MAY - Madison Chamber of Commerce


MAY - Madison Chamber of Commerce
May 2012
A newsletter of the Madison Area Chamber of Commerce
Fallen Heroes Display Coming to Madison
Courtney VanZanten
It took decades for the Vietnam, Korea
and World War II memorials to come to
fruition. Soldiers, sailors and airmen
lacked formal recognition for the sacrifices
made on those battlegrounds for years
after the battles were done. Chaplain
Lynn Wilson, of the South Dakota
National Guard, wanted to change that for
veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. He set
forth creating South Dakota’s first traveling memorial, the Fallen Heroes Display
Banners, until a formal Operation
Freedom memorial could be established.
In August of 2009, the display became a
Lined with flags, the pictorial banners
honoring South Dakota’s fallen are a sight
to behold. The 35 banners include the
member's name, birthdate, hometown, the
unit he served with, and when and where
he died. The display, a stark and somber
reminder of the ultimate price paid by
some serving, is especially poignant as we
recognize all those who sacrificed over
Memorial Day.
The VFW Post 2638 of Madison, SD will
be hosting the banner display from May
27th until June 1st. More details concerning the exhibit can be found at the Post’s
South Dakota’s Fallen Heroes:
CW2 Hans Gukeisen - US Army
PFC Sheldon Hawk Eagle - US Army
CW2 Scott Saboe - US Army
CPT Christopher Soelzer - US Army
SGT Dennis Morgan - SDARNG
SSG Cory Brooks - SDARNG
LCPL Jeremy Bohlman - USMC
LCPL Joseph Welke - USMC
PFC Gunnar Becker - US Army
SSG Jason Montefering - US Army
CW2 Paul Pillen - SDARNG
SPC Daniel Bartels - US Army
SFC Richard Schild - SDARNG
SSG Daniel Cuka - SDARNG
CPL Brett Lundstrom - USMC
SGT Jeremiah Boehmer - US Army
SPC Patrick Herried - US Army
SGT Allen Kokesh Jr. - SDARNG
SSG Gregory Wagner - SDARNG
SSG Robb Rolfing - US Army
SSG Zachary Tomczak - US Army
1LT Thomas Martin - US Army
CPL Tanner O’Leary - US Army
SRA Jonathan Vega Yelner - USAF
SPC Estell Turner - US Army
SSG Jeremy Vrooman - US Army
SSG LeRoy Webster - US Army
SSG Brian Berky - USAF
SGT Eduviges Guadalupe Wolf - US Army
SSG Shane Barnard - US Army
SGT Israel Paul O’Bryan - US Army
CPT Dale Goetz - US Army
SRA Michael Hinkle - USAF
SSG Lex Lewis - US Army
SPC Dennis Jensen - SDARNG
Mart-in-the-Park on Saturday, July
28 will once again attract artists,
crafters, and food vendors to fill the
library park in downtown Madison.
This festive event during Crazy
Days is sponsored by Madison
Christian School and will feature
local and regional vendors with
booths displaying a wide range of fine
crafts, art, merchandise, and food.
Come and listen to the live entertainment or enjoy some great food!
Plenty of shaded seating is available
in a family friendly environment.
Kids will discover an inflatable slide
and Bobo the Clown to keep them
entertained in the park!
Mart-in-the-Park will run from 9:00
am until 3:00 pm. This local event is a
great way to enjoy your community
with family, friends, and neighbors.
If you are interested in being a vendor for this popular event, you please
call Melissa at 480-2839, email at
[email protected], or check
Donna Uthe
Ph: 256-6628
Ecco, Inc.
