Pembroke College - University of Cambridge


Pembroke College - University of Cambridge
Pembroke College
cambridge society
issue 84
september 2010
annual gazette
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Pembroke College
cambridge society
annual gazette
issue 84 september 2010
Pembroke College, Cambridge, cb2 1rf
Telephone (01223) 766308
Fax (01223) 338163
© The Master & Fellows of Pembroke College, Cambridge
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From page 109 of Abraham Ortelius’ Album Amicorum. This book is in the holdings of
Pembroke College Library and contains a collection of pictures, inscriptions and
signatures by Ortelius’ international network of friends; he started the collection in
1574 and continued it until his death in 1598. The book was digitised in 2003 through
the generosity of Tony and Christine Wilkinson. Other pictures from the Album
Amicorum can be found throughout this Gazette.
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Editor’s Note
From the Master
My Life in Photography – Ian Fleming
Some Reflections on Admissions – Susan Stobbs
A Philosophy of Decolonisation:
Gandhi on the Power of the Powerless – Emile Perreau-Saussine
The Commemoration of Benefactors’ Sermon –
The Reverend Robert Wiggs
Henry Kissinger at Pembroke College
President Theodore Roosevelt at Pembroke College –
a 100 year anniversary
Through a Glass Darkly – a poem by Colin Wilcockson
New Fellows
Fellows’ News
Gifts to the College
College Chapel Report
Pembroke House Report
Development Office Report
College Clubs and Societies
The Master and Fellows 2009–2010
College Officers 2010–2011
Matriculation 2009
Annual Examinations, First Class Results 2010
College Awards
Graduate Scholarships and Awards
Higher Degrees Conferred
Members’ News
Annual General Meetings of the Society
Dinners and Receptions
Local Contacts
Rules of the Society
Presidents of the Society
List of Deaths
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As my first act as the new Editor of the Gazette, I would like to pay tribute to the
work of my predecessor, John Dougherty, in editing the last eight issues of the
Gazette. The immense dedication that he brought to the job of producing the
Gazette each year will never be surpassed. I would also like to acknowledge the
contribution of Frances Kentish, who helped John Dougherty put together the last
seven issues of the Gazette and has been of immense help in producing this issue.
Her wisdom, patience, good humour, and organisational skills made it much
easier for me to take over as editor than might have been the case. Pat Aske, Sally
Clowes, Becky Coombs, Rosalind Dearlove and the Pembroke Development
Office team also played a crucial role in putting together a lot of the information
contained in this Gazette. Ian Fleming was also of huge help, for reasons that will
be obvious to anyone who looks through this Gazette.
When I took over as Editor, there was a consensus that it was about time we
looked again at the structure of the Gazette, which has remained unchanged since
1999. I hope the new structure will make it much easier for readers to find their
way around the Gazette. The ‘Development Office Report’ in the ‘College News’
section of the Gazette gathers together various items regarding the College’s
fundraising activities that were formerly scattered throughout the Gazette. ‘The
College Record’ section has been much reduced so that it now just contains
matters of record relating to the College in the last year. Reports on the activities
of the College’s clubs and societies in 2009–10 can now be found in the ‘College
News’ section of the Gazette. And there is now a new section of the Gazette on
‘Deaths and Obituaries’. There is no ‘Pembroke Bibliography’ anymore. Those
wishing to find out what books have been published this year by Members of the
College should consult ‘Fellows’ News’ in the ‘College News’ section of the Gazette
and ‘Members’ News’ in the ‘Pembroke College Cambridge Society’ section of the
Gazette. ‘Members’ News’ is a new section that is intended, for the time being, to
carry news of publications by, and awards and honours given to, Members of the
College who are not Fellows. Anyone having such news should contact me at
[email protected]. Happily, Colin Wilcockson has agreed – contrary to the
impression given in the last issue of the Martlet – to carry on editing the ‘Members’
News’ section of the Martlet. Anyone with more informal items of news that they
would like to see appear in the Martlet should contact Colin on [email protected].
Nick McBride
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Amongst this year’s Pembroke obituaries are recorded the lives of four teachers,
who between them gave well over a hundred years of service at their schools. In
addition, my attention was also drawn to three other late Pembroke members
who had prominent cultural careers as a book editor, a gallery owner and art
dealer, and a museum curator. To these can also be added several university
professors. Though we celebrate their individual achievements, we can only
imagine the aggregated influence they will have had on several generations of
students, and a wider circle that came within their various orbits. To what extent
did Pembroke prepare them for that role? I would like to think that it played an
important part in their motivation and preparation. Though they matriculated
well over fifty years ago, this is an aspect of College life which has changed very
little. Many young people still pass through Pembroke and graduate with the
intention to play a contributing role in civic life, which in time flourishes and
develops into a powerful and influential commitment. The description of one of
these Members as ‘a giver not a taker’ describes well a theme that can probably be
traced back to Pembroke’s earliest days. Once the original Fellows had said their
masses for the Foundress’ soul, they were probably preoccupied with the task of
educating the future educators, preparing their charges to hold civic office and to
make their various contributions to society. Perhaps one of the consequences of
the recent banking and financial crisis has been to reinvigorate the idea that
ethical considerations and a socially responsible attitude should play an
important part in planning and choosing careers; and it is pleasing that this reemphasis of these values should fit so comfortably with the College’s efforts to
achieve a subtle blend of its rich historical identity with the role it should be
playing today at the leading edge of higher education.
I write this year’s introduction to the Gazette in the immediate aftermath of the
June Budget. Unquestionably its impact on the University, in addition to cuts in
higher education that had already been announced, will be severe; and if the
coalition government cannot agree a substantial increase in the top-up fee, likely
to be recommended by Lord Browne’s review later in the year, because it would be
too controversial, then with no other substitute funding likely to be available to
make up for lost revenue, the University’s financial situation will become even
more difficult.
As most members will now be well aware, Pembroke has worked tirelessly to
strengthen its own financial situation, in part in anticipation of leaner times
ahead. Now that those times have definitively arrived, I pay tribute to the
extraordinary support we have had from the extended Pembroke community. I
also congratulate our own financial team for the rigour which they have brought
to the management of the College’s affairs over recent years. That the College can
balance its books and add significantly each year to its endowment is unusual in
the present circumstances. Pembroke’s success is based on a combination of its
ability to generate significant income, over and above the College norm (largely
through its International Programmes and Corporate Partnership scheme) and
its sustained fund-raising, which – now that it has achieved a certain maturity –
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regularly brings in £3million a year, and more in its best years. Though Pembroke
is not amongst the wealthier colleges, it now certainly compares with them in
respect of the annual income that it generates.
It is too soon to predict exactly what the effect of the cuts will be on the
University. However, it may force some difficult choices in some areas such as the
balance between graduate and undergraduate numbers, how many full feepaying students it should take from outside the European Union, and how many
academic positions it should leave vacant. The impact on the colleges could well
be significant, and colleges that are financially strong will be better able to protect
themselves from consequences that they feel may be adverse to their own
interests and to their ethos.
This brings me back to my original argument. It is more in the Colleges,
particularly at the undergraduate level, that the values that a College like
Pembroke espouses can be promoted and encouraged. The sense of a purposeful
community with its own identity and commanding its own loyalties, and
encouraging its members to take the concepts of service to others and civic
responsibility seriously does not sit so easily in the wider University, where the
relationship with individual students is necessarily usually more impersonal. As
the University enters a very difficult period, which could last for the next five to
seven years, it is all the more important that the College makes a conscious effort,
through being materially strong and confident of its future, to preserve and
protect these values. Apparently, they have been a part of Pembroke for a very long
time, but in difficult times we should not take them for granted.
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Photography in my Life
Ian Fleming
Photography has been an abiding interest for most of my life. Not a hobby: I don’t
like the word – it smacks too much of the amateur, and I think of my
photographic work as being more serious than that word implies, though of
course I am an amateur, only rarely being paid for it. Looking back, it’s not
surprising that I was attracted to photography, for I have a strong visual sense,
expressed in other ways as well: I am passionately interested in films, and always
notice the cinematographer’s contribution as well as the director’s; and I am
rather more concerned than most of my colleagues about the look of my work in
my lectures, books and papers.
I began with a Brownie Box, given to me near the end of the war by a neighbour
in Pedmore, where I grew up. There was no film available in the shops at that
time, so it was only a toy to play with. It actually had a roll of film in it, which I
ruined when I opened the camera for the first time; but it gave me practice at
loading and unloading. I was able to see how the roll was constructed, with
celluloid film and opaque paper to protect it from the light. Eventually, probably
in 1947 or 1948 when I was 12, I bought a roll of 120 Verichrome film, and took
my first pictures. I’ve kept some of them, because they bring back memories, but
they certainly don’t look like the work of a budding photographer. I last used it to
photograph two of the barracks I lived in when I was in the army in Catterick in
1955. I still have it, but it has taken no pictures for 55 years.
In 1955 and 1956, during the later part of my National Service, I was stationed
in Münster at Brigade Headquarters with two other subalterns, Roger Hills and
Douglas Towler, who were passionate about photography, and talked about it a
great deal. I learned the language of f-stops and depth of focus, of the balance
between grain and film speed, of different camera formats and brands, and their
reputations and advantages, all without having a camera of my own.
Roger had a Kodak Retina 1b, a simple, compact 35 mm camera. It was
capable of focussing, but only by one’s measuring the distance from the subject
to the focal plane and then setting that on the lens—fine for landscapes and any
other photographs taken with a focus set to infinity, but a bit of a pain for portraits
and other close-ups. Shortly before Roger left for his next posting, in the early
summer of 1956, I bought his Retina 1b. I took quite a lot of pictures, all B&W, of
life and recreation in that last summer in the army. I became quite skilful at
estimating light and making quick adjustments to f-stops and shutter speeds
without always having to read my light meter. I seemed to know instinctively how
to compose, when to use portrait format and when landscape, not to mention
avoiding elementary mistakes such as placing people’s heads in the middle of the
frame instead of near the top. I soon learned how to estimate distance pretty well,
and, for close-up portraits, managed to persuade my subjects to sit still while I
measured the distance from their eyes to the focal plane.
Sometime in my first year as an undergraduate at Pembroke I discovered that
the College had a darkroom. It was a gyp room on the first floor of N staircase,
near the rooms of the chaplain, John Dickinson, who was also a History don.
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Since I had never done any developing or printing, I persuaded John Marriott,
whom I’d met in my brief try at rowing, to teach me the rudiments. John
Dickinson dropped in from time to time to chat about photography, and on one
occasion he commented that he really ought to take pictures of the Fellows. It was
not his kind of photography—he was interested in detailing in church
architecture, the carvings and the design at the bottoms and tops of the plinths
and columns, for example—so I was not surprised to find, when I became a
Fellow myself, five years later, that he had done nothing about it, before he left for
a lectureship in Birmingham.
I joined the University photographic society, went to many of their meetings,
exhibited photographs in their competitions, and occasionally used their superior
darkroom in a damp basement in Caius. I learned a good deal from some of these
meetings—I especially remember a talk Nikolaus Pevsner gave about
photographing buildings. He also judged that year’s competition. I had only
entered one photograph in my first year, a picture of Cologne Cathedral at night.
It won no prize, but I was encouraged when he said “I like that” with a tone and
German accent I can still hear.
The College also had a photographic society from time to time, with a
darkroom, which had moved to the basement of S staircase, always available,
more spacious but damp and dispiriting. They occasionally had a competition
and an exhibition, and asked me to judge it or find judges. One time I
mischievously chose two wildly different judges: Sidney Kenderdine, as stolid in
photography as in personality, and my friend Missy Cusick, a bohemian whose
style of photography was as spontaneous as she was. She was perfectly capable of
photographing her big toe in close-up and printing it at 16×20, though I don’t
think she ever actually did so.
Portraits were what I did most of (and still do). To begin with, my portraits
were mostly of Joan, my first wife. At the end of my second year, I made enough
money by photography to get me through the long vacation. I photographed
couples at the Pembroke May Ball; my near contemporaries in their graduation
gear; and the Pembroke Players and other acting groups. I even thought of
offering my services to estate agents: it was obvious that they should show photos
of their properties in their windows, yet at that time they didn’t. I wish I had
offered and been the pioneer of what they all do now.
After Joan and I separated, and I moved to Abbey Walk, I took photographs as
a way of getting to know people, especially girls. It was an intimate social activity
without necessarily having sexual overtones, so that I was able easily to make
portraits of other people’s girlfriends as well as my own.
My next camera was a two-and-a-quarter square twin-lens reflex, a Minolta
Autocord. I bought it near the end of my third year of research, in June 1962, just
before a three-week holiday driving to Italy with two friends. I had been offered a
Research Fellowship in Pembroke College to start that autumn, so my immediate
future was secure—I could risk spending my savings on the camera. The Retina
1b came along as my colour camera. It was a joy to have two cameras, so that I
could always choose between shooting in colour or B&W. From then on I always
had two cameras, until digital cameras made it unnecessary. When I returned
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from Italy I made some 16×20 prints, especially one of Milan cathedral, and
several from Florence, Rome and Paestum.
The next year I made two four-foot high prints from these negatives, along
with the St Ives picture, to use as decorations for my College room. I was able to
make such big prints because I had met Peter Goodliffe, who taught photography
at the Oxford Poly. I took the train one weekend in the spring of 1963 from
Cambridge to Oxford – you could still do that then – carrying a 25-foot roll of
Kodak photographic paper. It took all day to make three prints: Peter and I cut and
pinned up four-foot lengths on the wall of the Polytechnic’s big darkroom, tilted
the enlarger on its side, and projected the negatives for minutes on end. We
developed and fixed the prints in one large trough-like dish, not big enough for
the paper to lie flat in, but big enough so that each print could be run up and down
through the liquids. I glued them to hardboard, and they hung in my rooms in
College for the next forty years, gradually going grey and losing much of their
charm. They were never good prints, as I later realised, because they had neither
good blacks nor good whites; but even so they were interesting.
The Minolta Autocord was my main camera only for 1962–3, which was my
first year as a Fellow at Pembroke. I used it to photograph theatrical
productions and theatre people, who were among the friends I made after
breaking up with Joan. The most significant of these friends was Steve Frears,
who was doing remarkable productions at the ADC, precursors of his
subsequent career as the best living British film director. I did the photography
for his production of Expresso Bongo, including publicity pictures of Richard Eyre
(later head of the National Theatre) as the pop star meeting real pop stars of the
day, Helen Shapiro and Eden Kane, whom Steve had somehow arranged for us
to meet.
I then did publicity stills for Steve’s production of Waiting for Godot with John
Shrapnel (billed as John Patch, because his tutor had told him to stop acting),
Jonathan Lynn, Saam Dastoor, Tony Vivis and Sue Andrews. I also did the
publicity and programme pictures for that year’s Footlights production, A Clump
of Plinths, with Tim Brooke-Taylor, Bill Oddie, John Cleese, Hugh Macdonald and
Jo Kendall as “the girl”, the designation the Footlights used to acknowledge the
existence of women. (It had only been three years since the first woman had even
been allowed into the show: Eleanor Bron, in 1959.)
1963 was also the year I started to photograph the Fellows of the College. John
Dickinson’s remark had given me a real ambition to capture them myself,
especially now that I knew them all in person. I invited them, one by one, to come
to my rooms and have their photographs taken, often after dinner in Hall. I
started with Ray Dolby just before he left for India. No one demurred, then or
since. Occasionally one of the flashes I was using would not fire, because the
leads from the camera to the flashes were fragile and did not always make
contact, and I got some striking but unintentional lighting effects, especially in a
photograph of a gaunt Basil Willey, whose face was half in light and half in almost
total darkness, as if lightning had struck just beyond a side window. I didn’t use
this picture in the College’s copy—it was more dramatic than accurate—but I put
it in my own copy.
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By the end of the summer I had photographed all the Fellows and made two
sets of 8×10 prints, which I had bound into hard-backed books by Vere Stoakley.
My copy was cloth-bound, but David Joslin had offered to pay to have the
College’s copy bound in leather, thus creating a tradition which Bursars have
been obliged to continue with each subsequent volume—there are now seven. In
that first volume, I particularly like the ones of Bill Hodge, Sydney Roberts,
Meredith Dewey, David Joslin and Erwin Rosenthal, but they were all a joy to take.
Most of them were mature men, whose character was by now engraved in their
faces, whereas the Fellows I photograph now are usually young. The downy
freshness of youth makes it easy to take pleasing pictures of them, but their
character is less often so clearly marked by lines and habitual expressions.
At the end of my first year at Pembroke as a Research Fellow, I went to Harvard
for a postdoctoral year, to work with R. B. Woodward. It was a most important
year in my life: I was working with the greatest organic chemist of the century, on
his top project; and I met Mary Bernard, with whom I’ve been living ever since. I
bought two Minolta SLRs, which were my cameras for the next thirtyfive years,
and I sold the Retina to Bill Grimstone, who has it still. I introduced Mary to
photography, and she was soon hooked. After a couple of years, she bought a
Pentax MX from our friend Eve Arnold, who had got new Pentaxes. (Eve can be
seen holding the one that became Mary’s on the cover of her book Film Journal.) It
had a beautiful 83 mm lens. Mary eventually moved on to a pair of ZX autofocus
Pentaxes, and I took over the Pentax MX in 1998 for a little while, though I kept
borrowing one of her ZXs for portraits, because of its even more reliable
Back in Cambridge, we eventually created a darkroom to use at home. Our first
home darkroom was in the College house in Botolph Lane that we moved into in
the autumn of 1981, while the builders were joining our house at Willow Walk to
the house next door, which we had bought three years earlier. The living room of
Botolph Lane became a dedicated darkroom, with an opaque screen over the
window, for the ten months we were there.
When we moved back into Willow Walk in the autumn of 1982, the first thing
we built was bedroom closet shelving and a bed base; but the second, even before
bookshelves, was the darkroom fixtures which we used until 2005, when we
moved over entirely to digital processing, and reluctantly admitted to ourselves
that we were never going to use B&W film again, and that we should turn the
darkroom into a badly needed storeroom. It was hard letting go of all that hardwon expertise. But at least we didn’t have to throw the equipment away. Some
Pembroke undergraduates had got interested in B&W photographic processing,
and our enlarger, our expensive Nikon enlarging lens, our equally expensive
Micromega focus finder and most of our other equipment found a new home in
the refurnished darkroom in S-basement.
I bought my first digital camera in 2003, when 5 megapixel cameras became
affordable. I judged that 5 megapixels would be just about good enough for
taking my first steps with a digital camera. I decided on an Olympus 5050 fixedlens camera. I ordered the camera online in June 2003, from B&H in New York. It
cost about £500. They sent it to the B&B in the Hudson River Valley where we
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stayed for a couple of days in order to go to Jessica Katznelson’s wedding. We
arrived a day before the wedding, but I had no time to learn how to use it. Mary
was the official wedding photographer, and we spent that day checking the
workings of the big flash unit she would be using, and scouting the location. I
had a few minutes with my new toy, but not enough to take any photos at the
wedding—where in any case I was fully occupied as photographer’s mate.
It was easy enough to use, once I had time to try it out and read the manual,
and it proved to be another excellent choice of camera: I used it for four years, and
it gave me a lot of practice, and a good sense of what I would demand from my
next digital camera. Like the Retina 1b, it was capable of giving good results
under, but only under, optimum conditions. I used it for several of the
photographs in Volumes 6 and 7 of the Fellows’ photographs. The rest of the
photographs in Volume 6, and a few from Volume 7, were taken with the Pentax
ZX on Kodacolor film. In terms of resolution, as checked with a resolution chart,
there was no doubt that film was better, but this did not mean a much better
looking portrait. One striking difference between film and digital images is that
digital images show skin tone as a smooth gradation, while film, even fine-grain
film, shows it as grain. Skin is not granular, so digital was already a close
competitor, at least for portraits.
The last time I used a film camera was in December 2006, when I took a Pentax
to South Africa, thinking that film might be better than digital pictures in some
critical cases. In the event, the technical quality of the photographs from Mary’s
new Olympus E 400 10-megapixel SLR was better in every case than that of mine
taken on film. Not surprisingly, I very soon moved up to an SLR, and 10
megapixels. I chose a Nikon D-200, which cost about £1,000. This was what I
used for the last ten or so pictures in Volume 7, plus the Master, whom I had left
until last. I’m now using the Nikon for everything, processing with Photoshop
CS5 in a MacPro computer with two large flat screens.
In all this I haven’t said a word about what kind of photographs I like to take,
and what kind of results I want to see.
I didn’t see photographs by great photographers until I was 20, when I bought
The Family of Man, the book of an exhibition organised by Edward Steichen at
MOMA in 1955—hundreds of B&W images of people and places, mostly people,
loosely arranged from birth to death. Since the photographers included Irving
Penn, Edward Weston, Alfred Stieglitz, Dorothea Lange, Eve Arnold, Henri
Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Margaret Bourke-White, Bill Brandt, Walker
Evans, Ansel Adams and many others, it was an excellent introduction to the best
photography of the first half of the twentieth century. It strongly influenced my
sense of what photography could and should be about, and of what could be done
with nothing but a small camera and a good eye; and though I didn’t realise it at
the time, it taught me that grain and resolution mattered far, far less than
composition, and composition less than content: images that define moments so
vividly that you say, Yes, to them.
Yet the photo-journalistic ethos that permeates The Family of Man did not
greatly influence the kind of photographs I took, and still take. I admire Henri
Cartier-Bresson, Eve Arnold and Don McCullin, and I might have learned how to
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snatch key moments on the fly if I had become a photo-journalist; but I’ve done
very little of that kind of thing, perhaps because my talent is actually for capturing
people who are more or less posed and views that are stable. Most of my
photographs are of these two kinds. I take close-up portraits—and I do mean
close-up, as distinct from full or three-quarter length; and landscapes, including
cityscapes and buildings.
In fact, the strongest influences on my photography have been Richard
Avedon, Karsh, and Irving Penn, as well as one picture by David Montgomery,
printed in the Sunday Times colour magazine, of Victor Rothschild at his desk: a
straight colour portrait that showed all the man’s power and force of intellect.
That was the kind of picture I really wanted to be able to take. It wasn’t until
digital photography enabled me to work as I wanted to in colour that I could hope
to get anywhere near it. In the meantime, these photographers showed me that
photography could pull beautiful and revealing fragments out of the natural
world, whether it was a face, a building, a detail or a view.
It’s very hard to describe what I mean in words rather than by showing
photographs. Of course I choose my subjects and frame them carefully. But once
the photograph is taken, I do as little to it as possible. When I worked in B&W in
the darkroom, my manipulation of the print was necessarily limited to cropping,
framing, choosing paper (high or low contrast), deciding on exposure and
development times (do I want a dense, dark image or a high-key one?), and some
dodging and burning—bringing up detail in the highlights and holding back
density in the shadows. You dodged by waving bits of cardboard on flexible wire
wands over the paper while it was being exposed, and you burned by waving
cardboard with holes cut in it in the same way. Even at its simplest it involved a lot
of trial and error—and it was very hard to dodge and burn on the same print. It
can be argued that there is nothing realistic about turning the three-dimensional
multi-coloured world into black, white and grey in two dimensions. But what I
did in the darkroom I did in hopes of rendering reality faithfully.
I always wanted to photograph in colour. I knew how to choose which pictures
to take in colour. I even had a tiny number of them enlarged and printed bigger
than the standard en-prints, but neither commercial printing nor what I saw of
CIBAchrome was remotely satisfying—I needed to be in control. I now wish that
I had taken more colour pictures, because the gift of Photoshop has made it
possible to restore my few old colour pictures, now faded and colour-shifted, to
something of their original state.
Almost all colour photographs have a colour cast of some sort or other, to
some degree or other, even when new—all-over veils of colour cast by shade
under trees, the setting sun, cloudy skies, artificial lighting: the list is endless.
Photoshop makes it extraordinarily easy to remove colour casts. Again, these
manipulations—and the Photoshop equivalents of dodging and burning—are in
the interests of conveying the reality that I saw when taking the photo. I don’t
want my photographs to look doctored. I am not interested in the hundreds of
ways that you can use Photoshop filters to turn photographs into impressionist
paintings or pencil sketches. I am not, however, above putting a blue sky into a
picture that only shows a grey sky even though the sun was out—usually because
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the sky was so bright that it registered as white on the sensor, although to my eyes
at the time it was blue.
In telling this story, I have emphasised my taking portraits of Fellows; but they
are far from being all that I take. I have photographed scores of friends and
acquaintances, the houses I’ve lived in, the schools I’ve been to. I’ve taken
mundane pictures: a record of the College buildings all taken in the one year in
1971; records of College building works for Bill Hutton; the cover photograph for
the College's Who's Who in 2000, taken at a Foundress Feast attended by my
headmaster and his twin brother, both of whom are in the picture; and details of
the carvings in the college chapel for Bill Grimstone. I’ve used some of these
pictures, and others, for the frontispiece and endpapers of the books of Fellows’
portraits. I seldom take what I would call snapshots.
I usually take a camera with me when I travel. Many of my best photographs
are landscapes taken on the more substantial trips: India, China, Europe, and
especially North America, where we’ve had five or six long drives all over the
United States and southern Canada. Some of the photographs I take on these
trips are probably much the same as the ones hundreds of other people have
taken—the Taj Mahal, the hillsides of the Shenandoah Valley, the Golden Temple
in Kyoto, the Great Wall of China and Tiananmen Square, for example—with one
difference: they never, ever have Mary, or anyone else I know, standing in the
foreground. But I have also caught some lovely places and people: vegetable
sellers in a Mumbai market, cows lying down in the city centre of Pune, a village
conclave in Lesotho, ghost towns in Montana, a field in a deep valley in Japan, a
beaver dam in Wyoming…
A selection of photographs by, and of, Ian Fleming can be found at the centre of this Gazette.
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Some reflections on admissions
Susan Stobbs
My interest in the assessment of candidates for admission to the Cambridge
colleges began as a young research fellow in physics at Newnham, when I was
asked to mark the physics entrance paper, under the benign eye of the formidable
Ken Riley. I had previously been admitted to read Natural Sciences at Newnham
from a school where the physics teaching had been poor, so I had chosen not to
take the physics paper (considered at the time to be notoriously difficult),
preferring the comparatively (to me) simpler papers in chemistry and
mathematics. Thus I fear that I was probably an over-generous examiner.
In the sixties and seventies the entrance examination was a very useful and
pretty fair selection tool. Most able children at that time had access to a grammar
school, direct grant school or independent school offering a good academic
education, resulting in candidates presenting with a fairly similar level of
preparation for the entrance examination and subsequent Tripos. Furthermore,
generous state scholarships and means-tested grants were available for the first
time. As a result, the student body in Cambridge became increasingly diverse,
with, by the late seventies, less than one third of the successful UK candidates
coming from independent schools. In 1968 one third of all students in
universities in the UK came from families of skilled or unskilled workers, a
significantly higher proportion than found in most other European countries.
(Perhaps, coming from Newnham, I should add that the system was far from fair
for the women candidates: with only three women’s colleges, the competition for
places was such that only 16% of the applicants were successful, compared with
48% of comparable male candidates. With the gradual mixing of colleges during
the late seventies and eighties the system became noticeably fairer and for over ten
years now the success rate for men and women has been identical, averaging
about 22% in 2008.)
The abolition of the state grammar schools and the removal of direct grant
status from many state schools, during the seventies, had a profound effect on
Cambridge admissions. As schools worked to become fully comprehensive it
soon became obvious to admissions tutors that many of the former grammar
schools that had regularly sent us candidates in the past now ceased to do so.
Applications from state schools went into decline, and, more worryingly for
admissions tutors, those who did apply were less successful in gaining
admission. Shirley Williams, in her recent autobiography, talks about ‘the antics
of a small number of militant left-wing teachers, mainly in London, eschewing
competition and distrustful of discipline’. I think she seriously underestimates
the extent of the anti-intellectualism prevalent amongst teachers in so many
comprehensives at that time: many were openly hostile to the very idea that any of
their students should aspire to Cambridge. (This is not the place to argue the
merits and de-merits of a fully comprehensive state education system, and many
of the problems that the Cambridge colleges encountered during this transition
period have now been addressed.) Direct grant schools, which were, during the
early seventies, undoubtedly the most successful institutions in gaining places at
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the Cambridge colleges, were given the alternative by the government of
becoming fully comprehensive or turning independent; most decided, albeit
somewhat reluctantly, on independence. Other independent schools, responding
to the growing perception amongst the middle classes of falling academic
standards in state schools and sensing a niche market, gradually became more
focussed on academic results. By the mid-eighties, as a result of these changes,
the number of students being admitted to Cambridge from state schools had
fallen by about a thousand, and the proportion of Cambridge students coming
from independent schools reached 60%.
A very worried Admissions Forum (the inter-collegiate committee with
responsibility for co-ordinating admissions) had no option but to abolish the
traditional entrance examination and look for other ways of assessing candidates
presenting with such different levels of preparation. After extensive consultation
with schools, the decision was taken in 1983 to introduce a different form of
assessment, the Sixth Term Examination Papers, taken by students in schools
alongside their A level papers in the summer. These papers were broadly
welcomed by all school heads, and proved to be a useful assessment tool.
However, it soon became only too apparent that in many state schools teachers
were refusing to allow students to take STEP, despite this previous endorsement,
and consequently such students were prevented from applying to Cambridge.
Admissions tutors were faced with a dilemma: keep the useful assessment tool of
STEP, and have a smaller and less diverse pool of applicants, or widen the pool of
applicants by abolishing STEP and then be faced with inadequate assessment
tools, based on A level and interview alone. Inevitably, for most subjects, STEP
was abolished, although it continues to be highly successful for Mathematics.
Such changes did at least stem the tide of falling state school admissions, but
progress was very slow. Typically, Pembroke was one of the more pioneering
colleges, realising the importance of actively encouraging students from less
traditional backgrounds to apply to the College, rather than assuming that they
would be automatically encouraged to do so by parents and teachers. In the mideighties James Hickson, with Bill Merrick (Pem), who was teaching in a boys’
comprehensive school in Luton, and Alan Jarvis, the chief science advisor for the
Bedfordshire Local Education Authority (LEA), devised an innovative three-day
residential ‘Science Masterclass’ for state school students in Bedfordshire and
surrounding areas. This has since become an annual feature in the College diary
and has been used as the blue-print for many subsequent access initiatives both
within Cambridge and elsewhere. Pembroke was also a founder member of
GEEMA, the Group to Encourage Minority Applicants, which was established by a
group of admissions tutors concerned about the very small number of black and
Asian students who were applying to the colleges, and the Special Access Scheme.
In 1996 the Admissions Forum carried out an in-depth review of the relatively
new admissions procedures and concluded that, whilst the system broadly worked
well and was reasonably fair, the colleges needed a more coherent and widespread
access programme. With the increasing availability of centralised statistical data it
became easier to make such assessments. As Chairman of the Forum I remarked
in a confidential meeting that the A level statistics indicated that we probably
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should be working towards an intake of about 60% from state schools, but that
many of these able students were still not applying to us. I had not realised that
such a remark would in any way be controversial, but, to my great surprise, my
remarks were quoted verbatim the next day on the front page of the Times. I then
discovered, to my horror, that once one is quoted by one serious newspaper, all
other newspapers, TV and radio programmes and news agencies then phone for
an interview. Nervously I awaited my colleagues’ reactions and was somewhat
relieved to be accosted on the market square in a friendly way by the ViceChancellor (the much missed David Williams) who remarked teasingly that in all
his years of public life he had never once made the front page of the Times.
The problem, as always, was a lack of funding: few external bodies were
interested in Cambridge admissions at that time, and bursars (not I hasten to add
the Pembroke Bursar) were wont to comment that ‘we have plenty of good
applicants so why waste money on encouraging more?’ Then came the bombshell
of Gordon Brown’s attack on Oxford, and everything changed overnight: funding
for access work was no longer a problem, although it was sometimes difficult to
find ways of spending the external funding fast enough! The inter-collegiate
LEAs’ links scheme was established at this stage, in which each college
undertakes to work with the schools in specific LEAs, raising awareness of what
the Cambridge colleges have to offer and encouraging academic aspirations from
an early age. By allocating different regions (on a friendly basis) to different
colleges the aim of the Forum was to be able to establish long-term effective
contact with all schools in the UK. Pembroke joined with St Catharine’s to
appoint an access officer to work in several neighbouring LEAs, including
Bedfordshire and Suffolk, building on the success of the original masterclass. We
also considered how the resources of Pembroke House could be used more
effectively to start programmes for the schools in Southwark, one of the most
deprived educational areas in the UK. Funding was also offered to departments to
encourage the setting up of interactive school websites, and some interesting
projects emerged. I remember one particularly memorable lunchtime meeting
when we were introduced to the ‘Iliad for primary schools’ Classics project. This had
proved to be a great hit with small boys in the Dagenham primary schools (where
it had been trialled) when they were allowed to re-enact the Trojan Wars in the
school playground.
Dealing with the intense, hostile scrutiny of government, the media, schools
and parents revealed a problem: the rudimentary University Press Office was not
briefed or funded to deal with college matters and who on earth would be
prepared to speak on behalf of all colleges? After the briefest of media training I,
as the current (unpaid) Chairman of the Admissions Forum, was launched into
the fray. My first interview was with Anna Ford on the Today programme and a
spate of hostile interviews followed. We were even asked to brief Members of
Parliament at the House of Commons, although ‘brief’ is probably not the correct
word to use here: we were given very little time to respond to a series of hostile
questions from all sides. After a particularly belligerent question from Barry
Sherman (MP for Huddersfield) I tried to comment that one of the institutions
that sent large numbers of students to Cambridge happened to be a highly
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successful sixth-form college in his own constituency, but he had walked out by
that time. Fortunately the 1996 review at least provided much needed facts and
figures, although I was always worried about how colleagues in Cambridge
would react to each interview, since it is very rare to get all the colleges to agree on
any policy statement.
It soon became apparent that, although the colleges were satisfied that their
admissions procedures were broadly fair to all candidates, there was no formal
written evidence to substantiate this assumption. Very little of our admissions
process was documented in any transparent way and the bald statistics were
unhelpful, to put it mildly. Interview and pooling procedures tended to vary from
college to college. Newly appointed as the first Director of Admissions for the
Cambridge colleges, my first task was to attempt to formulate policy papers that
could be agreed by all the colleges: a somewhat daunting task, made a little easier
by the sheer pressure of outside publicity. Thus most of the current extensive
admissions documentation – now widely available for all to view on the web –
started life in Pembroke. The interview guidelines are based on the notes that
Stephen Monsell bravely produced for Pembroke interviewers almost twenty
years ago, at a time when the training of interviewers was considered unseemly;
others I drafted in the light of my experiences at Newnham and Pembroke.
Interviewing came under the greatest scrutiny and there were widespread calls for
its abolition, on the grounds that it would always favour the well-taught, more
privileged applicant. Fortunately I was, at that time, invited to attend a conference
in New York, which brought together the deans of admissions of the Ivy League
colleges and the admissions tutors from various Russell Group universities to
discuss ‘Widening the Pipeline’, US-speak for broadening access. In between many
fascinating discussions we were addressed by the director of a charity working
with Afro-American students in inner-city New York, who emphasised the
importance of interviewing such students in order to make a fair assessment. He
was very impressed to hear that we still managed to interview all our candidates,
which gave us some useful ammunition. However, with little quality control at the
time there were some high-profile, and quite understandable, complaints against
a number of interviewers, and it was clearly important to develop guidelines and
training for all interviewers as a matter of urgency. This led to some useful
discussions as to what interviews are for, and our current procedures have
undoubtedly benefited from this scrutiny.
More than ten years on much has been achieved. Notably, our admissions
procedures no longer make headline news, and most school heads will concede,
in private if not always in public, that we run a fair and transparent system. With
the support of inter-collegiate databases the subject moderation of candidates
through the pooling system has greatly improved. Pembroke is particularly
fortunate in having a highly committed and hard-working fellowship: the
downside of being a very popular college is the extensive interviewing and testing
that is required in all subjects over the Christmas vacation, but few complain, at
least openly. The statistics give only part of the picture, but an interesting part: in
2008 the 170 undergraduates admitted to Pembroke came from 105 different
schools and colleges from all over the world. The proportion of our UK students
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coming from state schools has risen from about 40% in 1996 to about 60% in
2008 with about half now women. The number of students from the EU and other
overseas countries has almost doubled, reaching 16%. The concern for the future
will be the increasing squeeze on university finances and its effect on the diversity
of our student body: but this is something for my admirable successor as
Admissions Tutor to worry about.
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A Philosophy of Decolonisation: Gandhi on the Power of the
Emile Perreau-Saussine
Emile Perreau-Saussine, Fellow of Fitzwilliam College and Lecturer in Politics at Pembroke
College, died on February 23 2010, at the age of 37. His obituary is on p 163 of this Gazette.
In Emile’s memory, we are publishing an abridged version of a paper of his that was
published in French in Actes des Journées Internationales de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan: Conférence
d'thique Militaire (Presses de L'armée de Terre, 2006). This is the first time a version of this
paper has appeared in an English translation.
Like the Third Estate in the French Revolution, the “Third World” set itself free;
but, unlike the Third Estate, the Third World has never quite managed to find its
place in the world. Countries in Africa and Asia that until fifty years ago lived
under the rule of imperial Europe are today independent. They have become
politically autonomous, evincing the characteristics of sovereign states and
acquiring full membership of the United Nations. But what have they made of
their freedom? The peoples of the Third World seem plighted to misery: despotic
and bankrupt states plunder their own natural resources and drive their citizens
to civil war. Many suffer from a sense of unsettled identity: once proud to fight for
their nations’ liberty, today they are eager to escape them for the El Dorados of the
richer nations of the West. The time has come to assess the mixed legacy of these
decolonisations, long considered a panacea. Why this relative failure? The best
way of answering this question might be found in exploring its counterpart: what
is a successful decolonisation? How should people liberate themselves?
Gandhi gave deep and serious consideration to the conditions necessary for a
successful decolonisation. This consideration is indebted to his analysis of
domination as advanced in and through the collaboration and servilility of the
dominated people. His analysis of domination offers a more even-handed
account than the received narrative of colonisation. Against those historians who
pass judgement on European imperialism, often in a Marxist vein, charging the
West with a catalogue of wrongs against the countries they colonised, Gandhi’s
perspective shows how this perspective risks reinforcing the very subjection it
seeks to combat.
1. Domination depends on the collaboration of the dominated
Condensed into a few short sentences, the most obvious way of understanding
oppression is in terms of violence. Empires impose their yoke through wars of
conquest, through violence. The strong dominate the weak through their use of
force. Reciprocally, the weak seek violent ways to liberate themselves; attacking
only where and when the strong least expect, they attack their adversary’s
vulnerable point by seeking to make themselves ungovernable, The weak make
themselves strong by blurring the distinction between combatant and noncombatant, by circumventing established rules. Using terror to humiliate the
strong, their force becomes as fearful as that wielded by their oppressors.
This account of decolonisation is exemplified in the approach of Frantz
Fanon, who writes that ‘[i]n capitalist countries, a multitude of professors of
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morality, advisers, désorientateurs, intervenes between the exploitated and the
powerful. In colonies, by contrast, the enduring presence and frequent
interventions of police and soldiers maintain direct contact with the colonised
and urge him, with rifles or napalm, not to move. As is evident, the agents of
power use the language of pure violence.’1 This ‘pure violence’ leads to a violent
response. Unsurprisingly, these sentences are drawn from a chapter appositely
entitled ‘Of violence’.
But the distinction that Fanon draws between capitalist countries and colonial
regions is hardly convincing. Indeed, if oppression did not encounter a certain
complicity in the oppressed, it would need to be extraordinarily violent. As
Spinoza observes: ‘men have never so far ceded their power as to cease to be an
object of fear to the rulers who received such power and right; and dominions
have always been in as much danger from their own subjects as from external
enemies. If it were really the case that men could be deprived of their natural
rights so utterly as never to have any further influence on affairs, except with the
permission of the holders of sovereign right, it would then be possible to
maintain with impunity the most violent tyranny, which, I suppose, no one would
for an instant admit.’2 An historian observes in a similar vein that ‘the difficulty
of managing any empire is bound to vary […]; it is the occupied, not the occupiers,
who make the choice. Even the apparently powerless have that much power.’3
Oppression is never solely external or imposed. It always assumes self-interested
participation, a certain degree of complicity or collusion.
This analysis of domination holds in widely varying contexts – in the British
Empire in India, for example, for rarely were so many men controlled by so few.
By its very nature, ‘indirect’ rule granted a place to Indians in the administration
of the Empire. A nation of limited size and population relative to India, the United
Kingdom could not have conquered the subcontinent through brutality or
violence alone: the participation of the Indians themselves was necessary. As the
prominent historian of imperialism, John Seeley, observes: ‘India can hardly be
said to have been conquered at all by foreigners; she has rather conquered
herself.’4 Seeley emphasises that the acquisition of India cost Great Britain very
little. The nation’s state budget and army were hardly affected in the endeavour.
Seeley dwells especially on the divisions amongst the Indians which the East India
Company so adroitly exploited. Extending his historical thesis to a political
conclusion, Seeley adds: ‘We are not really conquerors of India, and we cannot
rule her as conquerors; if we undertook to do so, it is not necessary to inquire
whether we could succeed, for we should assuredly be ruined financially by the
mere attempt.’5 Gandhi, who had read Seeley, draws on the authority of the latter,
contending that, ‘in the real sense of the expression, India is not a conquered
country, but […] it is British because the vast majority of its people have, perhaps
for selfish reasons, accepted British rule.’6 ‘The English have not taken India; we
have given it to them.’7
Gandhi adopts Seeley’s analysis in justifying his own politics of non-violence.
If it is true that the domination of India depends more on Indian cooperation than
on British violence, then violence is not needed to overthrow the British: it will be
enough to stop cooperating. More generally, if it is true that domination assumes
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a certain participation of the dominated, then a non-violent politics of civil
disobedience is sufficient to end domination. Gandhi addresses himself thus to
the British: ‘You have great military resources. Your naval power is matchless. If
we wanted to fight with you on your own ground, we should be unable to do so;
but, if the above submissions be not acceptable to you, we cease to play the ruled.
You may, if you like, cut us to pieces. You may shatter us at the cannon’s mouth.
If you act contrary to our will, we will not help you, and without our help, we know
that you cannot move one step forward.’8 Gandhi reveals the impotence of brute
force – and the true strength of the weak. How can the powerless escape an
oppressive system? By vowing not to participate in it: striking, turning to civil
disobedience and refusing to pay taxes. Gandhi recommends, for example, that
the Indians do not buy English clothing but instead spin their own. Nehru
summarises this policy: ‘The government rested very largely on the cooperation,
willing or unwilling, of Indians themselves, and if this cooperation were
withdrawn and the boycotts practised, it was quite possible, in theory, to bring
down the whole structure of government.’9 It is in no way necessary to use
violence to destroy the system: to undermine government, it can suffice to ignore
it. In the absence of any contribution from the dominated, domination comes to
an end. Since oppression requires complicity, the oppressed only need to refuse
to take part.
An objection may be raised at this point: Was Gandhi too willing to lay blame
on the Indians? Did he overestimate the responsibility of his people and
underestimate that of the British? Did he go as far as to deny the evidence of the
violence of the colonisers? Evidently not.
No regime is able to rule by pure force. All too numerous are those
governments that abuse their position by oppressing people who have given them
their trust; but rare indeed are those that do not claim the support of those whom
they govern. Gandhi’s politics of non-violence addresses itself to the latter kind of
government. His politics reveals the limits of the legitimacy of such governments.
