tarif 2014 - Sopacom industrie
tarif 2014 - Sopacom industrie
TARIF 2014 V PDF ersion & disp Mob oni ile ble Leader of mechanized facilities Large ware-washers have to constantly treat a significant amount of tables’ ware within a predetermined period of time, hence the need for a well-studied and elaborated design for the facility in order to ensure a continuous supply for the ware-washing machine. Sopacom Industrie has always been able to adapt to the most complicated, space-limited, environments; with a sophisticated range of products, the most complete set within the market in terms of mechanized handling equipment, enabling us to move tables’ ware both vertically and horizontally. Our experience, our know-how, and knowledge, enables us to design and to manufacture the most complete range of mechanized handling products. Our projects reflect our capacities. SUMMARY THE STANDADS / THE ESSENTIALS ........................................................................................... p.4 - 6 Standard tables and shelves THE TECHNILIFT ................................................................................................................................. p.8 - 9 Elevator / lift for trays / baskets TECHNICORD ...................................................................................................................................... p.10 - 21 Help to calculate the mechanization Tray transport via cords TRANSFLEX, CARDANFLEX, CLICFLEX ...................................................................................... p.22 - 23 Machine’s entry solutions TRANSROLL ......................................................................................................................................... p.24 - 27 Tables and roller turns / corners WARE WASHERS’ TABLING .............................................................................................................. p.30 - 33 Customized solutions Dressing conveyor .................................................................................................................... p.34 - 35 Solutions for trays ans pots / bowls (room temperature or refrigerated) LES TRIS SELECTIFS ............................................................................................................................ p.36 - 37 Sopacom Concept ........................................................................................................................ p.38 - 39 Sushi Concept - Pizza Concept EXEMPLES OF IMPLEMENTATIONS ............................................................................................ p.40 - 41 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ........................................................................................ p.42 our standards code désignation HT. € J300SR without a ramp J300 with ramp 1.025 code 1.155 1.095 4 stainless stell tread wheels, 2 brakes 115 Mobile sink removable block for cutlery transfer 75 5 désignation désignation G20 désignation Mobile cutlery soak sink TRIRACL Waste scraper fixed on table D301T Removable sorting block with protruded waste hole SOCROUL Roller dolly RAMPSOC Ramp option 4RCI 4 stainless steel chapped wheels HRDC91 Dolly’s handle height 91 cm 130 80 115 75 Hatch cell HT. € 1.020 355 HT. € 165 240 code 450 x 350 mm To be posed désignation LM40 Supported hand-washing sink LG40 Suspended hand-washing sink HT. € code désignation consult us B120 12 Sockets 585 B160 16 Sockets B200 20 Sockets B240 24 Sockets code désignation HT. € 215 TRIC200 Lower shelf of two stainless steel round tubes TRIC300 Lower shelf of three stainless steel round tubes 240 HT. € 2.110 2.760 3.600 4.435 Selective sorting table Stainless steel-made lower shelf code désignation PRTL01 Selective sorting table G23 Stainless steel mobile trash/waste bin CE22 4 wheels kit (2 with brakes) Spherical covering 4 HT. € 5 Scraper/removable waste hole désignation désignation 63 BLOCDCA Removable block for cutlery transfer code code Hand washing sink with a knee-controlled faucet, headboard of 40 mm Supported code HT. € s consult u J300MGL with a side-guide 4RCI2F Roller dollies / roller dolly with a ramp 4 wheels , two of them with brakes with ring bumpers Bloc TVO grand modèle Constant level cart for baskets / trays HT. € consult us 285 300 consult us The essentials Storing shelf option: removable inclined support code désignation HT. € code désignation 325 375 155 190 D500 Angled shelf length 1.10 m 295 D400 Horizontal shelf l length 1.10 m D401 Horizontal shelf length 1.60 m D402 Horizontal shelf length 2.10 m PL550 Variant: inclined support for one basket PL1200 Variant: inclined support for two basket Angled removable shelf (adjustable length) D501 Angled shelf length 1.60 m D502 Angled shelf length 2.10 m Mixed shelf with an inclined surface HT. € 495 545 610 code désignation D600 Mixed shelf length 1.10 m D601 Mixed shelf length 1.60 m D602 Mixed shelf length 2.10 m Machine’s exit table Roller table with simple HT. € 790 880 985 Machine’s entry table With integral sink 400 x 400 x 300 code désignation TR2010 Roller table length 1.00 m TR2015 Roller table length1.50 m TR2020 Roller table length 2.00 m HT. € 895 1.135 1.340 Stainless steel waste/trash bin code désignation G23 285 Plastic Waste/trash bin106 L (52x52x58) 95 Stainless steel roller dollies 85 Plastic roller dollies 75 PP105 SRPI105 SRPP105 Round mobile waste/trash