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Divine Principle In Plain Language ALSO BY JON QUINN Practical Plan for World Peace: The Teachings of Sun Myung Moon 12 Before 40: The Case for Large Families in the Unification Movement You can read the entire text of these books at my website: __________________ Divine Principle In Plain Language ___________________ The Basic Theology of Sun Myung Moon by Jon Quinn Divine Principle In Plain Language: The Basic Theology of Sun Myung Moon Creative Commons Copyright August 2008 by Jon Quinn and sons PRINTING HISTORY First Printing, May 2002 Twenty-eighth Printing revised August 9, 2016 ISBN 0-9753164-4-3 Published by: Principled Publications Cover Photo: See website for e-mail address Printed in the United States of America My books may be available at special quantity discounts for bulk purchases. If interested, email me. See website for e-mail address You can read the entire text of this book at my website: The content of this book is exclusively the personal opinion of the author. I hope I inspire you to read Sun Myung Moon’s words. In his 60 years of ministry he gave thousands and thousands of speeches. I have quotes in this book from his speeches but what I quote comes to a tiny fraction of his words. I hope the quotes I give will intrigue and motivate you to read him in length. I got most of my quotes from two elders in the Unification Movement who have posted many speeches of Sun Myung Moon. Their websites have been online since the Internet started. Please go to their websites and check out the speeches. Damian Anderson’s site is and Gary Fleisher’s site is There are also other sites that post his speeches that you may find. I support Hyung Jin Moon’s new Unification Movement called World Peace and Unification Sanctuary or Sanctuary Church for short. In 2015 he announced he was the rightful successor of his Father, Sun Myung Moon. He disbanded the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) and fired all of its leaders. He is the true heir to his Father’s movement and his Mother, Hak Ja Han, is not. Hyung Jin Moon, the son of Sun Myung Moon, has made it clear that all words, pictures, and videos of his Father are free to everyone. They are all in the public domain. I have a picture of Sun Myung Moon in this book and I quote him extensively. This picture and all of his words are public domain and the FFWPU does not have the right to them. I am also allowed to use the picture of Sun Myung Moon because I am following copyright law by giving “commentary” and therefore I am not required to ask permission from the copyright owner. “Our society is the realm of death. Who then shall conquer the realm of death and bring it to life? The only hope lies with the appearance of a true religion and a leader of that religion. This is the only hope for the transformation of society from the realm of death to the realm of life.” —“True Parents’ Birthday”, February 20, 1991 Sun Myung Moon We need a new ideology. … This new ideology will also be capable of unifying all the existing religions and ideologies of the world. Therefore, it has come in the form of a new religious or spiritual movement. The Unification movement has been created by God to fulfill that mission. This spiritual movement must first succeed here in America in order to spread throughout the world. The new ideology which the Unification Movement brings is Godism, an absolutely God-centered ideology. It has the power to awaken America, and it has the power to raise the model of the ideal nation of God upon this land. With that done, the rest of the world will follow America’s example and will build the Kingdom of God upon their respective lands. Then we shall all truly become brothers and sisters under one Father, God. This will be a world of love, a world of happiness. Our planet will be one home, and mankind will be one family. God’s will, His long-cherished desire from the beginning of time will finally be fulfilled. This will be the eternal, ideal world of God. Indeed, it will be the Kingdom of God on earth. We will build it with our hands. This is our supreme mission. It is truly our God-given, sacred mission. God is crying out to the world, and we are His instruments. The world must respond to His call. Listen to God’s commandment. Initiate a courageous march towards the Kingdom of God on earth. Whatever the difficulty, let it not stop us. Our march is God’s, and it will go on to the end. —“God’s Hope For America”, June 1, 1976, Yankee Stadium, New York — Sun Myung Moon CONTENTS Introduction 1 Chapter 1 — Principle of Creation 3 Chapter 2 — The Fall of Man 103 Chapter 3 — History of Restoration 138 Chapter 4 — Jesus of Nazareth 200 Chapter 5 — Christian History 343 Introduction The Divine Principle is the fundamental theology of Sun Myung Moon. When he was 15 years old he was praying on a hillside in Korea on Easter morning, April 17, 1935, Jesus Christ appeared and told him he had been chosen to fulfill Jesus’ mission of teaching the truth from God that would unite the world into one peaceful and happy family. For years he received revelations from God and saints in the spirit world. In 1945 when he was 25 years old he began his public ministry and started teaching. He was persecuted and finally sent to a communist concentration camp in North Korea. For three years he was tortured. When the Korean War broke out in 1950, he was freed and went to South Korea. In a hut made of mud, straw and discarded cardboard boxes, he began to preach. Sun Myung Moon says, “The words I speak do not come from theological research or from any books. I speak rather of fundamental principles that I have learned through experience, as I overcame all manner of difficulties and communed directly with God and spirit world.” He visited America for the first time in 1965. In a question and answer session he said, “I have talked with many, many masters, including Jesus, on questions of life and the universe and creation and God’s dispensation, and many other things. They have subjected themselves to me in terms of wisdom. After winning the victory, they surrendered.” (printed in 40 Years in America by Michael Mickler). (Whenever I quote from Sun Myung Moon’s speeches or books I will give the date the speech was given or the title of the book after the quote. Sun Myung Moon is often referred to as Reverend Moon but the best title to describe him is Father Moon or Father for short.) Mr. Hyo Won Eu was the first disciple to organize his early revelations into a lecture series. He published it in 1956 in a book that we call the Divine Principle. There have been several books written and video lecture series of the Divine Principle since then. This is my version. Many people have been inspired by this theology, a vision of a world utopia and teachings that answer the fundamental questions of life. 1 ASSOCIATION to FAMILY FEDERATION In 1954 Sun Myung Moon founded an association named Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity that others called Unification Church. In his autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, Father reveals, “‘Unification Church’ became our commonly known name later, but it was given by others.” Forty years later, in 1994, he renamed his movement the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Church buildings are obsolete and the focus is now on families living a godly life in harmonious communities. Father Moon even encourages families to live close together in what he calls “Trinities.” He says, “In the future, the home church format, centered on the family unit, gradually will become well established. Ultimately, organized churches, temples and mosques will disappear.” (50 city tour 2001) HAPPINESS Helen Keller said, “Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through selfgratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” The greatest purpose we can find for our lives is to teach the truth that will set mankind free. The highest truth is the Divine Principle and the teachings of Sun Myung Moon. Members of his movement are called Unificationists whose primary mission in life is to teach the Divine Principle or Principle for short. Father Moon says, “The primary function of the Unification Church members is ultimately to educate people.” (7-12-1984) 2 Chapter 1 The Principle of Creation The poet, Edwin Muir, wrote these words in his Autobiography, “Our minds are possessed by three mysteries, where we came from, where we are going, and since we are not alone, but members of a countless family, how we should live with one another.” Many people wonder where we came from, why we’re here and where we’re going. The past, present and future are a mystery that religion and philosophy have tried to explain. EXISTENCE OF GOD The noted writer Will Durant has written, “... the oldest problem in philosophy is the existence and nature of God.” Is it logical and rational to believe in the existence of God? Is it scientific to believe that the universe has a creator? Many people have asked, “Where did God come from?” “Who created God?” One answer is that God created time, space and matter. God is greater than time. Sun Myung Moon gives these thoughts about the existence of God: Look at the eye. Before it was formed, the eye must have been designed by someone who realized that it would be functioning in an atmosphere of dust and wind. It was designed in such a way to adjust to such conditions. Do you think the eye knew ahead of time what conditions it would face? If it did not, there must be Someone who knew, and who created the eye with the means to protect it. There must be some Intelligence, operating behind the scenes, which had cosmic knowledge. It knew that the earth’s heat would cause moisture to evaporate from the surface of the eye, so it made tear ducts to lubricate it. There is Reason within the design of nature. Look at the eyelids, designed to prevent the serious problem of dust entering 3 the eye. Look at the eyebrows; they were designed to block sweat from running down into the eye. Did the eyebrows appear knowing that they would have this function? Or did the eyes put on eyebrows because they knew this of themselves? No. There is an Intelligence that knew in advance the environment in which the eye would be functioning and designed the eye precisely for it. (February 1, 1982) BLUEPRINT EXISTED You have two eyes that work together to achieve one focus. There is only one focus; you don’t see two images. Why does the eye focus automatically? Before each eye ever existed, a concept or a design blueprint existed. The ability to focus didn’t come to exist after the eye was created; it was part of the original plan for the eye. The eye was designed in a certain way to fulfill its purpose of proper focus. (March 17, 1957) We have eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth. Before that eye came into being do you think the eye itself knew that there was an object for it to see? Do you think that eye knew that there would be air, sunlight, and dust? The eye itself did not know these things. Why did the eye come into being? Eyes came into being in order to see things. Even though the material eye is unaware, the creator behind that eye knows. Is that true? Did the somebody who knew come first or did the eye, not knowing, come first? Somebody knew that there would be dust and air and so the eyelashes were created, like a fine screen. Somebody knew that dust would exist. Also the eye is constantly bathed in liquid. Therefore, somebody knew that there would be heat that would dry the eye and that it would need constant bathing in its own liquid. The eye did not know this. Now we come to the solution of this age-old question: did the chicken come before the egg or vice versa? Which came first, the entity or the concept? Concept came first. We also have eyebrows to prevent sweat rolling into our eyes. Therefore it seems reasonable to 4 conclude that somebody knew that there might be sweat on the face. Don’t take everything for granted; every day when we wash our face let us give thanks to God. All the wondrous design of the human body God created. Remind yourself daily that God made everything with us and our comfort in mind. (12-4-94) There is no question but that love is the origin and the initiator. We can even answer the age-old question of which came first, the chicken or the egg? The egg came first! (2-1-83) When such mystery and beauty exists, how can atheists accept the idea that mankind came into being by accident or chance? Mystery exists not only in human life but everywhere. Sophisticated, intricate beauty can be found in the world of birds, fish, and throughout the creation. When you look at a newborn baby it is almost spontaneous to think, “How perfect is this little baby! God did not forget anything—hair, eyes, ears, ten little fingers. How wonderful!” (6-20-82) My teaching has always been that there is an origin of the entire universe, and that is God. God exists and God causes everything to exist; from Him, everything started to happen. There is a certain orderliness built in to our existence; all things exist in an orderly and purposeful fashion. If the universe were nothing more than matter in random motion, then how could we expect any real order within this universe? It is impossible. Everything revolves. Atoms and even elementary particles rotate. Electrons revolve around protons. The solar system revolves around the sun, and the Milky Way rotates around its galactic core. They are revolving around something that remains still. This universe, with all its varied phenomena, is a huge complex of myriads of these relationships. Therefore, we can think that this universe also revolves around a single core: God, the origin of all creation. (February 14, 1988) GOD IS THE MASTER SCIENTIST What if God had placed our eyes on our feet, or our 5 mouth on the back of the head? God gave much thought to the human body’s design. The mouth is where it is on the face so the two eyes can watch what we put into it and the hands can best function to feed it. Suppose your eyes were in the back of your head; your mouth might bite your finger and they wouldn’t see it happening, and you would lose a finger! You have to admit that God is truly the master scientist! Everyone has little valleys on either side of their mouths, so that when they perspire the sweat doesn’t run into their mouths. If the mouth were set deeper into the face then you would constantly have to blow away your sweat, but you don’t have to because God prepared better contours for your face. What a mess it would be on a rainy day if your nose were set upside down! Think about it: everything about you is well made, from the hair inside your nose to your teeth. Everything has its role in the order of the body… Is God’s thinking random or confused? No, the universe follows His order and logic. (May 6, 1979) CREATION, NOT EVOLUTION Countless people have asked and speculated on how God created the world. Many people believe in the theory of evolution that says that life began as two simple cells uniting and forming more cells. Somehow, random mutations took place. These mutant cells united and formed more complex organisms that in turn had mutants that united, and they formed even more complex organisms. In this way the world evolved from simple bacteria and algae or amoebas to plants and animals and finally man from ape-like creatures. HIERARCHY OF CREATION This is not how the earth was created. God created the world in an evolutionary manner by creating in a normal progression of simple to complex. From God’s energy, particles were formed. From particles, atoms were formed which in turn formed molecules. Molecules form minerals, and minerals serve plants, plants serve animals, and animals serve mankind. A fundamental question has been whether it is spiritual and right to kill and eat animals. Ethical vegetarians are wrong. God made animals, birds and fish for us to use and enjoy. Father Moon teaches: “In every multiplication, love is involved. Love moves toward one ultimate destination: the love of God. Without this loving action, no creature can be brought 6 upon the earth. The purpose of creation is for the lower creatures to come closer to God through the higher creatures. Therefore, when man eats an animal, that animal becomes part of his body. Since man is the closest creature to God, that animal would rejoice to be eaten, because he is getting closer to the love of God. This is absolutely the law of love. Similarly, we should be willing to sacrifice ourselves to be close to God's love which is the highest level we can attain.” (3-27-90) DIVINE GUIDANCE We have to include divine guidance to the theory of evolution. God created the world by plan, not blind chance. God created each 7 organism specially. He created the first amoeba, the first fish, the first deer, the first ape, and the first man. DARWIN’S ORIGIN OF SPECIES Charles Darwin wrote one of the most influential books in history in the 19th century called The Origin of Species. It was a best seller that shook the foundation of many people’s faith. Unfortunately, most scientists today believe Darwin was basically correct and reject the idea that the universe was planned by a creator and that He has guided the history of the world. One encyclopedia says, “Darwin’s theory states that all species evolved from a few common ancestors by means of natural selection.” Natural selection is also called “survival of the fittest.” It also says, “human beings, chimpanzees, and gorillas evolved from a common ancestor that lived between 4 million and 10 million years ago.” This is false. Man is not descended from an ape-like creature. But Evolutionists are correct in that there have been changes within species. Examples of this are the many varieties of dogs and flowers. Human beings have different skin colors. Father Moon explains, “There is no way a lower life form, such as an amoeba, by random action or whim, can become a more advanced animal. The division of species is an absolute boundary that God created and has protected with clarity. Therefore, the theory of evolution is really a satanic theory.” (3-27-90) Those who oppose Darwin’s theory are called Creationists who correctly “believe that each species has remained relatively unchanged since the Creation and that no species has evolved from another.” TRIAL OF THE CENTURY — SCOPES MONKEY TRIAL In 1925 the Tennessee State legislature enacted a law that barred any public school teacher from teaching the theory of evolution. A high school teacher, John Scopes, was arrested for teaching evolution in a biology class. The most famous trial lawyer in America, Clarence Darrow, defended him. He wrote essays with such titles as “The Myth of the Soul” and “Why I am an Agnostic.” On the other side was William Jennings Bryan, a legend in American politics and became “the most fervent voice in the nation against Darwin’s theories. He saw ‘apeism,’ as he termed evolution theory, as an unparalleled threat to the sanctity of the human condition.” 8 During that intensely hot summer in the small town of Dayton, one of the greatest trials in history took place. Many books have been written about this debate between a Darwinian evolutionist and a fundamental Christian Creationist. A famous play, Inherit the Wind, is often performed and has been made into several movies. Bryan is portrayed as a pathetic and stupid figure because he takes the Bible literally, but the truth is that he is more on the side of truth because he sees the universe as being created by design with man being specially made and not having an ape-like creature as his ancestor. During the trial he correctly said, “There is no more reason to believe that man descended from some inferior animal than there is to believe that a stately mansion has descended from a small cottage.” MISSING LINKS If the theory of evolution were scientific fact then there would have to be “intermediates or transitional forms to bridge the enormous gaps which separate existing species” (Evolution: A Theory In Crisis p. 58). Scientists have never found even one of these so-called “missing links” and they never will. Our minds did not come from animals. Our minds came from our parent God. God created a first man and a first woman. We call them Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were not born the son and daughter of an amoeba or ape; they were the son and daughter of God. ADAM & EVE ARE REAL PEOPLE We all have parents—a father and a mother. Our parents had parents. If we continue back in time we find the original parents of mankind were two people. Sun Myung Moon said in a speech, “There are hundreds of people here, including 10 or 20 nationalities, but only two kinds of people, really: man and woman. From whence does this polarity derive? It derives from our physical parents, who are two human beings. From how many people did each of your parents come? Two. If we trace our ancestry back, there is no exception: every time it is two. Each one of us comes from two. Therefore the original ancestors must have been two. And where did they come from? From an invisible or visible creator? Our ancestors must have come from that invisible God. Therefore, when we look at the creation, we conclude that God Himself must have original masculinity and original femininity. Then as human beings we inherit these plus and minus 9 characteristics from God.” (“True Parents’ Completion of Responsibility in View of Providence” December 26, 1999) Adam and Eve are real people. They are not fictitious or fairy tale creations. We are not descended from various sets of ancestors. If we were, then the various races might be of different quality or even be different species with different value. We all have one common origin—a first man and a first woman. God always works from a central point. And by having the same original parents each of us is a brother and sister to each other living as one family on earth. CREATIONISTS The Bible, if read literally, says Adam and Eve lived only a few thousand years ago. There are two views of when the earth was formed. Evolutionists say it was billions of years ago. Fundamentalist Creationists read the Bible literally and believe the earth was formed just a few thousand years ago. These Creationists are wrong. God created man many thousands of years ago. The Creationists are right in that God was involved at every step of creation. Seven thousand years ago mankind had finally progressed to the point of creating the written word. Since then mankind has progressively grown intellectually. 6,000 YEARS In the seventeenth century a prominent Anglican Archbishop and theologian, James Ussher, compiled a chronology of events in the Bible which became famous because they were widely printed in the margin of the King James Version of the Bible for nearly three centuries. Archbishop Ussher placed the creation of the world at 4004 B.C. These 4000 years are comprised of the 2000 years from Adam to Jacob and the 2000 years from Jacob to Jesus. Of course, there have been 2000 years since Jesus to today. So, if we take the Bible literally, God created Adam and Eve 6000 years ago. The Divine Principle explains that we should read these numbers symbolically, not literally. The first man and woman lived longer than 6000 years ago. The Principle explains that when the Bible begins by saying the universe was created in six days, we should read these numbers symbolically. The universe was not created in six literal 24-hour days. Scientists are correct in determining that the earth is millions 10 of years old. There is no conflict between God and science; God is the greatest scientist. The six days in Genesis are symbolic of six gradual periods of time. Second Peter 3:8 says that, “...with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” God always works through a growth period. The six days represent the six geological periods known as the Azoic, Archeozoic, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras. Recently, the world of science has made discoveries in genetic research that prove we have a common ancestor mother and a common ancestor father. Scientists are using the names Adam and Eve for the founding father and mother of mankind. EVE In a cover story on this breakthrough Newsweek magazine in 1988 wrote, “When scientists announced their discovery of Eve last year, they rekindled perhaps the oldest human debate: where did we come from?” “The veteran excavator Richard Leakey declared in 1977: ‘There is no single center where modern man was born.’ But now geneticists are inclined to believe otherwise.... ‘If it’s correct, and I’d put money on it, this idea is tremendously important,’ says Steven Jay Gould, the Harvard paleontologist and essayist. ‘It makes us realize that all human beings, despite differences in external appearance, are members of a single entity that had a very recent origin in one place. There is a kind of biological brotherhood that’s much more profound than we ever realized.’” In 1997, Jonathan Wells, author of Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?, presented a paper at the Twenty-first International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, which met in Washington, D.C., in November 1997. He says that many biologists today, “Darwin’s modern followers,” do not see the hand of God in creation: “In 1967 paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson wrote: ‘Man is the result of a purposeless and natural process that did not have him in mind’ (The Meaning of Evolution, revised edition). In 1970, molecular biologist and Nobel laureate Jacques Monod announced that ‘the mechanism of Darwinism is at last securely founded,’ and thus ‘man has to understand that he is a mere accident’ (quoted in H.F. Judson’s The Eighth Day of Creation, 1979). And in 1986, zoologist Richard Dawkins wrote a best-selling book titled The Blind Watchmaker: 11 Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design.” DARWIN IS WRONG But Dawkins can’t show any “evidence” even though he confidently writes in the book’s opening chapter, “Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.” Jonathan Wells goes on to explain that Darwinism is wrong: “Evidence has been accumulating for decades, however, that Darwin’s mechanism fails to account for major features of evolution. The fossil record (especially where it is most complete) lacks the innumerable transitional forms that Darwin’s theory predicts; ... According to molecular biologist Michael Denton (Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, 1986), not ‘one single empirical discovery or scientific advance since 1859’ has validated Darwin’s theory that large-scale evolution is caused by natural selection acting on random variations.” Jonathan Wells explains how the proper environment for humans took billions of years to evolve and each step was planned. He writes: “In other words, primitive organisms had to pave the way for the stable ecosystems we see today. A barren planet had to become a garden; soils containing organic nutrients for land plants had to be produced. To use current biological terminology, ecological niches were filled by organisms adapted to survive under local conditions. Those organisms then transformed their conditions and other living things took over.” “Producing a congenial environment with nutritious foods, while necessary, would not have been sufficient. Some people believe that the first human beings were created fully grown. But even if we ignore psychological considerations and restrict ourselves to physical ones, birth and growth are essential aspects of human beings as we know them. A creature that begins life without passing through birth and childhood would be so unlike us that we could not regard it as truly human, regardless of how great the superficial resemblance. And because human babies are totally dependent on other creatures for their survival during early development, animals capable of raising the first human babies must have been a necessary part of the original plan.” 12 He explains that Adam and Eve were born in the womb of an apelike creature that God had planned from the beginning: “Human babies need milk to survive and grow, so mammals had to exist before humans appeared. And not just any mammal. The first human baby presumably had to be nurtured by a creature very much like itself—a humanlike primate. This creature, in turn, could only have been nurtured by a creature intermediate in some respects between it and a more primitive mammal. In other words, a plan for the emer gence of human beings must have included something like the succession of pre-human forms that we find in the fossil record. Only after such preparation could God put the first human beings on the earth.” “Similar reasoning could be applied to earlier episodes in the history of life. For example, just as mammals were necessary predecessors of the first humans, mammal like reptiles were presumably needed to precede the first mammals, and so on. The emergence of humans thus depended on a progression of creatures that increasingly resembled us.” DESIGN THEORY Jonathan Wells explains that mankind is not related to the animals that birthed Adam and Eve. God gave them a soul. They were His children and had no connection to the creatures that birthed them: “Although this process is superficially similar to the Darwinian notion of common descent, design theory differs from the latter in maintaining that predecessors need not be biological ancestors but only providers of essential nourishment and protection. Successive organisms are ‘related’ in the sense that they represent planned stages in the history of life, but they are not genetically related as ancestors and descendants. A planned succession would not require the innumerable transitional forms that Darwin predicted. Design theory is thus more compatible than Darwinism with the discontinuities found in the fossil record.” In an article titled “Evolution and Unification Thought” (Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 12, 2011 - Pages 115-142 Jonathan Wells wrote: 13 How, exactly, did God create Adam and Eve? As we saw above, Unification Thought (like Judaism and Christianity) maintains that human beings were created in the image of God. In 1965, some of Reverend Moon’s followers asked him questions about human origins. He said (according to an unofficial translation): “Adam and Eve were produced by exactly the same process as we produce a child. By strong love and energy of father and mother, a child is conceived and grows, first within the womb, then outside of it. In the same way, God created Adam and Eve. By his love and energy, a little thing was created which grew and grew and became Adam.” When asked whether Adam and Eve were born of God as we understand birth, that is, physiologically, he said: “Through the power of God, Adam and Eve were created as a baby is created by humans today. Man was a special creation.” When asked whether Adam and Eve had earthly, physical parents, he said: ‘No! The source of creation is energy. You don’t need physical parents to be created. Adam was a special creation.”[106] Yet in 1999, Sun Myung Moon said that Adam had a navel and grew up in his mother's womb, just as we do.[107][108] These statements are enigmatic, even paradoxical. Adam and Eve were special creations who did not have biological parents—yet they began life the same way we did, as babies in the womb. How can we resolve the paradox? According to Unification Thought, ape-like creatures preceded human beings, but the idea for the human came first. Thus “the human being looks like an ape, not because humans evolved from the ape, but instead, because the ape... was created in the likeness of human beings.” At the appropriate time, God created the sungsang [mind] of human beings, and then re-organized material in the wombs of two ape-like females, “whereby the programs of the genes were changed, and a new species was 14 created.’[109] Adam and Eve were subsequently born as children are born today; they had navels because they had been nourished in the womb by creatures very much like us. Yet their ape-like predecessors were only their surrogate parents, not their biological parents. It was God himself who fashioned them in the womb from materials that were already there. The same ape-like creatures that gave birth to Adam and Eve could have nourished and protected them as infants. Once Adam and Eve were able to care for themselves, the species that provided their surrogate parents was no longer needed and went extinct, like many other living things that were required only to prepare the environment for us. [106] Sun Myung Moon, "Master Speaks on Creation." Transcript of tapes made during sessions with members and guests at church centers in the United States (March-April 1965). RSP-5.htm [107] Sun Myung Moon, Speech in Tarrytown, NY, 1999, reported in the Japanese Blessed Family magazine, No. 15 (1999), translated by Akifumi Otani. Personal communication from Akifumi Otani to Jonathan Wells, November 2006. [108] Lee (ed.), From Evolution Theory to a New Creation Theory, p. 70. [109] Lee (ed.), From Evolution Theory to a New Creation Theory, pp. 56, 64. Sun Myung Moon and some Unificationists have made some statements about evolution. The following are a few comments from them I found at 15 In Guidance for Heavenly Tradition Young Whi Kim writes: THE SOURCE OF OUR HAPPINESS Then what about the earth? We say that the earth is our mother. Everything we need comes from it. Then how old is the earth? Scientists say it is about 4.5 billion years old. And how old are Adam and Eve? We are directly connected to God, the universe, the earth and the first man and woman, so we should know their age as well, don’t you think? Scientists have worked hard to find out when man came into existence. Of course there is no accurate record, but most scientists assume that a being similar to man existed about 2 million years ago and that modern man first came into existence about 30 thousand years ago. So Adam and Eve are about 30 thousand years old. Can you imagine how much time passed before modern man was created? It took an incredibly long time. The first man and woman are at most 30 thousand years old and the universe is 12 billion years old. Thirty thousand years is like a fraction of a second compared to 12 billion. After many long years of preparation God finally created mankind. You won’t find this in the Bible, but this is what science reveals. Now we can truly understand how hard God worked to prepare for man. His constant desire was to create man; to accomplish His desire He had to work for almost 12 billion years. He had to work so hard and wait such a long time for the coming of the first man and woman. Maybe now you can understand how precious mankind must be to God. If something only took you an hour to make, you might not value it so much. But if you worked on it your whole life long, investing everything into it, you would want to keep it forever, wouldn’t you? Then what about God? He worked for 12 billion years to create the cosmos, the earth and mankind. Would He have done this for a temporary purpose or for eternity? What do you think? For eternity. Yes, God would want His creation to last eternally. He 16 invested so much time and effort that He cannot throw it away easily. Everything was created to exist for eternity. In 1973 Father Moon spoke publicly for the first time. In his speech “God’s Hope For Man” he gave these deep insights: All of our human traits originate in God. We recognize that there is some human tendency for selfishness. This is natural because at one time God Himself was self-centered. This fact may surprise you, but you must understand that before God created man and the universe, He was all alone, with no one to care for except Himself. However the very instant that God initiated creation, His full concept of life emerged. God now lives for His counterpart, not for Himself. What is creation? Creation means nothing more than the Creator, God, projecting Himself into a substantial form. He made Himself incarnate symbolically in the universe, and He made Himself incarnate directly in man. When the spirit takes form, this is creation. God invested Himself in the creation. God's investment of energy is the creation. The Bible in the book of Genesis makes creation sound simple and easy. Genesis gives us the impression that God’s creation is accomplished through the magic of His words. God simply says, “Let there be a world” and presto! — the world comes into being. Then He says, “Let there be man” and poof! — Adam and Eve come into being. But now it has been revealed that it was not this easy at all. God invested all of Himself in His creation. He did not reserve even one ounce of energy. Creation was His total labor, His total effort of giving all of Himself. When God put His entire heart and soul into the creation of His object, He was investing 100 percent of Himself. Only in this way could He create His second self, the visible God. 17 Therefore, after His creation, God was no longer existing just for Himself. God began existing for His son and daughter, Adam and Eve. He exists to love, He exists to give. God is the totally unselfish existence. God cannot exist alone. “Love” and “ideal” only take on meaning when partners are in complementary relationship. God initiated creation and made an investment He cannot lose. When God poured all of His love, life, and ideal into His second self, He had to, in a sense, realize a profit. God knew that when He invested all He had — 100 percent — His object would mature and return to Him many, many times over the fruits of love, life, and His ideal. His object, man, is everything to God. The life of the object attracts God. God wants to go and dwell with His object, man. Let us look at an illustration. Suppose there is a great artist. If he works at random without feeling, he cannot create anything worthwhile. To create the masterpiece of his lifetime, the artist must put all of his heart and soul into his creation. That is the only way for him to come up with a great work of art. If an artist works in this way, his art becomes his life. God is the greatest of all artists. When He created His masterpiece, man, He poured His heart into the process. He poured His soul into it. He poured all of His wisdom and all of His energy into it. God wished only to exist for Adam and Eve and all mankind. He saved not a single ounce of energy when He created them. Thus, man has become the life of God. The following are some insights from some speeches of Sun Myung Moon on how the universe is organized: Why should creation stop at the level of man? Why haven’t sudden total changes in species occurred recently? More and more complex animals appeared throughout the ages, but no creature has appeared which is more highly developed than man. Creation 18 seems to have stopped with man. Do you think that happened because man shouted out, “We are perfectly happy, God. You can stop right here”? Since creation developed up to the level of man and then stopped, then we must conclude that there is a universal will and consciousness which preexisted man and which had already planned the entire creation to conclude at the level of man. (5-29-77) According to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and the survival of the fittest, only the strong survive. The weak will be demolished and only strong species will continue. Purely from an external point of view, evolution describes this upward movement of life we were talking about. Thus there is nothing really wrong with the theory of evolution on the external level. But where does the theory of evolution come to a deadlock? Darwin didn’t consider the aspect of love. If his theory were completely true, then man should have continued evolving to a higher being; the process should be continuing. The original mind should be improving and becoming something greater, but is the original mind changing like that? (1-11-87) People today talk about evolution as a fact; they believe that everything in existence has evolved. But we must ask whether that process of evolution just happened spontaneously, or whether there was some cause or motivation behind it that allowed it to happen. What about the movement of evolution— was it along a straight line or in a circle? That is the kind of question we should ask. Evolution must be moving according to a certain order or discipline and that discipline could be along a straight line or a circular line. But then, could evolution itself determine whether to move straight or in a circle? How about going up and down? There must be a certain will which determines that. If some life form moved up from a lower level, there had to be something that caused it to develop into a higher form of life. Who determined that it should move up to a higher level? We might ask this question of Charles Darwin, the author of the 19 evolutionary theory: “How could certain forms of life develop into more sophisticated forms? Why didn’t they go in the other direction toward a more primitive form? Mr. Darwin, did you order that those life forms should go higher? Are you God?” Small beings always unite and become absorbed by larger beings. Why do they do that? Why should they bring themselves together into harmony? Why should one atom move together and unite with other atoms, forming more complex elements? Why don’t atoms go the other way and become smaller and smaller, getting shattered into pieces? That doesn’t happen. The logical person cannot deny that some concept or purpose pre-existed all these phenomena. (9-7-86) Man is born and he goes in a certain direction, following what may seem to be a labyrinth; but there is actually an overall direction to his growth. You are constantly being guided by a certain power to move in a certain way. What do you think—do we continually move toward improving ourselves or worsening ourselves? Why are men and women always trying to move toward something better, something improved? Why do we not seek to move toward bad things, such as accidents and disasters? There is some built in mechanism—we might call it a homing device—which guides us toward betterment and improvement. There must be some guiding will which is outside of us. (March 17, 1957) PLAN IN MIND Every result begins from a motive or cause. Every existence begins from a motive and unfolds through a process before it materializes as a result. This is the case with all natural phenomena. Human beings did not make it so; rather, this is a basic principle and heavenly law, God’s law. For this reason, there is no such thing as the evolution of new species by random mutation. All things exist in order. The world was created by design, in which every existence, as an object-partner of God, arose through a principled process out of that motive [in the mind 20 of God]. Consider successful people: could they succeed without a firm determination in their minds? Starting with a motive and plan in their mind, they prepare the ground and steadfastly push forward to reach their objective. Since this is necessary for an individual to succeed, would it not also be necessary for God, the Creator of this great universe, to attain His objectives? It is the same principle. (May 29, 1960) Father Moon teaches that the fundamental problem with the theory of evolution is that there is no love in its worldview: “The theory of evolution doesn’t refer to love at all.” (8-4-96) Some have speculated that there are other intelligent life forms in the universe. There are no other human beings—no other children of God on other planets in the universe. In the Master Speaks (1965) Sun Myung Moon was asked, “Do you have any opinion about flying saucers? Are flying saucers real?” He answered, “They appear as a sign of the Last Days. They look real but they are not. It is a spiritual manifestation. The people in them are spirit beings, not physical.” One Unificationist told me that Father was asked if there are other humans on other planets and he said, “We’re it.” GOD IS INVISIBLE Sun Myung Moon teaches that God is invisible. We cannot see God. There are many things in this world which we cannot see yet we know they exist. Radio waves, x-rays and the air we breathe cannot be seen. We know of their existence by studying their effects. Our mind or our thoughts are also invisible. We express our thoughts and ideas with our bodies. God is invisible and expresses Himself in the universe. 21 Romans 1:20 states that God is invisible: “Ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature, namely, His eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made.” By studying the effect, we can know the cause. By looking at creation, we can tell something about our creator, God. To know a person, we study his or her behavior and achievements. By looking at what a person creates we can tell something about the creator. Likewise, to know God we study His creation. Psalm 22 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” DUALITY OF INTERNAL CHARACTER AND EXTERNAL FORM Let’s look at the world to see God’s characteristics. The world can be divided essentially into six categories: human beings, animals, plants, molecules, atoms and particles. Each has a duality of internal character and external form. The internal character of human beings is our minds, and the external form is our physical bodies. Animals have instinct and a body. Plants have an invisible directive nature and a body. Molecules have an invisible force that combines atoms. Atoms are made of particles united by this force. And particles are made of invisible energy. Electricity flows between positive and negative charges. God’s internal character is His emotion, intellect and will, and His external form is energy. God made the visible universe from His invisible energy. 23 INVISIBLE ENERGY The idea that invisible energy is the substance of all visible things was mathematically introduced by Einstein in his formula E = mc². E stands for energy, m stand for mass or matter and c stands for the speed of light. This is scientific proof of a give and take relationship of invisible energy and visible matter. Invisible energy can change into visible matter and matter can change into energy. E = mc ² Invisible = Visible “You cannot see God even in the spirit world. Can you see energy? God is the original source of energy. Therefore, even in the spirit world He cannot be seen.” (October 21, 1979) EVERYTHING IS ROOTED IN LOVE Father Moon teaches that God is the source of all the energy in the universe which he calls Universal Prime Energy or Universal Prime Force. This is His external form. God’s internal character — His emotion, intellect and will is manifested in True Love. Sun Myung Moon teaches that the essence of God is love and therefore “Everything is rooted in love.” (5-1-1998) God’s love is absolute, unchanging and eternal and His “Universal Prime Force never changes.” (5-1-1998) HEAVENLY FATHER Father Moon teaches that God is best described as a loving Heavenly Father: The fundamental source of all energy is the expression of the Heavenly Father's prime energy, as explained in the Divine Principle. The fundamental force for the changing of the seasons is not formed by human beings. The originating force of all energy used in the created world stems from only one force, given by God. We cannot truly explicate the energy for the existence of the eternal God. That is the energy of God, my 24 Father, who is the sole creator of humankind. (8-497) The center of love is like pure gold, which has 100 percent conductivity. Electrical current always flows towards something it can consume, generating explosions and sparks when it reaches the core. Electromagnetic current operates throughout the universe, controlling the function of the heavenly bodies. The truth of electricity is also the truth of the universe. Electrical current flows in a circuit; gravity draws everything towards the center. Why? Something comparable to pure gold is at the center of the universe. Universal prime force directs all motion towards the center, maintaining order in the universe. Without gravity, the universe would fall apart. Likewise, in the world of heart, pure-gold love pulls everything to the center. The pure gold of God’s love is the magnetic force, the center of gravity in the world of love. It affects any moving object. People’s lives take various courses, but they always return to that pulling power. When you make contact with the golden core of God’s love, will He cry out in pain, or laugh with joy and happiness? God is like us; He feels joy when touched by external stimulation. (5-29-1983) Father Moon teaches: God exists and He is our Parent. He lives and carries out His work within each person’s life. He exists without form. If you think of Him as large, He is infinitely large, but if you think of Him as small, He is also infinitely small. Every human being possesses a mind, but can anyone locate the mind with confidence and certainty? Energy clearly exists and sustains life, but energy is invisible. In the same way, God absolutely exists with attributes of eternality, changelessness and uniqueness, but He cannot be seen with the human 25 eye, which is one part of the human physical body. Because God is the original body of energy, we will not be able to see Him even in spirit world. This is why we say that God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. Because He has no form, there is nothing to keep Him from going anywhere. He could pass right through your body without you feeling anything. He could step on you as He passes by while you doze off, and you would not know it. Think how convenient that is. What would you do if God were to appear and involve Himself in every little thing you do? If you had to live with God visible to your eyes, what would you do? Probably you would not last a day before having a nervous breakdown. You cannot see the incredible amount of air that is passing through your body even as you sit here. So how could you possibly know how God, who exists without form, passes through you as He carries on His work? Rather than foolishly saying, “Show me God and I’ll believe,” you should be grateful that God is invisible to our eyes. The universe in which we live is wrapped in mystery. The size of the vast universe is as great as 21 billion light years across. If a light year is the distance light travels in a year at a speed so fast that it can go around the Earth seven and a half times in a second, then try to imagine what God, who created the universe and manages it, must be like. How large would He have to be, and how heavy? God is the great king of wisdom, so He made it so that He would exist without form, enabling Him to go anywhere in the universe instantaneously or enter even into the eye of a needle. When we search within for the best place to receive God, our greatest treasure, the natural conclusion is, “The heart is the only appropriate place.” No place can be safer or more comfortable for Him. The heart is able to stand in the position of God’s object partner and exist for eternity by engaging in spherical motion, and this is the reason that human beings can have eternal life. We truly know God only when we feel Him in our heart and understand the reality of His existence 26 in the course of daily life. We know God’s existence only through experience. When we understand the reality of God’s existence directly through experience in our daily life, we will be able to sense God’s will from moment to moment naturally. We will be able to act in accordance with His will without being told. We will become people who cannot sin even if we try. It was intended that the formless God would take on substantial form as human beings and exercise dominion with the character and appearance of an owner, not only over all of creation in this world, a world of form, but even over the spirit world. This is why our highest priority in life is to know God with certainty. (5-1-2004) 27 DUALITY OF MASCULINE AND FEMININE One of the most basic characteristics we see in the world is the duality or polarity of masculinity and femininity. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). First Corinthians 11:7 states that man “is the image and glory of God.” Human beings are divided into men and women; animals into male and female; plants into stamen and pistil; molecules, atoms and particles into positive and negative charges. God projected His dual characteristics of positivity and negativity into all things. CENTRAL TRUTH — GOD IS OUR PARENT A fundamental question of mankind is: What is our relationship to God? God is our true parent, and we are His children. Sun Myung Moon said in a speech, “Love is the true ancestor of creation and the force behind generation. During my years of searching for the truth, the first question I asked God was about the essential nature of the universe. The answer was rather simple—the beginning point of the universe is love and the end result is the parent and child relationship. God created mankind and the universe in order to create a world of love through which He could dwell in that Parent/child relationship. This is the central truth and essence of the universe” (6-20-82). 28 SUBJECT/OBJECT — LEADER/FOLLOWER An essential part of being a parent is being a leader. God is a true parent and gives true leadership. His desire is for us to be true children who accept and trust His leadership, commands and desires as true and good. Father often uses the terms “subject” and “object” to explain our relationship to God. We are created to be good objects to God. This does not mean that God is a dictator and we are to be robots. True leadership does not mean pushing someone down but lifting them up with parental discipline, nurturing and love. Although God is to be the leader, He also needs our ideas, love and creativity. Between people there is often a leader and follower relationship. We see this between husband and wife, parents and children, teachers and students, employer and employees, a conductor and an orchestra. LEADERSHIP In God’s role as subject He fulfills his responsibility to lead, provide, and protect us, His children. Our role and responsibility is to follow and be good objects to God. God made men to be in the subject role and women to be in the object role. Men and women have equal value but different roles and responsibilities. There is equality in value but equality doesn’t mean sameness. God is a true leader who guides, provides and protects His children. God wants all men to be true leaders who guide, provide and protect women 29 and children. God gives vision to men and men give vision to women. Father teaches, “Men are in the subject role and women in the object role” (4-29-79). “The mission of a woman is to follow her husband. She must be for the sake of her husband. The ideal of the Garden of Eden will disappear otherwise.” (rough notes June 7, 2012) GIVE AND TAKE ACTION To find real happiness, people must master the art of being a good follower to their leaders and being a good leader to those who follow them. The action between leader and follower is called Give and Take Action. For example, atoms exist and act because of the give and take action between the protons and electrons. Plants exist because of the give and take of xylem and phloem. Plants give oxygen to animals, and animals return carbon dioxide to plants. Each person can exist and act because of the give and take between the arteries and veins, inhalation and exhalation. We need give and take between our mind and body. 30 On a human relationship level people need give and take in the family between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters. Society can function well only if there is harmonious give and take and cooperation for common goals between people, families, groups and nations. 31 PAIRS God created everything in the universe in a relationship of pairs that exist, act and multiply through give and take action, i.e., through interdependent and harmoniously reciprocal relationships. God’s eternal, unchanging, absolute vertical energy allows for all horizontal existence, action and multiplication. If parents have many children they know and love each of them intimately. Even though there are billions of people God loves and knows each person intimately too. And just as parents want give and take with their children, God wants give and take with each of us. In his many speeches and books Sun Myung Moon teaches in detail about the nature of God. In a speech given publicly in all 50 states of America titled “God’s Hope for Man” he gave these insights: God created all things, but in all His creation man occupies the supreme and central position. It is therefore very important for us to have a clear 32 understanding of the relationship between God and man. We are mirrors reflecting the characteristics of God. God is just like you and me. God is the origin. Therefore, our love comes from the love of God. Our life comes from the life of God, and our ideals come from the ideals of God. We feel these are the most precious things because God first felt these things were most precious. God is the subject of love, the subject of life, and the subject of ideals. We are the objects of love, the objects of life, and the objects of ideals. Therefore, if God is absolute, we are to be absolute. If God is unchanging, we are to be unchanging. If God is unique, we are to be unique. If God is everlasting, we are to be everlasting. Our eternal life is not just a fantasy. It is reality. Since God is eternal, His object, man, must be created for eternity. Otherwise, we cannot reflect the nature of our eternal God. MAN IS INCARNATE GOD If there is a God of love, life, and ideals, and that God does not manifest all these qualities in man, His object, then God has defeated His very purpose of creating. God either projected the full value of Himself in His object, or He created nothing at all. God is the subject to man, and we are the objects to God. An object is the full reflection of the subject. So man is the visible form of God, and God is the invisible form of man. Subject and object are one in essence. God and man are one. Man is incarnate God. Otherwise, we would not be able to reflect God’s full image. God could not realize His joy, the purpose of His creation. When we as objects are not as perfect as God Himself is perfect, we cannot reflect the full love, life, and ideal of God. So man, the object of God, is as important in value as God Himself. If I made vigorous gestures and shouted to an empty auditorium, I am sure that anyone who saw me would wonder, “Is that man crazy?” But if I have someone to have give and take with, some object out there to respond to me—even one small child in 33 front of me—and I pour out my heart and soul to him, then I am considered normal. The sole difference is the presence of someone as object. What I am trying to illustrate is the value of an object. As we are the objects to God, He has placed us in a position equal to Himself. Thus, man shares the same value as God and is just as important as God. Even though God is most high and noble and mighty, He too must have His object. Otherwise He feels no joy. Joy comes when you receive stimulation from the object. Not even God can be joyful alone. You must realize that God created man and the universe for joy. But God’s joy remains dormant until He can have give and take with His object. So far in Christianity, we placed God so high up in heaven, and pushed man so low in hell, that there has been an uncrossable gap between them. A wide and raging river has separated man from God. Men do not dare to reach out to God as a living reality. Man has been unable to realize that God is so close, so real, so approachable, that we can even dwell with Him. We are supposed to be the living temples of God. Yet conventional Christianity has been unable to make that a reality. God’s ultimate purpose in His creation of man is to give to him all His love, all His life, and all His ideal. You are to occupy the entire love of God, to the depth of His heart. By becoming His true sons and daughters, your desire will be fulfilled. That is your ultimate destiny. Then you will be saturated with the love of God. You will be filled with joy and feel overwhelmed by a total satisfaction in life. There is no limit to joy. Happiness has no end. When you are standing in the love of God, every cell in your body jumps for joy. You breathe in and out with the entire universe. In this state your life is fulfilled. This is how God means us to live, intoxicated in love and joy. And through our joy God receives His joy. The joy of man is the joy of God; the joy of God is the joy of man. Early in my life God called me for a mission as His instrument. I was called to reveal His truth for 34 Him, as His prophet. I committed myself unyieldingly in pursuit of truth, searching the hills and valleys of the spiritual world. The time suddenly came to me when heaven opened up, and I was privileged to communicate with Jesus Christ and the living God directly. Since then I have received many astonishing revelations. God Himself told me that the most basic and central truth of the universe is that God is the Father and we are His children. We are all created as children of God. And He said there is nothing closer, nothing deeper, nothing more ultimate than when father and son are one: One in love, one in life, and one in ideal. PAIR SYSTEM IS FOR LOVE The Divine Principle is a short overview of Sun Myung Moon’s teachings. He has written books and given thousands of speeches over a span of sixty years that give amazing revelations about God and the universe. The following are excerpts from a few speeches where he teaches about the pair system. I hope these quotes inspire you to read his words of wisdom and truth in depth: When we observe our universe, we recognize that every being exists through the union of paired elements. This is true on all levels, beginning even with the mineral realm. Molecules are made from the union of a positive ion and a negative ion. On the level of plants, existence and reproduction requires the union of stamen and pistil, representing the male and female aspects. The pair system is even more obvious on the level of animals. Fish, birds, mammals and all animals exist as male and female. Finally, the supreme creations of God, human beings, are either men or women. The first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, were the original ancestors of mankind. What is the purpose of the pair system? Why did God create in this way? The Creator divided all things in male and female so that they might unite through their give and take of love. Through the action of love, each species multiplies and extends its lineage. 35 Human ambition is limitless and infinite. Then, what is the true goal of this infinite desire of man? For man, it is woman. For woman, it is man. Man and woman can find true love only through each other. In history, differing views of life, the universe and God have presented unresolved problems. The solution to these problems is to be found when true man and true woman unite with God in true love, creating absolute oneness. This is the source of absolute value. Man exists for the sake of woman. Woman exists for the sake of man. Each is to be the object of love of the other. God is a being of absolute love. He wanted to create objects of love, human beings, upon which He can pour out His love. In doing so, He would naturally look forward to the return of that love from men and women. The pattern of true love is not that of being served; it is to serve others. When God Himself initially created His object of love, He invested every ounce of His energy—100 percent of His being. This established the pattern of true love. In other words, the tradition of true love as total investment was established by God. At that point, true love became the corner of the universe. And even almighty God chooses to be obedient to it. (410-90) When you observe the things of nature, you can see that the pair system is always in evidence. This system is at work on all levels, whether it is the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, or the animal kingdom. Everything exists within the plus and minus, yin and yang system. The most important thing to understand is the Principle of Creation. First of all, creation began from the atmosphere or surroundings. The basic surroundings for human beings were created first, and that is the universe. In it we see plus and minus, the pair system, male and female. Why do we see that everywhere? For the purpose of achieving True 36 Love. The universe is created for that purpose: the unity of mind and body, male and female, men and women. Why? Because they are looking forward to uniting with their corresponding partner. (4-25-93) Everything has life, love and lineage. In order to bear fruit the pair system is needed. That is the absolute formula, there is no deviation. Without a pair system there is no multiplication. It is impossible for one alone to create fruit. One alone cannot become a recipient of original love, life and lineage. Animals eat plants and then people eat animals. Many think that it is ungodly to do so. Father says that a lower creature which is eaten by a higher creature comes closer to the love of God. Do you follow? This is absolutely the law of love. By the same token, if animals sacrifice themselves for the sake of love of man, for the sake of God we should be able and willing to sacrifice ourselves. We must be always willing and ready. Praise God for making the pair system! (3-27-90) All beings of the universe, from the most minute creations to the supreme creation of human beings, exist in a pair system. That means there is a subject/object relationship on every level. The whole creation is made to participate in the love of God. They want to unite with that love and have it continue throughout posterity. (4-6-89) This is the reason why all things are in pairs: it is for love. (5-1-93) GOD IS CALLED “HEAVENLY FATHER” OR “FATHER” Father Moon explains why we call God “Heavenly Father” or “Father” even though He has dual characteristics of masculine and feminine: Why did God create the universe? The reason is that God wants to realize the relationship of Father and children centering on love. So we can come to the conclusion that the foundation of the universe is the relationship of Father and children. (6-20-82) 37 Is God masculine or feminine? (Both.) God has both dual characteristics, but how does He appear, as a masculine God or a feminine God? Masculine is in the subject position and the giving place. Feminine is the object and the receiving place. Do you understand? That is why God is portrayed as masculine, the absolute Subject. (2-5-95) Although we know through the Divine Principle that God contains within Himself the dual essentialities of masculine and feminine, we also know that God is the universal subject and as such has a primarily positive nature. (1-30-83) We know that God exists in both masculine and feminine essentialities, positive and negative characteristics. However since God is the universal Subject, we know through the Divine Principle that this is characterized as a masculine aspect. (1-2-83) The person who can connect with the vertical lineage of children is not a woman but only a man. It is because a man resembles God. God looks like (or is) the harmony of internal nature and external form, but His shape itself is that of a man. A man is the shape of God and has the seed of His child. (8-2-96) Within Him, God has both masculinity and femininity, but to exist as Father, His being is that of a male subject. (8-1-96) In the Garden of Eden how many men were there? (One.) what about the archangel? (He is not a man.) But suppose you had to include the angel figures? (Four.) Including God it makes five male figures. (11-23-94) There were five masculine figures in the Garden of Eden. First, there was God, who is the subject partner of the entire created world. Then there was Adam and the three angels, Lucifer, Gabriel and 38 Michael. Eve was the only feminine figure. (50 state tour 2001) God is our Friend, our greatest Friend. God is our Father, Elder Brother, King, and Creator. How proud we should be to have such a God! (May 26, 1998) Why did God create the universe? The reason is that God wants to engage in the loving relationship of a father with His children. The relationship of father and children is, in fact, the foundation of the universe. (June 20, 1982) We should call God, “Father.” God is the Father who originally created you. Due to the Human Fall we also need rebirth, but God engendered your first birth. Your physical father was only the bridge over which you came into this world. When you go to dwell in the spirit world, you will not call Him “father” but rather “older brother.” You will also not call your physical mother “mother.” People of firmly rooted faith in the spirit realms all call God “Father,” just as Christians do on earth. In any given family, the grandfather calls God “Father,” the father calls God “Father,” the grandchild calls God “Father”— every member of the family calls God “Father.” Since God is the Father of all people, all people are brothers and sisters to one another. (November 24, 1968) How old is God? For billions of years He has been growing old, waiting. If God had a beard, I am sure it would have grown all the way down to His feet, and if God grew taller every year, there’s no telling how tall He would have grown. By what power has He been able to endure and wait for so long? It is nothing else but love. (January 25, 1981) If Adam and Eve had become a couple of True Love centered upon God, God could have dwelt in Adam as His substantial body and thus loved Eve. 39 God created Adam first. He was to be the son of God and at the same time the substantial body of God Himself. Later, God created Eve as the object of Adam so that Adam and Eve could perfect the ideal of horizontal love, which is conjugal love. Eve was to be the daughter of God, and also, as a bride she was to perfect substantially the ideal of the horizontal love of God. (4-16-96) Japan has worshiped a female Goddess. This will not last. (1-3-2004) One parent is our Heavenly Father, the Lord of Creation. He is the vertical and invisible True Parent. (8-20-2004) The Bible says, “For a man is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.” (1 Corinthians 11:7) Father Moon teaches that mankind has been right in calling God “Father” for thousands of years: God is the subject of affinity. God is the father and our vertical elder brother. In Christianity, they have called God “Father” beginning a thousand years ago. God has been called “Father” for ten thousand years. Thus, God is the father and the elder brother at the same time. How close is this relationship? God exists in a relationship of a subject partner and an object partner in love. This refers to the reciprocal relationship between a husband and wife. Because a feminine mind exists in God, God’s sons and daughters can be born when the masculine mind and feminine mind establish a relationship and unite. In relation to an individual as a son or daughter, God is the father and elder brother. He also maintains the relative realm of a husband that can support the relative realm of the feminine world that exists inside of an individual. Since it is difficult for a relative condition to establish ties with an individual, however, God made Eve out of Adam’s rib. He took 40 the rib—belonging to the external entity of the dual characteristics—for the female sphere, so that Eve could be in a subject–object relationship with Adam based on her having a similar form. Eve also has plus aspects to her internal character and could naturally establish a relationship–that of wife to her husband. (11-12-2004) Stephen K. Nomura writes in his excellent paper titled “God as Masculine Subject Partner” (Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 4, 2001-2002 - Page 57, read online at How we view God is critical for a theocentric philosophy such as Unification Thought. Our view of God is the starting-point for a life of faith as well. For example, why do we call God “Father”? Could we call God “Heavenly Mother”? Is “Heavenly Parent” more correct?” IDEOLOGY OF PATRIARCHY God is parental but there is not two Gods we call “He/She”, “He and She”, “They”, “Invisible True Parents”, “Heavenly Parent” or “Heavenly Parents.” We call God “Father” or “He.” Nomura writes, “the correct understanding of Divine Principle is that God is most essentially a masculine being who has dual characteristics of masculinity and femininity.” This is the ideology of patriarchy. The Exposition of the Divine Principle says God is masculine and the universe is feminine: “As one organic body, the universe exists in a relationship of internal nature and external form, with God as the internal nature and the created universe as the external form. Before the creation God existed alone as the internal and masculine subject partner. He therefore created the universe as His external and feminine object partner. This is supported by the Bible verse which states, ‘man . . . is the image and glory of God.’ (I Cor. 11:7) In recognition of God’s position as the internal and masculine subject partner, we call Him ‘Our Father.’” This is why we call our planet “Mother Earth”. Jesus said, “Our Father who art in heaven.” Father says we call God “Father” “just as the Christians do.” (Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage) 41 MONOTHEISTIC AND PATRIARCHAL We call God “Heavenly Father” and use the pronouns “He”, “His” and “Him.” Technically God is our heavenly parent but it is not best to address God as the singular “Heavenly Parent” because it sounds gender-neutral and this might lead to using the pronoun “it”. This could also lead to using unprincipled, unisex, awkward language like “He/She”. God is not androgynous, “a being neither distinguishably masculine or feminine.” And if we call God “Heavenly Parents” then we have two gods and have to use the plural language of “They”, “Them” and “Their”. Sun Myung Moon’s theology is monotheistic and patriarchal. Father Moon called God “Heavenly Father” his entire life. He teaches that God is one person: Is God one person or two persons? [“Two persons.”] What? God is one person. What kind of person is Ms. Park Jung Min? Would you say she is two people? [“Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother— Two persons.”] God is not those two persons, but in God there are two attributes. Does Ms. Park Jung Min have a conscience? Do you? [“Yes, I have.”] Do you have a body? [“Yes.”] Those two elements are attributes of one lady named Park Jung Min. God (likewise) has two natures, but God is the masculine subject partner as a body. (10-14-1988) What is the Subject Being of masculine character? Do you think it would be good if God were the Subject Being of feminine character? If there were a Subject Being of feminine character, there would necessarily be dualism because there must be a masculine (Subject) Being. Since God is the only God, God has an original masculine form with a subjective nature as a harmonious being of masculinity and femininity. The reason God has a masculine form is for God to have dominion over feminine beings. (“The Path of Religion,” Oct. 14, 1988, Sermons 182, p. 61) According to the Principle, God has dual nature and He is the masculine subject. Why is God not the feminine subject? Because there cannot be two axes 42 at the center. God is the upper axis holder and Adam is the lower axis holder. There is only one point, and that point can never be held by two persons. (8-3087) Why do we marry? In a word, it is so that we may resemble God’s image. As One Entity who exists with dual characteristics.” (8-21-2004) Can you marry twice? You cannot conceive the idea of two Gods in heaven so you can’t conceive the idea of two marriages. (4-22-90) This means that there cannot be dual leaders, co-leaders or egalitarian leadership. “There cannot be two heads. There can be only one head.” (4-19-2004) DUALISM—DITHEISM Wikipedia defines ditheism as “the doctrine of or belief in two equally powerful gods.” “In theology, ‘dualism’ may also refer to ‘duotheism’, ‘bitheism’ or ‘ditheism’. In a bitheistic system two deities are not in conflict or opposition, one could be male and the other female (cf. duotheism).” “One well-known example of a bitheistic or duotheistic theology based on gender polarity is found in the neopagan religion of Wicca, which is centered on the worship of a divine couple - the Moon Goddess and the Horned God - who are regarded as lovers.” Hyung Jin Moon teaches: Father his whole life prayed, “Heavenly Father, let me carry your cross—Heavenly Father, I love you— Heavenly Father, guide America—Heavenly Father, guide us.” He didn’t pray to Heavenly Father because he’s a chauvinist or a misogynist or a phallocentric man who hates women. He prayed to Heavenly Father because the Divine Principle says, yes, God has masculine and feminine within Him but He is the subject position to humanity which is the object. So when you pray to your Father you are praying to the subject—the absolute subject of your life—the center of your life—of everything. 43 Divine Principle says there is masculinity and femininity in God so [some mistakenly think] there is a Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. This is a move away from monotheism to ditheism. You have a real issue if Heavenly Father had a divine heavenly mother. He would have no need for an object partner of love. Well, I guess that means the Principle is completely wrong when it says humanity was necessary to be an object partner to God’s love. If Heavenly Mother was there—she’s a multidimensional divine being—He can relate with her in so many different levels—not these threedimensional clay dust-formed people. (1-25-2015) If God were two beings, a pair, and therefore had a subject/object relationship, why would there have been a need to create humankind as an object partner? God was alone and therefore lonely before He created the Universe. “God, too, feels loneliness when He is alone. He created the heavens and the earth centering on a relational ideal, and His reason was to find true love.” (3-271994) HEAVENLY FATHER AND EARTHLY MOTHER We call the feminine aspect of God “Earthly Mother”. This is why we instinctively call our planet “Mother Earth” that has a “Mother Nature”. We do not say Father Earth or Father and Mother Earth. “Images of women representing mother earth, and mother nature, are timeless” ( We innately feel Mother Earth and Mother Nature is the eternal, life-giving, nurturing sustainer of life. Father Moon teaches, “Heaven represents father and Earth represents mother. Your first mother is the woman who gave you birth. Your second mother is the Earth, which supplies all the resources for life. Like a woman, the earth digests everything without complaint… Your third mother is the Holy Spirit.” (August 4, 1996) “The womb is the age of water. The earth is the growth stage mother and the spirit world is the completion stage mother.” (9-9-1999) Death “is a new birth from the second universal mother’s womb into another world, just like when a baby emerges from its first mother’s womb.” (January 1984) “Just as the fetus receives nutrition from the mother’s womb, so we receive nutrition from the planet earth. The earth is our second mother. So we have to love the land. God loves the land and so we have to do so also. God created it for us.” (12-19-1999) 44 God has dual characteristics of masculinity and femininity. He expresses his masculinity by being the invisible Heavenly Father and He expresses his femininity by being the visible Earthly Mother. On earth men represent God’s masculinity and women represent God’s femininity. Men and women are visible, incarnate God. This means men are masculine subject partners to their wives who are feminine object partners. They have equal value but different roles. HEAVENLY FATHER IS HEAD OF WORLD FAMILY God is primarily masculine because His primary role is to lead. Father Moon often uses the terms “Vertical” and “Horizontal” when he teaches about relationships. He says, “What kind of person is God? He is our vertical Father.” (10-4-94) God created men to be the primary leaders reflecting Heavenly Father’s primary masculine leadership. Just as the universe, including men, are in an objective follower role to God, women and children are in an objective follower position to men. God and mankind make a family. God is our Father and we are His children. Just as God is the head of the world wide family of mankind, men are the heads of their families. Just as we have a vertical relationship with God, women have a vertical relationship with their husband and children have a vertical relationship with their mother in the home. Father explains, “By raising children, a woman is able to understand God. When a woman understands the significance and value of her husband and then they have a child, their relationship establishes the vertical relationship. On the other hand, a man is supposed to love his wife and daughters, just as he loves God and his own father. In that way the power of love can be circulated in your family.” (4-1-89) 45 “God created Adam and Eve in a vertical relationship with Him, intending for them to deploy that in a horizontal relationship with each other. First Adam was created from the image of God, and then Eve was created from the image of Adam. First came the vertical relationship, and from that the horizontal relationship.” (April 5, 1981) When Father Moon says Adam and Eve (and therefore all husbands and wives) have a horizontal relationship he is talking about having the same value. In marriage a man and woman do not have equal authority. They have a vertical, hierarchical relationship. Yeonah Moon, the wife of Hyung Jin Moon, uses a sports team analogy of the husband in the role of the head coach and the wife in the role of assistant coach. HUSBAND IS HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD Father often talked about how the sexual organs, the penis and vagina, dramatically illustrate how different men and women are not only physically but spiritually. For example, he said, “Man’s sexual organ is made to be erect vertically. Vertical!” Father gave a speech titled “Address at the Eighth Anniversary of the 777 Couples Blessing” on October 22, 1978. He even chose it as being so important that he put this speech into his book God's Will and the World. In another speech he said, “Your sexual organ is absolute. You have an absolute part, the palace of your sexual organ. Although it may not look that special, if the sexual organ is used wrongly, the world, history, family and everything is destroyed. Man’s sexual organ is made to be erect vertically. Vertical! Man should remain faithful to his cause rather than to woman.” (1-1-97) Here are some more quotes of Father teaching the vertical relationship of husband and wife: “So when a child is born, it is protected and loved. Who embraces the baby? The mother, who is on the horizontal level, does. Then the mother and all the children are protected by the father. The mother must all the time, day and night, love this vertical love of the father. The whole family must together then turn around the vertical. Mother and children must turn. What makes this? Love” (2-1-93). 46 “The role of a woman is to raise her children and to build a proper vertical relationship with her husband” (5-26-96). “As you know from the Bible, woman was created from Adam’s rib. That means woman was copied from man, so to speak. Many American women try to control their husbands and sons, but that is not the vertical way. The husband or father represents the vertical connection. The elder son represents the right side, and the mother’s place is the left side. That means she cannot control the vertical and she cannot control the elder son. These are not my words; this is the original Principle viewpoint. You American women need to know this point.” (4-1-89) In the speech he says “the husband is the head of the household.” One of the most famous passages in the Bible that deals with men leading and wives submitting is Ephesians 5:22-25 that says, “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands. ... the husband is the head of the wife.” Wives are to submit “to their own husbands in everything.” Hyung Jin Moon taught this at his Blessing given on April 21, 2015. Watch his video online titled “Covenant of the Blessing.” He also teaches from Emerson Eggerichs’ book Love & Respect that elaborates on Ephesian 5:33. WOMEN CALLED TO BE HOMEMAKERS Father often teaches about the objective nature of women. For example, he says, “If we say that heaven is a symbol of man, then earth is a symbol of woman. The house is the stage on which a woman’s life is played out. The mother is the center of a nest filled with love for all the members of the family. The family, with the mother at its center, is the basic unit making up the nation and the world.” (August 24, 1992) Father teaches that husbands and wives have equal value but different roles and responsibilities that complement each other. For thousands of years women have lived by the values in Titus 2:5 in the Bible (New King James Version) that says women are made by God to be “homemakers”. WOMEN CALLED TO BE HELPERS In Genesis we read that God made the woman to be her man’s helper, “Then the LORD God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him’” (Gen. 2:18). 47 Every woman’s career should be helping her husband. Yeonah Moon said, “When man and woman come together that is the woman’s real empowerment—living a life centered on God and come together with your husband as a helper—the position that God gave us. That is not a diminishing position, that is a glorified position that God gave us.” (video of sermon titled “Lions of God Arise” given 2-1-2015. If you can’t find it online, email me) HEAVEN AND EARTH Father teaches: “Man symbolizes heaven and woman symbolizes earth. Man and woman must come together and realize harmony. Man and woman are different from each other. Man’s muscles are hard, but woman’s are smooth. Men have beards, but women do not. Their voices are different, also. When man and woman are matched in a reciprocal position, harmony is made.” (Blessing and Ideal Family) God is invisible but we can see God with our physical eyes when we see God manifested in the flesh in men and women. Mature, godly men are the concrete bodily form of God. Mature, godly women are God actualized in physical bodily form. Father teaches, “The invisible God can appear as a visible God through Adam and Eve” (8-9-98). MAN SYMBOLIZES HEAVEN Father Moon teaches: When man and woman become one, the whole universe can be one. Man symbolizes heaven and woman symbolizes earth. Man is in the subject position and he doesn’t want anyone to intervene with his affairs. But love and truth can control anybody. Woman wants to receive love and she is passive. In this sense, man is to be a giver and woman is to be a receiver. That is why the oneness of man and woman is the oneness of heaven and earth. Only love can dominate the universe; therefore, you have to consider your spouse as greater than the universe. Our desire is to have an object who can receive and cherish us. (Blessing and Ideal Family) Only because of the striving nature of men has mankind achieved what it has so far. Men are made that way; they are designed to reach out for things 48 which they cannot see with their eyes but can only imagine. A man naturally seeks after his dream, his ideal, while women are more concerned with the here and now rather than the future, intangible realm. Isn’t this true? This is why we say that man is symbolized by heaven and woman by earth. (6-6-82) The husband is the substantial God on earth. Man is the substantial representative of heaven and woman is the substantial representative of earth. When they are harmonized, the ideal is accomplished, filled with joy and song. (Blessing and Ideal Family) CIRCULAR MOTION When men and women have give-and-take there is a circular relationship in which the woman revolves around the man who is always stable, steady, dependable, trustworthy and like a rock in the center. Women never “stand in”, “act as”, or interchange with men. Here is one of many examples of Father explaining this: We said that men and women are equal, but there should be a certain order or discipline between them. Equality is one thing and fairness is another; blind equality does not necessarily represent fairness. There is always a certain sequence or priority to be followed. God definitely loves both men and women as His children on an equal level, but there is a priority or sequence. Which one comes first to God? Why do you women say men come first? In everything there is a double layer, one internal and one external. When you make a circular motion based on this external layer, it goes in all different directions and ultimately is self-destructing. Lasting, peaceful circular motion is always set up around an axis. If you use that central line then no matter how fast or how long you turn there will be no destruction. In everything we need this central axis, which is formed by the person who can take and fulfill the responsibility. The more responsibility that person bears, the farther he advances toward the central position. Who is designed with a greater capacity for 49 responsibility, men or women? That central responsible subject is man. In biblical tradition the blessing is always given to men because men are ultimately responsible. Blessing always accompanies responsibility. Mankind has traditionally lived like that, with women leaving their homes to marry their husbands and take their names. During war and all the dangerous, pioneering times in history the women were always behind the men, assisting. Men are in the subject role and women in the object role. (4-29-79) How can we place woman in the position of the central axis? Who is the subject of the mother? (Father.) (5-26-96) WOMAN REVOLVES AROUND THE MAN Here is another example of Father teaching the concept that women revolve around men in circular motion: “The main topic is the importance of man and woman. Should woman go around men or should men go around women? Western sisters, please respond. Well, the woman is smaller and shorter so actually it is natural that the man should be the center and help the woman. The woman should revolve around the man. Should he abandon her or protect her.” (4-24-77) “You can learn a lesson even from dancing. When two people dance, who leads—the smaller woman or the larger man? Automatically, the one who is the larger will be the leader. Always the anchor is the one at the center, the bigger, stronger and taller person, the masculine one. This is the universal discipline; it’s not something people can vote on. It’s not something I decided, either. It is the way the universe itself designed men and women. That is why men are meant to be the ones to take the initiative; women naturally enjoy being lifted up when dancing. That is harmonious and beautiful. But if a man is twirled around, he feels uncomfortable.” (9-7-86) PATRIARCHY — SUBMISSION TO MALE LEADERSHIP There is a saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Father has given speeches where he used the English letters M for man and W for woman and drew a diagram on the blackboard with the M on top and the W underneath. They neatly fit each other. The diagram is a dramatic example of his core teaching on patriarchy. 50 The Bible teaches that women are to submit to only one man in their life—their husbands, while men are to submit to all the men who are in leadership over them. Father Moon is in sync with the biblical worldview and ideology of “Submission.” One way Father teaches this is by playing with the letters “M” and “W” saying, “M for men is like two peaks and W for women is like two valleys. The peaks must not go down to the valleys and vice versa. But no matter how you Americans think about this, you must follow this truth. Who doesn’t like this?” When he says that the “peaks must not go down to the valleys” (11-12-85) he is saying that men always lead women and therefore men and women never interchange these roles. Father has used this play on the letters M and W several times over the years to make his point about the differences between men and women—that men are always in the subject position to women and women are always to submit to and follow their husbands. In their 52 year marriage Sun Myung Moon and his wife publicly displayed and exhibited a subject and object, leader and follower relationship. In a speech Father gave to 51 members on June 5, 1997 he talked about the letters M and W saying: Who is in the position of subject, husband or wife? (Husband) Especially you American women, answer which one is subject. You know clearly. (Men) Women. (Men) The meaning of ‘woman’ is warning to men. (Laughter) [Father writes on the board] This “M” represents man and “W” represents woman. When they are placed together they are inseparable. Together they create a whole human being. But on this diagram which one is up? (Man) How about here? Which side is plus, up or down? (Up) Even within the English alphabet the “M” is on the top and “W” on the bottom. But some American women claim that women should be subject. The concept and reality should become one. There should be no separation between them. Which is more precious, the visible or invisible world? (Invisible world) Based upon pragmatism there is no value in the unseen. In general America is enjoying material wealth. But because of this America is losing the concept of God. Therefore man is in the position of subject. If this is the formula, should the husband follow the wife or the wife follow the husband? (Woman should follow man) Who is in the position of subject? (Man) Some American women might believe that Reverend Moon always puts women down. They might come and sit here and listen to Father’s explanation and eventually change their attitude. They will come to realize that Father is not a woman basher, but rather he truly promotes women’s values. Those of you who are gathered here in front of Father today, show your hands who believe that women are in the position of subject. Especially you American women. Someone may twist reality and claim that Reverend Moon is brainwashing all the women. 52 There are some who think that Subjects and Objects can interchange. They can “stand in” or “act as” the other. This is not true. It is illogical and irrational. For example, God does not want women to “stand in” or “act as” the head of the house. Every organization—such as the family, business, church and government—has one person at the top. Father Moon explains: “Each social unit such as the husband and wife and the family and so forth, must be properly centered. The family must be centered upon the head of the family. The tribe must be centered upon its chief. The society and nation have a head of state. From the very bottom, you circle upward all the way to the top. Within every social unit there is a head or a central figure.” (9-7-86) For example, the Vice President of America is always in the object position to the President of the United States who is in the subject position. The Vice President never “stands in” or “acts as” the President of the United States if the President is able-bodied and fit. Men and women, like the Vice President and the President of the United States, have give and take and men and the President may do as their wives and the Vice President suggest but at no point do they ever change positions. They have give and take but never interchange positions. When the Vice President talks to the President and gives his suggestions he is always in an object position and never assumes the subject position. Just talking to someone does not change subject/object positions. MAN IS PRESIDENT OF THE FAMILY Father says, “Now you know what is the ideal family. The father is there representing heaven, the mother represents earth and then the children represent all mankind. Also, the family represents the sovereign nation. The father is like the ‘president’ of the family; that means he must take responsibility for upholding all the laws and orderliness of the family. He must be the one ultimately to distinguish between what is right and wrong within that family. If the father is in the position like a judge, then the mother’s position is like that of a lawyer. The position of prosecutor is filled by the law itself. We know that it is necessary to uphold the laws of a country. Likewise, within each family there should be laws which are upheld and enforced by the father. That is one of the father’s responsibilities. There is a great distance today between this original standard and the reality of today’s families.” The “original standard” Father is talking about is the biblical standard of the traditional family. 53 FAMILY IS ONE SMALL COUNTRY Father goes on to explain that a family is a “micro-country”: “The nation is basically a collection of families in which all the generations are included. Each extended family symbolizes one small country. You must make your family one which is loved and approved of by all those around you—your parents must approve and your children must appreciate it. That is when the man actually becomes the ‘president’ of his family, which is a micro-country” (6-6-82). The relationship between the President of the United States and the Vice-President is hierarchical. But it is harmonious. They each have equal value as human beings but they have different roles and responsibilities. HUSBANDS ARE KINGS OF THEIR FAMILIES “The English proverb ‘every man’s home is his castle’ represents the cultural assumption, handed down from antiquity, that the father is head of his household.” Father Moon teaches that the husband is the king in his castle. Father commands all brothers to lead, provide, and protect and all sisters should stay home and teach and nurture their children: “School education should take place in the family, where the mother renders heartistic education and the father renders intellectual education. However, since fathers must work in order to take care of the family” they must depend on their wives to manage the home. The man, he says, is the “king” of his castle and the woman is to “attend” her husband and teach the children, “Women should be the central figures to attend their husbands, who are the kings of their families, and become the teachers of true love by rearing children to be future kings” (Blessing and Ideal Family Part 2). Fathers should also take time to teach God’s values. Proverbs 4:1 says a father is to teach his children: “Hear, O sons, a father’s instruction, and be attentive, that you may gain insight.” PATRIARCHY — HEAVENLY FATHERISM God is a patriarch. Father calls this concept “Heavenly Fatherism”. In a speech titled “Heavenly Fatherism” he explained that men should be kings of their families and do so by reflecting God’s loving kingship. This means men would not be tyrants who lead by using fear. Christians call it “servant leadership.” He writes: TRUE KING When we say “kingship” people might be very sensitive and say, “What do you mean ‘kingship’?” They are 54 thinking of kinds as they have known them. Everyone can love a true king however. A true king draws people by love. All tyrants, all dictators from the past ruled by fear, so human beings’ ideas about a king are very far from God’s original idea of a king. All men should be a king in their own family. (9-1-90) Here are some statements from several speeches where Father Moon elaborates on the concept of men being the king of the family: FATHER IS KING OF THE FAMILY The seed of life which is inherited from our father is almost invisible to the naked eye. However, contained within it is the entire universe. Combined with the flesh of the mother a new human being is created. Proportionately, the flesh of the mother makes up ninety-nine percent of the new child. Even though proportionately there is so much imbalance, still the seed of life is the center and core of the child. Therefore, we should love our father before we love our mother because our father represents the central core and stands in the position of God in terms of giving life to the children. The father stands in the position of king of the family. However, within secular families this concept does not exist. CENTRAL AXIS Have you American brothers loved and recognized your mother more than your father? (Our father.) Do you really mean that? (Yes.) If you truly mean what you say, then you are already qualified to enter into the kingdom. Father stands in the position of the central axis. However, if you place your 360 degree axis on your mother, you don’t know where you will end up because that center will float around. Who has the greater tendency to change easily, men or women? (Women.) Then how can we place woman in the position of the central axis? Who is the subject of the mother? (Father.) (5-26-96) Complement One Another In this world man stands in the position of king. 55 King is subject. Woman is not subject, no matter how proud a position they possess the object cannot control the subject. American women, be careful. Women need to follow behind their husbands. I can feel that American women don’t feel so good about that idea. No matter how you may feel, you have to take an opposite way from now on. America needs Divine Principle. This is not Father’s viewpoint; this is the divine perspective. You have to know that clearly. Women have wide hips like a cushion whereas man has narrow hips and wide shoulders. So you see they complement one another; woman is wide at the hips and man is wide at the shoulders. Combined into one they make a square box, a secure foundation. (4-18-96) Father teaches: The female follows the male. The male follows God. Should the female complain? American woman, Western sisters, should men go around women or women around men? Men are usually larger, so it’s better for women to go around men rather than over. The woman should revolve around the man. The woman is smaller and shorter so actually it is natural that the man should be the center and help the woman. Women, are you happy this way? When woman goes round man, should man abandon her or protect her? When man goes hunting or to work, man leaves woman at home, for her protection. Man should have the purpose and be in the position of protector to woman. (4-19-2004) The husband is responsible to rear the children born to him and his wife to become filial children, patriots to the nation, saints for the world and finally divine sons and daughters of God. In this way, husband and wife relate as subject and object partners. In terms of quality, men and women are equal in value. However, in terms of the order of things, the husband, who holds the seed of life within him, is the subject partner. With her husband as absolute subject partner, a wife and the children 56 should create one heart and one body and offer a true family to God. (4-29-79) ADAM THE PATRIARCH How would things have turned out if Adam and Eve, our original ancestors, had not fallen? In the first human family, Adam would have become the patriarch. (Cheon Seong Gyeong) Do you prefer feminine men or strong, masculine men? Do you women know why you prefer rugged masculine men? Because that is the quality you don’t have. That’s because God created men and women in complementary relationship. Women are made for conquest of love by men…. COMPLEMENTARY ORDER Equality is good, but not with blinders. Because you are not losing anything you don’t take exception to this, do you? If a woman has to go out at night, she naturally often asks a man to go with her. You women are built as object, not subject. Even if your brother is much younger than you, he goes out at night all by himself without asking one of his sisters to go with him. That’s the complementary order of the subject and object relationship which God established. (4-29-79) Why do you marry? You want to receive love. Women are like that: “I want to receive love!” Man is the center or subject and woman is the object. Women must center upon or follow their husbands. As the subject and object relationship is solved, it will extend all the way to the nation and to the world. (12-10-89) Can you imagine a romantic love scene between some strong, John Wayne type man and a beautiful woman, where the man lays down and begs the woman to come to him? You just feel repulsed by that. But when John Wayne assumes the subjective, aggressive role and takes the woman into his arms, you enjoy it. That’s natural. Woman cannot fulfill 57 the man’s role and man cannot fulfill the woman’s role. (5-31-84) In the book of collections of quotes of Sun Myung Moon titled The Way Of The Spiritual Leader (Part 2) Father says Subject means Leader: The Vertical Subject Who is the vertical subject? There is none other than God who is the vertical subject. When you go to a school, who is the vertical representative of the school? The vertical representative is the teacher who comes into the classroom. During that time, students must absolutely obey the words of the teacher. You have to lead. What does it mean to lead? Although the four seasons change, you must uphold the unchanging vertical standard so that what you have led in spring, winter, fall, summer will not change. You cannot say, Since spring has come, I am bored with the vertical position; how wonderful is the horizontal position. I do not like the vertical position. I will move to the horizontal position.” A leader cannot behave in this way. A subject has to have a strong power of life. Otherwise, one cannot become a subject. Moreover, a subject must contain love. Without possessing love one cannot become a subject. It means that one cannot lead objects. It is the same. Unless one becomes true and truthful, one cannot become the center. Without love, one cannot become the center. Furthermore, a leader must be able to make progress and lead for eternity. Therefore, he must be true. One cannot become a leader without being connected to the true life and true love. Does this sound right? What kind of person is the leader, the subject? He is one who takes responsibility for the whole. 58 What should the subject do? The subject has the responsibility to protect. Moreover, he has to determine the position and direction of the environment. After making the determination, he must protect and be responsible for it. CENTRAL FIGURE PROVIDES PROTECTION Who is the central figure? The center is supposed to be responsible for the whole. The center must know how to give everything. The center must take responsibility and know how to protect. THE SUBJECT MUST PROTECT THE OBJECT The subject must protect the object. He has the responsibility to protect. Then what does he have to do? He has to lead. He must point out the direction, which will lead to the right way. So should the wife listen to the words of husbands or not? [They should listen] If the husband behaves like a dog, aware only about the horizontal standard, and believes in himself more than God and thinks that he is absolute, then you do not have to obey him. However, if he listens to his conscience, is concerned about the family, society, and nation, then the wife must try to be in harmony with him. She has to follow her husband. Father teaches: I invite you to enter into a transcendent state and prayerfully ask God, “What is the center of the universe?”. The answer you hear will undoubtedly be, “the parent–child relationship”. Nothing is more important or more precious than the relationship between parent and child. This is because it defines the fundamental relationship between the Creator God and human beings. (9-12-2005) The key to world peace is to bring mind and body into unity and also man and woman into unity, which is another form of mind and body. The core of the American problem lies in the family, and the 59 center of the family is the mother. If the mother plays her role correctly, then that is the way to restore the family. (4-24-94) When you blessed couples start a family, the husband should lead a public life (life of service) and the wife should be in charge of the family life (the domestic life). Will you be a representative and exemplary family? The wife should make her husband successful; that is to say that she should be his great supporter. (Blessing and Ideal Family) Man is to be the plus center, and woman the minus center. This is the way of man and woman harmonizing. If we extend this model, we can see this phenomenon on the surface of the earth, in the mountains and the oceans. Which part of this diagram do you think should represent plus, the lower section or the upper section? [The diagram was a capital M directly above a capital W.] I ask in particular the American ladies here: who is in the position of subject, husband or wife? American women conceive of themselves as subject. Do you follow Father? (Yes; and Father is a man, and this teaches that) the wife is not supposed to walk in front of her husband. You are supposed to follow your husband’s footsteps. It is natural that since usually you are smaller than your husband, your stride is shorter than his and in a normal circumstance you need to make greater effort to keep up with your husband. This simple concept is very important for American women, because the wrong concept here destroys the family, leading to a proliferation of problems. (8-9-98) THREE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS “We must always remind ourselves of the three most important things: love, life and blood lineage. The purpose of God’s dispensation is to establish these three things substantially on earth. This is the way the whole world will be restored.” (Aug. 20, 1989) 60 LINEAGE IS MOST IMPORTANT Father teaches that the most important thing in life is lineage: Lineage is more important than life, and more important than love. Life and love come together, to create lineage. Lineage cannot be established if either life or love is missing. Therefore, among the three qualities that define the parent-child relationship — love, life, and lineage — lineage is the fruit. (9-12-2006) There is nothing more important to us than love, life and lineage. Among these, which do you think has most value? Many people think that it is love. However, no matter how valuable love and life are, they are horizontal in nature. They appear and conclude within one generation. On the other hand, lineage is vertical in nature and continues forever, generation after generation. (50 state speaking tour 2001) ROLES Here are a few quotes from Father where he does his best to teach the differences between men and women. He teaches there are roles for men and women with men always being in the subject position and women always being in the object position: Why is man subject and woman object? Because man carries within him the seed of life. Woman does not contain the baby seed. Woman’s breasts are the property of her babies. Her hips are the home of her babies. [Laughter] (4-18-96) Between men and women, which is the subject? American women say, “The subject is woman.” But the universe says “No!” to that, and will even spit on you. As you know clearly, the man is subject and the woman is object. Man is like the bone and woman is like the flesh. Flesh must totally surround the bone, sticking closely to it. Subject and object must not reverse their order. The order must be straight, the channel must be straight. 61 In America today, the women are trying to become king. The queen is trying to become king, meanwhile trying to push all men down to the level of servant. What about you American women? Do you sit there and think to yourselves: “When will I ever come to hear Father say that woman is the subject? Will it ever happen, even in a million years?” The answer is no, it will not happen. However, the woman’s position, the object position, is absolutely the most beautiful and it is essential. Woman is created for woman’s purpose, which is not bad at all. When you follow the universal rule, harmony and happiness will always follow. When you go into the spirit world, this rule becomes totally obvious. (4-25-93) American women are saying, “We want to be in the bone position. Let the men become the soft flesh.” Today America is suffering from terrible confusion; people don’t know which side is up. There is no understanding of right order, subject and object, or who takes initiative and who is responsive. What about you American Unification women, are you different? In America, many women pull the men around behind them and the men just follow timidly. I have never seen so many boneless men as in America: “Yes, dear, whatever you say.” ...If you women don’t change that trend, there can be nothing but darkness for the future of this country. America will not survive. There must be God’s order and sequence, a certain discipline. We must maintain that discipline. Sometimes I receive the criticism that I am “antiwoman” and “pro-man” but that is not true. I am simply pro-natural law. At this time, many women are trying to take over the societal positions and responsibilities of men; but you are not equipped to do that. You have your own strengths and virtues. Unless you can understand the reality of natural law, you can never understand or make sense of all the crazy things going on in today’s world. (9-19-82) 62 MAN IS FINAL DECISION MAKER Here is an example of the Oriental way of doing things. National and world affairs are considered very important, and an Oriental man is not allowed to consult with his wife, or any woman, about them. He can consult his son about such things, however, because the father/son relationship has a vertical dimension. When the man turns, his son turns on the same axis. In contrast, women revolve along the perimeter; they are more apt to change their minds, and they are less consistent. Apparently, embedded in women's original nature is a greater possibility for change. If a woman turns around too fast, however, she may spin right off! A man may revolve like a top and never spin off because he turns right at the axis. Therefore, according to Oriental thought, in a traditional household the man can bring up important matters with his son, but not with his wife or any of the women in his household. Neither Western nor Eastern women understand how it works, but the difference is that the Korean woman accepts and obeys if the man says, "Let us be alone.” Even though she does not understand clearly why she has to go away while her son is allowed to be present, she obeys. Because she has heard a lot about this tradition, the Korean woman will obey and go out while the father and son discuss serious matters. If this happened here in the United States, the woman would immediately retaliate, “What do you mean? You are discriminating against me.” She would feel that if her husband has a problem he should certainly let her know. Once you talk to a woman, however, there are no secrets. Is the United States a more feminine or more masculine country? It is more feminine because all its secrets leak out. The original nature and God’s intention is for man to maintain the vertical axis. I cannot help it. This is not just my saying, but it is the principle of the universe. The vertical axis is one and not two. Man and woman cannot both be the center. God has hold of the upper end of the axis and Adam holds the other, defining a sphere. That is how God designed the center of the universe. 63 According to the Principle, God has dual nature and He is the masculine subject. Why is God not the feminine subject? Because there cannot be two axes at the center. God is the upper axis holder and Adam is the lower axis holder. There is only one point, and that point can never be held by two persons. The final decision in a household in important matters is up to the man, even though the woman may discuss it with him. The man may consider her opinion, but he makes the final decision. Even though he may go through the mother to disclose the decision, the father makes the decision. The mother may implement the decision, but the decision is the father's. The mother cannot directly pass on the inheritance to the sons or daughters, because the father is the axis. In the United States people do not care about the natural order of things. They are at best confused. They do not know who should make the decisions or why. I am emphasizing this because there are blessed couples here. We have our own blessed families, and this is the heavenly law. The man must manage national affairs, and the woman can manage the home. If a man and woman divide and each occupies a position, where should the woman be? The man's organ is positioned to give and the woman's to receive. Even in the act of love, we should keep that position, the man up and the woman down. Otherwise, she cannot receive. This is the principled view; it is physical law and natural law. This biological law governs all the cosmos, without exception. (8-30-87) SUBJECT ON RIGHT—OBJECT ON LEFT Men are the final decision makers in the family. The wife’s submissive position is symbolized by her always standing, sitting and walking to the left of her husband. They have equal value but different positions and roles that complement each other. Father said: “There is a common understanding in Asia that the woman stands on the left hand side of her husband” (6-5-97). Mother is always to the left of Father. The only rare exceptions are at some 64 public events where Father is seated next to the podium and Mother has to sit on his right side. Father says, “People say we are a very loving couple. Mother never stands on my right side, always on my left” (5-1-81). “If man is on the right side, woman becomes the left side in order to form a horizontal relationship with the universe. If man is the subject, then woman becomes the object in order to form a vertical, upper and lower relationship with God. Therefore, marriage is not for the sake of just man or just woman. We have to get married in order to follow the heavenly law. This is why man and woman have different aspects. They are born that way in order to match with the heavenly law.” (12-19-90) A woman’s place is in the home. She has only one leader to stand to the left of. A man’s place is in the competitive marketplace. He has many leaders he has to stand to the left of. Just as a wife is to walk on her husband’s left to show respect for his position, a man is supposed to walk on the left of his superior. When George Washington was a boy he was influenced by a little book of maxims titled, “Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation.” One of the rules says, “In walking ... place yourself on the left of him whom you desire to honor.” Father explains that his male translators are to stand to his left. Father said in a speech (“Father’s Nation is My Nation” September 2, 1990): “Father is the subject and the subject has to stand on the right. The object, the translator, should stand on the left side.” Because the subject stands on the right side, and the object is on the left side, my interpreter stands to the left of me. That’s why I always face the women’s side. In every relationship, according to the Principle and whether you like it or not, there has to be a clear subject and object. (9-2-90) Father gave a speech titled “Glorious True Family” (8-9-98). Here is some excerpts: The American woman’s concept, “woman first,” is not so good. What do you want? Do you want to see God as a female God or male God? [Both.] Father is asking you to make a choice. [Male.] The reason is that man carries the seed of life. Is that true? In terms of the human body, man is in the position of bone, and woman is in the position of flesh. You may argue about why man should be bone and 65 woman flesh. Bone can exist without much water, but flesh is over 70 percent water. That is why woman’s shape is concave, like a container receiving water. The shape of man’s love organ is like a bone. That particular organ should be strong like a bone. Then you can make love and function really well. Suppose that particular organ is like regular flesh, then what will happen? Flesh mixed with bone is man’s sexual organ. Flesh mixed with water is the woman’s body. Who is the vertical figure? The husband. The wife is the horizontal figure. While woman turns around 360 degrees, man is in the center, not going around 360 degrees. Do you ladies want your husband to be feminine or masculine? A man-like man is unchangeable. A changeable man is like a woman. The woman’s way is to change easily. Again, who is more changeable, man or woman? [Woman.] Then do you want to see your husband standing like a rock or pillar, not talking too much but having a stern appearance, or should your husband be more like a pet dog, moving around and around. [Like a pillar.] According to Father’s teaching, in our family the wife should be like woman and the husband should be like man. That is the only way we can build ideal, glorious and true family. Between man and woman, who has bigger hips? Why? They are like a cushion for sitting long time. That is woman’s life. That is natural law. Man’s hips are sharp, therefore he cannot sit a long time and goes out running around and working. How wonderful woman’s place. That is why woman is originally shaped such a way as a gift from God. Therefore if a woman goes out more than husband, your family, also your nation, will be in crisis. This good cushion which woman has naturally, women should be able to embrace all the children and grandchildren and eventually present them to 66 the husband and grandparents. So woman is in the queen’s position to raise the children of your own family and tribe. Whereas husband is in the king’s position of the entire nation. That is why the husband is supposed to go out and to move more. Suppose Father just stayed in Korea for God’s providence. Then you wouldn’t have any chance to learn about the reality of the Kingdom of God. Instead, Father came out of Korea and came to America. …when the husband goes to work every morning, if the wife is left behind without having been kissed, then all day long she will feel kind of lonely and sad, saying, well, my husband doesn’t feel good today. In the individual, the mind is in the position of plus, the body in the position of minus. It is the same for both man and woman. They all should become one. Man represents plus, woman minus. PRIMARY ROLE OF WOMEN Father Moon teaches that the primary role of women is bearing and caring for children: The first priority for a married woman is to bear children. Woman is like a field to receive the seed. That’s why you are biologically different from man. Are those differences for your own sake, or for your children? Women’s physical characteristics allow her to bear and nurse children. Because women themselves do not have seeds, they have to receive them from the man. When a wife receives the seed from her husband, a miracle takes place there: either a son or a daughter. The mother provides the flesh of a child, and the father provides the bones. Each person’s basic shape is determined by his bone structure, which is from the father. As females grow up, they start thinking about having children. On the other hand, when males grow up, they tend to think about the world and the 67 universe. This is because man represents God, who is seen as our father, while the earth is represented as a mother. Women have a tendency to desire material goods; they yearn for beautiful and colorful things. Instead of looking upward toward God, they tend to look down to the earth. A man, on the other hand, has the tendency to look up for something bigger and greater. (4-1-89) Women today like the concept of equality, don’t they? But they cannot change the fact that they are different. How can they claim equality when men need two helpings of food and women only one? Men work at heavy labor for hours and hours, but not women. A woman wrestler could never defeat a man. How could men and women be equal then? Only in love are men and women equal. Could you want any better equality? In primitive times a man had to really work to take care of his family. Because man could be independent in this way, God gave woman the one ability that man can never have, which is childbearing, to balance the different capabilities. But lately women are even refusing to have children. (3-11-79) PRIMARY ROLE OF MEN Father Moon teaches that the primary role of men is to provide for his wife and children: God thought a lot about how to create women. Instead of making women taller than men, He made women a little shorter, but with bigger hips. Why? Because women are to assume two roles. First, in giving birth to children women need a strong foundation, and second, they will be living most of their lives in a sitting position, so God provided built in cushions. Men have narrow hips without cushions because men are supposed to take the initiative and always be in action. A woman is to be objective, receiving grace from her husband and always sitting home comfortably waiting for him. That is the way it should be. At the same time a man should be masculine, and that is why he has broad shoulders 68 and strong arms. Going out into the world is the man’s role. (5-1-77) Men have broad shoulders, not for you to boast about but so that you can carry the burdens of your family. You have to work and sweat so that you can take care of your wife and children! (5-31-84) The husband is more rugged and stronger so that he can work more and earn money for the family. (526-96) Men should be the sole financial provider of their families and women should be stay-at-home moms. This is the traditional family or biblical family. God’s divine plan for the family is for men to compete in the marketplace and for women to be homemakers. They have different roles and responsibilities. The Bible speaks strongly about men providing: “If any provide not for his own he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel” (I Tim. 5:8). This is also translated as “If any one does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his own family, he has disowned the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Titus 2:5 commands women to be, “keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” If a man does not provide he is an infidel and if a woman does not stay at home she is blasphemer. You can’t use stronger language than infidel and blaspheme. If we violate God’s laws we destroy the family. Marriage and family are sacred and this is why the Bible speaks so forcefully about the traditional roles of men and women. “As made clear in the Holy Scriptures, the man has the responsibility to provide the living. Since he is also the leader, it falls to him to manage the money and worry about it. Therefore, it is not the wife’s responsibility to earn the living, manage the money, or worry about it. She should be given a household budget but she should not be responsible for the overall management of the income” (Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin.) If a husband and father dies or is incapacitated then the other men in the wife’s family and spiritual community should provide for her. GOD’S NATURE We have looked at some of the characteristics of God’s nature and found that God created the “Pair System” in which the man is in 69 the subject position, the leader position and center position. Woman is in the object, follower position and “revolves” around the man. Father Moon teaches that men are plus and women are minus, men are bones and women are flesh, and men and women have equal value but have different roles such as the man having the role of protector. Let’s continue looking at the nature of God and mankind. GOD’S INTERNAL CHARACTER What more can we learn of God’s internal character by looking at the world around us? The first thing we see is that all races, nations and cultures treasure the love in the family unit. It is a universal and fundamental truth that every person needs and desires a united and loving family because it is in the family that we experience the highest joy and happiness in life. Where does this love originate? From our cause God. God is a God of true love. In a speech given March 28, 1979 he said: “The family is the building block of the Kingdom of Heaven. …The basic unit of happiness is not the nation or world, but the family. …The base for the Kingdom of Heaven is the family. The base for the true ideal is the family. The base for the true love and happiness is the family.” Father Moon teaches “The family is the fundamental unit for building peaceful nations and ultimately a peaceful world. (10-2001). BEAUTY When we look at the world around us we see that each person seeks beauty. People love art, music, dance, paintings, literature and poetry. It is human nature to seek beautiful homes, food, cars, clothes, hair styles, cosmetics and jewelry. The most beautiful artwork is by God. What is more interesting and gorgeous and exciting than human beings? Every person is unique and manifests God’s vast love. Every stage of life from babies to elderly is beautiful. We also see God’s beauty in nature. It is awe inspiring to see mountains. It is amazing to see the variety of animals and fish. Each one is a masterpiece. God is the ultimate artist. We marvel at the sensitivity and perfection of beauty in the shades of colors in flowers. God is the ultimate painter. Every 70 person’s desire for beauty is an effect of God. God is a God of beauty. TRUTH Men and women seek truth. This is why people read, express themselves by writing and go to libraries and bookstores. There is a deep desire in mankind to see children receive an education. We are all born with an innate need to learn, explore and grow through knowledge and wisdom. People study science and the humanities to master the environment and human relationships. God is a God of truth. GOODNESS, JUSTICE AND FREEDOM Mankind has a conscience that desires to do good works. This is evidenced in charities, volunteer work and the many social and professional organizations that champion high ethical standards. People have through religion and philosophy sought guiding principles of goodness. Our conscience makes us feel remorse when we do wrong, and we feel indignation when we see wrongdoing. Because our creator is sensitive and idealistic, people are sensitive and idealistic too. One of mankind’s greatest ideals is freedom. We honor those heroes who fight against tyranny. God is a God of goodness, justice and freedom. ORDER AND HARMONY We see order, law and principle throughout the universe. Incredible order and harmony permeates creation. Kant said, “... the glorious order, beauty, and providential care, everywhere displayed in nature, give rise to the belief in a wise and great Author of the Universe.” Kepler said, “The universe was stamped with the adornment of harmonic proportions.... illustrating the glory of the fabric of the world, and of God the Architect.” Cicero said, “The celestial order and the beauty of the universe compel me to admit that there is some excellent and eternal Being, who deserves the respect and homage of me.” God is a master scientist—a God of law, order and principle. CREATIVITY Every person has a deep need to create and to build. We admire and treasure the creations of man, and we stand in awe of the creations of God. We see infinite uniqueness in the universe. Snowflakes have six sides, yet no two snowflakes are the same. 71 How many snowflakes have fallen in history? Every person has two eyes, a nose and a mouth, but no two faces are identical. Even identical twins are not identical. Every human being has a unique personality and a deep need to express that special individuality by creative work. This deep motivation to be creative and to strive for excellence comes from our creator God. God is a God of creativity. ABSOLUTE VALUES Mankind seeks eternal, unchanging, and absolute values. A marriage ceremony is when a man and a woman publicly pledge eternal, absolute and unchanging love. We desire to make commitments for life. Many songs are about love that lasts forever. For example, one popular song says: It’s very clear Our love is here to stay Not for a year But forever and a day In time, the Rockies may crumble Gibraltar may tumble They’re only made of clay But our love is here to stay ETERNAL People want eternal unity with their families, relatives and friends. We also have the wish for an eternal afterlife because we do not have enough time on earth to express all our love and creativity. Kant said, “... it is plain that the hope of a future life arises from the feeling, which exists in the breast of every man, that the temporal is inadequate to meet and satisfy the demands of his nature.” The desire for eternal life and eternal, unchanging and absolute values comes from God. God is eternal, unchanging and absolute. The universe is in perpetual motion. It not only never runs down, God’s love and energy constantly increases forever. THE PURPOSE OF LIFE A fundamental question asked by countless people is: What is the purpose of life? God’s motivation for creating the world and especially us as His children was love. Simply love. He wanted 72 and needed to share His love. Joy is the true purpose of life. God wanted His sons and daughters to be happy and joyful. To give them the highest happiness, we read in the Bible in Genesis 1:28 that He gave Three Blessings: “And God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.’” Father gave a speech on October 20, 2001 at the United Nations titled “The Path to World Peace in View of God’s Will.” He talked about the Three Blessings of God saying, “The First Blessing of God to human beings, ‘be fruitful’, called God’s children to become ... true persons.” For the Second Blessing, ‘multiply’, he says that men and women are supposed to become a “True Husband and Wife.” Then they are to become “True Parents to their children, inheriting and passing on true love, true life and true lineage from God. ... Then they would have become the Lords of true love. ... This was God’s Third Blessing. This is the Blessing to create a living environment in which we can experience joy and happiness, having dominion over the creation. This includes the care and preservation of the world’s ecological balance as true masters of the creation....” UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES He ended his speech saying that we “must transcend the power of politics and national diplomacy” and “ground ourselves spiritually and morally upon God’s ideal” and live “according to universal principles” and center our lives on “God and the laws of Heaven.” FIRST BLESSING The First Blessing is for men and women to be fruitful. When a tree becomes fruitful we mean it has reached maturity and can bear fruit. It has reached its full potential and perfection. This is figurative language meaning we too must reach our full potential and perfection. The Bible says, “You must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt. 5:48). GROWTH PERIOD To reach maturity God created everything to go through a growth period of three stages: Formation, Growth and Completion. 