2011 - 2012 president`s report


2011 - 2012 president`s report
20 1 1 - 20 12 PRE SIDENT’S REP ORT
2011 - 2012
Jim Beingessner, Chancellor
David B. Perrin, President and Vice-Chancellor
Jim Frank, Vice-President and Academic Dean
Maureen O’Donoghue Rich, Chair
Carol Acton, Faculty
Cathy Brothers, Community-at-large
Kevin Burns, Community-at-large
Michael Coughlin, Community-at-large
Martha Fauteux, Staff
Larry Gravill, Community-at-large
Steven Jennings, Students’ Union President
Lauren Leech, Community-at-large
Pat Leicester, Community-at-large
Glen Lombard, Staff
Steven Lubczuk, Community-at-large
Don McCutchan, Community-at-large
Judy Nairn, Community-at-large
Rev. Con O’Mahony, Bishop’s Representative
Very Rev. Sam Restivo, C.R.
Dorothee Retterath, Community-at-large
David Seljak, Faculty
Leigh Sherry, Community-at-large
James Skidmore, Community-at-large
Marion Thomson Howell, Community-at-large
Jon Turner, Student
4 President’s Message
6 Educating the Whole Person
Honorary Doctorate
8 Academic Excellence
10 Active Alumni
11 Distinguished Graduate Award
12 John Sweeney Award
13 Chancellor James Beingessner
14 Accountability
16 Thank You to Our Donors
St. Jerome’s University is a public Roman Catholic University federated with the University of Waterloo, historically associated with the
educational vision of the Congregation of the Resurrection. We are committed to learning and academic excellence; the gospel values of
love, truth and justice; and the formation of leaders for the service of the community and the Church. In all of our activities and practices,
St. Jerome’s University functions within the context of the Roman Catholic tradition and the principles of academic freedom.
Reflecting on the past five years during my term as President, the same phrase
comes to the fore again and again, “It’s all about the students.” This phrase
encapsulates and brings to life all the concepts spelled out in the St. Jerome’s
University mission.
The students and their tremendous potential are why we do what we do at SJU.
It is both a challenge and an opportunity to help harness their energy, their
enthusiasm and their intelligence as they grow and become well-educated,
community-minded adults. In response to this call, St. Jerome’s University
provides an exceptional liberal arts education grounded in the bold vision of
the Congregation of the Resurrection as a foundation for further growth and
action. Our students are the heart and soul of our institution and they embrace
the learning opportunities they encounter at SJU. You need only consider
the continued success of our Beyond Borders, GO Guatemala, and SJU in Peru
programs and the students’ experiences of the world and their place in it, while
serving others and growing as individuals with a global perspective.
St. Jerome’s is truly a home for students. This past year the Student Hub was
created in a central campus location to integrate the daily activities and flow of
students, both those living in our residences and the many off-campus students
for whom SJU is their second home. This enhanced experience of community
will serve all of the students well during their time on campus and as they
pursue their future careers.
Campus Ministry has also been given some special attention this past year.
Considerable work went into a comprehensive review of the services delivered
through Campus Ministry and renewed focus is being placed on student-centred
ministry and service. Student Peer Leaders now have a more significant and
focused mandate as they help address the needs specific to the students of St.
Jerome’s University. Throughout the academic year all of our leaders support
students as they face those challenges particular to university students today.
While methods and accessibility may adapt to the demands of the modern
world, the principles behind the ministry we provide at SJU remains centred on
the Gospel values inherent in our mission.
The fundamental student focus is equally present among our faculty and staff
who work each day to help deliver the academic excellence so essential to
the St. Jerome’s University experience. To assist in these endeavours ongoing
governance renewal has been an important feature in recent years and months.
The historic establishment of the new SJU Senate Council will ensure that
“Students leave St. Jerome’s
with much more than they
came – an excellent education,
an experience of community
second to none, a sense of self
that will guide them through the
challenges and joys ahead.”
important academic decisions are given appropriate consideration in order
that effective decisions are made. Similarly, the renewal work undertaken
by our dedicated Board of Governors will allow our governing body and our
administration to have clear mandates to perform their duties responsibly with
all necessary accountability. Administrative governance has also been a major
focus this past year with the renewal or replacement of all university policies.
St. Jerome’s University has rich traditions and has contributed much in our
almost 150 years to Church and to society. This past year we began to prepare
for our 150th anniversary three short years away in 2015! The 150th Anniversary
Steering Committee, consisting of faculty, staff, students and community
partners, is hard at work making preliminary plans. The Catholic intellectual
tradition continues to thrive at SJU as students today seek answers to big,
fundamental questions in much the same way as did our earliest students.
David welcomes the new President Dr. Katherine Bergman.
Throughout my time at St. Jerome’s much has been accomplished and
considerable advances have been realized in our work for the students. As I
prepared my update for the Board of Governors, reporting on the progress
and achievements of the past five years and the mandate I was given upon my
arrival, I am astounded by the tremendous accomplishments of the St. Jerome’s
University team. Together we have realized improvements in our day-to-day
practices in all aspects of the organization, from budget setting to fellowship.
Everyone at SJU, from the Chancellor and Board of Governors, the faculty and
staff, our alumni and our current students, has played a part in keeping this
tremendous institution moving forward. With the commitment and hard work
of so many individuals coming together as a team, we have and will continue to
accomplish much good work.
The future of SJU looks very bright indeed. In that spirit it is my pleasure
to extend a heart-felt welcome to Dr. Katherine Bergman, St. Jerome’s
University’s 7th president. It is with all confidence that I pass the torch
of leadership to Katherine, and I know you will join me in extending every
support as she works to advance the mission of St. Jerome’s, because, it is in
fact all about the students!
Blessings to you and your loved ones.
David B. Perrin,
President and Vice-Chancellor
The principle upheld at St. Jerome’s University of “educating the whole
person” can at times be done best by leaving the traditional classrooms
behind and exploring the world beyond our usual borders. A responsible
world citizen will have experience in the broader world, where people face
different challenges and consideration of the greater good by those who
have the ability to do so is essential to the growth of a community.
