Packet - The Village of Lake Bluff


Packet - The Village of Lake Bluff
MARCH 12, 2013
Call to Order and Roll Call
The Special Meeting of the Architectural Board of Review (ABR) of the Village of Lake Bluff
was called to order on March 12, 2013 at 4:10 p.m. in the Village Hall Board Room (40 E.
Center Avenue).
Austin DePree
Carol Russ
Matthew Kerouac
Ed Deegan
Neil Dahlman
Steve Rappin
Chair Hunter
Also Present: Gerald Nellessen, Building Codes Supervisor
Appointment of a Chair Pro-Tem for the March 12, 2013 Archtiectural Board of Review
A motion was made by Member DePree to appoint Member Russ as Chair Pro-Tem for the
meeting this afternoon. That motion was seconded by Member Deegan. The motion passed on a
unanimous voice vote.
Non-Agenda Items and Visitors (Public Comment Time)
Chair Pro Tem Russ noted there were no requests to address the ABR.
Consideration of a proposed amendment to the existing site plan for the Knauz
Automotive Park (Knauz Hyundai), located at 775 Rockland Road in the AP District, to
change the existing exterior appearance of the facility including new signage, removal of
signage, material changes, colors and other exterior improvements to accommodate the
Hyundai Vehicle Dealership initiative.
The public hearing was opened at 4:12 p.m. and Mr. William Madden from Knauz Automotive
Group and Mr. Jim Mulvaney from NSI Signs were sworn in as presenters of testimony for this
proposed project. Mr. Madden indicated that the Hyundai business is growing and they are
changing and building out more at the 775 Rockland building. Hyundai has asked for this
building to be exclusively the Hyundai line and dealership. Removing SMART will double the
Hyundai space. They will renovate the showroom area, change out the signage and color
scheme to the Hyundai corporate ID signage and color package and removing the SMART
signs and black lucabon exterior colors. The SMART line of cars has not met the expectations
locally or corporately and they will either move it to the center in North Chicago or the
corporate owners will take the dealership back. Mr. Madden has met with the CEO of Daimler
and they are aware that the SMART cars are not selling in the U.S. like they are in other areas
of the world. Americans don’t like the micro cars. Jerry Nellessen provided an overview of the
process today and what the requests are for. All of the signage on the building and the Hyundai
ABR Meeting Minutes –
March 12, 2013
monument sign is owned by Knauz and the SMART sign is leased. This sign is going to be
removed as soon as the leasing company gets to it which could be a couple of months. That is
why it is listed on the requirement for a sign exemption. Member DePree indicated that all of
the Knauz signage is clean, crisp and professional and this request is just another idea of their
professionalism. Member Kerouac also said the quality of the signage is great and he inquired
about the bushes at the base of the Hyundai monument sign. Mr. Madden indicated the bushes
will stay. Member Deegan indicated that the proposal looks great. Chair Pro-tem Russ said that
the sign package looks great. Carol also reconfirmed that the whole panel on the Hyundai
monument sign is not going to be illuminated only the letters and logo. Public Hearing closed
at 4:25 p.m.
As there was no further discussion concerning the site plan, Member DePree moved to
recommend approval of the site plan as presented including the signs. Member Kerouac
seconded the motion. The motion carried on the following roll call vote:
Russ, DePree, Kerouac and Deegan
Hunter, Dahlman and Rappin
As there was no further discussion concerning the sign exemptions, Member Kerouac moved to
recommend approval of the 4 wall signs (exemption) and the 3 ground signs (exemption) as
presented and in the submittal package. Member Deegan seconded the motion. The motion
carried on the following roll call vote:
Russ, DePree, Kerouac and Deegan
Hunter, Dahlman and Rappin
Consideration of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting – March 5, 2013 Meeting
Member Depree moved to approve the minutes of the March 5, 2013 ABR Meeting as
presented with minor spelling and grammar corrections. Member Kerouac seconded the
motion. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.
There being no further business to consider, Member Kerouac moved to adjourn the meeting.
