Coolzone CZ140FRZ - Cardiff Houseshare
Coolzone CZ140FRZ - Cardiff Houseshare
& € a aI I f a e & L zoN E * cz140FRZ Undercounterfreezer l*E@l USER INSTRUCTIOI{S Pleaseread these instructions carefully before using this product and keep the instructions safe for future Page contents Beforeuse Do and Don't andcontrols. . . . . ... lnstallation Doorreversal Usingthefreezer M a i n t e n a nacnedc l e a n i n .g . . . . Troubleshooting Fuseand mainsPlugreplacemeni. Specification Safetymeasures Aftersalesservice 6 7 backcover backcover bacKcover Before Use Packaging Keepthe packagingmaterlals The packagingis recyclableso disposeof it accordingto localregulations out of reachof Youngchildren. Warning and The freezeris heavyand careis neededwhen unpacking not the casing rnovingit. Get extrahelp and only holdit by the dooror trim. Checkthe contents th€ casingfor any damagell Checkthe followingcontentsare includedwith the productand and.inspect product' the tt'"ie is unyn""0,'contactyour retailerfrom whomyou purchased lnstructionbookletand Guaranteeinformation Spacerbung frontfeet (if not alreadyfittec, Adjustable Plasticfreezerdoorflap 3 x plasticfreezerbaskeis Left-handbottomhinge(fordoor reversal) readyfor food wipethe casingwitha dry clothand cleanthe insidewith a damp cloth Afterunpacking, storage. Do and Dontt thoroughlybefore a Do readtheseinstructions usingthis aPPliance. a Do installthe applianceonly in the vertical position. I Do standfor 12 hoursto allowthe cooling gasesto stabiiiseif transportedin a horizontal position. a Do installto allowfor adequateventilaiion (seePage3). aroundthe aPPliance a Do notinstallnear heatersor otherneal sources. a Do unplugbeforecleaningand maintenance a Do defrostregularlyfor maximumefficiency' a Don'tinstallthe appliancein humidor extreme conditions. a Don'tattemptto repairthe applianceyourseli - backpage) (see Helplineinformation l This applianceis intendedlor domesticuseonly' Onlyuse it in accordancewiththe instructions. manufacturer's electricaldeviceinsidethe other use any a Don't applianceto defrost. or inflammable a Don'tstoregoodscontaining gases. otherexplosive a Don'tleavedoor closedif applianceis left switchedotf for long Periods. Installation and controls lmporiant Makesurethatthe voltagemarkedon the ratinglabelon the productcorrespondswith the voltagein your home. This qualityproducthas beentestedand certifiedto meetall applicableUK electical and safetystandards. The applianceis designedto operateat normal Positionit awayfrom any heat roomtemperatures. sourcesuchas a boiler,ovensand heaterswhich will reducethe coolingetticiencyof the freezer'lt is in to installtheappliance alsonoladvisable unheatedlocationssuch as garagesor of as thesewil,impairthe operation outbuildings, the freezerin winter. Fit the spacerbungontothe condensertubes (Figure1). The freezerrequiresspacearoundthe casingfor The minimum coolingandoperation. efficient clearancesare shownin Figure2. Do not obstruct grille. the top ventilation The freezermustbe installedon a firm flat and levelsurfacefor it to work quietlyand efficiently. lf the feetare not alreadyfltted,screwthem into the two frontcornersof the bottomof the casing. can be madeto levelthe Fineadjustments applianceby turningthe feetto raiseor lor"rer (rrqureJ). Note:The settingon the thermostatconlrolls dependentupon roomtemperatureandthe lf the red indicatorlight externaltemperature. shows.turn the thermostatcontroltowardsthe MAX position. FIGUNE1 SPACER BUNG CONDENSER FIGURE 2 Indicatorlights The indicatorlightsare at the frontof the freezer abovethe door.Whentheyilluminatethey indicate: Greenlight Yellowlight Red light Poweron Fastfreezeindicator('S'position) warninglight Temperature Diagrans showalternativemelhods of pravidingcoffect ah llow arounclIhe aryliance. FIGURE3 Switchingon Plugthe freezerintoa nearbypowersocketand switchon.The greenindicatorwill ljghtindicating thereis powerto the treezet Temperaturecontrol Turnthe thermostatcontrolto a half-wayposition on the dialand leavethe freezerrunningwiththe 2 hours.This will doorclosedfor approximately to stabiliseThe red allowthe insidetemperature for temperature go when the correct will out light (Figure 4). storingfrozenfoodis reached set The yellowlightshowswhenthe thermostatis 'S' the to the Fasttreeze('S' position).Only use positionfor fastfreezingfood.Turnthe thermostat controlbackto the normalpresetpositionwhen fastfreezeis completed. 