
Autumn 2013
HERDER Rights Catalogue
Autumn 2013
Dear Colleagues,
VERLAG HERDER is delighted to present its
new RIGHTS GUIDE for Autumn 2013.
n our new Autumn programme you will find many interesting and
exciting books to complement your existing stock. Leading standard works in the theology section, educational books dealing with
topical issues, counselling books on a variety of subjects, as well as
beautiful gift books. Please read the synopses to find out more about
this great collection. VERLAG HERDER holds full rights to all the
enclosed titles.
If you are interested in any of our titles, or would like to receive more
information on specific books, please contact us. We will be pleased to
Feel also free to visit our web site for further information on our
books. You can find us at http://www.herder.de/rights
© Bertram Walter
Francesca Bressan
Stefan Dalmühle
International Rights Manager
Rights Director
Direct line: +49 (0)761 / 27 17-546
Email: [email protected]
Fax: +49 (0)761 / 27 17-540
Postal Address: VERLAG HERDER
Rights & Permissions
Hermann-Herder-Strasse 4
79104 Freiburg
+49 (0)761 / 27 17-385
[email protected]
+49 (0)761 / 27 17-540
 4 Theology
Religion / Spirituality
Life & Society
Parenting / Education
Vogt, Markus (Ed.)
Eisele, Wilfried (Ed.)
Söding, Thomas / Swarat, Uwe (Ed.)
Kreutzer, Ansgar / Gruber, Franz (Ed.)
Theology of social ethics.
Petitions to God?
Hope beyond death
In dialogue
Theologie der Sozialethik
Gott bitten?
For many people praying means
Petitionary prayer is an integral part
of church services. The bible is full
of petitions, and personal prayer
also generally includes them. An
increasing number of people are
questioning whether it is appropriate
to ask God for something. The texts
in this book attempt to provide
answers to this issue.
Gemeinsame Hoffnung über den Tod
Im Dialog
The question of embedding social
ethics in theology and its theological
basis is central to the bearing of
content and social communication.
This book discusses which form
of argumentation is appropriate to
social realities and the relationship
between faith and reason.
13,5 x 21,5 cm, 328 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-02255-5
May 2013
13,5 x 21,5 cm, ca. 224 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-02256-2
September 2013
Hotly disputed topics amongst
Christians of different confessions
are the immortality of the soul, the
Last Judgement and the hope of
a new world. This book expresses
the views of catholic, protestant,
orthodox and Baptist Christians.
The result is a differentiated
reasoning of a common hope
beyond death.
13,5 x 21,5 cm, ca. 256 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-02257-9
September 2013
There has always been a great deal
of skepticism between theology
and sociology. This book aims to
document and motivate the dialogue
between theology and sociology of
religion. Representatives of each
faction reflect on social processes
such as secularization, religious
individualization and the reciprocity
between religion and politics.
13,5 x 21,5 cm, 400 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-02258-6
June 2013
Söding, Thomas (Ed.)
Laubach, Thomas (Ed.)
Bier, Georg (Ed.)
Kirschner / Schmiedl (Ed.)
Born in Bethlehem?
Can we insult God?
Leaving the church
Zu Bethlehem geboren?
Kann man Gott beleidigen?
Der Kirchenaustritt
The Christmas story never fails to
fascinate. It also addresses many
issues relating to the portrayal of
the image of God and the world in
the bible. Benedict XVI is in favor
of accepting the reality of the bible
story. This book discusses important
aspects of the Christmas story with
regard to latest research, particularly
regarding the birthplace, virgin
birth and the three wise men.
The subject of blasphemy has
suddenly grown in importance.
A „Punk prayer“ in an orthodox
church, caricatures of Mohammed,
and the pope on the cover of a
satirical magazine. On the one
hand people insist on freedom of
expression and on the other hand
many believers see a case for
blasphemy. Can God and faith be
insulted? Does religion need state
Can you leave the Catholic Church
according to State Law and still
remain a member of the community
of faith? This issue is the subject
of debate between experts on law
and theology.Georg Bier discusses
social-religious, dogmatic, pastoral
and canonical aspects of the issue
at hand and examines the situation
in Austria, Switzerland and the
Evangelical Regional Churches,
compiling a multi-facetted view of
the ongoing discussion.
Diakonia, a pastoral service of the
church for the people, highlights
the church‘s position in society
and in the world. Under the
heading „Church for the people“
the mission of the church and the
ways in which it executes pastoral
care are discussed. This book also
provides explanations of certain
concepts, analyses and viewpoints.
12,5 x 20,5 cm, 240 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30768-3
July 2013
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 176 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30905-2
September 2013
12,5 x 20,5 cm, 288 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30903-8
July 2013
13,5 x 21,5 cm, 160 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32626-4
June 2013
Beutler, Johannes
Böttigheimer, Christoph
Böhnke, Michael
John‘s Gospel. A commentary
Does God intervene?
The church in a crisis of faith
Das Johannesevangelium
Wie handelt Gott in der Welt?
Kirche in der Glaubenskrise
is in keeping with the great
commentaries on this fourth gospel
which have greatly contributed to
an understanding of the text in the
light of its literary character and
theological thought. The reader is
enlightened by the literary effect
and the theological strengths of this
unique testimony.
