Debutante Ball Raleigh Memorial Auditorium
Debutante Ball Raleigh Memorial Auditorium
TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL Debutante Ball Raleigh Memorial Auditorium RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA NOVEMBER TWENTY-THIRD Nineteen Hundred Sixty-Two Sponsored By ALPHA THETA OMEGA CHAPTER of ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INC. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Irving-Swain Press, Inc. Raleigh, N. C. Officers Basileus SOROR HARRIETT B. WEBSTER Anti-Basileus SOROR AUDREY H. LOGAN Grammateus .. SOROR M I N N I E P. WILLIAMS Anti-Grammateus SOROR RUBY P. GREENE Epistoleus SOROR MERTIE H. BATEY Tamiochus SOROR ELSIE COOLEY Dean of Pledgees .. SOROR SYLVIA PAYNE Parliamentarian ... ... SOROR HATTIE EDMONDSON Ivy Leaf Reporter SOROR GLADYS HUNT GRADUATE ADVISORS Beta Rho Chapter Shaw University Gamma Xi Chapter Saint Augustine's College SOROR A N N E G. FULFORD SOROR VIRGINIA K. NEWELL NATIONAL OFFICERS Supreme Basileus SOROR MARJORIE PARKER 4919 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. Regional Director SOROR LUCILLE PIGGOTT 801 Cambridge Street Greensboro, North Carolina Administrative Secretary SOROR CAREY B. PRESTON 5211 South Greenwood Avenue Chicago, Illinois ROSTER OF ALPHA THETA OMEGA CHAPTER Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Marguerite M. Adams Edwinton R. Ball Mertie H. Batey Lillian C. Brown Elsie H. Cooley Myrtle C. Crockett Marjorie B. Debnam Minetta B. Eaton Hattie M. Edmondson Anne G. Fulford Ruby P. Greene Jeanette E. Hicks Gladys V. Hunt Ophelia M. Irving Gertrude H. Harris Odessa W. Hicks Arnetta Gilmore Elizabeth Jiles Irene T. Lane Fannie V. Latham » « • • ' • • • • " • • • • • • • " •*»•«•».»«•«*•«»«««».««««»«« .< Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Soror Catherine Larkins Bessie S. Lewis Audrey H. Logan Susan C. Malone Phyllis B. Mann Rachel H. G. McCauley Joyce C. McLendon Virginia K. Newell Edna P. Palmer Sylvia W. Payne Elsie H. Perry Susie V. Perry Ruth Pope Anne Toliver Gladys Turner Thelma Watkins Harriett B. Webster Minnie T. Williams Delores B. Wilder Celia Wortham ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA FIRST ROW: Soror Irving Soror Debnam Soror Harris Soror Williams Soror Turner Soror Cooley Soror Toliver Soror Wilder Soror Pope SECOND ROW: Soror Eaton Soror J. Hicks Soror Fulford Soror Payne Soror McLendon Soror Palmer THIRD ROW: Soror Newell Soror Brown Soror Ball Soror Lewis Soror Greene Soror Adams Soror Jervay Soror Larkins Soror 0. Hicks < ^ > SO WPS Debutante Ball Committees B. MANN, Chairman SOROR THELMA WATKINS, Executive Secretary GIRLS' CO-ORDINATING Fannie Latham Ruth Pope Thelma Watkins COMMITTEE Minnie T. Williams Phyllis Mann Susie V. Perry Chairman SOCIAL COMMITTEE Susie V. Perry Gertrude Harris Gladys Hunt, Chairman INVITATION COMMITTEE Minetta Eaton Irene Lane, Co-Chairman Mertie H. Batey Elsie Perry Gladys Turner ESCORT COMMITTEE TIME, PLACE, REHEARSAL Anne Fulford Susan Malone, Chairman COMMITTEE Elsie Cooley Gertrude Harris Harriett Webster Myrtle Crockett, Chairman Elizabeth Jiles Marguerite Adams Jeanette Hicks Bessie Lewis MUSIC COMMITTEE Lillian Brown Ruby Greene Audrey H. Logan, Chairman HOUSING COMMITTEE Delores B. Wilder Virginia Newell Odessa W. Hicks Hattie Edmondson, Chairman Edwinton Ball Ruby Greene FIGURE COMMITTEE Celia Wortham Joyce McLendon Fannie Latham, Chairman Minetta Eaton GIFT COMMITTEE Hattie Edmondson Anne Toliver Myrtle Crockett, Chairman Susie Perry Rachel McCauley Minetta Eaton Virginia Newell Lillian Brown Sylvia Payne Bessie Lewis PROGRAM AND SOUVENIR Edwinton Ball DECORATION COMMITTEE Ophelia Irving BOOKLET COMMITTEE Audrey H. Logan, Chairman Elsie Perry, Chairman PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Bessie Lewis Marjorie Debnam Susie V. Perry, Chairman Minnie T. Williams Ophelia Irving Audrey H. Logan Gertrude Harris Minnie T. Williams Gladys Turner Sylvia Payne Harriett Webster Edna Palmer Elizabeth Jiles SOROR PHYLLIS Vocational Guidance Activities For Debutantes JULY Walnut Terrace Center — Fashion Show — Soror Barbara Taylor SEPTEMBER Walnut Terrace Center Debutantes OCTOBER "Good Grooming Clinic for Marshals" Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Malone "Fashion Show" — Emma Jane's Dress Shop Mrs. Emma Muse "Charm Clinic" — Walnut Terrace Center — NOVEMBER T.V. Dance Party — WRAL Television Station Governor's Mansion Tour for Debutantes, Marshals, and Parents Semi-Formal Party — Chavis Recreation Center Debutante Ball DECEMBER Christmas Social for Debs and Marshals JANUARY Special Project. Debutantes assist with March of Dimes Program FEBRUARY Planning Meeting for Career Clinic or Out of Town Trip APRIL Career Clinic and Luncheon First Baptist Church or Trip Out of Town JUNE Introduction of New Debutantes Reception for Parents and DEBUTANTE COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Soror Webster Soror Hunt Soror Lane Soror E. Perry Soror S. Perry Soror Latham Soror Logan Soror Mann Soror Batey Soror Edmondson Soror M alone Soror Crockett Soror Watkins Official Welcome To North Carolina Debutantes Mr. H. E. Brown Principal, J. W. Ligon Junior - Senior High Raleigh, North Carolina Chairman Soror Phyllis B. Mann Executive Secretary Soror Thelma Watkins Official Announcer Mr. John D. Lewis Cover Design By Soror Fannie V. Latham Music By Bobby Robinson School General Program NOVEMBER 21-24, 1962 Under the auspices of Alpha Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority of Raleigh, North Carolina WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1962 5:00 P.M. Tour of the Governor's Mansion Debutantes, Marshals and Parents THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1962 3:00- 7:00 P.M. Registration — YWCA, Davie Street 8:00 P.M. Dance — Chavis Recreation Center Debutantes, Marshals and Parents FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1962 9:00- 2:00 P.M. Rehearsal — Debutantes and Marshals Raleigh Memorial Auditorium 2:00 P.M. Lunch FORMAL OPENING OF THE A.K.A. DEBUTANTE BALL 8:30 P.M. Presentation of the Members of Alpha Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 8:45 P.M. Sorority Hymn (All Alpha Kappa Alpha Women are invited to the circle.) 8:55 P.M. Recognition of Parents and Sponsors 9:00 P.M. Presentation of 1962 Debutantes 10:30 P.M. Official Welcome to North Carolina Society 10:35 P.M. Waltz for 1962 Debutantes and Marshals 10:40 P.M. Waltz for Former Debutantes 10:45 P.M. Dancing — Debutantes, Marshals and Guests of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 1:00 A.M. The End of the 1962 Debutante Ball SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1962 12:00 Noon Matinee Dance — Walnut Terrace Center A Brief History of Alpha Theta Omega's Debutante Ball 1937 -1962 Alpha Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa ships, charm and vocational career clinics, cultural Alpha Sorority had been organized nine years when activities involving tours of historical interest, lecture the idea of the Debutante Ball was conceived. From series, informal social hours, closer cooperation with a very small beginning in 1937 at the Arcade Hotel parents, and wider community activities. with the presentation of eleven young ladies, the event On the chapter roster over the past several years was next moved to the Colonade. As the number of and also at the present time are listed the names of participants increased year by year, the Raleigh the early Debutantes who later became members of Memorial Auditorium was selected in 1948 as the Alpha Theta Omega: Sorors Elsie Hunt Perry, Jacplace to present the Debutantes. This event is now queline Cooper Flowers, Margaret Leake Whitaker, considered one of the most gala affairs of the Winter Paltine Horton Jowers, Elsie Herndon Cooley, Delores social season. Baker Wilder, and Anne Goode Fulford. Daughters In November, 1961, eighty-seven young women of sorors who were Debutantes and later became made their bows to society. In 1962, following the sorors are Jeanne Eaton and Barbara Crockett Dease. same tradition, Alpha Theta Omega's aim is to help Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority appreciates the many elevate the educational, social and cultural level of our parents, guardians and friends who have helped with girls from the local community, the State of North this activity over the twenty-five years and have so Carolina and other states of the United States. generously supported the girls and extended their Since the inception of the Ball, thousands of good will to the officers and members of the sorority. words have been written describing the hundreds of We are looking forward to greeting you at the young ladies who have borne the label of an "A.K.A. Debutante." The scope of activities accompanying the twenty-fifth annual Debutante Ball on November 23, Ball has also broadened to more and larger scholar- 1962. FUTURE DEBUTANTES WHO ARE DAUGHTERS OF ALPHA THETA OMEGA SORORS Standing — Left to Right: DeAnne Newell, Deborah Lane, Glenda Newell, Baby Ava Greene, Phyllis Palmer, Faye Eaton. Seated — Left to Right: Gwendolyn Debnam, Cyretha Irving, Denise Logan, Batey, Baby Adelyn Lewis, Gay Cooley, Jean Cooley, and Ann Brown. Pamela ..»..»«.»..^.»».».»«»».*»..«»«..»».»~»««~»..»..».»«..»..»«»»»»»"»"»"»»»*»»»*»«««"< Dedication SOROR SUSIE VICK PERRY |^w A tireless and dedicated charter member of Alpha Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority for twenty-five years. During these years, Soror Perry has served the sorority as Basileus, Grammateus, Tamiochus, Dean of Pledgees, Chairman of Health Projects, and Chairman of the Vocational Guidance Program. While serving as Basileus she saw the Debutante Ball extend its program out of the realm of Raleigh and Wake County in the selection of Debutantes. During her chairmanship of the Debutante Ball the program was extended to the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. As chairman of the Vocational Guidance Program she has made it possible for hundreds of high school seniors and Debutantes to benefit from the experience of many experts in various fields. Soror Perry gave leadership for making possible a substantial Student Loan Fund for Saint Augustine's College and Shaw University from which many students have benefited. As a high school chemistry teacher, she was recognized in 1960-61 as one of the five outstanding chemistry teachers of the year in North Carolina, Soror Perry represented the Raleigh Wake County Chapter at the 1959 Regional Meeting of the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis at Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama. She was also a representative at the annual conference of the Wake County Tuberculosis Association at Lake Junaluska, N. C , during the summer of 1962. She is the wife of Dr. N. L. Perry and mother of Lloydine, a student at Howard University. She is a member of the First Baptist Church, Raleigh, North Carolina. • I | Because of her unselfish and devoted years of service, Sorors of Alpha Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha believe that she will be listed among the immortals in Alpha Kappa Alpha sisterhood. Soror Susie Vick Perry, Alpha Theta Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority salutes you on this our 25th Anniversary of the Debutante Ball. «..»..«..+^..#M«.«»..«.»».»»^..#»»»««»«»»«^«*»«^"«"»»»»"«"»*^*^~»"^^ Past Debutante Ball Chairmen and Executive Secretaries Soror Cook 1946 Soror Brooks 1952 Sorors Robertson, 1950; E. Perry, 1949; Latham, 1957 and Mann, 1982 Soror S. Perry 1947 Soror Lewis 1953 tw2 Soror Soror Newell 1948 Crockett 1954 Sorors O. Hicks, 1958, and Logan, 1959 Soror Cutchin 1955 Soror Anders 1951 Soror Adams 1956 Soror Fulford 1959 Soror Watkins 1960-1962 Alpha Kappa Alpha Fir.tD.Uu.te.' A..™Ur—A Dance for S e U . r X p P r ; , . . . D m i a g H . I I , A r c . J e Hotel December 3 1 , 1937,9 p.m. to 2a.