4 FIGUBE THERMOSTAT CONTROL INDICATOR LIGHTS Notes on operation Duringnormaloperation the followingnoisesay be heard: a Stilledmurmurlrom compressorwhenit is working. a Softgurglingfromthe coolantflowingthroughthecoolingsystem. a Clickfromthethermostat switchingon andotf. Door reversal Thisappliance hasthe tacililyto hangthe door on the oDDosite side. Depending whereyou planto locatethe freezer, reversingthe doormaymakeaccessmore convenjent. (SeeFigure5 for guidanceon door clearancedimensions). FIGURE 5 The numberson the illustration (Figure6) relate to thefollowinginstructions. F I G U R6 E Showingclearancefor doorapening. Dimensionsare shownin millinetres Usingthe freezer Precautions l 0 Thelreezeris capableol producing verycold whichmaycauseinjuryif safety temperatures precautions are notobserved: a Do notattemptto lreezecarbonated drinks suchas 'fizzypop',mineralwater,champagne the bottlesmaybreakwhenfrozen. Drinksin PEPDlasticbottlesmustnot be frozen. a Thefreezermustonlybe usedfor the storing of edibleloodstutfs. aFrozenfoodthathasthawedshouldnot be refrozen. Frozenfood storage Foodwhichhasbeenpurchased frozenshouldbe keptin its originalpackaging.Maximumstorage timesand expirydatesare usuallygivenon the foodpackaging. IMPORTANT Do not re-lreezelood that hasthawedor partially thawed. Whencookingfoodyou mustensureit has thoroughlythawed,especially importantregarding poultryand seafood. Do notoverloadthe food basketsand always allowspacebetweenthe packagesof lood.This ensuresthatcoldair is freeto circulatepreventin the foodpackagesfrom stickingtogether. Whenusingthe Fastfreeze('S')setting,do not freezetoo muchfoodat onetime.Do not exceed 8kg in 24 hours. Whenremovingice cubesfromthe tray,it may helpto holdthe tray underrunningwaterlor a few secondsin orderto loosenlhe ice. Whenfreezinghotfoodallowit to coolbefore placingit in the freezer.Alwaysstoreit awayfrom foodwhichis alreadylrozen. Maintenance and cleaning lmportant The freezermust be turned off at the mains before maintainingor cleaning, Defrosting It is recommended to cleanand wipeout the freezerafterany spillageinsideor outsidethe applrance. Caution:Do not touch ice with bareskin to avoid'iceburns', It is wiseto defrostthe freezerif the ice buildup exceeds6mm,otherwisethe efliciencyof the freezerwill reduceand the electricityconsumption willincrease. Defrostthe freezerwhenthe stockof frozen contentsis low. Unplugthe freezerand emptythe frozenfood into insulatedbagsor cardboardboxescoveredwith newspaper. Leavethe door openand placebowlsor any other suitablecontainerundereachshelfto catchthe waterfromthe meltingice. Bowlsof hot watermay be placedin the freezerto speedup defrosting. Plasticscraperscan be usedas an aid to defrosting. lmportant a Do notuseelectrical appliances suchas heatersor hairdryersto meltthe ice a Do notusemetalobjectssdchas kniveso. skewersto chip awaythe ice as thesecan damagethefreezerwallsandcoolingpipes. Whenall tracesof ice havebeen removedtromthe interiorof the freezer,usea teaspoontulof bicarbonate of sodadilutedin a pintol warmwater to wipethe internalsudacesand shelvingto removefood residuesand odours. Cleanthe doorseals. Leaveto dry beforereloadingfood. Replace the plugin the mainssocketandswitch on.Thegreenpoweron andtemperature Warning lightswillilluminate. Replacethe foodwhenthe red lightgoesout. OnJyreplace foodwhichis stillfullyfrozen.lf anyof the foodhas startedto thawthrowit away. Externalcleaning Keepthe condensjngtubesfree from dustto maintainoptimumefficiency.Use