bin 80 L HT. € code désignation TL0650 Machine’s exit table length 0.65 m TL1150 Machine’s exit table length 1.15 m TL1650 Machine’s exit table length 1.65 m HT. € 410 555 635 Soaking table with integrated sink for front-load machines length 1200 code désignation TLPLF Soaking table with integrated sink for front-load machines HT. € 1.135 Optional: removable waste hole désignation 240 HT. € TL0644 Machine’s entry table length 0.65 m TL1144 Machine’s entry table length 1.15 m TL1644 Machine’s entry table length 1.65 m 875 980 1.080 Faucets code désignation HT. € 9077012 Monohole Pre-rinse swivel spout faucet 9077023 Swivel + swan neck monohole Optional: faucet D301T code 340504 swan neck faucet, 1/4 T 340503 Ceramic mixer with a spray gun Robinet enrouleur, différentes longueurs 350 420 110 215 consult us 5 The essentials Machine´s entry table with an integral sink Ventilated entry/exit smooth table code désignation HT. € code HT. € désignation HT. € s consult u s consult u s consult u Etagère de dépose 2 ou 3 niveaux Waste-hole collar for waste/trash bin Repository/Receptacle for waste & liquids code désignation HT. € s consult u code désignation TLA0650 Removable smooth table length 650 TLA1150 Removable smooth table length 1150 code désignation HT. € code TVOPC Waste-hole collar for squared waste/trash bin 395 D301 Removable sorting block with waste holes TRILIQU désignation Integrated receptacle for waste and liquids ou l’ensemble D301RLE Waste and liquid receptacle block Pedestal riser for front-load machine Removable smooth table for angled layout (hooked on trimmed sides) HT. € 250 690 870 Allows the installation of our entry/exit tables (not included in price) Removable mobile selective sorting HT. € code code désignation 530 680 SOCHAUT Frontal pedestal riser A2PRTRM Mobile cart for selective sorting désignation HT. € consult us with tables’ coupling SOCBAS 6 désignation Machine´s entry table with integral sink 400 x 800 Pedestal riser consult us HT. € 3.130 Waste treatment (consult us) Compact close-Coupled Waste Pulping grinder Regulator for food waste in the grinder Under-table close-coupled Waste Pulping grinder Poubelle refrigerée 1 à 3 portes Close-coupled Waste Pulping grinder for a wet trough Grinder’s vat Waste transport Wet trough with removable waste hole Moist platform with an evacuation channel 7 Baskets’ Technilift NIVEAU SERVICE Chargeur casiers dans descenseur Tri assiettes Tri assiettes Aiguillage à casiers NIVEAU LAVERIE 8 Trays’ Technilift NIVEAU SERVICE Dépose taquets avec pré-tri sélectif em ré Ent ne i ach x ose p Dé u tea a l p Ensemble ascenseur/descenseur NIVEAU LAVERIE 9 TECHNICORD - Calculate the mechanizations’ number Straight TECHNICORD L1 L1 = Total straight length Straight TECHNICORD With 1 curve 90° L2 L1 = straight length before curve L2 = straight length after curve L1 90° Straight TECHNICORD With 1 curve 180° 180° L1 L2 L1 = straight length before curve L2 = straight length after curve 10 TECHNICORD - Calculate the mechanizations’ number REGLES DE MECANISATION STRAIGHT TECHNICORD Règle des “9+7” One mechanization is capable of pulling over a distance of 3 meters, and pushing for a distance of 7 meters, giving a total distance of 16 meters. One Technicord of 17 meters requires a second mechanization, as one of 32.5 meters will require a third mechanization. Exceptions : -All that leads to the establishment of a break of mechanization which occurs prior to where the ‘9 +7’ rule allows. -The integration of 90° or 180° curve requires an acceleration for the trays in order to have a free space between them; allowing therefor the trays to pass through the curve without overlapping. Either (a 90° curve is worth 1 meter in terms of straight length, or the 180° curve is worth 2 meters) - Multiple -Change trays’ washing level (considered as a second sorting area: see rule below). L1 1 m to 16.5 m 17 m to 33 m 1 33.5 m to 48.5 m 2 Example encryption with : L = 17m The table below offers 2 possible mechanization which gives: 3 code qté désignation A2MECA2 Mechanization of 2 engines for a Technicord 1 Straight linear Technicord (17 m) 1 A2170 STRAIGHT TECHNICORD with 1 curve 90° L2 1 m to 6.5 m 7 m to 15.5 m 16 m to 22.5 m 23 m to 25 m 1 2 2 3 1 m to 9.5 m L1 10 m to 16.5 m 2 2 3 3 17 m to 25.5 m 2 3 3 3 26 m to 30 m To create a more effective sorting area, it’s essential to reduce the distance between two trays after the acceleration zone. If a different engine does not allow this reduction, then there should be a mechanized curve, 3 3 4 4 Example encryption with : L = 17m L = 17m +1 curve 90° The table below offers 3 possible mechanization which gives : code A2MECA3 A2170 A2VIR90 A2170 désignation Mechanization of 3 engines for a Technicord Straight linear Technicord (17 m) curved technicord 90° Straight technicord 17 m qté 1 1 1 1 STRAIGHT TECHNICORD with 1 curve 180° the (texte manquant) A 90 ° rule requires the use of an additional engine, unless special conditions or it is useful to contact us. Optional variable speed. In general, one by mechanization, this allows a better adaptation to several frequency conditions and to the personnel. L2 L1 1 m to 7m 7 m to 16.5 m 17 m to 25.5 m 1 m to 9.5 m 1 2 3 10 m to 16.5 m 2 3 4 17 m to 25.5 m 3 4 5 Example encryption with : L = 16.5m L = 7m +1 curve 180° The table below offers 2 possible mechanization which gives : code A2MECA2 A2165 A2VIR180 A2070 