June 21, 2012 - Cayman International School


June 21, 2012 - Cayman International School
June 22, 2012
CIS Mission Statement: Cayman International School endeavors to provide each
of our students the opportunity to achieve his/her academic and personal best within a
U.S./International educational environment that encourages and inspires leadership,
character, and community service while embracing cultural diversity.
The school year is officially over! This week we have had a lot to celebrate.
We are very proud of our students who have all demonstrated much growth and
have made such wonderful progress. Last Friday the CIS 2012 Graduation was
held with the largest graduating class from Cayman International School to date,
of 14 outstanding students. We are also proud of our Grade 8 students who will
officially move to High School, our Grade 5 students who will move on to Middle School, our PreK4 students who will move to Elementary School and our
Kindergarten classes who will move upstairs!
Thank you again to all the parents for all the support you have given your
children, the teachers and our school. Thank you to all the teachers and staff for
their commitment and dedication. And lastly but certainly not least, thank you
to all the students for their achievements. It is the entire CIS community that
makes up a wonderful school that we can all be proud to be a part of!
The end of the year also is time for farewells. For some it is goodbye for just
a short time, for others, a longer time. We wish the students, staff and families
that are departing CIS all the best in their new locations!
Thank you all again for a wonderful school year. Have a safe and enjoyable
June 29
Report Cards sent home
August 6 Tuition Due
August 17 New Teacher Orientation
August 20-23 All Staff/Faculty InService Week
August 24 Student Orientation
August 27 First Day of School K-12;
Nursery PreK3 & PreK4
Parent Conferences
August 28 First Day for Nursery—
June 25-July 6: 8:00 am—4:00pm
July 9—August 17: 8:00 am—3:00pm
From July 9 onwards, please call/email in
advance to schedule a visit as staff may be
out of the office conducting required business ([email protected]).
We are appreciative of all the support and fundraising CIS has done through the year for the community:
CI$730.35 – Cayman Heart Fund – Civvies for World Health Day
CI$635.50 – CI Cancer Society – Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Civvies Day
CI$954.45 – National Gallery of the Cayman Islands – Crazy Colors Civvies Day
CI$320.33 – CI Veterans Association – Remembrance Day Poppy Sale
CI$94.00 + – CI Cancer Society – Movember Fundraiser
CI$782.32 – CI Cancer Society – Stride for Cancer
CI$775.35 – Cayman Heart Fund – Wear Red for Cayman Heart Fund Civvies Day
CI$1386.53 – Cayman Prep and High School - Nathan Clarke Search Fund Civvies Day
CI$1203.70 – CI Cancer Society – “Now I Know” hair shaving fundraiser
CI$889.08 – Special Needs Foundation of Cayman Ltd – Autism Awareness – Blue Civvies Day
CI$723.31 – National Trust of the Cayman Islands – Earth Day Civvies Day
CI$879.09 – Feed Our Future – Orange Purple and Green Civvies Day
CI$518.66 – Feed Our Future - KG Bake Sale
CI$675.30 – CI Red Cross – Red and White Civvies Day
CI$188.00 – – Feed Our Future – ESSL – Bottle and snacks sales
CI$1000.00 – Feed Our Future – ESSL – Donation fromFabulous
funds raised
throughout the year
Thank you !!!
Top Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
Graduation Highlights….………………………………Page 4
CIS Community News . . . . …….. . . . . . . . . …. Page 2, 3
End of Year Secondary Assembly…………………....Page 5
End of Year Elementary Assembly ………………...Page 3
Counselors Corner……………………………………...Page 6
Cayman International School | P.O. Box 31364, Grand Cayman KY1-1206
phone 345.945.4664 fax 345.945.4650
email: [email protected]
website: www.caymaninternationalschool.org
June 22, 2012
CIS Community News
Wear sun protection. At least
SPF 30 sunscreen every time you go outside.
Stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle around with you. Especially
if you are outdoors a lot.
Summer allergies. Meet with your doctor before the holiday
begins so plans can be made to help alleviate your allergies.
