Fundamentals of Touch Technologies and Applications
Fundamentals of Touch Technologies and Applications
Fundamentals of Touch Technologies and Applications Geoff Walker NextWindow Abbie Gregg AGI July 14, 2010 (at SEMICON West) v1.0 Agenda: Part 1 Admin [6] Introduction [7] Materials & Process 1: Basics [11] Touch Technologies with Continuous ITO Analog Resistive [7] Surface Capacitive [6] Materials & Process 2: Touch Screen Flow & Sputtering [15] Multi-Touch [9] Touch Technologies with Patterned ITO Analog Multi-Touch Resistive (AMR) [8] Projected Capacitive [11] Materials & Process 3: Common Processes [18] Embedded (On-Cell & In-Cell) [17] Materials & Process 4: Photolithography [18] [ ] = Number of content slides in each section 2 Agenda: Part 2 Touch Technologies Without ITO Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR by Elo) [4] Dispersive Signal Technology (DST by 3M) [4] Materials & Process 5: Etch [13] Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) [6] Traditional Infrared (IR) [4] Waveguide Infrared (by RPO) [5] Materials & Process 6: Embedded Touch [21] Optical [4] Force Sensing [4] Vision-Based [5] Comparing Touch Technologies [5] Conclusions [2] [Total = 210] 3 Agenda: Appendix 1 – Why There Are So Many Touch Technologies [6] 2 – Electromagnetic Resonance (EMR) Pen Digitizer [4] 3 – Flexible Displays and Touch [4] 4 – ITO Replacement Materials [6] 5 – Sunlight Readability of Resistive Touchscreens [9] 6 – Automotive Touch [4] 7 – Touch-Screen Manufacturing [31] [ ] = 64 Total 4 About NextWindow NextWindow Develops & manufactures optical touchscreens Currently focused on two touch-screen markets Windows-7 consumer monitors and all-in-one computers Large-format display applications such as interactive digital signage Global presence New Zealand (HQ), Singapore (Ops), USA, Taiwan, Korea, Japan Manufacturing in China, Thailand and Malaysia 119 employees, 55 in engineering Brief history 2000: Founded by CTO and private investors 2003: First product to market (optical touch for large displays) 2005: Entered USA market 2006: First major volume contract signed (HP TouchSmart AiO) 2008: Entered Taiwan market with ODM focus 2009: Engaged with many PC OEMs & ODMs on Win-7 products 2010: Acquired by SMART Technologies 5 About Abbie Gregg, Inc. • AGI provides facility, process, industrial, and operations consulting engineering and design services • Industries served • Microelectronics • Semiconductor • Flat-Panel Display • Flexible Electronics • Touch Screens • Photovoltaics • Disk Drive • MEMS • Nanotechnology • Biotechnology • Medical 6 AGI Background • Started in 1985 • Based in Phoenix, AZ • 650+ projects completed in North America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Australia • 40+ FPD, flexible electronics and touch projects completed 7 Introduction Source: Elo TouchSystems 8 Two Basic Categories of Touch Opaque touch Dominated by the controller chip suppliers Atmel, Cypress, Synaptics, etc. One technology (projected capacitive) Sensor is typically developed by the device OEM Notebook touchpads are the highest-revenue application Synaptics ~60% share; Alps ~30% share; Elan ~10% share Sensors are all two-layer projected capacitive There is no further discussion of opaque touch in this course Transparent touch on top of a display Dominated by the sensor manufacturers (100+ worldwide) 13 technologies 9 2009 Touchscreen Market by Size and Type of Technology 2009 Small-Med (<10”) Revenue Units Resistive $1,707M 432M Projected Capacitive $1,479M 144M Surface Capacitive $8.2M 0.1M Acoustic (SAW & BW) $0M 0M Infrared $1.1M 0M Mainstream $3,195M 577M Emerging $29M 3.0M TOTAL $3,224M 580M Technology Revenue Small-Medium 74% Large-Area 26% TOTAL 100% Units 95% 5% 100% Large-Area (>10”) Revenue Units $379M 19M $55M 1.0M $210M 2.1M $149M 1.9M $63M 0.5M $856M 25M $255M 2.6M $1,110M 27M TOTAL Revenue Units $2,085M 452M $1,534M 145M $218M 2.2M $149M 1.9M $65M 0.6M $4,051M 601M $284M 5.6M $4,334M 607M Revenue Mainstream 93% Emerging 7% TOTAL 100% Units 99% 1% 100% Market size estimates are based on DisplaySearch’s “2010 Touch-Panel Market Analysis Report” (June 2010) 10 2009 Touchscreen Market by Technology Technology Analog Resistive (all forms) Projected Capacitive Surface Capacitive Acoustic (SAW, APR & DST) Optical (including vision-based) Digitizer Infrared (all forms) LCD In-Cell & On-Cell (all forms) Others TOTAL 2009 Revenue 2009 Share $2,085M $1,534M $218M $149M $134M $123M $65M $25M $1M $4,334M 48% 35% 5.0% 3.4% 3.1% 2.8% 1.5% 0.6% 0% 100% 2009 Units 452M 145M 2.2M 1.9M 1.1M 1.5M 0.6M 2.9M 0M 607M 2009 Share 74% 24% 0.4% 0.3% 0.2% 0.3% 0.1% 0.5% 0% 100% Market size estimates are based on DisplaySearch’s “2010 Touch-Panel Market Analysis Report” (June 2010) 11 Millions Touch Market Forecast 2010-2016 $16 DisplaySearch 2010 Touch Market Analysis $14 Revenue ($B) $12 In-Cell Others On-Cell Infrared Digitizer Optical Imaging Acoustic Surface Capacitive Projected Capacitive Resistive $10 $8 $6 $4 $2 $0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 12 M = Mainstream Large-Format ( >30”) Analog Resistive Analog Multi-Touch Resistive (AMR) Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Traditional Infrared (IR) Waveguide Infrared (from RPO) Surface Capacitive Projected Capacitive (ITO & on-cell) (P-cap) Projected Capacitive (wires on film) (P-cap) Optical Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR from Elo) Dispersive Signal Touch (DST from 3M) Embedded (in-cell) Vision-Based (like Microsoft Surface) Force Sensing (no current supplier) Stationary Consumer (17” – 30”) Touch Technology Stationary Enterprise (10” – 30”) Mobile (2” – 17”) Touch Technologies by Size & Application M L E E E L M M E M M E M M E L E M E L L M L L E L = Low-volume E E = Emerging 13 Touch Is An Indirect Measurement One Reason Why There Are So Many Technologies… Touch Technology Resistive (all forms) & Embedded (voltage) Surface capacitive Surface acoustic wave Projected capacitive, Embedded (charge) Optical & Infrared (all forms), Embedded (light) in high ambient Embedded (light) in low ambient Vision-based Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR) & Dispersive Signal Technology (DST) Force sensing What’s Being Measured Voltage Current Time delay Change in capacitance Absence of light Presence of light Image Bending waves Force The ideal method of detecting touch has yet to be invented! 14 Touch Technologies by Materials & Process Touch Technology Transparent Conductor (ITO) Continuous No Transparent Conductor Patterned Analog resistive Surface capacitive Low Resolution High Resolution Analog multi-touch resistive (AMR) Projected capacitive Embedded (In-cell & on-cell) Edge Conductors No Edge Conductors Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR) Dispersive Signal Technology (DST) Traditional infrared (IR) Waveguide infrared Surface acoustic wave (SAW) Optical Force sensing Vision-based = Mainstream = Emerging 15 Materials & Process…1 Basics 16 Materials and Processes Conductors, Insulators, Semiconductors 17 Materials and Processes Conductors, Insulators, Semiconductors • Conductors • A conductor is a material which can conduct or pass electric current and heat easily • Copper is a good conductor, wood is not • Conductors transport a signal from one part of the circuit to another • Example: Metal interconnect 18 Materials and Processes Conductors, Insulators, Semiconductors • Insulators • An Insulator is a material which cannot conduct or pass electric current or heat easily • Wood and glass are good Insulators • Insulators block the transmission of current • Example: Oxide (SiO2) 19 Materials and Processes Conductors, Insulators, Semiconductors • Conductors and Insulators • Place a wooden spoon and a copper spoon in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes • Now take the spoons out of the water • Which one is a conductor? Ouch! • Which one is an insulator? Ahh.... 20 Materials and Processes Conductors, Insulators, Semiconductors • Semiconductors • Semiconductors have the ability to conduct electric current, but can be regulated in the amount of their conductivity 21 Materials and Processes Conductors, Insulators, Semiconductors • Conductors • Very large current flows • Semiconductors • Some current flows • Can be regulated • Insulators • Very small current flows 22 Materials: Elements Everything in the world is made up of elements 23 Materials: Elements A portion of the Periodic Table is shown below Transparent Conductors: • ITO = Indium Tin Oxide • ATO = Antimony Tin Oxide Groups: I II III H Li Be B Elemental Na Mg Al Semiconductors (Tin) Ga In P – Type Dopants (Indium) Oxygen IV V VI VII VIII He F Ne Cl Ar C Si Ge Sn Pb N O P S As Sb N – Type Dopants (Antimony) 24 Devices Used in Touch Technology Resistors a a Metal / Conductor b R Units = Ohms b Capacitors • Store Charge a Conductor Insulator Conductor Oxide a C Substrate b Units = Farads b 25 Cleanliness Considerations In Touch Screen Manufacturing • A Human Hair = 70 microns • Smallest thing visible with the naked eye = 30 microns • 1µ = 1 micron = 1 millionth of a meter • 1nm = 1 nanometer = 0.001 microns = 1 billionth of a meter • 1 angstrom = 0.1 nanometer = 10E-10 meter • Something “invisible” can destroy a device! • Touch device geometries = 5 to 300 microns • ITO Film Thickness < 1 micron • TFT geometries = 1 to 5 microns • Integrated Circuit geometries = 28nm to 3 microns • Touch devices typically made of only 7 to 11 materials, which have special electrical or optical properties! • ANY OTHER substance will ruin a device! 26 Airborne Particulate Cleanliness Classes ISO 14644-1 Cleanroom Standards Clean spaces are classified according to Federal Standard 209E and ISO 14-6444. Air cleanliness is defined by the number of airborne particles 0.5mm and larger per cubic foot of air. These standards also define the concentration limits of larger and smaller particles in air such as: Large volumes of air are circulated within the clean spaces to process the air to required limits. Complexity and cost increase for more stringent conditions required by higher quality classes. The operating cost also reflects the highenergy consumption necessary to condition and move large volumes of air. Class 10 ISO 4 Maximum 350 particles of 0.1mm and no more than 75 particle of 0.2mm and 10 particles of 0.5mm per cubic foot. Class 100 ISO 5 Maximum 750 particles of 0.2mm and no more than 100 particles of 0.5mm per cubic foot. Class Class 1000 ISO 6 Maximum 1,000 particles of 0.5mm and no more than 7 particles of 5mm per cubic foot. Class 10,000 ISO 7 Maximum 10,000 particles of 0.5mm and no more than 70 particles of 5mm per cubic foot. 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 Class 100,000 ISO 8 Maximum 10,000 particles of 0.5mm and no more than 700 particles of 5mm per cubic foot. Air Flow Direction CFM/SF of Floor (room 5-8 9-15 15-50 50-80 Acceptable Air Changes Per Hour 5-45 60-80 150-240 240-480 80-100 520 90-110 600 velocity fpm) 10 1 Mixed Mixed Mixed UniDirectional UniDirectional UniDirectional 27 Particles / Cubic Foot (Stated Size) Particle Density vs. Cleanliness Class CL 10,000 CL 1,000 100 AS S AS S CL 10 10 00 10 0 AS CL S AS 1 S Acceptable particle count for Class 100 10 1 0.1 0.1 1 1 MEG DRAM 0.2 2 256K DRAM 0.5 5 1 2 5 10 10 20 50 100 Particle Size (micron) 64K 16K Assembly Hybrids PC Boards DRAM DRAM IC's LCD In Cell Touch Critical Particle Size Typical Geometry Size Typical Devices Touch 28 Touch Technologies with Continuous ITO Analog Resistive Surface Capacitive (Materials & Process 2: Touch-Screen Flow & Sputtering) 29 Analog Resistive Source: Engadget 30 Analog Resistive…1 (ITO) (PET) Source: Bergquist Source: Elo TouchSystems 31 Analog Resistive…2 Types 4-wire (low cost, short life) is common in mobile devices 5-wire (higher cost, long life) is common in stationary devices Constructions Film (PET) + glass (previous illustration) is the most common Film + film (used in some cellphones) can be made flexible Glass + glass is the most durable; automotive is the primary use Film + film + glass, others… Options Surface treatments (AG, AR, AS), rugged substrate, dual-force touch, high-transmissivity, surface armoring, many others… (50-uM glass) Source: Schott 32 Analog Resistive…3 4-Wire Construction Equivalent circuit X-Axis Voltage gradient applied across glass Voltage measured on coversheet Voltage gradient applied across coversheet Bus bar Voltage measured on glass Y-Axis 33 Analog Resistive…4 5-Wire Construction X-Axis Voltage gradient applied across glass Equivalent circuit Voltage gradient applied across glass Contact point on coversheet is a voltage probe Contact point on coversheet is a voltage probe Linearization pattern Y-Axis 34 Analog Resistive…5 Size range 1” to ~24” (>20” is rare) Controllers Many sources Single chip, embedded in chipset/CPU, or “universal” controller board Advantages Source: Liyitec Works with finger, stylus or any non-sharp object Lowest-cost touch technology Widely available (it’s a commodity) Easily sealable to IP65 or NEMA-4 Resistant to screen contaminants Low power consumption Source: Hampshire 35 Analog Resistive…6 Disadvantages Not durable (PET top surface is easily damaged) Poor optical quality (10%-20% light loss) No multi-touch Applications Mobile devices Point of sale (POS) terminals Wherever cost is #1 Market share 2009 Revenue 48% Volume 74% 36 Analog Resistive…7 Suppliers Nissha, Young Fast, J-Touch, Gunze, Truly Semi, Fujitsu, EELY, Elo TouchSystems, SMK, Swenc/TPO, eTurboTouch… 