2012 Hillel Newsletter
2012 Hillel Newsletter
University of Michigan Hillel Newsletter Mandell L. Berman Center • University of Michigan Hillel • 1429 Hill Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (phone) 734.769.0500 • (fax) 734.769.1934 • www.umhillel.org Hillel Welcomes New Executive Director, Tilly Shames By Lauren Kobrick & Jordan Korn A s I’m sure most of you know, Hillel has welcomed a new Executive Director this year. Although Hillel’s beloved previous Executive Director, Michael Brooks, left some big shoes to fill, Tilly’s response has been “I’m ready to bring my heels to this party!” As excited as she is to be starting out in her new role, our Hillel is even more excited and proud to have Tilly Shames leading the way into the future. This new role allows me to see all we have done, but also to see our greater potential... Tilly was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, bringing her Canadian accent (ask her to say “process”) and a love for Tim Horton’s coffee, which she says is her “favourite” (pronounced with a ‘U’) to Michigan. She studied at York University in Toronto and received her undergraduate B.A. in Environmental Studies and Political Science. She earned a master’s degree in International Affairs from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. After college, she studied water issues at Ben Gurion University in Israel and then worked for the United National Environment Programme in Nairobi, Kenya. You might think that Tilly’s academic interests would make her an unlikely candidate for a Jewish professional career. However, her experiences during her undergraduate career and after set her on a different path from global environmental politics. As a student, Tilly had no interest in getting involved in Hillel. One night during her third year of college, one of her friends invited her to a Tu B’Shvat seder (an environmental Jewish holiday). As an environmental student who had just returned from a leadership mission to Israel, she couldn’t think of an excuse not to go. At the event, she was greeted so warmly by the Hillel professional, Pearl Gropper, that it had an impact on her and opened her eyes to the positive effect a 2 • University of Michigan Hillel on external relations. This allowed her to focus on building relationships and developing new partnerships on campus through initiatives like Holocaust and Genocide Awareness Week. Tilly and Meirav Cafri (‘14) taking advantage of Tilly’s whiteboard wall to brainstorm events for the upcoming school year. After five years of working with Hillel in Toronto, Tilly came to the University of Michigan Hillel in 2008 as the Berman Fellow. “I really wanted to focus on bringing a sense of vision and mission to our goals and to our programming,” says Tilly. After a year as Berman Fellow, she became Associate Director and continued to work with the students and program staff at U-M Hillel to set and implement strategic goals. Students now post these goals on Hillel’s walls as well as on the website each year. The goals are included in Hillel’s allocation process and have become what drives the students’ programming forward. Hillel professional could have on students by being engaging and welcoming. She developed a friendship with Pearl, and ended up creating Jewish environmental programming for herself and her other unengaged Jewish friends who were in environmental studies. Tilly was able to intertwine her passion for environmental studies with her new interest in Israel and Jewish environmental ethics. It also helped the Hillel move beyond the traditional students it was reaching to students with other interests on campus. While she did a fantastic job as Associate Director, Tilly says she is “thrilled to be seeing the organization through new eyes After graduation, while working at the United Nations, Tilly as the Executive Director.” She says, “I’ve inherited a Hillel witnessed a lot of anti-Israel sentiment, even in the Environ- with great bones, a great foundation, and long-standing repument Programme. She said, “Even though I probably went tation. This new role allows me to see all we have done, but to synagogue more regularly in Nairobi than I ever had in my also to see our greater potential and set our vision for the life, I just didn’t feel I could comfortably be myself as a Jew future.” Tilly plans to do a lot more than simply maintain the and Zionist in the UN in Nairobi.” She returned to Toronto and reputation that was left for Hillel. She thinks it is extremely soon was asked to join the Hillel of Greater Toronto team to important that the staff and students of Hillel are constantsupport Jewish students facing a challenging Israel climate ly evaluating who they are now and how they can strive to on campus. After several years of working with a team to de- make the Hillel even better. She emphasizes the innovation velop Hillel’s positive, pro-active, pluralistic approach to Is- and creativity that can be brought to the organization by berael advocacy, she became Associate Director and focused ing entrepreneurs and “incubating the next big Jewish idea.” She is very excited about being able to use the goals, visions, and mission of the entire organization as the compass that drives Hillel forward. Already we have seen her leadership help shape new initiatives. First is the Jewish Detroit Initiative, one of Hillel’s new Alternative Spring Breaks (ASB) for 2012. Tilly was involved in helping the group build a relationship with Detroit long before Spring Break. She finds this to be a very important expression of Tikun Olam, repairing the world. It is very easy to get stuck in the bubble of Ann Arbor, but Tilly is pushing Hillel to think more broadly. This broader vision is also reflected in the national Meet and Greets for incoming freshmen and the national fundraising events U-M Hillel has implemented this past year. “We are bursting at the seams in Ann Arbor and our community has become a national community.” Tilly is excited for what lies ahead. “I’m really blessed to work with such an extraordinary team that is extremely creative and innovative and very supportive of our students and all of our organizations,” she says. She adds how lucky she feels to be part of the University of Michigan Hillel which has such a strong sense of community and leadership all across campus. She plans to continue to focus on “building leadership and community driven by Jewish values” and striving to find more ways to make our Hillel the best it can possibly be. We look forward to seeing the amazing plans she has for Hillel in the years to come. Lauren Kobrick (’14) is in the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. She is from Roslyn, New York. Jordan Korn (’14) is in the College of LS&A. She is from Westport, Connecticut. From the Whiteboard of Tilly Shames n reading the articles in this year’s newsletter, I find myself balancing the pride and humility that I feel every day directing our Hillel. I can’t help but feel proud. In looking at all that we have accomplished this year alone, from developing new groups like Outdoor Adventure and MEDx, new engagement initiatives like Know Your Neighbor and the Hillel App, and new leaders through our Jack and Barbara Berman Leadership Series, I am amazed at all that we have been able to achieve in the short academic year. I community of support—all rely on one another to make this Hillel the success that it is. I have been asked many times since January how I feel taking on this administrative role in our Hillel. The question implies that I am arms-length away from the programming, which is mostly true and that has been the biggest adjustment for me. But in this new position, I get to live in a space of gratitude every day. I can stand at the front of our Hillel welcoming hundreds of students into our space every Friday night. I can stand at the back of the room appreciating our staff and student leaders for a successful event, pointing out all of the positives around the room. I can write notes of appreciation on thank you letters to share how much your gifts mean to our organization and our students. And I can call parents to thank them for sharing their student with us for a short time. Being in this role allows me to be proud of what we do every day, and yet recognize all of the components that make Every year we want to stand on the rooftops and share this Hillel the success that it is. our stories through this newsletter and other media and events. And yet that pride is always balanced with the When you read these stories, you will hear stuhumility of what it takes to achieve such great heights. dent voices explain how they became engaged, Nothing is accomplished in a silo or by any one indiinvolved, and enriched by our Hillel. It could be an vidual in our Hillel. We have developed something interaction with one student that made them feel unique in our Hillel: a true partnership. This is a Hillel welcome, or the support and guidance of a staff driven by student leadership, student innovation, and person who encouraged them to try something student passion. We hire strong professionals (several new, or the opportunity to be in Israel the first time, of whom you will meet in these pages) who know how or our amazing gourmet chef’s cooking. One thing to develop leadership among others and build them up I know for certain is that all of it is a result of the for success so that they can cheer from the sidelines triad of partnership we have created among our rather than take in the spotlight. And we have a donor students, staff and community of support, and all I community of parents, alumni, trustees, and supportive can say is thank you. friends, who share in our pride and support our efforts, whether they live down the street or thousands of miles away. Each one of us—students, professionals, and our We have developed something unique in our Hillel: a true partnership. This is a Hillel driven by student leadership, student innovation, and student passion. www.umhillel.org • 3 a Retrospective By Victoria Senter The founding editors of Consider enjoy the Purim festivities dressed as Consider and the rare opportunity to be in a picture with Michael Brooks. From left to right: Brian Sher (’84) (husband of Tamara Sher (’84), a U-M Hillel Board of Trustee member, and a partner of the law firm Bryan Cave in Chicago), Michael Brooks (Chicken in Residence), Jeff Spinner-Halev (’84), (Kenan Eminent Professor of Political Ethics at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), Scott Winkelman (’84) (husband of Noreen Winkelman (’86), father of Alex Winkelman (’12) and Jay Winkelman (’15), and partner of the law firm Crowell Moring in Washington, D.C.). 4 • University of Michigan Hillel I n 1972, Michael Brooks came to the University of Michigan for a degree in Greek social history. However, a sequence of events took him beyond merely earning the degree and launched Michael into his lifetime passion of revitalizing Hillel. In the past 30 years, Michael, who was until 2012 the Executive Director of Hillel, transformed the University of Michigan Hillel from a small organization to one of the country’s largest, most well-run and model Hillels. Michael, who studied at Brandeis and Harvard, came to Michigan when the organization was truly bare-boned. At the time he arrived, there were only a few student groups sponsored by Hillel: the Orthodox minyan, the Conference on the Holocaust, a kosher coop, and Israeli dancing along with a few other groups. Now, over 30 years later, the University of Michigan Hillel is not only one of the largest in the nation, but it also boasts over 55 student groups. U-M Hillel has made Michigan a top choice for Jewish students who are seeking a thriving, active, and welcoming Jewish presence on campus. Michael’s accomplishments in the growth and development of Hillel’s programming and infrastructure pale in comparison to the impact he has had on countless students’ lives. Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove (’93), a University of Michigan alum and devout Michael fan, describes Michael with great admiration: “Michael is a beautiful human being, a dear friend, and my teacher. As I’ve become a Rabbi of a large synagogue, my admiration has only increased for Michael, seeing the way he has built U-M Hillel.” Rabbi Cosgrove explains: “His gift is his ability to mentor people, to take His gift is his ability to mentor people, to take young up-and-coming students at critical stages of their lives to help them grow into someone they didn’t know they could be. young up-and-coming students at critical stages of their lives to help them grow into someone they didn’t know they could be.” Rabbi Cosgrove explains that without Michael’s mentorship, he wouldn’t be where he is today. “He saw the diamonds in the rough.” says Rabbi Cosgrove. “He believed in us and our potential.” Rabbi Cosgrove not only took guidance and mentorship from Michael, but also played racquetIn addition to making Hillel an organization where Jewish ball with him (one of Michael’s favorite ways to engage with students are able to get in touch with their Judaism, Mi- students). In the early 1990s, when Rabbi Cosgrove was a chael has also made Hillel a place where students can feel student, he remembers Michael honking his horn outside at home, providing students with ceaseless guidance and his door, letting him know that it was time for them to play solace through some of their toughest, most pressing years. racquetball at the CCRB. From there, the friendship began. Michael’s ability to genuinely listen to the Jewish students’ wants and needs has enabled him to create the monumental Another student influenced by Michael is Michigan alum Hillel that stands today. Kevin Berman (’01), who met Michael during his freshman year. Every other month throughout Kevin’s college career, he and Michael would get together for breakfast. To Kevin, First Year Students of Hillel By Emily Lisner Michael’s gift was “teaching and empowering students to make a difference, to give a little bit of guidance to make something really big.” Kevin was chair of the Governing Board when he was a student and he continues to serve Hillel on the Board of Trustees. Bill Berman, for whom the gorgeous Hillel building which opened in 1988 is named, has known Michael since 1968. Bill describes him as “the highest profile Hillel leader in America and the model of what a Hillel director should be.” Furthermore, Bill explains that Michael is, “a natural. He is always doing something to touch the lives of young people, he has a mission to reach out to Jewish students and make them feel better about themselves.” Working directly with Michael at Hillel is also a joy. Diane Redman Pfahler, the current Director of Operations, has been working at Hillel alongside Michael for 18 years. When discussing her fondness and admiration for Michael, she describes a scene that happened a few years ago at a Shabbat, where students stacked a bunch of garbage cans and plates in a typical college student prank. Michael, seeing the mess that the students had made, did not relegate the task to one of the other members of the Hillel staff. Instead, Michael took the duty upon himself, going on his hands and knees to clean it up. Diane, tearing up as she tells the anecdote, explains how this is just one of many moments where Michael has shown what a caring, down-to-earth, and thoughtful person he is. Everyone who is lucky enough to have met Michael Brooks can say they’ve been touched by his presence, warmth, and generosity of spirit. Michael has not only transformed the U-M Hillel into the well-run organization that it is today, but also directly impacted thousands of students’ lives, leaving a mark on Michigan alums all around the globe! Victoria Senter (’13) is majoring in English. She is from Mamaroneck, New York. The board of FYSH welcoming everyone to U-M Hillel. From left to right: Sarah Strickberger (‘15), Shira Barron (‘15), Jordana Suldan (‘15), Rebecca Scharf (‘15), Atara Lakritz (‘15), Emily Steinberg (‘15), Elana Graf (‘15), Alexandra Kaplan (‘15), Adam Tannenbaum (‘15), Alex Broome (‘15). Not pictured are Jessica Borison (‘15), Josh Belinky (‘15), Josh Bernard (‘15), Jordan Zecher (‘15), and Paul Feingold (‘15). or many freshmen students, their first year can be challenging as they struggle to adjust to life in college. Often students seek to be a part of a strong Jewish community at the University of Michigan, an important factor for many in choosing Michigan. First Year Students of Hillel (FYSH) helps students feel at home and find a welcoming Jewish community at Michigan. F FYSH is a great opportunity for first year students to find their niche at Michigan, Hillel, and the Jewish culture as a whole. Hillel, and others who do not, engaging Jewish freshmen in all that Hillel has to offer. A viewing party for the OSU vs. Michigan basketball game was one of FYSH’s most successful events this year. Pride for Michigan basketball and love of the Wolverines brought students together. Another program that was a great success was “Shabbat in the Dorms,” held over two different Friday nights in five different residence halls. When students see a Shabbat dinner being held in their own residence hall, they see Jewish culture brought right into their lives. And by bringing Shabbat to freshmen, students start to find their place in the Jewish community at the beginning of their college experience. With fresh ideas, great events and enthusiastic new leaders, FYSH will continue to welcome and comfort those “FYSH is a great opportunity for first year students to looking for a Jewish community on campus. find their niche at Michigan, Hillel, and the Jewish community as a whole,” says Sarah Strickberger (’15), one of Emily Lisner (’15) is a Communications major. the group’s leaders. FYSH is able to reach out to a wide She is from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. variety of students—some who already have a home in www.umhillel.org • 5 Marc Rivera challenging Hayley Sakwa (’14) as Elana Graf (’15) cheers on. T I O R T DE IN IV E J S H I W E T A ITI his past spring break, I took part in the Jewish-Detroit Initiative, Hillel’s first alternative spring break to Detroit, and I cannot rave enough about it! The goal of our trip was to create sustainable connections to the city and its residents through meaningful community service and dialogue. I came away from the trip having so many more questions about the city—about its positives and its negatives—but most definitely with a connection to Detroit that I never had the opportunity to create before. T As many of the other participants on the trip, I am Detroit born. Although I grew up in the suburbs, I had minimal connection to the city. To quote one of my peers, the city felt almost “taboo” in that it was a city that was once great but is now unsafe, has little to offer, and is better left avoided. My involvement in the city was spurred not quite by a desire to form this connection, but by the endless opportunities for community action and social change within the city. After the week spent in the city, I am inspired by the Detroit residents who are