What is Astrology


What is Astrology
Counter the Loneliness Yourself.
Seniorgiri Series: Hobbies
Divination Systems
By Shobha Mathur [email protected]
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When was the last time you did Something for the First Time?
Do it now.
This is the age to enjoy whatever you wanted to do before but had no
time to do till now.
You are your own best friend.
You do not need any one’s permission to learn new crafts or pursue
new hobbies.
☺ You are not competing with anyone.
☺ You do not have to prove anything to anyone.
☺ You have to suit only your pace of doing thing,
Last but not least
☺ Be proud of yourself for all and any achievement.
☺ Enjoy and Enhance your life and abilities.
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I am compiling a series of things to do - what to do to counter
loneliness, in addition, how to go about it.
This is about Divination Systems.
Here I have tried to give a concise introduction about some popular
divination systems, and more links to follow if you are curious.
I have given the links that are the most visited. As on July2009, all
links are correct and working.
You should look for more as you surf. You may find many that will
suit to your needs. This is just a first step.
Please feel free to share this with anyone you like.
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These are curious times. All the scientific and technological education and
advancement seems to have made people more insecure and anxious. They
are looking for ways to combat the increased stress of life. Religion,
spirituality, rituals, occult, mysticism etc., are all pursued as they offer
comfort and hope.
Astrology is a big attraction for all. It tells you about yourself, your present
and future problems, and tries to prescribe remedies. At least in India, it is a
ubiquitous part of all our lives.
Any work has to be started at a good Muhurat . Especially for
weddings it is a must.
By the way we only look for muhurts for auspicious jobs; we should also
look for muhurats otherwise. Muhurat for cheating, divorce, fights, even
Wars. That way we will wait for the right time to commit the mission and
not do it instantly.
Most people will get a horoscope made if not of themselves, of the
All our festivals are according to lunar calendar and have holy times.
Rahu kalam is dreaded by all.
Babies are named according to their rashi.
Most young people have a high Sun signs Quotient. In fact It is now
the younger generation which is insisting on Horoscope Matching !
Most people have some sort of lucky charm or Jewellery.
Astrological gems and Birth stones are big business
Most people will check the daily horoscope whether they believe in it
or not.
People have changed the spelling of their names to suit numerology.
Ekta Kapoor’s “K” TV Serials are legendary.
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Astrology and allied divination systems are big business . All newspapers,
magazines, news channels have a prediction corner or time, and all have
some tame in house astrologist. Now Tarot Reading is getting popular too.
All the new technological inventions are used for getting the latest
horoscopic predictions. You can get your daily horoscope by email,
RSS or by SMS of course for a price!
The necessity is not only to know about future , but to know the ways to
make it better and to remove any obstacles. There are dedicated astrology
programs on TV where learned looking Gurus are answering questions and
prescribing Upaaay (methods) of solving any and every problem.
( I would like to know from people how successful were these, but no
one likes to talk about their problems and least about failed
Whether you believe in it or not, it can be a good time pass. There are many
streams of divination that can be pursued. Here I have covered Astrology
as the main tributary, and several secondary ones like Vaastu, Tarot, Feng
Shui and Chinese Astrology.
This is a general guide to whet your interest. You may not want to become a
professional, but even an amateur awareness will grant you celebrity status
with any Crowd.
I am not going into a futile debate whether Astrology works. and I am
just recording hows and not whys.
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What is Astrology
It is part science, part mysticism, that goes back a long time. It is a study of
stars and constellations which seeks to measure, and predict their influence
on life. Since ancient times Stars and moon fascinated people, and
remarkably similar studies have been done on their basis.
Astrology consists of two parts. Ganit ( Calculations) and Phalit
Ganit - The Astronomy is an exact science which measures the movement
of planets and constellations .
Phalit - Astrology is the interpretation based on that exact measurement.
How a planet can influence life from a certain angle alone or with other
Studies have been done about all kinds of combinations and a good
astrologer apparently can even predict evil or criminal tendencies
from a newborn baby’s time of birth.
Almost all civilizations have had some sort of divination system and
astrological readings. Here I have mainly covered the Vedic ( Indian) and
Western systems of astrology.
In the later part there is a brief introduction to Tarot, Vaastu, Feng Shui and
Chinese Astrology and links for learning about them.
Stars have always been a source of wonder and mystery.
This is a picture from NASA
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Janam Kundali or Natal Chart
The base of Astrology is the Natal Chart , Horoscope or Kundali. This is a
map of constellations and planets at the place and time of birth. All systems
require this information to chart this. Then by looking at the position of
various planets, interpretations and predictions are made.
We are looking at two main systems of making a horoscope Chart:
Vedic encompasses India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and many other countries with
Hindu traditions. It has further two kinds of charts :
North Indian
South Indian
2. Western
It has its roots in Greek and Mesopotamia civilizations. There are many
similarities with the Vedic system, which point to some common heritage.
I have mostly used the word Chart , as today Horoscope has become
synonymous with Daily predictions.
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Comparison of two systems
Both Vedic and Western systems have 12 Constellations and 9
The constellations are the same in both. In the western system
these are known as Sun signs.
