Atlantic Treatment Plant Expansion Detailed Information Phase I Average Day 44 MGD Maximum Month 54 MGD Peak Process 108 MGD Peak Hydraulic 135 MGD Future Maximum Month 72 MGD Future Peak Process 144 MGD Future Peak Hydraulic 180 MGD MGD Design Flows BOD (Maximum Month) 286 mg/l TSS (Maximum Month) 162 mg/l TKN (Maximum Month) 44 mg/l Future Peak Hydraulic Peak Hydraulic Design Influent Concentrations Future Peak Process Peak Process Future Max. Month Maximum Month Average Day 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 Key Statistics Design Capacity >> 54 MGD, with provisions for a future expansion to 72 MGD. Increased from 36 MGD. Construction Cost >> $164 million Construction Duration >> March 2006 - August 2011 Design Effluent Limits Monthly Average (1) Weekly Average Min. Max. 20,280 -- -- 45 20,280 -- -- -- 4.0 -- 1.0/0.1 -- 200 -- -- -- -- -- Enterococci (N/CML) 35 -- -- -- -- -- pH -- -- -- -- 6.0 9.0 MG/L LB/D MG/L LB/D BOD 30 13,520 45 TSS 30 13,520 Total Residual Chlorine 2.5 Fecal Coliform (N/CML) (1) 36 exceptions per month/0 exceptions per month Key Design Features Secondary Treatment >> Replaced high purity oxygen system with new diffused aeration tanks that use a hybrid blower system. The high-efficiency, single-stage blower reduces life cycle costs. Solids Processing >> A two-phase, acid-gas digestion process to stabilize biosolids, reduce biosolids, reduce pathogens, and generate usable biogas for energy. Solids Handling System >> New gravity belt thickeners. Centrifuges relocated to a new building adjacent to the cake storage pad, eliminating cake hauling operations. Reuse System >> The Dam Neck Naval Facility uses plant effluent as a heat sink for building heating and cooling. Primary and Secondary Clarifiers >> New collector mechanisms and coatings. Key Project Benefits Optimizing Operations >> Expanded plant without increasing staff. Hampton Roads Sanitation District 08/2013 Construction Cost Savings >> Soil pre-consolidation using on-site material saved over $23 million in construction costs compared to deep pile foundations. Consumer Cost Savings >> Residential ratepayers will continue to enjoy an advanced wastewater treatment system that protects public health and the local waters for less than a dollar a day. Additional Capacity to Handle Flows for the Next 20 Years. Solids Processing Wastewater Treatment 1. Preliminary Treatment Facilty Force Mains from Virginia Beach and Chesapeake Screens 2. Primary Clarifiers 8. Gravity Belt Thickeners 9. Two-Phase Digestion Waste Activated Solids Grit Collectors Screenings & Grit to Landfill Primary Solids Acid Phase 10. Digested Solids Storage Biogas Converted to Plant Heat & Electricity Gas Phase Blowers 7.Effluent Reuse 3. Aeration Tanks Waste Activated Solids 4. Secondary Clarifiers 1. At the Preliminary Treatment Facility, wastewater passes through screens to remove solid debris and floating material, such as rags, paper, plastics, and metals that could cause problems later in the treatment process. Most of the removed materials are sent to a landfill. Next, grit removal facilities eliminate sand, gravel, and other solid materials that are heavier than the organic biodegradable solids in the wastewater. 2. Next, wastewater flows to the Primary Clarifiers. These rectangular tanks reduce the flow velocity and allow suspended material to settle to the bottom. Scraper blades called “flights” simultaneously scrape the primary (untreated) solids from the bottom and skim the grease from the top. The solids receive further treatment in the solids handling facilities. 3. At the Aeration Tanks primary effluent flows into these aerobic treatment basins where bacteria break down contaminants even further. Blowers located in the Blower and Electrical Building provide air to the microorganisms. Non-Potable Water for Plant Use 5.Chlorine Contact Tanks 6.Effluent Pumps Atlantic Ocean 4. The microorganisms are separated and returned back to the Aeration Tanks in the Secondary Clarifiers. Revolving “arms” simultaneously withdraw the concentrated microorganisms from the bottom and skim the foam from the top. The solids receive further treatment in the solids handling facilities. 5. Clear effluent from these circular tanks, is called secondary effluent, and flows to the Chlorine Contact Tanks. Here chlorine is added to kill disease-causing organisms before the water is released back into the environment. Centrifuges 11. Dewatering 12. Cake Storage 8. Waste activated solids collected from the Secondary Clarifiers are processed through Gravity Belt Thickeners to remove excess water. 9. In the solids handling facilities, Acid-Gas Phase Digesters process the solids. Within the heated tanks, microscopic bacteria digest the sludge and break it down into stable organic matter, which is used in agricultural application. 