Snake charm - HELP EARTH :A Society For Conservation Of
Snake charm - HELP EARTH :A Society For Conservation Of
THE ASSAM TRIBUNE GUWAHATI, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 2009 Page 3 S NAKE, the name itself sends a chill down the spine. Whether we like them or not they are a part of our age-old culture and heritage. In most cases they depict negative forces. Even quotes and proverbs in different languages have given them a special place. There may be very few animals with more enigmas associated with, than a snake. Even today when intergalactic communication is becoming a reality, people find it hard to believe that snakes are just like any other animal around us. Myths and superstitions have made them more then just an animal. One of the most popular of all these myths is the concept of icchadhari nagin wherein a snake by its wish can turn from itself to a human being. Interesting! Philosophically humans are the greatest creation of God. Now if a snake can switch between itself and human being, it should have been the greatest creation ever. Scientifically, evolutionary biologists in the likes of Darwin and Lamarck would have turned in their graves seeing such a fast rate of evolution. But the fact is they are just another vertebrate occupying a place in animal kingdom, with may be just a little exception in the form of venom that a few of them produce. Snakes are a very interesting group of animals which are believed to have evolved from lizards like life forms more then 100 million years ago. Those lizards like forms slowly evolved to what we know today as snake. The first thing we notice in this evolution is the loss of limb. Let us think of ourselves without limbs, it’s just scary! But for snake it was rather a boon. Now it could get hold of its prey into those burrows and holes where its previous form could not, because their limbs usually got stuck! Gradual evolution has made them master hunters. They can swim in water, crawl on ground, climb tall trees and some of them can even glide in air. Also they do not have ears like their lizard cousins. This means that they are deaf to the air borne sounds. But what about those spellbinding street snake shows, where the snake charmers make the snake dance to the tune of its been. Snakes actually cannot listen to any of those tunes which have a far fetched effect in our own Bollywood. The snake rather focuses on to the movement of the arms and the been of the charmer and just responds to those movements. Rather snakes Snake charm taste their environment. The forked tongue of the snake is its most important sense organ that collects the scent particles around it. These scents are then decoded in an organ attached to the roof of the tongue, called the Jacobson’s organ. That’s why we see the snake flicker its tongue. By doing this they keep a track of their surroundings. Though some snakes have acute vision, but in most cases they are no match to us in seeing this beautiful world. In addition to these, some snakes have an additional sense organ in the form of ‘thermo receptor pits’. These are either located on the upper lips or between the nose and the eyes of the snake. Through these pits they can gauge the slightest of temperature fluctuations around them, thus enabling the snake to strike with surgical precision, even in complete darkness. Snake are ‘ectotherms’, meaning that they cannot regulate their body temperature as we do. That is why they hide during winter. Another queer character of snakes is that they regularly shed their skin. This is because they grow continually; and the old cover can no longer hold them. Perhaps the most important thing regarding the snakes is their capacity to produce venom. This venom is produced in small sacs called venom glands present in the posterior part of their upper jaw. When Know the WORD Deva Kumar Das Jayaditya Purkayastha a snake is excited or feels threatened it lets lose this venom which travels from the gland to the fangs via venom ducts. Fangs are actually just the enlarged teeth. A typical fang is hollow from inside, through which venom runs out when an injection is made. Fortunately, majority of the snakes are non-venomous and rather harmless as opposed to our prevailing belief. Our irrelevant fear associated with snakes is one of the most important factors in the way of their conservation. For most, all snakes are venomous. But the fact is in India, only about 20% of all snakes, except those living in sea, can cause a fatal bite to humans. Even more interestingly, most of them are forestdwellers and less than 7% of these venomous snakes