optimus prime / inazuman / denys fisher cyborg
optimus prime / inazuman / denys fisher cyborg
97377570041603 J A P A N E S E TO Y CULTURE O P T IM U S T R A N S F O R M E R S / J U M B O M A C H IN D E R S / D E S IG N E R V I N Y L S / M IC R O M A N / D IE - C A S T / V IN T A G E V I N Y L A R T BY: B O B E G G L E T O N / A A R O N P IL A N D / J E N R A R E Y / J O N K E L L Y G R E E N / T Y K E W IT N E S R O B O D A C H I / U .S . D E S IG N E R V I N Y L S / B U L L M A R K D IE - C A S T / M O R E O P T IM U S P R IM E / IN A Z U M A N / D E N Y S F IS H E R C Y B O R G G B I www.generationkikaida.com 808-566-0170 H O M E OF O F F I C I A L G E N E R A T I O N K I K A I D A T R A D I N G C A R D S , ACTION FIGURES, M O B ILE E N TE R TA IN M E N T AND MORE! W W W .CLUBK IKAIDA .COM Produced by KATA Communications."Generation Kikaida" is a trademark of JN Productions, Inc. © Copyright 2001 TOEI CO., LTD. & 1SHIM0RI PRO. i i mi mi muii iii i mi in uni in 05 Editorial by M ark Nagata and Brian Flynn 09 Updates by S taff 13 M icro nau t Colum n by Bwana Spoons 14 Designer V inyls Colum n by Jim C raw ford and G regory Blum o f STRANGEco. 18 20 Years o f O ptim us Prime by Jack H urw itz o fT fo rm ers.com 28 Inazuman - Like a M oth To a Flame by Brian Flynn 34 Robodachi: Robocon in a Parallel Universe by W arren Schwartz 42 Half-M an, Half-M achine: Cyborg's Sorted Story by Chad Hensley 46 Attack o f the Bull Pets by M ike Johnson 53 A rt G allery Featuring: Aaron Piland, Bob Eggleton, Jen Rarey, Jon Kelly Green,Tyke W itnes 61 All Balloons Pop By Jim b o M attison Page 34 03 LimiTLESS IfTlAGinATIOn »o and Its logo and TRANSFORMERS and all related < laracters are trademark of Hasbro and are used with .permission. © 2005 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. E D IT O R IA L «- «A FEW W O R D S FR O M M A R K N A G A TA Is collecting toys genetically based or a learned behavior? I'm leaning tow ards the genetic factor... a secret gene that is only activated when a child is exposed to cool Japanese toys. It happened to me when I was 8. And now w ith my son, M ax, I see the same enthusiasm and obsession. Scary... but unlike m y ow n father, I understand when he says that he has to collect them ALL! Genetics may sub lim e ly hook you, but beyond th a t one has to learn how to make good toy buying decisions. W hich brings me to one o f the purposes w ith th is magazine, and that is to expose readers to a variety o f to y lines and relaying in fo rm atio n about them . W ith this th ird issue, we em bark on a huge m u lti issue project concerning O ptim us Prime. W hen w e're done, you w ill d e finite ly know ju st about everything there is to know about this cool to y line. We also cover Denys Fisher Cyborgs and Inazuman. And ou r reg ular co lu m n s round out yet another fan ta stic issue. If none o f these articles d o n 't awaken you r Japanese to y collecting gene... then perhaps you d o n 't have one! Check out our w eb site fo r the latest in fo on upcom ing issues and toy exclusives! We're also looking fo r pictures from our readers of th e ir to y collections. If you have a cool collection you'd like to show o ff in a fu tu re issue o f Super7, please em ail me fo r m ore details. -M ark / m a rk@ su p e r7 m a g a z in e .c o m / Illustration by Mark Nagata 6/18/03 Well, I've been laying pretty low up to th is point. In fact, I have been hovering som ew here ju st below radar fo r the firs t couple of issues. M ainly, because I have been try in g to play a bit m ore of the Wizard behind the curtain to M ark's D orothy - if you know what I mean (and I mean Dorothy in the m ost endearing way, Mark). But I digress. N ow tha t I've com e up fo r air, it looks like the sun is shining and I've got a fe w th in g s to say. In oth er w ords, I've got some shout-outs! First off, I w ant to thank a few people w h o have helped make a lot of people's to y collectin g lives easier over the last fe w years. Nam ely Tom Franck, Alen Yen, M in ister o f Mass Inform a tion M att A lt, and the hordes o f in d iv id u a ls w h o have c o n trib u te d to ToyboxDX.com and cooljapanesetoys.com over the last several years. For a few o f the younger collectors, I w ill spare you the "oldtim e rs " story, but, the state o f Japanese to y collecting in the pre in te rn e t years was c o m p le te ly d iffe re n t tha n it is today. Inform ation used to be held in quiet reserve, was d iffic u lt to come by, and was generally only attained th ro u g h years o f solitude and research (and lots o f luck). There w ere scattered h a n d fu lls of collectors, and no form al w ay to dissem inate any in fo rm a tio n . There was ONE to y book (actually, there w a sn't even tha t w hen I started). W hen the age o f the internet hit us, there were some great fan sites, but Tom Franck's cooljapanesetoys.com was the firs t largescale, in fo rm a tio n hub th a t w e take fo r granted these days. It was hotter than the boxes o f GA-01 m azinger die-casts bootlegs fro m a few years back. A ltho ug h m ostly static these days, CJT used to the nervous system that m ost new (and old) collectors checked into on a da ily basis fo r years. It was the first. Not too long thereafter, Alen Yen'sToyboxDX sprang up, and was, at firs t, a personal to y hom age by Mr. Yen him self. Alen even sold a fe w toys to help pay fo r the webspace back then! A fter a fe w years, and a ton o f netw orking later, Alen has q u ie tly taken a back seat to the spra w ling , contributor-laden w ebsite it is today. ToyboxD X is a p re tty seam less flo w in g o f personal tid b its , investigative jo u rn a lism and good natured jabberjaw ing. I still check the rum ble on a nearly da ily basis. (When are you going to feature Dom o-kun? Flaro is cool, but c'm on - he's DOMO-KUN.) That brings us to today. W ith the launch o f this magazine, as w ell as super7m agazine.com , we hope to be another resource fo r you, as w ell as a source of discussion and consternation. Check us out, hit the message boards, talk some trash, and enjoy the hobby. D on't w o rry about c10 boxes, th ro w away instruction sheets, and unbag you r vinyls. Until then, I'll be ignoring you r emails. -Brian Check out: w w w .s u p er7 m ag azin e .c o n n w w w .to y b o xd x.c o m w w w .strangeco .com w w w .c lu b to k y o .o rg w w w .tfo rm e rs .c o m w w w .c o o lja p a n e s e to y s .c o m 05 ALLIES OF THE DEVOLUTION 7 1 T H E K ID S W IL L H A V E T H E IR S A Y ' 1 D IT C H W O RK, GO S K A T IN G W W W .A LLIESO FTHEREVO LU TIO N.CO M , R=E & ©2002 V IV A I U fcEVOlUTIGN A V A I L A B L E AT: T R U E ;SF UPPER PLAYG RO UND:SF R O L O :SF G IA N T R O B O T S T O R E :LA IN D IG O FL O W ER :SM IGLOO :SD JUST B E :PDX U N IO N :NYC W W W .TH EG IA N TPE A C H .C O M Super7 Magazine, V o lu m e l Issue3 - August 2003 S U B S C R IP T IO N IN F O R M A T IO N «- «- Publisher Super? Media, inc. Editor Mark Nagata Design / Assistant Editor Brian Flynn / Hybrid Design, Inc. Design Intern: G eoff A llen www.hybrid101.com M arketing / Sales Shannon!'. Stewart shannon@ super7m agazine.com Contributing Editor / Ad Sales Chad Hensley chad@ super7magazine.com Gracious Contributers Tim Brisko, M ike Johnson, Sean Bonner, Bwana Spoons, Jim and G regory o f StrangeCo., Chad Hensley, Jim b o, M asato Shono and Shono-Planning, Jack Hurwitz, W arren Schwartz, Joe Salamanca, Remy Rodis, Elvin Pena. American Distribution Tower Books, Diam ond Comics, Ingram s Periodicals, Small Changes and Last Gasp. Japanese Distribution Presspop, Inc. +81(0)422717555 Other International Distribution sales@ super7magazine.com Printing Transcontinental P rinting/ LGM Graphics attn: Mike Bradley 1.800.661.0052 x24 Printed in Canada. Advertising ads@ super7ntagazine.com We have been getting requests since day one asking "W hen are s u b s c rip tio n s g o in g to be ava ila ble fo r S uper7"? W ell, you r answer is- N ow ! W ith a set release schedule in place, you can now order a fu ll year sub scrip tion of fo u r issues fo r ju st $24! It is exactly the same cost as if you w e nt to the store and bought it, but instead, w e w ill send the magazine straig ht to you! We also have had m u ltip le requests fo r a Super7 t-shirt. So, we th o u g h t, "W h a t the heck, let's do it ! " (Actually, M ark said that, and Brian was a little unsure, but he caved in quickly enough.) Now we also have the firs t Super7 t-sh irt ever! Available fo r a mere $15 including shipping, the t-sh irt has orange, red and w h ite ink on a black body. You can 't beat tha t w ith a stick- and we w o n 't try. Editorial / Submissions mark@ super7m agazine.com Contact / Goodie Boxes Super7 Magazine P.O. Box 330235 San Francisco, Ca. 94133 415.922.6612 www.super7m agazine.com Legal The a d vertising and articles ap pe arin g w ith in th is p u blicatio n refle ct the o p in io n s and a ttitu d e s o f th e ir respective au th o rs and not necessarily those o f the publisher or other persons affiliated w ith th is publication. A ll rig h ts to the p h o to g ra p h s, a rtw o rk and articles contained in this publication are co p yrig h t ow ned by th e ir respective creators. A ll rig h ts to any character names and/or likenesses are cop yrig ht ow ned by th e ir respective owners, and no assum ption o f ow ne rship is made by this publication. E verything else contained herein is ©2003 Super7 magazine, and may not be reproduced in part or w hole w ith o u t w ritten perm ission fro m Super7 magazine as w ell as any co n trib u to rs if applicable. In the end, it's a magazine about toys - so relax. S ubscriptions are $24 per year (4 issues). T-shirts are $15 (indicate size S, M, L or XL.) S ubscription andT-shirt com bo pack is $36. (indicate size) Please send check or m oney ord er (do not send cash) to: Super7 Magazine attn: S ubscriptions Po Box 330235 San Francisco, Ca. 94133 mu i ii mi mi mi mu m n mi m mi mi in ON T H E COVER Optimus Prime and Deny's Fisher Cyborg, as photographed by Tim Brisko - www.tim brisko.com 07 LIVE-RCTION T V SHOW TOVS FROM THE 1 9 5 0 S TO NOW, SO CRHZt . P en in Kubber, Rockin' Chicks Cute 'n' Cuddiyr Motor Heroes and Freaky Foes. $18.95 paperback, 136 pages, color photographs throughout 5: W ftft w w w ,c h ro n ic le fa o o k s .c o rfi JAPANESE V U P D A T E S A N D C O R R E C T IO N S *- * A FEW W O R D S FR O M T H E S T A F F Luckily fo r us, we only have one sig n ifica n t correction from issue #2. In the Hedorah article, the m ovie G odzilla vs, the Sm og M onster was released in 1971 (not 1967). Thanks to everyone w ho em ailed us about our error. It is nice to know you are reading carefully! In current news, the Pushead/Devilm an article slated fo r this issue has been pushed back u n til issue 4, pe nd ing fin a l approvals in Japan and from m u ltip le con tribu to rs, and other cool stuff in the works. It w ill be w o rth the w a