Photo courtesy of Carl Pawlowski
The Centre for Responsible Citizenship (launched in 2008) is the service
and community-based learning and research component of SJU. It is
grounded in the belief that students are agents of positive social change
and that SJU has a responsibility to foster a sense of the common good in
students, faculty and staff. We emphasize experiential learning, providing
opportunities to engage in learning outside of the classroom through:
• International service learning with our
Beyond Borders program
• Local volunteer initiatives with our Beyond “U”
community service program
Mike, (4th year) during the SJU in Peru program and a young
local resident.
• Curriculum development and support of our
Community-Based learning
• Public Lectures in Catholic Experience
• Innovative research and scholarship in
community development.
Whether serving in the coffee growing regions of Peru, partnering with
Friends of the Orphans in Guatemala, or supporting local people and
programs through the Working Centre, we are actively striving to educate
the whole person.
“My experience with international
service learning taught me more
about myself and the world than
a classroom ever could.”
Marissa Taggart (BA’11),
Beyond Borders, GO Guatemala
Students who participate in the Centre for Responsible Citizenship, whether
in the Beyond Borders program, SJU in Peru or Go Guatemala, for example,
gain an appreciation of the challenges faced by people around the world.
They also learn about the opportunities they have with that new found
understanding, to act and speak against the injustices they encounter
at home and elsewhere in the world. At the 2012 spring convocation
ceremonies the importance of such action was highlighted by the special
guest speaker and Honorary Doctorate recipient Douglas Roche, O. C.
Douglas Roche, O.C.
“I cannot rest without giving you
a one-word message: Peace.”
For the third year in a row, St. Jerome’s University awarded an Honorary
Doctorate of Theology, honoris causa, to a significant individual for
their good work, in keeping with SJU mission. Each Honorary Doctorate
recipient has a remarkable story and has chosen to pursue activities
which improve our world. They set excellent examples for our students
in choosing to uphold the values of SJU and to champion worthwhile
causes. In 2012 the Honorary Doctorate was presented to Douglas Roche,
O.C. for his tremendous lifetime of work towards peace and disarmament
in Canada and around the World. In his address he shared this message,
“Peace is at the centre of our faith, the longing in our hearts, the greatest
need in the world.” These are truly words by which to live.
Previous Honorary Doctor of Theology recipients:
2011 Most Reverend Anthony F. Tonnos, for his dedication to Catholic
education and leadership of the Diocese of Hamilton, former Chancellor
of SJU from 1984-1991 and Chair of the Education Commission for the
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops in the 1990s.
2010 Deborah Pecoskie, PhD – for her contributions to theological
learning and education, former Board of Governors member from 1993
and serving as Chair from 2000-2006, was fundamental in establishing
our Masters of Catholic Thought program.
The St. Jerome’s University faculty members are an exceptional group of
talented academics with a broad range of experience and expertise, as
well as diverse research and teaching specialties. We are fortunate to have
such an accomplished group of individuals sharing their knowledge and
guiding our students in their own post-secondary educational journeys.
At SJU we value the contributions and perspectives of our faculty and their
significance to the entire St. Jerome’s experience.
Governance Renewal has been a focus for the SJU Board of Governors
and many hours have been spent reviewing By-laws and structures under
which the institution operates. Most significantly, the decision to enact
bi-cameral governance was approved and a Senate Council was formed.
Composed of all the full-time regular faculty members and chaired by the
President and Vice-Chancellor, the Senate Council can address issues of
importance to the academic side of SJU. This is an important and historic
step serving to preserve the academic excellence of which our institution
is so proud.
Professors Toni Serafini, Tracy Penny Light and
Frances Chapman.
The Faculty members at St. Jerome’s University will now have a formal
role and a new venue for essential decision-making on those academic
matters of fundamental importance to our institution, to the delivery of
the top-notch education for which we are known, and to ensure we meet
the formal educational demands of our students. Work at this level has
already begun and with the input from an exceptional team of talented
professors the SJU Senate Council will develop into its intended role as
a bi-cameral partner with the Board of Governors.
“Faculty’s student focused
approach is a critical component
of the St. Jerome’s advantage.”
Our Vice-President and Academic Dean, Dr. Jim Frank, joined us last
summer and has completed his first year leading the academic mission
of St. Jerome’s University. Jim has a cross-appointment with University
of Waterloo’s Department of Kinesiology.
With 30 years of experience as a teacher, researcher and academic
leader at the University of Waterloo and the University of Windsor,
Jim brings a strong understanding of post-secondary education
and a commitment to academic excellence. Working with a talented
group of faculty, staff and sessional instructors, Jim is strengthening
our partnership with the University of Waterloo and advancing our
reputation as a leading liberal arts Catholic university. Jim attributes
much of his own success to the support and encouragement of former
teachers of St Jerome’s High School and is proud to be a member of
St Jerome’s University as it continues the mission of the Congregation
of the Resurrection.
An impressive number of articles, books, book chapters and journals
have been written and/or edited in the past year by our SJU faculty
members. Here are a few of note:
Jim Frank, Vice-President & Academic Dean.
• Chad Wriglesworth (English): The Poetics of Water: Currents of
Reclamation in the Columbia River Basin.
• Whitney Lackenbauer (History): Canada and the Changing Arctic:
Sovereignty, Security and Stewardship.
• Benoit Charbonneau (Mathematics): Geometrical frustration and
static correlations in a simple glass former.
• Chris Burris (Psychology): Hearts strangely warmed (and cooled):
Emotional experience in religious and atheistic individuals.
• Cristina Vanin (Religious Studies): “Attaining Harmony with the Earth”
in In Search of the Whole: Twelve Essays on Faith and Academic Life.
The memories and experiences our St. Jerome’s University graduates keep
and build on as they pursue careers, family life, community service and a
whole host of lifetime goals, are both unique to the individual alumnus and
common among the many personalities and lifestyles of our graduates.
