2015 Brickton Annual Report - Brickton Montessori School
2015 Brickton Annual Report - Brickton Montessori School
%ULFNWRQ0RQWHVVRUL6FKRRO)LVFDO<HDU-XO\-XO\ Donors Brickton Montessori School’s 2015 Annual Fund Thank you to everyone who participated in the Annual Fund Campaign. With your generous support, we were able to raise $35,377. Major Donors $2,500+ David Anthony and Mariann Lemke (P/D) David Duffy and LaDonna Taylor (P/D) Leadership Donors $1,000 - $2,499 Sari Anthony – In memory of Telly Anthony (GP) 'U-DPHVDQG+HOHQ%DUUHWW*3 -RKQ%DUUHWWDQG&KHU\O/D&RVW)D33$ Steve and Mary Disse (P) Philip and Suzanne Ergastolo (PA/D/M) Dihan Fernando (D) -XVWXV-RVHSKDQG.DUHQ0DVOH\-RVHSK3 Dr. Paul Lisnek and the Contursi family(P/PA) Michael and Dora Messina (P) Daniel and Heidi Natura (P/D/M) Community Givers $500 - $999 Michael and Lara Austrins (P) (YDQ&ROHPDQDQG.LHUD,DQQDQWXRQL3 5DGHNDQG.DUROLQD)LDOD3 0DWWKHZDQG1HULVVD.XHEULFK3 Elizabeth Norman (Fa) Chandra and Suneetha Pendyala (P) The Family of Matthew and Agnes Plaza(P) Sergey and Olga Shafran (P) 5LFKDUG7KRPDV-UDQG$XUHD7KRPDV3 -RKQDQG&KHU\O8UEDQVNL*3 Givers $1 - $499 Robert and Molly Arnoldt (P/PA/Fa) Melonie Arroyo (P/Fa) -HIIUH\%UDXQDQG6XH+ROW3$0 .HYLQDQG6HOHQD%URVQDQ3)D 3DWULFNDQG-XGLWK%URVQDQ*3 Megan Bucaro (P) Marusia Calderon (P) (ULFDQG-DFNLH&DXZDOV3 Daniel and Shashona Chau (P) Efrain Cintron and Mirvette Badal (P) Edward and Denise Cortez (PA) -HUHP\DQG-HQ&R]DG3)D Patricia Cribben (Fa) Michael and Sharon Damore (Fd) Leo and Ann Davin (GP) David and Cindy Degand (P/D) Deborah DeYoung (P) Olina Dolly (P) Ivana Drazic-Cunningham (P) Annual Report 'U'DQLHODQG.D\'XII\*3 Frances Franzke (GP) -DVRQ)UDQ]NHDQG&KU\VWDO3R]LQ3' -HIIUH\)UHGULFNVRQ)D Georgi Gergov (P) -RUJH*RPH]DQG-DFNLH7RUR3$)D Peter and Sara Gregory (PA/Fa) -HIIUH\DQG$JQHV*XHUUD3)D -HIIDQG3DP+D\3$ -RKQ+XEHU)D .DWK\+XPPHO)D .DWKOHHQ.DVVHU)D Erica Lane (P/Fa) -RHDQG.DUHQ/XERPVNL)D Charles Martin (Fa) 7LPDQG.HOO\0F'HUPRWW3)D Raymond and Amanda McPartlin (P/M) Liz Menczynski (Fa) Phil and Patricia Moran (Fa) Robert Murphy and Verma Veenu (P) Ryan Noe and Deena Reyes (P) Beth Peachey (Fa) David and Lori Plier (P) Steve and Donna Pollizze (P) Michael Pugliese and Dorothy Schweitzer (Fa) Matthew and Meghan Ricard (P) Marie Rodriguez (Fa) Mauricio and Ana Rodriguez (P) .DWLH5RVH)D Alice Rowland (PA/D) Herman and Rosa Sanchez (P) Satyendra Sarmah and Renu Gupta (P/D) Rick and Liz Skrodzki (Fa) -RVHSK6RPHUVDQG-HVVLFD&DVWHHO3' Larry and Diane Steinert (PA/Fa) -RQDWKDQDQG6XVDQ8UEDQVNL3 Megan White (Fa) -RKQDQG+HDWKHU:LOFHN3)D .HYLQDQG$QQD:LOKLWH30 Paul Wrezel and Lisa Spragia (A) -RVHSKDQG/DXUHHQ=XUHLNDW3 Annual Fund Corporate Matching Donations All-Over Pest Solutions Living Habitats -30RUJDQ&KDVH Verizon Foundation 8QLWHG:D\ A = Alumni Fa = Faculty/staff Fd = Friend GP = Grandparent M = Matching gift P = Parent of current student PA = Parent of alumni student D = Board of directors :HVW&DWDOSD$YHQXH&KLFDJR,OOLQRLV%ULFNWRQRUJ “… the first thing his education demands is the provision of an environment in which he can develop the powers given him by nature. This does not mean just to amuse him and let him do what he likes. But it does mean that we have to adjust our minds to doing a work of collaboration with nature, to being obedient to one of her laws, the law which decrees that development FRPHVIURPH[SHULHQFHµ¬ Dr. Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind, Chapter 8, p. 89 Dear Brickton families and friends, It is with great pleasure that we share with you our Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Report. While the educational landscape has continued to evolve in the Chicagoland area since Brickton was founded, our commitment to our mission has not. It is as true now as it was almost 30 years ago – “We are a community of learners working together to provide a Montessori educational experience that engages and inspires students to become life-long learners and responsible participants in our diverse global