Brenda Thompson
Vice President
Ph: 270-0482
HJN Team Real Estate
Val Burg
Ph: 256-9105
B&G Transportation
Bernie Schuurmans
Ph: 256-2670
Madison Family Dental
Bob Sahr
Ph: 256-4536
East River Electric
Russell Olson
Ph: 256-6536
Donna Fawbush
Ph: 256-5666
Dakota Prairie Playhouse
Scott Backus
Ph: 256-2049
Power Promotions
Shari Eliason
Ph: 256-4441
2nd Street Diner
Eric Sinclair
Ph: 256-4000
Montgomery’s Furniture
Scott Delzer
Madison City Commissioner
Scott Pedersen
Lake Co. Commissioner
Dr. David B. Borofsky
President, DSU
Vince Schaefer
Supt., Madison Central Schools
Aaron Walter
Dir., Community Center
SFC Mark Ferber
211th En. Co. National Guard
Julie Gross
Executive Director
Penni Groce
Office Manager
From the Board. . .
Have you ever stopped to consider how lucky we are to have the variety of businesses we have in Madison? Think about our downtown, the industrial parks and even
out at the lakes. This isn’t news to those of you reading this. You already know we have
a good thing going.
There is one person who thinks about each and every one of this community’s successes and failures every day and every night. Actually, it is her job to think about
Madison. Julie Gross is always thinking about how to keep what we have, bring in
more opportunities and promote Madison in a manner that people outside our community will have a chance to “Discover the Unexpected.”
Hers is a job that often goes unnoticed when things are going well, which is a sign
that a chamber director is doing a good job. However, this isn’t an easy ship to steer.
The Chamber director is a social worker, event planner, therapist, economist, business
analyst, ambassador, welcoming committee and even a farewell planner in some cases.
We are fortunate in Madison to have an individual who came in when we needed her
most and ensured that the Greater Madison Area Chamber of Commerce retained credibility and professionalism. Julie has attended hundreds of committee meetings,
planned countless “Chamber Events” and never seems to miss a beat. Madison is lucky
to have Julie Gross as our Chamber’s executive director, so when you see her, tell her
thanks for putting Madison first and keep up the great work.
Russell Olson
Chamber Board of Directors
6th Annual Northern Bull Riding
Tour comes to Prairie Village
The 6th annual Northern Bull Riding
Tour is coming to Prairie Village on
Friday, June 8th. The evening will begin
with a Calcutta at 6:30 pm and bull riding
at 7:00 pm. For the past several years,
the family fun entertainment has drawn a
standing room only crowd and another
successful event is anticipated.
According to Stan Rauch, Manager at
Prairie Village, “The additional seating
that we have added in recent years has
enabled this popular event to be enjoyed
by an ever increasing number of atten-
The event is supported by the Madison
Chamber of Commerce Ag Committee and
plans are underway for committee members to give away Chamber Bucks during
intermission. Following the bull riding, a
fundraiser will be held for the Madison
A mechanical bull will also be available
for both young and old to ride. For more
information contact Prairie Village at
256-3644 or the Chamber of Commerce at
Chamber Golf Classic tees
off June 15
The Recreational & Tournament committee is seeking teams to participate in
the 2012 Chamber golf classic at the
Lakes Golf Course on Friday, June 15.
Both Chamber members and non
members are encouraged to participate.
Teams consist of four players.
Chamber member-sponsored teams, the
registration fee is $175 and for teams
without a Chamber sponsor, the registration fee is $200.
Contact the Madison Chamber of
Commerce for more information or to register at 256-2454.
For the third year, Jeff Laddusaw,
owner of a Kings Craft Houseboat, and
Mike and Jody Anderson, owners of the
Hillside Resort, have teamed up to offer
boat cruises on Lake Madison. Cruises
will depart from the Hillside on
Wednesday’s and Friday’s at 6:30 pm in
June and on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s
at 7:00 pm in July and August.
The cost is $15 and passengers can
enjoy a meal at the Hillside before the
cruise and receive $5 off the price of their
cruise. Laddusaw’s boat, “Ladditude”
offers a two hour cruise of Lake Madison.
Contact the Hillside at 256-9558 for reservations or more details.
The “Ladditude” is also available for
private parties including birthdays, class
reunions, bachelor/bachelorette parties
and wedding parties. The boat holds 3540 passengers.
Cruises offered at
Lake Madison
Executive Director
from the
Articles for the Chamber newsletter
are generally written a week and a half
to two weeks before they are delivered in
your mailbox. I try to keep articles timely which is why I am re-writing my
director’s article and the newsletter is
ready to print any minute.