<n. RALEIGH, H I , A.KJ/S SPONSOR DEBS' ASSEMBLY Sororitj F«»J Raleigh, N o r t k Carolina S a b . c r i p t i o , , : S i n g l e 3 5 o Couple 6 3 o Debutantes Nan Delany Gloria Kay Willie Perry Vera Lewis Leota Trigg Colors—Pink and Green Lula Williams Inez Kay Mae Hamlin, Alpha Epsilon Eva Frazier Pauline Fisher Chaptei—Alpha Theta Omega Julia Delany, Louise McClennan, Mamie McCauley, Eva Holmes. Buileus College students recently honored at a formal party. Seated, left to right: Misses Inez Kay and Lula M. Williams, St. Augustine College; standing: Misses Mrs. Inez K. White, Gloria Kay, Shaw University; Nan Delany, and .Willie Perry, S t Augustine College. New- port News, Virginia, a 1937 A.K.A. Deb and daughter, Kay, a 1962 A.K.A. Deb. Her marshal is Nelson son Mrs. of Greene, Gloria Kay Greene, of Alexandria, Vir- ginia, also a 1937 Deb. 1949. debutantes 5 « JB« ^ n f t s i t f e a t 1 0 : 0 0 $ . % jB. Allen, L a N i l t a Allen, P a t r i c i a Alcora Allen, Rutji Alston, Doria Berry, Bobbie H u r l l n e Brewington, P a t s y Delores Burrell, Loreece Cameron. Hazel Vivian Cheek, E m m a Marie Delane, Rebecca J a r n a g i n , Audrey D. doyner, Mamie Lester. Gloria W i l h e l m l n a M a t t h e w s , Ophelia Constance Moultrie, Evelyn P a u l i n e McDougald, Dorothy McNeill, M i l d r e d N . Riddick, E u l a Mae •Smith, A l b e r t a Trice, Nettie Pearl Tucker, Myrtle -Vandergriff, I n e z Walker, Lela Mae T. Williams, Delores Wilson, P e a r l Mitchel CoTHRAN. MATTiE RAY, PAULINE)" DLLAINE, VIOLA Svi.w.MiT, EATON, JEANNE V. THORPE, BURMA FULLER, WILLIE R. THORPE, DORIS MURIEL HERNDON. ELSIE WAIXACt, MARtiARET MORTON, PALTINE WARD. MARGARET JARNIUAN. ADA WATSON, LILLIE Alpha Kappa Alpha Debutantes chosen from among the young women of the senior class, Washington High School, Raleigh, and presented to society at Memorial Auditorium. .»..«.!»..» » i i » n « — m H K i m i iiii.«n> >ii>..t..»<r l t .i t ii t l i,i, l „ t „ t „ t „„„„ ALPHA THETA OMEGA'S YEARLY PROGRAM CONTRIBUTIONS United Fund Polio Fund Tuberculosis Fund Cancer Fund Heart Fund Raleigh Public Schools Milk Fund N. A. A. C. P. O'Berry School SCHOLARSHIPS Shaw UniversitySaint Augustine's College Ligon Junior-Senior High School and other North Carolina High Schools STUDENT LOAN FUND Saint Augustine's College Shaw University SPECIAL PROJECTS Vocational Guidance Program Debutante Ball NATIONAL PROJECTS American Council on Human Rights Scholarships Undergraduate Scholarships Graduate Foreign Fellowships Housing Health Research Former Debutantes Sponsor 1962 Debutantes Mrs. Josephine Jervay Brown 1946 Mrs. Betty Spruiell Murphy 1959 Miss Geraldine Marguerite Capehart 1960 Mrs. Laurancene Scales Murphy 1959 Miss Shirley Ann Chavis 1960 Miss Drusilla Owens 1959 Miss Adelaide Cassandra Cobb 1960 Miss Pauline Cofield 1959 Miss Judy Mae Palmer Miss Maxine Partin 1961 1961 Miss Merle Lloydine Perry 1960 Miss Joyce Racquel Cooke 1961 Miss Elvera Jeannette Quick 1958 Mrs. Vera Robertson Copeland 1952 Miss Lorettia Cotton 1961 Miss Mamie C. Riddick 1957 Miss Geraldine Covington 1959 Miss Margaret Elizabeth Rogers 1959 Miss Vivian Delores Cox 1959 Miss Sherby Jean Rodgers 1958 Miss Brenda Marie Curtis 1959 Miss Clara Jean Sanders 1959 Mrs. Joyce G. Dickens 1951 Mrs. Delores Williams Sanders 1949 Miss Jeanne V. Eaton 1948 Miss Katherine A. Satterfield 1956 Miss Carolyn Elizabeth Evans 1961 Miss Marie Agnes Shaw 1961 Miss Lucille Beatrice Gorham 1960 Miss Feretia Louvenia Simmons 1960 Miss Johnetta Patricia Gould 1961 Miss LeEtta Elaine Smith 1961 Miss Cecilia Johnston Griffith 1960 Miss Geraldine Smith 1961 Miss Gila Swayzene Harris 1952 Mrs. Valerie Wilson Smith 1952 Miss Eula Mae Hinton 1958 Miss Virginia Ann Stanley 1960 Miss Pecolia Elaine Hinton 1961 Mrs. Bessie Hunter Taylor 1950 Miss Ruth Annette Hinton 1961 Miss Alma Lucille Thomas 1961 Miss Shirley Ann Hinton 1961 Miss Kay Nicholas Thompson 1961 Miss Nancy Jean Iredell 1959 Miss Jeanne H. Toney 1960 Miss Paula Lucille Jewell 1959 Miss Ruth Marie Toole 1958 Miss Linda Patricia Johnson 1960 Miss Marjorie Ann Trice 1960 Mrs. Virginia Buchanan Kearney 1960 Miss Joan Barbara Turner 1961 Miss Anzella King 1959 Miss Shirley Annetta Turner 1961 Miss Selena Jeneil King 1961 Mrs. Delores Baker Wilder 1951 Miss Barbara Elaine Lightner 1960 Mrs. Addessa E. Brown Womble 1957 Miss Marguerite Mann 1951 Miss Susie Ann Woods 1961 Miss Phyllis James Mann 1957 Mrs. Elsie H. Perry 1939 Miss Mary Sue McClain 1960 Mrs. Anne Goode Fulford 1949 Miss Charlene McDougle 1961 Mrs. Elsie Herndon Cooley 1948 Miss Jessie Winifred McQueen 1960 Mrs. Jacqueline Cooper Flowers 1939 Recipients of A.K.A. Awards, Ligon School, 1962 Marilyn Yarbrough, Laverne Lane, Brenda Harris Brenda Kee, Edna Walker, and Alice Mann Charm Clinic for 1961 Debs — Presented by Marguerite Mann, standing Soror Barbara Taylor, New York City, chose Mary Upperman, a 1962 Debutante for a model Vocational Guidance Clinic Participants Mr. Vernon Malone conducts "Good Grooming Clinic" for 1961 A.K.A. Debutante Ball Escorts Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorors Hostesses for a Reception Queens and Maid of Honor for 1958-59 Debutante Ball Carolyn Levister, Mercedes Winters, and Frances Carter •/«..£ Queens and Maids of Honor — 1960-61 Debutante Ball. Neltine Peebles, Jeanne Toney, Lloydine Perry and Oza Hawkins Queens' Court and Gift Committee of 1960-61 —Soror Gladys Turner, Chairman SOROR M/NETT4 B.EATON AND JEANNE DEBUTANTE 7948 SOROR PHYLL/S MANN, PHYLL7S DEBUTANTE 7957 SOROR GLADYS TC7RNER AND DBBOTANTE 796/ BARBARA SOROR CATNER7NE LARK7NS AND SANDRA, DEBUTANTE /960 I wAtrft/efr tfwit/ SOROR MYRTLE C. CROCKETT BARBARA, DEBUTANTE Z954- AND MARGUER/TE, DEBUTANTE AND /95/ SOROR SUS/E V. PERRY AND LLOYD/NE DEBUTANTE /<?60 PAST QUEENS OF THE DEBUTANTE BALL Mrs. Ruth Carter Wallace Miss Barbara Yvonne Autry Miss Sarah C. Williams Miss Barbara LeNell Anderson Miss Ann Delores Freeman Miss Ann Virginia Harris Miss Merrill Jones Mrs. Gwendolyn Harris Fitts Miss Swayzene Harris Mrs. Frances Winters Carter Miss Gwendolyn Charles Miss Sylvia Juanita Ranson Miss Helen Cooper Miss Carolyn V. Levister Mrs. Adessa Brown Womble Miss Elaine Johnson Mrs. Julia Perrin Davidson Miss Paula Jewell Miss Patsy Brewington Miss Neltine Peebles Miss Annie Manly Miss Jeanne Hunter Toney Miss Carmen Jeanette Payne Miss Wilma Patricia Gill Miss Shirley Hood Miss Johnetta Patricia Gould 1962 QUEENS AND ATTENDANTS MISS PATRICIA ANN ROBINSON RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA MISS JACQUELINE ALTHEA PARHAM WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA MAIDS OF HONOR Miss NORMA ELLEN KECK Raleigh, North Carolina Miss PHYLLIS JEAN FORTE Smithfield, North Carolina ATTENDANTS Miss Hostina Gerald Copeland, Raleigh, N. C Miss Sheila Fein Thompson, Rocky Mount, N. C. Miss Evanna Dornell Gould, Littleton, N. C Miss Barbara Harolean Mann, Raleigh, N. C. Miss Joyce Celestine Morgan, Raleigh, N. C Miss Ann Jones, Durham, North Carolina Miss Ella Christine Kelly, Philadelphia, Penn Miss Niki Laureen Neal, Raleigh, North Carolina Miss Jacquelyn Beralena Mitchell, Raleigh, N. C Miss Billue Farrington, Chapel Hill, N. C. IVIES ASSISTING AT THE 1962 DEBUTANTE BALL Myrtice Becoat Carolyn Mack Doris Williams ma • ?B Reigning Queens of 1961 Debutante Ball — Patricia Gill, left, and Johnetta Gould, right Queens of 1962 Debutante Ball — Jacqueline Parham, seated, and Patricia Robinson, standing w Maids of Honor of 1962 Debutante Ball — Norma Keck, seated, and Phyllis Forte, standing MISS DOLENA ALLEN 1420 South Haywood Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Coy Carrington SPONSORS Mrs. Inez Allen Mr. Robert Allen Mrs. Robert Allen Mrs. Maggie Alston Mrs. Purdie Anders Miss C. E. Christmas Miss Dorothy Greene Mrs. Willie Grier Mrs. Connie Hinton Mrs. Lucy Horton Mr. A. M. Howell Mrs. Pearl Hunter Mrs. Callie Jones Mr. Ellis Jones Mrs. Odessie Lane Mrs. David B. Masters Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mitchell Mrs. Robert Mitchell Mr. Otis McMicheal Mrs. Minnie McNeill Mrs. Delores Reaves Mrs. Levada Stephens Mrs. Lillie Mae Thompson MISS BRENDA FAY ADAMS . . . . 521 South Bloodworth Street Guardian: Mrs. Isabelle Johnson Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Thomas Bennett SPONSORS Mr. Clarence Adams Mr. Thomas Bennett Mr. Eddie Chavis Mrs. Bessie Cheek Miss Christine Collins Mrs. Slade Cumbo Mr. Duke Mrs. W. England Mrs. Gwendolyn F a r r a r Mr. James Hayes Reverend J. W. Jones Mrs. Emily May Morgan Kelly Reverend and Mrs. Isaac Lee Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lewis Mrs. Marguerite Morgan Mrs. Barbara Owens Miss Mary Robinson Mr. Bobby Singletary Mrs. Hattie Vance Mrs. P. Wilkerson MISS FANNIE BELINDA BATCHELOR .. 535 E. Cabarrus St. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Batchelor ... Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Richard Moore SPONSORS Mrs. Lula Bass Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Batchelor Miss Mary Batchelor Mrs. Flossie Bolton Mrs. Arnetta Brown Miss Harriett Bullock Mr. Whit Bullock Mrs. Genobia Dunston Mrs. Ella Edger Mrs. Paul Gainey Mr. C. Green Miss Docenia Hammonds Miss Dorothy Hammonds Miss Erma Harrison Miss Yutha Mae Harrison Mrs. J. D. Hill Mrs. Ruth Hinton Mrs. Lenora Hopkins Mrs. Catherine Hough Miss Christeen Jeffries Mrs. Jennie Johnson Mrs. Eugenia Jones Mr. Willie Jones Mrs. Ernestine Kelly Mrs. Mamie King Mr. Harvey Lucas Mrs. Alda McCullers Miss Valerie McNeil Mrs. Margaret Morgan Mr. 0. Pope Mrs. Irene Price Mrs. Annie Tharrington Miss Evelyn Tharrington Mrs. Annie Thorpe Mrs. Emma Tyson Mrs. Lottie Wade Mrs. Iramae Williams Mrs. W. F . Wright MISS GERALDINE BATTLE Parent: Mrs. Gertie Mae Battle Marshal: 9 Iredell Terrace Raleigh, N. C. Mr. James Dickens SPONSORS Mrs. Lizzie Adams Mrs. Mildred Banks Mr. Clarence Battle Mrs. Gertie Battle Mrs. Lucy Battle Mrs. Marie Battle Mrs. Lillie Braxton Mrs. Blanch Bray Miss Marie Byrd Mrs. Mary Campbell Mrs. Alease Chavis Mrs. Margaret Chavis Mrs. Rebecca Cooke Mrs. Mary Dickens Mrs. Frank Grant Mrs. Margie Gregory Mrs. Beatrice Grier Mr. Edward Hall Miss Elister Hall Mrs. Ester Haywood Mrs. Annie Hinton Mrs. Freida Hinton Mr. Elmer Horton Mr. Luther Hunter Mrs. Dorothy Jeffers Mrs. Arthur Jones Mrs. Pecolia B. Jones Mrs. Welton Jones Mrs. Tempie Lindsey Mr. Jerry Lumpkin Mr. Hermon Miles Mrs. Alcaves Mitchell Miss Bobbie Jean Mitchell Mrs. Duester Montague Mrs. Lucille Morgan Mrs. Gaynell Norwood Mr. James Norwood Mrs. Bernice Patterson Mr. Raymond Perry Mr. W. F. Peterson Miss Carolyn Plummer Miss Elizabeth Plummer Mrs. Queen Ester Plummer Mrs. Marie Ratliff Mr. Sonny Plummer Mrs. Nellie Roberts Mr. Otis Rogers Mrs. B. W. Sanders Mrs. Docile Smith Mrs. Juanita Smith Mrs. Mary L. Smith Mr. Roosevelt Smith Mrs. Margaret Sparks Mrs. Lucille Stallings Mrs. Bertha Steward Miss Maxine Syde Mrs. Elmira Taylor Mr. Joe Taylor Mr. Joseph Whitaker Mrs. Doris Williams Miss Pearline Winston MISS ANNIE RUTH BRADSHAW 1114 Alston Street Parent: Mrs. Magdlene Elizabeth Bradshaw .. Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Carl L. Easterling, III SPONSORS Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Lillian Brooks Magdlene Brown Margie Ferrell Nova Holland Martha Kearney Mary Frances Lane Hilda McCoy Mrs. Mozella McCoy Mr. Robert McCoy Mrs. Flossie Pearce Mrs. Lois Spivey Mr. John Strickland Mrs. Mofeature Strickland Mr. Robert Lee Williford MISS BARBARA ELIZABETH BURNETTE 216 N. Graham St. