February, 2006 Vol. 37, No. 7 Three unusual Studebakers, from the Studebaker Packard Post, newsletter of the BC Coastal chapter: Gord Wintrup’s Studamino Bullet Nose, and a Bullet Nose “Woodie” Station Wagon and Zip Van that were at the International Meet in Spokane, WA this past summer. Thanks to Istvan Pinter, Editor. Visit us on the Internet at /blackhawk The Black Hawk Chapter is the officially chartered representative of the Studebaker Drivers Club for the Northern Illinois area. The Studebaker Drivers Club is dedicated to the preservation of the Studebaker name and Studebaker related vehicles produced by the company during its period in the transportation field. A sincere interest in this cause is the only requirement for membership. Vehicle ownership is not a requirement. The Black Hawk Chapter fully supports the parent Studebaker Drivers Club, and requires membership therein. The SDC provides the membership with yearly national meetings, a monthly publication [Turning Wheels], technical assistance, historical data, assistance in parts and vehicle locating, and a membership roster on a national level. The Black Hawk Chapter provides the same services on a local level, in addition to monthly activities including 10 issues of the Starliner, dinner meetings, picnics, driving events, and fellowship and technical sessions. PRESIDENT ROLF SNOBECK 336 W. Harding Rd. Lombard, IL 60148 [630] 627-0134 RSnobeck@ Membership / Publisher NOBLE GLAUDELL 22-W-564 Juniper Ln. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 630-469-3416 [email protected] PRESIDENT ED REYNOLDS 97N 150W Greenfield, IN 46140 [email protected] Upper Miss. Valley Zone Director LARRY SWANSON Box 1040 Oswego, IL 60543 630-554-2889 [email protected] BLACK HAWK CHAPTER OFFICERS VICE-PRESIDENT ED MANLY 22 E.Stonegate Dr. Prospect Hts, IL 60070 847-215-9350 [email protected] ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR SCOTT STASTNY 512 E Grand Lake W. Chicago IL 60185 630-231-7744 [email protected] Secretary & Asst. Editor MARK van DEVENTER 9-S-252 Naper Blvd Naperville, IL 60565 (630)-428-4697 MarkvanDev@StudebakerC Asst. Activities Director Position is Vacant Let us put YOU in a position where you can DO something!! [call Scott] NATIONAL S.D.C. OFFICERS VICE PRESIDENT RICHARD DORMOIS P.O.Box 30103 Mesa, AZ 85275 [email protected] SECRETARY JAN LOCKMON 9417 W.Cedar Hill Circle S, Sun City, AZ 85351 [email protected] REGIONAL S.D.C. OFFICERS Upper Miss. Valley Zone Coordinator DUANE MILLER 1808 S. 11th Ave. Eldridge, IA 52748 563-285-8613 [email protected] STUDEBAKER SPECIALTIES TREASURER DOUG KAY 571 Williamsburg Rd GlenEllyn, IL 60137 (630) 858-1972 [email protected] Photo Documentarian FRANK GUADAGNO 360 N Catalpa Wood Dale, IL 60191 630-350-7563 [email protected] TREASURER BRIAN MILLETTE 3434 W Anthem Way #118 Anthem, AZ 85086 [email protected] Illinois Regional Manager [and Starliner Editor] DAVE REID 3212 South Lowe Ave Chicago,Il 60616-3408 (312)842-1864 [email protected] [email protected] PARTS BOB KAPTEYN 112 Bissell Street Joliet, IL 60432-3002 (815) 722-7262 [email protected] PARTS & REPAIRS ROSCOE STELFORD RR#1, Box 146-A Hampshire, IL 60140 (847) 464-5119 [email protected] REPAIRS & STORAGE GREG LENTINI 3725 Jugtown Rd. Morris, IL 60450 815-942-8121 PAINTING & REPAIRS RICKY GUZMAN 4731 W. Rice Chicago, IL 773-391-3070 MOBILE DeeJay PAINTING & REPAIR SCOTT STASTNY 319 Wilson W. Chicago, IL 60185 (630) 293-7750 [email protected] MARK van DEVENTER 630-421-8752 MarkvanDev@comcast. net The Starliner is the official publication of the Black Hawk Chapter, SDC, serving Studebaker, Avanti, and other Studebaker related vehicle enthusiasts in the Northeastern Illinois area. Reprinting of any articles contained herein is granted to any other SDC related organization provided The Starliner and appropriate author(s) are credited as the source. Neither the club nor the editor is responsible for the accuracy or veracity of want-ads contained herein, although reasonable attempts are made to assure accuracy in everything we publish. Monthly chapter meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm, at locations which