View Document - Catholic District School Board
View Document - Catholic District School Board
Agenda REGULAR BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016 BOARDROOM OPEN MEETING - 7:00 to 10:00 P.M. Chairperson: Mrs. M. Griepsma Vice-Chairperson: Mr. D. Bernier -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRUSTEES WHO ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND THE MEETING ARE ASKED TO PLEASE NOTIFY PAM SMITH. A. B. Call to Order of the Open Meeting - 7:00 P.M.: 1. Examen. 2. Opening Prayer. 3. Singing of the National Anthem. 4. Approval of Agenda. 5. Declarations of Conflicts of Interest. 6. Approval of the Minutes of the April 26, 2016 Regular Board Meeting. 7. Business Arising Out of the Minutes. Presentations: 1. R.A. Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School Proposed Trip to Guatemala from April 20, 2017 to April 29, 2017. James Brake, Principal, Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School Teresa Cosentino, Chaplaincy Leader, Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School Chris Clarke, Teacher, Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School 2. R.A. Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School and St. Peter Catholic Secondary School Proposed Trip to Amsterdam, Bruges, Vimy Ridge, Paris from April 4, 2017 to April 14, 2017. James Brake, Principal, Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School Steve Brown, Teacher, Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School Linda Gendron, Teacher, Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School 3. R.A. St. Peter Catholic Secondary School Proposed Trip to Nuevo Paraiso, Honduras from April 20, 2017 to May 1, 2017. Sherry Davis, Principal, St. Peter Catholic Secondary School Monica White, Teacher, St. Peter Catholic Secondary School PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 1 -2- C. Programs and Services: 1. Strategic Priorities Survey. Mrs. Anne Marie Duncan, Superintendent of Learning/Innovation Technologies Sandra Connolly, Student Achievement Consultant 2. Technology Infrastructure Update. Mr. Sean Heuchert, Manager of Information and Technology (Video Conference) D. Business, Finance and Governance: E. Human Resources: F. Policy Development: G. 1. R.A. Community Use of Board Facilities. 2. R.A. Draft Directional Policy - Governance, Vision and Strategic Priorities Old Business: No Items. 1. Ontario Education Services Corporation O.E.S.C. Event: Chair, Vice-Chair and Director of Education Provincial Roundtable that took place on February 9, 2016. Click to link to the Workshop page to view keynote speakers video. Click to view Workshop page with further information. H. New Business: No Items. I. Bring Forward: No Items. J. Information Items: 1. System Achievements – Mr. Galen Eagle, Communications Officer. 2. Director’s Report – Mrs. Barbara McMorrow. 3. Chairperson’s Committee Report – Mrs. Michelle Griepsma. a. R.A. Annual Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board Student Leadership Conference. b. R.A. Ontario Student Trustees’ Association OSTA AECO May 26-27, 2016 Conference. c. R.A. 15th Anniversary Alumni Gala OSTA-AECO Invitation King Edward Hotel, Toronto May 27, 2016. PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 2 -3- 4. Trustees’ Committee and Event Reports: 1. Student Trustee Report, May 24, 2016 – Mr. Gordon McLaughlin. 3. OCSTA/OCSBOA Business Seminar, Blue Mountain – Collingwood April 28, 2016 4. 2015 AGM and Conference – Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association - Collingwood, Ontario. April 28-30, 2016 5. Catholic Education Week May 1-May 6 6. Catholic Student Leadership Awards Night May 4 7. Catholic Leadership Development Series #3 May 17, 2016 8. The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education Report – R. Ciraulo Questions re draft Committee Minutes previously shared with Trustees: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. K. April 18, 2016 Catholic Parent Engagement Committee (CPEC) April 20, 2016 French as a Second Language Advisory Committee (FSL) April 21, 2016 Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) April 25, 2016 Faith and Equity Advisory Committee May 17, 2016 First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education Advisory Committee Meeting (FNMI) Future Meetings: BOARD AND STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS 1. Standing Committee Meetings: Board Meeting – June 28, 2016, 6:30 p.m. Chairperson’s – June 20, 2016, 4:15 p.m. Governance – June 20, 2016, 6:30 p.m. Policy Development – June 20, 2016 6:00 p.m. (prior to Governance Committee) OTHER COMMITTEE MEETINGS (alphabetical order) 