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Burnette .. Chapel Hill, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Thomas Farrington SPONSORS Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Battle Buck Burnette and Mrs. Carl Burnette and Mrs. Norman Burnette Mr. Willie Burnette Mr. and Mrs. Herman Burchette Mrs. John Campbell Mr. Haywood Cole Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fearrington Mrs. Gertrude Flack Miss Pauline Hogan Mr. Edward Jones Mr. Walter McCauley Mr. William McCauley Miss Charlene McDougle Mrs. Christelena McDuffie Mr. Charlie Mason Miss Emma Minor Mrs. Mary Minor Mr. John T. Nicks Miss R. P. Pope Mr. R. D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. George Watson Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Watson Mrs. James Weaver MISS MARIAN EDITH BROWN Parent: Mrs. Helen Brown Marshal: 19 Chatham Terrace Raleigh, N. C. Mr. Willie P. Robertson SPONSORS Mrs. Barbara Baker Miss Nina Barbour Mrs. Barbara Brown Mr. Daniel Brown Mr. Emmanuel Brown Miss Jeanette Brown Mr. and Mrs. John Brown Mrs. Mary Helen Chambers Miss Joyce A. Chambers Mr. Perry Chambers Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Crutchfield Miss Sandra Crutchfield Mr. Michael Crutchfield Mr. Freddie Crutchfield Mr. Perry Lindo Crutchfield, Jr. Mr. Holliday Lincoln Mr. Frank Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robertson Mrs. Ada Robertson Mrs. Juanita Page Mr. Lawrence H. Page, Jr. Mr. Frank Williams Mr. Lawrence H. Page, Sr. MISS CHRISTINE BURRELL 1122 Alston Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dillious Burrell Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Milton Douglas Matthews SPONSORS Miss Barbara A. Burrell Mr. Charles L. Burrell Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Burrell, Jr. Mr. Robert L. Burrell Mr. James Baker Sgt. and Mrs. Gurney Basnight Miss Christine Baxter Mr. Robert Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Birdsall Miss Shirley A. Chavis Mrs. Carolyn Clemons Mrs. Rose Closs Mrs. Margaret Dunn Mrs. Corrine Franklin Mrs. Mary I. Harris Mrs. Alice Henry Mr. M. C. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hockaday Mr. Herman McDuffy Mr. Mac Miller Miss Carrie Morgan Reverend W. A. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Parks Mrs. Carrie Pope Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rucker Miss Martha Rucker Mr. Marvin Shanks Mrs. A. W. Sherrill Mrs. Annie Sloans Mrs. John Smith Mr. William R. Smith Mr. E. A. Solomon, Jr. Miss Inez Vandergriff Mr. Harold Williams Mr. Jesse Womble MISS SARAH ELIZABETH CALDWELL Parent: Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Caldwell Marshal: Roberts Street Chapel Hill, N. C. Mr. Henry Sanford SPONSORS Mrs. Velsie Barbee Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brewer Miss Callie Bynum Miss Dorothy Bynum Mr. Raymond Bynum Mr. Douglas Caldwell Miss Julia Caldwell Mrs. Sarah Caldwell Mrs. Helena Council Mrs. Hattie Foster Mr. Sidney Gattis Mrs. Hattie C. Jones Mrs. Mary Riggsbee Mr. Charlie Strowd Mr. C. A. Stone MISS MARGARET ANN CHRISTMAS Route 2, Box 244 Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Odis Christmas Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Melvin D. Tomlinson SPONSORS Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Autry Mr. Willie Lee Avery Mr. C. J. Barber Mrs. Henry Boyd Miss Carolyn Christmas Mrs. Catherine Christmas Mr. Johnny Melvin Christmas Mr. Lawrence Christmas Mr. Otis Christmas, Sr. Mr. Otis Christmas, Jr. Mr. Alfred George Mrs. Emira Green Miss Alberta Haywood Miss Carlotta Haywood Mrs. Willie Mae Hinton Mrs. Willie Mae Wright Hinton Mr. Thomas B. Jiles Mr. Willie Jiles Mrs. Geneva Johnston Miss Janice Marshall Mrs. Nora Marshal Mrs. Ruby Newkirk Mr. Mack Phillips Mr. William Reid Mrs. C. T. Toole Mr. and Mrs. Lane Whitaker Mrs. Ruby Mae Whitaker Mr. John Woods, Jr. Mrs. Lillian Woods Mr. James Ralph Wright MISS BETTIE LEE CLEMONS Route 2 Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Vassie d e m o n s . . . . Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. James McKay SPONSORS Mr. Donald L. Marable Mrs. Josephine McCullers Mr. Winston McCullers Mr. George Needham Miss Mary A. Smith Mrs. Leanna Smith Mr. Herman F. Smith Mrs. Darlene Watson Mrs. Mattie Whitaker Mr. Ulice Williams Mr. Charlie Bailey Mrs. Grady Burnette Mrs. Rebecca Clemons Mrs. Carolyn Clemons Mr. Fred Clemons Mrs. James Cole Mr. James T. Hinton Hodges Funeral Home Mr. John W. Lambert Mrs. John Lambert Dr. John Lambert 1015 S. Person St. MISS HOSTINA GERALD COPELAND Parent: Mrs. Ester Mae Fort Copeland Guardian: Mrs. Effie Young Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Reuben Copeland SPONSORS Mrs. Alda Allen Mrs. William Alston Miss Mable Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballentine Mrs. Maude L. Bass Mrs. Pearl Ward Bennett Mrs. B. W. Blue Mrs. Nancy Bowens Dr. and Mrs. James Boyer Mrs. J. H. Boykin Mrs. A. E. Brown Mrs. Geneva P. Brown Mrs. Rosia Butler Mrs. Geraldine Burroughs Mrs. Thelma Burroughs Mrs. Carrie Lou Burgess Mrs. Jessie Burwell Mrs. Bessie Byrd Mrs. Margaret Capehart Mrs. Minnie Carter Miss Rachel H. G. McCauley Mrs. Jennie Charles Mrs. Bessie Cheek Mr. J. H. Cobb, Jr. Mrs. Sophie Cole Mrs. Katie Collins Mr. Atlas Copeland Mrs. C. L. Copeland, Sr. Mrs. Ester Mae Fort Copeland Mrs. Comney Mrs. Myrtle Crockett Mrs. Charles Crump Mrs. Willie Crump Miss Brenda Curtis Mrs. Rosa Curtis Mr. Walter Curtis Mr. Currence Mrs. Martha Splawn Davidson Mrs. Mary Denning Mrs. Lilly Dunn Mrs. Serrena Dunn Mrs. Hattie M. Edmondson Mrs. B. M. Edwards Mrs. Lynie Edwards Mrs. Hoye Fort Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fort Mrs. Shirley B. Freeman Mrs. M. H. Gray Mrs. Ethel W. Greene Mrs. Greene Mrs. Virginia Gill Mr. George W. Hall Mrs. Gila Harris Mrs. Lucy Hawes Mrs. Elsie Hayes Miss Alberta 0. Haywood Mrs. C. A. Haywood Mrs. Phyllis Haywood Miss J. E. Hicks Mr. William High Mr. Dudley Hinton Mrs. Lily Mae Hodge Mrs. Charles R. Holden Mrs. Eliza Holloway Mrs. Ann D. Hurdle Mrs. Herman Hasty Mrs. H. E. High Miss Nancy J. Iredell Mrs. Isabell L. Jamieson Mrs. Ruth Jenkins Mr. P. R. Jervay Mrs. A. B. Johnson Mrs. Alga Jones Mrs. Alice Jones Mrs. Catherine Jones Mrs. Emma 0. Jones Mr. Jewel Jones Mrs. Rosa Lee Judkins Mrs. Aderine Kirtz Mr. C. C. Lipscomb Miss Vernell Levis Mrs. Chanie Fort Lowe Mrs. Mildred Lyes Mrs. M. P. Lane Mrs. Vearl Lilly Mrs. Addie Logan Mrs. F. V. Latham Mrs. Elsie Latham Mrs. Leola McCray Mr. J. W. Mask, J r . Miss Willa Mclver Mrs. Luverdis W. Maye Mrs. Florida Morgan Mrs. Louise Chavis Moore Mrs. Martha Mitchell Mrs. John McRay Mrs. Morson Mrs. Mary L. Marable Mrs. Doris McAdams Mrs. Willie W. Moore Mrs. Mable Matthew Mrs. Bessie Moore Mrs. Alda McCullers Mrs. Frances Massenburg Miss Almena Nunn Mrs. Louise Nunn Mrs. Louisannae Olderman Mrs. Robert Powell, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Foster Payne Mrs. Bossie Porter Mrs. Essie Phillips Dr. N. L. Perry Mrs. Milliard Peebles Mrs. Juanita Peaden Mrs. Janie Petteway Mrs. B. A. Rivers Miss Fridie S. Judd Mrs. Mable Robinson Miss Mamie Riddick Mrs. Vivian M. Sansom Mrs. B. W. Sanders Mrs. Fab W. Smith Mrs. Alfreda Smith Mrs. Coleste Smith Mrs. Lucy Sherman Mrs. Bessie Smith Miss Dora Stroud Mrs. Laura Smith Mrs. Vivian M. Smith Mrs. Mable Thomas Mrs. Susanna M. Thomas Mrs. Cora Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor Mrs. Everlene York Mrs. Juanita Young Mrs. Adessa B. Womble Mrs. Bessie Moore Wesley Mrs. I. E. Washington Mr. J. E. Williams Mrs. Hazel Williams Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Winston Mrs. T. W. Woods Mr. R. E. Wimberley, Jr. Mrs. Lila Mae Williams Mrs. Marie Winters Adult Home Economics Class Patillo High Mrs. E. F. Young Miss Maye E. Ligon Mrs. Phyllis Mann MISS BETTIE LUCILLE DAVIS 103 Harper Street Parents: Rev. and Mrs. Irvin Davis II . . . . Garner, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Howard Douglas Hopkins SPONSORS Mrs. Nellie Avery Mrs. Lois Bailey Miss Pauline Cofield Mr. Roy L. Collins Miss Doris Davis Miss Bettie L. Davis Reverend Irvin Davis Miss Katrina Davis Mrs. Emma J. Davis Mr. Pennell Davis Miss E. L. Harris Mrs. Willie M. Hinton Mr. Jessie Hinton Mr. Rufus Johnson Reverend George Jones Mr. Donald Marable Mrs. Helen Phillips Mrs. Irene B. Reid Mr. Jimmie Rand Mrs. Hettie Saunders Miss Jeanette Smith Mrs. Ernestine Wright Mrs. Nina Sills Mr. Charles Small MISS PEARLINE JEANETTE DEBNAM 1246 New Bern Ave. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Debnam — Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Dwight W. Stroud SPONSORS Mr. N. B. Allsbrooks Mrs. Delia Alston Miss Isabel Baldwin Mrs. Clara Boothe Mrs. Eva Debnam Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Debnam Mrs. Naomia Debnam Mr. Benjamin D. Exum, Sr. Mrs. Marion P. Exum Mrs. Claudia F a r r a r Mr. Jessie Fowler Mrs. Nannie B. Hill Mr. John Hinton Mrs. Lydia Hinton Mrs. Robert Hinton Miss Margo Elaine King S/4 Theron R. L. Mills Miss Burma Paige Miss Denniese Perry Mrs. Dorothy Perry Mrs. Carolyn Ragland Mrs. Stephen Ragland Mrs. Adelaide Revis Mr. Henry Robertson Mrs. Margarette Rogers Mrs. Estha Rowland Mrs. Louise Scott Mrs. Margaret Smith Mr. Grover Snellings Mrs. Louise Spencer Mrs. Lula Upchurch Mrs. Margie Weaver Mrs. Louise Weldon Mr. Fred Williams Mrs. Nora Williams Mrs. Annie Wilson MISS MOZELLE WILLETTE DOLBY 1321 Branch Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cicero Dolby Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Johnny Boykins SPONSORS Mrs. Robert Alphin Mrs. M. W. Blakely Mrs. Dorothy Boykins Mrs. Sophie Clay Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Davis Miss Attie Dolby Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dolby Miss Eva Fowler Mrs. Mozelle Fowler Freezer Fresh Mrs. V. G. Gibson Mr. John Grier Mr. Willie Grier Miss Doris Hodge Reverend D. N. Howard, Sr. Mrs. Harriet S. Jones Mrs. Sudie Jones Mr. Wilbert Jones Mrs. Valeen King Mrs. E. McClain Mr. James O'Neal Mr. Wilbert Signal Mrs. Hazel Sorrell Miss L. Stephens Mr. Henry Wilder MISS JOYCE ANN ELLIOTT 314 N. Fisher Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Obbie McArthur Elliott Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Robert Jefferies SPONSORS Mr. B. Anderson Mrs. Jeanette Barnes Mrs. Roxie Boyd Mrs. Rosalind Canady Mrs. Naomi Connon Mr. Leotha Chavis Miss Mary D. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Obbie Elliott Mrs. Evelyn George Mr. Benny Gill Mrs. Hazel Gill Miss Stella Gill Mrs. Elmira Green Mrs. M. M. Grissom Mrs. L. Hartsfield Mr. E. J. Herring Mrs. William Hinton Miss Eula Hinton Mrs. Lula Lee Miss Alice Lewis Miss Lee Ann McKay Mrs. B. Spivery Mr. and Mrs. E. Thorpe Mrs. Ruth Stokes MISS ROSE MARIE ELLIS 705 East Edenton Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. John C. Washington Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. James Coefield SPONSORS Mrs. Dorothy Allen Mrs. M. A. Banks Mr. Alexander Barnes Miss Mamie Bedell Mrs. Melvin Birdsall, Jr. Mrs. M. W. Blakeley Mrs. Geraldine G. Brown Mr. Samuel Clarkson Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Mrs. Miss Tressie Clarkson Doris Clements M. Splawn Davidson Marjorie B. Debnam Claranette Durham Bessie Ellis Nina Ellis Lena Eure Mr. George Sanders Mr. Rudolph Shade Mrs. Patsy C. Smith Mr. R. E. Stewart Mrs. Georgia Stewart Mr. James Stewart Mrs. J. E. Strickland Mrs. E. R. Swain Mrs. Odessa Thomas Miss Joan Barbara Turner Miss Carolyn Washington Mr. and Mrs. John C. Washington Mrs. Minnie V. Washington A3C Randolph Whitley Miss Chacona Winters Miss Susie Woods Miss Madelyn Yarbrough Miss Marilyn Yarbrough Mr. William Yarbrough Mrs. Clinton C. Freeman Mrs. Leon Gibbs Mr. Hubert Greene Miss Cecelia Griffith Mrs. A. M. Hinton Mr. Oscar L. Hinton Mrs. James H. Hunter Mr. Lloyd Jefferies Mr. Jewel Jones Mrs. Marlene S. Jones Mrs. Mildred Kearney Mrs. Van T. Locklair Mrs. Ruth Marrow Miss R. H. G. McCauley Miss Mary Sue McClain Mrs. Bena Mitchell Mrs. Antoinette Monroe Mrs. Pandora Penny Mrs. Pauline Ramseur Mrs. Doris Bean Rolle MISS BILLYE FARRINGTON 310 Cobb Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. John Raymond Farrington Carrboro Marshal: Mr. Robert King SPONSORS Mr. George Atwater Mr. Henry Baldwin Miss Mary Barber Mr. Charles Barbee Mr. Wallace Britt Mrs. Alvis Bynum Mr. Alvis Bynum Mrs. Major Crew Mr. Major Crew Mrs. Bessie B. Croker Mr. Norman T. Davis Mr. Henry Downey Mr. John H. Edwards Mrs. John R. Farrington Miss Mildred Farrington Mr. Titus Farrington Mrs. Willis Farrington Reverend W. R. Foushee Mr. Ernest E. Greene Mrs. Matthew Hackney Mrs. Leander Jenkins Mr. Leander Jenkins Mr. Clifton Johnson, Sr. Mr. Ernest L. Johnson Mr. Richard Johnson Mrs. Vincient Lee Mrs. Flora Lindsay Mr. William McClaim Mrs. 0. T. Mouzon Mr. Robert Nicks, Sr. Mrs. John Parker Mrs. Blanche Parrish Mr. Holland Parrish Miss Annie R. Rooster Mr. Floyd Snipes Mr. W. L. Winston MISS GERALDINE OPHELIA FARRINGTON Route 1, Box 74 Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Osmond T. Farrington Chapel Hill Marshal: '.'