Vedic calculations are based on Lunar movements as Western
ones are on Solar. That is why the Sun Signs and the Vedic
Rashis do not always tally.
There is some difference in planets. Vedic system has Rahu and
Ketu which are not real planets. The western astrology does not
have Rahu and Ketu, instead they have Uranus and Neptune.
The other seven are same. Sometime they also use Pluto. (See
Information about Constellations and Planets)
In Both systems the each sign is ruled by one planet. As only
seven planets are lords of 12 signs, some do double duty.
In all Systems Aries is the first house and Pisces 12th.
All Systems require basic data – Date, Exact Time, and place Latitude and Longitude.
Many atlases are available to find accurate measurement.
From this accurate maps are calculated all the planet
positions. These are compiled in Ephemeris .
Good Ephemeris and many software programs are
available to make these charts. Many online sites are
also there to make free charts.
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Properties of the Zodiac Signs
The 12 Zodiac signs represent four primary elements – Fire, Earth, Air and
Water. Three signs belong to each group.
Fire – ( Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)These signs are likely to be lively, rash,
violent, bright, and enthusiastic. Fiery Temperament, leaders.
Earth – (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) These signs are matter of fact and
controlled. Solid like Earth.
Air – ( Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) These signs have nippy minds and are
gifted in abstract concepts, Social skills, analysis, intellect. Can be
undetached and cold like air.
Water—( Cancer Scorpio, Pisces) Perceptive and sensitive, these signs
are deeply emotional. They are interested and in sync with the surroundings
in which they live, like a flowing river.
The Zodiac is also split into tree groups of four signs each, according to
qualities – Cardinal, Fixed or mutable.
Cardinal –( Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) Have initiative,
movement, vitality
Fixed- ( Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) Have steadfastness, stability,
Mutable –( Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) Are adaptable to
changes in life, capable of guiding and influencing circumstances
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This chart shows both groups.
They are further divided in the western system in masculine ( Positive) and
feminine ( Negative) groups.
(I can see it was a frustrated male who made this particular division)
Fire and Air signs are masculine .
Earth and Water are feminine.
Another way to differentiate is by their numbers.
Odd numbers are Masculine
Even numbers are feminine.
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Different Kinds of Charts
All charts have 12 Houses, of 30 Degrees each, covering all 360 Degrees
around the Earth. Each house corresponds to some part of body, and
different aspects of life.
The Vedic Charts differ from North to South India, in how they are
presented, but not in substance. Moreover, they both differ from western
system both in looks and substance.
South Indian
North Indian
In South Indian System, the zodiac has fixed place. The second house on the
top row always starts with Aries and goes clockwise. The Lagna and other
houses are filled later according to Birth time.
In North Indian System the Lagna ( The Birth sign) will always be the top
of the diamond. The place of the houses is fixed, and zodiac signs are filled
later. The counting is done counterclockwise. The numbers in the houses
indicate the zodiac sign. For example 1 will be Aries,
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But the meaning of the houses and final positioning of the planets is the
same in both.
The Western system chart is in a form of a wagon wheel. In this also the
position of Houses is fixed, and the counting goes counterclockwise. The
ascendant is the sign that was rising at the sunrise time.
Predictions are made according to position of planets and their angles to
each other. All kinds of permutations are recorded and given names as
different Yogas. There are 28 Maha Yogas, 8 Khala Yogas and 30 Dainya
More information here
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Here Are Two Vedic Charts And One Western For
The Same Person.
1. In the North Indian one ( Right) the Number are for Rashis (Zodiac).
Number 6 is Virgo which is the Lagna , the First House. You can see that
essentially both are same .
2. Below is the Western Chart for the same person. These charts use
Symbols heavily instead of text.
As the calculation is done mainly by Sun’s position at any given time, here
the ascendant is Libra instead of Virgo as in Vedic system.
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Comparison of The Houses
The Houses have similar functions as in Vedic System , though the functions
do not always match. Each house corresponds to certain aspects of body and
In the western system, the first 6 houses deal with Individual and last 6 with
the society.
1st House
Lagna, Self
Ascendant, Self
2nd House
Wealth, Family
Money , possessions
3rd House
Younger Siblings
4th House
Mother , Home
5th House
Children, Education
Creative expression,
6th House
Enemies, health
Work, learning
7th House
Relationships, Marriage Relationships,
Marriage, legal affairs
8th House
Death, Legacies
Inherited money, death
9th House
Luck, Father, Guru
Social institutions
10th House
Profession, business
Ambition, Success in
11th House
Gains, Older siblings,
12th House
Losses, Expenses
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Information about Constellations and Planets
Mar 21 –
Apr 21 –
May 20
May 21 –
Jun 20
Jun 21 –
Jul 21
Jul 22 –
Aug 21
Aug 22 –
Sep 21
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Sep 22 –
Oct 22
Oct 23 –
Nov 21
Nov 22 –
Dec 20
Dec 21 –
Jan 19
Jan 20 –
Feb 18
Feb 19 –
Mar 20
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Astrological Remedies
People do not only consult an astrologer about their future, but also about
remedies to remove blocks and solve problems. Gemstones and various
metals are ancient remedies thus prescribed.
Most popular Astrological remedies are
1.Mantras – Mantra is the science of using sounds effectively.