A skilful politician, Gandhi repeatedly defied the British: he obliged them to
resort to the police force, prison, and army. While the imperial elites may readily
have claimed an authority founded on the consensus and gratitude of the
colonised, Gandhi forced them to disclose their own violence, eliciting the
confession that it was through the ever-implicit threat of force that they remained
in power. His non-violent campaign revealed what had been veiled, exposed what
had been kept hidden; it laid bare the naked violence of the colonisers, the
repressive reality masked by a peaceable facade. To the imperial powers, Gandhi
was an agitator who sparked violence; from Gandhi’s perspective, non-violence
provoked nothing: it was merely the tearing-off of many masks. He did not
exaggerate the importance of Indian complicity. He did not underestimate the
violence of the colonisers: ‘It is perfectly true that they use brute force.’ Is this to
say that he would also recommend the use of brute force against brute force? No.
‘By using similar means, we can get only the same thing that they got’: that is to
say, in the spirit of Gandhi, not much.10 For him, true strength is based less on
physical force than on moral superiority.
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2. Domination relies on the servility of the dominated
Strikes, boycotts, civil disobedience, non-payment of taxes – certainly! But this
type of resistance is not purely mechanical in nature, as if non-cooperation were
merely a matter of abstract calculation, the element of cooperation being
subtracted here and added there. Gandhi does not simply understand oppression
in terms of a ‘technical’ cooperation of the oppressed with their oppressors: the
physical dimension of non-cooperation has a corresponding moral dimension.
Does the slave tolerate his condition because his life is continually threatened
or because he has accepted subordination and internalised servility? Does the
slave lose the fight because he is weak? An analysis centred on violence only
considers the slave as a passive victim, forgetting the sense in which the slave
participates actively in perpetuating his own slavery. The slave ‘consents’ to his
enslavement, at least to the extent that he prefers slavery to death. It is not the
weakest who necessarily becomes enslaved but the one who prefers to save his life
at the expense of his freedom.
Gandhi underscores the importance of courage: ‘Strength lies in absence of
fear, not in the quantity of flesh and muscle we may have on our bodies.’11 Nehru
offers a keen insight into Gandhi’s world: ‘The dominant impulse in India under
British rule was that of fear, pervasive, oppressing, strangling fear; fear of the
army, the police, the widespread secret service; fear of the official class; fear of
laws meant to suppress, and of prison […] It was against this all-pervading fear
that Gandhi’s quiet and determined voice was raised: Be not afraid.’12 In Hegelian
dialectics, it is cowardice that makes a slave; in Gandhi’s dialectics, it is courage
that liberates the slave from his condition. This courage has two dimensions: the
courage to resist intimidation, maltreatment, and prison, and the courage to
affirm one’s own moral superiority, worthy of ruling.
In the hierarchy of virtues, however, courage has a lowly place. Courage alone
is not enough. It depends on another virtue, one whose importance Gandhi
indicated in baptising his non-violent struggle with its name: a firm dedication to
truth, the strictures of truth, or ‘Satyagraha’. In the fight against the British and
against the injustices of imperialism, Gandhi’s first reflex, as he describes it in his
autobiography, is always to get a careful understanding of the relevant situation:
to listen to grievances and explanations, to hold a real inquiry. It is only after
establishing the true facts that he begins his political campaign. Simple factual
truths are embraced daily by fighters for the non-violent campaign, but also, and
above all, ultimate truth – on human nature, the soul, and God. Gandhi’s
autobiography is subtitled, ‘The Story of My Experiments with Truth’. It is this
truth that gives courage its meaning.13
Far from relying on a mechanics of ‘social engineering’, Gandhi insists upon
the importance of moral character. If I behave like a lowly worm, I invite others to
walk all over me; if I live basely, I invite others to treat me with contempt. In
making the dominated behave in demeaning ways, those who dominate justify
their domination. The oppressed do not fully realise that, in allowing themselves
to become cowardly and reticent, oppression becomes self-vindicating. The nonviolent politics proposed by Gandhi refashions this vicious circle into a virtuous
one. If I act as a slave, I am a slave; if I act as a master, I am – I become – a master.
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In affirming a spiritual superiority and refusing to behave as an inferior, the
‘inferior’ puts an end to his own inferiority. The self-respect that the ‘inferior’
gains tends to constrain the oppressor to treat him with more respect. Since
moral superiority justifies political superiority, those who intend to rule politically
must impose upon themselves a demanding discipline and act virtuously. Gandhi
encourages his companions to conduct themselves with courage and to live in
truth in order to reverse the hierarchy in place. Nehru again: ‘In our hearts we
were ashamed of our subjection and our impotence in our own country, and this
instance of a brave challenge on behalf of our own people increased our own selfrespect.’14 He adds: ‘we began to look people in the face as we had never done
before, and to speak out our minds fully and frankly.’15
The Mahatma invites the oppressed to take the moral high-ground, to behave
with a dignity that will make their abasement unlikely or impossible. He proposes
to end inferiority complexes that lead men to accept blows, insults and
domination. He aims to push his people to respect themselves and so to force the
colonisers to treat them differently. He asks the scorned to act with the grandeur
that will place them morally above those who scorn them. Base behaviour invites
contempt; noble behaviour inspires admiration. It is by asserting their own selfworth that the weak shake off their yoke. Respect for oneself and the repudiation
of oppression heralds the end of oppression, the beginning of independence.
Gandhi’s pedagogy for independence shook both the confidence that many
placed in the British Empire and the lack of confidence that Indians had in
themselves. The policy that Gandhi recommended had two dimensions, one
negative, the other positive: to exclude the British coloniser by exposing the limits
of his military power and challenging his legitimacy; and to replace this coloniser
with the Indian people whose authority would be based on moral desert. This able
and noble politics constitutes what is perhaps the decolonisation policy
par excellence.
[3.] Terrorism or non-violence?
‘To blame the English is useless,’ Gandhi maintained: ‘they came because of us,
and stay for the same reason.’16 This ‘because of us’ puts things in their place. It
avoids hatred and violence, stressing the centrality of responsibility and so
tempering the sense of offended honour that exacerbates passions. By charging
his own people with the moral limitations and flaws that he intends to cure,
Gandhi avoids an escalation to extremes. However, a society cannot recognise the
flaws exposed by its own prophetic voices without a certain strength and selfconfidence; and it is these that Gandhi aims to nourish. In the absence of such
strength and confidence, it obviously seems simpler to resort to violence, and to
cast all blame on the enemy. By foisting all culpability onto the colonial power,
ideologues such as Frantz Fanon (cited above) mislead their readers. In denying
the joint responsibility of the colonised, they prepared badly these nations for
independence. Lacking a clear-sighted understanding of their own complicity,
many peoples hurried into ill-considered violence, assuming their adversary to be
guilty of everything.
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When the weaker party ignores Satyagraha, it resorts to irregular war, guerrilla
warfare or terrorism. Non-violence puts an end to escalation; by contrast,
terrorism inflames and radicalises the spirit. Non-violence succeeds through reeducating the weak; terrorism does not educate, but instead corrupts both the
strong and the weak. Non-violence honours moderation; terrorism poisons the
public sphere by venerating extremists. Non-violence aims to reassure and to
build confidence; terrorism spreads fear and suspicion and tears social relations.
When violence breaks out, Gandhi aims to tame it by imposing a fast, even a
fast to death. This sacrifice prompts a deep unease: it is not right that he suffers
when he did nothing wrong. This unease dissipates anger. By contrast, the
terrorist aims to escalate levels of violence to achieve his ends, to keep raising the
stakes in the hope that his adversary will yield.
The contrast between violent and non-violent conflicts helps to shed light on
the causes and aims of terrorists. I will take as an illustration the terrorism that
we associate today with the problems of the Middle East. In this context,
terrorism is often described as the weapon of the weak, forgetting too quickly that
there are not one, but two methods of fighting the strong: violent and non-violent.
One could argue that the Palestinians would have been better off if, long ago, in
their struggles with the Israelis, they had chosen not to entrust their destiny to
suicide bombers, but to imitate Gandhi. Their use of terrorism betrays their
feeling of impotence.
While Gandhi’s politics nourished the self-confidence of the Indian people,
reinforcing their sense of self-worth, a great number of decolonised countries are
confronted today with self-contradictions. Though in principle independent, they
continue to imitate the Occident they reject. Subjected to television images of the
West, they envy the rich Europe and rich America they would like to scorn and against
which they aim to define their own identity. When the hatred one avows for
yesterday’s coloniser reflects one’s exertions in resembling him, this hatred is in the
end nothing more than self-hatred – self-contempt as conquered, inferior, impotent.
Such imitation cannot found true independence. Perhaps the formerly
colonised world has never sought so strongly to resemble the former coloniser as
it has since the end of the great European empires. Far from contributing to
authentic diversity, decolonisation could be seen as precipitating global
homogenisation, to have wrought in “globalisation” a conformist uniformity. It
is as if the recognition of state sovereignty was a pretext to usher in a more
complete dependence. Political decolonisation has ensured cultural colonisation.
Governed in principle by their own representatives, decolonised countries can no
longer blame the coloniser and so their hatreds and resentments seek an
unattainable object.
These unhealthy symptoms culminate in the terrorism that we know today. Its
political objective is often unclear and its adversary rather nebulous: a power that
no longer wields official power, the entire West. In a post-colonial age, who is the
enemy of those who, despite their formal sovereignty, feel dependent? They knew
how to fight colonialism. But how can they attack neo-colonialism, an insidious
enemy which, without army or police force, successfully permeated the fabric of
their societies – crept, indeed, into the interstices of their neo-colonised
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personalities? Today’s imperialism, more economic than political, foments a rage
even stronger than the bitterness at feeling somehow dispossessed despite
having gained a certain national autonomy. How better to strike out at this
delocalised adversary than by employing a global strategy, a planetary terrorism?
Instead of building the foundations of a political future worthy of the name,
terrorists allow their desire for liberty to decay into a desire for death. Certainly
these terrorists risk their lives bravely, but criminals and pirates often do too,
without any particular concern for truth. Facing the strong, the weak have a
choice between two directions, one that leads to Gandhi and the primacy of truth
in politics, the other to bin Laden.
Of course, one should not contrast the violence of the terrorists and the nonviolence of Gandhi too strongly. Terrorists share with Gandhi the conviction that
with a bit of cunning, a military defeat can be put at the service of a new political
undertaking. By forcing the occupying power to alienate the civil populations, or
by giving the civil population to understand that the occupying power is unjust, a
limited force can defeat the stronger force by exposing its lack of legitimacy.
Forced to make use of force, power witnesses to its own weakness. ‘The stronger
is never strong enough to be always the Master if it does not transform force into
right, and obedience into a need.’17
And I do not claim here that all violence is illegitimate. It is often necessary to
resort to force to prevent an injustice or to defend oneself. Against the Nazis, for
example, resistance (that is, legitimate terrorism, conducted in the name of a just
cause, and discriminating between combatants and non-combatants) was
undoubtedly justified. In this situation, Gandhi’s advocacy of non-violence seems
almost outrageous. The detachment for which he can calls can involve a form of
indifference so sublime: consider, for example, his comments on the fate of the
Jews under Hitler.18 Should I maintain a non-violent protest in the face of a bloody
tyrant systematically murdering my fellow citizens, or his own? Or have I the
right, or perhaps even the duty, to take up a weapon against him? Gandhi’s
position ultimately assumes the primacy of detachment over charity — but, to the
contrary, it is in the name of charity that Saint Augustine defended the idea of the
just war. Pushed to its ultimate consequences, the Gandhian theory of nonviolence does not seem easily bearable; and I for one prefer the tradition that
developed in the wake of the Father of the Church. Non-violence is not the answer
to everything. The careful, measured attitude of Nehru, who believed in the
necessity of resorting to violence in certain circumstances and not in others, best
represents the attitude of the statesman. But the unilateral aspect of Gandhi’s
argument brings out its worth. With great determination, he analyses the ethical
implications and tensions of asymmetric conflict in the era of decolonisation with
great lucidity.
In his ‘Reflections on Gandhi’, George Orwell raises two questions: ‘if, by 1945,
there had grown up in Britain a large body of opinion sympathetic to Indian
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independence, how far was this due to Gandhi’s personal influence? And if, as may
happen, India and Britain finally settle down into a decent and friendly
relationship, will this be partly because Gandhi, by keeping up his struggle
obstinately and without hatred, disinfected the political air?’ Orwell adds: ‘That one
even thinks of asking such questions indicates his stature.’19 Gandhi thus rendered
service not only to his own country, but also to Great Britain, facilitating both its
extrication from India and its abdication of power without rancour or dishonour.
Through non-violence, Gandhi created the moral and psychological conditions of
a relatively orderly decolonisation: one which neither abandoned itself to the erring
conscience of the conquered, nor to the demonisation of the conqueror.
[In contrast], today’s Marxist historians of colonisation and their disciples (the
terrorists and demagogues of Africa and Asia, and some campaigning
journalists) readily denounce the old colonising powers for all manner of wrongs,
imagining a uniformly exploitative North that plundered a uniformly exploited
South. They denounce the bourgeoisie who, in tyrannising the proletariat,
benefited immensely from their brute force: with the West’s power comes
responsibility. The world is indeed deeply unjust; but it is not by chanting
seductively simplistic and vacuous slogans that the most gravely afflicted will be
helped. With their comprehensive indictments and victimising rhetoric, such
historians, journalists, terrorists and demagogues are a part of the problem that
they denounce. To give a true liberty to those who desperately need it, they would
gain by recalling that at the heart of every relation of power, a determining role is
played by justice.
Translation by Judy Wang, revised by Emile and Amanda Perreau-Saussine, and by Colm
1 Frantz Fanon, Les Damnés de la Terre [1961] (Gallimard, 1991), pp. 68–69.
2 Spinoza, Theologico-Political Treatise, ch. 17.
3 John L. Gaddis, We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History (OUP, 1997), p. 285.
4 John Seeley, The Expansion of England [1883] (Chicago UP, 1971), p. 161.
5 Ibid, p. 185.
The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi (New Delhi, 1958–1994), Vol. III, p. 383 (the text is
from 1903).
7 M.K. Gandhi, Hind Swaraj [1909] (CUP, 1997), p. 39.
8 Ibid, p. 114.
9 Nehru on Gandhi. A selection, Arranged in the Order of Events, from the Writings and Speeches of
Jawaharlal Nehru (The John Day Company, 1948), p. 11.
10 M.K. Gandhi, Hind Swaraj, p. 81.
11 Ibid, p. 45.
12 Nehru on Gandhi, p. 15.
13 It is fruitful to compare Gandhi’s position with that of those dissidents who, confronted
with Moscow’s imperialism, took up the theme of the power of the powerless. In the
context of Marxism-Leninism, those who were dominated took part in their own
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domination in accepting the lies of the Party and of official ideology; by contrast, it was in
attaching themselves to the truth that the fall of totalitarian dictatorship could be
14 Nehru on Gandhi, p. 3.
15 Ibid, p. 11.
16 M.K. Gandhi, Hind Swaraj, p. 117.
17 Rousseau, Social Contract, I, 3.
18 ‘[T]he Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher’s knife. They should have
thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs… It would have aroused the world and the
people of Germany… As it is they succumbed anyway in their millions.’ See Louis Fischer,
The Life of Mahatma Gandhi (Jonathan Cape, 1951), p. 376.
19 See George Orwell, The Collected Essays (Secker & Warburg, 1968), Vol. IV, p. 470.
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The Commemoration of Benefactors, May 9 2010
Sermon preached by the Reverend Robert Wiggs (1969)
‘Surely your servants take delight in her stones and are moved to pity by her dust’ (Psalm 102:14)
I don’t know whether everyone here gets spam email from Nigerian miracle
workers, or whether it’s just the clergy or possibly even just me. But a few weeks
ago I was consigning miracle workers to oblivion with joy and gusto when I
noticed that one of them was calling himself the Dean of Pembroke. On closer
inspection I noticed that he wasn’t asking for money but was inviting me to
preach. I am sensitive to hoaxes ever since the day, years ago, when I was almost
taken in by a spoof trial to play cricket for Somerset, so I sent a suspicious
message back and discovered that the invitation was genuine. So I had been
chosen. Somewhere in the Dean’s office there is a list of Pembroke clergy who are
believed not have lost their faith or to be too boring. I am apparently on this list
and now it was my turn. The feeling was one of great pleasure and reminded me
of three significant moments in my life when I had been chosen before. When I
was chosen to be a priest, when I was chosen by my wife, and of most significance
today, when I was chosen to come to Pembroke. Maybe some of you are students
of genius and carry around with you the knowledge of how lucky Pembroke is to
have you. But for me, however arrogant I am in other ways, I always knew
Pembroke was immensely bigger than me and I have carried with me since the
age of 18 to this present day a sense of awe that I belong here. And of course, this
awe is incarnated in a love of her buildings, not because I am especially sensitive
to architecture but because buildings are either places of death or places of life. I
experience a sense of death when I get near Homebase or B&Q, and life, just
through walking down Trumpington Street and going past the front of
Pembroke. ‘Surely your servants take delight in her stones and are moved to pity
by her dust.’ Although I come from the class of ’69, the age when revolution got
near even to Pembroke, I was not one of those who voted in the JP that the altar in
the chapel should be torn down to make way for the first ever Wren squash court.
May I ask you, do you remember when you were chosen to come here? Are you
still thrilled by that choosing? And does it sustain you when times are dark, as the
lives of most people between the ages of 18 and 25 are often dark, if I am not
much mistaken? And do you know that the world is full of people who have such
a diminished sense of anyone every having chosen them that they would probably
not even know what I am talking about. People, as it were, who were always in
queues of children waiting to be picked for the team and were always picked last
with attendant moans from the other players. Whose very personalities are
fractured by never having been chosen. And that the joy of having been chosen is
that choosing is in some sense always surprising, always gratuitous, always
overwhelming. Why was it that the most beautiful girl in the whole world chose
me? Such choosing is what God does. And God is being most godlike in his
utterly surprising gratuitous actions. Theologians call it creatio ex nihilo. Creating
out of nothing. Choosing otherwise unnoticed people and raising them up. As
when Samuel went to the House of Jesse to look for a king. And he looked at all
Jesse’s fine sons and knew that God had chosen none of them. So he turned to
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Jesse and asked him whether he had any other sons, and Jesse only had David, the
youngest, who could not possibly have been thought of to be a king except that
was exactly what God did think. Or we might be moved by the calling of the Jews
as expressed in the Book of Deuteronomy: ‘The Lord did not set his love upon
you, nor choose you because you were more in number than any people; for you
were the fewest of all the people.’ Or by the Virgin Mary, the highly favoured one,
lifted up form lowliness, or Mary Magdalene, the apostle of the Resurrection. And
speaking for myself, having been so richly chosen, I am eternally grateful that
what one might call the ‘Angel of Pembroke’ sent me to spend my summers at
Pembroke House both to introduce me to young people who ate undergraduates
for their lunch, but also to help me to discover what mission is: a kind of choosing
that goes far beyond these walls to privilege. The speaking of a powerful voice
through which people who believed themselves to be ugly and unlovely discover
their God given beauty.
And to be chosen is always to be incorporated into a great tradition. I wonder
how many undergraduates in the age of Facebook could make much sense of our
celebration of the living witness of the great dead: of the Countess of Pembroke;
of Henry VI and of Nicholas Ridley; and, in my personal list, of Kenneth Farnes,
a beautiful fast bowler, who bowled high and straight for England and was killed
in 1940 at the age of 30; and Charles Andrews, the only Englishman to be
honoured on an Indian postage stamp, who, when he visited by my father’s
university, the LSE, with his friend Gandhi, caused a sense of awe among the
students that Gandhi did not match (or so my father told me); and Meredith
Dewey, with respect to James, my Dean, whom I heard here at the
Commemoration of Benefactors 40 years ago, exhorting us to ‘look to the rock
from which we were hewn.’ Pembroke heroes who are still alive because this
place is not a museum but a community. And if you think I am being fanciful, one
of our most terrible poverties is a loss of the sense of the past. If we were Africans
worshipping here today we would have a keen felt sense that the ancestors
worship with us. And indeed that what we are doing here tonight is not only
tradition but also truth. It is the very livingness of the past which is part and parcel
of Christian hope. That because we have so clearly come from somewhere, that
our journey is so clearly purposeful but incomplete, that even in the age of
Dawkins some of us believe with reason that we are also going somewhere. And
that in the pastoral ministry of the Church to the broken one is always trying to
restore to them a tradition – which gives a sense that we have firm ground under
our feet because we are travelling in good company, as the letter of the Hebrews
has it, ‘Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith’.
You did not come to Pembroke because you would get a better job through
coming here but because of a mysterious vocation through which one day you will
help others find life in living traditions – families, workplaces, academic
disciplines, local communities, and underneath these things something stronger
and more mysterious still, which to many is just mystery, but in the words of
Thomas Aquinas is ‘what all people call God’.
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Henry Kissinger at Pembroke
Dr Henry Kissinger – National Security Adviser (1969–1975) to President Nixon and
Secretary of State (1973–1977) to Presidents Nixon and Ford – visited Pembroke College on
November 16 2009 as part of the annual Xchanging German Xcellence Lecture series at
Pembroke. He had just come back from Berlin, where he had attended ceremonies to mark
the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Dr Kissinger was interviewed by Anne
McElvoy, executive editor of the London Evening Standard, and Markus Hesselmann, UK
correspondent of Der Tagesspiegel. He then took questions from an invited audience of
Pembroke Fellows, students and guests from the University and Xchanging plc, the
sponsors of the lecture series. Below is a transcript of a part of the interview section of Dr
Kissinger’s talk. A podcast of the complete talk is available on ‘Pembroke Record’. This is
a new section of the Pembroke website that is designed to bring the best of the talks and
events held at Pembroke to a wider audience. ‘Pembroke Record’ can be found at
AM: Can I press you on the response of the other powers to German reunification, and in
particular Russia. The feeling in Russia was that the humiliation that followed these events
has led to a culture of resentment in politics in Moscow. Do you think that we failed to take
seriously enough the bruising of the Russian bear in the aftermath of 1989?
HK: There’s no doubt that the events from ’89 to the advent of Putin are
considered a humiliating experience in Russia. This is partly because Russia had
been an ‘out state’ in the sense that it legitimises itself to its people not by its
domestic achievements but by its imperial enterprises. So when Russia lost its
reach at the end of that series of upheavals that started in ’89 and it was reduced
to its present borders, it meant the end of 300 years of Russian history. So they
were back after 300 years to where they had started under Peter the Great. That
was emotionally very painful for Russia. Now – did the West properly understand
that? Probably not. The West thought – and there were books written at that
period about the end of history – the West thought that this was a natural
evolution, that history was moving inevitably towards democracy, that democracy
would also come to Russia in the same way that it had come... and so it is
interesting, maybe astonishing, that very few Western leaders addressed the
question of what its long-term impact would be on Russian psychology. So
perhaps one would wish that there had been a better understanding of Russian
psychology, but if one asks oneself what in fact could one have done to take
account of the Russian view, the Russians probably if they had conducted a
tougher policy, could have achieved a formal commitment not to expand NATO,
at least beyond the German borders. I think they probably could have achieved
this. But I don’t know whether that would have improved the situation. I think the
fact that Poland is in NATO gives Poland a security today that it has never had in
its history. Where we have to exercise restraint is in going beyond it and going
into the territories that were not satellite states but were part of Russia, part of its
military structure.
MH: You mentioned the end of history notion that was quite widespread then 20 years ago. I
was wondering whether did you believe in that, at least a bit, and were you quite surprised
that it didn’t turn out to be quite that easy after all?
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HK: No – I consider myself a historian, or at least I aspire to be a historian, and if
you have studied history, you know that it is a process and not a series of terminal
points and every apparent solution of one problem is an admission ticket to
another set of problems. Nor do I believe that history culminates in one particular
approach to politics and that is the difference between the professorial approach
to foreign policy and a statesman’s approach to foreign policy. The academic
approach looks at final or best answers. The statesman always has to deal with
relatively contingent answers and look at them as a sequence of events – almost
MH: Would you be willing to grant a special position to Germany in dealing with
international conflicts, because of the history of Germany?
HK: No. I think we have reached the point now – this is 60 years after the end of
the War – and I think Germany should play the role that is appropriate to its
capacities. I don’t think Germany should be treated as a country on which special
restrictions are to be placed. Germany should conduct its foreign policy like a
normal country, like anyone else. That gives it considerable influence, because of
the size of its population, the importance of its economy, and the talents it has
developed over the years. Germany should stop oscillating between extremes in
its perception of foreign policy.
MH: The problem seems to be with that view that obviously the German public doesn’t follow
that. There’s a strong majority – you’ll remember Schröder winning the election by not going
into Iraq – there’s still a very strong majority that takes the view that because of the past we
should have a special role and not go to war as easily as Britain or the US do. So you think
this view you have put forward can be put into practice without the majority support of the
German people?
HK: Two or three years ago, I thought that Schröder’s attitude was pretty
widespread. This time, I felt that there was a certain sense of pride in how far
Germany had come in the [last] 20 years and people were less embarrassed to talk
about a role for Germany and so what you describe is very accurate for what
Schroder did but it is not perhaps fully accurate, and is in the process of changing,
in the rest of Germany. But correct me if I’m wrong.
AM: Well, the Germans did in the end choose a coalition that was going to stay in
Afghanistan. But it is certainly true of public opinion here in Britain as in Germany that the
military involvement in Afghanistan is becoming less popular, almost by the week or by the
month. I just wondered whether you felt that the refinement of the strategy that is being
announced in Washington was going to allay those fears, or would it remain a very
unpopular war, and if so, how long should we give it?
HK: Well, what would have happened on D-Day if there had been cable television
and talking heads had analysed at the end of every day the casualties that had been
incurred? Whether democracies can fight a war at all under the conditions of
permanent, instant analysis – that’s an open question. And especially a guerilla
war. The big issues in foreign policy are always – What is your judgment of
consequence? And you cannot prove it true when you make it. When you make the
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judgment, you don’t have enough evidence. When you have enough evidence, it’s
too late to be affected by your judgment. So one has to operate in this vague area.
Would one choose Afghanistan to fight a war? Obviously not. Nobody has ever
conquered Afghanistan. This country knows it better than anybody else. But
that’s not the present issue. The present issue is – being there, how does one
judge the impact of a precipitate withdrawal on Pakistan, India, Russia, and other
countries who are needed to maintain the international order? And having said
that, what is the impact of staying and how can one translate a unilateral effort by
America together with some European help into an enterprise in which other
affected nations change? What we have clearly learned over the past decade is that
we cannot do this by simply endurance. Other countries have to understand that
there’s a limit to what we can do. But to begin a term by a total reversal of policy,
I would argue would have very serious consequences in Pakistan and India. Now
can one sustain that with domestic opinion? That’s the obligation of leaders. I
don’t know that.
AM: If you can make comparisons across time, when you were dealing with trying to bring
an end to an unpopular war in Vietnam, ‘peace with honour’ was one of the goals that you set
yourself then. What would ‘peace with honour’ look like in Afghanistan?
HK: Well, Afghanistan is a different kind of issue from Vietnam. In Vietnam, if
people reviewed the negotiations seriously, and not used it for placards and
demonstrations, they will see that there was one issue that we identified with
honour, and one issue only, and that was that the United States would not
overthrow a government that our predecessors had established, to which we had
no individual obligation, that we would not overthrow that government and put
in a communist government, and thereby betray the people who had relied on us.
That was the one condition we refused to meet. All other conditions were
adjustable. And I find it interesting that recently a book has been published in
Hanoi, based on Hanoi archives, about the negotiations between Le Duc Tho and
myself, which makes almost the opposite point to the ones the critics here at
home always make: and the point in that book is that Vietnam would not settle
until it had an absolute superiority on the battlefield. They insisted on victory. We
kept looking for compromise; they were not looking for compromise. Now in the
present situation there is tactically a finality – that if you are a guerilla and you are
fighting under these conditions, you think endurance is one of your strongest
weapons and you can count on the psychological loss of your enemy and
therefore if you ‘defenders of freedom’, or whatever you call ourselves, collapse,
they will learn for the next battle that this is what they can count on and if you
think – as I do, and most people who have studied this believe – that if they are
given the impetus of inevitable victory, that Pakistan with, say, 100 nuclear
weapons, becomes an ungovernable country and the line of the issue then moves
to the Indian border, you have then made the situation infinitely worse. Now –
your question is what is ‘peace with honour’? In Vietnam, you could conceive that
there was at least a party you could negotiate with in Hanoi. In Afghanistan you
have an amorphous collection of guerilla groups whose total impact can be
disastrous but who are not necessarily in a position to settle it themselves in any
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reliable way. What I don’t think has been sufficiently addressed yet, and to which
I don’t have a detailed answer, is the following anomaly. In Vietnam and Iraq you
could say, as an American, that we had a decision to make: does it affect our
national security or not? And there was a legitimate debate on this. But once the
decision had been made that it was a national security issue, only we could do it
because there was no other country with sufficient interests – except Britain in
Iraq, but the major threat had to come from us. But now with Afghanistan you can
say that if you analyse it in terms of national interests, that India, Pakistan, Russia,
China and even Iran if it ever can approach a rational faith, have a common
interest in at least one thing: that Afghanistan not become a base for terrorism
against its neighbours. Now is it possible to bring about a democracy – that is still
a generally accepted common interest – into a common policy? I don’t know that
– but I think that should be the big effort over the next year or so. It shouldn’t be
a purely military engagement. In the 19th century, a strategic problem in Europe
was – what do you do with the ports on the Channel facing Britain? It was always
thought that it had to be in hands of some major power, but whenever a major
power got this, Britain would fight. So finally when Belgium was created, the
concept of neutrality was associated with it, that was guaranteed by the powers.
Now that was a very simple thing in that respect but it avoided this issue until the
Germans, for reasons unconnected with the naval issue, attacked through
Belgium. Now is it possible to create a definition of prohibited terrorist activities
that many nations share and that they agree to enforce? And how would you do
that? But it seems to me that this is the best outcome in Afghanistan that we can
understand. How to form a democratic government in Afghanistan is a 50 year
project and if we tie our actions to progress towards democracy in Afghanistan,
we are in a bottomless bog.
MH: In an interview with Der Spiegel, you mentioned that people who attacked you or your
views sometimes said – in America, that is – that, ‘We have to be careful, because he’s still a
German.’ What did they mean by that?
HK: One has to look at American historic foreign policy. America is different from
any other country first in the sense that the huge majority of its population – I
mean, all of its population really – are immigrants. They had turned their back on
their previous societies and they came to America in order to leave behind the
quarrels of Europe, the oppressions of Europe. Secondly, when they got there,
they were in a country that had two great oceans protecting them. So Americans
did not have to think about the vicissitudes of foreign policy the way other nations
had to. So foreign policy has appeared to Americans as a series of individual
problems that could be solved, and once they were solved, you could withdraw
into a kind of isolation. My conviction has been that this was correct and really a
part of American history, but in the contemporary world you are a participant
whether you like it or not and we have to avoid in America the temptation towards
isolation, but also the temptation to identify foreign policy with psychiatry and
with a mission. We have to understand the historical processes through which
other nations have gone and the culture that they represent, and therefore I tend
to get attacked from the Left and the Right. From the Left, because they think I am
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too much oriented towards strategic analysis. From the Right, because I don’t like
to lead crusades. But maybe this is the arrogance of age. I believe whether people
agree with my specific views or not, that is a secondary question. But in terms of
the fundamental analysis that I am presenting, you cannot encompass it by
saying, ‘pragmatism against idealism’ – and I am convinced that in the years
ahead we are coming to that view because we have no choice. How can we
prescribe to China, which has 4,000 years of uninterrupted history, most of which
they traversed before we even existed, that we can prescribe to them how to run
their own domestic affairs?
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President Theodore Roosevelt at Pembroke – a 100 year
Theodore Roosevelt was President of the United States from 1901–1909. On leaving office,
he was awarded an honorary degree by the University of Cambridge on May 26 1910. The
then Master of Pembroke, Arthur James Mason, happened to be Vice-Chancellor of the
University at the time of Roosevelt’s visit to Cambridge to receive his honorary degree. He
met Roosevelt at the Cambridge railway station. They then went briefly to the Master’s
Lodge at Pembroke before visiting Emmanuel College to look at the portrait there of John
Harvard (1607–1638), an alumnus of Emmanuel, and after whom Harvard University was
named (in acknowledgement of the fact that John Harvard was its first benefactor).
Roosevelt and the Master then returned to Pembroke for a lunch in Roosevelt’s honour,
attended by 100 people, before proceeding to Senate House for the degree ceremony. After
the degree ceremony, Roosevelt addressed an especially convened meeting of the
Cambridge Union, at which he was made an honorary member of the Cambridge Union.
To mark the 100 year anniversary of Roosevelt’s visit to Pembroke, we reproduce here an
edited version of Roosevelt’s speech to the Cambridge Union:
Something in the nature of a tract was handed to me before I came up here. It was
an issue of the Gownsman [holding up, amid laughter, a copy of an undergraduate
publication] with a poem portraying the poet’s natural anxiety lest I should
preach at him... I will promise to preach as little as I can, but you must take your
chance, for it is impossible to break the bad habit of a lifetime at the bidding of a
comparative stranger...
Now I thank you very much for having made me an honorary member. Harvard
men feel peculiarly at home when they come to Cambridge. We feel we are in the
domain of our spiritual forefathers, and I doubt if you yourselves can appreciate
what it is to walk about the courts, to see your buildings, and your pictures and
statues of the innumerable men whose names we know so well, and who have
been brought closer to us by what we see here... It gives an American university
man a peculiar feeling to come here and see so much that tells of the ancient
history of the University...
Now I am going to disregard your poet and preach to you just for one moment,
but I will make it as little obnoxious as possible. The Secretary spoke of me as if I
were an athlete. I am not, and never have been one, although I have always been
very fond of outdoor amusement and exercise. There was, however, in my class at
Harvard, one real athlete who is now in public life. I made him [Robert Bacon]
Secretary of State...and he is now Ambassador in Paris. If I catch your
terminology straight, he would correspond to your triple blue. He was captain of
the football eleven, played on the baseball team, and rowed in the crew, and in
addition to that he was champion heavyweight boxer and wrestler, and won the
220-yard dash. His son was captain of the Harvard University crew that came over
here and was beaten by Oxford two years ago. [Voices: ‘Cambridge’.] Well, I never
took a great interest in defeats. [Loud laughter and applause.] Now, as I said
before, I never was an athlete, although I have always led an outdoor life, and have
accomplished something in it, simply because my theory is that almost any man
can do a great deal, if he will, by getting the utmost possible service out of the
qualities that he actually possesses.
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There are two kinds of success. One is the very rare kind that comes to the man
who has the power to do what no one else has the power to do. That is genius. I
am not discussing what form that genius takes; whether it is the genius of a man
who can write a poem that no one else can write, The Ode on a Grecian Urn, for
example, or Helen, thy beauty is to me; or of a man who can do 100 yards in nine and
three-fifths seconds. Such a man does what no one else can do. Only a very
limited amount of the success of life comes to persons possessing genius. The
average man who is successful – the average statesman, the average public
servant, the average soldier, who wins what we call great success – is not a genius.
He is a man who has merely the ordinary qualities that he shares with his fellows,
but who has developed those ordinary qualities to a more than ordinary degree...
It is just so in public life. It is not genius, it is not extraordinary subtlety, or
acuteness of intellect, that is important. The things that are important are the
rather commonplace, the rather humdrum virtues that in their sum are
designated as character. If you have in public life men of good ability, not
geniuses, but men of good abilities, with character – and, gentlemen, you must
include as one of the most important elements of character, commonsense – if
you possess such men, the Government will go very well.
I have spoken only of great successes; but what I have said applies just as much
to the success that is within the reach of almost every one of us. I think that any
man who has had what is regarded in the world as a great success must realise
that the element of chance has played a great part in it. Of course a man has to
take advantage of the opportunities; but the opportunities have to come. If there
is not the war, you don’t get the great general; if there is not the great occasion you
don’t get the great statesman; if Lincoln had lived in times of peace no one would
have known his name now. The great crisis must come, or no man has the chance
to develop great qualities.
There are exceptional cases, of course, where there is a man who can do just
one things, such as a man who can play a dozen games of chess or juggle with
four rows of figures at once – and as a rule he can do nothing else. A man of this
type can do nothing unless in the one crisis for which his powers fit him. But
normally the man who makes the great success when the emergency arises is the
man who would have made a fair success in any event. I believe that the man who
is really happy in a great position – in what we call a career – is the man who
would also be happy and regard his life as successful if he had never been thrown
in that position. If a man lives a decent life and does his work fairly and squarely
so that those dependent on him and attached to him are better for his having
lived, then he is a success, and he deserves to feel that he has done his duty and
he deserves to be treated by those who have had greater success as nevertheless
having shown the fundamental qualities that entitle him to respect...
I am not speaking cant to you. I remember once sitting at a table with six or
eight other public officials, and each was explaining how he regarded being in
public life, how only the sternest sense of duty prevented him from resigning his
office, and how the strain of working for a thankless constituency was telling
upon him, and nothing but the fact that he felt he ought to sacrifice his comfort
to the welfare of the country kept him in the arduous life of statesmanship. It went
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round the table until it came to my turn. This was during my first term of office as
President of the United States. I said: ‘Now gentlemen, I do not wish there to be
any misunderstanding. I like my job, and I want to keep it for four years longer.’
[Loud laughter and applause.] I don’t think any President ever enjoyed himself
more than I did. Moreover, I don’t think any ex-President enjoyed himself more.
I have enjoyed my life and my work because I thoroughly believe that success – the
real success – does not depend upon the position you hold, but upon how you
carry yourself in that position. There is no man here today who has not the chance
so to shape his life after he leaves this university that he shall have the right to feel,
when his life ends, that he has made a real success of it; and his making a real
success of it does not in the least depend upon the prominence of the position he
holds. Gentlemen, I thank you, and I am glad I have violated the poet’s hope and
have preached to you.
With thanks to Frank King, Fellow of Churchill College, for pointing out this anniversary to
the Gazette.
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Through a Glass Darkly
Colin Wilcockson
The following poem was awarded the Seatonian Prize 2009 by the University of Cambridge
for best poem by an MA of the University on a sacred theme:
The paraclete dove looks down from my window
Head-inclined, wings wide-spread
In offered embrace.
The fledgling had startled me as it crashed on the glass.
Had it mistaken the self-image as a mate
Or a threat, without reflecting?
(I watched the palpitation
Of its cooling body
On the rose-bed death-bed.)
The impacted image remains.
I shall leave it
Till the summer rains
Lave it and disintegrate its integrity,
Till the soft-feathered image
Is effaced.
When I was a child...
The child in the mirror
Reflected another persona.
Self-absorbed, I did not understand
The face always returning smile for smile,
The farewell wave of the hand.
But now I am a man...
I know
That the broken body
Pierced by Longinus’ spear
And the cooling of the corpse
After thirst-anguished heat
Was the correlation of God made flesh
Dwelling among us...
No longer the reflection
Or the windowed paraclete,
No longer a symbol to disentangle
But en clair face to face
The knowing and the known
In eternal embrace.
© Colin Wilcockson, 2010
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In October 2009, ten new Fellows were admitted to the College. Here they
introduce themselves to the Pembroke College Cambridge Society in their
own words:
CAROLINE BURT was admitted to Pembroke in October 2009 as Admissions
Tutor and Fellow in History. She writes: I was born and raised in Manchester and
went to Loreto Grammar School in Altrincham, after which I did my
undergraduate degree in History at Churchill College, Cambridge. Having alighted
on medieval history early in my time at Churchill, I decided first to follow my BA
with an MPhil in Medieval History, this time at New Hall (now Murray Edwards
College), and a PhD, studying under Christine Carpenter. My interest initially was
on governance, on how kingship operated in medieval England, and particularly
how one king, Edward I, translated policy made at the centre into action on the
ground in a society that lacked either a police force or a standing army. As time
went on, I began more and more to think about the ideas which underlay kingly
policy-making, and how far those ideas evolved in both a European and a
particularly English context. I am currently finishing a book on Edward I and am
about to embark on another, on England in the 13th and 14th centuries. Having
finished my PhD at New Hall in 2004, I was made a senior member of the College,
responsible for teaching undergraduates at the College and across the University.
A year later I became a full College Teaching Officer and Director of Studies for the
College’s historians. At the same time, my interest in recruitment developed and I
became the College’s Admissions Tutor responsible for schools liaison. When I
ceased to hold that position, I became History Faculty Schools Liaison Officer, a
role I still play and very much enjoy. The post of Admissions Tutor and College
Lecturer at Pembroke therefore represented an ideal job opportunity for me, and I
was absolutely delighted to join the College in October.
RENAUD GAGNÉ was appointed University Lecturer in
Greek Literature in the Faculty of Classics in October 2009
and became a Fellow at Pembroke College the same
month. He writes: I am a historian of archaic and classical
Greek literature and religion. My published work is mostly
concerned with the representation of religious culture in
early Greek poetry (8th–5th c. BCE). I am also particularly
interested in the study of Greek poetry in performance as
well as the history of classical scholarship, especially early
modern Humanism. After a BA in Classics, I received a
Masters in Ancient History from the Université de Montréal. I then completed a
PhD in Classical Philology at Harvard, which I partly spent on fellowships in
Athens and Berlin. I was Assistant Professor of Greek Language and Literature at
McGill University before coming to Cambridge last September, where I am now a
University Lecturer in Greek Literature and a Fellow of Pembroke College. This
summer I will be completing two edited volumes. One is a comparative study of
human sacrifice in ancient Greece, China, and Mesoamerica, the other a series of
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investigations on the chorus of Greek tragedy and comedy. I am also finishing a
monograph on the theme of ancestral fault – the idea that children can be
punished for the 'sins' of their fathers – in early Greek literature.
MINA GORJI was appointed a Fellow in English at
Pembroke College in October 2009. She writes: I was
born in Tehran in 1975 and moved to Britain in 1980. I
grew up in London and went on to study English
Literature at Trinity College, Cambridge (1993–1996) and
then to Oxford, where I took an MPhil in Romantic
Literature at Lady Margaret Hall. I went on to complete a
PhD on the poetry of John Clare under the supervision of
Tom Paulin and Lucy Newlyn after which I was appointed
a Career Development Fellow at Wadham College,
Oxford. After two years of teaching and research, I won a Research Fellowship at
Magdalen college, Oxford in 2005. I moved back to Cambridge in 2008 to take up
a post in the Faculty of English, where I am now a University Lecturer. My research
is centered on the Romantic period. More broadly, I am interested in poetics and
in the various forms and values of the uncultivated or ‘rude’ – literary, social,
cultural and linguistic. I have edited a collection of essays, Rude Britannia (2007),
and recently enjoyed speaking on the subject for the BBC (unbleeped). Other
published works include a monograph, John Clare and the Place of Poetry (2009),
which celebrates Clare’s ‘literariness’. He was, I argue, an ‘artfully artless’ poet,
widely and deeply read, whose verses are not the naive or ‘rude’ utterances of a
simple ‘peasant poet’ but sophisticated and alive with echoes. I have also
published a number of articles and essays on literary awkwardness, the poetics of
mess, pastoral and literary allusion. I am currently editing a collection of essays
on working class poetry and writing on the poetics of weeds. I have published
poetry in a number of journals, including The London Magazine, Magma, The Oxford
Magazine, and The International Literary Quarterly.
