football association of singapore


football association of singapore
Rules of the S.LEAGUE
Laws of The Game
Legal Affairs Committee
Football Association of Singapore
Football Association of Singapore
Jalan Besar Stadium
100 Tyrwhitt Road
Singapore 207542
Tel: (65) 6348 3477
Fax: (65) 6348 6477
Copyright © 2013, Football Association of Singapore
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission in writing from the publisher
Jalan Besar Stadium
100 Tyrwhitt Road
Singapore 207542
Telephone (65) 6348 3477
Facsimile (65) 6348 6477
Websites: /
To raise the quality of football to fully
professional standards whilst instilling and promoting
the ideals of sportsmanship and fair play
To provide a rich and fulfilling environment to
enable football players and coaches to build a strong base
of quality talent to compete internationally as well as gain
recognition for the sport as a worthwhile career
To raise, encourage and nurture community
awareness and participation by providing high quality football
worthy of community pride and loyalty
To support the regional football clubs in their youth
development programmes with a commitment to promote budding
footballers and honing their skills and knowledge of football.
The type style for the S-League logo is a unique type-face design, crafted specifically for the
Singapore Professional Football League Pte Ltd.
The type-face design embodies the contemporary characteristics of a “San Serif” font but
with added “movement” through slanted cuts to the characters. This is designed to convey a
sense of fast action and speed, particularly so in the character “S” and those which interlock.
The dot which separates the initial from the word “LEAGUE” is representative of a sphere or
In its entirety, the word is crafted to convey “hard-edged” professional sport through
cohesive interlocking shapes and slanted characters, embodying the best characteristics of
both a “San Serif” font and an italicised font combined into one type style.
Section A - Membership & Confidentiality, Competitions,
& Basis Thereof
Section B - Fixtures & Match Procedures
Section C - Match Officials
Section D - Finance, Marketing, Broadcasting and
Section E - Players Registrations, Transfers & Contracts of
Section F - Rules Governing The Status & Transfer of Football
Players In Singapore
Section G - Offences, Inquiries, Disputes and Appeals
Section H - Miscellaneous
Duties: Fourth Official & Match Commissioner
Fair Play 2013
Dope Control and Testing
1. Interpretation
Unless the contrary appears from the context in this and the following Sections,
ּ the word “Club” means any Club in membership of the S.League;
ּ the word “the Council” shall refer to the Council of The Football Association of
ּ the letters “CEO” mean the Chief Executive Officer of Strategic Business Unit;
ּ the words “Chief, Competitions Division” or “Chief” of a Division mean Director,
Competitions Division, or such other Division of the Football Association of
ּ the word “dollars” refers to Singapore Dollars;
ּ the word “Exco” refers to the Executive Committee of The Football Association of
Singapore, and any decision made by the Exco shall be deemed to be the decision of
the Council of The Football Association of Singapore.
ּ the letters “FAS” mean The Football Association of Singapore;
ּ the letters “FIFA” mean the Federation Internationale De Football Association;
ּ the word “he” and its derivatives are used of any person, whether male or female;
ּ the word “person” includes any company or association or body of persons, whether
incorporated or not;
ּ the word “public” includes any class of the public or any community;
ּ the words “S.League Match” mean any Match in any tournament organised by the
S.League and/or or sanctioned pursuant to these Rules in these Sections;
ּ the word “Season” refer to a particular calendar year;
ּ words importing the singular number include the plural number, and words
importing the plural number include the singular number.
2. Name
The Strategic Business Unit organises, manages and runs professional football in
Singapore, through a combination of professional football Clubs, known as “the
S. League”.
3. Composition of the S.League
The S.League shall consist of ten (10) Clubs or any other number as
determined by the S.League, with the exception of invited foreign teams
authorised by FIFA and AFC and accepted by FAS Exco or FAS Council to
participate in the S.League, all other Clubs having been registered with the
Registrar of Societies, Singapore, and accepted as such by the Executive
Committee (hereinafter “the Exco”) of FAS or by the Council of FAS
(hereinafter “the Council”).
The Exco or the Council shall at all material times and at their absolute
discretion consider for the purpose of eligibility to participate in the S.League the
leading football Clubs in Singapore so long as they meet the requirements of S.
The Exco or the Council reserves before, during or after any Season, the right to
determine at all material times and at their absolute discretion the membership of
any Club in the S.League which fails to meet the criteria and/or requirements,
from time to time, of S. League/FAS.
A Club eligible to participate in the S.League under paragraphs 3.1 to 3.3 above
shall also be required to satisfy such other criteria for continuing its membership
in the S.League as shall from time to time be sanctioned by the Exco or the
Council and/or through the Rules formulated and sanctioned by FAS’s Standing
The Exco or the Council shall appoint a S.League/FAS Competitions
Committee, an Administrative and Finance Committee, a Marketing Committee,
a Disciplinary Committee, a Players Status Committee and an Appeals
Committee or such other Committee or Committees which Committees in their
respective terms and Rules thereunder, if any, shall determine the format, timing
and venues of, and all other rules relating to match or matches, and any play-offs
thereof, or regulating Players, Coaches, or any other key personnel, their
contracts of service, their registrations, transfers and/or status, and anything akin
thereto, and sponsorship, and finance, administration and its management
thereof, and the use of the stadia or anything relating thereto, and/or anything
relevant and desirable for promoting professional football in Singapore.
Such Committee or Committees, so appointed from time to time, shall promote,
provide for, regulate, publish, where necessary, manage all or on any details or
arrangements or other things necessary or desirable for or ancillary to the
comfort, conduct, management, convenience or benefit of the game, the
S.League and/or the Clubs thereunder and/or its members thereof.
Save as otherwise expressly provided for by these Rules, all such decisions and
rulings of the Committees shall be deemed to be decisions of the Exco or the
Council, and shall be binding upon all Clubs, and all members thereof unless
they are rescinded or varied by the relevant Committee or the Appeals
Committee or the Exco or the Council as per these Rules in these Sections
hereinafter appearing, the Exco being deemed the supreme body and the final
decider and/or decision-maker.
4. Relationship between teams and the S.League: Confidentiality
In all matters and transactions relating to the S.League, each Club shall behave
towards each other Club and S. League/FAS or its Divisions or its Committees
with the utmost good faith.
No player/coach/official, its employees of a club or agents shall by any means
whatsoever unfairly criticise, disparage, belittle or discredit any other Club or S.
League/FAS or its Divisions or its Committees or in either case any of its
directors, officials, employees or agents or bring football into disrepute.
A Club shall not either during its membership of the S.League or at any time
after its membership has been determined disclose or divulge either directly or
indirectly to any person, firm or company whatsoever or otherwise make use of
any confidential information as to the business or finances of S. League/FAS or
its Divisions or its Committees or any of its dealings, transactions or affairs or as
to any other matters which may come to its knowledge by reason of its
membership without S. League/FAS’s prior written consent, save as to statutory
and regulatory authorities and to such employees of a team to whom such
disclosure is strictly necessary for the purpose of their duties and only then to the
extent so necessary.
Each Club shall procure that each of its officials and employees are made aware
of the foregoing provisions of Rule 4.3 above, and enter into a binding obligation
to comply with the same both during the period of their appointment or
employment by the Club and at all times thereafter.
Any Club found to be in breach of Rule 4.1 to Rule 4.4 herein shall be deemed to
be guilty of misconduct.
5. Undertaking by Clubs
Membership of the S.League shall constitute an agreement between FAS and
each Club, and between each of the Clubs, to be bound by and to comply with:
(a) these Rules (each as altered, revoked or added to from time to time);
(b) the Rules of all Committees of S. League/FAS (each as altered, revoked or
added to from time to time);
(c) Such other Rules that are applicable to the Clubs partaking in tournaments
organised and/or sanctioned by S. League/FAS; and
(d) Such decisions of the ExCo or the Council of FAS;
(e) The Laws of the Game as laid down from time to time by the Federation
Internationale De Football Association (FIFA) as adopted by S. League/FAS
or otherwise.
Such agreement shall have effect from the date of the Club’s admission to the
S.League and terminate upon the Club ceasing to be a member thereof (but
without prejudice to any rights or claims which may have arisen or arise in
respect of circumstances prior to such a date and to any Rules which, by their
terms, establish rights and obligations applicable after such a date) and/or
pursuant to any resolution of S. League/FAS, through the ExCo and/or the
By virtue of this undertaking, Clubs shall in particular be bound to provide
certain rights, facilities and services to S. League/FAS in order to enable it to
fulfil its obligations under commercial contracts entered into in accordance with
its Constitution, and in return for this, the S. League/FAS, through the Exco or
the Council, shall make payments to Clubs of fees or “seed money” as specified
in Rules relating to Finance, Marketing and/or Broadcasting and/or Sponsorship
(Section D herein).
6. Termination of Membership
Subject to these Sections, no Club shall terminate its membership of the
S.League unless it has given notice in writing to S. League/FAS of its intention
to do so, a minimum of four (4) months before the end of the Season in
Any Club which is in breach of the provisions of Rule 6.1 above shall indemnify
S. League/FAS against all losses from any such breach.
S. League/FAS may from time to time, and upon such terms and conditions as it
may think fit, expel or accept the retirement or relegation of any Club from the
S.League. Any resolution to expel, retire or relegate any Club from the S.League
shall be at the complete discretion of the Exco or the Council.
7. Commitment to the National team or any such Representative team
All Clubs shall support FAS in relation to international matches in accordance
with the provisions of FIFA and The Rules of the Players Status Committee of
FAS, the latter Rules prevailing.
No matches shall be arranged on any of the days preceding any of the specified
dates of each Season for international matches, unless otherwise decided by the
Chief, Competitions Division.
8. Basis of Competitions
The S.League shall be spread over as much of a year, be divided into three (3)
Tournaments namely, the S. League Tournament, the League Cup, and the Singapore
Cup. A Reserve cum Youth League tournament shall also be organised during the
Season which League shall be known as the “Prime League”.
S. League Tournament
Prize Money
1st - $250,000.00, S.League Trophy and 25 medals (Gold)
2nd - $125,000.00 and 25 medals (Silver)
3rd - $60,000.00 and 25 medals (Bronze)
4th - $45,000.00
5th - $35,000.00
6th - $30,000.00
7th - $25,000.00
8th - $20,000.00
9th - $15,000.00
10th - $10,000.00
11th – ($30,000.00 subsidy deduction)*
12th – ($50,000.00 subsidy deduction)*
*The subsidy deduction will not apply should the Club achieve a
minimum 20% of the maximum total points available for the entire
league season.
8.1.2 Clubs Participating in the S.League Tournament
All S.League teams in the Clubs shall participate in the Tournament.
Duration of the S.League Tournament
The Competitions Division shall determine dates of commencement and
the end of the S. League Tournament.
Naming the Players before the match
(a) The team manager or his representative shall indicate in the Player
Selection List containing the S.League team players submitted by
the respective club as their starting line-up and a maximum of seven
(7) substitutes to the Match Commissioner at least 85 minutes
before the scheduled time of kick-off.
(b) The Club may also include a maximum of five (5) registered players
from its Prime League Team to be included in the S. League Player
Selection List either in the starting line-up or as a substitute
provided it does not contravene any of the other S. League Rules.
(c) Without breaching any of the Rules, a maximum of five (5) foreign
players can be named and fielded in an S.League match.
8.1.5 Basis of Play and Points
The Competition shall be played over two and a half (2.5) rounds,
on a “league” basis. For the first two (2) rounds, all teams will play
each other twice, once at “home”, once “away”. Upon completion
of the first two (2) rounds, the league will be split into two (2) tiers,
with the top six (6) teams forming the “upper tier” and the bottom
six (6) teams forming the “lower tier”. All points earned in the first
two (2) rounds shall be carried forward to the final ‘half’ round,
where teams in each tier will only the teams in the same tier once,
in a “single round-robin” league format. The fixtures for the
penultimate ‘half’ round shall be determined by a draw to be
conducted by the Competitions Division.
Three (3) points shall be awarded for a win and no points to the
losing team.
In the event of a draw after the 90 minutes of regulation time, both
the teams shall be awarded one (1) point each.
The team in the “upper tier” that accumulates the most number of
points at the end of the Competition (i.e. after 2.5 rounds) shall be
declared the Champion. The remaining teams in the “upper tier”
shall be ranked 2nd to 6th place accordingly based on their final
points tally within the tier. The teams in the “lower tier” shall be
ranked 7th to 12th place accordingly based on their final points tally
within the tier. **Explanatory note: If a team from the “lower tier”
ends the season with a higher points tally than a team from the
“upper tier”, it will still remain in the “lower tier” and be ranked
between 7th to 12th place. The principle applies if a team from the
“upper tier” ends up with a lower points tally than a team from the
“lower tier”.
In the event that two (2) or more teams have accumulated the
similar number of points, then the higher placed team shall be the
team which has the greater goal difference, that is, number of goals
conceded subtracted from the number of goals scored.
In the event that two (2) or more teams have a similar goal
difference, then the higher placed team shall be the team which
scores the greater number of goals.
In the event that two (2) or more teams score a similar number of
goals, then the higher placed team shall be the team which attains
the greater number of wins.
In the event that two (2) or more teams attain the same number of
wins, then the higher placed team shall be the team which attains
the higher number of points from the matches played between the
teams in question.
In the event that two (2) or more teams attain the same number of
points from the matches played between the teams in question, then
the higher placed team shall be the team which has the greater goal
difference from the matches played between the teams in question.
In the event that two (2) or more teams have a similar goal
difference from the matches played between the teams in question,
then the higher placed team shall be the team which scored the
greater number of goals from the matches played between the
teams in question.
In the event that two (2) or more teams score a similar number of
goals from the matches played between the teams in question, then
the higher placed team shall be the team which attains the greater
number of wins from the matches played between the teams in
In the event that two (2) or more teams attain the same number of
wins from the matches played between the teams in question, the
the higher placed team shall be the team which is ranked higher in
the Fair Play table.
(m) In the event that two (2) or more teams cannot be separated using
the above criteria, the winner will be decided by the drawing of
Defaulting Teams/Clubs
Should a team field an unregistered, suspended or ineligible player
or field a registered player in the starting line-up (First XI) who
have been named as a substitute, or without the player’s name
being indicated so either in the First XI or as Substitute in
accordance to the Player Selection List, the match and three points
shall be awarded to the opposing non-infringing team, and the score
to remain/or a three (3) - nil (0) will be awarded to the said noninfringing team, whichever is the greater. If a match is forfeited,
suspension is only considered to have been served if the team to
which the suspended player belongs is not responsible for the facts
that led to the forfeit of the match.
Any team which without just cause fails to fulfil an engagement or
play its fixture or any of them on the appointed date may be liable
to expulsion by S. League/FAS from any competition and be fined
up to a maximum of $100,000 and the Chief, Competitions or the
Disciplinary Committee may award such other punishment as that
Committee shall determine, including any recommendation to the
ExCo or the Council for dismissal. The match scheduled to be
played shall be awarded to the opposing, non-infringing team, and
a score-line of three (3) - nil (0), or score to remain, whichever is
higher, shall also be awarded to the aforesaid team.
The Singapore Cup
Please refer to the attached Annex A on Singapore Cup Rules.
Reserve / Youth League Tournament: The Prime League
The Prime League
Unless authorised by the Competitions Division and with the exception
of the foreign-based teams, all teams participating in the S.League
Tournament shall take part in the S. League Reserve cum Youth
Tournament, which shall henceforth be known as the “Prime League”.
Registration of Players
(a) All Prime League teams, shall at the pre-season minimum
registration deadline (set by Competitions Division), and at the
commencement and during the currency of a season, register a
minimum of sixteen (16) and a maximum of twenty (20) players.
Any teams not participating in the S.League Tournament,
specifically the National Football Academy (NFA) representative
youth teams, shall register a minimum of twenty (20) and a
maximum of twenty-five (25) players. The teams must maintain
the minimum required number of players throughout the Season.
(b) Save as provided in sub-rule (e) below and with the exception of
foreign teams invited to participate in the tournament, all Prime
League teams shall be made up of local players.
(c) All players in the Prime League team shall be Under-21 (born on
or after 1st January 1992), with the exception of a maximum of five
(5) players who can be Under-23 (born on or after 1st January
(d) Without breaching any of the S.League Rules and save for the
NFA representative youth teams, any local team may register one
local player below eighteen (18) years of age but above the age of
sixteen (16) at the point of registration in their Prime League team.
(e) Each club is allowed to register a maximum of one (1) foreign
player for their Prime League teams. The foreign player shall be
aged eighteen (18) and above at the point of registration but under
twenty-one (21) years of age (born on or after 1st January 1992).
Without breaching any of the S.League Rules, the Prime League
foreign player may be named for an S.League match on the
following conditions:
That he replaces one of the Club’s S.League foreign
The S.League foreign player that he replaces must not be
under suspension or be ineligible for any reason.
Should a Club decide to register the foreign player as an S.League
player during the course of the season, provided the registration is
exacted within the transfer window and meets and satisfies all
requisite conditions and does not contravene any of the Rules, the
player will count against the Club’s S.League foreign player quota.
Eligibility to play in the Prime League
(a) If a S. League player who has played in his team’s previous or last
S.League match (for whatever length of time), he is not eligible to
play in the following Prime League match or matches. Players
who did not play in their team’s previous or last S.League match,
as aforesaid, are not included in this category.
(b) In the event that a team receives a “bye” in the S.League
Tournament or has its S.League match postponed, its players who
played in its previous or last S.League match (before the
bye/postponement) shall also not be eligible to play in the said
team’s following Prime League match after the bye/postponement.
(c) In the event that a team has two (2) or more consecutive matches in
the Prime League due to “byes”, postponements or a break in the
S.League Season, a S.League player who did not play in his team’s
previous or last S.League match before the “byes”/postponements is
eligible to play in only one (1) of these Prime League matches.
(d) Further to sub-Rule (a) above, there is no restriction for such a
Player who is registered as a S.League Player to represent his team
in an S.League match after playing a Prime League match.
(e) Without breaching any of the S. League Rules, a Prime League
player having played in a S. League match is eligible to play in the
following Prime League matches.
Without breaching any of the S.League Rules, a club is allowed to
name a maximum of three (3) S.League players for a Prime League
match, either in the starting list or as a substitute.
Filling-Up Quota in the S.League and Prime League teams
(a) Without breach of any of the Rules, Teams are allowed as many
changes to their pool of players in the S.League and Prime League
during the two window periods.
Basis of Play and Points
(a) The Tournament will be played over three (3) rounds, on a “league”
basis, with each team facing each opponent three times, once at
“home”, once “away” and the third either “home” or “away”
alternative to the second round.
(b) Three (3) points shall be awarded for a win and no points to the
losing team.
(c) In the event of a draw after the 90 minutes of regulation time, both
the teams shall be awarded one (1) point each.
(d) The team which accumulates the most number of points at the end
of the Tournament, shall be declared the Champion.
(e) In the event that two (2) or more teams accumulate a similar number
of points, then the higher placed team shall be the team which has
the greater goal difference, that is, number of goals conceded
subtracted from the number of goals scored.
(f) In the event that two (2) or more teams have a similar goal
difference, then the higher placed team shall be the team which
scores the greater number of goals.
(g) In the event that two (2) or more teams score a similar number of
goals, then the higher placed team shall be the team which attains
the greater number of wins.
(h) In the event that two (2) or more teams attain the same number of
wins, then the higher placed team shall be the team which attains the
higher number of points from the matches played between the teams
in question.
(i) In the event that two (2) or more teams attain the same number of
points from the matches played between the teams in question, then
the higher placed team shall be the team which has the greater goal
difference from the matches played between the teams in question.
(j) In the event that two (2) or more teams have a similar goal
difference from the matches played between the teams in question,
then the higher placed team shall be the team which scored the
greater number of goals from the matches played between the teams
in question.
(k) In the event that two (2) or more teams score a similar number of
goals from the matches played between the teams in question, then
the higher placed team shall be the team which attains the greater
number of wins from the matches played between the teams in
(l) In the event that two (2) or more teams attain the same number of
wins from the matches played between the teams in question, the the
higher placed team shall be the team which is ranked higher in the
Fair Play table.
(m) In the event that two (2) or more teams cannot be separated using
the above criteria, the winner will be decided by the drawing of lots.
Defaulting Teams/Clubs
(a) Should a team be found to infringe Rule 8.3.3 above or field an
unregistered, suspended or ineligible player or field a registered
player either in the starting line-up (First XI) who have been named
as a substitute, or without the player’s name being indicated so
either in the First XI or as Substitute in accordance to the Player
Selection List, the match and three (3) points shall be awarded to the
opposing non-infringing team, and the score to remain or a three (3)
- nil (0) win to be awarded to the said non-infringing team,
whichever is the greater. If a match is forfeited, suspension is only
considered to have been served if the team to which the suspended
player belongs is not responsible for the facts that led to the forfeit
of the match.
(b) Any Club which without just cause, fails to fulfil an engagement or
play its fixture or any of them on the appointed date may be liable to
expulsion by the Exco or the Council from the Tournament, and the
Chief, Competitions or the Competitions Committee may decide on
the outcome of the match or Disciplinary Committee may award
such other punishment as that Committee shall determine. The
match scheduled to be played shall be awarded to the opposing,
non-infringing team, and a score-line of three (3) - nil (0), or score
to remain, whichever is higher, shall also be awarded to the
aforesaid team.
9. Amendments to the Rules
These Rules may be amended from time to time by the Competitions Division at its
absolute discretion, and the Competitions Division whose decision shall be final shall
decide any matters not provided for in these Rules.
10. The FA Challenge Cup Competition
Each of the Clubs may compete in The Football Association of Singapore
Challenge Cup Tournament (hereinafter “the FA Cup”) in each Season if eligible
to do so and with the concurrence of the S.League, and to field only those
Players registered with the FAS/S.League in accordance with these Rules (unless
otherwise determined).
All players representing the S.League Clubs participating in the FA Cup must be
registered, in accordance with these Rules, with the Chief, Competitions, these
Rules relating to registration of Players overriding those Rules in S.League/FAS,
the latter acknowledging the same (unless otherwise determined).
11. Champions of the S.League Tournament, the Singapore Cup, the League Cup and
the Prime League Competitions
The Champions of the S.League Tournament, the Singapore Cup, the League
Cup and the Prime League Tournament will each receive a Championship
Trophy, which is the property of S.League/FAS.
The S.League Championship Trophy will be presented to the winner of the
S.League, but the trophy shall remain the property of S.League/FAS. The Club
shall hold the trophy until one (1) month before the end of the following season’s
competition when the Club shall return the same trophy in good order and
condition to Chief, Competitions. However, the Competitions Division reserves
the right to recall the trophy from the Club whenever it deems necessary. In the
event that a foreign team wins the S.League, a replica trophy will be given to the
said foreign team instead.
S. League/FAS shall present to the Champion team and runners-up team of the
Tournament twenty (20) souvenirs for the Players and five (5) for the Team
Officials inclusive of one for the Coach, one for his Assistant, one for the Team
Manager, one for the Medical Officer/ Physiotherapist or Sports Trainer and one
for a staff other than the Players. Additional souvenirs may be purchased by the
club concerned with the approval of Chief, Competitions.
Should the Trophy be lost, destroyed or damaged by fire or by any other cause
whilst under the care, control or custody of the Club, the latter shall refund to the
Company the amount of its current insured value or the cost of thorough repair
and outgoings in addition to any other penalty that S.League/FAS may impose.
The S.League Champions and the Singapore Cup Champions shall participate in
the club competitions organised by AFC (Asian Football Confederation) and
AFF (Asean Football Federation).
The teams representing Singapore in the said competitions shall be local teams,
with the exception of the Young Lions. In the event of non-participation or
withdrawal of a team for any reason or if the S.League Champion and
Singapore Cup Champion is the same club or if the S.League Champion is an
S.League foreign-based team or if the Singapore Cup champion is an S.League
foreign-based team or invited foreign team, then the next highest-placed local
team in the S.League shall represent Singapore in the AFC and AFF club
competitions, subject to the entry/qualification rules and regulations of the
respective AFC and AFF club competitions.
Any matter not provided for in these Rules, including that for the Singapore Cup,
League Cup and the Prime League Tournament, shall be dealt with by the CEO,
S.League or Chief, Competitions, whose decision shall be final: the Chief,
Competitions and/or CEO, S.League, where applicable, reserves the right to
change the dates and venues of the matches or these Rules, advance notice being
given to the Club.
12. Fair Play Trophy
A Fair Play Trophy will be awarded to a Club based on the team’s and/or Club’s
conduct in the season as reported by the Match Commissioner, and as per these
The Competitions Division shall formulate such other Rules as are relevant and
necessary to assess the teams’ fair play performance, stressing the positive (in
lieu of the negative) aspects of the teams/Clubs conduct.
The Competitions Division shall draw, and has drawn such Rules for the Fair
Play Trophy enhancing the excellence of professional football in Singapore.
13. Any Other Matches / Competitions
The Competitions Division may organise any other match or competition for the benefit
of the Clubs or any Club or the S.League, notice being given to the Clubs or any Club in
The S. League Clubs are to release their players for the match or competition as
and when required.
Annex A to Section A
Rule 8.2 - SINGAPORE CUP 2013
Name of the competition
Prize Money
Schedule of Competition
Duties and Obligations
Management and Organisation
Eligibility of Players
Registration of Players (invited teams only)
Team Colours, numbers and Advertising on Team Officials, Sports Equipment and
Other Materials
10. Venues, Dates, kick-off and training session
11. Number of Players and Officials in each team (invited foreign teams only)
12. Mode of Competition
13. Substitution of Players
14. Officials/Players on the Substitutes Bench
15. Players cautioned or dismissed from the Field of Play
16. Serious Misconduct of Officials/Players
17. Referees and Match Commissioner
18. Making Disparaging Remarks against the Referee
19. Protest
20. Abandoned Matches
21. Security
22. Fairplay
23. Footballs
24. Defaulting Teams/Clubs and Matters Not Provided For
25. Trophy, Medals
26. Eligibility to participate in AFC Competitions
27. Financial Arrangements
The 2013 Singapore Cup consists of four (4) stages:
Preliminary Round (Single Leg)
Quarter-Finals (Two Legs)
Semi-Finals (Two Legs)
3rd / 4th placing and Final
1. Name of the competition
The Competition shall be called the RHB Singapore Cup 2013.
2. Prize Money
The prize money for Singapore Cup:
- $100,000.00
1st Runner-up - $60,000.00
3rd Placing
- $40,000.00
4th Placing
- $10,000.00
Quarter-Final Losers - $4,000.00
Preliminary Round Losers - $2,000.00
3. Participants
All the teams participating in the S.League competition are eligible to
participate in this competition.
Invited local teams
Invited foreign teams
4. Schedule of Competition
The schedule of the Preliminary Rounds, Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals and
the 3rd/4th placing matches shall be decided by the Competitions Division.
The Final match shall be held on Friday 8 November 2013. Venue and
time shall be decided by the Competitions Division. Competitions Division
reserves the right to amend the date, venue and kick-off time of the Final.