There is frequent reference in the
old and new testaments to God‘s
intervention in the world. Nowadays
people turn to science and technology
for solutions to challenges - not
divine intervention. This book
reflects on a modern understanding
of divine intervention, miracles and
whether it is appropriate to ask God
to intervene.
17,0 x 24,0 cm, ca. 600 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30779-9
September 2013
13,5 x 21,5 cm, ca. 240 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-33266-1
September 2013
There is great dispute on the best
way to overcome the current crisis
with regard to God, faith and
the church. Michal Böhnke has
developed a thesis, reflecting the
words of Paul VI, that only the
faithfulness of God to his people
can unify the church and give reason
to ecclesiastic law. He develops a
and a theological foundation for
ecclesiastic law.
13,5 x 21,5 cm, 360 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-33268-5
July 2013
Kasper, Walter
Striet, Magnus (Ed.)
Striet, Magnus (Ed.)
Unity in Jesus Christ
„Not beyond the world“
Faith in a modernized world
Einheit in Jesus Christus
„Nicht außerhalb der Welt“
Glaube in modernisierter Lebenswelt
The path to Christian unity remains
challenging. There are many
standpoints and many different
understandings of what exactly
unity is. This second volume is an
excellent summary of what has been
achieved so far and provides reliable
orientation for ecumenical dialogue.
One of the basic illusions is that
the church is kind of counter
world to the present we live in.
This book analyses the ecclesiastic
and religious situation today from
a sociological aspect. It considers
why sociological analysis is an
integral part of the church which
for theological reasons want to be a
church of the world.
The right to freedom in the roman
catholic church- the basic right in
a modern word - has undergone
a difficult process of recognition.
This book questions whether
freedom understood as an autonomy
is compatible with the concept
Christian. Does it allow freedom
of conscience and freedom of
13,5 x 21,5 cm, ca. 208 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-33271-5
January 2014
13,5 x 21,5 cm, ca. 208 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-33272-2
February 2014
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 704 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30615-0
November 2013
Rahner, Karl
Suchla, Peter / Batlogg, Andreas R.
The prayer of need
Das Gebet der Not
This book contains Rahner‘s small
and often overlooked apologia on
petitionary prayer. He poses clear,
probing questions to God and
to man, and in the light of Jesus
Christ provides his own fascinating
answers. Striving for „so much
light and strength that we continue
to pray ... until God speaks“. A
thought-provoking stimuli for a life
of faith and the current discussion
on petitionary prayer.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 80 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-34901-0
September 2013
Delgado, Mariano /
Sievernich, Michael (Ed.)
The great metaphors of the
Second Vatican Council
Die großen Metaphern des Zweiten
Vatikanischen Konzils
The II Vatican Council redefined
relations between the Roman
Catholic Church and the modern
world. It coined a number of
metaphors: people of God, sign
of the times, church of the poor,
sacrament of salvation. This book
presents these „council metaphors“
and examines their potential to
provide orientation both in the
present and in the future.
13,5 x 21,5 cm, ca. 432 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-34051-2
September 2013
Liturgische Institute Trier, Salzburg,
Fribourg (Ed.)
Baptized - and then?
Getauft - und dann?
Hahnen, Peter / Wittmann, Markus
... in the name of the Lord
... im Namen des Herrn
This book provides services for
children and teenagers on their
journey of faith. It contains: blessings
at Christmas and Easter, services
for starting school, leaving junior
school, services with the celebratory
presentation of Christian symbols.
Services before and after First
Communion, services for leaving
school and other occasions.
This book has some useful resources
for putting the altar servers in the
right frame of mind before the
service begins. There is a suitable
prayer for religious festivals as well
as for ordinary services. The prayers
draw upon the respective theme
for each Sunday and link this to
the altar servers day to day lives.
Contemporary prayers that altar
servers can identify with.
13,5 x 21,5 cm, ca. 272 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30746-1
September 2013
13,5 x 21,5 cm, ca. 132 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-31082-9
September 2013
Korczmarek, Jürgen /
Kraus, Bernhard (Ed.)
Church services for people with
Gottesdienste für Menschen mit
Preparing services for people with
dementia is particularly challenging.
This workbook contains suggestions
for services using simple language
as well as sensual, symbolic and
biographical elements. It also
includes rituals for important
festivals in the church year. Suitable
both for catholic and protestant
17,0 x 24,0 cm, ca. 224 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-31086-7
September 2013
Bederna, Katrin / Mus, Dietlind
Services for children in primary
Gottesdienste für den
This book provides an introduction
to Christian faith for children at preschool level, making good use of the
church mouse. A theoretical section
deals with the ideas that led to the
creation of these services and which
themes they follow. The main part of
the book contains detailed practical
material with dialogues, activities,
songs, prayers and practical ideas.
17,0 x 24,0 cm, ca. 128 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-31089-8
September 2013
Huber, Ingrid
Apel, Harald
Mittnacht, Elisabeth
Jung, Herbert
A reason to celebrate
Tell me, so I can believe it too...
