21st Annual Jabberwock
21st Annual Jabberwock
RICHARD B. HARRISON PUBLIC LIBRARY ^ R A L f l G H , NORTH CAROLINA Raleigh Alumnae Chapter Delte Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Presents The 21st Annual Jabberwock An Extravaganza of Charm, Culture and Pageantry FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1961 8:15 P.M. Raleigh Memorial Auditorium RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Greetings . . . to THE QUEENS OF 1961 THE OUTSTANDING SENIORS OF 1961 and THEIR PARENTS, ADVERTISERS, PATRONS AND FRIENDS From RALEIGH ALUMNAE CHAPTER DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, Inc. Orgin of the Jabberwock It was the custom of the Jabberwocky, a mythical character from ALICE IN WONDERLAND, to call together members of his kingdom once a year to present a colorful pageant. The Jabberwocky was so called because of the many different parts which are necessary to make him a fascinating creature. In like manner, chapters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority present original short skits which together make up an evening's entertainment. The RALEIGH ALUMNAE CHAPTER of DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY is happy to have you share with us this colorful presentation and welcomes you warmly to this our 21st Jabberwock. We extend our sincere appreciation and gratitude to each of you. Your confidence and patronage in our endeavors this year, as well as in previous years, have supported us in our efforts to provide scholarships for many capable and deserving students. We are delighted to have you as our guests tonight and we extend to you an invitation to return when we present our next JABBERWOCK. Please Patronize our Advertisers • . . - • " » - - . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ '••«•«••••••«•«••*•>••*.••••..•..•.. The Royal Court "I looked into the future with delight Saw the lovely rainbow in the night And Damsels' faces looking up Holding wonders like a cup." MAID OF HONOR MISS JABBERWOCK OF 1961 BERYL VIVIAN SANSOM CHERYL ANN LYTLE Cathedral Latin High School Cathedral Latin High School Raleigh, North Carolina Raleigh, North Carolina MAID OF HONOR DELLA ANN DAFFORD Harnett High School Dunn, North Carolina MAID OF HONOR MADELYN McCLAIN MAID OF HONOR EDNA RUTH WALKER Ligon High School Ligon High School Raleigh, North Carolina Raleigh, North Carolina ..«..*.••..*. ....*..•..»..•.....•.. >•••••-••••••>•••••••••••••••••• - • • * • " • • • • • • Maids Aspiring Front Bow — Left to Bight - Carolyn Mangum, Apex Consolidated High School Dolena Allen, Ligon High School Mary Riddick, Ligon High School Lillie Boyd, Ligoji High School Vernice Holt, Ligon High School Rose Marie Ellis, Ligon High School Gloria Allen, Shawtown High School Cheryl Lytic, Cathedral Latin High School Denyse Tate, Ligon High School Willie Mae Spivey, Ligon High School Theresa Barham, Lockhart High School Brenda Bethea, Berry O'Kelly High School Arnita Reaves, Berry O'Kelly High School Second How — Bettye Bnggs, Washington Junior High School Evelyn Williams, Ligon High School Mable Young, Ligon High School J u a n i t a Holden, Garner Consolidated High School Ava Nell Ragland, Shawtown High School Rogerline Pipkin, Ligon High School Wes3ie Blalock, Shawtown High School Billie Tucker, Ligon High School Nlki Neal, Ligon High School Natalie Wilson, Washington Junior High School Jennifer B. McAllister, Fuquay Springs Consolidated High School Sarah S<teele, Apex Consolidated High School Alice Jackson, Lockhart High School Patricia Jones, Apex Consolidated High School Third Bow — Maxine Partin, Ligon High School Gloria Snipes, Ligon High School Eva Evans, DuBois High School Faye Richardson, Washington Junior High School J a n e t Chavis, Washington Junior High School Barbara Hinton, Cathedral Latin High School Barbara Williams, Washington Junior High School Leonora Brooks, Washington Junior High School Norma Ellen Keck, Ligon High School Patricia Pattishaw, Ligon High School Louise Robertson. Ligon High School Brenda Adams, Ligon High School Madelyn McClain, Ligon High School Edna Walker, Ligon High School Fourth Bow — Patricia Robinson, Ligon High School Parent Mr. Monroe Adams Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Mr. and Mrs. Willie Barham Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Bethea Mr. and Mrs. Porter Blalock Mrs. Mary V. Niles Mr. and Mrs. Leano Brooks Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Buggs Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chavis Mr. and Mrs. Lee Van d e m o n s Mr. and Mrs. J . W. I. Mason Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dafford Mr. and Mrs. John C. Washington Mr. and Mrs. Vance Evans, J r . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Evans Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hartsfield Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k J . Hinton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holden Mr. and Mrs. Ardo C. Holt Mrs. Gertrude Jackson June Jeffries, Ligon High School Blister Hall, Cathedral Latin High School Beryl Sansom, Cathedral Latin High School Jacquelyn Mitchell, Cathedral Latin High School Wihna Peebles, Cathedral Latin High School J a n e t Crossling, Cathedral Latin High School Absent When Picture Was Taken Barbara Burnett, Lincoln High School Betty Evans, Ligon High School Geraldine Tarrington, Lincoln High School Shirley Hartsfield, Lockhart High School Pelores Jones, Berry 0 'Kelly High School Jauie Jones, Lincoln High School Violet Kerr, Ligon High School Gloria Lucas, Berry O 'Kelly High School Elizabeth Mitchell, Ligon High School Edna Morrison, Apex Consolidated High School Victoria McClain, Lincoln High School Joyce Preds, Lockhart High School Hattie Prinms, Lockhart High School Barbara Scott, Lincoln High School Minnie Webster, Berry O'Kelly High School Boosters Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jeffries Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones Mr. and Mrs. Hezekiah Jones Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Keck Mrs. Cleo Kerr Mrs. Rebecca Knight Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lucas Mr. and Mrs. James Lytle Mr. and Mrs. George Mangum Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Theodes Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McClain Mrs. Edwina McAllister Mr. and Mrs. Van McClain Mrs. Ma die McClain Mr. and Mrs. Nolan McKinley Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McKoy Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Neal Mrs. Beatrice P a r t i n Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pattishaw Mr. and Mrs. Millard Peebles Mr. and Mrs. Archie Pipkin — Mrs. Frank Preds Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Primus Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ragland Mr. and Mrs. Delnia Reaves Mrs. Dorothy Richardson Mrs. Olivia Riddick Mr. and Mrs. G. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. S. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. J . Joseph Sansom, J r . Mrs. Frances Snipes Mrs. Bertha Spivey Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Steele Mr. and Mrs. William Tate Mrs. Lucy Tomlinson Mr. and Mrs. James Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Walker Mr. and Mrs. William Webster Mrs. Beatrice Williams Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams Mr. and Mrs. Kinston Williams Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson Mrs. Mable Young '«"•"« « • I PROGRAMME "My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold a Rainbow In The Sky" THEME : "OVER THE RAINBOW" SYNOPSIS : As the Jabberwocky anticipates a night of rapturous beauty, it pours, pours, pours, in a never ending sheet. When his spirit has reached its lowest ebb, a rainbow bursts like magic on his eyes, in hues of ancient promise, and off he goes in search of the mythical pot of gold. Poets have said that 'where the rainbow rests is a crock of gold', but who has ever found it???? Why don't you follow the Jabberwocky on his rapturous journey over the rainbow???? RHYTHM IN THE RAIN GALAXY IN PASTEL CORONATION OF THE QUEEN The Jabberwocky The Queens Miss Carol Freeman Miss Jabberwock of 1960 THE ENCHANTED HI-HATTERS Outstanding Seniors '60 TORCH OF WISDOM CRIMSONRAMA WHO'S W H O Delta Sorors Outstanding Seniors PROMENADE Dedicated to Seniors Dedicated to Queens DANCING .»••»••«..« «i % i nt*»tWw«H»H»« Music by The Tick-Tocks Kermit Clark and Orchestra Norfolk, Virginia FOR THE BEST in MEATS AND GROCERIES visit Sullivan's Groceries PEPSI—COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Corner of Cabarrus and Person Streets OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, Inc. 3705 Hillsboro Street TE 3-1071 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Phone TE 3-3492 WATSON'S CHICKENS A TASTY TREAT Packed By Compliments of Watson Seafood & Poultry Company, Inc. POULTRY — FRESH FISH — SEA FOODS Rivera Pictures Wholesale — Rock Quary Road — Raleigh, N. C. Retail — Cameron Village Please Patronize our Advertisers ..»..«..»..«_- Delta's Who's Who of 1961 "Triumphal arch, the fill'st the sTcy When storms prepare to past; I ash not proud Philosophy To teach me what thou art." CAMPBELL Miss Mona Boston E. E. Smith High School Fayetteville, N . C. Miss Barbara Adams Ligon High School Baleigh, N. C. Miss Betty J e a n Bailey Spanieling High School Spring Hope, N. C. Miss Geraldine Capehart Ligon High School Baleigh, N. C. Miss Jeane Carolyn Allen Atkins High School Winston-Salem, N . C. Miss Daphne Balsley Atkins High School Winston-Salem, N. C. Miss Virginia Carr Ligon High School Baleigh, N. C. Miss Macine Askew Ligon High School Baleigh, N . C. Miss Emily Jeanette Barnes Ligon High School Baleigh, N . C. Miss Maxine Askew Ligon High School Baleigh, N. C. Miss Adelaide Cobb Ligon High School Baleigh, N. C. 1 1 Compliments of A i i i Mother - Daughter Fashions SUCCESSFUL JABBERWOCK INSURANCE BUILDING FROM n 11 11 i f WRAL-TV RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 1> i • • i ii 11 * II ii <i II Thelma's II II ;; Compliments of • ii * READY - TO - WEAR II for II 11 i > II • • • • • • LADIES AND CHILDREN Long Meadow Farms COMPLETE LINE OF SPORTSWEAR PHONE EL 4-4241 APEX, N. C. • • • * • • { Strickland's Grocery • 1 The New Lincoln Theatre and i 1• 126 East Cabarrus Street Market • • j Your Patronage Is Appreciated • i j RHAMKATTE ROAD RALEIGH, N. C. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA • • • • • • • ; • ? •: • | • • DURHAM'S HEADQUARTERS Winston Mutual Life Insurance Co. For "TAILOR MADE POLICIES" j Mutual Savings & Loan Association 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Whole Family Protection Hospitalization Educational Plans Retirement P l a n Mortgage Plan • 6. Industrial Life and Sick Accident Plans 1 | • • INSURED SAVINGS AND HOME LOANS CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE 4% 112 West Parrish Street DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA "WE BUILD FOR SECURITY" E. E. Hill, President i• : • • j • Please Patronize our Advertisers L. C. Lindsey, Dist. Mgr Delta's Who's Who of 1961 Miss Claudette Virginia Cook Atkins High School Winston-Salem, N. C. Miss Zulla F a r r a r Apex Consolidated High School Apex, N . C. Miss Attie Dolby Ligon High School Raleigh, N. C. Miss Nan Elizabeth Fisher Dudley High School Greensboro, N. C. Miss Martha Crenshaw DuBois High School Wake Forest, N. C. Miss Aing<red Grhislayne Dunston Ligon High School Raleigh, N. C. Miss Brenda Dawson Ligon High School Raleigh, N. C. Miss Joyce Flippin Apex Consolidated Higii School Apex, N. C. Miss Clydette Evans Berry 6 ' K e l l y High School Method, N. C. Miss Shirley Debnam Ligon High School Raleigh, N. C. '••"•"•"•••••••••»..«•.»••«,,,•,»..«..»..»..».. .••..•..••••..•..«..*.. Miss Anna Forbes Ligon High School Raleigh, N . C. ........•.-•-.•-.*..#.. •..«..•..•..«.. .*•..»..•••»•.«..«ti«..«..«..»„>„<.t^„ »••*••••••••«••• ................. Compliments of .-»..*..•..*..•..»..» Compliments of RAPER'S MARKET & GRILL Proprietor, Mr. James Raper 551 E. E D E N T O N S T R E E T Compliments of WOODS 5c AND 10c STORE "THE FRIENDLY YOU STORE GET MORE SULLIVAN'S GROCERIES WHERE FOR LESS" Corner of Cabarrus and Person Streets 117 E A S T M A R T I N S T R E E T T E 4-9827 E A L E I G H , N O R T H CAROLINA E A L E I G H , N O R T H CAROLINA P H O N E T E 3-3492 Compliments of VISIT CIVELLA BEAUTY COLLEGE Compliments of 400 E A S T M A R T I N S T R E E T S P E C I A L I Z I N G I N COMPLETE BEAUTY TRAINING Men and Women Students C. B. MIDDLETON Accepted T H E COFFEE BREAK" 123 EAST HARGETT STREET QUALIFIED STAFF F U L L Y E Q U I P P E D LABORATORY ME. CLARENCE DAVIDSON T E 4-8023 L I G H T N E R Compliments of S T E A K S - D I N N E R S - SEAFOOD NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL FUNERAL SERVICE WEBSTER AND HICKS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY The Lightner Mutual Burial Association PARKWAY GRILL A. T. S P A U L D I N G , President Corner East Edenton Street and 24-HOUR C. C. S M I T H , District AMBULANCE SERVICE CLARENCE E. L I G H T N E B , 13 E A S T H A R G E T T Idlewild Manager STREET T E 2-2904 Manager IRVING-SWAIN PRESS, Inc. T E 2-4374 MRS. BEATRICE H. WEBSTER, Mgr. Compliments of Compliments of ACME AUTO SERVICE BUTLER and RADIO AND TV SERVICE ACME CAB COMPANY 303 SOUTH E A S T S T R E E T TE 2-9280 D I A L T E 3-1676 E A L E I G H , N O R T H CAROLINA Compliments of Avenue 743 F A Y E T T E V I L L E PHONE TE 2-6262 STBEET P H O N E TE 2-6723 E A L E I G H , N O R T H CAROLINA JAMBS FREEMAN, Proprietor E A L E I G H , N O R T H CAROLINA Please Patronize our Advertisers ,.»..»..».*•..>•••»>«•—"•"•"•"•"•"•" »•—»-••»»—•—#-•—«—•—•-#—•—•—••••*••-•—•—•-•—«—•—+« Delta's Who's Who of 1961 Miss Peggie Hogan Lincoln High School Chapel Hill, N. C. Miss Marlon J e a n Foushee Lincoln High School Chapel Hill, N. C. ••••••i Miss Anita Rose Guess Berry O'Kelly High School Method, N. C. Miss Catherine Hughes Atkins High School Winston-Salem, N. C. Miss Aretha Mae Giles Ligon High School Raleigh, N. C. Miss Carol J e a n Hall Ligon High School Raleigh, N. C. Miss Betty Johnson Ligon High School Raleigh, N. C. Miss Cliarlotte Goodson Ligon High School Raleigh, N. C. Miss Barbara H a r p Ligon High School Raleigh, N. C. Miss Cecelia Griffith Ligon High School Raleigh, N . C. Miss Linda Patricia Johnson Ligon High School Raleigh, N . C. YOUNG'S DEPART. STORE "The Place Where Quality Bide" FURNITURE — and Price ELECTRICAL HAYWOOD FUNERAL HOME C. A. HAYWOOD, SR., Manager 118 EAST H A R G E T T APPLIANCES 24:-HOUR R A L E I G H , N O R T H CAROLINA HARDWARE — R A L E I G H — T E 2-2835 T E 2-7187 WORK CLOTHING F U Q U A Y — 7-4822 CERTIFIED SEEDS G. A. STEWART, Mgr. STREET SERVICE BUILDING MATERIAL SHOES HAMLIN DRUG COMPANY - M. C. YOUNG, Sec. HOME COOKING WATSON'S RESTAURANT AND GRILL BAUGH'S ANIMAL BASE FERTILIZER ELECTRICAL SALES AND SERVICE S T A T E L I C E N S E No. 124 We Serve Breakfast - Lunch and Dinner FOOD AT I T S B E S T P H O N E M E 9-4407 Corner Bloonworth and Cabarrus S<ts. R A L E I G H , N O R T H CAROLINA V I S I T UNITED CLEANERS 120 SOUTH BLOUNT S T R E E T ANGIER, N. C. Electrical and Plumbing Contractors P H O N E VA 8-9256 FOR P R O M P T COURTEOUS SERVICE WE BUY, S E L L AND R E P A I R A L L K I N D S OF ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES CALL T E 2-4669 for P I C K U P AND D E L I V E R Y WE MAKE SPOTS VANISH Compliments of BLUE DIAMOND CAB CO. CUSTOM CLEANERS (For Custom Clothes) WE KNOW OUR B U S I N E S S W E N E E D YOURS ONE DAY 24 HOUR SERVICE TWO WAY RADIO SERVICE 546% E A S T D A V I E S T R E E T SERVICE THE CAROLINIAN 518 EAST M A R T I N S T R E E T R A L E I G H , N O R T H CAROLINA T E 4-3863 T E 4-8181 J A M E S BARTHOLOMEW, Compliments of T E 4-9074 R A L E I G H , NORTH CAROLINA Prop. Compliments of Compliments of Compliments of J. D. HINTON DUNN'S ESSO SERVICENTER EDENTON STREET CLEANERS ,T. H. GOODE, 597 SOUTH BLOODWORTH ST. 25 Y E A R S OF Proprietor EXPERIENCE Photographer 505 ROCK QUARRY ROAD Phone T E 2-8104 P H O N E T E 2-9496 902 ^ East Edenton Street T E 3-6095 R A L E I G H , N O R T H CAROLINA R A L E I G H , N O R T H CAROLINA R A L E I G H , N O R T H CAROLINA Please Patronize our Advertisers ••••*•«••••••••-•••••*••••"•••••*•**••••***"•** ..