5. Duties and Obligations
On entering the competition, all participating teams shall automatically
undertake the following:
a) to observe the regulations and accept the decisions of the respective
Committees in the S. League/FAS.
b) to accept all the administrative, disciplinary and refereeing matters
concerned with the Singapore Cup competition and shall be settled by
the S. League/FAS in compliance with these regulations.
c) The Marketing Division of FAS or any other Division of FAS shall have
the right to request Players, Coaches and Officials of any Club to appear
at, engage in or to participate, whether in person or otherwise, in events,
programmes and/or activities of FAS, the S.League and/or their sponsors
and such appearance, engagement or participation shall include but not
limited to the use of his name, pictures and photographs on posters,
pamphlets, brochures, electronic medium, newspapers and other
communication medium and to the use of his voice and any films. No
request shall be rejected if reasonable notice is given to the Club of any
or all of events, programmes and/or activities.
d) to be responsible for the purchase of their own air-fares and their
arrangements of visas if necessary (invited foreign teams only).
e) to be responsible for the insurance cover of all members of its delegation
(health and accident). Consequently, the S. League/FAS is exempt from
any claims for liability that may arise from the staging of the matches in
this competition (invited foreign teams only).
f) to arrive in Singapore (invited foreign teams only) forty-eight (48) hours
before the commencement of the match (invited foreign teams only).
g) to depart from Singapore the day after the last match they are involved in
(invited foreign teams only).
h) to submit list of players and officials of the team with full passport
particulars and passport-sized photographs (players and officials)
(invited teams only).
i) to provide confirmed flight details to the Competitions Division two (2)
weeks before a match (invited foreign teams only).
j) to ensure that they possess confirmed return air tickets (invited foreign
teams only).
k) to ensure the proper conduct of its delegation (players and officials), and
of any person carrying out duties on behalf of the participating team
throughout the entire competition from the moment they enter and
country until the time of their departure (invited foreign teams).
l) to be responsible for incidental expenses incurred by delegation members
during the course of their stay in the country and for any costs incurred
by additional members of the delegation (invited foreign teams only).
m) to be responsible to pay for any costs of extending the stay in the
country (invited foreign teams only).
n) to attend pre and/or post-match press conference(s) and any other official
media activities organized by S.League/FAS.
The local S.League teams will in addition, where applicable, shall comply
and abide with all the requirements and regulations specified in the
S.League Rules.
6. Management and Organisation
S.League/FAS will be solely responsible for the organization of this
7. Eligibility of Players
Players registered and eligible to play in the S. League and Prime League
competitions as governed by the S. League Rules.
Except for players who are enlisted into National Service or who have
completed their National Service obligations and are returning to play for
the club with which he has an existing contract, an S.League or Prime
League player, who has played for his previous club in this competition
before registering for another club in the same season, is ineligible to play
for his new club in the same Cup competition.
Players who are registered with the teams at the close of the entry (invited
teams only).
Invited teams are allowed to register and play a maximum of 5 “foreign
All players of invited foreign teams are required to produce their individual
passports as proof of their nationality.
8. Registration of Players (invited foreign teams only)
Each team must register a minimum of twenty (20) and a maximum of
twenty five (25) players (including a maximum of 5 foreign players) before
the commencement of the competition.
No additional players can be registered or any player replaced after the
close of registration except under extenuating circumstances accepted by
the S.League/FAS.
The full names, jersey numbers, playing positions, date of birth and
passport numbers of players and officials in the official players’ registration
list must be typed or printed in block letters.
Jersey numbers shall remain with the Player throughout the competition,
except under extenuating circumstances accepted by S.League/FAS.
Invited foreign teams are to register their players using the prescribed
Registration Form, to be submitted together with copy of the player’s
passport. A recent passport-sized colour photograph of the player to be
registered must be affixed on the Registration Form and the photograph
shall be initialled or signed by the player concerned; the initial or signature
must not be done on the photo-face of the player. Such teams with other
nationals playing in their team as foreign players are required to produce
the player’s ITC before the said player is eligible to play.
9. Team Colours, numbers and Advertising on Team Outfits, Sport Equipment and
Other Materials
Invited teams are to register their colours together with the official players’
registration list stating their 1st choice and 2nd choice colours
(Jersey/Shorts/Socks and goalkeeper outfit colours).
Teams are required to bring their 1st and 2nd choice colours for all matches.
10. Venues, Dates, kick-off times and training session
The venues, dates and kick-off times of all matches shall be decided by the S.
The invited teams shall be given a training session one day before their
match and if possible arrangements made to allow the teams to train in the
ground where they are due to play (depending on the weather and availability
of the ground).
The venue where the match is to be played is stated under paragraph 12 of
this Rule.
11. Number of Players and Officials in each team – Official Delegation (invited
foreign teams only)
Invited foreign teams shall only bring with them a maximum of eighteen
(18) players and five (5) officials as part of its official delegation to
12. Mode of Competition
An official draw(s) will be conducted for the purpose of determining the tournament
fixtures. For all the matches, the first named team shall be deemed to be the “home” team.
All matches shall be played in Singapore, unless otherwise decided by the S.League/FAS.
Preliminary Round
The Preliminary Round matches will be played on a single leg
‘knockout basis”.
a) The winner of the match shall be the team that scores the
greater number of goals in 90 minutes of regulation time.
b) In the event the scores are tied after 90 minutes of regulation
time, 30 minutes of extra time (two halves of 15 minutes each)
will be played. The winner shall be the team that scores the
greater number of goals in the 30 minutes of extra time.
c) In the event that the scores are still tied after 30 minutes of
extra time, the winner shall be determined by kicks from the
penalty mark.
The Quarter-Finals will be played on a two-legged “home and
away” basis.
The winner shall be the team that scores the greater number of
goals (total aggregate score) over the two (2) matches played.
The ‘away goals’ rule does not apply.
Should there be a tie in the total aggregate score after the second
match, 30 minutes of extra time (two halves of 15 minutes each)
will be played. The winner shall be the team that scores the
greater number of goals in the 30 minutes of extra time. The
‘away goals’ rule does not apply.
In the event that the scores are still tied after 30 minutes of extra
time, the winner shall be determined by kicks from the penalty
The Semi-Finals will be played on a two-legged “home and
away” basis.
The winner shall be the team that scores the greater number of
goals (total aggregate score) over the two (2) matches played.
The ‘away goals’ rule does not apply.
Should there be a tie in the total aggregate score after the second
match, 30 minutes of extra time (two halves of 15 minutes each)
will be played. The winner shall be the team that scores the
greater number of goals in the 30 minutes of extra time. The
‘away goals’ rule does not apply.
In the event that the scores are still tied after 30 minutes of extra
time, the winner shall be determined by kicks from the penalty
Third/Fourth Place Match
The Third/Fourth Place match shall be played between the two
losing Semi-Finalists.
The match shall be played at a venue to be determined by
Competitions Division.
The winner of the match shall be the team that scores the greater
number of goals in 90 minutes of regulation time.
In the event the scores are tied after 90 minutes of regulation
time, the winner shall be determined by kicks from the penalty
The match shall be played at a venue to be determined by
Competitions Division.
The winner of the match shall be the team that scores the greater
number of goals in 90 minutes of regulation time.
In the event the scores are tied after 90 minutes of regulation
time, 30 minutes of extra time (two halves of 15 minutes each)
will be played. The winner shall be the team that scores the
greater number of goals in the 30 minutes of extra time.
In the event that the scores are still tied after 30 minutes of extra
time, the winner shall be determined by kicks from the penalty
12.6.1 In the event that the total number of participating teams for the
tournament be more than sixteen (16), all participating teams are
subjected to a pre-qualifying round to determine their entry into the
Preliminary Round of the competition.
12.6.2 The qualification/seeding of teams, basis of play and competition
format for the pre-qualifying round shall be determined by
Competitions Division, whose decision shall be final.
Tournament Byes
12.7.1 The Competitions Division reserves the right to award tournament
byes to participating teams at any stage of the competition when or
where it deems fit and necessary.
12.7.2 Byes shall be accorded to the participating teams in the following
(a) Singapore Cup Champions
(b) S.League Champions
(c) Next highest-placed team in the S.League and thereafter
13. Substitution of players
Eight-five (85) minutes before the commencement of the match, the teams
must submit, through the Player Selection List, their final registration of
their starting line-up of eleven (11) players and seven (7) substitutes to the
Match Commissioner.
The numbers on the player’s shirt must correspond with the numbers
indicated in the Player Selection List.
The Captain must be identified in the Player Selection List.
For the S.League teams, they must have the original S.League
Accreditation Passes of their players ready for checking by the Match
Commissioner eighty (80) minutes before the match.
Once the player selection list has been made official, and if any player
named in the starting line-up is not able to start the match for any reason
and the match has not kicked-off, they may be replaced by any of the seven
(7) named substitutes. Such replacements will reduce the quota of
substitute players accordingly. The player being replaced cannot be
renamed as a substitute. During the match, three (3) substitutions may still
be made by the team.
In the event that the seven (7) substitutes listed in the Player Selection List
cannot be fielded for any reason and the match has not kicked-off, they
may not be replaced, which means that the quota of substitute players will
be reduced accordingly.
Not more than 3 players may be substituted during a match from the named
14. Officials/Players on the Substitutes Bench
Only a maximum of six (6) registered officials and seven (7) substitute
players are allowed to be on the substitute’s bench.
Only one (1) person at a time is authorised to convey tactical instructions in
the Technical Area.
The coach, officials and other occupants of the Technical Area must behave
in a responsible manner and must remain within the confines of the
Technical Area except in special circumstances, for example, where the
physiotherapist and/or Sports Trainer have to leave the Technical Area with
the Referee’s permission to assess an injured player.
15. Players cautioned or dismissed from the Field of Play
A player who receives two (2) cautions (yellow cards) during the
competition shall automatically be suspended from the match following the
match in which he received the second caution. This shall apply to all the
stages of the competition and will be carried forward until the Final.
A player receiving a red card as a result of a second caution in the same
match will have to serve a one (1) match suspension following the match in
which he received the red card.
A player receiving a direct red card in a match will have to serve a two (2)
match suspension following the match in which he received the red card.
If the sanctions and/or penalties cannot be fully served or complied with in
full, it shall be deferred only to the following season of the Singapore Cup
competition where the said player is registered and eligible to play.
16. Serious Misconduct of Officials/Players
Any player or official reported for indiscipline or violent/serious
misconduct in the field of play, in the changing rooms, during training and
in the hotels (foreign teams only) shall be dealt with severely by the S.
17. Referees and Match Commissioner
The FAS Referees Committee shall appoint the referees for all the matches.
The Match Commissioner for all matches shall be appointed by the
Competitions Division, S.League/FAS.
18. Making Disparaging Remarks against the Referee.
No official or a member of the Team shall make any disparaging remarks
on the referee of a match; any such remark made by an official or a member
of the team may render such person liable to disciplinary action.
Players/Officials are prohibited from charging at the referee before, during
or after the game, for whatever reasons. Any such action shall render the
player/official and club concerned, liable to a minimum fine of $500 but
not exceeding $1,000, at the discretion of Chief, Competitions.
19. Protest
Protest can only be made when a Referee shows a yellow/red card to the
wrong player (mistaken identity) and it shall be done immediately after the
match to the Match Commissioner.
The decisions of the Referee regarding facts connected with play are final.
Facts connected with play shall include whether a goal is scored or not and
the result of the match.
20. Abandoned matches
If a match is abandoned due to conditions beyond control (inclement
weather, power failure) the match, as far as possible, shall be replayed the
following day or to a suitable date determined by the S. League/FAS.
The S. League/FAS will as far as possible arrange for a date agreeable to
both the teams if the match is not played the following day. When this is
not possible then the date, time and venue of the match shall be decided by
S. League/FAS, whose decision shall be final. A team unable to play on
the date, time and venue decided by the S. League/FAS shall be considered
to have failed to fulfil an engagement or play its fixtures and liable to
disciplinary action. The decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be
final and binding.
An abandoned/postponed match will not be considered as the match where
a suspended player has served the suspension; the suspended player shall
serve the suspension in the immediate match following the
abandoned/postponed match. If an abandoned match is to be replayed, any
caution issued during that match shall be annulled but a red card received
by a player in an abandoned match will count and the appropriate sanction
shall follow. The replay of the abandoned match will not be considered as
the match where the errant player has served the suspension. If the match is
not to be replayed, the cautions received by the team responsible for
causing the match to be abandoned are upheld; if both teams are
responsible, then all of the cautions are upheld.
The score of the abandoned match will be considered null and void, and the
replay shall start as a new match playing the ninety (90) minutes of
regulation time with the score 0-0.
If a match is abandoned, suspension is only considered to have been served
if the team to which the suspended player belongs is not responsible for the
facts that led to the abandonment of the match.
21. Security
The home team is responsible for providing adequate security arrangements
at the stadium and vicinity.
In the case where matches are played on a “neutral” venue and being
organized by the S.League/FAS, the S.League/FAS will hold the
22. Fairplay
Only S.League teams will be considered for the Fair Play award.
23. Footballs
The footballs used in this competition shall conform with the provisions of
the Laws of the Game and bear one of the following three (3) designations:
a) the official “FIFA APPROVED” logo or the
b) official “FIFA INSPECTED” logo or the
All participating teams shall use only footballs that are the official
sponsored balls of this competition. The organiser shall provide the
participating teams with the official sponsored balls and the participating
teams shall use the same for training and all aspects of the competition.
24. Defaulting Teams/Clubs and Matters Not Provided For
Should a team field an unregistered, suspended or ineligible player or field a
registered player in the starting line-up (First XI) who have been named as a
substitute, or without the player’s name being indicated so either in the First
XI or as Substitute in accordance to the Player Selection List, the match and
three points shall be awarded to the opposing non-infringing team, and the
score to remain/or a three (3) - nil (0) will be awarded to the said noninfringing team, whichever is the greater. If a match is forfeited, suspension
is only considered to have been served if the team to which the suspended
player belongs is not responsible for the facts that led to the forfeit of the
Any team which without just cause fails to fulfil an engagement or play its
fixture or any of them on the appointed date may be liable to expulsion by S.
League/FAS from any competition and be fined up to a maximum of
$100,000 and the Chief, Competitions or the Disciplinary Committee may
award such other punishment as that Committee shall determine, including
any recommendation to the ExCo or the Council for dismissal. The match
scheduled to be played shall be awarded to the opposing, non-infringing
team, and a score-line of three (3) - nil (0), or score to remain, whichever is
higher, shall also be awarded to the aforesaid team.
All matters not provided for in these regulations shall be dealt with by the
S.League/FAS whose decisions shall be final.
25. Trophy, Medals
The Singapore Cup trophy will be presented to the winner of the
competition, but the trophy shall remain the property of the S. League/FAS.
The Club shall hold the trophy until one (1) month before the end of the
following season’s tournament when the Club shall return the same trophy
in good order and condition to Chief, Competitions. However, the
Competitions Division reserves the right to recall the trophy from the Club
whenever it deems necessary. In the event that a foreign team wins the
tournament, a replica trophy will be given to the said foreign team instead.
Twenty-five (25) Medals (Gold, Silver and Bronze) will be given to the
teams accordingly.
26. Eligibility to participate in AFC/AFF Competitions
An invited foreign team, or an S.League foreign-based team, or the Young
Lions winning the Singapore Cup competition will not be eligible to
represent Singapore in AFC/AFF Club Competitions. The eligibility of any
team to participate in the AFC/AFF Club Competitions is subject to the
admission criteria, rules and conditions of the AFC and AFF.
27. Financial Arrangements (for invited foreign teams only)
Accommodation with three (3) meals per day for eighteen (18) players and
five (5) officials, two (2) days before the match and on match day. The
team (for invited foreign teams only) shall leave the following day of the
match unless otherwise arranged by the Competitions Division.
Internal transport on arrival from Airport to hotel and departure from hotel
to the airport. Transport to and from hotel to the training ground.
Transport to the match venue from hotel and back.
Laundry for training and playing kits (1 set per player/official per day) will
be provided for the teams.
1. Arrangements of Fixtures
All S.League Matches for any Tournament (in the Season) shall be arranged as
soon as practicable prior to the commencement of the Season. The copyright in
all lists or arrangements of such fixtures in any Tournament in any Season or of
any match sanctioned by the Competitions Division shall be vested in S.
Competitions Division shall be responsible for drawing out the match fixtures for
dissemination to all the S. League Clubs before the commencement of the
Competition. All S. League Matches shall, unless re-arranged with the approval
of the Competitions Division, be played on the dates scheduled.
The Competitions Division and the FAS Referees Committee shall appoint the
Match Commissioners and Referees for the S.League, Prime League and
Singapore Cup and League Cup Tournaments respectively.
All kick-offs must adhere to the time advertised by the Competitions Division,
Clubs and Referees must report any delays at the scheduled time of kick-off and
the start of the second half to the Competitions Division. Any Club causing a
kick-off to be delayed by up to fifteen (15) minutes from the time advertised will
be fined the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) for a first offence and for
a second or subsequent offence occurring within two years of the first offence
shall be deemed guilty of misconduct. Any Club causing a kick-off to be
delayed by more than fifteen (15) minutes from the time advertised shall be
deemed guilty of misconduct.
Should any delayed kick-off necessitate the Visiting Club incurring expenses, the
Visiting Club shall be entitled to claim reasonable costs against the gross gate
takings. Any dispute arising from the claim so made shall be referred to the
Chief, Competitions and/or CEO, S.League, whose decision shall be final. Any
such claim must be made within fourteen (14) days of the match in question and
payment, or referral to the Chief, Competitions, shall be made within fourteen
(14) days of receipt of the claim.
2. Kick-off Times
Save as provided in Rules 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 below, the time of kick-off is between
4.00 pm and 9.45 pm for all matches.
Any variation to these timings can be made only with the approval of the
Competitions Division.
For Holiday matches, the Competitions Division shall fix the time of kick-off.
For matches televised (whether live or otherwise), the Competitions Division
shall determine the time of kick-off, if necessary, in consultation with the
participating Clubs.
Both Teams shall enter the field of play together at least four (4) minutes prior to
the kick-off time, along with the Match Officials, the Referee determining the
3. Half-time Interval
In all S.League Matches, the half-time interval shall not exceed fifteen (15)
minutes, from whistle to whistle.
4. Duration of Matches
All S.League Matches shall be of ninety (90) minutes' duration (forty-five (45)
minutes for each half) but any Match which for any cause whatever falls short of
ninety (90) minutes' duration may be ordered to count as a completed fixture or
to be replayed in full as the Competitions Division may in its absolute discretion
5. Stadium Clock
Stadium (timer) clocks in the stadium showing the amount of time played may
run during the match, provided they are stopped at the end of normal playing
time in each half, i.e. after 45 and 90 minutes respectively. This stipulation is
also applied in the event of extra time being played i.e. after 15 minutes of each
6. Laws of the Game
All S.League Matches shall be played in compliance with these Rules and in
compliance with the Laws of the Game as approved by FIFA as laid down from
time to time unless otherwise expressed.
7. Number of Players during a Match
A Match may not start or continue if either team consist of fewer than seven (7)
8. Disparaging Remarks on Refereeing / Charging at Referees / Conduct of Club
Officials and Players
No Club Official, Coach, Player or a member of the Team shall make any
disparaging remarks about the refereeing of a match; any such remark made by a
Club Official, Coach or a member of the Team may render such person liable to
disciplinary action.
Players/Officials are prohibited from charging at the referee before, during or
after the game, for whatever reasons. Any such action shall render the
player/official and club concerned, liable to a minimum fine of Five Hundred
Dollars ($500) but not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), at the
discretion of Chief, Competitions and/or referred to the Disciplinary
Any Club Official or Player who fails to conduct oneself in a proper and
responsible manner before, during or after the game, including but not limited
to misconduct on the field of play, in the technical area, dressing rooms and
stadium premises, shall be liable to disciplinary action.
9. Teams for S. League Matches
Each Club shall play its full strength team in all S.League Matches. Any Club
failing to play its full strength team in any S.League Match shall be deemed
guilty of misconduct.
10. Player Selection List
The Team Manager or his assistant acting as the Team Manager of each Club,
through the Player Selection List, must indicate the eleven (11) players who will
start the match and the players who will be substitute players (maximum of
seven (7) players) on the team substitutes’ bench, taking part in each S.League
Match, to the Match Commissioner at least eight-five (85) minutes before the
advertised time of kick-off. The list shall indicate the full names of Players
and/or such other details (e.g. Team Captain) as required by the Competitions
Once the Player Selection List is submitted to the Match Commissioner and
becomes an official document (signed by both teams and the Match
Commissioner), and if the match has not yet kicked-off, the following
instructions apply:
(a) If any of the eleven (11) players listed on the Player Selection List selected
to start the match are not able to start the match for any reason, they may be
replaced by any of the named substitutes. Such replacements will reduce
the quota of substitute players accordingly. The player being replaced
cannot be renamed as a substitute. During the match, three (3) substitutions
may still be made by the team.
(b) If any of the substitutes named on the Player Selection List is not able to be
fielded for any reason, they may not be replaced, which means that the
quota of substitute players will be reduced accordingly.
Any Club failing to carry out these provisions shall be fined a sum of Three
Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for the first offence, Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)
for the second offence and for any subsequent offence the club shall be deemed
guilty of misconduct.
11. Substitute Players
In all S.League Matches, each Team is permitted a maximum of three (3) named
substitutions; a maximum of seven (7) substitutes may be nominated and their
names shall be included on the Player Selection List handed to the Match
Commissioner before the match as per Rule 10.1 above.
If the goalkeeper is ordered off during play, the designated substitute may
subsequently replace another player of the same Team and play as a goalkeeper.
There shall be no substitute of any player who is ordered off the field of play.
In all Prime League matches, each team is permitted a maximum of five (5)
named substitutions; a maximum of seven (7) substitutes may be nominated
and their names shall be included on the Player Selection List handed to the
Match Commissioner before the match.
12. Restrictions on Players who are not Singapore Citizens and Under-Aged Players
In any S.League Match, a local team shall not name more than five (5) Players
who are not citizens of Singapore (hereinafter “Foreign Players”) in the Player
Selection List.
For the purpose of these Rules, Permanent Residents are deemed foreign players.
Their eligibility to play in the S.League Tournaments shall be governed by these
13. Player Identification
The Players' jerseys must be clearly numbered on the back in accordance with
the Player Selection List submitted to the Match Commissioner before any
S.League Match.
Prior to the start of the Season, each Club must notify the Chief, Competitions of
the shirt numbers allocated to each Player in their S.League teams. Each Player
must be allocated a different shirt number.
A Player's shirt number must remain with him for the duration of the Season
(a) he ceases to play for a Club in which case his shirt number will become
available for allocation to new members of the First Team Squad and/or the
Youth Team Squad (The Prime League); or
(b) Competitions Division may permit the reuse of shirt numbers allocated to
another player in the team, if it is satisfied that there are good reasons to do
Pursuant to the above sub-Rule 13.2, any team which fields a Player in a match
wearing a jersey not carrying the number allocated to him will be fined a sum of
Three Hundred Dollars (S$300.00) for its first offence, and for a second or
subsequent offence occurring within two years of the first offence, the Club shall
be referred to the Disciplinary Committee.
Before the match commences, the Team Manager or his assistant acting as the
Team Manager of each team shall indicate in the Player Selection List to the
Match Commissioner the Captain of the team. The Captain shall wear a
distinguishing armband to indicate his status.
The Match Commissioner shall, eighty (80) minutes before the scheduled kickoff time, and at the dressing room of the respective Teams, verify the S.League
Accreditation Passes of the Players named in the Player Selection List to ensure
that it is in order, and that the Player is eligible to play.
Notwithstanding the fines herein this sub-Section, the Chief, Competitions
and/or CEO, S.League, may take such other action as it deems desirable against
the Club, its Official, or the Player for any infringement of these provisions or
refer the matter to the Disciplinary Committee.
14. Clubs to Register Colours
One month before the commencement of the S.League Tournaments, the Chief,
Competitions shall obtain from the Clubs, in writing, details of their first choice
(home) and second choice (away) colours (jerseys, shorts and socks). The
colours registered by each team shall be worn during the current season and no
changes either in the colours or the combination of colours shall be permitted
during the course of the Season except in the circumstances set out in Rule 15
below, and the prior consent of the Chief, Competitions is obtained.
The choice of playing kit colours must be registered with the S.League office.
Each Club shall submit a sample of its registered colours to the Chief,
Competitions at least one month before the commencement of the S.League
No kit item worn by a field player (shirt, shorts and socks) may contain more
than four (4) colours. Furthermore, one colour (1) must be clearly predominant
on the shirt, shorts and socks. In the case of striped shirts, vertical or otherwise,
one (1) of the colours must be predominant on the other kit items.
The predominant colour must be visible to the same extent on the back and front
of the kit item in question.
The colours of the official kit must be noticeably different from and contrasting
to the colours of the reserve kit/s.
The colours worn by the goalkeepers must distinguish him from the other
players, the Referee and Assistant Referees.
For the current season, the jersey will carry the name of the player. The names
are limited to eleven (11) letters including spacing (depending on the cut of the
jersey). Only actual names, or abbreviations of actual names officially
registered with and approved by the S.League are permissible. Symbols and
numbers in the names are not allowed.
15. Clashes of Colours
Teams are required to wear their first choice colours at their “Home” match and
the second choice at their “Away” match.
Each team will wear its official colours as registered and pre-decided by the
Competitions Division unless prior approval has been obtained from the
Competitions Division. If, in the opinion of the Competitions Division, the
referee or match commissioner, the two (2) teams’ colours might cause
confusion or prove unsuitable, the visiting team will have to change and wear its
first choice or a combination of both.
When there is a further clash of colours, the Home team will wear their second
choice colours or a combination of both 1st choice and 2nd choice colours as
determined by the Competitions Division.
16. Jerseys to bear S.League logo
The jerseys of all Players in the S.League Matches shall carry the S.League logo,
where possible, on the front just above the title sponsors logo or the logo of the
Club’s sponsor(s), if any, or on the left sleeve of the jersey. For the S.League
Champions, the champion’s logo is allowed to be sewn on the sleeves of their
17. Apparel Advertising
In S.League Matches, the Players' jerseys may carry advertising, subject to:
(a) the Rules relating to the clothing of Players as may be laid down by the
Marketing Division, S.League/FAS, and
(b) the design having the approval of the Marketing Division,
(c) for matches covered by television, the conditions laid down, if any, by the
television station, and/or any of the Marketing Division and/or the
Competitions Division, S.League/FAS.
18. Ball Boys
The Home team shall provide and ensure a minimum of six (6) ball boys for the
Prime League matches and eight (8) ball boys for the S.League, League Cup and
Singapore Cup matches. They must be properly attired.
The colours of clothing worn by Ball Boys shall not clash with the colours of
either of the competing teams and match referees and they must be properly
19. Stretcher bearers
The Home team shall provide and ensure that there is at least a stretcher with
four (4) adult stretcher-bearers for all S.League, League Cup, Singapore Cup and
Prime League matches before the commencement and for the entire duration of
the match. They must be properly attired.
