September 2015 - Needlework and Textile Guild of Michigan


September 2015 - Needlework and Textile Guild of Michigan
The purpose shall be to foster the art of needlework: with special emphasis on work done with a needle
with an eye and related disciplines; with an eye to encourage high standards of design and technique; and
to bring together members who shall learn, share, teach and participate to the fullest extent in this
Welcome back to NTGM! I hope everyone has been able to enjoy the weather this summer,
which is apparently the hottest one on record globally. Barbara Gittleman and Barbara
Skimin (hereafter known as The Barbaras) have done a terrific job in bringing us a wide
variety of programs this year. As a reminder, workshops do fill up, and your reservation is not
guaranteed until payment is received.
We welcome new members to the NTGM Board. Thanks for your willingness to pitch in and
support the Guild. And, of course, thank you again to those Board members returning for
another year; we have a well-functioning group because of your efforts.
We are still in need of a coordinator for Seminar Day, which is in February. The coordinator is
responsible for lining up 3 teachers for the day, and managing enrollment. We will also need
teachers (Guild members), so please consider this a safe, friendly way to share your talents,
gain valuable teaching experience in a friendly environment, and make some money!
As a reminder, members are allowed to sell items at meetings, provided they follow our
guidelines. For details on those guidelines, see the website.
Speaking of the website, I am in desperate need of assistance, as my programming experience
ended sometime in the 80’s. If anyone knows of somebody (local grandchild, friend, etc.)
with HTML experience, please contact me!
Have a great Labor Day, and we’ll see you in September!
Debra Gash
Dues for 2015-16, still only $40, may be paid at
the first meeting, so please bring your checkbook
or cash. I will have forms and NEW membership
cards for you at the welcome table. If you want to
be included in the new directory but are unable to
attend the first meeting, please send dues to me
before September 20th.
Barbara Gash
2668 Douglas Drive
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304.
Thanks, and I'll see you on the 8th
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
5500 N. Adams Road
Troy, MI 48098
The church is on the east side of Adams Road,
south of Square Lake Road and north of Long Lake Road.
September Program
There is ample parking.
October Program
Our direct entrance is toward the rear of the church, which is
a slightly longer walk but there are no steps.
If you enter through the front door, the church office is to
the right, and they can direct you to our meeting space.
November Program
December Whistlestop
Library Update
Flea Market, Library, and Social time begins about 9:30
Membership Info
Business Meeting starts at 10:00
Program immediately follows the Business Meeting
Workshop Hours on Tuesday from 12:30 to 3:30
Workshop Hours on Wednesday from 9:30 to 3:30
NOTE about temperature:
The meeting space is chilly, even when the heat is turned all
the way up. Wear warm clothing, especially during the
winter months.
Workshop Supplies
Program Coupons
9 - 14
13 - 15
September Program
September 8 - 9
Changing Trends in My 50 Years of Teaching
Shay Pendray is an internationally recognized, award-winning needlework
teacher, lecturer, and designer. A past Board member of The National
Needlework Association, Shay is the author of four books on innovative
embroidery techniques, and was the host of three PBS shows – Embroidery
Studio, Needle Arts Studio, and Knitting Daily - created to introduce the
audience to a variety of needle arts from the comfort of one’s home.
Shay will discuss her journey of 50 years in the embroidery world,
beginning with her high school education as a student of Henry Ford himself.
With the unique opportunity to explore a variety of techniques in both Europe
and Asia, she has made 18 trips to Japan over the last 30 years, studying with
four different Sensei (teacher) including Kiju Funkuda, the Living National
Treasure of Japanese Embroidery. The driving force in the introduction of
Japanese Embroidery to the United States, Shay has taught many students from
around the world in these techniques.
Shay’s presentation will include a discussion of Chinese double-sided
embroidery, Japanese Embroidery, crewel work and a whole host of other
Shay has designed a workshop for NTGM members that incorporates stump work,
ribbon embroidery and crewel work. Students will work with silk ribbon to learn the
Japanese ribbon and blister stitch, embroider a butterfly body, and finish the wings in a stump
work technique. The crewel design is typical of those found in English work.