ALEX HOUEN was appointed University Lecturer in the
Faculty of English in October 2009 and became a Fellow
at Pembroke College the same month. He writes: I was
born in Oxford and lived for 15 years in Australia where, at
the University of Sydney, I did a BA(Hons) in English
Literature and an MPhil before coming up to King's
College, Cambridge where I completed a doctorate in
1999. I then taught Modern British and American
literature for 10 years at the University of Sheffield,
becoming Senior Lecturer in 2008. During his time at
Sheffield I published a monograph, Terrorism and Modern Literature: from Joseph
Conrad to Ciaran Carson (OUP, 2002), along with various articles on avant-gardism,
theories of affect, modern American fiction, and war literature. I am currently
completing a monograph on experimental US writing since the 1960s and am
developing another project on sacrifice. I co-edit the poetry journal Blackbox
Manifold (at
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DANILO IGLIORI was appointed the Adam Smith Fellow
in Land Economy at Pembroke College in October 2010,
and became Director of Studies in Land Economy. He
writes: My academic trajectory goes back to the late 1980s
and early 1990s. I received my BA in Economics from the
University of Sao Paulo in 1991. During my undergraduate
studies I got interested in the theories of economic
development and started to engage with environmental
issues. Reading economics on those years was very
exciting due to the huge transformations related to the fall
of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
Although I had always thought of pursuing an academic career, I started my
professional life working for large companies. Firstly, I worked as internal auditor
for a then state run company specialized on mining and natural resources (Vale).
That was a great experience as I had the chance to visit a number of operational
areas such as mines, ports, and railways. I also visited the Amazon region for the
first time when working for Vale. I then moved to a retail bank (Unibanco) and
worked as a project analyst. The contrast could not be more dramatic. In the end
of 1996 I decided that it was time to return to the university and started to prepare
for the national exams, which are required for admission to Masters programmes
in Economics in Brazil.
In 1998 I started my MSc in Economics at the University of Sao Paulo and got
interested in applied economics and econometrics. In 1999 the publication of The
Spatial Economy by Fujita, Krugman and Venables had a fundamental impact on
my career. This book, which consolidates what is now called the New Economic
Geography, introduced me to the topics that have been at the core of my research
agenda ever since. I completed the MSc programme with a dissertation entitled
‘Economics of industrial clusters and development’, and that was published as a
book in 2001.
Whilst doing the MSc, the idea of spending some time abroad and doing a PhD
in a world class university kept growing in my thoughts. In September 2000 I
arrived at Darwin College, Cambridge to do an MPhil in Land Economy with a
view to doing a full PhD. During the MPhil, I wrote a dissertation on high-tech
clusters in the UK, and that dissertation resulted in two articles and three chapters
in edited volumes.
Everything was indicating that I would write my PhD on industrial clusters but
Professor Timo Goeschl (now at the University of Heidelberg), who was lecturing
on environmental economics to my class, invited me to join him as research
assistant in a new research programme on biodiversity and economics for
conservation (Bioecon). In order to take part I would have to write my PhD on
environmental issues and have Timo as my PhD supervisor. So my PhD
dissertation ended up being on the spatial economics of conservation and
development, with a special focus on the Brazilian Amazon. I completed my
dissertation in 2005 and published two articles and one book (Spatial Economics of
Conservation and Development: Topics on Land Use Change in the Brazilian Amazon (VDMVerlag, 2009)) on the basis of my PhD research.
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In 2004 I started my lecturing career at the Department of Land Economy.
Initially covering sabbaticals and later having my own lecture courses when I
became an Affiliated Lecturer. After graduating I also got a position at the
Department of Economics in my old university in Sao Paulo. But I have never
managed to leave Cambridge! So, I kept my position in the Department and
started to ‘commute’, crossing the Atlantic a few times per year. This situation
started to change when I was appointed to the Fellowship in Pembroke during
2009. However, I still fly back and forth due to research commitments and
because my family is still living in Brazil.
At the moment I am mainly involved with two research projects. One on the
urban evolution of Sao Paulo, sponsored by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
(an American institution based in Cambridge, MA). Another on land use in the
Brazilian Amazon in partnership with a number of natural scientists. I am also
trying to co-author a short book entitled Introduction to Applied Spatial Economics, to
be published by Edward Elgar.
COLIN LIZIERI writes: I joined Cambridge University in
October 2009 as Grosvenor Professor of Real Estate
Finance in the Department of Land Economy and was
admitted as a Fellow at Pembroke the same month (at
which point I discovered that my glasses don’t work very
well in the chapel – yes, that was me mangling the Latin).
Prior to arriving in Cambridge, I was Professor of Real
Estate Finance in the Henley Business School, University
of Reading and, before that, Reader in International Real
Estate Markets at City University, with a spell as visiting
professor at the University of Toronto.
I was born in Yorkshire, but from a service family which finally settled near
Oxford. My first degree was in geography from Oxford (St Edmund Hall). I then
studied at the London School of Economics obtaining a doctorate in economic
geography (focussing on local government resource allocation policy) under the
supervision of the late Professor Emrys Jones. Before returning to academic life, I
worked in social housing, urban development and property finance working
mainly in central London.
My main research interests relate to commercial real estate markets: in
particular, to financial innovation in property, international capital flows and the
development of global city office markets. That last topic is the subject of Towers
of Capital, published by Blackwell in 2009, which examines the connections
between the office markets of international financial centres and the systemic risk
and volatility that those linkages create – as seen in the aftermath of the financial
turmoil of 2007/8. I’ve provided advice to, inter alia, the Treasury, the Bank of
England, the Corporation of London and the Norwegian government and
appeared as an expert witness in the Lands Tribunal on property valuation issues.
In my current research, I am extending the work on cities, examining linkages
between property investment flows and European city networks in an EU-funded
study, and am modelling the impact of shocks on the relationships between
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property and equity market returns with colleagues at Cambridge. I am also coauthoring a corporate finance textbook and attempting to produce a revised edition
of a joint authored textbook, the Economics of Commercial Property Markets.
At university, I played many sports at college level, but focussed mainly on
athletics, obtaining a track blue in my last year before moving onto longer
distances. Road running, though, has taken its toll on my knees and back, so my
main exercise now is cycling with occasional games of cricket. As an Oxford boy,
I follow the decline in the fortunes of United with a season ticket to sadness. My
partner, Ruth, has the musical talent, but my own eclectic tastes find me at
classical, jazz and world music concerts. I also retain an unhealthy (but strictly
amateur) interest in hurricanes.
SARAH NOUWEN writes: In September 2009 two friends
and I pushed two trolleys down Downing Street. Behind
me was Emmanuel College, where I had entered as an
MPhil student in International Relations in 2004 and to
which I returned to do a PhD in International Law in 2006.
In front of me was Pembroke College, which I was going
to join as the Mayer Brown Research Fellow in Public
International Law. I looked forward to the experience of
being a member of a community of scholars, to
supervising enthusiastic students, to expanding my
research as a fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, and, more
down to earth, to having a set of rooms (plural!) to myself, in addition to the set
of suitcases that had accommodated me over the past year of fieldwork.
In 2004 I had come to Cambridge to do an MPhil in International Relations. I
had just completed my legal studies, LLB and LLM, at Utrecht University. I had
studied in the Netherlands in the days that students had the freedom to decide
when to take which exams and how many years to take for their studies. I made
it my policy to divide each year into six months in university and six months
abroad. When I completed my legal studies I had interned for the Dutch
ambassador in the UN Security Council, studied Transitional Justice in Cape
Town, assisted in arbitrations in a law firm in Paris, conducted research on
microfinance in Senegal and worked for the Netherlands Ministry for Foreign
Affairs on the legality of pre-emptive use of force. Inside the university I had
learnt the law; outside the university I had learnt that law alone did not provide
all answers. So when I came to Cambridge, it was to study international
relations, rather than international law.
While at Cambridge, my world view changed. I arrived believing (or perhaps
wanting to believe) that the world could be ‘fixed’; I ended the MPhil course better
aware of the politics inherent in this ‘fixing’. Addicted to new insights, I had
enrolled for a PhD, but at the end of the MPhil year I needed a summer break in
the world ‘out there’. I called up my mentor from the days at the UN, who had
been posted to Sudan. Hardly knowing where the country was, I volunteered to
photocopy and make coffee. Southern Sudan’s first official President, Dr John
Garang, was buried on the day of my arrival. Lacking his leadership, the
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formation of the Government of National Unity was unstable. Would the recently
concluded peace agreement that ended Africa’s longest civil war hold? The issues
were gigantic and so was the workload for the Embassy. I was made legal and
political advisor before I could touch any coffee or the photocopy machine. After
three weeks of meetings with representatives from several political parties, UN
officials and Sudanese lawyers, I realised I did not want to step out of this historic
process. I deferred my PhD.
But Cambridge never left my mind. In discussions with local leaders in Abyei,
in trainings of lawyers in Darfur, and in meetings with senior Sudanese
politicians, books that I had read in Cambridge suddenly sprang to mind: identity
politics, globalisation of ideas, the ideology of law. Cambridge seminars lived on
in Sudan. The more I became a field-worker, the stronger became Cambridge’s
pull. The opportunity to transcend the fog of war and to reflect upon it in the
world’s most beautiful and convenient place for studying was tempting. I
returned to Emmanuel College to do a PhD in International Law.
Back in Cambridge, however, I was never entirely back. The more I became
a scholar, the stronger became the pull from the field. The PhD appeared to
cater for both tower and field. Studying the catalysing effect of the International
Criminal Court’s intervention in Uganda and Sudan, I could read books
and write, as well as spend time in the Court and conduct research in two
African states.
Pushing the two trolleys down Downing Street, I felt “my life” in a material
sense had become lighter. Having lived out of suitcases for the last year, physical
belongings had been replaced by indelible experiences. The back gate opened –
new research on peacekeeping operations, students, the Fellowship, a set of
rooms awaited me. Pembroke welcomed me home. Thank you, Pembroke.
SIÂN POOLEY writes: I joined Pembroke College in
October 2009 as the Mark Kaplanoff Research Fellow in
History. I was born and brought up near Lancaster, in
north-west England, before coming to Cambridge in
2002 to read history at St John’s College. I remained at St
John’s as a postgraduate, studying for an MPhil in
Economic and Social History and then a PhD. My doctoral
research was supervised by Dr Simon Szreter on the
subject of parenthood and child-rearing in England,
c.1860–1910. My research interests lie broadly in the social
and cultural history of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Britain. In particular, I
am interested in understandings and experiences of family and intimacy. My
research considers the interaction between individuals, civil society and the state
in a period in which national, as well as local, government took an increasing
interest in the welfare of the population and the raising of the next generation of
citizens. I am currently working on turning my doctoral thesis into a book, which
is provisionally entitled Placing Parenthood: Family, Community and Nation in
England, 1860–1910. This argues that cultures of parenthood were not nationally
uniform in this period, but instead were fundamentally shaped by place. This was
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not just because of diverse local occupational structures, but also due to distinct
ideas of religious and political citizenship, to parents’ contrasting attitudes to
children’s health and needs, and to the variety of understandings of the gender
and age-specific demands of caring. I consider these themes through the lens of
a wide range of archival and textual sources relating to three contrasting
localities, drawing especially on diaries, letters, autobiographies, newspapers,
and the records of schools, courts and government. I am interested in the
interaction between these diverse geographical communities and the experiences
or attitudes that were understood to be common to the nation. Shared beliefs
about the rearing of children – and perceptions of the ways in which others
performed their paternal and maternal roles – were a potent cultural resource that
many religious, political, ideological and social leaders chose to mobilise. In this
way, parenthood was not only a product of, but also constitutive of, ideas about
gender, class, welfare and nation.
My plans for future research projects have emerged from these conclusions.
In particular, I hope to explore the ways in which attitudes to, and experiences
of, parenthood changed in the first half of the twentieth century as average
family size fell dramatically throughout England. I am also interested in
developing two smaller projects that focus on narratives of identity through the
study of diaries and children’s writings. In being part of the Pembroke
community, I particularly enjoy the opportunity to teach undergraduates. I
supervise students on the economic and social history of Britain since 1700, and
find that this teaching both enriches my understanding of the period and
inspires me to pursue my own research.
ALFONSO SORRENTINO writes: Since September 2009 I
have been a Herschel-Smith Research Fellow in Pure
Mathematics at the Department of Pure Mathematics and
Mathematical Statistics in Cambridge, and a Fellow of
Pembroke College.
I was born in Rome, where I received my MA in Pure
Mathematics with highest honors from the Università
degli Studi Roma Tre. In 2003, I moved to Princeton
University (USA) to study for my PhD in Pure Mathematics
and in June 2008 I defended my doctoral thesis, titled ‘On
the structure of action minimising sets for Lagrangian systems’. Before moving
to Cambridge I spent one year in Paris as postdoctoral fellow of the Fondation des
Sciences Mathématiques de Paris. My main research interests are in the fields of
dynamical systems and geometry, in particular in the study of Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian systems and their interplay with symplectic topology. Roughly
speaking, given a set of differential equations, i.e. equations whose unknowns
are not numbers but functions, describing the relations among certain typical
variables of a system (for instance a physical system), the goal is to deduce the
mathematical properties of its solutions and their geometric structure. This is a
very active and important field of research, which is is transversal to many
different fields both in pure and applied mathematics.
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MD. TAUFIQ UR-RAHMAN writes: I was admitted to
Pembroke in October 2009 as a Drapers’ Company
Research Fellow. Before that, I spent about one and half
year as a postodoctoral research associate in Professor
Colin Taylor’s lab at the department of pharmacology.
Before starting my post-doc, I did my PhD under
Colin’s supervision and graduated in April 2008 from
Darwin College.
I was born in Bogra, a northern district of Bangladesh,
and spent my school and college days there. Later my
parents moved to Dhaka, the capital city for my higher education and I obtained
my BPharm and MPharm degree with first class first positions in both from the
department of pharmacy, University of Dhaka. As my MPharm dissertation, I took
a bioactivity-guided approach to isolate a compound from a Pepper family plant
that accounted for its traditional use in pain and inflammatory ailments. While
doing this, I became more aware of the rich heritage of medicinal plants of SouthEast Asia and developed an interest in phytochemistry and ethnopharmacology in
general. After obtaining my MPharm, I spent about five months as a research
associate in the same department and worked in a WHO-funded project that
involved evaluation of some natural anti-oxidants against chronic arsenic
poisoning which was emerging as a great geochemical hazard to public health in
Bangladesh and the West Bengal. Afterwards, I served as a lecturer in the Faculty
of Life Sciences in a newly formed University in Dhaka for about a year. In 2004, I
came to the UK to pursue an MSc in Molecular Pharmacology at the University of
Manchester under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Scheme and
passed with a distinction. In 2005, I was lucky enough to obtain the Yousouf
Jameel Family Studentship for pursuing a PhD in Cambridge. During my PhD
work, I looked at the behaviour of a family of proteins (‘ion channels’)
responsible for releasing calcium within the cell. I remember how excited I was to
see them in action, one at a time, using the so called patch-clamp technique. I
found that these ion channels (known as IP3 receptors) can dynamically cluster in
a stimulus-dependent manner and their collective behaviour differs markedly
from that of individual proteins. My findings earned me a first authored paper in
Nature in 2009. Recently I was given an Early Career Research Award 2011 by the
Biochemical Society in the signal transduction category. My current research
mainly lies in the cell signalling field with a focus on ion channels mediating
calcium release within cells. In addition to this, my background in
pharmaceutical sciences always inspires me to continue some research on
medicinal chemistry. For the last few years, I have been rather dabbling in
molecular modelling and few other in silico drug design approaches and
collaborating with some medicinal chemists. Apart from research, I enjoy
teaching. I have been supervising NST 1B pharmacology for the last few years. My
other hobbies include watching movies, photography and listening to music.
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Trevor Allan secured a two year Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship, to work
on ‘The common law constitution of liberty’.
Polly Blakesley was appointed a Trustee of the National Gallery.
Tim Bussey was made a Reader in Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience by the
University of Cambridge; he also co-authored a study that showed that running
triggers new cell growth in the brain, enhancing the brain’s ability to keep similar
memories distinct.
Vikram Deshpande was made a Professor.
Ray Dolby was awarded the 2010 IEEE Edison Medal ‘For leadership and
pioneering applications in audio recording and playback equipment for both
professional and consumer electronics’.
Roger Ferguson was one of four recipients of the Council for Economic
Education’s 2009 Visionary Award. His award was made for championing
economic empowerment.
Andrea Ferrari was awarded a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit award, to
conduct research into the utilisation of graphene, nanotubes and nanowires for
large area optoelectronics.
Ian Fleming’s book Molecular Orbits and Organic Chemical Reactions: Student Edition
was published by Wiley Press.
Loraine Gelsthorpe was made a Professor.
Bill Grimstone’s book Building Pembroke Chapel: Wren, Pearce and Scott was
published by Pembroke College.
Sylvia Huot’s book Dreams of Lovers and Lies of Poets: Poetry, Knowledge and Desire in the
Roman de la Rose was published by Legenda.
The second edition of Nick McBride’s Letters to a Law Student was published by
Pearson Education.
Stephen O’Rahilly was elected a member of the European Molecular Biology
Organisation. He was also awarded the Dale Medal from the Society of
Endocrinology and an honorary MSc by the University of Warwick.
Jayne Ringrose’s book Summary Catalogue of the Additional Medieval Manuscripts in
Cambridge University Library Acquired Before 1940 was published by Boydell Press.
Dan Tucker and colleagues from the University of Cambridge and the Royal
Veterinary College won the Dieter Lütticken Award – worth €20,000 and
awarded to researchers who have made a significant contribution to finding
alternatives to animal testing in the veterinary sciences – for developing an organ
culture system based on by-products from abattoirs to study respiratory diseases
in livestock.
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Md. Taufiq Ur-Rahman has received an Early Career Research Award for 2011
from the Biochemical Society of the United Kingdom.
Colin Wilcockson was awarded the Seatonian Prize 2009 (an annual prize
awarded by the University of Cambridge for the best English poem by an MA of
the University on a sacred subject) for his poem ‘Through a Glass Darkly’.
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From –
Professor John Bell, several books on international law.
Lady Butler, 77 volumes of antiquarian books.
John Clark, Richard Methley’s ‘Divina Caligo Ignorancie’: a Latin Glossed Version of ‘The
Cloud of Unknowing’ (Salzburg 2009, edited by John Clark).
Malcolm Cockrill, Chequer No. 9 (for the Ted Hughes archives).
Priscilla Drew (via Cambridge in America), $1,000 for the Pembroke College
Caroline Everitt, 12 volumes of Punch 1863–1909.
John Field, five books written by him: The King’s Nurseries: The Story of Westminster
School; Kingdom, Power and Glory: A Historical Guide to Westminster Abbey; Considered
Trifles; The Story of Parliament in the Palace of Westminster; and Durham Cathedral:
Light of the North.
Dr Grimstone, two books on architecture.
Stephen Halliday, a book on Elizabeth Fry.
Dr L.P. Johnson, numerous Cambridge University Press publications in
various subjects.
Dr Peter Martland, 18 history books covering the Middle Ages to the First
World War.
Ryden Mats, his book William Turner: Libellus de re Herbaria Novus (Uppsala
Siegfried Neukirch, his book My journey to Albert Schweitzer (3rd ed, Trafford
Publishing 2009)
Dr David Oldfield, a book on Toulouse-Lautrec
Mrs Doris Orr, a CD of the ‘Centenary in Honour of Robin Orr’.
Mr Richard Pargeter, mathematical books from his father Robert’s (1934)
Mr Daniel Rosenthal, three books on film studies.
Natacha Simon, 14 economics books
Roy Skinner, Sura of the Quran, an antique manuscript
Mr Tony Wilkinson, several very fine private press books and volumes of
Parenthesis, a fine art magazine.
Mrs Albinia Willis, four books on Pembroke College history.
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Nicholas Chrimes’ history of Cambridge, Cambridge: Treasure Island in the Fens,
published in 2009, observes that: ‘The [Cambridge] chapels have undeniably
been pushed to the periphery of the modern scholar’s life… [It is to be hoped that]
they will...remain an inspiration to great music and as deeply moving places of
religion. However, although historians have found reflections of the great issues
which faced this country within them, it is unlikely that the chapels will reflect the
issues of the future.’ Notwithstanding contemporary trends, Pembroke Chapel
seeks to engage with the past, the present and the future – above all in daily
worship, but also through regular and lively fellowship, discussion groups (both
formal and spontaneous), exhibitions, concerts and recitals, times of celebration
and of sadness.
It is true that for many members, the building and everything that goes on
within it remain an unknown entity; it is equally true that many could not imagine
life without it. The Chapel points to something beyond itself, and remains
powerfully but quietly a place for everyone – as its termcard notes, ‘a place of
peace and prayer for the whole College community’.
Of all its work, the regular offering of worship is the Chapel’s primary purpose
–daily Morning and Evening Prayer, attended by a handful of people; Sung
Vespers, with texts that would have been familiar to the Foundress; gospel
services and Thursday evening contemporary worship; the Advent Carol Service
(to which over 260 piled in this year); the Matriculation Service (attended by the
great majority of first-year undergraduates); Requiem Mass on Remembrance
Sunday; and the Commemoration of Benefactors in May. It is encouraging to note
that communicants this year were the highest since 2005–6, and Corporate
Communions have been very happy and representative occasions. An average of
64 attended Sunday Evensong, a meeting place for a cross-section of College
members. Over £2,800 was raised by retiring collections in aid of charitable
But calculations can only tell, as it were, less than half the story, and how many
unknown thousands have passed through the chapel over the last year? Visitors
come from all over to admire our Chapel’s beauty, and Dr Grimstone’s Building
Pembroke Chapel: Wren, Pearce and Scott, published in Michaelmas Term 2009, has
given us a far better sense of how this College gem came to appear as it does. An
exhibition of our ecclesiastical treasures was mounted in June 2010 to coincide
with the Benefactors’ Garden Party. Hundreds of visitors admired rare books,
altar plate and embroidery, with items on display ranging from Lancelot
Andrewes’ 1581 Bible in Slavonic to a set of Eucharistic vestments presented in
October 2009 by the congregation of St Christopher’s at Pembroke House. The
Easter Term also saw the re-appearance of the labyrinth – offering opportunities
during the revision period for quiet reflection on the future – and the display of an
installation featuring 1,000 peace cranes by artist Jay Gadhia.
Music enriches worship on Sundays and feast-days, and the Choir – led by Dr
Barrett and the organ scholars – has delighted and inspired congregations in
College, at Pembroke House, in St Edmundsbury, York Minster and Ely, as well as
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in concert performances at home and abroad. At the May Week Choral Evensong
we bade farewell, among the leavers, to our Kenderdine Organ Scholar, Peter
Yarde Martin, to whom we send thanks and best wishes. We also welcomed the
Schola Cantorum of Ardingly College to sing Evensong at the start of October,
and during the course of the year were joined by parties from the congregations
at Pembroke House and at Waresley.
What more should I say? There’s not time to tell of the Revd Angela Tilby, who
built her sermon around chocolate, or Bishop John Flack who had the tricky job
of preaching on St Valentine’s Day (and was there also a nod to the day in the
choice of ‘My eyes for beauty pine’ as the introit?); of the ethereal beauty of the
Choir singing ‘O nata lux’ into the darkness on Candlemas night; of the battle for
coco-pops at Sunday breakfast; of streaming sunlight and birdsong pouring
through the open doors on Corpus Christi morning; of how many of the weary or
perplexed, regardless of religious affiliation or inclination, have found in the
Chapel rest in a constantly-moving College. Men and women who will deal with
‘the issues of the future’ are formed not least in places like this.
Richard Stanton
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Change, not decay, has been the keynote of the last 12 months at Pembroke
House, 125 years since Pembroke undergraduates committed themselves to a
small area south of the Thames. Physically, the building has undergone a
splendid renaissance which has delighted all who have visited to see the benefits
of the £1.5m refurbishment appeal. The reopening took place on 24 September
when the Bishop of Southwark celebrated High Mass. A few unanticipated jobs
which need completion have not prevented the new facilities humming with
activity, for it is people who make a place what it is.
The changes, indeed, were not only in the buildings, but also in the people.
In summer 2009 the first full-time Centre Manager was appointed: Aydin Djemal
brings a wealth of experience from his previous work in Manchester. Ann Atkins
retired as Administrator in September, and she was thanked for her dedication
and commitment. Having been Warden since March 2000, the Revd Mark
Williams (1991) moved on in November, becoming Vicar of St John the Divine,
Kennington. He took with him our warmest good wishes and heartiest thanks
for extraordinary accomplishments over 10 years in Tatum Street. A presentation
was made by the Master after his last College Evensong in October. Happily, the
vacancy in the Warden’s post was ably covered by the Revd Andrew MoughtinMumby, Assistant Curate of St Christopher’s since July 2006. He, however, left
on St Christopher’s Day in July, to become Rector of St Peter’s Walworth. Again
we are very grateful to him. The new Warden and Vicar is to be the Revd David
Evans, currently Assistant Curate in the parish of St John at Hackney and also
Chair of Hackney Winter Night Shelter. He will be instituted and inducted at
8 pm on 23 September. More good news came later in the Easter Term when the
Crown approved the Revd Canon Geoff Annas, a vigorous Warden from 1987
to 1994, to be the next Bishop of Stafford; his consecration is scheduled
for September.
Amid all the comings and goings, the work of the projects has continued. The
Pembroke Academy of Music, directed by Benjamin Ellin, has flourished.
Performances have included The Marriage of Figaro in October, a splendid joint
concert with the College in February, and Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater in April. A
regular concert series is now planned, as well as a tour in Belgium for a dozen of
the most able students.
The Young Visions project, directed by Wayne Marshall, has had an
encouraging year, working with some 560 local pupils and students to deliver
workshops, visits to places of work and University trips, some to the College. The
Youth Centre is making good use of the new facilities and has also begun a
collaboration with London Youth to deliver sports training activities. Significant
this year was the departure of project director Richard Sontan (to whom we send
our thanks and best wishes) following the reduction of its annual grant by the
London Borough of Southwark, a decision which affected all local youth services.
The refurbishment means that the range of activities in Pembroke House can
now be expanded. A first sign of this was the launch of the Pembroke Luncheon
Club by current resident Miriam Boyles (2005) in January. A hot lunch and
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activities for over-50s, every Thursday from 11.00am! St Christopher’s continues
to prosper with a vibrant liturgy, and many Sundays the church is nearly full.
In College, the support and interest of Junior Members has increased
markedly. We knew it was going to be a good year when 73 students came to the
Freshers’ Supper to hear more about the work in Walworth. Some £2,000 was
raised in May Week alone thanks to the Oxford-to-Cambridge sponsored cycle
ride, a garden party and the May Week Concert. Of course, Pembroke House relies
upon the financial and practical generosity of a large number of supporters –
public, corporate, charitable and individual. More help, however, is very much
needed. New benefactors to join the group of committed subscribers, with whom
regular contact is maintained, are most welcome and warmly appreciated. James
Gardom, the Dean, is Honorary Treasurer and will gratefully receive
contributions or provide information about ways to give: contact him at the
College. Those in and around London are always welcome to drop in at 80 Tatum
Street to visit the premises and projects.
It might go without saying, though it would be wrong if it did, that we are most
grateful to all members and friends who continue to give support and
encouragement in this Anniversary Year. Preaching in Chapel on Whitsunday to
mark the 125th anniversary of the founding of Pembroke House, Fr Andrew
reminded the congregation: ‘Pembroke House stands today as a sign of hope and
the desire for human flourishing. It stands as a testimony to the passion and care
which your predecessors had for the people of Walworth, people who lived then
and often live today a life of struggle, and sometimes of hopelessness. It stands
as a testimony to the rich diversity and unity of the People of God drawn together
from every corner of the earth… I pray that you will continue to value the amazing
things that go in Pembroke House Walworth, and that you’ll always know that a
friendly welcome is waiting for you there.’
Richard Stanton
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From the Development Director
It is a beautiful late June day here in Pembroke, warm and sunny and for once the
seasons are turning out to be, well, seasonal…
But to continue the meteorological metaphor, it is clear that stormy times lie
ahead. For this particular late June has witnessed the Emergency Budget, with
threatened cuts across the board for all but what are known as ‘front-line’ services.
At present, Lord Browne of Madingley is reviewing funding for Higher
Education, and it is unlikely that he will be recommending showering universities
with cash. More likely will be a suggestion that the contribution made to their
education by students themselves will rise, in line with David Willetts’ ‘better deal
for students and taxpayers’. And that rise will be significant. At present, the ‘topup’ tuition fee is £3,225 per annum, but this sum might need to be as much as
quadrupled if the system is to be funded adequately.
Without decisive action, the effect of this would be to divide the world of
higher education into those who can pay and those who cannot. £12,000 per
annum is more than the fees at many private schools and so may well be out of
reach not only for the least well off, but also for those who have saved hard to put
their children through the private system.
Many Colleges already subsidise the education of every single one of their
undergraduates and graduate students, and in Pembroke’s case we calculate this
annual subsidy to be around £4,000 per year. While it is not yet possible to
determine how many students will need how much further funding to meet the
costs of their education at the College, it is clear that that subsidy will rise and the
University itself will not be a source.
So the Colleges and the University must work together to meet this funding
challenge, and to ensure that the mantra of the last fifteen or so years – that no
student should be deterred from applying to Cambridge on financial grounds – can
be maintained. The collective ability to achieve this will naturally depend on the
generosity and investment of alumni, companies and other philanthropic sources.
Earlier this month (June 2010), the University announced that it had reached
its £1 billion fundraising target, two years ahead of schedule. The ViceChancellor, who steps down at the end of this academic year, is naturally thrilled
at what is a significant milestone in UK fundraising. The Colleges have
collectively played their part, as donations to colleges have accounted for around
50% of that sum. For the remainder of the 800th Campaign, which will continue
until its scheduled end in 2012 but with a revised target, your gifts to Pembroke
will continue to count towards the overall funds raised under the 800th banner.
As I write, I do not yet know the College’s own fundraising results for 2009–10,
but it does look to be another highly successful one both in terms of new pledges
and cash received. The Excellence in Perpetuity endowment campaign has reached
£22 million towards the £25 million target, for which the deadline is November
2012, with a large majority of those funds raised for unrestricted endowment
purposes. The College remains very grateful indeed to everyone who supports
Pembroke at whatever level – all donations matter and make a difference.
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I cannot let this opportunity pass to thank Paul Skinner (1963), as Chairman,
and the members of the Campaign Board for their tremendous generosity and
energy in advising and supporting the College’s fundraising efforts, by giving
their wise counsel through Board meetings, hosting and attending events for
potential donors and now helping us ensure that no stone is left unturned in our
efforts to maximise the potential contribution from Members and other sources.
We are pleased that Martin Reith has joined the group which includes Bobby King
(1949), Andrew Chadwick (1961), Norman Bachop (1965), Robert Breare (1972),
Richard Horlick (1977), Andrew Inglis (1977), Randall Dillard (1982), Marcus
Bokkerink (1983), Peter Ringrose (1997) and William Charnley.
Thanks to benefactions we have been able to fund more bursaries, more ‘Avenue
Society’ places (funding which meets the annual subsidy the College makes for
every Junior Member), and new support for research. Future issues of The Avenue will
show how this generosity is enabling the College, and those within it, to thrive.
Of course, the work of the Development Office spreads beyond asking for, and
receiving, money; it also includes the task of building and rebuilding stronger
relationships between Pembroke and its Members. Traditionally, the main focus
for this work has been the annual cycle of events, which continue to thrive with
more than 2,000 guests attending Pembroke events this year. Within this broad
category, I am pleased to say that we have extended the type of event which we
organise to include not just dinners, drinks parties and lunches, but also seminars
and lectures of various types. As reported elsewhere, Henry Kissinger gave a
fascinating talk at the German Xcellence Lecture – generously sponsored by David
Andrews (2006), Chief Executive of Xchanging, one of the College’s corporate
partners – Quentin Skinner delivered the K G Sykes Lecture in Italian Studies on
Machiavelli, and several distinguished figures from academia and public life
participated in the fourth William Pitt Seminar, A Blueprint for Survival. Parents of
current students were privileged to hear Jonathan Lynn (1961) talk about his
experience in film and television at this year’s Parents’ Luncheon in April.
More recent developments include an increased emphasis on ecommunication. My colleague Elisabeth Wadge has spent a good deal of time on
examining the pros and cons of the various approaches to improving this aspect
of Pembroke’s interaction with Members. There are several alumni groups on
LinkedIn, Facebook and we send regular “tweets” from pembroke1347 via
Twitter as well as a termly email from the Master, which seems to attract a great
deal of positive interest. As the University rolls out new software for managing
online relations with alumni, so I expect Pembroke to be part of that programme.
In the meantime, we are grateful to Rebecca Caroe (1984) for the time she has
been putting into enhancing our online presence and communication.
So great has the emphasis been on e-communication there have even been
rumours that the Martlet might be discontinued as a printed publication in favour
of an online, more frequently updated, version. These rumours may have been
engendered by an unfortunate phrase in the Martlet itself, not to mention the
various images of the fabled bird being killed, roasted and stuffed throughout the
pages of the magazine! In fact, there are no plans at all to stop printing the annual
Martlet and I am pleased to report that Dr Alex Houen, a new Fellow of the
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College, has agreed to become editor. The reason for the mistaken impression is
that there are plans, should funds permit, to create an online ‘flying Martlet’
whose content would be produced by a resident writer with the aim of ensuring
that the many interesting aspects of Pembroke life are recorded and broadcast on
a frequent basis via the College website. We have already established the
Pembroke Record webpage ( as an interesting and
dynamic resource, but our hope is that the content of this page will grow rapidly
as a result of this new emphasis. More soon.
The weather outside is now a little hazier: indeed there are clouds but the sun
threatens to break through now and then. Perhaps a fitting metaphor for our
confidence in the bright prospects ahead for the College once the immediate
uncertainty has cleared.
Matthew Mellor
The Corporate Partnership Programme
The economic climate of the past two or three years has meant that companies are
more reluctant to commit to a partnership, but we have continued to strengthen
our relationships with the partners that we do have.
During the past year we have welcomed DSM, a Dutch Life Sciences and
Materials Sciences company, to the Programme and Professor Jos Put, Chief
Technology Officer, was admitted to the College as their William Pitt Fellow in
February 2010. We have already held a workshop on Engineering Thermoplastics in
the College for the company and will be organising a further seminar in the autumn.
Cheyney Group, new partners in 2009, have held a seminar here, and in
February the company’s managing director and William Pitt Fellow, Mr Richard
Parmee (1970) sponsored the Parmee Prize for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise.
The competition, which is open to Pembroke students, was won by a current
undergraduate, Chris Bryan (2007), and his team, ‘Mobile MS’, who are hoping
to produce aids for younger people suffering from diseases such as MS.
Our two major events of the year were the fourth William Pitt Seminar, A
Blueprint for Survival, which was held in Emmanuel College’s Queen’s Building in
October. This was a fascinating session, chaired by the former Vice-Chancellor
Lord Broers, with talks from: the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser,
Professor John Beddington; the Government’s chief advisor on Energy and
Climate Change, Professor David Mackay; the Harvard Professor of
Environmental Engineering, Peter Rogers; and the Cambridge Professor of
Infectious Diseases, Derek Smith. The theme continued the narrative from
previous years’ seminars, which had looked at climate change and then at risk,
and the evening was rounded off by dinner in Hall in Pembroke. This year's
seminar will again be held in Emmanuel College, and will be entitled Geopolitics:
Crisis and Change. The BBC’s James Naughtie will chair the session.
In November the Second Xchanging German Xcellence Lecture was given by
Dr Henry Kissinger, who spoke to a packed and enthralled audience. The subject
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of the 2010 lecture is as yet to be decided. An audio recording of this, together
with a video of the two of the previous William Pitt Seminars, can be found on the
College’s ‘Pembroke Record’ page at
In the past year we have again been involved with various projects for BT,
including Partnership Vision and Business Vision courses, a seminar on security,
and frequent meetings. We have also helped the company to find students for
summer placements. We expect that the relationship will continue to flourish in
the coming twelve months. Mr Matt Bross, who was the company's William Pitt
Fellow left the company last year, and the College elected Sir Michael Rake,
Chairman of BT, to succeed him.
In late January, we held an extremely well-attended graduate careers event for
Grosvenor, the UK property business, which drew students from across the
The Corporate Partnership Programme continues to be a high quality avenue
for companies with diverse research and strategic interests to interact with
various people in and elements of the University via the network that exists in the
academic staff of the College. If you would like more information about how it
works, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01223 339080.
Matthew Mellor
The Matthew Wren Society
The 13th meeting of the Society was held in College on Saturday 17 October 2009,
when 92 members, and their guests, were entertained to lunch in Hall following
a reception hosted by the President in the Old Library. After lunch, a selection of
the watercolours left to the College by Monica Partridge (1998) were displayed in
the Nihon Room.
Membership of the Society is open to anyone who has notified the College of
an intention to benefit the College by a bequest. Matthew Wren (1585–1667) –
undergraduate, Fellow and President of the College (1616–24), and Bishop of Ely
(1638–67) – was a notable benefactor of the College. (His body is interned in the
crypt of the Chapel, which he had built as a gift to the College, in 1665.) The
Society has a membership of over 340. The names of those who have consented
to be identified – together with a number of recent bequests received – are listed
below. To all, the College is extremely grateful.
I A Ewen (1933)
P J D Langrishe (1935)
G E Millard (1935)
J A C Drew (1936)
I N Turner (1938)
J B H Knight (1939)
M D Jepson (1940)
HH Sebag-Montefiore
J F Bostock (1944)
C A Price (1944)
P B Mackenzie Ross (1945)
T O'Donnell (1945)
D R Smith (1945)
R G Bennett (1946)
J T Edmond (1946)
G R Evans (1946)
K N Palmer (1946)
R T Sanders (1946)
M W Thompson (1946)
R B Waterhouse (1946)
P R Langham (1947)
H G Penman (1947)
J M Smith (1947)
M B Cheales (1948)
R M L Humphreys (1948)
J M D Knight (1948)
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J G Parker (1948)
R N Quartano (1948)
C J Addison (1949)
R Bonnett (1949)
M F Collcutt (1949)
H J L Fitch (1949)
J F K Hinde (1949)
R H King (1949)
E D Peacock (1949)
R L Stewart (1949)
P L Tennant (1949)
M J C Annand (1950)
J W Bell (1950)
P C Flory (1950)
A N Savage (1950)
J J M Barron (1951)
A B Carles (1951)
J L Dixon (1951)
A M Hall-Smith (1951)
R T Kingdon (1951)
R T Lawman (1951)
K A C Patteson (1951)
W R Riddington (1951)
G B Smethurst (1951)
M B Whittaker (1951)
J P Barber (1952)
J C R Downing (1952)
R N Field (1952)
G R Hext (1952)
P J Pugh (1952)
D F Beckley (1953)
I D Crane (1953)
I D McPhail (1953)
A N Paterson (1953)
J D P Phillips (1953)
N A Robeson (1953)
N F Robinson (1953)
P H Vince (1953)
J M Whitehead (1953)
C Beadle (1954)
N I Cameron (1954)
G F Fooks (1954)
A H Isaacs (1954)
I Meshoulam (1954)
R L Allison (1955)
M Bett (1955)
J E Bowen (1955)
D W Eddison (1955)
C Gilbraith (1955)
D A Hewitt (1955)
J D Hind (1955)
T R Hopgood (1955)
N La Mar (1955)
H J F McLean (1955)
N M Pullan (1955)
J M P Soper (1955)
R J Warburton (1955)
P W Boorman (1956)
B M Fagan (1956)
D H Mellor (1956)
M A Roberts (1956)
T G Rosenthal (1956)
T J Harrold (1957)
J M H Hunter (1957)
J B Macdonald (1957)
D W H McCowen (1957)
R B Wall (1957)
M F Atiyah (1958)
R A C Berkeley (1958)
O C Brun (1958)
R J M Gardner (1958)
J D Harling (1958)
J Lawrence (1958)
A E Palmer (1958)
G Parry (1958)
K H T Schiemann (1958)
J Sutherland-Smith (1958)
G J Williams (1958)
W R Williams (1958)
J N Woulds (1958)
H A Crichton-Miller (1959)
D R Ives (1959)
P N Jarvis (1959)
M G Kuczynski (1959)
J A McMyn (1959)
Y A Wilks (1959)
P A C Cogan (1960)
J P Warren (1960)
J B Wilkin (1960)
P G Bird (1961)
J A H Chadwick (1961)
S Halliday (1961)
R M Wingfield (1961)
R W Jewson (1962)
M J Llewellyn-Smith (1962)
K M McNeil (1962)
R C Sommers (1962)
J C R Turner (1962)
T H Gibbons (1963)
S C Palmer (1963)
P D Skinner (1963)
J A Stott (1963)
J C D Hickson (1964)
C R M Kemball (1965)
R G H Bethel (1966)
E M Himsworth (1966)
R I Jamieson (1966)
C R B Goldson (1967)
M Goodwin (1967)
C R Webb (1967)
I C Brownlie (1968)
I P Collins (1968)
D E Love (1968)
P D Milroy (1968)
T J H Townshend (1968)
J P Wilson (1968)
P G Cleary (1969)
B C Heald (1969)
J H Kellas (1969)
W R Siberry (1969)
W S Gould (1970)
H J Perkins (1970)
J R Wiesenfeld (1970)
R H Johnson (1971)
R Kinns (1971)
M H Thomas (1971)
M S Oakes (1972)
A G Singleton (1972)
M A Smyth (1973)
A S Ivison (1974)
S G Trembath (1974)
R D Jacobs (1975)
K P Van Anglen (1975)
M J Burrows (1976)
N G Walker (1976)
N J Brooks (1977)
S M Andrews (1978)
N T Beazley (1978)
J C Finnemore (1978)
M K Jackson (1978)
D S Walden (1978)
L J Reeve (1979)
H H Erskine-Hill (1980)
M E Bartlett (1981)
D J Hitchcock (1982)
D N Pether (1983)
V J Bowman (1984)
J W Laughton (1989)
G P Shields (1991)
J P Parry (1992)
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M A Bagnall-Oakeley
H P Raingold (1994)
A R B A Mydellton (1997)
J Mayne (2004)
The College apologises for any inadvertent omissions, and invites members
willing to see their names listed in future to write accordingly to Sally March at the
The following bequests were received by the College:
C E Davis (1948), a further £10,000
W E Burcham (1934), £8,000
P W St L Searle (1950), £995
C N G W Aschan (1924), £25,018
H A V Bulleid (1930), £3,000
T E M Douglas (1944), £3,000
R B Little (1967), £16,790
G B Houston (1963), a further £670
A Legacy to Pembroke College Cambridge, which contains helpful information on
making a bequest to the College, can be obtained by telephoning Sally March on
(01223) 339079, writing to her at the College, or contacting her by e-mail
([email protected]).
James Hickson
The 1347 Committee Parents Luncheon
The 16th 1347 Committee Parents Luncheon was held at the beginning of the Easter
Term, on Sunday 18 April 2010. 190 parents and other family members joined current
members of the College for the occasion in Hall after drinks in the Old Library. Mr
Jonathan Lynn (1961), the director, writer and actor, was this year’s guest speaker.
The Committee would like to thank all those who attended this year’s Lunch and
those who made donations. The £3,000 raised has been given to a College fund that
directly supports Pembroke students in need of financial assistance.