A mantra means repeated chanting orally or mentally of special sounds and
words. There are Vaishnavite, Shaivite, Shakti, Tantric, etc. all kinds of
Mantras. A mantra becomes more powerful if it is imparted by a Guru.
Specific mantras are associated with different deities and are used for
different purposes- for health, wealth, relationships, and spiritual
advancement. Gayatri mantra, Maha Mantra, Maha Mritunjay Mantra are
renowned mantras.
2.Yantras – These are Instruments and can be symbols, processes or
machinery even in everyday life.
Here we are concerned with ones for occult purposes. They are mainly of
two types – Pictorial and Numerical.
Pictorials are geometrical designs for different deities and purposes. They
are supposed to be having mystical and astrological significance.
Numerical are Squares with grids and numbers which are mostly used as
amulets to be worn.
A Yantra depicts both macrocosmic and microcosmic forces acting
together - the movement towards and away from the centre - "control"
and "liberation" within the one device. Using Yantra in the Tantric
practice of controlled gaze supposedly leads to liberation.
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They have their origin in Tantrik Sadhana.
A Yantra has to be energized by special pujas to be effective. There are
special rituals with different yantras, and have to be done by a realized
Following are three Yantras for Lakshami, Ganpati and Durga.
(These pictures are from old issues of Kalyan - the monthly religious
magazine of Gita Press. )
Both Mantra and Tantra require an experienced Guru.
These are beyond the scope of this hobby article. However anyone wishing
to make a serious study can look for a suitable guru.
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Here I am confining myself to gems only, because as every one knows
Diamonds are a woman’s best friends! However, I am not really picky. I and
I know most women will settle for Navratnas or other precious gems!
Even for gems a deep study will be beneficial, but they are so popular now
that almost anyone can look for their Rashi or Sun sign stone even without
consulting an expert.
Be Aware that this is just a light hearted introduction and if you want
to take it seriously , please go for more profound study.
The precious stones are not suitable for everyone. Especially Sapphire
can be deadly for an unsuitable person. Without serious knowledge,
please only go for semi precious ones, as they will not harm..
According to VEDIC Astrology, natural gemstones emit cosmological
Gemstones reinforce planetary powers and work to influences in three ways.
1. By adding astral color to one's aura.
2. By enhancing associated areas of one's life.
3. By attracting the attention of their ruling planetary deities
Read more here:
My Aunt’s Navaratna and semi precious stones Jewellery .
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Gemstones In Astrology
Precious and semi precious stones are associated with different planets and
are advised to be worn as a ring or some Jewellery so the stone keeps
touching the body. The metal –Gold, Silver or Copper will also be
prescribed in which to mount the gem.
In India we have Navratna Jewellery which is made of 9 kinds of
gems- for the nine planets.
The stone is prescribed according to one’s horoscope. It has to be clear, and
of prescribed weight. You should not wear one indiscriminately as it could
harm. Specially blue sapphires are known to be very potent either way.
The stone is supposed to emit powerful rays. It can enhance positive
effects and absorb the negative effects. It has to be purified before
wearing and from time to time.
With real gems getting too expensive, now some alternate semi precious
gems are also prescribed.
All the Planets are associated with specific colors and gems.
There are Three methods of choosing gemstones :
1. One's birth 'rasi' or moon sign.
2. The Sun Sign – This is most popular in Western system . Each Sun
sign has its own designated stone.
3. By prescription from an astrologer. The stones will be chosen for
specific problem, and planets. These are prescribed by weight, and
time .
Please see the following chart : I have given info for all western and Indian
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Colors and Gems associated with Planets
Lord Of
Aries &
Gemini &
& Pisces
Taurus &
Cat’s eye
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Links to more information
Gemstones And Their Astrological Assignment
Here gems are indicated for Heart, Trauma, Psychic powers, Artheritis
Astrology Jewelry and Jyotish Gems
Findastrologer.com has listed International companies and artists
offering fine astrological jewelry and Jyotish gems valued for their
beauty and healing energies.
Zodiacal Table of Gemstones
Here you will find names of alternate stones.
How to Use Therapeutic Gemstones
Gemstone energy medicine offers a wide range of therapeutic tools
based on the gemstone sphere.
How Gemstones work
More info at these sites
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Links For Astrology
Astrology is a very popular subject. There are literally thousands of sites.
Both Vedic and Western sites are there as well as Chinese, and other
assorted systems.
I have looked for safe sites and have collected different kinds of information
about Vedic and Western Styles.
1. Sites for free astrology tutorials and lessons.
2. Online sites for free horoscopes and general predictions.
3. List of available software - mostly free
4. General Information sites.
A Bouquet of Links
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Astrology lessons
Free Astrology lessons
In this section you can learn, step by step, the basics of Indian Vedic
Vedic Astrology Lessons
Here are Free Vedic Astrology Lessons to help you. Astrology
Lessons which can elevate you to the level of Self Actualisation &
Transcendence. The true Astro Gnosis !
Esoteric World News Contents Page
This has free lessons and a wealth of charts regarding all kinds of
things including relationships, gambling and stock market !
A Course in Natal Astrology
by Karl Hans Welz, inventor of the Chi Generator®, Orgonite®, etc.
