pathram setting a3.pmd


pathram setting a3.pmd
Nacog Voice
Holiday Inn, 970 Dixon Rd. Toronto, Canada | Date: July 14 to 17th 2016
{In-kv-Xp-tb-ip-hn-s‚ \m-aØn¬ kv-t\-l-h-μ\w,
G-hcpw {]m¿∞-\t- bm-sS-bpw
B-Imw-£t- bm-sSbpw Im-Øn-cp∂
- `
- I
- f
- p-sS 21˛mw tZ-io-bk
- tΩf-\w I¿-Øm-hn-s‚ hc-hp Xma-kn-®m¬ 2016 Pq-sse 14˛17 h-sc
- n-s‚ \mSmb
Im\-Um-bnse sSm-dt‚m ]-´W
- Øn¬ C‚¿-\m-jW
- ¬ Fb¿t]m¿-´n-\-Sp-Øp≈ tlm-fn-tU C∂n¬ h-®p \-S-°p-∂-XmWv. ssZh-k-`-I-fp-sS Cu Bflo-b kw-Ka-Øn-te-°v F√m-h-tcbpw B-Z-c]q¿-Δw kzmK-Xw sN-øp∂p.
ssZ-h-k-`-I-fp-sS t\m¿-Øv A-
ta-cn-°-bn-ep-≈ I-gn-™ 20 k-tΩf-\-ßfpw hf-sc A-\p-{K-l-am-bn
\-S-°p-hm≥ h-en-b-h\m-b I¿-Ømhv \-sΩ k-lm-bn®p. t\m¿-Øv
A-ta-cn-°-bn-ep≈ ssZ-h-k-`-I-fpsS N-cn-{X-Øn¬ B-Zy-am-bm-Wv Hcp k-tΩf-\w Im-\-Um-bn¬ h-®p
\-S-°p-hm≥ t]m-Ip-∂-Xv. hf-sc
- I
- fpw k-hn-ti-jX
- I
- fpw
D-≈ {I-ao-Ic
- W
- ß
- f
- mWv Cu ktΩ-f-\-Øn-\m-bn H-cp-°n-bn-cn-°p∂Xv. F√m ao-‰nw-Kp-Ifpw H-tc
tlm-´-en¬ X-s∂ \-S-Øp-hm≥
ku-I-cy-ap-≈ hf-sc hn-im-eam-b
ÿe-amWv Cu {]m-hiyw \-ap-°v
e-`n-®n-cn-°p-∂Xv. t\m¿-Øv A-ta-
cn-°-bnepw a-‰n-S-ß-fnepw D-≈ A`n-jn-‡∑
- mcmb ssZ-hZ- m-k∑
- m¿
Cu k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬ ssZ-h-hN-\w
- m-bn-cn-°pw. t\m¿Øv A-ta-cn-°-bn¬ Ip-™p-ß-fpsS C-S-bn¬ ssZ-hw i-‡-am-bn D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂ H-cp Sow Cu h¿jw \-Ωp-sS Ip-™p-߃-°m-bn
ip-{iq-j sN-øp-∂X
- mWv. ap-Xn¿-∂h¿-°pw, bp-h-P-\-߃-°pw, Ip´nIƒ°pw hf-sc k-t¥m-jhpw
A-\p-{K-l-hp-am-Ip-∂ X-c-ØnemWv Cu h¿j-sØ t{]m-{Km-apIƒ {I-ao-I-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂Xv.
hf-sc A-\p-{K-l-I-chpw i-‡hpam-b H-cp Nn-¥mhn-j-b-amWv
Cu k-tΩ-f\
- Ø
- n-\m-bn Xn-cs
- ™Sp-Øn-cn-°p-∂Xv. bq-Zm-bp-sS teJ\w aq-∂mw hm-Iy-sØ B-kv-]-Zam°n ""hn-izm-k-Øn-\m-bn t]mcmSpI'' F-∂-XmWv Cu h¿-jsØ Nn-¥m-hn-jbw. Cu Im-e-L´-Øn¬ hf-sc A-h-iyhpw B-\pIm-en-I-hp-amWv Cu hn-jbw.
At\-I Zp-cq-]t- Z-iß
- f
- pw sX‰m-b
]Tn-∏n-°-ep-Ifpw ssZ-h-k`-sb
Im¿-∂p Xn-∂p sIm-≠n-cn-°ptºmƒ, ssZ-h-h-N-\-Øn-epw D-]-tZi-Øn-epw A-h-c-h¿-°v tXm-∂nbXp t]m-se am-‰-߃ h-cp-Øns°m-≠n-cn-°p-tºmƒ, hn-ip-≤-∑m¿°v H-cn-°-em-bn `-c-ta-ev-]n-°-s∏-´
- n-\m-bn t]m-cm-Sp-hm≥
d-h. kmw-Ip-´n h-¿-Kokv
- ¬ {]-knU‚ v
ssZ-h-a°-sf H-cp-°p-I F-∂XmWv Cu k-tΩ-f-\-Øn-s‚ G‰hpw hen-b Zu-Xyw. G-Xp {]XnIq-e A-¥-co-£-Ønepw H-cn°¬ {]m-]n-® hn-izm-kw ap-dp-sI
]n-Sn-°p-hm≥ F√m-h-tcbpw H-cp°p-hm≥ Cu k-tΩf-\w ap-Jm¥n-ca
- m-Is
- ´-sb-∂v B-flm¿-∞a
- mbn {]m¿-∞n-°p∂p. ssZ-h-a-°ƒ
F√m-hcpw ap≥-Iq-´n c-Pn-ÿ sNbv-Xp hf-sc {]m¿∞-\-tbm-sS \Ωp-sS 21˛ma-Xv k-tΩ-f-\-Øn-te°v IS-∂p h-cp-hm≥ ssZ-h-\m-aØn¬ A-`y¿-∞n-°p∂p.
at\m-l-cam-b ""hn-izm-k-Øn-\p
tdm-bn ta-{]m¬,
aoUnb tIm¿-Un-t\‰¿
c-≠p ]-Xn-‰m-≠p-Iƒ ]n-∂n´
ssZ-hk-`m k-tΩf-\w C-Zw-{]-Y-aam-bn Im-\-U-bp-sS a-Æn¬ ]-Z-aq∂p-∂ th-f-bn¬ ]p-Xp-a-bm¿-∂
Bflo-b hn-`h
- ß
- f
- p-sS A-Wnb-dsbm-cp-°-Øn-em-Wv kw-Lm-SI¿.
C‚¿-\m-j-W¬ Fb¿-t]m¿-´n-\p
k-ao-]-Øm-bp-≈ a-t\m-l-camb
tlm-fn-tU C≥ tlm´¬ ad°m\m-hm-Ø Bflo-b hn-cp-∂p-am-bn
\nß-sf Im-Øn-cn-°p∂p.
