SUMMER ‘16 // PRODUCT CATALOG AGRICULTURA CALIFORNIA MANUFACTURERS GROW CHIKAMASA . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PURA CALI . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SUPPLY SHIELD N SEAL . . . FORMULA 420 . . . . GRAV LABS . . . . . . HITMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 16 18 20 Pura Cali lives to spread the culture, products & wisdom of California’s cannabis industry to the world. We’ve carefully curated a catalog of highly specialized products engineered specifically for cultivating, caring for & distributing cannabis. Our line covers all stages from growth to retail, including organic soils, beneficial bacteria, trimming tools, packaging solutions, and more. We’ve drawn upon the collective experience and knowledge of our network of California’s finest growers, medical dispensaries, scientists, and connoisseurs in order to bring you the most tried and trusted products on the market. GROW CHIKAMASA H A N D - F I N I S H E D I N JA PA N B Y T H E # 1 M A N U FAC T U R E R O F T R I M M I N G S C I S S O R S I N THE WORLD H I G H Q UA L I T Y S TA I N L E S S S T E E L R E S I S T S R U S T A N D CO R R O S I O N O N E Y E A R M A N U FAC T U R E R WA R R A N T Y 06 B-300SF »» Non-stick fluorine coating prevents resin buildup and increases time between cleanings »» Thin-tipped blade allows for precise detail work »» Rounded outer edge of blade prevents damage to surrounding areas »» Light blade movement prevents fatigue »» Length: 157mm // Blade: 35mm (Straight) // Weight: 42g // Grip: ABS B-500SF »» Non-stick fluorine coating and grooved blade prevent resin buildup and decrease cleaning needs »» Thin-tipped blade allows for precise detail work »» Rounded outer edge of blade prevents damage to surrounding areas »» Light blade movement prevents fatigue »» Elastomer grip reduces ticking sound and absorbs shock to the hand »» Length: 155mm // Blade: 35mm (Straight) // Weight: 42g Since 1910, Japanese manufacturer Chikamasa has been producing unbeatable trimming tools. As a family owned and operated company, Chikamasa’s standard of excellence has been passed down and perfected for generations. After surging in popularity among the cannabis community in Humboldt County, California in 2011, Chikamasa scissors have grown to become the #1 selling trimming scissor in the United States and the premiere trimming tool of the cannabis industry. Pura Cali stands firmly behind the top-grade precision, control, and ergonomics of all Chikamasa products, and we are proud to be the exclusive Spanish distributor to the cannabis market.* B-500SLF »» Non-stick fluorine coating and grooved blade prevent resin buildup and decrease cleaning needs »» Thin-tipped blade allows for precise detail work »» Rounded outer edge of blade prevents damage to surrounding areas »» L-shaped blade allows for less hand movement and prevents fatigue »» Elastomer grip reduces ticking sound and absorbs shock to the hand »» Length: 155mm // Blade: 35mm (L-shaped) // Weight: 42g T-550S »» »» »» »» Torsion spring prevents fatigue over time Grooved blade prevents resin buildup Thin-tipped blade allows for precise detail work Rounded outer edge of blade prevents damage to surrounding areas »» Steel plate grip with non-slip coating »» Length: 185mm // Blade: 48mm (Straight) // Weight: 105g * S E E Y O U R N E A R E S T R E TA I L E R F O R EXCLUSIVE LIMITED RELEASE ITEMS PURA CALI S U S TA I N A B L E A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L L Y CO N S C I O U S M E D I U M S A N D I N OC U L A N T S P R E M I U M Q UA L I T Y P R O D U C T S D E V E L O P E D THROUGH YEARS OF EXPERIENCE I M P R OV E D H E A L T H O F P L A N T S A N D CO N S U M E R S T H R O U G H O R G A N I C - M I N D E D G R OW S O L U T I O N S 08 WORM CASTINGS »» »» »» »» WORM CASTINGS »» »» »» »» »» »» »» No fillers Organically farmed No added manure ensures absence of pathogens No added pesticides creates healthy environment for beneficial microbes Derived from Red Wiggler earthworms (Eisenia fetida) Total nitrogen (N): 0.05% Ammoniacal nitrogen: 0.02% Water insoluble nitrogen: 0.02% Nitrate nitrogen: 0.01% Available phosphate (P2O5): 0.04% Soluble potash (K2O): 0.05% Pura Cali’s pure worm castings are derived from premium Red Wiggler earthworms (Eisenia fetida) farmed organically in California, and used by the vast majority of organic cannabis growers. Our worms are fed a controlled diet with no manure to ensure the absence of pathogens. Microbial growthinhibiting pesticides and filler material such as wood chips or dirt are also not present in our product. As one of the most effective supporters of decomposition, castings provide a rich environment for microbial life—a necessary component for healthy plant growth. PURA SOIL »» »» »» »» PURA SOIL Provides a solid foundation for healthy growth Consists of a host of nutritious & organic professional ingredients Light & fluffy enough to allow for multiple feedings Perfect for heavy feeding plants Soil is one of the fundamental keys to healthy plant growth. Pura Soil ensures a successful grow by providing a rich variety of hearty foundational ingredients for heavy feeding plants, while remaining light and fluffy enough to allow for additional feedings. We have taken the best materials