Lytecaster - ELVESsupply
Lytecaster - ELVESsupply
Lytecaster Incandescent ( 6 3/4'' Fresnel Lenslite A19 .. II F.C. Ht.IO 6 3/4" Reflector Trims ROOf BeamOia. at'¥)' a 8' 10' 12: eft"" 11 ' 12 7 4 14' 18' footc.andles Ctt. to Ctr. lrg.Room Sml.A<lom 4' 53 23 13 6' 8' 4l) 18 10 Fmme·ln Reflector 1126 Enclosed These fully enclosed wet location downlights are an excellent choice for closets. kitchens and showers. Lenses clean easily- excellent for use in dirt prone areas. • 6 3/4" Lenslite is available in two versions. a Fresnel Lens and White Diffuser. The Fresnel Lens offers the most concentrated light output from a lensed downIight; the White Diffuser completely hides the light source. • Opalex Dropped features a durable Lexan* diffuser that spreads thelight evenly to provide soft, uniform illumination and features convenient. twist-off re-lamping. Ceiling t102P1 Non·IC t11llR Non·ICExist t101CX'f AirSeaiiC t11100AICM Oeep AirSeaiiC t111001CM Deep IC t1011C'/ IC/Non·IC 11011CR'f IC/Non·ICExist. Fresnel Lens 6 3/4'' White Diffuser 8' 10' 12' 4' K~ 1102P1 1111!R 11011CX' f lliiOOAICM 1UIOOICM lliMIC' f 11011CR'f White Diffuser 1178SH • For nail version add suffix ..N... • • For Non·IC applications only. f indicates lytening Frame-In Kit. Unless otherwise noted, wattages shown for l ytening are for ICapplications. Ceiliog Non·IC Non·IC Exist. AirSeaiiC Deep AirSeaiiC Deep IC IC/Non·IC IC/Non·ICExist. AOO< 8' 10' 12' 6fNI fifNI" 6WI.. F.C. BumDil. at 'Jf abovt floor 5 .. Ct1.10 en 4' 6' 8' K~ Lexan LAmping A19 100W 100W 51W 6fNI A19 3 2 19' 26' 33' ' Fo6teandles Srn&. Room ltQ,Room 27 12 7 19 8 5 Fmme·ln Reflector I 27 12 7 .' r -1 m ;q 42 18 1D Fmme·ln Reflector 1128 l 0 I 6' 8' White Diffuser lenslite Q 11' 16' 20' footcandles LJO.Room Sml. Room Ht.IO I: oovr ' . 12 6 4 '. Ctr. to Ctr. 6 3/4" Opalex Dropped --~- fJJW fiJVI" F.C. S..mllie. It 30' abOve floor Ht.lll Aoor 7'h The White Diffuser Lenslite provides broad diffusion while completelyconcealing the light source. 51\V fiN/ A19 .. II Fresnellenslite The Fresnel Lens/ire redirects the light from economical A-lamps to provide concentrated low brightness lighting. Lamping A19 IOOW IOOW K~ Ceiling 1102P1 Non-IC 111llR Non·ICExist. 11IMICX' f AirSeaiiC 111100AICII Deep AirSeaiiC 1111101CM DeepiC 11141C'f IC/Non·IC 11011ctlf IC/Non·IC Exist Lamping A19 l!iW 15'11 4fNol 4fNol 4fNol 4fNol'' 4fNor' A system of performance downlights for residential and light commercial applications . O ffering an extremely wide and useful range of high performance downlights, Lytecaster provides over 1000 lighting options in all for residential and light commercial applications. Within a single integrated system, Lytecaster can provide general and ambient lighting, wall washing, accent lighting and task lighting. Carefully designed to complement any decor, Lytecaster downlights can be combined with track, decorative lighting and controls to achieve a totally integrated lighting