Howto!IiN?t - GE Appliances
Howto!IiN?t - GE Appliances
. . Howto!IiN?t Contents ApplianceRegistration CanningTips 2 10 11-13 6 CareandCleaning ControlSettings UseandCareof model RU38C 8,9 8,9 CookingGuide Cookware Energy-SavingTips Features 4 5 Modeland SerialNumbers ProblemSolver 2 14 RepairService SafetyInstructions 15 3,4 Three-in-OneUnit Warranty 7 BackCover YourDirectLineto GeneralElectric TheGEAnswerCente?880.626.2000 “o &F/=DwG / 43437 A QualityProductof GENERALELECTRICCOMPANY 47+827 Helpus help‘jKNle ., Readthisbookcarefdiy. It is intendedto helpyouoperate andmaintainyournewcooktop properly. Keepit handyforanswersto your questions. If youdon’tunderstandsomething or needmorehelp,write(include yourphonenumber): ConsumerAffairs GE Appliances AppliancePark Louisville,KY40225 Ifyoureceived a damagedcooktop.. . Immediatelycontactthedealer(or builder)thatsoldyouthecooktop. Savetimeandmoney. Beforeyourequest service... Checkthe ProblemSolveron page14.It listscausesof minor operatingproblemsthatyoucan correctyourself. Writedownthemodel andserialnumbers. You’llfind themon a labelunder the leftrear surfaceunit. Thesemodeland serialnumbers are alsoon the ConsumerProduct OwnershipRegistrationCard that camewithyourcooktop.Before sendingin thiscard, pleasewrite thesenumbershere: ModelNumber SerialNumber Use thesenumbersin any correspondenceor servicecalls concerningyourcooktop. 2 Readallinstructionsbeforeusingthisappliance. v — Whenusingelectricalappliances, e Never w- be followed,including the following: theappk — basic safkty precautions should @llse this applianceonlyforits intendeduseas described in this manual. @Be sureyourapplianceis pm~~y =* andgroundti by a qualified technician in accordance with the provided installationinstructions. e Don’tattemptto repair orreplaceanypartof your cooktopunlessit is specifically recommendedin thisbook.All otherservicingshouldbe nfwred to a qualified technician. @Beforeperformingmy service,DE3CONNE~ THE hanginggarmentswhiIeusing Flammablemkdd could be igtited if brought in contactwith hot heatingelements and may cause severe bums. * Use~~y drypotholders— moistor damppotholderson hotsurfacesmayresult in bums — — children should not be left alone or unattendedin an area where an appliance is in use. They should neverbe allowed to sit or stand on any part of the appliance. * Don’tallowanyoneto climb, standor hangon thecooktop. e CAUTION:ITEMSOF INTERESTTOCHILDREN SHOULDN(YI’BE STORED INCABIIW13ABOW A COOKTOP-C~DREN CLIMBINGONTHE COOKTOP‘IX)REACH ITEMSCOULDBE SERIOUSLY~~D. — — o when coo~g P@$ fibw our directions exactly andalways cookthemeatto an internal temperature of at least I’Xl*F. This assures that, in the remote possibilitythat trichim my be present inbthemeat, it will be killed and the meat will be.safie to eat. . use properpansize-fThis iliumsteam. Do not let potholders touch hot hea@g elemen@~DO ~ applian~ is equipped with onq or mo~-suiihti unitiOf different not use a towelorother bu~ size. Select utensilshaving flat cloth in place of a “@tholder. bottomslarge enough ~ cov~r,~ o Neverwe y~~rappliancefor the surfhce unit heating element. = warmingor htiting theroom. o w notSWEfkuninable materialsnearsurfaceunitsa e Keep h~d and grease fib% clean to maintain good venting and to avoidgrease fins. COOK’IW PowmSUPPLY o Do ATTHEHOUSEHOLD DISTRIBUTION PANEL BYREMOVINGTHEFUSE ORSWIITXUNGOFFTHE CIRCUITBREAKER. ~Donot leavechildrenalone— i~fitting or not letcookinggreme Theuseohmdersizedutensils =willexpsea.portion.ofthe t .