The next Parents Luncheon will be held on Sunday 16 January 2011 and details
will be circulated to the parents of Junior Members in Autumn 2010.
1347 Committee Officers 2009–2010
President: K W Lawson (2007)
Vice-Presidents: J A Bashford (2004), H M Rickman (2006), J M Sengendo (2006)
Secretaries: C F Muhuza (2008) & R H Quick (2008)
Publicity Officer: C J Dobbing (2008)
1347 Committee Officers 2010–2011
President: R H Quick (2008)
Other officers will be elected at the outset of the 2010–11 Academical Year
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The Pembroke Leavers’ Group 2009–2010
This year has been yet another successful one for the Pembroke Leavers’ Group.
At the time of writing, 41% of the leaving year have made a donation, pledging a
total of £9,521 to the College. This is a Pembroke Leavers’ Group record, with
contributions supporting key funds that help to maintain Pembroke’s rich
diversity, while providing graduates with a way to vocalise their thanks for and
their support of the College. Students are able to donate to seven different funds:
the Pembroke Leavers’ Group Student Support Fund, the College’s endowment,
the Peter May Sports Fund, Pembroke House, the Peter Cook Drama Fund, the
Kenderdine Music Fund and the Pembroke African Scholarship.
On behalf of the Committee I would like to thank all those who took time to
meet with us, made further enquiries and especially those who pledged their
support. Much of our work this year focused on broadening the appeal of the PLG
and raising participation. A product of these efforts was the design of a
welcoming PLG introduction booklet that was distributed amongst leavers, with
a photo memories booklet now going to print as a memento of our leavers’ time
here. We hope that by raising the profile of the PLG and by normalising this type
of activity we have been able to foster stronger connections with the College in the
longer term.
I’d like to thank the Committee for their hard work and patience throughout
the year, to which our success has been the strongest testimony. Finally, the
Committee itself would like to thank Sally March for her fantastic guidance and
support throughout the year and to wish next year’s Committee the very best in
extending the PLG further.
Jack Tavener
President: Jack Tavener
Committee: Rona Anderson-Witty, Lucy Baldwin, Tom Bond, Chris Bryan,
Hannah Brooks, Philippa Dale, Kyle Lawson, Helen Mackey, Zami Majuqwana,
Laura Mckoy, Alice Newton, Imogen Taylor, Lizzy Tyler, Amelia Viney
Donors to the Pembroke Leavers’ Group 2009–2010:
S M Adams (2007)
C F Alonzo (2007)
R Anderson-Witty (2007)
S Appleton (2006)
L C Baldwin (2006)
L D L Barbanneau (2006)
R A Bell (2007)
T G Bond (2007)
H J Brooks (2007)
C D Bryan (2007)
T A Cane (2006)
E Coad (2006)
A R Croall (2007)
K Cunningham (2007)
P Dale (2007)
A M Day (2006)
B A P Dury (2007)
R E Folwell (2007)
Z V Ford (2006)
K L Gill (2006)
N Gonella (2007)
C Guyader (2007)
J W S Hale (2007)
T J D Halliday (2007)
T J Hammond (2006)
M Janecek (2006)
A P Judson (2007)
A L Kaitcer (2007)
C Kehagias (2006)
K W Lawson (2007)
H F Mackey (2007)
N A Majuqwana (2007)
A McClymont (2007)
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L Mckoy (2007)
M D McLean (2007)
L Mundy (2007)
V J Neogi (2005)
A E Newton (2007)
J R Perry (2007)
S D A Prichard (2007)
Y Qiu (2007)
J Tavener (2007)
I F Taylor (2007)
E R Tyler (2007)
C D Uglow (2006)
T Underwood (2007)
A S Viney (2007)
O M Weller (2006)
S H Wilks (2007)
F C Yeldham (2007)
A M R Young (2007)
E L A Youngs (2007)
Q Zhang (2007)
There were a further 9 donors who preferred to remain anonymous.
Master’s Society
The seventh meeting of the Master’s Society was held in College on Saturday 20
February 2010. 85 guests were entertained to an enjoyable lunch in the Hall
following a drinks reception in the Senior Parlour. Sir Richard Dearlove thanked
all those present for their generous support.
Membership of the Society is open to anyone who has made gifts totalling
£1,000 or more to the College in the financial year prior to the event; under
recently instituted changes, invitations are also sent to donors for the two years
following a gift of £5,000 or more, and for five years following a gift of £10,000 or
more. Donors of £50,000 or more will be granted indefinite membership of the
Society. To all, the College is very grateful. Those attending this year included:
Mr HL Allan (1970)
Mr GK Aslet (1966)
Mr NM Bachop (1965)
Sir Michael Bett CBE
(1965) & Lady Bett
Mr PAC Campbell (1966)
Mr WF Charnley &
Mr R Jeffrey
Mr H Crichton-Miller
Dr JR Deane (1970) &
Mrs DA Deane
Mr FCF Delouche (1957) &
Mrs DC Delouche
Mr JVP Drury (1966) &
Mrs C Drury
Mr CM Fenwick (1957)
Mrs F Finch &
Dr B Harding
Dr CB Hall (1957) &
Dr E Hall
Revd RA Hamilton (1964)
& Mrs S Hamilton
Mr A J Handford (1970) &
Mrs AJ Handford
Mr DN Howard (1956) &
Mrs JE Howard
Dr BL Irving (1961)
Professor N Itoh &
Mrs M Kawakami
Mr RD Jacobs QC (1975) &
Mrs P Jacobs
Mr RI Jamieson (1966) &
Mrs GC Jamieson
Mr RW Jewson (1962)
Mr JEL Lebus (1952)
Mr AD Marcus (1984)
Mr RG Nasr (1984)
Mr JK Overstall (1955) &
Mrs AD Overstall
Mr RJ Parmee (1970) &
Mrs B White
Mr CA Payne (1979) &
Ms A Inglis
Dr D M Pirie (1966)
Dr IF Pye (1960) &
Dr RM Pye
Miss JS Ringrose (1997) &
Professor M Mills
Dr PS Ringrose (1997) &
Mrs N Ringrose
Mr GC Ryan QC (1950) &
Dr SM Cameron CBE
Mr GM Scarcliffe (1975)
Mr HM Skipp (1965)
Dr JM Smith (1947) &
Mrs R Dean
Mr KG Sykes (1965) &
Mrs J Sykes
Mrs PA Trebilcock
Mr DA Walter (1970) &
Mrs MN Walter
Mr PF Wigram (1958) &
Mme LHG Pinson
Mr JB Wilkin (1960) &
Mrs ML Wilkin
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The College was represented by:
The Master
Professor JP Parry
Dr LRR Gelsthorpe
Dr DC Igliori
Sir Roger Tomkys KCMG
Mr MG Kuczynski
Mr CJ Blencowe
Mr HP Raingold
Mrs SH Stobbs
Mr MR Mellor
Dr ES Wadge
Ms SA March
Mr CF Muhuza (2008)
Mr F Pagden-Ratcliffe
Miss DS Wambold (2008)
Invitations for the next meeting of the Master’s Society, to be held on Saturday
26 February 2011, will be sent out in the autumn.
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This season proved to be the most successful that the club has ever had. This
assertion can comfortably be made because both the First Men’s Team and the
Women’s Team ended up playing in the top divisions of their respective college
leagues in Lent, something that few colleges can boast. Furthermore, each team
finished in a respectable position within their division, with the men coming
joint-third and the women joint-fourth.
The First Men’s Team entered the First Division in Lent after winning the
Second Division in Michaelmas. The Second Division provided a gentle
introduction to college badminton for the freshers that had joined the team. The
highlight of the term had to be the final match, where Peterhouse were
dispatched without our conceding any games. The First Division provided a nasty
shock to those members of the team that had not experienced the high standard
of badminton that the Second Division had lacked. However, after some early
defeats, the team came together and put in a number of respectable
performances, with the highlight being an extremely narrow defeat at the hand of
St John’s, whose dominance of College badminton is rarely challenged.
The Women’s Team started the season in the First Division and, despite being
newcomers and injury problems, put in a stunning performance, finishing jointsecond. The highlight of Michaelmas had to be the crushing victory over
Homerton. Lent was less successful, with St John’s and the promoted Anglia
Ruskin proving to be tough opposition.
The success of the First Men’s Team and Women’s Team was continued into the
knockout Cuppers tournament, with both teams reaching the finals day. However,
the fickle draw meant that both teams came up against Trinity, who have numerous
University players. Both teams were vanquished, despite putting up strong
opposition. I hope that the teams will get a more fortuitous draw next season.
The Second Men’s Team had a tough time this season in the Fifth Division. In
Michaelmas, despite a decidedly shaky start, the team came through in the end
securing fifth place. This performance was particularly promising for the future
of the club due to the fact that many unblooded freshers had played in the team.
Lent was less successful with the team finishing sixth, despite a number of valiant
performances. However, the experience that the team has gained will prove
invaluable for next season.
The annual Old Boys’ Match looked set to be very close, with a key member of
the Men’s First Team being absent, and the old boys fielding their strongest ever
team. However, despite having to adapt to the feather shuttles, the Men’s First
Team soundly defeated the old boys, although the old boys pulled out some
miraculous shots. Also, the annual dinner went down a treat, especially with the
impromptu phone call to one of the old boys who had come to be idolised by two
of the freshers, despite only a brief encounter.
I have every confidence that the success of this season can be repeated and
taken further. Next season will be more difficult due to the loss of experienced
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players, but this provides the less experienced members of the club with the
opportunity to raise their game. An opportunity that I am sure will not be wasted.
Calum Kinloch
Outgoing Officers: Calum Kinloch (Captain), Philippa Dale (Women’s Captain),
Moses Hoyt (Second Men’s Captain), Oliver Jones (Treasurer)
Incoming Officers: Matej Janecek (Captain), Shu Yang (Women’s Captain), Julian
Willis (Second Men’s Captain), Oliver Jones (Treasurer)
Captain: Samantha Bennett
Men’s Captain: Adam March
President: Sir Richard Dearlove
Boatman: Kevin Bowles
Senior Treasurer: Professor Melville
This year has been a tremendously successful one for the PCBC, culminating in
the women’s first Mays crew rowing over Head of the River for the third year
running, and the men’s first Mays crew bumping up three to come second on the
River. This result alone clearly shows how dominant PCBC has become amongst
the College rowing programmes, yet the success in the club is not limited to the
first boats. This Mays saw 10 Pembroke boats competing in the bumps: three
women’s VIIIs and seven men’s VIIIs. Numbers matched, but not bettered, only
by First and Third Trinity. Not a single one of these boats went down, with five
crews earning their blades. Notably, our second men’s crew bumped up five to
gain their rightful place in the second division and will now be permitted to train
in the evenings leading up to Mays.
Mays successes, however praiseworthy, are a result of hard work put in
throughout the year. To begin the year, several new training and coaching
methods were employed: two part-time novice coaches were hired with money
generously donated to the club for this purpose. These coaches quickly brought
our novices up to speed with the basics of the rowing stroke and began teaching
them the winning spirit that comes with rowing for the PCBC. Starting in Lent
Term, we began core stability and flexibility training in the form of Yoga for
Athletes, taught by the instructor who has worked with the winning CULRC crews
these past two years. Additionally, we began free weights training with the
company Core Cambridge, who supervise and train CUBC in their weight lifting.
Both of these new training methods were made possible by generous
sponsorship – arranged by our President and Master, Sir Richard Dearlove – from
Mayer Brown LLP. The athletes have tremendously appreciated training with
these professionals, and our results suggest that the new methods have paid off.
The year’s early results saw the first women go up three in the Lent bumps, and
the first men go up one place by bumping our neighbours, Clare. W1 went on to
race in the Women’s Head of the River Race, coming 90th overall and top
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Cambridge college. M1 raced in both the Kingston Head and Head of the River
Race, although their rank as fifth fastest Cambridge college in HORR reflected a
mid-race collision with one of the buoys along the course.
On the women’s side, three boats entered the May bumps, and by the end of
the week’s racing, all three were head of their respective divisions: W1 rowing
over Head of the River, W2 bumping up to be top women’s second boat and Head
of Division 2, and W3 retaining their place as top women’s third boat. Truly, there
is no College rowing club better, at all levels, than Pembroke’s women. To retain
their place as Head of the River, W1 rowed over the first day ahead of a remarkably
slow Jesus crew, who were duly overbumped by Downing W1. Our women were
up to the challenge from Downing on the next three days, rowing over three to
four lengths clear, retaining the Headship for the third year running.
The men’s side boasted seven VIIIs in the Mays. These were led by the first
men’s crew, who started fifth. With the strength of perennial Mays colours
bolstered by three winning CULRC Blue boat rowers and the four seat from this
year’s winning CUBC Blue boat, M1 advanced through the strong field ahead of
them, bumping LMBC, Jesus and Caius to finish Second on the River, continuing
the truly remarkable rise through the first division in recent years. The six other
men’s crews hauled in a total of 23 bumps between them, with M7, M6, M4 and
M2 earning blades, while M5 and M3 went up three. By the end of Mays, I’m sure
the sound of Kevin’s bell was ringing in the other College boatmen’s ears!
I would like to praise the efforts and dedication put in by all the rowers,
coxswains, coaches and this year’s committee for their work throughout the year.
Even more worthy of praise is our long-serving (though he may say long
suffering!) boatman, Kevin Bowles. His work as both boatman and coach
throughout the year, culminating in his finishing coaching of W1, have been
invaluable. Finally, the Boat Club has presented a First Mays blazer to our
President, Sir Richard Dearlove, in grateful recognition of his enthusiasm for and
commitment to the PCBC.
Please join us throughout next year, including at the PCBC Association Dinner
in February, and on the banks for Lent and May bumps, in support of the PCBC.
We are all conscious of what excitements this coming year may bring. Row on
Men’s 1st Mays Boat: Timothy Ebsworth, Alistair Chappelle, John Hale, Peter
McClelland, William Deacon, Alexander Fabry, Charles Pitt-Ford, Andrew
Cusdin, Paddy Daniell.
Women’s 1st Mays Boat: Alexander Whiscombe, Samantha Bennett, Sarah
Robley, Amy Nicholson, Rosamund Healey, Emma-Rose Coad, Emma Rowley,
Kat Suddaby, Verity Bennett.
The club was represented at University level by Peter McClelland (CUBC Blue
Boat), Anna Railton (CUWBC Blue Boat), Alistair Chappelle (President, CULRC
Blue Boat), John Hale (CULRC Blue Boat), and Charles Pitt-Ford (CULRC Blue
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The Boat Club website provides recent news at
Samantha Bennett
2010 was a successful year for Pembroke cricket. You might not think that, to look
at our results. However, this year was a success because: for every game, we
fielded a full team of enthusiastic players; we won our first match in two years;
and the team had a fantastic social side. Win or lose everyone had a great time
(including at the Red Bull afterwards).
The team was made up of an unprecedented number of first years; some
games were played with up to ten freshers in the match squad. This can only bode
well for the future. With only three players leaving this year the team should have
a strong core for at least two years to come.
Moments that stand out in the season are: Arvind Patel’s 3–0 vs Strollers CC
(yes, three wickets for no runs); star Middlesex youth player Siobhan
Henderson’s debut with an impressive unbeaten innings; Mehdi Jaffer’s edged
winning runs in the final over vs Strollers; Alan McKee’s two splendid innings of
54 and 45; Matt Leggett’s incredible backwards diving catch vs Trevs XI; Wiraaj
(‘The Manager’) Agnihotri fantastic bowling performances.
The results were as follows: Pembroke lost to Homerton by 50 runs; Pembroke
lost to Clare by 7 wickets; Pembroke lost to Trinity by 66 runs; Pembroke beat
Strollers CC by 3 wickets; Pembroke lost to Trevs XI by 54 runs; Pembroke lost to
Bursars XI by 20 runs.
Awards for the season were: Fielder of the year: Matt Leggett; Bowler of the
year: Wiraaj Agnihotri; Batsman of the year: Alan Mckee; 2011 Secretary: Mehdi
Jaffer; 2011 Captain: Olly Budd.
A special mention must also go to groundsman Trevor Munns for his fantastic
pitches and top class banter. He was always up for stepping in to score some runs
when we needed him.
Andrew Bell – PCCC Captain 2010
Pembroke College Men’s First XI began the season full of optimism at the prospect
of taking on the top flight of College football for the first time in six years.
The first fixture of the season against Girton College was an important test: a
step into the unknown as we were unsure whether we would be able to hold our
own at the highest level. However, it soon became clear that we could compete at
this level. In a physical and fast paced match, we created several good chances in
the first half with both keepers being tested but neither side able to break the
deadlock. Midway through the second half an unfortunate ricochet put us behind
and despite pressing forward we were unable to create a clear cut opportunity.
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This narrow defeat typified our season in which we were competitive and
committed but lacked that killer instinct and the crucial element of luck.
We realised that victory against potential relegation rivals St Catherine’s
College would be crucial for the prospects of our season. The first half reflected
the importance of the match and we went into the changing rooms 2–1 down
after a cagey performance. However, after the restart we quickly imposed
ourselves on the opposition and dominated possession and territory. Although
unable to score immediately we remained patient and after the inevitable
equaliser the floodgates opened and we eventually ran home 6–2 winners. This
emphatic victory after struggling in the first part of the season confirmed our
arrival as a first division side.
The decisive match of the season was away at St John’s College on a blustery
and rain-soaked day, on a sloping and uneven pitch. We took an early lead but the
strong wind pinned us down and at the break we were again 2–1 down. We
opened the second half with some flowing passing and moving and after almost
scoring on a couple of occasions a superb long range effort brought us back to
parity. Having equalised, we lost our impetus and the substitution of a university
player for John’s swung the balance and we quickly conceded. Unable to regain
our composure on the ball and committed to attack we fell further behind and
were unable to recover.
Following this defeat it was necessary to pick up points against some of the
strongest teams in the league. However, we were not going to bow down to
reputation, and against title challengers Downing and Fitzwilliam we hounded
the ball and showed the tenacity that had earned us promotion the year before.
Although we gave both teams tough battles and threatened major upsets we were
narrowly defeated on both occasions, thus sealing our fate.
The 2009–10 season has been a difficult one for Pembroke College Men’s
Football Club. However, despite being relegated we demonstrated that no team
would have an easy fixture against Pembroke College.
Moji Neshat
Three years ago, I joined an amazing, if small, Pembroke college football team,
who had a surprisingly successful season with only eight players. This year PLFC
had an even more spectacular season, managing to recruit so many committed
players that every match saw six substitutes waiting eagerly for their turn on the
pitch! Together we have enough talent to challenge even the best College teams of
the University.
Division 1 demands that we play well every week, and we have done so in true
Pembroke style. Our wins far outnumber our losses: even Girton College
(renowned for their league domination) were no match for PLFC. This victory was
not only the highlight of our season (and our footballing careers!) but a true
demonstration of our approach to football. It is really about having fun, but
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football does feature (!) and we work hard for each other on the pitch, making us
formidable opponents.
This is even more impressive given that most of the team had never played a
competitive match of football before October. But they trained tirelessly every
week, putting up with my fitness tasks, heading drills and boring skills sessions,
and learning formations and tactics that any pro would envy.
I am so proud of what we have achieved. We finished respectably in Division 1,
and reached the Plate Final for only the second time in PLFC history. Many newlyfound (and unreservedly biased) supporters would testify that we played
fantastically, and only narrowly missed winning the coveted trophy.
The sporting achievements of PLFC are testament to both talent and
dedication. Jenny Hawkins, a fantastic sportswomen, who is an invaluable
member of football, hockey and basketball teams of Pembroke was awarded
‘Player of the Season.’ After much convincing she took up home in goal, and her
spectacular saves and fearlessness make her the best College goalkeeper around!
But she was just one of many fantastic players, with everyone bringing something
to the field – Tessa’s speed, Ellie’s unstoppable ‘powershots’, Becca’s
organisation, Fran’s keenness, and Louise’s formidable defending.
I have been lucky enough to captain PLFC for the last two years, and have seen
women’s football grow in popularity, and watch a team struggling for players
become an overwhelmingly popular presence in Pembroke. The memorable
moments and team spirit of all the sporting teams of Pembroke is part of college
life that I will miss most when I graduate this year. But I am sure next season’s
captain, Lizzie Robinshaw, will inspire PLFC to continue to grow and achieve well
deserved trophy glory (and a new matching kit…)!
Rachel Folwell
The Pembroke Men’s hockey season has been somewhat mixed. After securing
two promotions in two years, the male contingent of PCHC found themselves in
Division 2. Losing only a couple of players to graduation, notably Nick Harding
and Dan Schofield, replacements were found in the form of freshers Ali
McWilliams and Laurie Martin, third year Ed Monk plus our resident graduate
Antipodean Brad Hiller.
The Michaelmas term got off to a flying start with a 6–1 victory against
Fitzwilliam. The next few results did not go in our favour, including a 12–0
whitewash against an extremely strong St Catherine’s team, replete with no fewer
than nine University players, that had somehow found its way into the second
division. Further disappointing days included a first-round loss in Cuppers (in
line with the last three years), and a narrow 3–2 loss against Corpus Christi.
Despite losing our leading goalscorer Mike McLean in the first few seconds of the
game to a rolled ankle, Pembroke played some neat hockey to slot two early goals
past a slightly weaker Corpus team. Early in the second half, however, an
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accidental tumble from sweeper Thomas Bond led to a stick to the face – and a
resulting visit to Addenbroke’s – for captain David House. This proved to be the
pivotal moment, for Corpus rallied and drew level with a tiring and frustrated
Pembroke side before finally slotting away the winner. When Fitzwilliam netted a
surprise victory against the very same Corpus side, Pembroke found themselves
only staying up on goal difference.
After the Christmas break Pembroke looked stronger. We first faced the two
new teams: Churchill, down from Division 1, and Girton, up from Division 3.
Despite struggling with unavailability and injury Pembroke found a stroke of
form and managed to dispatch both sides, placing us right at the top of the Lent
league. Such a strong position proved difficult to maintain and the next few
matches went the way of much of the previous term, with losses to Corpus,
Queens’ and Trinity. The last match of the season, against a well-matched Caius
team, at the time with only a single win, was to be crucial: a Caius victory would
lead to equal points and Pembroke would probably go down on goal difference.
To Pembroke’s absolute credit, the team played out of its skin in this match,
raising their game just when it mattered. The defence, having been juggled
around earlier on in the term, found their stride and marked the Caius attackers
almost out of the match. Fantastic runs up front from Jack Tavener earned him
two goals. With only a last-minute slip-up to mar an otherwise perfect victory, the
Pembroke side walked off the pitch and into the annual dinner with a well-earned
mid-table result.
Division 2 has been a good challenge for the College side. Having to fight every
game has improved our hockey no end, particularly at the back with a significant
improvement throughout the year. Ali McWilliams will be taking on the captaincy
role next year, hoping to lead the club through another strong season. I should
like to thank heartily all who contributed.
David House
The women’s contingent of the club had a similarly successful season. The
women’s section, unlike the men’s, sees one league played over the two terms. It
is fair to say that at the beginning of the year, the team promised to be the best we
have had, largely due to a good fresher intake – notably Susanne Stott and
Siobhan Henderson bolstering our attack – and University players who had a year
off and were eligible to play college hockey. These individuals’ skills fuelled our
great team spirit and enthusiasm which meant that for most games we had the
maximum squad of sixteen players at every game, an intimidating sight for the
best of opponents!
At the beginning of the season we met St John’s, who were known to be a
tough team to beat, whilst our squad was not yet a team. Individual performances
were good, but the linking play and communication between players was low
which resulted in a 1–1 draw, a disappointing start to the season. Our next league
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game was against our long- standing rivals, St Catherine’s. We went expecting a
challenging match and thus stepped up our game in anticipation. Surprisingly, St
Catz didn’t deliver a strong defence and our forwards took full advantage of this,
sinking seven goals past the keeper. This allowed our defenders to relax, while
still dealing with the few breaking attacks by St Catz elegantly and swiftly.
Having inflicted such a thrashing, the team entered the first round Cuppers
draw against St Catz with some complacency. This was misguided. The match –
which was organised at an awkward time – saw us field a much depleted squad.
The score was 2–1 to Pembroke with five minutes to go, but alas a penalty corner
was given in our defending D, and their University striker scored. After the
previous year, in which we were knocked out by Girton in sudden death penalty
flicks, we were keen to get a goal before full time. However time slipped away and
we were left in the same situation. The University Blues goalkeeper gave St Catz a
clear advantage and although Helen Mackey – our dedicated goalkeeper –
performed brilliantly, they won on flicks.
We were then left to concentrate on the league. Bad weather in Lent Term
caused many matches to be cancelled or postponed, leading to a manic end of
term. After St John’s, we won all our matches, handing out significant thrashings
to colleges such as Downing, Emmanual and Fitzwilliam. We ended the season
facing Murray Edwards, in the match to determine the title. Clearly up against the
best team we had yet confronted, it proved a tough match. However, all the
players showed that our year of hard work had paid off, scoring a 4–1 victory.
Hannah Rickman consolidated her title as the league’s highest scorer, with one
especially impressive goal.
All in all, great seasons for women and men alike, men staying in the high
quality hockey Division 2, and women winning the Division 1 title. Pembroke
hockey didn’t limit itself to Cambridge, however. The teams once again made their
way to Dublin, to play Durham and colleges from Oxford, to determine not only
the best hockey team across the three universities but also which group of players
could have the most fun! Pembroke won at both of these, with the women walking
away with a nice shiny trophy as winners of the women’s side of the tournament.
I can confidently say the club had the most success ever this season, and I hope
that next year, with another good fresher intake, the success will continue.
Philippa Dale
Having avoided both relegation and promotion in the 2008/9 season, Pembroke
College RUFC began the new academic year once more in the second division of
college rugby. The interest shown at the freshers’ fair generated a good turnout
for the customary introductory session in the first week of term: the many 1st
years keen to continue their rugby at college were welcomed, and it soon became
clear that they were not without talent and would complement the skills of the
remaining undergraduates and old timers alike, who proved not to have forgotten
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how to play over the long summer break. All were looking forward to playing a
good amount of rugby and enjoying the relaxed social dynamic that so
caracterises the club. Optimistic ambitions for the season were encouraged by a
triumphant first game against Trinity Hall (previously of the first division), with a
victory of 29 points to 8, sealed by a hat trick of tries by Jack Sunter. Next up were
Queens’, Pembroke’s old rivals. Despite a vigorous start to the match, the final
score was 10–0 to Queens’. This defeat loomed over the rest of the Michaelmas
Term for it was followed by a narrow 17–15 home defeat to Trinity Hall, a 31–12
loss to Magdalene and another loss to Queens’, 27–20. This last match was the
final opportunity the season had to offer for a victory over Queens’, and a
tremendously hard-fought game ensued, with Pembroke conceding early before
staging a courageous fight-back, bringing the sides within 7 points. Special
tribute must go to Jonny Sengendo for a late try which fired the team with
renewed spirit but nevertheless the whistle went with Pembroke still seven points
adrift. A further loss to Magdalene, the strongest team in the division, left a lot of
work to do come the Lent Term. Early in January it became clear that to be sure of
avoiding relegation, victory was essential in the two games that remained to be
played against Fitzwilliam, one place above in the table. Pembroke began the
away leg solidly, offering a good defence to Fitzwiliam’s powerful runners. At
half-time the score stood 10–0 to the home side, success well within reach. The
second half did not proceed so smoothly: although an early try for the opposition
galvanized Pembroke’s resolve and Archy de Berker scored an excellent running
try in retaliation, Fitzwilliam proceeded to break Pembroke’s line at will until the
final score: 30 points to 5.
Quick calculations in the bar afterwards nonetheless encouraged the
possibility of salvation. Two 50–0 walkover victories against a team-less
Selwyn/Peterhouse gave Pembroke a healthy points difference: all that was
needed was to beat Fitzwilliam in the home leg. Knowing that we had to win
heightened anticipation before the game. Many friends turned up to provide
much appreciated support, but this crunch fixture may have yielded less
excitement than they had hoped. It was a game for the rugby purist. Defensive
lines collided and tactical kicking abounded with nothing leading to points. With
the clock showing ten minutes remaining, the score was still 0–0. An attacking
line-out for Fitzwilliam produced a destructive passage of play resulting in a try to
the opposition under the posts. Crucially, Fitzwilliam’s kicker failed to move far
enough back to take the conversion, with the result that the ever incisive
Pembroke captain, Sean Adams, managed a charge down. With five minutes
remaining, all that was required was a converted try. The kick-off was eagerly
contested and eventually the ball was tackled into touch for an attacking
Pembroke line-out. Pembroke made ground, steadily approaching the
Fitzwilliam line until Jack Sunter carried the ball over to great celebration. It was
left up to fly-half Rob Jones to kick for the two points that would grant victory. He
managed this with calm confidence and shortly afterwards the final whistle went,
heralding what had seemed an unlikely victory.
With the pressure off, Pembroke once again faced up to Fitzwilliam away, this
time in the plate competition, after an early cup defeat to a heavyweight
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Homerton side. Playing in proper February weather, a narrow victory was
repeated, this time 8–7 with an early try to Alex Walsh and a penalty from Rob
Jones. In the semi-final, PCRUFC came up against the promoted Magdalene
fifteen, losing 36–12, though not without a fight. The season’s finale was the
second annual old-boys match at the end of the Lent term, played in glorious
sunshine, despite the cold wind. Last year the old-boys romped to a hefty victory,
but the latest College team was confident it could compete. Despite the bulk,
speed and technique of a talented, if a little under-rehearsed, old-boys side, the
final result saw them win by only a five point margin, 22–17.
Sean Adams deserves praise for his leadership as captain all season. Credit
must go to Jack Sunter, top try scorer, and to Rob Jones, whose reliable boot gifted
the team points where they were needed in close games. Dan Shouler also
deserves a special mention for a solid final season on the pitch and many years
playing for PCRUFC. Thanks are due to all players moving on next season and we
look forward to seeing them again, albeit on the other side of the pitch, for next
year’s old-boys game.
James Savage
The 2010 tennis season was a great success for the Pembroke men’s team. A
much better organised Cuppers event this year allowed the team to progress all
the way to the semi-finals, where we were finally beaten by the eventual winners,
Christ’s. Perhaps the greatest strength of the club this year has been its depth. We
fielded two strong teams and there was a particularly encouraging intake of
freshers, which raised the standard of the teams across the board. Also, as with
previous years, our squad was bolstered by American students on exchange
programmes with Pembroke. I would encourage future captains always to look to
these programmes for players as some of our strongest team members over the
last two years have been drawn from them.
In progressing to the semi-finals, the men’s first team beat Darwin, Downing
and Magdalene. The Darwin match was a comfortable 8–1 victory for us at
Pembroke Pitches. Dan Kim and Jon Bronitsky put in especially strong
performances in the number 5 and 6 positions. The only real opposition came in
the number 2 slot; Darwin managed to co-opt a player from Homerton as that
college could not field a full team this year. Overall, however, the match was an
easy win for Pembroke, with much stronger performances across the board.
The Downing match sparked controversy due to organisational problems
from their captain: Pembroke claimed three (of the total of nine) points by default
after Downing failed to show up at an arranged time. We subsequently beat them
5–4, thanks to fantastic performances by Luke Scott and Archy de Berker. Archy
and Luke won their doubles in three sets, after dropping the first. The singles
matches were equally close with Luke managing to squeak a victory against the
Downing number 5 and Archy narrowly losing to the Downing captain after a
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third set tie-break. Some of the best tennis I have seen this season from Pembroke
players came in these matches and full credit must go to Luke and Archy for
keeping us in the competition. The victory was especially sweet for Pembroke as
it was Downing who put the men’s second team out of Cuppers last year. Beating
Downing brought us into a quarter-final tie with Magdalene.
We were not expecting to beat Magdalene, as they have several University
players and have done well in previous years’ Cuppers. However, on the day, there
were phenomenal performances across the board for Pembroke. Sam Wilks and
Luke Scott won comfortably, as did Adam Hanno playing at number 2. The final
result was 7–2. This win saw us into the semi-final against Christ’s. Despite
valiant performances by Pembroke, Christ’s were too strong. Every single one of
their six-man team played for the University. There was an especially good match
between our number 1, Jon Weigel, and the Christ’s number 1, a Blue. Jon
managed to stay in the match and give the Christ’s player a few scares but as in
other matches, this particular opponent was more match- experienced and won
The men’s second team was a late addition to Cuppers as several players came
forward late in the year. The team won an easy victory against the King’s first team
in the Plate, with great results for Archy de Berker and Sebastian Bray.
Unfortunately, the fact that most of the year’s college tennis happens in exam
term always means that some aspects of the draw remain uncompleted. This was
the case with this year’s Plate competition. I hope that those who played for the
second team this year will stay involved with the club so that we can build on this
success next year.
Finally, I would like to thank the vice-captain Sam Wilks for sorting out tennis
polos and hoodies, a tradition that I hope the club can continue.
Peter Jefferys
Pembroke Volleyball has had yet another successful and fun season. We started
with an Indoor Cuppers Tournament in Lent Term, then continued outside on
Jesus Green every Saturday of Easter Term. As we play mostly during exam term,
the concentration is on stress relief and getting students out of the library and into
the sun. However, we also enjoy frequent wins and are consistently one of the best
College teams in the University.
Madeleine Sowash
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Committee 2009–10
President: Rob Bell
Secretary: Jason Sanders
Treasurer: Richard Saunders
Events: Louise Mundy
Publications: Rebecca Smith
Membership: Jayan Logarajah
IT: Jonathan Marten
Careers: Emma Beardmore
Grad. Rep.: David O’Regan
Committee 2010–11
President: David Newgas
Secretary: Lydia Ruddick
Treasurer: Stacey Jackson
Events: Jonathan Gregory
Publications: Jonathan Marten
Membership: April Cashin-Garbutt
IT: Jonathan Benwell
Careers: James Sarsfield-Watson
Last October marked the centenary anniversary of the founding of the Stokes
Society, and so I would like to use this year’s Gazette entry to look back at what
the Society has achieved during its first century. The history of the Society is
fantastically documented within the Society archives, which stretch back right to
the beginning of the Society, and so I have drawn a somewhat sketchy history
from what I’ve found within the Library basement.
The first meeting of the Society was on October 15 1909, with five
undergraduates, Mr B G C Bolland, Mr R P Dalley, Mr D Walker, Mr G H Sugden
and Mr A F Hallimond, attending. Their aim was to discuss scientific papers
that interested them, each member giving a lecture on their paper for the others
to enjoy. After much discussion, the members arrived at the original name of
the Society, a somewhat Victorian-romantic name: ‘The Germs’. The next
meeting occurred just under two weeks later, where three more members were
admitted and a constitution was drawn up. Topics for the first few talks were
quite academic: ‘The general powers of matter which influence vegetation’ and
‘Electrical theory of matter’ were among the first term of papers to be
discussed. The Society was also developing rapidly, with the introduction of
an important Society staple: cake and coffee, at some point that year. Over
the next few years the Society broadened its horizons to more adventurous
talks – brewing, hallucinations and ghosts, and alchemy were all delivered
by members.
At the 49th meeting, the Secretary announced that the Society’s name was to
be altered, and after a selection of suitable names were proposed, the Society was
renamed ‘The Pembroke College Scientific Society’. This change took effect as of
the 50th meeting, held on May 15 1913, which also marked the first dinner hosted
by the Society.
The Society was disbanded in 1914 due to the war (there are 10 members on the
war memorial outside the College chapel), but was reformed on January 29 1920.
The hundredth meeting was celebrated in 1924 with (another) dinner in the Old
Library. By 1936, the Society’s constitution had become much more complicated:
there were now 16 sections (with many sub-sections). However the first one is of
most interest: ‘(1) That the Society be known as the Pembroke College Stokes Society’.
It was also in this year that the tradition of an annual dinner was started.
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The Society continued in much the same way for several years, and talks were
still held during World War II (although as members were uncertain if they would
be in residence the following term, new committees were elected at the beginning
of a new term, rather than during the previous term). In the 1950s, the Society
gained some momentum, with talks regularly attracting over 30 members, and
trips to engineering works and breweries were organised.
Surprisingly, up to this point it appears that no lecture topic was repeated,
despite the fact that nearly 200 talks had been hosted. Just as impressively, the
talks offered were at the forefront of the then scientific knowledge. (For
example, ‘Recent discoveries concerning the electron’ discussed electron
diffraction in the same year that G. P. Thomson was awarded his Nobel Prize for
demonstrating it.)
1966 saw the first woman admitted as a member and two years later the
Society offered honorary membership to the Dean’s cat, despite protests that
he wasn’t an actual scientist. Ultimately, the cat (somehow) declined the offer.
The Society changed quite a lot during the 70s, with the committee expanding
to include a Computing Officer, an Entertainment Secretary, and curiously a
Fool (which was quite a contested position!). The archives are quite
entertaining from this time: they contain a gem of a letter (and a reply) to the
BBC requesting that Monty Python’s Flying Circus be moved because it clashed
with Society fortnightly meetings. The minutes from the 503rd meeting
consisted mainly of constitutional bickering, including the fantastic “proposal
that the President entertain the Society” before a speaker began his talk. An
annual punt party was introduced in 1977, and 1985 marked the election of the
first female President.
Sadly, the archives stop at 1991. Whether no records were taken, or records
were taken home with ex-committee members I do not know. I do know however,
that the College librarian would be delighted to complete the Stokes Society
history – if anyone does find an archive book then please do send it back to
college. Despite the loss of these archives, I can deduce that several changes
happened to the Society during this time, as the Society is run very differently
now. Firstly, a committee is elected for a whole year, not each term; the President
no longer delivers a Presidential lecture; there is no annual punt party: it has been
replaced by a garden party held in the Fellow’s Garden in May Week; the
committee now consists of nine members, including a Grad Rep, a position
introduced last year; and finally (and perhaps also sadly) the minutes of the
Society are no longer as detailed as they used to be (and contain much less,
although still some, bantering!).
We of course celebrated the 100th year of the Society, as many of you will know:
a grand dinner was held in hall, with over 140 members of the Society attending,
spanning some 64 years of the Society’s history. I must apologise to those of you
that we did not invite (sadly, the archives – despite containing excellent accounts
of the talks themselves – contain few membership records). It was a fantastic
night, and a great salute to the next 100 years of the Society.
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As for the future of the Society, a new committee was elected in the days following
the dinner, and they have many great ideas for the following year (you should
check out the Society’s website which we hope will
contain videos of the talks so members can still ‘attend’ a meeting even if they are
unable to be in Cambridge!).
And so I round off my brief history of the Society. Included directly after this
article is a transcription from the archives of the talk given on November 12th
1956 for your enjoyment – the subject is computers, and it gives a fascinating
insight into the development of a technology that most people use every day. All
that remains now is for me to wish the Society the best for the next 100 years, and
to look forward to hearing the Society’s developments and successes!
Rob Bell
Society archive entry for November 12 1956
The 343rd Ordinary Meeting of the Society was held on Monday, November 12th 1956 in
Dr McClellan’s rooms at 8:15pm. The President, the Secretary, three honorary and
27 ordinary members of the Society, and two guests were present.
The minutes of the 342nd ordinary meeting, and of the visit to the Cambridge
Instrument Company were read, approved and signed by the President.
The President introduced the subject of a guest for the Annual Dinner. It was proposed
by Mr M. J. Flux and seconded by Mr P. J. Black that Professor Adrian, Master of Trinity
College, be approached upon the matter. This was carried and the secretary was instructed
so to do.
The Secretary gave a short statement of the finances of the Society.
At about 8.45 pm the speaker for the evening, Dr M. V. Wilkes, arrived, accompanied by
Dr McClellan. The President introduced Dr Wilkes to the meeting and invited him to give
his address on “Digital Computers and Scientific Research”. Dr Wilkes began by
contrasting digital computers, which calculate by arithmetical methods, with analogue
machines, which work by making measurements of physical quantities, e.g. voltages, and
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express results in continuous form. A digital computer can solve any problem provided it
can be reduced to a series of purely arithmetical steps. It could not, for instance, calculate
(a and b are not numbers), or even
which is an analytical problem, not an arithmetical one. It could however, give an
approximate answer to such a problem by standard numerical methods.
The history of the subject goes back to John Babbage, who came to Cambridge in 1810.
He read Mathematics but took no Tripos; still, he became a Professor, but delivered no
lectures. He designed and partly built a specialised computer, the “Difference Engine” for
evaluating the last places of decimals in tabulated functions. It was of course purely
mechanical, to be driven by a steam engine. It has since been dismantled, part now being
in Cambridge and a (smaller) part at Harvard University. Babbage also had the idea of
building a more ambitious ‘Analytic Engine’ which would have been a computer in the
present sense. He realised that it would have to comprise a store, an arithmetic unit and a
control unit. He envisioned operation by punched cards or tape, and the possibility of
using previous results to control future operations, e.g. in summing a series. Babbage had
a modern outlook in many ways. He applied for (and received) a Government grant, and
was plagued at times with foolish questions.
As an example of computing routine, suppose it is desired to reduce a large angle
θ by repeated subtraction of 2π. The sequence of orders is:
Clear accumulator
Add θ
Subtract 2π
Test sign –
negative – continue
Add 2π
“Conditional operations” are used in other contexts, and are of great importance.
Babbage’s work was forgotten, and it was not until 1937 that work began again on
automatic computers. Howard Aiken, at Harvard, was the pioneer and was particularly
interested in punched card machines. He worked with International Business Machines
[IBM] who produced the Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, an electromechanical
machine using punched-card techniques, but which was in fact fed by a broad punched
tape passing over a row of 24 electrical contacts. It was slow by modern standards, taking
six seconds for a multiplication.
ENIAC, an electronic machine, was produced during the war, and its main use was in
compiling ballistic tables. Its speed was better – 2.8 milliseconds for a multiplication, but
it relied on changing a multitude of plugs and switches when it was decided to change the
programme. It contained 18000–19000 valves, and was the result of a head-on approach to
the problem, on the basis of techniques then in use. It became obvious that further
progress would not come until some new ideas appeared. Some innovations were built
into the next computer to be produced, EDVAC. One was the use of the binary number
system. The use of only two digits is well suited to bistable or flip-flop electronic devices.
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The other was the realisation that control orders could be expressed in the form of
numbers. For instance, if Add is represented by 1, Subtract by 2, Multiply 3, Divide 4, and
we wish to:
add number in register 101
to number in register 102
and put the sum in register 103
the numbers 1, 101, 102, 103 are put in the appropriate register. It can be treated as an
ordinary number, and modified by arithmetical operations.
Individual orders in a programme are very basic. For instance in a simple addition, three
are required: one each to put the two numbers into the accumulator, and one to get the
answer back into the store. Letters are used by programmers in the same way as letters are
used on a telephone dial, to assist in avoiding confusion between orders of different types.
The programme must include all the fine arithmetical detail, and ‘sub-routines’ – portions
of programme covering standard operations – are widely employed. A detailed technique
of programming has been worked out.
Dr. Wilkes then turned to the effect of computers on scientific research. Computers are
used for 3 fairly distinct types of work.
1. Data reduction and table making, which would have to be done anyway.
2. More extensive mathematical treatment of ordinary types of project, without the
same limitations as to ideal and special cases that are very often forced upon one by
the analytical difficulties of the problem; i.e. the use of more realistic mathematical
3. Very big projects which would never be considered otherwise.
Computers enable research workers to go straight from their experimental results or
theoretical differential equations to numerical answers, without the necessity of a long and
elaborate mathematical analysis which may cause obscurity.
