AUQUSTAN A OBSERUER Obseruatoru Uerse or IDorse Did l]ou
AUQUSTAN A OBSERUER Obseruatoru Uerse or IDorse Did l]ou
Page Two AUQUSTAN A OBSERUER A STUDENT PUBLICATION ESTAUHSHED 1901! AUGUSTANA OBSERVER Obseruatoru Did l]ou Knoir» That Published every Thursday of the school year by students of Augustana college, under the supervision of the Department of Journalism. Fifty years ago a temporary Augustana college there from Have you seen fors limping around the campus lately? Girls' varsity basketball's begun, you know, íiaine building seating 3000 per- Paxton, 111., but in a second vote OFFICE: Room 4. Conservatory Buildine. PHONE, R. I. 246. and i('s an unusuallv rough gamo. sons was erected on Zion hill the result was reversed. Galva (where tlie seminary buildings raised $7,000 and ofíered four The latest craze on the campus, we've noticed, now stand) for a special presen- acres oí land to get the school to tatiou of the ''Messiah" oratório. move there. LYNN L. ASH is the mileage glove—seen a mile away. An Augustana orchestra and one * * * Editor-in-chief You'd have thought someone was hurt during from Bethany college, Lindsborg, Advertising i l l u s t r a t i o n s by WILLIAM V. KINNEY the first íive minutes oí the Augie-Illinois game Kan., aecompanied the chorus. Iíuth Grafstrom, former Augusthe way people craned around to see who was there. Zion hill, whieh was eut down tana student and I'ockety-1 artAssociate Editor for the seminary buildings ten ist (1922-1926), may be seen in The Jenny Lind and AYennerberg choruses made years ago, was then thirty feet a number of national magazines, their debut Monday night at the Moline Elks' higher than now. including Vanity Fair and Vogue. ^ HORACE LEE * * * club. Delicious refreshments were served to the * * * Business Manager When intercollegiate football liosts (so we have heard). Dr. Hjalmar Johnson is a capawas reintroduced at Augustana ble piano player and improviser. ARTHUR QUAIFE in 1917 after a ban of twelve [ncidentally, Mr. Velei got a little twisted and Assistant Business Manager thought the concert was to be given at the Elkyears, the Augie team lost its first . . . Professors Kling and Holgame to Cornell college, 75 to 0, coinb are proficient on the clariTemple. Tsk! tsk! but became strong enough before net and violin, respectively. . . . lt's good to see how peppy students are this the season was over to drub West- President Andreen and Vice PresSTAFF week. They've caught up on sleep since they've ern State Teachers in the final ident Esbjorn played in the AuGBORGE WICKSTROM Faculty gustana orchestra more than fifty eontest, 58 to 0. returned. C. A. FRYXELI Faculty years ago. . . . Dr. J. P. Mag* * * PAUL H. A. NOBEX Seminary NELS BERGSTROM Seminary Ah-ha ! And who is the unknown woman who Seventv years ago Augustana nusson was director of the band VIRGÍNIA HUBUART Observatory brazenly rode up onto the campus the other day students arose at 5 a. m., atetwenty years ago. LAUKEN LTTNDBLAD Observatory * * * in a car—but on [verne I)owie's lap ! Why, Iverne! breakfast at 7, and attended chapEDWARD SCHOEDE Sports ei services from 7 :30 to 8. Classes Among the organizations «vhich JOHN THOMSOX Features MARGARET SUDLOW Features One freshman who was told to write a theme on were condueted in two-hour peri- once flourished on the Augustana GERALDINE BALLARU Features Bacon carne to class with a paper telling about the ods from 8 to 5 o'clock, with only campus but are now extinct were: present attempt to raise the price of pork. two hours of intermission. six debating societies, Torgny REPORTERS (Swedish), Balfour, Webster, Ed* * * STANLEY ZEI.NIO EUZABETH WITT Anyone who missed the Augie-Wartburg game ward Everett, Lincoln, and GladThe Phi Rho sorority was once HERBERT MCCALI. KEITH RASTEDE missed some rare entertainment. It was one of known as the " '57's" because of stone : four Swedish literaryclubs. GEORGE STOKER GUSIAV MAGNUSON those "Comedy of Errors" propositions