Wenn das kein Grund zum Feiern ist!
Erzähl dass ich es glauben kann...
Celebrating Christmas with
senior citizens
Services for advent and
Celebrating is an integral part of our
culture and if people, for reasons of
age or illness, are unable to go the
party, then let the party come to
them at home, in the care home, in
the community. This book contains
a wealth of ideas for religious and
secular celebrations: stories to
read aloud, songs, games, recipes,
decorations and much more.
Faith is passed on when people
share experiences. Harald Apel
takes biblical themes and theological
concepts and translates these in
to language children can easily
understand. This book contains
stories for various age groups from 6
to 14. They can be used by different
confessions in children‘s services or
in schools.
Neue Advents- und Weihnachtsfeiern
mit Senioren
Gottesdienste für Advent und
Every year those involved in services
search for new ideas for services
during the advent and Christmas
period. This book contains a wealth
of tried and tested material, prayers,
meditations, sermons and inspiring
ideas. An indispensible resource
13,5 x 21,5 cm, ca. 160 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-31161-1
September 2013
13,5 x 21,5 cm, 176 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-31162-8
July 2013
Senior citizens look forward to
Christmas celebrations. They listen
to well-know stories sing songs
and say prayers. A great feeling of
fellowship by candlelight is created.
This book contains a wide array of
different ideas: baking and advent
singing or suggestions for St.
Barbara‘s Day and Epiphany. Many
practical suggestions for songs,
prayers and readings.
17,0 x 24,0 cm, ca. 128 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-31163-5
September 2013
17,0 x 24,0 cm, ca. 128 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-31174-1
September 2013
Religion / Spirituality
Zwickel, Wolfgang/Egger-Wenzel,
Renate/Ernst, Michael (Ed.)
Herder‘s new Bible atlas
Herders neuer Bibelatlas
This comprehensive atlas includes
over 400 colourful pages of revised
and updated maps on biblical
history. The easily readable texts by
renowned experts explain locations
and historical events based on the
most recent research. The numerous
diagrams and charts provide exciting
insights in the history of the book of
all books.
24,0 x 32,0 cm, ca. 400 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32350-8
November 2013
Kempis, Stefan von
Feldmann, Christian
Cordes, Paul Josef / Lütz, Manfred
Pope Francis
Benedict XVI.
Papst Franziskus
Benedikt XVI.
Benedict‘s legacy and Francis‘
Pope Francis simplicity and
goodness immediately won over the
hearts of many people and awakened
hopes of both Christians and non
Christians. This richly illustrated
book highlights the path of the
poor people‘s Cardinal from an
immigrant suburb of Buenos Aires
to the Roman Bishop‘s Throne. A
multi-facetted portrayal of the new
Christian Feldmann knows Josef
Ratzinger very well and has closely
followed his progress since his first
day in office. His book pays tribute
to this great thinker. He also deals
with the more difficult periods of
his time in office and the questions
left unanswered which still affect the
church today.
21,0 x 28,0 cm, 160 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-33408-5
May 2013
Italian, Portuguese rights sold
12,5 x 20,5 cm, 224 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32362-1
April 2013
Benedikts Vermächtnis und
Is a powerful church still the church
of Jesus Christ and his representative
Francis? How poor can a church
become and still be a church for the
poor? Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes
explains the relinquishing of worldly
power as a spiritual programme for
every individual and adds historical
and theological depth to the
text. Manfred Lütz highlights its
explosive impact.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, 160 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-21977-1
July 2013
Müller, Gerhard Ludwig
Mertes, Klaus
Uhde, Bernhard
Extending the horizon of reason
Lost trust
Den Horizont der Vernunft erweitern
Verlorenes Vertrauen
Why they believe what they
Do it like God, become human
wellacquainted with Pope Benedict‘s
theology being a former pupil of
his. Archbishop Müller is editor
of the collected works of the pope
emeritus. This book provides an
overview of the central theological
themes of Benedict XVI in the form
of very readable essays. It is evident
that the subjects that concern the
former pope are of existential
significance to his followers.
Headmaster Klaus Mertes addressed
the issue of child abuse and its coverup in a letter to former Jesuit pupils
in Berlin. The effect of this letter
was dramatic. A painful process
shocked and transformed the
church. Father Mertes reflects on
and analyses the circumstances and
events, as well as presenting new
perspectives for wholesome reforms
within the church.
Warum sie glauben, was sie glauben
Mach‘s wie Gott, werde Mensch
Conflicts often arise as a result of
ignorance or misunderstanding.
What is the driving force behind
other religions, what is their
presents central concepts of the
great world religions, which play a
significant role in the spiritual and
cultural dynamics of these religions.
These he presents as seen from the
point of view of their followers.
A new basis for dialogue and
Bishop Franz Kamphaus‘ sermons,
books and meditations attract
people‘s attention, both Christian
and non-Christian. They portray
in a unique way why faith can be
so life-changing. This book is
a compilation of his texts. They
illustrate what faith is all about. The
more space we open up to God, the
better and more humane our world
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 140 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32657-8
September 2013
13,5 x 21,5 cm, 224 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-34172-4
July 2013
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 180 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30917-5
September 2013
Kamphaus, Franz
Groot Bramel, Regina (Ed.)