désignation Mechanization of 2 engines for a Technicord Straight linear Technicord (16.5 m) Curved technicord 180° Straight linear Technicord (7 m) qté 1 1 1 1 11 TECHNICORD - Calculate the mechanizations’ number STRAIGHT TECHNICORD WITH 2 90° curves 90° L1 L2 90° L1 =First straight length L3 L2 = Second straight length L3 = Third straight length STRAIGHT TECHNICORD WITH ONE 90° curve and ONE 180°curve 180° L3 L2 90° L1 = First straight length L2 = Second straight length L3 = Third straight length 12 L1 TECHNICORD - Calculate the mechanizations’ number STRAIGHT TECHNICORD WITH 2 90° curves L1 1 m to 9.5 m L3 For For L1 10 m to 16.5 m L3 For L1 17 m to 25 m L3 1 m to 6.5 m 7 m to 15.5 m 16 m to 22.5 m 23 m to 25 m 1 m to 6.5 m 7 m to 15.5 m 16 m to 22.5 m 23 m to 25 m 1 m to 6.5 m 7 m to 15.5 m 16 m to 22.5 m 23 m to 25 m 1 m to 6.5 m 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 7 m to 15.5 m 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 16 m to 22.5 m 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 4 5 5 23 m to 30 m 4 5 5 6 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 6 L2 code A2MECA4 A2100 Example encryption with : L1 =10 m L2 =18 m L3 =17 m A2VIR90 A2180 A2VIR90 A2170 Désignation Technicord’s mechanization 4 Engines Straight linear Technicord (10 m) Curve for Technicord 90° Straight linear Technicord (18 m) Qté 1 1 1 1 1 1 Curve for Technicord 90° Straight linear Technicord (10 m) STRAIGHT TECHNICORD WITH ONE 90° curve and ONE 180°curve For L2 L1 1 m to 9.5 m L3 For L1 10 m to 16.5 m L3 For L1 17 m to 25 m L3 1 m to 7.5 m 8 m to 15.5 m 16 m to 23.5 m 24 m to 25 m 1 m to 7.5 m 8 m to 15.5 m 16 m to 23.5 m 24 m to 25 m 1 m to 7.5 m 8 m to 15.5 m 16 m to 23.5 m 23 m to 25 m 1 m to 6.5 m 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 5 3 3 3 4 7 m to 15.5 m 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 5 3 4 4 5 16 m to 22.5 m 3 4 4 5 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 23 m to 30 m 4 5 5 6 4 5 5 6 4 5 5 6 Example encryption with : L1 = 18 m L2 = 12 m L3 = 8 m code A2MECA4 A2100 A2VIR90 A2180 A2VIR90 A2080 Désignation Technicord’s mechanization 4 Engines Straight linear Technicord (10 m) Curve for Technicord 90° Straight linear Technicord (18 m) Curve for Technicord 90° Straight linear Technicord (10 m) Qté 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 A2 technicord double piste monobloc habillage 14 habillage stratifié dépose plateaux avec pré-tri selectif Référence : CEA MARCOULE 2000 couverts Particularité : Passage du convoyeur double piste monobloc au-dessus de l’entrée machine « Extra Large » 15 TECHNICORD C E A L1 F M1 H M2 K S4 S1 R1 M3 N4 N2 N1 V B S2 R2 A C 16 N3 equipment and accessories D100A7 R1 D100A8 R2 D100R7 Removable sorting bridge 550 x 700 mm 270 € TRIM60 TRIM110 Removable sorting bridge 550 x 800 mm 315 € D101A L1 Folding sorting bridge 330 € 550 x 700 mm TABLTRI Folding sorting bridge 365 € 550 x 800 mm D301F Mobile sorting table 600 x 600 and 1100 x 600 Linking table with covering for frontal sorting 500 x 510 1.230 € 1.425 € 150 € Customized linking 330 € table for frontal sorting S1 D100R8 S2 M1 Removable sorting block equipped with a waste hole for frontal sorting 250 € Bloc de tri avec TVO en saillie pour raccordement sur goulotte humide 970 € Folding sorting bridge 510 € 550 x 800 mm protruded waste hole D301H Folding sorting bridge 595 € 550 x 800 mm Built-in waste hole D301G Leg supported sorting table (300 mm) (ml) 380 € TVOC Colored anti-choc collar for protruded waste hole 145 € D100P7 Leg supported sorting bridge 550 x 700 mm 480 € TVOCE Colored waste hole (built-in model) 230 € D100P8 Leg supported sorting bridge 550 x 800 mm 515 € TRILIQU Integration of a receptacle for liquids 690 € D101COU Unpacked soaking shelf 1/2 rack 800 x 300 1.025 € D301L Removable sorting block equipped with a waste hole for side sorting 250 € D100RVO S3 D100AVO S4 D101 M2 M3 Sorting block with 240 € protruded waste holes on wet trough 17 TECHNICORD D C B E G M L A F H Standard right working height of 90m0 conveyor K J K1 Accumulation area Curve180° 1300 x 630 x 900 I1 Straight Conveyor special 80 mm thick to pass over a conveyor dishwasher with working height 1.05m. Curve 90° 630 x 630 x 900 I Right sloping conveyor to move the height of removing 90-1 0 m 05 m over a minimum length of 2 m (warning: risk of further mechanization). 18 éQUIPEMENTS et ACCESSOIRES AE50 Unit detector stopping sensor 645 € A2ACCU Accumulation area consult us Roller ramp width 500 mm 940 € CAPFIX Fixed conveyor’s rollover (ml) 710 € Constant level trays´ cart 1.155 € CAPVIR Capotage du virage Technicord 1.095 € Motorized cleaning brush for trays 5.850 € AE52 Electromechanical course´s end 325 € Cutlery’s magnetic extractor 7.950 € CONS Wall-fixed support unit 70 € for a conveyor L. 50 cm Mobile reception sink 1. 020 € AE51 Cellule arrêt portique Additional emergency ´Stop´ button 140 € A AE41 B J300 C AE12 D H10 E G20 780 € F AE60 CAPAMO G AE61 ISOL Distant ´Go/stop´ command unit 175 € AE70 H A2DECLI AE80 Special support leg for 115 € inclined Technicord AE71 I A2HABIN A2H80 Conveyor of special width 80 mm consult us A2HABAR Capotage articulé du convoyeur (ml) 1.145 € Rollover’s isolation (ml) 310 € Set-up of a timed flow 930 € Welding and tensioning kit for Technicord 710 € Fire-hatching steel sheet 1.205 € Lower filling stainless steel board for a conveyor (ml) 385 € Capotage articulé du convoyeur (ml) 270 € Carts’ detection sensor 920 € I1 M AE55 19 A2 TECHNICORD 2 strands Linear Technicord ‘ A2’ (excluding mechanization ) code longueur HT.