2009 Annual Report - Instituto de Telecomunicações
2009 Annual Report - Instituto de Telecomunicações
INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Table of Contents 1. 2. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 7 1.1 History .......................................................................................... 7 1.2 Management .................................................................................. 8 1.3 Highlights of 2009 ........................................................................... 9 KEY IT INDICATORS ............................................................................. 15 2.1 Human Resources ......................................................................... 15 2.2 Projects ....................................................................................... 16 2.3 Publications .................................................................................. 17 3. FINANCIAL OUTLINE ............................................................................ 19 4. RESEARCH AREAS................................................................................ 21 4.1 Wireless Communications ............................................................... 21 4.1.1 Area Coordinators ................................................................... 21 4.1.2 Human Resources ................................................................... 21 4.1.3 Summary of Research Achivements........................................... 27 4.1.4 Running and Concluded Projects ............................................... 35 4.1.5 Running and Concluded Theses................................................. 62 4.1.6 Publications ........................................................................... 69 4.1.7 Other Achievements................................................................ 87 4.1.8 Other Contributions................................................................. 90 4.2 Optical Communications ................................................................. 92 4.2.1 Coordinators .......................................................................... 92 4.2.2 Human Resources ................................................................... 92 4.2.3 Summary of Research Achievements ......................................... 96 4.2.4 Running and Concluded Projects ..............................................101 4.2.5 Running and Concluded Theses................................................113 4.2.6 Publications ..........................................................................119 4.2.7 Other Achievements...............................................................133 4.2.8 Other Contributions................................................................134 4.3 Networks and Multimedia ..............................................................135 4.3.1 Area Coordinators ..................................................................135 4.3.2 Human Resources ..................................................................135 4.3.3 Summary of Research Achievements ........................................143 iii 4.3.4 Running and Concluded Projects ..............................................170 4.3.5 Running and Concluded Theses................................................199 4.3.6 Publications ..........................................................................207 4.3.7 Other Achievements ...............................................................244 4.3.8 Other Contributions................................................................247 4.4 Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies........................................255 4.4.1 Area Coordinators ..................................................................255 4.4.2 Human Resources ..................................................................255 4.4.3 Summary of Research Achievements ........................................259 4.4.4 Runing and Concluded Projects ................................................269 4.4.5 Running and Concluded Theses................................................283 4.4.6 Publications ..........................................................................289 4.4.7 Other Achievements...............................................................315 4.4.8 Other Contributions................................................................316 iv List of Tables Table 1 - Foreseen and achieved scientific output in 2009. ............................... 11 Table 2 – Current it human resources (excluding administrative staff)................ 15 Table 3 – Number of active projects in 2009, according to funding source .......... 17 Table 4 – Number of published works in 2009................................................. 17 Table 5 – Total operational income in 2009 .................................................... 19 Table 6 – List of major income sources during 2009 ........................................ 20 Table 7 – Major costs in 2009 ...................................................................... 20 Table 8 – Main asset changes in 2009 ........................................................... 20 Table 9 – Overview of human resources in the Wireless Communication Area in 2009.................................................................................................. 21 Table 10 – Permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area in 2009 .............................................................................................. 24 Table 11 – Non-permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area in 2009 ....................................................................................... 26 Table 12 – Number of active projects in the Wireless Communications Area in 2009 ......................................................................................................... 35 Table 13 – List MSc Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2008.................................................................................................. 65 Table 14 – List of PhD Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2009.................................................................................................. 67 Table 15 - Overview of human resources in the Optical Communications Area in 2009.................................................................................................. 92 Table 16 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area in 2009.................................................................................................. 93 Table 17 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area in 2009 ....................................................................................... 95 Table 18 - Number of active projects in the Optical Communications Area in 2009 ........................................................................................................101 Table 19 - List of MSc Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2009.................................................................................................115 Table 20 - List of PhD Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2009.................................................................................................117 v Table 21 – Overview of human resources in Networks and Multimedia Area in 2009 ........................................................................................................135 Table 22 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Networks and Multimedia Area in 2009 .............................................................................................138 Table 23 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Neteworks and Multimedia Area in 2009 ......................................................................................142 Table 24 – Number of active projects in the Networks and Multimedia...............170 Table 25 - List of MSc. Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area During 2008.................................................................................................203 Table 26 - List of PhD Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area During 2009.................................................................................................206 Table 27 – Overview of the human resources in the Basic Sciences ans Enabling Technologies Area in 2009 ...................................................................255 Table 28 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2009 ...................................................................257 Table 29 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2009.......................................................258 Table 30 – Number of active projects running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2009 ...................................................................269 Table 31 – List of MSc Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2009 .............................................................286 Table 32 – List of PhD Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2009 .............................................................288 vi ANNUAL REPORT 2009 - INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 History Instituto de Telecomunicações (it) is a private, not-for-profit organisation, an association of six institutions with experience and traditions in research and development in the field of Telecommunications: • Instituto Superior Técnico (IST); • Universidade de Aveiro (UA); • Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra (FCTUC); • Portugal Telecom Inovação, (PTIn) • Nokia Siemens Networks S.A • Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI). it is organised around three sites: one in Aveiro, in the University Campus, another in Coimbra, in Site II of the University of Coimbra and the third one in Lisbon, in Instituto Superior Técnico. In addition there are four delegations: • Porto, shared by the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, • Leiria, in the “Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão” of the Leiria Polytechnic (IPL), • Lisboa, in Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE) • Covilhã, in the University of Beira Interior. Setting up of it was the result of a 1.5 billion escudos (about 7.5 million Euros) grant from Programme CIENCIA, through three contracts signed in 1991. This investment enabled new infrastructures to be built and research laboratories to be equipped at each site. Installation was concluded in Aveiro in 1993 and in Lisbon and Coimbra in 1994. Since 1993, it activities proceed regularly. it statutes were first approved in 1992, modified in 1997 and modified again in 2003. New site statutes deriving from it statutes were approved and implemented in 2005. 7 ANNUAL REPORT 2009- INTRODUCTION Key developments in 2009 are highlighted ahead. Details are included in the sections dealing with each of the research areas. 1.2 Management it is managed by a Board of Directors, elected by the General Assembly, and by Site Management Boards, which include the site members of the Board of Directors. Site Management Boards enjoy ample freedom to deal with current affairs and usually meet weekly. The Board of Directors meets at least once a month. it scientific activities are overseen by the Scientific Board, which includes all it researchers holding a Ph.D. degree. The Scientific Board meets in Plenary or in Committees, both permanent and temporary. There are two permanent committees: the Science and Technology Committee and the Research Group Coordination Committee. it Work Plan and the Annual Report are discussed with the Advisory Committee, formed by three independent experts in the field of telecommunications (Dr. Roland Huber, Prof. Sir John O’Reilly and Prof. Martin Tomlinson) acting in a personal capacity, and together with the Accounts (after legal certification) are subsequently submitted to the General Assembly for approval. The General Assembly met formally twice in 2009. The first meeting was held on March 30, in the Meeting Room of the Coimbra site, to discuss and approve the 2008 Annual Report and Accounts and to elect a new board of directors for the 2009—2011 period. The second meeting took place on December 16, in the Meeting Room of the Lisbon site, to approve the Work Plan and Budget for 2010, to discuss and approve the statutory change of the external laboratory of Porto and to discuss the request of LaSIGE to merge with it. The new board of directors is formed by: • Prof. Carlos Eduardo do Rego da Costa Salema, on behalf of IST; • Prof. Carlos António Cardoso Fernandes, on behalf of IST; • Prof. José Carlos da Silva Neves, on behalf of UA; 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 - INTRODUCTION • Prof. Henrique José Almeida da Silva, on behalf of FCTUC • Dr. José Marcelino Pousa, on behalf of PTIn. The Research Group Coordination Committee also met twice during 2009. On the first meeting, held on March 18, at the Aveiro site auditory, the Draft Proposal of the 2008 Annual Report, was discussed and received a favourable opinion. Scientific productivity was debated and the document “A policy for quality” was approved. On the second meeting, held on December 9, in the meeting room of Lezíria Parque Hotel (Vila Franca de Xira), the Work Plan and Budget for 2010, was discussed and received a favourable opinion and the request from LaSIGE to merge it was debated at length. Highlights of 2009 1.3 Like 2008, for many reasons 2009 was again a very good year for it. Firstly, the scientific output reached a new peak: • 67 books and book chapters; • 198 papers in international refereed scientific journals; • 16 patent requests; • 519 papers in refereed conferences, with published proceedings. Secondly, fostering of advanced education also reached a new peak: • 22 PhD theses, submitted and approved; • 194 MSc theses, submitted and approved. Thirdly, another it researcher (the third one) was elevated to the rank of IEEE fellow. Funding was, again, plentiful and timely. In particular • FCT finally paid back 1.09 M€ from the IT – Laboratório Associado contract, that it had paid (in advance) and had already been audited • FCT paid the basic fee (5.5 k€ per integrated researcher with PhD) 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2009- INTRODUCTION • FCT paid 60 % of the programmatic grant of 2009 (the reduction is due to FCT decision that post-doc salaries should be paid from the programmatic grant but were paid by FCT in the 2007-2009 period) • FCT paid the remaining dues of the 2004 projects Due to prior delays in the transfer of funds from FCT, the execution periods for the 2007 and 2008 were extended to the 31st of December 2009. Total funding for the two year period was 5.2 M€ and the execution rate (not yet audited) was 98 %. Thanks to available funding most labs (Optical Communications, Radio and Microwave, Instrumentation and Measurements, Power Electronics, Materials) in Lisbon (Media Lab) in Porto, (Radio Communications, Multimedia) in Covilhã, (Optical Communications, Radio and Microwave, Signal Processing, Power Systems) in Coimbra, (Signal Processing) in Leiria and (Optical Communications) in Aveiro were either revamped and significantly upgraded or got new equipment. Contrary to our initial expectations, it was not evaluated during 2009. Nevertheless it completed all the evaluation forms requested by FCT. The number of scholarships increased again in 2009, reaching an all time level. This is an important step in improving it performance and impact. In addition to the 186 Ph.D. scholarships funded by FCT, it hosted 25 young students under FCT scholarships for initiating scientific activity, plus 151 B.Sc. and M.Sc. and 4 post-doc fellowships in ongoing projects and 5 in mobility fellowships associated with the CMU-Portugal Program. During 2009, 97 nationally funded and 38 internationally funded projects were active, as shown in section 2.2. It is particularly noteworthy the fact that on the 31st of December it was involved in 27 FP7 projects (running and selected for funding) in addition to other 7 projects, where there was involvement of some it researchers from the Lisbon site. 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 - INTRODUCTION During 2009 it started to manage the logistics of the CMU-Portugal program by special contract with FCT. To reflect it 2009 activity some tangible objectives were defined in the Work Programme and Budget for 2009. These objectives together with the achieved values are given in Table 1 Graduate and post-graduate Foreseen Achieved MSc Theses 160 194 PhD Theses 30 22 Publications: Foreseen Achieved Books and Book Chapters 20 67 Papers in Journals 150 198 Papers in Conference Proceedings 400 519 activities: Table 1 - Foreseen and achieved scientific output in 2009. Achieved scientific output exceeded our forecast, in all areas, except in the number of concluded PhD theses which continues to fall short of the expected value, showing that supervisors systematically underestimate time requirements. it co-authored 16 patent applications in 2009. it received the following distinguished visitors: • President of the Republic, Prof. Dr, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, Coimbra, 16th of April • CEO of Portugal Telecom, Eng. Zeinal Bava, Aveiro, 23rd July 11 ANNUAL REPORT 2009- INTRODUCTION • President of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering, President and Vice-President of the Mexican Academy of Engineering • Chair of the Chapter Coordination Sub-Committee of the IEEE Region 8, Lisbon, 8th of October. it hosted the following national and international events (referred by date): • 4 days Free MEMS Training (March,2009) • Contele2009 (3-5 May 2009), in Feira, with about 200 participants • Workshop on Quantum Effects in Biological Systems QuEBS 2009, (July, 2009), in Lisbon • IXIX IMEKO World Congress (September, 2009), in Lisbon, with more than 600 participants. During 2009 it researchers were awarded the following prizes: • Figueiredo, M.T. elected to the grade of Fellow of the IEEE Fellow, for contributions to pattern recognition and computer vision; • Rodrigues, J. R.; elected to the grade of Fellow of IARIA Fellow by his services in International Conferences and contributions for the state of the art improvement; • Girão, P. elected Doctor Honoris Causa of the Technical University of Asachi, Romania; • Pereira, F., Honorable Mention in the UTL/Santander Totta Prize; • Duarte, A., "HP Innovations in Education grant 2009" (HP Innovations in Education grants are targeted at key faculty responsible for undergraduate degree programs); • Vieira, P. Vieira; 2nd place in “Prémio Inovação Jovem Engenheiro 2008; • Matos, S.A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa Honourable mention, Student Paper Contest associated with the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, • Rodrigues, J. R.; V. S. Soares; F. F. Farahmand, Best Paper Award – on the 2nd international conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service CTRQ 2009, 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 - INTRODUCTION • Rodrigues, J. R.; Vaidya, B; Park, J. P., Best Paper Award – on the 3rd. International Conference on Information Security and Assurance and its Workshops ISA 2009, • Perdigão, M.; Baptista, B.; Alvarez, J.; Saraiva E. S.; Shortlisted Best Presentation in Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2009. (UPEC 2009) In 2009 it participated with its own stand in the following exhibitions and fora: • “4a Jornadas de Inovação”, in the FIL – Parque das Nações, in Lisbon, 18th – 21st, June • 3rd Portuguese Space Forum, organized by the FCT Space Office, in Pavilhão do Conhecimento, Ciência Viva, Lisbon, 30th July, • Meeting of the “Conselho dos Laboratórios Associados”, in the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in Lisbon, 29th- 30th July. IT is a member of the CIENCIA VIVA, the National Agency for Scientific and Technological culture and co-operates in some of its events, namely those related with the diffusion of know-how on electromagnetic radiation and its effects on the human body. Project MONIT, (www.lx.it.pt/monit) is actively engaged in promoting and diffusing know how on electromagnetic radiation and mobile communications. Occasionally, through this project, IT offers two week training in the measurement of electromagnetic radiation. In cooperation with IST, IT started a one-year post graduation course in Telecommunications and Information Technologies. Sponsored by VODAFONE and in cooperation with IST, IT organized and implemented a 30-hour update course in Telecommunication Systems for high school teachers which was run three times in 2009 (80 teachers). Also in cooperation with IST, IT organized visits and demonstrations for high school pupils, involving about 1200 pupils (in 2009). 13 ANNUAL REPORT 2009- INTRODUCTION Some of the activities mentioned in detail in Annexes are closely interconnected with activities carried out by it researchers in the scope of their universities or polytechnics. Their inclusion in this Report is merely for the record. 14 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – KEY IT INDICATORS 2. KEY IT INDICATORS 2.1 Human Resources Position Aveiro Coimbra Lisbon Total Professor Emeritus 0 0 3 3 Full Professor 6 4 10 20 Associate Professor 6 6 23 35 Assistant Professor 26 24 60 110 Post. Doc. 5 2 15 22 Coordinator Professor 0 5 3 8 Assistant Lecturer 2 9 1 12 45 36 104 185 1 0 0 1 14 1 8 23 105 87 227 419 PhD Student Visiting Professor (Licenciado) TOTAL Table 2 – Current it human resources (excluding administrative staff) 15 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – KEY IT INDICATORS 2.2 Projects Funding Agency Number AdI,German Aerospace Center (DLR) 1 ANACOM 2 Brisa 2 COST 2 COST, NA 1 DAAD 1 DoCoMo 1 EC - FP7 3 EC, COST 1 EFACEC 1 ESF 4 EU 2 EU, FP7 23 Euro-NF internal, European Commission 4 FCT 8 FCT/CAPES 1 FCT/PTDC 31 FLAD 2 GRICES 1 GRICES - Programa Pessoa 1 GRICES-CNRS 1 iCentro 1 Instituto de Telecomunicações 16 Marinha Portuguesa/MDN 2 Optimus, TMN, Vodafone 1 Polytechnic Institute of Leiria 1 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – KEY IT INDICATORS Funding Agency Number Projecto de Investigação Científica e de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico no âmbito do Programa CMU-Portugal PT Inovação 1 QREN 6 Treat of Windsor - BritishCouncil/CCISP 1 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement, TC-25 Commitee 1 Projecto Europeu do 6º Programa Quadro 1 4 Table 3 – Number of active projects in 2009, according to funding source 2.3 Publications Books Journals Conferences Patents MSc Thesis PhD Thesis 67 198 519 16 194 22 Table 4 – Number of published works in 2009 "Books”- Fully authored books, Editor books, and book chapter contributions; "Journals”- Papers in International refereed journals; "Conferences”- Communications in International and National refereed conferences; “Patents” - Patent applications; "MSc and PhD Theses”- Concluded dissertations. 17 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – FINANCIAL OUTLINE 3. FINANCIAL OUTLINE Operational income during 2009 totalled 8.729 k€, distributed as indicated in Table 5. Major income sources (clients of services and sources of subsidies) are detailed in Table 6. Costs in 2008 totalled 8.961 k€, as partially indicated in Table 7. Main asset changes in 2009 are listed in Table 8. Sources of Income Amount [k€] Services to third parties 1.033 Subsidies 6.020 Other 1.676 TOTAL 8.729 Table 5 – Total operational income in 2009 Major clients of services PT Inovação Amount [k€] 342,4 Vodafone 80,6 Anacom 54,4 Brisa 130,4 Be Artis 53,0 TMN 53,0 19 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – FINANCIAL OUTLINE Main sources of subsidies Amount [k€] Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia 3.439,7 Universidade de Aveiro 1.432,9 Commission of the European Communities 915,4 Agência de Inovação 149,8 Table 6 – List of major income sources during 2009 Costs Staff Amount [k€] 1.801,8 Management costs Scholarships 24,0 1.521,9 Missions 940.9 Books and journals Consumables 76,0 411,1 Structural costs 1.480,9 Table 7 – Major costs in 2009 Assets Amount [k€] Increase in tangible assets 1.871,9 Depreciation 1.471,3 New Technical and Scientific Equipment 1.724,7 Table 8 – Main asset changes in 2009 20 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4. RESEARCH AREAS Wireless Communications 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 Area Coordinators • Carlos Cardoso Fernandes • Nuno Borges de Carvalho Human Resources Overview Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa Professor Emeritus 0 0 2 Full Professor 2 0 4 Associate Professor 4 0 7 Assistant Professor 9 2 20 Coordinator Professor 0 1 1 Post. Doc 2 1 0 PhD Student 16 2 39 (Licenciado) 1 1 5 34 7 78 TOTAL Table 9 – Overview of human resources in the Wireless Communication Area in 2009 21 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Permanent Collaborators Position Degree Name Group PhD Adão Silva Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Full Professor Agregação Afonso Barbosa Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Full Professor Agregação Américo Correia Radio Communication Systems Associate Professor PhD António Alves Moreira Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Assistant Professor PhD António Navarro Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD António Rodrigues Radio Communication Systems Assistant Professor PhD António Topa Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Assistant Professor PhD Armando Rocha Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Associate Professor PhD Atílio Gameiro Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro PhD Student MSc Carla Oliveira Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Licenciado MSc Carla Sofia dos Reis Medeiros Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Full Professor Agregação Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Associate Professor Agregação Carlos Paiva Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Associate Professor PhD Carlos Sá da Costa Radio Communication Systems Professor Emeritus Agregação Carlos Salema Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Assistant Professor PhD Custódio Peixeiro Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Licenciado MSc Daniel Sebastião Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Licenciado Licenciatura Diana Paula dos Santos Ladeira Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Licenciado Licenciatura Eduardo Lima Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Fernando Fortes Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD Fernando J. Velez Radio Communication Systems Assistant Professor PhD Fernando Nunes Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Assistant Professor PhD Filipe Duarte dos Santos Cardoso Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Associate Professor PhD Francisco Cercas Radio Communication Systems Assistant Professor PhD Francisco Sena da Silva Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Assistant Professor PhD João Carlos Silva Radio Communication Systems Associate Professor Agregação João Costa Freire Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon 22 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Position Degree Name Group Associate Professor PhD João Nuno Matos Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD João Vaz Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Assistant Lecturer PhD Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD Jorge Paulo Alves Torres Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Assistant Professor PhD Jorge Rodrigues da Costa Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Associate Professor Agregação José Bioucas Dias Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Full Professor Agregação José Carlos Pedro Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Full Professor Agregação José Leitão Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition PhD José Nascimento Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Agregação José Neves Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Associate Professor PhD José Rocha Pereira Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD José Sanguino Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Licenciatura Lúcio Studer Ferreira Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Associate Professor Agregação Luís M. Correia Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Assistant Professor Licenciatura Manuel Dinis Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD Maria João Rosário Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Professor Emeritus Agregação Mário Lança Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Assistant Professor PhD Mário Marques Silva Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Assistant Professor PhD Mário Silveirinha Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Coimbra Licenciado MSc Mónica Rute Cardoso Antunes Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Associate Professor PhD Nuno Borges Carvalho Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD Nuno Souto Radio Communication Systems Coordinator Professor PhD Paulo Marques Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Post. Doc. PhD Pedro Miguel Cabral Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD Pedro Miguel Lavrador Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD Pedro Santos Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Assistant Professor PhD Pedro Vieira Radio Communication Systems Coordinator Professor PhD Rafael Caldeirinha Optical Communications - Coimbra Assistant Professor Full Professor PhD Student 23 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Position Degree Name Group PhD Student MSc Rui Filipe Rosa Paulo Radio Communication Systems Assistant Professor PhD Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Morgado Dinis Radio Communication Systems Stanislav Maslovski Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Coimbra Post. Doc. Assistant Professor PhD Telmo Fernandes Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Coimbra Assistant Professor PhD Telmo Reis Cunha Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Table 10 – Permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area in 2009 Other Collaborators Position Degree Name PhD Student Licenciatura Abubakar Sadiq Hussaini PhD Student Licenciatura PhD Student MSc PhD Student Licenciatura PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student Licenciatura PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc Assistant Lecturer MSc PhD Student Licenciatura PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc Group Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro António Abreu Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon António Serrador Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon António Tavares Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Carlos Alberto Barreiro Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Mendes Lisbon Carlos Gaspar Ribeiro Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Cesaltina Nabais Escarigo Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Ricardo Lisbon Daniel Luís Silveira Robalo Radio Communication Systems Darlene Maciel Neves Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Fernando de Sousa Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Fernando Santos Azevedo Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Filipa Isabel Rodrigues Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Prudêncio Lisbon Filipe Alexandre da Silva Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Rodrigues Aveiro Francisco José Dinis de Radio Communication Systems Sousa Fernandes Ganhão Francisco Monteiro Radio Communication Systems George Jr. Shaundel Matthew Gonçalo Valadão Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Radio Communication Systems Ivo Luís de la Cerda Garcia e Sousa João Carlos Roquete Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Fidalgo Canto Lisbon 24 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Degree Name Group PhD Student Position Licenciatura João M. Ferro Radio Communication Systems PhD Student MSc João Paulo Martins PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc Assistant Professor PhD PhD Student Licenciatura Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro João Tavares Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro João Tiago de Figueiredo e Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Costa Coimbra Jorge dos Santos Freitas Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves de Oliveira Aveiro Jun Li Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Luís Carlos Carneiro Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Gonçalves Luís M. Borges Radio Communication Systems Post. Doc. PhD PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc Luís Miguel Mendes PhD Student MSc Luisa Caeiro PhD Student Licenciatura Manya Vital Afonso PhD Student MSc Marco Alexandre Ribeiro PhD Student Licenciatura Marian-Daniel Iordache PhD Student Licenciatura Michal Lukasz Mackowiak PhD Student MSc Miguel Campilho Gomes PhD Student MSc Miguel Ramos Pereira PhD Student Licenciatura Muhammad Alam PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student Licenciatura PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc Licenciado PhD Student Licenciatura MSc Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Radio Communication Systems - - - - - Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Norberto José Gil Barroca Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Nuno Cota Radio Communication Systems Nuno Figueiredo Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Radio Communication Systems Nuno Miguel de Figueiredo Garrido Nuria Blanco Delgado Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Orlando Manuel Brito Radio Communication Systems Cabral Paulo Gustavo Martins da Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Silva Lisbon Pedro Amaro Sebastião Radio Communication Systems Pedro Miguel Duarte Cruz Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Pedro Miguel Ferreira de Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Oliveira Pedrosa Lisbon Rafal Glogowski Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Ricardo Matos Abreu Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Sara Helena Marques Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Teodoro Aveiro 25 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Degree Name PhD Student Position Licenciatura Senka Hadzic PhD Student MSc PhD Student PhD Student Licenciado Licenciatura PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student MSc PhD Student Licenciatura PhD Student MSc Group Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Sérgio Almeida Matos Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Lisbon Sérgio Carlos da Conceição Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Pires Aveiro Sérgio Morgadinho Rebelo Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Susana Mota Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Teresa Paula Soares de Radio Microwaves and Millimiter Waves Araújo Lisbon Tiago André Nogueira Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Coimbra Morgado Vahid Nazari Talooki Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Valdemar Monteiro Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Aveiro Table 11 – Non-permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area in 2009 26 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4.1.3 Summary of Research Achivements Research work in the Wireless Communications Scientific Area of it covers the main aspects related to the air interface in wireless communications and supporting technologies, including hardware/software. Activities fall within the following five general topics: - Antenna Analysis and Design; - Wireless Circuits and Devices; - Waves and Propagation; - Transmitting and Receiving Systems; - Radio Networks. Antenna Analysis And Design Work on antennas followed three main streams: Small antennas for indoor applications, advanced antennas for RFID and antennas for mm-wave applications. Small terminal antennas Work continued on the development of UWB antennas, both for indoor personal communications and also for indoor localization applications. This included exponential slot based antenna configurations and dielectric loaded printed ring monopoles. A new wideband MIMO antenna array configuration was developed for MIMO WLAN Access Points with space and polarization diversity and was experimentally evaluated in terms of MIMO performance, using measured channel response data. The work followed the development of a MIMO channel sounder, based on a vector network analyzer. Small and compact multi-band microstrip patch antenna elements and arrays were developed for small personal terminal multi-standard applications. The analysis included antenna-user interaction characterization and the evaluation of mutual coupling and correlation. Single and multi-feed patches with slots have been considered. Flexible antennas made from electro-textile materials were designed and tested for wearable and body-implanted networks. Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) 27 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS structures have been incorporated into these antennas to reduce radiation into the user body. RFID Antennas Previous work on UHF RFID antennas was extended also for tags. A new folded tag antenna configuration with omnidirectional coverage was developed for embedding in special objects like suitcases for automatic luggage identification and tracking in sensitive environments. Also a wireless polling system was developed, based on passive UHF RFID technology. The activity also included the design of new antennas for confined detection of tagged RFID objects within medical cabinets. A new line of research has started on transparent antennas for specific RFID applications. Other Antennas Work also continued on the development of a fully functional mm-wave wireless USB system demonstrator using a recently developed mechanical steerable beam antenna concept based on a 60 GHz pivoting dielectric lens. A 1 Mbit/s data stream transmission was demonstrated with the Tx antenna tracking the movable receiver antenna. Wireless Circuits And Devices In this sub-area the research activities can be grouped under three general topics, one related to RF/microwave circuit design either CMOS based or GaN based, another to computer aided design of microwave/RF circuits and systems including simulation techniques and system/device modeling and a third one dedicated to wireless system design, mainly software defined radio and RFID/location systems. In all cases, the underlying applications fall within the wireless area. RF and Microwave Circuit Design In this area in the last year some active cooperation with Eindhoven Technical University, Holland, in development of RF front-ends, for Millimeter Wave applications was done, mainly some works on HBTs modeling of a 0.25um BiCMOS SiGe monolithic technology was obtain to explain the behavior of two active inductors. Some design rules were also derived. 28 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Moreover during 2009 some advances were made on the following items: - A complete RF front-End Receiver prototype on 0.18um CMOS for WLAN 802.11abg and Bluetooth applications was designed and built. The receiver uses a heterodyne architecture with sliding IF frequency plan. - Spiral transformers modeling and design with electromagnetic simulation on 0.18um CMOS technology - A class E power amplifiers with driver for 2.4GHz WLAN applications on 0.18um CMOS technology - A Low Noise Amplifier for IEEE 802.11abg WLAN dual band applications with 0.18um CMOS technology. The amplifier uses a switched topology to operate at 2.4GHz and at 5.2GHz. - Work on monolithic power amplifiers started in 2009 within two research projects. The studies will address polar topologies with bias modulator circuits. An emitter will be designed for 2.4GHz applications. - Some efforts were also done in the area of power amplifiers, continuing the work of last years. Does the some new wireless transmitter architectures, mainly devoted to the design, implementation and test of switched-mode power amplifiers continue to growth. In this are of new transmitter architectures, some attention was also put in the envelope modulator design and its nonlinear impairments to the overall linearity and efficiency. Pre-distortion techniques were also employed with very good results that deserved several publications in conference proceedings and in journals. - The group also continues the effort with EFACEC of a project devoted to the study of the robustness test of a new and very promising semiconductor transistor technology: Gallium Nitride (GaN). At this moment the engineering prototype is already built and fully tested with very good results. - In the last year some new efforts with Portugal Telecom start also a new line of work in the design of point to point wireless links in the 18GHz band. 29 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Wireless System Design During the year of 2009, in the are of wireless system design some work have been done in topics as RFID, DSRC, and SDR front ends. Referring RFID some new RFID readers were built for the 13Mhz band as also some Zig-Bee nodes for the implementation of a new wireless location engine based on RF fingerprinting, in this respect the overall system was built in IT. The work carried on with Brisa continues based on the develop of a new dual RSEDSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communication) system, for automatic identification and tool purposes, in 5,8GHz band, according with European standards to the physical, link and application layers (EN12834, EN12795, EN12253 and EN13372) and compatible with the actual Via Verde System. Design, fabrication and test of a DSRC system prototype were achieved. The main goal of this project is to “Development of Proof of Concept on wireless communications system for road applications, with emphasis on safety, following the WAVE recommendation”. While the standard IEEE-802.11.p is not completed, the development will follow the IEEE 802.11.a whenever necessary. Following the current 802.11p recommendations, basic functionalities will be implemented in order to comply with the identified applications and scenarios. In the area of Software define radio some new effort were done in the design of new RF front ends, especially in the study of techniques devoted to the increase of receiver dynamic range. This effort is aimed at the design of a complete cognitive radio transceiver that will allow the implementation of the cognitive radio approaches. Waves and Propagation Work in this sub-area includes fundamental work in the area of elctromagnetics of complex media with possible application to antennas and other relevant devices for wireless supporting technologies. It also includes studies for EM exposure assessment. 30 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Electromagnetics of Complex Media In the last year some work has been done in homogenization and characterization of structured materials. Characterization of novel nonlocal metamaterials, with anomalous properties, such as lossless broadband anomalous dispersion or broadband negative refraction. A new prototype of wire media slab was developed to demonstrate experimentally its potential to present extreme values of effective permittivity, enabling its application for super resolution. Other metamaterial structures with near-zero effective permittivity were designed and experimentally evaluated, intended for manipulation of electromagnetic fields in the sub wavelength scale. In this sub-area in last year some continuing effort on Electromagnetics of Complex Media Chiral Media: Analysis of the propagation characteristics of chiral H-guides: Surface and leaky modes and respective chirality dispersion influence. Omega Media: Dispersion and losses in omega H-guide operation: Leaky en surface modes; Metamaterials: Leaky-mode propagation in metamaterial nonradiative dielectric (NRD) waveguides: Dispersive and lossy constitutive models; Propagation characteristics of DNG ridge waveguides: Proper leaky mode dispersion and propagation. Effect of material losses in metamaterial waveguide performance were developed. Numerical modeling Some work has been conducted on FDTD simulation of light propagation inside aSi:H structures. Understanding of light transmission, reflection and propagation inside semiconductor structures is crucial for development of photovoltaic devices. Using the FDTD is possible to simulate the propagation of electromagnetic waves with wavelengths in the range of the visible spectrum within a a-Si:H p-i-n structure. While the effects of surface reflections are easily taken into account by the algorithm, light absorption represents a more critical point, because of its nonlinear dependence with conductivity. 31 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Public awareness and risk communication The six-years long effort to disseminate basic information to the general public on Electromagnetic radiation from personal communication devices and from operator base station antennas entered a new phase where the information is brought to secondary schools, which participate through a national wide contest that will award a prize for the best student work. Transmitting and Receiving Systems Performance studies were carried for WiMax/LTE, HSDPA and HSUPA at 900/2000 MHz bands and adjacent channel interference in UMTS systems in the 2000 and 2500 MHz bands. Some efforts have also continuing in the study of GPS navigation systems and on SAR radar solutions. Mobile communications The achievements in 2009 consist mainly in the study of LTE and WiMAX systems, were Point-to-Multipoint Cellular Scenario evaluated. Dynamic space-time- frequency Radio Resource Management scheduling algorithms valid for both technologies were also carried out. New link and system level modules were built for the simulators. Moreover the continuation of performance studies for HSDPA and HSUPA at 900/2000 MHz bands and adjacent channel interference in UMTS systems in the 2000 and 2500 MHz bands were done. Concerning 3G systems, an analysis and optimization study based on drive tests was also considered. Development of two WiMAX software tools: the first a static tool for fixed WiMAX and the other a dynamic simulator for mobile WiMAX. Study of capacity enhancement of wireless communications systems using MIMO techniques in particular with aplications for LTE in macrocell scenarios. Study of centralized cooperative spectrum sensing for ad-hoc disaster relief networks. In 2009 some work were also allocated to emerging services which demand higher data rates, especially in the downlink. Thus OFDM transmission techniques, together with MIMO antennas systems are the key approach to reach this development in cellular communications. 32 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS During 2009, research work focused on iterative frequency-domain receivers for block transmission techniques with rate-1 Space Time Block Coding (STBC) for two and four transmit antennas using both Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and Single-Carrier (SC) schemes were developed. The studied receiver includes an interference canceller which enhances the performance of the non-orthogonal STBC scheme with 2 and 4 transmit antennas, allowing performances close to those of orthogonal codes. These techniques are potential technologies to be used by the fourth generation of cellular systems. While MIMO OFDM is expected to be used for the downlink of LTE (being also considered by IEEE 802.15 (WIMAX)), the MIMO SC-FDE is a potential technology for the uplink of LTE, due to its simplicity when compared to MIMO OFDM, but achieving similar (or even better results) than MIMO OFDM. Several MIMO schemes are to be studied, as well as the study of advanced receivers for the SC-FDE. In addition, a particular pre-processing MIMO is to be developed, applied to OFDM (to be considered for the downlink of MIMO OFDM technology). Finally some efforts were put in the following aspects: efficient simulation methods for wireless communication systems using different modulation, coding and fading models with special emphasis on TCH (Tomlinson, Cercas, Hughes) codes, development of a new UWB system using TCH codes for both coding and synchronization aspects, evaluation of new techniques (namely hierarchical constellations, channel estimation, MIMO, OFDM) for use in LTE (Long Term Evolution) of UMTS systems and development of GPS related applications using dedicated hardware as well as the new satellite ground station. GNSS Solutions Some studies were focused on new GNSS solutions, including: -Development and implementation of algorithms for coordinated positioning systems; - Development and implementation of algorithms for precise positioning; - Following the work carried in 2008, a GPS monitoring station was developed at Instituto de Telecomunicações. 33 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SAR Radars The work devoted to SAR radars was mainly based on development of techniques to estimate the velocity and trajectory of moving targets using Synthetic Aperture Radar data from a single sensor. In includes the development of a novel SAR ambiguity function with built-in capability to distinguish between targets moving in a predefined direction. IT researchers participate in a NATO Exploratory Team for Noise Radar Technology evaluation for application in future military systems. Radio Networks Several contributions on Physical Layer Awareness in the context of Future Internet were done. Within eMobility, contributions were given to the Strategic Research Agenda and to the Strategic Applications Agenda. The major results encompass: - the development of channel models for Body Area Networks; - the continuing development of CRRM algorithms for heterogeneous mobile communication systems; - the development of RRM algorithms for virtual mobile communications networks; - the development of various simulators for the air interface of UMTS-FDD, with HSDPA and HSUPA, and LTE, enabling the analysis of traffic aspects as well as load and handover ones. 34 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4.1.4 Running and Concluded Projects Overview Funding Agency Number AdI, German Aerospace Center (DLR) 1 ANACOM 1 Brisa 2 COST 2 EC - COST 1 EC - FP7 1 EFACEC 1 ESF 2 EU 1 EU, FP7 10 FCT 2 FCT/PTDC 6 GRICES - Programa Pessoa 1 iCentro 1 Instituto de Telecomunicações 1 TOTAL 33 Table 12 – Number of active projects in the Wireless Communications Area in 2009 35 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Activity in Projects Acron / Ref Title ARNAGGS Advanced Receivers and Navigation Algorithms for GPS/Galileo Signals Funding FCT/PTDC Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The project objectives are to study and develop: a) Algorithms and methods for fast acquisition of weak navigation signals; b) Open-loop tracking architectures alternative to the conventional DLL+PLL, based on stochastic nonlinear filtering. Harsh environments such as indoor reception and use of highly-accelerative platforms will be considered; c) Structures and algorithms for advanced multipath mitigation. Alternative solutions to the double-delta correlation, based on the gating concept, will be proposed; d) Coordinated positioning techniques; e) Communication channel models relevant in navigation. A collaboration with Portuguese companies operating in aerospace activities is foreseen. Acron / Ref Title ASPIRE Advanced Sensors and lightweight Programmable middleware for Innovative Rfid Enterprise applications Funding EU, FP7 Descript. ASPIRE will research and provide a radical change in the current RFID deployment paradigm through innovative, programmable, royalty-free and privacy friendly middleware. This new middleware paradigm will be 36 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS particular beneficial to European SME, which are nowadays experiencing significant cost-barriers to RFID deployment. European networked enterprises in general and SME in particular are still reluctant to adopt RFID, since they perceive RFID as unprofitable or too risky. This is largely due to the fact that the adoption of RFID technology incurs a significant Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). ASPIRE will significantly lower SME entry costs for RFID technology, through developing and providing a lightweight, royalty-free, innovative, programmable, privacy friendly, middleware platform that will facilitate low-cost development and deployment of innovative RFID solutions. This platform will act as a main vehicle for realizing the proposed swift in the current RFID deployment paradigm. The ASPIRE middleware platform will take into account innovative European developments in the area of ubiquitous RFID-based sensing (i.e.,physical quantities sensing (temperature, humidity, pressure, acceleration), mobile sensing) towards enabling novel business cases that ensure high ROI (Return on Investment). The ASPIRE RFID middleware paradigm, as well as the unique and novel characteristics of the ASPIRE middleware platforms are thoroughly described in this proposal. Acron / Ref AGILE Title AGILE Funding FCT Descript. Develop studies for primary-secondary users in cognitive radio Acron / Ref 4WARD Title Architecture and Design for the Future Internet Funding EU-FP7 ICT Descript. Today’s network architectures are stifling innovation, restricting it mostly to the application level while the need for structural change is 37 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS increasingly evident. The absence of adequate facilities to design, optimize and interoperate new networks currently forces a convergence to an architecture that is suboptimal for many applications and that cannot support innovations within itself, the Internet. 4WARD overcomes this impasse through a set of radical architectural approaches built on our strong mobile and wireless background. We improve our ability to design inter-operable and complementary families of network architectures. We enable the co-existence of multiple networks on common platforms through carrier-grade virtualization for networking resources. We enhance the utility of networks by making them self-managing. We increase their robustness and efficiency by leveraging diversity. Finally we improve application support by a new information-centric paradigm in place of the old host-centric approach. These solutions will embrace the full range of technologies, from fibre backbones to wireless and sensor networks. The 4WARD results will allow new markets to appear, redefining business roles and creating new economic models. We will establish the Future Internet Forum as a leading standards body, enabling these new markets and opening them for old and new players alike, increasing opportunities for competition and cooperation and creating new products and services. These goals can only be achieved by gathering a strong, industry-led consortium of the leading operators, vendors, SME, and research organisations, with the determination, skills, and critical mass to create cross-industry consensus and to drive standardisation. The project is designed for multiple phases; the first one will establish the core concepts and technologies and last for two years. The planned effort of about 2200 person months corresponds to the strategic importance of this endeavour. Acron / Ref LENTILLES Title Benchmarking of Integrated Lens Antenna Design and Manufacturig Funding GRICES - Programa Pessoa 38 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Descript. To benchmark IT and IETR lens design methods, lens analysis and design tools, manufacturing technologies, measurement facilities and results. The output of the project will be used to improve the design and prediction tools that are being developed in both institutes. Acron / Ref SARMonitor Title Civil Traffic Monitoring Using SAR Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The goal of this project is to develop techniques for spaceborne SAR platforms to automatically extract the parameters of interest for civil traffic monitoring and planning at a continental scale. We also intend to develop a PC application to demonstrate the feasability of traffic monitoring from space borne SAR. Acron / Ref LOOP Title Coexistence and Optimization for LTE-RAN and WAN Funding Telesal Descript. a) Network Discovery, Session Management and Roaming to allow the end-user to maintain session continuity whilst roaming between operators and wireless technologies. b) Ad-Hoc Networking for Relay-based Cell Coverage Extension will extend wireless and mobile coverage providing enhanced QoS delivery, and extended service delivery to remote, and fringe users. c) Dynamic Spectrum Allocation for Heterogeneous Networks to investigate the opportunistic use of licensed spectrum by secondary systems to optimize utilization of scarce spectral resources. d) Intra-System Optimization to maximize network utilization by exploring the application of a cross-layered protocol architecture. 39 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref Title COILS Comparison of WiMAX and LTE on a Personal Cell Scenario for the Provision of Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Services Funding Descript. The main goal of COILS is the design and evaluation of efficient methods for the provision of broadband services and applications based on MBMS to groups of mobile users located mainly in Personal Cells. The use of MBMS over Personal Cells will support the efficient use of radio and network resources, while also providing rich context information to applications and services. Merging these two frameworks promises enhanced multimedia application provisioning, benefiting end users and operators alike. The technologies investigated during the course of the project will generate considerable novel intellectual property that will become the property of IT. Acron / Ref Title CODIV Enhanced Wireless Communication Systems Employing COoperative DIVersity Funding Descript. FP7 ICT The CODIV project is targeting the evolutions of cellular networks and WMAN’s. and aims to research, develop and validate radio technologies exploiting channels diversity and cooperation between users, targeting three major goals: enable the high bit rates targeted in the broadband component of future wireless system; improve the power and spectrum efficiencies of existing wireless systems; improve and extend coverage and fairness. The project will go significantly beyond the current SoA by considering cooperative and relaying functionalities at the user equipment level and bringing the concepts up to the prototyping phase. The activities are organized to cover the three phases needed for 40 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS demonstration: concept definition, development of enabling technologies and proof of concept. The final outputs of the project will include a physical testbed consisting of several transceivers to show the feasibility of the technology and also a system level simulator to assess at a system level the benefits in terms of the technologies developed. Acron / Ref ASSIST Title COST IC0603 (ASSIST) Funding ESF Descript. To assist in the research & development of antenna systems and sensors necessary for the new ubiquitous wireless society Coordinate existing research Suggest new topics Stand in a scientific/technological survey attitude To contribute to the visibility of antenna activities in Europe and to lobby for new projects Creation of an European Antenna community Conferences and Workshops Exchange of researchers Interactions academy-industry To increase public awareness of antenna related issues. Acron / Ref Title COST IC0802 COST IC0802 - PROPAGATION TOOLS AND DATA FOR INTEGRATED TELECOMMUNICATION, NAVIGATION AND EARTH OBSERVATION SYSTEMS 41 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Funding COST Descript. The main objective of the Action is to create a coordinated database of models, techniques and data of the physical channel to improve the design and performance of Global Integrated Networks (examples include satellite mobile and fixed communication systems, terrestrial networks for mobile and fixed terminals, satellite navigation systems, and Earth Observation systems). Acron / Ref Title PHOTON Distributed and Extendible Heterogeneous Radio Architectures using Fibre Optic Networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The overall goal is to research, validate and demonstrate RoF as a key technology for dense wireless networks, with proposals for efficient and scalable architectures and enhanced wireless transmission / resource management techniques exploiting the distributed nature of the environment provided by the infrastructure. Specific objectives include: •Research innovative capacity enhancement solutions which will specifically address microscopic and macroscopic diversity concepts using MIMO, intra-system dynamic resource allocation adopting a crosslayer design and interference cancellation •Develop an hybrid (optical- wireless) simulation tool to evaluate the impact of RoF on legacy and future networks. •Implement a prototype including the electro-optic interfaces, remote access units and antenna structures •Develop realistic system level photonic models •Design system interface solutions to evaluate the impact of smart antennas and photonic models on legacy and future networks •Photon Demonstration and optimization resulting in a set of design 42 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS guidelines Acron / Ref WiFiRx Title Double-Band Multi_standard Frequency Front-End for WLAN aplications Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main objectives of this project are: a) To build a highly integrated CMOS chip capable of receiving the RF signals from the most important WLAN systems in Europe, namely, IEEE 802.11 a/b/g. Encapsulated and naked chips prototypes will be fabricated. The naked chip prototypes will be tested chip-on-board (CoB) and the encapsulated chips will be tested on a test board. b) To gather the individual skills of our team concerning design and test of individual blocks and with those skills build a wider system like a receiver. c) To study and solve issues related with design of RF systems on a chip, namely, total power dissipation, occupied area, substrate injected noise, and overall immunity to external and internal spurious signals. For that the use of non-conventional and innovative solutions at block level will be investigated. d) To give the possibility of two PhD and one MSc students to access 0.18um CMOS Mixed Signal / RF technology in their works. The main objective of the principal investigator is to develop an expert team in radio frequency CMOS circuit and system design. The team past experience is mainly at circuits level and with this project we are able to give the next step to a wider system. As a consequence we will be prepared for future demands that certainly will appear taking in mind what is appending at national and international level. Nowadays national companies are interested in RF CMOS communication circuits. For that they are starting collaborations with university and their research institutes. Also a strong demand for RF engineers is felt at a national level. After his PhD, the PI, which in the past worked in GaAs 43 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS MMICs, moved his research interest to RF integrated circuits in CMOS processes. In his teaching activities he has created a chair about RF CMOS circuits design offered to MSc and PhD courses. In a near future projects, the goal will be the design of a complete transceiver. Acron / Ref COST BM 0704 Title Emerging EMF Technologies and Health Risk Management Funding COST Descript. The main objective of the Action is to create a structure in which researchers in the field of EMF and health can share knowledge and information on: 1. How existing EMF technologies change either in their operating characteristics or in novel ways and applications in which they are used 2. Identifying what entirely new EMF technologies are introduced and on what time-scale 3. What novel emission and operating characteristics might result and what impact these would have on the device-specific and overall EMF exposure of people 4. What possible health effects could consequently arise and the scientific evidence for health concerns if any 5. How such concerns should be addressed through the use of evidencebased information and 6. What tools are effective in communicating and managing such risks and perceived risks. And, effectively publish all such information in the public sector for the benefit of all stakeholders. 44 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref eMobility Title eMobility Funding EU-FP7 ICT Descript. Telecommunications is experiencing major change. Sector actors are searching for new strategies as globalisation, mergers, convergence and new and disruptive technologies happen. The eMobility Technology Platform was formed to address this challenge and has almost 500 members. It has a track record of success in facilitating consensus building. The strategic objective of the eMobility CA project is to facilitate the emergence of a common understanding, between the European sector actors, leading to agreed road-maps and contributing to the global competitiveness of the European telecommunications sector on the following key challenges: the need to integrate the road-maps of the mobile and wireless sector with those of the health, transport and the environment sectors, the need to extend the eMobility Strategic Research Agenda to cover new technologies, the need to support the definition of a European perspective on the Future Internet, positioning these views in the international context, and the need to build the opportunities to use Structural Funds to develop leading edge markets in Europe, promoting the take-up of the RandD output of collaborative projects. The approach is based on the voluntary contributions of FP7, national, and COST Programmes projects and of eMobility members, to the production of a series of recommendations, reports, road-maps and events by the eMobility CA. The eMobility Steering Board has endorsed the proposal. Support has been offered by a range of proposed and existing projects. The eMobility CA project results will highlight the collective recommendations of a representative body of European expertise, on priorities for future multi-sector, mobile, wireless and Future Internet R&D leading to increased momentum, critical mass and effective use of scarce human and time resources in RandD activities. 45 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 123 person months of funded effort will require a Community contribution of 1.5 M Euro with 75% funding. Acron / Ref Title CODIV Enhanced Wireless Communication Systems Employing COoperative DIVersity Funding EU, FP7 Descript. The CODIV project is targeting the evolutions of cellular networks and WMAN’s. and aims to research, develop and validate radio technologies exploiting channels diversity and cooperation between users, targeting three major goals: enable the high bit rates targeted in the broadband component of future wireless system; improve the power and spectrum efficiencies of existing wireless systems; improve and extend coverage and fairness. The project will go significantly beyond the current SoA by considering cooperative and relaying functionalities at the user equipment level and bringing the concepts up to the prototyping phase. The activities are organized to cover the three phases needed for demonstration: concept definition, development of enabling technologies and proof of concept. The final outputs of the project will include a physical testbed consisting of several transceivers to show the feasibility of the technology and also a system level simulator to assess at a system level the benefits in terms of the technologies developed. Acron / Ref Title FUTON Fibre Optic Networks for Distributed, Extendible Heterogeneous Radio Architectures and Service Provisioning Funding EU, FP7 Descript. Two current trends in wireless communications are the development of 46 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS new broadband component and the integration of heterogeneous wireless networks, to achieve the vision f the so-called 4G network. The FUTON project addresses both issues by proposing the development of a hybrid fibre-radio infrastructure transparently connecting remote antenna units to a central unit where a joint processing can be performed. This allows the development of virtual multiple antenna transmission / reception concepts to achieve broadband wireless transmission, and also inter-cell interference cancellation. Furthermore the fact that the management of several heterogeneous systems is colocalized enables the development of efficient procedures for a joint management of the radio resources. The focus of the project aims to develop and validate a hybrid opticalradio infrastructure, where simplified Remote Antenna Units (RAU) are transparently connected to a central unit, and exploiting the potentialities provide by such infrastructure: Develop efficient cross-system techniques for the integration of heterogeneous systems Define and provide proof of concepts for cooperative techniques enabling the broadband component of the future wireless systems. Furthermore the project will evaluate the implications on the current wireless architecture models of the new concept proposed, determine cost models for upgradeability / replacement and provide roadmaps for evolution and standardisation. The FUTON consortium brings together expertise from the areas of wireless and optical communications, allowing previously untapped synergies between these two areas. Acron / Ref GaNSpace Title GaNSpace Funding EFACEC 47 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Descript. Build an oscillator based on GaN for scientific studies in space environemnts. Acron / Ref HURRICANE Title Handovers for ubiquitous and optimal broadband connectivity Funding EU-FP7 ICT Descript. Seizing the above great research challenge and building on recent research advances on both the handover procedure phases and upper service layers, HURRICANE targets to investigate, design, implement, test and propose for standardisation enablers for optimized inter-system handovers operations among various radio cooperative networking environments (3G, WLAN, WiMAX and DVB) that are going to formulate future/near future business cases for both broadcasters and telecom operators in the context of a FMC communications environment. - Traffic modelling and QoS, where traffic models appropriate to characterise the different classes of services envisioned for B3G systems are studied. Characterisation parameters and traffic models that accounts for multi-rate applications will be used as an input of the design and optimisation process. - MAC definition and cross-layer design, where the use of the traffic model results, and proposals for architectures using cross-layer information (CLI) to achieve QoS are investigated and assessed. Research work will include the identification and transport of relevant cross-layer information (CLI), the definition of a cross-layer (CL) architecture framework, and Cross-layer strategies between PHY and MAC/RRM. - Network planning and optimisation, which represents the synthesis and integration of the two previous activities by means of performance evaluation (including simulation). Multi-service deployment scenarios, with simultaneous support of multi-rate multimedia applications, 48 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS provides a framework for possible operation environments. Traffic engineering aspects related to the measurement, modelling, and control of multimedia multi-class traffic (e.g., related with mobile IP and micromobility issues) will also be addressed, as well as novel packet-switched QoS architectures aspects, and their performance. The impact of economic in systems optimisation will also be addressed. Our methodology will be based both in modelling and simulation work but network traffic measurements will also be performed. Finally, it is important to highlight that this research programme is challenging for both IT teams (Covilhã and Aveiro), and does constitute an innovative area of research that will strongly contribute to “all-IP” mobile and wireless communications research for B3G systems within Europe. Acron / Ref HICOPI Title HiCoPI - High Accuracy GNSS-based Coordinated Positioning Funding Internal Descript. Development and evaluation of algorithms and estimators in the context of navigation and coordinated positioning. Acron / Ref HYPER-I-NET Title Hyperspectral Imaging Network Funding EU Descript. The Hyperspectral Imaging Network (HYPER-I-NET) is a four-year (2007-2010) FP6 Marie Curie Research Training Network designed to build an interdisciplinary European research community focusing on hyperspectral imaging activities. Hyperspectral imaging is concerned with the measurement, analysis, 49 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS and interpretation of spectra acquired from a given scene (or specific object) at a short, medium or long distance by an airborne or satellite imaging spectrometer. Hyperspectral sensors are now able to produce hundreds of images, corresponding to different wavelength channels, for the same area on the surface of the Earth. Such wealth of spectral information applications, has opened including ground-breaking environmental perspectives and urban in many monitoring and assessment, target detection for military and homeland defense/security purposes, and risk prevention and response. The latter includes tracking wildfires, detecting biological threats, and monitoring oil spills and other types of chemical contamination. The core strategy of HYPER-I-NET will be to create a powerful interdisciplinary synergy between different domains of expertise within Europe, and use it to break new grounds in areas related with hyperspectral imaging. This will be achieved by organizing a well structured multidisciplinary training programme that will cover all the different aspects that comprise the hyperspectral data processing chain, ranging from sensor design and flight operation to data collection, processing, interpretation, and dissemination. As a result, the theme of HYPER-I-NET is at the confluence of heterogeneous disciplines, such as sensor design and calibration, aerospace engineering, remote sensing, high performance computing, image/signal processing and Earth observation related products. The main objectives of HYPER-I-NET will be to: 1. Bridge the gap between sensor design and hyperspectral data exploitation in remote sensing activities in Europe. This will be done by defining 2. a Develop so-called standard standardized and hyperspectral innovative processing chain; techniques/products for hyperspectral image analysis, taking into account specific requirements introduced by these data sets (collection, storage, processing and calibration); 3. Establish standardized data processing and validation/quality control procedures in all the steps of the hyperspectral processing chain; 4. Integrate knowledge from different disciplines (e.g., sensor design, data processing, computing, scientific applications) and 50 their ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS contribution to the development, operation and exploitation of hyperspectral imaging systems; 5. Improve the cooperation and transfer of knowledge (ToK), from Research Institutions, Universities and SMEs working on hyperspectral imaging; 6. Create a powerful multidisciplinary synergy that will allow a more solid integration of technical and scientific issues, building a true interdisciplinary network relying on standardization and joint terminology.. Acron / Ref INPOS Title Indoors Positioning Using GNSS Aided Techniques Funding QREN Descript. INPOS is an industrial project focused in the investigation of positiioning techniques in indoor environments using the combination of GNSS technologies, GPS and Galileo, aided by inertial sensors and wireless network technology, i.e., Wi-Fi and in the future WiMAX. Acron / Ref Title INSHORE Integrated System for High Operational Resolution in Shore Monitorization Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main goal of this project is to develop methodologies to large scale morphologic and sedimentary survey of sandy beaches. These methodologies are based on the use of satellite and digital image technologies to perform efficient monitoring programs. Specific objectives of this project are: 1) Development of a low cost and high resolution GPS prototype system, 51 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS to be mounted on a land vehicle, appropriate for driving in sand. This system will allow an efficient morphologic survey of sandy beaches stretches with tens of kilometres, from which it is possible to build 3D digital elevation models and to characterise the main morphological features. 