60+ suppliers Market trends Analog resistive is losing share (1st time!) to projected capacitive in the mobile market First significant challenge to analog resistive’s dominance Analog resistive is still very important in mobile phones in Asia It supports a stylus; projected capacitive doesn’t (yet!) 37 Surface Capacitive Source: 3M 38 Surface Capacitive…1 Tail Scratch-resistant top coat Hard coat with AG Electrode pattern Conductive coating (ATO, ITO or TO) Source: Elo TouchSystems Glass Optional bottom shield (not shown) Source: 3M 39 Surface Capacitive…2 Variations Rugged substrate Size range 6.4” to 32” Controllers 3M, Hampshire, eGalax, Digitech and Billabs (ISI) Advantages Source: 3M Excellent drag performance with extremely smooth surface Much more durable than analog resistive Resistant to contamination Highly sensitive Source: Billabs 40 Surface Capacitive…3 Disadvantages Finger-only Calibration drift Susceptible to EMI (no mobile use) Moderate optical quality (85% - 90% transmissivity) Applications Regulated (casino) gaming Kiosks ATMs Market share 2009 Revenue 5% Volume <1% Source: 3M 41 Surface Capacitive…4 Suppliers 3M, DanoTech, Elo TouchSystems, EELY, DigiTech, eTurbo, Optera, Touch International, Higgstec… 16+ suppliers (dominated by 3M) Market trends Surface capacitive isn’t growing with the touch market No multi-touch capability; other significant disadvantages Casinos (major market) are starting to experiment with other touch technologies Price is dropping as Taiwanese and Chinese suppliers enter the market now that 3M’s key patent has expired 42 A New Spin: Wacom’s RRFC Surface Capacitive Technology How it works AC voltage on 2 adjacent corners; DC voltage on other 2 corners Creates ramp-shaped electrostatic field across surface Controller switches signals around all 4 corners, creating 4 ramp fields vs. single flat field in standard capacitive Current flow is measured in each case Resulting signal representing touch event is independent of all capacitance effects except those due to finger touch Controller does additional digital signal processing to compensate for factors that affect accuracy and drift Source: Wacom (Trademark = CapPLUS) RRFC = Reversing Ramped Field Capacitive 43 Wacom’s RRFC Technology…2 Advantages Solves all the problems of traditional surface capacitive Works in mobile & stationary devices (10” to 32” now; 3” to 46” soon) Unaffected by grounding changes, EMI, variations in skin dryness & finger size, temperature, humidity, metal bezels, etc. Works through latex or polypropylene gloves Allows 4X thicker hardcoat for improved durability Screen works outdoors in rain and snow Uses same ASIC as Wacom’s EMR pen digitizer, so dual-mode input is lower cost & more efficient (e.g., in Tablet PC) Disadvantages No multi-touch Sole-source supplier 44 Materials & Process…2 Touch Screen Flow & Sputtering 45 Processes • Flex and glass touch screen sample product flow charts • In-depth look at sputtering process module Photo: NextWindow 46 Sample Touch Screen Flow Chart 1 Web Process – Bottom Substrate 47 Sample Touch Screen Flow Chart 1 Web Process – Top Layer 48 Sample Touch Screen Flow Chart 1 Sheet Processing – Spacer 49 Sample Touch Screen Flow Chart 1 Die Cutting & Prep and Assembly of Flex Layers to Glass Die Cutting Prep and Assembly of Flex Layers to Glass 50 Sample Touch Screen Flow Chart 1 Pre Process and Clean Sheets Glass Plate Cleaning 51 Sample Touch Screen Flow Chart 2A 52 Sample Touch Screen Flow Chart 2B 53 Blanket Conductive Films Process Methods – Sputter Process Module Basic steps are used for Thin Film Deposition: • Inspect substrate • Clean substrate (optional) • Deposit film • Measure film • Resistivity • Thickness 54 Thin Film Deposition Processes • CVD – Chemical Vapor Deposition • Sputtering • • • Lower Thermal Budget Targets are pure materials Dopant gases can be used (e.g. O2 for ITO) • Evaporation • • Higher Thermal Budget – too hot for Flex Sources are pure materials • PVD – Physical Vapor Deposition • PVD used for metals: • • • • • • • • Aluminum & Alloys Gold Platinum Titanium Tungsten Indium Tin Oxide – Touch Molybdenum Moly Tantalum Chrome 55 Simple Sputtering System Independent Variables •Target Composition •Target Spacing •Power •Time •Vacuum •Temperature •Gas Flow Oxygen (optional) Dependent Variables •Composition •Thickness •Resistivity •Uniformity •Defect Density •Adhesion of Film to Substrate 56 How Can Defects Happen In PVD? DEFECT IN FILM SUBSTRATE particle SUBSTRATE BEFORE PROCESS AFTER FURTHER PROCESSING DEFECT IN PVD FILM SUBSTRATE AFTER PVD 57 Sputterer – FPD Scale Rigid Substrates Clean load areas Class 10 Load ports Substrate storage and handling Target Vacuum pumps 58 Large-Scale Roll-to-Roll Sputtering on Flexible Substrates Large, clean metalization system. Photo courtesy of Konarka Photos courtesy of Hanita Coatings 59 Roll-to-Roll Process Lines, Coating & Laminating ITO and Other Transparent or Opaque Conductors Exhaust for reactive processes Use of vertical space Clean minienvironment Roll staging Computer control Photo courtesy of Hanita Coatings 60 Scale of Operations and Geography 1. Flex on large sheets (500 x 500 or so) requires demand of 0.3 to 1 million per month for small devices 2. Roll-to-roll scale-ups require volume over 5 million per month for small devices, 1 million per month for large 1. Automated large size webs, 48 to 54 inches wide by 5,000 or more feet long 61 Multi-Touch 2 4 10 Sources: Engadget, Do Device and Good Times & Happy Days 62 Multi-Touch Multi-touch is defined as the ability to recognize two or more simultaneous touch points Multi-touch was invented in 1982 at the University of Toronto (not by Apple in 2007!) “Pinching” gestures were first defined in 1983 (not by Apple in 2007!) Windows 7 (released 10/22/09) supports multi-touch throughout the OS Windows 7 is structured to support an “unlimited” number (~100) of simultaneous touch points 63 Multi-Touch Architecture Application Capable of decoding multiple streams of moving points and taking actions in response Operating System Capable of forwarding multiple streams of moving points (and acting on a defined subset of them) Touchscreen Controller & Driver Capable of delivering sets of simultaneous points to the OS Touchscreen Sensor Capable of sensing multiple simultaneous points 64 Multi-Touch Technologies Touch Technology Projected Capacitive Analog Multi-Touch Resistive (AMR) LCD In/On-Cell (all forms) Vision-Based Optical Surface Acoustic Wave (Elo TouchSystems) Waveguide Infrared (RPO) Traditional Infrared Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR - Elo) Bending Wave (DST – 3M) Analog Resistive Surface Capacitive Force Sensing Multi-Touch Capable? (#) Yes (unlimited*) Win-7 Logo Capable? Yes Yes (unlimited*) Yes Yes (unlimited*) Yes (unlimited*) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (2) Yes Yes (2) Future (2) Yes Maybe Future (2) Maybe No No No No No No Commercial MT Product Example Apple iPhone; Dell Latitude XT JazzMutant Music Controller Samsung Camera Microsoft Surface HP TouchSmart Lenovo A700 AiO PC LG Display 13.3” Notebook (SID) Nexio 42” Monitor Technology in development (2010) Technology in development (2010?) ---- * Controller-dependent, not sensor-dependent 65 Windows-7 Logo A set of touch performance standards designed to ensure a high-quality user experience Test 1: Sampling Rate Test 2: Single-Touch Taps in 4 Corners Test 2: Single-Touch Taps in 5 Other Locations Test 3: Single-Touch Press-and-Hold Test 4: Double Taps Test 5: Multi-Touch Points Test 6: Press and Tap Test 7: Straight-Line Accuracy Test 8: Maximum Touch Lines Test 9: Multi-Touch Straight Lines Test 10: Line Accuracy Velocity Test 11: Single-Touch Arcs Test 12: Pivot Test 13: Multi-Touch Arcs Test 14: Ghost Point Test 66 What’s So Hard About Multi-Touch with Analog-Type Sensors? Keeping the right X with the right Y when going through occlusion Source: Elo TouchSystems 67 What’s So Hard About Multi-Touch with Digital-Type Sensors? Designing a controller that can put out enough points fast enough Source: 68 How Many Touches Are Enough? Why multi-touch will expand beyond two touches Most research on multi-touch is being done with vision-based hardware because it’s easy to develop the hardware yourself Vision-based touch supports an unlimited number of touches All other multi-touch-capable technologies are difficult to build & buy Projected capacitive (currently the #2 touch technology!) also supports an unlimited number of touches Number of touches is one way for a touch technology vendor to differentiate themselves Recognizing and ignoring more than two touches ISVs are creative; they’ll find ways to use more touches (games) (“If you build it, they will come”) 69 An Anomaly: Multi-Touch Gestures on Non-Multi-Touch Screens Elo TouchSystems: “Resistive Gestures” Capable of sensing two-finger gestures on standard analog resistive touch-screens Fingers must be moving to sense two points; two static touches don’t work 3M: “Multi-Touch Gestures on DST” Source: Elo TouchSystems Same capability & restriction as above on Dispersive Signal Technology (DST) touch-screens It’s not true multi-touch, but is it good enough? Gestures are HOT, so device manufacturers want them Today, multi-touch is mostly used to enable two-finger gestures For mobile devices, pro-cap is ~3X the cost of analog resistive, so enabling gestures on analog resistive is attractive 70 #1 Reference On Multi-Touch “Multi-Touch Systems that I Have Known and Loved” “If you can only manipulate one point … you are restricted to the gestural vocabulary of a fruit fly. We were given multiple limbs for a reason. It is nice to be able to take advantage of them.” Bill Buxton, 2008 Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research 71 Touch Technologies with Patterned ITO Analog Multi-Touch Resistive (AMR) Projected Capacitive (Materials & Process 3: Common Processes) Embedded (In-Cell & On-Cell) (Materials & Process 4: Photolithography) 72 Analog Multi-Touch Resistive (AMR) 73 Analog Multi-Touch Resistive…1 Segmented type (for vertical applications) Opaque switch panel (the original purpose of digital resistive) MultiTouch Controller Touch Sensor: Single-Layer (shown) or Two-Layer Matrix Source: Apex 74 Analog Multi-Touch Resistive…2 All Points Addressable (APA) type (competes with projected capacitive) Multi-Touch Source: Wintek 75 Analog Multi-Touch Resistive…3 Two sub-types of All Points Addressable Each conductive intersection is treated as a digital switch; it’s either on or off (should call it “Digital Multi-Touch Resistive) Resolution = ½ the width of a conductive trace (0.7 mm typical) Each conductive strip is treated as a digital “channel”; each intersection is treated as a miniature 4-wire touchscreen Resolution = analog function (0.2 mm optimum) Source: J-Touch 76 Analog Multi-Touch Resistive…4 “Digital” type 3.74” x 2.12” (128 pixels/inch) 64 x 36 sensing lines = 1.5 mm squares = 4.8 pixels/square Display and digital resistive sensor by Wintek; controller by Stantum (SID 2009) 77 Analog Multi-Touch Resistive…5 (Actual Product) “Analog” type 21.5” multi-touch resistive by eTurboTouch 28 x 17 lines = 17 mm x 16 mm squares (90 pins) 23” = 35 x 22 lines 15 mm x 13 mm (114 pins) 78 Analog Multi-Touch Resistive…6 Types Segmented, for vertical-market applications All points addressable [APA], competes with pro-cap Pure digital Hybrid digital-analog Constructions PET + Glass, PET + PET, etc. (same as analog resistive) Options Technically same variety as analog resistive, but less demand Size range 3” – 25” 79 Analog Multi-Touch Resistive…7 Controllers Single-touch – many sources Multi-touch Stantum for digital type ?? for hybrid analog-digital type Unlimited multi-touch Simple, familiar technology Lower cost than pro-cap Disadvantages (mostly the same as analog resistive) 100 x 128 connections! Source: Stantum Advantages Poor durability (PET top surface) Poor optical performance More expensive than analog resistive 80 Analog Multi-Touch Resistive…8 Applications ** See US patent application 2007-0198926 Mobile devices Multi-touch music controllers (JazzMutant/Stantum**) Market share Just starting Controller suppliers Many suppliers for single-touch, but no standouts Stantum, AD Semi, J-Touch, Wintek Market trends Suppliers are gearing up to compete against pro-cap Source: Jazz Mutant 81 Projected Capacitive Source: Apple 82 Projected Capacitive…1 Why “Projected”? Finger A finger “steals charge” from the X-electrode, changing the capacitance between the electrodes Electric-field lines are “projected” beyond the touch surface when a finger is present 83 Projected Capacitive…2 MAX “Perimeter scan” or “non-imaging” type (NB touchpad) Finger X-Scan MAX ITO transparent conductors Y-Scan X-axis and then Y-axis electrodes are scanned sequentially, looking for point of maximum capacitance to ground Ghost points are a problem with 2 touches 84 Projected Capacitive…3 “Imaging” or “all points addressable” type (Apple iPhone) Output is an array of capacitance values for each X-Y intersection 85 Projected Capacitive…4 Raw data including noise Gradient data Filtered data Touch region coordinates and gradient data Touch regions “10 fingers, 2 palms and 3 others” Source: Apple Patent Application #2006/0097991 86 Projected Capacitive…5 Technology variations Single-layer sensor (no crossovers) “Self capacitance” Rarely used with displays due to low resolution Two-layer sensor (X-Y grid) “Peripheral scan” or “non-imaging” (Synaptics