20. Coaches Accreditation
The Head Coach in the S.League and Prime League teams must possess the
minimum AFC ‘A’ Coaching License or its equivalent as recognised by the
Clubs shall seek the prior approval of CEO S.League and/or Chief,
Competitions in writing before employing him.
The Head Coach shall be present for all the matches where he is in-charge,
unless approval has been sought and given by Chief, Competitions and/or CEO,
S.League, for the Head Coach to do otherwise.
In the event that the club terminates the Head Coach’s services or he resigns
during the Season, the club is bound to find a replacement with the required
qualifications within two (2) months. However, in the event that there is not
more than two (2) months left from the material date of the termination or
resignation to the end of the Season, the club may appoint, subject to the
approval of CEO S.League and/or Chief, Competitions, a caretaker coach not
meeting the required coaching qualifications.
A copy of the S.League and Prime League coaches’ contract has to be submitted
to Competitions Division for retention.
Any club found to be in breach of Rule 20.1 to 20.5 above shall be deemed to be
guilty of misconduct.
21. The Technical Area
Each Club shall provide separate areas adjacent to the pitch (hereinafter "the
technical area") for the sole use of team officials, team medical staff and
substitutes; such designated areas shall be clearly marked "Home" and "Away",
have direct access to the pitch, be located equidistant from the half-way line,
preferably be under cover, and capable of seating at least thirteen (13) people
from each Club.
Technical areas may vary between stadium, for example in size or location.
The technical area extends one (1) metre on either side of the designated seated
area and shall extend forward up to a distance of one (1) metre from the
The Fourth Official before the commencement of the match shall identify and
verify the accreditations of the occupants of the technical area.
A Player/Official who has been sent off the field/technical area is not allowed to
remain in the vicinity of the field or technical area.
A player/official on suspension is not allowed to be in the vicinity of the field or
technical area.
Only one person at a time is authorised to convey tactical instructions from the
technical area.
The Coach, officials and other occupants of the technical area must remain
within the confines of the technical area except in special circumstances, for
example, a Medical Practitioner and/or a physiotherapist and/or a Sports Trainer
entering the field of play with the Referee's permission to assess an injured
The Coach and other occupants of the technical area must behave in a
responsible manner.
21.10 Only a maximum of six (6) registered officials and seven (7) substitute players
are allowed to be on the substitutes’ bench.
22. Post-Match Handshake
Players from both the teams are required to assemble at the centre circle with
the Match Officials for a post-match handshake. Any player who fails to do so
shall be issued with a mandatory fine of Three Hundred Dollars ($300).
23. Liquid Refreshments
Players are entitled to take liquid refreshments during stoppage in the match but
only on the touchline. The throwing of water bottles or any other water
containers onto the field is not permitted.
24. Post-Match Conference
As and when required, the Coach and/or Team Manager and/or any selected
Player of the participating teams are required to attend the Post-Match
Conference, after each S.League, League Cup and Singapore Cup match.
In case of default, the infringing Club shall pay a fine of Three Hundred Dollars
25. Team Manager's Report
Team Managers must send the Team Manager's Report in the prescribed forms
to the Competitions Division, within forty-eight (48) hours after the end of each
S.League Competitions match, notwithstanding the fact that the following day
may be a Saturday, a Sunday, or a public holiday. In case of default, the
infringing Club shall be fined a sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00).
26. Crowd Control
All Clubs must ensure that the stadium they occupy is safe and to this extent the
Home Club shall be responsible for all security and safety arrangements in
respect of each S.League Match, and shall ensure the safety of Match Officials
and opponents, and the public.
The Home Club shall ensure that spectators do not misbehave or throw any
missiles or water bottles onto the field or encroach into the field of play or the
technical area before, during or just after a match.
The spectators are not allowed usage of prohibited items stipulated in the
S.League’s match ticketing terms and conditions including but not limited to
whistles, laser pointers, pyrotechnics and incendiary devices during the match.
27. Non-fulfilment of Fixture Obligations
Any team that failed to fulfil its fixture obligation without just cause in respect of
any S.League Match on the appointed date or dates shall be deemed guilty of
gross misconduct.
The team that fails to fulfil its fixture obligations shall be liable to pay
compensation for any expenses necessarily incurred by the opposing team,
S.League/FAS and other affected parties as a direct result of the failure. The
amount of compensation will be at the discretion of Chief, Competitions after
weighing the merits of each case. The Competitions Division reserves the right
to take whatever action they deem fit against the infringing team, including but
not limited to imposing a penalty on the team, and/or referring the matter to the
Exco or the Council.
28. Dispute / Dislocation of Fixtures / Abandoned Matches
Any dispute between two or more Clubs as to the arrangement of the S.League
Matches shall be referred to and decided by the Chief, Competitions and/or
CEO, S.League, as soon as possible but not later than seven (7) days before the
Match in reference.
If, for whatever reason, the S.League Matches cannot be played on the appointed
date, this shall be immediately reported to the Chief, Competitions by the Clubs
concerned, and it shall be the Chief, Competition’s responsibility in each
instance to notify immediately the appointed Referee, the Assistant Referees, the
Fourth Official, and the Match Commissioner, and such other relevant personnel,
of such postponement.
In the event of any S.League Match that has been postponed or abandoned
before the completion of the regulation time of ninety (90) minutes, the result
shall be decided by the Competitions Division as to whether there should be a
replay or any form of disciplinary action to be taken against the errant team or
If a match is abandoned due to conditions beyond control (inclement weather,
power failure) the match, as far as possible, shall be replayed the following day
or to a day determined by the S.League/FAS.
The S.League/FAS will as far as possible arrange for a date agreeable to both
the teams if the match is not played the following day. When this is not
possible then the S.League/FAS shall decide on the date and venue, and whose
decision shall be final. A team unable to play on the date and venue decided by
the S.League/FAS shall be considered to have failed to fulfil an engagement or
play its fixtures and liable to disciplinary action. The decision of the
Disciplinary Committee shall be final and binding.
An abandoned/postponed match will not be considered as the match where a
suspended player has served the suspension; the suspended player shall serve
the suspension in the immediate match following the abandoned/postponed
match. If an abandoned match is to be replayed, any caution issued during that
match shall be annulled but a red card received by a player in an abandoned
match will count and the appropriate sanction shall follow. The replay of the
abandoned match will not be considered as the match where the errant player
has served the suspension. If the match is not to be replayed, the cautions
received by the team responsible for causing the match to be abandoned are
upheld; if both teams are responsible, then all of the cautions are upheld.
The score of the abandoned match will be considered null and void, and the
replay will start as a new match playing the ninety (90) minutes of regulation
time with the score of 0-0.
If a match is abandoned, suspension is only considered to have been served if the
team to which the suspended player belongs is not responsible for the facts that
led to the abandonment of the match.
29. Club Protest
Any Club intending to lodge a protest against their opponents for any violation
of the Tournament procedure in or about the Match shall do so in writing signed
by the General/Club Manager or Hon. Secretary of the Club or a responsible
Official of the Club to the Chief, Competitions within forty-eight (48) hours
from the end of the Match with a deposit of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00).
The decisions of the referee regarding facts connected with plays are final. Facts
connected with play shall include whether a goal is scored or not and the results
of the match. Protest will only be accepted when a Referee shows a yellow/red
card to the wrong player (mistaken identity).
Any participating Club intending to lodge a protest against the Referee's decision
at a match shall abide by the following procedure: (a) The Team Manager or a responsible official of the Club shall notify the
Fourth Official immediately after the incident during the match that he will
be protesting against the Referee's decision. The Team Manager/official
must then send in his protest within forty-eight (48) hours, following the end
of the match.
(b) Team Manager/official will also inform the Match Commissioner after the
match on the protest. The Match Commissioner will reflect this in his report
and submit a detailed report on the incident.
(c) On receiving the protest, the Chief, Competitions and/or CEO, S.League,
after studying the relevant reports, will decide on the outcome where
(d) When no decision can be ascertained, the FAS Referees' Committee will be
(e) The Player pending the appeal will have to serve his mandatory suspension
until a decision is arrived at by the Chief, Competitions and/or CEO,
(f) The decision of Chief, Competitions and/or CEO, S.League, is binding and
shall be final.
Where the Referee's decision is upheld, the Chief, Competitions and/or CEO,
S.League, will decide whether the Club will have to pay the Five Hundred
Dollars ($500.00) imposed on the Club and where the Referee's decision is
overruled, the Club will not have to pay the Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00).
30. Club ceasing to play
If any Club in the S.League ceases to operate during the Season, its playing
record in the S.League shall be expunged, and the number of places from the
respective S.League Tournaments, shall be reduced accordingly unless otherwise
determined by the Exco or the Council. The remaining fixtures if any, shall
continue without the S.League Club that has ceased to operate.
If any Club ceases to operate after the completion of the Season's fixture
programme, the Exco or the Council shall determine the position of the Club
without prejudice to any and all rights it has.
31. Attendance of Doctor/Physio
It is the responsibility of the Home or host team in S.League, League Cup and
Singapore Cup Matches to ensure that a Doctor is in attendance throughout the
match, and to identify him to the Match Commissioner on his arrival at the
stadium. The Doctor shall arrive at the stadium fifty (50) minutes before kickoff.
The participating teams in the S.League, League Cup, Singapore Cup and Prime
League must have with the team a Sports Trainer, Qualified First Aid Official or
Physio throughout the match. Any Sports Trainer employed directly or by
consultancy or a first aid Official must possess valid/updated First Aid and CPR
certification. He/she should also either be chartered or at least have passed the
two (2) years Treatment of Injury Course from an approved institution.
Only those qualified as above should attend to Players or Officials on the field of
play unless in exceptional circumstances when an unqualified official may give
For all Competitions organised by the S.League, all Sports Trainers, First Aid
Official or Physio must wear disposable medical examination gloves when
attending to players with open wounds.
32. Duties & Responsibilities of Duty Doctor
Before the Match
Confirm date, time, place of Match and who to report to (name, position
and contact numbers).
A few days before the Match, check medical supplies (medical bag,
resuscitators, stretchers, etc) and other medical support (first aiders,
ambulance, etc).
Obtain pass/accreditation to enable free access to field, changing room,
Arrange to arrive at least fifty (50) minutes before the Match, taking into
consideration heavy traffic conditions expected.
On arrival before the Match, to report to person-in-charge (see Rule
32.1(a) above).
Check where to sit, how to be contacted when necessary (e.g. by walkietalkie, handphone).
32.2 During the Match
Be contactable at all times (see Rule 32.1(f) above).
To watch the game, and to be alert to possible catastrophic injuries.
To assist first aiders, trainers, physiotherapists, if necessary, when treating
players, spectators, etc. The Medical Practitioner should know the rules
about running onto the pitch during a Match. Usually, he is not allowed to
do so unless called upon by the Referee or Fourth Official or Match
Commissioner. Any assessment or treatment should normally be done
when the Player is brought to the sidelines (exceptions are conditions
mentioned at sub-Rule 2b above).
To provide emergency medical treatment, if necessary, arranging transfer
to hospital (and accompanying casualty in ambulance, if necessary).
To record treatment given, medication/supplies used.
After the Match
To ensure medical report, records, list of medication/supplies used is
completed and handed to appropriate person.
To seek permission form person-in-charge on leaving (usually about half
an hour after the match).
To inform Medical Practitioner-in-charge of events (if any) and who may
require to follow-up any one hospitalised or needing further
evaluation/management the following day.
33. Attendance of an Ambulance
The Home or host team is responsible to ensure that an ambulance is present at
the stadium before commencement of the match and remain after the match until
the teams and fans have left the stadium and permission to stand down has been
given by the Match Commissioner in all S.League, League Cup and Singapore
Cup matches. The ambulance must arrive at the stadium fifty (50) minutes before
34. Head Injuries
All Clubs shall ensure that any player in an S.League Match having left the field
with a head injury shall not be allowed to resume playing or training without the
clearance of a doctor. The same provision shall apply where a head injury is
sustained in training.
35. Clubs not to arrange matches which interfere with Fixtures
Clubs shall not arrange matches until after dates for the S.League Matches are
settled nor improperly interfere with other Clubs' home Matches.
Clubs desiring to stage Representative Matches or arrange Friendly Matches
against local or foreign teams, to be played either locally or abroad, must obtain
the prior approval of the Chief, Competitions.
36. Registration of Ground
Each Club shall register (and has registered) its ground with the Competitions
Division, and no Club shall remove to another ground, without first obtaining the
consent of the Competitions Division and the S.League/FAS.
All registered grounds ought to have floodlights which give an average lux value
of at least one thousand two hundred (1,200) lux.
The dimensions of the field of play for all S.League Matches shall be as follows:
Maximum length
: 110 m (120 yards)
Minimum length
: 100 m (110 yards)
Maximum width
: 75 m ( 80 yards)
Minimum width
: 64 m ( 70 yards)
Clubs must register their pitch dimensions with the Chief, Competitions, prior to
the start of each Season. It will be deemed gross misconduct for a Club to alter
its pitch dimensions during a Season unless with the prior written consent of the
Competitions Division; the Division may at any time require a Club to submit a
report from a qualified independent source, at its cost, certifying the pitch
dimensions or the condition of the Stadium, including the ground.
Each Club shall take all reasonable steps to maintain its pitch and grounds in
good order. S.League/FAS or the Competitions Division or the Facilities,
Grounds and Building Committee (Singapore Sports Council) or the Field
Maintenance Committee (Singapore Sports Council), may require a Club to take
such steps as it shall specify if it is not satisfied that an adequate standard of
pitch or ground or offices or the safety and security of the Club is/are being (or
has been) maintained.
A Club shall have a regular use of a ground where charge for admission may be
made and a gate collection be taken in all S.League Matches.
Goal nets must be used in all ties.
The playing area and the technical area must be demarcated, and spectator
viewing must be further demarcated.
There must be separate dressing and washing accommodation for each Team and
the Match Officials.
There must be toilets/bathrooms provided in dressing rooms used by Players and
Match Officials, and not for spectator use; dressing rooms must have adequate
Floodlights installed at the stadia ought to meet the requirements of the
Competitions Division and/or the relevant authorities.
Adequate entrances and exits must be provided at each stadium.
Home and Visitors areas or boxes must be provided and they ought to be clearly
identified to the Match Officials.
There shall be adequate insurance cover for registered Players and Club Officials
and there shall also be a cover for public liability.
There shall also, where necessary, be an area made available for hospitality for
visiting officials.
Access for emergency services have to be provided.
Male and Female toilets must be provided throughout the duration of ties other
than those used by Players and Match Officials.
Refreshment facilities for Players need not be provided by the Home Team
unless mutually agreed by the Teams.
37. Covered Stadia
No League match shall take place at any stadium where the playing area is
covered or partially covered by a fixed or moveable roof without the prior
written approval of the Competitions Division and the Singapore Sports Council.
Any Club proposing to cover or partially cover its stadium with a fixed or
moveable roof shall be required to submit outline plans and a copy of the
planning application to the S.League/FAS, prior to such planning application
being submitted to the appropriate authority.
38. Ticketing
No Club shall charge higher admission prices for visiting supporters comparable
with that used by supporters of the Home Club. This requirement does not apply
to special local arrangements for members, family enclosures, senior citizens,
children or the handicapped or the under-privileged.
Each Club must make provision for the admission of a reasonable number of
visiting supporters at every home match. That notwithstanding, for all “away”
games, visiting Clubs must place their requirements to the Home Clubs at least
seven (7) days before the match on a quota of five hundred (500) tickets for
adults and two hundred (200) tickets for children.
39. TV/Broadcast
Clubs cannot arrange for matches in which they are involved to be relayed by
closed circuit television or by any other form including but not limited to the
internet and other new media, to any other location; this shall only be done by
the Marketing Division and/or the Marketing Division in consultation with the
Competitions Division, and always subject to the written assent of the CEO, S.
The S.League reserves the right to re-schedule ‘live’ matches at its discretion,
whenever deemed fit or necessary.
40. Processional Entry / Stadium Announcements / Scoreboard
40.1 For all matches in the S. League, Singapore Cup and League Cup competitions,
the hosting club shall ensure the availability of the FIFA Fair Play Flag and
FIFA Anthem for the pre-match processional entry of the teams, and also ensure
that the stadium’s scoreboard/timer and sound system for stadium
announcements are in working order. Clubs failing to fulfill this requirement will
be subject to disciplinary action.
41. Additional Competitions to be approved by the Chief, Competitions
Clubs shall not play in any other Competition or otherwise, locally or abroad,
unless they have received the prior written approval from the Chief,
1. Match Commissioner
A Match Commissioner shall be appointed by Competitions Division to attend
each S.League Match. He will act as the S. League's official representative at all
S.League Matches.
The Competitions Division shall draft rules, directives and guidelines that are
relevant and desirable for the Match Commissioner's role in all S.League
Clubs must ensure that the Match Commissioner is given a prime seat in the
main stand and that he be allowed free access to all areas of the ground.
S. League/FAS shall pay the fees and expenses of Match Commissioners at rates
as determined by the Administration and Finance Committee, FAS.
2. List of Referees
The FAS Referees’ Committee (“the FASRC”) shall appoint Referees from the
registered list of Referees thereof, compiled before the commencement of each
season by the FASRC for all S. League Matches.
3. List of Assistant Referees/the Fourth Officials
Assistant Referees, and the Fourth Official, for the all matches in the S.League
Competitions shall be appointed by the FASRC from the registered list of
Referees/Fourth Officials
compiled before
commencement of each Season by the FASRC.
4. Appointment of Referees and Assistant Referees
The Referee, Assistant Referees and the Fourth Official for the S.League
Matches shall, as far as is possible, be appointed by the FASRC on a monthly
5. Arrival of Referees and Assistant Referees at Matches
Referees, Assistant Referees and the Fourth Official, appointed for competition
matches organised by the S.League shall arrive at the stadium at least 90 minutes
before the scheduled kick-off time or any other time as indicated by the
Competitions Division.
6. Alteration of Kick-offs
Referees shall report late starts and late arrivals of Assistant Referees, the Fourth
Official or themselves. Referees, Assistant Referees, and/or the Fourth Official
who are late shall also forward a written explanation to the Chief, Competitions,
who shall take such action as he deems fit, including referring the matter to the
7. Retainers and Allowances for Referees and Assistant Referees
The gross match fee for Referees and Assistant Referees and the Fourth Official
payable before any deductions shall be as determined by the Administration &
Finance Committee.
In the case of postponed matches, half-fee will be paid to Officials, as aforesaid,
who report to the ground.
The S.League/FAS will pay all match fees to the Match Officials, subject to Rule
8.1 below.
8. Payment of Fees Incurred
The Administration & Finance Division shall pay the Match Commissioner,
Referee and Assistant Referee and the Fourth Official their respective S.League
match fees.
9. Illegal Payments To Match Commissioners, Referees and Assistant Referees/the
Fourth Official
Any Club or Official or other person whether or not acting on behalf or in the
presumed interests of a Club or any other person or party pays or offers to pay in
whatever form or manner a Match Commissioner, Referee or Assistant
Referee(s) or the Fourth Official more than his proper fee shall be deemed guilty
of gross misconduct, and such action shall be taken as the circumstances warrant,
including referring the matter to Chief, Competitions and/or the relevant
Committee and/or the appropriate authorities; such illegal payment or offer
thereof must forthwith be reported in writing by the Match Commissioner,
Referee and/or Assistant Referee and/or the Fourth Official, to Chief,
Competitions; a failure to report thereof shall be deemed gross misconduct.
Receipt by Match Commissioner, Referees and/or Assistant Referees and/or the
Fourth Official of any monies or any other forms of illegal consideration,
howsoever made, inclusive of any offer thereof, to influence a match, in
whatsoever manner, shall be deemed gross misconduct, and the matter shall be
referred to Chief, Competitions, who shall report the matter to the relevant
10. Referee to Decide on Fitness of Ground
The Referee shall decide as to the fitness of the ground in all matches, and each
Club shall take every precaution to keep its ground in a playing condition, and
where necessary, shall re-mark the ground during the half-time interval. If
necessary, the Referee may visit the ground two (2) hours or more before the
advertised time of kick-off or at any reasonable time during the Season to
ascertain the fitness of the ground.
11. Canvassing
Canvassing by Referees and Assistant Referees to officiate at matches of their
choice will be regarded as a disqualification, and shall be deemed a misconduct.
12. Referee To Wait Before Abandoning a Match
In the case of matches where it is found necessary to stop play owing to
inclement weather or other causes, the Referee shall wait for at least forty-five
(45) minutes before deciding upon abandonment.
13. Referees to send Reports to the Competitions Division
Referees shall report to the Competitions Division, in writing, of all cases where
Teams commence a game late or are short-handed.
14. The Fourth Official who acts as Referee
If for any reason whatsoever, the seat of the Fourth Official is left vacant as the
services of the Fourth Official is required to officiate as Referee or as an
Assistant Referee in the game due to an injury sustained by any Match Officials
before or during a match or due to absenteeism or for some other cause, the
stand-by Referee or the FAS Referees’ Assessor shall stand-in as the Fourth
Official, a written report being made immediately thereafter the Match, and
notified to the Competitions Division.
15. Referee to note Colour of Goalkeeper's Jerseys
It is the duty of the Referee officiating in the S.League Matches to take notice of
the colours of the Goalkeepers' jerseys and Team Colours, and if they are not in
accordance with Rule 14, and, where applicable, Rule 15 of Section B herein, he
shall order them to change and report, in writing, all such cases to the
Competitions Division.
16. Acceptance of Appointments
Referees and Assistant Referees ought not to accept outside appointments (in the
afternoons/evenings, where applicable) on dates when they have S.League
17. Assistant Referees' Flags
Assistant Referees shall use distinctive flags, of suitable size, as may be
determined, if necessary, by the Competitions Division. Assistant Referees shall
keep the flags unfurled when in use.
18. Choice of Football to be used
The football used in the game shall be submitted to and approved by the
Competitions Division, and the Referee shall ensure the Ball's suitability before
the commencement of the game in accordance with Law 2 of the Laws of the
Subject to paragraph 18.1 above, in addition to the normal type of Ball, a
Coloured Ball not necessarily white but which complies in every respect with the
requirements of Law 2 of the Laws of the Game may be available for use.
The selected Match balls may be used throughout the match unless otherwise
determined by the Referee.
All selected balls used must be FIFA-inspected or FIFA-approved in accordance
with FIFA's technical specifications, the same to be determined by the
Competitions Committee.
19. Position of Assistant Referees
19.1 Prior to the match the Referee and Assistant Referees will decide the position of
Assistant Referees for the kick-off and their direction of patrol.
20. Processional Entry
20.1 For all matches in the S. League, Singapore Cup and League Cup competitions,
the Match Officials, preceded by the FIFA Fair Play Flag, shall lead both Teams
together on to the field of play, at least four (4) minutes prior to the kick-off time
or in accordance with the S.League’s official match countdown.
21. Indication of additional time allowed
Fourth official, on the instruction of the referee, indicates the additional time to
be allowed at the end of each half. This indication should only be made at the
end of the final minute in each period of play.
22. Match Officials’ Report
Match Commissioners and Referees shall forward their Report and Team Sheets
in the prescribed forms to the Competitions Division Office to be received by 12
noon the following day of each match, notwithstanding the fact that the
following day may be a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday. All cases of
misconduct of players, officials or spectators must also be reported.
23. Colours
Referees shall ensure that Teams play in the correct registered colours as defined
in Rule 14 and 15 of Section B herein. Any breach of this Rule shall be reported
to the Competitions Division.
24. Ball Boys
Referees shall satisfy themselves that the uniform worn by Ball Boys do not
clash with the colours worn by either of the competing Clubs. If in the Referee's
opinion there is any interference with the play or his control of the game is
affected, he is authorised to request them to change their uniform or leave the
vicinity of the field of play.
25. Referee's Uniform
Match Officials shall be required to wear match kits (including footwear) and
other apparel (as determined by the Competitions Division or the FASRC) when
on duty at the S.League matches.
26. Undertaking
All Referees appointed to officiate in the S.League Competition and registered
officials of the FAS Referees’ Committee, shall be prohibited from any form of
soccer-related betting organised by Singapore Pools Pte Ltd in association with
the S.League/FAS.
The Referees as well as members of the FAS Referees Committee shall sign an
undertaking before the start of the Season that they shall not participate in
anyway, directly or indirectly, in soccer betting or in any form of soccer related
betting and/or that they shall not receive any form of dividends arising from or
consequent to such betting organised by Singapore Pools Pte Ltd in association
with the S.League/FAS or from any other person or entity.
1. Financial Records to be kept
All Clubs shall keep their financial records in accordance with the provisions of the
Rules of FAS, and comply with the Financial Directives, Policies, Rulings and/or
Guidelines issued by the FAS; Clubs shall report in writing or by e-mail
immediately to the CEO, S.League, of any such non-compliance. FAS, through
the CEO, S.League and/or their appointed agents, shall retain, in their absolute
discretion, the right of audit of the Club’s financial and other records, and may
arrange for an inspection of all or any of such records, and/or call for the same
and/or interview personnel of a Club or others for purposes of verifying records
and/or for purposes of audit, at the Club's expense.
All Clubs must inform S.League of material changes in the Club’s financial
All sit-out Clubs are subjected to S.League’s financial regulations and directives.
All Clubs must have sufficient, suitable and qualified personnel to enable the Club
to meet its obligations. Clubs must submit their organisation chart to the S.League
before the start of the new Season, and to submit the updated organisation chart
within 1 month of any such changes.
All Clubs including sit-out Clubs will not hold S.League to any form of liabilities.
2. Operating Expenses
Operating expenses of the Club (including payments to any party) shall be met,
where possible, from income received by the Club from sponsorship or such other
sources and in accordance with the Financial Directives, Policies and/or Rulings
and/or Guidelines and/or other written communications as the FAS decide with the
Clubs, after consultation (or otherwise).
FAS shall, from time to time and/or, in its absolute discretion, be empowered, by
levy (including taking at source) or otherwise, to require Clubs to contribute such
sum or sums of money to the funds of the FAS as may be required for the purpose
of organising and managing the S.League and/or to meet any liability which the
FAS, may assume.
3. Matches
All Clubs proposing to train their Players or to play a match, whether within or
outside of Singapore, shall first notify the Chief, Competitions Division, and where
applicable, apply to FAS on the official FAS Form for sanction.
The out-of-pocket expenses permitted to be paid to Players whilst playing abroad
must not exceed Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per day for each Player.
Where required for the purpose of the FAS, the Club shall, at the behest of the
Director, Administration and Finance, S.League and/or Chief Marketing Officer,
FAS, nominate its representatives to report on matches on a “live” basis or
otherwise, and collate match statistics, inter alia, for the purpose of distribution on
FAS or S.League’s website or to the media through any other distribution channel
nominated and approved by FAS.
4. Broadcasting/Media Contracts
FAS shall enter into commercial contracts in respect of broadcasting or any other
media publication, and any such contracts shall be ratified by the Marketing
Division, FAS, before being signed by the Club.