.'. Mr. Harold Foster SPONSORS Mrs. Thelma Autry Mr. Cubie Bragg Mr. Robert Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Jule Burnette Mr. Cabot Carlton Mrs. Dorothy Carlton Miss Mary Cole Mrs. Veora Cole Mr. Jehue Edwards Mrs. Ella Johnson Mr. Edward Parton Mrs. Nicie Mae Parton Mr. Dolphus Riggsbee Mrs. M. D. Turner MISS PHYLLIS JEAN FORTE 304 Pine Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Forte Smithfield, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Walter Leon Barbour SPONSORS Mrs. Hopie T. Atkinson Mrs. C. D. Avery Mr. Lloyd Barnes Mr. Haywood Beckwith Mrs. C. A. Boyd Mrs. A. H. Bryant Mrs. Betty Chappell Mrs. Etherlene Clark Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Crowe Dr. C. B. Codrington Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Collins Mrs. Eva J. Cooper Mrs. Fannie S. Dafford Mrs. R. C. Dublin Miss Rogerlyn J. Dublin Mrs. Donnie Eason Mrs. Lizzie Eason Mrs. George A. Ennis Mr. and Mrs. R. Ennis Mrs. Mable Evans Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Finney Mr. Charlie H. Forte Mrs. F. K. Forte Mr. Hyman Forte Mr. Charles F. Forte Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Forte Mrs. Dorothy Frazier Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Freeman Dr. Furlonge Mrs. L. N. Futrell Miss R. H. Goodson Mrs. Annie Grane Mrs. Marjorie P. Grantham Mrs. E. D. lHavey Mrs. Harold Hazel Mrs. L. Heartley Mrs. Harvey Hinnant Mrs. Deloris Hodges Mrs. Helen Holt Mrs. Flossie D. Holden Mrs. B. Holder Miss Elsie L. Howell Mrs. Ora 0. Jeffreys Mrs. N. M. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Alex Judkins Mrs. Alma N. Kingsberry Miss Beverly A. Kingsberry Mr. E. G. Lamberth Mrs. Lamberth Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Ledbetter Mrs. Lureatha T. McClain Mrs. C. W. McCoy Reverend Clyde McKethan Mr. and Mrs. Stanford McKethan Mrs. W. J. McLean Mrs. B. E. McNeill Miss F. K. McNeill Miss L. Morgan Mr. J. K. Murphy Mr. A. F. Palmer Mrs. R. B. Revell Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Rhoades Mrs. Bertha Rowe Miss Hilda Rowe Mrs. J. C. Rowland Mrs. Ann Sanders Mrs. D. M. Sanders Mr. M. L. Sanders Mrs. M. P. Sanders Mrs. Savannah Sanders Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Sanders Mrs. L. B. Scott Mrs. G. W. Smith Mr. James Smith Mrs. R. L. Smith Mrs. George Taylor Mrs. Lucy Toole Mrs. P. R. Vinson Mrs. L. M. Watson Mrs. John Watson Mrs. R. W. Watson Miss Earl White Mr. Edward Whitley Mr. and Mrs. Pernell Wildly Mrs. Betty Joyner Wilson Miss Ardessial Williams Mr. and Mrs. John Windley Mr. Samuel Woodard MISS JO ANN FRAZIER 576 East Lenoir Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Addison Marpin Lipscomb Raleigh, Marshal: Mr. Eddie Lane SPONSORS Mr. Herbert Miles Mr. Edward Sanders Mrs. Bethel Sims Mr. Will Sims Miss Lilly Mae Tucker Mrs. Mozelle Waldin Mrs. Ava Walker Mr. Tom Walker Mrs. Isamae Williams Mr. Lee Adams Mrs. Susie Adams Mrs. Tiny B. Chavis Miss Amanda Chavis Mrs. Dorothy Foster Mrs. Estell Hall Mr. Elmore Johnson Mr. Addison Lipscomb Mrs. Mary Lipscomb Mr. Hubert McClain MISS EVANNA DORMELL GOULD Parents: Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gould Marshal: 237 Ferguson Street Littleton, N. C. Mr. Alfred Finch SPONSORS Miss Chanola Alston Mr. Ciscero Alston Mr. Donald Alston Mr. Donald Alston, Jr. Mr. Henry Alston Mr. James A. Alston Mr. John E. Alston Mrs. Lydia D. Alston Mr. L. P. Alston Mr. Maltowanza Alston Mrs. Mamie Alston Mrs. Ollie P. Alston Mrs. Virginia Alston Miss Gwendolyn Arrington Mr. Clarence Berry Mrs. Ophelia Berry Mr. Solomon Berry Miss Vernetta Berry Mr. William Berry, Jr. Mr. William Berry, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bias Mrs. Luella Blair Miss Katie Bonds Mrs. Jerome Branch Mrs. G. M. Brown Mrs. Margaret T. Brown Mrs. Marie Buckner Mrs. Doris Caroll Mrs. Vivian Carter Mrs. Eleanor Culbreath Mrs. Annie S. Davis Mrs. Thelma Davis Miss Almeta Dawson Mrs. Bertha Dawson A/2C Melvin Dawson Mrs. Dorothy F. Edmonds Mr. Willie Epps Miss Claborne Faison Mrs. Emma Faison Miss Mary J. Faulcon Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Finch Mr. Alfred Finch Mrs. Velma Francis Mr. J. A. Freeman Miss Johnetta P. Gould Miss Ophelia Gould Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gould Miss Helena Hardy Mrs. Helena Harris Mr. Johnson Harris Miss Marion Harris Mr. Neal N. Harris Mrs. Odell Harris Mrs. Eudora B. Harvey Mrs. Cora Hester Mrs. Clara Hicks Mrs. I. L. Jamierson Miss Bertie Jenkins Mr. Leon Jenkins Miss Marian Jenkins Miss Gwendolyn Jones Miss Jessie Jones Mrs. C. T. Joshus Mrs. Bertha S. Joyner Mr. Elijah Keeys Mrs. Sarah King Mrs. U. W. McDaniel Miss Sherill McMillan Mr. D. O. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mitchell Mrs. Eliza W. Newell Mr. Charlie Pitchford Miss Beryl Ponton Mrs. Walter Price Mrs. Helena Pugh Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robinson Mrs. Helen Royal Mrs. V. H. Scott Miss Ossie Siplin Miss Bettie Solomon Mrs. Eleanor Somrae Mrs. Alice N. Spivey Mrs. Richard L. Stokes Reverend A. J. Taylor Mr. Arthur Teele Mrs. Pearlene A. Thorne Mr. Henry Turner Mrs. Matilda Turner Mrs. Gradie Watts Mrs. Pattie White Mr. William White Mrs. Alice Williams Mrs. Evelyn Williams Mr. E. M. Wills Mr. Jeremiah Wills Miss Ethel Yelity MISS CAROLYN YVONNE HICKS Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hicks Marshal: ... 1932 Boaz Drive , Raleigh, N. C. Mr. William Malone SPONSORS Mrs. Juanita Baker Mrs. M. J. Bell Mrs. Grace Bethea Mrs. H. E. Brown Mrs. D. M. Burke Mr. Syvellie Cloud Mrs. Helen Coburn Mr. Lawrence Collins Mrs. Elsie Cooley Mr. Sidney Cooley Mrs. Evelyn Cooper Mrs. Myrtle Cotton Miss Carolyn Culbeth Mrs. Priscillia Cunningham Mrs. Lois Davis Miss Vivian Davis Mrs. H. G. Fleming Mrs. Estelle Gipson Mrs. Beulah Glenn Mr. Alfredo Hicks Mrs. Nemetta Hicks Mr. Milliard Montague Miss Genevieve McAlister Mrs. Mildred McDowell Mrs. Blanche McNeil Mr. Henry Pace Mrs. Milliard Peebles Mr. Milliard Rogers Mrs. Lena Smith Mrs. Alice Solomon Mrs. Margaret Spriggs Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hicks Mr. Vann Hicks Mrs. Willie T. Hicks Mrs. Eloise Hilliard Mrs. Mildred Holloway Mrs. Elizabeth Jiles Mr. Albert Johnson Mrs. Fannie Latham Miss Gloria W. Lester Mrs. Eleanor Mitchell Mrs. J. A. Stevens Mrs. Milford Taylor Mr. Willie Thomas Mrs. Anne Toliver Mrs. Josephine Tomlinson Miss Thelma Watkins Mr. Frank Watson Mrs. Harriet Webster Mrs. Catherine Wilkins Mrs. Gladys Williams Mr. P. H. Williams Mr. Robert Williams Mrs. C. G. Wimberly Mrs. Mable Wright MISS LAURA FRANCES HINTON Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Sharon Hinton Marshal: 1306 East Edenton St. Raleigh, N. C. Mr. Thomas Worth SPONSORS Mrs. Berlie Allen Mr. William Alston Mrs. 0. M. Beasley Mrs. Ercell Davis Mr. Charles Dey Mrs. Johnsie Dey Miss Maryland Dunn Mrs. Ruby P. Fain Mr. James W. Hinton Mrs. Laura B. Hinton Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hinton Miss Shirley Ann Hinton Mrs. Catherine Jones Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Lucille Johnson Margaret Malusby Gladys McKinely Mildred Yvonne McKinely Mr. Raeford McKinely Mrs. Mary D. Moore Mrs. Shirley Perry Miss Rogerline Pipkin Mrs. Martha Quarterman Mrs. Oleta Sanders Mr. Sylvester White MISS GERALDINE IOLA HOLLOWAY . 214 South State St. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Hervery Holloway Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Johnny Jones SPONSORS Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Dorothy Allen Susie Bridges Cirine M. Bridges Mary Eloise Cousins Mrs. George C. Mrs. Annabelle Mrs. Roberta Mrs. Geraldine Debnam Fincher Glover Griffin Miss Maxine Partin Mr. S. A. Perry Mrs. Lessie Ragland Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sills Mrs. Doris Umstead Mr. Blanzie Williams Mrs. Cecelia Holloway Mr. Ed Umstead Mrs. Myers H. Hill Mr. Alex Jones Mrs. Lenora Jeffries Miss Margie Jones Mrs. Corina Mial Miss Belva Lane Mrs. Ordell Morgan Mrs. Lolo O'Neal MISS VERNICE ADORA HOLT 915 South State Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Ardo Clayton Holt, Sr. . Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Frederick L. Johnson SPONSORS Mr. R. H. Adams Mrs. Beatrice Bennett Mr. and Mrs. James A. Blue Mrs. Margaret Bradley Mrs. Corine Bridges Mrs. Rena Carmichael Mrs. Rogers Dixon Mr. Cornelius Donaldson Miss Shirley Donaldson Mrs. Essie Denmore Mr. James Harmon Mrs. Thelma Haywood Mrs. Alberta Hicks Mr. Cleveland Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Ardo C. Holt, Sr. Mrs. Hattie Holt Miss Mae Delia iHolt Mr. Frederick Leon Johnson Mrs. Gregg Johnson Miss Jeneil King Mrs. Brunhilda Lofton Mrs. Ada McNeil Mrs. Edna W. Miller Mrs. Mary Mitchell Mrs. Elizabeth Moore Mrs. Hallie Rand Mrs. Marie Riddick Mr. Douglas L. Sanders Mrs. Norman Sanders Mrs. Hallowees Sanders Mrs. Daisy Taylor Mrs. Helen Thomas Mrs. Etta D. Toole Mrs. Eunice Whitley Mrs. Ruth Williams Mrs. E. K. Wilson Miss Odell Woods Mrs. Henry Worth MISS DELORES ANN JOHNSON 305 Oberlin Road Parents: Mr. and Mrs. William Tell Johnson .. Raleigh. N, C. Marshal: Mr. Cleveland Byrdsong Mrs. Marian Bass Mrs. L. R. Bruce Mrs. Marie Clayton Mrs. Earline H. Clarke Miss Glencie M. Clarke Miss Patricia Clay Mr. and Mrs. William Harris Miss Renee Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Maryland Jones, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Oather Jones Mr. and Mrs. Everlee Jones Mr. Everlee Jones, Jr. Mr.and Mrs. James T. Jones Mrs. Lillie J. Kelly Mrs. Evelyn Lapsley Miss Winifred McQueen Mrs. W. H. Mebane Mrs. Winifred S. Montague Mrs. Georgia M. Mclntyre Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Michaux Mrs. M. L. McClain Mrs. Sara B. McOwens Mrs. Josie J. Powell Mrs. Anna Pickens Mrs. Ettie H. Plummer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ridley Mr. and Mrs. Jethro Thompson Mrs. Littie Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warren Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wheeler Mrs. Sallie E. Warren Miss Ellen S. Warren MISS FRANCES ELIZABETH KECK .. I l l South Tarboro St. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dotson Keck .. Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Michael Keck SPONSORS Mrs. A. L. Alston Mrs. Thelma Haywood Mrs. Susie S. Alston Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keck Mrs. L. E. Blockson Miss Mary S. Keck Miss Betsy J. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Keck Mrs. Hudie S. Boone Mrs. A. V. King Mrs. James E. Carter Reverend and Mrs. J. P. Mr. Daniel Coleman Mangrum Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cutchins Mrs. John Redfern Miss Gwendolyn Cutchins Mr. Walter Ricketts Dr. Carl E. DeVane Mrs. U. S. Rogers Mr. Carlton M. Hadden Mrs. Selena Scales Mrs. Robert Hawkins Reverend Othello D. Stanley Mrs. Annie Haywood Mr. Bernice Taylor MISS ELLA CHRISTINE KELLY .. 5127 Catherine Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lee Kelly . Philadelphia 43, Pa. Marshal: Mr. Ronald Woods SPONSORS Mrs. Iola Blount Mr. and Mrs. James 0. Blount Mrs. Cleveland Byrdsong Mr. David Augusta Dolby Mrs. Shirley Donaldson Mr. Hermon Hinton Mrs. Bernice Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. William T. Johnson Mr. Melvin Jolly Mrs. Beatrice Lewis Mr. James McAllister Mr. Jesse McGhee Mr. Edward McNeil Mrs. Ernestine Nettles Mrs. Mable Patterson Mr. H. A. Poole Mrs. Etta Rochelle Mrs. Francis Rochelle Mrs. Lottie Rochelle Mr. Worth Rochelle Mrs. Corinne B. Satterfield Mr. John Scipio Mr. Collins Stalk Miss Hilda LaRue Yarbrough MISS MONWILLIA VALERIE JOHNSON Star Route, Box 45 Parents: Mr. and Mrs. James Ranson Johnson Littleton, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Fred Powell SPONSORS Miss Eva Alston Miss T. M. Alston Mrs. Virginia Alston Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bunch Mrs. Matilda Claborne Mr. and Mrs. Cozart Williams Mrs. Georgia Eaton Mrs. Monwillia Edmonds Mr. William Gould Mrs. Queen Hall Mrs. T. Jenkins Miss Alma Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Johnson Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johnson Miss Delia Lewis Miss Addie Newell Miss T. C. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Penny Mr. and Mrs. Claude Powell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Silver Mrs. Sallie Solomon Mr. Dee Thorne Mr. and Mrs. James M. Williams MISS ANN JONES Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Everlee Jones Marshal: 703 Pickett Street Durham, N. C. Mr. Gerald S. McClain SPONSORS Mr. and Mrs. Obediah Barbee Mr. and Mrs. William Bullock Mrs. D. F. Bland Miss Anna Brandon SPONSORS Mrs. Mary Jones Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Alston Mr. Herbert Lee Kelly, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L Mrs. Nola Beck Kelly, Jr. Mrs. Vivian Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Prince G. Kelly Mrs. Ida Mae Crump Mrs. Rosa B. Kelly Mrs. Alice Dunston Mrs. James F. Lee Mr. Bruce Dunston Mrs. Clarie Lennon Mrs. Lottie Dunston Mrs. Jay Cee Lyons Mrs. Mollie Dunston Mrs. M. R. Lyons Mrs. Eleanor Flagg Mr. William E. Manly Reverend and Mrs. McKinley Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell Gaither Mrs. Clarice Nichols Mrs. James E. Graham Mrs. Joseph E. Poole Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Grandy Mrs. M. R. Reid Mrs. Catherine Guess Reverend and Mrs. Reid Reverend and Mrs. John Mrs. Alzoria Roberts Hackney Mrs. Julius Rogers Mrs. Delmar Hall Mrs. Eudora Sanders Mrs. Julia Hall Mrs. Sarah L. Sanders Mrs. Susie Hall Mrs. Evelyn Shepard Mrs. Delia High Mr. James Smith Mrs. John Hill Mr. Paul Smith. Jr. Mrs. Louise Hudgens Mrs. Pearl Snelling Mrs. Gladys Hunter Mrs. Sarah Rogers Speed Mr. John M. (Hunter Mrs. Martha P. Stratford Mrs. Katie Hunter Miss Sopora Taylor Mrs. Lottie M. Hunter Mrs. Mary K. Terrell Mrs. Edward Hudson Mrs. Equilla Weaver Mrs. Leanne Ingram Mrs. Josephine C. Whitley Mrs. Eula Jones Mrs. Lucille Yarborough MISS NORMA ELLEN KECK Parents: Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Keck Marshal: 115 South Pettigrew Street Raleigh, N. C. Mr. William L. Pollard SPONSORS Mrs. J. Abernathy Dr. Ellen S. Alston Dr. Marguerite M. Adams Mr. Melton Anderson Mrs. Olivia J. Akridge Mrs. Georgia Andrews Mr. Lawrence E. Allen Mrs. Mamie E. Bailey Mrs. Lillian Bailey Mr. John H. Baker, Sr. Master John H. Baker, III Mrs. Edwinton R. Ball Mr. Alexander Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bethea Mrs. Lavonne Bivins Mrs. Julia Brightwell Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown Mrs. S. B. Brower Miss Margaret B. Bugg Mrs. M. Ethel Burghardt Mr. and Mrs. James M. Burns Mrs. H. P. Butler Mrs. Christine Byrdsong Mr. Louis Cannady Mrs. Gladys Dunn Cannon Miss Geraldine Capehart Mrs. Mary Carnage Mrs. Mary G. Carter Miss Augusta Carver Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Clark Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark Mrs. Robert Clay Mrs. C. D. Cobb Mrs. Alice Collins Mr. Lex Colson Mrs. M. H. Crockett Mrs. K. N. Cumbo Miss T. Lorraine Cumbo Mrs. Leona B. Daniel Mrs. W. E. Daniels Mrs. A. R. Davenport Mrs. Sadie Davidson Dr. Grady D. Davis Dr. Horace B. Davis Dr. George P. Debnam Dr. Carl E. DeVane Miss Lillie Mae Dunn Miss Parthenia Dunn Mr. Woodrow Dunston Mrs. Minetta B. Eaton Reverend J. Oscar McCloud Edenton Street Cleaners " Mrs. Ruth M. 'Evans, .• Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Evans Mrs. Marina Frazier Miss Gloria Freeman Mrs. Lester B. Freeman Mrs. Janey S. Gallman Mr. Cecil Goins Mrs. James E. Graham Mr. William Handy Miss Flora Harlee Dr. Nelson H. Harris Miss Carrie L. Harrison Mrs. Margaret Hayes Mrs. Lillian A. Haywood Mrs. Willie C. High Mrs. Marie Hill Mr. Preston C. Hill Mr. Collins Hinton Mr. J. D. Hinton Reverend Robert Haywood Mrs. Gladys Hunt Mrs. William Hurdle Mr. H. L. Irons Jack and Jill of America, Raleigh Chapter Mrs. Ada Jarnagin Mrs. Zenobia Jeffries Mrs. Clara Barnes Jenkins Mrs. Jay C. Johnson Mrs. Ruth Johnson Mrs. H. E. Jones Mrs. James A. Joyner Mrs. Laura Harper Kay Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Keck Mrs. M. L. Kennedy Mr. Michael G. Keck (JBP) Mrs. Janie Keyes Mr. Robert Lane Mrs. J. R. Larkins Mr. Archie Lewis Attorney and Mrs. R. L. Levister Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lewis Miss Barbara Elaine Lightiier Mrs. Addie G. Logan Miss Cheryl Ann Lytle Mrs. James E. Lytle Mrs. P. B. Mann Mrs. Irene S. Marrow Mr. J. K. Massenburg Miss Marion Matthews Miss Sandra Maxwell Mrs. J. 0. McCloud Miss F. J. McNair Dr. Catherine B. Middleton Mrs. Jimmie Bugg Middleton Mr. N. T. Mitchell Miss Adelyn E. Mordecai Mr. and Mrs. Norman T. Mitchell, Jr. Mrs. W. M. McKinney Mr. James E. McNair Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller Miss Grace Morehead Mrs. Maude Morehead Miss Victoria Morris Mr. Douglas T. Murray Mr, Dedrick Nelson Mrs. Virginia K. Newell Mrs. Bertha Parham Mr. W. H. Peace, Jr. Miss M. Lloydine Perry Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Pollard Mrs. Odessa G. Pretlow Miss Sylvia Pretlow Mrs. Davolia Pridgeon Mrs. Bernice F. Rainbow Mrs. J. C. Raines Mrs. John W. Redfern Miss Lottie Reynolds Mrs. Edna Revels Mrs. Clara Ridgell Mrs. D. H. Reid Mrs. Edna Roosa Mrs. Anne E. Robinson Mr. Durell Rusher Miss Mary Elaine Sampson Mrs. Gloria Sanders Mrs. Margaret Simms Mrs. C. C. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Spaulding, Jr. Miss Vivian Spaulding Mr. Rabbi A. W. Schoen Mr. James E. Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Smith Dr. and Mrs. George Snowden Mr. and Mrs. James E. Spaulding Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Spaulding, Sr. Mrs. Beatrice Martin Spraggins Mrs. J. S. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strassner Mrs. Mildred Otey Taylor Mrs. Dorothy C. Thomas Mr. George Thomas, Sr. Mrs. Dorothy W. Ward Mrs. Edith Trice Dr. John L. Tilley Mr. John C. Washington Mrs. Bessie Moore Wesley Mrs. Martha W. Wheeler Mr. C. E. Whitaker Mrs. J. 0. White Mrs. Jannie D. White Mr. N. B. White Mrs. Alma T. Williams Mrs. Ella B. Williams Mrs. Ellen Williams Miss Fannie Williams Mrs. Lucille Z. Williams Mrs. Lovie M. Williams Mrs. Virgia C. Williams Mrs. Robert H. Williams Mrs. C. H. Winters Mrs. Mable Winters Mrs. C. W. Womble Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodford MISS CARRIE MAE JOYCE KING .... 861 Campanella Drive Parent: Mrs. Annie Bell King Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Melvin McClain SPONSORS Mr. Rosa Baldwin Mr. Robert L. King Mr. Arthur Barbous Miss Shirley King Mr. James W. Bridgman Mrs. Eugenia McClain Mrs. Novella Burt Mrs. Alfred T. NewMrk Mr. and Mrs. Diston Boykin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newkirk Mr. Stephens Crews Mr. and Mrs. James Norris Mrs. Mary Davis Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanders Mr. Debnam Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hicks, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stewart Mrs. Anne G. Fulford Mrs. Lillian Young Miss Lula Jones Mrs. Annie B. King MISS JANET OCTAVIA KNIGHT Parents: Mr. and Mrs. James H. Knight Marshal: 2508 Weaver Street Durham, N. C. Mr. Ronald Reid SPONSORS Mr. James 0. Alston Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Battle Mrs. Pallie N. Bowers Mr. Herbert L. Bowers Mrs. Eleanor Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Cleophius Boyce Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bowe Mrs. Thelma G. Boone Mrs. Carrie R. Brown Mrs. Thelma D. Branch Mrs. LeMarquis DeJarmon Mr. Kenneth Farrar Mrs. Percy Fuller Miss Cornelia Harrison Mrs. Annie B; Jones Mr. and Mrs. William Knight Mr. and Mrs. James H. Knight Mrs. E. L. Matthews Mrs. Reba M. Battle Mr. M. H. Peek Mrs. Susie V. Perry Mrs. Evelyn Ponders Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Poole Mrs. Elizabeth Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Smith Mrs. Vivian M. Smith Mrs. Mollye Williams Mrs. Mildred Williams Mrs. M. E. Venable Mrs. Marion D. Spaulding Mrs. Ruth Wright MISS CAROLYN ANN LASSITER .... 121 South Pettigrew St. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lee Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Walter Smith, Jr. SPONSORS Mrs. Pauline Lee Miss Inez Middleton Mrs. Katie Allen Mr. Samuel Orsborne Miss Lillian Carnage Mrs. Bertha Parham Mrs. Bertha Coleman Mrs. Juanita Robertson Mr. and Mrs. William D. Mr. Elbert Sanders Coleman Mrs. A. C. Smith Mrs. Rebecca Cooke Miss Dorothy Smith Mr. James L. Gill ..... Mrs. Helen Smith Mrs. Marion Harris Mrs. Josephine Upchurch Mrs. Lucille Holden Mrs. Ruth Upchurch Mr. Dalon Freeman Mr. Julius Young Mr. Dallas Judkins Mrs. Ruth Walker Mr. Roy Lee MISS BARBARA HAROLEAN MANN .... 934 East Hargett St. Parent: Mrs. Harriett L. Mann Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Wilbert Harris SPONSORS Dr. M. M. Adams Mr. Joe R. Carpenter Mrs. Jeanette Barnes Miss Agusta Carver Mr. Willie Blount Mrs. Edna Chalmers Mrs. Helen Brodie Mrs. W. H. Chupp Mrs. A. E. Brown Mrs. Hessie Cooley Mrs. Arnetta Brown Mrs. Victoria Daniels Mr. and Mrs. James H. Mrs. Evelyn C. Davis Brown, Sr. Mr. James Daye Mrs. Lucy M. Brown Mrs. Joyce G. Dickens Mrs. Marion P. Browning Mr. Jesse M. Dickerson Mrs. Ida W. Brower Mrs. Jessie 0 .Douglas Mrs. S. B. Brower Mrs. Hattie M. Edmondson Mrs. Daisy B. Freeman Mrs. Lillian C. Freeman Mrs. Gila B. Harris Mrs. Mattie Hawes Mr. Hubert Hayes, Jr. Mrs. Odessa W. Hicks Mrs. Barbara Hinton Mr. E. H. Hinton Miss Elaine P. Hinton Mrs. Edwin Hodge Mrs. Christine M. Hunt Mr. D. R. Ingram Mrs. Alice C. Jones Mr. George C. Jones Miss Sandra F. Jones Miss Delcie V. Johnson Miss Elaine D. Johnson Mrs. Elizabeth B. Johnson Mrs. Lynn Johnson Mrs. Dorothy King Mrs. Mary F. Lane Mrs. Pearl Langston Mr. and Mrs. Felts W. Lewis Miss Claudette Levister Mrs. L. H. Levister Mrs. G. H. Manly Miss A. Marguerite Mann Miss Alice Velma Mann Mr. Harold V. Mann, Jr. Mrs. Harriet L. Mann Mr. J. A. Mann Mrs. P. B. Mann Miss Phyllis James Mann Miss R. H. G. McCauley Mrs. Elizabeth McClain Mrs. Everlee McClain Mrs. Hattie T. Mitchell Mrs. Minnie B. Nicholas Mrs. Juanita Peaden Mrs. Amelia Peebles Mrs. Delias P. Perry Mrs. H. L. Pulley Mrs. J. C. Raines Mrs. Ruth C. Rand Mrs. Mamie Reddick Mr. and Mrs Spurgeon A. Reid Mrs. James Riddick Miss Ernestine E. Robinson Mrs. W. M. Roseboro Mrs. Charlsie S. Royster Mrs. Claudie Simms Mr. C. C. Smith Master William B. Spence Mrs. Iris L. Spencer Mr. Marvin W. Thorpe Mrs. Blondie Tomolinson Miss Ruth Marie Toole Mrs. Francis Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Turner Mr. Leroy Upchurch Mrs. Martha Vandergriff Miss Thelma Watkins Mr. James 0. Williams Mrs. M. S. Williams Mrs. Minnie T. Williams Mrs. Merca L. Yarbrough MISS MADELYN McCLAIN 613 South East Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Isaac McClain Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Ennis Eugene Snipes SPONSORS Mrs. Mae Veola Banks Mrs. E. L. Maye Mr. Ettrick Brooks Mr. Harold McClain Mrs. Christine Byrdsong Mr. Isaac McClain Miss Geraldine Covington Mrs. Madie McClain Mrs. Janie R. Covington Mr. Wade McClain Mr. Charles Curtis Mrs. Allene C. Miller Mrs. Mary Dixon Miss Ruby Moye Mrs. Serena Dunn Mrs. Thelma Moye Mrs. L. W. Farrell Mrs. Mary Ransom Mrs. Bequlah George Mrs. Fletcher Snipes Mrs. B. H. Guy Miss Lillian Studivant Mrs. Martha Hammonds Mrs. Evelyn Watson Mrs. Grace Harris Mrs. Charles Whitley Miss Dorothy Henderson Miss Doris Williams Mrs. Viola High Miss Freddie Mae Williams Mr. William A. Holden Mr. Joseph Winters, Jr. Mrs. Bessie Hunter Mrs. Catherine Woods Mrs. Gladys Ivey Miss Madelyn Yarbrough Miss Christine Jefferies Miss Marilyn V. Yarbrough Mrs. Jennie Johnson Mr. Charles Powell Miss Eva Jones Mr. Edward Powell Miss Ethel Lee Mailes Miss Bettie Poole Mr. Willie Jones MISS VICTORIA ANN McCLAM Parent: Mrs. Arlena McClam Marshal: P. 0. Box 124 Carrboro, N. C. Mr. Kannis Minor SPONSORS Mr. Roosevelt Atwater Miss Rosalind McCauley Mrs. Clara Baldwin Mrs. Arlena McClam Mr. John McClam Mr. Alfred Barbee Mr. Moses McClam Miss E. P. Basnight Mrs. Lucille McDougle Miss Faye Bowser Mr. C. A. McDougle Mrs. Willie Mae Britt Mrs. Annie Mae Mason Mr. Chester Bynum Mr. Walter Nevilles Mr. Lewis Edwards Mrs. Dorothy Mae Farrington Mr. James Parrish Miss Evelyn Pope Mrs. George Harris Mrs. Doretha Purefoy Mr. Jack Headen Mr. Albert Reaves Mr. Haywood Link Mr. Walter Roberson Mrs. Hattie L. McCauley Miss Andrea J. Smith Mrs. Marjorie McCauley Mrs. Euzella Smith Mrs. Ruth G. Thompson Mrs. Rebecca Shepard Miss Lynell Spaulding Mrs. Rosebelle Stones Mr. Preston Whitney MISS BARBARA ALMOSINE McCOY .. 