2) Development of a digital image prototype system for an automatic beach sand textural analysis. This system, when incorporated in a land vehicle and integrated with the GPS based system, will permit a georeferenced real-time grain size quantification of a great number of samples along a sector under study. 3) Development of a morphodynamic model of a sandy beach sector with 65 kilometres of extension, which will work as a predictive tool regarding natural and human induced impacts. Acron / Ref Title PEACE IP-Based Emergency Applications and Services for Next Generation Networks Funding ICT Descript. Design and Specification of Next Generation Emergency Communication System. −Specify a general all-IP IMS-based emergency management architecture. − Investigate and provide solutions for supporting daily emergency communication based on IP protocols. - Specify and integrate mechanisms for user and device location in Next Generation Networks. - Specify a representation of emergency numbers in IMS and its mapping to PSTN. - Extend IMS with mechanisms for indication of location and emergency numbers. 52 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS − Support ad-hoc communication in a secure manner. Acron / Ref VeXel Title Maritime Traffic Monitoring with TerraSAR-X Funding AdI,German Aerospace Center (DLR) Descript. The Objectives of the Project are the Following: 1 - Study the potentialities of TerraSAR-X stripMap and scanSAR products to monitor maritime vessel traffic, namely to detect, to estimate cinematic parameters, and to classify moving vessels. 2- Adapt and develop new methods and algorithms aimed at the objectives listed above, taking advantage of the high geometric and radiometric resolutions of TerraSAR-X, in comparison, for example, with the ASAR and RADARSAR sensors. 3 - Build a prototype for for maritime traffic monitoring based on TerraSAR-X data. Acron / Ref Metex Title Metamaterial with extreme permittivity Funding Internal Descript. Investigate microwave applications for the x-wires metamaterial, such as the realization of ultra-subwavelength waveguides, superlensing, miniaturization of microwave components, or the design of novel resonant inclusions. Acron / Ref Title Wi-mm Millimetre-wave wireless indoor link with automatic tracking antenna 53 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Funding IT Descript. The objective is to demonstrate a low-cost high bit rate data link that integrates a mechanically steerable lens antenna with a simplified RF front-end and with automatic tracking control system. A fully operational video transmission will be demonstrated with this wireless mobile mmwave system. Acron / Ref Title MOCHA MOCHA - MOdelling and CHAracterization for SiP Signal and Power Integrity Analysis Funding EU-FP7 ICT Descript. The objective of the MOCHA project is developing reliable modelling and simulation solutions for SiP design verification. The final objectives of the project are: - a demonstration of the innovative IC simulation models developed and their related extraction flows by both simulation and measurement; - the development of an innovative 3D EM field solver; - the development of a performing SiP design and verification EDA platform; - a demonstration of the developed signal integrity measurement techniques. Acron / Ref MONIT Title Monitoring of Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications Funding Optimus, TMN, Vodafone Descript. Main objectives: To provide ''public awareness'' information about 54 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic wave radiation. To perform a systematic monitoring of electromagnetic radiation level near mobile communications base station sites all over the country, and to share these results through a dedicated website. Acron / Ref NEWCOM++ Title Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications ++ Funding EU-FP7 ICT Descript. An NoE of medium size, greatly reduced from the initial NEWCOM Consortium, formed by keeping the most committed and performing partners, exploiting the successful integration tools that NEWCOM designed and activated, and which is created for the purpose of scientifically addressing medium/long term, complex, interdisciplinary, fundamental research problems in the field of wireless networks, focused towards identifying, posing in the right modelling perspective, and at least partially characterizing the information-communication theoretical limits of such networks and the algorithmic solutions that make it possible to approach those limits. Acron / Ref COST2100 Title Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications Funding ESF Descript. The main objective of the Action is to increase knowledge of mobile and wireless network technologies, by exploring and developing new methods, models, techniques, strategies and tools that will facilitate the implementation of next generation mobile radio communication systems and will foster the development of the paradigms of pervasive and ambient wireless communications. 55 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref SMART-CLOTHING Title Smart Clothing for Health Monitoring and Sport Applications Funding iCentro Descript. In the context of the solution being sought, a hierarchical communication system will be needed to deliver the data from the WBAN that is installed in pregnant woman. Although the main focus of SMART-CLOTHING is to produce the sensors integrated into the clothes and to integrate them into the WBAN, broader WSAN (Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network) solutions are being envisaged. e.g., in the context of high competition teams, where the objective is to design and develop instrumentation to support clinical intervention for the rehabilitation of neuro-muscular and muscular-skeletal functions caused by traumatic injuries that occurred either during sports activity. As the biomechanical analysis of the human movement needs a use of complex hardware and software systems, there is an opportunity for wireless communications and instrumentation and measurement research to integrate these devices into tiny wireless sensor devices, with simplified network capabilities, that will enlarge amplitude and freedom of the movements. In low risk pregnancies, between the medical sessions that occur weekly during the last five weeks of pregnancy, the foetal health can change suddenly. As a consequence, the majority of foetus fatalities in the end of pregnancy verifies in the low risk group. Therefore, it is important an obstetric tracing, allowing for the identification of sudden changes in the foetus health, by monitoring the foetus movements and the foetal cardiac (FC) frequency, and the development of easy to wear telemedicine gear will allow for remotely monitoring the pregnant women, and the health of the baby she carries. The data delivery method is chosen by a decision device and the choice can be either the Wi-Fi system or the WiMAX system, or even the GSM system from a hierarchical network. One intends to distinguish the cases where mobility is a need from the remaining ones. A decision device should be incorporated between the WSN and the specific network that this device 56 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS can choose to Contributions reach are the being Hospital, given on where the embedded gynaecologist is. microcontrollers for integration of clusters of motes into hierarchical communications networks. Embedded electronics with advanced sensing and communication capabilities is justified by the lack of general purpose WSANs that cope with heterogeneous application requirements. In SMART-CLOTHING, new algorithms and protocols are being developed to optimize the trade-off energy consumption/ processing and communication capabilities, namely in the MAC (Medium Access Control) layer and aspects of data aggregation. Cross-layer design between MAC and physical layers will be addressed, and the interactions with network and transport layers will be considered as well. Acron / Ref SWIPA Title Switching Mode Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications Funding IT Descript. The main objective of this project is to study the feasibility of incorporating digital techniques in wireless power amplifiers. For that, it will address both the system level concepts of transmitter architectures as the Polar and Cartesian; and the implementation level of switching RF power amplifiers. So, this objective can be decomposed into: 1. Investigate non-conventional wireless power amplifier and transmitter architectures that can bypass the traditional compromise between PAE, efficient spectral usage and linearity. 2. Identify the practical limits of bias-modulated digital power amplifiers in Cartesian and Polar transmitters in terms of: (i) Requirements imposed on the RF power devices by bias-modulated switching operation; (ii) Parasitic AM-to-PM modulation; 57 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS (iii) Class-D AM amplifier bandwidth; (iv) Zero bias RF carrier leakage (zero-AM off-set); (v) AM envelope modulation linearity; (vi) Time-delay mismatch between the AM and PM modulation paths. Acron / Ref Title U-BOAT Ultra-Wide Band Transmission for Ad Hoc Networks Funding Descript. This project deals with UWB-based ad hoc networks. The physical layer objective is the development of signal processing schemes to improve the performance (for both impulse radio and continuous-wave transmission techniques). The MAC layer considers asynchronous data transmission and structured/unstructured architectures. It will study broadcast/unicast performance, considering cross-layering optimizations. The objectives include the definition of an abstraction suitable for the network layer for supporting differentiated levels of quality of service, and its concrete implementation, supported on different resource reservation mechanisms. The network layer objectives include the analysis of the behavior of ad hoc routing algorithms and service location services, and their optimization introducing cross-layering tuning at the MAC and physical layer. An important objective is to take advantage of the complementary competences of the teams involved in the project, leading to relevant contributions to the specification UWB-based ad hoc networks and to stronger skills, in both teams. Acron / Ref Title Funding Descript. SATSON Vehicles velocity estimation and classification in free flow environments BRISA Vehicles velocity estimation and classification in free flow environments 58 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref VirtualB Title VirtualB Funding Portugal Telecom Inovação Descript. Os sistemas de localização estão já fortemente implementados no mercado europeu, devido especialmente aos navegadores de automóveis, ou a soluções para gestão de frotas. A grande dificuldade de transportar estes sistemas para pessoas, está no facto da integração ainda não ser eficiente para a sua conveniente integração em roupas ou outros elementos que não impliquem a existência de um elemento de grandes dimensões. Por essa razão o principal objectivo deste projecto é a criação de barreiras virtuais ou sistemas de alarme para pessoas com necessidades especiais através de dispositivos miniaturizados. Pretende-se com recurso a tags de rádio, com funcionalidades de comunicação e de localização, criar barreiras virtuais para monitorizar a movimentação de pessoas com necessidades especiais, caso de doentes, idosos ou crianças, assim como possibilitar o envio de uma alarme de emergência com a localização da pessoa. No âmbito do projecto as limitações técnicas prendem-se especialmente com a segunda componente do projecto, ou seja a construção de um sistema de rádio comunicação/localização que permita a comunicação com o exterior. A autonomia energética deste equipamento também poderá ser um das actuais limitações deste tipo de equipamentos. Concluindo é expectável no final deste projecto dispor de dois componentes de inovação elevada: 1 - Sistemas de localização e criação do conceito de barreiras virtuais 2 - Construção de um TAG multi-funcional 59 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref VTINT Title VTINT - Vias Físicas de Tráfego Internacionais e Nacionais Funding ANACOM Descript. Estudar as vias de acesso de tráfego internacionais e nacionais de suporte ao enca,imhamento de tráfego internacional. Acron / Ref WHERE Title Wireless Hybrid Enhanced Mobile Radio Estimators Funding EU-FP7 ICT Descript. The goal of WHERE is to combine wireless communications and navigation to benefit from ubiquitous access for future mobile radio systems. Key objectives include: • Improvement of future wireless communications systems and integration of heterogeneous RAN infrastructures by location based procedures and protocols. • Estimation of mobile terminal (MT) position information based on terrestrial RANs to enable such location based RAN functions. • Exploitation of communication links to improve RAN based positioning through MT cooperation. • Provision of accurate MT position information to enable location based and context aware services. Acron / Ref Title WITS Wireless Information-Theoretic Security Funding 60 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Descript. The WITS project is centered around the following key objectives: - Scientific goals: understanding and devise a rigorous evaluating theoretical the framework fundamental for security limits of large classes of wireless networks with multiple communicating peers and potential eavesdroppers and provide solid guidelines for the design of physical-layer based security architectures; - Technical goals: Develop secure communication protocols for medium access and networking that take advantage of security mechanisms at the physical layer in order to guarantee multi-layer security, and evaluate their impact on real-life wireless networks and protocols; - Social-economic goals: provide a technical solution for the security problem in wireless networks. Inform local companies of the potential behind physical-layer security technologies. - Education goals: attract the brightest students for a career in R&D, use the developed wireless security tools for lab training and demonstration. 61 public ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4.1.5 Running and Concluded Theses MSc Theses Supervisor João Vaz Rafael Caldeirinha José Carlos Pedro Paulo Marques Paulo Marques Paulo Marques João Vaz António Rodrigues Student Carlos André Faria Calisto Maximino da Silva Paralta Filipe Alexandre da Silva Rodrigues Adérito Cardoso Co- Supervisors Mobile television integrated circuits Rui Leitão Duarte Carona Sérgio Romba Walter Fragoso Américo Correia Gonçalo Rasquete Américo Correia Guilherme Marona Américo Correia Vânia Calado Nuno Souto Gonçalo Carvalho Nuno Borges Carvalho Luís Brás Pedro Pinho Armando Rocha Igor Ferreira Susana Mota Nuno Borges Carvalho Ludimar Guenda Nuno Bonifácio Nuno Borges Carvalho João Lima Nuno Borges Carvalho Abílio Nves Francisco Cercas António Topa João Vaz João Vaz 3/2009 Ship Traffic Monitoring using SAR 3/2009 Synchronism Strategies for OFDM receivers 3/2009 Terrestrial Traffic Monitoring using SAR 3/2009 MBMS over cooperative networks Américo Correia Alirio Boaventura 2/2009 Class E monolhitic CMOS power amplifier 4/2009 Frederico Miguel de Melo Santos Pedro Cardoso Ferreira Nuno Borges Carvalho 1/2009 TraceMe- Sistema de localização de pessoas e objectos Modulador de Amplitude para Pedro Miguel Cabral Amplificadores de Rádio Frequência António Rodrigues Nuno Borges Carvalho End Date Title 4/2009 Performance of HSPA in confined environments EMULADOR DA REDE DE ACESSO DE RÁDIO DO LTE do UMTS HSDPA PARA TRANSMITIR SERVIÇOS MBMS NAS FUTURAS REDES LTE DO UMTS LTE PARA TRANSMITIR SERVIÇOS EMBMS NAS FUTURAS REDES CELULARES UMTS WIMAX PARA TRANSMITIR SERVIÇOS EMBMS NAS FUTURAS REDES CELULARES Advanced Transmitter/Receiver Schemes for Multicast and Broadcast Transmissions in Future Wireless Networks Analysis of propagation and antenna scenarios for location systems Comparação do Desempenho de Modelos de Canal Rádio para Sistemas MIMO 4/2009 6/2009 6/2009 6/2009 6/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 Design of a M2M control system 7/2009 Pedro Miguel Lavrador Design of a RFID reader for 13MHz 7/2009 Paulo André Energy transmission over the air 7/2009 Rui Manuel Sousa Rodrigues Artur Manuel Nobre de Carlos Paiva Sousa Coelho Jorge Manuel Rodrigues Simões Armindo António Barão da Silva Pontes FPGA control using radio signals 7/2009 FPGA reconfigurbility using wireless 7/2009 communications Improved synchronization techniques with 7/2009 TCH codes Metamaterial H-guides and NRD Guides 7/2009 Monolhitic linear power amplifier for mobile communications 7/2009 Monolithic switched power amplifier for mobile communications 7/2009 62 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Nuno Souto João Carlos Silva Student Pedro Gonçalves Tiago Taborda Luís Cruz Raul Carvalho Morgado António Rodrigues Sérgio de Oliveira Mota João Vaz Vitor Canosa António Rodrigues Sugnesh Kiransinh Santilal Fernando J. Velez Jorge Miguel da Silva Tavares Fernando J. Velez Norberto José Gil Barroca António Rodrigues Fernando J. Velez Fernando J. Velez Miguel Mendes de Barros Rui Manuel Fernandes Pedro Costa João Gabriel Rodrigues António Rodrigues de Oliveira António Rodrigues Tiago Alexandre de Azevedo Rodrigues Fernando J. Velez Ahmad Reza Rostami Fernando J. Velez André Saraiva Pais Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Ivo Rego José Bioucas Dias João Paulo Gonçalves Ferreira Pedro Miguel Cabral Igor Marany Mendes Fonseca Luís M. Correia João Araújo Armando Rocha Co- Supervisors Maura Outeiral End Date Title Synchronization techniques for OFDM schemes 7/2009 Indoor and Outdoor Location Planning 8/2009 Algorithms for RF-based location determination Alternatives to HSPA in beyond 3G wireless networks Circuits development for wireless transceivers Comparison of DVB solutions for delivery of multimedia content Development, Simulation and Validation of MAC and Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks Energy-aware Medium Access and Control Protocols for Cross-layer Optimization of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks Impact of HSPA introduction in 2G/3G networks Mobile IP in Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks Modelling and Simulation of Efficient Broadband Wireless Access Architectures with Multi-hop Relays 9/2009 9/2009 9/2009 9/2009 9/2009 9/2009 9/2009 9/2009 9/2009 Path loss modelization in wireless systems 9/2009 Neeli R. Prasad Reliable Wireless Body Area Networks Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks with Renewable Hybrid Energy Storage Jorge Rodrigues da Very Compact Integrated Lens Antennas Costa for Quasi-Optical Applications Neeli R. Prasad José Carlos Pedro Susana Mota Armando Rocha Claudia Maria Pereira Camacho José Neves João Vaz João Ferracatim Carlos Leme João Vaz Ricardo Cunha Luís M. Correia Jorge Venes Luís M. Correia Gonçalo Carvalho Luís M. Correia Nuno Jacinto Armando Rocha Emanuel Moura Cabral 9/2009 9/2009 9/2009 Bayesian Land and Sea Segmentation of SAR images 10/2009 Amplificador de Potência em Classe E para Comunicações Sem Fios 11/2009 Analysis of Radio Repeaters in UMTS 11/2009 Caracterização Direccional do Canal Rádio 11/2009 Caracterização estática e dinâmica da atenuação e despolarização na banda Ka em trajectória Terra-Satélite Circuits Development for GPS receiver: Continuous-Time Sigma Delta Quadrature Modulator Class-D monolhitic power amplifier for WLAN aplications Common Radio Resource Management in Heterogeneous Networks, with UMTS, WiFi and WiMAX Data Rate Performance Gains in UMTS Evolution at the Cellular Level Data Rate Performance Gains in UMTS Evolution at the Radio Network Level GNU-Radio-Solução H/W para Receptores de Satélite 63 11/2009 11/2009 11/2009 11/2009 11/2009 11/2009 11/2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Adão Silva Hugo Lima José Sanguino João Pedro Carvalho Oliveira de Miranda Reis José Sanguino Miguel Cardoso Martins António Rodrigues Armando Rocha Emanuel Filipe de Ornelas Rodrigues João Carlos Silva Famix Martins Michel Celestino Paiva Ferreira Ricardo Fernandes António Rodrigues End Date Title Implementação e Avaliação de Técnicas de Diversidade Cooperativa para o Sistema Mobile WiMAX 11/2009 Real-time GPS Heading Determination 11/2009 Satellite Ground Station Remote 11/2009 Operation Development Software GNU-Radio para Detector Digital 11/2009 de Sinais CW com Baixa Relação SinalRuído Use of TCH Code Sequences for Spreading, Synchronization and Channel 11/2009 Estimation (TCHCS-SSC). VANET-Enabled In-Vehicle Traffic Signs 11/2009 José Sanguino Wearble Antennas Design for the ISM 11/2009 band Amplificador Doherty para Comunicações João Jorge Silva Sousa Pedro Miguel Cabral 12/2009 Sem Fios Antena Multi-Banda para Comunicações Luis Calhau 12/2009 Móveis João Eduardo Caracterização de um canal rádio em 12/2009 Sebastião Gonçalves Wimax Roldão Software Defined Radio Implementation Pedro Silva 12/2009 using a PC Planning and Optimisation of TETRA Alan Rocha Santos Telmo Fernandes 2/2010 Networks in Metropolitan Areas Helena Isabel Batista Comparação entre a cobertura UMTS e 3/2010 Mateus Catarino DVB-SH na transmissão vídeo Traffic Monitoring with Synthetic Aperture João Ramalho 3/2010 Sonar Pedro Miguel Valente António Rodrigues Development of a GPS Monitoring Station 4/2010 da Silva Gonçalves Rafael Caldeirinha Ivo Viegas António Alves Moreira João Vicente Pedro Miguel Lavrador Gervásio Monteiro Rafael Caldeirinha David Ferreira João Nuno Matos Pedro Renato Rafael Caldeirinha Edmundo Monteiro Rafael Caldeirinha Tiago Figueirinha Telmo Fernandes João Nuno Matos Diogo Cunha Ricardo Matos Abreu António Alves Moreira José Carlos Pedro Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Paulo Marques Rafael Caldeirinha Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Paulo Marques Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Luís Cruz Dora Gaspar Filipe Nogueira Silva Telmo Fernandes José Carlos Pedro Development of propagation models in 6/2010 vegetation at microwave and millimetre wave frequencies Electro-textile antenna for BAN 6/2010 Applications Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma analógica para a implementação de um 7/2010 pré-distorsor de amplificadores para sistemas de comunicação sem fios Development of a swept-time delay cross7/2010 correlation channel sounder Fonte de alimentação para GaAs de 7/2010 potência Industrial placement - MCEL, Mozambique 7/2010 Performance Optimisation in 3D TV Broadcasting Services Sistema de envio de mensagens/comunicações 7/2010 7/2010 Antenas para sistemas de localização 9/2010 Jorge Rodrigues da Antennas for Detection and Identification Cristina Câmara Serra 9/2010 Costa using RFID Atribuição dinâmica de espectro para Ricardo Capela Queiróz 9/2010 Cognitive Radio Desenvolvimento Discussão por parte do Juri Defes 64 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Luís Cruz José Sanguino Student João P. Duque Tiago Vicente Berlinga de Almeida dos Santos Barroso Francisco Cercas Daniel Filipe Gomes Dias Afonso Luís Cruz Cristina Sofia Custódio Peixeiro Co- Supervisors Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Morgado Dinis Ângela Santos Fernando Nunes Paulo Paulino Paulo Marques Luis Reis Paulo Marques Hugo Rebelo José Carlos Pedro Luis Cótimos Nunes Paulo Marques Renato Costa Block edge masks e a recepção DVB-T 9/2010 Development of a Firefighting Coordination Positioning Framework 9/2010 Fast GPS acquisition using TCH codes 9/2010 Optimização de cobertura para localização 9/2010 3D usando RFID Pedro Valério Custódio Peixeiro End Date Title Optimization of Helical Antennas 9/2010 Printed Monopoles for Integration into Small Handsets Técnicas de Monitorização de Integridade em GPS Real aperture radar using spaceborne transmitters of opportunity Passive radar using DVB-S signals Projecto de um Amplificador em Classe F Pedro Miguel Cabral e seu Desempenho em Sistemas de Transmissão Polares Traffic monitoring in free-flow environments 9/2010 9/2010 11/2010 12/2010 12/2010 12/2010 Table 13 – List MSc Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2008 PhD Theses Supervisor Rafael Caldeirinha José Bioucas Dias Student Huajiang Cui Co- Supervisors Jurgen Richter Janete Borges Américo Correia Alberto Amaral Lopes Atílio Gameiro Carlos Ribeiro António Rodrigues Nuno António Fraga Juliano Cota Fernando J. Velez Orlando Manuel Brito Cabral Nuno Souto José Carlos Pedro Jorge dos Santos Freitas de Oliveira Atílio Gameiro Shahid Mumtaz Atílio Gameiro Sara Teodoro Adão Silva Carlos Paiva Sérgio Almeida Matos Afonso Barbosa End Date Title Development of reliable Phase Function measurements for input parameter estimation of the RET 4/2009 Hyperspectral Image Classification 6/2009 Capacity-approaching codes with low implementation complexity Esquemas iterativos de detecção, estimação e sincronismo conjuntos em sistemas multiportadora com espalhamento de espectro Automatic Radio Resource Management for 4G Networks Cross-layer Design for Interoperability Optimisation of Mobile Communication Systems Beyond 3G Análise de Comportamentos Muli-Ritmo em Sistemas Electrónicos Cross layer Optimization Techniques in 4G networks Distributed Coding in Cooperative Diversity Systems Electromagnetic wave propagation in complex media and metamaterials: A geometric algebra approach 65 10/2009 10/2009 12/2009 12/2009 1/2010 1/2010 1/2010 1/2010 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Student Carlos Paiva João Carlos Roquete Fidalgo Canto Nuno Borges Carvalho João Paulo Martins Carlos Paiva Marco Alexandre Ribeiro Atílio Gameiro José Bioucas Dias Co- Supervisors Afonso Barbosa Absolute Phase Estimation Gonçalo Valadão Hugo Cravo Gomes José Bioucas Dias Sonia Pelizzari Maria João Rosário Luís Miguel Moreira Mendes João Vaz Luís M. Correia Luísa Caeiro Filipe Duarte dos Santos Cardoso Luís M. Correia António Serrador Maria João Rosário Fernando dos Santos Azevedo Luís M. Correia Lúcio Ferrreira Fernando Nunes Nuria Blanco Delgado Henrique Salgado Mário Rui Silveira Pereira (INESC-ID) Atílio Gameiro Daniel Castanheira Francisco Cercas Marco Alexandre Cravo Francisco Cercas Gomes Francisco Cercas Fernando J. Velez Rafael Caldeirinha Filipe Andre Sampaio João Francisco Cordeiro Ribeiro de Oliveira Barros Luís M. Correia Rafael Caldeirinha Fernando Fortes José Rocha Pereira João Miguel dos Santos Mercante Ferro Pedro Joaquim Amaro Sebastião Luís Miguel Moreira António Sérgio Borges Lebres Sérgio Morgadinho Rebelo Darlene Neves Mário Silveirinha João Tiago de Figueiredo e Costa Mário Silveirinha Tiago André Nogueira Morgado 1/2010 1/2010 1/2010 6/2010 Interference Minimization in RF Front6/2010 ends Oil Slick Surveillance Using ASAR and 6/2010 MERIS Data CMOS self-oscillator mixer for 5GHz 7/2010 applications Common Radio Resource Management in 7/2010 Heterogeneous Networks Common Radio Resource Management in 7/2010 Integrated 4G Mobile Communication Systems Integrated Receiver in CMOS technology 7/2010 Radio Resources Management in Wireless Mesh Networks Model-based Algorithms for Acquisition and Tracking in GNSS Receivers Electromagnetic bandgap components and antennas for broadband communications Interference cancellation techniques and Resource Allocation for distributed cellular systems Bandwidth Effitient Multiple Access Using Magnitude Modulation and TCH Codes (co-supervision) Cross-layer Optimisation of Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks Improved simulation tecnhiques for wireless communications 7/2010 9/2010 10/2010 10/2010 12/2010 12/2010 12/2010 MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks in a Context of Coexistence 12/2010 Miqdad ALNuaimi,Telmo Fernandes Time-varying wideband channel model for propagation of radiowaves in vegetation media 2/2011 Ian Robin Marsh Wireless Communication in Vehicular Networks 3/2011 MIMO in Body Area Networks 7/2011 Channel Estimation And Parameter Acquisition Systems Employing Cooperative Diversity 9/2011 Carla Oliveira Atílio Gameiro Electromagnetic wave propagation in multilayered periodic structures and photonic crystals containing complex media and metamaterials Estudo de Efeitos de Memória em Sistemas/Circuitos Geometric foundations of electromagnetism: Theory and applications Scheduling for Wireless Communications 1/2010 Alberto Nascimento Nuno Borges Carvalho Fernando J. Velez End Date Title Adão Silva Microstructured High Impedance Antenna 10/2011 Substrates Subwavelenth Imaging with Microstructured Materials 10/2011 66 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Atílio Gameiro Student Reza Holakouei Co- Supervisors Adão Silva Qi Luo (INESC-ID) Henrique Salgado José Rocha Pereira End Date Title Virtual MIMO Techniques for Distributed 10/2011 Broadband Wireless systems (DBWS) Design Synthesis and Miniaturization of Multiband and Reconfigurable Microstrip 11/2011 Antenna for Future Wireless Applications Francisco Cercas Nuno Miguel de Figueiredo Garrido Francisco Cercas Design of Adaptive Analog Filters for Magnetic Front-End Read Channels 12/2011 António Rodrigues Ivo Luís de la Cerda Garcia e Sousa Maria Paula Queluz MIMO techniques in future high capacity wireless communication systems 12/2011 Radio access networks automated optimization and tuning Wireless Communications for Assistive Technologies Cooperative Techniques for Wireless communications António Rodrigues Nuno Alexandre Barbosa Vigário João Nuno Matos Tiago Hipkins Meireles José A. Fonseca Atílio Gameiro Andreia Moço Adão Silva Luís M. Correia Kazi Huq Fernando J. Velez Rui Filipe Rosa Paulo João Vaz Miguel Campilho Nuno Borges Carvalho Pedro Miguel Cruz Nuno Borges Carvalho Nelson José Valente da Silva Pedro Miguel Cabral Filipe Rodrigues Luís M. Correia Michal Mackowiak José Carlos Pedro Francisco Cercas Atílio Gameiro António Alves Moreira Hugo Miguel Santos Teixeira Roberto Dimas do Amaral Ramiro Samano Robles José Carlos Pedro Telmo Reis Cunha Nuno Miguel Faria Pires Anja Skrivervik Hugo Conceição O. K. Tonguz Luis Bras Pedro Pinto, José Carlos Pedro Wael Dghais Telmo Reis Cunha José Carlos Pedro Michel Celestino Paiva Ferreira Mário Jorge Simão de Assunção Sérgio Carlos da Conceição Pires Ricardo Fernandes MAC / Network and RRM algorithms and protocols in cooperative diversity communication Optimisation of the Cellular Planning for Mobile and Wireless Communication Systems in the Context of 4G Coexistence Silicon Based monolhitic transmitter systems Efficient Multi-mode Software Defined Radios Design Reconfigured Architectures for Software Defined Radio Electrónica para comunicações sem fios: Amplificadores de Rádio Eficientes Modelling MIMO Systems in Body Area Networks in Outdoors Nonlinear Behavioural Modelling of Mixed Signal RF-Digital I/O Devices Terrestrial Digital Television and new market opportunities System Level Simulation Eduardo Castaned Michel Celestino Paiva Ferreira Nuno Borges Carvalho João Costa Freire 12/2011 2/2012 Radio Channel Models for MIMO Systems 7/2012 Cesaltina Ricardo Atílio Gameiro 12/2011 9/2012 9/2012 9/2012 10/2012 10/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 12/2012 2/2013 Antennas for integration into small personal terminals and Ultra-wide band antennas Distributed Control of Road Traffic based on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking Antennas for high resolution location Behavioural Modelling of High-Speed Digital Devices 2/2013 9/2013 10/2013 12/2013 Modelling of Passice Structures on Silicon 12/2013 Technologies Multi-Standard Reconfigurable Wireless Pedro Miguel Cabral 12/2013 Transmitter Architectures Pedro Santos VANET-Based Traffic Information Systems 12/2013 Table 14 – List of PhD Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2009 67 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4.1.6 Publications Antennas Papers in Journals • Guterman, J.; A. A. Moreira; C. Peixeiro; Y. Rahmat-Samii; " AntennaUser Interaction in MIMO-Enabled Laptops ", Radioengineering , Vol. 18 , No. 4 , pp. 418 - 424 , December , 2009. • Costa, J.R.; E.B. Lima; C. A. Fernandes; " Compact Beam-Steerable Lens Antenna for 60GHz Wireless Communications ", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation , Vol. 57 , No. 10 pt. 1 , pp. 2926 - 2933 , October , 2009. • Medeiros, C. R.; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " Compact Tapered Slot UWB Antenna with WLAN Band Rejection ", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters , Vol. 8 , No. - , pp. 661 - 664 , July , 2009. • Costa, J.R.; C. R. Medeiros; C. A. Fernandes; " Performance of a Crossed Exponentially Tapered Slot Antenna for UWB Systems ", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation , Vol. 57 , No. 5 , pp. 1345 - 1352 , May , 2009. • Guterman, J.; A. A. Moreira; C. Peixeiro; Y. Rahmat-Samii; " Wrapped Microstrip Antennas for Laptop Computers ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine , Vol. 51 , No. 4 , pp. 12 - 39 , August , 2009. Papers in Conference Proceedings • Gaspar, D. Gaspar; A. A. Moreira; " Belt Antenna for Wearable Applications ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Carleston , United States, June, 2009. • Costa, J.R.; C. R. Medeiros; C. A. Fernandes; " Compact Printed Tapered Slot Antenna for UWB ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas and Propagation , Berlin , Germany , March , 2009. 69 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Lima, E.B.; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " Design of Double Material Integrated Scanning Lens Antennas ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Charleston , United States , June , 2009. • Peixeiro, C.; " Effects of the Installation Scenario on the Performance of Base Station Microstrip Antennas ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Charleston , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , June , 2009 . - Fernandes, C. A.; J.R. Costa; M. Silveirinha; E.B. Lima; " ILASH Integrated Dielectric Lenses for mm- and sub-mm Wave Imaging ", Proc Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica - ENAA, Aveiro, Portugal, July, 2009. • Pinho, P.T.; " Influence of the human head in the radiation of a mobile antenna ", Proc Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp. - PIERS , Moscovo , Russia ,August , 2009. • Lima, E.B.; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " Mechanical Beam-Steerable Elliptical Dome Lens ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation EUCAP , Berlin , Germany , Vol. , pp. 1814 - 1818 , March , 2009. • Lima, E.B.; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " Optimization of Mechanically Beam-steerable Lens Antenna Profile for 60GHz ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Charleston , United States , Vol. , pp. - , June , 2009. • Fernandes, C. A.; J.R. Costa; " Permittivity Measurement and Anisotropy Evaluation of Dielectric Materials at Millimeter-waves ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Lisboa , Portugal , September , 2009. • Guterman, J.; A. A. Moreira; C. Peixeiro; Y. Rahmat-Samii; " Reconfigurable E-Shaped Patch Antennas ", Proc International Workshop on Antenna Technology - IWAT , Santa Monica , United States , March , 2009. • Medeiros, C. R.; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " RFID Smart Bookshelf with Confined Detection Range at UHF ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas and Propagation , Berlin , Germany ,March , 2009. • Pinho, P.T.; " SAR determination and influence of the human head in the radiation of a mobile antenna for two different frequencies ", Proc International Conf. on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA , Torino , Italy , Vol. 1 , September , 2009. 70 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Medeiros, C. R.; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " UHF RFID Smart Conveyor Belt with Confined Detection Range ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Charleston, SC , United States , June , 2009. • Moreira, A. A.; N. Pires; N.S. Serro; R.M. Santos; " Ultra Wideband Dielectric Sandwich Loaded Antennas ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Berlim , Germany , pp. 3535 - 3538 , March, 2009. • Pires, N.; A. A. Moreira; " Ultra Wideband Ring Monopole Miniaturization Using Dielectric Loading Sandwich ", Proc International Workshop on Antenna Technology, Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials - IWAT , Santa Monica , United States , March , 2009. • Guterman, J.; A. A. Moreira; C. Peixeiro; Y. Rahmat-Samii; " User Interaction with Antenna Arrays in MIMO-Enabled Laptops ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas and Propagation , Berlim , Germany , pp. 226 - 230 , March , 2009. • Medeiros, C. R.; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " UWB Crossed Exponentially Tapered Slot Antenna with WLAN Band Rejection ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Charleston, SC , United States , June , 2009. Circuits And Devices Books • Velez, F. J.; P. O. Oliveira; Luis M. Borges; A. Rodrigues; Curso de Electrónica Industrial , , LIDEL , Lisboa , 2009. Papers in Journals • Oliveira, J. F.; J. C. Pedro; " A multiple-line double multirate shooting technique for the simulation of heterogeneous RF circuits ", IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Vol. 57 , No. 2 , pp. 421 - 429 , February , 2009. • Santos, R. S.; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Characterization of SNDR Degradation in Nonlinear Wireless Transmitters ", Intrnl. Journal of RF and Microwave 71 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Computer Aided-Engineering , Vol. 19 , No. 4 , pp. 470 - 480 , July , 2009. • Pires, E. S. Pires; L.M. Mendes; P. B. Oliveira; J. A. Machado; J.M.C.V. Vaz; M. J. Rosário; " Design of Radio-Frequency Integrated CMOS Discrete Tuning Varactors Using the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm ", Lectures Notes in Computer Science , No. 5518 , pp. 1231 1239 , June , 2009. • Mendes, L.M.; E. S. Pires Pires; P. B. Oliveira; J. A. Machado; N. M. Ferreira; J.M.C.V. Vaz; M. J. Rosário; " Design Optimization of Radio Frequency Discrete Tuning Varactors ", Lectures Notes in Computer Science , No. 5484 , pp. 343 - 352 , April , 2009. • P.M.L. Lavrador; J. C. Pedro; " Improvements and Analysis of Nonlinear Parallel Behavioral Models ", Intrnl. Journal of RF and Microwave Computer Aided-Engineering , Vol. 19 , No. 5 , pp. 615 - 626 , September , 2009. • Garcia, J. A.; J. C. Pedro; P. M. Cabral; C. Fager; A. Zhu; P. Colantonio; " Nonideality Sources and Implementation Considerations in Polar Transmitters ", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies , Vol. 1 , No. .. , pp. 109 - 116 , April , 2009. Papers in Conference Proceedings • Azevedo, A.F.; L.M. Mendes; V. Fialho; J.M.C.V. Vaz; F. Fortes; M. J. Rosário; " A 1.8V/5GHz CMOS WLAN Low Noise Amplifier Integrated with Active BALUN ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Vaz, J.M.C.V.; V. Fialho; " A 2.4GHz CMOS Integer-N Phase-Locked Loop ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Cabral, P. M.; J. C. Pedro; " Bandwidth Requirements of Envelope Amplifiers for Polar Transmitters ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , pp. 97 - 100 , May , 2009. • Gonçalves Lima, E.; T. Cunha; H. Teixeira; M. Pirola; J. C. Pedro; " BaseBand Derived Volterra Series for Power Amplifier Modeling ", Proc IEEE 72 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS International Microwave Theory and Tech. Symp. , Boston , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1361 - 1364 , June , 2009. • Stievano, I. S.; I. Maio; L. Rigazio; F. Canavero; R. Izzi; A. Girardi; T. Lessio; T. Cunha; H. Teixeira; J. C. Pedro; " Characterization and modeling of the power delivery networks of memory chips ", Proc IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects - SPI , Strasbourg , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2009. • Figueiredo, M.; R. L. Aguiar; " Clock Repeater Characterization for JitterAware Clock Tree Synthesis ", Proc International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation - PATMOS , Delft , Netherlands , September , 2009. • Marante, R.; J. A. Garcia; P. M. Cabral; J. C. Pedro; " Distorsión No lineal en un Transmisor Polar debida a la Característica Ron(VDD) del Dispositivo GaN HEMT ", Proc Simposium Nacional de la URSI , Santander , Spain , Vol. CDROM , September , 2009. • Abd-Alhameed, R.A. Abd-Alhameed; J. Rodriguez; " Implementation of Efficiency Enhancement Techniques in the Linear Region of Operations of Power Amplifier ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , S. M. Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • " Implementation of Efficiency Enhancement Techniques in the Linear Region of Operations of Power Amplifier ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , S. M. Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Topa, A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Leaky Mode Dispersion in Omega NRD Waveguides ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Vila da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2009. • Topa, A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " New NRD-waveguide Devices Using Metamaterials ", Proc Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp. PIERS , Moscow , Russia , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , August , 2009. • Cabral, P. M.; L. C. Cabria; J. A. Garcia; J. C. Pedro; " Polar Transmitter Pre-Distortion Technique Validated with 2.5G Mobile Communication Signals ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , pp. 85 - 88 , May , 2009. 73 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Cabria, L. C.; P. M. Cabral; J. A. Garcia; J. C. Pedro; " Predistorsión Digital Selectiva en Transmisores Polares ", Proc Simposium Nacional de la URSI , Santander , Spain , Vol. CDROM , September , 2009. • Torres, J.; J. Costa Freire; " SiGe MMICs with Spiral Inductors up to millimetre waves ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 0 - 1 , May , 2009. • Cabria, L. C.; J. A. Garcia; P. M. Cabral; J. C. Pedro; " Taking Advantage of the Envelope Statistics on a Polar Transmitter Design ", Proc Mobile Summit , Santander , Spain , Vol. CDROM , June , 2009. Project Reports • Vaz, J.M.C.V.; " RELATÓRIO DE PROGRESSO ", Instituto de Telecomunicações , PTDC/EEA-ELC/64368/2006 , December , 2009. Physical Modelling And Wave Propagation Characterization Book Chapters • Sebastião, P.; F.C. Cercas; A. Cartaxo; " Chapter 7: Efficient Discrete Simulation of Coded Wireless Communication Systems " - Chapter in Handbook of Research on Discrete Event Simulation Environments: Technologies and Applications , Evon M. O. Abu-Taieh , Idea-Group Inc. , Pennsylvania , 2009. • Topa, A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Dispersion and losses in metamaterial DNG H-guides " - Chapter in Metamaterials and Plasmonics: Fundamentals, Modelling and Applications , S. Zouhdi, A. Sihvola, and A. Vinogradov , Springer , 2009. • Silveirinha, M.; " Nonlocal Homogenization Theory of Microstructured Materials " - Chapter in Theory and Phenomena of Artificial Materials, vol. I , F. Capolino , CRC Press,2009. 74 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Cardoso, F.; L. M. Correia; " Propagation Modelling and Channel Characterisation " - Chapter in Communications Engineering Desk Reference , Dahlman,E. , Academic Press , London , 2009. • Belov, P. A.; M. Silveirinha; C.R. Simovsky; Y. Hao; " Subwavelength imaging by arrays of metallic rods " - Chapter in Applications of Metamaterials , F. Capolino , CRC Press, 2009. Papers in Journals • Silveirinha, M.; " Additional boundary conditions for nonconnected wire media ", New Journal of Physics , Vol. 11 , No. 113016 , pp. 1 - 27 , November , 2009. • Silveirinha, M.; " Anomalous Refraction of Light Colors by a Metamaterial Prism ", Physical Review Letters , Vol. 102 , No. 193903 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2009. • Silveirinha, M.; " Artificial plasma formed by connected metallic wires at infrared frequencies ", Physical Review B , Vol. 79 , No. 035118 , pp. 1 15 , January , 2009. • Silveirinha, M.; " Broadband negative refraction with a crossed wire mesh ", Physical Review B , Vol. 79 , No. 153109 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2009. • Yakovlev, A.; M. Silveirinha; O. Luukkonen; C.R. Simovsky; I.S. Nefedov; A. Tretyakov; " Characterization of Surface-Wave and LeakyWave Propagation on Wire-Medium Slabs and Mushroom Structures Based on Local and Nonlocal Homogenization Models ", IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Vol. 57 , No. - , pp. 2700 - 2714 , November , 2009. • Luukkonen, O.; M. Silveirinha; A. Yakovlev; C.R. Simovsky; I.S. Nefedov; A. Tretyakov; " Effects of Spatial Dispersion on Reflection From Mushroom-Type Artificial Impedance Surfaces ", IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Vol. 57 , No. 11 , pp. 2692 - 2699 , November , 2009. 75 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Edwards, ; A Alù; M. Silveirinha; N. Engheta; " Experimental Verification of Plasmonic Cloaking at Microwave Frequencies ", Physical Review Letters , Vol. 103 , No. 153901 , pp. 1 - 4 , October , 2009. • Costa, J. T.; M. Silveirinha; S. Maslovski; " Finite-difference frequencydomain method for the extraction of effective parameters ", Physical Review B , Vol. 80 , No. 235124 , pp. 1 - 12 , December , 2009. • Topa, A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Guidance and Leakage Behavior of Uniaxial Ridge Waveguides ", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications , Vol. 23 , No. 13 , pp. 1675 - 1684 , September , 2009. • Silveirinha, M.; Baena; Jelinek; R.M. Marqués; " Nonlocal homogenization of an array of cubic particles made of resonant rings ", Metamaterials , Vol. 3 , No. - , pp. 115 - 128 , November , 2009. • Maslovski, S.; M. Silveirinha; " Nonlocal permittivity from a quasistatic model for a class of wire media ", Physical Review B , Vol. 80 , No. 245101 , pp. 1 - 10 , December , 2009. • Silveirinha, M.; " Poynting vector, heating rate, and stored energy in structured materials: a first principles derivation ", Physical Review B , Vol. 80 , No. 235120 , pp. 1 - 11 , December , 2009. • Edwards, ; A Alù; M. Silveirinha; N. Engheta; " Reflectionless Sharp Bends and Corners in Waveguides Using Epsilon-Near-Zero Effects ", Journal of Appl. Physics , Vol. 105 , - , pp. 044905 - , February , 2009. • Rahman, A. R.; P. A. Belov; M. Silveirinha; C.R. Simovsky; Y. Hao; C. Parini; " The importance of Fabry-Perot resonance and the role of shielding in subwavelength imaging performance of multiwire endoscopes ", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , Vol. 94 , No. 031104 , pp. 1 - 3 , January , 2009. • Silveirinha, M.; " Transport of an arbitrary near field component with an array of tilted wires ", New Journal of Physics , Vol. 11 , No. 083023 , pp. 1 - 22 , August , 2009. • Silveirinha, M.; N. Engheta; " Transporting an Image through a Subwavelength Hole ", Physical Review Letters , Vol. 102 , No. 103902 , pp. 1 - 4 , March , 2009 . 76 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Papers in Conference Proceedings • Conceição, H. C.; M. Ferreira Ferreira; J. Barros; " A Cautionary View of Mobility and Connectivity Modeling in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-(VTC-Spring) , Barcelona , Spain , , April , 2009. • Canto, João R.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " A geometric algebra approach to the reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves at interfaces between isotropic and general anisotropic media ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS , London , United Kingdom , September , 2009. • Matos, S.A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " A New Geometric Perspective on Bianisotropy Using Clifford Algebra ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS , London , United Kingdom , September , 2009. • Canto, João R.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " A novel approach to the reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves at interfaces between isotropic and general anisotropic media ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Matos, S.A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " A Spacetime Algebra Approach to Moving Bi-isotropic Media ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Charleston , United States , June , 2009. • Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; S. Morgadinho Rebelo; T.R. Fernandes; M. ALNuaimi; J. Richter; " An Extension of the dRET Model to include TimeVariant Channel Effects in Vegetation Media ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2009. • Canto, João R.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Analysis of Tellegen H-Guides ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Charlston , United States, June , 2009. 77 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Matos, S.A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Beyond Isotropic Metamaterials: From Anisotropic to Bianisotropic Media Using the Geometric Perspective Provided by Clifford Algebra ", Proc Young Scientist Meeting on Metamaterials , Leganés , Spain , July , 2009. • Pinho, P.T.; " Caracterização bidimensional de um canal rádio wimax ", Proc Conf. da Engenharia - UBIEngenharias , Covilhã , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2009. • Silveirinha, M.; C. A. Fernandes; J.R. Costa; C. R. Medeiros; " Experimental Demonstration of a Metamaterial with Extreme Index of Refraction at Microwaves ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Charlestown , United States , June , 2009. • Ribeiro, M. A.; C. R. Paiva; " Invisibility cloaks in electromagnetic theory ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Fé , Portugal , May , 2009. • Topa, A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Leakage, Dispersion and Losses in Omega H-Guides ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Charleston , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , June , 2009. • Matos, S.A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Optic axes of general anisotropic media: a geometric algebra perspective ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Ribeiro, M. A.; C. R. Paiva; " Relativistic optics with spacetime algebra using the vacuum form reduction ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Charleston , United States , June , 2009. • Matos, S.A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Vacuum Form Reduction for Moving Bi-isotropic Media ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics METAMATERIALS , London , United Kingdom , September , 2009. • Ribeiro, M. A.; " Vacuum Form Reduction: Revisiting Relativistic Optics in Moving Media with Clifford (Geometric) Algebra ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS , London , United Kingdom , August , 2009. 78 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Meireles, R. M.; M. Ferreira Ferreira; J. Barros; " Vehicular Connectivity Models: From Single-Hop Links to Large-Scale Behavior ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-(VTC-Fall) , Anchorage, AK , United States , September , 2009. Project Reports • Cardoso, F.; " Draft Architectural Framework ", IST , FP7-ICT-2007-1216041-4WARD , April , 2009. • Cardoso, F.; " Virtualisation Approach: Concept (Draft) ", IST , FP7-ICT2007-1-216041-4WARD , January , 2009. System Planning And Radio Resource Management Book Chapters • Rodriguez, J.; A. Gameiro; S.M. Mumtaz; P. Marques; " Ad-hoc Behaviour in Opportunistic Radio " - Chapter in Studies of Computational Intelligence , Roger Lee, Gongzu Hu, and Huaikou Miao , Springer, 2009. • Velez, F. J.; M. O'Droma; V. Siris; B. Stiller; O. Cabral; I. Ganchev; " Chapter 6: SERVICES, OPTIMIZATION, AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS " Chapter in Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks: COST 290 Final Report (ISBN 978-0-387-85572-1) , Yevgeni Kouchergavy , Springer , Norwell, MA, USA , 2009. • Velez, F. J.; P. Sebastião; R. Costa; D.R. Robalo; C. Comissário; A. J. Rodrigues; H. Aghvami; " Radio and Network Planning " - Chapter in Handbook on WiMAX , Ramjee Prasad , Springer, 2009 . Papers in Journals • Velez, F. J.; H. Aghvami; O. Holland; " Basic Limits for Fixed WiMAX Optimization Based in Economic Aspects ", Wireless Personal Communications Journal , Vol. (accepted for publication) , August , 2009. 79 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Papers in Conference Proceedings • Duarte, S.; L. M. Correia; " Analysis of Technologies for Long Term Evolution in UMTS ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 189 - 192 , May , 2009. • Pereira, G.; A. J. Rodrigues; P. Sebastião; " Dynamic simulation planning of mobile WiMAX networks ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele , Vila da Feira , Portugal , Vol. , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2009. • Rebelo, T. Rebelo; A. J. Rodrigues; " HCS in UMTS/HSPA systems ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Vila da Feira , Portugal , Vol. , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2009. • Costa, R.; F. J. Velez; D.R. Robalo; M. Marques; C. Comissário; J. Riscado; V. Cavaleiro; P. Sebastião; A. J. Rodrigues; " Hybrid WiMAX and Wi-Fi networks for the support of b-Learning and Telemedicine ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Laxmidas, V.; L. M. Correia; S. Pires; " Modelling of Linear Coverage in UMTS Applied to Tunnels and Bridges ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 7 , pp. 213 - 216 , May , 2009. • Mihovska, A.; F. Meucci Meucci; N. Prasad; O. Cabral; F. J. Velez; " Multi-Operator Resource Sharing Scenario in the Context of IMTAdvanced Systems, ", Proc Wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace , Aalborg , Denmark , May , 2009. • Cabral, O.; F. J. Velez; J. Rodriguez; V.M. Monteiro; A. Gameiro; N. Prasad; " Optimal Load Suitability Based RAT Selection for HSDPA and IEEE 802.11e ", Proc Wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace , Aalborg , Denmark , May , 2009. • Meucci, F. Meucci; O. Cabral; A. Mihovska; F. J. Velez; N. Prasad; " Spectrum Aggregation with Multi-Band User Allocation over Two Frequency Bands ", Proc Mobile WiMAX - Towards Ubiquitous Internet , Napa Valey , United States , July , 2009. 80 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Transmission And Reception Systems Books • Salema, C.; Uma Introdução às TELECOMUNICAÇÕES com Mathematica , , IST Press , Lisboa , 2009. Book Chapters • Cruz, P.M.; ; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Receiver Front-End Architectures Analysis and Evaluation " - Chapter in Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies , Dr. Vedran Kordic , In-Tech , Austria , 2009 . Papers in Journals • Kalbasi, R. K.; D. F. Falconer; A. B. Banihashemi; R. Dinis; " A Comparison of Frequency Domain Block MIMO Transmission Systems ", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech. , Vol. 58 , No. 1 , pp. 165 - 175 , January , 2009. • Araújo, T. ; R. Dinis; " A Spectrally Efficient Frequency Diversity Technique for Single-Carrier Modulations with Frequency Division Multiplexing ", EUROPEAN TRANSACTIONS ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS , Vol. 20 , No. 5 , pp. 513 - 521 , August , 2009. • Mumtaz, S.M.; A. Gameiro; P. Marques; J. Rodriguez; " Ad-hoc Behaviour in Opportunistic Radio ", Journal of Communications and Networks , Vol. 11 , No. 2 , pp. 186 - 193 , April , 2009. • Dinis, R.; P. M. Montezuma; L. B. Bernardo; R. O. Oliveira; P. Pinto; " Frequency-Domain Multipacket Detection: A High Throughput Technique for SC-FDE Systems ", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications , Vol. 8 , No. 7 , pp. 3798 - 3807 , July , 2009. • Silva, M.; R. Dinis; A. Correia; " Frequency-Domain Receivers for Rate-1 Space-Time Block Codes ", Intrnl. Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences , Vol. 1 , No. 12 , pp. 9 - 29 , December , 2009. • Vieira, P. Vieira; M.P. Queluz; A. J. Rodrigues; " Improving a Cluster Based Directional Channel Model in Realistic Macro-Cell Environment ", Wireless Personal Communications Journal , Vol. 1 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , March , 2009. 81 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Dinis, R.; " Iterative Detection of Multicode DS-CDMA Signals with Strong Nonlinear Distortion Effects ", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech. , Vol. 58 , No. 8 , pp. 4169 - 4181 , October , 2009. • Correia, A.; N.S. Souto; R. Dinis; J. C. Silva; " Multiresolution with Hierarchical Modulations for Long Term Evolution of UMTS ", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking , Vol. 2009 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 11 , February , 2009. • Nunes, F.; J. Leitão; F. Sousa; " Nonlinear Filtering in GNSS Pseudorange Dynamics Estimation Combining Code Delay and Carrier Phase ", IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing , Vol. 3 , No. 4 , pp. 639 - 650 , August , 2009. • Gomes, M.; V. Silva; F.C. Cercas; M. Tomlinson; " Power Efficient BackOff Reduction through Polyphase Filtering Magnitude Modulation ", IEEE Communications Letters , Vol. 13 , No. 8 , pp. 606 - 608 , August , 2009. • Dinis, R.; P. Silva; T. Araújo; " Turbo Equalization with Cancelation of Nonlinear Distortion for CP-Assisted and Zero-Padded MC-CDM Schemes ", IEEE Trans. on Communications , Vol. 57 , No. 7 , pp. 2185 - 2189 , August , 2009 . Papers in Conference Proceedings • Rodrigues , M.; J. Oliveira; H. Salgado; " MMSE Receivers for NonLinearly Distorted OFDM Signals ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 7 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2009. • Deng, W. Deng; F. Fortes; E W Heijden; R. Mahmoudi; A. Roermund; " A 30 GHz Multiplexer with 500 MHz Bandwidth for Digital Phased-array Applications ", Proc European Conf. on Wireless Technology - ECWT , Rome , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 29 - 32 , September , 2009. • Deng, W. Deng; F. Fortes; E W Heijden; R. Mahmoudi; A. Roermund; " A 30GHz Integrated Time-Division Multiplexing Front-End for Phased-array Applications in SiGe ", Proc Asian Solid-State Circuits - A-SSCC , Taipei , Taiwan , Vol. 1 , pp. 265 - 268 , November , 2009. 82 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Delgado, N.; F. Nunes; " A Convex Geometry Approach to Dynamic GNSS Satellite Selection for a Multi-Constellation System ", Proc Institute of Navigation GPS/GNSS Conf. , Savannah , United States , September , 2009. • Rodriguez, J.; ; T.D. Dagiuklas ; " A Framework supporting Extreme Emergency Services ", Proc ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit , Santander , Spain , June , 2009. • Rodrigues , M.; I. Kanaras Kanaras; A. Chorti Chorti; I. Darwazeh; " A new quasi-optimal detection algorithm for a non orthogonal spectrally efficient FDM ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Communications and Information Technologies - ISCIT , Incheon , Korea, South , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2009. • Morais, D.; L. Domingos; R. Abreu; J. N. Matos; J. Gomes; " A Possible MAC Layer Implementation for Dedicated Short Range Communications ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2009. • Dias, J.; " A variable splitting augmented Lagrangian approach to linear spectral unmixing ", Proc IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing , Grenoble , France , August , 2009. • Nunes, F.; F. Sousa; N. Delgado; " A VDLL Approach to GNSS Cell Positioning for Indoor Scenarios ", Proc Institute of Navigation GPS/GNSS Conf. , Savannah , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1690 - 1699 , September , 2009. • Rodriguez, J.; S.M. Mumtaz; A. Gameiro; P. Marques; " Application of Game Theory Ad-hoc Behaviour in Opportunities Radio ", Proc International Conf. on Networking - ICN , Cancun , Mexico , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , March , 2009. • Vieira, P. Vieira; M.P. Queluz; A. J. Rodrigues; " Capacity Expectation in 4G MIMO Macro-cell Networks ", Proc Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symp. - WPMC , Sentai , Japan , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2009. • Cruz, P.M.; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Characterization of a SDR Front-End Receiver with Multisine Excitations ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , May , 2009. 83 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Pinho, P.T.; " Comparação UMTS versus DVB-SH ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2009. • Sousa, F.; F. Nunes; J. Leitão; " Correlation Losses and Interference Rejection due to Quantization in CBOC Receivers ", Proc Institute of Navigation GPS/GNSS Conf. , Savannah , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 3234 - 3241 , September , 2009. • Aguiar, R. L.; L. Alves; " Design and Analysis of the Basic Parameters for Traffic Information Communications, Transmission Vehicular Using Technology, VLC ", Proc Information Wireless Theory and Aerospace , Aalborg , Denmark , May , 2009. • Carona, D. C.; R. Prata; A. Serrador Serrador; R. Abreu; J. N. Matos; " Development of a Communication System Following 802.11p and WAVE ", Proc 16th World Congress for ITS Systems and Services , Stockholm , Sweden , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2009. • Souto, N.S.; R. Dinis; J. C. Silva; " Efficient Detection Technique for Multiple Packet Collisions in OFDM Systems ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-(VTC-Fall) , Anchorage , United States , September , 2009. • Aguiar, R. L.; pasg Gonçalves; R. Pereira; D. Gomes; " Evolution of the Policy Based Admission Control Mechanisms in the NGN ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT , Marrakech , Morocco , May , 2009. • Pereira, J.; H. S. Silva; " Generalized Chu Polyphase Sequences ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT , Marrakech , Morocco , Vol. 1 , pp. 47 - 52 , May , 2009. • Rodrigues , M.; I. Kanaras Kanaras; A. Chorti Chorti; I. Darwazeh; " Investigation of a semidefinite programming detection for a spectrally efficient FDM system ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Tokyo , Japan , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2009. • Silva, J. C.; R. Dinis; N.S. Souto; " Joint Detection and Channel Estimation Systems with SC-FDE Modulations ", Proc IASTED International Conf. on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and 84 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Applications - SPPRA , innsbruck , Austria , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , February , 2009. • Araújo, T. ; R. Dinis; " Loading Techniques for OFDM Systems with Nonlinear Distortion Effects ", Proc International Symp. on Wireless Communication Systems - ISWCS , Siena , Italy , pp. 483 - 487 , September , 2009. • Abreu, R.; R.M. Matos; J. N. Matos; J. Gomes; " Low-Cost, Compatible Dedicated Short Range Communications Chain for Road ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2009. • Vieira, P. Vieira; M.P. Queluz; A. J. Rodrigues; " Macro-Cellular Capacity Enhancement using Spatial Multiplexing MIMO with Linear Antenna Arrays ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2009. • Gomes, M.; V. Silva; F.C. Cercas; M. Tomlinson; " Magnitude Modulation for Peak Power Control of RRC Pulsed-Shaped Signals ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , pp. 209 - 212 , May , 2009. • Pereira, J.; H. S. Silva; " M-ary Mutually Orthogonal Complementary Gold Codes ", Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Glasgow , United Kingdom , Vol. - , pp. 1636 - 1640 , August , 2009. • Souto, N.S.; R. Dinis; J. C. Silva; " Matched Filter Bound for M-QAM Hierarchical Constellations with Diversity Reception in Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channels ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-(VTCFall) , Anchorage , United States , September , 2009. • Delgado, N.; F. Nunes; " Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Multipath and Theoretical Accuracy Limits for the New Navigation Signals ", Proc European Navigation Conf. - ENC-GNSS , Naples , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 12 , May , 2009. • Dias, J.; G. Valadão; " Multifrequency absolute phase estimation via graph cuts ", Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Glasgow , United Kingdom , August , 2009. • Silva, J. C.; N.S. Souto; R. Dinis; P. C. Carvalho; " On the use of TCH Sequences for Synchronization, Channel and Noise Estimation ", Proc 85 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS IEEE International Conf. on Signal Processing and Communication ICSPC , omaha , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , September , 2009. • Cercas, F.C.; J. C. Silva; N.S. Souto; R. Dinis; " Optimum bit-mapping of TCH codes ", Proc International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications - IWSSC , Siena , Italy , Vol. , pp. - , September , 2009. • Pereira, J.; H. S. Silva; " Perfect Periodic Autocorrelation Codes Derived From M Sequences ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 165 - 168 , May , 2009. • Nunes, F.; F. Sousa; J. Leitão; " Performance Analysis of Altimeter-Aided GNSS Receiver for Indoor Scenarios ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2009. • Gomes, M.; F.C. Cercas; V. Silva; M. Tomlinson; " Polyphase Magnitude Modulation for Peak Power Control ", Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Glasgow , United Kingdom , August , 2009. • Cruz, P.M.; N.B.C. Carvalho; " PWM Bandwidth and Wireless System Peak-to-Minimum Power Ratio ", Proc European Microwave Week/European Microwave Conf. , Rome , Italy , September , 2009. • Correia, A.; N.S. Souto; " Radio Access Network Emulator for LTE ", Proc International Conf. on Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications , Marrakech , Morocco , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , October , 2009. • Gomes, M.; V. Silva; F.C. Cercas; M. Tomlinson; " Real-Time LUT-Less Magnitude Modulation for Peak Power Control of Single Carrier RRC Filtered Signals ", Proc IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing for Advanced Wireless Communications - SPAWC , Perugia , Italy , June , 2009. • Rodrigues , M.; I. Kanaras Kanaras; A. Chorti Chorti; I. Darwazeh; " Spectrally efficient FDM signals: Bandwidth gain at the expense of receiver complexity ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications ICC , Dresden , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , June , 2009. • Delgado, N.; F. Nunes; " Theoretical Performance of the MEDLL Algorithm for the New Navigation Signals ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2009. 86 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Dias, J.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Total variation restoration of speckled images using a split-Bregman algorithm ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Cairo , Egypt , Vol. , pp. - , September , 2009. 4.1.7 Other Achievements Patents • Medeiros, C. R.; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " Dispositivo e sistema de votação passivo sem fios ", (Pending) PT104873 , December , 2009. • Teixeira, A.T.; Costa, L. N. Costa; " Sistema óptico e Método para monitorização da estrutura física de redes ópticas, baseado no RODT com elementos reflectivos", December , 2009. • Medeiros, C. R.; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " Wireless Passive Voting Device and System ", (Pending) PCT/PT2009/000071 , December , 2009. Awards • Vieira, P. Vieira; " Maximização do Desempenho em Redes MacroCelulares 4G Usando Técnicas de Multiplexagem Espacial Multi-Antena ", Prémio Inovação Jovem Engenheiro 2008 - 2nd place , 01-11-2009. • Matos, S.A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Honorable mention from the Student Paper Contest associated with the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation ", A Spacetime Algebra Approach to Moving Bi-Isotropic Media , 01-06-2009. • Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; M. Antunes; L. Bento Bento; " SGF - Sistema multifuncional de gestão de frotas ", 2009-2011 Innovation program - PT Inovação , 01-03-2009. Miscellaneous • Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; " ", Book presentation: “Uma Introdução às telecomunicações com Mathematica” ", Prof. Carlos Salema, IPL , 01-122009. • Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Caracterização Direccional do Canal Rádio ", Maura Outeiral García, University of Aveiro , 01-12-2009. 87 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Software GNU Radio para Detector Digital de Sinais CW com baixa SNR ", Emanuel Filipe de Ornelas Rodrigues, University of Aveiro , 01-12-2009. • Velez, F. J.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", “Desenvolvimento de um modelo de propagação unificado para o planeamento de redes Wi-Fi, UMTS e WiMAX, defendida com sucesso pelo aluno Frederico Fialho Varela no ISCTE-IUL, Nov. 2009 ", 01-11-2009. • Velez, F. J.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Esquema de controlo de acesso ao meio para sistemas CSMA/CA p-persistente, defendida com sucesso pelo licenciado aluno Luís Lopes na Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Nov. 2009. ", 01-11-2009. • Velez, F. J.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Gestão de Recursos em _HSDPA e HSUPA em cenários multiportadora e multiserviços, defendida com sucesso pelo aluno Sérrgio de Oliveira Mota no Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 12 de Nov. 2009 ", 01-11-2009. • Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; D. Ferreira Ferrira; N. M. Sampaio; " ", NATO LECTURE SERIES - Waveform Diversity for Advanced Radar Systems ", RTO-EN-SET-119(2009) , 01-11-2009. • Barbiroli, M.; C. Carciofi; Doriana Guiducci Guiducci; D.R. Robalo; F. J. Velez; P. Sebastião; Frederico F. Varela Varela; " Seminars ", Analysis of WiMAX propagation measurements in outdoor and indoor environments ", COST2100 – Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications , 01-09-2009. • Cabral, O.; F. J. Velez; " Seminars ", pectrum Aggregation with MultiBand User Allocation over Two Frequency Bands ", COST 2100Pervasive Mobile and Ambient Wireless Communications , 01-09-2009. • Matos, S.A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Invited Talks ", Beyond Isotropic Metamaterials: From Anisotropic to Bianisotropic Media Using the Geometric Perspective Provided by Clifford Algebra ", , 01-07-2009. • Velez, F. J.; " PhD Thesis Jury ", Controlo de Acesso ao Meio em Redes ad hoc Móveis IEEE 802.11†, defendida com sucesso pelo Mestre Rodolfo Alexandre Duarte Oliveira na Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1307-2009. ",01-07-2009. 