Ubiquitous - Managing Diabetes Australia
Ubiquitous - Managing Diabetes Australia
Ubiquitous Insulin Pump ANYDANA & ANYDANA Android DANA Diabecare R DANA Remote System Enables You to... keep your privacy You no longer have to take your insulin pump out in order to deliver a bolus, since the DANA Remote enables you to operate all of the pump functions very discretely.. download data to your PC have a moreÀH[LEOHOLIH access via the internet When required, your health-care provider can adjust your pump settings using the Any DANA software through a secure internet connection. When enabled, your health-care professional or guardian can adjust the pump settings for children or disabled patients. 5 Colors DANA Ubiquitous Insulin Pump System Now, you can discretely deliver a bolus without anyone noticing! You no longer need to hide out of sight to administer a bolus in a public setting. For instance, when in a meeting, in class or at a restaurant - simply use the discrete DANA remote control! DANA Diabecare R You can download all of the pump settings to your PC and easily review the history in colorful graphs and print reports. All data, including access to pump history, glucose levels, daily total dose, bolus and even glucose patterns can be easily and quickly viewed. New ANYDANA Android Smart Phone Smart Pump Using a secure Bluetooth connection, the Any DANA Android application is now available for the DANA R remote system. If you have an Android Smart phone, you can use your phone as a discrete remote control for your DANA R Insulin Pump. ANYDANA Any Where Any Time 0RELOH0DQDJHUIRU$QGURLGLVQRZDYDLODEOH Using a secure Bluetooth connection, the Any DANA Android application is now available for the DANA R remote system. If you have an Android Smart phone, you can use your phone as a discrete remote control for your DANA R Insulin Pump. ANYDANA Android Intuitive User Interface DANA Ubiquitous Insulin Pump System ANYDANA + - OK Customized Personal Treatment Report System + OK Features ANYDANA Program is a simplified diabetes Data Management System. <RXQRZKDYHWKHSRZHUWRFRQWURODQGPDLQWDLQ\RXU diabetes in the palm of your hand! With the use of your Android smart phone, you can access your DANA insulin pump, communicate results to your physician and keep track of your pump settings. ) LUVWO\GRZQORDG\RXU'$1$5LQVXOLQSXPSVHWWLQJVDQG history to your PC. Log onto the Any DANA Application’s secure web site and create your own personalized ID and password. You can then upload your pump data to the secure cyber database to share with your health-care team! 7KH$Q\'$1$VRIWZDUHSURYLGHV\RXDQG\RXUSK\VLFLDQ with an all-inclusive database to access all the insulin pump’s settings, history, and data. 7KHRQOLQHVRIWZDUHRUJDQL]HVWKHGDWDLQWRHDVLO\ accessible reports consisting of charts, tables and graphs. 