*..*..•..*..*.. Delta's Who's Who of 1961 Miss Theora Mitchell Cathedral Latin High School Ealeigh, N . C. Miss Brenta L. Jones Lincoln High School Chapel Hill, N. C. Miss Carolyn Mack Ligon High School Ealeigh, N. C. Miss Sandra D. Larkins Ligon High School Ealeigh, N. C Miss Blonzo Page Apex Consolidated School Apex, N . C. Miss J o Ann Malone Ligon High School Ealeigh, N. C. Miss Barbara E. Lightner Ligon High School Ealeigh, N. C. Miss Neltine Peebles Ligon High School Ealeigh, N. C. Miss Emma Louise Minor Lincoln High School Chapel Hill, N. C. Miss Lois Lucas Spaulding High School Spring Hope, N. C. -•--•--•--•.-•-.».. . # • • • -. • " • " • - - * •. iLil Miss J e a n e t t e Pattishaw Ligon High School Ealeigh, N. C. •••»••••••••••>••*• »..»..»«»»».•«*»»••«»»«»•**•»*• • * • ' * • " • " • " • " » " » " * " ' * " • * ' t.».»«M»M#»»M»t.«M •••>••••••••»•»•••«•••••••< Office T E 2-4424 ..#.-•..«..»..•-.•..•--••-»•-•• ••••••»•»••••»••*. Residence T E 2-6239 L. G. JORDON PETER S. NEMMERS DISTRIBUTOR SINCLAIR METROPOLITAN INSURANCE CONSULTANT PRODUCTS fal£& SAUSAGE (U*ft ES WHOLE ESTATE PLANNING and BUSINESS INSURANCE and .4Z7TO ACCESSORIES 7 ^ 1 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Office: A P E X . N O R T H CAROLINA 904-10 Raleigh Building Residence: 510 Harding Street CHAPEL HILL FUNERAL HOME, Inc. PERSON'S Compliments of Sponsors of CHAPEL HILL MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION SNOW WHITE LAUNDRY Phone 942-3361 or 942-2869 HAIR STYLING " F L A T T E R YOURSELF W I T H A CHARMING H A I R S T Y L E . " " L E T OUR S T Y L I S T CREATE 518 F A Y E T T E V I L L E STREET I T FOR Y O U . " BYNUM W E A V E R Funeral Director and Manager MRS. S U S I E H. W E A V E R Licensed Funeral Director T E 2-7534 911 South Haywood Licensed Street RICHARD D. CALDWELL, A N. Graham St. T E 4-4229 RIGGSBEE-HINSON FURNITURE COMPANY Compliments of pp. Chapel Hill, N. C TONEY'S FUNERAL HOME COMPLETE HOME F U R N I S H I N G S Sponsors HOME OF EVANS of FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES SPRING HOPE MUTUAL BURIAL Z E N I T H TV AND RADIO ASSOCIATION, Inc. Phone 942-4555 SHELL SERVICE STATION Main S<treet SPRING H O P E AND ZEBULON, N. C. CARRBORO, NORTH CAROLINA APEX SERVICE STATION GERTRUDE HARRELSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR GOODYEAR T I R E S — B A T T E R I E S ACCESSORIES H A I R COLORING P I C K U P SERVICE CAR WASH HAIR. C O N D I T I O N I N G LUBRICATION Compliments of HAIR STYLING "SEE US FOR YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS'' Phone E L 4-3331 NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY A. T. SPAULDING, President C. C. S M I T H , J R . 13 E. H a r g e t t S<t. District Mamiinr T E 2-2904 FUQUAY S P R I N G S , N. C. A P E X , N O R T H CAROLINA Please Patronize our Advertisers - • - • • - • • - • .. » . . • . • • . . » . . ..#..•»••••«•«•••••*•«•«••••»•••••••«•«•«•«••*•«#..•..•..• ••t..«..«..«..«.^ H A . H H 9 ,^,, >•••»••*••••••«•••••••««•••••••••..•.••.. ••-•••.....»..«..»..»..,..... "»••»••»•••"»"«"•"•"»">—•••"»—•"»"««»"»"»"»"»"»"»••>'•< •••«••••••••••«• Delta's Who's Who of 1961 Miss Lloydine Perry Ligon Higli School Raleigh, N . C. Miss Sarah K a t e Smith Ligon High School Raleigh, N . C. Miss La Verne Samuel Atkins High School Winston-Salem, N . C. Miss Paulette Poe Ligon High School Raleigh, N. C. Miss J o y Solomon Ligon High School Raleigh, N . C. Miss Matrie Delois Sanders Ligon High School Raleigh, N . C. Miss Betty Poole Ligon High School Raleigh, X. C. Miss Beverly SteAvart Apex Consolidated School Apex, N. C. Miss Barbara Jeanne Shaw Ligon High School Raleigh, N . C. Miss Odessa Rogers Lockhart High School Knightdale, N . G. ' * • • • • * • • * • • ..#..^«^.. # .. •••-•••••••••••»••••.. Miss Willa Stokes Shawtown High School Lillington, N . C. • •..•..•..»..».....»..»..*.. Chapel Hill Funeral Home, Inc. Compliments of Millard R. Peebles BRICK CONTRACTOR Sponsors of CHAPEL HILL MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION Phone 942-3361 or 942-2869 BYNUM WEAVER Licensed Funeral Director and Manager MRS. SUSIE WEAVER Licensed Funeral Director Richard D. Caldwell, App. N. GRAHAM ST CHAPEL HILL, N. C 721 Calloway Drive MIDWAY BARBER SHOP AND GROCERY TE 3-0458 W E N E E D YOUR H E A D I N OUR B U S I N E S S W E S T ROSEMARY S T R E E T CARRBOEO, N. C. FREE ESTIMATES P H O N E 942-6338 John W. Winters & Co. REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND BUILDERS 507 East Martin Street TE 3-5251 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA DR. P E P P E R Mechanics & Farmers Bank 13 E. Hargett Street Raleigh, North Carolina Open A Convenient Savings Account With Us 3% Guaranteed Interest J . J . SANSOM, JR., Vice President-Manager J. E. STRICKLAND, SR., Vice Please Patronize our Advertisers President Delta's Who's Who of 1961 \ Miss Barbara Omer Sullivan Ligon High School Raleigh, N. C Miss Belvin Thomas Cathedral Latin High School Raleigh, N . C. Miss Willa J a y e Walker Hillside High School Durham, N . C. Miss Althea Ward W. S. Etheridge High School Windsor, N. 0. Miss Sharon White Ligon High School Raleigh, X. C. Miss J a n e t Upchurch Ligon High School Raleigh, N. C. Miss