LPM of Hydrochina Dawood
LPM of Hydrochina Dawood
Cc 1:13 ‘tA crawmgro HYDROCHINA HYDROCHINA DAWOOD POWER (PVT) LIMITED At .vt. FA. W.. Y7 =1"" 18th Floor, B.R.R. Tower, Hassan All Street, Off : I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi 74000 Pakistan. Tel: +92 21-35878240-41 Fax : +92 21-35878243 Email : [email protected] December 5, 2014 HDPPL-1 (NEPRA-GL)/2014 The Registrar National Electric Power Regulatory Authority NEPRA Tower, Attaturk Avenue (East) Sector G-5/1 Islamabad c Application Under Regulation 10 Read With Other Enabling Provisions Of The Subject: National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Licensing (Application & Modification Procedure) Regulations, 1999 For Modification Of The Generation License No. WPGL/05/2006 Of HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt) Limited. 1, Jiang Li, Company Secretary, being the duly authorized representative of HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt) Limited by virtue of Board Resolution dated November 21, 2014 attached as Annex 1, hereby apply to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority for the grant of modification of the Generation License No. WPGL/05/2006 to HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt) Limited pursuant to Regulation 10(2) of the Licence Application & Modification Procedure Regulations, 1999. I certify that the documents-in-support attached with this application are prepared and submitted in conformity with the provisions of the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Licensing (Application and Modification Procedure) Regulations, 1999 and undertake to abide by the terms and provisions of the above-said regulations. I further undertake and confirm that the information provided in the attached documents-in-support is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and have attached an affidavit in support as Annex 2. A bank draft in the sum of Rupees 276,032/- being the licence modification application fee calculated in accordance with Schedule 11 to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Licensing (Application and Modification Procedure) Regulations, 1999 i5 also attached herewith. Jiang Li Company Secretary Encl : As stated Its much cheaper to save a watt than to generate a watt Cava Emarav — Sava 144 emvItomootard .,4414_e_x- Cc HYDROCHINA DAWOOD POWER (PVT) LIMITED 7 71c. IN 1 cruiopm POWERCHINA 1 MIL Nk, 18th Floor, B.R.R. Tower, Hassan Ali Street, Off : 1.1. Chundrigar Road, Karachi 74000 Pakistan. Tel: +92 21-35878240-41 Fax : +92 21-35878243 Email : [email protected] HYDROCHINA EXTRACT OF THE RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF HYROCHINA DAWOOD POWER (PRIVATE) LIMITED ON NOVEMBER 21, 2014. Mr. Wang Yongiang - Chief Executive and Mr. Jiang Li - Company "RESOLVED THAT Secretary are hereby authorized to file in person or through a duly appointed legal council (i) an application for the grant and/or modification of a Generation License including any review petitions; (ii) any documents in support thereof and/or to make any oral/written representations on behalf of HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Private ) Limited before the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA); and (iii) to engage a legal counsel to represent the Company before NEPRA in relation to Hydrochina Dawood Power (Private) Limited's 50 MW wind power project at Bhanbore, District Thatta, Sindh, Pakistan and to undertake any matters necessary or incidental thereto." Mr. Wang Yongiang - Chief Executive and Mr. Jiang Li "FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Company Secretary are also authorized to make the appropriate amendment in the EPA and IA, if any and sign the supplemental /revise documents on behalf of the Company. Further Resolved that Mr. Tahir Mehmood, Deputy Company Secretary be and is hereby authorized to issue the certified true copy of these resolutions for the submission to NEPRA or any other Authority. Certified that the above resolutions (i) were duly passed on November 21, 2014 in Karachi at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Hydrochina Dawood Power (Private) Limited at which a quorum of directors ware present; and (ii) have not been rescinded and are in operation and that this is a true copy of the said resolutions. CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE COPY Specimen Signature Tahir Mehmood Deputy Company Secretary HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Private) Limited