magazine - Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto
magazine - Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto
Chatter is published by TanenbaumCHAT for alumni, students, parents and friends. CHATTER magazine Farewell to Paul Shaviv Medieval Passover Music Class of 2012 Valedictorians spring / summer 2012 Iבעש 1 Message from Rhona Birenbaum, Acting Head of School So many times in life we find that an ending not only brings closure to what has gone before, but also signals a new beginning. As this school year ends, we must say goodbye to director of education Paul Shaviv, who has dedicated himself to instilling excellence at TanenbaumCHAT for the past 14 years. At the same time, our school community is looking forward to starting a new chapter in its 52-year story, gearing up to successfully meet the new challenges on the horizon. In this issue of the CHATTER we celebrate achievement in all spheres of life at TanenbaumCHAT. As I take on the role of acting head of school for the 2012/13 school year, I hope to build upon our school’s proud legacy of accomplishments. To achieve that goal, I’ll be drawing from a rich toolkit that includes outstanding school administrators, excellent faculty, talented staff, supportive parents, generous donors, committed volunteers, passionate alumni and truly exceptional students. Together, we will continue to position our school for success. CHATTER magazine Editor Joan Mortimer Design/Layout Agency Nextdoor Printing Origo Communications Photography Jordan Dubins Photography Shauna Kipper, TanenbaumCHAT Joan Mortimer, TanenbaumCHAT Jeremy Cohen, TanenbaumCHAT CHATTER Magazine is published through the TanenbaumCHAT Advancement Office and is distributed to more than 7,000 TanenbaumCHAT alumni, parents and friends of the school. How to Reach Us: Wallenberg Campus - 416-636-5984 Kimel Family Education Centre - 905-787-8772 Frances Bigman, CFRE Director of Advancement 416-636-5984 x 230 [email protected] Follow us on TanenbaumCHAT’s social media networks Website - Twitter - Wallenberg Campus - Kimel Family Education Centre - Facebook - Facebook Alumni Association Reunions 2012 - Save the Dates! LinkedIn - TanenbaumCHAT Alumni Association Calling all 1987 and 2002 grads YouTube - You can reach Rhona at 416-636-5984 x 314 or [email protected] Mark your calendars and get ready to share your best high school stories! Class of ‘87 Celebrating 25 years Thursday, October 25th 7:00 - 9:30 PM Class of ‘02 Celebrating 10 years Thursday, November 15th 7:00 - 9:30 PM For more information, please contact Heather Gutmann, Campaigns and Alumni Associate, at [email protected] or 416-636-5984 ext 333. Rosh Hashana 2012 - Sept 17 & 18 Plan ahead - order your Rosh Hashana cards early and we will send your warm wishes to family and friends. A variety of tribute cards are available for all occasions throughout the year. To order, contact Shauna Kipper at 416-636-5984 x 359 or [email protected] or CHATTER Magazine cover photo: Leah Nightingale, Grade 11, TCK. Groundbreaker Edition cover photo: Zoey Freedman, Emma Weiss, Jonah Gould, Grade 12,TCW. 2 CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING/SUMMER 2012 Message from the President Message from the Director of Education Just a few weeks ago, after years of dreaming, planning, hard work and dedication on the part of staff, students, lay volunteers and our community, we finally broke ground on the Guttman Family Science Wing. It was an amazing day for our school community - but especially for our students. The completion of the Guttman Family Science Wing will ensure that future generations of TanenbaumCHAT students will have access to excellent state-of-the-art science facilities to enhance and enrich the science curriculum and entire TanenbaumCHAT experience. We are so privileged as a school to play a role in educating the future leaders of our community. We aim to offer the best and most inspired teaching by outstanding faculty, and our school is characterized by its care for each individual student. We recently celebrated the graduation of another group of our students - eager to move on to the next phase of their lives. Our graduates pursue their passions, find success and become leaders all over the world. Our greatest hope for our students is that we have prepared them for whatever challenges their futures hold and instilled in them a real sense of menschlichkeit - knowing who they are and what it means to be Jewish in the world today. We recognize and celebrate their achievements - academic, extracurricular and volunteer, and the achievement that is so unique to our school – the development of character through the nurturing of the Jewish soul. Mazal Tov to all of our 2012 grads! It is a strange feeling to find myself ‘graduating’ from TanenbaumCHAT. These have been 14 wonderful years, shared in partnership with outstanding colleagues and leaders, lay and professional. During that time, the school has radically changed. It has grown. When I was interviewed in early 1998 the school was on one campus, with 750 students. The school library was a converted classroom, there was no atrium, and 16 (illegal!) portables sat on the back field. Over years, and in partnership with UJA Federation, we expanded the Wilmington Avenue campus – with still more work waiting to be done – and of course we established our presence north of Highway 7 – first at Wright Street in Richmond Hill Village, and then at the magnificent Kimel Family Education Centre on the Lebovic Campus. I am headed to New York. The decision to move on was both personal and professional. In recent years my life has changed in both sad, and then happier ways, the latter having a strong American element! But I am equally convinced that the time is now right for TanenbaumCHAT to enjoy new leadership and new ideas. The coming years will bring diverse challenges for all schools, including – especially? – Jewish schools, who will have to be flexible and adaptable in changing circumstances. Our Jewish school system is the educational backbone of the Toronto Jewish community, and TanenbaumCHAT is an integral and irreplaceable community asset. It has to be seen not only in its local context, but in its overall historical importance as well – as I once remarked, “In the postHolocaust Jewish world, every child at a Jewish school is a precious gift to Jewish history.” I believe I am leaving a strong school; an excellent school; and leaving it in very good and capable hands. Please look after it well! Cecile Zaifman Paul Shaviv 3 I am TanenbaumCHAT Over the last 10 months, nearly 1,400 TanenbaumCHAT students have made their mark in the classrooms, but also through a myriad of extracurricular activities. In addition to juggling a dual curriculum, our students find the time to join athletics teams, perform in plays, talent shows and bands, become peer coaches and Shabbaton madrichim, participate in academic competitions; raise thousands of dollars for several causes; and much more. Every day, our students and their families live the Tanenbaum- CHAT Experience – best represented by six areas of excellence where students can pursue their interests – Academic; Spiritual; Involved; Creative; Athletic and Technical. None of our students’ successes would be able to shine through without the support of our teaching and administrative staff, our donors and community partners. Thanks to