change monthly. Please see the chapter calendar for the current meeting location. If there is any question regarding directions, call the editor, activities director or president at the numbers listed above. For membership information, see the applications printed on the back page, and/or call the Chapter President or Membership Director, or call or write to Kris Wheeler at Kustom Registration Information, PO Box 1743, Maple Grove, MN 55311 or at 763-420-7829 or fax at 763-420-7849.The deadline for submission of articles, ads, etc., for the Starliner, is the15th of the month. We publish as of the 20th, so please try to get your material to the editor sooner, if possible!! - All submissions are appreciated, and will be included as space and relevance allows. January 23, 2006 Happy New Year!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas or Hanukah, and safe New Year’s celebration. This is my first Prez Sez of the year. For those who attended the annual Christmas Party, I think it’s safe to say that everyone enjoyed themselves. The food was good, the room a little tight on space, but on balance, a nice place. We had another Chinese auction, and added several hundred dollars to the Zone Meet fund through that effort. I’m going to ramble a little later about Zone Meet “stuff”, but first some important business. We need some new blood on your Chapter’s Board of Directors. At the February Meeting we need to select our candidates for Chapter officers, hold elections at the March Meeting, and install our new officers at the Spring Brunch in April. Several of our officers will be completing their second term in April and cannot run again. Do you see where I’m going here?? As you may know, each term is for two years. If you have ever thought about “throwing your hat in the ring”, now is the time. None of the jobs is particularly difficult, and sometimes it’s actually fun. Think about helping to run our Club. Please come to the February Meeting at Mr. Beef and Pizza and consider getting nominated. All positions are open for election. Just off the top of my head, I can tell you that the Activities Director and Treasurer are both completing their second term, they cannot run again. Due to the upcoming Zone Meet, it was moved and accepted at the January meeting that we will hold all our monthly meetings at Mr. Beef and Pizza until the Zone Meet is completed. Scott Stastny, your incumbent Activities Director is spending the bulk of his time preparing for the Zone Meet, so we will keep our monthly activities simple for the duration. This will also give our to-be-elected Activities Director a free hand in setting up the balance of the year. We have signed up again to attend the Lilac Parade in Lombard. Since this is just a few weeks before the Zone Meet, we will NOT have a Picnic afterwards. We’re going to participate so we don’t lose our standing with the Parade Committee. Quite a bit of more work has been done on the Zone Meet since I last wrote you. Folks out in StudeDom have been sending in Registration forms to yours truly. Several things that you need to know: 1. If you want to stay at the Meet Hotel, please reserve you room before May 18th. The rate until then is $79 to $82 per night, a great rate for a Hilton. After May 18th, the rate goes to $159. If in doubt, make a reservation; check the cancellation policy in case you need to cancel. 2. We made an error on the Meet Advertisement, which is my fault, as I didn’t catch it before we published. The cost for dinner at the Awards Banquet is $29 for chicken or vegetarian, but $37 for beef. I apologize for the mis-print. No one from the Black Hawk Chapter has signed up yet, so it doesn’t affect us per se, but I do need to make some uncomfortable phone calls to other SDC members who have sign up already. Please see included in this Starliner, information for getting reservations made at the Hilton, and hopefully, the new Zone Meet Registration Form, complete with the correct meal information. Also included is a letter and commitment form for donations to the Zone Meet. Please approach your employer or other interested parties about making a donation