community.” As we lead Brickton into the future, our efforts are centered on educational best practices in the classroom and long-range strategic planning so we are best positioned to support our students’ growth – today and tomorrow. Selecting “collaboration” as our year-long theme provided opportunities for our entire community to explore what that means at Brickton Montessori School. Thank you to the students, faculty, parents, volunteers, and donors for their collaboration and contributions to making this such a successful school year. Let’s take a walk through 2014-2015 to see collaboration in action, from long standing traditions to unique experiences! Sincerely, Cheryl LaCost Head of School David Anthony Board President Donors 2015 Annual Benefit -HQQLIHU.REHUVWHLQ .DUHQ.RHKOHU'DYLV We gratefully acknowledge the following (ORLVH.RXLPHOLV individuals and businesses for their generous 0DWWKHZDQG1HULVVD.XHEULFK support of our Annual Benefit through finanErica Lane cial contributions and in-kind donations to the -RHDQG.DUHQ/XERPVNL auction. Contributions totaled: $41,163. -RKQ0DUTXDUGW Charles Martin Individual Supporters 7KRPDVDQG.DWULQD0DUWLQ Dan Adams Omar and Nichole Martinez David Anthony and Mariann Lemke 0LFKDHODQG.LP0F$XOLIIH Sari Anthony 7LPDQG.HOO\0F'HUPRWW Sunil and Niranchana Anantharaman Raymond and Amanda McPartlin Robert and Molly Arnoldt Michael and Dora Messina Michael and Lara Austrins Phil and Pat Moran -RKQ%DUUHWWDQG&KHU\O/D&RVW Robert Murphy and Verma Veenu Mark Treppa and Maggie Bauer Sandy Murphy -RKQ-R\FHDQG%HWW\%RGXFK Daniel and Heidi Natura -XGLWKDQG3DWULFN%URVQDQ Anna Olech .HYLQDQG6HOHQD%URVQDQ Ryan Noe and Deena Reyes Diana Campbell Marcus and Elizabeth Norman (ULFDQG-DFNLH&DXZHOV Beth Peachey Dan and Shashona Chau Brian and Tracy Peck Efrain Cintron and Mirvette Badal Chandra Pendyala and Suneetha Gottimukkala Bill Clark and Stacy Norris -DPLH3KLOOLSV Aaron Cooper and Melissa Ramirez-Cooper .DWULQD3LSSDV -DQHW&RQWXUVL -DFREDQG'RQQD3ROOL]]H -HUHP\DQG-HQ&R]DG Adrian and Loredana Pop Ivana Drazic-Cunningham .DWULQD3LSSDV Mary Dalicandro and Michael Doherty Michael Pugliese and Michael and Sharon Damore Dotty Schweitzer Paul Darksi and Marzena Witmska Aldis Rauda .HYLQ'HDQHDQG7DPDUD.OLQJ Matthew and Meg Ricard David and Cynthia Degand Mauricio and Ana Rodriguez Debra DeYoung .DWLH5RVH Steve and Mary Disse Alice Rowland 6WHYHQDQG-HQ'L6LOYHVWUR Blair and Elissa Sarkiss Olina Dolly Satyendra Sarmah and Mike and Renee Doyle Renu Gupta David Duffy and LaDonna Taylor Andrea Scherer Marcia Elliott Amish and Nirali Shah Phillip and Suzanne Ergastolo Liz and Rick Skrodzki Dihan Fernando Lauren Smith Terry Flechs and Cheryl Russell -RVHSK6RPHUVDQG -DVRQ)UDQ]NHDQG&KU\VWDO3R]LQ -HVVLFD&DVWHHO -HIIDQG.DUHQ)UHGULFNVRQ Larry and Diane Steinart .ULVWLQ.XQ] .DUHQ6XOOLYDQ -RUJH*RPH]DQG-DFNLH7RUR Richard and Aurea Thomas Sharon Gooday -RQDWKDQDQG6XVDQ8UEDQVNL Diane Grassi -RKQDQG&KHU\O8UEDQVNL Peter and Sara Gregory -R\9DOGH]3DSSDV -HIIUH\DQG$JQHV*XHUUD Vija Viksne -RKQ+XEHU Bob Weisskopf -XVWXV-RVHSKDQG Megan White .DUHQ0DVOH\-RVHSK -RKQDQG+HDWKHU:LOFHN .DWKOHHQ.DVVHU -HDQ:LOOLDPV $UODQDQG.LHWUD.D\ -LWND<RVW 5DQG\DQG$PHOLD.HVVHP -HQQLIHU=XODVNL Business Supporters Ace Hardware American Science and Surplus Boho Theatre/Chicago %UXQVZLFN=RQH1LOHV Chicago Architecture Foundation Chicago Botanical Garden Chicago Recording Company DuPage Children's Museum (ULFD V-HZHOU\3DUN5LGJH Gordon Aveda Salon Harry Caray's/Rosemont Harley-Davidson Museum -XPS]RQH3DUW\3OD\&HQWHU Life Time Fitness Lynfred Winery Lynette's School of Dance Marriott Theatre/Lincolnshire Medieval Times/Schaumburg Mixed Bags North Shore Center for the Performing Arts/Skokie Omni Chicago Hotel Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce PRP Wines International RAM Renaissance Hotel/Chicago-O'Hare Rotofugi Shedd Aquarium Shoreline Sightseeing Simply Organized by Meg, LLC Storytime IO Theater Super Soccer Stars The Comedy Sportz Theatre The Wandering Boys 