actively working towards change in the city. Moreover, I am inspired by the network of young, vibrant, 6 • University of Michigan Hillel By Hayley Sakwa I am excited to sustain these relationships, continue these conversations, and learn more about Detroit and community change through the continuation of Jewish-Detroit Initiative—which is now an official Hillel group! Jewish social entrepreneurs who are joining these community organizers in their efforts to revitalize Detroit. Meeting many of these individuals and learning from their experiences was only a tiny part of the trip. The majority of our time was spent working with students from Earhart Elementary Middle School in Southwest Detroit. In the mornings, we acted as an extra set of hands in K through 5 classrooms—something every teacher, in every district and city, needs and deserves. Through this experience, we learned a lot about the struggles within Detroit education and education as a whole, and we got to know amazing teachers and unbelievably cute kids! At the end of each school day, we met with a group of Earhart eighth graders and walked to Latino Mission Society (LMS), a church in the area. Together we renovated a century-old bowling alley in the basement of LMS. After a week spent painting, cleaning, assembling foosball tables, and goofing off, we had created a youth space for kids in the area to go after school. One of the best parts of this project was the chance to get to know the Earhart students. We traded music and movie tastes, heard about their goals, and more. Not everything we learned was light and fluffy— we spoke quite a bit about the presence of gangs in South- Hayley Sakwa (’14) and Eli Newman (’13) with some of their new friends from Earhart Elementary Middle School. A sketch of the Jewish Detroit Initiative team on display at the Latino Mission Society. west Detroit. It often frustrated me to hear that something meaningful to the community and I am violence was a serious part of these young kids’ proud to have been a part of it. lives; however to them it is simply a reality. Furthermore, I am excited to sustain these reFrom these conversations, my perspective on lationships, continue these conversations, and community action began to shift. Rather than learn more about Detroit and community change fixating on the negative issues in a community, I through the continuation of Jewish-Detroit Initialearned that organizing is instead about harness- tive (which is now an official Hillel group). And yes, ing the positive qualities of a neighborhood. For here comes the plug: If this sounds like something example, it seems to me that the same sense of you or someone you know might be interested in, loyalty and family unity that might fuel gang in- or would in any way like to make a connection volvement, could also fuel an investment in com- to the city of Detroit, please contact me (Hayley munity involvement. While I do not think that the Sakwa [email protected]) to get involved! youth center we created at LMS will solve all of the neighborhood problems, I do think it allows Hayley Sakwa (’14) is in the field of kids to make good choices, like the Earhart kids Organizational Studies. She is from who decided to come to the bowling alley for ice West Bloomfield, Michigan. cream sundaes instead of going to a fight after school. To me, this was a project that offered Earhart students, Aalieya Jarrells, Rousfiel Rodriguez and Marc Rivera take advantage of the bowling alley JDI helped build as Eli Newman (’13) gets ready to take his turn. www.umhillel.org • 7 Exciting Interpretations of Living Jewish Life: By Brandon Shaw Tu B’Shevat wo major holidays celebrations were revamped Avery Robinson (’12), one of the organizers, said he considwith new components this year: Tu B’Shevat and ered the event a success. Avery added, “what set this seder Purim. apart from most other seders, here and across the country, were the engaging and dynamic speakers.” Robinson said that among those who spoke at the event were a farmer, a pickler, a convenience store fresh food supplier, and over fifty students. One speaker was a Michigan graduate named Nate Lada (’08), who founded and manages Green Things Farm and CSA (community-supported agriculture) in Ann Arbor. He spoke about his journey from Hebrew Day School to today and how Jewish texts have helped shape his farming journey. His discussion was focused on the importance of agriculture and respecting the Earth as central to the A Tu B’Shevat seder was held this year with a dinner event Jewish tradition. “Winter is an important season for farmers focusing on environmental activism. Held in the Dana Buildbecause this is when the harvests are planned,” Nate said, ing of Natural Resources and the Environment, the dinner prompting the students to raise their glasses of white grape was a way to incorporate environmental conservation edujuice to the bounty that is not yet here. cation with a holiday that celebrates nature and the trees— specifically, the “birthday of the trees.” Students brought After Nate shared his story, Noam Kimelman, also a Michitheir own vegetarian dishes to add to the kosher dishes progan alumnus (’09, ’11), introduced the group to his initiative, vided by Hillel, in a potluck-themed dinner called Yerakot Fresh Corner Café, which serves and caters healthy “grab which can translate as greens or vegetables. The dinner was and go” meals made from fresh high-quality ingredients. titled for its reference to both trees representing the holiday While an undergraduate student at Michigan, Noam started and to its symbolism of the environment. According to Hilthis company that brought fresh produce to convenience lel’s Assistant Director, Rabbi Seth Winberg, the event was stores throughout the city of Detroit, enabling residents to a way of engaging several different audiences and bringing access fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables. Noam wove people together through both enjoyment and education of the environmental justice mission of Tu B’Shevat into the an important Jewish holiday. fabric of social and food justice. Noam was followed by Blair T He spoke about his journey from Hebrew Day School to today and how Jewish texts have helped shape his farming journey. 8 • University of Michigan Hillel Nosan, another Michigan alumnae (’08), and Lead Pickler of Suddenly Sauer, who shared her approach to environmentalism through food preservation, like pickling and fermentation. Spring, the season of growth and new beginnings, brought out the slightly rosé grape juices for the second Kiddush. According to Robinson, “between the discussions, (we ate) the seven-species salad, and various other seasonal dishes. Everyone was treated to a nourishing evening.” He also noted that “rather than leave this as just one great event, follow-up conversations are being planned to continue to engage and motivate this learning.” nother holiday this year, Purim, also brought many students out to a Megillah reading on Erev Purim, as well as a concert featuring Israeli hip-hop group Hadag Nahash. Hillel provided transportation from the megillah reading to the Blind Pig, the Downtown Ann Arbor club where the concert was held with the popular hip-hop group, who were on their United States tour. Hillel student group American Movement for Israel (AMI) sponsored the event, and was responsible for the planning and setup of the club activities. “Who’s excited for Hadag Nahash?!” AMI Chair Alyssa Adler (’14) asked the packed crowd, to a rousing response of cheers and excitement, with Hillel students dressed in a variety of Purim costumes. A Purim With the club packed to its capacity of 400 and the lights dimmed low everywhere but on stage where bright lights lit up the six-piece band, the band played some of their most popular songs, such as “Ha Mechona Shel Ha Groove” and “Lazuz.” The band, which included everyone from a trumpet player to two rappers, gave students an opportunity to dance, sing, and enjoy themselves through both common English chants and Hebrew choruses, with their fists held an “energetic and innovative way to bring people high in the air to celebrate Israel, their faith, and the sense of together for the holiday,” Rosen said. “Hadag Nacommunity felt strongly in the room. hash brought a lot of energy and weaved together fun and funky music.” Davey Rosen, Tilly Shames, Allie A Conn, and Michael Spitulnik (some of the Hillel staff) enjoy the Hadag s Nahash concert in costume. Purim also brought new and recurring faces to the table with a Megillah reading on Erev Purim, as well as a concert featuring Israeli hip-hop group Hadag Nahash. Purim day also brought new opportunities to engage Hillel frequenters and new students alike. With different locations for Megillah readings in the morning, including a Women’s Megillah Reading organized by Shoshi Lockshin (wife of Rabbi Seth Winberg), and two different daytime lunch festivities, many students continued to celebrate the holiday and share what Purim means to them. Both of these holidays laid a solid framework for a Davey Rosen, Hillel’s Assistant Director of Student Leader- tradition of engagement and broadening outreach ship and Programming, said that this new way of celebrating to new Hillel students, a tradition Hillel has always the holiday is a tradition he saw as well-embraced by the upheld and continues to strive for with each new community. He thought there was “a lot of excitement for and innovative celebration. the show” and there was a big crowd from the moment the doors opened. The band and subsequent festivities were all Brandon Shaw (’14) is majoring in Political Shira Sandler (’13), Jessica Curhan (’13), Alyssa Adler (’14), Melissa Rosenbaum (’14), and Becca Millman (’15), with Hadag Nahash vocalist Shaa’nan Streett. Communications and Marketing. He is from Los Angeles, California. www.umhillel.org • 9 Jewish Students Go Into the Wild By Atara Lakritz un, friendships, and the great outdoors...what could be a better combination? The answer is the Hillel Outdoor Adventure group! This group was created by siblings Teddie (‘12) and Max (‘15) Olender to provide an outlet for Jewish students to enjoy the outdoors together. Being adventure-lovers themselves, it was a no-brainer for the Olender team to reach out to their fellow students while exploring the great outdoors. F After participating in an outdoor adventure, our members leave enthusiastic about their experience with our Hillel group and excited for the next adventure. connect to.” That stems from the Jewish connection he found with Outdoor Adventure, he says. The Jewish principle of bal tashchit, meaning “do not destroy,” is the guiding value for Jewish environmentalism and living sustainably. Hillel’s Outdoor Adventure group has fostered a greater appreciation for our natural surroundings by following this principle. “As Jews, it is important that we add to the goodness of the earth, rather than take away from the natural world,“ says Davey Rosen, U-M Hillel’s Assistant Director and staff advisor for Hillel Outdoors. The newly created group also strives to involve those who are not already involved with Hillel. They believe bonding over the outdoors is the perfect way to integrate both Hillel regulars and those who are not already involved in Hillel. “After participating in an outdoor adventure, our members leave enthusiastic about their experience with our Hillel group and excited for the next adventure,” say Teddie and Max. “Going on adventures outdoors together can lead to a At the beginning of the year, the Hillel Outdoor Adventure stronger and larger Hillel community, as friends and relationgroup’s kickoff event included a weekend camp-out at Silver ships are built during our time together.” Lake State Park. Seven adventurers hiked an impressive six miles into the November sunset and enjoyed a hot dog din- The group closed out the year with a cookout in Hillel’s lobner, cooked outside, of course. The group roasted marsh- by to kick off 24/7 Study Hours. During study breaks, dilimallows and finished the night with some board games be- gent students enjoyed a hot dog—or veggie dog—or two, fore settling in to rustic bunk beds in their rented camping chatted with friends new and old, and enjoyed themselves despite the downpour outside. cabin. Jake Steinerman (‘12), who hiked and noshed at Pinckney State Park, says, “It’s a good way to get some exercise and fresh air, and to hang out with other Jewish students.” Similarly, Adam Tannenbaum (‘15), who joined the skiing and snowboarding outing, says he liked having fun while being around people he “felt safe and comfortable with and could 10 • University of Michigan Hillel Though his sister Teddie graduated this spring, Max is excited about new possibilities for next year. He’s planning a canoe trip on the Huron River next fall, and more camping, hiking and skiing fun. Atara Lakritz (’14) is majoring in International Studies. She is from West Bloomfield, Michigan. Max Olender (’15), Jake Steinerman (’12), Danny Altkorn (’14) and Daphne Porat (’15) take in the beautiful scenery at Pinckney State Recreation Area Justin Hayworth (’13), Max Olender (’15), Daphne Porat (’15), and Jon Rubins (’13) enjoy the Outdoor Adventure Club sponsored ski trip at Mt. Brighton Ski Resort. Hillel Gets Technologically Savvy By Andrew Shapiro ewish students now have a different, more technologically focused way to connect to the Jewish community on campus than in the past. Students are now updating U-M Hillel’s communication with innovations such as apps and “Hillel Highlights” videos to keep Hillel current. The implementation of newer technology is making interactions more engaging and meaningful. J Through the app students will be able to reserve meals, check service times, or provide feedback to the executive board. Jon Rubins (’13) and Jeremy Klaben (’13) recognized that signing up for meals at Hillel was not an efficient process. As Rubins explains, “[Hillel] is not where it should be” with its technology development. They decided to create an innovative solution: a smartphone app. Though perhaps less appealing than Angry Birds and other popular apps available, the app that Klaben and Rubins are planning will serve a practical role for students. Through the app students will be able to reserve meals, check service times, or provide feedback to the executive board, to name a few examples. Furthermore, myHillel—an intended feature of the app— will provide more individualized information, significantly cutting down on spam or unwanted messages. Rubins states, “The whole point is to engage and focus on the needs of the students.” News + RSVP Social Media Penicillin Hotline Student focus groups have made recommendations ranging from the inclusion of an intramural sports feature to suggestions for a name for the app. Rubins and Klaben hope that the new app will simplify the jobs of Hillel staff members as well. In fact, Rubins says the next step in the process is to coordinate the Hillel website with the app to avoid redundancy while helping reach as wide a range of an audience as possible. The Hillel app will arrive at an app store or android market near you in the near future. Rubins and Klaben aren’t the only innovative Hillel members on campus. David Rosenwein (’13) has created threeminute “Hillel Highlights” videos which capture the memorable moments of the previous week while previewing the week to come. He also acknowledges the student volunteer of the week and ends with an invitation to Shabbat dinner. Groups within the Hillel community nominate members or events to be featured in the three-minute video. In upcoming episodes, Rosenwein states, “I hope to have star appearances from athletes or other group leaders on campus.” The “Highlights” videos, which have been well-received, can be viewed on YouTube, Facebook, or www.umhillel.org. As Rosenwein proudly declares, “Hillel Highlights is a way to show students, alumni, [and] other Hillels why our Hillel is so unique.” Technology that seemed unrealistic a short time ago is now not only reasonable, but well within reach. Students on U-M campus will undoubtedly find this technology makes it easy to connect to Hillel and to the Jewish community. What the app will look like on an iPhone. Andrew Shapiro (’14) studies in the Stephen M. Ross School of Business. He is from Westchester, New York . www.umhillel.org • 11 Before and After By Nikki Koll any Jews raised in the United States are taught about Israel as their “homeland” and recognize the importance of Zionism. However, many Jews are not fortunate enough to visit Israel during their childhood, restricting their understanding and appreciation for the country to what they learn through their parents and in religious school. For that reason, Taglit-Birthright Israel was developed in 2000 “to strengthen participants’ Jewish identity; to build an understanding, friendship and lasting bond with the land and people of Israel; and to reinforce the solidarity of the Jewish people worldwide.” M As a part of the birthright program, University of Michigan Hillel partners with trip organizer IsraelExperts to send students on a Taglit-Birthright Israel trip that allows students to experience the unique culture, beauty, history, accomplishments, and inspiration the country has to offer. I think one of the greatest aspects about Birthright is the opportunity to experience a little bit of every place. We interviewed students both before and after the trip to inquire about their expectations and experiences. We were interested in how participants’ anticipations before attending the trip compared to their impressions once they returned home. Additionally, the opportunity to explore prominent Israeli landmarks was particularly exciting to prospective Birthright participants. Some of the specific sites students anticipated visiting included the Western Wall, Masada, and the Dead Sea. Before going on Birthright, Stacey recalled learning the significance and the stories behind these places and could not wait to see them in person. Another major aspect that excited these students about the trip was the chance to create lifelong bonds with fellow University of Michigan students. Eva believed that going to Israel for the first time with her peers would allow her to grapple with religious questions and have a more enriching experience than she would if she went on this trip alone. Students who applied for the trip had various expectations and hoped to accomplish numerous goals through their experiences. Before they embarked on their journey in December, Stacey Mates (’12), Eva Tulchinsky (’14) and Jamie Goode (’14) were interviewed and said they were anxious to create a personal connection with the state of Israel. From left to right: Stacey Mates (’12), Gal Sapir, Kira Monin (’14), Hannah Moiseev (’14), and Nikki Haven (’14). When she was interviewed before the trip, Jamie discussed the personal connection she was hoping to establish with the state of Israel. Specifically, she said that she wanted to gain a better understanding of her Jewish identity, what it means to be a Jew, and how to better integrate Judaism into Some of the guys exfoliating at the Dead Sea. From left to her day-to-day life. right: Alex Allweil (’13), Michael Lourie (’14), Jeff Lavine (’14), Steven Zuckerman (’12), Seth Fireman (’15), Noah Stone (’13), and Joe Gelber (’13). 