A big project in which computers played a vital part whilst the determining of the
structure of vitamin B12. It had been found that liver extract had a beneficial effect in cases
of pernicious anaemia, and in 1948 the pure substance, which was found to the active
agent, was isolated and crystallised. It is the most complicated chemically of the vitamins,
having an approximate formula of C60H90N14O20PCo. Many X-ray diffraction photographs
were taken both of the pure substance and of a crystallised ‘fragment’ of the substance, as
well as a selenium compound. Some 3000 scattered intensities were measured. If it were
possible to determine the phases of X-rays, it would be a straightforward job to determine
the structure. It is not possible, however, and it is necessary to proceed by successive
approximations to the answer; this was done in about a year, taking 300 hours of machine
time, principally by Dr. Dorothy Hodgkin at Oxford, on a punched-card machine, but with
assistance from computers in Los Angeles and Manchester.
There followed a keen discussion, in which many topics were raised, including the
much greater production of computers in America than in this country; the use of
transistors, which will undoubtedly become more widespread; the translation of
languages; the speed of the next modern machine (multiplication in ‘a few hundred
microseconds’); and finally the theoretical use of superconductors at liquid helium
temperature in a bistable or flip-flop circuit.
The president thanked Dr Wilkes for his most interesting and stimulating paper, and
then declared the meeting informal.
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Discussions continued over tea and cakes kindly provided by Dr McClellan, and the
Society dispersed at around 11pm.
The Pembroke Players is often referred to as Cambridge’s most active and
dynamic college drama society, and when reflecting upon our theatrical exploits
of the past year, it is easy to see why. Whether it was through providing the
opportunity for students to carry out their directing visions by supplying them
with funding, or through organising our own events to further the expansion of
the society, the Players have taken every chance to fill 2009–10’s calendar with a
wide range of entertaining evenings. To give you a taste of the variety of what has
been on offer, here are just a few of our most successful and interesting ventures,
coupled with the projects and plans that are set to make next year just as thrilling
as the last.
Drama in Pembroke itself has always been a priority of the Pembroke Players,
and because of this, the recent refurbishment of the New Cellars studio was
particularly important for us. Redecoration, the addition of a wall-sized mirror
and ballet bar, and money spent on lighting and the removal of unnecessary fixed
benches have all contributed to make the space look and feel more like a
professional studio. This has transformed the atmosphere of a room that had
been termed a ‘corporate dungeon’ in the past, and will greatly enhance the
performances that will be put on in the New Cellars in future. Having said that,
several productions put on over the last year in the Cellars, before the
refurbishment, were highly acclaimed by their audiences; for example, Equus in
November. This controversial play was one of the theatrical highlights in
Cambridge this year, with the director and cast combining puppetry with some
emotional performances to create a stirring production that managed to sell out
several nights in a row, and took Varsity and The Cambridge Student by storm. Also
very successful (as always) were the comedy smokers, especially the sophisticated
Black Tie smoker, held every year with an infallible mix of champagne and
comedians in the Old Library.
Yet the Pembroke Players are constantly striving to extend our influence
beyond Trumpington Street, funding plays outside the College and outside
Cambridge too. The Corpus Playroom’s L-shaped theatre is a popular choice for
directors, and the Players’ productions of Joe Orton’s Entertaining Mr Sloane and
Stephen Jeffreys’ Valued Friends (the latter directed by then-committee member
Olivia Crellin) were both hailed as comic triumphs, successfully utilising the
intimate living-room feel of this difficult space. Shows were also put on by the
society in the ADC theatre this year, and the Players will be going even further
afield in the summer: the highly prestigious Japan Tour will take place in
September, performing Much Ado About Nothing to a combined audience of
thousands of students, in universities all over Japan.
A particular aim of the Pembroke Players this coming year is to strengthen
links with alumni, an aspect of the society which we feel has not been focused on
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enough in the past. Our current goal is to improve communication with Pembroke
graduates involved in drama in their student days, through plans such as the
establishment of a Pembroke Players newsletter, with a first issue to be sent out
before Christmas 2010. Another idea, proposed to begin in Spring 2011, is the
running of workshops and talks involving alumni who are in the theatre industry
already, with a view to linking current and past Pembroke Players and opening up
the wealth of information to which the Pembroke drama community has access.
Finally, we are presently working through the society archives to develop a sense
of the history of the Players, and to attempt to revive the connections between
members that may have lapsed over recent years. I would like to invite anyone who
has archive material of their own, or is interested in any of our other development
plans, or would like to receive a copy of the newsletter to contact me through my
email address ([email protected]). We would really enjoy hearing
from you. Our recently redesigned website,, also has
further information and contact details, and is well worth a look. The coming year
is a very exciting one for the Pembroke Players, and we would love for you to
be involved.
Rosalie Hayes
Pembroke Players President, 2010–11
Anyone walking into the May Week Concert this year on Friday June 11, at around
8.30 pm, was presented with a stark choice: to walk past 180 people to sit almost
on the toes of the performers or to squeeze onto a bench alongside ranks of
Pembroke musicians in the ante-chapel. The extraordinary concert that unfolded
that evening capped a highly successful year for PCMS, led by the energy of Rachel
Ambrose Evans and administrative zeal of Richard Stanton.
First up were Gregory Drott and Joseph Middleton performing Schubert’s
Fantasy in F minor for four hands, a piece they had earlier played to much acclaim
at the Master’s Lodge. Greg’s achievements over the years are well known to
readers of this column, while Joseph, the College Musician, continued to amaze
us with the calibre of performer he is able to bring to the College for professional
recitals. This year, Dame Joan Rodgers, Toby Spence, Sophie Bevan and Robin
Tritschler graced the Old Library with music making of the kind only heard at top
London venues. Those yet to experience these nights are missing untold delights
– all details are available on the music pages of the College website.
The first movement of Beethoven’s ‘Spring Sonata’ followed, played with
impressive maturity by a first year, Robbie Stern, holder of one of the coveted
University Instrumental Award Scheme places. Anna Campbell, a final-year
pianist, and Rachel Ambrose Evans, singing soprano, were next in line with three
well-known Schubert songs: Gretchen am Spinnrade, Der Erlkönig and An die Musik.
Their compelling presentation provided a glimpse into the fruits of a rapid growth
of singing and piano coaching at Pembroke over the last five years through visiting
teachers and song masterclasses arranged by the College Musician.
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The first half ended with something different. Peter Yarde Martin capped his
three years as a versatile Organ Scholar with a virtuoso trumpet rendition of
Jonathan Harvey’s Ricercare una melodia, notable for what must surely have been the
first laptop accompaniment in Chapel executed with appropriate gravitas by
Gregory Drott. As Peter’s flourishes looped through the sound system, so
memories of his trumpet playing over the years resounded, from dignified Last
Posts, to sparkling final verse descants, to assured concertos and sonatas.
Interval – strawberries, cream and champagne on the Library Lawn. Some
things are best left unchanged.
The second half featured group items. The Chapel Choir gave an engaging
rendition of Tippett’s Five Negro Spirituals, with a bravura solo spot for Tom Cane
(tenor). Avid followers of the Choir on Facebook will be familiar with its rendition
of ‘Steal Away’ on a busy street corner in Singapore during last summer’s choir
tour. The Chapel Choir is due to record the set later this summer and to perform
it on their forthcoming tour to North Germany. Liturgical singing skills were
honed this year not only through the round of College services, including a newly
sung Grace in Hall after Commemoration of Benefactors, but also visits to St
Edmundsbury and Ely Cathedrals. Perhaps the highlight was a three-day
residency at York Minster in the snow over Epiphany funded by a donation from
old choir member, Raymond Nasr. A cold coming we had of it and we arrived for
the first Evensong not a moment too soon: the singing was also good; ‘Better
than King’s’, we were improbably told.
Members of the Chapel Choir also featured in a number of vocal ensembles
assembled more or less hastily through the year. An indefatigable listener would
have heard the polished heights of the Kenderdine Ensemble’s rendition of Bach
family motets and Purcell’s Funeral Sentences in Michaelmas term, the lively
arrangements of the Pembroke Singers led by Charlotte Flinter and Thomas
Halliday, and even livelier ones by the evocatively entitled Pembershop, early-day
performances from the Graduate madrigal group, and collective endeavour in a
Come & Sing Vivaldi ‘Gloria’ on a winter evening in November.
The final item on the programme was the College Orchestra in its newly
rehearsing incarnation under the baton of Rachel Ambrose Evans. From the
opening brass chords of Sibelius’s Finlandia through to the exuberant rhythms of
Copland’s ‘Hoe Down’, the audience was infected by the sheer collegiate energy
of the playing. Earlier in the year, a more streetwise accent had been in evidence
as Phoebe Kemp took the piano stool for a captivating performance of
Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue in an all-American programme, while the first
outing of the re-formed orchestra was in Michaelmas term, dipping its toe in the
more familiar waters of Mendelssohn’s Hebrides Overture.
As the older generation turned to taxis, younger ones headed to the Old Library
to play jazz into the small hours, curtailed only by a Porterly visit well past the
witching hour. Such events have become a feature of an ever-expanding PCMS,
with a Fresher’s Folk & Blues night at the beginning of the year and a Blues Night
in Lent term. The bleary-eyed returned on Monday lunchtime of May Week for the
final recital of the year, featuring the virtuosic Wei Xu on violin, Domini Hogg on
harp and Will Lewis-Smith on glockenspiel. Eclecticism remains the order of the
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day in PCMS recitals: through the year we were treated to solo Euphonium items,
Lieder, recorder ensembles, refined chamber music, arrangements of Icelandic
pop on the organ, and much, much more.
Pembroke Music is undoubtedly in good shape, for which the PCMS
Committee as a whole is to be thanked and the generous bequest of Dr Sidney
Kenderdine acknowledged as the means to make so much of this possible. As
even these resources are stretched by newfound musical energies, significant
individual donations have also proved of invaluable assistance in supporting an
ever-expanding musical culture under the watchful eye and guiding hand of the
Director of College Music.
Dr Sam Barrett
The 2009–2010 academic year has been a good one for the Ivory Tower Society at
Pembroke. From receiving a generous donation from an Old Member to hosting
the former Prime Minister of Australia, we have seen a series of landmark events
that demonstrate how the society has come of age.
The Master kicked off Lent Term with a typically engaging talk, addressing the
increasing importance of the AfPak region in world affairs. ‘Walls have a bad
history’ he started, before admitting that in the case of Israel and the Palestinians,
the recently-erected barrier surrounding the West Bank has resulted in a marked
decrease in violence. The combination of the first democratic elections in Iraq
since the invasion, and no clear policy towards Iran, has allowed the world's focus
to shift to the intractable conflicts of the AfPak region. From the on-going dirty
war between Pakistan and India's poorly controlled intelligence services, to
targeted killings via US-operated drones in Waziristan, the Master emphasised
how essential it was to maintain the integrity of nuclear-armed Pakistan and the
surrounding states. He then answered questions from the audience on topics
ranging from the effect of targeted killings on radicalisation, to the surge in Iraq,
to whether democratic states can ‘stay the course’ to Al Qaeda’s next most likely
target. Those in attendance left with a new appreciation for the intricate, local
problems of the region that have profound influence on a global scale.
We were then exceptionally lucky to be able to host The Hon. John Howard,
former Prime Minister of Australia. Mr Howard gave a vigorous defence of freemarket liberalism in the light of the recent fiscal crisis. Arguing that it was not so
much the instruments of finance that had failed but rather the valuation of the
underlying assets, he asserted that the innovations of modern finance had helped
legions of entrepreneurs and that intelligently regulated free markets remained
the best way of dividing scarce resources. His impassioned defense fell on
sympathetic ears, as the audience in the packed-out Old Library listened
attentively with the occasional nod of agreement. Mr Howard then generously
fielded questions, before stopping to have his picture taken with several
enthusiastic Australians.
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The audience was not so docile whilst listening to the talk of Dr Ewan Kirk, the
founder and manager of a Cambridge-based $1bn hedgefund. Dr Kirk’s
provocative talk, cheekily entitled ‘The Evil Empire strikes back: The 2008
financial crisis from a hedgefund manager’s perspective’ started with a bang
when he accused audience members, as stand-ins for the general public, of being
responsible for the financial crisis. The public’s propensity to borrow beyond its
means, he asserted, combined with its ‘greedy speculation that house prices
would rise without end’ were the real causes of the crisis, rather than greedy
bankers. Of course, this produced an outpouring of dissenting opinions. His
spirited defence of his trade was made all the more difficult by the previous day’s
news of the ‘Fabulous Fabrice Tourre’ and his exploits at Goldman Sachs. Much
of the talk was conducted as an informal two-way debate between Dr Kirk and
members of the audience. When asked how he thought the financial sector should
be regulated, Dr Kirk replied that he thought it was perhaps impossible, and the
government should instead be ready to step in when the inevitable crash occurred,
safe in the knowledge that there would be net gain in the long term. For example,
he estimated the 2008 financial crisis cost the UK tax payer in the order of £10bn.
This was to be set against the average £57bn/year in taxes that the financial sector
generated between 1997 and 2009. Whilst passions rose high during the debate,
all attendees enjoyed the intellectually stimulating nature of the talk.
Pembroke's own Professor Ashok Venkitaraman gave a particularly eyeopening talk entitled ‘The price of life: How the development of new medicines is
changing healthcare’. In his talk, Professor Venkitaraman described the current
process of drug discovery and the tremendous time and expense involved in
progressing from the first lab bench experiments through first-in-man testing.
Whilst drugs developed through this pipeline are generally safe and effective, they
are rarely breakthroughs and, particularly in the case of cancer, often only lead to
a mean increase of life on the order of a few months, at a cost of tens of thousands
of dollars per course. Moreover, the extreme expense of development makes big
pharma very cautious when evaluating where to target their next drug. Risks have
to be minimized, so attentions are usually focussed on a few well-understood
proteins and cell signalling pathways, known generally as ‘druggable targets’.
Professor Venkitaraman likens this approach to a drunk looking for his keys
under a streetlamp, because ‘that's where the light is’. The economics of the
situation, however, do not allow much greater creativity. Professor Venkitaraman
has sought to address this impasse through his academic initiative, called the
Cambridge Molecular Therapeutics Programme. This collaborative effort seeks to
open up new druggable targets with more innovative, and hence higher-risk,
processes that would not normally be undertaken by big pharma.
Professor Paul Kennedy – Director of the International Security Studies
programme at Yale University – rounded off a packed Easter Term with a semiautobiographical talk entitled ‘An historian and his intellectual history’. This was
the first talk in a series of ‘Conversazione’, which are intended to provide a forum
for established and aspiring academics to interact. Professor Kennedy recounted
growing up in the ‘gritty, industrial’ North of England in the 1940s. He reflected on
the roles of parents, school teachers and mentors in his intellectual growth. He
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touched on many of the great events of the twentieth century that had shaped his
thoughts – from the 1968 German uprisings, to the disruptive ideas and literature of
the 1960s, and to the fall of the Berlin Wall. He gradually moved away from a view of
history as a collection of mutually-incomprehensible specialisms, returning instead
to a ‘large history’ approach and writing the widely known ‘The Rise and Fall of the
Great Powers’. He then gave a brief preview of his current work entitled ‘The Turn
of Tide’. It explores the ‘middle ground’ in World War II; that is, the people between
the soldiers in the trenches and the generals and presidents deciding grand strategy:
the ‘scientists and flow charts’ that played an influential role.
These are only small sample of the talks, held every Monday evening in term
time. Other talks covered subjects ranging from sovereign wealth funds, to
Darwinism, to stem cells research, to conterfactualism in the social sciences to the
global food crisis of 2008. I hope this brief summary has provided some idea of the
variety of speakers and lively debate that is often elicited during this talks. I extend
a warm invitation to you all to join us at the next Ivory Tower Society meeting.
Simon Schlachter
President: Claude Muhuza
Vice-President: Annasilvia Sciortino
Treasurer: Bibek Mukherjee
Access Officer: Jack Tavener
Ents Officer: Michael Peacock
Food and Bar Officer: Tom Michaelis
IT & Communications Officer:Archy de
Ethnic Minorities Officer: Isaac Stanley
Green Officer: George Ulmann
Hostels Officer: David Newgas
Publications Officer: Holly Story
LBGT Officer: Rose Hills
International Officer: Marcos Paya
Welfare & Equal Opportunities Officer:
Rachael Kells
Women’s Officer: Charlotte Lawes
Men’s Officer: Moses Hoyt
Pembroke JPC has had a busy, successful and important year of change in 2010.
We have improved the support and provision of welfare available to Pembroke
students. In Lent term, Pembroke College had the first ever ‘Refreshers Week’, a
week long programme of exciting social events that also helped integrate our
visiting American students into the Pembroke community. A mix of daytime
events as well as the usual student activities helped students start an important
term with renewed vigour. Furthermore, working alongside the College
leadership, we have ensured that there has been extensive and ongoing support
during Easter term to help students cope with the stress and rigours of exams.
Activities and initiatives have ranged from weekly yoga sessions, tea and coffee
breaks, film nights, touch rugby sessions organised by the Rugby team, a
restocking of Pembroke Library DVD collection and a fantastic picnic on
Pembroke lawn in fifth week. We have also provided helpful subject-specific study
guides to help students approach exams and revision in a more informed way.
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This year the JPC has looked beyond Pembroke and provided a platform for
students to contribute to the world outside academia in a positive and meaningful
way. A new initiative has been launched involving Jimmy’s Nightshelter, which is
a Cambridge-based charity that provides emergency accommodation for the
homeless. We have collected donations of food to give to Jimmy’s Nightshelter at
the end of each term. We have also encouraged other colleges who do not already
do so, to start up their own schemes through Cambridge University Student
Union meetings. In addition, we helped raise money for victims of the
earthquakes in Haiti and Chile. Moreover, we raised £180 for our JPC Charity,
Camfed, by holding a well-attended and highly enjoyable charity bop. The JPC has
worked hard, not only to help support and enrich the lives of Pembroke students,
but we have also begun to look beyond the Cambridge bubble to help those in
great need.
As well as these new initiatives, the Committee has continued to improve and
build on our more day to day activities. We have continued to host fun and
enjoyable bops in College, and we have improved the provision of quality nonalcoholic drinks both to cater for those who do not drink and to promote
responsible drinking. Our Access Officer has worked hard, running a successful
shadowing scheme and a number of access visits as well as revolutionising the
role by expanding our access activities. From next year, there will be a Senior
Access Officer and a Junior Access Officer working together to ensure that there
is an increase in activities aimed at widening access, better continuity when new
officers are elected, and an expansion in the number of schools and areas reached
by access work. The Equal Opportunities Committee has worked very well this
year, raising awareness about sexual health issues, and hosting film nights and
social events to help improve the general wellbeing of all students at Pembroke.
The Committee as a whole has worked very hard this year to improve the lives
of students and create a stronger and more vibrant Pembroke community.
However, the Committee is looking forward to the coming academic year, when
we are hoping to build on some of the successful changes made this year and to
introduce new initiatives such as a Careers Officer position to help prepare
students for life after Pembroke, more environmentally friendly initiatives in
College, and a more inclusive, diverse and welcoming Freshers’ Week.
Claude Muhuza
President: David Gordon
Vice-President: Roseanne Zhao
Treasurer: Csilla Varnai
Secretary: Anthony Leung
External Officer: Chris West
Welfare Officer: Kelly Randell
GP Steward: Dave Verbeeten
IT Officer: Rohan Shekhar
Events Officers: Urvesh Shelat, Katie
McAllister, Jenny Harcourt, Simon
Schlachter, Jeremy Richardson, Paula
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Our main priority as a committee this past year was to foster a friendly
atmosphere in the GP and among the new graduates. Towards this goal, we
invested a great deal of energy in Freshers’ Week, which began with the
requisite college tour, pub crawl, and of course a viewing of ‘Porterhouse Blue’.
We also held a midnight BBQ which was widely praised, even by those who got
a bit lost on their way back to College afterwards. Michaelmas Term saw our
successful Farmyard Bop, complete with plaid costumes, colourful creatures,
and some straw shenanigans in the early morning. Also fondly remembered
was a very spooky Safari Murder Mystery party held in the Old Cellars, complete
with a full jungle soundtrack and script written by our own Elizabeth Dearnley.
Michaelmas ended with a very merry Christmas, complete with Christmas tree,
decorations, and a thorough saturation with mulled wine and mince pies –
fortunately not consumed directly before our trip for ice-skating on
Midsummer Common.
Lent Term began with a spicy Tango BA Dinner in the Old Library, led by expert
dancers and enjoyed by all. Indulgence followed later that term, first with a highly
successful cheese and port tasting evening organized by Jeremy Richardson and
Paula Koelemeijer, and later with a whiskey tasting session in the Outer Parlour
led by Peter Evan – after which leftovers were welcomed back to the Graduate
Parlour with open arms. Our James Bond Bop was also thoroughly enjoyed,
enhanced by dinner jackets, glamorous dresses and water pistols given out to only
the most mischievous partygoers.
Easter Term saw the graduates energised by the first ever Prime Ministerial
debates, each watched with thoughtful concentration in a packed GP. Following
the formation of the Cleggeron coalition government, we organized our own
coalition team for the Graduate Cricket league, with a number of grads teaming
up with Wolfson College to make the ‘Wolfbroke’ cricket squad. With ‘the
highest stash:talent ratio ever known to man’, Wolfbroke had a rough first game,
dropping seven catches and seeing the least experienced player (Katie McAllister)
outscoring the team coach (Phil Sterne) the first time she batted. Nevertheless,
post-match pizza made it all better, as is often the case in the GP.
Fortunately, Pembroke’s athletic reputation rests on more solid foundations,
as we saw during May Bumps when Pembroke grads added their age and
experience to several PCBC boats, contributing to a highly successful May Bumps
campaign that saw the W1 retain Headship for the third year running and the M1
bump up three spots, with the Men's Head of the River tantalisingly close at a
mere one bump away. Grads who helped power these boats along include PCBC
Captain Samantha Bennett and Rosamund Healey in the W1 and Blues rower
Peter McClelland, Alexander Fabry and Will Deacon in the M1. Special mention
should also be given to graduates who noviced this year such as Alex Ritter, Nenad
Bartonicek, Paula Koelemeijer, Matthias Hofer and Dave Collins and the grad
coaches such as Matthew Castle who helped develop rowers and crews.
The year ended with a fantastic June Event, ‘Over the Ocean’, co-led by
graduate Gus Booth-Clibborn. The Graduate Parlour topped off our social
calendar with our annual summer garden party, masterfully organized by the
tireless Events Officer Urvesh Shelat, complete with strawberries, Prosecco,
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Pimms and a Jazz Band. Despite some inclement weather, we hunkered down in
our tent on the Bowling Green and had a great time.
My term began with a three-person committee and an email I sent entitled:
‘Will cook for committee members’. Among the first officers were our
hardworking Vice-President, Roseanne Zhao, and our meticulous Treasurer,
Csilla Varnai. We recruited some older grads to share the burden, such as Jenny
Harcourt, who added to her responsibilities as Graduate Union President to help
as a Social Coordinator, and Kelly Randell who served as Welfare Officer. Some
new officers also joined later in the year, such as our External Officer, Chris West,
who deserves praise for his consistent organization of formal swaps week after
week throughout the Lent and Easter Terms. Our committee went from a small
group to quite a large assemblage, and I was very proud of our leadership in
regards to shaping the tone of the graduate experience this past year.
Graduate leadership was also pivotal among Pembroke’s intellectual societies.
The Free and Easy society, run by Harvard Scholar Jon Weigel, was visited this year
by Mike Hart, a former G2 head of British military intelligence in Afghanistan
who discussed the insurgent landscape in Afghanistan and highlighted the
important role of local ethnic power divisions in the Afghan conflict. The Ivory
Tower Society, led by Simon Schlachter, had its usual broad range of speakers,
from a former Prime Minister of Australia, The Hon. John Howard, to the former
political Islamist Maajid Nawaz.
This year the Graduate Parlour was fortunate to receive the generous gift of an
original John Speed Map, donated by an anonymous donor and now hanging
proudly in the GP – we would like to take this opportunity to thank them. We were
also flattered to receive a generous donation by the alumnus Madsen Pirie during
our summer garden party. We are grateful to James Gardom and Loraine
Gelsthorpe for their support and guidance throughout the past year. Thanks also
go to Caroline Adams and the housekeeping staff, Becky Coombs for her
assistance with housing and funding, and especially Frances Kentish for helping
us with organisation and photocopying. Thanks to David Harwood, Ken Smith
and the kitchen staff for the delicious food we are privileged to enjoy. We would
also like to thank Lauren Kassell for being a good and patient neighbour to our
new GP. We are confident in the abilities of the incoming committee – especially
the swimming skills of the incoming President, who went for a swim twice after
the final BA dinner of the year – and their resolve to nurture the atmosphere we
all enjoy in the GP. As we pass the reins to the next committee, the future of the
GP looks bright.
David Gordon
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Page i
Ian Fleming and Mary Bernard, photographed by Eve Arnold in 1965
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Page ii
Ian Fleming (clockwise from top left: 1965, 1973, 1999, 2005;
all photographs by Mary Bernard)
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Page iii
Mary Bernard (clockwise from top left: 1964, 1972, 1973, 2009)
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Page v
The Masters
Opposite page (from top):
Sir Sydney Castle Roberts
Sir William Hodge
Right: Tony Camps
Below: Lord Adrian
Sir Roger Tomkys
Sir Richard Dearlove
(2004– )
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Top: David Joslin
Bottom: Gerry Smith
Page vii
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Top: James Hickson
Bottom: Clive Trebilcock
Page viii
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Page ix
Mark Wormald
Loraine Gelsthorpe
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Meredith Dewey
Page x
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Sidney Kenderdine
Page xi
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Erwin Rosenthal
Bill Hutton
Page xii
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Page xiii
Clockwise from top:
James Campbell
John Dougherty
Bill Grimstone
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Ernest Nicholson
Brian Watchorn
Page xiv
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Page xv
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Previous page (clockwise
from top left):
Howard Erskine-Hill
Michael Kuczynski
Howard Raingold
Colin Wilcockson
Susan Stobbs
Barbara Bodenhorn
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Sir Richard Billing Dearlove, MA (2003), KCMG, OBE
1956 Malcolm Cameron Lyons, LittD (1997)
1958 Albert Victor Grimstone, PhD (1958), MA (1959)
Leslie Peter Johnson, MA (1959)
1964 James Christopher Durham Hickson, MA (1964), PhD (1966)
1979 Nicholas Barry Davies, MA (1977), DPhil Oxon, FRS, Professor of
Behavioural Ecology
1982 (1961) John Peter Dougherty, MA (1960), PhD (1961)
(1977) Jan Marian Maciejowski, MA (1976), PhD (1978), Professor in
Engineering and Pfizer Fellow in Engineering, President of Pembroke
Norman Andrew Fleck, MA (1983), PhD (1984), FRS, Professor of the
Mechanics of Materials, Director of the Cambridge Centre for
1984 Michael Christopher Payne, MA (1985), PhD (1985), Professor in
Computational Physics and AstraZeneca Fellow in Physics
1985 Charles Peter Melville, MA (1976), PhD (1978), Professor in Persian
Trevor Robert Seaward Allan, BCL Oxon, MA (1983), Professor of
Public Law & Jurisprudence
1990 Barbara Ann Bodenhorn, MPhil (1979), PhD (1990), College Lecturer in
Archaeology and Anthropology and in Social and Political Science
1992 Jonathan Philip Parry, MA (1982), PhD (1985), Professor in Modern
British History
Mark Roderick Wormald, MA (2008), BA Oxon, DPhil Oxon, College
Lecturer in English
1993 Geoffrey Richard Edwards, MA (2008), BA Wales, PhD London, Reader
in European Studies
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Donald Robertson, MA (1987), MSc, PhD LSE, University Senior
Lecturer in Economics
1994 Loraine Ruth Renate Gelsthorpe, BA Sussex, MPhil (1979), PhD (1985),
Reader in Criminology & Criminal Justice
Torsten Meißner, MA Bonn, DPhil Oxon, PhD (1997), University Senior
Lecturer in Classics
1995 Robin James Milroy Franklin, PhD (1992), Professor of Neuroscience
Christopher John Young, MA (1994), PhD (1995), Reader in Modern
and Medieval German Studies
Silvana Silva Santos Cardoso, PhD (1994), Reader in Chemical
1996 Sylvia Huot, MA (2004) BA California, PhD Princeton, Professor of
Medieval French Literature
1997 Nicholas John McBride, BA Oxon, College Lecturer and James
Campbell Fellow in Law
(2000) Nigel Robert Cooper, MA (1995), DPhil Oxon, Professor of
Theoretical Physics
1998 Kenneth George Campbell Smith, BMedSc, MB, BS, PhD Melbourne,
MA (2000) Genzyme Professor of Experimental Medicine, Honorary
Consultant Physician, Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Alan Garth Tunnacliffe, MA (1994), PhD London, Reader in Biotechnology
Lauren Tamar Kassell, BA Haverford, MSc, DPhil Oxon, University
Senior Lecturer in History and Philosophy of Science
1999 Vikram Sudhir Deshpande, BTech Bombay, MPhil (1996), PhD (1998),
Reader in Materials Engineering
2001 Demosthenes Nicholas Tambakis, MA (1993), PhD Princeton, College
Lecturer and Pyewacket Fellow in Economics
Nilanjana Datta, MA (2008), BSc Jadavpur, MSc Jadavpur, PhD ETH
Zurich, College Lecturer in Mathematics
John Stephen Bell, BPhil Gregorian University Rome, MA(1978), DPhil
Oxon, Professor of Comparative Law
Timothy John Bussey, BSc Victoria BC, PhD (1996), University Senior
Lecturer in Experimental Psychology
Andrea Carlo Ferrari, Laurea, Politechnico di Milano, PhD (2001),
Reader in Electrical Engineering
2002 Rosalind Polly Blakesley, MA (1996), DPhil Oxon, University Senior
Lecturer in the History of Art
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2003 Zoltán Sarnyai, MA (2008), MD, PhD Szeged, Hungary, University
Lecturer in Pharmacology
Alexander William Tucker, MA (1989), VetMB (1992), PhD (1997),
University Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Public Health
2004 Arwen Fedora Deuss, MA (2008), MSc Utrecht, DPhil Oxon, University
Lecturer in Theoretical Geophysics
2005 William Fawcett, MA (1974), PhD (1979), College Lecturer and
Chadwick Fellow in Architecture
Simon Learmount, BA, MA University of East Anglia, MBA (1996), PhD
(2000), University Lecturer in Management Studies
Alan Michael Dawson, MA (1978), PhD (1994)
Jorge M Gonçalves, MSc MIT, PhD MIT, University Lecturer in
Samuel James Barrett, MPhil (1996), PhD (2000), University Senior
Lecturer in Music
2006 Alexei Shadrin, MSc Moscow, PhD Moscow, University Lecturer in
Numerical Analysis
James Theodore Douglas Gardom, BA Oxon, PhD King’s College London
Katrin Christina Ettenhuber, BA (2000), MPhil (2001), PhD (2004),
College Lecturer in English
Eric Alexander Miska, BA Dublin, PhD (2000), Group Leader at the
Gurdon Institute
Jonathan Mark James Keeling, BA (2002), MSci (2003), PhD (2005)
Kojiro Yano, MD Chiba, Japan, PhD Liverpool, AstraZeneca Senior
Research Associate
2007 Christopher John Blencowe, BA Reading, MA Kings College London
Matthew Robert Mellor, MA Oxon
Stephen O’Rahilly, MD, MB, BCh, BAO Ireland, Professor of Clinical
Biochemistry and Medicine
Gábor Csányi, MA (1994), PhD MIT, University Lecturer in Engineering
Menna Ruth Clatworthy, BSc Wales, PhD (2006), University Clinical
Lecturer in Renal Medicine
Ashok Ramakrishnan Venkitaraman, MA (1993), PhD London, MB and
BS Vellore, India, Professorial Fellow of Cancer Research
Matthew John Clark, BA (2003), MPhil (2004), PhD (2008), College
Lecturer in History
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Gheorghe Dan Pantos, BSc Timişoara, Romania, MSC Timişoara,
Romania, PhD Texas, Stokes’ Research Fellow
James Alexander Nicholas Thornton, BA Oxon, PhD (2007), Drapers’
Research Fellow
Ludmila Maria du Bouchet, BA Paris, MPhil Paris, MPhil (2004),
Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah Research Fellow
2008 Barbara Könczöl, MA Leipzig, PhD Leipzig, University Lektorin in History
Jin-Hyuk Kim, BA Yonsei, MA Cornell, PhD Cornell, College Lecturer
in Economics
Mark Strange, BA Durham, MSt Oxon, DPhil Oxon, Drapers’ Research
Kenneth Patrick Clarke, BA Dublin, MPhil Dublin, MA Oxon, DPhil
Oxon, Keith Sykes Research Fellow in Italian Studies
David John Huggins, MChem Oxford, DPhil Oxon
Matthew O’Brien, BSc York, PhD Manchester
2009 Colin Martyn Lizieri, BA Oxon, PhD LSE, Grosvenor Professor of Real
Estate Finance in the Department of Land Economy
Alexander Houen, BA Sydney, MPhil Sydney, PhD (1999), University
Lecturer in Modern English Literature
Renaud Gagné, MA Montreal, MPhil Montreal, PhD Harvard,
University Lecturer in Greek Literature
Mina Gorji, BA (1996), MPhil Oxon, PhD Oxon, University Lecturer in
Caroline Burt, BA (1999), MPhil (2000), PhD (2004), College Lecturer
in History
Danilo Camargo Igliori, BA Sao Paolo, MSc Sao Paolo, MPhil (2001),
PhD (2005), Adam Smith Fellow in Land Economy
Md. Taufiq Ur-Rahman, BPharm Dhaka, MPharm Dhaka, MSc
Manchester, PhD (2008), Drapers’ Research Fellow
Siân Katharine Pooley, BA (2005), MPhil (2006), Mark Kaplanoff
Research Fellow in History
Sarah Maria Heiltjen Nouwen, LLB Utrecht, LLM Utrecht, MPhil
(2005), Mayer Brown Research Fellow in International Law
Alfonso Sorrentino, MA Rome, PhD Princeton, Herschel-Smith
Research in Pure Mathematics
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Charles William McElroy Pratt, MA (1953)
Anthony William Nutbourne, MA (1954)
Richard Hawley Grey Parry, ScD (1983)
Colin Gilbraith, MA (1975), MVO
Amyand David Buckingham, CBE, ScD (1985), FRS
Colin George Wilcockson, MA (1958)
Michael James David Powell, ScD (1979), FRS
Ian Fleming, ScD (1982), FRS
John Ryder Waldram, MA (1963), PhD (1964)
Antony Gerald Hopkins, FBA
Howard Henry Erskine-Hill, LittD (1988), FBA
Sir Roger Tomkys, MA (1973)
Robert Joseph Mears
William Bernard Raymond Lickorish, ScD (1991)
Sathiamalar Thirunavukkarasu, MA (1971)
Brian Watchorn, MA (1965)
Howard Peter Raingold, MA (1982)
Nicholas Stanislaus Baskey, MA (1998)
Richard James Jackson, MA (1968), PhD (1968)
Michael David Reeve, MA (1966)
Michael George Kuczynski, MA (1972)
Susan Helen Stobbs, MA (1970)
Rex Edward Britter, MA (1979)
1983 Sir Michael Francis Atiyah, OM, MA (1956), PhD (1955), Hon ScD, FRS
Ray Milton Dolby, Hon OBE, PhD (1961), Hon ScD
1989 Sir John Frank Charles Kingman, ScD (1969), FRS
1992 The Rt Hon James Michael Leathes Prior, Baron Prior of Brampton, PC,
MA (1970)
Sir Constant Hendrick (Henry) de Waal, KCB, MA (1955), LLB (1952)
Simon Kirwan Donaldson, MA (1985), FRS
Christopher Jarvis Haley Hogwood, CBE, MA (1967)
1993 James Gee Pascoe Crowden, CVO, MA (1955)
1995 The Revd Charles Kingsley Barrett, DD (1956), FBA
1998 Sir John Anthony Chilcot, GCB, MA (1973)
The Rt Hon Sir Konrad Hermann Theodor Schiemann, PC, MA (1965),
LLB (1962)
The Rt Hon Sir Alan Hylton Ward, Lord Justice Ward, PC, MA (1968),
LLB (1963)
1999 Emma Louise Johnson, MBE, MA (1992)
2000 Sir John Edward Sulston, PhD (1982), Hon ScD, FRS
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2002 William Hall Janeway, PhD (1971)
2004 Sir Michael Bett, CBE, MA (1977)
Roger Walton Ferguson Jr, (1973) PhD Harvard
Sir Christopher Owen Hum, KCMG, MA (1964)
His Excellency George Maxwell Richards, TC, PhD (1963)
Sir Marcus Henry (Mark )Richmond, ScD(1971), FRS
The Rt Hon Christopher Robert Smith, Baron Smith of Finsbury, PC,
MA (1977), PhD (1979)
2005 Amyand David Buckingham, CBE, ScD (1985), FRS
2006 Stephen John Nickell, CBE, BA (1965), FB
Martin Biddle, OBE, FSA, MA (1965)
Peter Stuart Ringrose, MA (1971), PhD (1971)
2007 The Rt Hon Paul Anthony Elliott Bew, Lord Bew of Donegore, MA
(1971), PhD(1974)
Stephen Jay Greenblatt, MA (1968)
2008 David Anthony Brading, BA (1960) PhD UCL, DLitt (1991)
Jeremy Bloxham, BA (1982), PhD (1986)
2001 Jeremy Henry Moore Newsum, BA, Reading
2003 Barrington John Albert Furr, OBE, BSc, PhD, Reading
2004 Melanie Georgina Lee, BSc, York, PhD, National Institute for Medical
2005 Gerd Schnorrenberg, PhD, Bonn
Jonson Cox, BA (1979)
2006 David William Andrews, MA, Sheffield
Cristoforo Romanelli, DrIng, Università degli Studi de Roma “La
Jonathan Kenneth Charles Knowles, BSc East Anglia, PhD, Edinburgh
2008 Matthew William Bross
Ismail Kola, BSc, South Africa, BPharm, Rhodes, PhD (Med),
2009 Richard Parmee, BA (1973)
Jayne Sinclair Ringrose, MA (1970)
Andrea Ruddick, BA (1999), MPhil (2000), PhD (2005)
Daniela Passolt, BA Hamburg, MSc SOAS, PhD LSE
Rebecca Lucy Coombs, BA Bristol, PhD Paris
Andrew Enticknap, MBA UEA
Mark Reinhard Norbert Kotter, MD Graz, MPhil (2001), PhD (2006)
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2004 George Simon Cecil Gibson
2005 John Andrew Hulme Chadwick, MA (1968)
Keith Gordon Sykes, MA (1973)
Randall Wayne Dillard, LLM (1983)
2006 Norman Mcleod Bachop, BA (1968)
2007 Anthony Harwick Wilkinson
2008 Christopher Bertlin Turner Adams, MA (1957)
John Charles Grayson Stancliffe, MA (1952)
Master: Sir Richard Dearlove
President: J M Maciejowski
Senior Tutor: MR Wormald
Dean and Chaplain: J T D Gardom
Treasurer and Bursar: C Blencowe
Praelector: T Meißner
Librarian: N J McBride
Tutorial Bursar: L T Kassell
College Proctor: D N Tambakis
Steward: M R Mellor
Tutor for Graduate Affairs: L R R Gelsthorpe
Admissions Tutor: C Burt
Tutor for Graduate Admissions: N J McBride
Development Director: M R Mellor
Assistant tutors: S J Barrett, B A Bodenhorn, M J Clark, G Csanyi, K C Ettenhuber,
J T D Gardom, M Gorji, B Könczöl, N J McBride, T Meißner, Z Sarnyai,
A W Tucker
Graduate tutors: A F Deuss, G R Edwards, J T D Gardom, A Thornton
College lecturers: M J Clark (History), N Datta (Mathematics), K C Ettenhuber
(English), D Igliori (Political Economy); J-H Kim (Economics), N J McBride
(Law), D N Tambakis (Economics), M R Wormald (English)
Directors and Assistant Directors of Studies:
Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic: P Russell
Archaeology & Anthropology: B A Bodenhorn
Architecture: W Fawcett