come in any type of human contact. The snake venom is a complex mixture of proteins and inorganic ions. The venom once administered in the body of the victim will act according to its composition. The venom of cobras and kraits are basically neurotoxic in origin, wherein they block the nerve impulses and generally the victim suffocates to death, as the nerves feeding the diaphragm with impulses generally stop working. The ef- fect of envenomation can be experienced quickly, maybe within an hour of bite. For others like certain vipers producing cytotoxic venom, the effect may take time to set in. Bite from this type of snake generally destroys the tissue and causes necrosis. In this type of bite even if the life is saved, the victim may have to go for organ amputation. Fortunately, the answer to these snake bites lie in the snake venom itself. The antivenom is the only medication available during a venomous bite. The antivenom is prepared from the venom of the snake itself. Also the venom has other medicinal implications. Studies show that snake venom may slow down tumour growth. The anticoagulant property in the venom of some snakes may help treat various heart ailments. Snake venom can also help formulate pain-killers thousand times more potent than morphine. Snakes, in general, are also important. They maintain balance in the ecosystem. It reminds me of Janmastami festival celebrated in Mumbai, where devotees form a human pyramid with a goal to break a dahi handi above them. Now consider removing any of the devotees from the pyramid except the top one. What will be the outcome? Yes, the whole structure will collapse. The snake here is equivalent to any of those devotees, re- L spree of random testing of nuclear weapons. InternaITTLE Boy was 4,000 kg in weight and 3 m in tional nuclear black marketing is now a million-dollar length and 60 kg of Uranium-235 was used to business. China tested the first bomb on October 16, build it. It was the first atom bomb. On August 1964. India did the historic test at Pokhran, on May 18, 6, 1945, at 8:15 am, Little Boy was dropped 1974. Following these, Pakistan set up a gas centrifuge on Hiroshima by America to avenge Japan’s uranium power plant. England, Holland, and West GerSeptember 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor attack; Little Boy many jointly devised the gas centrifuge system to enrich exploded 580 m above the ground; the explosion, uranium commercially. To continue the nuclear research, equivalent to 12 kiloton TNT, took 45 minutes to enPakistan, which boasts of velope the city entirely in sophisticated military the nuclear cloud. After power and virtually heads three days, on August 9, the Islamic countries, got 1945, at 11:02 am, antremendous financial help other Plutonium-239 from them and regularly based bomb, which was bought uranium enrich4,500 kg in weight and 3 ment machines in dism in length was exploded guise. Pakistan had even 500 m above Nagasaki, Jadisobeyed IAEA (Internapan. It was Fat Man. tional Atomic Energy The immense impulse Agency) adamantly in its bid to build the from nuclear explosions made air blow Neilay Khasnabish bomb. Now Pakistan is a nuclear power. at a speed of 0.37 km per second both Future wars will be nuclear wars. If in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. After four unfortunately wars happen, the nuclear weapons will hours of the blasts, it began to rain heavily. It was black be cast at the industrial areas of the enemy countries. rain full of acid. Some people, who managed to survive To destroy a place having more than 30 lakh people, a the attacks, just went mad, failing to find their families 10-megaton bomb is sufficient. If a one-megaton bomb alive. In the delayed stage of the explosions, radioactivis exploded about 40 km above a country, the massive ity broke the chromosomes of the body cells of the electro magnetic impulse will make electricity, radar, and survivors, caused them cancer, and killed the cells inside others electronics communication systems go out of order their bones; the victims of ionised radiations got laid up in an instant. The atomic war can miserably stop huwith nausea, fever, secretion of blood from the gum man progress. So, many countries are now thinking of and the nose, loss of hair and immune system, extreme building underground radioactivity proof homes or fallweakness, and finally blood cancer; their hemopoietic out shelters. It cannot be guaranteed that such homes tissues got severely damaged; they suffered from suffoor shelters will be totally fruitful. cation and over sensitivity; the beta ray