As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, I
have accepted the position as the
Executive Director of the Lake Area
Improvement Corporation. I have thoroughly enjoyed my job at the Chamber
and working with each of you. The
Madison Chamber does many wonderful
things for our community and I am
proud and honored to have been part of
During my time at the Chamber several programs have been changed and
enhanced. I wish I could take the credit
for all the positive changes that have
been made, but I can’t – it was a ‘team’
effort. Many of you have been on the
team with me. If you’ve been on the
Chamber board of directors, a committee
or someone who has attended and supported our activities, you have been part
of that team. None of our activities and
events would happen without you.
I love being part of the Madison community and if you’re living here, I
assume you do, too. Together we have
made great strides – new programs have
been started and others enhanced.
Leadership Madison has reached a new
level with the addition of the group projects. The dedication of the participants
in the program and those that plan the
program has been amazing. Sales tax
dollars increased last year and your
choices to buy local has helped make
that happen.
I ask that you continue to support the
Chamber and their wide range of activities. Attend events, offer suggestions,
join a committee and continue to shop
local and purchase chamber bucks.
Operations at the Chamber are running
smoothly and I am confident the board of
directors will make the right decisions
during this transition.
There is one person I haven’t mentioned and she deserves an enormous
amount of credit for all she does. Penni
greets everyone with a smile, gives out
information about events, goes along
with new ideas and does a fabulous job
on the computer. No matter what kind
of report I asked for, Penni would produce it. She quickly learned new software when it was purchased and has
been an integral part of the ‘team’. She
is excellent at her job and I appreciate
her positive attitude and willingness to
go along with the many changes that
have occurred.
As I move down the hall to my new
position, I will continue to promote
Madison and try to do what’s best for our
community. I have lived here most of my
life, have deep roots in the community
and just like all of you, I only want
what’s best for Madison. I’m excited
about the opportunities for Madison and
Lake County and look forward to continuing to work with you and for you, just
in a different capacity.
Until next month, enjoy your community and the lakes as you “Discover the
Arbor Day - 4th Grade Essay Winners
By Mason Avery
Madison Elementary
1st Place – 4th Grade
The Top 10 Ways trees are important in our life
Picture -4th grade winners
4th graders wrote essays about Arbor Day and the winners are left to right,
Sadie Kooiker – 2nd place, Mason Avery – 1st place and Sydney Johnson – tied
for 3rd place. Not pictured is Olivia Comes from St Thomas School, who tied
for 3rd place.
3rd Place – 4th Grade (tie for 3rd place)
10. Trees can provide entertainment. It can be fun to climb a tree.
9. Trees can sometimes provide wood for our campfires. Without the wood, we
wouldn’t have a fire.
8. Trees help break the wind. Not everyone wants the wind in their backyard,
so then they could make a tree barricade.
7. Trees help stop erosion. Without trees, the land would wash away after a
hard rainfall.
6. Trees give us shade. If it was really hot out, you would probably want some
place to cool down so you don’t get too hot.
5. Trees can provide food for humans and animals. Without the fruits we eat,
we could possibly get scurvey.
4. Trees help beautify the landscape. The landscape would look awfully baron
if there were no trees.
3. Trees help build our homes with the timber they provide. We all need wood
to build our homes.
2. Trees give homes to birds and animals. If there were no trees, we wouldn’t
see the birds or the animals that live in the trees.
1. Now, the number one reason trees are important is trees take in carbon
dioxide and release oxygen. With too much carbon dioxide, we could die.
2nd Place - 4th Grade
By Olivia Comes
St. Thomas School
By Sadie Kooiker
Madison Elementary
Why are trees important in our life?
Trees are an important part of our environment, they serve many purposes.
Trees provide clean air, which helps fight pollution. They also provide strength for
soil which helps things grow. Trees are very beautiful to look at and provide
homes for animals, birds and many small animals. Trees also protect homes from
strong winds.