Annie J e a n Wilson Ligon High School Raleigh, N. C. Miss Barbara Jeane Williams Richard B. Harrison High School Sehna, N. C. Miss Lillie Price Lockhart High School Knightdale, N. C. Delta Scholarship Recipients of 1960 GERMAIN M. W R I G H T GRACE W A T T S Saint Augustine's College — Raleigh, N. C. Morgan College — Baltimore, Md. BETTY STEVENS Spelman College — Atlanta, Ga. MATYRE L A T T A Shaw University — Raleigh, N . C. ANZELLA KING Saint Augustine's College — Raleigh, N . C. BARBARA S T O K E S DOROTHY RAMSEUR LORITA T E R R E L L J E A N N E TONEY V I R G I N I A SMALLS JOANNE REEDY State Teachers College — Fayetteville, N . C. Shaw University — Raleigh, N C . Lincoln School of Nursing — Durham, N . C. Shaw University — Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina College — Durham, N. C. Shaw "University — Raleigh, N. C. Parents of Delta's Who's Who Mrs. Cornelia Adams Mr. and Mrs. George Allen Mrs. Lillian Bailey Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Balsley Mrs. Jeanette Barnes Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Boston Mr. and Mrs. R. F . Brewington Mrs. Margaret Capehart Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt Carr Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Cobb Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crenshaw Reverend and Mrs. Leotha Debnam Mr. and Mrs. N. Dolby Mrs. Permilla Dunston Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Oscar F a r r a r Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Fisher Reverend and Mrs. J . A. Forbes Mr. and Mrs. Garland Foushee Reverend and Mrs. W. M. Giles Mr. and Mrs Joseph Goodson Sgt. and Mrs. Cecil Griffith Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Guess Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Marion H a r p Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hogan Mrs. Mary Hughes Mrs. Mary Johnson Mrs. Viola H. Johnson Reverend and Mrs. J . H. Jones Dr. and Mrs. John R. Larkins Mrs. Roberta F . Lightner ..»..»*»•"•"•"•" Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Mack Mr. and Mrs. James E. Malone Mr. and Mrs. James Marable Mr. and Mrs. Redell Minor Mr. and Mrs. Theodus Mitchell Mrs. Ida D. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Page Mrs. Geraldine Pattishaw Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Peebles Dr. and Mrs. N. L. Perry Mrs. Ira Dell Poe Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Poole Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ragland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rogers Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Samuels Mr. and Mrs. William Sanders Mrs. Louise Shaw Mrs. Daisy Smith Atty. and Mrs. E. A. Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Hyland Sullivan Mrs. Pollie Taylor Mrs. I d a Thomas Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Walker Mr. and Mrs. Horace G. Ward, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Frank White Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Williams Mrs. Annie R. Wilson Raleigh Alumnae Chapter, DeJuanna Adams Lillian Abron Esther Alexander Nannie Boston Nellie Boykin Eloise Branch Susan Bryant Margaret Bugg Gloria Butler Wilmoth Carter "Helen Coburn Elizabeth Cofield *Mary Culler "Thelnia Daley Martha Davidson Vivian Davis Marguerite Exum Hortense Fleming Florence Francis Marvisline Gill Annie Gore Mabel Gray "Gila Harris Lovie Harris Carrie Harrison Barbara H a r t Louise Johnson Elnora Kee Gloria Lester Louise Lattimer "Alberta Levingston Roberta Lightner Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Hazel Logan Catherine Middleton Jimmie Bugg Middleton Victoria Moore Mary Mogan Daisy Nelson *Almena Nunn Pearl Peace Yvonne Pope Marian Porter Margaret Purvis Helen Eagland Elsie Beid Lois Eogers Vivian Sansom Ernestine Saunders Marilyn Skinner Shirley Smith Alice Solomon Christine Toole *Etta Toole *Floreiss Turner Ada Walton Janie Watson Gladys White Harveleigh White Alma Williams Blonnie Williams Ella Williams "Rosalie Williams Mable Wright Eft'ie Year gin 'indicate officers Shaw University RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA FOUNDED 1865 Approved by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools Center of Culture — Source of Christian Higher Education The well-rounded academic program offers courses leading to the A.B. and B.S. degrees in the following fields of concentration: BUSINESS EDUCATION HOME ECONOMICS ENGLISH CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY AND MATHEMATICS PHYSICAL EDUCATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SOCIAL SCIENCES Training approved by the Veterans Administration For information and bulletins, write the Registrar DR. WILLIAM R. STRASSNER, President " t " » " t " i " i m * »i»..»!!».•»..»ii»—"«'i«..