burnt their skin; Nuclear weapons have given international politics and they lost their vision; their thyroid glands became diplomacy a new dimension. People all over the world smashed up; the cries of paralysed children, who were chant slogans against nuclear research projects. The nuborn to them, filled their houses. History shamefacedly clear waste, kept inside the soil in large steel tanks, also recorded all this – the human devastation, the huge produce hazardous radiation. This radiation makes uninhumanity, the abject condition surrounding the surviderground water undrinkable. This radiation severely afvors. fects the marine life. As the longevity of a nuclear power A nuclear explosion forms a giant fireball and rapidly plant is about 20 years, it is certain that people cannot increases, while moving upward with its full radius and escape the menace when the plant is abandoned. Demass. The radius of this fireball depends on the intenspite protests and oppositions, most countries are still sity of the bomb; one-megaton bomb can produce a frantically trying to carry out their nuclear programmes. fireball of 1,200 m radius. Both fission and fusion reacThe tropical countries like India can exploit the best tions produce neutron, which reacts with nitrogen and from the solar energy system. Both first world and third emit gamma ray. The radioactive particles keep on floatworld countries should join hands to take the advantage ing in the troposphere and the stratosphere for a long of solar energy. The politicians adore power and intime. Some radioactive particles settle down due to the stant fame. The bomb gives them confidence, power, gravity, in a colloidal form. A nuclear explosion proand instant fame. But nobody is endowed with the leduces immense heat, causes the air temperature to rise gitimate right to play with the lives of the innocent to 2,000 Kelvin, and creates nitrogen oxide. Nitrogen people. oxide forms nitrous acid; nitrous acid, acid rain. A nuclear explosion produces other poisonous radioisotopes which if get dissolved in acid rain and come in contact with a man, make the latter suffer from severe skin burn. The acid rain makes soil infertile and drinking water poisonous. The nuclear radiation, emitted in a nuclear explosion, increases the concentration of ozone in the air and prevents the growth of plants. Unfortunately, accidents may occur in a nuclear power plant that contains enormous amount of refined radioactive materials, enough to demolish a country. The workers of a nuclear power plant sometimes fall prey to nuclear fallout. In such a plant, the workers are replaced at short intervals since they cannot work in front of the radioactive substances at a stretch, for several days. Till today, about more than 14,000 workers have been replaced at Tarapur nuclear plant. Nowadays, the designing of a nuclear weapon is no longer a secret. Several third world countries are on the Nuclear nightmare I DIOMS are a group of words which have a special meaning when used together. Listed below are ten idioms. How many of them do you know? Find out. Match the idiom in column A with its meaning in column B. A 1. Take to one’s heels 2. In for it 3. The small hours 4. It’s no go 5. Learn by heart 6. Hang-dog look 7. Hare brained 8. Under the hammer 9. Nine day’s wonder 10.Strike oil B a) Memorize b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Guilty expression Wonder soon over With little sense On the verge of trouble Between 1 am and 3 am Up for sale Make a lucky discovery It will not work Run away ANSWERS A 1. Take to one’s heels 2. In for it 3. The small hours 4. It’s no go 5. Learn by heart 6. Hang-dog look 7. Hare brained 8. Under the hammer 9. Nine day’s wonder 10. Strike oil e) f) i) a) b) d) g) c) h) On the verge of trouble Between 1 am and 3 am It will not work Memorize Guilty expression With little sense Up for sale Wonder soon over Make a lucky discovery B j) Run away SCORES: All correct: Superior, Eight correct: Good, Six correct: Average move the snake and the whole ecosystem will collapse. Also snakes feed upon small mammals like rats and mice which are a menace to farmers. In India most of the snakes are protected by law but practices like snake charming, trade of snake skin and malicious killing of snake still prevails. Most of the venomous snakes used by snake charmers are either defanged or the whole venom gland is removed, and ultimately the snake dies a slow and painful death. Here we can play a vital role by not participating in these types of inhuman displays. But, there still remains an ethical question to be answered. What