€ A2005 A2010 A2015 A2020 A2025 A2030 A2035 A2040 A2045 A2050 A2055 A2060 A2065 A2070 A2075 A2080 A2085 A2090 A2095 0.50 m 1.00 m 1.50 m 2.00 m 2.50 m 3.00 m 3.50 m 4.00 m 4.50 m 5.00 m 5.50 m 6.00 m 6.50 m 7.00 m 7.50 m 8.00 m 8.50 m 9.00 m 9.50 m 360 780 1.125 1.445 1.665 2.020 2.565 2.845 3.140 3.275 3.485 4.005 4.495 4.975 5.300 5.360 5.480 5.800 6.115 code longueur HT.€ désignation HT.€ A2100 6.530 10.00 m 6.940 A2105 10.50 m A2110 7.345 11.00 m A2115 11.50 m 7.555 A2120 12.00 m 7.775 A2125 8.000 12.50 m A2130 8.300 13.00 m A2135 8.510 13.50 m A2140 14.00 m 8.870 8.915 14.50 m A2145 A2150 9.505 15.00 m 9.830 15.50 m A2155 A2160 16.00 m 10.465 10.535 A2165 16.50 m A2170 11.025 17.00 m reinforced rope (added value per ml) A2COR15 75 A2DECOU Special length added to a superior length 360 A contour for slopped Technicord 720 A2PENTE Curves and referral switch for Technicord ‘A2’ K K1 HT.€ code désignation A2VIR45 A2VIR90 A2VI90M A2VI180 A2V180S Curved technicord 45° 1.855 A2AIGGA Curved technicord 90° 2.775 A2AIGDR Motorized 180° curve for Technicord 3.635 L A2AIGCE Curved technicord 180° standard lenght 1300 5.925 A2VIRSP Customized curve for Technicord180° (lenght : 200 to 2000) code 16.815 16.815 15.500 3.315 consult us Referral switch for a left exit Referral switch for a right exit Referral switch for a centered exit Special curve for Technicord MECANISATIONS TECHNICORD “A2” code désignation HT.€ code désignation HT.€ Mechanization with 1 engine A2MECA1 4.275 A2MECA5 Mechanization with 5 engine 13.965 Mechanization with 2 engine A2MECA2 6.570 A2MECA6 Mechanization with 6 engine 16.465 Mechanization with 3 engine Speed variation* 855 9.315 A2MECA3 AE21 consult us Additional size cupboard Mechanization with 4 engine 11.465 AE22 A2MECA4 *One variation per mechanization, which allows a better adaptation to several frequency conditions and to the personnel TECHNICORD 2 BRINS A2 TRIAGES TECHNICORD DE TRIAGE FRONTAL LARGEUR 430 MM “A2TR” (hors mécanisation) HT.€ code longueur HT.€ code longueur A2TRI20 A2TRI25 A2TRI30 A2TRI35 A2TRI40 A2TRI45 2.00 m 2.50 m 3.00 m 3.50 m 4.00 m 4.50 m 1.445 1.665 2.020 2.645 2.845 3.145 A2TRI50 A2TRI55 A2TRI60 A2TRI65 A2COR15 A2DECOU 5.00 m 3.275 5.50 m 3.485 6.00 m 4.005 6.50 m 4.320 reinforced rope (added value per ml) 75 Special length added to a superior length STATION DE TRIAGE 20 code désignation HT.€ code désignation TRISTA2 TRISTA3 TRISTA4 TRISTA5 2 Baskets for trays’ conveyor 3 Baskets for trays’ conveyor 4 Baskets for trays’ conveyor 5 Baskets for trays’ conveyor 1.145 1.635 1.990 2.435 RCSTA2 RCSTA3 RCSTA4 RCSTA5 2 Baskets for trolleys’ conveyor 3 Baskets for trolleys’ conveyor 4 Baskets for trolleys’ conveyor 5 Baskets for trolleys’ conveyor HT.€ co s lt u u ns Straight conveyors placed on top of each other for lateral interval of 15 to 25 cm, and a height between the 2 conveyors of 25 to 30 cm A E I B F Layered referral switch Covered wet troughs D201 N1 D201V45 Wet trough, width 220mm ‘conveyor sediment’s’ 1.050 € N4 45° curve for wet trough 610 € N2 D201V90 D202 90° curve for wet trough 785 € Monohole swivel spout EC/EF pre-rinse faucet and a swan neck 350 € 420 € 330 € Wet trough of a 500 525 € mm length for passing under the conveyor N5 Technicord’s faucets K Magnetic protection for wet trough (through section) D20105 D201JB 9077012 9077023 Wet trough of 800 mm 920 € with a ´S´ shape D201S Wet trough of 200 mm length for link- 390 € ing a trough and grinder TRI44F Multiple selective sorting unit 0,70 m (1 door 0,70 and 1 TVO) Sink+ filter +Swivel spout faucet support + swivel spout faucet 860 € Multiple selective sorting unitde 0,70 m (1 door 0,70 and 1 TVO) A2PRTR1 1.485 € PRTRI01 2.200 € A2PRTR2 2.390 € PRTRI02 3.025 € A2PRTR3 3.525 € PRTRI03 4.295 € Customized doors with laser printing Selective sorting’s decals (consult us) Same profile dressing design without door nor waste holes HT : Length shorter 730 € than 0.70 code : HABPR01 HT : The ml higher 895 € than 0.70 code : HABPR02 21 A4 TRANSFLEX Pre-rinse tunnel for machine’s entry (scrapper) D E Straight unit C A Departure unit with flirting waste drawer of 0.25 m B Final unit, engine supported with flirting drawer of 0.50m Important : Nous indiquer le type ainsi que les vitesses d’avancements de votre machine CARDANFLEX CLICFLEX 22 TRANSFLEX - Baskets’ transport (via semi-lunar or palette chains) LINEAIRES A B C code longueur HT.€ code longueur HT.€ A4DEP A4MOT A4005 A4010 A4015 A4020 A4025 A4030 A4035 Departure unit with filter of 0.255 m Machine’s link with filter of 0.5 m 0.50 m 1.00 m 1.50 m 2.00 m 2.50 m 3.00 m 3.50 m 1.295 950 1.195 1.470 1.745 2.105 2.405 2.715 3.850 A4040 A4045 A4050 A4055 A4060 A4065 A4070 A4075 A4080 4.00 m 4.50 m 5.00 m 5.50 m 6.00 m 6.50 m 7.00 m 7.50 m 8.00 m 4.220 4.520 4.805 5.125 5.530 6.555 6.920 7.185 7.555 désignation HT.€ code HT.€ 2.120 2.865 désignation A4VI180 180° special curve, semi-lunar TRANSFLEX 5.350 A4VIRSP Special curve, semi-lunar TRANSFLEX Consult us C Curve code D 45° curve, semi-lunar TRANSFLEX 90° curve, semi-lunar TRANSFLEX A4VIR45 A4VIR90 E MECANISATIONS ET ACCESSOIRES code désignation HT.