13,5 x 21,5 cm, ca. 304 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32586-1
November 2013
Religion / Spirituality
Knop, Julia
Dyckhoff, Peter
What does it mean to be
Paths of friendship with God
Wege der Freundschaft mit Gott
When children ask about God
Wie geht katholisch?
For centuries the most well-known
book in Christendom after the
Bible and Thomas von Kempens‘
„Nachfolge Christi“ was a spiritual
work by St. Franz von Sales:
Introduction to the Devout Life
(Pilothea). It is a practical guide on
spiritual direction and growth in day
to day life. Peter Dyckhoff places
these concepts in a modern context.
Wenn Kinder nach Gott fragen
The catholic faith in particular
is steeped in symbols, rituals
and traditions. In seven times
seven short chapters Julia Knop
explains what faith is about and
how sometimes little signs can be
pointers to something great, if only
you know how to interpret them.
Julia Knop provides an introduction
to the numerous aspects of faith and
their expression.
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 192 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-33250-0
September 2013
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 352 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32239-6
September 2013
Biesinger, Albert / Gaus, Edeltraud /
Gaus, Ralf
Sooner or later children will be
asking questions such as: Where
do we come from? Where were
we before we were born? Why do
we have to die? Where do we go
when we die? Can God hear us
when we pray? Parents often find it
difficult to answer these questions.
This book helps parents discuss such
questions with their children, giving
them confidence in life.
Naegeli, Antje Sabine
The night is full of stars
Die Nacht ist voller Sterne
A book for those overwhelmed by
the darkness of life. Antje Sabine
Naegeli‘s texts and prayers provide
words of comfort and widen
our vision, enabling us to see
encouraging glimpses of light and
recognize God working in our lives.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, 128 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32669-1
July 2013
Czech rights sold
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 240 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32672-1
September 2013
Irgang, Margrit
Wolfers, Melanie
Shining stillness
The power of forgiveness
Zink, Jörg
Fritsch, Marlene (Ed.)
Schwarz, Andrea
Sander, Ulrich (Ed.)
Leuchtende Stille
Die Kraft des Vergebens
The Jörg Zink book
The Andrea Schwarz book
Margrit Irgang‘s new book describes
her search for the answer to the
central question of Zen teaching:
Who is „I“. She discovers common
features between quantum physics
and Buddhism, writes about
the seasons in nature and tells of
moving encounters with Polish Jews
in Warsaw. A great book for those
seeking to discover for their own
Relationships form a central part
of our lives. In these relationships
we often hurt others or are hurt by
others. Forgiveness means escaping
from the role of victim and being
able to live in the present, not the
past. Melanie Wolfers helps us
deal with feelings of anger, shame
and fear, keeping our eyes focused
clearly on the future. A spiritually
and psychologically empowering
Das Jörg-Zink-Lesebuch
Das Andrea-Schwarz-Lesebuch
Jörg Zink, a mystic amongst
protestant theologians, has written
numerous books. His writings build
bridges between traditional and
contemporary faith. Jörg Zink adds
depth to faith and places it in the
centre of contemporary life. This
book illustrates the power of faith,
of love, of hope and the everlasting
presence of the man from Nazareth
as well as God‘s secret.
Andrea Schwarz is one of the most
popular Christian authors of our
times. What is her secret? What
are her dreams?. Her poems,
contemplations, stories are all
dreams she shares with the reader.
She follows the longing in her life
and discovers a contemporary,
breathtakingly honest language.
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 180 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32631-8
September 2013
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 200 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06568-2
November 2013
12,0 x 19,0 cm, 208 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30732-4
July 2013
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 200 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06566-8
November 2013
Religion / Spirituality
Antz, Christian / Berkemann, Karin
100 spiritual filling stations
Grün, Anselm
Walter, Rudolf (Ed.)
Grün, Anselm
Walter, Rudolf (Ed.)
Grün, Anselm
Walter, Rudolf (Ed.)
Living simply - my weekly ritual
Vital questions on life
The Anselm Grün book
100 spirituelle Tankstellen
Einfach leben - Mein Wochenritual
Das Anselm-Grün-Lesebuch
An increasing number of people are
looking for more than relaxation and
entertainment. They spend their
holidays walking pilgrims‘ ways,
fasting in a monasteries or visiting
a city churches. They. embark on a
spiritual search which often opens
doors to a new chapter in their
lives. This book contains 100 of the
most interesting places and events in
German speaking areas.
Live simply - simple rituals help
us attain this goal. Rituals relieve
tension, alleviate time pressures we
face. They create an oasis of peace,
enabling us to relax and refresh our
energy levels. They achieve this
by bringing us back to the here
and now, by helping us relate to
ourselves and making us more aware
of ourselves as individuals. They are
good for body and soul.
Life seems to be more complicated.
Relationships are more fragile.
Pressure is increasing, both on a
private and professional level. How
can we deal with crises and difficult
situations? How can we make sense
of our lives? What should we do?
