Phase relations in stainless steel slags
Phase relations in stainless steel slags
c ° Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen Arenbergkasteel, B-3001 Heverlee (Leuven), Belgium Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd en/of openbaar gemaakt worden door middel van druk, fotokopie, microfilm, elektronisch of op welke andere wijze ook zonder voorafgaandelijke schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without written permission from the publisher. D/2009/7515/16 ISBN 978-94-6018-033-0 Dankwoord Acknowledgments Is er een beter moment dan een koude januarizondag om even terug te blikken op welke schitterende mensen allemaal mee bijgedragen hebben aan dit doctoraat? Ik had me alvast altijd al zoiets voorgesteld bij het schrijven van een voorwoord. Als eerste wil ik Bart bedanken, die me warm heeft gemaakt voor het hogetemperatuursveld en me alle kansen heeft gegeven om me in het domein (en haar inwoners) te verdiepen. Ik hoop dat ik je in de komende jaren nog af en toe gelukkig mag maken door je aan het werk te zetten. Ook Patrick, een man die zijn gevoel voor finesse tot ver buiten de keuken weet aan te wenden, wil ik graag bedanken voor de ondersteuning. Many thanks to prof. In-Ho Jung and his group for the warm welcome in Montreal and the fruitful cooperation. Thanks also for crossing the ocean with two pages of questions. Bedankt aan mijn assessoren, prof. Vleugels en prof. Elsen, en aan prof. Van Gerven, voor het aandachtig lezen van mijn tekst en het stellen van geı̈nteresseerde vragen, evenals aan prof. Sansen, voor zijn gewaardeerde voorzitterschap. De mensen van ArcelorMittal Stainless Genk wens ik te bedanken voor de boeiende projecten waaraan we samen hebben gewerkt. Ik vermoed dat we elkaar nog wel tegen komen, crisis of niet. Ook de collega’s die bij die projecten betrokken waren wil ik graag bedanken: Dirk, een prima onderzoeker en een blij verwonderde vader; Tom, met zijn doorzicht in onderzoek, ecologie, metallurgie, de maatschappij en vooral alles daartussen; Muxing, thanks for sharing your experimental experience and Chinese culture. Frederik, bedankt voor de productieve tijden in de Belgian Lattice Boltzmann Community, waarvan het resultaat in deze tekst zich beperkt tot bladzijde P-1 en verder. Annelies, bedankt om ons bureau op te fleuren en sportief te houden, and thanks to all the other old and new members of the Thermogroup and of MTM for the very enjoyable lunch breaks, summer picnics, group i weekends, barbecues, house warmings, and so on. Aan de serieuzere kant wil ik Pieter, Eddy, en Luk bedanken voor het op punt zetten en houden van wat eerst een stuk wetenschappelijk erfgoed leek, en Paul, altijd bereid om desnoods een kassei te knippen met een schaar, en de mannen van de werkplaats, waar ook weinig onmogelijk is. Joris en Marie-Aline wil ik zeker niet vergeten voor het op-, uit- en ombouwen van de Gero. Joris, wat dat bouwen betreft zullen we nog niet meteen mogen stilvallen. Tot slot nog Danny en Thierry-van-Imec voor de experimenten die de tekst niet gehaald hebben, en alle anderen die hun steentje bijdragen aan de goede wetenschappelijke, technische, en administratieve werking van MTM. Het leven in Leuven zou veel minder plezant geweest zijn zonder familie (in het bijzonder de papa, de mama en de zus), vrienden, ex-kotgenoten die dit nooit zullen lezen, en de van het CLT. Tot slot: dankjewel, liefste An, om de afgelopen twee jaar (en ik ben er zeker van, ook de volgende 104) een pak gekker, grappiger, sneltreinachtigietser en vooral fijner te maken. Ik wens iedereen veel succes met het afwerken van studies, het schrijven van doctoraten, het uitbouwen van carrières en/of gezinnen, en op kortere termijn: veel leesplezier. Sander ii Abstract Computational thermochemistry is an important research tool for hightemperature materials processing. In stainless steelmaking, it proves to be a useful tool both for process improvement and slag reutilisation. Thermodynamic databases allow to calculate phase diagrams, complex phase equilibria, solidification sequences and much more. Although they can provide good approximations from a limited amount of data, the databases can only be as correct as the experimental data they are based on. Therefore, it remains important to measure phase diagram and thermodynamic data, concurrently with model optimisation. This work studies the high temperature phase relations of stainless steel slags and their subsystems. In a first part, the principles of both modelling and experimental determination of oxide phase diagrams are discussed. In addition, an overview of the present state of knowledge is given. The available thermodynamic models for the multicomponent system CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 , which contains the major oxides present in industrial slags, are reviewed. The experimental studies on the ternary subsystem CrOx -MgO-SiO2 are summarised as well. In the second part, new experimental and theoretical work is discussed. First, an experimental method to study liquidus-solidus relations in the system under investigation is proposed. Equilibration, sampling and microprobe analysis are the different steps to determine the equilibrium phase compositions. Next, the experimental results in the CaOCrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 system are discussed. Systematic differences between FactSage calculations and experimental data are observed, which appear to be a result of incomplete ternary descriptions, especially in the CrOx -MgO-SiO2 system. Therefore, this system is studied experimentally in for oxygen partial pressure levels ranging from air to Cr metal saturation. Finally, an improved description of the CrOx -MgO-SiO2 system is proposed, based on literature data and new results. Although some differences remain, the new ternary provides better results in the ternary system, and, moreover, in the higher order systems. iii iv Beknopte samenvatting Computationele thermochemie is een belangrijk onderzoeksinstrument voor materiaalverwerking op hoge temperatuur. In het kader van roestvaststaalproductie helpt ze om processen te verbeteren en slak bruikbaar te maken voor hergebruik. Met thermodynamische databanken kunnen onder meer fasediagrammen, complexe fasenevenwichten, en stolsequenties berekend worden. Alhoewel ze een realistische schatting kunnen vormen uit een beperkt aantal experimentele gegevens, kunnen de databanken nooit betrouwbaarder zijn dan de gegevens waarop ze gebaseerd zijn. Daarom blijft het belangrijk om, naast het optimaliseren van de thermodynamische modellen, fasediagrammen en thermodynamische gegevens ook experimenteel te bepalen. In dit werk worden de faserelaties op hoge temperatuur voor roestvaststaalslakken en hun deelsystemen bestudeerd. In een eerste deel worden de principes van zowel de modellering als de experimentele bepaling van oxidische fasediagrammen behandeld. De beschikbare modellen in het CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 SiO2 systeem, dat de hoofdbestanddelen van industriële slak bevat, worden besproken. De experimentele studies in het ternaire deelsysteem CrOx -MgO-SiO2 worden eveneens samengevat. In het tweede deel wordt nieuw experimenteel en theoretisch werk behandeld. Eerst wordt een experimentele methode besproken om de liquidus-solidusrelaties in het onderzochte systeem te observeren. Daarna worden de experimentele resultaten in het CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 systeem samengevat. Daarbij trekken systematische verschillen tussen FactSage-berekeningen en experimenten de aandacht. Deze blijken het gevolg te zijn van onvolledige beschrijvingen van de ternaire deelsystemen, in het bijzonder CrOx -MgO-SiO2 . Daarom wordt dit ternair systeem verder bestudeerd, onder zuurstofdrukken variërend van lucht tot evenwicht met metallisch chroom. Tot slot wordt een verbeterde beschrijving van het CrOx -MgO-SiO2 systeem voorgesteld, gebaseerd op gegevens uit dit werk en uit de literatuur. Hoewel er verschillen blijven, geeft de nieuwe beschrijving betere resultaten in het ternaire systeem, en eveneens in het hogereordesysteem. v vi Contents Dankwoord i Abstract iii Beknopte samenvatting v Contents vi List of symbols xi 1 General introduction 1 I 5 Literature 2 Calculating oxide phase diagrams 2.1 The CALPHAD method . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Calculating phase diagrams . . 2.1.2 Thermodynamic models . . . . 2.1.3 Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.4 Advantages and disadvantages 2.1.5 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Solution models for liquid oxides . . . 2.2.1 Modified quasichemical model . 2.2.2 Ionic two-sublattice model . . . 2.2.3 Associate liquid model . . . . . 2.2.4 Cell model . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.5 Other models . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.6 Comparative remarks . . . . . 2.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 8 9 10 13 13 13 14 21 24 25 26 26 29 CONTENTS 3 Assessments within CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 3.1 Based on quasichemical liquid models . . . . . . . 3.2 Based on ionic liquid models . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Based on associate liquid models . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Based on cell liquid models . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 33 35 35 36 36 4 Slag phase diagram determination 4.1 Studying oxide phase equilibria . . 4.1.1 Static methods . . . . . . . 4.1.2 Quenching methods . . . . 4.1.3 Dynamic methods . . . . . 4.2 pO2 -dependent systems . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Controlling pO2 . . . . . . . 4.2.2 Containing the sample . . . 4.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 37 37 39 40 41 42 45 46 . . . . . . . . 47 47 47 48 49 52 52 52 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Experiments on Cr2 O3 -MgO-SiO2 5.1 Liquidus information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Liquidus in air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.2 Liquidus in reducing conditions . . . . . 5.1.3 Liquidus in equilibrium with metallic Cr 5.2 Solidus information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Subsolidus information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Thermodynamic information . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Research 6 Experimental method 6.1 Equilibration and sampling . 6.2 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Microstructure interpretation 6.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 liquidus 7.1 Experimental approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.1 Liquidus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.2 Influence of basicity at MgO/Cr2 O3 =1 7.2.3 Solidus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 57 60 62 65 . . . . . 67 67 69 69 74 79 CONTENTS 7.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 80 82 82 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 83 84 91 91 94 9 Assessment of CrOx -MgO-SiO2 9.1 The binary systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.1 MgO-SiO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.2 MgO-Cr2 O3 and MgO-CrO . . . . . 9.1.3 Cr2 O3 -SiO2 and CrO-SiO2 . . . . . 9.2 Extrapolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3 Description of solid silicate solution phases 9.3.1 (Mg,Cr)2 SiO4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3.2 (Mg,Cr)SiO3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 Description of the liquid phase . . . . . . . 9.5 Optimised phase diagram description . . . . 9.6 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.7 Multicomponent system . . . . . . . . . . . 9.8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 95 96 96 98 99 103 103 104 106 107 117 121 123 7.4 Discussion: origin of the differences . . . . . 7.3.1 Eskolaite liquidus in CaO-CrOx -SiO2 7.3.2 Spinel liquidus in CrOx -MgO-SiO2 . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ternary system CrOx -MgO-SiO2 8.1 Liquidus in air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Liquidus in reducing conditions . . . . . . 8.3 Liquidus in equilibrium with Cr . . . . . . 8.4 Liquidus and solidus as a function of pO2 8.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Conclusions 127 10.1 Results and evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 10.2 Suggestions for further work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 References 131 III 143 Appendices A Experimental data A-1 B Model parameters B-1 Nederlandse samenvatting N-1 List of publications P-1 ix CONTENTS Curriculum vitae x CV-1 List of symbols a, b, c bi A,B ∆g E GE Gm i, j ,k k, l, m Li,j:k NA P pi R T W Xi yi Yi adjustable parameters coordination factor (quasichemical model) components contribution to Gm interaction energy (cell model) excess Gibbs energy molar Gibbs energy of a phase index of components exponents interaction parameter (two-sublattice model) Avogadro’s number pressure partial pressure of i universal gas constant (8.314472) temperature reaction energy (cell model) molar fraction of component i site fraction of component i on a sublattice equivalent fraction of component i (quasichemical model) α,β η ²ij φklm σij ξij ω ω kl phases pair exchange reaction entropy (quasichemical model) pair bond enthalpy (quasichemical model) ternary interaction parameter (quasichemical model) pair bond entropy (quasichemical model) multicomponent composition variable (quasichemical model) pair exchange reaction enthalpy (quasichemical model) binary interaction parameter xi Components A C CrOx K M S Al2 O3 CaO chromium oxide (CrO or Cr2 O3 , or a combination) Cr2 O3 MgO SiO2 (component) Phases C2 S E MS M2 S S Sp P Ca2 SiO4 phase, at high T: α-belite eskolaite phase, (Cr,Al)2 O3 (Mg,Cr)SiO3 phase (protoenstatite) (Mg,Cr)2 SiO4 phase (forsterite) SiO2 phase (cristobalite) spinel phase, Mg(Al,Cr)2 O4 periclase phase, (Mg,Al2/3 ,Cr2/3 )O xii Chapter 1 General introduction Control over the slag is crucial in stainless steelmaking. The composition of the slag is the key to limit chromium losses or to enhance the lifetime of the refractory material. Indeed, adapting the slag composition allows to increase the activity coefficients of chromium oxide, or to decrease the solubility of the components in the refractory. In addition, if the electric arc furnace slag can be foamed, substantial energy can be saved by shielding the arc, the refractory is protected, and the chromium reduction is further enhanced. Apart from the question to improve the performance and decrease the cost of the steelmaking processes themselves, new questions have risen in the recent years. Process sustainability receives an increasing attention, and one of the compelling issues is the need to transform slag from a waste to a valuable side product. This too can only be attained by control over the slag composition and mineralogy, which in turn influences the mechanical and chemical properties requested for the reuse of slag in, for example, construction applications. Relationships between mechanical stability, leaching properties or hardness on the one side, and slag microstructure on the other side, are being unraveled at a quick pace. An important research tool, both for process improvement and slag reutilisation, is computational thermochemistry. Thermodynamic databases allow to calculate phase diagrams, complex phase equilibria, solidification sequences and much more. Although they can provide good approximations from a limited amount of data, the databases can only be as correct as the experimental data they are based on. Therefore, it remains important to measure phase diagram and thermodynamic data, apart from, or better concurrently with, model optimisation. 1 CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION Objectives In one sentence, the objective of this work is to improve the thermodynamic description of stainless steel slag. Concretely, the CaO-CrOx -MgOAl2 O3 -SiO2 system, containing the five major components of stainless steel slag, is studied from both a modelling and an experimental point of view. The objective is to spot lacunae in the available description, by tracking the differences down from the multicomponent system to the ternary systems. Next, this work will also improve the description for the ternary system CrOx -MgO-SiO2 , where the most conspicuous discrepancies between modelling and experiments are located. By improving this ternary description, the general agreement of the multicomponent model with experimental data is also improved. Outline In the first part of this text, the principles and methods of both modelling and experimental determination of oxide phase diagrams are discussed. After the more general chapters 2 and 4, specific literature for the systems under investigation is discussed in the separate chapters 3 and 5. Chapter 2 discusses the basic principles of thermodynamic phase diagram modelling. A Gibbs energy function, dependent on composition and temperature, is assigned to every phase, which allows to calculate stable phase relations solely based on Gibbs energy minimisation. Next, it gives an overview of the different approaches to model liquid oxides. These different approaches also lead to different databases, available in different software packages. Next, the existing descriptions within the multicomponent system CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 are listed in Chapter 3. The approach using the modified quasichemical model, used in the slag databases of FactSage, will appear to provide the most advanced description of the system under investigation. The following chapters consider the indispensable experimental side of oxide phase diagram studies. Chapter 4 provides an overview of experimental methods to determine relevant data for oxide systems. Special attention is paid to the additional challenges posed by systems which are dependent on the oxygen partial pressure pO2 . Subsequently, the experimental investigations conducted in the system CrOx -MgO-SiO2 are reviewed in Chapter 5. As this system is strongly pO2 dependent, a fascinating range of phase diagram sections is found at any temperature. The second part of the text deals with the research conducted during 2 this thesis. First, the methods applied for the experimental investigations are discussed in Chapter 6. Equilibration, sampling and microprobe analysis are the different steps to determine the equilibrium phase compositions. Chapter 7 then summarises the experimental results in the CaO-CrOx MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 system, for different temperatures, Al2 O3 contents, and basicity (CaO/SiO2 ) levels. Systematic differences between FactSage calculations and experimental data are observed, especially at low basicity. These differences appear to be a result of incomplete ternary descriptions. Therefore, the ternary system where the largest possible improvements are expected, CrOx -MgO-SiO2 , is studied experimentally in Chapter 8. For pO2 levels ranging from air to Cr metal saturation, new experimental data are compared with calculations and literature data, if available. As the FactSage model of CrOx -MgO-SiO2 appears incapable of correctly describing the phase diagram, an improved description is proposed in Chapter 9. Although some differences remain, the new description provides better results in the ternary system, and, moreover, in the higher order system. Finally, in Chapter 10, the results are summarised and suggestions are made for clarifying experimental work and further model improvement. 3 CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION 4 Part I Literature 5 Chapter 2 The Calculation of oxide phase diagrams The CALPHAD method is a step-wise approach to create large selfconsistent databases for calculations of multiphase, multicomponent equilibria. The databases contain Gibbs energy parameters for thermodynamic models for the different phases. In this chapter, the CALPHAD concept will first be discussed. The history, fundamentals and work approach will be dealt with. Second, the different thermodynamic models for liquid oxides will be compared. 2.1 The CALPHAD method CALPHAD is short for calculations of phase diagrams or, in an updated formulation, Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry. In the late 1960’s, a few people such as Kubaschewski, Hillert and Kaufman had been studying the link between Gibbs energy and phase stability. Kaufman had worked on calculations of phase diagrams based on the concepts of “lattice stabilities” and “competition between phases” [1]. Lattice stabilities designated the Gibbs energy differences between different crystal forms of a pure metal. Competition between phases, the idea that a phase diagram represents the phase combinations with the lowest Gibbs energy from all possible competing phases, meant a radical focus shift in a time when most phase stability theories and calculations were based on the electronic structure of the atoms. The conflicting concepts lead to animated discussions [2], but together with the increasing computer power, the Gibbs energy approach meant the emergence of a 7 CHAPTER 2. CALCULATING OXIDE PHASE DIAGRAMS new research field. The CALPHAD method originated at a meeting organised by Larry Kaufman in 1973. Spencer [3] describes how some 13 scientists working on phase diagram calculations, met and discussed how to coordinate their activities, and how to make their future calculations consistent and compatible with each others work. Their discussions on re-evaluating pure element stabilities, on the effect of the choice of a ternary interaction model, and much more, laid the fundamentals of the CALPHAD method. Despite the progress since 1973, most of these topics keep returning. Since then a meeting is held every year, a dedicated journal was started, and calculations have become indispensable in every thermodynamics group. At present, the link with quantum-chemistry based calculation methods (ab initio methods) is increasingly explored [4], and the thermodynamic descriptions are also used in diffusion and microstructural evolution calculations, e.g. in the Dictra program [5] or the phase field method [6]. Also, the approach is no longer limited to constant atmospheric pressure but is also applied to geological systems at, e.g., up to 1 GPa [7]. This work will only consider models at constant atmospheric pressure. A detailed description of the method can be found in the book by Lukas et al. [8]. 2.1.1 Calculating phase diagrams If, for a certain pressure, the Gibbs energies of every phase are known at all compositions and temperatures, it is possible to construct the phase diagram. By minimising the total Gibbs energy for every composition and temperature, the stable phases at every point are known. For binary system, the well-known common tangent construction is exactly this minimisation of Gibbs energy. In this construction, the molar Gibbs energy Gm of the phases is plotted as a function of composition, as shown in Figure 2.1. Now the Gibbs energy is minimised by searching for the phase or phase combination with the lowest energy. The Gibbs energy of a combination of two phases can be found by a mixing rule, graphically expressed as a line between two points on the curves of both phases. For some compositions, the energy of a combination is lower than the energy of either phase. In that case a two-phase region will be observed. The equilibrium combination of those phases has the lowest possible molar Gibbs energy, and is therefore defined by the common tangent. The equilibrium concentrations of B in the solution phases, xαB and xβB , are found on the points of tangency of the energy curves. The necessity of a common tangent is commonly derived from the 8 2.1. THE CALPHAD METHOD equality of chemical potential of each component in both phases [9]. As chemical potentials are partial molar Gibbs energies, it can be shown that they are found at the end points of the tangent to the phase’s Gibbs energy curve on the pure component axis. Hence, when each component has the same chemical potential in both phases, both phases have compositions defined by a common tangent. Gm b a A a is stable xBa xBb a+b is stable B b is stable Figure 2.1: Common tangent construction for finding the equilibrium phases and phase compositions of two phases α and β at constant T and p. For multicomponent calculations, the geometric construction becomes multidimensional, but the minimisation of Gibbs energy is still valid. Therefore, efficient computer algorithms have been developed, e.g. [10, 11], which evolved to commercially available software packages, which will be discussed later. 2.1.2 Thermodynamic models A model is a description of the Gibbs energy of a phase as a function of temperature and composition. The (molar) Gibbs energy Gm is relative to the standard state of the atoms, namely the stable structure at 298.15 K and 1 atm. Certain assumptions are made concerning the behaviour of atoms in the modelled phase. This leads to Gibbs energy terms with certain adjustable parameters. For example, a very simple model could look like: 9 CHAPTER 2. CALCULATING OXIDE PHASE DIAGRAMS Gm = X1 G1m +X2 G2m +RT(X1 ln X1 +X2 ln X2 )+(A+BT)X1 X2 , (2.1) in which X1 and X2 are the mole fractions of components 1 and 2 in the mixture, and A and B are adjustable parameters. The first three terms form an ideal solution, where G1m and G2m are the Gibbs energies of the pure components. Many assumptions are possible, for example, it can be assumed that all atoms mix randomly, or that the atoms have fixed positions in the lattice. This leads to different excess Gibbs energies of mixing. Hence, the available models are diverse and range from simple regular solution models to complex multi-sublattice models for ordered compounds. Most models are available in all commercial software packages. The pure components, as well as solids with low or poorly determined solubilities, are described as stoichiometric compounds. In that case the Gibbs energy is solely a function of temperature, with adjustable parameters a, b and c: Gm = a + bT + cT ln T..., (2.2) For some more complex solution models, the Gibbs energy of the solution phase is not explicitly expressed. The phase consists of components of which the Gibbs energy is defined. For example, some models are described in terms of atom pairs or of associate molecules. Interaction terms between the compounds are also explicitly entered. In these models, the composition will have an effect on the type and amount of the components, which can mostly not be expressed analytically. To obtain the Gibbs energy of the phase at a certain composition, the amounts of the different components have to be optimised. Hence, the algorithm performing the Gibbs energy minimisation does not only calculate the set of phases with the lowest total Gibbs energy, it has also to calculate the set of components within some solution phases with the lowest energy for the phase under consideration. Detailed examples of thermodynamic models will be discussed in Section 2.2. 