88 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", DESENVOLVIMENTO DE SISTEMA DE LOCALIZAÇÃO INDOOR DE BAIXO CONSUMO ", Luís Pedro Marques Brás, University of Aveiro , 01-07-2009. • Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Leitor/Gravador RFID – Banda HF (13.56MHz) ", Alírio de Jesus Soares Boaventura, University of Aveiro , 01-07-2009. • Ferreira, M. Ferreira; " Invited Talks ", Remote Sensing through a Vehicular Network ", , 01-07-2009. • Ferreira, M. Ferreira; " Invited Talks ", Mobility Models for the Urban Connectivity Analysis of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks ", , 01-06-2009. • Ferreira, M. Ferreira; " Invited Talks ", Tuning the Network (at 5.9 Ghz) ", 01-06-2009. • Robalo, D.R.; F. J. Velez; H. Alves; J. Oliveira; R. Costa; P. Sebastião; " Seminars ", Field Trials for a Wireless PMP WiMAX Network at 3.5 GHz ", COST2100 – Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications , 01-05-2009. • Ferreira, M. Ferreira; " Invited Talks ", Vehicular Sensing ", 01-032009. • Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Desenvolvimento de Modelos de Localização para Tecnologias de Redes sem Fios ", Hugo Tiago Gonçalves Pinto, UTAD , 01-02-2009. • Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Instrumentação de um Sistema de Recolha Selectiva de Resíduos ", Agostinho Seixas de Azevedo, UTAD , 01-02-2009. • Borges, Luis M.; A. Rente ; F. J. Velez; R. Salvado; A. Lebres; J. Martinez; P. Araújo; J.M. Ferro; N. Barroca; " Seminars ", Overview of Progress for the Portuguese Smart Clothing Project ", 9º Seminário da RTCM – Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis, Covilhã, FCS, 13 de Fevereiro de 2009 , 01-02-2009. • Costa Freire, J.; " Member of Technical Committee ", IEEE Region 8 Committee ", Chairman of Educational Activities Subcommittee , 0101-2009. 89 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 4.1.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees • International Conf. on Wireless Information Networks and Systems Winsys, Conference Chairman, Rafael Caldeirinha, 01-07-2009. • International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT, Technical Programme Committee, João Costa Freire, 01-01-2009. • Young Scientist Meeting on Metamaterials, Sessions Chairman , Sérgio Almeida Matos, 01-01-2009. • NATO/RTO Specialist Meeting on Software Defined RADAR - SET-136, Organizing Committee, Paulo Marques, 01-01-2009. • NATO/RTO Specialist Meeting on Software Defined RADAR - SET-136, Scientific Committee, Paulo Marques, 01-01-2009. • NATO/RTO Specialist Meeting on Software Defined RADAR - SET-136, Sessions Chairman , Paulo Marques, 01-01-2009. • IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. - WCNC, Technical Programme Committee, Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez, 01-01-2009. • ICST International Conf. on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems MOBILIGHT, Special Sessions Chairman, Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez, 01-01-2009. • International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conf. - Mobimedia, Technical Programme Committee, Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez, 01-01-2009. • The International Workshop on Next Generation Wireless Technologies - NGWT, Technical Programme Committee, Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez, 01-01-2009. • IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-(VTC-Spring), Technical Programme Committee, Fernando J. Velez, 01-04-2009. • Workshop on Secure and Reliable Multimedia Communications and Coordination for Emergency Services in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (PEACE) - PEACE, Sessions Chairman , Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez, 01-01-2009. 90 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS • Conf. sobre Redes de Comunicações, Scientific Committee, Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-2009. • NATO/RTO NATO SET-119 Lecture Series on Waveform Diversity for Advanced Radar Systems, Organizing Committee, Paulo Marques, 01-01-2009. • International Workshop on Antenna Technology - IWAT, Technical Programme Chairman, Carlos Cardoso Fernandes, 01-01-2009. • IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. , Scientific Committee, Fernando J. Velez, 01-04-2009. • International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT, Scientific Committee, Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-2009. • IEEE International Symp. on Consumer Electronics - ISCE, Conference Chairman, António Navarro, 01-01-2009. • Wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace , Special Sessions Chairman, Fernando J. Velez, 0101-2009. • International Conf. and Exhibition on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies - NGMAST, Scientific Committee, Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-2009. • IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-(VTC-Fall), Scientific Committee, Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-2009. • Engenharia - Jornadas da Universidade da Beira Interior, Scientific Committee, Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-2009. • IEEE Workshop on Wireless and Optical Networks - WI-OPT, Technical Programme Committee, Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez, 01-012009. Editorial Committees • International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS) , John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Rafael Caldeirinha, Editorial Board, 01-06-2009 to 0105-2015. 91 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Optical Communications 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 Coordinators • Adolfo Cartaxo • José Ferreira da Rocha Human Resources Overview Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa Full Professor 2 0 0 Associate Professor 2 1 2 Assistant Professor 8 2 5 Post. Doc. 4 0 0 Visiting Professor 1 0 0 PhD Student 21 3 7 (Licenciado) 2 0 0 40 6 14 TOTAL Table 15 - Overview of human resources in the Optical Communications Area in 2009 92 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Permanent Collaborators Degree Name Group Associate Professor Position Agregação Adolfo Cartaxo Optical Communications - Lisbon Associate Professor PhD António Teixeira Optical Communications - Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD Armando Nolasco Pinto Assistant Professor Agregação Carlos Ferreira Fernandes Assistant Professor PhD Associate Professor PhD Daniel Diogo Trindade Fonseca Henrique José A. Silva Electronic and Optoelectronic Components - Aveiro Electronic and Optoelectronic Components - Lisbon Optical Communications - Aveiro Optical Communications - Coimbra Assistant Professor PhD João Pires Optical Communications - Lisbon Agregação João Lemos Pinto Optical Communications - Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD João Lopes Rebola Optical Communications - Lisbon Associate Professor Agregação Jorge Manuel Torres Pereira Full Professor PhD José Ferreira da Rocha Electronic and Optoelectronic Components - Lisbon Optical Communications - Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD José Morgado Optical Communications - Lisbon Assistant Professor PhD Luís Cancela Optical Communications - Lisbon Assistant Professor PhD Manuel Violas Optical Communications - Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD Mário Lima Optical Communications - Aveiro Post. Doc. PhD Paulo André Post. Doc. PhD Paulo Jorge Brandão Moreira Electronic and Optoelectronic Components - Aveiro Optical Communications - Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD Paulo Jorge Marques Optical Communications - Aveiro Associate Professor PhD Paulo Monteiro Optical Communications - Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD Rogério Nunes Nogueira Assistant Professor PhD Rui Pedro Oliveira Alves Electronic and Optoelectronic Components - Aveiro Optical Communications - Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD Rui Sousa Ribeiro Optical Communications - Aveiro Full Professor Table 16 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area in 2009 93 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Other Collaborators Position PhD Student PhD Student Degree Name Group MSc Ana Maria Sousa da Rocha Optical Communications - Aveiro Licenciatura Ana Patrícia Santos Ferreira Optical Communications - Aveiro PhD Student MSc António Jorge Morgado Optical Communications - Aveiro PhD Student MSc Berta Neto Other MSc Carlos Alberto Ferreira Marques Carlos Miguel Santos Vicente Electronic and Optoelectronic Components - Aveiro Optical Communications - Aveiro PhD Student PhD Student MSc PhD Student Post. Doc. Research Grant PhD Student Cláudia Sofia Marcos Machado Reis Claunir Pavan Edison Pecoraro Optical Communications - Aveiro Optical Communications - Aveiro Electronic and Optoelectronic Components - Aveiro Optical Communications - Aveiro PhD Student Filipe Manuel Wiener Ferro de Carvalho Filipe Marques Ferreira Optical Communications - Coimbra PhD Student Hugo Filipe Teixeira Lima Optical Communications - Aveiro PhD Hypolito José Kalinowsky PhD Student Jacklyn Dias Reis Electronic and Optoelectronic Components - Aveiro Optical Communications - Aveiro João Carlos de Melo Ferreira Optical Communications - Aveiro João da Silva Pereira Optical Communications - Coimbra João Manuel Ferreira Pedro Optical Communications - Lisbon Optical Communications - Lisbon Licenciatura João Miguel Lopes dos Santos José Maria Bastardo de Miranda Boavida José Miguel Santos PhD Student MSc Lara Penedo Pellegrino PhD Student Licenciatura Lúcia Maria Botas Bilro Electronic and Optoelectronic Components - Aveiro Optical Communications - Aveiro Post. Doc. PhD Manfred Niehus Optical Communications - Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD Marek Hajduczenia Optical Communications - Coimbra PhD Student MSc Mário Rui Leiria Optical Communications - Lisbon PhD Student MSc Miguel Ângelo Madureira Optical Communications - Aveiro PhD Student Licenciatura Miguel Vidal Drummond Optical Communications - Aveiro Nélia Jordão Alberto Optical Communications - Aveiro Nelson Jesus C. Muga Electronic and Optoelectronic Components - Aveiro Optical Communications - Lisbon Visiting Professor PhD Student PhD Student Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Student MSc PhD Student Licenciatura PhD Student Licenciado PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student MSc Licenciatura Nelson Manuel Simões Costa Optical Communications - Lisbon Electronic and Optoelectronic Components - Lisbon Optical Communications - Aveiro 94 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Position Degree Name Group MSc Optical Communications - Aveiro PhD Student PhD Student MSc Nuno Alexandre Peixoto Silva Paulo Alexandre Ferreirinha de Almeida Paulo Fernando da Costa Antunes Rogério Pais Dionísio PhD Student Licenciatura Rui Meleiro PhD Student MSc Sérgio Junior Electronic and Optoelectronic Components - Aveiro Optical Communications - Aveiro PhD Student MSc Silvia Medeiros Vaz Pato Optical Communications - Coimbra Licenciado Licenciatura Teresa Almeida PhD Student Licenciatura Tiago Manuel Ferreira Alves Electronic and Optoelectronic Components - Aveiro Optical Communications - Lisbon PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student MSc Tiago Silveira Optical Communications - Coimbra Optical Communications - Aveiro Optical Communications - Aveiro Optical Communications - Aveiro Table 17 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area in 2009 95 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 4.2.3 Summary of Research Achievements In the following, the achievements in the Optical Communications area are grouped, under three sub-areas: - Optical Components and Subsystems - Optical Communication Systems - Optical Networking. Optical Components and Subsystems The work carried out in this sub-area concentrated on the modeling, performance evaluation, optimization and implementation of key components and subsystems for all-optical networks. The modeling and simulation tools to assess the static and dynamic responses of optimized, non-conventional DFB laser structures (Distributed Coupling Coefficient – DCC, Multiple-Phase-Shift – MPS, and Corrugation Pitch Modulated - CPM lasers), to be used in optical communication systems using direct modulation, was performed. The optimization of these laser structures (DCC, MPS, CPM or hybrid) has been implemented using matrix techniques (TMM). An improved model to discriminate the adiabatic and transient frequency chirping in directly modulated lasers was developed. The study of the frequency response of semiconductor PIN photodiodes for optical communications continued. The effect of wavelength on the transit time limited frequency response was considered, by using a previously developed numerical model which may be applied to devices with an arbitrary electric field profile in the absorption region and non-uniform illumination. The combined effects, regarding the absorption layer width, bias voltage, temperature, wavelength and direction of the incident light, on the transit time limited frequency response of PIN photodiodes were also investigated. An analytical model accurately describing the evolution of the relative state of polarization between two signals in high-birefringence fibers was developed and experimentally validated. The influence of the stimulated Raman scattering in the 96 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS four-wave mixing process in high-birefringence fibers was theoretically analyzed. A new method to measure the effective nonlinear parameter of a fiber was developed and experimentally validated, by comparing theoretical and experimental four-wave mixing results in a low power regime. In the area of optical amplification, a new method was developed to mitigate the transient effect in optical fiber Raman amplifiers. This method is based on a pumpcontrolled gain-locked system and is suitable for pump-reflecting Raman fiber amplifiers. This method was submitted for a patent registration. Optical amplification in the visible spectral region for plastic optical fiber applications was also studied. Reflective semiconductor optical amplifiers have been characterized under RF modulation, in order to optimize its parameters for radio over fiber applications. Work has also been carried out in the area of production and characterization of components in integrated optics. Passive devices (Y-branch splitter), based on solgel technologies, have been developed for passive optical networks. In the area of all optical processing for high bit rate optical networks, advanced techniques for all-optical routing, tunable dispersion compensation, optical filtering, pulse shaping, clock recovery, optical code division multiplexing and regeneration were developed. An acoustic wave generator for optical fibers to be used in tunable filters was developed. Research work on all optical signal processing with semiconductor optical amplifiers started, and a lab experiment has been designed for evaluating new applications, namely static RAM. In the area of new techniques and devices for microwave photonics, a novel beam forming technique for phased array antennas has been studied. 97 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Work in the area of optical sensors included: the development and optimization of a fiber monitoring system, based on fiber sensors and wireless transmission; novel plastic fiber sensors for refractive index and bending measurement; a novel sensor for simultaneous refractive index, temperature and stress measurement based on a tilted fiber Bragg grating; and a novel sensor for simultaneous measurement of temperature and deformation based on a tapered fiber. Optical Communication Systems Advanced modulation formats for optical fiber communication systems were investigated. A novel semi-analytical method for BER evaluation in simulated optical DQPSK systems was developed, and an accurate method of performance assessment for DQPSK systems in presence of receiver imperfections was proposed. Pseudo-linear transmission regime with high-speed optical singlesideband (OSSB) signals and electrical dispersion compensation was investigated. An analytical method to estimate the degradation of signal quality in case of OSSB signals with different modulation formats was investigated. 3R all-optical regenerator work was pursued. The impact of the switching window shape on the performance of a chain of reamplification, reshaping, and retiming alloptical regenerators based on a non-linear gate was analyzed. In the area of radio over fiber (RoF) systems, optical filters were developed and optimized for these systems. Performance of BPSK vs QPSK for optical distribution of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) ultra-wideband (UWB) radio signals in fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks was compared. The state-of-the-art of joint optical/radio OFDM transmission impairment compensation was identified. Research on 60 GHz MMW band focused on photonic techniques for generation of MMW sub-carriers has begun during this reporting period. Transmission of 802.11g signals over a 10Km RoF link was demonstrated. The feasibility of a photonic structure for photonic analog-to-digital conversion (PhADC) applications was investigated in the UCELLS project. The main aim is to realize the ultra wideband radio spectrum management. The proper operation of the Ph-ADC photonic structure was experimentally demonstrated. 98 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS A semi-analytical approach that allows evaluating the transmission performance of direct-detection OFDM signals over optical fiber was proposed. The development of a rigorous method to assess the performance of the transmission of OFDM signals in optically preamplified receivers with direct-detection was started. Optical Networking The research work on access networks has continued, focused on next generation passive optical networks (PONs) and their convergence/integration with MANs. The search for new CDMA codes has been pursued, by exploring their applicability in access networks with coherent modulation and detection. Work has started on the functional requirements of fully-converged integrated optical-wireless access architectures started. The application of Raman amplification in PONs and demonstration of the concept of optical powering of remote nodes was studied. Work on optical burst-switched networks continued in 2008. A framework for routing path optimization by using an ant colony optimization technique was developed and its performance was evaluated by network simulation. A strategy for optimizing the structure of an OBS burst-switch by using wavelength contention minimization algorithms was proposed. The use of Raman amplification in optical burst switched networks was analyzed and compared (experimentally and by simulation) with other amplification technologies (EDFAs and SOA). Work on transporting 100 Gbit Ethernet traffic over OTN (Optical Transport Network) networks has continued. Work on ILP (Integer Linear Programming) and heuristic formulations taking into account aspects like virtual concatenation, multipath routing, and differential delay minimization by including also wavelength assignment was realized. The problem of generating physical realistic optical transport network topologies was addressed. This type of network has characteristics that differ from scale-free networks, such as the Internet. Based on the analysis of a set of real transport topologies, relevant characteristics were identified and assessed. A method to 99 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS generate realistic topologies was proposed and validated by comparing the characteristics of computer-generated and real-world optical transport networks. Investigation on physical layer impairments was pursued. An analytical treatment appropriate to compute the performance of DPSK receivers in the presence of inband coherent crosstalk originated inside the optical nodes was developed. In the areas of high power in optical networks, guidelines for the transmission of high power optical signals in fiber systems were derived, and the constraints resulting from the fiber heating and development of strategies to the mitigation of the fiber fuse effect were studied. 100 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 4.2.4 Running and Concluded Projects Overview Funding Agency Number COST, NA 2 ESF 2 EU 2 EU-FP7 5 FCT 2 FCT/PTDC 7 JustBit 1 PT Inovação 1 QREN PTIN 1 TOTAL 23 Table 18 - Number of active projects in the Optical Communications Area in 2009 101 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Activity in Projects Acron / Ref BONE Title BONE Funding EU - FP7 Descript. Establishing a wide expertise knowledge base and sharing of experiences on the areas of networking and exchanges. Acron / Ref BRISA Title Breaking waves Interaction with SAnd transport Funding FCT Descript. Study of the Breaking waves Interaction with SAnd Acron / Ref CRT / P407 Title Control of Transient Response of Fiber Raman Amplifiers Funding PT Inovação Descript. In the frame work of this project we are going to analyze the transient response of fiber Raman amplifiers. We aim to develop a control system suitable to mitigate the transient effect in fiber Raman amplifiers. We intend to obtain a low cost Raman amplifier suitable to be used in CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing) systems, with an high efficient and with a smooth transient response. Acron / Ref Title MP0702 COST MP0702 - Towards functional sub-wavelength photonic structures 102 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Funding COST, NA Descript. The main objective of the Action is to establish active links between European laboratories working in the field of artificial materials for photonics applications, where the structural dimensions are at or below the wavelength of light. Fabrication of such structures has become possible due to the expertise delivered by nanotechnology, which opens the way to the study of new functional artificial materials and plasmonic structures, promising progress in miniaturisation - and which will allow exploration of new aspects of light-matter interaction. The goal is to increase knowledge about the basic mechanisms of the interaction of light with matter on a sub-wavelength scale. The scientific innovation concerns: the basic mechanisms of light-matter interaction in microand nanostructured materials - including metals (plasmonics), the trade-off between strong localization and propagation losses, photonic diagnostic instruments, and non-linear effects. The technological impact of the Action will lead to the implementation of advanced optical equipment and devices with high performance and low cost. The scientific transformation resulting from the Action will facilitate interconnection between topics that will produce new results in the field of photonics and pave the way to the forthcoming era of nanophotonics. Acron / Ref Title Panorama Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Telecomunicações sustentado em Plataformas Ópticas e de Rádio Avançadas com gestão integrada Funding QREN PTIN Descript. O projecto é constituído por actividades de investigação industrial e desenvolvimento experimental cujo objectivo é desenvolver plataformas ópticas e wireless avançadas para redes metro, acesso e 103 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS core com gestão integrada, capazes de competir no mercado internacional e que projectem em definitivo no mercado internacional a tecnologia que “fala” Português. Com efeito, pretende-se, com este projecto que incorpora desenvolvimentos técnicos e tecnológicos significativos, a criação de vários módulos que serão integrados num sistema completo (PANORAMA) com características inovadoras capazes de garantir uma forte vantagem competitiva para a empresa promotora no sector em que actua. Acron / Ref Title ROFWDM / PTDC/EEA-TEL/68973/2006 Design and Optimisation of WDM Millimetre-Wave Fibre-Radio Systems Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main results of this project will be disseminated through publications in scientific journals and international conferences as well as technical reports. This will help promote future cooperation and will allow other R&D institutions to share the results and the exchange of ideas. At the national level the results of this project will be reported on two main events in this area, namely the ''Telecommunications Conference'' and the ''Symposium on Enabling Optical Networks'' an yearly event, which INESC and IT-Aveiro are the main organizers. During the course of the project we propose to organize a workshop, with the collaboration of all partners, dedicated to the presentation and dissemination of results. In addition the partners within this project, based on mutual cooperation, will pursue the exploitation of results, namely, technology transfer, standardization. In order to meet this target the academic/research institutions will collaborate closely with the industrial partner Siemens, SA. Siemens, will use its position as a leading manufacture of advanced fiber optic and radio networks to 104 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS explore possible scenarios of technology transfer, system specifications of WDM fibre-radio system architectures and the convergence between the super broadband wired and wireless access networks. Acron / Ref Title THRONE / PTDC/EEA-TEL/66840/2006 Devices and techniques for optical processing in high bit-rate networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main objectives of the project are: - Identify the main limitations associated with high capacity optical communications. - Investigate and promote new technological solutions for the identified limitations. - Investigate and promote new devices for low cost passive all-optical processing. - Implementation of a state of the art FBG fabrication system. - Experimental evaluation of the proposed solutions with the presentation of prototypes and with an experimental assessment. Acron / Ref EURO-FOS Title EURO-FOS Funding EU - FP7 Descript. Pan-european lab and experience sharing 105 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Acron / Ref Title FUTON Fibre Optic Networks for Distributed, Extendible Heterogeneous Radio Architectures and Service Provisioning Funding EU Descript. The FUTON project aims to research develop and validate a flexible architecture for wireless systems based on the joint processing of the radio signals from distinct remote antenna units and supported by a transparent fibre infrastructure. This architecture will enable the high bit rates targeted in the broadband component of future wireless systems and provide a framework for the integration of heterogeneous wireless system. Acron / Ref FEFOF / PTDC/EEA-TEL/72025/2006 Title Fuse effect on optical fibers Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The project focuses on the feasibility to study the effects of propagation high power signals on optical fibers. The following sub-objectives, will be attained: a) To accurately model the catastrophic fuse effect and foresee its evolution in accordance with the fiber type and propagation power. b) To systematically obtain the ignition and propagation power threshold for different types of fibers (SMF, DSF and NZDFS) for several bending conditions and analyze the impact of aging in these values. c) To fully understand and predict the damage produced in several types of optical connectors. d) Develop a solution to isolate the propagation of the catastrophic fuse effect (fuse stopper). 106 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS This project will integrate a heterogeneous research group with knowledge in different research areas, such as telecommunications, optics and material science. This multidisciplinary group has the potential to deeply emerge in this subject in order to fully understand the problem and to successfully conclude the project objectives. Acron / Ref MOTION / PTDC/EEA-TEL/73529/2006 Title Monitoring and compensaTion of Impairments in Optical Networks Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. This project will focus on: - Develop OIM modules to allow the evaluation of multi-channel oriented impairment, OSNR, XPM and linear crosstalk. - Develop OIM modules to assess GVD and PMD. - Study and identify OIC modules to mitigate optical GVD and PMD. - Experimental evaluation of the produced prototypes. -To integrate and test the MOTION system on a test network, where the behavior of a real network can be reproduced. Acron / Ref OreO PTDC/CTM/72093/2006 Title Organic/Inorganic hybrids for Integrated Optics - 2 Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. - To investigate sol-gel derived amine functionalised OIH, such as diureasils, modified by ZPO and MA as material substrate for production of passive IO devices - To investigate the influence of the processing of the materials as thin films and monoliths on the PL features of the undoped host 107 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS - To investigate the influence of ZPO concentration and different ratios ZPO:MA on the local structure and PL features - To perform waveguide geometric optimization in order to achieve the required functionalities of the desired devices - Fabrication of channel waveguides with the proposed OIH processed as monoliths an thin films - To implement enabling solutions for access optical networks, such as low cost optical power splitters and optical filters. - To investigate the role of the OHI processing mode (monoliths and films) in the structural, photoluminescence and waveguide features. Acron / Ref RoFnet / PTDC/EEA-TEL/71678/2006 Title Reconfigurable Radio over Fiber network – RoFnet Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The overall objective of the project is to develop and demonstrate the feasibility of a novel cost effective RoF system architecture that uses the benefits of combining optical networking concepts with fiber radio techniques to efficiently manage the network resource usage and to allow flexible wavelength allocation for the BSs, depending on user requirements and QoS. To achieve the overall goal of the project we identify the following interim objectives: -Identification of novel network architectures suited for RoF systems, combining low complexity with flexibility and cost effectiveness; -To develop and demonstrate the feasibility of a new low cost BS 108 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS architecture, which uses a RSOA; -To assess the transmission impairments of wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) systems combined with subcarrier multiplexing and employing optical single side band modulation (OSSB); -To develop wavelength allocation algorithms able to allocate network resources depending on varying user demand and QoS: - To liaise with other European projects in order to understand and possibly integrate relevant developments. Acron / Ref Title SARDANA Scalable Advanced Ring-based passive Dense Access Network Architecture (SARDANA) Funding EU - FP7 Descript. Ultr high performance WDM-TDM PON, physical and MAC related aspects Acron / Ref Title Sub-Lambda / PTDC/EEATEL/71819/2006 Sub-diffraction imaging systems formed by microstructured waveguides Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. Development of new imaging systems (based on metamaterial technology) with subwavelength resolution at infrared/optical frequencies. Acron / Ref Title COST 291 Towards digital optical communications 109 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Funding ESF Descript. The primary objective of the COST Action “Towards Digital Optical Networks” is to focus on novel network concepts and architectures exploiting the features and properties of photonic technologies, to enable future telecommunications networks. It is aiming to propose a new generation of systems and networks that will accommodate the unpredictable and growing size of data files and messages exchanged and stored as well as real time services (e.g. voice, video etc) over global distances requiring an agile Communication Grid supporting quality of services. These need to provide end-toend bandwidth for transmission of traffic for applications such as information retrieval, downloading (often multimedia) web software, exchange of various type of software (hundreds of Mbytes) and data models (Gbytes) etc as well as real time multimedia applications. These systems need to be very flexible and rapidly reactive to efficiently accommodate the abrupt and unpredictable changes in traffic statistics introduced by current and future applications with low endto- end latency. They will enable advanced features such as efficient and simple multicasting and broadcasting of broadband signals. In general, they need to support a future proof, flexible, efficient and bandwidth-abundant fiber-optic network infrastructure capable of supporting ubiquitous services in a resilient manner offering protection and restoration capabilities as well as secure services to the users. Transparency to various digital signals and protocols is required to eliminate the need for multilayer complex network architectures suffering by poor scalability for data services, high latency, complicated network management and high cost. This migration can be gradually achieved by removing and/or integrating intermediate layers. Flat and upgradeable network architectures supporting photonic core and access technologies with intelligent edge nodes at the interfaces will form a universal infrastructure offering a variety of 110 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS services supported by multiple operators. The ease of maintenance, provisioning and resilient operation required in this type of networks will be achieved through advanced routing and management mechanisms, eliminating the requirement for ever increasing amounts of complex software raising the cost and limiting the network reliability and availability. This advanced photonic infrastructure will employ optical signal processing and dynamic impairment management to eliminate the limitations of the analogue nature of traditional optical networks, dense wavelength division multiplexing technologies for signal transmission and routing, and optical packet and/or burst switching to provide fine bandwidth granularity, network efficiency and flexibility. Acron / Ref TURBO Title Transmission of UltRa wide-Band radio signals over Optical fibre Funding FCT Descript. This project proposes to investigate the performance impairments of the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultra wideband (OFDMUWB) radio signal transmission in fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks and optimize the system parameters through analytical and numerical simulation work, and to experimentally demonstrate the main results obtained. Particularly, the study and the assessment of the main system impairments is performed, such as: (i) electrical crosstalk associated with multi-channel OFDM-UWB transmission, (ii) linear and non-linear fibre effects, (iii) optical crosstalk associated with the transmission of several optical channels using dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM). Different techniques to reduce the performance degradation caused by such limitations are also investigated. The work to carry out along this project targets the transmission of OFDM-UWB radio signals in FTTH networks using external modulation 111 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS (EM) and direct modulation (DM) of the emitter laser. The transmission of OFDM-UWB radio signals over multi-mode fibre is also a topic to be investigated in the project, since this type of fibre is used in the user’s premises due to its easy maintenance and utilization. Acron / Ref Title UCELLS Ultra-wide band real-time interference monitoring and CELLular management Strategies Funding EU-FP7 ICT Descript. The main objective of UCELLS project is to study and demonstrate the cellular ultra wideband (UWB) capabilities employing a spectrum monitoring system based on a photonic analog-to-digital converter in order to efficiently enable coexistence and compatibility of UWB-based wireless communications with existing and future mobile and fixed wireless systems. 112 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 4.2.5 Running and Concluded Theses MSc Theses Supervisor Student António Teixeira Pedro Coelho Rogério Nunes Nogueira Silvia Correia Henrique José A. Silva Henrique José A. Silva Adolfo Cartaxo Co- Supervisors João Lemos Pinto Filipe Miguel Cevada Bugalho Paulo Ferreirinha de Almeida Title characterization of passive optical 2/2009 networks Integration of optical fibers in 2D and 3D 2/2009 mesh structures Optical Signal Processing with Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers Optical SSB Modulators for Signal Transmission with SCM in the 30 GHz Band Distribution of M-PAM ultra-wideband radio signals in FTTH networks Tiago Valente End Date 2/2009 2/2009 6/2009 António Teixeira Lúcia Santiago Beatriz Sousa Santos DSD: interfaces e interações Mota Hugo Martins Reconfigurable networks 6/2009 António Teixeira André Tiago Carreira e Silva Rui Escadas Martins Sistema remotamente alimentado para redes ópticas passivas. (PON) 6/2009 António Teixeira João Andrade Paulo André strategies for NG-PONs 6/2009 Carlos Paiva From Electronic Cristals to Photonic Crystals 7/2009 António Teixeira António Topa Sérgio Alexandre Santos Rodrigues António Topa Eddy Freitas André Edison Pecoraro Ramkanna Edison Pecoraro Venkatachalam Henrique José A. Silva Henrique José A. Silva Edison Pecoraro Carlos Ferreira Fernandes Armando Nolasco Pinto Carlos Paiva Ana Cláudia Moreira Dias José Maria Bastardo de Miranda Boavida Optical Beam Propagation in 7/2009 Metamaterials Refractive index tunability studies on solgel derived di-ureasil Zr-oxo-cluster thin 8/2009 films Management Model for a Gbit-capable Passive Optical Network 9/2009 Modulation Techniques for Radio over Fiber Systems with Subcarrier Multiplexing in Millimeter Waves 9/2009 Edison Pecoraro Low Cost Cold Extrusion System for Single Phase Channel Waveguides Based on Sol-Gel Process 9/2009 José Morgado Modelling and characterization of a distributed feedback (DFB) laser diode 10/2009 Filipe Marques Ferreira Rubaiyet Iftekharul Haque 6/2009 Fernando Pedro Pereira Guiomar Electronic Post-Compensation of Transmission Impairments in High-Speed 11/2009 Optical Communications Systems Adolfo Cartaxo Filipe Manuel Wiener Ferro Carvalho Optical backbone networks with OFDM signalling 11/2009 Edison Pecoraro Fikadu Legesse Edison Pecoraro Alema Organic-inorganic hybrid doped with rhodamine dyes for light emitting applications 11/2009 113 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Student Paulo André André Filipe Moreira Martins Paulo André Luis Ferreira António Teixeira António Teixeira Paulo Sérgio Nogueira de Morais Co- Supervisors Dinis Magalhães Santos Andre Quintas TIAGO JOSE MONICA CARVALHO Mário Lima António Teixeira Nuno Santos Mário Lima António Teixeira Claudia Mendonça Mário Lima Paulo Monteiro Helder Moura Mário Lima António Teixeira João Francisco Mário Lima Cruzeiro Taborda Fernando José Ferreira da Parente Rocha Vera Teixeira Beatriz Sousa Santos António Teixeira Jose Girão António Teixeira Rui Mesquita António Teixeira Gabriel Gonçalves Mário Lima António Teixeira Paulo Monteiro José Ferreira da Rocha António Teixeira Adolfo Cartaxo Mário Lima Maria Teresa Pinto Ferreira Palma Ramalho António Teixeira Andreia Alves Adolfo Cartaxo Inês Marques Dias Rogério Nunes Nogueira Luís Melo Manfred Niehus Marco Besugo Manfred Niehus Paulo Simões Manfred Niehus Dani Brito Manfred Niehus Sergio Fereira Armando Nolasco Pinto Pedro Reis End Date Estudo de fibras ópticas sujeitas a 12/2009 curvaturas apertadas Monitorização da topografia de uma praia 12/2009 com sensores em fibra óptica António Teixeira António Teixeira Title Sensor alimentado pelo processo foto voltaico 12/2009 sustainable devices for optical netowrks 12/2009 Uso das camadas físicas e de acesso para 12/2009 mapeamento de redes PON Métodos de Monitorização Óptica para 6/2010 Redes de Acesso Requisitos para redes opticas passivas avançadas e de cobertura extendida NG- 6/2010 PON2 Análise de redes de rádio sobre fibra, com o suporte simultâneo de serviços móveis 6/2010 e fixos Backoffice web: Distribuição de Serviço Docente. 6/2010 Efeitos cruzados em serviços sobre PON 6/2010 Extended Front-office to dsd.av.it.pt 6/2010 Extender box para redes opticas passivas GPON Front and back office web para o sistema dsd.av.it.pt Impacto do interface óptico em sistemas RoF Redes opticas passivas avançadas coerentes NG-PON2 Reduced model for estimating the signal quality degradation due to transient effects in optical networks Mário Lima 6/2010 6/2010 6/2010 6/2010 6/2010 Requisitos para redes opticas passivas de 6/2010 próxima geração XG-PON1 Transmission of OFDM-UWB radio signals in FTTH networks using directly 6/2010 modulated lasers Fiber optic refractive index sensors 7/2010 Comunicação Óptica Segura – Desenvolvimento de sistema de 9/2010 distribuição segura de chaves criptográficas (quanticas), de baixo custo e compacto Desenvolvimento de Aplicações da Visão 9/2010 Estereoscópica baseadas na Polarização da Luz Desenvolvimento e Implementação de 9/2010 uma Experiência interactiva à base da plataforma “Arduino” Modelação de sinais em fibras ópticas 9/2010 microestruturadas e/ou nanofibras Control Transient Effects in Optical Raman 10/2010 Amplifiers 114 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Armando Nolasco Pinto Adolfo Cartaxo Armando Nolasco Pinto Adolfo Cartaxo Armando Nolasco Pinto Adolfo Cartaxo Adolfo Cartaxo Armando Nolasco Pinto Paulo André Paulo André Paulo André Student Co- Supervisors João Pedro Morais Davim Filipe Miguel Pando da Silva Martins Gil Gonçalo Paulo André Martins Fernandes Andre Toscano Estriga Chibeles Daniel Macedo Filipa Andreia Fernandes Henriques Pedro Luís Benito Canelhas Steven Ramos Carneiro Vasco Fernandes Rogério Nunes Nogueira Maria Rute Ferreira André Maria Rute Ferreira Bruno Ferreira André Maria Rute Ferreira Lionel Xavier André Title End Date Ethernet in Transport Networks 10/2010 Modelling and experimental characterisation of EDFAs and impact on system performance 10/2010 Production and Characterization of Narrow 10/2010 Diameter Optical Fibers Reduced model for planning optical networks resilient to transient effects of optical amplifiers The Control Plane of Carrier Ethernet Networks Transmission of OFDM-UWB radio signals along multimode fibre in in-building networks Transmission of OFDM-UWB radio signals in FTTH networks using chirp-managed lasers Transmission of Quantum Information 10/2010 10/2010 10/2010 10/2010 10/2010 Caracterização por elipsometria de filmes 12/2010 finos para aplicações em óptica integrada Efeito do envelhecimento por elipsometria 12/2010 de filmes finos para óptica integrada Híbridos Orgânicos/Inorgânicos para 12/2010 Óptica Integrada Table 19 - List of MSc Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2009 PhD Theses Supervisor Student Armando Nolasco Pinto Meire Fugihara Adolfo Cartaxo Mário Rui Guerreiro Leiria Rui Sousa Ribeiro Ana Patrícia dos Paulo Monteiro Santos Ferreira Paulo André António Teixeira Rui Miguel Oliveira Meleiro Tiago Silveira António Teixeira Sergio Junior João Pires João Pedro Rogério Nunes Nogueira Rogério Nunes Nogueira Henrique José A. Silva Co- Supervisors Title Optimization of Optical Telecommunication Systems Using Distributed Raman Amplification Optical communication systems with optical regenerators Modulation and Equalization Techniques for Optical Transmission at Ultra-High Rates End Date 10/2009 11/2009 12/2009 Optical processing devices and techniques 3/2010 for next generation optical networks Paulo Monteiro Paulo Monteiro All-optical signal processing 6/2010 Amplificação de sistemas de comunicação 6/2010 ópticos Contention Minimization Strategies for 6/2010 Optical Burst-Switched Networks Hugo Lima Advanced Fiber Sensors 10/2010 Nelia Alberto Biosensors based on Fiber Bragg Gratings 10/2010 Sílvia Medeiros Vaz Pato Next Generation Optical Access Networks 10/2010 115 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Rogério Nunes Nogueira Rogério Nunes Nogueira Henrique José A. Silva Paulo André António Teixeira Title End Date Lucia Bilro Optical Metrology in Medicine and Rehabilitation 10/2010 Rogério Dionísio António Teixeira Optical monitoring systems and devices 10/2010 João da Silva Pereira Spread Spectrum in Access and Metropolitan Networks Integrated multi-functional photonic devices for optical communication purposes Student Lara Penedo Pellegrino Claunir Pavan João Pires João Santos Armando Nolasco Pinto Nelson de Jesus Corderio Muga Tiago Manuel Ferreira Alves Jacklyn Dias António Teixeira Paulo André Paulo Monteiro Paulo André António Teixeira António Teixeira António Teixeira António Teixeira António Teixeira António Teixeira Adolfo Cartaxo Paulo André Paulo André Henrique José A. Silva Henrique José A. Silva Armando Nolasco Pinto Armando Nolasco Pinto Atílio Gameiro Paulo Monteiro Pedro Teixeira Armando Nolasco Pinto Adolfo Cartaxo Co- Supervisors High performance devices Paulo Monteiro WDM flexible networks Berta Maria Barbosa Neto Miguel Vidal Drummond Rogério Nunes Nogueira Carlos Miguel Vicente Maria Rute Ferreira André Nuno André Rogério Dionísio Claudia Reis Dimensioning Multi-Layers Optical Networks Physical and logical aspects of Ethernet over WDM networks supported in ring topologies Polarization Effects in Fiber Optics Communication Systems Ultra-wideband radio signal transmission systems of over optical fibre Alternative techniques for Raman amplification All optical processing in fibre optical communication systems Hibridos Orgânicos/inorgânicos para aplicações de baixo custo em óptica integrada 10/2010 10/2010 11/2010 12/2010 12/2010 12/2010 12/2010 12/2010 12/2010 9/2011 10/2011 40g over MMF 12/2011 Rogério Nunes Nogueira Advanced optical generation and regeneration 12/2011 Paulo André All-optical routing funcionalities 12/2011 Zoran Vijicij Natasa Pavlovic Ali shahpari Mário Lima Adballa Mário Lima Abdelgader Nelson Manuel Daniel Diogo Simões da Trindade Fonseca Costa Ana Maria Rocha Paulo Fernando da Costa Antunes Filipe Marques Ferreira Paulo Alexandre Ferreirinha de Almeida Nuno Alexandre Peixoto Silva João Carlos de Paulo Monteiro Melo Ferreira Mojtaba Manuel Violas Sadeghi emiters and receivers for next generation 12/2011 access optical networks Next generation dense optical access 12/2011 networks Next generation optical converged 12/2011 networks Optical fibre telecommunication systems with multi-symbol phase modulation 12/2011 Estudo da Degradação de fibras ópticas sob o efeito de potências elevadas 12/2011 Sensores ópticos para monitorização dinâmica de estruturas 12/2011 Optical Transmission Systems with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 10/2012 Radio Over Fibre Systems with Support for Fixed and Mobile services 10/2012 Quantum Cryptography in Optical Fibers 12/2012 Transient Effects in Optical Networks 12/2012 MIMO techniques for radio over Fiber 2/2013 116 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Student Adolfo Cartaxo Filipe Manuel Wiener Ferro de Carvalho Paulo André Ana Pratas Co- Supervisors Rogério Nunes Nogueira Title End Date OFDM-based next generation converged optical-wireless access networks 12/2013 Técnicas de monitorização em redes ópticas da próxima geração 12/2013 Table 20 - List of PhD Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2009 117 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 4.2.6 Publications Optical Communication Systems Book Chapters • Teixeira, A.T.; M. J. N. Lima; N.P. Pavlovic; G. Beleffi ; " 4 Evolution of Optical Access Networks " - Chapter in COST 291 – Towards Digital Optical Network , Ioannis Tomkos , Springer, 2009. • Costa, N.; A. Cartaxo; " Optical DQPSK Modulation Performance Evaluation " - Chapter in Advances in Lasers and Electro optics , Vedran Kordic , In-Tech , 2009 . - Papers in Journals • Solution for the gain of broadband Raman amplifiers with multiple counter-pumps ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 27 , No. 7 , pp. 944 - 951 , April , 2009. • Chatzigeorgiou, I; M. Rodrigues ; I. J. Wassell; R Carrasco; " Analysis and Design of Punctured Rate-1/2 Turbo Codes Exhibiting Low Error Floors ", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications , Vol. 27 , No. 6 , pp. 944 - 953 , August , 2009. • Fugihara, M.C.F.; A. N. Pinto; " Attenuation Fitting Functions ", Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters , Vol. 51 , No. 10 , pp. 2294 - 2296 , October , 2009. • Papaganakis, I.P.; D. K. Klonidis; P. P. Poggiolini; G. B. Bosco; M. Omella; J. Prat; D. Fonseca; A.T. Teixeira; A. Cartaxo; I. Tomkos; " Electronic distortion compensation in the mitigation of optical transmission impairments: the view of joint project on mitigation of optical transmission impairments by electronic means ePhoton/ONe1 project ", IET Optoelectronics , Vol. 3 , No. 2 , pp. 73 - 85 , January , 2009. • Morant, M.; T. M. F. Alves ; R. Llorente; A. Cartaxo; J. Marti; " Experimental comparison of transmission performance of multi-channel 119 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS OFDM-UWB signals on FTTH networks ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 27 , No. 10 , pp. 1408 - 1414 , May , 2009. • Pato, S.; H. S. Silva; P. Monteiro; " Forward Error Correction in 10 Gbit/s Ethernet Passive Optical Networks ", Journal of Optical Networking , Vol. 8 , No. 1 , pp. 84 - 94 , January , 2009. • Meleiro, R.; J. Castro; D. Fonseca; P.S André; P. Monteiro; " In-band crosstalk penalties in optical networks with narrow optical and electric filtering ", Optics Express , Vol. 17 , No. 6 , pp. 4605 - 4610 , March , 2009. • Silva, N. A.; N. J. Muga; A. N. Pinto; " Influence of the Stimulated Raman Scattering on the Four-Wave Mixing Process in Birefringent Fibers ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 27 , No. 22 , pp. 4979 - 4988 , November , 2009. • Rocha, Ana M.; B. Neto; M. Facão Facão; P.S André; " Low Cost Incoherent Pumps Solutions for Raman Fiber Amplifier ", Optica Aplicatta , Vol. 39 , No. 2 , pp. 287 - 293 , July , 2009. • Muga, N. J.; M.C.F. Fugihara; M. Ferreira; A. N. Pinto; " Non-Gaussian ASE Noise in Raman Amplification Systems ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 27 , No. 16 , pp. 3389 - 3398 , August , 2009. • Costa, N.; A. Cartaxo; " Novel semi-analytical method for BER evaluation in simulated optical DQPSK systems ", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , Vol. 21 , No. 7 , pp. 447 - 449 , April , 2009. • Alves , T. M. F.; A. Cartaxo; " Performance degradation due to OFDMUWB radio signals transmission along dispersive single-mode fiber ", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , Vol. 21 , No. 3 , pp. 158 - 160 , February , 2009. • Alves , T. M. F.; A. Cartaxo; " Semi-analytical approach for performance evaluation of direct-detection OFDM optical communication systems ", Optics Express , Vol. 17 , No. 21 , pp. 18714 - 18729 , October , 2009. • Pavlovic, N.P.; N. Costa; A. Cartaxo; " Single-sideband differential phase shift keying asynchronous carrier-suppressed return-to-zero — a novel signaling format optimized for long-haul UDWDM systems ", , Vol. 27 , No. 12 , pp. 1990 - 2000 , June , 2009. 120 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS • Lima, M. J. N.; A.B. Brízido; A.T. Teixeira; " UMTS Radio over Fiber Link performance analysis based on low cost uncooled laser ", , Vol. 51 , No. 1 , pp. 6 - 9 , January , 2009. • Reis, J.D.; B. Neto; P.S André; A.T. Teixeira; " WDM Ring Performance Improvement by Means of Four-Wave Mixing Crosstalk Minimization Algorithm ", Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters , Vol. 51 , No. 8 , pp. 1949 - 1952 , August , 2009. Papers in Conference Proceedings • Fonseca, D.F.; A. Cartaxo; P. Monteiro; " 40Gb/s optical single-sideband transmission resorting to pseudolinear regime and electrical dispersion compensation ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – Mediterranean Winter - ICTON MW , Ponta Delgada , Portugal , Vol. Monday , pp. 1 - 4 , June , 2009. • Wake, D. ; S. Pato; J. M. Pedro; E. Lopez; N. J. G. Gomes; P. Monteiro; " A Comparison of Remote Radio Head Optical Transmission Technologies for Next Generation Wireless Systems ", Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting - LEOS , Belek-Antalya , Turkey , October , 2009. • R.N. Nogueira; M. V. Drummond; C.A.F. Marques; A. Albuquerque; A.T. Teixeira; P.S André; R. F. Rocha; " Advanced Applications of Fiber Bragg Gratings for Telecom Systems ", Proc Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp. - PIERS , Moscow , Russia , Vol. Proceedings , August , 2009. • Pato, S.; J. M. Pedro; J. Santos; H. S. Silva; J. J. O. Pires; P. Monteiro; " All-Optical Remote Node for Cost-Effective Metro-Access Convergence ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Sta Maria Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Ferreira, J.; M.C.F. Fugihara; A. N. Pinto; " Analysis of a Pump Reflecting Raman Fiber Amplifier ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 355 - 358 , May , 2009. • Conradin, F.; C.A.F. Marques; R.N. Nogueira; L. Almásy; " Analysis of Different Writing Techniques for Chirped Fibre Bragg Gratings ", Proc 121 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. Proceedings , pp. 403 - 406 , May , 2009. • Alves , T. M. F.; A. Cartaxo; " BPSK vs. QPSK Comparison in OFDM-UWB Signal Distribution over FTTH Networks ", Proc Summer Topical Meetings - LEOS , Newport , United States , July , 2009. • Llorente, R.; M. Morant; T. M. F. Alves ; J.P. Puche; J. Romme; " Cognitive Radio by Photonic Analog-to-Digital Conversion Sensing ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Cross-Layer Design - IWCLD , Palma Mallorca , Spain , June , 2009. • Pato, S.; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; " Comparative evaluation of fibreoptic architectures for next-generation distributed antenna systems ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Ponta Delgada, Azores , Portugal , July , 2009. • Niehus, M.; " Comunicação Óptica Segura ", Proc IV Jornadas de Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações e de Computadores - JETC08 , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 147 - 154 , January , 2009. • Rocha, Ana M.; A. Martins; ; P.S André; " Effect of Bending in SMF Fibers under High Power ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Ponta Delgada , Portugal , Vol. paper: Th.B2.1 , pp. 0 - 0 , June , 2009. • Oliveira, R.A.; C.A.F. Marques; R.N. Nogueira; A. Pohl; " Fast AcoustoOptic Add-Drop based on Fiber Bragg Grating ", Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting - LEOS , Belek , Turkey , October , 2009. • Martins, A.; Ana M. Rocha; P.S André; " High power effects on fiber optic connectors ", Proc International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conf. IMOC , Belem , Brazil , November , 2009. • Sousa, A. S.; M. Dinis-Ribeiro; M. Areia; M. Coimbra; " IDENTIFYING CANCER REGIONS IN VITAL-STAINED MAGNIFICATION ENDOSCOPY IMAGES USING ADAPTED COLOR HISTOGRAMS ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Cairo , Egypt , November , 2009. • Costa, N.; A. Cartaxo; " Impact of Inter-Symbol Interference on Optical DQPSK Systems Performance Evaluation using Equivalent Differential 122 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Phase ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Ponta Delgada , Portugal , Vol. Tu.B2.3 , June , 2009. • Neto, B.; C. Reis; Ana M. Rocha; G. I. Incerti; N. Wada; G. Tosi-Beleffi; D. Forin; A.T. Teixeira; P.S André; " Impact of Transient Response of Optical Amplifiers Operating with Burst Traffic ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. 367 - 369 , May , 2009. • Santos, J.; P.R.M. Inácio ; J. V. P. Gomes; J. J. O. Pires; M. Freire; P. Monteiro; " Improving the Upstream Channel Efficiency of Passive Optical Networks via Frame Aggregation and Compression ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , St. Maria da Feira , Portugal , pp. 371 374 , May , 2009. • Morgado, J.; A. Cartaxo; " Influence of laser chirp on the performance of 40Gbit/s optically compensated directly modulated systems ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – Mediterranean Winter ICTON MW , São Miguel , Portugal , Vol. 1 , June , 2009. • Pato, S.; P. Monteiro; N. J. G. Gomes; T. Kawanishi; A. Gameiro; " NextGeneration Distributed and Heterogeneous Radio Architectures: the FUTON Project ", Proc IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conf. APMP , Beijing , China , April , 2009. • Muga, N. J.; M.C.F. Fugihara; M. Ferreira; A. N. Pinto; " Non-White Noise Generation Method for ASE Noise Simulation in Systems with Raman Amplification ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – Mediterranean Winter - ICTON MW , Ponta Delgada - Azores , Portugal , June , 2009. • Pato, S.; J. M. Pedro; J. Santos; P.R.M. Inácio ; P. Monteiro; " On Building a Distributed Antenna System with Joint Signal Processing for Next Generation Wireless Access Networks: The FUTON Approach ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Sta Maria Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • " On Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Gaussian Channels with Arbitrary Inputs Subject to Jamming ", Proc International Symp. on Information Theory - ISIT , Seoul , Korea, South , June , 2009. 123 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS • Pato, S.; P. Monteiro; H. S. Silva; " On using all-optical burst-mode power equalization in converged metro-access networks ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Ponta Delgada, Azores , Portugal , July , 2009. • Cartaxo, A.; T. M. F. Alves ; " Performance evaluation methods of directdetection OFDM systems ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Ponta Delgada , Portugal , June , 2009. • Gomes, N. J. G.; S. Pato; P. Monteiro; A. Gameiro; " Radio over Fibre for the Support of 4th Generation Mobile/Wireless Communications ", Proc European Workshop on Photonic Solutions for Wireless, Access and InHouse Applications , Duisburg , Germany , May , 2009. • Ferreira, ; C. Vicente; V.R. Fernandes; L.R. Xavier; E. Pecoraro; P.S André; R.N. Nogueira; V. Bermudez; P.V.S. Marques; S. J. L. R. Ribeiro; " Self-Patterned Organic-Inorganic Hybrids for Fibre Optics Access Networks ", Proc ISGS XVth International Sol-Gel Conf. - Sol-Gel 2009 , Porto de Galinhas , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 87 - 88 , August , 2009. • Ferreira, ; C. Vicente; V.R. Fernandes; L.R. Xavier; E. Pecoraro; P.S André; R.N. Nogueira; V. Bermudez; P.V.S. Marques; S. J. L. R. Ribeiro; " Self-Patterned Organic-Inorganic Hybrids for Fibre Optics Access Networks ", Proc ISGS XVth International Sol-Gel Conf. - Sol-Gel 2009 , Porto de Galinhas , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 87 - 88 , August , 2009. • Llorente, R.; M. Castro; J.P. Puche; J. Romme; T. M. F. Alves ; " Sensing Ultra-Low-Power Radio Signals by Photonic Analog-to-Digital Conversion ", Proc European Conf. on Optical Communications - ECOC , Viena , Austria , September , 2009. • Rocha, Ana M.; M. Facão Facão; A. Martins; P.S André; " Simulation of fiber fuse effect propagation ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – Mediterranean Winter - ICTON MW , Angers , France , Vol. pronc. , pp. FrP.12 - , December , 2009. • Oliveira, R.A.; C.A.F. Marques; C. Mayer; J. Pereira; R.N. Nogueira; A. Pohl; " Single Device for Excitation of Both Flexural and Longitudinal Acousto-Optic Effects in Fiber Bragg Gratings ", Proc International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conf. - IMOC , Pará , Brazil , Vol. Proceedings ,November , 2009. 124 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS • Silva, N. A.; N. J. Muga; A. N. Pinto; " Single-Photon Generation ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 35 - - , May , 2009. • Almeida, A. J.; G. G. Fernandes; A. N. Pinto; " Single-Photon Source With Adjustable Linear SOP ", Proc Symp. on Enabling Optical Networks SEON , Amadora , Portugal , June , 2009. • Orvalho, V.; M. Coimbra; M. D. Dias; M. S. Slater; D. G. Gutierrez; J. F. Flores; " T-Life: Therapeutic Learning of Facial Emotions ", Proc European Future Technologies Conf. and Exhibition , Prague , Czech Republic , April , 2009. • Neto, B.; C. Reis; Ana M. Rocha; A.T. Teixeira; N. Wada; P.S André; " Transience response of traffic based on optical packets with optical amplifiers ", Proc European Conf. on Networks and Optical Communications - NOC , Valladolid , Spain , Vol. - , pp. 545 - 550 , June , 2009. Optical Components And Sub-Systems Book Chapters • Teixeira, A.T.; I.P. Papaganakis; G. B. Bosco; D. Fonseca; D. K. Klonidis; P. P. Poggiolini; I. Tomkos; C. X Xia; " 2 Electronic channel equalization techniques " - Chapter in COST 291 – Towards Digital Optical Network , Ioannis Tomkos , Springer , , 2009. • Teixeira, A.T.; D. Forin; G. Beleffi ; I. Tomkos; ; " 3 Optical signal processing techniques for signal regeneration and digital logic " - Chapter in COST 291 – Towards Digital Optical Network , Ioannis Tomkos , Springer , , 2009. Papers in Journals • Drummond, M. V.; H. Ito; J.D. Reis; R.N. Nogueira; P. Monteiro; A.T. Teixeira; N. Wada; " Error-free wavelength conversion at 160 Gbit/s in PPLN waveguide at room temperature ", Electronics Letters , Vol. 45 , No. 22 , pp. 1135 - 1137 , October , 2009. 125 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS • Morgado, J.; A. Cartaxo; " Improved model to discriminate adiabatic and transient chirps in directly modulated semiconductor lasers ", Journal of Modern Optics , Vol. 56 , No. 21 , pp. 2309 - 2317 , December , 2009. • Boavida, J.M.; J. Morgado; C. F. Fernandes; " Optimisation of a Corrugation-Pitch-Modulated DFB Laser Structure with Inhomogeneous Coupling Coefficient for Stable Single Longitudinal Mode Operation ", EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS , Vol. 48 , No. 3 , pp. 30701 - 30701 , December , 2009. • Fernandes, C. F.; J.M. Boavida; J. Morgado; " Optimisation of an Asymmetric Three Phase-Shift Distributed Feedback Semiconductor Laser Structure Concerning the Above-Threshold Stability ", EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS , Vol. 46 , No. 3 , pp. 30701 30701 , April , 2009. • Bonfigli, F. ; M. Vincenti; S. Almaviva; R. Montereali; R.N. Nogueira; H. Kalinowsky; " Photo-induced gratings in thin color center layers on lithium fluoride ", APPLIED OPTICS , Vol. 48 , No. 31 , pp. G38 - G43 , November , 2009. • Drummond, M. instantaneous V.; P. frequency Monteiro; R.N. measurement Nogueira; system by " Photonic means of RF a polarization polarization domain interferometer ", Optics Express , Vol. 17 , No. 7 , pp. 5433 - 5438 , March , 2009. • Yan, N.; A.T. Teixeira; T. Silveira; A. P. Ferreira; P. Monteiro; ; ; ; " Simulation and Experimental Characterization of SOA-MZI-Based Multiwavelength Conversion ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 27 , No. 2 , pp. 117 - 127 , January , 2009. Papers in Conference Proceedings • Morgado, J.; C. F. Fernandes; J.M. Boavida; " Above-threshold analysis in an optimized three phase-shift DFB laser structure for stable singlemode operation ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – Mediterranean Winter - ICTON MW , São Miguel , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , June , 2009. 126 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS • Reis, C.; R.P. Dionísio; B. Neto; A.T. Teixeira; P.S André; " All-Optical XOR Based on Integrated MZI-SOA with Co and Counter-Propagation Scheme ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – Mediterranean Winter - ICTON MW , Angers , France , December , 2009. • Correia, S. B.; L. Bilro; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; " Development of an all Fibre Interrogator System ", Proc European Society for Engineering Education Physics Teaching in Engineering Education - PTEE , Wroclaw , Poland , September , 2009. • André, P.S; E. Pecoraro; Ferreira; Carlos; " DYE-DOPED AMINEFUNCTIONALISED ORGANIC-INORGANIC HYBRIDS FOR LIGHT AMPLIFICATION ", Proc ISGS XVth International Sol-Gel Conf. - Sol-Gel 2009 , porto Galinhas , Brazil , August , 2009. • Boavida, J.M.; J. Morgado; C. F. Fernandes; " Easily Feasible High-Yield DFB Laser with High Power Efficiency and Tight Wavelength Tolerance ", Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting - LEOS , Antalya , Turkey , Vol. 1 , pp. 843 - 844 , October , 2009. • Martins, A.; Ana M. Rocha; P.S André; " Efeitos de alta potência em fibras com curvaturas apertadas ", Proc Engenharia - Jornadas da Universidade da Beira Interior , covilhã , Portugal , November , 2009. • Pereira, J. T.; " Frequency response performance analysis of p-i-n photodiodes ", Proc International Symp. on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering - ISEF , Arras , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 231 - 232 , September , 2009. • Drummond, M. V.; P. Monteiro; R.N. Nogueira; " HiBi-fiber-based Photonic RF Instantaneous Frequency Measurement System ", Proc Symp. on Enabling Optical Networks - SEON , Amadora , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 2 , June , 2009. • Boavida, J.M.; C. F. Fernandes; J. Morgado; " Improvements on Corrugation Pitch Modulated Distributed Coupling Coefficient Distributed Feedback Laser Structures for Single Longitudinal Mode Operation ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – Mediterranean Winter ICTON MW , Ponta Delgada , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. We.D5.4 - We.D5.4 , July , 2009. 127 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS • Martins, A.; Ana M. Rocha; B. Neto; A.T. Teixeira; M. Facão Facão; R.N. Nogueira; M. J. N. Lima; P.S André; " Modeling of Bend Losses in SingleMode Optical Fibers ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Dionísio, R.P.; " Módulo Expositivo e Interactivo sobre Fenómenos Ópticos ", Proc Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação CISTI , Póvoa do Varzim , Portugal , June , 2009. • Antunes, P.; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; P.S André; " Monitorization of Sea Sand Transport in Coastal Areas Using Optical Fiber Sensors ", Proc IEEE Sensors , Christchurch , New Zealand , October , 2009. • Boavida, J.M.; C. F. Fernandes; J. Morgado; " Near Threshold Regime Optimization of a Corrugation-Pitch-Modulated DFB Laser Structure with Inhomogeneous Coupling Coefficient ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , St Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 343 - 346 , May , 2009. • Drummond, M. V.; R.N. Nogueira; P. Monteiro; M. Violas; P.-Y. Fonjallaz; " Novel Opto-Electrical Tunable Dispersion Compensator for IM Signals ", Proc European Conf. on Optical Communications - ECOC , Vienna , Austria , Vol. P3.06 , pp. 1 - 2 , September , 2009. • Drummond, M. V.; P. Monteiro; R.N. Nogueira; " Novel Photonic RF Instantaneous Frequency Measurement System using a HiBi Fiber-based Interferometer ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , S. Miguel , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , June , 2009. • Drummond, M. V.; P. Monteiro; R.N. Nogueira; " Novel Photonic RF Instantaneous Frequency Measurement System Using an HiBi Fiberbased Interefometer ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 113 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2009. • André, P.S; Ana M. Rocha; B. Neto; A. Martins; M. Facão Facão; J. L. Pinto; A.T. Teixeira; R.N. Nogueira; M. J. N. Lima; G. Beleffi ; " Optical Fibers Bending Limits for the Optical Fiber Infraestructures ", Proc IEEE AFRICON Conf. in Africa , Nairobi , Kenya , September , 2009. • Vicente, C.; R. A. Sá Ferreira; E. Pecoraro; P.S André; R.N. Nogueira; P. Marques; S. J. L. R. Ribeiro; Carlos; " OPTICAL POWER Y-SPLITTER PATTERNED ON BULK ZIRCONIUM MODIFIED DI-UREASILS ", Proc 128 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS European Conf. on Networks and Optical Communications - NOC , Valladolid , Spain , June , 2009. • Boavida, J.M.; C. F. Fernandes; J. Morgado; " Optimization of a Corrugation-Pitch-Modulated Distributed-Coupling-Coefficient Laser Structure ", Proc IASTED International Conf. on Wireless and Optical Communications - WOC , Banff,Alberta , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 88 - 93 , July , 2009. • Penna, S; G. Beleffi ; P.S André; A.T. Teixeira; N. Wada; " Optoelectronic Materials and Components characterization for Organic Inorganic Laser Assembling ", Proc Optoelectronics and Communications Conf. - OECC , Hong-Kong , China , July , 2009. • Ferreira, ; Vicente; V.R. Fernandes; G Macedo; E. Pecoraro; R.N. Nogueira; P.S André; Carlos; " Organic-inorganic hybrids for the new generation of optical networks ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Ponta Delgada , Portugal , July , 2009. • André, P.S; B. Neto; C. Reis; Ana M. Rocha; N. Wada; G. Beleffi ; A.T. Teixeira; " Raman amplification challenges for next generation networks ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Ponta Delgada , Portugal , July , 2009. • Drummond, M. V.; P. Monteiro; R.N. Nogueira; " RF Instantaneous Frequency Measurement System Using a Polarization-Based Interferometer ", Proc OSA Optical Fiber Conf. - OFC , San Diego , United States , Vol. OTuE3 , pp. 1 - 3 , March , 2009. • Ferreira, ; Vicente; V.R. Fernandes; L.R. Xavier; E. Pecoraro; P.S André; R.N. Nogueira; V. Bermudez; P. Marques; Carlos; " SELF-PATTERNED ORGANIC-INORGANIC HYBRIDS FOR FIBRE OPTICS ACCESS NETWORKS ", Proc ISGS XVth International Sol-Gel Conf. - Sol-Gel 2009 , Porto Galinhas , Brazil , August , 2009. • Pereira, J. T.; " Simulação numérica do efeito da temperatura na resposta em frequência de fotodíodos p-i-n ", Proc Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 350 - 350 , June , 2009. • Pereira, J. T.; " The Effect of Temperature on the Frequency Response of p-i-n Photodiodes for Optical Communications ", Proc Conf. on 129 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 141 - 144 , May , 2009. • Drummond, M. V.; J.D. Reis; R.N. Nogueira; P. Monteiro; A.T. Teixeira; S. Shinada; N. Wada; H. Ito; " Wavelength Conversion of a 160 Gb/s RZ OTDM Signal in a PPLN Waveguide at Room Temperature ", Proc International Conf. on Photonics in Switching - PS , Pisa , Italy , Vol. Post-deadline paper , pp. 1 - 2 , September , 2009. Optical Networking Book Chapters • " Evolution of optical access networks " - Chapter in COST 291 – Towards digital optical networks , P. Kourtessis and Y. Shachaf , Springer , 2009. Papers in Journals • Pires, J. J. O. ; L. G. C. Cancela; " A contribution to study the effect of multipath coherent crosstalk due to optical network nodes on DPSK signals ", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , Vol. 21 , No. 20 , pp. 1499 - 1501 , October , 2009. • Hajduczenia, M.H.; H. S. Silva; " Comparison of collision avoidance mechanisms for the discovery process in xPON ", Journal of Optical Networking , Vol. 8 , No. 4 , pp. 317 - 336 , March , 2009. • Pedro, J. M.; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Contention Minimisation in Optical Burst-Switched Networks Combining Traffic Engineering in the Wavelength Domain and Delayed Ingress Burst Scheduling ", IET Communications , Vol. 3 , No. 3 , pp. 372 - 380 , March , 2009. • Pires, J. J. O. ; L. G. C. Cancela; " Simplifying the Error Probability Analysis in Optical Direct Detection DPSK Systems ", IEEE Communications Letters , Vol. 13 , No. 6 , pp. 369 - 371 , June , 2009. 130 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Papers in Conference Proceedings • Pinto, A. N.; C. Pavan; R. Morais; " A Statistical Model to CAPEX Fast Calculation in Optical Transport Networks ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Ilha de São Miguel - Açores , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , June , 2009. • Santos, J.; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Alternatives for the Virtually-Concatenated Transport of 100 Gb/s Ethernet over OTN ", Proc Symp. on Enabling Optical Networks - SEON , Amadora , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 2 , June , 2009. • Pedro, J. M.; J. J. O. Pires; J.P.C Carvalho; " Ant Colony Optimization for Distributed Routing Path Optimization in Optical Burst-Switched Networks ", Proc International Fuzzy Systems Association and European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology IFSA/EUSFLAT , Lisboa , Portugal , pp. 1 - 6 , July , 2009. • Morais , R.; C. Pavan; C. Agra; A. N. Pinto; " Design of Survivable Optical Networks with Minimum CapEx ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 307 - 310 , May , 2009. • Pedro, J. M.; J. J. O. Pires; J.P.C Carvalho; " Distributed Routing Path Optimization for OBS Networks based on Ant Colony Optimization ", Proc IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. - GLOBECOM , Honolulu , United States , pp. 1 - 7 , November , 2009. • Pavan, C.; R. Morais ; A. N. Pinto; " Estimating CapEx in Optical Multilayer Networks ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 335 - 338 , May , 2009. • Pavan, C.; R. Morais ; A. N. Pinto; " Fast Calculation of CapEx in Optical Multilayer Networks ", Proc European Conf. on Networks and Optical Communications - NOC , Valladolid , Spain , June , 2009. • Santos, J.; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Multilayer Optimization of Inverse-Multiplexed 100 Gb/s Ethernet Services over Optical Transport Networks ", Proc Euro-Ngi Conf. on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI) , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 8 , July , 2009. 