The Clubs undertake to provide such rights, facilities and other services (inclusive
of interview with Players, Coaches, Team Officials, and Club Officials before,
during and after match) as may be necessary to enable FAS to fulfil such contracts,
including, but not limited to providing access to enable the media, whether the
local or the foreign press or publications or new media or radio and/or television
companies to report, record and broadcast and/or film S.League Matches at the
grounds of relevant Clubs or elsewhere in or outside Singapore. All such activities
should be accompanied by club media officer and using club/S.League backdrop
wherever possible and shall be communicated to the Chief Marketing Officer,
FAS, and coordinated, where applicable, with the CEO, S.League.
No S.League Match or any events involving the Club’s activity, Officials and
Players, shall be televised or recorded or transmitted by satellite or cable or any
similar method by any Club without the written consent of the CEO, S.League or
Chief Marketing Officer, FAS. This requirement shall apply to the recording of
the event or activity of the Club and/or its Officials and Players for commercial
Rules 4.1 to 4.3 above or any other Rules in these Sections relating to broadcasting
of football games via television, radio or on home video cassettes, in full or in part,
live or deferred or in excerpts, shall be subject to ratification or incorporation by
FAS of Articles 74 and 75 of FIFA Statutes and the Television and Broadcasting
Regulations thereunder; it remains understood that all broadcasts including new
media rights inclusive of those at Club level, belong exclusively to FAS, and any
transfer of these rights must have the written approval of CEO, S.League, or Chief
Marketing Officer, FAS.
5. Payment of Fees in respect of Singapore Broadcasting Money
In return for the Club’s obligation in participating in the S.League, and as the
broadcasting rights accrue to FAS, FAS may pay, in their absolute discretion, a
portion of the broadcast fees if S.League receives broadcast payments, as it shall, in
their absolute discretion, so determine, to the Club.
It is the ultimate intention that each Club may appear on at least one “live” or
“delayed” (or otherwise) televised S.League Match in each Season. S.League
reserves the right to reschedule any ‘live’ match throughout the season. If more
than one television company/firm has a contract for televising S.League Matches,
then this intention may apply in relation to each television company in respect of
S.League Matches broadcast by that company/firm.
6. Payment of Fees in respect of Overseas Broadcasting Money
In return for the Clubs providing such rights, facilities and other services to FAS to
enable it to fulfil its agreements for the broadcasting and televising outside of
Singapore and the recording and/or filming for use outside Singapore of any Match
held during any Season (such rights belonging to the FAS), including revenue from
sales for use outside Singapore of broadcast or television material, FAS may pay,
in their absolute discretion, in respect of monies so derived, fees to the Club.
7. Sponsorship and Commercial Contracts
FAS shall enter into sponsorship and other commercial contracts, and in
accordance with the different categories of fundings which FAS, through the CEO,
S.League or Chief Marketing Officer, FAS, shall specify, and all such contracts
shall be ratified by the Chief Marketing Officer, FAS before they shall be signed.
Any such contract shall be binding upon each Club whilst each Club remains a
member of the S.League. Subject as aforesaid, each Club shall comply with the
requirements of FAS or its Standing Committees in relation thereto, including the
form of the contracts, which may be specified by the Hon.Legal Advisor, FAS.
There should be no conflict between the S.League title and product sponsors with
the Club sponsors and vice versa.
Subject to the requirements of any sponsorship or other commercial contract, the
Chief Marketing Officer, FAS, shall, in his absolute discretion, divide the proceeds
of the sponsorship and commercial contracts (after expenses) whether by way of
prize funds, service payments or fees (herein called "Sponsorship Money") with
each of the Clubs for the relevant Season on a basis that FAS shall deem fair and
equitable to all parties concerned, the CEO, S.League and/or Chief Marketing
Officer, FAS reserving the right to deduct any monies either owing by the Club or
any outstandings or disbursements incurred by the Club due to FAS or to any third
Clubs must adhere to all commercial, marketing and branding guidelines issued by
CEO, S.League or Chief Marketing Officer, FAS. All Club sponsorships shall be
subjected to the approval of Chief Marketing Officer, FAS. Other than personal
apparel sponsorships, all players, coaches and officials should not endorse products
or services that are in conflict with club or S.League/FAS sponsors.
All Clubs shall conform to any and all commitments made by FAS in all
sponsorship contracts FAS has executed with commercial sponsors, and/or to
events, including matches organised or sanctioned by FAS, reasonable notice being
given to the Clubs of any or all such obligations or events/matches, inclusive of
marketing programmes. Clubs should provide access to all database including
personnel information, players, coaches, fans, members and customers for use by
A breach by any Club of any of the provisions of clause 7.4 above may be
investigated by the CEO, S.League, or the Chief Marketing Officer, FAS, either of
whom has the power to impose a fine on the Club of a maximum of $2,500.00 or
in their absolute discretion refer the breach to the Disciplinary Committee, FAS,
for such action as may deem necessary.
The Disciplinary Committee is empowered to impose all sanctions against the
Club within their powers, inclusive of any reimbursement of any damages, special
and/or general, that FAS may have paid or be ordered to pay to the sponsor arising
from the breach by the Club of any of the provisions expressed in clause 7.1 to 7.4
8. Continuing Rights of Relegated Clubs
No relegated Club or Club in anticipated dissolution or a Club in serious/gross
breach(es) of these Rules in these Sections or in FAS’s absolute view, such Club or
any Club which may incur a debt to a third party or any Club owing to FAS any
sum or sums of money of whatever origin, may receive payment of fees or a
portion thereof during the season, the CEO, S.League, determining the same.
9. Televised Matches
For matches covered by television, jerseys/shorts advertisements, stadium branding
and activities shall be subject to rules laid down by the Chief Marketing Officer,
10. Ticket Sales
10.1 Payment for tickets sold by a Visiting Club must be made to the Home Club within
seven (7) days of the date of the S.League Match taking place. Any Club making
late payment shall pay interest to the Home Club at the rate of five (5) per cent per
annum over Development Bank of Singapore Limited prime rate. All ticket sales
arrangement shall be approved in principle, and in advance, by the Director,
Administration and Finance, S.League.
10.2 Club must submit to CMO for approval prior to the start of the season
ticketing structures
club membership and season ticket programmes
corporate hospitality programmes
sponsorship programmes
11. Defaulting Clubs
11.1 If any Club defaults in making any payment due to FAS or to another Club (herein
referred to as a “defaulting Club”), CEO, S.League, Chief Marketing Officer, FAS,
or the Director, Administration and Finance, S.League, shall be entitled to apply
any sums which, under these Rules, would otherwise be payable to the defaulting
Club to FAS and/or any other Club in such manner as the Chief Marketing Officer,
FAS, or the Director, Administration and Finance, S.League, in his absolute
discretion, shall determine.
11.2 Any Club which fails to pay players’ salaries and other statutory payments will be
subjected to sanctions by S.League/FAS.
12. Consultation and Public Relations
12.1 The Club shall raise at the appropriate time, with notice being given in advance to
the Chief, Competitions Division, FAS, the Chief Marketing Officer, FAS, and
other Standing Committees of FAS, any significant policies and other significant
matters which affect the image of club or league as well as viability and
management of the Club and/or the S.League.
12.2 Matters raised therein shall be conducted with the utmost confidentiality by all
parties, and Officials, and the management of Clubs are advised that they shall not
disclose such matters by any means, whatsoever to any person, firm or corporation
which, in the opinion of FAS, may bring unfair criticism or disparage, belittle or
discredit the S.League and/or the Club.
12.3 All media announcements of such matters referred to above shall be co-ordinated
by the CEO, S.League or the Chief Marketing Officer, FAS, and the Club shall
nominate a person(s) who shall be responsible for the Club’s external
communications with the media and its public relations. Clubs must provide the
S.League individual pictures of all players in club jerseys a month before the start
of the new season.
12.4 All such Club's nominees shall co-ordinate its work, and work closely with FAS’
management to ensure that the Club and the S.League's best interests are protected,
positioned and maintained. In case of any doubt, the Club is requested to consult
the Chief Marketing Officer, FAS, or the CEO, S.League, under whose respective
authorities, the public relations and other contracts of FAS are administered.
12.5 The Chief Marketing Officer, FAS shall be kept informed of any news or media
12.6 Complaints of unethical communications through or to the media or such other
related behaviour by the Club, its Officials, its Players, and/or its supporters,
whether a member of their fan Club or otherwise, including interviews given, and
subsequent reports in the media, which in the opinion of FAS, or the Chief
Marketing Officer, FAS, or any other Committees of FAS, disparages, belittles or
discredits the S.League or brings unfair criticism thereto may be investigated by the
CEO, S.League or Chief Marketing Officer, FAS who, in their absolute discretion
respectively, may direct their findings to the Disciplinary Committee for such
action as he or they deem fit.
12.7 The Marketing Division, FAS, or any other Division of FAS shall retain, through
the CEO, S.League, the right to initiate such action at their own behest on any such
matters as hereinbefore expressed, and shall have the right to require Club Officials
and/or Players or any person to appear before it or any other Committee of the FAS
for the purposes of any such investigation and sanction, if applicable.
12.8 The Marketing Division of FAS or any other Division of FAS shall have the right
to request Players, Coaches and Officials of any Club to appear at, engage in or to
participate, whether in person or otherwise, in events, programmes and/or
activities of FAS, the S.League and/or their sponsors and such appearance,
engagement or participation shall include but not limited to the use of his name,
pictures and photographs on posters, pamphlets, brochures, electronic medium,
newspapers and other communication medium and to the use of his voice and
any films. No request shall be rejected if reasonable notice is given to the Club
of any or all of events, programmes and/or activities.
12.9 Any non-fulfilment of clause 12.8 above may be investigated by the CEO,
S.League, or the Chief Marketing Officer, FAS, either of whom has the power to
impose a fine on the Club of a maximum of $2,500.00 if reasonable notice is given
to the Club of any or all of events, programmes and / or activities.
In these Rules, the term “Club” shall (where the context requires to give full effect to the
intent of the particular provision) be construed as registered with the Registry of Societies and
with FAS (hereinafter the professional football Clubs which partake in all League
Tournaments of FAS known and referred to as “the S.League”).
In particular, where provision is made for the payment of compensation between Clubs in
respect of a Player's registration, then such provision shall extend to the movement of Players
to/from Clubs, whether with the semi-professional Clubs registered with FAS or with the
Where reference is made to the CEO, S.League or the Chief, Competitions, such reference
shall include their respective delegated representatives.
The said Rules in this Section were formulated by the Competitions Division which shall
have powers to alter, revoke, vary or add to the same from time to time.
It is declared herein that save for the Players Status Committee and references thereto, this
Section (as a whole) shall not apply to the National Football League (NFL) Clubs/Teams of
FAS or tournaments/competitions organised and/or sanctioned by FAS for such Clubs/Teams,
with the exception of the FA Cup Competition, wherein Clubs from the S.League partaking in
that (FA Cup) Competition must comply with these Rules in this Section, and Rule 6 of
Section A of these Sections or unless expressly so stated in this Section or declared as such by
the Competitions Division.
1. Types of Registration
Registration Forms shall contain such information for the guidance of the
Player as shall apply to his particular status. The documents of registration and
of transfer of registration of a Player must be in the forms issued by S.
League/FAS, and not otherwise.
2. Registration
Subject to Rule 3.4, in order to register a Player in the prescribed Registration
Form or transfer form submitted by the authorised Club Official, the same must be
sent to the Chief, Competitions within seven (7) working days of the Player's
signature together with a copy of the contract of service, Local Transfer
Certificate (LTC) or International Transfer Certificate (ITC), Certificate of
Medical Fitness, where applicable, and the Players’ Code of Conduct and
Professional Ethics, duly completed in accordance with these Rules.
The receipt by the registering Club of a the S.League Accreditation Pass for the
player concerned from the Chief, Competitions, shall determine the eligibility of
the Player to play in Matches organised and sanctioned by S.League/FAS. Subject
to Rule 3.4, the S.League Accreditation Pass must be obtained by the Club from
the S.League/FAS office and produced to the Match Commissioner for inspection
eighty (80) minutes before the kick-off of any S.League, Singapore Cup, League
Cup and Prime League matches.
3. Registrations of Players
A Registered Player is one who has signed a registration form issued by
S.League/FAS for the S.League and who has been registered and approved by
S.League/FAS before playing in any competitions organised and sanctioned by
S.League/FAS or the Competitions Division and /or Competitions Committee.
Such Player will only be eligible to play in a match, whether friendly or otherwise,
organised and sanctioned by S.League/FAS if the appropriate forms are received
and found and acknowledged in writing to be in order (as per Rule 2.2 herein) by
the CEO, S.League or the Chief, Competitions.
A recent passport-size colour photograph of the Player to be registered must be
affixed and initialled or signed by the Player (on the photograph) on every copy of
the Registration Form; any such initial or signature must not be done on the photoface of the Player.
Notwithstanding Rule 3.2 above, registration by the Clubs of Players for the
S.League shall be made on the dates decided by the Competitions Division for
Local and Foreign Players. The Competitions Division, shall, in their absolute
discretion, extend the deadline in given circumstances.
Every local S.League team shall have a minimum of eighteen (18) Full-Time
Non-Amateur players and a maximum of twenty (20) registered players at the
pre-season minimum registration deadline (set by Competitions Division), and
at the commencement and during the currency of a season, inclusive of a
minimum of four (4) and a maximum of five (5) foreign players, with the
exception of foreign teams.
Albirex Niigata (S) FC and Brunei DPMM FC shall at the pre-season
minimum registration deadline (set by Competitions Division), and at the
commencement and during the currency of the season, shall register a
minimum of twenty (20) and a maximum of twenty-five (25) Full-Time
Non-Amateur players. It is mandatory that at least three (3) of the
stipulated minimum number of players shall be registered as goalkeepers.
Brunei DPMM FC are allowed to register a maximum of five (5) foreign
players (i.e. non-Bruneian nationality). Without breaching any of the
Rules, a maximum of five (5) foreign players can be named or fielded at
any one match.
Harimau Muda shall at the pre-season minimum registration deadline (set
by Competitions Division), and at the commencement and during the
currency of a season, register a minimum of twenty (20) and a maximum
of thirty-five (35) players. All local players (i.e. Malaysian nationality)
registered for Harimau Muda shall be under twenty-three (23) years of age
(born on or after 1st January 1990). It is mandatory that at least three (3) of
the stipulated minimum number of players shall be registered as
goalkeepers. Harimau Muda are allowed to register a maximum of five (5)
foreign players. Without breaching any of the Rules, a maximum of five
(5) foreign players can be named or fielded at any one match.
Young Lions shall at the pre-season minimum registration deadline (set
by Competitions Division), and at the commencement and during the
currency of a season, register a minimum of twenty (20) and a maximum
of thirty-five (35) players. All local players registered for Young Lions
shall be under twenty-three (23) years of age (born on or after 1st January
1990). Young Lions are allowed to register a maximum of five (5) foreign
players. Without breaching any of the Rules, a maximum of five (5)
foreign players can be named or fielded at any one match.
All foreign players under the age of eighteen (18) cannot be transferred
internationally, unless they move to Singapore with their family for reasons that
are not linked to football, or the player concerned lives no further than 50km from
a national border and the club with which the player wishes to be registered in the
neighbouring association is also within 50km of that border.
Clubs intending to employ foreign players must seek prior approval in writing
from Chief, Competitions.
Permanent Residents are deemed to be Foreign Players.
Players in the S. League teams shall be allocated jersey numbers 1 to 20. For the
Prime League, the allocated jersey numbers are from 21 to 40. For foreign teams,
players shall be allocated jersey numbers 1 up to 25. For the Young Lions, players
shall be allocated jersey numbers 1 up to 35. For the NFA’s representative youth
teams participating in the Prime League competition, players shall be allocated
jersey numbers 1 up to 60. The Competitions Division reserves the right to
allocate other numbers to teams.
Any Local Non-Amateur Full-Time or Part-Time player employed by a Club shall
be for a minimum period of six (6) months unless he was signed by the Club
during the ‘window transfer’ or in circumstances contemplated by or within the
Rules of the S.League.
All players must pass the stipulated 2.4km Fitness Test level before they are
eligible to play for a club. Without breaching any of the S.League Rules,
provisional registration may be granted for players who have yet to pass the
Fitness Test for whatever reason. Such players will only be eligible to play after
passing the Fitness Test.
4. Multiplicity of Registration
In the event of a Player signing registration forms for more than one Club, priority
of registration shall be the deciding factor. The Club submitting the later form
shall be notified of the prior registration of the Player, and Chief, Competitions,
shall investigate the circumstances under which the registration forms were
Any player found to have wilfully signed registration forms with more than one
Club or a Club found to have knowingly induced a Registered Player of another
Club to sign a registration form shall be dealt with by Chief, Competitions, in such
manner as he shall think fit.
Local and Foreign Players who have been de-registered or have his contract
terminated by the Club during the season, will be allowed to move to another S.
League Club during the next registration window provided it does not contravene
any of the S.League Rules.
In extenuating circumstances, Chief, Competitions can approve Players to move
to another S.League Club before the next registration window.
5. Players Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics
Pursuant to Rule 2.1 above, all player Registration Forms must be accompanied by a
signed copy of the Players’ Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics (hereinafter “the
Players Code of Conduct”).
5.1 Corruption: What You Need To Know
(a) All Clubs shall have in their possession a copy of the document titled
“Corruption: What You Need To Know” (hereinafter “the Corruption
(b) Prior to the signing of the Players’ Code of Conduct, a Club representative is
to brief all Players thoroughly and clarify all existing doubts about the Players
Code of Conduct as well as the Corruption Document.
(c) A copy of the Corruption Document must also be extended to all Players.
The Players’ Code of Conduct will have to be submitted so long as there is a
need for player registration with S.League/FAS for whatsoever for any (or any
part of a) Season. The Player concerned and a witness should sign the Players’
Code of Conduct. The witness should also be able to ascertain that the Player
was properly briefed on the Players’ Code of Conduct and the Corruption
For Players under twenty-one (21) years of age at the time of signing the
Players’ Code of Conduct, the parent/guardian will sign as witness to the
The Player is to subject himself to a dope and/or a polygraph examination
when directed by S.League/FAS in its absolute discretion.
6. Local Transfer Certificate (LTC)/International Transfer Certificate (ITC)
The transfer of a local player registration from one club to another must be in
writing on the official transfer certificate (hereinafter known as the “Local
Transfer Certificate” or “LTC”).
Without breaching any of the S.League Rules, the LTC shall be issued by the
player’s former club.
A club requesting for the player’s LTC should be in writing and a copy be
extended to the Chief, Competitions.
The LTC must be issued by the releasing club within seven (7) days from the
date of request. For NS players (ORD) returning to their former clubs, the LTC
must be issued immediately (the next day after ORD date). If the releasing club
is unable to release the LTC, the reason(s) must be made known in writing to
the requesting club, with a copy to Chief, Competitions who shall have the
authority to decide on the validity of the reason(s) stated.
When the LTC is not issued within seven (7) days period, the club requesting for
the LTC may seek assistance from the Chief, Competitions, at its absolute
discretion, may issue a LTC for the player concerned on behalf of the Club
concerned. For NS players (ORD) returning to their former clubs, when the LTC
is not issued immediately (the next day after ORD date), the club requesting for
the LTC may seek assistance from the Chief, Competitions, at its absolute
discretion, may issue a LTC immediately for the player concerned on behalf of the
Club concerned.
Only when the request for the International Transfer Certificate (ITC) of a player
(foreign or local) has been made by FAS to the counter association, provided all
other registration documents are in order and no S.League Rules are being
breached, may provisional registration be granted by Chief, Competitions, for the
player concerned pending the arrival of the ITC. The player concerned will only
be eligible to play when the ITC is received by FAS.
In accordance with FIFA’s Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players, the
transfer process for the ITC of a non-amateur player, or an amateur player
assuming non-amateur status with his new Club, must be initiated by S.League
Clubs and completed through the FIFA Transfer Matching System (TMS).
7. Breach of Conditions of Registration
Failure to comply with any of the conditions relating to registration will render
the Player ineligible to play for the Club concerned as not being a Registered
It shall be deemed misconduct for a Club to play an unregistered/ineligible Player
in a Competition either organised or sanctioned by S.League/FAS.
8. List of Players
All Players playing in the S.League must be under contract, either as: - Amateur
- Non-Amateur (full-time and part-time)
9. Amateur Players (Local)
An amateur Player is one who does not play football professionally and are
paid expenses such as travelling allowances, etc. The sum per month shall not
exceed the budgeted figure of three hundred dollars ($300.00).
Without breaching any of the Rules in these Sections, a club can sign up to a
maximum of only two (2) local amateur players (Prime League) with a
monthly allowance up to Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) each without
approval from Chief, Competitions. Foreign amateur players signed by a club
are not subject to this ruling.
With reference to Rule 5.8 of Section F, an amateur Player, regardless of age, who
wishes to move to another club at the end of his contract is free to do so without
his new club having to pay any form of compensation, provided that he retains his
amateur status at his new club.
With reference to Rule 5.8 of Section F, an amateur Player under the age of 23
(born on or after 1st January 1990), who is out of contract and wishes to move to
another Club and change his status to that of a non-amateur, is free to do so, but
his original Club can seek compensation based upon a justifiable claim for
training compensation.
With reference to Rule 5.8 of Section F, an amateur Player who is above the age
of 23 (born on or before 31st December 1989), who is out of contract and wishes
to move to another Club and change his status to that of a non-amateur, is free to
do so without his new club having to pay any form of compensation to his
previous club(s).
Players wishing to regain amateur status i.e. from non-amateur to amateur may
refer to Rule 12 of Section F herein: Re-acquisition of Amateur Status.
10. Non-Amateur Players (Foreign Players)
A Foreign Player having completed his contract is free to leave provided that
the terms and conditions stipulated in his ITC have been adhered to (e.g. on his
transfer, loan, retention of contract, etc).
Subject to the above, if a Foreign Player, at the end of his contract, wishes to
move to another Club within the S.League, the Club which he initially played for
can claim as a compensation for his training subject to the relevant Rules in
Section F.
Subject to the conditions stipulated in Rule 7 (2) under Section F, a three (3)
month compensation of the player’s last drawn salary or a three (3) month
compensation of the player’s salary with his new club, whichever is higher, shall
be paid to his previous Club when he moves to another S.League Club.
If the services of a contracted Foreign Player is sought by a foreign club, the local
S.League Club may negotiate a transfer fee as they are the holders of that Player's
11. Local Players
Full-Time Non-Amateur Players
A full-time non-amateur Player is a Player who earns his living solely from
football; he will be contracted on a minimal six (6) months basis. If a full-time
non-amateur Player wishes to move to another Club at the end of his contract, he
is free to do so provided that he has fulfilled all his contractual obligations.
Part-Time Non-Amateur Players
A part-time non-amateur Player is defined as one who may be in an institution
of learning or whose main source of income is gained from employment other
than football; he can be contracted for a minimal six (6) months in a playing
season. He is, however, paid a secondary income for his footballing activities.
This secondary income will be subject to CPF contributions and tax liability.
After fulfilling his contractual obligations, the Player is free to move to any
Club of his choice.
12. Execution of Contracts
All Players on attaining the age of majority (21 years of age) can execute nonamateur contracts.
Players who have reached the age of sixteen (16) at the time of the execution of
the contract can execute (full-time or part-time) non-amateur contracts in their
personal capacity in that it is for their benefit. A written consent must be obtained
from the player’s parent or guardian if he is below twenty-one (21) years of age at
the time of execution of the contract.
All other contracts, amateur in nature, involving minors (between the ages of 16
and 21) must be signed by either of the Player's parents or guardian (where
applicable), and witnessed by the Player contracted, and where any such Player is
in school or is in a tertiary institution, that school or tertiary institution shall be so
notified of the contract by the Club.
13. Conditions of Contract
No Player under the age of sixteen (16) years can sign a non-amateur contract,
and such a Player for all purposes shall be treated as having amateur status
Amateur Players shall be paid from the date the training commences until the final
day of the Season.
(a) All contracts of service between Clubs and Players must be on the official
form approved by S.League/FAS to be obtained from S.League/FAS, and
shall be for a minimal period of six (6) months, and subject to these Rules.
The contracts must be signed on behalf of the Club by the Hon. Secretary or
any other authorised Club Official. Clubs shall be free at any time to renegotiate or amend contracts of service where it relates to Schedule 1 with its
Players on such terms in writing as shall be mutually acceptable; but the main
body of the contract in its official form shall not be amended without leave of
the CEO, S.League or the Chief, Competitions.
(b) Clubs shall submit copies of all contracts of service including any
amendments, variations and addendums thereof, (and including amendments
to Schedule 1) to the CEO, S.League or the Chief, Competitions, and such
contracts including any amendments, variations and addendums shall be
subject to the approval of CEO, S.League and/or Chief, Competitions.
(c) Full details of all payments to or benefits paid in cash or in kind on behalf of
Players must be included in the contract of service to be set out in Schedule 1
thereto, and must comply with the Rulings of S.League/FAS, in particular to
salary caps.
(d) It shall be a condition of all payments to Players that all stipulated sums in the
contract of service shall be strictly adhered to by all Clubs and Players, and
any Player who has not received his dues under his written contract shall
notify in writing the CEO, S.League or the Chief, Competitions, as soon as
(e) The CEO, S.League or the Chief, Competitions, shall be at liberty to call for
any and all records of payments by Clubs whether in the form of salaries or
match bonus or whatever; any Club failing to provide such records shall be
deemed guilty of misconduct.
Any censures/reprimands and/or fines, suspensions and/or notices of
determination or sanctions or whatsoever penalties of any contract of service of a
Player must be recorded and forthwith reported to the CEO, S.League or the
Chief, Competitions, and such notification must be accompanied by a copy of any
notice served and/or reasons for any such action adjudicated and determined on
the Player.
(a) (i) If any Player or Official shall be found guilty of serious or persistent
misconduct or serious or persistent breach of the terms and conditions of his
contract of service or of the disciplinary rules of the Club, the Club may on giving
written notice to the Player, terminate the contract without prejudice to the Club's
rights, and the Club shall notify the Player or Official in writing as soon as
practicable but no later than four (4) days, of the full reasons for the action taken.
(ii) Such action shall be subject to the Player's or the Official's right of appeal
to the CEO, S.League or the Chief, Competitions, who shall decide by
himself or refer it to an Arbitrator or a Board of three (3) Arbitrators at the
absolute discretion of the CEO, S.League, or the Chief, Competitions or
the CEO, S.League, or the Chief, Competitions, may refer such appeal at
his absolute discretion to the Players Status Committee within seven (7)
days of receipt by the Player or Official of such written notification of
such action (with the full reasons from the Club) from the Club, and any
decision of the Players Status Committee or the CEO, S.League, or Chief,
Competitions or the Arbitrator or the Board of Arbitrators, where
applicable, shall be made within fourteen (14) days of receipt of such
notice of appeal of the Player or Official or such extended period
requested for from the CEO, S.League, or the Chief, Competitions, and
approved as such but no later than a month of receipt of such notice of
appeal as they shall so determine.
(b) The Player or Official shall have the right to a personal hearing before the
CEO, S.League, or Chief, Competitions or the Arbitrator or Board of
Arbitrators or the Players Status Committee, and shall have the right to
representation by any member of his then Club that adjudicated and
determined against him. An Advocate and Solicitor may represent the Player
or the Club only if he is a member of that Club for a continuous period of
twelve (12) months preceding any such notice of appeal.