12 • University of Michigan Hillel Birthright Traveling to a distant land may seem scary to some, however Stacey felt otherwise. When asked if she was nervous, she said “I’m not nervous, I think it’s because it hasn’t hit me yet that I’m going to Israel for the first time in 10 days. I am so excited!” a famous Israeli breakfast food, and loved sleeping in the Bedouin tent and kibbutzim. Stacey recalled picking fresh fruit and vegetables at the ecological center, riding camels at the Bedouin tent, eating over-sized bagels on Ben Yahuda Street, and seeing the sunrise during the 4 a.m. climb up Masada. She said, “I think one of the greatest aspects about Regardless of how students felt entering the trip, most stu- birthright is the opportunity to experience a little bit of every dents returned extraordinarily elated. Some words used to place.” describe the experience include “life-changing”, “unbelievable”, and “educational.” Michigan students experiencing the Western Wall. From left to right: Emily Schottenfels (’15), Jamie Goode (’14), Brooke Suskin (’12) and Nicole Barron (’14). As the trip progressed, students forged an unimaginably strong tie with Israel. For Jamie, this bond was felt upon her visit to Jerusalem. She said driving to the city and seeing it for the first time was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Eva experienced a particularly strong connection at the Western wall. She said, “I could never have ever dreamed that walking up to the Western Wall I would feel so connected to everything in Israel. It was a feeling I couldn’t imagine before; it was an emotionally charged moment.” Students commented on the vast amount of knowledge they gained in only 10 short days. Eva said she learned so much it “blew her mind”. Stacey also felt that the trip was very informative. She said, “Our tour guide, Gigi, was incredible and taught me everything from the history of the state to its ecological systems to the current conflicts with bordering countries. I left the trip feeling a lot more knowledgeable about the past and current state of Israel.” U-M students having a good time on the Shvil Hasalat (the Salad Trail). From left to right: Jamie Goode (’14), Michael Lourie (’14), Mark Feldman (’14), and Joe Gelber (’13). Nikki Koll (’15) is in the College of LS&A. She is from Westfield, New Jersey. Gaining insight into Israeli culture was a very exciting part of the trip for the students. Eva enjoyed eating Shakshouka, www.umhillel.org • 13 U-M Students and YouthVille Detroit Connect Through Maize and Blue Games By Jamie Burke C ombining their love for sports and charity, a group of students came together to develop a new University of Michigan student group called Maize and Blue Games. This exciting new group enlists U-M students to participate in team sports to raise money to support YouthVille Detroit. The best part about the games is that [they] facilitated healthy athletic competition—something we all benefited from growing up—in order to positively affect the lives of children. Jacob Lurie (’12), one of the new group’s leaders, explained that the mission of Maize and Blue Games is to help provide Detroit children with a safe and fun place to go after school. YouthVille Detroit was a perfect fit. Dr. Gerald K. Smith founded The Detroit Youth Foundation on the belief that “young people need a safe place, [and] responsible, caring adults engaged in their lives, to be intentionally involved in their own development.” YouthVille Detroit’s 1,300 members aged 11–19 participate in various programs, including leadership and career development as well as educational enrichment. Evan Kourtjian (’13) participating in the tournament. teams of students participated in the hopes of making it to the championship round to face a special team composed of celebrity student athletes. The tournament was a success, raising more than $1,000 in donations. Because of the help from local businesses such as Papa John’s, who served pizza, Arbor Springs, who donated water, and Chipotle, who donated chips and salsa and sponsored the registration table, 100% of the proceeds from the event were donated to YouthVille Detroit. Evan Kourtjian (’13) believes “the best part about the games is that [they] facilitated healthy athletic competition—something we all benefited from growing up—in order to positively affect the lives of children.” Casey Smith (’12) said “seeing the tournament become a reality meant the world to [the] group. All along our goal was to give back to a community we care about through a medium we care about, and we were able to do that through this dodgeball tournament.” Freshman Referee Will Lederer describes how it “was fun to see the winners compete against varsity athletes like football player Jordan Kovacs.” “It was great to feel the positive energy and excitement of all the participants that contributed to the success of the tournament,” he continued. One of the participants competing in the tournament. Planning is underway for The Maize and Blue Games’ next event in the fall of 2012, and although the sport has not yet been finalized, you can be certain it will be a team sport, with the hopes of continuing to raise more money for YouthVille Detroit. The inaugural Maize and Blue Games event was a campus- Jamie Burke (’15) is in the college of LS&A. wide Dodge Ball Tournament on February 18th in the Univer- She is from Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. sity of Michigan’s Intramural Sports Building. Sixteen diverse 14 • University of Michigan Hillel The Maize and Blue Games Board after a successful tournament. “Know Your Neighbor” Launches at U-M Hillel by Lizzy Schapiro his past summer five students active in U-M Hillel attended Hillel International’s Engagement Institute at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. We had a great group of students including the 2011 chair of the governing board Jon Hornstein (‘12), the 2011 treasurer and 2012 chair of governing board David Rosenwein (‘13), our Masa Israel Intern Tali Ribnick (’12), a leader of AMI (American Movement for Israel) Shira Sandler (‘13), and me, a leader of Challah for Hunger. We were all enthusiastic about engaging with students active in Hillels throughout the world. T KYN was a way for us to call upon the members of our community and ask them to put forth that extra effort to make everyone feel welcome at Hillel. At the Engagement Institute, we participated in simulations where we played out different scenarios that one might find him/herself in when participating in a Hillel sponsored event. One afternoon, we met as a group to discuss a particular simulation. Because we were passionate about bringing this energy we found at the Engagement Institute back to our Hillel community, we were throwing out ideas, like kickoff events and new Hillel merchandise, things that would spark a fire under our Hillel community. I thought that adding a theme or slogan to our name would make Hillel more memorable and would be more welcoming to incoming freshmen, just as at the University of Michigan there is a theme for the semester, the most notable being “The Michigan Differ- ence.” Suddenly the theme hit me and seemed to just roll off of my lips: Know Your Neighbor. A combination of warmth and empowerment, Know Your Neighbor (KYN) simply means engaging with new people. In our proposal to implement KYN into our Hillel, we wrote, “Often times, we try to create events with the goal of attracting as many bodies as possible, but we don’t just want a collection of bodies, we want to create community.” To those of us at the Engagement Institute, KYN was a way for us to call upon the members of our community and ask them to put forth that extra effort to make everyone feel welcome at Hillel. Know your Neighbor launched at the beginning of the 2011 fall semester. Allie Conn, Berman Fellow at U-M Hillel, created a video introducing KYN and blasted it onto social networks like Facebook and Twitter. We made KYN pens that were given to students at Mensch’s welcome back BBQ and introduced KYN to all the group leaders. Name games and bonding activities spread to every Hillel group and soon beKYN coordinator Lizzy Schapiro (’14) getting to know came a staple of group meetings. What I love most about KYN is the energy and passion for meeting new people. This desire to reach out to new people has always existed in our Hillel community and in the Jewish community at large (who doesn’t love a good game of Jewish geography?). All we had to do was call attention to this desire, and be inclusive, and our community responded immediately. KYN has given a name to the spirit of the University of Michigan Hillel, and we will continue to encourage our community to know their neighbors. 109,901 of her neighbors at a University of Michigan football game. Lizzy Schapiro (’14) is majoring in Art History. She is from Scarsdale, New York. www.umhillel.org • 15 U-M Hillel Welcomes Rabbi Seth Winberg By Alli Komrower information they have brought in while enjoying waffles they help make) to “Radical Jewish Ideas” on Thursdays, there is something for everyone. Be they Socratic discussions, learning the Talmud, or even discussing and learning about our subconscious daily Jewish actions, Hillel’s learning programs are popular amongst a variety of students. In addition to Jewish learning, Rabbi Seth has encouraged the Rabbi Seth decided to become a rabbi for many reasons. continued diversification of Hillel’s outreach. For example, After attending a Jewish day school and then a public high he spoke to a multi-faith engineering group about the ideals school where he was one of only five Jews, he realized the and spirituality of Judaism. importance of a Jewish education. While the Judaic Studies classes he took at York University were very broad, Rabbi Seth was looking to study Jewish texts for a “sense of independence and ownership of my own Jewish identity”. Rabbinical school gave him the instruction he desired. his year the University of Michigan Hillel welcomed Rabbi Seth Winberg to its staff. Born in Vancouver, Canada, Rabbi Seth is definitely no stranger to the cold weather of Ann Arbor! He is a graduate of Toronto’s York University and Yeshivat Chovevei Torah (YCT), an open Modern Orthodox Rabbinical School in New York City. T Since he started working at Hillel, Rabbi Seth dove into bringing Jewish education to the community. He teaches large classes, like Jewish Philosophy and Friday Night Learning, but in his opinion, “a lot of Jewish learning is most effective based on simple one-on-one education.” It is clear he genuinely wants to get to know the students of Michigan, learn what they care about, and help them discover what kind of lives they want to lead as Jewish adults. Rabbi Seth’s goal is to help students become quality Jewish adults who help build community from within. Rabbi Seth is passionate about his work and eager to make an impact on the University of Michigan. His goal is to help students become quality Jewish adults who help build community from within by being a strong part of Jewish community. Meeting Rabbi Seth was a great experience and I know he will continue to be a positive influence at the University of Michigan Hillel for many years to come. According to Rabbi Seth, there are Jewish education classes or events at Hillel almost every night of the week. From Allie Komrower (’15) is in the College of LS&A. “Waffle Wednesdays” (where students discuss articles and She is from River Vale, New Jersey. Rabbi Seth hard at work on the MuJew Alternative Spring Break 16 • University of Michigan Hillel Assistant Director Davey Rosen in the Spotlight By Chloe Hirsch Davey has enjoyed getting to know the Michigan students and getting to “work with them to create their Jewish community.” Davey hopes that students will take advantage of opportunities such as joining a Taglit-Birthright Israel trip or working with a group to craft a new mission statement, and that they “consider their core values, … think about their place in this world as Jews, Americans, whatever their identity may be, and … know their decisions impact well beyond themselves.” Davey is a great addition to our Hillel! ou may recognize the name Davey Rosen as the lead guitarist of the infamous punk rock band, The Suburban Yuppies, which toured from West Bloomfield to Farmington Hills in the 90’s. But if that doesn’t ring a bell for you, then you’ve probably seen him around Hillel where he is the Assistant Director, or you may have even gone on a Taglit-Birthright Israel trip with him! Y Davey hopes to “support our students as they create exciting and dynamic Jewish lives on campus” in the future. Chloe Hirsch (‘15) is in the College of LS&A. She is from Scarsdale, New York. Davey Rosen leading Shabbat services at Hillel Institute. Davey graduated from North Farmington High School in 1998 and, unlike his peers who continued on to college after graduation, Davey went to Israel with Young Judaea Year Course. Bold decision, you might think, but he had developed a passion for Israel and Jewish history after spending a high school semester in Israel. Also fueling his passion were many summers spent at Camp Ramah in Canada, where, according to its website, young people “develop skills and leadership, close friendships and a Jewish consciousness that lasts a lifetime.” Davey could be the poster child for the camp! for Young Judaea and completed his Masters’ Degree in Informal and Communal Jewish Education at the Davidson School of the Jewish Theological Seminary. It was in New York that he met his future wife, Jillian, and he also worked as the family educator at Congregation B’nai Jeshurun. Davey later moved to Boston to be the Assistant Director at Camp Ramah in New England. Why then did Davey come back to Michigan? Because he’s “all about living an exciting and dynamic Jewish life and that requires exciting and dynamic Jewish communities.” Davey joined our U-M Hillel community in July 2011 because he After his time in Israel, Davey kept with the warm weather believes that “Michigan students are critical thinkers and theme and moved to Los Angeles to be a rock star while have a desire to ask big questions.” Davey hopes to “supalso attending the University of Judaism, where he received port our students as they create exciting and dynamic Jewa bachelor’s degree in modern Jewish History and Thought. ish lives on campus” because “it is people that define comIn 2004, Davey moved to New York City, where he worked munity, and the U-M Jewish community is strong, diverse, smart and fun!” www.umhillel.org • 17 Making a Difference in Israel and Michigan By Lauren Kobrick & Jordan Korn his winter, Hillel formed a new organization called other volunteers and Medical Exposure (MEDx). Leedor Lieberman (‘13), drivers at each station. its founder, shared the story of its formation with us. In addition, all the volunteers came back with a “Last summer, I wanted to volunteer with Magen David feeling that they impactAdom, an Israel ambulance service. The ambulance service ed people’s lives. Leedor has a non-denominational program that is open to all inter- said, “we saw births and national individuals to train as first responders. After training, deaths, but overall the we can ride in ambulances alongside Israeli EMTs. I thought experience was amazthis was a great idea so I spread the word around campus ing and one that I can’t and found eight other students who wanted to volunteer for compare to anything I’ve the summer.” ever experienced.” T The goal of MEDx is to expose students to medical environments through volunteer and learning opportunities. Leedor tutored the students for 2–3 months in introductory Hebrew before they went to Israel. A basic level of Hebrew is required for all volunteers. Once in Israel, the Michigan participants found the program hosted people of various ages, religions, and origins. All volunteers were required to complete a 60-hour training course and then were dispersed to different volunteer locations across the country. The Michigan group volunteered in Tel-Aviv, Ramat Gan, and Bat Yam and lived together in apartments in downtown Tel-Aviv. When the eight volunteers returned to the University of Michigan, they wanted to encourage other students to experience what they did. However, they realized that while volunteering in Israel was amazing, they could still find that reward by volunteering in medical settings in our Michigan community. This led to the formation of Medical Exposure, or MEDx. The goal of MEDx is to expose students to medical environments through volunteer and learning opportunities. Members are often in medical fields, and are encouraged to participate in opportunities that will help them refine their goals and interests in medicine. MEDx group members and interested students at the MEDx medical/public health student panel. Later in the year, MEDx co-hosted “The Obesity Epidemic: A Jewish Perspective” with the School of Public Health. Award-winning researcher on obesity, Dr. Mendel Singer, discussed the correlations between Judaism and obesity. Also, MEDx is setting up weekly volunteering at Ypsilanti’s Hope Clinic to give students the opportunity to work in a volunteer-based health clinic. Finally, MEDx is in the process of organizing another Michigan group to travel to Israel next summer. The student leaders hope to inspire a new group of students to volunteer in Israel by exposing them to serving people through medicine in Ann Arbor. Thirty students attended MEDx’s first meeting, and the newly created Facebook group has 74 members! The group’s first event, hosting a Medical School/School of Public Health student panel, had enormous success. The panel allowed students to learn about different health careers and Leedor described the volunteering as “addicting” as every- application processes for different departments, and to ask Lauren Kobrick (’14) is in the Gerald R. Ford School of Public one was eager to add extra shifts to their days. One of the questions of students in these medical related departments Policy. She is from Roslyn, New York. Jordan Korn (’14) is in the best experiences for the volunteers was getting to know on campus. College of LS&A. She is from Westport, Connecticut. 