131 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS • Hajduczenia, M.H.; H. S. Silva; " Next Generation PON systems ― current status ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – Mediterranean Winter - ICTON MW , Ponta Delgada , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , July , 2009. • Hajduczenia, M.H.; H. S. Silva; " ngPON standardization status (10GEPON and XG-PON) ", Proc OptiNet China - OptiNet , Beijing , China , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , June , 2009. • Pedro, J. M.; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " On the Benefits of Selectively Delaying Bursts at the Ingress Edge Nodes of an OBS Network ", Proc IFIP Working Conf. on Optical Network Design and Modeling , Braunschweig , Germany , February , 2009. • Santos, J.; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Optical Transport Network Design for Inverse-Multiplexed 100 Gb/s Ethernet Services with Minimum Capacity and Buffer Requirements ", Proc International Conf. on Systems and Networks Communications , Porto , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , September , 2009. • Pedro, J. M.; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Optimized combination of wavelength converters and optical buffers for OBS networks using wavelength contention minimization ", Proc International Conf. on Photonics in Switching - PS , Pisa , Italy , pp. 1 - 2 , September , 2009. • Pedro, J. M.; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Optimized Node Dimensioning in OBS Networks using Contention Minimization in the Wavelength Domain ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – Mediterranean Winter - ICTON MW , Ponta Delgada , Portugal , Vol. Mo.D3.2 , pp. 1 - 4 , June , 2009. • Santos, J.; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Optimized ODU Routing for 100 Gb/s Ethernet over High-Speed Optical Networks with Distributed Differential Delay Compensation ", Proc European Conf. on Optical Communications - ECOC , Wien , Austria , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 2 , September , 2009. • Garcia, N. M. ; P. Lenkiewicz; M. Freire; P. Monteiro; " Performance Assessment of Optical Burst Switching Networks Based on a Common Control Channel with Distributed Control ", Proc 6th IFIP International 132 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Conf. on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks - WOCN 2009 , Cairo , Egypt , pp. 1 - 5 , April , 2009. • Pavan, C.; R. Morais ; A. N. Pinto; " Quantifying the Restoration Capacity in Optical Mesh Networks ", Proc Euro-Ngi Conf. on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI) , Aveiro , Portugal , July , 2009. • Reis, J.D.; B. Neto; P.S André; A.T. Teixeira; " WDM Ring Performance Improvement by Means of a Nonlinear Effects Crosstalk Minimization Algorithm ", Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC , San Diego , United States , Vol. CD , pp. JThA77 - - , March , 2009. 4.2.7 Other Achievements Patents • Drummond, M. V.; R.N. Nogueira; " Direccionamento do campo eléctrico gerado por um agregado de antenas baseado numa linha de atraso fotónica interferométrica sintonizável ", Submitted , December , 2009. • Garcia, N. M. ; M. Freire; P. Monteiro; P. Lenkiewicz; J. M. Santos; " Method and Device for Processing Data in an Optical Network and Communication System Comprising Such Device ", nternational Patent WO/2009/156409 , December , 2009. • " Method and Device for Processing Data in an Optical Network and Communication System Comprising Such Device ", nternational Patent WO/2009/156409 , December , 2009. • André, P.S; Ana M. Rocha; A. Martins; P. Antunes; " Method and monitor to determined the presence of fuse effect in optical networks ", PCT/PT2009/00076 , December , 2009. • Pinto, A. N.; J. Ferreira; P. Mão-Cheia; " Método e mecanismo para controlo e mitigação do efeito transitório em amplificadores ópticos de Raman com reflexão das bombas ", 104930 R , December , 2009. • Lima, ; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; " Microwave and Temperature sensor based on fiber Bragg gratings ", - , December , 2009. • André, P.S; Ana M. Rocha; A. Martins; P. Antunes; " Monitor e método para a determinação da ocorrência do efeito de fusível em redes ópticas, 133 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS baseados em redes de difracção escritas numa fibra óptica ", PT 104.975 , December , 2009. • Teixeira, A.T.; Costa, L. N. Costa; ; " Remote and passive method to control the pump power in remote amplification systems ", pp , December , 2009. 4.2.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees • International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT, Technical Programme Committee, Adolfo Cartaxo, 01-01-2009. • International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Conference Chairman, António Teixeira, 01-01-2009. • European Conf. on Optical Communications - ECOC, Technical Programme Committee, António Teixeira, 01-01-2009. • IASTED International Conf. on Wireless and Optical Communications WOC, Technical Programme Committee, José Morgado, 01-01-2009 134 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Networks and Multimedia 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 Area Coordinators • Mário Figueiredo • Rui Valadas Human Resources Overview Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa Full Professor 1 2 3 Associate Professor 0 1 8 Assistant Professor 7 19 23 Post. Doc. 1 1 9 Coordinator Professor 0 3 0 Assistant Lecturer 1 5 0 PhD Student 7 26 42 (Licenciado) 11 0 0 28 57 85 TOTAL Table 21 – Overview of human resources in Networks and Multimedia Area in 2009 135 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Permanent Collaborators Position Group Degree Name Associate Professor PhD Abel João Gomes Assistant Professor PhD Amaro Sousa Agregação Amílcar Sernadas Assistant Professor PhD Ana Fred Assistant Professor PhD Ana Gualdina Almeida Matos Full Professor PhD Aníbal Manuel de Oliveira Duarte Networks and Multimedia Communications – Aveiro Assistant Professor PhD Assistant Professor PhD Networks and Mulitmedia Communications – Lisbon Security and Quantum Information Assistant Professor PhD António Carlos Almeida António Maria Alarcão Ravara António Nogueira Full Professor Post. Doc. Binod Vaidya Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Networks and Multimedia Communications – Aveiro Security and Quantum Information Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Security and Quantum Information Networks and Multimedia Communications – Aveiro Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Security and Quantum Information Assistant Professor PhD Carlos Manuel Costa Lourenço Caleiro Assistant Professor PhD Celino José Martins Miguel Cristina Olaverri Monreal Daowen Qiu Pos.Doc. PhD Dorabella Maria da Silva Santos Assistant Professor PhD Edgar Silva Pereira Post. Doc. PhD Fausto José Canhoto de Paiva Vieira Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Coordinator Professor PhD Fernando Lopes Signals and Image Processing Assistant Professor PhD Fernando Manuel Lourenço Martins Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Assistant Professor PhD Fernando Perdigão Signals and Image Processing Associate Professor Agregação Fernando Pereira Image Communication Assistant Professor PhD Francisco Fontes Assistant Professor PhD Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva Gergely István Bana Networks and Multimedia Communications – Aveiro Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Security and Quantum Information PhD Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença Ian Robin Marsh Post. Doc. Post. Doc. Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Networks and Mulitmedia Communications – Lisbon Security and Quantum Information Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Networks and Mulitmedia Communications – Lisbon 136 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Position Group Degree Name Assistant Professor PhD Assistant Professor PhD Isabel da Piedade Xavier Machado Alexandre Jaime Arsénio de Brito Ramos Assistant Professor PhD Jan Gunnar Cederquist Security and Quantum Information Assistant Professor PhD Security and Quantum Information Associate Professor PhD Associate Professor PhD João Filipe Quintas dos Santos Rasga João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros João Sobrinho Assistant Professor PhD Associate Professor PhD Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues José Brázio Associate Professor PhD José Carlos Teixeira Assistant Professor PhD José Francisco Monteiro Morgado Luís A. Alexandre Assistant Professor PhD Luís Cruz Networks and Mulitmedia Communications – Lisbon Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Networks and Mulitmedia Communications – Lisbon Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Signals and Image Processing Assistant Professor PhD Luís Ducla Soares Image Communication Luis Filipe Coelho Antunes Luís Henrique Martins Borges de Almeida Security and Quantum Information Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho Luís Sá Networks and Mulitmedia Communications – Lisbon Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Agregação PhD Agregação Assistant Professor Networks and Mulitmedia Communications – Lisbon Security and Quantum Information Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Networks and Mulitmedia Communications – Lisbon Signals and Image Processing Assistant Professor PhD Assistant Professor PhD Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa Maria Paula Prata de Sousa Maria Paula Queluz Associate Professor Agregação Mário Figueiredo Full Professor Agregação Mário Freire PhD Matteo Naccari Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Image Communication Michel Celestino Paiva Ferreira Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues Miguel Tavares Coimbra Nikola Paunkovic Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Security and Quantum Information Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD Assistant Professor PhD Post. Doc. PhD Assistant Professor Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Image Communication 137 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Position Group Degree Name Assistant Professor MSc Assistant Professor PhD Nuno Miguel Morais Rodrigues Paul Andrew Crocker Assistant Professor Agregação Assistant Professor PhD Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus Paulo Lobato Correia Assistant Professor PhD Paulo Nunes Image Communication Assistant Professor PhD Coordinator Professor PhD Networks and Multimedia Communications – Aveiro Signals and Image Processing Assistant Professor PhD Paulo Salvador Ferreira Pedro Amado Assunção Pedro Araújo Assistant Professor PhD Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD PhD Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes Rui L. Aguiar Associate Professor PhD Rui Manuel Rocha Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD Full Professor PhD Rui Miguel Neto Marinheiro PhD Rui Pedro de Magalhães Claro Prior Agregação Rui Valadas Post. Doc. Coordinator Professor MSc Sara Maria Fernandes Rato e Costa Marques Candeias Sérgio Faria Assistant Professor PhD Susana Sargento Post. Doc. Licenciado Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. PhD Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Security and Quantum Information Image Communication Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Security and Quantum Information Networks and Multimedia Communications – Coimbra Networks and Mulitmedia Communications – Lisbon Networks and Multimedia Communications – Aveiro Networks and Mulitmedia Communications – Lisbon Networks and Mulitmedia Communications – Lisbon Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Networks and Multimedia Communications - Lisbon Signals and Image Processing Signals and Image Processing Verónica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho Victor Manuel Letra Macedo Marques Vitor Silva Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Signals and Image Processing William Ricardo Carson Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Tiago Travassos Vieira Vinhoza Licenciatura Vasco Lagarto Assistant Professor Signals and Image Processing Table 22 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Networks and Multimedia Area in 2009 138 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Other Collaborators Position Degree Name PhD Student Adriano Nunes Raposo PhD Student Alfredo Miguel Matos Licenciado PhD Student Licenciatura Álvaro Henrique C. Gomes MSc André Lourenço PhD Student André Nuno Carvalho Souto Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD PhD Student MSc PhD Student PhD Student MSc PhD Student André Zúquete Andreia Sofia da Costa Teixeira PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Group Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves - Aveiro Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Security and Quantum Information Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Security and Quantum Information Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Júnior Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon António Luís Morais Costa da Silva Networks and Mulitmedia Lopes Communications - Lisbon Arlindo Oliveira da Veiga Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Artur Ferreira Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Networks and Multimedia Azmol Huda Communications - Aveiro Bruno José Conchinha Montalto Security and Quantum Information Assistant Lecturer PhD Student MSc Carla Calado Lopes Signals and Image Processing MSc Carlos Jorge Santiago PhD Student MSc Catarina Brites Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Image Communication PhD Student MSc Cláudio Ribeiro Neves Signals and Image Processing PhD Student Daniel Corujo PhD Student Danillo Bracco Graziosi Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Signals and Image Processing PhD Student MSc David Coutinho Gomes Antão PhD Student MSc Diogo Gomes Licenciatura Diogo Resende Rainho Licenciado PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Eduardo Marta Eduardo Oliveira Estanqueiro Rocha Emanuel Martins PhD Student Farhan Riaz PhD Student Fernando António Carvalho Marcos Filipe Cabral Pinto Licenciado PhD Student Licenciatura Filipe Cruz Gomes Soares Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Signals and Image Processing Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Signals and Image Processing Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra 139 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Position Degree PhD Student Name Filipe dos Santos Neves PhD Student MSc Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes PhD Student MSc Gerhard Maierbacher Assistant Professor PhD Student Gonçalo Nuno Vinhas Leitão MSc Licenciado Henrique José Monteiro Oliveira Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Image Communication PhD Student MSc Hugo Humberto Plácido da Silva PhD Student MSc João Ascenso Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Image Communication João Carlos Silvestre Signals and Image Processing Assistant Lecturer Licenciado PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Assistant Lecturer PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Henrique Teixeira de Sousa Group Licenciatura João Ferreira da Silva Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro João Manuel Barbosa de Oliveira Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon João Manuel Maia Duarte Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon João Manuel Pires Leitão Caldeira Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra João Paulo Barraca Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro João Paulo Cordeiro Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra João Paulo Vilela Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Licenciatura João Pedro Oliveira Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition PhD João Vasco Paulo Gomes Networks and Multimedia Student Communications - Coimbra Joaquim Manuel Pereira Mateus Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra MSc José Miguel de Carvalho Catela Networks and Mulitmedia Teixeira Communications - Lisbon MSc Karina Girardi Roggia Security and Quantum Information Ke Zhang Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Signals and Image Processing PhD Student PhD Student Licenciatura Lino Miguel Moreira Ferreira PhD Student Luis David Moreira Pedrosa PhD Student Luís Miguel Lopes de Oliveira Licenciado PhD Student PhD Student Luís Miguel Silva PhD Student MSc PhD Student Assistant Lecturer Luisa Marina Araújo Lima Manuel Mota Ferreira Márcio Daniel Tavares de Melo MSc Marco Gomes Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Signals and Image Processing 140 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Position Degree Name PhD Student Maria Cecília dos Santos Rosa PhD Student Mariana Almeida Group PhD Student Paulo Jorge Ferreira Baptista Pinheiro Cordeiro Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Signals and Image Processing Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Assistant Lecturer PhD Student Paulo Paiva Monteiro Signals and Image Processing PhD Student MSc Marta Isabel Belchior Lopes PhD Student Miguel Pereira dos Santos Silva PhD Student Munnujahan Ara PhD Student PhD Student Nelson Carreira Francisco Óscar Pereira PhD Student MSc PhD Student Paulo Roberto Almeida Moreira Costa Paulo Vasco Oliveira PhD Student PhD Student Paulo Alexandre Correia da Silva Neves Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro MSc PhD Student PhD Student Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Pawel Andruszkiewicz Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Pedro Alexandre Cardoso Baltazar Security and Quantum Information Pedro Alexandre Gonçalves Pedro Daniel Correia Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Radio Microwaves and Millimeter Waves - Aveiro Signals and Image Processing PhD Student Pedro José Gonçalves Ribeiro Security and Quantum Information PhD Student Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão Licenciado PhD Student Pedro Capão MSc Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Pedro Naia Neves Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Ricardo Azevedo Guerra Pereira Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Ricardo João Rodrigues Gonçalves Security and Quantum Information PhD Student Licenciado PhD Student Licenciado PhD Student Rui Abreu Ferreira PhD Student Rui Costa Cardoso PhD Student Rui Filipe Mendes Alves da Costa PhD Student Rodolphe Marques PhD Student Samah Ahmad Mohammad Mustafa Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Sandro Moiron Signals and Image Processing PhD Student Ricardo Jorge Alves Cordeiro MSc 141 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Position Degree Name PhD Student Sérgio Armindo Lopes Crisóstomo PhD Student Sérgio Figueiredo PhD Student Sérgio Marcelino PhD Student Sónia Pelizzari PhD Student Sylvain Tony Marcelino PhD Student Tiago José Gomes Quelhas PhD Student MSc Tomás Brandão PhD Student Licenciatura PhD Student Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares Vinay Uday Prabhu PhD Student Vitor Jesus Licenciado MSc Vitor Simões Ribeiro Assistant Professor PhD Yasser Rashid Revez Omar Group Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Security and Quantum Information Communication Theory and Pattern Recognition Signals and Image Processing Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Multimedia Communications - Coimbra Networks and Mulitmedia Communications - Lisbon Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Networks and Multimedia Communications - Aveiro Security and Quantum Information Table 23 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Neteworks and Multimedia Area in 2009 142 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3.3 Summary of Research Achievements The work in the area of Networks and Multimedia is organized in several topics: - Architectures and protocols; - Security and quantum information; - Traffic engineering; - Network operations, management, and planning; - Network applications and services - Processing, analysis and coding of audio and visual information; - Pattern recognition and automatic learning; In the following, we briefly summarize the main achievements in each of these topics. Architectures And Protocols Mathematical foundations of Internet routing – Contrary to many other areas of engineering, Networking and the Internet developed almost exclusively through experimentation, without firm supporting models. The Internet is a success, but one is left to wonder whether its behavior is understood, whether its growth is sustainable, and whether better designs are possible for itself and its subsystems. Good models are important in this regard. We set out a model to understand the connectivity provided by route-vector protocols subject to routing policies at the various nodes. We identified two algebraic properties that lead to fundamental theorems and efficient computation of this type of connectivity: export-myopia and export-isotonicity. Export-myopia means that the decision to export a route to a neighbor node depends only on the previous neighbor node from which the route was learned, and not on the attributes of the route. Export-isotonicity means that if a node does not export a route to a neighbor node, then it also does not export to the same neighbor node any less preferred route. Under export-myopia and exportisotonicity, we were able to prove a link version of Menger's theorem for usable paths stating that the minimum number of links that usably separates a node from the destination equals the maximum number of usable link-disjoint paths from the former to the latter, and that a route-vector protocol does find a usable path whenever one exists. In the end, we were able to present a polynomial-time algorithm to compute the connectivity of route-vector protocols. Our work can thus be regarded as a generalization of classical connectivity results for when not all 143 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA paths are usable and they are to be discovered through a route-vector protocol. We have applied the theory to an annotated description of the Internet provided by the CAIDA data sets. We quantified the loss in Internet connectivity due to the traditional routing policies which substantiate the localized, competitive behavior of ISPs. We also presented more general routing policies and assessed their connectivity. And we determined how much of the Internet intrinsic connectivity is recovered with simple backup policies. Network Coding Multicast in Satellite Networks - The broadcast nature of satellite networks such as DVB-RCS based systems provides a highly effective medium for content distribution, especially in the case of geographically scattered clients. Non-realtime services typically rely on application level protocols that often use forward error correction (FEC) and carousel data cycling schemes in unidirectional links. The presence of a feedback channel in satellite networks is mostly unexploited in the context of reliable multicast services. We show that network coding protocols, which mix different packets by means of algebraic operations, offer a native and transparent solution for reliable multicast over satellites. When employing a feedback channel, network coding can reach near real-time performance at an efficiency level close to known theoretical bounds for lossy satellite links. Network Coding Simulation in Large-Scale Topologies - We developed NECO, a high-performance simulation framework dedicated to the evaluation of network coding (NC) based protocols. Its main features include: (1) definition of graphs representing the topology (which can be generated randomly or predefined by means of a standard representation), (2) modular specification of network coding protocols, (3) visualization of the network operation and (4) extraction of key statistics. The simulator is entirely written in Python and can be easily extended to account for extra functionalities due to its modular architecture. As a proof-ofconcept we carried out and published a comprehensive study of the impact of network topology on the performance of network coding with respect to throughput and achievable security levels. Our findings, which can be used to find the best overlay topologies for network coding at the application layer, confirm that the benefits of network coding are largely dependent on the network topology. Network Coding Meets TCP – We propose a mechanism that incorporates network coding into TCP with only minor changes to the protocol stack, thereby 144 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA allowing incremental deployment. In our scheme, the source transmits random linear combinations of packets currently in the congestion window. At the heart of our scheme is a new interpretation of ACKs - the sink acknowledges every degree of freedom (i.e., a linear combination that reveals one unit of new information) even if it does not reveal an original packet immediately. Such ACKs enable a TCPlike sliding-window approach to network coding. Our scheme has the nice property that packet losses are essentially masked from the congestion control algorithm. Our algorithm therefore reacts to packet drops in a smooth manner, resulting in a novel and effective approach for congestion control over networks involving lossy links such as wireless links. Our experiments show that our algorithm achieves higher throughput compared to TCP in the presence of lossy wireless links. We also establish the soundness and fairness properties of our algorithm. Optimization of Wireless Communication Systems - This research work has been exploring the intersections between information theory and estimation theory in the analysis, design and optimization of future communications systems. The most relevant research problems include [18]: (a)The optimization of linear precoders for multiple-input multiple-output Gaussian channels with arbitrary inputs; (b)the optimization of linear precoders for fading multiple-input multipleoutput Gaussian channels with arbitrary inputs. Of particular relevance is the use of the simple connection between the derivative of the mutual information and the nonlinear MMSE to address open problems in the optimization of the reliable information transmission rate of communications systems in innovative manners. Probabilistic Flooding in Dense Networks - We consider probabilistic information dissemination in stochastic networks. In our problem setup a source node intends to deliver a message to all other nodes in the network (“flooding”). First, the source node transmits the message to all its neighbouring nodes. Each of them then forwards the received message with some network-wide probability pf. A natural question arises: which forwarding probability pf should each node use such that a flooded message is obtained by all nodes with high probability? In other words, what is the minimum pf to achieve a high global outreach probability? We first present a generic approach to estimate the probability of achieving global outreach. We then focus on Erdos Renyi random graphs (ERGs) and Random Geometric graphs (RGGs). For ERGs we are able to derive the exact expression for the global outreach probability given the network topology and the flooding parameters. For RGGs we derive an asymptotic expression. A simulation study 145 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA complements these results. We also take a system design perspective to show parameter settings that lead to global outreach. Energy-Efficient Routing in Underwater Sensor Networks - Underwater wireless sensor networks consist of a certain number of sensors and vehicles that interact to collect data and perform collaborative tasks. Designing energy-efficient routing protocols for this type of network is essential and challenging because sensor nodes are powered by batteries, which are difficult to replace or recharge, and because underwater communications are severely affected by network dynamics, large propagation delays and high error probability of acoustic channels. Practical Source-Network Coding for Sensor Networks - Considering the case of correlated sources, where data from one source already contains some information about other sources, information theoretic results tell us that the amount of data, which needs to be transmitted from the source to the sink (at a given quality), can be reduced by considering the source correlations within the coding scheme. Distributed source coding techniques allow us to do so. In scenarios where correlated source data needs to be communicated over a network it is possible to perform distributed source coding and network coding separately. However, this approach is shown to be non-optimal in general scenarios. The solution to this problem would be to perform joint source-network coding which is a highly challenging task mostly due to the complexity of the decoder. The problem lies within the fact that the decoding complexity of distributed source coding schemes generally increases exponentially with the number of source nodes. We show how to perform near-optimal, yet computationally tractable, joint sourcenetwork decoding using factor graphs and belief propagation techniques. Also provided is a proof-of concept in form of a working implementation. Protocols and Architectures for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks - The goal of this line of research is to investigate how vehicle-to-vehicle communication can improve the user experience and the overall efficiency of vehicle and road utilization. Vehicle-to-vehicle communication will be enabled by means of Vehicular Ad-Hoc NETworks (VANETs), a novel type of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) that has recently attracted significant interest from governments, academia, and industry, due to its potential to help save lives, increase the traffic efficiency, and provide a more pleasurable experience for drivers and passengers. VANETs provide an opportunity for myriad of new applications, including location-based information 146 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA dissemination, vehicle based social networking and distributed interactive games. Our results so far include a detailed study of urban connectivity in VANETs using our large-scale traffic simulator DIVERT, an evaluation of the quality of service that can be guaranteed in highway environments with unicast sessions, and various prototypes including the see-through truck, a system that helps drivers overtake trucks by feeding a video stream of what the truck sees using a the vehicle-tovehicle wireless link. Transport architectures for satellite networks – Phase 2 of project TOP, dealing with the study of algorithms for TCP congestion control appropriate for satellite network environments, was completed successfully during 2008. This phase dealt with the implementation and test of the algorithm developed in Phase 1. The work performed in 2008 consisted of further refinement of the test plan towards the performance evaluation of a prototype implementation, followed by a measurement campaign performed at the ESA-ESRIN site (Frascati, Italy) site using an Eutelsat satellite link. Networking and security issues in real-time applications - This research stream was focused on problems related to high-speed network infrastructures and security issues for real-time multimedia applications in an evolution scenario where some applications and services have gradually migrated from the client-server paradigm to the peer-to-peer (P2P) computing paradigm. Particular attention was paid to the following issues: (i) Autonomic and Real-time Detection and Classification of Encrypted P2P File Sharing Traffic and P2P TV Traffic; (ii) Autonomic and Real-time Detection of Internet Traffic Anomalies; (iii) Strategies for Robust Media Streaming over P2P Networks Based on Multiple Description Coding; (iv) Tradeoff Between Network Performance and Security Issues in High-Speed and Low-Latency Communications; (v) Detection of Intensive Attacks in Real-Time and High-Speed Networked Environments; (vi) High-speed Technologies, Protocols and Architectures for Multimedia Networks. Wireless ad-hoc and mesh networks - GEMS continued to work on the Home Networking area completing the development of a distributed middleware architecture for applications and devices to seamlessly interoperate and capable of creating an automated home solution with service discovery facilities covering the entertainment, security, communications and automation aspects and coping with the self-organization, integration and user-friendliness requirements that are typical 147 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA of such environments. This project has been funded by LEMe as a result of an internal LEMe project contest. This resulted in a MSc successfully completed. From September onwards, the project has entered a second phase were applications based on the middleware developed in the first phase are being developed. The integration with networked embedded systems for monitoring and actuation purposes in the home environment is also foreseen. Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks - In the area of Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) NetGNA proposed a new network architecture called Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network (VDTN). A VDTN layered architecture was proposed. The main objective of this architecture is to provide a low-cost connectivity solution for isolated and dispersed regions with no networks infrastructure. VDTN architecture handles nonreal time applications, exploiting vehicles to enable connectivity under unreliable scenarios with unstable links and where an end-to-end path may not exist. Intuitively, the use of stationary store-and-forward devices (relay nodes) located at crossroads where vehicles meet them and should improve the message delivery probability. The proposed architecture is based on the concept of Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) and can be applied to various scenarios, including rapid deployment of emergency communication systems when all communication links have failed. We evaluated routing strategies for rural connectivity, the performance improvement with relay nodes, and the Impact of Storage Capacity Constraints on VDTNs. New Scheduling and Dropping Policies for Traffic Differentiation on VDTNs were also proposed. The first version of a VDTN prototype was presented. The work on VDTNs is supported by the Internal Project VDTN@Lab, a joint collaboration between Covilhã and Aveiro groups. Our group is also involved on the NoE Euro-NF FP7-IST Project, leading the workpackage JRA 1.2 – Core and Metro Architectures. Wireless Sensor Networks & eHealth - In area of sensor networks we proposed a solution for detecting intra-fraction motion in patients undergoing radiation treatment using a low-cost wireless accelerometer. Another important contribution from sensors application on eHealth is a novel intra-body sensor for vaginal temperature monitoring. The motivation for including IP on wireless sensor networks was discussed taking into account future research goals related with Plugand-Play functionalities for IPv6-enabled wireless sensor networks. The work on wireless sensor networks and eHealth is supported by the Internal Project BodySens. On eHealth, beyond applications of wireless sensor networks and mobile and ubiquitous applications, we surveyed the state of the art on health information 148 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA systems, addressing their concepts, methodologies, tools and applications. Several security approaches were proposed for user authentication for wireless sensor networks, for voice transmission over multipath wireless ad-hoc network, and a trust management scheme for enhancing security in pervasive wireless networks. Our group is also involved on the NoE Euro-NF FP7-IST Project. Wireless sensor networks - GEMS continued its efforts in this area. As a whole, GEMS has been involved in 6 projects. Regarding our participation in NEWCOM ++ (Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications), a NoE FP7-IST Project addressing research problems in the field of wireless networks, namely the challenges posed by ubiquitous network infrastructure and architectures, our group has been particular active in one of the technical work-packages (WP11) of the project, which started in 1/2008. In WP11 - Opportunistic Networks - the pervasive communication scenarios, were delay-tolerant applications are expected to play and important role are the main targets. Opportunistic networks exploit human (and/or machine) mobility and local forwarding in order to distribute data. Information can be stored and passed, taking advantage of node’s mobility, or forwarded over a wireless link when an appropriate contact is met. In this context, the proposal, design and development of a new routing protocol for opportunistic environments, has been carried out, which resulted in a MSc dissertation and a publication submitted to an international conference in the area. As for the projects that started in previous years, the effort on specific applications of WSN involving interesting engineering problems continued throughout 2009, while a consolidation of the work on the campus WSN test-bed (called Tagus-SensorNet) has been carried out in 2009. The platform has been evolving since its deployment in 2007 and gave rise to interesting experiments and research work. Some results were shared with the scientific community through a journal paper describing the development and deployment of the Tagus-SensorNet, published in the International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet). Furthermore, new results regarding energy management of the Tagus-SensorNet platform have also been submitted to the same journal, and we are waiting its evaluation. Finally, we have been able to develop a new sensor node hardware which will allow us to, not only have domain on the software part of WSN but also on the hardware part and, in particular, on the HW-level aspects of energy management; this is a natural evolution of the group's hardware area from where several sensor boards (3 presently) have emerged in the last 3 years. Also, we have launched a project 149 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA concerning the operation and maintenance problems of WSNs - Modulus - involving the design and development of a new WSN's middleware capable of ease the setup and maintenance (and beyond) of complex WSN applications. Vehicular ad-hoc networks - So far, in most vehicular applications, navigation and communication are viewed as separate capabilities with little or no relationship between each other. Although much work has already been done related to the enhancement of vehicular communication protocols, they do not consider the leveraging of rich data sets provided by GPS receivers, such as position information, roadmap geometry, and traffic conditions, which would improve the utilization of the wireless medium and provide higher quality of service for a wide range of applications. With this goal in mind, we shall seek for opportunities to use GPS data at every layer of the communications protocol stack. The work being performed aims to improve transport layer communications with geographic information in a cross-layer approach, studying the influence of lower layer characteristics and enhancements, mainly related to the MAC layer, in the transport layer. On the other side, the reliability of vehicle-to-vehicle communication depends on several factors: vehicles density, location, mobility models and radio propagation. In this sense, the support of infrastructure points, denoted as Road Side Units (RSU), may be used to increase reliability in vehicular communications. However, the number of RSUs needs to be minimized to decrease the communications cost; this requires an unusual optimization process, which needs to operate in this extremely dynamic environment. The choice of the optimal number, location and characteristics of RSUs to significantly optimize communication, dependent on the vehicular network and road characteristics, aided by GPS traffic information and dynamic trends on traffic loads, are problems that are subject of this work. The research of network protocols and extended network applications in these optimized networks will be also addressed. Wireless Mesh Networks - Distributing multimedia content over wireless networks is challenging due to the limited resource availability and the unpredictability of wireless links. As more and more users demand wireless access to (real-time) multimedia services, the impact of constrained resources is different for different media types. Therefore, understanding this impact and developing mechanisms to optimize content delivery under resource constraints according to user perception will be key in improving user satisfaction. In this paper, we develop a novel scheduling algorithm for multi-hop wireless networks, which optimizes packet 150 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA delivery for multiple audio, video and data flows according to user perceivable quality metrics. We formulate a multidimensional optimization problem to minimize the overall distortion while satisfying resource constraints for the wireless links. Our Quality-of-Experience (QoE)-optimized scheduler makes use of models to determine the user’s perception of quality that are specific to the type of service being provided. Context-aware Virtual Wireless Mesh Networks – The flexibility and selforganization properties of Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), and the benefits arising from the split of a physical network in several context-aware Virtual Networks (VNs), are a two-fold force to deal with the huge heterogeneity of user requirements and network resources in a future Internet architecture. In this scope, we provide a novel context-aware architecture for WMNs, that supports user requirements on demand by the deployment of several adaptable VNs for different context-aware purposes. We developed an analytical model for the proposed architecture. We aim to provide and define the limits of our multi-VN approach, in terms of the number of VNs, attached mesh clients, and virtual nodes per VN, in order to accomplish feasible delays for different data or control communication requirements. Wireless access networks - The IEEE 802.16 standard represents the state-ofthe-art in technology for metropolitan area broadband wireless access networks. The point-to-multipoint (PMP) mode of IEEE 802.16 has been designed to enable quality of service (QoS) in operator-controlled networks and, thus, is foreseen to complement existing third generation cellular networks. In contrast, the optional mesh mode of operation in IEEE 802.16 enables the setup of self-organizing wireless multi-hop mesh networks. A distinguishing characteristic of the IEEE 802.16 standard is its support for QoS at the MAC layer. However, the QoS specifications and mechanisms for the PMP and the mesh mode are not consistent. Research has been performed to integrate a novel QoS architecture in order to enhance the IEEE 802.16 mesh mode of operation. In particular, we have evaluated scheduling algorithms and admission control mechanisms, and the tradeoffs involved when implementing such mechanisms in 802.16 mesh mode, focusing on the efficient management of the available bandwidth resources. In order to evaluate and validate the performance of the developed mechanisms, a simulation study is being developed, based on the NS2 and NCTUS simulation tools. 151 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Home networks and residential gateways – The constant evolution of the home network solutions/equipments (HGWs and STBs included) obliges also a continuous research and learning effort. Manufactures of Home Network solutions, alternatives to the UTPcat5e structured network, for the existing home transport medium (air, electric, coaxial, phone networks) are making evolutions that are been testing (e.g. PLC, Wi-Fi, HPNA). The results of the research and experimentation of different equipments/solutions obtained are enabling high knowledge recognition on this “Home Networking” technologic area. On example of that is the collaboration with PTCom on the equipment’s technical specifications for the commercial Triple-Play deployment (meo) and respective conformity tests support. The evolution of the current used HGW for the PTCom commercial TriplePlay service (meo) will be the introduction of a "middleware" in this equipment which allows the life cycle management of new personalized services. In the market there are many alternatives (e.g. OSGi, HAVi), but still under development or in commercial products with a lack of maturity, not allowing operators to invest these new approaches as part of their trading platforms. The existing knowledge on OSGi obtained by the participation on different IST projects (e.g. IST@Home, MUSE) allows the current work on this technology. The current development of an OSGi platform promotes the development of an innovative support for advanced and innovative residential services controlled by the operator PTCom. Another complementary objective of this activity is the design of an OSGi test suite. Heterogeneous networking issues - Research has been performed in heterogeneous networks, focused on the evolution towards fixed and mobile, convergent, next generation architectures. This work covered areas of: QoS support across different technologies and networks (infrastructure and ad-hoc) and over different administrative domains; mixed mobility types with QoS integration and mobility management in multi-access environments, using IEEE 802.21 to support media independent handovers, and mechanisms for intelligent handover decisions commonly performed by the user and network (specific technologies supported: Ethernet, 802.11, 802.16, DVB and 3G); multicast communications with QoS and mobility; mobility of both mobility of the listeners and of the sources in multicast environments, where the movement of sources is made transparent to the receivers; real-time bidirectional communications in unidirectional technologies (DVB), making use of a different technology return channel, covering aspects of QoS and mobility; and privacy support using virtual identities and identity based 152 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA mobility. New developments are being addressed in the integration of LTE with these architectures, specifically addressing mobility and QoS. Context-aware multiparty session - In future scenarios, context-aware services and multicasting will together drive a new trend, since context-awareness can exploit situations in which users share the same interests and request similar services, increasing the effectiveness of session and network control. In these environments, where groups may be created based on context, multicast takes a new lead to the communications environment. However, context-aware networks also introduce personalized concepts: any change to context, such as, location, mobility, velocity, preferences, presence, can change the overall services and network environments, requiring the network and multicast sessions to be completely restructured in a very dynamic way. This dynamicity poses scalability problems in current networks. We proposed an efficient architecture for contextaware multiparty session and network control which dynamically adapts to contexts’ and networks’ dynamics and maintains the connectivity with the expected requirements over session lifetime. We consider the concepts of dynamic session and network control, driven by context, but introduce the concept of abstract trees in the network to increase the stability of the network to any context change. Security and Quantum Information Joint Compression and Security. For some decades secure communication systems have been employing a modular approach to security. These systems usually perform encryption using conventional cryptographic primitives that are insensitive to the characteristics of the communications channel, relying on mathematical operations assumed to be hard to compute, such as prime factorization and the discrete logarithm function. They do not take into account the specificities of the data being encoded nor some essential mechanisms for data transmission such as quantization and data compression. For applications with realtime constraints it is important to minimize the computational overhead introduced by the use of cryptographic primitives. This minimization could be achieved by relying on specif properties of the transmitted data and the underlying communication system. In particular, coding techniques have been shown to allow reliable and efficient encryption. Using intelligent coding procedures we can design lightweight secure protocols that introduce little overhead to the encryption. In this 153 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA line of research we propose the use of coding techniques to perform lightweitght encryption. Our contribution focuses on two different buiding blocks of a communications system. First, we rely on quantization as a means of obtaining security. Secondly, we develop cipher mechanisms, that perform an analysis of the output of the source coder to compute a keystream used in encryption of the source messages. Soundness and completeness of formal encryption - In their seminal work, Abadi and Rogaway show that the formal (Dolev-Yao) notion of indistinguishability is sound with respect to the computational model: pairs of messages that are indistinguishable in the formal model become indistinguishable messages in the computational model. However, this result has two weaknesses. First, it cannot tolerate key-cycles. Second, it makes the too-strong assumption that the underlying cryptography can hide all aspects of the plaintext, including its length. Both of these weaknesses stem from a ’gap’ between the formal and computational models, and we consider and close both weaknesses in this paper. It is shown that the recently-introduced notion of KDM-security can provide soundness even in the presence of key- cycles, which is the first time a gap has been closed by strengthening the computational model. Encryption that reveals the length of plaintexts is considered, and it is used to motivate a general examination about information-leaking encryption. In particular, the conditions under which an encryption scheme , which may leak some partial information, will provide soundness and completeness to some (possibly weakened) version of the formal model. Improving authentication schemes with quantum information - The problem on how quantum resources can improve the security of authentication protocols has been addressed. The starting point is the protocol introduced by Brassard in 1983. In that protocol, the shared key is the seed of a pseudo-random generator (PRG) and a hash function is used to create the authentication tag of a public message. It was shown that a quantum encoding of secret bits offers more security than the classical XOR function introduced by Brassard. Furthermore, we proof that quantum resources can simultaneously improve both secrecy of the key generated by the PRG as secrecy of the tag obtained with a hidden hash function. Moreover, the proposed quantum protocol can be also used in order to authenticate the quantum channel itself. 154 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Farness constrains for the Dolev-Yao attacker - Fairness constraints for the Dolev-Yao attacker, when checking liveness properties, were investigated. It was showed that any fairness constraint that makes the standard Dolev-Yao attacker sound w.r.t. an (honest) buffer, under the fair scheduling constraint, is a nonregular property. Design of new security protocols - A fair contract signing protocol was propose using quantum tamper-proof devices. In the proposed protocol the signing agents do not need to communicate with a third trusted party during the signing phase, which has been proved to be impossible using only classical information in asynchronous networks. The protocol relies on decoherence of quantum information to encode a global clock that works as a synchronization mechanism. The protocol can be implemented with existing quantum technology. Attacker with cryptanalytical capabilities - A probabilistic model for the analysis of security protocols was purposed. The proposed model allows one to reason about attackers that extend the usual Dolev-Yao adversary with explicit probabilistic statements representing their (partial) knowledge of the properties of cryptographic primitives. An entropy-based approach was developed to estimate the probability of a successful attack on a cryptographic protocol given the prescribed knowledge of the attacker. This quantity was shown to be NP-hard to compute, but it is useful to analyze a few practical examples. Commitment and authentication - A question raised in the paper Constructions and Bounds for Unconditionally Secure Non-Interactive Commitment Schemes, by Blundo et al., 2002, was answered and it was shown that there is a close relation between unconditionally secure commitment schemes and unconditionally secure authentication schemes. Moreover it was also shown that an unconditionally secure commitment scheme can be built from such an authentication scheme and an unconditionally secure cipher system. Traffic Engineering Traffic engineering of Ethernet networks - In this activity, we address the problem of how to use the IEEE 802.1S Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) to improve load balance, service disruption and survivability of Metro Ethernet networks. We are pursuing two different sets of traffic engineering problems. In the first set, we are defining optimization models and developing suitable solving 155 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA techniques able to obtain optimal solutions. In particular, we have already published different models and solution techniques, based on Dantzig-Wolfe decompositions, to solve optimally different objective functions related to optimal network load balance. A conference paper was published in proceedings of INOC 2009, Pisa, Italy. This activity is being conducted in collaboration with Prof. Filipe Alvélos (Escola de Engenharia, Universidade do Minho). In the second set of problems, we are conducting collaboration with Prof. Michal Pioro (University of Warsaw, Poland) in order to deal with the min-max optimization of link loads, using the polish previous work on max-min fairness. A conference paper was published in proceedings of NGI 2009, Aveiro, Portugal (published in IEEE Xplore) and a journal paper was submitted in 2009 and accepted for publication in 2010 in Telecommunication Systems (Springer). Traffic engineering of MPLS networks – The traffic engineering problem was addressed aiming to minimize the routing hop-count while guaranteeing network survivability based on multiple disjoint paths. A conference paper was published in proceedings of INOC 2009, Pisa, Italy and a journal paper was submitted in 2009 and accepted for publication in 2010 in International Transactions in Operational Research (Wiley-Blackwell). This activitiy has been done in collaboration with Prof. Luis Gouveia (Departamento de Estatística e Investigação Operacional, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa). Minimum interference routing algorithms – Minimum interference routing algorithms aim to reduce the rejections rate of future requests for the establishment of bandwidth guaranteed paths (such as MPLS LSPs). They are intended to be used in online traffic engineering and, therefore, they make no assumption regarding future request arrivals. We have conducted a throughout analysis of several minimum interference routing algorithms and introduced novel scenarios to simulate these algorithms. We have analyzed the suitability of these routing algorithms to scenarios where demands are bidirectional and to scenarios where 1+1 protection may be required. Then, we have developed a new algorithm, named, Minimum Interference with K-Shortest Paths Identification, that exploits the possibility of reducing not only the interference when routing new demands but also protecting the maximum unsplitable bandwidth path. This work was done under the dissertation of a Professional Master in Information Networking (MSIN) between University of Aveiro and Carnegie Mellon University. 156 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Detection of Internet applications - We have developed a statistical method to identify Internet applications that (i) selects the flow features that are stable across traffic traces, both in time and space, resorting to the so-called effect size, and (ii) performs classification based on the principal components of the (stable) flow features. Application of the method was carried out on traffic traces of Orange (France Telecom) network. We have also explored the use of multi-scaling traffic analysis for the same purpose. Detection and characterization of P2P Internet applications - Peer-to-peer file-sharing systems have gained tremendous popularity in the past few years. The traffic generated by P2P systems, and particularly BitTorrent, represents the major portion of the global Internet traffic, largely overtaking the traffic share of the World Wide Web. More users are continually joining such systems and more objects are being made available, seducing even more users to join. An accurate mapping of traffic to their applications can be very important for a broad range of network management and measurement tasks including traffic engineering, service differentiation, performance/failure monitoring, and security. Traditional mapping approaches have become increasingly inaccurate because many applications use non-default or ephemeral port numbers, use well-known port numbers associated with other applications, change application signatures or use traffic encryption. We developed two new identification methodologies, one based on neural networks and other based on principal component analysis. Both methodologies are able to identify flow patterns generated by P2P Internet applications while overcoming the limitations of existing approaches. The results obtained show that, when conveniently utilized, both methodologies constitute a valuable tool to identify P2P Internet applications since they are able to achieve good performance results while, at the same time, avoid the most important disadvantages presented by the other identification methods. Nowadays, we see P2P systems evolving towards a Video on Demand (VoD) platform. One of the main challenges of these systems is to efficiently share data in the dynamic and continuously evolving Ad-Hoc networks of users. This ability heavily depends on the peers' locations and characteristics on this type of networks. Therefore, it is important to identify and characterize the usage profiles of such P2P application. Towards that objective, we used the current BitTorrent system to evaluate the peer-level characteristics of users sharing video contents. These characteristics include geographical location, peers availability and peers “distance”, measured in terms of the round trip time. From the results 157 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA obtained, we conclude that peers sharing video content present some unexpected locality features that, if conveniently exploited, could greatly benefit VoD P2P systems both in technological and service marketing terms. Detection of network intrusions and anomalies - The detection of network compromised hosts is currently performed at the network and host levels but any one of these options presents important security flaws: at the host level, antivirus, anti-spyware and personal firewalls are ineffective in the detection of hosts that are compromised via new or target-specific malicious software while at the network level network firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems were developed to protect the network from external attacks but they were not designed to detect and protect against vulnerabilities that are already present inside the local area network. We presented a new approach for the identification of illicit traffic that tries to overcome some of the limitations of existing approaches, while being computationally efficient and easy to deploy. The approach is based on neural networks and is able to detect illicit traffic based on the historical traffic profiles presented by "licit" and "illicit" network applications. The evaluation of the proposed methodology relies on traffic traces obtained in a controlled environment and composed by licit traffic measured from normal activity of network applications and malicious traffic synthetically generated using the SubSeven backdoor. The results obtained show that the proposed methodology is able to achieve good identification results, being at the same time computationally efficient and easy to implement in real network scenarios. Network modeling for performance prediction - Wired and wireless network traffic exhibits peculiar and unpredictable behaviors that can be attributed to the combination of different factors: the varying number of users, the capacity of the network access links/points, network traffic matrices, users' mobility, background traffic, diversity of applications, services and user behaviors. This scenario creates an increasing need for tools that can cope with the continuous appearance of new applications and QoS requirements and is able to aid in the global management tasks of IP networks. We proposed an integrated management framework for wireless and wired networks that utilizes the network models based on neural networks previously developed and a new set of procedures allowing (i) to predict network Quality of Service (QoS) evolution for varying number of users and user characteristics and (ii) to assess the need for network upgrades. Additionally, the research team have started the evolution of the network models based on neural 158 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA networks towards a integrated Markovian based model able to jointly characterize users' behaviours and network characteristics and predict network performance in future operational scenarios. Congestion control in packet networks – We researched congestion control in heterogeneous links, following an end-to-end approach. This has been one of the hot research topics in the networking community, where alternatives to currently deployed versions of TCP have been discussed and tested. The objective is to improve both the performance in high speed links and the efficiency of TCP congestion control procedures. Currently, several TCP versions (under testing) can already be found in different operating system distributions. We have been testing (within a MSc work) some existing solutions and discussing alternatives for implementation in high-speed networks in the presence of significant delays (i.e. large bandwidth-delay product links). In addition to the previous topic, we have been involved in the more specific research of congestion control in wireless links. Although some of the TCP versions that have been proposed to improve the performance in heterogeneous links may also work better in wireless links, there are particular characteristics in wireless links that have been considered: the high error rate and the difficulty in distinguish between error losses and congestion losses. We have been looking for end-to-end solutions to these problems. We also researched congestion control in the Internet, following a router-assisted approach. Although much more difficult to deploy (because it requires the cooperation of all routers in the path, as well as the destination), this approach has shown better results in terms of stability and performance than the end-to-end approach. In addition to the modeling and stability assessment of router algorithms, we have been looking at alternative and effective congestion signaling schemes based on explicit binary marking, for the control of window-based and rate-based sources. Network Operations, Management and Planning In-Network management - Self-adaptation in the scope of in-network management is the capability of each node (and therefore of the network), to react to changes insuring the proper network behavior, according to the defined management policies. INM applications such as real-time monitoring and situationawareness provide state and context information to the decision processes within the self-adaptation applications. The optimization includes the support of local 159 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA resources optimization (through predictive approach) and reconfiguration, accessnetwork selection and assisted routing (as optimal path selection). These functions require the ability to discover the nodes, perform network bootstrap, and manage entry/leave nodes. In this work we started the specification process of the selfadaptation mechanism to support in-network management, considering the information that needs to be transferred between nodes and the decision process. We are currently studying and applying game theory and Bayesian networks to support this cooperation process. Cross-layer measurements - Service Performance Evaluation is usually associated with connectivity related services, such as the provisioning of an internet connection. Now operators are beginning to explore new business opportunities on the All-over-IP world and beyond. New solutions are being deployed focusing on the multimedia interactive contents. New network architectures will require extensions to provide a clear vision on the service delivery quality, and new approaches on cross-layer information will be envisioned. This work provides an insight on the cross-layer overview of the current 3GPP networks, while featuring the analysis until the end-to-end performance and end-user perception. It employs a correlation between the most relevant parameters at each layer and underlines their contribution to the upper layers. It further provides an analytical qualitative analysis of the overall service performance by evaluating simulation results which are sustained by both network and service performance metrics. Network Applications and Services Network virtualisation – We have built a small-scale network virtualisation testbed, based on XEN technology, where key features of network virtualisation can be demonstrated: on-demand creation, reconfiguration and elimination of virtual networks; migration of virtual resources; auto-discovery of physical and virtual resources. An additional result of this activity will be a network virtualisation management system, to provide the network infrastructure owner with the capability to enforce virtual resource management policies. The ultimate goal of this activity is the demonstration and evaluation of the concept of network virtualisation from the perspective of a network provider. Identity Management – Motivated by the actual demand for identity and privacy management, we have built an user-centric Identity Management prototype that 160 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA incorporates the major state of the art technologies. In future scenarios and networks, Identity management plays a key role for service composition and service/network integration (vertical integration). To demonstrate future network scenarios, the prototype was integrated with NGN network functions, enhanced it with a new identity layer that provides a user-centric way to integrate Telco with Web2.0 services. Personal Smart Spaces (PSSs) – Development of PSSs that provide a minimum set of functionalities which can be extended and enhanced as users encounter other smart spaces during their everyday life. Unlike isolated smart spaces (such as smart homes) these PSSs will be capable of learning and reasoning about all kinds of users their intentions, preferences and context. They will endowed with proactive behaviours which enable them to share context information with neighbouring PSSs, resolve conflicts between preferences of multiple users, make recommendations and act upon them, prioritise, share and balance limited resources, services and devices, reason about trustworthiness to protect privacy and be sufficiently fault-tolerant to guarantee their robustness and dependability. The communication between PSSs in a peer-to-peer mode is over JxTA and the service platform that supports several service enablers, as for example the group manager and resource sharing, is an OSGi Open Platform. Context framework and context-aware service enablers for multicast content delivery– Development of a global context-aware framework specifically intelligent for multiparty services. This framework will allow the mediation and aggregation of context information coming from a large number of sources and types of context providers (e.g. operator context providers as location, Internet providers as Facebook and private context providers as for example Wireless Sensor Networks). A context broker will be the access point for context-aware applications and services to access raw and inferred context information. This Framework will also include the design and develop of context-aware service enablers specifically for delivering content in multicast-broadcast environments; dynamically create and modify groups, intelligently select content, automatically set-up, modify multicast sessions and allocate network resources are some of the important functionalities provided by this service enabling platform. Integration of this framework with already existing platforms and/or components (as for example IMS, TISPAN RACS,...) will also be provided. The main objective of this work is to 161 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA evolve multimedia multicasting to exploit the increasing integration of mobile devices with our everyday physical environment. Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing - In the area of mobile and ubiquitous computing we proposed a new system for fall detection and automatic notification, using a regular PDA with an accelerometer and GPS. This system is designed for being used both inside hospital and in a regular daily life of senior people. Another proposal is the MP-Collaborator, a mobile collaboration tool in pervasive environment. It was created to improve and optimize the communication between collaborators in any organization. MP-Collaborator draws information from location, user status and Pocket Outlook Calendar to create a user availability profile, which is published to any other user in the network. Based on availability status, the user can be reached using a simple phone call ora message. Through the opportunistic use of available mobile technologies MP-Collaborator provides a simple but critical service - user presence service. Processing, Analysis and Coding of Audio and Visual Information Distributed video coding – During 2009, we continued to have distributed video coding as its main activity in the video coding area. The main topics addressed were: 1. Definition of efficient encoder rate control solutions for transform domain DVC, thus avoiding a feedback channel to perform efficient rate control. 2. Motion compensated frame interpolation (MCFI) is one of the most efficient solutions to generate side information (SI) in the context of DVC. However, it creates SI with rather significant motion compensated errors for some frame regions while rather small for some other regions depending on the video content. In this context, a low complexity Intra mode selection algorithm has been developed to select the most ‘critical’ blocks in the WZ frame and help the decoder with some reliable data for those blocks. 3. Characterization of the DVC coding efficiency when motion compensated frame interpolation (MCFI) techniques are used to generate the side information. An efficiency analysis of motion interpolation side information estimators has been performed using a DVC compression efficiency rate model relating the power spectral of the estimation error to the accuracy of the MCFI motion field. 162 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4. In a feedback channel based DVC architecture, the high decoding complexity is mainly due to the Slepian–Wolf decoding and the repetitive request-decode operation, especially when there is no initial encoder rate estimation or iterative motion refinement is employed. In this context, an early stopping criterion for the LDPC syndrome belief propagation decoder has been developed that is able to reduce the number of decoding iterations. 5. While state-of-the-art DVC codecs have shown promising RD performance, most DVC codecs in the literature do not consider low delay requirements which are relevant for some of the addressed applications. In this context, an efficient, low delay and fully practical DVC codec based on the Stanford DVC approach has been developed. 6. To improve the turbo coding performance in the context of DVC, a probability flipping approach acting as an outer loop of the common turbo decoding operation has been developed. Whenever a turbo decoded bitplane is not error-free, the proposed method tries to correct bitplane errors by iteratively refining the a priori data for the most likely in error bit positions, followed by turbo re-decoding. Perceptual video coding: In this topic, the work carried out in 2009 focused on: 1. Study of spatial visual just noticeable distortion models for integration in a H.264/AVC standard codec to improve the final rate-distortion performance. Three masking aspects related to lossy transform coding and natural video contents have been considered: frequency band decomposition, luminance component variations and pattern masking. 