«ii» » Regular King 56-274 58 Million -A- Day The Capital Coca-Cola Bottling Co. "•••«"• • i Patrons Mrs. J . A. Abron Dr. Marguerite M. Adams Mrs. Rosa Adams Mr. M. W. Akins, J r . Mrs. Ben Allen Mr. Emanuel Allen Mr. & Mrs. S. L. Allen Miss Mae Almond Mrs. O. J . Alridge Mrs. J . V. Anderson Mr. Melton Anderson Mrs. Thelma Anders Mrs. D. E. Ball Mrs. Lillie S. Ballentine Mrs. Lottie Ballentine Mrs. M. M. Barber Mrs. Elizabeth Barfield Mr. Jarvis Barham Mr. John Barker Mrs. Ruth Bartley Mrs. Maude Bass Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Bass Mr. and Mrs. Grant Batey Dr. and Mrs. F . D. Bell Mrs. Addie Bethea Mrs. M. W. Blakely Mr. C. W. Blalock Miss Frankie Blunt Miss Linda Blunt Mrs. Bussell E. Blunt Mr. Willie Blount, J r . Mr. Willie Blount, Sr. Mrs. Willie Blount Mrs. Bessie Blue Mr. and Mrs. James Blue Mrs. Euth Boone Mrs. Julia Boulding Mr. Robert Boyd Dr. and Mrs. J a m e s A. Boyer Dr. and Mrs. P . L. Brandon Mr. D. D. Brightwell Mrs. Julia Brightwell Miss Margaret B. Bugg Mrs. Lillian Brooks Mrs. Ruby L. Broome Mrs. Sara Brower Mrs. A. E. Brown Miss L a u r a Brown Mrs.. Vivian Brown Mr. James B. Browning Mr. John Bullock Mrs. J . M. Burns Miss Lovest Burrell Mrs. Frederick D. Burroughs Miss Vivian Burt Miss Marguerite L. Butcher Mrs. Christine Byrdsong Mrs. Flossie Cannady Mrs. Lillian E. Carnage Mr. & Mrs. C. W- Carter Mrs. W. F . Carter Mr. & Mrs. B. Chavis Mr. Thomas Chavis Miss Clarine Christmas Mrs. Lena Clark Mrs. Thelma K. Clark • Dr. W. L. Clark Mr. Syvellie Cloud < Mr! Herbert Coleman Miss Lois G. Coleman Mr & Mrs. V. Collins Mrs Lizzie ©. Constant Miss Anna M. Cooke Mrs. Lenoir H. Cook Mrs Owen Plummer Cook Mrs. Sydney W. Cooley Mr & Mrs. James Cooper Mr. W. A. Cooper Mrs. Myrtle Cotten Miss Nettie B, Coston Mr. & Mrs. J . P . Cox Mrs. Lizzie Crews Mrs. Myrtle Crockett Mrs. Mary A. Culler Mr. & Mrs. T. J . Culler Mrs. Slade Cumbo Mr. Edward Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Walter F . Curtis Mr. Willis E, Daniels Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Davenport Mrs. M. Splawn Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Stelbern Davidson Rev. Grady D. Davis Mrs. Justine Davis Mr. Wiley M. Davis Mrs. Marjorie Debnam Mrs. Pearline Debnam Mrs. Julia Delany Mr. Arthur Dove Mrs. Bertha Dove Mrs. Blanche Dover Mrs. Christine Downer Mr. Harlee Downer Mrs. Mary Drakeford Mr. John Duell Mr. & Mrs. Alphonso Dunn Mr. Alphonso Dunn Miss Daisy Dunn Mrs. Depot Dunston Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Dunston Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duren Mr. Carl Easterling, Sr. Mrs. Marion Easterling Mrs. Minetta B . Eaton Dr. Helen Edmonds Mrs. Hattie Edmondson Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Edwards Mrs. Maude Evans Mrs. Roger Mae Evans Mr. George Exum Mrs. Ruby F a i n Mr. F r a n k F a r m a n Mrs. Katie F i t t s Mrs. Mary A. F l a g g Mrs. James Forte Mrs. Evelyn Franklin Mrs. Marina Frazier Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Dalon Freeman Mr. & Mrs. J . P . Freeman Mrs. Josephine Freeman Mrs. Saydie Freeman Mr. William Albert Freeman Mrs. M. S. Frierson Miss W. Ruth Fuller Miss Jeraline Gatewood Mrs. Mable Gilbert Miss Gwendolyn Gill Mrs. Jeffery Gipson Mrs. Jesse Glover Mrs. Levern Goins Mrs. Margaret K. Goodwin Mrs. Augusta Gray Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Green Mr. Granville Green Mrs. G. L. Greene Atty. George Greene Mr. John P . Green Mr. John W. Greene Mr. W. L. Greene Miss Cheryl L. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. James Griffin Mr. Clifford Grimes Mrs. Esther Queen Hall Mrs. Ernestine Hamlin Miss Elaine Hamlin Mrs. Sarah Hamlin Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Hamlin Mrs. V. C. Hamlin, J r . Miss Gwendolyn Hamme Mrs. L. Q. Hamme Miss Doicenia Hammond Mr. George Handy Mrs. Frank J . Hanley Mr. George Hargroves, J r . Mrs. Maggie Harmon Mrs. Eloise Harris Miss G. Swayzene Harris Mrs. Gertrude Harris Mrs. Gila Harris Mr. Lacy Harris Dr. X. H. Harris Mrs. P . T. Harris Miss Lizzie Hartsfield Miss Margaret Hartsfield Miss Ruth Hassel Mrs. Grace Hayes Mr. Charles Haywood Mr. Charles R. Haywood Mrs. Mable D. Haywood Mrs. Princess Haywood Mrs. Willie T. Hicks Mrs. Annie Hill Mrs. Floyd Hill Mrs. P . Hill Mrs. Helen Hinton Mr. G. D. Hinton Mr.'Robert Hinton Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hinton Mrs. Margaret B. Holt Mr. Robert Hodge Mrs. Mary Hodge Mr. Ardo C. Holt, Sr. Mrs. Marjorie P . Holley Mr. and Mrs. W. Hookes Mrs. Dorothy Housen Rev. D. N. Howard Mrs. A. W. Henry Dr. L, Christopher H u n t Mrs. C. L. H u n t Mrs. C. L. Hunt, J r . Mrs. Gladys Hunter Mrs. Ophelia Irving Dr. and Mrs. Felix Jackson Mr. Robert H. Jackson Mrs. Mildred James Mrs. D. M. J a r n a g i n Mrs. Clara Barnes Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jervay Mrs. Thomas B. Jiles Mr. Frederick Leon Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Johnson Mrs. J . T. Johnson Mrs. Louise M. Johnson Mrs. Beluah Jones Miss Doris Jones Mrs. Edna Jones Mrs. Eleanor S. Jones Miss Ella T. Jones Mrs. Ellis D. Jones Mrs. Frances G. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Henry Jones Mrs. Ola Jones Mrs. Beulah M. Joyner Miss Lois .ludd Mr. J . Judkins Mrs. Willie Otey Kay Mr. Issac Kearney Mrs. Lottie M. Kearney Mr. & Mrs. D. H. Keck Mrs. E. M. Kelly Mr. P . G, Kelly' Mr. James Edward Kerr Mrs. Maude Landis Dr. David P . Lane Miss Dorothy Lane Mr. & Mrs. John Lane Mrs. John Larkins Mr. John R. Larkins Miss Sandra Larkins Mr. Wilbert J . Lassiter Mrs. G. L. LaAvs Patrons Mr. William Lee Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Leslie Miss Gloria W. Lester Mr. & Mrs. J . C. Levingston Atty. & Mrs. E. L. Levister Mrs. Bessie S. Lewis Mrs. Clinton B. Ligon Mrs. Everliardt Ligon Miss Maye Ligon Mrs. Nora E. Lockharl Mr. Rudolph Lofton Mrs. Addie Logan Mrs. Audrey Logan Miss Faytiny Lucas Mr. & Mrs. James Lytle Mrs. Susan Malone Mr. Robert C. Malone Mrs. George H. Mauley Mrs. Phyllis Mann Mr. Lumas Manuell Mrs. J a n e t Marchena Mrs. Irene Marrow Mr. James K. Massenburg Mrs. Walena May Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Mebane Mrs. Katherine Meronev Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Merrick Mrs. N. C. Mial -Mis. Jimmie Bugg Middleton Mr. N. T. Mitchell Atty. & Mrs. 8. S. Mitchell Mrs. Julius Monroe Mrs. Bessie W. Moore Mrs. Lauretta S. Moore Mrs. Mattie Moore Mis. Pauline Moore Mr. W. D. Moore Miss Ruby Moye Mrs. L E. MeCaulev Mr. Harold McClain Mr. Issac McClain Mrs. Maddie McClain Mrs. Alda McCullers -Mr. C. O. McDaniel -Mrs. Pearle S. McDonald Mis. Evelyn McDougal Mrs. R. W. McDowell Mrs. C. 11. McGee Miss Will.