used by seasoned professionals and created a special blend of soil curated specifically for California’s cannabis community. This fortified blend of organic ingredients contains powerful substances that work together to build a healthy growing environment for your plants, including peat moss, low salt coco coir, endo and ecto mycorrhizae, oyster flour, feather meal, blood meal, bone meal, bat guano, Eisenia fetida worm castings, thermophilic OMRI compost, Alaskan humus, perlite, aged redwood bark, lava rock, crab meal, kelp meal, sulfate of potash, greensand and more. With an emphasis on healthy, environmentally conscious solutions, our private grow line seeks to offer cannabis growers premium products that improve the health and vitality of cannabis at all stages from planting seeds through harvesting flowers. We strive to bring organic offerings without unnecessary additives that could adversely affect the plant or the end consumer. Our deep relationship with cannabis has blossomed over the course of many years, and we’re harvesting that experience in an effort to help create better, healthier cannabis around the world. BAT GUANO »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» BAT GUANO No additives Sustainably harvested Coarsely ground for improved water solubility If kept dry, quality does not degrade over time Total nitrogen (N): 7% Water soluble nitrogen: 3.5% Water insoluble nitrogen: 3.5% Available phosphate (P2O5): 3% Soluble potash (K2O): 1% From the depths of two exclusive Indonesian caves, Pura Cali harvests the highest quality bat guano in the world. Guano has been used as an organic fertilizer as long as cannabis has been grown in California, and we have sought out the best. Our guano is sustainably harvested, with much care taken to ensure a healthy future for the ecosystem. The bats eat a very selective and wonderfully productive diet, producing high nitrogen guano that supports strong vegetative growth. Although high in nitrogen, the guano is well balanced—it will not burn. It can be used to create soils, top dressings, and other mixtures that are powerful enough to incite clear signs of improved strength and vitality within one day. PURA PRO »» Multi-use options for professional applications »» Can be used as a standalone hydroponic medium for indoor/greenhouse use »» Perfect for creating custom soils in combination with other ingredients »» Serves as a powerful outdoor medium when mixed with water-retaining organic matter »» Great for aggressive feedings due to its intensely high porosity PURA PRO Pura Pro soilless medium is the perfect multi-use tool for professional growers to fine tune their materials and processes. Citing the techniques and preferences of professional cannabis grow operations in California, we are offering a specially curated blend of triple washed coco coir, high-grade peat moss, aged softwood bark, perlite, and mycorrhizal fungi that assists in ensuring vigorous growth through a variety of applications. PURA CALI MICRO-LIFE SERIES S H E L F - S TA B L E F O R T H R E E Y E A R S MADE WITHOUT GENETICALLY MODIFIED O R G A N I S M S , G R OW T H I N H I B I TO R S , O R CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS 10 W I L L N OT DA M AG E P L A N T S , S O I L , O R E CO S Y S T E M — E V E N W I T H H E AV Y U S E MICRO-PHOTO »» Contains powerful photosynthetic microorganisms »» Improves energy efficiency and vitality »» Increases energy stores from light and nutrients MICRO-PHOTO MICRO-SPORE »» High population of active, spore-forming cultures »» Mixed with premium, nutrient-dense peat humus extract »» Improves quality of soil and crops MICRO-SPORE MICRO-DRY »» Contains powerful photosynthetic microorganisms found in MicroPhoto »» Mixed with premium, nutrient-dense peat humus extract »» Helps reduce water usage and manage runoff from fertilization MICRO-DRY Our Micro-Life series consists of a variety of combinations of microorganisms that support plant vitality. These organisms assist in the transportation and retention of nutrients throughout the plant and serve to replace the naturally existing organisms that may be lost through fumigation, chemical applications, and other common agricultural practices. The use of microorganisms in cannabis cultivation is swelling in popularity in California—mainly among organic growers, yet even conventional growers are beginning to see the benefits of employing natural organisms to improve yield. MICRO-FEED »» Contains microorganisms found in Micro-Photo and Micro-Spore »» Includes even more spore-forming cultures able to break down a variety of accumulated organic matter »» Increases the amount of available nutrients and encourages vigorous growth MICRO-FEED MICRO-HEAL »» Contains unique blend of fundamental microorganisms found in other Microlife products »» Curated specifically to aid in healing plants after stress and damage »» Helps fight disease, harmful insects, drought, and other natural problems MICRO-HEAL SUPPLY SHIELD N SEAL 14 SNS 750: 16” PROFESSIONAL VACUUM SEALER »» Powerful seal up to 16 inches wide »» Sequential timer mode for sealing similar items rapidly »» Impact seal mode ensures nothing gets pulled into the sealer »» Heavy duty & professional grade »» Roll holder accommodates 50 foot roll »» Easy-use cutter