2014-15 Newsletter
2014-15 Newsletter
Enriching the lives of Jewish Students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world CONNECT EXPERIENCE LEAD 2 E very year, we have the opportunity to write a new chapter in the history of University of Michigan Hillel. And every year, we look to the climate on campus to give us direction. Certainly, our Jewish and academic calendars and our groups’ traditions provide a rhythm of programming, but it is when we consider what trends are telling us that new ideas flourish. With the alarming rise of sexual assault on campus, our students responded by starting Aleinu - a Hillel version of It’s On Us (a national initiative to raise awareness around sexual assault). They organized a three-part series that included one of our student’s survivor story and bystander training. With the rising tensions around race relations, our Breaking Barriers group sought opportunities to partner with other ethnic groups on campus, including a meaningful Ask Big Questions event with the Black Student Union. With many students in Greek Life looking to blend their Jewish and Greek values, our jNET engagers reached out to these students with specialized events like Shabbat dinners and Torah yoga. Lastly, with students more wary of institutions and “stepping through the doors” of Jewish spaces, our “Shabbat across U-M” – which we affectionately call ShabUM – closed Hillel after services one Friday night and encouraged students to do Shabbat their way. ShabUM reached over 800 students in 52 locations across campus – our largest Shabbat experience to date. We are grateful to have such a vibrant Hillel, with new, excited leaders joining our campus every year. But we know that to be successful, we need to continue looking outside our walls. This is how we will remain relevant to our campus community and be an organization in which students across campus want to take part. What you will see in the following pages are just snapshots of these experiences. Thank you to all of our students for your leadership, participation and energy. Thank you to our Board of Trustees for your guidance and support. And thank you to our extended family of donors who make all of this possible with your generosity. Tilly Shames Executive Director 3 A s parents, as alumni and as supporters, we should feel so proud of our Michigan Hillel. It is a central meeting place where students share ideas and create outreach initiatives and educational experiences. It is also a home away from home providing food for body and soul, a place to study, get support, and celebrate Shabbat, Passover and High Holiday services. It is a building that is alive with a vibrant staff and engaged students. Michigan Hillel provides a Jewish experience for students unparalleled by any other Hillel. Life on campus is busy. Students arrive at U of M seeking a quality education and an experience which will help shape their personal, social and political identities. This creates an opportunity for engagement. For example, while confronting the subject of W . th my term as the Chair of the student Governing Board coming to a close, I feel it is appropriate to reflect on the past and forecast, perhaps optimistically, for the future. Over the course of my term, I have been blown away by the cohesive community that permeates throughout the building and the warm and welcoming atmosphere to which students and staff alike have contributed immensely. I attribute the “magic” of Hillel to the fact that so many individuals can collaborate in such incredible ways, whether through programming across a plethora of interests, friendships forming from all corners of campus, or intellectually challenging yet respectful conversations. Make no mistake, we so appreciate the help and support from our staff and donors, but throughout the semester, regardless of any other contributing factors, the “magic” of Hillel is alive and well in the hands of the students. 4 anti-Israel sentiment on campus, our staff helped Jewish students understand these issues, creating the potential for increased understanding and respect among students while providing an opportunity to articulate their feelings. I want to thank our Board of Trustees for its dedication in enhancing all aspects of Hillel, the Student Governing Board for overseeing successful programming, and most importantly, the professional staff at Hillel. We are lucky to have an outstanding Executive Director, Tilly Shames, and the talented, invested staff she has gathered. We owe all of them our gratitude! Lynda Giles Chair of the Board of Trustees All one has to do during the year to feel the “magic” is walk down the main hallway of Hillel and tune into a conversation taking place at a table, peer through the window to see a group meeting or event taking place in the lounge, or listen to the sound of students solving Orgo problems on the white board. I’d like to take credit for this strong community at Hillel, but the credit is due to all the student leaders, the staff, and the students themselves. Every day on the Governing Board I work with incredibly dedicated, intelligent and passionate students who put all they have into making sure everyone can receive the best Hillel experience possible. These student leaders have opened up our community to thousands of students at the University of Michigan to find their home and community through Hillel. Alex Adler ( ’16) Chair of the Governing Board Hillel’s Impact From Generation... As a student, I spent nearly every Friday night at Hillel and in the Shalva minyan. Shalva had a ruach (spirit) and energy that was infectious. Even as a new student I could not help but be drawn in to the singing, clapping, and foot stomping that filled the room and made me feel so connected to Shabbat and prayer. When we moved to Chicago after graduation, my husband, other U-M grad friends, and I found ourselves searching for a community that in some way gave us that same feeling of warmth, community, and spirituality that we found at Hillel. When we felt like we couldn’t find what we were looking for, we created it ourselves. We have informal Kabbalat Shabbat services once a month, modeled in spirit after Shalva, in various living rooms (followed, of course, with a Shabbat dinner). We find ourselves singing the familiar tunes of Kabbalat Shabbat, clapping, stomping our feet, and even dancing. My experience at Hillel inspired me to search for and help to create the kind of community that we had and cherished at Michigan. Becky (Stolow) Goldstein (’10) with husband Josh and son Jacob at Michigan Hillel alumni event in Chicago. a Anna Leemon (’17) leading services with her guitar ...to Generation Growing up, I had a wealth of diverse Jewish experiences at my fingertips. This gave me a special kind of knowledge of Judaism: the knowledge that there are many ways to observe Judaism and that everyone practices their Judaism differently. My Reform friends from camp taught me what a guitar can add to the spirituality of a Shabbat service. My more observant friends from school taught me what exactly the restrictions of being shomer shabbat (Sabbath observant) are. I seek out conversations with fellow Jewish students, and our Hillel rabbi Rav Lisa Stella, to learn how their practices differ from mine. This has helped me value my own religious identity, but also allows me to discover new Jewish practices. The individuality of Judaism is what I value most about my religion, but the best part is that there’s always more to learn. 5 Outreach Cohort Michigan Mensch Mensch is a mentorship program pairing new students with upperclassmen to serve as Hillel mentors. The student-leaders of the group create pairs based on similar backgrounds and interests and plan programs for the pairs to attend together. Additionally, the mensches receive Starbucks gift cards to take their “menschees” out to coffee to facilitate mentorship and friendship. W hen I was elected to be Michigan Hillel’s Outreach Cohort Chair, I knew I was entering a family of leaders whose focus is engaging Jewish students on our campus. My expectations of the position have been met and exceeded as I’ve witnessed leaders in the Outreach Cohort put their hearts and souls into creating a more inclusive, more diverse Hillel community. Whether it’s ensuring that prospective students feel at home and welcome during campus visits or going on coffee dates with students who have never stepped foot in Hillel, leaders in the Outreach Cohort are passionate about building bridges, making connections, and strengthening Jewish life on campus. While clubs in the Outreach Cohort range from one-onone mentoring and first year student programming to Greek life engagement and pre-professional development, they all share a mission of building a vibrant Jewish community at Michigan. Daniel Gordon (’17) Outreach Cohort Chair 6 FYSH F YSH – First Year Students of Hillel – is a group led by sophomore students with the goal of helping freshmen meet other students in their class and begin to develop their community at Hillel. FYSH started the year with the annual FYSH bonfire and celebrated Sukkot together at the event “FYSH in the Hut.” Community is really an important part of all Jewish holidays. FYSH in the Hut was a great way for freshmen to gather together as a community in celebration of Sukkot. Laura Schinagle ( ’17) jNET F or many students, college is the first time making independent decisions about their religious life without family practices and traditions guiding them. Through the jNET fellowship, I was able to reach out and connect with these students while strengthening my own Jewish identity in the process. As a fellow, I was responsible for engaging Jewish students on campus and listening to their stories, experiences, uncertainties, and hopes for their Jewish experience in college. Acting as a resource for these students, I welcomed them to a Jewish community, whether it was a group within Hillel or an entirely new initiative. jNET is not about Hillel recruitment, but about facilitating meaningful Jewish experiences on campus. The jNET fellowship led me to organize events like a Hannukah party and candle lighting in the Residential College and a threepart learning series called “Bagels and Shmear with your Fellow Queer.” I learned to identify my personal networks on campus, and how to utilize them. I have made lasting relationships, and developed many personal and professional skills like resourcefulness and collaboration. On top of all this, jNET has helped me form my own Jewish identity through Jewish learning and community building. Essie Shachar-Hill ( ’15) 7 Culture Cohort T H he Culture Cohort is a special one at Hillel, comprised of groups that bring art and culture to our Jewish community. It is the diversity of the groups that allows these fantastic leaders to create newfound connections for students to explore Jewish life through the arts. Gideon Levinson (’16) Culture Cohort Chair Kol HaKavod illel’s premiere Jewish a cappella group, Kol HaKavod, had the privilege of traveling to Washington for the 5th annual Kol Ha’Olam Jewish A Cappella competition at Adas Israel Congregation -- one of the largest synagogues in the country. It was a great honor to perform for a 500+ audience and share our renditions and original arrangements of our favorite Jewish and Hebrew songs. I have been able to participate in three Kol Ha’Olam competitions during my time at Michigan, and it is always the highlight of the year. Overall, going to Kol Ha’Olam was a great opportunity for our group to tour the D.C. monuments and museums, meet fellow Jewish a cappella enthusiasts from all over the country, and showcase our hard work and dedication to Jewish a cappella music and each other. A big THANK YOU goes out to Hillel for always supporting and sponsoring us as we grow and share our music! Elana Gantman (’15) 8 Social Action Cohort A s Social Action Cohort Chair, I am excited to help the groups in my cohort fulfill their need to help repair our world. It is heart-warming to see student leaders so passionate about a cause. They take the initiative to create exciting and meaningful events to benefit the surrounding Ann Arbor community and organizations worldwide. I enjoy serving as a liaison between the student groups to ensure our cohort can reach semester goals and encourage more students to be involved with Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). Heath Hartman (’17) Social Action Cohort Chair Jewish Penicillin Hotline A s a sophomore looking for more ways to get involved in the Michigan community, I signed up to volunteer for Jewish Penicillin Hotline (JPH). Soon after, I got a text