them, every TanenbaumCHAT student can find a way to achieve something great by discovering their own ‘I am…’ Masters family gift gets students into better shape When their second son graduated from TanenbaumCHAT, Michele and Russell Masters knew they wanted to make a gift to the school that would benefit their third son, his classmates, and future students. Michele ’81, graduated from a class of 38 students, and decided to send her own sons – Eric ’09, Jake ’11 and Brett ’15 to TanenbaumCHAT. In more than 20 years, the school has grown considerably, but one thing that has not changed is TanenbaumCHAT’s significant place in the Jewish community, according to Michele. “I wanted my children to continue their Jewish education, to fully understand their Jewish roots, care about their community and to gain a sense of Zionism, but I also felt that TanenbaumCHAT would prepare them academically by instilling a strong work ethic,” she explains. Sports also figured prominently in the Masters family, and Russell and Michele knew that they wanted to support something related to athletics. Their son Jake brought the run-down state of TanenbaumCHAT’s fitness room equipment to his parents’ attention. “We immediately saw the need to outfit the fitness room with new weights and equipment. We also wanted to make a gift 4 that would encourage students to engage in more physical activity, since all children and teenagers should be getting one hour of daily exercise,” adds Russell. The fitness room, newly built in 2010, has been fully outfitted with an array of brand new equipment thanks to the Masters family. The Masters family gift resulted in increased participation in the Grades 11 and 12 fitness courses which teaches students how to use the equipment, establish their own personalized fitness program and promotes peer-topeer coaching, under instructor supervision. The course started with five students but quickly grew to 20, who work out for one hour three times a week. Some students also come after school with staff supervision and even staff use the fitness room during their spare time. “TanenbaumCHAT already focuses on sports, but the new equipment draws students into the fitness room,” states Lainie Sugar ‘91, one of CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING/SUMMER 2012 Above: Russell, Michele and Brett Masters with TCW principal Helen Fox. Inset: Grade 11 student Josh Walters works out. TanenbaumCHAT’s physical education teachers. Students also drop into the fitness room on spares, lunch and after school, and starting September, there will be additional fitness classes. “The greatest advantage of this gift is that students are learning how to get into shape with modern equipment and proper instruction, which will really help students to establish their own personal fitness goals.” 5 I am...Moments Colour War, TCK Staff Flash Mob, TCW - Yabba Dabba Purim! TCW Band Science Week, TCW Soccer at TCK That’s What Makes You Bagelful - TCK Hockey Team - YRAA silver medalists West Virginia Habitat for Humanity, TCK Life at TanenbaumCHAT, TCK - Annual Golden Bagel Awards, TCW Movember, TCW TCW production of Mamma Mia 6 Check out all our cool videos on our YouTube Channel CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING/SUMMER 2012 Guttman Family Science Wing groundbreaking event, TCW 7 146 years Valedictorians are model TanenbaumCHAT students of excellent service! This year, we bid farewell to many extraordinary senior teachers. We thank the following retirees for their many years of dedicated service at TanenbaumCHAT, which together, adds up to 146 years! Esther Erez, 16 years Barry Hennick, 12 years Judit Kenyeres, 14 years Mary Schneider, 42 years Graham Mawson, 28 years Ethel Cooper, 12 years Nira Malis, 13 years Rabbi Ira Berman, 9 years We wish them the best of luck in their retirement. 8 CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING/SUMMER 2012 At TanenbaumCHAT, the valedictorian is chosen by secret vote by his or her peers. Meet this year’s valedictorians, who were both surprised, but also deeply honoured, when they were chosen. Aaron Zev Goldberg, Corey Lyle Kamen, Wallenberg Campus Kimel Family Education Centre What Aaron Goldberg loved best about his time at TanenbaumCHAT is the spiritual, cultural and academic balance: “TanenbaumCHAT is a place which exposes you to different aspects of Judaism and helps you to grow, but you can also flourish academically and get involved in practically any extracurricular activity you want.” Aaron compares his TanenbaumCHAT experience to the ‘circle of life’ theme from the Lion King, as a result of all the different clubs he joined over the last four years. He had fun, but these activities also helped him grow into a well-rounded student. He was head of the Ping Pong Club; gained strength and agility as Cross Country Team MVP; became a spiritual leader at the morning minyans and as a madrich at Shabbatons; and honed his academic skills by competing in Chidon Hatanakh in Israel (representing Canada), numerous math and computers competitions including the Weizmann Safe Competition, being on the winning Moot Beit Din team and the Trivia Team (which made it to the provincial level). He was also a contributing writer to TanenbaumCHAT’s Shabbos Companion and the haggadah. Next year, Aaron will attend McMaster University in the Integrated Science Program with a concentration in Mathematics or Physics. Corey Kamen really personifies many of the school’s six pillars. Over the last four years, he was a madrich and on the Religious Affairs Club; he was on the honour roll and a peer leader; he was on the basketball team and served as its manager for three years. He also found the time to play the tuba in the school band each year. “At TanenbaumCHAT, I have learned to grow as a young Jewish man and I see myself not just a TanenbaumCHAT student, but a member of my community,” Corey reflects. “The education I received at TanenbaumCHAT helped me become a strong academic, but also a well-rounded student. It is truly a place where you can make the most of your experience,” Corey says. As he leaves TanenbaumCHAT, he has a message for his classmates: “Do not be afraid of the challenges that face you. Look at what we all conquered in the last four years. You are well prepared to succeed in the rest of your life.” After graduation, Corey plans to go to Israel for one year. He will return to Canada to study science at the University of Western Ontario, with the dream of becoming a doctor. Congratulations to the Class of 2012 valedictorians! 