it! Also, part 2 of the Bandai kaiju series and our regular Jum b o M achinder colum n w ill return next issue, as we ran out o f space in this issue due to all this content! We're also asking o u r readers to send in p ictu re s o f th e ir toy collections fo r possible inclusion in a collecto rs showcase page. If you are in te re ste d , please e m a il M ark fo r m ore in fo rm atio n - m ark@ super7m agazine.com . We cannot pay fo r you r subm issions or guarantee they w ill be published, but you w ill get full credit and bragging rights if we do! Right now, we're w orking on m ore exclusive to y offers as w e ll a few m ore surprises. If you haven't done so, a subscription Super7 Magazine always makes a great g ift or treat fo r y o u rse lf anyone w ho cares about Japanese toys. Plus you w o n 't have w o rry about m issing an issue! as to or to For th o se o f you w h o have not yet checked o u t our web s ite ...w h a t are you w a itin g for? Besides the latest updates, we o ffer back issues, subscriptions, and toys. How cool is that?!! Be sure and check out the lively discussions on ou r BBS too. Just go to w w w .super7m agazine.com . Be sure to check o u t Cool StuffT oys and Video w ho w ill be selling Super7 at the fo llo w in g show s th is sum m er: W izard W orld-Chicago A ugust 8th-10th, 2003 http://w w w .w izarduniverse.com /conventions/chicago.cfm W izard W orld-Texas Novem ber 21st-23rd, 2003 http://w w w .w izarduniverse.com /conventions/texas.cfm Future events to m eet and greet the Super7 crew: A lte rn a tive Press Expo (APE) in beautiful San Francisco, California on February 21st-22nd, 2004. M ore event listings to come. Check ou r w eb site fo r the latest updates and any changes to these events. B A C K IS S U E S «- «- IS S U E 01 Issue Issue Issue Issue IS S U E 0 2 1 - lim ited a va ila b ility 2 3 - norm al cover 3 -The "O fficialT ra nsform e rs C onvention" Special Lim ited die cut cover IS S U E 0 3 $8.00 $6.00 $6.00 $10.00 Please add $4.30 fo r 1-4 back issue copies. For 5-8 copies , please add $5.50 fo r postage. Back issues sent via US P rio rity M ail. A ll subscriptions are m ailed in a sturdy envelope via US Postal Media Mail. A ll prices are fo r the United States only, and subject to change. Please em ail us (m a rk@ su p e r7 m a g zin e .co m ) fo r international postage quotes. Please send check or m oney order (do not send cash) to: Super7 Magazine attn: Subscriptions Po Box 330235 San Francisco, Ca. 94133 09 Cool Toys for th e Savvy Collector Gloomy Bear Be@rbricbs Kubricks Monsterism & More!! *S S L U j D G Angeles) M S E fllS a tM p p 1 Tsuburaya Pro Collection Figures SPECIAL! reg. price $29.80 Anime Tokusatsu Japanese Films/independent Movies DUD/CD/Toys/Posters/Figures JU N G LE COLLECTORS SHOP Store Hours: Mon-Fri 12:00-8:00 Sat 11:00-8:00 Sun 11:00-7:00 319 East 2nd S tre e t # 1 0 3 Los Angeles, CA 90012 LITTLE TOKYO 'Miyake Inn H otel L ittle T okyo M a ll's p a rk in g g a ra g e .F lo o r G1 E n tra n ce s to p a rking Phone (213) 621-1661 E -m ail: [email protected] (next to U n io n B an k) h ttp ://w w w .anim eju n gle.n et (n e xt to M iya ko in n H o te l) E X C L U S IV E T O Y S 1 9 6 2 G O D Z ILL A ® V IN Y L E X C L U S IV E F R O M B E A R M O D E L /S H O N O -K IK A K U This Lim ited Edition G o dzilla® Vinyl is available ONLY fro m this issue o f Super-7 M a g a zin e ! The 9" tall vinyl is m olded in bronze painted vinyl. These fig u res are lim ited to one per coupon and w ill sell out quickly. Figures w ill only be m ad e fo r exactly th e orders received, w ith a m ax im u m run o f 300 pieces. All orders m ust be postm arked by A ugust 31st, 2 003. Figures w ill be m ailed 6-8 w eeks fro m deadline. Cut this coupon out and m ail to: G o d zilla ® Offer, Super-7 M ag a zin e , PO Box 330235, San Francisco, Ca. 94133 USA. Original coupons only. N o copies accepted. If y o u r m ailin g in fo rm a tio n does not fit on the form , please attach the in form atio n to th e coupon before m ailing. N a m e ______________________________________________________________ A d d r e s s ____________________________________________________________ E - m a il Phone ( ) ____________ Payment of $55.00 + 10.00 shipping per coupon. Enclose payment as a money order in U.S. funds only. DO NOT SEND CASFI! Payments made out to "Super7 Magazine" For Mail Order Sales in the U.S.A. and Canada only. No international orders accepted. %ziA' G O D Z ILLA ® A N D T H E CHARACTER DESIGN ARE REGISTERED TRADE M AR KS OF TO H O CO., LTD. © 1962 T O H O CO., LTD. A L L RIGHTS RESERVED. A D O R B E L B Y JIM W O O D R IN G Exclusive Super-7 Magazine M onotone version - lim ited to 100 pieces only. STRANGEco's firs t original figure project by US com ic artist Jim W oodring. Inspired by classic Japanese m onster design, this lim ited-edition m onotone version is available only through Super-7 Magazine and w ill sell out quickly. 7" tall, lim ited to 100 pieces! Cut this coupon out and mail to: Super-7 DORBEL Offer, c/o STRANGEco, PO Box 460217, San Francisco, CA 94146-0217, USA Payment o f $49.95 + $7.99 shipping & handling enclosed as a money order in US funds only. One order per coupon, original coupons only. No copies accepted. Offer available w h ile supplies last. For international orders or express shipping, please contact dorbel@ strangeco.com . O nline ordering via PayPal is also available. Visit www.strangeco.com /super-7/prom o_dbl.htm l fo r m ore details. * STRANGEco x Super-7 Dorbel color art N a m e _________________________________________________________________________ A d d r e s s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E -m a il_______________________________________Phone ( ) ______________________ Payment of $49.95 + $7.99 shipping & handling enclosed as a money order in US funds only. Make payments out to "STRANGEco". One order per coupon, original coupons only. No copies accepted. Offer available while supplies last. Visit www.strangeco.com for more details. Unpainted prototype sculpt Super 7 Magazine is n ot affiliated with Shono-Kikaku. Beer Model or StrangeCo, and is not assuming responsibly for the fuilfclment of either offer. Please allow 6-8 weeks from the postmark deadline for your order. Only orlgmai coupons from the magazine accepted, no reproductions of any kind. Super-7 is not responsible for lost or misdirected coupons. 11 Pez Robots Monsters G 1 Joe Star Wars Batman Kubricks Star Trek Godzilla Gashapon Ultraman Kaiju vinyl Super Heroes Nightmare Transformers Cereal Premiums Planet of the Apes Movie Monsters We Have it all! Buy - Sell - Trade D r . T o n g u e ’s , 1 4 0 8 E , v l u r n s i d e , P o r t l a n d , O r . 9 7 2 1 4 w w w .d rto n g u e s to y s .c o m (5 0 3) 233-8915 SF Store: 1512 light St. @ A s h b u ry NY Store: SoHo, Summer 03 Designer Vinyl Toys 12" Action Figures Mini R/C cars Specialty Piush & more! I ______ www.chibigojitoys.com M Y F R IE N D T H E M IC R O N A U T BY BWANA SPOO NS MFTM Report > 3.0 You wish. Yeah, and so do I. The M icrom an Mecha Cosmo Escalgot, also known as the G yrotron, is one "s w e e t" ride, dood. M y only true dream I have had as a M icrom an, not those dream s w here I am in the toy store, and my dad is yellin g at me "W rap it u p !" and I only have three d o lla rs in m y pocket, and I ca n 't decide w hich discounted M icronauts Alien to buy at King Norm an's D iscountToy Em porium . Nope. This was me d rivin g an Escalgot th ro u g h giant blades of grass. It was pure joy. Aside from the usual bad translation (i.e. "ca ta ro g " or "S p ilite d Boys Club"), the Esgalgot, which is really a pretty cute w ro ng ing of Escargot, is the perfect M icrom an ride. This vehicle is the only tw oseated toy made of its type. Sure, you can put a w h ole pile of hamsters in one of those balls, but that w o uld be very bad. M ajor Matt Mason had a sphere-shaped hotrod. Cobra, the evil nemesis of G.l. Joe, had one too. But the Escalgot is the only one that you can take your buddy fo r a ride, or you r Lady Com m and on a date w ith. E scalgot cam e o u t in 1975 along w ith the M arine Copter (M icronauts 1976 Hydrocopter) and oth er greats-- like the UFOs and the firs t Titans. It is battery operated which w ill spin its giant snail wheels. Or it can be configured into a satellite station/radio to w e r w ith spinning dishes. Escalgot did not com e w ith a figure. I always pow er m ine w ith a ye llo w buddy, on account that ye llo w is the color o f courage. The Escalgot was supposed to be released in the states, and was pictured in the firs t M ego M icronauts catalog as the G yrotron, alongside Hydrocopter. Some peeples have tall stories about how they rem em ber playing w ith or having a G yrotron in the states when they w ere tin y peeples. U nfortunately, they did n 't, unless th e ir m om m ies did the grocery shopping in Japan, because it was never released here. Say th is phrase five tim es fast. Long live the M icrom an Mecha Cosmo Escalgot. Various shots o f the Microman Mecha Cosmo Escalgot and box. 13 D E S IG N E R V IN Y L S Q U A R T E R L Y C O L U M N B Y J IM C R A W F O R D A N D G R E G O R Y B L U M O F o ^52199 12031 I Last issue, Designer Vinyls covered the em ergence o f Hong Kong as an epicenter fo r lim ited edition, artist-based to y design. This round, the focus is on United States-based artists w h o have also been active creating serious art toys. Since the m id-nineties, a sizable num ber o f artists from various disciplines have transfo rm e d th e ir artw ork in to figures. Not surprisingly, the m a jo rity o f these artists have backgrounds in art made fo r public venues, fro m com ics and poster art to g ra ffiti and w heat pasting. A rtists fro m tw o particular styles of p opular art have really em braced to y m aking: un derground com ics and gra ffiti art. In 2001, Sony started courting US com ic artists fo r the ir new Tim e Capsule to y projects. Sold fo r around 300 yen in capsule m achines a ll over Japan, T im e Capsule toys featured m ini figures o f original characters by artists such as Jim W oodring, Peter Bagge, and Charles Burns. Recently, soft v in yl figures from these and other com ic artists have been produced, including designs by Dan Clowes, Dave Cooper, Archer Prewitt, Chris Ware and Jim W oodring. 