- n-se c-≠ma-sØ henb cm-Pyam-b Im-\-U hn-t\m-Z-k©m-cn-If
- p-sS ]-dp-Zo-kb
- mWv. temIm-¤p-Xam-b \-bm-{K sh-≈®
- m-´w
ap-X¬ {]-Ir-Xn c-a-Wo-bam-b At\-Iw I-a\o-b Im-gv-N-I-fp-sS H-cp
\n-[n-\n-t£-]-amWv Cu \m-Sv. ktΩ-f\
- t- Øm-Sv A-\p-_‘
- a
- m-bn ]´-WØ
- n-se khn-ti-jt- I-{μ-߃
k-μ¿-in-°p-hm≥ {]-tXy-Iw {I-ao-Ic-Wß
- ƒ kw-Lm-SI
- ¿ sN-øp-∂p≠v.
sSm-sdm-t‚m-bn-se kn-sb≥ SuΔ¿ Db-cw sIm-≠p a-t\m-l-chpw
- n¬ Ib-dn Np‰pw t\m-°n-bm¬
\yq-tbm¿-°n-se Aw-_c
- N
- pw-_n-Iƒ
h-scbpw Im-Wp-hm≥ I-gn-bp-∂-XpamWv. tdm-tP-gk
-v v sk‚¿ tÃ-Unbw,
tdm-b¬ ayq-knbw, \m-\q-dv G-°d- n¬
Xn-ßn \n¬-°p-∂ \m-j-W¬ ]m¿°v, Im-k˛eq-am sIm-´mcw, A-tIzdn-bw XpS-ßn A-\n-Xc
- k
- m-[m-cW
- amb \n-ch-[n Im-gv-N-Iƒ Iq-Sn I-≠p
a-\w Ip-fn-¿-∏n-°p-hm≥ I-gn-bp-∂
Cu k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬ \n-ßfpw kw_-‘n-°p-hm≥ H-cp-°-߃ Xp-Sßm≥ ka- b w B- k - ∂ - a m- b n- ° gn™p. A-`n-jn-‡cm-b {]-kw-K-Icp-sS H-cp \n-c X-s∂ k-tΩ-f-\-Øns‚ G-‰hpw hen-b {]-tXy-I-X-
bmWv. ssZ-hk
- `- b
- p-sS A-Sp-Ø t\Xr-\n-cb
- n-ep-≈ H-cp ]p-Ø≥ X-eapd t\-Xr-Xzw h-ln-°p-∂ Cu ktΩ-f-\-Øn¬ ]p-Xp-a-I-fp-sS Nph∏p ]-c-h-Xm-\n hn-cn-®p sIm-≠v Ccp]-Øn H-∂mw k-tΩf-\w A-tacn-°-bnepw Im-\-U-bnepw a-‰p cmPy-ßf
- n¬ \n-∂pw A-Xn-Yn-If
- m-sbØp-∂ hn-izm-k-k-aq-l-Øn-\m-bn
Im-Øn-cn-°p∂p. A-ta-cn-°≥ ]mkvt]m¿t´m {Ko≥-Im¿tUm D-≈h
- ¿-°v
{]-tXy-I hn-k-bp-sS B-h-iy-an√.
hn-am-\Øn-tem, Imdn-tem, sa-Km
_-kv t]m-se-bp-≈ Nne-hp Ip-d™ bm-{Xm-{I-ao-Ic
- W
- Øntem ktΩ-f\
- ÿ
e-Øv F-Øn-t®-cp-hm≥
I-gn-bpw. a-\ - n¬ am-bm-Ø B-flob-k-t¥m-jw ]-I-cp-∂ Cu 21˛mw
k- t Ω- f - \ - Ø n- t e- ° v G- h ¿°pw
Rev. Jacques Houle
Rev. Joe Kurian
Rev. Benison Mathai
Rev. Linson Daniel
Holiday Inn, Toronto, ON, Canada | Date: 14th to 17th July 2016
Rev. P J James
( C o n t e n d f o r t h e F a i t h . J u d e: 3 )
kmw am-Xyp
- ¬ sk-{I´dn
hn-izm-k-Øn-\p th-≠n-bp-≈
sN-dp-Øp \n-ev-]n¬ ]nd-∂p ho-W
aÆpw cm-Pyhpw D-t]-£n-®v I-S¬
- ∂-Øn-bh
- c
- p-sS \m-Sm-Wv A-tacn°.
tdm-a≥ I-tØm-en-°m k-`b
- p-sS
- fpw A-ip-≤nbpw N¿®v
Hm-^v Cw-•-≠n¬ \pg-™v I-b-dn-bt∏mƒ F-Xn¿-Øp \n-∂ ]yq-cn-‰≥kv
(puritans) A\p-`-hn-t°-≠n h∂-Xv
- ß
- fpw ]m-em-b\
- h
- p-amWv.
hn-ip-≤n-bn¬ ssZh-sØ B-cm[n- ° p- h m- \ p- ≈ A- h - c p- s S AXyp÷ze t]m-cm-´-Øn-s‚ ^-e-ambn 1630˛¬ C-cp-]X
- n-\m-bn-cw bq-tdm]y-∑m¿ ]pXn-b Xoc-Øv Im-ep
IpØn. Aßs\ Cu a-Æn¬ ssZh-{]-h¿-Øn-bp-sS H-cp ]pXn-b bpKw
- p-Ib
- mbn.
I-gn-™ \q-‰m-≠n¬ \-Ωp-sS
ap≥-X-e-ap-d-°m¿-°v A-ß-I-se-bp≈ a-e-bm-f-°-c-bn¬ \n-∂v C-hn-sSsb-Øp-hm\pw X-e-ap-d-Iƒ C-∂v
ssZ- h Ir- ] A- \ p- ` - h n- ° p- h m\pw
Imc-Ww ]yq-cn-‰≥-kns‚ Cu hn-izmk-Øn-s‚ t]m-cm-´h
- o-cy-am-Wv.
CtX hn-izmk t]m-cm-´-Øn-s‚
Zq-Xv B-Wv A-t∏mkvt- Xm-e\m-b bqZm C∂pw ]-d-bp-∂Xv.
Zp-jvImaw (immorality) t]mep≈ A-ip-≤n k-`b
- n¬ A-\p-hZ- n-°p∂ B-fp-Iƒ \pg-™v I-b-dn-bn-cn°p-∂p. C-h¿-s°-Xn-scbpw A-ip-≤ns°-Xn-scbpw t]m-cm-Sp-hm-\p-≈ ZqXv
B-Wv bq-Zm-bp-sS teJ-\w \-sΩ
Cu hnj-bw \-Ωp-sS tIm¨{^≥-kn-\v Xn-c-s™-SpØ-Xv B-\pIm-en-Ihpw A-Sn-b¥
- n-ch
- p-am-sW-∂v
F-\n-°v tXm-∂p∂p. ssZh-\w \Ωp-sS ta¬ ]-I¿-∂ Ir-]-bm-Wv
ZpxIm-a {]-h¿-Øn-°v Im-cW
- a
- m-°nbXv F-∂mWv Cu `mK-Øv Im-Wp∂Xv (bq-Zm. 1:14).
H-cp tbm-Ky-Xb
- p-an√m-Ø \-ap-°v
A¿-l-X-bn√m-Ø \-∑-Ifpw A-\p{K-l-ßfpw ssZ-hw Zm-\-am-bn X-cp∂-Xm-Wv Ir-] F-∂v ]-d-bp-∂Xv.
c-≠v tem-I-a-lm-bp-≤-fm¬ ]-´nWn-bp-sS h-dN
- ´- n-bn-te-°v F-dn-bs
- ∏´ C≥-Uy-bn-se tI-c-f-Øn-s‚ {Kma-ß-fn¬ ]-´n-Wn am-‰p-hm≥ sN-≠ap-dn-b¬ I-∏s
- bbpw ]-gß-™n sh≈-sØbpw B-{i-bn-®n-cp-∂ km-[mc-W {In-kv-Xym-\n-°v ap≥-]n¬ Ata-cn-°-bp-sS hm-Xn¬ Xp-d-∂-Xm-Wv
ssZ-h-Øn-s‚ hen-b Ir-], C-hn-sS
tijw t]Pv 2
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be
courageous; be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16:13)
Rev. Santhosh Podimala
National Vice President
tand firm in the faith”
has been a catchphrase for
hundreds of years.Even today it
still stands firm. In the midst of
modern life, of modern
technology and communication,
“stand firm in the faith” is familiar
to Christians. It nourishes the
spirit. It encourages the soul. It
revives the passion to move on.