2.1.3 Assessment In general, the phase diagram or parts of it are known, and the Gibbs energies of the phases are not. Before the phase diagram can be calculated from the description, the inverse problem has to be solved. The 10 2.1. THE CALPHAD METHOD procedure in which it is attempted to find the most suitable Gibbs energy descriptions based on the available experimental data is called an assessment or optimisation. The approach is step-wise, which means first of all, the standard state of pure elements is defined. Next, the binary systems are optimised, after which ternary and higher order systems can be tackled. Model selection The first step in developing a thermodynamic description of a binary system is the choice of suitable thermodynamic models for all phases. Schmid-Fetzer et al. [12] discuss the recommended practice for producers of assessed thermodynamic data. On the one hand, the model should reflect the arrangement of the atoms in the crystal structure as accurately as possible. On the other hand, the model should be as simple as possible. A balance between these two requirements should lead to an optimal description. Also, the selected model for phases that form multicomponent solutions should be flexibly extendable to higher order systems. Probably other subsystems have already been optimised. To be compatible with the other subsystems, the same model has to be used for the phases that form higher order solutions. In some cases this may not be the most appropriate model for the considered subsystem. When a different model is selected, a reoptimisation of the other subsystems would be required to enable the construction of a multicomponent database. Therefore, the same model will often be chosen to be compatible with earlier work. However, when the model used in the other subsystems is not suited for the considered subsystem, the most suitable model should be used. Experimental data The next step is gathering all available experimental data, which will be used to determine the unknown parameters in the last step. It is important that all data is considered, and that the original data are collected. The use of derived data or compilations of phase diagrams may obscure the actual conditions of the measurements and their errors. Generally, the data of interest is divided into two groups: phase diagram data and thermodynamic data. It is considered positive when enough data is available in both groups, because of their different function in the optimisation process. Phase diagram data is data on phase boundaries, such as liquidus temperatures, solubilities, or primary phase regions. They are rather phenomenological, as they show what should be 11 CHAPTER 2. CALCULATING OXIDE PHASE DIAGRAMS the result of the Gibbs energy minimisation. Thermodynamic data, on the other hand, can give a more direct view on the variation of the Gibbs energies as a function of temperature and composition. These data could be heat capacities, activity coefficients, as well as enthalpies of reaction or solution. Optimisation of parameters The last step in an assessment is the optimisation of the parameters itself. Mostly this will be preceded by a series of trial-and-error calculations to decide which Gibbs energy terms and interaction parameters are needed to qualitatively reproduce the experimental data. At this stage it could appear that certain data are conflicting with other more reliable sources. It is possible that those data are disregarded in the further process. When it is known which parameters are needed and which data sets will be used, an accuracy is assigned to the experimental data sets. Next, a penalty can be calculated for every data point, determined by the squared difference between calculated and experimental data multiplied by a weight factor. The data sets with higher accuracy will also receive higher weights. The penalty of all data points is summed, and it is attempted to minimise the total penalty (least squares) as a function of the unknown parameters, which is essentially a least squares problem. The set of parameters which gives the lowest (weighted) deviation from the experimental data, gives the optimised thermodynamic description. As a result of the uncertainties on the measurements, sometimes an accuracy of the parameter is calculated. However, for complex systems or models, optimisation software is not always available, and the parameters can be optimised by manual iterative adjustments. Iteration An important aspect of the CALPHAD method is feedback to earlier steps. Whereas, up to now, the method was presented as step-wise and straightforward, in practice iteration is necessary. Often, during the definition of parameters, the selected model will appear to be inappropriate. Or, the ternary data might throw a new light on conflicting data in the binary. This might lead to different conclusions and a reoptimisation of the binary. Another possibility is incompatibility of models for phases in different binary systems, which appear to form a continuous solution in the ternary. 12 2.2. SOLUTION MODELS FOR LIQUID OXIDES 2.1.4 Advantages and disadvantages The advantages of thoroughly assessed thermodynamic descriptions are numerous. Even when experimental data are limited, the descriptions provide realistic phase diagrams and thermodynamic functions over the complete relevant composition and temperature ranges. Moreover, consistent lower order assessments can be combined into larger databases, which together with specialised software packages, provide good estimations of complex multiphase, multicomponent equilibria. The major disadvantage is that the models are only as reliable as the available experimental data. When little data are available, a complete description might raise the impression that the system has been studied in detail. When using such a description for predictive calculations, care has to be taken with the results in regions were no experimental data is available. 2.1.5 Software Several software packages for thermodynamic calculations have been developed. The most used programs are Thermo-Calc [13], FactSage [14], MTDATA [15] and Pandat [16]. Except for MTDATA, all of them also provide tools for optimising model parameters. The differences between the software packages are in their user-friendliness, calculation strategy and implemented models. For instance, only FactSage can fully consider the most recent version of the quasi-chemical model. Thermo-Calc is mostly operated by command line, and Pandat has the only global minimisation procedure which is claimed never to give metastable results. Users with own databases can make their choice based on this kind of arguments. However, most users need a calculation tool with a suitable database for their application. Therefore, the quality of the available databases will often be the most important argument. For instance, FactSage is well-known for high temperature metallurgical liquids, whereas Thermo-Calc would have the most detailed steel alloy databases. 2.2 Solution models for liquid oxides Liquid oxides need particular models, as the different oxides can behave quite differently. Especially when silicon oxide is present, the thermodynamic description can become quite complex. Silicon oxide, the major acid oxide, forms large networks, which break up when basic oxides, such as CaO or MgO, are added. These basic oxides form metal cations which 13 CHAPTER 2. CALCULATING OXIDE PHASE DIAGRAMS prefer to be surrounded by silicate anions. Hence, there will be a preference for atoms to have certain neighbouring atoms in certain amounts. This behaviour is called short-range ordering, and can be described in various ways. The formation of networks can be described quite directly, as in the ionic two-sublattice model. The formation of second-nearestneighbour pairs can be described by a reaction, as happens in the modified quasichemical model. Or, complex compounds between the oxides can be postulated to exist in the liquid, which is the approach of the associate model. Even more approaches are possible, which will be discussed only briefly, as they are not so commonly used. A good model needs to capture the short-range order interactions to approximate the resulting configurational entropy as well as possible, without excessive detail obstructing efficient calculations. The use of a certain model is, however, not only related to the most appropriate physico-chemical description of the liquid. The more prosaic reason is often the possibility to use a certain model within a commercial software package, such as FactSage or Thermo-Calc. Also, once lower-order optimisations using a particular model have been performed, higher-order optimisations will often adopt these descriptions, which requires adopting the same model. As a result, the larger group of compatible optimisations will grow more easily. In the following paragraphs, the basic assumptions of the models will be discussed. First, the modified quasichemical model will be discussed in some more detail. Next, the ionic two-sublattice, the associate model, and the cell model will be summarised. The CaO-SiO2 system will be used as an example, as, firstly, it contains all the typical challenges for oxidic liquids. The Gibbs energy of mixing deviates strongly from ideality, with maximum ordering around the composition 2CaO.SiO2 . There is a miscibility gap at the SiO2 rich side. Secondly, the system is so important for slags that the phase diagram has been described with numerous models. 2.2.1 Modified quasichemical model In the modified quasichemical model, as described by Pelton and Blander [18], the slag is modelled as a mixture of oxides. The components are e.g. CaO or SiO2 , and when a metal can have different valencies, different components are considered, e.g. FeO and Fe2 O3 . Short-range order between the metal atoms (Ca-Ca, Ca-Si) is modelled by pair formation. Hence, only the order between second-nearest neighbours is taken into account, and the behaviour of oxygen is not explicitly considered. Further 14 2.2. SOLUTION MODELS FOR LIQUID OXIDES Figure 2.2: CaO-SiO2 phase diagram based on experiments. [17]. 15 CHAPTER 2. CALCULATING OXIDE PHASE DIAGRAMS improvements of the model have been described in [19–22]. Binary parameters In the original quasichemical model for a liquid with components 1 and 2, the interaction is described by defining different pair bond energies ²ij and entropies σij for 1-1, 1-2 and 2-2 pairs. In the modified quasichemical model, the description is changed by a coordination factor bi to find the maximum order at the right ratio, e.g. XSiO2 =1/3 and XCaO =2/3. Therefore the number of pairs and the Gibbs energy are defined in terms of equivalent fractions Yi : Yi = bi Xi , (2.3) The number of pairs of each kind is determined by the minimisation of Gibbs free energy. The Gibbs free energy is determined by the configurational entropy, and an excess term GE containing two parameters that can be adapted to fit experimental data. The first parameter is the molar enthalpy change of the formation “reaction” of 1-2 pairs from 1-1 and 1-2 pairs: ω = NA (2²12 − ²11 − ²22 ), (2.4) where NA is Avogadro’s number. The second parameter is the nonconfigurational entropy of the reaction η, which is defined analogously: η = NA (2σ12 − σ11 − σ22 ). (2.5) Both parameters form the Gibbs energy of the reaction, ∆g12 = ω − ηT , and may be expanded as functions of the composition and temperature for more detailed fitting, e.g. to reproduce a miscibility gap. The composition dependent terms for ω are noted as: ω= X ω kl Y1k Y2l , (2.6) in which k and l are chosen integers, of which mostly one or both are zero. Although more recent versions of the model also use expansion in the pair fractions [19]. The minimisation of Gibbs energy, determining the amounts of each kind of pairs, can be done analytically [18]. By writing the “equilibrium constant” of the pair formation reaction, the pair fractions can be expressed and filled out in the Gibbs energy of the reaction. The resulting excess Gibbs energy with the chosen parameters is: 16 2.2. SOLUTION MODELS FOR LIQUID OXIDES 2Y1 Y2 GE = (ω − ηT ) q ¡ ¢ 1 + 4Y1 Y2 e2(ω−ηT )/2RT − 1 (2.7) When ω is very negative, A-B pairs are strongly preferred. For example, in basic CaO-SiO2 slag, Ca-Ca and Ca-Si pairs predominate, and the amount of Si-Si pairs is approximately zero. For the liquid phase, the following quasichemical parameters were obtained (with ω in J/mol and η in J/(mol.K)): ω = −158218 − 37932 YSiO2 − 90148 Y5SiO2 − 439893 Y7SiO2 (2.8) η = −19.456 + 133.888 Y7SiO2 (2.9) The resulting Gibbs energy of mixing shows a strong V-shaped minimum at composition of maximum ordering, as shown in Figure 2.4. Figure 2.3: CaO-SiO2 phase diagram using a quasichemical liquid model from Eriksson et al. [23]. Higher order description For ternary or higher order systems, the description of the model is comparable. An energy is defined for every pair exchange reaction. This energy is mostly known from the binary system and needs to be extrapolated to the ternary system, as discussed 17 CHAPTER 2. CALCULATING OXIDE PHASE DIAGRAMS 0 Gibbs energy of mixing (J/mol) -10000 1600°C -20000 -30000 -40000 -50000 -60000 -70000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 xSiO2 Figure 2.4: Gibbs energy of mixing in the quasichemical CaO-SiO2 liquid after Pelton and Blander [18]. in the next paragraph. However, the Gibbs energy for a multicomponent system is no longer an analytical expression which can be calculated a priori. It is the result of a minimisation of the Gibbs energy for a certain composition, by adjusting the pair fractions, subject to mass balance constraints. Therefore, the quasichemical model needs specific procedures to be programmed in the calculation software. Extrapolation from binary to ternary systems In order to estimate a ternary diagram when the binary systems have been optimised, an assumption has to be made to approximate the effect of the binary parameters in the ternary system. Indeed, the interaction parameters between a set of two components i and j, ωij and ηij are known in the binary system. To know their influence when a third component is present, Pelton and Blander [18] suggest two methods. The geometric interpretation of those methods is shown in Figure 2.5. For a certain point in the ternary system, ωij and ηij are approximated. In the symmetric approximation (also called Kohler model), ωij and ηij are assumed constant along lines of constant ratios of the equivalent molar fractions, Yi /Yj . In the asymmetric approximation (also called Kohler-Toop model), the interactions involving the asymmetric component (component 1 in Figure 2.5) are assumed constant at lines of constant Y1 , while ω23 and η23 are constant at constant Y2 /Y3 . 18 2.2. SOLUTION MODELS FOR LIQUID OXIDES Pelton [24] also considers a third model, the Muggianu model, in which the interactions are constant along lines of constant Yi −Yj . This is an often used and simple approach to extrapolate Redlich-Kister terms, which are interactions expressed in (Yi − Yj )k . However, it is not considered very realistic by Pelton [24], and it is never used with the quasichemical model. Symmetric and asymmetric models can give greatly different results. If the binary excess Gibbs energies are large and the interactions are clearly asymmetric, not choosing an asymmetric model can lead to problematic ternary diagrams. Pelton [24] gives the following example. Component 1 is chemically different, and component 2 and 3 mix ideally and have exactly the same negative interactions with 1. One would expect a constant behaviour when substituting 2 with 3, however, when a symmetric model is used, an incorrect region of immiscibility appears. When only one acidic component is present in an oxide system, the best results are indeed obtained by taking it as the asymmetric component. For instance, in the CaO-MgO-SiO2 system, CaO and MgO have comparable strong interactions with SiO2 . These interactions depend on the basicity (CaO+MgO)/SiO2 , hence on the amount of SiO2 , rather than on the ratios CaO/SiO2 and MgO/SiO2 independently. 1 w23 = const. w23 = const. 1 w 31 = st. co n w12 = const. w31 = const. w 12 =c on st. 3 2 Symmetric approximation 3 2 Asymmetric approximation Figure 2.5: Symmetric and asymmetric approximations for estimating ωij in a ternary system from binary values. The same relations hold for ηij . The composition coordinates are not mole fractions but equivalent fractions Y1 , Y2 and Y3 . After Pelton and Blander [18]. Ternary parameters If experimental ternary data are available, the ternary solution model can be further refined by adding ternary terms to 19 CHAPTER 2. CALCULATING OXIDE PHASE DIAGRAMS the Gibbs energy expression [18]: k l m GE = GE bin + φklm Y1 Y2 Y3 (2.10) in which GE bin is the approximation from the binary terms, and φ is an adjustable parameter, and k, l and m are chosen positive non-zero integers. With this formulation, the parameters are zero in the binary systems, so they do not have an effect on previous lower order work. One or more of these terms can be added. The binary models should of course be good enough so that the ternary parameters can be small. In a more recent version of the model by Pelton and Chartrand [20], a more complex definition [25] for the ternary terms is used. They are dependent on the chosen extrapolation approximation. For example, in a symmetric system, the influence of component 3 on the 1-2 interaction is written as: µ ∆g12 = bin ∆g12 + φklm 12(3) Y1 Y1 + Y2 ¶k µ Y2 Y1 + Y2 ¶l Y3m , (2.11) which is essentially a 1-2 interaction multiplied with the m-th power of the fraction of component 3. If component 1 is an asymmetric component, this reads: µ ¶m Y3 bin klm k l ∆g12 = ∆g12 + φ12(3) Y1 (1 − Y1 ) . (2.12) Y3 + Y2 In this case, not the relative fractions of Y1 and Y2 are the main variables, but the absolute fraction Y1 is. The effect of the latter parameter will extend “parallel” to the concentration of component 1, whereas the the parameter for a symmetric system will extend towards component 3. This difference is illustrated schematically in Figure 2.6. Extrapolation to multicomponent systems In Pelton [24], it is shown how different binary and ternary parameters can be used in multicomponent systems. Also the different assumptions on the extrapolation of binary terms in the ternary have to be combined. To that end, another set of composition variables is defined: ξij = Yi + X Yk (2.13) k The summation is made over all components k in asymmetric i − j − k systems where j is the asymmetric component. This variable is used in the 20 2.2. SOLUTION MODELS FOR LIQUID OXIDES 1 1 w10 w10 f102 12(3) f102 12(3) 3 2 3 2 Symmetric approximation Asymmetric approximation Figure 2.6: Schematic illustration of the region in a ternary diagram where a 10 is active in ternary parameter is active. The binary parameter ω12 the 1-2 binary, more on the side of component 1. The ternary parameter φ102 12(3) influences the 1-2 interaction on the side of component 3, but the exact location depends on the chosen extrapolation scheme. above equations instead of Yi in most, but not all, places. It is clear that this complicates the model even further, but such a description is needed to be able to treat any subsystem freely as symmetric or asymmetric. Essentially, the description in [24] provides a complex but reasonable summation of parameter contributions from different binary and ternary system with different descriptions, even with other than quasichemical interaction parameters. 2.2.2 Ionic two-sublattice model In the ionic liquid model [26, 27], the components of the slag are ions. For slags, metal cations (Ca2+ , Fe3+ ), oxygen (O2− ) and silicate anions 2− (SiO4− 4 and sometimes SiO3 ) are considered. The mixture also contains 0 the neutral SiO2 , which is used to represent the pure liquid silica network. Sometimes other complex ions are considered for a better description, for example, AlO− 2 [28, 29]. The cations and anions are divided over two sublattices, indicating that the components on one sublattice have the components of the other sublattice as their nearest neighbours. Cations mix on one sublattice and anions mix on the other. The neutral variants mix on the same sublattice as the other ions of the same metal. For 0 example, the CaO-SiO2 system is noted as (Ca2+ )p (O2− , SiO4− 4 , SiO2 )q by Hillert et al. [30]. The indices p and q indicate that the number of 21 CHAPTER 2. CALCULATING OXIDE PHASE DIAGRAMS sites on both sublattices varies with the composition. Without SiO2 , the system is described by (Ca2+ )0.5 (O2− )0.5 . Without CaO, the neutrality condition forces the silicon oxide to be neutral, and only (SiO02 )1 remains. At the composition of maximum ordering, the system will approach (Ca2+ )0.67 (SiO4− 4 )0.33 . Hence, the composition influences the type of species present, which describes the ordering in this model. The Gibbs energy of certain combinations, such as the pure liquid oxides and (Ca2+ )2 (SiO4− 4 ), is defined first. For detailed fitting, interactions Li,j:k can be defined between components i and j on one lattice in the presence of a certain component k on the other lattice. The influence of such a term on the Gibbs free energy is: GE = yi yj yk Li,j:k , (2.14) in which y is the site fraction, i.e. the fraction of the component on the sublattice. Li,j:k can be temperature and composition dependent. The model has been updated for improved compatibility with other models. The version by Sundman [27] is equivalent with a simple substitutional regular solution model for a single sublattice. This means, if only one sublattice is used, the model and the interaction parameters formally reduce to the commonly used regular solution model. Moreover, when composing the sublattice model, interactions of components that reside on the same sublattice might already be optimised with a regular solution model. These interactions can then be implemented directly into the two-sublattice model. However, the consideration of the interaction of components without a second sublattice may only be sensible for neutral species and not for ions. In Figure 2.7 the CaO-SiO2 phase diagram from Hillert et al. [30], updated for rankinite (3CaO.2SiO2 ) [31], is shown. The Gibbs energy of (Ca2+ )2 (SiO4− 4 ) is expressed as GLiq (Ca2+ ) 4− 4 (SiO4 )2 Liq −1 = 2GLiq CaO + 2GSiO2 − 390979 J mol , (2.15) The excess Gibbs energy in the liquid is given by interaction terms on the anion sublattice: ´ L + 1 L(yO2− − ySiO02 ) + 2 L(yO2− − ySiO02 )2 (2.16) ´ ³ + 2ySiO4− .ySiO02 . 0 L + 1 L(ySiO4− − ySiO02 ) + 2 L(ySiO4− − ySiO02 )2 GE = yO2− .ySiO02 . 4 22 ³ 0 4 4 2.2. SOLUTION MODELS FOR LIQUID OXIDES Figure 2.7: CaO-SiO2 phase diagram using an ionic two-sublattice liquid model from Hillert et al. [31]. 23 CHAPTER 2. CALCULATING OXIDE PHASE DIAGRAMS As there is only one cation on the other sublattice, the third component k from equation 2.14 is not explicitly considered here. The parameters n L are linear functions of temperature (in SI units): 2.2.3 0 L = −37.687 T 1 L = −153124 + 65776 T 2 L = −33772 − 11.132 T 3 L = −39132 (2.17) Associate liquid model In the associate liquid model [32], the components in the liquid are not only the pure oxides, but also compounds between them, the so-called associates. These compounds mostly correspond to existing solid compounds, but can also be postulated. They contain up to three different elements and oxygen. All associates are multiplied with a stoichiometry factor to have exactly 2 non-oxygen atoms, for a consistent “molecular size”, even if this makes the associates look rather unphysical. This is noted by adding a colon and the stoichiometry factor after the notation with integer stoichiometry. As an example, in the CaO-SiO2 system, Besmann and Spear [33] consider the following components in the liquid: the end-member species Ca2 O2 and Si2 O4 plus the associate species Ca2 SiO4 :2/3 (i.e. Ca4/3 Si2/3 O8/3 ), Ca3 SiO5 :1/2, and CaSiO3 . A Gibbs free energy of formation is attributed to the complex components in the liquid. This energy can be experimentally observed, e.g. for an existing solid compound of which the heat of fusion and the capacity in the liquid is known, or estimated. Originally, the pure oxides and the associates were all assumed to mix ideally in the liquid. In the more recent work, detailed fitting of miscibility gaps is performed by defining a limited number of regular solution terms for positive interactions between the components. For any composition, the fraction of each component can be calculated by minimisation of the Gibbs energy. Also here, changes in compositions lead to changes in the species present, and to the desired short-range order behaviour. In Besmann and Spear [33], the Gibbs energy of the associate species in the CaO-SiO2 system is not given. The excess energy, determined by “trial and error”, is given by: GE = X(1 − X) [(141000 − 65T) + (−10000 − 10T)(1 − 2X)] , 24 (2.18) 2.2. SOLUTION MODELS FOR LIQUID OXIDES in which X is the mole fraction of Si2 O4 . The resulting phase diagram is shown in Figure 2.8. Figure 2.8: CaO-SiO2 phase diagram using an associate liquid model from Besmann and Spear [33]. 2.2.4 Cell model The Kapoor-Frohberg cell model [34] describes the liquid as a mixture of symmetric (i-O-i) and asymmetric cells (i-O-j). For example, in the CaO-SiO2 system, Ca-O-Ca, Si-O-Si and Ca-O-Si are considered. The Gibbs free energy of the symmetric cells corresponds to that of the pure liquid oxides. The Gibbs energy of the asymmetric cells is modified with an excess term, expressed as a reaction energy term W for the formation of one mole of cells. W can be dependent on the composition. Although the formulation is different, the model concept and the resulting Gibbs energy seem to be quite close to the quasichemical model [35, 36], as the cell model also describes some kind of reaction from symmetric secondnearest neighbour pairs to asymmetric pairs or cells. Besides the reaction 25 CHAPTER 2. CALCULATING OXIDE PHASE DIAGRAMS energy W, also an interaction energy E between Si-O-Si and asymmetric cells is defined. The model was used by Gaye and Welfringer [37] for the description of slags in iron and steel production (IRSID model, also called CEQSI) and applied to inclusion formation [38]. However, the description of the solid phases in the IRSID model is very basic. The description may be good for multicomponent slags in equilibrium with iron, but the different binary and ternary systems do not correspond to experimental data [35]. However, the cell model is also used for qualitative optimisations starting from binary systems. For example, the CaO-SiO2 phase diagram according to Taylor and Dinsdale [39] is given in Figure 2.9. Also, the Gibbs energy of mixing in the liquid is given in Figure 2.10. The optimised parameters in the liquid phase are (in J/mol): W = −49953.11 − 6906.437 XSiO2 E = −52244.52 + 106715.81 XSiO2 − 43390.716 2.2.5 (2.19) X2SiO2 (2.20) Other models Different other models have been applied to oxidic liquids. For instance, Hoch [40] used a polynomial representation of liquid complexes. Kim and Sanders [41] used a standard regular solution model. The stoichiometricMargules model by Berman and Brown [42] can also be mentioned. However, all of these approaches were limited to one or a few optimisations, and it is therefore unlikely that they will lead to large multicomponent databases. 2.2.6 Comparative remarks As can be seen on CaO-SiO2 phase diagrams in Figures 2.3, 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9, all models are capable of providing a good description for this complicated system. It is also clear from Figures 2.4 and 2.10 that the eventual shape of the mixing energy in the liquid is rather similar. Only, the description of the miscibility gap in the cell model [39] leads to somewhat higher demixing temperatures, but, according to the authors, this could probably be covered by assigning more weight to the miscibility gap data in the assessment. The short-range order and the miscibility gap can thus be covered with any of the models. Hence, the question is not whether the models are suitable for two-component slags. Rather, the results on 26 2.2. SOLUTION MODELS FOR LIQUID OXIDES Figure 2.9: CaO-SiO2 phase diagram using a Kapoor-Frohberg cell liquid model from Taylor and Dinsdale [39]. 