7RQH8S&OXE Trinity Academy of Irish Dance WGN Radio Wonder Works, A Children's Museum =DQLHV&RPHG\1LJKW&OXE5RVHPRQW Brickton 5K Walk & Fun Run Brickton thanks our vendors for their generous support our race. We raised in total $994. All-over Pest Solutions Chess Scholars Dawn's Dairy Great American Bagel Company Gourmet Gorilla +0'$FDGHP\RI7DH.ZRQ'R .LQGHUGDQFH Malatesta Law Offices, LLC Life-long learning through collaboration Financials Operating Income Tuition and Fees $1,338,313 5.4% Summer Program $ 110,952 7.2% Charitable Contributions $ Total $1,531,598 (100%) 82,333 87.4% Operating Expenses Salaries & Benefits $ 954,842 5.3% Student Programs $ 348,922 22.8% Facility $ 146,544 Other* $ Total $1,531,598 (100%) 9.6% 81,290 62.3% * Other includes administration, insurance, accounting, legal fees, technology and reserves. Brickton Montessori School is audited annually by the accounting firm of Gibbert & Associates. Board of Directors 2014-2015 David Anthony, President Cindy Degand, Vice President Suzanne Ergastolo, Treasurer Satyendra Sarmah, Secretary Dihan Fernando, Director -DVRQ)UDQ]NH'LUHFWRU Heidi Natura, Director Alice Rowland, Director -RVHSK6RPHUV'LUHFWRU LaDonna Taylor, Director Cheryl LaCost, Head of School Our students begin collaborating from the moment they enter our classrooms. As early as the Toddler program, the child is pouring a glass of water for a friend, helping to carry a chair, setting the table with another student, taking turns to build a block structure, and creating their language through song, dance and conversation within the community. In Children’s House, the budding independence expands into confidence, knowing they are an important member of the community. Together they prepare snack, arrange flowers, compose stories with the moveable alphabet, count, solve equations and explore our world through scientific and cultural experiences. Our well-designed classrooms and materials facilitate the child’s development of the required patience, resilience, and stamina needed for collaborative activity. Add to this the opportunities provided to create a plan and complete an activity with a friend, which foster the development of executive functioning skills we know are important for success in all areas of life. Parent Alliance Leadership 2014-2015 Betty Boduch Nichole Martinez Shashona Chau Annual Benefit Co- chairs 2014-2015 Deb DeYoung Maggie Bauer At the Elementary level, the development of collaboration is illustrated by the culture of literacy at Brickton and our Book Buddies program. Lower Elementary students grab totes of freshly packed books, anticipating the arrival RIWKHLU8SSHU(OHPHQWDU\DQG0LGGOH6FKRRO book buddies. Fueled by the dynamism of the SURJUDPD-XQLRU%RRN%XGGLHVSURJUDPZDV ODXQFKHGZLWK8SSHU(OHPHQWDU\DQGWKLUG\HDU Children’s House students. Veteran Middle School students mentored younger partners during Children’s Book Week and Poem in Your Pocket Day. Middle School students compose their own classroom blog, providing a student perspective of field trips, academic concepts and social happenings. Growing developmentally in independence as they move through the programs and curriculum leads to the great collaborative work required for the Middle School’s week-long agrarian trip to Shenandoah, Iowa, which took place this past May. Our students planned the trip independently, figuring out travel, housing, recreation, food, and learning experiences for the week. While on the farm, they learned about modern farming, raising livestock, ethanol production, and small-town life. And beyond our classroom doors, our students have collaborated with the wider community through cross school experiences at Nature’s Classroom Institute, Chicago area Montessori adolescent gatherings, cross country meets and more! Where do our students continue their educational journeys? Our alumni have been accepted to the following high schools: Elgin Academy Fenwick High School Francis W. Parker School Glenbrook South High