9 Arts Café showcases students’ creativity TanenbaumCHAT students revive medieval Passover music Parents, grandparents and friends had the opportunity to join with students to celebrate Media, Dramatic, Visual and Musical Arts at the annual Arts Café at both TanenbaumCHAT campuses. The rooms and halls were brimming with displays of the students’ sophisticated visual art and media projects, creating a beautiful art gallery for guests to admire and enjoy. There were also musical and dramatic performances by our talented students. Congratulations to the arts students and teachers on all their accomplishments. Kol hakavod! Move over, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, meet Jonathan Amar When Marcus Loew created MGM, he put difficulties behind him and stepped up to the challenge. Jonathan Amar, ‘12, TCK, is our own version of that success story. Once a familiar face in the Dean’s Office, he will be the first to tell you he was disengaged and discouraged at school. Then he found his voice in film, and he ‘stepped up his game’. It began by taking film making courses with Professor Chayyim Kaduri. Becoming a young film maker has been more than just making music videos and movie shorts for Jonathan; it has been success that he translated into other areas of his school life as well. Today, when Jonathan sits in the principal’s office, he’s there to consult on his next project for the school. Success stories have many players, and Jonathan is grateful for the support from several teachers, especially Mr. Jamie Cohen, student activities coordinator and Professor Kaduri. Mr. Cohen will tell you, “Jonathan is proof that creative, out-of-the-box students not only have a place in this school, but can be inspirational and productive leaders. His growth as a student, film maker, and citizen has been nothing short of extraordinary.” Jonathan’s grades went up and he became more involved at school. He is making career connections outside of school. He has started his own production company,, directed a television pilot and several music videos, and is working on two film projects. This story is just beginning, but it started here at TanenbaumCHAT. 10 Check out Jonathan’s films at CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING/SUMMER 2012 The performance of the haggadah music was recorded and posted on Youtube – and received over 5,000 hits! You can watch the video at: What did a Passover seder sound like in the 1600’s? Students from TanenbaumCHAT’s Kimel Family Education Centre learned just that when they performed two pieces of medieval music which were featured in a 17th century haggadah at the Spring Musical Concert at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts this past March. In 1644 Johann Stephen Rittangel, one of the most proficient Christian Hebraists of his time published a haggadah with Latin translation and commentary, called Liber Ritum Paschalium. Although not the first Latin translation of the haggadah, what makes this one interesting is that Rittangel included musical notation for two songs. The idea to perform the Passover music at the upcoming school concert came from TanenbaumCHAT director of education Paul Shaviv, who saw it posted on a blog that he regularly follows. He brought it to the attention of music teachers Janice Rose and Jaclyn Klimitz,’03. Both teachers thought it would be a unique addition to the roster that already featured a wide variety of music, including jazz, classic, Klezmer (traditional music of Eastern Europe Ashkenazi Jews) and even a song from the musical Wicked. Since this was 300-year-old music, there was lots of legwork to do to modernize it. Just like written language from the 17th century, music looks different to today’s eye. “In Rittangel’s haggadah, there were no bar lines, no clef, we had to learn the music by ear,” explains Jaclyn. “We had to figure out a way to transcribe it to sheet music so our students could learn it.” A responder to the blog had posted an mp3 recording of the haggadah music on harpsichord. Janice listened to it for over five hours to duplicate it on her piano and to write down the musical notation. Once Janice was able to determine the notes of the piece, Jaclyn used computer software to put the notes on staff to create sheet music. Then she was able to teach it to the TCK Singers, the student choir which consists of eight boys and 16 girls. With a little tweaking, both teachers thought it sounded great from the first rehearsal. “The students all know this song from their own Passover seders with their families, but this is the first time they heard it with music,” says Janice. “It is very significant for them to learn about the different interpretations of the traditional holiday music they grew up with.” 11 special days A photo log of Jewish commemorations > Yom commemorate special days TanenbaumCHAT students The celebration of all Jewish holidays, Israel and Ivrit are at the heart of our school life. The commemorations of Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), Yom HaZikaron (Israel Memorial Day) and Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) recently filled an entire week at TanenbaumCHAT. As part of the Yom Hashoah programming, after a moving ceremony at Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda Synagogue, TCW Grade 12 students viewed “Icons of Loss: The Art of Samuel Bak” a unique exhibit of paintings depicting the horrors of the Holocaust. The exhibit was brought to Toronto by Gerda Frieberg, a Holocaust survivor (and grandmother of five CHAT graduates) who was recently reunited with the artist whom she knew as a boy in a Displaced Persons Camp in Landsberg, Germany. At TCK’s Yom HaShoah commemoration, students showcased six stories demonstrating the potential for good in the face of evil, representing the six million victims of the Holocaust. As well, the TCK Yom HaShoah choir performed moving and meaningful songs, which added much to the depth and importance of this presentation. Many of our students joined thousands of Jewish teens from countries around the world (including hundreds of Canadians) on the March of the Living, a once-in-a-lifetime experience. On Yom Hashoah, they marched three kilometers from Auschwitz to Birkenau in Poland. On Yom HaZikaron, TanenbaumCHAT dedicated the day to remembering the fallen soldiers who died to protect the Jewish homeland, and the Jewish victims of terror attacks in Israel and abroad. Immediately following was Yom Ha’Aztmaut, Israel Independence Day. Surrounded by blue and white, the entire school celebrated the 64th year of the State of Israel’s independence at both campuses with assemblies, carnivals, music, dancing and Israeli treats. The March of the Living participants were also in Israel to take part in Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’aztmaut ceremonies. Yasher Koach to all our students who made these days especially meaningful! 12 CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING/SUMMER 2012 s y a d l a speci Hashoah th Yom April 19 membrance Day) st Re (Holocau aZikaron H m o Y th April 25 emorial Day) (Israel M Atzmaut ’ a H m o th Y April 26 ependence Day) d (Israel In Top Left - March of the Living participants march from Auchwitz to Berkenau in Poland Top Middle - March of the Living participants celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut in Israel Top Right - TCW students at the Icons of Loss exhibit Middle Left - TCW students celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut Middle Right - TCK students perform a dance during Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebrations Bottom Left - TCK students form Magen David with Israeli flags Bottom Middle - TCW students light candles with principal Helen Fox during Yom HaShoah program Bottom Right - TCW students pay tribute to fallen Israeli soldiers during Yom HaZikaron assembly 13 Farewell and Good Luck Above: Serving at the graduation breakfast Paul Shaviv I feel privileged to have worked with you over the past 13 years. Your friendship, guidance and confidence have been inspirational to me. I feel fortunate to have had access to your wisdom, wit and expertise. May the next phase of your life be happy and fulfilling! - Linda Newstead, Director of