“Stand firm in faith” is a
spiritual affirmation that faith in
God was alive, has been alive, is
alive, and will be alive forever. This
is the same faith that was once and
for all delivered to the saints.
Jesus said “Have faith in
God.” (Mark 11:22) Jesus expects
His followers to be productive.
And if we are not productive we
will be like the fig tree that withered
from the roots (Mark 11:20). If we
have faith we become productive
and we can do things beyond our
imagination. Faith is the absence
of doubt. It means believing that
what we do will happen (Mark
11:23). Faith then is a powerful tool
that can make great changes to life.
If we believe that we can do great
things it will happen. If we don’t
doubt but have faith we can move
even mountains of problems that
we encounter every day. If we
have faith we can be prosperous,
we can be productive. And yet
this kind of faith is heavily focused
on human capacity and power. The
verse that says “stand firm in faith”
is that faith which is completely
anchored in God. And this is why
Jesus equates faith with prayer.
Jesus said: “whatever you ask for
in prayer, believe that you have
received it, and it will be
yours. 25 And when you are
standing in prayer, if you hold
anything against anyone, forgive
them, so that your Father in heaven
may forgive you your sins.”
As Christians are dealing with
challenges of faith every day. Are
we firm in our “faith in God” or are
we pursuing “faith in our human
capacity”? At some point we might
think that we are firm in our faith in
God, but in reality we are pursuing
the road to faith in our own ability.
With our modern technology
and communication, are we still
strong in pursuing the road
towards complete “faith in God?”
How many times do we open our
iphone or android? And how many
times do we talk to God about faith
in Him? And so it seems that “faith
in God” is threatened by modern
society. And yet, modern society
is composed of people and many
of them are Christians. And many
of these Christians are active in the
churches. Thus, can we say that
this “faith in God” is threatened
within the church? I guess it is.
With the influence of modern
life, the church has been changing
in so many ways. We attend Bible
studies, and yet we continue to
open our phones. We attend for
worship, and yet we continue to
open our phones. We discuss
about the mission of the church,
and yet we continue to open our
NACOG First Time in CANADA
Bro. Wilson Varughese
Local Coordinator
Greetings in the name of Our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and
on behalf of Local Committee let
me extend a warm Welcome to
Toronto for the 21 st NACOG
Indeed it’s an honor and
privilege to host the 21st NACOG
in Toronto, Canada. This is the
first time we are hosting NACOG
outside of USA but in North
America. Last 20 years Lord
blessed our fellowship and bring
us this far.
We have selected Holiday Inn
Toronto International Airport
Hotel to host for this Conference.
The facility is five minutes away
from the Toronto International
airport. All final preparations are
progressing in related to hotel,
transportation, food and other
items. The Registration forms are
completed and uploaded to the
Web site and also we are emailing
to the Churches. We the Local
committee encourages all the
families to register early which
will help the planning committee
to make this Conference
Canada is the second largest
country in the World and Toronto
is the Capital of Ontario. It is two
hours away from Buffalo
International Airport, 3.5 hours
away from Detroit International
Airport and around one hour
(60Miles) away from Wonder of
the World Niagara Falls. Also
there are many attractions in
Toronto, the Local team is
working with Toronto tourism to
create site seeing packages.
We welcome all of you to
Toronto and request your
valuable prayers for the blessing
of the Conference. If the Lord
tarries, we will meet all of you in
Toronto from July 14 to 17, 2016.
Nacog Voice
cell phones. In reality, “faith in our
human capacity” is given more
emphasis than “faith in God.”
We can of course look at the
situation as a “hopeless case”
because we cannot do away with
cell phones anyway. Yet we can
look at it as a great challenge to
declare and share our “faith in
God.” For every genuine believer
in Christ should be able to declare
and defend that “faith in God.”
“Have faith in God,” Jesus
declares. Paul asserts to “stand
firm in the faith,” and all the saints
affirmed this “faith in God.” How
do we stand firm in faith? It is by
making “faith in God” as the center
of our daily activities. Faith should
be a normal part of our daily life.
Our “faith in God” works well
every day if we are like children.
Jesus said, “Truly, I tell you, unless
you change and become like little
children, you will never enter the
kingdom of heaven. Therefore,
whoever takes the lowly position
of this child is the greatest in the
kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew
18:2-4) Our world is an ailing world.
Wars continue in many
countries especially in the Middle
East. Population is exploding.
More and more people become
poor. Religious persecution is
going on in many parts of the
world. We have organizational
problems that have difficult leaders
and followers. We have problems
at home as well as our church.
Finally our challenge for us
today as the church of “The Unity
of Apostolic Faith” is how we can
stay united in one “faith in God.”
Our greatest challenge is how to
move on with a united “faith in
God” and doing away with “faith
in human capacity” alone. Let us
take on the words of Jesus and Paul.
“Have faith in God,” and “stand
firm in the faith.”
From the Desk of
It gives me great pleasure to
welcome you to the 21st annual
conference of North American
Church of God. The venue of this
year will be at the Holiday Inn in the
beautiful city of Toronto, Canada.
It is an incredible honor to
serve as the national treasurer for
the 2016 conference and to be a
member of the executive team.
The executive committee is doing
everything in their power to make
this conference experience a
memorable one. The Holiday Inn
in Toronto International Airport is
conveniently located minutes
from Toronto’s Pearson
International Airport. Easy access
to Major highways will put guests
just minutes from Toronto
attractions so you can fully
incorporate this into your
conference weekend.
As the Psalmist says “Behold,
how good and how pleasant it is
brethren to dwell in unity.” Let us
all come together in the attitude of
prayer for the purpose of mutual
edification, fellowship, renewing
We have an exciting team called Kid Nation joining and
ministering to our Children in worship and other activities
""hn-izm-k-Øn-\p th-≠n t]m-cmSpI''
1˛mw t]-Pv Xp-S¿®
\√ tPm-enbpw \√ hoSpw In-´nbXv a-s‰m-cp Ir-]; ]n-≈m¿-°v C-hnsS In´n-b hn-Zym-`ym-khpw Aw-KoIm-chpw th-sdm-cp Ir-]....
]-´n-Wn am-dn am-Xm-]n-Xm-°-∑mscbpw k-tlm-Z-c-ß-sfbpw C-°-c
FØn®p. \m-´n¬ h-kv-Xp-hmbn,
]pXn-b ho-Smbn. C-t∏mƒ k-ar-≤nbmbn.