-t Mclver Miss L. MeMurren Miss Constance McNeil Mrs. William Nelson Mrs. Alfred Newkirk Mrs. Efrid Noble Miss Almena E. Nunn Mr. Charles Nunn Miss Eleanor Nunn Miss Harriett L. Nunn Mis. Louise Nunn Mis. C . K . otey Mrs. Lucille Paige Miss Irene Parham Mr. Laney Partin Mr. Booker T. Patterson Mrs. Geraldine Pattishaw Mr. E. B. Pattishaw Mrs. Sylvia Payne Mrs. Millard R. Peebles Mr. A. C. Penny Mr. & Mrs. Cardrew Perrin Mrs. Dorothy Perry Mis. Elsie Perry Miss Florence Perry Mi-. William Perry Mrs. Carrie Peterson Mrs. Hattie Peterson Mrs. Marie Peterson Mrs. Bessie C. Pettiford Mrs. Nellie Pickett Mr. William Pickett Miss Constance Pipkin Mrs. Mable Pipkin Miss Mary K. Polk Miss Evelyn Pope Mr. Carlie L. Powell Mr. Carlie W. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Powell Mr. Leon W. Powell Mrs. Lewis Powell Mrs. Carrie M. Prather Mrs. Lauoria Pridgeon Mrs. Irene Price Miss Maureen Qnarles Mrs. J . C. Raines Mrs. Margaret Ransdell Mr. & Mrs. John Ranson Mr. Albert Ray Rev. & Mrs. J. D. Bay Mrs. Alma G. Reid Mrs. Jesse R. Richmond Mr. Ivan Riddick Mrs. Mamie Riddick Mrs. L. C. Rivers Mrs. Mabel Robertson Mrs. Annie E. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. H. Robinson Mrs. Mannie Robinson Dr. & Mrs. P . R. Robinson Mr. Fred Rogers Mrs. A. E. Sanders Mrs. Delores Sanders Mrs. Dorothy Sanders Mrs. Dorothy Sanders Mr. Elbert Sanders Mrs. G. M. Sanders Mrs. Iva Sanders Mrs. Mary Sanders Mr. Eddie Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Saunders Mrs. Victoria L. Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Scott Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Sherill Mrs. Lucy Sherman Mrs. Nina Sills Miss Novella Sills Mrs. J. S. Simmons Mrs. V. Simmons Mrs. Charlotte Sloan Mr. C. C. Smith, J r . Mrs. C. C. Smith, J r . Mrs. Darline Smith Miss E. M. Smith Miss Mary L. Smith Mrs. Pearl W. Smith Mr. D. D. Spaugh Mrs. Juanita F . Spaulding Mrs. Bertha Spivey Mr. William Spivey Mrs. Margaret Snelling Mrs. F . P . Snipes Miss Johnsie Snipes Mrs. Annie Staton Mr. Walter Lee Stephens Mrs. Georgie Stewart Dr. W. R. Strassner Mrs. William Strassner Mrs. Ann Strickland Mrs. Anna Stickland Mr. Eckard Strickland Miss Lillian Sturdivant Miss Denyse Tate Mrs. Edna Tate Mrs. Laura Tate Miss A Ruth Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Harold Taylor Mrs. Herman L. Taylor Mrs. Mildred Taylor Mr. Milford Taylor Dr. & Mrs. James E. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Thomas Mrs. Thelma Thomas Mrs. Vivian Thomas Mrs. Grayce L. Thompson Miss Geraldine Thorpe Dr. John L. Tilley Mrs. Ernia Todd Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Toliver Mr. and Mrs. Tonnnie Tonilinson Miss Ruth Toney Mrs. E t t a D. Toole Mrs. Hattie N. Toole Mr. R. Ilcrndon Toole Mrs. Edith M. Trice Miss Essie Trowell Miss Cora Tucker Mr. Walter S. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Turner Mrs. Floreiss Turner Mrs. Gladys Turner Mr. and Mrs. J . R. Upchurch Mrs. Martha Vandergriff Mr. Cephus Washington Mr. John C. Washington Mrs. Mary Washington Mrs. Minnie Washington Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker Mr. George Walker Mrs. George K. Walker Mr. Jo3eph Walters Mrs. M. V. Wall Miss Odessa Wallace Mr. Frank A. Watson Miss Madelyn Watson Mrs. Mary Watson Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Watts Mrs. Annie T. Webb Mrs. II. B. Webster Dr. and Mrs. Gordon L. West Mrs. Martha W. Wheeler Miss Beatrice M. V. Whitnker Mr. Joseph Whitaker Mr. J . 0 . White Mrs. J . O. White Mr. Sylvester White, J r . Mr. Sylvester White, Sr. Mr. Thomas D. White Mrs. B. O. Wilcox Mrs. Nonclla Wilder Miss Antha Williams Mrs. Bobby Williams Miss Christine Williams Miss Doris Williams Mr. Fred M. Williams Mrs. Freddie M. Williams Mr. H. A. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams Mrs. Holland Williams Mr. Jesse Williams Miss Marjorie Williams Mrs. Mary Williams Mrs. Mary E. Williams Mrs. Massalena Williams Mrs. Minnie Williams Dr. R. E. Williams Mr. Sherman Williams Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Williams, J r . Mrs. W. M. Williams Mrs. Elizabeth M. Wilson Mrs. Mary Wilson Dr. B. E."wimberly Mrs. Catherine Winters Mrs. Mabel Winters Mrs. N . B. Wooden Mrs. Grace M. Woods Mr. Clarence Young Mrs. Effie Young Mrs. Pauline Young H^»*»*>>*»*»*»*»»«««».<»..«»«»*»«.