73 Growth Period Perfection 3. Completion Stage Adult Horse Tree 2. Growth Stage Child Yearling Sapling 1. Formation Stage Infant Colt Seedling For example, a tree is first a seedling, then a sapling, then a tree. Animals go through three stages such as colt, yearling, and horse. People are first an infant, then a child, then an adult. The World Book Encyclopedia says, “Physicians commonly divide pregnancy into three, three-month parts called trimesters” and “Labor has three stages.” God is perfect and for men and women to become one with God they must become perfect also. During this growth period all creation including our physical body grows to maturity automatically. Our spirit does not grow automatically. It takes conscious, creative effort to develop spiritually. One of God’s primary characteristics is creativity. Man must inherit creatorship from God in order to become mature sons and daughters. Every person must fulfill a special condition. God gives us the responsibility to become co-creators. Together with God we create ourselves. We can only be truly happy when we are spiritually mature. There is an innate gyroscope or nature that drives us to seek perfection. When the Bible speaks of human perfection, it means perfection of heart. Men and women were to have their minds (or words) and their bodies (or deeds) centered on God. When men and women would say good and do good they would have perfect character. Men and women would have the value of God. Every person would be a temple of God: “You are God’s temple and God’s spirit dwells in you” (I Cor. 3:16). 74 RULES OF GOD Sun Myung Moon teaches that “we need to live according to universal principles and rules of God.” I do not have the space in this book to go into those principles and rules. I do so in my book Practical Plan for World Peace: The Teachings of Sun Myung Moon. In Father’s teachings we learn that we are called by God to follow the rules that God has revealed to him. For example, in one of his speeches he teaches: Tell your hand not to touch anything except godly things. Your original, pure mind says your hand should not touch a woman’s hand until you are married. Your eyes should look only in the right direction, your nose should smell only the right things, your mouth should eat only the right things, your hands touch only the right things and so on. (12-1-82) Father Moon teaches the importance of living a moral life in tune with our conscience so we can find “genuine happiness”: 75 ORIGNINAL MIND Every person has a God-given original mind that longs to live in a universe, nation, neighborhood and family wrapped in the loving embrace of parents and siblings. GENUINE HAPPINESS What kind of person does the world call happy? What is the basis of happiness? Does power and authority bring happiness? Does having tremendous wealth bring happiness? Does happiness come from possessing a unique talent? Does happiness come by becoming a world-renowned scholar or gaining a coveted position? None of these guarantee happiness. Nothing external can be the basis of eternal happiness. Sooner or later the happiness it brings will fade, stimulating anew the search for happiness. In the end, a person finds genuine happiness in a family that has loving parents, a couple in true love, and children who are devoted and faithful to their parents. …Unity between mind and body means to live in absolute obedience to the voice of the conscience. (America tour speech 2004) BUILD A HEALTHY SOCIETY Father Moon encourages every person to care about others, to live for the sake of others rather than being selfish and self-centered; “I would like to see all Unification Church members reacting to their surroundings with a strong conscience not being apathetic at all. You must be people who care and who will work to build a healthy society.” (12-27-81) Here are some more thoughts on fulfilling the First Blessing: A LIFE OF TRUE LOVE To resemble God, the original Being of true love, we should become the owners of true love. We should embody true love and practice it in order to develop our character. This is the way each of us can become true parents. Then, what is a life of true love? True love is the spirit of public service. It brings the peace that is at the root of happiness. Selfish love is a mask for the 76 desire to have one’s partner exist for one’s own sake; true love is free of that corruption. Rather, its essence is to give, to live for the sake of others and for the sake of the whole. True love gives, forgets that it has given, and continues to give without ceasing. True love gives joyfully. We find it in the joyful and loving heart of a mother who cradles her baby in her arms and nurses it at her breast. True love is sacrificial love, as with a filial son who gains his greatest satisfaction in helping his parents. God created the universe out of just such love: absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, investing everything without any expectation or condition of receiving something in return. ROOT OF GOD IS TRUE LOVE True love is the wellspring of the universe. Once a person possesses it, true love makes him or her the center and the owner of the universe. True love is the root of God and a symbol of His will and power. When we are bound together in true love, we can be together forever, continually increasing in the joy of each other’s company. The attraction of true love brings all things in the universe to our feet; even God will come to dwell with us. Nothing can compare to the value of true love. It has the power to dissipate the barriers fallen human beings created, including national boundaries and the barriers of race and even religion. The main attributes of true love are that it is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, so whoever practices God’s true love will live with God, share His happiness and enjoy the right to participate as an equal in His work. Therefore, a life lived for the sake of others, a life of true love, is the absolute prerequisite for entering the Kingdom of Heaven. (50 state speaking tour in America in 2001) Father teaches that the greatest goal we can have is to become godly people, “Is there anything higher or more precious than to be a son or daughter of God? If anything were higher, then surely human desire would aspire to attain it. But there is nothing higher.” (50 state speaking tour in America in 2001) 77 SECOND BLESSING The Second Blessing of God was for people to multiply. After reaching perfection, God wants men and women to marry and have a family. When men and women love God, God would return that love. Husbands and wives would love each other with all their hearts and love their children completely. Physically, parents would give their children a good home, clothes and food. Spiritually, the parents would teach them by word and example of God’s love and truth. One of God’s deepest desires is that boys and girls grow up in a safe environment. FOUR POSITION FOUNDATION — IDEAL FAMILY We experience the greatest love in the family. God made the family to be four positions consisting of God, husband, wife, and children. And when there is perfect give and take between all four parts then this would be the basic unit of joy, life, and of society. God’s number one goal is for every person to experience true love in an ideal family. 78 Sun Myung Moon says: Marriage is not a light matter, but should be taken very seriously. Marriage is more serious than your own life, than heaven and earth, than your entire hope and ideal. When you find happiness in this serious area, you will find ultimate happiness. (From a speech titled “God and the Building of the Kingdom of God,” April 17, 1977). Why, then, do we have to get married? It is because God exists in dual essentialities and men and women must reflect those essentialities. Therefore, men and women must come together and unite in total resemblance of God’s image. That is why marriage is one essential factor in your total growth. Marriage is for the purpose of blending men and women into God-like figures, to put people into the image of God so that when they are elevated into spirit world they can enjoy a relationship with God together. We come to the clear conclusion that God created all things and human beings for the purpose of consummating His love. Where can that love be consummated? It can be done while we are here on earth, in the relationship between husband and wife, in the family. Therefore, marriage is the most important event of human life. (1-2-83) Do you know what is most precious to a man? It is woman. Likewise, what is most precious to a woman is a man. The purpose of life, into which we all are born, for a man is woman, and for a woman is man. Man and woman are born to live for each other. The harmony of their body shapes and of their organs of love are simply made so. (11-28-86) God made man to have a woman. Man alone is only half a human being. Woman herself is only half a human being. But through marriage they can form a whole human being. (1-1-96) 79 Is a woman supposed to live for the sake of another woman? A woman’s original purpose of creation is for the sake of man. And a man exists for the sake of a woman. Therefore, men and women need each other; they have to meet. Why do people get married? A nose functions properly when it has two nostrils. By the same token, a single man or woman is not complete. All your organs should function for the sake of truth. (12-1-82) Here are more wonderful insights from Sun Myung Moon: IDEAL FAMILIES What do you think is God’s ultimate purpose for creating human beings? Simply put, it is to experience joy through relating with ideal families filled with true love. (9-12-05) TRUE FAMILIES God is Father, the Creator, and human beings are created as His children who are to become one body with Him in true love. True human beings are originally made to live joyously as mind and body unite with God’s love, and become intoxicated by it. God created human beings so that He Himself can experience infinite joy watching true families live in happiness. Through His true love He can live together with them. God desired to achieve harmonious oneness with human beings through true love. God’s dream is to realize true love together with human beings. God desires to feel the joy and happiness of true love eternally in the world of heart together with human beings, who are His children, as well as being the highest and the most precious beings of all creation. (6-11-98) As a husband and wife it is only when we gain the victory with our children, together as a family, that we can say for the first time that we are a family that has realized the ideal and purpose of creation. It is 80 only after the father and mother have become one and then the children and parents have become one that a perfect Four Position Foundation is formed. (5-23-07) ONE WORLD FAMILY God’s plan is for ideal families to form ideal societies that would form ideal nations and an ideal world living as one huge, harmonious family. 81 THREE OBJECT PURPOSE In the family there are four positions of God, man, woman and child. Each can be in the subject position and have the other three as its object in giving love. For example, God can be the subject of love to the man, woman and child. The child can be the subject of love to God, to his or her Dad and to the mother. There are 12 directions of love. Father Moon teaches: We have to have a definite idea about God and His grandchildren. God has a triple objective purpose, of three purposes and three objects. The four positions are necessary as a foundation for action and maneuver. God is the almighty subject, but He is not happy alone, so in order to move He had to have objects. This is why He created man and woman. But those three are not complete either. Since God wanted to move in spherical motion, He needed the fourth position, to form a south pole to His north pole. Subject and object were divided in order to take after God’s own image. If plus and minus have give and take, another being of plus and minus is bound to come into being. For these purposes God needed grandchildren. Without having the fourth position, man could only have two objects. If he did not have three objects like God did, then he could not be elevated to the same level as God, or become His perfect object. (June 22, 1980) The triple objective purpose. Everyone together creates the four position foundation, as the nucleus. This is where all the love relationships are focused—parental love, children’s love, conjugal love. Every form of love is found within the family. Within the triple objective purpose, which encompasses the love between the four elements of the family, the number 12 is the result. (January 8, 1984) 82 The Triple Objective Purpose deals with the family. It does not apply to all the subject/object, to all the leader/follower relationships in the universe. Proper subject/object, leader/follower relationships bring order to the world. In love every member of the Four Position Foundation can interchange or switch positions of subject and object in love. Let’s call this fluid, horizontal relationships. Father Moon also teaches that every member has roles and responsibilities in different positions of authority that do not interchange or switch. Let’s call this static, vertical relationships of leadership. God is the Subject partner and the universe is the Object partner. God is the leader of the man and the man submits and obeys Heavenly Father’s commands. The wife submits and obeys her husband’s commands. And the children submit and obey their parent’s commands. The circular motion is that of the object revolving, circulating, orbiting around the stable Subject. The Triple Objective Purpose in family relationships is about love; Subject and Object in hierarchical authority relationships is about respect. In his autobiography As a PeaceLoving Global Citizen Father says, “A true family is a place where a husband and wife each love each other and live for the sake of the other, as if the spouse were his or her mother, father, or sibling. It is a place where the husband loves his wife as he loves God, and the wife respects her husband as she respects God.” NO SWITCHING OF AUTHORITY Father’s youngest son, Hyung Jin Moon, gave a powerful sermon (The Might of Heaven, March 1st, 2015, part 1—see explaining how subject and object do not “switch” He says in his parents: there is an absolute order. There’s a subject and an object. In our house Father makes the decision and we obey because we’re objects of his love. A grandchild can go up to him and yank on his beard but that’s only because it’s in love. It’s not talking about switching of authority. It’s talking about love. There is an order in the kingdom. Father has a clear order. I can only go to him in love as his object. I can approach him. Sometimes I could be the subject of love. In that situation I’m a little baby and I’m just loving him so much that he’s overwhelmed by that and he just says. “Wow! This baby is amazing.” In that situation, yes, that baby 83 can be the subject. That doesn’t mean the baby is his king! It doesn’t mean they can switch around. It’s in love. And Mother is equal to Father in love and in value, but in authority there is a clear order. THIRD BLESSING The Third Blessing is to have dominion over the earth. Dominion means a dominion of love. Centered on God, men and women would love creation. What does creation return? When we love and care for our home and car they return beauty. When we love our dog or cat, they return beauty too. And, of course, when we love our family and friends, they radiate. God is the Lord of mankind, and God created men and women to be Lords of Creation. We reflect God directly, and creation is in the image of people and indirectly or symbolically reflects God. CREATION REFLECTS MANKIND The creation reflects people in many ways. The earth resembles the human body: The earth’s surface covered with plants compares with man’s skin covered with hair; the earth’s underground waterways compares with man’s blood vessels, and the earth’s molten core compares with the marrow within man’s bones. Human beings and animals have similar body structures. People can imitate all animal sounds. Mankind and plants are similar too. Plant’s leaves function like our lungs; xylem and phloem are like 84 arteries and veins. Our bodies are made of minerals such as calcium and iron. Calcium is the fifth most common of the chemical elements in the earth’s surface. The human skeleton is made of calcium which is one-fifth of our total body composition. The earth’s surface is two-thirds water and our bodies are approximately two-thirds water. We feel joy when we see our reflection in a mirror or a photograph. Because creation reflects us, we receive joy in seeing nature. IDEAL WORLD God wants mankind to live in perfect harmony with nature. In God’s ideal world there will be perfect ecology with our environment. Billions of people are supposed to use the resources of the earth to build a highly advanced technological civilization in which every person will have all their physical needs fulfilled. Sun Myung Moon says that we should “advocate bringing together material wealth and spiritual values; we value and emphasize both, not abandoning one for the other” (4-1-89). God’s Third Blessing was for mankind to take dominion by building a beautiful paradise on earth—a world utopia—an ideal world. 85 “We are called to this sacred mission—the building of world peace. Our noble march shall begin today toward that glorious future. Let us build a true world of peace together with God” (Textbook for World Peace). God and mankind’s dream of world peace can finally come true because we have the ideology of the Divine Principle which will unite mankind into one loving family. UTOPIA In a speech titled “The Historically Highest Career” given by Sun Myung Moon on November 1, 1983 he said: If there is a religion that God wants to see, it must have the clear purpose of fulfilling God’s and humanity’s desire. That religion alone will become the historically highest religion. We talk about a utopia or the ideal world, but what is it really? ... I want you to clearly understand the definition of the ideal world: it is the world in which people are intoxicated with true love and live in everlasting joy. The Unification Movement has the clear goal of utopia centered upon God. The utopian religion is the Unification religion. Don’t ever think that utopia is something unreal or fantastic. Instead, we must convert the everyday things of life into the utopian way; you can only do that through love. The Unification Movement is truly a historical religion and we are going to live the highest, most honorable career. That is the creation of the true utopian way of life. KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH At Yankee Stadium in New York City on June 1, 1976 Sun Myung Moon proclaimed that God’s dream is an “ideal world” and someday: “We shall all truly become brothers and sisters under one Father, God. This will be a world of love, a world of happiness. Our planet will be one home, and mankind will be one family. God’s will, His long-cherished desire from the beginning of time will finally be fulfilled. This will be the eternal, ideal world of God. Indeed, it will be the Kingdom of God on earth.” 86 In a speech titled “Textbook of Love” Father Moon teaches: What do we mean by the essence of love? The essence of love is not for just an individual but it is for the sake of the whole. For that reason, that essence is enjoyed and appreciated by everybody. FIRST CAUSE IS GOD Who is the center of that essence of love? Human beings cannot be the center because we are created, or resultant, beings. Therefore, there must be a causal existence and this being must be the cause of the universe, the cause of the entire creation, including humanity. That first cause is indeed God. It is important to realize that when people speak of God, they often think of an entity which has nothing to do with themselves or their lives, but that is not the case, God is someone who is already entwined within you and you are within Him. Let’s consider magnetism. The two poles of north and south are automatically related. We could say that they are entwined; they cannot be separated. Human nature is such that we always desire a fuller relationship of love; we always want to go deeper and deeper into love. It is important to know how we can be harmonized with the essence of love in the universe. First of all, we must think of God as our subject. Each person is always in the position of object to God. What is the subject/object relationship centered upon? It is centered on love. Thus the essential relationship between God and man is that of the subject and object of love. The Parent/child relationship is the essential, universal relationship. You enjoy saying, “God is my Father,” because it sounds good. But I want to know, is God really your Father? A father touches and embraces his child when it is growing up. …Actually, God is the closest being to you. He is the center and the essence of love and you are the fruit of that love, so there is an intimate closeness between you and God. 87 MIND MASTER OF BODY When you embrace the universe, you embrace yourself. What kind of self? The true self. When a person achieves that, his mind and his body are entirely harmonious and united. In that case, you will never put the desires of your body before the desires of your mind. Your mind will be the master of your body. When your mind is filled with true love, your body will be obedient to your mind. That was God’s original ideal. The original God-given mind has the tendency to embrace the universe, not to just search after selfish gain. First you must become the kind of man or woman whose mind and body are united, centered upon God, and then you can embrace a person of the opposite sex with the same qualifications. We are speaking of the textbook of love. What is a textbook? A textbook is a guide; anybody who follows the same guide or formula will achieve the same results. With the textbook of love, you will first of all embrace your family. What are the components of your family? First there are the grandparents and then the parents. Then there are the children, which is your position, and then the grandchildren. FAMILY — CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE The question to ask is, do these four levels of couples belong to God? Are they God-centered or not? The family is the center of the universe; it is the building block and when you duplicate the building block, you build the world. The family is the microcosm of the universe and the textbook of love for universal relationships. (2-584) SPIRIT WORLD One of the deepest questions mankind has asked is: What happens to us after we die? Is there life after death? And if so, what is it like? The Divine Principle clearly reveals the answers to these questions. God’s goal is for each person to live a perfect life of love and beauty, not only for eighty, ninety or a hundred years on this earth, but for eternity. After people die on earth God has 88 prepared a spirit world for us to live in. Spirit world looks like this world with the only difference being that its environment with its trees, streams and mountains are even more beautiful than our physical world. PHYSICAL BODY — SPIRIT BODY God created our physical bodies to die and become one with the earth. This is natural. Then how are we to get into the spirit world? We go there in our spirit body. Each person has two bodies—a physical body and a spirit body. The Bible says, “And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7). And “It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body.” (I Corinthians 15:44) LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION Father Moon’s son, Hyung Jin Nim, says that he asked Father when life began. For many years those in his movement believed it was when a baby took a breath. Hyung Jin Nim says he asked Father about this and he said that was wrong. Life begins at conception. A person gains a spirit body then. So if a woman has a miscarriage she has created a person who lives in spirit world. He or she will be taken care of there and grow to adulthood in spirit world. Therefore abortion is wrong. 89 The author Raymond Moody has researched thousands of cases of people who had near death experiences and wrote a best-seller called Life after Life. On a talk show he told of an experience in a hospital of a woman who had been in an accident and taken to an emergency room. Doctors and nurses worked frantically to save her and finally brought her back from near death. When she awoke she explained how she had an out-of-the-body experience. She said she saw them working to make her breathe again. Then she flew up to the roof of the hospital and saw a single red shoe. Then she came back and reentered her body. A surgeon happened to be in the room when she told this story. He was intrigued and had a maintenance man take him up to the roof. He went to the exact place she said the shoe was and sure enough there was the one, red shoe. This woman had traveled with her spirit body. NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES A pediatrician, Melvin Morse, studied many near death experiences of children. He did not believe in an after life when he began his studies. Now he believes. Critics of those who write of people who have had out-of-the-body experiences say that they are simply being fooled by chemicals in the brain, hallucinations from lack of oxygen or the effects of drugs given patients. Morse writes how he found in his research that this is not true. He has written several best sellers such as Closer to the Light and Transformed by the Light. The moment we die our spirit bodies immediately enter spirit world. It is far greater than this world. There is no concept of space and time. There are no clocks. Travel is instantaneous. And we do not need to sleep. There is no concern for food and shelter as we have on earth. There is no death. There are no boundaries. No limit of movement. We can fly like a bird. What do we do in spirit world? We spend time giving and receiving love from our spouse, our children, our families, our friends and from God. For eternity we grow in knowledge and our lives increase in excitement. Heaven is not a boring place. For eternity we are on an exciting journey. Spirit world is infinite, and we have eternity to explore it. 90 If it is so beautiful in spirit world then what is the purpose of living on earth? Although our life on earth is only a flicker of a second in length compared to our eternal life in the spirit world, how we live our life on earth is extremely important. Just as the womb of our mother was where we formed our physical body, this world is the womb for our spirit body that will live forever in spirit world. We grow our spirit body by living in accordance with God’s universal and absolute values. TEN SENSES God has given every person five physical senses and five spiritual senses which makes a total of ten senses. God created us with the ability while we are on earth to see, hear, taste, smell and touch not only this world but spirit world as well. Perfect people on earth would be the mediator between the two worlds. Their spiritual senses would function like that of a radio or television set. They could freely perceive the spirit world whenever they wanted just as a radio or television set can receive radio or television waves. 91 Because we have a spirit body when we are on earth, we could have a relationship with a person who has died and is living in the spirit world. A person on earth could shake hands with someone in the spirit world, and it would be just as real as shaking hands with anyone on earth. There would never be separation between people. For example, in God’s ideal world let’s say a married couple lived to old age and the husband died. He could still live with his wife on earth. He would stay with her and be just as real as when he had his physical body. They could still embrace—even sexually. SPIRITUAL GROWTH Our physical bodies grow by receiving proper nutriments of air, light, water and food. Likewise, we grow spiritually by receiving spiritual nutriments of truth and love. When our physical bodies do deeds of true love then our spirit body receives vitality elements and grows. As our spirit grows, it gives spiritual elements to our physical body which is felt as spiritual joy or renewed energy. 92 God’s plan is for each person to live his or her life on earth receiving love and truth from God and living a life of service. By the time each person physically died, he or she would enter spirit world having grown to moral perfection. 93 THREE STAGES OF LIFE There are three stages in our life: the nine months in the womb, our life on earth and our eternal life in the spirit world. The first stage, the embryonic stage, is our first world where we live in a compact universe of liquid. In these nine months our lungs are prepared to breathe air, but we don’t use the lungs until we leave the womb and enter life on earth. The second stage is the terrestrial stage. We breathe air and are to spend our time growing our love lungs to breathe in the spirit world that has no air. We breathe love there. The third stage is the spiritual stage in which we are spirit like God. It is the third and final stage. The first stage, in the womb, is a world of total darkness; the second stage, earth, is a world of half darkness and half light; the third stage, spirit world, is total light. Father Moon reveals: “In this physical world, we pass through three stages, the era of water, land and light, the world of sun. Centering on the sun’s position, the galaxies are always there, but we cannot see them. We have night and day on earth, but the spirit world is always bright, there is no night. We have the eras of water, of air, of love. Love never stops, like sunlight. Love should flow constantly, day and night, pole to pole. That’s spirit world. We travel from the world of water to the world of land, and eventually to the world of spirit. This final stage is the era of the sun. The mouth represents the era of water and the nose the era of land. You drink water with your mouth and inhale air with the nostrils. Your eyes deal with light from the sun.” (12-19-1999) 94 Mrs. Sun Myung Moon said in a speech given in 1999 titled “The Path of Life For All Mankind”: “Human life can be divided into three periods: life in the womb of about ten months, a physical life of about a hundred years, and life in the spirit world that lasts tens of thousands of years into eternity.” … “If we look at our own faces, we also see three stages: the mouth, the nose and the eyes. These reflect the three periods of our lives. The mouth symbolizes the period in the womb, which is a world of material. The nose symbolizes the period on earth, which is the world of humanity. The eyes symbolize the period in heaven, which is the spirit world. … “To die means to move from a world of land, where we crawl and walk, to a world where we fly freely. We pass through death in order to become qualified travelers who, with love, can enjoy the entire universe. That is why death is, in reality, a new birth.” Father Moon teaches: What is the purpose of dying? We die in order to fulfill our craving to experience all the love of God, which is limited here on earth. In a way, physical death is the discarding of our clumsy physical bodies, these “vehicles” we have used on earth. God enjoys total freedom in the universe; so when He sees His children suffering from so many things here on the earth, He can hardly be happy about it. In God’s scheme of creation, “death” is another birth for man. We can achieve liberation from the shackles of our physical bodies and enjoy the kind of freedom God enjoys; so death is really a second birth. The day the children were born was a day of joy and should be remembered by the parents. Why shouldn’t their day of second birth, which we call “death” now, be remembered with joy, as well, since they should be going on to the greatest freedom of all? Some of you might think my subject tonight is very deep and profound and even “weird”; you may wonder why I choose to talk about death on New Year’s Day. But I have a good reason to do so; to become men and women of true happiness here on earth, we shall be the people who have conquered the fear of death. … Once we are given total freedom, we can exercise dominion over the entire universe without any 95 restrictions. Does that interest you? Everybody is interested in total freedom, total joy, total love; but in order to achieve those things, we must do something before we die. Just simply death would not bring us freedom and joy. We’ve got to obey God’s commandments while we are here on earth. Are you ready to obey God and His commandments to the letter, every iota? The first law of God has to do with the dual nature of man—one of spirit and one of flesh: mind and body. Mind is subject and body is object. The body must obey the mind; that is a law, the principle. Are you interested in doing that? Mankind is designed, according to God’s creation, to live three distinct lives. The first life is the vegetation period within the mother’s womb. When you are conceived, you begin to live a life within water. When you were in your mother’s womb, did you desire to leave, or did you want to stay inside? It is natural for the baby to want to stay inside. The door for leaving the womb is very small; so when God tells the baby he has to leave through that door, he would probably say, “Oh, no, no! I can’t do it!” In order to leave the mother’s womb, an incredible amount of disorder, pressure, and even pain has to happen to the baby. If he recognized that, the baby would not want to go through with it. Until the very moment when the mother gives birth to him, no baby willingly comes out. When the mother gives the final push, reluctantly the baby comes out into the world and starts to cry. In a way, the process of birth is equivalent to the process of death. It’s fearful and unknown. When the baby is expelled from the womb, he has an umbilical cord still attached, through which he has been receiving nourishment. Of course, that cord has to be cut. This seems to be destructive, from the baby’s point of view. Until then, he was receiving his breakfast, lunch, and dinner from that supply line. He might think, “Everything is miserable. Even my supply line has been cut off!” When God looks down at the crying baby, would God feel sorry and cry with him, or wouldn’t He smile very broadly? It is the exact sort of transition from this world to the 96 next world. We think that this is the only life there is; we cling to our little planet. But after a certain time, God knows that we are ready to go into the next world. As a natural consummation of our life, all men and women are supposed to be elevated to the same level of freedom which our Father in heaven can enjoy. That is, the freedom of having a spirit body. The creation is designed so that parents and children can enjoy life together. The baby comes out of his mother’s womb so that he can someday talk and play with his daddy and mommy and they can become a family. By the same token, we are given another birth where we can join with our eternal Father, God, and live with Him forever in the same realm. This has been the plan from the very beginning of creation. Our life here is like being inside the womb. We need proper nutrition, we need to be healthy, and we need to live according to certain principles and rules of God. Consider the insect: first it is an egg, then a caterpillar, then a butterfly. Haven’t you ever wondered why you can’t fly, since even tiny insects can? Even the seeds of the dandelion have a little parachute that enables them to fly all over the place. Plants, birds, and insects can fly; what about us? We are supposed to be the supreme creatures of God, but we can’t fly! Each of you must have felt like protesting to God, “Why do I always have to walk everywhere? Why didn’t you make me capable of flying?” God’s answer to you is very simple: “You will fly. All you have to do is wait a little while and you will fly better than any other creature. But while you are on the earth, you must use your time wisely. You are in the workshop of life, where you have to practice my rules.” Each of you wants to know what God’s rules are, right? Someone might complain and ask if he can take his body with him to spirit world. That is like asking, “Can I drive my old, clumsy Volkswagen into spirit world?” There is an insect called a cicada that makes a noise during the summer. For a while, it is encased inside a certain shell and surrounded by liquid. As long as the cicada refuses to break out of this cocoon, he is simply rejecting his wonderful future of flying around from tree 97 to tree. We are encased inside a shell of flesh here on this earth, destined for a wonderful future. Before now, 1982, we have lived with a certain fear of death. But from now on, we can be free of that fear and understand what death really is. (1-1-82) What kind of world is the spirit world? It is the eternal world. It has no air like ours on earth but its atmosphere is love. There people breathe the air of love. All human beings are meant to experience this. … We start life in the watery atmosphere of our mother’s womb where we receive oxygen and nourishment through the umbilical cord. However, even inside the mother’s womb, lungs are developing for breathing air, which is the atmosphere of the next life. Do you follow? The unborn baby has a nose, but since the umbilical cord provides oxygen the nose doesn’t function until birth. However, along with the lungs, the nose perfects its capacity to function within the mother’s womb. When the time of birth arrives, the baby experiences a revolutionary shakeup! The previous system for receiving oxygen and food—the umbilical cord—is cut and tied. Since the former existence is severed, as far as the baby is concerned it suffers a kind of death! The end of the world has come! All its previous environment— the placenta, the umbilical cord—is broken, and the fluid that surrounded the baby drains away. But birth means entering a new womb — that of the universe. We are all living now in the universal mother’s womb. In the previous life, we lived in a liquid atmosphere; here we breathe air. While surrounded by amniotic fluid, we were preparing for this present atmosphere. By the same token, while living in this universal mother’s womb, we are breathing air but also we are developing our capacity for love. We are preparing for one final stage. Before birth, many of the baby’s capabilities are latent; the nose and the lungs had developed, but they remained dormant. By the same token, the capacity to live in love, which we must nurture while we are on earth, remains dormant until we experience another birth. This new birth is a revolution like our first birth; it 98 involves some destruction as well. In the spirit world we don’t need a physical body, a physical atmosphere, or physical clothes. There, we take off our shackles and see new horizons as our latent capacities begin to function. We put our ability to breathe love into action. In the sight of God, what people call death is actually a new birth and our entry into eternal life. LOVE LUNGS To be able to live in that atmosphere of eternal love, we have to prepare our “love lungs” here. Thus in our short time here on earth, we must nurture our capacity to love and our sensitivity to it. Eventually, we will leave this universal physical womb and be born into the divine womb — the spirit world, the universe centered upon God. God exists at the core of love, so when we awaken into the new world, we too, can exist at the core of love. We can become the center of love. When we are elevated to the sphere of God’s divine love, we have total freedom. We can have a body if we like; or if we don’t want a body, we don’t have it — we can be like God and function exactly like Him. Love is an absolute prerequisite for this; without love we would choke to death there. Once we are the center of the universe, we can go to the realm of perfect resemblance to God. Ultimately, every person is entitled to be exactly like God; when we move into the divine realm, God is in us and we are in God; we are inseparable. … SACRIFICIAL LIFE Why must we be sacrificial? It’s not an easy thing. There is no better way to develop our capacity to breathe the atmosphere of love in the next world than by leading a sacrificial life. Sacrifice is the most dramatic and intensive way to complete the love lungs we need in the next world. (12-1-82) ETERNAL LOVE MAKING In God’s plan every person will eventually find their soul mate, their other half, and be married for eternity. In spirit world we can enjoy having sexual relations with our spouse forever. Father 99 Moon teaches, “According to the ideal of love, all love relationships in the animal and plant kingdoms are for reproduction only. Human beings are the sole exception. Humankind enjoys freedom in the conjugal relationship of love. This is humanity’s special privilege as the lord of all creation. God gave the blessing and infinite joy of love to His sons and daughters.” (4-16-96) FAMILY IS THE SCHOOL OF LOVE We prepare our love lungs by giving and receiving love in the family that is our school of love. The four loves in the family are parental love—the love of parents for children; conjugal love—the love between husband and wife; filial love—the love of children for parents; and sibling love—the love between brothers and sisters. In Genesis we learn that God created us to be male and female. Every person is to have a soul mate and the two become one flesh. God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). God’s plan is that marriages are eternal and every person will have an exciting time exploring love and the universe with their wife or husband. In the spirit world we will be like angels in 100 the sense that we will not die. In Luke 20:36 we read, “We will be like the angels, for we will never die.” OUR ULTIMATE GOAL Sun Myung Moon has traveled the Spirit World with his spirit body and teaches what it is like there. Here are some of his insights: Mankind also grows through three stages. When you reach the spirit world you will realize why you had to live this way on earth. Our ultimate goal is to become like God — to become perfect like Him and become friends with Him. The fear of death can be eliminated because there is no more death. In the truest sense, death is a new birth! Those who try to deny the existence of spirit world are pitiful people. Think of the launching of the Apollo and Columbia spacecraft. Once in orbit, they reach a zero gravity stage. They need no additional fuel to maintain their orbit because they meet no resistance at all. By the same token, once we are elevated into the spiritual plane of life, we will find no resistance. We will be able to travel throughout the entire universe in a moment, at the speed of thought. If there is a star made out of diamonds, wouldn’t you want to go see it? Perhaps there is a planet made out of gold and silver. These celestial bodies may be billions of light years away, so even by traveling at the speed of light you would not be able to reach them. But in the spiritual realm, you can go there on the spur of a moment by thinking you can be there instantly. So would you rather live here in this clumsy world for eternity, or upstairs? I am eager to explore every corner of the cosmos. Given the physical distances of this universe, it might take many billions of light years, but in the spirit world everything is right in front of you. If you want to see something, it appears before you; you don’t even have to wait! (12-1-82) Do you think you have to worry in spirit world about three meals a day? Or perhaps you have to acquire lots of clothing and comfortable surroundings? How about housing? It’s all there. You don’t need to work on those things. In spirit world, you can surround yourself with lots of flowers if you wish. As long as you enjoy them and want them around, they will be there. But the moment you say, 101 “I’m tired of flowers now,” they will disappear because you don’t want them anymore. Then if you feel like enjoying a great meal, all you have to do is think about it and it will appear before you. How convenient that is! When you live in that world, you don’t have to worry at all about what to eat, what to wear and so forth, but you have to live there for eternity. That’s a long time. How would you spend all that time? You’ve got to do something. In that world, the effort of everyone is concentrated on one thing: how to come closer to the love of God. The occupation every day, all day long is getting closer to God and receiving more of His love. How can you do that? You have to learn how to love the world and humanity here on earth. You must live with that kind of spirit so that you are already eligible to be the recipient of the love of God. Then His love will reach out for you. (1-11-87) I talk about true love almost every chance I get. You don't know what the spirit world is like, so I am trying to teach and train you so you will be able to fit in there perfectly. In the spirit world, the atmosphere is that of love. If we don't know how to love, we suffocate; we go into hell. In the spirit world God is right at the center, and everyone is competing to get closer to Him. On earth we compete with each other and try very hard to accomplish things — but for what? What motivates people? Getting nearer to God is all we care about and strive for in the spirit world. (8-30-87) We have learned in this first chapter of the Divine Principle that God’s plan was for mankind to live as a peaceful, harmonious family in peace and prosperity—a utopia, an ideal world. In the next chapter you will discover why we are not living in an ideal world. 102 Chapter 2 The Fall of Man GOD’S PROVIDENCE In Chapter One we learned that God’s primary goal is for His children to live in an ideal world. Human beings have never experienced utopia. Human history has been a nightmare of war— not world peace. The Divine Principle reveals for the first time how God has worked in human history to help us build His dream of a utopia. The Bible is the greatest book ever written because it reveals the most about God’s providence. Providence is defined as “divine guidance or care.” God has worked with care throughout human history to guide mankind to fulfill the Three Blessings. GENESIS The Bible begins by saying that God created Adam and Eve, the original parents of mankind. We learn in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, that they tragically fell away from God into ignorance. Many painters and writers such as John Milton in his classic Paradise Lost have moved us with their interpretation of what happened in the biblical story of the Garden of Eden. THE FALL OF MAN All cultures provide some conception of the origin of evil, many of which are remarkably similar. Ancient Egyptian stories tell of a golden age which was lost by the “ancestress of woman” and of a serpent. In ancient Greek literature Pandora’s curiosity led her to release evil into the world. The story of Adam and Eve in the Bible gives us the most information. What happened to Adam and Eve? In Genesis we read that after every time God created He said it was “good,” but when He created Adam and Eve it was “very good.” This is an understatement. God was delirious with excitement on the sixth day to see his precious children. Then we read that God placed “the tree of the midst of the garden and also the tree of 103 knowledge of good and evil.” And then we read, “... the Lord God commanded the man, saying, ‘You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.” Everything was good and pure. Adam and Eve “were both naked, and were not ashamed.” Then tragedy strikes. A “subtle” serpent lies to Eve saying that she will not die if she eats the fruit. She sees “the tree was to be desired” and eats the fruit. She then gives the fruit to Adam who eats. We read that they both then “knew they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons.” Then we read they then “hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, ‘Where are you?’ And he said, ‘I heard the sound of thee in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.’” God then says that the serpent who “beguiled” Eve was “cursed; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life.” And Adam and Eve were told their life would be a hard one now. God then drove them out of the garden and we read “at the east of the Garden of Eden He placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life” (Gen. 3:24). TREE OF LIFE — SYMBOLIC Much of this story is symbolic. The “Garden of Eden” is symbolic for the kingdom of heaven on earth. For a brief time only goodness existed on earth but since the Fall of Adam and Eve the Tree of Life has been barred from mankind. The Israelites in the Old Testament wrote of their desire for the Tree of Life. It is the ultimate hope of mankind. In the Book of Proverbs we read, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life” (Prov. 13:12). And in Revelation we read, “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates” (Revelation 22:14). What is the Tree of Life? What are we missing that makes our “heart sick”? What is this “hope” that is being “deferred”? The Bible shows that attaining the Tree of Life will bring happiness. What is the essence of happiness? What Adam failed to achieve in the Garden of Eden was perfection of character—the fulfillment of the 104 First Blessing. The Tree of Life symbolized Adam who was to be the first person to achieve moral perfection. What Adam and all people since him have sought is to grow out of their immaturity and become true adults. All adults since Adam fell have become adults only physically but remained spiritually, mentally, emotionally children. No one has ever grown up spiritually. Every person’s innermost hope is to become a Tree of Life. We all have an original nature within us that desires to become a true man or a true woman. Next to the Tree of Life stood the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Next to Adam stood Eve. Eve is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The fruit of the tree has often been interpreted as a literal fruit even though the Bible does not specify what kind of fruit. Michelangelo painted a tree depicting the Tree of Knowledge on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He shows Eve eating what many think to be an apple and handing one to Adam. NOT A LITERAL FRUIT But the fruit couldn’t be a literal fruit such as an apple because God is our parent of love who would never put poisonous fruit in front of His children and simply tell them not to eat it. Sin does not come from eating food. The Bible says, “Not that which goes into the mouth defiles a man, but that which comes out of the mouth, his defiles a man” (Matt. 15:11). Father says that some believe the “human fall was caused by the ingestion of a literal fruit, but that is ridiculous, because the original sin entails a problem of lineage.” (8-9-98) Fruit trees multiply through the seed contained in the fruit. Likewise, mankind was to multiply through Eve producing children. Eve was the fruit or seed of mankind. Father reveals, “the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil represents Eve’s reproductive organ, and God gave the commandment to protect her chastity. When He created us, God invested His entire heart and soul in our reproductive organs. He created them as the palace of true love, the palace of true life, and the palace of true lineage. The story places the fruit in the context of good and evil in order to tell us that if Eve were to have a relationship with a king, she would give birth to a prince, and if she were to have a relationship with a Mafioso, she would give birth to a villain. The quality of the 105 harvest depends upon the seed that is planted. It was called the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because it could manifest good or evil” … The commandment given in Genesis 2:17, ‘You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die,’ was a strong warning about Eve’s love. Eve had to protect her sexual purity until she achieved maturity with a God-centered character and entered into a blessed marriage with God’s permission. Had she succeeded, she would have multiplied God’s eternal love, life and lineage.” (50 State tour America 2001) The commandment by God to Adam and Eve was the same commandment that all parents should give their children, saying, “My children, you are young and immature. Some day you will marry and have children. If you have children now, you will not be mature enough to be good parents. You must first grow up and become adults before you have sex with another person. Sex now will hurt you, but sex when you are married will be the most holy, loving and meaningful part of your life.” SNAKE IS SYMBOLIC We read that a snake tempted Eve. This too is symbolic. Only a spiritual being can know God. The snake symbolized an angel. Angels exist. It is fashionable in our secular society to doubt the existence of angels. But the literature of mankind is so filled with references to angels that Mortimer J. Adler, Clifton Fadiman and other writers, philosophers and scholars who compiled the Great Books of the Western World series had to include in their book A Syntopican of Great Ideas, the idea of angels. They write, “The characteristic skepticism of our age has been directed against the belief in angels generally. It casts doubt by satire or denies by argument the existence of spirits both good and evil.... Moralists have thought it possible to explain human depravity without recourse to the seductions of the devil.” But when all arguments are considered it makes more sense to believe in a spirit world and angels. God created angels before He created Adam and Eve. He created them to be His helpers. He made angels to be in a position of objects and admirers. At every stage of the creation angels gave God stimulation, praise, comfort and joy as God poured out all His energy in the process of creating the universe and His children. 106 Genesis 1:26 states, “Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness.” God is speaking to the angels here. God had three archangels: Lucifer, Gabriel and Michael. Lucifer was the leader and assigned to directly be Adam and Eve’s teacher. Artists have portrayed angels with wings, and throughout history we have thought angels to be greater than man. This interpretation comes from Psalm 8. The King James Version of the Bible says man is a little lower than the angels. This is not true, and the Revised Standard Version is correct in translating the Hebrew to mean God, not angels. Angels are not greater than mankind. The hierarchy is: First Corinthians 6:3 says, “Do you not know that we are to judge the angels?” Another incorrect view held about angels is that they are sexless, neuter beings. The angel closest to God was Lucifer. He knew that God was preparing this universe for His children. For millions of years Lucifer had been the center of love and now Adam and Eve were. Although God loved Lucifer as He always did, He obviously loved His children too. Lucifer was assigned to take care of Adam and Eve. By comparison, Lucifer felt he was loved less. This feeling would have disappeared when he would have received love from Adam and Eve when they reached perfection. Their love combined with God’s would have been a complete love. An analogy would be a foreman of a company who worked for the owner for 25 years from the very beginning and was close to the owner. The owner then focuses on his son. The foreman feels greater than the young son and misses being close to the owner who now is closer to his young son and who gives the company to his son to run. The proper thing to do is for the foreman to help the son. Fallen nature 107 makes the foreman jealous and resentful for being in a servant position. Everyone has a position in relation to others, and we should not usurp that position. To compensate, Lucifer turned to Adam and Eve. Since Lucifer was male, he was more attracted to Eve. Lucifer began to spend time alone with Eve. She was young and naive. Lucifer was older, a teacher, and she was excited as Lucifer told her of how God and the angels led by him created this world. Eve admired and trusted him. As Eve grew she became more beautiful. Lucifer became confused and in his hurt for feeling less love from God, began to hate God. ORIGINAL SIN Lucifer was older and knew better but he seduced Eve. They had sexual intercourse. Eve, at first, rebuffed Lucifer’s advances. She reminded him of God’s warning but her resistance crumbled. She was confused by Lucifer’s words. God had placed Lucifer, the “angel of light” to guide her. He was so wise, and she was flattered by his attention. And then he changed and was telling her something that was opposite of God’s direction. Lucifer was, in effect, a father figure. She was a young teenager, and she trusted him. She loved as any young girl loves and obeys her teacher. She submitted to Lucifer’s order that she have sexual intercourse with him. This union brought about the spiritual fall of man. The initial sin, the original sin that destroyed God’s ideal was sex outside of marriage. The original sin was sex outside of God’s order. Eve felt great fear and confusion when she realized she had disobeyed God. She felt cut off from God. Knowing that Adam was eventually to be her husband she thought she could get to God by being with him. She immediately went to Adam and seduced him. She hoped that in sex with Adam she could get rid of her fear and confusion. This sexual union between Adam and Eve was the physical fall of mankind. The first union between Lucifer and Eve was the spiritual fall. Eve could have been restored through Adam if Adam had not fallen with Eve. If he had not fallen he could have restored Eve and connected her with God. After Adam’s fall no one could intercede with God on their behalf, and they were completely cut off from God. 108 COVERED LOWER PARTS After the Fall, Adam and Eve covered their lower parts. We hide what is wrong. If we say something wrong, we cover our mouth. If there is a scar on our body, we cover it with makeup or clothing. It is human nature to try to hide our defects. Father explains, “A child caught stealing a cookie by his mother will instinctively hide his hands or cover his mouth. In the same way, if Adam and Eve had taken a piece of fruit and put it into their mouth, then they would have hidden their hands or covered their mouth when God called them. The fact that they hid their lower parts instead demonstrates that their crime was committed through the lower parts of their body. … The fall of the first human ancestors allowed Satan to have grandchildren and prevented God from having this experience. … Adam and Eve could not have a marriage ceremony blessed by God. Instead, they married under Satan’s dominion. Doing so, they inherited Satan’s lineage and multiplied descendants. For this reason, Jesus spoke so sharply when he pointed out that the devil Satan is the father of fallen humankind, ‘You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire.’ (John 8:44) The fall destroyed the eternal relationship of parent and child between God, on the one hand, and Adam and Eve, on the other. Therefore, Adam and Eve were unable to generate the love of true parents, true husband and wife, and true children. Because of this, God never had grandchildren of direct descent. Adam and Eve should have avoided the fall and reached completion, forming one mind and one body as true parents centering on God, their True Parent. Instead, they entered into a relationship with the enemy and found themselves in a position with their body in total control of their mind.” (50 city tour America 2001) We read in the Bible how arrogant Lucifer then became: “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of Dawn! You said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; ... I will make myself like the Most High!” (Isaiah 14:12-14). Lucifer is then called Satan, meaning in ancient Hebrew “the adversary.” He is compared in the Bible to a serpent because he is lowly and speaks with a forked tongue. A serpent’s tongue is split in two. This symbolizes a being that utters two different things with one tongue—a being who leads a double life. He appears 109 good but is evil—a liar and a deceiver. The serpent is also a sexual symbol. Sun Myung Moon teaches: Literally, what the Bible expresses as the serpent in the Garden of Eden, is the sexual organ. The snake gives poison. From a one time connection with the woman’s sexual organ, the heavenly world was destroyed. One time. A snake slithers around and when someone comes too close, it strikes out, attacks, and that person is poisoned. Woman is so fearful of that snake mouth. That serpent symbolizes both sexual organs, mans and woman’s. The organs that have poison. Once one bites the other, then that is the end. This is what the Fall of Man was about. But now this is the lineage which does not have that poison in it. Once we re-introduce that poison, then everything will perish; it will be contaminated. So what is the snake in the Garden of Eden a symbol of? It is not Satan; it is the sexual organs of both sexes. A woman’s sexual organ is like an open mouth, showing fangs. It wants to bite. You think about it. It is worse than the AIDS disease, a one time connection there and everything perishes. Do you understand? It is most fearful. A one time bite there leads to Satan’s world, the dungeon of hell. It is serious. You have a snake, a poisonous snake! Every fallen person has experienced that kind of concept, it is the same for man and woman. Like opening the mouth and showing all the fangs. Every woman, every man wants to bite. Think about that. Worse than that AIDS disease a connecting there destroys everything. After sexual intercourse everything heads toward perishing, not prosperity. It is the worst, worst situation. The most fearful guy is that one, more than a tiger or lion. From a one time bite there, history was torn down. This is serious. Do you understand? You have a SNAKE! A poisonous snake! Every fallen person 110 experiences that. It is the same for man and woman. It is worse than a snake bite. America’s situation is full of that poison. Therefore, America is completely perishing. Both eyes are like snake’s eyes. That place is Satan’s world palace. If only one time a man and woman took that poison, only one time making mistake, all disease is afterwards passed on. (3-1-92) A serpent, like Satan, quietly strikes with surprise, speed and strength. Lucifer was cursed in Genesis to crawl upon his belly. This means he is cursed to be a miserable being not able to function properly. Dust is lowly. The curse that he had to “eat dust” means that he cannot receive elements of life from God but is condemned to receive evil vitality elements from the sinful world. Dust is a symbol of choking confusion and darkness. Lucifer created at world that is like a dust cloud. Everyone is blind, dirty and fighting for air. Lucifer, now Satan, took many angels with him. We read, “And that great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him” (Revelation 12:9). ADAM AND EVE WERE ADULTS Adam and Eve were young teenagers when they fell. When God gave them the commandment to not have sexual relations they were considered by God to be an adult. Therefore they must take responsibility for their actions. God would not give this commandment to children. We live in a time when there is a period of life we call adolescence that exists between childhood and adulthood. This is not God’s design. In Robert Epstein’s book The Case Against Adolescence: Rediscovering the Adult in Every Teen he writes that for thousands of years there has been teen marriages. In Europe in the Middle Ages “it was common for women to be married by fourteen.” He says that three First Ladies married to American Presidents were still “children” by “current standards.” He says, “Mary gave birth to Jesus by age 13” because in the “marriage practices of the day Mary was no older than 12 or 13 when she conceived Jesus.” Mary was “married off around the 111 time of puberty. It was common in Greek and Roman cultures for females to marry by age twelve or thirteen.” “In other eras through most of human history” 13-year-old girls “would have been considered to be a young woman, not a child.” He says we should abolish adolescence. One reviewer of Epstein’s book said, “This groundbreaking book argues that adolescence is an unnecessary period of life that people are better off without.” David Bakan wrote in an article titled, “Adolescence in America: From Idea to Social Fact”: “What, then, do the Scriptures say about adolescence? The answer is: Absolutely nothing! In the Bible, people went directly from childhood to adulthood.” I write more about this in my book 12 Before 40: The Case for Large Families in the Unification Movement. God’s plan was for Adam and Eve to grow up with Lucifer’s help. Then God would have blessed them in marriage. They would have had children and soon the whole world would have been filled with perfect people each talking to God directly and no angel’s love, which is weaker and lesser than man’s and God’s love, could ever upset God’s ideal. How could Eve have a sexual relationship with the archangel Lucifer? We have five spiritual senses. Before the fall, Eve’s spiritual senses were completely open. Lucifer was as real as Adam. The Bible even tells of instances where angels have relationships with men. Angels came to Abraham’s house and ate a meal with him (Gen. 18:8). An angel wrestled with Jacob (Gen. 32:25). The Second Letter of Peter says, “God did not spare the angels when they sinned...” (II Peter 2:4). And we read in the book of Jude that angels acted immorally. They left their position, “the angels that did not keep their own position” (Jude 1:6). Angels do not have wings, wear robes and play gold trumpets. They look like us. The Bible says that we should be hospitable to strangers because they may be angels, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Heb. 13:2). 112 Human beings have a physical body and a spirit body. Angels have only a spirit body. Sun Myung Moon was asked if there are female angels. He answered: “Love is to start between human beings on earth. It is not allowed to start from the angelic world. So there is no love relationship among angels. Until now, the angels have been in a neutral position in terms of love affairs. This doesn’t mean that the Archangel was neuter. He was masculine and could therefore tempt Eve. But in terms of love relations, they have been in a neutral position. When the restored angels have a perfect relationship of give and take with God and become positive (plus), then the negative (minus) is to come about naturally. Whether this will be from the existing angelic world or from a new creation, we don’t know.” (1965 Master Speaks) PETS In 1965 Master Speaks we read that Sun Myung Moon was asked, “Will I be able to have animals in the spirit world?” He answered that animals do not go to spirit world but if you loved certain animals a “reflection” of them will be there: “If you love animals, you will have them in the spirit world. Your love toward Sheba will be reflected to the spirit world, and it will be created there as Sheba for yourself. It will be a reflection of your attachment. It will not be Sheba herself, but a reflection of your mind. But it will still please you.” ROOT OF EVIL — IMMORAL SEX There is ample evidence today that the root of evil, the Fall, was an 113 immoral sexual relationship. God created the sexual act of love as the most precious, holy and exciting expression of love in our lives. Yet throughout history the act of love has often been regarded as lowly and made a joke of. The Israelites practiced circumcision which represents a kind of payment or indemnity—a symbolic restitution for the original sin of Adam and Eve. And sexual crimes have caused the downfall of great men and nations. The rampant immorality in the Roman Empire was one of the reasons it lost its spirit and fell. The Bible teaches us that although it is necessary for man to multiply, for those who can, it is best to be celibate. This was to be an indemnity payment for the Fall and implies that marriage has not had the complete sanction of God. The Bible emphasizes not getting married. In First Corinthians 7:38 we read, “So that he who marries his betrothed does well; but he who refrains from marriage will do better.” Celibacy is encouraged because God’s ideal was lost due to the misuse of love. Because the Fall was premarital sex, Satan glorifies this. Today’s Hollywood stars routinely fornicate on and off the screen. One of the most famous Hollywood characters is James Bond who made premarital sex glamorous in many popular movies. God created the universe. He is almighty. He created Lucifer, Adam and Eve. How could this tragedy have happened? God created a world of love, not regulations. God made the power of love the supreme force in the universe. Love, even non-principled love, is a powerful force. Adam, Eve and Lucifer fell because of unprincipled love. God said they would die if they fell. Only love can drive man to give his life. God had created the world so that love would be greater than laws or commandments. God created the desire in each of us to preserve our life. Suicide is anti-God. Yet the force of love is greater than the fear of death. We have all heard of men who jumped to their death on grenades to save their fellow soldiers, and we have heard of parents giving their lives in trying to save their children from a burning home. The only force that could induce Eve to do as she did was love. Her emotions and intellect were immature, and she failed to guide them properly. The power of love is testified to throughout literature and seen in all of history. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet’s love drove them 114 to suicide. Hamlet’s uncle killed his brother in order to marry his sister-in-law. And in modern history King Edward VIII of England abdicated the throne for the love of a woman. He told his nation he gave up his kingdom for “the woman I love.” Even Freud correctly saw that the sexual drive is strong enough to push people to disregard moral behavior and that the basic cause of all problems derives from unprincipled sex. Until man reaches perfection, it is possible to misdirect his love. God gave the commandment as protection to Adam and Eve. It was special guidance until they matured and fulfilled the First Blessing of being fruitful—of reaching individual perfection. WHY IS THERE EVIL? A fundamental question mankind has asked is—why does God allow for evil to exist? Why didn’t He stop Eve from falling? If God cared for us why doesn’t He, in His omnipotence, destroy Satan and end all the suffering in the world? Walter Lippman wrote, “The greatest of all perplexities in theology has been to reconcile the infinite goodness of God with His omnipotence. Nothing puts a greater strain upon the faith of the common man than the existence of utterly irrational suffering in the universe.” The critic Roy Basler, in analyzing William Blake’s poem, “The Tyger” says, “Blake is speaking of good and evil. The orthodox Christian mythology does not encompass both extremes in deity, but does in man. The relegation of Satan to a secondary power, permitted to pursue evil by an absolute God who is thus responsible for the continuation of what He could at any moment terminate, is an anomaly which theology has rationalized but has never made wholly acceptable to human intelligence.” God is omniscient but not omnipotent. He saw what was happening between Lucifer, Eve and Adam. He didn’t stop the Fall because He was powerless to stop them. God’s blueprint is an ideal world on earth and spirit world through the fulfillment of the three blessings of being fruitful, multiplying and having dominion. God’s ideal can only be realized by man accomplishing these three blessings. God cannot achieve His goal alone, and man cannot achieve it alone. God’s ideal world can only 115 happen if God and man work together. We can call God’s work: “God’s portion of responsibility,” and mankind’s work: “Man’s portion of responsibility.” God’s P.O.R. + Man’s P.O.R. = God’s Ideal World God always fulfills His portion of responsibility. He always gives 100% pure effort. Each of us has the responsibility to give 100% of our effort too. The proportion of work to build the ideal world is heavily on God’s side compared to ours. He does the most—let’s say 95% and we do 5%. But even though God creates mankind and the universe and we have only to create ourselves and use the natural resources around us to build a beautiful ideal world, it still requires 100% of our effort. God’s will is the building of the ideal world. God cannot accomplish His will without man’s voluntary cooperation. Adam and Eve were created in God’s image. This position has equal value to God. Adam and Eve had great responsibility. God did not intervene in the Fall because that would interfere with their portion of responsibility. God created Adam and Eve and every person to grow through the growth period. While growing through the growth period, man is immature, and God cannot relate to him directly. When we have perfected our spirit and are one with God, then we move into the direct dominion and relate to God directly. Until man reaches perfection he is in the indirect dominion. 116 Adam and Eve were to directly relate to the angels—especially Lucifer as they grew up. During this time God communicated to them in simple terms. When they reached perfection then God would communicate to them fully. God is perfect and can only have a full and complete relationship with other perfect beings. Creation and man’s body automatically grow to perfection. Our spirit does not. We each have special uniqueness and personality. We are given the mission to grow our unique spirit. If God didn’t give us this responsibility we would simply be robots. God’s position is like our position to our children. We cannot live their life for them. We cannot and have no desire to force them to be good and mature. We want them to voluntarily take responsibility for their own lives. We want them to grow up and be mature, independent responsible people. God therefore doesn’t have total control over man. He gave us individuality. His ideal world can only happen when we voluntarily work with Him as partners. FREEDOM To be able to fulfill their responsibility God gave Adam and Eve the precious gift of freedom. Mankind was given freedom, but freedom comes with the responsibility to act within God’s laws. We are free to violate the law of gravity by walking off a five-story building, but we immediately lose our freedom. And if we violate spiritual laws we lose our freedom and suffer also. Adam and Eve didn’t fall because they had freedom, but because they submitted to the power of non-principled love that drove them to violate God’s spiritual laws. Second Corinthians 3:17 says, “... where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” There is no freedom in chaos. God created normal boundaries of morality, and Adam and Eve were to show self-discipline and live within the laws of the universe. They misused their freedom. It is our responsibility to forgive them and do better than our original parents did. They didn’t center their lives on God but on themselves. God is hoping that we will live within his spiritual laws. Each of us has the freedom to sin or not to. Due to the Fall this world became a world of relative social and political freedom. Throughout human history mankind has lived in societies with different levels of freedom. Until there is an ideal world, people are going to fight for freedom. Many times in battles 117 for freedom, both violent and nonviolent, God is behind one side and Satan is on the other. Later chapters of the Divine Principle will give examples in human history. Freedom was God’s highest gift to man. God desired Adam and Eve to love him voluntarily and would not use force to make them serve him. A flower has no alternative but to turn towards the sun. God gave man alternatives. Man chose to live outside of God’s laws and the illicit love of Lucifer shattered the true freedom of man. Ever since then mankind has lived under Satan’s bondage. God did not intervene in the Fall because that would cancel human dignity, responsibility and freedom. St. Paul lamented being influenced by Satan and being unable to live a true life. He said, “We know that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal, sold under sin. I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate” (Rom. 7:1415). Mankind has been fighting for true freedom. The consequences of the Fall were catastrophic. Satan took God’s position in the Four Positions of the family unit. The world is ruled by false “love.” Satan is the “god of this world” (II Cor. 4:4). The existence of Satan and the belief in negative spiritual forces influencing our lives has been unpopular to modern educated Western people. This is a recent belief in human history. 118 Western man is naive today and focuses on the temporal, the material, the human rather than the eternal, the spiritual, the divine. SATAN Satan is not the folklore being who has horns and a tail. He looks like a human being. And many who have walked a spiritual path will testify to the immense special temptations, obstructions and satanic forces they have to encounter as they seek to live God’s way of life. God and our heart tell us we cannot say seriously or humorously “the devil made me do it.” Ultimately we each have the responsibility to not make a connection with Satan. Lucifer is a spiritual being, and the act of sex between him and Eve couldn’t produce children. Adam and Eve, however, had children. They became parents before they were ready. In the midst of the confusion and fear introduced by Lucifer, they had to raise their children. Adam and Eve couldn’t pass down God’s standard of living but passed down confusion and fear to all their descendants. This terrible misuse of love in the Garden of Eden blossomed into many types of unordered “love” such as fornication (premarital sex), adultery (extramarital sex), prostitution, incest, pornography and homosexuality. These acts of impure, unprincipled love has caused such agony as divorce, separation, VD, AIDS, mental illness and destroyed homes and careers. We reap what we sow. Immoral sexual behavior has broken countless hearts and countless bodies. PAIRS Polarity is God’s way. Knowing this principle we can see how satanic polygamy is. Plural marriages are Satan’s invention. The Old Testament patriarchs and Joseph Smith, the founder of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also called the Mormons) received incorrect revelations from fallen angelic spirit world. God is logical. It is just common sense that polygamy is wrong because God created mankind to have equal numbers of men and women. Each person is to have just one mate. 119 Homosexuality is also unnatural. Each person is destined to be complimented with one person of the opposite sex and to have children. This reflects God. In homosexuality the body parts don’t fit, and the universe is not mathematically balanced with homosexuality and polygamy. All these things are abnormal and against spiritual law. These lifestyles cannot bring complete happiness. God loves the sinner and those who do not meet God’s standards, but he hates the sin and behavior that is not totally godly. Some day all these perversions and low standard behaviors will fade away and every person on earth and in spirit world will be paired up to their spouse and live together eternally. It is not God’s plan for anyone to be single his or her whole life. Everyone is to marry. PAIR SYSTEM The following are some excerpts from speeches given by Sun Myung Moon where he talks about the pair system in the universe: The beauty of the universe is the pair system. When you know that God made everything in the pair system, that God Himself is the subject looking for His object, and all of the universe is the object to man, then you know that all things are created for you. You know also that the central spirit behind it all is love. (2-1-81) Our mind and body are a pair system. (2-1-81) Therefore, the greatest feature which God employed within His creation was the pair system. You want to be a part of a pair yourself. This concept came from your Creator. All the aspects of a human being are in the pair system just as all the aspects of the universe are in the pair system. Love only functions in the pair system because it requires a subject and object relationship. Male and female, plus and minus—the whole creation is organized like that. The ideal is for the lower pairs of life forms to serve and support the higher pairs, reaching higher and higher all the way to the top. Ultimately there is God and right below God, human 120 beings. Why do we exist? It is in order to reach out and fulfill greater love. Each lower form of creation is reaching out for greater love, moving upward all the way to human beings. Then human beings can reach for greater love by going to God Himself. When the lower elements are absorbed by the higher, it brings fulfillment to the lower elements. (1-11-87) HOMOSEXUALITY UNPRINCIPLED All men and women are supposed to get married. We all think about marriage, isn’t that true? I hear that in America there are many men living as if married with other men and women with other women. Do you think this is normal and acceptable? Why not? It is not right because it is not parallel with the laws of nature and the universe. When you look at all forms of creation, whether plant or animal, everything exists in the reciprocal relationship between subject and object. God created two aspects or poles in everything and mankind is no exception to that system. Even plants have male and female flowers. Why do subject and object need each other? Why is the pair system mandatory? Truth is very simple: without a pair system, nothing could survive for long here on earth. If there were no male and female, all the animals and plants would have become extinct a long time ago. Adam and Eve would not have had any generations after them, so you certainly would not be here! The creation is deeply motivated toward one goal—its own survival. God wants us to leave good seeds and good generations behind us. In order to do that you need a good spouse. Anyone who wants a good spouse is reflecting the basic nature of all creation, and there is nothing wrong with that. Even more than one’s own survival, we want to leave behind us an improved species. This is the way God created us. UNIVERSAL RULE In God’s world, there is absolutely no such thing as 121 homosexuality. This is the most obvious and blatant violation of the universal rule. Are men and women separate and distinct from one another for the sake of fighting against each another? No, man is made for woman and woman is made for man, each with their own particular characteristics. Those characteristics exist for the purpose of aiding in harmony and unity between man and woman and allowing them to achieve True Love. When you violate that basic principle, you have to pay a most incredible price. The nation, the people have to pay as well. FORMULA OF GOD’S CREATION No matter how many millions of years may go by within this universe, human beings will continue to be ruled by this basic principle. Men are born to fulfill the purpose of a man, while women are born to fulfill the purpose of a woman. No matter how old a person may be, whether he is a grandfather, or a great-grandfather, it doesn’t matter. The Principle cannot be changed. It is always the same. Men were made for women, and women were made for men, and their purpose is to become united in love. The perverted way of life, if followed, could virtually extinguish the human race. When people are espousing and following the way of homosexuality and lesbianism, as well as heterosexual “free sex,” what is the difference between them and the animals? When human beings live like that, how can they take their position as masters over the creation? Human beings are God’s supreme creatures simply because God created us to be the supreme recipients of His True Love. You understand the formula of God’s creation, don’t you? (6-20-82) Universal law pushes a child to seek out his mother or father when he gets lonely; when people grow up, they naturally seek the opposite sex for companionship. This is the natural way for remedying loneliness. However, this world is not natural and the perversion of homosexuality exists. This is a destructive force that violates universal law. The simple proof of its destructiveness is clear 122 when you consider what would happen if everyone in the world were to live as homosexuals for one century. All humanity would simply cease to exist! Homosexuality is a satanic force which is exactly opposite universal law. It brings destruction rather than creation. (9-19-82) What man absolutely needs is a woman. A woman needs, more than anything, her spouse, a man. There is no other substitute, no comparable treasure. Why? It is because man and woman are completed by becoming one. Women are born for the sake of men. It is deceptively simple. It is universal truth. And for what are men born? Women. That makes you feel warm and good. If you say man was born for man and women for women, it makes you feel cold and chilly. Can two pluses attract? No, they repel. (4-18-93) Because the motivation of Adam and Eve was a mixture of good and evil we can see the mixture of good and evil “love” in society. All parents have a good side and yet every parent is ultimately incompetent to teach by word and example absolute moral values to their children. Parents have different levels of relative standards and all are ignorant of God’s principle of absolute love. FALLEN NATURE Because of the Fall, mankind lost its original nature and gained a fallen nature which has four major aspects. First, Lucifer didn’t see Adam and Eve from God’s point of view so fallen people generally do not see from God’s point of view. This is why saints and heroes are often misunderstood and persecuted. Second, Lucifer left the position God gave him, consequently people in this world frequently don’t live up to their positions and disregard their obligations and responsibilities. An example would be a parent who leaves his small child to go to a bar to drink. 123 Third, we desire to dominate others. Lucifer reversed the order of dominion. He was to be ruled by Eve. But he dominated her. Eve’s role was to be under Adam’s dominion, but she dominated him. The Fall is the origin for all the disorder and oppression we see in the fallen world. The fourth aspect of fallen nature is multiplication of sin. Eve multiplied her crime by seducing Adam. Adam multiplied sin by uniting with Eve. In the Fallen world people often seduce others to sin. Fallen nature always seeks to share guilt and multiply bad actions. Adam and Eve’s original mind of goodness, i.e., conscience, was not destroyed. Everyone is born basically good with a deep desire to return to God. But we have a fallen, sinful nature that wars with our original nature. Every person suffers from this conflict of good and evil. Every human being is a sinner. The Bible says, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23) and “If we say we have not sinned, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us” (I John 1:8). The original sin in the Garden of Eden corrupted the entire human race. There are different analogies to illustrate how a single event could cause so much damage. The obvious one is one single incestuous or adulterous act. It devastates a family and a marriage. A single puncture of the eye can cause blindness. One severe psychic shock can influence a person’s entire life. Contamination of one water supply source can affect an entire city. SIN Sin is a transgression of divine law. God is lawful and principled. When we sin we have give and take with Satan. Because of the Fall each of us has four sins we must eventually liquidate. FOUR SINS The first is (1) “Original sin” We must discipline our sexual drive and do the opposite of Adam and Eve. (2) “Inherited sin” is the sins which were committed by our immediate ancestors and it is up to us to pay restitution. The Ten Commandments say that the sin of parents is conveyed through 124 several generations. We read in Exodus 20:5 that God visits “the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation.” This is the reason why some people and families may have to suffer more than others. They may have to make up for the sins of their ancestors. (3) “Collective sin” is the sin for which a particular group or even a whole nation must take responsibility for. An example of this is when the nation of America paid for its sin of bringing slavery into America by having a civil war. (4) “Individual sin” is the sins we commit ourselves. If we were not sinners, but one with God, there would be no need (as so many do today) to be artificially intoxicated with alcohol, drugs and promiscuity. Give and take with God brings strength of character and exhilarating happiness. A world of perfection would be an incredibly pure and sensitive society. It would be like one human body. If we hurt our finger or pull one hair out of our head our whole body feels it. So in the ideal world if anyone would feel harm everyone would feel it. Therefore, the whole body of mankind would be alert to keep every individual member from destruction or harm. In an ideal world people and creation would be in harmony. Nature, which is perfect, suffers because it has been ruled by imperfect people. Romans 8:19 says, “For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the Sons of God.” We are faced with incredible ecological problems such as the burning of the Brazilian rain forest, water pollution, acid rain and worldwide massive erosion of the earth’s topsoil. The only solution to solving these problems as well as all other problems is to focus on teaching an understanding of God and Satan to people. Satan is the root cause of our problems and it is crucial that we focus on exposing and eliminating Satan from this earth. DEATH God told Adam and Eve that if they ate of the fruit they would die. They ate the fruit, but they lived for many years afterwards. God 125 did not mean they would physically die if they disobeyed Him or that physical death would be introduced into the world, but they would lose contact with God. God is the source of truth and love and life. We have lost God and mankind has been living in darkness. Our conscience gropes for truth and true love. First John 3:14 says, “... He who does not love remains in death.” Love here means God’s love. We do not love as God does so we are dead, no matter how active we may be on this earth. In Romans 6:23 we read, “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life,” and Romans 8:6: “To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the spirit is life and peace.” ALL DIE First Corinthians 15:22 says, “... in Adam all die....” Psalm 43:1-2 speaks of this search for God and life. The word “hart” in the first verse is the word for a young deer: “As a hart longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for thee, O God. My soul thirsts for God, the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God? My tears have been my food day and night.” GOD GRIEVED God was devastated to see His children spiritually die. In Genesis 6:6 we read with great understatement: “And the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him to his heart.” It is agony beyond words for God to see us blinded. God is calling to us, but our spiritual senses are paralyzed, and we can’t hear Him. When God called for Adam in the Garden of Eden saying, “Where are you?” God knew where Adam was physically. It was really a cry, “Where are you, my son, spiritually?” God is like a parent who has a son who lost his memory. We have become paralyzed to God, and there is no joy in God’s heart. Sun Myung Moon teaches: Adam and Eve defiled true love during their time of growth. They fell away from God’s Principle by having sexual relations and creating children before they reached maturity in true love. Human history thus began with Adam and Eve’s lack of faith in God, their loving Parent, and their ultimate submission to Satan. By this action they became a false husband and false wife, and false 126 parents. Our inheritance from the original family includes their legacy of corruption, conflict and suffering. This legacy has nothing to do with God’s ideal of creation. We cannot imagine how God’s Heart is broken! (8-31-96) BLAME GOD Because every person has been profoundly ignorant of God, most people do not see that Satan is behind the tragedies everyone goes through. Often people blame God for being cruel—for being the source of evil and ignorance. When someone young dies of cancer or some accident, we say “God, how could you do such a thing?” But it wasn’t God who killed the child. It isn’t God who breaks our hearts. From the very beginning mankind has been dominated by Satan. We read in the Bible that Satan is the “ruler of this world” (John 12:31). Satan is the “god of this world” (II Cor. 4:4). John 8:44 says, “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Satan has turned the earth into one big concentration camp. Human history is about billions of people living in a death camp run by a sadistic monster whose conscience is as deeply buried as serial killers who torture and then kill young children. God has had to watch His children being massacred in this nightmare chamber of horrors Satan has created for us. ABUSE OF LOVE Sun Myung Moon said in a speech titled “The 11th World Media Conference, Founder’s Address, Moscow, USSR” (April 10, 1990): CAUSE AND EFFECT The law of cause and effect is clearly evident in history. Whatever you have sown, you will surely reap. Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, engaged in sexual immorality and the abuse of love while they were still growing. This was the fall of man. God wanted them to grow in purity until He 127 blessed them in heavenly matrimony, becoming the foundation of God’s true love, true life and true blood lineage. Humanity, descending from this perfected and blessed Adam and Eve would naturally become the sons and daughters of God, enjoying the love of the Creator and living in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. However, before Adam and Eve matured and received the blessing from God, while they were still teenagers, the archangel tempted Eve and engaged in fornication with her. In this way, the archangel became Satan. By engaging in relations with fallen Eve, Adam also fell. This is how the beginning of human history was sown. Today, we are reaping the consequences: Immorality is rampant. Teenagers in particular, are the victims of widespread sexual degradation. Modern society in the advanced nations is little different from Sodom and Gomorrah of biblical times. God abhors this immoral behavior. We must fear the wrath of God. His punishment is imminent. KINGDOM OF HELL We are living in the Kingdom of Hell. Mankind has become orphans tortured by a terrible foster parent. Satan has sadistically abused and murdered mankind with an endless list of tortures. Sun Myung Moon teaches that evil is selfishness: Then, what is evil? Evil is the emergence of selfishness into this world. God’s principle of unselfish giving was twisted into an ungodly principle of selfish taking. The ungodly position of desiring to be served rather than to serve was thereby established. The origin of evil is Satan. He was in the position to serve God, but instead he posed as another god and subjugated man for his own benefit. God is the absolute positive force in this universe. Then Satan posed as another positive force. Two positives naturally repel each other. Satan is a fallen archangel. He left his position as faithful servant to God and man, and he challenged 128 and competed with God. His motivation was selfishness. Out of his selfishness comes the origin of evil and sin. What happened is this: Eve fell from her position as God’s first daughter, becoming the first victim of Satan and transforming herself into a creature of selfishness. Together Eve and Satan then successfully brought Adam into their selfish world. By this tragic event, God was isolated by man in the garden of Eden. Human history started on the wrong footing, without God. The foundation for the evil history of man was laid, and Satan was established as the ruler of this world. Selfishness came into being at the beginning of human history, and now our world is rampant with killing, lying, and stealing. All of these actions in the evil world are motivated by selfishness. Evil subjugates others for its own benefit, while good sacrifices itself for the benefit of others. (10-20-73) What is the fall of man? The fall of man is nothing more than to transform yourself into the realm of death, to be transformed from life to death. Jesus said, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead.” How you live here on earth makes a difference. You think you are alive, but in God’s eyes you are dead. Human history began with this history of death. That was the beginning. Adam and Eve went to hell at the very beginning. Succeeding generations have been destined to hell. That is the very sad commentary on human history. What is hell? Hell is nothing more than a human trash can. Where do we live here on earth right now? In a living hell, created by us. All of us are suffering from internal diseases. What are those diseases? Those diseases are inheriting satanic lineage and being bound to satanic sovereignty. We are the victims of satanic slavery, which God hates most. We are the fruit of Satan’s love instead of the fruit of the love of God, and God abhors this situation the most. Because of illicit or false love, the human race has been brought down to the very bottom, the very 129 pits of hell. The question is how are we to recover and restore humankind to the shining heavenly realm. This is the work of salvation. How can this salvation take place in a world of satanic love? Salvation is the opposite of the fall. It will be done centering upon the love of God. Body Should Obey the Mind What is the difference between Satan’s love and God’s love? Satanic love made our bodies the master, trampling upon the mind and making it the servant of the body. If the mind becomes the servant and the body becomes the master, performing atrocities to the mind, this is slavery of the mind under the body. This is the fallen state. Actually the mind should be the master over the body. The body should obey the mind, but this is opposite now because Satan made it opposite and so the mind is trampled by the body. How painful is this life! Purpose of Religion What about yourself? When you look at yourself, what do you think? Is your mind controlling your body or is your body controlling your mind? What do you think in your case? In a way we all are struggling within ourselves. All the good works of the saints and the religions have served to strengthen the mind so that the mind could occupy the original position, subjugating the body. Then the body becomes obedient to the mind and a harmony between the mind and body is created thus bringing a true happiness to life. That is the purpose of the teaching of the saints. That is the purpose of religion. The work of religions is what? Religion is to boost the strength of the mind, to energize the mind so that the mind becomes strong enough to subjugate the body. This is the basic work of religion, regardless of the name of the religion. All the major good religions of the world have been working for that one single goal. If this is the purpose of religion, then all good religions have to have something in common. The common point is 130 that all religions try to suppress the body, even torment the body so it does not become the strong master of the mind. Therefore all major, high religions go against the cravings of the body. Whatever the body wants religion says, “No.” Whatever the body aspires to, religion says, “No.” In a way the Bible appears to have many contradictory statements. For example, Jesus said, “Those who seek to gain their life will lose it. Those who lose their life for my sake will find it.” In a way it is contradictory to say that if you are trying to live, you will die. If you try to die, you will live. So what is this particular statement really saying? “You are going to lose your life,” means lose your body for the sake of the direction of the mind. Then what will you find? You will find life. There are most incredible harsh rules in religion. For example, if you do a seven-day fast, a forty day fast or pray all night and do not go to bed and sleep, these are the kinds of mandates religion issues to the body. Furthermore, there is celibacy where you live alone, not marrying, for example in the Catholic Church. The most noble and sacred divine task is to become part of the priesthood. They would not marry for their entire life. Also nuns would not marry for their entire life. Furthermore, that is not the only religion which espouses this. Look at Buddhism. The monks go to the mountain for their entire life without even the presence of the opposite sex, living by themselves as part of their faith. But then when we look at this point of view of valuing the harsh discipline that good religions have been imposing upon people, and look at the American way of life today, how many Americans can do any of these things? How many can do all night prayers, seven-day fasts or forty-day fasts? How many Americans can really be celibate for their entire life without marriage? When I look I see very little chance of this way of life succeeding in American society today. American society is a society of the body’s freedom. American society pursues the carnal pleasure which the body dictates. That is the characteristic we observe in America’s society 131 today. But why should I torment my own body? Because my body has become the stage of Satan. Satan always uses the body being arrogant, showing off saying, “I am the one; I am supreme. I am number one.” That arrogance is demonstrated through the body. That is Satan’s way of life. Furthermore, American life is pursuing artificial intoxication. For example, what is alcohol all about? Intoxication of oneself. What is the drug-culture? Intoxicating ourselves. There are so many ways in America that people are trying to artificially intoxicate themselves and live artificial lives. Another example is tobacco, smoking. Why do people do this? It is a way of intoxicating oneself. It is another example. True Religion The external environment enhances the desires of the body and its cravings. Alcohol, drugs, smoking and sexual abuse are the vainglorious activities of the body. There is pressure to forget about the mind; the body comes first. Meet the body’s desires. Our society is the realm of death. Who then shall conquer the realm of death and bring it to life? The only hope lies with the appearance of a true religion and a leader of that religion. This is the only hope for the transformation of society from the realm of death to the realm of life. Give Up Bad Habits So you Unification Church members, you gave up your past bad habits: smoking, alcohol, free sex, drinking, drugs; you gave up everything. What fun do you need? What poor guys you are! Unification Brings True Love So when we say “Unification Church”, what are we going to unite? What are we going to bring into unification? Unification of mind and body, unification of families, people, nations, and ultimately between God and man. What shall we achieve by bringing God and man into one? Why should we do that? By bringing unity between God 132 and man the world will see the visiting of true love; true love coming from God to the world, the nation, the clan and to your family and yourself. True love will come and settle in your home, in the place of original settlement. (2-20-91) By the fall, man was brought under the false fatherhood of Satan. Man changed fathers. We left our true father, God, and united with the false father, Satan. The first man and woman became the children of Satan. Under the false fatherhood of Satan, Adam and Eve united unlawfully as a couple without God’s blessing or permission. And when they multiplied children, they all came under the same false father. They were all born as the children of sin, not the children of God. Therefore, the multiplication of sinful children from one generation to another has brought about this fallen, sinful world. Because God is not at the center, this is a world of sin, a world of mistrust, a world of crime, a world of war. And we, the nations and societies of this world can destroy each other and feel no pain. This is the kingdom of hell on earth. The master of this world, indeed, is not God, but Satan. This is why John 12:31 indicates that Satan is the ruler of this world. We know this universe was created by God. We know God created us. But God is no longer the master, because people changed masters. Man betrayed God and united with a false master, Satan. This Satan became the father of mankind. The fall of man has brought great grief to the heart of our Heavenly Father. God lost everything when His people turned against Him. That is why we read in Genesis, “The Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.” (Gen. 6:6) God was grieved because the exact opposite of His will had become the reality. If God’s intention had been fulfilled, He would have been joyful. If the consequences of the fall were the result of God’s own plan, why should God be grieved to His heart? 133 Why would He have been sorry that He had made us? (9-18-74) LINEAGE Father Moon teaches: Do you know what has pained God’s heart the most, causing Him the greatest grief over the long history since the Fall of Adam and Eve? God lost His lineage. And with the loss of His lineage, He lost His right of ownership. Let me talk about lineage for a moment. Lineage is more important than life, and more important than love. Life and love come together, to create lineage. Lineage cannot be established if either life or love is missing. Therefore, among the three qualities that define the parent-child relationship -- love, life, and lineage – lineage is the fruit. God’s lineage contains the seed of true love. God’s lineage provides the context and environment for a true life. Hence, for us to become the ideal people envisioned by God, that is, people of ideal character, and to create ideal families, we first need to be linked to His lineage. To take it a step further, only when we are linked to God’s lineage is it possible to create God’s homeland, the ideal nation. Only when we are linked to God’s lineage is it possible to establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. Please inscribe the importance of lineage in your hearts. I cannot emphasize this enough. Without lineage, neither life nor love can endure. You strive to set a good tradition, but it will endure only through your lineage. Lineage is the bridge allowing the parents’ spirit to carry on, through subsequent generations. In other words, lineage is the first and final condition necessary, for parents to harvest the fruits of their love, the fruits of their life and the fruits of their joy. We need to know this with certainty. 134 Yet, when Adam and Eve fell, this lineage, more precious than life, was lost. The fruits of true life and true love never matured. They became the fruits of Satan, lacking any relationship with Heaven. From them descended the six-billion people now inhabiting the earth. God intended for the seeds He planted in the springtime of the Garden of Eden, to grow into a bountiful crop that He could harvest in the autumn. The ideal of God’s creation was to raise Adam and Eve, His son and daughter, to the point where they would blossom in true love, flourish with true life, and bear fruit in a true lineage. God desired to gather up owners — and families — of eternal life, eternal love, and eternal lineage, and to bring about His kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world as their homeland. God’s Suffering in Search of the True Parents Instead, however, it was false love, false life, and false lineage that infested the earth. God’s love, life, and lineage fell into the hands of the adulterer Satan, the enemy of love. Heaven and earth were suffocated and transformed into hell. The world became a wretched place, far from God’s presence. Yet, humanity to this day lives in ignorance of this. People are deluded into believing that the lineage of the enemy is the lifeline upon which the world depends. This is the wretched truth about humanity descended from the Fall. That is why we refer to this world as “hell on earth”. God views humanity’s tragic situation with a heart full of pain. After creating Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, God intended to marry them with His Holy (Marriage) Blessing, and bequeath to them Heaven’s right of ownership. God wanted Adam and Eve to inherit from Him the ownership of the entire universe. However, all of this came under Satan’s control because of the Fall. God is like a father who labored 135 and sweated, his entire life, to accumulate assets for His children, only to have a thief steal everything overnight. Who can comprehend the sorrowful, painful heart of God? God lost His lineage, lost His children, and was forced to hand over the ownership of the nations and world to Satan. There was only one way to recover this lineage and ownership. This was the path to win the natural subjugation (winning over) of Satan, to have Satan surrender voluntarily. What is the secret to accomplish this? It can only be accomplished by the power of true love, when we love our enemies more than we love our own children. Has there ever been a time when God could rejoice with human beings, enjoying the natural bonds of parent and child? Has God enjoyed even a year of comfort with His children, knowing that what He created was good? The answer is no; God has not experienced such joy for even one hour. And has anyone been able to comfort God in this pain? No, because no one has known the reason for the unbridgeable gap that has separated God from humankind for tens-of-thousands of years. No one has known why God and humanity are in such a tragic situation. The biblical account of Cain and Abel reveals the beginnings of human conflict, even within Adam’s family. It reveals the archetype for humankind’s unending history of struggle, war, and conflict. We are in conflict on many levels, beginning with the war between mind and body within each individual, and extending to wars between nations, and even to the global conflict between materialism and theism. Extreme, selfish individualism threatens our prosperity even today. We deem young people to be the hope of humanity holding the promise for the future, but drugs and free sex enslave them. 136 Advanced countries seem to believe that material goods are all that matter. They recognize only their own interests, while ignoring the misery of tens-ofthousands who die of starvation every day. (9-122006) GREATEST SADNESS Father Moon says, “There is probably no greater sadness than parents losing their beloved children” (7-12-1959). Heavenly Father is our parent and He feels the greatest sadness for losing all of us, His children. LEADERSHIP After the Fall, God called out to Adam. He did not talk to Eve. Even though Eve initiated the Fall, God looked to Adam. This is because Adam was to be the leader. God is called Father because we honor His position of leadership. He made a male angel to lead Adam and Eve. Adam was to take the ultimate responsibility for Eve. He failed to do his masculine duty which was to guide and protect her. To restore Adam’s failure of being a true leader God works to send a man to teach men how to be true leaders. SATAN — FALSE LEADER After the Fall God worked to send a man who would be in the position to restore Adam’s failure and show by word and deed what a true leader is. In the next chapter we will learn how God has worked to save us from the false leader, Satan. 137 Chapter 3 The History of Restoration THE OLD TESTAMENT ADAM’S FAMILY We learned in the previous chapter of the Divine Principle that God grieved to see evil enter Adam and Eve’s lives. God is good and cannot exist eternally with evil. It must ultimately be eradicated in human beings. God immediately worked to bring Adam’s family back to a state of goodness. When Adam and Eve fell they lost their value. Let’s use an analogy of a cup that falls to the floor, cracks and cannot hold water. The cup has lost its value. It is useless; it does not fulfill its purpose. The owner has two options. He can throw it into the trash and buy or make another, or he can repair it and make it valuable again. God did not have the option of throwing Adam and Eve and Lucifer into the trash and create other beings to replace them. He created them as eternal beings. It is impossible for God to destroy them. They are part of God. To destroy them would be to destroy Himself. God could only try to repair them—to restore them to their original goodness. He does this not out of duty but out of love. It would never occur to God to destroy his creation eternally. He created Lucifer and Adam and Eve out of love, and He immediately began to work with love to restore them. Evil is abhorrent to God. Evil entered God’s creation and just as our body immediately works to eliminate a germ, God began working to eradicate evil. God’s love is voluntary and spontaneous. He created Adam, Eve and Lucifer to be like Him—good—and with a drive to express and receive love. Because God’s love is voluntary He cannot and would never use force to get Adam, Eve and Lucifer to love Him. That would not be true love. 138 GOD’S PROVIDENCE OF RESTORATION God is a principled being who only works in a logical, orderly and lawful way. He created the universe with principle, and He works to restore it in a principled way. The formula or plan to restore Adam and Eve and Lucifer is called God’s Providence of Restoration. God could not simply snap His fingers or wave a magic wand to restore Adam and Eve and Lucifer. How does God, our loving parent, work? Adam, Eve and Lucifer voluntarily turned the Garden of Eden into hell on earth. To restore God’s ideal world they must voluntarily come back to God. RESTORATION = SALVATION God works to restore their original state of goodness. Restoration equals salvation. A drowning person can be saved only by being brought back to the shore where he was originally safe. To save him is to restore his previous position. If a person has lost his health and becomes sick, saving him means to restore him to his previous health. Father explains: Almighty God is a God of love, a God of mercy. His heart is compassionate and He grieved at the living death of His children. He knows no person is capable of breaking his chains and getting rid of sin by himself. He knows that only one power can bring people into salvation — God Himself. And God, in His mercy, is determined to save this world. What is salvation? Salvation is simply restoration. What does a doctor do to save his patient? He restores the patient to normal health. That is a cure. What would you do to save a drowning person? You would save him by bringing him out of the water and restoring him to dry land. That is a rescue. By the same token, God’s salvation of man is 139 simply to restore man from an abnormal, deviated state to the original state of goodness. So, salvation is equivalent to restoration. God is going to restore the kingdom of hell to the Kingdom of Heaven. (9-18-74) Since the fall of man, God’s work has been the restoration of original goodness. God wants to destroy the world of evil and recreate the world of goodness. We have lost our health. We have become sick people. The salvation of God is, therefore, the restoration of man to a healthy state once again. (1020-73) Adam, Eve and Lucifer lost vertical and horizontal love when they fell. Vertical love was the love between God and them. Horizontal love was the love between Adam, Eve and Lucifer. This love is called brotherhood and sisterhood. The Bible says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets” (Matt. 22:37-40). 140 The first commandment is that we demonstrate vertical love for God. The second commandment is to show horizontal love for people. Central figures of God are required to live up to these two difficult commandments. There were two acts of evil in the Garden of Eden. The first was between Lucifer and Eve and the second between Adam and Eve. The first act was more unprincipled than the second. Angels and mankind were never intended to have sexual relations. It is totally unnatural. Sex between Adam and Eve was natural but premature. Also the motivation of Eve was less evil with Adam than with Lucifer. She went to Adam in the hope of repairing what had happened with Lucifer. The act between Lucifer and Eve is called the spiritual fall, and the act between Adam and Eve is called the physical fall. If Adam had not succumbed to Eve, he could have restored Eve by teaching her how to lift herself out of her tragic situation, and then Lucifer could have been dominated by Adam. But when Adam fell the Fall became complete and the angel Lucifer dominated God’s children. Lucifer became Satan and ruled the world. CAIN AND ABEL God’s first central figure on earth was Adam. God works through a central point. When Adam fell and became a mixture of good and evil, God had to restore this. Cain and Abel, Adam’s sons, represented the evil and good split in Adam. Abel was chosen to represent God’s side because he was the second son of Adam and Eve. Cain, the first son of Adam and Eve, represented the first 141 fruits of the unprincipled love between Lucifer and Eve. Abel represented the fruits of the relatively lesser evil of the second act between Adam and Eve. Abel and Cain, representing good and evil, were to restore the vertical and horizontal love that was lost in the Garden of Eden. To restore vertical love between God and man, God asked Abel to give an offering. Adam, Eve and Lucifer voluntarily walked away from God. They disobeyed God. To restore this Abel showed his love by obeying God and successfully gave his offering. This act restored vertical love and the spiritual fall. To restore horizontal love and the physical fall God had Cain represent the angel Lucifer and Abel represent God’s children. Cain’s mission was to love Abel and become one in heart with him. God told Cain to make an offering. Cain did and then God refused it. God did this not because he hated Cain. On the contrary. He loved Cain. He loved Cain as much as He loved Abel. God loves all of His children equally. But Cain was required to restore fallen emotions. By rejecting Cain’s offering Cain would have the same feelings Lucifer had—jealousy. God warned Cain to be aware of this but Cain compared himself to his brother Abel and felt the same lack of love that Lucifer had towards Adam. Lucifer struck Adam, God’s first central figure and now Cain struck Abel, God’s second central figure. Now physical murder was introduced to the world. More evil was produced. God’s task became more difficult. Lucifer (Satan) influenced Cain to kill his brother. God lost in this first attempt to restore the misuse of love in the Garden of Eden. SECOND ADAM If there had been love between Cain and Abel then there would have been a base for God to step in and claim from Satan enough room or space in Satan’s dominion for another totally pure man to be born. Through this pure man God could reach out to all people and raise them—teaching them how to separate themselves from Satan. This pure man or Second Adam would fulfill what Adam wasn’t able to fulfill in the Garden of Eden, i.e., the fulfillment of the Three Great Blessings and an ideal, harmonious Kingdom of Heaven on earth. 