October Program
October 13 - 14
Creativity and Content: An Artist’s Journey
Linda Soberman is an artist and educator with studios in Michigan and San
Miguel de Allende, Mexico. She has translated her inspiration and conveyed her
ideas through a variety of media including photography, printmaking, artists’
books, and found object sculpture. Her current work embraces themes of
memory, loss, and the collective impact of the Holocaust.
Linda has been awarded fellowships that enabled her to participate in
residencies in Italy, China, and Argentina. A recipient of the Lifetime
Achievement Jewish Woman in the Arts Award, Linda was honored to be
included in the book Jewish Women in the Arts. Her art has been featured at
the Museum of Hebrew Union College, New York City; Charach Museum in
West Bloomfield, Michigan; Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center, Birmingham,
Michigan; Museo de Arte de Queretaro, Mexico; and ARTPrize, Grand Rapids,
Michigan. One of her installations is currently on display at the Holocaust
Memorial Center in Farmington Hills, Michigan.
[email protected]
Imaginatively translate your story ideas and themes into a fabric or paper wall
hanging, print, art quilt, or wearable art by creating interesting monotype backgrounds of
color, pattern, text, and drawings, combined with transferred photographic or print images.
Students will work with Gelli Plates, acrylic paints, fabric paints, and inks to create the base
for building and layering images, as Linda demonstrates her original image transfer techniques
and methods for creating transparent effects. Combining the monoprints with the transfers
adds interest and depth - even mystery and quirkiness - to make your story persuasive. Linda
will guide each artist to assemble images and fashion them into an art piece expressing the
essence of the artist’s own story.
November Program
November 10 - 11
From Tradition to Rule Breaker
Quirks Ltd. is a forward-thinking, artistic endeavor led by Kathryn
Schmidt, author of Rule Breaking Quilts. Quilting is the focus, but all forms of
art are deeply appreciated and respected, and experiments are the norm.
Kathy has been a quilter for over 40 years, is still excited by all the
possibilities of this art form, and delights in sharing her love of non-traditional
quilting through teaching. Kathy has recently retired from her ‘job-that-paysthe-bills’ and is looking forward to much more time devoted to her rulebreaking approach to quilting. More surface design experiments are definitely in
her future, as well.
In her trunk show and lecture, Kathy will take you along on her journey
from traditional quilting to her current improvisational work that includes
surface design techniques and embellishment.
Are you ready to try Rule Breaking Quilts? With just a few simple, unconventional techniques, you will be well on your way to mastering non-traditional quilting. Enjoy
frustration-free piecing as you learn how to assemble the pieces into a finished design,– all
without a pattern, templates, or even pins! The fun is in the process when there are no
mistakes – only alternate design decisions. Eliminate the need for precision piecing. If a piece
doesn’t fit, just trim it smaller or add a hunk of fabric to make it bigger! What could be more
fun, relaxed, and easy – and every quilt is unique.
The workshop will cover as many aspects of improvisational quilting as we can fit into
a day and a half. Tuesday afternoon will be devoted to straight line improve and basic
assembly. Wednesday will cover curved piecing, design, and final assembly. A small project
can be completed in the workshop.
Skill Level: beginner to intermediate.
December Whistlestop
December 8
Sue Mathes will show you how to make these delicate "Birdhouses" to use
as ornaments or just set on a shelf. There will be multiple themes to choose
from. The "Bathing Beauties" fold flat to send as a card or use on a shelf.
Supply list will be minimal and will be sent out November 1st. Kit fee is
$5.00, payable to NTGM.
NTGM Library News
September, 2015
Welcome back to another year of learning and playing with our ever expanding collection! We
have new items and donated items for fall. Remember that what is old hat to you is new to
someone else, so if you would like new space on your bookshelves, think of donating to NTGM.
As a reminder, your purchases at the NTGM Flea Market fund the library, so it’s a win-win!