ClearPad™) Not commonly used with displays due to limited number of touches “All points addressable” or “imaging” or “mutual capacitance” Most common configuration Supports unlimited number of touches (controller-dependent) 87 Projected Capacitive…6 Sensor variations Wires between two sheets of glass (Zytronic) Wires between one piece of PET and one piece of glass (Zytronic) Wires between two sheets of PET (Visual Planet) ITO on two pieces of glass ITO on both sides of one sheet of glass ITO on two pieces of PET (Touch International) ITO on one piece of PET and one piece of glass ITO in two layers on one side of glass with dielectric (TPK) Wires vs. ITO Wires: Visible, acceptable for intermittent use ITO: Invisible, needed for continuous use 88 Projected Capacitive…7 Size range 2” to 100”+ ITO up to 22”; wires up to 100”+ Advantages Very durable (protected sensor) High optical quality (ITO) Unlimited multi-touch Unaffected by debris or contamination Enables “zero-bezel” industrial design Works with curved substrates (on PET) Disadvantages Finger or tethered pen only High cost (dropping as usage increases) Difficult to integrate due to noise sensitivity LG-Prada mobile phone with Synaptics’ projected-capacitive touch-screen; launched 3 months before iPhone 89 Projected Capacitive…8 Applications Consumer devices Smartphones Netbooks, notebooks, Tablet PCs Apple AiOs (2010) Almost any consumer device < 10” Vertical-market devices Source: Mildex Signature-capture & other POS terminals “Through-glass” interactive retail signage Market share 2009 Revenue 35% Volume 24% Demy Digital Recipe Reader (CES 2010) Source: Verifone 90 Projected Capacitive…9 Gunze’s “Direct Printing Technology” (DPT) for large-area capacitive touchscreens (shown at SID 2009) Flexible pro-cap sensor Printed silver conductors, 0.5 ohm/sq. Roll-to-roll, maximum size 50” < 1 mm resolution 78% transmissivity with 20µ/300µ line/space Source: Gunze 91 Projected Capacitive…10 36 suppliers at end of 2009; 58 now Pro-Cap Vendor Altera Analog Devices Atmel (Quantum)/ST Micro Avago Broadcom EETI (eGalax) Focal Tech Systems Melfas Microchip Technology Pixcir Microelectronics RISIN Technology Silicon Integrated Systems (SIS) Texas Instruments Alps Cando (AUO) Digitech Emerging Display Technology HannStar Display Country USA USA USA USA USA Taiwan China Korea USA China Taiwan Taiwan USA Japan Taiwan Korea Taiwan Taiwan Controller Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No China = 5 Israel = 1 Japan = 4 Korea = 2 Taiwan = 13 UK = 1 USA = 10 Sensor No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pro-Cap Vendor Innolux iTouch Electro-Optical J-Touch Nissha Printing Panasonic Electric Devices (PED) Panjit (Mildex) QuickTouch Technology Sintek Photronic Touch International TPK Wintek Young Fast Optoelectronics Cypress Elan Microelectronics N-trig Synaptics Wacom Zytronic Country Taiwan China Taiwan Japan Japan Taiwan China Taiwan USA China Taiwan Taiwan USA Taiwan Israel USA Japan UK Controller No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sensor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Controller Only = 13 Sensor Only = 17 Controller & Sensor = 6 (“module”) 92 Projected Capacitive…11 Market trends Extremely strong worldwide interest Rapidly increasing number of suppliers (>250% in last year) Rapidly dropping prices (>50% in last 18 months) Upper size limit expanding from 8” to 22” OEMs’ desire for multi-touch is a key driving force, along with durability and high optical performance The first significant challenge to analog resistive in mobile devices The iPod Touch Source: Apple 93 Materials & Process…3 Common Processes 94 Materials and Processes • Glass washing • Screen printing • Lamination • Wet etch • Inspection • Roll-to-roll 95 Sample Touch Screen Flow Chart 3 Spacer Layer 96 Sample Touch Screen Flow Chart 3 Glass Layer 97 Sample Touch Screen Flow Chart 3 Flex Layer 98 Sample Touch Screen Flow Chart 3 Final Assembly 99 Other Processes Used In Touch Screen Manufacturing • Sheets or rolls can be processed easily at the following steps – – – – – – Vacuum deposition (PVD) Screen printing Laminating Punching Picking and placing Drying and curing • Process sections with critical alignment and registration will be most difficult 100 Patterning = Design Rules Tolerance Explanation • Clients design their products based on an edge-to-edge tolerance (generally of ±1% of component dimensions). This can be expressed by giving each component a tolerance (generally of ±0.5% of component dimension) relative to a fixed reference point in a product. The geometric centre of “S” has been chosen as this reference point. All other product layer tolerances will reference this point. Axis of web travel S x/2 y y/2 Centre of S x • Any distortion will affect product alignment 101 Glass Washer • Input parameters – – – – – Water quantity Water spray pattern Drying technology Cleanliness Washing speed, drying speed • Output Parameters – Cleanliness – Throughput Options – – – – Zero consumption water savings system “Flip-Top” hydraulic lift system Pre-spray system Static elimination system 102 Screen Printing Concept • Screen printing is a printing technique that uses a woven mesh to support an ink-blocking stencil. The attached stencil forms open areas of mesh that transfer ink as a sharp-edged image onto a substrate. A roller or squeegee is moved across the screen stencil, forcing or pumping ink past the threads of the woven mesh in the open areas. • Input parameters – – – – – • Squeegee space Pressure Stroke length Material usage Alignment Output parameters – – – – Film thickness Film resistivity Pattern defects Contaminants 103 Production Screen Printers • In screen-printing on touch devices, the mesh and buses of silver are printed on the glass or flex • One of the parameters that can vary and can be controlled in screen printing is the thickness of the print • This makes it useful for some of the techniques of printing touch screens, electronics etc. 104 Fully Automatic Screen Printing • Aligns fiducial marks on the screen and substrate with the use of two high-contrast cameras to ensure accurate and repeatable deposition for multilayer devices. All processing variables (e.g., squeegee speed and pressure) are monitored and dynamically adjusted to ensure identical fabrication from batch to batch. • A fully automatic screen-printer is capable of loading/unloading a substrate, aligning a screen to it, and using feedback loops to ensure uniform squeegee speed and pressure as the machine pushes to-bedeposited materials through the mesh and onto the substrate. • Setting & monitoring of printing parameters: • Storage system of job parameters • Diagnostics of settings • Variable stroke lengths of squeegee & flood coater • Adjustable gripper, squeegee & flood coater speeds • Motorized off-contact adjustment. 105 Screen Printing for Touch Screens • Pilot for automation may reveal new variables • Operators may not support automation at first 106 Screen Printing and Drying Half meter wide web, scale up of sheet process, multiple lines 107 Curing and Drying In Roll-Format Oven • Engineered to have high degree of control and minimize space 108 Laminator • Input parameters – – – – Temperature Time Pressure Alignment • Output parameters – – – – Adhesion Flatness Defects Registration 109 Process Detail Needed for Lamination • Lamination – Position the y-substrate on a millimetric paper – Clean with antistatic spray – Laminate PSA to the y-substrate using an antistatic gun and a laminating roller at Pressure A +/- a, temperature B+/-b – Remove PSA residue around the substrate y using a sharp knife – Position the film x to film y using positioning aid #1 – Remove PSA liner and lamination of film x using antistatic gun and lamination roller. – Clean upper side of film with antistatic spray • Parameters – Class 100 Clean Room (probably we can use 1000 but never been tested) • Material type: Adhesives Research PSA1 – Positioning aid #1 - Works for specific product dimensions • Equipment – – – – – Antistatic spray Laminating roller Antistatic gun Sharp knife Millimetric paper 110 Simple Wet Etch or Lift-Off • Conveyor drive designs to accommodate a wide range of flexible and rigid printed circuit boards up to 30 inches wide. The Belt Drive design utilizes a single piece fluoropolymer belt for driving the conveyor surface which can accommodate most flexible substrates without the use of support frames. The Serpentine Drive design utilizes a fluoropolymer belt for driving the conveyor wheels which are fabricated of corrosion resistant material. The Serpentine Drive is most suitable for rigid products and provides complete exposure of product surface during spray processes for increased uniformity. • Input variables – – – – – • Chemistry Temperature Agitation Spray Speed Output variables – – – – Etch rate Line width control Defect density Selectivity 111 Example of Touch Screen Process Detail Wet Etch • Etch Process C – Immersion in an etch solution – Immersion in DI water baths – Rinsing with DI water – Drying in the oven – Etch process details • Etchant: Hypochlorite solution 2. Temp = 25C3. Time= 45 sec – We do this in our lab in a plastic bath – 3 baths one after the other – first bath – 20 sec, second bath 20 sec, third bath 1 min (Do you know why?) – Requires Shaking the film/bath in each stage (video the motions) • Observations – The material swells in water and becomes sensitive to mechanical stress – QC – Test etched lines • Resistance x : 300 K-ohm ± 30 K-ohm • Resistance between lines: greater than 5 M-ohm 112 Ask the People Who Inspect the Product Inspectors see more than they record Automated inspection for transparent conductors and film defects. 113 Embedded (In-Cell & On-Cell) Source: TMD 114 Three Different Physical Integration Methods Used In Embedded Touch Term Integration Method Fab Method In-Cell Touch sensor is physically inside the LCD cell Touch sensor can be: Light-sensing elements (light-sensing) Micro-switches (voltage-sensing) Capacitive electrodes (charge-sensing) Addition to TFT process On-Cell Touch sensor is an array of ITO conductors on the top surface of the color filter substrate Capacitive (charge-sensing) Analog resistive (voltage-sensing) Addition to color filter process Out-Cell Standard touchscreen laminated directly on top of the LCD during manufacture Key difference: An additional piece of glass Typically only pro-cap or analog resistive New term coined by AUO – Some LCD manufacturers still refer to this configuration as “on-cell” Addition to cell assembly process 115 Four Different Technologies Used In Embedded Touch Light-sensing or “optical” Addition of a photo-sensing element into some or all pixels Voltage-sensing or “switch-sensing” Addition of micro-switches for X & Y into some or all pixels Charge-sensing or “capacitive-sensing” Addition of electrodes in-cell or on-cell for capacitive sensing Analog resistive Uses color filter glass as substrate for standard touch-screen 116 In-Cell Light-Sensing Source: DisplaySearch Principle Photo-sensor in each pixel or group of pixels sees shadow of finger in bright light or reflection of backlight on finger in dim light Works with finger or light-pen; can work as a scanner Adding a cover-glass to protect the surface of the LCD reduces touch sensitivity due to the spacing between the finger and the photo-sensing element 117 In-Cell Voltage-Sensing Source: Samsung Principle Pressing LCD surface closes micro-switches in each pixel Similar principle as emerging analog multi-touch resistive Requires touching the LCD surface (cannot add a cover glass) Works with any touch object within damage limits of polarizer 118 In-Cell Charge-Sensing Principle Source: LG Display Pressing the LCD changes the dielectric constant of the liquid crystal, which changes the capacitance between the electrodes Works with finger or stylus; human body capacitance isn’t a factor Requires touching the LCD surface (cannot add a cover glass) 119 Hybrid In-Cell Voltage & ChargeSensing (Samsung hTSP) VRef 2 sets (X&Y) per pixel or group of pixels CRef Principle Columnspacer switch X-Y Bias CLC Amplifier VCom Blue pixel Source: Author VOut Pressing the LCD… (1) Changes the dielectric constant of the liquid crystal, which changes the capacitance between the pixel electrodes (2) Closes the columnspacer contacts, which activates the circuit that measures the change in capacitance Sensor signal line switch (X,Y) Source: Samsung 120 On-Cell Charge-Sensing Principle Source: Author Projected-capacitive X-Y electrode array added on top of the color filter glass, under the top polarizer Same function as standard projected-capacitive Works only with finger; human body capacitance changes mutual capacitance between electrodes Cover-glass (0.5 mm) can be added on top of polarizer to protect LCD surface 121 On-Cell Analog Resistive Principle Source: Author Analog resistive touch-screen added on top of the color filter glass, under the top polarizer Same function as standard analog resistive Works with any touch object within damage limits of polarizer Adding cover-glass (0.5 mm) on top of polarizer to protect LCD surface works but reduces touch-screen performance 122 Products with Embedded Touch…1 Samsung ST10 camera with 3-inch 480x320 (192 ppi) transflective TFT with hybrid in-cell touch (4/09) First use of any in-cell touch in a commercial product Works with finger or stylus, but with visible pooling Surface hardness = low Touch-screen includes electrostatic