2. Decoder side estimation mechanism for a just noticeable distortion perceptual model integrated in a H.264/AVC codec to improve its RD performance. The proposed estimation avoids having to send the perceptual weights used during the quantization of each frequency coefficient. Video Transcoding and Scalability - In the topic of video adaptation/transcoding, we developed fast methods to adapt H.264/AVC video streams from high spatial resolution to mobile terminals. The research in flexible video coding using scalability was focussed on scalable coding of video summaries with arbitrary temporal rates in two layers. Rate control – In 2009, research on how to efficiently combine error resilience and rate-control techniques for frame-based video coding systems, such as those based 163 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA on the H.264/AVC video coding standard, was continued. A method for efficiently and automatically taking into account the packet loss rate of the network when performing coding mode decisions for video transmission was developed. With this method, the generated H.264/AVC bitstreams are both efficient and are perfectly adapted to the channel error characteristics. We have also worked on Automatic and adaptive error resilient rate-control techniques for frame-based video coding systems that are able to adapt the encoding decisions to the network error conditions (e.g., packet loss rate) and the available bit rate. Quality evaluation - Continuing the work started three years ago, during 2009 research has been focused on no-reference, objective metrics for quality evaluation of video sequences, subject to lossy encoding (MPEG-2 and H.264/AVC) and transmission errors (packet losses). A new perceptual metric for the quality estimation of H.264/AVC encoded sequences, has been developed. Video error resilience - In 2009, research on how to efficiently combine error resilience and rate-control techniques for frame-based video coding systems, such as those based on the H.264/AVC video coding standard, was carried out. The major achievement was the proposal of a method that efficiently and automatically takes into account the packet loss rate of the network used for video transmission when performing coding mode decisions at the encoder. This method can be used to efficiently generate error resilient H.264/AVC bitstreams that are perfectly adapted to the channel error characteristics. Medical Image Analysis - Our research addresses how computer vision may be a key factor for developing automated or semi-automated computer assisted decision systems for gastroenterology. We have also worked on assisted annotation of microscopy imaging. Biology laboratories produce massive amounts of microscopy data, which typically takes days to manually process. Computer vision, along with other research fields such as Human-Computer Interaction, can pave the way for what is currently known as high-throughput microscopy imaging: full automation of the imaging capture and analysis process, significantly boosting Biology research. We have carried out research on breast cancer detection, focusing in the following topics: utilization of high performance cluster computing technologies for paralell 3D/4D medical image processing (jointly performed with Microsoft Portugal); development of new approaches for early diagnosis and prevention of breast cancer 164 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA through computer aided diagnosis (jointly performed with Siemens); analysis of ultrasound images and case studies regarding breast cancer (jointly performed with the School of Health Sciences, UBI). Medical Signal Analysis – We have address state-of-the-art digital audio signal processing research challenges for extracting clinical features from auscultation, as well as providing a clinical second opinion on specific heart pathologies. We pay particular attention to aortic pulmonary signal decomposition and its correlation with pulmonary arterial pressure, researching novel algorithms that can enable us to assist clinicians in the detection of pulmonary arterial hypertension situations. The goal of the CMU|Portugal Vital Responder research project is to explore the synergies between innovative wearable technologies, scattered sensor networks, intelligent building technology and precise localization services to provide secure, reliable and effective first-response systems in critical emergency scenarios. Using Vital Jacket® technology, our research team works on signal processing and human-computer interaction tasks. Computer Graphics - A new oversimplified geometric data structure for applications in computer games, virtual reality, and computer graphics was developed. A new algorithm for the simulation of fluids (for applications in computer games, virtual reality,and computer graphics) was introduced, based on a simplified version of the Navier-Stokes equations and a Gauss-Seidel red-black scheme. This algorithm runs on both CPUs and GPUs and is a 3D variant of Stam's stable fluids that runs on GPU using CUDA technology. We have developed a high-performance GPU-based algorithm for triangulating and rendering biomolecules for molecular modeling. We have designed and implemented a 3D graphics library for the web without the complexity of the X3D technology or any add-ons. The graphics library runs directly on the browser. We have proposed an engineering software principle to easily turn a multiplayer FPS (first-person shooter game, like Quake) into a massively multiplayer online FPS game using grid technology. This is in progress in order to build an API for building FPS games on a grid. Image Restoration – We have proposed a new approach to handle non-additive noise models (namely multiplicative and Poissonian) in image recovery problems. Our approach uses two main building blocks: variable splitting, yielding a 165 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA constrained optimization problem; handling this optimization problem using an augmented Lagrangian method. We show that the resulting algorithms are instances of the alternating direction method of multipliers and that the conditions guaranteeing its convergence are satisfied. Experiments show that our approach yields state-of-the-art performance. Another topic of research concerned fast algorithms for the optimization problems resulting from sparsity-inducing regularization to imaging inverse problems (including compressive sensing). In this context, we have introduced new algorithms of the augmented Lagrangian family, which achieve state-of-the-art performance. Calculus and Languages for Sensor Networks - Sensor networks are rather challenging to deploy, program, and debug. Current programming languages for these platforms suffer from a significant semantic gap between their specifications and underlying implementations. This fact precludes the development of (type-)safe applications, which would potentially simplify the task of programming and debugging deployed networks. In this paper we define a core calculus for programming sensor networks and propose to use it as an assembly language for developing type-safe, high-level programming languages. Assisted Analysis of Cellular Images - Biology research laboratories such as IBMC (Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular) produce a large quantity of microscopy images that need to be analyzed. An example of an analysis is to count the number of cells and parasites in a given image to infer the infection level. In most situations, this analysis is performed entirely manually by the researchers themselves or by people hired specifically for this purpose. This manual analysis has some drawbacks: it is a slow procedure, since its made by humans, its prone to errors (by a number of factors such as counter’s fatigue, stress, etc), and recounting is crucial for reliability of the analysis. Another important factor in manual counting is that in some cases it can lead to seasickness of the person doing it, since he is looking at a moving scene, his brain process this information as if he is also moving but, another hand, getting in conflict with the signals from the inner ear, that’s saying he is not moving. To overcome these limitations it is necessary to eliminate the human factor, reduce the costs and the time spent in this kind of tasks. This can be achieved by automating the entire process.Therefore, we are developing a software that it will analyze automatically a given set of cellular images using state-of-the-art image processing algorithms. 166 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Digitally enhanced stethoscope for clinical usage - The DigiScope project involves signal processing (clinical feature extraction), data mining (pathology detection using audio features and patient record information) and the ability to not only collect heart audio signals, but also to extract patient record information by communicating directly and efficiently with typically heterogeneous and complex hospital information systems. We argue that the key to robust solutions lies in a stronger interaction with the clinical community, both for understanding the needs of cardiologists and robust clinical validation of the methods and of the final prototype. The main constituents of a cardiac cycle are the first heart sound (typically referred to as S1), the systolic period, the second heart sound (S2) and the diastolic period. Whenever a clinician is performing an auscultation, he tries to identify these individual components, and is trained to analyze related features such as rhythm, timing instants, intensity of heart sound components, splitting of S2, etc. Currently, an infrastructure composed by an integrated electronic patient record system, auscultation storage and retrieval system (all developed by our team), is running on the Royal Portuguese Hospital in Pernambuco-Brazil, having a team of physicians collecting patient data and auscultations and storing them on the IT’s server. A System to Re-Use Facial Rigs in Animations - Facial animation in films and videogames are strongly dependent on a fixed rig that is custom created for each character. The rig is defined in the early stages of the development and is conditioned by the characters morphology. We present a portable character rigging system that integrates into current animation production pipelines enabling digital artists to create more lifelike characters in less time about 90-99% faster, when compared to traditional animation techniques. It automatically transfers the rig and animations created in one character to different characters, independent of their shape and appearance. Artists are not forced to use predefined rigs and can preserve the original mesh they created. As a result, the system improves the workflow in CG productions, the modeling and animation teams can now work in parallel. Pattern Recognition and Automatic Learning Biometrics – We continued our work on the development of a non-cooperative multimodal recognition system. Work was done in robust iris image segmentation and face recognition in the visible wavelength. 167 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA The use of distributed source coding concepts and hash functions to secure biometric data was investigated. This new approach makes it possible to generate many different templates from the same biometric data, which can be canceled if they are compromised. Furthermore, it also guarantees that the original biometric data cannot be recovered from the stored data, thus guaranteeing its privacy. We have started to investigate new approaches to using the one-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) signal as a biometric, both for authentication and identification. Classification methods – A new criterion based on the use of the minimum entropy of the error for building decision trees was proposed. For reservoir networks, a method was proposed to make possible the use of these recurrent networks for static pattern recognition problems, the proposed method was benchmarked in 25 standard pattern recognition problems and a study of the influence of the main model parameters was done. Compression Based Classification – In 2009 we have continued to work on text classification methods based on lossless compression algorithms of the Lempel-Ziv family. Most approaches to text classification rely on some measure of (dis)similarity between sequences of symbols. Information theoretic measures have the advantage of making very few assumptions on the models which are considered to have generated the sequences, and have been the focus of recent interest. In this line of work we have used the Ziv-Merhav method and the Cai-Kulkarni-Verdú methods for the estimation of relative entropy from sequences of symbols, with excellent results in authorship attribution tasks. Clustering – Exploiting the notion of Evidence Accumulation Clustering (EAC), and a resampling-based cluster stability measure, we have continued to work on the problem of learning similarities from data. The developed similarity learning method was shown to have state-of-the-art discriminatory capacity and to better revela the intrinsic cluster structure of the data. We also explored combination techniques based on the EAC paradigm, but with different weighting of the clusterings using quality measures. Fusion techniques from supervised and unsupervised learning (classifier fusion and cluster ensemble methods) were exploited simultaneously in the problem of features selection, yielding new promising techniques. Information Theory and Estimation Theory – we have carried out research on the intersections of information theory and estimation theory and their applications 168 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA in the analysis, design and optimization of communications systems and in physical-layer security. Speech Analysis – We have investigated the representativeness of the coarticulation phenomenon in European Portuguese and described its regular characteristics. The results will allow setting up models to reconstruct graphemephone conversion rules for Portuguese multi-pronunciation speech systems. 169 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3.4 Running and Concluded Projects Overview Number Funding Agency DAAD 1 DoCoMo 1 EU-FP7 7 Euro-NF internal, European Commission 3 European Science Foundation 1 FCT 4 FCT/CAPES 1 FCT/PTDC 7 QREN/Telecom Inovação 1 FLAD 2 GRICES 1 GRICES-CNRS 1 Instituto de Telecomunicações 8 National Science Foundation - QREN 2 Polytechnic Institute of Leiria 1 Projecto Europeu do 6º Programa Quadro 1 projecto interno da Rede de Excelência do 7º Programa 1 Quadro Euro-NF PT Inovação 1 Treat of Windsor - BritishCouncil/CCISP 1 Total 45 Table 24 – Number of active projects in the Networks and Multimedia Area during 2009 170 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Activity in Projects Acron / Ref AVATAR Title 3D Face Animation Funding QREN Descript. Project AVATAR aims to develop 3D animated face models that are synchronized with speech. The input to the system can be either speech or text. In the case of speech input, a recognizer is used followed by a converter from phonemes to visemes. In the case of text input, a synthesizer is used to create both the audio (speech) and the sequence of visemes. 3D face animations, created after the sequence of visemes, need to run on browser to allow the development of rich and interactive WEB applications. The project is funded by QREN where IT participates as a subcontractor. Acron / Ref Affective Mouse Title Affective Mouse Funding National Science Foundation - QREN Descript. This project aims at determining the role of emotions on the learning process and the way in which these can influence the results of the process. The goal is to develop a Human-computer interaction device (which is envisioned as a computer mouse) that measures multiple electrophysiological signals from the children and simultaneously allows the interaction with a multimedia Web application with games and educational exercises. Thus we want to know how different activities influence the physiological signals while completing the exercises/games on the Web platform. The system will allow the tutor to follow-up the learning process, adopt incentive measures, and adjust the learning 171 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA process according to the emotive signals of the children. As a result of the R&D project a physiological signal database will be produced on didactic and cognitive exercises, this way creating a base structure for advanced studies in affective computing and real interaction/learning environments. Acron / Ref Title OneLab2 An Open Federated Laboratory Supporting Network Research for the Future Internet Funding EU-FP7 ICT Descript. Experimentally driven research is key to success in today’s Internet. Many test beds support research and development, and product prototyping in communication networks. However, they tend to specialise in particular access technologies or services, or explore near term product offerings, often with limited availability and openness. An open and sustainable large-scale shared experimental facility will allow European industry and academia to innovate today and to design the future Internet. The OneLab2 project will leverage the original OneLab project’s PlanetLab Europe test bed and its international visibility to make this facility a reality. OneLab2 is built on three complementary pillars. The Platform Pillar will operate PlanetLab Europe, extending PlanetLab service across Europe, and federating with other PlanetLab infrastructures worldwide. It will integrate new features into the system. The Tools Pillar will enhance the test-bed-native network monitoring service that supports experiments. And the Customers Pillar will meet the needs of the facility’s customers by providing them with access to diverse facilities, achieved through federating different types of test bed. An experimental facility must know its customers. OneLab2 will do this by directly involving pilot customers who are testing novel ideas in networking research. 172 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref Title Future-COM Analysis, Design and Optimization of Future Communications Systems From Theory to Practice Funding IT Descript. The main objective of the research project FUTURE-COM: Analysis, Design and Optimization of Future Communications Systems: From Theory to Practice is to explore a novel framework based on the interplay between information theory and estimation theory in the analysis, design and optimization of communications systems with relevance in practice. The advent of the information age has also been igniting the development of a whole telecommunications infrastructure to support the ubiquitous access to the Internet at ever increasing information rates. The last decade has in fact witnessed an exponential growth in wireless communications systems and services, e.g., 2nd and 3rd generation systems as well as WiFi and WiMax, with this revolution being fuelled by constant technological breakthroughs to enhance transmission performance over the wireless medium. The discipline of information theory has been constantly at the heart of this revolution, since it establishes the fundamental limits of communications systems. Yet, the presence of complex communication system features often precludes system design in a rigorous information-theoretic way due to the lack of appropriate mathematical tools, with system designers often resorting to engineering experience and insight. We propose a different approach: the analysis, design and optimization of communications systems based on connections between the key quantities in information theory and estimation theory. The expected outcomes of this two-year collaborative research project are: i) essential theoretic and practical methodologies to design enhanced communications systems in a rigorous information theoretic way; and ii) novel technical solutions to optimize current telecommunications systems, including WiFi, WiMax and LTE wireless networks, as well as digital subscriber line (DSL) networks. Our research team gathers considerable expertise in a wide range of complementary topics such as information theory, estimation 173 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA and detection theory and communications systems and networks, all of which are necessary to meet both the theoretical and practical challenges of this research. High level publishable and patentable results are expected. Acron / Ref EURO-NF Title Anticipating the Network of the Future Funding EU, 7º Programa Quadro Descript. arquitecturas de redes heterogéneas e monitorização de Qualidade de Serviço e avaliação do estado das redes IP Acron / Ref SIMBAD Title Beyond features: similarity-based pattern analysis and recognition Funding EU-FP7 ICT Descript. The challenge of automatic pattern analysis and recognition (or machine learning) is to develop computational methods which learn to distinguish among a number of classes from examples, with a view to endow artificial systems with the ability to improve their own performance in the light of new external stimuli. This ability is instrumental in building next-generation artificial cognitive systems which, as opposed to traditional machine or computer systems, can be characterized as systems which cope with novel or indeterminate situations, which aim to achieve general goals as opposed to solving specific problems, and which integrate capabilities normally associated with people or animals. The socio-economic implications of this scientific endeavor are enormous, as it will have applications in a wide variety of real-world scenarios ranging from industrial manufacturing to vehicle control and traffic safety, to remote and on-site (environmental) sensing and monitoring, and to medical diagnostics and therapeutics. This project aims at bringing to full maturation a paradigm shift that is currently just 174 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA emerging within the pattern recognition domain, where researchers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of similarity information per se, as opposed to the classical feature-based approach. Indeed, the notion of similarity has long been recognized to lie at the very heart of human cognitive processes and can be considered as a connection between perception and higher-level knowledge, a crucial factor in the process of human recognition and categorization. We shall undertake a thorough study of several aspects of purely similarity-based pattern recognition methods, from the theoretical, computational, and applicative perspective. We aim at covering a wide range of problems and perspectives, considering both supervised and unsupervised learning paradigms, generative and discriminative models, and our interest will range from purely theoretical problems to real-world practical applications. We shall apply our algorithms to challenging biomedical problems that lend themselves particularly well to similaritybased approaches, namely, to the analysis of tissue micro-array images of renal cell carcinoma and to magnetic resonance brain imaging for the diagnosis of mental illness. Acron / Ref BLEP / PTDC/DES/72946/2006 Title Biomechanics of Locomotion in Elderly People Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The project has the main objective of developing a set of experimental tools for the study of the risk of fracture in elderly people. The risk of fracture is related to the risk of fall and to bone resistance. The aim of this study is to develop a risk profile that can be used to identify community-residing elderly at high risk of falling and to establish strategies to prevent falls in healthy older adults and to identify the variables associated with an increased risk of falls and fractures. The use of advance clustering techniques for data reduction should allow the identification of the relevant variables for kinematics and kinetics parameters that are fundamental for the maintenance and development of the balance and locomotion skills of daily live in elderly population 175 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA and also to identify high-risk groups for falls and fractures. The results of the questionnaire assessment, field tests and laboratory studies should allow the establishment of guidelines for the development of exercise and perceptive training programs. Acron / Ref COST 2101 Title Biometrics for Identity Documents and Smart Cards Funding European Science Foundation Descript. The main objective of this COST Action is to investigate novel technologies for unsupervised multimodal biometric authentication systems using a new generation of biometrics-enabled identity documents and smart cards, while exploring the added-value of these technologies for large-scale applications with respect to European requirements in relation to the storage, transmission, and protection of personal data. Acron / Ref BIONSE Title Biometrics with Enhanced Security using Distributed Source Coding Funding IT Descript. One of the main goals of this project is to develop a solution supporting the generation of different templates from the same biometric and thus supporting cancelable biometrics. Another goal is to ensure biometric privacy, not allowing the original biometric data to be recovered from the stored. For this purpose, not invertible hash functions will be used together with concepts from distributed source coding. Acron / Ref Title CALLAS Calculi and Languages for Sensor Networks 176 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main goals of the CALLAS (Calculi and Languages for Sensor Networks) research project are: to contribute towards a fundamental understanding of wireless sensor networks by developing formal tools based on process calculi; to provide adequate programming architectures for dynamically configurable sensor nodes; and to validate the proposed designs in real-life prototype sensor applications. Wireless sensor networks, made of tiny, low-cost devices capable of sensing the physical world and communicating over radio links, are significantly different from classical wireless networks such as GSM or wireless LANs: (a) the design of a sensor network is strongly driven by its particular application, (b) sensor nodes are highly constrained in terms of power consumption and computational resources (CPU, memory), and configuration (c) and large-scale distributed sensor software applications updates require without self- human intervention. Previous work on fundamental aspects of wireless sensor networks has mostly focused on communication-oriented models, in which the sensor nodes are assumed to store and process the data, coordinate their transmissions, organize the routing of messages within the network, and relay the data to a remote receiver. Although some of these models provide useful insights (e.g. into the connectivity characteristics or the overall power efficiency of sensor networks) there is a strong need for formal methods that capture the inherent processing and memory constraints, and illuminate the massively parallel nature of in-network computation. Our take is to develop process calculi for sensor networks building on formalisms for concurrent distributed systems and mobile code (most notably, pi-calculus). The envisioned tools will enable us to (a) prove the correctness and feasibility of different data gathering and communication protocols (e.g. by exploiting behavioral equivalence between processes), and (b) carry out formal comparisons of different 177 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA schemes by quantifying the minimum amount of required resources. Based on the results of the first task we will attack another fundamental problem in sensor networks: the need for sensor programming languages with self-configuration and distributed update capabilities. We propose to develop specifically tailored high level idioms for sensor networks that capitalize on notions such as mobile code and selfmaintenance. Finally, we will implement and test the developed programming tools on a sensor networking prototype. Real-life experiments will allow us to better understand sensor networking constraints and further improve our designs. We believe that our interdisciplinary team of computer scientists and electrical engineers is well equipped to contribute both in theory and in practice to the advancement of sensor network programming. Acron / Ref C-Mobile Title Advanced MBMS for the future mobile world Funding EU,IST Programme Descript. The strategic objective of C-MOBILE is to foster the evolution of the mobile broadcast business by providing enhancements to the 3GPP MBMS for systems beyond 3G. It will address both resource efficiency and service flexibility, by close coupling of broadcast and communication capabilities on all layers, covering the radio access, core network and the service enablers, across multiple technologies, providing a smooth migration for MBMS evolution, which will be in line with the vision of a federated global multicast broadcast transport as well as emerging beyond 3G standards. Within the radio access network it will propose new radio interface technologies, radio resource management and new topological approaches in the architecture for an efficient support of enhanced MBMS services allowing a commercially attractive implementation. C-MOBILE will help to understand how best to organise and schedule MBMS content from the BM-SC through the core network, 178 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA radio access, to the end users. Since this is multimedia content, interactions with the 3GPP IP Multimedia Subsystem are expected and C-MOBILE will explicitly investigate how best MBMS can make use of capabilities provided by the IMS. The current concept of group communication is narrow within Release 6 MBMS specification. CMOBILE will research, investigate and define ways to use multicast technology to support personalized services and in particular the concept of multicast content community where users also contribute to the multicast service. Key market and business requirements for multicast-broadcast services will be identified to aid defining research directions, leading also to new business models involving the various players. To that end it is critical to understand the needs of multicastbroadcast users, network operators, and content providers. The project intends to make important contributions to the standardisation bodies and to prove experimentally or via system level simulations innovative concepts. Acron / Ref C-CAST Title Context Casting Funding EU-FP7 ICT Descript. Project Context Casting (C-CAST) main objective is to evolve mobile multimedia multicasting to exploit the increasing integration of mobile devices with our everyday physical world and environment. The key motivation for this project and why we believe Europe needs a project on Context Casting is because multicasting is the key enabler that will make mobile context aware services commercially attractive. Use of mobile multicast communication especially for multimedia content has always been a very attractive proposition. There will be many situations when a multicast or broadcast will be a much more affective and appropriate form of communication service but the majority are dynamic, situation specific and consequently great service opportunities are lost. C-CAST is based on two main competence areas: creation of 179 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA context awareness and multicasting technologies. Context information defines groups that demand the same information or service. These services are delivered efficiently by multicasting bearers. The project will research, investigate and define ways to use the situation/environment of a user (a mobile device) to initiate group communication. This environment mediated multicast may be triggered by an event or something in the physical environment offering a situation or context orientated service. C-CAST will provide an end-to-end context-aware communication framework specifically for intelligent multicast-broadcast services. Acron / Ref CAMYM Title Context-Aware Mobility in Wireless Mesh networks Funding Euro-NF internal, European Commission Descript. Identifying wireless mesh network categories of mobility solutions; • Context-aware optimization of handover decision (Multi-constraint ABC - addressing context and specific characteristics of WMNs); • Location-based organization of context with semantic P2P overlay interaction; • Markovian modelling of predictive location-awareness; • The role and performance of transport overlays in WMN when considering the reconfiguration of the network and the overlay, through context and mobility; • Seamless handover support in wireless mesh networks; • Performance, scalability. Acron / Ref Title DeLKeTI / PTDC/EEA-TEL/72572/2006 Development and Learning of Kernels for Text and Images 180 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. 1. Development of techniques to approximate the universal distance for sequences and multidimensional data; this will lead to an approximate universal kernel. Using the ability of compression algorithms to approximate the universal distance, kernels will be tailored to each particular problem by exploiting different characteristics of the data. 2. Application of universal kernels in learning algorithms such as support vector machines or kernel logistic regression. 3. Theoretical characterization of the concentration properties (bounds) of the approximations to the universal distance, namely by exploiting known connection to Shannon's information. 4. Development of kernel learning techniques, in which the distance measure is learned from data (in supervised, semi-supervised, or nonsupervised modes), rather than specified a priori. 5. Application of the developed kernels to problems in text and image analysis; e.g., categorization, desambiguation, clustering. Acron / Ref Title DRIVE-IN Distributed Routing and Infotainment through VEhicular Inter- Networking Funding FCT Descript. Acron / Ref DVB-Probe Title DVB-Probe - Sistema de monitorização portátil para DVB-T e DVB-S2 Funding PT Inovação Descript. Develope a portable DVB probe for Digital Television 181 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref new.WIVES Title Exploiting New Ways of Interaction in Virtual Environments Funding IT Descript. The Computer Graphics and Multimedia group at IT-Covilhã proposes this project to exploit new ways of interaction in virtual environments using a minimum of technological assets. Acron / Ref Title FI-WI FIbre-WIreless Access: Future Integrated Access Architecture Based on Optical and Broadband Wireless Technologies Funding Descript. Euro-NF internal, European Commission The main objective of the project is to build an access and metropolitan network architecture that integrates upcoming optical and broadband wireless technologies, thereby enjoying the complementary characteristics of these technologies, so that the user will be able to access diverse communication services in a transparent manner and with a high degree of ubiquity, being able to move among different networks, while maintaining a high resource utilization efficiency. Key issues in this context are future end user needs, integrated QoS support and optimized service provisioning. The project will unveil research opportunities, issue recommendations and propose novel mechanisms associated with the convergence within this heterogeneous access scenario and will thus serve as a basis for long-term research projects in this direction. Acron / Ref Title FLAD/2-05/08 Foundations of Future Wireless Communications Systems: Analysis, 182 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Design and Optimization Funding FLAD and National Science Foundation Descript. The main objective of the research project Foundations of Future Communications Systems: Analysis, Design and Optimization is to explore a novel framework based on the interplay between information theory and estimation theory in the analysis, design and optimization of communications systems with relevance in practice. The advent of the information age has also been igniting the development of a whole telecommunications infrastructure to support the ubiquitous access to the Internet at ever increasing information rates. The last decade has in fact witnessed an exponential growth in wireless communications systems and services, e.g., 2nd and 3rd generation systems as well as WiFi and WiMax, with this revolution being fuelled by constant technological breakthroughs to enhance transmission performance over the wireless medium. The discipline of information theory has been constantly at the heart of this revolution, since it establishes the fundamental limits of communications systems. Yet, the presence of complex communication system features often precludes system design in a rigorous information-theoretic way due to the lack of appropriate mathematical tools, with system designers often resorting to engineering experience and insight. We propose a different approach: the analysis, design and optimization of communications systems based on connections between the key quantities in information theory and estimation theory. The expected outcomes of this three-year embryonic research are: essential theoretic and practical methodologies to design enhanced communications systems in a rigorous information theoretic way; and novel telecommunications technical systems, solutions including to WiFi optimize and WiMax current wireless networks, as well as digital subscriber line (DSL) networks. Our research team gathers considerable expertise in a wide range of complementary topics such as information theory, estimation theory and communications systems and networks, all of which are necessary to meet both the theoretical and practical challenges of this research. High 183 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA level publishable and patentable results are expected. Acron / Ref GEN-CAN Title Generic Transport in Context-Aware Networks Funding IT/LA Descript. The GEN-CAN project will implement a new architecture to efficiently support context-aware multi-party sessions in the NGNs, through generic transport and network coding concepts to enhance the information transfer in a mobility environment. The issues to be addressed in the design of the new architecture include the following (we assume the availability of context information and mainly steer our focus on four important correlative sub-areas): (1) Context-Aware Network Resource Provisioning, (2) Intelligent Context-Based Network Selection in the heterogeneous networks environment, (3) Support of Network Coding, (4) ContextAided Seamless Mobility. Acron / Ref MuMoMgt Title Gestão de Mobilidade e Multicast em Redes de Acesso Heterogéneas Funding FCT Descript. The project intends to define, develop and deploy a Wireless Access Network that supports multicast traffic in a mobility environment and manages network resources efficiently. The main objectives are: (1) To propose, design and evaluate a signalling mechanism to manage multicast sessions over heterogeneous wireless networks; (2) To propose and evaluate a mobility solution to provide seamless handover of multicast groups; (3) To propose and evaluate resource management algorithms to 184 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA support multicast groups over heterogeneous wireless technologies. This Wireless Access Network shall be exploitable not only by the conventional Internet Service Providers (ISP), such as PT, but also by the content providers that will exploit the DVB spectrum. Since DVB is a broadcast technology, it is necessary to provide a return channel in a different technology, so both types of wireless providers need to cooperate. Acron / Ref Title Funding Descript. InfoMob Information Mobility in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Euro-NF internal, European Commission The main objective of the project is to devise and evaluate algorithms and protocols to support targeted information mobility in wireless ad hoc networks. The project will define and work in the following items: • Applications and frameworks in which information mobility is suitable and definition of the intrinsic characteristics of such applications and frameworks • Protocols and algorithms suitable for the defined scenarios • Performance evaluation of the proposed protocols and algorithms Acron / Ref KLog / PTDC/MAT/68723/2006 Title KLog - Logics for Security Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The KLog project envisages to investigate and apply the tools and techniques of mathematical logic, in a broad sense, to the systematic study and design of special purpose classical and quantum kleistic (from the greek word kleisis) logics, that may provide a deeper understanding of the various aspects of information security, and ultimately contribute 185 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA to the improvement of the available toolset of formal methods. This research will contribute to a better understanding of the relevant concepts and their relationships, and help to solve and clarify some of the open problems and key concerns of the area. The subjects to be addressed include the design and study of logics for reasoning about classical security protocols in distributed settings, ranging from the ideal world of perfect cryptography to the more realistic probabilistic setting where polynomially bounded adversaries are assumed, while also exploring type-theoretical logic systems targeted at flexible information flow analysis in languages supporting code mobility and declassification that could be used to express distributed protocols; and the logical study of quantum computation and information and its applications to security, eventually leading to quantum extensions of the logics for classical security, by considering quantum computation capabilities and quantum communication channels. The project will also not neglect the development of the logical foundations of combined logics and their algebraic counterparts motivated by the more applied research. Accordingly, the project is organized in three tasks: (T0) Logic in Computing; (T1) Logic for Classical Security; and (T2) Logic for Quantum Security. Acron / Ref Title MOGGY / PTDC/EIA/70830/2006 MOGGY - A Browser-Based Massive Multiplayer Online Game Engine Architecture Funding Descript. FCT/PTDC A game engine is a structured collection of several software modules (i.e. 2D and 3D graphics, physics, collision detection, input/output, sound, artificial intelligence, network, database, and graphical user interface modules) that together enable to run video games on a computer, game console, PDA, etc. The essential difference between a traditional game engine and a MMOG (Multiplayer Online Game) engine lies in the network and database modules. Usually, MMOGs have large databases over a distributed 186 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA network of servers sometimes handling a huge number of logged-on users. Distributed, real-time MMOGs are a real challenge for current networking technologies in terms of quality of service (depending on networking resources such as bandwidth, latency, and computational power), network architectures and topologies (peer-to-peer, client/server, server-network), data and control architectures (centralized, distributed, replicated), scalability (i.e. adaptation to the resource changes as a result of the increase of players), and security (fighting back against cheaters and vandals). It is true that here is not much we can do about networking resources. However, by choosing a suited architecture for networking, data, and control, we can rid MMOGs of some resource limitations, or use compensatory techniques to relax their requirements. The main requirements for a MMOG engine are the following: scalabilty, fault tolerance and persistence, computational efficiency, and security. This project aims to research solutions to fulfill these requirements, as well as friendly game rules learning mechanisms, that at present tend to limit the development of more powerful and user friendly BBMMOGs. For that, we propose to use on-demand grid technology as the underlying infrastructure for hosting online games. Although it has been geared initially towards First Person Shooter (FPS) games (the worst case in terms of processing), several of the gaming services are applicable to MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Palying Games) and BBMMOG games as well. FPS games require a tremendous amount of server resources, and, due to interactivity requirements, they also require that the server resources be placed close to the players. Since concentration of player populations can vary dramatically over time, intelligent on-demand allocation of computing resources is critical to optimize server utilization while maximizing game playing satisfaction. In addition, a grid-based shared infrastructure provides economies of scale and industrial scale resiliency, necessary prerequisites for a successful online gaming industry. 187 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref Vital Responder Title Monitoring Stress among First Responder Professionals Funding FCT Descript. Acron / Ref MOMO Title Multi-Overlays for Multi-hOming (MOMO) Funding Rede de Excelência do 7º Programa Quadro Euro-NF Descript. Propose and investigate efficient mechanisms to create, maintain, and reconfigure virtual wireless networks realized by multi-overlays. High potential topics for multi-overlay design are cross-layer schemes, signalling interfaces between the different entities involved, and how to map different context characteristics to multiple overlays. Acron / Ref NECOVID Title NECOVID: Negative Covert Biometric Identification Funding FCT Descript. Perform negative biometric recognition, based on samples acquired under non-controlled imaging conditions and setups Acron / Ref N-CRAVE Title Network Coding for Robust Architectures in Volatile Environments Funding EU-FP7 ICT 188 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Descript. N-CRAVE will deliver a proof-of-concept for network coding as the major enabler in dynamic wireless network environments with multiple communicating peers, where robustness is a key challenge. The simple, yet disruptive idea of network coding is that nodes are allowed to not only forward but also process and mix the incoming independent information flows. The objective is to develop solutions for architecting and controlling wireless networks in performance-challenged and resource-constrained environments. N-CRAVE will advance knowledge of fundamentals of network coding for improving attainable performance limits of networked systems for capacity, throughput, latency, complexity and energy with a view towards practically encountered scenarios. Key protocol components of the access, transport and network layers that operate hand-in-hand with network coding will be developed. In doing so, novel lightweight techniques will be designed based on convex optimization, linear algebra and backpressure control principles for transporting maximal amount of data over the network. Emphasis will be placed on advanced modes of information transport such as multi-cast and group-to-group communication with multiple simultaneous sessions in highly volatile environments. Innovative content distribution and storage methods will be developed for various wireless architectures and application-driven performance metrics, such as throughput, delay and fairness. A major goal will be to make the techniques viable in dynamically changing, volatile environments by preserving low computational complexity and signalling load. Besides inherent benefits of network coding in capacity provisioning and robustness, positive ramifications in security will be used to fortify confidentiality, secrecy and resilience to data corruption and other threats. Finally the project will deliver an experimental wireless test-bed on which various network coding techniques will be implemented and validated. 189 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref Title Funding Descript. Net-PEEC Network Coding Protocols for Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution DoCoMo The most striking difference between network coded peer to peer networks and its classical non coded counterpart, is that operations carried out by the nodes are not limited to storing and forwarding copies of requested fragments. In fact, they are allowed to combine different fragments using linear combinations, thus mixing and spreading the data among multiple packets. By means of this coding and dissemination approach, we enhance the degree of diversity in the network and thus increase the likelihood that packets received from different sources carry useful data that can be decoded for timely play out. The main goal of this project is thus to exploit the rich body of network coding theory towards developing highly efficient and robust protocols for content distribution in peer to peer networks. The expected outcomes of this research are (a) an in depth understanding of the applicability of network coding to distributed storage and dissemination with particular focus on the requirements imposed by streaming media, (b) a set of protocols that can be readily used for this task, (c) performance evaluation both analytically and by means of computer simulation. Acron / Ref VISNET II / IST-1-038398 Title Networked audiovisual media technologies Funding EU,IST Programme Descript. The main goal of VISNET II is the provision of a working environment with appropriate integration activities and research infrastructure that will ease and stimulate the interaction and cooperation among European researchers and institutions with recognized excellence in various fields embraced by audiovisual networking technologies. The fulfilment of this objective will promote and contribute to the advances of research in this 190 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA area and ultimately improve the quality and quantity of research results. Due to the high commitment of this NoE in conducting extensive dissemination activities, results will easily span across its borders, thus benefiting the whole scientific and technological communities. Acron / Ref Title Funding PANORAMA PANORAMA Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional (QREN) e em colaboração com a Portugal Telecom Inovação Descript. Novas arquitecuras de redes Acron / Ref P3DTV Title Performance Optimisation in 3D TV Broadcasting Services Funding Polytechnic Institute of Leiria Descript. This project addresses the emerging 3D TV broadcasting services by investigating the problems associated with transmission of different stereo video coding formats. It is comprised of two main parts that run in parallel and communicate between each other by exchanging technical information in order to optimise the performance of the broadcasting system in terms of received quality and channel useful capacity. The research on 3D video deals with characterisation and optimisation of 3D video coding algorithms by developing and testing suitable error resilience methods for broadcasting such type of content. On the decoder side the project addresses error concealment methods to cope with transmission errors and improve the quality delivered to users. The particular issues related to coded depth information are receiving special attention in this project as this is the major component of 3D video which makes it different from classical 2D. Appropriate distortion measures for depth will be used to optimise performance. The project makes use of the most recent video coding standard for video (H.264/AVC) and its extension for multiview coding (H.264/MVC). 191 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Finally, a method to characterise the radio propagation channel will be developed for varying deployment scenarios. A refined method is required to effectively measure the signal coverage in DVB-T networks and to extract the effective parameters for the error pattern generator required for both source and channel coding optimisation of DVB-T transmissions. Additionally, the measured data to be obtained and included in a database for various geometries and at a number of frequencies will represent a quantum improvement, both in volume and accuracy of the database presently available to system designers. This will form a framework to radio system designers to propose fading mitigation techniques based on link level analysis using the proposed error pattern generator. Acron / Ref SECURE-COM Title Physical-Layer Security - From Theory to Practice Funding IT Descript. The main objective of the research project SECURE-COM: Physical-Layer Security: Theory and Practice is to explore the fundamental reliability and security limits of communications channels as well as to conceive, investigate and develop practical reliable and secure transmission schemes. The issues of privacy and security in wireless communication networks have taken on an increasingly important role as these networks continue to flourish worldwide. Traditionally, security is viewed as an independent feature with little or no relation to the remaining data communication tasks and, therefore, state-of-the-art cryptographic algorithms are insensitive to the physical nature of the wireless medium. However, there has been more recently a renewed interest on information-theoretic security – widely accepted as the strictest notion of security – which calls for the use of physical-layer techniques exploiting the inherent randomness of the communications medium to guarantee both reliable communication between two legitimate parties as well as secure communication in the presence of an eavesdropper. This two-year collaborative research project builds upon the information-theoretic 192 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA security foundations to i) study the fundamental reliability and security limits of communications channels and ii) conceive, investigate and develop novel practical reliable and secure physical-layer based transmission schemes. Our research team gathers considerable expertise in a wide range of complementary topics such as information and communications theory (in particular, code design), signal processing for MIMO systems, communications systems and network, and security, all of which are necessary to meet both the theoretical and practical challenges of this research. High level publishable and patentable results are expected. Acron / Ref QPMSN Title QoS and Performance Management in Satellite Networks Funding Internal Descript. Satellite systems are becoming important actors in the provision of internet access and services in remote areas. For this purpose, the satellite link has to be seen just like any other internet core link, from the point of view of the functionality required to support Quality of Service (QoS). Additionally, it is desirable that it do so at a high level of performance. The proposed work aims at studying architectures for the support of QoS in satellite networks and mechanisms for increasing the satellite networks levels of performance for the provision of communication services. Acron / Ref Title QuantTel Quantum Secure Telecommunications Funding Descript. QuantTel is a project that joins the theoretical expertise of the Security and Quantum Information Group (SQIG) at IT Lisbon and the skills in quantum optics experiments of the Optical Communications group (OCAv) at IT Aveiro to tackle new challenges in the emergent area of 193 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA quantum secure telecommunications. Its scientific objectives are: 1. To design a quantum protocol for the authentication of classical messages with enhanced security and to implement the respective prototype with single photons in optical fibers and nano-fibers; 2. To develop a quantum protocol for contract signing and to implement it in the laboratory using entangled photons. Furthermore, this 24 months project aims at gathering the interest and expertise in quantum telecommunications within IT in order to develop internationally-competitive research and train new human Acron / Ref Title Funding Descript. QSec Quantum Security FCT/PTDC The main goal of the project is to address and tackle some of the most challenging open problems in the area of quantum security. Significant original results are expected in several fronts, such as: design and analysis of quantum protocols, model checking of quantum systems, quantum cryptoanalysis of classical protocols, quantum solutions to classical impossibilities. Several applications will be investigated with the purpose of understating how they can be speed up using quantum information. The focus will be on cryptographic tasks, such as zero knowledge proof systems, e-voting, authentication and contract signing. A model-checking tool for quantum systems will be produced within the project, as well as a simulator for testing quantum attacks on symmetric cryptosystems. Acron / Ref Title Funding PICS Robust joint source/channel coding for multimedia communications GRICES-CNRS 194 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Descript. The MDC makes it possible to control easily the amount of redundancy introduced in the transmitted signal while maintaining good quality decoding whatever the state of the channel. However, in the case of non stationary noisy channel, few works have been dedicated to the tuning of the redundancy according to the noise level. The goal of this project is to design a MDC that controls automatically this redundancy between the descriptors according to the channel state. Furthermore, in case of embedded devices we also propose to introduce distributed coding to move the complexity from the coder to the decoder. The proposed framework includes a wavelet transform and an optimal bit allocation process of the binary resource across the different descriptors and the different wavelet subbands. Our model will take into account both the knowledge of the channels characteristics (heterogeneity, non stationarity, ...) and the propagation conditions encountered in a real environment. Acron / Ref Title Funding Descript. SCODE SCODE- Scanned COmpound Document Encoder FCT/PTDC The main objective of this work is to investigate and develop an usable version of a MMP based scanned documents encoder, that is able to improve on the encoding performance of current state-of-the-art compound image encoders, like DjVu. In order to achieve this, some important tasks must be achieved: - investigate and develop efficient methods for layer-based or blockbased image segmentation, for optimisation of the overall MMP-based encoder´s performance; - optimise the dictionary adaptation process in order to increase the coding performance of MMP for the images corresponding to the segmented layers or block types; - efficiently implement a computational version of the method and 195 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA investigate relevant functional optimizations, in order to reduce the computational complexity of the algorithm without compromising its coding efficiency; - perform a set of experimental tests in order to compare the encoding performance of the new method with the one of other state-of-the-art methods. Acron / Ref Title Funding SENECA Secure Network Coding and Applications DAAD Descript. Intend to investigate the codification vulnerabilities on network in terms of security and proposal non cryptographic solutions. Acron / Ref SENECOM Title Secure Network Communications Funding GRICES Descript. The goal of this project is to develop secure communication protocols based on information-theoretic principles. Acron / Ref SWIFT Title Secure Widespread Identities for Federated Telecommunications Funding EU-FP7 ICT 196 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Descript. SWIFT will develop a standards aligned model for user data linked to identities or personae with the user in control of the information exchanged. It will separate management from resolution of identities at all layers, i.e. from the service to link, considering both privacy and “need-to-know” concerns. SWIFT’s user-centric Id approach addresses three views: 1) users have complete control over privacy and disclosed information dependent on the service accessed; 2) services can use a generic treatment of authentication, authorization, access control independent of the layer services managed by a unique identity; 3) commercial players can leverage new business solutions for operator, service provider or 3rd parties through its federation approach. As a STREP, SWIFT aims to primarily impact technology research and related standardization in the manufacturing and telecom operator domains. The consortium is balanced accordingly. The social and legal domain will be addressed by liaisons and cooperations. Acron / Ref VDTN@Lab Title Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks Funding IT Descript. The project is proposing the implementation of a VTDN prototype to validate the VTDN architecture and demonstrate its efficiency and applicability in order to determine limits of these networks relationships between parameters. Acron / Ref CAPES Title Video coding with MMP Funding FCT Descript. Develope algorithmd for video coding with MMP. 197 and ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron / Ref VT/Windsor Title Video transcoding between H.264 and MPEG-2 Funding Treat of Windsor - BritishCouncil/CCISP Descript. Acron / Ref WIPHYSEC Title Wireless Physical-Layer Security Funding FLAD Descript. The main goal of this project is to develop novel security technologies and coding strategies that exploit the physical properties of wireless channels to provide superior confidentiality. 198 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3.5 Running and Concluded Theses MSc Theses Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title End Date Susana Sargento David Vieira Francisco Fontes Susana Sargento Nuno Gil Victor Manuel Letra Macedo Marques, Desempenho de Redes Wimax com 1/2009 Topologia em Malha Integração de uma AGCF num Cenário 1/2009 IMS/TISPAN” Susana Sargento João Diogo Monteiro Francisco Fontes Mobility and QoS in Wimax Networks Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues Hugo Reboredo Sérgio Faria Isaac Duarte Rui Manuel Rocha Pedro Melo Ana Fred Liliana Medina Amaro Sousa Nuno Filipe Oliveira Novo Rui Manuel Rocha João Vicente Rui Neves Rui Manuel Rocha Sérgio Santos Rui Neves Rui Manuel Rocha Telmo Fernandes Pedro Rebelo Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença Ricardo Carreira Susana Sargento Rui Valbom Susana Sargento João Soares José Miguel Brito Paulo Salvador Ferreira Mendes Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença João Oliveira Susana Sargento Cláudia Sequeira António Nogueira Saul Manuel Sequeira Parada Susana Sargento Tiago Condeixa Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença Processamento de Sinal Turbo em Sistemas de Comunicações Ópticas Sense and Avoid Collison System for UAV Sensopolitan - Monitoring vibrations in subway tunnels using WSN Identification of Stress States from ECG Signals using Unsupervised Learning Methods Management of IP Multimedia Sessions using IM-SSF GolfSense - WSN-based monitoring system for golf courses GolfWater - WSN-based irrigation management system for golf courses 1/2009 3/2009 3/2009 3/2009 5/2009 6/2009 6/2009 6/2009 Intelligent Home Networking 6/2009 Alternative Iris Recognition System 7/2009 Avaliação do Desempenho de QoS e Mobilidade para sessões multicast em 7/2009 redes dinâmicas Avaliação do Desempenho de Redes de Acesso Heterogéneas com Suporte 7/2009 de Mobilidade António Nogueira Caracterização de tráfico e utilzadores 7/2009 P2P-TV Caries Detection in Panoramic Dental X-ray Images Colecção de dados de Qualidade de Experiência do utilizador final em Aplicações Home Entertainment 7/2009 7/2009 Impact of Network Security on Speech 7/2009 Quality Implementação de Mecanismos de QoS e Mobilidade para sessões multicast em redes dinâmicas 7/2009 Gil Santos Noisy Iris Recognition 7/2009 Susana Sargento André Reis Quality of Experience based Packet Scheduling of Multiple Audio and Video 7/2009 Streams over WiMax Networks António Nogueira Miguel Ângelo Lopes Gaspar Veiga Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença Miguel Gaspar Síntese de Imagens de Íris Com Ruído 7/2009 Susana Sargento André Cardote Soluções de Implementação de Redes 7/2009 WIMAX Paulo Salvador Ferreira Simulation of MPLS networks: a pedagogical perspective 7/2009 199 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Maria Paula Queluz Bruno Rodrigues Tomás Brandão Maria Paula Queluz António João Pedro Shirley Rodrigues,Tomás Brandão João Sobrinho Tiago Quelhas Fernando Perdigão Nelson Alexandre Santos Marto Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa Marco Bernardo Luís Ducla Soares Catarina Mota Maria Paula Prata de Sousa Etelvina Pinho Title End Date Video Quality Evaluation for Streaming Applications – I (effect of compression 7/2009 artefacts) Video Quality Evaluation for Streaming 7/2009 Applications – II (effect of packet losses) Assessing the connectivity of the 9/2009 Internet Automatic Speech Segmentation and 9/2009 Labeling Caracterização, modelação e implementação de transformações 9/2009 cromáticas em imagens digitais para observadores com cromatopsia visual. Creation and Visualization of High 9/2009 Dynamic Range Images Fault Tolerant Multi Player Games 9/2009 HMM-based Speech Synthesis for 9/2009 Portuguese Secure Biometric Recognition System Luís Ducla Soares Tiago Santos Paulo Lobato Correia 9/2009 Using Distributed Source Coding Maria Manuela Areias Transmissão de Imagens e Vídeos com Rui Brás Mário Freire Codificação por Descritores Múltiplos 9/2009 da Costa Pereira de em Canais de Redes de Fibra Óptica Sousa Maria Manuela Areias Transmissão de Imagens e Vídeos com Marisa Quaresma Mário Freire da Costa Pereira de Codificação por Descritores Múltiplos 9/2009 Sousa em Redes Peer-to-Peer Triphone Training for Speech Fernando Perdigão Nelson Marto 9/2009 Recognition Video Object Detection in Large Public Paulo Nunes Flávio Azevedo 9/2009 Environments Video Object Tracking in Large Public Paulo Nunes Marco Ferreira 9/2009 Environments Automatic Generation of Natural Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Luis Filipe 10/2009 Language Service Descriptions from Teixeira Botelho Gonçalves OWL-S Service Descriptions Ricardo João Mah Paulo Lobato Correia Biometrics for Personal Recognition 10/2009 Fernando Perdigão Paulo Lobato Correia Paulo Lobato Correia Hélio Ribeiro Batista Gonçalo Filipe da Luís Ducla Soares Fonseca Lourenço Joao Filipe Coruche Gaspar Miguel Tavares Coimbra Francisco Oliveira Mário Freire David Alexandre Carvalho Fernando Pereira Fernando Pereira Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues Fernando Pereira António Nogueira 10/2009 10/2009 Low Complexity Video Coding for Sensor Networks 11/2009 Low Delay Distributed Video Coding 11/2009 Resource Reservation Protocols for Optical Burst Switched Networks Tiling Slideshow: An Audiovisual Presentation Method for Consumer Photos Bruno Alexandre Conde Tomás 10/2009 Objective Evaluation of Segmentation 10/2009 Quality Real-Time Computer Vision Tools for Capsule Endoscopy Exam Analysis Towards the Detection of Encrypted Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Traffic and Peer-to-Peer TV Traffic Using Deep Packet Inspection Methods Miguel Calhau Guerreiro Contente António Miguel dos Santos Francês Tomé José Manuel Boavida Gregório Fábio Blessa Paulo Salvador Ferreira Fernandes Lino Enhancing the Security of Biometrics with Distributed Source Coding Development of a BotNet Detection System 11/2009 11/2009 12/2009 200 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Luís Cruz,Victor Daniel Neto dos Santos Fernando Lopes Bruno Carmo Paulo Salvador Ferreira Carlos Miguel dos António Nogueira Santos Miranda Fernando Lopes Pedro Silva Susana Sargento Tiago Carapeto Susana Sargento João Borges Susana Sargento Rui Inácio Miguel Tavares Coimbra Fabio Headyioglu Fernando Perdigão Fernando Pereira Fernando Pereira Fernando Pereira Sérgio Faria Luís Miguel Belo da Silva Pedro Alexandre Oliveira Fernandes João Pedro Filipe da Silva Gonçalo Nuno Silva do Carmo Ricardo Gomes Title DVB-T Transmission for In-building MATV, SMATV and CATV Implementation of Realistic Scenarios for Ground Truth Purposes Network Integration of Video Surveillance Systems Optimização de Recursos em Redes com Gestão Automatizada e Embebida na Rede QoS de Serviços IP (VoIP e VoD) em Redes Cabladas e Não-Cabladas VoIp Service Performance Evaluation over 4G networks DigiScope - DIGItally enhanced stethoSCOPE for clinical usage Pitch Determination Algorithms End Date 12/2009 12/2009 12/2009 12/2009 12/2009 12/2009 1/2010 1/2010 Audiovisual coding simulation 4/2010 framework Audiovisual tiling slideshow application 4/2010 for consumer photos Depth coding for multi-view plus depth 4/2010 3D video Telmo Fernande DVT-T Probe 4/2010 Ana Sofia Fernando Pereira Clemente Cabrita Berto Oliveira Fernando Pereira Paulo Nunes Casquinha Nuno Miguel Pedro Amado Assunção Martins Correia Gomes H.264/AVC perceptually controlled 4/2010 video coding H.264/AVC Video Coding: Analysis and 4/2010 Encoder Control Internet de alta velocidade usando redes de televisão por cabo - migração 5/2010 para DOCSIS 3.0 António Carlos Almeida Hugo Miguel Louro Congestion control in wireless links 6/2010 Real Time Video Streaming and Multimedia Sharing over the Internet from a Mobile Phone 6/2010 Secure Biometrics Recognition 6/2010 Paulo Lobato Correia Rui Daniel Casaca da Trindade Paulo Lobato Correia Mauricio Bernardo Abreu Ramalho Susana Sargento Carlos Campos Paulo Nunes Nádia Mateus Fortes Paulo Nunes Susana Sargento Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva Susana Sargento Susana Sargento António Nogueira Hugo Miguel Campelo Luís Ducla Soares Rodrigues Almeida João Sintra Armando Manuel Nunes Machado Daniel Matos Paulo Serralheiro João Paulo Morais Machado Avaliação de arquitecturas distribuídas para serviços multicast em redes 7/2010 dinâmicas Background Modelling for People 7/2010 Tracking in Video Surveillance Scenarios Coding and Processing of 3D Holoscopic Video 7/2010 Colecção de dados de Qualidade de Experiência do utilizador final em Aplicações Home Entertainment (2) 7/2010 ComputerScience@UBI - An animation 7/2010 film Comunicação entre elementos da rede 7/2010 na Internet do Futuro Comunicação entre Veículos 7/2010 Conception and implementation of laboratorial experiments on MPLS 7/2010 201 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors André Miguel António Carlos Almeida Vieira Rodrigues António Nogueira Luís Nuno Rodrigues Ferreira Paulo Salvador Ferreira Póvoa António Nogueira Júlio César Ferreira Susana Sargento João Nogueira Susana Sargento Nelson Capela Paulo Salvador Ferreira Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues Susana Sargento Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva Susana Sargento Susana Sargento Luís Ducla Soares Congestion Control in Wireless Links 7/2010 Correlation of network information: a logarithmic approximation 7/2010 7/2010 End-to-end congestion control algorithms for the Internet 7/2010 Nuno André Caetano Barreiros Games on Blender 7/2010 Vasco Miguel Alves dos Santos Interactive Projections in Classroom 7/2010 Orlando Ricardo Esteves Pereira Gonçalo da Cruz Moura Dias Carlos Marques Filipe André Lourenço Canento Ana Fred João Luís Dias Cardoso Daniel Saragoça Fernando Pereira Nuno Miguel Ventura Couto Pedro Amado Assunção Simão Cardeal Sérgio Faria Mário Reis Luís Cruz Luis Coelho Paulo Lobato Correia Tiago Miguel de Sousa Nunes 7/2010 Multiresolution in Animation Systems 7/2010 Paulo Lobato Correia Secure Face Recognition 7/2010 7/2010 7/2010 Affective Mouse - Electrophysiological 8/2010 Signal Processing for Affective Computing João Miguel Barros Silva Mendes Luís Cruz 7/2010 Mobilidade com Contexto para Sessões Multicast em Redes Dinâmicas Quality of Experience based joint Packet Scheduling and Link Selection of Multimedia Streams over WiMax Mesh Mode Redes em Malha Virtuais para Optimização de Conectividade João Quintas Ângela Cunha 7/2010 Mobile Platform-independent Solutions 7/2010 for Body Sensor Network Interface Daniel Figueira Ana Fred Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão End Date Correlation of network information: a mathematical approximation Demonstrador de Criação de Redes Virtuais no Âmbito de Operador Demonstrador de Mobilidade em Redes de Acesso Heterogéneas António Carlos Almeida João Poupino Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva Title Salviano Soares Telmo Fernande Identification of Stress levels using Electrophysiological Signals 8/2010 Electronic Voting 9/2010 Face detection and segmentation for realistic avatar construction 9/2010 Image compression with edge-based inpainting 9/2010 Métodos de medição e avaliação de QoS de serviços multimédia em redes 9/2010 IP SAVA 9/2010 Video Summarization using Visual Attention Models 9/2010 3D Holoscopic Video Object Segmentation 10/2010 202 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Carlos Correia Teixeira Botelho Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Jairo Avelar Teixeira Botelho Fernando Lopes Márcio Carvalho Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues Gil Ramos Fernando Perdigão Fernando Perdigão Sérgio Faria Sérgio Faria Inácio Fonseca João Carlos Cunha Gomes Carla Sofia Moura da Cruz Pereira de Carvalho Fábio Sousa Igor Silva Title Ferramentas O3F: Editor CO3L e Sistema de Informação de Ontologias O3F Ferramentas para O3F: Conversor de UML para O3F Automated Scripting for Web Page Testing Connections between Information Theory and Estimation Theory End Date 10/2010 10/2010 12/2010 12/2010 Model Training for a Portuguese Speech Synthesis System 1/2011 Speech Synthesis System from a Sequence of Phones 1/2011 Sistema Electrónico para Lubrificação 9/2011 Sistema Electrónico para Segurança 9/2011 Table 25 - List of MSc. Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area During 2008 PhD Theses Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Sérgio Faria Nuno Miguel Vitor Silva Morais Rodrigues Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues William Carson Luís Cruz Lino Ferreira Mário Freire Pedro Ricardo de Paulo Monteiro Morais Inácio Mário Figueiredo João Pedro Oliveira Mário Figueiredo Manya Vital Afonso Maria Paula Queluz Tomás Brandão Susana Sargento Pedro Neves Fernando Perdigão Carla Calado Lopes Rui L. Aguiar João Paulo Silva Barraca Pedro Amado Assunção José Bioucas Dias Title Codificação de dados utilizando correspondência aproximada de padrões multiescala recorrentes Performance Modelling and Design of Bit Interleaved Coded Modulation Scalable video coding with dynamic regions of interest Study of the Impact of Intensive Attacks on the Self-Similarity Degree of the Network Traffic in Intra-Domain Aggregation Points End Date 3/2009 7/2009 12/2009 12/2009 Wavelet-based image reconstruction and 12/2009 restoration Fast Algorithms for Compressed Sensing 1/2010 Francisco Fontes Quality-of-service in video communications, based on watermarking. Acesso Sem Fios de Banda Larga em Ambientes de Redes Heterogéneas de Próxima Geração 6/2010 6/2010 Automatic processing techniques for speech recognition 6/2010 Estabelecimento de Redes de Comunidades Sobreponiveis 6/2010 203 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Fernando Pereira João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros Student Co- Supervisors João Miguel Duarte Ascenso 6/2010 Informed Network Coding for Minimum Decoding Delay 6/2010 Pedro Alexandre Cardoso Baltazar Model Checking of Quantum Security Protocols 7/2010 Luísa Lima Secure Network Coding 7/2010 Sérgio Crisóstomo Network Coding in Dynamic Networks: Self-Organization Aspects and Topology Control 7/2010 João Paulo Vilela Secure User Cooperation in Wireless Networks 7/2010 Performance Assessment of Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks 7/2010 Rate control in distributed video coding 7/2010 Sergio Assunção Susana Sargento Luís Barreto Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues Ioannis Kanaras Susana Sargento Marcel Calvacanti Mário Freire Filipe Cruz Gomes Soares Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho Rui Manuel Rocha Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros Rui Costa Nuno Figueiredo Study of Sensor Network Protocols Inside 7/2010 Ubiquitous Systems Controlo de Congestionamento em Redes 8/2010 sem Fios Bandwidth Efficient Multicarrier Systems 9/2010 for Wireless Communications Enabling Multimedia Services over 9/2010 Wireless Mesh Networks Generalization of the Embedded Branch Process for Automatic Detection of Breast 9/2010 Cancer João Carlos Silva António Luis Lopes Manuel M. Ferreira Hybrid P2P Protocol based in BitTorrent 9/2010 Complex Problem Decomposition and Delegation in Unstructured Dynamic Agent Networks 10/2010 CommonSense - Community-based self12/2010 organization of WSN João Oliveira Design and Optimisation of DWDM Millimetre-Wave Fibre-Radio Systems 12/2010 Rui Costa Information Flows in Complex Networks 12/2010 Carlos Sá da Costa Elsa Alexandra Cabral da Rocha Cardoso Stijn Viaene,Carlos Performance Management of Higher Sá da Costa Education Degrees Rui L. Aguiar Alfredo Miguel Melo Matos Susana Sargento João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros Paulo Oliveira Rui L. Aguiar Miguel Tavares Coimbra End Date Improving compression efficiency in distributed video coding systems Vasco Nuno da Joel José Puga Coelho Gama de Jesus Rodrigues Soares Catarina Isabel Fernando Pereira Carvalheiro Brites Paulo Alexandre Joel José Puga Coelho Correia da Silva Rodrigues Neves Carlos Sá da Costa Title Vitor Manuel Jesus Silva Fahran Riaz 12/2010 Privacidade em Redes Heterogéneas de Próxima Geração 12/2010 Secure Data Gathering in Sensor Networks 12/2010 Service Provisioning in Dense Network Operator Scenarios 12/2010 Computer Assisted Analysis of NarrowBand Imaging Endoscopy Exams 1/2011 204 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title End Date Sérgio Faria Danillo Bracco Graziosi Eduardo Antônio da Silva,Nuno Miguel Morais Rodrigues Codificação de imagens utilizando o algoritmo MMP 3/2011 Mário Figueiredo André T. Martins Pedro Aguiar Kernel based methods for text retrieval and semantic desambiguation 6/2011 Mário Freire João Vasco Paulo Gomes Paulo Monteiro Susana Sargento Evariste Logota Susana Sargento Miguel Almeida Susana Sargento Vitor Mirones Pedro Amado Assunção Lino Ferreira Mário Figueiredo David Pereira Coutinho Mário Figueiredo Artur Ferreira Pedro Amado Assunção Pedro Correia Pedro Amado Assunção Pedro Amado Assunção Detection and Limitation of Peer-to-Peer 7/2011 Traffic in Information Networks Context-Aware Control Design For Multicast-Aware Networks Performance evaluation in next Orlando Remédios generation networks Augusto Neto Victor Marques Luís Cruz Vitor Silva Filipe dos Santos Salviano Soares Neves Paulo Jorge Ferreira Baptista Juan GomezPinheiro Cordeiro Pulido Self in-network resource management Scalable Video Coding with embedded new features Data retrieval and classification using information distances Hybrid generative/discriminative supervised learning Advanced Multiple Description Coding for Video Algoritmos de Reconstrução de Sinal e Aplicações 9/2011 9/2011 9/2011 11/2011 12/2011 12/2011 12/2011 12/2011 Complexity Constrained Video Coding for 12/2011 FPGA-Based Implementation Image Processing for Supervision and Management Support of Road Infrastructures 12/2011 Data Clustering using Constraints 4/2012 João Manuel Pires Joel José Puga Coelho Leitão Caldeira Rodrigues Integration of Intra-Body Sensors in Wireless Sensor Networks 7/2012 Joel José Puga Coelho Luís Miguel Lopes Amaro Sousa Rodrigues de Oliveira Performance Assessment of Routing Protocols in IPv6 Over Wireless Sensor Mesh Networks 7/2012 Paulo Lobato Correia Ana Fred Fernando Perdigão Fernando Perdigão Susana Sargento Henrique José Monteiro Oliveira João Duarte Cláudio Ribeiro Neves Arlindo Oliveira da Veiga Ricardo Matos Susana Sargento Nuno Coutinho Susana Sargento António Videira Susana Sargento Márcio Melo Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros Luís Sá Automatic Detection of Voice Pathologies 9/2012 Luís Sá Automatic speech and speaker segmentation and labelling 9/2012 Context-based Wireless Mesh Networks 9/2012 Integração Transparente de Redes Heterogéneas 9/2012 N/A 9/2012 Sérgio Pires Jorge Carapinha Virtualização de Redes numa Perspectiva 9/2012 de Operador Paulo Costa Learning Action Control Rules through Observation of Software Agent Bodies 10/2012 Rui Meireles Geo-optimized Protocols for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks 11/2012 Mari Nistor Network Coding with Feedback 11/2012 205 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title Pedro Amado Assunção Salviano Sylvain Marcelino Soares,Sérgio Faria Ana Fred André Lourenço Ana Fred Helena Aidos Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues Munnujahan Ara Information-Theoretic Security 1 Ana Fred Hugo Humberto Placido da Silva Susana Sargento João Soares Pedro Neves Susana Sargento Lucas Guardalben Paulo Salvador Ferreira Susana Sargento Frank Kanesel Pedro Neves Susana Sargento André Cardote Peter Steenkiste Susana Sargento André Reis O. K. Tonguz Susana Sargento Tiago Condeixa Miguel Raul Dias Rodrigues Samah Mustafa Multi-Modal Modeling of Cognition and Emotion Communication Architecture for Mobile Cloud Services Communication between nodes and domains in self-management networks Converged Mobile Communications in Multiple Integrated Networks Geo-optimized and cross-layer transport communications Optimizing Vehicular Communications through Hybrid Networks User-Centric Mobility with Quality of Experience Handover Optimization Connections between Information Theory and Estimation Theory and Applications to Wireless Communications Miguel Raul Dias Ke Zhang Rodrigues Miguel Raul Dias Vinay Prabhu Rodrigues Michel Celestino Paiva Pedro Gomes Ferreira Tiago Quelhas João Sobrinho Adaptation and Quality Optimization in Future 3D Video Delivery Services End Date 12/2012 Automatic Document Organization using 12/2012 Semi-Structured Information Dissimilarity Increments Statistics and 12/2012 Dimensionality Reduction in Unsupervised Learning Cristina Olaverri Monreal 12/2012 12/2012 9/2013 9/2013 9/2013 9/2013 9/2013 9/2013 12/2013 Information-Theoretic Security 2 12/2013 Information-Theoretic Security 3 12/2013 Next-Generation Driver Information Systems 9/2014 Routing in enterprise networks 9/2014 Table 26 - List of PhD Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area During 2009 206 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3.6 Publications Architectures And Protocols Books • Barcoci, E. B.; J. R. Rodrigues; M. D. Diaz; A. A. Abouaissa; H. B. Boeglen; (eds.); 2009 Second International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service (CTRQ 2009) , , IEEE Computer Society , Colmar, France , 2009. • Duarte, A. M. O. D.; S.C. Campos; (eds.); Agenda Regional para a Empregabilidade : Plano de Acção para a Promoção da Empregabilidade no Norte de Portugal , CCDRN - Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento da Região Norte , Porto , 2009. Book Chapters • Ferreira, A.; L. Barreto; R. Correia; S. Sargento; L. Antunes; " Accessing an existing virtual electronic patient record with a secure wireless architecture " - Chapter in Chapter II - Mobile Health Solutions for Biomedical Applications , Professor Joseph Tan and Professor Phillip Olla , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference, 2009. • Assunção, P.A.; " Arquitecturas e Nível de Sistema " - Chapter in Comunicações Áudiovisuais - Tecnologias, Normas e Aplicações , Fernando Pereira , IST Press , Lisboa , 2009. • Neves, P.; S. Sargento; K. Pentikousis; F. Fontes; " WiMAX Cross-Layer System for Next Generation Heterogeneous Environments " - Chapter in Wimax In-Tech Web Book , na , In-Tech , 2009 . Papers in Journals • Sargento, S.; R. L. Aguiar; S. Sargento; " A cross-system approach for multimedia services with IP multicast in 4G networks ", Wireless Personal Communications Journal , Vol. 1 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , February , 2009. • Neves, P.; S. Sargento; R. L. Aguiar; F. Fontes; " Design and Experimental Evaluation of QoS and Mobility Support over Integrated 207 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 802.16 MANs and LANs ", IEEE Vehicular Technology Society News , December , 2008. • Neves, P.; M. Melo; S. Sargento; " Evaluation of WiMAX Networks with Mobility ", Revista do Departamento de Electrónica e de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Aveiro , Vol. 4 , No. 9 , March , 2009. • Ampatzis, C. A.; E. T. Tuci; V. T. Trianni; A. Christensen; M. D. Dorigo; " Evolution of Autonomous Self-Assembly in Homogeneous Robots ", Artificial Life , Vol. 4 , No. 15 , pp. 465 - 484 , June , 2009. • Christensen, A.; R. O. O Grady; M. D. Dorigo; " From Fireflies to Fault Tolerant Swarms of Robots ", IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation , Vol. 13 , No. 4 , pp. 1 - 12 , August , 2009. • Natkaniec, M.N.; S. Sargento; " Supporting QoS in Integrated Ad-Hoc Networks ", Wireless Personal Communications , October , 2009. • O Grady, R. O.; A. Christensen; M. D. Dorigo; " SWARMORPH: MultiRobot Morphogenesis Using Directional Self-Assembly ", IEEE Transactions on Robotics , Vol. 25 , No. 3 , pp. 738 - 743 , June , 2009. • S. Sargento; " Technological Solutions for WiMAX Network Planning ", Revista do Departamento de Electrónica e de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Aveiro , Vol. 4 , No. 9 , March , 2009. Papers in Conference Proceedings • Alexandre, R. Alexandre; Paula Prata Sousa; A. Gomes; " A Grid Infrastructure for Online Games ", Proc ACM International Conf. on Interaction Sciences: Information Technology, Culture and Human - ICIS , Seoul , Korea, South , Vol. 403 , pp. 670 - 673 , November , 2009. • S. Sargento; " Advanced Mobility in Broadband Wireless Access Scenarios ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications - WiMob , Marrakech , Morocco , October , 2009. • S. Sargento; " Architecture for Context-Aware Multiparty Delivery in Mobile Heterogeneous Networks ", Proc International Conf. on Ultra Modern Telecommunications - ICUMT , St. Petersburgh , Russia , October , 2009. 208 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Matos, R.M.; S. Sargento; " Context-aware Connectivity and Mobility in Wireless Mesh Networks ", Proc International ICST Conf. on Mobile Networks And Management , Athens , Greece , October , 2009. • S. Sargento; " Context-aware Control for Personalized Multiparty Sessions in Mobile Multihomed Systems ", Proc International ICST Conf. on Mobile Networks And Management , London , United Kingdom , September , 2009. • S. Sargento; " Context-Aware Multiparty Networking ", Proc ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit , Santander , Spain , June , 2009. • S. Sargento; " Context-Aware Self-Optimization in Multiparty Converged Mobile Environments ", Proc International ICTS Conf. on Autonomic Computing and Communication Systems - Autonomics , Limassol , Cyprus , September , 2009. • Neto, A.; S. Sargento; F. Pinto; E. Logota; " Context-Aware Session and Network Control in Future Internet ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , Dresden , Germany , June , 2009. • S. Sargento; " Context-based Wireless Mesh Networks: A Case for Network Virtualization ", Proc Euro-NF Workshop on Traffic Engineering and Dependability in the Network of the Future , Santander , Spain , June , 2009. • Almeida, M.; S. Sargento; " Cross Layer Design Approach for Performance Evaluation of Multimedia Contents ", Proc International Workshop on Cross Layer Design - IWCLD , Mallorca , Spain , June , 2009. • Barroca, N.; F. J. Velez; J.M. Ferro; Luis M. Borges; A. Lebres; " Desenho de Protocolos de Controlo de Acesso ao Meio Eficientes do Ponto de Vista Energético em Redes de Sensores Sem Fios ", Proc Conf. da Engenharia UBIEngenharias , Covilhã , Portugal , November , 2009. • S. Sargento; " Enabling Identity Aware Applications ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Oeiras , Portugal , October , 2009. • Neves, P.; S. Sargento; M. Melo; F. Fontes; K. Pentikousis; " Enhanced Media Independent Handover Framework ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-(VTC-Spring) , Barcelona , Spain , April , 2009. 209 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Matos, R.M.; P. Neves; S. Sargento; " Evaluating WiMAX QoS performance in a real testbed ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • S. Sargento; " FastM in WMN: a Fast Mobility Support extension for Wireless Mesh Networks ", Proc International Conf. on Advances in Mesh Networks (MESH) , Athens , Greece , June , 2009. • S. Sargento; " IEEE 802.16 Packet Scheduling with traffic prioritization and cross-layer optimization ", Proc ICST International Conf. on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems - MOBILIGHT , Athens , Greece , May , 2009. • S. Sargento; " Information Mobility: a New Paradigm for Content Dissemination ", Proc European Conf. on Wireless Technology - ECWT , Rome , Italy , September , 2009. • S. Sargento; " Integration of Optical and Wireless Technologies in the Metro-Access: QoS Support and Mobility Aspects ", Proc Euro-Ngi Conf. on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI) , Aveiro , Portugal , July , 2009. • Neves, P.; S. Sargento; " Media Independent Handovers: LAN, MAN and WAN Scenarios ", Proc IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. - GLOBECOM , Honolulu (Hawaii) , United States , November , 2009. • Costa, R.; S. Sargento; " Mobility between Infrastructure and Ad-Hoc Environments: Experimental Validation ", Proc IEEE Symp. on Computers and Communications (ISCC) , Sousse , Tunisia , July , 2009. • Neves, P.; S. Sargento; " Mobility Management for NGN WiMAX: Specification and Implementation ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks - WoWMoM , Kos , Greece , June , 2009. • S. Sargento; " Mobility of Sources and Listeners in IP Multicast-enabled Networks ", Proc Euro-Ngi Conf. on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI) , Aveiro , Portugal , July , 2009. • Sargento, S.; " Multicast Mobility in Heterogeneous Technologies: Experimental Validation ", Proc IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. GLOBECOM , Honolulu (Hawaii) , United States , December , 2009. • Neto, A.; S. Sargento; E. Logota; J. Antoniou; F. Pinto; " Multiparty Session and Network Resource Control in the Context Casting (C-CAST) 210 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA project ", Proc International Workshop on Future Multimedia Networking (FMN) , Coimbra , Portugal , June , 2009. • Melo, M.; S. Sargento; J. Carapinha; " Network Virtualisation from an Operator Perspective ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Oeiras , Portugal , October , 2009. • Pereira, T.; S. Sargento; " QoS and Mobility in IEEE 802.16 networks in Heterogeneous Scenarios ", Proc ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit , Santander , Spain , June , 2009. • Sargento, S.; V. Jesus; " QoS in 4G Scenarios in Mobile Environments: Experimental Validation ", Proc ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit , Santander , Spain , June , 2009. • Omar, Y.; P. Mateus; ; " Quantum Tags for the Authentication of Classical Public Messages ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , St Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 09 , pp. 000 - 003 , May , 2009. • Henriques, R. A.; R. M. Rocha; " Sensor Network Deployment based on Data Variability ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Ferreira, N. F.; T. Meireles; Jo. A. Fonseca Fonseca; J. N. Matos; J. Gomes; " WAVE Based Architecture for Safety Services Deployment in Vehicular Networks ", Proc 8th International Conf. on Fieldbuses , Ansan , Korea, South , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2009. • S. Sargento; " WiMAX Deployment, Planning and Optimization: Application to Different Scenarios ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Rocha, R. M.; " WiMAX QoS - Dynamic Service Flow Management ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. Network Applications and Services Books • Rodrigues, J. R.; (eds.); Health Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference , Hershey, PA, USA , 2009. 211 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Dongwan, -; M. Freire; - Monteiro; M. Sousa; Vazão Vasques; (eds.); Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, ACM Press , New York , 2009 . Book Chapters • Vaidya, B.; J. R. Rodrigues; J. P. Park; " HOTP-Based User Authentication Scheme in Home Networks " - Chapter in Advances in Information Security and Assurance, LNCS 5576 , Park, J.H.; Chen, H.H.; Atiquzzaman, M.; Lee, C.; Kim, T.-H.; Yeo, S.-S. , Springer, 2009. • Sargento, S.; P. Neves; R.M. Matos; B. Sousa; G. Landi; M. Curado; K. Pentikousis; " Mobility Management Architecture for WiMAX Networks " Chapter in WIMAX Architecture Book , Ramjee Prasad and Fernando Velez , Springer , N/A , 2009 . Papers in Journals • Rodriguez, J.; T.D. Dagiuklas ; M.T. Tsagkaropoulos; S.K. Kotsopoulos; I.P. Politis; " A Middleware Architecture Supporting Seamless and Secure Multimedia Services across Inter-Technology Radio Access Network ", IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS , October , 2009. • Rodrigues, J. R.; J. C. Caldeira; B. Vaidya; " A Novel Intra-body Sensor for Vaginal Temperature Monitoring ", Sensors , Vol. 9 , No. 4 , pp. 2797 - 2808 , April , 2009. • Aguiar, R. L.; " An Operational Conceptual Model for Global Communication Infrastructures ", , Vol. 49 , No. N/A , pp. 335 - 351 , May , 2009. • Neves, P.; R.M. Matos; S. Sargento; " Implementation Mobility in WiMAX Networks ", Revista do Departamento de Electrónica e de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Aveiro , Vol. 4 , No. 9 , pp. N/A - N/A , March , 2009. • Coutinho, N.; S. Sargento; V. Jesus; " Intelligence in Mobility Decisions ", Revista do Departamento de Electrónica e de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Aveiro , Vol. 4 , No. 9 , March , 2009. 212 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Vaidya, B.; T.H Kim; J. P. Park; Y. J. Lee; " Secure Ubiquitous Connectivity in Hybrid Multipath Wireless Ad hoc Network ", Intrnl. Journal of Communication Systems , Vol. 22 , No. 9 , pp. 1153 - 1176 , September , 2009. • Chatzigeorgiou, I; M. Rodrigues ; I. J. Wassell; R Carrasco; " The Augmented State Diagram and its Application to Convolutional and Turbo Codes ", IEEE Trans. on Communications , Vol. 57 , No. 7 , pp. 1948 1958 , July , 2009. • Barros, J.; O. Tonguz; " Unicast Communication over VANET: A Reality Check ", September , 2009. Papers in Conference Proceedings • Almeida, J. A.; G. Maierbacher ; J. Barros; " Low-Complexity Index Assignments for Secure Quantization ", Proc Annual Conf. on Information Sciences - CISS , Baltimore , United States , March , 2009. • Ferreira, D. F.; L. Lima Lima; J. Barros; " NECO: NEtwork COding Simulator. ", Proc International Conf. on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems (SIMUTOOLS) , Rome , Italy , March , 2009. • A Biosensor and Data Presentation Solution for Body Sensor Networks ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Neves, P. N.; J. C. Caldeira; O. P. Pereira; J. R. Rodrigues; " A Biosensor and Data Presentation Solution for Body Sensor Networks ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Rodrigues, J. R.; F. B. Beirão; B. Vaidya; " A Decentralized RFID Authentication Solution for Embedded Systems ", Proc International Conf. on Systems and Networks Communications , Porto , Portugal , September , 2009. • Denko, M.; I. W. Woungang; J. R. Rodrigues; H. C. Chao; " A Trust Management Scheme for Enhancing Security in Pervasive Wireless Networks ", Proc IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. - GLOBECOM , Honolulu , United States , Vol. CD , November , 2009. 213 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Kim, MinJi Kim; M. M. Médard; J. Barros; R. Kötter; " An Algebraic Watchdog for Wireless Network Coding ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Information Theory - ISIT , Seoul , Korea, South , June , 2009. • Crisostomo , S.; U. S. Schilcher; J. Barros; C. Bettstetter Bettstetter; " Analysis of Probabilistic Flooding: How do we Choose the Right Coin? ", Proc IEEE International Communications Conf. , Dresden , Germany , June , 2009. • Lima, L. Lima; J. Barros; R. Kötter; " Byzantine Attacks against Network Coding in Peer to Peer Distributed Storage ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Information Theory - ISIT , Seoul , Korea, South , June , 2009. • Conceição, H. C.; M.F. Ferreira; J. Barros; " Cautionary View of Mobility and Connectivity Modeling in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-(VTC-Spring) , Barcelona , Spain , April , 2009. • Neto, A.; S. Sargento; F. Pinto; E. Logota; " Context-Aware Session and Network Control in Future Internet ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , Dresden , Germany , June , 2009. • Rocha, E.; P. Salvador; A. N. Nogueira; " Detection of illicit Traffic Based on Multiscale Analysis ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks - SoftCOM , Split, Hvar, Korcula , Croatia , September , 2009. • Rocha, E.; P. Salvador; A. N. Nogueira; " Discriminating Internet Applications Based on Multiscale Analysis ", Proc Euro-Ngi Conf. on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI) , Aveiro , Portugal , July , 2009. • Barros, J.; R.C. Costa; Munaretto; J. Widmer; " Effective Delay Control for Online Network Coding ", Proc IEEE INFOCOM , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , April , 2009. • Rosa, P. R.; P. N. Neves; B. Vaidya; J. R. Rodrigues; " G-Sense - A Graphical Interface for SENSE Simulator ", Proc IARIA International Conf. on Advances on System Simulation - SIMUL , Porto , Portugal , pp. 88 - 93 , September , 2009. 214 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Vaidya, B.; J. P. Park; J. R. Rodrigues; " HOTP-based User Autenthication Scheme in Home Networks ", Proc International Workshop on Network Assurance and Security Services in Ubiquitous Environments - NASSUE 2009 , Seoul , Korea, South , June , 2009. • Vaidya, B.; M. Chen; J. R. Rodrigues; " Improved Robust User Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks ", Proc Conf. on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks - WCSN , Allahabad , India , December , 2009. • Farahmand, F. F. ; K. K. Khadivi; J. R. Rodrigues; " Improving Radiation Oncology Using a Low-Cost Wireless Accelerometer ", Proc IEEE Conf. on Local Computer Networks , Zurich , Switzerland , Vol. CD , pp. 724 - 729 , October , 2009. • Ferreira, M. Ferreira; H. C. Conceição; R. Fernandes; R. Rei ; " Locating Cars through a Vision Enabled VANET ", Proc IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symp. - IV , XI'An , China , June , 2009. • Almeida, J. A.; G. Maierbacher ; J. Barros; " Low-Complexity Index Assignments for Secure Quantization ", Proc Annual Conf. on Information Sciences - CISS , Baltimore MD , United States , March , 2009. • Almeida, J. A.; G. Maierbacher ; J. Barros; " Low-Complexity Index Assignments for Secure Quantization ", Proc Annual Conf. on Information Sciences - CISS , Baltimore , United States , March , 2009. • Almeida, J. A.; G. Maierbacher ; J. Barros; " Low-Complexity Index Assignments for Secure Quantization ", Proc Annual Conf. on Information Sciences - CISS , Baltimore , United States , March , 2009. • Almeida, J. A.; G. Maierbacher ; J. Barros; " Low-Complexity Index Assignments for Secure Quantization ", Proc Annual Conf. on Information Sciences - CISS , Baltimore , United States , March , 2009. • Almeida, J. A.; G. Maierbacher ; J. Barros; " Low-Complexity Index Assignments for Secure Quantization ", Proc Annual Conf. on Information Sciences - CISS , Baltimore MD , United States , March , 2009. 215 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Ferreira, M.F.; " Mining Spatial Data from GPS Traces for Automatic Road Network Extraction ", Proc International Symp. on Mobile Mapping Technology - ISMMT , São Paulo , Brazil , July , 2009. • Lima, F. Lima; M. Ferreira Ferreira; " Mining Spatial Data from GPS Traces for Automatic Road Network Extraction ", Proc International Symp. on Mobile Mapping Technology - ISMMT , Presidente Prudente, São Paulo , Brazil , July , 2009. • Neves, P. N.; J. R. Rodrigues; " Motivação para Utilização de IP em Redes de Sensores sem Fios ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Oeiras , Portugal , October , 2009. • Silva, B. S.; P. N. Neves; M. Denko; J. R. Rodrigues; " MPCollaborator: A Mobile Collaboration Tool in Pervasive Environment ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications - WiMob , Marrakech , Morocco , Vol. 1 , pp. 344 - 349 , October , 2009. • Sundararajan, J. K. S.; D. S. Shah; M.M. Medard; J. Barros; " Network Coding meets TCP ", Proc IEEE INFOCOM , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , April , 2009. • Vieira, F. V.; J. Barros; " Network Coding Multicast Framework for Broadband Satellite Systems ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Vieira, F. V.; J. Barros; " Network Coding Multicast in Satellite Networks ", Proc Euro-Ngi Conf. on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI) , Aveiro , Portugal , July , 2009. • Ferreira, D F; L. L. Lima; J. Barros; " Network Coding Protocols: Does Topology Matter? ", Proc Future Internet Architectures Workshop: New Trends in Service Architectures (2nd Euro-NF Workshop) , Santander , Spain , June , 2009. • Rodrigues , M.; A. R. Ramos ; " On Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Gaussian Channels with Arbitrary Inputs Subject to Jamming ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Information Theory - ISIT , Seoul , Korea, South , June , 2009. • Soares, J. M.; B. Gonçalves; R. M. Rocha; " Power Management Extensions for Tagus-SensorNet ", Proc The Second International 216 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Workshop on Sensor Networks - SN 2009 , San Francisco , United States , August , 2009. • Soares, J. M.; B. Gonçalves; B. Gonçalves; " Power Management Extensions for Tagus-SensorNet ", Proc The Second International Workshop on Sensor Networks - SN 2009 , San Francisco , United States , August , 2009. • Lima, L. L.; J. Barros; A L T Toledo; M. M. Médard; " Protecting the Code: Secure Multiresolution Network Coding ", Proc IEEE Information Theory Workshop - ITW , Volos , Greece , June , 2009. • Vaidya, B.; J. Silva; J. R. Rodrigues; " Robust Dynamic User Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks ", Proc ACM International Workshop on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks , Tenerife , Spain , Vol. 0 , pp. 88 - 91 , October , 2009. • Vaidya, B.; H. Lim; " Secure Framework for Multipath Multimedia Streaming over Wireless Ad Hoc Network ", Proc IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. - WCNC , Budapest , Hungary , pp. 1 - 6 , April , 2009. • Vaidya, B.; M. Denko; J. R. Rodrigues; " Secure Framework for Voice Transmission over Multipath Wireless Ad-hoc Network ", Proc IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. - GLOBECOM , Honolulu , United States , November , 2009. • Mendes, A.; J. C. Caldeira; J. R. Rodrigues; " Sensor Sem Fios para Monitorização da Temperatura Intra-Corporal ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Oeiras , Portugal , Vol. CD , October , 2009. • Lopes, I. L.; B. Vaidya; J. R. Rodrigues; " SensorFall – An Accelerometer Based Mobile Application ", Proc Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA , Jeju island , Korea, South , Vol. 1 , pp. 749 - 754 , December , 2009. • Borges, Luis M.; F. J. Velez; S. Lebres; " Taxonomy for Wireless Sensor Networks Services Characterisation and Classification ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Vila da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 433 - 436 , May , 2009. 217 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Baptista, N. Baptista; R.P. Prior; " Telephone Interface for the Email Service ", Proc First International Conf. on Advanced Service Computing , Athens , Greece , November , 2009. • Pinho, E. Pinho; E. Aires Aires; Paula Prata Sousa; " Tolerância a Falhas em Jogos On-line ", Proc VideoJogos - VJ , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 10 , November , 2009. • Lima, L. Lima; J. Barros; M. M. Médard; A L T Toledo; " Towards Secure Multiresolution Network Coding ", Proc IEEE Information Theory Workshop - ITW , Volos , Greece , June , 2009. • Martins, F.; L.B.L. Lopes; J. Barros; " Towards the Safe Programming of Wireless Sensor Networks ", Proc Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-cEntric Software ETAPS 2009 , York , United Kingdom , March , 2009. • Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; M Paralta Paralta; P. Mestre Mestre; C. Serôdio Serôdio; J. Rodriues Rodrigues; " TraceMe – Indoor Real Time Location System ", Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON , Porto , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2009. • Pinto, Pedro Pinto; J. Barros; Moe Win Win; " Wireless Physical-Layer Security: The Case of Colluding Eavesdroppers ", Proc International Symp. on Information Theory - ISIT , Seoul , Korea, South , June , 2009. Project Reports • Sargento, S.; " Applications of INM Concepts ", N/A , FP7-ICT-20071-216041 , June , 2009. • Sargento, S.; " Preliminary Report on System Architecture ", N/A , Projecto Interno IT GEN-CAN , April , 2009. • Sargento, S.; " Requirements and Global Reference Architecture ", N/A , FP7-ICT-2007-216462 , February , 2009. • Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; M. Antunes; L. Bento Bento; J. Quaresma Quaresma; " SGF - Sistema multi-funcional de Gestão de Frotas ", Instituto de Telecomunicações , SGF , May , 2009. • Sargento, S.; " Specification of context detection and context-aware multiparty transport ", N/A , FP7-ICT-2007-216462 , June , 2009. 218 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Network Operations, Management and Planning Book Chapters • Oliveira, R.; A. Pacheco; C. Pascoal; R. Valadas; P. Salvador; " On the Dependencies between Internet Flow Characteristics " - Chapter in Traffic Management and Traffic Engineering for the Future Internet , Rui Valadas and Paulo Salvador , Springer , Berlin Heidelberg New York , 2009. • Oliveira, R.; A. Pacheco; C. Bourbonnais; R. Valadas; P. Salvador; " On the Dependencies between Internet Flow Characteristics " Chapter in Traffic Management and Traffic Engineering for the Future Internet , Rui Valadas and Paulo Salvador , Springer , Berlin Heidelberg New York , 2009. • Gonçalves, J.; P. Salvador; A. N. Nogueira; R. Valadas; " Peer-Level Analysis of Distributed Multimedia Content Sharing " - Chapter in Traffic Management and Traffic Engineering for the Future Internet , Rui Valadas and Paulo Salvador , Springer , Berlin Heidelberg New York , 2009. • Gomes, J. V. P.; P.R.M. Inácio ; M. Freire; M. Sousa; P. Monteiro; " The Nature of Peer-to-Peer Traffic " - Chapter in The Handbook of Peer-to-Peer Networking , Xuemin Shen, Heather Yu, John Buford and Mursalin Akon , Springer , 2009. Papers in Journals • Costa, R.; S. Sargento; R. L. Aguiar; " Development of a Hybrid Simulation and Emulation Testbed For VANETs ", Vol. 5 , No. 1 , June , 2009. • Aguiar, R. L.; L. A. Couto; J. P. Barraca; S. Sargento; " FastM: Design and Evaluation of a Fast Mobility Mechanism for Wireless Mesh Networks ", International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services - IARIA , June , 2009. • Sebastião, P.; F. J. Velez; R. Costa; D.R. Robalo; A. J. Rodrigues; " Planning and deployment of WiMAX networks ", Wireless Personal Communications Journal , August , 2009. 219 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Papers in Conference Proceedings • Aguiar, R. L.; pasg Gonçalves; R. Pereira; J. L. Oliveira; " A graphical user interface for policy composition in CIM-SPL ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Management of Emerging Networks and Services - MENS 2009 , St.-Petersburg , Russia , October , 2009. • Preguiça, R.; L. M. Correia; C. Caseiro ; " Comparison between UMTS/HSPA+ and WiMAX/IEEE 802.16e in Mobility Scenarios ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. Mobile and Wireless Comunications , pp. 217 - 220 , May , 2009. • Carvalho, David A. Carvalho; M. Freire; M. Sousa; " Detection of Encrypted Traffic in eDonkey Network Through Application Signatures ", Proc International Conf. on Advances in P2P Systems - AP2PS , Sliema , Malta , Vol. , pp. 174 - 179 , October , 2009. • Carvalho, David A. Carvalho; M. Sousa; M. Freire; " Detection of Peer-to-Peer TV Traffic Through Deep Packet Inspection ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Oeiras , Portugal , Vol. , pp. 1 - 6 , October , 2009. • Aguiar, R. L.; R. A. Ferreira Ferreira; A. Matos; S. Sargento; " Enabling Identity-Aware Applications ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Oeiras , Portugal , October , 2009. • Aguiar, R. L.; L. A. Couto; J. P. Barraca; S. Sargento; " FastM in WMN: a Fast Mobility Support extension for Wireless Mesh Networks ", Proc International Conf. on Advances in Mesh Networks (MESH) , Athens , Greece , June , 2009. • Monteiro, C.; P. Salvador; A. N. Nogueira; R. Valadas; " Integrated System for Collecting, Processing and Storing Network Information ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Aguiar, R. L.; pasg Gonçalves; J. L. Oliveira; R. Pereira; " Managing QoS in a NGN using a PBM approach ", Proc International Conf. on Systems and Networks Communications , Porto , Portugal , September , 2009. 220 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Marques, A.; L. M. Correia; S. Pires; " Modelling of Building Height Interference Dependence in UMTS ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 4 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2009. • Lima, L. Lima; D. F. Ferreira; J. Barros; " Network Coding Protocols: Does Topology Matter? ", Proc ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit , Santander , Spain , June , 2009. • Zarpelão, B. Z.; M. P. Proença; L. M. Mendes; J. R. Rodrigues; " Parameterized Anomaly Detection System with Automatic Configuration ", Proc IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. GLOBECOM , Honolulu , United States , Vol. CD , November , 2009. • Gomes, J. V. P.; P.R.M. Inácio ; B. Lakic; M. Freire; H. S. Silva; P. Monteiro; " Studies for Modeling Basic Aspects of Source Traffic ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , pp. 327 - 330 , May , 2009. • Aguiar, R. L.; " Taxonomy for GP-Aware Mobility ", Proc International ICST Conf. on Mobile Networks And Management , Atenas , Greece , October , 2009. • Aguiar, R. L.; " Technoeconomic study for a Mobile WiMAX solution in an emerging market: a case study for Luanda ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT , Marrakech , Morocco , May , 2009. • Zarpelão, B. Z.; M. P. Proença; L. M. Mendes; J. R. Rodrigues; " Three Levels Network Analysis for Anomaly Detection ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks - SoftCOM , Split – Hvar – Korcula , Croatia , Vol. CD , September , 2009. Network Performance Evaluation and Design Book Chapters • Velez, F. J.; O. Cabral; D. Staehle; D. Moltchanov; T. Bohnert; H. van den Berg; " Chapter 3: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND TRAFFIC MODELLING " - Chapter in Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless 221 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Multimedia Networks: COST 290 Final Report (ISBN 978-0-38785572-1) , Yevgeni Kouchergavy , Springer , Norwell, MA, USA , 2009. • Cabral, O.; A. S. Martinez; F. J. Velez; " IEEE 802.11E BLOCK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT POLICIES " - Chapter in Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computational Science , IAENG , Springer , Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 39 , 2009. • Almeida, A. C. M.; C. Belo; " Router-Assisted Congestion Control with Probabilistic Marking " - Chapter in Traffic and Performance Engineering for Heterogeneous Networks , D. Kouvatsos , River Publishers , 2009. • Ferro, J.M.; F. J. Velez; " Routing in a Custom-made IEEE 802.11e Simulator " - Chapter in Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computational Science , IAENG , Springer, 2009. Papers in Journals • Pedrosa , L.; P. Melo; R. M. Rocha; R. Neves; " A Flexible Approach to WSN Development and Deployment ", International Journal of Sensor Networks , Vol. 6 , No. 3/4 , pp. 199 - 211 , October , 2009. • Farahmand, F. F. ; K. K. Khadivi; J. R. Rodrigues; " Detecting IntraFraction Motion in Patients Undergoing Radiation Treatment Using a Low-Cost Wireless Accelerometer ", Sensors , Vol. 9 , No. 9 , pp. 6715 - 6729 , August , 2009. • Costa, R.; S. Sargento; R. L. Aguiar; " Development of a Hybrid Simulation and Emulation Testbed For VANET ", Revista do Departamento de Electrónica e de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Aveiro , Vol. 4 , No. 9 , March , 2009. • Soares, V. S.; F. F. Farahmand; J. R. Rodrigues; " Impact of Vehicle Movement Models on VDTN Routing Strategies for Rural Connectivity ", International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation , Vol. 3 , No. 2 , pp. 103 - 111 , December , 2009. • Cabral, O.; A. S. Martinez; F. J. Velez; " Implementation of IEEE 802.11e Block Acknowledgement Policies ", IAENG Intrnl. Journal of 222 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Computer Science (IJCS) , Vol. 36 , No. 1 , pp. 85 - 93 , February , 2009. • B. Lakic; M. Freire; M. Sousa; P. Monteiro; " The Design and Evaluation of the Simple Self-Similar Sequences Generator ", Information Sciences , Vol. 179 , No. 23 , pp. 4029 - 4045 , November , 2009. • Fernandes, M.F.; " zteste ", IEEE Microwave Magazine , Vol. 12 , No. 13 , pp. 14 - 15 , January , 2009 . Papers in Conference Proceedings • Silva, R. S.; V. L. Leithardt; J. Silva; C. R. Geyer; F. B. Boavida; J. R. Rodrigues; " A Comparison of Approaches to Node and Service Discovery in 6lowPAN Wireless Sensor Networks ", Proc ACM International Workshop on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks , Tenerife , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 44 - 49 , October , 2009. • Soares, V. S.; F. F. Farahmand; J. R. Rodrigues; " A Layered Architecture for Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks ", Proc IEEE Symp. on Computers and Communications (ISCC) , Sousse , Tunisia , July , 2009. • J. Rodriguez; Rasool Sadeghi Sadeghi; " A Load balanced aware routing protocol for wireless ad-hoc networks ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT , Marrakech , Morocco , May , 2009. • A Proposed P2PSIP Framework for Extreme Emergency Situations in a Wireless Environment ", Proc International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conf. - Mobimedia , London , United Kingdom , September , 2009. • Rodriguez, J.; " A Proposed P2PSIP Framework for Extreme Emergency Situations in a Wireless Environment ", Proc International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conf. - Mobimedia , London , United Kingdom , September , 2009. • Aguiar, R. L.; H. Einsiedler; J. Moreno; " A Requirements analysis for the Protocol Stack of the Future Internet ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , Dresden , Germany ,June , 2009. 223 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • J. Rodriguez; ; P. Marques; A. Zúquete; " A Security Framework for Cognitive Radio IP Based Cooperative Protocols ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun PIMRC , Tokyo , Japan , September , 2009. • Aguiar, R. L.; pasg Gonçalves; J. L. Oliveira; " An evaluation of network management protocols ", Proc IFIP/IEEE International Conf. on Network Control and Engineering for Quality of Service, Security and Mobility - NetCon , New York , United States , June , 2009. • Soares, J. M.; R. M. Rocha; " CHARON: Routing in Low-Density Opportunistic Wireless Sensor Networks ", Proc 2nd IFIP Wireless Days 2009 , Paris , France , December , 2009. • Dias, J. D.; J. I. Isento; B. S. Silva; V. S. Soares; P. Salvador; A. N. Nogueira; J. R. Rodrigues; " Creation of a Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Network Prototype ", Proc Engenharia - Jornadas da Universidade da Beira Interior , Covilhã , Portugal , November , 2009. • Aguiar, R. L.; D. Gomes; A. Matos; " Deploying and testing a NGN testbed ", Proc International Conf. on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the development of Networks and Communities , Washington D.C. , United States , April , 2009. • Neves, P.; S. Sargento; M. Melo; F. Fontes; K. Pentikousis; " Enhanced Media Independent Handover Framework ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-(VTC-Spring) , Spain , Spain , April , 2009. • Soares, V. S.; F. F. Farahmand; J. R. Rodrigues; " Evaluating the Impact of Storage Capacity Constraints on Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks ", Proc IARIA International Conf. on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service - CTRQ , Colmar , France , July , 2009. • Rodrigues, J. R.; B. Vaidya; " Evaluation of Resource Reservation Protocols for IP over OBS Networks ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Ponta Delgada , Portugal , Vol. CD , June , 2009. • Morais, R.; C. Pavan; A. N. Pinto; C. Agra; " Genetic Algorithm for the Design of Survivable Optical Transport Networks: Operators 224 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Comparison ", Proc Congresso da APDIO , Lisbon , Portugal , September , 2009. • Soares, V. S.; J. R. Rodrigues; F. F. Farahmand; " Impact Analysis of the Shortest Path Movement Model on Routing Strategies for VDTNs in a Rural Region ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Pavan, C.; R. Morais; A. N. Pinto; " Impact of the Traffic Model on the Restoration Coefficient in Optical Transport Networks ", Proc International Conf. on Decision Support for Telecommunications and Information Society - DSTIS , Coimbra , Portugal , September , 2009. • Soares, V. S.; J. R. Rodrigues; P. Salvador; A. N. Nogueira; " Improvement of Messages Delivery Time on Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks ", Proc International Workshop on Next Generation of Wireless and Mobile Networks - NGWMN , Vienna , Austria , September , 2009. • Soares, V. S.; F. F. Farahmand; J. R. Rodrigues; " Improving Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Network Performance with Relay Nodes ", Proc Euro-Ngi Conf. on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI) , Aveiro , Portugal , July , 2009. • Melo, P.; L. Pedrosa ; R. M. Rocha; " Interconnecting WSNs with Fast Moving Nodes: Experiments in Real-World Scenarios ", Proc The Second International Workshop on Sensor Networks - SN 2009 , San Francisco, California , United States , August , 2009. • Rodriguez, J.; ; " Load Balanced DSR Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , S. M. Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Ferreira, D F; L. L. Lima; J. Barros; " NECO: NEtwork COding Simulator ", Proc International Conf. on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems (SIMUTOOLS) , Rome , Italy , March , 2009. • Cabral, O.; A. S. Martinez; F. J. Velez; A. Mihovska; N. Prasad; " Optimization of Multi-Service IEEE802.11e Block Acknowledgement ", Proc Radio and Wireless Conf. - RAWCON , S. Diego , United States , January , 2009. 225 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Aguiar, R. L.; " Paths to Mobility Support in the Future Internet ", Proc IST Mobile Communications Summit , Santader , Spain , June , 2009. • Rodriguez, J.; " Quality of Service for Flat Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad hoc networks ", Proc International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conf. - Mobimedia , London , United Kingdom , September , 2009. • Soares, V. S.; F. F. Farahmand; J. R. Rodrigues; " Scheduling and Drop Policies for Traffic Differentiation on Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks - SoftCOM , Split – Hvar-Korcula , Croatia , September , 2009. • Ferro, J.M.; O. Cabral; F. J. Velez; " Seeking for an Optimal Route in IEEE 802.11e Ad-Hoc Networks ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-(VTC-Fall) , Anchorage , United States , September , 2009. • Aguiar, R. L.; V. Jesus; P. Steenkiste; " Supporting Dynamic InterDomain Network Composition: Domain Discovery ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , Dresden , Germany , June , 2009. • Sebastião, D.S.; L. M. Correia; " Towards an Optimisation of Parameters Setting in WLANs ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-(VTC-Spring) , Barcelona , Spain , April , 2009. • Ferreira, M. Ferreira; H. C. Conceição; R. Fernandes; O. Tonguz; " Urban Connectivity Analysis of VANETs through Stereoscopic Aerial Photography ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-(VTC-Fall) , Anchorage, AK , United States , September , 2009. • Neves, R.; " WIMAXmeter: Test & Measurement benvh for WIMAX systems ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 201 - 203 , May , 2009. 226 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Pattern Recognition and Automatic Learning Books • Filipe, JBF; A. L. N. Fred; B. S. Sharp; (eds.); Agents and Artificial Intelligence , , Springer , Berlin , 2009. • Fred, A. L. N.; Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, INSTICC PRESS , Milan , 2009. Book Chapters • Fazendeiro, P.; J. Oliveira ; " Semantic Driven Fuzzy Clustering for Human-Centric Information Processing Applications " - Chapter in Human-Centric Information Processing Through Granular Modelling , Andrzej Bargiela and Witold Pedrycz , Springer, 2009. • Oliveira, H.; P.L. Correia; " Supervised Crack Detection and Classification in Images of Road Pavement Flexible Surfaces " Chapter in Recent Advances in Signal Processing , In-Tech , In-Tech , Austria , 2009. Papers in Journals • Adaptive total variation image deblurring: a majorization- minimization ", Signal Processing , Vol. 89 , No. 9 , pp. 2479 - 2493 , September , 2009. • Oliveira, J. Pedro; J. Dias; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Adaptive total variation image deblurring: a majorization-minimization approach ", Signal Processing , Vol. 89 , No. 9 , pp. 2479 - 2493 , September , 2009. • Proença, H.; " An Iris Recognition Approach Through Structural Pattern Analysis Methods ", Expert Systems , July , 2009. • Lopes, M.; J-C. Wolff; " Investigation into classification/sourcing of suspect counterfeit Heptodin™ tablets by near infrared chemical imaging ", Analytica Chimica Acta , Vol. 633 , No. 1 , pp. 149 - 155 , February , 2009. 227 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Proença, H.; L. Alexandre; " Iris Recognition: Analysis of the Error Rates Regarding the Accuracy of the Segmentation Stage ", IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING , Vol. 1 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , January , 2009. • Proença, H.; " Iris Recognition: On the Segmentation of Degraded Images Acquired in the Visible Wavelength ", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , September , 2009. • Martins, A.; N. Smith; E. Xing; P. Aguiar; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Nonextensive Information Theoretic Kernels on Measures ", Journal of Machine Learning Research , Vol. 10 , No. , pp. 935 - 975 , April , 2009. • Ferreira, A.J. Ferreira; Oliveira; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " On the Suitability of Suffix Arrays for Lempel-Ziv Data Compression ", Communications in Computer and Information Science Series , Vol. 48 , pp. 267 - 280 , October , 2009. • Bicego, M.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Soft clustering using weighted oneclass support vector machines ", Pattern Recognition , Vol. 42 , No. 1 , pp. 27 - 32 , January , 2009. • Proença, H.; L. Alexandre; " The UBIRIS.v2: A Database of Visible Wavelength Iris Images Captured On-The-Move and At-A-Distance ", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , Vol. 1 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , January , 2009. Papers in Conference Proceedings • Marques, P.; " A novel moving target indication strategy for traffic monitoring using SAR ", Proc International Radar Conf. - RADAR , Bordeaux , France , Vol. TBD , pp. TBD - TBD , October , 2009. • Neves, C.; A. Veiga; L. V. Sá; F. Perdigão; " Audio Fingerprinting System for Broadcast Streams ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 481 - 484 , May , 2009. • Oliveira, H.; P.L. Correia; " Automatic Road Crack Segmentation Using Entropy and Image Dynamic Thresholding ", Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Glasgow , United Kingdom , August , 2009. 228 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Alexandre, L.; M.J.E. Embrechts; J.L. Linton; " Benchmarking Reservoir Computing on Time-Independent Classification Tasks ", Proc IEEE International Joint Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks IJCNN , Atlanta , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 89 - 93 , June , 2009. • Seabra, J S; A. L. N. Fred; " Biometric Identification System based on Thyroid Tissue Echo-morphology ", Proc International Joint Conf. on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSTEC , Porto , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 186 - 192 , January , 2009. • Proença, H.; " Biometric Recognition: When Is Evidence Fusion Advantageous? ", Proc International Symp. on Visual Computing IVC , Las Vegas , United States , Vol. 2 , pp. 698 - 708 , October , 2009. • Almeida, M.S.C.; L.B. Almeida ; " Blind deblurring of foregroundbackground images ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Cairo , Egypt , November , 2009. • Almeida, M.S.C.; L.B. Almeida ; " Blind deblurring of two-layer images ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Aveiro , Portugal , October , 2009. • Fred, A. L. N.; ; " Combining Data Clusterings with Instance Level Constraints ", Proc Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems , Milan , Italy , Vol. 1 , May , 2009. • Sá, J.; J.G. Gama; R.S. Sebastião; L. Alexandre; " Decision Trees Using the Minimum Entropy-of-Error Principle ", Proc International Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns - CAIP , Munster , Germany , Vol. LNCS 5702 , pp. 799 - 807 , September , 2009. • Marques, P.; " Directional Moving Target Indication for Civil Traffic Monitoring Using Single Channel SAR ", Proc IEEE Radar Conf. RADARCON , Pasadena , United States , May , 2009. • Oliveira, C.; A. L. N. Fred; " ECG-BASED AUTHENTICATION: Bayesian vs. Nearest Neighbour Classifiers ", Proc International Conf. on Bioinspired Systems and Signal Processing - Biosignals - INSTICC , Porto , Portugal , January , 2009. • Oliveira, H.; P.L. Correia; " Evaluation of Pre-processing in Road Pavement Image Analysis ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - 229 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. , pp. 263 - 266 , May , 2009. • Tou, J. T.; Y. T. Tay; L. Yee; " EVALUATION OF SPEED AND ACCURACY FOR COMPARISON OF TEXTURE CLASSIFICATION IMPLEMENTATION ", Proc International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology - IWAIT , Seoul , Korea, South , January , 2009. • Fred, A. L. N.; LM Medina; " Identification of Stress States from ECG Signals Using Unsupervised Learning Methods ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Aveiro , Portugal , October , 2009. • Radius, R. A.; P. Marques; " Improved SOVE Algorithm for Full Velocity Vector Estimation of Ships using Amplitude Data ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 469 - 472 , May , 2009. • Santos, R.S.; L. Alexandre; " Improving Spectroface using Preprocessing and Voting ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems - ICIS , Shanghai , China , Vol. 4 , pp. 552 - 556 , November , 2009. • Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; " Learning Dependent Sources useing Mixtures of Dirichlet: Applications on Hyperspectral Unmixing ", Proc IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing - WHISPERS 2009 , Grenoble , France , August , 2009. • Ferreira, A.J. Ferreira; Arl Lourenço; B.P. Pinto; J.T. Tendeiro; " Modifications and Improvements on Iris Recognition ", Proc INSTICC International Conf. on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing Biosignals , Porto , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 72 - 79 , January , 2009. • Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; " Nonlinear Mixture Model for Hyperspectral Unmixing ", Proc SPIE - Conf. on Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing , Berlin , Germany , Vol. 7477 , September , 2009. • Proença, H.; " On the Feasibility of the Visible Wavelength, At-ADistance and On-The-Move Iris Recognition ", Proc IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence - WCCI , Nashville , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 9 - 15 , March , 2009. 230 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Proença, H.; G. Santos Santos; " On the Role of Interpolation in the Normalization of Non-Ideal Visible Wavelength Iris Images ", Proc International Conf. on Computational Intelligence and Security - CIS , Beijing , China , December , 2009. • Ferreira, A.J. Ferreira; Oliveira; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " On the use of suffix arrays for memory-efficient Lempel-Ziv data compression ", Proc IEEE Data Compression Conf. - DCC , Snowbird , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 444 - 444 , March , 2009. • Embrechts, M.J.E.; L. Alexandre; J.L. Linton; " Reservoir computing for static pattern recognition ", Proc European Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks - ESANN , Bruges , Belgium , Vol. 1 , pp. 245 - 250 , April , 2009. • Alexandre, L.; M.J.E. Embrechts; " Reservoir size, spectral radius and connectivity in static classification problems ", Proc International Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN , Limasol , Cyprus , Vol. LNCS 5768 , pp. 1015 - 1024 , September , 2009. • Oliveira, H.; P.L. Correia; " Road Surface Cracks Detection Using Unsupervised Strategies ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Aveiro , Portugal , October , 2009. • Tou, J. T.; Y. T. Tay; L. Yee; " Rotational Invariant Wood Species Recognition through Wood Species Verification ", Proc , Dong Hoi , Vietnam , April , 2009. • Silvestre, C.; M. Cardoso; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Selecting categorical features in model-based clustering ", Proc International Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval - KDIR , Funchal , Portugal , October , 2009. • Marques, P.; " Selective MTI for Traffic Monitoring Using Single Channel SAR ", Proc NATO/RTO Specialist Meeting on Software Defined RADAR - SET-136 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. CD-ROM , June , 2009. • Marques, P.; " Synthetic Aperture Radar: Principles and Applications of AI in Automatic Target Recognition ", Proc IEEE Portugal International Symp. on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems - ISCIES , Porto , Portugal , Vol. TBD , pp. TBD - TBD , November , 2009. 231 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Lourenço, Arl; A. L. N. Fred; " Towards Scalable Evidence Accumulation ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition RecPad , Aveiro , Portugal , October , 2009. • Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; " Unsupervised Hyperspectral Signal Subspace Identification ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 441 - 444 , May , 2009. • Horta, N.H.; R. Neves; A. Gorgulho Gorgulho; " Using GAs to Balance Technical Indicators on Stock ", Proc Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conf. - GECCO , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. , pp. - , July , 2009. • Carona, D. C.; P. Marques; " Vessel Detection and Velocity Estimation Using SAR Amplitude Images ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 437 - 440 , May , 2009. Processing, Analysis, and Coding of Audio and Visual Information Books • Pereira, F.; (eds.); Comunicações Audiovisuais: Tecnologias, Normas e Aplicações , , IST Press , Lisbon , 2009. Book Chapters • Pereira, F.; S.M.M. Faria; " Codificação de imagem " - Chapter in Comunicações audiovisuais: tecnologias, normas e aplicações , F.Pereira , IST Press , Lisbon , 2009. • Faria, S.M.M.; F. Pereira; " Codificação de vídeo " - Chapter in Comunicações audiovisuais: tecnologias, normas e aplicações , F. Pereira , IST Press , Lisboa , 2009. • Correia, P.L.; " Conceitos Básicos de Codificação Digital " - Chapter in Comuncações Audiovisuais: Tecnologias, Normas e Aplicações , Fernando Pereira , IST Press , Lisboa , 2009. 232 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Pereira, F.; " Descrição de conteúdos audiovisuais " - Chapter in Comunicações audiovisuais: tecnologias, normas e aplicações , F.Pereira , IST Press , Lisbon , 2009. • Pereira, F.; C. Brites ; J. Ascenso; " Distributed video coding: basics, codecs and performance " - Chapter in Distributed source coding: theory, algorithms and applications , Michael Gastpar and Pier Luigi Dragotti , Academic Press , 2009. • Pereira, F.; " Introdução " - Chapter in Comunicações audiovisuais: tecnologias, normas e aplicações , F.Pereira , IST Press , Lisbon , 2009. • Fernandes , G. Falcão; V. Silva; J. S. M. Marinho; L. Sousa; " LDPC Decoders for the WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e) based on Multicore Architectures " - Chapter in WIMAX, New Developments , Aleksandar Lazinica , In-Tech , Vienna, Austria , 2009. • Ferreira, A.; I. Trancoso; F. Pereira; C. Salema; " Mecanismos Humanos de Produção e Percepção Audiovisual " - Chapter in Comunicações Audiovisuais: Tecnologias, Normas e Aplicações , Fernando Pereira , IST Press , Lisboa , 2009. • Salema, C.; A. Ferreira; " Som, Luz e Cor " - Chapter in Comunicações Audiovisuais: Tecnologias, Normas e Aplicações , Fernando Pereira , IST Press , Lisboa , 2009. • Salema, C.; " Televisão Analógica " - Chapter in Comunicações Audiovisuais: Tecnologias, Normas e Aplicações , Fernando Pereira , IST Press , Lisboa , 2009. • Assunção, P.A.; S. Moiron; M. Ghanbari; S.M.M. Faria; " Video Transcoding Techniques " - Chapter in Recent Advances in Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications , M. Grgic, K. Delac, M. Ghanbari , Springer , HeidelBerg , 2009. • Moiron, S.; M. Ghanbari; P.A. Assunção; S.M.M. Faria; " Video Transcoding Techniques " - Chapter in Recent Advances in Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications , Grgic, Mislav; Delac, Kresimir; Ghanbari, Mohammed , Springer , 2009. 233 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Papers in Journals • Gomes, A.; J. Morgado; E. Pereira; " A BSP-Based Algorithm for Dimensionally Non-Homogeneous Planar Implicit Curves with Topological Guarantees ", ACM Transactions on Graphics , Vol. 28 , No. 2 , pp. 1 - 24 , April , 2009. • Martins , R.; C. Brites ; J. Ascenso; F. Pereira; " Adaptive deblocking filter for transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding ", IET Signal Processing , Vol. 3 , No. 6 , pp. 315 - 328 , December , 2009. • Yasakethu, S.; W. Weerakkody; W. Fernando; F. Pereira; A. Kondoz; " An improved decoding algorithm for DVC over multipath error prone wireless channels ", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Tech. , Vol. 19 , No. 10 , pp. 1543 - 1548 , October , 2009. • Valadão, G. ; J. Dias; " CAPE: Combinatorial Absolute Phase Estimation ", JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA AOPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION , Vol. 26 , No. 9 , pp. 2093 2106 , September , 2009. • Sofke, S.; F. Pereira; E. Mueller; " Dynamic quality control for transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding ", EURASIP Jounal on Image and Video Processing , Vol. 2009 , December , 2009. • Nunes, P.; F. Pereira; " Joint Rate Control Algorithm for Low-Delay MPEG-4 Object-Based Video Encoding ", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Tech. , Vol. 19 , No. 9 , pp. 1274 - 1288 , September , 2009. • Naccari, M. ; M. Tagliasacchi; S. Tubaro; " No-reference video quality monitoring of H.264/AVC coded video ", IEEE Trans. on Multimedia , Vol. 11 , No. 5 , pp. 932 - 946 , August , 2009. • Filho, E. B. L; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; E. Silva; M. Carvalho; S.M.M. Faria; V. Silva; " On ECG Signal Compression With 1-D Multiscale Recurrent Patterns Allied to Preprocessing Techniques ", IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering , Vol. 56 , No. 3 , pp. 896 - 900 , March , 2009. • Fernandes , G. Falcão; S. Yamagiwa; V. Silva; L. Sousa; " Parallel LDPC Decoding on GPUs using a Stream-based Computing Approach 234 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA ", Journal of Computer Science and Technology , Vol. 24 , No. 5 , pp. 913 - 924 , September , 2009. • Moiron, S.; M. Ghanbari; " Reduced Complexity Intra Mode Decision for Resolution Reduction on H.264/AVC Transcoders ", IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics , Vol. 55 , No. 2 , pp. 606 - 612 , May , 2009. • Martins , R.; C. Brites ; J. Ascenso; F. Pereira; " Refining side information for improved transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding ", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Tech. , Vol. 19 , No. 9 , pp. 1327 - 1341 , September , 2009. • Wright, S.; R. Nowak; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Sparse reconstruction by separable approximation ", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing , Vol. 57 , No. 7 , July , 2009. • Navarro, A.; P.A. Assunção; S.M.M. Faria; V. Silva; S. Moiron; " Video transcoding from H.264 to MPEG-2 with reduced computational complexity ", , Vol. 24 , No. 8 , pp. 637 - 650 , September , 2009. • Assunção, P.A.; S. Moiron; S.M.M. Faria; V. Silva; A. Navarro; " Video Transcoding Computational from H.264/AVC Complexity ", to Signal MPEG-2 with Reduced Processing: Image Communication , Vol. 24 , No. 8 , pp. 637 - 650 , September , 2009. • Moiron, S.; S.M.M. Faria; P.A. Assunção; V. Silva; A. Navarro; " Video transcoding computational from H.264/AVC complexity ", to Signal MPEG-2 with reduced Processing: Image Communication , June , 2009. Papers in Conference Proceedings • Afonso, M.; J. Dias; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " A Bregman iterative approach to linear inverse problems with compound regularizers ", Proc Workshop on Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations - SPARS’09 , Saint-Malo , France , April , 2009. • Cruz, L. A; " A fast FPGA implementation of the inter-layer deblocking filter for H.264/SVC ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 489 - 492 , May , 2009. • Sousa, M.; P. Lenkiewicz; M. Freire; " A New 3D Image Segmentation Method for Parallel Architectures ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on 235 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Multimedia and Expo - ICME , New York , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1813 - 1816 , June , 2009. • Albonico, A.; G. Valenzise; M. Naccari; M. Tagliasacchi; S. Tubaro; " A reducedreference video structural similarity metric based on noreference estimation of channel induced distortion ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ICASSP , Taipei , Taiwan , Vol. , pp. 1857 - 1860 , April , 2009. • Coimbra, M.; M. Dinis-Ribeiro; " A Review of Current Computer Aided Diagnosis Systems for Polyp Detection in Virtual Colonoscopy ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2009. • Couto, D.C.C.; P.L. Correia; " An Objective Metric for the Evaluation of Image Segmentation Quality Using Human Visual System Characteristics ", Proc International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics - VPQM , Scottsdale , United States , January , 2009. • Rosa, P. R.; P.L. Correia; " Automatic Road Pavement Crack Detection using Boosting Classifiers ", Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Glasgow , United Kingdom , August , 2009. • Silva, F. S.; A. Gomes; " BEDS: Uma Estrutura de Dados para Malhas Triangulares ", Proc Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica EPCG , Covilhã , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 63 - 71 , October , 2009. • Santos, D.; P.L. Correia; " Car Recognition Based on Back Lights and Rear View Features ", Proc Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services WIAMIS , London , United Kingdom , May , 2009. • Graziosi, D. B. G.; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; E. Silva; S.M.M. Faria; M. Carvalho; V. Silva; " Codificação de Imagens com Predição Adaptativa Baseada no Critério de Mínimos Quadrados ", Proc Simpósio Brasileiro das Telecomunicações , Blumenau , Brazil , September , 2009. • Ascenso, J.; F. Pereira; " Complexity Efficient Stopping Criterion for LDPC Based Distributed Video Coding ", Proc International Mobile 236 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Multimedia Communications Conf. - Mobimedia , London , United Kingdom , September , 2009. • Lucas, LFR; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; S.M.M. Faria; " Compound Image Segmentation for Multiscale Recurrent Pattern Coding ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 267 - 270 , May , 2009. • Figueiredo, M. A. T.; J. Dias; " Deconvolution of Poissonian images using variable splitting and augmented Lagrangian optimization ", Proc IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing - SSP , Cardiff , United Kingdom , September , 2009. • Corrêa, G.; T. Silva; L. A Cruz; L. Agostini; " DESIGN OF AN INTERLAYER DEBLOCKING FILTER ARCHITECTURE FOR H.264/SVC BASED ON A NOVEL SAMPLE-LEVEL FILTERING ORDER ", Proc IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems , Tampere , Finland , Vol. 1 , pp. 102 - 108 , September , 2009. • Huang, X.; C. Brites ; J. Ascenso; F. Pereira; S. Forchhammer; " Distributed video coding with multiple side information ", Proc Picture Coding Symp. , Chicago , United States , Vol. - , pp. - - - , May , 2009. • Correia, Pedro D.F.; P.A. Assunção; V. Silva; " Drift-free Multiple Description Intra Video Coding ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Cairo , Egypt , November , 2009. • Assunção, P.A.; P.F. Correia; V. Silva; " Drift-free Multiple Description Intra Video Coding ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Cairo , Egypt , Vol. 1 , pp. 625 - 628 , November , 2009. • Correia, P.; V. Silva; P.A. Assunção; " Drift-free Multiple Description Intra Video Coding, ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Cairo , Egypt , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2009. • Santos, T.; G.F. Lourenço; L. D. Soares; P.L. Correia; " Enhancing Biometrics Security ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Figueiredo, M. A. T.; J. Dias; M. Afonso; " Fast frame-based image deconvolution using variable splitting and constrained optimization ", 237 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Proc IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing - SSP , Cardiff , United Kingdom , September , 2009. • Graziosi, D. B. G.; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; E. Silva; S.M.M. Faria; " Fast Implementation for Multiscale Recurrent Pattern Image Coding ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Moiron, S.; M. Ghanbari; " Fast Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC using Dynamic SearchWindow ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. , pp. 259 - 262 , May , 2009. • Corrêa, G.; T. Silva; L. A Cruz; L. Agostini; " Filtering Order for the H.264 Deblocking Filter and its Hardware Design Targeting the SVC Interlayer Prediction ", Proc South Symp. on Microelectronics - SIM , Pelotas , Brazil , Vol. , pp. 231 - 234 , May , 2009. • G. Corrêa; L. A Cruz; L. Agostini; " Filtro Redutor de Efeito de Bloco Entre Camadas do Padrão H.264/AVC Escalável ", Proc International Workshop IberCHIP , Buenos Aires , Argentina , March , 2009. • Semedo, S. M. V. S.; Abreu; A. Veiga; " Handwriting Spirals and Human Hand Movement Analysis ", Proc Thematic Conferences on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing - VipImage , Porto , Portugal , October , 2009. • Fernandes , G. Falcão; V. Silva; L. Sousa; " How GPUs can outperform ASICs for fast LDPC decoding ", Proc ACM International Conf. on Supercomputing - ICS , New York , United States , June , 2009. • Dias, J.; J. Li; A. Plaza; " HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGE CLASSIFICATION BASED ON A FAST BREGMAN SPARSE MULTINOMIAL LOGISTIC REGRESSION ALGORITHM ", Proc 6th EARSeL SIG IS workshop , TelAviv , Israel , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , March , 2009. • Afonso, M.; J. Dias; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Image Denoising with Compound Regularization Using a Bregman Iterative Algorithm ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria de Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2009. • Nunes, P.; L. D. Soares; F. Pereira; " Improved network-aware macroblock intra coding refresh for error-resilient H.264/AVC video 238 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA coding ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Cairo , Egypt , November , 2009. • Graziosi, D. B. G.; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; E. Silva; S.M.M. Faria; M. Carvalho; " Improving Multiscale Recurrent Pattern Image Coding with Least-squares prediction mode ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , cairo , Egypt , Vol. , pp. - , November , 2009. • Ascenso, J.; F. Pereira; " Low complexity intra mode selection for efficient distributed video coding ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Multimedia and Expo - ICME , New York , United States , July , 2009. • Sousa, L.; V. Silva; G. Falcão Fernandes ; " MULTI-CORE PLATFORMS FOR SIGNAL PROCESSING: SOURCE AND CHANNEL CODING ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Multimedia and Expo - ICME , Cancun , Mexico , July , 2009. • Assunção, P.A.; P.F. Correia; V. Silva; " Multiple Description Coding Scheme for H.264/AVC Intra Slices ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , May , 2009. • Correia, Pedro D.F.; P.A. Assunção; V. Silva; " Multiple Description Coding Scheme for H.264/AVC Intra Slices ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Souza, DFS; E. Silva; A. D. Dutra; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; S.M.M. Faria; V. Silva; " Otimização Taxa-Distorção para Quadros-B no Padrão H.264/AVC ", Proc Simpósio Brasileiro das Telecomunicações , Blumenau , Brazil , September , 2009. • Pereira, F.; " Panel on Quality of Experience: Tools, Targets and Trends ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience - QoMEX , San Diego , United States , July , 2009. • Brandão, T.; L. R. Roque; M.P. Queluz; " Quality assessment of H.264/AVC encoded video ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele , Sta. Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. CDROM , April , 2009. • Figueiredo, M. A. T.; J. Dias; " Recent Advances in Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding ", Proc Approximation and Optimization in 239 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Image Restoration and Reconstruction , Porquerolles , France , June , 2009. • Sousa, M.; M. Freire; " REGPROT: JPEG 2000 registry protection for lossy transmission channels ", Proc Visual Communications and Image Processing - VCIP , San Jose , United States , Vol. 7257 , pp. 1 - 8 , January , 2009. • Li, J.; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Classification and Segmentation with Discriminative Learning ", Proc Europe Remote Sensing - SPIE , Berlin , Germany , Vol. 7477 , pp. 74770F-1 - 74770F-8 , August , 2009. • " SEMI-SUPERVISED HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGE CLASSIFICATION BASED ON A MARKOV RANDOM FIELD AND SPARSE MULTINOMIAL LOGISTIC REGRESSION ", Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS , Cape Town , South Africa , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1-4 , July , 2009. • Li, J.; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " SEMI-SUPERVISED HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGE CLASSIFICATION BASED ON A MARKOV RANDOM FIELD AND SPARSE MULTINOMIAL LOGISTIC REGRESSION ", Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS , Cape Town , South Africa , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1-4 , July , 2009. • Li, J.; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Segmentation ", Proc IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing , Grenoble , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , August , 2009. • Selesnick, I.; overcomplete M. A. T. wavelet Figueiredo; transforms: " Signal restoration comparison of analysis with and synthesis priors ", Proc SPIE Wavelets XIII , San Diego , United States , Vol. 7446 , August , 2009. • De Simone, F.; M. Naccari; M. Tagliasacchi; F.D. Dufaux; S. Tubaro; T.E. Ebrahimi; " Subjective assessment of H.264/AVC video sequences transmitted over a noisy channel ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience - QoMEX , San Diego , United States , Vol. , pp. 1 - 4 , July , 2009. • Naccari, M. ; M. Tagliasacchi; S. Tubaro; " Subjective evaluation of a no-reference video quality monitoring algorithm for H.264/AVC video 240 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA over a noisy channel ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Cairo , Egypt , Vol. , pp. 1 - 4 , November , 2009. • Silva, F. S.; " Teaching Animation in Computer Science ", Proc ACM SIGGRAPH Asia - SA , Yokohama , Japan , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , December , 2009. • Sousa, M.; P. Lenkiewicz; M. Freire; " The Dynamic Topology Changes Model for Unsupervised Image Segmentation ", Proc IEEE Workshop on MultiMedia Signal Processing - MMSP , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 5 - 7 , October , 2009. • Sousa, M.; P. Lenkiewicz; M. Freire; " The Whole Mesh Deformation Model for 2D and 3D Image Segmentation ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Cairo , Egypt , Vol. 1 , pp. 7 - 11 , November , 2009. • Dias, J.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Total variation restoration of speckled images using a split-Bregman algorithm ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Cairo , Egypt , November , 2009. • Soares , F.; M. Freire; " Towards the Detection of Microcalcifications on Mammograms Through Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis ", Proc IEEE Pacific-Rim Conf. on Multimedia , Victoria, B.C. , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 677 - 681 , August , 2009. • Nascimento, J.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; J. S. Marques; " Trajectory analysis in natural images using mixtures of vector fields ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Cairo , Egypt , November , 2009. • Gomes, A.; A. Raposo; " Triangulation of Molecular Surfaces using an Isosurface Continuation Algorithm ", Proc Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA , Yongin , Korea, South , Vol. , pp. 145 - 153 , June , 2009. • Pereira, F.; " Video Compression: Discussing the Next Steps ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Multimedia and Expo - ICME , New York , United States , June , 2009. • Ferreira, L.F.; L. A Cruz; P.A. Assunção; " Video Summary Generation and Coding Using Temporal Scalability ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feiria , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 283 - 286 , May , 2009. 241 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Ferreira, LF; L. A Cruz; P.A. Assunção; " Video Summary Generation and Coding Using Temporal Scalability ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 283 - 286 , May , 2009. • Assunção, P.A.; L.F. Ferreira; L. A Cruz; " Video Summary Generation and Coding Using Temporal Scalability ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , May , 2009. • Barbosa, A. F. S. B.; F. S. Silva; " WiiPlay: A 3D Third Person Game in XNA ", Proc International Conf. on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE , Athens , Greece , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 2 , October , 2009. • Barbosa, A. F. S. B.; F. S. Silva; " WiiPlay: A New Gameplay Concept ", Proc VideoJogos - VJ , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 10 , November , 2009. • Barbosa, A. F. S. B.; F. S. Silva; " WiiPlay: A XNA Third Person Game ", Proc Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica - EPCG , Covilhã , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 325 - 326 , October , 2009 . SPEECH ANALYSIS AND RECOGNITION Papers in Journals • Candeias, S.; J.Morais Barbosa; " Pronunciation Rules in Portuguese Regional Speech (PORT REG) for Coarticulation Process ", Research in Computing Science , Vol. 41 , pp. 257 - 264 , February , 2009 . Papers in Conference Proceedings • Silva, B.; H. Mendes; C. Lopes; A. Veiga; F. Perdigão; " A Fast Discriminative Training Algorithm For Minimum Classification Error ", Proc I Iberian SLTech - I Joint SIG-IL/Microsoft Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages , Lisbon , Poland , Vol. 1 , pp. 53 - 56 , September , 2009. • Lopes, C.; F. Perdigão; " A Hierarchical Broad-Class Classification to Enhance Phoneme Recognition ", Proc European Signal Processing 242 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Conf. - EUSIPCO , Glasgow , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. 1760 1764 , August , 2009. • Lopes, C.; F. Perdigão; " Global Discriminative Training of a Hybrid Speech Recognizer ", Proc I Iberian SLTech - I Joint SIG-IL/Microsoft Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 57 - 60 , September , 2009. • Veiga, A.; C. Neves; F. Perdigão; L. V. Sá; " Out-Of-Vocabulary and Confidence Measures for Speech Recognition Using Phone Models ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 457 - 460 , May , 2009. • Lopes, C.; F. Perdigão; " Phonetic Recognition Improvements through Input Feature Set Combination and Acoustic Context Window Widening ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Sta Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 449 - 452 , May , 2009. • Candeias, S.; F. Perdigão; " Syllable Structure in Dysfunctional Portuguese Children Speech ", Proc International Clinical Linguistics Conference - CL , Madrid , Spain , pp. 12 - 17 , November , 2009. Traffic Engineering Book Chapters • Nogueira, A. N.; P. Salvador; R. Valadas; A. Pacheco; " A Hierarchical Approach based on MMPPs for Modelling Self-similar Traffic over Multiple Time Scales " - Chapter in Heterogeneous Networks: Vol. I Traffic Engineering, Performance Evaluation Studies & Tools , Demetres Kouvatsos , Elsevier Science, 2009. Papers in Journals • Juárez, J. M. J.; R. R. P. Paulo; F. J. Velez; " Modelling and Simulation of B3G Multi-service Traffic in the Presence of Mobility ", Wireless Networks Journal , January , 2009. • Nogueira, A. N.; P. Salvador; A. Couto; R. Valadas; " Towards the On-line Identification of Peer-to-peer Flow Patterns ", Journal of Networks , Vol. 4 , No. 2 , pp. 108 - 118 , April , 2009. 243 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Papers in Conference Proceedings • Salvador, P.; A. N. Nogueira; U.F. França; R. Valadas; " Framework for Zombie Detection using Neural Networks ", Proc IARIA The Fourth International Conf. on Internet Monitoring and Protection ICIMP 2009 , Venice , Italy , May , 2009. • Salvador, P.; A. N. Nogueira; R. Valadas; " Markovian Models for Medical Signals on Wireless Sensor Networks ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Medical Applications Networking - MAN 2009 , Dresden , Germany , June , 2009. • Ferreira, M. Ferreira; H. C. Conceição; R. Fernandes; O. Tonguz; " Steroscopic Aerial Photography: An Alternative to Model-Based Urban Mobility Approaches ", Proc ACM SIGCOMM , Beijing , China , September , 2009. 4.3.7 Other Achievements Patents • Freire, M.; N. M. Garcia; P. Lenkiewicz; P. Monteiro; J. M. Santos; " Method and Device for Processing Data in an Optical Network and Communication System Comprising Such Device ", International Patent WO 2009/156409 A1 , December , 2009. • Almeida, M.S.C.; L.B. Almeida ; " Processo de Focagem Cega de Imagens ", September , 2009. Awards • Rodrigues, J. R.; V. S. Soares; F. F. Farahmand; " Best Paper Award CTRQ 2009 ", Vasco N. G. J. Soares, Farid Farahmand, and Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, “Evaluating the Impact of Storage Capacity Constraints on Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks”, The Second International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service (CTRQ 2009), Colmar, France, July 20 - 25, 2009, IEEE 244 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Computer Society, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3696-5. Este artigo recebeu um Best Paper Award da conferência. , 01-06-2009. • Rodrigues, J. R.; B. Vaidya; J. P. Park; " Best Paper Award - ISA 2009 and Workshops ", Binod Vaidya, Jong Hyuk Park, and Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, “HOTP-based User Autenthication Scheme in Home Networks”, Advances in information Security and Assurance (ISA 2009), Seul, Korea, June 25-27, LNCS 5576, Springer-Verlag, June 2009, pp. 672-681. This paper received the Best Paper Award of the 3rd. International Conference on Information Security and Assurance and its Workshops. , 01-06-2009. • Duarte, A. M. O. D.; " HP Innovations in Education grant 2009 ", HP Innovations in Education grants are targeted at key faculty responsible for undergraduate degree programs. The focus is on proposals that are enhancing degree programs in engineering, computer science, information systems, and information technology. HP Innovations in Education grants distinguish academics that are committed to exploring the innovations at the intersection of teaching, learning, and technology. , 01-06-2009. • Rodrigues, J. R.; " IARIA Fellow ", Joel was distinguished with the Grade of IARIA Fellow by his services in International Conferences and contributions for the state of the art improvement. , 01-06-2009 . - Pereira, F.; " Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta ", Menção Honrosa do Prémio UTL/Santander Totta na área da Engenharia Electrotécnica , 01-01-2009. Miscellaneous • Sargento, S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Cenários de convivência de serviços de mensagens entre redes ", Departamento de Informática da Universidade do Minho , 01-12-2009. 245 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Sargento, S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Controlo de admissão adaptativo em sistemas de tempo real ", Departamento de Informática da Universidade do Minho , 01-12-2009. • Sargento, S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Filtragem colaborativa de correio electrónico não solicitado Raul Graciano Oliveira Rodrigues ", Departamento de Informática da Universidade do Minho , 01-122009. • Sargento, S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", A Voice Based Telephone Interface for Email ", Departamento de Ciências de Computadores da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto , 01-11-2009. • Silva, F. S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", GPU-based Isosurface Rendering ", Pedro Infante Gonçalves Boavida, FCT/UNL , 01-11-2009. • Silva, F. S.; " Editor of Conference Proceedings ", Actas do 17º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica ", ISBN: 978-97298464-3-4 , 01-10-2009. • Sobrinho, J. L. S.; " PhD Thesis Jury ", Examiner of a PhD Thesis at the University of Cambridge ", , 01-10-2009. • Sargento, S.; " Member of Technical Committee ", Membro do Painel de Discussão “A Internet do Futuro” na Conferência de Redes de Computadores ", 01-10-2009. • Sobrinho, J. L. S.; " PhD Thesis Jury ", Jury of a PhD thesis at the University of Coimbra ", , 01-09-2009. • Sargento, S.; " Member of Technical Committee ", Participação no Juri de Avaliação de um Concurso de Professor na Universidade de Oslo ", , 01-06-2009. • Barros, J.; " Invited Talks ", Protection of the environment ", , 0106-2009. • Assunção, P.A.; " Technical Audit ", FP7/ICT Project Review ", Adamantium , 01-05-2009. • Garcia, N. M. ; " Invited Talks ", Security in Internet: things to do and things to avoid today and in the future (Segurança na Internet: coisas a fazer e coisas a evitar hoje e no futuro) ", 01-02-2009. • Fred, A. L. N.; " Member of Technical Committee ", Chair of IAPR Publications and Publicity Committee ", Chair of the IAPR 246 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Publications and Publicity Committee for the term 2008-2010 , 0101-2009. • Sargento, S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Controlo de Tráfego Baseado em Políticas ", Departamento de Informática da Universidade do Minho , 01-01-2009. • Garcia, N. M. ; " National Delegate ", COST Action IC0703 “Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA): theory, techniques, tools and applications for the future networks” ", COST IC0703 , 01-01-2009. • Rodrigues, J. R.; " Member of Editorial Board ", International Journal of Computing & Information Technology ", IJCIT , 01-01-2009. • Rodrigues, J. R.; " Editor-in-Chief ", International journal of EHealth and Medical Communications ", IJEHMC , 01-01-2009. • Pereira, F.; " Member of Editorial Board ", Signal Processing Magazine ", 01-01-2009. 4.3.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees • International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conf. - Mobimedia, , Fernando Pereira, 01-01-2009 • Picture Coding Symp., Scientific Committee, Fernando Pereira, 0101-2009 • Innovations in NGN - Future Network and Services , Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • International Workshop on Future Multimedia Networking (FMN), Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • International Workshop on the Evaluation of Quality of Service through Simulation in the Future Internet (QoSim), Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems (SIMUTOOLS), Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • IARIA The Fourth International Conf. on Internet Monitoring and Protection - ICIMP 2009, Technical Programme Committee, João Vasco Paulo Gomes , 01-01-2009 247 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • International Conf. on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, Technical Programme Committee, Nuno Miguel Morais Rodrigues, 01-01-2009 • IARIA International Conf. on Adaptive and Self-adaptive Systems and Applications - ADAPTIVE, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 01-01-2009 • Euro-Ngi Conf. on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI), Organizing Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Networking - ICN, Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • IEEE International Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-01-2009 • European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO, Organizing Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-01-2009 • IEEE International Conf. on Multimedia and Expo - ICME, Scientific Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Image Analysis and Recognition, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-01-2009 • International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing CBMI, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-012009 • Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services WIAMIS, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 0101-2009 • Visual Communications and Image Processing - VCIP, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-01-2009 • International Workshop on Packet Video, Scientific Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-01-2009 • IARIA International Conf. on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service - CTRQ, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Soares, 01-01-2009 248 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • International Workshop on Quantum Cryptography and Security LQCIL, Organizing Committee, Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão, 01-01-2009 • IEEE Pacific-Rim Conf. on Multimedia, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-01-2009 • ACM - Multimedia, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-01-2009 • International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing , Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-01-2009 • International Network Optimization Conf. - INOC, Scientific Networks, Technical Committee, Amaro Sousa, 01-01-2009 • IASTED International Conf. on Sensor Programme Committee, João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Image Analysis and Recognition, Technical Programme Committee, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation, Technical Programme Committee, Luís Henrique Martins Borges de Almeida , 01-01-2009 • Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Applications - MASTA, Scientific Committee, Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho, 01-012009 • International ICST Conf. on Mobile Networks And Management, Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • International Applications, Conf. Technical on Signal Programme Processing and Committee, Multimedia Maria Paula Queluz, 01-01-2009 • IEEE International Workshop on Medical Applications Networking MAN 2009, Technical Programme Committee, António Nogueira, 01-01-2009International Conf. on Next Generation Internet Networks - NGI, Organizing Committee, António Nogueira, 01-01-2009 • IEEE International Workshop on Medical Applications Networking MAN 2009, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Salvador Ferreira, 01-01-2009 249 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • International Conf. on Next Generation Internet Networks - NGI, Organizing Committee, Paulo Salvador Ferreira, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Security and Cryptography - SECRYPT, Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-07-2009 • IEEE Symp. on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-07-2009 • International Conf. on Advances in Mesh Networks (MESH), Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • Annual Simulation Symp. , Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • Iberoamerican Symp. in Computer Graphics - SIACG, Scientific Committee, Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva, 01-01-2009 • IARIA International Conf. on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service - CTRQ, Technical Programme Chairman, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, 01-01-2009 • Technical Programme Committee, Ana Fred, 01-01-2009 • International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, Conference Chairman, Ana Fred, 01-01-2009 • International Joint Conf. on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSTEC, Conference Chairman, Ana Fred, 01-012009 • International Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval - KDIR, Conference Chairman, Ana Fred, 01-01-2009 • IFIP International Conf. on New Technologies, Mobility and Security Wireless Sensor Networks Workshop - NTMS, Technical Programme Chairman, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, 01-01-2009 • International Workshop on Network Assurance and Security Services in Ubiquitous Environments - NASSUE 2009, Technical Programme Chairman, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, 01-01-2009 • International Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Computing and Security Services - WIMUCS 2009, Technical Programme Chairman, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, 01-01-2009 250 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Conf. da Engenharia - UBIEngenharias, Special Sessions Chairman, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, 01-01-2009 • Technical Programme Committee, António Nogueira, 01-01-2009 • IEEE International Conf. on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks - SoftCOM, Technical Programme Chairman, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns CAIP, Technical Programme Committee, Ana Fred, 01-01-2009 • IEEE International Workshop on Medical Applications Networking MAN 2009, Conference Chairman, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, 01-01-2009 • IEEE International Symp. on Social Computing and Networking - SocialNet 2009, Technical Programme Committee, Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos, 01-01-2009 • First Asian Himalayas International Conf. on Internet - AH-ICI2009, Technical Programme Committee, Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Ultra Modern Telecommunications - ICUMT, Technical Programme Committee, Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos, 01-01-2009 • European Conf. on Universal Multiservice Networks - ECUMN, Technical Programme Committee, Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos, 01-01-2009 • 18th International Conf. on Computer Communications and Networks - ICCCN 2009, Technical Programme Committee, Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos, 01-01-2009 • Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação - CISTI , Technical Programme Committee, Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos, 01-01-2009 • International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis - TMA 2009, Technical Programme Committee, Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos, 01-01-2009 • ACM/IEEE International Symp. on Modeling, Analysis International Symp. on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile 251 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Systems - MSWIM, Organizing Committee, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. and Applications, Services Exhibition and on Next Technologies - Generation NGMAST, Mobile Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • 6th IFIP International Conf. on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks - WOCN 2009, Sessions Chairman , Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos, 01-01-2009 • Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Salvador Ferreira, 01-012009 • Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica - EPCG, Organizing Committee, Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva, 01-01-2009 • Symp. on Computer Graphics and Image Processing - SIBGRAPI, Scientific Committee, Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença, 0101-2009 • Thematic Conferences on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing - VipImage, Sessions Chairman , Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença, 01-01-2009 • Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Scientific Committee, Sérgio Faria, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, Technical Programme Chairman, Sérgio Faria, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT, Technical Programme Committee, Sérgio Faria, 01-01-2009 • AIMI International Conf. on Image Analysis and Recognition - ICIAR, Technical Programme Committee, Ana Fred, 01-01-2009 • Euro-NF Workshop on Traffic Engineering and Dependability in the Network of the Future, Organizing Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Machine Learning and Data Mining - MLDM, , Ana Fred, 01-01-2009 • ACM International Workshop on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks, Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 252 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC, Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • MOBICOM 2009 - The 15th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • International Information and Telecommunication Technologies Symp. - I2TS, Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Ultra Modern Telecommunications - ICUMT, Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Ultra Modern Telecommunications - ICUMT, Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 • Scientific Committee, Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho, 01-01-2009 • IARIA International Conf. on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service - CTRQ, Technical Programme Committee, António Nogueira, 01-01-2009 • IEEE Workshop on MultiMedia Applications over Wireless Networks (MediaWin), Technical Programme Committee, Susana Sargento, 01-01-2009 Editorial Committees • IEEE Communications Magazine , IEEE Communications Society, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Associate Technical Editor, 01-01-2009 to International Journal of Network Protocols and Algorithms , Macrothink Institute, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Associate Editor , 01-05-2009 to • IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING , Elsevier, Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença, Guest Editor, 01-01-2009 to 01-06-2009 • Intrnl. Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC) , Information Resources Management Association , António Nogueira, Editorial Review Board , 01-01-2009 to 253 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA • Intrnl. Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC) , IGI Global, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Editor-in-Chief, 01-012009 to • IEEE Signal Processing Magazine , IEEE, Fernando Pereira, Editorial Board, 01-01-2009 to 01-12-2010 • IEEE Trans. on Multimedia , IEEE, Fernando Pereira, Associate Editor, 01-01-2009 to 01-12-2010 • Intrnl. Journal of Computing & Information Technology , International Science Press, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Editorial Board Member, 01-01-2009 to 01-12-2010 254 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area Coordinators • Pedro Girão • Luís Alcácer Human Resources Overview Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa Professor Emeritus 0 0 1 Full Professor 1 2 3 Associate Professor 0 4 6 Assistant Professor 4 4 15 Post-Doc 0 1 5 Coordinator Professor 0 1 2 Assistant Lecturer 0 4 0 PhD Student 1 4 16 (Licenciado) 0 0 1 TOTAL 6 20 49 Table 27 – Overview of the human resources in the Basic Sciences ans Enabling Technologies Area in 2009 255 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Permanent Collaborators Position Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Licenciado Assistant Professor Coordinator Professor Post. Doc. Professor Emeritus Degree Name Group PhD Adérito Neto Alcaso Power Systems MSc Ana Charas Technology and Materials Anders Lyhne Christensen PhD André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Instrumentation and Mesurement Power Systems Agregação António Cardoso Power Systems Agregação António Cruz Serra Agregação Artur Lopes Ribeiro PhD Beatriz Borges Instrumentation and Mesurement Instrumentation and Mesurement Power Electronics PhD Carlos Eduardo Ramos dos Santos Lourenço Security and Quantum Information PhD Daniel da Silva Graça Agregação Dinis Magalhães Santos PhD Domingos da Silva Barbosa Agregação Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva Security and Quantum Information Integrated Circuits and Systems - Aveiro Integrated Circuits and Systems - Aveiro Power Systems PhD Fernando Tim Tim Janeiro PhD Francisco Alegria PhD Francisco Miguel Alves Campos de Sousa Dionísio Agregação Helena Ramos PhD João Manuel Patrício Instrumentation and Mesurement Applied Mathematics Agregação Joaquim Júdice Applied Mathematics PhD Jorge Manuel Correia Guilherme Agregação Jorge Morgado Integrated Circuits and Systems - Lisbon Technology and Materials José Augusto Alves Gouveia PhD José Cura Agregação José Dias Pereira PhD Kerry Ojakian Agregação Luís Alcácer Instrumentation and Mesurement Instrumentation and Mesurement Security and Quantum Information Instrumentation and Mesurement Integrated Circuits and Systems - Aveiro Instrumentation and Mesurement Security and Quantum Information Technology and Materials 256 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Position Coordinator Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Coordinator Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Degree Name Group PhD Luís Merca Fernandes Applied Mathematics Licenciatura Luis Nero Alves PhD PhD PhD Integrated Circuits and Systems - Aveiro Manuel Fernando Martins de Barros Integrated Circuits and Systems - Lisbon Manuel Lameiras de Figueiredo Security and Quantum Campagnolo Information Manuel Matos Technology and Materials Maria Celeste Gouveia Applied Mathematics Maria Cristina de Sales Viana Serôdio Sernadas Maria Madalena Martins Security and Quantum Information Applied Mathematics PhD Maria Paula Antunes Abrantes Gouveia Nuno Horta PhD Octavian Postolache PhD Pedro Ramos Agregação Pedro Silva Girão Post. Doc. PhD Quirina Ferreira Security and Quantum Information Integrated Circuits and Systems - Lisbon Instrumentation and Mesurement Instrumentation and Mesurement Instrumentation and Mesurement Technology and Materials Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. PhD Raúl Martins PhD Rui Neves PhD Rui Teives Henriques Instrumentation and Mesurement Integrated Circuits and Systems - Lisbon Technology and Materials PhD Sérgio Cruz Power Systems PhD Tomás Radil Instrumentation and Mesurement Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Assistant Professor Full Professor Agregação PhD PhD Table 28 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2009 Other Collaborators Group Position Degree Name MSc MSc Acácio Manuel Amaral Ana Carla Vicente Vieira Power Systems Power Systems PhD Student Assistant Lecturer PhD Student Assistant Professor PhD Student MSc MSc Ana Luisa Mendonça Carlos Ferreira Technology and Materials Power Electronics Licenciatura David Filipe Correia Guilherme PhD Student Licenciatura Eduardo Correia Pinheiro Integrated Circuits and Systems Lisbon Instrumentation and Mesurement PhD Student Licenciatura Hugo Marques Power Electronics 257 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Group Position Degree Name PhD Student MSc Hugo Ribeiro Power Electronics PhD Student MSc Joana Farinhas Technology and Materials PhD Student Licenciatura Jorge Oliveira Estima Power Systems Instrumentation and Mesurement MSc José Carlos Sequeira Martins dos Santos José Luís Silva José Manuel Matias Pinto Integrated Circuits and Systems Lisbon Technology and Materials PhD Student Assistant Lecturer PhD Student PhD Student Luis Filipe Morgado PhD Student Luís Filipe Silva Camacho PhD Student Luís Filipe Soldado Granadeiro Rosado Luís M. Oliveira Assistant Lecturer PhD Student MSc Assistant Lecturer PhD Student Power Systems Security and Quantum Information Instrumentation and Mesurement Power Systems M´hamed Drif Power Systems MSc Marina Perdigão Power Systems PhD Student MSc Mauro Edgar Pereira Figueiredo Santos Mónica Figueiredo PhD Student MSc Natália Gameiro Integrated Circuits and Systems Lisbon Integrated Circuits and Systems Aveiro Power Systems PhD Student PhD Student Nuno Gonçalo Bandeira Brás Instrumentation and Mesurement PhD Student Raúl Domingos Monteiro Power Electronics PhD Student Tânia Isabel de Almeida Braz Technology and Materials PhD Student Applied Mathematics Instrumentation and Mesurement PhD Student MSc Teresa Margarida Gonçalves Ferreira Gaspar Vitor Manuel da Silva Costa PhD Student MSc Vitor Viegas Power Electronics Table 29 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2009 258 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 4.4.3 Summary of Research Achievements The multidisciplinary area falling under the general heading of Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies comprises the following lines of research: - Technology and Materials - Integrated Circuits and Systems - Radioastronomy - Instrumentation and Measurement - Power Electronics and Power Systems - Applied Mathematics - Logic and Computation Technology and Materials Scope and Objectives In 2009, the scientific activities in Technology and Materials dealt with Organic Electronics and related subjects: i) aiming at ultralowcost, lightweight and flexible electronic devices for displays, circuits, photovoltaic solar cells, and systems that can be printed on anything and placed anywhere, ii) towards unimolecular devices (one molecule — one device). The detailed activities included: Materials development, fabrication and test of individual organic electronic devices: 1) Development of a new spin coating approach to fabricate insoluble patterned thin films of semiconducting and electroluminescent polymers, tuned to specific applications in organic electronics, namely photovoltaic cells, OLEDs and chemosensors. 2) Characterization and application of a blend of green emitting polymers to improve the performance of polymer-based light-emitting diodes; work on the role of charge trapping dopants on polymer-based LEDs with the use of a new electrontrap dopant; study of the effect of additives to PEDOT:PSS conductivity and to the performance of LEDs using it. 3) Synthesis of new materials for polymer-based photovoltaic cells and characterisation of the devices. 4) Development of organic memories, with special emphasis on resistive nonvolatile memories. 259 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 5) Development of cross-linkable polymers for the preparation of active patterns using Scanning Near-Field Optical lithography (SNOL) in collaboration with the University Colledge London, UCL (UK) (Prof. Franco Cacialli) Towards unimolecular devices: 1) Studies on the formation and characterisation using AFM/STM of molecular monolayers (SAMs) on gold and graphite surfaces (UNIME project). The studies involved thiol molecules and perylene derivatives. The electrical properties of the SAMs were also characterised using STS. Theoretical calculations by quantum chemistry of the shape of molecules and their relevant molecular orbitals, in order to identify features on atomic force microscopy (AFM) images. Other activities: 1) Activities within the EU-funded project (POLYCOM), via Instituto Superior Tecnico, included the preparation and characterisation of spirofluorene-based dopants for PMMA-based thin films and plastic optical fibers. The synthesis of new dopants for this kind of applications was continued. 2) New issues on the magnetoresistance of low-dimensional conductors were enlightened by mesaurements in different crystallographic directions on a perylene based conductor having an Au dthiolate as counterion (work in collaboration with ITN and NHMF, Florida). 3) The synthetic effort on new molecular based systems featuring combined magnetic- and electrical-designed properties has proceeded with some pyridinedithiolene complexes being studied. Integrated Circuits and Systems Scope and Objectives: Objectives: The Integrated Circuit and Systems group addresses the development of design automation tools for “System-on-Chip” applications, the design of stateof-the-art Analog and Mixed-Signal IC prototypes, the development of E-Design/ELearning environments to support design activities and the research and development intelligent computation techniques applied to computational finance. 1) IC Design Automation: R & D on evolutionary computation techniques applied to analog IC design for circuit and system level design optimization, symbolic analysis for automatic topology generation. 2) Analog IC Design: R & D on reconfigurable analog and mixed signal systems for 4G mobile terminals, low-power ultra-high speed analogue-to-digital converter for 260 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES ultra-wideband wireless communications, DC-DC converters for aerospace industry, audio amplifiers class D and G. 3) Computational Finance: R & D on intelligent computation and pattern recognition techniques applied to stock market for portfolio composition, investment strategies definition and data acquisition. Radioastronomy Scope and Objectives: The activity of this group consists of the development of instrumentation for measurement and characterization of low-level radiation from outer space, in the microwave region. Instrumentation refers both to the electronics and physical infrastructure, including antenna mounts, drives and ancillary equipment, such as data acquisition for environmental and meteorological variables. GEM project: The Cassegrain 9-meter dish from Vertex/General Dynamics offered by Portugal Telecom was successfully installed. The IF of the 5GHz receiver, a double arm feeding a polarimeter correlator with circular polarization components was designed, tested and assembled. It is a new type of state-of-the art radioastronomy polarimeters, with a cryogenic frontend, using LNAs based on ultra-low noise InP HEMTs, characteristics designed at IT, manufactured by Chalmers University of Technology, after license from JPL/NASA. A new optics configuration for the antenna, comprising a new corrugated horn feed, modelled with GRASP (ESA certified) was produced. A new module for antenna precision control was designed and tested: 3AC - Antenna Attitude Automatic Control, with TELESAL funding. GEM will contribute also to the calibration of the MWR receiver aboard the JUNO Polar Orbiter planetary spacecraft, which will be launched in 2010 to Jupiter to monitor the jovian atmosphere through radiometric analysis in the 1-10GHz band. PrepSKA: This project effectively started in late 2008. Preparation for the implementation plan, concerning: network study and information gathering on best current technologies for the digital data back haul between telescope stations; and time and LO distribution; recollection of data on super-low noise pHEMT transistors. 261 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES These could be candidates for LNA frontends and IF part of receivers and at the same time respond to cost issues of mass production of important components for the Square Kilometer Array. Instrumentation and Measurement Scope and Objectives: The Instrumentation and Measurement Group works in the broad domain of Metrology. In 2009 the main topics addressed were: • Analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue conversion; • Measurement of electrical quantities; • Sensors and transducers; • Signal acquisition and automated and telemetric measuring systems; • Signal processing applied to sensors and instrumentation. 1) The effect of phase noise and jitter on the Histogram Test of ADCs was studied. 2) A study of the uncertainty of analogue to digital converter test methods, namely of the Histogram Test Method, the Random Noise Test Method and the Sine Fitting Test Method was conducted. Different non-ideal effects like additive noise, jitter, phase noise and harmonic distortion were taken into consideration. 3) The work on multi harmonic sine fitting algorithm for impedance measurement and power quality analysis was continued. 4) A DSP based impedance measurement prototype was developed and implemented. The system includes a DDS to generate the sine signal at the desired measurement frequency. Overall, preliminary results demonstrate the stability of the measurement system without any significant temperature or aging drifts. 5) IT internal project CLASSE, which aims at classifying defects inside conductive non-magnetic plates, continued. The mathematical basis of non destructive testing is being developed in two parts. In the first part, the physics of the induction system is simulated in the forward problem either using a numerical method like the finite element method (FEM) or an artificial intelligent technique (ANN). The simulated system is used to preview the correspondence between first order variations in the secondary magnetic field to conductive perturbations in the conductive body. The second part of this study is the formulation of the inverse relation of this correspondence in order to reconstruct the conductivity images for a 262 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES three dimensional sample object. Since the signal from a deeper voxel is smaller than surface voxel, measurement noise corrupts more the information from deeper voxels. However, the relation between the magnetic measurements and the conductivity distribution is nonlinear. Thus, one way to estimate the solution is to linearize the forward problem around an initial conductivity distribution and update the conductivity distribution using a suitable algorithm by comparing the calculated fields with the measurements. Several algorithms can be used to minimize the norm of ||S x - b|| when solving for x. These algorithms must be investigated in order to select the one that provides the best performance for the problem to be evaluated. The mathematical relation between the conductivity distribution and the measurements is the backbone of the imaging algorithm. The classification of defects in metallic plates is carried out analysing the images produced by magnetic field sensors, which detect the magnetic field produced by the eddy currents when the material is subject to a primary time-varying excitation field. To produce a correct classification those images must be clear (noise-free) and acquired in the same conditions. During 2009 a fruitful work on signal processing was carried out in order to proceed with that classification. The obtained signal is very sensitive to probe/plate distance, and therefore the attenuation law with distance was determined. All the disturbances originated by probe misalignments were identified and corrected. Another important result was the determination of the images that should be obtained when the probe was rotated. Using the previous results it was possible to characterize the dimensions of a crack in an aluminium plate. 6) A study on the uncertainty characterization of ellipse and sine fitting algorithms on impedance measurements was conducted. 7) Signal processing algorithms (ellipse fitting and sine fitting) to be applied on DSP based instruments were optimized 8) New procedures for online detection of broken bars in induction machines were developed. 9) Atmospheric optical properties using digital photography were determined. 10) The algorithm for two-channel sinewave parameter estimation based on spectral fitting was improved to include weighted least-squares, thus significantly improving the precision of the estimated parameters and reducing the number of required iterations for convergence. In addition, the theoretical Cramér-Rao lower bound of the estimator is now used to control the convergence criteria. This 263 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES innovative approach further reduces the number of iterations, increasing the speed of the algorithm. The sine-fitting algorithms implementations were improved so that they require less memory. This modification is crucial due to the fact that the initial memory requirements of the algorithms effectively limited the number of samples that could be processed. With this further improvement, the number of samples can be significantly increased and thus further reduce the precision of the estimated parameters. 11) Automatic tracking algorithms for millimetre-wave antennas were developed. 12) Advanced signal processing techniques for instrumentation and measurements applications (non-linear A/D converters, calibration and auto-calibration procedures applied to different measurement systems, advanced signal processing technique) were developed. 13) Static and dynamic characterization of sensors and measurement system (polarography, heavy metals detectors, turbidity, pH and conductivity sensors) were performed. 14) An I&M industrial transmission systems based on Foundation Fieldbus (FF), HART e CAN protocols was implemented. 14) Different architectures of water quality monitoring nodes that include the RFID UHF components as part of IEEE1451.4 standard for smart sensors implementation were designed and tested. A patent in the area of IEEE1451.4 implementation was registered. 15) In the domain of biomedical applications worth mentioning: • The design and implementation of ubiquitous architecture associated with cardiac and respiratory activity monitoring for elderly and persons with severe restriction of mobility; • The design and implementation of physiological parameters (BCG, PPG) measurement channels embedded on wheelchair. A smart wheelchair prototype characterized by fully capabilities on biomedical signal sensing is under construction; • The development of novel algorithms including the Independent Component Analysis to obtain accurate estimation of heart rate and respiration rate from the signals delivered by sensors embedded in a wheelchair. A patent in the area of ubiquitous sensing system materialized by a wheelchair was registered. 264 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES In 2009, the following services to external entities were rendered: • Collaboration with the Department of Minas of the Instituto Superior Técnico and with Universidade de Aveiro in measuring moisture in stone panels found in ancient churches. • Collaboration with Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear (ITN) in automating the operation of their ion implanter. • Development and implementation of an instrumentation network for broadband RF spectrum monitoring for ANACOM. Power Electronics and Power Systems Audio Power Amplifier Continuing the study and development of single stage switching audio power amplifiers. Focus on new pulse width no-linear modulators and in passive filter topologies in order to improve circuit performance. Active Power Filters and Power Factor Compensation Optimization of filter passive components in hybrid power filters. Continuing the study, development and experimental realization of single stage power factor corrector topologies and control processes. Analysis of new high performance topologies that are based in component reduction and equal distribution of the input current by the four bridge switches. Development of control strategies and preliminary studies of the conducted noise in new achieved topologies. Resonant Contactless Energy transfer Preliminary studies involving new PWM resonant topologies for contactless energy transmission. Experimental characterization, modeling and development of piezoelectric transformers for high performance power supplies. Switching Converters for Renewable Energy Resources Development of boost and buck-boost single stage topologies, for interface between the ac mains and a Photo Voltaic Panel. Initial studies in collaboration with INESCINOV for development of a new converter for wind turbines. 265 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES High Performance DC-DC Converters for “System On a Chip (SoC)” Development and study of techniques for achieving high performance integrated DC-DC converters. Development of an integrated audio power amplifier. Continuation of research, development and practical implementation of very high frequency high performance DC-DC converters in CMOS technology for power management RF-CMOS, “System On a Chip (SoC)”. Achievement of new design methodologies of QSW converters for Soc). Conclusion of the project concerning the integration in CMOS technology of resonant topologies. Microelectronics research was developed in strong collaboration with collaboration with IT RMOM Group and with IT Integrated Circuits and Systems Group. Also there has been collaboration with INESC in this area, in the development of an integrated audio power amplifier. COLABORATION WITH INDUSTRY - EMI MEASUREMENTS Collaboration with CIEEE of IST on - EMI conducted noise measurements in industrial equipment - First contacts to develop a digital universal control for power. electronic converters dedicated to renewable energy conversion. Power Systems 1) Work on electronic ballasts, and simulation of power electronics systems. Site www.dimmingit.com Teses de Mestrado concluídas: Uma Nova Tecnologia de Regulação de Fluxo Luminoso, Fevereiro, 2009 University of Coimbra, Bruno R. O. Baptista Caracterização de Métodos de Controlo de Fluxo Luminoso em Lâmpadas Fluorescentes, Set 2009, University of Coimbra, Moisés A. Martins Estudo do Desenvolvimento de um Balastro Electrónico Baseado em Elementos Magnéticos Saturáveis, Set 2009, University of Coimbra, Pedro P. Silveira 2) Most of the research was done in the field of matrix converters, foccused on the development of diagnostic techniques to detect and locate faults in this type of converter. - Diagnosis of faults in induction machines, with emphasis on static and dynamic eccentricity - Commissioning of electric drives using vector control systems, including the implementation of several off-line and on-line methods. Diagnosis of faults in regenerative drives, namely the ones based on back-to-back converters. 266 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Applied Mathematics Research was developed in the following fields of Mathematics: Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra. Apart from some more theoretical oriented studies, my research has mainly been focused in the design, convergence analysis, implementation and testing of algorithms for the solution of many important problems in these areas. I have also been collaborating with researchers of other areas in the design and solution of some models of engineering and finance. The most relevant topics are presented below. i). Numerical Linear Algebra: Preconditioning and convergence of iterative methods for the solution of linear systems of equations. ii). Complementarity Problems: design, implementation , convergence analysis implementation and testing of interior-point algorithms, active-set methods, sequential quadratic algorithms and enumerative methods. iii). Global Optimization: complementarity algorithms, positive semi-definite and reformulation-linearization techniques for bilevel programming, quadratic and bilinear programming and mathematical programs with complementarity constraints. iv). Discrete Optimization: global optimization algorithms for linear, nonlinear and complementarity problems with integer variables. v). Solution of Structured Optimization complementarity Models, problems. vi). namely Design finance and models solution and of eigenvalue models in telecommunications. Logic and Computation 1) Research work during 2006 focused on exploring the computational capabilities of naturally inspired continuous-time dynamical systems, namely recurrent neural networks featuring complex spatiotemporal regimes. The research was situated in the framework of the emergent field of natural computing, or computing with natural paradigms. In particular, connections began being established with the area of reservoir computing, with concrete suggestions for the harnessing of complexity aiming at greater flexibility and adequacy in the online computation of dynamical functions. The development of so-called chaotic modules was proposed as a configurable way of generating complex dynamical behavior with physically realistic neural nets, in view of applications that may benefit from that source of complexity. In 2009 the computational capabilities of naturally inspired continuous systems were investigated, following previous work. In a general setting of computing via 267 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES suitable perturbations of dynamical systems, spatially extended systems were especially considered, although not exclusively. A careful examination of computational processes in the living brain assisted in proposing and consolidating new formal computing paradigms and algorithms, based on dynamical characteristics previously overlooked in the literature. 2) Computability in dynamical systems: We intend to propose computability results about some classical topics from dynamical systems theory (smale horseshoe, stable manifold theorem, etc.). Analog computation: We intend to propose lower and upper bounds on the computational capabilities of analytic dynamical systems operating under the presence of perturbations. 3) We developed various function algebra characterizations for the functions of computable analysis. While computable analysis is defined via Turing Machines, our function algebras are defined using differential equations; thus our work characterizes a discrete model with a continuous model. We improved the work of others, and were able to re-use our earlier techniques, thus evidencing the generality of our approach. We also investigated other analog machine models. I continued work on a kind of type theory for Bounded Arithmetic, a subtheory of Peano Arithmetic with close ties to computational complexity theory 268 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 4.4.4 Runing and Concluded Projects Overview Funding Agency Number Ciência Viva 2 CRUP 1 DSIC/ Ministerio de Education y Ciencia Espanhol 1 EC - FP7 1 EU - FP7 2 FCT/POCI 3 FCT/POSC 3 FCT/PTDC 11 ICP/ANACOM 1 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement, TC-25 Commitee 1 Instituto de Telecomunicações 7 Total 33 Table 30 – Number of active projects running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area in 2009 269 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Activity in projects Acron / Ref Title POLYCOM Plastic Optical Fibers with Embedded Active Polymers for Data Communications Funding EU,IST Programme script. Development of low-loss polymer optical fibers and waveguides with integrated gain and ultrafast optical switching functionalities. The work to be carried out by IT researchers (under the contract signed by Instituto Superior Tecnico) involves the synthesis of novel conjugated luminescent polymers to be dispersed in Plastic Optical Fibers (POFs) matrices (e.g. PMMA). The development of low loss POFs matrices is also part of IT contribution Acron / Ref Title PREMAID Design of Railway Power Trains for Better Reliability and Easier Maintenance - Predictive Maintenance Funding EU,TOK-IAP Descript. The main objective of this project is to minimize the impact of the component and/or the system aging (conducting to component/system failure) on the commercial use of the trains and therefore allowing higher availability of the traction system. The availability of the equipment is limited by their downtime for maintenance operations. 270 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Acron / Ref Title IMPANA / PTDC/EEA-ELC/72875/2006 Development and implementation of an impedance analyzer based on analog to digital conversion and powerful signal processing algorithms Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The research team’s expertise in test and characterization of analog to digital converters, signal processing algorithms, power quality measurements, development of modern digital instrumentation and impedance measurements will be used in the development and implementation of an inexpensive accurate impedance analyzer to operate in the frequency range from 10 Hz up to 1 MHz. Following the team’s previous work, a instrument prototype including all the system electronics and the software will be built. The device is based on the traditional I-V method coupled with analog to digital conversion and signal processing algorithms to be executed in the prototype digital signal processor. The algorithms to be implemented will determine the parameters of the sine signals that best fit the acquired samples of two channels and thus estimate the unknown impedance parameters. The accuracy of the final instrument will depend on the project progress but basic accuracies of 0.1% for the impedance magnitude and 0.01º for the phase or better are expected. Acron / Ref MATRIX / PTDC/EEA-ENE/67350/2006 Title Electric Drives Based on Matrix Converters Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main objective of this project is to develop an electric drive, based on matrix converters, with self-diagnostic and fault-tolerant capabilities. The drive, which will rely on the use of induction motors 271 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES and PMSMs, will allow to detect and locate any fault in the matrix converter. After its detection, the control system of the drive will enter in a fault-tolerant operating mode, according to which the control strategy will be modified in order to minimize the consequences of the fault and thus maintaining the system running, although with degraded performance. Besides the detection of faults in the matrix converter, and in the case of the induction motor drive, the integrated diagnostic system should also be able to detect faults in the motor, namely stator and rotor faults, bearing faults and airgap eccentricity. The drive obtained with these new features combines the advantages of the matrix converter with the high reliability granted by the integrated and fault-tolerant diagnostic/control system. Acron / Ref BE_NT_REG / PTDC/EEA-ENE/66859/2006 Title Electronic Ballasts: a new dimming technology Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. To develop new techniques for the regulation of the luminous flux of fluorescent lamps. Acron / Ref CRACK / PTDC/EEA-ELC/67719/2006 Title Flaw Imaging in Metals by Contactless Conductivity Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The measuring principle is based on the phenomenon whereby the impedance of a coil generating a time-varying magnetic field changes in the presence of a conductive material as eddy currents are induced in the material. Therefore the idea of a contactless electrical conductivity imaging system (CECIS) is based on a sensor 272 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES composed of two coils. One of the coils, designated the transmitter coil, is driven by an alternating current and generates an oscillating magnetic field that induces currents inside the object to be tested. These induced currents are related to the conductivity distribution of the body. Another coil, the receiver coil, measures the total magnetic field. One component of the magnetic field is related to the primary imposed currents and the other component is related to the induced eddy currents. As the signal originated from deeper voxel significantly attenuates before it reaches the receiving coil the information gets easily corrupted by measurement noise. By incorporating into the design a real time digital signal processor able to perform advanced signal processing techniques it is possible to increase significantly the range of the sensor. Two solutions are envisaged to accumulate data either by relocating the probe several times using a XY scanning mechanism or by using an array of sensors, i. e., several probes in the vicinity of the object to be tested. The mathematical basis of this methodology is developed in two parts. In the first part, the physics of the induction system is simulated in the forward problem either using a numerical method like the finite element method (FEM) or an artificial intelligent technique (ANN). The simulated system is used to preview the correspondence between first order variations in the secondary magnetic field to conductive perturbations in the conductive body. A set of equations in the discrete form can be formulated: Sx=b, where x is the unknown conductivity perturbation vector, b is the magnetic field measurement vector and S is the sensitivity matrix. The second part of this study is the formulation of the inverse relation of this correspondence in order to reconstruct the conductivity images for a three dimensional sample object: b=S x + y, where y represents unknown measurement noise present in the real scenario. Since the signal from a deeper voxel is smaller than surface voxel, measurement noise corrupts more the information from deeper voxels. However, the relation between the magnetic 273 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES measurements and the conductivity distribution is nonlinear. Thus, one way to estimate the solution is to linearize the forward problem around an initial conductivity distribution and update the conductivity distribution using a suitable algorithm by comparing the calculated fields with the measurements. Several algorithms can be used to minimize the norm of ||S x - b|| when solving for x. These algorithms must be investigated in order to select the one that provides the best performance for the problem to be evaluated. The mathematical relation between the conductivity distribution and the measurements is the backbone of the imaging algorithm. Acron / Ref InADC / PTDC/EEA-ELC/68843/2006 Title InADC-In depth analysis of analog to digital converter methods Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The main goal of this research project is the advancement of the knowledge in the area of analogue to digital converter testing. We propose the pursuit of the following objectives: a) Study of the precision of Independently based Gain and Offset Error; b) Development of a Weighted Least Squares Estimator for gain and offset error estimation; c) Study of the influence of additive noise in the bias of ADC gain and offset error estimation; d) Study of the use of sinusoidal stimulus signals instead of triangular stimulus signal as suggested in the IEEE 1057-94 standard procedure for ADC random noise estimation; e) Derivation of an exact estimator for ADC random noise estimation; 274 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES f) Study of the influence of sinusoidal amplitude and offset on the bias and precision of the estimation of the fitted sine wave parameters; g) Derivation of an expression for the minimum number of samples required to achieve a given upper bound on the estimation bias and precision; h) Study of the precision of novel sine-fitting algorithms used in impedance measurement Acron / Ref Title SPEED / PTDC/EEA-ELC/66857/2006 Low Power Ultra-High Speed Analogue-to-Digital Converter for Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communications Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The major goal of this project is to design, integrate in a 90nm CMOS technology and experimentally evaluate a calibration-free 2channel time-interleaved 6-bit 1GS/s CMOS Pipeline ADC with an EE better than 0.2-0.3 pJ per conversion step and at the same time achieving a very low die area. Many novel techniques will be addressed to reach such goal such as, intensive use of passive structures, amplifier sharing, simple amplifier topology and exhaustive circuit optimization. A second aim of the project will be to include, on-chip, an efficient solution for providing built-in selftesting capability. Acron / Ref GEM – 2 / PTDC/CTE-AST/65925/2006 Title Polarimetry Instrumentation for a Galactic Survey at 2.3-10GHz Funding FCT/PTDC 275 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Descript. 2nd Phase of the International Galactic Emission Mapping at Portugal. - test and installation of the 2.3GHz total power radiometer assembled in Brazil (by Marco bersannelli, Deputy-PI of Planck Surveyor sattellite) to complete the 2.3 GHz North Hemisphere survey in S-band - Calibration with cold load/hot load of the C-band correlator; calibration and first-light fo the polarimeter receiver. Overal: production of the first digital complex base-band crosscorrellator using FPGA chips applyed to radioastronomy surveys. Acron / Ref Title ARCOCELL / PTDC/CTM/64127/2006 Specially Designed Materials and Architectures for Organic Photovoltaic Cells Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The overall objective of the project is the development of new conjugated polymers and strategies to optimise the texture/morphology of electron-donor/electron-acceptor systems to prepare organic photovoltaic cells with improved efficiencies. In order to achieve this goal, several approaches are going to be carried out, namely: i) combine donor and acceptor blocks in single chains linked by saturated bridges to create abrupt D/A interfaces and to obtain films with controlled morphologies adequate to favor the photovoltaic phenomena in the device structure; ii) ) use of adequate substituents to modify the donor and acceptor units to optimise their electron affinity or ionisation potential and to control their supramolecular arrangement; iii) synthesis of donor and acceptor crosslinkable polymers to prepare segregated D/A columnar-like domains, at the micro- or 276 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES submicrometer dimensions, by exploring a new method using the inherent tendency of polymer blends to phase segregation; iv) exploring the use of crosslinkable polymers to fabricate multilayer device structures, in particular tandem cells. The photophysical study of the new materials prepared under the project will also be performed (luminescent properties) in order to establish structure - fundamental properties relevant to the design of optimal structures with photovoltaic effect. Acron / Ref UNIME / PTDC/FIS/72831/2006 Title UNIME-Unimolecular Electronics Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. The project aims at: i) the design and and synthesis of conjugated oligomers to act as molecular wires or molecular rectifiers; ii) address individual molecular wires and rectifiers and measure their current-voltage characteristics; iii) the study of the assembly of these two-terminal devices on specific surfaces. Acron / Ref Title VIDAS / PTDC/EEA-TEL/75217/2006 VIsible light communications for advanced Driver Assistance Systems Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. systems using white and coloured LEDs commonly used in outdoor traffic lighting scenarios (namely, vehicle and traffic lights). To achieve this target, several research issues must be addressed: - To characterise the outdoor optical communication channel 277 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES through field measurements, including signal (LEDs) and noise sources. - To develop theoretical models of the outdoor visible-light communication channel (emitter, propagation, receiver and noise sources). - To analyse adequate modulation schemes adjusted for outdoor visible-light communication systems. - To develop a system design for traffic scenarios. - To develop an experimental prototype in order to demonstrate the utilisation of visible light in transmission systems for outdoor applications. Main project results will be presented in targeted scientific conferences and journals and exploited to create synergies with other European partners. Acron / Ref ESPECTRO Title Spectrum Monitorization and Control. Integration of Infrastructures Funding ICP/ANACOM Descript. The purpose of this project is to automate the measuring procedures used in the different Monitoring Centers of ANACOM (Portuguese Telecommunications Regulator) to monitor and control the radiofrequency spectrum in Portuguese territory. The automation must allow remote operation, that is to say, to perform tests for instance in Azores from another Center, namely the main one sited in Barcarena. Acron / Ref Title Prep_SKA A Preparatory Phase proposal for the Square Kilometer Array 278 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Funding EC - FP7 Descript. The baseline design for the SKA is an interferometer array capable of imaging the radio sky at frequencies from ~70 MHz to ~25 GHz, and providing an all-sky monitoring capability at frequencies below 1 GHz. The telescope is to be built in three phases, and will be able to carry out significant scientific observations as it is being built. The concept involves parabolic dishes with innovative feeds to maximize a combination of spatial and frequency coverage; at lower frequencies phased arrays can become cost-effective and offer new operational capabilities. Technological innovation, closely paralleling commercial IT developments, is the key to the design concepts under investigation and to the target cost of 1.5 billion Euro. Data transport rates are likely to be in the range of 100 Gigabits/sec to Tera-bits/sec, with Petaflop capacity required for the central processor. Much of the required technology is currently being developed in the course of specific design studies (including the EC funded FP6 SKA Design Study, SKADS) and the construction of several SKA Pathfinder instruments around the world. The final step of integrating the accumulated R&D knowledge into a detailed system design for the SKA, is planned to take place from 2008 to 2011, with the first three years being under the aegis of PrepSKA. Acron / Ref BPMeas Title Blood Pressure Measurement Funding IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement, TC-25 Commitee Descript. The project objective is to develop models and measurement systemas associated with Blood Pressure Measurement through a international participation of IEEE scientist from different universities and research institutions. 279 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Acron / Ref Title CLASSE Detection, Classification and Estimation of Defects in Metallic Plates Subject to Manual Inspection Funding IT Internal Descript. Non destructive testing (NDT) is of paramount importance for ensuring the integrity of materials. Eddy currents testing (ECT) is one of several methods like, remote field testing (RFT), flux leakage and Barkhausen noise, that use electromagnetic theory to examine conducting materials. It is a particularly attractive test because it offers both very high detectability and high scanning speeds. Besides direct contact with the test material is not necessary. Nowadays, with the use of microprocessor based measuring instruments, the potential and user-friendliness of eddy currents testing has been greatly enhanced. The role of the computer has two different components: one related with the possibility to automate the measuring system (data acquisition control, data processing, signal classification and displaying) and other with numerical modeling of the testing process. The computing capabilities are used to quantitatively predict eddy current signals for realistic situations and to evaluate crack profiles from testing signals by solving the inverse problem of the physical phenomenon under test. At this time the tasks related to the data acquisition, signal processing and graphical representation, are already under way, with some work already published [1-6,8,9]. The point is that the inverse problem of computing the crack profiles from the eddy currents data is ill-posed, i.e., the crack profiles are not univocally determined by the measured eddy currents. A possible approach to mitigate the ill-posedness nature of this inverse problem is to classify the crack profiles according to the different types of material defects. The idea is to exploit the a priori knowledge of the problem and thus select the proper defect model. In order to investigate the assumptions of the technique, particularly, patterns identification, a huge amount of data is essential 280 and ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES experimentation is necessary. Acron / Ref HEAD Title HEAD – Integrated Class D Audio Amplifier with High Efficiency Funding IT Internal Descript. This project proposes to develop a novel class D audio amplifier for portable applications with high efficiency and very low harmonic distortion. Currently the research of portable audio codecs using mix linear-switching techniques is under high development, aiming high efficiency and audio fidelity. The class D amplifier is one of the most used circuit solution to obtain high efficiency. Acron / Ref Title Space-DCDC Space-DCDC – DC-DC controller for space applications Funding Internal IT Descript. This project proposes to develop a novel DC-DC control IC for space applications, in a Europen technology as the AMS 0.35um CMOS. This solution will allow minimizing the number of external components by lowering the need to qualify several different components. The circuit will include all the control circuitry necessary for the DC-DC converter, and allow the use of voltage or current mode control and current limitation. Acron / Ref Title AZOMAGCON Transition metal complexes based on new thio-azo ligands for heterobimetallic networks and molecular conductors 281 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Funding FCT/PTDC Descript. This project aims at the preparation of new transition metal complexes with thio-azo ligands and to test their use in the preparation of magnetic heterobimetallic complexes and extended networks and their use in molecular conductors. Development of synthetic routes to prepare new divalent ligands and metal complexes and study of correlation between molecular and crystalline structure with magnetic and electrical properties in this type of solids. 