that would an ediet against the use of Greek Olof Rudback, Tegnér, the Swedhave floored Shakespeare. ish Soeiety of Belles Lettres, and letter names by campus groups. Associated Iduna: a political club (1912); * * * Ask Marion Danker if tliere's gonna be a sequei Kenneth Conrey, now downstate a chess club and a prohibition * to "Rrown Eyes. Why Are You Blue ?" (or black). supervisor of a large insurance league (1911): the Phrenokos•• AlTiliated with the Alpha Delta Journalistic Fraternity company, was four times tennis niian and Adelphic literary soWhat we want to know is: Is it O. K. to call champion of the Little Xineteen cieties : two rooting clubs, one for Charter Member of the Illinois College Press Associatiou the swimming pool room the "poolroom?" conference while a student at men and one for coeds (the boys Entered at Rock Island, 111., postofTice as second class matter. wore cute hats with the college Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for >r Augustana, 1920-1924. •ection 1103. Act of October 3. 1917, authorized Jan. 17, 1919 colors and the girls wore, among Girls' varsity basketball rui es to be strictly fol* * * lowed during the basketball season: Arthur Wald was president of other t h i n g s , sweaters) : the JOSEPH WILLIAM BENNETT 1—No sweets. the Augustana Students' union Olympic Gymnastic club: a tennis association; a Latiu club: the 2—No heavy food. in 1903. S the new year opens at Augustana, members !JS ! j ! íj< Elsinore Dramatie club: a chapei 3—Xo light food. of the sénior class and the student body as Augustana might have been lo- choir which was seated in the back 4—No food. a whole find missing from their ranks one who 5—Tnvigorating exercises thrice daily, before uated in Geneseo or Galva. In gallery with the organist; a Clef through his quiet, reserved, and utterly sincere 18(i9 Geneseo voted to issue bonds club: the Lutheran Male chorus; and after every meai. in the amount of $40,000 to brins and the Apollo chorus. G—Xo late hours. ways hacl won a plaee in their hearts that eannot 7—No early hours. be filled by another. He was Joseph William Ben8-—No hours. committee report. It was decided nett. taken by death a few hours after an auto 9—Basketball. to have Swedish coffee in the accident late New Year's day. seminary dormitorv a week from Altlioiigli Joseph was not a leader in the athDid anyone notice the improvements made durtodav. Coffee with S w e d i s h letic or social life of tlie campus, lie was a forceful ing vacation ? If so, report them at once to the Kappa Epsilon alumnie will breads and cookies will be served. leader in the college religious activities. He had dean's office and action will be taken immediately. meet with Miss Marie Ilankia of That was no rest-period. Too many term papers, Moline next Mondav evening. Geraldine Ballard. sénior of planned to give his life to the niinistry. ete, for the lads and lassies to forget their allel?ock Island, spent a week visitJust why one of such an upright character giance to Dear Old Angustora collich. Fred Swanson, '31, visited ing in Xew York City and Washshould be taken from us when it seems that he friends on the campus last wcr.k ington, 1). C , during the holiFor a Sénior, Fio Lippens is a decided disgrace! might have done so much more good on earth is before ' returning to Eau Claire, davs. She's already decided, by her own darling self, that not for us to discuss. It is GodJs will and we must the school will just have to put another window Wis., where he is an instruetor in abide by it. in the library landin»- if any more posters are the júnior high school. The deepest sympathy of the students and fac- posted. Kappa Epsilon Nu sorority will ulty is extended to Mrs. Bennett and her son and Rudolph Jonson will again have have a postnuptial shower for charge of the Bible study at tlie It is a great life if you don't week-end too much. to the other relatives surviving. .Mrs. Leo Pieece, formerly