(c) The CEO, S.League, or the Chief, Competitions or the Arbitrator or the Board
of three (3) Arbitrators or the Players Status Committee, may summon or call
any witness or witnesses or any document or documents from the Club and/or
the Player or Official to adjudicate and determine any issue.
(d) The CEO, S.League, or the Chief, Competitions or the Arbitrator or the Board
of three (3) Arbitrators or the Players Status Committee shall determine any
appeal if the Player or Official, appealing against the decision of the Club,
absents himself, provided that due notice has been given to him of the hearing
If any Player or Official shall be guilty of misconduct or breach of the disciplinary
rules of the Club (other than as provided for above), the Club may determine the
Agreement or suspend the Player or Official for a defined period not exceeding
fourteen (14) days and/or impose a fine not exceeding two weeks' wages or
censure the Player or Official, and the Club shall notify the Player or Official in
writing of the full reason(s) for the action taken. Rights of appeal are as set out in
Rule 13.5(a)(ii) above.
All contracts of service, in particular Schedule 1 thereof, between Clubs and
Contract Players or Officials must be treated as private and confidential.
(a) When a Player's Contract is terminated by mutual consent, the Club may
retain the Player's registration until he signs for another Club and may be entitled,
without further payment to the Player, to a compensation fee for training and/or
development in respect of any subsequent transfer of his registration as per
Section F of these Rules. The Player shall be informed in writing of the Club's
intention to retain his registration.
(b) Any dispute or impasse between the Club holding the Player's registration and
any other Club negotiating to obtain such registration as to the amount of
compensation payable shall, as soon as practicable, and within these
Rules/Sections, be determined by the Players Status Committee, FAS.
All Clubs must submit a Return of Players' Earnings for the previous tax year, not
later than 30th November in any Season.
13.10 All termination of contracts between Club and Player shall be of mutual consent
and not unilaterally by either party.
14. Termination of Contract/Cancellation of Registration
Any local Contracted Player whose registration is cancelled or who is released or
terminated by his Club on the grounds of permanent disability or for any other
reason or cause howsoever arising, shall not be registered for any other Club,
without the prior written consent of the Club which last held his registration.
The registration of a Contract Player, local or foreign, released or terminated by
his Club shall be cancelled subject to Chief, Competitions being satisfied the
same. The Club must notify the CEO, S.League or the Chief, Competitions,
immediately in writing, accompanied by supporting or relevant documents related
to the termination when the registration of such a Player is cancelled by the Club
for any reason whatsoever. Any Club found to have infringed this Rule shall be
deemed to be guilty of misconduct.
15. Window for Transfer
Pursuant to Article 18.2 of the FIFA Regulations for the Status and Transfer of
Players, players are normally contracted for one playing season. However, in the
Singapore context, due to our limited talent base and the fact that our league is still
in its infancy, players are contracted for a minimum of six (6) months. Hence, in
order to maintain club stability and flexibility of employment for players, this
contract can be further shortened by mutual consent between the club and the
Insofar as it applies to the currency of the S.League Competition, Singapore
Cup Competition, League Cup Competition and Prime League Competition,
and notwithstanding anything herein these Rules in these Sections, there shall
be two (2) windows for transfer.
No changing of players shall be made after the close of the first registration
Clubs in the S.League can change as many of their local and foreign Players
during the second registration window on any dates decided by the
Competitions Division. Without breaching any of the Rules in these Sections, a
player is eligible to play when he is registered before 12 noon on the day of the
match. If any Club in the S.League has not filled up its full quota of Players,
then such a Club can register those additional Players during the registration
These windows for transfer will apply except in the case of Players going into or
out of National Service or national commitments, where such a Player is permitted
to be registered with Home United Football Club or Warriors Football Club or the
Young Lions or his previous Club or a new Club of his choice, provided that the
Club not exhausted their full quota of Players.
Clubs falling short or failing to register the minimum registration requirements by
the minimum registration deadlines and after the close of registration windows
shall constitute a disciplinary offence.
16. Transfer While Under Contract
During the currency of a contract of a Contracted Player, the transfer of his
registration from one Club to another must be in writing on the official transfer
form (hereinafter known as the “Local Transfer Certificate” or “LTC”) and
together with a written transfer agreement regarding the termination of the
contract and payment of the transfer fee.
Such a Contract Player does not become a Registered Player of the Club seeking
his transfer until the Club has received from the CEO, S.League, or the Chief,
Competitions, his new S.League Accreditation Pass, and a covering letter
confirming registration and eligibility to play as per Rule 2.2
It is the responsibility of the Club seeking the transfer of a Player to satisfy itself
as to the Player's fitness and a certificate to the effect that such Club is satisfied
with all non-amateur (full-time) Players’ medical fitness must be forwarded to the
Chief Competitions, before the player’s S.League Accreditation Pass is issued.
17. Transfers After Expiry of Contract
Subject to these provisions of this Section or these Sections, a Local Player shall
be free at the end of his contractual engagement to seek registration with any Club
of his choice.
18. Conditions of Transfer
The terms and conditions of all transfers of registration must be forthwith reported
to the Chief, Competitions and a copy of the agreement giving full details of the
transfer fee, if any, signed by both Clubs, must be received by the S.League/FAS
office at the same time as the Registration Form and the LTC/ITC in respect of all
Players signed for a fee whether local or from abroad. Transfers shall not be
registered until the CEO, S.League, and the Chief, Competitions is satisfied exfacie that all formalities and/or arrangements have been complied with.
All transfer fees (inclusive of any sign-on fees whatsoever), if any, shall be treated
as private and confidential, the Chief, Competitions or the Competitions
Committee or the Director, Administration and Finance Division or the
Administration and Finance Committee, having the right to know, and obtaining
the same from the Club on demand.
The approval and registration of any player, local or foreign in these Rules, is at
the absolute discretion of S.League/FAS, as the case may be, and in any event,
there shall be no transfer of any Player in the S.League 2013 Season or beyond,
save for what has been set out in these Rules in this Section, or as determined by
the Players Status Committee (Section F of these Rules).
19. Temporary Transfers: Loans
Transfers of registrations of Contracted Players, which in the opinion of the Chief,
Competitions, are of temporary nature, will not be allowed between Clubs except
in the case of goalkeepers in extenuating circumstances (e.g. if the Club's regular
goalkeeper(s) has/have been stricken with illness or suffer(s) from injury), and
with the approval of the Chief, Competitions provided that the quota as per these
Rules in this Section is maintained and/or complied with. Such illness or injury
must be supported by medical reports; the Chief, Competitions reserve the right to
send the goalkeeper(s) for further medical examination(s) at the Club’s expense.
The Chief, Competitions is at liberty to call for any medical records or to direct
the Club or on any of the respective Committee's own volition, to seek a medical
opinion on the goalkeeper concerned from a medical specialist of the respective
Committee's choice, at the Club's expense.
In order to register a goalkeeper on temporary transfer the prescribed registration
form issued by S.League/FAS and containing details of all payments and benefits
in kind being made on behalf of the goalkeeper, must be submitted to the Chief,
Competitions for approval. The provisions of Rule 16.1 to Rule 16.3 above shall
not apply to such registrations.
Chief, Competitions shall not approve more than two (2) temporary transfers to
any Club at any one time. The maximum number of temporary transfers allowed
to any Club in a Season shall not exceed three (3). It is at the absolute discretion
of Chief, Competitions to allow the additional temporary transfer (or transfers) of
a goalkeeper (or goalkeepers) in extenuating circumstances, the quota of Players
being maintained by the Club in reference as per these Rules.
Chief, Competitions shall not allow a Club to sign a goalkeeper on temporary
transfer for a period less than one month (30 days), unless in exceptional
circumstances, and with the consent of Chief Competitions, and as per these
Chief, Competitions shall not permit a Club to sign a goalkeeper on temporary
transfer for a period in excess of three (3) months in any one Season, save in
extenuating circumstances and at the complete discretion of Chief, Competitions,
and as per these Rules.
Temporary Transfers which subsequently become permanent shall count against a
Club's quota.
Except for the above provisions of this Rule, a goalkeeper whose registration is
transferred by a Club or whose registration is cancelled for the purpose of joining
any other Club shall not subsequently be re-registered for the original Club within
a period of six (6) months from the date he left the Club, except with the prior
consent of Chief, Competitions.
Notwithstanding anything in these sub-Rules, and save for the temporary transfer
of goalkeeper(s) as hereinbefore described, no temporary transfers shall be
permitted for the S.League 2013 Competition or beyond, unless as otherwise
determined by Chief, Competitions.
Team Remuneration Cap and Bonus Rules
Team Remuneration Cap
The total monthly remuneration of all registered players for an
S.League team shall not exceed S$85,000.
The foreign teams and Young Lions are exempted from this cap.
Subject to sub-rule (d) below, the remuneration cap rules shall
apply to all registered players equally, regardless of citizenship,
nationality or permanent residency status.
The monthly remuneration of the highest-paid foreign player and
Star Player (if any) is excluded from the calculation of the total
monthly remuneration of an S.League team.
Computation of Remuneration
Foreign Players (Full-Time Non-Amateur)
The sum of the following will be the remuneration:
Basic monthly salary paid by club
Income Tax if paid on behalf of a player
Benefits in cash and kind if paid directly to the player, for
example but not limited to, children’s school fees,
accommodation, allowances, relocation fees, medical
insurance for player and immediate family, transport
allowance, home passage for player and immediate family
Any extra payments (to be prorated monthly).
Local Players (Full-Time Non-Amateur – not including Foreign
Talent Scheme players)
The sum of the following or S$2,000, whichever is higher will be
the remuneration:
Basic monthly salary paid by club
Benefits in cash and kind irrespective of whether it is paid
directly to a player or not
Any extra payments (to be prorated monthly).
Local Players (Part-Time Non-Amateur)
The sum of the following or S$1,500, whichever is higher will be the
Basic monthly salary paid by club
Benefits in cash and kind irrespective of whether it is paid
directly to a player or not
(iii) Any extra payments (to be prorated monthly).
National Service
The sum of the following or the last drawn salary or S$1,500,
whichever is higher will be the remuneration:
Basic monthly salary/allowance paid by club
Benefits in cash and kind irrespective of whether it is paid
directly to a player or not
Any extra payments (to be prorated monthly).
Foreign Talent Scheme Players
The sum of the following will be the remuneration
Basic monthly salary paid by club
Basic monthly salary paid by FAS
Income Tax if paid on behalf of a player
Benefits in cash and kind if paid directly to the player, for
example but not limited to children’s school fees,
accommodation allowances, relocation fees, medical
insurance for player and immediate family, transport
allowance, home passage for player and immediate family.
Any extra payments (to be prorated monthly).
Star Player (optional)
Each club is permitted to sign a Star Player who will be
exempted from the S.League’s fitness test requirements,
provided no other S.League Rules are being breached.
The Star Player will count as one of the club’s quota of
foreign players.
A club can sign the Star Player for any length of time; the
minimum six (6) months contract period stated in Article
13.3(a) of this Section does not apply.
All other registration rules including registration window
periods shall apply.
For the purpose of this scheme, an ad-hoc committee
appointed by CEO S.League shall determine a player’s
eligibility for S.League Star Player status.
The decision of the ad-hoc committee and/or CEO S.League
is final.
Should there be a genuine third party sponsor involved in
the signing of a Star Player, the player’s club must declare
such sponsorships and submit documentary evidence to
S.League SBU immediately upon such sponsorships being
entered into.
(viii) It is not compulsory for a club to sign a Star Player.
Specific Exclusions for Remuneration Computation
Sponsored football boots and attire issued to players
Course/Training Fees paid directly to service providers for players
to attend education programs to enhance employability
Employer’s CPF contributions
Prize money (including Man of the Match Awards during Live
Match Bonuses
Match Bonuses, when paid, are to be paid equally to all players who are
fielded and equally for those who are reserves, in respect of matches won
or drawn only. Match bonuses shall not exceed S$125,000 (applicable to
S.League and Singapore Cup) in aggregate for a team per season.
Match bonuses are excluded from the remuneration cap. Apart from match
bonuses, other bonuses will be included in the Remuneration Cap.
Monitoring Remuneration Cap
The S.League SBU will perform due diligence for each Player’s
Registration Form received. If required, club officials (in the first
instance) and affected players will be interviewed. Supporting
documents (e.g. IR8A) may also be requested.
Each Club Chairman will also be required to provide written
confirmation (with the list of players’ remuneration information)
stating that the Remuneration Cap has not been breached. It is
anticipated that this will be required at the beginning of the season
and after transfer window(s).
The S.League SBU will take other actions, as it deems appropriate.
Penalties for Breach of Remuneration Cap and Bonus Rules
A club found to have breached any of the above-mentioned rules
shall be fined up to a maximum of S$100,000 or have a maximum
of 24 points deducted from its league standing, or both. The penalty
shall be decided by the FAS Disciplinary Committee.
21. Full-Time National Service & Young Lions
Subject to Rule 4 above, local Players, whether non-amateur or otherwise, who
have not been registered or enlisted for full-time National Service, and those
who have been deferred from full-time National Service can be contracted by a
Club for not more than three (3) years in service to the said Club.
Contracted Players from Clubs called up for full-time National Service or
national commitment in the Young Lions shall be released (temporarily) from
their contractual obligations during their term of (full-time) National Service
and national commitments. Upon completion of all full-time National Service
and national commitments, these Players shall return immediately (the next
day), upon their (full-time National Service) ORD or completion of national
commitments, to their former Club, at the behest of their contracting Club,
under the terms and conditions of their (original) contracts, if any such terms
and conditions are remaining or outstanding, and subject to Rule 21.5 below.
Without breaching any of the Rules, contracted Players from Clubs called up for
Full-time National Service may sign on in the services as a professional Singapore
Armed Forces officer or personnel, or a Police officer, Civil Defence or Prisons
When a Player from a S.League Club is called up for full-time National Service or
Young Lions during any S.League Season, the Player's Club may register a new
Player to cover the vacancy created by the said enlistment. It is expressly
understood that Home United Football Club, Warriors Football Club or Young
Lions may register such a Player provided that the said respective Clubs have not
exhausted its full quota of Players. This is despite the transfer window being
When a Player has completed his full-time National Service or goes on ORD, or
completed his contractual obligations with Young Lions, he can be registered by
his previous Club still holding his original contract prior to enlistment into fulltime National Service or registration by Young Lions, provided that the previous
Club has not exhausted its full quota of Players. This is despite the transfer
window being closed. In such a case, the Club that the Player was representing
whilst performing full-time National Service or Young Lions may register another
Player to cover the vacancy.
When a Player completes his Full-time National Service or goes on ORD, or
completed his contractual obligations with Young Lions but has no existing
contract with any Club, Home United Football Club, Warriors Football Club and
the Young Lions are obliged to make this known in writing to Chief Competitions
and or CEO, S.League, who shall then disseminate this information to all
S.League clubs. The Player will still be permitted to be registered with any club of
his choice provided that the Club has not exhausted its full quota of Players. This
is despite the transfer window being closed.
A Player, of whatever status, called-up for full-time National Service, may play as
an amateur Player. His original contract will remain with his original Club.
Players doing their full-time National Service (NSF) are prohibited from entering
into a contract of service with any S.League team.
Upon ORD or completion of contractual obligations with Young Lions, the
Player, of whatever status, will return to the Club which still holds his contract
and will complete the balance of that contract. Upon completion, these Rules will
apply to this Player as with all others.
Clubs are not allowed to negotiate with a Player, who is serving his full-time
National Service until thirty (30) days prior to his ORD, notification of which
must be given to the original Club having that Player's contract.
22. Inducements
S.League Clubs or their Officials shall not approach any Player/Coach to make
inquiries for the purpose of inducing that Player/Coach to join his Club or
make or offer to make any payment whatsoever in cash or in kind or by any
other form to Players/Coaches or their families or any other person as an
inducement to sign other than those provided for in these Rules or by the
respective Committees of FAS.
The Player/Coach shall not induce or attempt to induce any other Player/Coach
in the S.League Club to leave that Club for any reason whatsoever.
Any Club, Official or Player/Coach or member of the S.League Club found to
have infringed this Rule or Rules 23 and 24 herein shall be deemed guilty of
misconduct, and shall be referred to Chief, Competitions, and/or CEO,
S.League, who may refer the matter to the Disciplinary Committee, FAS.
23. Inducement and Approaches
Subject to the provisions of Rule 13 above, Clubs, Officials or Players/Coaches
shall not directly or indirectly attempt to induce a Registered Player/Coach of
another Club to leave for any purpose whatsoever the Club with which he is
registered. Any infringement of this Rule shall be deemed to be misconduct and
shall be dealt with by the CEO, S.League or Chief, Competitions, in his absolute
discretion, who shall (but not limited to) be entitled to take such action and/or
impose such penalties as stipulated in Rule 9 under Section G against the Official
or Player/Coach or the Club as they may in the circumstances think fit. Any
penalty imposed on a Club may include the refusal to register for the Club, guilty
of the infringement, any Player/Coach who they consider has been so induced.
Public statements by Club Officials of their interest in Registered Players/Coaches
of other Clubs shall be regarded as inducements within the meaning of this Rule.
All transfers (including any temporary transfer) of registrations shall be arranged
directly between the Clubs concerned (and the Player/Coach) and not through or
by an agent (subject to this Section). No Club shall employ a Player who is on the
list of Registered Players/Coaches of another Club or who has failed to comply
with a decision of the CEO, S.League or Chief, Competitions or the Arbitrator or
the Board of three (3) Arbitrators or the Players Status Committee, adjudicated on
an appeal made under these Rules. The CEO, S.League or Chief, Competitions
may impose any penalty, at his absolute discretion, including a refusal to register
the Player/Coach.
Subject to the provisions of any Rule on compensation, a Registered Player/Coach
shall not directly or indirectly communicate with or approach another Club or any
Official or Player/Coach of another Club with the object of negotiating or
arranging the transfer of himself or another Player/Coach to such other Club
during the currency of contract. Any infringement of this rule shall render the
Player/Coach concerned and any Official or other Player/Coach who enters into
communication or negotiation with him liable to such penalties by way of fine,
suspension, expulsion or otherwise as the CEO, S.League or Chief, Competitions
may deem fit in the circumstances.
24. Approaches by Clubs
Clubs or their Officials shall not directly or indirectly approach any Player/Coach
whose name is on the Club's List of Players/Coaches of another Club except in
accordance with Rule 17 and 30 of this Section.
25. Fitness Test (2.4km Run)
The Director (Operations), S.League and/or Chief, Competitions, will decide on the
dates of the tests and the level of the test for S.League registered players and for Prime
League registered players to be eligible to play in S.League, Prime League, League
Cup and Singapore Cup tournaments.
S.League :
Every S.League player is required to take the 2.4km Fitness Test
and to achieve the required level as stipulated by the S.League
and the fulfilment of the required level shall be a pre-condition to
the player’s eligibility to play in the S.League, League Cup and
Singapore Cup. A Player who fails to pass the test or have yet to
attempt the test for whatever reason(s), is allowed to be
registered but shall only be eligible to play after he passes the
Players who are registered as goalkeepers are not allowed to play in any other
positions other than the goalkeeper position unless they have achieved passing mark
required for that of an outfield player.
The passing marks for S.League players are as follows:
Outfield Player – Below 10 min:15sec
Goalkeeper – Below 12 min
Prime League:
Every Prime League player is required to take the Beep Test
and to achieve the required level as stipulated by the S.League
and the fulfilment of the required level shall be a pre-condition
to the player’s eligibility to play in the Prime League, S.League,
League Cup and Singapore Cup. A Player who fails to pass the
test or have yet to attempt the test for whatever reason(s), is
allowed to be registered but shall only be eligible to play after
he passes the test.
Players who are registered as goalkeepers are not allowed to play in any other
positions other than the goalkeeper position unless they have achieved passing mark
required for that of an outfield player.
The passing marks for Prime League players are as follows:
Outfield Player – Below 10 min:45sec
Goalkeeper – Below 12 min
Players who are injured or on medical leave on the appointed date of the test may
be given another opportunity to take the test to be determined by the Chief,
Players will not be allowed to play in the S.League/Prime League/League
Cup/Singapore Cup tournaments until they have passed the Fitness Test. A player
who has not acquired the required level is considered an ineligible player when
fielded in the match and the appropriate sanctions will be taken against the
player/club concerned.
Any Club failing to register a minimum of eighteen (18) S.League players who
have passed the Fitness Test at the commencement of the League shall be deemed
to have committed an offence of gross misconduct and be referred to the
Disciplinary Committee for disciplinary action.
26. Players Released from the National Football Academy (NFA)
Without breaching any of the S.League Rules, a player released by the NFA shall
return to the Club where he was at the time called up by the NFA.
27.Non-Payment to Players
If a Club is found to be in default of any payment due in accordance with a
Player's Contract or payment in consequence of termination of such Contract, or
upon adjudication and determination by the Players Status Committee, FAS, or as
hereinafter set out, Chief, Competitions may at his absolute discretion, place an
embargo on any registration by such Club of any Player or any other condition
until the payment is made.
The Chief, Competitions may decide on what action to take or may refer at his
absolute discretion the non-payment by the Club to their respective Committees of
the FAS or the Players Status Committee, FAS, for any action they deem fit.
28. Medical Matters
Every Club shall have insurance cover for all Contract Players and Trainee
Players (football related injuries only for Trainee Players) through a Medical
Insurance Scheme.
All Contract Players in the S.League and Prime League Competitions shall
undergo a medical screening and the Certificate of Medical Fitness must be
certified by the doctor in the original form and/or as prescribed by the Medical
Committee, FAS, and attached to the relevant registration forms at the time of
registration. After the doctor has filled up the player’s screening forms, the
forms shall be kept in the Club’s office, and only the Club’s medical staff or
Coach or a responsible Official of the Club can have access to them.
All Clubs shall ensure that their Medical Practitioner or physiotherapist or
Sports Trainer or Coach or such other Official keeps detailed up-to-date
medical records for all Contract Players. The medical records of all Contract
Players must include a valid Health Certificate, issued and up-dated regularly
in accordance with guidelines provided by the Competitions Division or the
Medical Committee, FAS.
When a Player's registration is about to be transferred, the transferring Club
must make such records available to the Medical Practitioner or
physiotherapist or Sports Trainer or Coach or Official of the signing Club.
This procedure shall also apply to Players transferred under the provisions of
Rule 19 above. The Player shall have access to these records, and is deemed to
have given his consent for such transfer of his medical records (or on such
form as provided in these Rules) on such transfer of his registration and is also
deemed to have given his consent for the purposes of access to his records by
the Club’s medical staff, Coach, and/or a responsible Official of the Club,
and/or Chief, Competitions or the Medical Committee, FAS.
29. Clubs Ceasing to be Members
In the event of a Club ceasing to be a Member of FAS (other than by relegation)
or is dissolved in accordance with its Constitution, all Contract Players and
Trainees of such Club shall from the date of such cessation, be deemed to be
registered with FAS, and shall have the same rights in respect of the transfers of
such registrations of all such Contract Players and Trainees as such Club had until
the date of such cessation.
The Players Status Committee shall assess the fees to be placed upon the transfers
of such registrations, and any fees derived from such transfers shall belong to
FAS. FAS shall have the power to take from the fees received such a grant, if
any, as it considers at its absolute discretion to be fair and reasonable in all the
circumstances to any Club to which transfer fees were owed by the Club ceasing
membership on the date of such cessation, and/or to the Club ceasing its
The Club is contractually bound to meet all its obligations under their terms of
contract with the Player or any other, or under any other agreement (if any, due
notice having been given earlier to the Chief, Competitions), and shall remain
liable for any amounts due under any such contract, notwithstanding their ceasing
to be a member of FAS or that it has been dissolved.
30. Avoidance and Evasion of Compensation Fees
If in the opinion of FAS or the S.League, a contract of service has been drawn up
or amended with the purpose or effect of avoiding or evading the payment of full
compensation in accordance with the intent of the provisions of these Rules, the
CEO, S.League or Chief, Competitions shall require the Club which is responsible
for so drawing or amending the contract to pay to the Club entitled to
compensation the amount of compensation which the CEO, S.League or Chief,
Competitions considers at his absolute discretion ought to be paid.
If in the opinion of the CEO, S.League or Chief, Competitions, any Club unfairly
traffics or deals in the registration of any Player or otherwise abuses in any way
the system of transfer, temporary or otherwise, and/or compensation, if any,
provided for by these Rules or the intent thereof, such Club may be guilty of
misconduct. Where applicable, the CEO, S.League or Chief, Competitions shall
require such a Club to pay to the Club from who the registration of any Player was
transferred such sum as the CEO, S.League or Chief, Competitions may consider
If any question within the ambit of this Rule shall arise in relation to a transfer
between Clubs in membership of the S.League or for that matter, the National
Football League Club, the matter shall be referred to the Players Status
Committee, whose decision shall be final and binding.
31. The Players Status Committee
The Players Status Committee shall comprise:
(a) Members appointed by the Council of FAS, of whom one shall be the
(b) Two (2) members shall form a quorum at any one sitting, the same members
sitting at any adjourned hearing(s).
(c) The Secretary of the Players Status Committee, FAS, shall be the Director,
Administration and Finance Division, or his/her delegated representative.
(d) The members of the Players Status Committee. FAS, shall not belong to any
of the Clubs.
The Players Status Committee shall, subject to the referral by the CEO, S.League,
or Chief, Competitions, in his absolute discretion, consider and adjudicate upon
disputes arising from (but not limiting to Rule 10 of Section F herein):
(a) the transfer (including temporary transfers) of registrations;
(b) the employment terms of Contract Players generally;
(c) the re-engagement system for Contract Players;
(d) decisions as provided in Rules 11, 13, 24, 27, 29 and 30 of these Rules;
(e) differences between Clubs.
The Players Status Committee, FAS, shall be competent to call for any
documentary evidence as ought to be available to FAS, and shall have the power
to order the attendance of any Club, Official or Coach, or Player, or any member
of the Club associated in any way to the issue(s), or to request the attendance of a
parent or guardian or any other person at any hearing.
The Secretary, Players Status Committee, shall send (where applicable) all
evidence submitted by either party in the dispute to the other party.
(a) Any Player or such other person and/or Club shall have the right to a personal
hearing at an appeal and a Player or such other person may be represented by
any representative of his (then) Club that adjudicated or determined against
(b) Subject to the approval of the Players Status Committee, no Advocate and
Solicitor shall represent any Player or Club, unless he has been a member of
the Club or the Player's then Club for a continuous period of twelve (12)
months prior to the appointment of the Players Status Committee convened to
hear the dispute.
(c) Should the Chairman of the Players Status Committee, FAS, for any reason be
absent or is unable to act, the Chairman shall appoint one of his members to
act in his place.
32. Disputes
Any dispute or difference not otherwise expressly provided for in these Rules
between a Club or Clubs and any Player/Coach/Official shall be referred in
writing (where applicable) to the CEO, S.League or Chief, Competitions for
consideration, and if necessary adjudication by him or by an Arbitrator or Board
of three (3) Arbitrators, any of whose decisions shall be final and binding, the
over-riding power of decision making remaining with the ExCo or the Council.