27 CHAPTER 2. CALCULATING OXIDE PHASE DIAGRAMS 0 Gibbs energy of mixing (J/mol) -10000 3000 K 2200 K -20000 -30000 -40000 -50000 -60000 -70000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 xSiO2 Figure 2.10: Gibbs energy of mixing in the cell model CaO-SiO2 liquid after Taylor and Dinsdale [39]. extension to ternary and multicomponent systems will be a criterion to evaluate the validity of a model. The quasichemical model leads to complicated excess energies, but the ternary interaction terms are mostly limited and not too complicated. The model was also criticised by Saulov [43], as it can lead to physically unrealistic pair fractions due to the complex equations. In their reply, Pelton and Chartrand [44] state these unrealistic solutions can only occur with unrealistic parameters. In the two-sublattice model, extension to ternary systems often leads to miscibility gaps or deviations which are hard to eliminate using ternary interactions [29, 35]. The associate and cell models have quickly been extended to multicomponent systems, but the quality of the published sections seems to be inferior to those produced with datasets of the quasichemical and twosublattice models. Fabrichnaya et al. [35] compared the two-sublattice model with the cell model for the MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 system. They concluded that, whereas in the binary systems the models yield comparable phase diagrams, extension to the ternary leads to greatly different results. Figure 2.12 shows a comparison of the liquidus surfaces using both models. The primary phase fields have irrealistically curved shapes in the two-sublattice model. When comparing with the accepted experimental diagram in Figure 2.11, 28 2.3. CONCLUSION it is clear that the cell model is superior in this case. Possibly, the introduction of a new species in the two-sublattice model, e.g. AlO− 2 as in [28], could have lead to better results. However, this species was not needed for the binary systems. This means the binary descriptions are not readily extendable to the ternary for this system. The same system has been optimised with the quasichemical model by Jung et al. [45], with satisfying results. The primary phase fields are similar to the calculation using the cell model, or possibly even closer to the experimental diagram, as shown in Figure 2.13. Liq2 Cr Tr Ppx Cord Mul Sap Ol Sp Al2O3 Hal Figure 2.11: Experimental MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 liquidus surface. [17] Abbreviations from [35] added for comparison with Figure 2.12-2.13. 2.3 Conclusion This chapter first discussed the basic principles of thermodynamic phase diagram modelling. Only with an appropriate model, it is possible to find a good description of systems exhibiting short range order, such 29 CHAPTER 2. CALCULATING OXIDE PHASE DIAGRAMS Figure 2.12: Comparison between calculated MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 liquidus surfaces using the Kapoor-Frohberg cell model (left) and the twosublattice ionic liquid model (right), from Fabrichnaya et al. [35] SiO2 Liq2 Cr Ppx Tr Cord Ol Sap Hal MgO Mul Sp weight percent Al2O3 Al2O3 Figure 2.13: Calculated MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 liquidus surface using the quasichemical model, after Jung et al. [45] 30 2.3. CONCLUSION as liquid oxides. Therefore, secondly, this chapter discussed the various approaches to model liquid oxides. The solution model for the liquid determines the possibility to extend the model to multicomponent systems, and the compatibility of new optimisations into existing databases. The modified quasichemical model was discussed in most detail, as it integrates the most versatile extrapolations to multicomponent systems, and has been proven very suitable to model oxide systems. In the next chapter, it will appear the most detailed description of the multicomponent system CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 has been developed using the modified quasichemical model. 31 CHAPTER 2. CALCULATING OXIDE PHASE DIAGRAMS 32 Chapter 3 Thermodynamic assessments within the CaO-CrOx-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system The CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 system consists of the five major components in stainless steel slags. Several CALPHAD-assessments have been performed in the system under consideration. The larger set fits within the quasichemical framework and is part of the FACT-databases. Also using other models, considerable parts have been optimised. In what follows, the notation “CrOx ” will be used for the concept “chromium oxide”, be it CrO or Cr2 O3 or a combination of both. Chromium oxide in the liquid solution needs at least two components to be modelled. However, those components (e.g. CrO and Cr2 O3 ), are never modelled separately, and an optimisation with chromium oxide should always contain both valencies to be complete. Therefore, the pO2 dependent system CaO-CrOx -SiO2 will be called a ternary system, although strictly speaking, four components are needed to describe it. 3.1 Based on quasichemical liquid models All ten binary systems have been optimised. When there are several assessments, only the most recent one is given. The CaO-CrOx and CrOx -Al2 O3 systems were assessed by Degterov and Pelton [46]. Wu et al. [47] considered the CaO-MgO system. CaOAl2 O3 was taken care of by Eriksson and Pelton [48]. The CaO-SiO2 33 CHAPTER 3. ASSESSMENTS WITHIN CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 MgO Al2O3 CrO Cr2O3 CaO MgO CrO Cr2O3 CrO Cr2O3 CaO Al2O3 SiO2 CaO CrO Cr2O3 CaO Al2O3 SiO2 CaO MgO SiO2 MgO CrO Cr2O3 Al2O3 Figure 3.1: Approximation assumptions for the optimised ternary systems using the quasichemical model within CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 . Symmetric approximations are indicated by a slanted line, whereas asymmetric approximations are indicated by a line of constant concentration of the asymmetric component. system was optimised by Eriksson et al. [23]. The MgO-SiO2 system was considered by Wu et al. [49]. Degterov and Pelton [50] modelled the CrOx SiO2 system, whereas Eriksson and Pelton [48] modelled SiO2 -Al2 O3 . To complete the list, both CrOx -MgO and MgO-Al2 O3 were optimised by Jung et al. [51]. All optimisations with CrOx use the components CrO and Cr2 O3 , and the interactions between these components are taken from the description for CrO-Cr2 O3 from Degterov and Pelton [46]. Seven out of ten ternary systems have been optimised. The CaOMgO-SiO2 system was optimised by Jung et al. [52]. Eriksson and Pelton [48] considered CaO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 , whereas CaO-CrOx -SiO2 was assessed by Degterov and Pelton [53]. The systems CaO-MgO-Al2 O3 and MgOAl2 O3 -SiO2 were modelled by Jung et al. [45]. An optimisation of SiO2 MgO-Al2 O3 was performed by Degterov and Pelton [50], and finally, the MgO-CrOx -Al2 O3 system has been considered by Jung et al. [51]. CaOCrOx -MgO, CaO-CrOx -Al2 O3 , and CrOx -MgO-SiO2 have not been optimised to date. The choice of symmetric and asymmetric approximation assumptions (cfr. section 2.2.1) is shown in Figure 3.1. It is noteworthy that Al2 O3 is mostly considered as a symmetric component, but is asymmetric in CaO-MgO-Al2 O3 . This is because in the vicinity of only very basic components such as CaO and MgO, Al2 O3 behaves as an acidic, or network-forming, component. All optimisations are compatible, and a coherent multicomponent database is available within the FactSage database package [54]. For the non-optimised systems, it is not explicitly published which approximation assumptions are used in the database. However, when no exceptions 34 3.2. BASED ON IONIC LIQUID MODELS are implemented, SiO2 is considered as an asymmetric component, and systems without SiO2 are considered symmetric. 3.2 Based on ionic liquid models For systems containing chromium within the quinary system under consideration, only the Cr-Cr2 O3 and Al2 O3 -Cr2 O3 systems have been optimised using an ionic liquid. Povoden et al. [55] considered Cr-Cr2 O3 using a (Cr3+ ,Cr2+ )p (O2− ,Vaq− )q description for the liquid. For the Al2 O3 Cr2 O3 system, Saltykov et al. [56] only considered Cr3+ and no Cr2+ in the liquid. For the remaining quaternary system CaO-SiO2 -MgO-Al2 O3 , all 6 binary systems and all 4 ternary systems have been optimised. The CaO-SiO2 system was optimised by Hillert et al. [31], as shown in Figure 2.7, and SiO2 -MgO was optimised by Hillert and Wang [57]. Both systems were slightly modified by Huang et al. [58] based on ternary information. An optimisation of CaO-MgO was performed by Hillert and Wang [59]. CaO-Al2 O3 was modelled by Hallstedt [60] and modified by Mao et al. [61] to include AlO− 2 , as this component was needed for the ternary system. The MgO-Al2 O3 binary was also optimised by Hallstedt [62] and updated by Mao et al. [61]. SiO2 -Al2 O3 was studied by Mao et al. [28]. The ternary system CaO-SiO2 -MgO was assessed by Huang et al. [58]. CaO-MgO-Al2 O3 was optimised by Hallstedt [63]. MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 was studied by Fabrichnaya et al. [35] although the results were better using the cell model, as shown in Figure 2.12. Finally, Mao et al. [29] modelled the CaO-SiO2 -Al2 O3 system, including the component AlO− 2 for the first time. The optimisations are included in the ionic liquid database for ThermoCalc (ION2 database). 3.3 Based on associate liquid models The optimisations with associate liquids are mostly aimed at higher order systems without the traditional stepwise expansion from the binary systems. Initially, the correct prediction of vapour pressures was the main concern. Hastie and Bonell [64] started with glasses within Na2 O-K2 OCaO-MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 and extended the range to Li2 O-Na2 O-K2 O-CaOMgO-Al2 O3 -Fe2 O3 -SiO2 [32]. However, no phase diagrams were calculated as this was not the focus at that time. In the quinary system under consideration, some binary and ternary 35 CHAPTER 3. ASSESSMENTS WITHIN CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 systems have been optimised. Ball et al. [65] modelled the CaO-Al2 O3 SiO2 system as part of the CaO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 -UO2 -ZrO2 system. Also the Al2 O3 -SiO2 was optimised as part of a large nuclear waste glass system by Spear et al. [66]. Besmann and Spear [33] optimised the CaO-SiO2 system, as shown in Figure 2.8, and the quaternary Na2 O-Al2 O3 -B2 O3 -SiO2 , of which only the Na2 O-Al2 O3 subsystem was calculated. Later, focused lower order optimisations were performed with the associate model. Besmann and Kulkarni [67] assessed the systems Al2 O3 -Cr2 O3 , Cr2 O3 -SiO2 , and Al2 O3 -Cr2 O3 -SiO2 , important for refractory materials, but without considering other valencies of Cr. Recently, also the Al2 O3 -SiO2 system was reoptimised in great detail by Yazhenskikh et al. [68]. Large multicomponent databases are available for use with MTDATA. 3.4 Based on cell liquid models The cell model was applied for a large Fe-containing slag database which is available in Thermo-Calc (SLAG2 database). The slag phase in this database contains the 12 elements Al, Ca, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, Si, O, S, P and F [69]. However, the model has not been used for many detailed optimisations of lower order systems. In the considered quinary system, only a few phase diagram calculations have been published. The CaO-SiO2 system was optimised by Taylor and Dinsdale [39], as shown in Figure 2.9. The MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 system and its subsystems were assessed by Fabrichnaya et al. [35]. Zhang et al. [70] considered the CaOAl2 O3 -SiO2 system. 3.5 Conclusion The quinary system CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 contains several important ternary systems, which have been optimised with different models and from different perspectives. Several multicomponent databases covering the system are available. However, most of them are not based on detailed optimisations, certainly not for Cr-containing systems. The FactSage database, on the other hand, does use a solid amount of wellassessed work using the quasichemical model. From the overview in this chapter, it is clear that this database represents the state of the art thermodynamic slag model for the system under consideration. Therefore, it will be used as a reference for comparison with the experiments, and a starting point for further modelling in the final chapter. 36 Chapter 4 Experimental methods for slag phase diagram determination This chapter gives an overview of the methods to determine phase equilibria in slag systems. First, some general remarks are made on possible static and dynamic experimental techniques. Next, the specific aspects of studying phase relations in pO2 -dependent oxide systems are discussed. In Chapter 6, the quenching methods used in this work will be discussed in more detail. 4.1 Studying oxide phase equilibria Jak and Hayes [71] discuss the experimental determination of phase equilibria in oxide systems. An overview of experimental methods used in oxide phase equilibria determination is given in Table 4.1. A first distinction is made between dynamic and static methods. 4.1.1 Static methods In static methods, a certain property of the sample is measured at high temperature. For example, in high temperature XRD, an X-ray spectrum of an equilibrated sample is measured ‘in situ’, or in hot stage microscopy, the microstructure of the sample is observed at high temperature. In EMF measurements, the electromotive force over an electrochemical cell at high temperature is measured. From this quantity, thermodynamic properties such as activities or Gibbs energies of reaction can be derived. 37 CHAPTER 4. SLAG PHASE DIAGRAM DETERMINATION Table 4.1: Summary of the principal experimental methods used in phase equilibrium determination in oxide systems, from Jak and Hayes [71]. Methods STATIC METHODS Electrochemical Vapour pressure X-ray powder diffraction Hot stage microscopy Calorimetry Equilibration/quench/ analysis DYNAMIC METHODS Thermogravimetric analysis Differential thermal analysis 38 Suitability for oxide systems Thermodynamic properties (e.g., ai , ∆G, ∆S) Knudsen - low metal vapour pressure, non-aggressive slags Reactive gas equilibration - low metal vapour pressure - pO2 control Isopiestic (constant p) equilibria high metal vapour pressures Phase detection/identification Extensive solid solutions - lattice parameters at temperatures Liquidus of low vapour pressure systems, transparent liquids Enthalpies, ∆H - of formation - of solution - of phase transition Liquidus of high viscosity fluids (e.g. high silica slags) Solid state phase equilibria Gas/solid reactions Gas/liquid reactions Rapid phase transitions (e.g. melting point of congruently melting compounds) Liquidus/solidus of low viscosity liquids 4.1. STUDYING OXIDE PHASE EQUILIBRIA The advantage of the static approach is that temperature, pressure and certain activities (such as pO2 ) can be precisely controlled. Also, it is mostly possible to allow sufficient time to reach complete equilibrium. However, the time can be limited due to reactions with the vapour phase or the containment materials. 4.1.2 Quenching methods The quenching technique can be considered as a static method, as the sample is equilibrated in controlled conditions. However, the equilibration is followed by rapid cooling, whereafter some properties are measured or observed at room temperature. If the phases present at high temperature can be conserved at room temperature, quenching methods have a superior accuracy and convenience as a result of the possibility to perform the measurements at room temperature. Phase relations and solutions in the solid state can be studied by this technique, as well as phase relations involving the liquid, in cases where the liquid can be quenched to a glass phase, or a well recognisable fine crystalline structure. In the first studies on oxide phase diagrams, executed by geologists, the analysis after quenching was performed by petrographic microscopy. As the phases were distinguished by their optical properties, those properties were often measured for newly encountered phases. Later, also industrially relevant slag systems were examined with this approach. Further on, X-ray diffraction was used for phase identification and characterization. Possibly the greatest improvement of the quenching technique, however, was the coupling with electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA). Up to that time, the limits of stability for a certain phase were determined by its presence or absence in the microstructure. For liquidus determination, the quenched samples had to be examined for the presence of a precipitated primary phase. Hence, several experiments at closely interspaced compositions and temperatures had to be performed in order to accurately define the phase boundaries. Moreover, the accuracy was limited by the ability to detect small quantities of the primary phase. EPMA, on the other hand, allows to measure the composition of quenched liquids or solid solutions, thus defining the limits of stability much more precisely. The difference can be compared to stepping from integer to float numbers, or from raster to vector graphics. Also, possible inaccuracies by evaporation of volatile metals [72, 73] or weighing errors are eliminated due to analysis after the experiment. Nevertheless, the approach without compositional analysis of the liquid is still used [74]. Older, but equivalent techniques can be found in the segregation or 39 CHAPTER 4. SLAG PHASE DIAGRAM DETERMINATION saturation techniques, schematically illustrated in Figure 4.1. In the segregation technique, the sample is held below the liquidus, and the primary phase (or multiple solid phases) are allowed to segregate. After the equilibration, the phases are sampled separately or separated physically or chemically. The individual phases are then chemically analyzed. In the saturation technique, the primary phases are added as a pellet or used as a container material to equilibrate with the liquid. This requires known, preferably stoichiometric, primary phases. By sampling or by mechanical means, the saturated liquid can be separated and chemically analyzed. precipitation saturation segregation by pellet liquid phase saturating phase inert material by crucible Figure 4.1: Different experimental set-ups for equilibration of a liquid with one or more solid phases. 4.1.3 Dynamic methods Dynamic techniques are based on the measurement of a property change occurring during a phase transformation in the system. For example, thermogravimetric analysis measures the weight of a sample as a function of temperature, and is therefore suited for reactions or phase transformations involving the gas phase. In differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the heat input into or output from the sample and a reference sample is measured during heating and cooling. During phase transformations or reactions, the enthalpy of reaction or transformation will lead to peaks in the heat flux. In differential thermal analysis (DTA), the heat flux to 40 4.2. PO2 -DEPENDENT SYSTEMS the sample and the reference is equal, and the temperature difference is measured. The disadvantage to measure equilibrium data with any dynamic technique is that the system is, by definition, in a non-equilibrium state. In systems with slow phase transformations, dynamic measurements are easily disturbed by kinetic and metastability effects. For example, it can be difficult to measure an exact transformation temperature using DSC if the transformation involves solid state diffusion. The maximum enthalpy release in DSC measurements is to be expected at invariant points, such as eutectics, where all of the liquid is transformed into solid phases at a single temperature, or vice versa. If solidus and liquidus temperatures are differing strongly, solidification or melting will occur over a wide range of temperatures. Due to the spread release of the heat of transformation in these cases, the uncertainty about the start and end temperature of the transformation can be high. Also, high-silica oxidic liquids are known to exhibit slow nucleation and growth and easy glass formation. For these reasons, Jak and Hayes [71] consider dynamic methods not appropriate for liquidus determination in highly-viscous slags, and only useful for fast reacting systems, such as some displacive, diffusionless transformations and highly fluidic systems. However, despite their limitations, dynamic techniques have been used successfully for silicate systems. For example, Claus et al. [75] determined the melting temperatures in the Li4 SiO4 -Li2 SiO3 region of the Li2 O-SiO2 system using DTA, and Kolitsch et al. [76] used DSC to measure the ternary eutectic temperature in Gd2 O3 -Al2 O3 -SiO2 . 4.2 Studying phase relations in pO2 -dependent systems Slag systems without metals with multiple valencies can be studied relatively easily in air. Most industrial slag systems, however, contain a transition metal that is to be reduced. Hence, these systems are dependent on the oxygen partial pressure in the gas phase. Often, the oxides of the same metal with different valencies behave completely different in the liquid. To study these systems in conditions that are comparable to those in industrial processes, the oxygen partial pressure mostly needs to be in the region where the reduction and hence the rapid changes happen, and therefore needs to be accurately controlled. Furthermore, the choice of crucible and support materials can be limited by the chosen atmosphere. 41 CHAPTER 4. SLAG PHASE DIAGRAM DETERMINATION 4.2.1 Controlling pO2 There are different possibilities to control the oxygen partial pressure. In earlier experiments, it was sometimes attempted to control the amount of oxygen and the metal valency in the sample rather directly, by enclosing the sample in a sealed container. However, this approach is reliable nor precise. Therefore, the sample is now mostly equilibrated in an atmosphere inducing a certain pO2 . The simplest approach is to use a flow of gas containing a certain concentration of oxygen, and gases that are inert or negligible. For example, using air is an easy approach to impose a pO2 of 0.21 atm. However, the flow of gas, as well as the concentration of oxygen, need to be abundant, so that the oxygen partial pressure does not change by reactions with the sample. Therefore, it is not possible to impose reducing oxygen pressures with this approach. Reactive gases provide a solution for a large range of oxygen pressures. In this approach, two reactive gases, such as CO and CO2 , or H2 and H2 O are mixed. At high temperature, the ratio of the gases leads to a dynamic equilibrium in the gas phase according to the equilibrium constant of the gases’ reaction, e.g.: 1 CO + O2 CO2 , 2 ∆G◦ = −281885 + 85.678 T (4.1) ∆G◦ values are averaged values from Rao [77], detailed values as a function of temperature can be found in Chase [78]. As the partial pressures of the reactive gases are several orders of magnitude larger than the partial pressure of oxygen, the oxygen partial pressure is not affected by the addition of small amounts of oxygen. When the amounts of reactive gases used are large enough, the reactive gases can form a buffer providing oxygen or absorbing oxygen from the sample without notably changing their ratio. As CO is a highly toxic gas it is sometimes preferred to work with mixtures of H2 and H2 O: 1 H2 + O2 H2 O, 2 ∆G◦ = −247392 + 55.849 T. (4.2) In both cases, the oxygen partial pressure can be easily calculated as a function of the volumetric gas flow ratios: 42 4.2. PO2 -DEPENDENT SYSTEMS µ = −2 Keq or = −2 Keq pO2 µ ¶−2 CO CO2 (4.3) H2 H2 O ¶−2 , (4.4) when the effect of the reaction itself on the imposed gas ratio is neglected. The respective equilibrium constant Keq is calculated as Keq = e −∆G◦ RT . (4.5) It is interesting to note that the equilibrium pO2 is not dependent on the total pressure of the reactive gases, but only on their ratio. Therefore, the mixture can be diluted with an inert gas without affecting the pO2 . As H2 O vapour is difficult to control, another option to avoid the use of bottled CO gas is to use a mixture of CO2 and H2 . The major equilibrium will then be: CO2 + H2 CO + H2 O, (4.6) ◦ ∆G = 34493 − 29.829 T Here, the initial ratio piH2 /piCO2 will not remain unchanged. The equilibrium has to be calculated from: Keq = = pCO pH2 O pCO2 pH2 (piCO2 (4.7) x2 − x)(piH2 − x) again neglecting the formation of O2 , and hence with the progress variable x=pCO =pH2 O . The oxygen pressure can then be derived using equation 4.3 or 4.4. The resulting oxygen partial pressure is shown in Figure 4.2. At high H2 /CO2 ratios, the equilibrium of reaction 4.6 is limited by the amount of CO2 . The resulting amount of H2 O is close to the initial amount of CO2 , whereas the amount of H2 remains virtually unchanged. As a result, the H2 /CO2 and H2 /H2 O ratios in the gas are similar, and the pO2 will approach that of reaction 4.2. At low H2 /CO2 ratios, most of the H2 reacts away and the amount of CO will be similar 43 CHAPTER 4. SLAG PHASE DIAGRAM DETERMINATION to the initial amount of H2 . This leads to a pO2 approaching that of reaction 4.1. To use reactive gases, the temperature needs to be high enough to enable the gases to reach the dynamic equilibrium. According to Bolind [79], there is no reaction in a H2 /H2 O mixture below 400◦ C. At 1300◦ C, a reducing mixture will equilibrate in less than 1 second. At that temperature, CO/CO2 mixtures still need more than a minute to reach the equilibrium pO2 . These calculations were based on reaction rate constants from Glassman [80]. The creation of radicals such as OH and O are rate limiting steps in the reaction mechanisms. Figure 4.2: Resulting oxygen partial pressure pO2 as a function of the ratio of reactive gases at the inlet, for different pairs of gases, at 1600◦ C. In some cases, only one reactive gas is used. For example, Fahey et al. [81] used pure CO2 as an atmosphere, leading to a pO2 of pO2 = (pCO2 /Keq )2/3 , (4.8) with Keq given by 4.1 and 4.5, when neglecting the effect of the formation of O2 on the pressure of CO2 . In this case, the advantage of having an oxygen buffer is lost, as the amount of CO is not much larger, but only double the amount of oxygen: 44 4.2. PO2 -DEPENDENT SYSTEMS pCO2 pO2 = piCO2 − x = x pCO = x/2. (4.9) (4.10) (4.11) Another possibility is the use of a pure metal as an oxygen buffer. For example, Devilliers and Muan [82] measured the CaO-CrO-Cr2 O3 phase diagram in equilibrium with solid chromium. In that case, the oxygen partial pressure is not directly controlled. Instead, the activity of the metal is imposed and equal to one. Because of the equilibrium between the metal and the oxide in the slag, also the pO2 is fixed, but unknown. Of course, the atmosphere has to be an inert gas, so that the pO2 can be controlled by the sample. The chosen metal has to be part of the slag system. The approach is also limited to systems where no other metal can be reduced from the slag by the pure metal, as both metals would probably form an alloy in which their activity is no longer known. 