Operations, TCK As a member of the staff that has been here for most of your tenure at TCW, I wanted to say thank you for your contributions to the school at so many levels. You have been professional and level-headed, progressive yet cautious, and a valuable resource to me at a personal level. Thank you, - Simon Wolle, Dean of Students, TCW After 14 years as director of education, Paul Shaviv leaves TanenbaumCHAT to embark on a new role as head of school at the Ramaz School, a modern orthodox kindergarten-Grade 12 facility in New York. CHATTER Magazine met with Paul for an exclusive interview about his impressive career here. CHATTER: What attracted you to TanenbaumCHAT? In 1998, I was principal of Bialik High School in Montreal. It was a very interesting school but anglophone education in Quebec was limited. CHAT was a much larger school and when I learned about the opening for director of education (then designated ‘headmaster’), I decided to throw my hat into the ring. When I arrived for an interview, I was impressed with the school but astonished by the run-down state of the building. I knew that if I accepted the position I needed to be ready for change. CHATTER: How did TanenbaumCHAT change under your leadership? Within a few weeks of my arrival, it was clear that we were heading for crisis. The school corridors were so crowded that parents were questioning the safety of the environment. In spite of this challenging environment, the faculty and the students were incredibly positive and capable of great teaching and learning. In the summer of 1999, with a gift from Dr. Anne Tanenbaum z”l, and in partnership with UJA Federation, we built the C wing, the gym and expanded the library. We needed a presence north of Highway 7. An unexpected opportunity arose to take over a vacant school on Wright Street in Richmond Hill. We held a public meeting to reveal our plans which were initially met with a stormy reception. However, within six weeks over the summer we had transformed the building into a complete, functional high school. I was so exhausted, that on Labour Day weekend I went to sleep for three days – and missed the school opening. 14 CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING/SUMMER 2012 Paul tributes CHATTER: What was the biggest challenge of being director of education? I was an educator, and now I had to manage the logistic issues at the Wilmington campus and the new school on Wright Street – and eventually the Kimel Family Education Centre – and still oversee students and staff. For 12 out of my 14 years at TanenbaumCHAT, there was change and expansion. The biggest trial of all through this state of flux was to maintain the sense of ‘community’ that TanenbaumCHAT has always offered. CHATTER: How has TanenbaumCHAT prepared you for your new role at Ramaz? It certainly forced me to develop a management philosophy. It has given me a broad appreciation of how to juggle the different constituents, needs, aspirations of a large suburban school. Ramaz has 1,100 students in three buildings on New York`s Upper East Side and brings the challenges of a city-centre school. There is considerable overlap of the ethos and profile of TanenbaumCHAT. For 12 out of my 14 years at TanenbaumCHAT, there was change and expansion. CHATTER: Do you have any regrets? For the first few years I was able to teach one course in Jewish History, but the pressure and demands of my role as director of education took me out of the classroom. My biggest regret is that I was not able to realize my vision of creating a vocational training unit for non-academic students to give them, as well, access to the Jewish high school experience. CHATTER: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? I could not single out just one thing. I am very proud of the Kimel Centre, which led to doubling student enrollment across two campuses, creating a successful Shabbaton program, growing the music program at both campuses and supporting our special education stream, providing access to our school to students with different learning styles. This commitment to special education enabled us to house the Shearim Grade 8 students when that school closed. CHATTER: What will you miss about TanenbaumCHAT? I will miss the outstanding relationships that I have with my colleagues, parents, board members and of course, the students. I will miss the excellent governance and lay relationships which have helped to shape our school, and the more exotic staffroom characters. Mostly, I will miss my solid gold secretary Harriet Israel, who kept me organized for 12 years and made my time here so much easier. Fourteen years at TanenbaumCHAT has been an unforgettable experience and truly a dream job for anyone in Jewish education. Our first encounter with Paul Shaviv was at an open house for Grade 8 students five years ago. Mr. Shaviv’s passion and professionalism ‘sold’ TanenbaumCHAT to us as our high school of choice. We have always respected Mr. Shaviv as head of school, as an individual and as an educator. - The Rashkovan Family To the inspiring educational director Paul Shaviv: Thanks for your leadership, love of shlichim and endless commitment to Jewish education, Israel and Ivrit. You are a real role model of an educator. With appreciation, - Ron & Noa Pachter, former schlichim, TCW Thank you for everything Paul, your friendship has meant a lot to us. Our children’s personal development also owes you a great deal for the wonderful job you did at CHAT over the years. We wish you, Michelle and your children all the health, happiness and success. – The Halpern Family Paul, the friendship we have developed working together over the past 10 plus years is one that means so much to me and one that I hope we will continue long into the future. May the future be filled with good health, peace and the love of good friends and family. - Terri Weintraub, past president, TanenbaumCHAT Paul, in your many years at TanenbaumCHAT, you have made an extraordinary contribution to Jewish education in Toronto and the growth of the pre-eminent Jewish secondary school in North America. As our client for the expansion of the Wilmington campus and the Kimel Family Education Centre, you have inspired us with your creativity and intellectual curiosity, and your thoughtful demand for excellence in everything that is done for TanenbaumCHAT. - Paul Cravit, principal, CS&P Architects Add your own farewell tribute at: [email protected] 15 Alumni Association Chatting with our Alumni FLASHBACK FRIDAYS – TGIF! Everyone has a “remember when…” moment from their days at TanenbaumCHAT, and we want you to share them with us! Weekly posts can be found on our website at and our alumni Facebook page at It is an amazing way to reminisce, rekindle friendships, and see how far you’ve come. Please send your favourite memories, photos and stories to [email protected] and check our post each Friday for something new and fun. Message from the chairs We are proud of the work that the Alumni Association has done this year under the wonderful leadership of both Rebecca Kornblum and Heather Gutmann. This year has seen continued growth of the Alumni Association, bringing committed alumni together to support the school. We also want to send a Mazel Tov to the 41 alumni who have their own children graduating in the TanenbaumCHAT class of 2012. Your commitment to Jewish education has been inspiring, and we