Oldies and Goodies
Oldies and Goodies
Volume 5, Issue 4 July 14, 2013 U N I T E D S T A T E S W O M E N ’ S C H A M P I O N S H I P S A N D S E N I O R S ’ USBF President George Jacobs B R I D G E Oldies and Goodies USBF VP Howie Weinstein USBF Secretary Jan Martel Seniors’ RR Results: Team Name Total 4 1 13 3.62 5.08 11.46 10.00 12.33 10 6 2 8 4.17 11.46 18.19 11 12 3 9.01 18.73 19.37 17.36 10.00 7 9 5 BYE 5.75 7.67 15.83 14.92 1.81 13.15 16.64 13.15 10.00 USBF Treasurer Cheri Bjerkan USBF COO Jan Martel 4. Kasle 150.78 1. Lynch 150.26 16.38 13. Lay 147.22 14.92 14.25 10. Simson 146.46 6. Levine 146.20 10.00 5.41 16.89 .63 2. Schwartz 139.91 6.10 13.90 3.11 3.62 8. Street 137.82 15.83 12.33 15.54 15.54 5.41 11. Friedland 132.40 8.54 4.17 3.62 16.38 13.15 8.10 11.90 12. Brod 123.58 1.81 5.08 6.85 16.11 13.53 1.62 13.90 11.90 3. Strul 116.11 10.99 18.19 7.67 10.50 10.99 7. Meltzer 110.64 1.27 9. Cappelli 95.91 .63 5. Morse 92.71 2.64 Appeals Administrator Robb Gordon 3.89 18.38 8.10 15.54 19.65 .35 13.90 10.00 Appeals Committee: 7.67 2.21 18.19 5.08 7.25 19.65 1.81 10.00 Bart Bramley 6.10 10.00 1.10 10.50 13.15 6.10 18.19 10.00 Larry Cohen Marty Fleisher Steve Garner Gail Greenberg Geoff Hampson Gaylor Kasle Ralph Katz 1 4 2 6 3 5 Stephen Landen 10.37 10.74 14.86 6.99 15.97 John Lusky 9.63 10.00 15.76 4.67 14.37 Chip Martel Dan Morse 9.26 10.00 4.03 14.37 16.18 Beth Palmer 5.14 4.24 15.97 12.72 5.38 Josh Parker 13.01 15.33 5.63 7.28 6.42 Kerri Sanborn Aaron Silverstein 4.03 5.63 3.82 14.62 13.58 Ron Smith Danny Sprung Steve Weinstein 7.65 67 31 Adam Wildavsky 29 48 Chris Willenken 1.56 20 32 Gavin Wolpert 25 20 8.54 13.53 7.67 6.47 14.59 13.90 10.99 9.01 6.85 3.11 19.37 16.89 4.76 2.87 3.36 11.90 7.67 .49 6.85 1.81 4.46 1.81 5.08 Women’s RR Results: 1. Sprung 129.16 Carry Over 70.23 4. Westheimer 120.28 65.85 2. Baker 103.13 49.29 6. Sonsini 102.84 85.64 59.39 55.95 14.27 Team Name 3. Moss 5. Mandala Total 6.10 37.97 SENIORS’ USA1: 4.46 16.38 13.15 12.33 15.24 8.10 18.19 10.00 4.46 3.62 3.89 9.50 17.13 12.33 18.19 10.00 16.38 14.59 6.85 6.47 9.01 14.92 19.51 15.54 10.00 11.90 11.90 18.38 10.99 16.11 12.33 13.90 10.00 8.10 9.01 8.10 8.54 6.10 11.46 1.62 17.79 10.00 10.00 8.10 15.83 11.90 13.90 4.17 1.81 18.90 10.00 4.46 14.92 6.10 .35 12.75 9.50 10.00 USBF CFO Barbara Nudelman Directors - USBC Sol Weinstein Harry Falk Operations Manager McKenzie Meyers 6.85 10.00 1 8 Lynch Friedland 105.65 77 2 7 Schwartz Lay 53.56 45 3 6 Levine Street 109.61 92 5.61 52 45 52 47 VuGraph Organizer Jan Martel 4 5 Kasle Simson 96.53 68 1.53 51 34 44 34 Bulletin Editor Suzi Subeck SENIORS’ REPECHAGE: 10 13 Strul Meltzer 35 64 12 6 8 44 15 14 11 12 Cappelli Morse 74 37 14 20 26 16 34 1 1 Photographer Peg Kaplan Local Hospitality Chairs Lisa Berkowitz Molly O’Neill Webmaster Kitty Cooper OLDIES AND GOODIES JoAnn Sprung, Capt Cheri Bjerkan Shawn Quinn Lynn Baker, Capt Cindy Bernstein Pam Granovetter Sylvia Moss, Capt Jill Meyers Tobi Sokolow Valerie Westheimer, Capt Jill Levin Stasha Cohen Rozanne Pollack Mildred Breed Karen McCallum Sally Wheeler JoAnna Stansby Joann Glasson Janice Seamon-Molson Migry Zur Campanile Hjordis Eythorsdottir Jenny Wolpert Mandala Cheryl Mandala, Capt Jenni Carmichael Melody Bi Pamela Miller Sonsini Barbara Sonsini, Capt Beth Palmer Kerri Sanborn Judi Radin Lynn Deas Irina Levitina Sprung Baker Moss Westheimer Lynch Schwartz Strul Kasle Morse Levine Meltzer Street Cappelli Simson Friedland Brod Lay Carolyn Lynch, Capt Eddie Wold Roger Bates Richard Schwartz, Capt Sam Lev Neil Chambers Aubrey Strul, Capt Lew Stansby Drew Casen Gaylor Kasle, Capt Arnold Fisher Kit Woolsey Dan Morse, Capt John Sutherlin Howard Weinstein Michael Levine, Capt Russell Ekeblad Jerry Clerkin Rose Meltzer, Capt Mark Feldman Steve Beatty Paul Street, Capt Matthew Granovetter Hemant Lall Robert Cappelli, Capt Kenneth