asking me if I could deliver soup to an “unfortunately sick” student. Delivering that soup fit into my schedule, and I said I could. Text after text, soup after soup, I became a regular and reliable soup deliverer for JPH. A SOUPerstar, as such deliverers have been named. I am very lucky to still be involved in JPH, and I now have the opportunity to grow into the role of JPH coordinator as a senior. I am looking forward to taking the reins and helping students on campus feel better when they aren’t 100%. You can go online to order soup for a student any time! Oh, and one last thing - Got Soup? Jeremy Klapper (’16) 9 Dialogue and Identity Cohort Day of Constructive Conflict H illel’s Dialogue and Identity Cohort engaged in the nationwide Jewish Day of Constructive Conflict. This is a day commemorating the 9th of Adar, the historic day when a debate between Beit Hillel and Beit Shamai escalated into violence. This resulted in the deaths of more than 3,000 people. In an effort to honor their memory, as well as the deeply rooted Jewish values of constructive conflict, we engaged in this day with a social media campaign along with a dinner and discussion about constructive conflict in social media. We discussed the positives and negatives of arguments via social media, specifically talking about how we can engage constructively and how the Jewish value of dialogue can intersect with, help us navigate, and enhance our experience of social media. Alex Rosenbaum (’16) Dialogue and Identity Cohort Chair 10 Ahava A s a leader of Ahava (Hebrew word for love), the LGBTQ Jewish group at Hillel, I attended Nehirim’s annual LGBTQ Jewish Student Leadership Conference in 2014. At the conference, I had the opportunity to think critically about the intersection of my Jewish identity and LGBTQ activism and the issue of complacency in our community. My leadership role in Ahava, experience as a Bronfman Youth Fellow, and Family Equality Council work have all helped me discover a balance in my Judaism and LGBTQ activism. I have learned that I need both communities to feel satisfied. I don’t want to walk into a queer space with mute Judaism and I don’t want to cover the queer girl within me in a Jewish space. We all deserve a space that allows us to be authentic, which is why I help lead Ahava at Michigan Hillel. Gabrielle Kirsch (’16) 11 Religious Life Cohort J ewish students come to U of M from a variety of religious backgrounds and they find, at Michigan Hillel, a pluralistic community that allows for new religious growth. A diverse group of students come together to create the religious life cohort, which plans Shabbat and holiday programming that strives to be both comfortable and flexible for our students. What makes religious life at Hillel so special is that the community is organized by students, and we feel empowered by the staff. Students have the opportunity to make a personal contribution to religious lIfe, both in Hillel and in their own homes. Jake Berman (’16) Religious Life Cohort Chair 12 Health & Environment Cohort The Health and Environment Cohort has unique and fun leaders who plan exciting and engaging programming to promote physical wellness and appreciation for the environment. Hillel Hockey F or me, sport has been one of the most effective ways to generate togetherness, a community. The Hillel hockey team is doing just that. In its 10th year, the program has generated interest from all grades and backgrounds at UM, and has brought together 25 individuals to not just play hockey, but to make memories and build friendships. The Hillel Hockey Team has been, and will continue to be, an important pillar for our Jewish community. We have made consistent efforts to build our community in Hillel, including serving Shabbat dinner, organizing events with other Hillel cohorts, and planning our inaugural Charity Hockey Game. Evan Gerstein (’16) 13 Shabbat Shabbat dinners at Hillel are our most successful regular program, averaging 300 students each week. Our Shabbat experience offers students a sense of community, an opportunity to express one’s Jewish values, and an outlet to explore one’s own Jewish practice. L’Dor V’Dor Shabbat Dinner Hillel hosted our first L’Dor V’Dor (From Generation to Generation) Shabbat dinner, where we invited alumni, parents, grandparents and children to join our community in celebrating an intergenerational Shabbat. University President Mark Schlissel also attended the dinner and took the time to sit with students and alumni to talk about Hillel and the Jewish community on campus. President Schlissel touched on the importance of a strong Hillel and the incredible impact it has, not only on Jewish students, but also on the campus as a whole. 14 T he look on President Schlissel’s face when he left our L’Dor V’Dor Shabbat dinner is something I will not forget. There was a sense of awe and amazement. As he left, he turned to me and said, ‘You guys put on an incredible operation for an amazing community here.’ I could not have said it any better. As a student at Michigan, I have come to take for granted that I get to spend every Friday evening with 300 of my closest friends on campus. No matter how rough my week has been, I know my Fridays will always end with a smile on my face. Henry Sholk (’16) Vice Chair, Governing Board D o Shabbat your way -- it’s on us! This is the philosophy behind ShabUM -- Shabbat Across U-M. Although Hillel hosts Shabbat dinners that students look forward to each week, ShabUM created a unique opportunity for students, allowing them to personalize their Shabbat experience while still feeling connected to the campus Jewish community. Students were empowered to host unique Shabbat dinners in the hopes it would encourage them to take ownership of their Judaism and to show them how they could bring Shabbat into their post-college lives. Public Health Grad Student Shabbat JStreetU Shabbat During ShabUM, over 800 students celebrated Shabbat at 52 separate dinners across campus. Some of the dinners had themes and others were for designated groups, but regardless of theme or size, each dinner helped students form relationships with other Jewish students, strengthening our Hillel community. Shira Moskowitz (’15) Michigan Daily Shabbat Music Matters Shabbat Birthright Reunion Shabbat BBYO Alumni Shabbat Chi Omega Shabbat LSA Student Government Shabbat Ramah Shabbat Chi Phi Zeta Shabbat 15 Israel Cohort I n March of 2015, students had the opportunity to attend a workshop hosted by Resetting the Table – a program of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. During the program we dreamed to engage in respectful and productive conversations about Israel with each other and within the University of Michigan community. Entitled “Speaking Across Conflict”, the program challenged students to speak openly about their feelings, and to listen and learn from each other. T he Israel Cohort on campus has created a community that works together in different ways to express our support for Israel on campus. The diversity of groups in the Israel Cohort shows that there are many ways to be a Zionist on campus today. We are able to come together, from different perspectives, to combat the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement on campus. Even though we don’t all agree politically, Israel is important to all of us, so we all work together toward this goal. In order to more effectively dialogue and relate to people from other communities, we must first be able to understand each other and ourselves. “Speaking Across Conflict” provided us with the tools and skills to start that process. Inbar Lev (’17) Haley Schreier ( ’15) T he Israel Cohort is an umbrella collaboration of student-led groups at the University Of Michigan that promote student support for and engagement with Israel. We encourage and nurture diverse ways for students to shape their perspective and raise awareness regarding Israel on campus. With different events happening on a regular basis, the Israel Cohort strives to create an open and vibrant environment for interested students. Jonathan Friedman ( ’16) Israel Cohort Chair 16 Birthright Israel G oing to college teaches you how to ask questions. I had recently begun getting disconnected from my Jewish background, finding it increasingly difficult to relate to the ancient texts of our people. To me, going to Israel was a way to explore these forgotten roots, get a better understanding of what it means to be Jewish, and have some of my questions answered. No amount of Hebrew 101, Arab-Israeli Conflict courses, or other classroom setting will teach you the distinctive intricacies of a land, culture, and people. While the history I learned about the country certainly gave it the necessary context, it was ultimately my immersion in Israeli life itself that opened my eyes to the collective memories, which we all share, and how those memories shape my identity today. Now that we’re back in the United States, it’s almost hard to imagine that I went through such a magical experience. I have seen a flame re-kindled with my Jewish background since the trip, which makes Taglit, Hebrew for ‘Discovery’, an apt name for our journey through Israel. I now understand that my responsibilities as a Jewish man here on Earth are far from over. Besides the wonderful connections and countless inside jokes I now have on the Michigan campus, it is the newfound pride in my Jewish heritage, which makes me forever grateful for our exploration. Nate Macanian (’16) 17 Campus Outreach It’s On Us H illel hosted a three-part Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center series as part of the national “It’s On Us” campaign. The campaign works to combat sexual assault on college campuses. “It’s On Us” is a White House initiative, created to change the culture around campus sexual assault. Students, who were part of Hillel’s Leadership Incubator, created this series on campus after attending the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America in Washington D.C. in November 2014. With scrutiny regarding sexual assault on college campuses increasing nationwide, this initiative invited Michigan Hillel students to take part in the conversation and learn how to be proactive advocates for this issue. Joanna Weingast (’18) M y hope for this community is that this series was only the launching pad for future programming and conversations about sexual assault prevention. Isaac Katz (’15) 18 Community Partnerships TEDxUofM F or the last several years, Hillel has sponsored the annual TEDxUofM conference – a local TED conference for the University – continuing what has become a very special partnership on campus. It has become more than a financial contribution; the partnership serves as a mechanism for students on campus to view Hillel as a leader in enhancing campus life beyond the walls of our building. Allisa Newman (’17) External Relations Coordinator, Governing Board Motown Masquerade A s most of the Jewish world counted down the last moments of Passover, Jewish students at the University of Michigan counted down the moments until Hillel’s Motown Masquerade – a dance at the Detroit Institute of Arts – started. It was really amazing to see students from all sorts of different groups within Hillel joining together on the dance floor, enjoying the popular music and having fun. The best part of the night was when the DJ played Hava Nagila. It was incredible to see everybody flood onto the dance floor to make circles and dance the Hora together. It is moments like this that make me feel grateful for being part of such a diverse, vibrant Jewish community and having the opportunity to be a part of the University of Michigan Hillel. Zoe McCoon (’16) 19 National Alumni Network This year launched the Michigan Hillel alumni network, hosting alumni events and dinners in the Chicago, New York, Boston and D.C. areas. Stay connected to fellow Jewish Wolverines after graduation. Stay up to date on events in your area by checking out the alumni page at michiganhillel.org Anna Weiss (’13) lives in Sacramento and is the founder and owner of “The Bar” an online bakery/catering company specializing in dessert bars. When I was at Michigan, I volunteered in the Hillel Cafe and worked under Chef Emil. This experience was a great introduction to working in the food industry, and I learned a lot about cooking and baking. Sarah Prensky-Pomeranz (’11) is an English teacher at Raoul Wallenberg High School in San Francisco (Trivia Bonus: Wallenberg was a Michigan Man!). Most of the experiences I’ve had post-UM are connected to my time at Hillel. There, I explored ways of effecting change on Alternative Spring Break and by resurrecting the Michigan Mensch program. The leadership and social justice work I did at Hillel led me to become a youth organizer in Detroit, travel to South Africa as a Fulbright teacher, and return to the classroom in my hometown. 