18 • University of Michigan Hillel Hillel Friends Thank you to all those who have made generous gifts to Hillel from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. Stars of David ($25,000+) Angels ($5,000–$9,999) Mandell L. & Madeleine H. Berman Foundation Samuel (z”l) & Jean (z”l) Frankel Stanley & Judith Frankel Stephen & Nancy Grand Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit Murray & Ina Pitt The Ravitz Foundation Carol & Herbert (z”l) Amster Sheila & Joseph Gutman Jewish Federation of Washtenaw County Harry & Andrea Krakowski Robert Krasnov Richard & Barbara Levy Stewart & Barbara Mandell Michigan B’nai B’rith Hillel Fund Robert & Marcie Orley Joseph & Freida Ross Foundation Marc & Audrey Solomon Spiegel Family Founder’s Circle ($10,000–$24,999) Jonathan S. & Mary Aaron Kevin & Devorah Berman Jewish Education Service of North America Robert & Lillie Breitbard Fund: Gayle & Jerry Klusky Robert Klyman & Dena Bloom Michael & Patricia Levine Repair The World, Inc. William & Ellen Taubman Joseph & Debra Weinberg Diane & Howard Wohl Zell Family Foundation Chairman’s Circle ($1,800–$4,999) 4 Eleven Lofts LLC Earl Abramson Jack & Janet Baum Jonathan & Amy Berman Ann Berman & Daniel Feld Mark Bernstein & Rachel Bendit David Blumenstein & Jane Pollner Jon & Lili Bosse Jonathan & Nadine Carmel Allen & Franka Charlupski Foundation: Helen 2010–2011 True Blue Society Those donors who have given for five consecutive years or more are denoted by a listing in bold. These donors will receive a four-color magnet with the dates of the Jewish holidays for 2012–2013. Charlupski & Joseph Biederman & Lawrence & Elyn Charlupski Bradley Chod & Lauren Taney DeRoy Testamentary Foundation Kenneth & Frances Eisenberg Warren & Mitzi Eisenberg Halley & Ruth Anne Faust Ronda & Ron Ferber Foundation Byron & Dorothy Gerson Robert & Sarah Goodman Eric & Karen Gurwin Morton & Brigitte Harris The Israel, Rose, Henry and Robert Wiener Charitable Foundation, Inc. Bradley & Kimberly Keywell Lisa & Hannan Lis Rod & Tracy Loewenthal Jonathan & Jane Medved Charles & Sharon Newman Amy & Kenneth Pollinger Jack & Noreen Rounick Benjamin & Ivy Schlechter Jeff & Amy Schlussel Brian & Tamara Sher Jane & D. Larry Sherman Richard & Barbara Silverman Steven & Elisa Silverman Fred & Eileen Springer Mark & Robyn Tsesarsky Herbert & Karen Wander Marshall Weinberg Jane & Neil Golub Robert & Jill Granader James & Nancy Grosfeld Leadership Council Foundation ($1,000–$1,799) David & Heidi Haddad Richard Harris Anonymous Doreen Hermelin Morris & Fannie Skilken Eric Horvitz Family Foundation Michael & Lenore Hyatt Henry & Harlene Appelman Howard & Trudy Jacobson Rachel Barbanel-Fried Daniel Jaffe & Guy & Nora Barron Cynthia Monaco Lori & Bruce Berman Steve Johnson & Beth Israel Congregation Laurie Zuckerman Harold & Penny Blumenstein Susan & David Kalt Paul Borman Randall Kaplan & Simeon Brinberg Kathy Manning Michael & Ruth Brooks Barbara Kaplan Harris & David & Julie Burton Arthur Harris Avern & Lois Cohn Joan & Warren Kessler James & Renay Danto Marvin Kirsh Jacob & Suzanne Doft Sharon Klein Ira Finkelstein Norman & Kim Kurlan Marjorie S. Fisher Fund Sheila Lambert Ronald & Carol Fogel Paula & Henry Lederman Sidney & Maddy Forbes Kenneth & Pamela Lester Eli & Peggy Futerman Samuel Levine & Charles & Rita Gelman Laurie Blitzer Genzyme Edward C. & Linda Dresner Conrad & Lynda Giles Levy Foundation Jamie & Paul Gold Michael & Donna Maddin Alan & Elise Goldberg Sean & Heather Martin Robin & Neil Goldberg Richard & Joann Miller Amanda & Ken Goldstein Graham & Sally Orley Robert & Laurie Goldstein www.umhillel.org • 19 Suzanne & Joseph Orley Foundation Ygal & Carmit Ozechov Gerson Panitch & Debra Reiter Panitch Steven & Claudia Perles Ora Pescovitz Nimrod & Ellen Raphaeli Marcia Riesman The Sigmund & Sophie Rohlik Foundation David & Ann Rosenbach Daryosh & Vicki Sakhai Anthony Scaglione Robert & Bluma Schechter Schostak Family Support Foundation Steven & Wendy Shenfeld David & Ellen Sherman Sigma Delta Tau— Chi Chapter Larry & Susan Slabotsky Carol & Irving Smokler Jerome & Marilyn Soble Jeffrey & Susan Stern Moshe Sukenik & Nan Kurzman Joel & Shelley Tauber The Trico Foundation: Coville-Triest Family Foundation Steven & June Volk Arthur & Trudy Weiss David & Cynthia Wiesman Sylvia & Randall Wolf Andrea & Lawrence Wolfe Sponsors ($500–$999) Anonymous Sallie Kochin Abelson Joe & Susan Alpert Robert & Diane Altkorn Christine Anderson Ann Arbor Orthodox Minyan Ilana Greenfield Baden Stephen Baer & Nancy Baron-Baer Harold & Roberta Barron Rachel Behar Robin & Alan Bell Danya & Marc Berman David Bernstein Jill & Jay Bernstein Samuel & Susan Bernstein Harold & Barbara Berry Amy Bigman David & Aileen Bormel Dean & Merle Brenner Eric & Lisa Bronstein Philip Bronstein & Jody Brott Morton & Raya Brown Evan Caminker & Stacey Lee James Campbell & Cynthia Shenker Kenneth & Lisa Chinsky Edward & Laurie Chod Tim & Helene Cohen Joel & Barbara Coplowitz Elliot and Deborah Cosgrove Malcolm & Gabrielle Cosgrove Lawrence Crockett & Kathleen Richards Andrew & Stacy Cykiert Mitchell & Allison Danzig Steve & Lisa Diamond Eric Edidin & Yvette Borofsky Lee Raskin Esposito & Robert Esposito Steven & Judi Fader Robert & Margaret Fagenson Lee & Denise Farkas Daniel & Audry Fass Philip & Anne Feitelson 20 • University of Michigan Hillel Marla & Stewart Feldman Oscar & Dede Feldman Howard Felson Bruce & Laurie Fisher Edward I. Fleischman Foundation Robert & Sara Franco Bruce & Dale Frankel Ronald & Marla Frankel Paul & Judith Freedman Frank & Sondra Friedman Lynda & Harold Friedman Ricky & Lynn Friedman Howard & Loren Friend Ya’aqov Fuhrman Enid Galler Galdpern-Mendelson Family Foundation Steven & Marilyn Garber Marvin & Florence Gerber Stuart & Suzanne Gildenberg Andrew & Julie Gilson Mark & Fran Gloger Barry & Laurie Goldman Janet & Michael Goldman Elliott Goldstein Larry & Ninette Golub Eugene & Emily Grant Robert Greebel Dan Greenberg Hilary & Allan Greenberg Joel & Julie Greenblatt Renanah Halpern & Joel Green Ben Guslits & Marilyn Novice Steven & Linda Harwood Alan & Sheri Heller Rebecca & J. David Heller Joseph Helman Barnett & Shirley Helzberg Joel Herz James Hiller Richard Hirsch Larry & Carolyn Hiss Ron & Mindy Horowitz Howard & Lilly Jacobson Ira & Brenda Jaffe Yale & Joan Kamisar David & Meredith Kaplan The Karmin Family John & Robin Kennedy Katayoun & Paul Khakshouri Mark Killingsworth Rich & Myra Klarman Harvey & Aileen Kleiman David & Debbie Kornblatt Rebecca Kotkin & Donald Steinberg The Kroger Co. Michelle & David Kroin Richard & Sally Krugel Howard & Mara Labow Pamela Lederer & Michael Carmen Ellsworth & Janet Levine Jody & Stewart Levy Sheldon Levy Paul & Carolyn Lichter Bruce & Vicki Liebowitz Alan & Eva Litt Steven Lowenstein Debra & Harold Luks Shareef & Renee Mahdavi Karen & Stephen Malkin Steven Marenberg & Alison Whalen Steven & Staci Marlowe Glenn & Debbie Maron Milk and Honey Endowment Fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle The Minkin Family Foundation Victor & Laurie Mizrahi Stephen Modell Sheila Mondry Michael Monheit & Ellen Golden Michael & Ruth Mooreville Dan & Wendy Moskowitz Andrea & Frank Newman Daniel Newman Natalie & William Newman Bunny North Old Original Levis Inc. Gilbert Omenn & Martha Darling Michael Opatowski & Ruth Malman Opatowski Jeffrey & Emily Pitt Maurice & Lori Pogoda Sheryl Pomerance & Patrick OKeefe Mervin & Helen Pregulman Stephen & Susan Rabinowitz Lisa & Mark Ratner Sandra & Bud Reisman Robert & Helene Riederman Bonnie & Len Romberg Benjamin & Marie Rosenberg Nanette Rosenberg Norman & Dulcie Rosenfeld Beth & Leo Rothbarth Andrew & Francesca Rothseid Javier & Lisa Rubinstein Michael & Jessica Sacher Kenneth & Stacy Samet Louis & Jill Sapperstein Mark Schacht & Sari Hart Morty Schaja & Rebecca Amitai Marc & Margi Scherr Cheryl Schneider Pinchas Schoenfield Barbara Schrayer Max & Lynn Schrayer Harvey Schulweis William & Irene Schumer Jeff Schwaber & Liz Schrayer David & Lisa Schwartz David Schwartz & Debra Diamond-Schwartz Ethan Schwartz Vicki Wheelock & Jerry Schwartz Charles & Marcia Seigerman Philip Shaw & Shira Gordon Douglas & Julie Shiffman Rebecca Hoelting Short Labron & Pamela Shuman Jonathan & Jan Simon Bill & Lois Solomon Susan Sosnick Marc & Wendy Stanley Mitchell Steir & Nancy Ganz Karen & David Stutz Swieca Family Foundation Megan Tallmer & Rick Kastellec A. Alfred Taubman G. Leonard & Dorothy Teitelbaum Temple Israel Rabbis West Bloomfield, MI Carolyn & Laurence Tisdale Robert & Sharon Turner Phyllis Mandell Victorson Elliott & Sue Weinstein Bob & Mimi Weisberg Harvey Weisberg Ronald & Eileen Weiser Jeffrey & Jessica Weiss Robert & Ofra Weiss Stephen & Lisa Weiss Neil Weissman Alexandra & Joseph Wener Catherine Yost Harvey & Anita Zalesin Jonathan & Lisa Zirin Helen Zuckerman Richard & Julie Zussman Sustaining Members ($360–$499) Anonymous Jeffrey & Nancy Adler Michael & Lisa Auerbach Gregory & Susan Azorsky Jamie & Mark Benjamin Susan & Robert Benjamin Ronald & Linda Benson Mitchell & Susan Berk Joseph Berman & Marsha Gentner Harvey Bertcher Stanford & Roselyn Blanck Bob & Holly Bloom Alan Blum Ellie & Fred Braid Dina & Herman (z”l) Brodsky Devin Brown Sidney & Sandra Brown David & Michele Camiener David & Ruth Carliner Yossi Chait & Neva Frumkin Joshua & Marci Charm David & Angela Chernin Paul & Gail Chod Debra Chopp & Gil Seinfeld Carl Cohen David & Roxanne Cohen Sarita & Arthur Cohen Susan Coren Howard & Leslie Crane Gayle & Alan Cutler Michael Dan Marc & Stephanie Daniels Miriam & Michael Daniels Lawrence & Suzi Daitch Dell Michael & Norma Dorman Shari & Eric Dusansky Harriet & Richard Ebers Ronald & Deborah Eisenberg Danny Elbaum & Mary Thompson Glenn & Michelle Engelmann Clifford Feibus & Deena Fishman Feibus Steven & Sandra Finkelman Stanley & Shari Finsilver Arnold & Lorraine Fisher Ira Fisher & Beth Eisler Dana & Adam Frank Richard & Joanna Friedman Howard & Cindy Garoon Lawrence & Judith Garshofsky Mark & Julia Gerstein Morad & Sima Ghadamian Susan & Daniel Ginsberg Mary & Bruce Gladner Cathy Glick & Larry Halman Gary & Rachel Glick Leo & Betty Goldstein Jodi & Robert Goodman Charles & Staci Goss Robert Green & Martha Sullivan Green Allan & Susan Greenberg David & Robin Gutmann Alan & Lauren Halperin Joan & Paul Halpern Dale Harburg Natan HarPaz Cindy & Jay Harris Elliot Henslovitz & Terri Apfelbaum Howard & Susan Hirsch David Hirsh & Allison Cook Kenneth Hornstein & Larraine Bernstein Jeffrey & Marion Isaacs Linda Isaacson The Isackson Family Hilary & Selwyn Isakow Abigail & Verne Jacobs Richard & Linda Jacobs Michael & Nancy Kanterman Kerri & Erez Katz Gary & Annette Kaufman Steve & Lisa Kaufman Emery & Diane Klein Steven & Diane Klein Doug Gelb & Karen Kluin Levis & Rochelle Kochin Gary & Shari Korn Paul & Melissa Kotcher Irwin Kula & Dana Kurzweil Thomas & Barbara Kunz Richard Kurtzman Jim & Ellen Labes Steven & Charmaine Lampert Laura & Paul Lapping Terry & Lisa Lashin Eric Lazar Steven Leber & Dina Shtull-Leber Eric & Debra Lerner Douglas & Ronna Levine Jeffrey & Joyce Levine Robert & Gina Levine Stanley & Joan Levy Marcy & Steven Lippman Allison & Aaron Magat Paul & Lizabeth McOsker Gary & Audrey Menachem S. David & Jodi Miller H. Herbert Myers Jerry Neumann & Naomi Richman Dale & Marilyn Okonow Irving & Ethel Palman Foundation Jeremy & Andrea Perler Theodore & Harriette Perlman Miriam & Marc Pester Jeffrey & Belinda Pop Jerry & Louise Ribnick Stanley Rogovin & Marleen Meyers Sandra & Evan Roklen Lisa Ruiz Michael & Sharon Safra Brett Sagel David & Paula Saginaw Stuart & Randi Sakwa David & Charlene Sales Adam Saltzman & Ilana Gonik Gary & Gayle Samuels Eli & Michele Saulson Marc & Susan Schechter Edward & Amy Scheinerman Steven & Polly Schiff Jerrold & Naomi Senser David & Lisa Shanker David & Reesa Shaw Jay & Susan Shayevitz Daniel & Rachel Shere Ariel Sherizen & Jodie Steinway Laura & Gary Siegel Marc Silverstein & Tonya Sparks Howard & Judy Simon David Sklar & Carolyn Reinglass Warren & Lisa Solochek Gary & Lynn Spevack David Spitulnik & Diana Cohen Jeffrey & Sheryl Spitzer-Resnick Joy & Stuart Stein Edward & Irit Stoppelman Susan & Mark Strassman Judith & Michael Streiter Jeffrey & Debra Supowit Alan & Jennifer Tannenbaum Seth Timen Gail & Jeff Toll Kurt Vilders & Judie Goodman Eric & Thelma Waxman Daniel & Lisa Weiner Sheryl Weiss Steve & Jody Winter Stephen & Deena Wolff Zachary Yost Patrons ($180–$359) Anonymous (4) Howard & Patricia Adelman Steven & Faye Adelson Larry & Sue Adler Norman & Rosalyn Adler James & Ashley Adox Fred & Desiree Afari www.umhillel.org • 21 Aaron Agami Alan & Nancy Agree Aaron & Aura Ahuvia Michael & Susan Alpern Sheldon & Riitta Alster Norman & Jo Amer Ilana Amrani-Cohen & Marc Cohen Max & Pamela April Jacob Armstrong Levana & Stephen Aronson David Axelrad & Liza Bercovici Mark & Linda Bachmann Craig & Linda Bacon Alexander & Marina Balanevsky Jeff & Julie Baltimore Ivor & Myra Bamberger Maxwell & Renah Bardenstein Ariel & Elizabeth Barkan Kenneth & Marianthe Barnett Reuben & Joan Baron Mark & Sheri Bartelstein Murray & Linda Baruch Norman & Leslie Bash Jesse Baumgold & Linda Golden Eric Bean Isabel Becker Norman & Ruth Beitner Donna Bender Hal & Patrice Bennett Sima & Jonathan Bennett Deborah Bensinger Karen & James Berger Mitchell & Cindi Berger Stuart & Elaine Berger Ronald & Miriam Bergman Robert & Debbie Bergson Jodie & Peter Berkman Naomi Berkove Allen & Julie Berman Kathy Berman & Carl Corman Hadas & Dennis Bernard Alison & David Bernstein Martin & Barbara Bienenstock Joseph & Robyn Bier Zachary Bier Alan & Sandra Bittker Arline Bittker Michele & Mitchell Bleznak Ilana & Adam Block Susan & Steven Bloom Hanna Bloomfield The Blue Leprechaun Jonathan & Mara Blum Robert Blum & Tracye Valasco Peter & Julie Borish Steven & Joy Bortnick Nancy & Matthew Boskin David & Jessie Brand Joshua Brass Devra Braun & Peter Smedresman Arnold & Viviane Breitbart Jeffrey & Stacy Brodsky Helene Brodsky Brody Samuel & Rosolyn Brott Rondi Brower & Philip Gilly Robert & Greta Brown Charles & Renee Brownman Barbara Bruno & Steven Harris Amy & Mark Bubes Lee & Rachel Buckman Dana Burnstein Richard & Gayle Burstein Julie & Roy Cantu David & Malka Caroline Beth & Steve Catlett Jessica Chaffin Ronald & Lynda Charfoos Benjamin Chevat & Sherri Rossoff Sarah Chopp Paul & Ruth Chosid Toby Citrin & Phyllis Blumenfeld Gordan & Susan Coburn Andrew Cohen & Christine Sorenson David & Tracey Cohen Julius Cohen Kathi & Rick Cohen Malcolm & Judith Cohen Michael Cohen & Adrienne Allen Norton Cohen Pamela Cohen Richard Cohen & Kathy Krieger Jim & Jean Coleman Betty & Marvin Cooper Bruce & Jenny Corman Clifford & Deborah Corman 22 • University of Michigan Hillel Will Corrdin Wendy & Jeffrey Cossman Esta & Thomas Czik Richard & Karen Dale Allen & Jone Dalezman Eric Dallal Andrew & Julie Daniels Jonathan Daniels Jacqueline & Dale Danilewitz Lawrence & Betty Dannenberg Caren & Larry Dash Deborah Dash-Moore Mark & Babette Daskin Steven & Eilleen David Brent & Karen Davidson Barbara & Gary Davis Scott & Denise Davis Mark & Paula DeBofsky Joan & David Denenberg Steven & Ariel Derringer Jeffrey Devries & Deb Kirshner Ilyse & Burton Diamond Debbie & Brad Dockser Linda Jo Doctor & Elliot Ginsberg Martin & Paula Domansky Michael & Debbie Doppelt Carolyn Dorfman & Gregory Gallick Neal & Luanne Dresher Victoria & Mark Drozdov Tamara Dunietz Richard & Elizabeth Dyckman David & Suzanne Eagle Geoffrey & Alison Edelstein Jeffrey Eisman & Nancy Benchell-Eisman Joel & Lisa Elconin Elite Management LLC/Amir Cohen & Adam Cohen David & Julie Ellenhorn Jerry & Gail Ellstein Neal & Margaret Elyakin Todd & Judith Endelman Lisa Erwin Robin & Joel Evans Jason Faller & Karen Wagner Henry & Barbara Fasteau Daniel & Thalia Federbush Arthur & Nancy Feibus Simon & Amy Feiglin L. Scott & Janet Feiler Adam Feldman Git & Jerry Feldman Helene Feldman Susan & Stephen Feldman James & Carol Felsenthal Bob & Bonnie Fendell Julie & Mark Filler Sydney Fine Harvey & Kathleen Fink Martin & Bonnie Finkel Sandra Finkel & Seth Warschausky Elnora Finkelstein Bernard & Jane Finn Rachel Firestone Michal & Jonathan Firsht Ira & Debbie Fisch Marc Fisher Flint Jewish Federation Jeremy & Naomi Fogel Samantha Frankel Robert & Marjorie Franklin Gary & Eileen Freed Larry & Helaine Freed Amy Freedman Michael & Lisbeth Fried David & Julie Friedland Janice & David Friedlander Michael & Lucie Friedlander Avram & Jodi Friedman Pam & Michael Friedman Howard & Amy Friedner Adam & Elissa Futterman Bev & Gary Futterman Stephen Galens Ronald & Frada Galler Steven Gamer & Stephanie Klasky-Gamer Ryan Garber Kimberly & Robert Gatof Peter & Bonnie Gatof Michael & Debra Gelband Pamela & Richard Gelfand William & Raquel Gershon Beverly Gershowitz Ralph Gerson & Erica Ward Annemiek & Richard Gersten Sheri & Dan Ginis Robert & Karen Ginsberg David & Maureen Ginsburg Zvi & Marlene Gitelman Steve & Abbie Gitkin David & Theresa Glaser Brad & Martha Glass Joan & Craig Glick Glenn Goldberg & Kim Burke Marshall & Nancy Golden Sol Goldfarb Amy & Gary Goldman Eleanor Goldman Lyle & Anne Goldman Ellen & Alan Goldner Edward & Joanne Goldstein Jennifer & Thomas Goldstein Jonathan & Karen Goldstick Cathy & Gerald Gollub Bernard & Margaret Gonik Henry & Lois Goodman Jeffrey & Mindy Gordon Susan & Bruce Goren Linda Gorens-Levey & Michael Levey Monica & Mitchell Gorochow Peter & Roberta Gottlieb Sam Gottlieb Marilyn & William Graber Fred & Orna Grand David Grauer & Carolyn Kraft-Grauer Laurence Gray(z”l) Seth Greenberg Richard & Linda Greene Evan Greenspan Bonnie Greenwald Benjamin & Rebeca Grinstein Harold & Andrea Gross Randolph & Beth Gross Richard & Marion Gross Robert & Jan Grossman Stephen & Lori Grussmark Jeffrey Gurwin Ellina Gusinsky Jessica Halprin & Mitchell Bernstein Sheldon & Eva Hamburger Michael Handelman David & Pamela Haron Mark & Mary Harris Clifford & Alice Hart Leslie & Daniel Hartman Mark & Jeanette Hauser Sandra Hauser & Jeffrey Parness Steven & Robin Hausman Amy & Allen Hecht Malgorzata & Henry Hecht Sara & Myron Hecht Raymond & Lucia Henney Jay & Judy Heyman Cindy & Stuart Hill Paula Hiller & Ned Kirsch Pamela & Samuel Himmelrich Ann & Jordan Hirsch Karen & Frederic Hirsch Eric & Debbie Hirschfield William Hirschhorn & Susan Sherman Benjamin Hockenberg Candy & Bruce Hoffman Erma & Herbert Hoffman Morton & Sandra Hoffman Emily & James Holdstein Eydie & Ira Holz Aviva Hopkovitz-Dunsky & Frederic Dunsky Susan Hosat Alan & Ruth Hurvitz Rand Hutcheson Harold Igdaloff Francine & Robert Immerman Marc Israel & Abbey Frank Andy & Linda Jacob Joel & Lauren Jacob Catherine & Andrew Jacobs Jonathan Jacobs & Joy Koletsky Matthew Jacobson Shira Jacobson Stephen & Linda Jacobson Mark & Pamela Jacobstein Harry Jaffe Jeffrey & Laura Jaffe Jeffrey & Ruth Jarrett Jewish Federation of Grand Rapids Jonathan & Debra Joels Ian Johnson & Judith Mills Johnson Freddi & Harvey Kadden Russell Kagan Ted & Laura Kalick Marc & Leslie Kallus Jennifer Kanfer Raelin & Jeffrey Kantor Edward & Tammy Kaplan Ira & Amy Kaplan Jerome Kaplan Paul W. Kaplan Sanford & Sher Kaplan Kenneth Kaplin Irvin & Barbara Kappy Sheila & John Karaczynski David & Judith Karp Richard Karp Maurice Karpman Gilda & Richard Katz Herbert & Jane Kaufer Babs & Herb Kaufman Shari Kaufman Steven & Stephanie Kaufman Carole Kazmierski Andrew & Fern Keimach R. William & Ellen Kestenberg Esther & Peter Kind Edan & Hilary King Jared Klein & Peggy Heine David & Susan Koffler Carol & Howard Koransky Michael & Ruth Korda Yoram & Alina Koren David & Amy Kornblau Tom & Sara Kornfeld Martin & Ruth Kornheiser Michael Kornreich Jerry & Ilene Kosberg Stephen & Judith Kovach Kenneth & Robin Kramer Milton A. and Charlotte R. Kramer Charitable Foundation Martin & Meryl Krasne Rosalind Krasney Jeffrey & Julie Kreamer Barbara & Kevan Kreitman Daniel & Jocelyn Krifcher Marilyn & Samuel Krimm Matthew Kripke Ellen & Aaron Krumbein Rhonda & Paul Krupkin Debbie Kubiak & Steven Cohen Nancy Kulish Howard Kur Adam Kurland & Sari Kurland Lucinda Kurtz & Oren Hesterman