3K\VLFLDQVFDQHDVLO\LQVWDOOWKH$Q\'$1$VRIWZDUHRQWR a PC or laptop to gain quick and convenient access to their patient’s data through the web-based Any DANA program. Detailed reports track all the pump settings and history from a web-based remote location, helping to optimize treatment. DANA Insulin Pump ANYDANA DANA Ubiquitous Insulin Pump System DANA Manager Smart Phone DANA Android DANA Diabecare IISG Smart Hybrid Insulin Pump DANA Insulin Pump DANA Diabecare IISG Blood Glucose The only insulin pump with an Integrated glucose meter ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKH6PDUW(DV\IHDWXUHVRI'$1$LQVXOLQSXPSVWKH,,6*LQWHJUDWHVDJOXFRVHPRQLWRUZKLFKQRW only makes it the smallest, but also the only hybrid insulin pump available. You can customize your meal bolus according to your carbohydrate intake and your current glucose levels. You can have the peace of mind of being DEOHWRDGGDFRUUHFWLRQDOEROXVWRKHOSFRUUHFWHOHYDWHGEORRGJOXFRVHOHYHOV7KLVK\EULGLQVXOLQSXPSKDVD complete integrated record system which keeps track of the patients’ glucose levels, carbohydrate intake, and insulin delivery. All In One Small, Lightweight, Easy to Use Devices! One Step Simplify your diabetes management Measurement Freedom Recording You no longer need to carry a glucose meter, log book, insulin vials or syringes Calculation Control Dose Adjusting Insulin Infusion 7KH,,6*DOORZV\RXWRWDLORU\RXU insulin dose according to your glucose measurements BOLUS FEATURES SUPPLEMENTARY FEATURES %ROXV,QFUHPHQWVRUXQLWV XQLW%ROXV'XUDWLRQVHFRQGV $XGLEOH ([WHQGHG%ROXVPLQXWHVKRXUV 'XDO3DWWHUQ%ROXV &DUER%ROXV&DOFXODWLRQ3URJUDP 'RVH$XWR&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ %XWWRQ6FUROO /DQJXDJHV6XSSRUWHG $UDELF&KLQHVH&]HFK'DQLVK'XWFK(QJOLVK )UHQFK*HUPDQ+HEUHZ+LQGL+XQJDULDQ,WDOLDQ Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, 7XUNLVK BASAL FEATURES 3URJUDP'RVDJHXQLWKU 5DWHV3HU3UR¿OH%DVDO5DWHV 7HPSRUDU\%DVDOKUKUV 1XPEHURI3UR¿OHV ,QVXOLQ&DSDFLW\XQLWVFF 0HPRU\5HFDOO%ROXV3ULPH'DLO\ 7RWDOV&DUERK\GUDWHDQG%ORRG*OXFRVH $YHUDJH%DWWHU\/LIH:HHNV'HSHQGVXSRQ LQVXOLQGRVDJH ,3;UDWH SAFETY FEATURES CUSTOMIZABLE FEATURES FOR INDIVIDUALS INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CARE GIVERS $XGLEOHUHPLQGHUVIRUWHVWLQJEORRGVXJDU levels after bolus %ROXV)UHTXHQF\5HVWULFWLRQ 3UHVHWWLQJRIGHIDXOWEROXVHV 3,1SURJUDPPLQJIRUKHDOWKFDUHSURIHVVLRQDO DQGRUFDUHJLYHUV +\EULGWHFKQRORJ\RIWKH'$1$,,6*DOORZV\RXWRWDNHFRQWURORI\RXUEORRG JOXFRVHDQGJLYHV\RXIUHHGRPWRHQMR\OLIH DANA Ubiquitous Insulin Pump System %XWWRQ/RFNPRGHWRSUHYHQWXQLQWHQGHGRSHUDWLRQ $ODUP/RZ%DWWHU\/RZUHVHUYRLU2FFOXVLRQ )DLOVDIH)XQFWLRQ %ROXV)UHTXHQF\5HVWULFWLRQ $FWLYH,QVXOLQ0RQLWRULQJ 6DPSOHື, Capillary Whole Blood 7LPHVHF 5DQJHWRPJG/WRPPRO/ &DOLEUDWLRQ3ODVPDHTXLYDOHQW $VVD\0HWKRG(OHFWURFKHPLFDO 6WULS'$1$%ORRG*OXFRVH6WULS DANA Diabecare IISG MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES BLOOD GLUCOSE MEASUREMENT DANA Diabecare IIS Smart Insulin Pump When Considering Insulin Pump Therapy, Ask This Question. Is it REAL? Reliable 33 years of Insulin Pump Innovation Used by patients in more than 60 countries Easy Icon Based Interface, Easy Access to Smart Features Multiple Languages Supported Affordable Cost Effective Light and Small Only 65 grams with a full 300unit reservoir and battery 'RFWRU¶VPRGH/LJKWZHLJKWDQG6PDOO/RZ0DLQWHQDQFH&RVW8VHU)ULHQGO\ :DWHUSURRI,3;6DIHW\6HWWLQJVDQG0HPRU\/RFNRXW0RGHIRU6DIHW\ &DUERK\GUDWH&RXQWLQJ3URJUDP*XLGHG0DQDJHPHQW6\VWHP6WURQJDQG'XUDEOH DANA Diabecare IIS %ROXV,QFUHPHQWVRUXQLWV XQLW%ROXV'XUDWLRQVHFRQGV $XGLEOH ([WHQGHG%ROXVPLQXWHVKRXUV 'XDO3DWWHUQ%ROXV