SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY PLAN FOR SUCEAVA Demographic factors and settlement patterns influencing the SUMP preparation Dr. Octavia Anamaria STEPAN Cities on the Move University of architecture and urban planning Ion Mincu 2nd European SUMP conference Bucharest, 16-17 June 2015 Why a SUMP for Suceava? the national context • 2013 – SUMP a MANDATORY COMPONENT OF THE URBAN MASTERPLAN of municipalities above 100.000 inhabitants (+) major step from a „traffic substantiation” study to a coherent framework - set up to ensure integration of transport planning and urban planning at city level (-) national guidelines to steer the development and implementation of SUMPs have not been provided/approved yet Why a SUMP for Suceava? the national context • 2014 - Development of SUMPs for 7 Growth Poles and the Bucharest-Ilfov agglomeration (+) Cooperation between national and EU bodies (Ministry of RD MAROP + EBRD + JASPERS) - better coordination and compliance with EU guidelines and the 2013 Urban Mobility Package (+) Guidelines for content and development of SUMPs (based on JASPERS ‘terms of reference’) are produced (-) These guidelines cannot be applied in the case of ‘other’ Romanian municipalities • 2014/2015 - Financial support for SUMPs and sustainable mobility included in the 2014-2020 ROP (in charge MAROP through Regional Development Agencies) Why a SUMP for Suceava? the local context • Development of an Urban Masterplan - in view of the approval of and Urban Masterplan a SUMP is needed • Involvement in several EU projects on sustainable mobility: - CIVITAS - SMILE (2005-2009) - MIDAS (Measures to Influence transport Demand to Achieve Sustainability) (2006 – 2009) - EVUE (Electric vehicles in Urban Europe (2009-2013; 2014 – present) - Infrastructure rehabilitation – structural funds (2010-2013) • Funding opportunities: - Cohesion Fund - the 2014 -2020 ROP – Axis 4 „Development of clean urban public transport, particularly electric and stimulating non-motorized trips in cities” – ADR Nord-East - Swiss Government (Swiss-Romanian cooperation program) Suceava - general features • In the north of Romania, 430 km from Bucharest • Capital of the Suceava county and of the Bucovina Land • Part of Romania’s North-Est Region • 93,000 inhabitants (2011 census) • A surface of 52 sqkm • An „urban metropolitan association” with surrounding localities has been established Sources: google maps; Suceeava City Hall website Suceava - distinctive features URBAN STRUCTURE • Fracture between north and south – north with a poorer development and high sprawl tendency • Poor connectivity due to lack of a extensive street network • Poor integration of the river in the cityscape and urban life Source: google maps, editing O.Stepan Suceava - distinctive features DEMOGRAPHIC DYNAMICS • A decline of the total population of • Migration from urban (Suceava) Suceava, but a significant growth of to adjacent peripheral localities the total population in the immediate (rural) peri-urban area - especially the south neighbouring communes (+20% in 2011) Sources: Planul local de mobilitate urbana durabila al municipiului Suceava (2014-2015); Studiu privid relatiile periurbane ale mun. Suceava Analiza privind dinamica populatiei (2013) Suceava - distinctive features DEMOGRAPHIC DYNAMICS • A certain commuting degree of the workforce due to a high share of jobs and companies within Suceava rather than in the peripheral localities Leads to high levels of car traffic and congestion of city’s main entrance roads at peak hours • A tendency of demographic ageing throughout the entire peri-urban area Source: Studiu privid relatiile periurbane ale mun. Suceava – Dinamica fortei de munca din zona periurbana (2013) Suceava - distinctive features ECONOMIC DYNAMICS Strong reduction of industrial economic activities, while commercial activities (both wholesale and retail), warehousing and distribution significantly increase • Suceava has the highest commercial space (sqm)/capita in Romania Pressures from city traffic with heavy duty vehicles and not only Source: google maps, editing O.Stepan Suceava - distinctive features ECONOMIC DYNAMICS High touristic potential, but lack of good touristic facilities and support services - such as extensive pedestrian/cycling network to connect attractions, tourist guidance maps or touristic bus routes Sources: Planul local de mobilitate urbana durabila al municipiului Suceava (2014-2015); photos – Suceva City Hall website Suceava - distinctive features MOBILITY TRENDS • High dependency on car for the new residential developments in the north and also for the peripheries • The PT network is not extensive enough - it does not ensure a good connection between North and