Cu Iq-´Ø
- n¬ Cu \m-´n-se BIm-Ø ]m-]t- N-„I
- fpw th-gN
v- I
- f
- pw
Iq-sS G-s‰-Sp-Øv A-ip-≤-cm-bn-Øocm-Xn-cn-°m≥ A-Sn-b¥
- n-ck
- a
- c
- a
- p-Jw
Xp-d-°p-hm≥ bq-Zm-bp-sS teJ-\w
\Ω-sf B-lzm-\w sN-øp∂p.
t]m-cm-´-Øn-\v c-≠v D-t±-i-ßfmWv. 1. A-Xn-cp-Iƒ Iq-Sp-X¬ hnim-ea
- m-°m≥. 2. D-≈Xpw Iq-sS ssIhn-´v t]m-Im-Xn-cn-°m≥
\mw Cu c-≠ma-sØ -tÃ-Pn¬
B-sW-∂v F-\n-°v tXm-∂p∂p. Ata-cn-°-bn-ep-≈ s]-s¥-t°m-kv-Xv
k-`-Iƒ I-gn-™ ]-Xn-‰m-≠p-I-fn¬
Iq-Sp-X¬ B-fpI-sf k-`-bn-te-°v
tN-¿-Øv A-Xn-cp-Iƒ hn-im-e-am-°phm-\p≈ t]m-cm-´w ad-∂p t]m-bn.
- e
- a
- m-bn ]pXn-b kv\
- m-\ß
- ƒ
\-S-°p-∂n√. Ip-Spw-_-߃ h-cp∂n√. A-Xn-cp-Iƒ hn-im-e-am-bn√.
t]m-cm-´w a-d-∂ ap≥-X-e-ap-d; ^etam D-≈Xpw Iq-sS ssI-hn-´v t]mIm-Xn-cn-°m-\p-≈ sN-dp-Øp \n-ev]
- ns‚ Ime-Øv \mw F-Øn-bn-cn-°p∂p. C-\nbpw \mw t]m-cm-´-Øn-\v Hcp-ßn-bn√ F-¶n¬ s]-s¥-t°m-kvXn-s‚ k-`m-Iq-Sn-hc
- h
- p-Iƒ-°v H-s∂m∂m-bv ]q-´v ho-gp-∂ Im-ew hn-Zq-ca√.
A-ip-≤n-bp-sS A-Xn-{]-kc
- a
- m-Wv
G-sXm-cp Im-eØpw k`-sb X-f-¿Øn-bn-´p-≈-Xv. A-tX X{¥w X-s∂
km-Øm≥ C∂pw k-`b
- s
-v °-Xn-sc D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂p. F-hn-sS hn-ip-≤nDt≠m A-hn-sS ssZ-h-i-‡n sh-fns∏-Spw, Ir-]m-hc
- ß
- ƒ D-≠m-Ipw, ]m]n-Iƒ c-£n-°s
- ∏Spw k-`b
- p-sS AXn-cp-Iƒ hn-im-e-am-Ipw.
A-[¿-Ω-aq¿-Øn-bm-b (A-ip-≤nbp-sS aq¿Øn) F-Xn¿-{In-kv-Xp shfn-s∏-Sp-∂X
- n-\v ap≥-]v A-[¿Ωw (Aip-≤n) k-`b
- n¬ a¿-Ωa
- m-bn AY-hm
friendship, and worship God in
truth and spirit. In the past,
thousands of believers have been
blessed by the opportunity to
hear from the anointed speakers
that NACOG has brought to its
conference. This year also we are
working with renowned speakers
to bring you the best experience.
The theme of our conference
is “Contend for the faith” Jude 1:3.
As the end time is so near, we as
believers need to affirm our
contend for faith and fully prepare
ourselves for the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that
God may open the door for each of
you that you may be able to attend
and become renewed in faith.
On behalf of the national
executive team, we once again
welcome you to the great city of
Toronto for the 4 days of spiritual
awakening, instruction and
guidance. You can support this
conference in many ways
including your faithful contribution, donations, regi-stration,
and fervent prayer. When we
return home from this fellowship,
let us be filled with true
knowledge of faith and be ready
for His coming.
- y-am-bn hym-]c
- n-°pw (2 sX- .
2:7). X-Xv^
- e
- a
- m-bn ]m]-sØ em-Lh-_p-≤n-tbm-sS Im-Wp-∂ t\-Xm-°∑mcpw ]m-]t- Øm-Sv ar-Zp\-bw ]p-e¿Øp-∂h
- cpw k-`b
- n¬ s]-cp-Ipw. BZn-ak
- `- b
- n¬ A-Xn-s\ ]-cn-ip-≤m-flmhn-s‚ _-e-tØm-sS X-Sp-°p-∂-h¿
AY-hm t]m-cm-Sp-∂-h¿ D-≠m-bncp∂p. AXp-sIm-≠v A-ip-≤n-bp-sS
- m-bn k-`b
- n¬ \pg-™v Ib-dn-bn-cp-∂h
- ¿-°v A-hn-sS C-cn-∏m≥
I-gn-™n√. A-h¿ k-`-bn¬ \n-∂v
]p--d-s∏-´v t]m-bn (1 tbm-l. 2:-18,19).
k-`-bn¬ \p-g-™v I-b-dp-∂ A-ip≤n-°v th-≠n t]m-cm-Sn ho-c-ar-Xyp
h-cn® t]m-cm-fn-I-fp-sS c-‡-Xp-≈nI-fn¬ \n-∂v apf-®v h-f¿-∂v ]-cn-ekn-® k-`-bp-sS ^-e-ß-fm-Wv \mw.
1641˛¬ sF-dn-jv I-tØm-en-°m
]-´m-fw \q-dn-e-[n-Iw s{]m-´-Â v-Imsc A-d-Ãv sN-bv-Xv X-S-hn-en-´v ]oUn-∏n®p. ]n-∂o-Sv Ah-sc hn-h-kv{X-cm°n H-cp ]m-e-Øn-s‚ ap-I-fn¬
\n-∂v \-Zn-bn-te-°v X-≈n-bn-´p. an-°hcpw sh-≈-Øn¬ \m-´n h-®n-cp-∂
- n-s‚ ap-\b
- n-te-°v ho-Wv A¥y-izm-kw h-en®p. A√m-Ø-h-sc
sh-Snh-®v sh-≈-Øn¬ ap-°n-°f™p.
""Lord open the eyes of the King
of England'' (""I¿-Ømth, Cw-•≠
- n-
se cm-Pm-hn-s‚ I-ÆpI-sf Xp-dt°W-ta'') F-∂v {]m¿-∞n-®v I-Øn®m-ºe
- m-bn-Øo¿-∂ hn-eyw ‰n‚-ss‰bn¬ (William Tyndale), `mc-X-aÆn¬ hn-izm-k-Øn-s‚ t]m-cm-´Øn¬ A-·n-\m-f-am-bn-Øo¿-∂ {Klmw-sÃ-bn≥-kpw a-°-fpw.... Aßs\ t]m-cm-fn-I-fp-sS Po-h≥ sIm-SpØv sI-´n-∏-Sp-Ø Cu k-`m-km-{amPyw A-Xn-s‚ \n-e-\n-ev-]n-\v th-≠n
t]m-cm-Sm≥ Cu X-ea
- p-db
- n¬ \m-a√msX a-‰m-cm-Wp-≈Xv? hnip-≤n-°v th≠n bp-≤w sN-øp-∂ H-cp Iq-´w t]mcm-fn-I-fm-bn N¿®v Hm-^v tKm-Uv k`-bn-se hn-izm-kk
- a
- q-lw amdp-I F∂-XmWv Cu k-tΩ-f-\-Øn-s‚ ]pd-In-ep-≈ R-ß-fp-sS kz-]v-\w.