 Swimming safety. Even if you are a strong swimmer, ensure
you are always supervised by an adult. .
Bug bites. Older kids can wear insect repellent. Younger kids
can wear light weight and light colored long sleeves. If you have
bug or bee allergy, remind parents to have the appropriate medication on hand should you need it.
Bicycle safety. Know the rules of the road! Go over the rules of
bicycle travelling with parents. Wear body protection such as
helmets, elbow and knee guards.
The 2012/13 Uniform Policy was emailed home earlier in June.
It will be posted on the website shortly. Please read carefully to ensure you are properly prepared for the new school year. Please
note that the optional rash guards are in the regular inventory on
Lands’ End. You will not be able to put a logo on it this year. Uniforms are ordered on-line from Lands’ End www.landsend.com/
school. CIS has a custom Lands’ End uniform webpage. To order, simply visit the Lands’ End website, above, and follow these simple steps:
 Enter your student and school information in the search fields
(Gender, Grade/Status, School Name, City and State). Optional:
Enter your student’s first name.
 Click on “Find My School” - Any matching school selections will
appear on the right; select your school.
 Click “Save School” to create an account, making future shopping visits easier!
The CIS Dance teams participated in the  Create or enter your account sign in details (Enter your email
NCFA Dance Eliminations for the first
address and password)
time on Friday the 1st of June and our
 Click “Shop For This School” - Only the items approved for that
Senior/Advanced group gained a Bronze,
student’s grade and gender will appear.
while our Junior Team obtained a Silver As you select each item, look for the dress code and logo guidelines
for their performance. Our Soloists Kalie B. and Juliette
to ensure that you’re purchasing the proper items for your child.
both received Bronzes for their numbers. We would like to
Many items are available in sizes for little kids, big kids and adults.
thank the CIS parents who were strong supporters for our
Some of the shorts, skorts, skirts and pants come in slim & husky
students at the event.
Sarah P. and Sabrina S.
This past week, from June 17-22, the CIS Curriculum Coordinator, Ms. Rita,
and the Elementary Reading Specialist, Ms. Lisa, were in Washington DC to
partake in a workshop for international educators on the AERO English standards and benchmarks. This workshop is only
one of many offered by the United States Department of State during this time of
year. Attendance at this workshop will be
particularly valuable for CIS as our reading/
language arts program has been reviewed as
part of the curriculum cycle and we look forward to continued work in this area next
school year.
Cayman International School | P.O. Box 31364, Grand Cayman KY1-1206
phone 345.945.4664 fax 345.945.4650
email: [email protected]
website: www.caymaninternationalschool.org
June 22, 2012
CIS Community News
The books selected for this years summer reading
program are:
5th Grade (going into
6th)- The Cay
6th Grade (going into
7th)- Out of the Dust
7th Grade (going into
8th)- The Outsiders
8th Grade (going into
9th)- Fahrenheit 451
9th Grade (going into
10th)- Animal Farm
Reading is essential as students enjoy their learning
experiences during the summer months. The books
selected have a direct relationship to the curriculum
being taught in the coming year, and are thoughtprovoking pieces of literature that
should provide opportunities for student reflection.
Summer Reading assignments are required, as these
books will be the foundations of lessons at the beginning of the next school
year. Students have been provided with additional
information in their classes.
2012/13 SCHOOL SUPPLIES All students entering
The updated 2012/13 School Sup- Kindergarten and any
ply Lists were emailed home earli- new students entering
er this month. Please ensure you
Elementary or Secondhave the relevant supplies for your ary must have a health
child ready for the first day of
screening prior to beschool! The 2012/13 School Sup- ginning the 2012/13
ply list will be posted on the web- school year. Please
see the attachment to
the newsletter for details about making appointments.
The CIS Performing Arts Department held External
Dance and Drama Exams for the first time this year
during May. The results received were excellent,
with a 100% pass rate including scores of 1 Pass, 27
Merits and 44 Distinctions! Congratulations!!!