20 Ariel Halpern (’13) is a Production Assistant and the star of the “Sorry it’s Ari” segment on The Ellen Show. Living in LA is fantastic; I guess one could say I’m a ‘Valley Boy’ or ‘Valley Yid.’ I feel very grateful to work on “The Ellen Show”, it’s definitely not something I expected to do when I graduated -- I was a Political Science major. I have to assume hosting the Hillel senior Gala in 2013 gave me some inspiration in my current endeavors. Jeremy Klaben (’13) moved to Chicago after graduation to open a fast-casual restaurant, Brightwok Kitchen, in the Loop. When I graduated with a degree in Business, I knew I wanted to open a healthy, fast-casual Asian-inspired restaurant. Ann Arbor restaurants, like Zingerman’s and Frita Batidos were inspiring examples of excellent food and service, and the Hillel Shabbat dinner hospitality guided me in thinking about the environment I wanted to create at Brightwok. Seeing the restaurant take off has been thrilling, and I’m so excited to have a Michigan spot here in Chicago. Hayley Sakwa (‘14) works on community building in Detroit. I live in Detroit building community partnerships and doing outreach around child nutrition. A lot of what I do is guided by the friendships and knowledge I gained in the Jewish Detroit Initiative (JDI) -- a Hillel group. In fact, my current roommate was my partner in creating JDI in 2011! Matt Green (’12) and former Berman Fellow at Michigan Hillel is currently a third year rabbinical student at Hebrew Union College (HUC) in New York. I use the gay dating app, Grindr, to bring together gay Jews for Shabbat. I’ve imagined creating a community à la Michigan Hillel on Friday nights from the beginning. Today, the Grindr Shabbat Initiative is a vibrant community of 200+ young queer Jews in Brooklyn. I’ve taken that philosophy into my broader rabbinic position with the organization, Brooklyn Jews. In that role, I organize Shabbat experiences for Jews in their 20s and 30s. In a certain sense, I’m hoping to create a sort of Hillel for adults. Chaim Frenkel (’12) co-founded a Moishe House in Atlanta, GA. Atlee Silk (’14) is in her second year with Teach for America in Memphis, TN. I am a history teacher at KIPP: Memphis Collegiate High School. My experience at Michigan drives me every day. I studied education and history, which directly relates to what I do, but the experiences I had outside of the classroom impact my life as well. I joined a Jewish young professionals group, largely as a result of the Jewish identity I cultivated at Michigan. As a Michigan alum, I’m always looking for exciting new challenges. At U of M, I was involved with the Center for Entrepreneurship and TAMID. This foundation propels me to work with early stage companies during their most critical phase of growth. In this same light, after I graduated, I missed the community that I had at Hillel. This inspired me to co-found the Atlanta Moishe House to provide meaningful Jewish experiences to young professionals. 21 Chai Society Welcome to the Inaugural Class of Chai Society Members Michigan Hillel’s new Chai Society was created as a special way to recognize outstanding parents, alumni and community supporters. Chai Society members – which includes nearly 200 supporters – have generously contributed $1,800 or more throughout the academic year. To gratefully acknowledge their extraordinary support, several special incentives will be given to our Chai Society members, including: • Chai Society Lapel Pin • Michigan bumper sticker and magnet • Choice of a Michigan-in-Hebrew tee, mug, new challah cover or more • Exclusive football code for Parents Weekend and Homecoming games • Birthday cards • Special recognition in our Newsletter • Special recognition on our website • Invitations to webinar updates by Tilly and other Hillel leadership • Invitations to our VIP luncheon at Hillel during Parents Weekend • Personal thank you calls from our students and Board of Trustee members As well as bonus incentives they may give to students: • Complimentary meals at the Hillel Café • Gift cards to the Hillel Coffee Cart • Apples and Honey for Rosh Hashanah • Nosh Bags hand-delivered to students prior to finals week (both semesters) • Winter Warm-Up package of goodies delivered to students in February You can find the members of our Chai Society on the following pages. It would be an honor to have you join our Chai Society! For more information, contact Stacy Carroll at [email protected] or call the office at (734) 769-0500. 22 Hillel Supporters ! u o Y k Than We thank all those who have made generous gifts to Hillel from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. We also extend our appreciation of support to the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor and Hillel International. We extend special thanks to our True Blue Society: those donors who have given for five consecutive years or more as denoted by a listing in blue. Visionaries ($25,000+) Mandell L. & Madeleine H. Berman Foundation William Davidson Foundation Samuel & Jean Frankel Foundation Stanley & Judith Frankel Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit Gayle Taubman Kalisman & Michael Kalisman Michael & Patricia Levine Irving & Sarah Pitt Charitable Philanthropic Fund Murray & Ina Pitt The Ravitz Foundation Taubman Foundation William & Ellen Taubman Fred & Judith Wilpon Luminaries ($10,000 - $24,999) Mary & Jonathan Aaron Robert & Marjorie Alpern Foundation Bert Askwith (z”l) & Patti Kenner Bendit Foundation, Inc. Devorah & Kevin Berman Stephen & Nancy Grand Irwin & Bethea Green Support Foundation Lisa & Seth Greenberg Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life Joan & Warren Kessler Edward C. & Linda Dresner Levy Foundation Richard & Barbara Levy Spiegel Family Joseph & Debra Weinberg Zell Family Foundation Innovators ($5,000 - $9,999) Patrice Aaron Earl Abramson Jay & Jill Bernstein Gayle & Richard Burstein Mark & Julia Gerstein Conrad & Lynda Giles Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor Robert & Jill Granader Clarence & Jack Himmel Foundation Beth Kaplan & Bruce Sholk Stewart & Barbara Mandell Michigan B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation Chuck & Sharon Newman George & Sarah Ohlhausen Foundation Jeffrey & Susan Rubenstein Skip & Lynn (Sachse) Schrayer Jeffrey & Loren Schwartz Richard & Lynn Shapiro William & Karyn Silverstein Isaac Sitt Foundation William & Patricia Snyder Ari & Susan Spar Fred & Eileen Springer Marshall Weinberg Neil & Stacy Weissman Leaders ($2,500 - $4,999) Carol Amster Rachel Bendit & Mark Bernstein David & Nancy Berkowitz Ann Berman & Daniel Feld David Blumenstein & Jane Pollner Robert & Lillie Breitbard Fund: Gayle & Jerry Klusky Helene & Tim Cohen The Covenant Foundation DeRoy Testamentary Foundation Constance & Sydney Dunitz Endowment Fund of Los Angeles Lisa & Mitch Eisen Halley & Ruth Anne Faust Stephen & Sandra Greenberg Eric & Karen Gurwin Rebecca & J. David Heller Israel on Campus Coalition Karen & Harvey Klapper Robert Krasnov Norman & Kim Kurlan Michael & Donna Maddin Allan & Joy Nachman Jane & Daniel Och Repair the World, Inc. Caryn Seidman Becker & Marc Becker Brian & Tamara Sher Ari & Adina Shrage Steven & Elisa Silverman Marc & Melissa Spellman Jill & David Stein Joel & Shelley Tauber The Trico Foundation: Coville-Triest Family Foundation Daniel & Marci Ungar Joshua & Fran Weingast Lorne & Kerstyn Zalesin Chai Society ($1,800 - $2,499) Ira Baer Danya & Marc Berman Jonathan Berman Elaine & Thomas Blumberg Allen & Franka Charlupski Foundation David & Randee Charney Jennifer Feingold Julie & Barry Finkelstein Donna & Rick Forman 23 Julie & Martin Franklin Dorothy Gerson James & Linda Ginsburg Ronald & Margie Glancz Andrew & Helene Glick Francine Gordon Allan & Susan Greenberg James & Nancy Grosfeld Foundation Martin & Lynn Halbfinger Morton & Brigitte Harris Doreen Hermelin Rebecca Hoelting Short & Dan Short Michael & Lenore Hyatt Stephen & Linda Jacobson The Betty Kahn Fund Steven & Rochelle Katz Sharon & Ernest (z”l) Klein Robert Klyman & Dena Bloom Howard & Emily Kreshek Ken & Pam Lester Shaun Levin Raphael & Nazila Levy Rod & Tracy Loewenthal Irving & Ethel Palman Foundation & Jonathan Lowe Bud & Sandra Reisman Kathleen Richards & Lawrence Crockett Jeffrey Schwaber & Elizabeth Schrayer David Shapiro & Abigail Pogrebin Richard & Barbara Silverman Larry & Susan Slabotsky Irving & Carol Smokler Shelly & Dan Snyder Eddie & Sharon Solomon Robert & Loren Stone Herbert & Karen Wander Jane & Mark Wilf Jorge & Tammy Woldenberg Keenan & Orna Wolens Andrea & Lawrence Wolfe Alan Woronoff & Shira Goodman Partners ($1,000 - $1,799) American Campus Communities Harlene & Henry Appelman Rachel Barbanel-Fried & Andrew Salama Guy & Nora Barron Roberta & Harold Barron Jack & Janet Baum Philanthropic Fund Barbara & Jack Berman Bruce & Lori Berman Beth Israel Congregation The Betmar Charitable Foundation Penny & Harold Blumenstein Paul Borman Elise & Russell Bratley Dean Brenner Judith & Simeon Brinberg Karen & David Cahen Hon. Avern & Lois Cohn Elliot and Deborah Cosgrove Larry & Corinne Cott Allison & Mitchell Danzig Judi & Michael Delbick Michelle & Robert Diener Kenneth & Frances Eisenberg Jeffrey Eisman & Nancy Benchell-Eisman 24 Brenda Ellerin & Stephen Dubin Robert & Joan Epstein Robert Esposito & Lee Raskin Esposito Robert & Margaret Fagenson Feder Family Foundation Cecelia & Bill Feiler Oscar & Dede Feldman Edward I. Fleischman Foundation Claude Fontheim & Orit Frenkel Sidney & Maddy Forbes Harold & Lynda Friedman Steven Gamer & Stephanie Klasky-Gamer Ken & Lori Garfinkel Jamie Gold Michael & Rena Gordon Sheila & Joseph Gutman Shari & Manny Haber J. Ira & Nicki Harris Foundation Raymond & Lucia Henney Stanley Imerman Memorial Foundation Robert Immerman Howard & Lilly Jacobson Howard & Trudy Jacobson Orlee & Jeffrey Kahn Barbara Kaplan Harris & Arthur Harris Mark Killingsworth Jeffrey & Susan Klein Lenore Klein Paul & Melissa Kotcher Fannie Kraft Foundation Richard & Sally Krugel Pamela Lederer & Michael Carmen Paula & Henry Lederman David & Naomi Ledersnaider Stacey Lee & Evan Caminker Neal & Paula Lenarsky Michael Levey & Linda Gorens-Levey Ellsworth Levine & Janet Birnkrant Levine Samuel Levine & Laurie Blitzer Stephen & Karen Malkin Joshua Mann Sean & Heather Martin John & Judy Marx Jared & Shara Miller Minkin Family Foundation Michele & Paul Mirman Martin & Sandra Nessel Gilbert Omenn & Martha Darling Suzanne & Joseph Orley Foundation Gerson Panitch & Debra Reiter Panitch Maurice & Lori Pogoda Nimrod & Ellen Raphaeli James & Sheryl Reuben Jerry & Louise Ribnick Marcia Riesman The Sigmund & Sophie Rohlik Foundation David & Penny Rosen Benjamin & Marie Rosenberg Joseph & Ella Rubach Michael & Sharon Safra Joshua & Rachel Samek Helen & Moshe Sassover Savitsky Family Anthony Scaglione Brian & Margot Schapiro Morton & Diane Scholnick Schostak Family Support Foundation Barbara Schrayer Arthur & Mary Schuman Robert & Erica Schwartz Joel & Eileen Segal Charles & Marcia Seigerman Benson & Norma Shapiro Sherman Family Foundation Donna Shewach & Stanton Elias Douglas & Julie Shiffman Burton & Suzanne Shifman Sigma Delta Tau Chi Chapter Jerome & Marilyn Soble Adam & Laurin Steiger Mitchell Steir & Nancy Ganz Jeffrey & Susan Stern Joan Stern Steven & Benay Taub Temple Israel Rabbis Laurence & Wendy Tenebaum Terner Family Alan & Gina Tolmas Lisa & David Weiner Arthur & Trudy Weiss Scott & Noreen Winkelman Ada & Howard Yerman Robert & Susan Yost Patrons ($500 - $999) Robert & Diane Altkorn Ann Arbor Orthodox Minyan Alison & Michael Arkin Robin & David Arm Jaclyn & Thomas Aronson Robert Aronson J. William & Irene Baros Philanthrophic Fund Donna & Andrew Barrett Susan & Dale Bass Nancy & Scott Beiser Jamie & Mark Benjamin Charles & Stacy Bennett Ronald & Linda Benson James & Karen Berger Lori & Kenneth Bergman Jodie & Peter Berkman Naomi Berkove Karen & Adam Berkowitz Mitchell Bernstein & Jessica Halprin Alan Berro Amy Bigman Amy & Jason Black Jared Blank Sheree & Wayne Bloch Pamela & Kenneth Bloom Robert Blum & Theresa Valasco Nina Blumenthal & Scott Corin Daniel & Susan Borison Aileen & David Bormel Lili & Jon Bosse Eric & Lisa Bronstein Michael & Ruth (z”l) Brooks Stanley & Janet Broome Raya & Morton Brown David Brownstein & Allison Selko Eric Bukstein & Beth Schwanke David & Julie Burton Nadine & Jonathan Carmel Andrew & Jeri Casden Lois & Lawrence Chasin CMB Property Management Malcolm & Judith Cohen Roxanne & David