Parry 6D, Thrown Weapons 7D
Perception 5D, Bargain 6D, Command 8D, Con 6D, Hide 8D,
Persuasion 6D, Search 7D, Sneak 8D
Knowledge 2D, Intimidation 5D, Languages 6D, Planetary Systems
4D, Scholar (Jedi Lore) 3D+2, Scholar (Sith Lore) 4D,
Streetwise 6D, Survival 4D, Tactics 7D, Willpower 5D
Strength 3D, Brawling 6D, Climbing/Jumping 6D, Stamina 4D,
Swimming 5D
Mechanical 3D, Starfighter Piloting 7D, Starship Gunnery 6D,
Starshield Shields 5D, Beast Riding 4D, Astrogation 6D,
Repulsorlift Operation 6D, Sensors 5D
Technical 2D, Demolitions 4D, First Aid 5D, Lightsaber Repair
4D+2, Medicine 3D, Security: 6D
Special Abilities: Control 5D, Sense 5D, Alter 4D
Force Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing,
Control Pain, Detoxify Poison, Reduce Injury, Remain
Conscious, Resist Stun, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify
Senses, Telekinesis, Lightsaber Combat, Affect Mind, Enhance
Attribute, Rage, Combat Sense, Danger Sense.
Equipment: Twin Lightsabers (Curved Handles, Red Blade, 5d
Damage) Armored Robes (+1 Vs Energy Damage, +2 Vs
Physical Damage) Fanblade Starfighter
Arka Vance
Official Jedi Council Dossier: Confidential
Subject: Arka Vance
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 11 (Child)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Fair
Languages: Fluent in Basic and Huttese, can also speak Bothese
Profile: Arka is a very shy child, almost cripplingly so. She was
subject to familial abuse before rescue at the age of 7 on Nar
Shadda. It seems to have affected her deeply. She is constantly
reminded of it due to her photographic memory. Arka is not as
physically strong as other humans her own age, but she is quicker
than the average human and is very intelligent. When using a
lightsaber she prefers to practice Form IV. She wishes to follow
the path of the Jedi Consular and also aspires to be a Jedi Artisan.
Reess Vida
Official Jedi Council Dossier: Confidential
Subject: Reess Vida
Race: Twi’lek
Sex: Male
Age: 12 (Child)
Hair: None
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Blue
Languages: Fluent in Basic and Ryl, can also speak Huttese and
Jawa Trade Language, and can understand Binary in both
written and audio form.
Profile: Reess has above average strength and agility for his
species. He has a keen intellect and hunger for learning, but has
not tempered his knowledge with common sense. His lightsaber
skills are minimal, as he prefers to spend most of his time in the
archives. He strives to become a Jedi scholar like one of his rolemodels: Jocasta Nu.
Reess was selected to become Sinya’s second padawan
learner. Upon being presented to his new master, he was overrun
with desire for her. In fact, he was so enamored for her, that his
unreleased passion caused him to be severely distracted during
his training sessions.
Master Twi’light decided that the only way to solve the
problem was to allow him to vent his passions for her through
physical relations with her. This allowed him to progress at an
acceptable rate in his Jedi studies. It also had the effect of
creating a strong attachment to his master, despite her efforts to
dissuade him from attachment.
Feats: Force-Sensitive (Free at 1st Level), Sense (Taken at Level 1),
Technical Wizard (technology)
Twi'lek Jedi Sentinel 1
Age 13 in -23 ABY
CR 3; Medium Humanoid; 2m/2m;
HD 3d8-3; hp 16;
Init +1; Spd 10 m/x4;
AC 15(+4 armor, +1 dex);
Atk +4 One-handed (2d8+2, 19-20, Lightsaber);
SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2;
Str 15(+2), Dex 13(+1), Con 9(-1), Int 17(+3), Wis 8(-1), Cha 14(+2);
Skills: Craft (Lightsaber) +9, Computer Use¹ +9, Disable Device +9,
Knowledge (Streetwise) +7, Knowledge (Engineering) +7,
Knowledge (Technology) +9, Knowledge (Jedi Lore) +7, Pilot
Force Skills: Empathy +5, Enhance Ability +3, Enhance Senses +5,
See Force -1.