Im-\-U-bn¬ sSm-dt‚m \-K-cØn¬ h-®v \-S-°p-∂ Cu B-floI kw-K-a-Øn-se ip-{iq-j-I-fpsS
Hmtcm \n-an-jhpw ]-cn-ip-≤m-flm-hv
F-∂ \√ in-ev-]n \-sΩ ]-Wn-Xp
sIm-≠n-cn-°s´. k-tΩ-f-\-Øn-s‚
sk-{I´-dn F-∂ \n-e-bn¬ C-hn-sSsb- Ø p∂ Hmtcm- ssZ- h - s s]- X en\pw Cu Zn-h-k-߃ H-cn-°epw
a-d-°m-Ø [m-cm-fw A-\p-`-h-߃
- m-bn-cn-°pw F-∂v Dd-∏p Xcp-∂p. h-f-sc- {]m¿-∞-\-tbmSpw Hcp-°-tØmSpw k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬ FØn-t®-cpI: ""ssZ-h-Øn¬ \n-∂v h≥-Im-cy-߃ {]-Xo-£n-°p-∂-h\v,
ssZ-hw h≥-Im-cy-߃ ]-I-cm-Xn-cn°n√.
National committee meeting in progress through the video
conferencing for the first time in the history of NACOG"
Holiday Inn, Toronto, ON, Canada | Date: 14th to 17th July 2016
Nacog Voice
Im-Øp kq-£n°p-I
]m-ÿ tPm¨-k¨ k-Jd
- n-b
¥y-Im-e-Øn¬ a-d-™n-cn°p-∂ G-‰-hpw hen-b A-]-I-Sß-fn¬ H-∂v hym-tPm-]-tZ-„m-°∑m-cp-sS s]-cp-∏-amWv. I-≈-t\m´pI-sf Xn-cn-®d
- n-bp-hm≥ _-≤s
- ∏Sp-∂Xp-t]mse Cu Zp-cq-]t- Z-i°
- msc a-\- n-em-°p-hm≥ B-flo-bin-ip-°ƒ G-sd _p-≤n-ap-´Ww.
F-∂m¬ ssZ-h-hN-\w a-\- n-em°p-hm≥ \mw {i-an-®m¬ \pg-™p
I-b-dp-∂ A-]-I-S-Im-cnI-sf \-ap°p th-K-Øn¬- Xncn®dn-bp-hm≥
km-[n-°pw. I¿-Ømhn-t\m-Sv Iq-sS
\-S-∂ bqZ-sb a-‰p in-jy-∑m¿ Hcp \n-eb
- nepw kw-ib
- n-®n-cp-∂n√msb∂-Xp t]m-se X-s∂ H-cp ImeØp k-Xy-hN
- \-sØ {]-kw-Kn-®p
- ¿ a-s‰m-cp {In-kX
v- phn-t\bpw th-sdm-cp kp-hn-ti-jtØ-bpw Ip-dn-®p {]-kw-Kn-°p-hm≥
Xp-S-ßn-b-t∏mƒ ssZ-hm-flm-hn\m¬ \-SØ
- s
- ∏-Sp-∂h
- ¿ A-Xp Xncn-®-d-n™p-sh-¶nepw A-t\-Icpw
C-∂pw Cu \p-g-™p I-b-‰-°msc A-\p-Ka
- n-°p-Ib
- m-W.v Cu \pg™p I-b‰
- °
- m-cp-sS {]-Ya
- e
- £
- yw
bq-Z-sb-t∏m-se Xs∂, [-\w!
B-flo-I\pw B-Z¿-ih
- m-Zn-bpw
tb-ip-hn-s‚ k-tlm-Zc
- \
- pam-b bqZm-bv-°p \pg-™p I-b-‰-°m-sc Hcp Im-cW
- h
- i
- mepw AwKo-Ic
- n-°phm≥ a-\- n√m-bn-cp∂p. B-Ibm¬ Cu A-]-I-S-Im-cnI-sf a-‰p≈-h¿-°p Iq-Sn ]-cn-Nb
- s
- ∏-Sp-tØ≠-Xn-\p A-b-® H-cp ""sS-en-{Kmw''
(Telegram) BWp X-s‚ te-J-\w.
sS-en-{Km-an¬ hm-°p-Iƒ Ip-dh
- m-sW¶nepw Bi- b w hf- s c {]m- [ m\yhpw Ku-ch
- t- a-dn-bX
- p-amWv. X-s‚
- n-se {]-[m-\h
- n-jb
- ß
- ƒ
\pg-™p I-b‰
- °
- m-sc kq-£n-°p-I,
Im-em-Xo-Xhpw "H-dn-Pn-\-ep-am-b' hnizm-ks
- Ø Im-Øp kq-£n-°p-Is
- b∂p-≈X
- m-bn-cp∂p. F-∂m¬ A-X{X
F-fp-∏-ap-≈ Im-cya√. Imc-Ww bmYm¿-∞y-߃-s°-Xn-sc F-gp-t∂-‰ncn-°p-∂ Zp-cq-]-tZ-i-°m-cp-sS s]-cp∏Øn¬ A-Xn-hn-ip-≤h
- n-izmk-sØ
A-¥y-tØm-fw Im-Øp kq-£n-°W
- sa-¶n¬ H-cp ]-S-bm-fn-sb-t∏m-se
F∂pw s]m-cp-Xnsb-¶n-te km-[n-°pI-bp≈q. B-I-bm¬ bq-Z-bp-sS {]t_m-[\-sØ t]m-cmSp-I F-∂XmWv.
C-∂p \mw tIƒ-°p-Ibpw ImWp-Ibpw sN-øp-∂ hm¿-Ø-Ifpw
- ß
- fpw hn-eb
- n-cp-Øn-bm¬ bqZ-bp-sS {]-t_m-[-\-Øn-s‚ {]m-[m\yw h-f-sc-bmWv. Im\-Um-bn¬ \S-°p∂ ssZ-hk
- `
- m-kt- Ω-f\
- Ø
- n¬
Cu Nn-¥m-hnj-bw X-s∂ sX-cs™-Sp-ØX
- n¬ A-`n-\μ-\w A¿-ln°p∂p. {]-ÿm-\-ß-fn-se \-]pw-kI-∑m¿ A-cp-XmØ-Xp Im-Wp-tºmƒ
- n-bn-cn-°mw. F-∂m¬ H-cp BfloI-\p AXv km-[n-°p-Ib
- n√-t√m.
A-h≥ F∂pw k-Xy-Øn-\p th-≠n
\n-ev-°p-∂h-\v B-I-bm¬ te-hn
- s
- c-t∏m-se hm-fpIƒ X-ß-fp-sS ssI-bn-se-Sp°pw.