Cohen Gabrielle & Malcolm Cosgrove Alan & Bette Cotzin Jacqueline & Dale Danilewitz Tom & Shari Dicker Linda Jo Doctor & Elliot Ginsburg Yafa & Emil Efrem Steven & Janet Eisenberg Lizabeth Engebretson Edith Everett Bryan Ezralow Lee & Denise Farkas Howard Felson Brian & Esther Finglass Ira D. Finkelstein Arnold & Lorraine Fisher Bruce & Laurie Fisher Robert & Sara Franco Gary & Eileen Freed Howard & Ellen Frey Eric & Julie Friedberg Adam & Lisa Friedlander Melinda & David Friedman Ricky Friedman Friends Family Foundation Galpern-Mendelson Family Foundation Joshua & Nicole Gann Beverly Gershowitz Robert & Laurie Gervis Stuart & Suzanne Gildenberg Sheri & Dan Ginis Jonathan & Laura Ginns Judith & Howard Goldstein Leo & Betty Goldstein Steve & Monica Goldstein Jane & Neil Golub Bob Goodman & Laura Rabinowicz Robert & Shelley Greebel Alan & Susan Green Hilary & Allan Greenberg Susan J Greenberg Joel & Julie Greenblatt Jeffrey Gurwin Susan & Ira Guttentag Marshall & Jill Hagen David & Pamela Haron Julie & Adam Harris Mark & Mary Harris Steven & Linda Harwood Joseph Helman Heyman Family Eric & Deb Hirschfield Mitchell & Betsy Hollander Anthony Hopenhajm David & Cheri Hurwitz Jeffrey & Marion Isaacs Joel Jacob David & Andrea Jacobson Daniel Jaffe Ira & Brenda Jaffe Harvey & Frederica Kadden Bob & Pat Kahn Mark & Judy Kahn Marty & Andrea Kalin Yale & Joan Kamisar David & Judith Karp Scott & Audrey Kaufman David Kirschenbaum & Debra Loeb Marvin Kirsh Rich & Myra Klarman Paul & April Klausner Harvey & Aileen Kleiman Susan Klein & David Berkowitz Lawrence & Wendy Kohlenberg Bobby & Jane Krasnick Irwin Kula & Dana Kurzweil Mark & Suzanne Lampert Nelson Lande Laura Landesman & Charles Mandel Daniel Leemon & Julie Dorsey Joel & Laura Leizer Todd & Beth Leonard Marc & Eliana Leve Sheldon & Mary Lois Levy Jennifer Lewis & Marc Bernstein Paul & Carolyn Lichter J. Elizabeth Liess Debra & Lev Linkner Steven & Julie Stark Lowenstein Glenn & Debbie Maron Terry & Semyon Meerkov Abby & Bruce Mendelsohn Mermell Family Daniel & Jennifer Meron Jill & Bradford Miller Kenneth & Debby Miller Robert Mindel & Sheila Yossem Jeffrey & Karen Modell Jonathan & Stephanie More Steve & Susie Moskowitz H. Herbert & Susan Myers Cynthia & Lawrence Nagel Myrthe Naparstek Steven Nasatir & Carolyn Rosenberg Andrea & Frank Newman William & Natalie Newman George & Jenus Nourafchan Steven & Leah Pazol David & Barbara Pearl George & Andrea Peck Jason & Jacqueline Peltz Micah Peltz & Rachel Zivic Donald & Deborah Peven Jeffrey & Emily Pitt Donald Purther Mark & Lisa Ratner Michael & Tammy Rochman Bernard & Bonnie Rosenfeld Alan & Janet Rosenthal Benjamin & Marta Rosenthal Rotary Club of Ann Arbor North Foundation Stuart & Randi Sakwa Kenneth & Stacy Samet Martin & Melodie Scharf Bluma Schechter Martin & Hili Scheck Marc & Margi Scherr Joseph & Bonnie Schinagle Benjamin & Ivy Schlechter Beth Schlegel & Jay Rand Schoenfeld Family David & Lisa Schwartz Jamie & David Schwartz Igor & Tatiana Segal James & Michelle Seidenberg Gil Seinfeld & Debra Chopp Tilly Shames Thomas & Jane Shandell Philip Shaw & Shira Gordon Cynthia Shenker & James Campbell James & Lisa Shenwick Ariel Sherizen & Jodie Steinway Labron & Pamela Shuman Lawrence & Franci Silver Amy & Ross Silverstein Holly & Mitchell Slodowitz Jeffrey & Lynn Snyder Susan Sosnick Stephanie & Lee Spiegel William & Sharon Stein Sheldon & Beth Stone Andrea & Neil Strahl Samuel & Gayl Suede Miriam & Joel Suldan Jeffrey & Debra Supowit Lauren Taney & Bradley Chod Richard Tannenbaum & Ellen Distelheim Phyllis Mandell Victorson Martin & Stephanie Walcoe David & Barbara Wallace Seth Warschausky & Sandra Finkel Elise Weisbach Ronald & Eileen Weiser Jayne S. Weiss Pamela Wohl Alix & Jorge Wolf Larry Yogel & Robin Engelson Philip & Eileen Youtie Jonathan & Lisa Zirin Richard & Julie Zussman Marc & Randy Zwick Supporters ($250 - $499) Sallie Kochin Abelson Steven & Wendy Abrams Jeffrey & Nancy Adler Laura Katz Adler & Mark Adler Sue & Larry Adler Susan & John Adler Steven Atlas & Barbara Hirsch Nancy & Robert Bain Miriam & Stuart Barish Elsy & Neil Baron Michael Baron Bruce Barr & Lauren Baros Barr Linda & Murray Baruch Tali & Adam Baruch Allison & Adam Baumwald Diane & Gregory Belok Sheryl Benjamin & Paul Howard Deborah & Greg Bensinger Elaine & Stuart Berger Felice & Shelley Bergman Ronald & Miriam Bergman Sara Berlin Gayle & David Bernhaut Heidi & Evan Bernstein Leah & Larry Berson Robyn & Joseph Bier Ronald & Caryn Bittker Roselyn & Stanford Blanck Janis & Allen Blenden Ilana & Adam Block Richard Bloom 25 Alan Blum Joyce & George Blum William Boorstein Yvette Borofsky & Eric Edidin Adam & Nora Bowman Michael Brauman Tobie Bresloff & David Hyman Dina & Herman (z”l) Brodsky Devin Brown Richard & Pam Brown Renee & Charles Brownman Susie & Howard Bruch Henry & Miriam Brysk Lee & Bonnie Burdman Jan & Rob Burke Michelle Burton Jeff & Ellen Byrd Sigal & David Byrnes Ruth & David Carliner Malka & David Caroline Ilene & David Chait Lynda & Ronald Charfoos Charfoos & Company Gail & Paul Chod Michael & Bela Chopp Sarah Chopp Paul & Ruth Chosid Alisha & Ronald Cipriano Toby Citrin & Phyllis Blumenfeld Nadine & Richard Cohan Joshua Cohen Julius Cohen Lisa & Larry Cohen Sarita & Arthur Cohen Tracey & David Cohen Jean & Jim Coleman Gerald & Barbara Cook Susan & Julian Cook Beth Cousens & Joel Aufrecht Leslie & Howard Crane Margery Cunningham Nelson Cunningham Nancy & Michael Cutler Christine Dabrowski Wendy & Stephen Dahar Joel & Sandra Dalkin Elaine & Jacques Darmon Jeff & Susan Davidson Andrea de Castro-Abeger & Roy Antelyes Suzi Daitch Dell & Lawrence Dell Jamie & Howard Demsky Lisa & Steve Diamond Jessica & Jonathan Dishell Robert & Ellen Dobrusin Deborah & Brad Dockser Norma & Michael Dorman Noam Drazin Mark Dunayer & Cheryl Phillip Myrna & Richard Edgar Lawrence Eilender & Amy Goldfaden Debbie Ellerin & Mark David Neal & Margaret Elyakin Todd & Hillary Emmerman Todd & Judith Endelman Joanne & Robin Estes David Farber Susan & David Feber Ira & Deborah Feigenbaum Philip & Anne Feitelson Marc & Lisa Fessler 26 Dave & Peggy Fineman Robert & Linda Finkel Steven & Sandra Finkelman Stanley & Shari Finsilver Rachel Firestone & Jason Binder Ronald & Luanne Fisher Marlene & Jeffrey Fox Dana & Adam Frank Tony & Sue Frank Michael Isaac & Ellen Franzblau Ben Freed Andi Nussbaum Frenkel & Richard Frenkel Michael & Lisbeth Fried Joanna & Richard Friedman Mark & Lisa Friedman Robert Friedman & Gretchen Hecht Howard & Amy Friedner Eli & Peggy Futerman Adam & Elissa Futterman Enid Galler Lynne & William Garbose Lawrence & Judith Garshofsky Doug Gelb & Karen Kluin Jeff Gelfand & Kimberly Gilman Marvin & Florence Gerber Gilbert Gjersvik Brad & Martha Glass Cathy Glick & Larry Halman Gary & Rachel Glick Eve Goldberg Mark Goldfarb Deborah Goldman & Howard Levine Karla Goldman & Kim Jaffee Amanda & Ken Goldstein Henry & Lois Goodman Robert & Jodi Goodman Steven Gordon Bruce & Tamara Gorosh Scott & Nancy Gottlieb Ron & Julie Gould Hadar & Lois Granader Andrew & Dara Grant David Grauer & Carolyn Kraft-Grauer Robert Green (z”l) & Martha Sullivan Green Elliot & Sandra Greenspan Jeffrey & Marci Grogin Jaffa & Pinchas Gross Lee & Claire Hager Lisa & Jeffrey Hagler John & Michelle Halperin Lucy Halperin Zaro Renanah Halpern & Joel Green Nancy Hamlin & Laurence Berman Howard Handler & Wendy Kranitz Handler Clifford & Alice Hart Jeffrey Hauptman Mark & Jan Hauser Alan & Sheri Heller Harvey & Ronna Heller Barnett & Shirley Helzberg Brian & Louise Henderson Brian & Jennifer Hermelin Andrew Hertz & Linda Ray Joel Herz Samuel Hess Lynn Heymont The Heymont Family Trust Richard Hirsch David Hirsh & Allison Cook Morton & Sandra Hoffman Sydney Hoffmann & David Krakoff David & Emily Hoffner Jeffrey & Jennifer Hollander Robert & Viviana Holzer Jonathan Hornstein James & Joi Horowitz Ron & Mindy Horowitz Ruth Horowitz Caron & Asher Hyman Paula Ingram Marc Israel & Abbey Frank Elisabeth Jeremias Avi & Liz Kaner Joseph & Cindy Kaplan Lawrence Kaplan Paul & Michelle Kaplan Bonnie & Neil Katz Philip Katz & Sara Morningstar Steven Katz & Claire Lieberman Alan & Sue Kaufman Daniel Kaufman David & Nancy Kaufman Ellen & Richard (z”l) Kaye Scott Kellman John & Robin Kennedy Bernard & Nina Kent Bill & Ellen Kestenberg Zelda Klaiman C. Jerome & Sandra Koffler David & Susan Koffler Yoram & Alina Koren Steven & Alissa Korn Milton A. & Charlotte R. Kramer Charitable Foundation Robert Krasny Barbara & Michael Kratchman Gary & Barb Krenz Marilyn & Samuel Krimm Matthew Kripke Ellen & Aaron Krumbein Jim & Ellen Labes Yoni & Danielle Labow Marten & Robin Ladman Curtis Lane Joseph & Leonora Lebovich Laurie & Jeffrey Leflein Lori Lefstein & Michael Diamond Steven Leibowitz & Susan Nadell Debbie LeVay Karen & Tony Levin Nancy & Adam Levin Frederic Levine & Janine Martyn Myron (z”l) & Bobbie Levine Robert & Gina Levine, Ezra Levine & Maya Levine Steven & Jamie Levine Rosa & Daniel Levy Stanley & Joan Levy Lisa & Andy Licht Ruth Licht Fred & Jacqueline Lieberberg Anthony Lightman & Ruth Rossman Nancy Lipsitz Hannan & Lisa Lis Mark & Lisa Lundy Daniel & Linda Lutz Michele & Lance Lutz Linda Maach & Jason Potek Leslie & Ron Malach Jane Malkin Konigsberg & Theodore Konigsberg Robert Marcovitch & Elise Eplan Andrei & Irena Markovits Ted & Barbara Mayden Ellen & James Meisel Gregory & Lisa Beth Meisel Larry Mellen Robert & Margie Mellen Andrea & Jeff Meltzer Jay & Michelle Mendelsohn Lisa & Dan Mendelson Robert Miller Ariel & Avital Mintz Steve & Jackie Miron Jason Mironov Steven & Helene Moehlman Ira & Gail Mondry Arnold & Ellyne Monto Stephen Monto Howard & Diane Morof Michael & Leslie Morris Jeffrey & Wendy Moss Ronn & Beth Nadis David Nanus & Bonnie Silverman Kevin & Jodi Neff Daniel Neumann Michael & Carole Nimaroff Raymond & Ilene Nolte Lawrence & Barbara Orans Leonard & Michelle Ostroff Jeffrey Parness & Sandra Hauser Richard & Debra Partrich Marcia Parven Joshua Peck Jeremy & Andrea Perler Owen & Sheila Perlman Theodore & Harriette Perlman Persky Family Sidney & Nadine Pertnoy Larry & Lori Pitkowsky Michael & Natalie Pont Elliott & Estee Portnoy Martin Prosky & Ellen Snyder Lawrence & Natalie Rael Aaron & Deborah Rapoport Reuben & Lori Rashty Iris & Hadas Reshef Mark & Diane Richer Stanley Robboy Deborah Robins Jack & Aviva Robinson Jeffrey & Susan Rome Leonard & Sharon Rosen Marc & Michelle Rosenbach Bruce & Sharon Rosenbaum Lisa Rosenbaum & Walter Lipsman Nanette Rosenberg Robert Rosenberg David & Wendy Rosenburgh Gay & George Rosenwald David Rosenwein Moshe & Deborah Rosenwein Michael & Rennie Roth Russell & Nina Rothman Mark & Shelly Rubenfire James & Tara Rutman David & Allison Sachs David & Bessie Sadownick Brett Sagel David & Paula Saginaw Adam Saltzman & Ilana Gonik Andrew Sandler & Karen Garber Andrew Sapperstein David & Nancy Sarne Elizabeth & Andrew Saslawsky Eileen Savage Rhonda & Leslie Scharf Mona & Mark Schechner Cheryl Schneider Steven & Elizabeth Schubiner Sanford & Susan Schulman Irene Schumer David & Keirsten Schwartz Melvin & Cindy Schwartz Laura & Hilton Segal Robert & Anita Seidemann Evan Seigerman Jill & Evan Seigerman Daniel & Sharon Serota Joel & Ann Shamaskin Andrea & Marvin Shapiro Caryn Shapiro Jay & Susan Shayevitz David & Carey Sherman Steven & Joyce Shwedel Bluma & Leonard Siegal Fred Siegel & Cynthia Cota Rachel & Rich Siegel Elese Silverman Ruth & Frank Sklarsky Bill & Lois Solomon Jane Solomon Michael & Cynthia Sonnabend Alisa Sorkin Audra & Alan Spellberg Jeffrey & Sheryl Spitzer-Resnick Jeffrey Spoon & Terri Ginsburg David & Tamara Stapf Aaron & Rebecca Starr Lili Stawski Barrie & Jeffrey Steinberg David & Joyce Steinberg Yael & Sammy Steiner Carey & Catherine Strom Karen & David Stutz David & Rikki Sudikoff Alan & Jennifer Tannenbaum Ken Tauber & Ellen Oppenheimer Ben N. Teitel Charitable Trust Steven & Madalyn Tobias Eric & Lisa Trattner Jordan & Erica Tritt: Ramie A. Tritt Family Foundation Cary Verasco Steven & June Volk Elliott & Felise Wachtel Don & Dottie Wagner Adam & Susan Wegner Jeffery Weil David & Debra Weiner Lisa & Dan Weiner Mitchell Weiner Scott & Melissa Weingarden Idell & Lawrence Weisberg Steven & Lori Weisberg Jeffrey & Jessica Weiss Mark & Cindy Weissman Leslie & Corey Winograd Amy Winston & Steven Samuel Bruce & Marianne Wisbaum Barry Wolf & Sarah Jacobson Richard & Claire Yaffe Amy Yenkin & Robert Usdan Lisa Yufit & Michael Cher Jay & Idyth Zimbler Sara & Timothy Zwickl Friends ($18 - $249) Marilyn Aaron Ruth & Jerald Aaron Joshua Aaronson Henry Abeger James & Jamie Abelson Gloria & Gerald Abrams Jacques Abrams Lauren Abrams Nina & Howard Abrams Stephen & Robin Abrams Matthew & Sharon Abramsky Danny Ackerman Annette Adelman Judith & Joel Adelman Dina & Solomon