4.2.2 Containing the sample To contain the sample, there are essentially two major options. Either an inert container is used, or a reactive, saturating container is chosen. Apart from containing the sample, there are possibilities to perform containerless experiments using magnetic levitation. For oxide systems, the set-up mostly comprises a thin slag layer wetting a metal droplet to generate enough magnetic force. Controlling the temperature of such a sample is far from evident. This method is only used when extremely fast quenching is needed or no suitable solid containment material can be found, and will therefore not be considered further. Inert containers are mostly metals which retain sufficient strength at high temperature. Platinum is an interesting material with good formability. However, in reducing conditions, there is a risk of forming an alloy with a metal from the slag, e.g. Cr or V [83]. Because of low activity coefficients of these metals in Pt, a considerable amount of metal can be reduced to the alloy even at moderately reducing conditions. Pt is also rather expensive. Another often used option is molybdenum, which remains very strong at high temperatures. It can, however, only be used in reducing conditions, as otherwise a volatile oxide, MoO3 , is formed, and the container corrodes quickly. The oxide also dissolves in the slag. Another disadvantage is that Mo is difficult to machine, and becomes brittle after use at high temperature. Also Fe or C containers can be used at 45 CHAPTER 4. SLAG PHASE DIAGRAM DETERMINATION sufficiently reducing conditions. The use of iron is limited by its melting point at 1535◦ C. Reactive containers can be interesting when studying a liquid saturated in a pure oxide, such as MgO, Al2 O3 or SiO2 . Crucibles made out of these oxides are commercially available. It is even possible to use e.g. a Fe foil, which is oxidised to Fe2 O3 to serve as an envelope for the slag [71]. However, care has to be taken that only a limited part of the crucible will dissolve. Also, the porosity needs to be very low as the liquid oxide wets oxidic materials well. The second choice to make is how to support the sample. The sample can be hung on a wire of inert material, or placed on a support. The advantage of a hanging set-up in a vertical furnace is that the sample can be dropped in water to quench it, if the furnace design and the atmosphere allow that the furnace is opened at the bottom. The advantage of a supported set-up is that the vertical position of the sample is well known, and hence, its temperature is well controlled. 4.3 Conclusion In this chapter, a variety of methods to study equilibria involving a liquid oxide have been discussed. Static quenching methods are generally rather robust methods, if certain conditions are fulfilled. The quench should be fast enough, a suitable containment material has to be found, and sufficient time is needed for equilibration. For pO2 dependent systems, also the oxygen activity has to be controlled. Reactive gas mixing and metal saturation are the most used and most reliable methods to control this. Therefore, these will also be the methods used in the experimental work discussed later. 46 Chapter 5 Experimental investigations of the Cr2O3-MgO-SiO2 system The system CrOx -MgO-SiO2 contains various interesting materials, from refractory materials, such as magnesia-chrome bricks [84], to functional materials, such as the lasing chromium doped forsterite [85]. The elements O, Mg, and Si are abundant in the earth’s mantle, ranking first, second and third in average weight percent, and Cr is also estimated to be in the top ten [86]. Therefore, the system contains various minerals and is part of extensively studied geological systems [87, 88]. Within metallurgy, it is an important system to understand the behaviour of Cr in stainless steel or ferro-alloy making slags, or to understand the reactions between slags and refractory materials. In Chapter 3, an overview of the CALPHAD optimisations within the CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 system showed the CrOx -MgO-SiO2 has not been optimised to date. In Chapters 7 and 8, experiments and calculations will demonstrate that this leads to discrepancies reaching far into the multicomponent system. Therefore, an overview of literature containing experimental data on the system will be discussed in this chapter, which will serve as a basis for the assessment in Chapter 9. 5.1 5.1.1 Liquidus information Liquidus in air Keith [89] measured liquidus temperatures in air using equilibration, quenching and analysis by petrographic microscopy and XRD. The study 47 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENTS ON Cr2 O3 -MgO-SiO2 was part of a series of investigations on steelmaking refractory systems. The liquidus and the investigated compositions are shown in Figure 8.1. The maximum investigated temperature was 1850◦ C. A large miscibility gap is indicated, extending from the MgO-SiO2 binary around 1700◦ C to the complete Cr2 O3 -SiO2 system above 2100◦ C. Only a small area of liquid phase is found at steelmaking temperatures, around the composition of MgO.SiO2 . The solubility of spinel was also measured by Morita et al. [90], as indicated in Figure 5.2. Figure 5.1: Cr2 O3 -MgO-SiO2 liquidus projection in air from Keith [89]. Black dots are investigated compositions. Above 1850◦ C, the liquidus lines are assumed. The area with a grey border indicates a miscibility gap in the liquid. 5.1.2 Liquidus in reducing conditions The solubility of MgO.Cr2 O3 in MgO-SiO2 (-CrOx ) melts was determined by Morita et al. [91], and reused in [92]. The solubility was determined by saturation of MgO-SiO2 mixtures with MgO.Cr2 O3 pellets in CO/CO2 48 5.1. LIQUIDUS INFORMATION atmospheres and chemical analysis of the quenched liquid. The liquidus is shown in Figure 5.2. A considerable increase in CrOx solubility is noted as compared to the liquidus in air. The observed high MgO solubility in the liquid in equilibrium with spinel and M2 S is remarkable. Indeed, in air and in equilibrium with metallic Cr, the slope of the M2 S liquidus is flatter, and the M2 S solubility seems not so heavily affected by the CrOx content in the liquid. 30 70 pO2=2.73x10 L+SiO2 -10 atm in air SiO2 40 60 L wt% MgO wt% SiO2 50 50 L+MgO.Cr2O3 L+M2S 2MgO.SiO2 60 0 10 20 30 wt% CrOx Figure 5.2: Solubility of MgO.Cr2 O3 in CrOx -MgO-SiO2 melts at 1600◦ C after Morita et al. [91]. Morita et al. [91] also measured the total Cr and Cr2+ concentration in CrOx -MgO-SiO2 melts saturated with MgO.Cr2 O3 and M2 S, as a function of pO2 . Because of the use of CO/CO2 mixtures, the lowest reachable pO2 is limited by the formation of Cr7 C3 . This pO2 is, however, comparable to that of pure Cr formation. The amount of Cr2+ was determined by titration. The observed fraction of Cr2+ is quite low, however, as it is generally accepted that the majority (>90%) of Cr is Cr2+ at pO2 < 10−11 at 1600◦ C, and Cr2+ /Cr approaches 1 in equilibrium with Cr metal [46, 93]. It is considered difficult to maintain and determine Cr2+ fractions correctly, and an improved analytical method has been proposed by Wang et al. [94]. 5.1.3 Liquidus in equilibrium with metallic Cr The liquidus of CrOx -MgO-SiO2 in equilibrium with metallic Cr was measured by Collins and Muan, following the work of Collins and Muan [95] for CrOx -SiO2 . The original data of both systems, however, was never 49 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENTS ON Cr2 O3 -MgO-SiO2 9 Total Cr Cr2+ Cr7C3 satd. 8 7 wt% Cr 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 −14 −12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 log pO (atm) 2 Figure 5.3: Total Cr and Cr2+ concentration in CrOx -MgO-SiO2 melts saturated with MgO.Cr2 O3 and M2 S at 1600◦ C, after Morita et al. [91]. published. The liquidus without specific details on experimental set-up was published in an overview by Muan [96], only giving the experimentally studied compositions, as shown in Figure 5.4. Later, the liquidus was shown in Muan [97] and [17], without the compositions. Based on the dotted lines used at high temperature, the maximum studied temperature was around 1700◦ C. The liquid area at 1600◦ C extends from the MgO-SiO2 to the CrOx -SiO2 binary systems. Also the miscibility gaps in the systems MgO-SiO2 and CrO-SiO2 are connected. In the original publications of Muan [96, 97], the composition is indicated as weight percent (wt%) Cr2 O3 . However, the compositions of the stable or hypothetic solid phases MgCr2 O4 , Cr2 SiO4 and CrSiO3 rather correspond to wt% CrO. In the compilation of Verein Deutscher Eisenhüttenleute [17], the composition of these phases was corrected to match with the wt% Cr2 O3 scale, and the liquidus itself was left untouched. However, it is possible that the scale itself was erroneous, and therefore, the diagram should be interpreted as wt% CrO. As will be discussed later (Chapter 9), this seems reasonable when comparing the CrO-SiO2 binary with other ternary systems studied by the group of Muan. 50 5.1. LIQUIDUS INFORMATION SiO2 2 liquids Pro to MgSiO3 17 18 Cris ens toba lite tatit e 1700 160 0 150 0 00 00 Mg2SiO4 140 Forsterite (CrSiO3) 0 15 00 16 17 19 00 20 00 24 25 26 27 MgO 00 00 00 Periclase 21 Spinel 00 22 00 00 (Cr2SiO4) 18 00 Eskolaite 19 00 00 23 00 200 00 weight % 0 MgCr2O4 Cr2O3 Figure 5.4: CrOx -MgO-SiO2 liquidus projection in equilibrium with metallic Cr after Muan [96, 97]. The area with a grey border indicates a miscibility gap in the liquid. The black dots are experimentally studied compositions. It is unclear if the compositions scale should not be interpreted as wt% CrO instead of Cr2 O3 . 51 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENTS ON Cr2 O3 -MgO-SiO2 5.2 Solidus information The distribution of Cr between forsterite (M2 S) and the melt was studied by Mass et al. [98], as well as by Dudnikova et al. [99], as a function of pO2 . As Cr4+ is the active ion in chromium doped forsterite lasers [85, 100], also the Cr4+ /Cr3+ ratio was studied by Mass et al. [98]. In both studies, single crystals were grown in melts with 0.01-1 wt% Cr and log pO2 from -4 to 0. As the data concerns crystal growth, it is not certain that there is an equilibrium between solid and liquid. 5.3 Subsolidus information Subsolidus equilibria at high pressures in equilibrium with metallic Cr capsules were measured by Li et al. [101]. Temperatures ranged from 1100 to 1500◦ C. Samples were equilibrated, quenched and analysed by XRD, SEM-BSE, and microprobe. The major part of the results is given in Figure 5.5. Because of the high pressure, no liquid is observed at 1400◦ C, in contrast to the liquidus by Muan [96] in Figure 5.4. Apart from the relations with the liquid, the phase relations at atmospheric pressures are not expected to differ greatly from the observed results. At 1300◦ C, both MgSiO3 (MS) and Mg2 SiO4 (M2 S) show considerable solubilities for Cr. This solubility increases at 1400◦ C. The largest difference, however, is in the phase relations at the chromium rich side. There, the following reaction occurs when increasing the temperature: MgCr2 O4 + SiO2 → (Mg, Cr)SiO3 + Cr2 O3 . 5.4 (5.1) Thermodynamic information Morita et al. [91] measured the activity of CrO and CrO1.5 by equilibration of M2 S saturated melts with Ni-Cr and Cu-Cr alloys in CO/CO2 atmospheres, and wet chemical analysis of total Cr and Cr2+ content. The activity coefficients as a function of pO2 are reproduced in Figure 5.6 However, as the Cr2+ concentration measurements, shown in Figure 5.3, seem unrealistic, the derived activity coefficient data may be unreliable. 5.5 Conclusion In the review in this chapter, the Cr2 O3 -MgO-SiO2 appeared well-studied at different temperatures and oxygen partial pressures. The system is 52 5.5. CONCLUSION Figure 5.5: CrOx -MgO-SiO2 subsolidus phase relations in equilibrium with metallic Cr from Li et al. [101]. Sp=MgCr2 O4 , Esk=Cr2 O3 , Cpx and Opx=(Mg,Cr)SiO3 (clino- and ortho-pyroxene), Qz=SiO2 (quartz), Ol=(Mg,Cr)2 SiO4 (olivine) 53 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENTS ON Cr2 O3 -MgO-SiO2 24 20 gCrO1.5, gCrO 16 12 Cr7C3 satd. 8 gCrO1.5 gCrO 4 0 -13 -11 -9 -7 log pO2 (atm) Figure 5.6: Activity coefficients γCrO and γCrO1.5 in CrOx -MgO-SiO2 melts saturated with MgO.Cr2 O3 and M2 S at 1600◦ C, after Morita et al. [91]. heavily dependent on pO2 , with a very limited CrOx solubility in the MgO-SiO2 liquid in air, changing to an extensive liquid area up to the CrO-SiO2 binary system in equilibrium with metallic Cr at 1600◦ C. Apart from the phase relations with the liquid, also some subsolidus data is available, albeit at high pressure. These data show extensive solubilities of Cr in MS and M2 S in reducing conditions. The systems phase relations are thus reasonably well known. However, not all data appear to be fully reliable, and not all details on the experimental methods can be retrieved. Also, thermodynamic data in this ternary system is scarce. 54 Part II Research 55 Chapter 6 Experimental method In Chapter 4, it appeared that quenching methods are well suited to study oxide phase diagrams. Attention was paid to the non-evident issues of selecting a container for the sample and controlling the oxygen partial pressure for pO2 dependent systems. In this chapter, the experimental method applied for the experiments in the following chapters is discussed. The method consists of equilibration in a tube furnace, sampling or quenching, and EPMA analysis. During analysis, a correct interpretation of the quenched microstructure is important. These steps will be discussed in the following sections. 6.1 Equilibration and sampling Synthetic slag samples are prepared by weighing dried oxides CaO, SiO2 , MgO, Cr2 O3 , and Al2 O3 . Commercially available purity oxides are used, except for CaO, which is obtained by calcination of CaCO3 at 1000◦ C for 24 hours. After weighing, the mixtures of 10 to 100 g are dry mixed in a polyethylene bottle for 16 hours. Before melting, the samples are stored in a desiccator. The samples are equilibrated in a vertical tube furnace with MoSi2 heating elements. The furnace temperature is PID controlled within 1◦ C using a type B (Pt-6%Rh / Pt-30%Rh) thermocouple. The temperature in the centre of the furnace tube was checked to be within 1◦ C in a 40 mm zone for the employed setup, leading to an estimation of 3◦ C for the total accuracy of measurement and control. The difference between control temperature and the temperature in the constant zone is measured for every new furnace tube. The experimental set-up is shown in Figure 6.1. In most cases, the oxygen partial pressure is controlled by mixing bottled CO and CO2 using mass flow controllers (MFC). The maximum 57 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD flow rate of the CO and CO2 controllers is 500 ml/min and 100 ml/min, respectively, and specified flow rate errors are 0.2% of the maximum flow rate. Flow rates are set to minimum 10 ml/min CO2 to limit the flow rate errors. The furnace atmosphere is in a slight overpressure to allow the exit gas to run through a dibuthyl phthalate lock. A zirconia oxygen sensor (Cambridge-Sensotec Rapidox 2100) is used to check the oxygen partial pressure. When reactive gases are used, the sensor can only give an indication of the pO2 at the sensor temperature (650◦ C). To start a test, a molybdenum crucible with a weighed amount of powder is inserted into the low temperature zone of the furnace, and the furnace is gas tightened. After flushing with the CO/CO2 mixture, the sample is placed into the high temperature zone by lowering a sealed Mo hook. The molybdenum crucible is placed in a set of two alumina protection crucibles. The alumina crucibles are supported by an alumina tube and disc. Cylindrical alumina protection parts are on top of the protection crucible. Mo hook Sampling bars MFC CO Ar inlet MFC CO2 Mo crucible Slag sample Oxygen sensor Tube furnace Figure 6.1: Set-up for equilibration and sampling. Samples are taken without breaking the atmosphere, by dipping an alumina bar and retracting it to the cold zone of the furnace (<250◦ C). Also alumina tubes can be used for sampling if more volume is needed. Mostly, bars are used to minimise CO leakage risks. The alumina bars are sealed at the top flange of the furnace using perforated silicone rubber stoppers. A welding glass window is provided to facilitate operations. The 58 6.1. EQUILIBRATION AND SAMPLING sampling technique allows to quench samples in a few seconds. As liquid oxides tend to wet alumina well, the sample sticks well to the surface of the bar. Only when the sample undergoes large volume changes on cooling, as is the case when 2CaO.SiO2 is present in quantities larger than a few percent, it is difficult to retain the sample on the bar. For the experiments conducted in air atmosphere or equilibrated with Cr metal, a Pt or Mo envelope is used, respectively, instead of a Mo crucible. The envelope is hung in a vertical tube furnace together with a thermocouple for temperature verification. The samples are quenched in water after equilibration. For samples in equilibrium with solid Cr, a 1-2 g mixture is weighed directly in the envelope. Chromium oxide is added as Cr2 O3 + Cr, to give the molar composition CrO, and some excess metal is added. This is based on the method from Devilliers and Muan [82]. For compositions 39 and 40 in Table 8.1, the main part of the SiO2 and MgO is added as a 60 weight percent (wt%) SiO2 , 40 wt% MgO premelted slag, in order to facilitate melting and to fit a considerable mass inside the small containers. The necessary time for equilibration was determined by comparing glass matrix compositions for samples taken at different reaction times in CO/CO2 atmospheres. Mostly, these samples are taken for one preparation test, leading to a curve as shown in Figure 6.2. For the obtained data, an indicative fit with an exponential shape has been added. From such a single curve, it can be concluded that 8 hours are a sufficiently long equilibration time, as the increase in concentration between 8 and 24 hours is within the experimental errors. However, it can also be suspected that the observed change in concentration between 8 and 24 hours, although limited, might be physical, and will occur in all samples, and more precise results might be obtained after 24 hours. However, after 24 hours, samples at certain compositions can already be reacting with protection crucibles due to wetting of the Mo crucible. A balance between reasonable experimental times and a closer approach to equilibrium has thus to be sought. Therefore, in the following experiments, mostly a sample was taken after 8 and 24 hours. This provided a sample at a certainly sufficient, but sometimes experimentally challenging time (24 hours), and one already providing an estimation within errors (8 hours). Furthermore, having multiple samples per experiment allowed for further analysis of the equilibration behaviour. Figure 6.3 shows the evolution of the chromium concentration in the liquid as a function of the reaction time. The concentrations have been 59 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD 12 11 wt% Cr2O3 in liquid 10 9 8 7 6 5 experimental data indicative fit 4 3 0 5 10 15 time (h) 20 25 30 Figure 6.2: Chromium oxide concentration in the liquid as a function of reaction time for a single test. divided by the maximum observed concentration. It is clear that the maximum observed concentration is mostly observed after 24 hours. Also, several samples show a considerable increase in Cr2 O3 concentration after 8 hours. It is assumed that these samples did not reach equilibrium in the shorter time. Some samples show a decrease in concentration between 8 and 24 hours. It will appear in section 6.3 that the decreasing concentrations are artifacts in samples with a too high solid fraction. 6.2 Analysis After embedding the samples in resin, wet grinding and polishing, and coating with a carbon layer, the phase compositions are analysed using electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA, ARL SEMQ 34). Standardised wavelength dispersive spectroscopy (WDS) is performed on spots and areas, using pentaerythritol (PET), thallium acid phthalate (TAP), and lithium fluoride (LiF) crystals. The crystals and standards used for every element are given in Table 6.1. Except for Mo, oxide standards are selected. Apart from the elements in the system (Ca, Cr, Mg, Al and Si), also two expected contaminations, Mo and Fe were measured. As Fe was not found in relevant amounts (<0.1%), it will not be given in the compo60 6.2. ANALYSIS 1 0.95 normalized wt%Cr2O3 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 time (h) Figure 6.3: Chromium oxide concentration in the liquid divided by the maximum observed concentration in the set as a function of reaction time for sets of samples with the same overall composition. In case of multiple data points on the same coordinate, the area of the symbol is increased proportionally. sitions in what follows. Operating conditions comprised an accelerating voltage of 20kV, and a sample current on willemite of 20 nA. Suitable standards are also selected for interferences and background counts. The interference of Al on the Cr peak is measured on the glass standard, and the interference of Mg on the Mo peak is measured on the spinel standard. Except for Mo, the background counts on the peak positions are calculated using Mean Atomic Number (MAN) interpolation [102], in which the MAN is defined as: MAN = X wfi Zi , (6.1) i with wfi and Zi the weight fraction and atomic number of element i. For the interpolation, the counts on the peak positions are measured on a number of standards spread over a range of mean atomic numbers. A relation between the mean atomic number and the counts at the peak position is fitted for every element. Only the standards that do not contain the element or an interfering element are used. Some standards are added to the set in Table 6.1, as shown in Table 6.2. When measuring a sample with unknown composition, the compositions and the resulting 61 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD Table 6.1: Crystals, standards, and elemental concentrations in the standards for EPMA analysis. Element Al Ca Cr Fe Mg Mo Si Crystal TAP PET LiF LiF TAP PET PET Standard Glass Glass Eskolaite Hematite Spinel Molybdenum Glass Formula Si-Ca-Al-O Si-Ca-Al-O Cr2 O3 Fe2 O3 MgO.Al2 O3 Mo Si-Ca-Al-O El. wt% 8.4 22.1 68.4 69.9 17.1 100.0 24.9 MAN are first estimated. Then the compositions are corrected for the background, leading to a new MAN, which has to converge by iteration. For Mo, the background is estimated by off-peak measurements at both sides of the peak. Table 6.2: Standards used for background MAN fitting (in order of increasing MAN). Standard Spinel Glass Apatite Eskolaite Hematite Willemite Cobalt Nickel Sodium antimonate Cassiterite Molybdenum Anglesite 6.3 Formula MgAl2 O4 Si-Ca-Al-O Ca(PO4 )3 F Cr2 O3 Fe2 O3 (Zn,Mn)2 SiO4 Co Ni NaSbO3 SnO2 Mo PbSO4 MAN 10.6 12.6 14.1 18.9 20.6 21.3 27.0 28.0 35.5 41.1 42.0 59.4 Microstructure interpretation Two effects of the finite quenching speed are encountered in the microstructures, but appropriate measures can easily be taken. First, the matrix is often not completely glassy but consists of fine crystalline phases, frequently containing micron-sized secondary precipitates, as shown in 62 6.3. MICROSTRUCTURE INTERPRETATION Figures 6.4 and 6.5. Therefore, the matrix composition is measured on areas in the order of 100 µm2 . Sp L Figure 6.4: BSE image of a slag sample containing liquid and spinel. Due to the finite cooling speed on quenching, the liquid converted to a finely structured matrix, in which different crystalline phases have grown. Some amorphous quenched liquid may also be left. Second, due to the precipitation reaction during quenching, lower concentrations of the precipitating elements are measured in the neighbourhood of primary precipitates, which can sometimes be visually observed by the absence of secondary precipitates as in Figure 6.5. As shown in Figure 6.6, the precipitates sink during equilibration. As a result, different zones with a high and a low precipitate content are frequently encountered in a single cooled sample on the bar. In those cases, the low solid content zones are preferred for matrix analysis, as the matrix composition will be less affected by the presence of primary precipitates. Since the samples are small, however, it is possible that only a precipitate rich zone is found. In that case, a small underestimation of the solubility could be introduced. The underestimation could however be problematic with high precipitate fractions (>30%), hence samples with such a high precipitate content are not considered satisfactory and are not used for 63 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD L Sp S Figure 6.5: BSE image of a slag sample containing liquid, spinel and SiO2 (L+Sp+S) in which major secondary precipitation of SiO2 occurred. Due to the growth of the primary SiO2 precipitates during quenching, there is a lower concentration of SiO2 around them, and no secondary precipitates are formed there. Also the spinel particles act as sites for heterogeneous SiO2 nucleation. 64 6.4. CONCLUSION L L+E Mo crucible 1 mm Figure 6.6: BSE image of a slag sample containing eskolaite precipitates, cooled in the crucible. A clear sedimentation of the precipitates into the lower zone is observed. further processing. Third, a small increase of the Al2 O3 concentration is sometimes observed close to the alumina sampling bar. This effect is easily avoided by measuring at distances larger than 100 µm away from the bar. 6.4 Conclusion This chapter discussed the experimental techniques employed in the next two chapters. The method consists of equilibration at high temperature, sampling or quenching, and subsequent microprobe analysis. The pO2 is controlled by gas mixtures with a controlled CO/CO2 ratio, and in some cases by equilibration with air or Cr metal. The analysis was performed with standardised wavelength dispersive EPMA. As the sampling procedure only leads to a moderately fast quench, the microstructural artifacts induced in the quenched samples have to be considered. 65 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD 66 Chapter 7 The multicomponent system: liquidus of CaO-CrOx-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 In this chapter, the stainless steel slag system is simplified to its main components CaO, SiO2 , MgO, Al2 O3 , Cr2 O3 and CrO. As before, Cr2 O3 and CrO will be noted as one component, CrOx . The remaining quinary oxide system is the minimal system to describe a lime-silica based slag containing MgO.(Al,Cr)2 O3 spinel particles. The phase relations are investigated in the CaO-MgO-SiO2 -CrOx quaternary and the quinary system with Al2 O3 , at 1500 and 1600◦ C and in reducing atmospheres by quenching and compositional analysis of equilibrated samples, as described in chapter 6. In the first section, some specific details of the experiments in this chapter are dealt with. Next, the results will be compared with calculations based on FactSage databases (version 5.5). Finally, it will appear logical that the differences originate in two ternary subsystems. 