South, between the peri-urban area, the city and the railway stations • High volumes of transit traffic, especially freight traffic Source: Planul local de mobilitate urbana durabila al municipiului Suceava (2014-2015) The SUMP the methodology • Several substantiation studies: land-use, environment, pedestrian flows and network, car traffic, PT network, parking space management, freight and access restrictions, Source: Planul local de mobilitate urbana durabila al municipiului intermodality, .... Suceava (2014-2015) • Application of ADVANCE audit scheme to identify weaknesses, needs and also envisaged solutions – establishment of a WORK GROUP involved in several meetings • On-site visits and analysis • Several bilateral consultations with the municipal representatives to set priority measures and define the Action Plan The SUMP agreed objectives Objective 1- Support economic growth and competitiveness by developing a reliable and efficient transport system Objective 2- Fight pollution and climate change by developing and encouraging environmental friendly transport modes and reducing car dependency Objective 3 – Improve the mobility of all users, by rehabilitation of the transport system support infrastructure, by ensuring a better accessibility and a better connectivity within the urban structure Objective 4 – Improve the safety and health of those living and working in Suceava by improving road safety, public transport safety and promoting active travel modes Objective 5 - Improve the quality of life of those living, working and visiting Suceava and also improve the city's image by promoting investments in mobility that enhance the quality of the urban and natural environment and also the city ambience The SUMP objectives: main focus of measures Objective 1 - improvement and extension of PT network + intermodality + parking management + freight transport management + Urban development and transport integration Objective 2 – electric vehicles (PT and municipal fleet) + Car related measures + nonmotorised modes infrastructure + LEZ + parking management + access restrictions Objective 3 – rehabilitation, extension/completion of the road, pedestrian and cycling network + extension of pedestrianized zone + land-use and transport integration Objective 4 – traffic calming measures + walking and cycling routes + street design and PT design for PRM + mobility management Objective 5 – extension of pedestrian and cycling network to connect touristic attractions and services + orientation and guidance systems for pedestrians/cyclist/PT users + maintenance works + marketing measures The SUMP ”measurable” objectives Objective 1- Support economic growth and competitiveness by developing a reliable and efficient transport system indicator current status – value or percent Indicator Situația existentă Ce se urmărește .... % populației cu acces la transportul public (fizic și financiar) pentru deplasările către muncă, unități de învățământ, de sănătate Timpul mediu de călătorie cu transpotul public la orele de vârf % pot folosi TP Nr. de depasări în zona centrală la orele de vârf Pe axul principal: % pietoni; %bici; .% TP; % auto Nivel de satisfacție al populaței cu privire la gradul de accesibilate și confort al transportul public (atât în oraș cât și în zona peri-urbană) Timpul mediu de călătorie pentru deplasările realizate mergând pe jos și/sau cu bicicleta target or evolution Creștere de la an la an 45 min din Burdujeni Sat în Centru (2014) % sunt satisfăcuți Reducerea la maxim 20min în limita intravilanului și la 40-45 min pentru localitățile din zona peri-urbană Creșterea nr. de deplasări cu transportul public, pe jos și cu bicicleta /Descreșterea nr. de deplasări cu automobilul personal Creștere de la an la an minute Reducerea timpului de călătorie Următoarele măsuri și proiecte vor ajuta la îndeplinirea acestui obiectiv a. Creșterea capacității și extinderea rețelei de transport public pentru o mai bună deservire și conectare a zonelor de interes și de servicii localizate în Suceava (centrele comerciale, zonele de birouri/depozitare/producție, Universitatea, Spitalul Sf. Ioan) cu cartierele periferice (Burdujeni Sat, Ițcani, Obcini) și zonele peri-urbane (Moara, Ipotești, Salcea, Adâncata, Pătrăuți, Mitocul Dragomirnei, Bonsaci) b. Realizarea în Suceava și zona sa metropolitană a unui sistem de transport metropolitan integrat și ecologic, care oferă un acces ușor către servicii și locuri de muncă pentru toți locuitorii prin: - Informații în timp real (în stații și on-line) f. g. h. i. Realizarea a 5 centre tip „Parchează și călătorește” („Park and Ride/Bike”) (noduri de interschimb), la intrarea în oraș, pe traselul principalelor drumuri națioanle de access (E58 și E85) și spre localitățile