1115 South East Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Almo McCoy Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Walter C. Ferrell Mr. B. V. Alston, Jr. Mr. J. E. Burke Community Florist Mrs. T. A. Cooke Mrs. Ella Gadsden Mrs. E. Hall Mrs. Addie Hinton Mr. L. W. Jefferson Mr. Gregg Johnson Mrs. Margaret Lilly Mr. George Lipscomb SPONSORS Mr. Almo McCoy Mrs. Mildred McCoy Mrs. M. McNeill Mrs. V. K. Newell Mrs. S. V. Perry Mrs. M. Ransdell Mrs. T. Roberts Mr. R. H. Toole Mrs. L. H. Webb Miss E. M. Yeargin MISS BEVERLY ANNE McCOY Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCoy Marshal: 4507 Fayetteville Road Raleigh, N. C. Mr. Carl Cruse SPONSORS Mrs. Bessie W. Moore Mr. Carlton J. Barber Mrs. Mary Moore Mrs. Henry E. Boyd Mrs. Doretha Morgan Mrs. Lila Jean Ferrell Mrs. Mary V. Partin Mr. George Height Mrs. Will Prizer Mr. Newman Jiles Mrs. Eliza Ray Mrs. Jjmmie ,Jones Mrs. Joyce Vandergriff Mrs. Christine M. Jordan Jenkins Mrs. Nola McClain Mr. Arthur Vines Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCoy Mrs. Essie Mae Whitaker Miss Ernestine McCoy Mrs. Juanita Wilder Mr. Bethel McCoy Mr. Donald McCoy MISS ANNIE LOIS McKAY 1414 East Jones Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McKay Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Juan Medford Cofield SPONSORS Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mrs. Bermadine Bailey McKay, Jr. Mrs. Melbert Baker Mr. Samuel McKay, Sr. Mrs. George Bethea Mr. Oliver E. McKay Mr. and Mrs. Berthand Mrs. William Mitchell Birdsall Mr. and Mrs. William Moore Mr. Harold Birdsall Mrs. Dorothy Pridgeon Mrs. Louise Birdsall Mrs. Alma Reid Mr. Theodore R. Birdsall Mrs. James Saunders Mr. Curtis Brooks Mrs. Carl Seawell Mrs. Elizabeth B. Cofield Mr. Marvin Thorpe Father E. Ferrick, O.P. Mr. and Mrs. Lewyn Weaver Mrs. Mary Greene A/3C Robert L. White Miss Betty A. Harris Mrs. Robert E. Williams Mr. Lewyn Hayes, Jr. Mr. Henry Worth Mrs. Clarence Lightner Mrs. Rosa M. Worth Miss Carrie G. McKay Reverend and Mrs. H. S. Mrs English McKay Mrs. Jessie A. McKay Wright MISS BETTY JEAN McKINLEY Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Nolan McKinley Marshal: Mrs. Edna Adams Mrs. Isabel Adams Miss Linda Bowden Mr. Cluster Garrett Mrs. Josephine Garrett Miss Mary Griffis Mr. Haywood Hicks Miss Monette Jiles Miss Mary Johnson Mr. Raymond Leach Miss Dorthy McClain Route 3, Box 257 Raleigh, N. C. Mr. Marion Thomas SPONSORS Mr. and Mrs. William Manjum Mr. Johnny McKinley Mr. and Mrs. Nolan McKinley Mr. Richard McKinley Mr. and Mrs. William McKinley Mrs. Forest Ryals Miss Goldie Smith Mr. Marion Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Williams MISS DORIS McMILLIAN Parents: Mr. and Mrs. William Bobbitt Marshal: Miss Grace Alexander Mrs. Mary Blue Mrs. Inez Bobbitt Mrs. Kattie Faison Mrs. Charles Hadden Mrs. Ethel Harry Mr. Charles Hubert Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lanier Mrs. Janie Mack Miss Rachel McPherson 1304 Branch Street Raleigh, N. C. Mr. Willie Blue SPONSORS Mrs. Inez H. Peebles Mrs. Ann Rochelle Mr. Vance Rogers Mrs. Vivian Rogers Mrs. Foster Smith Mrs. Alma Smith Mrs., Pearl N. Smith Mr. William Terrell Mr. Rex. Wright MISS LAURA ANN MILLER Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Commie Landis Marshal: Route 1, Box 69 Garner, N. C. Mr. Mark Johnson SPONSORS Mrs. Mary Ann Avery Mrs. A. L. Hooker Mrs. Ruth G. Avery Mr. Mark Stanley Johnson Mr. Thomas Bank Miss H. A. Jones Mrs. Vera Barrio Mr. W. C. Judkins Mrs. Catherine Boykins Mr. and Mrs. Commie Landis Mr. Raymond Burnette Mrs. Maude Landis Mrs. M. B. Coleman Mrs. Susan C. Malone Mrs. L. W. Crumby Mrs. Tensacola McClamb Mrs. Dorothy S. Curtis Mrs. P. S. McDonald Mr. James Farris Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Pair Mrs. Samuel Harris Miss Delores Patricia Penny Miss Carlotta Haywood Mr. E. L. Sanders Mrs. C. S. Haywood Miss G. Stroud Mr. Andre Lynn Haywood Mrs. Mary Wagner Miss Elizabeth Hodge MISS JACQUELYN BERALENA MITCHELL .. 1212 E. Hargett Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Theodes Mitchell Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Stephen Michael Rogers, III SPONSORS Mrs. Augusta H. Gray Mrs. Lucille D. Albright Miss Phyllis Gray Miss Vessie Arnold Mr. Cecil H. Griffith, Jr. Mrs. Norman Artis Mrs. Addie Harris Mrs. C. J. Barber Mrs. Lennel Hartsfield Mr. and Mrs. M. Grant Mrs. Lillian Haywood Batey, Sr. Mrs. Sadie Herndon Mrs. Odessa Brooks Mr. Frank Horton Mrs. Ida W. Brower Mrs. Gladys Hunt Miss Addie C. Brown Mrs. Florena Hunter Mr. Charles Brown Mr. R. W. Jeffreys Mr. Robert Brown Miss Mary Johns Mrs. Mamie Cagle Mrs. Valentine Johns Mrs. Mary Carnage Miss Linda P. Johnson Mr. and Mrs Julius Carr Mrs. Tamara Johnson Mrs. Frances Carter Mrs. Dorothy Jones Mrs. Mildred L. Chavis Mrs. Evans Jones Miss Viola Chavis Miss Ida Jones Miss Adelaide Cobb Mrs. Maryland Jones Mrs. Daniel Coleman Miss Elizabeth Jordan Mrs. Willis Cotton Mr. J. W. King Mrs. Dorothy Davis Mrs. Irene T. Lane Mr. W. C. Davenport Mrs. Major Lane Mrs. Marjorie B. Debnam Mrs. Flora Leach Mr. Joseph C. Dunn, Jr. Mrs. Naomi Leak Mrs. Serena Dunn Mrs. Walter Lilly Miss Jeanne Eaton Mrs. Gay Lindsey Mr. John Curtis Ellerbe Dr. Charles "A" Lyons, Jr. Mrs. Lovie Ellis Mr. Andrew J. Mack Mrs. Roger P. Evans Mrs. Frances Massenburg Mr. Thad Eure, Jr. Mrs. Isabell Mitchell Miss Mildred Freeman Mr. R. W. McDowell, Jr. Mrs. Tommie Garner Mrs. R. W. McDowell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James George Master James W. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Milton George Mr. P. G. Mitchell Mrs. Frances Gill Mr. and Mrs. Theodes Mitchell Mr. Louis Goodson Miss Wanda Gayle Mitchell Mrs. Mary F. Graham Mrs. Ella McCullum Mrs. Lessie Grant Miss Theora Mitchell Mrs. Jewell J. Newsom Mrs. Nakoda O'Neal Mrs. Ruth O'Neal Mrs. Sylvia W. Payne Mrs. Mary Peebles Mrs. Powell Peebles, Jr. Mr. Raymond Perry Mrs. Catherine Quick Mrs. Blanche Rivers Mrs. Bettie Roach Miss Margaret Rogers Mrs. Elnora Sanders Mrs. Marthena Sanders Mr. Robert Seawell Mrs. Allie Smalls Mrs. Bessie Smith Mrs. Carrie Mae Smith Miss Delores Smith Mrs. Lucille J. Smith Mrs. Eleanora Statham Mrs. Juanita Strickland Mrs. Addie D. Thomas Mrs. Helen Thomas Mrs. Marie Thorpe Mrs. Frank A. Tolliver Mrs. Ruth Tony Mrs. Floreise A. Turner Mrs. Pecola Tyson Mrs. Robert L. Umstead Mrs. George Vinson Mrs. R. E. Wimberley Mrs. D. J. Webster, Jr. Dr. Annie Louise Wilkerson Mr. Ardis Williams Mr. C M . Winston Mrs. Marie Winters Mr. Dennis Wragg MISS MARJORIE MARIE MITCHELL Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Willie Mitchell Marshal.* 411 Pine Acres Smithfield, N. C. Mr. Willa Frink SPONSORS Mr. Eddie Grantham Mr. Romie Grantham Mr. Percy High Mrs. G. V. McLean Mr. John W. McLean Miss Barbara Mitchell Mr. Charles Mitchell Mr. John Mitchell Mrs. Maixie Mitchell Mr. Willie Mitchell Mrs. Yvonne Mitchell Mrs. H. F. Palmer Mrs. Camilla Scott Mrs. A. 0. Smith Mrs. Delia Toole Mrs. Millie Tomlinson Mr. John Tomlinson Mrs. Thelma Wall Mrs. Thelma W. Wall Mrs. Carolyn Watson Miss J. Williamson Mr. James Mitchell MISS GLORIA BERTHA MAE MITCHENER .. 218 S. Swain St. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Mitchener .. Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. William Norris McClain SPONSORS Mr. Lee Adams Mr. Cooley Armstrong Mr. Nathaniel Bailey Mr. Thomas L. Bailey Miss Batchelor Mr. Charlie Batchelor Mr. George T. Broome Miss Judy Broome Mrs. Margaret Brooks Mr. William Bryant Mr. G. E. Caldwell Mr. Willie Daniel Crowder Mrs. James Curley Mrs. Davis Mrs. Hattie Faison Mrs. Claudia Faison Mrs. Claudia Farrell Miss Mary Ann Ferguson Mr. Jimmy Flagg Mrs. Pete Flagg Mr. Samuel Gaines Mrs. Victoria Hatchell Mr. Hubert Hayes Miss Josephine Horton Mrs. Mary Jackson Mr. J. M. Jones, Jr. Mrs. Legenia Jones Mrs. Ernestine Lane Miss Mary Levister Mrs. Helen Mickens Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mitchener Mrs. Fanny Mitchell Mr. James Mitchell Mr. Columbus Mitchener, Jr. Mr. Clotilde Mitchener Miss Ella E. Mitchener Mr. Otis McAllister Mr. Dan Moncrief Mr. James Moore Mrs. James Moore Mrs. Annie Ruth Morgan Mrs. Corlen Morgan Mr. Percy Mitchener Mr. Lacy Morgan Mr. James Moton Mrs. Mae Lily Moton Mr. W. M. Murphy Mrs. Dorothy Muse Mr. Patterson Mr. Lonza Phillips Mr. Curtis Raines Mrs. Katie Rogers Mr. Julius Rogers Mr. Jimmy Sanders Mr. Mosie Scott Mrs. Mattie Snow Mr. Willie Stokes Mrs. Gertrude Sturdivant Miss Metco Taylor Miss Lula Mae Tucker Mr. Tyson Mr. William D. Ward Mr. Hartford Watson Mrs. Vella Watson Miss Augusta White Mr. Jacob White Mr. Manie White Mrs. Mary White Mrs. Lula Williams Mrs. Addie White Mrs. Georgia White Mrs. Laura Williams Mrs. Willie White Mr. Raymond Williams MISS JOAN CORNELIA MOORE . . . . 708 Cumberland Avenue Parents: Mr. and Mrs. John Arthur Moore Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Ulysses Seawell SPONSORS Mrs. Loletta W. Avery Miss Edith Ann Barbour Mrs. Larcenia Curtis Mrs. Betty Ann Davis Mrs. Annie Bell Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Dossie C. Feller Mrs. M. H. Herndon Mr. David D. Jeffreys Mr. Johnnie B. Jefferns Mrs. Christine Johnson Mrs. J. T. Johnson Mrs. Emma 0. Jones Mr. James Jones Mr. Henry Judkins Mrs. Wilbert Lassiter Mrs. W. A. Lassiter Mrs. Frances Massenburg Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moore Miss Phyllis Ann Moore Mrs. Mable Moore Mrs. Rosa McCoy Mrs. Leola McCray Mr. Samuel Osborne Mrs. Mable Rodgers Miss Sherby R. Rodgers Mrs. Esther Rowland Mr. Elbert Sanders Mrs. Ella Mae Sanders Mr. Samuel Sanders Mrs. Ollia Mae Sanders Rabbi Abe W. Schoen Mrs. Florine Smith Mr. John Smith Mrs. Tommie Tomlinson Mrs. Willie Ticker Mrs. Lenoris Yarborough Mr. Julius Young MISS JOYCE CELESTINE MORGAN . . . . 2206 Bedford Avenue Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Claudius Wesley Morgan . Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Lionel Curtis SPONSORS Mrs. Lillian G. Alston Mrs. Louise Baker Miss Grace Battle Miss Nellie Bland Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blount Mrs. Iola Blount Mr. and Mrs. James 0. Blount Mr. and Mrs. John B. Blount Mrs. Martha Boatwright Mrs. Mamie Bradford Mrs. George Bridges Mr. George Bridges Mrs. Julia Brown Reverend 0. W. Burwick Mr. Frank Chavis Mrs. Otis Curtis Mrs. Walter Curtis Mrs. Mitchell Dones Mr. Eugene Dunn Mrs. Doris Dunston Mrs. Haley H. Evans Mrs. Jean T. Evans Mrs. Roger Evans Mrs. Jeanette Fields Mr. Frank Flagg Mr. Louis Flagg Mrs. Susie Flagg Mrs. L. A. Fleming Mrs. Elaine Frazier Mrs. Anne G. Fulford Mrs. Helen Goode T Sgt. and Mrs. Robert A. Goode Mr. John P. Greene Mrs. Louise Guess Mrs. Helen Hall Mrs. Rosa B. Hall Mrs. Susie B. Hall Miss Maude Hamilton Miss Zora Hamilton Mrs. Elsie Hayes Mr. David E. Haywood Mr. David E. Haywood Mr. David L. Haywood Mr. Edward Haywood Mr. L. D. Haywood, Sr. Mr. Maurice Haywood Mrs. Susan Haywood Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hester Miss Mildred High Mr. Arthur Hinton Mrs. Carrie Hinton Mrs. Helen Hinton Mrs. Thelma Holloway Mr. Louis Hopkins Mrs. Ruby Howard Mr. Gilbert Hunter Mrs. Harriet S. Jones Mrs. M. M. Kelly Mrs. Claudia M. Laws Mr. Wilbert 0. Laws Miss. Elizabeth Lee Mrs. Gertrude Ligon Mrs. Casper Lilly Mr. Jay Cee Lyons Mr. Robert Malone Mr. William E. Manly Mrs. Marie McFadden Mr. John McGuire Mrs. Benjamin Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Claudius W. Morgan Mr. Le Grande Morgan Miss N. H. Morgan Mr. Paul Morgan Mr. Samuel Morgan Mrs. Mabel S. Patterson Mrs. Elizabeth Peebles Mrs. Margaret Peebles Mrs. Virginia Peebles Mrs. Mary H. Person Mrs. Susan Person Mrs. Bessie Pettiford Mrs. Essie Phillips Mrs. Maude Phillips Mr. Otis Poole, Sr. Mrs. Otis Poole, Jr. Mrs. Mary Powell Mrs. Catherine Quick Mr. E. L. Raiford Miss. Mirian Ricks Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts Mr. Samuel Roberts Mr. Hubert Scarver Mrs. Mildred Scarver Miss Lillian Seawell Mrs. J. G. Shelton Miss Clara Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Delma Shepard Mrs. Earland W. Shepard Mrs. Almerdia Smith Miss Geraldine Smith Mrs. India Smith Mrs. Sarah Speed Mrs. Doris L. Stalk Mrs. Laura Taylor Mrs. James V. Turner Mrs. Mary E. Turner Mrs. Tulia Turner Mr. Rufus Whitley Mrs. Delores Wilder Mrs. Alma Williams Mr. T. Harold Williams Mr. and Mrs. Forest Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilson Mrs. Charlie Young Mrs. Lillie Young Mrs. Lucille Campbell MISS VALJEAN MYERS .. 202 Battle Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. King David Myers — Raleigh, N. C Marshal: Mr. Carlton J. Barber SPONSORS Mrs. Doris Adams Mr. Robert Allen Mrs. P. M. Alston Mrs. Martha Askew Mrs. C. J. Barber Mr. C. J. Barber Mrs. Gladys Britt Mrs. Arnetta Brown Mrs. Janie Chavis Mrs. Ella Cheatham Mrs. Sophie Clay Mrs. Julia Cotton Mr. William Curtis Mrs. Lillie Finch Freezer Fresh Ice Cream Mrs. Lillian Freeman Mrs. V. G. Gibson Mr. Stephen Glenn Mrs. Nellie Hamn Mrs. Margaret Hinton Reverend D. N. Howard Mrs. Ethel Jones Mrs. Jeannie Jones Mrs. Mary McDuffey Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Myers Mrs. Julia Nevels Mrs. H. B. Pullen, Sr. Mrs. H. B. Pullen, Jr. Mr. D. H. Reid Mrs. Eva J. Sanders Mrs. Elsie Satterfield Miss Shirley Satterfield Mrs. Louise Shaw Mrs. Hazel Sorrell Mrs. Mamie Watson Mr. P. U. Watson Mrs. Lucinda Wiggins Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson Mrs. Annie Williams Mrs. Lillie Wilder Mrs. Nonella Wilder MISS NIKI LAUREEN NEAL 501 Calloway Drive Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. Neal Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Clarence J. Hayes SPONSORS Mrs. Callie Alston Mrs. Grace Avery Mrs. Vera Barrio Mrs. Sadie Battle Mrs. Lester Bumpers Mrs. Bettie L. Burnette Mr. George A. Coburn Mrs. Evelyn Cooper Mrs. Geraldine Cooper Mrs. Jacqueline E. Cooper Mr. Paschal L. Cooper Miss Sandra Cooper Mr. William H. Cooper Mrs. Thomas Crumby Mrs. Margueritta W. Davis Mrs. Sarah Dove Mrs. Margaret Egerton Mrs. Annie H. Eilerbe Mr. Charles Owen Flowers Mr. Robert Flowers 'Mrs. Florence Irving Francis Mrs. George Green, Jr. Mrs. Jackie Green Mr. John P. Greene Mrs. Sadie Griffith Miss Vernice Harris Mrs. Otis H. Hawkins Mr. Otis H. Hawkins Mr. Clarence J. Hayes Mr. Lewyn Hayes, Sr. Mrs. C. A. Haywood, Sr. iMr. Charles A. Haywood, Jr. Mrs. Cornelia Haywood Mrs. Norma Haywood Mrs. C. A. Haywood, Sr. Mrs. Elsie Height Mrs. Lillie M. Hinton Mrs. Annie Horton Miss Yvonne J. Hunter Miss Frances J. Hunter Miss Katie H. Hunter Mrs. C. G. Irving, Sr. Mr. Charles G. Irving, Jr. Miss Cyretha Irving Mrs. Ophelia Irving Miss Vivian Irving Mrs. Althea Jones Mrs. Alyce Jones Mrs. Vernell Lassiter Mrs. Mary E. Lester Mrs. A. H. Logan Mrs. Linwood Matthews Mrs. Margaret Montague Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. Neal, Sr. Mr. Benjamin G. Neal, Jr. Mr. William Carroll Neal Miss Elaine Peebles Mrs. W. A. Perry, Jr. Mrs. Juanita A. Powell Mr. Richard W. Powell iMrs. Catherine Quick Mr. George L. Quiett Mrs. Gwendolyn Reid Mrs. Ida Reid Mrs. Esther Rucker Mr. Henry Rucker Mrs. Johnsie D. Sherman Mrs. James Smith Mrs. Nellie Smith Mr. J. E. Strickland Miss Geneva Stroud Mr. Herman L. Taylor Mr. James G. Taylor Mrs. Lillie Mae Taylor Miss Pattie L. Taylor Mrs. Dorothy C. Thomas Mrs. Edith M. Trice Mr. Clarence A. Toole Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Wilder Mr. Ray Wilkins Mr. James I. Wise Mrs. Alex Watkins Miss Thelma Watkins Mrs. Fannie Williams Mrs. Gladys Williams Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson MISS LUCY MARIE NEVILLE Route 2 Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Hubert M. Neville Chapel Hill, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Robert Edwards SPONSORS Mrs. Betty Sue Minnis Mrs. Ruby Minor Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Neville Mrs. June Pearson Mr. Jack Riggsbee Mr. Paul Snyder Mrs. Paul Snyder Mr. Luel West Mrs. Marion Wilson Mrs. Clara Baldwin Mrs. Nail Cates Mrs. Olia Dorset Mr. B. H. Copelan Mrs. Arlena Edwards Mrs. Rita Hogan Mrs. Ellen Hopson Mr. Phillip Jones Mrs. Aubrey Lloyd Mr. Dee McCauley MISS JACQUELINE ALTHEA PARHAM .. 327 Sparrow Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Jesse T. Parham — Washington, N. C. Marshal: Mr. James Byrd, J r . SPONSORS Mrs. Esther B. Allen Mr. Joseph Allen Mrs. Annie Armstrong Mr. George Bailey Mrs. Lovie Bailey Mr. James R. Barrow Mrs. Lucille Bazemore Mrs. Marcell R. Beason Mrs. Maude Beebe Mr. Albert M. Bond Mrs. Florita Bond Mrs. Mary Bond Mrs. Bessie Fogg Bonner Miss Cornelia Boston Mr. Leander Bowen Mrs. Louise Bowen Mrs. Mutter Keyes Bowan Mr. Laurence Bowan Mrs. Carrie P. Boyd Mr. James Boyd Mrs. Janice Branch Mrs. Dorothy L. Brayee Mr. Chester Bright Miss Cheryl Bright Mrs. Maggie Bright Mr. Nicholus Bright Miss Velda Bright Mrs. Margaret Bullock Mr. Winslow Bullock Mrs. Catherine Bynum Mrs. Ada Carmon Mr. William H. Chapman Miss Catherine Clark Mr. Macon Cogdell Mrs. Mickey Collins Mrs. Geraldine Cooper Miss Helen Cooper Miss Louise Cooper Mrs. Maggie Lloyd Cordon Mr. James Cutler Mrs. Elwyza M. Daniels Mr. WT. M. Daniels, Jr. Mrs. June C. Davenport Mrs. Alice Davis Dr. Harold Davis Mrs. Martha Hill Dowsey Mrs. Norma F. Dowdy Miss Joan Dowdy Dr. H. N. Dowdy Mrs. Beatrice Eason Mr. Herman J. Eason Mrs. Sarah Edwards Mrs. Sarah Edwards Mr. James Edwards Miss Evelyn Evans Miss Emma Foreman Mrs. Olive D. Foxhall Attorney and Mrs. Reginald Frazier Mrs. Dazzerine W. Green Mrs. Dorothy Harris Miss Mildred Harris Mr. Clarence Holland Mrs. Caroline Hooten Mr. John W. James Mr. Nathaniel James Mr. German L. Johnson Mrs. Hattie B. Johnson Mr. Johnny Jones Mrs. Florence R. Keyes Miss Mildred P. Keyes Mr. William A. Keyes Mrs. Barbara Ligon Mr. Louis Ligon Mrs. Beatrice Manuel Mr. Charles Manuel Miss Mildred Martin Mr. Walter Mayo Mrs. Margaret McLendon Mr. S. R. McLendon Mrs. Betty McNeil Mr. David Moore Mrs. Lela K. Moore Mrs. Vivian Morris Reverend and Mrs. Alexander Mosley Mrs. Ethel H. O'Farror Mrs. Marie S. Ore Mrs. Daisy B. Parham Mr. Jessie T. Parham Mrs. Blanche R. Perkins Atty. James A. Peyton Miss Roberta Peyton Mrs. Lena Poitier Mr. Leon R. Randolph Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Randolph Mrs. Mary S. Randolph Mr. Curtiss Richardson Mrs. Hartense Richardson Mrs. Sarah C. Rodgers Mr. William Rodgers Mr. Cicero Roland Mrs. Velma F. Roland Mrs. Lillie Seymore Mr. Paul Seymore Mrs. Cornelia J. Sharpe Mrs. Eddie M. Simpson Mrs. Nora Slade Mrs. George Smith Mrs. Hazel Smith Mr. Ermon Spencer Miss Iris Swain Mrs. Lena Swain Mr. Vanders R. Swain Mrs. Betty Tankard Mr. Frank Taylor Mrs. Anna B. Telle Mr. Robert L. Teele Mrs. Clumpertee Tucker Mr. Thomas Tucker Mrs. Thelma Wallace Mrs. Eva Ward Mr. and Mrs. James A. Williams Mrs. Clifford Wooten Mr. Hockless Wooten MISS GLORIA JEAN PERSON Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Julius Person Marshal: 1019 Fort Street Raleigh, N. C. Mr. James K. Greene SPONSORS Mr. Emmanuel Allen Mrs. Bessie Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Cotton Mrs. Minnie Curtis Mr. Murphy Glenn Mr. Steve Glenn Mrs. Bertha Hinton Miss Hattie Jones Mrs. Madeline Keith Mrs. Rosa Perry Mr. and Mrs. William Person Mr. and Mrs. Julius Person Mr. and Mrs. Robert See Mrs. Pauline Singletary Mrs. Herman Taylor Mrs. Mary Umstead Mrs. Fannie Youngblood Mrs. Bessie Watson MISS JOYCE ANN PULLEY Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Odell Pulley Marshal: 1508 Oakwood Avenue Raleigh, N. C. Mr. Thurman Hinton SPONSORS Mrs. Lizzie Allen Mr. Lovelace Burwell Mrs. Bessie Clark Mrs. Mary Dunn Mrs. Princeton T. Harris Mr. Clanton Hunter Mrs. Lila Hunter Mrs. Emma M. Lee Mrs. Oneta Lucas Mrs. Margaret Massenburg Mrs. Mary Matthews Mr. Eddison McDowell Mr. Robert Mitchell Mrs. Georgia Mordecai Miss Elizabeth Mordecai Miss Hazel Pulley Mr. Jesssie Pulley Mrs. Lila Pulley Mr. Odell Pulley Mr. Robert Sharper Mrs. Juanita Singletary Mr. Allen Stokes Mr. Sylvester White, Jr. Mrs. Lonnie Williamson MISS PATRICIA ANN ROBINSON 813 South State Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robinson Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. David Alston SPONSORS Mr. Jeffrey Alba Mr. Johnny Alba Mr. Jonathan Alba Mrs. Reva Alba Mr. Willie Alford Mrs. Allen Mrs. Nellie Alston Mr. David Alston Mrs. Jennie Mae Alston Mr. Charles Baker Mr. A. L. Bass Mrs. Blanche Battle Mrs. Addie Bethea Mrs. Vastie Birdsong Mrs. Lillie Blackmon Rev. Prof. J. J. Bol Mr. Roger Boone Mrs. Christine Brown Miss Beverly Brusser Mr. Irving Brusser Mr. Leslie Brusser Mrs. Mae Brusser Mr. Meryl Brusser Mr. Paul Brusser Mrs. Joretta Burie Mrs. Hattie Rose Ceasar Mr. Owen Ceasar Mrs. Roxie Ceasar Wilt Chamberlin Inc. Mr. George Ray Chance Mr. C. B. Chapman Mr. Ernest Chapman Mrs. Jessie Mae Chapman Mr. McKinley Chapman Mr. Norma Chapman Miss Sarah Chapman Mr. Shannon Chapman Mrs. Lena Chatman Miss Modestine Chatman Mrs. Annie Mae Chavis Mr. Jim Chislom Mrs. Rosabella Chislom Mrs. Algie Clay Mrs. Renee Cohern Mrs. Irene Coleman Mrs. Lucy Copeland Miss Geraldine Covington Mrs. Janie R. Covington Mrs. Mary Daniels Mr. Charles J. Davis Mrs. Mary Davis Mr. Clarence Dickens Mrs. Shirley Donaldson Miss Ann Duell Miss Barbara Dunston r. Earl Dunston Mrs. Flora Eaton Mrs. Brooksie F a r r a r Mr. Clarence Ford Mrs. Jean Fardine Miss Deborah Goldstein Miss Robby Goldstein Mrs. Sandra Goldstein Mrs. Q. E. Hall Mrs. Maggie Harmon Mrs. Mamie (Harris Mrs. Mary Harris Mr. and Mrs. T. Harris Mr. Aaron Hartsfield Mrs. Laura Hartsfield Mrs. Anna Henderson Mrs. Ella Hinton Rev. Theodore Hinton Mrs. Dorothy Hodge Mr. Carlton Hood Mrs. Lula Hopkins Mrs. Elizabeth Horton Mr. Louis Horton Mrs. Ann Hough Mr. Robert Hunter Mrs. Rosa Hymes Mrs. Emma Jackson Mrs. Louise Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson Miss Wilhelmenia Johnston Mrs. Anna Jones Miss Dorothy Jones Mrs. Maggie Jones Mrs. Mary Jones Miss Anzella King Mrs. Shirley Lee Mr. and Mrs. Reece Lighty Mr. Wyatt Lockley Mrs. Modena Love Mrs. Alda McCullers Mrs. Evelyn McDougal Mrs. Classie McNeil Mrs. Dorothy McNeil Miss Hattie Yvonne Moore Miss Charlsea Morgan Mr. George Moye Mrs. Betty Spruiell Murphy Mr. James F. O'Neal Mrs. Rosa Parker Mrs. Hattie Perry Mrs. Inez Perry Mr. Ben Peterson, Jr. Mrs. Hattie Peterson Miss Barbara Peterson Mrs. Marie Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Sam Peterson Mr. Walter Peterson Mr. Willie Peterson Mr. Willie Sam Peterson Mrs. Mildred Powell Mr. and Mrs. Willie Prevard Miss Theresa Price Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Pugh Mrs. Polly Quiller Mrs. Edna Robinson Mr. Gene Robinson Mr. Henry Robinson Miss Barbara Scott Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Scott Mrs. Gladys Snellings Mr. J. W. Sorrell Mrs. Lillie Mae Spruiell Mrs. Betty Stewart Mrs. Millicent Taylor Mr. Terrell Mrs. Luzelia Tucker Mrs. Ernestine UpChurch Mr. James Walker Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wells Mr. Burt Williams Mrs. Georgia Williams Miss Joyce Williams Mrs. Beatrice Winters Mrs. Yarbough MISS MYRDICE ANTIONETTE SANDERS . 