Adelsky David Adelson Faye & Steven Adelson Kathy & Mark Adelson Alyssa Adler Ben Adler Eden Adler Faye & Abraham Adler Nancy & Steven Adler Rosalyn & Norman Adler Family Philanthropic Fund & Amy & Jim Becker Steve Adler Aura & Aaron Ahuvia Ariel Allal Jennifer Allan & Marc Renouf Adrienne Allen & Michael Cohen Alexander Allweil Elyse & Stephen Alpart Michael & Susan Alpern Janet & Gary Alpert Karen & Neal Alpiner Bram & Shari Alster Marsha & Steven Alter Nancy & Howard Alter Aliza Altman Ilana & William Altman Mark Altschul Carol & Gordon Altshuler Brenda & Mark Altus Karen & Allen Amber David & Helen Aminoff Jennifer & Matthew Andelman Miriam & Mark Antin Donald & Linn Apel Michelle Appelbaum Harry Appelman & Mimi Brody Karen & Larry Aptekar Laura Argintar Monica Arkin Margaret & Steven Armus Ellen & Richard Arnold I - Ming & Robert Aron Elyse Aronauer Judy & Mark Aronson Levana & Stephen Aronson Alexis Asch Michael & Toni Asch 27 Muriel Levis Asch Michael & Holly Ash Amy & Douglas Ashinsky Craig Ashinsky Neal Ashinsky Fred Askari & Donna Wicker Michele & Dan Askenazi Bruce & Mona Auerbach Andrew Austin Steven Averbuch Joshua Avigad Maya Avinadav Rina & Viatcheslav Avshalumov Ronda & Mark Axelowitz Edward Azoff Andrew Azorsky Susan & Gregory Azorsky Pamela & Bruce Azus Wendy Bachelis Diane & Bob Bacine Jessica Baer Maxine & Laurence Baker Lauren & Akiva Balfour Marla Banov Eileen & Jim Baral David & Rubina Bard Jonathan Barkan Rachel Baron Nancy Baron-Baer & Stephen Baer Nancy Welber Barr & Richard Barr Rhonda Barrison Rosette & Marshall Barron Jeffrey & Alison Barry Donald & Merilyn Bartolacci Adam & Tali Baruch Janet Barudin Gloria Basem Leslie & Norman Bash Michael & Tammy Basist Jason Bass & Susan Rifkin Bass Jodi Batan Margaret & Brian Batt Abby & Peter Bauland Frank & Stacey Baum Michael & Harriet Baum Robin & Jeffrey Baum Sara & Michael Baumrin Naomi Bayer & Stuart Brandhandler Tina & David Beale Jody Bean Wendy Bear Carol & Steven Beck Darcy & Jeff Becker Felicia Becker Isabel Becker Claudia & Kenneth Been Cheryl & Robert Beer Francine Behrman Jennifer Beitner Ruth & Norman Beitner Susan & Alain Belasen Jeffrey & Jane Belkin Alison & Martin Bell Amie & Stuart Belloff Julie & Albert Ben-Simon Donna & Ron Bender Thalia & Lenny Bender Gail Bendit Rita & Leonard Benjamin Jason Benkendorf 28 Mark & Joyce Bennett Melanie Bennett & Jeff Greenblatt Elissa Berg Amy Berger Benjamin Berger & Rachel Weiss-Berger Cheryl & Kenneth Berger Ellen & Michael Berger Jason Berger Jonathan Berger Morton A. Berger Rachel & Jeffrey Berger Rachel Berger Rabbi Aaron Bergman: Adat Shalom Matthew & Allyson Bergman Ruth Ann Bergstein Susan & Mitchell Berk Lisa & Paul Berkey Benjamin Berkley Lawrence & Gail Berkove Steven & Alayne Berkowitz Alvin & Flora Berkun Michael Berland Cheryl & Arnold Berlin Louis & Nancy Berlin Marc & Marci Berlin Zachary Berlin Janice & David Berliner Elizabeth & Robert Berlow Debra & Paul Berman Janet & Abe Berman Susan Berman Kress & Douglas Kress Anaruth & Henri Bernard Dennis & Hadas Bernard Alison & David Bernstein Stephanie Bernstein Carole Beroff Jodi Berris Barbara & Sheldon Berry Dagmar & Robert (z”l) Berry Ilene & Kenneth Bershad Rochelle & Laurence Bertan Terese & Corey Bertcher Marcus & Amy Besser Ed & Ellen Betel Elisa & Michael Betman Laurie & Gary Biales Rosalyn Biederman Aimee & Gregg Bierman Dina & Brian Biesman Scott & Sheryl Biesman Jonathan Bilmes & Barbara Becker Andrew Bilzin Martha Bindeman Leonard Binn Andrea & Paul Birnbaum Betsy Birnbaum Tina & Ward Bissell Allan & Ellie Bittker Jeremy Bittker Raphael Bivas Fraya Black Jen & Jeremy Black Adam Blanck Karen & Ira Blank Neal Blatt Robert & Lorilyn Blatt Hedie & Scott Blech Susan Blitz Marc & Lorin Blitzer Jeffrey Blivaiss Alison Bloch Andrew J. Block Amy & David Bloom Barbara & Douglas Bloom Debra & Edward Bloom Hilda & Mitcheal Bloom James Bloom Doron Bloomfield Sam & Brynna Bloomfield Leah & Theodore Blum Barbara & Andrew Blumberg Michelle Blumenberg & Eric Penner Rachel Blumenstein Rabbi Kim Blumenthal: Beth Israel Marc Blumenthal & Sharon Veis Marjory & William Blumenthal Robert Blumenthal & Beth Dwoskin Sophie Blumert Cynthia & Fred Bodker Ilana S. Bodker Marci & Stuart Bodner Lauren Bogart Scott & Lori Bohrer Susan Boiko & Martin Schwartz Linda Bolton & Sidney Blackman Jody & Daniel Boorstein Jeremy Borison Jessica Borison Susan Bornstein Morton & Lynne Borzykowski Adam Bosse Goldie & David Brandhandler Jonathan Brateman Elizabeth & Enoch Brater Greer & Arthur Braun Hallie & Jason Bravo Marilyn Bray Alvin & Jeannette Bregman Charles Breitbart Andrew & Karen Brenner Diana & Charles Bresinger Allie Breslin David & Michele Breslin Rimma & Gary Bressler Stacy & Neil Brickman Amy Jo Brickner Jonathan Brier Brian Brodsky Jeffrey & Shari Brodsky Stacy & Jeffrey Brodsky Helene Brodsky Brody Cynthia Brody Melvin Brody Cantor Norman Brody: Temple Beth El Rachel Brody Shira & Ross Broms Bob & Kim Broner David & Lily Broner Honey & Daniel Bronson Harvey & Marion Bronstein Liliana & Louis Brotchner Jody Brott & Philip Bronstein Ann B. Brown Larry & Robin Brown Michelle & Lewis Brown Phylis & Leonard Brown Dena & David Bruckman Gail Bruker Karen & Bruce Brumberg Barbara Bruno & Steven Harris Joan & Harvey Bucholtz Abigail Buchwach Molly & Ilan Buckman Rachel & Lee Buckman Heidi & Jeff Budaj Karen & Ethan Budin Karen & Michael Bukiet Luba Burman Amanda & Brian Burnovski Elliott & Sharon Burns Alan Bushlow Irene & Charles Butter Marc & Michelle Buzin Susan & Jeffrey Cadel Louis Camras Tracy Candiotti & Victor Pacheco Michael & Hillary Canning M. Catherine & David Cantor Andrew & Ilene Cantos Lee & Stacy Caplan Beth Carliner Alisa Carlson Susan & Douglas Carlson Claudia & Gilbert Carpel Nancy & Daniel Carpey Stacy & Michael Carroll Karen Cash Lewis & Ilene Cashman Andrew Ceifetz Cheryl & David Ceifetz Barbara & Manford Cetner Karen & Paul Chaben Paul Chafetz William & Wrenn Chais Laura Chamberlain & Mark Stein Steven Chameides Marilyn & Alan Chandross Taylor Chaness Jon & Ellen Channing Charfoos & Company Amy & Joshua Charlson Marci & Joshua Charm Patricia & Leonard Chase Jay & Natalie Chason Wendy & Brad Chayet Stephanie & Ronald Chervin Rina & Daniel Chessin Janine & William Chey Kenneth & Lisa Chinsky Laurie & Edward Chod Daniel Chudnow Joan Churchill Margaret & Steven Cicurel Susan & Robert Citrin Elaine & Allen Cizner Jeff Clarke & Emma Wendt Lori & Brian Cloch Robert Coben Elke Coblens & Emanuel Aftergut Alan Cohen Alice & Stuart Cohen Alice Cohen Amy & David Cohen Andrew Cohen Andrew Cohen Arlette Cohen Barbara & David Cohen Carl & Robin Cohen Carl Cohen Charles Cohen & Jessica Simons David Cohen & Lee Jones Diana & Daniel Cohen Donna & Glenn Cohen Ellen Cohen & Steven Fraade Jacob Cohen Jennifer & Ben Cohen Jessica Cohen Karen Cohen Laura & Jay Cohen Lauren Cohen Linda & Roger Cohen Mara Cohen Marc Cohen & Ilana Amrani-Cohen Michelle & Andrew Cohen Miriam & John Cohen Paula & Steven Cohen Sara Cohen Sherrie & Jeff Cohen Susan & Bruce Cohen Sylvia & Malcolm Cohen Wendy & Jeff Cohen Yoni Cohen Amy Cohn & Gordon Tucker Josh & Molly Cohn Linda & Theodore Cohn Robert Colburn Jason Cole Dorothy & Arnold Collens Michael & Janis Colman Courtney & Mark Colton Harriet Conn Barbara Connolly Nathalie Conrad Sean & Dianne Cook Shelly & David Cooke George & Rose Cooper Robert & Eileen Cooper Sharon & Leonard Cooper Tina & Robert Cooper Barbara & Joel Coplowitz Bruce & Jenny Corman Kathy & Irwin Coskey Wendy & Jeffrey Cossman Amber Cottle & Eric Bensky Helen & Harvey Cramer Stacey Crane Deweese Marla & Michael Craven Tamara Craven Kevin & Robin Croen Lee Hertz & Barbara Crone Michael & Suzan Curhan Chad Cutler Gayle & Alan Cutler Michael & Ellen Cuttler Jayne Czik Jessica & Matthew Daitch Karen & Richard Dale Philip Dale Billie & Joseph Dalezman Brittany Dallal Miriam & Michael Daniels Marion Danis Margery & Mark Dannenbaum Daniel Dantus Neil & Elise Dash MacDonald Moore & Deborah Dash-Moore Allan & Malka Daskal Babette & Mark Daskin Eilleen & Steven David Rebecca David Sarah & Kenneth Davidoff Robert Davidow & Susan Grubb Richard Davidson Rick & Marla Davidson Howard & Franceen Davine Sharon Davis Rhonda Dean & Michael Pad Holly & Todd Deckelbaum Jami & Steven DeGraff Lowel & Marcy Delbick Danielle DePriest Ariel & Steven Derringer Monica Desmoulins Andrea & Mark Dettelbach Julianne & Jeffrey Deutschman Marie Deveney & Martin Pernick Jeffrey & Deb Devries Batya & Richard Diamond Michael Diamond Tracey & Jeff Diamond Jacob Diskin Jeffrey & Cindy Diskin Irving & Rochelle Distelheim Dave Doneson Susan & Stuart Doneson Bob & Ellen Doppelt Michael & Debbie Doppelt Elliot Dorbian Esther Dorbian Mitchell & Leslie Dorf Neal & Luanne Dresher Janice & Frank Drohan Dyanne & Mark Drucker Leslie Drucker Lori & Monte Dube Amy & Gary Dubin Bonnie & Gary DuBoff Elyssa Duboys Eleanor & Jesse Dulberg Aaron & Deborah Dworin Carol & Steven Dworkin Michael & Terri Dworkin I. Zachary & Rhana Dyme Rachel & Joshua Dyme Iris & Mark Edelman Gabriel Edelson & Stephanie Singer Audrey & Ansel Edidin Shimon & Doris Edut Mitchell & Jodi Efros Barbara Egan Jerrold & Vivian Ehrlich Robin & Paul Ehrmann Gary & Jill Eidelman Sara Eidelman Mark & Susan Eig Ariella Eisen Rebecca Eisen Ronald & Deborah Eisenberg Marshall Eisler Harvey & Janis Eisman Joseph Eisman Cory Elbaum & Tara Goldsmith Lisa & Joel Elconin S. J. Elden Sigal Elias Chaim Eliav Andrea Elkin & Jeffrey Slaff Judith Elkin Matthew Elkin Richard & Susan Elkin 29 Hubert Elkins Philip & Estelle Elkus Rosalyn & Jerome Ellerin Jared Ellias Charles & Julie Ellis Stephen Ellis & Ellen Bernstein-Ellis Jerry & Gail Ellstein Lawrence & Lorraine Elowsky Menachem & Devorah Emanuel Earle & Sandra Endelman Michelle Engelbert Daniel & Linda Englander David & Stephanie Englander Andrew Neuschatz & Sharon Epel Susan Epps-Ginsberg & Daniel Ginsberg Howard & Sharon Epstein Irving & Estelle Epstein Michael & Linda Epstein Richard & Anne Epstein Samuel & Judith Epstein Eugene & Jill Erichsen Deborah & Robert Ernst Lydia Eskenazi Joseph Eskin Jeri & Michael Ettleson Joel & Robin Evans Daniel Fabbri Joshua & Ali Fagan Sheryl Fagin Marion & Burt Fainman Steven Falkoff & Robin Pomerantz-Falkoff Danielle Fantich Eugene & Ilene Farb Leonard & Dolores Farber Farfel Family Joshua Farkas Scot & Sherri Farrell Elliot & Erica Fatoullah Zahava Federman Louis & Sheila Feigelson Cheryl & Michael Feinberg Michael & Deborah Feingold Paul Feingold Amy Feinman Zeev & Hava Feit Claudine Feit Feurstein Daniel & Sally Feldman Eric & Dena Feldman Garry & Eileen Feldman Jill Feldman & Arnie Brier Michael & Susan Feldman Rafael & Mina Feldman Stephen & Susan Feldman David Feldshuh & Martha Frommelt Susan Felzer & Michael Siegel Roger & Marcia Fenton Fred & Miriam Ferber Victor & Karen Ferreira Daniel Fetner Ira & Sherry Feuer Jenny Feuer Robert & Deborah Fidel Duane & Joanne Fiedler Julie & Mark Filler Carol Finerman Amy Fink Sally Fink Scott Fink Robert & Meryl Finkelman Marc & Carole Firestone 30 Lonnie Firestone Michal & Jonathan Firsht Paul Fischer & Karoline Puder Ira Fisher Lucy Fisher & Doug Wick Susan & Stewart Fisher Suzette & Michael Fisher Barbara Fishman Ellen & David Fishman Janis Fishman Goldstein Ellen Fivenson Monyca & Steven Flack Robert (z”l) & Sharon Flagel Joy Flaschner Brian & Lisa Fleischer Lee & Renee Fleisher David Fleshler & Carla Tricarichi Suzanne Fligiel Jennifer & Stewart Flink Flint Jewish Federation Maynard & Marilynn Flusty Daniel & Eleanor Fogel Donna & Joseph Fogel Jessica Fogel Shari Fogel William Fogel Amy & Jack Folbe Ernest & Margot Fontheim George & Nancy Forrest Eric & Amy Forseter Ellen Forsman & Shlomo Castell Alice & Jake Forsythe Julie Fox Robert & Marla Fox Yakov Fradkin & Anna Strumba Barbara Frank David & Beverly Frank Lari & Mitchell Frank Bill & Zehava Frankel Jennifer Frawley Larry & Helaine Freed Michele Freed Douglas Freedman & Sharon E. Haas Gary & Mandi Freedman Judith Freedman Lauri & Doug Freedman Michael & Marion Freedman Norma Freedman Steven Freedman Dana Freeman Gary & Stefany Freeman Alfred & Margaret Freilich Edward Fride Danny & Pamela Fried Susie & Jim Friedberg Elias & Cecilia Friedenzohn David & Julie Friedland Avram & Jodi Friedman Candace Friedman Cecelia Friedman Jerome & Robin Friedman Joseph Friedman & Barbara Siegel Lawrence & Nancy Friedman Mark & Chong Friedman Martin & Vanessa Friedman Melvyn Friedman Nicholas & Deborah Friedman Paul & Vivian Friedman Susan Friedman Eric & Lorraine Fromm Michael & Susan Fromm Harold Frysh & Wendy Burk Chelsea Fuchs Steven Fuchs & Sondra Goldstein-Fuchs Bruce Fuller Morris & Mindy Funk Bruce & Karen Furman Alan Futerfas Tod & Laurie Fynke Asher & Sabrina Gaffney Ari & Ilana Gafni