10.Digested Solids are temporarily stored in a holding tank prior to dewatering. This storage allows the 13. Land Application dewatering system to be operated during off-peak hours, reducing energy costs. 11.The digested solids are Dewatered in centrifuges to further remove excess water and achieve a solids concentration of 18 to 20 percent. 12.The dewatered Cake is stored on one of two pads for up to three months prior to land application. 13.When weather conditions are suitable, the dewatered cake is hauled to local farms for Application as a soil conditioner and fertilizer. 6. The final Effluent is pumped through an outfall pipe and discharged into the Atlantic Ocean 1½ miles offshore through a diffuser pipe to ensure thorough mixing. 7. A portion of the final effluent is Routed through heat exchangers at the Dam Neck Naval Facility to provide energy-efficient building heating and cooling. At la nt ic Tre at m e nt P la nt Ex pa ns ion Phas e I 13 Things You Ought to Know HRSD At la nt i c Treat ment Pl ant (AT P ) Co m b i n e d H e at an d Powe r System 1. HRSD’s first combined heat and power (CHP) project. 2. Uses anaerobic digester gas produced in the ATP treatment process, which is similar to natural gas, to generate renewable power and heat. 3. Allows 100% beneficial use of ATP digester gas; previously, more than half the gas was wasted. 4. The CHP system includes digester gas treatment and two clean-burning, 1.1 megawatt (MW) engine generators. 5. Robust digester gas treatment reduces wear and tear and maintenance on the engine generators. 6. An innovative biological treatment process for removing corrosive hydrogen sulfide, one of the largest of its kind in the US, reduces the cost of gas treatment. 7. Heat from the engine cooling system and exhaust is captured for digester and building heating. 8. Will produce almost 15 million kilowatt hours per year of renewable power. 9. Power is used on-site to meet almost 50% of the ATP’s electricity demand and shave almost $650,000 from the annual electric bill. 1 0. Electricity produced is enough to power over 1,200 average homes. 1 1. Reduces the ATP’s “carbon footprint” for purchased power by almost 9,000 tons of carbon dioxide each year. 1 2. Project was awarded a $3 million, low interest construction loan with $1.2 million principle forgiveness from the Virginia Clean Water Revolving Loan. 1 3. CHP supports HRSD’s 2020 Vision and Strategic Plan environmental objectives for alternative energy, energy efficiency, and conservation and recycling. HRSD Atlantic Treatment Plant (ATP) Combined Heat and Power System Background The Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) recently completed an upgrade to the Atlantic Treatment Plant (ATP), where the plant capacity was increased from 36 million-gallons per day (MGD) to 54 MGD. As part of the expansion, the solids digestion processes were reconfigured which resulted in excess digested gas production. As part of HRSD’s mission to become more sustainable, HRSD evaluated alternatives for the increased use of digester gas and other potential renewable energy sources at the ATP. HRSD decided to install a combined heat and power (CHP) system comprised of a gas cleaning system and two engine generators for power production and heat recovery. Challenge The digested gas is very corrosive due to high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) ranging above 2,000 parts per million and siloxane concentrations at 30 mg/m3. As a result, the gas must be cleaned prior to running the engine generators. Also, robust digester gas generators are necessary for continuous and reliable operation for producing power. Since the CHP system parallels utility power, a significant effort is required to integrate the CHP engine generators with the standby diesel generators. Lastly, the heat recovery system provides another layer of complexity where the exhaust and jacket water heat is recovered from the engine generators. This heat is then used for digester hot water boilers and building heat. Solution Robinson Group’s gas treatment system was selected since the manufacturer had significant experience with treating digester gas. In addition, a biological H2S removal system manufactured by Biogasclean was selected to reduce the high levels of H2S concentrations, thus lowering the operational costs of the gas treatment system. Two 1100 kW Cummins Engine Generators with a heat recovery system were selected to produce nearly half of the plants power consumption and recover approximately 4 million BTU/h of heat. Cummins engine generators were selected due to their robust design, HRSD’s thorough experience with Cummins standby diesel generators and ease of system integration with the plant’s existing Cummins diesel generators.