Kranyak John Onstott Doug Simson, Capt Mark Tolliver Mark Lair Peter Friedland, Capt Gloria Bart Mike Passell Garey Hayden Marc Jacobus J. Allan Graves Robert Hamman John Schermer Lewis Finkel Bart Bramley Jim Krekorian Larry Kozlove Fred Hamilton Fred Stewart Bobby Wolff Dan Gerstman Ron Smith Dennis McGarry Peter Weichsel Dennis Clerkin John Mohan Bill Pollack Mark Cohen Barnet Shenkin Ron Rubin Ira Chorush Robert Katz Phil Becker Bruce Ferguson Jeff Aker Marc Zwerling Clement Jackson Mark Dahl Les Bart Geoffrey Brod, Capt Glenn Eisenstein Robert Bitterman Spike Lay, Capt Ronald Smith John Rengstorff William Wickham Jerry Helms Linda Smith Larry Griffey 2 Day Friday Friday & Saturday Date July 12 July 12 Time 9:30 am 10:00 am - 8:00 pm Stage Captains' Meeting Round Robin July 13 SEMI-FINAL 10:00 am - 12:15 pm 12:25 - 2:40 Sunday July 14 4:00 - 6:15 6:25 - 8:40 Boards 1-16 Boards 17-32 Dinner break Boards 33-48 Boards 49-64 FINAL & USA2 SEMI-FINAL Monday Tuesday July 15 July 16 10:00 am - 12:10 pm 12:20 - 2:30 3:40 - 5:50 6:00 - 8:10 10:00 am - 12:10 pm 12:20 - 2:30 3:40 - 5:50 6:00 - 8:10 Boards 1-15 Boards 16-30 Lunch break Boards 30-45 Boards 46-60 Boards 61-75 Boards 76-90 Dinner break Boards 90-105 Boards 106-120 USA2 FINAL Wednesday Thursday July 17 July 18 10:00 am - 12:10 pm 12:20 - 2:30 3:40 - 5:50 6:00 - 8:10 10:00 am - 12:10 pm 12:20 - 2:30 3:40 - 5:50 6:00 - 8:10 Boards 1-15 Boards 16-30 Lunch break Boards 30-45 Boards 46-60 Boards 61-75 Boards 76-90 Dinner break Boards 90-105 Boards 106-120 Senior Moments… Ladies’ Lines… Be kind to your kids; they'll be choosing your nursing home. Is it true that the family of your love hates you? Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film. I don't have hot flashes, I have power surges. Due to budget cuts, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off. - It is true. His wife said she is ready to strangle me with her hands. My own mortality will be the death of me yet. Husband to wife: Caution, senior moment in progress! - Darling, I have to confess you that when I’m having sex with you, I sometimes think about other women. A man asked his wife, "What would you most like for your birthday?" She said, "I'd love to be ten again." On the morning of her birthday, he got her up bright and early and they went to a theme park. He put her on every ride in the park - the Death Slide, The Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear. She had a go on every ride there was. She staggered out of the theme park five hours later, her head reeling and her stomach turning. Then the were off to a movie theater where they ate popcorn and sweets and drank Cola. At last she staggered home with her husband and collapsed into bed. Her husband leaned over and asked, "Well, dear, what was it like being ten again?" One eye opened and she groaned, "Actually, honey, I meant dress size!" 3 (Continued on page 4) - Oh you jerk. When I have sex with other men, I always think about you! There are two ways to understand the logics of women. Unfortunately, none of them works. A lady comes to fortune-teller, who can read palms. - Will anyone marry me? - No. - But you haven't even looked at my palm. - I see it from your face... Day Friday Date July 12 Round Robin Friday July 12 Time 9:30 am 10:00 - 10:55 11:00 - 11:55 12:00 - 12:55 2:15 - 3:10 3:15 - 4:10 4:15 - 5:10 5:30 - 6:25 6:30 - 7:25 7:30 - 8:25 Saturday July 13 10:00 - 10:55 11:00 - 11:55 ** 12:00 - 12:55 ** 1:00 - 1:55 ** Quarter-Final & USA2 Round of 32 (click here for schedule) Saturday July 13 4:00 - 6:10 6:20 - 8:30 10:00 am - 12:10 pm 12:20 - 2:30 Sunday July 14 3:40 - 5:50 6:00 - 8:10 Boards Played Captains' Meeting Boards 1-6 Boards 7-12 Boards 13-18 80 Minute Lunch Break Boards 19-24 Boards 25-30 Boards 31-36 20 Minute Break Boards 37-42 Boards 43-48 Boards 49-54 Boards Boards