Catalogus GJH - Adams Amsterdam Auctions
Catalogus GJH - Adams Amsterdam Auctions
AUCTION SALE 3 THE COLLECTION GERT JAN HEMMINK Part 1 Joost Veerkamp Saturday, 2 October 2010 Adams Amsterdam Auctions Herengracht 386 - 1016 CJ AMSTERDAM (NL) Tel. +31 20 320 11 31 - [email protected] Catalogus GJH.indd 1 16-09-10 11:50 FIRST PART OF THE GERT JAN HEMMINK COLLECTION: JOOST VEERKAMP “Prominent in velerlei opzicht was sinds de jaren 1970 Gert Jan Hemmink (1947) te Amstelveen: als verzamelaar van het werk van Louis Paul Boon, W.F. Hermans en Gerard Reve, maar bovenal van Hugo Claus en de Cobragroep. Verder als uitgever met zijn biblofiele stichting AMO en als schrijver van een eerste overzichtsartikel [...] over het modern-antiquarische boek” Piet J. Buijnsters. Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse bibliofilie. [Nijmegen, 2010], p. 204-5 Gert Jan Hemmink (1947-), publisher of bibliophile books under the imprint ‘AMO’ and organizor of the ‘Amsterdamsche Boekenmarkt’ started collecting modern books at a very early age and - for many years now - has been one of the most passionate collectors in the Netherlands. He built many different collections, literature as well as art, and inspired many other private collectors and dealers with his vision, his passion and his taste. Adams is very proud to offer a first part of his famous collection. As a publisher, Hemmink worked close together with the artist Joost Veerkamp. He admired him and collected all his works. The collection presented here is the most important collection of works by Joost Veerkamp ever offered for sale. Included the very rare first book ‘Padvinders en honden vinden altijd de weg terug’ and many other sold out books and publications. The artist steps forward with his whole range of talents: as a painter, as a parodist and as an ‘emulator’, as an unique philatelist, with his drawings, silkscreens, posters, books and with his collaboration with other writers. All the deluxe books are present, often with extra original drawings and inscriptions. Also with original designs, sketches and drawings for the presents of the ‘Amsterdamsche Boekenmarkt’ e.g. the watches, the clock, the calendar. With the famous publication ‘Postzegelalbum’ with the updates and very rare collector’s items like the silkscreen ‘Labor Integer Vincit (complete labour conquers all)’, Veerkamp made for the legendary publishing house of L.J. Veen. This collection contains also a rare oil painting, dated 1988, ‘La Réproduction Interdite Revisited. (Parody on René Magritte. ‘La réproduction interdite’) a medium rarely used by Veerkamp. Catalogus GJH.indd 2 Joost Veerkamp (1953-) is a Dutch drawing artist and the ‘master of the pastiche’. He makes the most original books, on his own and together with writers such as Brouwers, Carmiggelt, Claus, Hotz, Komrij, Kousbroek and Nooteboom. He excells with his so called ‘Klare Lijn’-drawings (a term by Joost Swarte) also known as ‘Hergé-stijl’ and ‘Kuifje-stijl’. His clear compositions have often architectural subjects and shaded colours. Apart from the books his posters and postcards are famous for their unique combination of originality and imitation. He invented a discipline of his own with his ‘Postzegelalbum’project, a hilarious cultural history of the Netherlands on the square centimetre. His whole work shows a combination of wit and craftmanship to an extend that is very difficult to be found elsewhere. 16-09-10 11:50 BOOKS BY JOOST VEERKAMP 746 VEERKAMP, Joost (1953-). Padvinders & honden vinden altijd de weg terug. [...]. Amst., De Lange Afstand, 1978. Dec. halfplastic with leopard print cloth boards with dustwr. with glued orig. stamp made by Veerkamp. With separate orig. etching by Hr. VAN RIJN, numb. and inscribed with title in pencil. One of 15 (of 35) Roman numb. deluxe copies on Hahnemühle Ingres Bütten, totally handmade. Scoutstrilogy I (700-800) First bookpublication and first stamp by Joost Veerkamp. With prospectus and review of Vrij Nederland, 16 sept. 1978. Inscribed by the author: “Voor Olaf/ Joost ‘78” [=Olaf Stoop, the founder of the Real Free Press]. Good condition (wr. sl. browned and stained). See illustration on opposite page 747 -. Welpenspetjes & voorzetstukken [...]. Amst., Excelsior, 1980. Skai with dustwr. With separate orig. etching, numb. ‘3/18’, signed ‘Joost’, dated ‘1980’ and inscribed with title ‘Bijzondere vluchten I’ in pencil. One of 18 (of 60) Roman numb. deluxe copies on Fabriano Laurentiana. Scoutstrilogy II (500-700) With orig. drawing under the colophon. With prospectus and press clipping. With separate the illustration of p. 17 and a handwritten card by the author. Good condition.- (Spine sl. discol.) 