Member Deegann seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 4:28p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Nellessen
Building Codes Supervisor
Tuesday August 6, 2013
Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting of the Architectural Board of Review (ABR) of the Village of Lake Bluff was
called to order on August 6, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Hall Board Room (40 E. Center
Neil Dahlman
Carol Russ
Matthew Kerouac
Steve Rappin
Chair Hunter
Ed Deegan
Also Present: Gerald Nellessen, Building Codes Supervisor
Approval of the Minutes from the March 5, 2013 Regular Meeting
A motion was made by Member Kerouac to approve the minutes. That motion was seconded by
Member Russ. The motion passed on unanimous voice vote:
Hunter, Russ, Dahlman, Kerouac and Rappin
Approval of the Minutes from the June 4, 2013 Regular Meeting
A motion was made by Member Rappin to approve the minutes. That motion was seconded by
Member Kerouac. The motion passed on unanimous voice vote:
Hunter, Russ, Dahlman, Kerouac and Rappin
Non-Agenda Items and Visitors (Public Comment Time)
Chair Hunter noted there were no requests to address the ABR.
Consideration of a permit from the Premier Realty Group for a Subdivision For Sale sign
for the Lansdowne Subdivision
The Village received a sign permit application from Premier Realty Group, Inc. for the
installation of one subdivision “For Sale” sign at the Lansdowne Subdivision property located
at 600 Lansdowne Lane. The sign will be placed at the northeast corner of Lansdowne Land
and Moffett Road intersection on private property near the entrance to the subdivision. The sign
as submitted complies with the following: one sign per subdivision, surface area of the sign
shall be less than 24 square feet and the height above grade shall not exceed 8 feet. Maureen
ABR Meeting Minutes –
August 6, 2013
from the Premier realty Group, Inc. had said that there will be no lighting and the colors that
will be used are representative of what was presented with the packet. The applicant had
requested to leave the sign up until the last home was sold. This is a deviation from the Village
Sign Code which indicates the sign may only remain on the property until 25% of the total
parcels remain to be sold. There was board discussion on this. A motion was made by Member
Rappin to approve the sign but they must adhere to the Village Sign regulations for the length
of time the sign can be up and no exemption to it. The motion was seconded by Member
Dahlman. The motion passed on the following voice vote:
Hunter, Russ, Dahlman, Kerouac and Rappin
Public Hearing for a site plan review for the reconfiguration of the exterior fenced storage
area and increasing the height of the fence to accommodate the installation of a back-up
power generator for the Village Hall located at 40 E. Center Avenue
Chair Hunter opened the public hearing at 7:10pm. Building Codes Supervisor Nellessen
provided an overview of the proposed project. This project involves the reconfiguration of the
exterior fenced storage area on the NE side of the building, increasing the height of the existing
fence to a maximum of 6 feet high from grade and the installation of a back-up power generator
for the facility. The Village is proposing to install an 85 Kw natural gas powered back-up
generator. The generator is sized to power the entire building. The main power to the building
is in this location and a gas service for the generator will need to be installed. It is proposed to
move the fence out I foot 9 inches to the east to be consistent with the building line and then 2
feet 4 inches to the north so it is up to the window opening. The angled corner may be
eliminated to accommodate the generator installation and placement. It is also the intent to raise
the fence to a maximum height of 6 feet in order to shield the generator. The fence materials
will be the same (cedar) as what is currently in use. There will still be a side entry gate to the
storage area but the Village may also make the north side fence sections removable so the
generator can be more easily accessed for maintenance. The transfer switch will be located on
the building inside the fenced area. The public hearing was closed at 7:20pm.
There was no discussion on the proposal as submitted by the Village of Lake Bluff. A motion
was made by Member Dahlman to recommend approval of the site plan modifications as
submitted for the generator project. The motion was seconded by Member Kerouac. The
motion passed on the following voice vote:
Hunter, Russ, Dahlman, Kerouac and Rappin
Pre-application meeting with Knauz Automotive Group to receive a presentation and
conduct an informal discussion regarding proposed plans and changes to the Mini Cooper
Building located at 407-409 Skokie Highway
Mr. Lee Dolan (Architect for Knauz) started the presentation with an explanation of the
proposal and provided a power point program of the existing conditions and the proposed
changes. Both Chair Hunter and Member Kerouac had questions on the tube steel and doors
and would like to see the tube steel removed. Member Rappin had discussion on color schemes.