haptic feedback Camera includes MP3, PMP & text-viewer functions One sensor per 8 pixels (60x40 sensing matrix) Source: Samsung 123 Products with Embedded Touch…2 Sharp’s PC-NJ70A netbook (5/09) First use of light-sensing in-cell touch in a commercial product Optical in-cell touch in 4” CG-silicon 854x480 touchpad LCD (245 dpi) 1 sensor per 9 pixels LED backlight Stylus & 2-finger multi-touch Scanning (shape recognition) Touch surface = ?? Japan-only; $815 Problems Need IR from backlight S L O W (25% of typical touchpad speed) Short battery life Source: Sharp 124 Products with Embedded Touch…3 Samsung ST550 camera with 3.5-inch 800x480 (267 ppi) transflective TFT with hybrid in-cell (8/09) “Do not use other sharp objects, such as pens or pencils, to touch the screen. Doing so may damage the screen.” “The touch screen may not recognize your touches correctly when: ● You touch multiple items at the same time ● You use the camera in high-humidity environments ● You use the camera with an LCD protection film or another LCD accessory” “When you touch or drag on the screen, discolorations will occur. It is not a malfunction but a characteristic of the touch screen. Touch or drag lightly to reduce these annoying effects.” Source: Samsung (from the User’s Guide) 125 Products with Embedded Touch…4 LGD’s 13.3” 1280x800 in-cell charge-sensing LCD (10/09) Largest in-cell LCD so far 1 sensor per 4x4 pixels 10 gf activation force Win-7 Touch Logo 2/10 Positioning High optical quality Sunlight readability (AR?) Preserving thinness Two-touch multi-touch Targeted at notebooks Production in 2H-2010 Added price for touch function = ?? Source: LG Displays 126 Products with Embedded Touch…5 Samsung S8500 Wave mobile phone with Super OLED on-cell charge-sensing touch (2/10) 3.3-inch 800x480 (283 ppi) AMOLED “Super OLED” is Samsung’s (poor) branding for on-cell touch Sunlight readable AR coating & no touchscreen overlay “Window” here refers refers to the “cover lens” that’s laminated on top of the display Source: Samsung booth graphic at Mobile World Congress 2010 Source: Samsung 127 Embedded Characteristics…1 Advantages (summary) Integration, size, thickness, weight, ID (touch is “invisible”) Unlimited multi-touch (controller-dependent) Conceptually high performance Low parallax error (assuming no cover glass) Very accurate & linear touch-point data Potentially higher resolution than LCD Lower manufacturing cost Source: AUO 128 Embedded Characteristics…2 Disadvantages (summary) Touching a black image doesn’t work in low ambient light Can’t reliably detect touch over the full range of ambient The sensor consumes too much of the pixel aperture Unstable microswitch contact at the edge of the screen The amount of processing power required by the touch function results in high power consumption in a mobile device Liquid-crystal pooling can be visually distracting Standard LCD polarizer is too soft for normal touch usage Successful integration can be very difficult due to LCD noise Lack of stylus support with on-cell limits some applications 129 Embedded Characteristics…3 Size range 3” to 13.3” (current); potentially to mid-20” Variations Number of pixels per sensing element Controller Proprietary/TBD (potential problem) Applications Source: Sharp Mobile (cellphones, cameras, netbooks, notebooks) Market share Just starting Suppliers AUO, CMI, CPT, LGD, NEC, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, TMD… 130 Embedded Characteristics…4 Trends Light-sensing has the most unresolved problems No successful end-user products yet Voltage-sensing isn’t getting any traction No successful products of any kind yet (IP restriction?) Charge-sensing is where all the action is, mostly on-cell LGD’s 13.3” notebook LCD (in-cell) Samsung’s OLED cellphone (on-cell) Samsung’s in-cell hybrid in-cell voltage & charge-sensing cameras Analog resistive has been shown in demos only so far It is unlikely that LCD manufacturers will add embedded touch to an entire LCD product line; it will just be in high-volume products with a high demand for touch Conclusion It’s still early days – embedded touch has some distance to go 131 Materials & Process…4 Photolithography 132 Fine Line Patterning Using Photolithography Steps Used Together (Cross Section) Thin Film Dep Pattern Etch/Clean Cross Section Top View 133 How Many Times Do We Pattern? • As many layers of conductors, insulators, and different materials as we have • Each (with exception) requires a separate pattern or “mask” • Re-entrant flows • One tool is used for several steps on the same product • 20 – 65 pattern layers in ICs • 4 – 8 pattern layers in FPDs • 1 – 4 pattern layers in Touch 134 Basic Steps Used for Patterning Fine Lines Less than 25 Microns • Photolithography (using light to make lines) • Coat with photosensitive film • Align • Develop • Inspect • Etch or deposit desired material FPD Stepper • Strip photosensitive film • Inspect/measure 135 Uses of Photoresist Photoresist is used as a mask, and then removed from the substrate Barrier to Etches Resist Nitride & Partial Oxide Etched Away Nitride Oxide Barrier to Metal Etches Metal Etched Away Resist protects metal Metal 1 136 Photoresist Coating Process • Equipment Used: Spin Coater (most common) • Task: Apply a thin film of photoresist onto substrate • The photoresist film must be: 1. Clean and free of particles or pinholes 2. Applied to dry substrates (may need surface modifier chemicals) 3. Correct in thickness and uniformity 4. Dried with solvents removed 5. Baked and ready for exposure 6. Photoresists are organic polymer resins (C, O, H, N) mixed with solvents 137 Resist Coat Bake System - FPD 138 Printers • EQUIPMENT USED: Scanners Aligners (Contact, Proximity) Steppers Step and Scan • PROJECTION PRINTER (SCANNING) (8 to 75 microns): • Uses highly reflective mirrors to project a pattern from a photomask to the substrate • No reduction in image size • Prints with one continual scan across each substrate STEP-AND-REPEAT PRINTER (STEPPER) (5 microns and below): • Uses reflective optics (condenser & reduction lenses) to project a pattern from a reticle to the wafer • Optically reduces reticle image size by 5X (or 10x, 2x, or 1x) • Prints “fields” which are stepped over each substrate 140 Flex Handling and Mid-Process Coat, Align / Expose and Develop (Resist and Optical Materials) Coat / Develop Scanner Images courtesy of SSEC and RPO Pty Ltd 141 Spray Developer – FPD 142 Positive Resist After Exposure to Light • De-polymerized resist is washed away during the develop process; a spin/ spray tool is often used with base (OH) chemicals and water or solvents Mercury Lamp Mask or Reticle De-polymerized resist after exposure Before exposure Positive Resist Substrate 143 Tool Selection – Photo Patterning on Flex • Azores installed at FDC (plate format). They are working on roll-to-roll. For the 2006 model we used the Azores tool at 2.5 ft/ min, resolution down to 1.5 microns, and a cost of $9M. • ORC Proximity Large Area Exposure at 4.5 ft/min, resolution to 12 microns, and a cost of $422K. • Still to be resolved • Cost of Azores in volume • Is there something in between? Resolution? Cost? Mix and match? • How to match coat, align, develop capacity FPD Stepper / Stitcher (Azores) 144 How Can Defects Happen In Photolithography? SCRATCH PARTICLE MASK OR RETICLE CHROME GLASS LIGHT Substrate PHOTORESIST DEFECTS IN PHOTO PATTERN 1 Defect Projection MASK Prints the same defect on many substrates etc... 145 What Size Defect Is a Killer? ~ 50 nm Amines 0.2 - 0.4 µ ? 200 – 400nm Cigarette Smoke 2µ? 2000nm Bacteria 8µ? 8000nm Skin Flake IT DEPENDS ON FEATURE SIZE: 4000nm NMOS 4 µ CD 2500nm 1980 FPD / CF Adv. Touch 2.5 µ CD 1500nm HMOS TFT 1985 1.5 µ CD 350nm 0.35 µ CD CMOS DLM 2 µ 1989 CMOS QLM 0.35µ 1995 90nm 0.09 µ CD Nanotechnology 2003 nm = Nanometers 146 More Process Steps Means… More CHANCES for a defect to occur! NMOS / TFT HMOS BiPolar 8 Photo 11 Diff / CVD PVD 12 Photo 15 Diff / CVD PVD DLM CMOS, BiCMOS GATE ARRAYS 17 Photo 21 Diff / CVD PVD 40 Total Steps 50 Total Steps 65 Total Steps c 1980 c 1988 c 1993 147 What Is a Defect? Anything that does not belong on the device Anything that KILLS a device DEFECT DEFECT OPEN GOOD DEVICE SHORT DEAD DEVICES 148 DEFECTS YIELD LOW Defect Density = HIGH Yield / Low Costs HIGH Defect Density = LOW Yield / High Costs 149 Touch Screens Risks in Fine Line Patterning – Defect Density - Killer defect Laptop X 1/6 = 16.7% bad Medium Television X 1/4 = 25% bad Large Television X 1/1 = 100% bad 150 Flat Panel Displays EACH pixel must be clean or we will see a dark spot, bright spot, bright line, or dark line. Each display ~ 1280 x 1068 pixels ~ 1.4 million pixels/display Each pixel contains several transistors For each subpixel: R R G B R G G B 151 Touch Technologies without ITO Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR by Elo) Dispersive Signal Technology (DST by 3M) (Materials & Process 5: Etch) Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Traditional Infrared (IR) Waveguide Infrared (by RPO) (Materials & Process 6: In-Cell / FPD) Optical Force Sensing Vision-Based 152 Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR) “Zero-Bezel” Single piece of glass (no bezel); black margin is fired-on glass frit on underside Source: Elo TouchSystems 153 Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR)…1 Plain glass sensor with 4 piezos on the edges Table look-up of bending wave samples (“acoustic touch signatures”) Source: Elo TouchSystems 154 Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR)…2 Variations “Stationary APR” from 10” to 52” with controller board “Mobile APR” from 2.8” to 10” with controller ASIC Size range 2.8” to 52” Controllers Proprietary Advantages Works with finger, stylus or any other touch object Very durable & transparent touch sensor Resistant to surface contamination; works with scratches Totally flush top surface (“Zero-Bezel”) Very simple sensor (plain glass + 4 piezoelectric transducers) 155 Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR)…3 Disadvantages No “touch & hold”; no multi-touch (both are under development & should appear in 2010) Requires enough touch-force (tap) to generate sound Control of mounting method in bezel is critical Applications POS, kiosks, gaming, mobile devices Market share <1% (first production in Elo monitors was at the end of 2006) Supplier Elo TouchSystems (sole source) Market trends Elo has begun shipping APR to mobile device OEMs 156 Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR)…4 Elo’s “Zero-Bezel” APR with capacitive buttons & scroll-wheel in lower-right corner (SID 2009) 157 Dispersive Signal Technology (DST) Source: 3M 158 Dispersive Signal Technology…1 Plain glass sensor with 4 piezos in the corners Real-time analysis of bending waves in the glass (“time of flight” calculation) Source: 3M 159 Dispersive Signal Technology…2 Variations None Size range 32” to 46” (3M is likely to expand into larger sizes) Controller Proprietary Advantages Very simple sensor (plain glass + 4 piezoelectric transducers) Works with finger, stylus or any other touch object Very durable & transparent touch sensor Operates with static objects or scratches on the touch surface Fast response; highly repeatable touch accuracy; light touch 160 Dispersive Signal Technology…3 Disadvantages No “touch & hold”; no multi-touch Control of mounting method in bezel is critical Applications Interactive digital signage; point-of-information (POI) Market share < 1% Supplier 3M (sole source) Market trends DST still has a relatively low market profile due to 3M’s very conservative rollout 3M avoids cannibalizing their surface-capacitive sales (<32”) 161 APR vs. DST Technology Comparison Characteristic Size range Methodology Measurement Multi-touch Touch & hold Activation force Controller Mounting Availability Others APR DST 2.8”-52” 32”-46” Table lookup Real-time Bending waves Bending waves Under Gestures development announced Under No development Moderate Light Chip (mobile) Board (fixed) Board (fixed) Critical Critical In monitors; In monitors components for mobile devices Similar Similar Notes 3M surface capacitive is 5.7”-32” 3M’s “multi-touch gestures” only work with two moving points Neither technology has reached the “drop-in touch-screen” component state yet Performance, materials, surface treatment, interface, etc. 162 Materials & Process…5 Etch 163 Processing – Etching What Steps Are Used in Etch? • Wet Etch • Wet resist strip “Lift-Off” is an etch / strip combination process • Inspect for defects / registration • Measure critical dimensions Dry or Plasma Etch • FPD or semiconductor process • Anisotropic etch • Fine-line geometries • Materials with no wet etchant 164 Etch Must be highly “selective” • Etches desired material much faster than • Protective mask (usually photoresist) • Underlying materials • Chemistry mix is critical • Can be enhanced by • Heat/energy • Plasma (RF) • Criteria for selecting Dry or Wet Etch • Cost (equipment depreciation, chemicals, maintenance, yield) • Etch profile 165 Etch • Isotropic: Etches all directions equally, chemical - Wet Etch • Anisotropic: Etches different directions at different rates to create shapes, “trenches”. More likely to achieve and control etch profile with Dry Etch Isotropic Etch Mask Anisotropic Etch Mask Mask Mask Material to be etched 166 Etch Chemistry Wet Etch – Acids ITO Thickness = 0.5 to 1.5 microns • ITO Etchant 1: 17% HCl, 25 C, 30-60 Angstroms/min • • ITO Etchant 2: 1:0.1:1, HCl:Nitric:DI H2O @ 40 C ITO Etchant 