I think it is important to plant trees to replace the ones that are cut down.
Because without trees the world would not be as beautiful, and many things
would suffer.
Why Are Trees Important?
Trees are important to us in many ways. The most common is probably that
they produce oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. Without trees no one would be
able to survive. Carbon dioxide is bad for the environment so when they take it in,
trees clean out the air. If we didn’t have these beautiful plants our world would be
a disaster zone.
The second most popular reason to why trees are important is they provide
homes and shelter for many species of animals. Birds, sloths, insects, and monkeys
are only some of the animals that live in these amazing plants. No trees means no
robins in the summer or no owls hooting at night or sloths climbing lazily along the
branches. Trees protect tons of animals.
Another reason is they provide food and medicine for humans and animals.
Some animals get all their meals from trees. Without trees they could die and go
extinct, which we don’t want to happen. Trees make fruits and nuts for everyone to
The last reason is for scenery. They have bright juicy fruits in the summer, colorful blossoms in the spring, a rainbow of colors in fall and sparkly frozen branches
in winter time. Trees make a nice picture to paint or draw. They are perfect for the
background for a family picture, also. And many other reasons too.
3rd Place – 4th Grade (tie for 3rd place)
Sydney Johnson
Madison Elementary
Left to right, Laura Osborn, Jennifer May, Jennifer Lee, Bill Steinberg and
Jeff Wray were part of a Leadership Madison group that wanted to teach
children the importance of trees and Arbor Day. The group held an essay
contest for 4th and 5th graders about the importance of trees. They also
purchased and planted trees in front of the elementary school.
Trees come in many colors, some are red, some are yellow, some grow fruit and
others just flowers.
Trees have many purposes. They help produce oxygen in the air, we also use
trees for building houses, making paper and all sorts of paper products.
Kids especially like to climb trees and build tree houses. Did you know that
they use wood products to build bicycle helmets?
Taking care of trees is important because they are being cut down faster than
they can grow. It takes a tree many years to grow. Some trees grow fast and others slow.
My favorite thing to do with trees is swing from a tire swing or even just take
a nap in the shade.
Arbor Day - 5th Grade Essay Winners
By Erin Englert
Madison Elementary
Picture – 5th grade winners
5th grade winners of the essay contest are left to right, Shayla Rost – 2nd place
and Erin Englert – 1st place.
By Shayla Rost
Madison Elementary
2nd Place – 5th Grade
Arbor Day Essay
Why are trees important in our lives? Well trees give us oxygen, they give us
shade, they give us shelter, and they give us paper. These are all important things
that we need them every day.
Trees are not just an everyday thing though, they also can be beauty. Every tree
is unique. They come all different shapes and sizes. They have different leaves,
different textures and different personalities.
Trees are important because they are living things just like we are. They are
important just because they are trees, and living, and they won’t let you down
when everyone is mad at you. They are like a best friend. To me trees are more
than important, they are everything in life to keep us all living.
1st Place – 5th Grade
Trees Are So Important Because…
Imagine that you are sitting under a shady oak tree on a clear, spring day, reading your favorite book, and munching on a ripe pear. You may not notice, but you
are using many of the resources of trees. A tree produces the pear that you are eating. All of the pages in your book are made from a tree. The shade you are relaxing
in comes from a tree. Even the air that you are breathing contains oxygen that is
produced by the trees. These are just a few of the reasons why trees are important.
Trees are mostly grown because people need their products. Many of the products that come from trees are used at schools. Wood is in crayons, rulers, and all of
our paper. If we didn’t have trees I think that it would be really hard to get anything done at school. Most of the foods that we eat are from trees, like apples, nuts,
bananas, lemons, and even olives. People have even found ways to use different
parts of a tree to make medicines for treating fevers and some heart diseases.
Trees and wood can provide shelter for humans and animals alike. The structures, doors, floor, and most of the furniture in your house contains wood made from
trees. A tree is considered a home for some animals. Some animals rely on the protection and food that a tree can provide.
Trees can be just plain fun! Trees can provide lots of entertainment, especially
if you are a kid. Lots of kids enjoy having their own little house up in a tree.