They learned much throughout their years at St. Jerome’s, fundamentally
though, they learned about service. That desire to continue to serve others
is the reason we have such a healthy community of alumni. If you consider
the work of our Alumni Advisory Group, you can see the dedication to the
SJU mission in their work and the spirit they exhibit.
Mark Greco (MMSc ‘05, BASc ‘04), Alumni Advisory Chair.
Former SJU resident.
SJU alumni are the experts in how to help alumni connect with SJU.
The Alumni Advisory Group is made up of dedicated volunteers whose
goal is to advance the mission of St. Jerome’s University by helping
to foster a lifelong relationship between the university and its alumni.
Alumni engagement can be seen in planning and participation at special
events, networking and mentoring opportunities, and in the selection of
a recipient of the annual Fr. Norm Choate Distinguished Alumni Award and
D.R. Letson Community Service Award. Of course, we count on them to
help generate financial support from donors, but it is their spirit and the
example they set which makes them so successful.
Mark Greco (Chair)
John Pendergast
Carolyn Eckert
Andrew Lee
Gayle Dzis
Dante Labriola
Annabel MacDonald
Ronan Quinn
“Alumni’s role in the St. Jerome’s
community helps us assess
how we are delivering on our
promise to be the best we can
be as a Catholic post-secondary
St. Jerome’s University has long been proud to be a founding partner in
the establishment of the University of Waterloo. With almost 150 years
of tradition and a reputation for academic excellence, our ongoing
contributions to our affiliate partners across the creek at University of
Waterloo enhance the educational opportunities and campus life of both
institutions. Current students and graduates alike reap the benefits of this
successful collaboration.
In 2012 we have an opportunity to celebrate with UW and recognize an
individual graduate whose accomplishments and success have been
supported by the influences of both institutions – each in its own unique
way. This year’s Distinguished Graduate is Kelly Moynihan, who was
featured in our spring edition of SJU Update. We will be presenting our
Distinguished Alumni Award in partnership with the Faculty of Science
at UW on November 29, 2012. This joint celebration reflects the strong
relationship SJU enjoys with UW in areas that we do not teach, but where
we have important alumni relationships with students who lived in
residence and feel a close connection to SJU.
Kelly Moynihan (BSc ’79).
Academically we will see continued collaboration with the Faculty of
Science in a new way with the arrival of our new SJU President and
Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Katherine Bergman. An appreciation of Katherine’s
extensive background in Science, specifically in the areas of Geology and
Palaeontology, has been recognized in her cross-appointment with the
Faculty of Science. Maintaining such close connections with our partners
across the creek adds to both institutions’ abilities to provide our
students with exceptional educational opportunities.
There is so much more to a place than simply the buildings, grounds and
physical spaces. What makes St. Jerome’s so special is, of course, the
people. The faculty, staff and administration are all important parts of
this outstanding institution. However, it’s the students who really breathe
life into the day-to-day activities at SJU. Their spirit and enthusiasm
enliven the atmosphere, which is why we consider St. Jerome’s University
to be a people place.
2012 Bruce Rodrigues
Sr. Joan Cronin, g.s.i.c.
2010 Hon. Noël a. Kinsella
2009 Fr. Bernie Hayes, C.R.
2008 Hon. John Milloy
2007 Craig Kielburger
2006 Rev. Dr. James McConica, C.S.B.
2005 School Sisters of Notre Dame (Canadian Province)
2004 Margaret Visser
2003 Hon. Allen J. MacEachen
2002 Fr. Jacques Monet, s.j.
2001 Congregation of the Resurrection (Ontario-Kentucky Province)
Bruce Rodrigues, an SJU alumnus (BMath 83), recently spoke about
his experiences at SJU; more specifically he confirmed the impact and
positive influence of the people he encountered during his time here, on
him personally, as a student. Bruce is the Director of Education for the
Toronto Catholic District School Board, has a Master of Divinity, along with
many years of service with the Waterloo Catholic District School Board.
In 2012, SJU awarded Bruce The Chancellor John Sweeney Award. In his
acceptance speech Bruce named many individuals who helped lead him in
his growth as a student and as a young man. He specifically identified Fr.
Norm Choate, Dr. Scott Vanstone and Sr. Marie Taylor SSND for their guidance.
These also included fellow students, professors and administrators who
encouraged him to think, to challenge ideas, and to consider how he might
approach the concepts of peace, justice and service to others.
Each year St. Jerome’s University bestows the Chancellor John Sweeney
Award at the Feast of St. Jerome celebrations coinciding with the saint’s
feast day. The award is named for the Hon. John Sweeney, the first lay
Chancellor of SJU, and champion of Catholic leadership and education.
Bruce Rodrigues certainly exemplifies the principles behind this award,
which Hon. John Sweeney demonstrated during his lifetime, and is among
many distinguished individuals who have been honoured with this award
over the past 12 years.
“A leader needs to rise above,
and bring their personal values.”
In the fall of 2011 we celebrated the installation of our Chancellor
James Beingessner. Known across the community as Jim, his roots
are firmly in Waterloo Region, where he has raised his family.
Though retired from his years with the former family business,
B & W Heat Treating, Jim’s active involvement with both business
and community interests is thriving. He was the Chair of Canada’s
Technology Triangle (CTT) representing coordinated economic
development interests and has served on many post-secondary and
charitable organizations’ boards and committees. As Chancellor of
SJU, Jim is more than just the titular head of this institution; he is a
true ambassador and active promoter of both higher education and
the service learning aspects of SJU. His experience and business
acumen in all areas of our region and university life are extremely
valuable to the Board of Governors and the entire St. Jerome’s
University community.
Jim Beingessner
Chancellor, St. Jerome’s University
“The quality of the experience a student has as an
undergraduate is often as formative as the academic
disciplines he or she undertakes. St. Jerome’s continues
to provide an excellent student life experience as well
as a challenging academic exposure. I am proud to be
the Chancellor of this Catholic gem which has been so
important to the history and development of the University
of Waterloo – one of Canada’s finest universities.”