generatoare de navetism spre și dinspre Suceava (vezi plașa 2.1.6 – Plan de staționare – managemnetul spațiilor de parcare – propunere) Îmbunătățirea legăturilor pe calea ferată între zona peri-urbană/regiune și municipiul Suceava – reabilitarea infrastructurii feroviare și a stațiilor de călători SNCFR și a zonelor adiacente acestora Reabilitarea aeroportului Ștefan cel Mare Dezvoltarea unui Plan al Serviciilor de Livrare în oraș în parteneriat cu mari The SUMP 3 scenarious Minimum INTERVENTIONS ‘DO MINIMUM’ Maximum INTERVENTIONS Medium INTERVENTIONS ‘DO SOMETHING’ ‘DO SOMETHING MORE’ Organised around ASSUMPTIONS for the 4 main topics: Socio- Demographic Urban development Economic Environment Urban Image and Attractiveness SETTING PRIORTIES FOR EACH OF THE CHAPTERS: Mobility at territorial level Intermodality Public transport Non-motorised mobility and networks Roads network and car traffic Urban rail network Parking space management Freight and logistics URBAN IMAGE SOCIOURBAN ENVIRONMENT ECONOMIC DEMOG DEVELOPMENT RAPHIC ‘DO MINIMUM’ ‘DO SOMETHING’ ‘DO SOMETHING MORE’ 8% annual decrease (last 4 years trend) Stagnation around 2014 total population A 1-2% growth rate over the 2010 - 2014 downward trend 1% annual decrease; Consumption economy Moderate growth + slight increase of service sector Steady growth + conversion to ‘clean ind.‘ + developm. of services and tourism NOx and PMx deteriorating; No progress towards 19% reduction of CO2 emissions Slight progress towards NOx and PMx reduction; No progress towards 19% reduction of CO2 Progress towards NOx and PMx reductions Slight progress towards 19% reduction of CO2 Continues sprawl - Monofunctional Lack of mixed use (periphery) Better controlled expansion – aiming at urban densification Regulated expansion Polycentric development (mixt use + high density) Stays the same – based on current heritage values Gain in visibility at regional level – better accessibility of touristic attractions High visibility (regional + national) – enhancement of heritage values + economic vitality The SUMP ” integrating” trends by integrated measures HIGH MIGRATION TO PERIURBAN AND PERIPHERY STRUCTURAL FRACTURE UNCONTROLLED URBAN DEVELOPMENT HIGH COMMUTING RATES POOR COVERAGE AND CONNECTIVITY of ROAD and PT NETWORK HIGH SHARE OF CAR TRIPS CONGESTION ON THE MAIN ENTRANCE ROADS HIGH TRANSIT BY FREIGHT TRAFFIC CONGESTION ON THE MAIN AXIS Support economic growth and competitiveness by developing a reliable and efficient transport system OB1: SET UP AN OB1: PARK AND INTEGRATED METROPOLITAN PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM RIDE/BIKE at the entrances and at railway stations OB 1: SET UP GOODS DELIVERY PLAN including ACCESS RESTRICTIONS and 2 CONSOLIDATION CENTRES OB 2: PROMOTION OF OB 1: PARKING MANAGEMENT OB 3: TRAFFIC CAR POOLING AND CAR SHARING SCHEMES SCHEME especially in the central area according to occupancy period MANAGEMENT to GIVE PROIRITY TO PT OB 4: IMPROVE ACCESSIBILITY to PT OB 5: SET UP PEDESTRIAN AND and PEDESTRIAN NETWORK , for SERVICES, BUSINESSES and SCHOOLS CYCLING ROUTES TO CONNECT TOURIST ATTRACTIONS The SUMP set priorities Source: Planul local de mobilitate urbana durabila al municipiului Suceava (2014-2015) The SUMP set priorities Source: Planul local de mobilitate urbana durabila al municipiului Suceava (2014-2015) Some lessons learned • The integration of the demographic and economic factors in the urban mobility planning calls for the consideration of territorial dimension - THE BROADER TRANSPORT PERIMETER VS. THE LIMITATION TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY • Resolution of mobility issues resulting from the correlation of urban/settlement pattern dysfunctionalities with demographic and economic trends calls for INTEGRATED SETS OF MEASURES • Achievement of priority setting calls for ‘compromise’ between citizens needs and aspirations, local structural constraints, funding availability and pursuit, as well as technological advancements and global economic trends - ADJUSTING MOBILITY PLANNING TO BOTH BROADER GLOBAL TRENDS AND LOCAL CONTEXT FURTHER STEPS .... • How can we better integrate the demographic factors and settlement patterns ? • Challenge: What Suceava (or other similar Romania municipality) has to do to ensure the implementation of its SUMP? THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! Octavia Anamaria STEPAN [email protected] Cities on the Move University of architecture and urban planning Ion Mincu Acknowledgements Mr. Dan DURA – Suceava Municipality Department for international projects and investment Arh. Constantin GORCEA – AGD company Soc. Simona ZARNESCU – Cities on the Move Ing. Iustin URSACHI – Independent professional Arh . Andreea MANOLE – AGD company