Creation of the event and analysis
Creation of the event and analysis
User guide CREATION OF THE EVENT 1. FIRST STEPS To begin the analysis, select Analysis in the main menu. 2. CREATE EVENT: Select the button Create game with analysis. 3. SELECT THE VIDEO OR DATA SOURCE We can choose the source of the video (local or streaming) or of the date (import), in case we have them. For this tutorial, we choose Analysis from video. 4. SELECTION OF TEAMS We Select the teams which are going to participate in the event. 4. SELECTION OF THE TEAMS We can select the option Training Mode (T) in order to choose the same team, both in the position of local and visitor. 5. SELECTION OF THE ROSTER We will select the players selected for the match. These players are those which may participate in the actions that we tag. 6. EVENT FILE Then, we fill out the fields about the information of the event to complete the event file. 7. ANALYSIS FILE We introduce the data to complete the event file, such as the title and author, which team we want to analyse, if we want to show zones and players, which concepts template we will use and which video we want to analyse. 7.1. ANALYSIS FILE: THE CONCEPTS TITLE AND AUTHOR TEAM ANALYZED SHOW PLAYERS The title which will identify Select whether you want to Select if you want to see or not the every analysis that we do of tag actions to the home players during the analysis, and if the event and the name of team, the visitor, or both those players would be represented his author. during the analysis. in formation on the pitch or ordered by number (On field deactivated). SHOW ZONES CONCEPTS TEMPLATE MEDIA If this option is enabled, we To select which of our In case that our analysis is done can assign our actions to the concepts templates we will from video, here we could select zones of the pitch where they want to use to analyze our which media we want to use for occur. event. the analysis. 8. SELECTION OF MEDIA To select the video of the match or training, in case you have it, select the button Add Video(s) (+). In the window that pops up, select the video file and click on Open. 8. SELECTION OF MEDIA The program will show a preview of the video. Once you recognize that is the desired file, select the button Accept. 9. FINISH To end with the creation of the event, and to start the analysis, simply select the option Finish.