? 3 . > ~ . ?.i?EV. ' :9n1Nc. (9!?7) 60- 1 6 b - C I I O - - C ~ ~ @ .. ' U:.''--'.,3 STA-I'SS DEPARTMENT OF 'THE ih'TERIOiZ . NATIONAL PARK SERVICE N A * ( ? Q I A LREGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES ?JVXPJTOXY-- MOMINATTON FORM ..<. . .-- .- 1 JRECEXEO ,, , , . l . .,,.. >q ---- .. . . , .. . DATE ENTEREO .- . O 'I II I -- :i SEE INSTRUCTIONS 1 N HOW TO COMPLt3EPJATIONAL REGISTER FORMS TYPE ALL ENTRIES -- COMPLETE APPLICABLE SECTIONS - - ICLBEZiT PTK3 HDTEL ANnlOR COMMON / 1 I --'y"::, STREET& N U M B E R -.,. . .. - Seventh and Scott . CITY. TOWN L i t t l e 3tock - . ... . -NOT . - FOR PWBUC4TION CONGRESSIONAL OlSTRlCT mlaski 05 119 OWNERSHIP ~ O C PIED C ~ ~B?~~LDW~G~S) XPFIIVATE ,UNOCCUP~E ,S~UCTURE ,BOTH LWORX PUSUC ACOUISITlON IN o PHOGRFSS ACCESSIBLE XYE S: FIESTR~CTED ,YES: u~ l a t s m ~ m o J F I PROCESS ,BEING CONSIPEREO o N, CITY. TOWR Littk ,COMMERC~AL ,PARK -EDUCATIONAL ,PRIVATE ,ENfEFlTAlNMEMT -RELIGlOUS -GOVERNMENT -SCIENTIFIC -INDUSTRIAL ,TRANSPORTA11Qu AILlfARY XDTHEA- F' :I RESIDENCE ,: t I I '! Residence Hotel ! iII I I --- I +------- STATE - VlClPlrrY OF Rock BLOCATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION COURTHOUSE. UEClsTRY b F DEEOS.€Tt cireui? clerk" I Pzkansas ! office STREET & NUMBER - Pulaski County Courthouse CITY. TOWN STATE L i t t l e Rock ha RREPRESENTA'IIONIN EXISTING SURVEYS -- Arkansas -- DATE c.i .,. DEPOSITORY FOFl SURVEY RECORDS CITY. TOWN ; *, 'I -MUSEUM Church Eighth and -- S m t t -. : I AGRICULTURE T ~ o w N E x OF PROPERTY Second saptist STREET & NUMBER I PRESENT USE STATUS ,PUBUC ,OSIECT 1 :i ,DlSTRICT E ' 1 ~~{GLASSIPICATION ,Sf " CODE COUNTY CODE CATEGORY . .I -second , .w~clnrnOF STATF -., Arkansas .,:.. ! 1 L ------ i .--.+- STATE ? + CONDlYlOIY XEXCELLENT JEERIORATEO ,UNALTERED G , -RUINS ~LTEREQ .- DOD ,UNEXPOSED -FAIR -. CHECKONE ". + CHECK ONE . IL - XOR~GINAE SITE ATOVED D A L DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL ( f F KNOWN) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE . . , - , -. .. - .. .. .. . The 175-room Albert Pike Hotel w a s erected in 1929. ,Itwas designed by archi t e c t , Eugene John S t e r n , in partnership-w i t h .George Il: ' Mann, architect of t h e Arkansas S t a t e Capitol Building. The h o t e l is b u i l t in the Italian-spanish Revival s t y l e 05 architecture and cost approximately $1,000,000 to e o n s k u c t . .. . - .- The basic fl m r plan is U-shaped. The tko m a i n wings, eight stmkes in heiqht, protrude to help enclose an open c o w t extending d b w e t h e first t w o stories. The two eight-story wings are connected by a ten-story section- To?pFng the structure are two towers, w h i c h house t h.-e elevator machinery, set at either end of the roof an t h e east elevation. _?n the n o r t h aad south elevations and on the facade of the two wings' are decorated w h i c h extend a~proximzltely five feet above the roof line. The flat roof features slo2ing t i l e eaves. - . The facade of the Albert Pike Hotel is m a r k e d by a "cloister-type"' porch. The multi-lite, triple-arched windows are flanked by the main entries. L o c a t e d above' t h e s e entries are terra-cotta medallions, each 'featuring a heraldic shield with the i n i t i a l s "AP." Other windows on t h e first f l o o r facade are decorative in t h e i r utilization of cast s t o n e , Iqinaows are rectangular w i t h simple t r i m abave