Zatgd: 0 5//2/ 20/1/ It's much cheaper to save a watt than to generate a watt Sava &orgy — Sava Ma emvirommomi Mr Jiang Li Company Secretary • 113 Eg POWERCHINA HYDROCHINA DAWOOD POWER (PVT) LIMITED M amougo HYDROCHINA FX 51r 18th Floor, B.R.R. Tower, Hassan Ali Street, Off : I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi 74000 Pakistan. Tel: +92 21-35878240-41 Fax : +92 21-35878243 Email : [email protected] Text Of The Proposed Modification Under Regulation 10 (2)(a) & The Reasons For The Change Under Regulation 10 (2)(b) Of The Licensing (Application & Modification Procedure) Regulations, 1999 For Modification Of The Generation License Of HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Private) Limited (HDPPL). Respectfully sheweth, The text of the current Generation License to be modified has been struck through and the proposed text has been written in red and attached hereto. The full text incorporating the modified changes is further attached as Annex G. 1. Proposed Amendment Page 1 of 1 line 5 : timite' may be changed to "Limited" as per the attached Annex A. Reasons For Amendment Typo error. 2. Proposed Amendment Page 9 of 12 of Schedule I, (Revised) Modification II Page 9 of 12 may be deleted in its entirety and replaced by Annex "B" attached hereto. Reasons For Amendment The proposed Interconnection Document is the latest updated study jointly submitted to NEPRA in August, 2013 by NTDC and Power Planners International. 3. Proposed Amendment Pages 10 through 12 of Schedule I, (Revised) Modification II Pages 10 through 12 may be deleted to the extent of the proposed mark-up in red contained in Annex C. It's much cheaper to save a watt than to generate a watt Save emaroy — Savo Me &win:mom:at Cc 113 g EPS POWERCHINA HYDROCHINA DAWOOD POWER (PVT) LIMITED 71t. fai FX 41/19K off ammou HYDROCHINA 18th Floor, B.R.R. Tower, Hassan Ali Street, Off : I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi 74000 Pakistan. Tel: +92 21-35878240-41 Fax : +92 21-35878243 Email : [email protected] Reasons For Amendment The proposed amendments in Schedule I are due to the change of the manufacturer and equipment from Goldwind to Mingyang. Literature on the proposed Mingyang turbines to be used are attached as Annex D. The key reasons for the changes being that these WTG's are widely used in the coastal regions of China due to their high resistance to the corrosive salt wind air, similar to the conditions found in the marshy land at Bhambore, Sindh. The low voltage ride through LRVT is also particularly suited to the weak HESCO network in the Gharo area and from the raw data from the site much higher extreme wind conditions can be expected during the term of the Project and the proposed new WTG MY1.5 MW-82 are the best Chinese WTG's capable of standing up to extreme winds of up to 59.5 m/sec. A detailed study conducted by Power China Xeibi Engineering Corporation in November, 2014 sets out a detailed evaluation of these WTG's and can be found attached as Annex E. 4. Proposed Amendment Page 2 of 3 of Schedule II, (Revised) Modification II Pages 2 may be deleted to the extent of the proposed mark-up in red contained in Annex F. Reasons For Amendment The proposed amendments in Schedule I are due to the change of the manufacturer and equipment from Goldwind to Mingyang. Literature on the proposed Mingyang turbines to be used are attached as Annex D. The key reasons for the changes being that these WTG's are widely used in the coastal regions of China due to their high resistance to the corrosive salt wind air, similar to the conditions found in the marshy land at Bhambore, Sindh. The low voltage ride through LRVT is also particularly suited to the weak HESCO network in the Gharo area and from the raw data from the site much higher extreme wind conditions can be expected during the term of the Project and the proposed new WTG MY1.5 MW-82 are the best Chinese WTG's capable of standing up to extreme winds of up to 59.5 m/sec. A detailed study conducted by Power China Xeibi Engineering Corporation in November, 2014 sets out a detailed evaluation of these WTG's and can be found attached as Annex E. Yours sincerely, Jiang Li Company Secretary HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Private) Limited. It's much cheaper to save a watt than to generate a watt Sava energy — Save tlia eavirosuoind A National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) Islamabad — Pakistan MODIFICATION GENERATION LICENCE WPGU05/2006 