3: Etches Fast (125 Angstroms/sec) in 10:1 DI H2O: HF Other common etchants: • Phosphoric/Hydrochloric/Acetic/Nitric: Metals • Hydrogen Fluoride: SiO2 • Phosphoric: Silicon Nitride Si3N4 167 How Can Defects Happen In Etch Process? ETCHERS defect • WET ETCH: • HOOD/ BENCH • ACID PROCESSOR – single substrate OR batch Substrate • DRY ETCH • PLASMA • REACTIVE ION ETCH 168 Wet Etch Equipment Rigid and Flex Panel Processors In-line systems for wet processing. • Wet processes from rinsing through to developing, etching, stripping and drying performed totally in line. • Large glass substrates are processed by substrate oscillation, chemical spraying, speedy upflow, etc. matched to process requirements. • The etching module contains end point sensors for ensuring excellent processing repeatability. Source: Dalux 169 Resist Strip and Clean • Strip must be highly selective to remove all unwanted materials and leave all critical films! Wet Metal Layers Solvents - Acetone - NMP - PRS 3000 Solvent or water rinse - IPA • Options: Heating, spray patterns, rinse to resistivity, spray, recirculating tanks • Drying is critical • N2 • Air curtain / knife • Iso dryer / displacement dry Dry • Plasma • UV Ozone 170 Front of Gen II Wet Hood – Etch / Strip Inside View 171 Chemical Recirculating Systems 172 Stainless Steel Wet Strip Systems • High-temperature stainless stripping system with integrated resist separator • Conveyor systems available for rigid and flexible sheets (.001” core) Source: Dalux 173 Alternate Fine Line Processing – Pattern and Etch in One Step • Laser ablation system • Single layer patterning • High resolution • Ease of varying pattern • Critical input parameters • • • • • Laser energy Speed Film quality Alignment Pattern algorithm (software program) • Critical output parameters • • • • • Ablation pattern Registration Resolution Defect density Heating / damage 174 Inspect / Metrology • How is success measured / evaluated? • Probe, final test • Until probe: Indirect measurements • Single parameters • They infer probable functionality • Examples: • • • Critical dimensions Particle counts Automatic optical inspections • Interactions of individual parameters abound! Key parameters: • Film thickness • FTIR • Profilometer • Resistivity / conductivity • Inductance • Critical dimensions • Widths / lengths • Light reflection • Physical structure / Morphology / step coverage • Profilometer • SEM 175 Inspection Tool FPD, PC Board, Touch Screen Orbotech SuperVision-650™ High-sensitivity AOI for the 6th generation SuperVision-650™, the world's very first AOI system for 6th generation panels, provides high sensitivity detection and better throughput. 176 Surface Acoustic Wave Source: Kodak 177 Surface Acoustic Wave…1 Glass substrate Source: A-Touch (45°) Rayleigh wave Source: Onetouch 178 Surface Acoustic Wave…2 Source: Elo TouchSystems 179 Surface Acoustic Wave…3 Variations Ruggedization, dust-proofing, surface treatments, etc. Size range 6” to 52” (but some integrators won’t use it above 32”) Controllers Mostly proprietary Advantages Clear substrate (high optical performance) Very durable Can be vandal-proofed with tempered or CS glass Finger, gloved hand & soft stylus activation 180 Surface Acoustic Wave…4 Disadvantages Very sensitive to any surface contamination, including water Requires “soft” (sound-absorbing) touch object Can be challenging to seal Relatively high activation force Projects slightly above touch surface (1 mm) so can’t be flush Applications Kiosks Gaming Market share 2009 Revenue 3% Units <1% Source: Euro Kiosks Network 181 Surface Acoustic Wave…5 Suppliers Elo TouchSystems, General Touch, Shenzhen Top-Touch, Leading Touch, Shenzhen KeeTouch… 10+ suppliers Market trends Price is dropping as Taiwanese and Chinese vendors enter the market now that Elo TouchSystems’ key patent has expired Elo still has >50% of this market SAW’s growth is matching the market 182 Surface Acoustic Wave…6 Elo’s “XYU” multi-touch SAW (demoed at SID 2009; launched 12/09) Photo by Geoff Walker 183 Traditional Infrared 184 Traditional Infrared…1 Source: Elo TouchSystems 185 Traditional Infrared…2 Variations Bare PCA vs. enclosed frame; frame width & profile height; enhanced sunlight immunity; force-sensing Size range 8” to 150” Controllers Mostly proprietary, except IRTouch Advantages Scaleable to very large sizes Multi-touch capable (2-4 touches) Can be activated with any IR-opaque object High durability, optical performance and sealability Doesn’t require a substrate 186 Traditional Infrared…3 Disadvantages Profile height (IR transceivers project above touch surface) Bezel must be designed to include IR-transparent window Sunlight immunity can be a problem in extreme environments Surface obstruction or hover can cause a false touch Low resolution High cost Applications POS Kiosks Large displays (digital signage) Market share 2009 Revenue 1.5% Units <1% 187 Traditional Infrared…4 Selected suppliers Elo TouchSystems, IRTouch, Minato, Nexio… 10+ suppliers Market trends Interest in IR is re-awakening as Asian vendors bring down prices, large displays become more common, and digital signage becomes more affordable IR is growing, but isn’t keeping up with the market 50” plasma display with infrared touch-screen from Netrax 188 Optical Waveguide Infrared Source: RPO 189 Waveguide Infrared…1 Principle Traditional Infrared Source: RPO 190 Waveguide Infrared…2 RPO’s actual construction (3.5” screen) Substrate Parabolic reflector IR LED Light path (white) Waveguides Line-scan optical sensor Photo source: RPO; Annotation by author Light path (uses TIR in substrate) 191 Waveguide Infrared…3 Variations None yet Size range 3” to 14” Controller Proprietary Advantages Much lower cost than traditional IR Source: RPO Very low profile height (0.5 mm) Higher resolution (depending on waveguide channel width) Much less pre-touch (IR is only 200µ above substrate) Works with a finger, stylus or any other touch object Object size recognition Limited multi-touch 192 Waveguide Infrared…4 Disadvantages Can’t be scaled easily to large sizes (border width) Power consumption (positioned as = to light loss of resistive) The “fly on the screen” problem (IR is only 200µ above substrate) Applications Mobile devices & automotive (maybe) Market share Not in a shipping device yet as of 01/10, although RPO says they now have a committed OEM Suppliers RPO (Australian startup; sole source) 193 Waveguide Infrared…5 Market events RPO… Announced IR optical-waveguide touch at SID 2007 Showed improved performance at SID 2008 Showed larger sizes at SID 2009 Appeared in a 13.3” LD Display notebook at SID 2010 Market trends RPO may benefit from the general increase in interest in infrared, as well as from the growing interest in alternative touch technologies for mobile 194 Materials & Process…6 In-Cell & FPD 195 Three Different Physical Integration Methods Used In Embedded Touch Term Integration Method Fab Method In-Cell Touch sensor is physically inside the LCD cell Touch sensor can be: Light-sensing elements (light-sensing) Micro-switches (voltage-sensing) Capacitive electrodes (charge-sensing) Addition to TFT process On-Cell Touch sensor is an array of ITO conductors on the top surface of the color filter substrate Capacitive (charge-sensing) Analog resistive (voltage-sensing) Addition to color filter process Out-Cell Standard touchscreen laminated directly on top of the LCD during manufacture Key difference: An additional piece of glass Typically only pro-cap or analog resistive New term coined by AUO – Some LCD manufacturers still refer to this configuration as “on-cell” Addition to cell assembly process 196 Four Different Technologies Used In Embedded Touch Light-sensing or “optical” Addition of a photo-sensing element into some or all pixels Voltage-sensing or “switch-sensing” Addition of micro-switches for X & Y into some or all pixels Charge-sensing or “capacitive-sensing” Addition of electrodes in-cell or on-cell for capacitive sensing Analog resistive Uses color filter glass as substrate for standard touch-screen 197 Simplified Structure of an LCD Cell Touch Screen FRONT POLARIZER FRONT GLASS Light LIQUID CRYSTAL MATERIAL REAR GLASS REAR POLARIZER ITO ELECTRODES Backlight 198 Liquid Crystal Displays TWISTED NEMATIC twist angle 90deg. Upper Polarizer SUPERTWISTED NEMATIC twist angle 180deg. - 270deg Glass ITO Electrode No field applied Light/off Liquid Crystal ITO Electrode Glass Lower Polarizer Upper Polarizer Field applied Dark/on Glass ITO Electrode Liquid Crystal ITO Electrode Glass Lower Polarizer 199 Liquid Crystal Displays Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display = AMLCD UPPER COLUMN DRIVER TFT AMLCD Resistor Photo-sensor in each pixel or group of pixels sees shadow of finger in bright light or reflection of backlight on finger in dim light. DISPLAY CELL R O W D R I V E R Thin Film Transistor (TFT) Capacitor Same TFT Process LOWER COLUMN DRIVER • Putting a light-sensor in every pixel consumes too much of the aperture (reducing efficiency) and requires too much processing power • But using one light-sensing element for each X pixels (e.g., 9) reduces scanning resolution and reduces quality of digital ink 200 Liquid Crystal Displays AMLCD TFT Pixel Structure - Typical TOP View TFT Top View – Voltage-Sensing 1 GATE LINE METAL DATA LINE i-Si PIXEL ITO CAPACITOR LINE 201 In-Cell Touch Amorphous Silicon TFT COMPONENT Polarizer Glass: Color Substrate B G R R G B Color filter ITO Alignment Layer Sealing Adhesive Liquid Crystal Drain Bus Gate Bus a-Si TFT Backlight Pixel Electrode Spacer Alignment Layer Glass: TFT Substrate Polarizer 202 Voltage and Charge Sensing Side View – Voltage Sensing 2 Column spacer with ITO coating. Side View – Charge Sensing (“Pressed Capacitive”) Consistency of capacitance value of LC material is critical May require additional steps. 203 Cross Section of TFT LCD We are looking at this side. TOP GLASS SUBSTRATE (COLOR FILTER) BLACK STRIPE ITO COLOR FILTER PASSIVATION SPACER LIQUID CRYSTAL LAYER Sealing Material (Adhesive) POLYIMIDE (ALIGNMENT) PIXEL ELECTRODE ITO PASSIVATION DATA LINE BOTTOM GLASS SUBSTRATE (TFT ARRAY) Light 204 Charge-Sensing…2 On-cell • Projected-capacitive X-Y electrode array added on top of the color filter glass, under the top polarizer Source: Author Needs touchfriendly polarizer, 6H to 9H hardness. 205 Liquid Crystal Displays AMLCD Production Process Lighting TFT Fab Plate/Cell Assembly Materials Final Assembly Testing Color Filter Fab Electronics Addition of “ONCELL” Touch Array 206 Liquid Crystal Displays Cell Assembly Process COLOR FILTER SUBSTRATE TFT SUBSTRATE Cleaning Cleaning Polyimide Coating Polyimide Coating Baking Baking Rubbing Rubbing Cleaning Cleaning Seal Printing Spacer Spraying Conductive x-over dots Align / Assemble / Cell Space Adjusting Scribe Scribe/ /Cell /Break Break Align / Assemble Space Adjusting Liquid Crystal Filling / Annealing Inspection Cleaning / Polarizer Lamination 207 Liquid Crystal Displays a-Si TFT Process GATE METAL DEPOSITION PHOTOLITH /ETCH TO DEFINE GATE DEPOSIT GATE INSULATOR i A-SILICON & n+ A-SILICON PHOTOLITH / ETCH TO DEFINE CHANNEL DEPOSIT SOURCE / DRAIN METAL PHOTOLITH / ETCH TO DEFINE SOURCE / DRAIN AND ETCH BACK CHANNEL For In-Cell, Add Sensor Design to this Flow DEPOSIT ITO PIXEL PAD PHOTOLITH / ETCH TO DEFINE ITO 208 Liquid Crystal Displays Active Device Formation Process First Wash/Clean Type Thin Film Deposition Equipment Single Substrate Processor Type Sputter Plasma CVD Clean Batch or Single Substrate Processor Apply Resist Extrusion orSpin Coater Prebake Conveyor Oven or Hot Plate Exposure Stiches Stepper or Full Wafer Projection Expose Develop Single Substrate Processor or Batch Postbake Conveyor Oven or Hot Plate Etching Single Substrate Processor or Batch Dip/Spray/Dry Plasma or RIE Stripping Single Substrate Processor or Batch Plasma or RIE Drying Inspection/Repair R e p e a t Conveyor Oven, Hot Plate Optical/Electrical Test Laser Repair 209 Liquid Crystal Displays Flow Chart – TFT Bottom Plate, TFT and Pixel Fabrication Clean Borosilicate Glass Sputter Deposit Gate Metal 1 eg: Al or Cr Photolith Pattern Gate and Wet Etch Gate Metal 1 PECVD Deposit, Nitride, Amorphous Silicon, Silicon Films Photolith Pattern silicon RIE silicon Sputter Deposit Gate Metal 2 eg: Al or Ta Photo Pattern and Etch Gate Metal 2 Eg: Ta Anodize Gate Metal Photo Pattern & Dry Etch SixNx Silicon Nitride Sputter Deposit ITO Photo Pattern Pixels and Wet Etch ITO Sputter Dep Gate Metal 3 eg: MoTa, Al or Cr S/D Metal 3 Photo Pattern Source/Drain and Wet Etch S/D Metal 3 RIE N+ Amorphous Silicon Substrate Clean Deposit Passivation SixNx Nitride Photo Pattern & Dry Etch (RIE) SixNx Nitride Final Test/ Inspect Pattern Laser Repair Shorts Final QC Send to Liquid Crystal Details would change for In-Cell Sensor 210 Liquid Crystal Displays Top Plate Flow Chart, Black Matrix and Color Filters Clean Borosilicate Glass Ash Plasma Clean PECVD Deposit SixNx Silicon Nitride and Silicon Substrate Clean Sputter Deposit Chrome Photo Pattern Black Matrix and Wet Etch Chrome RIE SixNx Nitride and Silicon Resist Coat, Align, Develop, Strip resist, Hard Bake Polyimide Blue Filter Apply and Bake Green Filter Polyimide Apply and Bake Resist Coat, Align, Develop, Strip resist, Hard Bake Polyimide Red Filter Apply and Bake CAP Layer Deposit (polyimide or Nitride) Sputter Deposit ITO Final Q.C. Resist Coat, Align, Develop, Strip resist, Hard Bake Polyimide Send to Liquid Crystal Details would change for Voltage and Charge Sensing In-Cell Touch 211 Liquid Crystal Displays a-Si TFT Process Architecture – Bottom Gate 6 3 2 SiN Metal 5 4 ITO 1 Insulator 1 Gate n+ Si i 3 6 2 4 Si 5 Si 1 Glass Substrate i Insulator 1 n+ Si Gate Glass Substrate a.) Self-aligned b.) Non-self-aligned LEGEND 3.)Moly Tantalum Masking Steps Process Steps Materials 1. Gate Pattern 1. Metal Dep 1. Aluminum Tantalum (AlTa) 2. Etch Stop Pattern 2. PECVE Dep 2. a‐Si Amorphous Silicon n+ amorphous Silicon Si3N4 Silicon Nitride 3. Channel Pattern 3. Metal Dep 3. MoTa (Moly Tantalum) 5. ITO Pattern 5. ITO Dep 5. ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) 6. Metal Pattern 6. Metal Dep 6. MoTa (Moly Tantalum) 7. Passivation Pattern 7. Passivation 7. Polymide or Si3N4 Silicon Nitride 4. Gate Cut Pattern (non‐self aligned only) 212 Liquid Crystal Displays Cross Section: High Temperature poly-Si TFT – Top Gate n-poly-Si - Gate Electrode A1 - Signal Line ITO - Picture Element Electrode (PIXEL) APCVD SiO2 - Layer Insulation Film Glass Substrate Thermal Oxide SiO2 - Gate Insulation Film i-poly-Si n-poly-Si 213 Plan View of TFT Device with Added Sensors Example of additional sensors in a TFT cell • Gate is Red • Signal lines are Blue • Contacts are green Easy to see how aperture can be smaller as sensors are added. 214 Mechanical Effects – Cover Glass vs. Touch Requirements • Voltage-sensing won’t work with a cover glass, so the LCD can easily be damaged • AUO’s 2008 spec is only 100K touches at <40 grams! – although it’s unclear if it’s limited by LCD surface damage or ITO cracking • Typical resistive touchscreen spec is 1M touches (4-wire) or 30M touches (5-wire) at ~80 grams • Harder LCD top-polarizer is the best solution to this problem, but until there’s more demand for touch, it’s chicken-and-egg • Adding a cover-glass to protect the LCD reduces touch sensitivity due to the spacing between the finger and the photo-sensing element • Will the repeated flexing of the glass cause eventual fatigue and failure? • • Glass is amorphous Tests show varying toughness, hardness, and crack failure by glass vendor and thickness. (Reference previous AGI project with USDC) 215 Sample of Previous AGI Mechanical Study of Glass 7.0 Conclusions The conclusions from this experimentation are as follows: 1. AGI has established a robust method, apparatus and visual inspection for repeatable edge chipping analyses on glass. 2. At the 99% confidence level, glass thickness, glass type and impactor material are statistically significant. At a confidence level of less than or equal to 98.1% all factors including edge type are significant. 3. There appears to be an order of significance. This is, from higher to lower, glass thickness, impactor material, glass type and edge type. 4. Thinner glasses (0.4 mm) are much more likely to sustain edge fracture from impact than 0.7 or 1.1 mm glass. Generally, there was an order of magnitude difference between 0.4 and 0.7 mm glass for the impact energy to fracture. 5. All metal/ glass contact should be carefully scrutinized, avoided or eliminated. 6. Through repeated impact testing, a factor of safety has been established to protect glass from repeated impacts and other variations. 216 Optical This picture was drawn on a 46" LCD equipped with a NextWindow optical touch-screen by a visitor to the AETI Exhibition in London on January 24, 2006. Source: NextWindow 217 Optical…1 218 Optical…2 Variations OEM Bezel-integrateable Strap-on (aftermarket) Size range 15” to 120” Controllers Proprietary Source: NextWindow 219 Optical…3 Advantages Stylus independence (ADA-compliant) Superior drag performance Scalability to large sizes Multi-touch (dependent on # of sensors) Object size recognition HP TouchSmart all-in-one computer Source: HP Disadvantages Profile height (~3 mm on a 19” screen) The “fly on the screen” problem (susceptibility to contaminants) Applications Consumer touch monitors & AiOs (market leader) Interactive digital signage; education 220 Optical…4 Market share 2009 Revenue 3% Units <1% Dell Studio One Source: Dell Suppliers NextWindow, Quanta, Lumio, Xiroku, eIT (XYFer) Market event NextWindow shipped more than 0.75 million touchscreens in 2009 to Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Medion, NEC, Samsung & Sony Market trends Touch on the consumer desktop is just starting The market is just becoming aware of optical touch 221 Force Sensing 222 Force Sensing…1 Principle Suspend the touch-screen from forcesensors (strain gauges or piezos) such that movement is constrained to only the z-axis Force sensor (4) Slot (4) Frame Variations IBM “TouchSelect”: Strain gauges (early 1990s, unsuccessful) Vissumo: “Beam-mounted” sensors (ran out of money in 2009) F-Origin: “Monofilament-mounted” sensors (nothing left except IP) Size range Touch area (Vissumo’s design) 5”-48” 223 Force Sensing…2 Advantages Complete substrate design freedom – no other touch technology can handle three-dimensional substrates with embedded moving objects Disadvantages No vibration under 10 Hz; no rapid-fire touches (>200 ms required between touches); no multi-touch Applications 3D architectural applications Market share Zero (F-Origin’s undisclosed design) Source: Vissumo 224 Force Sensing…3 Market trends Vissumo’s “architectural” focus (e.g., a 3D elevator control panel made of steel, glass & stone containing an embedded LCD with “soft keys” and a speaker) was strongly differentiated with some unique capabilities 225 Force Sensing…4 4 strain gauges supporting one touch panel Vissumo’s Amazing Demo Box Irregularly shaped, raised, textured, wooden touch surface Motor attached to and penetrating touch panel with printed speed control keys and push-pull control lever Glass-covered LCD integrated into touch panel with “soft keys” printed on back of glass Raised, marble touch surface with toggle switches penetrating touch panel Multi-page “book” with touchable & movable metal pages “Snap-dome” keys attached to touch panel; removable padded and textured keys; speaker attached with holes through the touch panel. 226 VisionBased Source: Perceptive Pixel 227 Vision-Based…1 Principle (simplest version) Multiple touch points; Image taken without a diffuser (Source: Perceptive Pixel) Source: Perceptive Pixel Frustrated Total Internal Reflection (FTIR) 228 Vision-Based…2 Microsoft Surface “Surface computing is about integrating the physical and virtual worlds through the use of vision-based touch” Source: Information Display Projector resolution 1024x768 ------------Touch resolution 1280x960 Source: Popular Mechanics 1 – Screen with diffuser 2 – IR LED light source 3 – Four IR cameras 4 – DLP projector 5 – Vista desktop 229 Vision-Based…3 Variations IR injected into the cover glass; touch points seen via FTIR IR illuminates underside of cover glass; touch points reflect IR Size range As described, 30” and up Substrates Glass or acrylic Advantages Combination touch-screen and rear-projection screen Alternative to IR and projected-capacitive for rear projection Unlimited multi-touch (MS Surface spec is 52 touches max) 230 Vision-Based…4 Disadvantages As described, for use with rear-projection only Finger-only (FTIR) or IR-reflecting object (Surface) Applications Interactive “video walls”; digital signage; high-end retail Market share << 1% Suppliers Microsoft (Surface) Perceptive Pixel (Jeff Han’s famous videos) GestureTek & others “”Build Your Own Multi-Touch Surface Computer” – Maximum PC magazine (4/09) Source: NORTD 231 Vision-Based…5 Market event The emergence of Microsoft’s Surface product as an actual, for-sale, shipping product rather than just a research platform Market trends Because a vision-based touch system can be assembled very easily, it’s the most common platform used for research Interest in vision-based touch is rapidly increasing Google “touch table” for one view of related activity 232 Comparing Touch Technologies 233 Touch Technology vs. Screen Size Small Medium Large Touch Technology 2" – 10" 10" – 30" 30" – 150" Analog Resistive High Medium X Multi-Touch Resistive High Low X Surface Capacitive Low High X Surface Acoustic Wave X High Medium Traditional Infrared Low High High Projected Capacitive High Medium Medium Optical X High High APR Medium High Low DST X X High Force Sensing Low Medium Low Waveguide Infrared High Low X Vision-Based X X High LCD In-Cell (Light) Medium Low X LCD In-Cell (Voltage) Medium Low X LCD In-Cell (Charge) Medium Low X LCD On-Cell (Charge) High Medium X Market penetration and/or applicability High Medium Low X (None) 234 Touch Technology vs. Application Application Example Analog Resistive Multi-Touch Resistive Surface Capacitive Projected Capacitive SAW Traditional IR Waveguide IR Optical APR DST Force Sensing LCD In-Cell (Light) LCD In-Cell (Voltage) LCD In-Cell (Charge) LCD On-Cell (Charge) Touch Technologies Kiosk Point of Info (POI) Kiosk Commerce Kiosk Ruggedized Point of Sale (POS) Office Automation Industrial Control Medical Equipment Healthcare Military Fixed & Mobile Training & Conference Legal Gaming Amusement Gaming In-Vehicle ATM Machine Mobile Device Appliance Architectural Consumer AiO & Monitor Music Controller Digital Signage Museum information Digital photo printing Gas pump Restaurant; lottery Office monitor Machine control Medical devices Patient info monitor Submarine console Boardroom display Casino machine Bar-top game GPS navigation ATM machine Smartphone Refrigerator door Elevator control HP TouchSmart Jazz Mutant Thru-window store O O X O O O O O O O X X O X O O X O O X X X X X X O X X X X X X X X O X O X O X O O O O O O X X O X O O X O X X X X X X X O O O X X O X X X X X O O O O X X O O O O O O O O O O X O X O X O X X X O X O O X O O X O X X O O X X X O X X X X X O X X X X X X X X X X X X O X O X X X X X O X X X X X X X X O X X X X X X X O X O O O X O X X O O X X X O X X O O X X X O O O X X X X X X X O X X X X X X X X X O X X O O X O X X X X X X X X O X O X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X O X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X O X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X O X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X O X X X X X 235 13 Usability Characteristics Surface Capacitive Projected Capacitive SAW Traditional IR Waveguide IR Optical APR DST Force Sensing LCD In-Cell (Light) LCD In-Cell (Voltage) LCD In-Cell (Charge) LCD On-Cell (Charge) Desirable Characteristic Multi-Touch Resistive There is Analog Resistive Touch Technologies H H L H L M M M L H H H L H H H H L M M H L H H H L L H L H M H H L H H M L M L H H H H H H H M H H H H M H M H H M M H M H L L H H L M H H H M H M H M L H H L M H H H H H M H L L H H L M H H H H H M H M L H H H L L H M M H M H H L M H H L L H H H H M H H L H H H L H H L L H M H H H H M H H H M H L H M H L L L M H H H L H H H L L L L L M H H H L H M H L L L L L L H H H H H M H M H H H H Usability Touch with any object No unintended touch Multi-touch Touch & hold High durability High sensitivity (light touch) Fast response & drag Stable calibration Very smooth surface No liquid crystal pooling Resistant to contaminants Works in rain, snow & ice Works with scratches 236 13 Performance Characteristics Analog Resistive Multi-Touch Resistive Surface Capacitive Projected Capacitive SAW Traditional IR Waveguide IR Optical APR DST Force Sensing LCD In-Cell (Light) LCD In-Cell (Voltage) LCD In-Cell (Charge) LCD On-Cell (Charge) Touch Technologies L H H H H H H H L L L H H L M H M H H H H L M L M H M H M M L H L H H L L L L M H M H M H L H H H M M H H M M H L H H H H L M L L H L M M L H H M H L L L L H H H H M H H H H H L M M H H M M M H H M H H L H L H M M M H H H H H L L L H H M M M L M H H H L L L L H L H H H L H H H L H L L H M H H H H L L H M L M M H H H H L H L H M H L H L H L H H M H L H M M L L L M H M H M H M H H H M M H no perfect Desirable Characteristic Performance High optical performance High resolution High linearity High accuracy & repeatability Low power consumption Insensitive to vibration Insensitive to EMI & RFI Insensitive to ambient light Insensitive to UV light Touch-object size recognition Measures Z-axis Handwriting recognition Works with bi-stable reflective 237 13 Integration Characteristics Projected Capacitive SAW Traditional IR Waveguide IR Optical APR DST Force Sensing LCD In-Cell (Light) LCD In-Cell (Voltage) LCD In-Cell (Charge) LCD On-Cell (Charge) Desirable Characteristic Surface Capacitive (Burma Shave) Multi-Touch Resistive touch technology! Analog Resistive Touch Technologies M M H M H H H L M H L H H M L M M M H H L M H L M H L M L M M L H M L H L L L H H L H H H H H H H L L H L M M M L L L H L M L L H H M M L L L M M L M L L L H L M M M M M M L H L M H H H H L L L L L L H H M L L H L H H L H H L L L M H L H L H H L H H L L H L L H H M M M L M H H L L H H L L H H H H M L H H L L L L L H M H H L L L H L H L L L H M H H L L L H L M L L L H H H H M L H H L M L Integration Substrate independence Scalable Easy integration Flush surface (low profile) Narrow border width Thin and light Easy to seal Can be vandal-proofed Works on curved surface Can be laminated to LCD HID (Plug & Play) interface Simple controller Controller chip available 238 Conclusions Source: CG4TV 239 There Is No Perfect Touch Technology! Technology Analog Resistive Analog Multi-Touch Resistive Surface Capacitive Projected Capacitive Surface Acoustic Wave Traditional Infrared Waveguide Infrared Optical Acoustic Pulse Recognition Dispersive Signal Technology Force Sensing Vision-Based LCD In-Cell (Light-Sensing) LCD In-Cell (Voltage-Sensing) LCD In-Cell (Charge-Sensing) LCD On-Cell (Charge-Sensing) Major Advantage Low cost Multi-touch Touch sensitivity Multi-touch Durability Reliability Low cost Scalability Any touch-object Any touch-object 3D substrate Multi-touch Integration Integration Integration Integration Major Flaw Low durability Connections High drift Finger-only Soft touch object High cost Contamination Profile height No touch & hold No touch & hold Vibration Rear projection Sensitivity Durability Durability Finger-only 240 A Prediction of Which Technologies Will Win in the Next Five Years Application Automotive Casino Gaming Consumer AiOs and Monitors Consumer Notebooks Interactive Digital Signage Kiosks Mobile Devices POS Terminals Winning Technology Analog Resistive Projected Capacitive Optical Runner-Up Technology Projected Capacitive Surface Capacitive Projected Capacitive Projected Capacitive Optical Analog Multi-Touch Resistive Traditional Infrared Surface Acoustic Wave Projected Capacitive Analog Resistive Surface Capacitive Analog Resistive Traditional Infrared 241 Thank You! Geoff Walker Marketing Evangelist & Industry Guru NextWindow 7020 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 138 Pleasanton, CA 94566 1-408-506-7556 (mobile) [email protected] Abbie Gregg President Abbie Gregg, Inc. 1130 East University Drive, Suite 105 Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA 480-446-8000 x107 [email protected] 242 Appendix-1 Why There Are So Many Touch Technologies Source: Elo TouchSystems 243 Why Are There So Many Touch Technologies? Proliferation of touch Touch is an indirect measurement There is no perfect touch technology The drive for fundamental intellectual property Vertical integration Source: Gizmodo 244 Proliferation of Touch Self-service reduces cost Displays everywhere at low cost Touch user interfaces are simpler Direct manipulation is easier Everything is shrinking Touch makes globalization easier Expectation of touch everywhere 245 Touch Is An Indirect Measurement Touch Technology Resistive (all forms) & Embedded (voltage) Surface capacitive Surface acoustic wave Projected capacitive, Embedded (charge) Optical & Infrared (all forms), Embedded (light) in high ambient Embedded (light) in low ambient Vision-based Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR) & Dispersive Signal Technology (DST) Force sensing What’s Being Measured Voltage Current Time delay Change in capacitance Absence of light Presence of light Image Bending waves Force 246 There Is No Perfect Touch Technology Characteristic Resist. P-Cap Stylus independence Multi-touch High durability High optical performance Flush surface Low power consumption Stable calibration Narrow borders Substrate independence Low cost Multiple suppliers H = High (Best) M L L L M H L M M H H L H H M H M H M H L H APR AMR W-IR Embed. H L H H H H H H M M L M H L L M H L M M M M M M H H M M H M H M L L H M H H L H H H L M M = Medium (OK) L = Low (Worst) 247 The Drive For Fundamental Intellectual Property The fundamental intellectual property (IP) on all four* of the traditional touch technologies has expired New patents tend to be on enhancements Companies trying to establish a sustainable competitive advantage create new touch technologies * Analog resistive, surface capacitive, SAW & IR e.g., Touchco, SiMa Systems, FlatFrog & others… 248 Vertical Integration LCD embedded (in-cell) touch When touch was insignificant, LCD manufacturers ignored it Now that it has become more significant, LCD manufacturers want to embed it into their products (in-cell touch) 249 Appendix-2 Electromagnetic Resonance (EMR) Pen Digitizer Source: Wacom 250 EMR Pen Digitizer…1 Pressure-sensitive capacitor (CTip) Source: Wacom Cordless pen without battery L CMai CTi n p CSid e Pen equivalent circuit Transmitted RF Coil (L) Side switc h Sensor grid schematic Received RF LCD Sensor grid (10µ copper) many wires Controller chipset 5-8 wires Serial/USB interface to host Source: Wacom 251 EMR Pen Digitizer…2 Variations Sensor substrate (rigid FR4 vs. flexible 0.3 - 0.6 mm PET) Pen diameter (3.5 mm “PDA pen” to 14 mm “executive” pen) Size range 14” 2” to 14” Controllers 2” Proprietary Advantages Controller for 10.4” Source: Wacom Very high resolution (1,000 dpi) Pen “hover” (mouseover = move cursor without clicking) Sensor is behind LCD = high durability & no optical degradation Batteryless, pressure-sensitive pen Single controller can run both pen digitizer & pro-cap finger touch 252 EMR Pen Digitizer…3 Disadvantages Electronic pen = disables product if lost; relatively expensive Difficult integration requires lots of shielding in mobile computer Sensor can’t be integrated with some LCDs Single-source = relatively high cost Applications Tablet PCs Opaque desktop graphics tablets Integrated tablet (pen) monitors E-book readers Smartphones… but zero traction Market share Wacom “Bamboo” Tablet 100% share in Tablet PCs Failed challengers: FinePoint/InPlay, Aiptek, Acecad, KYE, Synaptics, UC-Logic, Wintime Majority share in graphics tablets & tablet monitors 253 EMR Pen Digitizer…4 Suppliers Wacom, Hanvon, Waltop, UC-Logic/Sunrex Market trends Microsoft significantly de-emphasized the pen in Windows 7, so Wacom is selling into Tablet PCs against a headwind Pen in general is undergoing a lessening of importance iPhone and many imitators Tablet PCs still a niche iPad… doesn’t have a pen! E-book readers are a natural fit IF annotation is important… E-Ink 9.7” Prototype EMR Kit 254 Appendix-3 Touch & Flexible Displays Source: Cambrios 255 Touch Technologies & Flexible Displays Touch Technology Applicability Reason Pro-Cap & On-Cell (Charge) Pen Digitizer In-Cell (Light) Analog & Digital Resistive High High High Medium Surface Capacitive Low Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) In-Cell (Charge & Voltage) Bending Wave (APR & DST) Force Sensing Optical Infrared (All types) Vision-Based Optical Low None Single flexible substrate; may need ITO replacement Flexible sensor behind display Involves only LCD backplane Film-film construction; may need ITO replacement Might be possible; may need ITO replacement Unlikely due to need for flexible reflectors Depends on frontplane-tobackplane spacing None Requires rigid substrate None None None None Requires rigid substrate Light travels in a straight line Light travels in a straight line Rear-projection only 256 Examples of Flexible Touch…1 ASU-FDC: Pen substrate, Wacom pen digitizer; Epson display controller also supports resistive touch, but it’s not implemented in this particular prototype QUE/PlasticLogic: Flexible screen in a rigid device; flexible projected capacitive 257 Examples of Flexible Touch…2 Bridgestone: Flexible resistive? (10.7”, 5.8 mm thick) AUO & SiPix: Potentially flexible pro-cap touchscreen on a glass-substrate e-book reader (reflectivity 33% 27%) (Same screen in Jinke A6 & A9 readers) 258 Examples of Flexible Touch…3 Concept shown by LG Display at SID 2009 2 sensors per 10x12 pixels (dpi = 174) What about touching a black object? 259 Appendix-4 ITO Replacement Materials Source: Asylum Research (800 nm scan of ITO) 260 ITO Replacements…1 Why replace ITO? Brittle & inflexible Highly reflective (IR = 2.6) & tinted yellow Costly to pattern & needs high temperature processing Relies on “environmentally questionable” Chinese zinc mines* Replacement material objectives Better in all of the above characteristics Higher transmissivity & same resistivity Solution processing (no vacuum sputtering) Same or lower cost than ITO Three main replacement candidates Metal nano-wires Carbon nanotubes Conductive polymers * 63% of estimated 2007 production of indium 261 ITO Replacements…2 Metal nano-wires Cambrios Synthesis of inorganic material (e.g., silver) from soluble precursors, followed by assembly of the resulting materials into nanostructures Cambrios has been coating rolls of PET with their material (“ClearOhm”) in a roll-to-roll production facility since early 2007 Cambrios is working with all the Japanese resistive Source: Nikkei Business Publications suppliers, but has signed an exclusive agreement for pro-cap with Nissha Others Sigma Technologies, Nanoco, university research 262 ITO Replacements…3 C a m b r io s S a m p le T C F ilm A G / P E T / C lr H C / T C 95 90 85 Transmission, % PET Substrate 80 Cambrios Film 75 ITO Film 70 65 60 55 50 380 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 780 W a v e le n g th , n m B a re F ilm u s e d fo r T C T C 2 5 0 o h m /s q IT O 2 8 0 o h m /s q Source: Cambrios 263 ITO Replacements…4 Carbon nanotubes Unidym Merged with Carbon Nanotubes Inc. (CDI) in 2007; IP leader Targeting touch-screens first, then displays and photovoltaics Not yet meeting transmissivity & resistivity targets Eikos Mostly funded through government contracts on conductive polymeric coatings and films (e.g., ESD film, EMI shield, etc.) Good progress on transmissivity & resistivity but… no momentum Others Canatu, RQMP, DuPont 264 ITO Replacements…5 Conductive polymers (PEDOT/PSS)* Fujitsu * poly(ethylene dioxythiophene) / poly(styrene sulfonate) The only commercialized replacement so far First announced in 2003; first production in 2008 5X – 10X touch-screen lifetime Roll-to-roll film manufacturing BUT, conventional wisdom is that PEDOT has inferior transparency and degrades under UV… Others Agfa, Kent Displays, National Starch, university research 265 ITO Replacements…6 Realities The indium supply is not really an issue ITO used in LCDs is < 1% of cost (~$4 for a 40” display) LCD makers are very reluctant to make changes in fabs Touch-screens provide several good reasons to switch from ITO to an alternative, but the market is relatively small 500M cellphone touch-screens only need about $5M of ITO Flexible displays are probably the biggest opportunity for ITO replacements, but there’s still no killer app Conclusion Replacing ITO is unlikely to be a quick activity 266 Appendix-5 Sunlight Readability of Resistive Touchscreens 267 Common Solutions For Sunlight Readability Active enhancement Boost the LCD backlight intensity to 1000+ nits High power consumption Thick, hot & heavy Passive enhancement Add brightness enhancement films Limited to 2X increase in brightness (not enough) Reduces the LCD’s viewing angle Controlling reflections Reflected light reduces contrast (that’s the real problem) Controlling reflected light is the most effective solution 268 Touch-Screen Surface Reflections Note: Drawing is not to scale! S1 Touch Screen 1 - Hardcoat 2 - PET Film S2 3 - ITO Coatings S3 4 - Air Gap S4 5 - Spacer Dots S5 6 - Glass 7 - LCD Top Polarizer 8 - LCD Cell 9 - LCD Bottom Polarizer 10 - Backlight LCD S1 4% S2 5% S3 5% S4 4% S5 2% No enhancement 5 AR coatings 0.5% 2.5% 1% 0.5% 0.5% Total Reflectivity 20% 5% 269 Circular Polarizer Principal Combination is Equivalent to a Circular Polarizer Reflection Right-Circular Polarized Light Quarter-Wave Retardation Film Linear-Polarized Light (Horizontal) Linear Polarizer Unpolarized Light Reflecting Surface Left-Circular Polarized Light Linear-Polarized Light (Vertical) Reflection is blocked Principle: Modify the polarization of reflected light so it can’t escape back through the polarizer 270 Touch-Screen Surface Reflections with Circular Polarizer Note: Drawing is not to scale! S1 1 - Hardcoat Touch Screen 2 - PET Film 3 - Linear Polarizer Equivalent to a Circular Polarizer S2 4 - Retardation Film 5 - COP Film or Glass 6 - ITO Coatings S3 7 - Air Gap S4 8 - Spacer Dots S5 9 - Glass 10 - Retardation Film 11 - LCD Top Polarizer 12 - LCD Cell 13 - LCD Bottom Polarizer LCD S1 4% 0.5% S2 5% 2.5% 14 - Backlight S3 5% 1% S4 4% 0.5% S5 2% 0.5% No enhancement 5 AR coatings Circular polarizer 0.5% 0.1% 0.1% 0.5% 0.5% + 3 AR coatings Total Reflectivity 20% 5% 1.7% 271 Touch-Screen Surface Reflections: The Ultimate Solution Note: Drawing is not to scale! S1 1 - Hardcoat & AR Coating 2 - PET Film Touch Screen Equivalent to a Circular Polarizer 3 - LCD Top Polarizer 4 - Retardation Film S2 5 - COP Film or Glass S3 6 - ITO Coatings S4 7 - Air Gap S5 8 - Spacer Dots 9 - Glass Reference: General Dynamics Itronix DynaVue 3_technology_itronix_dynavue.html 10 - Retardation Film 11 - LCD Cell 12 - LCD Bottom Polarizer LCD No enhancement 5 AR coatings Circular polarizer + relocated retardation film + 1 AR coating S1 4% 0.5% 13 - Backlight S2 5% 2.5% S3 5% 1% S4 4% 0.5% S5 2% 0.5% 0.5% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% Total Reflectivity 20% 5% 0.9% 272 1% Is Good Enough Rule-of-thumb for approximating extrinsic contrast Contrast Ratio (CR) = 1 + (Display Brightness / Reflected Light) In 10,000 nits ambient light, 1% reflected light = 100 nits With a 500-nit automotive display, CR = 6, which is good enough for acceptable sunlight readability Contrast Ratio 1-2 3-4 5.5-6 10 15 20 LCD Outdoor Readability Totally unreadable in sunlight Adequately readable in shade; barely readable in sunlight Military spec for minimum acceptable readability in sunlight Definitely readable in sunlight; looks good Outstanding readability; looks great Totally awesome; excellent readability; can’t improve 273 Surface Treatments Anti-Glare (AG) Changes specular reflections into diffuse reflections Changes the form of reflected light but doesn’t reduce the amount Formed by etching, abrasion or deposition Light source Reflected light Anti-glare hardcoat Without AG (clear reflection) With AG (blurry reflection) Anti-Smudge (AS) Minimizes the effect of skin oils on the touch panel’s top surface Hydrophobic coating; can be combined with AG 274 Surface Treatments…2 Anti-Newton’s Ring (ANR) Prevents Newton’s rings from being formed by contact between the PET film and the glass substrate Texture added underneath ITO coating on bottom of PET Adds ~1/3 of the haze value of AG Without ANR With ANR 275 What About Projected Capacitive? Note: Drawing is not to scale! Touch Screen S1 1 - Protective Film 2 - Glass 3 - ITO Coatings S2 4 - Dielectric (Insulator) S3 5 - LCD Top Polarizer 6 - LCD Cell 7 - LCD Bottom Polarizer 8 - Backlight LCD S1 S2 S3 Total Reflectivity (Resistive) No enhancement 4% 5% 2% 11% 20% 3 AR coatings 0.5% 1% 0.5% 2% 5% Circular polarizer ---(N/A) 0.9% 0.5% Optical bonding + 0.5% 0% 0% (N/A) one AR coating 276 Appendix-6 Automotive Touch 277 Automotive Applications Can Be Difficult! Note: Focus here is the center-stack (CSE) “navi-radio” application Temperature -30°C to +85°C operating -40°C to +95°C storage Light management Sunlight readability Relaxed requirement for rear-seat entertainment (RSE) Crashworthiness Top surface can’t be glass (DOT) Cost Especially important for dealer-installed vs. OEM-installed Vibration Cables & connectors 278 Automotive Applications Can Be Difficult…2 Industrial design Narrow frame borders & flush surface Usability Use with gloves Off-angle viewing Polarizer used for sunlight viewability can be a problem Optical bonding is still too expensive Flammability Gaskets Humidity Condensation freezing into ice crystals ISO quality requirements Difficult for a small or inexperienced company to meet 279 2008 Automotive & Portable Navigation Device Touch-Screen Market Size 2008 automotive touch-screen sales (100% resistive) Units = 15M (22% glass-glass, 78% film-glass) 4.6% of total resistive; 3.7% of total touch-screen market Revenue = $110M 6.0% of total resistive; 3.9% of total touch-screen market ASP = $7.37 This average selling price (ASP) should be about 2X-3X higher; DisplaySearch’s revenue estimate is probably incorrect. 