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies: C P Melville
Chemical Engineering: S S S Cardoso
Classics: T Meißner
Computer Science: K Taylor
Economics: D Tambakis, D Robertson
Education: E Taylor
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Engineering: V Deshpande, G Csanyi, A Ferrari, J Gonçalves
English: M R Wormald, K C Ettenhuber
Geography: S Radcliffe
History: J P Parry, M J Clark, C Burt
History of Art: R P Blakesley
Land Economy: D Igliori
Law: N J McBride
Linguistics: D Willis
Management Studies: S J Learmount
Mathematics: N Datta
Medicine: Z Sarnyai, K G C Smith (Clinical)
Modern Languages: S Huot, M Kant, R O’Bryen
Music: S J Barrett
Natural Sciences: T J Bussey, N R Cooper, A F Deuss, L T Kassell, M O’Brien,
D Pantos, M C Payne, A Tunnacliffe
Philosophy: A Stewart-Wallace
Politics, Psychology, Sociology, and International Studies: B A Bodenhorn
Theology: J T D Gardom
Veterinary Medicine: D Tucker
Director for International Programmes: A M Dawson
Deputy Director for International Programmes: D Passolt
Lectrice in French: P Dorio
Lektorin in German: A Lorenz
Academic Associates:
Anatomy: A May
Architecture: M Gwiazda
Engineering: J Taylor
English: A Lane, G Yeats
Social Anthropology: M Magalhaes
Writing Skills: R Burns
Zoology: J Gerlach
Abdulla, Fawaz Yusuf (London School of Economics)
Aboobakar, Muhammad-Furqan (Loughborough Grammar School)
Agnihotri, Wiraaj (United World College of S E Asia, Singapore)
Aleksandrova, Antoniya (Butler University, Indianapolis)
Ashmore, Joseph Lorcan (St Dunstan’s College, London)
Bahaj, Saleem Abubakr (London School of Economics)
Baker, Harry Laurence (King’s (VA) CE School, Peterborough)
Balogh, Mate (Fazekas Mihaly Primary and Secondary School and Te, Budapest)
Batishcheva, Alexandra (Latymer School, London)
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Bennett, Verity Angelina Sharman (Torquay Grammar School for Girls)
Berreby, Fiona (CPGE lycee Montaigne, Paris)
Blackburn, Katherine Rebecca (Reigate Grammar School)
Boreham, John William (Windsor Boys’ School)
Börjesson, Johannes Per Emil (Lund University, Sweden)
Bosch, Konstantin Moritz Maximilian (Robinson College, Cambridge)
Bowyer, Georgina Sophie Amundsen (Duke of York’s Royal Military School,
Bridge, Christopher Philip (King Edward VI Grammar School, Chelmsford)
Bronitsky, Jonathan Bernard (Peterhouse, Cambridge)
Bruce, Maria Pepa (Foleys Grammar School, Limassol)
Budd, Oliver Matthew Timothy (Wellington School, Somerset (son of J D Budd
Cain, Jacob Stuart (Richard Hale School, Hertford)
Carr, Neal Patrick (De Lisle Catholic School, Loughborough)
Carruthers, Elspeth Ruth (Latymer School, London)
Chatters, Grace Margaret (Newstead Wood School for Girls, Orpington)
Chew, Leroy Nicholas (Alton College, Hampshire)
Chowdhury, Mubdiu Reza (Latymer School, London)
Chung, Paraic Ho-Hin (London Oratory School)
Coates, Richard Stephen (Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-upon-Tyne)
Coghill, James Reid (Thomas Mills High School, Framlingham)
Coghlan, Niall Finian (Dr Challoner’s Grammar School, Amersham)
Cox, David Wyndham Keith (Portadown College, Craigavon)
Cymes, Tomasz (33 Liceum Im. M Kopernika, Warsaw)
Dafinone, Isabel Onome (Wycombe Abbey School, High Wycombe)
de Berker, Archy Otto Orloff (North Bristol Post 16 Centre)
Deng, Zhe Xi (Roedean School, Brighton)
Denis, Elizabeth Rosa (St Saviour’s & St Olave’s School, London)
Dietzfelbinger, Sarah Esin (Freie Universität, Berlin)
Echtermeyer, Tim Joachim (Aachen University of Technology)
Ediger, Mikaela Leann (Harry Ainlay High School, Edmonton)
Ewing, Alice-Andrea (Farlingaye High School, Woodbridge)
Fabry, Alexander Bradshaw (Harvard University)
Fallows, Michael Joseph (Wilmslow County High School, Cheshire)
Fang, Fufu (Ashmole School, London)
Ferrari, Anna Cecile (Emmanuel College, Cambridge)
Fleming, Helen Susan (Wycombe High School, High Wycombe)
Flores, Fernan Carandan (Ateneo de Manila University)
Fowler, Cedar Johnson (Tufts University, MA)
Foxall, Tom Bant (Solihull School)
Franklin, Miriam Julie (Lady Margaret School, London)
Fulwood, Alice Mary (Oxford High School GDST)
Gandon, Amy Patricia (Haileybury, Hertford)
Gateshill, Joseph Geoffrey (Hymers College, Hull (son of J B Gateshill (1968))
Gill, Benjamin (Llanidloes High School, Powys (son of T Gill (1981))
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Gutteridge, Jennifer Marie (Camberwell College of Art)
Hall, Clare Elizabeth (Tonbridge Grammar School for Girls)
Hallas, Gabriela Grace Macmahon (Coloma Convent Girls School, Croydon)
Harrington, Christian A D E (Eton College, Windsor)
Harris, Georgina Rachel (Caistor Grammar School, Market Rasen)
Harvey, Joseph Edward (Pates Grammar School, Cheltenham)
Hatfield, Peter William (Simon Langton Boys’ School, Canterbury)
Hausien, Omar (Heaton Manor School, Newcastle upon Tyne)
Hayes, Rosalie Winifred (Tormead School, Guildford)
Healey, Rosamund (Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge)
Heard, Daniel Keith (King Edward VI College, Stourbridge)
Henderson, Siobhan Jenny (Dame Alice Owen’s School, Potters Bar)
Hill, Sarah Catherine (Woodbridge School, Suffolk)
Hills, Evin Rose (City of London Freemen’s School, Ashtead)
Hinks, Matthew Joseph (Chatham Grammar School for Boys, Kent)
Hodkinson, Jemima Eleanor Clare (Portsmouth Grammar School)
Hui, Nikhol Victoria (North London Collegiate School, Edgware)
Jackson, Stacey Anne Winifred (Spalding High School, Lincolnshire)
Jaffer, Mehdi Husayn (Merchant Taylors’ School, Northwood)
Jayaraman, Apoorva (Trinity College, Oxford)
Johnson, Ian David (Bilborough College, Nottingham)
Jolly, Elaine Christina (University of Glasgow)
Jones, Sonia Alexandra Rosciszewska (Queen’s Gate School, London)
Joseph, David Daniel (Highgate School, London)
Keenan, Patrick George (Greenhead College, Huddersfield)
Kemp, Phoebe Joy (Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-upon-Tyne)
Kim, Eunice Seungyeon (Brown University, Providence)
King, Mark John (Jesus College, Cambridge)
Kirdar, Rena Nemir (Somerville College, Oxford)
Kirk, Jacob Daniel (Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Horncastle)
Kleanthous, Natasha Anna Victoria (St Margaret’s School, Bushey)
Kollmann, Laura (University of Maastricht)
La Fleur, Emma (Occidental College, Los Angeles)
la Hausse de Lalouvière, Joseph Philippe Toussaint (Hills Road Sixth Form
College, Cambridge)
Labrune, Pierre (École Normale Supérieure, Paris)
Lecznar, Adam Edward (University College London)
Lee, Minah (Tiffin Girls’ School, Kingston upon Thames)
Leggett, Matthew Terence (Colyton Grammar School, Devon)
Lewis, Rhian (Caerleon Comprehensive School, Newport)
Lewis-Smith, William Oliver (Tiffin School, Kingston-upon-Thames)
Lindsay, Victoria (Banchory Academy, Kincardineshire)
Liu, Yun (National Junior College, Singapore)
Livingstone, Emmet McMahon (European School Brussels I)
Lombardo, Antonio (Universita di Palermo)
Maguire, Holly Charlotte (Brighton, Hove & Sussex Sixth Form College)
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Martin, Laurie William Findlay (Bedford School)
Mashiter, Chloe Elizabeth (Norwich School)
McClelland, Peter Geoffrey (University of Western Ontario)
McGowan, Joanna Grace (New College, Swindon)
McGuinness, Bronach Geraldine Mary (Dominican College, Belfast)
McWilliams, Alastair Robert (King’s School, Canterbury)
Mecham, Andrew Steven (Brigham Young University)
Miller, Holly Patricia (Burgess Hill School, West Sussex)
Morgan, Elsa Charlotte (Withington Girls’ School, Manchester (daughter of H F
Morgan (1978))
Msibi, Thabo Perceviarence (University of KwaZulu-Natal)
Murphy, Christine Claire Ellen (Methodist College, Belfast)
Nicholson, Kerry Elizabeth (Northern Regional College, Ballymena, Co. Antrim)
Norman, Simon Mark (Victoria College, St Helier)
Obata, Miharu (South Hampstead High School, London)
Orchard, Patrick Francis (Harrow School, Harrow-on-the-Hill)
Paites, Benjamin (Coopers’ Company and Coborn School, Upminster)
Parsons, Lawrence Aldwell Wilde (Open University, Milton Keynes)
Patel, Arvind (Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School, Elstree)
Paya Ten, Marcos (International School of Indiana, Indianapolis)
Petreanu, Andreea (City University, London)
Phillips, Olivia Poppy (King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds)
Pickworth, Frances Isabel (Norwich School)
Pitt Ford, Charles William (Robinson College, Cambridge)
Prina, Alberto Matthew (St Edmund’s College, Cambridge)
Pugh, Benjamin John (Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet)
Purdon, Rachel Elizabeth (Penglais Comprehensive School, Aberystwyth)
Qureshi, Arham Farukh (Magdalen College School, Oxford)
Railton, Thomas James (Ashlawn School and Science College, Rugby)
Ramsden, Christopher Michael (Greenhead College, Huddersfield)
Reibman, Max Yacker (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Reith, Charles James Davidson (Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School, Elstree)
Richards, Sidney William (University of Leiden)
Richmond, Alex Mathew (British International School, Jakarta)
Ritter, Alex Taylor (Concordia College, Minnesota)
Robinshaw, Elizabeth (Bootham School, York)
Robinson, Mark Philip Robert (Altrincham Grammar School for Boys)
Ross, India Fleur Wilson (Truro School)
Salama, Michael Howard (George Washington University)
Sanderson, Charlotte Anna (Magdalene College, Cambridge)
Schlaepfer, Christian (St Edmund’s College, Cambridge)
Scott, Jemima Ruth (Rugby School)
Scott, Luke Andrew (Edinburgh Academy)
Senge, Jan Felix (University of Bremen)
Senthilgiri, Lathoorshan (City of London School)
Shaw, Matthew James (Desborough School, Maidenhead)
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Shelat, Urvesh Mahesh (Harvard University)
Shen, Lin (China University of Political Science & Law)
Slade, Christopher Raymond (Sutton Grammar School, Surrey)
Smith, James William (University of St Andrews)
Solanki, Deepa Priya (Wreake Valley College, Syston)
Stanley, Isaac Martin (City of London School)
Steinitz, Rachel (British School of Rio De Janeiro)
Stern, Robert Guy (University College School, London)
Stewart, Jessica Carol-Ann (Sixth Form College Farnborough)
Stott, Susannah Victoria (Oakham School, Leicestershire)
Straus, Max Isaac (Brown University, Providence)
Suddaby, Katherine Mary (Boston Spa Comprehensive School, Wetherby)
Sullivan, Robert Andrew (Ridgeway Comprehensive School, Wroughton)
Szlachta, Wojciech Jerzy (Girton College, Cambridge)
Takano, Masao (Georgetown Univerisity, Washington DC)
Takeda, Yuko (University of Newcastle)
Tavernier, Marie Anne (Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV))
Teh, Tian Huey (Kolej Tuanku Ja’afar, Mantin)
Tham, Jonathan Volrath Sebastian (Westminster School, London)
Thom, Susannah Claire (Manchester High School for Girls (daughter of C P
Thom (1978))
Thompson, Robert Peter (Southend High School for Boys, Southend-on-Sea
(son of D P Thompson (1981))
Tickell Painter, Cassie Rosa (Cherwell School, Oxford)
Todd, Andrew David (Omagh Academy, Co. Tyrone)
Tromp, Alicia Jeanne (École Normale Supérieure, Paris)
Ulmann, George Oliver (Radley College, Abingdon)
Veselovská, Lenka (Charles University, Prague)
Viswanathan, Vivek (Harvard University)
Warren, Bryony (Watford Girls’ Grammar School)
Watney, Isabella Mary Louise (Oxford High School GDST)
Weigel, Jonathan (Harvard University)
Welikala, Judith Himanie (Sacred Heart High School, London)
Wigginton, James Leroy (Brigham Young University)
Willis, Julian C W (Oakham School, Leicestershire)
Wirz, Monica (London School of Economics)
Wolf, Simon Maria Reinhard (Bedford School)
Xu, Jia (Princeton University)
Yeo, Yi Tian Felicity (McGill University, Montreal)
Yeung, Wilson (University College London)
Yudhanahas, Rampharaj (National University of Singapore)
Anixter, David (University of California – Berkeley)
Barrett, Samuel Clarkson (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Chen, Siwen (Wellesley College)
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Clark, Courtney Alexandra Reyes (Brown University, Providence)
Crowe, Charlotte McKenna (Brown University, Providence)
Eldridge, Robert Matthew (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Finerty, Katherine (Cornell University, Ithaca)
Gordon, Veronica (Yale University, New Haven)
Hanno, Adam Gordon (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Harris, Drew Colin (Brown University, Providence)
Kaye-Kauderer, Jenna (Brown University, Providence)
Kieschnick, Hannah (Yale University, New Haven)
Merron, Eric (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Milstein, Michael Morris (Cornell University, Ithaca)
O’Connor, Kendall Marie (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Raman, Nikhita (Brown University, Providence)
Rogers, Graham Rollin Helton (Brown University, Providence)
Rosenthal, Sarah Faye (Brown University, Providence)
Roule, Natasha Madeleine Anne (Wellesley College)
Salvador, Anjali Vyas (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Samarth, Avinash (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Seligman, Lara Catriona (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Slater, Benjamin Joshua (Brown University, Providence)
Tennant, Emma Philadelphia (Brown University, Providence)
Tiu, Tiffany Wing Yee (Waseda University)
Zhang, Chenji (Brown University, Providence)
Zhou, Lily Yaoqing (Wellesley College)
Brodbeck Roos, Jeannette (University of Berne)
Neto, Ricardo Jorge Miguel (Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro)
Archaeology & Anthropology, Part I
Hill, Sarah Catherine
Oriental Studies, Part II
Coles, Isabel
Archaeology & Anthropology, Part IIA
Bray, Sebastian Christian
Chemical Engineering, Part IIB
Popel, Aleksej
Archaeology & Anthropology, Part IIB
Brooks, Hannah Jean
Classical Tripos, Part IA
Gandon, Amy Patricia
Pickworth, Frances Isabel
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies,
Part IA
Carruthers, Elspeth Ruth
Classical Tripos, Part II
Judson, Anna Penelope
Newton, Alice Elizabeth
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Computer Science, Part IB
Chen, Niang Jun
Economics, Part I
Boreham, John William
Economics, Part IIA
France, Robert
Gorringe, Frank Richard
Mukherjee, Bibek
Wiggins, Alexander David
Economics, Part IIB
Kaitcer, Alex Louis
Qiu, Yuhang
Engineering, Part IA
Bridge, Christopher Philip
Hall, Clare Elizabeth
Robinson, Mark Philip Robert
Engineering, Part IB
Kubie, Martin Gustav William
Sharpe, Adam Douglas
Walker, Michael Ian
Whitehead, Tom
Wraight, Matthew William
Wu, Menglin
Engineering, Part IIB
Bunch, Peter Joseph
Cusdin, Andrew Matthew
Gauld, Connell Muir
Kehagias, Christos
McKane, Kirsty Laurenson
Yung, Hoi Yue
English, Part I
Clear, Samuel Marcus
Gatzen, Claire
Herman, Katya Rachel
Ievins, Alice Mary Anna Natalia
English, Part II
Goh, Gayle Si Yi
McAdam, William Peter
Wheeler, Eleanor Margaret
Historical Tripos, Part I
Hutchby, Thomas Alexander
Wall, Jonathan James
Historical Tripos, Part II
Croall, Anna Rebecca
Isenberg, Daniel Joseph
Jones, Robert John Foster
Law, Part IB
Brown, Thomas Barlow
Hillam, Andrew Jonathan
Law, Part II
Alonzo, Camilla Frances
Lawson, Kyle William
Young, Andrew McDonald Russell
Mathematical Tripos, Part IA
Chen, Chongli Daniel
Harvey, Joseph Edward
Hatfield, Peter William
Mathematical Tripos, Part IB
Kileel, Joseph David
Ledwon, Paul
Soh, Yong Sheng
Whitby, Max
Mathematical Tripos, Part II
Dudfield, Peter
House, David Michael
Mathematical Tripos, Part III
Jones, Andrew James
Morgan, Ralph Henry
Final MB Examination, Part III
Soosainathan, Arany
Medical and Veterinary Sciences,
Part IA
Morgan, Elsa Charlotte
Ross, India Fleur Wilson
Medical and Veterinary Sciences,
Part IB
Nicolaidis, Eva Alexandra
Modern and Medieval Languages,
Part IA
Bott, William
Miller, Holly Patricia
Pugh, Benjamin John
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Modern and Medieval Languages,
Part IB
Bickerton, Jordan James
Music, Part II
Campbell, Anna Catherine
Martin, Peter Thomas Yarde
Natural Sciences, Part IA
Agnihotri, Wiraaj
Balogh, Mate
de Berker, Archy Otto Orloff
Liu, Yun
Purdon, Rachel Elizabeth
Willis, Julian CW
Natural Sciences, Part IB
Bullard, Christina Mary
Hammond, Daniel John
Natural Sciences, Part II: Biological
and Biomedical Sciences
Yeldham, Francesca
Natural Sciences, Part II: Chemistry
Armstrong, Roland John
Beardmore, Emma Jane
Natural Sciences, Part II: Pathology
Neshat-Omidvaran, Mojtaba
Natural Sciences, Part III: Biochemistry
Taylor, Martin Russell Gareth
Natural Sciences, Part III: Chemistry
Appleton, Scott David
Coad, Emma-Rose
Janecek, Matej
Natural Sciences, Part III:
Experimental and Theoretical Physics
Arnold, Hannah Mary
Smidman, Michael
Strandkvist, Charlotte
Natural Sciences, Part III: Geological
Weller, Owen Michael
Natural Sciences, Part III: Material
Sciences and Metallurgy
Young, Callum Angus
Philosophy, Part IB
Steen, Bernard Adam
Philosophy, Part II
Natural Sciences, Part II:
Jefferys, Peter John
Experimental and Theoretical Physics
Bell, Robert Andrew
Theological and Religious Studies,
Sanders, Jason Lloyd
Part IIA
Skwarek, Katrina Clare
Natural Sciences, Part II: Genetics
Stanton, Richard Oliver
Lister, Joanne Rachel
Kilby Prize
best undergraduate performance
Alonzo, CF
Peter de Somogyi Memorial Prize
special merit in an Arts subject
Judson, AP
Blackburne-Daniell Prize
best second-year performance
France, R; Hillam, AJ
Crowden Award
distinguished contribution to College life
Mckoy, L; Jones, AL
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Hansen Prize
Lancaster Prize
outstanding first or second-year performance for Engineering
in the Arts
Whitehead, T
Pugh, BJ
Legg Prize
Satish Kumar Aggarwal Prize
for Mathematics
outstanding first-year performance in
House, DM
Mathematics or Natural Sciences
Ann Ellen Prince Prize
Harvey, JE
for Modern Languages
Adrian Prize
Bickerton, JJ
for Medical and Veterinary Sciences
BM Roberts Prize
Yeldham, F
for outstanding performance in Part III
Atiyah Prize
for Part III Mathematics
Appleton, SD
Morgan, RH
Ubaydli Prize
Bethune Baker Prize
for Computer Science
for Divinity
Chen, NJ
Skwarek, KC
Marie Shamma’a Frost Prize
Collins Prize
For Oriental Studies
for English
Coles, I
Wheeler, EM
Robin Shepherd Memorial Prize
Ginsberg Prize
for Chemistry
for Classics
Armstrong, RJ
Judson, AP
GC Smith Prize
Ginsberg Award
for Material Sciences
for Classics
Young, CA
Newton, AE
Dr Stevens Prize
for Natural Sciences
Hadley History Prize
Bell, RA
for Part II of the Tripos
Pinkney, WE
Dr Stoneley’s Prize
for Geology and Geophysics
Sir William Hodge Prize
Weller, OM
for Mathematics or Natural Sciences
Sanders, JL
Henry Sumner Maine Prize
for Archeology and Anthropology
Hodgson Memorial Prize
Brooks, HJ
for a Part II Engineering Project
Gauld, CM
Turner Prize
for Music
Joslin Prize
Eastwood, MJ
for Economic History
Wall, JJ
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S M Jamil Wasti Prize
for Part I English
Gatzen, C
Ronald Wynn Prize
for Engineering
Bunch, PJ
Willoughby Prize
for Private Law
Alonzo, CF
Ziegler Prize
for Law
Hillam, AJ
Foundress Prizes
Arnold, HM (Natural Sciences)
Brown, TB (Law)
Campbell, AC (Music)
Hutchby, TA (History)
Jones, AJ (Mathematics)
Jones, RJF (History)
Lawson, KW (Law)
Ledwon, P (Mathematics)
Popel, A (Chemical Engineering)
Pugh, BJ (Modern Languages)
Qiu, Y (Economics)
Smidman, M (Natural Sciences)
Wiggins, AD (Economics)
Young, AMR (Law)
Yung, HY (Engineering)
College Prizes
First year
Agnihorti, W (Natural Sciences)
Balogh, M (Natural Sciences)
Boreham, JW (Economics)
Bott, W (Modern Languages)
Bridge, CP (Engineering)
Chen, CD (Mathematics)
de Berker, AOO (Natural Sciences)
Morgan, EC (Medical Sciences)
Pickworth, FI (Classics)
Purdon, RE (Natural Sciences)
Gandon, AP (Classics)
Harvey, JE (Mathematics)
Hatfield, JE (Mathematics)
Hill, SC (Archaeology & Anthropology)
la Hausse de Lalouvière, JPT (History)
Liu, Y (Natural Sciences)
Miller, HP (Modern Languages)
Robinson, MP (Engineering)
Ross, IFW (Veterinary Medicine)
Willis, JCW (Natural Sciences)
Second year
Bray, SCA (Arch & Anth)
Bullard, CM (Natural Sciences)
Clear, SM (English)
France, R (Economics)
Gorringe, FR (Economics)
Hammond, DJ (Natural Sciences)
Herman, KR (English)
Ievins, AMN (English)
Kileel, JD (Mathematics)
Kubie, MGW (Engineering)
Mukherjee, B (Economics)
Nicolaidis, EAC (Medical Sciences)
Sharpe, AD (Engineering)
Soh, YS (Mathematics)
Stanton, RO (Theology)
Steen, BA (Philosophy)
Wall, JJ (History)
Walker, MJ (Engineering)
Whitby, M (Mathematics)
Whitehead, T (Engineering)
Wraight, MW (Engineering)
Wu, M (Engineering)
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Third year
Beardmore, EJ (Natural Sciences)
Dudfield, P (Mathematics)
Goh, GSY (English)
Isenberg, DJ (History)
Jefferys, PJ (Philosophy)
Fourth year
Coad, E (Natural Sciences)
Cusdin, AM (Engineering)
Janecek, M (Natural Sciences)
Kehagias, C (Engineering)
Kaitcer, AL (Economics)
Lister, JR (Natural Sciences)
McAdam, WP (English)
Neshat-Omidvaran, M (Natural Sciences)
McKane, KL (Engineering)
McKee, AP (Mathematics)
Strandkvist, C (Natural Sciences)
Taylor, MRG (Natural Sciences)
Sixth year
Soosainathan, A (Clinical Medicine)
Elected to a Foundation Scholarship
Bickerton, JJ (Modern Languages)
Bray, SCA (Arch & Anth)
Brown, TB (Law)
Bullard, CM (Natural Sciences)
Chen, NJ (Computer Science)
France, R (Economics)
Gorringe, FR (Economics)
Hammond, DJ (Natural Sciences)
Hillam, AJ (Law)
Hutchby, TA (History)
Walker, MI (Engineering)
Wall, JJ (History)
Whitby, M (Mathematics)
Whitehead, T (Engineering)
Kileel, JD (Mathematics)
Kubie, MGW (Engineering)
Ledwon, P (Mathematics)
Mukherjee, B (Economics)
Nicolaidis, EAC (Medical Sciences)
Sharpe, AD (Engineering)
Skwarek, KC (Theology)
Soh, YS (Mathematics)
Stanton, RO (Theology)
Steen, BA (Philosophy)
Wiggins, AD (Economics)
Wraight, MW (Engineering)
Wu, M (Engineering)
Foundation Scholarships Continued
Armstrong, RJ (Natural Sciences)
Beardmore, EJ (Natural Sciences)
Bell, RA (Natural Sciences)
Jarrold, S (Archaeology & Anthropology)
Ralph, HLC (Modern Languages)
Sanders, JL (Natural Sciences)
Saunders, RJ (Natural Sciences)
Foundation Award Holders
Appleton, S (Natural Sciences)
Buchanan, GR (English)
Bunch, PJ (Engineering)
Campbell, AC (Music)
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Dudfield, P (Mathematics)
Eastwood, MJF (Music)
House, DM (Mathematics)
Yeldham, FC (Medical Sciences)
Isenberg, DJ (History)
Janecek, M (Natural Sciences)
Jefferys, PJ (Philosophy)
Mundy, L (Medical Sciences)
Newton, AE (Classics)
Pinkney, WE (History)
Woolley, JP (Arch & Anth)
Young, CA (Natural Sciences)
Foundation Award Holders Continued
Adeloye, T (Clinical Medicine)
Bellis, JR (English)
Boland, JA (Natural Sciences)
Chan, TS (Chemical Engineering)
Charteris, CM (English)
Collins, BSL (Natural Sciences)
Dickerson, P (English)
Firestone, E (English)
Humphreys, MTG (History)
McDonald, S (Clinical Medicine)
Potter, AT (Natural Sciences)
Richardson, JO (Chemistry)
Rickman, HM (Medical Sciences)
Tay, NL (Veterinary Medicine)
Voss, EAF (Engineering)
West, CJ (Economic and Social History)
Whiscombe, A (ASNAC)
Winder-Rhodes, SE (MRC Brain Repair)
Xiu, P (Clinical Medicine)
Retrospective Awards to Commoners
Coad, E (Natural Sciences)
Coles, I (Oriental Studies)
Cusdin, AM (Engineering)
Gauld, CM (Engineering)
Jones, RJF (History)
Lister, JR (Natural Sciences)
McAdam, WP (English)
Qiu, Y (Economics)
Strandkvist, C (Natural Sciences)
Wheeler, EM (English)
Young, AMR (Law)
College Scholarships
Agnihorti, W (Natural Sciences)
Balogh, M (Natural Sciences)
Carruthers, ER (Asian & Middle Eastern
Chen, CD (Mathematics)
de Berker, AOO (Natural Sciences)
Gandon, AP (Classics)
Hall, CE (Engineering)
Harvey, JE (Mathematics)
Hatfield, PW (Mathematics)
Hill, SC (Archaeology & Anthropology)
Boreham, JW (Economics)
Bridge, CP (Engineering)
la Hausse de Lalouvière, JPT (History)
Liu, Y (Natural Sciences)
Morgan, EC (Medical Sciences)
Pickworth, FI (Classics)
Pugh, BJ (Modern Languages)
Purdon, RE (Natural Sciences)
Robinson, MP (Engineering)
Ross, IFW (Veterinary Medicine)
Willis, JCW (Natural Sciences)
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College Exhibitions
Bott, W (Modern Languages)
Miller, HP (Modern Languages)
Derek Rose Memorial Studentship
Carruthers, ER
Searle Reading Prize
Taylor, RC
Jack Lander Travel Scholarships
McGuinness, BGM; Gutteridge, JM
Kenderdine Organ Scholarship
Martin, PTY
Keith Sykes Awards
Howe, EK; Hoyt, ME; O’Brien, AP;
Scott-Barrett, JV
Dame Ivy Compton-Burnett Prize
For creative writing
Weigel, J
Idle Scholarship
Moshenka, RCS
Christine Hansen Music Travel
Ambrose Evans, R
Nicholas Powell Travel Bursary
Stern, RG
Brian Riley Declamation Prize
Isenberg, DJ
Graham Maw Organ Scholarship
Ashmore, JL
Monica Partridge Award (Balkan
Bosch, KMM
Rosenthal Memorial Travelling
Murphy, CCE
Ginsberg Blues Awards
For a Blue
Peter McClelland (Rowing)
Jan Senge (Basketball)
For a Half Blue
Alistair Chappelle (Lightweight rowing)
John Hale (Lightweight rowing)
Todd Nichols (Lacrosse)
Charles Pitt Ford (Lightweight rowing)
Madeleine Sowash (Volleyball)
Peter May Award
For Tripos and University sports
Bunch, PJ; Rickman, H
Dan Rookward Award
For excellence in sports
Hannah Rickman (winner)
Kate Cunningham (runner-up)
Freddy Lyon (runner-up)
Peter Ringrose Africa Travel
Jones, AL; Kinloch, CM; Hill, SC;
Tickell Painter, CR; Maguire, HC;
Blackburn, KR
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Pembroke puts a great value on its community of graduate students; they add a
great deal to the richness and diversity of the College’s intellectual and social life.
In recognition of this Pembroke makes available a number of named awards to
potential graduate students in order to allow them to take up a place at Pembroke.
In addition Pembroke makes a number of awards to graduate students who have
obtained partial funding from other sources such as the Cambridge
Commonwealth Trust, the Cambridge Overseas Trust and the Cambridge
European Trust. Pembroke also supports the University initiative for Domestic
Research Studentships for home graduates by offering half the funding for any
Pembroke student nominated for such an award.
The following named scholarships and awards were made for the academic year
2009–2010 (all students are from Pembroke College, Cambridge unless
otherwise specified):
Arabic and Islamic Studies (E G Brown fund)
Bayan Parvizi (MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies)
Bethune Baker Scholarship in Theology
Johannes Börjesson (PhD in Theology) from Lund University, Sweden
Boustany Studentship in Astronomy
Apoorva Jayaraman (PhD in Astronomy) from Trinity College, Oxford
Lander Studentship in the History of Art
Anna Ferrari (PhD in History of Art) from Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Lander MPhil Studentship in the History of Art
Emily Wood (MPhil in History of Art) from Butler University, Indianapolis
Nahum Scholarship in Physics
Antonio Lombardo (PhD in Engineering) from Universita di Palermo, Sicily
Thornton Graduate Studentship in History
Christian Schlaepfer (PhD in History) from St Edmund’s College, Cambridge
Ziegler Studentship in Law
Sidney Richards (PhD in Law) from the University of Leiden, Netherlands
The College also made significant ad hominem awards from various funds:
Pembroke College fund for MPhil study
Augustine Booth-Clibborn (MPhil in Divinity)
Patrick Clibbens (MPhil in Modern South Asian Studies)
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Elgon Corner (MPhil in Economics)
Phoebe Dickerson (MPhil in English)
Katherine McDonald (MPhil in Classics)
Alexander Whiscombe (MPhil in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic)
Pembroke Research Studentship fund:
Emma Firestone (PhD in English)
The College contributed to the Cambridge University Domestic Research
Studentships awarded to:
Beatrice Collins (PhD in Chemistry)
Phoebe Luckyn-Malone (PhD in Oriental Studies)
Acres, L, The organisation of the ventral temporal object processing stream
Banfi, CA, Competition and other intentional economic torts: a comparison of English and
Chilean Laws
Barrett, SRH, The air quality impacts of aviation
Brooke, EG, The authority of the dead among the living in Republican Rome: a rhetorical
analysis of Cicero's oratory
Buckley, CE, Zebrafish: a transparent screening model of myelination
Carey, MA, Ephemeral Institutions: practical anarchy in the Moroccan High Atlas
Cervantes Sodi, F, Computational nanotechnology of graphene, nanotubes and nanowires
Faircloth, CR, Mothering as ‘identity work’: ‘long-term’ breastfeeding, attachment
parenting and intensive motherhood
Farr, RH, Navigating the Neolithic: seafaring and obsidian circulation in the central
Fasoli, A, Nanowires and nanoribbons nanoelectronics
Godfrey, NCJ, Understanding genocide: the experience of Anglicans in Rwanda,
c 1921–2008
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Golob, SYJ, Intentionality, freedom, method: theoretical and practical philosophy in Kant
and Heidegger
Heywood, JJN, Ruminant palaeodietary reconstruction using occlusal morphology of upper
Hoffman, KJ, Measurement of the pressure dependent line profiles of atmospherically
relevant molecules using high resolution infrared spectroscopy
Jones, CR, Hydrogen bonding from conformational control to asymmetric catalysis
Kothari, A, An approach to catalytic asymmetric electrocyclization
Kumar, P, Measurements and modelling of the dispersion of nanoparticles in the urban
Kwan, DH, The stereochemistry of reduction in modular polyketide synthases
Leiss, AE, The role of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in nitrogen remobilisation during
senescence in Arabidopsis and tobacco leaves
Meng, T, Magnetization properties and magnetotransport of cobalt nano-structures
Moss, L, Beta1 integrin and neural stem cell maintenance in the chicken embryo
Paul, PC, Microelectronic security measures
Payne, RC, On the computational modelling of evaporative flows in axial compressors
Regitz, S, An ultra fast air-to-fuel measurement device for cyclic combustion analysis
Rolland, SE, What legal framework for the development dimensions at the World Trade
Russell, BP, The micromechanics of composite lattice materials
Skelton, HJ, Applying hydrodynamic cavitation to the activated sludge process
Stagg, HR, A RNAi screen to identify novel ubiquitination genes involved in MHC I
Stevens, J, Design as a strategic resource: design’s contributions to competitive advantage
aligned with strategy models
Taylor, EJ, The negotiation of distant place: learning about Japan at Key Stage 3
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Willcocks, LC, The role of the low affinity Fcgamma receptors, FcgammaRIIb and
FCgammaRIIIb, in autoimmunity and infection
Winfield, SA, Hybrid multiscale simulation of liquid water
Yeh, J-CC, Anti-angiogenic activity of the volatile oil of Angelica sinensis
Campbell, C C, Engineering
Adipa, PAA, Development Studies
Akoensi, TD, Criminology
Auguer, PA, English
Bisno, AS, History
Brown, PW, International Relations
Bruce, EA, Pathology
Cha-Kim, SS, Classics
Coe, MJ, International Relations
Corn, CJC, Music
Cuthbertson, MR, English
du Parc Braham, GBMH, Philosophy
Englander, AM, Divinity
Fockele, KE, Modern Languages
Golann, DW, English
Gordon, DE, Clinical Biochemistry
Grant, KF, Engineering
Harvey, DT, Engineering
Hoffman, RG, History
Howells, JR, Law
Huff, AR, International Relations
Jagadesham, VP, Biology
Johnson, WH, History of Art
Katinaite, V, Economics
Kwong, TY, Parmacology
LaBuzetta, JN, Medicine
Llewellyn-Smith, CE, Education
Lucero, BA, Latin American Studies
Mimnaugh, ECC, History
Narasimhan, VK, Materials Science &
Nordby, RAM, Land Economy
Plucinski, MM, Computational Biology
Potts, JCH, English
Rogger, DO, Economics & Politics
Ruggeri, AE, International Relations
Smith, MW, Engineering
Sutcliffe, KE, Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic
Westerman, I D, International Relations
Yung, S F, Finance
Almoayed, A
Carim, M
Elliott, D
Igboegwu, G
Milward, SN
Gauld, CM
Kehagias, C
McKane, KL
Popel, AJ
Randell, HR
Rowan, CL
Sengendo, JM
Tuckley, CS
Uglow, CD
White, CM
Bunch, PJ
Cane, TA
Chappelle, AN
Cusdin, AM
Day, AM
Yu, J
Yung, HY
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Appleton, S D
Arnold, H M
Barbanneau, L D L
Basharat, M
Vet MB
Elis-Williams, L N
Milligan, C
Spiro, S G
Shen, L
Coad, E-R
Derry, B L
Janecek, M
Neogi, V J
Norman, A C
Petty, C H
Smidman, M
Strandkvist, C
Taylor, M R G
Weller, O M
Young, C A
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1942 Neville Goldrein’s autobiography Life Is Too Serious To Be Taken Seriously was
published by AuthorHouse.
1944 Timothy Dudley-Smith had two books published Praise to the Name: 36 New
Hymns Written Between 2005–2008 (Oxford University Press, 2009) and Above Every
Name: Thirty Contemporary Hymns in Praise of Christ (Canterbury Press, 2009).
1945 Graham Clarke had an article entitled ‘Gravitational mass centres’
published in volume 61 of the Astronomical Society of Edinburgh Journal
1946 Victor De Waal’s book Augustine Baker: Frontiers of the Spirit was published
by the SLG Press.
1947 Laurence Lerner’s book Reading Women’s Poetry was published by Sussex
Academic Press.
1948 Tom Sharpe’s novel The Gropes was published by Arrow Books.
Brian Spalding was awarded the 2009 Global Energy International
Award, and the 2010 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Mechanical
1949 Brian Earnshaw’s book Cafavy Gone Gothic was published by the Redcliffe
Ian Grant-Whyte’s book A Dyslexic Doc’s Memoirs was published by Zama
Publishing LLC.
1951 Henry Stapleton was awarded the MBE for services to the Church of
1953 Michael Wetherfield has had an article entitled ‘Personal recollections of
programming DEUCE in the late 1950s’ accepted for publication in The
Computer Journal.
1954 David Elms was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit.
1955 Michael Faraday’s book The Bristol and Gloucestershire Lay Subsidy of
1523–1527 was published by Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological
Keith Middlemas’ book Kinship and Survival: The Middlemas Name Through
600 Years was published by The Grimsay Press.
1956 Michael Counsell’s book The Canterbury Preacher’s Companion 2010 was
published by Canterbury Press.
Mark Roberts and Rosemary Roberts’ book, Zillah’s Village: A Family’s
Record of War and Peace in Rural Essex was published by them in 2009.
1957 Peter Beale’s translation of Martin Bauer’s Concerning the True Care of Souls
was published by Banner of Truth Trust.
Guy Ottewell had two books published by Universal Workshop:
Astronomical Calendar 2010 and Berenice’s Hair.
1958 Bernard Adams had two books that he translated published: Jeno
Heltai’s Jaguar: A Novel (Corvina, 2009), and Visegrad Drama III: The Sixties
(Arts & Theatre Institute, 2009).
A festchrift in honour of Martin Biddle and his wife was published:
Intersections: The Archaeology and History of Christianity in England 400–1200:
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Papers in Honour of Martin Biddle and Birthe Kjolbye-Biddle, edited by Martin
Henig and Nigel Ramsay (Archaeopress, 2010).
Jeremy Lawrence’s account of his early life in South Africa, Asides and
Indiscretions, was published by Gryphon Press.
Andrew Parkin had two books published: Star of a Hundred Years: A
Scenariode for Sir Run Run Shaw (A.R.A.W.LII, 2009), and ‘At the Hawk’s Well’
and ‘The Cat and the Moon’: Manuscript Materials by W.B. Yeats (Cornell UP,
Four classic works were republished by Wordsworth Editions Ltd with
introductions by Cedric Watts: William Shakespeare, A Winter’s Tale (also
edited, and with notes, by CW) (2005); Laurence Sterne, Tristram Shandy
(2009), The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, trans. by Edward Fitzgerald
(2009); Rudyard Kipling, The Man Who Would Be King and Other Stories
John Woulds was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant for the County of
Yorick Wilks recently obtained a number of different awards for his work
on computational linguistics: a Lifetime Achievement Award from the
Association of Computational Linguistics, Columbus, Ohio in 2008; the
2008 Antonio Zampolli Prize from the European Language Resources
Association; and the 2009 Lovelace Medal from the British Computer
Society. He was also elected Fellow of the Association for Computing
Machinery in 2009. Two books by Yorick Wilks were published in 2009:
Machine Translation: Its Scope and Limits (Springer); and (with Christopher
Brewster) Natural Language Processing as the Foundation of the Semantic Web
(Now Publishers).
Peter Cogman edited a Penguin Classics edition of Jules Verne’s Journey
to the Centre of the Earth (trans. Frank Wynne).
Peter Riley’s collection of prose poems, Greek Passages, was published by
Shearsman Books.
Jonathan Lynn’s Yes Minister Miscellany (co-authored with Antony Jay) was
published by Biteback.
John Nicholas was the joint winner of the 2009 Denys Fletcher Award for
his achievement in researching, writing and publishing his three volume
history of the London and South West Railway line from Basingstoke to
Exeter. The third volume, Main Line to the West: The Southern Railway Route
Between Basingstoke and Exeter was published by Irwell Press the same year.
Christopher Vanier’s book Caribbean Chemistry: Tales from St Kitts was
published by the Kingston University Press.
Two DVDs starring Eric Idle were released: Not the Messiah (He’s a Very
Naughty Boy) and the Monty Python – 40th Anniversary Boxset.
Michael Llewellyn-Smith was made a Life Fellow of the Australian
Institute of Architects for his contribution to urban design and
John Cowell published his book on Furriers, Glaziers, Doctors and Others: A
History of the Preston Jewish Community (2009).
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1964 The fifth volume in Clive James’ Unreliable Memoirs, The Blaze of Obscurity:
The TV Years, was published by Picador.
Alan Lehmann was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society for his work on
Richard Tames had two books published in 2009: Shakespeare's London on
Five Groats a Day (Thames & Hudson) and Isambard Kingdom Brunel
(Shire Publications).
1966 John Caroll’s book The Existential Jesus was published by Scribe.
Jay Winter’s Shadows of War: A Social History of Silence in the Twentieth Century
(co-authored with Ben-Ze’ev Efrat and Ginio Ruth) was published by
Cambridge University Press.
1967 Geoffrey Howard Samuel had two books published: the second edition
of his Tort: Cases and Materials (Sweet & Maxwell, 2008), and (with Pierre
Legrand) Introduction au common law (La Découverte, 2008).
1968 Alistair Cooke at the Movies, edited by Geoff Brown, was published by Allen
Robin Perutz was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society for his work on
molecular biology.
Graham Wynne, the former Chief Executive of the Royal Society for the
Protection of Birds, was knighted for services to nature conservation.
1969 The second edition of James Dinnage’s The Constitutional Law of the
European Union was published by LexisNexis.
Nicholas Garnett’s book, 1954: A Crime Novel was published by Austin &
John Kellas was awarded the CBE for services to the accountancy
1971 Iain Goldrein had three books published: Media Access to the Family Courts:
A Guide to the New Rules (Family Court, 2009), Ship Sale and Purchase (coauthored with Matt Hannaford and Paul Turner), 5th ed (Informa Law,
2008), and Child Case Management Practice (co-authored with The Hon Mr
Justice Ryder) (Jordan Publishing, 2008).
1972 Gerald Corbett was appointed High Sheriff of Hertfordshire.
1973 John Chambers was appointed Professor of Clinical Cardiology at King’s
College London.
Ronald Hutton’s Blood and Mistletoe: The History of the Druids in Britain was
published by Yale University Press.
1974 Tristram Riley-Smith’s book The Cracked Bell: America and the Afflictions of
Liberty was published by Constable.
Raj Thakker became the first non-American to win the Louis V Avioli
Founder’s Award from the American Society of Bone and Mineral
Research for his work on inherited disorders of bone metabolism. He
was also awarded an ScD by the University of Cambridge.
1975 Richard Hunter’s book Critical Moments in Classical Literature: Studies in the
Ancient View of Literature and Its Uses was published by Cambridge
University Press. Richard Hunter also co-edited (with Ian Rutherford) a
collection of papers, Wandering Poets in Ancient Greek Cultures: Travel,
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Locality and Pan-Hellenism, also published by the Cambridge University
Simon K Donaldson was (together with Clifford H Taubes) awarded the
2009 Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences for his many brilliant
contributions to geometry in three and four dimensions.
Adam Jacot de Boinod’s book The Wonder of Whiffling: and Other Extraordinary
Words in the English Language was published by Particular Books.
Martin Rowson had two books published in 2009: Giving Offence (Chicago
University Press) and F*ck: The History of the World in 65 Unfortunate Incidents
Patrick Derham co-edited (with Michael Worton) a book of essays,
Liberating Learning: Widening Participation (University of Buckingham
Press, 2010), on the state of contemporary secondary education. The
contributors to the book include AC Grayling, Niall Ferguson, Simon
Blackburn and Stuart Rose.
Ian Thomson’s The Dead Yard: Tales of Modern Jamaica was published by
Faber and Faber.
Marcus Daniel’s book Scandal and Civility: Journalism and the Birth of American
Democracy was published by the Oxford University Press.
Andrew Bolton co-edited (with Ian Kawaley and Robin Mayor) a book on
Cross-Border Judicial Co-operation in Offshore Litigation (Wildy, Simmonds and
Hill Publishing, 2009).
Jeremy Hutson has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.
Andrew Tremlett has been appointed Canon Residentiary of
Westminster Abbey, Rector of St Margaret’s, Westminster and Deputy
Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons.
Marcus Buckingham’s Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest and Most
Successful Women Do Differently was published by Nelson.
A collection of papers edited by Tom Shakespeare (with Kristjana
Kristiansen and Simo Vemas), Arguing about Disability: Philosophical
Perspectives, was published by Routledge.
Colin Clifford was made a Professor of Experimental Psychology at the
University of Sydney.
Sovaida Ma’Ani Ewing’s book Collective Security Within Reach was published
by George Ronald.
Rebecca Lingwood was appointed the Director of the Institute of
Continuing Education at the University of Cambridge.
Eileen Kaner was appointed by the government to an ambassador role to
promote diversity in public appointments.
Helen Small was given the 2008 Truman Capote Award for Literary
Criticism for her book The Long Life (Oxford University Press, 2007).
Nazir Razak was given FinanceAsia’s 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award.
Allan Herbison was given the 2009 Liley Medal by the New Zealand
Health Research Council for his outstanding contribution to the health
and medical sciences.
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Mark Williams was appointed Vicar of St John with St James,
Kennington, Southwark.