2. Accessibility for All Committee – May 24, 2016, 1:15 p.m. 3. Audit Committee – TBD, 2016, 6:30 p.m. 4. Catholic Parent Engagement Committee – May 25, 2016, 6:00 p.m. (Recognition Event St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Cobourg ) 5. Faith and Equity Advisory Committee – October 24, 2016, 6:30 p.m. 6. First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Advisory Committee – TBD, 2016, 6:30 p.m. 7. French as a Second Language Advisory Committee – TBD, 2016, 4:30 p.m. 8. Special Education Advisory Committee – TBD, 6:30 p.m. 9. STSCO Governance Meeting – June 1, 2016, 3:15 p.m., STSCO Offices. PVNCCDSB RegularCouncil Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 10.Board Student Liaison Committee – May 24, 2016, 4:15 p.m. 3 -4- EVENTS (chronological order) 11. May 25, 2016 6:00 p.m. Catholic Parent Engagement Committee Recognition Event, St. Mary Catholic Secondary School, Cobourg 12. June 9-11, 2016 2016 Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association (CCSTA) Annual General Meeting. Yellowknife, NWT. 13. June 15, 2016 6:00-8:00 p.m. (Deer Creek Banquet Facility, 2700 Audley Rd., Ajax) OYAP Completion Ceremony for all level one students attending OYAP at Durham College, Fleming College and Central Collegiate. 14. June 16, 2016 1:00-3:00 p.m. Centre for Success Completion Ceremony – Durham College 15. June 17, 2016 Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (O.E.C.T.A.) Retirement Evening 16. June 23, 3:00-4:30 p.m. Centre for Success Completion Ceremony – Fleming College 17. June 23, 2016 5:30 p.m. Baxter Creek Golf Club, Fraserville Retirement Evening for Barbara McMorrow, Director of Education 18. June 29, 2016 Secondary Graduations L. Conclusion: 1. Report from the In-camera Meeting. 2. Closing Prayer. 3. Adjournment. PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 4 O.A.6 2016 B-OP 25 Minutes THE MINUTES OF THE OPEN SESSION OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD held Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Boardroom, 1355 Lansdowne Street West, Peterborough. PRESENT: Trustees - Mmes. L. Ainsworth, R. Ciraulo, C. Dunn, M. Griepsma, H. McCarthy, Messrs. D. Bernier, D. Demers, G. McLaughlin – Student Trustee. Administration - Mmes. J. Carragher, A. Duncan, I. Grace, B. McMorrow, D. Michie, E. O’Sullivan. Messrs. G. Eagle, T. Moloney, A. AF T Absent/Regrets Recorder - Mrs. P. Smith. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Call to Order of the Open Meeting - 7:00 p.m.: 1. Examen. Mrs. M. Griepsma led the Board in the Examen. Opening Prayer. R 2. 3. D The Chairperson, Mrs. M. Griepsma, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and asked Mr. D. Bernier to lead the opening prayer. Singing of the National Anthem. The prayer was followed by the singing of O’ Canada. Mrs. M. Griepsma welcomed the attending community members and Mr. Anthony Higgins, Principal of St. John Catholic Elementary School in Kirkfield. 4. Approval of Agenda. MOTION: Moved by L. Ainsworth, seconded by D. Demers, that the Agenda be approved with the below amendments: 1. that the Student Trustee Report Item J.4.1. be heard following item B.1. St. Mary Catholic Secondary Proposed School Trip. 2. that the Catholic School Council Meeting item be added as information item J.4.3. 3. that the Catholic Principal’s Council of Ontario (CPCO) Conference be added as information item J.4.4. Carried. PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 5 O.A.6 2016 B-OP 26 5. Declarations of Conflicts of Interest. There were no declarations of conflicts of interest. 6. Approval of the Minutes of the March 22, 2016 Regular Meeting. MOTION: Moved by L. Ainsworth, seconded by D. Demers, that the Minutes of the March 22, 2016 Regular Meeting be approved as presented. Carried. 7. Business Arising Out of the Minutes. B. Presentations: St. Mary Catholic Secondary School proposed trip to New York City, United States from October 11, 2016 to October 14, 2016. Mr. Rob Majdell, Principal – St. Mary Catholic Secondary School and Mr. Joel Kightley, Teacher at St. Mary Catholic Secondary School made a presentation on a proposed trip to New York City, United States, from October 11, 2016 to October 14, 2016 and answered questions. Mr. Kightley shared that this trip is connected to dual credits and the Specialist High Skills Major program and is an architectural tour. R 1. AF T There was no business arising out of the Minutes. MOTION: Moved by L. Ainsworth, seconded by D. Bernier that the proposed St. Mary Catholic Secondary School, Cobourg, student trip to New York C. D City, United States, from October 11, 2016 to October 14, 2016 be approved in principle. Carried. Programs