748 -. Same work. One of 42 (of 60) arabic numb. copies on Fabriano Laurentiana. De Scoutstrilogy II (80-100) Signed by the author. Ex bibl. Olaf Stoop [=Olaf Stoop, the founder of the Real Free Press]. With prospectus. Wr. dam., covers stained, otherwise in good condition Catalogus GJH.indd 3 749 -. Het verkennen van jongens. Behelp je met een welpje. Geheel herziene versie ter gelegenheid van het 75-jarig bestaan van Scouting Nederland door Lord Robert Baden Powell of Wilwell. Amst., Guy te Laer, 1985. Orig. cloth boards with shirt pocket. Design Joke WERKHOVEN. In the orig. box with pasted plastic folder with a first day of issue envelope with 6 scouting stamps. Number 3 of deluxe edition of 25 copies Roman numb. copies. This copy is arabic numb.: ‘3’!, with in pencil by G.J. Hemmink: “[Moet zijn: III. Met originele tek.]”. Scoutstrilogy III (500-700) With on title an orig. signed and dated drawing by Veerkamp and inscribed with title under the colophon: “[...] Baden Powell, klaar om zich te scheren, zoekt zijn scheerkwast”. Shirt pocket on cover is filled with typical scouting attributes, such as a condom, the ‘verkennersboekje’, a comb a.s.o. Signed by ‘Oubaas Veerkamp’ on p. 4 and ‘Akela Hemmink of the AMO-horde’: G. Hemmink. With separate a proof of the prospectus. Copy of the first deluxe series with superb coverdesign. Good condition 750 -. Same work. Orig. skai with snake-reliëfprint with 16-09-10 11:50 dustwrappers. Number 26 of 30 Arabic numbered copies (the middle-edition). Scoutstrilogy III (200-250) Signed by ‘Oubaas Veerkamp’ on p. 4; Joost Veerkamp and ‘Akela Hemmink of the AMO-horde’: G. Hemmink. With the prospectus. With separate an envelope with 6 scouting stamps, a postcard, a letter and the prospectus. Good condition. Together with: a revised edition in paperback (oblong) Amst., Gerard Timmer Prods, 1988 751 -. Same work. Orig. dec. boards. Number 56 of the ‘volks—editie’ (trade version). Scoutstrilogy III (80-100) Signed by ‘Oubaas Veerkamp’ on p. 4; Joost Veerkamp and ‘Akela Hemmink of the AMO-horde’: G. Hemmink. Good condition 752 -. Het boek. Amstelveen, OMA, 1985. 7 Folded sheets in cloth box. With 4 colour drawings, all signed in full ‘Joost Veerkamp’. No. 3 of 8 copies, printed in brown and black. Folio (1.000-1.200) Printed on name for Gert Jan Hemmink and signed by Veerkamp. Good condition.- (Spine box sl. discol., some small stains on frontcover box). Together with: the orig. autograph text for this publication, the typescript with corrections by hand from the editor and the annual report Kluwer 1984, with the 4 drawings by Veerkamp (2) 753 -. Het postzegelalbum van Joost Veerkamp (Stamp album). [Amst., Rap, 1988]. Orig. dec. gilt cloth with gilt letter- Catalogus GJH.indd 4 ing on spine, copper screws. In fitting slipcase. With pasted stamps in colour, design Joost Veerkamp. No. 5 of 1000 signed copies. Stamped under the colophon ‘Eerste dag van uitgifte’. Contains 11 supplements and a bookcase. Together with: supplement no. 2, 7, 9 (3x), 10 (2x), 12 (2x), 13, 14, 15.; a variety of postcards and letters concerning the supplements; newspaper clippings: De Volkskrant “De postzegelwraak van Joost Veerkamp”, 26-11-1988 and “Vakantieherinneringen”, 28-11-1990, NRC Handelsblad “PTT-beambten confisqueren pornografische postzegel”, 23-01-1989. See illustration on p. 2 (300-400) Complete album with all the stamps and the envelopes. With many extra items. Superb publication and project. Rare. Good condition 754 -. Papieren Magneten. ‘s-Gravenhage, [Statenhofpers], 1999. Orig. wr. 45 copies in blue and black. With 3 pasted unstamped stamps. (12) pp. First edition (70-90) Inscribed and signed under the colophon: “Voor Gert Jan Hemmink die het ook niet makkelijk heeft”. With the orig. envelope “Helemaal vergeten! Vriendelijke muismatgroet”. First use of the emblem of the ‘Statenhofpers’, designed by Veerkamp. Together with: -. Beknopte handleiding voor het bouwen van paleizen, 2002, numb. and signed and K. SCHIPPERS. Na de voorstelling/After the performance, Penumbra, 1989. With 10 ill. by Veerkamp. Inscribed on title: “voor Gert-Jan, K. Schippers 27.11.89”. With the prospectus; Joost VEERKAMP. Schrijversleed. Amst., Rap, 1990. No. 11 of 500 bound copies, inscribed and signed: “Nou ja, je begrijpt het al: dikke zoenen en dit boekje, Joost 1991”; ‘Danny’. In: Bunker Hill 6, (2003), vol. 22, with an orig. drawing on halftitle and 2 others (7) 16-09-10 11:51 755 -. Boekenmarkt. Amstelveen, AMO, 2004. Cloth with dustwr. With jubilee stamp (25 cent) as a frontispiece. No. X of deluxe serie of 25 signed copies on Grand papier bound by Phoenix, Middelburg. With portrait of Thomas Rap in ‘poëziegrafie’ by Veerkamp (32) pp. (90-120) Published on the occasion of the 25th ‘Amsterdamse Boekenmarkt’. With separate portrait of Rap on thick paper, signed, numbered and dated in pencil ‘X/XXV, Joost 2004’. 20 x 13,4 cm. Very fine silkscreen and vignettes by Veerkamp. 