- m-bn-´v `-ct- a-e]
-v n-®n-cn-°p∂ hn-izmkw
\n-Xy\mb ssZ-hØ
- n-s‚ h-N\
- ß-fpw \n-Xy-amWv. A-Xn-se \n-b-aßfpw Aß-s\ X-s∂. Im-e∏
- g-°w
sImt≠m X-e-ap-d-Iƒ am-dn h-cp∂Xp sImt≠m ssZ-h-h-N-\-Øn-s‚
- I
- ƒ-°p am-‰w h-cp-∂n√. ]nXm-°-∑m¿-°p \-evIn-b A-tX hN\w A-h¿ X-ß-fp-sS a°-sf ]Tn∏n-°-W-sa-∂p-≈-Xm-Wv. ssZ-h-h-N\-Øn-s‚ am-‰w h-cm-Ø {]-Jym]\w. A- X p A- \ p- k - c n- ° m- s X
GtXm Ip-_p-≤n-If
- p-sS a-t\m-hn-Im-
c-Øn¬ \n∂pw ]n-gp-sX-Sp-Ø Km\-ßfpw B-i-b-ß-fpw bp-h-X-e-apd-tbbpw B-flo-Ii
- n-ip-°t- fbpw hgn sX-‰n®p. A-Xn-s\-Xn-sc i-–-apb¿-Øm≥ A-[n-Iw t]cpw ap-ºnen√m-sb-∂p-≈X
- m-Wv k-Xyw. B bqZm [-\Ø
- n-\p th-≠n X-{¥-߃ sa\-bp-tºmƒ a-s‰m-cp bq-Zm k-Xy-Øn\p th-≠n s]m-cp-Xp-hm≥ Cd-ßn
h-cp∂p. I-≠-Øn¬ I-f-bp≈-Xp
sIm-≠p I-≠w ap-gp-h≥ I-f-bm-Iphm≥ D-S-a-ÿ≥ k-Ω-Xn-°p-I-bn√.
Zp-cq-]-tZ-„m°-∑m¿: C-h-cn-¬
A-t\-It- cbpw {]-Ya
- h
- o-£W
- Ø
- n¬
`-‡-∑m-cm-tb A-t\-I¿°pw tXm∂p-I-bp≈q. Imc-Ww C-h¿ A-`n-\b-k-a¿-∞-cmWv. {]-[m-\-{]-kw-Khnj-bw Ir--] F-∂m-bn-cn-°pw. bq-Zbp-sS Im-eØpw C-h¿ Cß-s\ Xs∂-bm-bn-cp∂p. Ir-]bpw Ir-]m-hc
- ßfpw a‰pw C-h¿ D-]-tbm-Kn-°p∂Xp Zp-j{v- ]-hr-Øn-°p th-≠n-bm-sW∂p am-{Xw! s]-s¥-t°m-kv-Xp \mfn¬ kz¿-§-Øn¬ \n∂pw Xo-bndßn F-∂p ]Tn-∏n-°p-∂-h¿ A-t\I-cp≠v. hm-kv-X-h-Øn¬ A-∂p Xo
- n-bX
- m-bn ss_-_n-fn¬ ]-db
- p∂n√. ]-I-cw Xo-Pzme t]m-se-bp≈ \m-hp-If
- m-Wv A-hn-sS {]-Xy-£s∏-´Xv. Xo-bn-¬ t]mepw D-dp-ºv Acn-°p-∂ H-cp k-a-b-Øm-Wv \mw Pohn-°p-∂Xv. Xo-sIm-≠v \n¿-Ωn-® Nnd-Ip-I-fn¬ k-©-cn-°p-∂-h¿ t]mepw Zp-jvI
- m-a{- ]-hr-Øn-Iƒ-°p I-XIp-Iƒ Iq-´n-b-St®m F-∂p Nn-¥nt°-≠n h-cp-tºmƒ ssZ-hP-\w Hcn- ° - e m- b n {]m- ] n- ® Xpw F- ° meØpw A-\p-kc
- n-t°-≠X
- pam-b hnizm-k-{]-am-Wß-sf ap-dp-sI ]n-Sn°p-hm-\m-bn-´p t]m-cmSp-I X-s∂
A`‡cm-b Cu \pg-™p I-b‰-°m¿ \-Ωp-sS G-I-\m-Y-s\ (The
only Lord God) \ntj-[n-®-\¥-cw
ÿm- \ - a m- \ - ß ƒ- ° m- b n a- ‰ ]- e tcbpw \-Ωp-sS I¿-Ømhn-s\m-∏w
Xp-ey-cm-°p-hm≥ Xp-S-ßn. tb-ip Xs∂ {In-kvX
- p F-∂p sX-fn-bn-°p-∂
th-Z-`m-K-߃ A-h-cp-sS ]p-kv-X-I-
ß-fn¬ \n∂pw F-Sp-Øp am‰n-tbmsb-∂p kw-i-bn-°p-am-dv tb-ip-hnt\bpw {In-kX
v- p-hn-t\bpw c-≠m°n.
Rm≥ sN-bv-X-Xnepw A-[n-Iw \n߃ sN-øp-sa-∂p-ap-≈ I¿-Xr-i–sØ F¥pw sN-øp-hm-\p-≈ a-dbm°n. B- c m- [ - \ m- ÿ - e ߃
""tIma-Un'' tÃ-Pp-I-fm-bn Nn-e¿ am‰n-b-t∏mƒ, a-‰p Nn-e¿ hn- ¿-Py-hkv-Xp-°-fpsS (O¿-±n¬) ti-J-c-Wÿ-e-am°n. a-‰p ]-ecpw D-cp-fphm\pw Du-Xp-hm\pw ho-gp-hm-\pw hnd-bv°p-hm\pw Ip-c-bv-°p-hm-\p-am-bn
B-cm-[-\m-ÿ-e-߃ {I-ao-I-cn-®t∏mƒ B-flo-I-cp-sS Im-Xp-I-fn¬
am-s‰m-en sIm≠-Xv b-tlm-h-bp-sS
]-£-Øp- D≈-h¿ am-dn \n-ev°-s´
F-∂p-≈-Xm-Wv. B -th¿s∏-´ Iq-´tcm-Sv bq-Zm ]-db
- p-Ib
- m-Wv H-cn-°e
- mbn `-c-ta-ev-]n-°-s∏-´ A-Xn-hn-ip-≤
hn- i zm- k - Ø n- \ m- b n t]m- c m- S p- I .