Picnicking under a shady tree is a really great way to spend an afternoon. Tying up
an old tire to a tree branch makes a really fun swing, and it’s also fun to climb
There are so many reasons why trees are so important, and these are just a few
of them. I really can’t imagine what the world would be like if we did not have
Mason Avery (front left)
and Erin Englert (front
right) read their essays
about the importance of
trees to the entire 4th
and 5th grade classes.
Back, left to right, are
Steinberg, Jennifer May
and Jeff Wray.
Jeff Wray stands with
5th grade students
after planting a tree
Madison Elementary
Madison Central looking for temporary storage
Madison Central School District is looking for temporary storage space for the upcoming year. Because of the construction project, classroom equipment and materials will
need to be stored for various periods of time. It would be helpful if parts of the storage
would be climate controlled since some of the items include choir robes, band uniforms,
and band instruments. Need would begin in late May and could last until August 2013.
Please contact Superintendent Vince Schaefer at 256-7700 if you could assist!
Ribbon Cutting
Radio Shack and 2nd Closet Consignment Shop – Kid’s Clothing and More, recently moved their businesses to 123 North Egan Avenue. An open house and ribbon
cutting was held to celebrate and residents and Chamber members visited the businesses throughout the day. Those in attendance for the ribbon cutting are back,
left to right, Joyce Hyland, Russell Olson, Jon Knuths, Rob Thuringer, Nick Smith
and Sherry VanLiere. Front left to right, Bernie Schuurmans, Lisa Hanson, owners
Mark and Tami Smith, Traci Smith and Julie Gross. Photo by Elisa Sand.
05/07/2012 - 05/11/2012 ..........................................................8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, City Wide Clean-Up
7:00 PM ..............................Wine Tasting (RSVP Requested), Nicky's Restaurant,
1407 NW 2nd Street - W Hwy 34
4:00 PM ....Chamber Community Promotions Meeting, Depot Community Room
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ..........................................Live Music Thursday at Mochavino,
Mochavino, 100 S. Egan Ave.
6:15 PM ..............................................Domestic Violence Network Board Meeting,
South Dakota Department of Labor, 223 Van Eps
11:30 AM ..........................Custom Touch Homes Ribbon Cutting, 411 SE 12th St.
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM ..........................................Walleye Tournament Hosted by the
Lake Area Walleye Club, Lake Madison
12:00 PM................................................Madison Rotary Club, Nicky's Restaurant
3:30 PM..............Chamber Board of Director's Meeting, Depot Community Room
5:00 PM..........The Gathering Meal, United Methodist Church, 304 N. Egan Ave.
5:30 PM ........................................Madison Lion's Club Meeting, 2nd Street Diner
5:30 PM ..........................................Madison City Commission Meeting, City Hall
6:30 PM ....................................................Madison Central School Board Meeting,
Madison Middle School, Room 117
9:00 AM..................Lake County Commission Meeting, Lake County Courthouse
12:00 PM ..............................Madison Kiwanis Club Meeting, Nicky's Restaurant
12:00 PM ..................Chamber Rec & Tourney Committee Meeting, Pizza Ranch
4:00 PM ......................................Junior Achievement Board of Directors Meeting,
Heartland Consumers Power District
12:00 PM ......................Madison Toastmaster's Meeting, Madison Public Library
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ..........................................Live Music Thursday at Mochavino,
Mochavino, 100 S. Egan Ave.
12:00 PM................................................Madison Rotary Club, Nicky's Restaurant
5:00 PM..........The Gathering Meal, United Methodist Church, 304 N. Egan Ave.
5:30 PM ..........................................Madison City Commission Meeting, City Hall
12:00 PM ..............................Madison Kiwanis Club Meeting, Nicky's Restaurant
3:30 PM ..............................................Lake County Conservation Ribbon Cutting,
4-H Fairgrounds on South Egan Ave.
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ..........................................Live Music Thursday at Mochavino,
Mochavino, 100 S. Egan Ave.