If you have any suggestions for particular books, or topics you feel warrant more books or DVDs,
please email Deb Gash.
The Art of Expressive Collage – Crystal Neubauer – This is a contemporary and comprehensive look
at collage by one of the bigger names in current collage and mixed media work.
The Complete Illustrated Stitch Encyclopedia – covers embroidery, needlepoint, and a little bit of
other techniques (hardanger, smocking, drawn-thread work, etc.), as well as projects.
1. The goal of the NTGM library is to provide all members with free access to books and other
materials on a wide range of fiber art-related topics. As with any public library, we need to be
sure books stay in circulation by ensuring that they are returned in a timely fashion. Please be
considerate of other members and try to return your materials by the next meeting. You must be
a current member to check out any materials.
2. If you check out books and cannot come to the next month’s meeting, please find someone to
bring them in (check your NTGM directory) or mail them, so that other members may have
access as well. Many people did a fabulous job of this last year. We realize that last minute
things come up that may prevent you from attending a meeting (illnesses, etc.), but people do
wait for a book to come back in.
3. Due to the popularity of the library, we must limit the number of materials checked out by a
member to a maximum of 5 per month.
4. If something bad happens to your book (the P.O. loses it, the dog eats it, you spilled ice cream
over it at the beach, etc.), please expect to replace it for the Guild. If you have friends who are
not members who would like to use this resource, please encourage them to join. YOU are
responsible for any items checked out in your name.
5. Finally, we will continue to make reminder calls the Monday before meetings, if it is helpful.
Please be sure to write your phone number legibly on the check-out card.
6. As always, if you have a particular item you’d like to see in the library, please let us know. Email
me ---I can’t remember items mentioned at the meetings!
7. Please DO NOT return items to the church office!!
Join the “NITWITS” this year for a lovely morning/afternoon of knitting
on the first Monday of the month. We gather around 10am, have lunch
around noon, and stay until whenever - usually about 2pm. We bring
our own lunch and our hostess provides us with a dessert and beverage.
The dates and hostesses are listed below. Just let the hostess know that
you will be attending, and we’ll look forward to seeing you there.
October 5
Mary Willsie
November 2
Arlene Lullove
December 7
Kathy Shuller
January 4, 2016
Joyce Smith
February 1
Barb Gash
March 7
Susan Sonders-Nabor
April 4
Sophie Malkowicz
May 2
Jean Clark
June 6
Jan Gammons
There may also be a “STITCH-IN” reinstated this fall.
Stay tuned for more Information.
I P (I’m Prepared) Kit
Basic Sewing Supplies
Needles, pins, thread, thimble
Scissors – paper and fabric
Paper and pencil
Shay Pendray Workshop
Ribbonwork, Stumpwork, and Crewel
Kit Fee $20
• Linen twill ground fabric
• Threads, including Medici wool, ribbon, overdyed floss and perle cotton
• Fully written instructions and full-size color picture of the finished piece
Student Supplies
5” or 7” embroidery hoop
Small scissors
Other stitching tools and IP kit
Linda Soberman Workshop
Printing on Fabric: Combining Monoprints and Transfers
A quick demo/review of the transfer process - make samples and get the ideas
Demo : Working with Gelli Plates and acrylic paints, fabric paints or inks on paper
and fabric. Bring your stencils, brushes, sponges- and we will have a great time
creating beautiful images on fabric for you to incorporate in your fabric art.
You will have the opportunity to make a series of samples using the gelli plate.
You will make fabric/paper samples of backgrounds/patterns/designs/colors and
while those are drying, we will prepare the transfer using your own images! The
magic starts when we begin to combine them together.
Kit Fee
(includes the following and more…)
Gelli plate 5 x 5”
Burnishing tool
Clear contact paper 1 yd
Tissue paper (white)
Gold leaf
Tyvek, watercolor paper, Cotton fabric –to make samples
Xerox copy paper- 5 sheets
And more!
