slìzMi` - Peoria County
slìzMi` - Peoria County
APPENDIX K.3 LEACHATE HEAD A slìzMi' Page: 1\ haut rH " ShaW EnvirOnmental, lnC. Glient: Peoria Gity/County Landfill, lnc. Project: PCCLExpansion Proi. #: 1 oÍ 4 137618 By: Checked By: Galculated DJR RDS Date: Date: 4118111 4123111 TITLE: LEACHATE HEAD (LEAGHATE COLLECTION DESIGN) Problem Statement: Determine the leachate head on the landfill liner system for the expansion design. The leachate collection system is designed to maintain a maximum one (1) foot of head of leachate on the liner. Given: 1. Richardson, G., Design of Waste Containment and Final Closure Sysfems. ASCE Publication, April 2001. (Please see attached pages.) 2. Landfill cellular designs presented in the design drawings. Assumptions: L Giroud's Approximate Numerical Solution used to calculate leachate head on a liner. t** Where: tno* = leachate head on landfill liner (ft) B: slope angle (degrees) q,, : leachate generation rate (ft / yr) k : hydraulic conductivity of drainage material (ft / yr) L : maximum horizontal drainage distance (ft) j: numerical modiffing factor given as: j : r-rrr".r{ [.{H]-l TlProjects\2oog\1 37618 - PDC\Design\Leachate\Final } Leachãte Calculat¡ons - STAND ALONE ÞESIGN\K.03 Leachate Hêâd 4.1 3.201'1.wpd Page: .A haw ' Shaw EnVirOnmental, lnC. Glient: Peoria City/County Landfill, lnc. Project: PCGLExpansion Proj. #: 4 137618 By: DJR By: RDS Galculated Ghecked 2 ol Date: Date: 4118111 4123111 TITLE: LEACHATE HEAD (LEACHATE COLLECTION DESIGN) 3, The leachate collection system was analyzed as follows: The maximum flow length (L) to a leachate collection pipe is 431 feet in Cell 3. The hydraulic conductivity of the granular drainage media is 0.02 cm/s. k =( \ 9r2!!.\(', sec t_\lsq4gqrelfrg¡4ry1 _ 20,6s3ft )\2.54cil\l2in)\ day /\ yeor ) year \( The slope of the liner is 2.0o/o, therefore, tan(p) = 0.020. 4. = 17.38 gal/acre-day = 0.02 fVyr during steady-state conditions (Refer to Appendix K.10). Qr 5. q, = 0.02 fllyr = Rate of groundwater seepage through the composite liner system (see Appendix K.2). 6. TlPrcjects\2009\'1 376'1 Qn I = Qr * Q" = 0.02 + 0.02 = 0.04 fyyr. - PDC\Design\Leachate\Final Leachate Calculations - STAND ALONE DESIGN\K.03 Leachate Head 4.1 3.201 '1.wpd Page: 3 of 4 Landrirr' rnc ::ï:,, Shaw Environmental, lnc, Proj. #: /\,, ShW' ::iJr.r"*untY 137618 By: Checked By: Galculated DJR RDS TITLE: LEACHATE HEAD (LEACHATE COLLECTION DESIGN) Galculations: j =l-rtr.-r{- lr(+)l "1-r,.",,r,,J s/8 j = l-rt, ".rl- f-[#-) ogl s(o.o2o)' I - :,rl 'r- zcos(Þ) t@-oo2ol 'L t no* = (0.979)l -nìâx ' } 2 cos(tan-r(o.o2o)) l(431)' ]' tn ^ =0.040ft T:\Prcjectsuo09\'1376'18 - PDC\Design\Leachate\Final Leachate Calculations - STAND ALONE DESIGN\K.03 Leachate Hæd 4.'13.201 l.wpd Date: Date: 4118111 4123111 Page: aW' Shaw Environmental, lnc. Glient: Peoria Gity/County Landfill, Inc. Project: PGGLExpansion Proj. #: 4 of 137618 By: By: Calculated DJR Ghecked RDS Date: Date: 4118111 4123111 TITLE: LEACHATE HEAD (LEACHATE COLLECTION DESIGN) Results: Head (ft) Maximum Flow Length, L (ft) Maximum Flow Length (CELL 3) 431 0.040 Gonclusion: The leachate drainage and collection system has been designed to maintain less than one (1) foot of head above the liner during steady state conditions, TlPrcjects\2oog\'137618 - PDC\Design\Leachate\Final Leachate Calculal¡ons - STAND ALONE DESIGN\K.03 Læchate Head 4.13.201 l.wpd 4 Design of Lateral Drainuge Sysrems for Landfills h,^ l' * - LS(^. /tS + n"' ¡''' Ll/o äiä -_- ,R(1-2Rçl 211(5l"s-i; ".nt¡:znsX I -1{.,.',''' For R <1/4 ^ t) l-or L _ R:1/4 ^ lz*" is the maximum head over ilre liner, ,11: rl(ksin2 p), S : slope of liner : tanor, l: ( l4IÐr/2, ß : (4R7)t't, ,: design rate of fluitl supply, /r: coeflìcient of petmeability of the drainage layer, TLe sawtooth liner geometry assruned in McEr¡¡oe's solution is shown in Figure 5.3. McEruoe evaluatecl tlrree impingement where conditions: Casel -r/ksin2þ>0.25-theslope/transmissivitycapacityoftheclrainagelayercontrolsthernor¡¡rdingheiglrt as is appropriate for flatter slopes, Case II - r/ksintþ: 0.25 - a balance conditions exists between tl:e clesign rate of fluid supply ancl thc slope/transmissivity capacity of the drainage layer , and Case III - r/ksinz B < 0.25 - the clesign rate of fluìd supply controls the mounding heiglrt as is appropriate for typìcal side slopes. Ths three cascs ar€ shown in Figure 5.3, Note that Cases tr and III can also be used to moclel the condition of liner on an infinite slope rvith collector pipes uniformly spaced down the slope- Case I conditions for the infinitc slope condition require the slope length to tre taken as the actual <listance between the pipes, 2L,. A rnore tlrorough discussion of McEnroe's analysis is given by Mcllean et al, (1995). lmpinçeirl*ñt, r r¡ Y ry v *ass ¡i rIl F 5. 2. ìgune 5"3 Sawtooth-limer geonmetry f'o¡' 2 Giroucl's Approximate Numeric al S oluti on 52 ft4fl cEmroe' s sE¡lu tions a Ðesign of Lateral Drainage Systems for I'øndJills While McEnroe's solution is "exact", it is difficult to use and may be very sensitive to ilre number of signilicant digits used- An altcrnative solution based on sirnplifying assunrptions and numedcal lneilr<lds was fnst presented by Giroud et al. (1992) and is discussed in Giroud ef al. (2000). 'l'he maximum heacl on the liner, terrned t,*" by Giroucl, is given by the l'ollowing equation: =j t,,,, lu*'ß +4q,,lk __' -tan Zcos þ ß 8q.5.7 L where r7r, ìs the de sign rate rate of liquid supply over'a horizontal surface in temrs of an ec¡uivalent velocity, is the slope ang7e, L is the drainage length of the lateral drain, and fr is tlie permeability of the lateral drain. 'Ihe j term is a numerical rnodifying factor given by the following: o,2exp{-['"'[r, j -l-_ $ Eq.5-B I]'] Table 5-i shows that values of the maximum liquid thickness calculated using Giroud's equation are within 1% of the McEnroe results for q/k Iess than I x 10-1, which is the case in virlually all practical applications. Note also that the a¡;terisked McEnroe values in Table 5.x could not be calculated usirtg a Ilewlett Packard FIP 15 C calculator, although it uses lû digits (see the discussion nea¡the end of Example 1). The calculation had to be done using Microsoft Excel, which uses I5 digits. The double asteriskcd valucs could not be calculated with Microsoft Excel, although it uses 15 digits- For example, the value 3.16x10-e was obtained using Equation 5-x as follows: (q¡lk)/su,þ: 1xl0--e / sin[tarl'(t/3)] : 3,16x10'e. Ironically, in this particular case, tlre "approximate" Giroud equation gives an accurate value wlrereas McEnroe's equatìon, even when used with Microsoft Excel, cloes not. .