€ A4MECA1 A4MECA2 A4005B A4DECOU A4TR10 A4PRW A4005B 1 engine mechanization, semi-lunar TRANSFLEX 2 engine mechanization, semi-lunar TRANSFLEX Element 500 with sink 400 Put to a specific length of an A4 conveyor (non-multipliable of 50 cm, added to the superior length) Linking with Transroll Pré-wash tunnel Capot installation pré-wash Consult us A4CAPOT Element 800 with sink 400 Element 500 with sink 400 A4008B 1.275 4.370 7.165 1.275 435 215 1.315 1.950 CARDANFLEX - Baskets’ transport via bones or universal joint LINEAIRES HT.€ code longueur A7DEP A7DEP A7DEP A7MOP A7005 A7010 A7015 A7020 A7025 A7030 Departure unit with a 0.25 m filter Post-curve unit with a 0.25 m filter Pre-curve unit with a 0.25 m filter Machine’s linking unit with a 0.50 m filter 0.50 m us 1.00 m ult s n 1.50 m co 2.00 m 2.50 m 3.00 m code HT.€ longueur A7035 A7040 A7045 A7050 A7055 A7060 A7065 A7070 A7075 A7080 3.50 m 4.00 m 4.50 m 5.00 m 5.50 m 6.00 m 6.50 m 7.00 m 7.50 m 8.00 m code désignation s lt u u ns co CURVE code désignation A7VIR90 90° curve Cardanflex HT.€ Nous consulter AVIR180 180° curve Cardanflex HT.€ consult us CLICFLEX - Baskets’ transport via pawls or rollers LINEAIRES code A8010 A8015 A8020 A8025 A8030 longueur 1.00 m 1.50 m 2.00 m 2.50 m 3.00 m HT.€ s u ult s n co code longueur A8035 A8040 A8045 A8050 3.50 m 4.00 m 4.50 m 5.00 m HT.€ co s lt u u ns CURVE code désignation A8VIS90 90° curve CLICFLEX HT.€ consult us code désignation A8VS180 180° curve CLICFLEX HT.€ consult us 23 TRANSROLL B C A G D E TRANSTAPIS Convoyeur à bande pour casiers 24 H Corner unloader F I J Drying tunnel Motorized curve Motorized 90° curve 800 x 800 x 900 Motorized 180° curve 1500 x 800 x 900 Important : Nous indiquer le type ainsi que les vitesses d’avancements de votre machine 25 TRANSROLL TR LINEAR TRANSROLL new model (removable rollers) code longueur TR2001 TR20025 TR2005S TR2010 TR2015 TR2020 TR2025 Intermediate length 0.25 m (Without leg support) 0.50 m (Without leg support) 1.00 m 1.50 m 2.00 m 2.50 m HT.€ 300 300 435 895 1.135 1.340 1.810 code TR2030 TR2035 TR2040 TR2045 TR2050 TR2055 TR2060 longueur 3.00 m 3.50 m 4.00 m 4.50 m 5.00 m 5.50 m 6.00 m HT.€ 2.040 2.510 2.670 2.945 3.395 3.635 3.865 MINI-ROLLERS CURVES ON REMOVABLE TRANSROLL RACK’S A B HT.€ code désignation TR20045 TR20090 TR20180 TR180CP TRVIRSP CE100 45° curve, dimensions (L x W x H) mm: 565 x 565 x 870 90° curve, dimensions (L x W x H) mm: 1130 x 1130 x 870 Grand model 180° curve- dimensions (L x W x H) mm: 2260 x 1130 x 870 Compact 180° curve dimensions (L x p x h) mm: 1650 x 1075 x 870 Mini-roller curve with special angel Additional leg support 1.175 2.045 4.095 2.785 Consult us 185 COURBES MOTORISEES - DECHARGEUR D’ANGLE TUNNELS code H CD90 TPL060 TUNS09 CMSV090 CMV090 CMSV180 CMV0180 CCCHR F HT.€ désignation Corner unloader Pre-rinse tunnel, length : 600 mm (scrapper) Independent drying tunnel (power: 6KW) 90° motorized curve, without case 90° motorized curve, Integrated case 180° motorized curve, without case 180° motorized curve, Integrated case Resumption of the mechanization of the curve for the straight, semi-lunar TRANSFLEX 5.420 Consult us 6.445 4.795 5.685 6.320 7.200 Consult us TRANSTAPIS TRANSTAPIS Linear strip, width 400 mm code longueur A5030 A5035 A5040 A5045 A5050 A5055 3.00 m 3.50 m 4.00 m 4.50 m 5.00 m 5.50 m HT.€ code longueur 12.485 12.640 13.100 13.615 14.340 14.845 A5060 A5065 A5070 A5075 A5080 6.00 m 6.50 m 7.00 m 7.50 m 8.00 m HT.€ 15.140 15.885 16.310 16.745 17.085 ACCESSOIRES “TRANSTAPIS” G H 26 code désignation AE50 AE52 AE60 AE61 AE70 CE20 RBD Unit detector stopping sensor at the conveyor’s end Electromechanical course´s end emergency ´Stop´ button Distant ´Go/stop´ command unit Step by step advance 2 roulettes of 125 mm diameter, one of which is equipped with brakes Strip’s scraper HT.€ 645 325 140 175 930 100 195 Equipment and Accessories CE10 Linking element for ware-wash machine’s entry/exit length:100 mm ADJUSTABLE TRANSROLL 135 € CE40 Straight removable unit system 325 € D CE10B Linking element for ware-wash machine’s entry/exit length: 200 mm 155 € TRANSROLL WITHOUT A MACHINE’S LINK CE100 CE30 Electromechanical course´s end 230 € I C CE05 TRANSROLL WITH INTEGRAL SINK 4 stainless steel rollers 100 € after the drying tunnel 9077012 9077023 4 sets of 2 mini rollers for 110 € a curved which is installed after a drying tunnel code? Ceramic (¼ T) mixer faucet (equipped with a swivel spout) and a swan neck D701 145 € Leg support/swivel spout faucet for central transroller J CE05VIR CE20 TRIC100 TRIC200 CE201 G TRIRACL Additional leg support 185 € with 2 cylinders and fixing dollies 2 roulettes of 125 mm one with brakes 100 € Lower shelf of two stainless steel tubes without leg support (ml) 175 € Lower shelf of two stainless steel tubes with one leg support (ml) 215 € Leg support and hinge system for a 1.5 mm unit. 330 € Waste scraper fixed on table 165 € CP2005B E CP2007B Monohole swivel spout 350 € EC/EF pre-rinse faucet 420 € with a swan neck 215 € 110 € 0.5 m unit with a 1.030 € 400 x 400 integral sink, filtering basket and swivel spout faucet’s support 0.7 m unit with a 1.325 € 400 x 400 integral sink, filtering basket and swivel spout faucet’s support CB44 Integration of a 400 x 400 sink with swivel spout support and a filtering basket 705 € CB54 Integration of a 500 x 400 sink with swivel spout support and a filtering basket 725 € 27 Pré-Tri élèves Transfert et chargement des casiers sur transroll Avec lave plateaux et pré-tri selectif 28 Avec convoyeur entrée lave vaisselle mécanisé