Stephen Galens Jodi Gallagher Bruce & Grace Galler Charlotte Galler Glenn & Carol Galler Richard & Valerie Galler Ronald & Frada Galler Stephen & Rebecca Galler Leonid Gankin & Maria Vilinskaia Elana Gantman Richard & Lynn Garb Ceil Garber & Ronald Weaver Micah & Michal Garber Richard & Lisa Garfinkel Jane Gavens Randy & Julie Gayer Claire & David Gebler Mitchell Gecht Bonnie Geffner Michael & Debra Gelband Jonathan Gelber Pamela & Richard Gelfand David & Robin Gelles Harvey & Phyllis Gendler Steven & Joyce Gerber Stacey Gero-Kanbar & David Kanbar Lili Kalish Gersch Jessica Gerschitz Allison Gerstein Lawrence & Barbara Gerstein Elliot H. Gertel & Jamie R. Morris Richard & Susan Gibbs Christopher & Bonnie Gibson John & Rhonda Gilberg Jeffrey & Ivy Giller Brian & Gina Gillet Andrew & Julie Gilson Robert & Karen Ginsberg Cheryl & Marc Ginsburg David & Maureen Ginsburg Steven Gish & Hilary Levack Zvi & Marlene Gitelman Steve & Abbie Gitkin Marc & Amy Gittelman Peter & Lynn Glantz David & Laurie Glass Stuart & Shari Glass James & Jordana Glazer Michael & Sharon Glick Robyn & David Glickman Mark & Fran Gloger Jeffery & Dalia Glogower Michael Glotter Jeffrey & Elizabeth Gluck David Golbahar Allison Gold Dana & Lloyd Gold Jack Gold Kenneth & Linda Gold Matthew Gold Tania Gold Alan & Michelle Goldberg Elliot Goldberg & Sheryl Katzman Howard & Allyson Goldberg Joanne & Stuart Goldberg Kenneth & Debra Goldberg Mark & Miriam Goldberg Matthew & Shira Goldberg Paula Goldberg Robert & Shira R. Goldberg Stuart & Madina Goldberg Susan & Todd Goldberg Julie Golden Marshall & Nancy Golden Matthew Golden Andrew & Sharon Goldenberg Barry & Harriet Goldenberg Edie Goldenberg Jill Goldenberg & Sidney Kriger Wayne & Jennifer Goldenberg Andrea & Daniel Goldfarb Irving Goldfein Claudia Goldin Marvin & Sheila Goldklang Michael & Monica Goldklang Barry & Laurie Goldman Chuck Goldman Marvin & Nola Goldman Foundation Michael & Lisa Goldman Rachel Goldman & Ernest Behringer Ellen & Alan Goldner Adam & Julie Goldsmith Craig & Elissa Goldsmith Hillary Goldsmith Marcy & Coleman Goldsmith Richard & Elaine Goldsmith Bradley Goldstein David & Phyllis Goldstein Edward & Joanne Goldstein Elliot & Rebecca Goldstein Gary & Marla Goldstein Gary Goldstein & Deborah Chapman Jay & Bari Goldstein Jonathan & Harriet Goldstein Lisa & Lon Goldstein Mindelle Goldstein Murray & Esther Goldstein Sanford Golin & Jane Berkey Cathy & Gerald Gollub Mark & Dana Golman Irving & Joyce Gomolin Bernard & Margaret Gonik Sheldon & Sonia Gonte Sherri & Stuart Goodall Harvey & Joan Goodman Jeffrey & Molly Goodman Kenneth & Sallie Goodman Kim & Mark Goodman Linda Goodman Paul & Barbara Goodman Peter & Hanna Goodstein Beatrice Goosman David & Stacy Gordon Hannah Gordon Jeff & Nancy Gordon Jeffrey & Mindy Gordon Lynn & Brian Gordon Marvin & Sylvia Gordon Michael & Catherine Gordon Suzon & A. David Gordon Thomas Gordon Nancy & Randy Gorod Lauren & Michael Gottfried Kevin & Vicki Gottlieb Sam Gottlieb Marc & Amy Gould Morley Gould Paul & Arline Gould Robin & Bruce Gould Dianne Gozonsky Leonard & Joyce Graber Elana Graf Melvin & Miriam Graf Julius & Ruth Graifman Lori Graifman Robert & Roberta Granadier David & Judy Grand Fred & Orna Grand Michael & Cathy Graub Cheryl & Robert Green Elan Green Matthew Green Adam & Susan Greenbaum Elizabeth & Paul Greenbaum Courtney & Adam Greenberg Daniel & Illana Greenberg Helen & Richard Greenberg Jayson & Laurie Greenberg Joanna Greenberg Jonathan & Elana Greenberg Rayna & Michael Greenberg Barry & Judith Greenblatt Joshua E. Greene Ellen & Steven Greenfield Chester & Joanne Greenspan Michael & Galit Greenspan Nora Greenstein David Greenwald & Tatyana Trakht Robert Greenzeig & Laurie Brecher Sasha Gribov Howard & Beth Grill Noah N. Gringarten David Grischkan Beth & Stephen Grode Andrew & Jody Groh Jeffrey & Julie Gropper Kari Grosinger Alterman & Eddie Alterman Arnold & Judy Gross Barry & Susan Gross Laurie Gross Marion Gross Stuart & Joan Gross Bernard Grosser Hiram & Laura Grossman Aleta & Ariel Grunberg Debbie & Nuriel Guedalia Rose & Howard Gunty Kenneth Gurian Andrew & Sheryl Gurrentz Joseph & Gloria Gurt Ellina & Vladimir Gusinsky David & Robin Gutmann Bruce & Julie Guttman Elizabeth Guz Jack & Pati Haber Daryl & Monroe Hafter Laura Hakim Herbert & Eileen Halpern Jill Halpern Debbie Haltzman Benjamin Hamburger Hilda Hamburger Samuel Hamburger Mark & Melanie Handelsman Steven & Debbie Handler Kenneth & Hillary Handwerger Steven & A. Saree Hantler William & Barbara Harkaway Mark Harounian Natan HarPaz Pamela & Barney Harris David & Jill Hart Ron & Arlene Hartman Ronald Hartman & Leslie Golomb Lloyd & Erica Hartog Steven & Robin Hausman Paul & Jackie Haven Stanley & Julie Hazan Ariel Hecht Michael & Karen Hecker Amy & Gary Heimberg Sidney Heisler & Sarah Zamari Alyce & Dennis Helfman Jill & Bradley Helfman Maxwell Heller Ryan & Ashley Heller Andrea Hellman Richard & Sandra Hendin Eden & Susan Henkin Joshua Henkin Joy Henshel David Henslovitz Elliot Henslovitz & Terri Apfelbaum Matthew & Stephanie Herbstman Steve & Carol Herbstman Bruce & Judy Herman Jerry & Elise Herman Michael & Sandra Hermanoff Peter & Norma Herrick Brad Hershbein Lisa Herzberg William & Marlene Herzig Anne Heybey-Wasciuk & John Wasciuk Jay & Judy Heyman Mark Heyman Hiller Incorporated Pamela & Samuel Himmelrich Steven Himmelrich & Eileen Fader Arica & Emmet Hirsch Clifford & Marilyn Hirsch Jerome & Nancy Hirsch Joseph Lincoln & Ruth Hirshey Gerald & Joyce Hoch Barry & Nancy Hochhauser Gideon & Carol Hoffer Alan & Abigail Hoffman Elyse Hoffman Erma & Herbert Hoffman Marcia & Gerald Hoffman Paul & Sharon Hoffman Seth & Betsy Hoffman Harvey & Sheila Hofstatter John Hogikyan & Barbara Kaye Michael & Dana Hokin Leo & Harriet Hollander Deborah & Michael Holtz Norman Holtz & Nadine Appel Holtz Matthew Holtzman Mariela & Craig Hopen 31 Jeff & Susan Horen Richard Horenstein Richard & Ayelet Horne Ken Hornstein & Larraine Bernstein Eric Horowitz & Adele Haimovic Gina Horowitz Louise & Robert Horowitz Rachael Horowitz Bruce Horwitz & Susan Foster Daniel Horwitz Jane & Jonathan Horwitz Joshua Housman Cindee Howard Daniel Huberman Steven & Frieda Huberman Alan & Ruth Hurvitz Steven & Tammy Hurvitz Steve Hutnik & Lisa Feldstein Milton & Sheila Hyman Saul & Eileen Hymans David & Lilly Icikson Randall Iden & Gail Scully Harold Igdaloff Eitan Ingall & Dana Baum Martin Ingall J. George & Shirlee Ingber Leonard & Celeste Ingber Paul & Roberta Ingber Elaine Isaacs Keren Isaacson Arielle Isackson Hilary & Selwyn Isakow Laura J. Isenstein William & Sheryl Isenstein Gerald & Carol Israel Solange Israel-Mintz & Paul Mintz Howard & Carolyn Iwrey Irwin Izen Paul & Karen Izenberg Jeffrey & Sari Jablon Adam & Sarah Jacob Andy & Linda Jacob Glenn & Susan Jacobs Marvin & Marilyn Jacobs Richard & Elyse Jacobs Steven & Amy Jacobs Amanda Jacobson Kaitlyn Jacobson Matthew Jacobson Aric Jacover Frank & Leslie Jaffe Harry Jaffe Jeffrey & Laura Jaffe Brian Jaffee & Shena Potter Jaffee Joan & Robert Jampel Rob & Fariba Janpanah Lionel Jensen & Susan Blum Jerry & Beverly Jerome George & Ayah Johnson Steve Johnson & Laurie Zuckerman CJ & Nancy Johnston Gary Jonas Marlene Josefsberg Leslie Joseph Jack & Rochelle Juni Harvey Juster Faye & Daniel Kagan Ari Kahan Jeffrey & Tammy Kahan Jason Kahane 32 Jerry & Majid Kahen Ben Kahn Ellen Kalin Gary & Ronelle Kallman Liana Kallman Ian Kaminsky Leib Kaminsky Arthur & Elizabeth Kamlet James & Judy Kamman Maura & David Kammerman Jacob & Jessica Kander Moshe Kandinov & Izabella Kandinova Jordan & Jennifer Kanfer Robert & Caroline Kanner Joshua Kanter & Allison Conn Gary & Stephanie Kanterman Adrienne Kaplan & Harold Borkin Andrew & Sandra Kaplan Edward & Tammy Kaplan Harvey & Nancy Kaplan Helayne & Jeffrey Kaplan Helen & Noah Kaplan Ivan & Janet Kaplan Jerome Kaplan Joshua Kaplan Larry Kaplan Warren & Amy Kaplan Linda Kaplan Spitz & Elie Spitz Lisa Kaplan-Menino & Richard Menino Robert & Lois Kaplow Lloyd & Renee Karmel Deborah Schrayer Karmin & Jonathan Karmin Elliot & Sharon Karp Gary Karp Nancy Karp Naomi Karp Maurice Karpman Jack & Arden Karson Dani Kasoff Donna & Ed Kasoff Kastner Family Richard & Shirley Katcher Deborah Kattler Kupetz & David Kupetz Aaron & Jill Katz Daniel & Bonnie Katz Deborah & Jordan Katz Gail & Robert Katz Gregory & Laurie Katz Isaac Katz Kenneth & Anne Katz Kerri & Erez Katz Lauren Katz Neal & Susan Katz Raul Katz & Barbara Samuels Steven & Nicole Katz Bill Schulman & Lori Katzman Gerald & Anne Katzman Harold & Janice Katzman Ronna Katzman & Kenny Whiteman Herbert & Jane Kaufer Agata & Mark Kaufman Barak Kaufman Barry & Annette Kaufman Daniel Kaufman Herbert & Babs Kaufman Jacqueline Kaufman Stephen & Judith Kaufman Dennis & Susan Kay Marc & Amy Kay Ronald & Tobye Kaye Daniel Kazzaz & Audrey Corson Christopher & Kimberly Keenan Jeri & Timothy Keer Franklin & M. Lane Kelemen Jeffrey & Stacey Keller Allan Kensky & Adina Kleiman Richard & Andrea Kessler Sarah & Gary Kessler James & Sherri Ketai Andrea Ketchel Diane & Bruce Keyes Stephanie & Frederic Keywell Bijan Khalifian Henry & Emily Khinchuk Brett Kifferstein Marsha & Warren Kifferstein Paul & Leah Kileny Edward & Martha Kimball Hilary & Edan King Penelope & Robert Kinzer Mark Kirsch & Lisa Hanover Ned Kirsch & Paula Hiller Scott Kirsch Jeffrey & Elit Kirschenbaum Brian Kirschner Ross & Jessica Kirschner Marsha & Michael Kistler Garry Kitay & Debbie Banks Laurence & Marilyn Klaben Shom Klaff Mark & Mona Klapper Mirra Klausner & Todd Clauer Etan & Krin Klein Gary & Nancy Klein Geraldine Klein Jessica Klein Joanne M Klein Joshua Klein & Rebecca Murow Klein Leslee Klein Parker Klein Robin & Allan Klein Ronald & Stacy Klein Saralyn Klein Steven & Amy Klein Steven & Diane Klein Adele & Seth Kleinrock Garth & Marianne Klimchuk Michael Kluchin Avram Kluger Cassandra Klyman Abe & Linda Knobel Lawrence & Amy Knopf Felice & Eric Kobrick Boris & Tatiana Kochubievsky Jonathon Koenigsberg William & Marilyn Kohen Barry & Patsy Kohn William & Denise Kolbert Jewel & Simon Koletsky Michael & Randi Kollender Martin & Jill Koller Andrew Kollin & Elena Brand Jeffrey & Robin Kollin John Kooistra & Karen Sacks Ted & Patrice Korin Alan & Marjorie Kornblau David & Amy Kornblau Tom & Sara Kornfeld Martin & Ruth Kornheiser Greg Kost & Cindy Silverman Warren Kozak Mike & Linda Anne Kozminski Michael & Zina Kramer Pammy Baskies Kramer Jason Krane Seth Krantz & Stephanie Linn Phil & Ellie Krasney Jonathan Krasnov David & Karen Kraut Ruth Kraut & Michael Appel Meryl & Mark Kravietz Mitchel & Pamela Kravitz Scott & Stacey Kravitz John & Diane Krawitz Jeffrey & Julie Kreamer Mitchell & Pamela Kreitenberg Shira Kreitenberg Kevan & Barbara Kreitman Zvi & Jamie Kresch Andrew & Doreen Kriegel Kathy Krieger & Richard Cohen Norman Krieger Richard & Linda Krieger Valery & Sophia Krifman Barry & Christina Kringstein Joan M. Kripke Hal & Audrey Krisbergh Rabbi David Krishef: Ahavas Israel Congregation Tracey & Robert Kritt Gary & Marlene Krochmal The Kroger Co. Phillip & Syma Kroll Seymour & Dorine Kroll Lynn Kronzek & Richard Flom Jesse Krumholz Louis Krut & Esther Abramson-Krut Deborah Kubiak & Steven Cohen Nancy Kulish Doug & Nathalie Kunin Kunstler Family Laurie Kuntz Thomas Kunz & Barbara Zimmt Todd & Lori Kupfer Adam Kurland Gayle Kusch David & Lena Kushnir Russell & Shari Kussner Brian Kutinsky Renee & Davi Kutner Nancy & Alan Kwaselow Robert & Marion Labe Alan Ladis & Dara Weiss Barry & Karen Ladis Marilyn Ladis Zachary Lainer Gerald & Elaine Laker Doron Lam & Smadar Karni Seymour (z”l) & Sarah Lampert Steven & Charmaine Lampert Michele & Jeffery Landau Mirian Landau Michael & Lynn Landsman Michael & Sara Landy Barbara Langlois Jayne Langsam Joseph Lansing & Jennifer Minor-Lansing Judy Lansky Sissi Lapides Bryan & Judith Lapidus Susan Lapoff Sheldon & Sherri Laps Nathan Lash Terry & Lisa Lashin Bret & Penny Lashner Gerald & Adrienne Lasin Don & Amy Lassman Carl & Jain Lauter Steven & Ronit Lawlor Paul & Shelley Lawrence Theodore & Wendy Lawrence Fred & Debbie Lawson Noel & Judith Lawson Fran Lax Jerold & Judith Lax Lawrence & Melissa Lax Howard & Andrea Leaf Susan & Brent LeDrew Michael & Eva Leeds Felicia & Benjamin Leeman Bryant & Ellen Lehr Robin Lehrfeld-Subar Stuart & Linda Leibovitz Stuart & Sherri Leibowitz Leist Family Peter & Barbara Lemis Joyce Lemkin Irving & Nancy Leon Arthur Lerner David Lerner & Sharona Shapiro Ken & Jill Lerner Julie & Amir Leshem Jacob Lessem Todd & Lisa Lesser Peter & Betsy Levick Debra & Joshua Levin Henry Levin & Pilar Soler Jeffrey Y. Levin Phyllis Levin Randie Levin Alvin & Blanche Levine Daniel Levine Donna Levine Douglas & Ronna Levine James Levine & Elaine Galler Levine John & Margaret Levine Lori & Howard