SNS 600: 11” COMMERCIAL GRADE VACUUM SEALER »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» Extra large sealing surface Dual pump, high vacuum pressure State of the art control panel Adjustable seal time Pulse vac function Manual vacuum time control Manual or automatic locking Built for easy cleaning Powerful heating element heats in 2–3 seconds Includes maintenance kit to prolong life and minimize wear & tear SNS 2100 -- 15” HEAVY DUTY IMPACT SEALER »» Fast, easy, and powerful seal »» Compact with solid metal, professional grade construction »» Extra wide seal bar provides strongest seal possible »» Controllable seal time for delicate & bulky items »» Compatible with most plastic bags and rolls »» Easy cleaning After spending months pampering your plants, it only makes sense to exude the same level of care with your harvest. Shield N Seal vacuum sealers are renowned in and around California’s Emerald Triangle for their ability to lock in odor and avoid attracting unwanted attention. Shield N Seal bags are extra thick and durable—perfect for transporting goods. The sealers themselves are powerful and reliable, allowing for efficient commercial use. Additionally, all bags and rolls (for custom-cut sizes) are BPA-free. Increase the shelf-life of your crop, ensure the safety of your harvest, and deliver a better, fresher product to the end consumer. SNS 100 -- 11” X 19.5” CLEAR & BLACK VACUUM SEAL ROLL SNS 800 -- 15” X 50” CLEAR & BLACK VACUUM SEAL ROLL »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» Extra thick, BPA-free, food grade plastic No odor leakage Durable enough for transport Rolls allow for custom-cut sizes Lock out moisture and air For light-proofing, simply double bag and flip one Reusable by trimming off rough edge and resealing Keep harvest fresh longer Honeycomb channel system compatible with most sealers (depending on size) SNS 2400 -- 3” X 5” BLACK & CLEAR IMPACT SEAL PORTION BAGS »» »» »» »» Extra thick, BPA-free, food grade plastic No odor leakage Durable enough for transport Conveniently seal 5 bags at once, then perf apart (incl. 50 sets of 5 bags) »» Seal the open end & cut the pre-sealed end to use the zipper closure »» Keep harvest fresh longer »» Lock out moisture and air FORMULA 420 EFFICIENT & EFFECTIVE SPECIALLY DESIGNED FORMULAS FOR A VA R I E T Y O F P I P E S A N D M AT E R I A L S N O N - TO X I C & E CO - F R I E N D L Y 16 T H E O R I G I N A L M A N U FAC T U R E R A N D INDUSTRY LEADER IN PIPE CLEANING SOLUTIONS PRODUCT LIST A L L N AT U R A L 42 0 W I P E S BLING FORMULA 710 CHEECH & CHONG BLING 710 W I P E S DA I L Y U S E S M OG O U T ORIGINAL S OA K - N - R I N S E P L A S T I C & AC R Y L I C TOTA L H OO K A H C A R E Formula 420 is the most efficient and effective cleaner on the market for all smoking related products. Some may resort to alcohol and salt as an alternative, but Formula 420 provides solutions that not only work better, but will treat glass, ceramic, and other materials more gently without etching or fading them. Treat your pipe well by using specially designed formulas that will save time and money while increasing the lifespan of your collection. Furthermore, the company has cemented itself as the preferred brand among California’s cannabis community by committing to using eco-friendly, non-toxic ingredients to ensure the health and well being of both the consumer and the environment. GRAV LABS 18 M A D E I N T H E U. S . H I G H Q UA L I T Y S C I E N T I F I C G L A S S E AC H P I E C E I N C L U D E S F U N C T I O N A L L Y M ATC H E D ACC E S S O R I E S Since 2004, Grav Labs has been making some of the highest quality scientific glass in the world. Made in the U.S., Grav’s products have made waves throughout California and beyond, spawning many counterfeit products failing to reach Grav’s superior level of quality. Beyond top notch materials, Grav is on the forefront of the industry, constantly adopting and creating new technologies that fit with the current climate among the cannabis community. * E N A I L K I T S A R E A L S O AVA I L A B L E . HITMAN 20 BUBBLER CAKE MINI SIDECAR HANDMADE IN CALIFORNIA SLEEK, SCIENTIFIC DESIGNS P O P U L A R A M O N G CO N N O I S S E U R S & CO L L E C TO R S Based in Los Angeles, Hitman is one of the leading pipe companies in California among cannabis connoisseurs. All glass is American-made and shaped into a variety of high-end pipes with sleek, scientific designs that satisfy both the eyes and the lungs. Each piece is made by hand, taking on its own subtle character reflective of the care that went into its production. Embracing valuable advances in smoking technology while retaining an eye for the aesthetic has allowed the artists at Hitman to impress even the most particular collectors with their craftsmanship and creativity. SIDECAR STRAIGHT AGRICULTURA CALIFORNIA Stay tuned throughout 2016 for new product announcements including proprietary custom lighting kits, teflon, duct and foil tapes for irrigation and air ducting, substrates, coconut coir, clay pellets, granular liquid humus products, and more. Follow us on social media and sign up for our e-newsletter to be the first to hear about all of the new products coming to a distributor near you. CO NTAC T U S AT INF O @ P UR ACALI . CO M P U R ACA L I. CO M