Feats: Force-Sensitive (Free at 1st Level), Control (Taken at Level
3), Sense (Taken at Level 1), Aware, Technical Wizard
(technology), Living History
Age 12 in -24 ABY
CR 1; Medium Humanoid; 2m/2m;
HD 1d8-2; hp 6;
Init +1; Spd 10 m/x4;
AC 14(+3 armor, +1 dex);
Atk +1 One-handed (2d8+1, 19-20, Lightsaber);
SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1;
Str 12(+1), Dex 12(+1), Con 6(-2), Int 16(+3), Wis 7(-2), Cha 13(+1);
Skills: Craft (Lightsaber) +7, Computer Use¹ +7, Disable Device +7,
Knowledge (Streetwise) +5, Knowledge (Engineering) +5, Pilot
Force Skills: Empathy +3, Enhance Ability +0, Enhance Senses +1.
Twi'lek Jedi Sentinel 3
Twi'lek Jedi Sentinel 3 / Jedi Scholar 3
Age 15 in -21 ABY
CR 6; Medium Humanoid; 2m/2m;
HD 3d6+3d8-6; hp 23;
Init +1; Spd 10 m/x4;
AC 17(+6 armor, +1 dex);
Atk +6 One-handed (2d8+2, 19-20, Lightsaber);
SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5;
Str 15(+2), Dex 13(+1), Con 9(-1), Int 17(+3), Wis 9(-1), Cha 14(+2);
Skills: Craft (Lightsaber) +12, Computer Use¹ +12, Disable Device
+9, Knowledge (Streetwise) +11, Knowledge (Engineering)
+11, Knowledge (Wilderness Lore) +10, Knowledge
(Technology) +13, Knowledge (Jedi Lore) +11, Pilot +7.
Force Skills: Affect Mind +7, Empathy +8, Enhance Ability +3,
Enhance Senses +6, Move Object +8, See Force +9.
Feats: Force-Sensitive (Free at 1st Level), Weapon Focus
(Lightsaber), Alter (Taken at Level 4), Control (Taken at Level
3), Sense (Taken at Level 1), Aware, Technical Wizard
(technology), Living History
Yindra has spent her entire life as a slave to the leading family
of clan Vida. Despite being relatively well treated, the experience
of having no freedom while those around her leisure at the
expense of her and her fellow servants has caused her to grow
into an incredibly aggressive and resentful young woman.
Although she has never once acted out of order to her
masters, she always dreamed of turning the tables on them in
order to teach them what it feels like to live like a living droid.
Shortly after the Jedi purge, a long absent member of the
leading family returned to Ryloth: a woman named Sinya Vida. It
turned out that she was the younger sister of their leader, Darap
Virtually, as soon as lady Sinya had set eyes on her, she
requested that her brother allow her to take Yindra as her
personal servant. Darap agreed to the request immediately,
stating it as a welcome home present. This did not initially make
Yindra happy, as it took her away from the one chore she enjoyed:
cleaning the royal weapon collection.
Almost immediately, she met a friend of the family: a
handsome Twi’lek clothing designer by the name of Adranti. After
some pleading on her daughter’s part, Sinya agreed to accompany
Adranti on one of his business trips. Yindra would accompany
them on this trip.
During their first excursion, Sinya formally granted Yindra her
freedom, and in addition, offered to take her on as Sinya’s new
padawan learner. She was honestly shocked by the offer, as it
seemingly came out of nowhere. She never imagined that she
would ever be freed. In gratitude, she accepted the offer, seeing it
as the only chance she would have to finally take control of her
They she spent the next three months on and off Ryloth,
frequently traveling with Adranti, who she quickly became
enamored with.