Boards Boards 55-60 61-66 ** 67-72 ** 73-78 ** Boards 1-15 Boards 16-30 Boards 1-15 Boards 16-30 70 Minute Lunch Break Boards 31-45 Boards 46-60 (Continued from page 3) Q. What did the bald man say when he got a comb for his birthday? A. Thanks. I'll never part with it! A well adjusted woman is one who not only knows what she wants for her birthday, but even knows what she's going to exchange it for. “The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” - Lucille Ball Semi-Final & USA2 Round of 16 Monday July 15 10:00 am - 12:10 pm 12:20 - 2:30 Tuesday July 16 Final & USA2 Quarterfinal Tuesday July 16 Wednesday July 17 3:40 - 5:50 6:00 - 8:10 10:00 am - 12:10 pm 12:20 - 2:30 4:00 - 6:10 6:20 - 8:30 10:00 am - 12:10 pm 12:20 - 2:30 3:40 - 5:50 6:00 - 8:10 USA2 Semi-Final Thursday July 18 Friday USA2 Final Friday Saturday July 19 July 19 July 20 10:00 am - 12:10 pm 12:20 - 2:30 3:40 - 5:50 6:00 - 8:10 10:00 am - 12:10 pm 12:20 - 2:30 4:00 - 6:10 6:20 - 8:30 10:00 am - 12:10 pm 12:20 - 2:30 3:40 - 5:50 6:00 - 8:10 Boards 1-15 Boards 16-30 70 Minute Lunch Break Boards 31-45 Boards 46-60 Boards 61-75 Boards 76-90 Boards 1-15 Boards 16-30 Boards 31-45 Boards 46-60 70 Minute Lunch Break Boards 61-75 Boards 76-90 Boards 1-15 Boards 16-30 70 Minute Lunch Break Boards 31-45 Boards 46-60 Boards 61-75 Boards 76-90 Boards 1-15 Boards 16-30 Boards 31-45 Boards 46-60 70 Minute Lunch Break Boards 61-75 Boards 76-90 4 “Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened.” - Jennifer Yane “You were born an original. Don't die a copy.” - John Mason Why couldn't prehistoric man send birthday cards? The stamps kept falling off the rocks! Why did the older gentleman feel warm on his birthday? Because people kept toasting him! Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest. I get everything I set my mind to. Now where'd I set my mind? From the Seniors’ Event ... Board 11 Dealer: S None Vul. Q63 Q832 J7 AK74 T542 T6 K9842 86 N West North East South Griffey Schermer Lay Chambers Pass K7 AKJ9754 AT5 J AJ98 Q63 QT9532 1C Pass 1H Pass 2H Pass 4S (KB) Double Pass Pass 6H All pass Schwartz R. Smith (TN) Graves L Smith Pass 1C Pass 2H Pass 3H Pass 3S Pass 4C Pass 4D Pass 4H Pass 4NT Pass 5D Double Pass Pass 5H All pass On a simple auction with three rounds of bidding, Griffey and Lay bid to 6H. At the other table, Schwartz and Graves used seven rounds of bidding to reach 5H. Eleven tricks are easy. The trick is to find the 12th. Spike Lay did in short order. He won the opening club lead with the ace, drew two rounds of trumps, and led the seven of spades. Chambers was forked! If he rose with the SA, Lay could use the CK and the SQ to discard two diamonds from his hand. When Chambers ducked the ace of spades, his spade trick went away. Lay discarded the king of spades on the king of clubs and conceded one diamond. Contract making for an 11 IMP gain. Hospitality Suite Information: The hospitality suite for the 2013 Women's and Seniors’ USBC is Suite1222. Players, volunteers, kibitzers, friends and supporters are welcome in the Hospitality Suite during the tournament. Please join hostesses Lisa Berkowitz and Molly O'Neill for: Breakfast each day from 8:00-11:00 am. Lunch on Monday through Wednesday from 2:30-4:30. On Friday, Saturday & Sunday, lunch will be an abbreviated menu in the Watercress café on the lower level of the hotel. Team captains will have received lunch coupons for their team members at the Captains' Meeting on Friday morning. If you find you need additional coupons, they will be available from Jan Martel. The Hospitality Suite will be open for Vugraph, casual chit chat, drinks & snacks during the most of the playing hours, and for a short time after the end of play each day. It will be closed from 11:00-2:30 while our hostesses are shopping and preparing lunch. 