The elementary school is pleased to announce the summer reading program, “Chill
Out With Books This Summer.” Students entering Grades 1-5 for the 2012/2013
school year may submit a photo “chilling with a book” and list the books they have
read over the summer by August
17th. Photos and information should
be submitted electronically to either
[email protected] or to
[email protected] by the deadline. All entries received by the deadline will be posted on the bulletin board
in the Library and qualify for the Chill
Out Party upon return to school in August. Happy reading students!
Cayman International School | P.O. Box 31364, Grand Cayman KY1-1206
phone 345.945.4664 fax 345.945.4650
email: [email protected]
website: www.caymaninternationalschool.org
As the summer holidays are
approaching, some parents have
inquired about the availability of
teachers or other staff members to
help with his/her child. Please
check with the school
([email protected]) if you
would like to discuss this further.
As per school policy, our teachers/assistants can provide tutoring
or services if these arrangements
are routed through the school and
on school premises. Thank you
for your cooperation and support
in following these guidelines.
June 22, 2012
End of Year Elementary Assembly
Cade C.
Dylan D.
Sadie F.
Will J.
Krish L.
Isabela W.
Alexia L.
Grade 2
Grade 5
Noah A.
Zoe C.
Madison I.
Abbie C.
Kireina P.
Marianne R.
Oliver J.
Connor M.
Keep up the
Jacob A.
Grade 3
Good Work
Isla M.
Nicolas P.
Everyone! CIS
Kayla M.
Martina T.
is proud of
Sophie S.
Aaron H.
their students!
Mia-Rose V.
Grade 1
Asher L.
Grade 4
Layla N.
Grace B
Venitta Y.
Ethan C.
Connor F.
James B.
Sofia H.
Valentina T.
Andrew H.
Christopher T.
Charlize K.
Rishi L.
Cayman International School | P.O. Box 31364, Grand Cayman KY1-1206
phone 345.945.4664 fax 345.945.4650
email: [email protected]
website: www.caymaninternationalschool.org
June 22, 2012
Name of Award
Selection Criteria
Type of Award
Ernst & Young Award
Grade 12 student for highest academic performance
Best Grade 12 student essay; this years’s
topic: CIS strives to encourage and inspire
leadership, character and community service while embracing cultural diversity. Describe how you have demonstrated
these traits both in and out of school .
Grade 12 top art student
Miguel M.
Miguel M.
Framed award certificate and CI
CI$1,000 and plaque
Samantha G.
Awards and books
Dart Foundation Award
Grade 12 student for highest academic performance
Miguel M.
iPad and a custom ordered laptop or
desktop computer, plaque
Appleby Legal Education
Appleby selected through essays, resume
and interview
Appolina B.
Award includes law school tuition
fees, university exam fees, textbooks, a living allowance and work
experience each summer
PTA Scholarship Award
National Gallery Award
Cayman International School | P.O. Box 31364, Grand Cayman KY1-1206
phone 345.945.4664 fax 345.945.4650
email: [email protected]
website: www.caymaninternationalschool.org
June 22, 2012
Grade 6-8 Student
Grade 9-12 Student
Social Studies
Wray S.
Sheline C.
Tsin Zan G.
Kirsten E.
Kathryn S.
Hannah E
Tsin Zan G.
Josiah D.
Niklas W.
Evan F.
Sean G.
Kingsley F.
Megan E.
Emily R.
Drew L.
Jagger H.
Sunya C.
Sabrina S.
Dani S.
Hannah E.
Most Improved
Gannon R.
Lauren D.
Devin R.
Vicky B.
Dylan B.
Emily R.
Character Education
Ceridwn F.
Hayley G.
IB Student of the Year
Emily R
Ms. Dodie Ebanks served the CIS community for 4 years, as
the school transitioned from Faulkner Academy through to
CIS’s first year at Camana Bay.
During this time, Ms. Dodie was noted for her dedication to
the school and to the community. Most of all, she was noted
for her work with the students of this school, particularly
through her role as a member of the office staff. Although she
brought no formal qualifications to the job, she brought something far more valuable — a wealth of life experiences, patience, endurance, and kindness. In all of her interactions with
the children, staff, students, and members of the public, she
demonstrated tremendous compassion and
understanding for others.