In exercise of the Powers conferred upon the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) under Section-26 of the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act 1997, the Authority hereby modifies the GeneraticiaiAippnce granted to HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) .61mite (forrrierly Dawood Power (Private) Limited (No. WPG1J05/2006 dated December 29, 2006 and expiring on June 29, 2028), to the extent of changes mentioned as here under:(i). Name of the Licensee in the Original Face Sheet is changed to HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Private) Limited; (ii). The Installed Capacity mentioned on the Face Sheet may be read as 49.50 MW instead of 50.00MW; (iii). The Expiry Date of the Generation Licence in the Original Face Sheet is changed to June 29, 2034; (iv). Changes in Articles of the Generation Licence as Revised Articles of Generation Licence; (v). Changes in Schedule-I attached as Revised Schedule-I; and (vi). Changes in Schedule-II attached as Revised Schedule-II. This Modification-II Is given under my hand this Two Thousand & Thirteen Registrar v ATikiay of June FIGURE #4: Interconnection Schemes For Power Evacuation of 19 No. WPPs at Jhimpir Cluster Sr. 6 No. WPPs at Gharo/Bhambore Cluster (STAGE - 4: With 220/132kV Jhimpir-New and 220/132kV Gharo-New Substations ) and 2x250MW WPP by NBT HALA A I LAKHRA P/H SAKRAND DADU NEW QASIMABAD-II QASIMABAD JAMSHORO MATIARI HALA ROAD I -- -TT 7 YAR -- ------ NKI NBT 2X250 MW TANDO JAM MIRPUR KHAS NEW 1Qkh ZEAL PAK C/F T.P.S 1C JHM-VVPP #14-15r71-1 1.4 --I-- 11, JHM-WPP #10-11r -M---11 1, Metro re8771-- 7. -1 -1 tl „ It , Sachal 'rim-) " IIII11t Master le---F"-Il i t _ . 1 --)I t 1 ti..7.:-..-S JHM-WPP #131--?...-lot Le 7-' JHM-WPP #12[:;:r.' I I " 11 FFCEL ,.,-' ,13 It; 1, II\ _,_ 1 I 'i 'III i ... 1.---L-...---, SapphireL4, II1 n.3 1 I 1 1 II I -- --,:-"5-) TGFP37 Le--1-, I illn --.4_, 1I \ II I It I -----'-----___\ I I \ \ II \ .., I-4- K.D.A-33 10 MW T.B.KHAN 20 MW_ KALU KOHAR D.B. C/F T-SONEX MATLI TALHAR B.S. KARIM tilt; I It t 11 J 111 JHIMPIR NEW t"\\\ 11 1\ I1\ ES A C/F T.M..KHAN TANDO BAGO BADIN -Le_ _I WPP #16-19 THATTA KADHAN SUJAWAL 75km: GOLARCHI LADIUN THATTA C/F 220kV Jhimpir New Grid Station with 3x250 MVA 220/132kV T/Fs // PIR PATHO GHR-WPP ZEPHYFF-7m- // oi _) \ / / ////// //// /1/1 / may/ // / /// 1 , r__,,_ 7km _/ / I, I Le, _J- - - - - --) ( / 1'I FWEL-1 , L----4-71 L.4, I-- ---k:L.-1 F Le- TENAGA FWEL-II DAWOOD,--7t______) \ -1\ H/CHINA Lef -tGHARO \\ ,._„, \\' Ntyv V>-:\/ rr------ I GHARO CLUSTER 220kV Gharo New Grid Station with 2x250 MVA 220/132kV T/Fs 220kV Jhimplr New - T.M.Khan Road D/C T/L (70km) 220kV Gharo New - Jhimpir New D/C T/L (75km) 132kV T/Ls for Interconnection of WPPs with 132kV Jhimpir New (65km) 132kV T/Ls for Interconnection of WPPs with 132kV Gharo New (20km) 132kV Jhimpir New - T.M.Khan D/C T/L (82km) Addition of 3rd 500/220kV 450 MVA T/F at 500kV Jamshoro 220kV D/C T/L for In-out of Jamshoro-KDA S/C at NBT WPP ESTIMATED COST = 122 MUSD (STAGE - 3 & 4) LEGEND EXISTING MIRPUR SAKRO GLSTN T/L PROPOSED GLSTN T/L r 500kV 220kV 132kV 66kV Power Plants VI r-71 Generation Licence HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) Limited Near Port Qasim-Bhambore Gharo Creek District Thatta Sindh Detail of Generation Facility/ Wind Farmt (A). General Information 0). Name of Applicant/Company (ii). Registered/Business Office (iii). Plant Location Near Port Qasim, Bhambore, G1 District Thatta, Sindh (iv). Type of Generation Facility Wind Power (B). HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) Limite /2/7, i /cc. , fi, k' 10' / (: ,,, ri fitZ Sit= ,t. /41/ I i , , A,...t.t'i., ,1-_ , i A,- , ,, • e e :, .• ; --; , -Karachi=74000,Pakistan . , - - • •,;,:: P .' o Wind Farm Ca • acit & Confi • uratio (i). Wind Turbine type, Make & Model (ii). Installed Capacity of Wind Farm (MW) ..• •A5; . -:," ,'' . •• t • IIIN, e. ,Nt iy ct Drivc a iy, A'1 , I,S/elii,--? ', 1,11P6' 09.50 MW, Number of Wind Tu'r ins. 4 Units/Spe ,of.., each Unit (MN , 3 x 1.50MW WindFurbine Details '44k ,,,\ Tprbine a (i), 8thtity 411 33 (ii). ''Rated Power 1.5MW (iii). Number of Blades 3 ft- As provided by HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) Limited A1-11 (3 REGISTRAR • ,-;7 77,-T-- ??,, Page 10 of 12 of Schedule-1 Modification-11 6 Generation Licence HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) Limited Near Port Qasim-Bhambore Gharo Creek District Thatta Sindh (iv) Diameter of Blades 82 m (v). Rotor Swept Area 5390m2 (vi). Cut-in Wind Speed 3m/s (vii). Rated Wind Speed 11m/s IC e( ) ))0 (viii). Cut-out Wind Speed 22m/3 ") 1; ),/.. (ix). Survival Wind Speed 52.5m/s (x). Hub Height -79m (xi). Rotational Speed 9-17.3 rad/s (b). Generator Capacity (0. i Power Factor Generators (iii). Rated Voltage Quantity (ii). Voltage Lev 132 e (e). 