{'anile 5.1 Com¡lanisor¡ befweem NfcEmroe's equa$ñoms" Q¡ lk 0-r fanþ 0.02 vrùånn€s ol t^JÍ, ohtainecl numericatly usimg Gínoud's eqnaatioms ancÌ Giroud's McErnoe's equation Eq. 5.xx equations fbr rloo: cosp 5.00x10-8* X 0-8 5-00x 0-8 5-00x 0*7 X 0-7 4-99x 0-6 4.99x104 X 0-6 493x 0-5 X 0-5 X X 0-4 X 0-3 X 0- X 0-I 0-e X 0-8 X 0-7 x 0-6 X 0-5 0-4 0.3333 tanþ 0.5 Giroud's McEnroe's equation equations Eq.5.xx for rlon: cosp 2.24x1}-e 2.24x1c.e +* 2.24x10-8 2-24x10-8 + 4.94x10-s 2.24x10-r 2.24x104 4.61x 0-4 3.68x 0-l 4.65x10+ 2.24x10-5 3.6Bxl0-3 2-0Bx 0-2 8.65x 0-2 3.04x 0-r 2.09x104 B.67xl0¿ 2.23x104 2. I 9xl 0-3 2.24x10-7+ 2-24x10-6* 2.73x10-5 2.23x10-a 2.19x10-3 2.0lxl0-2 2.Olx|0-2 6x 3 6x 3 6x 3 6x 3 6x 3 4x 3 5-00x I 0-7* 0-v 3-16x10-r 3.16x10-v*+ 0-8 3.16x10-8+ 0"7 0-5 6x10-7* 3.t6x10-6 lì- 1 6x l0-5 0-4 3. 1 4x1 0-a 0-,6 3. I 53 IO l.51xl0-' 1.4lxl0-' I -4txl0-B L41xI0-7 t.4lxl0-r 1.52x10-t I"4lx10-e*+ ].41x10-8* l-4lxl0-7" I.41xl0-5 l.4lx10-6* l.4lx10-s l.4lx10=a 1.41xl0-a I)esign of Latero-l Drainage S),stems for Landfills lx10'3 3.03x10-3 1xl0-2 lxl o-I 2.65x10-2 1,77x1tr1 3.05x10-3 2..66x10-2 l.40xl0l.35xl0-2 l.41xl0-3 I -4lxl0-2 l.B5><10-r l.l7xl0t_ 1.41x10-I fhe total flow rate through the collecter, p, is equal lo q¡L per unit width of the clrainage layer. For geocornposite lateral drains, Giroud (2000) has shown that Eq. 5.7 can be simplified clue to the slnall flow fhickncss to thc following: /,* = QnL Iìq. 5.9 ksin {) Tliis greatly sirrrplifìed equation is appropriate when the thickness of the geocomposite is less than 20 mrn over the range of slopes conÌnon to nrost lanclfills, This equation should not be uscd with thicker natural drainage layers. 'Ihis allorvs the required transn¡jssivity for a geocomposite drain to be clirectly solved for as follor¡'s 0 Iiq.5.10 (sina) I L Solutions based on Gir-oud's numerical solution will be conservative and less than 5o/" in error. Again, the simplifìed solution is applicable to geocornposile drainagc systems only. 5-2.3 EPA's Published Equation IISEPA (1989) also published ille following equation, comrnonly referred to the maximum head over the liner: as Moore's equation, to calculate It**: Lrt''sino4-!:- 4-l- ,S, (S2 +rsin' æ\'''I rsln-d rstn" u, Eq.5.l1 The derivation of fhis equation has never been presented and its validity is questioned, Giroud (2000)Iìor a 25"/" slope, the EPA equation over-estimate s the head over the hner at low r, while at r greater than 0.1 , the EPA equation g:dqr-q$rmqjgq the head. Tløe øø¿$øors str{tvgly recornwewd tke wse af Girowd's eEøaøtiords for L¡e tlae corn¡twtøÍioea af tlee keød i¡a løterøt drøÊrøøge sJ,stewøs" l'n-ior ec¡uatioms pnesemted hy USEI,,A shqlt¡Ïd with cawúia¡rn si¡¡ee thein qlenivatioxr [nas r¡even heem pnesemôed a¡¡d the equafioms are sus¡rect. used 5.2.4 Desigrr Rate of Liquid Supply, q¡ t he most significant unknown for the designer to evaluate is tle rate of liquid supply vertically entedng the lateral drainage layer. Forthe design rate of fluid supply of liquid vertically entering the lateral drainage layer over the liner system, we must estimate tle rate that leachate is draining from the waste. Two methods exist for making this estimate: l) use EPA's IIELP model, or 2) use errpir-ical rates based on historic leachate generation rates. The IfELF rnodel is limited in that it does not readily allow the operationaVpost-closure transition life of a landfill to be modeled, the geomefy of the tandfill model ¡emains the same through the entire evaluation analysis. Because of this".g,, limjtation, empir-ical rates are commonly used to evaluate the tþ¡ee key phases in the iife of the lateral drainage layer. Irese phases are 1) during active placement of the waste, 2) -14