and Services: 1. Final Report – Pupil Accommodation Review – St. John CES, Kirkfield. Mrs. Isabel Grace, Superintendent of Business and Finance and Mrs. Anne Marie Duncan, Superintendent of Learning/Innovation Technologies presented to the Board the Final Report – Pupil Accommodation Review – St. John Kirkfield CES, dated April 26, 2016. Mrs. Grace shared that throughout the accommodation review process information has been shared on the PVNCCDSB Board web site. The report dated April 26, 2016 was shared with the Board and Mrs. Grace gave the rationale for the closing of St. John CES in Kirkfield and the transfer of students. Further areas reviewed were, transportation, placement of students to St. John Paul II Catholic Elementary school in Lindsay or to schools in the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board or Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board or St. John Paul II Catholic Elementary School. PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 6 O.A.6 2016 B-OP 27 All Trustees were given the opportunity to address the board and indicated their vote for the school to remain open or be closed. Each Trustee thanked the community for their input throughout this process. After deliberation, the voting process affirmed the below motion with a three to two vote to close the school. MOTION: Moved by D. Demers, Seconded by R. Ciraulo that the Board approve the closure of St. John Catholic Elementary School, Kirkfield, at the completion of the 2015-2016 school year, transfer the students to St.John Paul II, Lindsay beginning the 2016-17 school year; and change the school catchment for St. John Paul II CES, Lindsay to include the former catchment of St. John CES, Kirkfield. And AF T that, subject to a final agreement with Simcoe Muskoka CDSB, administration contact current families of St.John CES, Kirkfield living to the west side of the catchment and closer to Foley Catholic School in Brechin to determine their attendance preferences, and to facilitate movement of eligible students. Carried. The Board thanked all involved in this difficult process and indicated that the Board will do its best to make the transition as smooth as possible. Business, Finance and Governance: No items. E. Human Resources: R D. 2016-2017 School Year Calendar. D The approved 2016-2017 School Year Calendar was shared with the Board. F. Policy Development: No Items. G. Old Business: No Items. H. New Business: No Items. I. Bring Forward: No Items. J. Information Items: 1. System Achievements. Mr. Galen Eagle, Communications Officer presented the System Achievements for the month which have been posted on the Board web site. 2. Director’s Report. Mrs. Barbara McMorrow, Director of Education acknowledged to the Board and Community present that this was a difficult evening. Mrs. McMorrow discussed the Catholic Student Leadership conference, “Voices that Challenge” that took place at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic on Friday, April 8 and brought together council members from all six secondary schools. Each year schools7 will PVNCCDSB Board Regularstudent Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 O.A.6 2016 B-OP 28 rotate to host this event. Mrs. McMorrow addressed the Catholic Principals’ Council of Ontario (CPCO) event that recognized St. Anthony Catholic Elementary School’s Stephen Egan as Catholic Principal of the Year on Friday, April 23. The event was a wonderful evening co-hosted by the PVNC Principal and Vice Principal Association. Mrs. McMorrow acknowledged pride in all the Board Principals and Vice-Principals and the work of Mr. Stephen O'Sullivan, principal at St. Luke Catholic Elementary School and president of the PVNC Principal and Vice Principal Association. 3. Chairperson’s Committee Report There was no report from Chairperson’s Committee this month. 4. Trustees’ Committee and Event Reports. AF T 1. Student Trustee Report, April 26, 2016. This report was given at 7:15 p.m. per the amended agenda and the students were excused following the report. Mr. Gordon McLaughlin, Student Trustee, shared the below Student Council Liaison Committee (SCLC) report for April 26, 2016 with the Board. D Mr. McLaughlin reported that the Student Council Liaison Committee held their Student Trustee elections and introduced Mr. Zachary Smith of St. Stephen Catholic Secondary School as the new Student Trustee for the 2016-2017 school year. Mr. Smith who has been a member of the Student Council Liaison Committee (SCLC) for the 2015-2016 thanked the Student Council Liaison Committee and the Board for this opportunity. The Student Council Retreat on April 8, 2016 was a great success and Mr. McLaughlin thanked all involved in the process. R Mrs. Griepsma welcomed Mr. Smith and thanked Mr. McLaughlin for all his hard work and being such a wonderful emissary for the students. 