Howard & Robin Kurtzman Brian Kutinsky Marten & Robin Ladman Robin Lampert Aaron & Kerryn Langer Sandra & Lynwood Lary Neil Lazar & Susan Miller Lazar Irvin & Marlene Lebovits Laurie & Jeffrey Leflein Arie Leibovitz Joel & Laura Leizer Thomas & Ellen Lemberger Simon Lesser & Carol Patinkin Ira & Beth Leventhal Peter & Betsy Levick Bruce & Gail Levin Allyn & Jeffrey Levine Andrea & Robert Levine David & Nori Levine Jen & Adam Levine Myron & Bobbie Levine Scott & Marla Levinson Benjamin & Shelly Levy Douglas & Nanci Levy Mark & Francine Levy Robert Levy Scott & Karen Lewis Charles & Mimi Lieber Jeff & Diane Lieberman James & Louise Lieblich Linda Lipsett & Jules Bernstein Jeffrey Lipshaw & Alene Franklin Marc & Suzanne Lipshaw Craig & Suzanne Litt Lori & Bradley Long Mark & Lisa Lundy Paul & Margaret Lurie David & Cathi Luski Jay & Kathleen Lutins Rabbi Jack A. Luxenburg: Temple Beth Ami Rich & Monica Magid Armand Makowski Janet & Steven Malerman Maury & Susan Maniff George Mann & Ann Mandelbaum-Mann Carl Margolis & Randy Klinger Margolis Lester & Vivien Marion David & Vivian Mark Andrei & Irena Markovits Mendy & Cheryl Markowitz MASA Israel Journey Joel & Julie Mayer Gabriel & Mariela Melamed Larry Mellen Robert & Margie Mellen Lisa & Dan Mendelson Barbara Mermelstein David & Carole Metzger William & Sheri Michaels David Miller & Marcia Nirenstein I. Matthew Miller Joyce & Steven Miller Susan & Gregg Millman Lawrence Milner & Karen Black Richard & Karen Minkin Michael & Marilyn Misch Clive & Tamara Moch Helene & Steven Moehlman Andrew Mohr & Lynn Kamarck Andrew & Marla Moiseev Ira & Gail Mondry Miriam Mondry Arnold & Ellyne Monto Stephen Monto Joshua Moradfar Howard & Diane Morof Stanley & Esther Morris Michael Morrison Barbara Murphy & Gavin Eadie Samuel Mylrea David Nachman & Laurel Lewison-Nachman Alan & Wendy Nacht Ronn & Beth Nadis Robert & Anita Naftaly David & Bonnie Nanus David & Alicia Nelson Harry Nelson & Dorit Naftalin Mark & Diane Neubauer Amy Neuman Michael & Nancy Neuman Gregg & Jodi Newmark Rachel Niewoehner Julie & Gary Nitzkin Richard & Amy Noren North Suburban Synagogue Beth El Irwin & Patricia Novack Lynn & Bernard Nusbaum Harris & Carol Nydick Paul & Margo O’Moore Cheryl Oberman Amy & Allen Olender Robert & Joyce Olshan Steven & Jodi Orbuch Charles & Sharon Orlowek Kelly & Jeffrey Orringer Mark & Susan Orringer Steven & Ellen Osinski Susan & Doug Overman Avraham & Jackie Oz Ira & Francine Ozeran David & Andrea Page Barbara Palmer Marla Parker & Bradley Goldberg Richard & Debra Partrich Alan Patzik & Marla Keene Patzik David & Barbara Pearl Sophie Pearlstein Joshua Peck Michael & Dina Pedersen Phyllis & Elliot Pellman Jason & Jacqueline Peltz Micah Peltz & Rachel Zivic Allen & Julia Perl Martin Pernick & Marie Deveney Paul Pervil & Paula Schwartz-Pervil Solomon & Sheridan Pesis Elissa & Rick Phillips Louis & Jo Pichulik Marc Picker www.umhillel.org • 23 Juliet & Steven Plonsker Susan Pokorney Richard & Eileen Polk Mark & Susan Pollack Meredith & Adam Polsky William Pomeranz & Harriet Prensky Natalie & Michael Pont Mitchell & Janice Posner Robert & Bano Pozin Spencer & Ilana Preis Scott & Debra Primack Adrian Rabinowicz & Laura Meischenguiser Mitchell Radist & Lisa Margolis Radist Debra & Alan Radov Beth & Jay Rakow Harry Randel & Pamela Feld-Randel Courtney K. Rangen Adele Rapport Seymour & John Seymour Mitchell Rashkin & Karen Ohlbaum Steven & Rachel Ravich Samuel & Gail Ravit Allan & Lynne Reich Kammi & Brad Reiss Charles & Jayme Rich Devorah & Kenneth Rich Jack & Aviva Robinson Warren Robinson & Davida Doneson-Robinson Peter & Lisa Roblin Burt Rochelson Burton & Karen Rodney Robert & Randee Romanoff Amy & Bruce Rosen Lee & Elaine Rosen Stanley & Michele Rosen Barry & Linda Rosenbaum Rosie Rosenbaum & Shimon Layani David Rosenberg & Ann Brodsky-Rosenberg Heather & Stevan Rosenberg David & Wendy Rosenburgh Richard & Hilary Rosenburgh Bernard & Bonnie Rosenfeld Ken & Janet Rosenfield Benjamin & Marta Rosenthal Jennifer Rolnick Rosenthal Lauren Rosenthal Rachel Rosenthal Moshe & Deborah Rosenwein Jordan Rossen Warren & Alissa Roston Norman & Emily Rotenberg Michael & Rennie Roth Jeffrey & Susan Rothman Russell & Nina Rothman Leor & Hillary Roubein Gail & Richard Rubel Eric & Patricia Rubin Jean-Paul Rudell Ellen & Jeff Sadur Peter Safirstein & Ruth Susnick Beverlee & Stuart Sagel Cyrus Sakhai Michael & Julie Salinger Robert Salzberg Marsha & Marc Salzman Michael & Susan Samuels Andrew Sandler & Karen Garber Steven & Cheryl Schanes Richard & Linda Schapiro Shira Scheindlin & Stanley Friedman Michael Scher & Karen Lederer Suanne & David Scherr Marc & Janet Schneider Alvin & Susan Schoenberger Andrew & Esther Schorr Mark & Lillian Schostak Bradley & Judith Schram Steven & Elizabeth Schubiner Allan Schuster & Cynthia Sherman Alan & Marianne Schwartz Arnold & Susan Schwartz Daniel Schwartz & Shira Lipsky Lorraine Schwartz Marc & Kim Schwartz Nolan & Barbara Schwartz Richard & Jane Schwartz Steven Schwinder & Jane Dystel Martin & Carol Segal David & Judy Segaloff Lenny Segel & Lynn Keidan-Segel Robert & Anita Seidemann 24 • University of Michigan Hillel Jill Seigerman Jessica & Alan Semel Jared Sender Michael & Lisa Senter Daniel & Sharon Serota Susan & Bradley Shafer Tilly Shames Elise Shanfeld Daniel & Annette Shapiro Jay & Karen Shapiro Matthew Shapiro & Susan Garetz Nancy & Alan Shapiro Jacqueline & Benjamin Shapo Philip & Joyce Sharfstein Raymond & Barbara Sherbill Marc & Sarah Sheridan Jonathan & Francine Sherman Donna Shewach & Stanton Elias Gary & Lisa Shiffman Jeff & Barbara Shillman Margaret & Mehrdad Shooshani David & Deborah Shtulman Steven & Joyce Shwedel David Shyer & Kim Brody-Shyer Bluma & Leonard G. Siegal Eric Siegal & Jeanne Howard Alex Siegel Arnold Siegel & Judith Wippman Siegel Michael Siegel & Susan Felzer Rachel & Rich Siegel Ruth Siegel Margery Silberstein & Leonard Bloom Susan Sills Levey Julie & Scott Silverman Michael Silverman & Sheryl Ontell-Silverman Ronnie & Bonnie Silverman Mark & Sharon Sklansky Arnold & Joyce Sklar Ron & Morgan Sklar Barry & Linda Slotnick Kathleen Smith Michael Smith & Sheri Goldberg Sue & Arthur Smith Gary & Francine Snyder Jeffrey & Lynn Snyder Jill & Steven Sokol Steven & Laurine Solomon Richard Sorman Scott & Stephanie Sosnik Martin & April Spiegelman Melissa & Michael Spiesman Allan Spivack Mark & Lisa Spivack Felix Spivak Mario & Naomi Spivak Barbara & Anthony Squire David & Tami Stapf Aaron & Rebecca Starr Myron & Deborah Stayman Doris Steg Jon Steiger & Darby Miller Steiger Eric & Virginia Stein David & Joyce Steinberg Tamara & Michael Steinberg Andrew & Rona Steinerman Randolph Stern & Carol Whitehead Mark & Stacy Sternberg Michael & Alicia Stillman Tracie & Evan Stolove Emil & Rosa Strashnov Michael & Cara Strashnov Lori & Victor Strauss Michele Strauss Susan & Mark Stumer Jeff & Janis Susskind Richard & June Swartz Kevin Swieca Martin & Esta Swig Donald & Cindy Tanenbaum Larry & Roberta Tankanow Ilene & Evan Tannor Russell & Robyn Tanz Steven & Benay Taub Stephen & Ellen Taylor Corey Teblum Warren Tessler Bruce & Ileane Thal Michael Traison Jordan & Erica Tritt Howard & Marcia Ufberg Cary Verasco Jay & Marianne Victor Miriam Volk Elliott & Felise Wachtel Robert & Florie Wachtenheim Susan & Paul Wachter Donald & Dottie Wagner Linda & David Walke David & Barbara Wallace Robert & Irene Walters Robert & Marcia Warner Alisa Warshay David & Ellen Wasserman Kenneth & Linda Wasserman Jodi & Stephen Waterman Mark & Susan Weber Joseph Wein Ellen & Hadley Weinberg Franne & William Weinberg Neal & Susan Weinberg Kevin & Michelle Weiner Erika & Allen Weisberg Steven & Lori Weisberg Shana & Allen Weiss Benjamin Berger & Rachel Weiss-Berger Charles & Aida Weissman Jay Welford Jeremy Werner Arlene & Neil Wexler Louis & Mary White Steven Winick Jeffrey & Linda Winter Jerold & Karen Wish Linda & Jerome Wisselman Bill Witte & Keiko Sakamoto Laurie J. Levin & Fred S. Wittenstein Alix Wolf Barry Wolf & Sarah Jacobson Mitchell & Suzanne Wolf Steven & Joyce Wolitzer Ronit & Chaim Wollstein Harvey & Carole Wolsh Alan & Shira Woronoff Ralph & Beverly Woronoff Richard & Claire Yaffe Amy Yenkin & Robert Usdan Alan & Beverly Yost Andrew Zaikis & Carol Aiken Michael & Sandra Zellinger Jonathan Zeltser & Liat Bronfeld Zeltser Jay & Idyth Zimbler Jerald Zimmerman & Elaine Suchman Robert & Teresa Zimmerman Philip & Marla Zipin Paul & Linda Zlotoff Michael Zuckerman Gary & Renee Zussman Milton & Lois Zussman Benefactors ($100–$179) Anonymous (3) Patrice Aaron Jack & Betty Abelson James & Jamie Abelson Gerald & Gloria Abrams Harry & Gay Abrams Helaine & Donald Abrams Sharon & Matthew Abramsky Lee & Meryl Abramson Dorit Adler Laura & Mark Adler Nelida Adler Victor & Debora Aghion Diane Agresta George & Paula Akst David Alexander Shelley & Ian Alexis Catherine & Mandel Allweil Elizabeth Alpern Gary & Janet Alpert Mark & Brenda Altus Allen & Karen Amber Alisa & Jeffrey Ambrose Aaron & Susan Amster Frank Anderson & Marcia Sokol-Anderson Caren & Laurence Appel Avery Appelman & Cindy Tarshis Appelman Michael & Michelle Appleman Jamie & Melissa Arnold Daniel & Joanne Aronovitz Michael & Helene Aronson Amy & Douglas Ashinsky Steve & Susan Atkins Charles & Deborah Averbook James & Susie Axelrad Norman & Alison Axelrod Sean & Sharon Baartmans Eric & Lori Babat Diane & Bob Bacine Jeffrey & Gerilyn Bader Joshua & Nancy Bailin Robert & Nancy Bain Todd & Miriam Bakal Laurence & Maxine Baker Evan & Dina Bakst Philip & Lisa Baratz Stuart & Miriam Barish Elsy & Neil Baron Gretchen Baron Rachel Baron Phillip & Julie Barr Richard Barr & Nancy Welber Barr Brian & Margaret Batt Harriet & Michael Baum Michael & Sara Baumrin Wendy Bear Felicia Becker Katherine Beitner Marc & Jean Benjoya Eric Bensky & Amber Cottle Ronald & Barbara Berg Ari Berger & Naomi Brenner Jeffrey & Rachel Berger Martin Berger Ruth Ann Bergstein Arthur & Lisa Berkowitz Dan & Diane Berkowitz David Berkowitz & Susan Klein Ria Berkus James & Diane Berliner Paul & Debra Berman Simon & Julie Bernfeld James & Roberta Berns Avi & Nancy Bernstein Heidi & Evan Bernstein Sheldon & Barbara Berry Judith Berson Wayne Berson Paul Besl Aaron & Tammy Betel Beth Tfiloh Congregation Saul & Jane Bialilew Brian & Dina Biesman Andrew Bilzin Linda Binder Patricia Binder Maurice Binkow Caryn & Ronald Bittker Louise Bittker Amy & Jason Black Frederick & Doris Blechman Susan Blitz Karen Blitz Shabbir Douglas & Barbara Bloom Brynna & Sam Bloomfield Ari Blumenthal & Sharon Parrott Marc Blumenthal & Sharon Veis Marjory & William Blumenthal Stuart & Marci Bodner Stephen & Tanya Bodzin Seth Bonder Carolyn Borman George & Jane Bornstein Marc & Michele Borovoy Enoch & Liz Brater Alan Braun Mark Braunstein Charles & Diana Bresinger Michele & David Breslin Neil & Stacy Brickman Marcy Bristol Amy & Adam Brode James & Darlene Broderick Frederick & Darla Brodsky Cynthia Brody Daniel & Honey Bronson Louis & Liliana Brotchner Lorraine & Joel Brown Morris & Rhonda Brown Robert & Elissa Brown Myra Browne David Brownstein & Allison Selko Meryl Brownstein & Ted Friedman Bernie & Eileen Brunwasser Miriam & Henry Brysk Eric Bukstein Robyn & Philip Burchman Murray & Beth Burke Iraida Burman Marvin & Carol Burman Amanda & Brian Burnovski Ian & Marcy Burnstein Mark Burstein Rena & Fernando Campos Bonnie Canner Beverly & Robert Canvasser David & Joanne Canvasser Hadwin Card & Diana Lowenthal Rita & Gary Carleton Nancy Carpey James Cassel Joyce Cassen & Norman Levey Stanley Chadsey David & Ilene Chait Alan & Marilyn Chandross Fred Chanowski Jeffrey & Karen Charen Larry & Sheryl Charleson Joel & Ellen Charm Patricia & Mike Cherry Rebecca Chinsky Robert & Susan Citrin Gerald & Joanne Cohen Jeffrey & Sherrie Cohen Karen Cohen Serge Cohen & Mireille Kena-Cohen Sheldon & Erma Cohen Steven & Margaret Cohen Gerald & Patricia Cohn Sandra & Jay Colvin Gary & Sharon Constantine David & Shelly Cooke Arnold & Susan Coran Scott Corin & Nina Blumenthal Jeri & Jamie Craig Sarah Crane Stacey Crane Frances Cullen Matthew & Jessica Daitch Ilan & Linda Dallal Paula & Richard Dank Marcos & Debora Dantus Lisa & Stephen David Cheryl Davidson & Alan Kusinitz Howard & Francee Davine Janet & Koorosh Dawoodi Ivan & Jillian Diamond Mark & Lois Diamond Robert & Ellen Dobrusin Mitchell & Leslie Dorf Aaron & Deborah Dworin Michael & Terri Dworkin Steven & Carol Dworkin Lewis Ebstein Richard & Myrna Edgar Robin & Paul Ehrmann Mark & Susan Eig Lawrence Eilender & Amy Goldfaden Harvey & Janis Eisman Charles and Robin Elkin Hubert Elkins Philip & Estelle Elkus Michael Ellenhorn Catherine M. Ellison Mark & Susan Elowsky Marcy Engel & Stuart Cobert David & Stephanie Englander Irving & Estelle Epstein Judith & Samuel Epstein Richard & Anne Epstein Rick & Marcie Eskin Robin & Joanne Estes Mindy & David Falk Leonard & Dolores Farber Louis & Sheila Feigelson Marc Feiglin & Andrea Rybak-Feiglin Jacob Feit Edmund & Frances Feldman Janice & Steven Feldman Michael & Susan Feldman Peter & Shelley Fenyes Carol Fine Rick & Carol Fine Carol Finerman Robert & Meryl Finkelman Lonnie Firestone Suzette & Michael Fisher Robert Fleshner & Phyllis Aaronson Ernest & Margot Fontheim Neil & Alisa Forrest Amy Jablin Forseter Jonathan & Rochelle Forstot David & Beverly Frank Ken & Joanne Frankel Marlene Frankel Ira & Judy Frazer Stuart & Jennifer Freedland Robert & Barbara Freedman Gary & Stefany Freeman Lester & Amy Karen Friedlander Mark & Andrea Friedlander Cecelia Friedman Jack Friedman Robert Friedman & Gretchen Hecht www.umhillel.org • 25 L.J. Fromm Michael Fromm & Susan Labes Fromm Harold Frysh & Wendy Burk Joseph & Rita Futterman Edward & Carolyn Gabelman Sharon & Ronald Gadoth Richard & Lynn Garb Judith Garber Richard & Lisa Garfinkel Claire & David Gebler Howard & Leta Gebler Robert Gelber & Anna Hackman Jayne & Martin Geller Harvey & Phyllis Gendler Marion & Howard Gershman Elliot H. Gertel & Jamie R. Morris Cheryl & Marc Ginsburg Terri Ginsburg & Jeffrey Spoon Jack Gold Carol & Mitchell Goldberg Mark & Miriam Goldberg Tessa Goldberg Kim Golden Jill & Ami Goldfein Sheila & Marvin Goldklang Deborah Goldman & Howard Levine Rachel Goldman Reisha & Michael Goldman Carol Goldman Klein & Mitchell Klein Ethan Goldsmith Gary & Deborah Goldstein Irwin Goldstein & Martha Mayo Jonathan & Harriet Goldstein Lauren & David Goldstein Steven & Susan Goldstein Tamas Gombosi Jeffrey & Molly Goodman Paul & Barbara Goodman Deborah Gordon & Marc Thomas Michael & Catherine Gordon Suzon & A. David Gordon Ellen & Bart Gorin Bruce & Tamara Gorosh John & Marcy Gottesman Seth Gould Kristine & Jeffrey Grabell Shelly & Warren Grafstein Hadar & Lois Granader Jeanne Greco & James Jacobs Maurice & Beatrice Greenbaum Daniel & Illana Greenberg Jayson & Laurie Greenberg Susan J. Greenberg Alan & Linda Greenfield Merwyn & Harriet Greenlick Warren & Gail Greenspoon Caroline & Mark Grinfeld Andrew & Amy Grolnick Sheldon & Judith Grosberg Alon Grosman Arnold & Judy Gross Barry & Susan Gross Stuart & Joan Gross Bernard Grosser David & Donna Grossman Ronald Grossman & Diane Wagner Sherry & Daniel Gumbiner Karen & Louis Gurwitch Mitchell & Sharyn Gusler Diane Gutmann & Thomas Palay Bruce & Julie Guttman Harold & Lana Guttman Judy & Steven Hagen Michael & Iris Hamroff Robert & Renee Handelsman Howard Handler & Wendy Kranitz Handler Lawrence & Hilary Handler Patricia & Mark Haron Nancy Harris & Mitchell Rodman Martin & Sharon Hart Julie & Stanley Hazan Gilda (z”l) & Morris Hecht Leslie & Stacy Heffez Amy & Gary Heimberg Robert & Nancy Heinrich Robert Helfend & Kimberly Byron Jason & Wendy Heltzer Richard & Sandra Hendin Arthur & Annlee Herbstman Peter & Norma Herrick Stuart Hertzberg William & Marlene Herzig Beth & Marc Hirsch Jerry & Nancy Hirsch Lisa Hochberger Ruth & Martin Hochberger Dale & Sharona Hoffman Lisa & Bruce Hoffman 26 • University of Michigan Hillel Paul & Sharon Hoffman Leo & Harriet Hollander Norman Holtz & Nadine Appel Holtz Hope Horn Debbie & Mitch Horwitz Nancy & Craig Huber Sharyn & Robert Hyman Milton & Sheila Hyman David & Lilly Icikson Brenda & Bailie Imber Martin Ingall Leonard & Celeste Ingber Robin Isaacs Laura J. Isenstein Joan Israel Seth Jackier Amy & Steven Jacobs Barbara & David Jacobs Barry Jacobs Paul & Susie Jacobs David Jacobson Denise & Alan Jaffe Joan & Robert Jampel Jerry & Beverly Jerome Daniel Joels David & Etta Jonas Jodie Joseph Sue & Randy Joseph Ari Kahan Robert & Candace Kahan Bob & Pat Kahn Robert & Beatrice Kahn Denise & Fred Kalt Andrew Kaminsky Carolyn Kanagy Leonard & Jill Kaplain Julie Kaplow & Alan Prossin Doron Lamm & Smadar Karni Elliot & Sharon Karp Judith & Daniel Katsin Annbeth Katz Simon & Francine Katz Steven Katz & Claire Lieberman Jacqueline Kaufman Barbara Kaye Ellen & Richard (z”l) Kaye Franklin & M. Lane Kelemen Scott & Cindy Kellman Michael & Amy Kellogg Daniel & Cheryl Kendis Laurie & Paul Kentor Brian & Fern Kepes Steven & Robin Kerzer Ketubah.com Edward & Martha Kimball Penelope & Robert Kinzer Heidi & Jim Kirsch Jeffrey & Elit Kirschenbaum Ross Kirschner Eva & Dan Kleeman Marc Klein & Patricia Topping Klein Nancy & Howard Klein Robert & Marian Klein Saralyn Klein Felice & Eric Kobrick Daniel & Laura Koffsky Deborah Kopinsky Joel Kopinsky Rabbi Sandford Kopnick: Valley Temple Moshe Kornfeld & Rachel Feder Deborah Kosofsky Mark & Rina Kotok Edward & Elsa Kramer Meryl Kramer Seth & Stephanie Krantz Neal & Sarah Krasnick Robert Krasny Ari & Lin Kresch Samuel Kriegman Hal & Audrey Krisbergh Phillip & Syma Kroll Simone Krug Riki & Ira Kucheck Laurie Kuntz Bianna Kurutin Spencer Lader Lorraine Laighold Richard & Rachail Laine Irving & Beverly Laker Steven & Marcy LaKind Mark & Suzanne Lampert Bryan & Judith Lapidus Robert & Sheila Lash Theodore & Wendy Lawrence Lawrence & Melissa Lax Dennis & Ruth Leader Diane & Joey Lebovic Terran & Roger Leemis Robin & Stuart Leibach Daniel & Gail Leitman Beth & Todd Leonard Melvin Lester Alytia Levendosky & David Nacht David & Grisel Levene Henry Levin & Pilar Soler Jeffrey & Susan Levin Myles & Michele Levin Lawrence & Michele Levine Lori & Howard Levine Susan & Richard Levine Nancy & Michael Levinson Joel & Joan Levitt Howard Levy & Faith Frankel Levy Jordan & Holly Levy Reuben & Jill Levy Susan & Howard Levy Stephen & Debra Lewin Ruth Licht Mark & Susan Lichterman Maria Lieber Ronald & Elizabeth Lieberman Miriam & M. Patrick Light Debra & Edward Linkner Stephen & Elizabeth Lipkin Daniel & Paula Lipnik Doris Lipnik Sue Lipsey Leon & Sheri Lipshitz Irving & Dorothy Litt Leslie & Robert Littman Esther Littmann Lillian & Jay Litvack Gabriel & Jolie Loeb Steven & Martha Loewenthal Jeffrey & Ellen London Rabbi Andrea London: Beth Emet Asher Lopatin & Rachel Tessler Lopatin Ronald & Jacqueline Lorfel Bruce & Susan Luria Todd & Nancy Lurie Steven & Ellen Lux Robert & Judith Mack Marilyn Madorsky & Robert McClain Paul & Leslie Magy Susan & Dicron Mahakian Ian & Karen Malatesta Mark & Carolyn Mallinger Joel Mandel Kenneth & Andrea Marcus Eugene & Galina Marder Barry & Elaine Margolis Philip & Nancy Margolis Jeffrey & Joni Marine Kenneth & Marlene Markison Steven & Carolyn Marks Myron & Ilyse Marlin Judy & John Marx Daniel & Helene Mathisson Daniel Mathless Leslie & Jordan Mayer Greg & Susan McMains Stephen Mechanick & Debra Subar Meijer