<«»*»**>««*******-<>*«*««< Patrons Mrs. Lucile Albright Miss Cornelia Allen Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Alston Mr. W. M. Askew Mrs. Lillian Bailey Mr. John H. Banks Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Barham Mr. C. E. Batts Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Bethea Mrs. Virginia Blount Mrs. M. S. Boatwright Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brewer Mrs. E. H. Brown Mrs. Marjorie Brown Miss M. B. Bugg Mrs. Vanza Bunch Mrs. J o Evelyn Burton Mrs. E. D. Butler Mrs. Daisy Carr Mrs. Bernice Chavis Mr. M. L. Clayton Mr. Wilie Gloss Mr. Wayne Closs Miss Josephine Cobb Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Codrington Mrs. Beatrice Coleman Mr. G. L. Crews Mrs. Lillian Curtis Mrs. Daisy Dafford Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Dafford Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dafford Mr. and Mrs. Calvin T. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Artis Davis Mrs. George Debnam Mr. and Mrs. John Dupree Mrs. B. P . Evans Mrs. L. C. Fisher Mrs. Hortense Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forte Mrs. I. C. Fowler Mrs. Florence Irving Francis Mrs. Missie Freeman Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Fulford Mrs. Evelyn Fuller Mrs. I. Owen Funderburg Miss E stella Gattis Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. J . T. Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lee Hamlin Mrs. Mildred H. Handy Mrs. Addie Harris Mrs. N. F . Harris Mrs. Vernetta Harris Mrs. Katheryn P . Hicks Mr. and Mrs. H. E. High Mr. Hockfield Miss C. Holden Mr. Henry Holden Mrs. Eddie Howard Mr. and Mrs. E. H u n t Mrs. W. B. Inborden Mr. D. B. Ingram Mr. Charles Irving Miss Vivian Irving Mr. Odell Isom Mrs. A. L. Johnson Mrs. James Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Windson Johnson Dr. and Mrs. C. B . Jones Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones, J r . Mr. Leonidas Jones Mrs. M. A. Jones Miss B. V. Jones Mrs. Melvin Jones Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jones Mrs. C. B . Justice Mr. Curnis King Mr. W. B. Lamb Mrs. Pearl S. Lampley Mrs. C. L. Larkins Mr. Carey Lassiter Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Latham Mr. B. Leach Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Ledbetter Mrs. Geraldine A. Lee Mrs. John C. Levingston Mr. J . T. Loche Mrs. Lossie Lumford Mr. Charles Maddox Mr. H. H. Majette Mrs. Bochelle Malone Beverend J . B. Manley Mr. William Manuell Mrs. Helen Marshall Mr. Charlie Mason Mrs. Frances Massenburg Mrs. Marion Matthews Mrs. Eva Minter Mr. C. Otis Mitchell Mrs. Emma Mitchell Mrs. Helen Mitchell Mrs. Jack Mitchell Mrs. P . G. Mitchell Mrs. Lizzie McClain Mrs. Alda McCullers Mrs. Bobert W. McDowell Mr. Leon McLean Mrs. Bertha McMillan Mrs. Madeline McNair Mrs. B. H. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Moore Mr. Muse Mrs. Virginia K. Newell Miss M. F . Newton Mr. and Mrs. Norvell Nipper Mrs. F . L. Oglesby Mr. C. C. Parrish, J r . Mrs. Irma Patterson Mrs. George Patterson Mr. Lawrence Peebles Mr. Loamis Peebles Mrs. Mary Peebles Mr. Millard Peebles Miss Willie M. Penn Mrs. Ada Perry Mr. and Mrs. Baymond Perry Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Perry Mrs. L. W. Pinchback Mr. Louis Powell Mr. Charles H. Band, I I I Mrs. Hattie Band Mrs. M. E. Bawlins Mrs. Margaret Beid Miss Sydney Boberts Mr. C. A. Bobinson Mrs. Delores W. Sogers Mrs. Marthena Sanders Mrs. Inez Saylcs Mrs. Sarah Sharper Mrs. Johnsie Sherman Mrs. E. E. Shipman Mrs. M. J . Simmons Mrs. Marce Sloan Mrs. Lula Smart Mrs. Lyiin Smith Mr. J . N . Sorrell Mrs. Cassie Spence Mrs. A. H. Starlings Mrs. Gertrude P . Stephen Mrs. B. E. Stewart Mrs. Biiby Stroud Miss D. L. Suggs Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Swinson Mr. Thomas Tatum Miss Yvonne Tatum Mr. Milford Taylor Mrs. M. P . Taylor Miss J . E. Terry Mrs. Dorothy Thomas Dr. James E. Thomas Mrs. M. Hugh Thompson Mrs. Christine Thorpe Mrs. Editli Tucker Mrs. B. S. Vaughan Mrs. Inez Vinson Mr. Hubert Walters Mrs. Victoria Walters Miss Thelma Watkins Mr. P . Watson Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Weatherford Mr. Bvnum Weaver Mrs. L. C. Webb Mrs. Gladys White Miss Johnese White Mrs. Minnie White Mrs. B. G. Wilkinson Mrs. B. T. Williams Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Williams Mr. P . A. Williams Miss S. W. Williams Mrs. Eliza Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Mrs. C. G. Wimberly Mrs. Marie Winters Mrs. E. H. Yates Mr. J. W. Yeargin Compliments of Compliments of INSURANCE — BONDS — REAL JONES BARBER SHOP ESTATE — RENTAL "IT THOMPSON CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE, Inc. ACME REALTY COMPANY PAYS TO LOOK W E L L " 127 EAST HARGETT STREET 127 East Hargett Street W. M. RRITT ', RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA MR. W. RAYMOND JONES j Manager ! Salesman 828-8517 or 3-1871 Compliments of "SAY J. EDWARD COFIELD Professional Bail Bondsman 1! 1130 SMITHFIELD STREET ;; TE 3-5811 IT WITE FLOWEES, OTJE FLOWEES" Compliments of TURNER'S FLORIST CARNAGE AND BROWN ARTIFICIAL AND CUT FLOWERS Attorneys At Law CORSAGES — FUNERAL DESIGNS AND WEDDINGS RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA A. J. TURNER. Proprietor 604 S. Blount St. Raleigh, N. C. i i i Hurried people ^ f c Saint Augustine's College Raleigh, North Carolina A FOUR-YEAR FULLY ACCREDITED COLLEGE Hi1! 11K IF JHW — Offering — A.B. AND B.S. DEGREES IN — Business Education and Business Administration Physical Education - Music - Arts - Science Mathematics - Social Studies - Languages Elementary and Secondary Education Pre-Professional Courses ; ;; For information write to the Registrar JAMES A. BOYER, President 11 i 11 11 Please Patronize our Advertisers ; ™^ 1 J