et lave plateaux Triage laverie restauration commerciale 29 T2 TABLING G H B K A I F1 C D1 D J E1 K O L N F P M 30 Machine’s entry table TL0644 lg 0.65 m 875 € TL1144 lg 1.15 m 980 € TL1644 lg 1.65 m 1.080 € Q K F1 Smooth table for machine’s entry/exit F2 TL0650 lg 0.65 m 410 € TL1150 lg 1.15 m 555 € TL1650 lg 1.65 m 635 € Mixed shelf, sorting area, semilunar, see page 15-17 Stocking shelf R Motorized carrousel table D400 lg 1.10 m D401 lg 1.60 m D402 lg 2.10 m plateau 1 casier plateau 2 casiers 295 € 325 € 375 € 155 € 190 € Mixed shelf with an inclined surface D600 lg 1.10 m 790 € D601 lg 1.60 m 880 € D602 lg 2.10 m 985 € Shelf with inclined surface D500 lg 1.10 m 495 € D501 lg 1.60 m 545 € D502 lg 2.10 m 610 € 31 TABLING Customized washing table (entry/exit for ware-wash machine and sorting) D R code TDFSD TLS001 TLD001 D701 D702 340504 4RMINI2 5RMO4 HT.€ désignation Swivel spout faucet support with headboard (ml) Customized drying table (ml) Etching table with integrated sink 400 x 400 x customized depth Leg support for a swivel spout faucet Additional leg support and additionalsupply for a spray gun; which is fixed on a sorting shelf Monohole mixer faucet Spray gun (fixed on a stainless steel inertia reel) of 2 m length Spray gun (fixed on a stainless steel inertia reel) of 3 m length 140 Consult us Consult us 145 380 120 420 595 TABLES LAVERIE SUR MESURE (entrée / sortie lave-vaisselle et triage) J M HT.€ code désignation TRI3100 TRI3165 TRI3215 TRI3265 TRI4100 TRI4165 TRI4215 TRI4265 TRI5100 TRI5165 TRI5215 TRI5265 TRI2100 TRI2165 TRI2215 TRI2265 TRI1100 TRI1140 TRI1180 TRI1230 TRI1280 Wall-backed sorting table with three trimmed sides depth. 700mm Wall-backed sorting table with three trimmed sides depth. 700mm Wall-backed sorting table with three trimmed sides depth. 700mm Wall-backed sorting table with three trimmed sides depth. 700mm Wall-backed sorting table with three trimmed sides depth. 800mm Wall-backed sorting table with three trimmed sides depth. 800mm Wall-backed sorting table with three trimmed sides depth. 800mm Wall-backed sorting table with three trimmed sides depth. 800mm Wall-backed sorting table with three trimmed sides depth. 900mm Wall-backed sorting table with three trimmed sides depth. 900mm Wall-backed sorting table with three trimmed sides depth. 900mm Wall-backed sorting table with three trimmed sides depth. 900mm Wall-backed sorting table with four trimmed sides depth. 1100mm Wall-backed sorting table with four trimmed sides depth. 1100mm Wall-backed sorting table with four trimmed sides depth. 1100mm Wall-backed sorting table with four trimmed sides depth. 1100mm Wall-backed smooth sorting table depth. 700 mm Wall-backed smooth sorting table depth. 700 mm Wall-backed smooth sorting table depth. 700 mm Wall-backed smooth sorting table depth. 700 mm Wall-backed smooth sorting table depth. 700 mm (ml) longueur 1.65 m longueur 2.15 m longueur 2.65 m (ml) longueur 1.65 m longueur 2.15 m longueur 2.65 m (ml) longueur 1.65 m longueur 2.15 m longueur 2.65 m (ml) longueur 1.65 m longueur 2.15 m longueur 2.65 m (ml) longueur 1.40 m longueur 1.80 m longueur 2.20 m longueur 2.80 m 925 1.505 1.965 2.425 995 1.615 2.100 2.590 1.085 1.720 2.240 2.765 1.165 1.935 2.390 2.950 840 1.145 1.450 1.845 2.105 SHELVES FOR WASHING BASKETS G H code désignation D400 D401 D402 D40S D500 D501 D502 Flat shelf length 1.10 m Flat shelf length 1.60 m Flat shelf length 2.10 m Customized flat 410 ml Inclined shelf length 1.10 m Inclined shelf length 1.60 m Inclined shelf length 2.10 m HT.€ 295 325 375 Consult us 495 545 610 Q code désignation D50S D600 D601 D602 D700 D70S D700D Inclined customized 750 ml Mixed Shelf length 1.10 m Mixed Shelf length 1.60 m Mixed Shelf length 2.10 m Leg support for rack Wall-fixed anchor for shelf Extension kit HT.€ Consult us 790 880 985 305 120 235 COUNTER FOR TRAYS’ DEPOSING avec bandeau périphérique hauteur 100 mm I code désignation HT.€ code désignation HT.€ B100 B120 B160 1 Socket 12 Sockets 16 Sockets 190 2.110 2.760 B200 B240 20 Sockets 24 Sockets 3.600 4.435 CARROUSEL TABLE 32 Made to measure production Consult us Equipment and Accessories TL0001 Customized smooth table 610 € A TLANG TVOCE F2 Corner table 610 € D301T Removable sorting block equipped with a waste holes for a trimmed sides table 240 € Parcel shelf with headboard height 50 mm (ml) 155 € 290 € TRI3MOU Additional trimmed side (replacing the headboard) (ml) 95 € Integral sink 400 x 400 500 x 400 505 € 510 € G21 Wall installed troughs for cutlery 540 € Panier à déchets 400 x 400 500 x 400 (ml) 145 € 155 € G22 Cutlery’s troughs for sorting table 540 € B TLPL050 TLPL300 C TB44 TB54 D TBPP44 TBPP54 D1 TRIB100 Lower shelf- full width 465 € N P TRI3VER TRI3COU L TRIC100 E Lower shelf of two stainless steel tubes without leg support (ml) 175 € Double-face shelf for sorting table with a storing level (ml) 640 € 965 € 2 roulettes of 125 mm one with brakes 100 € Lower stainless steel shelf (ml) with one leg support and 215 € two stainless steel tubes 240 € CE20 D301C Sliding sorting block 390 € sliding with protruded waste hole for a removable smooth table 9077012 9077023 145 € TRIRACL TVOC Protruded waste hole with anti-choc collar Disburser for cups’ bas- 705 € 650 € kets (510 x 510) Disburser for cutlery’s baskets (260 x 510) TRI2E TRI2ED TRIC200 TRIC300 F Built-in waste hole with 230 € anti-choc collar K Monohole swivel spout 350 € EC/EF pre-rinse faucet 420 € with a swan neck Waste scraper (fixed on table) 165 € F1 33 Dressing conveyor (ordinary) Strip version for basket With ropes for trays Dressing conveyor (refrigerated) Strip version for basket With ropes for trays 34 Preparation (ordinary) Linear ropes conveyor code désignation A2PR030 A2PR035 A2PR040 A2PR045 A2PR050 A2PR055 Ropes dressing conveyor L. 3.00 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 3.50 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 4.00 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 4.50 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 5.00 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 5.50 m A2PR HT.