~ “heatingelementto directcontact ~ =and may result in ignition of clothingi-Properrelationship of utensil tciburner ‘willalstir ‘ ~prOv&.efficiency. ----. . Nev& leave surfacehb- orotherflammablematerials unattendedathighhwtw accumulateon thecooktop. ., Boilovercausessmokingand greasyspillovers that.mayCatcho Do notuse water on grease on fire. fwes.Neverpickup a flaming 0 Be sure drip pans~d vent pan.Smotherflamingpanon ductsW% notcoveredandare surfaceunitbycoveringpan in plac~.Theirabsenceduring completelywithwell-fittinglid, cooking~oulddii.magerange cookiesheetor fiattray. parts and wiring.. Flaminggreaseoutsidea pan canbe putoutbycoveringwith -0 Don$tUseal~um foil tO bakingsodaor,if available,a lin6 drippans.Misuse.could multi-purposedrychemical resultin a shock,fwehazardor orfoamtypefireextinguisher. . damageto the cooktop. e w nottouchheatingelements. o Onlycertaintypesof gks% Thesesurfixes maybe hot enough glass/ceramic,earthenwareor to bum even though they are otherglazedcontainersare dark in color. During and after suitableforcooktopservice; use, do not touch, or let clothing othersmaybreakbecauseof the or other flammable materials suddenchangeintemperature. contact surface units or areas (Seesectionon “Surfhce nearby surface units; allow Cooking”for suggestions.) sufllcient time for cooling, f~st. Potentiallyhot surfaces include the cooktop and areas facing the Cooktop. - .~ - ~#_ .-—- ‘~ ~~ — ❑ ~v - -. — — - Womm !!KFETY Eh6xgy-sa* Tips (continued) Q~ ~fitie the possibilkyof o use ~~1~fatforeff~tive burns,ignitionofflammable materials,andspillage,the handleof a containershouldbe turnedtowardthecenterof the cooktopwithoutextendingover shallowor deep-fatfrying. Fillingthepantoofidloffit can causespillove~whenfoodis added. nearby surfhce units. fatswiilbe usedin fkying,stir togetherbeforeheating,or as i%ts meltslowly. e AI~yS heatfatslowly,and watchas-itheats. QUsedeep fat thermometer wheneverp&sibleto prevent overheatingtit beyondthe smokingpoint. 0 Don~t ~e~ or ~~ removabksurfaceunits.Don’t putthemin a dishwasher. @Alwaysturn surfaceunitto OFFbeforeremovingutensil. @Keepan eyeon foodsbeing friedatHIGHorMEDHI heats. o Toavoidthepossibility ofa burnor electricshock, alwaysbe certainthatthe controlsforallsurfaceunits areat OFFpositionandtdl coilsarecoolbeforeattempting tolift or removetheunit. @Whenflamingfoodsunder thehood,turnthefan off. The fan,if operating,mayspread theflame. QFoOdS forfryingshouldbe m dryas possible.Froston frozen fds or moistureon freshfoods cancausehot fatto bubbleup andoversidesofpan. ofO* e ~ a co~~j@ion or SAVE‘THESE . ● Usecookwareof mediumweight aluminum,withtight-fittingcovers, and flatbottomswhichcompletely coverthe heatedportionof the surfaceunit. * Cookfreshvegetableswitha minimumamountof waterin a coveredpan. e Watchfoodswhenbringingthem quicklyto cookingtemperaturesat HIGHheat. Whenfoodreaches cookingtemperature,reduceheat immediatelyto lowestsettingthat willkeepit cooking. ~Useresidualheatwhenever possible.For example,when cookingeggsin the shell,bring waterto boil, thenturn to OFF positionto completethe cooking. @Alwaysturn surfaceunitOFF beforeremovingcookware. e Usecorrectheatfor cooking“task: HIGH—tostartcooking(if time allows,do notuseHIGHheatto start). MEDHI-quick browning. MED–s1owfrying. LOW—finish cookingmost quantities,simmer-double boiler heat, finishcooking,and special for smallquantities. WARM-to maintainserving temperatureof mostfoods. . when boilingwaterfor teaor coffee,heatonlyamountneeded. It is noteconomicalto boila containerfull of waterfor one or twocups. 