220 copies on Zerkall, signed by Brouwers and Veerkamp (24) pp. First edition (200-300) Dated by Veerkamp ‘19-04-1997’. Deluxe copy with separate extra folded sheet with signed and dated silkscreen. Very fine 756 -. Same work. Amst., De Amsterdamsche Boekenmarkt, 2004. Orig. wr. With jubilee stamp (10 cent) as a frontispiece. No. 27 of 500 numb. copies. With portrait of Thomas Rap in ‘poëziegrafie’ by Veerkamp (32) pp. (60-80) th Published on the occasion of the 25 ‘Amsterdamse Boekenmarkt’. With the accompanying letter and a pasted advertisement for the book Gebroken Lichtval. Together with: a copy of the unnumb. series of 500 copies (2) PUBLICATIONS IN COOPERATION WITH OTHERS 757 -. - BERG, Arie van den. Een absoluut muizegat. [Amst.], Sub Signo Libelli, 1979. Orig. cloth. With 10 drawings by Veerkamp. No. 11 of 70 copies on Bütten Werckdruck in silver and black, signed by Van den Berg en Veerkamp. (92) pp. First edition (80-100) With the ill. prospectus. Together with: the reprint by Reflex, Utrecht, 1980 (2) 761 759 -. - -. In Memoriam Patris. [Den Haag], Statenhofpers, 1997. Orig. dec. wr. Design Veerkamp. Drawing on cover signed and dated “Joost 1997’. 50 copies on Magnani (5) pp. First edition (200-300) 30 copies were intended for a publication for Hans VAN EIJK. Good condition, vague fold upper right corner. Very rare 758 -. - BROUWERS, Jeroen. De zondvloed. (Uitgegumde fragmenten). Nederlandsche Vereeniging voor Druken Boekkunst, 1997. Orig. gilt cloth. With 760 -. - CARMIGGELT, S. De doos. [Amst.], Sub Signo Libelli, 1978. Orig. gilt. full morocco in fitting slipcase. No. II of 5 Roman numb. copies on Zerkall-Bütten in ochre and black, printed on name, with 1 orig. etching by Veerkamp. (2),10,(10) pp. First edition (1.800-2.000) This copy is printed for G.J. Hemmink. Signed by CARMIGGELT on first endpaper. With extra second Catalogus GJH.indd 5 16-09-10 11:52 etching by Veerkamp, signed and dated ’1/1, Joost, 1978’. Bound with the orig. wrappers and separate in folder a proof and a “Kronkel”, of 17 november 1977. Very fine production. Very rare title of Sub Signo Libelli 761 -. - -. Welverdiende onrust. Amst., De Arbeiderspers, [1982]. Orig. half vellum in fitting slipcase. No. III of 10 Roman numb. H.C. copies with 1 mezzotint by Veerkamp and 1 orig. autograph text “Kronkel” by Carmiggelt, 2 sheets of paper from an exercise book, doublesided in ballpoint, folded once. (6)162,(4) pp. First edition. GROTE ABC 427 (350-400) Inscribed and signed under the colophon by Carmiggelt: “Vergeet me niet in God’s huis”. With an extra proof of the etching with signature of Carmiggelt, imitated by Veerkamp. With a handwritten accompanying card by him to Gert Jan Hemmink, dated 11 aug. 1982. Very fine 762 -. - CLAUS, Hugo. De groeten. Rott., Poetry International/Amst., De Bezige Bij, 2002. Half morocco with marbled boards, lettered in silver on spine. In fitting slipcase. With frontispiece by Veerkamp (proof). (4),13,(17) pp. (250-300) No. 1 of 2 proof copies, signed by the author. Together with: -. Gevulde contouren. Amst., Rap, 1985. Boards with dustwr. With ills. First ed. Catalogus GJH.indd 6 763 -. - HEMMINK, Gert Jan. Frankfurter Impressionen. Met een woord vooraf door Jan DE MUNCK. Amst., De Veulenbeltpers, 1979. 8 folded sheets in orig. gilt cloth portfolio. Design Hans VAN DER HORST. Number 5 of 50 copies. First edition (100-150) With the first silkscreen made by Joost Veerkamp, numbered 5/50 and signed ‘Joost Veerlamp’ [!] Good condition, gilt title sl. dam. 764 -. - -. Same work. Number 6 (80-100) With the first silkscreen made by Joost Veerkamp, numbered 6/50 and signed ‘Joost Meerkamp’ [!] Good condition, gilt title sl. dam. 765 -. - -. Same work. Number 8 (80-100) With the first silkscreen made by Joost Veerkamp, numbered 8/50 and signed ‘Joost Teerkamp’ [!] Good condition, gilt title sl. dam. 766 -. - HOTZ, F.B. September. Amstelveen, AMO, 1997. Half morocco, lettered in gilt on spine, with gilt publisher’s emblem on frontcover. In deluxe slipcase. One of 3 deluxe H.C. copies printed in bordeaux red and black on Hahnemühle. With 24 silkscreens on Simili Japon, printed by Joost Veerkamp. (40) pp. (400-600) With a suite of all the silkscreens, marked ‘HC’ and 1 orig. drawing in ink on paper, signed and dated ‘Joost 1997’ (lo wer right). In passepartout. 9 x 8,5 cm. Very fine 767 -. - -. Same work. Gilt cloth, lettered in gilt on spine, with gilt 16-09-10 11:53 publisher’s emblem on frontcover. One of 3 H.C. co pies of the normal edition, printed on Hahnemühle. With 24 silkscreens on Simili Japon, printed by Joost Veerkamp. (40) pp. (300-500) With 1 orig. drawing in ink on paper, signed and dated ‘Joost 1997’ (lower right). 