Anselm Grün provides surprising,
empathetic answers for concrete
situations, opening up a new
perspective on life for us.
Deep knowledge of the spiritual
tradition - and a profound
psychological knowledge. Anselm
Grün with his language that
everybody understands and with
its special sound: serenity and
simplicity, clarity of thought and
understanding: this is the secret of
his success.
17,0 x 24,0 cm, ca. 272 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-31088-1
September 2013
10,3 x 15,0 cm, 160 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-00547-3
June 2013
Italian rights sold
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 256 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32715-5
September 2013
Grün, Anselm
Grün, Anselm
Walter, Rudolf (Ed.)
Grün, Anselm
Huber, Wolfgang
Fighting insecurity
That‘s what I trust in
The healing power of inner
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 200 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06565-1
November 2013
Living simply
Selbstwert entwickeln
Darauf vertraue ich
Die heilsame Kraft der inneren Bilder
Einfach leben
Images in our imagination, whether
they originate from the media, our
parents etc., are powerful. They
can be healing, but also destructive.
Anselm Grün helps us identify and
activate the positive images in our
minds and use their healing powers
to guide us towards a productive and
authentic life style.
„Living simply“ means living in
harmony with oneself and the world
around us. Not being dictated to
by outside influences, but being
receptive to what is happening at
the moment. We need to be more
passionate about life and enjoy what
it offers us. We need to find our
own rhythm in life, feel life flowing
through us each day of our lives..
Insecurity, fear of other people
and a feeling of powerlessness in
our modern world are common
problems. In this work Benedictine
pastor Anselm Grün teaches us
how to rebuild our confidence and
combat feelings of helplessness.
Searching for orientation Wolfgang
Huber is guided by key texts from
the Bible, including Psalm 23, the
creed and the ten commandments.
He examines them in the context
of the present day and provides
thought-provoking ideas that give
us stability. His life is defined by
openness and tolerance firmly
rooted in faith. A great book for
those seeking answers on direction
and identity.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 180 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06668-9
September 2013
Czech, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese
(BR), Spanish, Spanish (ES) rights
12,0 x 19,0 cm, 336 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06664-1
June 2013
Dutch, Italian, Polish, Spanish (ES)
rights sold
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 144 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06504-0
November 2013
Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (USA),
Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese
(BR), Spanish rights sold
12,0 x 19,0 cm, 160 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06636-8
June 2013
& Society
Villachica, Jeannette
Karimi, Ahmad Milad
Gross, Peter
Feld, Lars P.
Then Mr Right turned up
Osama bin Laden is sleeping
with fishes
We are living longer. Thank you.
But what for?
Euro discipline
Osama bin Laden schläft bei den
Wir werden älter. Vielen Dank. Aber
Milad Karimi‘s life has always
swayed between two completely
different poles: western popular
culture and Islamic intellectual
history. A childhood spent in
Afghan elite circles and a life on
the edge as an illegal refugee. This
autobiographical book highlights
how diversity has enriched his life
and that „Heimat“ is not bound
to one place. A witty, authentic,
thought-provoking book.
In just two centuries our life
expectation has doubled. What,
however, is the point of living longer
in a society that rewards strength,
speed and permanent stress? Peter
Gross turns the image of age
upside down: Age has a calming,
moderating influence on a society
that drives itself faster and faster and
consumes the foundations on which
life itself is based. Age makes life
Attempts to stabilize the euro seem
never ending. Euro critics are
increasing in number, not just in
Germany. Lars Feld explains how the
economic framework, the structures
of the European Monetary Union
need to be changed to stabilize the
euro short term and keep it stable
in the long term. His book is like a
roadmap towards a strong currency.
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 200 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30470-5
October 2013
12,5 x 20,5 cm, 160 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30699-0
June 2013
„Und dann kam der Richtige“
Women think a great deal about
love, but not necessarily about the
whole span of their love life, since
eying up the twelve year old boy
in the class above them. How have
our love relationships affected our
lives? Women between 19 and 76
tell of their magical, devastating,
comical and erotic stories, providing
an intimate insight into women‘s
love lives.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 220 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30350-0
September 2013
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 224 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30750-8
December 2013
Sußebach, Henning
Oermann, Nils Ole (Ed.)
Teufel, Erwin
Khorchide, Mouhanad
Dear Sophie!
The euro - a career?
Before it is too late
Sharia - the misunderstood God
Liebe Sophie!
Der Euro - eine Karriere?
Ehe alles zu spät ist
Scharia - der missverstandene Gott
A letter from a father to his twelve
year old daughter on the transition
from childhood to adolescence.
Sometimes anxious, sometimes
funny, sometimes angry, but always
full of affection and trust. A moving
plea to enable a positive and healthy
childhood, unburdened by fear,
anxiety and stress. His aim is to
nurture confidence, curiosity and
independence, leading children to
healthy, balanced lives.
Horst Köhler was instrumental in
setting up the Euro as a common
currency and is a great supporter
of European integration and fair
globalization. To mark Horst
Köhler‘s 70th birthday well-known
economists, authors and politicians
write about the past, present and
future of the European project in
times of globalization and the euro
A politician of the old school, in a
situation where some knuckle under
and others don‘t believe Christianity
is going anywhere. Yet our society
is dependent more than ever before
on Christian values. Erwin Teufel
points out where help is needed,
before it is too late. A critical,
positive and passionate book.