F∂pw {]-hm-N-I-∑m¿ am-\n-°-s∏Sp∂p. _m-em-bv-°p _n-se-bm-an-s‚
]pd-sI \-S-°p-∂Xpw A-Xp sIm≠m-Wt√. C∂-sØ ss{I-kv-X-h
- f
- n¬ {]-hm-NI
- ∑
- m-cp-sS s]cp-∏w A-¤p-Xmh-lw Xs∂. F∂m¬ C-h-cn¬ A-t\-Icpw ssZ-hmtem-N-\-Iƒ H∂pw X-s∂ ]-d-bp∂n√. F∂pw F-hn-tSbpw H-tc A\y-`m-j (?) ]-db
- p∂p. F-∂m¬ hymJym-\w ]-eb
- n-Sß
- f
- nepw hy-XyÿamWv. Ip-Spw-_ß
- f
- nepw k-`I
- f
- nepw
F-s¥m-s° {]-iv-\-߃ D-≠m-°nbmepw A-ß-s\-bp-≈h-\p H-cp Ip‰-t_m-[hpw h-c-Ø-°h-Æw H-∂pw
- m-\n-s√-¶nepw A-ht- \-bpw ""t{ijvTh
- n-fb
- m¬'' hn-fn-®v A-\p-{K-ln-®p
Iq-´p-I-bm-Wv. C-ß-s\-bp-≈ Bƒam-dm-´°
- mcpw Zp-cp-]t- Z-„m-°∑
- m-cp-sS
- n¬ Xs∂! ]-cn-ip-≤m-flm-hn\m¬ \-SØ
- s
- ∏-Sp-∂h
- ¿-°p C-ßs
- \bp-≈h-sc Aw-Ko-I-cn-°p-hm≥ I-gnbp-I-bn√. B-I-bm¬ B-[p\o-I
- m-∑m-sc B-flm-hn¬ Z¿-in-®
v- e
- ∑
- m¿°pw ]-db
- m-\p-≈
H-cn-°-em-bn `-c-ta-ev-]n-°-s∏-´ AXn-hn-ip-≤ hn-izm-k-Øn-\m-bn t]mcm-Sp-I-sb∂-Xp Xs∂. I-≈-{]-hmN-I-∑m¿ C∂v Ac-ßp X-I¿-°p-IbmWv. A-t\-Icpw C-ßs
- \-bp-≈hsc A-Xn-cp IS-∂p hn-iz-kn-°p-Ibpw
sN-øp∂p. A-Xp Xs∂, H-cn-°-embn \-ap-°p ssZ-hw \¬In-b A-Xn-hn-ip-≤-hn-izm-kw \-ev-I-s∏-´-Xn-s‚
e-£-W-at√? B-I-bm¬ B-Zy-hnizm-kw A-h-km-\-tØm-fw ap-dp-sI
tcm-K-im-¥n-bp-sS t]-cn¬ a-lmX-´n-∏p \-S-Øp-∂ Zp-cp-]-tZ-„m-°∑mcpw h-f-sc-bp≠v. kz-apJ-Øp IÆm-Sn h-®p sIm-≠v a-‰p ]-ec
- p-tSbpw
I-Æm-Sn-Iƒ F-Sp-Øp am-‰n t\-{Xku-Jy-ap-≠m-bn F∂pw ]p-eº
- p-∂
I¨-sI-´p hn-ZK
- v≤
- ≥ F-t¥ e-÷n°m-ØXv? B-¥co-I-hpw A-Zr-iyhpamb tcm-K-ß-sf√mw ku-Jy-am-
bn F-∂p hn-fn-®p ]d-™p e£-߃ hm-cn-°q-´p-tºmƒ F¥psIm-≠v \mw Ch-sc Xn-cn-®-dn-bp∂n√. kq-£n-°p-I, hym-P-a-°fpw, hym-P-{]-hm-N-I-∑m-cpw, hymP-D-]-tZ-„m-°-∑mcpw \-Ωp-sS CS-bn-ep≠v.
F-¥m-Wp ssZ-h-P-\-Øn-s‚
{]-Xym-i? A-gn-a-Xnbpw A-\ym-bßfpw A- \ y- B - c m- [ - \ - I fpw
F√mw D-≈-t∏mƒ Xs∂ ""D-Sp-∏v
- m-Im-sX Ip-td-t∏¿'' C∂pw
D≠v. A-h-cm-Wv H-cn-°-em-bn `-cta-e]
-v n-°s
- ∏-´ hn-izm-kØ
- n-\m-bn
t]m-cm-Sp-∂Xv. A-hc
- p-sS G-I\
- mY≥ hn-izm-kØ
- n-s‚ \m-bI
- \pw
]q¿-Øn h-cp-Øp-∂h
- \
- pam-b tbip-{In-kv-Xp Xs∂. A-h¿ ]m-]Øns‚tbm tem-I-Øns‚tbm
Xm-ev-°m-en-I kp-J-sØ-°mƒ
sh-fn-s∏-Sp-hm-\p-≈ tXP- v ImØp ]m¿- ° p- I - b mWv . A- h - ¿
- m-\ß
- ƒ-°m-bn tIm-cl
- ns\ k-ao-]n-°m-dn√. tkm-tZm-ante°pw tKm-ta-d-bn-te-°pw Xmakw am-‰m-dn√. A-\yP-Uw tamln®pw t]m-Ip-∂n√. A-h¿-°p
H-cn-°epw H-cp I-bo≥ B-Iphm\pw I-gn-bp-I-bn√. A-l-¶m-cØn-s‚bpw a-’-c-Øn-s‚-bpw at\m-`m-hw h-®p ]p-e¿-Øp-hm\pw
I-gn-bp-I-bn√. A-h¿ H-cn-°epw
h-{I-K-Xn-bp-≈ \-£-{X-ßf√,
]ns∂tbm Poh-s‚ hN-\w A\p-k-cn-® \-£-{X-ß-sf-t∏m-se
- c
- mWv.
Cß-s\ D-≈-h¿ A-[n-Iw
t]-cn√. Ip-sd-t∏¿ am-{X-ta D-≈q.
B Iq-´-Øn¬ Xm-¶-fp-t≠m F∂p Dd-∏p h-cpØp-tam? B-Zy-hnizm-kw A-h-km-\-tØm-fw ap-dpsI ]n-Sn-°p-I. `q-cn-]-£-Øn-s‚
Bchm-cw tI-´v `-bs
- ∏-tS-≠. ssZh-Øns‚ ]£Øv Ip-sd-t∏¿ am{X-ta D≈q. A-h¿-°p ho≠pw
H-cp hm-Kv-Z-Øw ti-jn-°p∂p.
Ah-sc ho-gm-sXh-Æw kq-£n-®v
X-s‚ a-ln-am-k∂
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- an√m-Ø-h-cm-bn B-\-μ-tØm-sS
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- ∏-Sm-sX Im-Xemb ssZh-{]-am-W-߃ F∂pw \-Ωp-sS
Po-hn-X-Ønepw A-\¥-cw \-ΩpsS X-e-ap-d-I-fn-te°pw ]-I¿-∂p
sIm-Sp-°p-I. F∂pw \-Ωp-sS
ssI-øn¬ H-dn-Pn-\¬ X-s∂ kq£n-°p-I.
bq-Zm F-gp-Xn-b te-J-\-Ønse aq-∂mw hm-Iyhpw F-∂pw \Ωp-sS Nn-¥b
- n¬ D-≠m-bn-cn-°s´.
(1Samuel 7:1)
Annamma Zacharia
(Ladies President)
Greetings in the precious
name of our Lord and savior
Jesus Christ.
On behalf of our North
American Church of God Ladies
Ministry, we appreciate and offer
our thanks to all who served as
an instrument for fellowship in
different capacity past 20 years.
Ladies Ministry is the vital part
of NACOG fellowship and we
request your prayer and
presence for NACOG Ladies
Ministry in Toronto Canada. We
are proud of all the sisters for all
their sacrificial service. God has
been helping us to raise the funds
every year to help the poor and
who are in great need of help.
What an exciting time to be alive
and involved in the work of the
kingdom of God in the midst of
increasing spiritual darkness and
moral decay. Let us prepare our
selves for our Lord is coming
May the God of Hope fill
you with all Joy and Peace as
you trust in Him, so that you
may overflow with the hope by
the power of Holy Spirit.(Rom
May God bless you all!
Sis. Shyni Charley
(Vice President)
Sis. Julie Thomas
(Ladies Secretary)
Holiday Inn, Toronto, ON, Canada | Date: 14th to 17th July 2016
NACOG 2016 : Local Team with President
Sis. Omana Joseph
Sis. Grace George
(NE Rep.)
Sis. Sunila S Zachariah
(SW Rep.)