hope that you will continue to support the school in the future. The Alumni Association is developing its social media strategy and we invite all our members to join us on Facebook (where you can check out our alumni blogspot) and LinkedIn, and will soon be able to follow us on Twitter. We would like to hear your suggestions and ideas on how we can improve our alumni communications vehicles. Lisa Dack, ’99 Jen Lev, ‘89 Follow us on 16 CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING/SUMMER SPRING/SUMMER 2012 Dr. Allan Grill ‘92 Dr. Allan Grill is a family physician with the Markham Family Health Team at Markham Stouffville Hospital and also works part-time in the Division of Long-Term Care at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. He is also the chair of an expert advisory committee on drug funding decision making for the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and enjoys teaching medical students and family medicine residents at the University of Toronto. Despite his busy schedule, Allan recently found time to support the Together Campaign – a $10 million endeavour that will modernize the facilities at TanenbaumCHAT’s Wallenberg Campus. Following CHAT, Allan attended McGill University. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree studying anatomy and cell biology, thanks in part to the work habits he learned in high school. He went on to study medicine at the University of Toronto and enjoys a successful career in family medicine. “My fellow students at CHAT were very driven and there was a sense of ‘friendly competition’ which really encouraged you to do well at school,” reflects Allan, who notes that he is still in contact or works with many of his high school friends. “CHAT really helped me strive for excellence.” Recently, Allan was approached by former school president Judy Engel to speak to TanenbaumCHAT’s board of directors regarding the Together Campaign and its plans to build the Guttman Family Science Wing. He knew that he could help explain the school’s vision for expansion and its impact on current and future students. “It is difficult to promote science in a school when the labs are so archaic. I saw what TanenbaumCHAT had accomplished by building the Kimel Family Education Centre in Vaughan, and I realized that the Wallenberg Campus also needed to be able to offer comparable facilities in order to provide teachers with the best resources to prepare science students for university,” he says. Allan was asked again to speak at an event in the home of Warren and Debbie Kimel last fall, and after that, his wife Fauna convinced him to encourage his own CHAT peers to donate to the Together Campaign. They held an event for alumni in their home that raised an impressive $15,000. “It’s important to never forget where you came from, and education is one of the best things you can invest in,” Allan says. He and Fauna are both involved at Bialik Hebrew Day School where their children Lily and Brandon attend. He hopes that they will also attend TanenbaumCHAT one day and is pleased that they will be able to study science in a state-ofthe-art facility. 17 Alumni Association T i m e st a Tanen in l l i t s nds ba u m of 2 0 s s la C ’s T CHA 12 TanenbaumCHAT Mentorship Network connects alumni from across the world The Alumni Association is proud of the ever-expanding Mentorship Network and the relationships that it fosters between mentors and mentees. While every connection is meaningful, it is especially impressive when a mentor and mentee are successfully paired, in spite of thousands of kilometers between them, like Mark Fischer ’95 and Michaela Hirsh’10. After CHAT, Mark graduated from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario, and is vice president at Morgan Stanley in Israel. Michaela just finished her second year at McGill University in the Desautels Faculty of Management, studying finance and accounting. Michaela had reached out to the Alumni Association when she wanted to connect with someone who had experience in investment banking, trading and research. Mark reviewed Michaela’s resume, and together they discussed job opportunities and how she could best position herself for a career in finance. “Participating as a mentor in the Mentorship Network has been a great way to give back to CHAT, which gave me the drive to succeed,” says Mark. “There was no such program when I was graduating and in need of guidance. I am happy to help someone who has a similar shared past.” Mark Fischer ‘95 Michaela Hirsh’10 TCK Grade 12 students. Career Day 2012 An enormous thank you goes out to all of our dedicated alumni who took time out of their busy lives to participate in this year’s Career Day at TCK and TCW to address Grade 11 students. Twenty-eight incredible speakers shared their experiences including our keynote speaker for both events, Sol Birenbaum, ‘92, owner of Camp Walden. Yasher Koach! Thank you to this year’s presenters: Sol Birenbaum ’92, owner Camp Walden Lisa Ain Dack ‘99, Psychologist and Professor Kelly Diamond ’03, Fashion Meira Elituv ’04, Fashion Jonathan Golden ’83, Clinical Psychology Rachel Goldgut ‘02, Naturopathic Medicine Joanna Gryfe ’05, Television Brad Hennick ’03, Law Jenna Kellner ’05, Marketing Terri Klein ’87, Author Mitchell Marcus ’00, Theatre Production Elliott Michaelson ’92, Youth Director Rebecca Moffs ’98, Fashion Ben Mogil ’91, Equity Research Analyst Jeff Mosko ’01, Medicine Joanna Mosko ’01, Health and Nutrition Michael Orfus ’03, Law TCW Grade 12 students. The Class of 2012 launched TanenbaumCHAT’s inaugural time capsules. Each student received a package which included a questionnaire, a postcard so that they could write to their “future selves”, and were encouraged to use their creativity for anything else that they wanted to include. Old tests, report cards, pictures, clothes, or a USB key with their favorite music – were just some of the ways they could mark their favorite TanenbaumCHAT experiences. The time capsules will be sealed at Graduation Breakfast and re-opened at their 10-year reunions. Barry Pakes ’93, Medicine Daniel Pearlstein ’05, Business Edward Prutschi ’92, Law Judith Shapero ’90, Education Sandra Singer ’00, Accounting and Independent Film Industry Ira Teich ’66, Marketing Limore Twena ’95, Brand Manager David Walt ’03, Orthodontics Shauna Waltman ’98, Jewish Community Service Daniel Warner ’01, Marketing Noam Wolff ’00, Electrician Top: Joanna Mosko ‘01, Jeff Mosko ‘01, Rachel Goldgut ‘02 Bottom: Keynote speaker Sol Birenbaum ‘92 addresses students 18 CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING/SUMMER 2012 19 Alumni Association Naches Notes WEDDINGS Matisyahu (Matthew) Friedman ‘05 married Chana Rivka Moshiach YASHER KOACH ison Max & Mad Joel Arshoff ‘04 on recently becoming a chartered accountant. Sara Greenwood ’02 married Glen Weinberger Matisyahu (Matthew) Friedman ‘05 on receiving rabbinical ordination (smicha). Samuel (Shalom) Schwartzben ‘03 married Julie Schneider Joshua Goldstein ’99 on receiving a doctorate in Clinical Psychology specializing in Forensic Psychology Sarah Weisbrod ’04 married Michael David ENGAGEMENTS Daniele Lerner ’08 on being chosen to be academic speaker at Barnard College Yael Disenhouse ‘07 to Michael Lipson Robyn Naiberg-Goldberg ‘96 on being accepted into the Ryerson Midwifery Education Program. Michelle Kahn ’07 on her mini-series airing on Rogers