Doro- meeting oí the Sola Fide class tbv Helmer, ex '35, at the home next Sunday morning at nine. Ali DID YOU KNOW THAT—? of Genevieve Hillmer in Hock members are urged to be present Island Sunday. Jlrs. Pieece was as the picture for the liockely-I TN this issue of the OBSEBVEB, the staff intromarried December 23. is to be taken. Wilton Bergstrand •*• duees to its readers a new column called "Did LIFE I S BUT A GAME was in charge last Sunday, conYou Know That?" Always in a hurryj Dorothv Leppla, freshman oí dueting an interesting character The material for the column this week is ali of Rushinfj through the game, Rock Island, spent the week-end study of the Apostle John. Never slopping for the siruggler, a historical nature, having been gleaned from past in Cleveland, Ohio, where she had But rushing on to fame. records at Augustana. I t is the desire of the also spent part of the Christmas vacation. Miss Esther Sundberg will coneditors, however, to make this column one of unLife is but a game duct the meeting oí the Berean usual interest to the student body, and we can do Where rush the greedy men, Bible class next Sunday morning Alumna? of Phi Kho sorority it only through your help. Gaining heights by might, gave a Christmas party for theat 9:15. Breakfast was served And never looking back again. You students are primarily interested in your active members and pledges at last Sunday morning at nine, and fellow students. If you know any unique or unthe Avalon tea room during the Jane Anderson, freshmau of EsLife is what Ws made, Christmas vacation. Decorations canaba, Mich., was in charge of usual facts regarding them, let us know. Either And piety has its place. centered around a Christmas tree the class opening. drop your information in one of the OBSEBVEB Midst .struggles thrusts the blade and gifts were exchanged. boxes or give it to one of the staff members. Your Of sin that mau can't face. Kenneth Bromai), sénior of W. F. coõperation will be appreciated. Kappa Epsilon alumnae gave Lincoln, Neb., and June Johnson, their animal ("hristmas bridge íreshman of Hobart, Ind.. will be "DOGIE'S GOLD" PROFESSOR WILL LEAVE party at the F o r t Armstrong the speakers at the meeting of the Dust cloitds hovered like a blankef hotel, December 30. Severa! out- Mission Study class this evening T the end of the school year, Augustana will Over the burning desert sands, of-town alumnse were present in- at ? :30 in the library lecture lose one of the best and most highly respected And the sun beat liard upon the back cluding: Buth Olson, of Gurnee, room. Industrial and merciful professors that it has ever had. Dr. Hjalmar W. Of the man with the bandaged hands. L e o n a Westerlund and in índia is to be the subJohnson will leave the college faculty in June to David Nelson of Detroit, and ject for discussion. Alkaline dust lay inches in thickness become pastor of the Augustana Lutheran church Elsa Peterson of Aledo. Mrs. Upon the l.ravelers heavy pack. in Sioux Falis, S. D. Anders Mauritzon received the His ragged trousers flapped and hung The L. S. A. executive commitfirst prize. During the two years that he has been at AugusLike a threadbare burlap sacie. tee is making plans for a meeting tana, Dr. Johnson has endeared himself to the of this organization sometime this 'Twas strange, for tive man was smiling, The Swedish club held its reg- coming week. Present plans are students with his quiet, gentlemanly ways, his Though by agony his hand was controlled, ular meeting at D e a n Arthur that it will be held in the semiquaint humor, and aptly-drawn comparisons. His For in hii mind was a thought of Him Wald's home Friday afternoon. nary chapei on Thursday evesimple yet powerful chapei talks have found favor Who had shown him the "Dogie's Oold." ^'era Ander presided and Runa ning. D e f i n i t e annoimeements with the student body. • W. F. Kastman gave the Kaffekalas' will be made later. A The Socidl Set Religious Uerse or IDorse A