€ code 6.210 7.175 7.535 7.800 8.040 8.310 A2PR060 A2PR065 A2PR070 A2PR075 A2PR080 A2PR001 Linear strip conveyor width 300 mm code désignation A5PR030 A5PR035 A5PR040 A5PR045 A5PR050 A5PR055 Dressing strip conveyor L. 3.00 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 3.50 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 4.00 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 4.50 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 5.00 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 5.50 m HT.€ désignation Ropes dressing conveyor L. 6.00 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 6.50 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 7.00 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 7.50 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 8.00 m Put to a specific length 9.310 9.915 10.390 10.800 11.055 Consult us A5PR code HT.€ s u lt su n Co A5PR060 A5PR065 A5PR070 A5PR075 A5PR080 A5PR001 désignation Dressing strip conveyor L. 6.00 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 6.50 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 7.00 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 7.50 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 8.00 m Put to a specific length HT.€ s tu l su n Co Preparation (refrigerated) Linear ropes conveyor code désignation A2PRR20 A2PRR25 A2PRR30 A2PRR35 A2PRR40 Ropes dressing conveyor L. 2.00 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 2.50 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 3.00 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 3.50 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 4.00 m A2PRR code HT.€ s tu l su n Co A2PRR45 A2PRR50 A2PRR55 A2PRR60 A2PRR01 désignation Ropes dressing conveyor L. 4.50 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 5.00 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 5.50 m Ropes dressing conveyor L. 6.00 m Ropes dressing conveyor specific lenght Linear ropes conveyor code désignation A5PRR20 A5PRR25 A5PRR30 A5PRR35 A5PRR40 Dressing strip conveyor L. 2.00 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 2.50 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 3.00 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 3.50 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 4.00 m HT.€ s tu l su n Co A5PRR HT.€ t ul s n Co us code désignation A5PRR45 A5PRR50 A5PRR55 A5PRR60 A2PRR01 Dressing strip conveyor L. 4.50 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 5.00 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 5.50 m Dressing strip conveyor L. 6.00 m Ropes dressing conveyor specific lenght code désignation HT.€ s tu l su n Co Accessories Accessories : A2PR / A2PRR / A5PR / A5PRR code désignation AE50B AE52 AE54 AE60 AE70 CE20 Unit detector stopping sensor Electromechanical course´s end Electrical outlet 16 A (maxi: 3) Additional emergency ´Stop´ button Step by step movement system 2 wheels of 125 diam., one with brakes HT.€ 645 325 330 140 930 100 AE85 RBD EN05 PORETIQ LISS01 HT.€ Operations’ panel of 0.50 length Strip’s scraper Ordinary unit of 500 mm length 650 195 310 Label/menu support, stainless-steel door on small columns Side-protective layer made of PVC (anti-choc) 35 Selective sorting Double trays’ transroller for constant level cart Exclusive laser procedure for high-definition stainless steel printing Poubelle mobile cylindrique Poubelle carré plastique Socle rouleur en option 36 Mobile unit Selective sorting table Optional : spherical dressing mobile waste/trash bin Selective sorting unit back Selective sorting with wall troughs Module de pré-tri restauration école primaire Selective sorting unit front Selective sorting’s decals Selective sorting block on mobile trolley 37 SUSHI 38 Diverting our industrial expertise in mechanized handling and assembly, we elaborated our own vision of the famous ‘Kaiten ‘conveyor adapted to sushi, which is available in two versions, the magnetic one and the ordinary one. The first sushi conveyor built in France was built by ‘Sopacom Industrie’, and they immediately convinced the first investors of this sector. The final outcome is a result of a tight and prosperous cooperation between our design office and famous designers such as (Putman, Starck, ...). Now, Sopacom Industrie is leading both the French and European markets when it comes to sushi conveyors. PIZZA Pizza is perhaps one of the most popular dishes all over the world, and although it may seem simple to prepare and cook, but actually; it demands a fair amount of skills and practicality. After a well-prepared analysis, and a wellstudied environment, we were able to provide a new concept when it comes to making pizza, this innovative cooking method will allow almost any establishment to cook a high-quality authentic pizzas. 