They stayed for about three months before they were forces
to leave. Someone had tipped off the Imperials that a Jedi was
living in the palace. They spent much of their time bouncing from
planet to planet, evading the Imperials and bounty hunters until
Sinya convinced them that she had died.
That is when they parted ways. Sinya started an escort
business on Coruscant, while she decided to marry Adranti and
help him with his business.
Twi'lek Fringer 2 / Jedi Guardian 1
Age 16 at -19 ABY
CR 3; Medium Humanoid; 2m/2m;
HD 2d8+1d10+3; hp 25;
Init +3; Spd 10 m/x4;
AC 18(+5 armor, +3 dex);
Atk +3 One-handed (1d4+1,20, Unarmed Strike), +3 One-handed
(2d8+1/19-20, Lightsaber), +3 One-handed
(No Lethal
Setting/, Stun Baton), +3 One-handed (1d6+2/20, Merr-Sonn
Snap Baton), +5 One-handed (3d6/20, BlasTech DL-18);
SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +1;
Str 13(+1), Dex 17(+3), Con 13(+1), Int 15(+2), Wis 10(+0), Cha
Skills: Craft (Costumes) +5, Craft (Blaster Pistols and Rifles) +5,
Craft (Lightsaber) +4, Gamble¹ +4, Hide¹ +7, Knowledge (Jedi
Lore) +4, Profession (Cook) +2, Search¹ +7, Spot¹ +5, Survival¹
Force Skills: Empathy +5, See Force +1, Telepathy +1.
Feats: Endurance, Force-Sensitive (Taken at Level 1), Martial Arts,
Sense (Taken at Level 3)
Sienn Vida
Due to the persecution Force sensitive's by the Galactic
Empire, Sienn was educated privately in the Jedi way. She was
encouraged to excel in any interest she developed; however, she
was constantly reminded not to reveal her Force abilities. This
fostered her to develop a deep resentment of her own Force
sensitivity as well as those of others.
When Sienn reached the age of 18, she decided to move back
to Ryloth in order to get back in touch with her Twi'lek roots.
Within a few months, she fell in love and married a fellow clan
member and rebel supporter - Bril Vida. Two years later, she gave
birth to Seela.
Over the years they assisted the rebels by giving them refuge,
smuggling them off-planet and supplying them with political and
monetary resources. The Rebellion eventually became aware of
Sienn's aptitude with the ancient Jedi art of battle meditation.
They would often bring her onboard their fleets when expecting
to engage in a major battle with the Imperial fleet.
During the waning days of the Galactic Empire, Bril's rebel
connections were discovered by the imperials. As they fled Ryloth,
Bril was killed by pursuing stormtroopers. The 29 year old Sienn
and her nine year old daughter managed to escape to a medical
frigate with the rebel fleet where she used her battle meditation
to assist the fleet during the battle of Endor.
After the fall of the Empire, Sienn was appointed the position
of Ryloth's ambassador to the New Republic in recognition of her
family's contributions to the Rebel Alliance. She returned to
Coruscant. Despite her emotional distance with Sinya, Sienn
allowed Seela to visit her grandmother on the condition that Sinya
was not to instruct Seela in the ways of the Force.
Twi'lek Noble l2 / Jedi Consular 4 / Rebel
Organizer 2
Ag 24 in ABY
CR 8; Medium Humanoid; 2m/2m;
HD 4d6+4d8+8; hp 53;
Init +1; Spd With Armor 8 m/x4, Without Armor 10 m/x4;
AC 19(+8 armor, +1 dex);
Atk +3 One-handed (2d8, 19-20, Lightsaber/Stun Baton), +3 Onehanded (Stun DC 17/, Lightsaber/Stun Baton), +3 One-handed
(3d6/20, SoroSuub ELG-3A), +3 One-handed (Stun DC 21/20,
SoroSuub ELG-3A), -1 Two-handed (Stun DC 22/20, SoroSuub
SV Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +11;
Str 11(+0), Dex 13(+1), Con 12(+1), Int 17(+3), Wis 15(+2), Cha
Skills: Bluff¹ +8, Craft (Lightsaber) +9, Diplomacy¹ +13, Disguise¹ +6,
Entertain (Dance) +3, Gather Information¹ +7, Intimidate¹ +11,
Knowledge (Aliens) +7, Knowledge (World Lore) +4, Pilot +6,
Sense Motive¹ +10, Survival¹ +8.