4- , _ — — -—_.. —— -— n FeatuwsofYiiollr Cookk)p _– ~-—. --_.. ~ -_– -= — -—- e FeatureIndex Explained on page 1 Modeland SerialNumbers (Underleft rear unit) 2 2 Infinite-HeatControls 6 3 Unit “ON” IndicatorLight 6 4 Plug-InCalrod” Units 12 5 Tilt-Lock3-in-1Calrgd@Unit 11 6 3-in-1Unit SelectorKnob 7 —. —. -iii== -. 5 . — ‘_ ....... .. ..... . Cwm Utib andC.hmtmls .SeeCookir@Aidmnpages8imd9. with (h&@ InfhiteHeatControls Yourstirfiweunitsandcontrols aredesignedto giveyouaninfinite choiceofheatsettingsforsurfhce unitcooking, AtbothOFF andHIGHpositions, there isa slightnicheso control “clicks”atthosepositions;“click” onHIGHmarksthehighestsetting; thelowestsettingisbetweenthe wordsWARMandOFF.Inaquiet kitchen,youmayhearsiight “clicking”soundsduringcooking, indicatingheatsettingsselected arebeingmaintained. Switchingheatstohighersettings alwaysshowsa quickerchangethan switchingto lowersettings. How tosettheCimtds Cookin.iz Guide forIk&-gHeats HIGH Quickstartforcooking; Mm HI Low Step1: Gmspcontrolknoband pushin. a bringwatertoboii. Fastfky,panbroti; maintainfist boilonlarge amountof food. %uteandIxmvn;maintain Slw boilon largeamount Offbod. CookaRerstartingat HIGH;cookwithlittle waterincoveredpan. rice, Certal; W4KMsteam maintain serving tempemtumofmostfbods. N(YE 1. AtHIGHandMEDHI, never leavefoodunattended.Boikwers causesmoking;gnxsyspilloversmay catchfin% 2. AtWandLOW,melt chocolate,butteronsmallunit. @ Step2: ‘Ihrneitherclockwiseor counterclockwiseto desiredheat setting. Controlmustbepushedintoset onlyfi=omOFF’position.When controlisinanypositionother thanOl?l?,it mayberotated withoutpushingin. BesureyouturncontroltoOFF whenyoufinishcooking.An ‘ indicatorlightwillglowwhen ANYheatonanysurfhceunitison. 6 _ MB-lUnit Questions &Answers The rightrear 3-in-l unitmaybe usedman $-inch,ti-inchor 4-inch unittoaccommodiite large,mediumsiml or smallcookware. Q. MayI can fwds andpreserves on mysurfaceunits? A. Yes,but onlyusecookware designedfor canningpurposes. Checkthe manufacturer’s instructionsandrecipesfor preservingfds. Besurecanneris fiat-bottomedandfitsoverthe centerof yourCalrod@unit. Since canninggenerateslargeamountsof steam,be carefhlto avoidbums fromsteamor heat.Canning shouldonlybe doneon surface units.See “HomeCanningTips” on page 10. Q. CanI covermydrippanswith foil? A. No. Cleanas recommendedin CleaningGuide. Q. Can I use specialcooking equipment,likeanorientalwok on anysurfaceunits? A. Cookwarewithoutflatsurfaces is notrecommended.Thelifeof yoursurfaceunitcan be shortened and therangetopcan bedamaged fromthehighheatneededfor this typeofcooking. Q. Whyam I notgettingthe heat I needfrommyunitseventhough I havethe knobson the right setting? A. Afterturningsurfaceunitoff and makingsureit is cool,checkto makesurethatyourthreeplug-in unitsare securelyfastenedintothe surfaceconnection. I LARGE-8-inch unit. lhm the sizeselectorknobto 8 whenusing largecookwarethatcompletely coversthe unit (3-quartto 6-quart saucepansor 8 to 10”inchskillets). Thenselectdesiredheatsetting. MEDIUM-6-inch unit. ‘Ikn the sizeselectorknobto 6 whenusing medium-sizedcookwarethatdoes notcompletelycoverthe unit(2 to 2!