will the snake charmers do now? They were doing what they knew the best. The answer lies with the Irulas of South India. The Irulas now have taken up the work of venom extraction from the snakes with the help of local agencies. Their knowledge on snakes is again earning them their bread, but this time for a noble cause, for production of antivenom. Another problem is the snake-human encounter itself. In most cases, the former has to lose its life because of our misconception regarding them. Fact is snakes only bite if provoked or cornered, or else their general instinct is to avoid us. They are rather more afraid of us than we are of them! More than hundred species of snakes are reported from the Northeast India. About 25 odd species of snakes can be found in and around Guwahati itself with checkered keelback (dhora saap), common water snake (meni saap), common wolf snake (maruli saap), striped keelback (bamuni saap), trinket snake (nilaji gom), redneck keelback (batraj), python (ajagar), monocled cobra (chokori pheti), Indian rat snake (hulaberia) being the most common ones. Since the Northeast is a biodiversity hotspot, more research will certainly reveal new data regarding the snakes. With more knowledge of facts regarding snakes the irrelevant myths and superstitions among masses will slowly die out, thus helping the cause of conservation of this misinterpreted animal. Whatever it is, we still remain the greatest creation of nature ever, but why? It’s just because if any organism has the power of reorganizing most of the aspects of nature for a better tomorrow, it’s ‘us’. If we do not take care of our earthly cousins, who will? [email protected] tape TALK Devajit Chayengia DOLL DOMINATION, BY PUSSYCAT DOLLS, UNIVERSAL, RS 395 LOS ANGELES glamour babes the Pussycat Dolls’ second album, Dolls Domination, seems to show some sort of a character by having songs of loss and love. Reflective of the quintet’s growing maturity, this dance popheavy album is also helped in attaining its quality by some top international artistes. While the Pussycat Dolls make simple pop music for the ears of the masses, they tend to sell their brand of music through their glamour quotient. That said, the highlights of this revised album definitely are the hit singles Jai ho (you are my destiny) - AR Rahman & Pussycat Dolls, When I grow up, I hate this part and Bottle pop feat. Snoop Dogg (Punjabi MC remix). You folks may also try out catchy tracks such as – Whatcha think about that feat. Missy Elliott; Out of this club feat. R Kelly/Polow Da Doon; Who’s gonna love you; Magic; Halo; In person; Hush hush; Love the way..., Painted windows, etc. While Doll Domination may just remain a title, their music may still appeal to many a music buff! ARZIYAN, KAILASH KHER HITS, T-SERIES, RS 149 SOULFUL and Sufi have become synonymous with Kailash Kher with the diminutive singer’s bulk of works belonging to that genre. This album’s title, Arziyan, amply indicates the Sufi spirit of establishing a communication with the Supreme Power. Characteristic outcome of a pure soul, Sufi songs show the quality of serene sweetness and this can found in abundance in this compilation (also featuring Sunidhi Chauhan, Richa Sharma and Amitabh Bachchan). Serious music lovers here get an opportunity to do some soul searching through gems like – Arziyan, Ya Rabba, Mere maula, Toot gaya, Jhuki jhuki, Kawana janam ke badla, Ud ud jaye, Barf khushi hai, Chak lein de, Chal rahi hai saanse, Rama o Rama, etc. Get a feel of the magic moments when Kailash’s earthy voice attains a touch of divinity! I LOVE BHANGRA, COLLECTION, SONY MUSIC, RS 175 POPULARITY of Punjabi pop may be past its prime, but the power/punch of its infectious rhythms definitely has an enduring quality. This has been proved time and again by numerous hits charts featuring one Punjabi variety number or the other. Now this 2-CD album containing ‘the definitive Bolly Bhangra blowout’ attempts to cash in on this very craze for Punjabi pop. Many of you would end up saying ‘I love Bhangra’, after tuning in real HOT hits such as – Maa da laadla & Desi girl - Dostana; Jee karda - Singh Is King; Dhol wajda - Kailash Kher; Glassy - Sona Family; Let the music play - Shamur; Saawan mein... - Mika; Akhiyan udeek diyan - Jinx; Boot polishan - Gurdaas Mann; Ishq & Gal ban gayee - Sukhbir; Mundiyan tu... Punjabi MC; Mitraan di jaan - H Dhami; Sexy naughty... Bhangra mix - Tata Young; Akhiyan teriyan - Kaal; Pretty woman & Maahi ve - Kal Ho Na Ho; Say shava - K3G; Rang de basanti - RDB; Kaava... - NC Karunya, etc. It’s definitive Bhangra blast! Courtesy: Planet M