
January 2015
ZATIS Tech Times Newsletter
Who Doesn’t Love Gift Cards??
The ZATIS Referral Program
At ZATIS we believe that referrals are the greatest form of flattery. If you
know someone who is worried about any aspect of their business
technology, do them a favor and put them in touch with us.
Who Doesn’t Love Gift Cards?
“Service is timely, reliable, and
Imagine a gift card to one of your favorite restaurants. Sounds good, doesn’t
affordable. ZATIS supports our
it? If you refer a client with 10+ PCs and we get an appointment with them,
computers remotely so things
we’ll send you a $50 Carrabba’s gift card. It gets better: If your referral signs
can be fixed quickly. All updates
are done at night so our
a contract with ZATIS, we’ll send you a gift card EVERY MONTH for SIX
computers are not tied up during
the day.”
– Nick Kleyn, Owner,
Kleyn Electric
As a valued customer, you already know the benefits you get from our
services. Why not tell other businesses how we can help them:
Sleep like a baby – we take care of your technology 24×7
Increase productivity – less downtime translates into more work time
Stop worrying about security – we protect your data and your network
Focus on what’s important – running your business, not spending time
In This Issue
Our Referral Program
Windows Server 2003
End Of Life
January Fun Facts
2015 Business
Cloud Computing
fixing IT issues
By recommending partners, associates, or professional contacts, you can
help them enjoy worry-free IT while you enjoy a nice dinner on us from
Visit http://www.zatis.net/contact/referral-program/ or email us
at [email protected]
Microsoft has announced that as of July 14, 2015, it will discontinue support for its 11-year-old server
operating system, Server 2003. This follows in the wake of its recent discontinuation of support for Windows XP this past spring. Failure to upgrade your server off of this operating system dramatically increases any company’s cyber-security risks.
With server migrations taking on average 200 days from planning to completion (industry average), if you
still have a server running this software active on your network, now is the time to start planning.
End of support for Windows Server 2003 means:
No further updates or security patches released. 37 critical updates were released for Server 2003
in 2013 alone. No updates will be released after 7/14/15.
Loss of compliance. Various industry regulations and industry standards will no longer be able to be
achieved if you are using Server 2003 actively on your network.
Increased security risks. Any server running this operating system will be completely exposed to
serious hacker attacks aimed at taking control of your network, stealing your data or crashing your
Free Server 2003 Migration Plan Gets You Started
As your preferred Microsoft Partner, we are committed to helping your company by offering a Windows Server 2003 Migration Plan for FREE.
Call us at 616.214.7349 or email us at [email protected]
Don’t Let IT Happen Again This Year…
January Fun Facts
Three New Year’s Resolutions To Make In
1) Did you know that
during the month of
January, the North Pole is
colder than the South
Pole on average.
2015 has arrived! Have you made any New Year’s resolutions yet?
Besides resolving to spend more time with
family and friends, getting fit and getting
2) January 2nd is
National Cream Puff Day.
organized, have you made any New Year’s
3) It’s National Soup
Month in the U.S.
Looking at your current computer network
resolutions for your business?
and reviewing your past year’s network support and services, are you
4) January 5th is the last
day of the “12 Days of
saying to yourself, “I’m not going to let this happen again in 2015!” Do any
of your New Year’s resolutions include dealing with continually pesky
computer network issues?
5) It’s National Blood
Donor month.
6) Elvis Presley would
have been 78 on the 8th
of January.
Do Your Resolutions Look Anything Like This?
RESOLVED, double pinkie shake, I WILL get my critical company data
automatically backed up offsite daily. Whether through fire, natural
disaster, tape failure or just human error, I might lose all of my
7) Zakk Wylde turns 46
on the 14th.
8) Martin Luther King, Jr.
Day is on the third
Monday in January.
9) Eddie Van Halen turns
58 on the 26th.
10) Garnet is the official
gem of January.
company data, which will cost me plenty.
RESOLVED, I will take a serious look at cloud computing and all of the
business benefits and potential savings the cloud offers for my
RESOLVED, I will not tolerate subpar security policies or procedures for
my company that put it in a high-risk category for being subject to
cyber attacks that could cripple or completely wipe out my business.
FREE Technology Business Review Gets You On The Road To
Happy January!
Keeping Your Resolutions And Eliminating Your Day-To-Day
Computer Headaches.
To schedule a Technology Business Review today, simply call our office
at 616.214.7349 or email us at [email protected]
Free Report Download: If You Are Considering Cloud Computing
For Your Company—Don’t, Until You Read This…
If you are considering cloud computing or Office 365 to
save money and simplify IT, it is extremely important
that you get and read this special report, “5 Critical
Facts Every Business Owner Must Know Before Moving
Their Network To The Cloud.”
This report discusses in simple, non-technical terms the
pros and cons of cloud computing, data security, how to
choose a cloud provider, as well as 3 little-known facts
that most IT consultants don’t know or won’t tell you
about cloud computing that could end up causing you MORE problems and
costing you more money than you anticipated.
Contact Us
Give us a call for more
information about our services and products
4072 Chicago Dr. SW
Suite 23
Grandville, MI 49418
[email protected]
Visit us on the web at
Even if you aren’t ready to move to the cloud yet, this report will give you the
right information and questions to ask when the time comes.
Get Your Free Copy Today:
Congrats to Larry Van Noord of Luurtsema Sales. Larry’s name was randomly selected from those that answered the December
trivia question correctly. The correct answer was a. Clarence.
For our January Trivia Question: Time Square New Year's Eve Ball was first dropped which year?
A. 1900
D. 1907
Email your entry to Sarah ([email protected]). She will put all of the correct answers in a hat and draw the winner at the end
of January. The winner will receive a $25 Gift Card to Carrabbas. Good luck!
4072 Chicago Dr, SW, Ste 23
Grandville, MI 49418