&quartsaucepansor 6 to 7-inch skillets).Then selectdesiredheat setting. — i SNIALL-4-inch unit. llmn the sizeselectorknobto 4 whenusing smallcookwareabout4 inchesin diameter(as a l-quartsaucepan). Thenselectdesiredheatsetting. — 7 Q. Why doesmycookwaretilt when1placeit on the* unit? A. Becausethe surfaceunitis not flat. Makesurethatthe “feet” on yourCalrod@unitsare sittingtightly in thecooktopindentationand the trimringis flaton the rangesurface. Q.Whyistheporcelainfinishon mycontainem comingoff? A. If youset yourCalrod@unit higherthanrequiredfir the containermaterial,and leaveit, the finishmaysmoke,crack, pop, or bum dependingon the pot or pan. Also,a toohighheat fix long periods,and smallamountsof dry food,maydamagethe finish. —— —– — — -. -----m- - -. - E —— —— — — -—– — -=,, .— — —— Cooking(hide cookwareTil)s 1. Usemedium-orheavy-weight cookware.Aluminumcookware conductsheatfasterthanother metals.Cast ironandcoatedcast ironcookwareis slowto absorb heat,butgenerallycooksevenlyat LOWor MED settings.Steelpans maycookunevenlyif not combinedwith othermetals. mod Cookware Cereal Cornmeal,grits, oatmeal Cwered Saucepan Usemm-stickor coatedmetal cookware.FlatgroundPyroceram@ cookwarecoatedon thebottom withaluminumgenerallycooks evenly.Use glasssaucepanswith heat-spreadingtrivetsavailablefor thatpurpose. 2. Toconservethemostcooking energy,pansshouldbe flaton the bottirn,-havestraightsidesandtight fittinglids. Matchthe sizeof the sauc~panto thesizeof the surface unit.A pan thatextendsmorethan an inchbeyondtheedgeof thetrim ringtrapsheatwhichcauses ~“crazing”(finehairlinecracks)on porcelain,anddiscoloration rangingfromblueto dark grayon chrometrim rings. DirectionsandSetting toStartCooking SettingtoComplete Cooking HIGH.In coveredpanbfing watertoboilbeforeadding cereal. HIGH.Stirtogetherwateror milk,cocoaingredients. Bringjust to a till. LOWor WARM,thenaddcereal, Finishtimingaccording topackagedirections. MED,tocook1or 2 minutes tocompletely blendingredients. Cerealsbubbleandexpandas theycook;uselargeenough saucepantopreventboilwer. Milkboilsoverrapidly.Watchas boilingpointapproaches. Percolate8 to 10minutesfor 8cups,lessforfewercups. Cocoa Uncwered Saucepan coffee Percolator HIGH,Atfirstperk,switch heatto LOW. LOWto maintaingentlebut steadvoerk. Covered Saucepan HIGH.Covereggswithcool water.Cwer pan,cook untilsteaming. MEDHI. Meltbutter,add eggsandcoverskillet. LOW.Cookonly3 to 4 minutesforsoflcooked; 15minutesforhardcooked, Continuecookingat MEDHI untilwhitesarejust set, about 3 to5 moreminutes. LOW,thenaddeggs.When bottomsofeggshavejust set, carefullyturnovertocookother side. LOW.Carefullyaddeggs. Cookuncoveredabout5 minutesat MEDHI. MED.Addeggmixture. Cook,stirringtodesired doneness. Eggs Cookedinshell Friedsunny-side-up Covered Skillet Friedovereasy Uncwered Skillet HIGH.Meltbutter. skillet Covered HIGH.In coveredpanbring waterto a boil. Scrambledor omelets Uncovered Skillet HIGH.Heatbutteruntillight goldenincolor. Fruits Covered Saucepan HIGH.Incoveredpanbring fruitandwatertoboil. LOW.Stiroccasionallyand checkforsticking. Meats,Poultry Braised:Potroastsof beef,lambor veal; porksteaksand chops Covered Skillet HIGH.Meltfat,thenaddmeat. Switchto MEDHIto brownmeat. Addwateror otherliquid. LOW.Simmeruntilfork tender. Pan-fried:Tender chops;thinsteaksup to3/4-inch;minute steaks;hamburgers; franksandsausage; thinfishfillets Uncovered $killet HIGH.Preheatskillet,then greaselightly. MEDHIor MED.Brownand cooktodesireddoneness, turningoveras needed. Poached 8 ,- — .