14 - G raffiti and street artists have been especially active. NYC-based Stash and Futura are easily the m ost pro lific, having each created a large body o f figu res on th e ir ow n and in conjunction w ith A Bathing Ape, M edicom , and Recon. KAWS, Doze and Seen have also crafted original toys, and Tokion Magazine's Neo G raffiti 3D Project in clud ed fig u re s by Barry McGee (Twist), M argaret Kilgallen, Stash, Shepard Fairey, and Brazil’s Os Gemeos. As awareness o f art toys increases, m ore and m ore fine artists and designers fro m the United States w ill undoubtedly produce lim ite d -e d itio n fig u re projects. Expect to see a variety o f high quality, o rigin al and ho m egrow n designs in the years ahead. JIM M Y Above: Jim m y Corrigan b y Chris Ware, p ro d u c e d by Presspop Below: TravelA by Doze Green, .produced b y Expo S tyle Co. Opposite page: Margaret Kilgalien, Stash, Barry McGee ITwistI Above, top row: Crazy N ewts by Jim Woodring Above, middle row: M onster Teens by Charles Burns Above, bottom row : Alien Family by Peter Bagge Below: Eddy Table by Dave Cooper, produced by Critterbox Toys Above: M o'W ax UNKLE figure by Futura Left: James Lavelie Pointman 12-irtch figure by Futura Below le ft: Futura Be@rbricks - Stroller Patroller Iblack I and No Spank (white) Below: James, Pointman and Nigo by Futura for BARE BE@ RBRICK Left: Ape vs. M o'W ax Vinyl Figure by Futura - James figure (customized by Stash! Above, le ft to right: KAWS Companions (produced by Bounty Hunter), KAWS Kubricks (produced by M edicom) Right: KAWS Chum (clear variant) produced by 360 Toy Group Below left: Stash Spraycan Kubricks (1000%, 400% and 100%) sizes, produced by M edicom Below middle: Recon 3rd Anniversary 400% Kubrick by Futura, produced by Medicom (detail) Below right, top: Stash Spraycan Kubrick (limited silver variant) The overw helm ing success o f the firs t season o f "Transform ers: M ore Than Meets the Eye" not only established it as the top cartoon w ith kids; it also established the leader of the Autobots, O ptim us Prime, as the single m ost iconic fig u re in the cartoon's history Even today, Optim us Prime is the m ost recognized character in the Transform ers universe. Moreover, kids loved him. I am not kidding when I say kids were really attached to the Transformers. Stories of parents hunting store to store in search of (and at tim es resorting to physically figh ting over) then child's "m u st have"Transform er were not uncom m on. It is now 2003, and dm moore re than tw o decades have passed since the firs t real Convoy toy appearec ippeared in Japan before the Transform ers was even an idea (do n't w orry, •rry. we'l w e 'll get to that in a bit). More than 100 toys, 12 series later. Optimus diffe re nt shows, and se< aarate:c Prime is still the #1 Autol ransforn rith an average o f five O ptim us-related figures fc educed i iry Transform ers series ?ers char s, even Megatron. has since. None o f the o th e r! garnered the kind o f ati ■rime ha nsistenrly retained all dow n the line. The real m easure of the love fo r O ptim us Prime came when 'Transform ers: The M ovie" was released in 1936. Hasbro "kille d off" the leader to revam p the bulk o f the Transform ers lin e w ith new characters. In th is case, Rodim us Prim e w as next in line. "There was im m ediate reaction" says A lfred C. Carosi. corporate vice president o f m arketing services w ith Hasbro. “ We g o t a lo t o f phone calls and letters from kids. We were frankly surprised at the num ber o f letters. When we killed off O ptim us Prime, I tho ugh t they m ig ht be a little bit upset, but we had new heroes for them in the m ovie. That d id n 't seem to matter." It was this reaction to Prime's death th a t created a bond w ith kids tha t w o u ld encourage Hasbro to b ring h im -b a ck again, continuing to lead the A utobots from series to series, year after year, and w ith o u t any sign o f letting up. W hat is it about O ptim us attention in such a big way) avid O ptim us Prime fans ai been collecting nothing bu W hen asked, Mr. Pena exp O ptim us Prime figures is ne that com in fin d out, I spc rollectors aroui jtirn u s Prime ! s that his pass ly because o f t for the sim p! "I collect O ptim us Prime to favorite Transform er and has nttnued to be r various series that have exii d thu s far. As < d always lead Prime com m anded respect good guy,' Prime w o u ld al W hen I th hought o u g h t 'j'good to pop inito to m y h head, lead, and P I'm : sure m any < fact. He was m y ichildhood Childhood herb, f o f sorts, and I a kid. I still do, by the w a y !" s to captur the fans' ! w ith one c the most , Elvin Pent Who has /s fo r over n fo r col fee ■character h reason th a t he s m y • favo rite across all the baracter on the show, e A utobots to victory. > be the firs t character s w ill corroborate this loved watching him as M B lilI I less o f the detail that character as I m W HH mwm i W€wimmissm i iTs-fiU; , 'series that d revered, aracters o f lir B li” U n ited States Patent 1193 {?i} Patent Number: 4,516,948 Obara (43] Date of Patent: May 14,1985 [5 4 ] Hiroyuki O tora, Tokyo. Japan [73] Assignee: Takara Co., Lt< | [22] Filed- IP WK§ ut O ptim us ■y - ■■;Ipfemwlift ' S| m y shelves i m m n 11etj| ny variants ow n them (51} lo t C M [52] 'm ...... U.S. C L ................... .......... 6/1980 Ogswa 3/1983 Montemi ....... 7/198? N atan * I-.-.'........ M m lw *> «.#i.:. __ 446/94 446/4 13 446/94 446/470 i i : ; | (57}' Foreign Application J*pe® . .. 1206.564 4,382,347 4.391.060. 4A35.916 • Primary Examiner—Mickey Yu Attorney. Agent, or Firm—Jackson, Jones & Price Feb. 28.1984 Sep 22. J9S3 [IP] . U.S. PATENT DOCUM ENTS . ; [21] Appl. No.: 584.460 [30] W M :V § s m x m m#S® rS fmS? m mSWmmB mmmmm itV W Fifm m e E l 11 IE, M i c ySSIlL , $ |§ i^ -7^. RECO.NFf CURABLE TOV ASSEMBLY {75] lj.vet.tQf. 58.t«67$5[U} j A63H 17/09 4*6/9% 446/97, ; 446/376; 446/434; 446/487 o f Search ......... 446/95, 94, 93, 97, 446/99, 2 6 1 376. 435, 433. 434. 465, 470, 478, ABSTRACT A rccbnfjgur&bletoy assembly having foldable portions to allow the toy assembly, to .simulate « toy combination vehicle having a tractor unit and a trailer unit separata bly connected to each other. The tractor unit when separated from tbs trailer unit is reversibiy reconftgurable into a robotic humanoid form, while the frailer unit is reversibiy reconftgurable into a play space for the robotic humanoid, . : : : , ; ; 11 Claims, 7 Drawing Figures p'-;! a a & y -m m ^ is « i e fe w toy iiwsr* ■ c«VmuvA; 1 B I i IS r K JHrsTim i 1 ’ :.' i KIM*■ 1■§1 lTT*!7:ll i 1M « iHi m ' ;i~: » / V IflC U i* li® • ■ asi D1ACL0HE CONVOY: 19 82 This may com e as a shock to m any a Transform ers fan, but the O ptim us Prime toy introduced by Hasbro in 1984 was not the first incarnation of the Generation 1 toy. Halfway around the globe, kids in Japan were trashing their Battle Convoy as early as 1980. The Convoy fig u re was actually developed as part o f Takara's new Diaclone toy line, a spin-off from their successful M icrom an line. The Diaclone series com bined cool science fiction concepts w ith racecars and trucks that were popular w ith kids at the time. Battle Convoy________________ 1 98 3 Battle Convoy Plating Spectrum 1384 U l t r a ____ □ Battle Convoy DX Set 1985 " Ultra U ltr a , □ i J The Diaclone Battle Convoy is close to the exact same to y that was introduced in the United States as O ptim us Prime in 1984. However, there is one m a jo r difference. Because the Diaclone story was developed around a team o f humans w ho acted as the drivers of com m o n looking vehicles, there were accom m odations made in those vehicles fo r the drivers to sit and stand.Thus, the drivers could spy on and u ltim a te ly fo il the activities o f the evil Waruders. In 1983, Takara repurposed th e Japanese Diaclone line fo r Hasbro's Generation 1 line. Even though the “ d riv e r'' concept was dropped fo r th is transition, the toys' accom m odations were left in place. 0PT1MUS PRIME 1984 From his head dow n to his toes, the m any facets o f the G eneration 1 (G1) O ptim us Prime w o u ld serve as the tem plate fo r all Primes to come. M ore than anything, the ro b o t’s head assem bly w ith its g lad iator stylin g w o u ld rem ain as the m o st consistent elem ent throu gh ou t the character's m any incarnations regardless o f the ir form , be it mechanical o r organic. The G1 color scheme and tractor and trailer configuration w o uld also becom e a pro m ine nt them e over the years. The G1 figure was issued in the now fa m ilia r tractor and trailer configuration, resem bling a F reightliner COE (Cab O ver Engine! Duai-axle semi tractor and trailer. The set w o u ld transform in to a robot (cab) and base/repair station (trailer). The acco m m od ation s fo r th e D iaclone drive rs are pro m in e n t th ro u g h o u t the toy. From the seats behind the :foldin g forw ard cab to the various control panels and cockpits that are revealed when the tra ile r is in base mode, one can easily see the original intent fo r interaction w ith sm aller hum anoid figures. In 1985, the "M o re Than Meets the Eye" cartoon debuted in Japan re-dubbed as "F ig h t! Super Robot Life Transform ers." In th is Japanese version, the leader o f the Cybertrons (known in the U.S. as Autobots) w o u ld be renamed Convoy. The name w ould become synonym ous w ith the character th rou gh ou t the Transformers series show n in Japan. Top to bottom , le n to righ t: Generation 1 U ltra M a gnus s u p e r ro bo t m o d h G I Ultra M a gn u s Vehicle mode. U ltra M agnus: Diaclone + C rystal + G I vehicles , Ultra M a gn u s: D iaclone + Crystal + 6 1 S uper Robots, C rystal G1 a nd P V C U ltra M agnus. C rystal M a gn u s R o b o t Group p ho to: P rim es i t to R}: 0 0 Convoy + J u sco Black Convoy + C rystal M a gnus + N e w Year C onvoy + D iaclone M agnus +.G.1 M agnus + Ultra Magnus and O ptim us Prime could be brothers in m ore ways than one. The original toys not o n ly share the same m old fo r the cab; Hiroyuki Obara also designed the rest of Ultra Magnus. The m old was o rig in a lly made fo r Takara's D iaclone series. W hen M egatron kills O ptim us Prime in 2005, U ltra M agnus takes the m atrix of leadership from him and serves as A uto bot leader fo r a short tim e. W hile they were made into different characters in the show, the fact that the toys are so sim ilar gives them a certain appeal to Prime fans and collectors alike. W hat w o uld eventually become the Ultra M agnus to y was origin ally made in 1983 fo r the Diaclone series in Japan as a variation on the Battle Convoy figu re. Named Powered Convoy, the to y too k the G2 o ptim a 's Prime.. truck and tra ile r concept in a w h ole different direction. W hile the truck cab m olds w ere nearly identical, all sim ilarities between the tw o end there. The Powered Convoy was issued in a w arm blue color. The cargo tra ile r was replaced w ith a tra n sfo rm in g m ulti fu n ctio n car carrier tha t could be used to tra n sp o rt the other Diaclone vehicles, be converted into a catapult weapon, or act as a C ybertronian pre pa ration base. The th ird and m ost com pelling difference between the Battle and Powered Convoy toys is the addition o f a super robot "p o w e re d -u p " mode. The truck and trailer joined to form a super robot that was over 10" high. The set even included a larger super robot head that gave Convoy an enhanced look w ith its enlarged helm et and extended antennae. By 1988, interest in the Transform ers cartoon was starting to decline. In an effort to revive the series, Hasbro introduced the Powerm aster concept from which Powerm aster O ptim us Prime (PMOP) was born. Prime was now enhanced via a “ Pow erm aster'' process tha t created a binary bond w ith Hi-Q, a b rillia n t hum anoid technician fro m the planet Nebulos. O ptim us was reform atted w ith considerably m ore power and mass, resulting in a hybrid character th a t could function as a single or three separate robot entities. The firs t true O ptim us Prime figu re that w o u ld be conceived specifically fo r the series, PMOP was all Prime. Retaining the basic color scheme, tractor/trailer, robot and base configuration established in the Diaclone version, eve ryth in g else about him was radically diffe re nt. The biggest change was in the size o f the figure's vehicle and robot modes. A super robot m ode w o u ld reintroduce O ptim us as a w hopping 10" tall robot. The new figure was also outfitted w ith a bigger weapons arsenal that could com bine w ith his expanded trailer and comm and base as w ell.True to the show character, PMOP also incorporated the HI-Q figu re as a tiny robot co-pilot that could transform into Prime's engine in Super Robot and Vehicle modes. W hile the interest in Transform ers was w aning in the states, it was boom ing in Japan. 