1500 kW of 0.9k, ct* • 620 , ((/( V 33 , 2kV S bstation * -,,,:rx Transformer .0% i yy ) Compact Pre Fabrica edkSubstation g. .., (i). (d). ,) Generator (i). (c). I, '7, 4; >,)A 2 SZ10-40000/132 ,3civivA H2/2) kv(ivitA) IA/I/ A/ ).WTGs Foundation (i). Quantity 33 (ii). Type Borehole pile 00. Natural Foundation Offshore tidal f Features depth from 0 ' eNt ..:10* ro, nd water at shallow j to 1.08 q lensists of clay, nd q 1_, REUSTRAr-? 1611 :2_ Page 11 of 12 of SchediileModification-II (I 'IC Generation Licence HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) Limited Near Port Qasim-Bhambore Gharo Creek District Thatta Sindh fine grained sand. (f). Compact Pre Fabricated Substation Foundation (i). Quantity 33 Each (ii). Type Shallow foundation on natural ground iil (iii). II. Offshore tidal flats with ground water at shat w Natural Foundation depth from 0.43m to 1.03m consists of clayka • Features fine grained sand. (g). Wind Resource (11' )0(r)-) Annual Average 7.05 m/s (-7-Gni height) Wind Speed (ii). Prevailing Winds \ (iii). /. C. 324 PV/7 Annual Benchmark 130.13GWh Energy il (D). f' \I 'S \414. ‘QE SW Other Details (i). Project Commissioning date (Anticipated) (ii). Expected Life of the Project from Commercial Operation date (COD) 2616 June 30, 2014 20 Years Page 12 of 12 of Schedule-I Modification-II 4/19r-e >e MINGYANG WIND POWER PERFORMANCE BY NATURE Mingyang 1.5MW Series Wind Turbine Generator High Output Wind Turbine Generator Ming Yang Wind Power Industry Group 01 The MY 1 r; Serer. Wind Tii-hirie Generator was iormiy develoried by pioneers in the riectr.r.. and wind turbine serions Miegong Eiechir and aerodyn neemesysteme (3mbH n 27(17 Win, mere Pun 50 years of combined erpenerice .n electrical and wind turbine design great care was !alien rd ensure Met utmcst quality and attenbce went .rite even, e.t.a.. of the MY I 5 Series Wino Turbine ittei,erat-e- Gei-inar sifre,Loyd S .SSU.ng !CAM ve,•'•ed erememaily tnat at cor.,cs1rx-nls ■ •1tie CY:4,7n of tr)3af a MY 1 5 MW WTG were In to none The MY r 5 MA, WIG in designed to Product Introduction rcnmtions and lei...T.-v 7 iete come. vice The result is perion, ance and quail n alp w.nd regimes 03 piacranc re men NW MI BEI 151 all 'too Wind Turbine Structure 02 i— 71 _ Ma,nratiires I 5 tot 51-11911oliii[12, • Hubcap Pitch Bearing Rotor Hub ■ An up wind three blades independent electrical pitch control double fe0 variable-speed wind turbine generator i Bearing Housing Hydraulic Station Offering multiple platforms like the MY1 5s rTypriooll Rated withstandeig ■ winds up to 70ms) MY1 See (Cold Weather Design opecaeng in temperatures to -301.) MY1 5Su (withstanding exuenie low temperature to -45 1.1 and MY 1 5Sh (high elevation attitude design operating above 4000m) MOM; UUI CUSIOMVI lo apply renewable energy sokrbons to all climactic condierins Main Shaft Nacelle Crane Gearbox Support Frame ■ Speualiy designed blade Uldlda.lutISIN,S optimize enter re per ha mai rue in all wind regimes 1 he 1 5s typhoon rated wind turbine uses a 37 5m blade while the 1 55e cold weather design uses a 40 3m blade The 1 5 Series Wind Turbine out performs others rip to 10tt., meaning more generated power for your investment Hydr aulic Brake Assembly • Shaft S ha C Coupling upa mln stg Generator Weather ■ The two bearing design offers a more robust platform to reduce the gearbox wear due to unplanned thrust and impact loads Protecting the gearbox means more performance and life to the investment I Slip Ring System Control Cabinet Generator Cooling Fan ■ Ming Yang Wind Power's commitment to (matey is second to none Rigorous testing criteria goes in to every machine we se Each Machine Is load tested before leaving Our factory by our tOp engineers The result is superior performance at the customers site ■ A hermetically sealed nacelle option protects vital parts from corrosion and wear Increasing the pressure in the nacelle above ambient keeps elemental concerns outside the machine allowing for longer me and better performance Transformer Wafer Cooler 04 V..finr1 Turbine MP*6111111Pm 0.10,11. AI& Pcwde: Curve. MY, D' , .Lfea:ed. MY, 5. 