7.1 Experimental approach Details on the experimental setup can be found in Section 6.1. The phase relations are studied in CO/CO2 ratios of 20/1 and 50/1. Using FactSage data, this corresponds to oxygen partial pressures of pO2 =10−9.36 atm at 1600◦ C for 20/1 and pO2 =10−10.16 atm at 1600◦ C and 10−11.04 atm at 1500◦ C for 50/1. The compositions of the starting powders are given in Table 7.1. The compositions are grouped for different basicities and Al2 O3 contents. To see the influence of basicity, two basicities are selected, 0.5 and 1.2. The 67 CHAPTER 7. CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 LIQUIDUS basicity of 1.2 is close to industrial practice. The value of 0.5 is interesting as a large increase in Cr2 O3 solubility is expected. As the relative precision will increase with higher concentrations, this lower basicity allows to study the influence of basicity with higher accuracy. To study the influence of Al2 O3 , four different levels (0, 10, 20 and 30 wt%) are selected. To study the influence of basicity in more detail, five samples with different CaO/SiO2 =C/S ratios are added. Finally, in every group a number of MgO and Cr2 O3 compositions are chosen in the expected hypersaturated liquid area, ranging from the system without MgO to the system without Cr2 O3 . In the last group, with changing basicities, the molar ratio MgO/Cr2 O3 is chosen equal to 1. Table 7.1: Compositions of starting powders Mixture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 68 wt% CaO 46.4 46.1 45.4 45.0 43.6 42.2 40.9 41.7 39.2 36.8 37.1 34.9 32.7 32.4 30.6 28.6 26.5 25.8 23.8 21.8 21.1 54.3 48.6 36.8 18.7 12.8 SiO2 38.6 38.4 37.9 37.4 36.3 35.2 34.0 34.7 32.7 30.6 30.9 29.0 27.2 27.0 25.5 23.8 53.0 51.7 47.6 43.7 42.2 36.2 40.4 43.2 53.3 60.2 MgO 0.0 1.0 4.2 6.4 12.5 18.8 25.1 0.0 11.3 22.6 0.0 10.1 20.1 0.0 8.7 17.6 0.0 4.4 18.4 31.6 36.7 2.0 2.3 4.2 5.9 5.6 Cr2 O3 15.0 14.4 12.5 11.2 7.6 3.8 0.0 13.5 6.8 0.0 12.0 6.0 0.0 10.5 5.3 0.0 20.5 18.0 10.3 2.9 0.0 7.5 8.7 15.8 22.1 21.3 Al2 O3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.1 10.0 10.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 30.0 29.9 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 B=C/S 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.2 0.85 0.35 0.21 7.2. RESULTS 7.2 Results The composition of the equilibrium phases in the selected samples and the standard deviations on the EPMA measurement are given in Appendix A, Tables A.1-A.3. The results are also plotted in Figures 7.1-7.10. The symbols indicate the stable phases, with their mineral names E=eskolaite, Sp=spinel, P=periclase, and L=liquid for the phases with extensive solubilities. For silicon oxide (normally cristobalite) S=SiO2 , and for the complex silicate phases, C2 S=dicalcium silicate and M2 S= forsterite, the common abbreviation of the chemical formula is used. Error bars indicate the estimate for the population standard deviation (±1s) on the EPMA measurements. 7.2.1 Liquidus The analysis using EPMA gives the composition of both the saturated liquid and the saturating solids. First, the composition of the liquid, hence the liquidus surface, is discussed. Liquidus of CaO-SiO2 -MgO-CrOx The liquidus results are presented as constant temperature, oxygen partial pressure, basicity and Al2 O3 content sections in Figures 7.1-7.4. In the figures, the composition of MgO and CrO+Cr2 O3 in the liquid is plotted. The total chromium oxide content is given both as total elemental wt% Cr, and expressed as trivalent oxide (Cr2 O3 ). Figure 7.1 and 7.2 show the phase diagram at 1600◦ C for B=1.2 for pO2 =10−10.16 and pO2 =10−9.36 atm respectively. In Figure 7.3, the liquidus at 1600◦ C for the lower basicity B=0.5 at pO2 =10−9.36 atm is presented. Finally, the liquidus for B=0.5 at T=1500◦ C and pO2 =10−11.04 atm is shown in Figure 7.4. The agreement with the calculations at the higher basicity B=1.2 is very good. Only one considerable deviation is noted for the measured eskolaite solubility. The solubility is systematically 2-3% (Cr2 O3 ) lower than calculated. As a result, in contrast to the calculations predicting spinel, eskolaite is also observed at 1.4% MgO in Figure 7.1. Hence, the three-phase equilibrium L+E+Sp should be at the higher MgO contents than calculated. When Figures 7.1 and 7.2 are compared, it is clear that an increasing oxygen pressure has a strong decreasing effect on CrOx solubility. At low basicity (B=0.5) in Figure 7.3 and 7.4, however, the situation is different. On the one hand, the results in the ternary subsystems on the 69 CHAPTER 7. CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 LIQUIDUS L+E L + E 12 L+Sp L+Sp+C2S+P L+C2S+P L+Sp 10 wt% Cr 8 L+Sp+C2S+P 6 4 L 2 L+C2S 0 0 5 10 15 L+C2S+P 20 25 wt% MgO Figure 7.1: Experimental liquid composition (symbols) compared to calculated phase diagram (solid lines) for CaO-CrOx -MgO-SiO2 . The phases present in the samples are indicated in the legend. B=CaO/SiO2 =1.2, pO2 =10−10.16 atm, T=1600◦ C. L + Sp L + + E E 12 L+E L+Sp L+Sp+C2S+P L+Sp 10 L + Sp + C2S wt% Cr 8 L+Sp+C2S+P 6 4 L 2 0 L+C2S 0 5 10 15 L+C2S+P 20 25 wt% MgO Figure 7.2: Experimental liquid composition (symbols) compared to calculated phase diagram (solid lines) for CaO-CrOx -MgO-SiO2 . B=C/S=1.2, pO2 =10−9.36 atm, T=1600◦ C. 70 7.2. RESULTS axes are comparable with the situation at higher basicity. In the system without CrOx , the M2 S liquidus is in good agreement. In the system without MgO, the eskolaite solubility is overestimated at low temperature and low pO2 in Figure 7.4. The points in the quaternary system, on the other hand, deviate strongly from the calculations. In Figure 7.3, the spinel liquidus is found at higher CrOx contents than calculated. Also, a sample was found to be completely liquid, whereas L+Sp, or less likely L+Sp+M2 S, was expected from the calculations. At lower temperature the L+Sp+M2 S point is found, but the same underestimation of spinel solubility is noted. In section 7.3, the possible reasons for the deviations will be examined. 16 L + E L+E L+Sp 14 L L+M2S 12 wt% Cr 10 L + Sp + M2S L+Sp 8 6 4 0 L + M2S L 2 0 5 L + SiO2 10 15 20 25 30 35 wt% MgO Figure 7.3: Experimental liquid composition compared to calculated phase diagram for CaO-CrOx -MgO-SiO2 with B=C/S=0.5, at pO2 =10−9.36 atm and T=1600◦ C. Influence of Al2 O3 Aluminium oxide is soluble in both spinel and eskolaite. Corundum (Al2 O3 ) forms a complete solid solution with eskolaite (Cr2 O3 ), and magnesia alumina spinel (MgO.Al2 O3 ) exhibits the same phenomenon with picrochromite spinel (MgO.Cr2 O3 ). Therefore, it could be expected that adding substantial amounts of Al2 O3 to the slag will promote the precipitation of eskolaite and spinel. This could result in drastic decreases in the solubility of CrOx . It will become clear, however, that the decrease 71 CHAPTER 7. CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 LIQUIDUS L+E L+E L+Sp L+Sp+M2S L+M2S L+Sp L L + M2S L+S Figure 7.4: Experimental liquid composition compared to calculated phase diagram for CaO-CrOx -MgO-SiO2 with B=C/S=0.5, at pO2 =10−11.04 atm and T=1500◦ C. in solubility is rather limited. In Figure 7.5, calculated phase diagrams are shown, indicating the effect of adding 10, 20 and 30 wt% of Al2 O3 to the system in the same conditions as in Figure 7.2. First, although the effect of those substantial additions of Al2 O3 is limited, a clear decrease in CrOx solubility is noted, through promotion of spinel and eskolaite formation. Second, for low CrOx and high MgO concentrations, the addition of Al2 O3 changes the primary phase. Whereas at 0% Al2 O3 C2 S was the primary phase in the system without CrOx , periclase is found at higher concentrations of Al2 O3 , until the spinel liquidus reaches the MgO axis (0% CrOx ), and MgO.Al2 O3 spinel precipitates before MgO. To compare the experimental results with the calculations, diagrams such as Figure 7.6 can be constructed, in which the phase diagram at a constant Al2 O3 concentration of 10 wt% is shown for T=1500◦ C and B=1.2. However, at higher oversaturation and higher Al2 O3 concentrations, these diagrams quickly become unsuitable. Indeed, samples with the same global Al2 O3 concentration, but different oversaturation cannot be plotted on the same graph, as the precipitation of phases richer or poorer in Al2 O3 leads to lower or higher Al2 O3 concentrations in the liquid. Then, the liquid compositions can not be plotted on a section with constant Al2 O3 concentration. The tie lines between liquid and solids are 72 7.2. RESULTS L + E L + Sp + E 10% Al2O3 20% Al2O3 30% Al2O3 L+Sp L+Sp+P L (L+P) Figure 7.5: Calculated phase diagrams in the five-component system CaOCrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 with B=C/S=1.2 and for 10%, 20% and 30% Al2 O3 (at any point in the diagram), at pO2 =10−9.36 atm and T=1600◦ C. also no longer lying in the depicted plane. Another approach would be to calculate the liquid composition for a compositional line through the experimental global compositions. Then, the liquid does not have a constant Al2 O3 concentration, but the calculated composition should be comparable with the experimental composition. This approach could be called “numerical precipitation”. Such a calculation, in comparison with experimental results, is shown in Figure 7.7 for 1600◦ C, B=1.2 and a global Al2 O3 concentration of 10 and 20 wt%. To allow a clearer evaluation of the influence of Al2 O3 on the liquidus, a different perspective is taken in Figures 7.8 and 7.9. These figures show the solubility of eskolaite and spinel, expressed as Cr solubility, as a function of Al2 O3 concentration in the liquid. For eskolaite, the experiments without MgO are shown, and the MgO content in the calculation is 0%. For spinel, the MgO and Cr2 O3 concentrations are diluted by the addition of Al2 O3 , as in the experimental powder compositions in Table 7.1. In both calculations, as well as for the experiments, the oxygen partial pressure is 10−9.36 atm and the temperature is 1600◦ C. From Figure 7.8, it can be seen that the difference between calculated and experimental eskolaite solubility, which was already noticed before, is 73 CHAPTER 7. CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 LIQUIDUS 12 L + Sp + E 10 L+E L+Sp L+P wt% Cr 8 L+E 6 L+Sp 4 L+Sp+P 2 L 0 L+P 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 wt% MgO Figure 7.6: Experimental liquid composition compared to calculated phase diagram in the five-component system CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 with B=C/S=1.2 and 10% Al2 O3 (at any point in the diagram), at pO2 =10−11.04 atm and T=1500◦ C. systematic and appears independent of Al2 O3 concentration. The agreement for spinel in Figure 7.9, however, is very good. For both phases, the influence of Al2 O3 on the solubility of CrOx is rather limited. For instance, adding 20% of Al2 O3 to the liquid changes the CrOx solubility with only 1 or 2%. Finally, the influence of Al2 O3 in the CaO-MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 system is shown in Figure 7.10 for T=1600◦ C and pO2 =10−9.36 atm. Whereas C2 S precipitates first when adding MgO to a CaO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 liquid at low Al2 O3 concentrations, the primary phase changes to periclase and spinel when adding more Al2 O3 . This evolution is also observed experimentally. The calculations seem to establish a small underestimation of the MgO solubility, but due to large errors on the MgO concentrations, no definitive conclusion can be drawn. The errors are probably due to the formation of MgO containing crystals. 7.2.2 Influence of basicity at MgO/Cr2 O3 =1 In Figure 7.11 and 7.12, a series of experiments is shown, in which the influence of the basicity on the CrOx solubility is analysed. In the overall composition, the molar ratio of MgO/Cr2 O3 (M/K) is kept constant at 1. 74 7.2. RESULTS experimental 10% Al2O3 experimental 20% Al2O3 L+E calculated 10% Al2O3 calculated 20% Al2O3 L+Sp L+P Figure 7.7: Experimental liquid composition compared to calculated liquid composition in the five-component system CaO-CrOx -MgOAl2 O3 -SiO2 with B=C/S=1.2 when equilibrating a sample with a global composition of 10% and 20% Al2 O3 , at pO2 =10−9.36 atm and T=1600◦ C. 75 CHAPTER 7. CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 LIQUIDUS atm atm wt% Cr in liquid atm wt% Al2O3 in liquid Figure 7.8: Measured and calculated eskolaite liquidus (shown as Cr and (Cr2 O3 ) solubility) as a function of the Al2 O3 content of the liquid with B=C/S=1.2. 3 atm atm 2.5 atm wt% Cr 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 wt% Al2O3 Figure 7.9: Measured and calculated spinel liquidus (shown as Cr and (Cr2 O3 ) solubility) as a function of the Al2 O3 content of the liquid, with B=C/S=1.2. The origin of the Al2 O3 axis has been shifted for clarity. 76 7.2. RESULTS 30 L+Sp L+ Sp L+P 25 L+P+C2S 15 L+P wt% Al 2 O 3 20 10 5 L+C2S 0 0 5 10 15 wt% MgO L+P+C2S 20 25 30 Figure 7.10: Experimental liquid compositions in comparison with lower Al2 O3 part of calculated CaO-MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 liquidus for fixed B=1.2. T=1600◦ C, pO2 =10−9.36 atm. 77 CHAPTER 7. CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 LIQUIDUS Therefore, the compositions can be plotted on a ternary diagram CaOSiO2 -MgO.Cr2 O3 , as in Figure 7.11. Notable differences are observed between the experimental observation and the calculated phase diagram. Mainly, the precipitation of spinel is calculated, but eskolaite is observed. Only at the highest basicity of 1.5, spinel is experimentally detected. Also, at high SiO2 content, a miscibility gap is observed, of which no experimental evidence was found. MgO.Cr2O3 L+E L+E+S L+Sp+C2S L+Sp L1 + L2+Sp L1+L2 +Sp+S L1+L2 L CaO L+C2S L+S SiO2 Figure 7.11: Experimental observations compared to calculated phase diagram for CaO-SiO2 -MgO.Cr2 O3 at pO2 =10−9.36 atm and T=1600◦ C. For the target overall compositions of the powder mixtures, the observed phase assemblies are indicated. The molar ratio MgO/Cr2 O3 is equal to 1 in both calculations and experimental compositions. When looking at the experimentally observed liquid compositions in Figure 7.12, the MgO/Cr2 O3 ratio is no longer constant, due to the precipitation of eskolaite. For the sample with the largest eskolaite precipitation, the M/K ratio increased to 1.7. Therefore, a calculated liquidus line at M/K=2 is added in Figure 7.12. It is however noted that this line is rather close to the liquidus at M/K=1. Therefore, it is still possible to 78 7.2. RESULTS compare the experimental info on this diagram, in which the MgO and Cr2 O3 concentrations are added to form the third coordinate. A clear observation can be made from this figure: the lower the basicity, the more the observed (eskolaite) liquidus differs from the calculated (spinel) liquidus. MgO+Cr2O3 Exp. L+E Exp. L+E+S Calc. M/K=1 Calc. M/K=2 L+Sp L1 + L2+Sp L1+L2 +Sp+S L1+L2 L CaO L+C2S L+S SiO2 Figure 7.12: Experimental observations compared to calculated phase diagram for CaO-SiO2 -Cr2 O3 +MgO at pO2 =10−9.36 atm, T=1600◦ C and MgO/Cr2 O3 =M/K=1. The observed liquid compositions and the observed phase assemblies are indicated. As eskolaite precipitates, whereas spinel is calculated, the molar ratio MgO/Cr2 O3 in the observed liquid composition is increased. As shown by the dotted line for MgO/Cr2 O3 =M/K=2 this does not strongly influence the calculated diagram. 7.2.3 Solidus Apart from some limited mutual solubility in C2 S and M2 S, the composition of the solids only deviates from stoichiometry when adding Al2 O3 . In Figure 7.13, the Al2 O3 content of eskolaite and spinel is plotted as a function of the Al2 O3 concentration in the liquid. The Al2 O3 content in 79 CHAPTER 7. CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 LIQUIDUS spinel rises faster than the concentration in the liquid, whereas the Al2 O3 content in eskolaite rises slower. The calculations are in good agreement, although the experimental points for both phases seem to indicate a more linear behaviour than predicted by the calculations. 50 experimental Sp calculated Sp experimental E calculated E 45 40 30 2 3 wt% Al O solid 35 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 wt% Al O liquid 2 3 Figure 7.13: Measured and calculated Al2 O3 content of spinel and eskolaite as a function of the Al2 O3 content of the liquid. T=1600◦ C, pO2 =10−9.36 atm. 7.3 7.3.1 Discussion: origin of the differences Eskolaite liquidus in CaO-CrOx -SiO2 Only one major point of deviation has been observed at B=1.2. The calculated eskolaite solubility is systematically 1-2 wt% Cr higher than the experimentally determined solubility, or a relative disagreement of about 20%. This can be noticed in Figures 7.1, 7.2 and 7.6, and in more detail for 0% MgO and varying Al2 O3 content in Figure 7.8. At lower basicity, the same error is observed at low temperature and low oxygen pressure in Figure 7.4. We believe this error originates in the ternary system CaO-SiO2 -CrOx . Indeed, for this basicity of 1.2 and at 1500◦ C, a similar difference can be observed in the optimisation paper by Degterov and Pelton [53] where the model is compared with ternary data from Pretorius and Muan [103]. 80 7.3. DISCUSSION: ORIGIN OF THE DIFFERENCES This comparison is shown in Figure 7.14. At lower basicities, the difference disappears, as confirmed by the ternary measurement of this work at B=0.5. At lower oxygen partial pressure, however, the overestimation of the eskolaite solubility seems to increase, especially for high or very low basicities. If the calculated eskolaite liquidus should indeed be corrected to lower solubilities, and if it is assumed the calculated spinel liquidus is correct, then a shift of the three-phase equilibrium L+E+Sp to higher MgO contents is expected. This is confirmed by the experiments for the quaternary system in Figure 7.1, as no spinel is observed at 1.4% MgO. A partial explanation for the overestimation in the calculation could be the oxygen deficiency of the eskolaite, which is not modelled by Degterov and Pelton [53]. This phenomenon was recently modelled by Povoden et al. [55] for pure Cr2 O3−x . Extension of this model to (Cr,Al)2 O3−x could provide a stabilisation of eskolaite under reducing atmospheres and, hence, a lower solubility. 50 this work -9.36 T=1600°C pO2=10 calculated Pretorius and Muan 1992 -9.56 T=1500°C pO2=10 calculated Pretorius and Muan 1992 -12.5 T=1500°C pO2=10 calculated 45 40 35 wt% Cr 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 basicity Figure 7.14: Overestimation of CrOx solubility at high basicity and low pO2 in FactSage calculations for eskolaite liquidus in CaO-CrOx -SiO2 , when compared with data from this work and Pretorius and Muan [103]. Data from [103] at intermediate pO2 omitted for clarity. 81 CHAPTER 7. CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 LIQUIDUS 7.3.2 Spinel liquidus in CrOx -MgO-SiO2 The differences in calculated and experimental spinel liquidus at low basicities seems to be a problem of extrapolation. The ternary systems CaO-CrOx -SiO2 and CaO-MgO-SiO2 , on the axes in Figures 7.3-7.4, are in good agreement. However, the more the composition moves away from the ternaries into the quaternary, away from the axes, the more deviation is noted. At higher basicity, the difference is not noted. As discussed in Chapter 3, the ternary subsystems CrOx -MgO-SiO2 and CaO-CrOx MgO have not been optimised. This means the ternary interaction in these systems have not been defined. For instance, for the interaction of MgO and CrOx in the presence of CaO or SiO2 , a simple extrapolation is used, which might deviate from reality. The deviations occur at low basicity, i.e., at high SiO2 content. This seems to indicate some missing or wrong interaction between CrOx and MgO with SiO2 , rather than with CaO. In Figures 7.11-7.12, another indication is found that the FactSage description of the CrOx -MgO-SiO2 system is insufficient. For a constant molar ratio MgO/Cr2 O3 =1, the calculated liquidus deviates more and more from the experimental data, and even a completely unphysical miscibility gap appears. Therefore, it is assumed that the largest problems originate in the CrOx -MgO-SiO2 system. Consequently, this system will be studied in detail in the next chapter. 7.4 Conclusion This chapter discussed experimental investigations of the phase relations in CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 at high temperature. The influence of pO2 , temperature and composition was studied. When comparing the results with FactSage calculations, some systematic differences are observed. Especially at low basicities, large deviations occur. At higher basicity, and hence, higher CaO content, good agreement is found. Also the influence of Al2 O3 is in good agreement. When CaO and Al2 O3 are disregarded, the CrOx -MgO-SiO2 system remains. Because there are good reasons to assume the interactions in this system are responsible for a large part of the deviations, this ternary system will be studied in the next chapters, both experimentally and by thermodynamic modelling. 82 Chapter 8 The ternary system CrOx-MgO-SiO2 In the previous chapter, considerable differences between calculated and experimental liquidus compositions were observed for lower basicities in the multicomponent system CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 . This lead to the assumption that important ternary interactions in the CrOx -MgOSiO2 system are missing in the thermodynamic database. In this chapter, this assumption will be evaluated. The CrOx -MgO-SiO2 system itself will be investigated at different oxygen partial pressures. Increasingly reducing conditions are studied, in which the pO2 is controlled by air, CO/CO2 mixtures and equilibrium with metallic Cr. For every set of experiments, the results will be compared with available literature data and with calculations using the FactSage database (version 5.5). The experimental approach has been discussed in Chapter 6. The compositions of the starting powders are given in Table 8.1. The equilibrium phase compositions are listed in Appendix A, Tables A.4-A.5. 8.1 Liquidus in air In air, the spinel (Sp) liquidus is limited by the cristobalite liquidus (SiO2 , S) and the forsterite liquidus (M2 S). Two measurements were conducted at 1600◦ C to define the location of the two bounding three-phase equilibria L+S+Sp and L+Sp+M2 S. Also the solubility of chromium oxide (CrOx ) in M2 S was determined. Later it will appear the solubility increases with decreasing pO2 . Even in this oxidising conditions there is some solubility, albeit only about 0.6 wt% expressed as Cr2 O3 . The composition of the liquid and of the M2 S phase is plotted in 83 CHAPTER 8. TERNARY SYSTEM CrOx -MgO-SiO2 Table 8.1: Compositions of starting powders Mixture 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 SiO2 65.2 54.0 56.0 53.0 57.9 38.0 41.9 50.0 57.0 57.0 43.8 41.8 46.3 31.6 42.0 24.2 MgO 28.4 42.0 26.0 31.0 31.9 50.0 46.2 36.0 20.0 14.1 35.9 40.3 31.0 21.2 29.9 40.6 Cr2 O3 6.5 4.0 18.1 16.0 10.1 12.0 11.9 14.0 23.1 29.0 20.3 17.9 12.6 28.6 20.4 17.6 Cr 10.1 18.6 7.7 17.6 Figure 8.1. The results agree well with the diagram drawn by Keith [89] at 1600◦ C. Also the liquidus data from Morita et al. [90] is in good agreement, although the extent of the spinel liquidus towards the M2 S side seems overestimated. In the next paragraph, it will be explained this could be caused by the saturation technique used by Morita et al. [90]. 8.2 Liquidus in reducing conditions In a first set of experiments in reducing conditions, it was attempted to reproduce the results of Morita et al. [91]. The same conditions as in Morita et al. [91] are applied. The ratio of CO/CO2 was 25/1, which yields a pO2 =10−9.56 atm at 1600◦ C. In Figure 8.2, and in more detail in Figure 8.3, the results from literature and from the present investigation are compared. A very good agreement is found at the SiO2 side, and for the liquid saturated in SiO2 and spinel. However, a remarkable high MgO solubility in the liquid in equilibrium with spinel and M2 S is measured by [91]. Their “spinel liquidus” results at the lower SiO2 side do, however, correspond well to the tie-line between our liquid and M2 S compositions, both saturated in spinel. In the case of Morita et al. [91], the solubility was determined 84 8.2. LIQUIDUS IN REDUCING CONDITIONS 20 80 30 70 % L+Sp+S 60 SiO wt L % 40 wt Mg O L+S 2 L+Sp 50 50 L+Sp+M2S M2S 60 0 10 20 30 40 40 wt% Cr2O3 L+Sp+S liquidus L+Sp+M2S liquidus this work M2S composition liquidus data from Morita liquidus from Keith calculated phase diagram Figure 8.1: Comparison of experimental observations from this work, from Morita et al. [90], liquidus from Keith [89] and calculated phase diagram from FactSage for the constant temperature section of CrOx -MgO-SiO2 in air, at T=1600◦ C. 85 CHAPTER 8. TERNARY SYSTEM CrOx -MgO-SiO2 by saturation of MgO-SiO2 mixtures with MgO.Cr2 O3 pellets, followed by mechanical separation and chemical analysis of the quenched liquid. Probably they interpreted high temperature M2 S crystals as part of the quenched liquid. As a result, the “liquid” at the low SiO2 side could be a mixture of the quenched liquid and the M2 S phase. This technique was also used in air by Morita et al. [90], and the same artifacts may therefore be observed in Figure 8.1. In this work, it was possible to distinguish large M2 S crystals from the quenched liquid, as a result of the sampling technique combined with microprobe analysis. The observed liquid composition should therefore be quite reliable. Considering the gentle slope of the M2 S liquidus with increasing CrOx content at other oxygen partial pressures, it is assumed that the proposed phase diagram is more correct than the one from Morita et al. [91]. Because of the distinction between the phases by microprobe analysis, it was also possible to measure the considerable solubility of chromium oxide (CrOx ) in M2 S (5.2 wt% when expressed as Cr2 O3 ). This aspect will be discussed in more detail in Section 8.4. Because of the high solid content in some of the samples, the liquid composition was affected by quenching and contained a high level of impurities. The data from these samples was not considered when drawing the proposed liquidus. However, they do confirm the solubility of CrOx in M2 S and the M2 S liquidus, and therefore they are indicated in grey on the figures. In Figure 8.3, the results are also compared with the liquidus calculated with the FactSage databases. The calculated solubility of spinel in the liquid is much smaller than observed. In the calculations, there is no possibility for CrOx to dissolve in M2 S (not shown in Figure 8.3). In a second set of experiments the ratio CO/CO2 was set to 50/1, leading to a pO2 =10−10.16 atm. The results are plotted in 8.4. Two samples were completely liquid, and one contained liquid and SiO2 . The L+Sp+S and L+Sp+M2 S were also observed. When compared with Figure 8.2, a notably higher spinel solubility in the liquid phase at high SiO2 contents is observed, although it is difficult to reconcile the L+S and L+S+Sp points in a realistic phase diagram. As the microstructure of the L+S+Sp point showed some irregularly shaped SiO2 precipitates, which may indicate some growth of the SiO2 phase during cooling, it is possible that the actual SiO2 content of the liquid at high temperature is higher. 86 8.3. LIQUIDUS IN EQUILIBRIUM WITH Cr SiO2 L+S L L+Sp+S L+M2S M2S P+M2S MgO L L+Sp+M2S + Sp L+Sp+E L+P+M2S weight percent Sp Cr2O3 liquidus data (Morita et al.) liquidus data (this work) M2S composition data (this work) proposed liquidus proposed phase diagram Figure 8.2: Compared experimental observations and proposed phase diagram for the constant temperature section of CrOx -MgO-SiO2 at pO2 =10−9.56 atm and T=1600◦ C. Spinel is schematically drawn stoichiometric. 