The Club or Player may request a personal hearing in which case the Player if he
so desires may be represented by any representative-member of his (then) Club
that adjudicated or determined against him. No Advocate and Solicitor shall
represent the Club or Player concerned unless he has been a member of that Club
for a continuous period of twelve (12) months prior to the appointment of any
Standing Committee, (inclusive of the Appeals Board) of the Arbitrator Board or
three (3) Arbitrators.
33. Testimonial Matches
A Club may, at its discretion and with the prior consent of the CEO, S.League or
Chief, Competitions allow the use of its ground for the purpose of a testimonial
match to be arranged on behalf of any Player who has given exemplary service to
his Club or the community.
34. Players’ Agents
Players and Clubs are not entitled to use the services of an Adviser/Agent to
represent them or safeguard their interests in negotiations with other Players or
Clubs, unless the Agent is in possession a licence issued by FIFA or by FAS.
Players and Clubs are not permitted to engage the services of a non-licensed
Sub-rule 34.2 above is not applicable if a Player's agent is a close relative of the
Player and sanctioned and/or licensed by FAS, and issued as such with a license.
35. Retained List
The S.League clubs are required to submit to Chief Competitions within seven (7)
days from the end of the Season or whatever the time-frame as the Chief,
Competitions deem appropriate the list of player’s list (herein known at The
Retained List) whom the club intends to retain for the following Season.
The list of players named in the Retained List must be accompanied by a copy of
player’s contract with the said club for the said period.
Failure to submit the Retained List within the stipulated period, the club would be
liable for disciplinary sanctions.
36. Interpretation of the Rules
The CEO, S.League or Chief, Competitions reserves the right to interpret the
Rules as it deems fit if it is not otherwise reflected or stated in the Rules.
These Rules deal with the status and eligibility of Players and whenever they effect a
transfer of the Player from one Club to another.
In these Rules, the term "Club" shall (where the context requires to give full effect to
the intent of the particular provision) be construed as registered with the Registry of
Societies, Singapore, and all such Clubs registered with S.League/FAS. In particular,
where provision is made for the payment of compensation between Clubs in respect
of a Player's registration, then such provision shall extend to the movement of Players
to/from Clubs whether with FAS and/or with the S.League. References to the
Players Status Committee is that appointed by the Council of FAS.
Players of all Clubs affiliated to FAS and/or the S.League are either amateur
or non-amateur.
Players who have never received remuneration other than for actual expenses
incurred during the course of their participation in or for any activity
connected with football shall be regarded as amateur. To this effect, meal
allowances, travel and hotel expenses incurred through involvement in a
match and the cost of a Player's equipment, insurance and training, may be
reimbursed without jeopardising a Player's amateur status.
Any Player who has ever received remuneration other than the remuneration
stated in sub-Rule (2) above in respect of participation in or an activity
connected with football shall be regarded as non-amateur (which term also
covers a semi-professional who is contracted for the actual playing Season)
unless he has re-acquired amateur status under Rule 12 below. Such a Player
will be subject to Central Provident Fund contributions and tax liability.
Players transferred from one Club to another
A Club wishing to engage the services of a Player who is at present under
contract with another Club shall, before commencing any negotiations with
that Player, be obliged to inform his Club in writing of its interest, giving at
least fourteen (14) days notice from the date of the letter. A Club can only
commence negotiations two (2) months before the expiry of the said Player’s
contract, or anytime after the Player’s current Club has ceased to be involved
in any S.League Competition organized by S. League, whichever is the later.
Clubs are not allowed to negotiate with a Player who is serving his Full-Time
National Service until thirty (30) days prior to his ORD, notification of which
must be given to the original Club having that Player’s consent.
Any violation of the foregoing obligation shall be referred to FAS
Disciplinary Committee should any complaints be lodged by the Club
concerned or by the CEO, S.League, or by Chief, Competitions.
In the case of a Player whose employment contract has expired or has been
terminated, neither he nor any prospective new Club is required to notify his
former Club of any negotiations he is personally conducting.
However, once the Player has signed a contract with a new Club, the new
Club is obliged forthwith to contact the Club to which compensation is
possibly due under the terms of Rule 5 below.
Subject to the conditions stipulated in Rule 7 (2) of this Section, if a foreign
non-amateur Player concludes a contract with a new Club, his former Club
shall be entitled to a three (3)-month compensation of the Player’s last drawn
salary or a three (3)-month compensation of the Player’s salary with the new
Club, whichever is higher.
If an amateur Player under the age of 23 (born on or after 1st January 1990)
concludes a contract with a new Club which he joins in a non-amateur
capacity, his former Club(s) shall be entitled to compensation for his training.
If an amateur Player, regardless of age, is transferred to another Club and has
the same amateur status there, his former Club shall have no claim to training
If an amateur Player above the age of 23 (born on or before 31st December
1989) concludes a contract with a new Club which he joins in a non-amateur
capacity, his former club shall have no claim to compensation for his training.
If the Player’s former Club considers it is entitled to compensation for
training and development of the player, it shall file its claim within twelve
(12) months from the day the Player turned non-amateur, otherwise its
request will be rejected. (The provision will, however, not apply if a Club has
failed to fulfill the obligation stipulated in sub-Rules 3 and 4 of Rule 4
When a player is transferred to a new club, the following provisions regarding
the payment of training compensation shall apply:
Current Status & Age of Player
Status of Player (at new Club)
Compensation (Yes/No)
Amateur (regardless of age)
Amateur (above 23 yrs old)
Amateur (under 23 yrs old)
Non-Amateur (regardless of age)
Non-Amateur (above 23 yrs old)
Non-Amateur (under 23 yrs old)
The amount of compensation mentioned in Rule 5 above shall be agreed
upon in writing between the two Clubs involved on the compensation
stipulated in Rule 7 below.
Any agreement made between a Player and his former Club or between a
third party and the former Club regarding the amount of compensation shall
be disregarded.
A Club may make a valid agreement with any one of its Players that it waives
its right to compensation for training due to it under the terms of these Rules
if the Player concerned is transferred to another Club. Such a waiver must be
in written form to be valid.
Any agreement concluded between the Clubs regarding the amount of
compensation provided by these Rules shall be brought to the attention of
CEO, S.League, and/or Chief, Competitions, or any other National Football
Association (in a foreign country).
In all matters concerning training compensation, FIFA’s latest Regulations
for the Status and Transfer of Players will be the guiding principle.
Permanent Transfer Rules
Players Under Contract
Any player, who is under contract, is only free to move to another club if the
buying and selling clubs successfully agree on all terms and conditions of the
Foreign Players Out of Contract
A foreign player who is out of contract is free to move to another S.League
club provided the buying club compensates the player’s previous club the
sum of three (3) months of the player’s last drawn salary or the sum of three
(3) months of the player’s salary with his new club, whichever is higher.
The previous club claiming for compensation is only entitled to a one-time
compensation from the buying club (S.League club) when the player
immediately joins the latter in the following season. When the same player
moves to a subsequent club, the previous club(s) cannot seek further
compensation from the new club.
Local Players Out of Contract
A local player, whether amateur or non-amateur, who is over the age
of 23 (born on or before 31st December 1989) and is out of contract is
free to move to another club without his new club having to pay any
form of compensation or transfer fee to his previous club.
Subject to Rule 5 of this Section, an amateur player, who is under the
age of 23 (born on or after 1st January 1990) and is out of contract, is
free to move to another club provided that his new club pays his
previous club, a training and development compensation fee.
If no agreement on the compensation fee is agreed between
the two clubs, the fee will be fixed as follows:(a)
S$3,000 for every complete season, from the age of
12, that the player has spent in the COE scheme at his
previous clubs.
S$4,000 for every complete season that the player has
spent in the Prime and S.League squads at his previous
All of the clubs that the player has played for whilst under the
age of 23 will be entitled to compensation. The compensation
fee the buying club pays will be apportioned according to the
number of complete seasons spent at each club.
National Service/Young Lions
A player who has to fulfill his National Service or National
Commitments will be allowed to register with Warriors FC, Home
United FC or Young Lions.
There will be no transfer fee or compensation paid by these teams to
the player’s previous club.
Upon completion of National Service with Warriors FC and Home
United FC, and national commitment with Young Lions, the player
will return to his previous club to serve out the remainder of his
If the player’s contract had lapsed upon entering National Service, and
he was under the age of 23 at that point, the player’s previous club
will be entitled to a compensation fee should the player choose to join
another club upon completing his NS. His new club will be liable to
pay his previous club (before NS) compensation as though he had
moved when he was under 23, and Rule 7.3.2 shall apply.
Players Becoming Professional Servicemen
If a player takes up a career of a professional serviceman following NS, he is
eligible to sign for Home United Football Club or Warriors Football Club
providing the player’s new club pays the balance of the player’s remaining
contract to the player’s previous club. If the player is under the age of 23, a
compensation fee as per Rule 7.3.2 must also be paid .
The Players Status Committee
If the two Clubs have not reached an agreement on the amount of
compensation in respect of the training and/or development of a Player, the
dispute shall be submitted to the Players Status Committee (hereinafter
referred to as "the PSC").
The PSC may draw up its own regulations to settle any differences of the kind
described in sub-Rule 1 above between the two Clubs.
The PSC shall also determine any disagreement on the terms of the contract.
The PSC shall comprise a minimum of three (3) persons appointed by the
Council of FAS, and any two (2) forming a quorum at any meeting of the
PSC. The Secretary of the PSC shall be the Director, Administration and
Finance Division, or his/her delegated representative.
The members of the PSC shall not belong to any of the Clubs.
The PSC shall have exclusive powers to hear all disputes, including disagreements
regarding compensation, including that for training and/or development, and shall
have also power to call for witnesses and/or demand documents, and shall further
include powers to hear and determine:
a dispute concerning an amateur or non-amateur status or his status and
eligibility as a Player;
a dispute concerning the interpretation of clauses in contracts between clubs
and/or Players;
a dispute concerning the transfer and/or release of Players to FAS for the
national or representative teams by the Clubs employing them;
a dispute about other matters governed by these Rules in this Section.
Any disagreement between two Clubs regarding the amount of compensation
for the training of a Player shall not affect his sporting or professional activity
and the Player shall therefore be free to play for the new Club with which he
has signed a contract unless otherwise determined by the PSC, which shall
convene and hear the dispute within 30 days of being notified by Chief,
A Player may however be subject to a suspension arising from a dispute other
than that described in sub-Rule (1) above.
The PSC may appoint an ad hoc Transfer Committee to determine the amount of
training compensation.
Re-Acquisition of Amateur Status
A Player who has been registered as a non-amateur with S.League/FAS or
any national association overseas may not be classified as amateur until a
period of one (1) month has elapsed.
The interim period shall start as from the day the Player competed in his last
match with the Club which he was registered as a non-amateur.
A Club which a non-amateur Player has left shall not be entitled to
compensation from the new Club with which the Player has regained amateur
This provision is subject to the eventuality provided for under Rule 15 below.
If, within three (3) years of the day on which he regained amateur status, a
Player reverts to non-amateur status, the Club with which he was registered
before regaining amateur status may be, subject to Rule 5 of this Section,
entitled to compensation for training.
If, in such a case, the Player has since changed clubs again, the Club with
which the Player was, for a while, registered as an amateur shall not be
entitled to compensation.
If there is any doubt as to whether a Player who has regained amateur status
actually plays as an amateur in his new Club, the Club with which he was last
registered as non-amateur may ask the PSC to investigate the matter and, if
necessary, take appropriate action.
Termination of Activity
A non-amateur Player who stops playing competitive football shall remain
registered as a Player with the Club with which he was last employed for a
period of twelve (12) months.
The period shall begin as from the end of the Season in which the Player
stops playing football.
The Club of a non-amateur Player who stops playing football upon expiry of
his contract shall not be entitled to claim compensation of any kind from him.
Nothing under this Rule shall prevent an individual moving to another Club
in a purely non-playing capacity.
If, within the period mentioned in sub-Rule(1) of Rule 16, a non-amateur
Player who has stopped playing football wishes to start playing again within
the same status, he shall remain registered with the Club with which he was
last employed.
If the period mentioned in sub-Rule 1 of Rule 16 has elapsed, the Club with
which the Player was last registered shall no longer be entitled to any
Special Provisions
The validity of a transfer contract between Clubs or of an employment
contract between a Player and a Club shall be made subject to the positive
results of a medical examination or to the acquisition of a work permit.
Consequently, the prospective new Club of the Player shall be required to
make any necessary investigations or to take any appropriate action before
concluding or executing the contract, otherwise it will be liable to pay the full
amount of compensation for training agreed upon (and/or the amount of the
salary due).
Under the provisions of these Rules, the loan of a Player by one Club to
another constitutes a temporary transfer. A transfer certificate shall therefore
be issued:
whenever a Player leaves a Club to join another Club to which he has
been released on loan;
whenever, on expiry of the period of loan, a Player rejoins the Club
which released him on loan.
The conditions governing the loan of a non-amateur Player (duration of the
loan, obligations to which the loan is subject to) shall be regulated by
concluding a separate written contract.
Any local Player who has not done his National Service (unless he is given
exemption) can sign a contract not exceeding three (3) years. Any clause
referring to a longer duration shall be null and void. Such a Player who has
completed his National Service obligations continues to remain registered
with the Club he was last with prior to enlistment, and shall remain
contractually bound for any outstanding period under the contract with that
Clubs are not allowed to sign or re-sign a Player if he is not training or
playing in matches for the Club just before he enters Full-Time National
Service. If such contracts are signed, thereby making the Players contracted
to the Club for twelve (12) months, or longer, such contracts signed will be
deemed null and void.
If the services of a contracted Foreign Player is sought by a foreign Club, the
local S.League Club can negotiate a transfer fee as it is the holder of the
Player's ITC.
Breaking of Contract
Any Player who wishes to break his contract will not be allowed to do so unless:
Any other Club wishing to sign the Player, the Player so agreeing in writing
of this intention, shall pay a transfer fee to the Club holding his contract. The
transfer fee will be negotiated between the two Clubs concerned. If these
Clubs are unable to decide upon the amount, then it may be referred to the
CEO, S.League, or Chief, Competitions, who will refer the matter to the PSC.
Release of Player to National Team or Representative Teams for FAS
Any Club which has concluded a contract with a Player who is eligible to
play for FAS of which the Club is a member shall be obliged to release him
to FAS of which he is a National Team Player in the event that he is selected
for one of its representative Teams, irrespective of his age.
The same provision applies to a Club of FAS for any of its Players who are
Nationals of FAS, if and when they are summoned to play in a representative
This provision is binding for the following matches:
a total of five (5) international matches per calendar year. If during the
course of the same calendar year and after five (5) matches have been
played, FAS still has to play matches in the FIFA World Cup
preliminary Competition, then the compulsory release of the Player
shall be extended to include such matches.
additionally, any Match in the final competition of any FIFA
Competition or the final Competition of Confederation
Championships for senior National Teams ("A" teams) or the final
Competition of other Competitions organised by the Confederations,
provided these Competitions lead to qualification for a FIFA
additionally, any other Tournament/Match in respect of which FIFA
Executive Committee or FAS has taken a decision.
In the event that the representative team of FAS is qualified ex officio for a
final competition, the compulsory release, as prescribed in sub-Rule 2(a)
above, shall comprise eight (8) international matches per calendar year.
The period of release shall allow for training time. The extent of this time
shall be laid down as follows:
for a friendly international Match: minimum 48 hours;
for a qualifying match for an international Competition: 4 days
(including the day of the match). The period of release shall be
prolonged to 5 days if the match in question is held on a different
continent from that on which the club is domiciled.
for the final competition of an international Competition: 14 days
before the first match of the tournament. Any friendly matches
played during this preparatory period do not count among the five
international matches stipulated under para. 2 (a), or the eight matches
stipulated under para. 3.
In any event, a Player is obliged to arrive at the match venue at least 48 hours
before kick-off.
The Clubs and FAS concerned may, if desired, agree to extend the period of
release. Where such an agreement has been made at the time of transfer of
the Player, a copy of it shall be attached to the international transfer
Any Player who has complied with the summons of FAS pursuant to this
Rule shall resume duty with his Club not later than twenty-four (24) hours
after the Match to which he was summoned. This period may be prolonged
to forty-eight (48) hours if the Match took place on a different continent from
that of the Club with which the Player is registered. The club shall be
notified in writing of the player’s expected outward and return journey ten
(10) days before the match. The FAS shall ensure that the player returns to
his club on time after the match.
If a player does not resume duty with his club by the deadlines stipulated in
this Rule, the period of release for FAS shall be shortened for the subsequent
summons as follows:
(a) for a friendly match: 24 hours
(b) for a qualifying match: to 3 days
(c) for the final competition of an international competition: 10 days.
A Player shall not be permitted to remain with his National Team in the
interval between two (2) matches for which he has been summoned if the
interval is eight (8) days or more.
Any Club which releases a Player pursuant to Rule 23 above may not be
entitled to financial compensation except as determined by the PSC.
FAS summoning the Player shall bear the costs for the travel or where
relevant hotel expenses or any other direct expenses actually incurred by the
Player as a result of this summons.
The Club with which the summoned Player is registered shall be responsible
for his insurance cover against sickness and accident during the entire period
of his release including insurance for injury sustained in the international
Match (or Matches) or Competitions/Tournaments for which he is released.
Any Player registered with a Club is obliged to respond affirmatively when called
upon by FAS to play for the National Team or for one of its representative teams.
A Player who is unable to comply with a written summons from FAS owing to injury
or illness shall, if FAS so requires, agree to undergo a medical examination by a
Medical Practitioner of FAS's choice.
A Player who has been summoned by FAS for its National Team or for one of its
representative teams shall, under no circumstance, be entitled to play for the Club
with which he is registered during the period of which he has been released or should
have been released, pursuant to Rule 24 above. This restriction on playing for the
Club shall, moreover, be prolonged by five (5) days (starting from the day of the
match) in the event that the Player, for whatsoever reason, did not wish to or was
unable to comply with the summons.
If a Club refuses to release a Player or neglects to do so despite the Rules 23
to 27 above, any or both or any number of the following sanctions shall be
a fine;
a caution, censure or suspension of the Club involved;
Any violation by a Club of the restriction on playing mentioned under Rule
28 shall be subject to the following sanctions:
all or part of the sanctions mentioned in sub-Rule (1) above; and/or
S.League/FAS or the Competitions Division as the case may be shall
declare the Match (or Matches) in which the Player took part lost by
the Club concerned. Any points thus won by the infringing Club in
question shall be forfeited. Any Match contested according to the
Cup system or otherwise shall be regarded as having been won by the
opposing non-infringing team, irrespective of the score.
Final Provisions
Any matter not provided for under these Rules in this Section shall be settled by the
PSC and shall not be subject to appeal.
The PSC reserves all rights to alter, revoke, add or vary these Rules from time to time
at their absolute discretion.
1. Specific Financial Penalties
Where a specified financial penalty and/or sanction is/are provided for in these Rules in
these Sections, the FAS Executive Committee [hereinafter "the FAS Exco"] shall have,
through the S.League’s Chief Executive Officer, Chief, Competitions or any of the Standing
Committees, the full power to impose against any Club, Official and/or Player and/or
Member who they shall deem guilty of having offended against or committed a breach of
these Rules in these Sections such financial penalties and/or sanctions as these Rules
hereinafter appearing permit.
2. The Disciplinary Committee
The FAS shall appoint a Committee known as the FAS Disciplinary Committee
[hereinafter "the Committee"] and shall also emplace an FAS Appeal Committee on
terms hereunder.
The Committee shall receive from the Chief Executive Officer, S.League, Chief,
Competitions, or any Standing Committee of the FAS or the FAS Exco itself notice of
any suspected or alleged offence or breach of any of these Rules of these Sections or
any misconduct notwithstanding that a penalty for such offence, breach of the Rules
under these Sections or misconduct is not specifically provided for by the Rules.
The FAS Exco delegates the exercise of any of its powers under these Rules either
generally or specifically to the Committee or the Chief Executive Officer, S.League,
Chief, Competitions, or any of the Standing Committees of the FAS or the FAS
Players Status Committee [hereinafter "the PSC"] for adjudication and determination
as hereunder set out.
The Committee established by the FAS Exco pursuant to these Rules shall consist of
such person or persons as the Board deem the circumstances warrant, but shall consist
of a maximum of nine (9) members, of whom any three (3) shall be adequate to hear
and determine any matter. From among the three (3) one shall be the Chairperson of
the Committee. The Chairman of the Committee shall be a member of the FAS
Council, and he has the power to appoint a Deputy Chairman or any member of his
Committee who shall deputise as Chairman as and when necessary.
The Committee shall draw its own sub-rules which may include procedures,
infringements and sanctions, implementation thereof, and any appeals procedures or
powers thereof, including such order as to the payment of expenses, costs or financial
penalties by Clubs, Players or Officials or Members of the Club as they think fit.
3. Power of Inquiry
The Committee shall have the power of inquiry into all disputes, questions or differences
between Clubs and Players, Officials or Members of the Club, and into all matters
constituting or pertaining to any breach of these Rules under the various Sections by Clubs,
Players, Officials and Members as may be referred to by the Chief Executive Officer,
S.League, Chief, Competitions or any of the FAS's Standing Committees, and to convene a
hearing on notice being given, and to effect that purpose the Committee may require the
attendance of all Officials, Players and other persons for the hearing of the complaint and
compel the production of all books, letters and other documents relevant and necessary for
the determination of the dispute/question/difference.
4. Publication
The Committee or such other Standing Committee of the FAS, inclusive of the Chief
Executive Officer, S.League, Chief, Competitions, the Arbitrator or Board of Arbitrators or
the Appeal Committee or the PSC, shall be entitled to publish in the media or in such other
manner as they shall think fit reports of their proceedings, acts, resolutions, findings and
financial penalties whether the same shall or shall not reflect on the character or conduct of
any Club, Official, Player or Member, and every such Club, Official, Player or Member shall
be deemed to have assented to such an inquiry and such publication
5. Inducements
Any Club, Official, Player or Member offering or receiving a payment or any other form of
inducement to or from any Club or Official or Player or Member of any Club or any person,
or any such Club, Official or Player or Member receiving or seeking to receive any payment
or any other form of inducement from any other person or organisation to win, lose or draw a
match under the jurisdiction of the S.League shall be deemed guilty of misconduct. The
FAS or any of its Standing Committees or the Chief, Competitions shall have the power to
refer such acts to the relevant authorities.
6. Differences between Clubs
A Club in the first instance shall refer all differences and questions or disputes
between it and any other Club or Officials or Players or Members thereof to the Chief
Executive Officer, S.League, Chief, Competitions. Each Club making such a
reference shall do so in writing and may be required to deposit a fee of Singapore
Dollars Three Hundred (S$300) only which shall be liable to be forfeited to the S.
League/FAS at the discretion of the Committee or the Chief Executive Officer,
S.League, Chief, Competitions or Arbitrator or the FAS three (3) Arbitrators or such
Standing Committee or the PSC as the case may be.
On any such submission or reference, the Chief Executive Officer, S.League or Chief
Competitions may in his absolute discretion:
(a) either determine the dispute, question or difference himself; or
(b) refer to or delegate the determination of such dispute, difference or question, at
the absolute discretion of the Chief Executive Officer, S.League or the Chief,
Competitions, to a single Arbitrator or a Board of three (3) Arbitrators appointed
by the Chief, Competitions or to any of the Standing Committees of the FAS or
the PSC; or
(c) refer the matter to the Committee.
The Chief Executive Officer, S.League or Chief, Competitions shall be under no obligation
whatsoever to grant an oral hearing to a Club should he, in his absolute discretion, refer the
matter to a single Arbitrator or a Board of three (3) Arbitrators or the Committee or any of
the Standing Committees of the FAS or the PSC.
Any Club aggrieved at the determination of the Chief Executive Officer, S.League,
Chief, Competitions or the Arbitrator or the Board of three (3) Arbitrators or of the
Committee or any of the Standing Committees of the FAS, made pursuant to this Rule
as regards the determination of the dispute, question, difference, or at the manner in
which such determination was arrived at, shall refer the matter to the Appeal
Committee [hereinafter "the Appeal Committee"] as provided in this Section, and any
decision of the Appeal Committee shall be final and binding on all parties.
Membership for the time being for the S.League shall constitute an agreement to refer
all disputes, questions and differences between the Clubs to the Chief Executive
Officer, S.League or the Chief, Competitions who shall determine the same in
accordance to the provision of Rule 6.2 above.
(a) The Arbitration tribunal ("the tribunal") shall consist of either a single Arbitrator
or three (3) Arbitrators appointed by the Chief Executive Officer, S.League or the
Chief, Competitions. The Chief Executive Officer, S.League or the Chief,
Competitions shall, in a case involving three (3) Arbitrators, appoint a Chairman
to chair all such meetings, and three (3) members must hear the matter, adjudicate
and determine the dispute, question or difference.
(b) If any arbitrator appointed by the Chief Executive Officer, S.League or the Chief,
Competitions shall die, refuse to act or become incapacitated from acting prior to
the making of a determination a further arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chief
Executive Officer, S.League or the Chief, Competitions to replace him.
As soon as practicable after it has been convened, the Arbitrator or Board of three (3)
Arbitrators or such Standing Committee of the FAS or the PSC as the case may be
shall convene a meeting with the parties or their representatives. The Arbitrator or
Board of three (3) Arbitrators or such Standing Committee of the FAS or the PSC may
adopt such procedures as it considers appropriate for the resolution of the dispute,
question or difference, and may proceed by way of oral hearing or by written
submission, and by such manner of evidence as it considers appropriate.
Any decision or procedural decision shall be made by the Arbitrator himself or in the
case of the Board of Arbitrators or such Standing Committee or the PSC shall, where
necessary, be made by a majority and, in the event that no majority may be formed, the
Chairman of the Board of Arbitrators or the Chairman of such Standing Committee or
the PSC shall make his determination as if he were a sole arbitrator.
No party shall be represented at any hearing by a solicitor or counsel acting in his
capacity as such, unless he has been a member of a Club for a period of twelve (12)
months preceding the appointment of the Arbitrator, Board of Arbitrators or such
Standing Committee or the Committee or the PSC or the Appeal Committee to hear
the dispute, question or difference or any appeal therefrom.
In the event of default by either party in respect of any procedural order of the
Arbitrator or Board of three (3) Arbitrators or such Standing Committee or the
Committee or the PSC, the Arbitrator or such Board or such Standing Committee or
the Committee or the PSC shall have the power to debar that party from further
participation in the arbitration/ proceedings, and deliver its determination as the
Arbitrator or such Board or such Standing Committee or the Committee or the PSC
may deem fit.