282 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 4.4.5 Running and Concluded Theses MSc Theses Supervisor Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva Student Title Beatriz Borges Balastros Electrónicos: Uma nova Tecnologia de Regulação Jorge Manuel Conversores DC-DC para a Industria António Bañon Correia Guilherme Aeroespacial - II Moisés Simões Vitor Almeida Electronic Steering Wheel for FST Car Piedade On the Use of Logic Programming over Rodrigo Fernandes João Honrado Spatial Databases Mice pacemaker for induction of Cristiano Tavares Luís Carvalho arrithmias and auricular arrhythmia's Ângela Maria A Euclidean Model for Euclidean Quadrado Gil Robalo Geometry Célia Margarida A problem on optimal transportation Fonseca martins with several generalizations Fernanda Maria Computing areas using Green´s Marques Martins Theorem and a Software Planimeter Pacheco Fátima Maria da Luz Cónicas Augusto Teixeira Paulo Jorge Costa Control strategies and fault diagnosis in Pereira induction generators for wind power Development of a laboratory prototype Marco Alexandre André Manuel dos of an electric drive based on a matrix Neves Ferreira Santos Mendes converter with fault-tolerant capabilities Duarte Rodrigues From Electronic Crystals to Photonic Carlos Paiva Pires Crystals Implementation of a fault-tolerant Pedro Miguel Martins electric drive based on a back-to-back da Silva converter Sérgio Filipe Pestana Implementation of advanced techniques for the commissioning of electric drives Mendes Pedro Braga Marcelino Santos Integrated Audio Power Amplifier António Topa Filipa Isabel Rodrigues Prudêncio Nuno Horta Francisco Alegria Michel Celestino Paiva Ferreira Raúl Martins Maria Celeste Gouveia Maria Celeste Gouveia Maria Celeste Gouveia Maria Celeste Gouveia André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Sérgio Cruz António Topa Sérgio Cruz Sérgio Cruz Bruno Ricardo Oliveira Baptista Co- Supervisors Marina Perdigão Carlos Paiva Michel Celestino Paiva Ferreira Fernanda Lima Sérgio Cruz Henry Amaral António Cardoso António Topa Romeu Correia Amado Carlos Paiva António Cardoso Andrea Alonso Pérez António Topa Walid Karam Azzubaidi António Cardoso Olavo José Benta da Silva Brites António Cardoso José Luís de Jesus Fernandes Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva Moisés Augusto Martins Carlos Paiva Marina Perdigão Metamaterial Waveguides for Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Mineração de Dados Espaciais de Registos GPS para a Extracção Automática de Rodovias Modeling and simulation of static and dynamic eccentricity in induction machines fed by a matrix converter Moving Media in Minkowski Space Time Algebra Organização da Manutenção na Gestão de Activos Escolares Relativistic Electrodynamics with Minkowski spacetime algebra End Date 2/2009 5/2009 5/2009 5/2009 6/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 7/2009 Accionamentos Baseados em Motores Síncronos de Ímanes Permanentes, com 9/2009 Capacidade de Regeneração de Energia, para Veículos Eléctricos Híbridos Aplicação de Accionamentos Baseados 9/2009 em Geradores Síncronos de Ímanes Permanentes em Turbinas Eólicas Caracterização de métodos de controlo 9/2009 de fluxo luminoso em lâmpadas fluorescentes 283 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Supervisor Student António Cardoso Fernando Miguel da Costa Sequeira Leitão Francisco Alegria João Vicente Sérgio Cruz Sérgio Cruz Co- Supervisors Moisés Simões Piedade Nuno Filipe Borges Torres dos Santos Filipe Alexandre Almeida Fernandes Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva Pedro Pires Silveira Marina Perdigão Francisco Alegria João Ribeiro Moisés Simões Piedade Luís Cruz Edgar Lopes Luís Cruz José Ricardo Estêvão Cabeças Nuno Horta Pedro Sousa Beatriz Borges André Coelho Pinto Pedro Ramos Luis Filipe de Almeida Mendes Pedro Ramos Jose Carlos Sequeira Martins dos Santos Nuno Horta António Gorgulho Pedro Ramos Luis Filipe Soldado Granadeiro Rosado Hugo Ribeiro Rui Neves Moisés Simões Piedade Title End Date Desenvolvimento e Aplicação de um Sistema de Gestão da Manutenção 9/2009 Assistida por Computador numa Base Aérea Design of an Electronic Engine Control 9/2009 Unit – FST Development in Labview environment of 9/2009 a platform for learning electric circuits Development of e-learning tools in 9/2009 Labview environment Estudo do Desenvolvimento de um 9/2009 Balastro Electrónico Baseado em Elementos Magnéticos Saturáveis On Road Dyno for Formula Student Car 9/2009 – FST Sistema para localização e identificação 9/2009 de logomarcas Sistema portátil e autónomo para 9/2009 aquisição de vídeo no âmbito de um dispositivo médico Modelação Inteligente de Circuitos e 10/2009 Sistemas Integrados Analógicos com Recurso a Sistemas Difusos One Stage Converter for Photovoltaic 10/2009 Panel Development of a analog acquisition module for digital protection of motors 11/2009 and generators Impedance Measurement System Based 11/2009 on dsPIC MFUNDS: Computação Inteligente 11/2009 aplicada à Gestão de Fundos de Investimento Welding flaw detection 11/2009 Análise de Imagens Médicas para o Diagnóstico do Cancro da Mama 12/2009 Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa Richard Guise Beatriz Borges Leandro Alberto Pedro Santos CMOS technology monolithic integration 12/2009 of a switched DC-DC converter Telmo Reis Cunha João Pedro Pires da Cruz Luis Nero Alves,Telmo Reis Cunha Desenho de PADs digitais de entrada/saída em tecnologia CMOS Telmo Reis Cunha Luis Girão Mendes Gouveia Telmo Reis Cunha Ana Charas Joana Farinhas Manuel Matos Luís Cruz José Carlos Pinto dos Santos Fernando Tim Tim Janeiro José Manuel Botelho Pinela do Ó João Francisco Alves Martins Beatriz Borges Marco Pinto Marcelino Santos Maria Celeste Gouveia André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Florbela da Conceição Andrade dos Santos Ricardo Ferreira Rocha Sistema de Monitorização do Nível de Preenchimento de Ecopontos Aplicações de compostos orgânicos como camada activa em células fotovoltaicas Compressão de imagem de baixa complexidade para tele-contagem Levantamento, estudo e análise crítica das protecções eléctricas da rede de distribuição de energia eléctrica. Power Supply Based in a Piesoelectric Transformer 12/2009 12/2009 1/2010 2/2010 2/2010 3/2010 Bertrand´s Postulate 7/2010 Design of a single-phase high voltage catenary for electric trains equipped with Interlaced Four Quadrant Converters 7/2010 284 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Supervisor António Cardoso Edgar Silva Pereira Maria Paula Prata de Sousa André Manuel dos Santos Mendes André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Maria Celeste Gouveia André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Maria Celeste Gouveia Luís Cruz Student Co- Supervisors Title End Date Diagnóstico de Análise de Avarias em Accionamentos Baseados em Gerados Síncronos de Ímanes Permanentes Aplicados em Turbinas Eólicas 7/2010 E-learning Project for Dyslexia 7/2010 Benjamim Marques Fault tolerance in Distributed Objects 7/2010 Bruno Miguel Marrucho de Oliveira Flávio Alexandre Almeida Gaspar Ana Luisa de Sousa Marques e Silva Luis Pedro Tavares Santos Rita M. Simões Santos Viais Pedro Rodrigues Modeling and control of a multilevel 7/2010 converter used in electric traction. New Traction topologies for electric 7/2010 vehicle using renewable energy. Pythagorean approximations and 7/2010 continued fractions The dimensioning and the correct use of 7/2010 a three-phase induction motor Nuno Miguel Amaral Freire Anabela Rocha Maria Celeste Gouveia Ana Isabel Marques Rodrigues Manfred Niehus Hugo Rodrigues Sérgio Cruz Marco Filipe Pereira de Sousa Sérgio Cruz Hugo Filipe Martins Rogrigues Michel Celestino Paiva Ferreira Ricardo Castro Erdos`proof of Euler´s Formula 9/2010 Classificação Multimodal da Retina 9/2010 Different proofs of the infinity of primes 9/2010 Fibras ópticas especiais como sensores ambientais e biológicos Impact of power systems faults on the behavior of wind power generators Simulator of Electric Materials in Labview Environment for Electrical Engineers Translating Spatial Logic Queries to PostGIS 9/2010 9/2010 9/2010 9/2010 Pedro Miguel Assis Pereira dos Santos Nuno Horta FOLLOW - Aplicação de Modelos para Seguir Misseis aos Mercados Bolsistas 9/2010 Rui Neves Micael Jose Goncalves Soares Rui Manuel Rocha Sistema de pontuação de Taekwondo 9/2010 Francisco Alegria João Mendes Moisés Simões Piedade Beatriz Borges Pedro Martins Fernando Tim Tim Janeiro Luís Miguel Leitão da Silva Francisco Alegria João Costa Beatriz Borges Raúl Miguel Macedo da Silva Rui Neves Beatriz Borges Mohamed de Jesus Beatriz Borges Daniel Almeida Nuno Horta Gil Reis Nuno Horta Moisés Simões Piedade Francisco Carvalho Nuno Horta Frederico Cadete Nuno Horta Miguel Vilhena Aquisição de Dados em Tempo Real para Carro de Competição FST (Formula 10/2010 Student) Converters for Renwable Energy 10/2010 Sources Desenvolvimento de um Contador de 10/2010 Energia Eléctrica Inteligente Estacao movel para mediadas da 10/2010 qualidade do ar Interface Inverter Between Eolic Turbine and AC Mains 10/2010 Resonant Pole Inverter 10/2010 Single Stage Converters for Photovoltaic Pannels: Control circuit for MPPT “RFIDnet” - Planeamento de Rede RFID com Recurso a Técnicas de Computação Evolutiva Amplificador Classe D Integrado para Audio Digital Jorge Manuel Amplificador Hi-Fi para Audio Portátil de Correia Guilherme Elevada Eficiência CREDIT: Computação Inteligente R. Neves, aplicada à Análise de Risco na Atribuição de Crédito Hugo Ribeiro 10/2010 10/2010 10/2010 10/2010 10/2010 285 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Supervisor Student Nuno Horta Carla Duarte Nuno Horta António Proença Nuno Horta Adriano Simões Rui Neves Paulo Miguel Verde Antunes Parracho Pedro Ramos Filipe Daniel Bastos da Silva Macedo Pedro Ramos Pedro Xavier Pedro Ramos Nuno Santos Pedro Ramos Helena Rosa Pedro Ramos João Pedro Pinto Rosa Dias Pedro Ramos Frederico Carvalho Pedro Ramos Pedro Ramos Pedro Ramos Rui Neves Rui Neves Co- Supervisors Pedro Agulha Inês Sousa Nuno Horta António Ribeiro Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa Ângelo Miguel Arrifano End Date Jorge Manuel EVOLUTION III: Optimização Inteligente 10/2010 Correia Guilherme de Circuitos e Sistemas Integrados PLASTIC: Projecto de Circuitos 10/2010 Integrados Orgânicos STOCKS: Computação Inteligente Rui Neves 10/2010 aplicada à Gestão de Portefólios de Acções PATTERN - Identificações de Padrões Nuno Horta 11/2010 em Mercados Bolsistas Development of a hardware platform for PLC communications in the CENELEC A 12/2010 band Electrical power meter and power 12/2010 quality analyzer Impedance measurement system based 12/2010 on dsPIC ou DSP for viscosity sensor Labview based impedance 12/2010 measurement system Modelling Implementation of adaptive 12/2010 communication protocol for PLC communications in the CENELEC A band Motor diagnosis electronic system based on signature analysis of vibration 12/2010 and current Grisha Tulcidas Joana Vicente Guerreiro Mendes Manuel António Ferreira da Silva Title Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Rui Neves Smart Electricity Meter 12/2010 Smart Power Metering Device 12/2010 Real time power quality monitoring 2/2011 system for 3-phase power grid FLOOD - Movimentos de Fundos entre 9/2011 Mercados FOREX - Prever Mercados de Futuros de 9/2011 Câmbios ATOM: Computação Inteligente aplicada à Optimização dos Intervalos de 10/2011 Decisão de Indicadores Técnicos na Gestão de Activos Fin. Joint Source-Channel Robust Coding for 9/2012 Multimedia Communications Table 31 – List of MSc Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2009 PhD Theses Supervisor Student Beatriz Borges Raúl Domingos Monteiro Nuno Horta Manuel Barros António Cardoso Joaquim Júdice M'hamed Drif S. Rosa Co- Supervisors Title End Date Resonant Switching Technologies for 3/2009 Mains Converters Síntese e Optimização Automática de Jorge Manuel 5/2009 Circuitos e Sistemas Baseada em Correia Guilherme Técnicas de Computação Evolutiva Fault Diagnosis in Electrical Drives by the 7/2009 Motor Signature Analysis The Eigenvalue Complementarity 10/2009 Problem 286 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Supervisor Student Beatriz Borges Hugo Marques Beatriz Borges Vitor Manuel da Silva Costa António Cardoso Acácio Manuel Raposo Amaral António Cruz Serra Edgar Silva Pereira António Cardoso Natália dos Santos Gameiro Gonçalves Abel João Gomes Adriano Nunes Raposo Beatriz Borges Beatriz Borges Pedro Santos Maria Cecila Rosa Rui Miguel Afonso Gomes da Fonseca End Date 3/2010 High Frequency DC-DC Converters for 3/2010 “System–on–a–Chip (SoC)” Fault Diagnostics in Digitally Controlled DC-DC Converters, by the Application of 5/2010 Measurement Techniques Based on States Estimation Magnetic Induction Tomography 5/2010 Matrix Equations 6/2010 Domingos da Silva Polarized Microwave Galactic Emission Barbosa Mapping in the Northern Hemisphere Fault Tolerance in Switched Reluctance Motor Drives 6/2010 7/2010 Dynamic Geometric Modeling of Plasmidic 9/2010 DNA for Therapeutical Purposes David Vaz Hugo Ribeiro Carlos Ferreira Title Active Power Filters Nuno Gonçalo Bandeira Brás Dinis Magalhães Santos Michel Celestino Paiva Ferreira Co- Supervisors Luís Sá Modeling, Querying and Mining Spatial Databases through Logic Programming 9/2010 Power Factor Correctors 10/2010 Switching Audio Amplifiers 10/2010 11/2010 Jorge Morgado Ana Luísa Mendonça Plastic Optical Fibers doped with conjugated polymers showing gain Rui L. Aguiar Mónica Jorge Carvalho de Figueiredo Sincronização em Sistemas Integrados a 12/2010 Alta-Velocidade António Cardoso Carlos Alberto Figueiredo Ramos Aproveitamento Electrotérmico de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos em Complexos Desportivos 1/2011 Técnicas de controlo para balastros electrónicos baseadas no uso de elementos controláveis reactivos 2/2011 Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva Marina Mendes Sargento Domingues Perdigão Pedro Silva Girão Vítor Viegas José Dias Pereira Design and Implementation of a NCAP/XML Platform Based on IEEE 1451 6/2011 Standard for Industrial Fieldbus Applications José Dias Pereira Vítor Manuel Rodrigues Viegas Pedro Silva Girão Plataformas de Interoperabilidade para Redes de Comunicação Industrial 6/2011 Maintenance Management and Organization of School Buildings 7/2011 Octavian Postolache,Pedro Silva Girão Vital Signals Monitoring Wheelchair 8/2011 Integration of IEEE 1451 with OGC-SWE 12/2011 and Ocean Instruments António Cardoso Ana Carla Vicente Vieira Octavian Postolache Eduardo Pinheiro Helena Ramos Joaquin del Rio Fernandez Antoni Manuel Helena Ramos Marco Corrado Pasquale Daponte António Cardoso Jorge Oliveira Estima Using Alternative Stimulus Signals for Testing ADCs Análise do Desempenho de Motores Síncronos de Ímanes Permanentes Quando Alimentados Através de Um Conversor Tolerante a Falhas 12/2011 2/2012 287 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Supervisor António Cardoso Jorge Morgado Edgar Silva Pereira Student Co- Supervisors António Manuel Luzano de Quadros Flores Tânia Isabel de Almeida Braz Fernando Marcos Edgar Silva Pereira Joaquim Manuel Pereira Mateus Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa Ricardo Jorge Antunes Bichinho Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa Przemyslaw Lenkiewicz Francisco Alegria José Lopes Nuno Horta David Guilherme Nuno Horta Mauro Santos António Cardoso Eunice de Fátima Fragoso Ribeiro António Cardoso Luís Manuel Ramos de Oliveira Jacques Aveline Loureiro da Silva 2/2012 Non volatile resistive memories 4/2012 Matrix Algorithms 6/2012 Metapopulation in Epidemic Models 6/2012 Human Visual Perception in Image Compression 9/2012 Diagnóstico de Avarias em Sistemas de Energia para Telecomunicações 9/2012 10/2012 12/2012 12/2012 1/2013 Diagnóstico de Avarias nos Enrolamentos 3/2013 de Transformadores Trifásicos Luís Filipe Soldado Granadeiro Rosado Moisés Simões Piedade Rui Neves José Manuel Matias Pinto Nuno Horta José Carlos Sequeira Martins dos Santos End Date Utilização do Motor de Indução no Diagnóstico de Avarias em Cargas Acopladas Research Topic: High Performance Computing for 3D and 4D Image Segmentation: Application to Automatic Detection of Breast Cancer Optimization of the operation of a Ion Implanter Amplicadores de Elevado Desempenho para Áudio Arquitecturas Reconfiguráveis de Elevado Jorge Manuel Desempenho p/ Terminais Móveis da 4G Correia Guilherme e 5G Pedro Ramos Pedro Ramos Title Non-Destructive Testing Based on Eddy 11/2013 Currents OPTIMAL STOCK MARKET INVESTMENTS BASED ON EVOLUTIONARY 1/2014 COMPUTATION TECHNIQUES AND TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Development and Implementation of an Impedance Measuring System Applied to 2/2014 Viscosity Sensors Table 32 – List of PhD Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2009 288 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 4.4.6 Publications Applied Mathematics Papes in Journals • Pereira, E.; F. Martins; " Block Eigenvectors Obtained by Block Hotteling Deflation ", Far East Journal of Appl. Mathematics , Vol. 36 , No. 3 , pp. 379 - 387 , October , 2009. • Lopes, M.; J-C. Wolff; J. Dias; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Determination of the composition of counterfeit Heptodin™ tablets by near infrared chemical imaging and classical least squares estimation ", Analytica Chimica Acta , Vol. 641 , No. 1-2 , pp. 46 - 51 , May , 2009. • Júdice, J. J.; P. Amaral; L. M. Fernandes; H. Sherali; " On optimal zeropreserving corrections for inconsistent linear systems ", Journal of Global Optimization , Vol. 45 , No. 1 , pp. 645 - 666 , January , 2009. • Júdice, J. J.; H. Sherali; I. Ribeiro; S. Rosa; " On the asymmetric eigenvalue complementarity problem ", Optimization Methods and Software , Vol. 24 , No. 1 , pp. 549 - 586 , January , 2009. • Inácio , P.R.M.; B. Lakic; M. Freire; M. Sousa; P. Monteiro; " The Design and Evaluation of the Simple Self-Similar Sequences Generator ", Information Sciences , Vol. 179 , No. 23 , pp. 4029 - 4045 , November , 2009. • Kovacec, A.; M. C.G. Gouveia; " The Hankel Pencil Conjecture ", Linear Algebra and its Applications , Vol. 431 , No. 9 , pp. 1509 - 1525 , October , 2009. Papers in Conference Proceedings • Lima, L. L.; J. Barros; R. Kötter; " Byzantine Attacks against Network Coding in Peer to Peer Distributed Storage ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Information Theory - ISIT , Seoul , Korea, South , July , 2009. • Júdice, J. J.; " Complementary approaches for the computation of the independent number of a graph ", Proc WSEAS Multiconf. in Appl 289 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Mathematics , Puerto de la Cruz , Spain , pp. 178 - 183 , December , 2009. • Pinho, P.T.; " FDTD with selective update: a method to minimize the simulation time ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , May , 2009. • Sousa, Paula Prata; A. Pinto Pinto; " Ferramenta para Visualização da Estrutura de Matrizes Esparsas de Grande Dimensão em GPU: GPU-MV ", Proc Actas de Engenharias , Covilhã , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , November , 2009. • Rodrigues , M.; P. Aguiar Aguiar; " Neuronal connectivity inference from spike trains using an empirical probabilistic causality measure ", Proc Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting - CNS , Berlin , Germany , Vol. 18 , pp. 1 - 1 , July , 2009. • Júdice, J. J.; A. Almeida; L. M. Fernandes; J. M. Patrício; " On the computation of a nonnegative matrix factorization and its application in telecommunications ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa M. da Feira , Portugal , Vol. , pp. 485 - 488 , May , 2009. • Sousa, Paula Prata; A. M. Ferreira Ferreira; A. Marques Marques; A. Gomes; " Resolução de Sistemas de Equações Esparsas em GPU ", Proc Actas de Engenharias , Covilhã , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , November , 2009. • Lopes, M.; J-C. Wolff; J. Dias; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Spectral unmixing via minimum volume simplices: application to near infrared spectra of counterfeit tablets ", Proc IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing - WHISPERS 2009 , Grenoble , France , August , 2009. Impact of Telecommunications on Society Papers in Journals • Monteiro, F. A.; " Faster and faster: a look at the remarkable achievements in error-free digital communications ", BlueSci , Vol. 5 , No. 15 , pp. 14 - 15 , April , 2009 . 290 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Papers in Conference Proceedings • Neves, D. M. Neves; C. Ribeiro; A. Silva; A. Gameiro; " Channel Estimation Schemes for OFDM Relay-Assisted Systems ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-(VTC-Spring) , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 69th , pp. 1 - 5 , April , 2009 . Instrumentation and Measurement Book Chapters • Ramos, P.M.; SR Rapuano; RCM Martins; P. Daponte; " Frequency and time-frequency domain analysis tools in measurement " - Chapter in Data Modeling for Metrology and Testing in Measurement Science , Franco Pavese and Alistair B. Forbes , Birkhäuser , Boston , 2009. • Oliveira, C.; D.S. Sebastião; D. Ladeira; L. M. Correia; " Measurements " - Chapter in Electromagnetic Field Exposure: Risk Communication in the context of Uncertainty , Pozo,C., Papameletiou,D., Wiedeman,P., Ravazzani,P. and Deventer,E. , EC , Bruxelles , 2009. • Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; " Modelling of Oscillometric Blood Pressure Monitors - from white to black box models " - Chapter in Recent Advances in Biomedical Engineering , Aleksandar Lazinica , In-Tech , Vienna , 2009. Papers in Journals • Amaral, A.M.R.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " A Simple Offline Technique for Evaluating the Condition of Aluminum-Electrolytic-Capacitors ", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics , Vol. 56 , No. 8 , pp. 3230 - 3237 , August , 2009. • Janeiro, F. M.; P.M. Ramos; " Application of Genetic Algorithms in Sinewave Fitting ", Trans. on Systems, Signals and Devices , Vol. 4 , No. 4 , pp. 563 - 574 , December , 2009. • Alegria, ; " Bias of amplitude estimation using three-parameter sine fitting in the presence of additive noise ", Measurement , Vol. 42 , No. 5 , pp. 748 - 756 , June , 2009. 291 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Ramos, P.M.; A.C. Serra; " Comparison of frequency estimation algorithms for power quality assessment ", Measurement , Vol. 42 , No. 9 , pp. 1312 - 1317 , November , 2009. • Ramos, P.M.; F. M. Janeiro; T. Radil; " Comparison of Impedance Measurements in a DSP using Ellipse-fit and Seven-Parameter Sine-fit Algorithms ", Measurement , Vol. 42 , No. 9 , pp. 1370 - 1379 , November , 2009. • Buiatti, G. M. Buiatti; J. A. M-R Martín-Ramos; A.M.R. Amaral; P. D. Dworakowski; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Condition Monitoring of Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors in Railway Power Trains ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , Vol. 58 , No. 10 , pp. 3796 - 3805 , October , 2009. • Shariat-Panahi, S.; Alegria; A. Manuel; " Design and Test of a High Resolution Acquisition System for Marine Seismology ", IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine , Vol. 12 , No. 2 , pp. 8 - 15 , April , 2009. • Oliveira, C.; D.S. Sebastião; D. Ladeira; G.C. Carpinteiro; M.A. Antunes; L. M. Correia; C. A. Fernandes; " Electromagnetic fields emitted by fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps ", RadioProtecção , Vol. II , No. 14/15 , May , 2009. • Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; A.A. Anand; P.S. Sinha; G. Postolache; " Health status and air quality parameters monitoring based on mobile technology and WPAN ", Intrnl. Journal Advanced Media and Communication , Vol. 3 , No. 1/2 , pp. 139 - 153 , April , 2009. • Postolache, G.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " HRV and BPV neural network model with wavelet based algorithm calibration ", Measurement , Vol. 42 , No. 6 , pp. 805 - 814 , July , 2009. • Shariat-Panahi, S.; Alegria; A. Manuel; A.C. Serra; " IEEE 1057 Jitter Test of Waveform Recorders ", , Vol. 58 , No. 7 , pp. 2234 - 2244 , July , 2009. • Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine ", , Vol. 12 , No. 6 , pp. 21 - 24 , December , 2009. • Janeiro, F. M.; P.M. Ramos; " Impedance Measurements Using Genetic Algorithms and Multiharmonic Signals ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON 292 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , Vol. 58 , No. 2 , pp. 383 - 388 , February , 2009. • Sebastião, D.S.; D. Ladeira; M.A. Antunes; L. M. Correia; " Influence of temporal and spatial sampling parameters on electromagnetic field ", RadioProtecção , Vol. II , No. 14 e 15 , pp. 85 - 96 , May , 2009. • Alegria, ; F. Almeida; E. Martinho; " Measuring soil contamination with the time domain induced polarization method using LabVIEW ", Measurement , Vol. 42 , No. 7 , pp. 1082 - 1091 , August , 2009. • Radil, T.; P.M. Ramos; A.C. Serra; " New Spectrum Leakage Correction Algorithm for Frequency Estimation of Power System Signals ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , Vol. 58 , No. 5 , pp. 1670 - 1679 , May , 2009. • Antunes, P.; Lima; N. Alberto; H. Rodrigues Rodrigues; Pedro Pinto Pinto; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; H Varum; A. Costa; P.S André; " Optical Fiber Accelerometer System for Structural Dynamic Monitoring ", IEEE Sensors Journal , Vol. 9 , No. 11 , pp. 1346 - 1354 , November , 2009. • Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " PDF-based Progressive Polynomial Calibration Method for Smart Sensors Linearization ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , Vol. 58 , No. 9 , pp. 3245 - 3252 , September , 2009. • Alegria, ; A.C. Serra; " Precision of Independently Based Gain and Offset Error of an ADC using the Histogram Method ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , Vol. 58 , No. 3 , pp. 512 - 521 , March , 2009. • Ramos, P.M.; F. M. Janeiro; M. Tlemçani ; A.C. Serra; " Recent developments on impedance measurements with DSP based ellipse fitting algorithms ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , Vol. 58 , No. 5 , pp. 1680 - 1689 , May , 2009. • Postolache, O.; J. M. Dias Pereira; P.M. Girão; " Smart Sensors Network for Air Quality Monitoring Applications ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , Vol. 58 , No. 9 , pp. 3253 3261 , September , 2009. • Alegria, ; A.C. Serra; " The Histogram Test of ADCs with Sinusoidal Stimulus is Unbiased by Phase Noise ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON 293 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , Vol. 58 , No. 11 , pp. 3847 3854 , November , 2009. Papers in Conference Proceedings • Alegria, ; F. Carvalho; P. Agulha; D. Pasadas; O. Postolache; H. G. Ramos; A. L. Ribeiro; " 2D Magnetic Field Mobile Sensing System for Eddy Current Testing ", Proc IEEE Sensors , Christchurch , New Zealand , October , 2009. • Pasadas, D.; F. Carvalho; P. Agulha; O. Postolache; H. G. Ramos; Alegria; " 2D Magnetic Field Mobile Sensing System for Eddy Current Testing 15jul ", Proc IEEE Sensors , Christchurch , New Zealand , October , 2009. • " A 2D Magnetic Field Mobile Sensing System for Eddy Current Testing ", Proc IEEE Sensors , Christchurch , New Zealand , October , 2009. • Guilherme, J.G.; " A Low-cost EEG Stand-alone device for brain computer interface ", Proc Biomedical Engineering Conf. - BioMED , Porto , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 430 - 433 , January , 2009. • Brás, N.B.; RCM Martins; A.C. Serra; " A Survey on the Implementation of a Magnetic Induction Tomography Prototype: Theoretical Description and Experimental Issues ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 121 - 124 , May , 2009. • Silva, H.; G. Martins; S. P. Palma; P. Mil-Homens; M. Valamatos; " An Automated Athlete Performance Evaluation System. From theory to practice ", Proc INSTICC International Conf. on Biomedical Electronics and Devices - Biodevices , Porto , Portugal , January , 2009. • Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; J. M. Dias Pereira; " An IEEE1451.x and RFID compatibility unit for water quality monitoring ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , September , 2009. • Serra, A.C.; " Analog to Digital Converters Testing ", Proc INMETRO 8th International Seminar on Electrical Metrology - VIIISemetro , Joao Pessoa , Brazil , Vol. 1 , June , 2009. • Janeiro, F. M.; P.M. Ramos; " Application of Genetic Algorithms for Estimation of Impedance Parameters of Two-Terminal Networks ", Proc 294 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC , Singapore , Singapore , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. 602 - 606 , May , 2009. • Postolache, O.; J M Joaquim; G. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Artificial Neural network approach for obesity-hypertension classification ", Proc INSTICC International Conf. on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing - Biosignals , Porto , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 514 - 520 , January , 2009. • Alegria, ; " Bias In ADC Terminal Based Gain and Offset Estimation Using the Histogram Method ", Proc IMEKO , Lisbon , Portugal , September , 2009. • Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Variabilities Estimation Using Ballistocardiography ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 125 - 128 , May , 2009. • Alves, M.; J. M. Dias Pereira; H. G. Ramos; " CAN Protocol: A Laboratory Prototype for Fieldbus Applications ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 454 - 457 , September , 2009. • Alberto, N.; L. Carvalho; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; " Characterization of polymerization reaction of self-curing dental cements using fibre optic sensors ", Proc International Conf. on Biodental Engineering , Porto , Portugal , Vol. 034 , pp. 1 - 3 , June , 2009. • Alegria, ; H. G. Ramos; " City-Wide Mobile Air Quality Measurement System ", Proc IEEE Sensors , Christchurch , New Zealand , October , 2009. • Janeiro, F. M.; F. Wagner; P.M. Ramos; A. M. Silva; " CLOUD BASE HEIGHT ESTIMATION USING A LOW-COST DIGITAL CAMERA ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 2270 - 2273 , September , 2009. • Alegria, ; " Comparison of the Precision of Gain and Offset Estimations Obtained with the Histogram Test of ADCs ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Lisbon , Portugal , September , 2009. • Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Compressed Sensing Implementation in Cardiac Signals ", Proc International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems , Rende , Italy , Vol. I , pp. 96 - 101 , September , 2009. 295 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Ramos, P.M.; T. Radil; F. M. Janeiro; A.C. Serra; " Development and Implementation of Algorithms for Power Quality Measurements ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 117 - 120 , May , 2009. • Prats, S.; L. Bilro; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; J. J. Keizer; " Development of a POF based sensor device for measuring water turbidity in recently burnt forest fires ", Proc Internacional Conf. on Plastic Optical Fibers POF , Sydney , Australia , Vol. 1 , pp. 0 - 4 , September , 2009. • Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Digital Notch Filters Implementation with Fixed-point Arithmetic ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 491 - 496 , September , 2009. • Ribeiro, A. L.; Alegria; O. Postolache; H. G. Ramos; " Eddy Current Inspection of a Duralumin Plate ", Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf. , Singapore , Singapore , Vol. CD-ROM , May , 2009. • Oliveira, C.; D.S. Sebastião; D. Ladeira; G.C. Carpinteiro; M.A. Antunes; L. M. Correia; C. A. Fernandes; " Electromagnetic fields emitted by compact fluorescent lamps ", Proc The Bioelectromagnetics Society 30th Annual Meeting - BEMS , Davos , Switzerland , June , 2009. • Antunes, M.A.; C. Oliveira; D.S. Sebastião; D. Ladeira; G.C. Carpinteiro; L. M. Correia; C. A. Fernandes; " Electromagnetic Fields Radiated by Fluorescent and Compact Fluorescent Lamps ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • " Electromagnetic Fields Radiated by Fluorescent and Compact Fluorescent Lamps ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Bilro, L.; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; " Enhanced Bend Sensitivity of a Side-polished POF based Sensor ", Proc Internacional Conf. on Plastic Optical Fibers - POF , Sydney , Australia , Vol. 1 , pp. 0 - 4 , September , 2009. • Alegria, ; " Error in the IEEE 1057 Standard Random Noise Test of ADCs ", Proc IMEKO , Lisbon , Portugal , September , 2009. • Sebastião, D.S.; D. Ladeira; M.A. Antunes; C. Oliveira; L. M. Correia; " Fontes de Campos Electromagnéticos em Radiofrequência ", Proc 296 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Congresso Português de Protecção Contra Radiações - CPPCR , Lisbon , Portugal , November , 2009. • Radil, T.; P.M. Ramos; " Frequency Domain Based Algorithm for Estimation of Single-Tone Multichannel Signals ", Proc IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC , Singapore , Singapore , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. 973 - 977 , May , 2009. • Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; S.A. Antunes; F.A. Tavares; " Global Instrumentation Network for Broadband RF Spectrum Monitoring ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Sta Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2009. • Postolache, O.; H. G. Ramos; A. L. Ribeiro; Alegria; " GMR Based Eddy Current Sensing Probe for Weld Zone Testing ", Proc IEEE Sensors , Chrischurch , New Zealand , Vol. 1 , pp. 73 - 78 , October , 2009. • Radil, T.; P.M. Ramos; A.C. Serra; " Improved Method for Detection and Classification of Transients and Waveform Distortions Using Sine Fitting Algorithms ", Proc International Conf. on Renewable Energies and Power Quality - ICREPQ , Valencia , Spain , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. 485.1 - 485.5 , April , 2009. • Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; G.F. Ferraria; N. Barroso; J. M. Dias Pereira; G. Postolache; " Indoor Monitoring of Respiratory Distress Triggering Factors Using a Wireless Sensing Network and a Smart Phone ", Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf. , Singapore , Singapore , Vol. 1 , pp. 451 - 456 , May , 2009. • Ribeiro, A. L.; H. G. Ramos; " Modelização por Elementos Finitos do Processo de Ensaio não Destrutivo Utilizando Correntes de Foucault ", Proc Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. USB-Mem pen , July , 2009. • P. Antunes; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; P.S André; " Monitorization of Sea Sand Transport in Coastal Areas Using Optical Fiber Sensors ", Proc IEEE Sensors , Christchurch , New Zealand , October , 2009. • Rosado, L.; TS Santos; M. S. Piedade; P.M. Ramos; PV Vilaça; " New non-destructive test technique on metal inspection ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. Portugal , pp. 443 - 448 , September , 2009. 297 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Viegas, V.V.; P.M. Girão; J. M. Dias Pereira; " Open Controller for Distributed Instrumentation Systems ", Proc International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems , Rende, Cosenza , Italy , Vol. to be defined , September , 2009. • Neto, V. Neto; J. Santos Santos; N. Alberto; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; J. Grácio Grácio; " Optimization of diamond coatings on optical fibre sensors for biological use ", Proc International Meeting on Development in Materials, Processes and Applications of Emerging Technologies - MPA , Manchester , United Kingdom , Vol. MPA37 , July , 2009. • Ramos, P.M.; F. M. Janeiro; T. Radil; " Performance comparison of three algorithms for two-channel sinewave parameter estimation: seven parameter sine fit, ellipse fit, spectral sinc fit ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 480 - 484 , September , 2009. • Trindade, I. G.; R. Miguel; J. Lucas; J. E. Araújo; N. M. Garcia; Piezoresistive Sensors for Medical applications ", Proc 4th International Conf. on Surfaces Coatings and Nanostructured Materials - NanoSmat 2009 , Rome , Italy , pp. 1 - 1 , December , 2009. • Bilro, L.; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; " POF Technology for Pressure Sensing and Resin Cure Monitoring ", Proc European Society for Engineering Education Physics Teaching in Engineering Education - PTEE , Wroclaw , Poland , September , 2009. • Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Pulse Arrival Time and Ballistocardiogram Application to Blood Pressure Variability Estimation ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and , Cetraro , Italy , Vol. I , pp. 132 - 136 , May , 2009. • Antunes, P.; Lima; Pedro Pinto Pinto; H Varum; P.S André; " Sensor óptico para monitorização do comportamento dinâmico de estruturas ", Proc Engenharia - Jornadas da Universidade da Beira Interior , Covilhã , Portugal , November , 2009. • Radil, T.; P.M. Ramos; A.C. Serra; " Single-phase power quality analyzer based on a new detection and classification algorithm ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. 917 - 922 , September , 2009. 298 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Viegas, V.V.; J. M. Dias Pereira; P.M. Girão; " Smart Transducer Block Enables Plug & Play Transducers ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Lisbon , Portugal , September , 2009. • Borges, Luis M.; S. Lebres; P. Araújo; F. J. Velez; A. Rente ; R. Salvado; J. Jose Martinez; N. Barroca; J.M. Ferro; " Smart-Clothing, Innovation on Mobile Healthcare ", Proc Conf. da Engenharia - UBIEngenharias , Covilha , Portugal , November , 2009. • Vasconcelos, V.; Alegria; " Solar Powering of a Mobile Telemetry Station for Air Quality Monitoring ", Proc IMEKO , Lisbon , Portugal , September , 2009. • Lima, ; P. Antunes; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; " Temperature and strain discrimination using a single fibre Bragg grating written in a tapered optical fibre ", Proc Optical Fiber Sensors Conf. , Edinburgh , United Kingdom , October , 2009. • Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Unifying Visions on Continuous, Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring ", Proc DARPA Workshop on Continuous, Non-Invasive Monitoring of Blood Pressure CNIMBP , San Diego , United States , Vol. I , pp. 3 - 3 , June , 2009. • Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; J M Joaquim; G. Postolache; " Unobstrusive Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate Monitor Embedded on a Wheelchair ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and , Cetraro , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , May , 2009. • Ramos, H. G.; A. L. Ribeiro; Alegria; O. Postolache; " Using a Mouse Pointer as a Positioning Device in Eddy Current Testing ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 00 , pp. 0 - 0 , September , 2009. • Amaral, A.M.R.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Using a Simple Charge-Discharge Circuit to Estimate Capacitors Equivalent Circuit at Their Operating Conditions ", Proc IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC , Singapore , Singapore , Vol. 1 , pp. 737 - 742 , May , 2009. • Alegria, ; " Using Sinusoidal Instead of Triangular Stimulus Signals on the IEEE 1057 Standard Random Noise Test of ADCs ", Proc IMEKO , Lisbon , Portugal , September , 2009. 299 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Ramos, H. G.; O. Postolache; Alegria; A. L. Ribeiro; " Using the Skin Effect to Estimate Cracks Depths in Mettalic Structures ", Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf. , Singapore , Singapore , May , 2009. • Ramos, H. G.; A. L. Ribeiro; O. Postolache; Alegria; " Virtual Instrument to Detect Defects in Conductive Materials ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Sta Maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2009. • Ribeiro, A. L.; O. Postolache; H. G. Ramos; " Weld Testing Using Eddy Current Probes and Image Processing ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. PEN DRIVE , September , 2009. • Borges, Luis M.; N. Barroca; F. J. Velez; S. Lebres; " Wireless Flex Sensor Belt Networks for Foetal Movement Monitoring in Low Risk Pregnancies ", Proc IMEKO World Congress , Lisbon , Portugal , September , 2009. Project Reports • Ramos, H. G.; " Relatório Técnico Científico de Progresso ", FCT , PTDC/EEA-ELC/67719/2006 , January , 2009. Integrated Circuits and Systems Book Chapters • Rodrigues , M.; P. Xiau Xiao; I Chatzigeorgiou; I. J. Wassell; R Carrasco; " Design Considerations and Algorithms for Broadband Fixed WiMAX Systems " - Chapter in VLSI and Computer Architecture , Kenzo Watanabe , Nova Publisher , 2009. Papers in Journals • Guilherme, J.G.; " A 2.5 mW 80 dB DR 36 dB SNDR 22 MS/s Logarithmic Pipeline ADC ", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits , Vol. 44 , No. 10 , pp. 2755 - 2765 , October , 2009. 300 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Silva, A.; N.H. Horta; J.G. Guilherme; " Reconfigurable multi-mode sigma–delta modulator for 4G mobile terminals ", Integration, The VLSI Journal , Vol. 42 , No. 1 , pp. 34 - 46 , January , 2009. Papers in Conference Proceedings • Ribeiro, A.; T. Costa; R. Gama; R. Neves; N.H. Horta; " A bandgap Voltage Reference with Only CMOS Transistors ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 69 - 72 , May , 2009. • Barros , M.B.; J.G. Guilherme; N.H. Horta; " Analog Circuits Optimization based on Evolutionary Computation Techniques ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Feira , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , April , 2009. • Gama, R.; R. Neves; N.H. Horta; " Design of a low-power, open loop, multiply-by-two amplifier with gain-accuracy improved by local-feedback ", Proc International Conf. Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems - MIXDES , Lodz , Poland , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , June , 2009. • Sousa, P.; C. Duarte; ; J.G. Guilherme; N.H. Horta; " Enhancing Analog IC Design Optimization Kernels with Simple Fuzzy Models ", Proc European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design , Antalya , Turkey , August , 2009. • Sousa, P.; C. Duarte; N.H. Horta; " FUGA: A Fuzzy-Genetic Analog Circuit Optimization ", Proc Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conf. - GECCO , Montreal , Canada , July , 2009. • Costa, T.; R. Neves; N.H. Horta; " Low-Area 4th-Order Shared-Amplfier Sigms-delta Modulator ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa maria da Feira , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 65 - 68 , May , 2009. • Figueiredo, M.; R. L. Aguiar; " Time Precision Comparison of Digitally Controlled Delay Elements ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and System , Taipei , Taiwan , May , 2009. 301 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Logic and Computation Theory Books Chapters • Caleiro, C.; R. Gonçalves; " Algebraic valuations as behavioral logical matrices " - Chapter in WoLLIC 2009, Selected Papers, volume 5514 of Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 13-25 , M. Kanazawa, H. Ono e R. de Queiroz , Springer ,2009. • Caleiro, C.; R. Gonçalves; " Algebraic valuations as behavioral logical matrices " - Chapter in WoLLIC 2009, Selected Papers, volume 5514 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence , H. Ono, R. de Queiroz, M. Kanazawa , Springer , , 2009. • Lourenço, C.L.; " Brain Dynamics Promotes Function " - Chapter in Unconventional Computation, 8th International Conference, UC 2009, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, September 7-11, 2009, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5715 , Calude, C.S.; Costa, J.F.G.d.; Dershowitz, N.; Freire, E.; Rozenberg, G. , Springer, 2009. • Caleiro, C.; J. Marcos; " Classic-like analytic tableaux for finite-valued logics " - Chapter in WoLLIC 2009, Selected Papers, volume 5514 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 268-280 , H. Ono, R. de Queiroz, M. Kanazawa , Springer, 2009. • Graça, D.; " Computing domains of attraction for planar dynamics " Chapter in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Unconventional Computation (UC 2009), volume 5715 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science , C. S. Calude, J. F. Costa, N. Dershowitz, E. Freire, and G. Rozenberg , Springer , Ponta Delgada, Açores , 2009. • Vaz, C. V.; C. F. Ferreira; A.R. Ravara; " Dynamic Recovering of Long Running Transactions " - Chapter in Proceedings of the fourth Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing, volume 5474 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 201-215 , Christos Kaklamanis and Flemming Nielson , Springer, 2009. • Chadha, R.; P. Mateus; A. Sernadas; C. Sernadas; " Extending classical logic for reasoning about quantum systems " - Chapter in Handbook of Quantum Logic and Quantum Structures: Quantum Logic, pages 325-372 , K. Engesser, D. Gabbay and D. Lehmann , Elsevier Science, 2009. 302 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Costa, P. Costa; R. Rocha Rocha; M. Ferreira Ferreira; " Relational Models for Tabling Logic Programs in a Database " - Chapter in Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management , Dietmar Seipel, Michael Hanus, Armin Wolf , Springer , Würzburg , 2009. • Ferreira, A.; R. Correia; L. Antunes; D. Chadwick; " Security of Electronic Medical Records " - Chapter in Chapter III - Handbook of Research on Distributed Medical Informatics and E-Health , A. Lazakidou, K. Siassiakos , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference, 2009. • Baltazar, P.; P. Mateus; " Temporalization of probabilistic propositional logic " - Chapter in Logic Foundations of Computer Science 2009, volume 5407, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 46-60 , S. Artemov and A. Nerode , Springer, 2009. • Vaz, D. Vaz; V. S. Costa Costa; M. Ferreira Ferreira; " User Defined Indexing " - Chapter in Logic Programming , Patricia M. Hill, David S.Warren , Springer , Pasadena, CA , 2009. Papers in Journals • Sernadas, A.; C. Sernadas; J.R. Rasga; M. Coniglio; " A graph-theoretic account of logics ", Journal of Logic and Computation , Vol. 19 , No. 19 , pp. 1281 - 1320 , January , 2009. • Li, L.; D. Qiu Qiu; " A note on quantum sequential machines ", Theoretical Computer Science , Vol. 410 , No. 26 , pp. 2529 - 2535 , January , 2009. • Long, Y.; D. Qiu Qiu; D. Long; " An entanglement measure based on two-order minors ", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical , Vol. - , No. 42 , pp. 265301 - 265301 , January , 2009. • Qiu, D. Qiu; H. Xing; " Automata theory based on complete residuated lattice-valued logic: A categarical approach ", Fuzzy Sets and Systems , Vol. 160 , No. 16 , pp. 2416 - 2428 , January , 2009. • Qiu, D. Qiu; H. Xing; F. Liu; " Automata theory based on complete residuated lattice-valued logic: Pushdown automata ", Fuzzy Sets and Systems , Vol. 160 , No. 16 , pp. 1125 - 1140 , January , 2009. 303 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Caleiro, C.; R. Gonçalves; " Behavioral algebraization of daCosta's mathcal-systems ", Journal of Appl. Non-Classical Logics , Vol. 19 , No. 2 , pp. 127 - 148 , January , 2009. • Caleiro, C.; R. Gonçalves; M.M. Martins; " Behavioral algebraization of logics ", Studia Logica , Vol. 91 , No. 1 , pp. 63 - 111 , January , 2009. • Pinto, A.; A. Souto; A. Matos; L. Antunes; " Commitment and Authentication Systems ", , Vol. 53 , No. 3 , pp. 175 - 193 , January , 2009. • Pinto, A.; A. Souto; A. Matos; L. Antunes; " Commitment and authentication systems ", Designs, Codes and Cryptography , Vol. 53 , No. 3 , pp. 175 - 193 , December , 2009. • Graça, D.; N. Zhong; J. Buescu; " Computability, noncomputability and undecidability of maximal intervals of IVPs ", Trans. of the American Mathematical Society , Vol. 361 , No. 6 , pp. 2913 - 2927 , January , 2009. • Graça, D.; J. Buescu; M.L. Campagnolo; " Computational bounds on polynomial differential equations ", APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION , Vol. 215 , No. 4 , pp. 1375 - 1385 , January , 2009. • Antunes, L.; A. Matos; A. Souto; P. Vitányi; " Depth as Randomness deficiency ", Theory of Computing Systems , Vol. 45 , No. 4 , pp. 724 739 , January , 2009. • Liu, F.; D. Qiu Qiu; " Diagnosability of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems: A Fuzzy Approach ", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems , Vol. 17 , No. 13 , pp. 372 - 384 , January , 2009. • Collin, P.; D. Graça; " Effective Computability of Solutions of Differential Inclusions - The Ten Thousand Monkeys Approach ", Journal of Universal Computer Science , Vol. 15 , No. 6 , pp. 1162 - 1185 , January , 2009. • Jiayan, W.; H. Yi; D. Qiu Qiu; " Entanglement Properties of Adiabatic Quantum Algorithms ", Intrnl. Journal of Quantum Information , Vol. 7 , No. 8 , pp. 1 - 9 , September , 2009. • Qiu, D. Qiu; F. Liu; " Fuzzy discrete-event systems under fuzzy observability and a test algorithm ", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems , Vol. 17 , No. 3 , pp. 578 - 589 , January , 2009. 304 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Qiu, D. Qiu; S. Yu; " Hierarchy and equivalence of multi-letter quantum finite automata ", Theoretical Computer Science , Vol. 410 , No. 30-32 , pp. 3006 - 3017 , January , 2009. • Carnielli , W.; J.R. Rasga; C. Sernadas; " Interpolation via translations. ", Mathematical Logic Quarterly , Vol. 55 , No. 5 , pp. 515 - 534 , January , 2009. • Basin, D.; C. Caleiro; J. Ramos; L. Viganò; " Labelled tableaux for distributed temporal logic ", Journal of Logic and Computation , Vol. 19 , No. 6 , pp. 1245 - 1279 , January , 2009. • Sernadas, A.; C. Sernadas; J.R. Rasga; M. Coniglio; " On graph-theoretic fibring of logics ", Journal of Logic and Computation , Vol. 19 , No. 19 , pp. 1321 - 1357 , January , 2009. • Wu, L.; L. Li; X. Zou; D. Qiu Qiu; L. Li; " On mathematical theory of the duality computers ", Quantum Information Processing , Vol. 8 , No. 14 , pp. 37 - 50 , January , 2009. • Qiu, D. Qiu; Y. Long; D. Long; " Perfect teleportation between arbitrary split of six partites by a maximally genuinely entangled six-qubit state ", Intrnl. Journal of Quantum Information , January , 2009. • Qiu, D. Qiu; Y. Long; D. Long; " Perfect teleportation of unknown qudit by a D-level GHZ channel ", Intrnl. Journal of Quantum Information , January , 2009. • Qiu, D. Qiu; H. Yi; W. Jiayan; " Practical full and partial separability criteria for multipartite pure states based on the coefficient matrix method ", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical , Vol. 42 , No. 42 , pp. 425306 - 425306 , October , 2009. • Li, L.; D. Qiu Qiu; L. Li; L. Wu; X. Zou; " Probabilistic broadcasting of mixed states ", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & General , Vol. 42 , No. 13 , pp. 175302 - 175302 , January , 2009. • Zou, X.; D. Qiu Qiu; L. Li; L. Wu; L. Li; " Semiquantum-key distribution using less than four quantum states ", Physical Review A , Vol. - , No. 79 , pp. 052312 - 052312 , January , 2009. • Situ, Haozhen; D. Qiu Qiu; " Simultaneous dense coding ", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical , Vol. 43 , No. 5 , pp. 055301 055301 , January , 2009. 305 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Antunes, L.; L. Fortnow; " Sophistication Revisited ", Theory of Computing Systems , Vol. 45 , No. 1 , pp. 150 - 161 , June , 2009. • Adão, P.; G. Bana; J. Herzog; A. Scedrov; " Soundness and completeness of formal encryption: the cases of key-cycles and partial information leakage ", Journal of Computer Security , Vol. 17 , No. 5 , pp. 737 - 797 , December , 2009. • Ribeiro, P. Ribeiro; H. Simões Simões; M. Ferreira Ferreira; " Teaching Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming in a Competitive Environment ", Informatics in Education , Vol. 8 , No. 1 , pp. 85 - 100 , January , 2009. Papers in Conference Proceedings • Caleiro, C.; " Modeling and reasoning about an attacker with cryptanalytical capabilities ", Proc Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages - QAPL , York , United Kingdom , March , 2009. • Fernandes , G. Falcão; L. Sousa; V. Silva; J. S. M. Marinho; " Parallel LDPC Decoding on the Cell/B.E. Processor ", Proc International Conf. on High Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers - HiPEAC , Paphos , Cyprus , January , 2009. • Gamboni, M.; " Responsive Choice in Mobile Processes - Short Talk ", Proc LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE - LICS 2009 , Los Angeles, California , United States , August , 2009. • Antunes, L.; L. Fortnow; " Worst-Case Running Times for Average-Case Algorithms ", Proc IEEE Conf. on Computational Complexity , Paris , France , July , 2009. Power Electronics and Power Systems Book Chapters • Cardoso, A. J. M.; L.oliveira Oliveira; " Power Transformers Fault Diagnostics by Park’s Vector Approach " - Chapter in Modern Transformers in Practice: Analysis, Design and Measurement , Xose López-Fernández, H. Bülent Ertan and Janusz Turowski , Springer , London , 2009 . 306 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Papers in Journals • Perdigão, M.; J. Álvarez; E. S. Saraiva; " Magnetically-controlled dimming technique with isolated output ", Electronics Letters , Vol. 45 , No. 14 , pp. 756 - 758 , July , 2009. • " Projeto e implementação de um reator eletrônico microcontrolado, de elevado fator de potência, orientado a lâmpadas de vapor metálico ", , Vol. 20 , No. 3 , pp. 405 - 416 , September , 2009. • Valtchev, S.; B. Borges; " Resonant Contactless Energy Transfer with Improved Efficient ", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics , Vol. 24 , No. 3 , pp. 685 - 699 , March , 2009. • Drif, M.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " The Use of the Instantaneous Reactive Power Signature Analysis for Rotor Cage Faults Diagnostics in ThreePhase Induction Motors ", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , Vol. 56 , No. 11 , pp. 4606 - 4614 , November , 2009. • Amaral, A.M.R.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Using Hybrid Systems Theory to Simulate the Behaviour of Step-Down DC-DC Converters ", Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica , Vol. 9 , No. 4 , pp. 37 - 41 , December , 2009 . Papers in Conference Proceedings • Álvarez, J.; M. Perdigão; D. Gacio Gacio; E. S. Saraiva; " A digitallycontrolled universal ballast based on magnetic regulator and PSoC device ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics - ISIE , Seoul , Korea, South , July , 2009. • Perdigão, M.; B. Baptista Baptista; J. Álvarez; E. S. Saraiva; " A Dynamic-Inductance Model for Magnetically Controlled Electronic Ballasts ", Proc Universities Power Engineering Conf. - UPEC , Glasgow , United Kingdom , September , 2009. • Perdigão, M.; J. Álvarez; E. S. Saraiva; " A New Integrated Variable Transformer Topology for Electronic Ballasts ", Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON , Porto , Portugal , November , 2009. • Cruz, S. M. A. ; M. Ferreira; A. J. M. Cardoso; " A New Method for the Detection and Location of Faults in Matrix Converters ", Proc IEEE 307 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES International Electric Machines and Drives Conf. , Miami, FL , United States , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. 194 - 199 , May , 2009. • Costa, V.C.; P.M. Santos; B. Borges; " An Improved Design Method for Monolithic CMOS Quasi-Square-Wave DC-DC Converters ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Sta Maria Feira , Portugal , Vol. , pp. - , May , 2009. • Reis, C.; F.M. Barbosa; " Assessment of Voltage Stability of Electrical Power Systems: A Simulational Survey ", Proc International Conf. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering - ELECO , Bursa , Turkey , pp. 373 - 376 , November , 2009. • Cruz, S. M. A. ; M. Ferreira; " Comparison between back-to-back and matrix converter drives under faulty conditions ", Proc European Power Electronics Conf. - EPE , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. P1 - P10 , September , 2009. • Pestana, H. A. P.; C. A. F. Ferreira; H.R. Ribeiro; P. Matos; " Constant Power Electronic Gear for Electrical Vehicle ", Proc International Conf. on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives - POWERENG , Lisbon , Portugal , 396 - 401 , March , 2009. • Ribeiro, H.R.; B. Borges; " Control Strategy for a High Efficiency Single Stage Converter ", Proc IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2010) - ECCE , San José , United States , Vol. - , pp. 604 - 610 , September , 2009. • Ferreira, C. A. F.; B. Borges; L. V. Sá; " Design of One Cycle Control for Low Distortion Bipolar Switching Inverters ", Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON , Porto , Portugal , November , 2009. • Cruz, S. M. A. ; M. Ferreira; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Diagnosis of open-circuit faults in matrix converters ", Proc European Power Electronics Conf. EPE , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. P1 - P11 , September , 2009. • Caseiro, J. C.; A. M. S. Mendes; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Fault Diagnosis on a PWM Rectifier AC Drive System with Fault Tolerance Using the Average Current Park’s Vector Approach ", Proc IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conf. , Florida , United States , Vol. - , pp. 695 701 , May , 2009. 308 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Estima, J. O.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Impact of Inverter Faults in the Overall Performance of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives ", Proc IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conf. , Miami , United States , Vol. , pp. 1319 - 1325 , May , 2009. • Reis, C.; F.M. Barbosa; " Line Indices for Voltage Stability Assessment ", Proc IEEE Bucharest PowerTech 2009 , Bucharest , Romania , June , 2009. • Reis, C.; A. Andrade; F.M. Barbosa; " Line Stability Indices for Voltage Collapse Prediction ", Proc International Conf. on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives - POWERENG , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. , pp. 239 - 243 , March , 2009. • Perdigão, M.; J. Álvarez; D. Gacio Gacio; E. S. Saraiva; " Magneticallycontrolled Electronic Ballasts with Isolated Output: The Variable Transformer Solution ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics - ISIE , Seoul , Korea, South , Vol. xx , pp. xx - xx , July , 2009. • Reis, C.; A. Andrade; F.M. Barbosa; " Methods for PreventingVoltage Collapse ", Proc International Conf. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering - ELECO , Bursa , Turkey , Vol. - , pp. 368 - 372 , November , 2009. • Cruz, S. M. A. ; M. Ferreira; A. M. S. Mendes; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Modulated Error Voltages for the Diagnosis of Faults in Matrix Converters ", Proc IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2010) ECCE , San Jose, CA , United States , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. 2263 - 2270 , September , 2009. • Ferreira, C. A. F.; B. Borges; L. V. Sá; " One Cycle Control Design for High Performance Two-Level Power Inverters ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Pérez, A. A. P.; A.V. Vieira; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Organização e Gestão da Manutenção de Elementos Contra Incêndios em Edifícios Escolares ", Proc Congresso Nacional de Manutenção Industrial , Figueira da Foz , Portugal , Vol. 26 , pp. 1 - 14 , November , 2009. • Ferreira, C. A. F.; B. Borges; L. V. Sá; " Output Filter Solutions for Class D Power Amplifiers: Analysis, Characterization and Recent Developments 309 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES ", Proc AES 37th Conf. Class D Audio Amplification , Hillerød , Denmark , August , 2009. • Mendes, A. M. S.; " Performance Analysis of Three-Phase Pwm Rectifiers for High Power Quality Applications ", Proc International Conf. on Renewable Energies and Power Quality - ICREPQ , Valencia , Spain , Vol. CDROM , pp. 1 - 6 , April , 2009. • Estima, J. O.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Performance Evaluation of DTC-SVM Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives Under Inverter Fault Conditions ", Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON , Porto , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. 1 - 5 , November , 2009. • Pérez, A. A. P.; A.V. Vieira; A. J. M. Cardoso; " School Buildings Assets Maintenance Management and Organization for Vertical Transportation Equipments ", Proc International Society of Engineering Asset Management World Congress of Engineering Asset Management WCEAM , Athens , Greece , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 9 , September , 2009. • " School Buildings Assets - Maintenance Management and Organization for Vertical Transportation Equipments ", Proc International Society of Engineering Asset Management World Congress of Engineering Asset Management - WCEAM , Athens , Greece , Vol. 1 , September , 2009. • Ribeiro, H.R.; B. Borges; C. A. F. Ferreira; " Single Stage Techniques for Power Factor Correction ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Santa Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Ribeiro, H.R.; F.S. Silva; S. Pinto; B. Borges; " Single Stage, Inverter for PV Applications with One Cycle Sampling Technique in the MPPT Algorithm ", Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON , Porto , Portugal , November , 2009. • Amaral, A.M.R.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " State Condition Estimation of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Used on the Primary Side of ATX Power Supplies ", Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON , Porto , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 447 - 452 , November , 2009. • Caseiro, J. C.; A. M. S. Mendes; A. J. M. Cardoso; " The Usage of a PWM Rectifier to Improve Three-Phase Induction Motor Drive Performance under Fault Conditions ", Proc European Conf. on Power Electronics and Applications , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. - , pp. 1 - 10 , September , 2009. 310 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Reis, C.; B. Neto; R.P. Dionísio; G. I. Incerti; G. Tosi-Beleffi; D. Forin; Ana M. Rocha; A.T. Teixeira; P.S André; " Transience analysis of bursty traffic with Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , São Miguel,Azores , Portugal , Tu.B2.4 - , June , 2009. • " Uninterruptible Energy Production in Standalone Power Systems for Telecommunication ", Proc International Conf. on Renewable Energies and Power Quality - ICREPQ , Valencia , Southern Ocean , Vol. - , pp. 1 6 , April , 2009. • Amaral, A.M.R.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Using a Sinusoidal PWM to Estimate the ESR of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors ", Proc International Conf. on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives - POWERENG , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 691 - 696 , March , 2009. • Reis, C.; A. Andrade; F.M. Barbosa; " Voltage Stability Analysis of Electrical Power System ", Proc International Conf. on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives - POWERENG , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. 244 - 248 , March , 2009 . Project Reports • Perdigão, M.; " Electronic Ballasts: A new dimming technology ", IT , PTDC/EEA-ENE/66859/2006 , December , 2009. Technology and Materials Papers in Journals • Matos, M.; " Biosensor for acrylamide based on an ion-selective electrode using whole cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa containing amidase activity ", Biocatalysis and Biotransformation , Vol. 27 , No. 2 , pp. 143 - 151 , March , 2009. • Rabaça, S.; A. Cerdeira; I. C. Santos; L. Pereira; M. Fourmigué; R. T. Henriques; M. Almeida; " Complexes based on asymmetrically substituted pyridine-dithiolene ligands [M(4-pedt)(2)] (M = Au, Cu, Ni; 4-pedt = 1-(pyridin-4-yl)-ethylene-1,2-dithiolate): Synthesis, structure 311 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES and physical properties ", Polyhedron , Vol. 28 , No. 6 , pp. 1069 - 1078 , April , 2009. • Fernandes, M.; S.S.N. Nobre; M. Gonçalves; A. Charas; J. Morgado; R. A. Sá Ferreira; L. D. Carlos; V. Bermudez; " Dual role of a di-urethanesil hybrid doped with europium -diketonate complexes containing either water ligands or a bulky chelating ligand ", Journal of Materials Chemistry , Vol. 19 , No. 6 , pp. 733 - 742 , January , 2009. • Graf, D.; J. S. Brooks; E. Choi; M. Almeida; R. T. Henriques; J. C. Dias; S. Barroso; " Geometrical and orbital effects in a quasi-one-dimensional conductor ", Physical Review B , Vol. 80 , No. 15 , pp. 155104 - 155104 , October , 2009. • Charas, A.; Q. Ferreira Ferreira; J. Farinhas; M. Matos; L.A. Alcácer; J. Morgado; " Insoluble Patterns of Cross-Linkable Conjugated Polymers from Blend Demixing in Spin Cast Films ", Macromolecules , Vol. 42 , No. , pp. 7903 - 7912 , October , 2009. • Paolo, R.; H. Burrows; J. Morgado; A. Maçanita; " Photodynamics of a PV Trimer in High-Viscosity Solvents and in PMMA Films: A New Insight into Energy Transfer versus Conformational Relaxation in Conjugated Polymers ", ChemPhysChem , Vol. 10 , No. 2 , pp. 448 - 454 , February , 2009. • Morgado, L.; L.A. Alcácer; J. Morgado; " Polymer light-emitting diodes efficiency dependence on bipolar charge traps concentration ", Research Letters in Materials Science , Vol. 2009 , No. nd , pp. 503042-1 503042-4 , September , 2009. • Morgado, L.; L.A. Alcácer; J. Morgado; " Polymer light-emitting diodes efficiency dependence on bipolar charge traps concentration ", Research Letters in Materials Science , Vol. 2009 , No. 503042 , pp. 1 - 4 , July , 2009. • Bernardo , G.; G. B. Gonçalves; P. B. Barquinha; Q. Ferreira Ferreira; G. Brotas Brotas; L.P. Pereira; A. Charas; J. Morgado; R. M. Martins; E. F. Fortunato; " Polymer light-emitting diodes with amorphous indium-zinc oxide anodes deposited at room temperature ", Synthetic Metals , Vol. 159 , No. 11 , pp. 1112 - 1115 , June , 2009. • Brooks, J. S.; S. Rabaça; I. C. Santos; R. T. Henriques; M. Almeida; " Pyridine-Functionalised (Vinylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene (VDT-TTF) 312 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Derivatives and Their Dithiolene Analogues ", European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry , Vol. 2009 , No. 21 , pp. 3084 - 3093 , April , 2009. • Aguiar, P.; " Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Vanadium Salan Complexes in Oxygen Transfer Reactions ", Inorganic Chemistry , Vol. 48 , No. 8 , pp. 3542 - 3561 , March , 2009. • Pessoa, J.; R. T. Henriques; F. Avecilla; I. Correia; " Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Vanadium-Salan Complexes in Oxygen Transfer Reactions ", Inorganic Chemistry , Vol. 48 , No. 8 , pp. 3542 - 3561 , April , 2009. Papers in Conference Proceedings • Farinhas, J.; Q. Ferreira Ferreira; S. Fonseca; H. Burrows; M. Matos; L.A. Alcácer; J. Morgado; A. Charas; " Columnar-grain Films of Conjugated Polymers ", Proc International Symp. on Flexible Organic Electronics IS-FOE09 , Halkidiki , Greece , Vol. 1 , pp. 90 - 90 , July , 2009. • Pecoraro, E.; P.S André; Carlos; " d-U600 Aerogels and Xerogels: Low Density Hybrids Materials for Thermal and Microwave Insulation ", Proc ISGS XVth International Sol-Gel Conf. - Sol-Gel 2009 , Porto de Galinhas , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 358 - 359 , August , 2009. • Arruda, K. S.; L.P. Camargo; Carlos; V. Bermudez; Ferreira; E. Pecoraro; Y. M. Messaddeq; S. J. L. R. Ribeiro; " Luminescent Amidosil Hybrids from Ricinoleic Acid and 3-Aminopropyltriethoxisilane ", Proc ISGS XVth International Sol-Gel Conf. - Sol-Gel 2009 , Porto de Galinhas , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 351 - 351 , August , 2009. • Farinhas, J.; Q. Ferreira Ferreira; M. Matos; J. Morgado; A. Charas; " Patterned films formed via spin coating blends of semiconducting and insulating polymers ", Proc Encontro Nacional de Química-Física da SPQ , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 111 - 111 , June , 2009. • Charas, A.; J. Farinhas; Q. Ferreira Ferreira; M. Matos; L.A. Alcácer; J. Morgado; " Patterned films of semiconducting polymers made by spin coating ", Proc International Symp. on Flexible Organic Electronics - ISFOE09 , Halkidiki , Greece , Vol. , pp. 54 - 54 , July , 2009. 313 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • Charas, A.; A. Mendonça; J. C. Clark; G. L. Lanzani; L. B. Bazzana; A. N. Nocivelli; J. Morgado; " Plastic Optical fibers with Gain and switching ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Sta Maria da Feira , Portugal , May , 2009. • Ferreira, Q. Ferreira; J. Morgado; " Properties of thiols self-assembled monolayers on gold ", Proc Encontro Nacional de Química-Física da SPQ , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 11 - 11 , June , 2009. • Pecoraro, E.; J. L. Ferrari; R. R. Gonçalves; S. J. L. R. Ribeiro; Carlos; " RED & GREEN UPCONVERSION FROM SiO2-Ta2O5:Yb3+/Er3+ ENCLOSED IN d-U(600) HYBRIDS FOR LIGHT AMPLIFICATION ", Proc ISGS XVth International Sol-Gel Conf. - Sol-Gel 2009 , Porto de Galinhas , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 60 - 61 , August , 2009. • Morgado, J.; A. Charas; G. Bernardo ; Q. Ferreira Ferreira; L.A. Alcácer; " ROLE OF INTERFACES IN POLYMER-BASED ELECTRONIC DEVICES(abstract only) ", Proc III Reunión Ibérica de Coloides e Interfases - RICI , Granada , Spain , July , 2009. • Ferreira, ; C. Vicente; V.R. Fernandes; L.R. Xavier; E. Pecoraro; S. J. L. R. Ribeiro; L. D. Carlos; " Self-Patterned Organic-Inorganic Hybrids for Fibre Optics Access Networks ", Proc ISGS XVth International Sol-Gel Conf. - Sol-Gel 2009 , Porto de Galinhas , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 87 - 88 , August , 2009. • Borges, Luis M.; N. Barroca; F. J. Velez; A. Lebres; " Smart-Clothing Wireless Flex Sensor Belt Network for Foetal Health Monitoring ", Proc International Workshop on Wireless Pervasive Healthcare - WiPH 2009 , London , United Kingdom , March , 2009. • Bilro, L.; H. Cunha; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; " Technical Textiles with Embedded Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors ", Proc Optical Fiber Sensors Conf. , Edimburgh , United Kingdom , Vol. 7503 , pp. 75035T - 75035T-4 , October , 2009. • Ferreira, ; C. Vicente; E. Pecoraro; P.S André; R.N. Nogueira; N. Wada; " Zirconium Modified Di-ureasils Organic-Inorganic Hybrids as Substrates for Waveguide and Bragg Gratings Patterned via Direct Laser Writing and Nano Imprint Lithography ", Proc Hybrid Materials Conf. , Tours , France , Vol. 1 , pp. B1125 - B1125 , March , 2009. 314 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 4.4.7 Other Achievements Patents • Matias, A.; H. Gamboa; Silva; H. Silva; " Blood Vessels Pricking Aiding Electronic Device ", Patente de Invenção Nacional nº 104343 , March , 2009. • Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; " Módulo de identificação e aquisição de dados para transdutores com saída analógica em tensão ou corrente ", PT300909 , November , 2009. • anches, J.; R. Neves; T. Paiva; " Sistema de monitorização da temperatura central para diagnóstico de distúrbios de sono ", Portugal , May , 2009. • Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; G. Postolache; E.C. Pinheiro; " Unidade de sistema ubíquo para monitorização de parâmetros fisiológicos em sujeitos humanos e sua identificação/localização baseada em sensores inteligentes não obstrutivos e leitor RFID embebidos numa cadeira de rodas, com módulo de computação ubíqua bas ", PT104602 , September , 2009 . Awards • Girão, P.M.; " Doctor Honoris Causa ", Doctor Honoris Causa, Technical University "GH. Asachi", Iasi , 01-09-2009. • Perdigão, M.; B. Baptista Baptista; J. Álvarez; E. S. Saraiva; " Shortlisted Best Presentation UPEC 2009 ", Shortlisted Best Presentation UPEC 2009: "A Dynamic-Inductance Model for Magnetically Controlled Electronic Ballasts, M. S. Perdigão, B. Baptista, J. M. Alonso, E. S. Saraiva, Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2009. ", 01-09-2009. Miscellaneous • Paunkovic, N.; V. Vieira; P.D. Sacramento; P. Nogueira; V. K. Dugaev; " Tutorial ", Quantum Information and Phase Transitions: Fidelity and State Distinguishability,2009 Arnold Sommerfield Summer School "Condensed Matter Physica and Ultra cold Quantum Gases" - Poster session, ", Poster Session , 01-10-2009. • Velez, F. J.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Sistema de Monitorização da Humidade do Solo para Gestão Eficiente de Irrigação, defendida com sucesso pelo 315 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES licenciado Helder Filipe de Brito Neves na Universidade da Beira Interior, Set. 2009 ", , 01-09-2009. • Pinheiro, E.C.; " Invited Talks ", Continuous, Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring: Unifying Visions ", DARPA CNIMBP Workshop , 01-06-2009. • Gouveia, M. C.G.; " Invited Talks ", H-polynomials ", MAT-TRIAD, Bedlewo, Poland , 01-03-2009. • Borges, B.; " PhD Thesis Jury ", Resonant Switching Technologies for Mains Converters -Raúl Domingos Monteiro- IST ", 01-03-2009 . 4.4.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees • IEEE International Conf. on Social Computing - SocialCom-09, Technical Programme Committee, Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos, 01-01-2009 • ISGS XVth International Sol-Gel Conf. - Sol-Gel 2009, Organizing Committee, Edison Pecoraro, 01-01-2009 • IMEKO World Congress, Organizing Committee, Fernando Tim Tim Janeiro, 01-01-2009 • IMEKO World Congress, Organizing Committee, António Cruz Serra, 01-012009 • IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Technical Programme Committee, António Cruz Serra, 01-01-2009 • IEEE AFRICON Conf. in Africa, Technical Programme Chairman, Helena Ramos, 01-01-2009 • IMEKO World Congress, Organizing Committee, Helena Ramos, 01-01-2009 • IEEE AFRICON Conf. in Africa, Scientific Committee, Helena Ramos, 01-012009 • IEEE AFRICON Conf. in Africa, Technical Programme Committee, Artur Lopes Ribeiro, 01-01-2009 • IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and, Technical Programme Committee, Octavian Postolache, 01-01-2009 316 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – BASIC SCIENCES & ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES • IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Technical Programme Committee, Octavian Postolache, 01-01-2009 • IMEKO World Congress, Organizing Committee, Raúl Martins, 01-01-2009 • International Conf. on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives POWERENG, Technical Programme Committee, Beatriz Borges, 01-01-2009 • IEEE Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and System, Technical Programme Committee, Maria Helena Silva Fino, 01-01-2009 • IEEE Conf. on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Technical Programme Committee, Maria Helena Silva Fino, 01-01-2009 317