Television summer 2012 Sean Friedman ’03 to Stephanie Wolkin ‘04 Daniel Warner ‘01 on winning the Notable Award in Marketing at the inaugural Lexus Notable Awards for Canadian young professionals. Mahla Shapiro ’07 to Jeremy Finkelstein Heather Socken ’03 to Gershon Hurwitz BIRTHS Daniel Warner ‘01 to Esther Benarroch Michelle Ben Dayan ’99 and Jeremy Thal welcomed Max and Madison Debbie Cohen Savage ’93 and Eli Savage welcomed Shai David Joshua Goldstein ’99 and Sara (Noy) Goldstein ‘99 welcomed Jacob Eitan Ha nnah Claire od and Sa ra Greenwo Glen Weinberger Harriet Greenwood (Dreezer) ’02 and Paul Greenwood welcomed Elias Elana Lavine ’94 and Phillip Fuhrer welcomed Maya Eded Sharona Pearl ’95 and Ben Knepler welcomed Melila Eve Zev Smith ’98 and Andrea Smith welcomed Avery Morris Ashi Stenge ’06 and Dassy Stenge welcomed Yosef Chaim Shauna Waltman ’98 and Jeremy Bornstein welcomed Hannah Claire and Mahla Shapiro Jeremy Finkelstein Sa rah Weisbrod and Michael Da vid Avery Morris Heather Soc ken and Ger shon Hurwit z 20 CHATTER MAGAZINE SPRING/SUMMER 2012 Yosef Cha im Maya Eded Elias 21 Celebrating Together Groundbreaker Edition Investing Together Building Together magazine CHATTER $10 Million Together Campaign 76% already raised Together, we’ll build great chemistry. 1 The Guttman Family Science Wing Expansion New science wing will lead to better learning TanenbaumCHAT broke ground in May 2012 for the construction of the new Guttman Family Science Wing, an endeavour of the $10 million Together Campaign which will modernize the Wilmington Avenue campus facilities. The science wing will be ready for the September 2013 school opening. The science wing offers over 15,000 square feet of additional space, and its five new science labs, greenhouse and science garden will promote new ways of investigative, hands-on teaching and learning. The new design will enclose the courtyard with a modern glass promenade, connecting the C Wing with the new addition. Students will work at custom-designed pods equipped with gas, water and equipment used regularly. This set-up will create better flow for the science teachers to move around, demonstrate larger experiments from the middle of the lab, conduct smaller ‘discovery moments’ and offer students more individualized attention at each pod. “Right now each student has to get equipment and supplies from a cart, which can be a bit chaotic, but they will soon have everything right at their fingertips,” explains Paula Sousa, head of Science. “The new science wing will impact learning, not only in science, but throughout the school. The wing will foster greater synergy,” says Helen Fox, principal, Wallenberg Campus. “In these new 21st century facilities, 2 TOGETHER CAMPAIGN SPRING/SUMMER 2012 we will now have the possibilities for exploring curriculum to its depths with the most innovative space, equipment and technology.” This greatly-needed modernization includes additional design improvements throughout the building that will create a more comfortable environment for learning and teaching, and will align TanenbaumCHAT’s facilities with other top independent schools. This achievement marks another milestone for TanenbaumCHAT. “We are so grateful for our partnership with UJA Federation who was responsible for building the $40 million Kimel Family Education Centre and instrumental in making our school a destination for significant philanthropy,” says school president Cecile Zaifman. In 2007, $4 million from the successful Tomorrow Campaign was allocated to the renovation of the Wallenberg Campus. “These funds have been used over the past five years to finance necessary infrastructure upgrades and will provide $1.3 million in funding towards the construction of the science wing.” 3 Leading Together Judy & David Engel Help us reach our $10 million target. Join the Together Campaign Steering Committee. For more information email [email protected] Leanne Matlow, Together Campaign Chair The Together Campaign is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the scope of the impact of the TanenbaumCHAT Experience on its students, faculty and our entire community. From the outset, the campaign garnered unconditional support from its honorary chairs and hardworking steering committee, and then from hundreds of donors who see their participation as a chance to help continue the legacy of excellence that TanenbaumCHAT students achieve inside and outside the walls of the Wilmington campus. As the school expands, so too does our community’s aspirations for all that its students will be able to dream and achieve. When our children attended CHAT the building was an unimpressive structure. What was impressive was within those walls....Teachers who inspired them to achieve success and be good decent members of our Jewish community. To this day some of those teachers continue to be their role models. With the success of this campaign the facility will be as impressive as its teachers, curriculum and extra curricular activities. It is our pleasure to be able to participate in this campaign so that future generations can benefit from our endeavours. Les Fluxgold As the spouse of a CHAT grad and a parent of three TanenbaumCHAT students, I can see no better investment in the future of our community than through a first class Jewish education. The Guttman Family Science Wing represents an important step in continuing to provide our children with the best chance to learn and ultimately become our next community leaders. Carrie Orfus Gelkopf ‘83 Marcy Abramsky (Chair, Groundbreaking Event) I have always said that TanenbaumCHAT is magical. I believe that the school takes each student into its capable hands and transforms them through an incredible educational journey of self fulfillment. Since 2002, I have watched my daughters enjoy their TanenbaumCHAT experiences and I am confident that future generations will only benefit from today’s donors’ generosity. We are very fortunate to have a TanenbaumCHAT in our community. Harvey Blankenstein Someone has to do it. It’s our turn to step up to the plate and build for the future. As a physician and fellow scientist, how could I resist the opportunity to be on the front line of building a state-of-the-art science facility. The timing is right and there is a need to update the entire science program at TanenbaumCHAT. My kids have benefitted from past generations’ generosity and so will future generations. I’m glad to be a small part of such a great endeavour! “If you build it they will come “ (Shoeless Joe Jackson). Stephen Bloom TanenbaumCHAT has consistently delivered for our children, and has managed to move to the head of the class among North American private schools while operating in less than ideal facilities. This is an opportunity to provide the current and future students of TanenbaumCHAT with a building that will inspire them and, by extension, our entire community, to even greater heights. The Together Campaign is reinforcing our commitment to our children and their education, and it has been very gratifying to have been able to contribute to this very worthwhile project. Ellen Chaikof ‘80 As a CHAT alum, watching my three sons thrive at TanenbaumCHAT has been immensely rewarding. The school continues to provide an exceptional education in both Jewish and General studies. Upgrading our science facilities is an important next step in ensuring that all