Force Skills: Affect Mind +7, Battlemind +2, Empathy +4, Farseeing
+4, Force Grip +7, Illusion +3, Inspire +8, Move Object +9, See
Force +6.
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Lightsaber), Force-Sensitive
(Free at 1st Level), Low Profile, Persuasive, Trustworthy, Alter
(Taken at Level 1), Control (Taken at Level 6), Sense (Taken at
Level 5), Rebel Training, Battle Meditation (Taken at Level 6)
Seela Vida
Seela visited Sinya often, enjoying the stories of her old life as
a Jedi and watching the dealings of the escort service. Throughout
Seela's visits, Sinya had secretly taught her how to use the Force.
During a Visit to her Sienn's ambassadorial estate to attend a
get-together with the current ambassador from Naboo, her
granddaughter met the daughter of the Naboo ambassador's
friend, Senerasha.
The two girls hit it off famously. Seela even confided in her
about her secret Jedi training under Sinya. This revelation made
Senerasha excited to meet an honest to goodness Jedi Master.
The two girls rushed back to the party and Seela begged and
pleaded for them to go visit Sinya. Eventually the parents gave in
and let them go.
Talax flew them over to the rear entrance of the escort
service, where Sinya and the escorts lived. Seela gave her the
grand tour of the place and explained its true purpose. Needless
to say, Senerasha was quite impressed by the benevolence and
charity that was being achieved there and wished that she could
ever be able to help people like she Sinya did.
From there Sinya and Seela took Asha to see the garbage pit
race that Seela's swoop gang, the Breaknecks, were attending.
They showed up late but still before her turn. She took up her
wing and performed her personal best before Coruscant security
interrupted the contest and started making sweeping arrests.
With some effort, the three women managed to escape and head
back to Sinya's home.
Once there, after reviving an unconscious Seela, Asha's tour
continued. They talked about the escort service further and Sinya
offered them the chance to run the business after they had
finished attending the University of Naboo and attained their
degrees. Once the two girls got some alone time, they began to
realize a mutual physical and emotional attraction.
Later that night, they returned to Sienn's estate and
convinced both of their parents that such an arrangement would
be beneficial for both girls. Seela immediately went to her room
to pack then headed back to Sinya's to finish packing the things
she kept there, including Red the stuffed katarn. Sinya decided to
take this opportunity to give her granddaughter a gift that she had
been holding for her - Jedi robes and a dual-phase lightsaber
custom designed to match Seela's headdress.
The following morning, Talax picked them up to go to the
spaceport and off to Naboo to continue their education.
Two years later, the two women committed to marriage. The
both desired to bear children of the other and decided to have
their genetic material extracted and used to cross-fertilize the
eggs currently in their wombs. Nine months later they gave birth
to two perfectly healthy Human/Twi'lek crossbreeds. Even though
they were born from two separate women on the same day, they
were considered fraternal twins. The two children quickly
displayed evidence of a psychic bond between, often acting on
the thoughts of the other.
Kayarra Irrenee
Twi'lek Jedi Wanderer 5 / Jedi Investigator 1
Age 16 in 12 ABY
CR 6; Medium Humanoid; 2m/2m;
HD 1d6+5d8; hp 34;
Init +3; Spd 10 m/x4;
AC 18(+5 armor, +3 dex);
Atk +7 One-handed (2d8+1, 19-20, Lightsaber);
SV Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +5;
Str 12(+1), Dex 16(+3), Con 11(+0), Int 16(+3), Wis 11(+0), Cha
Skills: Bluff¹ +10, Craft (Lightsaber) +12, Gather Information¹ +12,
Knowledge (Jedi Lore) +6, Sense Motive¹ +6.