142 Cain and Abel were to lay a foundation for the Second Adam to be born. God can only send the Second Adam to an environment that will protect him. God first placed Adam in the Garden of Eden protected by Lucifer who He trusted to protect him. Likewise, God had to see that Adam’s family would protect the Second Adam while he was growing to perfection. With the Second Adam as the True Parent to Adam’s family, Satan would have no base with anyone and would without his powers give up and be restored to Lucifer as before the Fall. The Second Adam is called the Messiah. God had to postpone sending the Messiah until another family laid the proper foundation. Mankind grew into a society filled with people who had lost their spiritual senses and fallen into a terrible spiritual darkness. God saw every kind of evil. Satan ruled with a vengeance. The earth was filled with violence and immorality. The murder of Abel increased to wars. Human history is really an unseen battle between God and Satan. God is struggling to win control. All conflicts are between relative good and relative evil. God has been trying to teach those on His side to be strong and not be killed and win over those in the Cain position. TRUE PARENTS Sun Myung Moon teaches that Adam and Eve should have become True Parents: Marriage is the most important means of establishing God’s kingdom on earth. Adam and Eve were God’s first children. They were born of God, grew up in God, and were to have matured into perfection in God. God intended to make Adam and Eve one in heavenly matrimony. Then they would have borne sinless children and become the true mother and father for all humankind. They would have been the “True Parents,” establishing the Heavenly Kingdom on earth. Has such a kingdom ever existed? No. Instead, history started off in the wrong direction. From the first evil step, Satan has been the god of this world. It has, therefore, been God’s purpose of 143 restoration, His purpose of salvation, to restore the perfected family so that He can truly have His kingdom upon the earth. For this God needs a model. Who can set the criteria of perfection on this earth? To meet this need, the Messiah comes. The history of God’s providence is a sad, sad story. To comfort the heart of God and fulfill His work, we must clearly understand His process of restoration, and the poverty of the human response to God, especially at the time of Christ. (5-20-73) NOAH’S FAMILY After Cain murdered Abel, Seth, Adam’s third son, took the place of Abel (Gen. 4:25). And from Seth’s descendants God chose Noah’s family to substitute for Adam’s family and begin His providence to lay the foundation for the Messiah. 144 The Bible says that there are 10 generations and about 1600 years from Adam to Noah: The dates given above for these nine patriarchs are the age they had the son named below them. Adam was 130 years old when he fathered Seth. If we add these numbers they come to 1056. Noah is the tenth and began having his children at the age of 500. This means the Bible says there is 1556 years from Adam to Noah. The Principle rounds this off to 1600 which is a multiple of 400. The numbers used in Genesis and most of the numbers used in the entire Old Testament are basically symbolic, not literal numbers. These 10 generations are a cycle of separation from Satan. After this cycle God and mankind could start at the beginning point once more. 145 Sun Myung Moon spoke publicly in all 50 states in America in 1973. In his speech titled “God’s Hope for America” he talked of Noah saying: It has been a cardinal principle of God’s providence that in order to receive God’s blessing you must first demonstrate your worthiness of the blessing. Throughout history there have been many righteous people who demonstrated their worthiness of God’s blessing by leading sacrificial lives. Nevertheless, we know that the world we live in today is not literally God’s kingdom. We learn that human history started on the wrong footing, on the evil side. This is why the Bible says that the god of this world is Satan. ABEL – FIRST CHAMPION It has been the strategy of God to summon champions out of this evil world in order to restore the world and build His kingdom. To understand His ways, let us therefore examine the history of God’s providence. The family of Adam was the first family in God’s creation. In this family there was a man, Abel, whom God chose to be His first champion. Abel served God wholeheartedly, and became the first man to give up his life for God’s purpose. NOAH DEFIES COMMON SENSE Later on God called Noah as His champion. And Noah accomplished a very unusual mission. God directed Noah to build a ship, and he was to build it on the top of a mountain. Now, it is just common sense that in building a ship you need a shipyard by some body of water. But Noah’s instructions were to build the ark on top of a mountain rather than at the seashore or riverside. How many of us here could accept that kind of mission? How many of us could obey such a 146 command and set to work without a single shred of doubt? In Noah’s time, no one could believe that Noah had received a command from God — nor did anyone accept him in his mission of revealing the coming flood judgment. Can you imagine how Noah appeared to the people of his day? For 120 years he went up and down, up and down that mountain working on his boat. Would anyone among the ladies in the audience like to think of herself in the position of the wife of Noah? I don’t think you would be a very happy wife. INCOMPREHENSIBLE MISSION Noah’s wife must have packed his lunch basket every day, using only a little food. Noah was so busy with the ark he could not find time to provide for his family. Within only a few months the family squabbles must have begun, but it was not just for 12 months or 12 years that Noah’s wife had to sustain her situation, but for 120 years. Why, then, did God ask of Noah such an incomprehensible mission? Why does God have to work that way? There is a reason. It is because of evil. 180 DEGREES God cannot dwell together with evil. The direction of God is 180 degrees contrary to the direction of evil. God abhors evil! God cannot accept the things that the evil world accepts. So God does not want anything to do with the evil world, or with whatever is tainted by evil. We are all in the image of God and can find traits similar to His in our human nature. Consider if you have an enemy toward whom you have strong feelings; you don’t want to so much as look at that person. Likewise, God will have nothing to do with the evil, satanic world. 147 Therefore, in dealing with it, He chooses ways often incomprehensible to man. GOD TESTS God also tests the faith of man. He cannot do this by asking just ordinary things of people. We must be willing to comply with God’s extraordinary instructions. We must display to God absolute faith. This is not an easy task. People thought Noah was a crazy man for building the ark. Nobody knew he occupied the central position in God’s view. CRAZY PERSON Have you thought about Noah’s family? Noah built the ark on the top of a mountain. If it was on flat land, it would be a different story, but building a ship on the top of a mountain is not only beyond common sense it also certainly passed the limits of logical tolerance. In any ordinary sense, Noah is acting like a crazy person. If he wanted to build a ship, he should have built it on a bank; however, since he built it on a mountain, his action was totally beyond common sense. LIFE OF LONG DEDICATION Do you think God who ordered such a command did so in a joking manner? No. God knew better than anyone that Noah’s course required a life of long dedication on the path of unbearable suffering, and He did not command him with a more peaceful (inner) content than Noah’s suffering course. Because there was an even more difficult content for God, with such a condition God hoped to gain one way to resolve His inner situation, and He commanded Noah to go the path of suffering for 120 years. How miserable would such a heart of God be? His misery was indescribable. 148 Therefore, when Noah took the obedient position at the decisive, tense moment of whether to accept or not to accept that command, don’t you think God was happier than Noah? Moreover, God is the one who could be saddened more than Noah. God’s position cannot be established without establishing the position of such an owner who takes the responsibility for joy and sorrow. Noah suffered rejection from his own wife, family, neighbors and relatives. He received mockery and opposition from his own nation and the whole world. If he attempted to abandon his task even once, then he would have been attacked by Satan again. However, he overcame all difficulties and was successful in completing his mission. He fought against Satan and separated himself from Satan. God came to love him, and he came to dwell within the realm of God’s love. However, that was not all. Whoever comes to dwell in the midst of God’s love, God makes that person sacrifice himself by sending him into the satanic world and into difficulties. Of course, one reason may be to train him; however, it is really for the purpose of saving more people. Noah who was righteous, honest, and good had to always sacrifice himself with a sorrowful heart and with the shedding of tears. Even in the environment of persecution and chaos, grandpa Noah was able to win over such an environment because he gave his utmost effort. He went forth with the humble mind that he can only try his best in front of God’s law to fulfill the duty of filial piety and loyalty. As he went closer in front of God, he felt the cruelty of his environment and became sorrowful. In such moments, because the grandpa Noah went on shedding the tears of repentance and feeling 149 sorry to God, there was no one who could stop his way. Do you understand? Think of Noah who lived in such way for 120 years. Even though the satanic world mobilized every possible means to hit this one person, Noah, he never deviated from the standard which God established as the center. That standard is established as the absolute center of the cosmos, as the righteous man of the cosmos, and as the victor of truth. (The Way of the Spiritual Leader Part I) As we look at human history from God’s viewpoint we will see that central figures of God lead unusual lives that most people cannot understand. They lead very difficult lives because they must do the opposite of Adam and Eve. They are called to show absolute obedience to God’s commands that from man’s viewpoint seems impossible to fulfill. The Divine Principle and the thousands of speeches of Sun Myung Moon reveal where these men, their wives, and their children were successful and where they failed. For consideration of space I cannot go into much detail about the lives of these central men and their families. You can learn more about them in the speeches of Sun Myung Moon. Many of his speeches are on the Internet that you can read for free. Visit and FORMULA In the pattern of history God is using a precise formula to restore mankind. God sets up a situation to reenact the Fall. Someone is chosen by God to represent Adam (called a central figure), and someone is chosen to represent Lucifer. We learned that Cain and Abel did not restore what happened in the Garden of Eden between Lucifer and Adam. In Noah’s family God set up another situation. He chose Noah to stand in the position of Adam or Abel, and Noah’s son Ham is put in Lucifer’s or Cain’s position. If Noah and Ham can do the opposite of Lucifer and Adam and the opposite of Cain and Abel, then God can send the Messiah knowing he will be protected and followed. 150 If they fail then God must move on and pick new people and try again. What God needs is for mankind to make an effort voluntarily to restore the Fall. Before God can send the Messiah there are certain conditions that must be met. By making these conditions then the loss of God’s ideal can be indemnified. These indemnity conditions require effort. INDEMNITY God was betrayed. And it was necessary for Cain and Abel to make special effort, i.e., indemnity conditions to show God they loved Him and were sorry. In our everyday life we have to show effort to restore any relationship in which we hurt others. We have to apologize, change our behavior, pay money or do something to pay for our mistake and show our sincerity and that we want to have a trusting relationship again. The indemnity conditions God needed from Cain and Abel were efforts to show vertical and horizontal love. Abel, God’s central figure, had to make an offering and show vertical love. Then Abel and Cain were supposed to restore horizontal love between each other with Cain accepting Abel as his leader and following him. In Noah’s family Noah showed vertical love, and God was hoping Noah and Ham could show horizontal love. Before we get into Noah’s family let’s stop for a moment and look at one further aspect in God’s pattern and formula to restore man. In God’s dispensation of restoration we call the indemnity conditions to restore vertical love—the Foundation of Faith, and the effort required to overcome our fallen nature and love each other horizontally in a God centered way is called the Foundation of Substance. By doing both of these loving actions we lay the Foundation for the Messiah. It is also necessary to make these conditions in a certain time period. Adam and Eve were supposed to accomplish growing to perfection in a certain amount of time. Mankind lost God’s mathematical time periods. MATHEMATICAL NATURE OF THE UNIVERSE God is mathematical. Scientists have admired the mathematical nature of the universe. One author writes, “Galileo and Kepler really and truly believed in a God who planned and designed the 151 whole creation—a God who was a master mathematician and technician. Mathematics was God’s style, and whether it was the movement of the stars, the flight of a bird, the diffusion of gases, or the propagation of opinions—they all bore God’s mathematical hallmark” (Eric Hoffer, Ordeal of Change). God created the world with mathematical precision. This is why mathematics is the basis of science. Men and women were created to mature by fulfilling the numbers of perfection: 3, 4, 7, 10, 12 and 21. Three is the number of God. It is the highest number of perfection. The number three is often mentioned in the Bible: the three decks of Noah’s ark; three flights of doves from Noah’s ark; three sons of Adam; three sons of Noah; the three wise men. We see the number three reflected in the natural world. There are the three kingdoms of animal, vegetable and mineral. There are the three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas; three primary colors: red, yellow and blue; three components of DNA: sugar, base and phosphate; three macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; three components of atoms: protons, neutrons and electrons. Infinity is represented by a circle; a circle is determined by three points. 152 The number four symbolizes earthly perfection. There are four directions of north, south, east and west and the four seasons of spring, summer, fall and winter. The family unit is composed of four parts: God, man, woman and children. 153 The significance of the number three is derived from these four positions. There are three distinct stages: God as the origin; the husband and wife as the division of God’s dual characteristics; and their children as the result of their unity. God’s eternal pattern for all beings and things is called the Four Position Foundation. It is the fundamental foundation for all love, goodness, ideals, existence, action, multiplication and the three stages of the growth period. It is also the basis for the significance of the numbers 4, 3, and 12. 154 Another number of perfection is seven, the combination of the earthly number four with the spiritual number three. There are seven days in a week. The number seven or multiples of seven are often used in the Bible: God created the earth and the heavens in seven symbolic days; Jacob worked seven years to gain Rachel; there were 70 members in Jacob’s family. Each stage of the growth period has a formation, growth and completion stage, making a total of nine stages. The final tenth stage is full maturity and the reason that ten is also a number of perfection. This is why we have ten fingers and ten toes. 155 A baby grows through nine months and is born in the tenth. In the Bible, God gave Moses Ten Commandments. The number twelve is also a number of perfection. There are 12 personality types, 12 months in the year and the number 12 occurs in the Bible. For example, Jesus had 12 disciples. The source of these numbers comes from the family unit. God’s plan was for man and woman to be one with Him in love. They would marry and have a family. God, the husband and the wife would love the child 156 with all their hearts and the child would love them in return. If we made a diagram of the four positions and put arrows of all the directions of love toward each other there would be 12 directions of love. By multiplying the number 7 by the number 3 we have still another number of perfection, 21. In the Bible Noah sent out doves three times for seven days each totaling 21 days. NOAH Noah was a righteous man. God told Noah he was going to flood the earth and that Noah should prepare. Noah spent around 100 years building the ark. The ark symbolized the world. The three 157 decks represented the three stages of the growth period. Noah represented God; Noah’s family represented mankind; the animals symbolized the creation. It rained 40 days (10x4), representing separation from the satanic world. Afterwards, a raven went forth symbolizing Satan. Noah sent a dove. After 7 days it returned, unsuccessful in finding dry land. This represented Adam who was unsuccessful. Noah sent a second dove after 7 days. It returned with an olive branch symbolizing the Second Adam. Seven days later, after 21 days, Noah sent a third dove. It did not return, which meant that it was successful in finding dry land. If God was unsuccessful with the Second Adam, He had one more chance to send a Third Adam who would be successful. There were eight members in Noah’s family: Noah, his wife, their sons, Ham, Japeth and Shem, and their wives. This equaled Adam and Eve, their three sons, Cain, Abel and Seth and their wives. The number eight symbolizes a new start. There are seven days to a week; the eighth day is a new start. With Noah’s family God wanted to start fresh. If Noah’s family could restore the sins of Adam’s family, then they would multiply and the Second Adam could be born. Satan would have no base on earth and would have to repent and become Lucifer again. Because sin began on earth, it must be erased from earth first. To help explain God’s purpose of the flood judgment let’s use an analogy of a parent who has a son that becomes criminally insane. The son commits terrible crimes and comes home to hide. Although the Father loves his son he cannot let him continue to hurt others. The father does not want his son to be imprisoned but in this case he knows it is a better place for him because he can be helped. So in agony the father calls the police and has his son taken to a mental hospital. The father is not acting out of vengeance. The flood judgment was not the wrath of God but the love of God. For God, the flood was the police, and the spirit world was the mental hospital. In this way, God wanted to save mankind. God’s motivation in putting everyone in the spirit world by cleansing the earth with the 158 flood was to save mankind, not to hurt them. The people would be better off in spirit world. Even so, it was such a difficult and painful decision for God to create the flood that He decided never to work that way again. We read in the Bible that God said, “... never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth” (Gen. 9:11). The rainbow is a reminder of that promise. If Noah’s family demonstrated purity, then those who were killed by the flood and everyone else who had previously died and gone to the spirit world, including Adam and Eve, would be restored to perfection. After the flood, Noah and his second son, Ham, became the central figures to represent Lucifer (Cain) and Adam (Abel). They were to achieve what Cain and Abel did not. One day, Noah fell asleep naked in his tent. Ham saw him but failed to see Noah as God saw him. Ham should have multiplied goodness but instead he felt shame, the same feelings that occurred in the Garden of Eden. Ham multiplied evil by having his two brothers cover his father. When Noah woke up, he cursed him. Satan had again stopped God from sending the Messiah. God couldn’t send the Second Adam to Noah’s family. There was no foundation. So God had to wait and transfer the mission of restoring Adam’s family to another family. When a champion of God fails, God moves on to another person. As God waited, the earth became repeopled from Noah’s three sons and their wives. God’s original plan was for one culture and one language. The differences in languages are a result of the Fall and has been one of the barriers to creating a one world family. As history goes on and more languages and cultures arise, it becomes harder for God and mankind to restore the world. The Bible says after 400 years God found a family He could work with. This family was Abraham’s. 159 ABRAHAM The approximately 400 years between Noah and Abraham were 10 generations just as there was 10 generations (1600 years) between Adam and Noah. These nine patriarchs had their son listed below their name at the age given. Terah fathered Abraham when he was 70. If we add the numbers above we see there were 390 years from Adam’s son Seth to the birth of Abraham. After Noah, the Bible says God shortened the ages of people so he could shorten the time needed for restoration. Abraham had Ishmael when he was 86 years old. If we add 390 + 86 we get the number 476. Abraham had Isaac when he was 100 years old. 390 + 100= 490 years. The Principle rounds these numbers to 400 for the period from Noah’s family to Abraham’s family. As we continue into the Bible the numbers get more precise. Later we will compare the precise symbolic numbers of Israelite history to the precise literal numbers of Christian history. 160 The imprecise numbers of pre-Israelite history in Genesis will roughly correlate to the precise parallels we will see between Israelite history and Christian history. ABRAHAM — ISAAC — JACOB God’s previous champion, Noah, was a righteous man. But Abraham was the first son of an idol maker. Why did He choose someone like Abraham? Before Abraham, God had favored second sons such as Abel, and Satan had favored first sons like Cain. But we know that in Noah’s family Satan claimed Ham, a second son. Therefore God claimed a first son of an idol maker. Sun Myung Moon talks about Abraham in some of his speeches. Here are a few excerpts: God summoned Abraham, not from a family headed by a man of God, but from an idolmaker’s house, and ordered him to separate himself from his evil surroundings and leave his homeland. God wanted Abraham to be His champion. This was God’s personal command. If Abraham had then discussed this matter with his father, the idol-maker would undoubtedly have asked him, “Are you crazy?” Abraham knew better than to mention anything to his father about his instruction from God. Who would have believed him? His mission was not just to say hello to his next door neighbor. God instructed him to journey to a strange land, as far away as Egypt. Abraham’s decision then was a lonely one, based upon his faith and his reliance upon God. By faith alone he made his decision and departed, with nothing on his mind except following the command of God. I know he stole away in the middle of the night. Suddenly he found himself wandering like a gypsy. He lived in self-denial; he had given up everything. 161 The champions of God have one characteristic in common. They begin their missions by denial of themselves and their surroundings. (10-21-73) Abraham was the son of an idol merchant. To Abraham who was living in an affluent environment, God called and commanded, “Oh! Abraham, come out of your home.” Thereupon, without a word of complaint, without any guarantee of a good life anywhere else, Abraham left his hometown, Ur of the Chaldeans, abandoning everything. As a result, what did he become? He became a gypsy wandering across borders. If God calls you to come out, then come out. After coming out, no matter what kind of difficulty you may face, you should never regret or resent God. If you complain then you go back to the position of fallen Adam. Let us look at Abraham. God separated him from his father who was a idol merchant. He had to abandon his own family, own nation, all the material wealth and everything else. In this manner, by separating him from the satanic world, he came into the land of Canaan. God trained him and advanced the dispensation by making him cry not only for his own people but for other people and even for his enemies. God made him work leaving his own nation for a foreign land. He had to wander around like a gypsy. He always prayed in tears with earnest heart, and lived with the hope that God could save many people through his prayers. When we look at the Bible, we may get the impression that God blessed Abraham and loved him unconditionally. However, it is not so. 162 Abraham had to separate himself from Satan by abandoning his loving family, nation, material wealth, and every thing else, by going to the unknown chosen land, and by always shedding tears for God and for the people. He prayed much for his people and suffered much pain for his nation. Through such conditions, God was able to establish Abraham as the ancestor of faith and to bless his descendants to prosper greatly. Although such content is not recorded in the Bible, behind God’s blessing there was such a background. (The Way of the Spiritual Leader Part I) Before they entered Egypt, Abraham told his wife Sarah to pretend to be his sister. When they arrived in Egypt, the Pharaoh heard of her great beauty and took Sarah into his home. God immediately inflicted a plague on Pharaoh’s home. The Pharaoh, in fear, gave Sarah back and told Abraham to leave Egypt. Here again is a re-enacting of the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were like brother and sister. The Pharaoh was Lucifer. Lucifer took Eve, but the Pharaoh did not take Sarah. He gave her back to Abraham untouched. So, Abraham’s family restored the Fall in Adam’s family. The stories of Adam, Noah and Abraham take place in different times and in different ways but the motif of the pattern or symbolism is the same. The stories in the Bible are tied together. 163 By passing His test in Egypt, God let Abraham enter Canaan. God tested Abraham again. God said to him, “Bring me a heifer, a female goat, a ram, a turtledove, and a pigeon” (Gen. 15:9). The sacrifices symbolize the three stages of the growth period. The turtledove and pigeon represent the formation stage; the goat and the ram the growth stage; and the heifer, the completion stage. Each stage also represents God’s three chances to bring a perfect Adam to earth to start building the kingdom of heaven. The First Adam is represented by the birds. What is the symbolism of the dove? A dove descended on Jesus. John the Baptist represented the Old Testament; Jesus the New Testament. At this point the Old Testament was fulfilled. So the dove symbolized the Old Testament beginning with Adam. What does the goat and ram mean? Jesus was called the Lamb of God. John the Baptist once said, pointing to Jesus, “Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). The growth stage represents the New Testament of Jesus, the Second Adam. What does the heifer mean? Its symbolism can be found in the story of Samson. Samson told a riddle to the Philistines. They couldn’t figure it out so they had Samson’s wife find out and tell them. When they answered the riddle, Samson told them, “If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have found out my riddle.” Samson’s wife was compared to a heifer. If, by chance, the 164 Second Adam was unsuccessful, then God could send the Third Adam. This Adam would succeed in marrying and establishing the first perfect family on earth and restore what Adam and Eve failed to do. The third stage represents the Third Adam who brings the Completed Testament. The manner of cutting the animals in half was difficult for Abraham. It took great effort to carefully cut the animals lengthwise through its entire body. Abraham successfully cut the heifer in half and the ram and goat but became tired and fell asleep before sacrificing the birds. Birds of prey came and destroyed the offering. Abraham had failed. We read, “He brought him all these, cut them in two, and laid each half over against the other; but he did not cut the birds in two. And when birds of prey came down upon the carcasses, Abraham drove them away. As the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell on Abraham: and lo, a dread and great darkness fell upon him. Then the Lord said to Abraham, ‘know this for certain, that your descendants will be aliens in a land that is not theirs, and will be slaves there, and they will be oppressed for four hundred years!’” (Gen. 15:10-13) These offerings were deeply symbolic and important. The cutting in half was a symbolic act to show Abraham’s desire to separate good and evil—to separate Cain and Abel. Each of us must work to cut evil out of ourselves. If we don’t, Satan will invade. Sun Myung Moon explains, “Whatever was sacrificed was killed and cut in half, to ensure that one part representing goodness was separated from the bad so that God was free to claim it. ... By instructing man to shed the blood of animals God could begin to restore man without shedding man's blood.” (6-6-78) Abraham was careless and did not cut the birds because he was tired after working on the large animals. Even though we get tired doing what is right we must be careful to understand deeply our responsibilities and persevere to accomplish our mission. In a speech titled “Perseverance and Contemplation” (8-27-78) Sun Myung Moon teaches: Now you know about endurance and contemplation. What would result from your doing this? How much effect would this have on the world? If Adam and Eve had endured, would 165 they have fallen? If they had thought one or two steps ahead, would they have yielded to the fall? If Eve had had second thoughts, she would never have tried to tempt Adam into falling as well. She would have contained it within herself and never passed it to Adam. If they had thought longer and more deeply, they would never have fallen in the first place. We can say that the failure of every providential mission resulted from failing to think deeply. If Noah had persevered in his vigilance a little longer, instead of becoming intoxicated and lying naked, his mission would not have been invaded. We can definitely say his mission would have succeeded if he had continued and thought a little more. Why would Abraham have cut all of his offering in half except the two birds? If he had only thought a little more about what he was doing and whether it was right, then he would not have been negligent and brought failure. Abraham may have also felt the birds seemed of little importance because they were literally little. Abraham should have been thorough and seen every act as important. The birds had as much value as the larger animals just as children have as much value as adults. God loves every person regardless of their size or importance or status. He loves every nation of the world regardless of its size. These animals, just like the animals on Noah’s ark, symbolized the whole earth. Placing the cut animals one side on top of the other represented the restored position of Adam over the archangel. By failing to offer a pure offering of the birds that were in the formation stage the entire offering and all of mankind was claimed by Satan. The birds of prey represent Satan and evil spirits dominating mankind. We are all from the blood lineage of Adam and Eve. Shedding blood of animals in the sacrifices of the Old Testament and in the act of circumcision is symbolic of cutting off from that stained lineage and beginning a pure lineage from God. 166 Abraham’s failure, like the failures of central figures before him, caused so many to suffer. Because he didn’t cut the birds in half his many descendants were to suffer in slavery for four hundred years. It is important to see the magnitude and importance that central figures of God have. We have seen that when a central figure of God fails He always moves on to another. In Abraham’s case we have an exception. God was able to give Abraham a second chance to be a central figure because Abraham was the third central figure of God (after Abel and Noah). The reason God could claim the third central figure was because Adam and Eve fell while they were in the growth stage of development. The third stage was not invaded by Satan so Abraham, the third champion of God and his family, could be used again. If Abraham had been successful God would have had Abraham’s two sons Isaac and Ishmael be the central figures to restore horizontal love of Cain and Abel. Abraham’s failure caused a division. Ishmael left and became the ancestor of the Arab race. Another tragic effect of Abraham’s failure was that it laid the basis for division and hatred between the Arabs who would be descended from Ishmael, and the Jews who would be descended from Isaac. The Arab and Jew are brothers but the seed of animosity and distance between them originate with their ancestor Abraham. WOMEN’S ROLE IN RESTORATION Women play a very important part in God’s dispensation. Sarah made a mistake in not creating unity with Hagar. “Those two wives 167 were supposed to be united together as one family of Abraham but that was not done” (2-20-91). Sarah influenced Abraham to have her banished. “Abraham should have taken care of Ishmael’s mother Hagar ... Sarah did not embrace Hagar and Ishmael. Do you think God wanted Ishmael to be expelled? God wanted him to embrace him. That is why it is important to love the enemy” (8-312003). “Abraham should not have kicked out Hagar and Ishmael. The world would be totally different if this did not occur. Sarah made a serious mistake.” (1-3-2004) Wives and mothers play crucial, central roles in a marriage and family. Their role is to be architects of intimacy that create harmony in a family. Sadly, not only have central men failed to live up to God’s directions completely but women in the lives of these men have sometimes caused disunity and slowed the providence of God and made it more difficult for those who follow. When God’s champion men, champion women and champion families make mistakes they influence future generations to make the same mistake. They plant seeds that sabotage God’s plan of restoration. The core tactic of Satan is to cause disunity in marriages and families. God’s core tactic is to build unity. The Fall was disunity in the marriage of Adam and Eve that led to the disunity of their sons, Cain and Abel. Their disunity was the seed of disunity that we see today. God’s alternative plan was to have Abraham’s son Isaac become the central figure to restore vertical love and for his children to restore horizontal love (Cain and Abel). God told Abraham to take his son to Mount Moriah and sacrifice him. He had to pay a greater indemnity for the failure of not cutting the birds. Abraham and Sarah were very old when they had Isaac. Abraham adored his son. When God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on an altar of fire you can imagine the feelings of Abraham. He loved his son, but he loved God more. So he took Isaac on a three-day walk to Mt. Moriah. The three days represent a separation from Satan and a new beginning for God. When they arrived, they built an altar and when Isaac asked, “Where is the lamb?” Abraham said, “My son, you are the sacrifice.” Without any hesitation, completely trusting his father, Isaac got on the altar. Abraham took his knife, raised it in the air 168 and was about to plunge it into his son when we read, “an angel of the Lord called back from Heaven, and said, ‘Abraham, Abraham!’ And he said ‘Here I am.’ He said, ‘Do not lay your hand on the lad or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me’” (Gen. 22:10-12). Abraham’s mission as God’s central figure transferred to Isaac and then to Jacob. The Old Testament gives 40 years as a generation so these three generations total 120 years. (Some historians believe they have been able to determine literal dates for the length of time a few people lived that are named in the Old Testament, but the Principle only looks at the symbolic dates given in the Bible.) And because they became united as one in God’s dispensation the Jewish people today say their God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. JACOB Isaac inherited Abraham’s position as central figure because although Isaac was a young boy he was old enough to know he was giving his life and did so without hesitation. By being one with Abraham and offering himself as a sacrifice he successfully became a central figure and fulfilled the foundation of vertical love. Isaac’s two sons, Esau and Jacob, were placed in the positions of Cain and Abel. Esau was in the position of Cain (or Lucifer) and Jacob was in the position of Abel (or Adam). Esau was the eldest son like Cain and represented evil and Jacob was the second son, like Abel, who represented good. We read that Esau and Jacob fought, even in their mother’s womb (Gen. 25:22-23) and that God “loved” Jacob and “hated” Esau (Rom. 9:13) because God must hate what is evil and love what is good. God loves Esau, but he hates the evil that Esau represents. 169 In restoring the past during God’s Providence of Restoration not only must those in the Cain position do right but those in the Abel position must make conditions to show they are worthy of being God’s champion. Jacob had to show his worthiness for being in the Abel position. In the Garden of Eden Lucifer stole the birthright from Adam. So to restore this loss, Jacob, in the position of Adam stole the birthright from Esau who represented Lucifer. Jacob and Esau had such different personalities and interests that they had almost nothing to do with each other for many years. Let’s use the number 40 to represent their separation. But at the end of this time the division between them became complete when Jacob stole Esau’s blessing by pretending to be Esau before his father Isaac. God does not condone stealing but in this case God did because it represents restoration of the birthright to Adam. When Esau discovered how his brother had tricked him, he was furious. He was going to kill Jacob, but Jacob heard this and fled to Haran and stayed with his Uncle Laban. 170 Laban was cruel and cheated Jacob many times. But after 20 years of suffering Jacob successfully earned great wealth and in the 21st year started his return to his homeland. Jacob was acting selflessly. He was thinking in terms of the public benefit. He could have selfishly gone off alone with his family to enjoy his wealth that he had earned after so many years of drudgery. But his mind was so occupied with God’s will that he wanted to restore his relationship with his brother Esau. Jacob was willing to sacrifice everything he had. When he and his family were leaving Haran, Rachel, Jacob’s wife, stole Laban’s idols. Laban pursued them, found Jacob and said, “You have stolen my idols. I want them back.” Jacob, knowing nothing, got angry and said he didn’t have them but Laban could look for them. When Laban went into Rachel’s tent, we read, “Now Rachel had taken the household gods and put them in the camel’s saddle, and sat upon them. Laban felt all about the tent, but did not find them. And she said to her father, ‘Let not my lord be angry that I cannot rise before you, for the way of women is upon me.’ So he searched, but did not find the household gods” (Gen: 31:34-35). Laban finally gave up and returned home. Lucifer had deceived Eve. Now Eve, represented by Rachel, stole from Lucifer. Sun Myung Moon teaches, “Because Rachel was sitting on the idols and they were under her sexual organ, Laban couldn’t touch them. Therefore this set the condition to restore the ownership of the sexual organ.” (Rough notes hoon dok hae 2-406) As Jacob bravely made his way back to his home Esau heard of his coming and he felt, like Cain, a great resentment to his brother and led an army of four hundred men to kill Jacob. When Jacob heard this news he prayed to God and then thought, “I may appease him with the present that goes before me, and afterwards I shall see his face; perhaps he will accept me” (Gen. 32:20). With a pure heart he sent ahead of him as a gift for Esau his five hundred livestock 171 that he had earned for his hard labor in Haran. And when Jacob saw Esau he went to him and we read, “…bowing himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother. But Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept” (Gen. 33:3-4). Esau had been melted by Jacob’s total generosity, sincerity and courage. Human history entered a new era. It was elevated to a higher dimension at this time. Man’s portion of responsibility throughout human history has been to subjugate Satan. Sin is having a give and take relationship with Satan. The kingdom of heaven will come when every human being frees himself from his influence. Jacob was the first champion in history to subjugate Satan enough to lay a foundation for the Messiah to come. Many people have a hard time with Jacob. He is always criticized for being cunning and stealing, but Jacob was loved by God because he was so successful. His life is the model course that shows us the way to subjugate Satan. But Jacob and his family did make some mistakes. After he had successfully made unity with his brother they were both supposed to live together in a community. Tragically they separated and went their own way. Satan was successful in creating disunity. Also Jacob’s two wives were sisters who hated each other. They should have made unity and loved each other. If Esau had gone with Jacob to Egypt the Israelites would not have had to suffer 400 years of slavery. Father Moon says: We must realize that Jacob made a mistake by not bringing Esau and all the family into Egypt. If they didn’t do this they could have united in Egypt and Moses would not have had to lead them into the wilderness. Now the greatest struggle in the world is between the Muslims and Christians and particularly the separation of Jews and 172 Palestinians. Abraham should have taken care of Ishmael’s mother, Hagar. There were a lot of struggles between Rachel and Leah. They should have been loving each other. Esau’s family should have been taken along with Jacob’s family when they went to Egypt. This caused the Israelites to lose their blessing. The bad relationship of individuals can lead to world conflict. Rachel and Leah were sisters. Rachel had Joseph and Benjamin. The other brothers sold Joseph and also went to expel Benjamin. Jacob made a mistake in that he didn’t bring Esau with him, this bad relationship became the seed for the Canaanites. If the elder and younger brother had been united as one then there would be no problem today between Muslims and Jews. Because Jacob didn’t embrace Esau and bring him to Egypt they went their separate ways. This became the seed for the separation of whole nations. (rough notes 9-2403) The Fall placed angels—both the good and evil ones—above mankind. The Fall caused people to fall to the very bottom of the universe. Even the creation has become higher than mankind. To restore ourselves we must stop angels from dominating us and then dominate them. Jacob pioneered this. The night before Jacob 173 was to see Esau we read that he sent his family “across the stream” of Jabbok. “And Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day. When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he touched the hollow of his thigh [symbolizing the lower parts]; and Jacob’s thigh was put out of joint as he wrestled with him. Then he said, ‘Your name shall no more be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed’” (Gen. 32: 24-28). Then as “The sun rose upon him” Jacob went “limping because of his thigh... And Jacob lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, Esau was coming, and four hundred men with him.” VICTOR The “man” who fought Jacob was an angel sent by God. Jacob pioneered the way of strength and perseverance and love that we must have to lay a foundation for the Messiah. The name Israel means “victor”. Jacob was victorious. Sun Myung Moon teaches: Double Deception Cain and Abel were born separately, while Esau and Jacob were twins. As twins they were much closer in their relationship than Cain and Abel. Why was Jacob blessed? According to the Bible’s description he was a cunning man who lied to his elder brother and father, conniving with his mother to get Esau’s birthright. Why could God continually bless him in that case? Rebecca, his mother, also deceived her husband and son. In the Garden of Eden Eve deceived both her husband and God, and this double deception brought the fall. Eve did not listen to God but listened to Satan, and lied to her own husband; she lied to two generations, father and son. Rebecca in Position of Eve In the restoration Rebecca took the position of Eve, doing so by lying to her husband and her son for the heavenly purpose of assisting Jacob to restore the birthright. Through her fervent desire to fulfill the work of God, Rebecca was able to restore herself to the position of heavenly 174 mother, and help restore Jacob as a heavenly son. Step-by-step, Rebecca cooperated with her heavenly son to restore everything. Biblical scholars are confronted with an unsolvable question of morality in Jacob’s course; he was a cunning man and a swindler, yet the Bible indicates that God continuously blessed him. Why? Without knowing the deep significance of God’s dispensation, there is no way to understand. (4-18-77) STORIES DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND The Bible, which records the providential work of God, contains many stories that are difficult to understand. For example, Rebecca deceived her husband Isaac and her first son Esau, and helped her second son Jacob receive the blessing. (Genesis 27) God took the side of that mother and son, and although they used methods that at first glance seem unjust, God still blessed them for their actions. (4-16-96) MOTHER AND SON From the overall perspective of the Providence of Restoration, the foundation of cooperation between mother and son is very important. This was so at the time of Jacob, Moses and Jesus. God was working His Providence to separate people from satanic life and lineage by establishing the foundation of cooperation between a mother—who had to fulfill the responsibility of Eve, the originator of the Fall— and the second son of the family. God cannot directly relate to the first son because he is in the position of having a direct blood relationship with Satan, who through the Fall was the first to dominate humankind. God has been restoring the blood lineage of goodness by having the second son, who represents the side of goodness, establish a condition. Then God has had the first son, representing the side of evil, take a position subordinate to the second son. 175 In the family of Adam, God carried out the providence of establishing the second son, Abel, and having him subordinate the first son, Cain. Even though Eve had fallen, as a mother she could have made an effort to create unity between the two brothers. In the end, however, Cain murdered Abel (Genesis 4:8), and the Providence of Salvation, not being fulfilled, was prolonged. FORMULA OF COOPERATION There was also a required formula of cooperation between mother and son at the time of Noah. But that formula of meaningful cooperation was not realized until the time of Rebecca and Jacob. The human Fall was committed by three beings: Adam, Eve and the Archangel. The Archangel seduced Eve, causing the spiritual fall, and later fallen Eve seduced Adam, causing the physical fall. As a result, they turned their backs on God, and the fallen Archangel became Satan. Since the Providence of Salvation is the Providence of Restoration, the Principle of Restoration can be carried out only by going in a direction 180 degrees opposite of the Fall. (4-1696) When Isaac was close to death, he blessed Jacob, believing that Jacob was actually Esau. When Esau later went to receive his father’s blessing he discovered Jacob’s deception, and he demanded, “Have you but one blessing, my father? Bless me, even me also, my father.” But Isaac insisted, “Behold, I have made him your lord. What then can I do for you, my son?” Jacob was a man of wisdom, and in order to avoid the accusation of his elder brother, he had already conditionally traded his elder brother’s birthright for a bowl of lentils. Strictly speaking, Esau had no right to be angry, for he himself had already sold his birthright. Even so, Esau was consumed with anger and determined to kill Jacob, just as Cain 176 had killed Abel. However, Rebecca again assisted Jacob, and he fled from danger. If Isaac had actually given Esau the blessing he gave Jacob then God would not have had a condition to side with Jacob, and a confusion would have emerged in the dispensation. However, God was always with Jacob, and through him God’s dispensation was successfully fulfilled for the first time. All the conditions of physical restoration were met and fulfilled. Subjugate the Angel After a 21-year sojourn in a foreign land, Jacob returned to Canaan. On his way Jacob was confronted at the ford of Jabbok by the angel, who represented Satan. The fall of man came when an angel subjugated a man; therefore, in restoration man must subjugate the angel. For this reason God sent the angel to confront Jacob, wanting Jacob to win not only physically over Esau, but also spiritually over the angel. By doing so Jacob could restore man to his proper position and bring the angel down to his proper position as servant. Spiritual Victory over Angelic World When Jacob confronted the angel at the ford of Jabbok, he had to give his entire heart and soul, even more than he had during his 21 years of servitude in Haran. Indeed, Jacob was determined even to die, and though his thigh was knocked out of joint he did not hesitate, but continued in his struggle. The angel finally acknowledged that he could not prevail against Jacob and blessed him, saying, “Your name shall no more be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.” What was Jacob’s victory? Jacob won a spiritual victory over all the angelic world. From that time on Jacob was assisted not only by God but by the angelic world in whatever he 177 chose to do. Spiritually Satan could not assist Esau when he confronted Jacob after 21 years of separation, and Esau had to embrace his brother. With Divine Principle the Bible Becomes Logical You recall that Esau received a great many gifts when Jacob freely gave of his earnings of 21 years. What is the significance of this act? In doing so, Jacob set the condition by which we also can purchase our birthright through giving out our fortune. Thereafter all religious people have given up their material wealth to the satanic world, and in doing so could not only win the satanic world but win their birthright. Jesus also gave up everything, possessing nothing throughout his entire mission. Once you know the Divine Principle the Bible suddenly becomes very logical. Restoration of Cain and Abel The restoration of Cain and Abel was completed for the first time through the lives of Jacob and Esau. God won His first victory on earth at the moment the two brothers became one and Esau embraced Jacob. Through his unity with Jacob, Esau and his descendants also received the blessing of God. Esau was born into Satan’s position, but during the process of restoration Esau cooperated with Jacob, however unwillingly, and when Esau welcomed Jacob, the two positions were restored, and God could extend an equal blessing to Esau. (4-18-77) MODEL COURSE The stories in the Bible are lessons for each one of us. Sun Myung Moon teaches that, “Jacob’s course shows us the formula, or pattern, for the entire course of the providence of restoration. ... his course is the model course which a man of faith must follow” (527-73). One thing that we should learn from Jacob is that God wants every person to be God-centered like Jacob instead selfcentered like Adam. Jacob “did not want to merely enjoy his life in 178 Haran with the blessings God had allowed him to have, but he desired to share his blessing with his brothers and parents back in his native home. Adam, who ignored God’s will, was selfcentered, minding only himself, and lost his children and all things of God’s blessing. On the contrary, Jacob was so God-centered that he would give away all things for the will of God.” DESPERATE TO WIN OVER SATAN Another lesson in this true story of Jacob was that each person must fight evil within and outside our self. We have to subjugate the angels who dominate us. Sun Myung Moon teaches: “They fought all through the night until they were both exhausted, but the wrestling was not over yet. How do you think the match went? They were not evenly matched. There were times when Jacob was almost defeated. What do you think? Was it Jacob who fell more times or the archangel? It is understandable that Jacob fell more times, but he would not give up even though he faced death; he fought desperately to win over the archangel. He would cling to the archangel again and again at the risk of his life. That’s what made him fierce. That’s exactly what happens in our course of life in faith. You are desperate to win over Satan, but Satan is so fierce that you stumble over and over again. No matter how many times you may be on the verge of defeat, you will attack him again and again. NEVER GIVE UP “In the meantime dawn was breaking and the archangel knew that he had to leave Jacob at daybreak because the archangel belonged to darkness. So, just before the dawn, he became desperate and he broke Jacob’s thigh. How do you think the archangel broke Jacob’s thigh? He must have done this in a moment when Jacob was weak. If, at that moment, Jacob was not being defeated, he could not have done that. Still, Jacob could not give up. Even though his thigh was broken, Jacob would not give up. At the thought of loss he became even more furious, and attacked the archangel again and again. He would rather lose his life in attacking than lose the battle. FIGHT SATAN AT RISK OF YOUR LIFE “At last the archangel had to give in. At last he could not but say to Jacob, ‘You have won the battle; you are the victor.’ He had to bless Jacob with the name ‘Israel’, which meant ‘victor.’ All through human history, Jacob was the only one who wrestled with 179 the archangel and was victorious over him. He well deserved the name of ‘the victor.’ That is how the word ‘Israel’—which means ‘victor’—came into being. You must know that in being victorious over the archangel, he battled at the risk of his life, and that you, too, in your life in faith, must fight against Satan at the risk of your lives.” (“Jacob’s Course And Our Life In Faith” May 27, 1973) JACOB’S PERSEVERANCE Another lesson we can learn from Jacob is that in our life of faith we may be tested for many years. We have to be persevering like Jacob. And we should be ready to be attacked the most when we are tired after working for a long time. Just when we think we can’t take anymore, Satan will strike. We have to be vigilant and fight the good fight right up to our last breath. “We must have Jacob’s steadfastness and perseverance. …We are exactly in the position of Jacob, aren’t we? We have nothing to be afraid of. Since we are going to do things for the sake of God, we can do just about anything, and everything will come to us. Are you like that? These are not words fabricated by man; it is the word of God. I am conveying this to you since I have put it into practice myself.” (527-73) NEVER COMPLAIN Champions of God should never complain. “God blessed Jacob. Jacob who received the blessing went into Haran and walked the suffering course for 21 years. He went the path of persecution even being deceived ten times. He was in the sorrowful position. He was driven to the lonely position. However, if Jacob ever became a person who complained about his despair, who felt grief for oneself centering on himself, he could have never occupied the national authority of representing Israel.” (The Way of the Spiritual Leader) “What do you think Jacob had to endure all night, fighting the angel at the ford of Jabbok? Don’t you imagine he sweated a lot? He shed a lot of tears, too. It was life and death. ‘Let me go back to my homeland now,’ he pleaded. It was a very tearful situation. The angel hit him so hard, he dislocated Jacob’s thigh bone, and then he released him a little bit after that. The angel saw that Jacob would rather die than be held back, so the angel finally gave up and let Jacob go. It was that difficult. We have to go through that kind of difficulty, but it is well worth it. 180 HEAVY BURDEN “Jacob’s victory was on the individual level. He brought the victory up to the family level. To go from the individual level to the family level was so difficult, you can only imagine the difficulty of any level beyond that, all the way to the world level. All Blessed couples have to go through that. God expects that. Father expects that. Do you think this is just something I am saying, or are my statements based on the course of God’s dispensation? This is our mission. It is a heavy burden. Father understands every time and everything you go through. Don’t forget that for one second.” (3-1-92) The Messiah could not come at the time of Jacob because even though Jacob had laid a foundation for the Messiah at the family level there were nations surrounding Jacob who would kill the Messiah if he came. Because mankind had grown and become divided into power units of nations God had to build a nation too. So God concentrated His efforts to build a nation. God concentrated His efforts to build the Israelites into a nation that would protect the Messiah. God had to prolong His dispensation from the family level to the national level. As history goes on it becomes more and more difficult for God to restore the world. As mankind increases in population, evil increases. Father Moon teaches, “You may think that upon this foundation the Messiah could come immediately, but that was not the reality. Why? Nations had already been established in the Satanic world, but Israel had only set up a people. The people of Israel could not confront the nations of the Satanic world. So God prolonged history for 2000 years” (Way Of Unification (Part 1). God also had to wait because He needed to prepare the blood lineage for the Messiah to be born. We will next study the 2000-year history of the Israelites—the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There are other histories of other peoples during this time but the history of the small group of Jewish people is the central history that God was working through. God was working with other people and hearing their prayers and being with them throughout the world, but God was working with Israel as the Adam nation for world restoration. 181 We read in Genesis that Jacob became the father of Joseph when he returned to his home. Joseph was 30 years old when he was given power in Egypt. Then there was seven plentiful years he had predicted. This would make him 37 years old. Then the Bible says that sometime after that he met his father who came to Egypt because of the famine that occurred seven years after the seven plentiful years. Therefore there is approximately forty years between the time Jacob returned home and when he went to Egypt with his family. This 40 year time period is called the “Preparation for Egypt.” For the next 2000 years the Bible records how God worked to build the Israelites to be His chosen nation. It is important to learn here that God and Satan work through nations. Those individuals, families, religions and nations that are in the Abel position must, like Jacob, be sacrificial and giving without complaint. And those in the Cain position must be won over by Abel’s generosity and sincerity and strength of faith in God’s will. We have learned that God worked in 6 periods of time from Adam to Jacob. First, there was the 1600 years from Adam to Noah; second, the 400 years from Noah to Abraham; third, the 120 year period of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; fourth, the approximately 40 years when Jacob and Esau divided. Fifth, the 21 year exile of 182 Jacob and his return to his home, and Sixth, the 40 year time period before he and his family went to Egypt. Jacob’s descendants were the Israelites and the Old Testament tells of their 2000-year history. We will see that these 2000 years resemble the six time periods of the previous 2000 years. MOSES The first time period of the Jewish people was the 400 years of slavery under the pharaoh of Egypt. They had grown to a large number of people and finally, Moses, a liberator, came. Jacob had shown vertical and horizontal love. Vertically he loved God with all his heart and horizontally he showed his love for mankind by successfully bringing unity with Esau, and restoring Cain and Abel. Moses’ mission was to lay a national foundation for the Messiah. Vertically Moses loved God. To restore horizontal love Moses was in the position of Adam or Abel and the Israelite people were in the position of Lucifer or Cain. If the Israelite people would love Moses then God could send the Messiah to them knowing that they would protect and follow the Second Adam who would lead the Israelites throughout the world as God’s ambassadors to begin the building of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Father Moon (who is also called Father) has revealed that Moses’ mother should have been better at raising Moses. If she had, he would not have made the tragic mistake of killing an Egyptian 183 soldier. “He should not have killed the Egyptian soldier” (8-31-03). God originally intended for the Israelites to stay in Egypt. Moses would have been the Prime Minister who would have been able to liberate his people and inherit the nation. Because his mother did not guide her son correctly this course failed and the exodus had to occur. After Moses killed the Egyptian he fled from Egypt and went to the wilderness in Midian and spent 40 years there restoring his 40 years in the Pharaoh’s palace. Forty is a number for separation from Satan. After this period of exile God told Moses: “I have seen the misery of my people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters; I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Canaanites.... And now, behold, the cry of the people of Israel has come to me, and I have seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them. Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring forth my people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.” (Ex. 3:7-10) Moses came back and performed miracles to prove he was the true leader of the Israelites sent by God to liberate them. But God saw that the Israelites did not have total faith in Moses so He had Moses not take them the direct route along the Mediterranean from Egypt to Canaan which would have taken a matter of weeks (21 days or less). “When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, ‘If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.’” (Ex. 13:17) 184 God felt that they would be afraid of battle with the Philistines, and they would return to Egypt. God needed time to work with them so that they would be a united, strong people who could successfully settle in Canaan. God led them across the Red Sea and through the Sinai wilderness. Those months in the wilderness were to be a time for Moses and the Israelites to be trained and tested as a chosen people, as God’s champions. God could not allow them to enter Canaan unless they were united, strong and fearless. To lay a Foundation for the Messiah they had to overcome Cain and Abel’s tragic disunity. To get the Israelites out of Egypt Moses deceived the Pharaoh by telling him they needed a three days journey into the wilderness. The Pharaoh told him to stay there to do their sacrifices. Moses convinced the Pharaoh by saying: “It would not be right to do so; 185 for the sacrifices we offer to the Lord our God are offensive to the Egyptians. If we sacrifice offerings abominable to the Egyptians before their eyes, will they not stone us? We must go a three days’ journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the Lord our God as he commands us.” (Ex. 8:26-27) This three-day period is symbolic for a principled period of time to separate from Satan and start a new providential course. Before offering the sacrifice of Isaac, Abraham waited three days. When Jacob started his providential course to Canaan, he left Haran by deceiving Laban with a three-day period of separation. (Gen. 31:19-22) TEN COMMANDMENTS At Mt. Sinai Moses fasted for forty days and was given the Ten Commandments. They were written on two stones—five laws on each. This symbolized the five physical senses and the five spiritual senses or the unity of heaven and earth. It also symbolized that the ultimate truth is not laws but the living Messiah who is a man and a woman. When Moses came down from the mountain he found the Israelites worshiping a golden calf as their God. Moses was angered and threw the tablets of stone to the ground, breaking them. Moses should not have done this. It was like striking the Messiah. To restore this Moses had to go back and fast again and receive the Ten Commandments again. This time they accepted them and built the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle which housed the tablets. The tablets symbolized Adam and Eve who were to be perfect incarnations of the Word. Since the Fall another man and woman have to fulfill that role. This is why the Messiah is symbolized as the “living stone” (1 Peter 2:4). One reason a stone is used as a symbol is because the Messiah is stronger than evil. He is like a stone in being tough and unmovable. God had also shown that He was relating to people on a higher level by giving words and asking for obedience to them rather than giving animal sacrifices. Mankind had been climbing to a higher spiritual level. After the Fall mankind fell into a deep darkness and 186 then turned to animism, then polytheism and then monotheism. Gradually God was able to give more of Himself. Still the people were so primitive that He gave many laws. As mankind grows higher spiritually through history God is able to speak more and more clearly. Today we live in a sophisticated world, and God is trying to speak in a more advanced manner. Next God chose twelve people to spy for forty days. Only Joshua and Caleb had faith that the Israelites could enter Canaan and win. The Israelites constantly complained and again demanded a new leader and wanted to go back to Egypt—even though it meant slavery. If the months in the wilderness had been enough time for the Israelites to grow in unity and strength they could have gone to Canaan, but when ten of the twelve spies came back fearful, then God had to give a greater time to restore this lack of faith and to teach them to be His champions. The people wanted to stone Joshua and Caleb. We read: “Then all the congregation raised a loud cry; and the people wept that night. And all the people of Israel said to them, ‘Would that we had died in the land of Egypt! Or would that we had died in this wilderness! Why does the Lord bring us into this land, to fall by the sword? Our wives and our little ones will become a prey; would it not be better for us to go back to Egypt?’ And they said to one another, ‘Let us choose a captain, and go back to Egypt.’ Then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the assembly of the congregation of the people of Israel. And Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, who were among those who had spied out the land, rent their clothes, and said to all the congregation of the people of Israel, ‘The land which we passed through to spy it out, is an exceedingly good land. If the Lord delights in us, he will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land which flows with milk and honey. Only, do not rebel against the Lord; and do not fear the people of the land, for they are no more than bread for us; their protection is removed from them, and the Lord is with us; do not fear them.’ But the whole congregation threatened to stone them.” (Num. 14:1-10) Moses had sent them to spy out the land of Canaan and told them to see how strong or weak they were and he said, “Be bold and bring some of the fruit of the land. Now the time was the season of the first ripe grapes” (Num. 13:20). When the spies came back they 187 said, “We came to the land to which you sent us; it flows with milk and honey and this is its fruit. Yet the people who dwell in the land are strong, and cities are fortified and very large.” (Num. 13:27-28) We must believe that God is on our side and will help us. And because God is on our side we will win. Throughout the Bible we are taught not to be dismayed or anxious. We must have faith. We must be intrepid. The Israelites failed to be courageous. God was in agony when He saw them fail. God had wanted them to go into Canaan. God told Moses: “How long will this people despise me? And how long will they not believe in me, in spite of all the signs which I have done among them?” (Num. 14:11) God was continually frustrated by their lack of faith and their love of this fallen world and its low standards. God was forced to have them wander in the wilderness for forty years to indemnify their lack of faith. Only the next generation could enter Canaan. He said: “But your little ones, who you said would become a prey, I will bring in, and they shall know the land which you have despised. But as for you, your dead bodies shall fall in this wilderness. And your children shall be shepherds in the wilderness forty years and shall suffer for your faithlessness, until the last of your dead bodies lies in the wilderness. According to the number of the days in which you spied out the land, forty days, for every day a year, you shall bear you iniquity, forty years, and you shall know my displeasure.” (Num. 14:31-34) After 40 years in the wilderness the Israelites were to enter Canaan, but Moses made another tragic mistake in a moment of rage. The people complained of water. Moses was told by God to strike a rock once and bring them water. Moses did so and water came. But Moses heard the people murmuring in resentment against him that they had been without water and in anger he struck the rock twice with his rod. God then told him that he could not enter Canaan: “Because you did not trust in me, to show my holiness before the eyes of the Israelites, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.” (Num. 20:12) Moses was in sight of Canaan and now he couldn’t go in. He had worked so hard for so many years and now because of one seemingly small mistake he couldn’t enter Canaan. The precious 188 goal was in his grasp and now it was taken away. He begged God, “Let me cross over, I pray, and see the good land beyond the Jordan, that good hill country, and Lebanon” (Deut. 3:25). God answered firmly, “... Speak no more to me of this matter” (Deut. 3:26). Moses died on a mountain looking at Canaan but without setting foot in it. This is a lesson for each of us to control our emotions. We are not supposed to have a bad temper. “Anger is one expression of extreme, unrestrained emotion that must be brought under control if one is to make spiritual progress. Anger is a natural feeling that arises upon seeing unrighteousness, yet uncontrolled it can cause much damage. Of the great founders of religion, we see that Moses had anger as a weakness. He displayed it, to his own loss, at the incident of striking the rock.” (Andrew Wilson, World Scripture) Christ is symbolized by a rock: “the rock was Christ” (I Cor. 10:4) and a “white stone” (Rev. 2:17). Christ gives life. He is a tree of life. He gives water of life. Christ gives life giving truth and love. Adam failed to become the rock that would give the “water of life” from God, which his descendants would drink forever. The rock Moses struck was a rock that yielded no water. This symbolized fallen Adam. Satan had struck Adam and killed him spiritually and was unable to give “water”. When Moses struck the rock, it gave water. This showed a restoration of fallen Adam to perfect Adam or Christ who would come to give the water of life to all fallen man. Christ said: “whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John: 4:14) God had Moses strike the rock once as a condition to restore the fallen Adam to perfect Adam. When he did the rock symbolized Christ and then when Moses struck it again he laid a foundation or basis for the Second Adam, the restored Adam, to be struck. BE STRONG AND OF GOOD COURAGE God passes on a person’s mission to another if they are unable to fulfill that mission. Joshua was given leadership because he was strong and had not been faithless during the 40-day spying period: we read, “... as I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail or forsake you. Be strong and of good courage; for you shall 189 cause this people to inherit the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.” (Josh. 1:5-6) Joshua and the second generation of Israelites which had been born in the wilderness and had no ties to Egypt were determined to follow Joshua at the risk of their lives, saying …”All that you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Just as we obeyed Moses in all things, so we will obey you. ... Whoever rebels against your words, whatever you command shall be put to death. Only be strong and courageous.” (Joshua 1:16-18) After God had tried three times with the Israelites to enter Canaan they finally fulfilled the conditions necessary to enter. They presented faithful reports after spying at Jericho saying, “Truly the lord has given all the land into our hands; and moreover all the inhabitants of the land melt in fear before us” (Josh 2:24). The Israelites were centered on Joshua and the Tabernacle and successfully went into Canaan. Joshua was a successful central figure. The central figures of God have tremendous missions. If they succeed then so much good can happen but if they fail so many people for so many years are always hurt. It is agony for God to see His predestined will of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth prolonged because He has to see His children suffer. The Israelite people had made a condition to restore the Garden of Eden. The Israelites in the position of Lucifer or Cain did not betray Joshua who was in the position of Adam or Abel. They united as brothers centered on God and now they had a land of their own. But even though they had accomplished forming the national Foundation for the Messiah, the Messiah could not come yet because they were still not strong enough as a people to stand up to the other nations surrounding them and they were still too primitive in their understanding of God and their mission as the chosen people. God’s dispensation would be prolonged until they were truly united and longing for the Messiah. The 400 years of slavery in Egypt were followed by 400 years known as the Period of Judges. The Bible is symbolic in its use of numbers and rounds this period of Judges to 400. We read in I Kings 6:1: “In the four hundred and eightieth year after the people of Israel came out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel....” 190 Solomon came after the 40-year reign of Saul and the 40-year reign of David. Eighty from 480 means 400 years were given for the period of Judges. Scholars have found that the period lasted from approximately 1200 B.C. to 1000 B.C. or 200 years. They say that some of the Judges’ years of rule were “stylized” to show a full generation of 40 years or two generations of 80 years. During this time the Israelites were divided into tribes and during moments of crisis leaders appeared called Judges, such as Gideon and Samson. Finally, under God’s influence, the Israelite tribes banded together to form a nation to protect themselves. SAUL DAVID SOLOMON The last Judge, Samuel, anointed Saul as King. God finally had His nation. But He couldn’t send the Second Adam until they had demonstrated their loyalty to God. God tested them by seeing if they could honor and center their lives on a symbolic Messiah. With Moses God had used the Ark of the Covenant to be the symbolic Messiah. Now that God had a nation with a king, He wanted a temple built, a more permanent structure. Unfortunately, Saul failed to build the temple. The next King, David, also failed to build the temple in his 40-year rule. The third King, Solomon, built the temple in his 40-year reign. 191 We see in Jewish history three attempts by God to build the temple in the three 40-year reigns of Saul, David and Solomon. This 120year period is called the United Kingdom. Still, God couldn’t send the Messiah to the Israelites. Building the temple was not enough. They had to honor the temple to show they could honor the Second Adam. Unfortunately, Solomon defiled the temple (symbolically the Second Adam) by letting his wives worship pagan gods there. Man again failed to lay the proper foundation for the Messiah. GOLDEN AGE OF ISRAEL This was the golden age of Israel. It was the greatest and most powerful nation on earth. God’s plan was for Israel to keep that position so that the Messiah would be born into royalty to a nation that dominated the world. God said to Solomon “if you walk before me, as David your father walked, with integrity of heart and uprightness, doing according to all that I have commanded you, and keeping my statutes and my ordinances, then I will establish your royal throne over Israel forever.” (1 Kings 9:4-5) But God warned that if Solomon did not follow God’s commandments then Israel would decline and lose its power and position, “But if you turn aside from following me, you or your children, and do not keep my commandments and my statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will cut off Israel from the land which I have given them; and the house which I have consecrated for my name I will cast out of my sight; and Israel will become a proverb and a byword among all peoples. This house will become a heap of ruins” (1 Kings 9:6-8). God teaches that nations fall when they disobey His laws. 192 A key word in God’s message is the word “if.” God keeps warning His chosen people that “if” they do right they will prosper and if they disobey Him they will suffer. For example, we read that Samuel chastised Saul saying, “You acted foolishly; you have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time.” (1 Samuel 13:13) Under Solomon’s rule, Israel’s powerful army controlled a vast empire. It was the leader in economics, trade, art, music and science. God explained that if Israel centered itself on God they would prosper and never be dominated by another empire and if they didn’t they would be humiliated, “But if you or your sons turn away from me and do not observe the commands and decrees I have given you and go off to serve other gods and worship them, then I will cut off Israel from the land I have given them and will reject this temple I have consecrated for my Name. Israel will then become a byword and an object of ridicule among all peoples.” (I Kings 9:6-7) Sadly, Israel became a “heap of ruins.” We know that other empires came after the decline of Israel: the Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman Empire. Tragically, Jesus was born in a barn in an obscure country instead of in a palace as a direct descendent of a king to a nation that had established world dominion. Why? Because central figures like Solomon disobeyed God. In Deut. 17:17 we read that God commands a king to not take many wives, “The King must not take many wives or his heart will be led astray.” Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. He rejected God’s word. We read: King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter—Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. They were from nations about which the LORD had told the Israelites, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his 193 heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been. Although he had forbidden Solomon to follow other gods, Solomon did not keep the Lord’s command. (1 Kings 11:1-4, 10) The consequence was the loss of national greatness and prolongation of the coming of Christ. The punishment was severe for the Israelites. God the father saw His children pay for their crimes. Because the Israelites were not united with God a division of Cain and Abel came to their nation. In Jewish history this was a 400-year period called the Divided Kingdoms. Ten of the 12 tribes of Israel traveled to the north. They had the name of Israel, God’s name for his people, but He did not favor them. They were the Cain side. God favored the Abel side—the two tribes in the Southern Kingdom of Judah because they were more righteous. God’s desire is always for unity. Division is Satan’s way of working. To help bring the Israelites together God sent prophets such as Elijah, Jonah, Amos and Hosea. Hosea lived in the eighth century B.C. He writes out of the agony he feels from his faithless wife. Hosea compares this personal tragedy to God’s feelings about His relationship to Israel that is constantly unfaithful to God. God speaks of His broken heart: “The more I called them, the more they went from me; they kept sacrificing to the Baals, and burning incense to idols. Yet it was I who taught Ephraim to walk, I took them up in my arms; but they did not know that I healed them. I 194 led them with cords of compassion, with the bands of love, and I became to them as one who eases the yoke on their jaws, and I bent down to them and fed them” (Hosea 11:2-4). Because Israel refused to listen to the prophets, God was helpless to see His people taken into captivity. When we do not listen to God’s prophets who tell us to repent and change our ways we prolong God’s goal of restoring the world. It has been heartbreaking for God to see mankind rebel against those who he calls to speak for Him because it means that they will bring suffering upon themselves. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance of God’s will brings incredible tragedy. We reap what we sow. The prophet Jeremiah told them: And though the LORD has sent all his servants the prophets to you again and again, you have not listened or paid any attention. They said, “Turn now, each of you, from your evil ways and your evil practices, and you can stay in the land the Lord gave to you and your fathers for ever and ever. Do not follow other gods to serve and worship them; do not provoke me to anger with what your hands have made. Then I will not harm you.” “But you did not listen to me,” declares the Lord, “and you have provoked me with what your hands have made, and you have brought harm to yourselves.” (Jeremiah 25:4-7) The ten tribes of the north were attacked by the Assyrians and destroyed. To this day we do not know what happened to them. They are called the ten lost tribes of Israel. The two tribes in the south were invaded by the Babylonians. In 586 B.C. the Babylonians stormed Jerusalem, pillaging and burning. Their king, Nebuchadnezzar, ordered mass deportations. The Israelites now begin a period in their history called the Babylonian Exile. The journey to Babylon was difficult and heart-breaking, but when they arrived the Assyrian and Babylonian monarchs allowed them to worship in freedom. They prayed, sang psalms and studied the Torah. The Hebrews became a very tight-knit religious community and established laws and traditions. 195 They became adept in industry and commerce. One Jewish family, for example, was put in control of the largest private bank in Assyria. Soon, Hebrews were landowners, merchants and high government officials. Still, they longed for Jerusalem. In 538 B.C., Cyrus the Great of Persia captured Babylon. The Israelites were a refugee group, and Cyrus let those who wanted to return to Jerusalem to do so. He even helped in rebuilding the temple at Jerusalem by giving government money and returning some items that were sacred to the Jews that the Babylonians had kept. The exiles returned home in stages. The exile in Babylon had lasted 70 years. And after 140 more years the Jewish people had returned to Israel. The Bible uses symbolic and prophetic years in keeping with God’s pattern of restoration by saying it lasted 70 years. In Jeremiah 25:11 we read, “This whole land shall become a ruin and a waste, and these nations shall serve the King of Babylon seventy years.” Jeremiah says the captivity in Babylon lasted 70 years. Actual history shows that the Bible is close to being literal here. Some historians number the years from 605 B.C., in which the first deportation happened, until 538 B.C. when Cyrus freed the Israelites. Six hundred and five to 538 is 67 years. Others begin with 586, when the last deportation took place and the temple was destroyed, until 516, when the second temple was built: 586 to 516 is 70 years. The 70 years in captivity were followed by approximately 140 years of Jewish return until God sent the prophet Malachi. This 210-year period is called the Jewish captivity and return. They rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem. But times were hard. There was drought and famine. The people became spiritually indifferent. Then God sent a reformer, Malachi, to revitalize the faith in the 5th 196 century B.C. (The King James Bible says in the margins of the book of Malachi that the dates in the Bible show this to be 397 B.C. Historians say the actual, literal date of this book is close to that symbolic number—around 450 or 435 B.C.) He spoke in the streets and preached in the market place. He chastised the people for their sins and the priesthood for its corruption. God also prepared the rest of the world for the Messiah’s coming by sending Buddha to India, Confucius to the Orient and Socrates to Greece. They raised the people’s level of spiritual advancement. This would make it a little easier for the rest of the world to accept the Messiah when he came. The last period of Jewish history is the 400 years of preparation for the Messiah. Approximately four hundred years after Malachi the Second Adam was born. His name was Jesus. The nation of Israel was a small nation compared to the other powers around it. And because it was strategically located between these other empires they often saw foreign soldiers march through their country. In the 400 years before Jesus they were dominated by such powers as the Greeks and the Romans. The Israelites were burdened with 197 cruel rulers who imposed heavy taxes and did not respect their religious beliefs and traditions. One ruler tried to destroy the Jewish religion. In 167 B.C. he decreed that the Jewish religion was illegal. Anyone who was found carrying a copy of the scriptures was put to death. He set up an altar to the chief god, Zeus, in the Jewish temple, and Jews were forced to offer sacrifices. Altars were set up of Zeus all over Israel, and many Jews preferred to die rather than go against their laws and worship false gods. An uprising took place against this called the Macabaean Revolt and there was war for 6 years. The 400 years before Jesus were years of turmoil. Just before Jesus was born the governor of the Roman Province of Syria had to bring in three legions to crush a rebellion. Around two thousand rebels were crucified as punishment. At the time of Jesus’ birth the Roman ruler wanted a census taken to determine taxes and this is why Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem. The people hated paying taxes to Rome. This particular census was for the people of Judea but the people of Galilee were so angry there was a revolutionary movement which the Roman soldiers crushed violently. Jesus lived in a dangerous time. Not only had he to deal with living under brutal foreign rulers but the Israelite people, like Christianity today, was divided into different denominations who interpreted the scriptures differently. The Pharisees were into the details of the Old Testament laws, and Jesus chastised them for being focused on the letter of the laws instead of the spirit of the laws. The Sadducees were a smaller group but were more wealthy and powerful because they were influential political leaders. They disagreed with some of the beliefs of the Pharisees. The division between the Pharisees and Sadducees is similar to the division today between Conservative and Liberal Christians. 198 The Essenes were a group who lived in a monastery in the desert and felt they were the true forerunners to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. One thing that all these Jews had in common was that they did not see Jesus as the Messiah. The Pharisees, for example, envisioned their savior as a warrior-Messiah who would lead them to battle and crush their enemies. When Jesus appeared, claiming to be the Lord, they all rejected him. God works in ways that completely baffle the vast majority of people. Mankind is fallen and ruled by Satan who manipulates people to go against the champions that God sends. God had hoped that the Israelites would have been different than most people. He had hoped they would know his suffering heart because of their suffering; that they would have been trained by the saints and prophets who God had sent. But Satan influenced the people to see Jesus as a dangerous criminal who was a threat to the family and nation. Jesus, the greatest man who ever lived, was seen as a kook—someone of the lunatic fringe in society. Many Christians today feel that the Lord is coming to them. Like the Israelites, Christians are a minority in the world. Like the Israelites they are divided into different denominations who interpret the scriptures differently and yet all are confident that when the Lord returns they will see him. The Divine Principle teaches that Christianity has not fully understood who Jesus really was and what God’s will is. The next chapter reveals the true view of Jesus. It is God’s view, not man’s view. Nothing is more important than understanding Jesus’ words and life. 199 Chapter 4 Jesus of Nazareth At Madison Square Garden in New York City Sun Myung Moon spoke to an overflowing crowd of 30,000 on September 18, 1974 saying that God is determined to save this world by sending the Messiah: God made His determination clear in the Bible: ‘I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it.’ (Isaiah 46:11) God did not say He might do it. He said He will do it, showing His absolute determination to restore man and the world to the original design. How? By the Messiah. To restore mankind, God sent His only son, Jesus Christ, into this world as the Savior – as the Messiah. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ came into our world as the author of life. He came to transform all sinful people into Christ-like people. He came to restore the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Therefore, Jesus Christ proclaimed as his first gospel, ‘Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ (Matt: 4:17) With the coming of Jesus Christ, people were truly at the threshold of the Kingdom of Heaven. Preparation for the Messiah However, before God could send His Son to restore the world, He had to prepare the way step by step, starting with one individual and expanding to a nation, in order to establish a foundation of faith upon which the Messiah could come. 200 After all, this world had been Satan’s world. If the Messiah were to come to this earth without a prepared foundation, the satanic world would destroy him. So God worked diligently and carefully to establish one nation, one sovereignty over which He could have control. The nation of Israel was the result of that preparation for the Messiah. God prepared the nation of Israel as the “landing site” for the Messiah. Upon Israel’s foundation of faith, God could send His ultimate champion, the Messiah. Two thousand years ago, people were awaiting the coming of the Messiah, but for very self-centered reasons. They thought that the Messiah was coming as a sort of military conqueror to avenge them and defeat the Roman Empire, and to reward Israel with great glory and power in an earthly sense. And they simply missed the whole point. What is the Bible, more precisely? The Bible has been a book of mystery. However, the Bible contains God’s message to you and me. The Bible does not use plain language, but is written in symbols and parables. Do you know why God has presented the Bible in symbols and parables? Why did He not speak the truth clearly? God has had to deal with the world of evil. Throughout the ages, God has hand-picked His workers, or champions, out of this evil world. Abraham was such a champion. Noah was such a champion. The Bible Is a Coded Message And God’s champions were always in the utter minority in the evil world. If God revealed His strategy too openly or plainly, the enemy would use that information against God’s champions. Thus, the Bible was written as a coded message, so that only God’s agents or champions could decipher it. Let me make an analogy. To protect her security, America sends out many agents overseas to collect vital information concerning potential enemies. 201 When the home headquarters is communicating with these agents overseas, particularly in enemy territory, would they communicate openly and plainly? No. No one would be that naive. They would communicate in coded messages — secret messages — so that the enemy could not decipher them. Throughout history, righteous people have faced nothing but suffering on this earth, simply because they were in enemy territory, and Satan did not want to have God’s agents prosper. Whenever Satan’s forces discovered God’s representatives, they tried to destroy them. We must realize that God has had to give His instructions in coded messages. Thus the Bible is written in symbols and parables. In a sense, the Bible is intended to be mysterious. Then how can we know the true meaning of those symbols and parables? It is simple, in a way. If you are an agent dispatched by your headquarters, and you want to decipher a coded message, then you must either have a code book, or communicate directly with your home headquarters. By the same token, the meaning of the symbols and parables in the Bible can only be clear when we communicate with our “home headquarters” — God. This is truly the only sure way we can know the ultimate meaning of the Bible. Two thousand years ago our Lord Jesus Christ brought the blueprint for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. However, he could not speak plainly about his plan even to his own disciples. Jesus spoke in figures and parables. Why? Jesus knew the adverse circumstances in which he had to work. There was political pressure from the Roman Empire. There was the ruling monarchy, who opposed any change. And there was a strong religious system and tradition. These could all be directed against the building of the Kingdom of God. 202 Jesus came to kindle the fire of revolution in people, which would in due course change the structure and the life of the entire nation. But he could not speak plainly of any of this even to his own disciples. Instead, he had to speak in figures and parables, saying, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” (Luke 14:35) If you attempt to interpret the Bible literally, word for word, letter for letter, without understanding the nature of the coded message of the Bible, you are liable to make a big mistake. In the Divine Principle and in other revelations given to Sun Myung Moon we can now know “the coded message of the Bible.” Father Moon received amazing revelations about what happened to Jesus. Up till now we didn’t know very much about the historical Jesus. The most we know is written in the New Testament. The Old Testament and the New Testament comprise the Bible which has become the most printed, most studied and most influential book in human history. Even though all Christians accept the Bible as the word of God, there have been many disagreements over passages and there has been division over how we should apply the teachings of the Bible to our practical, everyday life. There are many different views of Jesus and interpretations of his words and those of the other writers of the New Testament such as St. Paul. Even though Christianity is divided into different groups there are some basic beliefs that most who call themselves Christians would agree on. Father Moon discovered that what many people think of Jesus is basically false. We have learned in the Divine Principle that God worked over 2000 years to raise the nation of Israel to be the nation that would protect and follow the Messiah. It has been 2000 years since Jesus was born. Hundreds of millions, if not billions of people, celebrate his birth on December 25 in a holiday called Christmas. In a speech Father Moon gave on January 3, 2004 titled “The Birthday Celebration for Jesus” he said, “Today is Jesus Birthday. The world thought that it was December 25th but it is really January 3rd.” 203 The religion called Christianity was formed after Jesus’ death and those who believe in him as the Messiah, the savior of the world, are called Christians. One website says this, “About 2.3 billion of the Earth’s 7 billion people are included within the Christian group, spread out over about 41,000 sects. There are 1.5 billion Muslims, 1.1 billion secular/nonbelievers, and 0.9 billion Hindi. Christianity can claim about a third of the people on Earth.” The DVD Christianity: The First Two Thousand Years says, “It is the single largest religion in the history of the world…. the world’s most powerful faith. A religion that starts as a tiny Jerusalem sect and goes on to triumph over the world.” The word “sect” does not have a negative connotation. The word “cult” does. Later in the video a professor of religion uses the word saying that many people felt a “lot of anxiety” about the early Christians and there was a “sense of the way in which cults are talked about today—this is the way that Roman society was in these early years perceiving Christianity.” WHAT WE BELIEVE One of the most famous Christians in human history is Billy Graham. In the 20th century he went to every nation on earth and spoke in person to more people than anyone in human history. In every country he went to, tens of thousands would travel long distances to hear him. He was born in 1918, a few years before Sun Myung Moon who was born in 1920. At his website ( for his organization he posts his “core beliefs” under the heading “What We Believe.” Here are three of those principles: These core beliefs make up the foundation upon which all our ministry endeavors are based. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association believes: In one God, eternally existing in three persons– Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. He led a sinless life, died and rose again. That Christ rose from the dead and is coming soon. DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY Many, if not most Christians, would agree that these beliefs are the 204 cornerstone of their theology. In Sun Myung Moon’s theology, the Divine Principle, we learn that these beliefs are wrong. Billy Graham teaches, “The Bible is clear: Jesus Christ had no human father.” This influential Christian thinker is wrong. Jesus had a physical father. Sun Myung Moon teaches, “Although God is all-powerful, He will not set aside the eternal laws and principles that He Himself established” (9-12-2005). Orthodox Christians believe the doctrine of the Trinity that says Jesus was one of three gods who created the world and then took the form of a human being for 33 years in ancient Israel. They believe his physical body flew up in the air after he died and he will return with his physical body in the clouds. The truth is that Jesus is not God; he was not born from a woman who was a virgin, and he is not coming back on the clouds. states, “The concept of the pre-existence of Christ is a central tenet of the doctrine of the Trinity.” Billy Graham said, “Jesus was wonderful in His pre-existence. As the perfect man who was also God, He existed from all eternity.” Christians are wrong in believing in the doctrine of the Trinity that says God is three persons of Father, Son and Holy Ghost with the son in the Trinity being Jesus Christ. (And those who believe God is two gods of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are just as wrong). God is only one person—Heavenly Father. Christians say their religion is monotheistic but how can it be if God is three persons? Jews and Muslims are monotheists and find the Christian idea of 3 gods to be polytheism. The majority of mankind have rejected Jesus as the Messiah because they do not see any logic or rational thought in the doctrine of the Trinity. Billy Graham wrongly teaches that Jesus “was God in human flesh — that is, He was both fully man and fully God.” In answer to the question, “Do you Christians worship three Gods, or just one? I’ve heard about God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, but doesn’t that mean you believe in three Gods?” Graham says at his website, “No. Christians don’t worship three Gods; there is only one God…. The Bible does tell us, however, that God has shown Himself to us in three distinct ways. Just as a clover has three leaves and yet is still one clover, so God has three ‘personalities’ — and yet is still one God … eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. … Christians don’t 205 worship three Gods; there is only one God, and He alone is the One we worship and serve.” This is irrational thought. Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, says that even though Christians say their religion is monotheism, “Some critics contend that because of the adoption of a tripartite conception of deity, Christianity is actually a form of polytheism.” JESUS SEEN AS MYSTICAL It was such a big stumbling block for Jesus’ disciples to go witnessing for their Lord who had been crucified. To counter any thoughts that Jesus had failed as the Messiah and to make his death not look like a scandal Christians began to see Jesus more and more in mystical terms. Eventually they began to mistakenly think that the crucifixion was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, and they also began to see Jesus in a superstitious way. Eventually they began to see Jesus as God himself. The earliest parts of the New Testament do not portray Jesus as God. When Jesus is described as God this indicated the tendency of the later writers in the first-century Roman world which gave divinity to exceptional men. Emperors such as Augustus were called “lord and God” or “divine savior.” It was easy 2000 years ago to turn Jesus into a god to be worshiped. The idea that Jesus was God had become widespread by the middle of the second century. Jewish theologians, though, had never believed or written that the Messiah would be incarnate God. The Jews expected the Messiah to be a human being—probably a descendent of King David, or a priest, or a military hero who would drive the Romans into the sea. Some believed in a supernatural figure as Daniel prophesied coming out of the clouds, but even then they believed this savior would not be God himself. JESUS — A MAN, NOT GOD Christianity has incorrectly interpreted some passages from the Book of John as showing that Jesus is God himself. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the word, and the Word was God.” And John 1:10 says, “He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world knew him not.” 206 The “He” in John 1:10 means the first perfect man. God had intended Adam to be that person. Before God created the universe He had a plan, a blueprint: “In the beginning was the blueprint or idea.” God built the universe before He could create Adam and Eve. They had to have a home to live in. Man was the model of the universe. John 1:10 says, “The world was made through him and the world knew him not.” This means that Adam was the model of creation, but since he fell and lost that position, Jesus became the model because he was the first perfect person. Jesus was the first person to be the incarnation of the word. This is what he meant when he said, “I am in the Father and the Father is in me” (John 14:10). Jesus visibly manifested our invisible God. Jesus was one in heart with God. Therefore, to see Jesus is to see the human expression of God. It is like saying a husband and wife are one, but they are separate people. Jesus did not preexist before Adam. Jesus was a man. It is mythology to think Jesus is God himself who dressed up like a man and came as an alien visiting planet earth. TRINITARIANISM vs. UNITARIANISM The orthodox Christian belief in the doctrine of the Trinity is called Trinitarianism. Those who believe God is only one person, are called Unitarians. A famous Unitarian is Thomas Jefferson. He said the idea of the Trinity is an “unintelligible proposition of mysticisms that three are one, and one is three; and yet one is not three, and the three are not one.” He called it, “incomprehensible jargon of the Trinitarian arithmetic, that three are one, and one is three.” He said that there have been many books on the Trinity but they have never explained its meaning because nonsense can’t be explained, “thousands of volumes have not yet explained . . .[the Trinity] and for this obvious reason that nonsense can never be explained.” John Adams, another former President of the United States, was a Unitarian. He wrote to Jefferson and said, “The doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is … absurdity.” GOD IS A GOD OF SCIENCE AND LOGIC Father Moon explains that Christians must understand that God’s way is logical: “Today, people cannot believe anything unless it is logical. God is truth, and truth is logical. There can be no perfection in ignorance.” “Christian prayer alone could not lift Neil Armstrong to the moon. Scientific truth was necessary. I myself 207 was once a student of science, and I know that God is also the God of science. God’s message has to be scientific, logical, and convincing to men of the 20th century.” (9-18-74) Christianity wrongly believes that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit created the world. When the Bible says, “Let us make man in our image” orthodox Christians interpret this to mean that these three beings are talking to each other. The truth is that the patriarch Heavenly Father is talking to the male angels here. Jesus looked no different from other men. His own brothers saw nothing unusual about him. It was not until after the crucifixion that one of his brothers, James, joined the young sect of Christianity. The disciples of Jesus did not see him as God who had predestined Himself to go to the cross, but as their brother, a sinless man who knew God. Jesus said we are to be perfect like him. Paul said we are God’s temple and God’s spirit dwells in us. Jesus is not God but is always trying to take us to God: “I go to the Father; for the Father is greater than I” (John 14:28). Logic and common sense says that Jesus is not God. It is ludicrous to think that Jesus talked to himself when he cried out on the cross: “My God why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46). How could he forsake himself? God forsook Jesus because He couldn’t bear to see His son killed. Could you watch your child receive capital punishment? Wouldn’t you turn your eyes? Jesus’ mission was to bridge the gap between God and mankind. The Bible says, “For there is one God and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus ....” (I Tim. 2:5). If Jesus were God then he would have a more intimate relationship than we could. We can’t really identify with this. To see Jesus as a man does not lower his divinity but makes him a real savior because he is truly one of us. SECOND ADAM First Corinthians 15:45 says, “Thus it is written, ‘the first man Adam became a living being: the last Adam became a life giving spirit.’” The first Adam was the Adam in the Garden of Eden who hoped to attain the Tree of Life. And Jesus came as a second Adam. Jesus is described as a tree in John 15:5: “I am the vine, you 208 are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.” Here are three quotes that clearly show the Bible teaches Jesus was a man and not God himself: For as by one man’s [Adam’s] disobedience many were made sinners, so by one man’s [Jesus’] obedience many will be made righteous. -Rom. 5:19 For as by a man [Adam] came death, by a man [Jesus] has come also the resurrection of the dead. -I Cor. 15:21 He has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed. -Acts 17:31 TEST We learned in the previous chapter on Israelite history how God worked to save mankind by having his Central Figures re-enact the Fall and instead of them deceiving God they deceived Satan, the angel Lucifer. They had to be tested. Jesus’ family was likewise tested. Let’s begin with Jesus’ birth. Christianity wrongly believes that Jesus was born miraculously by a spirit. BIRTH OF JESUS Mary was chosen to be Jesus’ mother. God did His best to guide her and her family to unite and create a safe community for Jesus to grow up in. At first, things went well. Mary did as God told her to do and got engaged to a man named Joseph. We read in the New Testament that during her engagement she followed God’s call to go to be with her relative, Elizabeth, who was married to the high priest, Zachariah. In the book of Luke we read that the priest, Zachariah (also spelled Zechariah), and his wife Elizabeth “were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly. But they were childless because Elizabeth was not able to conceive, and they were both very old.” We read that once when Zachariah was performing a ceremony at the Temple: 209 An angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing at the right side of the altar of incense. When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear. But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John. He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born. He will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Then Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.” The angel said to him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. After this his wife Elizabeth became pregnant and for five months remained in seclusion. “The Lord has done this for me,” she said. “In these days he has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace among the people.” Then we read that the angel Gabriel goes to visit a relative of Elizabeth named Mary: In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But 210 the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” The Angel Gabriel told her that her relative Elizabeth was pregnant: “Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month.” Then we read that Mary immediately goes to visit Elizabeth, “At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth.” When Elizabeth saw Mary the baby she was carrying “leaped in her womb.” Her baby would grow up to become the famous evangelist, John the Baptist. Then we read how Elizabeth became spiritually open and realized that Mary was given the mission to bear the Messiah: When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” Then we read that “ Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.” Sun Myung Moon tells, for the first time, the rest of the story. Elizabeth was in the position of Cain and Mary was in the position of Abel. Jacob had two wives— the elder Leah and the younger Rachel. Leah was in the position of Cain and Rachel was in the position of Abel. Leah hated Rachel. She was jealous of Jacob’s attention for Rachel. Thankfully, 211 Elizabeth restored Leah’s mistake by offering, with a good heart, Mary to Zachariah. Father Moon teaches: Within Jacob’s family there were two sisters, Rachel and Leah, and there was always conflict between them. At the time of Jesus Christ, the relationship between Elizabeth and Mary was reversed. (1-1-96) In Jacob’s family, Leah hated her younger sister Rachel and she completely dominated Jacob and produced ten children, whereas Rachel had only two children. However, Elizabeth, the wife of Zachariah actually volunteered to introduce Mary to Zachariah because of her revelation from God. She allowed Mary to stay in her family for three months. A woman doesn’t become pregnant through staying overnight. If you really research into the Bible you will see this. Therefore, after three months of staying in Zachariah’s household Mary became pregnant. Mary had the responsibility to indemnify the failure of Eve as well as the failure of Rachel and Leah. Therefore while she was pregnant she had to deceive her husband figure (Joseph) as well as her father figure. (2-13-97) Mary stayed in their home for three months and became pregnant with Jesus by Zachariah. Initially these three re-enacted the Fall correctly. They were spiritually moved and saw what they were doing was what God wanted them to do. But then they weakened. Satan was able to intervene and influenced them to not completely fulfill their mission. Just like so many people’s New Year’s resolutions fade away, Zachariah and Elizabeth’s understanding and commitment faded away. Zachariah counseled Mary to tell Joseph the Holy Spirit was the father of her child. Then he sent her back home to Joseph and sadly, Zachariah and Elizabeth abandoned her. We are not told why they did not continue to help Mary. Perhaps Elizabeth began to feel like Leah and resented her husband’s attention he gave Mary. Perhaps Zachariah and Elizabeth became afraid of what they were doing. They were in great danger because 212 adultery at that time in Israel brought the death penalty. Father Moon teaches: MARY RECEIVES SURPRISING MESSAGE Mary, when she was engaged to Joseph, received from the Archangel Gabriel the surprising message that the Messiah would be born through her. (Luke 1:31) In those days, if an unmarried woman became pregnant, she would be killed. But Mary accepted the will of God with absolute faith, saying, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38) Mary consulted with the priest Zechariah, who was her relative and was highly respected. Zechariah’s wife Elizabeth, with the help of God, was pregnant with John the Baptist. She said to Mary “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:42-43) With these words she testified to the coming birth of Jesus. In this way God let Mary, Zechariah, and Elizabeth know about the birth of the Messiah before anyone else. All of them had the absolutely crucial mission of following the will of God and serving Jesus. Zechariah’s family let Mary stay in their house. Jesus was conceived in the house of Zechariah. NOT COMMON SENSE OR LEGAL Elizabeth and Mary were cousins on their mothers’ side. But according to God’s Providence, they were considered sisters, with Elizabeth as the elder (Cain) and Mary as the younger (Abel). Mary received Elizabeth’s help in the presence of Zechariah. Through this cooperation, Zechariah’s family, on the national level, indemnified the lack of unity between mother and son with Leah and Rachel in Jacob’s family (Genesis 29-30) This allowed Jesus to be conceived. For the first time in history, there could be born on earth, free of satanic accusation and through a prepared womb, the seed of the Son of God—the seed of the True Father. In this way, the 213 only begotten Son of God, the owner of the first love of God, was born for the first time in history. Mary had to achieve something that could not be understood by common sense, nor easily tolerated under the law of those times. Mary, Elizabeth and Zechariah had been spiritually moved. They followed the revelation that came from God and unconditionally believed that it was the will and desire of God. WALL OF PROTECTION Although the Son of God could be born on earth, he needed a wall of protection to grow up safely in the satanic world and fulfill the will of God. God had hoped that these three people in the family of Zechariah would establish that protective foundation. There are many points to consider with regard to how seriously the three had to dedicate themselves to protecting and serving the Son of God, and how long they should have been united with each other. In the Bible it is recorded, “And Mary remained with her [Elizabeth] about three months, and returned to her home.” (Luke 1:56) After that, there is no biblical record of any further communication between Mary and Elizabeth and Zechariah. From the time Mary left Zechariah’s house, difficulties began for Mary and Jesus. The family of Zechariah should have been the wall of protection for Jesus until the very end. (4-16-96) Adultery is one of the worst things in God’s eyes but in the providence of restoration sometimes extraordinary things have to be done. Eve deceived Adam and to restore that some central figure women had to be successful at deceit. Mary successfully deceived Joseph, Joseph’s father and her family when she returned home pregnant. “Mary deceived Joseph and Joseph’s father as well as her own parents. This was to restore the deception of Eve.” (418-96) Joseph was upset like any man would be when he found out Mary was pregnant. He knew if he told anyone that he was not the father, 214 Mary would be stoned to death. God helped Joseph by speaking to him in a dream. He taught him that this was God’s will and he should marry her. Joseph felt the spirit of God and did not tell the truth. He married Mary but in time his understanding waned until he became distant to Jesus. God had wanted Zachariah, Elizabeth, Mary, and Joseph to live together and raise Jesus but they all failed to unite. Why did God have Mary, Elizabeth and Zachariah commit adultery and deceive Mary’s intended husband, Joseph? God works in a principled way. We learned earlier that God is saving the world by restoration—by re-creation. Central Figures of God often have to re-enact the Fall in some way and then do the opposite, the reverse—go 180 degrees the opposite direction. God’s hope was that Zachariah, Elizabeth and Mary would be successful in following God’s commands and showing they had the character to be humble to the Second Adam and follow him at the risk of their life. In the beginning Zachariah, Elizabeth and Mary did as they were told but quickly they lost their way and in the end failed their mission. We learned earlier how Central Figures were sometimes successful and sometimes failed. They did not all do the same things but there was a formula God was using in his Providence of Salvation. Abraham was not required to build an Ark like Noah, and Jacob did not have to offer animal sacrifices like Abraham. Central Figures throughout history do not do exactly the same things any more than they dress alike, but their actions do follow a similar pattern. The stories in the Bible are different because they deal with different people at different times in history but the pattern of their behavior is the same. Sun Myung Moon explains: Eve deceived and seduced her husband, Adam. Then later she rejected even God. Therefore, through the history of restoration through indemnity, human beings had to pay indemnity to restore the negative consequences that occurred in the process of the fall. 215 PROVIDENTIAL SECRETS In the process of God’s providence for restoration, as seen in the Old and New Testaments, there were many episodes which we cannot understand in terms of simple human ethics. No one could explain the providential secrets that are hidden in these scriptures. Sometimes we see conflicting content between the Old and New Testaments. STORIES CONNECTED Sometimes it’s hard to tell this is Holy Scripture. There seems to be no relationship between the stories in the Old Testament and those of the New Testament, and sometimes there seems to be a lack of historical consistency. In spite of all this, the Old and New Testaments are actually connected as one. This is the secret of God’s providence. After the completion of the providence, all these secrets will be revealed. So far no one has revealed God’s providential secrets, which explain how the Old and New Testaments are connected as one. (Way of Unification Part 1) Father Moon reveals how the stories in the Bible are connected. He teaches that God used the deceit and lies of Mary in the same way he used the deceit and lies of Rebecca and Tamar we read of in the Old Testament. God was behind other women like Rahab and Bathsheba who are also judged as being immoral but were really doing God’s will. GENEALOGY Young Oon Kim writes in her book Unification Theology: “But what was the chief purpose of including a family tree in the Gospel? Matthew and Luke were interested in legitimizing the messianic claims made for Jesus. Hence, Matthew traces the Messiah’s ancestry back to King David and the patriarch Abraham, while Luke goes even further back to Adam, the first son of God. “Nevertheless, an equally important purpose behind genealogies is to show how all Hebrew history and even the whole history of 216 mankind since Adam and Eve aimed at the realization of God’s kingdom on earth. The two New Testament genealogies reveal how carefully God laid a spiritual foundation for Jesus’ messianic mission. UNCONVENTIONAL MEANS “Matthew includes the names of four women among Jesus’ ancestors: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite. Ordinarily only males are mentioned in a family tree when the society is as rigidly patriarchal as that of ancient Israel. Why then did the evangelist think it useful to mention these particular women? To answer that question one must figure out what they had in common. First of all, Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba achieved some notoriety because of their sexual immorality. Tamar pretended to be a prostitute in order to get pregnant (Gen. 38:26). Rahab was a harlot in Jericho who helped the Israelites conquer her city (Josh. 2:1-11). Ruth invited Boaz to lay with her (Ruth 3:6-9) and Bathsheba committed adultery with King David (II Sam. 11:4). Does this not imply that there would also be some sexual irregularity connected with Jesus birth? ...all four were rather extraordinary instruments of God’s providence: Tamar had dared to scorn the social proprieties in order to perpetuate the family line of her deceased husband. Rahab enabled the Israelites to enter the Promised Land. Ruth had taken the initiative in a marital union which ultimately produced King David. And Bathsheba’s adultery led to the birth of Solomon. Consequently in post-biblical Jewish piety these four women were praised as illustrations of how God can use unexpected and unconventional means in order to carry out His providence.” Father Moon says this about Bathsheba: “Actually, the mother of King Solomon was Bathsheba, originally the wife of Uriah before King David stole her. Then how could the child from that union become King Solomon? Bathsheba was in the providential position of Eve in the Garden of Eden, before the fall. David was in the position of Adam, and Uriah was in the position of the archangel. The archangel distracted the spouse of Adam with love and stole her away, making her fall. A reversal course is needed in order to indemnify that; therefore a person in the position of the archangel’s wife had to be restored to the position of Eve. Therefore, the child who was born on the foundation of that reversal could be born as a 217 child of heavenly love, a child of glory. Solomon was such a child of glory.” (10-13-70) In Blessing and Ideal Family Sun Myung Moon says: With whom did Tamar have a relationship? Perez and Zerah, whom she bore by having a relationship with her father-in-law, became the direct lineage blessed by God, the ancestors of Jesus—right? Also, in what circumstances was King Solomon born? Solomon was the child David got by killing his loyal retainer Uriah and taking his wife Bathsheba. Since he had enticed his loyal retainer’s wife, he should have been punished, and his child should have been one who ruined the world. Then how could Solomon, a glorious king, be born from them? How did it come to be like that? In the gospel of Matthew, Rahab appears in Jesus’ lineage. What kind of person was Rahab? She was a prostitute, right? But then whom did she help? She helped a spy. It is realistic for a prostitute to sympathize with an enemy country, but she risked her life to do that. For the sake of heaven’s will, one has to risk one’s life. It means to deny one’s life, environment, and everything that has to do with one’s privileges. History progresses from that point of self-denial. Sun Myung Moon teaches: Judah was the fourth son of Jacob, and Judah’s son married a woman whose name was Tamar. According to Jewish tradition, if a son died without leaving sons, his brother must act as a husband to the dead brother’s wife so that the dead brother’s lineage would be continued. Tamar did not have children when her husband died, and when the next brother refused to fulfill his responsibility, he died. However, the third brother was not given to Tamar when he became old enough, and Tamar saw that she had no hope to bear children. (4-18-77) 218 Tamar had married Er, the eldest son of Judah. (Genesis 38) But Er displeased God and he died. According to the custom of that time, Judah gave Tamar his second son, Onan, that they might bear a child for Er. But Onan, knowing that Tamar’s child would not be his own, spilled his semen on the ground. This was a sin in the eyes of God, for which Onan died. Then Tamar wanted Shelah, the third son of Judah, for a husband, but Judah did not give him to her. Judah thought that his two sons had died because of Tamar, so he was afraid that Shelah would die and end the family lineage. (4-16-96) She knew that her mission was to continue the family of her husband and Judah, his father, and she finally decided to sacrifice even her honor and prestige in order to fulfill. Disguising herself as a prostitute, Tamar enticed her father-in-law to have a relationship with her. Without knowing she was his daughter-in-law Judah consented. At that time adultery was punished by death. In order to save her life for the sake of her child, Tamar asked Judah for his signet and staff as a pledge for payment, and then confiscated them. Three months later when it became obvious that the widow Tamar was pregnant, she was brought before Judah to be judged. You can imagine Judah’s horror, “Bring her out, and let her be burned!” But she answered, “By the man to whom these belong, I am with child,” and she brought out the things that Judah had given her in his pledge. FALL WAS FORNICATION Man fell through fornication, and Tamar was one example of how God frequently used women of most unusual character in restoration. Why would God use adulterous women in the dispensation? They are in a satanic position, but if they completely deny their satanic nature when 219 summoned by God, then they can be restored from one extreme to the opposite extreme. God selected His champions from the most miserable situations. Tamar was a righteous woman, and though she was originally in a sinful position, she completely dedicated herself to God’s mission, risking her life, honor, and prestige. Paralleling the way Eve lied to God and her husband to bring the fall, Tamar deceived her father-in-law and her husband to-be, the third brother of her original husband. She was in a position to reverse the position of Eve by reversing Eve’s actions, but the significant thing is that she risked her life to do God’s will. Tamar had conceived twins and in this case, the struggle of Cain and Abel began within her very womb. The Bible records how Rebecca’s twins also struggled within their mother’s womb. She had prayed to God to understand what was happening, and God answered her, saying, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples, born to you, shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, and the elder shall serve the younger.” Ultimately Jacob did gain the birthright from his elder brother, Esau. When the time came for Tamar’s children to be delivered, the struggle ensued directly within her womb. The first child started to come out and the midwife tied a red thread around his wrist. That sign foreshadowed the emergence of communism in the Last Days. However, before the first child could be born there was a struggle, and the younger brother pulled the other back inside and was himself born first. That son was named Perez, and the other named Zerah. The result of this struggle is that for the first time the restoration of Cain and Abel took place inside the mother’s womb, the younger brother having subjugated his elder brother even prior to birth. Tamar’s extraordinary action cleansed Judah’s 220 lineage and rendered it intact from satanic invasion from the time of conception. Through this victory at the time of Tamar and also Jacob’s earlier victory, God could claim a foundation that spanned man’s entire life. Jesus was born in the lineage of Judah, and Satan had no way to invade his life because the cleansing process was already completed. (“cleansing of the blood lineage in the mother’s womb” 4-1896.) Jesus came years after the dispensation of Jacob and Tamar because God had to wait for the national foundation to be established. Conditions were all fulfilled on the family level at the time of Jacob, Tamar and Judah, but God needed to create a foundation to receive the Messiah within a nation, that he might gain victory among the satanic nations. Finally after 2,000 years, God chose one more woman whose name was Mary. Mary was a revolutionary woman in faith who could follow God’s revolutionary tactics. Because the fall of man came through the archangel, an angel was needed to assist Mary by bringing her God’s revelation. Mary completely believed what the angel told her of her mission; the angel told her that she would conceive, and the child would be great and holy, and that his name should be called Jesus. Mary’s situation paralleled Eve’s in the Garden of Eden before her blessing. Mary and Joseph were engaged but not yet married; Adam and Eve were also in an engagement period as they were growing up. An angel brought Eve to the fallen act, but an angel brought Mary to the fulfillment of the heavenly dispensation. Mary was also in a position to deceive her husband and her father. Do you think Mary could discuss with her father or Joseph about how she had 221 conceived her baby? She was risking her life because in those times an adulterous woman was stoned to death. Mary was the third woman to be picked by God. Through the previous victories of Rebecca and Tamar all satanic conditions had been cleared from Jesus’ lineage, and even though Mary conceived Jesus outside of marriage, Satan could not accuse her. Even inside his mother’s womb Jesus was already the only begotten son of God, and after his birth everything he did was with the authority of the son of God. LOGICAL EXPLANATIONS The events recorded in the Bible have always puzzled the world. For instance, in the genealogy of Jesus the names of four adulterous women are recorded: Tamar, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Another puzzling question was why the elder son was often in the position to be cursed by God. Without understanding the depths of the Principle there are no logical explanations for these things. (4-18-77) One Unificationist wrote on the Web, There are many instances in the Bible of sexual acts which appear immoral by the literal interpretation of the law. Tamar had intercourse with her father-inlaw, yet was said to have great faith, because she perpetuated the lineage of the Messiah at the price of her life. Ruth laid down with Boaz to whom she was not married in order that he would claim her as a wife. She was the grandmother of King David. Sarah pretended to be Abraham's sister and was taken as the wife of the Pharaoh (Gen 12:10-20) and later by the King of Gerar, both times with the agreement of her husband. So, there are instances when God has allowed or even commanded someone to have a sexual relationship with someone other than their spouse. 