design. Lytecaster's precise, optically designed reflectors provide superior glare control and light output, allowing the use of fewer fixtures compared to other residential downlights. Lytecaster downlights are also designed to be easily installed, with a host of features that allow fast, consistent installations every time. Lytecaster 6 W' Basic Opalex- Dropped Compact Fluorescent I F.C. BtomOia. arl(f abO\I't floor Ht10 Roor 6 3/4" Reflector Trims Floor 3 24' 8' 5 24' 10' 12' 2 32' 1 41' 10' 12' 3 2 32' 41' '. Footcandles Cu. to cu. 8' Lexan 3 8' Lamping 1xTnple Series' 1102FSeries I' Quad HOW Series 2x Quad I a' 9' These enclosed downlights bring light to food service areas. wet locations and other spaces where exposed light sources are prohibited or not desired. They are also an excellent solution for dirt-prone areas where a completely shielded light source is needed. 2.0 1.5 1.0 16' 19' 21' Ht.10 Aoor Fooccandlu lrg. Room Sml. Room 4' 6' 8' Reflector nnsH Lexan 6 %" Fresnel Lenslite 2 ffame-1n Kit Lamping 1100FT Series• 1x Tnple 1102FSeries lxOuad L11en ng CFL lxOuad 11020Series 2x0uad I a· Torsion springs hold lens firmly in place. 8' 9 8' 10' 12' 6 10' 12' 5 '. Or. to cu. 8ea!fl 0i.l. 6 cu. '' 3 17' 24' 2 30' Footcandles ltg. Room Stnl.Room 4' 6' 30 13 21 9 8' 7 5 F.C. BeemDia. '' R Beemllia. at30" abcwe floor Floor Fresnel Lenslite 6 3 1 8 4 Ht10 F.C. at XI' above floor 10' 12' '. Ctr. to Ctt. 7 21 9 5 30 13 ' ' ' F.C. Beam Die. at30"above floor HtiD 1100< foo(can<lles Lrg. Room Sml. Room 1' Quad en 10' • Basic Opalex is available with a choice of twist-off Flush and Dropped Lexan®diffusers for durability and easy re-lamping. 6 Frame-In Kit Enclosed • Fresnel Lens provides the most concentrated light output while the White Diffuser completely hides the light source. 13 9 5 lim l ytening 6 W' Basic Opal ex - Flush 19 Cu. to Cu 4' 6' lro. I!Qom Smi. I!Qom 4' 6' 1178SH F.C. Btamllil. at ll' abM ffoor a' ' Reflector '. ' Ht.10 Ht10 1100< at 30' above floof 8 8' 10' 12' 13' 18' 23' 4 3 r Footcendtes lro.Room Smi.Room 4' 6' 26 12 8' 7 20 9 5 Co. to Ctr. Foocca.ndles ltg. Room Smi. ROOtl\ 4' 6' 8' 49 31 21 12 16 9 \ Reflector 1126 Fresnel Lens Frame-In Kit Lamping ll()(ffSeries+ 1xTripre I xQuad 1102fSeries J; White splay trim blends smoothly into ceiling. \' 6 W' White Diffuser Fresnel /ens provides the tightest beam diameter from an enclosed downlight. L11enngCFL 1 xOuad 11020 Senes 2x0uad F.C. Roor '. '. I HtiD BttmOia. at 30.. above floor 8' 4 10' 12' 3 2 13' 15' 18' lrg. Room Smi. Roorn 4' 6' 8' 18 8 6 13 6 3 -1 r Reflector 1128 • 26W only in l lOOAI CMFT. t Use 26W lamp in upper socket position only. White Diffuser Btamllil. 111:11 il bove t\oor 8' 10' 12' 7 4 3 14' 19' 24' ' . Footcandtes Cti.IO r Q :I 0 Roor '. Ctr F.C. Ht.ID !fame-In Kit Lamping \lOOFT S01iest hTnp1e 1102FSeries lxQuad L11enongCFl 11020Series lxOuad 2x0uad Cu. to Clr. 4' 6' 8' I FoOl candles ltg. Room Sml. Room 30 21 13 8 5 9