Safety and Energy Efficient Operations 17th November 2015 University of Strathclyde, Glasgow REVIEW OF MAJOR MARINE ACCIDENTS THE EVOLUTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAMAGE STABILITY REGULATIONS Professor Apostolos Papanikolaou National Technical University of Athens - NTUA Ship Design Laboratory – SDL Email: [email protected]/gr The problem and the challenges Comparative max. data Titanic capacity (max): pass 2435, crew 892 total 3,327 Allure of the Seas capacity (max): Pass 6,296, crew 2,394 total 8,690 Nov-15 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 2 List of Contents Nov-15 Major marine accidents with emphasis on passenger ships IMO regulatory developments on damage stability of passenger ships (and dry cargo ships…) – SOLAS 90….Res. 14, Stockholm Agreement (SOLAS 95) : after the Estonia disaster for passenger ships in Europe; enhances the SOLAS90 requirements to account for Water on Deck (WOD) effects – SOLAS 2009: harmonized probabilistic damage stability regulations for passenger and dry cargo ships Performance based approach: Physical model experiments or employment of nonlinear 3D Time Domain simulation methods accounting for the flooding and ‘sloshing-WOD effects’ Project GOALDS (Goal based Damage Stability) EMSA III Study Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 3 Introduction to GOALDS The currently in force probabilistic damaged stability regulations for dry cargo and passenger ships (SOLAS 2009) represent a major step forward in achieving an improved safety standard through the rationalization and harmonization of previous damaged stability requirements (SOLAS 90, A265, SOLAS B-1). There are, however, serious concerns regarding sufficiency of the adopted formulation for the calculation of the survival probability and the required level of safety of passenger ships, particularly for some ROPAX and large cruise vessels. The EU funded FP7 project GOALDS (Goal Based Damaged Stability, 2009-2012), responds to these concerns by state of the art research studies and by formulating a new rational, risk-based regulatory framework, properly accounting for the damage stability properties and the safety expectations of our society for passenger ships. Nov-15 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 4 GOALDS – Project Facts Funding Framework: European Commission, FP7, 2nd call Project Type: Collaborative Project, Grant Agreement: 233876 Evaluation: Received highest score among all submitted project proposals in transport Budget: 4.458 Mio EUR, Funding: 2.999 Mio EUR Partnership: 18 partners from 9 European Countries; 4 Yards, 3 Shipping companies, 3 Class societies, 2 Flag authorities, 2 Research institutes, 3 University Laboratories, 1 Design Company Start: Sep. 1, 2009, End: October 2012 Coordinator / web contacts: Prof. A. Papanikolaou, Ship Design Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens, Nov-15 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 5 The Project Consortium 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Nov-15 National Technical University of Athens (coordinator) University of Strathclyde Germanischer Lloyd AG Det Norske Veritas Safety at Sea Lloyds Register of Shipping Hamburg Ship Model Basin Vienna Model Basin Danish Maritime Authority Maritime and Coastguard Agency University of Trieste STX France Cruise SA FINCANTIERI Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A. MEYER WERFT GmbH Color Line Carnival PLC RCL (UK) Ltd. STX Finland Cruise Oy Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL NTUA SSRC GL DNV SaS LR HSVA VMB DMA MCA DINMA STX FR FC MW CL CAR RCL STX FIN Greece UK Germany Norway UK UK Germany Austria Denmark UK Italy France Italy Germany Norway UK UK Finland 6 Vienna Model Basin Ltd. NTUA-SDL Coordinator Nov-15 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 7 GOALDS Objectives and Main Results Nov-15 To enhance the statistical knowledge base regarding collision and grounding casualties of passenger ships and to check the validity of related international safety regulations. To develop an improved mathematical model for estimating the probability of survival of a passenger ship in case of breach of her hull and for assessing the time available for an orderly evacuation of the ship. To validate the newly developed mathematical models by experimental and numerical simulation analyses. To set-up a new risk-based required safety level for the survival of passenger ships in which societal acceptable levels of risk for people onboard are implemented. To evaluate the practicality of the new formulations by a series of concept design and multi-objective optimization studies for passenger ships of different type and size. Upon completion, to submit major project results for consideration to the International Maritime Organisation IMO, in view of compelling needs to revisit current damage stability regulations for Ro-Ro passenger and cruise ships, particularly mega ships (December, 2012). Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 8 Sample Results: Experimental Studies The damage stability of two sample RoPax and two cruise ships in waves was tested More details: see presentations by HSVA and VMB at GOALDS year 2 public WS, Oslo, Oct. 2011, Nov-15 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 9 Sample Results - Elaborated Ship Designs Nov-15 Developed a series of concept design studies of passenger ships of different type RoPax and cruise ships and size smallmedium-large. The designs are currently elaborated by project design teams consisting of project representatives of Shipyards Shipowners Class societies Flag Administrations University laboratories Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 10 Optimization Platform NTUA-SDL: Integrated NAPA & mode FRONTIER Input File (Design Variables) NAPA (Parametric Model) ModeFRONTIER Output Files (Objective Functions, Constraints etc.) Nov-15 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 11 Panamax Cruise Ship, Parametric Model Nov-15 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 12 Panamax Cruise Ship: Formulation of the optimization problem Optimization Variables Beam Draught Height of Dk 2 4 variables controlling the length of MFZ no 1, 2, 4 and 5 4 variables controlling the length of the w/t compartments within these zones. Objective Functions The ship’s length is a depended variable, derived from the sum of lengths of the main fire zones. TROLL > 16sec min(PLLG) min(Econ. Impact) Constraints AS RS 0.0075 1 AS 10 PLLG < PLLG-INIT Intact Stability Requirements Number of Feasible Designs: 508 TD < 7.8m Number of Unfeasible Designs: 173 -1.0m < trim < 0.25m Nov-15 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 13 Panamax Cruise Ship, Optimization results Nov-15 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 14 Comparison of Original and Optimized Design PANAMAX Cruise Ship – STX France & NTUA-SDL Length BP (m) Beam (m) Draught Subdivision (m) Height to bulkhead deck (m) CAPEX (m$) Gross Economic Impact (m$) GMS (m) GMP (m) GML (m) T-Roll (sec) A SOLAS A GOALDS PLL (SOLAS) PLL (GOALDS) Nov-15 Original 269.140 32.200 7.850 10.600 0.000 0.000 2.440 2.143 2.143 19.83 0.818 0.865 2.120 1.569 Design 636 269.14 32.900 7.798 10.600 2.657 -0.110 2.989 2.724 2.724 18.14 0.900 0.933 1.162 0.781 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL Diff. 0.000 0.700 -0.052 0.000 2.657 -0.110 0.549 0.581 0.581 -1.69 0.082 0.068 -0.958 -0.788 Diff. (%) 0.00% 2.17% -0.66% 0.00% 22.50% 27.11% 27.11% -8.52% 10.02% 7.86% -45.19% -50.22% 15 Comparison of Required Subdivision Indices 0.9 for pob 1,000 RIndex1 0.97 for pob 6,000 2300 RIndex2 1 5 pob 20000 Pending final discussions/approval by IMO Nov-15 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 16 Project GOALDS: Conclusions on Optimization and Cost Benefit Analysis of Passenger ships The obtained results indicate that there is room for a significant increase of the Required Subdivision Index in comparison with the requirements of SOLAS 2009. The implemented optimization methodology is a valuable tool to: the designer in the exploration of the huge design space, administrators/regulators in defining reasonable levels of ship’s survivability that can be achieved cost effectively. Nov-15 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 26 17 GOALDS Web Site & Contacts GOALDS web site NTUA-SDL web site GOALDS contact: A. Papanikolaou [email protected] Nov-15 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 18 EMSA III Study (2013-1015) Assessment of the acceptable and practicable risk level of passenger ships related to damage stability Main tasks – – – – – Risk acceptance criteria and risk-based damage stability Evaluation of risk form watertight doors Evaluation of risk from raking damages due to groundings Combined assessment of cost effectiveness of RCOs Recommendations for decision making at IMO Consortium: – Coordinator: DNV-GL – Partners: to a large extent the same like in GOALDS Nov-15 Review of major marine accidents and evolution of the international damage stability regulations , Prof. Apostolos Papanikolaou, NTUA-SDL 19 REVIEW OF MAJOR MARINE ACCIDENTS THE EVOLUTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DAMAGE STABILITY REGULATIONS by Professor Apostolos Papanikolaou National Technical University of Athens - NTUA Ship Design Laboratory – SDL