Everyone quickly
came to know and trust
her caring, loving
ways. Although life
dealt her a difficult, and
at times, unfathomably
painful hand, she has
strived to overcome
these challenges. She
capitalized upon them to stand out as a shining example to all
who have come to know and love her.
Dodie Ebanks Humanitarian Award Eligibility
The recipient must be a CIS student for 1 year who has
demonstrated commitment to others through some of the following:
 Strong work ethic
 Positive attitude towards school, school work and community
 Inspires others
 Community service
 Service to school
 Obvious commitment to the welfare of others
 Leadership
Cayman International School | P.O. Box 31364, Grand Cayman KY1-1206
phone 345.945.4664 fax 345.945.4650
email: [email protected]
website: www.caymaninternationalschool.org
June 22, 2012
Counselor’s Corner
The much-awaited summer holidays are right around the corner. The kids at school can’t
wait for the fun to begin. They keep counting the days until they no longer wake up to the noise
of the dreadful alarm clock and spend their evenings on tedious homework rather than watching
the latest movies and spending all their time fixated on the Xbox or Play station. Parents on the other
hand are torn between feeling excited for the kids and dealing with the horror of trying to keep them occupied so that they won’t bring the house down. Your child’s counselor is here to the rescue with some tips on
how to keep your kids productively busy during the holidays.
 Enrolling your children in summer camps is a great way of ensuring that they are making good use of their time
Ms. Rachna
and also learning a new skill or two. You can choose from sports camps, art and craft camps, music and dance camps,
computer camps etc.
 This is probably a good time for your child to pick up a new skill. It could be a new sport like tennis or badminton or a new
form of dance or art.
 You can encourage your child to make a scrapbook. She could write in stories, draw pictures, paste photos and in general fill in
information about how she spent her summer holidays.
 Summer is also a great time to develop a hobby. You could encourage your children to start collecting stamps, shells, coins etc., or engage her in other hobbies.
 Since many of your child’s friends are probably traveling for the summer leaving her feeling very alone, you could motivate your child to find
a pen pal about her age. She could share stories, ideas and thoughts with this child and also learn a little about that person’s culture if the child
is from another part of the world. You must however ensure that the pen pal is carefully selected and screened by yourself before your child
starts interacting with him or her.
 You could also encourage your child to write to her cousins, grandparents or anybody else whom she would like to keep in touch with.
Keeping in touch with relatives who are based in different parts of the world helps your child stay connected with family.
 Visit the local library. Help your child pick books that she enjoys. Encourage your child to read a book a week and then may be do a little
book review to share her views about the book with you. This will enhance your child’s reading and writing skills.
 You could also encourage your child to start a book club with her friends. They could decide on reading a book a week and meet to review
the book.
 Your children could take up part-time voluntary jobs. This helps your child develop important skills, attitudes and habits required to be successful. These include time management and meeting deadlines, following directions, problem-solving, interpersonal communication, team work
and spirit development and leadership skills.
 Help your children grow a garden. Even small apartments can have a box garden. Teach your children how to dig the soil, plant seeds,
water and do whatever else goes into taking care of the garden.
 Kids rarely get the opportunity to design their rooms. Try getting your children to work on improving his or her room space. The web is full
of sites that give kids great ideas on redecorating. For example, you could ask them to pick new wallpaper or move around furniture to create
more storage space etc.
Summer is a great time to help those who are less fortunate. Your children could probably put up a garage sale or wash cars etc., and collect
some money to be given to a charitable organization. They could also volunteer sometime in organizations like The Red Cross, Pines Old Age
Home etc. These activities give children great sense of care and responsibility.
The transition from a busy and hectic school year to the slow days of summer where kids don’t know where to channel their energies and imagination is challenging. With a little creativity and effort you can help turn those lazy, crazy days of summer into both a joyous and a productive
time for your children!