School Gordon Tech High School Lane Tech High School The Latin School Loyola Academy Maine South High School Mount Prospect High School Northside College Prep Northridge Preparatory School Notre Dame High School Oak Park River Forest High School Rickover Naval Academy Roycemore School 6W-RVHSK+LJK6FKRRO St. Patrick's High School Taft High School Trinity High School Whitney Young High School Wolcott School Modeling a commitment to service learning Service learning, often referred to as community service within Montessori, is evident in our classrooms, from cleaning up spills or helping a peer with a lesson, to working as a student server for pizza and hotdog lunch. Our students take this outside our school community, cleaning up the surrounding neighborhood and forest preserve to removing trees from the river at Nature’s Classroom and the Middle School’s commitment to maintaining Ohio Street Beach through the Alliance for Great Lakes Adopt-A-Beach program. Brickton Montessori School was founded by a dedicated team of parents and educators collaborating to provide a Montessori education for their children and the community. That tradition of collaboration continues with our dedicated volunteers from our parents, friends, and alumni communities. Families are invited to commit 5 hours of volunteer effort each year. Guided by the Parent Alliance (PA), countless hours of collaborative volunteerism were visible from school beautification projects to managing community events. This year the PA debuted a new program, Beyond Brickton, to further extend service learning beyond the walls of our school. At their first event, volunteers worked with Feed Our Starving Children to fill over 100 food packets that were packed for distribution to children in Djibouti, Africa. Additional opportunities were made possible by the generosity of our volunteers, including: Back-to-School Block Party Picture day Operation Child Find (Early Childhood Screening Program) Scholastic book orders Effortless Fundraisers (e.g. Box Tops for Education, and toner cartridge recycling) Adult Cermamic Painting Party Family Movie Night Big Leap (Annual Benefit Dinner & Auction) %ULFNWRQ.5XQ:DON Bowling Bash Staff Appreciation Breakfast Peace Picnic Longitudinal collaboration leads to life-long learning The idea that there is a ‘Montessori’, one right way to respond, one perfect way to prepare our classrooms, or one correct Montessori training program runs counter to our true mission. Brickton staff collaborate with each other and the wider Montessori and educational community to expand our knowledge base, strengthen our relationships, and connect with children, families and colleagues. As Montessorians we have three roles: to serve the child by carefully preparing the environment; to be astute observers in order to respond to each child’s unique and individual needs; and finally to celebrate and accept the child in front of us. Collaboration is absolutely critical to the life-long learning of a Montessorian. Collectively our staff completed over 700 hours of professional development from attending workshops and webinars on Montessori-specific topics to seminars on national best practices in specific curricular areas. Brickton is committed to the growth of Montessori beyond our doors. We have the distinction of supporting our local teacher education programs by providing internship opportunities, classroom observations, and resources for school visits and lectures. In addition, our faculty and leadership participate in accreditation visits to support other American Montessori Society (AMS) and Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS) schools in our joint goal towards continuous improvement. Our staff were instrumental in providing their expertise to help chair, coordinate, market and facilitate the Association of Illinois Montessori Schools (AIMS) 2015 conference and were delighted to host 40 heads of school at the quarterly spring AIMS community meeting at Brickton.