1988 saw the in tro du ction o f the "T ransform ers M a ste rfo rce " series th a t w o u ld present the characters as Godmasters. The Powerm aster O ptim us Prime toy was incorporated into the M asterforce series under the name Super Ginrai. W hile it is not actually a true Convoy/Prime incarnation, the Super Ginrai figu re is often considered a Prime to y because o f the basic form that Super G inrai and PMOP share. Later in the series, a Japan-only character known as G odbom ber w o uld be created to merge w ith Super Ginrai to form God Ginrai. A HUGE fig u re at a hefty 12" in height, God G inrai (the co m b in a tio n o f G odbom ber and Super G inrai) was loaded w ith even m ore w e ap onry and a souped-up new look that returned a good deal o f the chrom e vacuum metal that was left off from the PMOP design. Super Ginrai and G odbom ber were later issued as a set (C-310) tha t w o u ld go on to become a highly sought after item by collectors untilTakara reissued the set in September of 2001 . STAR GOMWOY 1991 After being destroyed in the Japanese "H eadm aster" series, Convoy was brought back to life in the "R eturn o f Convoy" series as Star Convoy.The Destrons o rig in a lly revived him as Evil Convoy. The Evil version w o uld later be defeated by the Cybertrons and reform atted into the Star Convoy fo rm via the use of Zodiac energy. Like his predecessors, the Japan-only release o f Star Convoy returns in the now classic tractor/trailer/base configuration, accom panied by the M icro m aster sidekick Hot R odim us. The tra ile r, w hich also doubles as a M icrom aster base, is equipped w ith treads to allow Convoy to travel over even the m ost challenging terrain. W ith his extended antennae, gold star, and sleek fu tu ristic styling, this is one o f the m ost exotic Convoy renditions yet, exchanging the big blocky truck look fo r a stream lined appearance. Because it was never released in Am erica and w ith no TV show supporting it, the figure was not very popular at the tim e. Today, however, Star Convoy is qu ite rare, high ly sought after by collectors, and can run a few hundred dollars fo r one sealed in the box. , ACTIONMASTER PRIME 1992 Believing the M atrix was the only way to stop the m enacing Unicron, O ptim us Prime gave his life by flyin g w ith it into the planet-sized Unicron to destroy him . However, just before the event. Prime released Hl-Q w ith hopes th a t he w o u ld escape the pending destruction. After the battle, Hl-Q was able to tap into his Nebulan powers and, as a result, accidentally m erged m inds w ith O ptim us Prime. In this union, Hl-Q was able to contact the Last A utobot, a m ighty figure that had the pow er to revive Cybertron and even dead Autobots. The outcom e o f the Last Autobot's actions w o uld return the m elded m inds o f O ptim us Prim e and Hl-Q to a th riv in g Cybertron as A ctionm aster Prime. The Diaclone Battle Convoy is close to the exact same to y that was introduced in the United States as O ptim us Prime in 1984. However, th e re is one m a jo r difference. Because the D iaclone story was developed around a team of humans w ho acted as the drivers of com m on looking vehicles, there were accom m odations made in those vehicles fo r the drivers to sit and stand.Thus, the drivers could spy on and ultim ately fo il the activities o f the evil Waruders. In 1983, Takara repurposed th e Japanese D iaclone line fo r Hasbro's G eneration 1 line. Even tho ugh the "d riv e r" concept was dropped fo r this transition, the toys' accom m odations were left in place. In 1993 Hasbro decided to revive the Transform ers w ith a Generation 1 style series that w o uld be based on a com ic book series. G eneration 2 offered repackaged and later repainted versions o f the classic figures. The G eneration 2 toys were packaged in space age looking clear blister cards. There were several innovations in the G2 line that yielded the firs t new Prime figures not to be based on the series. Unfortunately, lo w sates th a t were likely attributed to an absence o f a cartoon influenced Hasbro to discontinue the line in 1995. ■. ' v ERAT10N 2 OPTIMUS PRIME 1993 was also fitted w ith tw o handheld firin g weapons that also served as side cannons on the tra ile r in vehicle mode. I had only heard about the legendary G iant G2 O ptim us Prime when I started w orking on this article and was lucky enough to hunt one down. There is a good b it o f debate on w hether this toy is an official product. Released in Korea in 1997, th is oversized Prime was supposedly made fo r the Korean production com pany Toon Town, licensed throu gh 3D International to accompany the Transformers cartoon. The plastic is thin and there are no die-cast parts. The size and rarity make this guy a high ly sought after item regardless o f its origin. The Hero Prime toy is kind o f hard to explain. Beginning a tradition we still see today, this was the first O ptim us Prime toy to break away from a known incarnation o f the character in a cartoon or comic. The vehicle, based on a Kenworth truck design, was scaled down enough to fit on a blister card and shed the tradition al red and blue color scheme, replacing it w ith a m ore colorful w h ite truck w ith brigh t yellow , orange, red, and blue highlights. This is also the firs t Prime made w ith o u t a detachable tra ile r and base. However, the enorm ous air-powered rocket-blaster m ore than makes up fo r it. N um erous o th e r co lo r schemes on th is m old th a t were never released until very recently have surfaced over the years (see part 2 o f th is article). According to the tech specs, the Laser Rods O ptim us Prime's form is the result o f severe dam age in flicted in the battle w ith M egatron in Sector 17 of the IVIirtonian constellation. During his repairs. Prime was upgraded to be faster, stronger, and ready fo r com bat! Based on a Western Star C onstellation truck cab and oil tanker trailer, this tim e he comes packaged w ith cool artw ork on his tra ile r that was done by UK com ic artist Geoff Senior. The second part o f the Generation 2 line introduced a num ber o f new m olds and features, in clud in g increased a rticu la tion, large- The Generation 2 toy line also introduced a new vehicle form at known as the Go-Bots. These Hot Wheels™ sized cars were often referred to as flip-changers because o f the sim ple transform ation that involved flip p in g dow n the car's hood and p u lling o u t the doors to expose the robot figure. The G2 Go-Bots line featured twelve new cars/robots based on six diffe re nt m olds that were repainted and named after popular Transform ers characters. An interesting feature o f these Go-Bots was that the y w ere fu lly com patible w ith any Hot Wheels™ track or set. W hile the tra n s 20 Years of Optimus Prime Part II This praje ct originally sta rte d o u t to be ju s t one article) learned there w as m o re to O p tim u s Prim e than I ever i graces’ o f a iot o f people all over th e w o rld w h o suppli, to toys, it w as soon clear w e could n ot fit everything guys at Super? .w ho insisted w e d o it all. th e article w ii This being Part 1 in Super? Issue #3, Part 2 w ill continc Prime and Pnmal as he evolves though the Beast \ Takara PVCs, and a fe w o th e r surprises you w o n ’t w an t scale firin g weapons, air pum ps, and electronics, it was a big leap forw ard, and Laser Rods Prime showcased all these new features. W ith a battery in place, his eyes, laser gun, headlights, and sword could lig h t up. The oil tanker trailer was som ething else too; it transfo rm e d into a deluxe tra ile r base m ode that came w ith a massive load o f artillery, including ripple missiles, arm or piercing discs, and a g ia n t air powered laser-targeting m issile launcher. Even today, this to y rem ains one of the m ost popular Optim us Prime figu res w ith Transform ers fans. form atio ns were nothing im pressive, this co m p a tib ility was a boon to those w h o enjoyed and ow ned Hot Wheels™ sets. The Go-Bot O ptim us Prime shares the same m old w ith Firecracker, only Prime is a solid red instead o f a translucent red. The vehicle form , based on a Lam borghini Diablo, is available to Prime via his internal reconfiguration m atrix. By accessing this m atrix o f various veh icle m odes, he can reach speeds th a t approach the sound barrier on earth. Authors Jack H urw itz - Techie/A rtist/W m er - is 'a cyborg w h o lives in th e San Francisco Bay Area. H e c o lle c ts h u m a n s fo r fu n and p ro fit. He can o fte n b e 'fo u n d p rogram m ing his Transform ers n ew s-w eb site a t fottpiOTFdfBtersiOofn Aleck Au Yeung IR em y! - A rtist/C ollector/P hotographer - lives in Hong Kong He . m ain ta in s one o f th e big g e st O p tim u s Prim e toy co llections around, See m ore of R em y’s to y colle ctio n or, his w e b s tte at h ttp ://T f K e n K oa co m Elvin P e n a -C ollector/Techie-lives in N e w York C ity and keeps up one o f th e m ost c o m p le te O p tim u s Prim e co lle ctio ns: h ttp ://w w w .g e o citie s.co m /e ivinp e n o2 0 00 / Optimus Prime in the Comics O ver the years th e e vo lu tio n o f O p tim u s Prim e has been tig h tly coupled w ith th e c h a ra c te r in th e c om ics. His m a n y in c a rn a tio n s ha v e been depicted in n u m erous lang uages th e w o rld ov e r th ro u g h th e m an y series and sagas th a t fe atu re d his Prim eness. From th e early M a rv e l co m ic and Jap anese m anga stories to th e m ost recent rev iva l o f T