Cayman International School | P.O. Box 31364, Grand Cayman KY1-1206
phone 345.945.4664 fax 345.945.4650
email: [email protected]
website: www.caymaninternationalschool.org
95 Minerva Dr., Camana Bay, P.O. Box 31364, Grand Cayman, KY1-1206, Cayman Islands
Tel: 1-345-945-4664 | Fax: 1-345-945-4650
Email: [email protected] | Website: www.caymaninternationalschool.org
June 2012
Dear Parents
Re: School Entry Health Screening
According to the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority, all children over the age of 4 years & 9 months are required to
have a health screening before entering elementary school at Kindergarten, up to Grade 12, in both Government and private
Over the summer, before the 2012/13 school year begins, the Public Health Department is providing free screening
appointments for all kindergarten school entrants and any new students in elementary through high school. The dates that
have been made available to Cayman International School students are July 26 & 27, 2012. Screenings will take place on
these dates at the John Gray High School medical center.
This health screening includes the following elements:
Personal and family medical history
Screening for vision and hearing
Dental examination
A general physical exam
Review of the immunization records and administration of immunization(s), if required
Request lab test if necessary, to include :
complete blood count
Hb electrophoresis (sickle cell)
Stool tests for children whose history indicates the need
Any other tests deemed necessary after the physical exam
Referral for any special examinations if necessary
Once this health screening has been carried out, a certificate will be issued for your child. This health screening certificate
needs to be brought to the school office to be kept with your child’s school records.
To make an appointment for a health screening for your child on July 26 & 27, 2012, please contact me either by telephone
or by email to the address below by June 22, 2012 to arrange a suitable time. I will then provide you with an appointment
card and a health questionnaire for your child, which you must take to the screening appointment to obtain the completed
health screening certificate.
You may also choose to have your child’s free health screening carried out on another date, if you are unable to attend an
appointment on July 26 & 27, by calling the School Health Coordinator at the Public Health Department directly on 1-345244-2734. If you choose this method, please call after June 22, 2012.
Alternatively, you may arrange for your child’s pediatrician to carry out their health screening at your own cost. If you
choose this method, you will need to take your child’s health screening results to the Public Health Department so they can
issue you with the completed certificate, prior to the beginning of the 2012/13 school year.
Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
An IB World School, authorized to present the Diploma Programme of the International Baccalaureate Organization.
I will be following up with those who have not contacted me to make an appointment so, if you choose not to book your
appointment through the school, I would be very grateful if you could contact me to let me know that your child’s screening
will be taking place. Additionally, if your child has already had a screening, please let me know and provide me with the
health screening certificate.
Regardless of the method you use to book your child’s appointment, or if your child has already had their health screening,
all health screening certificates must be returned to the school office at the beginning of the 2012/13 school year to be kept
with your child’s school records.
Cayman International School would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter, and in helping to make
the school as healthy an environment as possible for your children. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me
directly using the below contact details.
Yours sincerely
Susan Young
Personal Assistant to the Director
[email protected]
Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
An IB World School, authorized to present the Diploma Programme of the International Baccalaureate Organization.
Cecily Abraham
Alexander Place
Shirley Cridland
Smith Road
Gordon Smith
Windward Centre
Dirk Belfonte
Chrissie Tomlinson Hosp.
Walkers Road
Alexander Place
James Robertson
TrinCay Medical Services,
Camana Bay
Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
An IB World School, authorized to present the Diploma Programme of the International Baccalaureate Organization.
comes to Cayman
The University College
of the Cayman Islands
invites you to
Meet 17-year old scientist Nate Newman, President of
the Youth Advisory Panel of Teens4Oceans, a youth
non-profit organization, and representative of Wild
Goose Imaging , designer and manufacturer of the first
ever self-cleaning submersible web camera housing
to facilitate underwater data collection,
surveillance, and seabed imagery.
Monday, June 25
Cascade Room
University College of the Cayman Islands
**Teens4Oceans is embarking on a project to deploy a communications
buoy system and accompanying suite of data and video equipment to
perform research on coral reefs off the east end of Grand Cayman.
For further information, please contact
[email protected] or call 623-0561.