39 Examples of implementations 40 41 CONDITIONS DE VENTE COMMANDES : Tous les ordres, pris par nos représentants, ne nous engagent qu’après acceptation écrite de notre part (confirmation de commande) et dans la limite de l’encours de crédit agrée. En cas d’annulation de la commande par l’acheteur pour quelque raison que se soit, Sopacom industrie se réserve le droit de réclamer une indémnité pour les frais et perte subis par l’effet de l’annulation. PRIX : Selon la législation, nos prix sont établis hors taxes. Ils sont ceux de notre tarif en vigueur au jour de la livraison pour matériel non installé. L’inox représente jusqu’à 100% de nos fabrications, son prix étant très volatil, nos offres ont une durée de validitée de 3 mois. Les caractéristiques techniques et les prix de notre tarif sont données à titre indicatif. La société se réserve le droit d’apporter toutes modifications nécessaires sans préavis. LIVRAISON : Les délais sont donnés à titre indicatif et sans engagement. Un retard dans la livraison ne peut en aucun cas justifier une indemnité. Nos marchandises voyagent toujours aux risques et périls du destinataire. Il lui appartient d’émettre toutes réserves en cas de manquant ou d’avarie sur le bon de livraison au moment de la réception en présence du chauffeur et de nous transmettre un double sous 48H. L’élimination des emballages et protections lors de la livraison sont à la charge de l’acquéreur. CONDITIONS DE REGLEMENT : Les conditions ci-après sont soumises à l’accord de notre assurance crédit ou à la présentation suffisante de garanties de paiement (aval, caution, paiement direct, ect...). Dépannages : par chèque au comptant à l’intervention. Pièces détachées : contre-remboursement sauf conditions écrite. Franco de port France Metropolitaine à partir de 700 € Net HT. Matériel : contre-remboursement pour première commande, (*)Franco de port France metropolitaine à partir de 1000 € net. Déchargement à la charge du destinataire. Règlement 45 jours fin de mois date de départ Siège ou dépôt pour clients référencés, avec escompte de 1 % pour paiement anticipé avant expédition. PENALITES POUR RETARD DE PAIEMENT : Conformément à la loi sur les nouvelles régulations économiques, du 15 mai 2001 (LME), transposant en droit français la directive européenne du 29 juin 2000, il est obligation aux entreprises française de facturer des pénalitées pour tout retard de paiement. Les sommes impayées, à la date de réglement figurant sur la facture, encourront des pénalités de retard au taux de 3 % par mois, à compter de la date d’exigibilité de la créance, avec un minimum de 1.50 % du montant des sommes dues, et d’un forfait de frais à raison de 10 euros par traite impayée. GARANTIE : Nos matériels sont garantis 1 an à dater de la livraison, sauf : pièces d’usure, seul le déplacement reste à la charge de l’acheteur. CLAUSE DE RESERVE DE PROPRIETE : (loi 80335 du 12/05/80) La propriété des marchandises commandées et livrées ne sera transférée à l’acquéreur qu’à la date où celui ci aura intégralement payé le prix de celles-ci étant cependant précisé que l’acheteur supportera les risques des marchandises dès leur mise à la disposition par le vendeur. A défaut de paiement intégral du prix de la marchandise ou du non-respect d’une seule des échéances contractuellement prévues, la vente sera résiliée de plein droit et la propriété des marchandises livrées ne sera pas transférée à l’acquéreur et restera acquise au vendeur. Le vendeur fera connaître son intention de voir appliquer la présente clause par lettre recommandée et l’acquéreur devra restituer les marchandises déjà livrées dans les huit jours de réception de la lettre recommandée, sans qu’il soit nécessaire de faire ordonner cette restitution en justice. En cas de réglement judiciaire ou liquidation des biens de l’acquéreur, ces marchandises pourront être revendiquées par le vendeur dans le délai de quatre mois à compter de la publication du jugement déclaratif. Transposition de la directive sur le financement et l’élimination des déchets électriques et électroniques (DEEE Directive) : Dans la mesure où les équipements vendus sont des équipement électriques et électroniques professionnels visés par le décret transposant la directive 2002/96/CE du 27 janvier 2003, il est convenu que l’acheteur détenant ces équipements assurera, sauf convention contraire, le financement et l’organisation des déchets issus de ces équipement. L’acheteur devra au moment de l’élimination du déchet, apporter au constructeur la preuve de l’éxécution de ces obligations. A défaut, l’acheteur sera présumé responsable de l’inéxécution des dites obligations et le constructeur se réserve droit de lui demander la réparation de tous les dommages qu’il pourrait subir de ce fait. LITIGES : En cas de différents portant sur l’interprétation ou l’éxécution des présentes conditions, le tribunal de Commerce de Seine Saint-Denis sera seul compétent. 42 43 Equipement pour la restauration, l’environnement laverie et la manutention professionnelle www.sopacom-industrie.com Notre nouveau site avec animation flash Disponible en telechargement : - Blibliothèque Autocad 2D - Tarif 2014 - Fiches produits - Documentation ZA du Moulin Neuf - 10, rue Eugène Hénaff 93240 STAINS - tél : +33 1 48 27 40 30 fax : +33 1 48 27 05 99 [email protected] www.sopacom-industrie.fr