to our cause. Quite a bit has been completed for the Zone Meet. Many of the subcommittee heads have been working on their respective areas. I’m excited at what has been accomplished, and look forward to telling you more at the February Meeting, and in the March Starliner. Check your e-mail regularly, I’ll be sending out Zone Meet updates as required. See you at the next Meeting. BLACKHAWK CHAPTER SCHEDULE Regular Meetings will continue to be the first Tuesday of each month, [8pm] at Mr. Beef and Pizza in Mt. Prospect. Contact Rolf Snobeck at 630-514-1867 with any questions. Due to the upcoming Zone Meet, we will stay with Mr. Beef until after the meet, so we can concentrate our efforts on it. Sunday, April 23rd, 2006: Our Spring Brunch, with Installation of New Officers/Recognition of “Old”Officers will be at Café Alyce, at the Best Western, Elk Grove [as the past few years]. It will be from 10:30 - 2:30, with the presentations at about 1pm. Prices went up a bit this year, with Adults $22, Seniors 62+ at $18, and Kids, 6-12 $13. This includes beverage, tax and tip. May 18-21, 2006 This [coming] year’s “Spring Studebaker Rally,” begun by Jack Willis and the RRVC in Dubuque a couple of years ago, this past year in the Quad Cities, and now, in Springfield, IL... Tours of Illinois State Museum, Shea’s Gas Station museum, Lincoln Depot [Thurs]; Lincoln Pres. Museum and nearby attractions (Capital, Lincoln Law Office) then cruise 22 miles to Ashland, IL for Cruise Night (Stude’s featured)[Friday]; Cruise 30 miles to Lincoln’s New Salem, lunch in Petersburg, IL, then drive to Lincoln Tomb and WWII & Korean Memorials in Oak Ridge Cemetery, group dinner TBA [Sat]; breakfast and home [Sun] [I believe the Avantis, Pierces and Hudsons have also been invited] Host Hotel is Route 66 Hotel/Conf Ctr, So. 6th St & Stevenson Dr., $55/night. [has restaurant, lounge, pool] - - mark your calendars... more info to follow June 8-11, 2006 Zone Meet, [Yes, THURSDAY thru Sunday, with Lots of Tours, Quick Judging, and lots of FUN and Family Stuff!!], at the Lisle/Naperville Hilton (right across the street from site of ‘92 meet) YOU MUST RESERVE YOUR ROOM BEFORE MAY 18TH TO GET THE GREAT RATE - AFTER THAT, IT JUST ABOUT DOUBLES!! 9/24-29/2006 SDC International Meet, Omaha, Nebraska 7/17-23/2007 SDC Meet in South Bend, sponsored by the NEW Studebaker National Museum [a FIRST!] 9/14-16/2007 Zone Meet, Rockford, RRVC Third weekend of September [Clock Tower Inn Resort] 7/17-23/2007 SDC Meet in South Bend, sponsored by the NEW Studebaker National Museum [a FIRST!] Thanks for our [your chapter’s “publication team”’s ] “vacation” last month - - now to get back at it!! I have a whole stack of news bits here, and will relate them in no particular order: “The GURU of Studebaker”, according to a piece in the South Bend Tribune on December 28th, 2005, is one of our own, Mr. Richard Quinn, of Mokena, IL. Steve Schmadeke, Tribune Staff Writer, who did the story, gave a nice overview of Dick and his accomplishments over the years, including a monthly column in Turning Wheels, and MANY articles in various old car magazines for many years. To say the least, Dick is the MOST knowledgeable Stude-feller I’ve ever met, and he’ll again be the Banquet Speaker at our Zone Meet - Don’t miss it! We are sorry to report that Arnold Altman, 88, one of the original co-owners of the Avanti II corporation, passed away January 7th, as the result of lung cancer. He gave many South Bend youths their first job at Avanti, and loved the car that he, his brother Nate, and Leo Newman brought back to life after Studebaker quit making it. Jack Willis of Rockford, sends this notice about one of the RRVC’s members: “Harry Powell has been a good member of RRVC/SDC, and a great old car lover. He has cancer of the pancreas, and is not doing well. Please send a shower of cards, and he is raising a couple grand-kids, so put a few bucks in, if you can. THANKS! [205 W 5th St, Belvidere, IL 61108] Ken Libert, knowing that we like old cars and “oldies”, sent this in: As the Chicagoland radio stations seem to change formats often, here are the Latest Oldies Stations: Real