the second-story l i n e . The tile eaves of the roof above-khe cloister porch are supported by ornamental brackets w i t h p e d h e n t s in betweenAdjoining t h e hotel building on the east elevation is a two-story garage. structure also em2loys the use of t h e tfle roof. This interior of t h e f i r s t two floors is almost entirely original and is in an e x c e l l e n t s t a t e of presemation. The elaborate i n t e r i o r de'sign'includes detailed stenciling, leazed and stained-glass windows, extensive decorative t i l e and iron work md. i n t r i c a t e l i g h t fixtures, Of special note is the c d f e r e d ceiling in t h e large main lobby. Octagonal-shaped panels surround small dimnond-shaped panels w i t h pendants. The multi-colored patterns (between t h e raised plaster moldings) were applied with paint using separate stencils The f o r each color, T h e s e designs exem>lify a type af decoration popular i n the saco n d - M f o f t h e nineteenth century and early twentieth, Of special note a r e the wood-?anel& ceilings in the north hallway. These ceilings feature painted diamond panels projecting fmm t h e rich-grained wood. Brass-paneled elevator doors are set into glazed tile walls. Ornately d e s i g n e d glazed-tile is found frequently in the decoration of the i n t e r i o r s . Mosaic tile floors are found throughout t h e f i r s t floor. A n o t h e r feature of note is the landing on the stairway to t h e rnezzanin4 which is marked by a s o l i d railing with t.m heraldic medallions set amcng intricate designs. . ... . . . - , . . .. . U K l f EU STATES DEPtlRRTMEPiT OF THE INTEKIOR N?.TIONAC PARK SERVICE IYATIONALREGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Zl\lbTI\ITORY-- NCrMlNATION FORM -. .- ,, lTEM NUMBER CONTlNUATIOrJ SHEET . 7 PAGE f . The Albert Pike Hotel has undergone no m a j o r changes s i n c e its c o n s t r u c t i o n , In t h e l a t e 1960's, a two-story modern a d d i t i o n of rooms 1-5 construct& on the south elevation, but did not: a l t e r the basic structure of the main building. - . The M k r t Pike Hotel has lkeh an important l a d m a r k in L i t t l e . Pack since its construction. T h e hotel is now owned by t h e Second Baptist Church and administered by them as a residence hotel. This is an appropriate adaptive use which n o t only keeps t h e hotel in excellent c o n d i t i o n , b u t a l s o contributes to the. remembrance of an era in which t h e Albert Pike H o t e l was a center of affluence. . AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE-- CHECK AND JUSTIFY BELOW JREHIS30rCIC ARCHEOrUGY-PAEHlSTOR1C CO?AMVNLNPLANHING A A N O S M B E ARCHITECTUP€ ,AZ ,T400-1499 4ACHEOLOGY-HISTORIC ,CONSERVATION ,LAW ,SCIENCE ,1500. AGRICULTURE ACDNOMICS -LlTERATUAE I599 893 .. - . LIGtON . . . ACULPTURC -, ,_ &RCHITECTL~RE ,EDUCATION -MILITARY ,SOCtAWWMhN\T4R!fbN -1 700.1 799 A R T -ENGINEERING -MUSIC ,THEATER -1 800- 1899 ,COMMERCE XEXPLORAYIOWSE~TLEME~ ,MMMUPIICAlTONS ,INDUSTRI ,PHILOSOPHY. _POUTICYGOVERNMENT ,TRANS*O.?SATTON ~ 1 ~ 0 0 : -1600-1 _ - -OTHER lSPEClFYl JNVENl7 O N SPECtFlC DATES /qZ7 B U I L D E R / A H C H I T E ~ Eugene ~ John S t e m & G e o r g e R. STATEMENT OF SlGNlFlCANCE -. Ma- . The one hundred and seventy-f i v e room U b e l - t Pike Hotel wa's constructed in 1929 at an approximate cost of $1,600,000, The A l b e r k Pike Hotel reflects "'the affluent