This web site contains a free astrology course in seven lessons.
Astrology 101: Free Astrology Online Courses
Astrology 101 is a free astrology online course that helps you to learn
astrology basics. The lessons are self-paced, written for the beginner.
The lessons are designed to help you get the most out of your
astrology readings and the articles on this website. It will be helpful to
read the lessons in the order presented, as each lesson builds on
previous ones.
Indastro : Vedic Astrology
Free tutorials
25 of 65.
Astrology 101: Free Astrology Online Courses
Astrology 101 is a free astrology online course that helps you to learn
astrology basics. The lessons are self-paced, written for the beginner.
Astro 101
An introduction to Astrology, with information on Sun signs and the
building blocks to understanding this divine science.
Vedic Astrology Tutorial
This Vedic Astrology Tutorial with its integrated features makes
learning and studying Astrology so interesting! You can base
examples on any chart of your choice. That makes learning interesting
and motivating!
Find Astrology courses by correspondence!
Learn Astrology for fun or certification!
Listed are two sections of astrology education options: astrology
colleges and an exceptional selection of astrology courses offered by
correspondence. Astrology courses are available for all levels of
study from beginning students to certification for professional
26 of 65.
Free Astrology Charts
Vedic Charts
Your free astrology horoscope chart consists of complete Vedic
Astrological Charts and general predictions showing the exact
position of all planets at the time of birth
Free Birth Chart/ Janam Kundali/ Kundli/ Vedic Horoscope Software
Scientific Astrology
Free VEDIC birth charts with horoscope or Grahanila in English.
Kamal Kapoor.com
This section offer free horoscopes, accurate predictions, professional
astrology charts and free personal readings along with general
information about astrology and the twelve zodiac signs. Needs free
27 of 65.
Western Charts
Esoteric World News Contents Page
Western Chart
Astrodienst horoscopes are easy to understand, even for those who
have not dealt with astrology before
Free Chart & Astrology Report Data Input
Please enter your birth information below to receive the best free
astrological calculations.
0800 Horoscope .com
The system will then calculate your daisy wheel graphic, your aspects
graphic and also give you a full interpretation of your personality.
Chaos Astrology
This is not just a quick Sun sign horoscope, but a full 15-18 page Free
Natal Report - a true birthday horoscope based on the date, time and
place of your birth.
28 of 65.
Astrolog 5.4
From Astrolog:
Astrolog is a many featured and customizable astrology chart
calculation program. It features wheels, aspects, midpoints,
relationship charts, transits, progressions, simple interpretations, astrography, local horizon, constellations, planet orbits, dispositors, various
influence charts, biorhythms, different zodiacs, central planets, 15
house systems, 8400 year ephemeris, asteroids, Uranians, fixed stars,
Arabic parts, script files, and macros, smooth animation of charts, and
graphics export to bitmap, Windows metafile, and PostScript formats.
For those familiar with programming, Astrolog's complete source
code is available separately.
Astrolog32 2
From OrionSoft:
Astrolog32 is a feature-rich astrology program for Windows. Based
on the legendary Astrolog, it covers most tasks an astrologer is ever
likely to need, including charts, transits, progressions, synastry, and
astro-cartography. Using Swiss ephemeris, it can calculate positions
of all planets in Solar system, major asteroids, fictional planets
(Uranians), over 10,000 fixed stars and objects such as True and Mean
nodes, Part of Fortune, Vertex, East Point, and 170 Arabic parts.
It supports fourteen house systems, including Gaugeline sectors,
tropical and sidereal zodiac using either geocentric or heliocentric
29 of 65.
Astrologos4free 4.0.63
From JSystems:
Free astrological program with multi-language support (in setup
package included English and Hungarian language). You can set up
colors and aspects.
KP Muhurat
From AstroOpenSource:
Software to assist to find Best Muhurat based on the event. The
software is based on the book KP Muhurat. A Novel Technique in
K.P. by Sri. Kanak Bosmia and uses KP Astrology principles. The
software assists the user providing all interpretation to fix the best
possible Muhurat in few minutes for any event. Based on Mr. Kanak
Bosmia's years of study, solid experience and application of the KP
principles, he long back felt the need to write a good book on Muhurat
in a modern style. This book moves the readers cogently, clearly and
step-by-step through the process of calculating the most astrologically
auspicious time for a particular occasion or commencement of an
activity on the basis of a good longevity and the required significators
of the concerned cuspal sublords and running Dasa-Bhukti-AntaraSookshma lords. Through this book both KP lovers and practitioners
will gain a thorough understanding of his new concept and confidently
learn to select the most favorable time to begin an activity such as
swearing in, marriage, purchase or construction of property, starting a
new business, joining a new job, applying for Visa, filing a legal case
or any other important occasion. Though this book deals with
Muhurat, it has also significant principles of choosing the required
cuspal sublords and house grouping for around 80 events and
activities according to the matters of 1st to 12th houses, which are
useful in prediction by natal or horary chart. The author has thus done
a distinct service to the cause of KP and to its proper study and
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General Information sites
A Hindu Primer
Astrology weekly.com
Definition of Hindu Astrology .