222 Since no marriage born out of the evil world is sanctioned by God, then He can do that. But we are not to break our promise to God and our spouse by committing adultery as it is an abomination under heaven and it breaks the hearts of many people, especially if it results in offspring, or divorce. SEXUAL IRREGULARITIES You may notice that each of the women mentioned in Jesus’ lineage in Matthew’s gospel did something against the law in regard to adultery, yet were honored by God. They are Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary.” Because the Fall of Man is about sex, then we have to understand that when God works with Central Figures in history there may be “sexual irregularities”. The Bible speaks strongly for sexual purity. God abhors deceit, fornication and adultery. But God works in a principled way and to reverse the Fall his Central Figures may do what looks like immorality and they look like they are doing everything but what a godly person should do. Only they are able to be the exception to the rule. This is a difficult question to deal with, and the truth cannot be understood in a simplistic way, but only with heartfelt prayer and repentance and a pure heart. — ( In another speech Sun Myung Moon explains it this way: Just as in the fall, when God the Father was deceived, in this family the father, Isaac, was deceived. So Rebekah deceived for a good purpose and restored the fall. Jacob then did the work of a true Abel and subjugated Cain. From that point, the true restoration course started. However, Esau and Jacob were grown men; the restoration they accomplished did not take place in the womb, at the root. Therefore a subsequent 223 stage, one of restoration in the womb, took place with Tamar, Perez and Zerah. Tamar deceived her father-in-law, Judah, and his son, her husband, and then gave birth to the twins, Perez and Zerah. Thus within the womb, restoration took place. He who was to be the elder son became the younger son, and he who was to be the younger son became the elder son, perfectly restoring the elder sonship in God’s eyes. We see restoration by indemnity took place. GOD’S PLAN Tracing it back to the womb, the elder sonship was restored. From this point Israel, the victor, comes. Even today these puzzles have not been solved. Many scholars today say they were just immoral. But from there, from Judah, Jesus’ lineage came. No one knew God’s plan, but now we can see it so clearly. That was a restored lineage, God’s lineage. From there began the real history of the Israelites. They grew into a large nation. How did Israel become a victor? By clearing his lineage; his blood was purified. Israel means victor. For 2,000 years, history flowed. In order to end evil and restore goodness, you need clean blood, God’s blood. Two thousand years later, Mary conceived and gave birth to Jesus. Mary was in Eve’s position, Rebekah’s position and Tamar’s position. But she was on a national level, instead of a family or tribal level. Mary, in the same way, deceived her father-in-law and her husband. For Mary, it was hard to understand why she had to deceive her husband and father-in-law and conceive a baby. But she gave birth to Jesus. That was not a simple thing. At that time what she did called for death by stoning. Joseph was righteous enough to protect her. That means that Adam protected her. So when Jesus was born, Satan had no claim on him, because of his lineage and these conditions of indemnity. So we know what Jesus is called as a result of this: the 224 first begotten son. He is the first begotten son, because through him, for the first time in history, all blood can be cleansed and all people can be reconnected to God. It took 4,000 years for God to do that, in ways so mysterious to us. (1-19-93) Because of Mary’s success in reversing the course which had failed at the time of Eve, Rebecca and Tamar, now the son she had in her womb at the national level was sanctified. That is why she was able to give birth to the Holy Son of God, Jesus. Jesus was born completely free of Satanic accusation. God controlled everything concerning his conception and birth. (2-13-97) JOSEPH CONFUSED AND UPSET Sun Myung Moon teaches about how hurt Joseph was when Mary returned from Zachariah’s home: When she returned she was pregnant. Automatically Joseph asked whose baby was she carrying. It is natural that he would. God intervened by giving Joseph a revelation in a dream not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife. Therefore Mary and Jesus were protected. Because Joseph took this kind of action the Bible refers to him as a righteous man. (April 18, 1996) Mary went through such a severe course after her relationship with Zachariah. She experienced much persecution from the environment. If this union had been publicized, people would have stoned her to death. If Joseph had not declared that her baby was his son, Jesus and Mary would have been stoned to death. Joseph was the savior of Mary and Jesus Christ. If Mary had confessed who her child’s father was, there would have been a problem. (2-7-95) 225 After Joseph saved Mary’s life and they became officially married, don’t you think that Joseph kept on asking Mary whose son Jesus really was? Yet Mary could not reveal the secret, because once she would then the entire family, including Zachariah and Elizabeth would be condemned by the society of Israel at that time. Therefore she could not do that. The entire family might have been stoned to death. (December 25, 1994) Joseph’s Lonely Decision Now, do you think Joseph could have discussed this matter with his parents by saying, “Mother and Father, my wife-to-be, my betrothed, has conceived a child, but an angel said that this is the will of God, so I must take her as my wife and care for her”? What would Joseph’s parents have said? There are many older couples in our audience. Put yourselves in the position of the parents of Joseph. You would not have believed Joseph if he spoke such things. Again, Joseph had to make a lonely decision. Without discussing the matter with anybody, he took his fiancée off to some secret hiding place. I am sure Joseph went through a most difficult period in which he was full of suspicion about Mary. Joseph must have asked his wife-to-be, “Mary, we are close and have no secrets from one another. Now tell me what really happened to you. Who is the true father of the baby in your womb?” I am sure any husband would be very curious about this matter. If I had been in the position of Joseph I would have asked Mary this question. But Mary was telling the truth when she said, “I really do not know who is the father of this child. It was conceived by God.” How many of us could believe this statement? It is easier to believe now, because we know who Jesus is, but this was not the case during the lifetime of Jesus. 226 Emotional Turmoil in Jesus’ Family Therefore, Joseph had certain suspicions and injured feelings in his heart. He thought, “My wife is not truly honest with me.” Because of these circumstances there was emotional turmoil and upheaval in Jesus’ family even after he was born. (“God’s Hope for America” 1974) Joseph’s father pressured his son to reject Mary: “Joseph’s father approved of his son’s matching to Mary. He hoped to make a new family and peace centering on the father and son. But Mary conceived Jesus before the marriage took place. Once this happened Joseph’s father didn’t want Joseph and Mary to marry. Even though Joseph did nothing.” (4-18-96) In another speech Father Moon says this about Joseph’s reaction when he discovered that Mary was pregnant: How great must have been his shock at that moment! Mary, his beloved fiancée, without having had any relationship with him, had become pregnant after a three-month stay in another place. It was natural for Joseph to question Mary about who the baby in her womb belonged to. What would have happened if at that time Mary had explained everything candidly? If she had exposed everything, it could have been the end of a clan. So Mary simply responded that she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. INDESCRIBABLE LONELINESS Mary’s pregnancy began to show, and the people of the surrounding area became aware of it. What would have happened if Joseph had declared that he didn’t know anything about it? But Joseph was a righteous man. He believed in the revelation of God and defended Mary, saying the pregnancy was his responsibility. Mary may have been ridiculed for becoming pregnant during her engagement, but she had avoided death by stoning. Joseph, who loved Mary, 227 protected her this way in the beginning. However, there was a great deal of anguish deep in his heart. Once Jesus was born, Joseph’s suspicions about the father of Jesus only increased and his heart ached. As Jesus grew older, the two became more and more distant in heart. And because of this, family problems frequently arose. Jesus was viewed as an illegitimate son, and lacking the protection of Zechariah’s family and the love of Joseph, he grew up with an indescribable loneliness in his heart. (4-16-96) ROMANTIC VIEW OF JESUS’ BIRTH Christianity does not have a realistic view of Jesus’ birth. For thousands of years they have romanticized his birth as a sanitized nativity scene instead of the horrible reality of a filthy, stinking barn. The truth was that it was harsh and sad that the Messiah had to come to this world with so little love. The Wise Men who came to him should have taken care of him, but like everyone in Jesus’ life they deserted him. The story of Jesus is the saddest story of human history, next to Adam and Eve. Jesus received his mission to be the Second Adam from God when he was a boy. He spent years secretly communicating with God and saints in the spirit world. He became one with God’s heart and learned the truth that could save mankind. As a boy Jesus lived in a miserable, unhappy home. Joseph and Mary created an atmosphere of bitterness, emotional turmoil and upheaval. Jesus seldom spoke to his disciples of his life as a boy because it was so painful. Sun Myung Moon reveals in some of his speeches what it was like for Jesus to grow up. Here are some excerpts from a few speeches: Sad Story You have read the biblical record that Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover when he was 12 years old. Joseph and Mary took the child to Jerusalem. After the festival the parents returned home, but only after 3 days did they know that the child was lost, and went back to look for him. It is a simple record, but behind it there is a sad story. We read that Jesus was such a wise and 228 clever child as he discussed biblical passages with priests. But still he was 12 years old. If it were you, would you not have looked for the child to bring him back? There can be no such parents. Also Joseph and Mary knew that the child was lost, but Joseph had a hurt heart. He did not mind and did not talk about it. Mary, even though she was so deeply wounded in her heart, could not utter a single word about getting the missing child. So, in silence, she came back and spent three unhappy days. But after the three days, Joseph might have thought that it was too much for him. What would the neighbors think? I can enumerate many more such examples. With those things hidden in his heart, the child grew up to the age of adulthood. (12-25-71) Nobody knew who Jesus’ father was. Since they had no evidence one way or the other, people just talked behind Jesus’ back. Joseph asked Mary who Jesus’ father was. Don’t you think he asked her? He asked many times. Of course Mary couldn’t say, she just answered, “The Holy Spirit.” Do you think Joseph really believed that? Therefore, Mary was always in a defensive position. She really did not have a secure position. It is another reason why she didn’t worry so much about Jesus. The Bible does not disclose this, but it is so easy to trace it back. Mary and Joseph were disharmonious, fighting and quarrelling all the time. They quarreled so much that young Jesus’ mother even forsook him and left him. Three days later she came and found him with the priests. Jesus was very angry saying, “Where else would I be but in my Father’s house?” which was the temple. Today both Christians and Catholics say that Jesus is such a great person so he stayed in his father’s house. How can you go to heaven with that kind of interpretation? He was there because he was forsaken by his mother and father! (9-20-92) 229 It is likely that Joseph asked Mary many times whose baby she carried because he was curious and because he tried to understand. But remember that at that time an unmarried woman who became pregnant was required by Mosaic law to be stoned for committing adultery. At first Joseph probably thought he would understand, but in the long run he could not accept the situation. Do you think that their relationship was happy for very long? It is probable that they quarreled and distrusted each other rather than fully understanding and cooperating in love in the sight of God. Once Jesus was born the rift became even greater and Joseph looked upon Jesus as something which was not wanted and which had ruined his relationship with Mary. This was the realistic situation that existed all through Jesus’ life. Because of their parents’ attitude towards Jesus, even his own brothers and sisters did not respect him, much less think that he was the son of God. They even treated him worse than they would other children because he was different. Whenever parents respect a child then his brothers and sisters will also, but when the father and mother are indifferent or hostile then the chances are that the other children will treat him the same way. Jesus was mistreated and persecuted by his own family because they completely lacked any understanding of who he was. Even without his being king of kings and the son of God, was he even treated as well as the son of a common family? (12-25-1977) More children were born to Mary and Joseph, and they all knew that somehow Jesus was different. The Bible does not speak directly about this, but the fact is that when Jesus was a boy there was a great deal of tension, and even Mary 230 was distant with him at times because she was a victim of the everyday situation. Jesus was lonely as a child and often left the house to be alone. Once his parents even left him behind in Jerusalem for three days, only coming back to look for him later. How could parents leave a young boy behind that way? There were not many happy days in that family. I’m sure many of you have grown up with a step parent, and even in an open society like America’s today there is tension between a step parent and step children, so imagine how much more difficult it was 2,000 years ago. In this sense Americans are in a position to be sympathetic with Jesus’ position; more young people are experiencing the same kind of suffering Jesus went through. (10-3-79) His brothers could sense that there was some untold, entangled story centered on Jesus. That’s why even his brothers could not trust or believe in what Jesus was doing. There he was, working as an assistant to his carpenter father, while inwardly preparing for his mission. He knew he was going to do a great mission under God’s guidance. Sometimes Jesus felt like asking his mother, “Why, why am I treated like this? Who is my father? What is your problem and how does it fit in?” Mary could never answer Jesus. Then there was a sort of emotional distance between Mary and the child. As time went by, Jesus came to know what to do and what direction he was headed. He must have been told on some occasions, but he himself knew that he was different from other boys. More than that, he was told by God about his mission. In carrying out his mission, he had to pass through a period of preparation; and he had to prepare a good environment to help him. He could not expect people to receive him without that foundation. Jesus always wished that his own parents, brothers, and relatives could help 231 him in the mission. If his parents had not been able to help him, then who else would help? Jesus was the central figure, the personage of divine mission whom God sent after a preparation of 4,000 years. There were people prepared to receive him. In order for him to be able to establish the Kingdom of God on earth he must have been able to establish the Kingdom right in his own family first. He knew the heavenly law of the divine family, so his own family had to be placed under that law. According to that divine law, Joseph should have loved and ministered to Jesus, not to speak of his mother Mary. Jesus had even to educate his own parents and brothers and sisters; they had to love him more than anyone else, ministering to him and helping him in his mission. But we find that Jesus had told his mother about his mission several times. We can imagine that he has done that, his mother being somewhat closer to him. The boy knew his mission and looked for a helper who could cooperate with him. Would he not have told her? But the people around him looked at things from a different angle, so he could not openly talk about his mission. How could he have explained it? He could not help feeling that his mother, at least, would be obedient and cooperative with him. He had told his mother that she should love him more than Joseph and more than any of his brothers according to the divine will. Jesus thought that his mother had to love him more than anyone else and that she was responsible for making her husband love him with that ardor, and influencing his brothers and sisters to love him. Jesus came as the master of love, the prince of love, and the center of love. He should have received more love than anyone else in the world: from his parents, from his brothers and sisters, from his relatives and neighbors. But we cannot say that he had received such love from anyone. On Jesus’ part, he could not love his 232 parents as a single example of parenthood, he could not love his brothers and sisters more than anyone else. Now God, seeing all those things take place, must have grieved. How grievous must have been Jesus’ heart! The Kingdom of God was supposed to be the Kingdom of love. Jesus, who came as the center of love, should have established that kind of family first of all. But it seemed hopeless to him, so he had to flee from his home. He was then 30 years old. (1225-71) JESUS WANTED TO GET MARRIED Father Moon reveals, “Since Eve fell at the age of 16, Jesus talked to mother Mary about his marriage at the age of 17.” (1-2-97) When Jesus turned 17 he told his mother that she should help him get a wife. It was normal for 17 year olds to marry then. Everybody married young. We know that Jesus never married. Why? Because Mary and Zachariah’s family blocked the way. The Messiah must marry and restore Adam and Eve’s failure by creating a true marriage and becoming true parents. World salvation hinged on Jesus getting married. Jesus told his mother that God wanted his wife to be the younger daughter of Zachariah and Elizabeth. This girl was Jesus’ half-sister. They had the same father. Mary and Zachariah’s family thought he was insane for wanting to commit incest. God’s commands are often very difficult to fathom and do. But there was method to what seemed Jesus’ madness. Father Moon explains why it was principled for Jesus to marry the younger daughter. Their families were central families that were called to be God’s champions by restoring the fallen actions in the Garden of Eden. Father reveals: In the Garden of Eden, Adam was in the position of Abel and the Archangel was in the position of Cain. The meaning of the Fall is that the Archangel took away Adam’s younger sister, Eve. In order to restore that relationship, Jesus was supposed to take Cain’s younger sister, who was John the Baptist’s younger sister and make her his own bride. Who was the younger sister? It would have been Jesus’ stepsister. According to the law of Israel at that time it was not 233 permitted to marry a close blood relative. … Suppose Jesus had married John the Baptist’s younger sister, restoring the phenomena in the Garden of Eden. Even John the Baptist knew that Jesus was his stepbrother. Even though Jesus wanted to marry his own stepsister, Mary could not allow that because she knew what the consequences would be. Even if Mary had agreed Elizabeth would not allow that. If Elizabeth agreed then Zachariah would refuse. It would create so much trouble with all of the family. It was a doubly difficult situation at that time. Do you understand this clearly? You have to understand this hidden secret clearly. This is the truth Father is proclaiming to you. If everything could have happened according to God’s will, Jesus could have married his stepsister with the agreement of Mary, Elizabeth and Zachariah, and then the family and tribe would have been established. This would have been the beginning of the Kingdom of God on earth. (12-25-1994) “This is an unimaginable thing. But this was supposed to have happened” (January 1, 1996). Father goes on to teach: So Mary in a most concrete way should have arranged Jesus’ marriage quickly. Who was to be Jesus’ bride? It was to have been the sister of John the Baptist. Mary had to get the woman from the Cain side and bring her to Jesus. There was no woman available on the Abel side, so she had to get the woman from Cain’s side. If Mary had worked with all her might to accomplish this, she would have been successful. Then purified blood and a new lineage could have come into existence. Restoration would have been very quick. By doing that, the mother and son would have come into unity and restored Eve’s failure. If Abel had united with Cain, then the mother would have been 234 restored to the original position. That is the tragedy of the Israelite history. There were two options; one was the mother uniting Cain and Abel, and the other was Cain and Abel uniting and restoring their mother. They could have done it either way. The Jewish religion was in Abel’s position, the nation of Israel was in Cain’s position on a national level; these two should have united. Then Cain and Abel on a national level would have restored a national level mother. The mission of Israel was to bring Cain and Abel into unity, to restore the mother’s position. Restoration must reverse the fall. (1-19-93) In another speech Sun Myung Moon reveals: At the time of Jesus, the law was such that if any unmarried woman were to become pregnant she was supposed to be stoned to death. In such a strict society, how could Jesus even think about demanding a younger sister to become his own bride? Let us imagine ourselves in that time when the younger sister Mary actually took away Elizabeth’s husband and became pregnant. Then she gave birth to Jesus. As Jesus grew up he was requesting to marry the younger sister from Elizabeth’s family. Can you imagine that? It was virtually impossible, because if it had become known to the general public then the families of Zachariah and Jesus would have been destroyed. When Jesus was desirous of such a marriage, Zachariah, Elizabeth and John the Baptist all knew who Jesus was and whom he wanted for his wife. In the mind of John the Baptist Jesus was his halfbrother, born from his father’s concubine. Therefore, for John it was unthinkable that his younger sister would marry Jesus, so John the Baptist refused and denied Jesus. Because Zachariah and Elizabeth had denied him, even Mary herself, because of the surrounding environment, refused Jesus’ request. At the age of seventeen, Jesus had desperately tried to convince each of these people to give one of the 235 younger sisters to him in marriage. But they would not listen to him. At the age of twenty-seven, exactly ten years later, Jesus tried again to convince them with all of his effort. But once again they refused to listen to him. He waited for another three years, and at the age of thirty, in a final attempt, he again challenged each one of them. NUMBER 13 Within the Western tradition nobody wants to deal with the number thirteen. This is because Jesus waited for ten years, from seventeen until twentyseven, and then another three years until the age of thirty. These years make up the number thirteen which was the number of failure. At the age of thirty the number thirteen was finally lost due to the opposition of Jesus’ relatives. Had that thirteenth year become successful in Jesus’ life, the world would have been changed right away. That is why the number thirteen is considered the worst of numbers. JOHN DENIED JESUS At the age of seventeen when Jesus, for the first time asked his mother Mary to find his bride from the younger sisters of John the Baptist, don’t you think that Mary discussed this issue with Zachariah and Elizabeth? She certainly did. Don’t you think that John the Baptist found out about it? John the Baptist then came down so hard on Jesus, referring to him as a bastard who wanted John’s younger sister when John himself was not even married. He accused Jesus of destroying his family. In the eyes of John the Baptist his half-brother requesting John’s sister for a wife meant incest. NEW FAMILY This was the miserable position that Jesus found himself in. In that miserable situation he lost his mother, his father, and he became like an orphan in the wilderness. That is why, out of desperation, Jesus began to gather fishermen and other humble 236 people as his disciples. He expected them to become true disciples who would understand him and form his new family. But none of them were able to do so. They were always in disharmony with one another. Finally, he decided to go to the cross and sacrifice his life in order to form the spiritual family which became Christianity in the spiritual sense. HORIZONTAL VIEWPOINT Father Moon teaches that we should always try to see things from God’s viewpoint—with a vertical viewpoint: “If Jesus had married the younger sister of John the Baptist that would have been incest from a horizontal viewpoint. But due to the failure of those around him this did not occur.” (4-19-96) This talk about incest is difficult but wasn’t the Fall in the Garden of Eden a kind of incestuous relationship between Lucifer and Eve? He was her adult guardian. He was like a father to her. There is a precedent in the Bible for this. Abraham, a founding patriarch honored in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, was married to his half-sister, Sarah. Here are some more insights Father gives about Jesus wanting to marry his half-sister: Jesus Needed a Bride Jesus was aware of his path as the Messiah, and he lamented by himself these lonely circumstances and the serious obstacle they presented to fulfilling the will of God. The Messiah is the True Parent, and to fulfill that mission he needed to receive his substantial bride. Jesus had to reverse, at the very root, the false love by which the Archangel had caused the fall of Eve, who was growing up as the sister of Adam. Consequently, Jesus, in the place of Adam as the Son of God, should have received as his bride the younger sister of someone in an archangelic position. That bride was to have been none other than Zechariah’s daughter, the younger sister of John the Baptist. To fulfill this in a world where Satan plays the role of owner and lord, Jesus needed a foundation of protection formed by 237 absolute faith. Tragically, the entire foundation ended up collapsing around him. This would not have happened if Zechariah and Elizabeth, who had received the revelation and spiritual support from God, had maintained absolute faith. If they had fulfilled their responsibility Mary would have been in contact with them continually, even after her three-month stay at their house. God chose Zechariah’s family as the foremost representatives of the entire world, so that even after the birth of Jesus they would protect, serve and witness to him as the Messiah. They not only should have served Jesus as the Son of God and Messiah with utter devotion, but they should have learned the will of God through Jesus and followed him absolutely. Also, John the Baptist was born to serve Jesus and should have fulfilled his responsibility to guide everyone he led to repentance, to believe in Jesus and receive salvation. But unfortunately, although Zechariah, Elizabeth and John the Baptist testified at first to Jesus as the Son of God, there is no evidence that they served him as such. The respected priest Zechariah was simply a spectator. John the Baptist stood separate from Jesus. These circumstances blocked the people from following Jesus and made his path very difficult…. this family lost faith in Jesus. Looking at him through human eyes, there was no room for them to help him receive his bride. Jesus Seen through Human Eyes When someone is invaded by Satan, he loses all spiritual support and inspiration. Trust in God, as well as a sense of gratitude to Him, is lost. One begins to see everything through human eyes. Faced with the opposition of Mary, Zechariah, Elizabeth, and finally John the Baptist, Jesus gave up hope for their protection as he sought to fulfill his mission. Therefore, Jesus left his home in search of a new spiritual foundation to restart the Providence of Salvation.. In the end, as people disbelieved and the disciples 238 lost faith, Jesus endured Satan’s attack. And as his foundation crumbled, he went the way of the cross. Originally, Jesus came to the earth as the Messiah to give blessings to his disciples and all humankind. He was to build the sinless Kingdom of Heaven. But because of the lack of faith in him, he could not receive his bride, he could not become the True Parent, and he could not accomplish his mission. This is why he promised to return. (4-16-96) Father teaches, “God created Jesus as a man; therefore, Jesus desired to marry through the Blessing of God. Jesus also wished to have a family and desired to be called a husband and a father.” (12-97) JESUS NEEDED TO GET MARRIED Father reveals: Zachariah’s family should have restored Jacob’s family; they had exactly the same course. Elizabeth should have restored Leah’s position and then introduced Mary to Zachariah. The result of the relationship between Zachariah and Mary was the birth of Jesus Christ. With Mary and Jesus united as plus and minus, a greater plus and minus would have been created by the unity between the two wives and two sons. If this process of unity had taken place, all of history would have been completely restored. Everything would have been completely restored. Everything would have been solved if Jesus Christ had been safely married. Why could Jesus Christ not get married even by the age of 33? Jesus Christ is the true Adam, isn’t he? As the completed Adam, he was connected to the true love of God. If one such man and woman are united in marriage, they would have the position of royalty on the national level. If this marriage had been completed, everything would have been accomplished. Why couldn’t Jesus get married even by the age of 33? Restoration is accomplished through indemnity. 239 The Fall involved a relationship between the archangel, Eve and Adam, culminating in the birth of Cain and Abel. Lucifer’s betrayal involved taking away Adam’s sister, Eve. Jesus’ position was Adam’s position, and John the Baptist’s position was the archangelic position. All these historical events led up to John the Baptist’s younger sister being in the position to become Jesus’ wife. With Jesus destined to be in the elder son’s position, John the Baptist’s younger sister would have become Jesus’ wife and all of history would have been restored. When Jesus Christ was seventeen years old, he told Mary whom he should marry. Jesus Christ spoke strongly about the necessity for this marriage, no matter what sacrifices might need be made, but Mary could not accept it. Thus Jesus and John the Baptist’s sister had the same father, but different mothers. They were halfbrother and sister. John the Baptist knew very well that Jesus Christ was an illegitimate child. When John the Baptist received the revelation that Jesus was God’s beloved son, he could not accept that an illegitimate person was the Messiah. Under these circumstances, for Jesus to marry John the Baptist’s younger sister was unacceptable. Although they had different mothers, they were both children of Zachariah. How could people accept such an incestuous relationship? (2-7-95) Zachariah’s family and Jesus’ family … should have united and become one. These two tribes, Zachariah’s tribe and Joseph’s tribe, should have gotten together and found a good bride for Jesus. That is what they should have done. In order to do that they had to unite. John the Baptist, in the archangel’s position, was outwardly accomplished. …Jesus was truly handicapped and frustrated when this did not come about. (9-20-92) You must remember that Jesus stood before Mary and pleaded in tears three times. Jesus’ mother, 240 Mary, did not listen, so Jesus had to leave his home when he turned thirty, starting his public life course. Mary was to pick a bride for Jesus and prepare a holy wedding for him. However, this dissipated as if it had been a dream. Mary was tied up too much with her living concerns and her own problems with her husband. (Blessing and Ideal Family) As I said before, the life of Jesus was miserable. He had a mother but no father. Even though he had a mother, he could not talk with her. Jesus came to make a family, but there was no foundation to be able to discuss the Blessing. (1-2-97) Mary did not help Jesus with the wedding he desired. She even opposed it. This was the direct reason that Jesus could not receive his bride, and could not become the True Parent; and this forced him to go the way of the cross. (2-7-95) RELIGIOUS FANATIC When Jesus left his home and started his ministry Mary and his brothers thought he had lost his mind in becoming a religious fanatic upsetting people by being an outrageous heretic who led a crazy, nonconformist lifestyle. We read, “As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.” He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it” (Luke 11:27-28). He said, “Blessed rather” instead of “Blessed also.” MARY FAILED Jesus’ mother Mary was successful in her mission of bearing the Second Adam. Unfortunately, she was not successful in understanding and supporting him. Jesus was kind to prostitutes but he was harsh with his mother because she, unlike the prostitutes, did not believe in him. Once at a wedding feast in Galilee, Mary told Jesus they were out of wine. He called to her saying, “O Woman, what have you to do with me? ...” (John 2:4). He did not say “Mother,” but instead “Woman.” Father Moon explains: 241 Jesus’ words to Mary during the wedding at Cana, “Oh woman, what have you to do with me?" (John 2:4), reveal a reproachful heart to a mother who helped in the weddings of others but neglected to help Jesus receive his bride, the most important requirement of the Providence. With this perspective, now we can understand why Jesus asked, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” (Matthew 12:48) Sun Myung Moon reveals: In the Bible there is an episode when there was a wedding ceremony in Galilee. Mary went there to serve people and Jesus went there, too. Jesus’ mother said something like, “We don’t have wine” and Jesus became very indignant, saying, “Woman, what do you have to do with me?” She was not worried about Jesus’ wedding, which was her responsibility to arrange. She was more worried about a wedding that didn’t have any meaning. Jesus knew this and he felt so indignant, saying, “Your son, the center of God’s whole dispensation should go this path, getting married to restore all mankind, and you don’t even think about that. You are worried about another person’s wedding. What are you anyway?” That is what Jesus said to his own mother. Now we know that clearly. What is your guess? Do you think that was Jesus’ heart at that time? (Yes.) Jesus was thirty-three years old, and the relative who happened to be getting married that day was not even twenty at that time. And Mary had to get Jesus involved, worrying that there was no wine? What kind of mother is she, Jesus wondered. 242 The fact that Jesus could not get married was directly due to the failure of responsibility on Mary’s part. How can Mary be a great woman? (9-20-92) Father Moon teaches: We should also consider the influence that Joseph and Mary’s relationship had on Jesus. Mary had to restore the positions of Eve and Tamar through indemnity, so she should have remained as only the fiancée of Joseph. Providentially, they could not be husband and wife. It was God’s desire that they not have sexual relations either before or after Jesus’ birth. Joseph still loved Mary after Jesus was born, but Mary should have wanted to separate from Joseph to raise Jesus as the Son of God. But the real circumstances did not make this easy to do. Even though Mary’s original mind told her that she should not do so, she had sexual relations with Joseph. They had children, which was a repetition of Eve’s mistake. With this condition, Satan invaded them. With the exception of Jesus, everyone who should have protected Jesus came under the dominion of Satan: his father, his mother, his Abeltype brothers (John the Baptist and his brothers) and his Cain-type brothers (the children of Joseph). Father Moon teaches that “Mary was supposed to bring Jesus and John the Baptist into unity, which would signify Cain and Abel becoming one. That was Mary’s mission. John was in the Cain position and Jesus was in the position of God’s son. But we know what has actually happened. Did they unite into one? No, they failed to do that. If Mary had achieved that, certainly Jesus would not have had to die. He would have gone on victoriously to complete his mission. But he did not. Instead he was crucified and there came into being the division of the world into left and right. That means throughout the world, Cain and Abel continued to be separated. Cain’s religion, Islam, and the Abel religion, Christianity, have fought many times.” (1-19-93) 243 Father Moon reveals that Jesus’ half-brother, John, was a key player in this providence of restoration. If John had helped him marry his sister Jesus would have become a true husband and then a true father. His wife would become the first true mother who would restore Eve’s failure. If Jesus could have gotten his family and Zachariah’s family, including John, to follow him then this would have created a powerful force enough for Jesus to be able to begin the process of converting not just Israel but the Roman Empire to his teachings. Father Moon explains: Human Viewpoint From a human viewpoint, John the Baptist felt unable to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. Also Jesus spoke of having to marry within one family. In Eden Satan took Adam’s younger sister. In the course of restoration, the true Adam, Jesus, had to take back that younger sister. Same situation only 180 degrees different. John the Baptist was in the position of Cain and his younger sister was to be Jesus’ bride. She stood in the position of Eve, younger sister. Whilst Jesus stood in the position of Adam, elder brother. John stood in the position of the Cain side elder brother. Jesus was the first true father to appear on the earth. Jesus’ wife would have been true mother. Once the true father and true mother embrace as one then the true tradition would have been established. Had Jesus’ family established such a foundation then automatically it would have expanded to the tribe, nation, world and cosmos. Adam’s position is that of the king. Through the true Adam God would have dominion over the whole universe. Centering upon God such a foundation could have easily over turned the Roman Empire. (418-96) Because of the failure of those around Jesus he was unable to go to Rome and see his teachings begin to sweep the earth. Tragically this resulted in mankind living a hell on earth for the last 2000 years. 244 Because Jesus died without marrying, Christians have been mistakenly felt that being celibate is higher spiritually than marrying. Jesus wanted to get married to restore the Adam and Eve’s failed marriage. Christianity also went down the wrong path of focusing on leaders in churches instead of men and women in the home. Christians should have kept home churches or house churches instead of centralizing power to priests and ministers that took away the focus on the family and families living in close-knit communities. Jesus never intended for a religion called Christianity that focused on churches, temples, and cathedrals which would take the focus away from the home. For the first 300 years after Jesus died Christians only met in their homes and Christianity grew dramatically. There is a home church movement going on around the world today and that is where most of the new converts to Christ are coming from—not megachurches. Jesus came to teach that the most important thing in the world is family and we all need to do the opposite of Adam and Eve. Jesus wanted to become a true husband, true father and build a true family. He teaches that every man should make this their number goal in life and every woman needs to become a true wife, true mother and build a true family. Because Jesus was never protected by his family he had to leave home at the age of 30 and start again. Father teaches: Now without a family and household, Jesus lamented, “foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head.” (Matthew 8:20) With his family-level foundation lost, Jesus sought to replace it. That was his three-year course. (April 18, 1996) Faced with the opposition of Mary, Zechariah, Elizabeth, and finally John the Baptist, Jesus gave up hope for their protection as he sought to fulfill his mission. Therefore, Jesus left his home in search of a new spiritual foundation to restart the Providence of Salvation. REALISTIC JESUS In Blessing and Ideal Family Sun Myung Moon says, “Christians 245 say, ‘Reverend Moon is teaching that Jesus had to marry. Reverend Moon is a heretic.’ If Jesus was a man he would have had the feelings of a man, wouldn’t he? To deny the physiological Jesus is to say that Jesus is the same as the invisible God, and is not a realistic Jesus. Believing this, Christianity is a false religion and it will regress, while the Unification Church will develop because it is a practical religion. “If a Christian minister is here, he must be surprised to hear this. I myself also once believed in the Presbyterian Church and its view of Jesus. However, when I solved the questions of the Bible, I realized these facts. I was persecuted because I told these stories. However, they are facts, so I cannot deny them. JESUS BAPTIZED BY JOHN THE BAPTIST Everyone around Jesus betrayed him so he had to leave his family and relatives and find followers who would become his new family and community. When Jesus left home to start his public ministry, he immediately went to see John the Baptist. John was the greatest evangelist of the day. He traveled the countryside barefoot, wearing a camel skin, living on locusts and wild honey and begging for food. He spoke with such authority that many people came from miles around to hear him and be baptized by him. He attracted large crowds and gained many disciples. He preached, “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’...” (John 1:23). When John saw Jesus, John had a spiritual experience. A dove descended on Jesus, and God said, “This is my Son with whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:17). Tragically, after this spiritual experience, John began to doubt that Jesus was the Messiah. So he took his disciples and went down the river, continuing to baptize. Only two of John’s disciples followed Jesus. John should have gone with Jesus too. He should have been Jesus’ disciple and been the forerunner who introduced Jesus to Israel. Just as Jesus was the mediator between God and mankind, John was to be the mediator between Jesus and the Israelites, the chosen people. It is proper for a speaker to be introduced. John should have been the one to introduce Jesus. On his authority, few would have rejected Jesus and the many who accepted would have begun the Messianic movement that would have ushered in the Kingdom of God. 246 Because of John’s failure Jesus now had to witness for himself. He had to find people who would accept him and go out and prepare the people for him. He found 12 disciples to follow him and we read in the Bible that they traveled from town to town. The disciples witnessed for Jesus. They asked people to come hear him preach of the ideal world on earth. Matt. 9:35 states, “And Jesus went about all the cities and villages ... preaching the gospel of the kingdom.” Jesus was intoxicated with God and his mission to proclaim God’s will that we must fulfill the great blessings of being fruitful, multiplying and having dominion over creation by restoring the Garden of Eden on earth. ELIJAH WAS SUPPOSED TO RETURN A basic belief of the Jewish people at that time was that not only would the Messiah come to them but that Elijah would return before the Messiah and introduce him. The Jewish Bible ended with the book of Malachi and the very last lines prophesy that Elijah will come again. Elijah was a prophet who lived 900 years before Jesus, and the Bible tells the amazing story of how Elijah had ascended up into the sky. Many Israelites felt that Elijah would return from the sky. The Israelites did not know that God had given Elijah’s mission to John the Baptist. While God was working with Jesus, quietly and alone, Elijah and spirit world were working with John to guide him to prepare his people for the Messiah—the Anointed One. The angel had told John’s father, Zachariah, the great mission John would have: “And he will turn many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God, and he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” (Luke 1:16-17) When Jesus’ disciples went witnessing the people asked, “How can Jesus be the Messiah? Elijah is supposed to come out of the sky and introduce the Messiah.” The disciples didn’t know what the people were talking about. The disciples were not educated and had not led a devout life like John the Baptist and the religious leaders of Israel. Just because the Messiah was born in a humble manner in a humble country that was poor and unknown to the empires of the world, this doesn’t mean that God wanted the Messiah to always live like this. 247 God had worked to prepare Israel to immediately accept Jesus. God especially had worked with the religious leaders and most of all John the Baptist. They were rich in spirit, knowledge and position. It was extremely difficult for Jesus to have to work with his ignorant and crude disciples. JOHN THE BAPTIST IN POSITION OF ELIJAH So when the people asked about Elijah they went to Jesus and asked him, “Who is Elijah?” Jesus said, “For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come.” (Matt. 11:13-14) This was difficult for the Jewish people to believe. So they went to John and asked him, “Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not” (John 1:21). The people had to decide. Jesus said John was Elijah; John said he wasn’t. Who do you think the people believed? Who would you believe? What if Billy Graham, the Pope, Jerry Falwell and every minister in every town did not follow a man who had only a few lowly and uneducated followers and who said he was the Messiah? How easy would it be for you to follow him? In the eyes of the Israelites Jesus was lying, so they continued to wait for Elijah and therefore rejected the Messiah. In a speech given at Madison Square Garden titled “The New Future of Christianity” (September 18, 1974) Sun Myung Moon said the following: Was John the Baptist Elijah? Yes, Jesus said so. But the people were never convinced. They said, “Outrageous!” Let us imagine we can transpose these events to our time. John the Baptist of 2,000 years ago was a person of tremendous influence, enjoying great prestige all over Israel as a great man of God— just like Billy Graham of today, a great Christian leader. Let us say some unknown young man suddenly appeared and began proclaiming himself to the world as the Son of God. As a student of the 248 scriptures, you would ask him, “If you are the Son of God, where is the promised Elijah?” If this man said, “Do you not know that Billy Graham is Elijah?” what would be your reaction? You would undoubtedly say, “Impossible! How could Billy Graham be Elijah? He did not come out of the blue sky. We all know he came from North Carolina!” You could not accept that, could you? Precisely this same kind of unbelief confronted our Lord Jesus Christ. People could not accept John the Baptist as Elijah, simply because he did not come from the sky. The people of 2,000 years ago were stubborn in their belief that the prophecy of Elijah’s return must be fulfilled literally, that he must come from the sky. They were the victims of the letter of the Old Testament. John the Baptist represented the consummation of the Old Testament, the law and the prophets. He was the prince of the old age. Jesus Christ came as the prince of the new age. Had he been supported by John the Baptist, he could have stood upon the firm foundation of the Old Testament Age. Then the new age could have blossomed in the fertile soil of the accomplishments of the old age. The Son of God could have established his glorious kingdom at once. And John the Baptist would have been the cornerstone of that kingdom. Had John the Baptist followed Jesus, the distinguished leaders of that society would have been the first to accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Then who would have crucified the Lord of glory? When God sent His only Son to this world to establish His kingdom on earth, don’t you think He wanted to be followed by the most able people of his age? Do you think that God wanted only the outcasts of society to follow Jesus? Not at all! The simple failure of John the Baptist 249 broke the link between the Son of God and the people. And as a result, only fishermen, tax collectors, harlots and lepers followed Jesus Christ. This brought great grief to the heart of God. If the Lord is returning to the world today, is it not most logical that all the leadership of Christianity—the bishops, the cardinals, the pope, and all the evangelists and great ministers of the world—should become the first group to welcome the Christ? If they followed the Lord and became his first disciples, the establishment of his kingdom would be infinitely easier. You may say, “Reverend Moon, by what authority are you speaking? What makes you so sure?” I do have the authority to say these things. God showed me the truth. I met Jesus. Jesus himself showed me these truths. And I met John the Baptist, too, in the spirit world. He himself bore witness to the truth of this testimony. After these extraordinary spiritual experiences, when I returned to the reality of this world, the same Bible I had been reading took on a whole new meaning. Even if you cannot accept these things as the truth now, you must at least suspend judgment. One day we will all know the truth. Eventually we are all going to die. Every one of us will end up in the spiritual world, where truth is like the sunlight. No one can escape it there. On that day we shall all see the whole truth. However, blessed is he who can be humble enough to accept the truth while he has the opportunity here on earth. Your knowledge of the truth and of God here on earth will determine your eternal life. 250 250 Sun Myung Moon teaches: John's disciples asked Jesus, “If you are the Messiah, where is Elijah?” Elijah was supposed to come first. Their presupposition was that the Messiah was to come on the clouds. They were waiting for someone to come from the sky. So even though God sent Jesus as King of Kings, because Elijah hadn't come and because Jesus was illegitimate, do you think it was easy for people to follow him? No. Look at how history goes; you be the judge. Even today, the Jewish people don't recognize what happened. Only 8% or 10% of the Jewish people became Christian. Jesus was a perfect heretic to them, and remains so even to this day. If 2,000 years after he came they cannot believe in Jesus, how could they have believed at that time? If Jesus had been accepted when he came, restoration would have taken a mere 40 years. History would have been very different. But he died, and he has to come again. (1-10-93) JOHN THE BAPTIST FAILED John couldn’t see Jesus as the Messiah because he was ignorant of God’s providence. He interpreted the teachings of the Old Testament as did everyone else. Malachi said Elijah was coming out of the sky. Therefore, how could he be Elijah? What John didn’t know was that God had no intention of sending Elijah out of the blue sky. What Jesus meant was that the mission of Elijah would return. John the Baptist was to continue the mission of Elijah. John didn’t know that Elijah was working with him from the spirit world urging him on to prepare the people. Also, John couldn’t accept Jesus because he felt that the Messiah would come in a dramatic way—out of the clouds or as a great military conqueror. It was too difficult to believe that this ordinary carpenter could be the savior of the world. So he didn’t support Jesus and continued a separate course. 251 The prevailing expectation was for the Messiah to come in an apocalyptic manner. They were expecting the Messiah to act dramatically to save them. Some thought he would make a supernatural appearance as Daniel had prophesied: “I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and kingdom, that all peoples, nations and language should serve him.” (Dan. 7:13-14) Some thought of the Messiah as a great military conqueror like King David who would drive the Romans into the sea and glorify Israel. There were a few who correctly saw that a man would come and lead the people to build Jerusalem into a light for the whole world to come to and see God working and inspire the world to build the kingdom of God on earth. Very few held this correct view of the Messiah. It was extremely difficult for the Israelites to see a mere carpenter from the village of Nazareth as the Messiah. And when John kept witnessing separate from Jesus the people became even more confused. The people once said to John, “Rabbi, he (Jesus) who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you bore witness, here he is, baptizing, and all are going to him” (John 3:26). Then John answered, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30) John’s response has always been interpreted as John being humble. But this is not an expression of humility. John should have joined Jesus and shared his destiny. If Jesus increased so would John and so would anyone who follows the Messiah. If he really believed in Jesus as the Messiah he could never decrease as Jesus increases. John was confused and separated himself from the Messiah. John was imprisoned and later killed because of some insignificant problem of King Herod. He should have lived and died for the Messiah. While he was in prison John wondered about Jesus and sent a messenger to Jesus to ask him, “Are you he who is come, or shall we wait for another?” (Matt.11:3). Jesus didn’t answer him directly or straightforwardly that he was the Messiah. He answered in a roundabout way, saying: “Go and tell John ... the poor have good news preached to them” (Matt. 11:4-5). This statement is an 252 expression of the sorrowful heart of Jesus. The “poor” does not mean people who are economically poor. Jesus is saying that the only people who are listening to his message are people who have not led a spiritual life. Rich people, to Jesus, were John the Baptist, priests, scribes and the leaders of the Jewish people who were devout and trying to lead a religious life. Jesus wanted these people to first hear his message of truth—his revelations—but when they rejected him Jesus had to wander about the seacoast of Galilee and through the region of Samaria to find ordinary people or those of the lower class who would listen to him such as ignorant fishermen and tax-collectors. God wanted the religious leaders to be Jesus’ disciples. It was a secondary course for Jesus to have to go to those who were not so able and well prepared: “‘The wedding is ready, but those invited are not worthy. Go therefore, into the main streets, and invite everyone you find to the wedding banquet.’ And those servants went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both good and bad.” (Matt. 22:8-10) Jesus went to the religious people first and it was tragic that they rejected him and persecuted him. He was forced to witness on the streets to common people. And then when he did gain a few followers, how impressive did Jesus look with these people? Try to imagine yourself living at the time of Jesus. You see Jesus, an ordinary looking man, who has followers that are ordinary looking—even less than average. He says the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, and that everyone must follow him and then the Bible will be fulfilled! It was a terrible blow to Jesus that John the Baptist was not beside him. After John continued his ministry separate from him, Jesus said of John, “Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the Kingdom is greater than he” (Matt. 11:11). Everyone is born of a woman and out of every human being John was the greatest because he was chosen to stand as Jesus’ main disciple. If John, as Jesus says, is the greatest person ever born, why would he say he is the least instead of the greatest person in the Kingdom of Heaven? All the prophets in the past testified to the Messiah who would come in the future. John the Baptist had the mission to personally testify to the Messiah. Therefore his mission was the greatest. He was to have the honor of personally standing next to 253 Jesus and bridge the gap between the people and the Messiah. God raised John to be that person. But when he did not follow and serve Jesus as the Messiah he became the least one. It was an enormous task to start a messianic movement in first century Palestine and without John consistently testifying to Jesus’ status it was vastly more difficult. If John had become one of his chief disciples it would have opened the way easily for Jesus. John could have brought unity between the chosen people of Israel and Jesus. John himself had disciples and if they too would have joined it would have been a tremendous boost for Jesus. God’s dispensation is to have the Messiah come and be protected. God has repeatedly tried to create a safe place for the Messiah to come to but those chosen people who God has prepared keep failing to fulfill their responsibility. Jesus eagerly searched for followers. He sent seventy of his disciples “in pairs to every town he intended to go. He said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few’” (Luke 10:1-2). John was a pathetic failure. It broke Jesus’ heart. Soon afterwards, John was beheaded by King Herod. The Cain and Abel foundation for the Kingdom of God was not accomplished. Because of John’s failure to unite with the Messiah, Jesus had to restore this Cain/Abel failure and so went to fast for 40 days which laid a preparation for him to start the new and more difficult mission of being both the Messiah and John the Baptist. He now had to start at the bottom all alone and find enough people to protect and help him. KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ON EARTH Jesus took his 12 disciples and traveled from town to town preaching. He was a powerful speaker with a booming voice. God’s spirit was in him, and he spoke with passion. The people were compelled to listen to him. Jesus was asked how we should pray and he gave an example of a prayer which today is called the Lord’s Prayer. In it he says, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10). Jesus gave every ounce of his energy to proclaim, “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt. 4:17). Jesus was 254 filled with God’s desire and heart to save this world and restore it to the Garden of Eden. The essence of all his teaching was the building of the kingdom—the ideal world on earth. Jesus was questioned by a skeptical lawyer who asked him what are the laws, and Jesus said we are to honor the laws of the past such as the Ten Commandments, but he said love was higher than laws: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets” (Matt. 22:37-40). Jesus had come for the whole world. Jesus wanted to tell God’s testimony to everyone. He had so much to say, to teach. He barely was able to say anything before he was cut down. He was a clear channel for God to speak. God doesn’t drop a book out of the sky; He speaks through the Messiah. God had raised the Jewish people and the rest of the world to a level He hoped where they could simply understand the truth. He had used before Jesus animal offerings and many laws and commandments. But by the time of Jesus, God wanted love, not laws, to guide the people. Jesus honored the Ten Commandments, but he came with a higher law than all the hundreds of laws that the Jewish elders and society abided by. God doesn’t want a world of millions of laws. He wants better people—not better laws. God is internal. He seeks to make better people. If the world were filled with perfect people we wouldn’t need thousands of laws because everyone would automatically treat each other correctly. PARABLES FOR SIMPLE PEOPLE Jesus quickly discovered that the people were so primitive and simple that he could only introduce deep concepts of God and his will by telling parables. But even his own disciples had to ask him sometimes what he meant. It was frustrating for Jesus. He tried to explain the concept that God works through a central point from which the ideal world would come: “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it 255 is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches” (Matt. 13:31-32). If Adam and Eve had been successful then billions of people who followed them would have lived in the ideal world. Likewise if the Israelites could see that Jesus is the seed, the humble small beginning of God’s attempt to build the kingdom of heaven then billions of people in the future would live peacefully in the ideal world on earth and in spirit world. In the parable of the lost sheep Jesus tries to explain that God loves every human being and will not rest until each and every person is found and restored to him: “If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go in search of the one that went astray? And if he finds it, truly, I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninetynine that never went astray. So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost” (Matt. 18:12-14). In the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus tried to explain that God is our loving parent who suffers to see His children—all mankind— living a terrible life away from him. And God rejoices when we return home. God cannot force us to return to him anymore than the father can force his son to return in the story. Each of us is a prodigal son or daughter who must return voluntarily to God. JESUS KNOWS GOD’S SUFFERING HEART Jesus was the first person in history to fully know God’s grieving and anxious heart. Jesus felt the same feelings that God has for everyone. Jesus was in a hurry and desperate to save this world. He reflected God’s heart and truth and was the first true man on earth. God and Jesus have unconditional love for every person. But God is also a God of principle. Mankind left God and became a mixture of good and evil. God must abide by the Principle and allow each person to separate himself from all that is evil and come back to God. God must judge evil. God’s love is also conditional in that a relationship with him can only be in the boundaries of goodness. When Adam and Eve fell Satan became the ruler of this world. Jesus wanted to explain this to the Jewish people. Satan rules by lies. Jesus spoke only the truth. Jesus had to not only speak of God’s love, but he had to criticize all the false beliefs that people 256 lived by. Jesus said, “The truth will set you free.” Mankind is in bondage under Satan. Jesus’ words of truth show us how to be free. Because each person has an original mind of goodness, when the truth is spoken ultimately it penetrates the mind and everyone sooner or later will unite with it. The whole world will be united as one family when every person accepts the truth. Eventually the truth will be heard by every person. As the truth is spoken some accept it immediately and begin to change their life while others reject it. This doesn’t mean they will never accept it. It just takes some people longer to understand. Eventually all mankind will hear and accept the truth. The kingdom of heaven on earth is inevitable. Truth cannot be suppressed forever. It is like grass growing underneath cement. In time it destroys the cement. The world will be restored. Because human history has always been tragic it is easy to be cynical and reject the idea of a perfect world. Jesus’ disciples were excited to hear him speak of God’s love and the dream of an ideal world about to become a reality. They tried to understand his words of love and his absolute hatred of evil. Unfortunately, they were often confused. And the Jewish people became more and more confused too as Jesus tried to explain the difficult task of changing our lives and restoring this world. JESUS SEEN AS HERETIC He angered the religious leaders when he said things that to them was outright heresy. To them he was a blasphemer of God. Jesus said their understanding of God was wrong. The religious leaders who studied and revered the Bible, the Old Testament, now heard this young man, a carpenter, tell them he had a New Testament and it was his teachings which were from God, and he was the living truth. The truth was more than books, and God’s ultimate truth manifested in a perfect man—the Messiah. Jesus told everyone they had to become perfect: “You must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt. 5:48). He didn’t say a few people had to be perfect. He said clearly every single human being in the world “must” be perfect. Jesus did not say outright that he was the Messiah. That was the job of those in the John the Baptist position—in this case, his disciples. Jesus spoke of himself in figurative language explaining his role as the first parent on earth. He had to be followed. To follow him is to follow 257 God. Jesus told the religious leaders that they had to give up their Bible which does not have all the truth about God. Rather than clinging to the Bible, Jesus said he was the living truth. The Bible only gave partial truth. This is why he said to them: “You search the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that testify on my behalf. Yet you refuse to come to me to have life” (John 5:39-40). And he said sorrowfully, “I have come in my father’s name, and you do not accept me.... If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote of me” (John 5:43-46). Even though this truth seemed ridiculous and dangerous to the people, Jesus kept proclaiming the truth. And the truth hurt. Mankind was to originally get life from Adam and Eve. We lost our spiritual life when Adam and Eve fell. We became sons and daughters of Satan in a pseudo-four-position foundation centered on Satan. Jesus said, “But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he said to them, ‘You brood of vipers!’” (Matt. 3:7). Jesus said his father was God and everyone else’s god was Satan: “They said to him, ‘Who are you?’ Jesus said to them, ‘Even what I have told you from the beginning. I have much to say about you and much to judge; but he who sent me is true, and I declare to the world what I have heard from Him.’ They did not understand that he spoke to them of the Father. So Jesus said, ‘When you have lifted up the Son of man, then you will know that I am he, and that I do nothing on my own authority, but I speak these things as the Father taught me. And he who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what is pleasing to him.’” “Then Jesus said to the Jews, ‘If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.’ They answered him, ‘We are descendants of Abraham and have never been slaves to any one. What do you mean by saying, ‘You will be made free’?” “Jesus answered them, ‘Very truly, I say to you, every one who commits sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not have a permanent place in the household; the son has a place there forever. So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed. I know that you are descendants of Abraham; yet you look for an opportunity to kill me, because there is no place in you for my word. I speak of what I 258 have seen in the Father’s presence; as for you, you should do what you have heard from the Father.’” “They answered him, ‘Abraham is our father.’ Jesus said to them, ‘If you were Abraham’s children, you would be doing what Abraham did, but now you are trying to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. This is not what Abraham did. You are indeed doing what your father does.’ They said to him, ‘We were not born of fornication; we have one father, God himself.’ Jesus said to them, ‘If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now I am here. I did not come on my own, but he sent me. Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot accept my word. You are of your father the devil, and you choose to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. Which of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? Whoever is from God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not from God’” (John 8:25-47). JESUS SEEN AS BLASPHEMER When the leaders of the Jewish people treated Jesus unkindly he chastised them by saying, “Truly I say to you, the tax collectors and the harlots go into the kingdom of heaven before you” (Matt. 21:31). The people began to hate Jesus for what he said. He seemed a blasphemer of God. He said he could forgive sins on earth. He seemed a heretic, a destroyer of the Mosaic laws, when he told people: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill them” (Matt. 5:17). He said he was greater than the holy temple which the Jewish people esteemed as the most holy: “But I say unto you, that in this place is something greater than the temple” (Matt. 12:6). Jesus called himself the lord of the Sabbath. He did whatever he wanted to on the Sabbath, which violated Mosaic laws. This angered the religious leaders, who accused him: “... Look, your disciples are doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath...” (Matt. 12:2). 259 There was even tension between Jesus’ and John’s disciples over a dispute over fasting: “Then the disciples of John came to him saying, ‘Why do we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?’ And Jesus said to them, ‘Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them?’” Jesus couldn’t teach all that he wanted. We read, “We speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen; but you do not receive our testimony. If I have told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:11-12) It was frustrating for Jesus that he couldn’t even explain the simplest concepts to the people—let alone deep ones. Ultimately Jesus was able to give only a tiny fraction of the truth he knew. Let’s look at some examples of how the Jewish people had a difficult time understanding Jesus. There was a group of people living in Israel in the region of Samaria, called Samaritans. Some of the Samaritans were descended from Jews who had been from the northern kingdom of Israel. When the Assyrians had conquered them, they married foreign people and came back to their land after the Assyrian conquest. Because they were not of pure Israelite blood they were considered to be non-Jews or Gentiles, as they were called. The Jews despised the Samaritans. Some Jews would not even travel though the district where the Samaritans lived. Jesus, of course, went there and even won some followers. JESUS AGAINST RACISM When Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan it was very offensive to many Jews. Jesus tried to elevate the Jewish people to love all mankind. He didn’t come to just give the Jewish people glory but the Jews were to love the entire world. He praised the Good Samaritan who helped a person in need. Jesus was trying to elevate Judaism to its mission of reaching the world with God’s message that he loves everyone in his boundless love and wants everyone to be his son and daughter regardless of their race, nationality or culture. Jesus was totally unprejudiced. Jesus came to end bigotry and racism. He came to unite all races. 260 Jesus lived in a society with a severe rigid social caste system. To openly eat with outcasts was horrible to the average Israelite and the leaders. Jesus was sociable. He had a well-rounded personality. He spent time with every level of person. Many Jews were upset to see him associating with those of society that most Jews would never associate with. Jesus was accused of being not a spiritual person but a materialist who enjoys food and drink: “The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’” (Matt. 11:19) Jesus related to different classes of people. Jesus astonished people by fellowship with social outcasts like tax collectors, prostitutes, Roman soldiers and Samaritans. He associated with women and children. JESUS JUDGED AS BEING IMMORAL Jesus also appeared to everyone as a destroyer of morality. Jesus was a bachelor and this was unheard of (there are no words in Jesus’ native language for being single because everyone married young). Jesus was around 30 years old. Many people thought he was destroying the family system. The Jewish family was extremely close and strong. He seemed to be breaking up the family unit when he said, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). Jesus was not saying that he wanted to destroy families and have people hate one another. He wanted them to hate the evil that is in all of us. Sometimes Jesus spoke in a military, warlike manner. Jesus was fighting evil. He is fighting Satan. Jesus is not a warmonger, but he is calling everyone to fight for God. This is why he said, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes will be those of his own household. He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and he who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matt. 10:34-39). To the Israelites with their close families these were fighting words. Did 261 Jesus carry a sword? No. He doesn’t want peace? No. He wants families to hate each other? No. He wants people to die? No. Father Moon teaches, “Jesus proclaimed the greatest revolution. There have been many revolutions in the last 2,000 years, but he brought a revolution of life and love. Jesus made statements that made it almost certain he would be crucified. He said that anyone who loved his family more than Jesus was not worthy of Jesus, and that meant denying everyone. So everyone opposed him for encouraging division of families. People said Jesus was destroying the family bond and social ties. “Today the Unification Church is receiving the same criticism, but actually we are in an entirely different situation. In Jesus’ time the family system was much stronger; today American families are breaking down anyway, yet still they are blaming me for disrupting families making me the scapegoat!” (3-18-79) When Jesus said that, “a man’s foes will be those of his own household” he was speaking from experience. His own mother and his brothers thought Jesus was crazy. Jesus is teaching that when anyone dramatically changes from being a secular person to being a religious person or when someone changes their religion that person’s family will likely be against it. Both St. Francis and Thomas Aquinas were locked away by their families. Their parents used force against them because they objected to their son’s choice of religious faith. Aquinas was a teenager who was witnessed to at college by a new branch of Catholicism. His mother thought it was a cult. She was ashamed and sent her sons to kidnap their younger brother. They locked him away for a year before he was able to escape. He was very bitter about this experience and wrote of it later in his life advising parents to not do such a terrible thing. If we have to choose between Christ and our family—we must choose Christ. Even Jesus had to give up his family. Jesus embraced everyone, just as God does. God loves everyone equally. In this world that is unthinkable. We live in a world of barriers and hate. The Jewish people hated their enemy the Romans who were ruling them. Can you imagine the reaction Jesus got when he told his disciples that a Roman centurion he met—a person who was not of the chosen people but who believed in him was the most 262 faithful person he had ever seen. He said, “Truly, I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.” (Matt. 8:10) JESUS CONFUSED THE PEOPLE Everything Jesus did was confusing to the people. It was not proper in Israel for men to associate with women as freely as Jesus did. Once he stopped a crowd of men who were about to stone to death a woman caught in the act of adultery. Jesus, like God, does not discriminate on the basis of sex. Women have equal value to men in Jesus’ eyes. Women were not inferior, and Jesus spoke to and respected women as much as men. Jesus’ view of women was revolutionary. We read in the Bible that women honored Jesus more than his own disciples. For example we read: “Now when Jesus was at Bethany ... a woman came up to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head, as he sat at the table, but when the disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, ‘Why this waste? For this ointment might have been sold for a large sum, and given to poor.’ But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, ‘Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a beautiful thing to me. For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me.’” (Matt. 26:6-11) The disciples failed to understand two things here. First, they were upset that Jesus talked to a woman. The disciples “marveled that he was talking with a woman” (John 4:27). Jesus was a bachelor and not only was it not proper to talk to women the behavior of the woman towards Jesus would seem strange and unacceptable in today’s society, let alone in Jewish society. We would say this person is mentally unstable. Jewish society had strict ethics—so strict that adulterous women could be stoned to death. Nevertheless, Jesus accepted her and reproached his disciples who had rebuked the woman. He praised her. Jesus was above everyone. The Messiah tries to pull us up to a higher level of thinking and feeling. The second thing they did not understand is how to serve the Messiah. They understood from Jesus that he taught a sacrificial life. They mistakenly thought that Jesus was to always live in poverty because he and they would give everything away to others. Jesus tried to explain to them that literally poor people would be 263 with them in their lifetime. The ideal world would not be built immediately. It would take time. In the transition the Messiah should be honored and served with material things. When he said the poor would always be with them he did not mean forever—just in their lifetimes. The story of Jesus has been called the greatest story ever told, but it is really the saddest story ever told. Not only was Jesus misunderstood by the people of Israel, but tragically he was misunderstood by his very own disciples who lived with him. JESUS SHOULD HAVE HAD WEALTH Jesus came to save the world. He was the most precious person who ever lived. And while he wanted desperately to save mankind from poverty, physically and spiritually, he also should have been honored and served. It was proper that the woman honored Jesus. Jesus said, “... the Son of man came not to be served but to serve...” (Matt. 20:28). Jesus couldn’t ask for wealth. It was the responsibility of his disciples to work hard and get enough money so Jesus could live in splendor, wealth and beauty. He should have had all the luxuries the world could give. He should have had all the fancy foods, the villas, and fine clothes the rich Romans had. Jesus was the first person in history to have earned the right to wealth. The Messiah is totally pure and loving. Only he knows the value of creation and the things of the world. Mankind misuses things. The Messiah cannot misuse anything or misspend any money given him. He is mankind’s teacher and shows us how to use things and how to spend money. Absolute power and money could never corrupt him as it does fallen man. The woman could have poured a ton of expensive ointment on Jesus, and it wouldn’t have been enough. She knew the value of Jesus better than his disciples. HIS DISCIPLES COULDN’T UNDERSTAND HIM Even though Jesus praised his disciples and tried to make them feel pride in being his disciples they were constantly confused. Once a man walked up to Jesus and his disciples and asked Jesus for advice on how to live properly: “Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me. When the 264 young man heard this he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions.” (Matt. 19:21-22) The disciples were depressed to hear this. It seemed that Jesus was irrational and asking too much of people by asking everyone to become perfect and that they had to do this by sacrificing. After the wealthy young man walked away we read, “When the disciples heard this they were greatly astonished, saying, ‘Who then can be saved?’ But Jesus looked at them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” But we read that the disciples keep asking him to explain. Peter speaks for all of them by saying that he and the other disciples have given up everything they had and what would they get for their hard work in witnessing and being persecuted. FIRST WILL BE LAST Jesus said that anyone who gave up their families and wealth to follow him would be rewarded a hundred times over. And he ended by saying that the “first will be last, and the last will be first” (Matt. 19:30). In other words he says that although they appear to be the last in society they will eventually be the first; and the first in society such as John the Baptist and all the leaders of Israel would end up last. HOLLYWOOD MOVIES WRONG ABOUT JESUS In movies about Jesus Hollywood usually shows him as a dreamy and quiet person. He is often called “the gentle Nazarene.” Jesus did have a gentle, soft and motherly side. But the Bible also uses the symbol of a rock to describe the Messiah. Jesus also had a tough and commanding personality. He was not soft-spoken when he preached to the crowds. He was a powerful and passionate speaker with a booming voice. The Messiah comes to revolutionize people from being selfcentered to being altruistic. Jesus was righteous. He used severe language with violent imagery to express his abhorrence of evil. He said, “... if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; ... And if your eye causes you to sin; it is better to pluck it out and throw it away” (Matt. 18:8-9). He was speaking 265 symbolically, not literally. He was trying to make a point of the seriousness which we should view sin and evil. JESUS LIKE A DOCTOR Jesus was like a surgeon who is ruthless in cutting out a diseased part. The surgeon doesn’t try to kill the patient, just the evil. And it may seem harsh for him to ask the patient to submit to surgery but it is better for the patient because if he keeps on without having his disease cut out it will kill him. If he submits to the surgeon and goes through the pain of surgery he will live longer and better. The surgeon could say nice things to him. He could say that he is all right and can continue his ways. Or he could say that surgery is necessary but there is no hurry in having it done. But this is not what the patient should hear. Jesus spoke like a doctor. He came to fix this sick world. But the people didn’t want to accept Jesus as their doctor. They didn’t think they were so sick. In fact they thought that Jesus himself was a disease, and he should be destroyed. They were not impressed with his message of an ideal world and that to build it required that they listen to him and follow him. They wanted their own salvation and revenge on their enemies. They didn’t want to hear that they must love their enemies at the risk of their life. They didn’t want to hear that as the chosen people they were to be God’s instruments for the building of the kingdom of heaven on earth. God was speaking through Jesus saying they must carry a cross, not live a spiritually lazy life. The Messiah comes to cut out our evil, selfish nature. This is far more difficult to do than cutting out our tonsils. We cannot cure our fallen nature by ourselves any more than we can cut out our tonsils by ourselves. We must submit to the doctor. We have to give the Messiah our bodies and our hearts and our minds and even some of our money just as we pay the doctor with some of our money. Jesus was the Second Adam. He was the first person to become a Tree of Life. The Bible says every person is a wild olive shoot that must be grafted into Jesus, the true olive tree, in order that we may become true branches (Rom. 11:17). To graft a plant means we have to cut the plant. It hurts the plant. And it hurts us to give up our arrogance—to give up thinking that we are the center of the universe and to humble ourselves in prayer to God. People have been centering their lives on themselves, and look how tragic this world is. 266 When anyone enters an emergency room in a state of near death they need to follow a doctor. Likewise, the world is every second of the day, one big emergency room and there is only one doctor— the Messiah. If it is very difficult for a foreigner to become a citizen of another country, how difficult is it for us to become citizens of the kingdom of heaven? It is not only possible; it is our destiny. The Messiah must be first in every person’s life. This will unite mankind. Nothing else will. We can do nothing without the Messiah. Jesus pleaded with the people to believe in him. People asked him what they must do: “‘What must we do to be doing work of God?’ Jesus answered them, ‘this is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent’” (John 6:28-29). But the people wouldn’t believe in his words. His teachings were too advanced for them. They looked at Jesus with fallen, physical eyes—not true, spiritual eyes. They listened to Jesus with sinful, earthly ears—not pure, heavenly ears. JESUS JUDGED AS BEING UNEDUCATED Jesus tried to teach them that words, ideology, and truth would set mankind free. The people would not listen to him because he looked so humble. They knew he had limited formal education. We read heartbreaking passages in the Bible in which Jesus was judged as being a simple, uneducated man who had no right to speak so boldly. They even took offense at him for not having more education. In John 7:15 we read, “How is it that this man has learning, when he has never studied?” In Matthew we read that when Jesus taught, the crowds were always “astonished” at Jesus and said, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? ... Where then did the man get all this? And they took offense at him.” (Matt. 13:54-57) The ideal world cannot come from any fallen man or group of men in this imperfect world. Only the wisdom of God spoken through the Messiah—the original parent can be the truth that will set us free. But mankind is arrogant like Satan, and we place our knowledge before God. The prevailing view of mankind is that there can never be an ideal world. We have limited thinking. But with God, Jesus taught, all 267 things are possible. So the Messiah does not get his learning from a school or seminary. It is they who must study him. THE TRUTH HURTS As a final attempt to gain their attention, Jesus performed miracles. He should never have had to do that. Adam was barred from the Tree of Life, i.e., perfection, by a flaming sword. That flaming sword was God’s truth. Jesus brought that flaming sword; he brought the truth that could save Israel and the world. Jesus said, “I have not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matt. 10:34). Jesus did not carry a literal sword and chop people up. He came with the truth, and the truth is not peaceful. It unnerves us. It shakes us up. It scares us and challenges us. It criticizes us. It hurts to hear the truth from God. Father explains, “The Messiah has his roots in God, and comes as the Second Adam, who wipes away all that was committed by the first Adam. This is the reason God cannot send a superman Messiah who will work only through miracles.” (4-1696) Jesus came not only to give God’s love but God’s judgment of evil. God is at war with Satan and therefore each of us should see that too and hate evil in ourselves and everywhere else. Jesus doesn’t come to just talk of the positive. He confronts evil and judges it. The sword Jesus spoke of is symbolic for truth. This is the meaning of the sword that guards the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. Jesus was the first Tree of Life—the first perfect man—the first true Adam. The truth sets us free, not swords. And the truth is that we are at war with Satan and must fight. JESUS IS NOT A PACIFIST The ultimate war against Satan is the war of words. But there are also times when evil must be fought with force. God and Jesus are not pacifists. For example, it was God’s will that America defend itself and fight for freedom in World War II. It was God’s will that America fight communism in the Korean War. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus said, “To him who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also” (Luke 6:29). Some Christians have mistakenly interpreted Jesus’ statement about turning the cheek to mean we should be pacifists. Pacifism is defined as: “Opposition to war or violence as a means of resolving disputes. Such opposition demonstrated by refusal to participate in military 268 action.” Jesus was not a pacifist. The concept of “just war” is correct. There are times when those on the side of good should use force against those on the side of evil. Dennis Prager writes this about the liberal bumper sticker, “War is not the answer”: Aside from the idiocy of this claim—war has solved slavery, ended the Holocaust, destroyed Japanese Fascism, preserved half the Korean peninsula from near-genocide, and saved Israel from extinction, among other noble achievements—the claim offers no support to those who do engage in war. I know of no comparable conservative bumper sticker that is so demonstrably false and morally ignorant. Almost every great evil has been solved by war—from slavery in America to the Holocaust in Europe. Auschwitz was liberated by soldiers making war, not by pacifists who would have allowed the Nazis to murder every Jew in Europe. Sun Myung Moon explains what Jesus means. Here is a little of what he says: Why did Jesus teach his people to love their enemies? At that time no foundation had been laid and no one had the ability to stand up to unrighteous enemies, but once the necessary foundation is laid you can exercise full power and give them love. Jesus did not mean to tolerate sin and not get involved. To love your enemy means to try to save him by bringing him to the truth, by force if necessary. That is loving him, and that was the true meaning of Jesus’ words. People often have their own wild ideas about the meaning of Jesus’ teachings. When Jesus said to 269 turn the other cheek did he really mean for you to offer your other cheek to be slapped by your younger brother? No, you should really shake him up and say he has to listen to you. Will God not be able to help smiling at that scene, or will He call you a cruel man for forcing your younger brother to hear the truth? Would God say your smiling tolerance showed that you were living up to His teaching? God will get angry if you let your brothers and sisters beat you when you are the one who knows the righteous way. Would a parent allow his child to slap one cheek and then turn the other for him? Would God say those were good parents? We must deeply know the principle of endurance. Jesus meant that you need to endure until you have a strong foundation; he never meant for you just to be slapped around by people. (8-27-78) Jesus was the Tree of Life. He focused on teachings, on words of truth, not baptism or even faith healings. But they wouldn’t listen. In desperation he turned to faith healings. But the Jewish people were so uneducated and primitive that Jesus went down to their level and performed magic tricks. He said, “Even though you do not believe me, believe the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I am in the Father.” (John 10:38) But they couldn’t believe the works either. They even thought Jesus was the devil himself for exorcising people and performing other works. They said, “It is only by Beelzebub, the prince of Demons, that this man casts out demons.” (Matt. 12:24) When Jesus went to the synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth and proclaimed who he was, the people pushed him out of the temple and towards a cliff at the edge of the city in an attempt to kill him. But before he was thrown off the cliff he spiritually parted the mob and walked through them. We read, “And he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up; and he went to the synagogue, as his custom was, on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read” (Luke 4:16). He read a passage and we read, “And he 270 closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant, and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. And he began to say to them, ‘Today the scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing’” (Luke 4:20-21). When he saw they did not believe him, he said, “Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in the prophet’s hometown.” (Luke 4:24) “When they heard this, all in the synagogue were filled with rage. They got up and drove him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, so that they might throw him off the cliff. But he passed through the midst of them and went on his way.” JESUS HEARTBROKEN It broke Jesus’ heart that the chosen people would not listen to him. There are passages that tell of his agony and pain when Israel rejected him: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! Behold, your house is forsaken and desolate.” (Matt. 23:37-38) COMPASSION Jesus is reflecting God’s feminine and motherly heart towards His children. The essence of Jesus is true love. He feels deeply and passionately for each person. When the word compassion is used in the Bible it means much more feeling than the English word gives. Two of the most famous parables of Jesus have the word “compassion.” In the Parable of the Prodigal Son we read that when he returned home his father “saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him” (Luke 15:20). In the Parable of the Good Samaritan we read that “when he saw him, he had compassion on him” (Luke 10:33). When God and Jesus use the word compassion the translation into English does not give the exact meaning. In the original Greek the word used to express his feelings is connected to what we would say is guts or entrails or intestines to show the depth of Jesus’ love and pain that came from deep inside. 271 True Father talks about this in the following excerpts from a speech he gave May 1, 1984: As you know, the 4,000 years of preparation in biblical history were for only one thing, the coming of the Messiah. The Israelite nation was staked out by God and Judaism was built. Upon that foundation, God's goal was to send the Messiah and have him be received. The ideal situation would have been that Judaism and the Israelite nation had embraced Jesus and centered upon him completely, accepting his direction absolutely. They should have said, “We are your children and you are our parent. You are our central figure and we will follow you completely.” That should have been the cry of the people of Israel then. But what actually happened? Did such obedience occur? No, the Israelite people said, “Who are you? We follow Moses. We don't know you. You are a man with demons” and then they rejected Jesus completely. That was the equivalent of the children going against the parents. How could Jesus possibly install the Messiah in the midst of such a situation? Thus because of the total rebellion of the chosen people and the chosen faith, the inevitable consequence came: the crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus became desperate. He ached and wept because the people would not listen to him tell of the revelations of God he had received. After three years of preaching Jesus found himself alone. God’s heart was broken again. God could see that Satan had turned the people against Jesus so much that it was now inevitable that Jesus would be killed by his own people. Some didn’t like his message; some were critical of his lifestyle; some disagreed with his political attitude; some were angered by what to them seemed arrogant authority. Jesus had to tell his disciples: “Then he strictly ordered the disciples to tell no one that he was the Messiah” (Matt. 16:20). Jesus said those who follow him will be “hated” as he is hated now. 272 272 God told him on the Mount of Transfiguration that his mission must change, and he must now go to the cross and give only partial salvation to mankind in the spirit world. Moses and Elijah appeared to him. Peter was excited to see this but Jesus surprised them by changing his approach. Jesus asked his disciples, “‘... who do you say that I am?’ Peter answered him, ‘you are the Christ.’ And he sternly ordered them not to tell anyone.” (Mark 8:29-30) The disciples had barely known him. They were simple, uneducated and not so religious. When Jesus told Peter he would betray him, Peter denied it and swore he would never betray him. Peter said, “‘Though they all fall away because of you, I will never desert you’ and so said all the disciples” (Matt. 26:33). But Jesus is a keen observer of human beings, and he sees our spiritual level just as a teacher can see the level of his students. JESUS SEEN AS A CRIMINAL Jesus was finally considered a national criminal who threatened the security of the state by trying to be King of Israel and was chosen over the robber Barabbas to be crucified: “Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded the people to ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. The governor again said to them, ‘Which of the two do you want me to release for you?’ And they said, ‘Barabbas’. Pilate said to them, ‘Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called the Messiah?’ They all said, ‘Let him be crucified’” (Matt. 27:2022). If Jesus had loyal followers he would have been able to continue his mission, but because he was totally alone and denied by everyone Satan had a field day. He was there looking on and able to fire up everyone against Jesus. If even one person or a few would have believed in him and followed him totally he could have built a movement on those few. MESSIAH BETRAYED All his disciples deserted him. They literally fell asleep when he prayed at Gethsemane. Peter denied him three times. Why? After living with Jesus day and night for three years they had not grown enough and Jesus had not been able to explain enough. Jesus said to one person to let the dead bury the dead. We do not like to hear anyone criticize our family. The truth hurts. We can’t see our situation. We only know the kingdom of hell, not absolute love and 273 goodness. Satan was effective in possessing the people, and he personally entered Judas. He clouded the minds of the other eleven disciples at the moment Jesus needed them. Satan could attack. Jesus found no faith and was not protected. God had worked 2,000 years to educate and raise the people to a level he felt they would protect the Messiah and the chosen people along with everyone else did not protect the Second Adam. Jesus explained how alone he was in a parable. He said he was a bridegroom and there was no wedding guests so he couldn’t have a marriage. (Mark 2:19) Jesus could not flee to another country. Israel was the only nation he could work with. Because Israel was like Cain who killed his brother, God had to move on to a new Adam and a new nation for him to be born in. Jesus couldn’t go on because even though he was a successful Abel he needed Cain to unite. When Israel failed then God had to find another Abel. And not only Israel but everyone did not unite with Jesus. The whole world rejected him. The Jewish people were the chosen people and lost their status. The Romans represented the rest of the world and crucified him—a Roman torture and death—not a Jewish means of death. And the disciples represented the future Christianity. Because of these failures the Jews, Christians and the rest of the world would suffer for the death of Jesus. He was murdered by everyone and for 2000 years mankind has paid for that crime. Jesus then began to speak of a Second Coming of Christ. He did not mention this at the beginning of his ministry. He started talking of a Second Coming only after it became apparent that he would not be accepted by the people. Jesus at the end of his ministry said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19). He was preparing the world for the second Messiah. The chosen people would be those who followed him and the foundation would be worldwide. True followers of Christ are those who have a burning desire to witness the Good News —to proselytize —to convert. God saw that everyone was not going to accept Jesus as their savior. Jesus’ primary mission of building the kingdom of heaven on earth would have to be accomplished in the future by a Third Adam. At the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus took three disciples, 274 Peter, John and James to pray. During his prayer Moses and Elijah appeared to him: “And behold, two men talked with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was to accomplish at Jerusalem.” (Luke 9:30-31) CROSS WAS SECONDARY COURSE The cross was not God’s primary will; it was a secondary course that gives man a spiritual sanctuary for those who die believing in Christ. Just before the crucifixion, Jesus wept and prayed three times in the garden of Gethsemane. He pleaded with God that he not be crucified. He asked God three times to live. We read of Jesus’ grief and anguish: “And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them ‘My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and stay awake with me.’ And going a little farther he threw himself on the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; yet not what I want but what you want.’” (Matt: 26:37-39) Many Christians have interpreted this incident as an example of Jesus being like an ordinary human being who would not want to die. But Jesus did not pray from fear, timidity or selfishness. There have been many imperfect men and women who have willingly died for a cause they believed in. The first Christian martyrs and many martyrs from Christ who followed were not afraid to die. The early Christians sang songs as they held hands with their children as the lions came at them. Yet they did not die praying, “Let this cup pass from me.” In American history, many men have given their lives for their country. One such man was Nathan Hale, a young officer in the Revolutionary War. He was captured by the British army and sentenced to be hanged. His last words were, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” He did not say, “Let this cup pass from me.” Jesus is far greater than Nathan Hale. Jesus was not afraid to die. He prayed asking if there was any chance to continue and complete his mission as the second Adam. Jesus was in anguish because he knew the consequences of his being murdered. Sun Myung Moon says, “When Jesus was crucified, did Jesus loathe God and loathe the world? No. He could not do that. This is 275 why Jesus said, ‘If you let this cup pass from me, please do so.’ It means that he could not bear to stand God’s aching heart. It was not a weak prayer.” (2-17-91) Jesus was the first person in history to know God’s sorrowful heart. Jesus wanted to comfort God—to relieve His grief. By being crucified God’s divine will would be frustrated again. Jesus knew God’s heart would be broken to have to see not only his son murdered, but He would have to endure watching mankind continue to be tortured in Satan’s prison on earth with even greater terror and pain because they killed their savior. MANKIND PUNISHED FOR KILLING OF JESUS Those who commit crimes bring punishment upon themselves. He knew that for the crime of killing him there would be terrible punishment for mankind. He knew that his countrymen, the Jewish people, would be punished for thousands of years. Israel had suffered for 2,000 years in preparation for the Messiah and now all that would have been in vain and they would suffer even more in the future generations to come. History has shown the terrible suffering of the Jewish people for the last 2,000 years. Jesus deeply loved his people, and it was agonizing for him to know the bleak destiny facing them. While he was carrying his cross, some women followed him crying in anguish to see him suffering, but Jesus turned to them and said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children” (Luke 23:28). He said, “... your enemies will ... dash you to the ground, you and your children within you, and they will not leave one stone upon another in you; because you did not recognize the time of your visitation” (Luke 19:44). We all know the tragic history of the Jewish people and the terrible persecution of Christians especially the early church in Rome in which they tried to hide in the catacombs but were hunted down and slaughtered. Jesus also knew that his followers would suffer. He was walking the path of the cross and their fate would be the same. Around 40 years after Jesus was murdered on 70 A.D. the Jewish temple was destroyed and the Jews lost their nation. God had given them the name of Israel that means “victor” and after a 40-year period they were the loser. Israel lost its nation because it rejected the Messiah. Serious consequences happen to a people who reject God’s truth and cling to what is false. 276 And finally Jesus knew that the whole world would continue to be ruled by Satan. For thousands of years billions of people would have to continue to live in this hell on earth. But God saw how hopeless Jesus’ situation was. Even Jesus’ disciples slept when he prayed in Gethsemane. Jesus was alone. When the Roman guards came and took him away, he knew it was hopeless, too. Because Israel didn’t give their lives to help build the Ideal World, Jesus gave his life on the cross. Because of this full sacrifice for God, Satan couldn’t claim Jesus. And based on this condition of giving, God could try again and have Christ return. Jesus prayed at Gethsemane, asking God if it were possible to stay on earth and bring complete salvation, both physical and spiritual, but he could not do this. His mission changed. If Jesus had not gone to the cross mankind would not have received spiritual salvation—a spiritual sanctuary. Jesus had to lay a foundation for the Third Adam to come by loving God and mankind. He showed total absolute love on the cross. This change in Jesus’ mission happened so fast that Jesus didn’t have time to explain it to his disciples. They were shocked. Jesus’ chief disciple, Peter, was so upset he exclaimed, “God forbid it, Lord! This must never happen to you!” (Matt. 16:22). It is obvious he was so upset because what Jesus was saying was in complete opposition to everything he had been teaching up till then. Jesus was firm with Peter and said to him when he tried to stop Jesus from going to the cross, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things” (Matt. 16:23). This was confusing to Peter. He didn’t know that the Kingdom of Heaven on earth was now not at hand. He didn’t know that world salvation would have to be postponed. Jesus said, “He who rejects me and does not receive my sayings has a judge; the word that I have spoken will be his judge on the last day” (John 12:48). We judge people in society by our court system. The judge pronounces judgment according to the law. In 277 the universe, God is the judge. Jesus was the attorney defending mankind. Satan was the prosecutor. The earthly court and the heavenly court are the same in that they judge by words, not fire. Jesus came to judge Satan’s lies and false teachings. Jesus said, “Very truly, I tell you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life, and does not come under judgment, but has passed from death to life” (John 5:24). Jesus said the truth will set you free. JESUS LOVED HIS ENEMIES Two thousand years ago the first perfect man walked the earth. He was born unknown, and he died unknown. He was accused of being a criminal. Pontius Pilate could find nothing wrong with him, but the Jewish people shouted, “Crucify him. Crucify him!” Jesus loved his enemies. As he was dying on the cross he looked at the crowd below and said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). BEATING AND CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS Jesus was beaten when he was interrogated by the Jewish leaders. He answered a question and we read, “When he said this, one of the police standing nearby struck Jesus on the face, saying, ‘Is this how you answer the high priest?’ Jesus answered, ‘If I have spoken wrongly, testify to the wrong. But if I have spoken rightly, why do you strike me?’” (John 18:22-23) Medical doctors have written about the horrible torture Jesus went through. The following was written on the Web: BEATEN “Some began to spit on Him, to blindfold him, and to beat him with their fists, saying to him, ‘Prophesy!’ The guards also took him over and beat him.” (Mark 14:65). Jesus was blindfolded and struck in the face repeatedly. Being blindfolded meant he couldn’t “roll with the punches” and the blows would have been that much more destructive. 278 FLOGGED Next, Jesus was stripped of his clothing and then flogged. Flogging is a severe beating with a whip. In flogging, a soldier used a whip consisting of leather straps embedded with metal and glass fragments with small metal balls sewn into the end of each thong. This whip was brought down with full force and when struck against the back of Jesus, was pulled thus tearing the skin off, exposing muscle, and maybe even exposing his very bones. Undoubtedly, his back was reduced to an oozing mass of mutilated flesh. Flogging stops when it is determined that the victim is near death or 39 lashes was reached. By this time, Jesus was in great pain, suffering severe blood loss, and was becoming very weak and thirsty. After this he was taken to be crucified. ...the accused stood naked, and the flogging covered the area from the shoulders down to the upper legs. The whip consisted of several strips of leather. In the middle of the strips were metal balls that hit the skin, causing deep bruising. In addition, sheep bone was attached to the tips of each strip. When the bone makes contact with Jesus’ skin, it digs into His muscles, tearing out chunks of flesh and exposing the bone beneath. The flogging leaves the skin on Jesus’ back in long ribbons. By this point, he has lost a great volume of blood which causes his blood pressure to fall and puts him into shock. The human body attempts to remedy imbalances such as decreased blood volume, so Jesus’ thirst is his body’s natural response to his suffering (John 19:28). CROWN OF THORNS “They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and after twisting some thorns into a crown, they put it on his head. They put a reed in his right hand and knelt before him and mocked him, saying, ‘Hail, King of the Jews!’ They spat 279 on him, and struck him on the head” (Matt. 27:28-29). The robe would stick to the congealing blood on his back and when they ripped it from him later, it would have been very painful and would have helped to continue the bleeding even more. They put a crown of thorns on his head. These thorns were shoved between his scalp and skull as well as ripping and tearing at the skin. Severe bleeding would ensue along with great pain. ...there is copious bleeding, the scalp being one of the most vascular areas of the body. The thorns also cause damage to the nerve that supplies the face, causing intense pain down his face and neck. After mocking him and striking him across the face, the soldiers take the stick from his hand and strike him across the head, driving the thorns deeper into his scalp. Finally, they tire of their sadistic sport and the robe is torn from his back. Already having adhered to the clots of blood and serum in the wounds, its removal causes excruciating pain just as in the careless removal of a surgical bandage, and almost as though he were again being whipped the wounds once more begin to bleed. EXCRUCIATING Crucifixion is quite possibly the most painful death ever invented by humankind. The English language derives the word “excruciating” from crucifixion, acknowledging it as a form of slow, painful suffering. Its punishment was reserved for slaves, foreigners, revolutionaries, and the vilest of criminals. Once suspended, the force of gravity brings the weight of the body down and the shoulders and elbows dislocate by popping out of joint, ripping ligaments. 280 Because of the outstretched position of the arms, the chest cavity is in a perpetually expanded state and it is very difficult to breathe. With the severe loss of blood from the lashes and crucifixion, Jesus would have become dehydrated and his body would have less blood to carry oxygen. Therefore, his heart would beat faster as it attempted to compensate and his need for oxygen would increase greatly. In order to breath, Jesus had to push up on the nails in his feet to allow his chest enough flexibility to inhale. Pushing up on the nails is not only excruciating, but this meant that he had to scrap his raw, beaten back against the rough wooden stake. This whole process of breathing and exhaling by pushing up on the nails only, increases in intensity as time passes. Soon, the body gets to the point of no return and the heart either ruptures or the person dies from asphyxiation. But, before that happened the blood loss results in extreme thirst as the body craves water to restore the lost blood. Jesus said, “I thirst”, whereupon a soldier offered Him some sour wine, but Jesus refused it. As it is lifted, Jesus’ full weight pulls down on his nailed wrists and his shoulders and elbows dislocate. Jesus must push up on his nailed feet (causing more pain) to exhale. In order to speak, air must pass over the vocal cords during exhalation. The Gospels note that Jesus spoke seven times from the cross. It is amazing that despite his pain, he pushes up to say “Forgive them.” (Luke 23:34) The crucifixion was a “means of punishing criminals slowly and inexorably ... it was as slow as it was painful ... the Romans reduced it to an exact science.” 281 In the book The Day Christ Died by Jim Bishop we read what the author imagined what happened: Four soldiers moved in closely around the prisoners and began to strip them of their clothes. A murmurous sound came up from the people below. The crucifixion had begun. When the prisoners were naked, a cloth was wound around their loins and between the thighs with the loose end tucked in at the back. Their clothes and sandals were set in a loose pile before each of the three. The time was a few minutes after noon. The sun was high and warm. Below the big bald rock, the leaves of the olive trees and the wild flowers shimmered in a soft breeze. Coveys of little swifts darted across the rock and down into the garden below, there to peck for food and to keep a wary eye on man. At the first murmur from the crowd, they took flight. The executioner laid the crossbeam behind Jesus and brought him to the ground quickly by grasping his arm and pulling him backward. As soon as Jesus fell, the beam was fitted under the back of his neck and, on each side soldiers quickly knelt on the inside of the elbows. Jesus gave no resistance and said nothing, but he groaned as he fell back on his head and the thorns pressed into his torn scalp. Once begun, the matter was done quickly and efficiently. The executioner wore an apron with pockets. He placed two five-inch nails between his teeth and, hammer in hand knelt beside the right arm. The soldier whose knee rested on the inside of the elbow held the forearm flat to the board. With his right hand, the executioner probed the wrist of Jesus to find the hollow spot. When he found it, he took on the square-cut nails from his teeth and held it against the spot, directly behind where the so-called life line ends. 282 Then he raised the hammer over the nail and brought it down with force. The executioner jumped across the body to the other wrist.... As soon as he was satisfied that the condemned man could not, in struggling, pull himself loose and perhaps fall forward off the cross, he brought both of his arms upward rapidly. This was the signal to lift the crossbeam. Two soldiers grabbed each side of the crossbeam and lifted. As they pulled up, they dragged Jesus by the wrists. With every breath, he groaned. When the soldiers reached the upright, the four of them began to lift the crossbeam higher until the feet of Jesus were off the ground. The body must have writhed with pain. The four men pushed upward until the mortise hole was over the upright. The two thieves, who had been watching, looked away. When the crossbeam was set firmly, the executioner reached up and set the board which listed the name of the prisoner and the crime. Then he knelt before the cross. Two soldiers hurried to help, and each took hold of a leg at the calf. The ritual was to nail the right foot over the left, and this was probably the most difficult part of the work. If the feet were pulled downward, and nailed close to the foot of the cross, the prisoner always died quickly. Over the years, the Romans learned to push the feet upward on the cross, so the condemned man could lean on the nails and stretch himself upward. Jesus was crucified. He faced the Holy City for the last time. The workman moved to the others, and went through the same ritual with each one. To the watching crowd in front, death appeared to come slowly astride the shoulders of fatigue. The four wounds, in themselves, were not fatal. 283 But the constant pain forced the dying men to move in agony. The spectators observed Jesus closely because the high priests had passed the word that this was a mock Messiah, and that part of his crime was saying that if the great temple were destroyed he could raise it in three days. To the strangers, Jesus looked like any other pain-racked criminal they had ever seen. To the casual viewer there was nothing different about him, or unusual. Like the others’, his head at time was lowered, with chin touching chest. Again, moved by spasms, his head tossed from one shoulder to the other and his eyes looked up into the sun as his lips moved. When his body sagged, in fatigue, its weight hung on the nails in his wrists and his knees bent forward. His arms were now in a V position, and Jesus became conscious of two unendurable circumstances: the first was that the pain in his wrists was beyond bearing, and that muscle cramps knotted his forearms and upper arms and the pads of his shoulders; the second was that his pectoral muscles at the sides of his chest were momentarily paralyzed. This induced in him an involuntary panic; for he found that while he could draw air into his lungs, he was powerless to exhale. At once, Jesus raised himself on his bleeding feet. As the weight of his body came down on the insteps, the single nail pressed hard against the top of the wound. Slowly, steadily, Jesus was forced to raise himself higher until, for the moment, his head hid the sign which told of his crime. When his shoulders were on a level with his hands, breathing was rapid and easier. Like the other two, he fought the pain in his feet in order to breathe rapidly for a few moments. Then, unable to bear the pain below, which cramped legs and thighs and wrung moans from the strongest, he let his torso sag lower and 284 lower, and his knees projected a little at a time until, with a deep sigh, he felt himself hanging by the wrists. And this process must have been repeated again and again. TRUTH FROM UNEXPECTED SOURCES If we can learn anything from history, especially from what happened to Jesus, it is that truth often comes from totally unlikely people. And we can learn from history that those who do bring new truth and act as God’s champions are often hated. Sun Myung Moon teaches: The tragic history of Christianity is reflected in one simple fact: the relationship between the Israelite nation and Jesus Christ. The Israelites were looking forward to the Messiah coming to their nation. They should have had a palace ready in which to welcome their Messiah. But instead, the Messiah was born in a stable. Later the Christian church developed a proud tradition centered around that tragic, shameful fact. They erect manger scenes every year reenacting that sad and shameful time when the Messiah was born in a dirty stable. The most incredible shame of traditional Christianity is their insistence and proclamation that Jesus came in the first place to die on the cross. Instead, Judaism was supposed to accept the King of Kings. If they had, how could they have killed him? They should have been united with the commander-in-chief of spirit world and moved together to Rome with the living Jesus in the center. If they had been united, then the entire world would have been united around them. Jesus did not come primarily and solely as the “Lord.” Rather, Jesus came as the Father of all mankind, the true ancestor for human beings. He came as the personification of True Love, the center point of True Love. That was the purpose of the coming of Jesus Christ. Thus Jesus would have become the True Parent, as well as the King of Kings of the Jewish world. 