— - Comments Ifyoudonotcoverskillet,baste eggswithfattocooktopsevenly. e @ Removecookedeggswithslotted spoonor pancaketurner. Eggscontinuetosetslightlyafter cooking.Foromeletdonotstir lastfewminutes.Whenset, fold in half. Freshfruit: Use l/4to 1/2cup waterperpoundof fruit. Driedfruit: Usewateraspackage directs.Timedependsonwhether fruithasbeenpresoaked.If not, allowmorecwkingtime. Meatcanbe seasonedandfloured beforeit isbrowned,if desired. Liquidvariationsforflavorcould be wine,fruitor tomatojuice or meatbroth. Timing:Steaks1to2-inches:1to 2 hours.BeefStew:2 to 3 hours. PotRoast:2%to4 hours. Panfryingisbestfortiln steaks andchops.If rareisdesired,preheatskilletbeforeaddingmeat. RIGHT H WRONG ‘?DeepFat Frying.Do not overfill _l@tle withfat fia~mayspill over whenaddingfood.Frostyfoods ubblevigorously.Watchfoods e fryingat HIGH temperaturesand keeprangeand hoodclean from accumulatedgrease. OVER1“ SettingtoComplete Cooking DllWCtiOnS andSetting Comments Food Cookware toStartCooking FriedChicken Covered Skillet HIGH.Meltfat. SwitchtoMED HI tobrownchicken. LOW.Coverskilletand cookuntiltender. Uncoverlastfewminutes. l% broiledbacon Uncovered Skillet MEDHI.Cook,turning overas needed. Sauteed:Lesstender thinsteaks(chuck, round,etc.);liver; thickor wholefish Simmeredor stewed meat;chicken;corned beefismokedpork; stewingbeet tongue; etc. Cwered Skillet HIGH.In coldskillet,arrange baconslices.Cookjust untilstartingtosizzle. HIGH.Meltfit. Switchto MED tobrownslowly. Forcrispdrychicken,cwer only afterswitchingto LOWfor 10 minutes.Uncwerandcook, tuning occasiord[y 10to20minutes. A moreattention-freemethod is tostartandcookat MED. LOW.Coverandcook untiltender. Meatmaybebreadedor marinatedin saucebeforefrying. Covered DutchOven, Kettleor Large Saucepan HIGH.Covermeatwithwater andcoverpanor kettle. Cookuntilsteaming. LOW.Cookuntilfork tender.(Watershould slowlyboil).Forverylarge loads,mediumheatmay beneeded. Addsaltor otherseasoning beforecookingif meathasnot beensmokedor otherwise cud. Meltingchocolate, butter,marshmallows Small Covered Saucepan. Usesmall surt%ceunit wm. Rmcakesor Frenchtoast Skilletor Griddle MEDHI, Heatskillet8 to 10minutes.Greaselightly. Cook2 to3 minutesperside. Thickbattertakesslightlylonger time.Thmoverpancakeswhen bubblesriseto surface. Covered Largekettle or Pot HIGH.Incoveredkettle,bring saltedwaterto a boil,uncover andaddpastaslowlyso boilingdoesnotstop. MEDHI. Cookuncwexecl untiltender.Forkuge amounts,HIGHmaybe neededtokeepwaterat rollingboilthroughout entirecookingtime. Uselargeenoughkettleto preventbdwer. Pastadoubles in sizewhencooked. Pressurecooking Pressure Cookeror Canner HIGH.Heatuntilfirstjiggleis heard. MEDHI forfoodscooking 10minutesor less.MEDfdr foodsover10minutes. Cookershouldjiggle2 to 3 times per minute. Puddings,Sauces, Candies,Frostings Uncovered Saucepan HIGH.Bringjust toboil. LOW.Tofinishcooking. Stir frequentlyto prevent sticking. Wgetables Fresh Covered Saucepan MED.Cook1pound10 to30or moreminutes, dependingontenderness ofvegetable. Uncweredpanrequiresmore waterandlongertime. Frozen Covered Saucepan LOW.Cookaccordingto timeonpackage, Breakupor stiras neededwhile cooking, Sauteed:Onions; greenpeppers; mushrooms; dery; etc. Uncovered Skillet HIGH.Measure1/2to 1inch waterin saucepan.Add saltandpxeparedvegetable. Incoveredsaucepanbring toboil. HIGH.Measurewaterandsalt asabove.Addfrozenblock ofvegetable.In covered saucepanbringto boil. HIGH.In skilletmeltfat. MED.Addvegetable. Cookuntildesired tendernessis reached. lhm wer or stirvegetableas necessa~ forevenbrowning. RiceandGrits Covered Saucepan HIGH.Bringsaltedwaterto a boil, WARM.Coverandcook accordingto time. Triplein volumeaftercooking. ‘llmeatW-. Rice: 1cupriceand 2 cupswater-25 minutes,Grits: 1cup gritsand4 cupswater– 40 minutes. a I%sta Noodlesor spaghetti AlImvlotor5minutesto meltthrough.Stirtosmooth. 