jedis and midichlorians
jedis and midichlorians
The Jedi Path • THE 2001 JEDI CENSUS • 20,000 CANADA • 390,000 UK • 53, 715 NEW ZEALAND • 70,509 AUSTRALIA _______________________________ • TOTAL: 534,224 (EXCLUDING USA) • HOW MANY WERE NOT JOKING? BEST GUESSES… – AUSTRALIAN STAR WARS APPRECIATION SOCIETY ESTIMATES 5000 OUT OF 70,000 - 7.5% – MY RESEARCH RESULTS - 7.9% OF IN- PERSON RESPONSES; 11.4% OF ONLINE RESPONSES Impact of Star Wars on Spiritual Lives of Fans • Categories of Responses: – No Response/nonspiritual response (33.5%) – Spiritual Influence, but primary religious affiliation to other spiritual path (46.5% – Jedi Path (20%) • Jedis as role models – service to others – advocates of peace – Tolerance for diversity • The Force as model of Godhood – Holy Spirit within everyone – Ultimate Reality (Brahman) – Goddess/God energy The Jedi Path • Jedi Realism – – – – Jedi path as way of life Not a religion - a spiritual path The Force as impersonal energy, not personal deity Rejection of midichlorians The Jedi Path • Jediism as a religion • “The golden thread of universal truth that runs through every major religion…” • Emphasis on inner and world peace • The Force as personal deity - prayer, etc. • Midichlorians = mitochondria? Chloroplasts? • Midichlorians as introduced in The Phantom Menace QUI-GON : Make an analysis of this blood sample I'm sending you… I need a midichlorian count. OBI-WAN : All right. I've got it. QUI-GON : What are your readings? OBI-WAN : Something must be wrong with the transmission… the reading's off the chart...over twenty thousand. QUI-GON : (almost to himself) That's it then. OBI-WAN : Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midi-chlorian count that high! QUI-GON : No Jedi has. Midichlorians and the Force ANAKIN : Master, sir...I've been wondering...what are midichlorians? QUI-GON : Midichlorians are microcopic lifeforms that reside within all living cells and communicate with the Force… Without the midichlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to you, telling you the will of the Force. ANAKIN : They do?? QUI-GON : When you learn to quiet your mind, you will hear them speaking to you. ANAKIN : I don't understand. QUI-GON : With time and training, will. Fan Responses to midichlorians • • • • • • • The Fan betrayed 22.8% of fans identify midichlorians as George Lucas’s biggest mistake. Second only to the 29.8% of fans who identify everything after 1980 (ie, entire prequel trilogy) as his biggest mistake. 68% of respondents to my online questionnaire responded negatively to midichlorians “Oh my God, he destroyed it. The Force we knew is dead.” “Midichlorians are BULLSHIT! They completely undermine the spiritual nature of the Force.” “Midichlorians raped the youth of most fans.” Midichlorians - materialism? – “‘For my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter…’. Those are beautiful words describing a powerful idea. This midichlorian claptrap undermines the entire concept and reduces it to the spiritual equivalent of catching the flu.” Midichlorians - racism? • “Midichlorians are a racist notion… Jedi are Jedi because of something in their blood that enables them to tap into this great power. They’re the god-damned master race. Ouch!” Beyond Lucas and “Canon” • Many practicing Jedi believe that Star Wars tapped into something authentic and timeless, and packaged it in a story that works for the modern era. • That Lucas may or may not have “had his brain eaten by aliens” is a point of debate - but his work is considered to stand on its own - he doesn’t get to undermine what Jedi’s take to be real spiritual insights, even if he does own the franchise.
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