Levine Michael Levine Ronald & Deborah Levine Shayna & Joshua Levine Jennifer Levine-Berger Martin & Elise Levinson Pamela & James Levinson Marina & Gary Levitas Robin Landow Levitin Amy Levy Bruce Levy Isaac Levy & Rosemary Levy Zumwalt Mark & Francine Levy Robert & Judith Levy Daniel Lewin Adam Lewis Steven Lewis Ilana Leykekhman Allen & Evie Lichter Seymour & Betty Lichter Mark & Susan Lichterman Charles & Mimi Lieber Herman & Roslyn Lieberman Marc & Sharla Lieberman Patricia Lieberman & Jeffrey Knishkowy Richard & Barbara Lieberman Stacey Lieberman Victor Lieberman Yonah Lieberman Helen Lieblich Adam & Catherine Liebowitz David & Libby Liebschutz Jill & David Light Miriam & M. Patrick Light Rhonda & Gary Lillianthal S. Martin & Marilyn Lindenauer Philip & Rosanne Liner Adam & Lauren Linkner Jonathan Linn Arielle Linsky David & Hope Linton Stephen & Elizabeth Lipkin Leon & Sheri Lipshitz Jeffrey Lipsitz Sharon & Jeffrey Lipton Andrew Liss Robert & Judith Liss Sheldon & Margelle Liss Todd & Lisa Litman Craig & Suzanne Litt Esther Littmann Carolyn & Andrew Lituchy Samuel Liveson Debbie & Wayne Locke Steven & Martha Loewenthal Stuart & Deborah Logan Asher Lopatin & Rachel Tessler Lopatin Gregg & Debbie Lopez Ronald & Jacqueline Lorfel Roger Lowenstein Diane Lowenthal & Bradley Moskowitz Richard Lowenthal Adam Lubin Harlan & Rebecca Lubin David & Aviva Lubman Stacey & George Luck Zella Ludwig Gary & Nancy Luks Harold & Debra Luks Gregg & Rebecca Lurcott Mark & Debra Luria Rachel Luria Paul & Margaret Lurie Steven Lutt Scott Lutz Brittany Lux Steven & Ellen Lux James Lyman Richard Lynn & Carolyn Cohen Ronit & Albert Macanian Toby Macknin Aaron & Allison Magat Jordan Magat Susan & Kenneth Maggin Aaron Magid Sydney Maisel-Straitman Ian & Karen Malatesta Jason Malefakis Janet & Steven Malerman Rachael Malerman Richard Boehm & Amy Malina Harry Malinowski & Brigitte Mizrahi Alex & Ella Malkin Rachel Mallinger Murray & Lori Maloney 33 Benjamin Mandel & Ana Frischtak Joel Mandel Shoshana Mandel & Jan Warner Kenneth & Gina Mandelbaum Jill & David Mandelblatt Gerald & Beatrice Mandell George Mann & Ann Mandelbaum-Mann Gil & Debra Mann Mark & Susan Mann Aaron Margalit Barry & Lauren Margolin Jonathan & Wendy Margolin Robert & Freddi Margolin Steven & Beth Margolin Barry & Elaine Margolis Beth & Michael Margolis Marlene Margolis Philip & Nancy Margolis Barry Oppenheim & Sara Margoshes Jeffrey & Joni Marine Betsy Mark Sheldon & Geraldine Markel Terrence Markin Kenneth & Marlene Markison Jill Markman-Wexler & Mitchell Wexler Bonnie & Arthur Markowitz Harold Marks & Janet Warren Lloyd Marks & Janice Siegel Myron & Ilyse Marlin Gary & Ariela Mars Ned Marshak & Nancy Klein Mona Shirin Marvi-Stein & Steven Stein Julie & Rick Mason Doug Masters & Jane Pence Daniel & Helene Mathisson Daniel Mathless Charles Mattenson Eric & Pearl Mattenson David Matz Steven & Sandra Matz Lauren Maybaum Randall Maycock & Karen Barton-Maycock James & Randi Mayer Lynn Mayer Roger Mayerson Steven Victor Mazie Mark Mazin & Robin Pollack-Mazin Michael & Tammy McCormack Leah & Robert McMillan Annette McNeely Daphne Meiri-Friedman Michael & Janice Meisel Astrid & Elly Meisler Seth & Michele Meisler Robert & Karen Meister Steven & Talya Meister Charles & Diane Melamut Michael Mellen Bart Mellits & Barbra Berley-Mellits Shachar Melman Mark & Tracey Menczer Sara Mendel Janet Mendell Eitan Mendelson Lee & Francine Mergentime Suzanne Merkle & Alan Silverman Christi Merrill & Daniel Cutler Morry & Sheyla Mertz Deena & Daniel Messinger Deborah & Neil Metviner 34 Michael & Debra Metz David & Carole Metzger Michael & Rachelle Metzger Metzger Family Steven & Joi Mevorah Harlan & Teri Meyer David & Laurajean Meyers Meyers Family Robert & Carolyn Meyerson Kenneth & Lenore Michaels Myra & Philip Migicovsky Alan & Robin Miller Andrea Miller Arlen & Scott Miller Brian Miller Bruce & Lee Miller David Miller I. Matthew Miller Jerry & Emily Miller Lindsey Miller Phil & Kathy Miller Gerald & Fanny Millstein Carol & Robert Milstein Seth & Lisa Mindell Frederick & Barbara Mintz Joseph & Carol Mironov Joseph & Amy Mishell Larry & Judy Mishkin Michelle Misler Robert & Allison Mitchell Isaac Mizraki Jeremy & Elizabeth Modell Stephen & Wanpen Modell Robert & Sandra Moers Steven Moffic & Lynn Hansher Moffic Melvin & Joyce Mogill Andrew & Marla Moiseev Lawrence & Lisa Molnar Lev Mondrusov & Olga Mondrusova Gale Mondry & Bruce Cohen Jon Monger Brian & Jessica Mono Max Moray Sophie Mordis Stephen & Sharon Morganstern Donald & Karen Morris David & Deborah Morrison Evan & Deborah Morrison Patricia & Harvey Morrison Cyril Moscow Norman & Eleanor Moscow Cindy & Mitch Moskowitz Mark & Susan Moskowitz Paul & Jan Moskowitz Shira Moskowitz Bruce & Patricia Moss Kathryn Moss Douglas & Linda Mossman Benjamin & Tammy Movsas Alexander Moyer Bruce & Gayle Moyer Ron & Leah Muroff Allison & Gary Myers Bruce Myers Renee Nachbar Lorraine Nadelman Nancy Nadler & Kenneth Fogel Robert Nadler & Alice Anson Robert & Anita Naftaly Samuel Nagel Brian & Marsha Nagorsky Naidoff Family George & Miriana Naim Albert & Janice Nalibotsky Charles Nater Erica Nedelman Larry & Hedy Needle David & Alicia Nelson Harry Nelson & Dorit Naftalin Debra Nesselson & Garry Cohen Irene Newhouse & Roger Amenson David Newman & Tali Arbel-Newman Doris Newman Neil Newman & Pamela Raizman Kim Newstadt Rachel Niewoehner Ellen Nissenbaum & Jeffrey Colman Ralph Noah & Jane Salkoff Noah Sharyl & Mike Noeh Charles & Elaine Noon Naz & Bobby Nooromid Brian Norton & Stephanie Schechner Terry & Jo-Anne Nosan David & Gail Numark Jeffrey Numark Arthur Nusbaum Paul & Laurie Nussbaum Harris & Carol Nydick Philip Nydick John & Amy O’Donnell Fabian & Nina Oberfeld David & Nancy Oberlander Daniel & Karen Ockner Cathy Oettinger Kenneth & Marilyn Oif Amy & Allen Olender Max Olender Oleshansky Family Karen & Charles Olin Donald & Ruth Olshansky Deborah Olstein Michael Opatowski & Ruth Malman Opatowski Mark Orans Harold & Janice Orbuch Lori Orel Andrea & James Orleans Richard & Lisa Orlov Harold & Patricia Oseff Lawrence & Ann Oshatz Jordan Oshlag Alan & Elise Oskowsky Avraham & Jackie Oz Elliot Pachter & Naomi Weckstein Larry Pachter & Sandy Starkman Kevin Packman Elizabeth Paige Robert & Susan Paletz Sharon & David Parker Nancy Parkes Penelope Parmes Sharon Parrott & Ari Blumenthal Lucas Pasch Justin Paul David & Karen Paulisin Raphael Paz Anita & Bruce Pazner Edwin & Sue Pear Alan & Ilissa Pearlman Daniel Pearlman Julie Pearlman & Anthony Pick Rebecca Pearlman Lawrence & Vincine Pearlstein Sophie Pearlstein Robert Pensler Eric & Sharon Perelman Leo & Anat Peress Dennis & Caryn Perez Rachel Perl Daniel & Sheryl Perlman Emily & Scott Perlman Jodi & Gary Perlman Lawrence & Kim Perlman Michael & Myrna Perlman Richard & Judy Perlman Asher Perlmutter Hersh Perlmutter Ken & Stephani Perlmutter Gabriel Perloe Martine Perreault & Tim Chupp Ron & Julie Perry Jason Pesick Marianne & Jerome Pesick Alisa Peskin-Shepherd Irene & Richard Peterson Jeffrey Petigrow Lawrence Petigrow Megan Pfeiffer Suzanne Phillip Douglas & Judith Phillips Elissa & Rick Phillips Randall & Beverly Phillips Mary Phillpotts Alissa Pianin Louis & Jo Pichulik Brad & Marcie Pickard Charles & Ruth Pikler Robert & Phyllis Pilcowitz Stephen & Amy Pincus Leslie Pinkelman Jill & Jack Pinto Robert & Claudia Piper Jeffrey Platt & Marilia Cascalho Russell Platte Robert & Rochelle Plesset Michael & Rhonda Pliskin Murray Plotkin Kenneth & Cathy Podell Jonathan & Ann Podolsky Jeffrey & Lauren Pogany Leonard & Judith Poger David & Cindy Pogrund Michael & Deborah Polinsky Richard & Eileen Polk Cecil & Sylvia Pollack Mark & Susan Pollack Polina Polonsky Susan & David Pomeranz William Pomeranz & Harriet Prensky George & Lisa Ponczek Sheila & Edward Pont Jeffrey & Belinda Pop Ari Porter Deborah & Steven Portney David Posner David Post & Allison Goldberg Aaron Potek Mark & Cynthia Potel Lane Potkin & Jodie Jacobs Elizabeth Pratt Helen Pregulman Sandie Preiss Michael Pressman & Marsha Cohen Helena Prigal & Russ Hollander Ira & Sheila Priluck Julian Prince Allison Proper & Greg Goldfeder Morris & Andree Prostak Robert & Rosemary Putnam Jill Putterman Karen Putterman Michael Rabinovich & Helen Elperina Elizabeth & Eric Rabkin Jodie Meg Racenstein Mitchell Radist & Lisa Margolis Radist Alden & Erica Raine Randy & Needli Raisman Lisa Raker Jay & Beth Rakow Jessica Randel Courtney K Rangen Joyce & Steve Rangen Erica Raphael & Richard Friedman Yehoash Raphael Ann Rappaport Adele Rapport Seymour & John Seymour Mitchell Rashkin & Karen Ohlbaum Marilyn Ratner Solomon Ravich Rory & Stella Read Phoebe & Harold Reff Joe & Carrie Regenstein Allan & Lynne Reich Oscar & Terri Reicher Gary & Margaret Reiner Jodie Reinertson Thomas Reinertson Howard & Laurie Reingold Diane Reinheimer Allison & Mitch Reiver Marc & Deborah Renner Eric & Martha Rennie Eitan Reshef Peter & Sheryl Resnick Jennifer Reznick Richard & Andrea Ribakove Charles & Jayme Rich Marla Rich Taresa Richman Daniel Richter & Nicole Cohen Richter Laurence & Michele Rickles Rachel Rickles Carol & Henry Rider Joanne & Marshall Rief Elliott & Anna Ring Gabriella Ring Thomas & Robin Ringel Carl & Beth Riseman Susan Rizman Avery Robinson Stephanie Robinson Warren Robinson & Davida Doneson-Robinson Burt Rochelson Donald & Arleen Rochlen Larry & Gladys Rockind Austin & Roberta Rodgers John Cohen & Leslie Rodnan Burton & Karen Rodney Samantha Rodney Scott Roffman Shari & Darryl Rogers Richard & Terri Rohan Laura Romanoff Robert & Randee Romanoff H. James Rome Michelle Rondinelli Michael & Susan Rontal Cynthia Rosancrans & David Braune Allyson & Mark Rose Matthew & Sharon Rose Daniel & Michele Rosefelt Ben & Monica Rosen Leslie K. Rosen Meryl & David Rosen Michael Rosen Robert & Ellen Rosen Roy & Carol Rosen Sanford & Lucinda Rosen Barry & Linda Rosenbaum Joanie & Norm Rosenbaum Melissa Rosenbaum Michael & Elika Rosenbaum David Rosenberg & Ann Brodsky-Rosenberg Howard & Brenda Rosenberg Jay Rosenberg Jessica Rosenberg Julie Rosenberg Russell Rosenberg & Melanie Lester Stevan & Heather Rosenberg Bruce Rosenblatt Dorrie Rosenblatt Gary & Shari Rosenblatt Helene & Ira Rosenblatt Tammie & Phil Rosenbloom Leonard Rosenblum Michael & Jamie Rosenblum Robert & Janet Rosenblum Robert & Joan Rosenblum Barry & Randy Rosenfeld Neil & Lisa Rosenfeld Norman & Dulcie Rosenfeld Phoebe Rosenfeld Tab & Joanne Rosenfeld Cory Rosenfield Jay & Barbara Rosenfield Kenneth & Janet Rosenfield David & Rebecca Rosenheck Robert & Harriet Rosenman Harold & Sallyanne Rosenn Tami & Lawrence Rosenstein Amnon & Prudence Rosenthal Jane Rosenthal Lauren Rosenthal Peggy & Raymond Rosenthal Rachel Rosenthal Matthew Rosenzweig Robin Rosenzweig Mark & Debby Rosner Lynn & Bruce Ross Thomas & Dinah Ross Norman & Emily Rotenberg Aaron Roth & Kate Schecter Allen & Sharon Roth Cecilia & Joel Roth Mark & Loren Roth Mindy & David Roth Victoria Roth Gary & Suzanne Rothbart Eric & Sharon Rothberg Debra & Barry Rothenberg Anthony Rothman & Laura Dreskin 35 Jeffrey & Susan Rothman Lawrence & Debbie Rothstein Anne & Michael Rottman Leor & Hillary Roubein Adam Rubenfire Melvyn & Diane Rubenfire Rabbi Steven Rubenstein: Cong. Beth Ahm Amir & Nichole Rubin Jay & Carol Rubin Michelle & Barry Rubin Philip Rubin Jack & Rivka Rubinfeld Sue Rubinfeld Rita Rubinstein Austin Ruby Adrienne Ruch Jean-Paul Rudell Scott Rudolf Lisa Ruiz Jennifer & Lior Rusinek Theodore Ruza & Sandra Gun-Ruza Alvin & Ruth Sabo Eyelle Sacher Michael & Jessica Sacher Adam Sachs Jessica Sachs Lorraine P. Sachs Susan & Jordy Sacksner Howard & Lynn Safenowitz Beverlee Sagel Scott & Sharon Sagel Jon Sager Ryan Sakwa Michael & Susan Salesin David Salinger Bruce & Barbara Salk Eric Salmansohn Jerrold Salmanson Leore & Angela Saltzman Robert Salzberg Michelle & Eric Salzman Karen Sambursky Gary & Gayle Samuels Gary & Patrice Samuels Seth Samuels Daniel & Michelle Sanders Shira Sandler Barbara Sandmel Talyah Sands Cindy & Mark Saper David Saperstein & Susan Knoppow Dale Sass & Idelle Hammond-Sass Neil & Joan Satovsky Eli & Michele Saulson Helen Saulson Saul & Marjorie Saulson Gary & Amy Savatsky Kathleen & Robert Savit Jordan & Julie Savitch Karl Savryn & Marilyn Cohen Zachary Sawyer Joseph & Barbara Scaglione William & Carol Schachat Jeffrey Schacht Mark Schacht & Sari Hart Debbie & Gary Schaeffer Jerry Schafer Randy & Robin Schafer Gary & Valerie Schanzer Elizabeth Schapiro 36 Richard & Linda Schapiro Gabriel Scharg Greg & Julia Schechter Marilyn Schechter Steven Schechter Samuel Schechtman Alan & Debra Schefer Michael & Carole Scheinberg Naomi Scheinerman Barry & Debra Scheinholtz Sarah Scheinholtz Leland & Janice Schermer Phillip Schermer David & Suanne Scherr Tamara & Scott