Michael & Janice Meisel Seth & Michele Meisler Brian Meister Robert & Karen Meister Michael Mellen Brian & Rosemary Meltzer Morton & Rosaly Meltzer Hannah & Jeffrey Mensch Lee & Francine Mergentime Deena & Daniel Messinger Corey Metz Keith & Sharon Meyer Jeffery Meyers Amy Miller & Gregory Brandner Arthur Miller Jerome & Laura Miller Lee & Lauren Miller William Miller & Kathleen Koehler David Milobsky & Andrea Karp Jeffrey & Barbara Mirel Norman & Lisa Mirsky Carrie Mitnick Stuart & Joan Mitnick Jeff & Patty Mitter Mark & Gail Mizruchi Susan Moiseev Leslie & Michael Molder Jonathan and Stephanie More Charlene Morris Cyril Moscow Mark & Susan Moskowitz Marcia Muth Miller Todd Nabi Nancy Nadler & Kenneth Fogel Brian & Marsha Nagorsky Glenn & Danielle Nathan Michael & Laurie Nedelman Monica & Yoel Neman Anthony & Monise Neumann Daniel Newman Kayla & Jonathan Niles Charles & Elaine Noon Bobby Nooromid James & Renee Novakoff Arthur Nusbaum David & Deborah Oleshansky Harold & Janice Orbuch Susan & Daniel Orman Anne & Bradley Orvieto Hillary & David Oser Sharon Page John & Barbara Paglione Mark & Debra Paige Robert & Susan Paletz Joanne & Eli Papir Howard & Marcia Parven Steven Peale & Melissa Lamb-Peale Edwin & Sue Pear Lawrence & Vincine Pearlstein Marianne & Jerome Pesick Paul & Elvira Petigrow Donald & Deborah Peven Michael Pfeiffer Jacquelyn Pierce Marsha Pinson William Plevan & Sara Shapiro-Plevan Susan Pollans & Alan Levy Mark Pollock Lillian Port Shena Potter Jaffee & Brian Potter Jaffee Brad & Sahalee Price Debbie & Gil Priel Wayne & Barbara Prigoff Beth Probinsky Rosemary & Robert Putnam Elizabeth & Eric Rabkin Lisa & Michael Radin Alden & Erica Raine Rachel & Michael Raphael Aaron & Deborah Rapoport Arthur & Martha Raskin Allison & Mitch Reiver Steven & Aggie Renner Barbara Ribacoff Diane & Kenneth Richter Ellis Rifkin (z”l) Elliott & Anna Ring Michael & Sandra Robbins Georgia & Murray Robinson Myra Rochelson Jeffrey & Michelle Rodney Shari Rogers Robert & Anne Rogoff Barry & Sharon Rosenberg Howard & Brenda Rosenberg Samuel & Meryl Rosenberg Stuart Rosenberg Robert & Janet Rosenblum Robert & Joan Rosenblum Stephen Rosenblum & Rosalyn Sarver Robert & Sheri Rosenfeld Jay & Barbara Rosenfield Harold Rosenn Eric & Lisa Rosenstock Alan & Karen Rosenthal Brenda & Jay Rosner Cecilia & Joel Roth Ed & Wendy Rothman Mark & Shelly Rubenfire James & Barbara Rubenstein Barry & Rochelle Rubin Stanlee & Gerald Rubin Jack & Rivka Rubinfeld Sergio & Anat Rubinstein John Ruskay & Robin Bernstein Deborah & Jonathan Salinger Israel & Michaela Samuelly Steven & Lisa Sands Mark & Cindy Saper David & Nancy Sarne Ester Sarraf Richard Saslow Uzi & Ayelet Sasson Marjorie & Saul Saulson Carie & Spencer Sax Joseph & Barbara Scaglione Steve & Robin Scari Richard & Amy Schafrann Ari Scharg Cathy & Gary Scharmett Susan Scheinman Martin Schepsman & Ellen Zwalsky Leland & Janice Schermer Lauren Schiff Howard & Debbie Schiller Craig & Allison Schlanger Wendy & Leslie Schlesinger Harriet & Neil Schor George Schott & Elizabeth Rimer Beatrice Schreter & Charles Rose David & Monica Schteingart Daniel Schultz & Orit Kamir Charles & Catherine Schwartz Debra Schwartz & Howard Brick Doreen & Louis Schwartz Howard & Jill Schwartz Ilene P. Schwartz Jonathan & Oriyan Schwartz Lawrence & Sharon Schwartz Marc & Terri Schwartz Shirley & Carl Schwartz Herman Schwarz & Lori Kagan Schwarz Sharon & Don Segal Evan & Barbara Sehgal Steven & Jody Seidman Michael & Marcy Seiler Richard & Susan Seiler Harriet Selin Matthew Seplowe Robin & Howard Seplowe Gary & Rachel Sesser Anatoli & Diana Shabashov Jonathan Shaevitz & Karen Blumberg Joseph & Marla Shafran Alexander Shaftal Liz & Billy Shaid Loren & Robyn Shalinsky Barb & Jon Shane A. Brett & Marcia Shankman Corey & Amy Shanus Jack & Andra Shapiro Jane & David Shapiro Judith Share Bruce Shaw & Susan Kessler Michael & Catherine Shecter Michael & Sara Sher Eugene Sherizen Burton & Suzanne Shifman Wayne & Elizabeth Shore Sharon & Stephen Shpeen Adam & Lorna Siegal Deanne & Norman Siegal Eric & Rhonda Siegel Marvin & Gloria Siegel Debra Siegel & Robert Altman Barbara Silberman Arthur & Sheryl Silverman Denise Silverman Isadore & Evelyn Silverman Paula Silverman & Robert Wolff Craig Silverstein David & Melissa Simon Edwin & Barb Simon Marla & Mark Simon Sharon & Brad Simon Stuart Sinai & Carole Shaw Eric & Andrea Singer Daniel Sinykin & Jodi Habush Melvin & Lenore Sirner Edward Siskin & Alison Lorber Michael & Meryl Skinder Robert Sklar & Brenda Moskovitz Joshua Skoff Lori & Richard Skoller Diane & Randy Slovin David & Rae Smerling Marilyn Smith Bruce & Gail Smoler Sylvan & Joan Sobel Levi Sokol Pam & Bob Solomon Robert & Marjorie Solomon Errol & Patricia Soskolne Stephanie Spiegel Jay & Sandra Stark Kenneth & Maxine Steckler Lawrence & Mary Steele Perry & Lisa Steinberg Steven & Lynne Steindel Brandon & Mara Steiner Michael & Joyce Stellman David Stern & Alexandra Ackerman Hillary Stern Julie & William Stern Stewart & Lydia Stern Randy & Amy Sternberg Howard Stewart Lisa Stollman-Smouha Adam Stolz Danny Stoney Jerome & Judith Subar Craig & Lori Sumberg www.umhillel.org • 27 Edward Surovell Phyllis Tabachnick Aharon & Becky Tal Jill Talus Andrea & Michael Tannenbaum Michael & Dafna Tarlowe Glenn & Stephanie Teplitz Bernard & Yudit Terry Michael & Judith Thoyer Ronald Tischler & Andrea Bricker David & Yolanda Tisdale Claude & Sharyl Titche Phil & Sandra Tochterman Arthur & Anita Travers Debra & Sam Tucker Daniel & Lidia Turner Steven & Amy Uffner Ayse Uras Harry & Abby Vine Amiram Vinokur & Diane Kaplan Vinokur Susan & Steven Visoky Amy & Andrew Vogel Cynthia & Lewis Wagner P. Steven Wainess Joseph & Cheryl Wald Darwin & Karen Walker Michael Wall Hank & Elizabeth Walter James & Priscilla Warner Steven Weasen & Stephanie Knapp Naomi Weckstein & Elliot Pachter David & Joan Weinbaum Judy & Mitchell Weiner Shirley Weiner Green Stanley & Eileen Weinstein Elise Weisbach David & Allison Weiss Paul & Ruth Weiss Susan Weiss Jay & Carol Weissbrot Eric Weissler & Cindy Forman Diane & Richard Wender Mark & Sally Wender Gary & Donna Weyman Marla & Barney Whitesman Susan & Bennett Williams Patrick Wilson & Roberta Koz-Wilson Jeffrey & Robyn Winik Kim & Michael Winn Mark Wittow & Gail Gatton Glen Wolf Michael Wolf Laurence Wolff & Miriam Daniel Paul & Kathy Wolfson Daniel & Laura Wolkoff Nina Wortzel-Hoffman Richard Wurtman Joan & David Wynn William Yeaton Julie Yolles Murray & Elinor Yolles Herbert Yoskowitz Elissa Young Joel & Mindy Young Amy & David Zagin Yuriy Zaltsman & Esther Rabinovitch Harvey & Diane Zameck Caryn & Allan Zelinger Harvey & Judith Zeller Yasha & Tanya Zelmanovich Jeffrey Zheutlin Natan & Lori Zimand Inge Zimmerman Michael & Charlotte Zinder Robert Zinn & Darlene Berkovitz Jeffrey & Susan Zipkin Edward & Linda Zizmor Ronna & Steven Zoll Julie Zomick Marc Zupmore Howard Zwickel & Evelyn Tenenbaum Sara & Timothy Zwickl Supporters ($50–$99) Anonymous (6) Francine Aber Donna & Ken Abosch Jacques Abrams Stephen & Robin Abrams David & Alice Abramson Joel & Judith Adelman David & Rachel Adler Deborah Agus & Robert Kleinman Jennifer Allan & Marc Renouf Michael Alterman William & Ilana Altman 28 • University of Michigan Hillel Mark Altschul Marc Altschull Lori Amer David & Helen Aminoff Matthew & Jennifer Andelman Lawrence Ansel Russell Apfel Michael Appel & Ruth Kraut Terry & Rhona Arbit Lisa Arian & Larry Pollack William & Isa Aron Susanne Aronowitz & Robert Schulhof Jason Aronson Thomas & Jaclyn Aronson Muriel Levis Asch Viatcheslav Avshalumov Ira Baer & Andrew Tabatchnick Miriam Bailin & Paul Rosenzweig Neil & Deborah Baker Marc & Wendy Bakst Robert & Trudy Balogh David & Lori Bargas Benson & Susan Barr Janet Barudin Beth Baskin Lenore Becker Ruth Behar & David Frye Steve & Julie Belkin Alan & Susan Bendes Daniel & Beth Benjamin Jaye & Nancy Benjamin Leonard & Rita Benjamin Lynn Benore & Bruce Cohen Rhea Bensman & Jeff Monin Michael Berenhaus Kenneth & Cheryl Berger Rachel Berger Carol & Seymour Berman Joshua Berman Lisa & Gary Berman Richard & Jennifer Berman Ken & Monica Brockmeyer Ronald Bernstein Robert & Dagmar Berry Corey & Terese Bertcher Marcus & Amy Besser Jack Billi & Sheryl Hirsch Jonathan Bilmes & Barbara Becker Jeremy & Jennifer Black Sidney Blackman & Linda Bolton Karen & Ira Blank Ian Blant & Wendy Seligson Sherry & Segerman Blaskopf Neal Blatt Barry Blattman & Jane Borg Donald & Roberta Blitz Lisa & Glenn Blitzer Beverly & Zachary Block Alan & Kathleen Bloom Theodore & Leah Blum Olga & David Bluman Lori Blumenstein-Bott & Dennis Bott Stuart & Hortensia Bodker Daniel & Jody Boorstein William Boorstein Claudia Borg Bard Borkon & Julie Silverman Benjamin Bornstein & Ellen Sidransky Bornstein Morton & Lynne Borzykowski Stuart & Vancy Boyar Randall & Rhonda Brand Jonathan Brateman Arthur & Greer Braun Jason & Hallie Bravo Robert & Ilene Brehm Karen & Andrew Brenner Matthew & Sarah Brenner Merrilee Broder Rachel Brody Ross Broms Timothy & Marilyn Broms Jean Brown Leonard & Phylis Brown Lewis & Michelle Brown Michelle Browne & Joel Persky Mark & Sherry Bruni Shara & Ken Bubes Leslie & June Buch Harvey & Joan Bucholtz Luba Burman Margit Burmeister Lawrence & Sandra Burnstein Laurie & Bruce Bzura Hillary & Michael Canning David & M. Catherine Cantor Eric & Cynthia Celt Manford & Barbara Cetner Steven Chameides Andrew & Beth Chapman Natalie & Jay Chason Ronald & Stephanie Chervin William & Janine Chey Edward & Rebecca Chudacoff Joan Churchill Margaret & Steven Cicurel Allen & Elaine Cizner Daniel & Diana Cohen Deborah & David Cohen Hope Cohen Joshua Cohen Karen Cohen Larry Cohen Stacey Cohen Stephen Cohen Stuart & Rolly Cohen Josh Cohn Theodore Cohn Arnold & Dorothy Collens Jeffrey Colman & Ellen Nissenbaum Randy & Nancy Colman Neil & Rachelle Cooper Robert & Tina Cooper Steven & Lori Cooper Sarah Coulson Robert Crespi Suzan & Michael Curhan Bradley & Ellen Cutler Meredith & Michael Cymerman Charles & Adena Cytron-Walker Jayne Czik Herb & Andrea David Martin & Robin Davis Naomi Davis Penny & Laurence Deitch Julie & Steven Deutch Herbert & Susan Donner Lori & David Dressler Otto & Rochelle Dube Ann & Gary Duchan Ansel & Audrey Edidin Nancy & Harris Effron David Ehrmann & Mindy Schwartz Erwin Eichen Stephen & Genie Einstein Avraham & Emily Eisbruch Brooke Eisenstat Steven & Jane Eisenstat Dawn Eliashiv Judith Elkin Jacqueline & Lawrence Elkus Frank & Lisa Ellias Jared Ellias Charles & Julie Ellis Joseph & Michele Ellner Randi Elman Lawrence & Lorraine Elowsky Julie & Michael Engelman Daniel & Linda Englander Amy & Michael Entin Stuart Epstein Jodey & David Ertman Lydia Eskenazi Stephanie Etkin Leslie & Esther Evans Mark Evans Joshua Fagan Renee & Mair Faibish Marion & Burt Fainman Gennady & Anessa Farber Deborah & James Farrar Lisa Fazertham David & Loni Feinberg Eric Feinberg Eric & Dena Feldman Miriam & Alan Feldman Susan & Bob Fensterheim Pat & Martin Fine Richard Fine & Linda Hurwitz Edward & Rhea Finkelstein Reesa Fischer Sandra Fish Bruce Fisher & Patricia Colman Richard and Mary Fisher Janis Fishman Goldstein Melvin & Wendy Flamenbaum Thomas & Joanne Fleeter Victor & Victorine Fleischman Suzanne Fligiel Shari Fogel Lisa & David Forman Sarah Jane Forman Anthony & Susan Frank Jonathan & Janette Frank Lois Freedman Orit Frenkel Richard & Cynthia Frey Melissa Friedland Candace Friedman Jeffrey & Laura Friedman Martin & Jacquelyn Friedman James & Ann Fuchs Anna Funston Bruce & Karen Furman Richard & Valerie Galler David Garcia Harry & Harriet Garden Paul & Joanne Geller David & Robin Gelles Lisa & Daniel Gendler Steven & Joyce Gerber Alan & Camille Gertler Bonnie & Christopher Gibson Scott Gitlin & Amy Meltzer Harry Glanz Richard & Rachel Glaser Julie Glassman Eric Glickman & Melissa London Jason Gluck David Golbahar Kenneth & Debra Goldberg Matthew & Shira Goldberg David Goldblum Matthew Golden Jill Goldenberg & Sidney Kriger Andrea & Daniel Goldfarb Allison Proper & Greg Goldfeder Michael & Monica Goldklang Charles Goldman Jessica & Peter Goldman Craig & Elissa Goldsmith Leizer Goldsmith & Sharon Bray Rachel Goldsmith & Howard Ungar Richard & Elaine Goldsmith Bernice Goldstein Esther & Murray Goldstein Gary & Marla Goldstein Jay & Bari Goldstein Mindelle Goldstein Neal & Nancy Goldstein Neil & Karen Goldstein Steven & Lory Goldstein Lauren Goldstein Field Irving & Joyce Gomolin Ross Goodhart Lisa & Bruce Gooel Lynn Gordon Marvin & Sylvia Gordon Margie & Jeffrey Gorelick Pearl Gorin Steven Gottlieb Robert & Roberta Granadier Barbara & Bernard Grandis Andrew & Dara Grant David & Marion Grant David Gray & Lisa Kleppel Arie & Lori Greenberg Edward & Karen Greenberg Jonathan & Elana Greenberg Marc Greenberger & Julie Buch Barry & Judith Greenblatt Joshua E. Greene Audrey Greenfeld Ruth & Alan Greenthal David Grey & Ellen Folbe David Grischkan Laurie Gross Ellen & Barry Grossbaum Genna Grossman David Gruber & Yuri Yanari Aleta & Ariel Grunberg Arthur & Valerie Guild Rose & Howard Gunty Louis & Beth Guttman Erez & Davida Haas Debbie & Moshe Habshoosh Barbara & Jan Halper Eli & Julie Halpern Herbert & Eileen Halpern Clifford & Susan Hamburger Rina & Michael Hanania Jeffrey & Debra Handsman Ira G. Harris Meryl & Larry Harwood Ralph & Sara Hattenbach Paul & Jackie Haven Philip Hegge & Judith Leventhal Sidney Heisler & Sarah Zamari John Hendler Joshua Henkin Joel & Jennifer Herman Lisa Herzberg Fran & Daniel Heyman Mark Heyman Gary Hoberman Polly & Herman Hochberg Louis & Janet Hockenberg Joanna & Nathaniel Holzman Frederick Horowitz Robert & Louise Horowitz Gina & Arthur Horwitz Terese & Tom Hunersen Melvyn & Wendy Hyman Saul & Eileen Hymans Carrie Ingall Stein Abe Ingber Paul & Roberta Ingber Ruth Irvings & Amy Shapiro Jeanne & Richard Isaacson Robert Israel Joni Jablansky David Jacobs M. Orry & Sheila Jacobs Marvin & Marilyn Jacobs Shari & Marc Jacobson Aric Jacover Steven Jasper Vered Jona Ilene & Daniel Joseph Stephen Josephson & Sally Fink John & Carolyn Judge Rochelle & Jack Juni Barry & Cathy Jurist Andrea & Bruce Kadin David Kahn & Diane Newman Kahn Laurence & Cynthia Kahn Mitchell & Adela Kahn Sheldon Kahn Rachel Kalmowitz Douglas & Mona Kanter Scott & Julia Kantrowitz Elisa Kapell Rachel & Sheldon Kapen Andrea & Douglas Kaplan Ivan & Janet Kaplan William & Rachel Kaplowitz Marlene & Michael Karpas Stephanie & Scott Kashkin Stephen & Mercy Kasle David & Carol Kastan Jon & Rosa Kaswick Harry & Susan Katz Kenneth & Anne Katz Neal & Susan Katz Gerald & Anne Katzman Ronna Katzman & Kenny Whiteman Ana & Lawrence Kaufman Daniel Kaufman Nina & Scott Kerr Alice & Joe Kessler Stefanie Kessler & Gregory Larson Lawrence Kestenbaum & Mary Janice Gutfreund Brett Kifferstein Marsha & Warren Kifferstein Paul & Leah Kileny Robert Kinast Mark Kirsch & Lisa Hanover David & Elaine Kirshenbaum Marsha & Michael Kistler Zelda Klaiman Alicia & Michael Klein Joanne Klein Krin & Etan Klein Jerry & Nancy Kleinbaum Rachelle & Andrew Knopf Boris & Tatiana Kochubievsky Jonathon Koenigsberg Ida Kogan Elissa Kohel Martin Kohlenberg Steven Kohn Richard Koletsky & Susan Braham Raoul & Chava Kopelman Joel & Kelly Kornblut Alexander & Svetlana Korot Ronald & Nurit Kotick Howard Kowalsky Mike & Linda Anne Kozminski Melanie Kraft Barry Kramer Bruce Kramer & Rita Kramer Davis Michael & Cheryl Kramer Richard & Laura Kraslow Harvey Krasner Donna Krasney & Mark Fremont Tracey Kritt David Kroll Todd & Shari Krouner Lawrence & Ayleen Krugel Raymond & Debra Kuhn Holly Kuper & Hugh Harris Ilona & Grigoriy Kupisk Jeffrey & Barbara Kurland Matthew & Ami Kuttler Cory & Jill Kwait Saaron Laighold Zachary Lainer Martin & Renee Laker Caren Landau Carter Laney Mark & Lois Langberg Jason & Stephanie Langwell Donald & Gail Lansky Sissi Lapides Glenn & Natalie Lapin Susan Lapoff William & Pam Lashner Ehud & Kathy Laska Douglas Last Anne Leavitt-Gruberger Sharon & Jamie Lebovitz Erica Lehrer David Leitner Barnet & Marcy Leland Barbara & Peter Lemis Irving & Nancy Leon Julie & Amir Leshem Elizabeth Leshin Margot & Lawrence Lessans Sandi & David Lester Drew Levin Fred Levin & Cindi Brandt Levin Kenneth & Jill Levin William & Karen Levin Alvin & Blanche Levine Frederick Levine Ronald & Deborah Levine Adam & Leslie Levinson Isaac Levy & Rosemary Levy Zumwalt Robert & Cherie Levy Bernard Lewis Harold & Ivy Lewis Jennifer Lewis & Marc Bernstein Rimona & Randy Lieberman Victor & Sharon Lieberman Susan Liebowitz www.umhillel.org • 29 Julie & Sheldon Lincenberg Terri Lindenberg Eddie & Susie Linker Adam Linkner Jonathan & Priscilla Linn Jerry Linsner & Joanne Dresner Nancy Liu & Victor Fox Michelle Locke Stuart Logan & Deborah Szobel Logan Teresa Love Kim Lovy Roger Lowenstein J. Marvin & Ellen Lowenthal Rebecca & Gregg Lurcott Marian & Steven Lustig Georgia Luxenberg Perry MacNeille & Elaine Cassen Bert & Ilene Madwed Miriam Magat Betsy Mahlke & Steve Brown Jonathan & Wendy Margolin Benjamin Margolis & Brenda Oelbaum Beth & Michael Margolis Marc Margolis Marlene Margolis Susan & Martin Markowitz Joseph & Debra Marks Steven & Michelle Marsch Jennifer Martin Jonathan Marwil Steven & Sandra Matz Jim & Randi Mayer Jessica & Bradley Maze Susan & Todd Maziar Phyllis & Gordon McGlothlin Terry & Semyon Meerkov Leonard Meizlish Jay & Michelle Mendelsohn Kip & Bonnie Mercure Dean & Stephanie Metter Rachelle & Michael Metzger Charles & Carla Meyer Harvey Michaels & Gloria Helfand Carole & Eric Miller Caroline Miller David Miller Doris Miller Robert Miller Pamela & Steven Mischel Joseph & Amy Mishell Larry & Judy Mishkin Michelle Missaghieh & Bruce Ellman Mark & Barbara Mitchell Jeremy & Elizabeth Modell Melvin & Joyce Mogill Joanne & Howard Molefsky Jon Monger Brian & Jessica Mono Myrna Morganstern & Russell Frackman Stephen & Sharon Morganstern John Moro Howard & Janis Morris Evan & Deborah Morrison Kathryn Moss Douglas & Linda Mossman Bruce & Gayle Moyer Rebecca Murow Jack & Laurie Myers Ann Nachbar & David Frenkel Linda Nack James & Margot Narens Joel & Cindy Nass Louis & Abigail Natenshon Kevin & Jodi Neff Jack & Wendy Neinken Martin & Sandra Nessel K. Sidney & Marilyn Neuman Daniel Neumann David & Donna Neumark Robert Newblatt Jill Newfield I. Suzanne Newhouse & Roger Amenson Jill & Andy Nieman Kathie & Robert Norman Morton Noveck David & Gail Numark Abigail Ochberg & Steven Ewer Jennifer & Charles Ohana Jamie & Peter Okin Leonard & Michelle Ostroff 30 • University of Michigan Hillel Michael & Susan Oxman Elizabeth Paige & Perry Hull Daniel & Barbara Palant Hollis & Michael Panter Philip Parker & Fran Klein Parker William Pearlman Laurie & Sergio Pereira Joel & Ruth Perlin Daniel & Sheryl Perlman Ellen Perlman Emily & Scott Perlman Richard & Judy Perlman Mary Phillpotts Nancy Pike Kreinik & Gary Kreinik Robert & Barbara Pincus Stephen & Amy Pincus Mikhail Pinelis Renee & David Pinsky Jill & Jack Pinto Robert Piper Wendy & Robert Plasko Arnold Podolsky & Shelly Allyn-Podolsky Leonard & Judith Poger Daniel & Barbara Pollack Gregg Pollack & Laurie Stevens Bruce & Linda Pollekoff John & Yuan Pollick Judit & Steve Pomerantz Michelle Poris & David Bowbeer Steven & Deborah Portney Elliott & Estee Portnoy Alan Posner David Post & Allison Goldberg Lane Potkin & Jodie Jacobs Fred & Sue Preis Douglas & Leslie Quint Marilyn Ratner Richard & Ellen Ravreby Midland