15,5 x 10,7 cm. With 2 sheets with proofs of the silkscreens, 1 printed in black and 1 in brown on Simili Japon resp. 65 x 64 cm. and 46 x 64 cm. With prospectus. Very fine 768 -. - KEULEN, Mensje van. Overspel. Amst., De Arbeiderspers, [1982]. Orig. half morocco with silk boards in fitting slipcase. No. III of 10 Roman numbered and signed H.C. copies with 1 handcoloured mezzotint by Veerkamp and 1 orig. autograph text “Lieve Maria” by Van Keulen, 1 folded sheet of paper, one side in ink. (6),227,(5) pp. First edition. GROTE ABC 429(250-350) Inscribed and signed under the colophon by the author: “Voor Gert Jan Hemmink met dank en toch tevreden”. With a handwritten accompanying letter by her to Gert Jan Hemmink. Very fine 772 -. - LOOY, Jac. van. De dood van mijn poes. [Avalon Pers, Sub Signo Libelli a.o., 2005]. Orig. dec. silk. Coverill. Veerkamp. In dec. slipcase. With attr. by Hans VAN EIJK, Frans DE JONG, Hester VERKRUISSEN, Kees THOMASSEN a.o. 45 copies on the occasion of the 50th. birthday of Jaap Schipper (Statenhofpers). (92) pp. First edition (70-100) With bookmarker 769 -. - KOMRIJ, Gerrit. ‘Teringstein’. Complete collection of the serial in VN, 25 sept. 1982 - 13 oct. 1984. 100 loose issues in plastic sheets in ring binder. Every text by Komrij, illustrated by Veerkamp (80-90) Good condition 770 -. - -. De os op de klokkentoren. [Amst., De Arbeiderspers, 1982]. Silv. cloth with dustwr. Number 5 of deluxe edition of 50 copies. Numb. and signed by Komrij and Veerkamp. (48) pp. First edition (350-450) With separate orig. etching, numb. ‘NR. 5/50’, monogrammed and dated ‘1982’. With the proof etching. With an extra orig. drawing on the first endpaper. Minimal dam. wr. Very fine 771 -. - KOUSBROEK, Rudy. Over luiken. ‘s-Gravenhage, [Statenhofpers], 2005. Orig. gilt. cloth. With ills., also in reliëf and orig. photo. No. 33 of 140 copies on Magnani, signed and dated by Kousbroek and Veerkamp. (28) pp. First edition (70-100) Catalogus GJH.indd 7 773 -. - NOOTEBOOM, Cees. Nooteboom’s Hotel bij nacht. Etching on watercolour paper, handcoloured, signed, dated and inscribed with title “Nooteboom’s Hotel bij nacht I/II 1983 B’ (600-800) Very fine. Together with: a copy of the arabic numbered edition of the book, no. 3/50. Amst., Phoenix Editions, 1983. Orig. gilt cloth. With the prospectus 774 -. - -. Nooteboom’s Hotel. Paradijslaan I, Shangri La, Ultima Thule naast restaurant Chez God. Amst., Phoenix Editions, 16-09-10 11:54 1983. Half morocco with gilt title on spine in fitting slipcase. With etching by Veerkamp as a frontispiece, signed, numb. and dated ‘Joost Veerkamp 1983 III/XX’ in green ink. No. III of 20 Roman numb. and signed copies printed in green and black with 1 extra etching by Veerkamp, inked by hand, signed, dated and inscribed with title ‘Nootebooms Hotel 1983 III/XX’ and 1 loose folded sheet with a printed and a handwritten version of the poem ‘Hotels’ by Nooteboom, one sided in ink. 25,(7) pp. First edition (300-500) With the prospectus. Very fine. Extraordinary production with fine etching of Nooteboom by Veerkamp 775 -. - SCHOLTEN, Patty. V-boek. [Den Haag], Statenhofpers, [2001]. Cloth with dustwr. With 5 mezzotint ills., 4 colour prints, 15 vignettes, 3 initials and special endpapers by Veerkamp. Nr. A3 of 75 copies (of 127) printed on Hahnemühle, signed by poet and artist. (44) pp. First edition (1). Together with: KOMRIJ, Gerrit. De os op de klokkentoren. [Amst., De Arbeiderspers, 1982]. Silv. cloth with dustwr. (48) pp. First edition (2) (100-150) With the prospectus (1). With separate print of an advertisement of the publisher for a presentation in Utrecht (2). Both books in very good condition.(Vague red pencil line frontwr. V-boek) 776 -. - SCHOLTEN, Patty. V-boek. [Den Haag], Statenhofpers, [2001]. Half vellum in gilt. paper slipcase. With 5 mezzotint ills., 4 colour prints, 15 vignettes, 3 initials and special endpapers by Veerkamp. Nr. B3 of 45 deluxe copies (of 127) printed on Hahnemühle, signed by poet and artist. (44) pp. With separate etching, numb. ‘3/45’ and signed ’Joost’. First edition. With the prospectus (200-400) With 5 mezzotint ills., 4 colour prints, 15 vignettes, 3 initials and special endpapers by Veerkamp. Nr. C3 of 7 ultra deluxe copies (of 127) printed on Gampi, signed by poet and artist. (44) pp. In cloth box with: a folder with the 4 signed and numb. colour prints, a folder with 7 signed and numb. etchings in passe-partouts, and an orig. etching-plate. First edition (1.000-1.200) With the prospectus and card in envelope from the publisher. With on half title an orig. drawing in ink, signed and inscribed: “op 21 jan 2003 toegevoegd aan de Hemmink-stal keurmeester: Joost” 778 -. - STOUTE, René. Werklust. Amst., Phoenix Editions, 1985. Orig. half vellum lettered in gilt on spine with publisher’s emblem on frontcover. With frontispiece by Joost Veerkamp. No. III of 30 Roman numb. copies, printed in green and black with separate folded sheet with a printed poem and an extra drawing by Veerkamp, signed and dated ‘Joost 