Study of Vedic astrology demands an elementary knowledge of
astronomy and some basic techniques concerned with the preparation
of horoscopic charts. Understanding the static promise in a horoscope,
and the dynamic aspect of timing the fruition of such promise, are
areas which demand deepar study. Vedic astrology has at its disposal
innumerable techniques which can be employed for virtually infllible
Free astrology books
Astrology Library - free astrology books
Free online astrology books
Free astrology books for download
Mystic Board
Welcome to Mystic Board - Free Astrology, Tarot to Psychic
Discussion Board. Anybody with mystic or occult interests, should
take a look at this site. They have loads of free programs in different
mystical disciplines.
Free registration is required.
31 of 65.
A Hindu Primer
The Horoscope
Meaning of houses
The Astrological eMagazine
An Ezine from Bangalore .
It provides a podium for dialogue and transfer of ideas of research
papers on different aspects of Astrology, Vastu, Yoga, Vedanta and
related sciences.
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Tarot ( Ta-row)
These are special cards used for self-knowledge, practical problem
solving, fortune telling, meditation and even for playing !
The Tarot is a deck of 78 picture cards. All cards have different
pictures and meanings. It has a recorded history of at least 500 years,
from Gypsies of Italy and Spain . They were thought to have magical
properties and Readers were treated as seers or witches.
The cards are divided in two groups called Greater or Major Arcana
and Lesser or Minor Arcana.
The Minor Arcana has four suits :
Each suits has Fourteen cards - Ace to Ten , King, Queen, Knight and
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Major Arcana has 22 cards, all with different Names, Pictures and
1. The Magician
12.The Hanged man
2. The High Priestess
3. The Empress
4. The Emperor
15.The Devil
5. The Hierophant
16.The Tower
6. The Lovers
17.The Star
7. The Chariot
18.The Moon
8. Strength
19.The Sun
9. The Hermit
20.The Last Judgment
10.Wheel of Fortune
21.Zero – The fool
22.The world
The cards are laid out in different spreads or layouts of 3 to 10 cards
after shuffling. The Celtic Cross Spread of 10 cards is the most
The READING is then done according to the picture and place of the
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Learn Tarot
There are many free lessons available as well as some software. I have
listed two free softwares along with some of the free lessons.
Learning the Tarot - An On-line Course
Learning the Tarot is a self-paced series of 19 lessons that begin with
the basics and then move gradually into more detailed aspects of the
tarot. These lessons are geared toward beginners, but experienced
tarot users will find some useful ideas and techniques as well.
Lessons on learning to read the Tarot
Tarot is brilliant for divination and magic and healing as it synthesizes
all these systems. Divination is the method you use to find out what
can be done, and how to do it, while Magic is the technique used to
ensure your desired outcome.
The free Supertarot Lessons are structured in four main sections:
Tarot Meanings - individual cards
Elemental Dignities - relating the cards to each other
Tarot Spreads - putting it all together
Exercises for you to practice
The Pleasure of Tarot
It’s a 12 week course (one lesson per week), it's interactive, it's dead
easy to follow and it's FREE!
35 of 65.
Spiritual Guidance Tarot: Free Courses
Develop your psychic skills!
I have placed all of the material from my Beginning Psychic Skills
class and my Psychic Skills Development II course into a free
downloadable E-book for you. You can move through these study
areas at your own pace. The book features plenty of lessons, activities,
and exercises to aid in your development.
Mystic Eye Tarot - The Electric Tarot Elemental Spread
From The Mystic Eye:
This Mystic Eye Tarot reading program features the Electric Tarot and
the five card Elemental spread. Click the shuffle button and your tarot
reading appears. Easy to follow directions provide the meanings for
each card position. Click each card for a detailed explanation of it's
divinatory meaning.
Free Tarot 1
From PortalPsychic:
Small freeware program for personal Tarot readings. Simply think
about your question while clicking 5 cards, and the automated Tarot
reading will appear. No installation needed, only unzip the file and
double click on the FreeTarot.exe icon to obtain your free Tarot
MB Free Learn Tarot Software 1.0
MB Free Learn Tarot Software is an educational tool for learning the
basics of tarot card reading. This program is extremely simple and
very useful for beginners who want to learn to read the Rider Waite
36 of 65.
MB Free Tarot Tutor And Glossary
MB Free Tarot Tutor And Glossary Software is the complete tarot
card learning software that includes tutorials, tests and a complete
tarot dictionary for reference. This unique tarot learning software
helps users and beginners understand the basics of tarot card reading
with a- learn-and-then-test your skills option and a reference
37 of 65.
Vaastu and Feng Shui
The wheel has turned full circle. After centuries of Modern or Western
secular Architectural practices, people are finding old religious values
Suddenly the modern homes are found to be wanting and various cures
sought, prescribed and applied to avoid a major overhaul.
This is the new ERA – Eastern Religious Ancient theories are in. Both
Vaastu and Feng Shui are the modern mantras!
What are these ?
Vaastu is Indian and Feng Shui is Chinese architectural discipline.
Both Vaastu and Feng Shui are ancient practices for construction related to
all kinds of habitation.
Both seek to balance the universal energies (Chi).
What they do?
They both deal with three levels of architecture and have rules to increase
prosperity and maintain good health and relations by balancing the
elements. The correct direction is important for every placement- of
building, rooms and furniture.