Phil Moore was appointed Senior Pastor of Queens Road Church in
Wimbledon, London SW19. He also had five books published this year
by Lion Hudson Publishers (Straight to the Heart of Matthew; Straight to the
Heart of Acts; Straight to the Heart of Revelation; Straight to the Heart of Genesis; and
Straight to the Heart of 1&2 Corinthians) as part of a projected 25 book series.
Holger Hoock’s book Empires of the Imagination: Politics, War and the Arts in
the British World, 1750–1850 was published by Profile Books.
Tom Atwood was named the Photographer of the Year 2009 at the
Worldwide Photography Gala Awards held in London in 2010. He also
won first prize in the Portraiture section, chosen from over 3,000 entries
from about 50 countries. He also won first prize in the Portraiture
section of the Prix de La Photographie Paris competition, chosen from
thousands of entries from 85 countries.
Robin Havers was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
Kona McPhee’s collection of poems Perfect Blue was published by
Bloodaxe Books.
Madsen Pirie had three books published: Freedom 101 (Adam Smith
Institute, 2008), Zero Base Policy (Adam Smith Institute, 2009), and 101
Great Philosophers: Makers of Modern Thought (Continuum, 2009). He was
also awarded (with Eamonn Butler) the 2010 National Free Enterprise
Award by the Institute of Economic Affairs for developing and
promoting free-market ideas.
Elton Barker’s book Entering the Agon: Dissent and Authority in Homer,
Historiography and Tragedy was published by the Oxford University Press.
Sam Bleakley’s Surfing Brilliant Corners was published by Alison Hodge.
Jack Thorne wrote the script of the 2009 film, The Scouting Book for Boys, as
well as co-creating the Channel 4 series, Cast-Offs.
Tom Hiddleston won the 2008 Laurence Olivier Award for Best
Newcomer in a Play.
Aaron Rosen was appointed the Albert and Rachel Lehmann Junior
Research Fellow in Jewish History and Culture at St Peter’s College,
Oxford and was made an Associate Member of the Faculty of Oriental
Studies at Oxford. His book Imagining Jewish Art was published by
Mubarak Al-Sabah was honoured as Young Global Leader by the 2009
World Economic Forum.
Paul Warde co-edited (with Sverker Sorlin) a book of essays entitled
Nature’s End: History and the Environment (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).
The second edition of Alex Robson’s The Path to Pupillage (co-authored
with Georgina Wolfe) was published by Sweet & Maxwell.
James Hannam’s book God’s Philosophers: How the Medieval World Laid the
Foundations of Modern Science was published by Icon Books Ltd.
Jonny Sweet was given the Best Newcomer Award at the 2009 Edinburgh
Comedy Awards.
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Matthew Wilburn King (formerly Stephen Matthew Wilburn)’s book
Political Ecology of Mangroves in Southern Honduras: Emergence and Evolution of
Environmental Conflict in the Gulf of Fonseca 1973–2006 was published by
VDM Verlag.
Melinda Baldwin has been awarded a Jacobus Fellowship by Princeton
University in recognition of her high scholarly excellence and to support
her in final year of her PhD on ‘Nature and the making of a scientific
community 1869–1939.
Hannah Bill has been given a Thouron Award to cover the costs of her
studying for an LLM at the University of Pennsylvania.
Melanie Lee was awarded the CBE for services to medical science.
Francesco Anesi was awarded a prize in memoriam Ambassador Enrico
Augelli (European Fellow at Harvard) for his thesis on the legal, political
and economic implications of common development policies.
Hannah Arnold had a paper (co-authored with Professor Kenneth G
Libbrecht from Caltech) on ‘Aerodynamic Stability and the Growth of
Triangular Snow Crystals’ published in The Microscope Journal.
Albert Bartok-Partay was appointed the Nevile Fellow for Chemistry (a
three year Research Fellowship) at Magdalene College; he will take up
his position on October 1 2010.
Margaret Young’s book Trading Fish, Saving Fish: The Interaction between
Regimes in International Law will be published by the Cambridge University
Laura Mckoy was given a Gareth Evans Achievement Award by the
National Association for Gifted Children for her work promoting access
to Cambridge University for underprivileged students.
Tony Wilkinson was given a DLL by the University of Nottingham.
Annie Katchinska’s collection of poetry, Faber New Poets 6, was published
by Faber.
Peter Hatfield was made the 2009 UK Young Scientist of the Year.
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Thursday 25 November; The Drapers’ Hall, London; drinks at 7 pm, dinner at
7.30 pm
Nominations for 2010–2011
President: R G Macfarlane
Vice-Presidents: J G P Crowden, Lord Prior, Sir Roger Tomkys, H P Raingold
Chairman of Committee: J A Wilson
Secretary: M R Mellor
Treasurer: C J Blencowe
Editor of Gazette: N J McBride
Secretary of London Dinner: A S Ivison
Secretary of Scottish Dinner: R M B Brown
Secretary of South Western Dinner: R H Jarratt
Secretary of Northern Dinner: D R Sneath
Committee to 2011: P G Bird, W J Van Oosterom, J J Farrell, M R Berry, G R I
Committee to 2012: J H Jones, C G Toomer, N A Cadwallader, H M Redding, A C
Henning, T M Funnell
Committee to 2013: G Courtauld, C M C Crawford, N P McNelly, R R Schomberg,
O K R Hoggard, C S Stevenson
The Annual General Meeting of the Society was held at the Drapers’ Hall,
London on Thursday 26 November, 2009. The following were elected Officers
of the Society for 2009–2010:
President: J S Bell
Vice-Presidents: J G P Crowden, Sir Roger Tomkys, Lord Prior, H P Raingold
Chairman of Committee: J A Wilson
Secretary: M R Mellor
Treasurer: C J Blencowe
Editor of Gazette: J Dougherty
Secretary of London Dinner: A S Ivison
Secretary of Scottish Dinner: R M B Brown
Secretary of South Western Dinner: R H Jarratt
Secretary of Northern Dinner: D R Sneath
Committee to 2010: F C F Delouche, N T Dummett, H L Allan, D J Hitchcock, N K
Simon, A D N Robson
Committee to 2011: P G Bird, W J Van Oosterom, J J Farrell, M R Berry, G R I
Committee to 2012: J H Jones, C G Toomer, N A Cadwallader, H M Redding, A C
Henning, T M Funnell
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Pembroke College Cambridge Society London Dinner
The 83rd annual dinner of the Society was held in the Drapers’ Hall on Thursday
26 November 2009. The toast to the College was proposed by Mr Bobby King
(1949), President of the PCCS, and Professor Mike Payne, Professor of Physics and
Fellow of the College, gave the response.
The Master
Mr MI Gee
Mr JGP Crowden
Mr RH King
Mr JNN Boston
Mr JW Bushby JP
Mr PC Flory
His Hon Judge NT
Hague QC
Mr RM Atterton TD
Mr RH Malthouse
Mr KAC Patteson
Dr MJS Scorer
Mr ID Crane
Sir Michael Bett CBE
Mr GJ Curtis
Mr GS Pink
Mr RAC Berkeley
Mr RJ Jones
Mr MG Kuczynski
Mr GK Toland
Mr C Barham Carter
Mr RJ Gladman
Mr GAB Knapton
Mr PG Bird
Mr JAH Chadwick
Dr WB Graham
Mr RH Jarratt
The Rt Hon Sir Alan
Ward Kt PC
Mr CDD Woon
Dr JCD Hickson
Mr DA Streatfeild
Mr MJ Davies
Dr PR Messent
Mr EP Orr
Mr HL Allan
Mr DA Walter
Mr WCM Dastur
Mr DE Dickson
Mr DM Edwards
Mr MA Smyth
Mr CA HaddonCave QC
Mr PR Pentecost
Mr C Comninos
Mr J Repard
Mr M Rogerson
Mr SJ Shotton
Mr NP McNelly
Mr D Brigden TD
Mr NA Cadwallader
Mr NGH Manns
Mr JA Wilson
Mr CR Abel Smith
Mr DG Milne
Professor MC Payne
Mr JP Flory
Mr CD Morrish
Mr A Bateman
Mr NM Heilpern
Mr AH Jones
Mr PB Kempe
Dr AJ Bishop
Dr P Campbell
Mr DM Holland
Mr DR Kaner
Mr SE Lugg
Mr AJ Scheach
Mr AC Games
Mr M Gordon
Mr JA Hodes
Mr DA Sandbrook
Dr PJ Jenkins
Dr AG Miller
Dr J S Richardson
Dr SV Griffin
Dr JA Yates
Mr CH Bush
Mr JI Cheal
Mr CD Foulkes
Mr NA Pink
Mrs TH Gilchrist
Mr RWI Wilkinson
Mr TF Pick
Dr DTS James
Mrs SL Kennedy
Mr HP Raingold
Mr NJ McBride
Mrs TS Brown
Dr PM McCormack
Mr RM Boynton
Mr E Breffit
Mrs GEM Kimble
Dr G Makaronidis
Mr AW Morris
Miss G Rabindra
Dr EA Simm
Mr M Young
Mr B Ahiska
Miss CM Boyle
Mr AM Bradley
Mr RJK Clark
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Dr K Coates
Mr JM Freeman
Miss HE Gaw
Mr K Mann
Mr MS Williams
Miss VA Skinner
Miss EA Smith
Mr NR Wilson
Miss SN Barnett
Ms VP Jagadesham
Mr ADN Robson
Mr RG Alexander
Miss IJD Arthur
Mr WEJ Bakewell
Mr DP Chambers
Mr OJ Clarke
Mr T Coates
Miss H D Falvey
Mr PW Gate
Mr EG Highcock
Mr BAJ Irving
Miss JA Johnson
Miss K Lange
Mr GRI LlewellynSmith
Mr JP Lovat
Miss JE Macdonald
Mr JW Macdonald
Miss FL Macpherson
Ms EV Maslennikova
Dr RC Matthews
Miss AJ McCreedy
Ms E McPherson
Miss HJ Millard
Miss SH Murphy
Miss JR Scott
Mr AM Scriven
Miss ECN Sharples
Mr RJ Swan
Ms SM Vernon
Dr FM Williams
Mr IS Wilson
Mr M Woodward
Miss RH Wykes
Mr DA Beckett
Miss SE Bennett
Miss HGA Bill
Mr RCD Blevins
Miss MC Burrough
Mr WJ Deacon
Mr TM Funnell
Miss HL Jaconelli
Miss CN Kissin
Miss JO Knowles
Mr J Mayne
Miss RP Miller
Miss C Moss
Miss KE Murphy
Miss SJ Nelson
Miss JN O’Donnell
Mr SC Picot
Mr JRH Shaw
Mr AJ Smith
Mr JP Sturgeon
Miss VL Thompson
Miss KJ Woolcock
Miss JLR Baum
Miss JH Bird
Mr CJ Blencowe
Miss AC Buckland
Miss AC Finch
Mr NO Harding
Miss KS Newbury
Miss T Patel
Miss NV Shah
Mr DJ Wells
Miss SV Whitehouse
Dr JTD Gardom
Mr I Ghosh
Mr DPD MacCrann
Mr MR Mellor
Miss HM Rickman
Mr JM Sengendo
Miss RS Walden
Mr SM Adams
Mr RJF Jones
Mr KW Lawson
Miss HF Mackey
Miss NA Majquwana
Mr AJ March
Miss AM NewellHanson
Miss ER Tyler
Mr WF Charnley
Dr ES Wadge
The 84th annual dinner of the Society will be held at the Drapers’ Hall on the
evening of Thursday 25 November 2010. The Toast to the College will be
proposed by Mr Oliver Heald (1973), and the response will be given by Professor
John Bell, President of the PCCS and Fellow of the College.
Scottish Dinner
The 59th Annual Dinner in Scotland was held at the New Club, Edinburgh, on
Friday 6 November 2009. The College Representative was Professor Howard
Erskine-Hill, Emeritus Fellow of the College and Professor of Literary History.
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The Master
Lady Dearlove
Mr PB Mackenzie
The Revd AW
Professor JH Knox
Mr AH Trevor
Professor JAA
Hunter OBE
Professor S
Mr HA CrichtonMiller
Mr PL Dix
Professor HR Kirby
Mr JA Fell
Dr IM Cassells
Sir Garth Morrison
Mr NM Bachop
Dr HB Carrick
Mr HL Allan
Prof RH Roberts
Mr RNS Grandison
Mr DE Knox
Mr JWS Macfie
Prof HH ErskineHill FBA
Dr IM McClure
Mr AJ Clarkson
Mr SJ Nieminski
Mr A Kennedy
Professor AJ McNeil
Prof JLW Schaper
Mr RMB Brown
Mrs CL Butler
Mr CA Young
Dr ES Wadge
Robbie Brown (1989) has arranged to hold the 60th Annual Dinner in Scotland at
the New Club on Friday 12 November 2010. The College Representative will be
Professor Jan Maciejowski, President of the College and Professor of Control
South Western Dinner
The ninth annual South Western Dinner was held in the Clifton Club, Bristol on
Friday 6 November 2009. The College Representative was Mr Colin Wilcockson,
Emeritus Fellow of the College and Director of Studies in English (1974–1999).
Professor Sir John
Kingman FRS
Mr PG Bird
Mr NT Dummett
Mr RH Jarratt
Mr NA Rogers
Mr CG Toomer
Mr FGD Montagu
Mr JW Lumley
Mr MA Vye
Mr CG Wilcockson
Mrs J Cholmondeley 2006
Ms PJ Hunter
Mr NL James
Mrs RS James
Dr A Jones
Dr JRG Jones
Mr MR Mellor
Richard Jarratt (1961) has arranged to hold the 10th annual South Western Dinner
at the Clifton Club on the evening of Friday 19 November 2010. The College
Representative will be Sir Richard Dearlove KCMG OBE, Master of the College.
Northern Dinner
This year’s Northern Dinner was held at the Leeds Club, 3 Albion Place, Leeds, on
Friday 19 March 2010, and was hosted by David Sneath (1966). The College
Representative was Sir Richard Dearlove KCMG OBE, Master of the College.
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The Master
Dr D Blackburn
Mr DJ Figures
Prof DK Ross &
Mrs J Ross
Prof G Parry FSA
Mr GA Lammie &
Mrs J Lammie
Mr FD Lee
Mr PD Ogden
Mr DL Hingston &
Mrs S Hingston
Mr JF Winteler
Mr JVP Drury &
Mrs C Drury
Mr DA Salter &
Mrs AR Salter
Mr D Sneath TD DL
& Mrs C Sneath
Mr GP Wilson &
Mrs F Wilson
His Hon Judge APL
Mr PR Pentecost
Mr PC White
Revd Father JC
Finnemore OGS
Mr DR Oxland
Mr MA Reay
Dr A Verma &
Dr SN Verma
Mr GJ McBride &
Mrs H McBride
Miss FM Barker &
Dr IAG Cameron
Mr EA Burgess
Dr ES Wadge
It is intended the next Northern dinner will be held in Manchester in Spring 2011.
If you would like to record your interest or recommend a venue please contact
David Franks in the Development Office ([email protected]).
Singapore Dinner
The eighth Singapore Dinner was held at the Tanglin Club, Singapore, on 21 May
2010. Professor Jan Maciejowski was the College Representative, and gave the
assembled guests the latest news from Pembroke and a summary of a project to
design a robotic unicycle. Over coffee, Professor AC Palmer (1958) gave a very
thought-provoking talk about Singapore’s nuclear power options from a
technical point of view, including the option of putting a plant in a deep
excavation underneath the land-scarce island. Questions, wine and a lot more
speculation flowed well into the night.
Prof AC Palmer FRS
Mrs JR Palmer
Mr JGC Gee
Mrs DR Gee
Mr IM White
Mrs D White
Mr JP Snoad
Mr BD Clarke
Mrs FYT Clarke
Mr CJW Trower
Dr HM Cheah
Mr WL Kee
Cape Town Reception
This reception was hosted by Mr Jeremy Lawrence on 28 November 2009.
Mr J A C Drew
Mr R K Hutton and Mrs Hutton
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Mr J L Dixon
Mr J Lawrence
Mr W K B Frater
Also present were Princess Charlotte of Liechtenstein, Mrs PKFV van der Byl
(widow of PKFV van der Byl (1946)), Mrs KJM Frater (widow of KJM Frater (1953))
and Mrs WD Molteno (widow of WD Molteno (1955)).
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Mr M J Llewellyn-Smith (1962)
27 Kate Court, Adelaide SA 5000
Mr BD Clarke (1981)
Raffles City
PO Box 1456
Singapore 911749
Mr ME Bartlett (1981)
4A Haverbrack Avenue, Malvern VIC
Mr JA McMyn (1959)
151 Rose Park Drive
Toronto ON M4T 1R6
Mr TDP Kirkwood (1987)
Kirkwood & Sons LLC
3610 Capital Mansions
No 6 Xin Yuan Road South
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100004
+86 1380 1358 781
[email protected]
Mr DWH McCowen (1957)
Beaver Lodge
5520 Gardner Road
Metamora MI 48455
Mr GF Leckie (1978)
990 Edgewood Avenue
Pelham Manor
New York NY 10803-2902
Mr AS Ivison (1974)
CMS Cameron McKenna
Mitre House
160 Aldersgate Street
London EC1A 4DD
Hong Kong
Mr RH Jarratt (1961)
The Hon Peter Wong GBS OBE (1962) 9 Carnarvon Road
Flat 1D Ewan Court
54 Kennedy Road
Bristol BS6 7DR
Mr TP Itoh (1966)
Japan Venture Partners
Kioicho WITH Bldg 4F
3–32 Kioicho Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 102-0094
Mr JA Sunley (1973)
Ashton Consulting Ltd
8F Landic Toranomon Building No 2
Toranomon 3-7-8
Tokyo 105-0001
Mr DR Sneath TD DL (1966)
7 Kirkby Road
Nottingham NG15 9HD
[email protected]
Mr RMB Brown (1989)
The Coach House
Nr Dalkeith
Midlothian EH22 5TH
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The Society shall be composed of past and present Members of
Pembroke College, Cambridge, and shall be called the ‘PEMBROKE
The objects of the Society shall be:
(a) To promote closer relationship among Pembroke Graduates, and
between them and the College.
(b) To compile an Address Book of past and present Members of the
College, to publish an Annual Gazette, and to issue these free to all
Members of the Society.
(c) To make grants to the College.
The subscription for Life Membership of the Society shall be decided
from time to time by the Committee.*
The Officers of the Society shall be a President, one or more VicePresidents, a Chairman of Committee, a Treasurer, a Secretary (who
shall be a resident Fellow of the College), a Dinner Secretary, an Editor
of the Gazette, and such local Secretaries as may be desirable.
The Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall
hold office for one year. Nominations, with the names of the Proposer
and Seconder, shall be sent to the Secretary six weeks before the
Annual General Meeting. The retiring President shall not be eligible for
re-election for a period of three years after his retirement.
The Management of the Society shall be entrusted to a Committee
consisting of the following Officers, namely the Chairman of
Committee, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Secretary for London, the
Dinner Secretary, the Editor of the Gazette and not less than twelve other
Members of the Society to be elected annually. Nominations for the
Committee, with the names of Proposer and Seconder, shall be sent to
the Secretary six weeks before the Annual General Meeting. Of the
elected members of the Committee, six shall retire annually by rotation
according to priority of election, and their places shall be filled at the
Annual General Meeting; a retiring member shall be eligible for reelection after a period of one year from his retirement. The Committee
shall have power to co-opt additional members for a period of one year.
The Capital Fund of the Society shall be vested in the Master, Fellows
and Scholars of the College, who may administer this Fund both as to
capital and income as they in their discretion may think fit, provided
always that it be primarily applied to making contributions to the funds
of the Society.
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The income and expenditure of the Society shall be administered by the
Committee through its Secretary.
The Committee may at their discretion add to the Capital Fund vested
in the College, but shall have no power to require withdrawal from this
The Committee shall meet at least twice in every year. At all meetings of
the Committee seven shall form a quorum.
The Committee shall arrange an Annual Dinner or other Social
Meetings of the Society in London.
The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held on the day
fixed for the Annual Dinner or other Social Meeting. The Secretary
shall send out notices of the Meeting at least one month before it takes
The Committee in their discretion may, and upon a written request
signed by twenty-four Members of the Society shall, call a Special
General Meeting. Fourteen days’ notice of such a Meeting shall be
given and the object for which it is called stated in the notice.
No alteration shall be made in the Rules of the Society except at a
General Meeting and by a majority of two-thirds of those present and
voting, and any proposed alteration shall be stated on the notice calling
the Meeting.
*The Committee decided (10 December 1982) that, for the time being, the Life
Membership subscription shall be nil. This decision was made possible by an
offer from the College of an annual subvention from the Bethune-Baker Fund
which, it was hoped, would provide a sufficient supplement to the Society’s
income to enable expenses to be met, particularly the expenses of printing and
postage of the Annual Gazette.
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J.F.P. Rawlinson
E.G. Browne
G.R. Eden
L. Whibley
F. Shewell Cooper
A. Hutchinson
F.S. Preston
E.H. Minns
J.B. Atkins
H.G. Comber
E.H. Pooley
J.C. Lawson
J.E. Singleton
J.K. Mozley
M.S.D. Butler
J.C.C. Davidson
S.C. Roberts
R.A. Butler
M.S.D. Butler
J.W.F. Beaumont
J.T. Spittle
P.J. Dixon
H.E. Wynn
W.W. Wakefield
V.C. Pennell
E.H. Pooley
B.E. King
H. Grose-Hodge
S.C. Roberts
H.F. Guggenheim
W.V.D. Hodge
C.B. Salmon
A.J. Arberry
A.G. Grantham
B. Willey
G.W. Pickering
M.B. Dewey
J.M. Key
W.A. Camps
D.G.A. Lowe
W.S. Hutton
R.G. Edwardes Jones
T.G.S. Combe
H.F.G. Jones
G.C. Smith
A.E.C. Drake
J. Campbell
J.G. Ward
D.R. Denman
W.L. Gorell Barnes
M.C. Lyons
D.A.S. Cairns
M.V. Posner
P.R.E. Browne
Lord Adrian
J.G.P. Crowden
L.P. Johnson
Lord Prior
J. Baddiley
T.J. Brooke-Taylor
J.C.D. Hickson
P.J.D. Langrishe
J.R. Waldram
G.D.S. MacLellan
S. Kenderdine
Sir Peter Scott
A.V. Grimstone
The Rt. Hon. Lord Taylor
The Master
Sir John Chilcot
C. Gilbraith
J.K. Shepherd
B. Watchorn
R.H. Malthouse
M.G. Kuczynski
Sir Patrick Elias
Sir John Kingman
Ms V Bowman
M.G. Kuczynski
R.H. King
J.S. Bell
R.G. Macfarlane
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The College notes with regret the deaths of the following members
1926 Eustace Neville Fox (28 February 2008; Fellow, Trinity College,
1927 Roger Nathaniel Frankland (date unknown)
John Massingberd-Mundy (1 January 2008)
1929 Edgar Stewart Fay (14 November 2009; see obituary p 153)
Harold Kirk Hughes (date unknown; BA Law)
1931 Clifford Bertram Bruce Heathcote-Smith (31 August 2003; BA Modern &
Medieval Languages/History; Deputy High Commissioner, Madras; CBE)
1932 Hugh Pochin Dinwiddy (October 31 2009; see obituary p 155)
William Roland Lawson (7 September 2003; BA Natural Sciences)
Roy Alexander Leeming (date unknown)
Harry Crispin Smith (20 March 2007; BA History)
1933 Richard Dumbreck (date unknown; BA English/Arch&Anth)
1934 Fergus Lee Dempster (October 1996; BA Modern & Medieval
Languages; senior officer in Secret Intelligence Service)
1935 Edgar Williams Makin (29 January 2010; BA Modern & Medieval
1936 Cecil Norman Christopher Addison (16 October 2009; see obituary p 144)
George Lenart (date unknown; BA Economics)
1937 Philip James Glaessner (27 June 2009; see obituary p 154)
Robert Barnham Harvey (date unknown; BA Mathematics; Lecturer in
Mathematics, University of Bath 1967–1982)
James Haylock Ware (date unknown; BA Law)
1938 Hugh Remington Barker (10 December 2009; BA Theology; Honorary
Canon, Ely Cathedral)
Godfrey William Alexander Keir (21 July 2009; BA Estate Management)
1939 Norman Granville Langford (10 November 2009; see obituary p 157)
1940 William Renwick Juckes (November 2006; BA Natural Sciences)
John Alexander Orr-Ewing (date unknown)
1941 Richard Warburton Gaskell (7 April 2009)
1942 Edward Graham Whittington Bush (29 November 2009; see obituary
p 148)
John Kennedy Campbell (5 September 2009; see obituary p 149)
1943 Nigel Gregory (8 February 2008; BA Mechanical Sciences)
1944 Philip Harben Crosskey (12 July 2009; see obituary p 150)
Thomas Ewen McQueen Douglas (16 September 2009; BA Mechanical
Michael Frederick Down (20 December 2009)
David John Male (10 June 2009; see obituary p 160)
1945 George Edward Gadd (13 March 2010; BA Mechanical Sciences)
Gerard Michael Lambert (8 February 2008; BA History; Bank of
England 1948–1979)
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1947 Charles Colin Campbell (26 December 2008; BA Mechanical Sciences)
James Chester Cheng (date unknown; PhD, Anglo-Chinese Diplomatic
Relations; Professor of History, San Francisco University)
Chike Obi (13 March 2008; see obituary p 162)
John Alexander Plumptre (date unknown; BA Classics; priest)
1948 John Challis Stewart Connell (date unknown; BA Law)
Brian George Willard Cramp (date unknown; BA Theology)
Ian George Freegard (10 November 2009; BA English)
Ivan Radziwill Macleod Prinsep (date unknown; BA History)
Paul Edwin Sangster (5 February 2010; BA English; writer, teacher and
Derek James Warbrick (19 October 2009; see obituary p 166)
1949 Mark Adayre Bence-Jones (12 April 2010; see obituary p 146)
John Hugh Geoffrey Bright-Holmes (date unknown; see obituary p 147)
Walter Davies (2 September 2009; BA Mechanical Sciences)
Geoffrey Dearnaley (5 May 2009; see obituary p 151)
David Travers Worsley Gibson (November 2009; BA Mechanical
Sciences; MBE)
Fred Hind (date unknown)
Basil Joseph Pontifex Woods (March 2010; BA Economics)
1950 Gerard Brian Dickinson (date unknown)
Hugh Richard Carey Maltby (September 2009; BA Mechanical Sciences)
Michael Colston Stanley (28 October 2009; BA
Mathematics/Mechanical Sciences)
1951 John Patrick Kenyon Asquith (10 September 2009; see obituary p 145)
Philip Neville Awdry (May 1 2010; BA Medicine; Clinical Lecturer,
Oxford University 1968–1993)
William Alastair Buchanan Smellie (March 24 2010; BA Natural
Sciences; Lecturer in Surgery, University of Cambridge)
1952 Philip Sheldon Hutchinson (31 October 2008; BA History/Theology)
1953 Charles Andrew Ryskamp (26 March 2010; see obituary p 165)
1954 Michael John Atkins (21 February 2009; BA Natural Sciences)
1955 Gary Gerard Haydn Davies (5 April 2010; BA Law)
1956 Thomas Donald Allan (18 March 2010; see obituary p 144)
Reginald Mark Glazebrook (3 November 2009; see obituary p 155)
1959 Brian Carey Goodwin (15 July 2009; see obituary p 156)
Antony John Frederick Wheeler (10 March 2010; BA Modern & Medieval
Languages/Oriental Studies)
1960 Peter Alan Lindenbaum (20 January 2010; see obituary p 158)
Francis Irenaeus McCarthy (31 December 2009; see obituary p 161)
1961 David Benyon Griffiths (November 2009; BA Mechanical Sciences)
1964 James Roderick Campbell Morton (16 December 2009; see obituary
p 162)
1967 Paul Anthony Taylor (date unknown; BA Modern & Medieval
Languages/Arch&Anth/Social & Political Sciences)
Robin Little (29 June 2009; see obituary p 159)
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1970 Alan William Ryder (16 September 2009; BA Natural Sciences/Chemical
1977 Rupert John Anderson (30 July 2009; BA Law; QC, Monckton
1981 Charles Michael Foster Taylor (26 December 2009; BA English)
1992 Timothy James Milward (date unknown; BA Mathematics)
1993 David Glyndwr Tudor Williams (6 September 2009; Fellow, Emmanuel
College, Cambridge; Honorary Fellow, Pembroke; Rouse Ball Professor
of Public Law)
2000 Emile Perreau-Saussine (23 February 2010; see obituary p 163)
This Gazette also carries the obituaries of the following members, whose deaths
were recorded in the previous Gazette:
Jack Dainty (1937): see p 150
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Norman Addison
April 1 1918 – October 16 2009
Norman Addison was a distinguished educator –
teaching at Eton for 31 years – and rowing coach who
regularly came back to Pembroke for 20 years to coach
its rowing crews.
Norman first came to Pembroke as an undergraduate
in 1936, to study Mathematics. He became Boat Club
Captain in 1938 and obtained his BA in 1939. He was a
member of the Cambridge crew that won the 1939 Boat Race – the photo on the
right was taken just before the race. After graduating, Norman spent the wartime
years working in the Colonial Service in Africa, marrying Margaret Lawson in
1941, with whom he had twin sons. The marriage was shortlived and did not
survive the end of the war. In 1945, Norman returned to the UK and became a
schoolmaster at Ardingly in West Sussex. He married Norah Butler and they had
two daughters.
In 1951, Norman arrived at Eton as a maths teacher. He started coaching the
Eton Third VIII and soon proved his prowess as a rowing coach: the headmaster
had to inform him that there was ‘a problem on the river. The third VIII are
consistently beating the second.’ Norman coached the Eton rowing crews for
12 years, but gave the position up when he was appointed as a housemaster at Eton
in 1962, a role which he performed for 17 years, with outstanding success. He
never had to raise his voice to his boys, and always encouraged them in their
interests – going so far as to read books they were enjoying so he could talk to them
about them. But Norman did not entirely give up coaching rowing. From 1971 to
1991, he regularly coached the Pembroke crews for the Cambridge May bumps.
On his retirement in 1982, Norman and his wife moved to Devon, where he
spent his time coaching maths, fishing, and learning to windsurf. He also served
as a bell ringer and treasurer at his local church.
Thomas Allan
January 17 1931 – March 18 2010
Thomas Allan was a distinguished scientist whose
expertise in satellite observations of the Earth made him
an invaluable consultant to international bodies and
national space programmes. Before he died, he was due
to go to Venice in June 2010 to pick up an award from the
‘Oceans from Space’ conference for his contribution to
the field.
Thomas was born in Perth, the son of a railway worker and a dressmaker. His
parents constantly encouraged him in his education, and he ended up, obtaining
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a BSc from the University of St Andrews in 1953. After spending three years at
Imperial College London, studying for a Diploma in Geophysics, Thomas came
to Pembroke in 1956 to do a PhD in Geophysics. Having obtained his PhD in 1959
– and married Helen Ramsay, a nursing sister, the same year – Thomas made the
big decision to move to Italy to work as a Group Leader in the Oceanography
division of NATO’s Undersea Research Centre (NURC), in the region of Liguria.
Thomas ended up spending 14 years in Italy, acquiring a deep-seated love of the
country. In 1975, Thomas and his family moved back to England. Thomas was
employed by the National Environment Research Council (NERC) to assess the
potential contribution to marine research of NASA remote satellite remote
sensing programs. In 1988, Thomas stepped down from NERC and established a
consultancy group, Satellite Observing Systems (SOS), that undertook
investigations for the EU, the British National Space Centre, UNESCO, and the
European Space Agency. Ten years later, Thomas was reluctantly forced to retire
after having been diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. However, while he was
fighting the illness, he still acted as a consultant for space programmes all over
the world, and contributed to debates over global warming.
Thomas died of heart failure on March 18, 2010. He is survived by his wife
Helen, daughters Lois, Giulia, Terri and Sylvie, his son Tim (who came to
Pembroke in 1989 to study Social and Political Sciences), and 11 grandchildren.
John Patrick Kenyon Asquith
February 1 1932 – September 10 2009
‘Squith’, as John was known to his friends, went up to
Pembroke in 1951 from Purley County Grammar School,
where he had been Head Boy and a fine all round games
player.At Cambridge, he played rugby and cricket for
both Pembroke and the University and chaired the
College’s Amalgamated Clubs Committee. As a second
row forward, he played regularly for Cambridge, toured
Japan with them and gained his ‘Blue’ in 1953. As a wicket keeper, he kept in
several first class matches, including games against the Austalian and Pakistani
touring teams.
John met his future wife, Clare Silk, in Cambridge, where she was completing
her nursing training. They married in 1956 and had a son and two daughters.
They proved to be a great asset in John’s career as a schoolmaster. Together they
formed a wonderful team.
His first appointment after Pembroke was to Bromsgrove to teach French and
rugby, initially at prep, but later at the senior school. Whilst there, he played
regularly for the Moseley rugby club and came close to an England trial. His big
challenge came in 1964 when he was appointed the first Head of Cawston College
in Norfolk. This was a new school, set up by the Woodard Foundation, for boys
who were finding it difficult to get into more established schools. John and Clare
arrived there to face the daunting task of organising, from scratch, the myriad of
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things required to make a boarding school tick. Later, as boys arrived, they faced
a caring and understanding environment awaiting them. John was particularly
adept at finding, and bringing out, the best in each boy and was able to instil in
them hope and confidence for the future. There are many who in later life were
grateful for the care and encouragement they had received as boys at Cawston.
John retired in 1986 after 33 years’ dedicated service to the school. He had had
severe heart trouble, and both he and Clare suffered from hip and knee problems
which, sadly, continued into their retirement. They went to Kingston, St Mary, the
village in Somerset where they had married. They thrived on the quieter pace of
village life and entered fully into it. John twice served as churchwarden of St Marys’.
Once a year they went to stay with friends and join a group of about 10 or so old
Pembroke friends and their wives, to watch the Varsity match at Twickenham and
have dinner afterwards. They also enjoyed visits to old friends, and to Taunton to
watch Somerset play cricket. One of John’s great joys in life was an annual cricket
tour to Worcester. It epitomised all he loved about sport – great fun, good company
and (one hopes) close-fought games. 2008 was to be their last tour and their
Golden Jubilee year. He had been on the first one in 1950 and dearly wanted to be
there for the last, having only missed four tours in 60 years. He finally persuaded
his doctors to agree. At their farewell dinner, he made a 50 minute speech, which
those present say they will never forget. He came away happy – he had made it! He
died 10 weeks later, at home with his much loved family around him.
John had a great sense of humour, and was an entertaining speaker. He never
spoke ill, of anyone, nor did he ever complain about his own health problems. He
was a ‘giver’ not a ‘taker’. However, perhaps two quotes from the tributes paid to
him at his memorial service sum up his life best. A Pembroke friend, who had
shared digs with him, simply said, ‘He was the nicest person I have ever met.’
Hugh Lisson quoted the piece that could have been written specially for him: ‘it
matters not who won or lost, but how you played the game’. Clare died exactly two
months after John: as a couple they were inseparable. They will be much missed,
but long remembered.
With thanks to John Bushby
Mark Bence-Jones
May 29 1930 – April 12 2010
Mark Bence-Jones was a throwback to another age; an
admirer of the upper classes and devotee of grand
houses, and author of books such as Palaces of the Raj
(1973), The British Aristocracy (1979) – co-authored with
Hugh Massingberd – and his masterpiece, A Guide to Irish
Country Houses (1978).
Mark was born in London but grew up in India,
where his father, Colonel Philip Reginald Bence-Jones, was head of the
engineering school in Lahore. Plans for Mark to return to England to be educated
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there were disrupted by the outbreak of World War II, and it was only after the war
ended that his family moved back to British Isles. Mark’s father bought a large
Irish country house near Cork called Glenville Park, and Mark went to Ampleforth
to complete his education. In 1949, Mark came to Pembroke and obtained a BA in
History three years later. He then moved on to study agriculture at the Royal
Agricultural College in Cirencester, and then moved back to Ireland to help run
the family estate. He married Gillian Pretyman in 1965 and thereafter divided his
time between Glenville Park and his wife’s larger property in Suffolk. By this time,
Mark had already written three novels (All a Nonsense: A Novel (1957), Paradise
Escaped (1958), and Nothing in the City (1965)), but it was to be in the world of nonfiction that Mark would make a lasting mark. Palaces of the Raj was based on a tour
that Mark undertook of the great imperial residences of India 25 years after the
end of British rule. A year later, Mark published Clive of India (1978), which
stripped away some of the myths that had attached themselves to Clive’s name.
And then came A Guide to Irish Country Houses – the first volume in a projected series
of books by a variety of authors on country houses throughout the British Isles.
The series came to nothing (only three books on country houses in various
English counties were produced), but such was the quality of Mark’s Guide –
covering as many Irish country houses as Mark was aware of, in whatever state of
repair – that it went through five more editions. The final edition had some 2,000
entries, illustrated with an astonishing array of photographs, in many cases
gleaned from old books or family albums. In Twilight of the Ascendancy (1986), Mark
revisited the world of the Irish upper classes, exploring its decline after 1870.
Mark’s lifestyle was, unsurprisingly, aristocratic in nature. He seemed unaware
of where the kitchen was at Glenville Park, and was known to ask, when staying at
someone else’s house, what time the bell rang to tell guests to dress for dinner.
Mark’s pen portrait of a gentleman in The British Aristocracy is rumoured to have
been based on himself. As a letter writer to the Daily Telegraph, Mark would inveigh
against English country houses falling into the hands of millionaire businessman.
Mark was a devout Catholic who became Chancellor and later Regent of the
Irish Association of the Order of Malta. Each spring, he would help look after the
sick that the Order took on its annual pilgrimage to Lourdes. Mark’s last days
were spent in Suffolk. He is survived by his wife, a son and two daughters.
John Bright-Holmes
John Bright-Holmes was estimated by George
Greenfield, in A Smattering of Monsters, to be ‘one of the
three or four best post-war book editors, a man of
commanding stature and presence, with a solid offdrive’. The ‘off-drive’ was a reference to John’s abiding
love of cricket, on which he put together two
anthologies, The Joy of Cricket: Portraits of Great Events and
Players (1985) (acclaimed by one reviewer as ‘possibly the best [cricket] anthology
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of them all’) and Lords and Commons: Cricket in Novels and Stories (1988). He also
worked closely with Malcolm Muggeridge; together they produced Like It Was: The
Diaries of Malcolm Muggeridge (1981).
John was educated at Wellington College and went on to read Modern
Languages at Pembroke in 1949, graduating in 1952. His publishing career began
at the Oxford University Press, but it was when he moved to Eyre & Spottiswoode
that he became responsible – first of all, as publicity director, and then as
managing director – for helping to publish a wide range of books, in both fiction
(including works by Bernard Malamud and JP Donleavy) and history (including
Robert Blake’s Disraeli (1967)). John then moved on to become editorial director
at Allen & Unwin. His main focus at Allen & Unwin was on fiction: while there,
he was responsible for publishing books by William McIlvanney, Patrick White,
Bernice Rubens, Paul Scott and Jessica Mitford. He also edited Corelli Barnett’s
Bonaparte (1978), and Stephen B Oates’ With Malice Towards None (1977), a
biography of Abraham Lincoln.
John’s love of cricket led him to edit many works from a range of cricketers and
cricket commentators including Michael Manley, Tony Lewis, Richie Benaud, and
Ted Dexter. He also played cricket for the Hampshire Hogs, in matches between
Publishers and Authors, and he captained the Eyre & Spottiswoode Stragglers.
John was John Braine’s editor for many years, and Braine’s How To Write a Novel
(1974) is dedicated to him. Professor Corelli Barnett said of him, ‘John was my
publisher from 1970 to 1991. I remember him as a kindly but shrewd professional
guide, severe on any slack thinking or untidy writing, and yet always supportive.
But John was also the jolliest of friends, radiating the bonhomie of an 18th
century clubman. Publishing is the greyer with his passing.’
John’s wife Rina died in 2008. He is survived by his daughter Katherine, who
is now UK managing director of Consortium Book Sales and Distribution Inc,
and her son Humphrey, in whom he delighted and whom he taught to play
cricket, of course.
Edward Bush
June 19 1923 – November 29 2009
Edward was born in Hatton, Ceylon, where his father
was a manager of a tea plantation. He came to England
when he was four years old, studied at Sherbourne
School, Dorset until 1939 and then in 1942 completed
two terms at Pembroke on a Classics Scholarship,
passing exams in Latin, Greek, History and Ancient
Literature, and French. In 1942, Edward joined the Royal
Navy and spent the war in Sydney, Australia, repairing radar and radio systems
from aircraft in combat.
After the war, Edward trained as a civil engineer, moving to America in the
1950s and then to Vancouver in 1960, where he worked on various dam projects.
In 1963 he married Helen Ackland and they subsequently had a daughter,
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Rowena, and a son, David. After retiring in 1985, Edward worked as a consultant
on engineering projects in Japan and Korea, while turning his interest in dowsing
into a business. He gave many lectures and taught courses over the years for both
the American and British Society of Dowsers. Edward’s interest in dowsing led
him to explore all manner of alternative energies and forms of healing.
Edward is survived by his wife and children.
John Kennedy Campbell
January 24 1923 – September 5 2009
John Campbell was a pioneering anthropologist whose
primary focus was on understanding shepherd
communities in Greece. His classic work, Honour, Family
and Patronage: A Study of Institutions and Moral Values in a
Greek Mountain Community (1964), was based on intensive
field work conducted in the 1950s among the
Sarakatsani – shepherds who grazed their flocks high up
in the mountains during the summer and in the valleys in winter. John’s work was
pathbreaking not only because it was first time someone had studied an ethnic
community in Greece; it was also one of the first anthropological studies of a
community in Europe, as opposed to one based in a developing country. John’s
field work was crucially aided by his wife Sheila, who spent time getting to know
the Sarakatsani women.
Educated at King’s College School, Wimbledon, John first came to Pembroke
in 1942 to do a BA in Economics. However, his studies were interrupted by a
combination of war service (which took John to Greece, North Africa, Sicily
(where he was seriously injured), and the Italian mainland) and a spell of
tuberculosis (which meant he had to spend a year in a Swiss sanatorium, where
he met his future wife Sheila Methven). Returning to Pembroke in 1951, John
switched from Economics to study Social Anthropology and obtained his BA in
that subject in 1953. He then switched to Oxford, to do a doctorate in Social
Anthropology. John’s studies took him to Northern Greece in 1954, where he
began to live alongside the Sarakatsani, arousing suspicion among the
authorities that he was actually a British spy, scouting locations for parachute
drops. At one point, the Greek army forcibly removed John and Sheila from their
base in the mountains among the Sarakatsani, and they were forced to take refuge
in the British School at Athens. However, they were eventually allowed to resume
their work, and John obtained his DPhil in 1957.
Back in Oxford, John became a Research Fellow at St Antony’s College in 1958,
Oxford, where he was to stay until 1990, serving as Admissions Tutor, Senior
Tutor and Sub-Warden at various times. In 1962, John spent a year in Athens,
serving as temporary director of the new Social Sciences Centre. During the year,
he got to know Andreas Papandreou, who was at the time director of the Centre
of Economic Research in Athens, and would later become Greek prime minister
(1981–1989, 1993–1996). John was to draw on this first hand experience of Greek
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politics when co-authoring with Philip Sherrard Modern Greece (1968), one of the
best and best-written introductions to Greek history and society,
In his time at Oxford, John supervised more than 30 DPhils in Anthropology.