1985’ (lower centre) (300-500) Inscribed by the author: “Speciaal dank voor Gert Jan Hemmink - ‘n samenwerking die niet anders dan (als) “werklustig” en vriendschappelijk genoemd mag worden.” Very fine 779 -. - -. Same work. Orig. wr. with publisher’s emblem on frontcover. With frontispiece by Joost Veerkamp. No. 12 of 67 Arabic numb. copies, printed in green and black, signed by the author (50-70) 777 -. - -. Same work. Gilt full vellum in cardboard slipcase. Catalogus GJH.indd 8 16-09-10 11:54 WORKS OF ART 782 -. In de ton. ‘Ot en Sien’ parody. Watercolour on paper. With printed text under the image on the passepartout: “Het is warm en ze wordt zó heet, Kiene Sien, -ze kan al breien-, Dat ze Ot in de ton ontkleedt, insteekt, doorhaalt en af laat glijen. Tot: Rik, tik tak! Ot’s kwak, of wat? De regen valt, op Sien haar gat.” 59,5 x 47,5 cm. With postcards (600-800) Parody on Cornelis Jetses. Good condition, framed behind glass 780 -. - WERKHOVEN, Ton. Gebroken Lichtval. Amst., Thomas Rap, 2004. Half-calf. With ills. by Veerkamp and photos by Werkhoven. With an orig. drawing in ink, signed and dated ‘Joost 2006’ and an orig. photo in frame with glass (15,5 x 21,5 cm.). In special box by Frans den BREEJEN. Nr. III of 20 Roman numb. signed deluxe copies 59,(1) pp. First edition (900-1.000) With prospectus and letter from Veerkamp and catalogue of Thomas Rap. Good condition.- (Sl. soiled along edges of box) 781 -. a.o. Hugo Claus 65. Amstelveen, AMO, [1994]. Orig. half vellum with gilt ‘65’ on handcoloured boards. In paper slipcase. No. 33 of 65 copies, signed by Hugo CLAUS. With contributions by ALECHINSKY, CAMPERT, DE CONINCK, CORNEILLE, Charlotte HEMMINK, VAN KOOTEN, KOUWENAAR, KRISTEL, LUCEBERT, NOOTEBOOM, RIEMENS, VINKENOOG, DE VREE and YPERMAN and signed contr. by RAVEEL, REINHOUD, TAJIRI and VEERKAMP (900-1.000) With prospectus. Very fine. Together with: De 65 kristallen jaren. (Hugo Claus). Poster parody on HERGÉ by Veerkamp. Signed ‘Joost’ (lower centre). 36,2 x 28,2 cm. and also an unsigned copy. Good condition Catalogus GJH.indd 9 783 -. Van een dolle hond. ‘Ot en Sien’ parody. Watercolour on paper. With printed text under the image on the passepartout: “Sien wil dat Ot een hond zal zijn. ‘Blief jij wel een hapklaar brokje?’ ‘Ja’, hijgt de hond: ‘Dat vind ik fijn’, met jouw poes onder één rokje!’ Hij kwijlt en likt haar poes half dood. Sien geilt en hikt: ‘n Hond in mijn goot!”. 59,5 x 47,3 cm. With postcard (600-800) Parody on Cornelis Jetses. Good condition, framed behind glass 784 -. Labor Integer Vincit (complete labour conquers all). Silkscreen, dated ‘1987’ and signed in full ‘Joost Veerkamp’ (lower right), numb. ‘27/75’ (lower left). L. 32,1 x 47 cm; S. 49,5 x 79,5 cm. (600-800) Very rare silkscreen by Veerkamp. Business present of ‘Uitgeverij Veen’. Title refers to L.J. Veen. Good condition, framed behind glass (see illustration on the next page) 16-09-10 11:55 meaning as they relate to the production of images. A question very familiar to Veerkamp. It must have been a challenge for Veerkamp to reproduce this Magritte (inspite of the title) and make a parody on it. He succeeded in a perfect way. Very rare, Veerkamp only made a very few oil paintings. Very good condition. Nicely framed POSTERS AND SILKSCREENS Queen Beatrix transformed into Marilyn Monroe 785 -. La Réproduction Interdite Revisited. (Parody on René Magritte. ‘La réproduction interdite’). Oil on board, signed ‘Joost’ and dated ‘1988’ (on the reverse, lower left). 67,5 x 51,2 cm. With folder ‘Museum Boymans-van Beuningen Rotterdam’ with illustration of the orig. painting and postcard ‘Vincent Mentzel. J.A. Deelder ‘la réproduction interdite, René Magritte’ (3.000-4.000) René Magritte (1898-1967) was a Belgian surrealist artist. His intended goal for his work was to challenge observers’ preconditioned perceptions of reality and force viewers to become hypersensitive to their surroundings. ‘Not to be Reproduced’ (La Réproduction Interdite) raises questions about perception and 784 Catalogus GJH.indd 10 786 VEERKAMP, Joost (1953-). Queen of the screen (Queen Beatrix transformed into Marilyn Monroe). Poster, 1985. Numbered ‘5/100’ and signed in full ‘Joost Veerkamp’ (lower right). 47 x 33 cm. With set of 3 posters, each showing a different phase of the production process: without black blocks, with orange blocks (both unpublished) and the final phase when the faces are covered with black blocks. Each circa 74 x 52 cm. (220-270) Good condition. Together with: Joost VEERKAMP. Grimeren voor beginners. Ad Unum Omnes. Amst., Rap, 1987. Boards with dustwr. With ills. 48 pp. First ed. Good condition.- (wr. discol.) and ‘Grimeren voor beginners’, 21 clippings from Vrij Nederland, 1987 787 -. De Vlucht (Vraag en aanbod). Poster, 1987. Inscribed ‘voor Gert-Jan H.’, numbered ‘3’ and signed in full ‘Joost Veerkamp’ (lower right). 