2. Centre for Collaboration Funding Report. Mrs. Ruth Ciraulo attended on the meeting on behalf of Michelle Griepsma, Board Chairperson and shared the Ontario government is inventing $22 million to support a new Centre for Collaborative Education at Durham College. This new building will replace the current Simcoe Building. The new building will include a global class initiative to hear lectures from around the world, entrepreneurship centre, health science facility and aboriginal student centre. Students from St. Stephen Catholic Secondary School have a program at the school. 3. Catholic School Council Meeting Mrs. Ruth Ciraulo reported that she attended the St. Stephen Catholic Secondary School Council meeting and relayed to the Board the project based learning taking place which is very connected to the parish. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School Council was also attended and discussed Pro grant – Parent Reaching Out. Also there was discussion on the process and input on characteristics of Principals. The Board discussed the importance of a concerted effort to have community members and parish representation on Catholic School Councils. PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 8 O.A.6 2016 B-OP 29 4. Catholic Principal’s Council of Ontario (CPCO) Mrs. Michelle Griepsma reported that it was very encouraging and heart warming to see our Principals and Vice-Principals together at this event. The Board was very proud to have Mr. Stephen Egan recognized as Principal of the Year and to have the event cohosted by PVNCCDSB and the efforts of Mr. Stephen O’Sullivan. Mrs. Griepsma also thanked Mr. Joel Sloggett for the opportunity to visit the STSCO open house and recognized the inspiring teamwork that is happening in transportation with PVNCCDSB and KPR. Mrs. Griepsma reminded the Trustees that Catholic Student Leadership Awards will take place on May 4, 2016. Questions re draft Committee Minutes previously shared with Trustees: K. Future Meetings: AF T There were not draft Committee Minutes. BOARD AND STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS Standing Committee Meetings: Board Meeting – May 24, 2016, 6:30 p.m. Chairperson’s – May 16, 2016, 4:15 p.m. Governance – May 9, 2016, 6:30 p.m. R 1. Policy Development – May 9, 2016 6:00 p.m. (prior to Governance Committee) 2. 3. D OTHER COMMITTEE MEETINGS (alphabetical order) Accessibility for All Committee – May 24, 2016, 1:15 p.m. Audit Committee – TBD, 2016, 6:30 p.m. 4. Catholic Parent Engagement Committee – May 25, 2016, 6:00 p.m. (Recognition Event St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Cobourg ) 5. Faith and Equity Advisory Committee – October 24 , 2016, 6:30 p.m. 6. First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Advisory Committee – May 17, 2016, 6:30 p.m. 7. French as a Second Language Advisory Committee – TBD, 2016, 4:30 p.m. 8. Special Education Advisory Committee – May 19, 2016, 6:30 p.m. 9. STSCO Governance Meeting – June 1, 2016, 3:15 p.m., STSCO Offices. 10. Student Council Liaison Committee – April 26, 2016, 4:15 p.m. (Elections) PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 9 O.A.6 2016 B-OP 30 EVENTS (chronological order) 11. April 28, 2016 OCSTA/OCSBOA Business Seminar, Blue Mountain - Collingwood 12. April 28-30, 2016 2015 AGM and Conference – Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association – Collingwood, Ontario. 13. May 1-6, 2016 Catholic Education Week: “Opening Doors of Mercy”. 14. May 4, 2016 Catholic Student Leadership Awards Night. AF T 15. May 9, 2016 Australian Delegation will be visiting the Board (Trustees invited to meet at 5:00 p.m.) 16. May 17, 2016 Catholic Leadership Development Series #3, Called to Serve “Net Ministries”, Baxter Creek, Fraserville – 4:15 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. 17. May 25, 2016 Catholic Parent Engagement Committee Recognition Event. Conclusion: 1. D L. R 18. June 9-11, 2016 2016 Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association (CCSTA) Annual General Meeting. Yellowknife, NWT. Report from the In-camera Meeting. MOTION: Moved by C. Dunn, seconded by D. Bernier that the Board approve the actions and the discussions arising from the In-camera session on April 26, 2016, as follows: A. Call to Order of the In-Camera Meeting: 1. Opening Prayer was shared. 2. The Agenda was approved. 3. There were no declarations of conflicts of interest. 4. The Minutes of the March 22, 2016 In-camera Meeting were approved as amended. 