The concept of „Sharia“ in
connection with Islam causes
incredible unrest and apprehension.
Mouhanad Khorchide lays the
foundations for a modern ethics of
Islam with the development of his
groundbreaking work on Islamic
Theology („Islam is merciful“), as
well as ongoing critical discussions
on the concept, the history and the
diversity of definitions relating to
12,5 x 20,5 cm, 128 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30755-3
June 2013
12,5 x 20,5 cm, 272 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30762-1
February 2013
12,0 x 19,0 cm, 176 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30907-6
September 2013
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 224 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30911-3
September 2013
& Society
Scherf, Henning
Schrenk, Uta von (Ed.)
Heuser, Isabella
Tudor-Sandahl, Patricia
Richter, Ursula
Alzheimer and dementia
An appointment with myself
Women love younger men
More life - Why young and old
belong together
Alzheimer und Demenz
Verabredung mit mir selbst
Frauen lieben jüngere Männer
What is meant by Alzheimer and
dementia and how do they differ
from ordinary forgetfulness in old
age? What are the typical symptoms
and what forms of treatment are
there? Isabella Heuser provides a
comprehensible overview of the
various forms of Alzheimer and
dementia: the causes, the symptoms,
the course of the illness and possible
A great and inspiring book on
the longing to be alone and at
one with oneself. An existential
challenge furthering inner growth.
Deliberately taking time to step
back, structure solitude and
mature. A fascinating invitation
to gain a deeper knowledge and
understanding of oneself.
People still think it unusual when
women take younger men for their
partners. Ursula Richter‘s book tells
of the experiences of such couples
and the reactions of friends and
society at large. Her conclusion: You
don‘t need an older man to find
happiness. But, it is important to
be aware of the opportunities and
dangers entailed, in order to make
the relationship a success.
Mehr Leben - Warum Jung und Alt
The older generation can look back
on an abundance of experience
from all stages of their lives. A good
basis for understanding the younger
generation and the emotions and
issues they are tackling. Solidarity
between younger and older
generations goes hand in hand
with solidarity in society and is the
answer to demographic change.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 144 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-30912-0
March 2013
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 140 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06564-4
September 2013
12,5 x 20,5 cm, 240 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06643-6
July 2013
12,5 x 20,5 cm, 184 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06633-7
July 2013
Hauser, Françoise
Magin, Ulrich
Funk, Anne
Roth, Sylvia
„Would you jump out of the
window for me please?“
Please transfer my booty to the
account number indicated
A year on Ibiza
A year in Lisbon
Ein Jahr auf Ibiza
Ein Jahr in Lissabon
„Würden Sie für mich aus dem
Fenster springen?“
„Bitte überweisen Sie meine Beute
auf das angegebene Konto“
Françoise Hauser ventures in to the
quagmire of applications - deciphers
job advertisements, decodes the
cryptology of interviews, minutes
the rotating madness of HR
departments. „Would you jump
out of the window for me please?“
A very funny book, revealing the
madness of reality. A book you just
simply have to read.
Stupid bank robbers, unsuccessful
kidnappers, incompetent burglars,
idiotic fraudsters, friendly criminals,
arrogant imposters. Ulrich Magin
has compiled a collection of the
strangest and most incredible
criminal cases. Funnier than the
police allow.
Anne Funk begins a fatal affair. How
to end a love affair, break off a
friendship - these are things she has
learned to deal with. But, shortly
before her 30th birthday she wants
to try something different: A year on
Ibiza - as a kind of tapas - to whet her
appetite for life again.
She is hopelessly in love: Paper
tablecloths artistically spread over
the table. The buzzing of coffee
machines, the ship‘s horn coming
from the Tagus. The woman who
takes her canaries for a walk in a
wooden box. The two old men
having a nap on the park bench.
Sylvia Roth couldn‘t help herself she just had to go to Lisbon.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06638-2
September 2013
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06605-4
September 2013
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 192 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06236-0
September 2013
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 192 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06483-8
September 2013
Parenting / Education
Jorch, Gerhard
Teusen, Gertrud
Stark-Städele, Jeanette
Herbertz-Müller, Cornelia
Premature birth
When children become adults
When the second child is born
Murderously exciting
Wenn Kinder erwachsen werden
Wenn das zweite Kind kommt
Mordsmäßig spannend!
Almost every tenth baby is a
premature baby and every 100th
weighs less than 1000g. More than
95% of premature babies develop
into normal healthy children. The
first few weeks can be extremely
challenging and demanding for
parents. This book helps parents
understand the special needs of
premature babies and enables them
to speak competently with medical
It doesn‘t seem long since they
were small and helpless, then
suddenly they seem to have become
young adults overnight. They are
independent, want to spread their
wings, or they stay at home and
make the most of Hotel Mama.
Either way, they turn their parent‘s
lives upside down. This book helps
parents come to terms with the new
Changes are inevitable when
families grow. The first child will
now have to share, time, space and
love with its sibling. Parents also
face a completely new situation.