819 E. Cabarrus St. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Malfus Sanders Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Lawrence Reid SPONSORS Mrs. Loletta W. Avery Mrs. Garland Banks Mrs. R. F. Brewington Mrs. Lillian Brown Mrs. Elizabeth L. Burton Mr. Henry Burton Mrs. Hattie Butler Mrs. Flossy Canady Mr. James Earp Mrs. Bessie Edwards Mr. R. L. Grantham Miss Shirley Heath Mrs. Katdid Hilliard Mrs. Alice L. Hinton Mrs. Hermina Hunter Mrs. Clara Johnson Mr. Lynn Johnson Mrs. Ruth Johnson Mrs. Elizabeth Jones Mrs. J. J. Jones Mrs. Winnie Lacewell Mrs. J. P. Moore Mrs. Dorothy Perry Mrs. E. J. Perry Mrs. Betty Reid Mrs. Katherine Robinson Mrs. M. M. Rogers Miss M. E. Sampson Mr. Bobby R. Sanders Miss Gloria Sanders Mrs. Mae Rene Sanders Mr. Paul M. Sanders Miss Catherine Satterfield Mrs. E. H. Shorrod Mrs. Mary Spencer Mrs. Fred Stalling Mrs. Earnie Walton Mrs. Helen Walton Miss Thelma Odessa Walton Mr. William Walton Mrs. Lovey Wilson MISS BARBARA JEAN SCOTT P. 0. Box 572 Parents: Mr. and Mrs. William H. Scott, Sr. .. Chapel Hill, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Bernard Britt SPONSORS Mr. Thurman T. Atkins Mrs. James Baldwin Mrs. C. H. Barnes Mrs. A. P. Battle Mrs. Helen W. Daniel Miss Anna D. Daye Mrs. Gladys Fikes Mr. Braxton Foushee Mrs. Amelia Franklin Miss Mary L. Gattis Mr. Samuel Gattis Mr. George Harris Mrs. Jimmie L. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. James A. Marsh Mrs. Hazel Minor Mr. W. D. Peerman Mr. Robert L. Roberson Mr. and Mrs. Van Roberson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Scott, Sr. Mr. William H. Scott, Jr. Miss Susan Seigler Mr. Richard Singer Mrs. M. D. Turner Mrs. Cornelia Wagstaff Miss Rachel Wagstaff MISS PATRICIA ANN SNELLINGS 3 Maple Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Luther Louis Snellings .. Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Nelson Peebles SPONSORS Mrs. B. L. Kearney Mr. Wesley Montaque Mrs. Florence McCarter Mrs. Otis McMicheal Mr. Wallace Pearce Mrs. Louis Ray Miss Mary Snellings Mrs. Elizabeth Snellings Miss Patricia Thomas Mr. R. J. Underwood Mrs. Victoria Walters Mrs. Charles Wiggins Mrs. Elvin Wiggins Mrs. Mildred Wiggins Mr. Lawrence Williams Mr. Thomas Worth Mrs. Stephen Alston Mrs. John Benson Mrs. Cecil Burton Mrs. Edward Carson Mrs. Alphonso Coleman Mrs. Florida Connolly Miss Vivian D. Cox Mr. Seaton Dunn, Jr. Mr. Charles Faison Mrs. Gilbert F a r r a r Mrs. Beatrice M. Hall Mrs. V. C. Hamlin Mr. Jack M. Hargett Mrs. Wade Harris Mrs. Carrie Hinton Mrs. Willie Jones Mr. B. L. Kearney MISS DORIS BRUNEE THOMAS 606 S. Harrington Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Davis Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Charles Shaddrick Davis III SPONSORS Mr. Otis Autry Mrs. Luella Barnes Mrs. Ethel L. Clark Mr. Lonnie L. Cole, Sr. Mr. Lonnie L. Cole, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Cole Mr. Minus Cole Mr. Charles S. Davis III Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Davis Mrs. Margueritta Davis Miss Charlene Kirby Mr. L. M. Maske Mrs. Bettie A. Jackman Mrs. Elizabeth Fontes Mrs. Ella Crossling Mr. Lex Colson Mrs. Mozelle Mills Mr. and Mrs. Horace McLendon Mrs. Josephine Robinson Mrs. Odessa Ransdell Mrs. William B. Stanley Mrs. Lucy Willis Mrs. Hazel V. Williams M iss Jennie V. Davis Mrs. Rena Leake Miss Sylvinia Leake Mr. Ross Leake MISS SHEILA FERN THOMPSON 1113 Stokes Street Parent: Mrs. Helen Bryant Thompson . . . . Rocky Mount, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Maynard A. Hawkins, J r . SPONSORS Mr. J. B. Adams Mr. J. D. Allison Mr. Fred D. Anthony Mr. Nathaniel Barber Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bates Mr. Roscoe A. Batts Mrs. C. S. Bias Mrs. N. T. Bowens Mrs. Ezelle Boykins Mr. Robert Brewer Mr. A. H. Bryant Mrs. Bessie C. Bryant Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Bryant Mr. Walter C. Bryant Miss Katie Bunn Mr. James Burris Mrs. Christine Burston Mr. I. L. Carson Mrs. Elbert Cordon Miss Nancy L. Culbreth Mrs. Guion Davis Mrs. E. E. Felton Mr. W. David Fields Miss Norma Wanda Foye Mr. Roosevelt Garvin Miss I. L. Hartwill Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hawkins Mrs. B. A. Horton Mr. and Mrs. T. Jeffers Miss Victoria Lambson Miss L. Y. Lassiter Mrs. Mae B. Lee Mrs. Beatrice Mack Mr. Billy B. Martin Mrs. Emma G. McKoy Mrs. Anne R. McNair Miss Carole Miller Mrs. Elsie B. Miller Mrs. M. H. Nicholson Mrs. Opal M. Parker Mrs. Margaret G. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Everett Pettigrew Mrs. A. M. Rutherford Mr. Fred Shelton Miss Mildred Smith Mr. I. 0. Swain Mrs. H. B. Thompson Miss Kay Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thompson Mrs. Walter Turner Miss Lynda Vickman Mrs. Pauline W. Young MISS BARBARA ANNE TUCKER 507 Rosengarten Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. James Tucker Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Rufus Aaron Wilson SPONSORS Mrs. Alice Lassiter Mrs. Louise Lassiter Miss Jewel Lassiter Mr. Elli Lewis Miss Nannie Leveston Mr. William Malone Mr. Curt McArthur Miss Jewel Merritt Mr. Ellsworth Minter Mrs. Ruth Monroe Mrs. Susie Newberry Miss Bobbie Outtin Mrs. Katherine Riddick Mrs. Bernard Rogers Mrs. Hattie C. Ruffin Mrs. Nannie Smith Mrs. Pearl Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Tucker Mrs. Violet Tucker Mrs. Lula M. Tucker Mr. Melvin Turner Mr. William Tyson Mrs. Mable Upperman Mrs. Ruth Walker Mrs. Josephine McWhite Mrs. Nonella Wilder Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson Mrs. Grace Woods Mrs. Verdelle B. Allgood Mrs. Dorothy Alston Mrs. Janie Anderson Miss Hazel Buchanan Mrs. Mozelle Burnette Mrs. Rosella Burnette Mrs. Beatrice Burt Mr. Charles Cameron Mrs. Helen Cameron Mrs. Janie Chavis Mrs. Arthelia Cole Mr. Ernest Cooper Mrs. Sadie Davidson Mrs. Mary Denning Mrs. Pauline Dolby Mrs. Iola Evans Mrs. Mary L. Gilchrist Mr. Edward Glenn Mrs. Ruth Glenn Mr. Levander Goldston Mrs. Edna Haywood Mrs. Martha Hudson Mrs. Christine Jones Mr. Dallie Jones Mrs. Elizabeth Jones Mrs. Ethel Jones Mr. William Jones Mrs. Vingina Kearney Mrs. Adarine Kurtz MISS BILLIE VIRGINIA TUCKER 1017 Hadley Road Parents: Mr. and Mrs. James P . Tucker Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Fredrick U. Curtis SPONSORS Mrs. Audrey H. Logan Mrs. Martha Marrel Mrs. Ruth Merritt Mrs. Clemetine Pretty Mrs. Iola Riddick Mrs. Eugene Rogers Miss Geraldine Smith Mrs. Beatrice Strickland Mr. and Mrs. James P. Tucker Mr. Johnnie Tucker Mrs. Luzelia Walden Mrs. Katherine Williams Mrs. Mildred Williams Mr. Oliver D. Williams Miss Verna Banks Mr. Edward Bridges Mr. Johnnie E. Burke Mrs. Marjorie F. Burton Mrs. Kittie N. Cumbo Miss Thelma L. Cumbo Mrs. Thernotta Curtis Mrs. Roberta B. Davis Mrs. Evelyn George Mrs. Josephine Harris Mr. Phillip Hinton Mrs. Mary Hobby Mr. Phillip Prince Mr. Samuel J. Johnson Miss Ida Lee Mrs. Ora A. Lipscomb MISS MARY GOODWIN UPPERMAN .. 330 West South Street Parent: Mrs. Pauline Frederick Upperman Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Lawrence E. Jones SPONSORS Mr. Jack Amram Mrs. Amie Avery Mrs. Rosa Baldwin Mrs. Ruth Branch Mrs. N. Kyle Boykin Mrs. Naomi Brooks Miss Minnie Brown Mrs. Nettie Bryant Mrs. Elmira Bugg Mrs. Rowland Butler Mrs. Marguerite R. Cook Miss Joyce Racquel Cooke Reverend H. Cunningham Mrs. Dorothy Curtis Miss Gwendolyn Cutchins Mrs. Jorean Debnam Mrs. H. U. Easterling Miss Claudia Faison Miss Dorothy Fleming Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gay Mrs. N. K. Gilliam Mr. Herbert Greene Mrs. Susie B. Greene Mrs. Lelia Harris Mr. D. E. Haywood Mr. Otha Haywood Mrs. Mary Henry Miss Frances Hinton Mrs. Edward Holden Mr. Christopher Hunt, Jr. Miss Willie Mae Jeffries Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson Mrs. Christine Jones Mrs. Mary Jones Mr. and Mrs. W. (H. Jones Mrs. Geraldine Lee Mr. Sherman Lewis Mrs. L. Lindsay Mrs. Annie Ruth MacArthur Mrs. Mary Marable Miss Cheryl Massenburg Mr. Ernest Massenburg Mrs. Vira Murphy Mrs. Clemetine Peace Mrs. Claudia Peoples Mrs. Elsie H. Perry Mrs. Lizzie Ritter Mrs. Delores Sanders Mrs. Vivian Smith Miss Gloria Stroud Miss Ruth Taylor Mrs. Thelma Thomas Mrs. Mary M. Upchurch Miss Dorothy Upperman Miss Pauline F. Upperman Dr. G. L. Vick Mr. William Ward Mrs. D. S. Whitaker Mrs. Lovie Williams Mrs. Dorothy T. Wilson Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson Mr. Joseph Yarborough Mrs. Lucille Yarborough MISS GLORIA JEAN WALKER Parent: Mrs. Cora Lee Walker Marshal: 1116 Alston Street Raleigh, N. C. Mr. Linwood Earl Ebron SPONSORS Mr. Clarence Bass Mr. Robert Brown Mr. Joseph Carr Mrs. Ethel L. Clark Mrs. Vivian Evans Mr. Walter Farrell Mrs. Melvina Ferrell Mrs. Corine Ferrell Miss Catherine Ferrell Miss Millie Ferrell Mr. James Graves Mrs. Bertha Hart Mr. Frank Horton Mrs. Catherine Hough Mrs. Ida Mae Jenkins Miss Clara Johnson Mrs. Hattie Johnson Mrs. Aderine Kurtz Mrs. Constance Massenburg Miss Cynthia A. Nicholas Mr. James Perry Mrs. Catherine Phillips Mr. James Phillips Mrs. Susy Scott Thomas Food Store Miss Celestine Walker Miss Gwendolyn E. Walker Mr. Alexander Watkins Miss Hilda Whitley Mr. Herbert Williams MISS WILLIE KAY WHITE 528 E. 19th Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. H. O'Kelly White .. Newport News Va. Marshal: Mr. Nelson Enoch Greene, Jr! SPONSORS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brooks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown. Jr. Mrs. June Kay Campbell Mrs. Elizabeth Constant Mrs. Thannie Constant Mrs. Julia Delany Miss Bessie Delany Miss Sadie Delany Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Greene Mrs. Gertrude Harris Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hayes Miss L. M. Hunter Mrs. Willie Otey Kay Mr. and Mrs. Garrett L. Laws Mrs. Dora Otey Mrs. Vivian Sansom Dr. and Mrs. Hunter H. Satterwhite Dr. C. Waldo Scott Mrs. Mildred Otey Taylor Atty. and Mrs. R. Wendell Walker A/IC Algernon T. White III Mr. and Mrs. Harold O'Kelly White Mr. and Mrs. John 0. White Miss Mercedes Winters Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Young Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Young MISS REBECCA WILLIAMS 558 East Hargett Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Lacy Morgan, J r . SPONSORS Mr. George F. Allen Mrs. Daisy Brown Mr. R. E. Brown Mr. Curtis Mrs. Elija Dairs Holloway Mr. Willie Grier Mrs. Willie Grier Mrs. Bessie Haywood Mrs. L. Johnson Mrs. Ethel Kearney Mrs. Frances S. Kidwell Mr. Robert Lee Miss Lila Lockhart Mr. Hillard Miller Miss Barbara O'Neal Mrs. James O'Neal Mr. Layfayette Reddick Mrs. Cora Smart Mrs. Daniel Walker Mrs. Exzera Watson Mrs. Mary White Mrs. C. L. Williams Mrs. G. Williams Miss Mable L. Williams Mrs. W. M. Williams Mrs. Sally Winston MISS SHIRLEY ANN WILLIAMS 830 Coleman Street Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Eppmethus Williams Raleigh, N. C. Marshal: Mr. Claude Crews SPONSORS Reverend M. F. Booker Mr. Stephen Crews Mrs. Margaret Davenport Mrs. E. Davis Mrs. Queen E. Hall Mr. Oney Lunsford Mr. David McCiver Mrs. Magalene Richardson Mrs. Viola Rowland Miss Levada Stephens Mrs. Beatrice Williams Mr. Leonard Williams Mr. Eppmethus Williams Mrs. Lillie Williams Mrs. Mildred Williams MISS VIRGINIA LECRISIER WILLIAMS .. Route 1, Box 230 Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Kinston Williams ... Apex. N. C. Marshal: Mr. Charlie Hinton SPONSORS Mr. and Mrs. John L. Atkins Mrs. Barbara Banks Mrs. Mary Banks Mr. C. J. Barber Miss Elester Brandon Mrs. Thelma Brandon Mrs. Marie Berry Mr. Clifford Burt, Sr. Mr. Clifford Burt, Jr. Miss Dorothy Burt Miss Johnsie Burt Mrs. Maggie Burt Miss Emmie Council Mrs. Laura Kelly Mrs. Leona B. Daniels Mr. Samuel Harris Mr. John Jefferies Mr. W. C. Judkins Mr. A. J. Langford Miss I. L. Mangum Mrs. V. L. Saunders Mr. A. R. Sorrell Mrs. Eloise Woodard Mr. Ellis Woodard Mr. and Mrs. Kinston Williams Mr. and Mrs. James Yates
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