of our kids receive the best education possible in an outstanding learning environment. An excellent Jewish education is integral to a strong Jewish identity. Both my husband are I are CHAT alumni and the parents of four children, two graduates, and two future grads. We understand the need for investment and involvement in their future and that of TanenbaumCHAT. Fran Grundman An investment in TanenbaumCHAT is an investment in our Jewish Community and its future. Our two daughters are recent TanenbaumCHAT graduates and have a strong understanding and identity with their heritage and culture. Their education, as well as the opportunity to participate in such a wide range of activities, helped to define them as young adults. The further payoff is that the girls have each chosen fields that will allow them to be productive members of society, as well as being committed to their Judaism and to Israel. We hope to provide this opportunity to future generations! Paul Marcus Our two daughters have had a wonderful experience at TanenbaumCHAT, both inside and outside of the classroom. Investing in the school, is investing in the community. Pearl and I feel fortunate to play a small part in supporting our future leaders. David Matlow I was a CHAT student in the 1970s. Someone built this school for me. My children have either graduated or will soon graduate from TanenbaumCHAT. Someone built this school for them. Now it is my turn to help build the school that future generations of TanenbaumCHAT students will enjoy. Those future students, and our entire community, will benefit from what we are accomplishing together. Harvey Naglie Our children are our greatest gift; supporting TanenbaumCHAT is the greatest gift we can give them in return. Sheldon Disenhouse My wife and our three children (now young adults) are all graduates of TanenbaumCHAT. It is a fabulous school, in so many ways, and I am happy to play a small role in helping to build a strong future for the school. 4 TOGETHER CAMPAIGN SPRING/SUMMER 2012 Cecile Zaifman I am so thankful that all three of my children have had the opportunity and privilege of attending TanenbaumCHAT. Jewish education is crucial to the continuity and strength of our community. The Together Campaign is our opportunity to enrich the educational experience of generations of TanenbaumCHAT students - the future leaders of our community. 5 Together Moments Rhonda Charlat & Brenlee Gurvey-Gales at Kimel parlour meeting Goodmans LLP luncheon Together Campaign chair Leanne Matlow, honorary chairs Larry Tanenbaum, Debbie and Warren Kimel and Helen and Allan Guttman at the groundbreaking event Les Fluxgold, Larry Tanenbaum & Cecile Zaifman at the Goodmans LLP luncheon Allan & Helen Guttman Paul Shaviv, Ray Rubin & Lloyd Hoffman at Kimel parlour meeting Kimel parlour meeting Stephen Bloom, Marcy Abramsky & Russell Masters at the Goodmans LLP luncheon Together Campaign chair Leanne Matlow speaks at the groundbreaking event 6 TOGETHER CAMPAIGN SPRING/SUMMER 2012 Allen Gales & Bruce Leboff at Kimel parlour meeting Janice Feldberg-Bly & Karine Krieger at Kimel parlour meeting TanenbaumCHAT staff hand out candies at campaign launch 7 Investing Together Thank you to all our donors. $7.6 million has been raised to date as the Together Campaign continues towards our goal of $10 million! TanenbaumCHAT staff and students support the Science Learner’s Wall The Science Learner’s Wall will be an impressive feature of donor recognition in the new science wing in the shape of the periodic table of the elements. Each of the 118 elements represents a gift of $5,000 and Wallenberg Campus staff has started its own fundraising drive to purchase an element and participate in the Together Campaign. This staff initiative is in addition to the over 65 percent of elements already sold. The TanenbaumCHAT Wallenberg Campus staff – including teaching, support and administration – was introduced to the concept at a recent staff meeting by Paula Sousa, head of Science, and science teacher Mark Rottmann. “This is a great way for us to be involved in the Together Campaign,” Paula says. “This idea was enthusiastically welcomed by the staff who have been looking for a way to participate in this transformational change for our school” “Our staff knows that the Guttman Family Science Wing will be a fantastic addition that will enhance the entire school and benefit everyone, not just the Science Department,” says Paula, referring to how the multipurpose spaces can be used for displays, events and other projects. “We have a great sense of pride as we join the many other members of the TanenbaumCHAT family to help make this happen.” TanenbaumCHAT Wallenberg students are also pulling together their loose change for CHANGE for CHAT – a new student-led campaign to raise money to purchase an element on the Science Learner’s Wall. Their chosen element is Cu – copper – representing the many pennies and other coins they collected. Led by students Elisha Krauss, Noah Lewis and Lara Liebovitz, the campaign will encourage students to empty out their jars, drawers and pockets for their loose change. “The new science wing is going to bring new potential to learning. I am very excited about features like the science garden, which will enhance our experience beyond the classroom,” 8 TOGETHER CAMPAIGN SPRING/SUMMER 2012 says Elisha. The campaign launched during Science Week in May and will continue in the next school year. “If every student participates in our activities and brings in the change that is piling up in their homes, we will have enough to buy our own element that will recognize the contribution of the current students to the fundraising campaign. We will benefit from this and we also want to inspire the next generation of students to continue to build and beautify our school,” adds Noah. “Participating in the CHANGE for CHAT fund raiser is a great way to give back to the Science Department and the faculty who has dedicated its time and effort to provide us with a first-class science education and prepare us for future studies,” says Lara. “Pretty soon, pennies will be withdrawn and be worthless, but if we can pool the ones we have they will add up and enable us to buy the copper element. This will permanently show that the students of 2012 helped to build our school.” Yitzhak & Efrat Abergel Marcy & Leonard Abramsky & Family Shirley Abramsky ANONYMOUS Alan & Rona Applebaum & Family Rhona & Irwin Ash Terry Axelrod & Heather Shapiro Sharon & Norman Bacal Marni Banack & Ben Mogil Shirley Bar Menachem Ita & Lenny Baranek Dr. Ari Baratz & Dr. Orli Goldberg Sheldon Barris Bonnie & Dov Begun Amalia Berg & The Trister Children Frances Bigman Herb & Fran Binder Joel Binder Rhona & Brian Birenbaum Laurie Blake & Cary Wasser Abe & Freda Blankenstein & Family Harvey Blankenstein & Fay Sliwin & Family Pearl & Jerry Bloom Stephen Bloom & Bonnie Goodman-Bloom Elaine Bloomberg Jeff Bly & Janice Feldberg-Bly Susy & Avi Bogler Richard & Melanie Bogoroch Tobi Bongard Elen and Howard Brodie Allan & Andrea Bronstein Michael & Rena Buckstein Angela Buslovich & Children Karen Ceifets & David Malkin Rick & Claudia Chad Bayla & Leo Chaikof David & Ellen Chaikof Rhonda & Joshua Charlat & Family Galina Chovitch Jeffrey Citron & Shawna Kalles-Citron Debbie Climans & Children Jeremy Cohen Lori Cohen Michael & Merav Cohen & Family Lisa & Jeff Dack Eli & Anita Dadouch & Family