5. There was business arising out of the minutes regarding the sharing of documentation with regards to a legal matter. B. There were no presentations C. There were no items under programs and services D. Business, Finance and Governance: There were no items. E. Human Resources: There were no items. F. Other Urgent Matter: There were no Items. G. Information Items: There were no items. H. The meeting convened as an Open Meeting at 6:45 p.m. PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 10 O.A.6 2016 B-OP 31 2. Closing Prayer. The Chairperson, Mrs. M. Griepsma, asked Ms. C. Dunn to lead the group in closing prayer. 3. Adjournment. MOTION: Moved by D. Demers, seconded by H. McCarthy, that the meeting adjourn; 8:55 p.m. M. Griepsma Chairperson B. McMorrow Director of Education D R per PS AF T Carried. PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 11 O-B.1 Proposed Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School, Peterborough, Student Trip to Guatemala, from April 20, 2017 to April 29, 2017. R.A.: that the proposed Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School student trip to Guatemala, from April 20, 2017 to April 29, 2017 be approved in principle. May 16, 2016 PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 Administration 12 O-B.2 Proposed Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School, Peterborough AND St. Peter Catholic Secondary School proposed Student Trip to Amsterdam, Bruges, Vimy Ridge, Paris, from April 4, 2017 to April 14, 2017. R.A.: that the proposed Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School and St. Peter Catholic Secondary School Student Trip to Amsterdam, Bruges, Vimy Ridge, Paris, from April 4, 2017 to April 14, 2017 be approved in principle. May 16, 2016 PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 Administration 13 O-B.3 Proposed St. Peter Catholic Secondary School, Peterborough, Student Trip to Nuevo Paraiso, Honduras from April 20, 2017 to May 1, 2017. R.A.: that the Proposed St. Peter Catholic Secondary School, Peterborough, Student Trip to Nuevo Paraiso, Honduras from April 20, 2017 to May 1, 2017 be approved in principle. May 16, 2016 PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 Administration 14 O-F.1 Community Use of Board Facilities R.A.: that the request by the Catholic Women’s League of St. Mary’s Parish in Lindsay for an exemption to Policy 101 – Community Use of Board Facilities, A.P.-1.2(o) on November 5, 2016 be approved provided appropriate licenses are obtained, according to provincial regulations and municipal by-laws. May 16, 2016 PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 Chairperson’s Committee 15 Title of Policy DRAFT Governance, Vision and Strategic Priorities Revised April 21 Date Approved Projected Review Date Policy Statement Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington (PVNC) Catholic District School Board is committed to the principles and practices of good governance. Governance provides a framework for decision making, the effective stewardship of resources and ethical leadership. The Catholic Social Teachings inform our understanding of effective governance and leadership. In the PVNC Catholic District School Board good governance is seen as the exercise of authority, direction, and accountability to support our moral purpose and our vision of Achieving Excellence in Catholic education through Learning, Leadership and Service. In our Catholic system, student achievement and well-being are measured by both the successful mastering of Ministry of Education curricula as well as the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations. Purpose To create a shared understanding of the principles and practices of good governance by articulating a multi-year strategic plan with a clear vision and focused priorities; by establishing a consistent process for the development, implementation and monitoring of directional policies and administrative procedures, and by respecting the distinct roles and responsibilities of the board of trustees and staff. Alignment with Multi Year Strategic Plan The Governance, Vision and Strategic Priorities Policy supports our Vision for Achieving Excellence in Catholic Education through Learning, Leadership and Service. This Vision calls the Board to these Strategic Priorities: Ensure our structures, processes, relationships, and actions reflect our Gospel and Catholic Social Teachings. Implement the most effective, evidenced-based instructional and assessment practices to help all students meet the Catholic School Graduate Expectations. Embed technology to support digital literacy, creativity, innovation, collaboration, and