62 town uove '0- • 725ktve The Mingyang wind turbines ware installed and put into operation at Zhantiang Xuwon Damaogi Duceun Tiering Xiangyeng Shangdu. Memos! Oangxiaogou wind farms etc moreover. two of Mingyang wind turbines have connected to the grid successfully at China s first offshore wind farm which located in intertidal zone •At I sprieelYs.yi • 105 Main Data Chrscnidion Speciflcatann Und blYI.SSu MYI5StI I Unit data I., .•tt 4.4t..,4t..-- • ..'..-•1 40:.-..-..4, '.--.Itt ..,,,. 4,r.::' e.r.:t• :1 , ..- • r-. • • • 1 I 1 '::4 r. : -7. 11-4F—.11.i.;..--•37., • •_ ...•_• • . • • . 1,,, lio-..; ■ ; ,0. II ;•t- ' .'It I r' 104.... :' ....404....:Iiii ...-tt.:41. ,..eilt I ••:...r.*,2 17 1 r•rov ,.,Irr- ...,.....? ,..ri,t.1.:r , 7:-... 7",•••-,:', 1 1 .1 • I Rotor and blade . --,r.i-..,-):::F I ,.,,,t.,. ]: ....,-,1= '' I fq•-:•7;.....r1....-;_r r. 10-. , e-'11..1.! •_ ,-4 1-, :-- 1,7 '. 1 :7:ti:- ,,,,, r kr r ...1.4"..• ' I..:r -..? Iltry.'”.-1,4-t.t. rr -_.;..,--.-,1 kr.:.,-. o..,r i '1;113I1r:1 1. -.,- •-. I ;_rr i I 1 F._ ,i..-; -. , - ,':-.1":ili-1-1 • ■ *-: PA:I), : •1 Litt I i I ,., r,..,• 1-0.11.- ' -.-.I I F.• .rd-. r rr..1Lrr.:-. • . .....7. LW, .4, lid 1 I I I- • I fr•-.1o,,1 ....,...10-0•-.,--,r,-11', ,4 ....., -. ..p..- 45."4,1'', . • N, I • • 1-4:)(.., :7, 61,,,,-;,,. :Jr. li Aro I ;.•,.,:F. !,..,...-.: ..... ,, t 1117,; ! ■ i1.1 ••• . 4-1)11.4.;4; ■ `:.:1-1., !1...1.. •■ .' ..o . .r.' Generator 7 ,1r. F 1 V Gairbox F, 11::: 10.'71 r 1 *-01.. ! '', I 1 I . ii- • ! Ir., tg•■ •.t I :;t1ttn 'A: ; I ;CY ,' system ▪ rret, 1-11:1 •):•0. •i: It' .:•■ • • Pitch ystein Ire t. •-, Control system . ,.-_-,,:, ■ ._, .,1,1.--;i!1 I raw- '.: . F r ! ; _ '41. r •qr., . l'r■ I •1-.7.-1 l'•-•:1- '■ .,.:.rc.:1•11.:r-rt- I I ' • /•III• • Lightning protection A.1%1r, 1-.• t.,011 • ,,,, r-,..it ir.”-r". iI• I •1.:• ■ 1,,,,I• .; roll --.•••......):,,-.., ,... 7 i in t.- r r.7. .. .;-. Ti 14.';‘; ....... ' r.rr; , , nu re.'1, I,: jt-'• I ,-. I', . ..11- •11111-. .. : 1:1•• I : v.'. .II•.1•11" ..,:--"I .U..I■ -: I TOW'S' •7-1•.. -.or rir,...-,1 Iell-fri, 1" '' r1 I..., CI. . ;.11'; ,, 111; . • te . I •• t :1t.1 t ... ..,:;' i, . 10011 eVelght 1'.1.1-, -.!: ::, . • P: ;1.■ 1..r, 4.f. • ...II Survival and Operation temperature 'X 1- I • f!-1 • *41: t •• • 4•11'.; ..-• Although the wind power industry develops at a fast pace, low average wind speed and high maximum wind speed in many regions around world makes it difficult to choose a suitable type for alt those different conditions Besides, low utilization hour of most wind turbines causes high electricity cost from wind power generation The MY1.5MW series wind turbines are specialty optimized to answer these challenges Large diameter rotor increases the wind swept areas. which in turn improves power output even under low wind speed Reenforcement of certain components enables the MY1 5MW Series wind turbines to have higher equivalent utilization hours, and it can survive and perform well even under complex climate conditions The MY1 5MW Series wind turbine alms at market for turbines suitabte for lower average Wind speed and high maximum wind speed We are striving to provide high quality, high efficiency, and high return wind turbines for domestic and international wind power operators Guangdong Ming Yang Wind Power Industry Group.,Ltd Adciresstling Yana Industrial Park, Huoiu Road.National H—Tech Industrial Devebprnent Zone, Znongshan, Guangdong, P R.China Phone. +86 760 2813 8512 F s x : +86 760 2813 8511 HIlp://www.nlywinci.corr Wind Turbine Evaluation Report for I IYDROCI-I INA DaN\ ood Power (P‘t) Ltd. goo *4 44 •• POWERCI [INCA XIBEI ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED November, 2014 lahoriied Appro\ Ld l)ong Uelan Ji Chaoving \Vei 'I Veri ['KAI 1 Li Chan.u.. Wanu I laihtla t"*.ja- i Kai 31;;V:if Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report —November 2014 Contents 1. Basic information of HDPPL Wind Power Project 1 2. Preamble 1 3. Objective 2 4. Main Conclusions 2 5. Short Introduction of Ming Yang MY1.5MW Series of Wind Turbines 2 6. Salient Technical Features of MY1.5MW-82 WTG 3 6.1 Turbine Features 3 6.1.1 Doubly-fed induction generator 3 6.1.2 Double-bearing support structure 4 6.1.3 Gear box 4 6.1.4 Yaw system 5 6.1.5 Control system 5 6.1.6 Brake system 5 6.1.7 Bearing system 5 6.2 5 Grid adaptability features 6.2.1 LVRT Function 5 6.2.2 Grid adaptability 6 6.2.3 The power quality 6 6.3 Design Features for Corrosion Protection (specially salt mist prevention) 7 6.4 The high temperature