TOTAL REVENUE $14,861,155
At St. Jerome’s University delivering exceptional education for
our students remains our primary goal. In order to ensure that
our institution operates as efficiently, effectively and sustainably
as possible, we make sound financial management a priority.
We are extremely grateful for the generosity of our donors and
continually strive to manage the funds available in a manner
which maximizes the positive impact on students, their education
and daily life at SJU.
Student Tuition 40%
Government Grants 35%
Endowment Funds provide ongoing revenue for particular aspects
of our mission, such as scholarships, lectures, and the Master of
Catholic Thought program.
Investment Income 3%
Donations 1%
Other Income 1%
Ancillary Operations 20%
TOTAL EXPENSES $13,554,889
2007/08 2008/09
Investment, at market
Investment, at cost
General Operating 42%
Academic 39%
Ancillary Operations 17% (Residences)
Scholarships and Bursaries 2%
Thank you to our 771 generous
donors! A total of $302,678
was donated to St. Jerome’s
University in fiscal 2011/2012.
GIVING DESIGNATION: Donations received were designated
to the indicated areas.
Thanks to our generous donors St. Jerome’s University is able
to offer financial support to students who excel academically
and to those who would otherwise not be able to afford a
higher education.
Campus Ministry 36%
(includes University Catholic Community)
Scholarships / Bursaries 34%
Unrestricted 13%
Centre for Responsible Citizenship 11%
(includes Beyond Borders and Lectures in Catholic Experience)
Building, Infrastructure and Collections 6%
GIVING SOURCE: Percentages indicate the amount of the
total donated by each constituency.
2007/08 2008/092009/10 2010/11 2011/12
$ From Endowed Interest
$ From Operating
$ From Restricted Funds
$ Total Paid Out
Friends - Individual 63%
Alumni 32%
Current Faculty, Staff and Board of Governors 1%
Businesses 3%
Foundations 1%
Maureen O’Donoghue Rich (BA ‘76) &
David Rich
Sara Pendergast (BA ‘88) &
John Milloy M.P.P.
David B. Perrin
We feel fortunate to have so many loyal supporters like you
entrusting us with your resources so together we can ensure that
our students achieve academic excellence. We are most grateful
that you have joined us as a partner in living the mission of
St. Jerome’s University.
Rolland Pierre
Gregory Richards & Gabrielle Richards
Jim Robson (BA ‘11) & Debbie Robson
Murray Runstedler & Sharon Runstedler
George Schaller
James Skidmore
John Stewart & Mary Jo Stewart
Kelly Strome & Therese Strome
Gary Howell & Marion Thomson Howell
Annual Gifts of $5,000 or more
Reinhold Dresler
John Villemaire (BA ‘84) & Rita Levato
Peter Fioravanti & Margaret Fioravanti
Donna Ward & Mel Cescon
Anonymous (2)
Anne Fisher & Douglas Fisher
Mary Kuntz
Gwen Flemming
Harold & Delphine Voisin
Patrick Flynn (BA ‘68) & Noreen Flynn
James Frank & Jacqueline Frank
Annual Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999
Brittany Goodwin
Anonymous (1)
Janet Heimpel & Ray Heimpel
Peter Quinn & Regina Quinn
Peter Hinchcliffe
Hartman Krug & Brenda Krug
Ted Howe & Joy Howe
Dorothee Retterath & Ric Hewson
Bernie Howorth & Brenda Howorth
Mary Liz Hearn (BA ‘65) & Michael Hearn
Anonymous (1)
Michel Anderson & Lucretia Anderson
Brian Beckberger & Trudy Beckberger
Darren Becks (BES ‘94) & Danielle Becks
Nick Betik
Cathy Brothers & John Brothers
Wayland Chau (BMATH ‘96)
Craig Christy (BES ‘77)
Michael Coughlin
Leonard Curchin & Lucinda Neuru
Christine Donaldson CA (BMATH ‘89)
David Donohue
Therese Wiley & James Wiley
Bruce Young (BA ‘66) & Gail (BA ‘66) Young
ANNUAL GIFTS of $250 to $999
Anonymous (4)
Andre Anderson & Raymonde Anderson
Roman Ciecwierz & Magdalene Ciecwierz
Eloise Coleman (BA ‘74) & Tom Coleman
Mike Collins & Annette Collins
William Collins & Marilyn Collins
Bud Collins & Ann Collins
William Connelly
Raul Croce & Fanny Croce
Debbie Crowe
Gertrude Cullen
Michael Cussen (BSC ‘80; BA ‘81)
Elizabeth Darley
Gerry deJong
Thomas Denomme & Maryanne Denomme
Walter Dick & Lorraine Dick
Warren Diemert & Rebecca Diemert
Paul Dinga & Lisa Dinga
