Proxy Sniffer Release Notes


Proxy Sniffer Release Notes
Ingenieurbüro David Fischer AG | A Company of the Apica Group
Recording HTTP/S Traffic
from any iPhone and iPad
by using "Pure Cloud"
Version 5.0-K
English Edition
© 2012
November 25, 2012
All Rights Reserved
Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
Table of Contents
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
How Much Does It Cost? ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Step by Step Instructions ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Step 1: Install ProxySniffer on your Notebook or Desktop Computer ...................................................................................................................... 5
Step 2: Launch (Start) a "Pure Cloud" Machine ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Step 3: Login into the "Pure Cloud" Machine and Copy the ProxySniffer Root Certificate to D:\MyTests ................................................................ 6
Step 4: Import the ProxySniffer Root Certificate into your iPhone or iPad ............................................................................................................... 7
Step 5: Configure the Proxy Settings on your iPhone or iPad ............................................................................................................................... 10
Step 6: Record HTTP(S) Traffic from the iPhone or iPad...................................................................................................................................... 11
Further Steps .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Post-Process the Recorded Data ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Verify the Proper Functionality of your Load Test ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Rent Powerful Cloud-based Load Generators and Perform Large Load Tests ..................................................................................................... 15
Reset the Configuration on the iPhone or iPad ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Terminate (Stop) the "Pure Cloud" Machine ................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Manufacturer ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
© 2012 Ingenieurbüro David Fischer AG, Switzerland
All Rights Reserved
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
1 Abstract
This manual explains step by step how to record HTTP(S) traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using an Apica ProxySniffer "Pure Cloud" machine that
runs in the Amazon EC2 cloud.
After the recording of a Safari Web browser session, or the recording of HTTP/S traffic generated by any iOS application, has been done the captured
data can be automatically converted into a load test program. Such a load test program can then be executed from cloud-based load generators that are
able to simulate 200,000 virtual users or even more.
You need:
An iPhone or an iPad – connected to the Internet (by any provider, WLAN or 3G/4G), from which the HTTP(S) traffic will be recorded.
An Amazon AWS Account (register at if you don’t have such an account).
A notebook or a desktop computer running Windows or Mac OS X, connected to the internet, used to start and access an Apica ProxySniffer
"Pure Cloud" machine on Amazon EC2.
Note that your notebook or a desktop
computer is only used to start and
access the "Pure Cloud" machine. All
other tasks like recording and postprocessing of load tests, starting of load
generators and performing of load tests can
be made from the "Pure Cloud" machine.
Even when you stop (terminate) your "Pure
Cloud" machine all of your data are safely
stored on a cloud-based disk and can be reused when you start later another "Pure
Cloud" machine.
© 2012 Ingenieurbüro David Fischer AG, Switzerland
All Rights Reserved
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
How Much Does It Cost?
The recording of HTTP(S) traffic from an iPhone or iPad do not require to purchase a ProxySniffer license, and you can also execute small load tests with
up to 20 virtual users form a "Pure Cloud" machine for free. This means that you have only to pay for the "basic" Amazon AWS costs that are:
Between 1.00 and 1.90 USD * (+ I/O: USD 0.14 per 1 million I/O requests) per month for a cloud-based Data Disk.
Between 1.14 and 1.60 USD * per hour for running a "Pure Cloud" machine.
* = depending on the geographic location the Amazon data center. The amount is charged by Amazon.
Recording of HTTP(S) traffic from an iPhone or iPad and executing small load tests is inexpensive. However, keep in mind that you have manually to
terminate (stop) your "Pure Cloud" machine after you have performed your load test (in order to avoid unnecessary Amazon AWS costs).
Additional costs occur if you wish to rent strong cloud based load generators. Further information about cloud-based load generators is available at
© 2012 Ingenieurbüro David Fischer AG, Switzerland
All Rights Reserved
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
2 Step by Step Instructions
Step 1: Install ProxySniffer on your Notebook or Desktop Computer
Download the ProxySniffer installation kit from You require ProxySniffer version 5.0-K dated from
November 18, 2012 (or a newer version).
After that start on your local notebook or desktop the "ProxySniffer Console" and then start the "ProxySniffer GUI".
Step 2: Launch (Start) a "Pure Cloud" Machine
Click on the "Pure Cloud" icon in the ProxySniffer GUI and follow the instructions described in "Pure Cloud" Manual:
If you don’t have a "Pure Cloud" data disk you have first to create such one before you can launch a "Pure Cloud" machine.