a soft brushor vacuumcleanerto removethe dusttakinocarenot to damagethe pipesand wiring.Also reriovedusl fromthe compressormotorhousingwhichjs situated at the rearbackof the appliance casing. The externalcasingcan be cleanedwjthwarrn soapywaterand protectedby polish.Do not use scouringpowderswhichcan scratchthe surfuce. Whennot in use lf the applianceis to be emptiedand turnedoff for a longperiodit is advisableto: ] Disconnect the unitfromthe mainssupply. a Emptythe freezerof food and allowany ice that hasformedto melt. a Cleanand dry the jnterior. a Leavethe dooropen- do not close T?oubleshooting il Problem Possiblecause Remedy Indicatorlightsnot on No power Checkfuse in plug Redlightis on Door is openfor too long Do not opendoor needlessly Abnormalnoiseand vibration Freezernot level Adjustfeet to levelthe unit Condenser tubestouching cabinet Carefullyeaseaway parts or other tubesfrom otherparts Fuse and mains plug replacement This productis suppliedwith a mouldedplug whjchcontainsa 13Afuse.lf you are simply replacingthe fuse,you mustuse a 1gAfuse which has beenapprovedby ASTAto 8S1362(Figure7). lf the plugdoesnot fit the socketor beoomes damaged,a newplugmustbe fitted.Replacethe originalplugwiththe correctplugfor yoursocket.lf thisis a 3-pin(squarepin)134 (BSt363)ptug,you mustmakesurethat it is fittedwithan ASTA apDroved13Afuse. lf anothertypeot plug is used,il mustbe protected by a 13Afuse,eitherin the plug or at the distributionboard. FIGURE7 FIGUBE 8 l. Cut off the existingfittedplug. 2. The wjresin the mainsleadsuppliedwiththis appljanceare colouredin accordance with the folloMngcode (Figure8): = EARTH{E) GREENT/ELLOW BLUE= NEUTRAL (N) BROWN= L|VE(L) This productmustbe earthed As the coloursof the wiresin the mainslead may not correspond with the colourmarkingsidentifying the terminalsin your newplug,proceedas follows. The wire whichis colouredGREENor YELLOWGREENmustbe connectedto the terminalwhichis markedwith the letterE or @ symbolor coloured GREENor YELLOWGREEN. The wirewhichis colouredBLUEmustbe connectedto the terminalin the plugwhichis markedwiththe letterN or colouredBLACK. The wirewhich is colouredBROWNmustbe connectedto the terminalwhichis markedwiththe letterL or colouredRED. 3, Ensurethat the connectionsare tightand thatno loosestrandsare lettout of the terminals. IF IN ANY DOUBTCONSULTA QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN. ll the mains lead becomes damagedconsult a qualilied electrician. Specification Totalgrossvolume(litres) Totalusablevolume(litres) 120 HxWxDmm Dimensions: (Watts) Powerconsumption 850x550x600 103 100 Powersupply (kwh) dailyconsumption Nominal '/ 23OV,5OHZ 0.96 class Energyetficiency c Refrigerant R134a This productcompliesto the essential complieswith EECdirectivesfor radiointerference. Thisapparatus lor 73l23lEECfor lowvoltageand 89/336/EEC of EuropeanCouncildirectives: requirements compliance. electromagnetic mayvarywithoutpriornotice. Productspecification Safetymeasures Nevertry to repairthe applianceor the electrical partsyourself.Any repaircarriedout by an unskilledpersonis dangerousand mayaffectthe guarantee. Contactthe Helplinebelowfor andadvice. assistance lf thefreezerbreaksdownor the powerfails,do uponconditions notopenthe door.Depending the frozenfoodshouldnotbe alfectedfor 24 hours. Disposal of old fridge or freezer the appliancemustconlormwithEU Disposal,of regulations. environmental lvlakethe appliancenot usableby cuttingofi the mainsleadand removingany doorlocks. mustbe deliveredto an authorised The aDoliance collectioncentre. After salesservice for a periodof 2 is guaranteed The appliance yearsfromthe dateot purchase.Keepyour purchasereceiptwiththeseinstructions. failsto workproperlyduringthe lf theappliance 2 yearperiodconlactthe: on 08707259939. HelDline The appliancewill be repaired(atthe discretion)at no costto you.lJ manufacturer's the guaranteehas elapsed,youwillbe givena quotationfor any repairsor pansrequlred. E] tll