87 CHAPTER 8. TERNARY SYSTEM CrOx -MgO-SiO2 20 80 30 70 % 60 L S iO wt 40 % wt Mg O L+S 2 50 L+M2S L+Sp L+Sp+M2S M2S 60 0 50 10 20 30 40 40 wt% Cr2O3 liquidus data (Morita et al.) L+Sp+S L+Sp liquidus data (this work) L+Sp+M2S M2S composition data (this work) data with high solid content proposed liquidus proposed phase diagram calculated liquidus Figure 8.3: Detailed comparison of experimental observations and calculated liquidus from FactSage for CrOx -MgO-SiO2 at pO2 =10−9.56 atm, T=1600◦ C. For part of their data, Morita et al. [91] seem to have measured the L+M2 S tieline in equilibrium with spinel. 88 8.3. LIQUIDUS IN EQUILIBRIUM WITH Cr SiO2 L+S L+M2S L+Sp M2S L+Sp+M2S P+Sp+M2S MgO Sp weight percent Cr2O3 L+S liquidus L+Sp+S liquidus L+Sp liquidus L+Sp+M2S, liquidus L+Sp+M2S, M2S composition calculated liquidus proposed phase diagram fully liquid Figure 8.4: Comparison of experimental observations and calculated liquidus from FactSage for CrOx -MgO-SiO2 at pO2 =10−10.16 atm, T=1600◦ C. 89 CHAPTER 8. TERNARY SYSTEM CrOx -MgO-SiO2 SiO2 L+S L L+M2S Mg2SiO4 L+Sp+M2S (Cr2SiO4) L+Sp P+Sp P+Sp+M2S L+E MgO weight % MgCr2O4 Sp Cr2O3 L+Sp liquidus L+Sp+M2S, liquidus L+Sp+M2S, M2S composition P+Sp+M2S, M2S composition P+Sp+M2S, P composition liquidus by Muan proposed phase diagram Figure 8.5: Comparison of experimental observations of this work and proposed liquidus from Muan [96] for CrOx -MgO-SiO2 in equilibrium with solid Cr, T=1600◦ C. 90 8.3. LIQUIDUS IN EQUILIBRIUM WITH Cr 8.3 Liquidus in equilibrium with metallic Cr Figure 8.5 gives the results in equilibrium with solid Cr, and compares them with the liquidus from Muan [96]. The calculated liquidus is shown in Figure 8.6. The experimental results agree reasonably well with the diagram by Muan [96]. However, the presence of solid Cr at high temperature could not be confirmed in our samples, which could have led to a somewhat higher pO2 . This might explain the lower concentration of Cr for the L+Sp+M2 S liquidus point, compared to Muan’s indication of the invariant line. Figure 8.6 shows the calculated phase diagram from FactSage in equilibrium with Cr at 1600◦ C. When it is compared to the experimental and literature data in Figure 8.5, it can clearly be observed that the present model is not in agreement. The calculations show a large miscibility gap between a Cr rich and a Cr poor liquid, which is almost perpendicular to the demixing tendencies in both MgO-SiO2 and CrO-SiO2 , where a miscibility gap between a SiO2 rich and a SiO2 poor liquid exists above 1700◦ C. The wrongly calculated miscibility gap extends into the calculations in the quaternary system studied in Figures 7.11-7.12. 8.4 Liquidus and solidus as a function of pO2 From the previous paragraphs, the strong pO2 dependence of the liquidus can be noted. In Figures 8.7 and 8.8 this behaviour is studied in more detail for the ternary points L+M2 S+Sp and L+Sp+S. Figure 8.7 shows the pO2 dependence of the liquid and M2 S composition in the L+M2 S+Sp equilibrium. The Cr concentration in both phases increases considerably as the oxygen partial pressure is decreased. The concentration of Cr in the M2 S+spinel saturated liquid can also be compared to the work of Morita et al. [91] as a function of pO2 and of Muan [96] in equilibrium with metallic Cr, as shown later in Figure 9.20. The associated M2 S composition has not been studied before. The solubility of CrOx in M2 S changes dramatically, from 0.6 wt% (Cr2 O3 ) in air, to almost 15 wt% (Cr2 O3 ) in equilibrium with metallic Cr. The observed stoichiometry of the phase indicates the major dissolved chromium oxide is CrO. The liquid composition saturated in spinel and SiO2 is depicted in Figure 8.8. In the studied reducing atmospheres, the Cr solubility increases very sharply. In equilibrium with metallic Cr, there is no L+Sp+S equilibrium. Due to this sharp rise, a small error in pO2 may lead to a considerable error on the Cr concentrations. The error bars, however, 91 CHAPTER 8. TERNARY SYSTEM CrOx -MgO-SiO2 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 SiO2 0.7 0.3 L1+S 0.4 0.6 L1+L2+S 0.5 0.5 L1 L1+L2 L2 0.6 0.4 L1+M2S L1+Sp 0.8 0.2 0.7 L1+L2+Sp 0.3 L1+M2S+Sp P+M2S+Sp 0.1 0.9 MgO L2+E L2+Sp 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 mass fraction 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 L2+Sp+E Cr2O3 Figure 8.6: Calculated liquidus from FactSage for CrOx -MgO-SiO2 in equilibrium with solid Cr, T=1600◦ C. 92 8.4. LIQUIDUS AND SOLIDUS AS A FUNCTION OF PO2 25 M S composition 2 liquid composition 20 wt% (Cr2O3) 15 10 5 0 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 log pO (atm) -4 -2 0 2 Figure 8.7: Experimental observations for the solubility of CrOx in M2 S in equilibrium with liquid and spinel as a function of pO2 at T=1600◦ C. Lines are only indicative. 93 CHAPTER 8. TERNARY SYSTEM CrOx -MgO-SiO2 only indicate the standard deviations on the EPMA measurements. Figure 8.8: Experimental observations for the concentration of Cr in the liquid in equilibrium with SiO2 and spinel as a function of pO2 at T=1600◦ C. The line is only indicative. 8.5 Conclusion By comparison of new experimental data with available literature data and calculations, this chapter showed the peculiarities of the ternary system CrOx -MgO-SiO2 . The measured data is generally in good agreement with literature data. Some experiments in literature need to be reinterpreted, such as the saturation technique used by Morita et al. [91], which probably lead to a mixture of phases being identified as liquid. The calculations using the FactSage database deviate heavily when the oxygen partial pressure is lowered. In the next chapter, an updated thermodynamic description will be proposed, which copes with the largest deviations, and enlightens some remaining conflicts in the experimental data. 94 Chapter 9 Thermodynamic assessment of the CrOx-MgO-SiO2 system In the previous chapter, the CrOx -MgO-SiO2 system was studied experimentally for a wide range of oxygen partial pressures. It became clear that the current FactSage description is not suitable to predict the phase relations in reducing conditions. Therefore, in this chapter, an updated description will be developed. Starting from the binary systems, an extrapolated phase diagram is calculated. Next, solid solution phases are added and the description of the liquid is optimised with respect to the experimental data. Finally, the new description is integrated in a multicomponent database to recalculate some of the diagrams studied earlier, and an improved agreement is found. 9.1 The binary systems The first step to optimise the thermodynamic description of a ternary system is checking the binary descriptions. If the ternary experimental data are not in agreement with the binary description, the ternary data may be incorrect, or the binary description may be incomplete. For example, a liquidus surface in the ternary could be drawn up to the binary system, and not be present in the binary phase diagram description. In such a case, the experimental evidence used to draw the binary and ternary diagrams has to be compared and one of both diagrams has to be adjusted. In the studied system, all binary phase diagrams are in agreement with the ternary data, except for a compositional shift in CrO-SiO2 . However, 95 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 it was decided not to alter the binary description. 9.1.1 MgO-SiO2 The MgO-SiO2 system, calculated from the description of Wu et al. [49], is shown in Figure 9.1. The phase diagram is in good agreement with binary experimental data, as well as with the ternary data in the system under consideration. 3000 2600 L T (°C) 2200 L+P L1+L2 1800 L+M2S 1400 P+M2S L+MS L+S M2S+MS MS+S 1000 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 mole SiO2/(SiO2+MgO) Figure 9.1: Calculated binary system MgO-SiO2 . 9.1.2 MgO-Cr2 O3 and MgO-CrO The system MgO-CrOx is dependent on pO2 . Therefore the two extremes MgO-Cr2 O3 and MgO-CrO are considered. Even these denominations are not completely correct, as it is impossible to force all chromium into a trivalent or divalent state. The stoichiometric composition CrO dissociates into Cr and Cr2 O3 or into Cr and a liquid containing some Cr2 O3 . More correctly, MgO-Cr2 O3 denominates the system in air and MgO-CrO denominated the system in equilibrium with Cr. The phase diagrams, which are consistent with ternary data, are depicted in Figure 9.2 and 9.3. In equilibrium with metallic Cr, the spinel solution reaches until the Cr3 O4 composition around 1650◦ C. The thermodynamic description was optimised by Jung et al. [51]. 96 9.1. THE BINARY SYSTEMS 3000 L 2600 T (°C) P Sp 2200 1800 P+Sp Sp+E 1400 1000 0 .2 .4 .6 mole Cr2O3/(Cr2O3+MgO) .8 1 p(O2)= 0.21 atm Figure 9.2: Calculated binary system MgO-Cr2 O3 in air. 3000 L 1852 2600 1851 T (°C) L 2200 Sp L+P P 1800 Sp 1400 P+Sp Sp+E 1000 0 .2 .4 .6 mole Cr2O3/(Cr2O3+MgO) .8 1 aCr(s) = 1 Figure 9.3: Calculated binary system MgO-CrO in equilibrium with metallic Cr. 97 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 9.1.3 Cr2 O3 -SiO2 and CrO-SiO2 The pO2 dependent boundary system CrOx -SiO2 is studied in somewhat more detail. In air (Figure 9.4), the calculation is not in conflict with the ternary data, as the experimental data is limited to temperatures where the stability domain of the binary liquid is very small. In equilibrium with metallic Cr, however, the liquid area of Muan [97] is larger than calculated. Consequently, the original data in the binary is collected. The work of Healy and Schottmiller [104], which forms the basis of the optimisation by Degterov and Pelton [50], contains only one point for which the presence of Cr was confirmed. Therefore, different experimental investigations of multicomponent systems containing CrO and SiO2 in equilibrium with metallic Cr are considered. The points on the binary liquidus, investigated or extrapolated from the liquidus line, are indicated in Figure 9.5. Data for the systems with MgO [96, 97], with CaO [82, 105] and with both Al2 O3 and MgO [106] is considered. In Section 5.1.3, it was noted that the indicated compositions of the solids in Muan [97] may suggest that the diagram was actually drawn in wt% CrO instead of Cr2 O3 . If it is assumed that the phase diagram of Muan [97] is actually drawn for the CrO composition, the points at the SiO2 side coincide with the liquidus from Devilliers and Muan [82]. As both studies originate from the same research group, this could confirm the CrO hypothesis. However, at the CrO side, the points do not coincide. The set of data seems to indicate a change in the binary is needed, especially at the CrO side. A possible updated version of the liquid would then contain the following parameters, as defined in Equation 2.6 (in Joules) [107]: 07 ωCrO−SiO 2 = 552455 − 231.935 T 00 ωCrO−SiO 2 10 ωCrO−SiO 2 = 40413 − 18.636 T (9.1) = −20920, instead of the version by Degterov and Pelton [50] used in FactSage: 07 ωCrO−SiO 2 = 754823 − 325.372 T (9.2) The phase diagram calculated with the updated parameters is also indicated in Figure 9.5. There is a better agreement with the data on the CrO side, while maintaining the location of the phase boundaries at the SiO2 side. However, there is almost no data which is really in the 98 9.2. EXTRAPOLATION binary system. Also, the ternary data at high CrO side is scarce. As a change in the binary system would have consequences for many ternary systems in the database, a more solid argumentation would be needed to insert two extra parameters. This work will therefore build on the existing description of the binary systems. 3000 L1 L2 L1+L2 2600 2200 T (°C) L1 L2 L2+E L1+E L2+S 1800 E+S 1400 1000 0 .2 .4 .6 mole SiO2/(CrO+SiO2) .8 1 p(O2)= 0.21 atm Figure 9.4: Calculated binary system Cr2 O3 -SiO2 in air. 9.2 Extrapolation After checking the binary systems, an extrapolation of the binary systems to the ternary system is made. To extrapolate the binary interactions, SiO2 is treated as an asymmetric component, as is usual within the quasichemical approach. In this case, this leads to results in which the general features are already more in agreement with experimental data, as compared to the FactSage results. The FactSage database apparently contains an incorrect interaction parameter. As an example, the isothermal sections at 1600◦ C in equilibrium with metallic Cr and at pO2 =10−9.56 atm are shown in Figure 9.6-9.7. From the liquidus of Muan [96], arbitrary points are selected, which do not correspond to actual experiments. Although the major features are already present, the calculation still needs considerable improvement. In general, the liquid area is rather large, so a general positive interaction parameter will be needed. In 99 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 L+Si 2000 L 1800 L1+L2 L+Sp 1600 T (°C) L+S L+E 1400 Eutectic point (Collins and Muan,1982) Liquid (Xiao and Holappa, 2002) Liquidus (Healy et al., 1964) Liquidus extension from: Muan, 1990 Muan, 1990, if in CrO Xiao and Holappa, 2002 Kossyrev et al., 1998 de Villiers and Muan, 1992 E+S 1200 1000 0 .2 .4 .6 mole SiO2/(CrO+SiO2) .8 1 aCr(s) = 1 Figure 9.5: Calculated binary system CrO-SiO2 in equilibrium with metallic Cr using FactSage (dotted line) and adapted model (full line, Eq. 9.2), in comparison with experimental data from [82, 95, 97, 104–106]. 100 9.2. EXTRAPOLATION This work: L+M2S+Sp liquidus L+Sp liquidus L+M2S+Sp, M2S comp. spinel+M2S+MgO, M2S comp. spinel+M2S+MgO, MgO comp. From Muan, 1983: liquidus, arbitrary points liquidus, on univariant lines 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 SiO2 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.3 L+S 0.6 0.4 L L+M2S 0.7 0.3 M2S L+M S+S p L+Sp 0.8 0.2 2 P+M2S+Sp 0.9 0.1 L+Sp+E E MgO P 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 mole fraction 0.4 0.3 0.2 o Sp 0.1 1600 C, a(Cr(s)) = 1 CrO Figure 9.6: Extrapolated phase diagram description in equilibrium with solid Cr. 101 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 SiO2 liquidus data (Morita et al.) S L+Sp+S 0.1 0.9 L+Sp 0.8 0.3 0.7 0.2 M2S composition data (this work) 0.4 L+S 0.6 liquidus data (this work) L+Sp+M2S L+S+Sp 0.5 0.4 2 0.6 L+ M S 0.5 L L+Sp S+Sp+E M2S 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.7 L+M2S+Sp 0.9 0.1 P+M2S+Sp E MgO P 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 mole fraction 0.4 0.3 Sp o 0.2 1600 C, p(O2) = 10 0.1 -9.56 atm CrO Figure 9.7: Extrapolated phase diagram description in reducing conditions (pO2 =10−9.56 ). 102 9.3. DESCRIPTION OF SOLID SILICATE SOLUTION PHASES addition, the solid solubility of the M2 S (and MS) phase needs to be implemented. 9.3 9.3.1 Description of solid silicate solution phases (Mg,Cr)2 SiO4 For the description of the M2 S phase, the compound energy formalism (CEF) is used, which was already used to model other olivine structures, with Mg and Ca [52] and several other cations [108, 109]. The olivine structure has two different octahedral sites, called M1 and M2. These sites have different sizes, and therefore, the larger cations will prefer to be on the larger M2 sites. To capture this behaviour, which affects the configurational entropy, the phase is described with four sublattices, as: [Mg2+ , Cr2+ ]M2 [Mg2+ , Cr2+ ]M1 [Si4+ ][O2− ]4 . (9.3) The last two sublattices contain only one component and are not considered further, leading to the simpler notation [Mg,Cr]M2 [Mg,Cr]M1 SiO4 . As in the two-sublattice ionic liquid model, a Gibbs energy needs to be assigned to all combinations. The first combination is [Mg]M2 [Mg]M1 SiO4 , which is pure forsterite, for which the Gibbs energy is known from the binary. Secondly, [Cr]M2 [Cr]M1 SiO4 is defined. The Gibbs energy Gm (see equation 2.2) of this hypothetic compound is defined as follows: 2 2 2 SiO4 2 O3 2 GCr = GCr + GCr + GSiO + Gadd , m m 3 m 3 m (9.4) in which the additional energy Gadd is an adjustable parameter. The value of Gadd =37656 J/mol is determined in the optimisation, based on the solubility of CrO in M2 S inequilibrium with liquid and spinel, or periclase and spinel. For the last two combinations, [Mg]M2 [Cr]M1 SiO4 and its stoichiometric equivalent [Cr]M2 [Mg]M1 SiO4 , an exchange reaction energy α is defined: CrM2 MgM1 SiO4 MgM2 CrM1 SiO4 , ∆G = 2α. (9.5) The Gibbs energies of the hypothetic compounds are then defined as: 103 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 Cr Gm M2 MgM1 SiO 4 Mg Gm M2 CrM1 SiO 4 = = 1 Mg2 SiO4 1 Cr2 SiO4 Gm + Gm +α 2 2 1 Mg2 SiO4 1 Cr2 SiO4 Gm −α + Gm 2 2 (9.6) (9.7) (9.8) The value of α is determined from the empirical relationship observed by Jung [108], as shown in Figure 9.8. The cation distribution data by Ericsson and Filippidis [110] reveals a correlation between the ratio of ionic radii and the equilibrium distribution between the sites. The cation distribution constant Kd for the ions A and B is defined similar to an equilibrium constant for the exchange reaction: Kd = M2 y M1 yB A , M2 y M1 yA B (9.9) where yiM1 is the site fraction of component i on sublattice M1. From the high spin ionic radii in sixfold coordination recommended by Shannon [111], the ratio rMg2+ /rCr2+ = 0.915. This corresponds to a distribution constant Kd of 10−1.39 , which in turn leads to an exchange Gibbs energy α of 18410 J/mol. The resulting behaviour is illustrated in Figure 9.9, and a preference for Cr on M2 sites is observed as expected. 9.3.2 (Mg,Cr)SiO3 Few data is available on the extent of the (Mg,Cr)SiO3 solution phase. Therefore, a simple regular solution model is used. The Gibbs energy of pure MgSiO3 (proto-enstatite) is known from the binary system. As CrSiO3 is a hypothetic compound, its Gibbs energy is defined with a similar approach as for Cr2 SiO4 : 1 1 3 2 O3 2 GCrSiO = GCr + GCr + GSiO + Gadd . m m m 3 3 m (9.10) Again, Gadd is the only adjustable parameter for the solid solution. In this case, Gadd is determined by the MS+M2 S+Sp and MS+Sp+S equilibria solid phase relations, and to a minor extent by the L+MS liquidus. Because the subsolidus data are only available at high pressures [101], and the L+MS liquidus data of Muan [96] are scarce, only a rough estimate was determined here, Gadd =16736 J/mol (or 4000 cal/mol). 104 9.3. DESCRIPTION OF SOLID SILICATE SOLUTION PHASES 3 Mg-Co 1 Mg-Fe ln Kd -1 -3 Ca-Mn -5 Mg-Mn Cr-Mg Fe-Co Fe-Mn Fe-Ni Ni-Mg Mn-Co Ca-Fe Ca-Mg -7 -9 Zn-Mg Fe-Zn 0.65 0.7 Ca-Co 0.75 0.8 rB/rA 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 Figure 9.8: Relationship between the cation distribution constant Kd and the ratio of ionic radii rB /rA for A-B couples with rB < rA , after Jung [108]. Closed symbols are experimental data from Ericsson and Filippidis [110], open circles are modelled by Jung [108]. The model of this work is indicated by a star. 105 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 M2 M1 Cr Mg SiO4 Cr2SiO4 MgM2CrM1SiO4 Mg2SiO4 Figure 9.9: Calculated equilibrium site fractions for the (Mg,Cr)SiO4 solution at 1400◦ C. 9.4 Description of the liquid phase The liquid slag phase is modelled using the quasichemical model. The binary parameters are taken from the binary systems, as discussed in Section 9.1. By trial and error, three parameters are selected for the ternary interactions in the liquid. No interactions involving Cr2 O3 were implemented. φ002 CrO−SiO2 (MgO) = −33472 J/mol (9.11) φ011 MgO−SiO2 (CrO) φ011 SiO2 −MgO(CrO) = 54392 J/mol (9.12) = 29288 J/mol (9.13) The Gibbs energy change resulting from such a parameter φ is defined in Equation 2.12. The value of these parameters is determined by iterative manual phase diagram calculations, with smaller and smaller parameter modifications, to find the most appropriate values to represent the experimental data. Once more detailed changes (in practice, modifications of 500 cal/mol) did not have a notable effect, the iteration was stopped. The conflicts encountered in this process will be discussed later. 106 9.5. OPTIMISED PHASE DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION The effect of the different parameters is illustrated in 9.10. The phase diagram in equilibrium with metallic Cr at 1600◦ C is selected as an example, as it shows the effects on a large compositional domain. The regions where the parameters are active are depicted, similar to the schematic illustration in Figure 2.6 for a system with an asymmetric component. First, φ002 CrO−SiO2 (MgO) is a negative parameter with a strong influence on the M2 S liquidus. In combination with the other positive parameters, it allows to shift the L+M2 S+Sp equilibrium to lower CrO concentrations. Second, φ011 MgO−SiO2 (CrO) is a general positive parameter, allowing to lower the spinel and M2 S solubility. As a side effect, the SiO2 solubility is raised. Finally, the positive φ011 SiO2 −MgO(CrO) is more centrally active and lowers the SiO2 solubility as well as M2 S solubility, making the liquid region more narrow on the left side. In this way it compensates some of the side effects of the previous parameters. It also suppresses the spinel solubility at higher pO2 , when the spinel liquidus arrives in its target region. However, it also affects the L+M2 S+Sp equilibrium, thus undoing part of the effect of the first parameter. 9.5 Optimised phase diagram description The optimised phase diagram is compared to the experimental results in Figures 9.11-9.18. An overview of the parameters in the ternary solution phases is given in Appendix B, Table B.1. The system in air was left unchanged, as there was no need to define ternary interactions with Cr2 O3 based on the experimental data. Therefore, the phase diagram in air at 1600◦ C can still be seen in Figure 8.1. Another section, at 1800◦ C, is represented in Figure 9.11. The system in intermediately reducing conditions is shown in Figure 9.13, for pO2 =10−9.56 atm, and in Figure 9.14, for pO2 =10−10.16 atm. Experimental data from this work and determined by Morita et al. [91] are included. Finally, the phase diagram in equilibrium with metallic chromium is depicted in Figures 9.15-9.17. Here, data from this work and from Muan [96] are indicated. As it appeared possible that the data of Muan [96] should be recalculated as if the diagram was in CrO instead of Cr2 O3 , two versions of his data are plotted. A full liquidus projection is given in Figure 9.18. The remaining differences between calculations and experiments, and the conflicts between different experimental data points, will be discussed in the next section. 107 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 f 011 MgO-SiO (CrO) f 002 CrO-SiO (MgO) 2 2 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 CrO MgO 0.9 0.9 0.3 mole fraction 0.8 0.8 0.4 L 0.7 0.7 w00 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.3 w01 L 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.9 MgO 0.1 0.9 SiO2 0.1 0.9 SiO2 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 mole fraction 0.1 CrO f 011 SiO -MgO(CrO) 2 extrapolated diagram diagram with a single parameter effect of this parameter 0.5 0.5 0.4 L 0.6 0.3 01 MgO 0.9 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.7 w region where parameter is active 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 SiO2 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 mole fraction 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 CrO Figure 9.10: Effect of the implemented parameters in the liquid on the phase diagram in equilibrium with metallic Cr at 1600◦ C. The first parameter is negative, the other two are positive. 108 9.5. OPTIMISED PHASE DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION SiO2 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 L2 0.3 0.7 L1+L2 0.4 0.6 L1+L2+Sp L1 0.5 0.4 L1+Sp 0.3 M S+ Sp 0.8 0.2 2 0.7 L+ 0.6 M2S 0.5 L2+Sp+E 0.1 MgO P 0.9 0.8 0.9 P+M2S+Sp 0.7 0.6 0.5 Sp mole fraction 0.4 0.3 o 0.2 0.1 1800 C, p(O2) = 0.21 atm Cr2O3 calculated phase diagram liquidus (Keith, 1954) miscibility gap (Keith,1954) Figure 9.11: Optimised phase diagram description in air at 1800◦ C, in comparison with experimental data from [89]. 109 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 0.1 0.9 SiO2 0.2 0.8 Eskolaite 0.3 0.7 2 liquids Cristobalite Protoenstatite 0.6 0.4 00 16 00 17 0 0 00 20 00 0.5 19 0.5 Forsterite 0 220 18 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 MgO 0.9 250 0 2 40 0.9 270 0.8 2200 Periclase 2 60 2 liquids 00 0.7 21 0.6 Spinel 23 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 mass fraction 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Cr2O3 Figure 9.12: Calculated liquidus projection in air. The extent of the miscibility gap linked to the Cr2 O3 -SiO2 system above 2200◦ C has been omitted for clarity. 110 9.5. OPTIMISED PHASE DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION SiO2 S L+Sp+S 0.1 0.9 liquidus data (Morita et al.) L+Sp liquidus data (this work) M2S composition data (this work) 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.8 L+Sp+M2S 0.6 0.4 L+S L+S+Sp 0.5 2 L+ M S L+Sp 0.6 0.4 0.5 L S+Sp+E L+M2S+Sp 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.3 M2S 0.9 0.1 P+M2S+Sp E MgO P 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 mole fraction 0.4 0.3 Sp 0.2 0.1 CrO Figure 9.13: Optimised phase diagram description at pO2 =10−9.56 atm at 1600◦ C, in comparison with experimental data from [91] and Figure 8.3. 111 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 SiO2 S L+Sp+S 0.1 0.9 L+S L+Sp liquidus data 0.2 0.8 L+Sp+M2S M2S composition data 0.3 0.7 L only 0.6 0.4 L+S L+S+Sp 0.5 0.5 L 2 M L+ S+Sp+E M2S 0.3 L+M2S+Sp 0.7 0.8 0.2 0.6 0.4 S L+Sp MgO P 0.9 0.1 P+M2S+Sp 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 mole fraction 0.4 0.3 Sp 0.2 0.1 E CrO Figure 9.14: Optimised phase diagram description at pO2 =10−10.16 atm at 1600◦ C, in comparison with experimental data from Figure 8.4. 112 9.5. OPTIMISED PHASE DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION L+Sp liquidus SiO2 L+Sp+M2S, liquidus S P+Sp+M2S, M2S composition 0.1 0.9 L+Sp+M2S, M2S composition liquidus by Muan 0.2 0.8 P+Sp+M2S, P composition liquidus by Muan, if in CrO 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.3 L+S 0.6 0.4 L L+M2S 0.7 0.3 M2S L+M2S+Sp 0.2 0.8 L+Sp P+M2S+Sp 0.9 0.1 L+Sp+E E MgO P 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 mole fraction 0.4 0.3 0.2 Sp 0.1 CrO Figure 9.15: Optimised phase diagram description in equilibrium with solid Cr at 1600◦ C, in comparison with arbitrary points on the experimental liquidus from [96] and experimental data points from Figure 8.5. 113 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 1500°C Muan, 1983 Muan, if in CrO 1700°C Muan, 1983 Muan, if in CrO 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 SiO2 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.3 L+S 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 L+MS 0.3 0.7 L+M2S 0.8 0.2 L+E MgO 0.9 0.1 L+Sp 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 mole fraction 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 CrO Figure 9.16: Optimised phase diagram description in equilibrium with solid Cr at 1500 and 1700◦ C, in comparison with experimental data from [96]. 114 9.5. OPTIMISED PHASE DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION SiO2 Muan, 1983 Muan, if in CrO 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 S 0.5 0.5 MS+S+Sp L 0.6 0.4 MS M2S 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.3 MS+M2S+Sp 0.1 MgO P 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.9 P+M2S+Sp 0.6 0.5 mole fraction 0.4 0.3 0.2 o Sp E 0.1 1400 C, a(Cr(s)) = 1 CrO Figure 9.17: Optimised phase diagram description in equilibrium with solid Cr at 1400◦ C, in comparison with experimental data from [96]. The equilibria can also be compared to the high pressure data in Figure 5.5. 