© 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under
© 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under
® © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. ® The Battle of Yavin Luke Skywalker has just joined the Rebel fleet! He’s on a desperate mission to destroy the Death Star. Help him fly through the maze to his target so he can use the Force and win the battle! © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. ® Pilot Mix-Up! Match the Star Wars® pilots and their ships! PILOTS SHIPS Han Solo Boba Fett Young Obi-Wan Kenobi Darth Maul General Grievous Luke Skywalker Darth Vader General Veers AT-AT X-Wing Slave I Sith Infiltrator TIE Advanced X-1 Millennium Falcon Jedi Starfighter Wheel Bike © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. ® Use the Force... Color in Anakin and Ahsoka as they prepare for battle! © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. ® Planets of the Galaxy! See how many Star Wars planets you can find in this word search! TATOOINE DAGOBAH GEONOSIS UTAPAU NABOO M E T S U B C Q O H T Y U T X I Q Z Y N L Z I X G T K V X R G E Y H Q O Q E R E I A F S K CORUSCANT KASHYYYK HOTH BESPIN MUSTAFAR E O U T A P A U M S O M K B R E E Z U C O T A T O O I N E A N D J C O T B E S P I N F L O F E Z C R T E C N A H O N V K A I W G U E O D Z K J T I H J L H M E S A J A E A T B J T I ALDERAAN KAMINO ENDOR D O A O C F U G N S O W D J N E T Q N A S U O D H L Z R T A © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. R H C O N K O B O Y O R C C B A M U S T A F A R Y J D Y D O A X H I E O A H L Y T F M N O N C U S X N D V D K R K Y L Z ® Connect the dots! Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Chewbacca and Han Solo are about to be crushed in the trash compactor on the Death Star! Connect the dots to find out who will save them! 8 9 7 10 6 11 5 12 4 13 3 14 2 1 start 18 67 66 15 68 16 17 69 19 70 65 20 71 72 21 22 finish 39 23 73 38 24 64 37 25 26 36 35 63 47 27 62 28 46 29 40 45 44 34 49 41 42 30 43 51 50 48 58 57 61 56 60 59 33 52 32 55 31 54 53 © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. ® Jedi Knight Trivia Time How well do you know the Jedi Knights? Use the Force to answer the following questions! 1) This member of the Jedi Council was an awesome lightsaber fighter. He used a very rare lightsaber with a purple blade! 2) This Master Jedi trained countless Jedi Knights before battling Emperor Palpatine and ultimately exiling himself on the planet Dagobah. There, he trained young Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Force. 3) Before he took Anakin Skywalker as his Padawan, this Jedi Master trained under Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. He defeated Darth Maul in a lightsaber battle on the planet Naboo and went on to be a General in the Clone Wars. 4) This Jedi was an amphibian! He had head tentacles that can sense other people’s feelings. He’s also got green skin! 5) During the Clone Wars, this Jedi fought alongside Master Yoda on the planet Kashyyyk. She had facial tattoos that showed her accomplishments. She also had pale green skin and bright blue eyes. 6) He was a slave on the planet Tatooine before Qui-Gon Jinn freed him and took him to Coruscant. He became one of the greatest Jedi Knights of all time and fought alongside his Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. 7) He rode on the varactyl named Boga when he was chasing General Grievous on the planet Utapau. 8) This Jedi Knight fought Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine on the second Death Star and helped liberate the galaxy from the clutches of the dreaded Empire. © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. ® Draw a droid! General Grievous has come to you with a special project. He needs you to design the ultimate droid to join the droid armies. Draw it below and then write a paragraph telling what makes it so special! © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. ® Duel Puzzle Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are battling it out on the planet Mustafar! Who will win? Have an adult help you cut out the pieces of this puzzle along the dotted lines, then scramble them, and see if you can put them back together again! © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. ® The Droids are Escaping! Help the Jawas find all the droids you can... 2-1B 4-LOM 8D8 BATTLE C-3PO CZ-3 EV-9D9 FX-7 GOLDIE R2-KT GONK R4-P17 IG-86 R5-D4 IG-88 MAGNAGUARD MOUSE DROID PLUNK R2-D2 C Z 3 D R O I D G 6 8 F M O U S E D R O I D 9 T A C 3 P O 5 N G F I R I G 8 8 S D K 2 X G E R O N B R 4 P 1 7 8 A E L R A 3 2 H B E © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. TC-13 TREADWELL 6 D 1 D 2 T G A D V L S W 8 I K T N U 9 2 J R E X E T L C D A A K 4 L O M 7 E 9 1 W R E P L U N K C R A 3 P D ® Customize Your Own Ship! Give the X-wing and R2 droid your own custom paint jobs. © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. ® You Can Be a Stormtrooper! 1) Have an adult help you cut out the stormtrooper mask and then carefully cut out the eye slits. 2) Punch holes on the dashed circles. 