285 NO ANTI-SEMITISM This kind of statement is not made in order to attack the Jewish people, or from even the slightest bit of anti-Semitism, although that is what some Jewish people have thought. I am not against the Jewish people or the Jewish religion. All I am speaking is the truth. Because of the crucifixion, those people, that nation, have been paying the most incredible, terrible price, including all their tragic bloodshed throughout history, including the loss of the Jewish nation. If Judaism had united with the Israel nation and together had accepted the Messiah, what would have happened? They would have become the center of the rest of the world to bring salvation to the world. By making unity with the living Jesus, they truly would have become the central nation and group in the world. But the tragedy is that they never realized this fact. That is why that nation eventually was totally demolished. John the Baptist was to take the position of minus to Jesus, who was the big plus. John should have served Jesus. But because he failed to take that minus position and unite with Jesus, his entire mission failed. This is another point upon which today’s Christianity is totally wrong. They do not understand the failure of John. (425-93) LEARN FROM HISTORY We must learn from history and be careful not to make the same tragic mistakes as our ancestors have done. God is on a crusade. The Messiah is on a crusade. God and Jesus are watching us. Let’s be open to hearing their words. Jesus’ death was devastating to his disciples. They soon got back together and from them the Christian Church was born. God had to begin all over again and build a new chosen people. The disciples were fired up to go out and preach. PREDESTINATION Christians believe that Jesus’ death was predestined because of the prophecy in Isaiah 53: “Surely he has borne our griefs and carried 286 our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and with his stripes we are healed” (Is. 53:4-5). This has been interpreted as a prophecy of a Lord of Suffering. But the Jewish people did not think the Messiah would suffer, have to die and then return later as a Lord of Glory. The cross was not predestined anymore than Adam’s fall was predestined. If the crucifixion was predestined, why didn’t the disciples understand this and be happy? If the crucifixion was the only way Jesus could save mankind, why were the disciples angry and say it was a mistake? Peter said, “You rejected the Holy and Righteous one, and killed the author of life” (Acts 3:14-15). Stephen told a crowd of religious leaders, “You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you forever opposing the Holy Spirit, just as your ancestors used to do. Which of the prophets did your ancestors not persecute? They killed those who foretold the coming of the Righteous One, whom you have now betrayed and murdered.” (Act 7:51-53) Later, St. Paul said, “None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (I Cor. 2:8). Jesus’ disciples understood Jesus far better than the Christians of today. They knew Jesus wanted to build the Kingdom of heaven on earth in their lifetimes. They knew he didn’t come to die. And if the crucifixion is the predestined will of God then Judas would be helping God. But this is preposterous. Judas himself realized his terrible mistake and committed suicide. We don’t honor Judas today. People who commit serious crimes are often led by an evil angel or an evil spirit man. After the crime takes place the spirit often leaves the person who then can only say he was out of control. Satan personally worked with Judas: “Then Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot ... he went away and conferred with the chief priests and officers of the temple police about how he might betray him to them” (Luke 22:3-4). Judas later threw the 30 pieces of silver back and hung himself. He was possessed. Satan is powerful. Judas’ crime was so great that Jesus said of him: “the Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe 287 to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would be better for that man if he had not been born.” (Matt. 26:24) If God had wanted Jesus to be killed, why would he have prepared the Jewish people to accept the Messiah? God had spent 2000 years trying to raise Israel to accept Jesus as the Messiah, not kill him. God laboriously and painstakingly had the Israelites center their faith on the Ark of the Covenant, then the temple. He sent prophets to keep the people on course. He tried to teach them to be like sheep and to be humble so that when the shepherd or Messiah came they would unite and support him. If God had wanted Jesus to be killed, He could have sent Jesus to a land of barbarians, and they would have killed him sooner. Sun Myung Moon explains: The Christian churches say, “God sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross. The crucifixion was the predestined will of God from the beginning.” Then let me ask those Christians, “What will you do when Jesus Christ returns to you today?” All Christians undoubtedly will answer, “We will receive him! Welcome him! Unite with him! Follow him!” Let me further ask, “Will you crucify Christ when he appears?” Your answer must be, “No!” If that is so, then what about the people of 2,000 years ago? If they had accepted Jesus—as you would today—would they still have had to crucify him? No! It was a mistake! It was in ignorance that we crucified Jesus Christ. Not Logical It was God’s will that His people accept the Messiah. But we crucified him instead. And then Christians “passed the buck” by saying that was the will of God. Ridiculous! This is not acceptable to our logic. Something must have gone terribly wrong. If they had only known who he was, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. It was a 288 mistake. It was ignorance and blindness that killed Jesus Christ! Christians of the world have not realized the truth about what actually happened in Jesus’ time. If God’s only purpose in sending His Son was to have him nailed on the cross, then why would God spend the time to prepare the people in the first place? It would have been much easier for God to send His son among the disbelievers, or even among savages. They would have killed him more quickly, and salvation would have come faster. These historical truths have remained hidden from the Christian world. Today, for the first time, all these circumstances of Jesus’ ministry are being brought to light. Yes, our Lord Jesus Christ came to fulfill the mission of bringing God’s kingdom to earth. But we did not understand him. We committed the great tragedy. Then later we claimed that was the will of God. How ironic! The conviction that Jesus came to die on the cross has become the very foundation of Christianity. But this mistaken belief has been piercing the heart of God again and again for the last 2,000 years. God’s heart was broken when Adam rebelled against Him, and again when His Son was nailed to the cross on the Mount of Calvary. We have sadly misunderstood both God and Christ. Why, then, has this truth been revealed at this particular time? Because the time of the Second Coming of Christ is near. And God does not want Christians to commit the same mistake made at Jesus’ time. Only with the revelation of the clear truth from the Heavenly Father can all the Christian churches become one. Yes, truth makes us one. If we know the truth, that truth will liberate us from our mistaken beliefs and disunity. And the 289 plain truth of God has now been revealed. (“The New Future of Christianity” September 18, 1974). Finally, Jesus himself said that he did not have to be crucified to save mankind. In the parable of the vineyard Jesus tells the story of a “householder” who is symbolic of God who planted a vineyard which is symbolic of Israel and “let it out to tenants” who symbolize the Israelites. The tenants kill the householder’s servants and then his son. The owner expected them to “respect” his son and was sorrowful when they killed him. Jesus is explaining that God wanted the chosen people of Israel to respect Jesus—not kill him. Once a disciple asked Jesus, “What must we do to be doing the works of God?” Jesus did not say “Crucify me on a cross so I can give you salvation.” Instead, Jesus said, “It is the work of God that you believe in him whom he has sent.” (John 6:29) For sin to be forgiven, the people simply had to believe in him. Jesus said that, “The Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” (Matt. 9:6). He didn’t say he had to die to forgive sin. He could forgive sin on earth. If the chosen people of Israel had accepted Jesus they would have been saved. Jesus pleaded with the Israelites to believe in him: “And when he drew near and saw the city he wept over it saying, ‘Would that even today you knew the things that make for peace. But now they are hid from your eyes because you did not know the time of your visitation’” (Luke 19:4-44). Jesus wept. Can you picture Jesus crying? Jesus cried more than any person who has ever lived, and he didn’t cry for himself. He cried because he knew he could end all suffering, but his fellow countrymen would not listen to him. Jesus said, “The truth will set you free” (John 8:32). But the people wouldn’t hear him. He never said the crucifixion would set anybody free. Mankind is still living a hell on earth. Obviously the crucifixion has not stopped Satan from being the ruler of this world. The cross was a victory for Satan, but the resurrection was a victory for God. Because Jesus was killed before he could establish 290 the kingdom of heaven on earth there is no kingdom of heaven in the spirit world. Through Jesus’ victory of his perfect life and death he was able to open up spirit world to a higher level that he called Paradise. The first person to go there was a thief. On the cross Jesus turned to him and said, “Today, you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43). Complete salvation would have to be postponed until the Second Advent. Another man must be born as Jesus was and gain total victory by showing us the way to totally liquidate evil from the earth and establish the kingdom of God. Jesus died too soon. He didn’t have enough time to teach us how to do this. He did not fail; everyone else failed. We are the master of our fate. God emphasizes that man’s effort can bring results. We read in Matt. 7:7, “ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be open to you.” If everything were predestined, of what use would be man’s efforts to change his life or the world? Calvin was wrong when he thought that everyone was either predestined to go to heaven or to hell. In general God does not know what anyone is going to do anymore than you know what someone is going to do. The Divine Principle shows us that partial predestination is true. God’s will, his dream of an ideal world will become a reality some day. Satan’s reign of terror is only temporary. The reason Satan has continued as long as he has is because of the constant failure of God’s chosen people to fulfill their portion of responsibility. The Israelites failure slowed God’s Providence of Restoration. God’s goal of an ideal world is predestined. The formula to reach that ideal is predestined, but the process of history to reach that goal is not. Sun Myung Moon speaks out strongly teaching Christians that they have deeply misunderstood Jesus’ mission. He says, “Christianity today has maintained the traditional view that Jesus came simply to die on the cross. This is how Christians have rationalized the murder of the Son of God!” “God worked unspeakably hard to bring this one son of His to the world, guiding a course of incredible history. After all His effort, do you think His Messiah came only to die on a cross at the age of 33? Was that God’s will?” 291 When Sun Myung Moon first came to America he gave public speeches in every state. In one of them titled “God’s Hope for America” he said this about Jesus: I am sure there are many devout Christians among you who have various opinions on the life of Jesus. How would you visualize Jesus’ appearance? What was Jesus doing for the 30 years before his public ministry? Was he in a college studying? The Bible doesn’t say he even went to elementary school. He was a laborer, an assistant to a carpenter. There is so much to know, so many hidden truths within the Bible which are not written explicitly. If I revealed some of those secrets I am sure you would be amazed. Even though I know these things, I could not tell you those stories lightly. For you would then ask, “How do you know such things?” I learned them from Jesus. Yes, and I learned from God. Remember, at the time of Noah nobody could believe Noah. At the time of Abraham, nobody could believe Abraham. By the same token, even though I will honestly tell you what actually happened at the time of Jesus, no one will easily believe me. Jesus’ Life of Sorrow Jesus suffered great anguish within his own family. There are many hidden stories not yet revealed. Many of the facts about his suffering are unknown. The Bible leaves a scanty record of the 30 years before Jesus’ public ministry. If this were a glorious record, we can be sure that God and Jesus’ disciples would have revealed it. But Jesus lived in sorrow and grief; he was an obscure figure for 30 years. People were therefore shocked one day when they heard him say, “I am the fulfillment of the law’ and “Moses wrote of me.” He proclaimed, “I am the Son of God” and “The Father in heaven has sent me.” “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by me.” How many of us could 292 have accepted such extraordinary statements if we had lived in those days? Jesus just bewildered people, he sounded so outrageous. Even John the Baptist had difficulty seeing Jesus as the Son of God, and John was supposed to come to prepare the people and make straight the way of the Lord. HERETIC Today it is very easy to accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God because for 2,000 years Christianity has been glorifying him as God. But in those days, the elders did not accept him. And the priests did not accept him either. They were no less intelligent than we are today. In fact, we would probably have compounded their mistakes if we had lived in the days of Jesus of Nazareth. They saw only an outcast, a blasphemer, and an outrageous heretic. They simply could not see the Son of God. Jesus had been long awaited. The Messiah was expected for 2,000 years. But when he finally appeared, there was no reception for him. The faith of the Jews at that time was no less powerful, no less devout than the faith of Christians today. Yet we know that the people Jesus associated with were not on a par with the rest of society that he mixed with harlots, tax collectors, and fishermen. We know the story that one day a young woman poured precious ointment over Jesus’ body, then washed his feet with her hair. If we had seen these things, how many of us can say in a pious manner that we would have accepted Jesus as the Son of God? SINFUL EYES The three years of Jesus’ public ministry were a far cry from the anticipated messiahship. No one understood Christ’s true mission. The people judged the Son of God with sinful eyes, according to their own earthly standards. And 293 they treated him as they pleased. This sinful world can never be hospitable to the purity of Christ. He came to his own people but the people received him not. GOD’S CHAMPIONS As I mentioned, all the saints and prophets and righteous men of history had first to deny themselves totally and give themselves up to God. When He summoned them, they gave up their homes, their fortunes, their families and their nations. God wants His champion on the individual level, on the family level, tribal level, national level and worldwide level. He has summoned His champions on each level. And the qualification for God’s champion on any level always remains the same. He needs the absolute and untiring faith required to follow His command wherever it may lead. God needs total obedience to His will. God Seeks World Salvation We must examine then, what is the will of God? Why does He give His people such a hard time? Individual salvation is certainly important in the sight of God. God does not neglect that. However, that is not the ultimate purpose of God’s work. God’s will is the salvation of the world! God needs an individual to be His champion for the ultimate goal of world salvation. God summoned one family to be an instrument for the salvation of the world. God summoned His people to achieve the salvation of the world. God wants to have a nation as His champion, for the ultimate fulfillment of world salvation. People in the time of Jesus were anxiously awaiting the Messiah. But they were thinking only of their own national glory as Israel, the chosen people of God. They did not understand the universal mission of Jesus Christ. It was the 294 purpose of God to send the Messiah to the chosen people of Israel so that the Messiah would unite with the chosen people. Then they could become soldiers of faith, to fight for and achieve the salvation of the world. The foundation for the Messiah was laid through Jacob, the champion of the family, and through Moses, the champion of his people. Finally the Messiah came to the nation of Israel. He was to be the champion of the nation and the champion of the entire world. The purpose of God is not the salvation of one church or one nation alone. It is the will of God that He sacrificed the lesser for the greater. Therefore He will sacrifice the church or the nation for the world. If Christians today think only of their own salvation, their own heaven and their own well-being, then they are not living in accordance with the purpose of God. If we are only concerned with the salvation of our own families, we are not worthy of God’s blessing. If people focus on benefiting their own people alone, or their nation alone, then they are absolutely going against the will of God. God will give you your own salvation. When you become God’s champion for world salvation, your own salvation is guaranteed. Now, the Christian population is probably one seventh of the total world population. But among these, very few are devout Christians. And among devout Christians, how many of us really strive for the salvation of mankind? We must all devote ourselves to the salvation of the world! God cannot be pleased with man if we live in a self-centered way. I met Jesus personally, and I received a revelation through which I learned that God’s grief is great. His heart is broken. Today God is working ceaselessly for the ultimate salvation of all mankind. He needs His champion to succeed in this work. The purpose 295 of God’s church is to save the entire world. The church is the instrument of God, and it was this very fact that the chosen people of Israel forgot at the time of Jesus. At the Fall mankind lost parents. We are born into a sinful world and raised by sinful parents. To restore this we have to be reborn. Jesus had the unique mission to be the first true parent. All mankind were to be “reborn” through him. Every person will eventually accept him as the first man who grew to perfection. Jesus was unequivocal in saying that we too must reach the goal of perfection: “You therefore must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt. 5:48). The book of Matthew is written in Greek. The word “perfect” (Greek: tellios) means “end” or “goal”. The goal of every person is to grow up to absolute maturity. 296 Adam and Eve were unable to do this. They fell at the top of the growth stage. If they had not fallen and reached perfection, they would have formed the first trinity of God, Adam and Eve. 297 IDEAL WORLD God’s plan was for Adam and Eve to grow into perfection and then marry and work to build a true marriage. Next God wanted them to multiply, to have children, and work to become True Parents who would work to build a True Family. Then God had the goal of those children of Adam and Eve to grow to perfection and they in turn would create true marriages and become True Parents. God wanted to fill the earth with perfect people working hard to become True Parents and raising their children to become True families. This would create true societies, nations and world. There would be world peace and every one on earth would live in absolute unity, harmony and true love. Everyone would be in the lineage of God. All mankind would be brothers and sisters to each other because we would be children of God. It would be a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, an Ideal World. 298 FALLEN WORLD God’s plan was for all His children, for all mankind, to live as one huge. happy family. Tragically, Satan usurped God’s position. He stole Adam and Eve from God and has become their Father. Adam and Eve failed to become True Parents and their children did not become true people either. From Adam and Eve mankind has degenerated into false societies, nations and world. There is world war and mankind has lived in disunity, chaos and false love. Everyone has been in the lineage of Satan. We are not brothers and sisters to each other because we are children of Satan. Mankind has lived in a Kingdom of Hell on Earth, a Fallen World. 299 God sent Jesus as the second Adam, and God had prepared a second Eve. If they had married they would have had children and from them God’s deepest desire was for Jesus and his wife to build a true marriage and become True Parents and therefore restore the failure of Adam and Eve. God then wanted their physical children and all mankind to learn from Jesus and his wife and build true marriages and become True Parents. Then God wanted every person thereafter to accept Jesus as the Messiah and marry and become True Parents as well. And then the world would become an ideal world and everyone would be in the lineage of God. Jesus was the first person in human history to reach perfection, to have absolute mind/body unity centered on God. God has worked to inspire mankind to accept him as the first True Adam. This is why he said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Adam and Eve fell because they “loved” each other more than God. To restore their failure, Jesus said we must love God more than each other, even more than our own family. This was very difficult for the Jewish people because they had very strong 300 families. Nevertheless, Jesus came to make them stronger. He said, “He who loves father and mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me” (Matt. 10:37). “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). The word “hate” is an unfortunate translation. Jesus meant that we are not to hate our family, but that we are to hate the fallen or satanic part that exists in our family. He wants us to hate evil, not people. Jesus teaches love for people, not hatred. Every person, he taught, must be “born anew” (John 3:3). Adam and Eve and all parents since are false parents. We need true parents to give us true life not the false life we have in this sinful world. Jesus was a true father. Jesus was trying to say something like this, “Temporarily, I want you to love me more than anyone else on earth. I will teach you about God. I want you to become like children so you can be reborn and enter the kingdom of heaven. Your parents love you, but they aren’t perfect. They don’t know God. They cannot help but be failures as parents. After I teach you how to become perfect like me, then you will be equal to me. I am simply an older brother sent by God to help you as a prodigal son and daughter to come home. When you are perfect your marriage will be eternal and your family will be eternal. Then the whole world will live as one huge family.” Jesus’ disciples deserted him. Peter, the closest, denied him three times. They had lived with him day and night for three years. It was difficult. We are all immature, bad children. All we know is hell. We don’t know heaven or perfection. We are lost and arrogant like Satan. The Messiah comes out of nowhere and says he’s more important than anything. He asks us to join him on a crusade to spread the good news. He says he is first. He is the world’s leader. He even says everyone is dead. One man wanted to follow Jesus but said he first had to help his relative bury his deceased father. Jesus not only told him not to go 301 but that his other relatives were as dead as his father: “Let the dead bury their own dead, but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:60). Jesus is trying to say there’s a war going on and our primary mission is to witness the good news that the Messiah brings. Jesus was strict. He said that his followers must never go back but stay with him for the rest of their lives: “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). When the people heard this they did not follow him, and they killed him. This is Satan’s world, and God will be the reverse of this world. The Messiah is in a hurry. He has an incredible sense of urgency. Jesus had only a few years to accomplish his task. He wanted a mass movement in his lifetime. He wanted the entire nation of Israel behind him, and then he wanted to go to the world. “Jesus Christ came as the Messiah. He was the model of perfection upon every level: The individual, family, tribal, national, and worldwide levels. He came to establish a perfect world in his lifetime, not over a period of centuries.” (10-20-73) If everyone had united, Jesus and his wife could have restored every family to be as God-centered as his family. Then Satan would lose his power over man, repent, pay for his crimes and be restored to Lucifer. But Jesus was murdered before he could marry. He went into the spirit world and became the spiritual True Father. God created the Holy Spirit after Jesus was murdered. It is a feminine essence of God that took the place of the second Eve and became the spiritual True Mother. SPIRITUAL TRUE PARENTS From the spirit world, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have been working as spiritual true parents for the last 2000 years. Christians have been reborn through them spiritually. HOLY SPIRIT Soon after Jesus died a Pentecost occurred in which people were filled with the spirit and had spiritual experiences such as speaking in tongues. The Holy Spirit was given then. This is a feminine 302 spirit to complement Jesus. To be reborn spiritually and enter a spiritual sanctuary called Paradise after we die we have to believe in Jesus. Father Moon reveals, “At this time only an intermediate place in the spirit world is open. That is called Paradise. Jesus and his disciples dwell in Paradise, and even they cannot actually enter the Kingdom of Heaven until it is established on earth. One reason for this is because the Kingdom of Heaven is prepared not for individuals, but for the family of God for the father, the mother, and God’s true children.” (10-28-73) To have Jesus as a parent God gave the Holy Spirit, a special feminine essence, as the position of bride to Jesus. Originally the trinity was to be Jesus and a real woman on earth as his bride united with God. But that trinity was changed to a secondary one of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Mankind has been allowed to be partially reborn. The Third Adam will come and give full salvation to every person on earth and in spirit world. The belief that the “trinity” is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as three Gods who existed before Adam and Eve and all three created the world is not correct. The Trinitarian creed was first used by Christians almost 200 years after Jesus died. The traditional belief 303 of making Jesus God himself comes from people who did not know Jesus personally. God is not the three-in-one as taught. Jesus was a man and the Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost. The Hebrew word for spirit (ruach) is feminine; the Greek word (pneuma) is neuter. In John’s Gospel, the Holy Spirit is said to be a comforting spirit which can be seen as feminine. While some early Christians believed the Holy Spirit was a female spirit, most Christians thought of it as a masculine being. “Also, the Jewish tradition was on the whole extremely masculine-oriented and hostile to all feminine definitions of the Godhead. Consequently, at Nicea and Chaledon the ecumenical councils affirmed that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit were distinct yet equal, consubstantial and all of the same sex” (Unification Theology, Young Oon Kim). The Holy Spirit is not a being. In Genesis the Spirit is God’s breath, and the Fourth Gospel describes the Spirit as a “wind.” God’s essence is the polarity of masculine and feminine; and the Holy Spirit is a mother spirit—the counterpart to Jesus’ masculinity and serves the maternal function of comforting, nurturing and nourishing Christians. The Trinitarian creed that is widely used in Catholic and many Protestant worship services is not biblical. The word “trinity” (trias) never occurs in the New Testament. Jesus’ disciples and the very early Christians did not believe in a trinity. The first theologian to write of the trinity was Theophilus of Antioch (circa 180 A.D.). Christian theology always refers to Matt. 28:19 as showing proof of the Trinitarian formula but this statement is only the theology of its author. Jesus never taught the concept of trinity. The oldest tradition in the New Testament clearly asserts Jesus as a purely human savior. Father teaches: Forty days after Jesus’ resurrection the Holy Spirit descended from heaven. What is the Holy Spirit? After Adam and Eve failed their mission as the True Parents of mankind, God’s concept of the True Parents was confined to the spiritual realm. Jesus came as the manifestation of God’s concept of true Adam, but no one was raised up to manifest God’s concept of Eve. For this reason the Holy Spirit 304 comes in the role of spiritual Mother. The Bible describes the Holy Spirit as being like fire or water or like a dove, because it was without form, but the role of the Holy Spirit is that of mother spirit. The Holy Spirit has served as the womb of a spiritual mother, completely embracing and covering Christians and internally giving spiritual rebirth. Jesus’ spirit as the Father, together with the Holy Spirit, can bring the power of rebirth to Christians. No spiritual resurrection can come about until one truly receives both Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God never intended that physical birth and spiritual birth come separately, but Jesus could not establish full salvation 2,000 years ago, and left only the power of spiritual salvation here on earth. He must come again to the earth to complete the portion of his mission left undone at that time. (April 18, 1977) In God’s Warning to the World Sun Myung Moon says: Jesus Christ is the one man who lived God’s ideal in its fullest realization. He was the first man of perfection ever to walk the earth, and he came to restore the true relationship between God and human beings. But after Jesus’ crucifixion, Christianity made him into only God. This is why the gap between God and ourselves has never been bridged. Jesus is a man in whom God is incarnate. But he is not God Himself, the Father. It is written in I Timothy 2:5, “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus…” The dwelling of God within Jesus was a total reality. He said, “Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me?” (John 14:10). Jesus is, indeed, the only begotten son of God, but God does not want only Jesus as His son. All mankind is created to be able to say, “I am in the Father and the Father in me.” 305 The entire purpose of Jesus’ coming can be summarized in one sentence: Jesus came to bring the resurrection needed so that human love can be perfected to the point where we can come into the direct dominion of God’s love. This is the fully attainable goal of everyone. One argument by traditional Christians is that when Jesus went from being God to a human being he denied his divine mind while he walked as a man on the earth. So when Jesus said “the Father is greater than I” (John 14:28) he was not lying because he really had no memory of being a god who had created the world. This and all other arguments for a trinity of three beings who made the universe make no sense. Orthodox Christian theology is science fiction. The last book in the Bible, Revelation, speaks of the divine marriage of the third Adam as the Marriage of the Lamb, i.e. the marriage of the first true Adam and true Eve, mankind’s ultimate hope for salvation. JESUS AND BRIDE—TRUE PARENTS FOR HUMANKIND To be saved we ultimately need two people—a man and a woman 306 to become the first True Parents on earth. Jesus wanted so badly to marry and with his wife lead the world into perfection. “Jesus was the second Adam. It was God’s will for him to be blessed in heavenly matrimony with the second Eve, his restored bride. God intended him to bring forth upon this earth his own sinless children. Then Jesus and his bride would have become the True Parents for humankind, and all humankind would have found life by grafting onto them. In Revelation, at the end of the Bible, it shows us clearly that the end of God’s ideal is this perfect man and perfect woman; when they rejoice, embracing in holy matrimony, this cannot be exchanged for the entire universe. Once God has achieved this high ideal as a standard, then there will be more such individuals and families coming into existence; this is what God has been working for. So this is the highest ideal of God and highest ideal of humanity. This is the deepest desire of God and also the deepest desire of humanity. Only around this one center can all people and God eternally be happy and one.” (10-20-73) Jesus spoke to the people in parables, but to his close disciples he revealed more. Jesus told them: “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God; but to others I speak in parables” (Luke 8:10). Jesus could only reveal so much truth at one time. It is like teaching mathematics to a child. You do not start with calculus. There is a growth period and as the people grew in understanding then Jesus could reveal more. The disciples knew him better so he could reveal more to them. But he had to hold back so many things even from them. Jesus knew the Fall, for example, but his disciples were not ready to hear it. Jesus did not have time to raise them higher. The disciples did know that Jesus’ mission was to build a oneworld family. They saw Jesus’ mind and body were one—that his words and deeds were one. But when they heard that he had an alternative course of the path of the cross they just couldn’t understand. Traditional Christian thought says that Jesus was predestined to die on the cross is incorrect. It was a secondary mission. Jesus’ mission was to restore the failure of Adam in the Garden of Eden. Adam had a physical body and failed to marry after he was perfect. The mission of Adam was transferred to Jesus, but because Jesus was killed before he could start a perfect family, then his mission was transferred to another man who must come as 307 a third Adam and like Adam and Jesus be born on earth. Sin came into the world on earth and sin must be erased first on earth. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus said, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10). He also said, “…whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matt. 16:19). When sin is erased from earth then sin will be erased from everyone in the spirit world, too. RESURRECTION Christian theology is also incorrect in its teachings on resurrection. Some Christians believe they will rise with their physical bodies raptured up into heaven at the Second Coming. Christianity teaches that those who have died are asleep and will have their physical bodies miraculously put together again and float to heaven when the Second Coming happens. We learn in the Divine Principle that everyone who has died is not asleep but is living in spirit world. We read in the Bible that Moses and Elijah talked to Jesus. First Thessalonians 4:17 says, “Then we who are alive ... will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” Some Christians believe they are going “up” into the sky. They interpret this passage literally. But it is symbolic. The key word is “up”. When we say someone has advanced in life we say, “he has gone up in the world.” When we say someone has gone up the ladder of success we are using figurative language. The same is true in this quotation. When we unite our minds and bodies with the Messiah and live God’s way of life then our value has increased. Also, heaven is not a physical place in the universe. After our physical body dies, we live forever in the spirit world. The Messiah doesn’t come to end physical death. The Messiah himself physically dies. Many Christians incorrectly believe that there is no sex and there are no marriages in the afterlife. They believe this because of Matthew 22:30 that says, “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.” The term “until death do us part” is not true because 308 every person will eventually live with their mate eternally in heaven. Some will be with their mate they had on earth and some will find their mate in spirit world. First Thessalonians 4:17 says “caught up”. This is a translation from a Greek word meaning to snatch away. Other synonyms would be: grab, seize, pluck, steal, kidnap. In effect there is often an abrupt change when people turn to God. Jesus’ physical body did not go up into the sky. He did not have a corporeal resurrection or resuscitation. His spiritual body went into the spirit world, and Jesus cannot return with his physical body. Man’s spirit body goes into heaven imperfect. We are not living in an ideal world on earth and our ancestors are not living an ideal life in the spirit world. We learned earlier that for our spirit man to grow, it must receive vitality elements from our physical body. People in the spirit world can never have their physical body again and cannot grow to perfection by themselves. Spirit men in the spirit world cannot perfect themselves unless they cooperate with people on earth. They can be resurrected or elevated and ascend the thousands of different levels of spirit world by cooperating with earthly people. To grow they must come to earth and help men and women. In this way they can receive vitality elements for their spirit man. By doing this they can be resurrected. For example, Elijah grew spiritually because he helped John the Baptist by giving him spiritual guidance. In fact, though you cannot see them, people are working with you now from the spirit world. The truth sets people free. And if you receive the truth you grow spiritually. And if you are growing, the people in spirit world can benefit as well in their spiritual advancement. God continually has brought higher truth to mankind throughout history. He has given truth in stages. God gave laws and asked for animal sacrifices from the early Israelites in the Old Testament. When Jesus came, God gave a higher truth of love and asked for faith in the New Testament. Jesus died before he could reveal the full truth. Today we have the complete truth in the Divine Principle, the Completed 309 Testament, which can guide us to spiritually grow by living God’s way of life. Resurrection means to be raised from the dead. This doesn’t mean that our physical bodies will rise into the air but that we will pass from spiritual death to spiritual life. God told Adam and Eve they would die if they ate the fruit in the Garden of Eden. They ate the fruit and lived many years afterwards. Obviously, God was not talking about physical death when he spoke to Adam and Eve. He told them they would die spiritually and they did. They lost their five spiritual senses and communication with God. This is true death. Sadly, we are born separated from God. Everyone must be restored spiritually. When we accept Jesus we can begin the process of coming back to God. Nothing in our life is more important than that. Jesus came with the ability to restore our relationship with God. All mankind needs to be reborn. If we accept Jesus we begin to be reborn and restored. But mankind will become completely reborn when the third and final Adam comes. Many Christians put exclusive emphasis upon being saved by the blood of Jesus. They do not know that Jesus forgave sin before he was crucified. The Bible tells the story of a prostitute who was about to be stoned to death. Jesus said to the people, “Whoever is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” Everyone dropped their stones and drifted away in shame. Jesus then said to the woman, “Has no one condemned you? Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.” Jesus offered forgiveness. No one had to wait for Jesus to die. Jesus wanted to forgive sin at that time. He did not give a rain check saying, “I will forgive you and save you, but wait until I am crucified on the cross.” Jesus did not have to die to save us. God’s original plan of salvation was for Jesus not to die. The crucifixion was a secondary course that gave only spiritual salvation. Sun Myung Moon teaches: If we examine Jesus’ Providence of the cross, we see that Jesus, the thief on the right, the thief on the left, and Barabbas sowed the seeds of history. The principle is that what is sown will be reaped. So the 310 first to appear were the right wing world and the left wing world, that is, the democratic and the Communist realms, reflecting the “right thief type” and the “left thief type.” Centering on Jesus’ cross, Islam, the “Barabbas type,” appeared next. Reflecting Barabbas, who received good fortune because of Jesus, Islam originated as a force resisting Christianity. If the democratic world is internal, then the Communist world is external. If the right wing is internal, then the left wing is external. For this reason, the Messiah who is to come has no choice but to appear upon the internal foundation of the democratic world, which respects God. He must carry out a movement that absorbs the external environment and unifies the various cultural spheres centering on the mainstream Christian cultural sphere. Such a movement is carried out at the end of history. Such a thing cannot be looked at as circumstantial. The nature of the original cause leads to such a result. The Merit of the Thief on the Right When Jesus was crucified, he died along with the man on his right, who was not only a thief but also a murderer. If that thief had not been there, Jesus would have lost his relationship with the Earth and humankind. Even though he himself was near death, the thief on the right defended Jesus. In human history, who took Jesus’ side? It was not Peter; it was not Jesus’ father or mother; it was not the nation of Israel and it was not Judaism. It was only one person: the thief on the right. One individual alone maintained this relationship. While facing death, he transcended death and placed all his hopes on Jesus. That was none other than the thief on the right. You need to know that were it not for the thief on the right, Jesus would not have been able to resurrect and resume his providence on Earth. As Jesus was bringing to a conclusion four thousand years of history and the more than thirty years of his own life, there was only one person who connected 311 with Jesus and attended Jesus as the one who embodied his most fervent hopes, even as he accompanied Jesus on the path of death. That was the thief on the right. The fact that the thief on the right has this position means that he surpassed the disciples. He was superior to Peter. This is so because although he did not know Jesus’ teachings, his nature directed and empowered him to attend Jesus at the moment of death, until he breathed his last. Peter, John and the others of the twelve disciples, by contrast, knew Jesus’ teachings and even pledged to become new persons, but ultimately were not able to achieve it. You have to know that, for this reason, the thief on the right became a central character in human history, a man who represented the Earth and salvaged the future. Only a Spiritual Foundation Until now, Christianity has not been able to pursue the Kingdom of Heaven both on Earth and in the spirit. Christianity has had no choice but to yield the physical world, attending Jesus as the spiritual Messiah and setting spiritual salvation and a spiritual Kingdom as its goals. The people of Israel had a nation and possessed national authority as the chosen people, but worldwide Christianity today is in the position of the second Israel only as a spiritual nation; it has no national authority. Christians have no country. We stand in the realm of the second Israel with only a spiritual foundation, not a physical foundation. Because Christianity was not able to accomplish the original Will of God, who must bring about a Kingdom on Earth that is of both spirit and flesh, there is no other way except for the Lord to come again. I want to make one declaration to you here today. The crucifixion was not God’s victory. Instead, it was Satan’s victory. You will remember that Jesus said to those who arrested him in the Garden of Gethsemane, “... this is your hour—when darkness reigns.” (Luke 22:53) You need to know that the cross was the place where the nation that God had 312 prepared for four thousand years was lost, the place where the religious faith of Israel was lost, and the place where the followers of John the Baptist, the twelve disciples, the thief on the left, and everything else was lost. You need to know that Christianity was not there on the cross. When did Christianity begin? Jesus resurrected after three days and spent forty days meeting the disciples he had lost, who had turned against him. The Holy Spirit descended on the disciples, and you need to know that it was only then that Christianity began. Christians for the past two thousand years have believed in Christianity without knowing that it came into existence not by the principle of the cross, but by the principle of the resurrection. If you realize this fact, then you must repent. Because Christianity began on the foundation of Jesus’ resurrection, Christianity has been strictly spiritual. What would have happened if Jesus had not died on the cross? In that case, the nation of Israel would have followed Jesus’ teachings, stabilized and endured. Judaism also would have remained as it was. Jesus knew that if he were to die on the cross, multitudes of people in future ages would have to follow him on the way of the cross, and that they would not be able to do so without shedding blood. Many Christians would have to suffer, and even when the Lord came again he would have to go the way of suffering. You need to know that this is the reason that Jesus had to pray as he did in the Garden of Gethsemane. Christians today say that Jesus prayed for deliverance because he had a physical body and feared the pain of death. But was Jesus such a trivial Messiah? Certainly not. Meaning of “It is Finished” What, then, did Jesus mean by saying, “It is finished,” when he committed his spirit on the cross? Jesus had come with the mission to save both spirit and flesh, but he realized that he could not completely fulfill God’s Will in a world in which 313 there was no foundation. So, he offered himself completely in order to establish a condition for spiritual salvation and allow that providence to begin. Having completed that, in the end he said, “It is finished.” You probably have never featured this even in your imagination. Christianity and Judaism should realize even now that the Lord, who tried to demolish Satan’s nation and do away with Satan’s kingship, and to accomplish God’s will and restore humanity, died a tragic death. When they realize this, they should repent and become one. They should become one and prepare to receive the Lord on his return. Truth Conforms to Reason Truth must conform to reason. The time has come for all Christians to throw off the age of blind faith and move ahead into a new age united as one, to sort out this world and bring it to salvation. You need to know that the time has come in which the term “unification” is essential. Jesus’ Three-Day Suffering Course What does it mean that Jesus suffered pain during the three days following his death? Heaven, Earth and Hell all remained in the realm of death. For Jesus to gain authority over Heaven and Earth, he needed to encompass the depths and heights of this realm of death. For this reason, in order to pursue the connection of life and go the path that could comfort God, Jesus needed to prevail, even if it meant descending into the lowest environment such as Hell and suffering pain. Because Jesus passed through Hell, he prepared a path by which it was possible to make a new beginning toward Heaven. Though he was cast out and isolated on Earth, and finally forced to go the way of death, he was able to leave a path of hope for future generations. That is the reason Jesus had to go on his three-day course. Jesus did not go to Hell for three days just to look around. He already knew about Hell. He needed to go there, pass judgment and pave the way to go from the world of death to the world of life. In this way, 314 he laid a foundation of victory on Earth, which is the world of death and Hell, and established a starting point from which it is possible to reach Heaven. Jesus Rejected In the eyes of the religious establishment, Jesus was a heretic, and in the eyes of the nation, he was a destroyer of the religious law. His own clan rejected him and chased him out of his home. The group surrounding John the Baptist rejected him. So he went into the wilderness, but there Satan pursued him. That was not all. Eventually, the entire country mobilized to force him to go the way of death on the cross, the path of Golgotha. Jesus, though, shed tears for the nation that was rejecting him as a traitor. The Jewish establishment treated Jesus as a heretic, but he shed more blood and tears for them than did any priest. Not a single person of that age would stand on his side, but Jesus was a friend of that age. He was rejected as a traitor, but he was the greatest patriot. He was rejected as a heretic, but he was the most faithful believer. Jesus walked a wretched path, the path of the cross, where people ripped his clothing, drove him on, and forced him to the ground. That was not all. Evil men whipped and beat him. In this situation, if Jesus had been like Elijah, he might have said to the people, “I am the only one of the Lord’s prophets left.” (1 Kings 18:22) But when Jesus left his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane and went to pray, he said, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.” (Luke 22:42) This was his greatness. He understood that his body was a sacrificial offering for the nation, a sacrificial offering for humanity and a sacrificial offering for Heaven’s Providence. Because he understood this, Jesus, while not denying his own sorrow, was more concerned about how great a sorrow God must have felt. Jesus had appeared for the sake of the nation and he was concerned how great God’s sorrow was to see him rejected as a traitor. Jesus was the prince of Heaven, 315 the central personage of the entire universe, and the Messiah. If he chose, he could have fallen prey to self-pity and asked why he should go the miserable way of the cross. He could have set the entire universe in motion to breathe a deep sigh of despair with him. But he understood that his position was not to sigh in despair. Instead, he even went so far as to feel apologetic toward Heaven for having been rejected. Jesus bore the responsibility to rally the religious establishment, rally the nation, build the Kingdom of Heaven and return the world to the Father’s bosom. Yet when he was forced to abandon that mission and walk the way of the cross, he did not feel enmity toward anyone. He did not pray, “Let this cup pass from me,” out of a fear of death. Rather, he prayed this because he knew that his death would add to the grief of the nation and to God’s grief. Jesus knew that if he died on the cross, there would be an even heavier cross remaining for the future generations of humanity. It would mean that the sorrowful history would not end. He knew that the path of Golgotha would not end with him. He knew that the path of death would not end. And he knew that if he went the way of Golgotha, those who followed him would also have to go the same way. Jesus knew that an even more difficult course lay beyond the cross. As he was made to wear a crown of thorns, and the nails were hammered into his hands and feet, and his side was stabbed with a spear, Jesus knew that these events would have impact far beyond his own death. When he turned to Heaven and said, “It is finished,” he did not mean that the path of the cross for the world was finished. He meant that Heaven had received his heart’s tearful plea of concern over the cross. We need to know that Jesus comforted Heaven by taking upon himself all the mistakes committed by the prophets and patriots and offering himself as a living sacrifice. 316 And even beyond that, as he neared death Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) God had a mind to pass judgment immediately, judgment that was even greater than that of Noah’s time. But Jesus died clinging to the nation, clinging to the religious establishment and clinging to the cross. For this reason, God could not abandon humanity but held on to us. Because this bond of heart existed between Jesus, the future generations of humanity and the remaining people of Israel, God has been unable to abandon the religious organizations and people of succeeding generations who have turned against Him. Instead, He has clung to them. Meaning of the Bread and Wine I am sure you are well aware that God, who had been carrying out His Providence of restoration for four thousand years, could not complete His Will in Heaven and on Earth simply by the Providence of having Jesus resurrect. So He established a new testament in His word, and through it He has worked His providence to bring together His will in Heaven with that on Earth and establish the promised original Garden. If we look in the Bible, we see that Jesus said the wine and bread that he gave us were the promise and new covenant. After Jesus was on Earth, we received his flesh and blood, and these represented the life of the perfected whole that must be accomplished. At the same time, they represented the providence in its entirety. What does the fact that we received Jesus’ blood and flesh symbolize? This is not just the flesh and blood of Jesus as one individual. In a larger sense, these signify Heaven and Earth and, in a smaller sense, they signify the core and the individual body. Also, the flesh symbolizes the truth and blood of the Holy Spirit. Jesus gave us all this without condition. What has been blocked between God and human beings? Heaven’s Will should be manifested on Earth and everything on Earth ultimately should be 317 connected to Heaven’s Will. In this way, Heaven and Earth will move toward a single goal. This is what is blocked. Jesus established a new promise before he departed. So, after his death the necessity of human beings, that is, the disciples who followed Jesus, connecting the spiritual and physical worlds remained as a condition. Had Jesus not died, Heaven and Earth would have been connected through him. Because he died, Jesus came to represent the conditions in Heaven and the Holy Spirit came to represent the conditions on Earth. Respected guests, the time now has come. Heaven’s time, for which God has been waiting six thousand years and Christians have been waiting two thousand years, has come. It is the time to build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven on an inter-religious, international and inter-organizational footing. Heaven’s fortune has finally arrived. Jesus, Peter, John and the other disciples, plus thousands and even tens of thousands of religious leaders in the spirit world are now of one mind and one body and they are descending freely to the physical world to attend True Parents. Without a doubt, the Unified Cosmic Nation of Heaven’s Will and the Kingdom of Heaven in which Heaven and Earth can be as one in eternal peace will settle on the Earth. Now is the time for America, the Christian country representing the Second Israel, to stand in the forefront. I declare to the world that America has the responsibility to guide all the world’s people. But it must not do so with weapons; it must do this in truth and love by living for the sake of others upon the foundation of true love, true life, and true lineage. Thank you for your kind attention. May God bless you and God bless America. — (“The Life of Jesus as Seen from God’s Will, and God’s Warning to the Present Age, the Period of the Last Days—20th Anniversary of the Washington Times Banquet” May 21, 2002) Who is the person God has been able to love the most in history? It is Jesus. Jesus presented a new 318 direction for this conflict-ridden world. High walls are created between oppressor nations and oppressed nations, such as between Rome and Israel, by them viewing each other as enemies. Jesus’ philosophy is that these walls need to be demolished. Jesus thought: You in Rome want to conquer me by force, but I will conquer you in the opposite way—with love. That is why he even sought blessing for his enemies when he was hanging on the cross. Jesus Was Model Man We need to recognize that when Jesus said of the Roman soldiers, “Forgive them for they know not what they do”, he was expressing this kind of amazing philosophy. Because Jesus made this plea he became a model and archetype for all nations of the world to transcend the way they see each other as enemies, and also a model for transcending the borders between any two nations. (“The Course of Life for the Princes and Princesses of Go” March 12, 2000) Chang Shik Yang says: Take Down the Cross! The time has come to resolve all the grievances that remain in Jesus’ heart. Two thousand years ago Jesus had to go the way of the cross due to disbelief and persecution from his own people. He employed the cross as a sacred implement upon which to sacrifice his body in order to save humankind. However, in God’s eyes, Jesus’ death on the cross was too appalling even to watch. After making 4,000 years of preparations to send the Messiah, God had sent Jesus, His only-begotten Son. Instead of being welcomed, Jesus was tried, convicted and sentenced to death. The cross was the dreadful instrument of his execution. The Bible describes three hours of darkness that suddenly fell when Jesus was crucified. God could not bear witnessing the scene of Jesus’ death and turned His face away. As Jesus prophesied that “Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down” 319 (Mark 13:2), the Jews were scattered to wander all over the world. God had to watch in tears as awful historical consequences played out, even the massacre of six million Jews by Hitler. Today, in order for Judaism and Israel to be resurrected, they should clearly understand the tragedy of Jesus’ death. ...the cross that Christians revere was not God’s primary will, but rather was Jesus’ second choice necessitated by the impossible circumstances. Jesus took that path with a painful heart, in order to open at least the way to spiritual salvation for humankind. Yet when Jesus looks upon the cross, his heart is flooded with painful memories. His heartbreak and sorrow will finally be resolved only when the cross is taken down from every Christian church. (The Opening of the Gate to the Cheon-Il-Guk through the Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Parents of Heaven and Earth and The Providential Background of the Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families for the Peace and Unity of the Heavenly Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth) The symbol of the cross brings so much pain to God and Jesus that Christian ministers should take down their crosses and bury them. Won Pil Kim said in a speech titled “Father’s Course and our Life of Faith”, “It is believed that the crucifixion of Jesus was God’s plan. For this reason the miserable image of crucified Jesus on the cross is carved and put in the middle of the altar in the churches so that everybody can see. “There is no religious group that worships such a miserable statue as Christianity. Don’t you feel bad when you see a dead body? Whether the dead person was good or bad, any dead body never gives us a good feeling. But they don’t feel bad even to see Jesus, who died an unnatural death, because they think his death was reasonable or, rather, that it was an expression of God’s love to forgive the original sin of human beings. 320 “Even though Jesus died because of Heavenly reasons, it is wrong to feel good looking at his dead body. No person wants to be stripped: do you like to be naked in public?” The Divine Principle shows that God loves every person, and that He won’t rest until everyone is home with him. God won’t rest until everyone is in heaven. God promised Adam and Eve they would have the Three Blessings of being fruitful, multiplying and having dominion, and God will never stop working until all of us, His children, are living in the ideal world He planned for. IDEAL WORLD How will the ideal world come about? Many Christians have a childish view of Jesus. Jesus is seen as some kind of Daddy who will come and whisk them away and put them into some perfect safe place with gold-lined streets. Sun Myung Moon teaches that this view is juvenile. The adult, grown-up view is that God and Jesus want us to shed blood, sweat and tears to build the ideal world. Sun Myung Moon’s revelations from God and Jesus are about hard work—even carrying a cross. It is about being a spiritual warrior. God wants us to fight Satan and evil forces and be victorious. WITNESSING Jesus’ last words to his disciples were to witness—to convert people. How many Christians make witnessing their primary goal in life? They don’t because there is nothing more difficult than to teach God’s word in this world. Christianity has degenerated into an easy religion. Sun Myung Moon teaches us to take the hard course. He walks his talk. We find joy and happiness when we embrace the call of God and the Messiah to fundamentally change our lives and then witness to others, but we also find heartache and challenge. We are supposed to work so hard we will be persecuted for upsetting people with our relentless pushing of the truth. People will say they do not want to be preached to. To follow Jesus means to be labeled a crazy fanatic—an extremist. Christians do not realize the magnitude of the war we are in. They are lazy and therefore Satan continues to rule this world. It may be difficult to be a religious person and be persecuted, but it is far more difficult to not carry the cross. We have the duty of being focused on the Messiah’s great mission he gives us and to follow his difficult course as he pursues the vision God gives of an ideal world. 321 Sun Myung Moon teaches: Christians Naïve Christians are very naive to think that believing in Jesus is all that is required for them to end up in heaven while they leave this world behind. Their idea of a guaranteed place in heaven is a crazy concept that could never enable man to fulfill God’s will. From God’s standpoint that is heretical thinking, not the principles of the Unification Church. (4-18-77) Saved — Simply Believe in Jesus? Some Christians today may be puzzled when they hear about indemnity and man’s portion of responsibility. They think, “Almighty God is a God of love with a soft heart, a God of love. What do you mean by such a cruel thing as indemnity? God is not cruel.” Often people would prefer to think that if they simply continue to believe in Jesus they would be saved. They think they don’t have to do anything else. Belief in Jesus Let us examine what is meant by “belief in Jesus.” To what extent does someone believe in Jesus? Does a person believe in Jesus only as he relates to him as an individual, or Jesus within the family, or Jesus as he reigns over the society, nation, the universe, or the Jesus who is in God? That makes a lot of difference. A favorite Bible verse of Christians today is John 3:16, which says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but shall have eternal life.” Many Christians put the greatest emphasis upon the second part of the verse and forget the most important thing: that God so loved the world. God did not love the church or the individual so much that he sent his only begotten Son. It was because God so loved the world, the universe. 322 Thus Jesus is the one who came to save the world. When we believe in Jesus the world is very much in our minds. God is in Jesus and Jesus is in God. Jesus Calls Us to Separate from Satan and Sin When you say you believe in Jesus, do you only believe in those things, which make you feel good? Do you reject those things about Jesus, which make you feel painful? We should accept what Jesus taught and do those things which Jesus himself would want us to do. We must not take part in things that Jesus would not like. What are those things, which Jesus would not like? They are, simply, Satan and sin. Vague Belief in Jesus We are to separate ourselves from Satan and sin and believe in Jesus from that position, rather than from a position in which sin, Satan, and Jesus are all mixed together in our lives. Jesus wants to rule over a world from which Satan and sin are eradicated, not a world in which sin is mixed together with everything and in which people have just a vague belief in Jesus. This is why Jesus said, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” For what should we repent? We must repent of the fact that we have been living together with Satan and sin throughout our lives. Then we can serve heaven. Where are the faithful believers in Jesus and where are the righteous churches that can publicly proclaim proudly that they are absolutely separated from Satan and sin and that they are following Jesus exactly as he would have them do? Since no one can say they are living in perfect love in an ideal world with no suffering and tears, Christians who truly follow Jesus must be struggling to separate from sin and to love the world from the perspective of Jesus, the Savior who labors still to bring the world to God. But sadly, we know that Satan exists within the churches as everywhere else; there is almost as much sin there as in the rest of the world. All too many Christian leaders are so compromised with the 323 world that what they love and hate is no different from what the rest of the world loves and hates; there is very little difference between the world and those churches. Which would Satan find more pleasure in—the church or the world? Why would he like the sins of the church more than those of society in general? Satan likes the sins of the church more because then he can protest to God, “Look at those people in the church—they don’t love others; they even hate others! They are not faithful, either. This must be my church.” The churches that remain this way must perish at the time of the last days along with the evils of the secular world. God has promised that he will destroy all evil at the time of the last days. God would even destroy such churches before the rest of society. What really surprised me when I first came to America was the way Americans used the names of Jesus Christ and God as an exclamation—not to praise them, but to put them in the worst position. I wondered what people meant when they said, “Jesus Christ!” and I realized that they were describing something bad. What led to this kind of custom? What do the best words imaginable have to do with the worst things that can happen to people? Have you sometimes observed that certain Christians may be worse than people of the secular world? Those who claim they believe in God may actually be worse than those who don’t—they are more egoistic, less loving and giving, etc. This American nation is founded upon JudeoChristian principles, yet Americans have become very individualistic. Was Jesus an individualistic person? How did Americans come to be so egoistic and individualistic when Jesus had nothing of an egoistic nature? We can come to the simple conclusion that if people really believed in Jesus they would not have become like that. Instead of believing in Jesus for Jesus’ sake and for God’s sake, some people believe in him for their own 324 benefit. In other words, they use Jesus and God for their own sake. What do you think about this? Belief in Jesus Brings with it Responsibility to Love the World Returning to our original point, God sent Jesus to humankind because He loved this world so much. Did humankind believe in Jesus the way God wanted them to, or did people generally believe according to their own discretion and desire? This is the most important determining factor of a person’s belief. Just Believe The greatest error occurs when people think that they can “just believe” in God and Jesus and they will receive more and more blessings from God. Such people feel they can have everything they want, without doing anything in return. That is similar to the attitude of a thief, who just takes things without working. Did Jesus believe in God in that way? Did he think that because God sent him as his only begotten son it meant he had all power? Did he feel that all he had to do was to keep on believing and claiming his faith in God, and then he could subjugate all the Roman Empire automatically? If Jesus couldn’t do that, what is the justification for thinking that other people can do that? In other words, many people say that Jesus couldn’t just believe in God and do nothing, but that we can. Jesus believed in God and we believe in Jesus. Jesus didn’t just say, “God, I believe in You so You must bring all the people and all the Roman Empire under my domain.” It is clear that such a thing would not work for Jesus. If everything could have come to Jesus automatically, why did Jesus witness? Why did Jesus gather and train the 12 apostles, the 70 disciples, the 120 elders? Why did he have to do all that and endure so much persecution along the way? Jesus went the way of persecution and bloodshed according to God’s dispensation; he had no other way to go. Jesus knew the suffering that lay ahead of him, but he also 325 knew he had to go that way in order to accomplish God’s will. Do you think I am placing unnecessary stress on this or do you understand that this point is the most crucial one of belief? Jesus had to go the way he did because he knew what God wanted him to do— namely, to save the world and all mankind by loving them. Therefore, it stands to reason that everyone else who loves Jesus must also do God’s will—to love the people of the world and save them. Because God so loved the world He sent his only begotten son. Jesus had the obligation, the mission, to make the world one which could receive the love of God. Jesus looked around and saw that the world was not lovable. Is the world lovable today? At this time, there are many different churches with great power and influence in the world. They embrace this world in their own ways. Can God look at them and be completely pleased with them? Communists have even infiltrated the churches and developed theologies to suit their own purposes, such as liberation theology. How can God love such churches? We can understand that the true, correct faith is not the way many Christians have been going, but rather it is the way Jesus tried to establish in his time—to gather the people, teach the people, and establish the kind of world which God could freely love. Jesus had to love the world in order to accomplish his mission. This was the work of God and also the work of Jesus—it was the purpose for which God sent Jesus. Jesus had to bring the world to God for God to accomplish His purpose of sending Jesus to the world. Then what would have happened? When all people became worthy of receiving the love of God freely, everything would have been accomplished. God loved the world, so he sent Jesus. When the people of the world are able to freely receive the love of Jesus and God, they will be satisfied. These things have to be accomplished; it is very clear. 326 If groups of Christians emerge from this hopeless world who are loving others, thinking more of serving than being served, and doing as Jesus did, then God will be able to fulfill the promise he made when he sent His only begotten son. Jesus sacrificed himself and gave up his own life; he remained completely faithful to his mission of making the world lovable by God, making the people worthy of receiving God’s love. If some new Christian group emerges at this time, following the path which Jesus trod, then Christianity and the world will have hope for the first time in a long time. Bear the Cross Look around and see which denominations would fit these specifications. What about members of the Unification Church? Why don’t we do the same things that many other churches do and believe exactly the same way that they do? Why do we fight against communism? We do this because it is the germ which will destroy all religion if it prevails. Our movement is trampling down on Satan and sin and especially communism, destroying those germs, and on the other hand we are sacrificing ourselves as Jesus did and bearing our own cross so that God can give His love to the world. Would God say he likes Unification Church members? Would God be ashamed that we work harder than other Christians? No. God would say, “How proud I am of the Unificationists!” Are you sure he would say that? How about Jesus? When he looks at the Unification movement, would he say, “Oh, you should be ashamed of yourselves; my other followers don’t work the way you do. You embarrass me.”? No, instead, Jesus would say, “You are my hope, my pride.” See Hope in Unificationists If God loves us and Jesus loves us, what about the people of the world? They might be saying, “We hate those Moonies,” but as they say such things, they are watching us, and gradually they are 327 discovering that there is nothing wrong with us. They are gradually coming to like us, and they will come to see hope in us. When other Christians have a real chance to see us and work with us, will they continue to hate us or will they love us? Jesus sought to bring the entire world to God, and we are determined to do that. Jesus was to confront the Roman Empire. I have been confronting the government of the U.S. and I have pledged to preach the Gospel in Moscow, as well. The most powerful effort of America to stop me has been to put me in jail, but will such a thing stop our movement? Logical Understanding Since God so loves the world, I continue to push you out in order to make this a lovable world. When we undertake something worthwhile, it is important first to have a logical understanding of why we must do it. We must do the things we do because of human responsibility. Inch by Inch Does God really love me or not? When you look at how hard I have worked and how I have been persecuted, don’t you think God might have done something more on my behalf? You say that God really loves me, but I might argue with you and say, “If God loves me, what has He ever done for me?” At no time in my entire mission have I ever had a peaceful moment. Wherever I have gone, I was not readily welcomed at first; it was only after I had given much and taught many things that people would begin to understand. I have had to fight continuously to gain ground for God—inch by inch. If God were to give me the power to work miracles and somehow retaliate against those who persecute us unrighteously and show them dramatically how wrong they are, they would not continue to mistreat us. Why does God allow these unrighteous things to continue? When Jesus was crucified, God was 328 certainly watching the scene. Did God not have the power to stop the Roman soldiers and rescue Jesus from the cross? Jesus was God’s own son. What kind of a father could bear to see his own son’s blood being shed in such an unrighteous way and not do something? Can we call such a God a God of love and justice? Where was God’s justice then? When my court case was over and the judge pronounced my sentence, why didn’t God do something? Was it because God did not have the power to do anything? Why did God seem to pretend not to know about it? That is a riddle. In this common yet very important issue comes the understanding of the human portion of responsibility. Law of Human Responsibility The discovery of man’s portion of responsibility is a cosmic discovery. Great discoveries have been made in science, such as Einstein’s theory of relativity; however, the discovery of the law of human responsibility is the greatest of all. Without understanding this principle, the most fundamental issues in life remain as a puzzle. “Why do righteous people always have to suffer? Why is a great man’s name only resurrected after his death?” The answers to these questions hinge upon the principle of human responsibility. God’s Grace The Unificationists are the ones who are supposed to appreciate this fact of man’s responsibility the most, but ironically you hate it as much as everybody else does. Have you accomplished your portion of responsibility or not? The heaviest consequence of this principle is the requirement that humans make effort to indemnify sin. How long the human indemnity period will last is not known by anyone— not God, not spirit world, not me, not anyone. We may keep asking why the misery in life must go on, but it is a fact that as long as there is sin in the world, we must take responsibility for it. If anybody, including God, were to remove the human burden of 329 indemnity, people could no longer have the dignity of responsible beings. This is not to deny the reality of God’s grace, but even grace comes for the purpose of assisting people in fulfilling their portion of responsibility. Therefore God did not intervene when Adam and Eve committed the fall. God did not intervene because he would not violate man’s portion of responsibility. I have been persecuted in this country, yet I have not done anything evil or wrong. Many people are watching what has been happening to me and are curious about the source of the persecution. Many other well-educated people and scientists can see that even though the majority of the world is accusing Sun Myung Moon, I have been doing things that are worthy of praise and even assistance. Separate from Satan Yet there is no more efficient way for people to go from the extreme of being unworthy of God’s love to being worthy except by going through persecution. The first thing we must do is separate ourselves from Satan. Do we do that when our lives are cozy and comfortable? No, the best way to separate ourselves from Satan is when we are enduring tremendous persecution. After Satan has opposed someone so much then God can freely love that person, and Satan will have no chance to accuse him any more. Thus, a way is created by which God can more speedily love all those who have been unworthy of his love. Quickly the conditions are made for God to embrace them. Remember the reason why these things have been happening—everything begins from the point of human responsibility. After man’s responsibility is accomplished, what happens then? Once an individual successfully fulfills his portion of responsibility, that person enters the realm of the direct dominion of God. Does God maintain that dominion over a person by giving him a lot of money, or what? It is only through love that God gains direct dominion over mankind. Once that 330 direct dominion is achieved, people can lead the kind of life, for the first time, which God originally intended for them to live. Love is Most Important In the Garden of Eden there was no crime or sin. Adam and Eve could do nothing really wrong except to violate the commandment God gave them. Once Adam and Eve had come under the direct dominion that would have meant they had passed through the time of the possibility of the fall. The only thing that would have been left for them to do was to experience love. Nothing else would have been truly significant. Love is the most essential and important element of the world; unless someone had violated that, nothing would have been a sin. Therefore all a person must accomplish is to receive the “certificate” of God’s love. God can make the world a totally peaceful place. Satan will be unable to complain against God at all. When we finally possess God’s love, we never want to commit a crime or a sin at all. The reason why people commit crimes and sin is that they want something they don’t have. When God’s love is with us we are satisfied and have no need for anything more. Long and Complicated Route Since the fall occurred, however, and since restoration efforts have consistently failed, we find that it takes a long and complicated route, step-bystep, to separate from Satan—from the individual level of indemnity, the family level, the clan, society, national, world level, to the cosmic level. Law of Indemnity This is not something I made up; the principle of human responsibility has existed from the very beginning, although it hasn’t been so well understood. It existed when Adam and Eve were alive, but all they needed to do was simply keep God’s commandment and live for 21 years faithful to God. Before Satan existed, there was no additional indemnity condition to be met. But with the fall and with the multiplication of Adam and 331 Eve’s fallen family into a society, nation, and world dominated by Satan, human responsibility became heavier. Now we must separate from Satan on every level by fulfilling conditions of indemnity. This law of indemnity is applicable not just for specific individuals or just to Unification Church members but to everyone. Whether someone understands or believes this law or not, he must eventually go through these steps. Welcome Persecution This is the reason why we go the path we go. This is why I have welcomed persecution and will not shrink from the course that lies before me. I never pray to smooth my way or to lighten my burden. I will fulfill my own portion of responsibility. Cross of Indemnity Do you need restoration by indemnity or not? Do other Christians need it also? What about Jesus—did he walk the path of restoration by indemnity also? Clearly, that was the path he trod. What about Sun Myung Moon? Yes, no matter what, there is no way I can avoid that. No matter how almighty God is, there is no way even He can avoid the cross of indemnity. He must endure uncertainty and heartbreak as He watches His children stumble along the path. Therefore, we should march on to fulfill our responsibility well. Jesus completely occupied the love of God, but He did not want to stop there. He knew why God sent him to the world, so he did everything possible to pass along God’s love to other people. Jesus received the purest love from God, and he wanted to spread out that love to the whole world. He wanted to make all humankind into God’s sons and daughters. Jesus is our Brother Jesus wanted all the people of the world to be loved by God, just as he was. Jesus was the one who was first loved by God; all humankind was supposed to be those who were second-loved by God. Therefore, the relationship between Jesus and all humanity is 332 like that between brothers and sisters. How close you can feel to Jesus when you realize that he is your elder brother! Jesus is not Distant Many Christians have believed that Jesus and God are the subjects of religion and we are their objects and that subject and object can never get close to each other. They are so high and omnipotent that we can’t even think about being on the same level of relationship with them; if we do, that is blasphemy. But we can see that Jesus is not the distant subject of religious belief. He is a part of your daily life, just like brothers and sisters in a family, not like the teacher of a religion relating to his followers. Maybe the first step of relationship had to be distant like that, but eventually Jesus wanted everybody to be a part of the same family. Remember, the world is God’s goal. And just as Jesus willingly gave his life so that the world might live, God wanted all Christians to be willing to give themselves for the salvation of the world. However, today, most Christians are not even close to realizing this heart of God. God seeks to build one family of humankind. Therefore, the family, church, and nation which God desires transcend all barriers of race and nationality. The people who are a unified blending of all colors of skin, and who transcend race and nationality, are most beautiful in the sight of God and most pleasing to Him. I have been telling you Christians that you cannot remain idle or indifferent. You cannot just think about your own life and your own family and going to Heaven eventually. That attitude among conventional Christians is a problem. Need a Spiritual Revolution Christianity must unite. The church must liberate herself from sectarianism. She must undergo a drastic reform and achieve an ecumenical and an inter-religious unity. For this, we need a spiritual 333 revolution, and it has come in the form of a new Christian movement. The Unification movement has been created by God to fulfill that mission. The new ideology, which the Unification Church brings, is Godism, an absolutely God-centered ideology. It has the power to bring Christians of all creeds, and other religions and conscientious people, into unity.... Build It with Our Hands [We must] build the Kingdom of God [on earth]. Then we shall all truly become brothers and sisters under one Father, God. This will be a world of love, a world of happiness. Our planet will be one home, and humanity will be one family. God’s will, his long cherished desire from the beginning of time, will finally be fulfilled. This will be the eternal, ideal world of God. Indeed, it will be the Kingdom of God on earth. We will build it with our hands. This is our supreme mission. It is truly our Godgiven, sacred mission. God is crying out to the world, and we are His instruments. The world must respond to His call. Listen to God’s commandment. Initiate a courageous march towards the Kingdom of God on earth. Whatever the difficulty, let it not stop us. Our march is God’s, and it will go on to the end. Today let us pledge to God Almighty our loyalty and dedication to the fulfillment of this divine mission. In the name of God, let us unite, and together build the Kingdom of God on earth! (God’s Warning to the World, Book II: Reverend Moon’s Message from Prison) REINCARNATION The theory of reincarnation is incorrect. God created each of us to have only one physical body and one spiritual body. When our physical body dies our spiritual body goes to the spirit world. Our spirit man cannot go into a mother’s womb again and take on a new physical body. The theory of reincarnation came about because of spirit men returning to earth to work with people on earth. Because no one has reached perfection on earth spirit men need to come down to 334 earth and cooperate with people. A spirit man can get vitality elements for his growth from the physical body of the person in whom he or she is working with. In some cases spirit men so dominate people on earth that they tell the experiences the spirit man had while he lived on earth. When outsiders look at this it appears to be the reincarnation of a passed away spirit man. Memories that some people believe they have of earlier lives they led when they were a man or woman living in the past are really those spirits sharing their lives with the actual person on earth. It is so real because it is the actual lives of another person or persons. In certain people spirits return to help transfer their mission to another. Elijah did that with John the Baptist although John didn’t know it. Some people interpret the Bible by saying that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah. John and Elijah are two separate people. Child prodigies are explained by understanding that spirit men are helping. It is not reincarnation. This also explains speaking in tongues, psychic healing, spiritual possession, multiple personality and some kinds of insanity. Christianity calls the belief that the spirits of those who have died can make contact with the living on earth—spiritualism or spiritism. Many Christians interpret the Bible as saying that the dead “sleep” in their graves until a future resurrection takes place and their bodies will rise from the dead with a new body. All phenomena such as “ghosts”, séances, visions, etc. are only angels and other spirit men. But the Bible clearly says that the dead are not asleep and can communicate with those on earth. First Samuel 28 tells of an ancient “séance.” King Saul of Israel wanted to know about a battle with the Philistines he was about to have. In First Samuel 28:7 he orders his servants to find a medium, “Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit that I may go to her, and inquire of her.” They found the woman at Endor. Saul disguised himself and went to her at night and said, “I pray thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit, and bring me him up, whom I shall name unto thee” (verse 8). The medium asked who she should bring up. Saul said: “Bring me up Samuel” (verse 11) and she did. Samuel prophesied that Saul would be defeated. Christianity is wrong in saying this was just an angel. The clearest instance of 335 communication with those who had died is Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah at the Mount of Transfiguration. Each of us is influenced by people in the spirit world. Good spirits as well as evil spirits are constantly whispering in our ears. Satan himself will often work with key people to disrupt God’s effort to unify mankind. We read that “Satan entered into Judas” (Luke 22:3) and after Satan was through with him and left him then Judas realized what he had done. He took the 30 pieces of silver back and hung himself for betraying Jesus. This world is a battleground between the forces of God and Satan, between good and evil. Satan has won most of the battles, but God will eventually win the war because mankind now has the Divine Principle that teaches us how to stop having give and take with Satan and do as God wants us to do. The Principle is not just another theology that we can pick from. It is the absolute truth that will bring God’s culture. It is the truth that will unite this world under one ideology. PASS THE TEST We should understand that each of us are influenced by spirit men and women and should not make the mistake John the Baptist did. Until we heard the Divine Principle we were ignorant of how the world works. After we hear the Principle we have the responsibility to do God’s will. What is God’s will? It is to live God’s way of life. When we do this we will raise ourselves spiritually and those men and women in spirit world that surround us. We now know that we are not alone. Good spirits work to help us and evil spirits work to hurt us. We are constantly being tested. When we deny a temptation we grow closer to God and help those spirits attached to us to grow also. It is the only way they can grow. God wants each of us to be strong and make the right decisions. When we succumb to temptations that hurt us we now know that we hurt others as well as ourselves. Dear Reader, never think that you are alone. There are many spirits with you all day long and their salvation from Hell depends on you. Also, when we make the right choices in life we become an inspiration to others to live a higher life and therefore a happier life. 336 Sun Myung Moon has spoken extensively on Jesus. The following are some excerpts from a speech titled “The True Meaning of Christmas” given on December 25, 1979: If something is logical then it should be consistent from beginning to end. Christianity today is a worldwide religion, which has prospered for 2,000 years, yet today it is entangled in confusion and chaos. Why? Because the beginning and end of today’s Christian thought are not consistent. Look at the contradictions in Christian thought and Christian practice: Jesus came to build one world, but contrary to Jesus’ will there are now several hundred denominations dividing Christianity. Greater division has been brought about. Today the followers of Reverend Moon are being accused and persecuted by the world, but in the sight of God and Jesus we are the true central religion, the orthodox of orthodox. Therefore, I proclaim today that Christianity needs to learn a direction and new way of life. My direction is now being supported by spirit world, Jesus Christ and God Himself. How do you know I’m not the greatest swindler in the world? If you use your own logical minds you can deduce whether what I am saying is true or not. Why do we need Jesus? Why do we need the Messiah? ... We need a Messiah because we want to have God centered love, and only the Messiah can give us that love. ... We need Jesus in order to learn his way of life, so that we can inherit the tradition of unstained heavenly love. In order to do that, we have to follow his way of life, obeying his instructions. Could Jesus completely exemplify the heavenly tradition if he were a bachelor? Because Jesus was always a bachelor we have not seen any other tradition, but that was only the first step of Jesus’ contribution. He was to have given the world not only a tradition of individual perfection, but also the tradition of love between husband and wife. As a God centered man he wanted to show how men should live. As a husband he was to show how to be a model God centered husband. Does the Bible teach 337 this? Have you ever read in the Bible how Jesus loved his wife? Would God call Jesus a heretic for thinking that he should marry? Christianity does not have the tradition of a husband’s love for his wife. Furthermore, Jesus wanted not only to love his wife but to teach her how to set the tradition of wifehood. Does the Bible record that tradition? Is there any record of Jesus becoming a father who could teach people the right way to love their children? Is there any indication that Jesus became a grandfather who could show how grandchildren should be loved? Did Jesus leave any tradition for Christianity of leading a tribe? Is there any tradition for a king and ruler of the world about how to govern with God’s love? Is there any tradition of a King of kings who governs without any national or racial prejudice? Is there a tradition for governing not only the physical world but also the spirit world, of showing what the Kingdom of Heaven should be like for eternity? TRADITION Is there a tradition of the love of God here on earth? Jesus came to teach this tradition. He struggled by himself but finally was crucified, and there was not much room for him to leave the traditions that God wanted here on earth. Compared to the scope of the mission Jesus came to fulfill here on earth, he spoke only a small bit about the tradition of the love of God. The bulk of it has been left undone. It is essentially true that Jesus must return to pick up that mission and finish it. Isn’t that logical? What is love? What is the love of God from the point of view of Christianity? This world we live in is truly a wilderness, for there is no taste of the love of God in it. People hardly have a concept of the love of God. In this wilderness I came to cry out for the love of God. In itself this is a historical mission. I am proclaiming in this wilderness how the love of God should be. WILL OF GOD I came to this world knowing precisely the will of God, and the agony and heart of Jesus. I know what 338 no one else has ever known and I came to proclaim it to the world. Today people don’t write out the word Christmas, but use Xmas instead. Often on a test O means true and X means false. Thus, written as Xmas, Christmas is the false, upside-down message. People are celebrating the wrong kind of Christmas. When you hear me say this it makes sense, but because of this people say I am a heretic who is attacking the 2,000-year-old Christian tradition. Again, the important thing is which side God is receptive to. If the entire world has another opinion, how can you be so sure God would take my side? When we know that the true meaning of Christmas is that God sent Jesus to bring the true tradition of love, then when we exchange Christmas greetings they will be sweet and acceptable to Jesus. Jesus led a tragic life of accusation and persecution and finally crucifixion. He truly led the most miserable life, and his one wish would be for one man to step forward and tell the world who he truly was and how he felt, why he cried out on Gethsemane. He would want someone to speak out for him who could look at the world through his eyes, with the tradition of the love of God, and tell the world what to do. Jesus would want that spokesman to vindicate his mission, to herald the tradition of love that Jesus could not finish during his own life. This is the kind of champion Jesus truly wants to see in this world. In the fallen world men look at a beautiful woman and think how they can have her for themselves. When Jesus looked at any woman— whether charming, feeble, young or old—Jesus felt she was his sister and thought about how to love her in a pure, heavenly way. When seen through Jesus’ eyes, even the ugliest possible woman—so ugly you would have to spell ugly with ten U’s—would truly be a sister and he would pour out his genuine heart to her. That’s how Jesus looked at all mankind. Everywhere I go people criticize me and call me a monster who brainwashes people. We have a better term; brainwashing is actually moon-washing, 339 or love-washing. We are gathered to celebrate the true Christmas because we know God and His purpose; we know Jesus’ purpose and intention for coming to this world. And in addition we are handpicked by God to vindicate Jesus and liberate the heart of God by accomplishing what Jesus left undone. If we say Merry Christmas with that mind then God and Jesus would respond thousands of times, “Merry, merry, merry Christmas.” DIVINE MISSION No other people are truly responding to the call of God. We are given the divine mission which no one else is undertaking. There is nothing greater or more important to God and Jesus and mankind than establishing the tradition of God’s love. The commitment you can give that task should be greater than to any other task, and far greater than the dedication of the communists to their cause. Love is supreme; nothing is more perfect or precious. Once established it will remain forever, so for this task there is nothing we cannot spare. Have you truly loved the world that much? Basically you have been living capriciously, but you must realize that your body is not yours—it should be the personification of God’s love. It is the holy temple of God, who is love. It should be a love temple. If someone squeezes you, love juice should come out, and through you people should find salvation and eternal life. Christmas Day is the perfect day for repentance, for checking how much you have truly lived as Jesus’ representative and loved the world as he did. We are the only people inheriting the true tradition of Christmas which God conceived in His heart. The true meaning of Christmas is the tradition of the true love of God. It doesn’t matter how big or small our festivities are; we will celebrate a Christmas which God and Jesus will want to attend. After hearing me, “Merry Christmas” becomes “Concerned Christmas.” This year you greet each other with “Heavy Christmas,” 340 with the desire that next year we can truly celebrate a Merry Christmas. Will fruitcake and ice cream make a merry Christmas? The true content of Christmas is the amount of love you gave during the year. That is far more dazzling than any amount of decorations. JESUS — FIRST TRUE LEADER Jesus was the first true leader in human history. If he had married he would have shown by his word and deed how a man is to protect, provide and lead his wife and children. He was the second Adam but because he was not able to marry and raise a second Eve, God had to work to send a third Adam who would show mankind what true masculinity looks like. JESUS — MANLY MAN Sun Myung Moon teaches that Jesus was a man’s man. He was virile—a manly man: Was Jesus a manly man or was he effeminate? He was, of course, very masculine. Would it have been a sin if Jesus, as a masculine man, wanted to marry a woman, or would that have been unrighteous? God's providence is for a righteous and perfectly masculine man to become one with a perfectly feminine woman. If Adam and Eve had become one, free of the fall and centered on true love, this beautiful relationship would have made the flowers bloom. When the flowers bloom, can the butterflies stay away? Would the birds stay away? No, they would be attracted, too. (2-19-89) CHRISTIANS — SECOND CHOSEN PEOPLE The history of the world has been a nightmare. Jesus tried to teach us the truth, but he was murdered by ignorant people before he could give us the whole truth that would save us. In the next chapter we will learn how God has worked since Jesus to raise mankind to accept the Second Coming of Christ. God has worked with other cultures but His focus has been on raising Christians to be the chosen people to accept the new Messiah. 341 Let’s now look at Christian history to see how God has worked since Jesus to prepare the world for the Third and final Adam who will pioneer the ideal world God has dreamed of for so long. 342 Chapter 5 Christian History SIX PERIODS OF TIME Christian history is a reenactment of Jewish history. History repeats itself. We saw the pattern of 6 stages of time in the history of the Jewish people. This pattern is symbolic and prophetic. When we look at Christian history, we will see a corresponding six stages. These stages will not be symbolic but literal periods of time that will match within 2 or 3 percent the corresponding time period in Jewish history. The time periods in Jewish history prophesy the pattern God will use in preparing the Christian world for the coming of the Third Adam. Symbolic for Man God created man on the sixth day. The number six is symbolic for man. Satan has claimed that number. Because it took six days to create the world or six periods of time, God has used six periods of time to restore man. 343 We learned earlier there are 3 stages in the growth period— formation, growth, and completion. Each of these stages has 3 stages. Man fell at the top of the growth stage in the Growth Period. This stage is the sixth stage or completion level of the growth stage, the second stage in the Growth Period. To restore man there will be therefore six stages of time to bring man back to the point of the Fall. At this point we are reborn through the Messiah and grow to perfection by following the principles that the Messiah teaches and lives by. Just as the Israelites had been persecuted for 400 years, Christians were persecuted by the Romans. Christians were considered a dangerous sect or cult. St. Paul himself was a persecutor before God struck him off his horse as he was traveling to a city to persecute Christians. He was converted to Christianity and witnessed to thousands. For three hundred years Christianity grew in the Roman Empire. During that time they were sometimes persecuted. But God was behind this minority religion and it kept growing. Then God gained a major victory in 312 A.D. when the emperor Constantine had a vision. While leading his army he saw a cross of light in the sky and an inscription: “By this sign, conquer.” He won the battle at 344 Milvian Bridge and was converted to Christianity. In 313 he issued the Edict of Milan, a decree of toleration toward the Christian sect. COUNCIL OF NICEA In the fourth century a church elder named Arius taught that Jesus was not God himself. His opponents believed that Jesus was God. The controversy became so great throughout the Roman Empire that a council was called to meet in the city of Nicea in May 325 A.D. This was the first time in Christian history that Church leaders met. Constantine presided over the gathering. He asked that the meeting be peaceful but the debate was heated. The secretary to the bishop of Alexandra, Athanasius, was the spokesman for those who believed Jesus was God. The council finally sided with Athanasius. But a year later Emperor Constantine changed his mind and began to favor Arius. But Arius’ views were held only temporarily. Arius was Abel, and Athanasius was in the Cain position. The view that Jesus is God has unfortunately become the basic tenet of Christian faith and has remained so till today. UNITARIANS The Arian view has periodically reappeared in history. God was behind those small voices of reason but few heard Him. John Milton, the author of Paradise Lost, was an Arian. In the 18th century Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Isaac Newton were Arians. In the 19th century Emerson, Thoreau and Longfellow were Unitarians. The Divine Principle reasserts the Unitarian view that Jesus is not God who created the world. In 392 Theodocius I made Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. If it required 400 years for Christianity to become the state religion, what if Jesus had been able to lead the early disciples to Rome? In his lifetime, the Roman Empire would have turned to God. Today there would be no religion called Christianity because Jesus would have united the world into one family under God. Historians have discovered that Jesus was actually born in 4 B.C. 392 from 4 B.C. is 396 years which matches the 400 years of slavery in Egypt within 2 or 3 percent. Just as God sent a liberator, 345 Moses, to the Israelites, God sent the liberator Theodocius to the Christians. Theodocius was flawed like Moses. Moses was not able to enter Canaan because of his mistakes, and Theodocius was not able to keep the Roman Empire as God’s central nation. WHY ROME FELL One of the greatest questions in history is why the Roman Empire fell. There are a number of reasons such as rampant immorality and high taxes. But the main reason was that Rome held the incorrect view of Jesus. The decision to adopt the Trinitarian belief was fatal. Missionaries had gone to the Germanic tribes, and they became Arians. This is why God favored them over the Romans. God wanted the common sense Arian view to prevail in Christianity so it would sweep the earth instead of being a minority religion with a ridiculous view of Jesus. I have written a separate book on why God abandoned Rome and moved His focus to the Germanic peoples who he hoped would build a Holy Roman Empire. You can read the entire book Why Rome Fell: God’s Providence from Jesus to Sun Myung Moon at: “I AM COMING SOON” Why did Jesus say to his disciples he would return soon by coming in a dramatic way on the clouds? There are two reasons. First, Jesus knew if he spoke clearly about another man coming as a Second Messiah there would be too much confusion caused by so many people saying they were the one. The other reason was that Jesus wanted to keep the disciples faith at a high point. He knew that the disciples and all mankind would suffer because of the terrible mistake of the crucifixion. If he told the disciples clearly of the coming persecution, he was afraid they would lose their heart and zeal. Revelation 22:20 says, “Surely I am coming soon.” And in Matthew 10:23 Jesus said, “... for truly, I say to you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel, before the Son of man comes.” In Matthew 16:28, he said, “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.” In these passages Jesus was saying that the Second Coming would take place very soon. Of course, Jesus did not return in their lifetime. Why did Jesus lead them to think he would? 346 Jesus wanted Christianity to survive the terrible persecution it had ahead of it. Because the disciples felt Jesus’ return was imminent they were encouraged and remained dedicated and had the strength to build the early Christian Church. The second period of Jewish history was the 400-year period of Judges, a feudal period. Christianity also went through 400 years of a feudal era called the Dark Ages ruled by Patriarchs. The five most influential Patriarchs were the bishops of Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem. The Bishop of Rome eventually became the leading patriarch and was called “Pope.” The period of Judges ended when Samuel anointed Saul King. The period of Patriarchs ended when Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne King on Christmas day, 800 A.D. 347 392 to 800 are 408 years. Again, Christian history matches Jewish history by 2 to 3 percent. After the 400-year period of Judges, came the period of the United Kingdom. Likewise, Charlemagne created a united Christian Kingdom. Charlemagne’s favorite book was Augustine’s City of God, and he felt he had a mission to unite Europe and create a model Christian empire. Under his charismatic leadership he encouraged the building of schools. It was like a renaissance but, unfortunately, the Kingdom was divided after three generations under the leadership of his son, and later his grandsons. 348 Just like David and Solomon had many flaws, the leaders during this period did not live up to its promise of being a great empire that would continue far into the future. Charlemagne and his descendants are called Carolingians (pronounced Kair-oh-lin’-jeeuhnz or Karlin’jenz). Charlemagne’s grandsons fought with each other and eventually signed the Treaty of Verdun in 843. This Treaty is seen by some as the historical origin of France and Germany, but the Carolingian dynasty did not end then. It lasted until 911 in what is today Germany. The next king was connected to the Carolingians because his mother was a Carolingian. He ruled until 919, and then Henry I was crowned and started a new era called the Saxon Dynasty. The period of the United Christian Kingdom ended in 919 when Henry I was crowned. Eight hundred to 919 is 119 years. This compares with the 120 years of the Israelite United Kingdom. 349 At the end of the United Kingdom of Israel, the chosen people were split into two camps—North Israel and South Judah. Likewise, the chosen people, the Christians, were divided into two camps, the East Franks that became Germany, and the West Franks, later to become France. The dates in the Parallels of History are not arbitrary. They are precise. For example, if we study what historians teach of the period around the year 919, we see that the Principle is true. For example, the book History of Germany begins by saying, “In the year 911 the German tribes elected a Frankish duke to be their King. After his early death their choice fell upon the Saxon duke Henry, who was successful in compelling homage of the remaining tribes (in 919). These events revealed the will of the scattered German peoples to form one corporate whole; they laid the foundation of the German State, and may be regarded as the beginning of German History.” Germany was the Abel side and France was the Cain side in this division. There was also division, called the Great Schism, between the Pope of Rome and the patriarch of Constantinople. Today the division in Catholicism is between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church. During this period the Roman Catholic Church grew in strength. The Pope was as powerful during the Middle Ages as many Kings. But the church became corrupt with its wealth and power. And just as God sent prophets to Israel and Judah to chastise and raise the people, God sent monastics such as St. Bernard, Thomas Aquinas, and St. Francis to bring reformation but many church leaders continued in corruption. 350 The end of the Jewish Divided Kingdoms came when Judah was taken captive and exiled to Babylon. In Christian history, the divided empire ended in 1309 when the Pope was exiled to Avignon, France. The 390 years from 919 to 1309 correspond to the 400 years in Jewish history. The King of France moved the papal court from Rome to Avignon to keep close watch over the Pope. This period of exile lasted from 1309 to 1377. This period of nearly 70 years is called the “Babylonian Captivity of the Church.” After 70 years of exile in Babylon, the Israelites were freed and went home. After 70 years of papal exile, Christianity tried to rebuild itself. But there were troubles. At one time the church had three Popes. Order finally was established, but the church government fell into corruption again. 351 In Jewish history, after the Babylonian captivity and return, a reformer, Malachi appeared. After the papal captivity and return, the German, Martin Luther, another reformer appeared in 1517. The Christian captivity and return lasted from 1309 to 1517, a total of 208 years. This matches the 210-year period of Jewish captivity and return. 352 Four hundred years after Malachi came the period of the preparation for the Second Adam. Likewise, God spent 400 years after Martin Luther to prepare the world for the Third Adam. 1517-1917 PREPARATION FOR THE MESSIAH When Adam and Eve fell, they became ignorant spiritually of God and ignorant of the workings of the physical world. Mankind is basically good and has throughout history been led by his basic good nature to overcome his ignorance. There is a gyroscope that is like a compass that constantly leads man to return to a close relationship with God by restoring his spiritual senses. In Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl we read, “In spite of everything I still believe that people are good at heart. I can feel the suffering of millions and yet, if I look up at the heavens I think that it will all come out right and that peace and tranquility will return again.” Likewise there is a deep urge to find the scientific laws that govern this universe to restore the Third Blessing of dominion over creation. We are to live in harmony with nature and also in luxury, free of disease, hunger and suffering that have been unleashed by Satan since the Fall. We are going to look at the dramatic advance by mankind to overcome ignorance in the last 400 years. God is the main force behind this because He wants the world prepared spiritually and physically for the new Messiah. God wants him to be accepted and heard the world over. We must not repeat the mistake the Israelites and Romans made 2000 years ago. Jesus was only able to tell a few parables and was not given the time to speak in depth: “I have said these things to you in figures. The hour is coming when I shall no longer speak to you in figures but tell you plainly of the Father” (John 16:25). The Third Adam will speak in clear language because God will have through education and in spirit raised mankind. God was devastated that the Israelites were not advanced enough to understand Jesus and were so low spiritually that they nailed him to a cross. God was not going to have this happen again. So the last 2000 years God has been working with Jesus and good spirit men 353 and women to raise mankind to a higher level spiritually and intellectually. Jesus said that day will come when the Messiah will give all the truth: “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth” (John 16:12-13). The Divine Principle is “all the truth” that speaks “plainly of the Father.” Satan has also been hard at work these 400 years to thwart God’s efforts. There has been such an advancement of knowledge, goodness, charity and spiritual values and yet at the same time there has been incredible brutality and suffering of so many millions and even billions of people, especially in the twentieth century. The 20th and 21st century is the final showdown in the battle between God and Satan. The last 400 years can be divided into three periods each roughly lasting 130 years. In each period we will look at the development of the satanic side that we will call the Cain side, and we will follow the Abel or God’s side. To overcome mankind’s ignorance of the external world, man’s original nature has driven him to the study of science. This is why we see the advent of the Renaissance. FIRST PERIOD RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION RENAISSANCE (1517-1648) The first period is divided into the Cain development of the Renaissance and the Abel development of the Reformation. The new burst of exploration and learning in the Renaissance had its roots in Hellenism. There was renewed interest in the ancient Greeks or Hellenic culture. The Greeks were not particularly religious, and men of the Renaissance, although they usually believed in God, were so preoccupied with their new discoveries and the world around them that they concentrated more on the pleasures of this world unlike medieval men who went too far in concentrating on the future heaven. A major influence that also 354 stirred more interest in the physical world was the effect of the many that went on the Crusades. Many found in the Near East fabulous cities with exotic foods and dress that diminished the impact of the Church that said this world was a vale of tears and not to be enjoyed. Some of the most famous Renaissance humanist writers are Petrarch, Boccaccio, Machiavelli, Shakespeare, Rabelais and Cervantes. God supported the burst of creativity of the Renaissance that was the beginning of the modern world. God wanted man to be the Lord of Creation and to enjoy this earth, but He also wanted a balance of an understanding of the spirit too. God wanted man to be free of the chains of Satan. He created man with reason and a unique individuality. Unfortunately some people came to emphasize man’s reason and individuality too much. They began to emphasize humanism over religion. This rise in humanism focused on the five physical senses and looked more to man’s reason than to the value of visions, dreams, revelations and mysticism. These developments began to separate men from God. Satan was guiding this. Satan corrupted the legitimate use of material things in life. He promoted hedonism and the view that man is the center of the universe and not dependent on God. God was successful in the Renaissance by giving man a better view of his body and the world. He inspired naturalness in the art of Michelangelo and others. God desired that man restore his selfesteem which Satan took away. Man became excited about the world around him. Copernicus and Leonardo da Vinci made great discoveries. Galileo advanced astronomy. The telescope and microscope were invented. Another invention God inspired was the printing press. Satan’s tactic is ignorance and the suppression of truth and knowledge. God wanted the world educated unlike the Israelites who killed Jesus. To help reach the world God helped Martin Luther translate the Bible into German. Dante wrote in Italian, Chaucer and Wycliffe in English rather than the Latin that only a few could read. 355 AMERICA God worked to begin the building of America. He sent the Pilgrims to America in 1620. They started the beautiful tradition of Thanksgiving. William Bradford wrote the classic Of Plymouth Plantation about these champions of God who started America on the road to capitalism, democracy, and freedom of religion. Roger Williams was befriended by the Pilgrims at Plymouth. Later he founded Providence, Rhode Island where he taught religious toleration. 600 YEARS God was working, not only 400 years to prepare the world for the Messiah, but also for the last 600 years. The Bible says God created man on the sixth day. God prepared an environment for six periods of time and then Adam was born. The number six is the number for man and in God’s providence of re-creation He starts a preparation period of six centuries before the Messiah is born. Six centuries before Jesus, God sent intellectual and spiritual leaders to elevate people to a higher spiritual level so they could more easily accept the Messiah when he came. It is not a coincidence that around 600 B.C. Confucius and Buddha came. The Greek civilization emerged about the sixth century B.C. God influenced it to raise man’s understanding of the world through the arts and sciences. Likewise, six centuries before the Third Adam was to be born, the 14th century, God raised mankind to prepare an environment for him to be accepted by starting the Renaissance in Italy and with the reformers, the English theologian John Wycliffe and the Czech religious thinker John Hus. REFORMATION (1517-1648) The Renaissance had its roots in ancient Greek Hellenic thought. This was basically a horizontal view of the world. The truer view is to see the world from a vertical viewpoint. The religious life is an Abel-view of life and the secular life is a Cain-view of life. The root of Western Civilization’s religion is the ancient Hebrew culture called Hebraism. While Satan was active corrupting the Renaissance, God was working to bring a better religious way of life by turning from Catholicism and siding with the Protestant Revolution—a revival 356 and improvement of Judeo-Christianity. The Messiah would come on the Protestant foundation. Just as Malachi chastised the priesthood for its corruption, Martin Luther chastised the Roman Catholic Church for its corruption. To raise money to build St. Peters Cathedral in Rome, Pope Leo X gave traveling monks the right to sell indulgences or letters of pardon for sins committed. Luther was angry at this and other things so he wrote his complaints. In 1517 he posted his 95 theses on the door of the Wittenburg Church. He was excommunicated. Luther said everyone should have a direct relationship with God and tore the excommunication papers up in public and burned them. Other leaders in the Protestant Revolution were Calvin and Zwingli. The Protestant Reformation led to actual war that lasted over 100 years ending with the Thirty Years’ War which ended in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia in which Protestantism won in northern Europe. Sun Myung Moon says, “Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation, and significant reformers emerged within the Catholic ranks as well. Throughout Europe, righteous people determined to win liberation from the confinement of outmoded and abusive doctrines and practices. They wanted to worship God and Jesus, not the church as a worldly institution. The priesthood of all believers was the Protestant proclamation. Direct communication with God was their true desire. They helped God bring the world step by step closer to the ultimate goal. (God’s Warning to the World) When we say that there is a Cain and Abel side, it does not mean that Cain is all bad and Abel is all good. Those on the Abel side often make serious mistakes. For example, Calvin killed Servetus who tried to bring Unitarian thought to Christianity. Servetus was God’s messenger to help Christianity improve by giving up the idea of the Trinity. Sadly, he was burned at the stake as a heretic. 357 SECOND PERIOD ENLIGHTENMENT AND SPIRITUAL AWAKENING ENLIGHTENMENT (1648-1789) The next period is divided into the Cain development of the Enlightenment and the Abel development of Spiritual Awakening. The Age of Enlightenment followed the Renaissance in focusing even more on the physical than the spiritual. Some of the main figures of the Enlightenment are: Descartes, Voltaire, Bacon, Rousseau, Hume and Paine. Their focus was on the earth and negating spirituality. They believed that we could primarily use our reason, science and politics to build a better world. Religion was seen as superstitious, irrational, too otherworldly, impractical and ascetic. By denying prayer and mystical feelings for God, they became too worldly and led mankind down the road to hedonism. They were right that the church was corrupt, but they threw the baby out with the bathwater. They had total confidence and supreme faith in reason. This was also called the Age of Reason. They promoted a secular view of the world. The true view is a theistic view of the world. Many became Deists who believed no one needed divine revelation and that the Creator set the universe in motion and left it to run according to the laws of nature that He had made. God became distant. In this period God inspired such scientists as Isaac Newton, Ben Franklin and Lavoisier, the father of chemistry. God was preparing for the coming Industrial Revolution that would raise mankind out of drudgery so we could pursue spiritual growth. SPIRITUAL AWAKENING (1648-1789) The Abel view of life, the Great Spiritual Awakening, countered the Enlightenment. God inspired John and Charles Wesley, the founders of the Methodist Church; George Fox, the founder of Quakers; Emmanuel Swedenborg, who revealed much about the spirit world; and Philip Spener, the leader of the Pietist movement. 358 The fiery evangelism of George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards and others started the Great Awakening, a movement of revivals throughout America. William Penn, the founder of the state of Pennsylvania wrote The Great Case of Liberty of Conscience in 1670, in which he argued for religious toleration. God also worked through the humanities with some writers such as Wordsworth and Coleridge. These and other romantic poets heightened man’s sensitivity. THIRD PERIOD RIGHT vs. LEFT IDEOLOGY OF THE RIGHT (1789 - 1917) In the third period leading up to the second advent of the Messiah, God and Satan battled for the minds and hearts of people. God worked to elevate mankind to a high spiritual, intellectual and economical level. Satan worked to deceive mankind with his false ideology. God inspired the making of America to be a beacon of light for the world in the 19th century as a role model for democracy and capitalism. It was to be a land of freedom. America pioneered religious freedom. Many times it failed to be perfect and persecuted religious minorities and made other serious mistakes but compared with much of the rest of the world it has been in the Abel position. God worked to raise America to be His champion to teach and inspire the rest of the world to become a true Christian nation that was pure and would not persecute religion. The Constitution of the United States was a tremendous breakthrough for mankind. God worked to make the world safe for the Messiah to speak and for the people to be intelligent enough to listen and accept. The Abel side of the second period ended with the American Revolution in 1776 and George Washington becoming the first President in 1789. God worked to build America to become the leader of the Free World that had the values of being democratic, not totalitarian; Judeo-Christian, not atheistic; defensive, not offensive. God worked through the Founding Fathers of America 359 to create a nation of freedom and peaceful exchange of political power. He sided with the North in fighting against the slavery in the South in the Civil War. Sun Myung Moon teaches: Let us examine the people who led the independence movement in this country in 1776. Those freedom fighters were traitors in the eyes of the British Crown. But God could use these traitors as His instruments, as His people, and through them He conceived and built the best nation upon the face of the earth. George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, tasted the bitterness of defeat in many, many battles. When he finally faced the last heartbreaking winter at Valley Forge, he was serious. I am sure George Washington prayed like this: “God, it is You who led our people out of Europe and brought us over here to the New World; You don’t want us to repeat the history of Europe. You liberated us and gave us freedom. You don’t want to see the mistakes in Europe repeated in this land. Let me give you my pledge. I will build one nation under God.” Thus George Washington made his battle God’s battle, and therefore the victory won was a victory for God. I know that this victory and the independence of America came because God accepted George Washington’s prayer, along with the prayers of many other Americans. God knew that His champions would work for His new nation. But George Washington had nothing to work with, and the British army had everything—power, authority, tradition, and equipment. They were proud of their military strength. The American Continental Army had no ammunition and few soldiers. George Washington finally had one weapon only: Faith in God. I believe that George 360 Washington’s position paralleled David’s in his fight against the giant Goliath. David won his battle in the name of the Lord. George Washington won his battle in the name of God. They both let God vanquish their foe. Each of them put his whole heart, his whole being, his whole sacrificial spirit into the battle, and won. It is a significant fact that throughout history, God’s people could never be blessed on their own homeland. God moves them out of their homeland and settles them on foreign soil, and there they can become a people and a nation of God. True to this pattern, the American people journeyed in faith out of their homelands, came across the ocean to the New World, and here received God’s blessing. God had a definite plan for America. He needed to have this nation prosper as one nation under God. With God, nothing is impossible. So out of the realm of impossibility the independence of America became a fact, and upon its foundation, great prosperity came. The British army fought for their king. For them, the British Crown was supreme. The American army fought for their King. God was their only King, and He alone was supreme. The New World was pioneered in the name of God. America is called “the land of opportunity.” Here is the soil on which people find opportunity in God. The Christian tradition in America is a most beautiful thing for foreigners to behold when they come to this country. I learned that every day your Congress is convened in prayer. Your President is sworn into office by putting his hand on the Bible. One day I visited a small prayer room in your Capitol building. When your leaders have grave decisions to make, they come to this place, kneel humbly before God and ask 361 His help. There is a stained glass window depicting George Washington on his knees in prayer. Here I saw the true greatness of America. From the highest echelons of Congress way down to the rustic customs of the countryside, evidence of dependence upon God can be seen everywhere in America. In this respect America is a unique nation. Even your money, the bills and coins, are impressed with such a beautiful inscription, “IN GOD WE TRUST.” No other nation does such a thing. Then whose money is it, your money? Is it American money? No, it is God’s money. Every bill or coin says so. You are the stewards, and God has deposited His wealth in your hands. Yes, this nation is not the American nation, it is God’s nation. And such a nation exists for the entire world, not just for America herself. Yes, America was formed as a new nation, a new Christian nation under a new tradition. The shackles of old traditions fell away in America. You must want to build upon this foundation a new nation under God. God’s purpose is the salvation of the world and all humankind. Today in America, therefore, you must not think that you have such wealth because you yourselves are great. We must humbly realize that the blessing of God came to America with the purpose of making it possible for God to use this nation as His instrument in saving the world. If America betrays God, where can God go? If America rejects God, where can God go to fulfill His aim? Do you want to let him try to go to the Communist world? To underdeveloped countries? God wants to have America as His base, America as His champion. And America was begun in the sacrificial spirit pursuing God’s purpose. America must consummate her history in the same sacrificial 362 spirit for God’s purpose. Then America will endure forever! Let me compare two striking examples. The people who came to America—to North America—came seeking God and freedom of worship. The dominant motive of the first settlers was God. When they came for God, they not only found God, but they also found freedom and wealth. At the same time many people went to South America. Their dominant motivation was to find gold. South America is a fertile land, no less than the North American continent. But when the colonists’ motivation was gold, they could find neither gold, nor God, nor freedom. And the South American countries remain relatively underdeveloped nations. The United States of America is the miracle of modern history. You have built the most powerful nation in history in a short time. Was this miracle possible only because you worked hard? Certainly you did work hard. However, hard work is not explanation enough. If God had not been the principal Partner, creating today’s America would have been impossible. God played a prime role in American history, and this He wants America to know. (10-21-73) God spoke through John Locke who wrote the classic statement for absolute freedom of religion in A Letter Concerning Toleration. Thomas Jefferson championed freedom of religion in the Bill of Rights and The Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom. These are eloquent defenses of freedom from government regulation. LAISSEZ-FAIRE CAPITALISM God worked to build America to be the greatest military, economic and religious empire to embrace and protect the Messiah. America was revolutionary in not only pioneering religious freedom but also laissez-faire capitalism that brought great wealth. It is not a coincidence that Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations in 1776. He was right in saying there is an “invisible hand” that 363 works in limited government and free enterprise to give prosperity. America was to be a model Christian nation with large families that lived by biblical family values. In the last 400 years God has worked to create an advanced spiritual and physical environment for the Messiah. In the 140-year period from the American Revolution to the First World War, there was tremendous advancement in every area of life. Economically, God inspired the Industrial Revolution to raise people out of poverty and give them the opportunity to become educated and be prepared to understand the Messiah when he came. THE GREAT COMMISSION During this period God inspired missionaries to spread Christianity to every continent in the world. The last thing Jesus said was that Christians have to witness to the world. He said, “Go, and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). God wants his people to witness because he uses people to speak for him. He wants everyone to be saved from Satan’s bondage and come to know God’s love for every person and God’s dream of an Ideal World. God wants every person to hear about the Messiah. A true follower of the Messiah proselytizes the Good News. IDEOLOGY OF THE LEFT (1789 - 1917) Satan worked during this period by introducing his lies with his champions such as Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and Charles Darwin. They were against the Bible and destructive to religious, political and family order. Theirs is the ideology of chaos. Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848, and the same year Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote the Seneca Falls Declaration in New York that pioneered feminist thought to weaken families by rebelling against the traditional family. The core of Communist thought is feminism. Friedrich Engels wrote in his book Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State that women are slaves in a traditional family and must leave the home to work in the marketplace. Another writer that weakened the belief in the Bible was Darwin’s lie of evolution that influenced many to reject the idea of a Creator. The Cain side of the second period ended with the French Revolution in 1789. Unlike the American Revolution it was not led in the spirit of God. The people marched into Notre Dame and 364 enthroned the Goddess of Reason. The French Revolution laid the seeds for the use of violence by dictators to resolve differences with its Reign of Terror that culminated in Napoleon. It was this satanic atmosphere that Marx picked up when he met Engels in Paris in the 1840s. Together they wrote Satan’s bible, the Communist Manifesto, which presented Satan’s dream of his ideal world of big brother government. SOCIALISM IS A LIE Some Christians were led by Satan to twist their idealism to believe in socialism. Charles Kingsley started a movement called Christian Socialism in 1848. Robert Owen became famous for teaching the lie that socialism brings equality and prosperity. Socialism is the ultimate false ideology. It is centralized power that results in poverty. God is for decentralized power. Owen’s socialist utopian communities were unsuccessful because socialism is not in line with God’s laws of the universe. (For more on this see my book: Practical Plan for World Peace: The Teachings of Sun Myung Moon 1917 The third period ends with the First World War and the beginning of Satan’s champion nation, the Soviet Union, in 1917 led by Lenin. Its ideology was Marxist-Leninism or Communism which is consistent with socialism, feminism, atheism, statism and secular liberalism. America was God’s champion. It led the Free World and championed the values of free enterprise, private property, conservative traditional family values, and belief in God and Christianity. The seeds of Communism and the Free World were sown at the crucifixion of Jesus. The thief on the right accepted Jesus and foreshadowed the Free World that even politically is called “Right.” The thief on the left denied Jesus and foreshadowed Communism, called the “Left.” We read in the Bible: “When the son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a 365 shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left” (Matt. 25:31-33). The Free World says, “There is a God. We accept our shepherd.” The Communist world says, “God does not exist.” They deny their master. The Free World is symbolized by sheep; the Communist world by goats. There are deep differences between the Free World and the Communist World. The most important battle between them is not physical, but mental. It is an ideological war. Four hundred years after the reformer Malachi, Jesus, the Second Adam, was born. Likewise, approximately 400 years after Martin Luther, the Third Adam was born. Four hundred years after 1517 is 1917. God has worked to prepare the world for the new Messiah in the 20th century, and Satan has worked to destroy him. 366 367 LAST DAYS — END TIMES Many Christians believe that in the Last Days or End Times various and radical changes beyond our imagination will occur, as some biblical verses literally say. But the Bible is speaking to us in symbols. Sun Myung Moon teaches: The end of the world is the moment in history when God ends this history of evil and begins 368 His new age. It is the crossroads of the old history of evil and the new history of good. In light of this definition, why does the Bible predict extraordinary heavenly phenomena as signs of the end of the world? Will the things predicted really occur? The Bible says: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” (Matt. 24:29) What does this mean? What are we to expect? First of all, please rest assured that these things will not happen literally. God will not destroy anything in the universe. God often expresses His truth in symbols and parables, and these biblical sayings will be accomplished symbolically. Second, God has no reason to destroy the universe. It is not the universe, but man and woman who have committed sin. Only we deviated from the original plan of God’s creation. Why should God destroy the animals, or the plants, or anything in creation which fulfilled His purpose as He intended? God would not destroy those innocent things. I want you to understand that when we say “end of the world,” it does not mean the destruction of the physical world, but the end of the old ways and beginning of a new human era. The Bible therefore says, “A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever.” (Eccl. 1:4) In Revelation we read: “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.” (Rev. 21:1) That new heaven and new earth refers to the coming of a new history of God, a time of new dominion. After you buy a house, won’t you move in your family and possessions? Then you 369 will say that you have a new home, and you are the new master of the house. In the same way, when men of God occupy this universe, it will become a new heaven and a new earth. (10-28-73) What does the Bible mean when it says that the earth will be destroyed when the Messiah comes? II Peter 3:10 says “and the elements will be dissolved with fire and the earth ... will be burned up.” But other passages in the Bible say the earth will not be destroyed: “A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever” (Eccl. 1:4). If we take the Bible literally we have a contradiction. But the Bible is not contradictory. Therefore the Bible must be symbolic. The “earth” we read of in Ecclesiastes that will remain forever is the physical earth, the planet that we live on. We should read this passage literally. The “earth” described in II Peter is symbolic for something else. Because earth or dirt is lowly, it is used to symbolize evil, falsehood and hell. Second Peter is prophesying that all the evils of Satan will be destroyed. Second Peter also says the earth or evil will be destroyed by fire. Fire is also symbolic. James 3:6 says, “... the tongue is a fire.” Tongue means words of God. In Jeremiah 23:29 we read, “Is not my word like fire,” declares the Lord.” The Messiah will judge with words of truth. Malachi prophesied that when Jesus came the world would burn up “like an oven ... all ... will be burned up...” (Malachi 4:1). Jesus said, “I came to cast a fire on earth; and would that it were already kindled” (Luke 12:49). Did Jesus burn anything up when he came? No. He judged with words, not fire. JUDGMENT In the following excerpt from a speech Father explains judgment this way: Then how can we know clearly the path of God? Let us examine the history of God’s providence. Today we are anticipating the end of the world. God has made previous attempts to end the evil 370 world. For example, the time of Noah: That was a crossroads in history, when God wanted to bring an end to evil and begin the world of goodness. Noah was the central figure chosen in God’s dispensation. To better understand Noah’s mission and the meaning of the end of the world, we want to know more fully how the evil history began. In the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam and Eve a commandment. That commandment was the word of God. Then Satan approached and enticed them with a lie. And that lie was the word of evil. Adam and Eve were in a position to choose between the two words: The truth was on one side, and a lie was on the other. They chose the lie. Because this was the process of the fall, at the end of the world God will give humankind truth. The words of God will come through His prophet. When people accept the words of God they will then pass from death to life, because truth leads to life. Human beings died in a lie, and in truth we will be reborn. Therefore judgment comes by words. These words of God’s judgment are revealed by His chosen prophets. This is the process of the ending of the world. Those who obey and listen to the new word of truth shall have life. Those who deny the word will continue to live in death. God chose Noah to declare the word. Noah’s announcement was, “The flood is coming. The salvation is the ark.” The people could have saved themselves by listening to Noah’s words. However, the people treated Noah as if he were a crazy man, and they perished—because they opposed the word of God. According to the Bible, only the eight people of Noah’s immediate 371 family became passengers on the ark. Only these eight believed, and only these eight were saved. God had said to Noah, “I have determined to make an end of all flesh; for the earth is filled with violence through them; behold. I will destroy them with the earth.” (Gen. 6:13) Did this actually happen? We know the evil people perished but was the physical world demolished in the process? No. This passage was not literally fulfilled, and God did not destroy the earth. God did eradicate the people and abolish evil sovereignty, leaving only the good people of Noah’s family. This was God’s way to begin to restore the original world of goodness through Noah. If God had fully consummated His restoration at that time, then we would have heard no more about the end of the world. Once the perfect world of goodness is realized, another end of the world is not necessary. Nothing could interfere with the eternal reign of God’s perfect kingdom. But the very fact that we anticipate the end of the world today is proof that the providence did not thus succeed at the time of Noah. What happened to Noah after the flood should be fully explained, but I cannot spend too much time on that subject tonight. To make a long story short, once again, sin crept into Noah’s family through his son, Ham. God’s flood judgment was thereby nullified, and evil human history continued, leading to the time of Jesus Christ. With the coming of Christ, God again attempted to end the world. Jesus came to start the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Thus, the first words Jesus spoke were, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Indeed, the time of Jesus Christ’s ministry was the time for the end of the world. That great and terrible day was 372 prophesied by Malachi, about 400 years before the birth of Jesus: “For behold, the day comes, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evil-doers will be stubble; the day that comes shall burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.” (Mal. 4: 1) Was the judgment of Jesus Christ done by literal fire? Did the day come at the time of Jesus when everything literally turned to ashes? No, we know it did not. Since these things prophesied did not literally happen at that time, some people say that such prophecy must have been meant for the time of the Second Advent. But this cannot be the case. John the Baptist came to the world as the last prophet; Jesus said: “. . . all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.” (Matt. 11: 13) The coming of John the Baptist should have brought to a close prophecy and the Mosaic Law. This is what Jesus said would happen. The purpose of all prophecy before Jesus was to prepare for his coming, and to indicate what was to be fulfilled up to the time of his coming. These prophecies are not for the time of the Lord at the second advent. God sent His son Jesus into the world, intending full salvation of spirit and flesh to be accomplished. The second coming was made necessary only by lack of consummation at the time of the first coming. Why then was the time of Jesus the time for the end of the world? We already know the answer. It is because Jesus came to end evil sovereignty and bring forth God’s sovereignty upon the earth. This was the end of the Old Testament Age and the beginning of the age of the New Testament. Jesus brought the new words of truth. 373 How did the people receive the gospel which he brought? They did not receive and honor his teachings. They were prisoners to the letter of the Old Testament and could not perceive the presence of the spirit of God in the new revelation. It is ironic that Jesus fell victim to the very prophecies that were to testify to him as the Son of God. By the letter of the Mosaic Law he was judged an offender. Blindly his teachings and love were rejected. NEW COMMANDMENT OF GOD At the time of Jesus many learned people, many religious leaders and many people prominent in society who were well-versed in the Law and the Prophets were waiting for a Messiah. How happy they would have been to have their Messiah recite the Old Testament exactly, syllable by syllable and word by word! But Jesus Christ did not come to repeat the Mosaic Law. He came to pronounce a new commandment of God. People missed the whole point. And Jesus was accused. His opponents said to him, “We stone you for no good work, but for blasphemy; because you, being a man, make yourself God.” (John 10:33) The Bible states: “And they reviled him [one of Jesus’ disciples], saying, ‘You are his disciple, but we are disciples of Moses. We know that God has spoken to Moses, but as for this man, we do not know where he comes from.’” (John 9:28-29) This was the way people looked at Jesus. Many who diligently obeyed the letter of the Mosaic Law disobeyed Jesus Christ. The most devout of the religious leaders were the first ones to be judged by Jesus’ words and resurrection. JUDGMENT BY FIRE Now at this time I would like to clarify the meaning of “judgment by fire.” We read in the New Testament: “...the heavens will be kindled 374 and dissolved, and the elements will melt with fire!” (11 Peter 3:12) How can this fantastic prophecy come true? Will it happen literally? No. The statement has symbolic meaning. God would not destroy His earth, His stars and all creation without realizing His ideal on earth. If He did so, then God would become the God of defeat. And who would be His conqueror? It would be Satan. This can never happen to God. Even on our human level, once we determine to do something, we see it through to its completion. How much more so will God almighty accomplish His will. When God speaks of judgment by fire in the Bible, He does not mean he will bring judgment by literal flames. The significant meaning is a symbolic one. Let us now consider another Biblical passage which speaks of fire. Jesus proclaimed, “I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!” (Luke 12:49) Did Jesus throw literal, blazing fire about? Of course not. The fire in the Bible is symbolic. It stands for the word of God. This is why James 3:6 states, “the tongue is a fire” The tongue speaks the word, and the word is from God. Jesus himself said, “He who rejects me and does not receive my sayings has a judge; the word that I have spoken will be his judge on the last day.” (John 12:48) In contemporary society, the word of the court executes judgment. The word is the law. In this universe, God is in the position of judge. Jesus came as the advocate with authority to oppose Satan, the prosecutor of human beings. Satan accuses us with his words, but these are false charges. Jesus champions the cause of believers, 375 and his standard is the word of truth. God pronounces the sentence: His love is the standard, and love is His word. There is no difference between the earthly court and the heavenly court, in that both conduct their trials by words, not by fire. So the world will not be burned up by literal fire when it is judged. The Bible states “the Lord Jesus will slay him [the evil one] with the breath of his mouth . . .” (II Thess. 2:8). The word of God is the breath of his mouth. Jesus came to slay the wicked by the word of God, and “. . . he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked.” (Is. 11:4) What then is the “rod of his mouth?” We take this symbol to mean his tongue — through which he speaks the Word of God. Let’s resolve this point completely. Look to where Jesus was instructing the people: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my word and believes him who sent me, has eternal life; he does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.” (John 5:24) We pass from death to life through words of truth. God will not send you the Messiah to burn you up. He will not send you the Messiah to set your houses afire or destroy your society. But if we reject the Word of God spoken by the Lord, we leave no choice open except to be condemned by judgment. Here is the reason why. In the beginning God created human beings and the universe by His Word—the logos. Man and woman denied the Word of God and fell. Spiritual death has reigned ever since. Through His salvation work, God has been recreating us. We fell by disobedience to God’s Word, and we shall be recreated by obedience to the same Word of God. The Word of God is given by the Lord. Accepting the Word brings life out of 376 death. Such death is the hell in which we live. Thus the Word of God is the judge, and it will bring upon you a far more profound effect than the hottest flames. (God’s Warning to the World) NO FIERY HELL Christianity has also mistakenly interpreted the Bible to mean that in the Last Days only Christians would go to heaven and the rest of mankind, the pagans, will go to hell. Some Christians teach that while those in hell are being tormented forever, those who are in heaven will gradually forget those who are screaming forever in pain in hell. To the question, “How could I be happy in heaven, knowing that some of my loved ones may not be there with me” Billy Graham speaks for many Christians when he says at his website (, “Many people have wondered how those in heaven could ever be truly happy, especially with the knowledge that unsaved loved ones were in hell.” He says Christians in heaven will never feel “sorrow” but he doesn’t know how they can be so happy when their loved ones and countless others are suffering forever in hell. He says, “We do not know the full answer.” The Divine Principle gives the full answer. Many Christians believe that the majority of mankind will be tortured in a fiery hell. The classic statement of this belief is Jonathan Edward’s “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” He preached that many people are damned forever to a “fiery pit” because they deserved it for being incorrigible. It is “Divine justice” for wicked sinners to experience eternal conscious punishment. He said, “O sinner! Consider the fearful danger you are in: it is a great furnace of wrath, a wide and bottomless pit, full of the fire of wrath ... flames of divine wrath ‘the fierceness and wrath of God’ the fury of God! the fierceness of Jehovah! Oh, how dreadful that must be! “ must suffer it to all eternity. There will be no end to this exquisite horrible misery. When you look forward, you shall see a long forever, a boundless duration before you, which will swallow up your thoughts, and amaze your soul; and you will absolutely despair of ever having any deliverance, any end, any mitigation, any rest at all. You will know certainly that you must wear out long ages, millions of millions of ages, in wrestling and conflicting with this almighty merciless vengeance.” 377 There are many Christians who couldn’t imagine such a place anymore than they could imagine themselves torturing their worst enemy by burning them. It is barbaric, cruel, and sadistic. There are also many Christians who are not confident about what the Bible says. Billy Graham was the most famous evangelist of the 20th century. He said, “I’m not sure about literal fire” (Time 9/15/93). Sun Myung Moon confidently teaches there is no literal fire. Second Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness, but is forbearing toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” Dostoyevsky said, “I am convinced that the only Hell which exists is the inability to love.” This gruesome idea that most of mankind will roast eternally in a fiery hell along with other incorrect views of God has kept most of the world from accepting Jesus. Most people simply cannot believe that if “God is love” (I John 4:8) He could never allow people to be tormented forever. And they are correct. An eternal God of goodness cannot exist eternally with an eternal chamber of horrors. In the Parable of the Lost Sheep Jesus taught that God loves every human being and will not rest until each and every person is found and restored home to him. When Jesus said there was a hell where there is eternal fire he meant not that people would go there but that evil would be banished by the fire of truth forever and never enter the earth again. What kind of god would allow for some of his children to literally be punished in a fire for eternity? God is a God of forgiveness. Jesus said forgive not just seven times but seven times seventy. It does not matter how horrible a crime or crimes any individual makes. He or she will ultimately be restored and live in the Kingdom of Heaven. Evil and suffering cannot exist forever or else God is not a God of love and almighty. It is not true justice to condemn anyone to eternal punishment for crimes committed in 70 or so years on earth—no matter how terrible the crimes. Man will ultimately repent and come back to God, and God will embrace everyone. God will forgive all mankind and every person will forgive all those who trespassed against him. We are fallen and underestimate the love of God. 378 When Jesus said, for example, in Matt. 5:22 that there is a “hell of fire” and in Mark 9:45: “And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life lame than with two feet to be thrown into hell”, he was not speaking of people being roasted eternally in some fiery torture chamber anymore than he was advocating people to cut off their feet. The word “hell” in these and other quotes is translated from the Hebrew word Gehenna. Many Bibles even give a footnote explaining this. What is Gehenna? In the Hebrew Scriptures, Gehenna is “the valley of Hinnom.” Hinnom was the name of the valley just outside the walls of Jerusalem where the ancient Israelites had at one time sacrificed their children in fire. Second Kings 23:10 tells of King Josiah ending this horrible practice and Gehenna became a huge garbage dump. During the time of Jesus Gehenna was still Jerusalem’s garbage dump. Fires were kept burning there and brimstone (sulfur) was used to burn the garbage. When Jesus spoke of the city’s garbage dump they knew he meant evil will be destroyed, not people. God had stopped the burning of people alive long ago. Evil people are not to be literally burned but evil itself will be destroyed eternally. Even Satan will not be tormented. We must read Rev. 20:10 symbolically, not literally. Satan will be restored but all evil will be destroyed forever; falsehood will stand in the judgment of truth forever: “... and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” Christians are a minority in the world. How can they be admired when they think they are special people of God who have the privilege to live forever in heaven while the rest of mankind is doomed to eternal hell? Many Christians believe that Jesus is coming again to lift them up in the air and leave the rest of the world to be consumed in fire on that judgment day. How can the majority of mankind respect people like that? Every person, including Satan and his angels will eventually be restored and live eternally in the Kingdom of Heaven. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.” God loves the whole world, and God will not rest until everyone is restored. HUMAN HISTORY HAS A GOAL After a lifetime of study the historians Will and Ariel Durant wrote 379 a book called The Lessons of History. They came to some very wrong conclusions about God and the direction of history. They write, “Does history support a belief in God? If by God we mean not the creative vitality of nature but a supreme being intelligent and benevolent, the answer must be a reluctant negative.” They conclude, “If history supports any theology this would be ... dualism ... a good spirit and an evil spirit battling for control of the universe and men’s souls.” They say Christianity assures its “followers that the good spirit would win in the end.” But the Durants say that may not happen because “the universe has no prejudice in favor of Christ or against Genghis Khan.” We have learned in the Divine Principle that this view is what Satan wants us to believe: that there is no hope for an ideal world, and we are doomed to an eternity of war. But God exists. He will never give up. Those who don’t know the Principle do not know who God is. Many imagine God sitting on a glorious throne enjoying life. In the Bible we read of God’s sorrow and frustration over mankind’s rebelliousness (Gen. 6:6, I Sam. 15:11, Isa. 1:2-4). The truth is that God agonizes over our situation day and night, year after year, century after century. He is determined to win back this world, and He will. Even we desire to see things through to completion once we decide to do something. God is far more determined. We read of God’s absolute determination to achieve His goal in Isaiah 46:11 when God says, “I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have planned, and I will do it.” The history of mankind has been a battle between God and Satan. God will ultimately win. History will ultimately favor Christ, not Genghis Khan or Communism or any other evil. The world is not going to continue to be a dualistic nightmare. We can have hope of an ideal world. LAST DAYS — THE 20th CENTURY The time of the coming of the Messiah is called the Last Days. It doesn’t mean the last days of the earth, but the last days of evil. Mankind is basically good, but has inherited sin and ignorance of the spirit world, so mankind is influenced both by Satan and God. There is more suffering in the Last Days than at any time. It is an intense time of turmoil and confusion. The following are some aspects of the Last Days: 380 WARS, FAMINES, EARTHQUAKES 1. “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars” (Matt. 24:6). The wars of the 20th century have been more widespread, devastating and frequent than any time in history. In Matt. 24:7 we read, “There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” There have been many famines and earthquakes in the 20th century. For decades leading up to the year 2000 over 40,000 children died every day of hunger and disease. The weather has been dramatic in devastation with floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes. HEDONISM 2. The Last Days will be a time of secular selfishness, pleasure seeking and rebellion: “You must understand this, that in the last days distressing times will come. For people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, brutes, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” (Second Timothy 3:1-4). Aren’t most people lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God? Matthew 24:37-38 says it will be like the time of Noah when people were not very spiritual and centered on the flesh: “For as the days of Noah were, so also will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking....” Gluttony is rampant in the wealthier nations as seen in the epidemic of obesity and heart disease from clogged arteries. Satan is behind the efforts to keep people from being disciplined with food that he twists into becoming one of his major temptations and addictions. ILLICIT SEX GLORIFIED The world is filled with immorality and selfishness. At the end of the twentieth century billions of people are addicted to watching TV and movies that glorify premarital sex and homosexuality. Sun Myung Moon speaks strongly against our immoral culture that thinks abstinence is unhealthy and free love is normal. The Last Days are a time of complete chaos and confusion, and the Messiah comes to bring complete order and purity. 381 PEACE MOVEMENTS 3. There will be a naiveté to evil by many who will advocate peace, without understanding that we cannot negotiate and coexist with evil. “When they say, ‘There is peace and safety,’ then sudden destruction will come upon them, as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and there will be no escape!” (I Thess. 5:3). A perfect example of this is Chamberlain’s sincere but naive act of flying to Munich and signing a worthless piece of paper with Hitler in 1938. A year later there was war. The peace marchers and nuclear freeze movement are naive and unwittingly encouraging the evil nations of this world. Sun Myung Moon teaches, “The current nuclear freeze movement here in America and Europe has an extremely naive way of thinking; they have no understanding of the true nature of communism. Satan always attacks as soon as he sees that the enemy is weakened. “The Divine Principle is not only traditional it is also logical and scientific. There can never be perfection when ignorance exists; ignorance only breeds more ignorance, mistakes, and darkness. The Unification Church is not bringing more ignorance to the world; it is bringing the truth, with a 20th century scientific viewpoint to back it up.” (11-5-83) WORLD GOVERNMENT There are many Christians who believe that God does not want a unified world. Christians look only to the afterlife as being a place where Christians will live happily ever after and they will forget the billions of people who are doomed to hell. It is a serious flaw in Christian theology that sees any attempt to world unity as satanic. Arnold Toynbee often spoke of the world moving to unity. He said, “Living together as a single family is the only future mankind can have now that Western technology has simultaneously annihilated distance and invented the atomic bomb ... the alternative to the destruction of the human race is a worldwide fusion of all the tribes, nations, civilizations, and religions of man.” Billy Graham and other Christian leaders do not know that the Messiah comes to unify mankind on earth. ONE RELIGION God is guiding the world to unity. Arnold Toynbee is the most 382 famous historian of the 20th century. He found 28 cultural spheres in history. God has worked to decrease that number and now there are four: Judea-Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. The Messiah comes on the foundation of Christianity but will unite all religions into God’s family where there is one religion. Toynbee predicted there would be world unification under one government brought about by a new religion. He wrote that a nation from the Far East would be the unifier of mankind. FALSE PROPHETS 4. One indication of telling when the Third Adam would be born is that there will be a number of men saying they are the savior of the world: “‘... what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age?’ Jesus answered them, ‘Beware that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying ‘I am the Messiah!’ and they will lead many astray” (Matt. 24:3-5). The word “astray” is also translated as “deceive.” Christians should not see that efforts for world unity are bad. Some Christians look at such efforts as the United Nations as evil. They are not. There is a deep desire in mankind to form a one world government and religion that should not be suppressed. The Messiah does not come just for a few Christians, but to build an ideal world. Satan causes disunity. Efforts at bringing unification are of God if they are peaceful. The Communist and Socialist dream of world unity is based on force. That is evil. The Messiah wants unity based on peaceful, nonviolent, democratic means. The Last Days will be a time of much spiritual phenomena and awakening. There will be spiritual longing as well as a decline in conventional religion. The 20th century is that time predicted in Acts 2:17 where it says, “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” This explains why there are so much spiritual phenomena today. Satan sometimes twists these phenomena and leads people into insanity, crime, suicide and following possessed, evil people like Hitler or Jim Jones. Jesus said: “And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray” (Matt. 24:11). We see a multitude of gurus in the 20th 383 century who claim to have the truth. These men who receive the revelation saying, “You are the Lord” are not aware that they are hearing not that they are the Lord of the Second Advent, but they along with everyone are to be lords of creation when they reach perfection. These men are partially spiritually open but because they have not reached perfection their communication and understanding of God is limited. These people communicate at different levels of spirit world according to their different spiritual development, intellect, environment, etc. The Lord of the Second Advent will have total understanding of God’s heart and will. He will lead a true life and be able to answer the fundamental questions of life. The center of God’s providence is Judeo-Christianity, and he must come on that foundation. Christianity is divided in hundreds of different denominations— differing in doctrine and practices. Because Christians interpret the Bible differently, the Messiah comes to clarify the Bible through revelations from God so that Christianity can be united into a higher dimension. God is beyond denominationalism. The Messiah will teach Christianity to transcend its differences and ascend to a higher level. The Messiah must first bring unity to world Christianity. When those men who feel they are the Messiah become really humble they will then realize they do not have these qualifications and will direct their followers to the true Messiah and will, themselves, follow the Messiah. Until they do they are false Christ’s who cannot lead their followers or anyone else into the ideal world. ANTICHRIST 5. Sun Myung Moon speaks about the meaning of antichrist. He reveals one of the reasons “why Jesus was not accepted as the Messiah” is because: …. Two thousand years ago the people expected the Son of God to come on the clouds of heaven, according to the prophecy of Daniel: ‘I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man’ (Dan. 7:13) 384 But Jesus Christ did not appear miraculously on the clouds of heaven. He was born of a woman Mary, the wife of Joseph. The people said, “Well, how could this Jesus be the Son of God? He is a mere man, Just like you and me.” This was another overwhelming reason why the people rejected Jesus. Some might object that Daniel’s prophecy was not intended for the first coming of Jesus Christ, but rather for the coming of the Lord of the Second Advent. But I say this is not the case, because Jesus testified that all the prophecies and the law given prior to John the Baptist were intended to be fulfilled in the time of Jesus Christ (Matt. 11:13). So the prophecy of the coming of the Son of Man on the clouds of heaven was intended for the coming of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago. In those days there was no New Testament, and the thought of the Second Coming of the Lord was not even in the mind of God. This prophecy of Daniel posed much difficulty for the ministry of Jesus. For instance, we can see the apostle John warns in the New Testament, For many deceivers have gone out into the world, men who will not acknowledge the coming of the Jesus Christ in the flesh; such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist. (II John 7) This is what John was saying 2,000 years ago about those who disbelieved in Jesus Christ, rejecting him simply because he was a man in the flesh. They did not accept Jesus, but continued waiting for a supernatural appearance on the clouds. John condemned these people in the worst terms, saying, "such a one is the antichrist." (9-18-74) 385 Just as Jesus was not seen as the Messiah and even called the antichrist by the leaders of the mainstream religion of his time, orthodox Christians of today should not make the same mistake and think the Second Coming of Christ will be a supernatural event and accuse Sun Myung Moon of being the antichrist. Father warns, “Unless we know the whole truth, we, like the people of Jesus’ time, may become victims of the words of the Bible.” (10-28-73) RAPTURE Fundamental and Pentecostal Christians believe Jesus is coming on the clouds because they read the Bible quotes about clouds literally instead of symbolically. They believe in a concept they call “rapture” which says that on Judgment Day devout Christians will rise in the air to meet Jesus in the sky. Those who are alive will drift to heaven, and those who have died will come out of their graves, their physical body restored, and will rise also. This rising of the dead is called resurrection. After all Christians are safe with Jesus, those left on earth will be tortured in hell and the earth will be destroyed. This is the belief of children who see God as Daddy who will come and whisk them away to a safe home. God has never worked in such superstitious, supernatural ways. God is logical and rational. God is for responsibility within freedom. He does not perform magic tricks. Some Christians misread the following quotes: “They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory” (Matt.24:30); “Look, he is coming with the clouds” (Rev. 1:7); “For the Lord himself, with a cry of command, with the archangel’s call and with the sound of God’s trumpet, will descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up in the clouds together with them to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thess. 4:16-17). ELIJAH At the time of Jesus, Elijah was to come on the clouds. Malachi prophesied, “Look, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes” (Malachi 4:5). God spoke through Malachi promising that Elijah would return prior to the Messiah. Everyone in Israel was waiting, but Elijah did not return on the clouds. Jesus said John the Baptist was Elijah. 386 Elijah’s mission returned, not Elijah himself. Likewise, Jesus’ mission will return, not Jesus himself. BOOK OF DANIEL Many Israelites sincerely believed the Messiah would come dramatically on the clouds because of a passage in the Book of Daniel: “I saw in the night visions, and behold with the clouds of heaven there came one like a human being ... To him was given dominion and glory and kingship, that all peoples, nations and languages should serve him” (Dan. 7:13-14). Luke 17:20 reads, “Being asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God was coming Jesus answered them, ‘The kingdom of God is not coming with signs that can be observed.’” There will be no visible signs, Jesus says, such as clouds and trumpets. In Acts 1:11 angels warned that Christ will not return on the clouds and it is no use looking up into the sky when they said to the disciples, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Sky and heaven are two different things. CLOUDS AND WATER ARE SYMBOLIC Rev. 17:15 says, “The waters that you saw, where the whore is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues.” Water is a symbol for impure fallen mankind. Clouds are vaporized water. Water on earth is impure, but when it is evaporated or distilled it is pure. Therefore, impure man or water when made pure becomes clouds or pure people. We will see the Messiah, the Bible says, because he will be surrounded by disciples who lead a purer life than others. CLOUD OF WITNESSES ARE UNIFICATIONISTS This is what the Bible means when it says a “cloud of witnesses” (Heb. 12:1). The Messiah will first gain a few followers; then many will come. After there are thousands of disciples witnessing for the Messiah the whole world will begin to see him. These people are the members of the Unification Movement. The Second Coming of Christ means the second coming of the cloud of witnesses. The Unification Movement is the second coming of 387 Jesus’ disciples. The generation alive at the time of the Second Advent is the second coming of the generation alive at the time of Jesus. The ministers, pastors and priests at the time of the Second Coming of Christ will be the second coming of the religious leaders of Israel who had to deal with Jesus. God is hoping that everyone is smart enough to not make the mistakes of those at Jesus’ time and accept the new Messiah when he comes to them. Sun Myung Moon says, “Christians today are still a minority in the world. Are they respected by the rest of the population? Christians have become arrogant, feeling that they are especially privileged people of God and the rest of the world is doomed to die. Many Christians believe that when Jesus comes again they will be lifted up to meet the Lord in the air while the rest of the world is consumed in the fire of judgment. How can the rest of the world admire people like that?” (3-6-77) THIEF IN THE NIGHT First Thessalonians 5:2 says, “... the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” To enter as a thief has been interpreted that he will come out of the clouds unexpectedly. But the true interpretation is that he will come not only unexpectedly, but like any successful thief, he will come quietly, not dramatically. Jesus came quietly into the world like a thief in the night. So will the Third Adam. Jesus’ coming was quiet and unexpected. Jesus compares the Second Coming of the Messiah to the time of Noah when everyone is living their individualistic lives not thinking of God or very little about God until it is too late: “As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they did not know... So will be the coming of the Son of man” (Matt. 24:37-39). The Second Coming will be as unexpected as Jesus’. When will Christ return? Jesus said, “But of that day and hour no one knows...” (Matt. 24:36). But it also says in that same verse that God does know. And we read in (Amos 3:7), “surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.” 388 There are many examples in history of God revealing his plans. God revealed to Noah the flood judgment and Lot the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. At the time of the Second Coming of the Lord, God will speak to a few prepared people. The Bible also says that the Lord would not come like a thief to those who were spiritually “awake” (I Thess. 5:6). These few people will be alert and open to the new Messiah’s message while the rest of the world is spiritually asleep and living in the darkness of ignorance. The Third Adam will return and like Jesus will be born of a woman and grow up in a humble setting. When he begins his ministry only a few prepared people will see him. As the number of these disciples grows it will eventually become a cloud of witnesses who will witness for the Lord and then mankind will see the Messiah. WORLD WAR I The 400-year preparation for the Messiah began in 1517 and ended in 1917. The world in 1917 was divided between the nations on God’s side and those on Satan’s side. The three beings in the Garden of Eden were Adam, Eve and the Archangel. In World War I there were three nations who were in those positions representing God and three nations in those positions representing Satan. Those on the side of Satan were Cain nations and those on God’s side were the Abel nations. 389 World War I was a world-wide separation of good and evil, of Cain and Abel. God’s nations were America in the Adam position, England in the Eve position, and France in the Archangel position. Satan’s nations were Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. The World Wars have three good nations and three evil nations fighting each other and this is referred to in the book of Revelation which speaks of evil coming in threes: “... three foul spirits... demonic spirits... who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty” (Rev. 16:13-14). Revelation also says that the side of good must be alert and persevering against these great evils: “Blessed is he who is awake” (Rev. 16:15); “Be zealous and repent” (Rev. 3:19); “Here is a call for the endurance of the saints” (Rev. 14:12). 390 World War I was inevitable as worldwide payment for the first Adam. World War I was an indemnity payment for Adam in the Garden of Eden. It was total confusion in the Garden of Eden, and there was total confusion during World War I. The Kaiser was related to the royalty of England. No one felt the war would last long. Everyone was incredibly immature and naive just as Adam was in the Garden of Eden. One book said this of the Kaiser at the time Hitler was starting World War II: “he had always had a very personal, almost childish, conception of God and he now turned to his Bible more frequently than ever in order to discover an explanation for the new punishment that seemed to be awaiting mankind.... He possessed neither the intellect nor the character to shoulder the burden thrust upon him. ‘It was not his fault,’ wrote Winston Churchill, ‘it was his fate.’ Alas, it was the fate of all of us, for the Kaiser set in motion a chain of events ... that drove the whole world to war.” A biographer wrote, “scholars now believe that whatever the failings of the Kaiser he had not, as was commonly supposed, planned or even desired a big war only a little war! No longer was he an evil or cruel despot, but just a blunderer.” World War I was devastating just as the Fall was. It was a worldwide Cain and Abel fight. Millions of people died. The Allies won and this paid an indemnity payment to restore Lucifer dominating Adam, and it laid the foundation for the world to receive the Third Adam. There was enough goodness and sacrificial spirit on God’s side that God could send the Messiah. NEW NAME Revelation 12:5 says the Messiah will be born on earth: “She brought forth a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron.” And in Revelation 3:12 Jesus says the returning Christ will have a new name, “He who conquers... I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, and the new Jerusalem, which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.” In Revelation 2:17 Jesus says this about his successor: “I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone which no one knows except him who receives it.” 391 1920 — BIRTH OF THE MESSIAH World War I lasted from 1914 to 1918. The Abel nations, the Allies, were victorious over the Central Powers. Abel subjugated Cain. The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919 and the foundation for the Messiah was laid on a worldwide level. On February 25, 1920 (lunar calendar January 6, 1920) the third Adam was born. With him came God’s ideology the Divine Principle. COMPLETED TESTAMENT Christianity is wrong in saying it is heresy that another man will assume Jesus’ mission. Christianity is now fulfilled in the Third Adam who brings God’s truth, the Divine Principle, the Completed Testament. We must understand and remember that Jesus told the Israelites not to read the Old Testament as the letter of the law but in the spirit of the Law. Christians are now asked to read the New Testament the same way. In the Garden of Eden Lucifer struck a death blow to Adam. Then Cain struck his brother. Throughout human history evil has constantly struck and good has had to defend itself, but usually losing against evil. Now it is God’s turn to win the final battle. Three years before the Messiah was born Satan struck mankind with his ideology of atheistic Communism in 1917. Satan always invades first. Three years later, in 1920, the Messiah was born. The number three is God’s number of perfection and the three years from 1917 to 1920 represent a separation from Satan. The Third and final Adam will be successful. God has always succeeded on his third attempt. 392 It is not a coincidence that William Butler Yeat’s poem “The Second Coming” was published in 1920. For more information on the events surrounding 1920 please see my book titled 1920: The Birth of a Messiah. PARABLE OF THE VINEYARD God worked the 2000 years since Jesus to prepare nations to be his champions. The Second Coming was not to be in Israel as many Christians think. Jesus was clear in saying another nation would become the chosen nation and Israel would lose its status. He says this in the Parable of the Vineyard: “There was a householder who planted a vineyard... and let it out to tenants.... When the season of fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants, to get his fruit; and the tenants took his servants and beat one, killed another, and stoned another. Afterward he sent his son to them, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’ but when the tenants saw the son... they killed him. When therefore the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? They said to him, ‘He will put those wretches to a miserable death, and let out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons’” (Matt. 21:334). Jesus said to them, “Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation producing the fruits of it” (Matt. 21:43). The householder is God, the vineyard is Israel, and the tenants were the prophets who were abused by the people. The son was Jesus who the Israelites killed. The other tenants would be a new nation. What nation is it? We read in the Bible, “Then I saw another angel ascend from the rising of the sun, with the seal of the living God” (Rev. 7:2). The rising of the sun means that the new nation will be from the Far East. This nation must have the proper qualifications. Like Israel it must be a small religious nation that will have a history of domination so as to understand God’s suffering heart. It has to be a nation with a belief by some that the Messiah will come to its nation. That nation is Korea. KOREA IS THE CHOSEN NATION The Korean people are peace loving. In their 4000-year history they have never invaded another country. Yet they have been dominated many times. Like the Israelites, they know the suffering 393 of oppression, and they have many prophecies in their literature that the Messiah will come to them. Korea’s history is one of suffering and hardship. They have been molded into a people whose character makes them uniquely qualified to be the chosen people. They are a deeply religious people, a passionate people that accept all major religions; Islam, Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity flourish there. Korea has the fastest growing Christian population. It has the largest congregations in the world. Many go to church before daylight. They embrace their religious faith with an intensity that puts followers of those religions from other countries to shame. God is our parent who has a suffering heart, and God can only be met in deep suffering and pain. The Messiah and the chosen people are the pioneers who must know God’s suffering heart. They must be a sensitive and emotional people. They must be tough and disciplined, able to endure the harsh standard of sacrifice and purity needed to overcome persecution. The Korean people have these characteristics. The Messiah was born in a small, obscure country in what is today North Korea. This is hardly the place anyone in the major powers of the world (such as America) would expect a savior to come. Jesus was also born in a small and obscure country. It was hardly the sort of place anyone from the Emperor of Rome down to the very people of Israel would have expected to find a young man who would someday be seen as the savior of the world by hundreds of millions of people. In his autobiography As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen Father writes: There is deep meaning in the tragic history that the Korean people have experienced up to this point. Korea has suffered a great deal because it is destined to become the foundation from which world peace will emerge. Because it has endured suffering and difficulty for such a long time, Korea can now become the central nation from 394 which God brings peace to the world. Even though Koreans have experienced countless hardships, we have never made anyone our enemy or hated anyone. Several of our neighbors have caused difficulty for us, but we have never made them our irreconcilable enemies. The Korean people have developed a culture of heart that enables us to forgive our enemies. It takes mastery over oneself to love and accept an enemy. The ability to love ones enemy comes only after an individual is victorious over his own internal conflicts. People who are persecuted are the closest to God. To understand God’s heart, one must experience His tearful heart. Even a person who normally would not shed tears will do so if he loses his family and his country. He would desperately plead with God in tears. Suffering difficulties causes one to have a heart that sheds tears and cries, but it is through this type of heart that one can receive God’s blessing. God comes to a heart that is soaked with tears. Korea has become a land of heavenly fortune because so many tears have been shed within the hearts of its people. Korean people honor their ancestors. No matter how hungry we may be, we will never sell the land where our ancestors are buried in order to buy food. Historically we have maintained a way of thinking that respects Heaven. We are a modern, civilized nation that still honors the world of the spirit. When we accepted Buddhism and Confucianism, they gave rise to a beautiful religious culture. More recently Christian and Muslim traditions have begun to thrive here as well. All these religions live without conflict within Korea. They blend together and coexist peacefully. What is it that has made us such a unique people? 395 395 The Korean flag is symbolic for God. “The flag consists of three parts: The white background, the red and blue circle in the center and four trigrams, one in each corner of the flag.” “The red and blue circle in the center is called ‘Taeguk’, the origin of all things in the universe. The central thought is perfect harmony and balance: A continuous movement within the sphere of infinity, resulting in one unit. The blue part of ‘Taeguk’ is called ‘Yin’ and represents all negative aspects of the balance that is typical for the symbol. The red part is called ‘Yang’ and describes all positive aspects.” The dual characteristics of God reflected in the world through the invisible mind and external body and the duality of masculine and feminine (i.e., of God being a parent) is represented by the red and blue colors of the center circle. The upper red paisley represents the yang nature of masculinity; the lower blue paisley represents the yin nature of femininity. Red is on top symbolizing the vertical relationship between man and woman. Red also symbolizes God’s love and life. God created our blood red. Satan distorts this color. The communist Soviet Union’s flag was red. There are “red light districts” of prostitution symbolizing the Fall. The blue in the center circle symbolizes God’s truth. These are the life elements God gives for us to grow spiritually. 396 “The four trigrams also indicate the duality of opposites and balance. In the upper left trigram, three unbroken lines symbolize Heaven; opposite them in the lower right, three broken lines represent Earth. In the upper right trigram, two broken lines separated by an unbroken line is the symbol of Fire; opposite them is water, symbolized by two unbroken lines separated by a broken line.” The black trigrams in each corner symbolize the four seasons and cardinal directions of north, south, east and west. The number four is also the symbol for the family unit of the four-position foundation. The circle symbolizes eternity, or God. The flag is white, symbolizing God’s purity and peace. CHOSEN The book of Revelation speaks of white robes. Because white was for centuries the primary color worn by Koreans, Korea was known as the “white-clad” people. The name of the capitol is Seoul. Korea’s ancient name was Chosen. KOREAN LANGUAGE The writing system Koreans use is called Hangul, which means “the Great Writing.” King Sejong commissioned an academy called the College of Assembled Worthies to do phonological research. In 1443 they had completed the orthographical design of Han’gul. The king introduced Han’gul to the public on October 9, 1446 and the Korean people observe this day as a national holiday under the name of Han’gul Day. Hangul is a phonetic writing. Each consonant and vowel sound is a symbol of a cosmological principle. For example, vowels and semi vowels have three basic letters and their combinations. The three basic ones are ! , — and *. One book explains that for “! (a sound similar to aw in law), the tongue retracts and its sound is deep; the roundness of its shape is a depiction of Heaven.” For —, “the tongue retracts a little, and its sound is neither deep nor shallow; the flatness of its shape is a depiction of Earth.” For *, “the tongue does not retract, and its sound is shallow; the uprightness of its shape is a depiction of Man.” Therefore, the basic vowel symbols are based on the trinity of Heaven (!), Earth (—) and Man (*). All the other vowel and semivowels are interactions of these three 397 symbols. It is not only based on a trinity but also on a duality of yin and yang sounds. There was some vehement opposition to Hangul for those who felt they should stay with the Chinese writing but over time it became the national language. During the occupation of Korea, Satan used Japan as his means to eliminate Han’gul, which would be genocide to the chosen people’s culture. The Korean people were forced to use Japanese as the only language. All older Koreans can speak fluent Japanese. When Korea was liberated in 1945, Han’gul Day was established as a national holiday. Koreans love Han’gul and are proud of it. Han’gul is easy to learn and therefore most people became literate and this democratized all walks of Korean life. It is the most scientific writing system in the world. The ultimate unification of the world as one family will be when all mankind speaks Korean. There are good reasons why everyone should and will speak Korean. Even though English is the language for international commerce it is lacking in comparison with Korean. The essence of Sun Myung Moon’s teaching is that there we live in relationships that are vertical. The Korean language recognizes this. He teaches, “There are no phrases of respect and value. Everyone is ‘you,’ whether they be high or low in society. In Korean, there are many different levels of address according to age and relationship. And no language can surpass Korean for detailed expressions of religious and spiritual terms.” (2-17-91) 398 The following are some comments by Sun Myung Moon on the Korean language from some of his speeches: English is not the best language for conveying the spiritual element of life. The language is just not equipped to express things about the spiritual life as Korean is. English can be a boring and tasteless language to study, but Korean has a profound taste in comparison, with a most intricate and beautiful way of saying things. It is true that the contents of Korean expressions are complicated, but that makes it sweet, so have trust in Korean based on my recommendation. (6-3-79). The Korean language is the most advanced, descriptive and beautiful language ever known to humanity. Korean has so much variety in its sounds. I am not saying all this just because I am Korean. It is based on the Principle. (2-5-84) The language barrier is one of the most difficult problems in the world. How can we solve this historical problem? We have to resolve it. I think about who will be able to solve this problem. The power of science and technology cannot do it, neither can government power. The only power that can do it is religious power. You have to know that. Therefore, I am always saying to you, “We have to unify the language. We have to shatter the language barrier.” Do you understand? (9-7-86) What about language? It will be the biggest problem. The world’s language is bound to be unified. Once we overcome that problem; once we learn a common language, then the racial and national differences will be no more. You will be able to live in any country, any place, anytime. COMMON LANGUAGE What language will the world choose as a common language? It will be the language which is used in the country which has the higher, 399 deeper thought, and higher and deeper religious theory and practice. That country will become the center of the world, and everyone will want to use that language. This is not a matter of coercion; no one is forcing this, saying, “should.” No, this is a natural development. People will choose it. (11-1-90) SCIENTIFIC AND SPIRITUAL You have to learn Korean. It is both a scientific and a spiritual language. For instance, hundreds of different adjectives in Korean may express the same concept, each one having a subtle variation in meaning. There are hundreds of different ways of expressing color. Korean is the ideal language. God certainly had this in mind when He developed it and He is proud of it. (7-5-87) This is my honest opinion and not just because I am Korean. The Korean language is the best for people to express deep feelings, especially between lovers, and for the expression of profound religious feelings. (10-4-83) UNIFICATION OF LANGUAGE No matter what, the unification of the language has to take place. Only with Divine Principle and True Parents’ guidance will this become possible. Otherwise there is no way to unify all the languages of this world. (5-3-96) COMMON UNDERSTANDING Only the power of God can bring the world together under one language. The Divine Principle should be read in Korean by everyone in the world. In this way, a common understanding can emerge. People will never stop fighting each other until they have some kind of common understanding. Mankind is separated now because they speak different languages and have different understandings about life. How complicated this world is due to this situation. 400 GOD DESIRES ONE LANGUAGE Think about God. Every night people are praying to him in thousands of different languages. Actually, it’s painful to His ears. That’s true. It’s very complicated for God to deal with. Someone is to “God”, while another one is praying to “Kami”, while yet another one is praying to “Allah”. You have to restore one language for God’s sake. Think about how miserable God is in this situation. You don’t know how difficult it has been for me in America. It’s the same situation with God and so I know how miserable God is. God desires one language, one heart, one common understanding between His children. That is why I am teaching this clearly to you. (885) 1935 — JESUS PASSES MISSION TO SUN MYUNG MOON On Easter Sunday morning April 17, 1935 when Sun Myung Moon was 15 years old Jesus came to him as he was deep in prayer on a hillside in the northern part of Korea. Jesus asked him to complete his mission of bringing unity to mankind. He explains what happened in his autobiography: When I was sixteen, we experienced the tragedy of having five of my younger siblings die in a single year. No words could describe the heartbreak of our parents in losing five of their thirteen children in such a short time. Death seemed to spread. Other clan members lost their livestock. One home’s cow suddenly died, though it had been in perfect health. At another home, several horses died, one after another. At a third home, seven pigs died in one night. The suffering of one family seemed connected to the suffering of the nation and of the world. I was increasingly troubled to see the wretched situation of the Korean people under Japan’s increasingly tyrannical rule. People didn’t have enough to eat. They were sometimes forced to take grass, tree bark, and whatever else they could find, and boil these for food. There seemed to be no end to wars around the 401 world. Then one day I read an article in a newspaper about the suicide of a middle-school student who was the same age as I. “Why did he die?” I asked myself. “What would drive a person to kill himself at such a young age?” I was devastated by this news, as if it had happened to someone who had been close to me. With the newspaper open to that article, I wept aloud for three days and nights. The tears kept coming, and I couldn’t make them stop. I couldn’t comprehend the series of strange events, or the fact that tragic events were happening to good people. Seeing the bones of my greatgrandfather had inspired me to start asking questions about life and death, and the series of unusual events in and around our home caused me to hang on to religion. The Word of God I was hearing in church, however, was not sufficient by itself to give me the clear answers I was seeking. To relieve the frustrations in my heart, I naturally began to immerse myself in prayer. “Who am I? Where did I come from? What is the purpose of life? What happens to people when they die? Is there a world of the eternal soul? Does God really exist? Is God really all-powerful? If He is, why does He just stand by and watch the sorrows of the world? If God created this world, did He also create the suffering that is in the world? What will bring an end to Korea’s tragic occupation by Japan? What is the meaning of the suffering of the Korean people? Why do human beings hate each other, fight, and start wars?” My heart was filled with these serious and fundamental questions. No one could easily answer them for me, so my only option was to pray. Prayer helped me to find solace. Whenever I laid out the anguishing problems in my heart to God, all my suffering and sorrow vanished and my heart felt at ease. I began spending more and more time in prayer, to the point that, eventually, I began praying through the night all the time. As a result, I had a rare and precious experience in which God answered 402 402 my prayers. That day will always remain as the most cherished memory of my life—a day I can never forget. It was the night before Easter in the year I turned sixteen. I was on Mount Myodu praying all night and begging God in tears for answers. Why had He created a world so filled with sorrow and despair? Why was the all-knowing and all-powerful God leaving the world in such pain? What should I do for my tragic homeland? I wept in tears as I asked these questions repeatedly. Early Easter morning, after I had spent the entire night in prayer, Jesus appeared before me. He appeared in an instant, like a gust of wind, and said to me, “God is in great sorrow because of the pain of humankind. You must take on a special mission on earth having to do with Heaven’s work.” That day, I saw clearly the sorrowful face of Jesus. I heard his voice clearly. The experience of witnessing the manifestation of Jesus caused my body to shake violently, like a quaking aspen’s leaves trembling in a strong breeze. I was simultaneously overcome with fear so great I felt I might die and gratitude so profound I felt I might explode. Jesus spoke clearly about the work I would have to do. His words were extraordinary, having to do with saving humanity from its suffering and bringing joy to God. My initial response was, “I can’t do this. How can I do this? Why would you even give me a mission of such paramount importance?” I was truly afraid. I wanted somehow to avoid this mission, and I clung to the hem of his clothing and wept inconsolably. I was thrown into extreme confusion. I couldn’t open my heart to my parents and share my huge secret with them. But neither could I just keep it to myself. I was at a loss over what to do. What was clear was that I had received a special mission from Heaven. It was such a huge and tremendous responsibility. I shuddered in fear to think that I might not be able to handle it on my own. I clung to prayer even more than before, in an attempt to quiet my confused heart. But even this had no effect. No 403 403 matter how much I tried, I could not free myself for even a moment from the memory of having met Jesus. In an effort to quiet my heart and my tears, I composed the following poem: Crown of Glory When I doubt people, I feel pain. When I judge people, it is unbearable. When I hate people, there is no value to my existence. Yet if I believe, I am deceived. If I love, I am betrayed. Suffering and grieving tonight, my head in my hands, Am I wrong? Yes I am wrong. Even though we are deceived, still believe. Though we are betrayed, still forgive. Love completely, even those who hate you. Wipe your tears away and welcome with a smile Those who know nothing but deceit, And those who betray without regret. O, Master, the pain of loving. Look at my hands. Place your hand on my chest. My heart is bursting, such agony. But when I love those who acted against me, I brought victory. If you have done the same things, I will give you the Crown of Glory. My encounter with Jesus changed my life completely. His sorrowful expression was etched into my heart as if it had been branded there, and I could not think of anything else. From that day on, I immersed myself completely in the Word of God. At times, I was surrounded by endless darkness and filled with such pain that it was difficult to breathe. At other times, my heart was filled with joy, as though I were watching the morning sun rise above the horizon. I experienced a series of days like these that led me into a deeper and deeper world of prayer. I embraced new words of truth that Jesus was giving 404 404 me directly and let myself be completely captivated by God. I began to live an entirely different life. I had many things to think about, and I gradually became a boy of few words. Anyone who follows the path of God must pursue his goal with his whole heart and total dedication. It requires a steadfastness of purpose. I am stubborn by birth, so I have always had plenty of tenacity. I used this God-given tenacity to overcome difficulties and follow the way that was given me. Anytime I began to waver, I steadied myself by remembering: “I received God’s word directly.” It was not easy to choose this course, because it would require me to sacrifice the rest of my youth. At times, I felt I would rather avoid the path. A wise person will place hope in the future and continue to move forward, no matter how difficult it may be. A foolish person, on the other hand, will throw away his future for the sake of immediate happiness. I, too, at times held foolish thoughts when I was still very young, but in the end I chose the path of the wise person. I gladly offered up my life in order to pursue the way God desired. I could not have run away if I tried; this was the only way I could have chosen. So why did God call me? Even now, at ninety years of age, I wonder every day why God called me. Of all the people in the world, why did He choose me? It wasn’t because I had a particularly good appearance, or outstanding character, or deep conviction. I was just an unremarkable, stubborn, and foolish young boy. If God saw something in me, it must have been a sincere heart that sought Him with tears of love. Whatever the time or place, love is most important. God was searching for a person who would live with a heart of love and who, when faced with suffering, could cut off its effects with love. I was a boy in a rural village with nothing to show for myself. Even now, I insist uncompromisingly on sacrificing my life to live for God’s love and nothing else. 405 405 There was nothing I could know on my own, so I took all my questions to God. I asked, “God, do You really exist?” and that was how I came to know that He did, in fact, exist. I asked, “God, do You have any cherished desires?” and this was how I came to know that He, too, had cherished desires. I asked Him, “God, do You need me?” and this was how I discovered that He had use for me. On those days when my prayers and dedication connected to Heaven, Jesus appeared to me without fail and conveyed special messages. If I was earnest in my desire to know something, Jesus would appear with a gentle expression and give me answers of truth. His words were always on the mark, and they struck deep into my bosom like sharp arrows. These were not mere words; they were revelations about the creation of the universe that opened the door to a new world. When Jesus spoke, it seemed like a soft breeze, but I took his words to heart and prayed with an earnestness strong enough to uproot a tree. Gradually, I came into a new realization about God’s purpose in creating the universe and His principles of creation. During the summer of that year, I went on a pilgrimage around the country. I had no money. I would go to homes and ask to be fed. If I was lucky, I caught a ride on a truck. This was how I visited every corner of the country. Everywhere I went, I saw that my homeland was a crucible of tears. There was no end to the sorrowful sighs of suffering from hungry people. Their woeful lamentations turned to tears that flowed like a river. “This wretched history must end as quickly as possible,” I told myself. “Our people must not be left to suffer in sorrow and despair. Somehow, I need to find a way to go to Japan and to America so that I can let the world know the greatness of the Korean people.” Through this pilgrimage, I was able to redouble my determination toward my future work. As I clenched my two fists, my mind became totally focused, and I could see clearly the path I had to follow in my life: “I absolutely will save our people and bring God’s peace on this earth.” (As a 406 Peace-Loving Global Citizen by Sun Myung Moon) For the next ten years he learned the Divine Principle from God, Jesus and many saints in the spirit world, and he fought terrible spiritual battles with Satan to discover the Fall: how evil came into the world. Only the pure Messiah can discover the root of evil and has the passion and strength to proclaim this truth to the world at the risk of his life. He went to college in Japan and received a degree in electrical engineering in the 1940s. Sometimes he would go the lowest places and spend time with bums and even cut their hair for them. He talked to prostitutes and grieved for their painful life: At times I would simply go live for a while in an area of Shinagawa where poor people lived. I slept with them, using rags for cover. On warm sunny days I picked lice from their hair and ate rice with them. There were many prostitutes on the streets of Shinagawa. I would listen to them tell me about themselves, and I became their best friend without ever drinking a drop of liquor. Some people claim they need to be drunk in order to speak candidly about what is on their mind, but that is just an excuse. When these women realized that I was sincere in my sympathy for them, even without drinking any liquor, they opened their hearts to me and told me their troubles.” (As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, Sun Myung Moon) One of the greatest mysteries of life is the meaning of the Bible. The young Messiah discovered the formula that unlocked its hidden secrets. This could not be done by going to a seminary but searching in spirit world. He grew in understanding of the truth that answers the fundamental questions of life and therefore would save this world from its ignorance. He fought spiritual battles alone and was constantly tempted by Satan. He said, “Several times Japanese women sneaked into my bed, but I never sinned with them.” 407 How many young men in college have the discipline of purity Father had when he was in college? How many fathers teach their sons to be sexually pure? How many college presidents and professors teach by word and deed this standard? Have the religious denominations and organizations been able to make college campuses a godly place of moral excellence or are colleges famous for drinking, free sex and parties? Christian churches on campuses have been ineffectual to stop the moral decay in colleges. The Bible is very clear about being centered on the mind instead of the flesh, but Christianity has lost power to guide young people and their parents. Father makes the Bible’s teachings on purity and moral excellence come alive. Schools desperately need to teach Father’s words. WORKS OF THE FLESH Galatians 5:13-26 lists some of the sins of the mind that lead to sins of the flesh. God gives us freedom but we are to be disciplined in our freedom: “For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for selfindulgence, but through love be servants of one another. ... Live by the Spirit, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit you are not under the law. “Now the works of the flesh are obvious: fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, quarrels, selfishness, dissension, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these. I am warning you, as I warned you before: those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. CRUCIFIED THE FLESH “By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and selfcontrol. There is no law against such things. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, no provoking of one another, no envying of one another.” 408 The Bible says, “Flee youthful lusts” (2 Timothy 2:22). Titus 2:12 says “…deny profanity and worldly passions, to live lives that are self-controlled, righteous, and godly.” First Peter 1:15: “...but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.” NOT OF THIS WORLD Romans 12:1-2 says “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” I Timothy 4:12: “Be an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” When we live a religious life of purity and high moral standards we have peace of mind that “passeth all understanding.” (Philippians 4:4-9): Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise—think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard ... and the God of peace will be with you. We should be more interested in training our spirit and have healthy morals than we do about our physical health: “Train yourself in godliness, for, while physical training is of some value, godliness is valuable in every way, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (I Timothy 4:8). 409 Christian leaders know these passages of purity and discipline but have failed to inspire the world to live those words. Christian leaders need Father who is a true father who teaches absolute purity in a way that can motivate them to live up to God’s standard. Sun Myung Moon is the ultimate father that young people like high school and college students and their parents and grandparents desperately need because they do not know God’s absolute standard of purity. Father teaches people to be absolutely disciplined and not drink and smoke. He is a totally godly man who walks his talk. Here is an example of his powerful life changing inspiring words: “Do you think that Father would be seduced by beautiful Hollywood people or would he kick them away? (Kick them away.) What about all of you? Satan may utilize various tactics in order to seduce you. By observing True Father’s life we can know that he is one hundred percent at one with his teachings. Father never falls into the satanic traps of this world, no matter what. “Why do you suppose that Reverend Moon makes such a strong statement against American people rather than giving comforting words? Because it is Father’s responsibility to use even his force to push them to follow in the right direction. A surgeon will cut open an infectious wound in order to heal the patient, even if it might be painful.” (6-23-96) All Americans and all people need to humble themselves to the Messiah’s leadership. Bo Hi Pak writes in his book Messiah: My Testimony to Reverend Sun Myung Moon (you can read the entire text at that for 10 years Father “embarked on an arduous course to uncover the hidden truths of the universe: The people around him during his remaining boyhood years and early manhood had no way of knowing about his spiritual pilgrimage. Outwardly, he may have seemed like an unremarkable, impoverished young man. Within his heart, though, a fire burned as hot as a blast furnace. Day after day, he battled Satan at the risk of his life and gradually was able to dig out the truth about the spiritual world and the true meaning of life. He also exposed the deepest secret in the cosmos—Adam and Eve’s, and Satan’s, original sin. 410 During these [ten] years, Reverend Moon traveled back and forth between the physical and spiritual worlds. He spoke with Buddha, Confucius, and Jesus. He visited innumerable good spirits, and he passed through harsh trials and tribulations from evil spirits. This period was also a time for God to test Reverend Moon in myriad ways to see whether he was really qualified to stand as the central person for the salvation of humankind. The hardships and suffering that Reverend Moon experienced during this time will most likely remain secret for all time. The truth was not given to Reverend Moon as a simple revelation. He had to fight Satan with blood, sweat and tears for each word. He had to rise above Satan’s accusations and finally receive God’s direct approval of what he had found. It was only after he had received God’s recognition that Reverend Moon began to teach the Principle to the world. The following are some comments Sun Myung Moon has made about how seriously he took his mission in his youth: Fundamental Questions of Life From the time I was a boy, I started agonizing over the fundamental questions of life. Who am I? Where am I from? What is the purpose of life? Will our life somehow continue after death? Does God really exist? Is God omnipotent or not? If God is allpowerful, why is it He cannot solve the problems of the world? Why is there so much suffering in the world? Looking back, I remember how serious I was. I was at the point of deciding what to do with the rest of my life. At that crossroad, I knew that it would not be determined by human forces, but came to the conclusion that I had to make my decision in accordance with God’s Will. I vividly remember the 411 agonizing moments before embarking upon my life of faith. I had the most unusual experience when I was sixteen—fifteen by Western reckoning. After long hours of tearful prayer in the morning at Easter time, Jesus Christ came to me in spirit and gave me many revelations and teachings. He shared many profound and amazing truths, particularly that God is in agony over the suffering of humanity, and he asked me to take on a very special mission for God, on earth. It is so hard to describe my experiences as a youth. The spirit world opened and I could freely communicate with the saints of that world. In the quiet hills of North Korea, I came to meet Jesus Christ and conversed with him. The content of our conversation became the essential teachings of the Divine Principle. When you see Jesus spiritually, does he smile at you with a happy face? Have you met Jesus? I have never met Jesus in such a way. He always appeared to me serious and sad. He has no choice. That is the only way he can feel because he knows God’s situation so well. I am the same way, too. I was much younger than you are when I set out on this course, younger than twenty, very simple and innocent. I desired to possess objects of beauty and was ever curious about new things in my village, often to the point of obsession. Yet, as soon as I embarked on the mission at that tender age, I found myself to be wanting in many ways to carry out such a great and serious mission. I painfully realized how grave was my responsibility and the need to have the requisite qualities inside and out. I was a young man when starting out on this course. Whether or not I would actually fulfill the great responsibility of the mission Jesus entrusted to me was a serious problem. I knew, too well, how strongly people like Noah, Abraham and Moses had desired to fulfill their God given missions. 412 It was my experiences as a fifteen-year-old that led me to know God. Over the next [ten] years, following that initial encounter, I came to live continually in the presence of God and Jesus. I experienced the spirit world so many times. Gradually, God revealed to me the amazing truth. It was like passing through the darkest night and the sun was finally rising in the horizon. I could see the first streak of light of the glorious new culture. The revelation I received then is now called “The Principle.” God told me that I must spread that Principle to the end of the earth. In the prime of my youth, I used to pray up to seventeen to eighteen hours and not less than twelve, at a stretch, bent down and wailing. I usually skipped lunch. Otherwise, I could not have survived. All doors were closed and there was no way out. Only through such intense prayer, could I see the faintest ray of hope emanating from the smallest crack in heaven. Experiencing that kind of suffering and pain, I came to acquire a firm grasp of the Principle. (Theory of Education) He lived during a time when Korea was dominated by the Japanese. “Korea, in order to be the Adam country in God’s providence, had to be dominated by an Eve country and by overcoming the Eve country gain independence” (Early Unification Church History Part 1 by Nora Spurgin). The Japanese brutally tortured many Christians. They tried to obliterate their culture and language. During the 40 years of domination from 1905-1945 they changed the name of the country from Korea to its ancient name of Chosen. On old maps of Korea the name was not Korea, but Chosen. This was the chosen nation that was to protect and uplift the Messiah. Sun Myung Moon worked with those Christians who refused to worship the Japanese shrines. The previous chosen people, ancient Israel, also had been forced to worship the gods of their oppressors, the Greeks. Many of these Christians had revelations the Lord was coming to them. Some of these spiritualists had followers. The orthodox Christian ministers did not like what these 413 spiritualists were saying about a Messiah being born in Korea and they were respected by many people. “Under the rule of Japanese imperialism before the liberation of Korea, I was a leader of the underground movement centering on Christianity” (1-1-97). He was arrested by the Japanese police and tortured in different ways. They used electric shocks with voltage so high it nearly killed him. They hung him upside down from the ceiling by his ankles and forced water laced with red pepper through his nose and into his head. They brutally beat and kicked him, but after 60 days of torture he never revealed the names of any Christians in the underground movement and was finally released. Sun Myung Moon describes his torture this way: Many times, I spit up blood through near-fatal experiences. However, I never gave my friends’ names under torture; I was loyal to and responsible for them. I risked my life for theirs. I fought alone. I did not budge even under threat of death. I did not talk even during the most dreadful torture—being hit by clubs. You must keep faith with your friends. Once you have made a promise, you must keep it to death. One night, after torture, I felt the most sorrowful ever, and knew that I would never forget that day. I was beaten almost to death, covered with blood and bleeding profusely. They kicked my stomach with their jackboots. While two of them would hold me down, another two kicked and trod on me. Imagine the effect of that to my belly. Just trying to sit and stand up in the toilet was torment. Because I was accused of saying that I was going to cut the Japanese emperor’s throat, I was imprisoned and tortured. The most excruciating thing was to be kicked in the crotch with spiked leather boots. You will not know what pain is without such an experience. 414 Once after I had been interrogated and tortured for fourteen hours, I wasn’t able to crawl even twenty meters. Nevertheless, I held out in faith to the end, enduring the pain while fainting repeatedly. (Theory of Education) Father teaches: I still believe that to develop good character a person needs to experience many difficulties before turning thirty. People need to go down into the crucible of despair at the bottom of human existence and experience what that is like. People need to discover new possibilities in the midst of hell. It is only when climbing out of the depths of despair and making a new determination that we can be reborn as people able to pioneer a new future. We should not look only in one direction. We should look at both those who are in a higher position and those lower. We should know to look east, west, south, and north. To live a successful life depends on how well we see with our mind’s eye. To see well with the mind’s eye we must have many different experiences and remember them. Even in the most difficult situations we should maintain our composure, demonstrate warmth toward others, be self-reliant, and adapt well to any circumstance. A person of good character must be accustomed to rising to a high position and then quickly falling to a low position. Most people are afraid of falling from a high position, so they do everything they can to preserve it. However, water that does not flow becomes stale. A person who rises to a high position must be able to go back down and wait for the time to come again. When the opportunity comes, he can rise to an even higher position than before. This is the type of person who can acquire a greatness that is admired by many people and is a great leader. These are the experiences that a person should have before turning thirty. Today I tell young people to experience 415 415 everything they can in the world. They need to directly or indirectly experience everything in the world, as if they were devouring an encyclopedia. It is only then that they can form their own identity. A person’s self-identity is his clear subjective nature. Once a person has the confidence to say, “I can go all around the country, and I will never come across a person who is capable of defeating me,” then he is ready to take on any task and have the confidence to accomplish it successfully. When a person lives life in this way, he will be successful. Success is assured. This is the conclusion I arrived at while living as a beggar in Tokyo. I shared meals and slept with laborers in Tokyo, shared the grief of hunger with beggars, learned the hard life, and earned my doctorate in the philosophy of suffering. Only then was I able to understand God’s will as He works to bring salvation to humanity. It is important to become the king of suffering before age thirty. The way to gain the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven is to become a king of suffering and earn your doctorate in that philosophy. (As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen) In his autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, Father wrote about the experience of having Jesus appear to him when he was 15 and telling him he was chosen to fulfill Jesus’ mission. For years he had not told anyone about his mission. All alone he traveled in spirit world and got revelations from God. In 1942 he went to Japan to study electrical engineering at a college. He writes about his feelings about the pain in Korea that was dominated by the ruthless Japanese: After graduating from the Kyongsong Institute in 1942, I traveled to Japan to continue my studies. I went because I felt that I needed to have exact knowledge about Japan. On the train to Busan, I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. I covered myself with my coat and cried out loud. My nose ran and my face swelled up, I cried so much. It grieved me to think that I was leaving my country behind as 416 it suffered under the yoke of colonial rule. I looked out the window as I wept, and I could see that the hills and rivers were weeping even more sorrowfully than I was. I saw with my own eyes the tears flowing from the grass and trees. Upon seeing this vision, I said, “I promise to the hills and streams of my homeland that I will return, carrying with me the liberation of my homeland. So don’t cry, but wait for me.” When he was 23 years old in 1943 he returned to Korea from Japan and he writes this amazing testimony about his search for the truth: Upon finally returning to Korea, I found nothing had changed. Japan’s tyrannical rule was becoming worse by the day. The entire land was soaked in blood and tears. I returned to Heuksok Dong in Seoul and attended the Myungsudae Church. I kept detailed diaries of all the new realizations that I had each day. On days when I had a great number of such realizations, I would fill an entire diary. I was receiving answers to many of the questions that I had struggled with over the years. It was as if my years of prayers and search for truth were being answered. It happened in a short time, as if a ball of were passing through me. During this time I had the realization, “The relationship between God and mankind is that of a father and his children, and God is deeply saddened to see their suffering.” In this moment all the secrets of the universe were resolved in my mind. Suddenly, it was as if someone had turned on a movie projector. Everything that had happened since the time humankind broke God’s commandment played out clearly before my eyes. Hot tears flowed continuously from my eyes. I fell to my knees and bowed my head to the floor. For the longest time I couldn’t get up. Just as when my father had carried me home on his back as a child, I laid my body down in God’s lap and let the tears flow. Nine years 417 417 after my encounter with Jesus, my eyes had finally been opened to the true love of God. God created Adam and Eve and sent them into this world to be fruitful, to multiply, and to bring about a world of peace where they would live. But they could not wait for God’s time. They committed fornication and bore two sons, Cain and Abel. The children who were born from the Fall did not trust each other and brought about an incident where one brother murdered the other. The peace of this world was shattered, sin covered the world, and God’s sorrow began. Then humankind committed another terrible sin by killing Jesus, the Messiah. So the suffering that humanity experiences today is a process of atonement that it must pass through as God’s sorrow continues. Jesus had appeared to me as a boy of sixteen because he wanted me to know the root of the Original Sin that humankind had committed and to bring about a world of peace where sin and the Fall would no longer exist. I had received God’s serious word to atone for the sins of humanity and bring about the world of peace that God had originally created. The world of peace that is God’s desire is not someplace we go to after death. God wants this world, where we live now, to be the completely peaceful and happy world that He created in the beginning. God certainly did not send Adam and Eve into the world for them to suffer. I had to let the world know this incredible truth. Having discovered the secrets of the creation of the universe, I felt my heart become like a calm ocean. My heart was filled with the word of God. It felt as though it might explode, and my face was always shining with joy. 1944 In 1944 he married. He tells of meeting his wife and warning her 418 418 that she may have to be separated from him because he has a special mission from God. He writes: I went to one of my aunts who had much experience in arranging marriages and asked her to introduce me to a suitable wife. This is how I met Seon Gil Choi, the daughter of a prominent Christian family in Jung-ju. She was a well-raised woman from an upright family. She had attended only elementary school, but she had a character that disliked having to cause even the slightest trouble to others. Her character was so strong and her Christian faith so deep that she had been imprisoned at age sixteen for refusing to comply with a Japanese colonial requirement that all Koreans worship at Shinto shrines. I explained to Seon Gil Choi clearly about the kind of life I intended to lead. “Even if we marry now, you should be prepared to live without me for at least seven years,” I told her. “Why should I do that?” she responded. I told her, “I have a task that is more important than family life. In fact, my reason for getting married has to do with my ability to carry out God’s providence. Our marriage needs to develop beyond the family to the point where we can love the nation and all humanity. Now that you know that this is my intention, do you truly want to marry me?” She responded with a firm voice: “It doesn’t matter to me. After I met you, I dreamed of a field of flowers in the moonlight. I am certain that you are my spouse sent from Heaven. I can endure any difficulty.” I was still concerned, and I pressed her several times. Each time she sought to set my mind at ease, saying, “I am willing to do anything, as long as I am able to marry you. Don’t worry about anything.” (As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen) 419 Father says they were married May 4, 1944: Normally May is a time for beautiful spring days, but on our wedding day it rained heavily. My wife and I began our married life in my boarding room in Heuksok Dong. I truly loved her and took such good care of her that the mistress of the boarding house would say, “Oh my, you must really love her, since you treat her as if you were handling an egg.” I got a job at the Kyongsong branch of the Kashima Gumi Construction Company in Yongsan in order to support our family while I also carried out church work. Then, one day in October, the Japanese police suddenly stormed into our home. (As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen) Father was part of the underground movement against the Japanese. Father writes that they came to his home when he was married and took him to the police station: They beat me with a table and broke all four of its legs against my body, but I refused to give them the names of the people who had worked with me in Japan. The Japanese police then went to where I was living with my wife, turned it upside down, and discovered my diaries. They brought the diaries to me and went through them page by page, demanding I tell them about the names they found. I denied everything, even though I knew they might kill me for my silence. The police stomped on me mercilessly with their spiked military boots until my body was as limp as if I were dead. Then they hung me from the ceiling and swung me back and forth. Like a slab of meat hanging in a butcher shop, I swung this way and that as they pushed me with a stick. Soon, blood filled my mouth and began dripping onto the cement floor below me. Each time I lost consciousness they would pour a bucket of water over me. When I regained consciousness the torture would begin again. They held my nose and stuck the 420 420 spout of a teakettle into my mouth, forcing me to swallow water. When my stomach became bloated with water they laid me face up on the floor, looking like a frog, and began stomping on my abdomen with their military boots. The water would be forced up my esophagus and I would vomit until everything turned black. On the days after I had been tortured this way my esophagus felt as though it was on fire. The pain was so great I could not bear to swallow a single mouthful of soup. I had no energy and would just lie face down on the floor, completely unable to move. The war was coming to an end, and the Japanese police were desperate. They tortured me in ways words cannot describe. I endured, though, and never gave them the names of any of my friends. Even as I was going in and out of consciousness, I made sure not to give them what they wanted. (As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen) He said, “Finally tiring of torturing me, the Japanese police” let him go. AUGUST 15, 1945 On August 15, 1945 the world rejoiced as the Japanese surrendered. The terrible four-year war with Japan from 1941-1945 was finally over. The Korean people were free from their domination, and the Koreans celebrated even more than the rest of the world after having been viciously dominated for 40 years. On this day, the young Messiah began his public ministry. “In August, when the Japanese finally laid down their arms, there was jubilation in Korea. The people took to the streets and the hysteria of liberation took over. Sun-myung Moon marks the day of the Surrender, August 15—celebrated as Liberation Day by Koreans—as the beginning of his public ministry. Since his encounter with Jesus in 1935, he had spoken to no one of his new understanding of God. Now the defeat of Japan meant he could act 421 421 free from police surveillance. Korea was free from its colonial masters and the Christian nations had triumphed over fascist evil. The time was propitious.” (Michael Breen, Sun Myung Moon, The Early Years, 1920-53) Father writes that he did not join in the celebration: Finally, on August 15, 1945, Korea was liberated from Japan. This was the day every Korean had been waiting for. It was a day of tremendous emotion. Shouts of “Mansei!” and people waving the Taeguk flag covered the entire peninsula. I could not join in the festivities, however. My heart was deadly serious because I could foresee the terrible calamity that was about to befall the Korean peninsula. I went alone into a small anteroom and immersed myself in prayer. Soon after that, my fears were realized. Although liberated from Japanese rule, our homeland was cut in two at the 38th parallel. In the North, a communist regime that denied the existence of God came to power. (As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen) LOVE YOUR ENEMIES Jesus taught that we are to become perfect people. The ultimate test of perfection is if we can love our enemies. The Messiah teaches this philosophy of life by word and deed. Jesus taught: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you salute only your brethren, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You, therefore, must be perfect, as 422 422 your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:43-48). Sun Myung Moon, like Jesus, loved his enemies. He loved those who had savagely beaten him and raped his country. Every person is supposed to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and Sun Myung Moon by having the same heart and actions to his or her enemies. He began his public ministry in 1945 by helping those Japanese who tortured him to escape so they would not be tortured and killed by those who would seek revenge. He says: I was in the underground anti-Japanese movement under the Japanese rule. But I saved the people secretly who had imprisoned me and gave me a hard time. But after they lost the war, I loved the Japanese. I even saved a Japanese policeman who was chased. Those Japanese policemen who arrested and tortured me for underground independent activities could have been executed if I accused them. But instead of my doing so, I helped them escape. Father has resentment even to the Japanese emperor; however, I cannot get revenge by barging into the palace and stabbing him. It doesn’t make him pay everything back. He’s already a loser. God never hits the perished. God gives mercy to those who accept their own sin and repent. Because we have God, if we take revenge on the loser our descendants will perish. For that reason, we pray for them and we give them guidance. (Way of Unification Part 2) FORGIVE THOSE WHO HIT ME The Messiah is like God who loves everyone and hates no one. Father said, “Even if people can put my body into prison, no one can imprison my heart and belief. They can hit me however much they want. When they hit me, all of that will be a foundation for me to connect to God and God’s work to this point. Those moments were testing how much I could actually love my enemies. I said to them in my mind, ‘Hit me for as long as you want, but I will never hate you for this.’ I vomited blood after being hit for so long, but I still thought, ‘I was beaten on behalf of all mankind. I 423 am beaten, but I will not remember the pain. Please, Heavenly Father, forgive those who hit me.’ One must successfully go through a test in which your life is at risk.” (Theory of Education) The purpose of World War II was not only to stop the satanic Hitler and defend ourselves from Japan but a more internal reason was to free Korea from Japanese bondage so the Messiah could speak freely. The relationship between Korea and America was parallel to that of Rome and Israel. The Roman Army occupied and governed the chosen nation of Israel and the armies of America and the Soviet Union occupied and governed Korea. WORLD WAR II Satan tried to rule the world by starting World War II. God worked hard to support the Allies: America, England and France. In 1945 they were victorious over the axis nations: Germany, Italy and Japan. The Allies were in the global Abel position; the Axis nations were in the Cain position. Abel won over Cain and then loved Cain. This was a successful indemnity condition. HITLER Hitler was a satanic imitation of Jesus—the Second Adam. Hitler was a Jew; he started his public life when he was 30 years old. He never married but had a secret girlfriend named Eva. He spoke of a millennium, never had children and his body was never found. He spoke of Jesus and thought of himself as the savior of the world. He taught about a satanic superior race of white people while the 424 Messiah teaches that we must transcend race with interracial and international marriages. Hitler’s speeches and his book, Mein Kampf, are filled with words of hate, while the Messiah’s speeches and books are filled with words of love. ARMAGEDDON The Second World War was inevitable to pay for the tragedy of murdering Jesus. God’s side won in World War II and this blood payment on a world level allowed the Third Adam to begin his ministry in 1945 as the young Messiah. World War II was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Armageddon in Revelation. Father teaches: To recreate Israel, the church and the state must become one as Cain and Abel. Instead they became one with Rome and captured and killed Jesus. They united with Rome. Who are the Jewish members here, raise your hands! Jewish people, you have to repent. Jesus was the King of Israel. Through the principle of indemnity Hitler killed 6 million Jews. That is why. God could not prevent Satan from doing that because Israel killed the Messiah. Even now, you have to determine that you will repent and follow and become one with Christianity through Rev. Moon. To unify Korea we must unify church and state. We must establish a political party and then unify church and state. We must be able to unify the UN and deal with the Cain type countries. The current administration in America must be guided by the religious leaders. If you follow Rev. Moon, you will not go down. (Hoon dok Hae, March 2, 2003) ATOMIC BOMBS The ultimate reason for the victory of World War II was to free the Messiah in Korea from Japanese domination. God and the Messiah are in a hurry. During World War II the Messiah was in great danger. To end the war quickly, God inspired the building and the use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 425 9, 1945. And it worked. Japan immediately surrendered and Korea was liberated. The Messiah could speak freely. This use of atomic bombs on cities in Japan remains one of the most passionately debated historical events of the twentieth century. There is a Cain/Abel division between the hawks and doves. God is behind the hawks, and Satan is behind pacifists, those in the so-called peace movement and others who are naïve to evil. Using atomic bombs saved the lives of Koreans who would have been massacred by the Japanese. Many American and Allied soldiers would have died in continued fighting of the war. And finally, the Messiah was in danger living in a slave state. God’s plan was for the young Messiah to be accepted by the Korean Christians. God had obviously been helping Syngman Rhee who later became the President of Korea. Rhee had been working tirelessly to free Korea for 40 years. It was no coincidence that he had lived in America and received his Ph.D. at Princeton University from Woodrow Wilson who was the president of Princeton then. Rhee was Christian, spoke perfect English and had a white Western wife. God’s plan was for him to accept the young Messiah and then with the Korean Christians be the John the Baptist who would witness to the Christian leaders of America and to the President of the United States. It was a reenactment of Jesus, who with John the Baptist and the Israelites, were to go to Rome. Father says: Independence came to Korea in 1948 under President Syngman Rhee. But he was almost like an American—he was educated in the United States, he spoke Korean like an American and his wife was a Western woman. The Korean government in 1945 was basically an extension of the United States. After World War II, the U.S. installed a military government in Korea headed by General Hodge. President Syngman Rhee was in the position to maintain his own cultural pride, not just listen to General Hodge. Actually, President Rhee was doing 426 well for a while. For instance, the United States wanted to send all North Korean prisoners of war back to North Korea, but those who had surrendered in South Korea didn’t want to go back to the communists. The United States government was trying to push them back because they didn’t want any problems with North Korea. Then one night President Rhee, unbeknownst to the U.S. Army, opened the doors to the jails where those tens of thousands of North Korean soldiers were being held and they fled to freedom. That was a courageous act and it was according to the messianic ideal. (5-1-84) 1945 — MESSIAH BEGINS HIS MINISTRY There were some spiritualists in Korea at this time that had revelations that the messiah would return as a man. One such man was a Mr. Kim who had a following. Father went to him in the fall of 1945. Michael Breen in Sun Myung Moon, the Early Years, 1920-53 writes: Baek-moon Kim … taught that Korea was the Israel of modern times, where the second coming of Christ would take place. In 1943, he started a retreat in Supchol-ri in the countryside north of Seoul. As Japanese oppression of Christians increased, he taught secretly. In September, 1945, the month after the end of the war, he formally established the Israel Jesus Church by setting up a church in Seoul, and a small prayer center in Supchol-ri. Two men and ten women joined Kim at his retreat, where they lived a celibate life of faith. The congregation was small, around fifty people, but comprised many intellectuals and other influential figures. If Kim ran into opposition from the Christian establishment for his heretical views, he would be able to call on powerful allies. One of the deacons was the wife of the owner of the Chosun Ilbo, Korea’s main daily newspaper. Her daughter was one of the celibates at Kim’s retreat. 427 Another woman among the faithful was the wife of Lee Bom-sok, who in 1948 was to become South Korea’s first prime minister. Moon took an unassuming role when he visited Kim’s group, and did menial tasks. His wife did not approve of Baek-moon Kim and did not attend the church with him. In fact, she complained of Moon’s devotion. The other members began to recognize his deep spirituality. Rev. Kim told his followers that Moon had profound spiritual wisdom. Several months after Moon joined the group Kim placed his hand on Moon’s head in blessing and said the wisdom of Solomon was with him. Kim should naturally have recognized that Moon embodied the goal of Kim’s search, and should have led his followers to understand that Moon was the new Adam, the Christ that they had been waiting for. He should have become Moon’s leading follower. Moon would have provided the substantial core to the theology that Kim had developed in framework. Had this happened, Moon would have sought, through Kim’s sect, to integrate the Christian spiritual groups, and then to create a revival within Christianity aimed at unifying the denominations. Such a movement, in Moon’s plan, would have provided a basis to create harmony between the major religions. In “Early Unification Church History” we read: Mr. Kim was told to establish a seminary to prepare for the Lord of the Second Advent. This he did, calling it the Israel Monastery. Father met Mr. Kim in November 1945 (three months after the liberation from the Japanese) and stayed and worked in his church for six months. Father did not speak of the Principle, but served the church in a humble way by doing the most menial tasks. During this time Father prayed hard for Mr. 428 Kim to understand Father’s role. Mr. Kim received a revelation about Father and placed his hand on Father’s head, saying that the glory of King Solomon and the whole world would be on him. During this six-month period many women followers of Mr. Kim were told by the spirit world to follow Father instead of Mr. Kim. Mr. Kim, on the basis of what he received when he blessed Father, had his own portion of responsibility to find out who Father was. He should have asked Father what these revelations about him meant; Father was praying for him to ask. However, Mr. Kim became more concerned about his own position, and was fearful that Father would take his followers. Therefore, he, like John the Baptist, could not follow the Messiah, although Father inherited the blessing of the providential foundation from Mr. Kim. 1946 In 1946 Father had to move on to another group because of the failure of Mr. Kim. When a central figure fails then there is more indemnity to pay. Father now had to suffer more and go to North Korea ruled by the atheistic and brutal communists led by Kim Il Sung. While people were trying to escape from the North, which was ruled by the Russian army, the young Messiah went to the North. He had a wife and child, but he was not abandoning or deserting them. He is a central figure of God and sometimes God’s champions have to do extraordinary things when they pay indemnity. He was not leaving his wife; he was going toward God. Immediately following liberation, our country was in indescribable chaos. Daily necessities were difficult to come by, even for people with money. We ran out of rice in our home, so I set out for Paekchon, Hwanghae Province, a community north of Seoul and just south of the 38th parallel, to pick up some rice that had been purchased previously. On my way, though, I received a revelation that said: “Go across the 38th parallel! Find the people of 429 God who are in the North.” I immediately crossed the 38th parallel and headed for Pyongyang. It had been only a month since our first son was born. I was concerned for my wife. I knew she would be anxiously waiting for me, but there was no time for me to return home before going north. God’s commands are very serious, and they must be followed without reservation or hesitation. I took nothing with me except for the Bible that I had read dozens of times and had filled with underlined notes to myself in tiny letters the size of grains of sesame seeds. Refugees were already streaming south to escape communist rule. In particular, the Communist Party’s rejection of religion meant that many Christians were heading south in search of the freedom to worship. The communists branded religion as the opiate of the people and insisted that no one could have a religion. This was the place where I went, following the call from Heaven. No minister would want to go into such a place, but I went there with my own two feet. (As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen) The wives of central figures of God must also pay a heavy price in God’s providence. Often they are neglected and lonely as their husband fights the good fight. He spoke on this in one of his speeches: You women should look at your husbands as if they were in Abraham’s position. Don’t demand an explanation from him when he pushes you to get up and out of bed; just trust and follow him. Usually when someone is trying to explain all the details about the providential path, the providence has already gone on ahead without him! Your husband might tell you, “Don’t ask questions; just follow me. 430 430 Beyond that horizon, wonderful things are waiting.” You should follow him without having any idea what kinds of things are waiting. Perhaps when you and your husband get on the other side of that mountain where wonderful things were supposed to be waiting, there will be a howling wolf instead. Then your husband might say, “Don’t worry, we must cross over another mountain and then we will come to Canaan, that wonderful land.” Even if the wife is not so cooperative, the husband must somehow persuade her to go with him over all the mountains. Do you men understand? That is your job. Actually, in some cases the husband is the one who is confused and not sure of what to do or where to go. Sometimes you have to give an ultimatum and tell your spouse, “All right. You can stay here, but I’m going ahead.” Do you rascal men hear me correctly this morning? So many men feel they have to discuss their missions and mandates from God with their wives first before doing them. But you must feel, “I must talk with God alone; let my wife follow me.” You know that I have taught you American women many things. You love and trust me, is that correct? From now on you must truly be different from all secular American women. Think of it: if I had been the sort of man who always cleared things with my wife before acting on them, there would not be any Unification Church today! I am speaking now of my first marriage. That woman was very brilliant and capable. She told me, “All you need to do is just love and pay attention to me and our child; I will make you happy. Just stay here; why do you have to go to North Korea, anyway? You have no guarantee that you will survive there!” However, I did not listen to her; I only discussed with God and obeyed God’s commands. Even more than Abraham, I left everything behind and went directly to North Korea as soon as God directed me. I didn’t even go to visit my own home town there in North Korea— that is not why God sent me. I went to North Korea 431 in order to do exactly what God commanded me. (919-82) In Guidance for Heavenly Tradition Volume 3 by Rev. Young Hwi Kim we read: We know that as the chosen nation, Korea had to make an indemnity condition similar to that of Israel’s in order to inherit God’s providence. The Hebrews suffered in Egypt for 400 years before leaving Egypt for Canaan, where they started a new nation. Korea gained its independence in 1945 and Father started his mission immediately thereafter. But even before 1945, in 1943 I think, Father returned to Korea and worked for a Japanese construction company. Besides his job, he worked with the underground churches, so he already knew several righteous ministers. He also led Sunday school classes. So he had already begun to lay a foundation to start his mission. After Korea was liberated in 1945 Father began to talk about his mission, but the minister with whom Father was working (his name was Kim) couldn’t accept Father as the Messiah. He knew Father when he was young and to him Father was still a young man. He always compared himself to Father; he was older and more experienced and also received revelations from the spirit world, so he thought he was the top man. He didn’t think he was the Messiah, but that he was the number one person after the Messiah. As a result it was difficult for him to accept Father as his leader, even though Father revealed many new things to him. Father wanted to contact other ministers through him, but because of his rejection it wasn’t possible. Father tried very hard, but as a result of this failure he couldn’t establish a foundation in the South. So in 1946, Father was told to go to the North, because he couldn’t establish a foundation among the churches of the South. When the Christians rejected him, Father had no condition to remain; he had to find another foundation. When someone fails, the next 432 step becomes more difficult. If you fail on the first step, you have to pay indemnity in order to indemnify the failure and to restart. It would have been much easier for Father to begin his mission if the Southern churches had accepted him, but because they didn’t Father had to make another, more difficult condition; he had to go to the North. After Korea’s liberation many Northerners fled south, because the North was occupied by the Communists. They didn’t have a government yet, both Korean governments were established in 1948. But even before the government was established the Communist Party ruled the North with the help of the Soviet Army. It was very difficult because even though they had been liberated from Japanese dominion the people still couldn’t stay in their villages; they fled south. Contrary to everyone else, Father was heading north. North Korea was a living hell. There was no freedom at all. If you spoke out against the Communist Party, you were simply taken away, never to be heard from again; they could arrest anyone they wanted. That was the situation in the North. Father had to go to the North because he couldn’t establish a foundation in the South. He had to find a spiritual group God had prepared for him there. Father knew this and went north in order to meet them. So instead of ministers he had to go north to find spiritual groups that could identify him as the Lord and follow him as the Messiah. Father went up north at a time when it was very difficult to worship freely. He brought a new message so the Christians persecuted him as well. Actually Father had a terrible time. He found many good people, but the families of Father’s followers persecuted him severely. Sometimes Father was beaten by a follower’s father. Father had an extremely difficult time. But he waited patiently for the time when he could meet the spiritual group. Father went to prison, where he met another spiritual group. Father met the group in prison and sent them a small note telling them to deny the charges being 433 brought against them. But they didn’t follow his instructions. If they had, they would have been saved and released from prison. They didn’t deny the charges, because they adhered to the old Christian tradition that to tell a lie is against God’s will. They didn’t follow Father’s instructions and as a result were executed. Father was virtually beaten to death because the guards found the note he had sent the group. This was Father’s first imprisonment in North Korea. The spiritual group also failed to follow Father. After that Father had to bring his own people to make his foundation The reason our church suffers so much is that we don’t have God’s nation. God suffers even more than we do because of this. So the creation and building of the Fatherland, God’s nation, should be the foremost point in our minds. The reason Father is investing so much time and effort in America is that it has a great influence on Korea. We cannot fulfill the worldwide providence without America’s influence. America is the archangel nation and has the responsibility to protect God’s nation, just as the original archangel had the mission to protect God’s children. So to restore God’s nation we must first restore God’s archangel nation. This is why Father is working so hard in America. Do you understand? Of course the restoration of Korea is most important, but at the moment the restoration of America is more important, because God’s nation cannot be safe unless America is on God’s side. NORTH KOREAN SPIRITUALISTS In “Early Unification Church History” we read this about the spiritualist group Father tried to work with in 1946 in North Korea led by a Mrs. Ho (also spelled Huh): Jesus revealed to Mrs. Ho much about the heart of God, the inner secrets of the mission Mary could not fulfill, Jesus’ childhood, the fact that John the Baptist failed his mission resulting in the crucifixion 434 of Jesus, and that the Lord of the Second Advent would come as a man to Korea. The Ho church was to solve this resentment by preparing the best princely clothes and food for Jesus—enough that he could have three banquetstyle meals a day and clothes (both Korean and Western) to change every three days from birth to 33 years of age. Mrs. Ho’s unusual sect became known throughout Korea as the Bokjungkyo church (Inside Belly Church). This name was given the group because each time Mrs. Ho received revelations, her stomach shook, a sign which served as a constant reminder that the Lord to come was to be born as a physical man from his mother’s womb. Mrs. Ho prophesied many specific things which came true, including that Japan would surrender on August 16, 1945. Because of her accuracy in prophecy her followers had great faith in her. She also received that they would meet the Lord when Japan perished. Thus, it must have been with great anticipation that these faithful and sacrificial Christians prepared both a house and a bride for the Messiah. They bought a fine house in Pyongyang. By this time (1946) North Korea was occupied by communists who, upon hearing that they owned a fine house and stored many rich garments, confiscated the clothes and put the leaders, including Mrs. Ho, in prison. On August 11, 1946, several months after Mrs. Ho’s imprisonment, Father was also imprisoned. He had gone to North Korea from Pusan. Without identification, he was suspected of being a spy. Secondly, his religious teachings and practices resembled those of Mrs. Ho’s church, making him suspect. As providence would have it, Father was put in the same prison as Mrs. Ho, and in the same cell as her assistant. Won Pil Kim tells the story thusly: The cell Father was thrown into was the same as that of one of the Inside Belly Church leaders. When this 435 man saw Father, he immediately felt an impulse to explain to Father everything about the Inside Belly Church and confide in him about his own life. The communists had given the Inside Belly Church leaders two alternatives: to deny their revelations and be released, or to maintain their faith and stay in prison. Even under severe torture, they would not deny their revelations. When Father heard about this, he explained to his cell mate why their church was prepared, and urged him to deny the revelation so he could be set free. Eventually this man did deny the revelation and was liberated, but because of the severe torture he had endured, he died shortly after his release. Father felt responsible for the woman who had received these revelations. In prison, it was very dangerous to write letters, but Father secretly sent a note to her on a piece of paper hidden in a rice bowl. The contents of the note were instructions to deny the revelations she had received and to pray to find out who had written the note. However, the note was discovered and Father was tortured. The Japanese had previously ruled Korea, and the torture in this prison was Japanese-style. It was severe and nearly unbearable. Finally, after about 100 days in prison, Father was set free. The woman who was leader of the Inside Belly Church could not accept Father’s request that she deny her revelations and be released. You can imagine how difficult it would have been for her to do so. Because she had been guided by God directly and because whenever she neglected to obey even a small part of her revelations she was chastised by heaven, to deny the revelations would have meant denying herself and everything she had done in the past. Through many experiences, she had learned that if she followed the revelations exactly, many good things happened, but if she did not follow them, bad things would happen. So she knew that the revelation was absolute. 