Force Skills: Affect Mind +4, Battlemind +4, Enhance Ability +4,
Enhance Senses +6, Heal Self +7, Move Object +10, See Force
Feats: Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Lightsaber), Force-Sensitive (Free at 1st
Level), Weapon Finesse (Lightsaber), Weapon Focus
(Lightsaber), Alter (Taken at Level 5), Control (Taken at Level
1), Sense (Taken at Level 3)
Falleen Noble l2 / Jedi Counselor 7 / Telepath 10
Age 18 at 50 ABY
CR 19; Medium Humanoid; 2m/2m;
HD 12d6+7d8+19; hp 115;
Init +3; Spd 10 m/x4;
AC 25(+12 armor, +3 dex);
Atk +10/+5/+0 One-handed (2d6+2,20, Lightsaber, Dual Phase),
+16/+11/+6 One-handed (1d3/, Unarmed Strike);
SV Fort +10, Ref +14, Will +21;
Str 11(+0), Dex 16(+3), Con 12(+1), Int 14(+2), Wis 18(+4), Cha
Skills: Bluff¹ +10, Craft (Lightsaber) +15, Diplomacy¹ +18, Gather
Information¹ +10, Knowledge (World Lore) +3, Knowledge
(Jedi Lore) +5, Knowledge (Jensaarai Lore) +5, Pilot +8,
Read/Write/Speak (Sith) +4, Sense Motive¹ +11.
Force Skills: Affect Mind +15, Control Mind +6, Drain Knowledge
+5, Empathy +11, Farseeing +18, Fear +5, Force Defense +10,
Friendship +10, Heal Another +8, Illusion +20, Malacia +7,
Move Object +10, Plant surge +3, See Force +11, Sever force
+8, Telepathy +29.
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Lightsaber), Fame, ForceSensitive (Free at 1st Level), Iron Will, Skill Emphasis
(Telepathy), Weapon Finesse (Lightsaber), Weapon Focus
(Lightsaber), Alter (Taken at Level 1), Force Flight, Control
(Taken at Level 6), Dissipate Energy, Force Mastery, High
Force mastery, Sense (Taken at Level 4), Force Mind (Taken at
Level 9), Powerful Presence, Battle Meditation (Taken at Level
Lara Vida
Twi'lek Jedi Sentinel 7 / Treasure Hunter 1
Age 18 at 50 ABY
CR 8; Medium Humanoid; 2m/2m;
HD 8d8+8; hp 60;
Init +3; Spd 10 m/x4;
AC 20(+7 armor, +3 dex);
Atk +9 One-handed (1d3+4,, Unarmed Strike), +7 Two-Weapon
(3d8+4/19-20, Lightsaber), +7 Two-Weapon
(secondary) (2d6+1d8+2/19-20, Lightsaber, Short), +8 Onehanded (3d6+2/20, Merr-Sonn Model 434), +6 Two-Weapon
(primary) (3d6+2/20, Merr-Sonn Model 434);
SV Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +8;
Str 18(+4), Dex 17(+3), Con 13(+1), Int 18(+4), Wis 15(+2), Cha
Skills: Appraise¹ +5, Balance¹ +16, Climb¹ +15, Craft (Lightsaber)
+12, Disable Device +17, Gather Information¹ +10, Knowledge
(World Lore) +7, Listen¹ +6, Spot¹ +14.
Force Skills: Empathy +8, Enhance ability +7, Farseeing +3, Malacia
+7, Move Object +14, See Force +10.
Feats: Alertness, Ambidexterity, Cautious, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (Lightsaber), Force-Sensitive (Free at 1st Level),
Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Fighting, Alter (Taken at Level 3),
Control (Taken at Level 4), Sense (Taken at Level 1), Force
Mind (Taken at Level 7), Cosmopolitan (Balance)