115 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 0.1 0.9 SiO2 0.8 00 0.2 19 2 liquids 0.7 0.3 1800 1700 Protoenstatite 1500 0.6 0 0.5 Cris toba 0 lite 0.5 150 17 0.4 1600 15 0 16 00 00 0.4 0.6 Forsterite Eskolaite 0.3 0.7 Spinel 1 180 2 900 0 21 000 00 20 0 23 24 00 00 25 00 0.2 0.1 00 0.9 26 27 0.8 Periclase 2 00 MgO 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 mass fraction 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 CrO Figure 9.18: Calculated liquidus projection in equilibrium with solid Cr. Above 2300◦ C, a miscibility gap originating in the CrO-SiO2 system has been omitted for clarity. 116 9.6. DISCUSSION 9.6 Discussion SiO2 liquidus The experimental data on the SiO2 liquidus are somewhat scattered, as illustrated in Figure 9.19. This figure is a summary of the high SiO2 sides of Figure 9.13, 9.14 and 9.15. The extent of the liquidus is heavily affected by the pO2 . The calculated liquidus at different pO2 , however, shows the liquidus is extended without a considerable influence on its location. Therefore, it is expected that also the experimental data would be located on a single curve, which is not the case. The liquidus line from Muan [96] shows a constant deviation from the calculation, already originating in the binary. As discussed in Section 9.1 on the binary systems, recalculating the diagram as if it was expressed in CrO removes the larger part of this error. It has to be noted that Muan [96] only measured a few data points on the SiO2 side, as shown in Figure 5.4. However, the data measured at lower temperatures constrain the SiO2 liquidus to a more or less straight line. The L+S point at pO2 =10−10.16 atm is located on this line. The other data, however, suggest a lower SiO2 solubility in the liquid. A possible explanation is the crystallisation of SiO2 from the liquid on quenching, e.g. in the L+S+Sp sample at pO2 =10−10.16 atm, which could lead to lower SiO2 concentrations in the observed quenched liquid. L+M2 S+spinel equilibrium The composition of the liquid in equilibrium with M2 S and spinel, as well as the composition of M2 S in equilibrium with liquid and spinel, are strongly influenced by pO2 . Figure 9.20 compares the Cr concentration of both phases with the experimental data from this work and from Morita et al. [91] and Muan [96]. Considering that the pO2 in our experiment with metallic Cr may have been somewhat higher than intended, the M2 S composition of the new description agrees very well with our data. Good agreement is also found with the data of Morita et al. [91]. Their intent was to measure the liquid composition saturated with M2 S and spinel, but, as explained in Section 8.2, the analysed phase was probably mostly M2 S, in combination with some liquid. The modelled liquid composition slightly underestimates the Cr content in our measurements. However, in equilibrium with solid Cr, the model agrees well with the phase diagram of Muan [96]. If the parameters are adjusted to move the L+M2 S+Sp equilibrium to higher CrO contents at intermediate pO2 , the phase diagram in equilibrium with metallic Cr is also affected, and there also the L+M2 S+Sp point shifts to higher Cr concentrations. 117 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 SiO2 pO2=10-9.56 atm: L+S pO2=10 0.1 0.9 L+Sp+S (Morita, 1988) -10.16 atm: L+Sp+S 0.2 0.8 L+Sp+S with Cr: 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 O Cr L 0.5 0.5 L+S L+S (Muan, if in CrO) 0.3 0.7 L+S (Muan, 1983) MgO Figure 9.19: Detailed comparison of SiO2 liquidus data at different pO2 . The extent, but not the location of the calculated SiO2 liquidus (lines) is affected by pO2 . The experiments (symbols), on the other hand, are not located on one single curve. 118 9.6. DISCUSSION Cr satd. The reliability of the phase diagram by Muan [96] in Figure 5.4 is uncertain. His group mostly only used optical microscopy to analyse the experimental outcome in terms of stable phases, and positioned the results on the original compositions, which may not have been the final composition after the experiment. In experiments with metallic Cr, the oxidation of Cr may lead to a higher CrOx content in the oxidic part of the sample than originally mixed. It is also uncertain if the presence of Cr was verified after the experiments, a procedure which could have eliminated possible results where the actual pO2 was higher than it should have been. Nevertheless, several experimental points are indicated around the L+M2 S+Sp equilibrium, and it was therefore decided to fit the data as well as possible. Muan, 1983 Muan, if in CrO Morita et al., 1988 This work, Liquid This work, M2S Model, Liquid Model, M2S Figure 9.20: Cr concentration of liquid and M2 S in the L+M2S+Sp equilibrium as a function of pO2 . Experimental data from [96], [91] and Figure 8.7. The data from Morita et al. [91] agrees well with the composition of M2 S, although their intent was to measure the liquid composition. 119 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 Spinel liquidus First, the spinel liquidus in reducing atmospheres is in good agreement with our data and the data from Morita et al. [91], as shown in Figure 9.13 and 9.14. However, the slope is not completely correct. This difference is difficult to eliminate, as the compositional domain is rather small. It would require rather large counteracting parameters which can lead to miscibility gaps in other parts of the phase diagram. Second, the spinel liquidus in equilibrium with metallic Cr has a different shape as the one drawn by Muan [96]. This can be observed in Figure 9.15, where the shape of the experimental liquidus of Muan [96] is indicated by arbitrary points. However, very few experiments were conducted in this area, as indicated on the original liquidus projection in Figure 5.4. Liquidus at T<1600◦ C At 1400 and 1500◦ C, the calculated liquid area is considerably smaller than in the phase diagram by Muan [96]. One part of the explanation is probably the larger liquid area in the binary CrO-SiO2 assumed by Muan [96]. However, another part of the difference comes from the overall positive parameters needed to fit the data at higher temperature. It is, of course, possible to define temperature dependent parameters. In this case, however, a rather large temperature dependent term would be needed to annihilate the positive parameters over a few hundred degrees. Moreover, this term would be positive, so the interaction parameters would become quickly larger at higher temperature. This is a dangerous situation as it creates inverted miscibility gaps [12]. Instead of the linear a + bT terms, Kaptay [112] proposed to use an exponential term c · exp(−T/d), which goes to zero at high temperatures. The use of this kind of parameters has, however, not been implemented in the quasichemical model. Miscibility gap in air The major feature in the liquidus projection by Keith [89] is a large miscibility gap, extending from the MgO-SiO2 binary to the Cr2 O3 -SiO2 binary. This would require the MgO-SiO2 miscibility gap to grow with higher temperatures and higher Cr2 O3 content. At 1800◦ C, the calculated liquidus shown in Figure 9.11 is in good agreement with the liquidus by Keith [89], except for the extent of the miscibility gap. However, from the experiments by Keith [89] up to 1800◦ C, as indicated in Figure 5.1, no real evidence for the extent of the miscibility gap can be expected. Therefore, the calculated behaviour, where the MgO-SiO2 miscibility gap shrinks with increasing temperatures, is considered credible. The calculated liquidus in air is shown in Figure 9.12. At temperatures around 2100◦ C, lower than the melting point of Cr2 O3 , 120 9.7. MULTICOMPONENT SYSTEM an extended Cr2 O3 liquidus is calculated, without miscibility gap. The Cr2 O3 -SiO2 miscibility gap then only appears at temperatures somewhat below the melting point of Cr2 O3 . Conclusions The presented model of the phase diagram CrO-Cr2 O3 MgO-SiO2 provides a large step forward from the FactSage description and the extrapolation from the binary system. However, some differences with experimental data remain. Several differences can be attributed to uncertainties in the experimental data, but certain systematic deviations are present. These could not be solved without substantially increasing the complexity of the model. Also, as ternary interaction parameters can have a temperature dependence, but not a pO2 dependence, they have an effect on all sections at different pO2 at the same temperature simultaneously. Therefore, it is difficult to adapt the model to contradicting data at different pO2 . It also restricts the absolute value of the implemented parameters. If a parameter is mostly active in the partially solid region at higher pO2 , it can still be very effective fit the liquidus data there. However, it may be active in the liquid region at very low pO2 , where it can lead to a miscibility gap. As a result, the remaining differences can probably only be resolved by other means, e.g. the interaction between CrO and Cr2 O3 , or the Gibbs energy of spinel. Affecting these would however have a consequence for several other systems. 9.7 Multicomponent system In this section, the adapted model for CrO-Cr2 O3 -MgO-SiO2 is integrated into the multicomponent database with CaO, and the results of this modified database are compared to the experimental results discussed in Chapter 7. First, a section at B=CaO/SiO2 =0.5 is calculated, as depicted in Figure 9.21. A substantial improvement of the agreement with experimental data is noted. The agreement is not perfect, however, as this would require an even higher spinel solubility but a lower eskolaite solubility. Second, a calculation at a higher basicity B=1.2 is performed. As can be observed on Figure 9.22, the new model systematically overestimates the experimentally observed solubility. There is no reason to assume that the new CrOx -MgO-SiO2 interactions are too positive. They are, however, too positive in the FactSage model, as they lead to a miscibility gap in the CrOx -MgO-SiO2 , as shown in Figure 8.6. Therefore, it is assumed that the difference on the CrOx axis in Figure 9.22 now extends 121 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 16 L + E L+E L+Sp L L+M2S 14 12 FactSage Our model wt% Cr 10 L+Sp L + Sp + M2S 8 6 4 L 2 0 L + M2S 0 5 L + SiO2 10 15 20 25 30 35 wt% MgO Figure 9.21: Phase diagram calculated with FactSage and updated database compared to experimental observations for CaO-CrOx -MgO-SiO2 with B=C/S=0.5, at pO2 =10−9.36 atm and T=1600◦ C. 122 9.8. CONCLUSION over the whole spinel liquidus, whereas it is compensated by uncorrect CrOx -MgO-SiO2 interactions in the FactSage model. This difference was discussed in Section 7.3.1, where it was shown to originate in the CaOCrOx -SiO2 system. Therefore, an update of the CaO-CrOx -SiO2 system to eliminate the differences on the eskolaite liquidus is probably needed to find a perfect agreement. 12 L + E L + Sp + E L+E L+Sp L+Sp+C2S+P FactSage L+Sp 10 L + Sp + C2S wt% Cr 8 Our model L+Sp+C2S+P 6 4 L 2 0 L+C2S 0 5 10 15 L+C2S+P 20 25 wt% MgO Figure 9.22: Phase diagram calculated with FactSage and updated database compared to experimental observations for CaO-CrOx -MgOSiO2 . B=C/S=1.2, pO2 =10−9.36 atm, T=1600◦ C. Finally, the diagram at varying basicity and constant MgO/Cr2 O3 ratio is recalculated in Figure 9.23. In contrast to the FactSage calculation in Figure 7.12, the calculated liquidus seems to agree quantitatively with the experimental data. However, the calculated primary phase is still spinel, although eskolaite is now also stable in a small area. As the stabilities of eskolaite and spinel appear to be very close to each other, and the stability of the liquid seems more or less correct now, it is probably necessary to adapt the stabilities of the solids. 9.8 Conclusion Based on the experimental data from literature (Chapter 5) and from the present investigation (Chapter 7), a new thermodynamic description 123 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 Exp. L+E Exp. L+E+S Calc. M/K=1 Calc. M/K=2 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 MgO+Cr2O3 0.3 L+S L 0.2 L+Sp+C2S+E 0.9 0.1 0.8 L+C2S+Sp 0.7 L+Sp+E +S Sp L+ L+Sp L+C2S CaO 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 mass fraction 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 SiO2 Figure 9.23: Phase diagram calculated with the updated database compared to experimental observations for CaO-SiO2 -Cr2 O3 +MgO at pO2 =10−9.36 atm, T=1600◦ C and MgO/Cr2 O3 =M/K=1. As eskolaite precipitates, the molar ratio MgO/Cr2 O3 in the observed liquid composition is increased and lies between 1 and 2. The figure can be compared to the FactSage calculation in Figure 7.12. 124 9.8. CONCLUSION of the CrOx -MgO-SiO2 system was developed. The binary systems were left untouched, as well as the interactions involving Cr2 O3 . Essentially, three CrO-MgO-SiO2 interaction terms were added in the liquid, and two solids (Mg2 SiO4 and MgSiO3 ) were extended to solid solutions. The resulting description exhibits a good, although not perfect, agreement with the experimental data. Certain conflicts and assumptions made in the literature have been clarified. Sometimes the assumptions could not be confirmed, such as the assumption of Keith [89] that the miscibility gaps in MgO-SiO2 and Cr2 O3 -SiO2 would connect in the ternary. A reasonable compromise was proposed for apparently conflicting experimental data, such as the shape of the SiO2 liquidus or the position of the L+Sp+M2 S equilibrium. When the description is integrated in the multicomponent database, a better agreement with experimental results at low basicity is found. At higher basicity, the agreement is somewhat worsened. Overall, the new model provides a better and more consistent description of both the ternary and the higher order system. 125 CHAPTER 9. ASSESSMENT OF CrOx -MgO-SiO2 126 Chapter 10 Conclusions The objective of this work was to improve the thermodynamic description of stainless steel slags, a multicomponent system reduced to CaO-CrOx MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 . Combining a modelling and an experimental point of view, the goal was to spot lacunae in the available thermodynamic description. Differences observed in the multicomponent system would be tracked down to the ternary systems. The work would also improve the description for the ternary system where the most conspicuous discrepancies between modelling and experiments are located, which would appear to be CrOx -MgO-SiO2 . By improving this ternary description, the general agreement of the multicomponent model with experimental data should also be improved. 10.1 Results and evaluation This text started with an overview of methods for modelling liquid oxide systems and for determining oxide phase diagram data. On the modelling side, it appeared that the modified quasichemical model had succeeded in providing an adequate description of the short range order in oxidic liquid, and had been applied in the most detailed description of the multicomponent system under study. On the experimental side, it was concluded that quench methods provide the most robust technique to study oxide phase relations involving the liquid. With this background in mind, a method to determine liquidus-solidus relations in the pO2 system under investigation was proposed. The method consists of equilibration in a tube furnace, sampling or quenching, and subsequent analysis of the different quenched phases. The oxygen partial pressure pO2 was controlled by gas mixtures with a controlled CO/CO2 ratio, and in some cases by equilibration with air or Cr metal. The 127 CHAPTER 10. CONCLUSIONS analysis was performed with standardised EPMA-WDS. Sampling was performed with alumina bars, without breaking the atmosphere. This lead to a moderately fast quench, of which the artifacts induced in the quenched samples were discussed. In the multicomponent system CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 , phase diagram sections at different temperatures, Al2 O3 contents, and basicity (CaO/SiO2 ) levels were measured. The agreement between calculation and experiments on the influence of temperature, MgO and Al2 O3 on the CrOx solubility was good. The influence of the basicity was less well estimated by the calculations. Two sets of systematic differences were observed: 1. The calculated eskolaite solubility is systematically 1-2 wt% Cr higher than the experimentally determined solubility. It was shown that this difference originates in the CaO-CrOx -SiO2 system. 2. The calculated spinel solubility at low basicities is several wt% Cr lower than experimentally determined. Also this difference seemed to be a problem of extrapolation from the ternary systems, and appeared to originate from the system CrOx -MgO-SiO2 . As the second issue seemed the most problematic, the CrOx -MgOSiO2 system was studied next. In the experiments, a large dependence on pO2 was found, and the lower the pO2 , the more the FactSage calculations deviated from the experimental data from this work and from literature. Also, at lower pO2 , a substantial solubility of Cr in the forsterite (M2 S) phase was noticed. To address the discrepancies in the FactSage description of CrOx MgO-SiO2 , a new description was developed. This description is based on the quasichemical model for the liquid, the compound energy formalism for the solid solution (Mg,Cr)2 SiO4 , and a regular solution for (Mg,Cr)SiO3 . In the liquid, three ternary interaction parameters were defined. In the solids, the Gibbs energy of the hypothetic chromium silicate phase was the only adjustable parameter. The reliability of the experimental data could be assessed during the process of optimising the description. When the new model is compared with experimental data, some differences remain, especially at lower temperatures and high CrOx content in equilibrium with metallic Cr. Overall, the description was found to be a good compromise, also when integrated in the higher order database. 128 10.2. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK 10.2 Suggestions for further work A number of experiments could further clarify the phase relations in the studied systems: 1. In the CrO-SiO2 binary system, very few data points are really in equilibrium with metallic Cr. As this is a key system for the understanding of the behaviour of Cr in silicate slags, a series of experiments to determine the exact location of the eskolaite and cristobalite liquidus would be useful. 2. Also the exact location of the spinel liquidus in the CrO-MgO-SiO2 system in equilibrium with metallic Cr has not been studied in detail. As the new description still deviates in this region, some additional experiments could help to determine the accuracy of the description of liquid and spinel. 3. There is no reliable experimental thermodynamic data in the CrOMgO-SiO2 system in equilibrium with metallic Cr. The new description is therefore solely based on the location of phase boundaries. Activity or mixing enthalpy measurements would constrain the ternary interactions in the liquid in a more direct way. Also, further modelling efforts could reduce the disagreements between calculations and experimental data: 1. The CrO-MgO-SiO2 system in equilibrium with metallic Cr is still not perfectly described at temperatures lower than 1600◦ C. Using temperature dependent interaction terms, this may be resolved, although more experimental evidence would also be helpful. 2. The Gibbs energy of spinel and eskolaite probably need to be slightly adjusted, as the equilibrium between both phases and the liquid needs to be shifted to higher Cr concentrations. Possibly the integration of some Cr2+ in Cr2 O3 at low pO2 needs to be modelled. 3. In the new model, the error on the eskolaite liquidus in the system CaO-CrOx -SiO2 extends further into the quaternary system with MgO. Therefore, an update of the CaO-CrOx -SiO2 is probably necessary. 129 CHAPTER 10. 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Sample T (°C ) phases 1A L+E 1B L+E 2 L+E 3 L+Sp 4A L+Sp 4B L+Sp 4C L+Sp 5A L+Sp log pO2 phase time 1600 -9.36 L 24 E 1600 -10.16 L 23.5 1600 -10.16 L 30 1600 -9.36 L 8 Sp 1600 -9.36 L 16.5 Sp 1600 -9.36 L 24 1600 -10.16 L 12 Sp 1600 -9.36 L 14.5 Sp 5B 1600 -10.16 L L+Sp 8 6A 1600 -9.36 L L+Sp+P+C2S 8 Sp P C2S 6B 1600 -10.16 L L+Sp+P+C2S 22 Sp P 7 1600 -10.16 L L+P+C2S 8 P C2S A-2 wt% CaO SiO2 MgO Al2O3 Cr2O3 MoO3 St. Dev. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. 47.8 1.5 0.7 0.3 46.0 0.8 49.2 0.9 49.3 0.4 2.5 0.1 49.3 0.9 1.8 0.1 48.9 0.4 48.3 1.4 1.5 0.4 47.5 0.5 1.1 1.0 46.8 1.0 44.5 0.6 1.1 0.2 0.3 0.0 58.6 44.8 1.7 0.8 0.0 0.3 42.2 5.9 0.3 0.0 56.1 1.8 43.4 1.5 0.1 0.0 40.9 0.3 41.5 0.7 42.1 0.4 0.1 0.0 39.7 1.1 0.2 0.1 38.6 0.8 41.3 1.6 0.1 0.0 39.8 0.4 0.6 1.0 39.5 0.5 36.4 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 34.6 37.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 35.8 1.0 0.0 0.0 32.8 0.6 0.32 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.01 1.39 0.05 3.3 0.1 19.3 0.2 5.0 0.1 19.2 0.2 5.0 0.3 5.3 0.9 19.7 0.2 11.5 0.2 21.1 0.4 11.5 0.1 16.2 0.5 21.1 0.3 83.6 1.9 5.8 16.8 1.0 21.7 0.3 85.3 17.8 5.2 96.9 1.5 5.5 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.0 1.0 0.2 0.7 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.7 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 1.1 96.9 0.7 11.8 0.5 10.5 0.5 6.2 0.2 77.9 0.5 3.7 0.7 74.0 0.3 4.5 0.1 5.4 0.5 77.7 1.3 2.2 0.2 76.9 1.5 2.9 0.3 1.0 0.2 74.7 0.8 15.4 0.3 0.3 1.6 0.3 76.3 0.6 16.7 0.01 0.01 0.15 0.06 0.00 0.00 .45 .13 .37 .18 .04 .01 .03 .02 .48 .06 .07 .02 .45 .12 .05 .02 .57 .03 .07 .04 .05 .02 .62 .05 .02 .02 .03 .02 .75 .15 .19 .05 .03 .01 .15 .13 .04 .23 .04 .00 .12 .08 .00 .01 .02 .01 Total C/S no. of points 100.7 1.10 98.3 8 3 99.4 1.12 7 103.5 1.19 6 102.1 1.17 7 100.6 98.6 2 1.24 95.7 6 3 98.2 1.27 6 100.8 1.17 9 99.6 101.9 3 1.19 100.4 18 4 101.2 1.19 8 99.1 1.22 4 97.9 4 99.6 4 99.5 101.3 1.20 100.4 102.7 96.3 1 7 2 1.18 1 12 97.5 3 94.5 5 Table A.2: Experimental results in the CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 system (continued). Sample T (°C) phases 8A L+E 8B L+E 9A L+Sp 9B L+Sp 9C L+Sp 10A L+P 10B L+P 11 L+E 12 L+Sp phase time 1600 -9.36 L 32 E 1500 -11.04 L 23.5 E 1600 -9.36 L 8.5 Sp 1600 -10.16 L 13.5 Sp 1500 -11.04 L 23 Sp 1600 -9.36 L 15 P 1500 -11.04 L 23.5 P 1600 1600 13 1600 L or L+P 14 1600 L+E 15 L+Sp log pO2 1600 -9.36 L 14 E -9.36 L 24 Sp -9.36 L 32 -9.36 L 16 E -9.36 L 23.5 Sp wt% CaO SiO2 MgO Al2O3 Cr2O3 MoO3 St. Dev. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. 44.1 0.3 0.5 0.2 46.1 1.3 1.1 0.2 41.5 0.5 0.6 0.2 40.9 0.7 1.0 0.2 42.7 1.6 1.3 0.2 37.4 1.4 0.2 0.0 38.0 0.5 0.2 0.0 38.8 0.5 1.1 0.1 39.1 0.6 0.9 0.1 31.8 1.2 35.2 0.6 1.0 0.2 35.1 1.7 0.8 0.1 36.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 36.4 0.5 0.1 0.1 35.5 0.4 0.1 0.0 35.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 36.8 0.8 0.2 0.2 29.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 31.8 0.7 0.0 0.0 32.4 1.2 0.1 0.0 30.6 0.6 0.1 0.0 27.0 0.7 27.3 0.7 0.1 0.1 28.9 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.26 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.02 0.00 0.00 9.4 0.3 22.4 0.3 9.7 0.1 21.9 0.1 9.6 0.5 24.1 0.8 18.7 1.6 99.3 0.9 17.5 0.2 99.9 0.5 0.15 0.02 0.00 0.00 8.0 0.3 23.8 0.1 18.5 1.3 0.10 0.01 0.00 0.00 6.2 0.5 26.4 1.2 11.3 0.1 4.9 0.0 10.8 0.5 5.2 0.6 10.2 0.6 15.9 0.3 10.0 0.3 15.7 0.1 10.3 0.8 20.7 1.9 11.6 0.7 0.9 0.0 11.0 0.3 0.9 0.0 20.8 0.6 10.8 1.7 18.9 0.2 29.2 0.6 19.7 0.6 29.6 0.5 19.2 2.0 28.2 0.9 42.2 1.6 6.9 0.6 93.2 0.4 5.5 0.2 92.9 3.1 2.0 0.4 58.9 0.7 2.6 0.2 57.4 0.3 1.3 0.2 53.2 2.4 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.17 0.01 5.8 0.4 84.5 1.4 1.6 0.2 43.9 0.9 0.06 0.02 5.7 0.5 78.9 1.5 1.6 0.2 31.5 1.2 .21 .02 .11 .05 .03 .01 .14 .09 .33 .03 .02 .02 .05 .02 .06 .02 .03 .02 .04 .02 .61 .08 .02 .01 .04 .02 .01 .01 .16 .02 .08 .08 .30 .02 .05 .01 .37 .05 .14 .02 .15 .12 .17 .02 .03 .02 Total C/S no. of points 99.6 1.20 98.7 99.0 5 1.27 99.4 99.0 1.17 1.17 1.16 1.27 1.19 8 5 1.20 96.5 98.5 8 3 101.3 98.1 15 6 100.5 98.5 9 5 99.6 97.7 11 5 96.1 100.8 7 5 97.9 98.3 9 10 5 1.28 97.9 8 4 97.5 1.18 10 98.0 1.29 6 99.4 100.3 100.9 4 1.22 15 12 A-3 APPENDIX A. EXPERIMENTAL DATA Table A.3: Experimental results in the CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 system (continued). test phases 17A L+E L E 18A 19A L+E L+Sp L L Sp 20A 21A L L+M2S L L M2S 17B 18B 19B 20B L+E L+E L+Sp L L L L+Sp+M2S L M2S 21B L+M2S L M2S 22 L+C2S+Sp L C2 S 23 24 25 26 A-4 L/L+E L+E L+E L+S+E Total time log pO2 s.d. s.d. incl. Mo, Al (h) (atm) 52.6 0.29 20.4 100.1 23.5 -9.36 1.3 0.01 0.3 phase wt% CaO Cr2O3 present L L L L s.d. s.d. 25.9 0.8 SiO2 MgO 0.7 0.1 0.00 96.2 0.2 0.0 0.00 2.3 27.1 51.2 4.3 16.4 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 24.4 47.7 18.0 9.0 0.0 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.7 0.2 21.0 79.9 0.2 0.1 0.2 1.0 22.4 44.2 30.9 2.83 1.0 0.6 1.7 0.06 24.7 42.1 30.6 0.00 1.3 0.1 2.5 0.00 2.5 42.0 55.8 0.00 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.00 28.3 16.2 54.8 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.0 26.0 15.7 54.6 4.6 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.0 24.4 8.5 50.2 17.5 1.1 0.1 0.8 0.2 26.4 3.0 46.4 24.5 0.7 0.1 0.4 0.7 2.7 1.5 43.5 55.4 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.3 29.4 0.2 43.8 25.2 3.7 0.0 1.1 4.3 3.2 0.2 42.5 54.7 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.5 50.8 6.8 44.8 2.3 1.7 1.0 1.1 0.3 62.1 2.5 36.1 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.1 48.0 8.2 41.4 2.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 37.5 10.3 45.2 4.6 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.2 18.7 19.1 56.5 6.0 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.0 15.2 16.4 60.5 6.9 0.6 0.2 0.9 0.3 T (°C ) 1600 Basicity Contami- # pts C/S nations 0.49 97.7 12 0.4% MoO 3 3 99.7 24 -9.36 1600 0.53 6 100.1 24 -9.36 1600 0.51 7 102.8 3 101.1 24 -9.36 1600 0.51 9 98.1 23.5 -9.36 1600 0.59 6 100.4 3 100 23.5 -11.04 1500 0.52 15 101.4 23.5 -11.04 1500 0.48 14 101 23.5 -11.04 1500 0.49 8 100.8 21.5 -11.04 1500 0.57 9 103.4 99.4 8 16.5 -11.04 1500 0.67 14 100.8 105.5 7 21 -9.36 1600 1.13 0.6% MoO 3 101.7 4 3 100.4 23.5 -9.36 1600 1.16 98.5 24 -9.36 1600 0.83 13 100.9 23.5 -9.36 1600 0.33 8 99.8 23.5 -9.36 1600 0.25 11 0.4% MoO 3 4 Table A.4: Experimental results in the CrOx -MgO-SiO2 system in air and reducing atmospheres. test phases phase present 27 28 L+S+Sp L+M2S+Sp L L M2S 29A 30A 31 32 L+Sp+S L+Sp L L+Sp+M2S L L L L M2S 33 L+Sp+M2S L M2S 34 L+Sp+M2S L M2S 35 36 37 29B 30B 38 L+S L+S+Sp L+Sp L L L+M2S+Sp L L L L L L M2S Cr2O3 SiO2 MgO Total time log pO2 s.d. s.d. s.d. incl. Mo, Al (h) (atm) 1.5 64.2 33.8 0.1 1.2 0.9 1.4 59.0 39.2 0.1 2.5 2.0 0.6 43.5 57.7 0.0 0.6 0.7 16.0 57.7 25.8 0.6 0.3 0.7 13.3 54.9 30.7 1.2 1.0 1.0 12.4 58.9 29.1 1.0 0.6 0.9 9.7 64.0 10.1 0.5 1.0 0.2 4.8 44.4 55.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 9.9 53.0 34.9 1.1 1.0 1.9 4.8 42.5 54.6 0.6 1.4 2.1 11.8 52.5 34.