9 Whenmeltingmarshmallmvs, add milkor water. -. —- .“ . —.——_ —_. — ..— HomeCanningmps RikwingRink Canningshouldbe doneon Cooktoponly. Oberve In surikcecookingof fds other thancanning,the useof largediameterpots (extendingmore’than l-inchbeyondedgeoftrimring)is notrecommended.However,when canningwithwater-bathor pressu.m canner,large-diameterpotsmaybe used.Thisis becauseboilingwater temperatures(evenunderpressure) are notharmfidto cooktopsurfaces surroundingheatingunit. HOWEVER,DO N~ USE LARGEDIAMETERCANNERS OR~HER LARGEDIAMETER COOKWAREFORFR~G OR BOILINGFOODSCYI’HER THANWATER.Most SJUllP or saucemixtures-and all types offkying-cook at temperatures muchhigherthanboilingwater. Suchtemperaturescouldeventually harmcooktopsurfacessurrounding heatingunits. 1. Besurecannerfitsovercenter of surfhceunit.If yourcooktopor its locationdo notallowcannerto be centeredon surfaceunit, use smaller-diametercannersforgood canningresults. incanning 2. Flat-bottomedcannersmust beused. Do notusecannerswith flangedor rippledbottoms(o&n foundin enamelware)becausethey don’tmakeenoughcontactwiththe heatingelementandtaketoolong to boilwater. RIGHT WRONG CAUTION: Safecanningrequiresthat harmfulmicroorganismsare destroyedandthatthejars are sealedcomp~etely. Whencanning foodsin a waterbathcanner,a gentlebutsteadybdl mustbe maintainedcontinuouslyfor the requiredtime.Whencanning foodsin a pressurecanner,the pressuremustbe maintained continuouslyforthe required time. Afteryouhaveadjustedthe controls,it is veryimportantto makesurethe prescribedboiior pressurelevelsaremaintained forthe requiredtime. This cooktophastemperature limitersthatpreventthecooktop 3. Whencanning,use recipesand proceduresfromreputablesources. Reliablerecipesandproceduresare availablefkomthemanufacturerof yourcanner;manufacturersof glassjars for canning,suchas Ball andKerr; andthe UnitedStates DepartmentofAgriculture ExtensionService. 4. Rememberthatcanningis a processthatgenerateslarge amountsof steam.Toavoidbums from steamor heat, be carefil whencanning. N~E: If yourcooktopis being operatedon lowpower(voltage), canningmaytakelongerthan expected,eventhoughdirections havebeencarefullyfollowed.The processtimewillbe shortenedby: (1)usinga pressurecanner,and (2) startingwithH~ tap waterfor fastestheatingof largequantities of water. 10 fmm gettingtoohot. If the bottomof yourcanneris not flat, the Calrod”unitcan overheat, triggeringthe temperature limitersto turnthe unitofifor a time.Thiswillstopthe boilor reducethe pressurein the canner. Sinceyoumustmakesureto processthe canningjars for the prescribedtime,withno interruptionin processingtime, youcannotcanon this cooktopif yourcanneris notflat enough. ,, CamandClan@ –Zlefin theareaunderthedrip _adrings often.Built-upsoil, speciallygrease,maycatchfire.To @ akecleaningeasier,therightrear tilt-lockunitliflsupandlocksinthe upposition,andtheotherthree plug-inunitsareremovable. Caution:Besukeallcontrolsme turnedtoOFFandsurfaceunits arecoolbeforeattemptingtolift orremovethem. Afterliting thetilt-lockunitor removinga-plug-inunit,removethe drippadrings undertheplug-in unitsandthetrimringanddrippan underthetilt-lockunitandclean themaccordingtodirectionsinthe CleaningGuideonpage13.Wipe aroundtheedgesofthesurfaceunit opening.Cleantheareabelowthe