Martin Day & Martina Borchardt Sheldon & Lori Disenhouse Michael & Sara Dobner Alan Dryer & Nitsa Kohut Marvin & Miriam Dryer Tara Dubrow, David Nadler & Family Jan & Gary Elman Mordechai Enakar David & Judy Engel Richard Epstein & Rosemary Greisman Vivianne Eylon Marc & Michelle Factor Saul & Toby Feldberg & Family Jay & Vered Feldman Percy, Ellie, Carli & Samantha Fink Tova Fischtein Rob Fishbaum & Cathy Kurtz-Fishbaum Phyllis & Ab Flatt The Fleshner Family Leslie & Patti Fluxgold Helen & Harry Fox Sheldon Freeman & Sharlene Wilder & Family D H Gales Family Foundation Mindy & Jacob Galper & Family Wayne & Dianne Gelb Marvin Gelkopf & Carrie Orfus Gelkopf Pierina Gialanella David Glicksman & Ellen Drevnig Howard & Claire Glowinsky Gary & Linda Goldberg Rochelle Goldberg Shawn & Lori Goldenberg Tandy Goldenberg & Neal Sutton Allan Goldstein & Michelle Glied-Goldstein Jamie Golombek Joey & Corinne Goodbaum & Family Grace & Gilbert Goodman Shelley & Randy Goodman & Family Philip & Susan Gordin & Daughters Matt & Aviva Gottlieb Michael & Dianne Gould Herman & Marya Grad Jerry & Helen Grad Alan, Gillie & Jeremy Greenberg Jory & Helene Griesman Allan & Fauna Grill Bernie & Elise Gropper Nolan & Carol Grubert Douglas & Fran Grundman Heather Gutmann Allan & Helen Guttman Karen & Michael Haber Andrea & Stephen Halperin & Family Stephen & Carol Handelman Sharon Harding Ilana Heimlich Barry Hennick Lloyd Hoffer & Sandra Dawe Jordan Hoffman Harriet & Ralph Israel Ian & Wendy Kady Harvey & Elise Kalles Samuel & Marsha Kapustin Steven Kelman & Lisa Richman Judit Kenyeres Warren & Debbie Kimel & Family Brian, Jessica, Josh & Elana Kimmel Cindy & Eli Kipper Shauna Kipper Brad Kitchen Mindy & Chaim Klein Margaret Klompas Karine Krieger & Daniel Daviau Francy Kussner & Arthur Yallen Dr. Howard & Janice Langer Nanette Laser Mervin & Myrna Lass Robin & Dale Lastman & Family Bruce & Lianne Leboff Jeff & Debbie Levman Meredith & Jonathan Levy & Family Lori Lewittes & Ted Saskin Dr. Clifford & Mrs. Judy Librach Paul Liebovitz & Joy Sterling Paul & Susan Lindzon & Family Aaron Luftspring & Karen Karvat Beni Machtinger Helen Mahler Matanya Mali Debra Mandel Eli & Hadassah Mandel Yoel & Ayelet Marciano Pearl & Paul Marcus & Family Michele, Russell, Eric, Jake & Brett Masters Irving & Esther Matlow Jean Matlow Leanne & David Matlow & Family The Mayvon Foundation Elly & Earl Miller Joan Mortimer & Richard Schwartz Henry & Illana Morton & Family Melissa Muskat & Miles Kettner Harvey & Barbara Naglie Stephen Nash & Janice Goldberg Jodi Nathanson Joe Neumark & Lisa Tarshis Aaron Nussbaum & Family Mitchell & Naomi Oelbaum Henri & Chantal Ohayon Stephen & Michelle Pincus Ted and Nancy Rabinovitch Aviva Rajsky & Allan Kliger Tamara & Jon Rebick Carly Reed & Loren Erlich Marty & Marlene Rochwerg & Family Perach Roifman John & Susan Rose & Family Yvette Rosenberg & Ted Shoub Bonnie & Jeff Ross Avie & Fonda Roth Batya & Mark Rottmann Ray Rubin & Lloyd Hoffman Richard Samuel, Marion Greenberg & Family Randi & Peter Satok & Family Renee & Joel Schachter & Family Pearl Schusheim & Moshe Ipp & Family Todd & Rosalind Schweber Stephen Selznick Susan Shames Paul Shaviv & Michelle Stein Milton & Shoshana Shier Family Lorne & Arlene Shillinger Norman & Janet Shiner Joanna & Jeffrey Shore Donna & Lorne Silver & Family Nathan & Lily Silver Family Foundation Michelle Silverberg Alan & Rebecca Simpson Albert Sliwin & Family Edward & Fran Sonshine Paula Sousa Sari & Hal Springer Joseph & Elaine Steiner Bradley & Terry Strauss Rosemary & Gary Tile The Tylman Family Anna Urowitz-Freudenstein & David Freudenstein Venn-Mitchell Family Jory Vernon Lori Vininsky Vision Capital Corporation The Weinberger Family Heather Weinstock Stephen & Terri Weintraub & Family Andrew & Fay Weisberg & Family Ken Weisbrod & Robin Brudner Gabi Weisfeld Marie-Hélène & Gerald Weiss & Family Guy & Danielle Weissberg Werbar Investments Allen & Janet Werger The Wolle Family Megan Woodall The Worb Family Michael & Dianne Yanofsky Riva Zagov Leonard & Dalia Zaidener Cecile Zaifman & Family Belarie & Marty Zatzman & Family Howard & Carole Zerker Caroline & Dov Zevy & Family Ron Zevy Jackie & Larry Zimmerman David Zitzerman & Karen Friedman This list is current to June 7, 2012 How does our science wing grow? You can make your gift by: Top: Head of science Paula Sousa and science teacher Mark Rottmann at the Science Learner’s Wall poster Bottom: CHANGE for CHAT leaders Lara Liebovitz, Noah Lewis and Elisha Krauss Completing our online pledge form at Completing the printed pledge form on the following page. Contacting Frances Bigman, Director of Advancement, at 416-636-5984 ext. 230 or [email protected] 9 Celebrating Hardhat Tours are coming soon! Together Investing Together Building Together We will be open all summer - Come get a glimpse behind the scenes and tour the expansion. You will see first-hand how this campaign will really impact our school. To arrange your tour call Frances Bigman, 416-636-5984 x 230 Naming Opportunities Jubilee Founder $5,000,000 Biology Champion $75,000 Jubilee Patron $3,000,000 Physics Champion $75,000 Science Wing $1,000,000 committed Chemistry Champion $75,000 C-Wing $1,000,000 Classrooms $50,000 2 (of 20) committed Courtyard $1,000,000 Science Grove $50,000 Main Street Square $500,000 Atrium 2 $50,000 committed Hall of Honour $500,000 Science Square $500,000 Technical Booth Blackbox Theatre $50,000 Innovation Partner $50,000 Promenade (glass walkway) Please join in our success Your generous support of the Together Campaign will help provide a physical space that is commensurate with the passionate teaching inside – further enhancing our students’ educational experience and our community’s resources. I would like to support TanenbaumCHAT’s Together Campaign with a gift of $ Name Please contact me to discuss a gift My cheque is enclosed (payable to TanenbaumCHAT) Address Please charge my City Prov Tel. Email Thank you! Please return this form and your gift to: TanenbaumCHAT, Office for Advancement, 200 Wilmington Avenue, Toronto, ON M3H 5J8 Postal Visa MC Name on the Card Card # Signature Expiry $360,000 committed committed Sustainability Partner $50,000 Technology Partner $50,000 committed Science Garden (adjacent greenhouse) $250,000 committed Athletic Way $180,000 committed Science Faculty Room & Conference Centre $36,000 committed Music Studio $180,000 committed Science Prep Room $36,000 committed Science Wing Entrance Foyer Science Lounge $36,000 committed $180,000 committed Office, Music Studio $36,000 Fitness Studio $180,000 Green House $180,000 Practice Room, Music Studio (3) $25,000 2 (of 3) committed Main Street $180,000 Science Bay (3) $18,000 2 (of 3) committed Project Room $180,000 committed committed Science Learner’s Wall $180,000 Blackbox Theatre $100,000 committed Science Labs (5) $100,000 4 (of 5) committed Courtyard Stage $100,000 Environmental Science Champion $75,000 Science Lab Pods (30) $18,000 2 (of 30) committed Garden Pods (tree with bench) (4) $18,000 3 (of 4) committed Program office, Blackbox Theatre $18,000 Science Learner’s Wall - Element (118) $5,000 80 (of 118) committed Note: Not all confirmed gifts have selected inventory items A tax receipt will be issued for the full amount of your donation and recognition will be commensurate with the level of giving. TOGETHER CAMPAIGN SPRING/SUMMER 2012 10 Registration/BN#129827226RR0001. 11