Marianne Donaldson
Leslie Duffy (BA ‘90) & Neil Duffy
Ann Eichorn
Ann Eperjesi & Stefan Eperjesi
Carol Fick
Jean Andrey
Rhonda Flewwelling (BA ‘05) & Robert
James baksi (BASC ‘71) & Magdalen Baksi
Stephen Flott & R. Frances O’Brien
Thomas Ball & Roswita Ball
David Fontaine & Margaret Fontaine
Patricia Barbato CGA
Cathy Fox
Mel Barrie & Teresa Barrie
Arnold Fox
Patrick Beausang
Ted Foy & Peggy Hallward
Steven Bedic
Margaret Fritsch
Edward Beharry & Pam Beharry
Thomas Galloway & Anne Marie Galloway
John Biggs & Amelia Biggs
Andrew Garland & Pauline Garland
Patrick Bishop & Judy Bishop
Brian Gastaldi & Gail-Lynn Gastaldi
William Brath (BMATH ‘76) & Patricia Brath
Eugene George & Patsy George
Sidney Breese (BA ‘65)
Jim Gilhuly & Mary Ann Gilhuly
Louise Leonard
William Brown & Maria Brown
Christina Gordon
Janice Long (BMATH ‘91) & George Long
Sharon Carey (BA ‘88) & John Carey
Kristine Gordon & Paul Gordon
B. James MacKay (BA ‘75)
Rio Caron & Marianne Caron
Lawrence Gorman & M. Jane Gorman
Giovanni Cascante & Tiziana Di Giorgio
Mark Greco (BASC ‘04) & Janna Brubacher
Peter Chin-Cheong & Sharon Chin-Cheong
Ronald Green (BSC ‘67) & Lorraine Green
Darron Chin-Quee & Marie Chin-Quee
Vir Handa & Silvana Handa
Maureen Irving
Annual Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499
Robert Way & Michele Way
Kenneth Chippier & Norma Chippier
Gerrold Jackson (BA ‘81)
Alfreda Jarosz
Mary Karn
Scott Kline & Megan Shore (BA ‘99)
Irene Kolabinski MD
Gary Kramer & Cindy Kramer
Kenneth Lavigne (BA ‘73) &
Helen (BA’91) Lavigne
Shelagh Maloney (BSC ‘87)
Brian McCarthy (MA ‘69) &
Arlene McCarthy
Frank Udvari & Colette Udvari
Bishop Gerard Bergie (BA ‘80)
Mary Van der Schaaf
Ian Bergin
John Vandergriendt &
Marianne Vandergriendt
Lori Betik
Cristina Vanin & Michael Kelly
Virginia Vickers (BA ‘69)
John Vieth & Angela Vieth
Richard Wagner & Carol Wagner
John Watkins & Carol Watkins
Ronald Weiler & Joan Weiler
Richard Weiss & Annemarie Weiss
Mary Wells
Marnie Wharnsby & Bill Wharnsby
Richard Whitney (BA ‘89)
Tim Willoughby & Michele Willoughby
Donna Wright
Gerald Harrigan & Barb Harrigan
Maureen Murphy
Eugene Yeung & SiokMin Yeung
Mike Harrington
Anke Naus (BA ‘75) & Peter Naus
William Zabjek & Jennifer Zabjek
Gail Head (BA ‘79)
Gabriel Niccoli & Francesca Niccoli
David Zenger & Carolyn Zenger
Marcus Heydrich
Sean O’Brien (BASC ‘79) & Mary O’Brien
Richard Zilinskas (BA ‘79) & Milly Zilinskas
Jaime Howe
Stephen O’Brien (BMATH ‘89)
Marlene Zister (BA ‘86) & Cyril Zister
Madelaine Hron
Paul Olinski & Carol Olinski
Peter Humphries & Melissa Humphries
Very Rev. Cornelius O’Mahony P.P.
ANNUAL GIFTS up to $249
Paul Hunt (BA ‘70) & Judy Hunt
Stefania Pallotta
Anonymous (8)
Laura Hunter (BA ‘89) & Tom Hunter
Tony Palotta & Sharon Pallotta
Diane Abbott & Michael Abbott
Frank Iacobucci & Nancy Iacobucci
James Panchaud
Margaret Ingoldsby (BA ‘90) &
James Ingoldsby
Carolyn Pegg (BA ‘67) & Bill Pegg
Douglas Iwamoto
Pawel Kaleta & Marina Kaleta
Glenn Kelly & Ruthanne Kelly
Barbara Kerr (BES ‘75)
Dan Kieswetter
Margaret Knox
Scott Koch CA (BA ‘89)
David Kowalski & Karen Kowalski
Nick Krasnick
David Kresky & Kathleen Kresky
Albert Kroetsch & Edna Kroetsch
Bob Kyryliuk
Perry Le e& Rhonda Lee
Caterina Lindman & Mark Lindman
Joseph Martinello (BA ‘76)
Alex Matan
Peter McCauley & Jeanne McCauley
Diane McInnis & Satish Rangaswamy
Susan Guaglio-McKearnen (BA ‘77) &
Ian McKearnen
George McKenna & Kathleen McKenna
Vincent McNally & Mary McNally
Father Daniel Miehm (BA ‘82)
Nancy Mirotta
Mark Mooney (BA ‘79) & Anne Mooney
Frances Morrison (BA ‘96)
Kelly Moynihan (BSC ‘79) &
Kathryn Moynihan
Thomas Murawsky & Gisele Murawsky
Emanuel Aguiar & Judy Aguiar
Matthew Betik
Loucia Beveridge
Terry Billo & Patricia Bergman-Billo
Ken Bisch
Kenneth Bisch & Mary J. Bisch
Victoria Body
Kieran Bonner & Margaret Bonner
Richard Booth (BA ‘73) & Lois Booth
Ethel Boris & Emil Boris
Robert Boucher (BA ‘67) & Barbara Boucher
Paul Boucher (BA ‘58)
Bruce Boucher & Mary Boucher
Paul Breen & Susan Breen
Conor Brennan
Darrell Bridge
Joseph Brothers
Grant Brownridge & Carla Brownridge