Oldies 1690 a.m. and WJMK oldies 104.3 f.m. - - for sports: ESPN 1000 - WMVP - AM. Check the CALENDAR, and MARK April 23rd, so you and yours can attend our Spring Brunch with Recognition/Installation of Outgoing/Incoming Officers. JET-THRUST NEWS, for “Avanti-Powered” enthusiasts, is now available [only] by email, at no charge. JTN is intended to provide a link among owners and friends of R1, R2, R3, and R4 powered Studebaker Avantis, Larks and Hawks built in the 1963-4 model years. Please write, call or email, including information about any such car[s] that you own or know of, including parts you have from scrapped vehicles. There is no longer any hard copy distribution, except by special arrangements with the editor: Ron Ellerbe, P O Box 1783, Simi Valley, CA 93062 [805]522-4544 [email protected] [thanks to Editor Dale McPherson, Brickyard Bulletin, Indy Chapter] Also from the Brickyard Bulletin: the Studebaker National Museum is a recent recipient of $168,000 as a Same America’s Treasures grantee. The grant will be used to restore 8 vehicles in the museum’s National Treasures collection. See our back cover for a form to join the museum, and make your own donation. Just received my March Cars & Parts, and their “Class of ‘53" article includes a pic of a ‘53 Starlight Coupe in mint green, and a nice writeup. [also rec’d today was Road and Track, whose cover sez the Camaro will be back for 2008????] Well, my friends, keep that GREASY side DOWN!! “STUDEBAKERs don’t Leak Oil; they Mark their Territory!!!” /dave/ WANT AD’s You know the drill, we just print them, it’s up to you to exercise “due diligence” - you know, that stuff they’re all talking about on TV lately!!! Member Bob Peak has decided to thin out some of his “stuff”: ‘60 Lark Wagon [2dr], black, 350 engine, 4spd, w/ 3:31 posi rearend, clean, interior like new, see to believ; bit of normal fender rust, $10k; T10 4spd trans with bell housing NOT o/d: Best Offer; TWO ‘39 PACKARD 3spd floor shift trans: best offer Bob Peak: 773-765-7007 [email protected] Stan Smith wants to sell his ‘61 Lark VI, 3-spd, 4-door, Desert Sand, NO rust, 100,000 miles on odo, but about half of that while it was being towed back and forth to Miami from DesPlaines for many years.. Purchased from original owner, who bought it new in Miami. $2,500(firm) 630-898-5374 [email protected] Paul Scachnitowski has a split-rim truck tire bead breaker [looks like a small jack hammer. Let editor or Paul know if you’re interested, as it’s not easy to haul around. [email protected] Doug Kay sent us an ad for his car: ‘54 Land Cruiser, new Maui (powder blue) paint, 33k orig. miles, 232 V8/new camshaft, 3spd w/ OD, Hillholder clutch. Best offer near $10,000 Call 630-935-7821 or [email protected] [wonderful car!!!/ed.] Ken Holste has a ‘64 Daytona 4-dr sedan that he’s had for years. 100k miles, dk green, fair green vinyl interior, sitting long time,trans seals may be leaking, V8/Auto, radio, heater $4,000 or offer [looks good in photo] 708-385-2190. Clarence Clark was in Beardstown, IL, for a reunion, and found out about this ‘50 Champion 2-door: Older restoration, stored 6 yrs since owner died, “ran fine” but now has flat tire, clean, and kept covered, starting to show signs of age from storage. Brian Ralston 217-323-3522 [h] or 217-248-0580 [c]. Family is asking $8k or offer - Clarence would tell you about it, as he and Ivan looked it over carefully 630-553-9567. From Carl Meyer: [the T-Bird sold, but he’d like to sell the ‘55 Studebaker Salesman’s Zippered Catalog Case - - you may have seen it at one of our meetings [Beautiful!] - swatches, color charts, several pages of interactive charts, complete with forms for sales, trade-ins and credit. 