3) Use a string to tie the mask around your face. 4) Now you’re a stormtrooper! © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. ® They’re here to maintain order. But who are they? Questions and Answers with Albin Johnson, founder of the 501st! 1) What are your responsibilities as a member of the 501st? As a member of the Legion, my number one job is to promote fun in the costuming hobby. Every member is supposed to have a quality costume ready for use in public events, to help promote the hobby of costuming, to make appearances for fun and for charity as often as possible, and to build a sense of community among our members. The whole point of the club is to have fun and do some good, so to those ends we operate under a code of conduct to carry ourselves professionally. 2) How did you create that awesome armor? There is a loose community of hobbyists worldwide who each specialize in one of several different costuming practices. For the armor, most hobbyists sculpt a mold of the individual pieces and use vaccuform tables to pull heated sheets of plastic over the molds to create a rough finished product. These parts are then cut and finished and the entire thing put together with custom adjustments to fit a member as comfortably as possible. 3) What do you do when you’re not on active duty in the Imperial Fleet? Most members spend their off-time collecting Star Wars memorabilia, working on costuming techniques, building droids and props, or just conversing on one of several online chat forums. We have professionals from every walk of life in the Legion, so it’s not surprising to find our off-duty members climbing mountains, enforcing the law, serving in the military, running computer networks, running businesses, raising kids, or even designing video games. This is a pretty interesting bunch! 4) Who would win in a battle and why— Darth Vader or Darth Maul? Darth Vader, absolutely. There was a reason Darth Sidious hand-picked Anakin to be his protege - even though he was damaged in battle, the power of the Force is off the scale with him. I don’t think the movies showed a fraction of what he was capable of doing in battle. 5) How does one join the 501st? One merely needs to be at least 18 years old and own an approved costume. There are no membership fees. Approved costumes run the gamut from Imperial uniforms to armor to bounty hunter costumes to even Jawas or Sand People. Anyone in the movies or books or video games that is considered a ‘bad guy’ is eligible for being a costume in the 501st Legion. 6) What sort of activities does the 501st do as a unit? The Legion tends to come together in person as one big unit for the larger conventions such as San Diego Comic Con, Dragon Con in Atlanta, and at any of the Star Wars Celebration conventions hosted by Lucasfilm. But we also come out in force for nationwide or worldwide initiatives that companies host over several sites. We have a pretty solid communications network - the Legion can deploy over 4000 members for any given task! 7) You guys aren’t as scary as you look, are you? Not at all. The Legion is made up of some of the kindest and most giving people you’ll ever meet. Most members will tell you that they do this hobby for the looks of joy they create on kids’ faces. There is a pure love for giving and entertaining in the ranks of the Legion. 8) Where can I find out more information about your organization? You can visit us at our home site of www.501st.com. There, you’ll find an easy-to-use interactive map to help you locate troopers in your area who can answer any questions you have. Also, you can submit requests for appearances for just about anywhere in the world. 9) Do stormtroopers have fun? It’s a well kept secret that we have more fun than most people. The public asks us why we do what we do. We reply that our members are smart enough to hold onto their childhood dreams and role-play our heroes while still supporting our communities in a positive way. Not many people can boast that. This is a fun club to be in! © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. ® Answer key Page 1 — Battle of Yavin Page 4 — Planets of the Galaxy! M E T S U B C Q O H T Y U T X I Q Z Y N L Z I X G T K V X R G E Y H Q O Q E R E I A F S K E O U T A P A U M S O M K B R E E Z U C O T A T O O I N E A N D J C O T B E S P I N F L O F E Z C R T E C N A H O N V K A I W G U E O D Z K J T I H J L H M E S A J A E A T B J T I D O A O C F U G N S O W D J N E T Q N A S U O D H L Z R T A R H C O N K O B O Y O R C C B A M U S T A F A R Y J D Y D O A X H I E O A H L Y T F M N O Page 6 — Jedi Knight Trivia Game Page 2 — Pilot Mix-Up! Han Solo=Millennium Falcon Boba Fett= Slave I Young Obi-Wan Kenobi= Jedi Starfighter Darth Maul= Sith Infiltrator General Grievous= Wheel Bike Luke Skywalker=X-Wing Darth Vader=TIE Advanced X-1 General Veers= AT-AT Page 5 — Connect the Dots! 8 9 7 10 6 11 5 12 4 13 3 14 2 1 start 18 67 66 15 68 16 17 69 19 70 65 20 71 72 21 22 finish 39 23 73 38 24 64 37 25 26 36 35 63 47 27 62 28 46 29 40 45 44 34 49 41 42 30 43 51 50 48 58 57 61 56 60 59 33 52 1. Mace Windu 2. Yoda 3. Obi-Wan Kenobi 4. Kit Fisto 5. Luminara Unduli 6. Anakin Skywalker 7. Obi-Wan Kenobi 8. Luke Skywalker Page 9 — The Droids are Escaping! C Z 3 D R O I D G 6 8 F M O U S E D R O I D 9 T A C 3 P O 5 N G F I R I G 8 8 S D K 2 X G E R O N B R 4 P 1 7 32 55 31 54 53 © 2009 Lucasfi lm Ltd. and TM. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization. 8 A E L R A 3 2 H B E 6 D 1 D 2 T G A D V L S W 8 I K T N U 9 2 J R E X E T L C D A A K 4 L O M 7 E 9 1 W R E P L U N K C R A 3 P D N C U S X N D V D K R K Y L Z
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