decade," t h e 1920'5, i n i t s elaborateness a d richness of d e s i q n . The nineteen-twenties was a decade of great pxosperity, as reflected by the garishness of architecture. The hotel is b u i l t in the Italian-Spanish Revival style, made popular in this era by tbe i n f l n s n c o of C a l i f o r n i a . T h i s s t y l e is i d e n t i f i e d by arches, terra-cotta work, natural-Einis'n.expsed 'bezm and tiled roofs,' The interiors, also ~eflectiveof t h i s style, feature elaborate s t e n c i l i n g , leaded and stained-glass taindows and extensive decaratLve t i l e and izon work. The Albert Pike Hotel is Little Rock's only remaining m a j o r exam_3le of the Italian-Spanish Revival style of a r c h i t e c t u r e , Though only indirectly related to the building i t s e l f , the significance of t h e site on which t h e A l b e r t Pike Hotel was built is q u i t e impressive. The site and an earlier house located on it played i n 2 a e a n t roles in nineteenth-century Arkansas, both before and after U k a n s a s achieved statehood. The block in which the Ubert Pike Hotel is located was occurrid by a house built in 1827 f o r RoSert C r i t t e n d e n , Secretary of Arkansas T e r r i t o r y . The C r i t t e n d e n House. w d s one af the first brick be-eonstruct~din-& i t t l e Rock. . Shcrtly : . a f t e r his expensive house was completed, crittenden came out on the short end of a p o l i t i c a l b t t l e and was removed f r o m his office. Thi-s loss o f salary . . coupled with the expense of his house drove h l m close to bankruptcy. Ha a t t e m p t ed to trade t h e house for ten section of undeveloped l a n d , hoping that t h e house would becow the Territorial C a p i t o l , but this vas vetoed by Governor John P o p in 1834. when Crittenden died in 1834, his mortgage was fdreclose3 and the house was sold to Judge B e n j e n Johnson. T k Johnson h e i r s s o l d it to Dr. E, v, Demll, whose wife w a s a great niece of Mrs. Crittenden. Dr. Dewell s o l d it to Governor James P. Eagle and it becme the o f f i c i a l governor's ressence (1889-1893). The Crittenden Hause bras razed in 1920, n i n e years before the Albert Pike Hotel w a s b u i l t on t h e site. Still another feature i s also reflective of nineteenthcentury Arkansas; this feature is the h o t e l k same. t h e n p l a n s for t h e hotel began, it was decided to c a l l it t h e "Albert P i k e Hotel" a f t e r one of Arkansas' leading h i s t o r i c a l figures. P i k e , a many-talented man, left his native Pbssaehus e t t s and arrived in Arkansas in 1832. From t h e n until he l e f t Arkansas in 1868, his life and endeavors l e f t their mark on the h i s t o r y of t h e state. Dcring the e a r l y yeass of Pike's life in Arkansas, he achieved renown as teacher, attorney, and newspaperman. Later he gained admission to t h e Bar of the United S t a t e s Supreme C o u r t , represented the Choctaw I n d i a n s in t r e a t y d i s p u t e s w i t h t h e United States government, served as brigadier general in the Confederzte zrmy, and sat as a member on t h e Arkansas Suprerns C o u r t . ' + I I firm ., . . ?ia I b-3ma - 7.;) [If Ilj W ITEl) STB4'rESD E P A R T ~ E N TOF T H E I ETEK IOK NATIONAL PARK SERVICE NA37ONAX. REGTSTE3 OF HISTORIC P L A C E S XNVEMTORY -- NOMINATION FORM ' - -" COF1T1 NU ATION Stl EET ITEM NUMBER. 8 PAGE.1 i - t . --.