The power of the Chief Executive Officer, S.League or the Chief, Competitions, the
Arbitrator or the Board of three (3) Arbitrators or such Standing Committee or the
Committee or the PSC to forfeit the deposit under Rule 6.1 shall be in addition to the
power conferred on the Chief Executive Officer, S.League or the Chief, Competitions,
the Arbitrator or the Board of three (3) Arbitrators or such Standing Committee or the
Committee or the PSC to determine the difference, dispute or question. Any form of
misconduct during the conduct of the proceedings found by the Chief Executive
Officer, S.League or the Chief, Competitions or the Arbitrator or the Board of
Arbitrators or such Standing Committee or the Committee or the PSC or the Appeal
Committee may be referred to the FAS Exco.
7. Procedure and Appeals
The Chief Executive Officer, S.League or the Chief, Competitions, the Arbitrator or
the Board of Arbitrators or the Committee or any of the Standing Committees of the
FAS (save for the PSC) imposing any decision or penalty on any Club, Player or
Official or Member shall inform in writing any Club or person against whom action is
being taken of any such decision as soon as practicable thereafter.
Any Club or person against whom action is being taken (save for the decision of the
PSC) may, within seven (7) working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public
Holidays) of being informed of such a decision, require the body or person taking such
action to specify in writing the findings of fact leading to the decision and the reasons
for the decision. A fee of Dollars Two Hundred ($200.00) must accompany such
request. Any such requirement shall be met within seven (7) working days of its
receipt and shall be accompanied by copies of all materials which were before the
body or person making the decision, or such of that material as such body or person
may consider relevant to the decision.
Any Club or person on whom a decision and/or penalty has been imposed pursuant to
these Rules may appeal against such decision and/or against the penalty so imposed.
Any such appeal shall be made and conducted in accordance with the provisions of
this Rule.
A notice of appeal must be in writing and must be lodged with the Chief Executive
Officer, S.League or the Chief, Competitions with a copy to the Secretary of the
Appeal Committee within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the decision, or
where a request for the reasons for the decision has been made within seven (7)
working days of the receipt of those reasons, and must be accompanied by a deposit of
Dollars Three Hundred ($300).
At the same time that the notice of appeal is lodged there shall also be lodged with the
Chief Executive Officer, S.League or the Chief Competitions with a copy to the
Secretary of the Appeal Committee:
(a) a statement of the grounds of appeal; and
(b) if leave is sought to present any fresh evidence to the Appeal Committee,
particulars of such evidence and of the reasons why it was not presented to the
earlier decision-maker, and
(c) particulars of any fact or circumstances which do not appear from the statement or
accompanying documents upon which the appellant is seeking to rely.
The Appeal Committee shall consist of three (3) persons nominated by S.
League/FAS. No persons so appointed shall have taken part in any previous
proceedings relating to the same matter. The decision of the Appeal Committee shall
be final and binding on all parties concerned.
Upon the application of either party, or of its own motion, the Appeal Committee may
hold-preliminary hearings for the purpose of:
(a) deciding any application for leave to call fresh evidence;
(b) giving any other instructions which it considers necessary for the conduct of the
proceedings; and the Appeal Committee may at anytime extend or abridge all or
any time limits governing appeals and may permit amendments to documents
lodged by the parties on such terms as it thinks fit.
No fresh evidence shall be presented to the Appeal Committee without its leave. Save
in the exceptional circumstances, no such leave shall be given unless:
(a) the evidence was not available at the time of the hearing appealed against despite
the exercise of reasonable diligence;
(b) it is credible evidence; and
(c) it is relevant.
An appeal shall be by way of re-hearing on the documents, except where the Appeal
Committee gives leave to present fresh evidence, and save that the parties shall be
entitled to make oral representations to the Appeal Committee at the hearing. Subject
to Rule 6.7 above, no party may be represented at the hearing of any appeal by
solicitor or counsel acting in his capacity as such.
7.10 The Appeal Committee, like the PSC, may conduct the hearing in such a manner and
at such times as it considers desirable and/or suitable. If either party fails to attend at
the hearing, the Appeal Committee, like the PSC, may proceed in its absence. The
Appeal Committee and/or the PSC shall not be bound by any enactment or rule of law
relating to the inadmissibility of evidence in proceedings before any court of law.
7.11 An Appeal Committee shall have power:
(a) to allow or dismiss the appeal;
(b) to vary the decision and/or penalty in such a manner as it shall think fit, including
the power to increase, decrease or remit any penalty included in such decision
except when such penalty shall be specified in these Rules when the Appeal
Committee shall impose such penalty if it finds the case proved;
(c) to remit the matter with such directions as it thinks fit for re-hearing and
determination by the earlier decision making body;
(d) to make such further or other order as it thinks fit, including an order to forfeit the
7.12 An Appeal Committee shall not be bound to allow an appeal on the ground of
misdirection or wrong evaluation of evidence, unless in the opinion of the said
Committee, substantial injustice, including a miscarriage of justice, has thereby been
7.13 An Appeal Committee may take account of facts or matters which have become
evident or have occurred since the date of the decision appealed against where,
pursuant to leave given to call fresh evidence, evidence has been given about such
7.14 Where an Appeal Committee dismisses an appeal or varies the decision, the Appeal
Committee may order the deposit to be forfeited towards the costs of the appeal, and
may make any further order for the payment of costs.
8. Powers of the Chief Competitions, the Arbitrator or Board of Arbitrators or the
Committee or Standing Committee of the FAS
Upon finding an offence, or a breach of these Rules or if misconduct is proved, the
Chief Executive Officer, S.League, Chief, Competitions, the Arbitrator, the Board of
Arbitrators or the Committee or any such Standing Committee of FAS or the PSC
shall be entitled to take such action and to impose such penalties by way of reprimand,
fine, suspension, deduction of points, or other penalty (or combinations thereof) as the
Chief Executive Officer, S.League, Chief, Competitions, the Arbitrator, the Board of
Arbitrators or the Committee or any such Standing Committee or the PSC may think
fit in the circumstances.
The Committee or such Standing Committee of the FAS shall only be entitled to
recommend expulsion of a Club to the FAS Exco, and such power shall also avail to
the Appeal Committee, but no Club shall be expelled from the S.League without the
sanction of a resolution passed at a Meeting of the Council of the FAS. There shall be
no right of appeal against a resolution to expel, passed as aforesaid, by the FAS
The Chief Executive Officer, S.League, Chief, Competitions, Arbitrator, Board of
Arbitrators or the Committee or the Standing Committees of the FAS or the PSC shall
be entitled to order any Club, Player, Official or Member for any such offence against
or breach of these Rules of these Sections or misconduct, and, where applicable,
cancel or refuse registrations of Players which are contrary to these Rules or Rules laid
down by any of the Standing Committees of the FAS.
9. Sanctions / Penalties
Disciplinary sanctions and penalties which may be imposed by the S. League/FAS, the
Committee, any of the Standing Committees of the FAS, or the Arbitrator or Board of
three (3) Arbitrators or the PSC or the Appeal Board on Players, Clubs, Officials and
Members of the Clubs shall include:
(a) a caution;
(b) a censure;
(c) a fine;
(d) suspension for a specified number of matches and/or a specified period;
(e) a ban on participating or being involved in a game in any capacity whatsoever;
(f) cancellation of a match (requiring a replay, if any);
(g) deduction or cancellation of points;
(h) a win by default, in which case a score of three (3)-nil (0) will be given, unless the
goal difference attained in the match is greater in favour of the non-infringing
(i) a ban from the stadium/stadia or on terms;
(j) matches to be played with the exclusion of the public or on certain conditions;
(k) a ban from taking part in the current and/or future competition or any part thereof;
(l) a cancellation/refusal of registration of a Player or on terms;
(m) withdrawal of any or all financial privileges given by the S.League/FAS or on
In determining any disciplinary sanction or penalty to be imposed, the S.League/FAS,
the Committee or any of the Standing Committees of the Board, or the Arbitrator or
Board of Arbitrators or the PSC, and the Appeal Board may be guided by the list of
disciplinary measures as specified in the regulations of the Federation Internationale de
Football Association (FIFA).
10. Specific Sanctions / Penalties
10.1 A Player who is sent off for any of the sending-off offences stated under Law 12 in
The Laws of The Game shall be suspended for the following two (2) matches.
However, under these same laws, in the case where he is being sent off for receiving a
second caution in the same match, he shall only serve a one (1) match suspension. A
Team Official who has been sent off by the referee will be suspended from the
touchline for the following one (1) match, and his/her case may be referred to the
Disciplinary Committee for further sanctions.
10.2 Subject to the provisions of 10.1 above, a player who has accumulated two (2) red
cards in the course of the competition shall at the discretion of Chief, Competitions be
fined up to Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or referred to the Disciplinary Committee,
who may after due inquiry impose sanctions and/or penalties over and above the
mandatory sanctions and/or penalties on him.
10.3 A Player who has received four (4) yellow card cautions in the course of the
competition shall automatically be suspended for the following one (1) match in the
said competition. If the Player receives a further three (3) yellow card cautions in the
course of the same competition, he shall automatically be suspended for the following
one (1) match in that competition. If he receives a further two (2) yellow card cautions
in the course of the same competition, he shall be suspended for the following one (1)
match in the said competition, and pay a maximum composition fine of Singapore
Dollars Five Hundred (S$500). In the event the said Player fails or is unable to pay the
composition fine within the next seven (7) days, the said Player shall be referred to the
Disciplinary Committee. Until then, the said Player shall not be allowed to play in the
competition until he has paid the composition fine or served the suspension imposed
by the Disciplinary Committee, who may after due inquiry impose other sanctions
and/or penalties over and above the mandatory penalties.
10.4 When disciplinary action is taken against any player by way of a composition fine or
referred to the Disciplinary Committee for further sanctions under Rule 10.1, 10.2 and
10.3 the yellow/red cards accumulated by the said player shall not be considered for
further sanctions.
10.5 The Club and Player shall be responsible for monitoring the record on the yellow and
red cards accumulated by their respective players in the respective tournaments.
10.6 Notwithstanding Rule 10.1, the S.League/FAS, the Chief Executive Officer, S.League
or the Chief, Competitions or any of the Standing Committees of the FAS (including
the Committee) or the Arbitrator of the Board of Arbitrators or the PSC or the Appeals
Committee may refer to the Committee (and the Committee itself may consider) any
misconduct by any Player, and the Committee may after due inquiry, impose any
further sanctions and penalties over and above the mandatory penalties. When
disciplinary action is taken against any player by way of a composition fine or referred
to the Disciplinary Committee for further sanctions under Rule 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and
10.4, the yellow/red cards accumulated by the said player shall not be considered for
further sanctions.
10.7 When a player has to appear before or sanctioned by the Disciplinary Committee for
any reason whatsoever, the said player may be given an option whether the player is
required to attend the Disciplinary Inquiry personally or submit his plea with his
mitigation if he is not challenging the charge/s against him where he need not have to
appear before the Committee. The Committee, in this case, will have the absolute
power to impose sanction in the player’s absentia. The team/player will be informed
of the outcome accordingly. When a player has to appear before the Committee, he
must be accompanied by a Club representative where the player is registered.
10.8 All sanctions and/or penalties shall commence with immediate effect except in cases
where the Tournament Committee or the Chief Executive Officer, S.League or the
Chief, Competitions may otherwise decide pursuant to Rule 10.9 below, and all fines
including composition fines imposed shall be paid in full within seven (7) days from
the date the penalty/sentence is imposed before the said Player can participate in any
match of a competition in which the offence was committed. A fine, including
composition fines imposed on a Player/Official must be paid in full within seven (7)
days from the date the penalty/sentence is imposed. For the purpose of these Rules, all
tournaments organised by the S.League shall fall under the Rules.
10.9 All sanctions and/or penalties under this Rule must be served out or complied with in
full during the competition in which the offence or offences were committed by the
Player. If the sanctions and/or penalties cannot be fully served or complied with in
full, it shall be deferred only to the following season of the same competition where
the said Player is registered and eligible to play.
10.10 Red card and yellow card cautions shall not be accumulated to the following season of
the competition or to any other competition organised by the S.League.
10.11 Any disciplinary measures imposed by the Referee on the field of play are final with
exceptions being made for possible modifications arising from corrections made to the
Referee's Report or if obvious proven mistakes have been made.
10.12 If the referee sanctions (either caution or expulsion) at least five (5) members of the
same team during a match, the team is deemed to have failed to conduct itself properly
(i.e. Team Misconduct) and the Club shall be fined up to Five Hundred Dollars
11. Compounding Offences
Without prejudice to the Rules hereinbefore, the Chief Executive Officer, S.League, Chief,
Competitions is empowered to compound any offence, misconduct or breach of these Rules
of these Sections committed by a Player, Team Official or Club to a maximum limit of
Singapore Dollars One Thousand (S$1,000.00) only or to the maximum provided in these
Sections whichever is lesser.
12. Disputes Involving S.League Clubs
Any dispute, question or difference or matter affecting Clubs, Officials or Players or
Members shall be referred to the Chief, Competitions who has powers to adjudicate,
determine or resolve it himself or refer the same as per the provisions of these Rules.
13. Prohibition To Recourse To Ordinary Court
Pursuant to Article 68 of the FIFA Statutes adopted at the 62nd FIFA Congress in Budapest
on 25 May 2012 and which came into force on 25 July 2012, clubs and members are
prohibited from taking a dispute to ordinary courts of law and are required to submit any
disagreement to the jurisdiction of the Association (FAS), the Asian Football Confederation
(AFC) or FIFA.
CEO/Chief, Competitions
a) Determine difference
himself; or
b) Refers to:
iii) FAS’s Standing
i) single Arbitrators
ii) Board of Arbitrators
– 3 Arbitrators
iv) Disciplinary
v) Players Status
Fine / Composition fines
Deduction of points
Cancel or refuse
Other penalties / sanctions
a) Club/Person may within 7 working days decision request for the reasons thereof (Fee : S$200)
b) Club/Person may within 7 working days of receipt of decision or requested reasons, lodge a Notice of
Appeals and a Statement of Ground of Appeal (Deposit : S$300)
c) No appeal shall lie from any determination of the Players Status Committee
allow dismissal for rehearing
vary decision or penalty
remit matter with directions
any such further orders, including sanctions
Standing Committees Of FAS
FAS may in the current or ensuing years and at their absolute discretion
nominate a maximum of eight (8) representatives to serve as members on
each relevant Standing Committees of FAS. Such nominated representatives
shall help enhance FAS in promoting football excellence in Singapore.
Notwithstanding Rule 1.1 above, any person who holds office in (or is a
Member of) a Club may be eligible for nomination to the Standing
Committees of FAS. The period of office shall be until the date of the
Annual General Meeting of FAS, following the end of the Season,
notwithstanding that the Club (whose Member or Official may be a nominee)
may have convened earlier its own Annual General Meeting; such
appointment may be determined earlier by the Exco or the Council at their
absolute discretion.
Undertaking by Officials
All Clubs must or be deemed to incorporate in any agreement with their
Officials an undertaking on the part of the Official to seek the permission of
the Club before contributing to the Press, Television or Radio. It is the
responsibility of the Club to ensure that any permission so granted is not used
by the Official in such a way as to bring the S.League, FAS or such or any
Club into disrepute. In this regard, attention is drawn to Rule 12 of Section D
Attention is also drawn to the undertaking in Rule 4.2 of Section D herein in
regard to providing, inter alia, interviews to be accorded to Television and/or
Radio of Players, Team Officials or Club Officials, before, during or after any
Match in any competition of the S.League.
All Club officials/employees/volunteers of the Clubs, who, in the course of
discharging their duties, directly influence the outcome of any S.League
Match, shall be prohibited from participating in any way, directly or
indirectly, in soccer related betting and/or shall not receive any form of
dividends arising from or consequent to such soccer betting organised by
Singapore Pools Pte Ltd in association with the S.League/FAS or any other
soccer-betting scheme or related thereto.
All Club officials/employees/volunteers of the Clubs, as in sub-Rule 2.3
above, shall sign an undertaking before the start of the season that they shall
not participate in anyway, directly or indirectly, in soccer betting or in any
form of soccer related betting and/or that they shall not receive any form of
dividends arising from or consequent to such betting organised by Singapore
Pools Pte Ltd in association with the S.League/FAS.
Associations between Clubs
Except with prior written consent of FAS, no Club shall either directly or
hold or deal in the securities or any interest of another Club, or
be a member of another Club (with the exception of Advisors), or
be involved in any capacity whatsoever in the management or
administration of another Club, or
have any power whatsoever to influence the management or
administration of another Club.
For the purpose of this Rule, "another Club" means any Club in membership
of the S.League.
Club Officials
All Club Officials shall devote, dedicate and commit their services to the
Club; he shall do all in his power to promote develop and extend the
objectives of his Club with a view to enhancing professional football and
promoting football excellence in Singapore.
Except with the prior written consent of FAS, no person, by himself or with
one or more associates, shall at one time, either directly or indirectly, be
involved in any capacity whatsoever in the management or administration of
more than one Club.
In considering the exercise of any discretion in favour of a Club pursuant to
Rule 4.2 above, FAS shall have regard to the needs to promote and safeguard
the interests and public profile of football, in particular its professionalism
thereof, its Players, spectators and others concerned with the game, and shall
have regard also to the objects of FAS.
Paid Officials
No Club shall make any contract or arrangement (inclusive of any
Sponsorship arrangements/agreements) pursuant to which an Official or
Player/Coach or such other person shall be remunerated save as permitted (in
writing) by the CEO, S.League or as permitted through its Chief Marketing
Officer or Director, Administration and Finance Division, or the Chief,
Employees Contracts
No Club shall directly or indirectly induce or attempt to induce any employee
of another Club to terminate a contract of employment with that other Club or
FAS (whether or not by breach of that contract) or directly or indirectly
approach any such employee with a view of offering employment without the
written consent of that other Club or the Chief, Competitions or Director,
Administration and Finance Division, as the case may be.
Any breach of these Rules in these Sections (notwithstanding that it may not
have been so expressed) shall be deemed misconduct, and the Club, Player or
Official, as the case may be, or a member of the Club, shall be referred to the
Disciplinary Committee or the appropriate Committee of the S.League,
through the CEO, S.League, for appropriate action as that Committee deems
fit at their absolute discretion.
The Chief, Competitions, shall, at his absolute discretion, compound
offences, where applicable, for any breaches of these Rules in these Sections
by Club Officials and/or Players or any other Member of the Club.
FAS Sanctions Of These Rules In These Sections
The Rules herein these various Sections have the sanction of the Exco and the
Council of FAS.
The Fourth Official
The Fourth Official is appointed under the competition rules and officiates
if any of the three officials is unable to continue.
The Fourth Official assists with any administrative duties before, during
and after the match, as required by the referee.
He is responsible for assisting with substitution procedures during the
He supervises the replacement footballs, where required. If the match ball
has to be replaced during a match, he provides another ball, on the
instruction of the referee, thus keeping the delay to a minimum.
He has the authority to check the equipment of substitutes before they enter
the field of play. If the equipment does not comply with the Laws of the
Game, he informs the referee.
The Fourth Official assists the referee at all times. He must indicate to the
referee when the wrong player is cautioned because of mistaken identity or
when a player is not sent off having been seen to be given a second caution
or when violent conduct occurs out of view of the referee and assistant
referees. The referee, however, retains the authority to decide on all points
connected with play.
After the Match, the Fourth Official must submit a report to the appropriate
authorities on any misconduct or other incident that has occurred out of the
view of the referee and/or the assistant referees. The Fourth Official must
advise the referee and his assistants of any report being made.
He has the authority to inform the referee of irresponsible behaviour by any
occupants of the technical area. He shall identify all occupants of the
technical area before the start of the match and ensure that they display
their accreditation passes on a visible part of their body throughout the
The Match Commissioner
The Chief, Competitions shall appoint a Match Commissioner for the S.
League match. He will act as the S. League’s official representative at the
He shall arrive at the venue at least ninety (90) minutes and sixty (60)
minutes in a Prime League match before the scheduled kick-off time.
Eighty (80) minutes before the kick-off, the Match Commissioner will
proceed to the dressing rooms of both teams to ascertain the Player’s
eligibility to play by checking the Player’s S.League Accreditation Pass
against the Player Selection List submitted by the respective teams.
The Match Commissioner shall then sign the Player Selection List for
dissemination by the host club official.
The Match Commissioner shall submit a report on any controversial
decisions made by the Match Officials resulting in a goal, caution or send
During the match, the Match Commissioner shall be seated in a prominent
seat where he can get the best overall view of the stadium.
If there is any violence or incident before, during and after the match, he
shall submit a separate report on the incident identifying the troublemakers (if possible). Chief, Competitions shall be notified on the details
soonest on his mobile phone.
After the match, he shall check with the official of each team to ascertain
whether there are any protest/complaints relating to the game.
The Match Commissioner shall submit his report in the required format to
Chief, Competitions, copy to the Competitions staff through e-mailing
system by 12 noon the day after the match, notwithstanding that it may be a
Saturday, Sunday or a Public Holiday.
The Match Commissioner shall refrain from making any statements to the
media, and direct all media queries to the S.League/FAS/S.League.
In doubt, consult Chief, Competitions and/or Competitions Division staff.
In its effort to promote fair play and sportsmanship, S.League shall hold a
Fair Play Competition during the S.League Tournament, the Singapore
Cup, the League Cup, and the Prime League, for the Season, based on an
assessment of the Teams’/Clubs’ conduct.
All the matches in the 2013 S.League Season, and for the Seasons
thereafter, shall be assessed by the Match Commissioner appointed to
oversee the match.
The objectives of the Fair Play Competition is to foster sportsmanship and
fair play among Players, Clubs/Team Officials, Members of the Club, and
spectators, in keeping with the Mission Statement of the S.League, thereby
also increasing the entertainment value of the game.
As soon as the game is over, the Match Commissioner shall complete the
prescribed form for the Fair Play Competition.
The Competitions Division shall release the standings upon the completion
of the competition whose decision shall be final.
The Competitions Division shall award the Club winning the Fair Play
Competition a trophy and/or a cash award or such prizes at their absolute
discretion, so determine.
Method Of Assessment
The assessment form lists five (5) criteria to assess the Teams’ or Clubs’
fair play performance, stressing the positive rather than negative aspects.
Red and Yellow Cards (deduction from a maximum of 60 points)
Yellow card
: 6 points
Red card
: 12 points
If a Player who has been cautioned with a yellow card, commits another
offence, normally punishable by a yellow card, and is sent off as a result of
the second offence, only the red card shall count, i.e. the total number of
points deducted shall be 12 points.
If, however, a Player who has been cautioned with a yellow card commits
another offence for which the punishment is instant expulsion, the total
amount deducted shall be 18 points (6+12).
Positive Play (max. 20 points)
The aim of this criterion is to reward attacking play (which obviously
appeals to spectators); points shall be awarded for the following subcategories:
Positive aspects (10 points)
Attacking rather than defensive tactics;
Speeding up the game;
Attempts at gaining time e.g. when a Team returns the ball
quickly to the game even though it is winning;
Continuing to attempt to score even if the result aimed at
(i.e. winning) had already been achieved;
Negative aspects (10 points)
Slowing down the game;
Rough tactics
Play-acting, etc.
Respect towards the Referees (max 10 points)
A positive attitude towards the Referee, including acceptance of doubtful
decisions, without protest, shall be rewarded.
Behaviour of Club/Team Officials (max 5 points)
Coaches and other Club/Team Officials are expected to encourage the
sporting, technical, tactical and ethical standards of their Team. They shall
instruct the Players to behave in accordance, and in the ultimate with the
principle of fair play.
Positive and negative factors in the behaviour of the Club Officials shall be
included in the assessment, for instance whether they had infringed rules
governing the Technical Area or how they accept the Referee’s decisions;
inciting or provoking Players shall be rated negatively.
Behaviour of the Crowd (max 5 points)
Clubs are expected to educate their fans to behave and inculcate good
habits whilst attending matches. Acts such as the use of a whistle or use of
abusive language/signs and/or provocative acts that disrupt or bring
disrepute to the game will be penalised. Points will be deducted based on
the following criteria:
Jeering, Use of Abusive Language or Signs/Inciting the Crowd
(max 5 points)
Should a supporter be seen jeering his Team/Club or his opponents,
or seen heard/ using abusive languages or signs, or if he/she incites
the crowd, the Team/Club to whom the supporter belongs shall be
deducted up to a maximum of 5 points.
If there are no such incidents the Team/Club will be awarded a
maximum of 5 points.
The Final Assessment
The overall assessment of Team/Club during the S.League
Tournament, the Singapore Cup, the League Cup and the Prime
League Competitions, 2013, or beyond, shall be calculated by
adding the marks attained at each game divided by the number of
matches played. The Club that has the highest average points shall
be the winner of the Fair Play Trophy.
In the event of a tie in the overall assessment, the winners remain as
they stand on their equal points.
In addition to making the assessment, the Match Commissioner may give a
short account of the fair play performance of the Teams/Clubs to clarify the
positive and negative factors which form the basis of his assessment. The
account may also emphasize any outstanding individual gestures of fair
play from a Player, Official, Referee, Club or any other person.
The Competitions Division draws up these Rules and the decision on any
other matters pertaining to this Award is final.
This Award is based on the Clubs’ performance in the 2013 S.League
Competitions, aforesaid, and or other such tournaments in the seasons
following, and will not include the performance in any other competition
unless determined by the Competitions Division.
The Singapore Professional Football League Pte Ltd (hereinafter “the S.League”),
recognising that there is no place in sport for drugs, leads the fight against doping in
all matches organised and/or sanctioned by the Football Association of Singapore
(hereinafter “FAS”). It is to the benefit of all Players and Clubs that the goal of the
S.League is to prevent endangering the health of its Players.
Any Player found guilty of breaching the following Rules shall be deemed to have
committed gross misconduct.
The Competitions Division retains the right, and at its absolute discretion, to
terminate forthwith the contract of such a Player through the Club.
The Player may also be referred to the FAS Disciplinary Committee for such action
as they deem fit. These sanctions are in addition to any criminal proceedings which
may be taken against the Player under existing criminal laws.
All Players may be subjected to both regular and random dope testing as directed by
the Competitions Division. Such testing can be carried out after the matches or at
surprise checks during training sessions.
The following acts shall be regarded as amounting to gross misconduct
pursuant to this Rule: a. the detection of a prohibited substance in a sample provided by a Player;
b. the use of a prohibited technique by a Player or by a Member;
c. the failure or refusal by a Player to submit to dope control testing as
required by a competent official;
d. inciting or assisting a Player to use a prohibited substance or technique;
e. failure to comply with the testing procedures as set out in the Procedural
Guidelines for the Conduct of Dope Testing;
f. interference with the conduct of a dope test;
g. trafficking in a prohibited substance or any of the substances set out in
Appendix A 1 (Social Dope) of the Procedural Guidelines for the Conduct
of Dope Testing.
A “prohibited substance” shall refer to those listed in Appendix A to the
Procedural Guidelines for the Conduct of Dope Testing. The list shall be
subjected to annual review at the end of each Season and any changes to it
shall be put to the knowledge of the Clubs and their Players before the
commencement of the new Season.
The term “prohibited substance” shall
characteristic of a prohibited substance.
The term “prohibited technique” shall mean the use or attempted use of any of
those methods as set out in Appendix A Part II of the Procedural Guidelines
for the Conduct of Dope Testing.