the learning needs of all students. PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 16 Develop the intellectual, spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional well-being of students in safe, diverse, respectful, and faith-filled learning environments. Implement fair and transparent processes in recruitment, leadership, talent development, and succession planning to ensure our employees have the necessary knowledge, skills, and attributes to support our Vision Responsibilities Board Of Trustees defining, articulating and directing the PVNC Catholic District School Board mandate to support student achievement and well-being in a Catholic learning community supported by the Multi-Year Strategic Plan; setting direction and policy that governs the PVNC Catholic District School Board establishing a budget consistent with the Board vision and priorities; providing fiduciary oversight and stewardship of resources; understanding and communicating with members of the community the PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan and Directional Policies; assigning responsibility to the Director of Education for operationalizing and managing the PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Plan and Directional Policies; monitoring and holding the Director of Education accountable for the implementation of the Multi-Year Strategic Plan and Directional Policies. Director and Secretary/Treasurer establishing and maintaining positive working relations with the board of trustees to support their governance role in defining, articulating and directing the PVNC Catholic District School Board mandate to support student achievement and well-being in a Catholic learning community; providing leadership regarding implementation, operational details and monitoring of the PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan and Directional Policies; PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 17 allocating resources to support the Board vision and priorities and ensuring financial stewardship; providing direction to staff in the development of administrative procedures and practices to support the implementation and monitoring of the PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan and Directional Policies; establishing and maintaining positive and proactive working relations with staff , students, parents, diocese, as well as the ministry of education and other learning partners to provide excellence in Catholic education through learning, leadership and service. Superintendents of Schools and System Portfolios providing leadership and supports for Principals/Vice-Principals, Managers, Executive/Administrative Assistants and all departmental staff in their knowledge, understanding, implementation and monitoring of the PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan and Directional Policies; working collaboratively with the senior team, principals, vice-principals, teachers, support staff , parents and students to develop administrative procedures that align with the PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan and support the Directional Policies. Managers providing leadership, management and support for the members of their departments in the knowledge, understanding, implementation of the PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan and Directional Policies; assisting superintendents in working collaboratively with key stakeholders(who are they) to develop administrative procedures that support the Directional Policies. Communication Services working collaboratively with the senior team, managers, principals, vice-principals, teachers, support staff , parents and students to develop an ongoing and evolving communications plan to build knowledge and understanding of PVNC Catholic PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 18 District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan Directional Policies and administrative procedures. employing various media tools to support implementations and monitoring of PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan; Principals and Vice-Principals providing leadership, management, and support for the members of their school communities in the knowledge, understanding, and in the implementation and monitoring of the PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan and Directional Policies; providing leadership, management, and support for the members of their school communities in the knowledge, understanding, and in the implementation and monitoring of the administrative procedures that support the Directional Policies; Staff working collaboratively with colleagues to