ABR Meeting Minutes –
August 6, 2013
There were some questions on the building orientation. Mr. Dolan answered several questions
on the overhang and the location of it on the east side. Mr. William Madden came into the
meeting at 7:30pm. Mr. Madden provided an overview of the project and of the “refresh” of the
other dealerships on site. Now Mini Cooper would like to have their facility “refreshed”. A
firm from Whitfield, CA. is the design firm that Mini Cooper has hired to provide the design
guidance for each building. They came out last October and they just came back to Knauz this
month with their concepts. Some elements are a little troubling to Mr. Madden and he would
like guidance from the ABR on what fits into the Auto Park and the Village. Some of these
concepts from Mini are over the top and he knows what fits for him and some of the others are
cost prohibitive. He would like to get input so he could then send it to California and
subsequently it gets sent to Mini in the US and then to Germany.
Corporate Mini would like to have a service drive separate from BMW. This service drive is
indicated with the green lighting/outline. They would like to have a replica fiberglass Mini
Cooper on the roof angled towards the ridge.
There are 4 corners with steel tubing. The grey color is a misnomer. It is really black lucabon;
same as the roof and steel elements. Structurally the steel does nothing and it is used to just
draw attention and make a statement. Mr. Dolan responded that all the Mini buildings have the
tube steel and the difference here is this building is existing and set differently than newer
buildings. In this case there is no reason for tube steel to be here. There is no structural element
behind it. Member Kerouac asked about the mini replica and whether that was inside a glass
enclosure or not. There is sensitivity to the Village and the surrounding area. This would be
noticed and the car on the roof will look foreign to the site. If you take away the tube steel the
lucabon would fit in better; possibly wrapping the columns also with the fascia. See how the
details work out. Mr. Madden indicated that initially Mini wanted him to tear the building
down. The cost to build new and the cost to renovate are extremely expensive. Mr. Madden
indicated that the red is to signify the entrance to the building and the green is the service
entrance. The sign MINI is from a white back to black.
Member Rappin thought the project was over the top. The towers were not attractive. It was
“very busy” and not in keeping with the Park. The green and red is a disconnect but he does
like the Mini on the roof and thought this was good for branding.
Member Russ is not finding the design very “chic”. The towers are massive and static and
looking colossal and not mini. The colors are very “zingy”. There was discussion on the
building. The black on black on black feels massive. She is at a loss to say where to go with it
from here. She does like the car on the roof. Member Dahlman indicated that the building does
stand out. The pyramid looking roof and the angles afford this look. He did question the size of
the overhang. He indicated there was some need to identify the entrance. If there is going to be
a car on the roof then make it angled in placement or something different. Member Kerouac
thinks the car on the roof takes away from the whole product; disingenuous. Member Russ
believes the tube steel and colors should work into the building so it doesn’t detract from the
roof design. Mr. Madden indicated that corporate wanted them to take the roof down and move
windows to the edges of the roof.
ABR Meeting Minutes –
August 6, 2013
Chair Hunter indicated the towers make the building look like a fast food restaurant. When
SMART did the black entrance it looked nice. This design becomes overbearing. They should
have nothing do to with any colors except black. If they want it flat black then they need to
look at a different lucabon panel. It will be an issue with how they intend to “marry” the
columns and lucabon. Mr. Madden discussed the black lucabon fascia and columns with a
texture. Chair Hunter indicated he could get used to it if it has some other colors in it like silver
and then the columns. He also indicated the steel framework is not a good idea. Mr. Madden
indicated this is the feedback they need so they can go back to corporate with it. Chair Hunter
does not like the Mini on the roof. He indicated something on the roof might be ok but not a
Member Kerouac suggested that maybe the columns could be black and then the fascia a
different color. Give a black box at the pedestrian level and a lighter color at the top. Mr.
Madden indicated he would like to be consistent and doesn’t want to draw attention to just one
building and wants the materials to be real. Chair Hunter indicated that they could possibly
remove the steel framework and explore the fascia as Member Russ had indicated previously.
Member Russ suggested that maybe they could use some other colors without detracting from
the other buildings. Mr. Madden also discussed the glass enclosed drive through. Chair Hunter
expressed that this building is oriented at a 45 degree angle and is a transition between
buildings. Mr. Madden indicated that he definitely hears a consensus of no columns. Chair
Hunter indicated that they could possibly do some sketches and come back to the ABR. Mr.
Madden provided an overview of the timing and schedule of this. They have to go back to the
Mini design firm with anything and go through the process. There was discussion on this.