436 However, the last revelation she received was that she would meet the Messiah in prison. Her own responsibility was to discover who he was. Father told her to pray in order to find out who had written the note, but she could not. Mrs. Ho and her followers could not deny their revelations and without understanding who Father was, both they and Father suffered severe torture. The great foundation of faith which had been made through Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Ho was never connected to the Lord they so longed to meet. Had they recognized and obeyed the Messiah there, history would be different. In 1950 when the Korean War broke out, long-suffering members of the Inside Belly Church were sent to concentration camps in North Korea and eventually killed. Here is another version of this story from Michael Breen’s book Sun Myung Moon, the Early Years, 1920-53: Pyongyang in 1946 was still a dynamic center for Korean Christianity. Denominations which had been banned by the Japanese had re-established themselves. There were churches everywhere. Christians called the city the Jerusalem of the East. But the writing was on the wall, as the Sovietbacked authorities began breaking up Christian power. When Moon prayed, his prayer was different from anything they had heard in the churches. He prayed with such intensity and feeling that the sweat and tears seemed to pour from him. His sermon was on the fact that Jesus’ death on the cross was not God’s original plan. Jesus should have lived much longer on earth in order to realize God’s salvation providence. As he preached, he wept out of sorrow for Jesus. On August 11, 1946, in response to [complaints], agents came and took Moon to the Daedong security 437 police station and charged that he had “spread false messages and disrupted the public order.” The leader of the group, a spiritual woman, Huh Hobin, and the other group leaders were in neighboring cells. [One of her followers saw Father in jail and told him] “Last night I dreamed that I saw her bowing to someone, and when I woke up this morning I saw the person was here in this cell. It was you. “Why are you being held?” Moon asked. “They say that if we deny our revelations they will let us go, but the leaders are refusing to do it,” he explained. The man recounted the history of Mrs. Huh’s group. Huh Ho-bin, who was the leader of the Holy Lord Church in Pyongyang. Every time Mrs. Huh received a revelation, her stomach would move as if she were pregnant. This unusual experience was cited by the followers as further evidence of the truth of Kim’s teaching that, contrary to common Christian belief, the Lord would be born in the flesh. Huh’s group became informally known as “Bokjung-Kyo” literally the In-the-Belly Church. Jesus is said to have appeared to Huh and told her details of his suffering life that are not in the Bible. She claimed Jesus told her that his mother had neglected him, that Joseph did not love him, and that he was never given good food or decent clothes even on his birthday. As he confided in her, Jesus said to her, “You are my mother.” He would be her teacher, and wanted to experience from her the love of a mother and a wife, he said. In an original and remarkable expression of devotion, Mrs. Huh and her followers made a set of Korean and western clothes for Jesus for every three days of his life from birth to the age of thirty-three. A room was specially set aside for the task. For each item they bought only the best material, they did not barter the cost, and in hand sewing they tied off every third stitch. When 438 this labor was complete, Jesus told her to do the same for the coming Lord. [Mrs. Ho told her followers that Jesus instructed her saying] “The new Lord is twenty-six and you must serve him well, as you have served me.” Then she told her followers that God had said she would meet the new Lord when Japan falls. They began again to prepare clothing for the Lord. She then received a revelation that the people should not pray, but should bow to God as if he were there. Moon’s fellow prisoner, Hwang, said one night he bowed five thousand times. As expectation mounted, they bought a beautiful house in Pyongyang for the Lord, assigned twelve disciples and seventy apostles. Huh’s sixteen-year-old daughter was prepared as a bride. “Your group is specially prepared by God,” Moon said to his cellmate. “I will take all responsibility if you deny to the authorities your experiences. Just deny the facts and you will be released. Please tell Mrs. Huh to do the same.” When the prisoners were gathered at midday to eat, Hwang conveyed the message to Huh. But she refused to accept what he told her. Hwang himself denied the revelations at his next interrogation and was released. Shortly afterwards, Huh’s husband was transferred to the same cell as Moon. Moon gave him the same advice as he had given Hwang, but he said he would follow his wife. Moon then tried to smuggle a note to her. The message, written with mud using a fish bone as a nib on a piece of white cloth, said: “The writer of this note has a mission from heaven. Pray to find out who he is. If you deny everything you have received, you will be released.” After Huh read it, the note was discovered by a guard. Moon was exposed as the culprit and was severely tortured. This incident happened on September 18. He had already been held for almost six weeks, during which time his interrogators had tried to get him to 439 confess to being a spy for the American Military Government which was ruling in South Korea. They demanded to know why he had come from Seoul and been living in Pyongyang without an identity card. He explained that he had come to preach the word of God and that he was not a spy. The North Koreans had inherited the Japanese torture methods and added some Soviet refinements. For several days during the interrogation, Moon was not given food and not allowed to sleep. When he began to fall asleep, a guard would shout or hit him. The guards were on three-hour rotation duty. After a couple of days, he devised a way to totally relax his nervous system for a few minutes at a time, while keeping his eyes open. He was also beaten savagely. He steeled himself to endure each time. With each blow he imagined God’s blessing would increase. Bo Hi Pak in Messiah: My Testimony to Reverend Sun Myung Moon wrote of this time: “Once, one of his disciples went to visit Reverend Moon and bring him a change of clothing. So much blood had soaked into his clothes and caked that he couldn’t take them off. Finally, they had to be torn off so that he could change into new clothes. “The harshest form of torture he experienced was that he was not allowed to eat or sleep for three days and nights on several occasions. If he closed his eyes, he would be beaten. Reverend Moon says he endured this torture by learning how to sleep with his eyes open for several minutes at a time. “The communist police became increasingly desperate and continued to increase the severity of Reverend Moon’s torture. His ribs were broken, his flesh torn, and he was vomiting blood. Finally, he lost consciousness.” One person wrote, “The guards tied Father’s hands behind his back with a very heavy rope. Using a large beam in the ceiling, they pulled the rope which lifted Father up high over the heads of the guards. Suddenly they let go of the rope, causing Father to fall. But before hitting the floor, they violently jerked the rope upward, 440 causing Father’s arms to be jolted from their sockets. The pain was so terrible that it was impossible to stand it without fainting. “Finally, when Father’s strength was about to give out the communists began to beat him with bats. They hit him in the face so hard that his back teeth shattered and blood gushed from his mouth. Father tensed his muscles against the blows, but he was struck in the stomach so hard and so many times that his intestines turned into pulp. He began to throw up, covering his body with so much blood that it dripped onto the floor. He could hold on no longer, and Father finally fainted from loss of blood.” In Rev. Chong Sung Ahn’s Divine Principle lecture notes we read: “Father’s hands were tied together behind his back. Then he was hung from the ceiling by his hands. The pressure forced his rib cage to push into his lungs until he could not breathe. Three hours later he had almost suffocated and passed out. His torturers thinking that he had died, cut him down. In general people died after two hours of such torture. This suffering was a similar experience to Jesus’ painful three hour crucifixion. After five hours Father revived and regained consciousness. “For several days Father was beaten across his back with wooden rods, until his back was torn open and blood stained his shirt. His inner organs were also severely damaged. Eventually he collapsed and vomited blood. Many people were killed in this way dying after vomiting. Father was left for dead and his body was thrown out into the snow. His body was found by his disciples and taken home. He looked like a skeleton, nothing but skin and bones. For 10 days he continued to vomit blood until they were convinced there was no hope. Doctors could not revive him with medication or injections.” The innocent Messiah received his torture and martyrdom without any complaint or resentment. He lives his teachings of loving his enemies. After he was tortured and put in his cell when he regained consciousness he immediately prayed for his torturers. One of his most vicious torturers was a former Christian who had become a Communist and had killed many Christians. He had experienced many Christian leaders, ministers and priests being tortured. He saw that they all prayed to God begging for His help. When God did not send help, they lost their faith in God and hope. He saw 441 that Father was the only one who kept his faith. When he heard Father’s tearful prayers for his enemies with no anger and with pure love, his heart was melted and he repented to Father. “Through experiencing Father’s lifestyle and prayer, the torturer awakened to the realization that God must exist. This most evil torturer, shedding tears, visited Father and confessed and repented of his sins of murdering many Christians, asking Father how he could be saved. Father forgave him and guided him on how to be saved.” (Rev. Ahn’s notes) Pak writes: “The police notified Reverend Moon’s followers that they could come get him and tossed his body into the courtyard. It was October 31, almost twelve weeks after his arrest. Three days later Reverend Moon regained his consciousness. After another week, he began to speak. In ten days, he could stand, and from that very day he resumed preaching” (Pak, Messiah). NOT ANGRY Sun Myung Moon once said, “When, in such a position, I was hit and stomped on by the Communists, tortured and robbed, do you think I was angry or not? Even when I was in such agony, do you think I would say, ‘God, please let the lightning and thunder hit and destroy them?’ No. I prayed for their well being from the position of shedding blood from my body. PRAYED FOR TORTURERS “When I was persecuted by the communist regime in North Korea, the police arrested me and tortured me until they thought I was dead. Don’t you realize that I could have felt resentment toward my situation at such times? I could have demanded of God, ‘Why are You allowing me to suffer like this? Why can’t You do something to protect me, since You are so great and powerful?’ This would have been the common reaction. But even though my hands were bruised and bleeding, I clasped them in prayer for those who tortured me. I know that those who beat me were only acting on orders; they could not reject me completely. I longed to embrace them and forgive them. I refused to write them off. You also should not give up when you encounter opposition or difficulties.” The Messiah was almost killed within one year of his ministry because of Satan. Satan was able to keep the First and Second 442 Adam from accomplishing their goal and now he was doing everything he could to stop the Third Adam. Father had to give up on these John the Baptist spiritualist groups and had to go a more difficult course and start at the bottom, like Jesus, and find people one by one and build a movement of his own. Those who followed him suffered just like Jesus’ disciples suffered. PERSECUTION OF HIS FOLLOWERS In Guidance for Heavenly Tradition we read about some of the hardships and persecution his followers had to endure: “Almost all those who continued to follow him had to endure some measure of persecution. Ok Se-hyun was beaten by her husband. Kim Won-pil was thrown out of his home by his family, and took lodgings in Ok’s house. Kim In-ju was told by her parents that she was in the grip of Satan. They believed that Jesus would return literally on the clouds, as the Bible said, and were convinced that their daughter, who was talking about Christ returning as another man, was completely possessed. “‘We must drive Satan out to rescue you from the anti-Christ,’ they said. They regularly beat and whipped her. She was forbidden to go out to attend what was being called the ‘Moon House.’ Sometimes after she had been whipped, she looked outside her window and could see two or three of the members dressed in white, standing in the street, praying. She knew that Moon had sent them and felt comforted. On one occasion, her parents visited the house of their nephew, Chong Myong-son, where Moon was staying. When he saw Moon, her father grabbed hold of his hair and began yelling at him. “An even more serious case of what the followers interpreted as retribution involved the husband of another follower, an ardent Christian called Pak Ul-nae. Pak’s husband sometimes came to the house and shouted obscenities through the window of Sun-myung Moon’s room. One night after doing this, he suddenly died of a heart attack. These incidents added to the sense of controversy which surrounded the dynamic young preacher.” 443 1947-1948 The Messiah had to build his own foundation—a new John the Baptist group. Sun Myung Moon kept preaching about God’s exciting vision of a world utopia. He inspired many idealistic people to join him. Many of his followers were from established Christian churches. The pastors were upset to lose good members and their donations. They were also upset at his radical heretical teachings of a Messiah coming in the flesh and not on the clouds. “The churches realized that, without government power, they would not be able to prevent Moon from preaching, so they began to write formal protests against him. By early 1948 the Communist authorities had received some eighty complaints that Moon was swindling Christians, breaking up families and committing adultery. In order to investigate the allegations, the police sent a spy, a woman who stayed for a few days and asked many questions.” These untrue rumors were spread out of jealousy and fear from some Christian ministers. In February of 1948 he was arrested by the police who took him to court. Like a reenactment of Jesus being tried, the young Messiah was mocked and scorned in a communist courtroom filled with Christians just like Jesus had been mocked and scorned 2000 years before by the government and Jewish religious leaders. REENACTMENT OF JESUS’ TRIAL “The trial was set for April 3, and then delayed to April 7, so that Communist police and other officials could attend. It had been billed as the trial of ‘Jesus who had come down on the clouds to save the people.’ Many Christians came to the court. “He stood accused of spreading falsehoods: Deceiving innocent people for their money, and using those people to get more money from others. He was also charged with destroying the family and institutions, bringing disorder to society. “‘How did you come down to earth?’ the prosecutor asked him. ‘By cloud, or by plane?’ The Christians in the courthouse laughed. He didn’t respond. 444 “‘What were you wearing when you came down from heaven? Jesus had a thorny crown. How about you?’ He kept silent. “‘What did you study at college?’ “‘I majored in electrical engineering.’ “‘Please explain how electricity is produced.’ The question was designed to show that God, like electricity, is invisible but manmade. He explained the principles of electricity in detail. Eventually the judge interrupted. ‘OK, that will do.’ The defense lawyer, who had agreed to defend him at his followers’ request, made an appeal for leniency. But given the nature of the system and the political importance of the trial in the context of the antireligious drive, the gesture was useless. During the course of the trial, some people yelled out threats and calls for capital punishment. ‘He should be killed!’ someone shouted from the gallery. ‘He should be beaten to death!’ shouted another. “The trial lasted four hours and was over by lunch time. When the judge read the verdict, Moon requested he delete the part about spreading falsehoods and deceiving people. The judge ignored the request and announced his decision. Moon was sentenced to five years. The crowd of Communist and Christian onlookers seemed quietly pleased with the outcome. “The handcuffs were put back on. His followers were able to hand him a lunchbox. He held the box in the cuffed hand. As he was taken away, he smiled, lifted his free hand and waved.” (Michael Breen, Sun Myung Moon, The Early Years, 1920-53) KOREA DIVIDED In 1945 the United States’ Army and the Soviet Union’s army jointly occupied Korea with the 38th parallel separating them. On November 14, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for an “all-Korea free election under United Nations observation” on May 10, 1948, for creation of a unified, independent Korea. The Soviets refused to allow the United Nations Commission to enter the Russian Zone. So voting was held only in South Korea in 1948. This gave birth to the South Korean government that officially declared itself the Republic of 445 Korea on August 15, 1948. This is exactly three years from the time of its liberation from Japan and the start of the Messiah’s ministry. At this time the Messiah was being tortured in a North Korean communist death camp. God had spent 2000 years since Jesus to prepare Korea, the United States, and the world to receive the Messiah as King of Kings buy sadly, like Jesus’ situation, those in the John the Baptist position had failed the Second Coming of Christ and tortured him. In September, 1948 the Communists announced the creation of the North Korean communist regime named Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. In December, 1948 the United Nations General Assembly confirmed the sole legitimacy of the Republic of Korea by adopting a resolution declaring the Republic of Korea government as “a lawful government ...and the only such government in Korea.” 1948 — HUNGNAM DEATH CAMP Between 1948 and 1950 the young Messiah was tortured everyday in Hungnam Prison. Most men died there in a few months. He endured this living hell for almost three years. The men were required to bag a chemical fertilizer that cut into the flesh and exposed the bones in the hands. Their hands were usually bloody. The worst and most difficult job in the camp was to spend long hours carrying these 40 kilogram bags (88 pounds) on their backs to the weighing machines and then load them on railroad cars. He voluntarily took this most difficult job everyday and showed super human strength. No one in human history has ever worked harder than him. For every person in the world and in human history to follow him he must live a life greater than anyone else in history. All prisoners were given only one cup of grain to eat each day. When some died in the middle of eating, the others “around him would fight each other to dig the food out of the dead man’s mouth and put it in their own mouths. It was a living hell.” They didn’t try to help him but were so starving that they acted as animals. Sun Myung Moon for the first three weeks in this terrible concentration camp divided his little portion of rice in half and gave it to others. The Messiah is the most generous, loving and sacrificial person on earth because he is our true parent. In his autobiography As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen Sun 446 Myung Moon wrote about this time. Here are a few lines from his book. Please read the book to learn more: Heungnam Prison was a concentration camp for special laborers working in the Heungnam Nitrogen Fertilizer Factory. People called me “the man like a steel rod” because of my strength. I could endure even the most difficult work. Prison and compulsory labor were not such a big problem for me. No matter how fierce the beating or terrible the environment, a person can endure if he carries a definite purpose in his heart. Beginning with my first day in prison I made it a habit to take half of my ration of rice and give it to my fellow prisoners, keeping only half for myself. I trained myself this way for three weeks and then ate the whole ration. This made me think that I was eating enough rice for two people, which made it easier to endure the hunger. Prison life is so terrible that it cannot even be imagined by someone who has not experienced it. Half the prisoners would die within a year, so every day we had to watch as dead bodies were carried out the back gate in a wooden box. We would work so hard, and our only hope for leaving was as a dead body in that wooden casket. Even for a merciless and cruel regime, what they did to us clearly went beyond all boundaries of humanity. All those bags of fertilizer filled with the tears and grief of the prisoners were loaded onto ships and taken to Russia. Sometimes his followers would bring some food to him, but he would give it away to other prisoners. The clothes of beggars were better than the inadequate clothes of these prisoners. They suffered so much in the bitterly cold weather. His mother once brought him some good winter clothing. She stood at the fence and cried as she saw him give all of it away. When the men returned to their large rooms at night, they all collapsed into sleep on the concrete floor. Sun Myung Moon 447 447 would sleep in this room full of men near the bucket that served as their toilet. No one ever saw him sleep because he prayed when they went to sleep and he woke and prayed before they awoke. He prayed without complaint to God and comforted God’s heart. In his autobiography Father writes: The prison cell held thirty-six people, and I took a small corner next to the toilet. In this space no one would step over me, but nobody wanted this space. We called it a toilet, but actually it was only a small earthenware jar without even a lid. Fluid would overflow from the toilet in the summer and it would freeze in the winter. There is no describing the putrid smell that came from it. The prisoners often experienced diarrhea because of the salty soup and hard rice balls that we ate every day. I would be sitting by the toilet and hear someone say, “Oh, my stomach.” The person would make his way to the toilet in quick short steps. As soon as he exposed his bottom, the diarrhea would come shooting out. Because I was next to the toilet I was often splashed. Even during the night, when everyone was asleep, sometimes someone would have abdominal pain. When I heard people yelping in pain as they were being stepped on, I would know that someone was making his way to the toilet and I would get up and press myself against the corner. And if I were asleep and did not hear him coming, I would suffer the consequences. In order to endure this impossible situation, I even tried to think of these sights and sounds as some form of art. Still I kept the spot by the toilet as my own during the entire time. “Why do you choose to stay there?” other prisoners would ask. I would answer, “This is where I feel most comfortable.” I wasn’t just saying this. This was, indeed, the place where my heart felt most at ease. 448 448 Some Unificationists wrote a little book for children about Father’s life. The following is about Father’s time at the death camp: This prison was at a nitrogen fertilizer factory. There was a small mountain of hardened lime which the prisoners had to break up and haul to another place. They had to break up the lime, pack it into ricestraw bags holding eighty pounds each, weigh it, and take it off to the loading dock. Each group of ten men was responsible for loading 1,300 bags every day, which meant about one bag every half-minute. The bags were heavy. The lime made their fingers bleed with big sores. You might think a man would simply decide not to work; but this was not possible at Hungnam. If the team did not do its work, they didn’t get anything to eat that day. In order to live, they had to eat, and in order to eat, they had to do the work. They didn’t eat steaks or chicken or vegetables, nor any of the foods we eat to stay strong. They received each day just one small ball of boiled barley, or a few spoonfuls of rice or wheat. Even if a person was lucky enough to eat every day, it was still not enough food to live on. Within a few weeks, the men became so skinny you could see the shape of their bones. Their bellies became swollen from starvation. After six months in this prison, most of them were sick enough to die. At the end of one year, most of the prisoners had died. Father was sentenced to five years! How was he going to survive? As soon as he arrived, Father began planning how he would stay alive. His plan was very unusual. Most people would think the best plan would be to find ways to save energy and get more food. That was not Father’s way. First, he looked at the food. If he became desperate about this little lump of grain, he would surely die. He saw how the people acted around him. One day a prisoner, who had been very ill, died while eating 449 his meal. When he fell over, two or three prisoners rushed to his side, opened his mouth, scooped out the grains of rice he had not swallowed and ate them. Father decided that instead of trying to find a way to get more food he would eat less; then on the days when he ate the regular portion it would seem like a feast. For some time he would divide his little rice ball in half and give one half to one of the other prisoners. The surprise in that prisoner’s face must have been like food to Father. The time before the Korean War was very difficult even for those who were not in prison. Disciples such as Mrs. Ok and Won Pil Kim were allowed to visit every two months, and they would sometimes manage to bring him a little bag of rice powder. He easily could have gone to a quiet corner and eaten the rice powder himself, but that was not Father’s way. Father would always share it with other prisoners. Sometimes he filled their pockets with the precious powder when they weren’t looking. One day Father received a package of rice powder. Before he could share it he discovered it was missing. The other prisoners became outraged. Who would do such a thing? Finally they found the guilty man and dragged him before Father, so he could be punished. Father looked at him and said, “You must have been so very hungry to have to steal my food. He who is hungry has the right to eat. Give me your bag.” Father then poured into his bag all the rice powder he had left. Father looked at the work load. He decided to work harder than anyone at the camp had ever worked before. The nine workers on his team found that they could fill enough bags of lime when they worked with Father. Soon other prisoners were trying to get on Father’s team. Twice Father was given a special award by the communists for his hard work. So, even Satan had to admit Father worked hard! 450 Then Father looked at his spiritual life. He had suffered so much, but he never complained to God about his situation. He never prayed to God because he was weak. His first thought was that God must be suffering so much to see what he was going through. If he acted sad it would make God suffer more. So he spoke brave words to God. “I will never give up, Heavenly Father,” he prayed with great love. “Please don’t worry about me.” He also told God he would fulfill his mission; he would be victorious. The prisoners never got enough sleep, but Father used his sleeping time to meditate and pray. A prisoner later said that when they went to sleep, they would see Father kneeling to pray; when they woke up, he was still praying! The prisoners came to love him. Many times tears came into their eyes because they loved him so much. Father could not say one word about his mission to them, or even speak about God or religion at all. The communists would have killed him if he spoke of God. Therefore, spirit world spoke out for him. Many prisoners were told in dreams that he was a very special person, and that they should become his helpers. At least twelve prisoners became his disciples. One of these men was named Jung Hwa Pak. Mr. Pak was a leader over a group of prisoners. Father was in his group. He tried to give Father easier jobs and extra food whenever possible, but Father always refused these favors. The summers were extremely hot. Father always kept all his clothes on. Mr. Pak kindly suggested, “Why don’t you take off your rubber shoes and long sleeved shirt? I’ll take you somewhere to wash.” 451 “I cannot,” replied father. “Heavenly Father directly told me not to expose my body to others.” At one point, Father got very sick with malaria. He could have rested in sickbay. But he said, “No, I didn’t come here because of my sin, but for my mission.” He continued working, sweating greatly, barely having the energy to stay on his feet. No one else could have survived such punishment. Father’s number in prison was 596, which, when translated into Korean, sounds very similar to the word which means “innocent,” or “not being treated fairly.” Father says, “I’m going to tell you a story of my life in prison. I went through much torture. But before the torture came, I was rather anxious to go through that kind of thing, to experience it, to know what it really is. At each glance of a bat, with each jab, I was ready for it; I accepted the challenge. You must study everything. In the face of torture before it comes, you must know how to prepare yourself. If you are scared the pain will be greater, but if you are prepared to fight against it, then you’ll feel less pain. When it comes if you are all tensed up to fight back, then you can survive the torture. In my mind I always thought, ‘I’m fighting back spiritually,’ when the physical blasts came. However severely they beat me, it was they who got exhausted, because every moment I thought I could never be defeated by them. My spiritual sword would pierce through their hearts. So rumors spread in the prison that Sun Myung Moon is formidable, he just cannot be defeated. You don’t know what prison life is like in North Korea. When I was in Hung-Nam prison, all the prisoners were supposed to put fertilizer into sacks. When you make rope out of this cloth sometimes the bones can be exposed, with all the flesh worn away. There was always blood dripping from your hand, but if you were scared by that you could not survive the situation. Then I thought, ‘However hard they may drive me, I will survive the situation at all costs. Come what may, even if you torture me more severely, I can survive.’ Then I experienced how much greater the power of spirit is than physical power. Instead of coming to my knees before the situation, under those conditions I was more courageous to fight 452 back. All the prisoners, even the jailers and warden, came to respect me. I was cited for being the best worker. So, however bitter and wretched prison life may be, you must know how to make the breakthrough. You must be able to overcome the situation.” (“Those Who Will Prevail” March 12, 1975) Won Pil Kim in his book Father’s Course and Our Life of Faith said the following: This morning I’d like to tell you what kind of job Father had in the prison. Mr. Pak, who came to know who Father was, recommended the easiest job in the prison. He didn’t accept it, but chose the most difficult job instead. Father decided to choose and fulfill the most difficult job, thinking of the many ancestors who did their best to the point of death for God’s will in the providence of restoration. Father had a strong determination that he had to liberate all the people who had worked hard and had died for God’s Providence. It was a way of restoration through indemnity. The meals were very poor and the work was hard. Father could tell how long each prisoner could survive by his appearance. When Father thought a person would survive for only seven more months, then he would die within seven months. There were piles of fertilizer from before the war, but they had become as hard as rock because nobody used them during the war. The prisoners had to dynamite them to pieces to pack them into bags. The fertilizer was nitrogenous. It was said that the laborers who had worked there before the war could live for one year on a seven months’ salary; you can imagine how hard the job was. They organized 10 people into one team and there was a work quota, as is usual in a Communist society. When the quota was not fulfilled, they halved the already small amount of food. The 10 people on a team were divided into pairs: the first pair dynamited the fertilizer into pieces and bagged it up in rush bags; the second pair carried the bags to 453 the weighing machine; the third pair weighed them and took them off the machine; the fourth pair stacked them and the fifth pair carried them into the train. The most difficult part was done by the second pair who had to carry the bags and lift them onto the weighing machine, which was high off the ground. Each bag weighed 40 kilograms. The more the piles of fertilizer were destroyed, the longer the distance between the fertilizer and the weighing machine. Father had to carry 1,300 bags in eight hours. If he couldn’t fulfill, all 10 members had their food reduced by half. In the developed countries people are sensitive to public health hazards, but think of Korea 33 or 34 years ago when the war had just finished and the country had not been rebuilt. They didn’t care about things like that which might affect public health. People saw the yellow sulphurous smoke rising up from the chimney and the smell was so pungent and bad that people had to run past the factory. The air inside the factory itself was incredibly dirty. After Father got out of prison, he coughed for a long time, I remember. You don’t know what kamasu (a straw bag) is like in this country. I’ll explain. You can imagine dried barley. Two or three hundred years ago in Korea there were houses with straw thatched roofs, since Korea was an agricultural country. There wasn’t anything like hemp or nylon rope, so they made ropes and sacks out of straw. Last night you saw the film called “Father in Korea”, where you saw the piles of fertilizer and the prisoners bringing the kamasu bags to the train; you saw how the Communists were working in the same factory. The skin of kamasu is very rough and hard, not smooth like nylon. Gradually Father’s hands became chapped and torn and started bleeding. Nobody thought that medical treatment was necessary; they only thought of how to finish 1,300 bags a day. Father told me that he could see his bones. Ammonium sulphate penetrated the wounds; the pain was indescribable. 454 It was such hard work that the prisoners, dressed only in trousers, were dripping sweat. In this situation Father caught malaria, which causes a high fever, then shivering with cold in turn. Have you ever had such a disease? You can’t get any strength. You can’t imagine how it is now, can you? The fever tormented Father for 10 days. The principle of Communism was: ‘Those who don’t work, don’t eat’. This is their motto or philosophy in life. They gave only a half portion of food to those who couldn’t work because of sickness. Therefore even sick people with so much pain went out to work because they didn’t want to get their portion reduced by half. Father, who was also sick, was not absent for even one day. He worked extremely hard, with a strong determination that he should fulfill his responsibility. “Unless I can become victorious over this hardship,” he thought, “I won’t be able to restore the people who have died in the Providence, nor clear their resentment.” Thinking in this way, Father was desperate to get a victory. “If I fail, God’s providential history won’t be able to go forward any more.” With this kind of determination Father worked hard, day after day. I visited Father and saw him walking from the prison to the working place. Six people made a single file, watched by armed jailers along both sides. All the prisoners had to hold hands so that they couldn’t escape; it was a human fence. If one of them tried to run away, the prisoners on either side got the same punishment. They also had to walk with their heads down, so that they couldn’t make any sign with their eyes or make any contact with the ordinary laborers who were also working in the factory. They got up at six o’clock. When Father was weakened by malaria, he fell to his knees many times in spite of himself, since he couldn’t find the strength to walk properly. When you become extremely hungry, your saliva becomes very viscous 455 and you slaver. Father was given a prize for being a model worker three times, under these severe conditions. You can see how hard he applied himself to his work. Some prisoners saw visions of their ancestors or of an old man with a white beard from whom they received a revelation that they should bring the food, brought by their relatives, to the man No. 596. As a result, Father was given much food by people he didn’t know. Father had to return something for the food he was given and he wrote to us to bring him some food or clothes. In those days in Pyongyang there were some old ladies who kept their faith firmly; they brought much food and clothes to Father and then Father shared them with the other prisoners. The old ladies became doubtful as to whether Father himself received the things, since he was always wearing the same clothes whenever they visited him. Actually, Father gave them to his disciples, like Mr. Kim and Mr. Pak, and over 12 other followers. In Messiah : My Testimony to Sun Myung Moon Volume 1 Bo Hi Pak writes: Each team was required to shovel, weigh, and stack thirteen hundred sacks a day. This was an absurd quota, but any team that failed to meet the quota had its evening rations cut in half. Prisoners would put out every last ounce of their strength to earn a full ration of grain, and eventually they would work themselves to death. The team that included Reverend Moon never failed to meet its quota. Reverend Moon took it upon himself to perform the most difficult part of the task, which was to pick up the sacks filled with ammonium sulfate and carry them to the scale to be weighed. If someone on the team hurt so much that they couldn’t work, Reverend Moon would tell him to rest and he would perform that person’s task in addition to his own. 456 Even in snowy winter days, the prisoners worked covered in sweat. It took only a few days for their clothes to become like rags. That was not all. The skin on the tips of their fingers would crack from handling the straw sacks. Then, the ammonium sulfate would get into the wound and eat the skin. Only a person who has actually experienced this can know how painful it is. The prisoners developed such wounds all over their hands, sometimes so deep that their bones became visible. Despite this regimen of excruciating painful forced labor, Reverend Moon’s team met its thirteen hundred-sack quota day after day. This was the result of nothing other than Reverend Moon’s superhuman sacrificial spirit and sense of mission. The prison authorities were amazed at this turn of events. They never imagined that a team would consistently meet its quota and even gave Reverend Moon an award as the best worker in the prison. The Messiah of humankind was recognized by a communist government as a model worker. Reverend Moon always told himself, “If I can’t achieve victory in the worst possible environment, how can I hope to bring salvation to all humanity? If I can be victorious in this living hell, then I’ll be able to save the world.” It was because of his burning sense of mission for the salvation of the world that Reverend Moon was able to exert extraordinary effort. Each time he sat down with his handful of lowquality food, Reverend Moon wondered to himself, “Is my longing for God as strong as my longing for this food?” This was the standard of his faith. “I will do all the things that the rest of the world hates to do. There is nothing that I cannot endure. I know that my Father in heaven is in a much more difficult position than me.” Reverend Moon was constantly comforting God in this way. He would tell himself, “As long as I am thinking of God, I can do ten times the work I’m doing now. 457 Prison is the best place for me to train myself to battle evil. Satan has put me into the worst prison to test me and make me surrender, but I will never be defeated.” The rule in the cells was that the prisoner who had arrived most recently had to sleep next to the excrement pit. Reverend Moon, however, decided that he would always sleep there. This was because he knew that everyone hated to have to sleep there. How did Reverend Moon pray at night? He did not say, “God, I’m struggling in this hell, so please help me.” He never prayed like this. Not even once. Much later, Reverend Moon explained it this way to his disciples: “My Father in heaven already knew His son’s suffering, so how could I go to Him asking for help? The entire time I was imprisoned at Hungnam, I was busy trying to comfort God.” Totally Focused Even though he was in the worst conditions imaginable, Reverend Moon was totally focused on the messianic mission for which he had been called by God. He refused to succumb to hunger, pain, and exhaustion and always strove to establish the standard of victory over the cross. This was his unchanging outlook during the two years and five months he was incarcerated in Hungnam. “In order for me to fulfill my mission as the savior of the universe,” he would tell himself, “I have to use these conditions of living hell to build up my qualifications as the savior.” This was how he endured to the end and turned the impossible into the possible. I could spend the rest of eternity trying to find words that fully capture the greatness of Reverend Moon’s character, but I would never be successful. I realize that I am not qualified even to sit at his side. Although Reverend Moon could not openly preach, he witnessed every minute of every day by his example. Eventually, the number of prisoners who 458 regarded themselves as Reverend Moon’s close disciples grew to twelve. Some of these men received revelations, and others saw visions. They observed Reverend Moon’s indomitable spirit and pure faith. Even though they were trapped in an earthly hell, they found in Reverend Moon hope for the Kingdom of Heaven. 1950 — KOREAN WAR On June 25, 1950, North Korea ruled by Kim Il Sung, invaded South Korea. The United Nation’s Security Council met in emergency session the next day. One veto from any nation in the council stops all action. The Soviet Union would have vetoed any proposal to help, so God made sure that the Russians were absent from the meeting. The Council acted swiftly and denounced the invasion. President Truman directed General MacArthur to lead the 16 nations who volunteered to fight in aiding South Korea. These 16 nations represented the age of Eve (Western way of counting age) when Lucifer seduced her. Satan was raping God’s nation, and God fought back. When the United Nations forces counterattacked, the 30-year-old Messiah was freed from his concentration camp, and traveled to the south with millions of refugees. God wanted MacArthur to free God’s chosen nation, but Truman committed the greatest act of cowardice in the 20th century and fired MacArthur, leaving the North Koreans in bondage under communism. Father says this about MacArthur: ...we want to make General MacArthur a hero for Americans. Young people today do not know who he was, or the true causes of World War II and the Korean War—how they started and progressed, and how they ended. By showing what a hero MacArthur was, a new spirit can come to America. MacArthur loved God. The Inchon landing was an impossible strategic plan in a 459 military sense. No sane general would normally have proposed or accepted it because the Inchon harbor has the world’s highest and lowest tides in the course of one hour. That meant that within 45 minutes, 250 ships had to pass through the small channel into the harbor. It was an incredible impossibility. MacArthur could only do it with absolute faith in God. He believed and trusted that the Korean conflict was a holy war and that God would be with them. On that condition alone he came up with his plan and he offered it into God’s hands. Secondly, MacArthur loved mankind. Japan was the worst enemy of America in World War 11, but after Japan was defeated, MacArthur worked hard to restore that nation. Out of his compassion he helped make the foundation for what Japan is today. Thirdly, MacArthur abhorred communism. Why? Because communism denies God and strips human beings of their dignity. General MacArthur’s spirit and my spirit are parallel.... (9-1-82) Heavenly Caesar Caesar was the emperor under whose rule the messiah, Jesus Christ, was crucified. MacArthur has been nicknamed the “American Caesar;” but he was like a heavenly Caesar. The kind of character which Caesar embodied was authoritarian, not democratic. Caesar, in the position of emperor, should have been able to love his people and his public mission; of course, he could not do that. Caesar did not love God, first of all. On the contrary, MacArthur showed his trust in God through the Inchon landing. Without trust and faith in God, it would not have been possible. This is the time of the revival and resurrection of General MacArthur. That great soldier of America was actually rejected and fired; but now Reverend Moon has come and led the revival of MacArthur’s spirit. In modern history, the only person who achieved the 460 460 status of a true hero was General MacArthur. Some people name Winston Churchill as a true hero, but he was limited to the European area, not the world level. However, the Korean War was a worldwide conflict between the United Nations and the combined forces of the communist nations. Caesar controlled the entire civilized world during his time. If MacArthur could have gained unity with Truman, he could have created a different kind of “Roman Empire” of modern times. If he had been allowed to advance beyond the Yalu River and liberate all of Korea, Manchuria, and even China, he could have destroyed communism in Asia. Certainly he could have become President of the United States on that foundation. Undoubtedly, the history of this country would have been very different. Therefore, America must restore the memory and the spirit of MacArthur. When his spirit prevails here, this country can rediscover a true dream, an ideal. Where can a true ideal be found at this time? Nowhere else but in the Unification Church. If General MacArthur had heard and understood the ideology of Unification Church, what do you think would have happened? Don’t you think one world under God could be possible? (9-19-82) KOREA IS THE FATHERLAND Many Americans are confused about the Korean War. Why was the whole world focused on this tiny poor nation which was as obscure to Americans as Israel was to the Roman Empire? The importance of Korea is beyond words. It is the fatherland of the Messiah. It is God’s chosen nation. And it is the place of the showdown between God and Satan. PROVIDENTIAL REASON FOR KOREAN WAR If the Messiah had been accepted the world would not have had to send its young men to die in Korea. God worked with MacArthur to make the Inchon landing a success. The internal purpose of the 461 461 Korean War was to free the Messiah from a death camp. An early disciple of Sun Myung Moon, Col. Bo Hi Pak, correctly wrote in his autobiography, Messiah: My Testimony to Reverend Sun Myung Moon, “Someday historians will recognize that the Korean War was fought for the purpose of saving the life of the Messiah. It is clear that that God planned General MacArthur’s Inchon landing for that express purpose.” Won Pil Kim says, “Now we know the dispensation and realize that the war was fought to liberate this one man of God. God needed a champion and could not afford to have him suffer five additional years. Furthermore, Satan had already surrendered. Satan had already given up so Heavenly Father didn’t have to watch Father suffer for two additional years. Therefore, for the first time in history sixteen nations joined together in one combat zone, the seemingly insignificant peninsula of Korea. Why did they go there to push north? The UN forces accomplished one great thing: Father’s liberation from Hungnam prison.” (Testimony of Father’s Life 10-14-79) The Inchon landing was one of the most dramatic and risky battles in history. At Hungnam Prison Sun Myung Moon was scheduled to be executed. The first action by MacArthur was the freeing of Hungnam Prison to free the Son of God. Because Truman did not stand up to communism in Korea, Communists were emboldened and invaded Vietnam and again we let them win. There would have been no Vietnam War if we hadn’t lost in Korea. Truman’s error is a graphic example of Edmund Burke’s insight: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” When central figures make mistakes the consequences are devastating. Because Truman did not fight the Chinese army and win North Korea, tens of thousands of American men died in Korea and the chosen land was divided. 1950 — 1953 When Hungnam Prison was bombed in 1950 there was panic but some noticed that everywhere Father went it was safe. Many prisoners were killed from the bombs. Young Hwi Kim writes that Father said: “God said that no one would be hurt within a twelvemeter radius of me. While the bombing was going on, I was praying and communicating with the saints in the spiritual world.” American bomber B-52s were bombing daily. There were large- 462 scale massacres at other prison camps. Communists started killing prisoners at Hungnam. “Before Hungnam was overrun by the U.S. forces rumors spread that they were coming soon. Sun Myung Moon escaped on 10/14. On the 12th, guards started to take the prisoners and execute them. Sun Myung Moon was just about to be called and shot when a U.S. Air Force bombing raid began. The guards all ran away and Sun Myung Moon and some other inmates escaped on foot.” (“Sun Myung Moon’s Answers to Questions about Hungnam” April 28, 2000) In his autobiography Father writes: The Korean War had begun while I was imprisoned in Heungnam. Three days after it started, the South Korean military handed over the capital of Seoul and retreated farther south. Then sixteen nations, with the United States in the lead, formed a United Nations force and intervened in the Korean War. U.S. forces landed at Incheon and pushed toward Wonsan, a major industrial city in North Korea. It was only natural for Heungnam Prison to be a target for U.S. aerial bombing operations. When the bombing began the prison guards would leave the prisoners and go into bomb shelters. They weren’t concerned whether we lived or died. One day Jesus appeared right before me with a tearful face. This gave me a strong premonition so I shouted, “Everyone stay within twelve meters of me!” Soon after that a huge bomb exploded just twelve meters from where I stood. The prisoners who had stayed close to me survived. As the bombing became more intense, guards began executing prisoners. They called out the prisoners’ numbers and told them to come with three days’ food rations and a shovel. The prisoners assumed they were being moved to another prison, but in reality they were marched into the mountains, made to dig a hole, and then buried there. Prisoners were being called out in the order of 463 463 the length of their sentences, with those with the longest sentences being called first. I realized that my turn would come the next day. The night before my scheduled execution the bombs fell like rain in the monsoon season. It was October 13, 1950, and the U.S. forces, having succeeded in the Incheon landing, had come up the peninsula to take Pyongyang and were now pressing against Heungnam. The U.S.military attacked Heungnam with full force that night, with B-29 bombers in the lead. The bombing was so intense that it seemed all of Heungnam had been turned into a sea of fire. The high walls around the prison began to fall and the guards ran for their lives. Finally the gate of the prison that had kept us in that place opened. At around two o’clock in the morning on the next day, I walked calmly out of Heungnam Prison with dignity. I had been imprisoned for two years and eight months, so I was a terrible sight. My underwear and outerwear were in tatters. Dressed in those rags, instead of going to my hometown, I headed to Pyongyang with a group of people who had followed me in prison. Some chose to come with me instead of going in search of their wives and children. I could clearly imagine how my mother must be crying every day out of concern for my welfare, but it was more important that I look after the members of my congregation in Pyongyang. I stayed in Pyongyang for forty days looking for anyone I could think of, whether young or old. In the end I never did find out what happened to most of them. But they have never been erased from my heart. On the night of December 2, I began walking south. Church members, including Won Pil Kim, and I followed behind a long line of refugees that extended about seven and a half miles. We even took with us a member who could not walk properly. He had been among those who followed me in Heungnam Prison. His family name was Pak. He 464 464 had been released before me. When I found him in his home, all the other members of his family had left for the South. He was alone in the house with a broken leg. I placed him on a bicycle and took him with me. The North Korean army had already recaptured the flat roads for military use, so we traveled across frozen rice paddies heading south as quickly as we could. The Chinese army was not far behind us, but it was difficult to move quickly when we had someone with us who could not walk. Half the time the road was so bad that I carried him on my back and someone else pushed the empty bicycle along. He kept saying he didn’t want to be a burden to me and tried several times to take his own life. I convinced him to go on, sometimes scolding him loudly, and we stayed together until the end. We were refugees on the run who still had to eat. We went into homes whose inhabitants had headed south before us and searched for rice or any other food that might have been left behind. We boiled anything we found, whether it was rice, barley, or potatoes. We were barely able to stay alive this way. Father spent 40 days in North Korea looking for his disciples. He could find only two. Then he joined the thousands of refugees and went south. Won Pil Kim writes in his biography of Father titled Father’s Course and Our life of Faith: Even in those dangerous and uncertain times, Father returned to Pyongyang after he escaped and visited the homes of all the members who had been with him before he went to prison. If Father could not go to visit someone himself, he sent someone else to take a message that he had come back and to see how this person was faring. Father walked the 150 miles back to Pyongyang in ten days, and then for forty days visited all of his followers’ homes. Father stayed until the last possible moment, until he had to escape just before the invasion of the Chinese troops. Father’s home village was only three day’s walk from Pyongyang, and in the forty days in 465 Pyongyang he could easily have visited his family, but Father never even sent a message to them. He looked for all his members but not his own family. It was obvious to all of us that Father could have visited his family, but he never spared even an hour or day for them. Father could have taken just a few days to visit his own family and it might have helped his mission to have good people like them close to and serving him. But Father stuck to the principle of loving his followers more than his family. Father brought a few things with him from prison, among them a small bag of rice flour. He walked ten days on foot, saving that rice flour until he reached Pyongyang. He never had any good food on that journey because even the food left in the fields was old and spoiled. He ate those rotten, leftover crops, yet saved the rice flour, in hopes that when he met the members in Pyongyang he could share it with them. When they were all together he mixed it with water, making it like a thick pudding, and told the members that this was how they made food to eat in prison. Then he shared it with them. Father wanted to bring some present to his followers, even after the incredible ordeal he had undergone at Hungnam prison. Of everything he could have brought, food was the most precious to him because it meant life. Yet he walked all the way from prison without eating it until he could share it with the members. Today it is rare that we reserve something most precious to us and save it until we can share it with our members. Usually we give when we have in abundance. I wanted to convey this incident so that you could have a glimpse of our Parents’ mind toward their children. When he left Pyongyang Father said, “I came to make Pyongyang the Second Jerusalem, but it rejected me and sent me to prison.” He was crying as he spoke. “Pyongyang will fall into the hands of 466 466 Satan, and so we have no choice now but to leave.” (Guidance for Heavenly Tradition) This is just like Jesus weeping over Jerusalem: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! Behold, your house is forsaken and desolate” (Matt. 23:37-38). Father says: During the Korean War, it took me four months to travel by foot from North Korea to Pusan. In Korea men wear a kind of white pajamas. Taking four months, you cannot imagine how dirty it became; it was so dirty I put it inside out. There was no sleeping place, only open space. It was December, so it was very cold when I got to Pusan. To avoid this night coldness, I went to the military harbor for labor, because it was easier to work than sleep. In the daytime I went to the mountains; among the trees I had a place to sleep, and time for myself. I enjoyed it. When I went to work I told interesting stories, and the workers would gather around me and bring me food. But I could not live like that all the time, so I had a small hut, hardly better than a dog house, a very simple dwelling place with mud and rocks on the walls and roof. There was no flat land where I was going to build. So I built up a slope. Where I built it there is a spring which passes through the middle of the floor. With boxes I made a temporary roof. The size of the room was about six feet long. Still I wore those four-month-old clothes. There was nowhere to put them in the laundry. In that humble situation spiritually chosen people found me. Even though I wore those clothes, they came. (God’s Warning to the World) 467 467 Father writes: We arrived finally on January 27, 1951. Busan was filled with refugees from the north. It felt like the whole country had gathered there. Any accommodation fit to live in was filled already. Our tiny place had barely enough room to sit. Our only option was to go into the woods at night, keeping warm as best we could, and then return to the city by day to look for food. My hair, which was kept short during my prison time, had now grown back. My trousers, mended from the inside with cotton from a sleeping quilt, had become threadbare. My clothes were saturated so fully with an oily grime that raindrops in heavy rain were not absorbed into the cloth but rather simply rolled off. Almost nothing was left of the soles of my shoes, although the upper part was mostly still there. I might as well have been walking barefoot. The fact was simply that I was the lowest of the low, a beggar among beggars. There was no work to be had, and we had no money in our pockets. The only way we could eat was to beg. Yet even while begging for food, I maintained my dignity. If someone refused to help, I would say in a clear and confident voice, “Listen. If you do not help people like us who are in need, you will have great difficulties if you hope to receive blessings in the future!” People would give when faced with such thoughts. We took the food we gathered this way to a flat area where we all could sit together. Dozens of people like us ate in such places. We had nothing, and even had to beg for food, but a warm friendship always flowed among us. (As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen) In his autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, Father says he and Won Pil Kim built a mud hut in Pusan (also spelled Busan): Eventually, Won Pil Kim and I climbed up to 468 468 Beom-net-gol in Beom-il Dong and built a house. Because this area was near a cemetery, there was nothing nearby except a rocky ravine. We had no land we could call our own, so we leveled a section of the steep slope and built a home there. We didn’t even have a shovel! We took a small shovel from someone’s kitchen and returned it before the owner realized it was missing. Won Pil Kim and I broke rocks, dug the earth, and carried up gravel. We mixed mud and straw to make bricks, then stacked them up to make the walls. We got some empty ration boxes from an American base, flattened them out, and used them as the roof. We laid down a sheet of black plastic for the floor. Even simple huts are built better than this. (As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen) Father writes: Later that year, on a windy November day, my wife showed up at the door of the Beom-net-gol hut. There standing with her was a seven year- old boy, my son, who was born the year I left home. I had left that day simply to go pick up some rice but went to Pyongyang instead. The years had passed, and now he had grown into a young boy. I could not bring myself to look him in the eye, nor could I reach out to stroke his face and embrace him in joy. I just stood there like a stone statue, frozen in place, speechless. My wife did not have to say a word. I felt the pain and suffering this poor mother and child had to experience in the midst of war. Even before this visit, I knew where they were living and what their situation was, but I was not yet to the point where I could take care of my family. I knew this, and I had asked her several times, even before our marriage, “Please trust me and wait just a little longer.” When the time was right, I planned to go get them. But in this situation, as they stood in the door, the right time had not yet come. The hut, our church, was small and shabby. A number of members ate there and lived 469 there with me to study God’s word. I could not bring my family there. My wife took a look around the hut, expressed great disappointment, and turned to leave. She and my son set off down the steep path. (As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen) 1954 — UNIFICATION CHURCH On May 1, 1954 the Messiah founded what became to be called the Unification Church that was created as a temporary organization to restore the failure of Christianity and lift up the Messiah. Korea was in rubble because of the Korean War. In the midst of this devastation the Messiah put up a little sign on a dilapidated building with the big words: Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. He cried a river of tears at a rock near his hut in Pusan now called the “Rock of Tears” and at his humble church in Seoul. He did not weep for himself but because he felt God’s broken heart. People were amazed when they met him and heard him speak and pray. The following are some comments he made about founding this “association” that had the incredible goal of uniting a tragically divided Christianity: HUNDREDS OF DENOMINATIONS Christianity has been fragmented into hundreds of denominations in the process of its 2,000 years of struggle and development. Then I attempt to unite them! People wonder what means I will use to unite them. Bayonets? Force? Dictatorial methods? All kinds of rumors have spread. By what means can I unite Christianity throughout the world? By the Holy Spirit. Hence the name Holy Spirit Association. Do you understand? Not by fists or bayonets, but by the Holy Spirit. We cannot unite by human power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit, by the mobilization of the spirit world. It is more difficult to mobilize the spirit world than to mobilize human beings. (5-1-81) 470 When I began the Unification Church in Korea, our headquarters was a small shabby house. On May 1, 1954, I set up a small plaque in front of that shabby house, probably the smallest sign you could find in history, but the biggest words ever spoken: “Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity.” The biggest words, but the smallest sign and smallest house—that is the way the Unification Church began! The room was so small that when I lay down, my head hit one wall and my feet hit another wall. I was utterly penniless at that time, and that shabby house was not even owned by the church but was rented. RELIGIOUS PATH I am like a rock and no one can entice me away from God’s will. There were many women who actually wrote love letters to me with their own blood, showing their genuine devotion to me. The religious path is not easy because of the many temptations around, and you have no idea what it takes to lay the foundation. But I have done it and I am freely sharing the fruits of it with you. No one has the right to complain; rather, continually be grateful and put yourself in a meek position. Even now, that is my basic attitude toward God. After all the dispensational success so far, I still put myself in a humble position before God. If anyone truly knew me internally then he just could not help but be crushed by sorrow. Spiritually enlightened people who can receive revelations and instructions in their prayers are the people who stay. When they pray about me God’s response is always the same; He responds to their prayer in tears because when God thinks about His lonely champion here on earth, God just weeps. The vast entanglement of human history seems utterly impossible to ever reorganize, and even God hardly knew where to begin the dispensation. But one lonely man found the secret and lived through everything to bring the movement this far. Even for God that was something to behold. 471 Day after day I continuously wept. My eyes became swollen and painful because the tears poured out in gallons. I could not even open my eyes to the sunlight. So many tears were shed in laying the foundation of this church. (5-1-77) NOT A CHURCH In his autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, written when he was 90 years old Father says in 1954 he was not founding a church. He says he: hung out a sign that read “Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity.” We chose this name to signify that we belonged to no denomination, and we certainly had no plans to create a new one. World Christianity refers to all of Christianity worldwide and both past and present. Unification reveals our purpose of oneness, and Holy Spirit is used to denote harmony between the spiritual and physical worlds built on the love of the father-son relationship at the center. Our name is meant to say, “The spiritual world, centering on God, is with us.” In particular, unification represents my purpose to bring about God’s ideal world. Unification is not union. Union is when two things come together. Unification is when two become one. “Unification Church” became our commonly known name later, but it was given to use by others. In the beginning, university students referred to us as “the Seoul Church.” I do not like using the word kyo-hoi in its common usage to mean church. But I like its meaning from the original Chinese characters. Kyo means “to teach”, and Hoi means “gathering.” The Korean word means, literally, “gathering for teaching.” The word for religion, jong-kyo, is composed of two Chinese characters meaning “central” and “teaching.” respectively. When the word church means a gathering where spiritual fundamentals are taught, it has a good meaning. But the meaning of the word kyo-hoi does not provide 472 472 any reason for people to share with each other. People in general do not use the word kyo-hoi with that meaning. I did not want to place ourselves in the separatist type of category. My hope was for the rise of a church without denomination. True religion tries to save the nation, even if it must sacrifice its own religious body to do so; it tries to save the world, even at the cost of sacrificing its nation; and it tries to save humanity, even if this means sacrificing the world. By this understanding, there can never be a time when the denomination takes precedence. It was necessary to hang out a church sign, but in my heart I was ready to take it down at any time. As soon as a person hangs a sign that says “church,” he is making a distinction between church and not church. Taking something that is one and dividing it into two is not right. This was not my dream. It is not a path I chose to travel. If I need to take down that sign to save the nation or world, I am ready to do so at any time. Not long after Father founded HSA-UWC some students from a well-known Christian university joined. Then several of their professors joined after they came to the church to investigate what became of their students. One of them was Miss Young Oon Kim who went on to become the first missionary to America in 1959. The students were expelled and the professors fired. This was another tragic failure in God’s providence because once again Christianity failed to unite with Father. The following is from a book for children on Sun Myung Moon’s life that tells of how Professor Kim joined the humble little Unification Church: In Seoul, there were several universities where young students studied for their careers. One of these universities was for girls only. (Or we can call them women.) Its name was Ehwa University. Mr. Eu was witnessing to everyone he knew; and one of these people was his relative, Mrs. Yang. She was a music teacher at Ehwa University. When he first told her about Teacher Moon and 473 473 the new revelation, she didn’t want to go. After all, university professors are very important people. They have to think of their reputations. Still, she was curious about the changes in Mr. Eu’s life; and one day, her curiosity got the best of her. Mrs. Yang was a rather spiritual woman. She could sense what was going on around her spiritually, and she could often feel whether something was good or bad, whether it was from God or not. She listened to Mr. Eu’s lectures politely, but skeptically. As the minutes and hours passed, however, she felt a strange excitement growing inside her. “I feel God in this place,” she was thinking. “And the teaching makes a lot of sense.” When the last lecture came to an end, suddenly without warning, she jumped up before the little group and sang a song. She had never heard this song before, and neither had anyone else! Spirit world was singing through her. It was like the room came to life. Everyone caught the feeling of joy and felt like dancing and laughing and singing. It was a great moment. Mrs. Yang’s life was changed that day. When she returned to the university, she told many people about her experience. Even though she was a respected professor, she didn’t care anymore what people thought of her. The word soon got around at the university that a young fellow in a dilapidated house was teaching something interesting, and people were getting inspired. Students started investigating. They told others about it, and the numbers multiplied. Those who came felt something spiritual happening in their lives, and it became hard for them to concentrate on their studies. They returned again and again when they should have been studying their lessons. Soon, the teachers began to notice a change in their students. 474 “Why are so many of the girls absent lately?” they asked each other. “Is there a sickness going around?” “I don’t know of any sickness,” said one. “Anyway, they never stay home just because they’re sick.” “True, true,” responded another. “Besides, their minds seem to be off somewhere else all the time.” “Yes, and their eyes sparkle,” complained still another. “One of them told me she is visiting a man who teaches new things about the Bible—and something about the Messiah coming to Korea — now.” “Sounds like some wild-eyed fanatic!” “It certainly does,” they all agreed. They decided to report it to the officials in charge of the university. The president and the administrators talked it over then. How much should they be worried? After a big discussion, they decided they would take a wait-and-see attitude. Perhaps the students would get tired of going there, especially since many of them were in their final year and were looking forward to graduating. Then, parents got word that their girls were spending time with a very strange man. It was a great privilege to attend a university. The parents had worked hard during all those years of war and had made many sacrifices in order to send their children there, so they didn’t want anything to go wrong now. They were VERY upset and went straight to the university president to complain. “We didn’t send our girls here to run off with some crazy man,” they stormed. “We want you to put a stop to it—and NOW!” “Yes, yes, of course,” agreed the president. “We’ll take care of it right away.” He certainly didn’t want the university to get a bad reputation. The very next day, an announcement was made, “Students may no longer go to Moon Sun Myung’s house. It is off limits starting today.” Some of the students obediently stopped going. But by now, many of them were on fire for God. All 475 their lives, they had been taught to obey their parents and teachers; but for the first time, they understood that God should be obeyed first. So they continued going to Father’s little church, sneaking out of the dormitory every chance they got. Soon they were outcasts at the university. No one wanted to sit near them. No one wanted to be seen talking to them. Everyone seemed to be afraid of them. You would think they had leprosy or something. Meanwhile, the administrators decided to try another tactic. They would send one of their teachers to hear the lectures; then this teacher could explain logically to the students what was wrong with the teachings. Intelligent students would listen to reason. When the chosen teacher arrived at the little church, she listened very carefully and took many notes. By the end of three days, however, she got so inspired that she became a member herself! The officials at the university were in a rage. How could this happen? What was going on anyway? They decided to send another professor. Again, there were the lectures, the note taking, and the three days. Then the same thing happened—the professor joined the church! The frustrated administrators still didn’t want to give up. What to do? What to do? They decided to send one of the most important people at the university—their respected Dean of Students. Again, God worked. This lady’s heart was moved, and she became one of the most devoted and most loved members ever. Her name was Mrs. Won Bok Choi! The administrators just couldn’t believe this was happening! They talked it over at length, and decided to try just one more time. They chose a professor who had studied the Christian religion and other religions. She had graduated from three seminaries and was very intelligent. She was also the type of person who was logical, and didn’t get emotional about things. She was expected to become president of Ehwa some day. This woman would 476 NEVER get swept off her feet by some crazy preacher. She was Miss Young Oon Kim. At that time, she was quite ill from a kidney disease, but she agreed to check it out. She found the little church, and taking off her shoes, she entered without a word. Her face was serious as she sat down for the lectures. Father sat beside Mr. Eu, his eyes lowered in silent prayer. In the next room, many of the members, especially the students and teachers from Ehwa, had gathered to pray for her. They had drilled a little hole in the wall, so they could take turns watching her. This would be a crucial set of lectures, because, if SHE went to the president with a negative report that would be it for them. They would be forbidden to attend the church forever. They prayed really hard all through Mr. Eu’s lectures. She listened politely. What was she thinking? No one could tell. On and on went the lectures—one hour, two hours, three, four. Nothing happened. She just listened and took notes. Then Mr. Eu came to the part about spirit world. As he described the spirit mind and spirit body, life after death, and so on, she looked a little more interested. No one knew that she had been trying for years to find out more about spirit world. She had been greatly inspired by a man named Swedenborg, who had written a book about the spirit world. It was a great book; yet it did not answer all the questions she had. In fact, she had found no one who could answer them. Now, Mr. Eu was answering all her questions. On the outside, her face looked interested but calm. Inside, she was feeling growing excitement. After the lecture, she hid her excitement and asked many questions, and even debated with Mr. Eu, trying to prove him wrong. But he had a good answer for every question. When Father spoke to her, she felt even more inspired. As the three days went by, she noticed that, while she was at the church, the pain from her kidney disease disappeared. When she went home in the evening, however, the pain returned. In the days 477 ahead, whenever she doubted the Divine Principle and argued with Mr. Eu and Father, the pain got stronger; but whenever she believed, the pain went away. Finally, she had to admit this was God’s answer to her lifelong prayers. She decided to join this little group of people who said they would change the world. Meanwhile, the university president was anxiously awaiting her return. When she finally arrived with her report, it wasn’t what he wanted to hear at all. “I have studied the Bible for many years and prayed for answers,” she began, “and now I know it was all for the purpose of finding this man, Moon Sun Myung. It was all preparation to follow him and help him. It has been made clear to me that he has been sent by God to do even greater things than Jesus.” When he heard these words, he was greatly disappointed, to say the least! You just didn’t say things like that in a Christian school. “Good-bye, Kim Sun Sengnim,” he was barely able to utter. “With you or without you, I will end this craziness.” EXPELLED That very day, he summoned the students and professors who had joined Father’s group. “Students and teachers at Ehwa are expected to conduct themselves in a respectable manner at all times,” he said. “And YOU are a disgrace to our university—the scum of the earth. I should just kick you out here and now, but; out of the kindness of my heart, I have decided to give you one more chance. I’m giving you a choice. Choice number one: if you stop going to Moon’s so-called church today, you may continue to attend the university. Choice number two: if you do not stop going, you will be expelled from school, effective immediately.” Now, this was a most difficult choice. Attending a university in Korea meant earning lots of money and having a comfortable life. It was right after the war, and they knew what poverty was like. Some of these young ladies had studied very, very hard for 478 many years, just so they could attend university. Their parents had made big sacrifices for them. They talked it over with each other, and many decided they couldn’t give up graduation, after all. Out of 100 or so students there were fourteen brave women who decided to stand by God and True Father. “We love Heavenly Father, now. We love Moon Son-sengnim, and we believe the Divine Principle is true,” they affirmed. “And no university president can force us to give it up.” They were expelled from the university. In the case of the five professors, they were fired. Their positions had paid well and gave them much respect, but now it was unlikely that they would ever have another chance to teach in a university. As they walked out, their heads were held high, and they smiled. They felt as if they were being decorated by heaven. A gold star from heaven is a million times more valuable than a diploma or job at Ehwa. When they arrived back at the church, they were received as heroes. That night, there was a great prayer meeting, and God touched each one of those brave women. As they prayed, they were given the gift of speaking in tongues and prophesying about the future, just like the early Christians after the death of Jesus. They could never fully explain to anyone else exactly how they felt; it was such a deep feeling. But whenever they looked into each other’s eyes, they understood each other. And whenever Heavenly Father and True Father looked at them, they understood—and loved them dearly. Bo Hi Pak in Messiah: My Testimony to Reverend Sun Myung Moon writes about this incident that occurred around 1955: THE DARK CLOUDS OF PERSECUTION Ewha Women’s University and Yonsei University had been established and continued to run by Christian educational foundations. Syngman Rhee was president of Korea at the time, and his 479 administration was so strongly Christian in character that it would not be an exaggeration to say that the country was under a Christian administration. The vice president of Ehwa University was Maria Park, the wife of Ki Boong Lee, speaker of the National Assembly. Lee, who would later serve as Korea’s vice president, was already one of the most powerful men in the country. In this way, the two universities were in the highest echelons of power within the Rhee administration. Established religions tend to categorize newer religions as heretical. At this time, Christianity in Korea wielded power in much the same way that Judaism did two thousand years ago when it called Jesus an agent of the devil. The Unification Church was preaching the Second Coming of Jesus and insisting that the Second Coming had already occurred. To the established churches, this meant that the Unification Church was even more worrisome than other heresies. To Christians who believed that Jesus was God Himself, the Unification Church was a monstrosity whose existence they could never accept. Thus, they began a campaign of intense persecution with the goal of crucifying the Unification Church. In addition, Korea’s political establishment contributed to the persecution with all its powers, even though the constitution of the Republic of Korea allowed freedom of religion. And even though Ehwa Women’s University, Yonsei University, and other Christian schools accepted students who believed in Confucianism or Buddhism, and even accepted atheists, when its young professors and students began to flock to the Unification Church in their search for truth, these schools decided that they had to take action. They sent Dr. Kim to investigate. She joined and told the leaders of the university: “To me, religion has to do with my eternal life. That means that if I find something to be God’s truth, then I cannot turn 480 away from it even if it means that I must give up everything else in my life.” Maria Park asked her husband to do what he could to crush the little church. He “went to the minister of internal affairs, whose duties included overseeing and directing all police activity in the nation. It was from this point that the power of the state began to be used against the Unification Church. “The action by the university in this matter remains a major blot on the history of Christianity in Korea. The persecution of the Unification Church did not end here. Christian universities, with the support from established Christian denominations, lobbied the government of President Syngman Rhee to bring the full force of its iron fist to bear against the Unification Church, which resembled the early Christian church in many respects. …the Unification Church became a victim of prejudice and oppression during its early years as a new religion.” Fifty years later Christian mainline religions still work to ban the Unification Church from college campuses. Father said of this time in the 1950s: Because of the devastating effects of the Korean War, the foundation of the new independent government was demolished. Many rich people in Korea fled the country when they saw the war coming. Likewise, Christian ministers wanted to get their families out of the country. Thus the leadership inside of Korea was full of confusion. This chaotic situation gave the Unification Church an opportunity for a new beginning. It was a chance for us to make a new foundation, even to the point where we could have an impact on Christian society and the government. Thus the confusion and chaotic situation of Korean society at that time could be utilized by God. It was the opportunity for the heavenly dispensation to be launched again. By 1954, I was able to lay sufficient foundation to organize the official church under the name of the 481 Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Still there was incredible opposition and persecution from both the government and established Christianity. Two thousand years ago, Judaism was supposed to be in the Abel position and guide the Israel nation and the governmental power. That was the original lineup. By the same token, the Unification Church was supposed to be in the Abel position and guide the Korean government and influence society. That was what was supposed to happen. The climax of persecution came in this way: the American missionaries, who were primarily Presbyterian and Methodist, had been working in Korea and had built some universities. One of them was Ewha University, a women’s university, and the other was a men’s school, Yonsei University. A large number of students from those two schools joined the Unification Church at that time. Thus the government, as well as the Christian missionaries, saw this as a dangerous thing and they began to pursue and develop their opposition against the Unification Church. One day those two universities announced the expulsion of all the students and professors who were members of the Unification Church, which caused a big uproar. Each year on my birthday, I did not celebrate with a feast but rather, I would fast. That was a condition for our members for many years. I began this road myself from the very bottom—from the laborer’s position—and climbed up, step-by-step. I never wore formal attire, a tie or a nice suit as I do now. A workman doesn’t dress up every day to go to work and I always dressed like a workman. Until 1970, I even wore humble and coarse attire to Sunday Service. I preached in such clothing. I’m sure you find it hard to imagine such a time. Likewise, I never ate my meals at a table. I would just eat humble things like rice balls and radish, picking them up with my hands, not even using a 482 spoon or chopsticks. That was part of the road of indemnity. (1-2-87) During the 1950s he said, “I wore old used clothing bought at a second-hand shop.” (Theory of Education) Father writes in his autobiography: Most of our members had attended other churches before joining our church. This was a big reason our church was treated as an enemy by established churches. When Professor Yoon Young Yang, one of the Ewha professors, joined our church, she was taken to the police station to be interrogated. There she discovered that some eighty Christian ministers had written letters to the authorities criticizing our church. Clearly it was not the case that we had done something wrong. Rather, we were seen as posing a threat to the power of certain people and institutions. It was their vague feelings of fear and their extreme factionalism that drove them in their efforts to suppress our church. People from many religious groups were attracted to our church and its new teachings. I would say to our members, “Why did you come here? Go back to your churches,” and almost threaten them as I tried to chase them away. But they would soon return. The people who flocked to see me would not listen to anyone. They wouldn’t listen to their teachers or their parents. They wanted to hear me speak. I wasn’t paying them or feeding them, but they believed in what I taught and kept coming to me. The reason was that I opened a way for them to resolve their frustrations. Before I knew the truth, I, too, was frustrated. I was frustrated when I looked up to heaven and when I looked at the people around me. This is why I could understand the frustrations of the people who came to our church. They had questions about life, and they could not find answers. The word of God I conveyed answered their questions with clarity. Young people who sought me out found answers in the words that I spoke. They wanted to come to our 483 church and join me on my spiritual journey, no matter how difficult it might be. I am the person who finds the way and opens it. I guide people along the path to heal broken families and rebuild the society, nation, and world so that we can finally return to God. People who come to me understand this. They want to go with me in search of God. How can people find fault with this? All we were doing was going in search of God. And for this we were subjected to all manner of persecution and criticism. Unfortunately, during the period when our church was involved in the heresy controversy, my wife made matters even more difficult for me. After our meeting in Busan, she and her relatives began to demand that I either quit the church immediately and start life with her and our son or else give her a divorce. They even came to Seodaemun Prison during my incarceration there to put the divorce papers before me, demanding I place my stamp on them. I know how important marriage is in the effort to establish God’s peaceful world, so I endured their demands in silence. She also subjected members of our church to horrible abuse. Personally I could endure. I did not mind her insults and reckless treatment of me, but it was difficult for me to stand by and watch her offensive behavior toward our members. She stormed into our church at all hours to curse our members, destroy church property, and take items that belonged to the church. She even threw water containing human feces at members. When she came, it was impossible for us to hold worship service. In the end, as soon as I came out of Seodaemun Prison, I acceded to the demands of her family and placed my stamp on the divorce document. I was pushed into a divorce against my own principles. When I think of my former wife today, my heart goes out to her. The influence of her own family, which was strongly Christian, and the leadership of Korea’s established churches had much to do with her 484 484 behaving the way she did. She was so clear and firm in her commitment before we married. The way she changed gives us a lesson on how much we need to fear the power of social prejudice and established concepts. I experienced both the sorrow of divorce and the pain of being branded a heretic. But I did not bend. These were things I had to endure on my path to redeem the original sin of humanity, the things I had to endure to move forward on the path toward God’s Kingdom. It is darkest before the dawn. I overcame the darkness by clinging to God and praying to Him. Other than the fleeting moments that I would spend in sleep, all my available time was spent in prayer. (As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen) Father’s divorce affected the world. He explains: “Within True Father’s family there are children from two different mothers. Because of this wilderness course Father lost everything in a way. Just as Father had to go through the wilderness course when he lost his first wife through divorce, now the entire world is experiencing the same thing through the breakdown of families. It completely lost God’s True Love family center. God’s value system was lost.” (216-97) Father writes of how he moved from Pusan to Seoul and started with a tiny building: We needed a place where our members could gather and offer services, so we took out a loan of two million won and purchased a house in poor repair on a hillside in Cheongpa Dong. It was one of many houses categorized then as “enemy property,” meaning that it had been vacant since being abandoned by Japanese who left Korea at the time of our nation’s liberation. It was a small house with only about 710 square feet of floor space. It was at the end of a long and narrow alleyway. Approaching the house was like going through a long, dark tunnel. All the pillars and walls were covered with dirt, which made us wonder what had been going on there before we arrived. I worked with the young 485 485 people of our church for four days with a sodium hydroxide solution to scrub off all the dirt. After our move to the Cheongpa Dong church, I could hardly sleep. I would sit on the floor of the main bedroom crouched over in prayer until three or four in the morning. I might take a nap until five, but then I would get up and start the day’s activities. I continued this lifestyle for seven years. Even though I was getting only one or two hours of sleep a day, I never felt sleepy during the day. My eyes shone brightly, like the morning star. I never felt tired. My mind was so full of things to do that I did not even want to waste time eating. Instead of having people take time to set a table for my meals, I ate on the floor and crouched over my food to eat it. “Pour out your dedication! Pour it out, even if you are sleepy! Pour it out until you are exhausted!” I kept repeating these phrases to myself. I prayed in the midst of continued opposition and false accusations with the thought that I was planting seeds that would someday reap a bountiful harvest. If the harvest could not be reaped in Korea, then I was confident that it would be reaped elsewhere in the world. A year after my release from prison, our church had four hundred members. As I prayed, I would call out their names one by one. Their faces would pass through my mind even before I called their names. Some would be crying, some laughing. In my prayers, I could tell how each person was doing, including whether they were suffering from illness. Sometimes, as I called out their names in prayer, I would get an inspiration that a particular person would come to the church that day. The person would come, without fail. When I would go to someone who had appeared sick to me in my prayer and ask, “Are you sick?” the person would confirm it. Members were amazed that I would know they were sick without being told. Each time they asked, “How do you do that?” I would answer with a simple 486 486 smile. Some were attracted to our church more because of such paranormal phenomena than because of the teachings. Many people think that spiritual powers are most important. The phenomena often called miracles, however, tend to confuse people in the society at large. A faith that relies on unexplained or miraculous occurrences is not a healthy faith. All sin must be restored through redemption. It cannot be done by relying on spiritual powers. As our church began to mature, I stopped talking to members about the things that I was seeing with my heart’s eyes. How often I prayed with tears through the night? Blood and sweat saturated the floor boards where I prayed, with no chance to dry. I have lived my entire life praying and preaching, but even now I tremble when I stand before a group of people. This is because to stand in such a position and speak about public matters can mean that many lives will be saved or that many will be lost. It is a matter of utmost importance to me that I can lead the people who hear my words onto the path of life. These are the moments when I draw a clear line on the crossroads between life and death. In the early time of our church I wore an old U.S. military jacket and fatigues dyed black and preached with such fervor that I dripped with sweat and tears. Not a day went by without my weeping out loud. My heart would fill with emotion, and tears would pour from my eyes and stream down my face. Those were times my spirit seemed on the verge of leaving my body. I felt as though I were on the verge of death. My clothes were soaked with sweat, and beads of sweat rolled down from my head. If the Christians had accepted the new Messiah in those three years between 1945 and 1948 then they would have had the power to stop the Soviets from controlling the North. The Korean people should have treated the Messiah like a king. A united Korea led by the young Messiah would have become God’s first nation. Can you imagine the excitement that would have created? Soon the 487 487 President of the United States and all other leaders would have met the Messiah. The teachings of the Divine Principle would have swept the earth. There would never have been a Korean War in which 30,000 American men died and hundreds of thousands were injured. There would never have been a river of blood from the two million Koreans who died. There would never have been the agonizing separation of North and South Korea that has divided families for over 60 years. WORLD PEACE Jesus was not able to go to Rome, but Sun Myung Moon would have gone to Washington D.C. and converted the entire Senate and Congress. American Christian leaders would have been converted and led by the young King of Kings would have been a powerful united force of God that would have ended communism quickly. The Soviet Union would have been converted. The atheistic ideology of communism would have died. By 1952—just seven years after the Messiah began his mission—the world would have united under a godly world government. The dream of a United Nations would have come true. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth would have begun and finally God’s dream of world peace would have come true. Because government and religious leaders treated Sun Myung Moon the same way as the government and religious leaders of Israel treated the previous Messiah, Jesus, the punishment brought on by themselves was a terrible division between Korea and the terrible worldwide division between the ideology of the Left and the Right—of free nations under democratic rule and slave nations under authoritarian rule. Because the Messiah was not believed and loved, he had to go the way of Jesus and be tortured. He had to suffer even more than Jesus. Sun Myung Moon said, “…during my first three years of public ministry, just as Jesus did, I had to go through severe hardships culminating in the torture of prison life, which was more for me than Jesus’ cross.” (“Jacob’s Course and Our Life in Faith” May 27, 1973) 488 Father explains: Korea was established under the protection of Christian nations of the democratic world. At that time, Sun Myung Moon had expected to start in the highest position with the famous leaders who founded a country in order to fulfill its destiny of the new Providence. Then, because the ministers who were representative of the Christian Church were opposed to Sun Myung Moon, God’s will was blocked everywhere. HISTORICAL MISSION Korea was a nation formed on God’s side centering on the Christian Church. Because a few ministers who represented Christianity were opposed to Sun Myung Moon, a way opened that nationwide the Christian churches could oppose Rev. Moon. Rev. Moon had prepared everything for this for three years from 1945 to 1948. In this period, Rev. Moon worked individually. But nobody knew that he had a historical mission. Because I was in that position the Christian Church could oppose Rev. Moon. I knew that God prepared a lot of spiritual groups. Even though God prepared internally, if the Christian Church opposes with the rest of the nation, it is in the position of Judaism and Israel which opposed Jesus Christ. During the three years from 1945-1948, Rev. Moon was not welcomed by the Christian Churches and nation. They were frantically opposed to me with the national power and foundation. That was the reason it was necessary to pay restoration by indemnity of Jesus Christ’s position. Because the people who led the Christian Church divided with Rev. Moon, it became the motivation to separate as South and North …in 1948 (Way of Unification chapter 3) Father teaches, “The division between North and South Korea was not accidental but was related to the heavenly principle and the failure of Korea and the United States to fulfill their 489 responsibilities. Because of that failure, the United States, England and the rest of the democratic world began to decay.” (5-1-81) Father explains: Suffering Nation The nation which receives the Messiah has to be in the position of object as well. That nation has to suffer. Therefore, the nation in which the messianic mission begins must be in the position of suffering and has to go through untold tribulation. That nation and all her people must be in a position of despair. Then the new hope of truth will appear to the people and the nation together. With the new acceptance of the truth, there will be new hope, new life and a new history. With the liberation of Korea in 1945, hope came to that suffering land. This year, as far as Japan was concerned, was a day of doom. But as far as Korea was concerned, this year marked a day of hope. New Day of Hope Therefore, it was my mission at that time to connect that new day of hope to the family, the people and the nation. In such a way God can restore His people, His nation, His tribe and His family. This is the promising situation in which Korea is placed in the position of the restored Israel. Since Israel was the nation where Jesus lost hope, when the Lord of the Second Advent comes, he will gain hope and restore his nation to order. Jesus died because the people did not have faith in him. The way we regain that lost foundation is by having hope and faith, by accepting the Lord of the Second Advent. In Korea, it was very important for the Christian population to actually serve as a base on which to accept the Lord. At that particular time, every nation of great power was in a position to protect this little country of Korea. Therefore I intended to start my public ministry by developing good relations with the people in the highest positions of power but within the most important groups in Korea at that time there were several Christian leaders who violently persecuted us, and I was thus unable to carry out my initial plan. 490 Vast Historical Significance Those Christian leaders on the highest levels not only influenced other people in the highest level, but they also influenced the entire Christian population in Korea. God’s preparation was done in three years time—1945, 1946 and 1947, until South Korea’s independence in 1948, I was, on the surface, just one man, just an individual. Nobody in Korea knew of my vast historical significance. Since I knew the cause of Jesus’ frustration, I developed my tactic to perfection. I developed such a wise tactic so that I would not repeat the fate of Jesus. At the same time, God knew that my path was not going to be smooth, so He prepared, in His own way, many spiritual groups who would testify to me. It was amazing to know how precisely God planned everything according to the Principle. But no matter how much God prepared the path of ministry for the Lord of the Second Advent, there was a certain period in which man had to fulfill his condition of faith just as in the time of Jesus. The Christians and the Korean government rejected me in disbelief, the same failure that happened in the time of Jesus. Therefore, I could not go through the original course. I had to alter my direction. At the time of Jesus, the Jewish religious leaders as well as the government used their power to persecute Jesus, and they had him crucified. When this history was repeated in Korea, the Korean Christian population used its power to destroy my life. I had to face the persecution of the Christian population. When this division occurred, the nation had to be divided. Seen from this perspective, the communist invasion was inevitable. Externally I had to go up against the God-denying power of communism. God had prepared Christianity to accept the coming Lord. When it failed to fulfill this mission, the Korean Christian churches were doomed to new persecution. Communism became strong and aggressive.... (7-173) 491 Father says, “…in order to come to this particular mission, I walked a more miserable path than any man ever walked.” (7-173) The following are excerpts from speeches by Sun Myung Moon about this period of time: “DAY OF THE VICTORY OF LOVE” January 2, 1987: As you already know, there are certain requirements in the process of fulfilling God’s restoration course. This is the law of indemnity. As you also know, after World War II the United States had the opportunity to unite with the entire world, especially the Judeo-Christian societies, in order to facilitate the final fulfillment of God’s dispensation. During World War II, America was in the position of the Adam nation on the heavenly side, while England was the Eve nation and France was the archangel nation. On the satanic side, there was Germany as Adam, Japan as Eve, and Italy as the archangel. Why were Great Britain and Japan in the two Eve positions? They are island nations, which is a more feminine posture than a continent, which is larger and therefore more masculine. Furthermore, the United States is like a son to Great Britain, the mother country. This ties in with the prophecy of the coming of the Messiah through the body of a woman, or through a mother’s womb. The fall of man took place between Adam, Eve, and the archangel. According to the law of cause and effect, that lineup on the worldwide scale would again have to occur in the last days. Thus we now have the Adam nation, Eve nation and archangel nation. World War II was the ultimate war to fulfill the final chapter of the human dispensation. There was no nation untouched or uninvolved in that war; people of many nations shed blood. Another important rule has worked throughout history: Satan always initiates attacks. World War II 492 was no exception; it was initiated by Germany and Japan. At that time, the nation of Korea was under Japanese occupation, so in a way, as the Eve nation, Japan gave birth to Korea. When I was born, Korea was suffering under the rule of the Japanese imperial government. Japan, on the satanic side, did its absolute best to do evil to the future Adam nation on the heavenly side. During my birth year of 1920, Korea was in the midst of a most difficult three-year period. The country was in the grip of a terrible famine. Furthermore, in 1919, a powerful independence movement rose up in which a great number of Korean people rebelled against the Japanese rulers. But they failed and suffered terrible punishment; much blood was shed. 1919 was the first of the three most difficult years. I was born in 1920. 1921 was the third year of that period. My family suffered for a period of more than just three years. They were prepared for seven years for that most extraordinary moment. Many of my relatives had fled to Manchuria in order to help wage the war of liberation against Japan. This independence movement had been centered in the Christian churches, which at that time were very patriotic. In the years 1940 to 1944, Japanese persecution against the Christian churches reached a climax. The liberation of Korea by the Allies took place on August 15, 1945. If that had been postponed even three more days until August 17, there would have been a much greater bloodbath in Korea—more than 170,000 Korean Christians would have been exterminated. The Japanese rulers were in the midst of their most terrible bloodletting against the Christians at that very time. You can see that God always allows Satan to do his utmost before the turning point comes. Upon the liberation of Korea on August 15, 1945, God intended to initiate a new chapter of dispensational history. At that time, I was working with the underground movement. I had discovered the Principle and was preparing for the momentous beginning of that new dispensation. Immediately 493 after the liberation of Korea, the United States set up a military provisional government. The people who were placed in official positions were primarily those who had studied abroad, particularly in the United States and Japan. The Korean Christians who had fought against Japanese occupation had been underground, and had not been linked in any manner with the imperial government. Those people who had been outside of the country and who became the main leaders of the provisional government tended to be tolerant or even friendly toward the Japanese. Those were the people who came in to take over the Korean provisional government. Korean Christianity was divided into two camps, the Cain and the Abel. God’s dispensational will had been for the Abel camp of Christianity—those who had stayed in the country and fought against Japanese rule—to take prominence over the Cain camp—those who had been abroad. The Cain camp should have united with the Abel camp and worked together toward their common goal. That would have been an important turning point for the new dispensational era. But the Cain and Abel camps were accusing each other. Those of the underground considered themselves the only “pure” Christians and looked with scorn upon the “heretics” of the other side who had had an easy time, who had compromised with the satanic forces. Those people who had worked outside of Korea felt that the Christians who had stayed behind had become heretical because they were so spiritually oriented. There was a great deal of spiritual activity at the time. People were receiving many revelations about the Second Coming of the Messiah. The two camps were mutually accusing each other as heretics. SUPER HERETIC At that time, I was in the position to bring harmony between the two camps. But one difficulty was that the Divine Principle is so revolutionary, including 494 the statement that the Messiah will come as a man in the flesh. Because of the situation in Korea, I came to be strongly accused by both Christian camps as a “super-heretic.” When the United States military government was established, they sided with the Cain camp of Christianity. Most of those could speak English, but they were, for the most part, very relaxed in their observation of Christian rules. Christian missionaries from America were also in a position of influence at that time. They could directly communicate with the U.S. military government and they were united with the government. They were largely responsible for pulling in those people who had been studying abroad in the United States and Japan. Because the military government sided with them, the Cain camp became the most powerful and influential group. Within the Abel camp, some Christians sensed a change and felt they wanted to ally themselves with the more powerful people, hoping to gain some benefit. What does that mean? The ungodly side, the satanic side, was taking power within the country. More and more, righteous Christianity was in the position to be accused and persecuted. God’s dispensational will was to use the momentous victory of the Abel camp in World War II as a launching pad for the movement of the Messiah. However, the United States military government, working together with the Cain type Christianity, took that chance away, and moved more and more toward the satanic side. So my position became more and more difficult. Under those circumstances, I was quietly approaching prominent religious leaders who had had spiritual experiences. I knew there were such people and I was trying to find allies among them. There were some Christians who had received spiritual messages directly from Heaven and who truly tried to know the will of God through the 495 Bible. Such people became my supporters. Thus I was pulling those jewel-like people from both camps—the spiritualist groups as well as the traditional Christian denominations. Those groups began to think that Reverend Moon was taking their flocks away. Thus they began to persecute me, wanting to shield themselves from me. The confrontation started during the earliest days—right after the Korean liberation. So the two groups had one purpose in common: opposing Reverend Moon, this new “super-heretic” They could unite upon that. They were able to utilize the power of the military government because it is easy to turn political power against a new religion. In this way, God’s great expectation after World War II—to launch the new dispensation—was thwarted. Because of the failure of Christianity and the United States, that new beginning was taken over by the satanic forces. If nothing had been done then, both North and South Korea would have been completely turned over to Satan. That was Korea’s destiny at the time. The 38th parallel was already the dividing line and North Korea was in the hands of the communists. They were planning to bring South Korea under communism as well. The U.S. military government was naive and could easily have become the prey of the machinations and conspiracies of the North. Luckily, however, the president of the South, Syngman Rhee, understood the situation and strongly opposed the position of the military government. He completely detached South Korea from the North and in 1948 South Korea declared its independence. The Republic of Korea was created. Thus, the division of the Korean peninsula into North and South was established. The North proclaimed its own communist government while the South declared its independence, under the protection of the U.S. military. That was the difficult beginning point of the world dispensation. Korea was like a microcosm of the world with a very complicated situation. 496 The major portion of the new Korean government under Syngman Rhee was a hand-me-down group from the military provisional government. That means they were mostly Cain-type Christians. Such people remained in the positions of power. For that reason, Reverend Moon’s dispensational position became even more difficult and narrowed down. NATIONAL FOUNDATION The reason I am giving you this important explanation of the genesis of Korea is this: according to the will of God, the messianic movement must begin upon a national foundation. In the time of Jesus, it was supposed to be the nation of Israel. In the twentieth century, Korea was chosen as the nation, with Christianity in the same position as Judaism 2,000 years ago. Upon that foundation, the messianic movement was supposed to be launched. However, just like 2,000 years ago, the Korean nation—that newly independent nation—took the position of Cain. Furthermore, it was run by the Cain-type elements within Christianity. Thus the government united with Cain-type Christianity in persecuting and trying to destroy the messianic movement. Unless you understand this particular situation, you cannot know how certain things happened within the Unification movement—such as how it started and why it went to the worldwide scale without establishing the national foundation in Korea. The reason I entered North Korea voluntarily right after the liberation, knowing that it was a communist, satanic nation, was that I had to set the condition of trying my best to restore it to God’s side. Naturally, after I went there I had to suffer to an incredible degree. In Jesus’ time, the disloyalty of the twelve disciples brought about incredible indemnity conditions. Jesus set the special forty-day period to bring all his lost disciples back. By the same token, in the new Jerusalem, the third Israel of Korea, half of the nation had been given away to the satanic side. So I had to go there physically and try to restore that part of Korea back to God. 497 JERUSALEM OF THE EAST As you know, the capital of North Korea is Pyongyang. That city was once known as the Jerusalem of the East. It was really the Mecca for Christianity within Korea—the most devout and ardent Christians had been there. Therefore, I had to go and preach there trying to bring some of those people out of North Korea. In the name of Jesus’ twelve disciples, I had to try to restore those devout Christians to freedom rather than let them become the prey of communism. I began my work in the midst of the communist regime in Pyongyang, and gained many disciples. When I was thrown into jail, I preached to the people there and I won more disciples. Inside the jail, I had an incredible network of communication among those devout Christians who had been waiting for the coming of the Messiah. Amazing spiritual phenomena occurred during those days. Many people had been told, “The Messiah is coming.” Some were constantly receiving messages about who I was and they were given my cell number as well as the best method of communication. As you know, the Korean War began in 1950. For several years preceding that, the communists in North Korea were preparing with desperate determination to take over all of the South. It was during that time that I was working in North Korea, primarily in prison. General MacArthur directed the Inchon landing and broke through the enemy lines, allowing the U.N. forces to move north all the way to Hung Nam and to open the gates of the prison where I was being held. Truly that was a holy march to the north. “GOD’S DAY 1990 — THE UNIFICATION OF MY COUNTRY” January 1st, 1990: America had the responsibility to prevent the division of Korea. If after WWII America had 498 fulfilled this responsibility, and had united with the Abel type Christianity and supported Reverend Moon, the whole restoration would have finished in seven years. So what happened? At the time Christianity in Korea was so divided. Those who had opposed the Japanese and fought in the underground failed to unite because they didn’t realize what the center was. Father had been a participant in the underground opposition to the Japanese. He should have been the center around which Christianity united. If Christianity had united centering on the underground movement and Father, within as short time the nation could have united. The whole world could have been restored. The Divine Principle has not changed in the last forty years. The problem is that Christianity was invaded by Satan all over the world because Christians ignored God’s will. So forty years ago, because Christianity failed, the Unification Church was established and had to start as an underground movement. Because Christianity failed and the nation failed, Father and the Unification Movement had to go the way of suffering. My original plan was to unite with the Christians in Korea and the leaders in Korea. However they turned around and persecuted me and accused me of all sorts of things. “WORLD UNIFICATION AND NORTHSOUTH UNIFICATION WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY TRUE LOVE” February 10, 2000: TRUE VIEW OF HISTORY As a boy of 16, I came into contact with the will of Heaven through prayer, and throughout my life after 499 that I have devoted all my spirit and energy to accomplishing God’s Will. I came to understand that the fundamental cause of human unhappiness is that the relationship with God was severed by the fall. As a result of the fall, human beings fell into a state of spiritual ignorance. In an effort to resolve the fundamental problems this has caused among humans and in the universe, I have spoken publicly on more than 10,000 occasions in many places around the world and set forth a true view of humanity, a true view of the world, and a true view of history based on Godism. These speeches have been translated into twelve languages and published in three hundred volumes. The contents of these speeches are not the result of a comprehensive study of historical documents. My conclusions are not the result of scholarly research. Instead, I arrived at these answers to basic and fundamental questions through my communications with both the visible and invisible worlds. I was involved in the anti-Japanese resistance movement under the Japanese imperial rule, and from that perspective the Japanese people were my enemy. This was true for the Korean people as a whole and for me individually. Yet, after Japan’s defeat in World War II, I gave love to Japan. After the war, I could have reported the police who had taken me into custody for my activities in the underground independence movement and tortured me severely. Had I done this, they would all have been executed. When I came across a Japanese policeman who was running for his life, however, I packed some things for him and helped him escape to safety under the cover of darkness. Do you know why so many young people in Japan place their eternal lives at stake and pledge their loyalty to me? This is because there is a principle of cause and effect which dictates that they must return what has been given them. 500 It is because I planted the seeds of true love in the world, transcending national boundaries and in accordance with God’s heart. It is because I planted the heartistic foundation that leads people to a life of loving the countries that were the enemies of their own country. Thus, Japan today is my prisoner. Without even realizing it, Japan is fulfilling its heavenly calling. Under Japanese rule, I had reason to harbor resentment even toward the Emperor of Japan. But he has already been defeated. Heaven does not strike a person who is defeated. In fact, Heaven shows mercy toward those who understand their sin and apologize. Because this is Heaven’s way, a person who raises a sword and strikes a defeated person will find his own descendants driven to ruin. NATURAL SURRENDER I do not believe South Korea should attempt to overcome North Korea militarily. Instead, we must love our nation more than they love theirs. We must have the philosophical strength to love Heaven even more than they love communism. We must become capable men and women of character who can bring about their natural surrender. There is no other way for us to absorb North Korea. In other words, we must become able to impress them with how we live. We must be able to amaze those people armed with communist ideology in terms of our outlook on life and our standard of character. “True Parents’ Birthday” February 25, 1985: …right after World War II the churches in Korea were divided between Cain and Abel. One part of the church was underground—those who worshipped the true God secretly because of the Japanese domination. But there was also a church which cooperated with the Japanese in order to survive. I was a member of the underground church. At that time, I tried to educate several key political leaders. If they had listened to me then, the world 501 situation today would be entirely different. The dispensation has always required unity between Cain and Abel. At that time, the Cain was the established Christian churches and Abel was the Unification Church. Both were supposed to unite. ARMAGEDDON Division between the original Cain and Abel began because of the failure of their parents, Adam and Eve. The Cain and Abel conflict started from Adam and Eve on the family level. But that conflict has grown to the clan, tribe, national, and worldwide levels. World War II was the worldwide struggle between Cain and Abel. Actually, that was the biblical Armageddon described in the Book of Revelation, in the sight of God. According to the dispensational scheme, this work of uniting with the worldwide Abel should have begun when I was between the ages of 20 and 30. Within the Abel camp, there is always another level of Cain-Abel. Thus I had to win the Cain camp, one by one, and unite them into a larger Abel camp. If that had been successful, that is if the established Christian churches had united with and accepted the ideal of the True Parents at that time, everything would have been done. That means there would have been no room for communism to rise up in the world. 