This book addresses the changes
involved, equipping parents to deal
with the new situation, embracing
adjustments with a sense of joy and
excited anticipation.
It is exciting to read detective stories,
but even more exciting to act them
out. Try it with friends or family.
The text outlines the basic plot, each
character is given an individual role
to play. Now comes the exciting part
of asking the right questions and
making the right deductions. Great
fun for group meetings, parties,
camps. The material can also be
16,0 x 21,0 cm, 160 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-66030-6
May 2013
16,0 x 21,0 cm, ca. 128 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-66031-3
September 2013
16,0 x 21,0 cm, ca. 128 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-66032-0
September 2013
Teusen, Gertrud
Neuhaus, Cordula
Seyffert, Sabine
My child is starting school
Has our child got AD(H)S?
Autogenous Training for children
Mein Kind kommt in die Schule
Hat unser Kleinkind AD(H)S?
Autogenes Training für Kinder
Most children look forward to
starting school. Parents are often
more apprehensive. How do we
know our child is ready for school?
What needs to be done for the
first day? How do we deal with
homework, learning and behavioral
difficulties or anxiety? Will our child
get to school safely? What do we
need to tell the teachers? A practical
guide for a stress-free school start.
Cordula Neuhaus is a great advocate
of early diagnosis in pediatrics. The
earlier parents learn to understand
and deal with symptoms the better
the bonding with the child. Her
book deals comprehensively with
early recognition of AD(H)S and
ways of dealing with it. An excellent
guide book with numerous practical
The bustle and hectic rush of a
child‘s day to day life have increased
so much that even children suffer
considerably from stress. They
find it difficult to concentrate, they
develop fears and have problems at
school. Sabine Seyffert has found
a way to help children discover an
inner balance through autogenous
training. An exercise book for
parents and children.
16,0 x 21,0 cm, 144 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-66034-4
June 2013
16,0 x 21,0 cm, 144 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-66035-1
July 2013
12,0 x 19,0 cm, 144 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06589-7
July 2013
16,0 x 21,0 cm, ca. 128 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-66033-7
September 2013
Borke, Jörn/Gernhardt, Ariane/
Abs, Katharina
All you need to know about your
Practical advice about your baby.
What should I do if my baby screams
a lot? How should I react when
my child is defiant. Should I allow
other people to look after my child?
Advice from experts with many years
of experience.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, 160 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-06675-7
July 2013
Parenting / Education
Bestle-Körfer, Regina /
Stollenwerk, Annemarie
Vom Wege, Brigitte /
Wessel, Mechthild
Mayrhofer, Sylvia
Biermann, Ingrid
Come to the winter forest
The kindergarten book on
sensory perception
Leaves, stones and chestnuts
Komm mit in den Winterwald!
Clever dwarfs - sing, clap and
dance at nursery
Blätter, Steine und Kastanien
Das Kindergartensinnebuch
Children are observant and
inquisitive. Objects like feathers
and stones will always arouse
their interest. This book provides
a variety of ideas for experiments
and games which require very little
Practical ideas for an active and
eventful winter time, as well as
quieter, more reflective activities
for Christmas. This book contains
songs, stories, poems, rhymes,
games, craftwork, activity games
for winter and Christmas time in
kindergarten. Fun activities that
improve motor and cognitive
skills. Also included are practical
This book contains a wealth of
games and activities to increase
sensory awareness in very small
children, in kindergarten and at
nursery. The wide variety of games
and activities provided enable
children to explore their senses in
a playful way, improving their basic
and cognitive skills.
17,0 x 24,0 cm, 160 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32620-2
July 2013
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 80 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32599-1
June 2013
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 80 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32653-0
July 2013
Schlauzwerge singen, klatschen,
tanzen in der Krippe
This book contains practical ideas
for activities to improve children‘s
rhythmic and musical skills. Singing,
clapping and dancing with children
from 0 to 3 years. All recommended
materials, methods and ideas have
been tried and tested. The activities
are suitable for use with individual
children or groups. A valuable book
for nurseries and playgroups.
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 80 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32592-2
June 2013
Wilmes-Mielenhausen, Brigitte
Günther, Sybille
Behnke, Andrea
Behnke, Andrea
Clever dwarfs - chattering,
asking questions, telling stories
Circle games in nursery
I, you and we
.. a bit more each day!
Das Krippenkinderkreisspielbuch
Ich, du und wir
... jeden Tag ein Stück!
Schlauzwerge plappern, fragen,
erzählen in der Krippe
Whether still in a cradle, crawling
or running - children between the
ages of 0-3 will love these activities.
Sybille Günther provides great
ideas for singing, clapping, dancing,
moving and relaxing, depending
on the abilities and needs of the
children. Through play children
develop a feeling for language, learn
to copy actions and have great fun.
12 short stories told from a child‘s
perspective about togetherness.
Stories about belonging and
sticking together, about families
and friendships. Children are
questions to reflect on what they
have heard and to talk about their
own experiences. Each story has a
related activity to further explore
the theme of the story.