The three levels are :
1. Town planning – lay out of houses, roads, gardens, water sources.
2. Home planning- placement of rooms, windows, entrance, open
spaces around.
3. Furniture and placement of the furniture ( Interior Decoration)
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Five Elements
They both believe in harmonizing five elements, though they are not the
same elements.
Basically it means that we should be environmentally friendly - if you take
proper care of the environment you will be fortunate and prosperous.
Both are very old streams. Vaastu is even mentioned in Vedas, Ramayan and
Mahabharat. Feng shui is also believed to be as old, though the first written
version is from 1st century AD.
Both have a directional Diagram to assist the construction. Any building
should take note of the directions in these diagrams.
These maps also are affected by astrology of the main person, and place.
Both need the birth time of the protagonist. In India it is called the Rashi, in
China the Kua Number.
39 of 65.
Vaastu has the Vastu Purush Mandala.
Purush refers to energy, soul or cosmic man. Mandala is the common name
for any plan or chart which represents the heavens as a symbol.
It is divided into a geometrical chart with many concentric squares. Each
square belongs to a deity and associated attributes for the home. Brahma
occupied the central portion - the Brahmasthana- and other gods are
distributed around. There are 45 gods in all - including 13 inner and 32 outer
The Vastu Purusha is the presiding deity of any site. Usually he is depicted
as lying on it with the head in the northeast and legs in the southwest but he
keeps changing position throughout the year.
This graphic of Vastu Purush Mandala is gratefully from
Niranjan Babu Bangalore www.niranjanbabu.com
40 of 65.
Feng Shui has BaGua Map.
The BaGua map - Ba Means Eight and Gua mean areas.
So this is literally a map with eight outer sections and one middle one. The
middle one is about “self” and the outer eight determine the various
Directions, Elements, Body parts, Colors and Attributes.
In Feng Shui, the "0" degree on the compass is South, and the left side is
East. The direction is anti clock wise.
Both these charts are used for defining positive and negative energy points.
41 of 65.
Principles of Designing
They have different principles of designing, but both stress on harmony of
elements .
It works on the premise that the place and how a building is made affects the
universal energies.
The site of the building should be good and be lucky for the owner.
The building design should look nice. Both the Interior and the exterior
should be aesthetically pleasing.
The people living in the building should have feeling of well being and
Feng Shui
Feng Shui literally means Wind –Water. Just like both wind and water flow
to keep fresh, universal energy or “CHI” also needs to flow uninterrupted.
The design of the homes and interior should be uncluttered to allow free
flow of chi.
Feng Shui also balances the forces of Time, Space and Actions. So it is
important to have a blend of the right action, in the right place at the right
time to prosper.
It needs extremely accurate Compass to determine the directions. The
Chinese compass is known as LUO PAN
42 of 65.
A Luopan, Feng shui compass.
It is also a discipline of Astrology.
When there are obstructions to its flow, problems erupt in life.
If everything is going smoothly in your life, leave the residence as it
is, even if it seems wrong by Vaastu or Feng Shui. Because, if you
have strong horoscope, these mistakes will be favorable to you. Like
they say,
“ If it aint broken, don’t fix it !”
43 of 65.
Both Vaastu and Feng Shui prescribe some cures to mitigate the ill effects of
wrong construction.
These are minor cures asking you to keep something in a certain position to
ward off the evil.
Nowadays these cures have become interchangeable to Vaastu and Feng
The main cures are :
Mirrors ,Pyramids, Crystals, Different kinds of knots, Pictures are also part
of the cures.
One special cure for Vaastu is the use of tantras – the geometric designs
which are kept in certain areas of the house.
These are just some basic guide lines. I have given more links below if you
want to pursue the subject further.
44 of 65.
Links for Vaastu
General Principles Of Vaastu
What is Vastu Shastra?
Tips about vastu.
Vastu Vidya
Tips about various places in home.
Vaastu Tips
Free online consultations
Dr. Kalania has combined basic principles of Vastu and Feng Shui for
maximum effect. Free consultation on anumber of subjects.
Has a course also for 25000 Rs.
Vaastu a Free ebook
The Hindu Practice of Vastu
Various Vastu tips
Vastu Purush
The Diagram of ground floor of a house
45 of 65.
eHow Video Search Results about Vastu
Where to Apply Vastu Remedies, How Much, How Soon
for Vastu Remedy Expectations, What Is Vastu?, What Happens
If Vastu Remedy Wrongly Applied and many more.
The Harmonious Kitchen
Economical Measures For Correcting Vastu Defects without altering
existing structures.
Vaastu Pursh
Diagrams to understand the yantra.
Indian Vastu Shastra
Tips for vastu
Vaastu Shastra
Info about vaastu
Fengshui of Vedic Astrology
A bit of everything – horoscope making and reading, Vaastu,
What is Vastu Shastra?
Info about vaastu
46 of 65.
MB Free Vastu Shastra 1.30 Publisher's description
This is a remarkable Vastu program.