40 YEARS WILDERNESS COURSE But what happened? Within the Abel camp, established Christianity never responded to the Unification Church. That is why that time was a total failure. Since that foundation was shattered, I had to go out into the wilderness for forty years where I had to gather up any remnants of people who could follow. Originally God had expected that circumstances and environment would welcome me everywhere, but on the contrary, after that time of failure I was rejected everywhere I went. Thus I had no choice but to go into the wilderness where I had to build up my own foundation, starting from the 502 family, tribe, nation and world. That was done by pulling Abel-type remnants into our camp in the wilderness. Our world today is divided into three main components: the free world, the communist world, and the Unification world. Until today, nobody has welcomed the Unification world, neither the free world nor the communist world. Amazingly enough, the free world put Reverend Moon into jail and said, “Reverend Moon is our enemy.” Of course, the communists declared me their enemy a long time ago. What is our weapon? It is an ideology, a worldview which centers upon God. It is an ideology of love which we call Godism. With this ideological strength, we are pushing hard at both the free world and the communist world. You are in the position to push the world away, pulling God into our camp. Are you doing that? We have two possible destinies: we are in between the two other camps so they will either crush us between them or we will push them away. Which will it be? The most important thing is that since we are at the center, we must remain like a rock, not moving one iota to the left or to the right. We cannot cry, “The enemy is coming so let’s take cover!” We must remain steadfast at the center. Satan thought, “Since the center of this ideology of Godism is Reverend Moon, let’s pull him away from the center and put him into jail. Then the Unification movement will collapse and perish. We will melt them!” But are we being melted? When the enemies are pushing us from both sides, should we try to make a little elbow room and push them away, or should we continue to be squashed in the center? Would you like to use every ounce of your energy to push the enemy away, or just do it in a halfhearted way? Shall we work with sweat, or shall we tremble with fear? Shall we say, “My legs are tired so I think I’ll take a vacation”? Or shall we 503 continue to push ourselves forward harder than ever? Shall we go forward or backward? Who is your model for this fight? So far, I have been fighting this giant America all by myself. I have been called every bad name and have received every form of persecution but I have never faltered at all. Finally I went to prison but I began a new fight with renewed vitality once I went there. I did not relax one iota in prison. I have been fighting for forty years. Since the liberation of Korea in 1945, I have spent the past forty years in the wilderness, pursuing this battle, and now the time has come for the consummation. Moses, after his forty years’ struggle in the wilderness, was not able to enter into Canaan. He could only look upon it and then he died in the wilderness. However, Reverend Moon will not falter outside of Canaan. He will move forward like Joshua and Caleb and finish the task of building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. America is a tremendous challenge; therefore, I feel great excitement at the prospect of taming this country and turning it around. That is manly work, truly masculine work. All you men should harbor that kind of ambition. You women have the job of supporting and applauding the men as they go out to fight. When the men are defeated, you have to cry. “THE GLOBE IS OUR HOME” June 8, 1986: Why did America fail to grasp the opportunity to fulfill God’s will at that time? First of all, at that time the people of America did not have any understanding that they were representing the mainstream of the will of God. They just did not realize they were the chosen champions of God. In other words, America did not know God’s expectation for this country. America was founded for the sake of religious freedom. The first settlers left behind the religious persecution of Europe, under Catholicism, to establish a new world of freedom. They came here 504 and created a new nation, basically under Protestantism, which recognized the ideal of religious freedom. That is very significant. The people who came to the New World were risking their lives and had given up all their worldly goods, status, and even their families, all for the purpose of pursuing religious freedom. In a sense, they were seeking to form a one-world nation. Those first Puritans saw each other as brothers and sisters; from that point of view, they envisioned the establishment of a global nation. The United States has become what is called a melting pot, where everyone from around the world can be harmonized with everyone else. All of this is under the concept of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. After World War II, the victorious nations centered upon the United States granted independence to the nations they conquered, rather than occupying them. Thus, rather than a winner and loser relationship, they initiated more of a brother and sister relationship. America should have gone even further and given sacrificially for the well-being of those nations, sharing with them the wealth and power which she enjoyed. In that way those nations could have become truly equal, with equal opportunity and wealth for everyone. That would have created an incredible, worldwide foundation of unity upon which the Messiah could come and usher in the Kingdom of God on earth. That was the utmost thought in the mind of God. WORLD GOVERNMENT The United Nations was born after World War II, granting membership to every nation. The United States was more or less the central figure of the United Nations. The concept of the United Nations was that of one world government, but the United States itself was confused and did not share that concept. God’s dispensation was for the United States, as a Christian nation, to take the central position in the world as the leader of the United 505 Nations, while moving aggressively toward the realization of one world under God. The Christian culture was supposed to be at the center of the United Nations. At that time in Korea, many spiritual phenomena were occurring. Numerous spiritual groups sprang up. Some represented the Old Testament Garden of Eden; others represented the New Testament Garden of Eden. Their goal at least was correct, but they were divided in their concepts of spirituality. Korea was still under Japanese occupation. The imperial government of Japan had tried to force Shinto worship upon the Korean people. The Korean Christians were divided into two camps—one which went along with Shinto shrine worship and the other which refused to accept it and considered it idolatry. The first group was in the forefront, while the second group was basically underground. The new spiritual groups were a part of the underground Christian community and they were receiving special communication from spirit world. Who was supposed to be in the position to lead these groups? Those sacrificial groups had received the amazing word from spirit world that the time for the return of the Lord was imminent. Furthermore, they were told that he would come as a person in the flesh. They knew that much but they did not know who or where he was. Those spiritual groups were supposed to be united and work together for the independence of the country. They were supposed to assume the central position in Korea and take primary responsibility after the liberation from Japan. Unfortunately, however, the Christian groups who had cooperated with the Japanese occupation and accepted Shinto shrine worship became the dominant group working with the United Nations forces. They focused primarily on political and economic independence and prosperity, but they should have worked for the benefit and resurrection of the Korean churches first. 506 The spiritual groups should have spoken up and asked the former Shinto shrine worshipers to join in a national time of repentance. Together they should have worked for the resurrection of the Christian churches, but they didn’t. If that had happened, those resurrected Korean Christian churches would have been totally ignited with the fervor of expecting the Messiah. They would have been filled with excitement, making preparations for the Second Coming. That is how the church should have been energized. The most fervent Christian work had been going on in North, rather than South, Korea. The North should have played the central role in the needed revival of the Christian churches. If that had been the case, there would have been harmony between North and South, centered on Christianity. But the country became divided between the Cain and Abel elements instead, and the confrontation between them became rampant. Before the revival of the Christian churches could come about, the satanic forces of communism overran the northern part of Korea. Under these circumstances, South Korea had to go along with a separate independence, which was secured in 1948; they had to be separated from the North. SPIRITUAL GROUPS The spiritual groups were the only ones who understood that the Lord of the Second Advent was coming. Before they could become the central figures of the Korean nation, however, they were blocked by three groups. First of all, the conventional Christian hierarchy opposed them because they felt threatened by them. Secondly, the Korean government opposed them, mainly because of influence from established Christianity. Thirdly, the communist government of North Korea opposed them viciously. It was virtually the same position of the Unification Church today. We are supposed to be at the central position, playing the subjective role, but we have been opposed by the same three 507 elements: established Christianity, the secular government, and the power of communism. The Unification Church has been marching forward for 40 years under incredible persecution, but we have been moving steadily toward the goal. We have gone from the family level to the clan, tribal, national and worldwide levels. In the meantime, we have been persecuted and opposed by the established Christian churches, the democratic and the communist governments of the world. Under such difficult circumstances, we have continued to grow and have reached the worldwide level. What about the United States of America? Forty years ago, this country was virtually at the center of the world. It had everything going for it. It was the image of dignity and glamour forty years ago, but today that dignity is virtually gone. This country is losing everything, including its Christian foundation. Because that foundation is shaken, all kinds of internal difficulties and moral corruption have sprung up. I have received persecution from every direction and have dealt with every difficulty, overcoming each one. Finally, I established a beachhead here in America in 1973. Forty years ago, when I first proclaimed the Messianic message, if the Christian world and the United States had accepted it, God’s dispensation would have been fulfilled at that time. Then there would have been no room in the world for the rise of communism. I want you to know that God had been planning and hoping that the Christian foundation would become the Messiah’s foundation and that the Christian leaders would become the disciples of the Messiah. HISTORICAL PARALLEL Two thousand years ago, Jesus was supposed to be supported by John the Baptist. Because of that failure, Judaism came against Jesus at that time, as well as the nation of Israel. Ultimately, the entire weight of the Roman Empire fell upon Jesus. Similarly, when I came to Korea and heralded the 508 message to Korean Christianity, which was in the John the Baptist position, they failed to accept it. Because of that, established Christianity of the world came against me and the secular governments of the free world came against me. Likewise, I was opposed by the power of international communism, which is almost in the position of the Roman Empire at this time. This is the historical parallel. Our job is education. Today I would like to educate Christianity first. As the American home crumbles, the homes of the world crumble, too, because America is in the position to spread its virus to the rest of the world. Therefore, we cannot let this country crumble. Your land, your home is in trouble; it is on fire. The fall of man crept into the family, so Satan’s ultimate goal is destruction of the family unit. Then there will be nothing for man to hold on to. That is Satan’s strategy and that is what he is doing in America today. Somebody has to become the flag-bearer, to go forward and accomplish the mission. The champions will not come out of the traditional Christian churches or the United States government. They will not come from the civil service. The only hope today to bring God’s will to the American home is the Unification Church. TRUE HOPE Only Reverend Moon and the Unification Church represent true hope for this country and world, as well as hope for God. Each one of you has been commissioned with a task today. You are now inheriting this challenge and mission to save America, save Christianity, and liberate the communist world—those three primary missions which I set upon forty years ago. You must understand that I have been working for forty years to lay this foundation so that I could bequeath the mission to you. 509 MISSION IS TO TEACH The globe is our home, our base. That home was invaded and came under satanic rule. At this time, after returning to the United States, I am declaring that your mission is to teach the people of the world that their homes and families must come under God and the True Parents. The name of the True Parents must be restored into every home so that the entire globe can know them. That will be the day of true and ultimate victory. This movement must be spread throughout the globe to every continent, every village. When that happens, you know the world will truly be transformed into the Kingdom of God on earth. THE TIDE CAN BE TURNED After World War II, the United States was given the opportunity to restore the world and, because of that failure, this great country has been declining since then. Now we have come to the end of that decline. Because of the emergence of Reverend Moon and the Unification Church, the tide can be turned. The ultimate goal God established forty years ago shall become a reality, but only with our sweat and labor. America has been responsible for the moral degradation on the worldwide level, because it has spread its viruses of free sex and an animalistic way of life. Now we have to change that. We must indemnify it. BLESSED COUPLES The blessed couples [couples married by Sun Myung Moon], particularly, are in the position of restored Adam and Eve and must spearhead this crusade. All of the blessed couples and every member of the Unification Church must move aggressively forward for national and world salvation, under the banner of the True Parents’ ideal. When the Christian churches and the national leaders come to the awareness of the ideal of the True Parents, what will happen? The entire world and nation will respect and love you as their elder 510 brothers and sisters. America is a Christian nation and Christianity should be in the position of Abel, to embrace with True Parents first. That is the beginning point of victory in this country. American Christianity should win over the Cain-type United States government and bring this nation under the one will of God. What will happen then? The True Father will automatically emerge as the true Abel of the entire United States. “Thirtieth Anniversary Church” May 1, 1984: of the Unification The True Parenthood would have been installed at the time of Jesus if God’s dispensation had been fulfilled and the chosen people had followed Jesus as his children. Then their power would have grown and the nation of Israel would have become a mighty empire. The messianic empire would have spread throughout the Middle East and Asia, encompassing all the Cain-type religions. If such a great thing had happened, the Roman Empire would have been very small in comparison. The Confucianist culture of China and the Buddhist culture of India would have joined with the messianic empire and automatically all of Asia would have been united. After that, the Roman Empire would have become isolated and powerless. Jesus as the True Parent should have gone east, which signifies the starting point. However, the crucifixion occurred and history went in the opposite direction. Christianity spread toward the West, through the Roman Empire. That was the indemnity course. On the foundation of the crucifixion, the Christian culture moved westward to the island of England, then across the Atlantic Ocean to the United States, and then it moved on across the Pacific Ocean to the Far East. But the time for the worldwide showdown between Christ’s power and Satan’s power occurred during World War II. That war was the showdown for the survival of Christianity against satanic power. The entire Christian culture was confronted 511 on the worldwide basis. By their victory, centering upon the Christian nation of the United States, a unique momentum was created for the unity of all the Christian empire. This was the first time throughout history that Christian dominion over the world was possible, because the nations of Christian cultures united together and defeated the non-Christian nations. Upon the foundation of victory in World War II, the United Nations came into being. As a format, that was the right direction but the application was wrong. RELIGIOUS UNITED NATIONS There should have been another United Nations on the internal level, the religious United Nations. In 1965, I came to the U.S. and met with former President Dwight D. Eisenhower. I stressed the importance of mobilizing the religious forces of the world to create the religious UN. Otherwise the United Nations in New York would only become a propaganda tool for the communists. I stressed the importance of preventing the communists from running the UN and the importance of seizing that God-given opportunity at that time. I want you to understand that I was supposed to have united the Christians of Korea by the time I was thirty years old. Thus the national level of unity would have occurred by then. However, because of the opposition and resistance of Korean Christianity, that was not possible. Father says, “When the Lord of the Second Advent came, he was supposed to save the entire humanity from Hell. However, America, centered upon Christianity, failed to recognize him. As a result of this, America has been perishing in the past forty years. It is equivalent to the Israelites at the time of Jesus. They did not receive and recognize Jesus as the Lord. Therefore, for the past 2000 years the Jewish people have been persecuted and opposed throughout the world. Likewise, America is declining to the bottom of Hell. America is in the position of the enemy nation to Reverend Moon because of this failure. But only Reverend Moon 512 is able to apply the brakes to the downward decline of America.” (6-23-96) In his autobiography Father says he sent his first two missionaries to America in 1959: “In January 1959, we sent Young Oon Kim, one of the professors who had been fired by Ewha Womans University. Then in September of that year, we sent David S.C. Kim.” 1960 — MESSIAH MARRIES In 1960 God blessed in marriage the Third Adam to a Korean woman named Hak Ja Han. He was forty years old and she was 17. MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB “Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty thunder peals, crying, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage supper of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to be clothed with fine linen, bright and pure’—for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. And the angel said to me, ‘Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb’” (Rev. 19:6- 9). 513 Father said, “The rapid change of history since 1960 is due to God’s dispensation centering upon the Unification Church. The modern historians don’t know why we’ve entered such a great transitional period.” (Blessing and Ideal Family) Because of the failure of those who were supposed to unite with the young Messiah the world had to suffer under the Cold War and now with Islamic terrorists. 1965 In 1965 Father made his first trip to America on a world tour. He did not do any sightseeing. He went to many nations and made what we call holy grounds. In America he went to all 50 states in 40 days by car. He met the handful of members in America. By the time Father visited in 1965 there were only a few hundred members. Many states had no members. In his autobiography he writes: In 1965, I embarked on my first trip around the world. My suitcase was filled with soil and stones from Korea. My plan was that, as I traveled around the world, I would plant Korea’s soil and stones in each country to signify Korea’s linkage to the world. For ten months, I toured forty countries, including Japan, the United States, and the nations of Europe. On the day I left Seoul, hundreds of our members came in buses to see me off, and they filled the departure lounge at Kimpo Airport. In those days, going overseas was a significant event. Our members thronged to the airport on that January day with a cold strong wind blowing out of the northwest. No one had told them to do this. They did as their hearts told them. I received their hearts with deep gratitude. At that time, we were performing mission work in ten countries, and it was my plan to increase that to forty countries within two years. It was to lay the foundation for this that I decided to visit forty countries on my trip. 514 514 I entered the country through the airport in San Francisco, where I was met by our missionaries. From there, we toured the entire country. During the time I was touring America, I felt strongly, “This is the country that manages the whole world. The new culture that will be created in the future must rise up with America as its foundation.” During my tour of the United States, I visited every state. We rented a station wagon and drove day and night. At times, the driver would be so tired. “Listen here,” I would say, “I didn’t come here for sightseeing. I’m here to do important work. We need to go carefully.” We didn’t waste time sitting down to eat. If we had two slices of bread, a piece of sausage, and some pickles, then that was plenty of food for a meal. We ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner like this. We also slept in the car. The car was our lodging; it was our bed and our restaurant. We ate, slept, and prayed in that small car. There was nothing we couldn’t do there. I had a particular purpose to accomplish, so it was easy for me to endure minor inconveniences to the physical body. 1971 Father came to live in America in December, 1971. He stayed for over 30 years. I do not have the space to go into all the many things Father has done. You might find the books 40 Years in America: 1959—1999: An Intimate History of the Unification Movement and A History of the Unification Church In America, 1959—1974: Emergence of a National Movement by Michael L. Mickler interesting. For over 40 years Sun Myung Moon was the world’ leading anti-communist. 515 515 WORLD WAR III — COLD WAR After World War II, there was approximately 40 years of a Cold War between Christian nations and atheistic Communist nations. The Soviet Union was weak in 1945. America was at its peak. It was God’s golden opportunity for America to spread the Messiah’s teaching, the Divine Principle, to all the corners of the world. Within seven years — from 1945 to 1952 — the entire world was supposed to have accepted the Messiah. It would have been the glorious messianic age. Communism would have disappeared. In 1945 China wasn’t even Communist yet. It would never have gone Communist. If the Messiah had been accepted and the ideology of the Divine Principle had swept the earth then the Soviet Union would have given up its satanic ideology of atheistic Marxism/Leninism and joined the allies of America, England, and France. With Korea they would have led the world in the Messianic Age of the building of a harmonious one world family of mankind who were united on the ideology of the Messiah. Sun Myung Moon teaches: The providential way of salvation is the restoration course. God wanted to save all of humanity centering on the Christian world, which was exactly the situation after World War II, centering on unity of the American government and the Christian world. The government was in the Cain position, 516 with Christianity in the Abel position. That was a peak time for God’s Providence, a time when the whole world could quickly overcome Satan’s control. America was going the correct way, making one world centering on Christianity. But America and its Christian churches could not unite. … The churches failed to create the ideal world. They didn’t have the true ideology, nor did they clearly understand God, their origin, or Satan. Without this knowledge, they couldn’t control the satanic world or America. At the end of World War II, God’s Providence was centered on England, America, and France. If they had united into one, they could have recreated the original relationship. Those countries needed to visit Korea to connect with Father. From there, the original ideal of love would have been recreated. They would have received the ideal love, ideal life, and ideal blood lineage centering on God and True Parents. We are again at this point. The outside world is the wild olive tree; the Unification Church is the original olive tree. I am the original olive tree seed. How can we connect to it? Only through engrafting—taking the wild olive tree branch and grafting it to the original trunk to make a new bud. We can cut down the whole satanic tree! This is the one time we must deny everything and unite completely with God’s true root. Satan’s tree has been flourishing throughout history. After World War II, God had hoped to cut down Satan’s entire tree from the world to the individual levels and engraft it to the true tree. From there, Satan’s remaining foundation would have been cut down. (5-12-91) God knew that the power of religion would be the force to eliminate Satan at the last days. However, religion always has the tendency to become diluted by secular powers. For that reason, God promised that He would send the Messiah. The Messiah 517 comes to bring the fulfillment of God’s ancient covenant and law. He brings original love. Centered upon that original love, he will organize original families, societies, and nations. He will establish a new earthly order. This is the very purpose of the Messiah. The foundation for the Messiah has to be Christianity because Christianity is the only religion to understand that the true nature of God is that of Father. Jesus was the only holy man who called himself the only-begotten son of God. No other religion is founded upon such a teaching. Jesus was indeed the Messiah because God was his Father and he was His only-begotten son. Thus the religion that he founded must become the foundation for the second coming of the Messiah, when God’s original love will be fulfilled. Centering upon original love, Christianity creates the Godly family of Father, Son, brothers and sisters in Christ. This family concept had to be the mainstream of God’s dispensation up to the time of the ultimate fulfillment. Christianity had to become the most widespread religion in the world because God has a big stake in it. He has a plan for fulfilling His dispensation through it. Unfortunately, traditional Christianity was misled by incorrect theology and St. Paul has a great responsibility for this. There are many mistaken ideas, such as Jesus came only to die. Likewise many Christians are content to worry only about their individual salvation, disregarding the matters of this world for one’s own little cubbyhole “upstairs.” The concept of being saved by faith alone is not right either. One must fulfill love in order to go to Heaven. Without the power of love, one can never be separated from satanic bondage. For this reason, God promised mankind that the second Messiah would come as the representative of 518 His original love, bringing liberation from satanic bondage. How can you recognize the second Messiah? The Messiah will teach this principle exactly, point by point, spelling it out. Is there anyone in the world other than Reverend Moon who is teaching precise points about the original ideal of creation and the original concept of salvation centered upon original love? Even Jesus could not teach these points precisely. But the Bible promises that when the end of the world comes, we will no longer have to be taught by symbols and parables but we will learn plainly of the Father. That is what the Divine Principle is all about. That is what you are receiving. What is Reverend Moon teaching? He is teaching the original concept of the love of God and the love of parents, the original concept of Adam and Eve’s relationship and the original concept of children and family. If you learn all the points of this original blueprint from God, then you have the Messiah, you have salvation. If you do not, then you will have to search for somebody else. What do you think? Have you found the Messiah? The Messiah must be elevated to the position of True Parent. Such a concept was never introduced two thousand years ago. Only with the advent of the second Messiah could that concept be fulfilled. He came to organize the family centered upon God’s original love. With this weapon of the original love of God, Satan has the choice to either surrender or retreat. This is the power of the second Messiah. This is the ideal which I came to fulfill. If Korean Christianity in 1945 had accepted this concept and united with me, I would not have had to go through all these legal battles. The end of World War II was a unique time in human history. Korea was closely allied with the United States and the leadership of Korea was Christian. If Christianity had united with 519 me then, the entire nation could have been united. It was the opportunity for Christianity to govern the world. The Messiah should have appeared once Christianity was ready to take dominion over the world. That was the ideal time for the second advent. Do you understand clearly? That special time was the point toward which God had been working throughout the two thousand years of Christian history. Such an opportunity never arose before or since. God knew the value of this opportunity. Thus He wanted the United States, centered upon Christianity, to take the worldwide position of the twentieth-century Roman Empire. Through this nation the world could become Christian and that is why the U.S. had the position it did. At that dispensational time, Reverend Moon was in Jesus’ position, established Christianity was in Judaism’s position, and the United States was in the position of the Roman Empire. The Korean nation was in the position of Israel. All these elements comprised God’s side. That was the historical parallel. After World War II, South Korea was liberated and came under the military rule of the U.S. government. President Syngman Rhee was a Christian, having been educated in the United States and having strong Christian support. The law of indemnity requires that a certain course be followed, starting with the individual, family, tribe, nation and world. Once the Christians of South Korea recognized the Messiah and united with him, all these steps could have been fulfilled within seven years. Before I reached the age of 40, the entire worldwide dispensation would have been fulfilled. The True Mother would have come out of the Christian realm. Perhaps she would have been a British woman. It could be, why not? Once the 520 worldwide foundation had been accomplished, I would have picked the True Mother on the world level. Imagine if the royal princess of England had become the True Mother. I am only interested in one thing—how to restore the world. It is because our movement was rejected by Korean Christianity that our boundaries became so limited. If we had been supported, the Korean movement would have immediately become insignificant because the movement would have become worldwide and universal, with no boundaries. Let’s say that the True Mother had come from Great Britain, the source of the English-speaking culture. The U.S. is in the position of son to Great Britain. It would have been very rapid and easy for America to humble itself to Britain. With such circumstances, God’s providence would have progressed very rapidly. The Messiah would have had dominion over the world. Even in the face of total opposition, I was able to create a worldwide foundation, so imagine how much I could have accomplished in seven years if I had been given the proper welcome. Do you think I am capable of that? Communism could have been stopped at that time. It certainly would not have come as far as it has. However, all these possibilities were destroyed when established Christianity opposed me. That is why communism was able to grow rampantly and conquer over two-thirds of the world. If I had been supported and accepted by Christianity, what leading powers of the world would have opposed me? This Christian nation of America would not have opposed me; Judaism would not have opposed me; neither would Christianity or the free world. The UN was created in ignorance of its proper guiding principles. The U.S. should have taken the governing position of righteousness over the United 521 Nations, but instead they gave up their world leadership. (5-20-84) If there had been no opposition from established Christianity forty years ago, perhaps I would have married a British woman. That’s true. At that time, the Eve nation was Britain. America was born from that country, so America is the son. The son is the representative of Adam and Eve. Standing in the middle in the archangel position at that time was France. France always goes either way, every time. (9-7-86) Tragically after World War II those in the John the Baptist position rejected the young Messiah. The young Messiah, like Jesus, had to then take a suffering course and go out and witness to average people and build a group around him who would protect him and act as John the Baptist. The powerful leaders of the world such as Syngman Rhee and President Roosevelt never knew. Because Korea and the Allies remained ignorant of God’s will, they declined. By not taking their leadership role, the Soviet Union grew in strength. Communism spread like wildfire after 1945. In 40 years it controlled almost half of the earth’s population. RETURN OF JOHN THE BAPTIST If the young Messiah had been accepted in his first three years of ministry, then he would have gone to America. God had prepared Billy Graham to be the worldwide John the Baptist to prepare the way for the Lord of the Second Advent. Billy Graham became nationally famous in 1949 which is the same time that he would have met the Messiah if those Christians in the John the Baptist position in Korea would have accepted him. John the Baptist was a little older than Jesus and Billy Graham is a little older than Sun Myung Moon. BILLY GRAHAM WAS WORLDWIDE JOHN THE BAPTIST Elijah and John the Baptist have worked with Billy Graham to make him famous. He does not know they are trying to get him to accept the new Messiah anymore than John the Baptist knew that Elijah was working with him to accept Jesus. Billy Graham, like John the Baptist, has rejected the Messiah. Because he and the 522 Christian leaders have done so it is extremely difficult for the one billion Christians to accept the new Messiah because they follow and believe their leaders. God prepared Billy Graham. It is no coincidence that Billy Graham accepted Jesus in North Carolina 6 months before Sun Myung Moon met Jesus on Easter 1935 in what is today North Korea. John the Baptist was exactly 6 months older than Jesus. It is no coincidence that the future wife of the worldwide Messiah, Ruth Bell, was attending a Christian school in Pyongyang, North Korea at the same time in the 1930s. She is the same age as the Messiah. She was a lonely teenager living away from her parents but growing in her faith at this time. God was working to prepare her to help her future husband accept the Oriental Messiah. God had hoped the three of them would have met after the first 3 years of the young Messiah’s ministry. The three years from 1949-1952 Billy Graham would have introduced Father worldwide and the world would have accepted the Second Coming of Christ. In 1950 President Harry Truman invited Billy Graham to the White House. In 1954 he went with his wife to London for a 12-week crusade. He was internationally famous then and should have been introducing the Messiah instead of preaching that this was the time of the Second Coming and Christ would come on the clouds. President Kennedy was driving a car in 1960 with Billy Graham. He pulled over to the side of the road and with total seriousness asked Billy Graham what the Second Coming of Christ meant. Billy Graham is ignorant of the meaning of the Second Coming and therefore did not explain the Bible correctly to President Kennedy. God’s plan was for Korea to be a united nation under the Messiah who would have been honored by every nation. It would have been a Messianic Age that would have ushered in world peace. The magnitude of the Messiah is beyond comprehension. He is the root of world peace. He is the center of God’s providence. We can do nothing without him. He is the key to complete and perfect happiness. Actions have consequences. If we accept the Messiah it is a great and glorious day. If we don’t accept the Messiah, the result is suffering that is indescribable. Because Jesus was rejected, we have had a nightmare of war and pain for 2000 years. The pain and terror of the years since the Messiah was humiliated at his trial 523 in 1948 is beyond words to express. We can only imagine how joyful the world have been if the Messiah had been embraced instead of spit on. The Messiah is always completely pure and innocent. He is the embodiment of true love, yet he has been put in prison six times— once in a Japanese prison, once in North Korea, three times in South Korea and once in America. The total time he has spent in prison has been five years. Almost three years of that was in a death camp in North Korea. AMERICA DECLINED America since 1945 has rapidly gone downhill in spirit and morals. Christian leaders were weak and offered no vision against the sexual revolution championed by the Liberal feminists. Many Christian ministers did not take leadership as anti-communists. Because of the failure of the Christians, the chosen people, to accept the Messiah, there has been a war of ideology and sometimes of bloody fighting between the Free world and the Communist world. In 1952 Liberals took control of the United States House of Representatives and ruled for 40 years until 1992. Their socialist/feminist crusade for Satan turned America into a Sodom and Gomorrah. America became the champion of free sex. Father explains: The archangel’s position is to protect Adam and Eve, thus the religious world was supposed to serve as protection for the Messiah when he came. There was a golden opportunity for this archangelic realm to be created right after World War II, centered upon the United States. This would have stopped the expansion of communism and the U.S. would have been the leading nation for Christianity. Unfortunately, the U.S. failed to fulfill and could not protect God’s realm and property. Communism has run rampant throughout the free world and has even infiltrated world Christianity, for example through the World Council of Churches. The current trend of liberation theology and “Christian Marxism” is the way in which 524 communism has infiltrated Christian churches. The ministers who are following such theology and trying to play an “activist” role are being used by the communists whether they realize it or not. God has not given us any weapon to fight against this sort of thing except love. God’s way of defeating His enemies is by natural subjugation, never by force. (11-5-83) DEMOCRATIC vs. AUTHORITARIAN The Cold War with the Soviet Union ended in 1992. Since then there has been a Cain-Abel division world wide between democratic governments and authoritarian governments. Communist countries like China, North Korea and Cuba still exist. Some of the most dangerous countries in the world are ruled by Islamic fundamentalists. America went to war against the authoritarian governments of Afghanistan and Iraq in its fight against Islamic totalitarianism. Sun Myung Moon explains the root of the problem: Who is Barabbas? He was supposed to die, but because of Jesus, he survived, isn’t that true? The Arabic realm is today’s Islamic realm. Islam came from Christianity and has deviated from the religious tradition. They are the Cain-type world religion, the Barabbas-type religion. If you do not accept the Koran, you are put to death. Do you understand? In the democratic world, Christianity is the internal, spiritual standard. In the Communist world, Islam can stand in the internal position. Therefore, Islam and Christianity are historical enemies, and also democracy and Communism are historical enemies. Which country is like Barabbas? It is the Islamic countries, holding in one hand the Koran and in the other the sword. That is not the essence of real faith. They are fundamentally wrong if seen from original religious teachings. Islam definitely became the internal and external side of communism. 525 The Islamic realm is the problem, and the Communist world is the problem. (Way Of Unification Part 1) The Third World War is between militant, totalitarian Communism that represents the external threat to world peace and militant, totalitarian Islam that represents the internal threat to world peace. The internal threat is a greater threat than the external. There has also been a deep division within democratic nations between Liberal and Conservative values. Those on the Left have dominated the culture. Now the tide is turning toward the Right. This is why the Republicans shocked everyone by regaining leadership in the United States House of Representatives in 1992 after being out of power for exactly 40 years. The Messiah has had the monumental job of reaching out to the world since the 1950s with his rag-tag followers who are branded heretics and brainwashed cult followers because they are dedicated to save this world with the logic of the Divine Principle. Satan rules this world and his evil spirits have been successful so far in keeping people from hearing the Principle. And when those few people who do hear this magnificent truth that clarifies the Bible and proclaims God’s dream of the ideal world, many are in a spiritual fog and are blinded by evil spirits from grasping the good news. In time every person will accept the Divine Principle. How long that takes depends on when fallen mankind wakes up to the truth brought by the Messiah that will save this world from the terrible divisions that make every person’s life a living nightmare. God will never rest and the followers of the Messiah will never rest until the Divine Principle is taught to every human being and this world becomes one united family centered on God’s rational universal laws of life. When we hear the simple truths of the Divine Principle God and Jesus want us to do our duty to save people from the powerful forces of darkness that everyone is abused by. We are called by God to be small messiahs and help the worldwide Messiah in God’s crusade to build a world utopia. EVERYONE A MESSIAH Father teaches that we are all supposed to be messiahs: “When you 526 lie down you must think that you are Jesus lying down: ‘My body is the resurrected body of Jesus. I am reviving Jesus’ breath that was stilled 2,000 years ago.’ Is this criminal in light of the Bible? Not at all. The Bible is teaching us to become one body with Jesus; Jesus taught, ‘I am in the Father and the Father is in me.’ He also said, ‘You are in me and I am in you.’ Jesus meant that everyone can become a representative of the Messiah, a part of the Messiah. Your becoming the physical manifestation of the Messiah is the essence of God’s ideology and Jesus’ ideology. God created everyone to be a messiah. As long as there are people who need to be saved the title of Messiah is needed.” (God’s Warning to the World) The Messiah has a blueprint for world peace. His words and example bring hope and light to this dangerous and suffering world. We can do nothing without Sun Myung Moon. We must humble ourselves to the truth, no matter how much it hurts us to hear things that are opposite of what we deeply believe. Father explains that in the Last Days what is true looks like a lie and what are lies are seen as truths. The only solution to the massive problems from the ecology of nature to the ecology of the family is the life giving words of Sun Myung Moon. We should read them everyday as a family and work hard everyday to get his books in the hands of every person. Father has worked harder than any person who has ever lived and his followers have worked very hard. The Unification Movement is growing and will eventually be a minority big enough to rule the world in every area of life. Then the rest of the world will join. God is greater than Satan and sooner or later His truth will rule this world instead of the lies of those who rule now in this terrible cultural war we are in. The tide is beginning to turn in favor of God and against the deadly teachings of those in the Democratic Party, liberal universities and morally corrupt Hollywood stars. God’s values such as abstinence are beginning to be heard and accepted instead of the crusade for free sex and normalizing homosexuality as taught by those who now lead in our culture. 527 CULTURAL WAR There is now a movement in this cultural war for capitalism, limited government and the biblical traditional, patriarchal family instead of the socialism, big government and feminist family values of the last 40 years. Millions of women are giving up the Marxist/feminist sexual revolution and returning home to care for their husband and children. The most famous feminist of the twentieth century summed up the feminist philosophy in one sentence when she said, “A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after.” God’s way is the opposite of this. God is beginning to reach mankind with true family values. Islamic totalitarians and crusaders for same-sex marriages are the main antichrists in these Last Days. The Messiah comes to teach mankind the truth. God has worked to create a worldwide communications and transportation system to enable the Messiah to teach the world. It is no accident that in such a short time in the 20th century we have cars, planes and lightening-fast satellite communication. This is what the Bible speaks of in symbolic language in Luke 17:24: “For as the lightening flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, so will the Son of Man be in his day.” The purpose of having a television and computer in every home is that God wants America to see the Messiah and hear the Divine Principle. The purpose of the Internet is to spread the good news of the Divine Principle to every home. “Wherever you may go, please try to spread Sun Myung Moon’s message through television or other media.” (8-1-96) We are living now in the Last Days. We are in an age where evil is being judged and subjugated and goodness is on the rise, and God 528 will reign instead of Satan. We are in a cosmic spring that only a few are seeing now but that will dramatically change. TECHNOLOGY “In Jesus’ day, the Roman Empire ruled the vast domains around the Mediterranean Sea, integrated by an advanced and extensive transportation system reaching out in all directions. This was the center of a vast Hellenistic civilization founded on the Greek language. Thus, all the necessary preparations had been made for a swift transmission of the teachings of the Messiah from Israel, where Jesus lived, to Rome and the world. Similarly, in the present era of the Second Advent, the influence of the Western powers has expanded the democratic political sphere throughout the world. The rapid progress of transportation and communication has greatly bridged the gap between East and West, and the extensive contact among languages and cultures has brought the world much closer together. These factors have fully prepared an environment in which the teachings of the returning Christ can freely and swiftly be conveyed to the hearts of all humankind. This will enable his teachings to bring rapid and profound changes all over the globe” (Exposition of the Divine Principle). A proverb says that, “all roads lead to Rome.” Roman roads were superbly made. At its peak, the Roman road system spanned 50,000 miles. Laid out end to end, Roman roads would have stretched more than twice around the world’s equator. Reliably constructed from four separate layers one meter thick, many have lasted over 2,000 years. Many of them, and even their bridges, are still in use today! God had intended for them to be used for the purpose of transmitting Jesus’ vision just as our modern roads and television are intended to transit the Divine Principle. We are living in the most exciting time in history. Jesus had such historical impact because of his message of love and now the Lord of the Second Advent has come and spoken the whole truth of God’s love. The Completed Testament is the volumes of speeches and hours of video of the Messiah. 529 UNIFICATION CHURCH — THIRD AND FINAL CHOSEN PEOPLE Through Jacob’s victory, Israel became God’s chosen people. When they failed the Christians became the chosen people—the second Israel. When Christians failed, the Messiah created a third and final chosen people—those that follow and support him—the Unification Church. Sun Myung Moon teaches: “Today, at the time of the Second Coming, why has Father been denied and persecuted? One of the biggest reasons is that Christianity has been expecting the Lord of the Second Advent to come on the clouds of heaven. But Reverend Moon was born as a man of flesh. Therefore, Christianity totally departed from Father, repeating the mistake of the time of Jesus. That is why Father had to abandon Christianity as his base and build up his own new foundation, which is the Unification Church and movement throughout the world. We have seen such a drastic decline of the power of traditional Christianity after World War II. In some cases, Christianity even united with atheistic communism. How could Christianity ever align itself with a God-denying philosophy such as communism?” (4-25-93) When Jesus was rejected by the religious leaders he had to take a secondary course and find disciples at the bottom of society. When religious leaders rejected Sun Myung Moon he also had to find disciples from simple young people. The building blocks of the Kingdom of Heaven are families who are centered on God and the Messiah. The Messiah is doing that by teaching mankind to be absolutely pure and moral and create eternal, God centered marriages. 1992 In 1992 when he was 72 years old Sun Myung Moon proclaimed himself the Messiah In a speech titled “Leaders Building a World of Peace” given on August 24, 1992 at the Little Angels Performing Arts Center in Seoul, Korea he proclaimed: Our movement must bring salvation to all families, all nations, all states and, finally, to the entire world. It must be a family-saving, nation-saving, world- 530 saving movement. Our families are being destroyed by the debasement of sexual ethics through illicit relationships and decadent lifestyles. Every nation is suffering the agony of the destruction of its moral standards and the accompanying increase in crime. There is no solution in sight to the conflicts between political factions. Poverty and ignorance continue to plague us. There is no sign that we may be nearing solutions to the world’s international border disputes, to the attitudes of prejudice between religious groups, or to the conflicts between the various races and ethnic groups. World peace is under constant threat from the selfish actions of the world’s countries and peoples. Environmental pollution also is destroying our planet to the degree that we are approaching a serious crisis for the future of humankind. We may all find ourselves on a common path of destruction, unless we are able to resolve the crisis we face through a love that transcends all national boundaries and ethnic differences and encompasses all the world’s people. Let me emphasize again— any successful resolution of this crisis must be based on an effort to build a unified world through a movement of true love rooted in the Unification Principle, or Godism. In early July, I spoke in five cities around Korea at rallies held by the Women’s Federation for World Peace. There, I declared that my wife, WFWP President Hak Ja Han Moon, and I are the True Parents of all humanity. I declared that we are the Savior, the Lord of the Second Advent, the Messiah. Why would I stand before women leaders of Korea and make such an astonishing and fearful announcement? The reason is that God has been carrying out His providence to send the Messiah as the second perfected Adam who has subjugated Satan, in order to establish a perfected Eve who will represent all women. God has done this, because it was when Satan caused Eve to fall that human history came to be permeated with sin. Also, women are the central point for the love, 531 peace and spirit of service that protect our families, and it is the healthy family that must be the starting point in our work to build world peace. The establishment of God-centered family ethics and the education of our children lie at the innermost core of my teachings as the person who has declared for himself the responsibilities of the Messiah. The family is the holy sanctuary that must cleanse this defiled world. If we say that heaven is a symbol of man, then earth is a symbol of woman. The house is the stage on which a woman’s life is played out. The mother is the center of a nest filled with love for all the members of the family. The family, with the mother at its center, is the basic unit making up the nation and the world. We can provide new impetus to the work of giving opportunities for meaningful exchanges and education on a God-centered vision for world peace to people of all countries and all walks of life, including political leaders, scholars, religious leaders, journalists and educators, as well as leaders of women and youth. This vision of world peace will be centered on families in which mothers, representing all women of the world, accomplish mind-body unity through love. If you will embrace my proposal and join me in this task, then our efforts are certain to bring the world of peace that is the object of God’s desire to all of humanity within the remaining eight years of the twentieth century. We who are gathered here this evening will be the leaders in opening the gates to a world of peace for the coming twenty-first century. Father Moon has spoken several times about how hard it was for him to find out what really happened in the Garden of Eden and how God has worked throughout history. To find the truth he paid a terrible price. He was attacked and overcame unbelievable obstacles as he spent many years digging deeper and deeper to find the secrets of the universe. Satan worked hard to spiritually and physically kill Sun Myung Moon to prevent him from exposing Satan. In a speech given on December 25, 1994 he said: 532 Hidden Secrets Just imagine how desperately serious Father was when he was finding out all of the hidden secrets of Adam’s family and all of the historical families and how they failed. Do you think Father took it all for granted? Father had to put his neck on the block in a life and death fight. Satan constantly tried to chase Father out and confuse him, changing the direction. Imagine just how manipulative and evil Satan has been throughout human history, even against God. He played games against God. Then suddenly this innocent Father Moon appeared. Do you imagine that Satan just left him alone? Satan was desperate to block him. From Father’s point of view, in order to create the future ideal world, he had to obtain the voluntary surrender from Satan. That was the condition. Father restored the failure of Adam’s family through a severe battle. There were so many times that he met with denial and refusal. But Father had to restore it. As Father kept on going with logic and proof, then finally Satan had to admit it. After Father succeeded in revealing all of the hidden secrets from Adam’s family, then Satan tried to block him regarding Noah’s family. Father then had to struggle once again in order to discover all of the hidden secrets of failure within Noah’s family in order to restore that stage. When Father came up with all of the facts of how Ham failed in Noah’s family, Satan denied the truth many times. Again, step-by-step, as Father kept producing the factual proof finally Satan bowed down and surrendered that Father was correct. That is how Father restored the failure of Noah in his family. After this Satan told Father that even though he had restored Adam’s family failure, and Noah’s family failure, still history carried on through Abraham’s family. This area Satan claimed Father had not touched yet and so the world still belonged to him. Once again Satan tried to block 533 Father’s way by telling him not to touch Abraham’s family because he had nothing to do with it yet. Father had to fight again. Once more Father began to dig into all of the secrets of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob, the Israelites’ 400 years of history all at different stages, including the restoration between Jacob and Esau and the story of Tamar. Finally Satan bowed down once again. Nobody knew how desperately Father had to fight in order to restore again, not just Abraham’s family but all the way to Moses’ family. He found all the facts and confronted Satan with those facts and the facts of Jesus’ family and John the Baptist’s failure, and restored them back again. Nobody in history knew what kind of life course Father had to go through in order to achieve that goal. Nobody knew what kind of course Father passed through in the last forty years in order to restore the entire 4000 years of human history back to God. Sun Myung Moon fought Satan and persevered against unbelievable waves of attacks from the forces of darkness and he was victorious in finding the truth. He boldly states, “Nobody is able to think more deeply than Reverend Moon, nobody has done as much to teach about the reality of God.” (9-20-92) Father Moon said in a speech titled “Proclamation of the Messiah — The Reappearance of the Second Coming and the Completed Testament Era” (January 10, 1993): In “The Reappearance of the Second Coming,” what does reappearance mean? The Lord of the Second Advent was to appear in 1945, but since that foundation was lost, he must reappear now. From 1945 to 1952 was seven years, and from 1952 to 1992 was forty years, during which time Father reindemnified everything. Why 40 years? Father has to restore the 4,000 years of Israelite and Christian history. But Father cannot live 4,000 years or even 400 years, so his only option was to do it in 40 years. Within this mere 40 years, Father reindemnified the entire 4,000 years of the Old and 534 New Testament eras. All realms of individuals, families, tribes and nations and the whole world itself opposed Father. God and Father were chased out into the wilderness, and they now have climbed up each wall inch by inch and have pulled down each wall of the eight stages, from the individual wall to cosmic wall. To bring world peace the Messiah teaches that mankind must unite under his ideology. Father has successfully restored all the failures of the Central Figures of the Past. He says: I can understand my mother’s feelings. Whenever I had something interesting I would talk to my mother about it, and no matter how tired she was or how much work she had to do, she would listen. That is a vivid memory for me. Even though I would speak to her for hours, her eyes glowed and she would ask, “Then what? Then what?” That was our relationship. Would God’s feeling toward men be less than my mother’s feeling toward her son? It could not have been less. Since God’s feelings toward His own children go beyond any physical boundary and beyond time, His love is always there. Would it be good for God to keep some distance from you? Never forget that no matter how difficult it was, God’s feeling was always close. We can understand how much God wanted to embrace Noah when he was working so hard, obeying God’s commands for hundreds of years. Even so, however, Noah was not quite in a position where God could be with him directly. There was no way God could interfere with Abraham’s suffering course while he was wandering in the wilderness. God would have liked to console and encourage him, but He could not do that. How heartbroken God was because these central figures were not at the level of original heart. They would make some advance, only to plunge down again, and God had to persevere whenever they failed. In Jacob’s case too, it was not possible for God to be near and speak to him when he went to get his bride in difficult times. Even after Jacob 535 worked hard for seven years, Laban gave him Leah as a bride, instead of Rachel. Since there was nothing God could do about it, how would God have felt? Until this time we did not know God could not interfere with Jacob’s course; now we know that God’s interference would have lessened the meaning of what Jacob could accomplish. Therefore, God had to let him persevere and let him achieve everything by himself. Restoration by indemnity is that difficult. When you joined the Unification Church you began to understand the meaning of indemnity and how restoration becomes possible. Jacob’s hard work in Haran was necessary to indemnify any basis for Satan to accuse him. He worked very hard and managed to work this out, but even as he was about to return to Canaan an angel tried to stop him at the ford of Jabbok. The angel claimed that Jacob had to wrestle with him and win before he could leave there. Knowing Jacob’s determination in the previous years, you can understand how Jacob would have felt. He immediately jumped at the angel and continued wrestling all night. Chances are that he would have been beaten again and again, but one thing Jacob wouldn’t do is give up. The angel didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t prepared to cope with such zeal, so he said, “Let’s call it a draw.” But Jacob wouldn’t listen to that and just clung on, insisting, “No, I’m winning.” Finally the angel said, “I have won, but let’s say you won.” Ordinary people would have believed the angel was sincere, and stopped fighting, but Jacob knew that if he did that then Satan would spring forward and knock Jacob out. So instead of trusting what the angel said, Jacob kept fighting. The angel dislocated Jacob’s thigh, and Satan couldn’t do anything to Jacob after that. When Satan felt that Jacob was quite different from anyone in the fallen dominion, God moved in and gave Jacob blessing. How did God feel when the fighting came to a climax? Knowing the consequences, God couldn’t do a thing except watch and hope Jacob would be victorious. 536 When Jacob won, in deep relief and approval God gave him the name Israel. From that moment on, God could lift Jacob up. For nearly 2,000 years God has been bringing mankind up and raising his standards ever higher. During this time how often did the people fail who were charged with historical responsibility in the dispensation? There were ups and downs, but mostly downs, yet all during this time God never ceased anticipating the day of celebration and congratulations to come. His only desire was to keep up the work and wait for the day when He could send the Messiah. The only thing I can be proud of is having persevered even when I was chased out and persecuted. Did that happen because I was incapable of doing anything? Was I constantly being chased and not taking any initiative, or could I persevere because I really was capable? For whose sake did I persevere? There are many unpredictable things about people. Since I know very well about all the people who have betrayed God’s expectations, I will be the last one to repeat the same historical mistake. I will be the first one who does not betray God. Therefore, I am desperately trying to make this a success. I retreated when I thought it was wise, and charged when I thought it was necessary. I even went sideways when the situation demanded it. In weaving together all these complicated situations, I have finally gotten to the destination. What is my ultimate goal? The only thing I desire is to untangle what is tangled in God’s heart. and to console Him. I will indemnify all that needs to be indemnified and restore everything. This is what I keep pledging to God in prayer, always carrying on His mission. There were many instances when I kept telling myself, “In this one battle you must not die. You must be victorious and live. You cannot afford to falter in Korea. This is what heaven has been sending me and so many other hundreds of people for.” I kept on and pledged to live to see the victorious day to dedicate it to God. It wasn’t for my 537 personal salvation, but to fulfill God’s will and the ultimate purpose of God’s creation. (1-1-81) The following speech was given after his 50 state speaking tour in America in 2001 that expresses some of his basic teachings: IDEAL OF TRUE FAMILIES When I was sixteen years old [Koreans calculate age as one year old at birth] I met Jesus early Easter morning, and set out on the path of Heaven’s Will to accomplish the Will of God. I suffered all manner of misunderstanding and persecution, but I never gave up. So I have devoted my life of more than eighty years to the effort of bringing about a world of peace based on the ideal of true families. In 1971, I came to America in obedience to God’s command, and for the past thirty years have invested my full spirit and energy to guide America so that it can fulfill the mission for which it was chosen, that is, the mission of the second Israel. PAIR SYSTEM Ladies and Gentlemen, more than six billion people are now living in the world. Without exception they fall into one of two categories: man or woman. In fact, God created all beings, including those of the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, with yang nature and yin nature. In other words, He created a pair system. That is because He created the universe to resemble Himself. Let us ask, then, who is God to us? What is His relationship with humankind? We refer to Him as “Father,” because He is our source of true love, true life and true lineage. Thus, the original relationship between God and humanity is that of parent and child. LINEAGE There is nothing more important to us than love, life and lineage. Among these, which do you think has most value? Many people think that it is love. However, no matter how valuable love and life are, 538 they are horizontal in nature. They appear and conclude within one generation. On the other hand, lineage is vertical in nature and continues forever, generation after generation. This generation has inherited the lineage passed down through our ancestors. We are like a corporation composed of cells inherited from all of our ancestors going back to Adam. MIND-BODY DISUNITY What is the reality of the environment in which we live? Our mind and body have been fighting against each other since the beginning of history. World wars eventually conclude with a truce, or the defeat of one side, but the struggle between the human mind and body cannot be stopped; it continues without end. The mind and body failed to form a ninety-degree angle in resemblance to God, within whom the mind completely controls the body. The fall of the human ancestors brought on this state of mutual conflict. Even non-religious people have to acknowledge that human beings descended from fallen ancestors. Did God expel Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden before or after they committed the fall? He expelled them from the Garden because of the fall, so it must have taken place after the fall, and before they could form a relationship of love, life and lineage with God. Thus, Adam and Eve could not have a marriage ceremony blessed by God. Instead, they married under Satan’s dominion. Doing so, they inherited Satan’s lineage and multiplied descendants. For this reason, Jesus spoke so sharply when he pointed out that the devil Satan is the father of fallen humankind, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire.” (John 8:44) The fall destroyed the eternal relationship of parent and child between God, on the one hand, and Adam and Eve, on the other. Therefore, Adam and Eve were unable to generate the love of true parents, true husband and wife, and true children. Because of this, God never had 539 grandchildren of direct descent. Adam and Eve should have avoided the fall and reached completion, forming one mind and one body as true parents centering on God, their True Parent. Instead, they entered into a relationship with the enemy and found themselves in a position with their body in total control of their mind. THE ROOT OF HUMAN SIN What then is the truth behind the fall story? The Bible states that the fall originated when the first human ancestors in the Garden of Eden ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This is one of many important passages that the Bible expresses in parables and symbols. It does not refer to a literal fruit. As Jesus said in Matthew 15:11, “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.” It is human nature to try to hide our defects. A child caught stealing a cookie by his mother will instinctively hide his hands or cover his mouth. In the same way, if Adam and Eve had taken a piece of fruit and put it into their mouth, then they would have hidden their hands or covered their mouth when God called them. The fact that they hid their lower parts instead demonstrates that their crime was committed through the lower parts of their body. There were five masculine figures in the Garden of Eden. First, there was God, who is the subject partner of the entire created world. Then there was Adam and the three angels, Lucifer, Gabriel and Michael. Eve was the only feminine figure. What do you think they felt, standing naked and without shame in the Garden of Eden, observing the insects and animals coming together in pairs? The commandment given in Genesis 2:17, “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die,” was a strong warning about Eve’s love. Eve had to protect her sexual purity until she achieved maturity with a God-centered character and entered into a 540 blessed marriage with God’s permission. Had she succeeded, she would have multiplied God’s eternal love, life and lineage. Eve fell, however, because Lucifer disregarded his servant’s position and drew her into an immoral relationship based on his excessive desire. Thus, in 2 Peter 2:4 the Bible says, “... God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment;” and Jude 6-7 states, “And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.” Clearly, the angels committed the sin of adultery. I repeat: the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil represents Eve’s reproductive organ, and God gave the commandment to protect her chastity. When He created us, God invested His entire heart and soul in our reproductive organs. He created them as the palace of true love, the palace of true life, and the palace of true lineage. The story places the fruit in the context of good and evil in order to tell us that if Eve were to have a relationship with a king, she would give birth to a prince, and if she were to have a relationship with a Mafioso, she would give birth to a villain. The quality of the harvest depends upon the seed that is planted. It was called the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because it could manifest good or evil. THE FRUIT OF SEXUAL IMMORALITY This is how the original sin, the root of all sin, came into existence. This is why it became necessary for human beings to find rebirth. Rebirth is necessary because the problem relates to lineage. The Bible also depicts the archangel symbolically, as a serpent. Why is that? The 541 serpent’s tongue splits into two at the end, and so the serpent came to symbolize a person who uses his one mouth to say two completely different things, or a person who will use any means to accomplish his selfish purposes. A man’s reproductive organ is shaped like the head of a poisonous snake. It is always looking for a hole to slither into. A woman’s reproductive organ is concave, like the wide-open mouth of a poisonous snake with fangs. Once this snake bites, poison quickly spreads through the body, bringing eternal death. Adultery does not just destroy the individual, but also the family, clan and nation. In the Garden of Eden, Satan defiled the chastity of youth. He is harvesting the fruit of that crime in the wave of immorality that is engulfing the world’s youth in this time of the last days, when history reaches its conclusion. ONE KEY ONLY If the reproductive organs are this important, to whom do they belong? A wife’s reproductive organ belongs to her husband, and a husband’s belongs to his wife. In this circumstance, a person’s reproductive organ can be unlocked by one key and one key only. Under no circumstances should you make a spare key. This absolutely cannot be permitted. The wrongful use of this key leads to the destruction of the family and the nation. NEED FOR MESSIAH The fall of the first human ancestors allowed Satan to have grandchildren and prevented God from having this experience. Because the false parent influenced the act of adultery, there arose the need for a Savior, or Messiah, and for True Parents. Since Adam and Eve’s marriage was wrongful in God’s eyes, the Messiah was destined to come as the True Parents in order to restore humankind through marriage rightful in God’s eyes. The branches of the false olive tree must be cut off and engrafted onto the true olive tree. This is why Jesus said to Nicodemus that one 542 cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven without first being reborn. Everyone must separate from false love, false life and the false lineage and engraft onto true love, true life and the true lineage in order to be reborn as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven. It is possible to engraft families and even entire nations all at once. For this cause, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, centering on my teaching, has been working to bring the kingdom of Heaven on earth and in Heaven through the ideal of true families. If you doubt this, please pray about it. I discovered this truth through prayer so intense that my very life was at risk. I do not think there is anyone who knows more about the spirit world and God than I do. Heaven’s strategy is to allow itself to be struck first, and then to use this as a condition to take something from the other side. Satan strikes first, but in the end he has to pay reparations. Heaven teaches us to love even our enemies. In fact, Heaven ultimately requires us to love even Satan. Such love is proof that one is spiritually alive. I visited Mikhail Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung in order to practice God’s true love by loving my enemies. HOLY WEDDINGS Persecution plays into God’s strategy for us to inherit all of Satan’s rights to ownership. Individuals and even the entire cosmos opposed me, but this opposition only served as my opportunity to develop further. You must come to know God with certainty. This is why the international holy blessing ceremonies [mass weddings] I have officiated in the name of the True Parents, in the face of opposition, have liberated the God who has lived in sorrow and grief due to the fall of the first human ancestors. These ceremonies transcend racial and national differences and break down the barriers between enemies. ABSOLUTE PURITY AND FIDELITY I have always taught that we must maintain absolute purity before marriage and absolute fidelity after the 543 holy blessing of marriage. By doing so, we can build a family that incarnates God’s four attributes of absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal love. A man who is created in this way, as the reciprocal partner of true love, represents Heaven, or half the universe, and a woman who is created in the same way represents the earth, the other half. Thus, once a couple is married in the holy blessing, they are never to divorce. Divorce divides parents and children. The tide of divorce, now exceeding fifty percent of marriages, utterly destroys the underlying social discipline of moral law and human ethics. THE RELATIONSHIP OF MAN AND WOMAN Ladies and gentlemen, whom do you think God loves more, men or women? The later the creation the more valuable it is, because the Creator invests more of His dedication. Woman was the later creation into which God poured His entire heart and being. If you notice, women, more than men are born for the sake of others and live for the sake of others. So God’s interest and love tend to go more to women. Where does God want to reside? If Adam and Eve had not fallen but had reached completion and become one with each other centering on true love, then God would have dwelled with them. God is the owner of vertical and eternal love and the husband is the owner of horizontal love. So the seed of life comes from God and is inside the husband. Women are like a garden. They receive the seed and sacrifice their body to provide it nourishment, nurture the fetus with love, and then give birth. The baby receives 99 percent of its bones and flesh from its mother. If you look at how a woman is shaped, you will notice that there is no part of her body that exists for her own sake. Do her well-developed breasts and hips belong to her? No, they exist for the sake of her babies. The womb, which men lack, and the monthly menstrual cycle also exist for the sake of her babies. To whom do a woman’s reproductive organs belong? Do they belong to her husband or to herself? They belong to her husband. In the end, we 544 see that a woman is created to live for her husband and her children. So a husband must attend to his wife as the queen of queens. When his wife is breast feeding and nurturing the baby, the husband must do everything he can for the sake of his wife and baby. HUSBAND IS SUBJECT The husband is responsible to rear the children born to him and his wife to become filial children, patriots to the nation, saints for the world and finally divine sons and daughters of God. In this way, husband and wife relate as subject and object partners. In terms of quality, men and women are equal in value. However, in terms of the order of things, the husband, who holds the seed of life within him, is the subject partner. With her husband as absolute subject partner, a wife and the children should create one heart and one body and offer a true family to God. ONE WORLD FAMILY Ladies and gentlemen, with the opening of the new millennium we are moving quickly in the direction of a unified world. We are going beyond “one nation under God” and are moving toward “one universe under God.” The unified family of humankind that I prophesied many years ago is becoming a reality. There are still formidable obstacles on the path, in particular racism and religious strife. These stand against the will of God. God is the first ancestor of humankind. In a manner of speaking, white people are a polar bear race. Starting in the Arctic regions they spread to Scandinavia, Britain, and on across the world. The yellow race lived mainly in Asia practicing agriculture. They had a deep love for the land, so their skin turned brown. Black people are like the black bear of the tropics. The reason their skin is black is that they lived near the equator, where the sun’s rays are intense. The different skin colors among the races have no significance in terms of superiority or inferiority. It is simply a matter of our having adapted to different environments. 545 In fact, we know that the qualitative makeup of our bodies is 99.96% identical. From God’s standpoint, skin color has no qualitative significance whatsoever. In fact, the God of love is color-blind. God did not create different races with differing skin colors. In the spirit world, there are no white people or black people. The only color that exists there is the color of true love. Strife among religious groups is a particularly serious obstacle blocking humanity’s effort to bring about world peace. God did not create denominations or religious groups. In fact, religion itself is a result of the fall. Satan fosters denominational schism and religious divisions. In the spirit world, there are no walls between nations, denominations, or religions. It is a world composed of one huge family. GLOBAL SALVATION Jesus’ words in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life,” take us beyond the boundaries of Christianity to reveal the global, ubiquitous, universal nature of salvation. Traditionally, Satan always works to build barriers between people, and God works to tear these down. With the progress of God’s providence, we see in the spirit world that already there are no barriers between the religions centering on the four great founders. Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad and Confucius can go back and forth and communicate freely among themselves. Because I know these things well, I strongly encouraged all clergy during my recent fifty-state tour to transcend their denomination and unite as one. In fact, 144,000 churches are now leading this movement through the United Federation of Churches, centered on the American Clergy Leadership Conference. In the future, the home church format, centered on the family unit, gradually will become well established. 546 Ultimately, organized churches, temples and mosques will disappear. In addition, the movement to break down barriers for the sake of world peace, which I explained at the United Nations, is rapidly moving forward. The Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace is leading the way. Centering the World Association of NonGovernmental Organizations, this movement is spreading from the United Nations headquarters in New York across the continents and oceans of the world. COMPLETED TESTAMENT AGE Ladies and gentlemen, this year begins the seventh millennium of biblical history and the third millennium after Jesus. It is the time of completion for the Completed Testament Age, in which the promises of the Old and New Testaments are fulfilled and the Kingdom of Heaven is brought into reality on earth and in heaven in accordance with the completion of the spirit world. Father teaches: Through adultery, the archangel who became Satan stole the intended bride of Heaven. It is a principle of Heaven that whenever a relationship of love is established (whether false love or true love), ownership becomes established from that point. According to this principle, the human ancestors came under the ownership of Satan. Originally, the mind and body were to become one, centering on God’s true love. As it turned out, however, before God’s true love had a chance to be perfected within the human mind, the mind became bound by false love from Satan. That enabled Satan to take root in the body. Originally the mind was to exert a positive polarity over the body, but due to the Fall the body formed another positive pole, repelling the original mind and finally coming to dominate it. For that reason, God has been working to project the power of true love into the human mind in order to bring 547 about the absolute subjugation of the body now engulfed in false love. Only when unified through true love can mind and body return to the state where God dwells within them. The fallen ancestors became false ancestors. This is what created the need for religion and for a Messiah. The tasks of religion and the purpose of the coming of the Messiah are to break down the hell of false love, false life and false lineage, which have given rise to false individuals, false families, false societies, false states and a false world. Religion and the Messiah must guide us back to the original world of true love, true life and true lineage. It is the world of the true parents centering on God. God, too, feels loneliness when He is alone. He created the heavens and the earth centering on a relational ideal, and his reason was to find true love. Look at the created world. You will see that it is structured in pairs: The mineral world, the plant world and the animal world are all arranged in subject-object relationships as a way of providing ideal models for true love between human beings. True love is the reason why women are born for the sake of men, and men for the sake of women. Solutions to global problems become possible only when our minds and bodies—and when men and women—come to live for the very purpose of becoming one centering upon true love. True love can be found only in a situation where a person exists for the sake of his or her relational complement. Satan’s love is centered on the self, whereas God’s love is centered on others. These two kinds of love are diametrically opposite. For our fallen bodies to be free from the world of Satan, we need to know absolutely that we have achieved the position of a second, visible God, that the invisible God is our ideal subject of true love and we are in the position of His absolute objects. Our minds and bodies must be united by means of the invisible God and by means of true love, and we must honor and respect our heart and conscience just as we honor and respect God Himself. 548 We can recover our “original selves” only when we submit absolutely to the commands of our conscience. God is the Parent of parents, the Teacher of teachers, and the Master of masters. This forms the basis for the “Three-Subject Thought” encompassing heaven and earth. It is only through the conscience that these three can form an absolute unity and to fulfill the Three-Subject Thought. Thus, the conscience is more important to us than our parents who gave us birth, more important than any teacher, and more important than the king of any country. Only when elevated to such a position can the conscience become an object of God’s love. The needs no education about right and wrong. We must give it conscience absolute honor and obedience, just as we would honor and obey God. There is nothing I do that my conscience does not know about; it sees everything. The conscience objects whenever the body schemes to do something wrong. Yet, because the power of fallen love was stronger than the power of the conscience at the time of the fall, the body is able to drag the mind around wherever it chooses. This kind of problem would not exist if the human conscience had achieved perfection and had formed a relationship of true love with God in the Garden of Eden. Adam’s family in the Garden of Eden was to be a family of true love, in accordance with God’s ideal. God created them so they would give visible expression to every kind of invisible existence. God and man were in a subject-object relationship centering on true love. He created the two ancestral human beings, Adam and Eve, with the expectation that they would become the substantial perfection of the invisible children, invisible brother and sister, invisible husband and wife, and invisible parents that exists within God’s heart. God wanted the true love of children to be perfected in substantial form; he wanted to see His objects of true love perfected 549 as actual brothers and sisters in a family, as actual husband and wife, and then as actual parents. True love in a father-son relationship is vertical; in a husband-wife relationship it is horizontal; in a brother-sister relationship it is on the front-and-back axis. God wanted such a spherical ideal of true love. Unification, then, is accomplished at one central point, where there is a convergence of the upper and lower hemispheres on the vertical axis, the right and left hemispheres on the horizontal axis, and the front and back hemispheres on the third axis. This point becomes the focus of centripetal force. The Four Great Realms of the Heart—that is, the realms of love of the child, brother-sister, husband-and-wife, and parents—reach their perfection when human beings who are centered on God are married and enter their first relationships of love. This is the central place where all perfection bears fruit. Marriage thus represents the synthesis of the virtues of heaven, earth, and humankind and the perfection of all things vertical and horizontal, left and right, and front and back. Accordingly, Adam and Eve as husband and wife, as God’s most beloved substantial objects, were meant to be the second ancestors. From that position they would stand as the second creators and would inherit all of God’s feelings. They would feel the joy of God in the positions of children, brother and sister, husband and wife, and parents. Their joy as the second creators would be in the experience of bearing children, by which they could experience the position of the First Creator. From this perspective, God was the first Creator; Adam and Eve were to be the second creators; and the children of Adam and Eve were to be the third creators. The first, second, and third creators-that is, God, Adam and Eve, and the children of Adam and Eve would have established a formal pattern, a 550 pattern that would have been the fundamental principle that all humanity would have to follow. From the perspective of Adam and Eve, there would be connection between upper and lower (the parentchild relationship), left and right (the husband-wife relationship), and front and back (the brother-sister relationship). It would have led them to the perfection of their family. It would have been the unified foundation of God, Adam and Eve, and their children. As people approached God, they would accomplish the unification of mind and body and the unification of man and woman, and they would form a stable foundation where peace, freedom, happiness, and hope would converge to form the basis of fundamental peace. Through Adam and Eve’s having children, God would have enabled Adam and Eve, who were the second creators and who were visible and substantial, to take part in the creation of the third creators. Through this process, the family becomes the foundation on which the Four Great Realms of Heart can be experienced generation after generation. The family is the base where each form of true love can be brought to perfection. In this way, the family achieves the unity of God and man through love, and it serves as the starting point toward the perfection that enables us to establish true ownership in heaven and earth. This is another way of saying that the family is the origin from which we come to have children, brothers and sisters, husband or wife, and parents. Only in such families can we find men and women who have accomplished mind-body unity. Only in such families can we find husbands and wives who have achieved the ideal unity between man and woman. Such families are the starting point for ideal parents. Here, too, we can see the creation of a 551 model, centering upon true love, for the perfection of children, brothers and sisters, husband and wife, and parents. It was God’s ideal of creation that this model be expanded not just to the level of country and world but to the entire cosmos. Thus, it is possible for a country to become a family-patterned unit that is larger than the family; the world can become a family-patterned unit that is larger than a country; and the cosmos can become a family-patterned unit larger than the world. Accordingly; the models for children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, and parents—which represent the Four Great Realms of Heart—can be found in the family, in the nation, in the world and in the cosmos. Since a country contains many families and is larger than a family, families should exist for the sake of the country. Since the world contains many countries, countries should exist for the sake of other countries in the world. In similar fashion, the world must exist for the sake of the larger cosmos. Finally, the cosmos must exist for the sake of God, who is the greatest and most central existence. Thus, when the standard of the perfected Four Great Realms of Heart within the family is projected onto higher and higher levels, the ideal of unity becomes a reality. On that basis, we can enter a cosmos of peace, happiness, and freedom. This is why we need, and need vitally, the unity of mind and body and family harmony centering on man and woman. God, too, you see, has been growing. He created Adam and Eve as the substantiation of the inner son and daughter, brother and sister, husband and wife, and father and mother, who are all within His invisible heart. With Adam and Eve, God becomes a growing child, a brother and a sister, a husband and a wife, and finally a parent. By experiencing His 552 second self, God establishes children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, and parents. He unites them in true love, and that brings to Him boundless joy As well as to God, humans are designed to give joy to other humans. We are all in the position of someone else’s child, sibling, spouse, or parent. All human beings are members of families centering on the Four Great Realms of Heart, which make the family an underpinning to experience the ideal realm of heart. We all have a longing to form families, and the reason is that only those persons embodying the Four Great Realms of Heart can become ideal human beings, capable of making heartistic oneness with anyone in the Kingdom of Heaven, on earth or in the spiritual realm. This explains the consummate human desire to achieve mind-body unity and husband-wife unity. Unless we achieve this all-important mind-body unity, we are unqualified in all other aspects and can develop no unity in the family either. We will fall away from our families, from our nation, from the world, from the universe, and from God Himself. Only through an utmost effort to accomplish mindbody unity and family unity can we achieve perfection. We need to know that we ourselves are God’s representatives. We are in the position of a second God. All people, need to be working together to restore the family to a position of goodness and happiness. We must become aware that the position of husband and wife is the union between a son of God and a daughter of God, the union of a brother and a sister within God’s family, and the union of a father and a mother. From the perspective of the Four Great Realms of Heart, the position of husband and wife is the absolute goal of human life, through which we 553 can actually achieve the perfection of our individual selves. The husband, therefore, stands in the position that enables the wife to receive an ideal son of God, to receive an older brother of heaven, to receive a husband of heaven, and to receive a father of heaven. The corresponding case is true of the wife in relation to her husband. Such husbands and wives bear children in a manner analogous to God’s creative act. They feel joy through experiencing their own growth in a substantial manner, through their children. God’s love is absolute. Accordingly, it is a principle of heaven that the relationship of husband and wife cannot be broken. Fallen human society has lost sight of this principle and must be restored so that we may return to the original homeland. When such a restoration is accomplished, the Federation for World Peace will have fulfilled its purpose. At that point, the family-level heaven will become a country-level heaven; the country-level heaven will become a world-level heaven; and the world-level heaven will become the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world. This will be the point at which, at last, we will have achieved a world of peace. The position at which a husband and wife marry and love each other with true love is the heavenly palace, which is the origin of the love, life, and lineage of God and humankind. It is the starting point for the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. When children who are the fruit of such true love achieve perfect unity as husbands and wives, they form families living in attendance to God. They constitute the base upon which peace and all ideals can be established. Then men and women, each representing one side, will perfect Centering on true love, God perfects humankind as an existence of unlimited value. When that is done, 554 God, too, will see the perfection of true love, the fulfillment of the family ideal, the fulfillment of His own ideal for the creation, and the cradle of eternal, ideal love. From the perspective of Adam and Eve’s family God is the first ancestor; Adam and Eve, the second ancestors; and their children, the third ancestors. A royalty centering on God. Adam and Eve’s family forms a royalty centering on God. God is in the position of grandparents; Adam and Eve, in the position of parents; and Adam and Eve’s offspring, in the position of children. In this manner, the original pattern of three generations within the family comes to be established. According to this original pattern, the grandparents are in the position of king and queen of the spirit world, representing God and the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world. They should be honored and respected just as we would respect God. The parents are in the central position of king and queen of the family, representing the Kingdom of Heaven in the present world. They should be honored and respected just as we would the king and queen of the present world. The children are in the position of princes and princesses within the family. They should be loved as the ones standing to inherit the future Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. In this way, the members of Adam and Eve’s family were to form a royalty centering on God and were to live peacefully on earth until they moved into the heavenly, eternal world. Only in that heavenly world can human desire, freedom, aspiration, peace, and happiness attain complete fulfillment. This is the purpose which humankind must fulfill. As respected representatives from countries around the world, each of you has devoted an important period in your life to tireless efforts for the sake of your individual country and the world as a whole. As a result of your sacrificial efforts, humankind today enjoys conditions much improved over what 555 existed in the past. Still, the ideal world of freedom and peace, which is the fervent desire of all the people of the world, has not yet been achieved. Even at this hour, countless people in many places around the world are dying from hunger and pain as a result of conflicts and struggles among peoples, races, and religions. I have responded as a religious leader to God’s calling. I have lived my life for the purpose of saving humankind from war and sin, and of establishing a world of peace. Out of this calling, I have acquired a conviction and daily philosophy regarding peace, which is the Headwing Philosophy. In my address to you today, I have expressed a few elements of that conviction. The perspective of Godism and Headwing Philosophy is that world peace will be achieved neither by means of political ideologies oriented toward power nor by any argument based on physical force. Peace will only be accomplished when all men and women share in God’s love and truth and put these into practicestarting with the individual and expanding to the family, to the society, to the country, and to the world, thus forming one global, extended family. From this perspective, the founding purpose of the Federation for World Peace is to promote education and practices related to true peace as a means to realize peace in various societies, nations, and the world. May all of us here perfect the family-level heaven and go on to play major roles in the accomplishment of world peace. (3-27-1994) ***************** As a result of the Fall, the first human ancestors could not wed each other with God’s blessing. They fell while they were still growing up, by disobeying God and committing adultery with Satan. Satan became an adulterer, and our problem lies in the fact that they inherited Satan’s blood lineage. 556 When the first love is corrupted, we destroy the palace of love, the palace of life, the palace of lineage and everything that was to have blossomed forth. This is the dreadful reality of the Fall. Through it we lost the Kingdom of God in Heaven and on Earth. Heaven and Earth turned into Hell. Throughout history, man’s love organ has symbolized the worst of slander and curses, because it destroyed Heaven and Earth. God’s ideal of love was to have settled perfectly beginning at the place of first love, through the marriage of the man’s love organ and the woman’s love organ. That point, centering on man-woman love, establishes the perfected object partner of God. That point is the nucleus of the universe. If the axis connecting God with the love organs of man and woman is broken, the entire universe shatters. The foundation for peace and the Kingdom of God in Heaven and on Earth take root in love. Through the union the love organs, man and woman are blended completely. This love relationship produces the fruit of good or of evil. We must comprehend the infinite value of our love organs. The way of Heaven teaches us that whether we are a man or a woman, we must never misuse them. Incited by Satan’s false love, Adam and Eve committed adultery and became a false couple. As false parents they formed a false family and transmitted sin to their children. The providence of salvation is a providence of restoration. We have to root out that very mistake of misusing love and restore true love. Through God’s true love, the restored Adam should take the true parents’ position and engraft humankind to himself. A man and woman perfected through true love shall establish a true family with God’s blessing. Man is to build an ideal family and perfect his spirit self while living on Earth. We then enter Heaven in the spirit world. Our original hometown is the 557 Kingdom of God in Heaven, where our spirit lives in God’s love for eternity. The Fall closed our spiritual senses. This is why we do not know about our spirit self or about Heaven in the spirit world. Unlike animals, we possess a spirit self. We should know about the world of Heaven that we inevitably will enter. The family is the school, the training center in which we can perfect our heart. Family life guides us to master ourselves for the sake of sharing love with others. Thus, the family is the base upon which we can build the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of Heaven is where we are intoxicated in the service of God as our King and Master. We can enter there, but only as families. The ultimate ideal of all living beings is to become the object partner of God’s true love and live with God. To ascend to a higher place in Heaven, live as God lives, investing your life for the sake of others Although God is the King of knowledge, the King of power and the King of wealth, He does not ask us to bring Him those things. God is waiting for the one who lives for the sake others in the spirit of true love here on Earth! God was never in the position to exercise His power as the Lord of the universe. God never had the chance to display His authority as the Creator of all things. Meanwhile, fallen people often boast of themselves for nothing. Even though He is the owner of all that has breath, God was never able to reveal His pride. Being the author of the principles that guide the universe, how can God move freely in the fallen world, the world of non-principle? Humankind, living with all degrees of distrust and disobedience, even ignore God and mock God as non-existent and dead. God has endured this long history in a heart of agony. Truly, His waiting has seemed endless. 558 I have done my absolute best to fulfill the mission of True Parents. I paid no attention whatsoever to my welfare or status. To build a church was not even my goal. I had but one goal: to walk all the way to liberate God’s heart from pain and help Him realize His wish. In other words, I have invested myself totally to set God free from agony, to establish Him as the Lord of the universe, and to set the foundation for humankind to serve Him as the King of the cosmos. Do you think that this task is easy? I had to make Satan surrender both in Heaven and on Earth. I had to tear down all the walls and even bring Hell to an end. We cannot liberate God’s heart through true love unless we prepare all people on Earth and in the spirit world to receive God’s blessing in freedom. Satan has to recognize this work officially, and it has to accord with the law of the universe. Satan has enjoyed his ruling power over nations in this world. Therefore, we are challenged to set conditions through victories that transcend nations and the world itself. This is a day to rejoice. I have set these conditions and on the 13th day of January this year, I held the coronation ceremony for the Kingship of God in Korea. That was the greatest day of celebration in all human history. We liberated God’s heart for the first time. He could start His new history based on the might and power of true love. This is the dawn of the new age, in which humankind in Heaven and on Earth can attend the liberated God in gratitude. From now we will easily witness the living God and often notice helping hands from the spirit world. I urge you to study about the spirit world with greater eagerness and to receive the God-centered blessing so that you can build a true family. I also encourage you to prepare for your eternal life through living unselfishly. The time has come that people who work hard will feel the hand of 559 Heavenly fortune, with which the limited power of human beings cannot compare. Those who live the life of a filial child, a patriot, a saint and a divine son or daughter before the living God, with a humble and self-effacing attitude, are the most fortunate. At the advent of the era of God’s Kingship, I pray that you will promote God’s Kingship. May we work in partnership to build the world of heart and culture transcending nations. (1-29-2001) ***************** Scanning the vast expanse of the history of God’s providence, we come to realize that it took not just 6,000 years, but tens of thousands and even millions of years, in order to restore a single individual in the sinless likeness of the original person, Adam. For this purpose, many individuals, families, clans, and nations sacrificed themselves selflessly down through the millennia. The person who came on the foundation of this selfless sacrifice was the Messiah. Then, what is the mission of the Messiah? First, it is to be a man who measures up to the original principles characterizing mankind before the fall. The sinlessness of Adam is thus recreated. Next, that of Eve is recreated by Adam. A wife who is unfaithful to her husband, or a husband who is unfaithful to his wife cannot turn his or her face to the universe. They are the very people who totally violate the sphere of heart. Such people have nowhere to go to be at peace. For a man, his wife represents mother, elder sisters, younger sisters, and, indeed, all women of the world. To love a wife who has such a significance means to love all races of humanity, all women, and one’s mother, elder sister, and younger sister in the home. Accordingly, the family is the “basic training” center that educates people in human love. Therefore, to be trusted and to live a happy life in a family means to live a happy life as the center of the entire universe and to be situated at the center of happy love. There 560 is nothing meaningful without love. Likewise for a woman. Her husband represents father, elder brothers, younger brothers, and all men on earth. This is our ideal of the family. Satan challenged me throughout my life in order to destroy the foundation of the Blessing. A person of adulterous tendencies cannot take responsibility for heaven. A man whom his wife cannot trust is never trusted in the world, either. When we confront this world centering on the heavenly Principle, only the firm and strong things can remain. We are now in the midst of a battle in which we must expand the realm of goodness by applying the Principle. In this battle, we must overcome not only temptation from men, but also numerous temptations and tests from Satan. Satan, who has been accusing God throughout the 6,000 years of biblical history, has great power and subtlety. Most people are defeated by him. The reason why I myself could proceed successfully until the present is because I clearly knew the Principle, the heavenly Principle. That is why I’m not snared by temptation. It is our task to clean up this corrupt world and create a clean one. After 1960, radical changes began to occur throughout the world. This was simply due to God’s dispensation centering on the Unification Church. Today’s historians do not know why history has entered a period of such enormous flux. It is because of this small Unification Church. Your Blessing is for the purpose of setting an example for the rest of the world. I clearly know what conditions will be most beneficial for people in the spirit world, for those presently alive, and for future generations. Thus, I have clearly understood 561 the providential significance of your Blessing, and upon this understanding I am initiating it. It is your mission to understand its significance just as vividly as I do and to live a blessed life in accordance with that understanding, examining yourself constantly to see that your way of life conforms with the way you know you should be living. I take responsibility for blessed people eternally – not just for a lifetime. If they go to the spiritual world, I will guide and take responsibility for them. To be blessed means to have an eternal relationship with me. Here, we have the theoretical foundation to achieve the perfection of the individual, the perfection of the family, the perfection of the community, the perfection of the nation, the perfection of the world, the perfection of the cosmos, up until the liberation of God. I was treated like the scum of the earth. Why did things go that way? Clearly, because there is Satan. The sphere of Satan and of Cain is never satisfied until they beat the realm of Abel to death. Ironically, however, they do want Abel to appear again. This is the heart of Satan. Because of this reason, I’ve been accepting without complaint and digesting all the persecution that has come my way from thirty years ago until today. Facing all the persecution head on, I have been fighting with perseverance and will power in order to overcome it. I’m a man who has very strong will power. Once I determine to do something, I go forward, even at the risk of my life. There isn’t much difference between my body and yours. Any difference between us lies in the realm of thought and will power. I am strong because I have a way of thinking which is not only for the moment, but which extends to all of past, present, and future history and to the whole human race. In addition to that, I structure my thinking according to the pattern of God’s dispensation. 562 Thinking about that point, if I fail, it is not only I who fail. In that event, the whole human race would have no future and the ideal of the restoration of the cosmos would be destroyed and God Himself would be profaned. I know these consequences very well. Therefore, even if I receive tremendous persecution, persecution in thousands of ways and by millions of people, I stand up without flinching for the sake of the human race and in order not to profane God’s name. This is the way I think. (9-21-1978) ******************** What is the ideal of God? It goes without saying that the original ideal of God is to realize a peaceful world. In such a world, there are no divisions or conflicts. It is a world filled with unity, harmony and joy. The greatest and the quickest means to this end is through true love. True love is the factor of unity and the origin of joy and happiness. That is why I would say that the prerequisite of peace is true love. Then where does God’s true love originate? The settlement place of true love is the family. If Adam and Eve had perfected themselves and established an ideal family through their marriage centered on God, true love would have been initiated there. And, the family of true love would have become the basis which would produce global true peace. The reason why humankind is still unable to make true peace is because they are ignorant of true love. Why? The answer is, as mentioned in the Bible, humankind has separated from God. Since the fall of the first human ancestors, Adam and Eve who established the first family without God’s blessing. Peace has been absent from this world ever since. Instead, divisions, conflicts, and struggles have come to rule this world. In the individual, the 563 struggle between mind and body, the conflicts between husband and wife at the family level, and the struggles between societies are accepted as normal, everyday life. It is my conviction that all human problems are caused by the fundamental loss of true love. The fall of humankind meant the loss of true love. Consequently, Jesus came as the King of true love in order to restore the love which Adam and Eve had lost. By the same token, the Lord of the Second Advent is coming in order to restore true love. That is the logical conclusion seen from the view of the providence of salvation. My life until today, and my quest for world peace, has been concentrated on the point of how humankind can restore true love. When we look at the moral degradation of the world, we can think of how great God’s sorrow must be. Watching this world decline breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes. The harm of immorality and adultery similar to the days of Sodom and Gomorra injures our youth as they tragically fall into the false enticements of so-called “free” sex. The greatest sorrow of God is to see mankind going down this path of irresponsible destruction. (June 16-18, 1996) **************** God could not destroy everything because He is a God of principle, but He has been patiently waiting in agony. Therefore it has been God’s historical wish to change this fallen physical world, to encourage us to drop and negate everything by ourselves and reconnect to God. That’s what God has been waiting for all these years. God’s desire has been to purify the fallen lineage and give true love and make this a world of true love. The person who can take this position, that one man, is the messiah. Throughout the Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament eras, this one man for whom 564 God has been looking is called the messiah. The messiah is the one who can cut off this fallen life, lineage and love, erase it, and stand as the man who inherited God’s line, love and life solely. By doing so he can build the chosen race that is engrafted to the messiah and by doing so build the world of the original life, lineage and love. He is a true olive tree into which the wild olive trees are grafted. This is the messiah’s mission. Once we are engrafted, we also take the position of messiah. So we should go out to the world to be welcomed as the messiah. (1219-1999) ********************** An unusual phenomenon is taking place within the Unification Church; you are seeking to be recognized and loved by the True Parents. In your deepest heart you want to become one with them; without doing this you cannot be given complete restoration or rebirth. Physically it is impossible to become a part of the True Parents, but through your love, your total unity with them will be acknowledged by Heaven. Did you ever dream of such a Principle? I want you to deeply realize that the emergence of the True Parents did not happen all of a sudden by decree one morning. Thousands and thousands of years passed in which God shed sweat and blood and tears to lay the necessary foundation in accordance with His principle and schedule, yet this work was continually being hampered by man’s failures. I unlocked the deep secrets of heaven and earth and determined to pioneer the path beyond the level on which all the dispensational figures previously suffered or accomplished, figures like Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Jesus. I learned precisely what they accomplished and what they left undone. 565 I knew from the very beginning that unless I set my standard higher than all of those dispensational figures I could not fulfill the role of the True Parents in heart and love. I have now succeeded beyond the level they established in terms of heart and love. From the beginning I knew what to look for, what to ask for, and what to strive for. All the confusion and chaos of history had to be resolved. I came like a doctor to operate, to straighten out the problems of mankind within the shortest possible time of 30 years, and to complete the foundation upon which God’s history could begin and all mankind could be brought to life. It is a miracle of miracles. What would you have done if I had not come? Right now I look miserable in the eyes of the world. I have unlocked the most important secrets of life and have freely given them as a gift to the world, yet instead of being grateful the world has come back to ridicule me. You are God’s only hope; you are my only hope. However, since your previous life was so sinful you can never deserve the blessing of God in the Unification Church without totally changing from your previous philosophy and way of life. Your lives must be different from yesterday; each day you need to be re-created. Will you change yourselves today? On this Parents Day, let’s forget what you have done in the past because what counts is today and tomorrow. Boldly take the responsibility that God has bestowed upon you; courageously undertake what God has bestowed upon you and fulfill this mission. I want you to know that through you God will change the history of mankind. I am not delivering this message today solely for your benefit. My audience is the world, history, and the spirit world. I am speaking to the world and every person here on earth shall listen to this word in 566 due course. The entire spirit world is listening right now. The entire world will be without the excuse that they did not hear me. Did my explanation of the Bible sound like a lie, or is it clear and effective truth? If the 240 million people of America and if Christians the world over could really humble themselves to listen to the truth, there is no way that they could say, “Reverend Moon, you are seeking to deceive and I do not trust you.” The power of the truth will unite men. (April 18, 1977) To achieve world peace Father teaches that we should focus on making exemplary families. The family sets the cornerstone on the road to world peace. The family also can destroy that road. The family of true love becomes the foundation for creating a society, nation, and world centered on true love. (4-16-96) Cheon Il Guk Father says there will be no need for lawyers and judges in the future ideal world he calls Cheon Il Guk. This means there will not be big governments: “We need a movement to realize a society of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. We need to make humanity one great family, by breaking down the walls in our hearts and eliminating even the boundaries between nations. This movement begins from each family. If only the entire world were filled with such true families! It would be an orderly world where people govern themselves by the heavenly way and heavenly laws, with no need for lawyers, prosecutors or even judges.” —“God’s Ideal Family and Responsibility the Citizens of Cheon Il Guk Are Called to Fulfill” February 23, 2007 UTOPIAN RELIGION Father says God’s goal is for mankind to live in an ideal world. He says, “The Unification Church has the clear goal of utopia centered upon God. The utopian religion is the Unification religion” (11-193). “We have a common dream. It is the long-cherished human 567 dream of an ideal world. The prophets have called it the Kingdom of God on Earth. It is a lofty goal, but it is obtainable. It must be, simply because it is the original ideal of the Creator. This is the meaning of securing world peace” (6-1-87). “Truly, the ideal I am espousing is nothing other than the kingdom of God on earth. I see it as a realistic goal toward which we can realistically work. People have been telling me that I am too utopian. I recognize that I am extremely idealistic, but I have no choice: God has called me directly, personally, to this task and responsibility.” (8-11-84) CLEANSE THE WORLD OF IGNORANCE AND CHAOS Father Moon teaches: God is the absolute One, the only, unchanging and eternal One. His will is the same. If the human beings Adam and Eve had become one body under the love of God, everything would have been complete and perfect. God’s origin, purpose and process of creation, as well as cause, effect and direction are all absolute. The human ancestors Adam and Eve entered into chaos after they fell through their ignorance. This ignorance and chaos expanded from the individual level to the levels of family, nation and world. It has been the task of religion and the Providence of Salvation to liberate us from this sphere of the Fall. In the Last Days, the Messiah comes and teaches clearly the absolute, the only, unchanging and eternal cause, direction and effect, from God’s viewpoint. He will cleanse the world of ignorance and chaos and return it to the original bosom of God. This is the completion of the will of God. (4-16-96) ABSOLUTE SEX Father teaches: The loss of True Love means falling through adultery. In other words, True Love became degraded by misusing the sexual organs, and in order to restore it, we need to use these organs in the right way. Just as the seed of fallen love was planted in the Garden of Eden during the first ancestors’ 568 youth, so in these final days, mankind will harvest the fruit of the Fall among our young people. That is the reason why today we find so much chaos and confusion, centering on the issue of sex. This problem can only be solved with what I call “Absolute Sex.” Only the concept and practice of Absolute Sex can prevent the destruction of the family and reverse the corruption of our youth. Then what did God want for His children? To become billionaires? To have more power than anyone else? What God wanted for His children, Adam and Eve, was for them to grow to become children of filial piety, loyal citizens, saints, and a Holy Son and Daughter. Did you ever consider that, in accordance with God’s desire, we should become children of filial piety in the family, loyal citizens of the nation, saints in the world, and Holy Sons and Daughters before Heaven and Earth? In history the saints and sages have taught that we should become children of filial piety, loyal citizens, saints, and Holy Sons and Daughters. Throughout history, there have been numerous religious leaders who could communicate with the spiritual world. You should know there is only one, Sun Myung Moon, who fully understood and unified the spiritual world and commenced work in this world. Since unifying the spiritual world, I received the Heavenly seal of recognition from God. Otherwise unification on the Earth cannot be done. You should know that in the same way that God has trained me and raised me in the spiritual world, He continuously leads me on the Earth. (6-16-1997) Father says: During the course of my life, I have totally committed myself to the salvation of humankind centered on God’s Will. As a result, I came to realize that God is not sitting in the throne of glory 569 569 and honor, but is a God of suffering, grief and lamentation, endeavoring to save His children suffering in hell as a result of the fall. Ever since I understood the Will of God and His heart, I have lived my life with a single minded goal to accomplish God’s Will, transcending time and space and forgetting everything else. Who will be able to melt the block of ice frozen in the heart of God? (122-2000) Sun Myung Moon died September 3, 2012. He brought the answers to the fundamental questions of life. He teaches that we should read his words of wisdom every day as a family. This gathering of family is what he calls in Korean the Hoon Dok Hae. At a morning reading of Father’s words in Kodiak, Alaska on September 24, 2008 some rough notes were taken. He said that we have to study his words, “What will you do when I’m gone? I have left you the Word in so many books. However, many of you haven’t even bought them yet. The Word will remain forever. The ideal sons and daughters are those who have the proper relationship with the Word and with each other, in balance. Hoon Dok Hae is necessary. Through it you can overcome all. After 1,000 years, only the Word shall remain. Once you stand upon God’s Word, you are in the central position, and you can and must go through all barriers.” “Even for me to go over Satan’s hills, I had to become one with the Word. I created these books because the Word doesn’t belong to me. It is God’s Word and will remain forever. The secret for all humanity to get to God is to understand his Word. To go to God’s heart, we must liberate the world. To liberate yourself, you must go beyond yourself.” WORDS OF GUIDANCE He teaches: It is amazing that Father’s lifelong work is to unify thought and unify religion for humankind. That’s an amazing accomplishment, over which God rejoices. But those who have no true knowledge of Father say, “Sun Myung Moon is far-fetched; he must be 570 crazy, unrealistic.” But it is they who are unrealistic. Also, Father is leaving an archive, the words which Father spoke through the forty years of enduring myriad persecution. These will serve as living guidance for the whole world. Studying Father’s words will be like studying an encyclopedia, which shows in great detail hundreds of thousands of ways to accomplish victory in trying times. (11-1-90) UNIFIED WORLD IS VERY NEAR God has a goal of a unified, ideal world. True Father has come to inspire us to build that world. How long will it take? He says it doesn’t have to be thousands of years. It could happen soon: We are on the way to the unified world. We tend to think that we must keep working like this for another hundred years. No, the unified world is quite within our vision now; it is very near, much nearer than we think. (January 10, 1993) WITNESS TO EVERYONE For God’s goal of a unified