50 x 70 cm. Good condition (50-70) 16-09-10 11:55 With postcard. 36 x 24 cm. Together with: a copy of an antiquarian catalogue of De Slegte with the original design for this poster with the ‘De Slegte’ emblem. Good condition (60-80) 790 -. Vroom & Dreesmann, Haarlem. Piezography, 1997. Signed ‘Joost’ (lower right). 46 x 30,8 cm. With postcard and poster of ‘Stichting Beeldende Kunst’, 1996. Dated ‘1996’ and signed in full ‘Joost Veerkamp’ (centre building). 49 x 32,3 cm. (70-90) Good condition 788 -. Dawning of the age of Aquarius. (Acid rain). Poster, Stichting Millennium, 1990. 100 x 70 cm. numb. ‘93/250’ and signed ‘Joost’ (lower centre) (70-90) With postcard. On the carplate: “19-JV-90”[!] 789 -. 25 year Athenaeum Bookshop. Poster, 1994. Numb. ‘256’ and signed ‘Joost’ (lower centre). 71 x 51 cm. Catalogus GJH.indd 11 791 -. De ideale man. Silkscreen, 1999. Dated ‘1999’, numbered ‘XIX/XX’ and signed ‘Joost’ (lower right). 61 x 45 cm. With postcard (80-100) Good condition 792 -. Een Zomaarzotheid. Piezography, 2003. Dated ‘2003’, numb. ‘8/250’ and signed ‘Joost’ (lower 16-09-10 11:55 With postcards and newspaper clipping “Veerkamp boos over gesol met Avonden-affiche”, De Volkskrant, 11-12-1989. With on the ‘Roxy’-poster a billboard of the film ‘De Avonden’. Good condition right). 70 x 49,5 cm. With: a smaller version, 46 x 29,5 cm. (80-120) Pastiche of a book by Cissy van Marxveldt in the typical style of Hans Borrebach. Good condition, sm. spot on the lower left corner of the smaller version 793 -. Gerard Reve posters: 1. De Avonden; 2. Roxy (the late show). Filmposter, 1989. Numb. ‘194/200’ and signed ‘Joost’ (lower left). 100 x 70 cm.; 2. Poster, 1991. 100 x 70 cm. (50-70) Catalogus GJH.indd 12 794 -. Set of 5 posters: 1. Onder de brug; 2. God schept Eva; 3. Pak de trein terug; 4. Veerkamp signeert alles; 5. Eerste Holland Animation Festival. Numb. and signed (1 and 2); With sticker and leaflet (3); Orig. print used by Joost Veerkamp during the ‘Haarlemse Stripdagen’ (4); Poster with ills. by Veerkamp of Humphrey Bogart (5). All different sizes (70-90) Nice set. Good condition 795 -. Set of 6 Tintin posters (parody on Hergé). Het zwarte goud, 1994. Signed ‘Joost’ and numb. ‘11’ (lower centre); De geheimzinnige ster, 1994. Signed ‘Joost’ and numb. ‘11’ (lower centre); Doodsoorzaak Hobbyjagers, 1994. Signed ‘Joost’ and numb. ‘77’ (lower centre); Cruijffje mist Amerika, 1994. Signed ‘Joost’ and numb. ‘133’ (lower centre), with copy of workshop drawing and newspaper reproduction, De Volkskrant 1506-1994; Vlucht LY 1862, 1994. Signed ‘Joost’ (lower right), with copy of workshop drawing. 42 x 30 cm.; Camel, 1994. Signed ‘Joost’ and numb. ‘46’ (lower centre). Each circa 70x 50 cm. (60-70) All posters with postcard. Good condition. Together with: 6 clippings from Vrij Nederland, 1994 and ‘The rechtsgang van Joost Veerkamp’ In: Stripschrift 28, (1995), vol. 5 796 -. The view (La plongeuse). Silkscreen, 2004. Dated ‘2004’, numbered ‘14/250’ and signed ‘Joost’ (lower right). 100 x 70 cm. With try-out for the bookcover ‘Baby’ of 16-09-10 11:57 drawing: two similar designs with small differences. 51,5 x 26,4 cm.; Final result and three sketches (on transparant paper) and one sketch on white paper; Handwritten letter of the artist dated ‘18-01-1994’ with two sketches of the watchfaces; Clock, 1996. With text: “Sorry hoor, die Boekenmarktweegschaal van u deugt absoluut niet!”, in orig. packaging. Diameter 37,5 cm. Together with: jubilee edition 25 jaar Amsterdamsche Boekenmarkt, 2004 with black and white photo and workshop drawing. With orig. full colour photo, 12,2 x 10,2 cm.; fax dated 12-06-1996 with “10 Ideetjes voor 1 wijzerplaat”, with enlargement of workshop drawing; fax dated 18-06-1996 with final design; two workshop drawings, on both sides of one transparant paper; Mousepad. With text “De Amsterdamsche boekenmarkt. Voor wie hogerop wil. En uw muis zit het lekkerst met zijn gatje op dit boekenmatje” and “Ziezo, printen die hap.” With jubilee edition 25 jaar Amsterdamsche Boekenmarkt, 2004 with picture of mousepad; sketch; copy of sketch for t-shirt (450-550) Good condition Kirsten Thorup. 