successfully implement the PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan and Directional Policies; adhering to the administrative procedures that support the Directional Policies; being proactive and self-directed in building their knowledge and understanding of the PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan, Directional Policies and the supporting Administrative Procedures. Progress Indicators An up-to-date digital policy register that reflects principles and practices of good governance in a faith-filled Catholic learning community Evidence of the PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan supported by clear directional policies and administrative procedures and practices is visible in the board room, in all schools and at a system level PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 19 Data from annual digital surveys demonstrate understanding, knowledge and support of ongoing implementation and monitoring of PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan Observations and analysis of relevant data (EQAO Results , Graduation Rates, Report Cards, Director’s Annual Report, Superintendent Learning Visits etc.) indicate a culture of high expectations and continuous improvement in the ongoing implementation of PVNC Catholic District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan References Education Act of Ontario Good Governance: A Guide for Trustees, School Boards, Directors of Education and Communities Good Governance for School Boards: Trustee Professional Development Program PVNC Catholic District School Board Strategic Plan and Supporting Documents PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 20 O-F.2 From the April 19, 2016 Policy Development Committee RE: Draft Directional Policy – Governance, Vision and Strategic Priorities. R.A.: that the new, draft Directional Policy (to be numbered), Governance, Vision and Strategic Priorities after stakeholder input be approved. May 16, 2016 PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 Chairperson’s Committee 21 O-J.3.A. Annual Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board Student Leadership Conference. R.A. That the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board 2015-2016 Student Leadership Conference be supported as an Annual event. May 17, 2016 PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 Administration 22 Conference Agenda AGM 2016 Thursday, May 26th 4:00 pm Registration 5:00 pm -‐ 8:00 pm Education Stakeholder Information Booths 8:00 pm -‐ 9:00 pm Welcome to OSTA-‐AECO 10:00pm -‐ 12:00 am Nightly Sign at BOD Friday, May 27th 8:30 am Networking 8:50 am Introduction and Role Call Matthew Marin and Yasmina Male 9:05 am CEO Address Jason Barron 9:20 am Keynote Speaker and Question Period David Onley, 28th Lieutenant Governor of Ontario 10:15 am Networking 10:30 am -‐ 11:30 am Incoming Student Trustee Workshop Board of Directors Outgoing Student Trustee Workshop Executive Council 11:30 am CEO Year in Review Jason Barron 11:45 am Executive Updates Stefan Suvajac, Sophie Schneider, Hannah Tobias-‐Murray, Jesse Waugh 12:00 pm Communication Session 12:15 pm Lunch 1:15 pm Board Council Breakouts 2:15 pm Committee Presentation and Walk Around Hannah Tobias-‐Murray 3:00 pm Hot Topics in Education 4:00 pm Networking break 4:20 pm Student Voice Discussion 5:00 pm Closing Remarks Polly van Herpt and Matthew Marin 6:00 pm Gala 10:00-‐ 12:00 am BOD Check in PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 23 ‘ Saturday, May 28th 8:30 am Networking 8: 40 am Roll Call Polly van Herpt and Chloe Kemeni 8:50 am Presidential Address Chloe Kemeni 9:00 am Constitutional Amendment Introduction Jesse Waugh 9:30 am Keynote Speaker Liz Sandals, Minister of Education 10:00 am Constitutional Amendment Session Jesse Waugh 11:45 am Past Presidents Panel 12:30 pm Lunch 1:30 pm President’s Election 2:00 pm PBC/CBC Election 2:30 pm Executive Council Elections 3:30 pm Networking 3:45 pm Committee Chair Elections 4:00 pm CBC/PBC Elections and Moving Forward 5:15 pm Closing Remarks Chloe Kemeni Sunday, May 29th 10:00 am PBC Breakfast Fran’s Diner, 200 Victoria St, Toronto, ON M5B 1T8 10:00 am CBC Mass St. Michael's Cathedral, 65 Bond Street Toronto Ontario M5B 1X5 PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 24 O-J.3.B. Ontario Student Trustees’ Association O.S.T.A. AECO May 26-27, 2016 Conference R.A. That the upcoming 2016-2017 Student Trustee be supported to attend the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association O.S.T.A. AECO taking place on May 2627, 2016 Conference in Toronto. May 17, 2016 PVNCCDSB Board Regular Meeting Agenda 2016-05-24 Administration 25