Student Supply List
• B/W laser copies (you can bring color as well) 5 x 7” or smaller (make sure the
copies are clear, graphic, high contrast, not too cluttered - ie simple background)
• Scissors
• Ruler
• Exacto
• Pencil
• Cutting board
• Glue stick
• Sharpie permanent marker - fine
• Brayer (I will have a few for you to use but not enough for everyone to have
their own)
• Fabric- cotton, silk, organza, misc. fabrics- light colors preferable
• Paper towel roll
• Bottle of hand sanitizer
• Papers for printing on and for collage
• Brushes- a variety of sizes
• Coloring materials- pencils, crayons, caran d’ache, oil pastels, etc.
• Acrylic paints/fabric paints
• Stencils (to use with the 5 x 5” printing plate)
• Miscellaneous collage items- old papers, fabrics, buttons, embellishment
• Magazines to cut up and share!
• Container for water
Linda will provide the following:
• Acetone/ cotton/ cups
• Magazines
• Samples
• Images/notes
• Contact paper
• Water containers
• Sample fabrics (limited)
• Gold leaf
• Glue sticks
• Gel medium
• Hand sanitizer
• Oil pastels
• Permanent marker
• Speedball inks/ Acrylic paints
• Scrap paper
• Cardboard
• And more!
Kathryn Schmidt Workshop
Rule Breaking Quilts
No Kit
Student Supply List
Basic sewing supplies
Thread in a neutral color
Rotary cutter and mat
Sewing machine
o At least six fat quarters that play well together. Usually that means a focus
fabric, a light, a dark, and three mediums – but you can pick anything you like!
Tone-on-tone fabrics are always good supporters of the focus fabric. You are
free to bring any scraps that you desire. Bring an extra ½ yard or yard of a
couple of fabrics to use for borders, filling in spaces, and binding.
• Batting about 45” square (will be used for design wall as you work)
• Square ruler (optional)
• A sense of adventure
Coupon for:
Ribbon work, Stump work, and Crewel
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________
E-MAIL: _______________________________ PHONE: ____________________________
KIT FEE= $20
Pay on day of the Workshop
To Pay with CASH
• Place CASH in available cash payment envelope
• Give directly to the Program Chairperson
To pay by CHECK
• Post date check, payable to NTGM, to Workshop
• Please note the name of the presenter in the
‘memo’ space on the check
• Mail to:
Barbara Skimin
4073 Summerfield Drive
Troy, MI 48085
To pay by CASH, you must have the exact amount.
NTGM is unable to make change
To pay by CHECK, make the check payable to the
When the kit fee has been paid, your name will be
checked off the list, allowing you to participate
Questions: Contact
Barbara Gittleman
[email protected]
Barbara Skimin
[email protected]
Coupon for:
Printing on Fabric:Combining Monoprints and Transfers
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________
E-MAIL: _______________________________ PHONE: ____________________________
KIT FEE= $25
Pay on day of the Workshop
To Pay with CASH
• Place CASH in available cash payment envelope
• Give directly to the Program Chairperson
To pay by CHECK
• Post date check, payable to NTGM, to Workshop
• Please note the name of the presenter in the
‘memo’ space on the check
• Mail to:
Barbara Skimin
4073 Summerfield Drive
Troy, MI 48085
To pay by CASH, you must have the exact amount.
NTGM is unable to make change
To pay by CHECK, make the check payable to the
When the kit fee has been paid, your name will be
checked off the list, allowing you to participate
Questions: Contact
Barbara Gittleman
[email protected]
Barbara Skimin
[email protected]
Coupon for:
Rule Breaking Quilts
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________
E-MAIL: _______________________________ PHONE: ____________________________
To Pay with CASH
• Place CASH in available cash payment envelope
• Give directly to the Program Chairperson
To pay by CHECK
• Post date check, payable to NTGM, to Workshop
• Please note the name of the presenter in the
‘memo’ space on the check
• Mail to:
Barbara Skimin
4073 Summerfield Drive
Troy, MI 48085
Questions: Contact
Barbara Gittleman
[email protected]
Barbara Skimin
[email protected]