05/25/2012 - 05/27/2012 9:00 AM - 1:00 AM ..................Memorial Day Weekend Tennis Tournament,
High School Tennis Courts
05/27/2012 - 06/01/2012 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM ........................................Fallen Heroes Banner Display,
VFW Post 2638, 510 S Washington Ave.
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM....................Memorial Day Observed - Chamber Office Closed
12:00 PM................................................Madison Rotary Club, Nicky's Restaurant
5:30 PM ........................................Madison Lion's Club Meeting, 2nd Street Diner
5:30 PM ..........................................Madison City Commission Meeting, City Hall
12:00 PM ..............................Madison Kiwanis Club Meeting, Nicky's Restaurant
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ..........................................Live Music Thursday at Mochavino,
Mochavino, 100 S. Egan Ave.
7:00 AM ..................................Chamber Ag Committee Meeting, 2nd Street Diner
8:00 AM ..........................State Quester Convention hosted by the Prairie Pasque
Quester Chapter, Prairie Village, 1 Mile West of Madison on Hwy 34
06/03/2012 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM ..............................South Dakota Ploughing Association
Tractor Ride, Prairie Village, 1 Mile West of Madison on Hwy 34
1:00 PM ....DSU Blue and Gold Golf Tournament, Madison Golf & Country Club
8:00 AM ....................................................State Quester Convention hosted by the
Prairie Pasque Quester Chapter, Habeger Science Center
5:30 PM ............................DSU Hall of Fame Banquet, Dakota Prairie Playhouse
12:00 PM................................................Madison Rotary Club, Nicky's Restaurant
5:00 PM..........The Gathering Meal, United Methodist Church, 304 N. Egan Ave.
5:30 PM ..........................................Madison City Commission Meeting, City Hall
7:00 PM..................................Madison Booster Club Meeting, Nicky's Restaurant
9:00 AM..................Lake County Commission Meeting, Lake County Courthouse
12:00 PM ..............................Madison Kiwanis Club Meeting, Nicky's Restaurant
5:15 PM ........................................Lake County Historical Society Board Meeting,
Smith-Zimmermann Museum, 221 8th St. NE
12:00 PM................Chamber Education Committee Meeting, Nicky's Restaurant
6:30 PM ............................................Dinner Cruise, Hillside Resort/Lake Madison
12:00 PM ......................Madison Toastmaster's Meeting, Madison Public Library
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ..........................................Live Music Thursday at Mochavino,
Mochavino, 100 S. Egan Ave.
7:00 PM ..........................................................Madison Area Arts Council Meeting,
BrickHouse Community Arts Center, 106 S.E. 2nd St.
6:00 PM................................................Northern Bull Riding Tour, Prairie Village,
1 Mile West of Madison on Hwy 34
6:30 PM ............................................Dinner Cruise, Hillside Resort/Lake Madison
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM ..........................Luce Pioneer Day, Lake Herman State Park
5:30 PM ......Relay for Life of Lake County, 4-H Fairgrounds on South Egan Ave.
12:00 PM................................................Madison Rotary Club, Nicky's Restaurant
3:30 PM..............Chamber Board of Director's Meeting, Depot Community Room
5:00 PM..........The Gathering Meal, United Methodist Church, 304 N. Egan Ave.
5:30 PM ........................................Madison Lion's Club Meeting, 2nd Street Diner
5:30 PM ..........................................Madison City Commission Meeting, City Hall
6:30 PM ....................................................Madison Central School Board Meeting,
Madison Middle School, Room 117
12:00 PM ..............................Madison Kiwanis Club Meeting, Nicky's Restaurant
6:30 PM ............................................Dinner Cruise, Hillside Resort/Lake Madison
4:00 PM ....Chamber Community Promotions Meeting, Depot Community Room
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ..........................................Live Music Thursday at Mochavino,
Mochavino, 100 S. Egan Ave.