operation feature 8 6.4.1 Pitch system 8 6.4.2 Drive train 8 6.4.3 Gear box 8 6.4.4 Generator 8 6.4.5 Nacelle control cabinet and tower base control cabinet 9 6.4.6 Inverter 9 6.4.7 Control scheme of safety and protection operation 9 6.5 Rigid tower design 9 6.6 Independent intellectual property right of control system 9 7. Comprehensive analysis and evaluation 12 POWERCHINA XIREI ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED 4 Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report — November 2014 8 Annexure 8.1 MY1.5MW-82 Design Certification 8.2 MY1.5MW-82 Type Certification 8.3 Ming Yang WTGS Grid Adaptability Report 8.4 Ming Yang WTGS LVRT Test Report 8.5 Ming Yang WTGS Power Quality Report 8.6 Acoustic noise measurement report 8.7 MY1.5MW Product Brochure - International Version 8.8 Reference List 8.9 Customer tracking letters ii POWERCHINA XIBEI ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report—November 2014 1. Basic information of HDPPL Wind Power Project HDPPL project is located in Pakistan's southern province of Sindh, southeast of city Karachi. 80km from port Karachi, 55km from port Qasim, 5-6km form the coastal line. Geographic coordinate: east longitude 67°28'12"---67°30'22", north latitude 24°39'30"---24°40'58". Site area is tidal-flat area, about 6.6km2.The terrain of the wind farm is flat, altitude is about 2.0m-5.0m, relative altitude difference is about 3m. From wind farm to city Karachi is about 75km by national high way, the road enter into the site is tidal-flat road, convenient in transportation. The quality of the wind is good, prevailing wind is steady, wind source is worth to develop as a wind farm. The capacity of HDPPL wind farm is 50MW, consisting 33 sets of 1.5MW WTGS. A new 132kV substation and monitoring center will be constructed. The whole construction period is 18 months. The location map of HDPPL wind farm is shown in figure 1.1 A ra bian Figure 1.1 Location map of HDPPL Wind Power Project 2. Preamble In June 2013, HYDROCHINA DAWOOD POWER (PVT) LIMITED (HDPPL) had obtained the power generation license for a 50MW WPP with 33 Nos. 1.5MW Goldwind WTGs. Based on the new data available from HDPPL site near Gharo having inter-tidal 1 POWERCHTNA XIBET ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED -4e Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report — November 2014 environment and possible extreme wind conditions, a re-tendering for a suitable WTG became necessary. Further, in order to confirm that the new WTG meets the special environmental condition of HDPPL site and to make sure that the new selected turbine can provide a stable and safe performance for the term of the Project, HDPPL delegated POWERCHINA Xibei Engineering Corporation Limited (hereafter "XIBEI") to conduct an analysis of the WTGs available in the Chinese market. After a three month in-depth research of the Chinese wind turbine manufacturers, "XIBEI" experts and engineers decided that the WTG of Guangdong Mingyang Wind Power Group Co. Ltd. is best suited to meet the HDPPL site and NTDC network requirements. The XIBEI report submitted to HDPPL is being enclosed for ready reference. 3. Objective As required by HDPPL, XIBEI conducted an independent evaluation of Guangdong Mingyang WTG Model MY1.5MW-82, to check its suitability based on practical performance of several costal wind farms in China (including the wind farms in Dongfang Gancheng, Hai'nan), operation at high temperatures and in high salt mist conditions. Emphasis was also given to network compatibility and safety requirements. 4. Main Conclusions 1) MY1.5MW-82 has the required design characteristic to withstand high temperatures and corrosive costal area environment. The WTG has proven performance capability in salt mist conditions similar to HDPPL site conditions. 2) MY1.5MW-82 meets all the NEPRA Grid Code requirements and IEC/NTDC standards. 3) MY1.5MW-82 has a robust design for extreme wind conditions which can be expected in the coastal areas of Sindh during the term of the Project. Based on above requirements, the selection of MY 1.5MW-82 for HDPPL is appropriate. 5. Short Introduction of Ming Yang MY1.5MW Series of Wind Turbines Ming Yang MY1.5MW series of wind turbines is a product jointly designed by Ming Yang Wind Power Industry Group Company and the German Aerodyn, based on state of the art technology. 