5 Sudoku 2 Sudoku 1 Sudoku 2 Solution Sudoku 1 Solution 6 Puzzle Page … Four people were very busy in the kitchen this afternoon. Each decided to make fresh cookies to go with dinner and so set right to work, mixing up the cookies from scratch. Unfortunately, each ran out of a major ingredient before the batch was finished and had to make an emergency run to the grocery store. Determine the full name of each cook, what ingredient each ran out of, and what kind of cookies each made. 1. The one who made the sugar cookies didn’t run out of sugar. Cindy didn’t run out eggs. 2. The chocolate chip cookies weren’t made by Greg. Sara’s last name wasn’t Fohl. Peter ran out of sugar. 3. The person who made the oatmeal raisin cookies ran out of eggs. Mr. Smith didn’t make the peanut butter cookies. 4. Ms. Bentley didn’t run out of flour. The person who ran out of butter didn’t make the peanut butter cookies. 5. The chocolate chip cookies, which didn’t need more butter, were not made by the person whose last name was Fohl. Cindy Greg Peter Sara Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Raisin Peanut Butter Sugar Butter Eggs Flour Sugar 7 Sugar Peanut Butter Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip Sugar Flour Eggs Butter White Smith Fohl Bentley 6. Greg White, who didn’t run out of butter, didn’t make the peanut butter cookies. Board 8 Dealer: W None Vul. Q8 953 52 AT8653 A9432 KQJ2 643 Q N KT76 6 AK8 KJ942 J5 AT874 QJT97 7 Board 26 Dealer: E All Vul. 864 A A632 AKJ82 North East South Schwartz R Smith Graves L Smith Pass 1S 2C Double Pass 2H Pass 4H 5C Double All pass Griffey Schermer Lay Chambers Pass 1S 2C Double 4C 4H All pass After seven boards of the Schwartz/Lay match, the score was 5-2. The first real swing came on Board 8. Both North/South pairs bid to 4H, which will always be defeated two tricks. Schwartz, who had not raised his partner’s club suit despite his six card support, decided to sacrifice in 5C. Of course, partner held the perfect hand and this was cold. In the other room, 4H was defeated 2 tricks. 10 IMPs to Schwartz G. Bart Q75 765 854 QT76 N West AK2 QJ2 KQJT7 94 JT93 KT9843 9 53 Jacobus L. Bart Wold 1NT Pass 4NT Pass 5D Pass 6C Pass 6D Pass 7D All Pass Passell Friedland 6C Lynch Dahl 1NT 2C (1 suit) All Pass A difference in views? Gloria and Les Bart did well to bid the diamond grand slam. If clubs or diamonds split evenly, there would be easy 13 tricks. As the cards lie, it is anything but easy. The opening lead was the jack of spades followed by a club to the ace, a diamond to the king, and another club to the king. A club was ruffed with the queen of diamonds. Les led a heart to the ace, ruffed another club, played a diamond to the ten, and led the queen of hearts. Wold covered and Les claimed 13 tricks. Not a great grand… but a whole lot better than playing in a 5-2 club fit. The auction seems strange, but assuming the VG operator recorded it correctly … Not sure what went through Passell’s mind when he jumped to the small slam in clubs, but he was sufficiently punished for the lack of science. 19 IMPs to Friedland. World Youth Bridge Open Championship in Atlanta The WBF, with support from the ACBL, the USBF, the MABC, ACBL District 7, ACBL District 9, the Common Club, as well as private donors, will hold the 3rd World Youth Bridge Open Championship in Atlanta this summer. The complete schedule of play is posted on the WBF website. All participants will be provided with lunch and dinner each day. All players must have been born in or after 1988. Among the activities planned, participants will be treated to an Atlanta Braves Game courtesy of Turner Broadcasting and David Levy. 8 Board 20 Dealer: N All Vul. QT964 AK6 A93 Q6 West AJ 9543 5 AT9832 N 532 QJT JT64 K74 K87 872 KQ872 J5 North East South Friedland Lynch Dahl Pass Pass Pass 1NT Pass 2S (size or clubs) Pass 3C (maximum) Pass 