6:15 PM ..............................................Domestic Violence Network Board Meeting,
South Dakota Department of Labor, 223 Van Eps
11:00 AM ................................................Chamber Golf Classic, Lakes Golf Course
6:30 PM, ..........................................Dinner Cruise, Hillside Resort/Lake Madison
5:30 PM ....................................Madison Area Arts Council White Night Festival,
Prairie Village, 1 Mile West of Madison on Hwy 34
12:00 PM................................................Madison Rotary Club, Nicky's Restaurant
5:00 PM..........The Gathering Meal, United Methodist Church, 304 N. Egan Ave.
5:30 PM ..........................................Madison City Commission Meeting, City Hall
9:00 AM..................Lake County Commission Meeting, Lake County Courthouse
12:00 PM ..............................Madison Kiwanis Club Meeting, Nicky's Restaurant
12:00 PM ..................Chamber Rec & Tourney Committee Meeting, Pizza Ranch
4:00 PM ......................................Junior Achievement Board of Directors Meeting,
Heartland Consumers Power District
6:30 PM ............................................Dinner Cruise, Hillside Resort/Lake Madison
12:00 PM ......................Madison Toastmaster's Meeting, Madison Public Library
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ..........................................Live Music Thursday at Mochavino,
Mochavino, 100 S. Egan Ave.
06/24/2012 ..................10:00 AM - 11:00 PM, Motongator Joe’s Country Music Festival,
Prairie Village, 1 Mile West of Madison on Hwy 34
6:30 PM ............................................Dinner Cruise, Hillside Resort/Lake Madison
12:00 PM........The Gathering Meal, United Methodist Church, 304 N. Egan Ave.
12:00 PM................................................Madison Rotary Club, Nicky's Restaurant
5:30 PM ........................................Madison Lion's Club Meeting, 2nd Street Diner
5:30 PM ..........................................Madison City Commission Meeting, City Hall
12:00 PM ..............................Madison Kiwanis Club Meeting, Nicky's Restaurant
6:30 PM ............................................Dinner Cruise, Hillside Resort/Lake Madison
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ..........................................Live Music Thursday at Mochavino,
Mochavino, 100 S. Egan Ave.
6:30 PM ............................................Dinner Cruise, Hillside Resort/Lake Madison
06/01/2012 -
06/22/2012 -
Th e M a d is on Go lf Cl ub –
Where Madison Comes to Play
by Mark Lee
The Madison Golf Club is in full swing
already this year. The mild winter and
warm spring have encouraged hundreds
of rounds already.
In addition, the
Clubhouse is open with full service and
menu for anyone who would like to stop
If you are interested in playing golf
this summer and are not a member, you
should consider joining. When you compare our club to surrounding courses you
will find a great 18-hole course at a very
reasonable price plus many golf events for
members. The membership categories
include: Family, Couple, Individual,
Senior (Individual or Couple), Associate
(Living outside Lake County), Young
Adult (25-30; Individual or Couple),
Junior (24 and under; Individual or
Couple), & Youth (Ages 9-12)
Membership in the last two years has
increased nearly 20% as more residents,
in particular young adults, see the value
of an MCC membership. Those interested
can call 256-3991 and ask for James
If you just want to try out a great golf
course, you can also set up a tee time.
Some times of the week are restricted for
members only, but much of the week is
available for greens fee play. Multi-round
punch cards are also available. You
should call ahead at 256-3991 to check for
tee time availability.
James is also offering golf lessons for
anyone from youth, to beginning adults,
to accomplished players. James is one of
the best golfers in SD and this is a great
opportunity to learn the game or improve
your game.
You can learn more and see the calendar of events at .
“Next on the tee is YOU!”
How long has your company been
operating? March 1, 2012
Number of Employees? We currently
have 13 employees.
Mission: Our Mission is to provide
quality lawn services, while creating
curb appeal for homeowners in Madison
and surrounding communities. Madison
Lawn Care, Inc. strives to be reliable,
consistent, and skilled while offering
our customers a better value for their
What products and services do you
We offer the following services:
Custom Lawn Mowing
Lawn Edging
Lawn Seeding
Lawn Aeration
Spring and Fall Clean-up
Lawn Power Raking
Non-turf Weed Control & Weed Control
in Rock Beds
4 or 5 Step Lawn Fertilization &
Weed/Grub Control
Insect Perimeter Control
Snow Removal
Sprinkler System Repair
Eaves & Downspout Cleaning
Additional Information: We offer a
free complete lawn analysis
Business Hours: 8am to 5pm
Contact Information:
Madison Lawn Care, Inc.