773-585-8031. Roger Gorski called with this ad: ‘73 Buick Riviera [friend’s] nice shape, $3,500 OBO, 440, White over Blue, call Skip at 630-243-0181. Frank Lillig wrote: It’s time to pass on the Avanti, so here goes: Studebaker Avanti: ‘63 R1, PW, Am/Fm, Auto, powerful, solid, good interior, needs paint and detailing. Asking $10,900. Contact Greg Lentini 815-942-8121 Scott Stastny says the following items are still available: ‘53 Commander “C” rear axle, complete: drum to drum. $75 [630]293-7750; Also, ‘58 Golden Hawk hood and “scoop”, a little surface rust, but the corners are good $300; ‘63 Hawk doors have rust, but the guts are all there [$30 each]; Coupe doors with NO guts, but very solid doors, left and right, $125 each.Call 630293-7750 Scott just sent in these next two, as well: ‘63 Avanti, rl, 4spd, ps, pdb, red. Runs great, new rebuilt ps system, rebuilt motor, repainted. Great shape $15k call Boyd Limberg [h]847334-1464 [shop] 847-385-8340 1964 DAYTONA HARDTOP. One of the last hardtops made by Studebaker. This like-new California car is an unrestored 3-owner 50K original. 259, Auto, PS, PB, Bordeaux Red by Scott Stastny/Deluxe Auto Works, 200 Watt Kenwood Audio System with 10 disc CD in trunk (no holes cut to install), Electronic ignition, Original wheels and covers. 10K Firm. Ask for video. Photo at Shannon 800439-3827 or 708-670-3946. [email protected] Ron Fohrman, whose dad owned Studebaker by Fohrman at 4748 W Fullerton from ‘53-‘65, has TWO car storage buildings for rent. They are both in good neighborhoods, are secure, and have heat and light. The building in Hammond fits 3 cars [rent is $550/mo], the Butler building in Mundelein will fit 810 cars [rent is $1350/mo]. Contact Ron at 847-648-9755, [email protected] or P O Box 245, Highland Park, IL 60035. Jay Crites’ WPC friend James Morris has a ‘37 President 4dr sedan w/ trunk, 8 cyl w/ OD, new glass and Brown Paint, WWW’s, good orig. interior, elec. Fuel pump, polished SS, chrome re-plated, orig. wiring and engine, $9k obo, 815-385-7452 [McHenry] [beautiful in pic Jay gave me] [this from the folks who were advertising the coupe the past few months.. It sold, but these PARTS cars are available:] These cars are all complete: 1954 commander, 4dr., v-8 stick o.d. parts car, 1958commander 4dr. 6cyl., stick parts car , 1960 stud. champ pickup , 6cyl. stick parts truck , 1964 commander 4dr.v8stick runs make offer on all 573-384-5810 [email protected] Bill Fortier, of Milwaukee has pulled the body of his ‘53 Coupe and placed it on the undercarriage of a Z28, or some such annermule he therefore has a NICE rolling chassis With sweetrunning flathead 6 and 3spd [not OD] trans, I think for around $500 - he’ll hold his phone up to the running engine, which maintains 40 oil psi. 414-839-4126 or [email protected] ‘62 Lark Cruiser, 4dr, 3spd, black/grey int., 69k miles, NOT running, Oakland, NE, 402-685-6226. ‘49 Champion Starlight Coupe, green, www, new uph, all lines are new, brakes, shocks, headliner are new, paint is “matched” to orig., engine rebuilt and has 1784 miles on it, w/ 3spd OD trans. 90% pro done, 10% owner resto. Runs and drives good. $14k obo All offers considered: Roy Willoughby, 718 C u p i d C t . , R a ymo r e , M O 6 4 0 8 3 8 1 6 - 5 0 6 - 8 0 9 9 [email protected] ‘53 Commander Starliner, $2,500 Dan Richardson, 816524-6390 [above 2 from Betty Dornhoffer’s Studebaker News, of the 2005 Zone Meet Sponsoring Heart of America chapter [KC., Mo] ‘75 Oldsmobile Convertible [RED] pics looked very nice: Ken Libert, - Oak Lawn, 708-422-3691 for more info. Ken also sent in this one for a friend: ‘57 Ford Fairlane 2dr HardTop [not a Fairlane 500] Fully restored in ‘97, white over red, 312 ci Thunderbird engine/4bbl carb. W/ Ford-oMatictrans. Call Paul at 708-535-6743 or email [email protected] $13,500. Keith Barnwell sent an email saying he has a BUNCH of Studebaker parts for sale - - ‘53-‘63 C & K - - call him at 913306-1176 or email at [email protected] for the list. [I’ll bring it to the October meeting/dave] Car Collector magazine had a display ad showing a ‘36 Studebaker Hearse - “all here, no rust holes, with title, only 10 made in ‘36"Harold: 706-356-1956 [GA] Jay Crites found this in a MN paper: ‘50 Project Pickup: perfect body with yellow paint, on a ‘90 Ford frame, AT, PS, PB, V6.... Moving, must sell $2,500 OBO 612-920-8563 From Ken Libert: For Secure Storage in Mokena, call Doug at 708-514-4591. $50/month, concrete and dry. The rest of the Starliner is about the Zone Meet in June the link to those pages is:
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