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 5.2 41.1 53.6 0.2 0.3 0.4 20.6 59.0 20.7 0.8 0.9 0.5 31.2 50.7 17.7 1.1 1.4 0.6 15.0 51.9 35.1 1.1 1.4 1.3 17.2 0.0 25.4 0.5 0.0 0.4 15.3 54.1 30.5 2.0 1.6 1.8 15.6 50.3 33.1 1.2 2.7 2.5 6.6 40.3 51.9 0.1 0.3 0.4 T 99.8 20 Air (°C ) 1600 101.1 20 Air 1600 Contami- # pts nations 11 10 102.0 10 100.3 16 -9.56 1600 10 100.1 23 -9.56 1600 5 100.8 24 -9.56 1600 8 103.6 22 -9.56 1600 13% CaO 3 6% Al 2O3 105.2 101.4 4 23 -9.56 1600 2.5% CaO 11 1% Al 2O3 102.5 99.9 12 24 -9.56 1600 100.1 10 11 100.6 24 -10.16 1600 10 100.0 20 -10.16 1600 11 102.5 24.5 -10.16 1600 14 100.5 24 -10.16 1600 11 101.0 26 -10.16 1600 10 99.6 20 -10.16 1600 11 99.0 8 A-5 APPENDIX A. EXPERIMENTAL DATA Table A.5: Experimental results in the CrOx -MgO-SiO2 system in equilibrium with metallic Cr. test phases phase present 39 L+M2S+Sp L 40B 41 Total time log pO2 s.d. incl. Mo, Al (h) (atm) 49.6 29.2 0.4 0.4 14.1 39.0 46.5 0.4 0.7 1.0 28.9 45.7 27.4 0.7 0.8 0.7 40.2 41.5 22.4 0.8 0.7 1.4 L 48.0 47.0 10.1 L+M2S formed 2.7 1.1 2.6 23.9 39.6 40.8 2.4 1.0 1.9 26.5 1.0 73.6 3.8 0.6 3.9 3.2 41.4 54.6 0.1 0.4 0.3 L+Sp L+Sp L P+M2S+Sp L L M2S P M2S A-6 MgO s.d. 0.5 on cooling 42 SiO2 s.d. 20.3 M2S 40A Cr2O3 99.5 20 Cr met. T (°C) 1600 Contami- # pts nations 10 100.3 8 102.5 20 Cr met. 1600 16 104.6 20 Cr met. 1600 10 106.0 27 Cr met. 1600 10 104.6 101.8 100.1 10 25.5 Cr met. 1600 5 0.7% CaO 8 Appendix B Model parameters B-1 APPENDIX B. MODEL PARAMETERS Table B.1: Model parameters for the adapted phase descriptions in the CrOx MgO-SiO2 system (J/mol and J/mol.K). Liquid oxide Stoichiometry: (CrO, CrO1.5 , MgO, SiO2 ) Binary parameters [46, 49–51] 07 ωCrO−CrO = 48610 1.5 00 ωCrO1.5 −MgO = -16736 07 ωCrO−SiO = 754823 – 325.372 T 2 00 ωCrO1.5 −SiO2 = 167360 00 ωMgO−SiO = -86090 2 01 ωMgO−SiO2 = -48974 + 37.656 T 07 ωMgO−SiO = 328109 – 125.52 T 2 Ternary parameters φ002 CrO−SiO2 (MgO) = −33472 φ011 MgO−SiO2 (CrO) = 54392 φ011 SiO2 −MgO(CrO) = 29288 Olivine Stoichiometry: [Mg2+ , Cr2+ ]M2 [Mg2+ , Cr2+ ]M1 SiO4 Mg SiO GMM = Gm 2 4 Cr2 SiO4 = 2 GCr2 O3 + 2 GCr + GSiO2 + Gadd , GKK = Gm m 3 m 3 m Gadd = 37656 2 α = GKM - GMK = 36820 GKK + GMM = GKM + GMK K and M represent Cr and Mg respectively. M1 and M2 represent different octahedral sites for cations. Enstatite Stoichiometry: (Mg,Cr)SiO3 3 = 1 GCr2 O3 + 1 GCr + GSiO2 + Gadd , GCrSiO m m 3 m 3 m Gadd = 16736 B-2 Fasediagrammen voor roestvaststaalslakken Dit deel is een Nederlandstalige samenvatting van deze doctoraatstekst. Referenties naar hoofdstukken, figuren, tabellen of formules verwijzen naar de Engelstalige tekst. Inhoud van deze samenvatting: 1. Inleiding 2. Literatuur 3. Experimentele methode 4. Experimentele resultaten 5. Modellering 6. Besluit 1. Inleiding Bij de verwerking van metalen op hoge temperatuur vormen zich naast de vloeibare metaalfase ook andere fasen, zoals de slakfase, met even cruciale functies. In de slak verzamelen zich de oxides. Bij het produceren van roestvast staal beschermt de slak het staal voor oxidatie, zorgt ze voor een thermische afdekking, en verzamelt ze onzuiverheden. De samenstelling van de slak is het voorwerp van uitgebreid onderzoek omdat deze een grote invloed heeft op de levensduur van het refractair materiaal, het verlies van chroom naar de slak, en de bruikbaarheid van de slak als secundaire grondstof (bijvoorbeeld als bouwmateriaal) na afkoelen. In de zoektocht naar verbeterde processen is computationele thermochemie een belangrijk onderzoeksinstrument. Met thermodynamische N-1 APPENDIX B. MODEL PARAMETERS databanken kunnen complexe berekeningen met vele elementen en fasen uitgevoerd worden. Dit laat toe om onder meer fasediagrammen, complexe fasenevenwichten, en stolsequenties te berekenen. Alhoewel de databanken een realistische schatting kunnen vormen op basis van een beperkt aantal experimentele gegevens, kunnen de databanken nooit betrouwbaarder zijn dan die gegevens. Daarom blijft het belangrijk om, naast het optimaliseren van de thermodynamische modellen, fasediagrammen en thermodynamische gegevens ook experimenteel te bepalen. Het doel van dit werk is de thermodynamische beschrijving voor roestvaststaalslakken te verbeteren. Concreet wordt het CaO-CrOx -MgOAl2 O3 -SiO2 , dat de vijf belangrijkste componenten van roestvaststaalslak bevat, experimenteel bestudeerd. Aan de hand van deze resultaten worden enkele lacunes in de beschrijving geı̈dentificeerd. Het ternaire systeem waar de grootste verschillen tussen de experimenten en de berekeningen worden teruggevonden CrOx -MgO-SiO2 , wordt vervolgens in detail onderzocht. Gebaseerd op nieuwe experimentele gegevens en gegevens uit de literatuur wordt een nieuwe beschrijving van dit ternair systeem ontwikkeld. 2. Literatuur 2.1. Thermodynamisch modelleren van oxidesystemen In Hoofdstuk 2 worden de principes van de modellering van oxidische fasediagrammen behandeld. Een thermodynamische beschrijving bestaat uit een uitdrukking voor de Gibbs vrije energie van elke fase, in functie van de samenstelling en de temperatuur, zoals vergelijking 2.1 aangeeft. Door het minimaliseren van de totale Gibbs vrije energie, schematisch getoond in Figuur 2.1, wordt bepaald welke fasen stabiel zijn, en in welke samenstelling. Voor deze berekening zijn verschillende softwarepakketten beschikbaar, waarvan FactSage, Thermo-Calc, MTDATA en Pandat de bekendste zijn. Een optimalisatie behelst het zoeken naar de beste beschrijving voor de verschillende fasen in het systeem. De beste beschrijving benadert de experimentele gegevens zo goed mogelijk, zonder te veel vrije parameters in de modellen in te bouwen. Voor oxidische vloeistoffen zijn verschillende oplossingsmodellen ontwikkeld. Deze modellen beschrijven de korteafstandsorde met specifieke veronderstellingen. Dit leidt telkens tot een sterk samenstellingsafhankelijke Gibbs vrije energie voor de vloeistof. In het quasichemisch model [18, 19] worden interacties tussen de oxiN-2 des van verschillende metalen beschreven als het vormen van paren. In vergelijking 2.4 en 2.5 wordt een Gibbs vrije energie gedefinieerd voor de reactie van gelijke paren (bijv. CaO-CaO) naar ongelijke paren (bijv. CaOSiO2 ). Deze binaire interactietermen leiden tot de V-vormige mengenergie uit Figuur 2.4. Met specifieke aannames worden de binaire interacties geëxtrapoleerd naar ternaire systemen. Zo wordt SiO2 behandeld als een asymmetrische component, wat betekent dat de interacties met SiO2 constant blijven bij een constante SiO2 -fractie in het ternaire systeem (Figuur 2.5). Er worden eveneens ternaire interactietermen gedefinieerd. Ten slotte is er een benadering voorzien om alle binaire en ternaire interacties in een multicomponentmodel te verzamelen. Het ionische subroostermodel Hillert et al. [26], Sundman [27] benadert de vloeistof als een rooster met kationen (Ca2+ , Mg2+ ) en een 0 rooster met anionen (O2− , SiO4− 4 ) en het neutrale SiO2 . Het CaO-SiO2 2+ 0 systeem wordt bijvoorbeeld geschreven als (Ca )(O2− , SiO4− 4 , SiO2 ). Naargelang de samenstelling van de vloeistof veranderen de hoofdcomponenten van de vloeistof. Zuiver CaO wordt (Ca2+ )(O2− ), terwijl zuiver SiO2 als (SiO02 ) wordt geschreven. Bij de samenstelling met maximale ordening, benadert de vloeistof (Ca2+ )0.67 (SiO4− 4 )0.33 . Door voor deze verschillende combinaties van ionen verschillende energieën te definiëren, wordt de Gibbs vrije energie van de vloeistof samenstellingsafhankelijk. Ook in dit model kunnen los daarvan extra interactietermen ingevoerd worden. In de paragrafen 2.2.3-2.2.5 worden enkele andere modellen besproken. Zo veronderstelt het associate model Hastie and Bonell [32] een aantal virtuele verbindingen in de vloeistof (bijv. Ca2 SiO4 ) met een specifieke Gibbs vrije energie. Het Kapoor-Frohberg celmodel [34] benadert de korteafstandsorde als de vorming van cellen, wat tot een vergelijkbare mengenergie leidt als de vorming van paren in het quasichemisch model. Uit de vergelijking van de verschillende oplossingsmodellen voor vloeibare oxides blijkt dat het quasichemisch model de meeste uitbreidingsmogelijkheden naar multicomponentsystemen kent. Dit model heeft zijn geschiktheid ook voor het grootste aantal oxidesystemen bewezen. Hoofdstuk 3 geeft aan in welke mate het CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 systeem reeds werd beschreven met de verschillende modellen. Daarbij blijkt dat zeven van de tien deelsystemen, aangegeven in Figuur 3.1, reeds geoptimaliseerd werden met het quasichemisch model [45]-[53]. Deze deelsystemen zijn verenigd in het slakmodel van FactSage (FToxid database versie 5.3). De beschikbare modellen met het ionische subroostermodel (in Thermo-Calc) en het associate model (in MTDATA) zijn op beduidend minder optimalisaties gebaseerd. Het FactSage-model wordt daarom geN-3 APPENDIX B. MODEL PARAMETERS kozen als vergelijkingspunt voor de experimentele gegevens in Hoofdstuk 7 en 8, en voor verbere uitbreiding in Hoofdstuk 9. 2.2. Experimenteel bepalen van oxidische fasediagrammen Hoofdstuk 4 geeft een overzicht van de experimentele methodes om oxidische fasediagrammen te bepalen. Daarbij wordt een onderscheid gemaakt tussen statische en dynamische methodes. Bij dynamische methodes wordt een eigenschap van het materiaal gemeten tijdens een faseverandering. Zo kan de smeltwarmte tijdens het opwarmen van een monster gedetecteerd worden in bijv. DSC (differentiële scanning calorimetrie). Het systeem is dan echter niet in evenwicht, en de traagheid van de meeste reacties in oxidesystemen beperkt vaak de nauwkeurigheid van deze methodes. Statische methodes, daarentegen, bestuderen de eigenschappen van een materiaal dat lange tijd in dezelfde omstandigheden wordt gehouden. Als deze eigenschappen behouden worden tijdens het afschrikken, kunnen ze na het experiment nauwkeurig bestudeerd worden op kamertemperatuur. Vaak wordt dan de samenstelling van verschillende fasen, die op hoge temperatuur in evenwicht waren, gemeten met elektronenbundelmicroanalyse (EPMA). Oxidesystemen waar metalen met meerdere valenties (zoals ijzer of chroom) in voorkomen zijn afhankelijk van de zuurstofpartieeldruk, pO2 . Om ze te bestuderen is het vereist de pO2 te controleren. Hiervoor is een buffer nodig, die ervoor zorgt dat het sample zuurstof kan opnemen of afgeven zonder dat de pO2 verandert. In lucht is de zuurstofbuffer groot genoeg. In reducerende omstandigheden moet echter gewerkt worden met reactieve gassen, of met een hoeveelheid metaal in evenwicht met het monster. De pO2 die via de reactieve gasmengsels CO/CO2 , H2 /H2 O en H2 /CO2 bereikt kan worden, wordt weergegeven in Figuur 4.2. In paragraaf 4.2.2 wordt ingegaan op de materiaalkeuze voor de kroes, die zowel compatibel moet zijn met de zuurstofpartieeldruk als met het monster. Hoofdstuk 5 vat vervolgens experimentele studies in het ternaire deelsysteem CrOx -MgO-SiO2 samen. Het sterk pO2 -afhankelijke systeem werd reeds bestudeerd bij verschillende zuurstofdrukken en temperaturen. Door het ontbreken van experimentele details of door onverenigbaarheid met andere data lijken niet alle gegevens echter even betrouwbaar. 3. Experimentele methode In Hoofdstuk 6 wordt een experimentele methode besproken om de liquidus-solidus-relaties in het onderzochte systeem te observeren. Poeders N-4 van de zuivere oxides worden gemengd en tot evenwicht gebracht in een Mo-kroes in een verticale buisoven bij 1500◦ C of 1600◦ C, zoals Figuur 6.1 laat zien. Zuurstofpartieeldrukken tussen 10−11.04 en 10−9.36 atm worden opgelegd via mengsels van CO en CO2 . De samenstelling van de poeder is zo gekozen dat één of twee vaste fasen in evenwicht met de vloeistof aanwezig zijn. Na 8 en 24 uur wordt een sample genomen met behulp van een staaf uit aluminiumoxide. Door de staaf in de koude zone van de oven te trekken wordt het sample redelijk snel afgeschrikt. Een zekere kristallisatie in de matrix, en een beperkte groei van de vaste fasen, kunnen daarbij niet vermeden worden. Dit verhindert een nauwkeurige meting van de samenstelling echter niet. In sommige gevallen wordt in evenwicht met lucht of met vast metallisch chroom gewerkt. Daarbij wordt het monster in een Pt- of Mo-folie in evenwicht gebracht, en wordt het volledige monster afgeschrikt in water. De afgeschrikte samples worden met een microsonde met golflengtedispersieve spectroscopie (EPMA-WDS) geanalyseerd. Daarbij worden de materialen uit Tabel 6.1 als standaard gebruikt. 4. Experimentele resultaten 4.1. CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 Hoofdstuk 7 bespreekt de experimentele resultaten in het multicomponentsysteem CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 . Er worden secties van het fasediagram bestudeerd bij verschillende temperatuur, pO2 , en basiciteit (B=CaO/SiO2 ). Figuur 7.1 en 7.2 geven de resultaten weer bij hogere basiciteit B=1.2, zonder Al2 O3 . Hierbij staan de symbolen voor de samenstelling van de vloeistof in de experimenten en de lijnen voor het berekende fasediagram. Een goede overeenkomst tussen het FactSage model en de experimenten wordt gevonden, in het bijzonder voor de spinelliquidus (L+Sp). De berekende eskolaiet-liquidus (L+E, E=(Cr,Al)2 O3 ) ligt echter steeds 1-2 gew% hoger dan experimenteel bepaald. Dit verschil blijft systematisch aanwezig wanneer er Al2 O3 aan het systeem wordt toegevoegd, zoals uit Figuur 7.8 blijkt. Dit verschil lijkt afkomstig uit het systeem CrOx -CaO-SiO2 , waar de berekening bij lage zuurstofpartieeldruk afwijkt van experimenten uit de literatuur. Dit wordt weergegeven in Figuur 7.14. De overeenkomst voor de spinel-liquidus blijft behouden bij het toevoegen van Al2 O3 , zoals te zien is op Figuur 7.9. Ook de berekende samenstelling van spinel en eskolaiet in Figuur 7.13, als functie van de Al2 O3 -concentratie in de vloeistof, stemt goed overeen met de experimenN-5 APPENDIX B. MODEL PARAMETERS tele resulaten. Bij lagere basiciteit B=0.5 worden echter grote verschillen waargenomen in de fasediagramsecties in Figuur 7.3 en 7.4. Terwijl de overeenkomst op de assen (zonder MgO of zonder CrOx ) even goed is als bij hogere basiciteit, is er een grote afwijking op de spinel-liquidus. Deze blijkt het gevolg te zijn van een onvolledige beschrijving van het ternaire deelsysteem CrOx -MgO-SiO2 . 4.2. CrOx -MgO-SiO2 Dit systeem wordt daarom verder bestudeerd in Hoofdstuk 8. Voor omstandigheden van zeer oxiderend (in lucht) tot zeer reducerend (in evenwicht met metallisch chroom) wordt het fasediagram bij 1600◦ C bestudeerd. De experimentele resultaten worden vergeleken met experimentele gegevens uit de literatuur en berekeningen met het FactSage-model. In lucht (Figuur 8.1) is de overeenkomst redelijk goed. Hoe reducerender de omstandigheden, hoe meer de berekeningen echter afwijken van de experimentele gegevens. In reducerende omstandigheden, pO2 =10−9.56 en 10−10.16 atm (Figuur 8.3 en 8.4), onderschat de berekening de oplosbaarheid van spinel met de helft. In evenwicht met metallisch chroom voorspelt de berekening in Figuur 8.6 een ontmengingsgebied, dat volledig tegenstrijdig is met de experimentele resultaten in Figuur 8.5. Tussen de experimentele gegevens onderling is de overeenkomst goed, behalve voor de data van Morita et al. [91] en [90], waar de oplosbaarheid van Mg2 SiO4 (M2 S) in de vloeistof overschat wordt door hun methode. Daarin wordt de vloeistof na verzadiging met een blokje spinel geanalyseerd, zonder na te gaan of er geen tweede fase (in dit geval M2 S) gevormd was in de vloeistof. In de experimenten wordt een grote oplosbaarheid van Cr in de M2 Sfase vastgesteld, zoals Figuur 8.7 weergeeft. De gemeten stoichiometrie, en de grote toename van de oplosbaarheid bij afnemende pO2 , wijzen op een (Mg,Cr)2 SiO4 formule, waarin Mg2+ vervangen wordt door Cr2+ . 5. Modellering Tot slot wordt in Hoofdstuk 9 een verbeterde beschrijving van het CrOx MgO-SiO2 systeem ontwikkeld, gebaseerd op gegevens uit dit werk en uit de literatuur. In paragraaf 9.1 wordt eerst gecontroleerd of de bestaande optimalisaties in overeenstemming zijn met de ternaire gegevens. Voor het CrO-SiO2 -systeem in evenwicht met metallisch chroom blijkt er een kleine afwijking te zijn tussen de optimalisatie van Degterov and Pelton [50] en N-6 het experimentele fasediagram van Muan [96]. De experimentele gegevens waarop beide fasediagrammen gebaseerd zijn, wegen echter te licht om de extra binaire parameters uit vergelijking 9.1 te funderen. Daarom wordt met de bestaande versie verdergewerkt. De ternaire gegevens zijn volledig consistent met de andere geoptimaliseerde fasediagrammen. Met de bestaande binaire modellen kan bijgevolg een eerste versie van het ternaire fasediagram worden berekend. Daarbij wordt, zoals gebruikelijk, een asymmetrische benadering gebruikt met SiO2 als de asymmetrische component. Figuur 9.6 en 9.7 tonen dat dit kwalitatief reeds een goed resultaat geeft, maar dat de oplosbaarheden sterk overschat worden. Vervolgens worden de vaste oplossingen (Mg,Cr)2 SiO4 en (Mg,Cr)SiO3 aan het model toegevoegd. Voor de eerste, M2 S, wordt het Compound Energy Formalism gebruikt, waarbij alle mogelijke verbindingen een Gibbs vrije energie toegekend krijgen. De olivijnstructuur van M2 S bevat twee verschillende posities voor de metaalionen, M1 en M2. De fase wordt daarom voorgesteld als [Mg2+ , Cr2+ ]M2 [Mg2+ , Cr2+ ]M1 SiO4 . De Gibbs vrije energie van de verschillende combinaties wordt vastgelegd, waarbij die van Mg2 SiO4 reeds gekend is. De Gibbs vrije energie van de hypothetische verbinding Cr2 SiO4 bevat een term om de oplosbaarheid van Cr in M2 S te laten overeenkomen met experimentele gegevens (vergelijking 9.4). De energie van [Cr][Mg]SiO4 en [Mg][Cr]SiO4 is licht verschillend omdat het Cr-ion de M2-positie verkiest (vergelijking 9.5). Voor de tweede vaste fase, (Mg,Cr)SiO3 , wordt een eenvoudig idealeoplossingsmodel gebruikt waarbij de Gibbs vrije energie van CrSiO3 opnieuw een aanpasbare term bevat (vergelijking 9.10). In de vloeistof worden drie interactietermen tussen CrO, MgO en SiO2 bepaald, die de liquidus op verschillende plaatsen corrigeren, zoals Figuur 9.10 aanduidt. Vergelijking 9.11 geeft de parameters weer. Een overzicht van de parameters in het geoptimaliseerde model wordt in Tabel B.1 gegeven. Het nieuwe model benadert de fasediagrammen op hoge temperatuur goed. De resultaten bij verschillende zuurstofpartieeldrukken worden vergeleken met experimentele gegevens in de reeks figuren 9.11-9.18. Ook de oplosbaarheid van Cr in M2 S in Figuur 9.20 komt goed overeen met de experimentele data. In paragraaf 9.6 worden de overblijvende verschilpunten bediscussieerd. Zo komt het model minder goed overeen met het fasediagram van Muan [96] bij 1400 en 1500◦ C. Dit zou kunnen verholpen N-7 APPENDIX B. MODEL PARAMETERS worden door temperatuursafhankelijke interactietermen te definiëren, al zouden extra experimentele resultaten daarvoor welkom zijn. Ook in het hogereordesysteem met CaO benadert het nieuwe model de experimentele resultaten beter dan het FactSage-model. Figuur 9.21 en 9.22 tonen een sterke verbetering bij lage basiciteit. Bij hoge basiciteit lijkt de fout uit het CrOx -CaO-SiO2 -systeem nu een groter effect te hebben. 5. Besluit Het doel van dit werk was de thermodynamische beschrijving voor roestvaststaalslakken te verbeteren. In de literatuurstudie werd de basis van zowel de thermodynamische beschrijving als de experimentele studie van oxidische fasediagrammen samengevat. Vervolgens werd een methode ontwikkeld om pO2 -afhankelijke slaksystemen te bestuderen. De studie van het vijfcomponentsysteem CaO-CrOx -MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 wees vervolgens op enkele verschillen, die terug te brengen zijn tot een kleine afwijking in het CrOx -CaO-SiO2 -systeem en een onvolledige beschrijving van het CrOx -MgO-SiO2 -systeem. In dat laatste systeem werden daarom gegevens uit de literatuur geverifieerd en aangevuld met nieuwe experimentele gegevens. Op basis van deze data werd de thermodynamische beschrijving van het CrOx -MgO-SiO2 -systeem geoptimaliseerd. Dit leidde tot een goede benadering van de fasediagrammen in dit ternair systeem, en in het hogereordesysteem. N-8 List of publications Publications in international refereed journals Published S. Arnout, F. Verhaeghe, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants A thermodynamic model of the EAF process for stainless steel Steel Research International 77 (5) 317-323, 2006. S. Arnout, F. Verhaeghe, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Lattice Boltzmann modelling of refractory slag interaction Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics 7 (2/3/4) 111-117, 2007. S. Arnout, F. Verhaeghe, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Lattice Boltzmann model for diffusion-controlled indirect dissolution Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 55 (7) 1377-1391, 2008. S. Arnout, D. Durinck, M. Guo, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Determination of CaO-SiO2 -MgO-Al2 O3 -CrOx liquidus Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91(4) 1237-1243, 2008. F. Verhaeghe, S. Arnout, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Lattice Boltzmann model for dissolution of solid structures in multicomponent liquids Physical Review E 72, 036308-2, 2005. F. Verhaeghe, S. Arnout, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Lattice Boltzmann modeling of dissolution phenomena Physical Review E 73, 036316-2, 2006. F. Verhaeghe, J. Liu, M. Guo, S. Arnout, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Dissolution and diffusion behavior of Al2 O3 in a CaO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 liquid: an experimental-numerical approach Applied Physics Letters 91 (12), 124104, 2007. P-1 F. Verhaeghe, J. Liu, M. Guo, S. Arnout, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Determination of the dissolution mechanism of Al2 O3 in CaO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 liquids using a combined experimental-numerical approach Journal of Applied Physics 103 (2), 023506, 2008. D. Durinck, S. Arnout, G. Mertens, E. Boydens, P.T. Jones, J. Elsen, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Borate distribution in stabilised stainless steel slag Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91 (2) 548-554, 2008. D. Durinck, F. Engström, S. Arnout, J. Heulens, P.T. Jones, B. Björkman, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Hot stage processing of metallurgical slags Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 52, 1121-1131, 2008. Submitted S. Arnout, M. Guo, I.H. Jung, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Experimental determination of CaO-Cr2 O3 -MgO-SiO2 and thermodynamic modeling of the CrO-Cr2 O3 -MgO-SiO2 system Journal of the American Ceramic Society, submitted. Contributions to compendiums P. Perrot, J. Vrestal, S. Arnout Evaluation of the ternary system Cu-Fe-O Copper-Iron-Oxygen Landolt-Börnstein Subseries IV/11 Authored by MSIT, Ternary Alloy Systems, Subvolume D. Iron Systems, in press. O. Fabrichnaya, S. Arnout Evaluation of the ternary system Ca-O-Zr Calcium-Oxygen-Zirconium Landolt-Börnstein Subseries IV/11 Authored by MSIT, Ternary Alloy Systems, Subvolume E. Refractory Systems, in review. Contributions to conference proceedings S. Arnout, F. Verhaeghe, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Lattice Boltzmann modelling of refractory slag interaction Proceedings of CFD2005, Trondheim, Norway, June 6-8, 2005. P-2 F. Verhaeghe, S. Arnout, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Lattice Boltzmann modeling of pyrometallurgical phenomena Proc. of New Technologies and Achievements in Metallurgy and Material Engineering, Czestochowa, Poland, June 2-3, 2005. S. Arnout, F. Verhaeghe, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants A thermodynamic model of the EAF process for stainless steel Proceedings of the European Metallurgical Conference EMC2005, p. 13251337, Dresden, Germany, September 18-21, 2005. F. Verhaeghe, S. Arnout, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Lattice Boltzmann model for refractory wear Proceedings of UNITECR ’05, p. 227-231, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., November 8-11, 2005. F. Verhaeghe, S. Arnout, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Lattice-Boltzmann model for dissolution phenomena, PAMM, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 7, 11407011140702, 2007. S. Arnout, M. Guo, D. Durinck, P.T. Jones, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Phase relations in stainless steel slags Proceedings of EMC2007, p. 1931-1946, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 1114, 2007. D. Durinck, P.T. Jones, M. Guo, S. Arnout, J. Heulens, P. Wollants, B. Blanpain How to improve slag valorisation by hot stage processing: an example of industrial ecology in steelmaking Proceedings of the third Baosteel biennial academic conference, p. L1-L7, Shanghai, China, September 26-28, 2008. D. Durinck, S. Arnout, M. Guo, P.T. Jones, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Stainless steel slags: processing, microstructure and utilization Proceedings of the Sano Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, October 2-3, 2008. D. Durinck, S. Arnout, P.T. Jones, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Analysis of the air-cooling process of basic metallurgical slags Proceedings of Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts 2009, Santiago, Chili, Jan 2009, in press. P-3 S. Arnout, D. Durinck, M. Guo, P.T. Jones, B. Blanpain, J. Van Dyck Solidification, stabilisation and phase relations studies for reuse of stainless steel slags Proceedings of EMC2009, June 28 - July 1, 2009, in preparation. Presentations at international conferences Oral presentations S. Arnout, F. Verhaeghe, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Diffusion controlled dissolution of porous media ICMMES, Hong Kong, China, July 26-29, 2005. F. Verhaeghe, S. Arnout, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Lattice Boltzmann model for refractory wear UNITECR ’05, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., November 8-11, 2005. S. Arnout, M. Guo, D. Durinck, P.T. Jones, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Phase relations in stainless steel slags EMC2007, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 11-14, 2007. S. Arnout, D. Durinck, M. Guo, P.T. Jones, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Modelling and experiments for stainless steel slag valorisation GTT-Technologies workshop, Aachen, Germany, 21 June, 2007. Poster presentations S. Arnout Phase relations in stainless steel slags Presented at GRC High Temperature Materials, Processes and Diagnostics, Waterville, Maine, U.S.A., July 16-20, 2006. S. Arnout, M. Guo, D. Durinck, P.T. Jones, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Phase relations in stainless steel slags Presented at High Temperature Materials Chemistry, Vienna, Austria, September 18-22, 2006. S. Arnout, M. Guo, D. Durinck, P.T. Jones, B. Blanpain, P. Wollants Phase relations in stainless steel slags Presented at Euromat, Nürnberg, Germany, September 9-13, 2007. P-4 Curriculum vitae Personal data Sander Arnout Date and place of birth: September 20, 1981, Kortrijk, Belgium Nationality: Belgian Home address: Milseweg 22, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium Work address: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Kasteelpark Arenberg 44 - box 2450, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium Tel: +32 16 321 279 Fax: +32 16 321 991 E-mail: [email protected] Education 2004-Present Doctoral student at the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, research assistant on IWT-projects 030880 and 050715 in cooperation with Ugine & ALZ Belgium Genk (ArcelorMittal). 2001-2004 Burgerlijk materiaalkundig ingenieur, K.U.Leuven (Belgium) 1999-2001 Kandidaat burgerlijk ingenieur, K.U.Leuven (Belgium) CV-1