Ann Buchanan
Kenneth Buchanan & Shannon Buchanan
David Buhlman & Kathy Buhlman
Karen Buhr (BA ‘95)
Kevin Buis (BMATH ‘95)
Ruth Aitchison (BA ‘88)
Gregory Bulkiewski (BES ‘71) &
Joanne Bulkiewski
Isabel Almudevar
Carly Burns
Adam Amadio
Eric Caissie
Lorraine Anderson
Susan Callon
Jackie Anstett
Michael Cannon
Peter Antoniadis
Donna Archibald
Paul Cano MD (BMATH ‘82) &
Kathleen Schefter-Cano
Dave Ashmore & Elizabeth Ashmore
Diane Carpe & Paul Carpe
Steve Ashton & Wonita Ashton
Casey ‘66
Charlene Baglien
Dave Cattanach & Nancy Cattanach
D. Balanoff & C. Mayor
Frances Chapman
Robert Balazs & Lillian Balazs
Norma Chin-Cheong
Nicolas Balbiani
Gary Chrysler (BA ‘83)
James Baleshta & Dianne Wilkinson
Tom Ciancone
Jennifer Bangay
Michael Clancy & Christina Clancy
Johanna Barrett
Rob Clark
Susan Barrett
Gregory Clarke (BMATH ‘88)
Jennifer Bastiaan
Allison Clinton & Ed Clinton
Noreen Sereda (BMATH ‘81)
Bonnie Battiston & Louis Battiston
Jeanne Cloutier (BA ‘87)
Sherry Setchell
Ingrid Bauman
Fred Clutchley & Mary Jo Clutchey
Heidi Sostaric (BA ‘89)
Douglas Beaton
Kevin Coates (BA ‘85) & Nan Forler
Tim Sothern & Teresa Sothern
Roger Beaulieu (BASC ‘67)
Linda Collins
James Stickland
Luciana Becker & Andrew Becker
Dennis Collins
Pearl Sullivan & Thomas Sullivan
James Beesley & Angela Beesley
Rommel Conadera
Dwyer Sullivan & Sheila Sullivan
Clare Beingessner & Ruth Beingessner
Paul Condon
Kay Sweeney
Gregory Bell & Karen Bell
Vincent Conte (BMATH ‘01)
Peter & Mathilde Sychterz
Wayne Bellenie & Janet Bellenie
Paul Conway & Colleen Conway
Paul Szak & Catherine Szak
Taylor Bellenie
Henry Cooke PENG (BASC ‘82)
Paul Tratnyek (BA ‘75) & Teresa Tratnyek
Kora Bennett
Denise Cormier
Ed Tschirhart & Pauline Tschirhart
Judith Benninger (BA ‘73)
David Cornwall & Christina Cornwall
John Tunstall & Sue Tunstall
Janet Beretta
Lawrence Cotton (BA ‘80) & Carol Cotton
Katelyn Portelli
Jack Porter & Phyllis Porter
Jane St. Amour Raymond
Barbara Reardon
Karen Reinhardt (BA ‘66)
Robert Richardson & Petra Richardson
Margaret Ridzon (BA ‘71)
Francesco Robles & Deleana Robles
Paul Rucurean (BMATH ‘79) & Ella Rucurean
Arthur Samson
Florin Savu
Larry Scanlon & Anne Scanlon
Adrian Schipper
Bill Schmidt & Vera Schmidt
James Schnarr (BA ‘73) & Dianne Schnarr
Reinhart Schreiter & Georgina Schreiter
GIFTS up to $249 continued
Rev. Charles Fedy C.R., P.P.
M. L. Harding
Teresa Langel & Ronald Langel
Tania Fernandes
Mary Anne Hardy
Chris Lasovich & Gloria Lasovich
Beth Coverdale
Debra Ferolie
Richard Harrington
Michael Lassaline CMA (BA ‘83)
Andrea Craig
Beverly Fielde
Terry Hayes & Susan Hayes
Maureen Crane (BMATH ‘76) & Doug Crane
Christa Fischer
Tracey Heimpel
Barbara Lavigne (BA ‘70) & Paul Lavigne
(BA ‘70)
Father Lorne Crozon
Anne Fischer
Gene Herman (BA ‘68)
Cosimo Crupi & Kathryn Crupi
Gerhard & Christa Fischer
Gordon Higginson (BA ‘86)
Heather Cullen
Theresa Fitzgerald
Anne Hind (BA ‘72)
Mary Ellen Cullen & Stephen Menich
Les Fleiszig
Ryan Hoday
Diane Cullen (BA ‘88) & James Cullen
Michael Floren (BMATH ‘90) & Annette
Clara Hodgett
Barbara Cullen & John Cullen
Brian Cummings & Patricia Cummings
Michael Fontaine & Adrianna Fontaine
Christian Cupidio (BMATH ‘92)
Kenneth Forgeron (BES ‘75) &
Sharon Forgeron
William Currah & Marlene Currah
Alice Czerwionka-Poudrier &
Jacques Poudrier
Esther Fox
Manuel da Silva & Marcie da Silva
James Fox
Carlos Dall’Orso & Jackie Dall’Orso
Barbara Fraser
J. Dalrymple (BA ‘68)
Debra Fratesi & John Pozzo
David Dance
Linda Daniar
Mari-Beth Davis & Kyle Davis
Scott Davis
Antonio D’Costa
Frank De Palma (BA ‘81) &
Maryanne (BA ‘79) De Palma
Peter Denomme & Gisele Denomme
Paula DeProsperis-Charters (BA ‘94)
Brian Freiburger (BA ‘83) & Lily Freiburger
Brian French
Angela Holtham (BMATH ‘72)
Paul Horrigan (BSC ‘82) & Catherine
Roger Lawler & Cecilia Lawler
Desta Leavine
John Lech (BA ‘76)
Rita Lederman
Lauren Leech & Jamie Leech
Paul Lehman
Luanne Lemmer & Eric Lemmer
William Lennox (BMATH ‘88)
Ksavera Horlor
William Leonard & Doreen Leonard
Eleanor Horrigan
Douglas Letson (BA ‘62) &
Donna Letson (BA ‘89)
Melaine Howe