unit.Rinseallwashedareaswitha dampclothor sponge. TiIt-I.A3ckunit /“ — — — — --—. Therightreartilt-lockunit cannotbe lWll10V4?do Torepositionthetilt-lockunit: —— -— _. _-— _--- . Replacethedrip pan intothe recessin the cooktop. - _ --= - ● m. = I-[K Youcanlift it upwardabout6“and it willlockin theup position. ● Put thetrim ringin placeoverthe ‘drip pan. The drippan mustbe underthetrim ring. o Guidethe surfkceunitintoplace so it fitsevenlyintothe trim ring. —— —. -—. —— -—. -. — -------m- 11 = ,, C~~ andCleaning (continued) Plug-h Units I Receptacle Theleftrear andtwofront unitsare the plug-intype. Toreplacea plug-inunit: Lifta plug-inunitabout 1“above thetrim ring—justenoughto grasp it—andyoucan pullit out. Do notlift a plug-inunit more than1!’If youdo, it maynotlie flaton the trimring whenyou plugit backin. Repeatedliftingof the plug-in ,— unitmorethan-l”abovethe trim ringcan permanently damage the receptacle. ● Placethedrip pan/ringintothe surfaceunitcavityfoundon topof thecooktopso theunitreceptacle can be seenthroughthe openingin thepan. . Insertthe terminalsof the plug-in unitthroughthe openingin the drip pan andintothereceptacle. ● Guide the surface unit into place so it fits evenly into the trim ring. CAUTION @Do not attempt to clean plug-in surface units in an automatic dishwasher. @Do not immerse plug-in surface units in liquids of any kind. s Do not bend the plug-in surface unit plug terminals. @Do not attempt to clean, adjustor in any way repair the plug-in receptacle. 12 Cleanimg (hide ~Note: Letcooktoppartscoolbeforetouchingor handling. Materials toUse ControlKnobs ● MildSoapandWater GeneralDirections Pulloffknobs.Washgentlybutdo notimmersein water.Dry andreturn controlsto cooktop,makingsureto matchflatareaon the knobandshaft. Whencleaningcontrolpanelwithknobsremoved,do notallowwaterto rundowninside. @Soapand Water BrushedChrome PorcelainEnamel ~PaperTowel @DryC~Oth ● Soapand Water units Wash,rinse,andthenpolishwitha dry cloth.DO WI’ USEsteelwool, abrasives,ammonia,acids,or commercialovencleanerswhichmay damagetheftish. Avoidcleaningpowdersor harshabrasiveswhichmayscratchtheenamel. If acidsshouldspillonthecooktopwhileit is hot, usea dry paper towelor clothto wipeup rightaway.Whenthe surtice hascooled, washandrinse.Forotherspills,suchas fhtsmatterings, etc., washwithsoapandwaterwhencooledandthenrinse. Polishwitha dry cloth. Spattersandspillsbum awaywhencoilsare heated.Atend ofmeal,heat soiledunitsat HIGH. Letsoilbum off“abouta minute:’switchunitsto OFF.Avoidgettingcleaningmaterialson coils.Wipeoffanycleaning materialswithdamppapertowelbeforeheatingunit. Let unitcoolcompletelybeforehandling. SurfaceUnitCoils Chrome-Plated I)ripRm/Rings underPlug-In . SoapandWater ● Stiff-Bristled Brush e Soap-Filled ScouringPad Cleanas belowor in dishwasher.DO NCYI’ CLEANIN SELF-CLEANING OVEN;theywilldiscolor.W@ aftereachcooking,so umoticedspatter willnot “burnon” nexttimeyoucook.Toremove“burned-on”spatters, use anyor all cleaningmaterialsmentioned.Rublightlywith scouring padto preventscratchingof surface. Chrome-Plated ‘IYim Ringunder Tilt-Lock unit Aluminum Drip l%nunder Tilt-Lock Unit —“ 6. w“ w. OutsideFinish Metal,including ~.. —— —~ ● Soap-Filled ScouringPad Excessivespilloverspassthroughopeningin pansandcollectin areabelow.SeeSu)jiaceCookingpagesforcookingmethodsto prevent spillovers.Spilloversallowedto cookontodrippansmayrequireuse ofa scouringpad. Removepansfrequentlyandwashwiththedishes. If youhavean