Growing a little more each day is
exciting, but sometimes not so easy.
12 short stories describe saying
goodbye, transitions as well as
stages of development as perceived
by children. Trigger questions
help children relate to their own
experiences and talk about them.
Practical activities to improve
language skills through chattering,
Suitable for children aged between
1 and 3. All the recommended
materials, methods and ideas have
been tried and tested and can be
used with individual children or in
groups. A great resource book.
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 80 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32615-8
June 2013
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 128 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32740-7
July 2013
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 80 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32651-6
June 2013
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 80 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32652-3
June 2013
Parenting / Education
Hahn, Leonard / Raab, Kristina
Lück, Gisela
Mimi‘s journey around the world
Experiencing natural phenomena
Mimis Reise um die Welt
Naturphänomene erleben
Little box - big world
Easy experiments for big and small.
Experiments that children can follow
well and which don‘t require much
preparation. No danger involved!
This book differs from many on the
market in that it provides detailed
information on the experiments for
adults and has a short but concise
theoretical section.
Kleine Kiste - große Welt
Mimi the seagull gives a bird‘s eye
view of different animals from all
over the world and their habitats.
Children aged between 2 and
8 have great fun learning about
environment and climate protection
doing a variety of outdoor activities,
as well as singing.
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 112 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-40001-8
June 2013
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 80 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32622-6
July 2013
Martin, Marie T. / Jehle, Heleana /
Martin, Katharina
These play boxes are filled with
very different materials and enable
children to become completely
immersed in their own world of
play and learning in controlled
surroundings. They play with the
materials using all their senses in a
very small physical space. A great
book to help children improve their
skills in creativity and observation.
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 96 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32585-4
September 2013
Bralo-Zeitler, Katharina /
Schönicke, Judith
Listening attentively. Listening,
talking, learning values
Ganz Ohr für das, was zählt
Listening to one another, thinking
together, learning things together.
Values become alive when children
listen to each other and exchange
opinions. The authors use noises,
sounds and words to explore
concepts such as „friendship“
„courage“, honesty and „tolerance“.
A fun way to learn about and
experience what values are through
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 96 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32632-5
July 2013
Hirler, Sabine
Näger, Sylvia
Maywald, Jörg
Klotz, Monika
Handbook of rhythm and music
Children experience music
Handbuch Rhythmik und Musik
Sexual education in daycare
Basic information relating to
developmental psychology and
music psychology, as well as an
introduction to musical conception.
The main focus in the second part of
this handbook is the didactical use of
rhythm and music in the curriculum.
Suitable for different age groups.
Sylvia Näger presents a special
approach to the world of storytelling,
reading, interpreting and listening,
illustrating what learning skills
are connected to different literacy
activities and how children can
acquire them. Now available in a
revised new edition, including a new
chapter on multilingualism.
Sexualpädagogik in der Kita
Based on the educational principles
and materials of the world-famous
doctor and educationalist Maria
Montessori, the author presents
an array of creative games and
musical exercises for children, either
individually or in groups. Easy to
prepare, great fun and educational.
17,0 x 24,0 cm, ca. 224 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32723-0
January 2014
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 136 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32438-3
July 2013
What is „normal“ psychosexual
development in a child? When
should I be worried? What can
teachers do to prevent sexual abuse?
illustrate what form contemporary
sexual education should adopt, how
children can be protected and what
daycare centres can do to help make
children strong and confident.
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 144 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32642-4
July 2013
Kinder erleben Musik
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 128 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-32750-6
July 2013
Parenting / Education
Huss, Anja
Discovery box: scetch stories
PiKo File „Children of one world“
PiKo File „That is the way I am“
On your marks, get set, fun!
PiKo Ordner „Kinder einer Welt“
PiKo Ordner „So bin ich!“
Auf die Plätze, fertig, Spaß!
The new special booklet in the
series Discovery Box contains 14
short stories in combination with
drawing and copy templates. Each
story ends with an open question.
The solution is given in a drawing
or copy template. These stories
improve children‘s linguistic skills
and heighten their imagination. For
children aged 4 and over.
Children are introduced to the
manifold variety of different cultures
through play. This book aims to
help children respect others and
understand that they are all children
of one world. As well as educational
tips there are ideas for creative
outdoor games where children can
experience a sense of team spirit and
This book contains a collection of
games for every occasion so that
parents never run out of ideas.
Games on the meadow, games in
the water, games in the yard, games
in the car, games on the sofa, party
games etc. Some games have a
„develop“ button to indicate which
particular skills are being targeted.
21,0 x 29,7 cm, ca. 32 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-25638-7
April 2013
25,8 x 31,5 cm, ca. 0 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-50017-6
June 2013
This book helps children discover
themselves - not just knowing
who they are, but learning to like
and accept themselves. Children
are encouraged playfully to see
themselves as unique and valuable
individuals. Included in this book
is a compilation of the latest
research results from the field of
developmental psychology to help
teachers prepare for this important
25,9 x 31,5 cm, ca. 0 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-50019-0
September 2013
19,7 x 26,0 cm, 64 pages
ISBN: 978-3-451-00680-7
June 2013