Member Russ indicated the steel has to go and Chair Hunter indicated that the lighting all has
to be back lighting for the signage. Chair Hunter also led discussion on a possible design
charette and a sub group of the ABR. Mr. Madden indicated that they had two weeks to get this
to Mini and get it back for the ABR submittal. There was further discussion on scheduling.
The discussion on this subject ended.
Staff Report
Chair Hunter provided an overview of a free standing sign proposal to us for the train station.
Administrator Irvin provided input to Chair Hunter over the telephone to him and Chair Hunter
provided a design idea if it fits within the Village Budget and framework. Think about this as a
concept and different solution for an immediate problem. Further information would be
forthcoming. The next regular meeting of the ABR will be Tuesday September 3, 2013 at
There being no further business to consider, Member Dahlman moved to adjourn the meeting.
Member Kerouac seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald Nellessen
Building Codes Supervisor
Chairman Hunter and Members of the Architectural Board of Review
Gerald Nellessen, Building Department Supervisor
August 30, 2013
Agenda Item #4 – Site Plan Review for the Property Located at 375, 407 and 409 Skokie
Highway– Knauz Automotive Park-Mini Cooper and BMW Dealership Buildings
Knauz Automotive Group
375, 407 and 409 Skokie Highway
Automotive Park District (AP-1)
Conduct a Public Hearing to review site plan documents, including:
exterior building alterations, and proposed signage; and forward a
recommendation to the Village Board.
To make required alterations to the existing buildings and signage to
rebrand and refresh the Mini Cooper building and install signage and
an architectural feature on the roof and install overhead doors on the
BMW building and exterior changes to each building and changes to
the colors on the Mini Cooper building and site.
10-1-9 – Site Plan Procedures
Site Plan Review Process:
The Village is in receipt of a proposed site plan for the exterior changes to the buildings located at 375, 407-409 Skokie
Highway, commonly referred to as the Knauz Automotive Park Mini Cooper building and the BMW building.. Pursuant
to Section 10-1-9 of the Zoning Code, the ABR shall hold a public hearing to review the proposed site plan documents
and make a recommendation to the Village Board based on the requirements outlined in the Village Code.
The Knauz Automotive Group has indicated to the Village in meetings and correspondence that they will be rebranding
and refreshing the Mini Cooper building which includes but is not limited to changing the exterior of the building (also
colors and Mini Cooper branding initiatives), adding architectural features including a replica mini cooper on the roof,
enclosing the overhang to create a service drive and signage in order to meet the requirements of the Mini Cooper
Dealership ownership and maintain the designation. They are also seeking to enclose the service entrance to
Proposed Site Plan:
The proposed site plan for the Mini Cooper Building is for exterior alterations to the existing entrance, some column
additions which are not structural, enclosure of an open overhang area (SE side) into an enclosed service drive, color
changes to the exterior, lucabon materials and textures, some color identification s to the main entrance and the service
entrance, two new wall signs and a roof sign (which is a replica mini cooper on the roof), windows and other exterior
features. The wall signs (2) are indicated as externally illuminated with lighting that is located at the bottom of the sign
and shines up onto the sign and they are located on the same fascia. A representative of the owner had indicated that the
signs were internally illuminated but it appears on the site plan that they are the same as what is currently on site. Sign
details are supposed to be presented at the meeting. The signs are only indicated on one elevation compared to the
existing signage a more than one elevation. There is no scale for the signs and sizes are not provided so compliance with
sign regulations could not be checked. The replica mini cooper on the roof is considered a sign and does not comply
because signs are not allowed on the roof of a building in any zoning district. The design presented appears to incorporate
some of the ideas that were brought forth in the pre-application meeting in August. The plan for the proposed roof
signage (replica Mini Cooper) does not comply with the sign regulations. The proposed plans do not appear to alter the
performance standards (noise, smoke, odor, heat, and vibrations, etc.) of the site due to the proposed alteration.
The proposed site plan for the BMW Building is for the enclosure of some parking spaces on the north side of the
building and the purpose for this enclosure is to provide an enclosed area for the delivery of new BMW automobiles.