ovenequippedwiththe Self-Cleaningfkature,see directionsthatcamewiththeoven. — — 13 ~ -z~: Questiom? useThkhblem solver -- PROBLEM Possm.ltCAUSE ANDluim’fEDY SUMACEUNTS Do Nm WORK PROPERLY If youmed morehelp...641, tollfree: TheGEAnswerCen~er@ 800.6262000 consumerinformationservice 14 If YouNeedservice lo obtainservice,sceyourwarranty Z&on the back page of this book ~ ‘“‘ ‘1-eproud of our service and wantyouto be pleased,If for some reasonyouare nothappywiththe serviceyoureceive,here are three stepsto followfor furtherhelp. FIRST, contact the people who servicedyourappliande.Explain whyyouare not pleased.In most eases,thiswill solvethe problem. NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the details-including yourphonenumber—to: Manager,ConsumerRelations GE Appliances AppliancePark Louisville,Kentucky40225 FINALLY,if yourproblemis still notresolved,write: ~— _EmEw —. _. - -Eiar —. -. Major Appliance Consumer Action Panel 20 North Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 — - ma!- —– — — —. EB!iw—. ~. - =—. - — — .. . . . . YOURBUILTINCOOKTOP WARRANW Saveproofoforiginalpurchasedate suchasyoursalesslip or cancelledcheckto establishwarrantyperiod. WHATISCOVERED FULLONE-YEARWARRANTY Foroneyearfrom dateof original purchase,we will provide,freeof charge,partsandservicelabor in yourhometo repairor replace anypart of the cookfopthatfails becauseof a manufacturingdefect. WHATIS NOT’COVERED teachyou 0Servicetripstoyour hOKEtO howto usethe product. ReadyourUseandCarematerial. If youthen haveanyquestions aboutoperatingthe product, pleasecontactyourdealeror our ConsumerAffairsofficeat the addressbelow,or call, toll free: TheGEAnswerCenler@ 800.626.2000 consumerinformationservice 4 Thiswarrantyis extendedto the originalpurchaserandany succeedingownerfor products purchasedfor ordinaryhomeuse in the 48 mainlandstates, Hawaii andWashington,IX. InAlaskathe warrantyis the sameexceptthat it is LIMITEDbecauseyoumustpayto shipthe productto the serviceshop or for the servicetechnician’stravel coststo yourhome. All warrantyservicewill be provided byour FactoryServiceCentersor by our authorizedCustomerCare” servicersduring normalworking hours. Lookin the Whiteor YellowPages of yourtelephonedirectoryfor GENERALELECTRICCOMPANY, GENERALELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE,GENERALELECTRICHOfPOINT FA(XORYSERVICEor GENERALELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE@SERVICE. ● Replacementof housefusesor resettingof circuitbreakers. ● Failureof the productif it is used for otherthan its intendedpurpose or usedcommercially. 4 e Damageto productcaused by accident,fire,floodsor acts of God. WARRANK)RISAK7TRESPONSIBLE FORCONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES. @Improperinstallation. If you havean installationproblem, contactyour dealeror installer. Youare responsiblefor providing adequateelectrical,gas,exhausting andother connectingfacilities. Somestatesdo notallowthe exclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,sothe abovelimitationor exclusion maynotapplyto you.Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegalrights,andyoumayalsohaveotherrightswhichvaryfromstateto state. Toknowwhatyourlegalrightsarein yourstate,consultyourlocalor stateconsumeraffairsofficeor yourstate’sAttorneyGeneral. Warrantor:GeneralElectricCompany If furtherhelpis neededconcerningthiswarranty,write: Manager—Consumer Affaim,GeneralElectricCompany,AppliancePark,Louisville,KY 40225 ( e IW38C 10-87 .