3NT All pass G Bart Jacobus L Bart Wold Pass Pass Pass 1NT 2C (clubs and a major) 3NT (denying a ♣ stopper) Pass 4S All Pass Passell Clearly this is a “Silence is Golden” hand. In the room where Friedland sat North, he passed quietly over 1NT. His opponents had a simple auction to land in 3NT. Friedland led the ten of clubs to his partner’s king. A club came back and the defense took the first six tricks to defeat the contract two tricks. Jacobus, holding the North cards, bid two clubs on his six bagger. Les Bart was able to show game values without a club stopper. Since Gloria also lacked a stopper, she introduced her five card spade suit. Jacobus led his singleton diamond. It went deuce, TEN, and declarer won in hand with the ace. Gloria led a trump toward dummy’s king. Wanting his ruff, Jacobus rose with the ace. Had Wold played a small diamond, Jacobus might well have switched to a club to get his ruff. At the table, Jacobus shifted to a heart. Bart won the heart, played the high diamonds and ruffed a diamond, played a spade to the eight and cashed the winning diamond to collect 10 tricks. 12 IMPs to Friedland Debbie Rosenberg, preparing the Juniors to compete in Atlanta next month. 9 Limey Jack ... Blimey but the Senior Yank Trials have gone wildly off the rails. Friedland, Lay, Street and Simson must all be chuffed to bits to still be in the main event. Three of them may even survive to fight another day. Even Brod is probably running starkers around the lobby actually getting a bye into the loser bracket. After tomorrow Morse will be gutted and Strul will be made redundant after having dumped Limey Jack's favourite Yank, Michael Becker. Had he played his career here, he would be Sir Michael. Meltzer and Capelli advance. Friedland gets bounced by Lynch, Street throws quite a scare into Levine prior to the close, Kasle takes the measure of Simson. In the most exciting encounter which we hopefully can see on the Telly, Schwartz is upset by Lay. Limey Jack has a few quid on that one. On the Ladies side, Moss has to be shell shocked to be flying home tomorrow, whilst Mandala only brought two changes of unmentionables. Sprung-Baker: On paper this one seems pre-ordained in favour of Sprung. However, the Bakerites are both tough and mean. Sprung may prevail, but they will be knackered entering the first final. Westheimer-Sonsini: Limey Jack hears bits and bobs about some bad blood lingering with the remaining four teams, these two among them. This figures to have some very rough patches along the way. Lots of experience on both sides, but some weakness is glaring on the one. Westheimer will emerge with a stunning victory. Sonsini may have a second bite at that very same apple down the road. Limey Jack gives you the goods, Howie Dung gives you the runs. Ta ta, LJ Howie Doing… It’s form over field in USA1 … Easy to pick with the matches some done. In Friedland v Lynch, I have to pick Wold... After all, it’s the Seniors and Wold rhymes with old! It’s Schwartz riding high and Lay laying low, And word on the Street is that he’s next to go. Kasle is king and Simson is done. He might end up 2 but he’s won’t end up 1! Debbie and Michael Rosenberg going over the hands with the Juniors at the USBF Junior Training Camp In USA2, I’m picking Ms. Rose. Junior Update: And though he’s behind, Morse stays and Katz goes. Her team has a shot, but for USA2! Today the team of Kevin Rosenberg, Ben Kristensen, Oren Kriegel, and Greg Herman took second place in the top flight of the Friday/Saturday Knockout in St. Charles. Baker is out and I’m picking Sprung… These kids play well and play with confidence. Sonsini’s a winner and Westheimer’s through. That’s how Howie’s Doing, not how Howie’s Dung! The Training sessions were great for them and they bonded with one another and with the Rosenbergs. See you tomorrow!!! 10