ra n s fo rm e rs by D re a m w a ve , on th e prin ted page th e A u to b o t le a d e r has contin u e d as the Tra n s fo rm e r in c o m m a n d . Th ere are m an y artists w h o have had th e o p p o rtu n ity to pen O p tim u s P rim e o ver th e years, but fe w have been faced w ith th e d a u n tin g task of ren dering all form s. From G e n e ra tio n 1 to A rm a d a , D re a m w a v e artists Pat Lee and Don Figueroa have been slid ing a m ean q u ill, casting O p tim u s Prim e in all his m ajesty. Few w ill qu estio n th a t th e ir love of O p tim u s Prim e rad iates fro m th e ir w ork. If yo u 'v e e ve r laid eyes on one of Don Figueroa's d ra w in g s of Prim e, you k n o w w h a t I m ean w h en I say he captures th e character w ith a religious fervo r. Don describes w h a t he tries to capture w h en d ra w in g O p tim u s Prim e: "His S tren gth, basically, because that's all you can tra n s la te visually. Prim e is a v ery im po sing looking character but not fe a rs o m e . He relies m ost on his s treng th, but he's also a v ery s m a rt character." Scan any o f Prim e's tech specs and y o u 'll see th a t he's all a b o u t pow er, so m eth in g th a t Pat Lee rea lly focused on in his w o rk , adding m ass and dim ensio n to th e fig u re like w e 'v e n ever seen before. M ake no m istake ab o u t th e w a y th e character has been b ro u g h t back to life in the m odern day. He is d e fin ite ly all Prim e and then som e. W h ile m a in ta in in g all th e character's m ajesty, Pat and Don have a d ded th e ir ow n touches to th e com ic book th e y have b u ilt a ro und these classic robots. It's quite a m azing th a t one fig u re can be d e v e lo p e d in so m an y w ays and by so m an y p eop le, s im u lta n e o u s ly reflecting th e m ig h t of O p tim us Prim e and th e w o rk of th e artist. Every artist has a d iffe re n t approach to d ra w in g him . K eying off character aspects o f th e robo t, each artist ren ders th e le a d e r in th e ir ow n way. Don e xp la in s his approach to a ccentuating th e fe atu re s he fin ds m ost im p o rta n t: "I try to keep a sense o f realism w h e n d ra w in g a TF based on an earth form . W ith O p tim u s , I w ill try to keep his torso m o re truck-like. I'll d ra w w in d s h ield w ip e rs on it, side m irrors...etc." W h en it com es to artw ork, Pat Lee is all a b o u t Prim e's role as a leader: "I try to s h o w as m uch e m o tio n in his eyes as po ss ib le .T o m ake him stand out fro m oth er characters, to m ake him look bold and strong." N ot th a t th e y sit aro u n d d ra w in g O p tim u s Prim e all day; th e re is a deep fa m ilia rity th a t has been d e v e lo p e d w ith th e fig u re . Pat Lee describes w h a t it is like d ra w in g th e character c o m p a re d w ith o th erT ra n s fo rm e rs : "I've draw n him so m uch I c an 't tell a n y m o re heheh! He's one of the characters I can d ra w b lin d fo ld e d . He's d iffe re n t fro m o th e r characters because he is sim plistic in design and no m a tte r h o w you d ra w him , he still looks like a leader." Either Prim e is really easy to d ra w , or s o m e o n e ju st got a lot o f practice. M a yb e both. Don te lls us it's not so easy to do: "There's a lw a y s a c h a lle n g e to d ra w in g O p tim u s P rim e. It's tric ky to convey e m o tio n in a character th a t b asically d o e s n 't have a face. S till, th e G1 version is still one o f th e easiest TFs to d ra w . T h e n e w e r v ersio ns are fun to d ra w since th e y 're m uch m o re d e ta ile d and com plex." If yo u 'v e been keeping up w ith th e T ra n s fo rm e rs com ics, you k n o w there's a lot of good stuff in th e p ip e lin e. An in ten se n e w G1 series, th e recent "Arm ada," and a v ery in teresting crossover in w hich Prim e and his cohorts te am up w ith G.l. Joe in a W o rld W a r ll-style a d v e n tu re . T h e W W II P rim e is som eth in g else. Thick and knotted w ith arm or, his a rtille ry tra ile r w ill b lo w you aw ay. And if that's not enou gh fo r y ou, th e gang o v e r at Devil's D ue (w h o have been headin g up th e G.l. Joe com ics) are offe rin g up th e ir ow n serving o f "T h e T ra n s fo rm e rs m eets G.l. Joe." A re you ready for Cobra O p tim us Prime? IKS j Sources A cknow ledgem ents: This article could not have happened w ho contributed to this article, i wSrv Moyian and the folks at Dreamwavi Taber and Josh at Devils Due for th( Fehx at FantAsia toys for the crystal fj the giant white G2 Prime. Glen for. j the writing of this article. All the fans — f d eve lo pm e n t o f this article i m any people j people: M a tt sy co ntrib u te d s copy editing: tg m e up w ith iis.ifig it during le'sforyou! ' mm ssformers 1563/h mm m s Unpainted 1999 Chinese bootleg 12" figure with mask next to the Bandai 12" missle-fire L IK E A M O T H T O A F L A M E W hile it is no secret that I have a fascination w ith alm ost all o f the Tokusatsu shows, Inazuman has always been m y favorite. From the firs t tim e I saw the hero, covered in lightning bolts -yet still feeling the need to accessorize w ith a scarf, I was hooked.This show is amazing, and the hero even m ore so. Inazuman debuted O ctober 2nd, 1973 and ran until March 1974. A second season, Inazuman Flash follow e d on A pril 1974, and ran until September of 1974. Our hero, W atari Goro (who transform s into Inazuman), was played by Ban Daisuke, the same actor w h o played Kikaida. In Inazuman, he battles the m utants o f the New Human Race alongside the Youth Association. In Inazuman Flash, he battles the Despar A rm y alongside a rogue Interpol agent. The character design o f Inazuman is based upon a m oth. To transform (or henshin) into Inazuman, Goro m ust firs t become Sanagiman; a cocooned pupa stage, and w ait fo r his pow er to increase. W hen the power level on his belt has fu lly charged, he then transform s into Inazuman, breaking out of his cocoon stage. Overall, this show rates a fu ll 10 on the crazy scale. Lots o f ridiculous monsters, elaborate fig h t scenes, a cool hero and enough camp to make anyone laugh. W hat m ore could you ask for? The S tand ard size 10" re m ovable m ask vinyl: Generally speaking, This is the vinyl m ost collectors think o f when referring to Inazuman. The figure was made for many years and was actually issued by both Popy and Bandai. The only difference between the tw o vinyls, is the packaging Ishown above - Bandai on the left, Popy on the right) and the copyright on the back o f the figure. The Popy logo is molded into the vinyl on the small of the back for all o f the Popy editions Idetail above), while the Bandai edition has the logo smoothed over, and a small Bandai child-logo sticker placed inside the remaining oval. Neither edition carries a premium over the other, but there are m ore Popy editions than Bandai. Please note: The Bandai 10" figure is not to be confused with the hyper-rare 12" Bandai figure. ISee center photo size comparison.) The 12" figure does not have a removable mask. On the left: Reproduction (left) and original (right) talking vinyls by Masudaya/MT J O pposite page: 1 -5.5" vinyl by Popy 2 - 5 " pendant by Popy 3 - 6 " vinyl figure by Popy, both blue vinyl and grey vinyl versions 4 - 4.875" Sanagiman vinyl figure by Popy 5 - 4.375" flying pose vinyl figure by Popy. The left figure has dashed yellow lines on the legs, the right has solid yellow lines. 6 - 5.75" grey vinyl unlicensed figure carded light-up figure by Masudaya/MT carded wind-up walker figures by Popy This page: 7 - 6.75" vinyl figure by Bandai 8 - 7" light-up figure by Masudaya/MT 9 - 6.25" unlicensed vinyl figures ; yellow vinyl with green spray, yellow vinyl with gold spray and blue vinyl with hand painted details. 9.125" unlicensed vinyl figure in white vinyl. All figures are from the same sculpt. 10 - 3.75" wind-up walking figure by Popy 1 1 - 1 2 ' medicom Inazuman, 12'medicom Sanagiman, 12.5" Henshin Cyborg figure by Takara. 12 - Carded Henshin Cyborg suit by Takara 13 - Die-cast GT car by Popy 14 - Die-cast Haijin-Go by Popy 15 - Bubble blowing figure V inta ge : V in ta g e - u n lic e n s e d : N ew : □ 14"Taiking Inazuman by Masudaya/MT □ 9.25" w h ite vinyl □ 14“ Talking Inazuman R eproduction by M asudaya/M T □ 12.5" Henshin Cyborg outfit □ 6.25" blue vinyl - hand painted □ 12" M e dico m Inazuman □ 12" Missle-fire Inazuman by Bandai □ 6.25" ye llo w vinyl - gold spray □ 12" M e dico m Sanagiman - black unpainted suit Hyper Hobby exclusive □ 12" Standing vinyl by Bandai (not pictured) □ 6.25" ye llo w vinyl - green spray □ 12” M e dico m Sanagiman - brow n painted suit □ 10" Removable mask vinyl - Popy edition □ 5.75" grey vinyl □ 12" U npainted unlicensed fig ure derived from Bandai figure □ 10" Removable mask vinyl - Bandai edition □ 7" Light-up figure by Masudaya/MT □ 6" Vinyl figure by Popy - grey vinyl □ 6" Vinyl figure by Popy - blue vinyl □ 5.5" Vinyl by Popy □ Die-cast Raijin-Go reproduction, black box, color car edition by Bandai □ Die-cast Raijin-Go reproduction, gold box, gold car edition by Bandai □ M ini Raijin-Go reproduction Gashapon □ 5" Vinyl by Popy D 3.75" A ction figure by Banpresto (com es w ith m ini Sanagiman) □ 4.875" Sanagiman vinyl by Popy □ 9" S uper Im aginative Chogokin by Bandai □ 4.375" Flying Pose vinyl by Popy - dash paint legs □ TV style gashapon figure by Bandai □ 4.375" Flying Pose vinyl by Popy - solid paint legs □ M anga style gashapon figure by Bandai □ 3.75" Wind-up figure by Popy - Inazuman □ Keycham fig ure by Banpresto □ 3.75" Wind-up figure by Popy - kaiju □ SD figure by Yutaka - c o lo r edition □ Large-scale Yonezawa frictio n cycle □ Die-cast Raijin-Go by Popy □ Die-cast GT car 32 □ 6.75" Bandai figure □ SD figure by Yutaka - gold edition 16 - Banpresto action figure and TV style gashapon by Bandai. 