Jewish Welfare Association Scott Reich Lionel & Gloria Reiman Diane Reinheimer Max & Mary Reiswerg Marc & Deborah Renner Gary & Nina Reses Bess & Neil Resnick Daniel Richter & Micole Cohen Richter Carol & Henry Rider Alan & Rachel Risch Elaine Robb Marc & Lori Robinson Rachel Robinson Stephanie Robinson Sharri & Greg Rochlin Eve Rodsky Richard & Sharon Roffman Rory Rogel Karen & Ben Romer Michael & Susan Rontal Rachel Rose Marc Rosen & Lynn Halper Rosen Roy & Carol Rosen Andrew & Marci Rosenberg Howard & Ann Rosenberg Jay Rosenberg Marjorie Rosenberg Dorrie Rosenblatt Helene Rosenblatt Michael Rosenblum Daniel & Hope Rosenfeld Steven & Sherri Rosenfeld Arlen & Richard Rosenthal Elan Rosenthal Joel & Kate Rosenthal Ellen & Michael Roskin Mark & Debby Rosner Harlene & Michael Ross Stuart & Rochelle Rossman Robert & Sheri Rotenberg Elise & Lincoln Rowin Allan & Lola Rubens Donna Rubens Jeffrey & Susan Rubenstein Charles Rubin Harvey & Karen Rumeld Mitchell & Carole Rycus Arden & Sari Rynew Lorraine P. Sachs David Sadownick Scott Sagel Oren Sagher & Susan Karp Lisa & Larry Saks Meryl & Marc Sakwa Michael & Susan Salesin Rhonda & Stuart Salins Patricia & Steven Salk Peter Salm & Beth Blumencranz Salm Jerrold Salmanson Stewart Samelson & Judy Katz Gary & Patrice Samuels Edee & Larry Sands David Saperstein & Susan Knoppow Gary & Amy Savatsky Mindy & R. Michael Scarano Marilyn & Ralph Schapira Joel & Ellen Schaumberg Steven Schaumberger David & Marilyn Schechter Perry & Faith Schechtman Matthew & Marlene Schiff Menachem & Renee Schilit Pamela Schlussel Tanya & Robert Schmertler Richard Schmidt & Debra Lerner-Schmidt Jennifer Schneider Jordan & Shelly Schreier Arthur & Pamela Schwartz Edward & Barbara Schwartz Herman & Rona Schwartz Lee & Bonnie Schwartz Mark & Kathryn Schwartz Abraham & Talya Schwarzberg Daniel & Sarah Schweber Sheryl & Jay Scolnick Joshua Scott Jordan & Roberta Sedler Marc & Laurie Segal Thomas Segall Abe & Judith Seltzer Susan B. Serwer Ilana Shaffer Eric Shafran Caryn Shapiro Harvey & Leslie Shapiro Michelle Shapiro Paul Shapiro Samuel Shapiro Wendy & Jeffrey Shapiro Harriet & David Sharaf Jami & Howard Sharfman Karyn & Barry Shatzman Shirley & Daniel Sheill Robert & Ellen Sheiman Oded & Miriam Shenkar Scott Sher Cecile Sheramy Joel & Margaret Shere Ivan & Judith Sherick Gerald & Renee Sherman Lorraine Sherman Rennie Sherman & William Willis Jared Sherr Paul & Rita Sherr Jay & Bonnie Shevins Howard & Aliza Shevrin Jessica Shill & James Novak Joel & Marilyn Shore Barry Shulkin & Patresha Mandel Allen & Deborah Shulman Brett Siegal Marlene Siegal Ronald & Caryn Siegel Stephen D. Silver Terri & Robert Silver Terry Silver Barney & Ruth Silverman Eugene & Alida Silverman Diane & Leon Silverstein Steven & Ava Silverstein Karen & Jonathan Simon Lynn Simon-Perry & Elliot Perry Daniel & Robin Singer Martin Singer Scott & Joan Singer Tobias Singer Linda & Scott Sircus Richard & Linda Sitman Richard & Cathy Slavik Esther Sleutelberg Julie & Sheldon Sloan Donald & Edith Slotkin Bernie & Donna Smilovitz David & Renate Smith Zucel & Helaine Solc Ronald Sollish & Nancy Waldmann Edward & Eva Solomon Norman & Deborah Sorkin Aleksandr & Helen Sorser Howard & Tracey Sosnik Roberta & Stephen Sperber Robert & Mira Spiegel Murray & Geraldine Spilman Lori B. Spindell Jeffrey Spinner Halev & Elyza Richmon Halev Edward & Linda Spitz Alexander Spitzer & Ann Silverman Spitzer Leslie & Cindy Spodek Aaron & Shulamith Spool Allison Sporn Richard & Joy Sposta Reuven Stafford Robert & Deborah Statfeld Jonathan Steele Jay & Jessy Stein Karen & Jeffrey Stein Joel & Florence Steinberg Leon Steinberg Susan Steinberg Donald & Elizabeth Stern Nell Stern Sheldon Stern & Marla Hornsten Richard & Mary Stevens Linda & Roger Stewart Neil & Jennifer Stiber Shaina & Bradley Sugar Mark & Heidi Sussman Betsy & Charles Swersky Michael & Brenda Tainsky Tama Tamarkin A. Eli & Donna Taub Jeffrey & Linda Taylor Simond & Eva Taylor Mark & Julie Teicher Daniel & Milinda Teitelbaum Robert & Debra Teitelbaum Jay & Karla Teitler Terry & Howard Tenebaum Ruth & Stan Terry Anthony & Joyce Tesoriero David & Mary Tessler Fariba & David Thomas Alan & Suelly Tigay Michele & Jeff Title Stephen & Diane Tom Laura & Eric Toubin Janice Traison Nancy Tresser Jonathan Trobe & Joan Lowenstein Susan & Frederick Tucker Elaine & Mark Tulis Gregory Unatin Olga & Ilya Veksler Paul Venze Richard & Ruth Wade Judith & Mark Wadness Karolyn Wallace & John Broder Harold & Debra Wanderman Peter Ward Andrew & Lynn Warheit Bradley Wasserman William Waxman Charles & Tamar Weaver Susan Webber Kenneth & Linda Weber Aron & Cheryl Weberman Morris & Ida Weider Steven & Sindy Weil Allen Weinberger Howard & Judy Weinblatt Joshua Weiner Stewart & Cheryl Weiner Alice & Gerry Weinstein Daniel Weisberg Nancy & Glenn Weisbord Caroline & Glenn Weiser Deborah & James Weisman Herbert & Esther Weiss Bonnie & Richard Weiss Gene Weisz Zachary Weisz Matthew Werber Steven & Georgette Westerman Natalie Westreich Patricia & Martin Whalen Steven & Ana White Adam Whiteman & Paula Teitelbaum Suzanne Whitney Jennifer Wiederkehr-Rothberg & David Rothberg Peter & Carrie Wiesel Judith & Barry Wilansky Stephen & Susan Wildstrom Jacqueline Wilen James & Ronna Willis Joseph & Jessica Wilson Nancy & Eric Winer Robert Winfield Irvin Wise Jerry & Judy Wiskin Ann Witkin Michael & Samantha Wodotinsky Lee & Leslie Woldenberg Hershel Wolf & Geet Engel Andrew Wolfe & Joanna DeWolfe Michael & Helene Wolff Paul & Wendy Yedwab Alexander & Rita Yevzelman Martin & Rochelle Yonas Errol & Marlene Yudelman David & Lory Yudin Mark & Laura Zausmer Lawrence & Jacqueline Zeff Norman Zilber Mark & Irina Zilberman Jonathan Zimbler Benjamin Zinder Leon & Barbara Zolkower Barry & Barbara Zolot Eric & Denise Zonder Kalman Zucker & Mary Haerr Landon & Marilyn Zuckerman Friends (under $50) Anonymous (13) Marc Abrams Marcy Abrams Joanna Abramson Esther Abramson-Krutz & Louis Krut Steven & Shellie Achtman Gary & Barbara Ackerman Marc & Patricia Adler Stephen Adler Nancy Alchek Ariel Allal Judith & Itzhak Allal Alan & Sophie Alpert Alpha Epsilon Pi Foundation Neal & Karen Alpiner Marla Alter Linn & Donald Apel Barbara Appelman Gene Applebaum Risa & Hal Aqua Richard & Ellen Arnold Harold & Terri Arnold Robert & I-Ming Aron Elyse Aronauer Arnold & Nina Aronson Brian & Judith Ashin Neal Ashinsky Mario & Talia Atias Bruce & Mona Auerbach Steven Averbuch Debra Axelrood Jessica Baer Ronnie & Daniel Baer Susan Baker Lauren Balfour Michael & Deborah Balkin Leonard & Diane Balter Marla Banov Herbert & Cheryl Baraf Karen & David Barch David & Rubina Bard Jeffrey Barry Robert & Aliza Barsky Donald & Merilyn Bartolacci Maya Barzilai & Russell Bucker Carl & Dianne Baskind Leonard & Barbara Bassen Peter & Abby Bauland Jeffrey & Robin Baum Edward & Lillian Bayone David & Tina Beale Bear Family Jared Becker Beverly Bedol Kenneth & Claudia Been Alain & Susan Belasen Jeffrey & Jane Belkin Martin & Alison Bell Janet Belsky Michael & Jan Bendor Robert & Shirley Benyas Elyce & Evan Berenzweig Alice Beresin & Daniel Greenbaum Elissa Berg Isabell & Richard Berger Morton A. Berger Elizabeth Berk Lawrence & Gail Berkove Alvin & Flora Berkun Nancy & Louis Berlin Beverly Berman Jay & Nancy Berman Edward & Shwu-Shya Berman Marvin Berman & Donna Bean-Berman Susan Berman & Douglas Kress Ruth Bernard Mark Bernhard & Pauline Reisner Joel & Gayle Bernstein Marilyn Bernstein Pamela & Martin Bernstein Peter & Marilyn Bernstein Kevin Beroukhim Jodi Berris Kenneth & Ilene Bershad Gregg & Aimee Bierman Frances Bilmes Bette Birnbaum Jonathan Black & Jill Meadow Nancy & Daniel Blake Howard & Jamie Blank Scott Blech Sol & June Bleiweis Jason & Yael Blinkoff Jeffrey Blivaiss Ellis & Lisa Block Ken & Pamela Bloom Geoffrey Bloomfield & Linda Alexander Susan Blum & Lionel Jensen Seth Blumberg Robert Blumenthal & Beth Dwoskin Sara Blumenzweig Steven Bolton Gloria & Randy Boritz Allison Bormel Ethan Bornstein Stacy Bornstein Morris & Valerie Borock Danielle Borovoy Pamela & Marc Borstein James Bosse Marilyn Bray Adrienne Breen Alvin & Jeannette Bregman Ruth Breslaw Gary & Rimma Bressler Steven & Amy Broder Bernard & Ruthan Brodsky Cantor Norman Brody: Temple Bethel Nancy & Robert Brody Susan & David Brody Alyce Brown Judith & Hy Brownstein Robert Brumbaugh & Jessica Schwartz Erica Bubes Allison Buchwach Michael & Karen Bukiet David & Sandra Burkons Betty Butensky Lenny & Ellen Butterman Steven & Melanie Calef Ashley Cameron Bernard & Judith Cantor Judith Cantor Howard & Lynne Caplan Stanley Caplan Robert & Jordana Carbeck Lewis & Ilene Cashman Victor & Ruth Caston Maureen Chalfin Neil & Shelley Chaness Joshua & Amy Charlson Audrey & Jack Chase Ronald & Phyllis Chess Barry Chesterman & Elaine Webber Tim Chupp & E. Martine Perreault Elke Coblens & Emanuel Aftergut Alice Cohen Carol Cohen Celia Cohen Charles Cohen & Jessica Simons David & Lisa Cohen Douglas Cohen & Hikari Hathaway Steven & Paula Cohen Ellen Cohen & Steven Fraade Evan Cohen & Deborah Keller-Cohen Garry Cohen & Debra Nesselson Cohen Helene & Mark Cohen Joshua Cohen Kenneth Cohen & Hilari Trombka Cohen Leah Cohen Robert & Cheryle Cohen Roger & Linda Cohen Susan & Bruce Cohen www.umhillel.org • 31 Shulamit Cohen-Wyner & Elliot Wyner Harriet & Albert Colman Nathalie Conrad Sean & Dianne Cook George Cooper Leonard & Sharon Cooper Christine Corney Irwin & Kathy Coskey Harvey & Helen Cramer Barbara Crone & Lee Hertz Dolores Curiel Daniel Cutler Joseph & Billie Dalezman Michael Daniels Margit David Robert Davidow & Susan Grubb Amanda Davidson Rachel Davis Michael & Carol Dean Oren Dekalo Harlan & Jane Dellsy Lisa & Harold Dembo Charles Derrow & Susan Couden Theodore & Jill Deutch Harriet Diamond & Peter Jones Michael Diamond Samuel & Micki Dion Janis & William Dodson Stuart & Susan Doneson Sol & Leah Drachler Andrea Drechsler Leora Druckman & Daniel Peisach Stacie & Jeffrey Dubnow Mark & Susan Dubow Laurie & Robert Duhovny Jeffrey & Marjorie Dulberg Adam Dumes Joan & Jeff Dunn Louis & Gail Dvorkin Benjamin Dyme Joshua & Rachel Dyme Labe Eden Shimon & Doris Edut Barry & Lori Effron Arnold & Ramona Ehrich Linda & Bernard EIsen Heath & Lisa Eisman Joseph Eisman Cory Elbaum & Tara Goldsmith S. J. Elden Susan & Joel Elin Maury Ellenberg Diane Elliot Tami Elliott Goodman Douglas & Claudia Ellmann Victor & Susan Elner Brett Endelman Sarah Ensor Elliot & Margaret Entis Kenneth Epstein Marcy Epstein Marvin & Lois Epstein Meredith Epstein Eugene & Ilene Farb Joan Farber Matvey Farber Hannah Farkas Erica & Elliot Fatoullah Paul Federbush Alexander Feierman Cheryl & Michael Feinberg Sheldon & Sheryl Feinland Donald & June Feinsod Zeev & Hava Feit Dorit Feith Rebecca Feld Douglas & Carol Feldman Laura & James Feldman Eleanor Feller Robert & Nessa Feller Sherry & Ira Feuer Richard & Cheryl Fialkoff Stephen & Ellyce Field Jacqueline Fienberg Jeffrey & Barbara Fierstein Bruce & Penny Fine Jean Fine William & Elizabeth Finger Rebecca & Alan Fink Scott Fink Matthew Finkel Morton & Paula Finkel Rhonda & Evan Finkel Robert & Linda Finkel Gail & Steven Fisher Michelle Fisher Janet Fishman Jill & Richard Fitzburgh Ellen Fivenson Tom Fivenson Maynard & Marilynn Flusty Daniel & Eleanor Fogel William Fogel Paul & Marcia Foldes Jesse Footlik 32 • University of Michigan Hillel Daniel & Robin Forman Samantha Fowoll Jason Fox Aaron & Laura Frank Barbara Frank Bryant & Mary Frank Lauren Fredericks Elizabeth Freedman Michael Freedman Norma Freedman Ruth Freedman Suzanne Freeman Alfred & Margaret Freilich Vicky Freund Karen & Jeffrey Friedenberg Elias & Cecilia Friedenzohn Jane & Kenneth Friedland Carin & Scott Friedman Daniel Friedman Jennifer Friedman Mark & Chong Friedman Melvin & Susan Friedman Melvin & Joan Friedman John & Nancy Friedman Richard & Sandra Friedman Barry & Ilene Frischer Deborah & Stephen Frishman Michael Fuerst Jessica Furgiuele Andrew Gaber Ari & Ilana Gafni Glenn & Carol Galler Leonid Gankin & Maria Vilinskaia Lauren & David Gansler Pamela Ganz Dale & Lisa Garber Micah & Michal Garber Jeffrey & Helen Garden Marc & Eylana Garfinkle William Garmisa Laurence Garner Eran Gasko & Bonni Berger Jonathan Gelber Jessica Gerschitz Jordan Gershuny Lawrence & Barbara Gerstein Jonathan & Lauren Gerstel Joshua Gerstman & Heather Cutting Richard Ginsberg Harold & Edna Ginsberg Lorie Girsh Steven Gish & Hilary Levack Elliot Glantz Peter & Lynn Glantz Louis & Paula Glazier Jeffery Glogower Peter & Roberta Gluck Suzi & Rob Glushon Debra & Dennis Gmerek Kenneth & Esther Gold Steven & Tania Gold Sharon Gold-Steinberg & Michael Steinberg Harvey & Robin Goldberg Linda & Alan Goldberg Shelley & Alan Goldberg David Goldblatt Arda Golden Bruce & Mindy Golden Sandra Golden Joel & Joyce Goldenbach Andrew & Sharon Goldenberg Barry & Harriet Goldenberg Robert & Claudia Goldenthal Kimberly Goldfarb Martin Goldfarb Rosalind Goldfarb Levitt Richard & Leslye Golding Gail & Steven Goldman Adam & Julie Goldsmith Charles Goldstein & Martha Solent Harvey & Joan Goodman Irwin & Perri Goodman Jonathan Goodman Melody & Roger Goodman Robert Goodman Peter & Hanna Goodstein Isidore & Helen Goren Rachel Gould Ronald & Suzanne Gould Ron Gould Shari & Heyden Graham Arnold & Barbara Grant Stuart & Andrea Grass Adele Gravitz Samuel & Mona Greenbaum Sheri Wagner & Steve Greenbaum Susan Greenbaum Marci Greenbert Goldin & Craig Goldin Leslie Greenblatt Andrea Greenburg Eric & Julie Greene Jay & Jody Greenspan Arnold & Alyssa Greenwald Linda Greff Emily Grekin Michael & Irene Gribov Kimberly & Samuel Grief Steven & Mary Jo Griffin Noah Nadav Gringarten Chuck & Anne Gross Debra & Jeffrey Gross Martin & Suzanne Gross Jesse Gross Cheryl & Dennis Grossman Hiram & Laura Grossman Valerie & Ronald Grover Tova Grunes Robert & Cathy Gursha Joseph & Gloria Gurt Giora & Eugenia Guth Erwin & Jacqueline Gutowitz Corey & Hilary Haber Pamela Haber Daryl & Monroe Hafter Joshua Halegua Michael Halper Jerome & Margot Halperin Todd Halpern Roger & Sally Hamburg Benjamin Hamburger Idelle Hammond-Sass Joseph Hanafin & Debra Marks David & Heidi Handelsman Megan Harris-Linton Mitchell Harte & Sharon Schneider Harte Mrs. Hartstein Paul & Lauren Haskin Jean Hauptman Clemes Richard & Debra Hausman Illana Hearshen Barry & Ellen Hecht Ryan Heller Dan & Cynthia Hemphill Brian & Louise Henderson Roger & Sandra Henkin Bruce & Laurie Herman Jay & Terri Herman Jerry & Elise Herman Margie & Lowell Herman Daryl Hershaff Samuel & Arline Herzog Anne Heybey Wasciuk Sheila Hiller Meredith & Jason Hillman Stuart & Velma Hirsch Ronald & Barbara Hirschl Seth Hirshorn & Larisa Itkin-Hirshorn Stephanie & Bruce Hochman Gideon & Carol Hoffer Amy & Brian Hoffman Elana Hoffman & Benjamin Kintisch Gillian & Gad Hoffman Kathleen & Shelly Hoffman Harvey & Sheila Hofstatter Wendy Holden Charles & Hope Honeyman Jeff Horen Richard & Ayelet Horne Alan & Shirley Horowitz Elliot Horowitz Gina Horowitz Daniel Horowitz Mark & Linda Housman Lisa Huber Stephen & Carol Hunter Carol Hurwitz Lenny & Shelley Hutton Monica Iankelevich Cari Immerman Robin & Doug Irvine James & Alyce Isaacson Lily Isaacson Craig Isakow Mara Isser Sax & Paul Sax Christine Jackier Douglas Jacobs Glenn & Susan Jacobs Gloria Jacobs John & Gilda Jacobs Mary Jacobs Richard & Elyse Jacobs Deborah Jancourtz & Michael Selva Susan & Scott Javer J. Dale Jeffs George & Ayah Johnson Stephen & Joan Jones Harvey Juster Jon & Alice Kabbe David Kagle Barbara Kahn Hugo & Lis Kahn Marcia Kahnowitz Israel & Beverly Kalish Moshe & Izabella Kandinov Robert & Caroline Kanner Lynnsie Balk Kantor Eric & Jessica Kaplan Harvey & Nancy Kaplan Helen & Noah Kaplan Kim & Robert Kaplan Larry Kaplan Lawrence Kaplan Nancy Kaplan Robert & Gail Kaplan Gail Kaplan-Wassell & John Wassell Mark & Lynda Kaploe I. Jeffery & Beth Kapnick Nancy Karp Naomi Karp Richard Katcher Lisa Katlan-Menino & Richard Menino Gail & Robert Katz Kathleen & Glen Katz Michael Katz Ralph & Susan Katz Norman & Ina Katzman Sheryl Katzman & Elliot Goldberg Ilene & Paul Kauffman Barry & Annette Kaufman Michele Kaufman William & Hilarie Kay Leonid & Marina Kazakevich Diane & Irving Keene Jeri & Timothy Keer Jeffrey Keller Bernard & Nina Kent Judy & Alan Kessler Diane & Bruce Keyes Michael & Lily Khodarkovsky Reuven & Hava Kimelman Morris & Ruth Kimmel Brian Kirschner Kenneth & Rena Kirshenbaum Michael Kishinevsky Rebecca Klaff & Steve Laymon Shom Klaff Michael & Susan Klaiman Samantha Klaiman Mirra Klausner & Todd Clauer Nancy & Gary Klein Joseph & Dale Klein Lenora Klein Steven & Amy Klein Elizabeth Klein-Genetti & Mark Genetti Jason Kleinman Elissa & Daniel Kline C. Jerome & Sandra Koffler William & Marilyn Kohen Barry & Patsy Kohn Betsey & Gary Kohn Chase Kohn Todd & Sharon Kolchinsky Jewel & Simon Koletsky Charles Koller & Paula Bottecelli Zieva & Marc Konvisser Marlene & Ralph Korenstein Michael & Susan Korngold Jeffrey & Randee Kovacs Michael & Elizabeth Kraft Denise & Mitchell Kramer H. Jonathan & Carli Kramer Spencer Krane Sam & Susan Krane Martha Kransdorf Rachel Krantz Cynthia & Peter Krause Stanton and Christie Krauss David & Karen Kraut Naama & Matthew Krauz Dave Kravitz Patricia Kravtin & Jonathan Horwitz Ester & Ira Krawitz Larry & Bernis Kretchmar Joan Krieger Richard & Linda Krieger Evan & Amy Krinick Joan M. Kripke Seymour & Dorine Kroll Lynn Kronzek Jeffrey & Deborah Kublin Harvey & Linda Kulber Susan & Robert Kuntz Joel & Barbara Kuppersmith Elizabeth Kurnetz Ruben Kurnetz Michael & Hilary Kurzer Renee & Davi Kutner Ruth & Michael Kyman Margot Lacey Lily Ladin Seymour & Sarah Lampert Stephen & Pamela Landau Jeffery & Robin Landau Anthony Larkin & Angela Reina Tanya & Endel Larve Barnett Laschever Gerald & Adrienne Lasin Robert & Fern Laub Jane & Howard Lazar Harold & Suzanne Leach Lisa Leavitt Penny Lebenthal Paula & Jeffrey Lebowitz Susan & Brent LeDrew Fred & Laurie Leeb Michael Leeds & Eva Marikova Leeds Gail Leichtman Katz & Robert Leichtman Lauren Leland Henrietta Lepsky Herschel & Gail Lerman Ralph Lerman Bruce & Lisa Levenbrook Ryan Leventhal Kenneth & Merredith Levin Randie Levin Eric & Julie Levine Ira & Arlene Levine Michael Levine Mitchell & Sharon Levine Shayna Levine Cindy & Marc Levinson Peter & Nanette Levinson Reanna Levinson George Levy & Penny Angel-Levy Meredith Levy Matthew & Joan Lewin Adam Lewis Amy & Keith Lewis Charles & Marcia Lewis Neil & Nancy Lewis Rochelle & Harry Lewkowicz Ilana Leykekhman James Licht Patricia Lieberman & Jeffrey Knishkowy Herman & Roslyn Lieberman Adam & Catherine Liebowitz Gail & Howard Lifshitz Jennifer Linde S. Martin & Marilyn Lindenauer Gail Lindenberg Charles & Diane Lipenholtz Sharon & Jeffrey Lipton Howard & Rhonda Liss Renee & Bruce Litinger James & Nancy Litke Stephen London Brian & Diane Lonnerstater Rona & Kevin Loshak Ira & Judith Lourie Jonathan & Beth Lowe Gayle & Barton Lowen Hadar Lubin & David Johnson Gary & Nancy Luks Michael & Sandy Lumberg Mark & Debra Luria Burton & Juliet Mabel Toby Macknin Sydney Maisel Scott & Vicki Malina Farrell & Ellen Malkis Nina Mallin Benjamin Mandel & Ana Frischtak Lisa Mandel-Trupp Beatrice & Gerald Mandell Linda & Steven Marcus Paula Schwartz Mardit & Barry Mardit Michael & Amy Margolis Betsy Mark Sheldon & Geraldine Markel Ned Marshak & Nancy Klein Rickard & Emily Martin Zachary Marwil Linda & Jeffrey