PO Box 510
Madison, SD 57042
Phone Number: (605) 556-2121
Email: [email protected]
256-2454 or by email at [email protected].
Ag in the classroom
Chamber Ag Committee member, Corey Gerry, helps 2nd
graders create a brand made out of grass seed.
Mark Stoller and Craig Walker are surrounded by 2nd graders after they taught Ag in the
Classroom assisted by FFA students, Randy Deacon and Tyler Heeren. Children learned about
the importance of branding and created their own brand with grass seed.
Kevin Jaspers (standing) and
Tom Rook (seated) are members of the Chamber Ag committee that taught Ag in the
Classroom to 2nd graders.
Rook is reading the book,
Cattle Kids, to the children.
Craig Walker reads a book to 2nd
graders about branding during Ag
in the Classroom, held in conjunction with National Ag Week.
2nd graders in Mrs. Balogh’s class learned about cattle
branding and were able to create their own brand.
They drew their brand on paper, then placed glue, grass
seed and dirt on a tray for their brand to grow.
How long has your company been
I received my South Dakota Home
Inspector license in March 2011.
How did your business get started?
I have a passion for the construction and
quality of the way homes are built. After
working for several years in the handyman/remodeling business, I decided to
start an independent business.
“We would like to welcome the following NEW members to the Chamber”
AFLAC – Eric Yost
Madison Lawn Care, Inc
Random Inspirations of South Dakota
Number of Employees
Currently I am the sole employee.
Business expansion is a future possibility.
“To provide customers with a quality
inspection of their current or future
home or business so they know what
they are getting into or what they
already have.”
What products and services do you
Home and business inspections, mold
inspections, radon inspections, and construction inspections. Pest inspections is
a new service to be offered in the future.
Business Hours
Varies by client need.
Contact Information
Your Peace of Mind Home Inspections
517 NW 8th St.
Madison, SD 57042
O u t s t a n d in g E d u c a t o r a n d F ri e n d o f
Education Award nominees being sought
The Madison Chamber of Commerce
Education Committee is now seeking
nominations for the annual Outstanding
Educator award and the Friend of
Education award. The purpose of the
Outstanding Educator award is to recognize an educator who has made an impact
on education in the Madison community.
The purpose of the Friend of Education
award is to recognize a community member or organization that has made significant contributions to education in the
Madison community.
The deadline to submit nominations is
May 31, 2012. Anyone wishing to submit
a nomination can do so online at or by
sending a letter of nomination to the
Madison Chamber of Commerce at PO
Box 467, Madison, SD 57042.
The Education committee meets on
the first Wednesday of each month at
noon at Nicky’s Restaurant. This year, a
variety of activities have been sponsored
by the committee:
*Gave presentations about the com-
munity at Discover DSU Days
*Hosted the Educator Reception for
area educators
*Presented “Outstanding Educator”
and “Friend of Education” awards
*Ensured community was aware of
American Education Week through radio
ads, letter to the editor and recognizing
*Acted as judges for the Basin Electric
*Visited the Madison Christian School
Current Education Committee members are Monica Campbell, Peg O’Brien,
Ken Meyer, Carol Kleibacker, Bob
Ellsworth, Charlotte Groce, Michele
Keppen, Judy Dittman, Robb Graham,
Jeff Heinemeyer, Norm Jerke, Russell
Olson, Vince Schaefer, Cecelia Wittmayer,
Melisa Miller and Julie Gross. New
members are welcome to join the committee. If you are interested in joining or
would just like to visit a meeting, please
contact the Chamber office at 256-2454 or
email [email protected]
Madison Area Chamber of Commerce
To promote our members, the community, and economic
development, resulting in a better quality of life.