Note: When launching a "Pure Cloud" machine you must enter an arbitrary password used for accessing the machine and you must manually enable the
checkbox "Enable Proxy Recorder (port 7999 and 7997 - HTTP and HTTPS/HTTP Proxy". All other checkboxes should also be enabled:
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
Step 3: Login into the "Pure Cloud" Machine and Copy the ProxySniffer Root Certificate to D:\MyTests
After your "Pure Cloud" machine is started login into the machine by using the user account PrxUser and the password that you have configured when
launching the machine. Then copy on the "Pure Cloud" machine the file root.cer from C:\ProxySniffer to D:\MyTests (which is your cloud-based disk).
Note: in case if you have created your own root
certificate as described in the installation manual you
should first upload your files root.cer and privkey.der and
replace them in C:\ProxySniffer. After that reboot the
"Pure Cloud" machine before you copy the file root.cer to
© 2012 Ingenieurbüro David Fischer AG, Switzerland
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
Step 4: Import the ProxySniffer Root Certificate into your iPhone or iPad
Start the Safari Web browser on your iPhone or iPad and enter http://<DNS name of Pure Cloud Machine>:81/MyTests/root.cer
To authenticate yourself against the WebDAV server running on the "Pure Cloud" machine enter the user account PrxUser and the password that you
have configured when launching the machine.
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
If you have protected your iPhone or iPad by a passcode you must enter your passcode to install the certificate.
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
You will see a success message that shows that the certificate is installed.
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
Step 5: Configure the Proxy Settings on your iPhone or iPad
Configure as Proxy Server the DNS name of your "Pure Cloud" machine and configure the Proxy Port 7997.
From now on all HTTP(S) traffic of the iPhone or iPad flows via the "Pure Cloud" machine, meaning that you are now ready to record such data.
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
Step 6: Record HTTP(S) Traffic from the iPhone or iPad
Logon again into your "Pure Cloud" machine by using Remote Desktop, then start the ProxySniffer GUI on that machine and start the recording by
clicking at the
icon in the ProxySniffer toolbar:
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
Then switch to your iPhone or iPad and perform the steps that you want to record.
Note: during recording we recommend that you always insert a "Page Break" at the ProxySniffer GUI on the "Pure Cloud" machine - each time before
you record a next step on the iPhone or iPad:
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
When all steps have been recorded stop the recording on the "Pure Cloud" machine and click at the "Refresh" icon.
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
After that you should save your recorded session on the "Pure Cloud" machine – to your attached "Pure Cloud" data-disk:
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
3 Further Steps
Post-Process the Recorded Data
Please to read the Proxy Sniffer User's Guide starting from chapter 4.2.
Normally you have to post-process the recorded data before converting them into a load test program.
We recommend that you also take a look at the manual about Handling of Dynamically-Exchanged Session Parameters.
Verify the Proper Functionality of your Load Test
You can perform small load tests directly from the "Pure Cloud" machine for free. This allows you to verify the proper functionality of your load test before
you spent money for renting powerful cloud-based load generators.
Rent Powerful Cloud-based Load Generators and Perform Large Load Tests
To rent powerful cloud-based load generators follow the instructions in the Generating Load from the Cloud Handbook.
Keep in mind that you should start the cloud-based load generators always from your "Pure Cloud" machine (don't start them from your local notepad or
desktop computer).
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
4 Reset the Configuration on the iPhone or iPad
After the recording of a load test has been done you should reset the configuration on the iPhone or iPad.
A) Disable the Proxy Settings on the iPhone or iPad:
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
B) Un-install the ProxySniffer Root Certificate on the iPhone or iPad:
Note: in case if you have used your own root certificate – created as described in the installation manual – there is no need to un-install your root
certificate. However, if you have installed the generic ProxySniffer root certificate we strongly recommend that you un-install this certificate to
keep your iPhone or iPad secure.
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
5 Terminate (Stop) the "Pure Cloud" Machine
After the load test has been performed – and after you have acquired and analyzed the load test results – you shouldn't forget to terminate (stop) your
"Pure Cloud" machine in order to avoid unnecessary Amazon costs. All of your data are safely stored on the cloud-based data-disk and can be reused when you start later another "Pure Cloud" machine.
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
After the "Pure Cloud" machine has terminated you can also delete the cloud-based data-disk. However, in such a case all of your data are lost. Note that
the Amazon costs are only between 1.00 and 1.90 USD per month for a cloud-based data disk. Therefore it's not recommended that you frequently delete
and re-create cloud-based disks.
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
To verify that all cloud-based machines, load generators and data-disks are stopped you take a look at the bottom of the window where a corresponding
statistic is displayed:
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Recording HTTP/S Traffic from any iPhone and iPad by using "Pure Cloud"
English Edition
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