23 x 36,5 cm. Good condition MISCELLANEA 797 VEERKAMP, Joost (1953-). Gifts for visitors and relatives ‘Amsterdamsche Boekenmarkt’. Set of 4 watches, 1994. Final version: white watchface with black pointers, white watchface with white pointers, black watchface with white pointers, black watchface with red pointers and red watch-strap. Each in orig. box with certificate of guarantee. With jubilee edition 25 jaar Amsterdamsche Boekenmarkt 2004, with pictures of the four watches, the first sketch and workshop drawing. In addition: the original sketch; Workshop Catalogus GJH.indd 13 (70-90) 798 -. Designs for bookcover, writing pad, bookmarker a.s.o (16 x). Catalogue cover, 2000. Coen Jansen. Vaste Planten. With price list with drawing by Joost Veerkamp; Bookcover, 1984. Rainbow Pocket 1, 11 and 22 (2x); Cover for the first Carmiggeltbulletin, 1979 (2x) ; 3 workshop drawings for the cover of the jubilee edition 25 jaar Amsterdamsche Boekenmarkt, 2004. With final jubilee edition; Design for cover Loden Lijnen, 2006. With orig. envelope; Drawing with text on paper, 22,9 x 13,7 cm.: “Op de natte koninginnedag van 1982 drukten David Simaleavich en Hans van Eijk 30 exemplaren op Zerkall papier onder luide protesten van Dieuwke 16-09-10 11:57 Ram en Ger Kleis”, 1982; Cover for writing-pad; Playing cards (happy families), 1986. With designs by Joost Veerkamp a.o.; 4 Postcards; Invitation for exposition. With list of artworks and card with invitation for exposition, 1984; Bookmarker, design by Joost Veerkamp; Postcard for “Anti Bont Comité”, 1984. With magazine Bont voor dieren Blad; The We Do Times, magazine, 2008. All 4 vols.; 5 CDA newspapers, 22 januari 1994 with caricatures by Veerkamp (photocopy) (80-100) Good condition Hilversum”, 1999. 42,1 x 42,1 cm.; 3. Clock, 1998. With text: “Het is weer zo laat”, signed ‘Joost’, numbered ‘14’ and dated ‘3/03/98’ (on reverse). Limited edition, in orig. packaging. Diameter 37,5 cm.; 4. Drawing, ink on paper, 2000. Inscribed with date and title ‘“De Boekverkoper” 19 oktober 2000’ and signed ‘Joost’ (lower left). 14,3 x 9 cm. With canvas bag for the 25th anniversary of the comic bookshop “De Jacobijn”; 5. Mousepad, 1997. With calculator, in orig. packaging. With drawing, numbered ‘25/35’ (in passe-partout) and writing-paper with emblem. 6. 2 boxes with 40 postcards, 7 postcards “Monumentaal Hilversum” a.o. (200-250) Good condition, drawing framed behind glass the Cobra cabinet of Gert Jan Hemmink 799 -. Veerkamp miscellanea (6x). 1. Set of six printing proofs for the stamps calendar made by Scan Studio Heemstede, 1995, each 44 x 31,6 cm.; 2. “Architectuur kalender Catalogus GJH.indd 14 800 COBRA - GEEST, Klaas van der (1935-). (The Cobra Cabinet of Gert Jan Hemmink). Incl. books on APPEL, CONSTANT, CORNEILLE, ALECHINSKY, JORN, PEDERSEN, JACOBSEN and HEERUP. Black painted wooden cabinet with 3 shelves, with wheels below (after Constant) and coloured cat on top (after Appel). 224 x 99 x 38 cm. With on each shelf 3 different books on Cobra all with handmade special slipcases by Klaas van der Geest. First shelf: 1. Pierre RESTANY and Allen GINSBERG. Karel Appel. [...]. Amst., Becht, 1985. Cloth with dustwr. Ills. in colour. 256 pp. Large folio. With handmade slipcase with woodrelief after ‘Questioning children’ (p. 43 of the book) on cloth box; 2. HONNEF, Klaus. Constant 1945-1983. 16-09-10 11:57 Köln, Rheinland Verlag, 1986. Ills. 98 pp.; 3. LAUDE, André. Corneille. Paris, Ed. S.M.I., 1973. Cloth with dustwr. 120 pp. Folio; Second shelf: 4. PUTMAN, Jacques. Alechinsky. Paris, Odège, 1967. Cloth with dustwr. 207 pp. Large folio. 5. COBRA 1948-1951. Amst., Van Gennep, 1980. (Facsimile of the magazine Cobra). With slipcase with engraved slate; 6. ZWEITE, Armin. Asger Jorn 1914-1973. München, Lenbachhaus, 1987. Pap. Ills. 285 pp.; Third shelf: 7. Carl-Henning PEDERSEN. Milano, Electa, 1986. Cloth with dustwr. Ills. 201 pp. Large folio. Inscribed by Pedersen and his wife Sidsel Ramson for O.V. Andersen (1986); 8. HOVDENAKK, Per. Egill Jacobsen. [Copenhague], Borgen, 1980. Cloth with dustwr. Ills. No. 72 of 1000 numb. copies. With 2 orig. lithographs, monogrammed. 223 pp. Folio. Slipcase with woodrelief after ‘Orange Object’ (p. 33 of the book); 9. MOESTRUP, Hans. Henry Heerup. Det grafische vaerk/The graphic works 1930-80. Charlottenland, Cordelia, 1980. Cloth with dustwr. Ills. No. 2478 of 2700 numb. copies. With 1 orig. lithograph, signed. 158 pp. Large folio (1.000-2.000) Books, slipcases and cabinet general in good condition.(two whiskers of the cat on top lacking). Colourful and very special piece of art. Unique. Exhibition: Cobra Museum voor Moderen Kunst, Amstelveen, 1999 Catalogus GJH.indd 15 16-09-10 11:58 Conditions of sale 1. All items are assumed to be in good condition, unless otherwise stated. They may be returned - in the same condition - if any serious defect not mentioned in the catalogue should be found. Notice must be given promptly, and the item returned within 8 days of receipt. Excepted are lots comprising 3 or more works, works not mentioned in the description (“others”), or items marked “w.a.f.” (“with all faults”) or “n.s.t.r.” (“not subject to return”). 2. In accordance with established sale conditions, the purchaser has to pay an extra charge of 23,8% (incl. taxes; 20 % for buyers outside the European Union). 3. Each buyer is held to buy for his own account and cannot claim any commission. 