BASAL FEATURES 3URJUDP'RVDJHXQLWKU 5DWHV3HU3UR¿OH%DVDO5DWHV 7HPSRUDU\%DVDOKUKUV 1XPEHURI3UR¿OHV MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES ,QVXOLQ&DSDFLW\XQLWVFF 0HPRU\5HFDOO%ROXV3ULPH'DLO\ 7RWDOV&DUERK\GUDWHDQG%ORRG*OXFRVH $YHUDJH%DWWHU\/LIH:HHNV'HSHQGVXSRQ LQVXOLQGRVDJH ,3;UDWH:DWHUSURRI SAFETY FEATURES %XWWRQ/RFNPRGHWRSUHYHQWXQLQWHQGHGRSHUDWLRQ $ODUP/RZ%DWWHU\/RZUHVHUYRLU2FFOXVLRQ )DLOVDIH)XQFWLRQ %ROXV)UHTXHQF\5HVWULFWLRQ $FWLYH,QVXOLQ0RQLWRULQJ SUPPLEMENTARY FEATURES &DUER%ROXV&DOFXODWLRQ3URJUDP 'RVH$XWR&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ %XWWRQ6FUROO /DQJXDJHV6XSSRUWHG $UDELF&KLQHVH&]HFK'DQLVK'XWFK(QJOLVK )UHQFK*HUPDQ+HEUHZ+LQGL+XQJDULDQ,WDOLDQ Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, 7XUNLVK CUSTOMIZABLE FEATURES FOR INDIVIDUALS INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CARE GIVERS $XGLEOHUHPLQGHUVIRUWHVWLQJEORRGVXJDU levels after bolus %ROXV)UHTXHQF\5HVWULFWLRQ 3UHVHWWLQJRIGHIDXOWEROXVHV 3,1SURJUDPPLQJIRUKHDOWKFDUHSURIHVVLRQDO DQGRUFDUHJLYHUV DANA Ubiquitous Insulin Pump System BOLUS FEATURES %ORRG*OXFRVH0RQLWRULQJ6\VWHP DANA Cheker +LJKO\DFFXUDWHEORRGJOXFRVHPRQLWRULQJ through advanced biosensor technology DANA strip for DANA R pump is used. Easy to use Rapid test results in just 5 seconds YDOXHPHPRU\ZLWKGDWHDQGWLPH Convenient 6PDOOVDPSOHYROXPHXVLQJRQO\ື $OWHQDWHVLWHWHVWLQJIURP¿QJHUWLSVSDOPVIRUHDUPVDQGWKLJKV Reliable 3URYHQDFFXUDWHUHVXOWZLWKJOXFRVHVSHFL¿FPHWKRG /RQJVKHOIOLIHRIPRQWKV 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 7HVW PJG/PPRO/ Sample Size 0LQLPXPື 7HVW7LPH 5 Seconds 7HVW6DPSOH Fresh capillary whole blood Calibration Plasma-equivalent Assay Method Electrochemical Battery Life 7HVWV Memory %ORRGJOXFRVHYDOXHV Dimension ;;PP Weight J%DWWHU\LQFOXGHG Operating Range 7HPSHUDWXUH ଇٻദ ڡ 5HODWLYH+XPLGLW\ +HPDWRFULW Easy to use Reliable Accuracy Pump Components Infusion Sets 6RIW5HOHDVH2 Features Catalog Number Catalog Number Soft cannula length 7RWDOWXELQJOHQJWK 6 PP FP 6 PP FP 6 PP FP 6 PP FP 6 PP FP 6 PP FP 6 PP FP 6 PP FP 6RIW5HOHDVH67 Features Catalog Number 5LQJORFNPHFKDQLVP $QJOHLQVHUWLRQ 1HHGOH7\SH 6HOIDGKHVLYHWDSH Easy to connect and disconnect. GHJUHH6WUDLJKWQHHGOH 7HIORQ* $QFKRUVWKH6RIW5HOHDVH67WRWKHLQMHFWLRQVLWH Catalog Number Soft cannula length 7RWDOWXELQJOHQJWK 65 PP FP 65 PP PP Catalog Number Features 5LQJORFNPHFKDQLVP $QJOHLQVHUWLRQ 1HHGOH7\SH 6HOIDGKHVLYHWDSH Easy to connect and disconnect. GHJUHH 6WDLQOHVVVWHHO* Anchors the Easy Release to the injection site. Catalog Number Soft cannula length 7RWDOWXELQJOHQJWK 68 68 68 68 PP PP PP PP FP FP FP FP Easy Release II Catalog Number Features 5LQJORFNPHFKDQLVP $QJOHLQVHUWLRQ 1HHGOH7\SH 6HOIDGKHVLYHWDSH Easy to connect and disconnect. GHJUHH 6WDLQOHVVVWHHO* Anchors the Easy Release II to the injection site. Catalog Number Soft cannula length 7RWDOWXELQJOHQJWK 68 68 68 68 PP PP PP PP FP FP FP FP Superline ST Catalog Number Features $QJOHLQVHUWLRQ 1HHGOH7\SH 6HOIDGKHVLYHWDSH GHJUHH 6WDLQOHVVVWHHO* $QFKRUVWKH6XSHUOLQH67WRWKHLQMHFWLRQVLWH GGInserter R Catalog Number Soft cannula length 7RWDOWXELQJOHQJWK GG,QVHUWHU67 68 PP 55cm 68 PP 55cm 68 PP 55cm DANA Ubiquitous Insulin Pump System Easy Release '$1$&KHNHU,QIXVLRQ6HWV 7KH6HW7KDW6SLQV )UHHO\URWDWHVGHJUHHV(OLPLQDWHWKHQHHGWRORRNDWWKHVLWHWRFRQQHFWRUGLVFRQQHFW increase site selection areas. $QJOHLQVHUWLRQ GHJUHH 1HHGOH7\SH 7HIORQ* 6HOI$GKHVLYHWDSH % RG\KHDWDFWLYDWHGQHZWHFKQRORJ\WDSHUHDOO\VWLFNVZKHQZHW7UDQVOXFHQWWDSHPDWFKHV natural skin tones and does not draw attention to site. Smooth low profile dome shape won’t snag clothing. / RZGH[WHULW\RQHKDQGHG1HHGOH)UHHFRQQHFWRUHOLPLQDWHVQHHGOHVWLFNVDQGLVFRPIRUWDEOH for big and little fingers. 33 Year-Ol Since 1979 SOOIL History 1979 1983 1993 1995 1998 First Portable Insulin Pump Portable Insulin Pump Diabecare Diabecare MINI DANA Diabe 2011 EASD 1979 The first SOOIL insulin pump is clinically tested at Seoul National University Hospital. 1980 SOOIL develops the first portable insulin pump suitable for everyday use. 1981 SOOIL establishes Factory Registration for the manufacturing of the SOOIL insulin pump. 2010 EASD 1981 SOOIL receives approval for the Diabecare 3 insulin pump from the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). 3 1995 SOOIL obtains approval for the Diabecare MINI insulin pump from the KFDA. 1995 SOOIL establishes a collaboration with the medical colleges of Seoul National University and KonKuk University for Research and Development. 2009 EASD 1998 SOOIL obtains approval for the DANA Diabecare 3 insulin pump from the KFDA. 1999 SOOIL is certified by SGS ISO9001, EN46001, ISO13485, CE0120 for worldwide sales. 2000 SOOIL receives FDA clearance for the DANA Diabecare 3 and Superline insulin infusion set. 2008 EASD 2001 SOOIL develops the DANA Diabecare y II insulin pump. 2002 2007 EASD SOOIL receives FDA clearance for the DANA Diabecare y II, SoftRelease-ST soft cannula set and Superline- Easy-Release detachable Infusion set for marketing in the U.S. d History ecare Only on Insulin Pump 2001 2006 2008 DANA Diabecare II DANA Diabecare IIS DANA Diabecare R 2003 DANA Diabecare y II receives World-class Product Award from the Korean Government. 2012 Any Dana Android Application 2012 6th Distributors Meeting 2005 SOOIL opens U.S. Subsidiary in San Diego, California. 2006 SOOIL obtains CE mark for the DANA Diabecare y IIS and the product is launched in EU countries. 2006 SOOIL develops the IISG Smart-Hybrid Insulin pump which combines the IIS technology with a glucose meter. 2007 US FDA clears DANA IIS insulin pump. SOOIL obtains CE mark for DANA IISG insulin pump. SOOIL hold 1st Distributors Meeting 2011 5th Distributors Meeting 2008 SOOIL obtains CE mark for DANA R insulin pump. SOOIL hold 2nd Distributors Meeting 2009 SOOIL develops new user interface on DANA R insulin pump. SOOIL hold 3rd Distributors Meeting 2010 4th Distributors Meeting 2010 SOOIL develops Any DANA. SOOIL hold 4th Distributors Meeting 2011 SOOIL develops Any DANA for Windows Mobile. SOOIL hold 5th Distributors Meeting 2012 SOOIL develops Any DANA for Android 2009 3rd Distributors Meeting 2008 2nd Distributors Meeting iyTlzTXZG` ANYDANA & ANYDANA Android SOOIL Development Co., Ltd. www.sooil.com 196-1, Dogok-dong Kangnam-gu, Seoul, KOREA 135-270 Tel:+82(2)3463-0041 Fax:+82(2)3463-7707 E-mail:[email protected]
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