17 - Super Imaginative Chogokin by Bandai 18 - Manga style gashapon by Bandai 19 - SD figure by Yutaka. mini Sanagiman and keychain figure by Banpresto. The 12" Bandai bootleg story: Late in 1999, an amazing auction popped up on Ebay. A hyper-rare Bandai 12“ vinyl showed up in perfect c10 condition. Needless to say, I was amazed. I had been looking for this figure for years, and here was a perfect example! But something was weird about it. First off, the feet had a Popy katakana manufacturer mark. Secondly, the figure had a removable mask. Was this a pre-cursor to the Bandai figure? As I mentioned earlier, Bandai had already re-released the Popy 10" figure, so that was a plausible stretch. In the end, all that mattered, was that this was an Inazuman figure I had never seen before, and did not own. I did my best to win the auction, but in the end, another collector beat me out. After the auction was through, I e-mailed the winner and asked for details and info from him about the toy so that I could start hunting the vinyl down on my own. From the moment it arrived, it was met with great suspicion.The vinyl was more rubbery than traditional vinyl. The mask did not fit over the head properly. The figure was hand-painted. Comparing this figure to my Bandai missle-fire (which is the same exact figure but with an extra missle-firing mechanism in the chest), it was obvious something was wrong. After about a year of hunting for my own version of this figure, a collector I knew in Hong Kong stumbled upon a shop re-selling an unpainted version of the same rubbery figure. After repeated inquiries, the shop owner revealed that he knew the source of the bootleg figure and could round up a few more. Apparently, the manufacturer could not properly replicate the vinyl, and the majority of the trial samples were badly burned. Only a handful of figures were ever produced, and the ebay version that was hand-painted was one of these trial samples sent to a well-known bootleg toy dealer here in the states. In the end, about 12 unpainted figures arrived; roughly half of these vinyls had small, shiny burn marks and the rest with larger discolored burn marks. The remaining figures were bought, and distributed to several collectors here in the states. Considering that an original would fetch $1500+, an affordable bootleg was a welcome addition to many collections. It is interesting to note that the original Bandai figure has a slit and circle molded into the back of the head, as if the original intent was to create a removable mask vinyl. In some ways the bootleg seems to have been trying to finish what Bandai started. 33 BODACHI Robodachi: Robocon in a parallel universe Robodachi, Robodatchi, or Robo Dachi? This popular (apparently) and obscure series has become a m ystery even to scholars o f the super alloy (Chogokin). Although Robodachi characters are ple n tifu l to o ve rflo w in g , and have been produced as m odels, erasers, board games, and diecasts, in plastic, rubber, vin yl, and zinc, there seems to be little or no knowledge base available to the com m o n to y collecto r. A cco rd in g to Tom Frank of CoolJapaneseToys.com, if w hat passes fo r in fo rm atio n is inaccurate, the author w ill soon hear about it from toy enthusiasts. So, w ith this opening disclaim er, I foolishly rush in to present the facts. Matt A lt writes, "Robodachi was created in the 1970s, and although Takara was the main producer of the toy line, Onda and Imai were also involved. It appears to be an origin al series, not based on aTV show or movie." In 1975, the very firs t Robodachis were models produced by Imai o f fo u r ninja-robots. They were sold in a set, and th e ir p o p u la rity spaw ned a tid a l w ave o f in ven tive characters. They were inexpensive to make, colorful, and m ost im p ortan tly cute, and so became a big hit in the stores.Takara m anufactured the diecasts and some others, like the large, plastic, battery-operated Tam agoro 01 in 1976, w h ile Onda made the fo u r vin yl characters featured in this article. Onda seems to have shared Takara's other licenses fo r Geag, G odamu, and Gakeen as w ell w ith Imai producing m ost o f the m odel kits. The main character, Tamagoro (which sounds som ething like "M r. Egg"), in the original story created A ll the other Robodachis! The m om ent of creation, a Big Bang of sorts, is depicted not only in the catalog which comes packaged w ith all the diecasts, but seems to be referenced by the character him self. A lthough the Father Ship is referred to in the catalog as 0 0 1 , there seems to be no corresponding toy. Invisible but O m nipresent. 35 O pposite page: 2 - Robo Q, boxed and loose 3- Robo Z, boxed and loose 4 - Robo X, boxed and loose 5 - Robo Baseball, boxed and loose 6 - Robo Football, boxed and loose 7 - Gama Ninja Robo, boxed and loose 1 - Tamagoro 01 boxed and loose. Photos sh o w the D X (larger) and ST (sm aller) versions byTakara. In term s of size,Tamagoro 01, aka M ekaTam agoro, was produced as a toy, and is the largest in the series. He seems to have been created by 001 as well. He is the largest Robodachi and all plastic. The feet and arms plug into the body just like the diecasts. But the extra trick is that after inserting the battery, Tamagoro walks, or shuffles, and the little light on his head turns on. In addition, if you push on his tail, the plunger inside his stomach ejects the eggs which are loaded inside w ith little Robodachi figures. Both genders in one creature. And the "e quipm ent" is also shared by Robo Q, Z, and X. No. 2, Robo Q is blue and sports a propeller and carries w hat looks like a small nightstick in his rig ht hand. No doubt to chase No.3, Robo Z, the black one w ith the heavy eyebrowed frow n . Robo X, No. 4, the green one has a little top knot (which is fragile), and is som ewhat rarer than the others. Ears stick out, eyes bulge, and stomachs open up on these characters as they m ischievously chase each other. No. 5 and No. 6 are Robodachi sports figures w ho play baseball and football respectively. Others such as a tennis player is depicted in the catalog, but no diecast figu re was produced.The baseball and football players are the easiest to find, are highly detailed and accessorized, and are very cute w ith googley eyes. They are engineered w ith spring action batting and passing arms. No. 7, Gama Ninja Robo, is larger than the others, heavy, accessorized w ith m issiles and a ninja living inside the body o f the frog.T his figure is rare and usually attracts m any bidders on Yahoo Japan's auction website when it appears, and is the m ost beautiful o f the Robodachi characters. N ot bad fo r a frog. 37 It *■«•» No. 8 and 9 are each com plex, sm all, and designed to be sim ultaneously animal and machine, in one sense they transform . No. 8, Rider Robo, is both a motorcycle and its rider on wheels, rem inding me o f Denjin Zaborger by Bullmark. No. 9, M ogura Robo, is one of the m ore d ifficu lt pieces to find, and although one recently appeared on eBay, I have yet to see one surface on Yahoo Japan. The nose drill spins when you turn the w h ite tail w ith you r fin g e r and thum b. O pposite page: The last three are large, d ifficu lt to find, expensive and pack a lot of play power. 8 - R ider Robo 11 - Robo R oller Z 12- F irefightin g Robo Q H ikooki Tamagoro No. 10, Hikooki Tamagoro, is theTam agoro character fitted w ith all the accessories necessary to become an airplane/helicopter com bo. One o f the interesting aspects o f the design is th a t the w ings are not attached to the body. Instead, the w ings are attached to the hands by posts so that Tamagoro can m anipulate the w ings into different positions fo r flig ht. I've only seen this com e up tw ice on Yahoo Japan. S ignalm antoys, o w ne r o f the Robodachi w ebsite geocities.jpg/signalm antoys, w rite s "If you w ant these guys deadstock, be prepared to give up a month's salary fo r each o n e "! He'd o rig in a lly th o u g h t that No. 10, 11, and 12, were never produced, until they began to show up on Yahoo Japan, No. 11 and 12, Steam roller and Firetruck, are also diecasts w ith extensive accessorization and display the ab ility of this series to transform and becom e m any different characters. Roller Robo Z is of course the bully challenging his better nature to build rather than tear down, w hile Firefighting Robo Q is the hero m aking the w o rld a safer place.The transform ation is quite com plete, and the design is so creative that one wishes that the other 33 characters depicted in the catalog had come to life as diecasts too. a - Robo Z andTamagoro 01 vinyl figures b - Robo Q and Robo X vinyl figures c - Robo Z and Robo X vinyl figures (loose) d - carded PVC set featuring Tamagoro 01 and three o th e r characters (set 2 o f ?) COOL STUFF FROM JAPAN LARGE SELECTION OF I M P O R T E D J A PA N ES E TOYS A N D A N I M A T I O N DVDS & VIDEOS JUST BE SPECIALIZING IN: HONG KONG ARTISTS RELATED ITEMS: DIECAST 12" ACTION FIGURE MICHAEL LAU MEDICOM ERIC SO TRANSFORMERS JASON SIU FEWTURE MODEL AND MUCH MUCH MORE! JUST BE TOYS 10 7 NW. 5TH AVE PORTLAND, OR. 9 7 2 0 9 503.796.2733 JUSTBETOYS.COM .' ' • IMpo IE III 111! Ill I i I II III III ill! H i • III IIII I I I In the m id 1970s, the Denys Fisher Toy Com pany in England released an eight inch action figure series sim p ly titled ‘C yborg’.Though sim ilar in size to Mego dolls, Cyborg utilized Hasbro's Gl Joe body; all boxes and blister packs bearing 'Licensed by Hasbro'. Stranger still was the fa ct that th is British Cyborg was n o n e oth er than a scaled dow n version of a Japanese toy line-- Takara's Henshin Cyborg! Not only w ould Denys Fisher reduce the size o f three Henshin characters from the Japanese series (which featured a tw elve inch hero, his eight inch boy sidekick, and several tw elve inch and eigh t inch enem ies), England's Cyborg w ould include only a handful of carded costumes and accessories sets compared to the m ultitu de o f item s in Takara's original Henshin to y line. A dvertised as the m an-m achine w ith fle x ib le jo in ts and inter changeable lim bs, Cyborg came in a very colorful and elaborately illustrated box. The back of the box featured a story in com ic book-like panels very sim ila r to those fou nd on the packaging o f the o rigin al Gl Joe toys. The tale to ld o f a doom ed fu tu re Earth invaded by a race called the Mu.ton-- insidious evil aliens from the barren voids o f deepest space. As a last effort to counter the M uton, m ankind's greatest th in k tanks united in a final attem pt to build a weapon in the hopes of defeating the M uton. From this m eeting o f m inds. Cyborg was made w ith a skin form ed from fused diam onds w rapped over corded sinews o f pure plutonium . His 'm ille ce llu la r' brain transm itted the collective w ills o f Earth's last geniuses in th e ir final defense as Cyborg fo u g h t to save the entire human race. 44 III III III III III :i III A boxed Cyborg came w ith tw o arm, attachments called Cybo-Nators th a t could be fitted onto his elbow joints. One weapon was the Cybo Liquidator; a squirt gun-like device tha t could shoot water. The second w eapon was a bazooka-like cannon called the Cybo Elim inator that, according to the box, fired either the plastic m issile that accompanied the w eapon or match sticks. In addition to these tw o weapons, Denys Fisher released three blister carded attachm ent sets. It should come as no surprise tha t these sets were actually accessories from Takara's eight inch Shonen Cyborg Boy, already the perfect size fo r Britain's hero, repackaged and renamed. Set #1 contained a sw ord-like Cybo Cutter blade, a Cybo M obile (a circular hover platform that attached to Cyborg’s knee joints), and a Cybo Paralyser w ith a revolving barrel. Set #2 featured a Cybo Laser, a Cybo Phaser, and CyboTracks (two tire treaded leg attachments). Set #3 consisted o f a m issile firin g Cybo Rocket (that could be fitted on Cyborg like a pack back), a Cybo Mace w ith plastic ball and length of metal chain, and a Cybo Scanner. Denys Fisher also put out a CyboInvader vehicle fo r Cyborg to pilot. This to y was a large flying saucer th a t was o rig in a lly released byTakara fo r an eight inch Henshin Cyborg enem y called the UFO Invaders. Even w eirder was that the saucer's central control seat was actually a rem ovable winged chair vehicle called a Cybo Interceptor and was also sold separately as part of Fisher's Cyborg series. Denys Fisher made tw o enemies fo r Cyborg. These too were scaled down tw elve inch Takara Henshin characters-- an eight inch Muton (called King W alder in Takara's series) and an eight inch A ndroid (also ' status *l,s I fflL ' . a i l si MB**1 I ‘S S T l nw aW JJ* t?6f!