x-bionic ® Technology Thermo scans impressively show: X-BIONIC® Functional Underwear is the first functional underwear that‘s worth taking a look at from the inside. Turn it inside out and discover the sophisticated technology along the furthest angle: Climate channels automatically unfurl, the zones are compacted into insulation areas and the aeration system is opened up by the movement of the body. A very unique mechanism for high-performance sport. Or as we say: Enhanced performance without doping. The elbows ElbowPad™ and ExpansionRibs™ in the elbow padding unfurl their additional insulating air padding when in the bent position. Thanks to the folds of the fabric, which are knitted together like an accordion, your elbow will not cool out from the winter chill. They do not tire out the muscles, but gives them the best insulation. X- Bi o n i c ® T e c h n o l o gy 217 This is how X-BIONIC ® Functional Underwear controls your body‘s climate. The knee ExpansionKnee™ No more «cold knees when skiing». Bent knees often lead to extra wear and tear on traditional underwear. The accordion principle of ExpansionRibs™ gains its insulating characteristics from the movement of the knee, instead of losing it thereby. Warm air for insulation is stored on the inside of a highly flexible chamber and channel system. AirConditioningSpot™ The knee hollow perspires quickly and heavily. A fine, circular knitted fabric has been incorporated there. Perspiration dissipates and is pushed putwards with the aid of body warmth. So there is no risk of chilling. Thermal insulated front knee Heat dissipation via the knee hollow Where traditional functional underwear often only has coloured applications, X-BIONIC® Functional Underwear has its own small three-dimensional world, full of climate technology. Close-up of the knee, turned to the left. 216-223_TRER_0023_014_X_SOCKS_Katalog_ENERGY_ACCUMULATOR_E.indd 217 19.1.2010 22:18:08 Uhr
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