MB Free Vastu Shastra is a remarkable and accurate program based
on the ancient art and science of Indian architecture of house layout
planning. MB Free Vastu Shastra Software helps you to understand
where you should be making enhancements to improve problem areas
and which parts of the home you ought to focus on. It is with the help
of this software that the users can understand, interpret and learn as to
how to emphasize the important areas of life that needs our immediate
attention. This program has been designed to make it one of the most
interactive tools based on Vedic astrology, thus helping you with all
the calculations and diagrams needed to interpret the mystic energies
for human life, houses and rooms.
47 of 65.
Links for Feng Shui
How to set up a geomantic chart
Vastu and Feng Shui: The difference between Vastu and
Feng Shui
Monica P. Castaneda's Free Online Classroom
This section of my website has been created to provide plenty of Feng
Shui information that can help you to start making positive changes in
your home or place of business TODAY.
Feng Shui Tips
A mini course of 10 free lessons.
Philippine Hsien Tiak Taoist Temple
We also offer feng shui lesson and fortune telling lesson free of
48 of 65.
Free Feng Shui courses
Our first course is called, “On the street where you live.” It teaches
you to analyze and improve the Feng Shui of your home’s exterior. It
is an Audio lesson.
Free Online Classes
Free Online Feng Shui Classes
American Feng Shui Institute
Classes and other resources
Feng Shui Institute
Free membership
Home of Astro FengShui
49 of 65.
MB Feng Shui Ba Zi 1.30
An unique Chinese Ba Zi software.
MB Free Feng Shui Ba Zi is an interactive and an effective tool, which
calculates your four pillars of destiny or Ba Zi based on the ancient art of
Chinese Astrology. The program is useful in drawing up a map of your life
and advises you on as to what is good and what is bad, on the appropriate
action that needs to be taken during various phases of your life and much
more. just input your personal details and the software does the rest for you.
Among all the other forms of divination in Chinese Astrology, the Four
Pillars of Destiny is considered to be one of the most accurate and
remarkable forms which originated nearly over five thousand years ago.
Ancient Chinese people devised a method of reading the life of a person
from his birth Year, Month, Day, and Hour. This information is displayed in
the form of four columns each consisting of two characters. Each column is
called a Pillar. The four pillars together will contain eight characters. This
method of Life Reading is called "The Four Pillars of Destiny" or simply
"The Eight Characters". MB Free Feng Shui Ba Zi is based on the Yin and
Yang factor and the five Elements, namely, Fire, Earth, Wood, Metal and
Water. On the basis of these five elements and the Yin-Yang factors, the
software determines a wide range of information about your life and how the
world interacts with you, in general.
50 of 65.
Chinese Astrology
Like all old civilizations, Chinese have a proper divination system.
They have their own set of calendars and astronomical tools.
There are both Lunar and solar calendars in use for different systems
of astrology.
Chinese astrology can be traced back to the 2500 B.C.
It does not calculate the positions of the sun, moon and planets at the
time of birth as in Vedic and Western systems.
Interestingly Chinese Astrology has three main systems of Astrology.
All have their followers who swear by their value.
Here is a little information about them and links to dig further.
Three main systems of Chinese Astrology :
1. IChing
2. Feng Shui or Nine star ki
3. Chinese Zodiac
Here follows a little information about each :
51 of 65.
1. I-Ching
I ching is the oldest system. It is based on Chinese Solar calendar,
which starts on the first day of Spring, usually 4th February.
In I Ching Astrology there are three Stars, known as the Birth Star,
the Inner Star and the Outer Star, all drawn from the year, month and
day of birth.
The cosmology of this system centers on
The ideas of the dynamic balance of opposites,
The evolution of events as a process
Acceptance of the inevitability of change.
This is a divination system based on 64 Hexagrams.
Each hexagram is a figure composed of six stacked horizontal lines.
each line is either Yang (an unbroken, or solid line), or Yin (broken,
an open line with a gap in the center).
With six such lines stacked from bottom to top there are 64 possible
combinations. Each Hexagram has its own meaning and predictions.
Here are the 64 Hexagrams. They all have different names.
52 of 65.
Read about them here :
I Ching the individual meanings of each Hexagram
I Ching
53 of 65.
2. Nine Star Ki or Feng Shui Astrology
Nine Star Ki Astrology (Feng Shui Astrology) is the knowledge
basically related to Feng Shui. This explains how time and the force
of the heavens take place on humankind and nature. It is primarily a
study of character, and does not differentiate between men and
This is a Japanese system based on Chinese legends.
It is an astrological practice that uses your birth date to determine your
personality, emotional character and outward behavior.
It is believed that the universal energy Ki ( Qi or Chi) starts it's
journey from deep within the cosmos.
This energy is filtered primarily by 9 stars - thus the name 9 Star Ki.
The journey of this energy starts with the star Vega (Yin) , through the
seven stars of Ursa Major (The Great Bear) and finally through Pole
or North star (Yang).
In addition to the 9 stars mentioned above, Nine Star Ki is influenced
by a number of different cycles - the primary cycle being one of 9
year duration but within each year lie monthly, daily and even hourly
Graphic from: http://www.onlinechineseastrology.com/contentdetail.aspx?ID=129
54 of 65.
Nine Star Ki is a complete system that represents a fusion between the
great current of celestial energies (the Ten Heavenly Influences) and
the reoccurring earthly cycle of Twelve Earthly Influences.