Jennifer Hryb (BMATH ‘92)
Oliver Hubbard & Patti Hubbard
Benjamin Hubbard & Judy Hubbard
Rebecca Li
Madeline Litschgy
Glen Lombard (BA ‘06) & Karen Lombard
Paul Longo
Franco Frittaion (BA ‘70)
Susanna Hubbard-Krimmer (BA ‘83) &
Herald Krimmer
Samantha Fritz
Father Ted Hughes
George Luciani (BA ‘71)
Ian Furst & Siobhan Furst
Michael Hunter
Kathy Gall
Jacob Huschilt & Eva Huschilt
Christopher Lutka (BMATH ‘01) &
Mary Drozd-Lutka
Joseph Gallipeau (BA ‘91) & Sandra
Janek Jagiellowicz
Barbara Galvin (BA ‘84)
Shaun Gannon & Tracey Gannon
Jeff Janssen & Linda Janssen
Alexandra Jenkins
Sylvia Loruan
Brian Lynch
Dave Lynch
Joyce MacCallum
Martha Johnson
Annabel MacDonald (BA ‘83) &
Donald MacDonald
Christine Gasselle (BA ‘75)
Leslie Johnstone (BA ‘82)
Taylor MacNicholas
John Gatto & Daniela Gatto
Donald Jones & Adriana Jones
Kathleen MacNicol & Mr. John MacNicol
John Gazzola & Deanna Gazzola
Billy Jones & Tracy Jones
Kate MacPherson
Shirley Geimer
Julie Kalbfleisch
Frank Madia
Ann Germann
Helen Kania
Steven Gerra
Debra Kee
Joe Mancini (BA ‘81) &
Stephanie Mancini (BA ‘82)
Mary Therese Gervais
Jon Keighan & Judy Dunn-Keighan
Tony Mancini
Valerie Gibbons
Cal Keil & Diane Keil
Ms. Eileen Mannarelli
Sandra Gibson
John Kelly
Steven Mannik & Silvana Mannik
J. Gilbert (BA ‘66)
Janette Kelly-Stanley
Victor Marcuz & Marie Marcuz
Victor Glyn-Williams & Carol Glyn-Williams
Jennifer Kieffer
Rochelle Martin (BA ‘97)
John Godkin & Cathy Godkin
Robert Kieswetter & Rose Kieswetter
Aida Martinez
Nancy Golding (BA ‘67)
Julie Kim
Fred Mazurek & Donna Mazurek
Cody Goodale
Kara Klein
Alicia McAuley Ashfield (BA ‘06)
Brenda Graham
Rita Kops
Maria Dumet
Cheryl Greenberg (BA ‘68) &
David Greenberg
Alicia Kowalski
Norma McAuliffe (BA ‘92) &
Andrew McAuliffe
Gayle Clark Dzis
Yolande Greenstein
Marilyn Eby (BA ‘87)
Heather Kroetsch
James Gregory
Paul Ecker (BA ‘81) & Catherine Ecker
Dan Kroetsch & Judy Kroetsch
Amanda Grobbecker (BA ‘07)
Carolyn Eckert (BA ‘94)
Al Kroetsch & Cathy Kroetsch
Gerald Grundy
Sandra McCormick (BA ‘74) &
Michael Delisle
Annamae Elliot (BMATH ‘01)
Marianne Haas (BA ‘98)
Kenneth Kroetsch (BA ‘70) &
Daniele Kroetsch
Robert McCubbin (BA ‘91) &
Tanya McCubbin
Brian Ellis
Nancy Hackett
Cathy Kuntz
Anne McGarrity
Catherine Erdman & Thomas Erdman
Paul Haffner
Perry Kutchcoski & Melanie Kutchcoski
David McGinnis & Trenny McGinnis
Louise Ervin & Robert Ervin
Rebecca Hall
Thomas Kuzhivelil Oommen
Murray McGlynn & Collette McGlynn
Marilyn Farnworth
Heather Halls (BA ‘74) & Bradley Halls
Patricia LaCarte
Judy McKague
Kathy Farrell
Margaret Hamilton
Norm Ladouceur & Dawn Ladouceur
Jim McLaughlin & Heidi Rutting
Martha Fauteux
Lorne Harding & Cathy Harding
Monica Lang
William McLelland (BA ‘65)
Robert Di Benedetto
Carlos Diaz
Alexandr Diaz-Papkovich
Julia Dick
Kathleen Dick
David Dick
Sylvia Dick
Brian Diemert (BA ‘82) & Monika Lee
Daniel Dietrich & Peggy Dietrich
Dan Dineen
Elaine Ditner (BA ‘82)
Marie-Louise Donovan & Michael Donovan
Tyrone Dowling & Lori Loft
Linda Drouin
Gerry Dubrick & Teresa Wagner-Dubrick
Joan Dudgeon
Janet Duffenais
Robert Fortuna (BA ‘79) & Mary Fortuna
Lucia Hogeveen
Sophie Lavigne & R. Lavigne
Melissa Garrett (BA ‘92)
George Kramer (BA ‘69) & Elaine Kramer
Lee McCaffrey & Pat McCaffrey
Lynn McCaffrey & Matthew McCaffrey
Fr. Brian McCormick
Alan McNamara
Anna Porzuczek
James Sherlock (BA ‘54)
Peggy Voll
Patricia McNeill (BA ‘63)
Henry Prachar & Pauline Prachar
Leigh Sherry
Robert Volpato (BMATH ‘94)
Diane McWilliams (BA ‘86) &
Sterling McWilliams
Travis Provick (BMATH ‘01)
Stephanie Shore (BA ‘99) & Douglas Shore
Dave Vrolyk & Krista Vrolyk
Jennifer Purc (BA ‘97)
Monica Sidrak
Carol Wagner & Richard Wagner
Kailie Pyotl
Sharon Silvera ASA (BMATH ‘80)
Carol Wahl
Desmond Quinn (BA ‘82)
M. Teresa Simarro & Richard Reive
Dennis Wallace & Anne Wallace
Josie Radocchia
Alan Siou & Mariella Siou
Lisa Walsh
Roly Ress & Elaine Rees
Mark Skanes & Melissa Skanes
Winglok Wan
Jeremy Reesor
Owen Slocombe
Jeff Reia & Crystal Reia
Wayne Smith (BA ‘65)
Diane Warren-Dewan (BA ‘79) &
Philip Dewan
John Reid & Corey-Ann Reid
Barbara Smith (BA ‘69)