The systematic guidelines for the conduct of the dope testing are stated in the
“Procedural Guidelines for the Conduct of Dope Testing”. Any departure or
departures from the Guidelines shall not invalidate a finding of gross
misconduct under this Rule, unless this departure causes real and substantial
doubt on the integrity and reliability of the testing procedure.
If such dope testing detects the presence of any of the substances listed in
Appendix A 1 to the Procedural Guidelines for the Conduct of Drug Testing
(Social Dope), it shall be reported to the Competitions Division. The
Competitions Division may then consider whether it wishes to commence
disciplinary proceedings for gross misconduct against the Player involved or
whether it would be more appropriate to request that the Player undergo a
period of assessment, treatment or rehabilitation instead.
If a Player refuses to undergo or fails to complete a period of treatment or
rehabilitation, the Competitions Division may commence disciplinary
proceedings against the Player under this provision for gross misconduct.
All details of any assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of involved Players
shall be treated as confidential by all parties.
Procedural Guidelines for the Conduct of Drug Testing
These Guidelines should be followed as closely as possible. However, any
departure or departures away from these Guidelines shall not invalidate the
finding that a prohibited substance was present in a sample provided by a
Player or that a prohibited technique has been used, unless such a departure
was such as to cast real and substantial doubt on the reliability of the findings.
Dope testing shall be carried out by a suitably qualified Doping Control Officer
(“DCO”) as appointed and approved by the Competitions Division. In
conducting such testing, the DCO shall be accompanied by a supervising
official of the Competitions Division.
On request, the Competitions Division may grant a Player prior exemption
allowing him to take a substance prohibited by the Competitions Division.
Such an exemption will only be granted in cases of clear and compelling
clinical need. Such a request must be made to the Competitions Division who
shall refer the Player to any medical body, including the Sports Medicine and
Sports Science Division, Singapore Sports Council, at the Player’s expense
before any such exemption is given.
When any consent or signature is required for Dope Testing on Players under
the age of 21, it shall be given by a representative of the Player’s Club. It is
the responsibility of each Club to ensure that it has obtained, from a person
with parental responsibility for any minor, prior written consent to the conduct
of dope testing upon such a minor.
Selection of Matches
Dope testing may be conducted on any Player at any S.League Matches and
no prior notice shall be given either to the Clubs or to the Players concerned.
The Competitions Division shall, at its absolute discretion, decide on the
matches whereby Dope Testing shall be carried out.
Selection of Players
Such selection of Players shall be made at random.
The Competitions Division’s supervising official, in conjunction with the DCO
appointed to conduct the test, shall contact the Hon. Secretary of the Club
taking part in a match (or the General/Club Manager, Team Manager or
Coach or anyone deputising for any of these persons) no earlier than the
beginning of the half-time interval of the match concerned. When the match is
to be played on a neutral ground, the Hon. Secretary of the Club (or the
General/Club Manager, Team Manager or Coach or anyone deputising for
any of these persons) responsible for that ground shall be informed.
A written notice in the form set out in Annexure 2 of the Guidelines shall be
given to an official of each of the Clubs concerned, who shall ensure that the
Players selected comply with the instructions as conveyed in the Notice. The
Players selected shall be given a copy of such a notice by his respective Club
only after the match. The Player must acknowledge receipt in the relevant
section of this Notice. The DCO shall accompany the Player with a Club
representative to the Doping Control Station for the purposes of examination.
Any Player, who refuses to sign the Notice of which he is obligated to do so,
shall be reported to Competitions Division. If the Player fails or refuses to
report to provide a sample at the end of the game, he shall be deemed to
have committed a doping offence and may be subject to sanctions for
misconduct in accordance with this provision.
The Competitions Division, may at its absolute discretion, excuse a Player
from dope testing if an injury or illness renders such participation impractical.
Facilities for the Collection of Samples
There shall be a designated Dope Control Station where samples shall be
The Dope Control Station shall consist of a waiting area, working room
and toilets. There should be all the required equipment needed for
dope testing, such as sample containers, bottles and suitable sealing
equipment, including a refrigerator. The DCO and the Competitions
Division’s supervising official shall ensure that such a facility is
adequate and proper, prior to the start of the testing.
(b) Only one (1) Player at a time is permitted to enter the working room.
Drinks may be provided to the Player or his accompanying Official in the
waiting room.
The Dope Control Station shall be clearly identified by a signboard.
Collection of Urine Samples
As soon as the match is over, the Players selected shall report to the Dope
Control Station. They can only depart from the Station after the procedure of
the whole test has been completed. If a Player is to be allowed to leave the
Station due to exceptional circumstances, he shall be accompanied by the
supervising official from the Competitions Division or the DCO.
Only the following shall be admitted in to the working room of the Dope
Control Station:i.
Officials of the Competitions Division;
the DCOs;
the Players selected;
a representative of the Player’s Club;
other persons as approved by the Competitions Division’s supervising
The Club should make arrangements to ensure that no unauthorised person/s
be allowed entry into the Dope Control Station.
When the Player is ready, he shall select a sample collecting container from a
number of clean, unused and sealed containers and proceed to provide the
As for a Player under the age of 21, an official of the same gender of the
Player’s club selected by the Player, shall be present at all times.
Each Player shall provide a minimum of 70ml of urine. However, any shortfall
in the amount of urine provided shall not invalidate the test so long as it is
sufficient for the test to be adequately performed.
The collection of the Player’s urine sample shall be witnessed by the
Competitions Division’s supervising official and an DCO, who shall be of the
same gender as the Player. If the Player is unable to provide the required
amount of urine, the sample container should be sealed and kept secure in
the Dope Control Station. Once the Player is ready to provide additional urine
sample, he shall return to the relevant area and provide the further sample.
During the collection of the urine sample, attention shall be paid to the
Player’s personal dignity.
A Player should be allowed to choose two bottles from a selection of clean
unused bottles. One bottle should be marked main sample “A” and the other
reserve sample “B”. The sample shall then be divided by either the Player or
the official into the two chosen bottles. It is recommended that the main “A”
sample consist of at least 40ml and the reserve “B” sample of at least 30ml.
However, regard should be given to Rule 5.6 above.
The two bottles shall be closed in the presence of the Player and inserted in
packaging and sealed for transit to the laboratory. The Player should ensure
that the code on each bottle is the same as that entered by the official on the
Player’s Dope Testing Form.
The Signatures of the Player, the accompanying representative and an DCO
present at the Dope Control Station, must appear on the Dope Testing Form,
confirming that the above procedures were carried out. If there should be any
Player who feels that the procedures were not carried out satisfactorily, he
should state so in the Dope Testing Form and give his reasons for such
dissatisfaction. If the Player indicates his satisfaction with the testing on the
Form, this shall amount to conclusive evidence that the test was properly
conducted and the Player shall be deemed to have waived any irregularity in
the collection of the sample.
The Dope Testing Form should be devised that one original and two duplicate
copies are produced at the same time. These should be distributed as
One copy to the laboratory responsible for the analysis of the sample,
which shall not contain any information which could identify the Player
providing the sample;
One copy to a DCO, for onward transmission to the Dope Testing
Committee of the Competitions Division, such copies to be kept strictly
confidential, unless a Player challenges the results of the test;
One copy to the Player who underwent the dope test.
Storage and Despatch of Samples
All samples shall be stored in a suitable and secure place while awaiting
despatch to the laboratory, and a record of the same to be kept by the DCO.
All samples should be sent to the laboratory for analysis as soon as possible.
Analysis of Samples
Samples shall be sent for analysis only to laboratories appointed and
approved by the Competitions Division.
The Competitions Division and an IOC-Accredited Laboratory or such other
laboratory in Singapore or elsewhere will endeavour to ensure that the
analysis of the main “A” sample is carried out as soon as possible after arrival
at the designated laboratory.
Access to the laboratory during analysis should be restricted to members of
the laboratory and to authorised observers.
Should any uncertainty, issue or problem arise in the relation to the sample,
the laboratory may conduct further or other tests necessary to clarify the
uncertainty, issue or problem so raised and such tests may be relied upon by
the Competitions Division in deciding whether a Player has been guilty of
gross misconduct under this Rule.
Transmission of Results
If the analysis of the main “A” sample indicates the presence in the sample of
a prohibited substance, the Competitions Division shall be informed of this as
soon as possible. The Competitions Division shall then notify the Player
immediately and his Club immediately in writing set out in the notice, and shall
demand for an explanation from the Player within the designated time.
If there should be no satisfactory explanation from the Player, the laboratory
shall arrange dates, in liaison with the Competitions Division, for the conduct
of testing on the reserve “B” sample. There shall be no need to conduct
analysis on this “B” reserve sample if the Player either admits the commission
of a doping offence or informs the Competitions Division that he does not
require such analysis to be performed. The Player and his Club should be
informed of the date and time of the analysis of the reserve “B” sample. The
Player may be entitled to be accompanied by one representative of his Club.
A representative of the Competitions Division may also attend.
Once testing of the reserve “B” sample is completed, a laboratory report shall
be sent to the Competitions Division. The Competitions Division shall also be
sent a copy of all relevant laboratory dates.
If any of the following matters occur, that is:
the laboratory report discloses the presence of the same prohibited
substance in the “B” sample as was detected in that Player’s “A” sample,
ii. the Player admits the commission of a doping offence, or
iii. the Player waives his right to a “B” sample analysis which shall then be
regarded as positive.
The Player shall be subjected to disciplinary sanctions for gross misconduct in
accordance with this provision.
Until such time as the laboratory report on the reserve “B” sample is received
by the Competitions Division, all details of the investigation shall be treated as
confidential by all persons connected with it.
Random Drug Testing
The S.League may, at any period of time, conduct random unannounced
dope testing on Players. Such testing shall be done at training grounds or at
other venues at the request of the Competitions Division.
On all such occasions when dope testing is conducted, an DCO shall be
accompanied by a supervising official representing the Competitions Division.
Contacting Players
When a Club or a Player has been selected for testing by the Competitions
Division, the Competitions Division’s supervising official shall make an
appointment with the respective Club’s officials to make contact with the
Players at the Club’s training ground.
Alternatively, a DCO and the Competitions Division supervising official may
arrive unannounced at the Club’s training ground.
When such an appointment has been made, it is the Club’s responsibility to
ensure that there is no possible confusion over the date, time or venue where
the sample collection is to be taken. It is also the Club’s responsibility to
ensure that all Players are present for such dope testing.
When such an appointment has been made and it appears that the
appointment has not been kept by the Club or any of its players, the DCO and
the Competitions Division’s supervising official shall wait for up to two (2)
hours, beyond the time agreed, but thereafter shall report to the Competitions
Division the fact that Players from a particular Club did not attend testing. In
such circumstances, both the Clubs and its Players may be subjected to
sanctions for misconduct in accordance with this Rule.
When a DCO and the Competitions Division’s supervising official arrive
unannounced, they must give the Players reasonable time to complete any
activity which they are engaged in.
Notwithstanding this, testing should commence within one hour of first contact
with the Players.
Selection of Players
The selection of Players for dope tests may be random or on a basis
designated by the Competitions Division.
A written notice in the form set out in Annexure 2 of the Guidelines shall be
given to each individual Player selected for testing. The Player shall
acknowledge receipt in the relevant section of the Notice.
If a Player refuses to sign the Notice, he shall be reminded of his obligation to
undergo dope testing. If a Player fails or refuses to sign this Notice, and/or
fails or refuses to provide a sample, he shall be deemed to have committed a
doping offence and may be subjected to sanctions for misconduct in
accordance with this Rule.
Before dope testing is carried out, the DCO and the Competitions Division’s
supervising official must show the Player, and, if requested, any Club official,
originals or copies of:
i. a DCO card;
ii. the letter from the Competitions Division authorising a DCO and the
Competitions Division’s supervising official to conduct dope testing on its
Facilities for the Collection of Samples
The DCO and the Competitions Division’s supervising official shall make
every effort to collect urine samples as discreetly as possible and with
maximum privacy. However, it must be recognised that circumstances may
impose difficulties upon an DCO that cannot easily be overcome.
In all other respects, the samples shall be collected in accordance with the
procedures laid down in Rules 5.4 to 5.10 of these Guidelines.
Further Procedures
Once a sample has been collected, it shall be dealt with in accordance with
Rules 6 to 8 of the Guidelines.
Doping inflicts harm on both the Game and the human body. The S.League’s
definition of doping would follow current IOC regulations, which may change from
time to time.
Social Drugs
Certain drugs are known to be abused generally in society, as well as being
used to enhance performance in a sporting context. Substances listed under
(i) as shown below, are those performance enhancing substances which are
“Prohibited Substances” for the purposes of these Rules, but which are also
abused in society generally.
Substances listed under (ii) are not “Prohibited Substances” but may be the
subject of the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation programme. Although
not “Prohibited Substances”, evidence of administration by a player may form
the basis of a charge of bringing the game into disrepute. Tests may be
conducted for them and sanctions imposed.
Cocaine, amphetamine, methylene dioxy
Marijuana, phencyclidine, methaqualone.
Refer to the attached 2013 Prohibited List from The World Anti-Doping Agency
Date of Match: ________________________
Time of Notification: ___________________
Please be informed that you are to report to the Dope Control Station at the end of
the Match.
Failure to report may be deemed as Misconduct in accordance with the S.League
ruling on Dope Control Testing. You may be accompanied by a representative of
your Club.
I hereby acknowledge Receipt of this Notification Form and agree to report no later
than the time stated herein.
Player's Name:
Registration No.:
Name of Club:
Time of Notification / Match End: ______________________________________
Time of Arrival at Doping Control Station:
Time urine sample procedure completed:
Number - Bottle (A)
Number - Bottle (B)
Number - Seal (A)
Number -Seal (B)
Total amount of urine (ml):
SG of urine:
PH of urine:
Drug declared to have been used:
Signed – Doping Control Officer (DCO)
I declare that I am satisfied with the sample collection procedure.
Signed – Player: ________________________________ Date: ______________
Signed-Club Representative: _____________________ Date: _______________
FROM: _____________________________________________________________
TO: Competitions Division, S.League
Player's Name: _____________________________________________________
Registration Number: ________________________________________________
Club: _____________________________________________________________
Name of Substance: _________________________________________________
Dosage: __________________________________________________________
Date of Administration:
Diagnosis: __________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________________
Name of Physician: _________________________________________________
Contact Address: ___________________________________________________
Contact No.: ________________________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________________
The World Anti-Doping Code
THE 2013
The official text of the Prohibited List shall be maintained by WADA and shall be
published in English and French. In the event of any conflict between the English
and French versions, the English version shall prevail.
This List shall come into effect on 1 January 2013-
The 2013 Prohibited List
10 September 2012
Valid 1 January 2013
In accordance with Article 4.2.2 of the World Anti-Doping Code,
all Prohibited Substances shall be considered as “Specified
Substances” except Substances in classes S1, S2, S4.4, S4.5,
S6.a, and Prohibited Methods M1, M2 and M3.
Any pharmacological substance which is not addressed by any of the
subsequent sections of the List and with no current approval by any
governmental regulatory health authority for human therapeutic use (e.g
drugs under pre-clinical or clinical development or discontinued, designer
drugs, substances approved only for veterinary use) is prohibited at all
Anabolic agents are prohibited.
Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS)
a. Exogenous* AAS, including:
1-androstenediol (5α-androst-1-ene-3β,17β-diol ); 1-androstenedione (5αandrost-1-ene-3,17-dione); bolandiol (estr-4-ene-3β,17β-diol ); bolasterone;
boldenone; boldione (androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione); calusterone;
clostebol; danazol ([1,2]oxazolo[4',5':2,3]pregna-4-en-20-yn-17α-ol);
The 2013 Prohibited List
10 September 2012
dehydrochlormethyltestosterone (4-chloro-17β-hydroxy-17α-methylandrosta1,4-dien-3-one); desoxymethyltestosterone (17α-methyl-5α-androst-2-en17β-ol); drostanolone; ethylestrenol (19-norpregna-4-en-17α-ol);
fluoxymesterone; formebolone; furazabol (17αmethyl[1,2,5]oxadiazolo[3',4':2,3]-5α-androstan-17β-ol); gestrinone; 4hydroxytestosterone (4,17β-dihydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one); mestanolone;
mesterolone; metenolone; methandienone (17β-hydroxy-17αmethylandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one); methandriol; methasterone (17β-hydroxy2α,17α-dimethyl-5α-androstan-3-one); methyldienolone (17β-hydroxy-17αmethylestra-4,9-dien-3-one); methyl-1-testosterone (17β-hydroxy-17α-methyl5α-androst-1-en-3-one); methylnortestosterone (17β-hydroxy-17α-methylestr4-en-3-one); methyltestosterone; metribolone (methyltrienolone, 17βhydroxy-17α-methylestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one); mibolerone; nandrolone; 19norandrostenedione (estr-4-ene-3,17-dione); norboletone; norclostebol;
norethandrolone; oxabolone; oxandrolone; oxymesterone; oxymetholone;
prostanozol (17β-[(tetrahydropyran-2-yl)oxy]-1'H-pyrazolo[3,4:2,3]-5αandrostane); quinbolone; stanozolol; stenbolone; 1-testosterone (17βhydroxy-5α-androst-1-en-3-one); tetrahydrogestrinone (17-hydroxy-18ahomo-19-nor-17α-pregna-4,9,11-trien-3-one); trenbolone (17β-hydroxyestr4,9,11-trien-3-one); and other substances with a similar chemical structure or
similar biological effect(s).
b. Endogenous** AAS when administered exogenously:
androstenediol (androst-5-ene-3β,17β-diol); androstenedione (androst-4-ene3,17-dione); dihydrotestosterone (17β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-3-one);
prasterone (dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA, 3β-hydroxyandrost-5-en-17-one);
and their metabolites and isomers, including but not limited to:
5α-androstane-3α,17α-diol; 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol; 5α-androstane3β,17α-diol; 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol; androst-4-ene-3α,17α-diol;
androst-4-ene-3α,17β-diol; androst-4-ene-3β,17α-diol; androst-5-ene3α,17α-diol; androst-5-ene-3α,17β-diol; androst-5-ene-3β,17α-diol;
4-androstenediol (androst-4-ene-3β,17β-diol); 5-androstenedione (androst-5ene-3,17-dione); epi-dihydrotestosterone; epitestosterone;
etiocholanolone; 3α-hydroxy-5α-androstan-17-one; 3β-hydroxy-5αandrostan-17-one; 7α-hydroxy-DHEA ; 7β-hydroxy-DHEA ; 7-keto-DHEA;
19-norandrosterone; 19-noretiocholanolone.
2. Other Anabolic Agents, including but not limited to:
Clenbuterol, selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), tibolone,
zeranol, zilpaterol.
The 2013 Prohibited List
10 September 2012
For purposes of this section:
* “exogenous” refers to a substance which is not ordinarily capable of being
produced by the body naturally.
** “endogenous” refers to a substance which is capable of being produced by the
body naturally.
The following substances and their releasing factors are prohibited:
1. Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents [e.g. erythropoietin (EPO),
darbepoetin (dEPO), hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) stabilizers,
methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta (CERA), peginesatide
2. Chorionic Gonadotrophin (CG) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in
3. Corticotrophins;
4. Growth Hormone (GH), Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1),
Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs), Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF),
Mechano Growth Factors (MGFs), Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
(PDGF), Vascular-Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) as well as any
other growth factor affecting muscle, tendon or ligament protein
synthesis/degradation, vascularisation, energy utilization, regenerative
capacity or fibre type switching;
and other substances with similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s).
All beta-2 agonists, including all optical isomers (e.g. d- and l-) where relevant,
are prohibited except inhaled salbutamol (maximum 1600 micrograms over 24
hours), inhaled formoterol (maximum delivered dose 54 micrograms over 24
hours) and salmeterol when taken by inhalation in accordance with the
manufacturers’ recommended therapeutic regimen.
The presence in urine of salbutamol in excess of 1000 ng/mL or formoterol in
excess of 40 ng/mL is presumed not to be an intended therapeutic use of the
substance and will be considered as an Adverse Analytical Finding unless the
Athlete proves, through a controlled pharmacokinetic study, that the abnormal
result was the consequence of the use of the therapeutic inhaled dose up to the
maximum indicated above.
The 2013 Prohibited List
10 September 2012
The following are prohibited:
1. Aromatase inhibitors including, but not limited to: aminoglutethimide,
anastrozole, androsta-1,4,6-triene-3,17-dione
(androstatrienedione), 4-androstene-3,6,17 trione (6-oxo),
exemestane, formestane, letrozole, testolactone.
2. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) including, but not
limited to: raloxifene, tamoxifen, toremifene.
3. Other anti-estrogenic substances including, but not limited to:
clomiphene, cyclofenil, fulvestrant.
4. Agents modifying myostatin function(s) including, but not limited, to:
myostatin inhibitors.
5. Metabolic modulators:
a) Insulins
b) Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor δ (PPARδ) agonists
(e.g. GW 1516), PPARδ-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) axis
agonists (e.g. AICAR)
Masking agents are prohibited. They include:
Diuretics, desmopressin, plasma expanders (e.g. glycerol; intravenous
administration of albumin, dextran, hydroxyethyl starch and mannitol),
probenecid; and other substances with similar biological effect(s).
Local administration of felypressin in dental anaesthesia is not prohibited.
Diuretics include:
Acetazolamide, amiloride, bumetanide, canrenone, chlorthalidone,
etacrynic acid, furosemide, indapamide, metolazone, spironolactone,
thiazides (e.g. bendroflumethiazide, chlorothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide),
triamterene; and other substances with a similar chemical structure or similar
biological effect(s) (except drospirenone, pamabrom and topical dorzolamide and
brinzolamide, which are not prohibited).
The use In- and Out-of-Competition, as applicable, of any quantity of a substance
subject to threshold limits (i.e. formoterol, salbutamol, cathine, ephedrine,
methylephedrine and pseudoephedrine) in conjunction with a diuretic or other
masking agent requires the deliverance of a specific Therapeutic Use Exemption
for that substance in addition to the one granted for the diuretic or other masking
The 2013 Prohibited List
10 September 2012
The following are prohibited:
The administration or reintroduction of any quantity of autologous,
homologous or heterologous blood or red blood cell products of any origin
into the circulatory system.
Artificially enhancing the uptake, transport or delivery of oxygen, including,
but not limited to, perfluorochemicals, efaproxiral (RSR13) and modified
haemoglobin products (e.g. haemoglobin-based blood substitutes,
microencapsulated haemoglobin products), excluding supplemental oxygen.
Any form of intravascular manipulation of the blood or blood components by
physical or chemical means.
The following are prohibited:
Tampering, or attempting to tamper, in order to alter the integrity and
validity of Samples collected during Doping Control. These include but are
not limited to urine substitution and/or adulteration (e.g. proteases).
Intravenous infusions and/or injections of more than 50 mL per 6 hour period
except for those legitimately received in the course of hospital admissions or
clinical investigations.
The following, with the potential to enhance sport performance, are prohibited:
The transfer of polymers of nucleic acids or nucleic acid analogues;
The use of normal or genetically modified cells.
The 2013 Prohibited List
10 September 2012
In addition to the categories S0 to S5 and M1 to M3 defined above,
the following categories are prohibited In-Competition:
All stimulants, including all optical isomers (e.g. d- and l-) where relevant, are
prohibited, except imidazole derivatives for topical use and those stimulants
included in the 2013 Monitoring Program*.
Stimulants include:
a: Non-Specified Stimulants:
Adrafinil; amfepramone; amiphenazole; amphetamine; amphetaminil;
benfluorex; benzphetamine; benzylpiperazine; bromantan; clobenzorex;
cocaine; cropropamide; crotetamide; dimethylamphetamine;
etilamphetamine; famprofazone; fencamine; fenetylline; fenfluramine;
fenproporex; furfenorex; mefenorex; mephentermine; mesocarb;
methamphetamine(d-); p-methylamphetamine;
methylenedioxyamphetamine; methylenedioxymethamphetamine;
modafinil; norfenfluramine; phendimetrazine; phenmetrazine;
phentermine; 4-phenylpiracetam (carphedon); prenylamine; prolintane.
A stimulant not expressly listed in this section is a Specified Substance.
b: Specified Stimulants (examples):
Adrenaline**; cathine***; ephedrine****; etamivan; etilefrine; fenbutrazate;
fencamfamin; heptaminol; isometheptene; levmetamfetamine;
meclofenoxate; methylephedrine****; methylhexaneamine
(dimethylpentylamine); methylphenidate; nikethamide; norfenefrine;
octopamine; oxilofrine (methylsynephrine); parahydroxyamphetamine;
pemoline; pentetrazol; phenpromethamine; propylhexedrine;
pseudoephedrine*****; selegiline; sibutramine; strychnine;
tuaminoheptane; and other substances with a similar chemical structure or
similar biological effect(s).
The 2013 Prohibited List
10 September 2012
The following substances included in the 2013 Monitoring Program (bupropion,
caffeine, nicotine, phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine, pipradol, synephrine) are
not considered as Prohibited Substances.
Local administration (e.g. nasal, ophthalmologic) of Adrenaline or coadministration with local anaesthetic agents is not prohibited.
Cathine is prohibited when its concentration in urine is greater than 5
micrograms per milliliter.
Each of ephedrine and methylephedrine is prohibited when its
concentration in urine is greater than 10 micrograms per milliliter.
Pseudoephedrine is prohibited when its concentration in urine is greater
than 150 micrograms per milliliter.
The following are prohibited:
Buprenorphine, dextromoramide, diamorphine (heroin), fentanyl and its
derivatives, hydromorphone, methadone, morphine, oxycodone,
oxymorphone, pentazocine, pethidine.
Natural (e.g. cannabis, hashish, marijuana) or synthetic delta 9tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabimimetics (e.g. “Spice”, JWH018,
JWH073, HU-210) are prohibited.
All glucocorticosteroids are prohibited when administered by oral, intravenous,
intramuscular or rectal routes.
The 2013 Prohibited List
10 September 2012
Alcohol (ethanol) is prohibited In-Competition only, in the following sports.
Detection will be conducted by analysis of breath and/or blood. The doping
violation threshold (haematological values) is 0.10 g/L.
Aeronautic (FAI)
Archery (FITA)
Automobile (FIA)
Karate (WKF)
Motorcycling (FIM)
Powerboating (UIM)
Unless otherwise specified, beta-blockers are prohibited In-Competition only, in
the following sports.
Archery (FITA) (also prohibited Out-of-Competition)
Automobile (FIA)
Billiards (all disciplines) (WCBS)
Darts (WDF)
Golf (IGF)
Shooting (ISSF, IPC) (also prohibited Out-of-Competition)
Skiing/Snowboarding (FIS) in ski jumping, freestyle aerials/halfpipe and
snowboard halfpipe/big air
Beta-blockers include, but are not limited to, the following:
Acebutolol, alprenolol, atenolol, betaxolol, bisoprolol, bunolol, carteolol,
carvedilol, celiprolol, esmolol, labetalol, levobunolol, metipranolol,
metoprolol, nadolol, oxprenolol, pindolol, propranolol, sotalol, timolol.
The 2013 Prohibited List
10 September 2012