4. All purchases must be paid for within two weeks of receipt of the invoice. Property of the goods does not pass to the purchaser until the invoice has been paid in full. Any costs caused by the buyers not complying with these conditions (e.g. collecting fees) will be chargeable to them. 5. In case intending purchasers are prevented from attending the sale personally, the auctioneer will execute their bids free of charge. 6. On every purchase Dutch law only is applicable. In case of disputes the judge of the appropriate chamber in Amsterdam is exclusively competent to decide in first instance. 7. Each subsequent bid should be 10% higher than the preceding, the auctioneer, however, is entitled to change this pattern ant his own discretion. (In practice this means that bids up to € 60 will be increased by € 5, up to € 160 by € 10, up to € 220 by € 20, up to € 450 by € 25, and there after 10% of the current bid). Irregular written bids will be handled in the same way (€ 41 will be read as € 45, € 505 as € 550, etc.). 8. The provided estimates should be seen as an indication of the expected result, and should not be seen as reserves. Absentee bids must be at least half of the higher estimate, though we advise absentee bidders to bid at least the lower estimate. 9. The bidding on most lots will start at the lower estimate, unless prior bids necessitate a higher start. 10. The highest bidder shall be the purchaser of the lot. In case of dispute, the auctioneer alone is entitled to decide on price and/or purchaser. The auctioneer has the right to refuse any bid without stating his reason. 11. Shipping is at cost and risk of the purchaser. 12. All goods must be collected within two weeks of the auction. All costs incurred after this period, e.g. storage, insurance, transport etc., will be charged to the purchaser. 13. By bidding, the bidder accepts that these conditions of sale are binding. Veilingvoorwaarden 1. Alle objecten worden geacht in goede staat te verkeren, tenzij anders is vermeld. Zij kunnen – mits in dezelfde staat - worden geretourneerd indien ernstige, niet in de catalogus vermelde gebreken kunnen worden vastgesteld. Terugzending dient uiterlijk binnen 8 dagen na ontvangst te geschieden. Met latere reclames kan geen rekening worden gehouden. Uitgezonderd zijn kavels die uit drie of meer werken bestaan, werken die niet afzonderlijk in de beschrijving zijn genoemd, alsmede kavels waarvan vooraf is aangegeven dat ze “w.a.f” of “n.s.t.r.” worden aangeboden (resp.: “with all faults” en “not subject to return”). 2. Overeenkomstig de gebruikelijke veilingvoorwaarden is de koper 23,8% opgeld (d.i. incl. btw) verschuldigd over het bedrag waarvoor het kavel werd toegewezen 3. Eenieder wordt geacht voor eigen rekening te kopen en kan zich niet op opdracht beroepen. 4. Alle aankopen moeten uiterlijk twee weken na ontvangst van de veilingnota zijn betaald. De geveilde goederen worden pas na volledige betaling eigendom van de koper. Kosten, ontstaan doordat de koper in strijd met deze voorwaarden handelt (zoals incassokosten), komen ten laste van de koper. 5. De veilinghouder zal opdrachten van hen, die de verkoping niet kunnen bijwonen, zonder kosten uitvoeren. 6. Op iedere koop is bij uitsluiting Nederlands recht van toepassing. Bij geschillen is de terzake bevoegde rechter te Amsterdam bij uitsluiting bevoegd in eerste instantie te oordelen. 7. Ieder voorgaand bod dient met 10% te worden overboden, al is de veilinghouder gerechtigd verhogingen naar eigen inzicht aan te passen. (In de praktijk wordt in de zaal tot € 60 met € 5 verhoogd, daarna tot € 160 met € 10, daarna tot € 220 met € 20, daarna tot € 450 met € 25 en daarna met 10% van het lopende bod). Opdrachten vooraf die van dit patroon afwijken, zullen op dezelfde manier worden behandeld (€ 41 wordt dan € 45, € 505 wordt € 550). 8. De aangegeven schattingen zijn bedoeld als indicatie van de opbrengst en als leidraad bij het bieden, ze zijn geen limieten of verkoopprijzen. Biedingen vooraf dienen tenminste de helft van de hoogste schatting te bedragen, al adviseren wij aspirant-kopers die de veiling niet bijwonen om ten minste een bod ter hoogte van de laagste schatting uit te brengen. 9. De meeste kavels worden ingezet op de laagste schatting, tenzij concurrerende biedingen vooraf een hogere inzet nodig maken. 10. De hoogste bieder is de koper. Bij verschil van mening blijft de veilinghouder als enige gerechtigd verkoopsprijs en koper aan te wijzen. Hij heeft hij het recht zich bij vergissing te herstellen, alsook om zonder opgave van redenen een bod te weigeren. 11. Verzending geschiedt voor rekening en risico van de koper. 12. Alle goederen dienen uiterlijk twee weken na de veiling te zijn afgehaald. Alle extra kosten, na deze datum ontstaan door opslag, verzekering, transport e.d., komen voor rekening van de koper. 13. Met zijn bod verbindt de bieder zich aan de veilingvoorwaarden. Catalogus GJH.indd 16 16-09-10 11:58