River Walk Audio Tour Brochure
River Walk Audio Tour Brochure
Download to your personal mp3 player at ITunes (www.itunes.com) View online at the City of St. Cloud website (www.ci.stcloud.mn.us) View online at YouTube (www.youtube.com) Check out a mp3 player in St. Cloud Planning & Zoning at City Hall Questions??? Call St. Cloud Planning & Zoning at 320‐255‐7218 “PRESERVING ST. CLOUD HISTORY TOURS ARE AVAILABLE AT ……. Riverwalk Tour Interested in Other Historic Attractions in the St. Cloud Area? St. Cloud is said to be close to everywhere. Immerse yourself in the history and culture of the St. Cloud area by visiting the following historic attractions: Stearns History Museum—235 33rd Ave. S., St. Cloud, MN—320‐253‐8424 or www.stearns‐museum.org Munsinger Gardens—Riverside Dr. SE, St. Cloud, MN—320‐255‐7238 or www.munsingerclemens.com Quarry Park—County Rd. 137, Waite Park, MN—320‐255‐6172 or www.co.stearns.mn.us/1450.htm Benton County Historical Society—218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids, MN—320‐253‐9614 or www.members.aol.com/bchsmus Sherburne History Center—10775 27th Ave. SE, Becker, MN—763‐261‐4433 or www.sherburnehistorycenter.org Grasshopper Chapel—Cold Spring, MN—320‐685‐3280 Charles A. Weyerhauser Memorial Museum—2151 S. Lindbergh Dr., Little Falls, MN—320‐632‐4007 or www.morrisoncountyhistory.org/tours.html Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site—1620 Lindbergh Dr. S., ‐ Little Falls, MN—320‐616‐5421 or www.mnhs.org Christie House Museum—Long Prairie, MN 320‐732‐2514 or www.longprairie.org/tourism/attractions.html The “Preserving St. Cloud” History Tours have been financed in part with Federal Funds from the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior and by the State of Monnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society. However the contents and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of the Interior, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Department of the Interior. This project receives Federal financial assistance for identification and protection of historic properties. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the U.S. Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, or disability in its federally assisted programs. If you believe you have been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility as described above, or if you desire further information, please write to : Office of Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1849 C St., NW, Washington D.C. 20240. St. Cloud History... The “Preserving St. Cloud” History Tours will take you back to a simpler time in St. Cloud when front porches were used to greet neighbors and horse drawn carriages were the primary mode of transportation in downtown St. Cloud. Before starting the tour, please take a few minutes to learn about St. Cloud’s origins. Three towns, first known as Upper, Middle, and Lower Town, comprised the early permanent settlement of St. Cloud. The trio, arranged around two deep ravines that joined the Mississippi River, were incorporated as the City of St. Cloud in 1856. St. Cloud soon became a trade and processing center for the surrounding agricultural region. The arrival of the railroad and the founding of the first granite quarry in 1868 attracted new settlers and brought more economic progress. By 1900, transportation and natural resources helped maintain St. Cloud’s prominence as one of Minnesota’s largest cities. The “Preserving St. Cloud” History Tours—Riverwalk Tour will explore 16 landmarks along the Mississippi River because every landmark has a story to tell. Getting Started...It’s Simple Touch—Listen—Learn—Explore this landmark neighborhood with a MP3 player as your tour guide. When you stop at one of the numbered stops below, you will hear about each landmark’s history. 230 6th Ave. No. Riverwalk Tour 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Talahi Park Beaver Islands St. Cloud Hydroelectric Dam Lawrence Hall Beaver Island Trail by Bishop’s House Beaver Island Trail behind St. Cloud Civic Center Veterans Bridge Railroad Bridge Ramsay House—230 6th Ave. No. St. Cloud Water Plant Hester Park Wilson Park Riverside Dr. So. Riverside Dr. So. Munsinger Gardens Clemens Gardens Munsinger Gardens 2919 8th St No. St. Cloud Hydroelectric Dam Check out more St. Cloud historic preservation efforts at http://www.ci.stcloud.mn.us/Planning/HeritagePreservation.aspx