In between the lively influence of Heaven and Earth the Nine Star Ki
represents the human order.
The ten celestial influences plus the twelve earthly influences produce
Nine energy changes. This is the accepted study of Nine Star Ki
It is a powerful tool for self-knowledge and personal growth. Ki
Astrology is based on the eternal cycles of ebb and flow of energy,
and the influence of these cycles on our persona.
This style uses several square grid diagrams with magic numbers.
They follow a set pattern.
These Illustrations are from NINE STAR KI ASTROLOGY,
You can read about finding your numbers and more information about
these here:
55 of 65.
3. Chinese Zodiac
This is the most popular branch of Chinese Astrology.
Chinese zodiac year begins on the new moon, after the winter solstice,
and therefore the date is rather moveable.
In Chinese Astrology there are four stars, known as the Four Pillars.
These are born out of the year, month, day and hour of birth.
While Vedic and Western Astrology is based upon the Twelve
Months of the year, Chinese Astrology is based upon a twelve year
lunar cycle. Your sign is determined by the year in which you were
Like Western Sun signs, Chinese Zodiac reveals an individual's
unique characteristics, lifestyle, and emotional balance.
The cycle of 12 signs as illustrated in Chinese astrological system was
supposedly established by Buddha.
The Buddha invited all the animals for an assembly; however, only 12
actually came. The first animal reached on that assembly was the
talkative rat followed by ox, tiger and cat, and so on. As soon as all
the animals arrived in the assembly, Buddha assigned each of the
animals a unique year of their own.
56 of 65.
Each sign and those born under it, are represented by one of twelve
animals, and are credited with a set of attributes that consist of
thenature of that particular animal.
Then these signs are further qualifies by the 5 elements- Wood, Fire,
Earth, Water, Metal.
Each animal sign belongs to one element by rotation. For example,
Water rat, Metal rat, Wood rat etc.
Each particular combination arrives only every 60 year.
57 of 65.
Look up your Chinese zodiac symbols below
according to the year you were born.
58 of 65.
Following are VERY general personality traits of
each sign – just for fun.
Positive Traits
Negative Traits
clever, charming,
Steadfast, a goaloriented leader,
courageous, warmhearted
Energetic, natural
Seductive, good
with money,
Insecure, jealous
Energetic, moneywise, and enjoy
Impatient and
sometimes seen as
a drifter.
Creative, thinkers,
Unorganized and
Energetic, upbeat,
and good at
Lack self control
Loyal, faithful,
Extremely nice,
and tasteful.
Can be dangerous
when crossed
59 of 65.
Which signs are compatible in the Chinese zodiac?
Every fourth animal in the Zodiac Wheel is considered to be good
match to each other.
The signs that are opposite each other in the Zodiac Circle chart are
poor matches.
60 of 65.
These signs make poor partners in love and in business. Family
members who have opposite signs may experience friction and
disharmony in the home.
This is very broadly speaking. Each person is a combination of the
sign of the year as well as influences of the time of day and the larger
cycles of the zodiac.
These other influences can balance the ill effects of incompatible
signs and make for a very good relationship — or cause problems in
even the most compatible signs!
61 of 65.
Expert Astrology
Read in brief details all the Chinese signs in sequence in association
with their corresponding year here:
Chinese Astrology
Welcome to the fun and enchanting world of Chinese Astrology!
Here, you will learn not only the basics, but also how this ancient
system reveals your unique characteristics and destiny.
Find The Secret of Your Life
You will find three valuable secrets about yourself. the Lucky
Element , The Rise and Fall Chart of Your Life, and the Lucky
Element Guide to help you to improve your luck in the rest of your
A free treaty on Chinese Astrology...
Free e- book to be downloaded.
Chinese Astrology Explained
The Concept Of Fate: Four Pillars Analysis
I Ching Astrology
62 of 65.
MB IChing Astrology 1( soft ware)
From MysticBoard : MB I Ching Astrology calculates your Energy
Cycle Charts based on I Ching Astrology. This system believes that
all happening are affected by stars and elements.
MB Free Chinese Zodiac Software 1.95
MB Free Chinese Zodiac Signs Software determines your Chinese
zodiac sign from your date of birth. This program gives you a detailed
interpretation of the sign you belong to according to Chinese
It gives a report that includes the positive and negative characteristics
of each sign, your lucky colors, months and seasons, gemstone,
element, energy, ruling planet and compatibility with other signs. This
program aims to help people come to terms with their good and bad
traits and rectify the negative qualities if they have any, so that they
can lead happy and prosperous life.
The Blooming Grove Studio Network
It is easy to learn, easy to use. and, to my great surprise,
it works !"
Nine Star Ki Astrology
63 of 65.
Your Nine Star Ki numbers
Learn more about these numbers
Chinese Character Symbols for the Zodiac.
Free Graphics for non commercial use. From:
64 of 65.
The filler Flower graphics used here are from Hellas Multimedia
http://www.hellasmultimedia.com/webimages/default.htm. The beautiful
graphics are free.
Some graphics are from acknowledged sources.
Some are from me.
Other clipart are from Microsoft WP Clipart Free Collection.
65 of 65.