-S8W,s I 1 I H 'Hi eiBOtSWTffl. ; M j N J i -ft? r SR .m: ’ II known as Android inTakara's line)-T hree m onstrous carded costume sets were available fo r M uton. These were three elem ental Subform s representing earth, water, and fire, designed to aid M uton in his fiendish endeavors to destroy th e Earth. TheTorg costum e is a ghoulish, horned skeletal corruption (an eight inch Dokuro King costume). The Am aluk is a nightm arish am phibian insect (an eight inch Fish man costume). W hile X-Akron is a devastating m onster machine (an eight inch costume o f the Japanese live-action hero, Red Baron).Two carded 'A nnihilator' sets were made fo r Android. Unlike the accessories fo r Fisher's Cyborg, Android's 'A nn ihilator' sets were scaled dow n from the original Takara series. Set #1 came w ith a Flypotator head and tw o Kryptonator legs. Set #2 included the Zerconators-- tw o laser hand attachments and head. Cyborg is very popular w ith Flenshin collectors in Japan and Am erica but British toy collectors seem to have little interest in the series. As far as rarity. Android appears to be the hardest figure to find, follow e d by Muton. Two of Muton's carded costume sets (Torg and Am aluk) are som ew hat com m on but the X -A kron costum e is very rare and considered by som e Cyborg collectors as the holy grail o f the Fisher series. The carded attachment sets fo r both Cyborg and A ndroid are fairly com m on. After all, Cyborg's w eapons are the same as Flenshin's Shonen Boy. Finally, w ithTakara's re-release o f the origin al Flenshin Cyborg figure, including m agnetic versions o f King W alder and carded live action super hero ou tfits, the interest in Flenshin related to y s rem ains high. Some o f this renewed attention can be attributed to the success of M edicom 's Real Action Flero line, m any o f which have em ployed the Takara Com bat Joe body. Vintage Takara Flenshin Cyborg pieces (especially figures and certain costumes) continue to be very desirable, w hen the y can be fou nd. Unlike other retro toy lines, Takara has done less dam age to the collectible m arket for the original Flenshin Cyborg since the new incarnates are not m erely recasts of old toys. Denys Fisher's science-fiction action fig u re certainly seems to be gaining in po pu larity w ith Japanese cyborg aficionados everywhere. The British Cyborg line is already in great dem and by Japanese collectors w ho adm ire it sim ply, because o f it's're latio n to the original Takara series. An interesting tid b it is that Am erican toy freaks seem to be able to use British Cyborg toys w ith amazing leverage when trading w ith collectors in Japan, that is if the Yanks can be persuaded to part w ith them in the firs t place! 0 Bullmark also did a set of die-cast key chains on a bubble card. The set includes Godzilla, King Kong and tw o robots. BULL Around 1977, Bullm ark took one last try at the to y business by entering the new realm o f diecast toys, in th e ir new toy line, Bullm ark released a handful o f popular Godzilla characters. The firs t set o f five featured semi realistic m olds and included Godzilla, Baragon, Gigan, G hidorah, and M echagodzilla.The m ain body section was cast in m etal and bore a strong resem blance to the actual character. Each to y came w ith a variety o f attachm ents and stood between five and six inches tall. A t the end of the series, Bullm ark shifted gears and introduced the A ngilas figure, which looked m ore like a robot than the actual character.The packaging of the toys also changed from a picture box to a w in d o w box sim ila r to the Ark die-cast m onsters. Luckily, all these toys are easy to com e by w ith the exception o f A ngilas (which can dem and a huge price). During this period, Bullm ark advertised a M othra and M oguera die-cast toy, but neither was produced. These die-cast Godzilla figu res were sold both in Japan and abroad, sim ila r to other Bullm ark toys. W hile the actual toys w here not changed fo r the inte rna tiona l m arket like som e o f the vinyl figures, the box art was. The inte rna tiona l box art was much sim p ler than the Japanese versions. The international boxes are much harder to com e across and were o n ly done fo r Godzilla, G hidorah, and Baragon. I have on ly seen the G odzilla and G hidorah boxes. The Japanese boxes were also sold abroad to d istrib u to rs, som e bearing a sticker from the local US d istribu to r. A ll figu res bear the Bullm ark co p yrig h t and each has a num ber w ith the exception o f Baragon and A ngilas. They are p la yfu lly referred to as Bull Pets (abbreviated "BP"). A west coast distribu to r, Space Joe, com m issioned posters fo r the o rigin al five figures. The posters were rou gh ly the size o f a one-sheet m ovie poster and pictured the to y w ith diffe re n t backdrops. 46 Above: A w est coast distributor, Space Joe, com missioned posters for the original five figures. The posters were roughly the size o f a one-sheet movie p o ster and pictured the toy with different backdrops. BP-17 : G O D ZILLA Godzilla (BP-17)- There are three basic versions: green, lig h t brow n (pink), and dark brow n. The spray also ranges fro m a few lines across the chest to the w h ole fig u re being covered. The body, arm s, lo w e r ja w and legs are all made o f m e ta l.T h e head swivels causing the mouth to open and close.There are levers on the back o f each arm that allows for a snap punch at the jointed elbow. The chest opens to reveal a jet, a tank, tw o cannons, four missile holders, and a telescoping control center w ith tw o people inside. BARAG O N m Baragon - There are tw o color versions o f the figure: blue and green. The blue version is slig h tly tou ghe r to find. Both colors of the Baragon also came w ith and w ith o u t the fro n t horn on the head. A small plate on the chest opens to expose a cannon. A drill accessory fits in a hole above the cannon and can be turned from the back by inserting a to o l accessory.The arm s, ears, head, and accessories (cannon w ith w ings and three drill bits) can all be interchanged and placed in the ear holes, neck holes, chest hole, and the holes in the knees, to allow m any strange configurations. The lo w er section o f the m outh is jo inte d but made o f plastic. The body and legs are made o f metal. BP-18 : M EC H A G O D ZILLA m M echagodzilla (BP-18) - The fig u re is e n tire ly m ade of metal except fo r the m id dle o f the tail, chest door and accessories.The chest door opens to reveal a cannon. Both hands can be shot via buttons on the arms. The sm aller m issiles can be stored in the knees w h ile the long m issile can be stored in a hole in the belly. S w iveling the head causes the m outh to open and close. The figu re was also released as a kit and included tools for building, springs, bolts, and all the body pieces separated out in a Styrofoam holder.The kit version o f the Mechagodzilla is probably the m ost d ifficu lt o f all the Bullm arkToho die-casts to find. s ., ® ■ V BP-22 : GIGAN Gigan (BP-22) -The fig u re has the m ost points o f articu la tion out o f all the die-cast to ys in the Bull Pet series. The arms p ivo t in tw o separate directio ns at the plastic shoulder jo in t. The arm s also telescope out using tw o segm ents. The hands p ivo t up and down. As the head is turned, the ja w opens and closes. W hile the ja w horns m an ua lly sw ivel up and dow n. Even the feet can be rotated around at the ankles. The saw blades in the chest spin and can be removed from the toy by pressing a lever on the back. Two cannons can be attached to the sides of the legs while below them is a hole to store the missiles. There are also a couple of plastic gears that can attach to the base of the tail, hands, or the chest gear. The body, chest gear, feet, hands, lower jaw, and horns are all metal. 3se«(yig:%fv BP-21 : G H ID O R A H m G hidorah (BP-21) - There are tw o m a jo r va ria tio n s: one has bro w n spray on the three necks w h ile the o th e r does not. A nother sm all variatio n is a fain t rainb ow spray on the w ings. The plastic w ings open sim ila r to an oriental fan and p ivo t at a jo in t on the back. O pening the chest causes to cannons to slide out fro m the side. The m issiles fo r the cannon can be stored in pockets along the ou ter sides o f both legs. The legs, body and lo w er ja w are all made o f m etal. A com m on problem w ith this fig u re is the plastic inside the chest tha t holds the neck is place often breaks. F R O N T VIEW 9 A N G ILA S Angilas - The only variation in this figu re is the plastic shield, which comes in either purple o r pink, accom panying the toy. This spiked shield fits in the back of the figu re and is held in place by a plastic pin. The tail is a hard, flexible vinyl sim ilar to the other figures in this series, but the rest o f the figu re is very different. Pressing the back top o f the head causes the jaw s to swing open. ; There are several plastic accessories that can be interchanged w ith the metal claw-shaped hands. The fro n t wheels are attached to a w in d -u p m o to r in the chest. The rear w heels can be extended/retracted by a lever on the back o f the legs. Using the wheels, the figu re races across the ground and sparks. ROLLIN' ON e o u MCA csea S eaed s Ul eeec £§ z ca S IU s : ■■ BB■BP*rFmfr?I ■f»3 ■ l& Bw H lfiC n lv n ll Hr l i i X DREAM A l_ L T H E T O Y N E W S A l _ ■_ T H E ■ 1 IV ! E . sixspace .' :. •- : .. . . - ■ ■ seonna hong glen e. friedman martin ontiveros nath.an cabrera richard colman kirsten ulve fafi esm-artificial shepard fairey space invader 549 west 23rd street, los angeles, ca 90007 www.sixspace.com :: 213.765.0248 t i m b ie d r p n . Henshin Cyborgs... and a Whole Lot More! Se>@ s *...a collector's dream within your reach...