This is a request of BMW corporate to have this enclosed area. This enclosure is a new wall that is basically two 18 foot
wide glass overhead doors and a service entrance door. There are no colors indicated for the structural framing system
exterior which appears to only consist of a “header and 4 vertical support systems; one between the overhead doors, one
375, 407 and 409 Skokie Highway
ABR Site Plan Review
Page 2
on the building side of the doors and one by the service door. There are also no materials indicated for the exterior
coverings. There is a drawing of what is proposed and also a picture of the existing with the overhead doors and service
door drawn into/overlayed into the picture to show what it may look like.
The following chart summarizes the measurements of the proposed signs and changes:
Sign Ordinance (AP District –Wall Signs)
Two wall signs and one additional wall sign may be substituted for
an awning or projecting sign.
Proposed Wall Signs
2 wall signs are proposed
There is a replica mini cooper slated
to be installed on the roof. This is
considered a sign by definition in
Village zoning regulations. Signs on
roofs are not allowed in any zoning
The wall sign sizes are not delineated
and the actual illumination is
indicated as external but may change.
Size, location, and color shall be approved by the ABR.
Shall not extend above fascia line of the wall.
Wall signs comply but the roof sign
does not comply
According to Section 10-12-17 of the Lake Bluff Zoning Code, the size, location, and coloring of all signs requiring a
permit involve a review and approval by the ABR. The roof sign does not comply with the Code requirements, as such,
petitioner requests a recommendation from the ABR to grant an exemption from the Village Sign Code regulations for
the installation and maintenance of one sign for the roof that replicates a mini cooper. There may be additional sign
exemption requests pending further information on the size of the wall signs for the building.
Attachments: Are the proposed site plans for the ABR’s review:
1. The Mini-Cooper submittal package which consists of photos of: (Existing Mini Cooper conditions, Existing
Mini Cooper Building photo’s, Site Plan of the Mini Cooper Building, Proposed Mini Cooper Building Plan
and Proposed Mini Cooper Building redesign plan with signage);
2. The BMW submittal package which consists of photos of: (BMW Building Site Plan, BMW Building existing
floor plan, BMW Building existing photos, BMW Building proposed floor plan and the proposed BMW
exterior alteration); and
3. A Copy of the Site Plan Review Public Hearing Notice Mailed to Neighboring Property Owners.
It is recommended the ABR conduct the site plan public hearing, entertain public comments and questions from the
petitioners and make one of the following recommendations to the Village Board:
Recommend approval of the proposed site plan(s) and recommend approval of the requested Sign Code
Recommend approval of the proposed site plan(s);
Recommend denial of the proposed site plan(s); or
Request the petitioner to provide additional information for the ABR’s consideration.
If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 847-283-6885.
August 23, 2013
Notification of Public Meeting – 375 Skokie Highway, 407 Skokie Highway and 409
Skokie Highway-Knauz Automotive Park
Dear Owner or Occupant,
The purpose of this letter is to make you aware that the Architectural Board of Review (ABR) will
hold a public meeting to consider an amendment to the existing site plan for the property(s) located at
375, 407 and 409 Skokie Highway, commonly referred to as the Knauz Automotive Park, owned by
Knauz Automotive Group (“Petitioner”). Specifically, the Petitioner is proposing to amend the
existing site plan for the Knauz Mini Cooper Building concerning (i) Facades, exterior improvements,
corporate branding, exterior walls, exterior doors, exterior lighting, interior improvements and signage
and associated improvements and also amendments to the existing site plan for the Knauz BMW
Building concerning (i) facades, exterior overhead doors and exterior improvements, corporate
branding and associated improvements. This meeting is scheduled for September 3, 2013 at 7:00
p.m. in the Village Hall Board Room (40 E. Center Avenue).
Any person desiring to be heard, or to present any evidence or testimony relating to this matter should
appear at the Public Hearing at the time and place specified above. A copy of the site plan review
application and additional information will be available for inspection on Friday, August 30, 2013 at
the front counter in the Lake Bluff Village Hall (40 East Center Avenue). If unable to attend the
meeting you are encouraged to submit written comments in advance of the meeting to:
Lake Bluff Architectural Board of Review
ATTN: Gerald Nellessen
40 E. Center Avenue
Lake Bluff, Illinois 60044
If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please feel free to contact me at (847) 2836885.
Gerald Nellessen
Deputy Building Commissioner
Robert Hunter, ABR Chair
Drew Irvin, Village Administrator
Brandon Stanick, Assistant to the Village Administrator