-. ,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . --- - , y > ,--- .,-. . .. -. .-- . . + . . ,. The main significance of the A l b e r t P i k e Hotel; though, l i e s n o t in the site o n . which it stands nor in t h e man f o r whom it was i%.ed; rather the real s i q n i f icance lies in its vivid reflections of a bygone t h e and an Tch%tecture appropriate to that t h e . The A l b e ~Pike was b u i l t -in t h e . year: 0-f-the g r e a t crash, b u t as I _ near as crash and depression w e r e , t h e time was' s t i l l t h e "Roaring mqentiesR' when t h e h o t e l was b u i l t . It w a s s t i l l a tine of spending, speculation, and naive economic optimism- The lavishness a£ the hotel's architecture is a kind of social art reflecting that time of high l i v i n g so' soon to end. The hotel's status as a contemporary structure was short-lived, for t h e coming of t h e depression in the thirties soon gave it the aura of a monument ta t h e past. - - ' - ' ! t f ! ! I . i 1 : - I 1 1 , -,A- And so t h e hotel has stood through four and a h a l f decades in its grand and monm e n t a l reflection of t h e Twenties. In 1971 the Second Baptist C h u r c h of Little Rgck bought t h e A l b e r t Pike for $740,000 and made it i n t o a residence hotel, But, it is n o t t h e hotel's f u n c t i o n which is important, rather it is t h e splendid appearance of t h e structure which gives it its a r c h i t e c t u r a l and historical signif icanc e " . . - . !. - i i Arkansas Gazette. May 2 3 , 1928. Arkansas Gazette. October 3 1 , 1971, - ... Herndon, D o l l a s T. ~ e n t ~ ~ iHistory al. of Wkansas. L i t t l e Rock: Publishinq Company, 1922, Quapaw Quarter chronicle, Blay/June 1 9 7 4 . - . . -.-...+-.. - .--. . + GEOGRAPHICAL DATA . - th&rl 1 ACREAGEOF NOMINATED PROPERTY nrVP. - . . .. --.. ,. r - I I I _ - ! . .. - . - . -- - . . . A . B ~ J [ I ~ 1 [ 1 , 1 ~1 ~ 1 1 ,1516,6(8,4,01 ~ L3,814,4?4,5,01 I L:. - - -1 .1~ w -1 - . ZONE I EASTING I .-. - I - 1 .. , 1 I - ~I .. I- - . .. -. r ., . . . - I I 1 . V E R a A t BOUNDARY DESCFlIPTION - - 1 ,,I NORTH tNG ..- , 1 - i " QUAORAMGLE S C A L E - > NORTHING . . ,* -*.-. *., . 1 - .-..- . ..-A ..- - W A O R A N C L E NAME U TM AEFERLHCES e J. C l a r k e S. m .- .- LIST ALL STATES AND COUNTIES FOR PRO PERTIES OVERLAPPING STATEOA COUNTY BOUNDARIES STATE , CODE' COUNTY CODE CObMTY CUD E , STATE CCDE A . .. ~ F O X M PREPARED BY .. NAME I n T L E Sandra Taylor Smith, National Register Section DATE ORGANIZATION Arkansas Historic Preservation Proqran STREET& NU,MBEil Suite 500, Continental Bldg. , Main 9/27/78 TELEPHONE at Markhan Sts. CITY OR TOWN . L i t t l e Rock, 5Q1-371-2763 .- STATE Arkansas -72201 STATE HISTOXIC . .. PRESERVATION OFFICER CELSTlFICATION * ' T H ??WALUATED ~ NATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OFTHIS PR3PERfY WlTHI!!J - STATE- .,, ,, + THE STATE 15: L O C A L L - As [he designared Stars Historic Presemation Officer for the N e tional Historic Preservation Act of j 966 {Public Law 89-665).1 hereby nominate this propeny far inclusian in the National Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the . criteria and procedures set forth by the na:ionaf Park Service. STATE HISTORIC PRESEAVATlON OFFICER SIGNAfURE T'f LE STATE HXSTORf C PRESERVRTXON OFFICER 2WNE BARTLEY .- - - .' - < .. LITTLE ... . _ - : R ~ C KQUADRANGLE ARKANSAS 7.5M INUTE~SEZIES [TOPOCRAPH IC) ?SO U r n - FEET