Schiff Tyrone Schiff Douglas & Abigail Schildcrout Samuel Schlechter Avi & Sandi Schlesinger Karen & David Schlessel Jeff & Amy Schlussel Felice Schmertder Bennett & Shelley Schmidt Michael & Marina Schmutzer Jennifer Schneider Marc & Janet Schneider Nicole Schneider Ingrid & Zvi Schoenburg Joan & Peter Schofel Andrew & Jill Schon Wendy & Gary Schonman Marc & Sharon Schramm Haley Schreier Jordan & Shelly Schreier Sarah Schrier Julie Schubiner Sheldon & Barbara Schubiner Susan & Lee Schulman Daniel Schultz Daniel & Wendy Schuman William & Joy Schur Max & Judith Schutzman Robert Schwab & Ravelle Scherer Alan & Marianne Schwartz Alan & Sandra Schwartz Alison & Dave Schwartz Arlene & Peter Schwartz Arthur & Pamela Schwartz Carolyn Schwartz & Paul Schartz David & Elda Schwartz Debra Schwartz & Howard Brick Ed & Bobbie Schwartz Gabi Schwartz Ilene Purdy Schwartz Jessica Schwartz & Robert Brumbaugh Johnny & Caron Schwartz Jonathan & Oriyan Schwartz Judith Schwartz Laurence & Terri Schwartz Louis Schwartz Marc & Ivy Schwartz Phyllis Schwartz Richard & Ellen Schwartz Richard & Jane Schwartz Steven Schwartz Steven Schwartz & Ronna Ross Stuart & Beth Schwartz Sid Schwartzfield & Lorraine Sherman Herman Schwarz & Lori Kagan Schwarz Ellen Schwarzbach Daniel & Sarah Schweber Dana Schweitzer Steven Schwinder & Jane Dystel Sheryl & Jay Scolnick F. Jacob & Judy Seagull Scott & Dawn Seewald Fern & Donald Segal Lenny Segel & Lynn Keidan-Segel Nancy & Robert Seiden Edward & Ronni Seidenberg Cary Seidman Greg Seinfeld & Cindy Coopersmith Aryeh Selekman Harriet Selin Richard L Serwin Maurice & Gail Setton Murry Setton Clara Seymour Anatoli Shabashov & Diana Cohen Shabashov Esther Shachar-Hill Yair Shachar-Hill & Susan Cogan Jonathon Shaevitz & Karen Blumberg Susan & Bradley Shafer David Shafran Joseph & Marla Shafran Kayhan Shakib & Roshi Rahnama Rod & Susan Shale Itzhak & Aviva Shalem Loren & Robyn Shalinsky Lisa Shall Susan Shames Michael & Myrna Shanker A. Brett & Marcia Shankman Neal & Cheri Shapero Daniel & Annette Shapiro Eric & Julie Shapiro Joshua & Tamar Shapiro Lorraine & Brahm Shapiro Paul S. Shapiro Sue Shapses Philip & Joyce Sharfstein Janet Shatz Laura Shefner Robert & Ellen Sheiman Kyle Shenfeld Michael & Sara Sher Steven & Lisa Sherbel Raymond & Barbara Sherbill Elizabeth & Aaron Sherbin Daniel & Rachel Shere Joel & Margaret Shere Ivan & Judith Sherick Ben & Laura Sheridan Betty Sherizen Andrew & Tamara Sherman David & Ellen Sherman Jonathan Sherman Melissa Sherman Michael S. & Harriett Sherman Neal & Pamela Sherman Jared Sherr Howard & Aliza Shevrin Tom & Helen Shibley Valerie & Stephen Shifman Jonah Shifrin Howard & Deborah Shlafmitz Karen & Richard Shmerling Felice & Jack Shohet Michael & Alizabeth Shooster Joel & Marilyn Shore Leor Shtull-Leber Kelsey & Joseph Shulan Leslie & Stuart Shulruff Ron & Dina Shuster Paul & Jamie Shweitzer Beth Shyken Steven & Joy Sibel Lawrence Siden Arthur & Michele Siegal Bonnie & Matt Siegel Emily Siegel Evan & Ruth-Anne Siegel Lewis & Ellen Siegel Marvin & Gloria Siegel Ronald & Caryn Siegel Julie Siegler Jordan & Leslie Sigale Barbara Silberman Marc & Shoshanna Silberstein Margery Silberstein & Leonard Bloom Susan Sills Terry Silver Arthur & Sheryl Silverman Barney & Ruth Silverman James & Judith Silverman Philip Silverman Ross & Jody Silverman Steven & Melissa Silverman Ezekiel Silverstein Geoffrey Silverstein & Allyson Freeman Steven & Ava Silverstein Richard & Randi Simenhoff Aaron Simkoff Daniel & Charla Simon Edwin & Barbara Simon Gloria & Steven Simon Howard & Judy Simon Jonathan Simon & Janice Cook Joshua S. Simon Michelle & Gary Simon Dana Simons Debra & Miles Singer Howard & Suellen Singer Donald Singleton & Sandra Gold-Singleton Rabbi Melvin Sirner: Beth El of New Rochelle Gary Siskin Linda & Richard Sitman Jeffrey & Wendy Sitzmann Barry & Barbara Skarf Mark & Sharon Sklansky Arnold Sklar & Joyce Grika Sklar Joshua Sklar Ron & Morgan Sklar Peter & Patricia Skoler Robert & Donna Slatkin Esther Sleutelberg Eric & Bonnie Sloan Jon & Victoria Sloan Jeffery & Hayley Sloman Edith & Donald Slotkin Matthew Slovin Andrew & Amy Small Michael Small David & Rae Smerling Adam Smith Gary & Lori Smith Kathleen Smith Michael Smith & Sheri Goldberg Bruce & Gail Smoler Alan & Alisa Snider Lloyd & Harriet Snider Molly & Andrew Snyder Stuart Snyder & Susan Beallor-Snyder Irma & Sidney Sobel Jack & Audrey Sobel Michelle Soble Mindy & Avi (z”l) Soclof Neil & Leslie Soifer James & Mona Sokoloff Jim & Stephanie Sokolove Alan & Julie Solarz Raymond Solnik Ira Solomon Mark & Elaine Solomon Randi & Mitchell Solomon Steven & Laurine Solomon Alan & Maxine Solvay Jeanette Solway Sydelle Sonkin & Herb Seigel Elliot & Bonnie Sorkin Aleksandr & Helen Sorser Errol & Patricia Soskolne Mark & Mindy Sotsky Lisa Spector William Sperber Barbara Spevack Gary & Lynn Spevack Murray & Geraldine Spilman David Spitulnik & Diana Cohen Reuven Stafford (z”l) Jim Stahl & Elizabeth Kurnetz Lynn Stahl Marc & Wendy Stanley Sima Stanley Benjamin & Carol Stark Eric Stark Jay & Sandra Stark Susan Stark & Jerry Scher David Starr & Brittany Lakin-Starr Richard & Elizabeth Stearns Lawrence & Mary Steele Jon Steiger & Darby Miller Steiger Andrea Stein Bonnie Stein Jay & Jessy Stein Kenneth W. Stein Rachel & Mark Stein Virginia Stein Avishai Shafrir & Roberta Steinberg Donna Steinberg & Lawrence Stern Emily Steinberg Joel & Florence Steinberg Scott & Bryna Steinberg Scott Steinberg Susan & Jonathan Steinberg Gregory & Andrea Steinberger Jacob & Janet Steiner Andrew & Rona Steinerman Jacob Steinerman Fred & Sarah Steingold Mark Steingold Jonathan & Lauren Sterling David Stern & Alexandra Ackerman Elizabeth & Jonathan Stern Elizabeth Stern & Michael Madorsky Haley Stern Lisa Stern Owen & Ruth Stern Sheldon Stern & Marla Hornsten Alan Sternberg Jon Sterngass & Karen Weitman Richard & Mary Stevens Michael & Alicia Stillman Claudia Stokes & David Liss Doug & Amy Stolar Lisa Stollman-Smouha & Eric Smouha Adam Stolz Ronald & Vera Stone Stone Family Danny Stoney Stoopler Family Dani Stoppelmann Irit & Eddie Stoppelman Lauren Strahs Michael Strassfeld & Joy Levitt Ryan Strassman Lori & Victor Strauss Nancy Strauss Howard Streicher & Veneeta Acson Michael Streicher Jacob Streiter Martin & Hadassah Strobel Laury Strow Jason Stupay Julian & Karen Sturton Shaina & Brad Sugar Steven & Ellen Sugerman Jordana Suldan John R. Sullivan Deborah & Jeffrey Sussman Michael & Denise Swartz Harley & Jane Swedler Douglas & Tammy Swill Kari Szakal Jaime & Markus Sztejnberg Cindy & Mark Taber Robert & Hope Tafet Gail Taleisnik Wendy & Martin Tallman Larry & Roberta Tankanow Jordan & Fran Tannenbaum Michael & Andrea Tannenbaum Michael & Moira Tannenbaum Raquel Tanz A. Eli & Donna Taub Renee & Jeffrey Taub Jeanette Tauber Katayoun & Shahriar Tavakoli David Tawil Jeanne Tayler Simond & Eva Taylor Corey Teblum Mark & Julie Teicher David Teichholtz & Sandra Ayres Daniel & Milinda Teitelbaum G. Leonard & Dorothy Teitelbaum Robert & Debra Teitelbaum Jay & Karla Teitler Aaron Temin & Amy Abel Eli Temkin Howard & Terry Tenebaum Bernard & Yudit Terry Rachel Terry David & Mary Tessler Ruth Tessler & Stuart Zisholtz Warren R. Tessler Bruce & Ileane Thal Marcel & Magdalene Thirman Marc Thomas & Deborah Gordon Alan & Suelly Tigay 37 Alicia & Paul Tisdale Risa Tisdale Claude & Sharyl Titche Blake Toll Gail & Jeff Toll Joyce & David Torby Robert Torgow Jonathan & Stacey Torma James Toy Alice Train Michael Traison Steven & Janice Traison Trau Family Mark Travis Lee & Daniel Tresley Jonathan Trobe & Joan Lowenstein Craig Tuckman & Karen Blueweiss Roland Turk & Helen Victor Turk Daniel & Lidia Turner Rachael Turner Michael Turoff Amy & Stuart Turow Deborah Tyner-Herman & Richard Herman Laura & Ken Ulrich Gregory Unatin Joel & Janice Ungar Julie Upp & Earl Bogrow Beth & Ira Uretzky Stephen & Sheila Urman Alberto & Stacy Valner Beth & Adam Van Wye Olga & Ilya Veksler Jay & Marianne Victor Sanford & Carol Vieder Amiram Vinokur & Diane Kaplan Vinokur Judith Volin Julia Volkovich Samuel & Gayle Volpert Stephen & Nancy Vosko Tom Wachs & Gayle Zahler Cynthia & Lewis Wagner Janice Wagner Wayne & Candice Walcott Joseph & Cheryl Wald David & Sarah Waldshan Adam Wall & Deborah Bohnen Joshua Wall & Rachel Zinn Kate Wallace Hank & Elizabeth Walter Joshua & Leslie Wanderer Peter Ward William & Donna Wares James & Priscilla Warner Michael Warsh Family Gayle & Michael Wasserman Randall Wasserman Jodi & Stephen Waterman Sheldon Watnick & Elizabeth Taylor-Watnick William Watnick & Susanne Strichartz Brenda Wayne Charles & Tamar Weaver Mark & Susan Weber Shalom Weberman Hanna Wechsler Judy & Joe Weil Michael & Elysa Weil Andrew Greifer & Stacey Weinberg Deanna & Jerrold Weinberg Jenna Weinberg Mark & Leslie Weinberg 38 Mitchell Weinberg & Marni Greenbaum Weinberg Joshua & Pam Weiner Lisa & Michael Weiner Stewart & Cheryl Weiner Emily & Stuart Weinfeld Robert & Jodi Weinfeld Lois Weingarden Elliot Weingarten Kevin Weinman Alice & Gerry Weinstein Barry & Lois Weinstein Elliott & Sue Weinstein Jody & Richard Weinstein Robert Weinstein & Wendy Habelow Steven & Dana Weinstein Bella Weintraub Gary Weintraub Stanley & Susan Weintraub Harvey & Lucille (z”l) Weisberg Endowment Fund Robert & Mimi Weisberg Roger Weisberg Reg & Charlene Weiser Zelma Weisfeld Barbara & James Weiskopf Amy & Lou Weiss Arielle Weiss Herbert & Esther Weiss Jeffrey & Sandra Weiss Justin Weiss Lisa & Stephen Weiss Phyllis Weiss Richard & Bonnie Weiss Shana & Allen Weiss William & Patti Weiss Jay & Carol Weissbrot Franklin & Sharon Weissman Mark & Sally Wender Alexandra & Joseph Wener Michael Werner Mitchell Werner Iddo Wernick Philip & Berta Wesler Steven & Georgette Westerman Wendy & William Wetreich Stephen Wettstein Elizabeth Wexler Stephen & Michelle Wexler Jillian Weyman Nathan White Michael & Beth Wiener Toni Wiener Kenneth & Dawn Wilensky Reid & Linda Wilk Aaron Willis & Rachel Goldstein James & Ronna Willis Michael & Lucy Wilner Joseph & Jessica Wilson Susan Wineberg Nancy & Eric Winer Robert Winfield & Lynda Chandler (z”l) Arnold & Susan Winshall Lori Winter Linda & John Wirtshafter Irvin & Kathy Wise Lyn & Robert Wise Myron & Naomi Wish Jerry & Judy Wiskin James & Lynn Wisnia Marshall & Karen Wittmann Michael & Samantha Wodotinsky Marjorie & Robert Wold Lee & Leslie Woldenberg Abraham Wolf Betsy & Michael Wolf David & Shanna Wolf Hershel Wolf & Geet Engel Michael Wolf Mitchell & Suzanne Wolf Michael & Maria Wolfe Michael & Helene Wolff Stephen & Deena Wolff Lawrence & Helene Wolfin Allan & Holly Wolfson Ronald & Susan Wolfson Wolin Family Steven & Joyce Wolitzer David & Rosemary Wolock Harvey & Carole Wolsh Bonnie Wunsch Daniel & Helene Wurtzel Philip Yalowitz Robert Yampolsky & Diane Rapaport Arnold & Cathryn Yashar Robert & Lisa Yellen Michael Yochmowitz Murray & Elinor Yolles Martin & Rochelle Yonas Errol & Marlene Yudelman Charlene Yudowin Irina Yufa Joshua Zable David Zaffern David & Amy Zagin Daniel Zahs Neal & Esther Zalenko Harvey & Anita Zalesin Harvey & Diane Zameck Fred & Kathleen Zanoff Fred Zechman Andrew & Sally Zeiberg Bronya & Ilya Zeitlin Robert & Catherine Zeitman Seligman Caryn & Allan Zelinger Harvey & Judith Zeller Yasha & Tanya Zelmanovich Jonathan Zeltser & Liat Bronfeld Zeltser Bruce & Lois Zenkel Gary & Suzanne Zenkel G. Phil & Claire Zepeda Ted & Amee Zetzman William & Renee Ziff Norman Zilber Lori Zimand Ed & Lola Zimbler Gloria Zimet Amalia Zimmerman Jerald Zimmerman & Elaine Suchman Warren & Ivy Zimmerman Karen & Robert Zinn Ariel Zipkin Linda Zlotoff Judith Zola Leon & Barbara Zolkower Barry & Barbara Zolot Eric & Denise Zonder Kalman Zucker & Mary Haerr Sara Zupmore Milton & Lois Zussman David Zwickl Carin & Bruce Zwiebel Michael Brooks Legacy Fund In May 2015, former Executive Director of Michigan Hillel, Michael Brooks, received the Edgar M. Bronfman Award from Hillel International for his lifelong leadership at Michigan. To honor this award and recognize Michael’s commitment and dedication to our organization, we established the Michael Brooks Legacy Fund. This endowment fund, in Michael’s name, will support priorities near and dear to his heart, including leadership initiatives, innovative programming, and staff development. Thank you to everyone who has already contributed to this fund in support of Michael’s legacy. For more information or to contribute, visit michiganhillel.org/ michaelbrookslegacyfund. Photo taken and printed with Michael’s permission. Really. 39 Mandell L. Berman Center 1429 Hill Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-769-0500 | michiganhillel.org The Michigan Hillel Newsletter is published once a year by Michigan Hillel.
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