Many of the graduate students he supervised joined John and his family in his
house in 2008 to celebrate the publication of a festchrift, Networks of Powers in
Modern Greece (edited by Mark Mazower), in his honour. John was devoted to his
family and is survived by his wife Shelia, three daughters, Sarah, Fiona and
Alexandra, and six grandchildren.
Philip Harben Crosskey
August 3 1926 – July 13 2009
Obituary by Ruth Crosskey
Philip was born in Birmingham, the son of a doctor. He
was educated at Marlborough College and, hoping to
become a diplomat, studied classics for the first year of
6th form before deciding to switch to medicine. Coming
up to Pembroke in 1944, Philip successfully completed a
gruelling first year reading Natural Sciences while simultaneously finishing his
Higher School Certificate. He was fond of the Cam and enjoyed coxing the first
boat and occasional sculls.
Once qualified, Philip spent his National Service in Egypt and Kenya, returning
to Britain to become a much-loved GP in Bromyard, Herefordshire. He married
Eithne Parker and had a daughter and two sons. During his period as senior partner,
the local geriatric hospital was scheduled for closure. Philip campaigned for and
secured a replacement Community Hospital with sheltered accommodation on the
same site. This was a radical idea at the time, but is now much admired.
Philip and Eithne enjoyed a very happy retirement together keeping sheep on
their smallholding. After Eithne died in 1998, Philip maintained his interest in his
family, local history, bridge and sea voyages until his own death last year.
Professor Jack Dainty
May 7 1919 – May 29 2009
Professor Jack Dainty was an outstanding plant
biophysicist whose principal achievement was to explain
the transport of water and ions across plant membranes.
Jack started his academic life as a physicist, having
initially come to Queens’ College, Cambridge to study
Mathematics, but switching to Physics because he felt
mathematics was too narrow as a subject. Jack
graduated with a First in Physics in 1940, and spent the war years in Cambridge
studying nuclear fission and teaching physics. In March 1945, he was one of three
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people to be awarded a Stokes Studentship by Pembroke. (Another of the three
was Professor Sir Brian Pippard, whose obituary featured in last year’s Gazette.)
Jack did not stay long at Pembroke: he left in September 1946 for a position at the
Canadian Atomic Energy Laboratories in Ontario. By 1949, he was back in the UK,
at the University of Edinburgh. The focus of his work switched from physics to
biology (‘almost by accident’ he said) in the 1950s when Edinburgh promised to
make him head of a department of biophysics. Jack’s initial interest was in
studying sodium exchange across nerve membranes of cats. However, he soon
realised that very little was known as to how ions and water move across plant cell
membranes, and he embarked on what turned out to be a life-long study of the
subject. Jack’s knowledge of physics helped him make rapid progress in
understanding the processes of transport across plant membranes, and in the
1960s he published two seminal articles on ion and water transport that
emphasised the importance of thermodynamics in understanding the driving
forces governing transport across plant cell membranes.
In 1963, Jack moved to the new University of East Anglia as the founding
professor in biophysics in the School of Biological Sciences. In the six years he
was at UAE, he helped establish it as a world centre for plant biophysics. He then
moved to California, to work first at the Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine and
Radiation Biology, and then at the Department of Botany at UCLA. Jack’s final
move was to the University of Toronto in 1972, where he was chair of the
Department of Botany for 20 years. Wherever he went, he carried with him a
reputation as being a modest and generous person who never sought recognition
for himself, but was simply interested in advancing knowledge of his subject. He
was an outstanding head of department who achieved a huge amount through his
low-key approach, his willingness to listen to others, and his keen sense of fair
play. His achievements were recognised worldwide: he was elected to the national
academies of Canada, Italy, France and Scotland.
Jack is survived by his first wife, Mary Elbeck (whom he married in 1941), and
their three sons, Anton, Chis and Patrick (they also had one daughter, Jacquetta,
now deceased); and by his second wife, Trish Shea (whom he married in 1968),
and their two sons, Jack and Matthew.
With thanks to Jayne Ringrose
Geoffrey Dearnaley
June 22 1930 – May 5 2009
Geoffrey was a Fellow of Pembroke College from
1955–1958. He was a distinguished physicist, who
specialised in working on semiconductors and the
interaction of ion beams with materials. Educated at
Arnold School, Blackpool, in 1947 he was awarded a
Minor Scholarship to come to Pembroke in 1947 to do a
BA in Natural Sciences. He only came to Pembroke in
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1949, having spent the two years in between serving in the RAF. Geoffrey obtained
Firsts in both Parts I and II of the Natural Sciences Tripos, and went on to do a
PhD, also at Pembroke, on ‘Scattering and reaction processes in light nuclei’.
Having obtained his PhD, he became a Fellow at Pembroke. Three years later, he
joined the Nuclear Physics Division of the Harwell Laboratory, and pioneered the
development of semiconductor radiation detectors (publishing Semiconductor
Counters for Nuclear Radiations in 1963), which in turn led to breakthroughs in the
study of the channeling of ions in crystals. Geoffrey initiated a project on ion
implantation of semiconductors in 1965, and published Ion Implantation in 1973.
Having become Chief Scientist of the Surface Engineering Department at
Harwell, Geoffrey was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1993. He
then moved to America, acting as Vice President of the Materials and Structures
Division at the Southwest Research Institute in Texas. On retirement, Geoffrey
stayed in the United States, acting as a consultant and investigating what
contribution A N Whitehead’s ‘process’ philosophy (according to which the
universe is fundamentally made up of occasions of experience) could make to our
understanding of quantum mechanics. He died in San Antonio, Texas.
With thanks to Jayne Ringrose
Hugh Dinwiddy
October 16 1912 – October 31 2009
Hugh Dinwiddy was a distinguished educator (awarded the OBE in 1971 for his
educational work in Uganda) and first class cricketer. He had the distinction at
the time of his death of being the last man alive to have played first class cricket
against both Sir Don Bradman and Sir Jack Hobbs, as well as being the oldest
former Kent cricketer.
Hugh was educated at Radley College and came to Pembroke in 1932 to study
first History, and then English. He made his debut for the Cambridge University
cricket team in 1934, playing against the touring Australians, including Sir Don
Bradman. Bradman was dismissed for a duck, but the Australians still won by an
innings with Hugh also being dismissed for a duck in the first innings, and for
two runs in the second. Even before making his debut for the Cambridge cricket
team, Hugh had already played for Kent (whose eye he had caught while playing
for Radley, and for whom he would appear in 10 matches) in 1933 against a Surrey
side featuring Sir Jack Hobbs. It was Hugh’s second game for Kent, and he scored
45 in the first innings, and helped Kent to a comfortable victory over Surrey, for
whom Hobbs scored 101 in the first innings (the 196th of the 199 first class
hundreds he would make).
Cricket wasn’t the only game in which Hugh excelled. He won Blues for rugby
union in 1934 and 1935, played for Harlequins and also trialled for England. But
was in the field of education that Hugh was to leaving his lasting mark after
leaving Cambridge. He became an Assistant Master at Ampleforth College in
1936 – teaching the future Cardinal Basil Hume, among others – and stayed there
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until 1940, when he joined the Royal Navy. After the war was over he taught at
Blackfriars School in Northamptonshire (1946–1947) and then at Beaumont
College, Berkshire (1948–1956). In 1957, he moved to Africa, taking a post
teaching literature at Makerere College, in Kampala, Uganda. He would stay there
for 13 years, seeing the College become part of the University of East Africa, and
then a university in its own right. While at Makerere, Hugh was Dean of College,
and Warden of Northcote Hall, one of the halls of residence. Under his guidance,
the university gained a reputation for creative writing in English.
On Hugh’s return to England, he was awarded the OBE, and he continued to
promote both the study of literature and African affairs, teaching at Southampton
and Sussex universities, and the School of Oriental and African studies. He
published Uganda’s Relations with Britain from 1971–1976 in 1987.
Hugh is survived by his wife, Yvonne, and two sons.
His Honour Edgar Fay
October 8 1908 – November 14 2009
His Honour Edgar Fay was an outstanding barrister and
judge who is most famous for having conducted two
inquiries into the Munich air crash of 1958, in which
eight Manchester United players and 15 other
passengers died. A inquiry in West Germany had placed
the blame for the crash on the pilot, Captain Jim Thain,
for failing to check that the wings of the plane were free
of ice. Thain insisted that the crash had been caused by slush on the runway. The
Minister of Aviation asked Edgar Fay in June 1959 to conduct an independent
review. Edgar concluded that Thain had been at fault for not doing enough to
check that the plane was ice free. Thain continued to assert his innocence and in
1968 Edgar was asked to look again at the evidence. This time, he discovered that
the original West German inquiry had suppressed evidence that there had been
no ice on the plane’s wings when it crashed; and he concluded – to the upset of
the West German government – that slush on the runway had been the cause of
the accident.
Edgar was born in London in 1908, the son of Sir Sam Fay, the general
manager of the Great Central Railway (GCR). Throughout his life, Edgar
maintained a connection with railways: joining 3 Paper Buildings as a barrister in
1934 (after doing a BA in Law at Pembroke from 1929–1931) because it was the
leading chambers for railway law; representing British Rail in court, before
tribunals and in inquiries; becoming vice-president of the GCR Society; and
celebrating his 100th birthday dining on a train on the GCR line that was being
hauled by an original GCR locomotive between Leicester and Loughborough.
Edgar’s early life as a barrister was very hard, as it coincided with the Great
Depression. However, he made legal history in 1939, successfully arguing in court
in Burfitt v A E Killie (1939) that a shopkeeper who sold a blank firing gun to a child
who could not be expected to handle the gun properly should be held liable for
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the harm done when the child fired the gun in the face of another child, blinding
that child. Edgar’s practice picked up during the divorce boom that occurred at
the end of the war: the first time he earned 100 guineas in a day was when he did
a run of undefended divorces at the Winchester Assizes. Edgar became a QC and
head of his chambers in 1956, a position he would occupy until 1971 when he was
appointed an official referee and circuit judge. He retired from the bench in 1980.
The lucidity of Edgar’s writing (Edgar supplemented his income as a barrister
by writing occasional pieces for the newspapers, and books such as Why
Piccadilly? The Story of Names of London (1935), and Hanged by a Comma: Discoveries in
the Statute Book (1937)) and his ability to master the most complex set of facts
meant that he was frequently called upon by the government to conduct official
inquiries, in particular into air crashes. The most famous inquiry – after his two
inquiries into the Munich air crash – that Edgar conducted was in 1975 into a
government quango called the Crown Agents, which had managed to lose £212
million pounds (£1.3 bn in today’s money) through a series of incredibly reckless
Edgar is survived by his third wife, Eugenia Bishop, two of his three sons by his
first marriage (to Kathleen Buell), and one son from his second marriage (to
Jennie Bisschop).
Philip Glaessner
June 29 1919 – June 23 2009
Philip Glaessner was a distinguished economist who
worked for numerous international and American
economic organisations after World War II. During the
war, he gained the unenviable distinction of being
interned by both sides of the war – in 1940, by the British
as an ‘enemy’ national, and in 1945, by the Germans as a
prisoner of war.
Philip was born in Lausanne, Switzerland, but grew up in Austria. The sight of
of seeing hungry men waiting in bread lines in Vienna in the 1920s inspired him
to develop an interest in economics, and a commitment to ensuring that people
anywhere in the world would not suffer such privations. In 1935, Philip – who was
Jewish – was sent away to boarding school in England, and thereby avoided the
effects of Hitler’s Anschluss of Austria in 1938. By then, Philip was at Pembroke
College and first studied Modern & Medieval Languages and then Economics
(under John Maynard Keynes), obtaining his BA in 1940. But the outbreak of war
meant that Philip was rounded up with 28,000 other ‘enemy’ nationals by the
British and held on the Isle of Man. He was eventually sent to Canada, and moved
to Cuba in 1941. In 1942, he immigrated to the United States, where he was
reunited with his family, who had escaped from Austria to New York.
Philip was drafted into the US Army and his German language skills meant
that he was trained as an intelligence officer. He landed in Normandy shortly after
D-Day but was captured by the Germans during the Battle of the Bulge. He
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concealed his Jewish origins, and was held as a prisoner of war in Stalag IX-B in
Hesse, Germany. He would gather information during the day about how the war
was going from a variety of sources – including the German language radio
broadcasts beamed into the camp for the guards – and spent each night ‘[going]
around to all the American barracks and [giving] them information on how the
war was coming and where the German troops were and where the American
troops were and when we could expect to be liberated. And I thought that was
terribly important, because you know when you are in this situation you basically
survive on hate, love and hope. Those are the three things. If you give up, you die.’
After the war, Philip returned to the States where he obtained an MA in
Economics from Columbia University in 1946. He then worked for numerous
different organisations as an economist, including the Federal Reserve Bank
(1946–1956), the Inter-American Development Bank (1960–1962), the Alliance
for Progress in the US State Department (1962–1968), and the World Bank
Philip is survived by his wife of 56 years, Elisabeth Schnabel Glaessner, and
their four children, and 10 grandchildren.
Mark Glazebrook
June 25 1936 – November 3 2009
Mark Glazebrook was a permanent fixture in the English
art world from the 1960s until his death last year. His
public career reached its peak in 1969, when he was
appointed Director of the Whitechapel Gallery, in
succession to Bryan Robertson. Robertson had made the
Whitechapel Gallery internationally famous with
exhibitions of Jackson Pollock, Jasper Johns, and Robert
Rauschenberg. However, Mark proved equal to the difficult task of following in
Robertson’s footsteps, putting on the first retrospective exhibition of David
Hockney’s work and first exhibition of Donald Judd’s work. (Mark also turned
down the chance to exhibit artwork by John Lennon and Yoko Ono – a decision he
never regretted.)
Mark was educated at Eton (where the art master, Wilfrid Blunt, first
stimulated his interest in art) and did his National Service with the Welsh Guards
(during the course of which he gave the troops a lecture on Picasso). Mark came
to Pembroke in 1956, obtaining a BA in History in 1959. He then went to the Slade
School of Art in the hope of training to become a painter, but never finished the
course. However, Mark never stopped painting and was proud to have an
exhibition of his paintings put on by the Mayor Gallery in London in 2000. After
leaving the Slade School, Mark worked for the Arts Council, while at the same
time writing art criticism for London Magazine and setting up – with Joseph
Studholme and Paul Cornwall-Jones – Editions Alecto, which published
contemporary artists’ prints. The inaugural board meeting took place in Mark’s
sitting room underneath a couple of early Hockneys that Mark had bought soon
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after meeting David Hockney in 1960, while Hockney was still a student at the
Royal College of Art; Mark and Hockney were to become lifelong friends.
Mark was to stay at the Whitechapel Gallery for three years, eventually
resigning in frustration at its lack of funding. He became head of the Modern
British department at the Bond Street dealers Colnagi. In 1975 he left the UK to
take up a position as Lecturer in Art History at San José University in California,
where he curated an exhibition, Punk, that was ahead of its time. In 1979, Mark
returned to London, rejoined what was now Alecto Historical Editions, and began
life as an independent art dealer. In 1986, he opened the Albermarle Gallery in
London, but unfortunately the gallery fell victim to the recession and had to close
in 1993. In order to pay off its debts, Mark was forced to sell many of the paintings
he had bought when he was young, as well as his Norman Shaw house in Bedford
Park. At the same time, his second marriage to Wanda Osinska – who had led
Mark to develop an enduring interest in the culture of her native Poland – broke
down. Eventually, Mark found his feet, buying a council flat in Kennington, South
London for its amazing views, and working on his painting and art criticism,
notably for The Spectator. He rejoined the Chelsea Arts Club, and threw himself
enthusiastically into its occasional theatricals and Christmas productions. It was
at the Chelsea Arts Club that Mark met Cherry Moorsom, who was to become his
third wife in 2004.
Mark is survived by Cherry, and his two former wives, Wanda and Elizabeth
Claridge, and by two daughters and one stepson.
Professor Brian Goodwin
March 25 1931 – July 15 2009
Brian Goodwin was a highly influential biologist who
rejected the Darwinian notion of nature as involving a
struggle for survival among species, where only the
fittest survive. In books such as How the Leopard Changed
Its Spots (1994), Brian argued for a ‘new biology’
according to which organisms survive and flourish not
because they are fitter than their competitors but
because they have managed to find a place ‘where you can be yourself’. Brian
argued that evolution is not a matter of ‘conflict, competition, selfish genes,
climbing peaks in fitness landscapes’. Rather, evolution is ‘a dance. It has no has no purpose, no progress, no sense of direction. It’s a dance through
morphospace, the space of the form of organisms.’
Brian’s early experiences exploring the forests around his home in Eastern
Canada gave him a lifelong sense of nature as ordered in some way. While
studying biology as an undergraduate at McGill University and then taking a
Master’s degree in plant physiology also at McGill, Brian began to move away
from Darwinian views of evolution, feeling that such views could not account for
the coherence and self-organisation of organisms. He went on to study
Mathematics at Oxford from 1954 to 1957, moving on to Pembroke College in
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1959, in order to equip himself with the skills he needed to explore further his
idea that there must exist some organising principle underlying the form of
organisms. Brian first explored this idea in his PhD, taken at the University of
Edinburgh, which explored how cells are organised over time in ways that lead to
division and the development of subsequent forms. Brian’s PhD formed the basis
of his first book, Temporal Organisation in Cells (1963). In Form and Transformation:
Generative and Relational Principles in Biology (1996) (written with Gerry Webster,
with whom Brian collaborated after he had been appointed to a Readership in
Biology at the University of Sussex in 1965), Brian argued that organisms enjoyed
an internal coherence and wholeness as a result of self-organising dynamics at
the molecular and cellular level.
The emphasis in Brian’s work on the coherence and wholeness of organisms
led him to embrace holistic approaches to the relationship between humanity and
nature, which reject ideas of human beings as ‘controlling’ or ‘mastering’ nature
and instead seek to find a place for humanity within nature. In 1996, Brian
became a Professor at Schumacher College, in Devon, and started there the
world’s first MSc in Holistic Science with Dr Stephen Harding. In 2007, he wrote
his final book, which represented the summation of his thoughts on the
relationship between humanity and nature: Nature’s Due: Healing Our Fragmented
Brian is survived by his third wife, Christel, and his daughter, Lynn.
Norman Langford
April 1 1921 – November 10 2009
Norman Langford passed away at the Hospital Beau
Séjour in Geneva after a brief illness. He was aged 88.
Born in 1921 in Coventry, Norman discovered he had
a natural facility for languages and won an Exhibition
from Bromsgrove School to Pembroke in 1939 to read
Modern Languages. With University life increasingly
disrupted with the threat and onset of war, he decided to
enrol in the RAF in 1940. Having been selected to join Fighter Command, he
underwent training at Moose Jaw in Canada, and then saw active service with 229
Squadron in Malta, North Africa, Italy and Northern France, before being
demobbed in 1946.
In 1946, Norman returned to Pembroke to complete his degree in Modern
Languages and graduated with First Class Honours in 1948. He then took up a
post as an interpreter and translator in French, German, Russian, and Spanish at
the International Telecommunications Union and then at the International
Labour Office. He retired from the ILO in 1979, by which time he had developed
a more than proficient knowledge of Arabic, Finnish and Turkish. For some
years, he continued as a freelance interpreter.
Norman’s interests were wide, particularly in languages, philosophy, current
affairs, and fiction. Apart from two periods of secondment from the international
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organisations for which he worked, he lived in Geneva for over 50 years. He found
Geneva an easy city in which to live, enjoying its vibrant cultural life, agreeable
climate, and limitless scope and opportunity for walking. He was an active
member of a number of waking clubs in Geneva well into his eighties. He was the
oldest member of the Oxford & Cambridge Society in Geneva.
With thanks to David Danielli
Peter Alan Lindenbaum
November 4 1938 – January 20 2010
Peter Lindenbaum came up to Pembroke in 1960, after
taking his first degree at Harvard. He read English, and
rapidly found himself part of a lively and opinionated
group of overseas students of English, mostly
Australian, who all arrived in 1960: John Barnes, Harold
Love, Francis McCarthy (whose obituary can be found
elsewhere in this Gazette), and Francis King. Discussions
amongst this well-read group were an important part of his Cambridge
education, and helped to lay the basis for his future academic career. The whole
group in fact, went on to have careers in the academic world. After gaining his BA
at Cambridge, Peter went back to the States to study for his PhD at the University
of California at Berkeley. In 1967 he joined the English Department at Indiana
University in Bloomington, which remained his base until he retired in 2003.
As a Professor at Indiana, Peter encouraged the development of Renaissance
Studies and set up the Center for the History of the Book. His published work
focused on the poet John Milton, and more recently, on writers’ contracts and the
London book trade in the seventeenth century, about which he wrote a series of
seminal articles. The various gatherings of Milton scholars around the world in
recent years were always enlivened by his contributions, and he was one of the
organisers of the Milton Symposium in London in 2008 which marked the 400th
anniversary of the poet’s birth. His principal book, Changing Landscapes (1986),
examined the ways in which Sidney, Shakespeare and Milton adapted the pastoral
conventions of poetry to endorse the active life, rather than the life of
In 1968 Peter married Sheila Serio, who also became a member of the English
Department at Indiana, as a medievalist. They had a son, John. Both Peter and
Sheila were lifelong Anglophiles, and on their retirement, they moved to London,
where they enjoyed affiliations with the University of London and the Institute of
English Studies, and they took particular pleasure in the music and theatre that
London offers. Peter began to familiarise himself with the rare book sections of
various London libraries, and pursued his interest in the stationers and
booksellers who had occupied the precincts of St Paul’s Cathedral in the days
before the Great Fire. He was able to return to reunions at Pembroke again, and a
whole new life was opening up in the England when he was attacked by cancer.
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Peter’s wryly amusing views of life and literature will be remembered by all
who knew him.
With thanks to Graham Parry (1958)
Robin Little
January 30 1949 – June 29 2009
Obituary by Hugh Mellor (1956)
Robin Little came up to Pembroke in 1967 to read
English, though as that was not my subject, it was
not how we met. We first met in two theatrical
contexts. One was that of the Cambridge University Players (CUP), a group of
Cambridge students and ex-students taking productions to the open-air Minack
Theatre near Lands End in August. But CUP also staged productions in the Old
Reader, now part of the College Library but then a small theatre. Robin played
major parts in these, notably Face in Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist in 1969, and Pillar
in the British première of Václav Havel’s The Memorandum in 1970, as well as Paris
in CUP’s 1969 Minack production of Troilus and Cressida.
Robin also played Gladstone in Laurence Houseman’s Victoria Regina in the
1970 May Week Concert. But his great contribution to Pembroke theatre was his
1969 revival of the Pembroke Players German tour, which had lapsed in the
1950s. For this he directed a fine production of Measure for Measure. It was a great
success, despite (or perhaps because of ) a British Army officer’s writing to the
Master to complain (in effect) of the cast’s supplanting his troops in the
affections of German girls, and Meredith Dewey’s description, in his next
Easter letter, of the tour taking place ‘under a secret reparations clause in the
Treaty of Versailles’. Unfortunately, after Robin the tour lapsed again until
2005, when the Pembroke Players wowed a now-united Germany with The
Importance of Being Earnest, to whose organisers Robin gave good advice and
useful contacts, and also financial support, and got several of his Measure
friends to support it too.
As if Robin’s Tripos work (which got him a 2.1, when that was rarer than it is
now), acting in two plays and taking a third to Germany wasn’t enough for him
in 1969, he became President of the Junior Parlour that year. It was a time of
student unrest which, if less paranoid than in Paris, did sour Pembroke
undergraduate relations with Fellows and staff. Robin coped superbly, a tough
negotiator made all the more effective by his humour, humanity and manifest
integrity. Like his running of the German tour, his work as JP President showed
that he had – and perhaps helped him develop – the rare ability to combine
leadership and friendship that made him so good at his later work: in Liverpool
as a photographer and organiser of support for voluntary groups and later, in
Bath and London, in teaching managers from around the world more about how
to work together, and in Britain, than any MBA course could teach them.
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Robin did many other things too: designing software; becoming a skilled
water-colourist; rebuilding a derelict cottage in a remote valley in Portugal with
his partner Nina. He had also married twice, with two children from each
marriage. How, with all this, he found time to make and keep so many close
friends is a mystery to those whose lives his friendship enriched. We might not
meet for a year, but whenever we did, we’d pick up our conversation as if we’d
adjourned it only the day before. So when he dropped dead last year in Portugal,
just before his sixtieth birthday, one measure of our loss is all the adjourned
conversations that will now never be resumed.
David John Male
1926 – June 10 2009
David Male came to Pembroke in 1944 as a Minor Scholar, from Merchant
Taylors’ School, Northwood, to read for the Mechanical Sciences Tripos. Like
several of his contemporaries, his military service was deferred until he had
passed his exams. He entered fully into the somewhat limited life in the College
at that time of war. He sang in the Chapel Choir, the College Choral Society, and
CUMS. He played rugby for the College, and rowed in the 1946 Rugger Boat.
He was a member of the Royal Engineers Unit of the Cambridge University
Student Training Corps, and would have expected to become a Sapper when
called to the colours. However, when the war ended, the Royal Navy were
recruiting science graduates for the Instructor Branch, in which David accepted a
short-service commission. On leaving the Navy, he joined a firm of consultant
engineers in London but was disappointed to find that their order book contained
few contracts and those were principally to demolish RAF airfields and reinstate
them to their original farmland. Therefore, when recalled to the Navy for the
Korean War, he lost no time in applying for a regular commission as an Instructor
Officer. He was training cadets in HMS Ocean when his ship was diverted to take
part in landings at Suez. He was in the middle of making arrangements for his
wedding to Helen Evans; fortunately the ship returned to Plymouth on time. He
was promoted to Commander and spent most of his time educating Engineer
Officers. He felt that he was destined to oscillate between the RN Engineering
College at Manadon, Plymouth, and the Nuclear Department at RN College,
Greenwich. He decided he would prefer to be a proper academic, took early
retirement and, in 1967, joined the University of Adelaide, Australia, as a lecturer
in the Engineering Department. When the Tasmanian College of Advanced
Technology was created, David became founding Head of the Division of Science
and Technology, a post he held until his retirement.
With three daughters married in Australia, and with no desire to return to the
UK, David took Australian citizenship and lived the rest of his life with his family
in Tasmania. He died in hospital after a short illness on 10 June 2009. He was 83
years old.
With thanks to REB Budgett (1944)
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Brother Francis Iraneus McCarthy
December 31 1920 – January 7 2010
Brother Francis was a towering figure in the
educational community in Australia and an
example to teachers worldwide. He entered the
Christian Brothers seminary as a teenager (where
his novice master gave him the religious name
‘Iraneus’ after Saint Iraneus, who proclaimed ‘The glory of God is shown in man
fully alive’). From the age of 19 onwards, he taught at a number of different
schools in Australia, while obtaining a BA (in English) in 1950, an MA in 1953,
and a B.Ed in 1956; all were studied for in his spare time when his teaching duties
were done. In 1960, he interrupted his teaching career to do a PhD in English and
Fine Arts at Pembroke College. He excelled so much that he was offered a
Fellowship, but he was unable to accept: his loyalty to the Christian Brothers and
the call of teaching in Australia was unshakeable.
Returning to Australia, Brother Francis was appointed as Headmaster of
Christian Brothers’ College, St Kilda. He revolutionised the school, making it the
top performing school in Victoria. In 1977, Brother Francis was appointed to the
Headmastership at St Kevin’s College in Toorak, Victoria. He would stay at the
school for over 30 years, teaching Philosophy and Literature. Such was Brother
Francis’ length of service at St Kevin’s that he ended up teaching three
generations there – Frank McDermott in 1949 (during an earlier one year teaching
stint at St Kevin’s), Frank’s son Paul in 1979, and Frank’s grandson Tom in 2003.
A former student of Brother Francis’ from Parade College, Melbourne (where he
had taught for 10 years in the 1950s before coming to Pembroke) sent his sons to
St Kevin’s. When the youngest son graduated, their father sent a basket of wine
with the message, ‘Not even the great Francis McCarthy could hope to educate my
grandsons having done so well for me and my sons, so I take this opportunity on
the graduation of my youngest son.’ The father underestimated Brother Francis:
he went on to teach one of the father’s grandchildren.
Brother Francis became the oldest registered practising teacher in Victoria and
perhaps Australia. He was honoured as a Fellow of the Australian College of
Educators and with the Medal of the Order of Australia. Tributes to Brother
Francis’ greatness as an educator and a human being were paid to him
throughout his working life. The history of Parade College, Melbourne states: ‘Br
McCarthy was the most prominent figure of Parade’s second spring of the fifties.
One of his greatest attributes was his ability to fire the imagination of his pupils.
They sensed that their interests were his interests and their future his concern. He
presented the ideals of wisdom and freedom, to view all from God’s perspective;
to be men of integrity, giving respect to each individual and pursue the truth that
will make all free. He decried the evils of lethargy of spirit, coldness of heart, and
weakness of will. He made great efforts with few resources to build up an
adequate library for his students.’
Despite all his commitments and heavy workload, Brother Francis never
forgot Pembroke. He loved the College, and helped to set up the Pembroke
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Society in Australia, as well as serving on the Committee of the Davis McCaughey
Pembroke College Scholarship until his death.
Dr Roderick Morton
October 8 1944 – December 16 2009
Dr Roderick Morton was a distinguished doctor,
who retired three years ago having served as a
partner at the Friarsgate Medical Practice in
Winchester for 34 years, and as senior partner for
10 years. A month before he died, he attended the
opening of the Friarsgate Medical Practice in its new location on the west side of
Winchester; the Practice was opened by Roderick’s lifelong friend, Lord Winston.
Roderick was educated at Winchester College. He came to Pembroke in 1964,
following in his father’s footsteps. (As would Roderick’s brother, Donald,
arriving at Pembroke five years after Roderick.) Roderick obtained a BA in Natural
Sciences in 1967 and served as Pembroke’s Football Club Captain the same year.
Roderick subsequently qualified as a doctor and started work at the Friarsgate
Practice in 1972. He subsequently became a trustee of Brendoncare, a
Winchester-based charity that cares for the elderly.
Dr Nigel Sylvester, the senior partner at Friarsgate, paid the following tribute
to his predecessor: ‘He was an excellent, excellent doctor, and his patients still
miss him even after all this time. He was very generous with his time. He was
always the man who put his hand up first for extra tasks. He was a great leader of
the practice and kind and generous to patients, partners and staff.’
Roderick is survived by his wife Jillian, and their four children.
Professor Chike Obi
April 17, 1921 – March 13, 2008
Professor Chike Obi was a distinguished mathematician
(the first sub-Saharan African to hold a doctorate in
Mathematics, obtained at Pembroke in 1950) and
Nigerian politician.
Chike was educated at various places in Nigeria
before reading Mathematics as an external student of the
University of London, obtaining a BA and then an MA in
Mathematics. He then obtained a scholarship to come to Pembroke in 1947 to do
a PhD in Mathematics. On completing his PhD, he moved on to MIT, eventually
returning to Nigeria to teach at the University of Ibadan in 1959. He became a
Professor of Mathematics at the University of Lagos in 1971, Dean of the Faculty
of Science in 1980, and was Emeritus Professor of the University since 1985. In
1986, he was awarded the Sigvard Ecklund Prize by the International Centre for
Theoretical Physics for his work on Differential Equations. Chike’s interest in
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differential equations led him to take an interest in proving Fermat’s Last
Theorem, which states that no three positive integers a, b and c can satisfy the
equation an + bn = cn for any value of n higher than 2. This theorem was proved in
1994 by Andrew Wiles and Richard Taylor using highly advanced mathematics far
beyond the capacities of Pierre de Fermat, who set out the theorem in 1637 and
suggested in a marginal note that he had a wonderful proof of the theorem, but
no space to write it down. In 1997, Chike claimed to have come up with an
elementary proof of the theorem that Fermat might have had in mind, and it was
published in Volume 15 of the American mathematical journal Algebra, Groups and
Geometries, special issue no. 3, pp 289–298. However, it has been questioned
whether this elementary proof stands up. Such is the deep association between
Chike Obi and mathematics in Nigeria that any Nigerian children who show an
aptitude for mathematics are nicknamed ‘Chike Obi’.
Chike’s career as a mathematician was regularly punctuated by his political
activities. In 1951, he helped form a Nigerian political party – the Dynamic Party
of Nigeria – and served as its first Secretary-General. The Dynamic Party stood for
modernisation, nationalism and ‘humane dictatorship’. When that party merged
with the National Council of Nigeria and Cameroon (NCNC), he was elected to
serve as part of the Nigerian delegation that negotiated Nigeria’s path to self-rule
in two London conferences, in 1957 and 1958. On independence in 1960, Chike
obtained a seat in the national legislature but was forced (literally forced: he was
carried out of the national legislature) to give it up a year later when he was elected
to a seat in the regional Eastern House of Assembly, in which assembly he served
from 1961–1966. Chike wrote two books about his political activities: Our Struggle,
Part I (1953), and Our Struggle, Part II (1962).
Chike’s wife, Belinda, died in late 2009. They are survived by their four
Emile Perreau-Saussine
September 22 1972 – February 23 2010
Emile Perreau-Saussine promised to become one of the
leading political thinkers of his generation. He died
suddenly of a heart condition at the age of 37. He left
behind a substantial body of work that principally
focused on the place and role of religion in modern
societies. He also wrote extensively on the political
thought of a number of different individuals, including
Augustine, Tocqueville, Alasdair MacIntyre, Quentin Skinner, Mahatma Gandhi,
Carl Schmitt and Raymond Aron. His book Alasdair MacIntyre, Une Biographie
Intellectuelle: Introduction aux Critiques Contemporaines du Libéralisme (2005) was
awarded the prestigious Prix Philippe Habert, a prize given for the best writing on
political science by a young researcher. He was presented with the award by Mme.
Jacques Chirac in 2006. At the time of his death, he had just finished a major
work, Catholic Political Thought in a Democratic Age: A History, which will be published
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in French by Le Cerf in 2010, and in English by Princeton University Press in 2011.
He had also almost finished work on two further manuscripts, Religion in a
Democratic Age and Free Markets: For and Against, as well as editing a special issue of
the Revue Internationale de Philosophie on Alasdair MacIntyre.
Emile graduated from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris in 1994. He then
did a PhD in Political Studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales,
and then spent two years as a Bradley Fellow at the University of Chicago
(1997–1999) before becoming a member of the Department of Politics in
Cambridge in 2001, as a Newton Trust Lecturer, a Fellow and College Lecturer at
Fitzwilliam College, and a College Lecturer at Pembroke. He was an outstanding
supervisor, deploying his incredibly deep knowledge of the history of ideas over
2000 years to inspire his students to see intellectual history as a living enterprise
that really mattered for their lives. One of his Pembroke students remarked after
his death: ‘Emile to many of his students was not only an inspiration because he
was a very engaging supervisor who challenged his students, but also a beloved
friend. Personally, and I know that many students feel the same way, no one has
influenced me as much academically. Emile had a passion when he supervised his
students that was awe-inspiring and truly unique.’
Emile was a dogged seeker after the truth, and it was a quest in which he would
seek to involve anyone and everyone he came across, organising book discussion
groups (always with everyone in a circle, so everyone felt equally involved, equally
entitled to voice their opinion, whatever their status) and inviting people back
home for dinner and philosophical discussions. There was no idea, however
controversial and unpopular, that he would not hold up to the light to see if it had
any merit. Emile’s passion for the truth may have sometimes cost him in terms of
advancement in his Faculty, but for him, there was no alternative but to pursue the
truth wherever it took him. One of Emile’s book reading companions observed
after his death: ‘I am sure that he read the following lines from [Pope Benedict
XVI’s encyclical] Spe Salvi: “It is when we attempt to avoid suffering by
withdrawing from anything that might involve hurt, when we try to spare
ourselves the effort and pain of pursuing truth, love, and goodness, that we drift
into a life of emptiness, in which there may be almost no pain, but the dark sense
of meaninglessness and abandonment is all the greater.”’
Emile was as outstanding a person as he was a scholar and a thinker.
Kindness, generosity, and courtesy radiated out from him in everything he did. He
was utterly devoted to his wife Amanda (a Fellows of Queens’ College, and
Lecturer at the Cambridge Law Faculty), and his two young children, Elisabeth
and Martin. One of Emile’s last essays was, appropriately enough, on heaven:
‘Heaven as a political theme in Augustine’s City of God’ (published in Bockmuehl
and Stroumsa (eds), Paradise in Late Antiquity (2010)). In the final line of that essay,
Emile reminds us – quoting from Saint Augustine – ‘that we are called to “rest and
see, see and love, love and praise”.’ The home that Emile, Amanda, Elisabeth and
Martin created for themselves just outside Cambridge was, and is, a blessed place
where they, and everyone who visited them, lived out that call.
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Professor Charles Ryskamp
October 21 1928 – March 26 2010
Charles Ryskamp was a central figure in the New York
museum world for almost 30 years, first as director of
the Pierpoint Morgan Library and then as director of the
Frick Collection.
Charles was born in Michigan, into an academic
family, but not one which had an interest in aesthetics.
However, Charles became hooked on art very early on
and by the age of 13 was buying art at auction. He never stopped collecting art,
and his private collection was the subject of two exhibitions. In 2001, the
Pierpoint Morgan Library put on ‘The World Observed: Five Centuries of
Drawings from the Collection of Charles Ryskamp’. And at the time of Charles’
death from cancer, the Yale Center for British Art was exhibiting ‘Varieties of
Romantic Experience: Drawings from the Collection of Charles Ryskamp’. The
book of the latter exhibition, by Matthew Hargraves, can be easily purchased on
the Internet.
Charles obtained a bachelor’s degree in English at Calvin College in his home
city of Grand Rapids, before going on to Yale to obtain an MA in 1951. He then
came to Pembroke in 1953 to spend a year there as a research student before
returning to Yale and obtaining a doctorate in 1956 for his thesis on the early life
of William Cowper. Charles’ year at Pembroke had a formative effect on him, in
exposing him to the collections of books and pictures that could be found in
museums and salerooms in Cambridge and London.
Charles began teaching at Princeton in 1955. He turned his doctoral thesis into
a book in 1959 (William Cowper of the Inner Temple, Esq: A Study of His Life and Works to
the Year 1768) and published William Blake, Engraver ten years later. 1969 proved to
be a banner year in Charles’ life: promoted to a full professorship at Princeton
that year, he was also appointed director of the Pierpoint Morgan Library. By then
world famous for its collection of books, manuscripts and drawings, Charles
helped to make the Library more accessible by instituting a lively programme of
exhibitions and events, notably ‘William Blake’s Drawings for the Book of Job’
(1970) and ‘Michelangelo and his World’ (1979). He also built up the Morgan’s
collection: drawings by Blake, books from Paul Mellon’s collection, 1,500 Old
Master drawings (including works by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Titian and
Bellini), and the manuscript score of Mahler’s Fifth Symphony were all donated
to the Library under Charles’ leadership.
In 1987, Charles moved on to the Frick Collection – a collection he had fallen
in love with as a teenager, never dreaming that he would one day be its director.
He faced an immediate crisis triggered by the death of Helen Clay Frick, who had
funded the Frick Art Library out of her own pocket in her lifetime but had
forgotten to endow it in her will. Charles raised $34 million for the the Library,
assuring its future. He retired from the Frick in 1997.
Charles is survived by two brothers, Henry and Philip.
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Derek James Warbrick
April 10 1926 – October 19 2009
Obituary by Jon Warbrick (1979)
Derek was born in Liverpool where his father, like his
grandfather before him, owned and managed a dairy. He
was educated locally and won the prestigious Margaret
Brice scholarship to the Liverpool Institute. Despite
being the first generation in his family to consider
university, he took the Oxbridge entrance exams (having already turned down the
offer of a scholarship to Liverpool University without telling his parents) and was
offered a scholarship to Cambridge. However before he could start his degree he
was called up for National Service. Derek had been a member of the Officer
Training Corps at school and in view of this, and his scholarship offer, he was
sent on an Army Short Course at The Queen's College, Oxford followed by officer
training in the Queen's Own Royal Hussars. He didn’t see active service as the war
finished before the end of his training, but he was deployed as part of the British
Army of Occupation in Lubeck.
After completing his National Service, Derek took up his deferred Cambridge
scholarship and came up to Pembroke in 1948 to read Classics and Ancient
History, graduating in 1950. In later life he was very proud of having matriculated
at both Oxford and Cambridge (but was occasionally heard to say that he thought
the Oxford Wine Society was better). After graduation, he joined the Royal
Insurance Company, a well-respected Liverpool-based institution, as a graduate
trainee. His first job was as a clerk dealing with fire endorsements – sitting at a
high desk, though not using a quill pen – while studying in his own time first for
an Associateship and subsequently a Fellowship of the Chartered Insurance
Derek married Mary in 1952 and the couple initially lived with Derek’s mother
and father while waiting for a promised flat to be completed. Derek worked his
way up in the company, and eventually moved to the London office in the mid50s. He was moved back to Liverpool a few years later where he joined the
Investment Department. He and Mary settled down in Birkenhead, only to be
moved back south again in 1960, this time with their son Jonathan as a newlyborn baby. Their daughter Emma was born three and a half years later. Derek
continued to rise through the company, eventually retiring as a director and
Deputy General Manager in 1986 at the age of 60. Following his retirement, Derek
returned to photography, a hobby that he and Mary had when they first married.
They also set about improving their relatively uncomfortable house. They began
to enjoy travelling, in particular visits to Greece, allowing Derek to see many of the
classical sites that he had studied as a young man.
Derek enjoyed 20 years of retirement before his health started to fail. He leaves
behind his wife Mary, and children Jonathan and Emma.
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MA Degree
The following information concerning the MA degree may be useful to members
of the Society:
Standing: a Bachelor of Arts may be admitted Master of Arts six* calendar years
after the end of his or her first term of residence, provided that (which is usually
the case) at least two years have elapsed since taking the B.A. degree.
Fees: a fee of £5 is payable by those who took their BA degree in 1962 or earlier.
Please give at least four weeks notice before the Congregation at which you wish
to take your degree. Correspondence should be addressed to the Praelector.
* For affiliated students, five years.
Dining Rights and Guest Rooms
Members who hold an MA or other Master’s degree or a higher degree from the
University, or are qualified for an MA, are welcome to dine in College during term
or the period of residence in the Long Vacation. For the academic year 2010–2011,
“term” means 5 October to 3 December, 18 January to 18 March, and 26 April to
17 June; residence in the Long Vacation runs for five weeks from early July.
Dining for Members is available on any evening of the week during term or Long
Vacation residence except Tuesday or Saturday and on occasions when large
College events take place. A Member may dine as a guest of the College at High
Table up to four times each academic year, if a Fellow is present to preside. On one
of those occasions, overnight accommodation is free of charge for the Member if
it is available.
Overnight accommodation may also be available in College, at a reasonable
charge, for a visit of one or two nights. The College has four en suite guest rooms:
three twin-bedded rooms, and one double-bedded room. Given these limited
facilities, early notice is strongly advised when making inquiries. The College
would be grateful to be informed at the earliest opportunity if a Member’s plans
to visit have to be amended. We regret that it will be necessary to charge a Member
the full cost of the room in the event of that Member cancelling his or her visit
without notice.
Arrangements for dining, or for staying in a guest room, should be made through
the Development Office either by telephone (01223 339079), letter, fax (01223
339081), or email ([email protected]).