Mates Frederick Mehlman & Harriet Gluckman Astrid & Elly Meisler Sara Mendel Katherine Mendeloff Alan & Fran Mendelowitz Kenneth & Jeri Mendelsohn Allen Menlo Emily Merchant Morry & Sheyla Mertz Ilia Merzon Deborah & Neil Metviner Steven & Joi Mevorah Adam & Jennifer Meyerowitz David & Laurajean Meyers Joy & Daniel Midman Myra & Philip Migicovsky Deena & Arnold Mikon Jeffrey & Meredith Millen Alan & Robin Miller David & Kelli Miller David Miller Ilene Miller James & Arleen Miller Marcy Miller Steven Millman Gerald & Fanny Millstein Robert & Carol Milstein Seth & Lisa Mindell Daniel Mintz Lisa Mirel Jun Miyamoto Steven Moffic & Lynn Hansher Moffic Jeffrey Mohr & Rae Hurwitz Mohr Sharon & Ian Molk Lawrence & Lisa Molnar Ilene & Benjamin Monast Regina Morantz-Sanchez Robert & Sophie Mordis Melissa Morof Donald Morris Joel & Livia Morrow James Moscowitz & Amy Taswell Beatrice Moss David & Beverly Movsky Michael & Karen Mushnick Samuel Nagel Sanford Nagrotsky & Andrea Slobodow Nagrotsky Mindi & Ira Nahoum David & Fruma Narov Herbert & Lois Nassau Lauren & Steven Nassau Larry & Hedy Needle Cheryl & William Neff Barry & Lana Neimeth Marina Nelson Beth Neman Megan Nesbitt David & Marjorie Netkin Larry & Carol Neuman Arthur & Patricia Neustadt Charles & Carol Newman Cliff & Maggie Newman Doris Newman Linda Newman & Harry Abramson Rachel Newman & Yossef Zekic Mark & Robyn Newstadt Douglas North Brian Norton & Stephanie Schechner Terry & Jo-Anne Nosan Allen Oboler Jeffrey & Lynne Obron Lawrence Ochfeld & Rochelle Lepor Robin Odum Aaron & Aileen Okrent Joan Okrent Martha Oleinick Jeffrey & Matilde Olin Donald Olshansky Howard Oppenheimer & Julie Ross Scott & Sandi Oran Alexander & Linda Orbach Amy Orlov Evelyn Orlov Janice Orlov Miriam Ornstein & David Luks Andrew & Pamela Orosan-Weine Joan & John Oshinsky Yana Ovshey Sidney Pachter Ari Parnes David & Karen Paulisin Richard Pazol Martin & Elaine Pearlman Sharon & James Peck Michael & Myrna Perlman Gabriel Perloe Julie & Ron Perry Nadine & Sidney Pertnoy Boris Perzner Brian Peterson Irene & Richard Peterson Gary & Mary Ellen Pfeifer Randall & Beverly Phillips Alissa Pianin Betty Pianin Edward Pieczenik Barry & Dina Pinsky Roanne Pitluk Ellen Plant Russell Platte Jeffrey & Lauren Pogany Alla & Roman Polevoy Allison & Benjamin Pollock Polina Polonsky Frederick & Janet Pomerantz Debra Porter Cindy Posen Lisa Presant Janis & Larry Price Julian Prince Robert & Roslyn Promisloff Michael & Melanie Prospect Morris & Andree Prostak Daniel Rabinow Alexandra Rabman Ellen & Robert Raede Aaron Rakes Joyce & Steve Rangen Erica Raphael & Richard Friedman Robin Raphael Simke www.umhillel.org • 33 Ann Rappaport Rory & Stella Read Joe & Carrie Regenstein Beverly & Howard Reinglass Laura & Lawrence Reiss Noah Reitman Maureen Renner Eric & Martha Rennie Peter & Sheryl Resnick Jason Riback Paula Rich John Rudy & Leslie Richardson Marc & Marjorie Richter Deborah Grayson Riegel Carl & Beth Riseman Deborah & Jon Rittman Susan Rizman Jared Roach Esther & Philip Robbins Donald & Arleen Rochlen Scott Roffman Clifford & Anita Rogers Lawrence & Phyllis Rogers Michael & Sylvia Rogers Lynn Rogut Sara Rollman Cynthia Roman Laura Romanoff H. James Rome Leslie Rosen Steven & Dorothy Rosen Stuart & Nettie Rosen Robert & Ellen Rosen Edward & Mildred Rosenbaum Jessica Rosenberg Seth & Renee Rosenberg Bruce Rosenblatt Gary & Ethel Rosenblatt Gary & Shari Rosenblatt Charlotte Rosenblum Avram Rosenfeld Cory Rosenfield Neil Rosenfield Amnon & Prudence Rosenthal Syril & William Ross Colleen & Kenneth Roth Mark & Beverly Roth Rachel Roth & Avrum Jacobson Tamara Rothleder & Bruce Fox Judith & Richard Rothschild Jan & Jerome Rotter Joel Ruben Frederic & Sheri Rubin Philip Rubin Sue Rubinfeld Reed & Betsy Rubinstein Gary & Gail Ruby Debra & Jon Ruderman Marcia Ruderman Theodore Ruza & Sandra Gun-Ruza Jonathan & Amy Saalberg Jill Saari Ruth & Alvin Sabo Steve Sacho & Ziona Tanzer George Sachs & Gail Strassfeld Janet & Paul Sachs Michelle Saffan Burton & Fredda Sage Jon Sager Ajit & Gayle Saini Shirley Saltman Susan & William Saltzman Alan & Karen Salzbank Zachary Salzbank Miriam Samson David & Edith Sanders Marla Sanders & Joel Pinczewski Barbara Sandmel Edward Saraf-Kashani Joan & Neil Satovsky Helen Saulson Jerry Schafer Randy Schafer Gabriel Scharg Jordan & Michele Scharg Steven Schechter Marilyn Schechter Barry & Debra Scheinholtz Kenneth & Marlynn Schiff Tyrone Schiff Douglas & Abigail Schildcrout Karen & Gary Schneider Marc Schneider & Randee Glass Steven & Beth Schneider Allyson & Marty Schnur Marc & Sharon Schramm Marianne & Morton Schreiber Sheldon & Barbara Schubiner Ronit Schulman Mary & Arthur Schuman Max & Judith Schutzman Amanda & Jeremy Schwartz Carolyn Schwartz & Paul Schartz Sharon & Mark Schwartz Janet & Ross Schwartz 34 • University of Michigan Hillel Todd & Wendy Schwartz Laurence & Terri Schwartz Michael A. Schwartz Michael Schwartz Robert & Lenore Schwartz Stephen & Stephanie Schwartz Steven Schwartz Jacob & Linda Schwarzberg Ruth Scodel Myrna Secord Donald & Fern Segal Erica Segal Michael Segal Mark & Nikki Segall Cathy & Mark Segel Nancy Seiden Evan Seigerman Lisa Selin Edmond & Veronica Selmeci Amanda Seltzer David Shafran Michal Shalev Brian & Margot Shapiro Bruce & Sharon Shapiro Steven & Dawn Shapiro Joshua & Tamar Shapiro Marcia & Bernard Shapiro Nancy & Mark Shapiro Roberta Shapiro & Gerald Glandon Stanley & Elaine Shapiro Joshua Sharfman Steven & Karen Shedlofsky R. Ronald & Florence Shepps Paul & Betty Sherizen Cheryl Sherman Michael S. & Harriett Sherman Steve & Julie Sherman Derek Shillman Scott & Leslie Shlecter Jamie Shoag Marc & Katherine Sholder Jeffrey & Jodi Shore Danielle Shusterman Beth Shyken Marilyn Siegel Paul Siegel & Betsy Stein Lyn Silberman Joel & Tina Silidker Ezekiel Silverstein Geoffrey Silverstein Kathy & Stuart Simchowitz Edward Simmons Joshua S. Simon Michael Simon Dana Simons Todd & Wendy Sinai Gregg & Wendy Sincoff Bennet Singer Debra & Miles Singer Melanie & Jeffrey Singer Italo & Debbie Sinopoli Barry & Barbara Skarf Jennifer Slate Gary & Lori Smith Joel & Jacqueline Smith Mark Smith Michael Smith Alexander & Svetlana Smolkin Jack & Audrey Sobel Elesheva Soloff Herbert & Joan Solomon Alan & Maxine Solvay Jeanette Solway Elliot & Bonnie Sorkin Mark & Mindy Sotsky Paula Spector Lori Sperling Bonnie Spiegel Arthur & Marlene Spielman Sharon Spike Michael Spitulnik Benjamin & Carol Stark Barry & Rebecca Starr Richard & Elizabeth Stearns Susan & Michael Steele Michael Steelman Rachel Stein Robert & Gayle Stein Cora Steinberg & Donnie Steinberg Joni Steinberg Scott & Bryna Steinberg Fred Steingold Hal & Tobi Stern Joan & Ken Stern Mickey & Marlene Stern Owen & Ruth Stern Howard & Gloria Sternberg Isaac Sternheim Barry & Lori Stiefel Diane & Lew Stone Max Strasburg Sue Strassman Gary Strauss Roy & Roslyn Strauss Nicholas Streicher Ashley Strongwater Edward Stulberg Al & Loyce Sulkes Ariel Sundel Marshall Sunshine Marc & Denise Susselman Deborah & Jeffrey Sussman Ronald & Elana Sussman Frank Szopo & Shirley Wise Bruce Tabak Lewis & Judy Tann Richard & Alison Taubman Perry Teicher Marcel & Magdalene Thirman David & Toby Tider Joseph Tipograph Alicia & Peter Tisdale Edwin Tobes & Harriet Bakalar Alice Train Paul & Maxine Troop Roland Turk & Helen Victor Turk Gary Turner & Denise Garden Jennifer & Jeffrey Tuvlin Janice & Joel Ungar Nathan & Rochelle Upfal Stephen & Sheila Urman Jody & Scott Verson George Vine & Judy Share-Vine Susan & Jacob Vinocour Judith Volin Barb & Thomas Vorenberg Ilya Vugmeyster Kenneth & Emily Wachsberger Irwin & Carol Wagner Victor & Mana Wagner Adam Waldman David & Sarah Waldshan Theodore & Dale Wallace Daniel Wander & Ruth Freedman Daniel & Barbara Wang Marcy Wasserman Robert Waters & Barbara Fiedler Sheldon Watnick & Elizabeth Taylor-Watnick Lori & Michael Wayne Julie & Alex Weil Michael & Elysa Weil Barbara Weinberg Deanna & Jerrold Weinberg Joel Weinberg & Virginia Murphy-Weinberg Joel Weinberg & Barbara Schloss-Weinberg Eric Weingart Amy Weinstein William Weinstein & Abby Livingston Susan & Stanley Weintraub David Weisel Lori Weisenberg Catalano Barbara & James Weiskopf Ross & Julie Weisman Brandon Weiss Deborah & Gregg Weiss Gayle Weiss Jonathan & Andrea Weiss Stanley & Leah Weiss Stephanie & Daniel Weiss Alon & Jennifer Weizer Steven & Eileen Welinsky Leslie & Phyllis Werbel Daniel & Sheryl Werner Gayle & Robert Werner Philip & Berta Wesler Wendy & William Wetreich Marc & Eleanor Wieder Toni Wiener Howard & Wendy Wilen Diane Lehman Wilson Susan Wineberg Frances Wingard Joshua & Amy Winnick Arnold & Susan Winshall Linda & John Wirtshafter James & Lynn Wisnia Jacqueline Wittman Linda Wolf Matthew R. Wolfe Sandra Wolfe David Wolkowitz Perry & Cindy Wolkowitz Mark & Beth Wolly Rosemary & David Wolock Jacob & Flora Wolsztejn Israel Woronoff Stewart & Linda Yallowitz Philip Yalowitz Robert Yampolsky & Diane Rapaport Michael Yochmowitz Eric & Sandra Young Charlene Yudowin Mark & Wendy Yura Neal & Esther Zalenko Lorne & Kerstyn Zalesin Robert & Charlene Zand Joshua Zane Nancy & Neil Zane Mitchell Zeff Allen & Lita Zemmol Leslie Ziff Jordan Zlotoff William & Terri Zuckerman Norma & Larry Zukerman Summer Meet and Greets By Arielle Weingast T he weather was gray; it matched my mood perfectly. In about four or five days, I was to leave for my first semester at Michigan, and the last thing I wanted to do was go to a Hillel Meet and Greet. I thought I had better things to do with my time — hanging with friends, packing, any- The author, Arielle thing seemed better than going to Weingast (’15). a stranger’s house and meeting other Jews from New Jersey entering their freshmen year at Michigan. Little did I know this Meet and Greet would be the perfect opportunity to introduce me to Michigan’s Jewish community in addition to helping me meet other incoming freshmen interested in maintaining a Jewish identity in college. this resource, and had I not gone on that gray day in August, I am not so sure I would have used it. During Welcome Week, my roommate and I decided to venture to Hillel for Shabbat Dinner. There were hundreds of students there, some observing the prayers religiously, while others were there to eat and gather before going out for the night. It was great to see so many different levels of observance in one place, as well as so many different students all gathering for Shabbat Dinner. Carly says the Hillel Meet and Greet was the “ideal way to ease into the school year.” Since the experience was such a positive one for me, I was very interested to hear what Sallie Abelson, Development Director of U-M Hillel, had to say about these summer Meet and Greets. When I sat down with her, she explained to me that U-M Hillel hosted these events in Washington D.C., Los Angeles, New Jersey, Chicago, New York City, Boston, Detroit and Ann Arbor. In total, around 200–250 freshmen and their parents attended one of eight Meet and Greets. Sallie said Hillel’s intentions were to “inform, have the students meet each other, and give helpful hints to the freshmen and their parents.” The purpose of the Meet and Greets “is to help the students become familiar with the university and Hillel and As much as I did not want to go, my mom wanted to go even decrease anxiety about the college experience, especially for more. Since I was involved in my temple all throughout high out-of-state students.” And they did just that. school, she wanted to make sure I would preserve a connection with Judaism. After attending, she was reassured know- As a result of attending the New Jersey Meet and Greet, ing that I would have a Jewish home on campus. She was I found a sense of security knowing that Hillel was available “impressed with the varied and extensive programs at Hillel to me in more than just a religious aspect. Hillel offers a very and the care that Hillel gives to U-M students.” simple and rewarding way of meeting great friends—just another one of its many perks. My feelings after the Meet and Greet were very similar to those of my mom and Carly. I left feeling much more relaxed Hillel is currently working on plans for this upcoming summer. knowing that there was a place for me to go to on the High Parents or students who are interested in a Meet and Greet in Holidays, or even just for a Shabbat dinner. I actually used your area should contact Sallie Abelson at (734) 769-0500 or As I walked into the house, I recognized a girl I knew from Facebook and through friends. She smiled, waved and said, “How are you?” This girl, Carly Skinder (’15), is now one of my best friends. And although this encounter was brief, her friendliness was warming and her similar curiosity was reassuring. To this day, we always laugh about our first meeting. Carly says the Hillel Meet and Greet was the “ideal way to ease into the school year.” Not only did it introduce her to her peers who were “also eager to get involved in a smaller community on campus,” but it also comforted her. Guests at the Boston Meet and Greet enjoying some food and meeting new people. From left to right: Lauren Warshaw (’15), Shari Idelson (’15), and Sue Idelson [email protected]. If you are aware of any incoming underclassmen who might be interested in attending, please email U-M Hillel at [email protected] or call Sallie Abelson. Arielle Weingast (’15) is majoring in Communications and Psychology. She is from Tenafly, New Jersey. Summer 2012 Meet and Greets for new students and their parents Boston August 16, 7:00–9:00 PM New York August 19, 4:00–6:00 PM Hosted by Elisa and Steven Silverman, parents of Peri (’13) and Eliot Silverman (’15), at their house in West Newton, Massachusetts. Hosted by Andrea and Harry Krakowski, parents of Rachel Krakowski (’15), at the Skyline Hotel, 725 10th Ave. at 49th St. New York, New York New Jersey August 19, 11:30 AM–1:30 PM Hosted by Elaine and Stuart Berger, parents of Jonathan Berger (’13), at their house in Pine Brook, New Jersey. Washington D.C./Baltimore August 21, 7:00–9:00 PM Hosted by Lisa and Mitch Eisen, parents of Ariella Eisen (’15), at their house in Potomac, Maryland. Chicago August 22, 7:00–9:00 PM Hosted by Hilary and Allan Greenberg, parents of Joanna Greenberg (’13), at their house in Highland Park, Illinois. www.umhillel.org • 35 A message from David Rosenwein I distinctly remember the first time I walked into the University of Michigan Hillel. I had just spent the day unpacking my belongings and my parents and I decided to go to the Hillel Café for dinner. Chaim Frenkel (’12), a friendly sophomore who was dining at the Café, greeted my family and ended up inviting me to hang out with his friends later that evening. I instantly knew this was the place for me. Chair of the University of Michigan Hillel Governing Board of people in suits, jeans, and everything in between, all chatting and celebrating Shabbat together. This is something I found to be remarkable. Never did I see myself getting involved in Hillel’s leadership. But at the end of my freshman year I participated in the American Movement for Israel, a Hillel group, and some upperclassmen began to speak to me about running for the Governing Board of Hillel. I had a strict policy of staying away from politics. I enjoyed being friends with everyone and, as a political science major, I understand that is almost an impossible task for any politician. However, as my sophomore year continued I began to reconsider. I loved Hillel because of the community, because of its diversity, and most of all because I felt like I had a new home. I realized that to ensure other Jewish students would continue to have incredible experiences with Hillel it was my responsibility to be a part of the leaderAs a freshman I was shy. I had graduated from an Orthodox ship of this diverse community. In the middle of my sophoJewish Day School in New Jersey with 48 students in my more year I ran for Hillel Governing Board and was elected by grade and now I was embarking on a journey where there my peers to be treasurer. would be over 4,800 students in my freshman class. My roommates seemed very different from me and I was worried My year as treasurer is one I will never forget. As a unit we about fitting in while maintaining my Jewish identity. Because accomplished so much, and on an individual level I grew from I was dining on the Hillel kosher meal plan, I became a regular the experience tremendously. The direct impact I was able at Hillel and within the first couple of weeks I began to feel to have on an organization and on a university that I deeply more comfortable. This was largely due to the older students care about was invaluable to me. I was able to learn from the I met at Hillel who took time to advise me on classes, majors, Hillel staff, my fellow board members, and most importantly the students whom I represented. Together we made Hillel and summer plans. a welcoming environment where students felt comfortable I enjoyed the Hillel community; I was making friends and and engaged. We worked on initiatives such as jNET, which meeting a diverse group of Jewish people. I could walk in sought to engage students who did not necessarily feel comto Hillel on Friday night for Shabbat dinner and see people fortable in the Hillel building. dressed in all different ways. Contrary to my expectations, everyone got along. At any given table you could find a number In November I was elected as Chair of the 2012 Governing I loved Hillel because of the community, because of its diversity, and most of all because I felt like I had a new home. Board. There is a lot of work to be done. Luckily, I am surrounded by wonderful, hard-working, and skilled board members who share a vision for Hillel. We have made it our mission to enhance our leadership development by asking leaders to choose the skills they want to improve; to offer more freshman programming by reconstructing the student group “First Year Students of Hillel” (FYSH) to meet the diverse needs of freshmen; and to recognize the dedication and hard work of student volunteers who create the incredible programs throughout the year for our community. My first semester as chair has been phenomenal. I truly love the impact we have made so far and am even more excited to see more of our other plans come to fruition in the fall. The vision I have, that I hope will stay with Hillel, is that every Jew on campus can feel like they have a community to support them and a place to call home. Being Jewish is different for everybody and you don’t have to enter our building to be engaged in our thriving community. David Rosenwein (’13) is majoring in Political Science. He is from Springfield, New Jersey. University of Michigan Hillel Newsletter Mandell L. Berman Center • University of Michigan Hillel • 1429 Hill Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734.769.0500 • www.umhillel.org The Hillel newsletter is published once a year by University of Michigan Hillel. Executive Editor: Sallie Kochin Abelson (’67) Editor: Michael Spitulnik (’10) Associate Editors: Chris Stauffer (’75), Lauren Kobrick (’14), and Jordan Korn (’14) Graphic Designer: Kendall Arbogast-Wilson (’89) Assistant Graphic Designer: Michael Spitulnik (’10)
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