2008 portable navigation device sales (100% resistive) Units = 43M (99.7% film-glass) 12% of total resistive; 11% of total touch-screen market Revenue = $155M 8.4% of total resistive; 5.5% of total touch-screen market ASP = $3.62 This ASP is about right for a 3” to 4” touch screen on an aftermarket device ($1/inch). Data from DisplaySearch 2009 “Touch-Panel Market Analysis” 280 Automotive & Portable Navigation Device Touch-Screen Forecast Unit Forecast 2009-2015 70 Units (Million) 60 50 40 55% Portable Automotive 74% 30 20 45% 10 26% 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 DisplaySearch forecasts that Automotive remains 100% resistive through 2015, and Portable is only 1% projected capacitive in 2015 Data from DisplaySearch 2009 “Touch-Panel Market Analysis” 281 Appendix-7 Touch Screen Manufacturing 282 Touch Screen Manufacturing How Factory and Cost Modeling Can Help • Keep track of tools and equipment, and associated parameters including throughput, depreciation and maintenance costs, and required personnel • Separate material handling from process costs, space & throughput • Keep track of recipes separately from tools to allow mix and match scenarios and change in process flows • Keep track of material usage and cost- optimize device size and configuration to eliminate costly raw material waste • Be able to vary minor elements and see throughput, cycle time and yield responses • Obtain costs per square foot or cost per device • Compare roll to roll and sheet based costs, space, headcount, tool sets • Determine where wind/unwind stations should be located, based on throughput matching • Determine impact of design rules and additional devices or layers – e.g., for in-cell touch 283 Flex Electronics Models Printed Ink Process 284 Flex Electronics Models Sputter Laser Process 285 Flex Electronics Models (Typical) 286 Cost Drivers In Flex Displays and Electronics 1. Two areas emerged as key cost drivers: 1. Materials 2. Product packing density 2. Automation and substrate processing speed has improved. 3. Devices are being scaled up to narrow webs and larger flex sheets to conform with the value proposition for the particular device. 1. Less than 2 foot webs, narrow webs 2. Web on web or Flex piece on web 3. Flex on glass 287 Cost Drivers In Flex Displays and Electronics Product packing density 1- High device packing density is needed to achieve low cost 2- Product engineering must account for A- Alignment tolerances of multilayer devices B- Processing tolerances of line-width 3- Design rules for new flex devices in all applications are still evolving 4- Mechanical and process engineers must work together and create test patterns and metrics for new device types 288 Cost Reduction • • • • Traditional printers are seeking new markets and have valuable equipment and process skills Seek capital equipment and materials suppliers from “least cost industry” Impact of ubiquitous RFID will be that roll-to-roll electronic products will develop low cost techniques - reducing 10x in next 5 years Convergence with consumer applications and pricing such as clothing, skin patches, blankets, cell phones, books/ebooks 289 Manufacturing Scale-Up Planning • Sheet to roll transition – THE BIG STEP • Don’t change too many things at once – – – – – – Product size Product complexity (minimum geometry, registration, number of layers) Sheet size to roll size Tool/equipment type Process method Facility conditions: temperature, relative humidity • Be sure your material handling and tool suppliers understand the product geometry and cleanliness required • Do a rigorous layout to be sure equipment and support equipment will fit and be accessible for maintenance • Match rates throughout the system based on number of passes use a mathematical model 290 Baseline Existing Processing • Process parameter optimization and control • List each process – Don’t skip even the most “trivial” step – List off-line support steps (premixing of inks, pre cut of laminated materials, etc.) • List associated tools and equipment • List critical parameters – Pareto the most critical parameters for each step - work on top 3 – Include • Observations of products - metrology tools and criteria • Environmental conditions • Settings on equipment • Expected defects and faults • Know statistical validity of settings and metrics – How many have actually been produced with a given recipe? 5, 50, 500, 5000 – How consistent were results? Yield (good product)? 291 Touch Screen Manufacturing Uses PC Board Handling • 18” x 24” is standard flexible circuit board size, lots of equipment is available in this format. 292 Vision of the Roll-to-Roll Line • Clean • Automated • High yield Facility Materials Tools 293 Baseline Existing Materials • Materials Control • The product will never be better than the materials you start with • Know your vendors – – – – Who supplies them? What percentage of their volume does your product represent? Now? In a year? Can they ramp fast? Does your product push the statistical control of their product specification? Do the distribution of requirements overlap? Is there a guard band? – Have a relationship with at least 2 suppliers for each critical material • Keep looking, don’t give up • What new features in the materials would make your next steps easier? How can you evaluate these NOW? • Can you and are you identifying lots, batches of material? • Do you understand how your suppliers manufacture and qualify their lots? • How do you plan to qualify /trace materials in your line? Risks of multiple simultaneous qualifications are multiplicative if not exponential! Mass markets tolerate few glitches in supply! 294 Baseline Existing Processing • Device tolerances • Define critical parameters – Establish a realistic tolerance for each – Add up cumulative tolerances - draw out and review any cumulative mechanical tolerances – Plan for iterative product design – Create guard bands for all critical tolerances and most secondary tolerances • Define tolerances for each tool/equipment • Verify that cumulative tolerances match: Device to equipment • Registration Registration Registration 295 Make Alignment Keys with Metrology 1st Layer: Initial Pattern 2nd Layer: Perfect! 3rd Layer: Misaligned Image enhanced to show misalignment. 296 Importance of Design Rules in Creating Manufacturable Products 297 Importance of Design Rules in Creating Manufacturable Products • For cost reduction, reexamine design rules to see where more efficient use of substrate gives more product per substrate • Caveat: Experiment to understand tolerances FIRST! For flexible substrates, registration tolerance is key. Highdensity product layout beyond registration tolerances will be very low to 0 yield. • Iterative Process: Each version of tooling should have test patterns to help determine future improvements in registration and packing density 298 What is Critical in Device Design Rules? Optical Waveguide Touch Example Are any of these critical? Distance from1 to 2 Location 1 Location 2 Distance from 2 to 3 Distance from 1 to 3 Location 3 Area A Gap B Area C Are any of these critical? Width of Area A or Area C? Width of Gap B? What do you call? Area A or C? Gap B? 299 Process and Tool Evaluation: What Defect Density Is Tolerable? What Is a Defect? • Measure defects on good and bad product • Keep inspection data • Try out different types of inspection equipment Vendor 1 Vendor 2 Vendor 3 300 Testing Equipment – Often Overlooked Is This Test Setup Ready for Scale Up? • Common problems – No fixed test-beds – No “golden unit” – Lack of data storage – Lack of trend analysis 301 What Kind of Facility Space is Needed? • Clean Class – Class 10; 100; 1,000; 10,000; 100,000 – Most Costly Decision • Impacts – – – – – Air Changes and Treatment Quantity Filters Quality of Filters (ULPA vs. HEPA) Types of Construction Materials Cost of Ownership – Understanding the Process and Geometries will help in selecting the appropriate clean class – Providing the right combination of clean class by area can satisfy user needs and reduce costs. Photo Bay Class 100 Thin Films Class 1,000 302 Cost Drivers • Height – Height affects volume of clean space • Volume impacts how much air has to be treated and recirculated – Keeping ceiling heights to a minimum can be a cost savings – Requirement for air handling space above ceiling must be considered – Process tools get taller with larger substrates 303 Cost Drivers • Single Pass Air – – – – Very Costly Conditions air once and sends to exhaust Does not take advantage of recirculation of conditioned air Some spaces may require single pass air by code • Humidity Control – Humidity affects process and equipment • Understand what levels are damaging to the process • Understand what tools are sensitive to humidity – Local climate may drive the need to add or remove humidity – Some climates may not require any humidity control 304 Cost Drivers • Use of Hazardous Productions Materials (HPM) – Quantities directly affect hazardous occupancy rating • “H” Occupancy vs “B” Occupancy • Exceeding maximum allowable quantities can force the space to become an “H” Occupancy • Drives Construction Materials Cost • Use of flammables such as Acetone (Class 1B) can drive higher Hazard Occupancy 305 How Clean Does My Cleanroom Need To Be? Know the Expensive Answers Clean Room Cost Assumptions $/Sq Ft Class Add for Raised Floor Add for Subfab $2,100 1 Required Required $1,425 10 Required $600 $1,205 100 ~$160 $600 $900 1,000 ~$100 $400 $700 10,000 Not Needed Not Needed $75 Support (Facilities) N/A N/A Cost does not include specialty piping or tool hookup 306 Low Sidewall Return • Least expensive option because it doesn’t require a raised floor • Least flexible because space must be left in the wall for air flow • Higher pressure drop across smaller wall openings requires more fan energy • Limits width of bay to 12’ – 14’ for good laminarity of air flow 307 Lay Out Space for Maintainability • Think about maintainability when linking several processes in a roll to roll line Lamination Process Station 308 Use Vertical Space Wisely • Multilevel roll-to-roll lines are common • Cleanliness and maintenance need to be planned 309 Touch-Screen Line Costs • Line price and product price expectations similar to printing industry • Key process steps differ • Collaboration is productive 310 Technology Improvement Recent Accomplishments • Web handling control and alignment of patterns and layers • Improved cameras and optics for in-line data collection and immediate response alignment of web • Improved web handling mechanisms • Temperature and RH controlled environments 311 Technology Improvement Recent Accomplishments that Benefit New Applications • Sophisticated inks, fluids and gels with both electronic and physical properties – Inks with electronic properties – Gels with various methods of cure to seal temporarily, permanently – Viscosity control of inks and gels by temperature and RH control – Transparent organic conductors and semiconductors • Substrates and surfaces with engineered properties to facilitate product design or process. – Temperature “hardened” to minimize shrinkage – Impregnated with Aluminum Oxides for translucency/opacity – Polished surfaces to reduce defects – Moisture barrier coatings – Punched, laser drilled and formed surface cavities • Inlays for small “semi flexible” applications – Credit cards with chip/display/battery/interconnect 312 AGI Modeling Suite and Services Visit for software demos. And visit AGI at Booth 2406 in the South Hall to learn more about our services and expertise. 313