Jo-Ann Wasowicz
Jo-Ann Reitzel (BA ‘79)
Megan Smith
Marilyn Watts
Audrey Reitzel
Alice Soeder
Bonnie Weaver
Mabel Reive
Anton Sproll & Hildegard Sproll
Lillian Weber
Jacques Ribout & Karen Ribout
Greg Sprout & Phyllis Sprout
Daniel Weber
Luis Ricardez Sandoval
Michelle Stanley (BA ‘89)
Richard Weiland
Marsha Richardson
Catherine Stasiak-Kassenaar (BMATH ‘87)
Margaret Weiler
Andreas Richter
Michael Stebila
Katharine Weiler-Dean
Pauline Ridzon in memory of E. Halyk
Douglas Stebila
Richard Weinstein & Diane Weinstein
Mike Robinson & Janet Robinson
Brian & Susan Stephens
Pat Wilson
Darcy Roblin & Debbie Roblin
Mary Stevens
Ian Wilson & Ruth Wilson
Louise Roblin
Caitlin Stewart
Elizabeth Witmer & Cameron Witmer
Lila Romanick
Brian Stewart & Nikki Stewart
Mary Witt
Katherine Ronzio
Beverley Stockdale
Molly Worden (BA ‘79)
Edward Rooney
Andrew Suen
Marianna Worth
George Roth
Paul Suppa
Mike Wyatt
C. Elizabeth Szilva
Geralyn Yolkowski (BA ‘90)
Amy Tailby (BMATH ‘99)
Bobby Joe & Kristi York
Andrea Tang
Christopher Young & Amanda Young
Vickie Tank (BA ‘90)
Gary Young & Bernadette Young
Sr. Marie Taylor
Anne Zahara (BA ‘72)
Mark Taylor (BA ‘84) & Beverly Ann Taylor
Victor Zamin
Shirley Taylor
Robert Zettel (BMATH ‘72)
Paul Terpstra (BMATH ‘87)
Helen Zettler (BA ‘72)
Mark Thomas & Christina Thomas
Anqi Zhang
Bob Thompson & Judith Thompson
Eric Zilinskas
Fred Schell
Becky Thompson & Gord Thompson
Mike Zybala & Lori Zybala
Elia Schiavo
Barney Tracy & Anne Tracy
Cynthia Truong
Mary Rose Schilling
Anne Schnarr (BA ‘78)
Tony Truscello & Valerie Truscello
Stephen Schock & Lynn Schock
Cathy Trussler
Simone Schultz
Jonathan Turner
Judy Sear
George Turzanski (BA ‘73)
Jack Sehl & Mary Sehl
James Uffelman & Denise Uffelman
Brantford Engineering and
Construction Ltd.
Michael Sehl
Michael Uniac
Chartwells (Compass Group Canada)
Ann Sehl (BA ‘77) & James Sehl
Patricia Van Grunsven (BA ‘87)
Dakon Construction Ltd.
Carol Seljak
Rick Van Looyen & Dale Van Looyen
David Chapman’s Ice Cream Limited
Peter Peloso & Barbara Peloso
H. Richard Selman
Judith Vanderkooy & John Vanderkooy
Hamilton Community Foundation
Mary Perkins (BA ‘69)
Katherine Seredynska
Matthew Varney
Janet Wright & Associates Inc.
Susan Perry (BA ‘71) & John Perry
S. Seredynsky
Mary Ann Vaughan
Adrienne Pierre
Martin Seregelyes
Chris Vennell
Kitchener and Waterloo Community
Richard Pierre
M. Elaine Setchell
Marta Vera
Miller Thomson LLP
Christopher Pierre
Gerald Seyler
Mervyn Villemaire & Claudette Villemaire
Onex Corporation
Ed Piwowarek & Donna Piwowarek
Harold Shantz & Anne Shantz
Peter Visser (BA ‘71)
Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph
Amanda Plain
Jacqueline Sharratt
Douglas Voisin & Donna Voisin
Two Goblets
Tiuley Ponnambalam
Daniel Shea & Diane Shea
Raymond Voll & Joan Voll
Rev. Ronald Mendes
Tom Miceli
Michelle Micuda (BMATH ‘91)
Paul Miller
Gabel Miller
Joanne Milligan and Gregory Milligan
Alexandra Milne & David Milne
Marian Mitchell
Beth Moffett
Luis Mojica
Anna Molnar (BA ‘82)
Marianus Molodecki & Loretta Molodecki
Allan Morhart (BMATH ‘90)
John (BA ‘69) & Eleanor Morris
David Morris
Margaret Motz
Elizabeth (BA ‘85) & Thomas Motz
Julia Mounsteven
Rev. Gerald Mulhall P.P.
Carrie Murphy (BA ‘98) &
Scott Murphy (BMATH ‘95)
Mr. Dennis Murphy
Teresa Murphy
Patrick Nadon & Susan Barrett
Tiffany Nazareth
Steven Nelson & Wendy Nelson
Catherine Newell Kelly & Ian Kelly
Yinchun Ni
Dean North & Darlene North
Trevor North & Barbara North
Frank Nowak & Marie Nowak
Karin Nowak
Maria O’Brien
Frank O’Connor (BA ‘80) &
Marian O’Connor (BA ‘80)
Edith Ogden
Grace Olds
Sean O’Leary
Norbert Oliveira & Rosanna Oliveira
John Pallotta & Gayle Pallotta
Antonietta Pallotta
Jessica Pany
Susan Paul (BA ‘72)
Deborah Pecoskie (BA ‘72) &
Raymond Pecoskie
Nina Roy
Frances Ruetz
Walt Runstedler & Gerry Runstedler
James Rush
Allan Ryan
Kelly Ryan
Frank Saccomanno & Serafina Saccomanno
Gretchen Sangster
William Scanlon & Adrienne Scanlon
David Schanzenbacher & Sue
Estate of Carol Ann Copeland
A’Lacarte Auto Glass
290 Westmount Road North
Waterloo, On Canada N2L 3G3