Sis. Lilly Kuruvilla
(Canada Rep.)
Nacog Voice
Rev. Cecil Mathew
National Youth Director
In the summer of July 2015 at
the 20th NACOG, an opportunity
was presented to me, which I
struggled to accept and embrace.
While being out of “public
service” in the Indian community
since 2008 and focusing on serving
the local community through the
local church, I never thought I’d
be in this type of role. After the
selection to serve in this role for
NACOG 2016 in Toronto, I asked
myself this question, my wife
asked me this question (found out
after the fact that we are expecting
baby #3 next year), folks in my
church asked me this question. I
had some conversations that made
me wonder why I took this
responsibility. Then I was able to
give a response that I believe was
direct from the heart of God. This
leadership role was something
unexpected and one reason I took
it on was to challenge the status
quo in our community and
motivate this generation to make a
difference. It will be a similar
initiative to what is happening in
our local community through the
local church I am serving.
I decided to take this on
because …
1. The calling on my life from
God is to help bring about healing
and freedom for people across
generations and nationalities.
Regardless where you came from
or where you are in your life, God
is able to encounter you with His
love, grace, and power. He will
rescue the souls and lives of the
people. He will heal and restore
the hearts of the people. He will
free and release the same people
with His power for His purpose.
2. I’ve seen what our
generation is capable of
accomplishing if given the
opportunity, vision, mission, and
resources. I believe we are the
Welcome to
Bro. Mathew Varghese
Local Secretary
G reetings to you in the
Precious name of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ.
Family is the strong pillar of a
strong society, the Church and the
nation. The strength of the church
relies on Godly families. The
Keralite Pentecostal culture has an
excellent concept of a Godly family.
Most of the problems seen in your
society is the direct result of failure
of families. Our Pentecostal fathers
showed us how Godly family
should function and how it can
influence the society in positive
way. This family conference started
by our immigrant Pentecostal
fathers from Church of God, Kerala
has been source of great blessing
in the last 20 years. We are extremely
glad to welcome you to Toronto for
the 21 st NACOG conference.
Toronto is one of the most
multicultural cities in the world
filled with various marvelous
sights. We hope that you enjoy
your time here. Our theme this year
is “Contend for the faith” (Jude 1:3).
Beloved brothers and sisters let us
contend courageously for the faith
of our fathers. Also we hope and
pray that you would have a
wonderful time at the conference,
blessed with the might presence of
Almighty God. Looking forward to
see you at the 21 st NACOG
generation that is willing, hungry,
and capable of reaching souls in
our neighborhoods and cities all
across North America. Regardless
ofwhat they look like, what
language they speak, what type of
food they eat, what country they
are citizens of, what their socioeconomic status may be, this
generation can impact those
people. How so? With our stories
of brokenness, emptiness,
forgiveness, compassion, and the
love of God in our lives, we can
bless so many more around us.
3.The National Executives
starting with the President has a
vision and passion to see the next
generation thrive for His Kingdom.
It doesn’t hurt that this team of 5
make up the youngest leadership
team possibly in NACOG history.
I hope future teams will be
younger, wiser, and faithful.
4.We have pastors, ministers,
and leaders in this generation with
knowledge, wisdom, and anointing
to impart but need to be identified,
raised up, and given an
opportunity to minister.
5.We have ”atheists” sitting in
our churches (or leaving our
churches); or maybe young people
crying out to experience God for
real, FOR REAL!
6. We have a generation
needing strong spiritual leadership
and relationships for their spiritual
7. Everyone from little children
to young families is the future of
the CHURCH. We need to minister
to them, equip them, empower
them, and encourage and
teach them to live for God and
serve God faithfully.
8. I can’t wait to serve with a
great executive team and youth
coordinators to create an outlet
and environment for the presence
and power of God to do some
crazy, mind-blowing things over
the weekend of July 14-17, 2016 in
9. We are not trying to compete
with previous years or other
conferences, but we are going
to use available tools and
resources to build on the positive
steps taken over the past several
10. We are committed to lifting
up the name of Jesus, connecting
this generation to the presence of
God, and ensuring lives can be
rescued by His love, restored by
His grace, and released in His
power. Stay tuned for developments, updates, and news. Please
check out the FB page: www.
facebook. com /northamericancog.
Wilson Varughese
George Cherian
Rev. Rajan Samuel James Abraham
Biju Thomas
YOUTH - Life Changing,
Rejuvenating and
Bro. Jiji Kuruvilla
Local Youth Coordinator
reetings in the sweetest
name of the lord and savior Jesus
Our 20 th national
conference in Connecticut was a
blessing to all of us and while the
affect of it still lingers fresh in all
our hearts and mind; NACOG 2016
has arrived at our door steps with
more excitements and joyfulness.
I want to welcome all of you
to our NACOG 2016 . If Lord’s
coming tarries it will be held in
Toronto, Canada from July 14July 17, 2016. We expect all your
sincere attendance, co-operation
and above all your unwavering
With prayer and guidance of
the holy spirit, National and
Executive have selected a theme
which is more apt to our current
times than ever before. “Contend
for the faith” Jude 1:3. We live in a
Please check out the website:,
Go ahead and like, follow, and
share it through your social media
outlets as well. You need to keep our
leadership teams in your prayers. You
era where contending for ones
faith is looked down upon,
mocked and ever more difficult.
Our prayer and hope for this
conference is that we will be able
to equip , encourage and mentor
many young people to contend for
the faith unashamed and
vigorously. Like Daniel and his
friends let us stay true and
earnestly contend for the faith
that has entrusted unto us
For our young adults
sessions we are blessed to have
anointed servants of God, and
worship team coupled with a
wonderful children ministry team.
We assure it will be a blessing to
all. City of Toronto is also known
for its various tourist attractions
welcoming people from all over
the world. It also home to the team
Raptors, Maple Leaf, Argonauts
and Blue Jays.
I welcome you all join us in
NACOG 2016 , Toronto Canada
and be a part of this life changing,
rejuvenating and memorable
conference. See you all there.
need to plan and prepare to be there
in Toronto for a historic weekend
in your life. You need to spread the
word. You need to invest your time,
talents, and finances in making this
conference. Let’s do this together
for His glory.
Pray, Pray, Pray
National Prayer line is starting on Jan. 3, 2016. 8:00pm
CST and 9EST.
+1 712-432-3900 Access code 768497#
You need a valid passport to travel to Canada.
Remember to renew your travel document and
If you, Parents or your friends are visitors from Kerala
you do need a Canadian Visa to enter to Canada. For
more details contact
Rev. Samkutty Varghese @ +1 (647) 740-0444
Bro. Sam Mathew @ +1(914)671-4685
Bro. Wilson Varughese @ + 1 (416) 561-0894
Sent an e-mail to [email protected]
Wilson Mathew Rev.Abraham Thomas Rev.Mathew K.Philip
Rev. Jojo Daniel
Rev.Samkutty Mathai
P M George
Auditor: Rev. Sunny Church Growth Co-ordinator
Rev. Benjamin Thomas Varghese Joseph Jacob Mathew Rev. C C Thomas Thazhampallom (TX) Rev. K.J.Mathew (TN)
Media Co-ordinator
Roy Mepral
G l o b a l , T i r u v a l l a P h : 0 4 6 Holiday
9 - 2 6 3 4Inn,
3 5Toronto,
ON, Canada
| Date: 14th to 17th July 2016