2 POWERCHINA XIBEI ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report — November 2014 The MY1.5MW is specially designed for different wind and climatic conditions, including salt mist, dust, typhoon, humidity, low temperature, high temperature, and other harsh environments. HDPPL wind farm will be supplied with MY1.5MW-82 wind turbine (rotor diameter: 82m, hub height: 80m). This turbine is widely used in IEC Class III wind regimes. As the main model of Ming Yang Wind Power Company, the MY1.5MW-82 turbine has obtained the Type Certification from China General Certification Center (CGCC). In China MY1.5MW-82 has been extensively used in the coastal regions. Over 3000 MY1.5MW-82 units are currently installed and in operation. 1. Blades 2. Pitch bearing 3. Main shaft 4. Nacelle lifter 5. Gearbox 6. Braking system 7. Generator 8. Cooling system 9. Main frame 10. Collector Ring 11. Yaw bearing 12. Yaw drive 13. Rotor hub 6. Salient Technical Features of MY1.5MW-82 WTG 6.1 Turbine Features 6.1.1 Doubly-fed induction generator MY1.5MW-82 is equipped with doubly-fed induction generator-converter system which is widely used for megawatt-level WTGs. The system is designed for high reliability, low noise and enhanced grid adaptability. Converter size is 30% of the WTG rated power. 3 POWERCHINA XTBEI ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report — November 2014 6.1.2 Double-bearing support structure Double-bearing support structure is adopted. Auxiliary flexible support is designed for the two torque arms of gearbox. Front bearing as the floating end is designed to sustain radial load while the rear bearing as the fixing end sustains axial load. Double bearings of main shaft sustain and directly transfer bending moment, axial force and radial force from rotor to rigid frame. Flexible support on torque arm effectively reduces the impact of the whole system due to torque variation while the gear box only bears partial weight and torque, eliminating potential risk of step-up gear box fault and ensuring more reliable operation of the gearbox. 6.1.3 Gear box The gearbox is manufactured by Nanjing Gearbox Company (NGC) which is the largest and best gearbox manufacture in China. Gearbox is designed with two-stage planetary and one-stage parallel structure that is connected to the main shaft (3017mm Length) with clamping sheath. Gearbox torque arm is connected to frame with elastic components, effectively reducing vibration and noise. Gearbox high-speed shaft end is equipped with a braking device that is connected to generator with a yaw-control coupler. The coupler is equipped with torque limiter which is designed to prevent the gearbox from being damaged when instantaneous peak torque hits the gearbox in case of generator fault. The gear box support is designed in such a way that it can take both axial and radial shifts and dissipate it without causing internal damage. 4 POWERCHINA XIBEI ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED .4( Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report — November 2014 6.1.4 Yaw system Four yaw motors accurately drive the yaw gear through a control system. The yaw encoder keeps the yawing accurately thus maximizing the use of wind energy and improving the efficiency of the generator to ensure high energy output. 6.1.5 Control system All of WTG functions are operated by control system that is provided with operating system. Communication between nacelle control cabinet and tower base control cabinet is performed via optic fibers. WTG operation state, external environment and power grid etc. are monitored by SCADA system that automatically processes WTG operation data. Operation alarm signals are sent by the annunciater to ensure safety of the WTG and its components. This minimizes the WTG downtime and maximizes the machine availability. 6.1.6 Brake system MY1.5MW-82 braking is performed by main and auxiliary brakes. Main brake is operated on the principles of aerodynamics. Braking is achieved through feathering. The auxiliary brake is a mechanical brake which is installed on high-speed shaft of the Gearbox and is operated by hydraulic system. The two-stage brakes ensure quick response, and a safe, soft and reliable action. 6.1.7 Bearing system MY1.5MW-82 is designed with elastic support connections at five positions (i.e. wheel hub and electric control pitch system, gearbox and stand, generator and frame, nacelle cover and frame, gearbox high speed output shaft and generator input shaft). These configurations maximally reduce WTG vibration and noise. The bearing selection is optimized to take care of the axial & radial play. 6.2 Grid adaptability features 6.2.1 LVRT Function Wind turbine should stay connected to the network and keep operating following voltage dips caused by imbalances on any or all phases, while the voltage measured at the HV terminals of grid connected transformer should remain within the predefined limits. 