- Moe Albert Street Primary School
- Moe Albert Street Primary School
Moe (Albert Street) Primary School News P.O. Box 274 Moe, 3825. Principal: Monique Osborn Ph. 5127 1966. Fax. 5126 1407 Thursday 16th June 2016 Calendar of Events Email: [email protected] Web: h+p://www.aspsmoe.vic.edu.au/ SUPERVISED SCHOOL HOURS 8:30am – 3:15pm The community of Albert Street PS Moe encourages everyone to dare to dream and reach their potential in supportive, caring environments. Together we recognise and celebrate our success. We value Partnership, Respect, Optimism and Pride. Student of the Week Monday 20th June School Spectacular Deposit Due Tuesday 21st June Parent/Teacher Interviews Thursday 23rd June Disco Parent/Teacher Interviews Friday 24th June Last Day Term 2 Amy for showing maturity and initiative. Amy is able to stay on task at all times even through moments of distraction. She displays true leadership and learning qualities. Haydn for always giving it your best shot with multiplication equations and using initiative by moving away when distracted by others. Well done! Miss Mancarella Shanae for a fantastic effort in Reader’s Theatre. Kaitlyn for avoiding distractions and focusing on her work. Liam for being focused watching a visual report and taking notes about what he learnt whilst listening. Well done Liam! Jakson for working really hard this week to complete tasks to the best of his ability. Taylah for always being respectful to classmates and work. Saturday 2nd July Polling Day Fundraiser Monday 11th July Start Term 3 Friday 22nd July Final Camp Payment Due Canteen Monday: GEST Tuesday: Moe Life Skills Wednesday: Liz Kurzawa Thursday: GEST Friday: Melissa Pudney From the Principal, Reports and Interviews Even though next week is the last week of term, it is an important one. Teachers have completed your child’s report which will be distributed tomorrow. Please take the time to read through the report and share it with your child in preparation for your parent teacher interview next week. It is important to understand the learning growth that has occurred during terms 1and 2 and areas of learning that will be focussed on for the remainder of the year. Please remember to keep to the allotted time and if organise another meeting with the teacher if needed. Community Garden meeting will take place on Monday 20th June at 3:15pm in the staffroom. An exciting announcement will be made! We look forward to seeing you there. Monique Osborn LCHS Visit Kiarna-Lee and one of our LCHS visitors playing Smartie Maths! State School Spectacular Choir Thank you to Kelly Eaton who is seeking sponsorship from various organisations to help fund our choir to stay and perform in Melbourne over three days. Thank you to the Palmer Family, Sandi Wilmot & Kaitlyn and Katrina Claire & Alayah and Lisa Flanagan & Rex for volunteering a shift on a Polling Day (Sat 2nd July) BBQ and Raffle ticket selling to raise funds for our choir. We still have some time slots to be filled if your child is a choir member, your support is greatly appreciated. Disco Colouring Competition Junior School Council students have commenced organizing the end of term disco for the evening of the 23rd June. A coloring competition has also been organized and students can enter for $1 as a fundraising activity. The coloring sheets can be purchased from Junior School Councillors at recess and lunchtimes. Last Day of Term A kind reminder that students will be dismissed at 2:00pm on Friday 24th June. We appreciate a prompt pick up on that day. School Council Meeting School Council will be held on Tuesday 21st June at 6:30pm in the staffroom. Please note that no committee reports will be distributed on Friday, due to just having had the May meeting. We will be focusing on the Anti-Bullying Policy. Please let the office know of your attendance or apologies. Meeting Community Garden The next Uniform Sale 3-4pm Monday 20th and Thursday 23rd. We will be holding a uniform sale in the foyer near the office during the last week of school. Please come along as there will be many bargains to be had including tracksuit pants, long sleeve polos, girls bootleg pants, adult size jumpers and polos. We also have a range of green tracksuit pants and shorts, although these are no longer accepted as uniform, we have lots to get rid of at an extremely cheap price! SCHOOL RELIEF FUND The total for this week was $2.35. Congratulations to Prep Browne with a total of $.65. State School Spectacular 8th-10th September (revisited) The total cost of this camp is $220. This is without fundraising. We will be working hard as a school community to bring costs down to ensure each student selected can attend. Choir Practice Students in the Albert Street Choir and the State School Spectacular Choir have been singing their hearts out with Mrs Lia in the music room. Why I like choir….. Please be reminded that the $50 deposit is due Monday 20th June to secure your child’s place. ‘Because it is fun and I get to sing and I like singing.’ –Sophie Hersey Forest Edge Camp 13th—16th September 2016 (revisited) ‘We get to stay in a hotel for School Spectacular and go around Melbourne singing and it helps me to get better at singing’. – Lachlan Wallace Thank you to those families who have returned the last camp notice. This was only sent to families with money still owing on the camp. The total cost of the camp is $270. If you have not yet returned this form, please do so as soon as possible. The final camp payment is to be paid by 22nd July. Disco and Polling Day Volunteers Volunteers If you are able to help with our school disco night (Thursday 23rd June), please let Suzanne or the office know what time you are available. If you are able to volunteer for the Polling Day (Saturday 2nd July), please fill out the form at the back of the newsletter. Thank you to all of our volunteers for your ongoing support. Disco Please note, if you have not ordered a meal deal, Juniors will need to be picked up at 6:30pm and Seniors to arrive at 7pm. No other food to be brought to the disco. Family Planning Victoria Next term as part of the senior curriculum we will be covering sexuality education. There will be 3 sessions covering relationships, sexual and reproductive health, diversity, human development, personal safety and love and intimacy. Family Planning will be facilitating these sessions in conjunction with school staff. ‘Because they have great songs and it is fun with a good teacher’.—Rex Clemance HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS ROBOTICS TANKBOT CHALLENGE (8yrs+) ONLY 14 SPACES AVAILABLE Build, Program, Test, Create, and Modify until your EV3 TANKBOT is ready for combat. Join us for this creative and hilarious day of unpredictable robotic fun in our TankBot Arena. ALL skill levels catered for with NEW ROBOTS for our Advanced builders. Half & Full day workshops at Traralgon Library 5th July 9 – 12pm $36 1 – 4pm $36 Full detail & Enrol online http:// bricks4kidz.com.au/gippsland Fundraising Assistance Request Polling Day Saturday 2nd July If you can assist on this day during the school holidays please complete the form below. Please note we also welcome our years 3-6 students to assist WITH their parent or grandparent etc. Please write names of volunteers in the time you are available. I am available to help out and I understand that if my child comes to help out I am responsible for him/her. 8:00am- 11:00am 11:00am- 1:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm 4:00pm-6:00pm