* M A 2 IN G E R 1901 nanAon ' M y . -w 12* T -2 0 e n a y HER. 6 ’ GAM ERA FIGURES SEGA S * M A Z IN K A IS E R OIECAST We Carry: Godzilla flay HarryHausen Monsters Garner a Uttraman Giant Robot Supr Robots Mazmger Z Tetsujin 28 www.thecolledge.com PHEAX (626) 292-2403 Customer Service (Mon-Fri 10am -5pm PST (626) 757-5295 W e sell G o d zilla , G am era, M othra, and other figures, toys, books, posters, mini posters, highgrades, hyper figures, plush toys, , candy toys and THEATER EXCLUSIVE ITEMS.Kaiju collectors serving collectors, Tom and Diane lived in Japan for six years! They know the country and they know the Kaiju! Vintage toys or new toys, toys for all budgets, they have the largest G o d zilla inventory in the USA! Web site: http://www.clawm arktoys.com C la w m a rk Toys 1308 Tour Drive Gulf Breeze, Florida 32563 Phone: (850) 916-4517 — E-mail: [email protected] V7SA & ~ % MASTERCARD ACCEPTED R A R E V lP T O G E D o y o u h ave v in ta g e Japanese to y s ... ...s t u f f fo r sale, s tu ff fo r trade? MONSTERS & ROBOTS! G O D Z IL L A • U LTRA M A N S H O -G U N W A R R IO R S GIGANTOR • GAM ERA ARK D IE -C A S T VINTAGE VINYL TIN • PAPER PLASTIC • RESIN & MORE! ASTRO BOY • JOHNNY SOCKO SENTAI-RANGERS ROBOTECH • MACROSS KAMEN RIDER SPACE-GIANTS SPEED RACER GATCHAMAN KIMBA AND MUCH MORE! M -l POPY BULLMARK BANDAI • UNI-FIVE MARMIT ‘ MARUSAN TSUBARAYA • B-CLUB BARE MODEL ‘ NAKAJIMA TAKATOKU • NITTO • YAMAKATSU BANPRESTO ‘ X-PLUS • BILLIKEN TAKARA • MARUII • PLAYSETS SOUL OF CHO-GO-KIN ‘ PROMOS GODAIKINS »)UMBOS • HIGH GRADES CALL STEVE AGIN! (908) 475-1796 e-m ail: [email protected] rrlOnTSTSR ZERO DaikaijuEiga List Searchable Database Discussion Forums News & Articles The ultimate resource for daikaiju collectors http://www.clubtokyo.org/ Mailing Lists A R T B Y A A R O N P IL A N D «- «- Aaron Piland has been w o rking as a freelance illu s tra to r since gra du ating in Decem ber o f 1999 from Kendall College o f A rt and Design in M ichigan. C urrently, he resides in Japan w ith his w ife, Ayum i. Aaron prim a rily w orks in d igita l using the w eb and p rint as vehicles fo r his ideas. In his work, he likes to explore the ju x ta p o s itio n o f the org an ic and m echanical. He has alw ays enjoyed taking thin gs apart to see how they w o rk and then p u ttin g them back to g e th e r again in a different way, creating som ething new out o f the old. To see m ore of Aaron's w ork, v is it him online at w w w .apa kstudio.com . For a free postcard, contact him at aaron@ apakstudio.com . Above: Electro, 5x7 Above right: Foo, 7x8 Right: Octo, 5x7 53 - -* A R T B Y B O B E G G L E T O N Bob Eggleton was born in 1960 into not ju s t the Space Age, but the Age o f Kaiju Eiga. His interest in dinosaurs led him to Godzilla at the tender age o f six w hen his m othe r bought him the Ideal Toys "G odzilla Game," and the rest is history. G row ing up on all thin gs fantastic, he developed an a ffin ity to draw ing m onsters and spaceships. G odzilla becam e an obsession th a t led him to collecting toys o f Godzilla and repeat vie w in gs of the Japanese m onster film s. In the field of science fictio n , he has w on 7 Hugo Awards, 2 Locus Awards and 11 Chelsey Awards fo r his w ork. He gives lectures and slideshow s to hardcore science fictio n fans on the im portance of the JapaneseTokosatsu film s and th e ir place in fantasy and science fictio n . He w orked fo r Random House and Dark Horse Comics on th e ir Godzilla m erchandising efforts from 1995 throu gh 1998. He has con tribu te d covers to the fanzines GFan and Japanese Giants. In 2001, he became frien ds w ith giant m onster suit-m aker Shinichi W akasa.The next year, he made three trip s to M onster Island (Japan). On one o f these trip s, he was asked to be an extra in the 2003 film GODZILLA X MECHAGODZILLA (which was hard, hot and sw eaty w o rk but a chance he w o u ld never have passed up). Bob and Wakasa came up w ith the term "K a iju Kids" or "K a iju S ho un en " as a sort of secret associational club o f people w h o seem to have been born from 1960 onward into the Kaiju Eiga influence. His w o rk resides in m any private co lle ctio n s in clu d in g th a t o f S hinichi Wakasa and M V sY u ji N isham ura. PaperTiger has released several volum e s of 54 his w o rk includ in g ALIEN HORIZONS, GREETINGS FROM EARTH, THE BOOK OF SEA MONSTERS and DRAGONHENGE (a fictional story w ith w rite r John Grant). He has also done film w ork as a conceptual designer fo r STAR TREK: THE EXPERIENCE, SPHERE and JIM M Y NEUTRON: BOY GENIUS. Currently, Bob is w orking on the upcom ing W arner Brothers/Playtone/DN A anim ated film THE ANT BULLY. His w ebsite is w w w .b o b e g g le to n .co m . A R T B Y B O B E G G L E T O N «- «- Oppopsite page: Above: GMK: GODZILLA VS. BARAGON (2002): Done for the: legendary fanzine JAPANESE GIANTS. Bottom: DRAGON QUINTET (2003): Done for The Science Fiction Book Club, cover art. This page: Above top: GODZILLA 1962 (2002): Used on godzillashop.com. Above bottom: The Battle o f SF vs. Fantasy (2003): Slightly inspired by the film ATRAGON (the idea was to show a dragon and a spaceship representing the worlds o f science fiction and fantasy). Top right: GAMERA (1999): Cover for G-Fan. Bottom right: GODZILLA X MEGAGUIRUS (2001): Commission for suit-maker Shinichi Wasaka, used for Hyper Hobby "Monsters Inc." exclusive shirt. The characters o f Godzilla, Baragon, and Megaguirus are all copyright Toho Pictures. Gamera is copyright to Daiei Motion Picture Company. Otherwise, the rest are © Bob Eggleton. 55 -* -* A R T B Y JE N R A R E Y Illu s tra to r Jen R arey is crazy fo r all things Japanese, esp ecially J-Pop, w asabi peas, and super-deform ed kaiju, robot, and character toys. She was first hooked by the cam py "W arning from Space" and G am era film s, but it's the m onsters of U ltram an th a t really m ake her lose control. (And don't even get her started on th e genius of Booska and Kure Kure Takora!) She currently plans to conquer the w o rld w ith a stuffed arm y o f cuddly kaiju. S om ebod y better call U ltram an! 56 A R T B Y JO N K E LLY G R E E N ty o r W 0f J o n K elly G re e n is a g u y in lo ve w ith tw o th in g s : d ra w in g an d J a p a n e se m o n s te rs . S o it s e e m e d n a tu ra l to c o m b in e th e tw o ! A s a kid, seeing m o v ie s like " G re e n S lim e ? " L a titu d e Z e ro " a nd " D e s tro y A ll M o n s te rs " at th e lo cal d riv e -in th e a te r m a d e h im s w o o n . S e e in g his firs t e p is o d e of U ltra m a n d u rin g a v a c a tio n to M a u i o n ly m a d e his lo ve g ro w stro nger. N o w , a fte r y e a rs o f c o lle c tin g to y s a n d v id e o s , y o u can v ie w th e fru its of his lo ve a ffa ir at w w w .s tu d io -r a m a .c o m . 57 -* -» A R T B Y T Y K E W IT N E S Upcoming Toynami BigFoot toy e y e -w itn e s s Sprouting from the greenest, newest branches of the tree isTyke W itnes. His studio paintings appear to be m ore or less orthodox (at least w ith in the lim its the te rm describes), cro w d e d w ith references to com m ercial com ics th a t d istin g u ish his w ork, and com plem ent his sculptures o f w arriors, all exploring the urge to escape throu gh fantasies o f the fu tu re and the postgalactic or medieval and the po stm ille nn ial. This w ork appears to be in stark contrast to his urban street art, but the tw o do not negate nor clash - the same unm istakable self-assured and graceful ta le n t is evident thro u g h o u t. Indeed, his w orks on canvas and in three dim ensions, taken as an integral part o f all Tyke W itnes' w ork, d o n 't appear to be at all at odds w ith the cu rre n t ta lly o f his in te rje c tio n s in the plenary conference o f stre e t language. His w o rk debates a n im a tio n and c o m m e rc ia l de sig n, popularizing m onochrom es and u p liftin g the com ic art form . Tyke is a m em ber o f the n o to rio u s g ra ff crew, AWR (Angels W ill Rise) as w e ll as NASA (No Art Survives After), and is considered the in ven to r o f the Hybrid form , m ixing styles learned from other artists and m aking them his ow n; a d d itio n a lly Tyke W itnes is considered the p re cu rso r o f the u n io n betw een w ritin g and phenom enon. 58 Specializing in exclusives from M l,B a re M odel,M arm it,Medicom JR YA NJ V intage Popy Diecast Vintage Bullm ark Vinyls Contact me w ith your w ant lists. I travel to Japan nearly every month. Email me atjryanj@ san.rr.com or call (858)4830324 and leave a message Look fo r my auctions on ebay under irvan i John Jackson 4010 Riviera Dr. San Diego,CA 92109 New Feature! Behind-the-scenes Interview with Ban Balsoke Part 1 volume <4 get your copy now! v is it o u r s ite a t g e n e ra tio n k ik a id a .c o m Distributed b y ; The Mountain Apple Company ,W T |V<5*^ k &v W SEPoM ATV j E ST«W? . I O N ;a w e K il'T t t e W t f l ' & ? P o , ! j^ e s e '■'HTTuMKMA^RiOeK'SAoW/ f-TMrriFPETTYNEltf l-Cou’/ E H E V i R $>V>W| rri IL T ^ K fc H & J ^ f o f f t o Z.v^cPRiS'M ^ s e ^ u O fc # M WAteTW* of Mi^GoeSS WmvTI'l l po? ^GoNHK RIPOfF jM»S LW $S, G tt* i >T s $ee>W f ^OoNV OloW \H *A\hT O H & T i o K >100^ oOPY,> (tvte*A ^ivck ®Y4 M \) is e u |tyA < * ^ e [frs t W Y ' m \o .-l T/ u s M e W I L 'W g S ° r V .> y W J lAyKvt u a ,.,M Yt f e m m j z <>*THE oTUeR Svpg OF THE ihIe^HET I^VE ALUf-me ToTuw KAM W > 0 /_ G ftDERMYlS v jT x c ifr ^ T ^ e °\g A S eB K U C 4 ^ P fiS/ON? i ' l l NeVtfR G eT oHE.^ ’j o s r & $ (£ p O N L IN E [ o o K ! S o lA e D o R < B I O ( oM « T / Q o \c fc f t * P Y ' OtTdwYtu* L^PTcP LNp oPTdE&ib v r n i P o Y < * EVER W M T M f T c NoO* PAY Yoti W T M T M h^ r vW J y o G K W o i vV$ < £ ^ & o " . 2 ^R o M Y o J ? [ Y ^ H .R e n tis o n I j t 4 wAY. KlP'^ T. / V $ c * f r w > f y V ifte / A v I ' P w / o - ° K ° t ^ T o o T B io H £ r\L^ ' j H i W ( T y W e T jc t^ r m ? + G V t l T / ' »a e V W M £ H ^ V ^ ' s > < i f ra tm & W t o v tf O / T w o . ^ r ^ ' “ ^ ^ g § ^ B V jo V l k w t , t l n I V - r t i r r i * o H 'C H C V p W frT . p C ^ o « P L ? ^ § C ^ = f ^ \ ! T H * t E ! U | M P 4 K a E ' * J ^ ^ K ^ W « J T \ f - ~ ° < P W P 5 ^CtT S«me<>me ^ h i h t z « w 6 ie 2 > M JiE P R » W B A S E & A l - L j l ^ J l < ^ v ^ m CHAM PS M & Be ° N C ^ \ u d} o M A?) ^ i w as j u s r Y f C > o ^ T H k T /J> , / \ rA U S e Y « W j/ ^ ^ S I 'L L J « s T m Y r ) * / \ 0C * « - S b h (M ( $ 7 ^ 2 . 6 6 K ( \ 0 ufCoTWT otaf f L_ _ P 1 2 ^ > r - s e c R e T S A H X A !! ____ \ j £ T>\ ,p 3 THEY DON’T LOOK UGLY TO ME!!! uglydolls.com (8 6 6 ) H E Y U G L Y -WORLD SERVICE ^ m -w orld-service@ sales.ffn.ne.jp Looking for Japanese items? S e rv ic e C o n te n ts 1. Japanese Auction Service We can place bids fo r you on any Japanese auction site. 2. Selling Service We can sell your items on Japanese auction sites. 3. Purchasing Service Any type of Japanese item can be purchased through us. In addition, M -W orld Service can help you search fo r rare and hard to find items! www.m-world-service.com A ttention all Japanese Toy Lovers! iAuctioNet u c tio n e t.c o .jp / Looking for Japaneseucollectible Toys and Comics? iAuctioNet is the fo re m o s t Japanese internet auction site w here you can find cool ite m s lrN d more!