5 POWERCHINA XIBET ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report - November 2014 MY1.5MW-82 is equipped with an excellent LVRT functionality. If the voltage at the point of common coupling with the Grid remains above the contour line shown below (figure 1), the wind turbine keeps operating. If the voltage at the point of common coupling falls below the contour line shown below (figure 1), the wind turbine is allowed to trip. a) The Wind turbine is able to ride through a voltage dip of 0.2 pu at the generator terminals for 625msec. The Grid Code in Pakistan asks for LVRT at 0.3 pu at the generator terminals for 180msec only. The LVRT performance of MY1.5MW-82 WTG is very much required for HESCO network at Gharo. b) The voltage of the grid connecting point recovers to 90% of the rating voltage in 2s after a drop and the wind turbine is able to keep operating. - voltage dips caused by short-circuit keep operati on t4-T- Time wind turbines are allow to cut — out — — ( ,) Figure 1: Accomplishing stability in weak grids. 6.2.2 Grid adaptability When the voltage at the point of common coupling with the grid has a deviation between -10% to +10%, wind turbines will keep operating normally. When the deviation is above +10%, the wind turbines will keep operating for at least 30min. When the voltage at the point of common coupling is 90% of the rated voltage, the wind turbines will meet the LVRT requirements. 6.2.3 The power quality The power quality of MY1.5MW-82 meets the requirement of IEC61400-21 standard. (The reports are shown in the annex No8.5.) 6 POWERCHTNA XIBEI ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report — November 2014 6.3 Design Features for Corrosion Protection (specially salt mist prevention) (1) HDPPL WPP is located in a coastal area. The geographical conditions lead to a high air humidity and salt concentration in the area. To overcome corrosion, all the components used in MY l .5MW-82 are coated with corrosion resistance paint. (2) Various anti-corrosion technologies are used for various parts including blades and towers during the WTG manufacturing. Hot dip galvanizing, thermal spray, zinc composite anticorrosion coating and Dacromet treatment are accordingly adopted. (3) The electrical equipment is specially designed to resist salt mist corrosion. Stainless steel cabinet in 1P54 design is used to house the pitch system. The cabinet is provided with a radiator fan and heating element as well as temperature and humidity transducers. The heater and radiator fan can be regulated by setting relevant parameters to eliminate interior humidity and prevent salt mist corrosion. (4) The generator enclosure is in IP54 design, while, air/air cooling mode is applied for the generator during which the internal cycle is completely isolated from the environment and the heat in the generator is dissipated through external cycle. The cooling mode can effectively protect the generator rotor and interior components from salt mist corrosion. All internal control circuit boards of the transducer are applied with coating which is of good salt mist corrosion resistance. The minimum IP grade of the control cabinet is IP54. The control cabinet is provided with heater element and radiator fan as well as temperature and humidity transducers. (5) As for components and parts requiring short-term corrosion protection during storage and transportation process, the surface of components and parts is applied with preservative oil (wax) or lubricant grease. In addition, the surface without anti-corrosive treatment shall be wrapped up with antirust membrane (preservative film or anti-tarnish paper to enhance the corrosion resistance of components and parts during storage and transportation process. Measures mentioned above can be used as short-term protection for components and parts surface without corrosion protection painting during storage and transportation process of the WTGS. Ming Yang has special knowledge in corrosion prevention gained from its extensive offshore experience. POWERCHINA XIBEI ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED 4 Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report — November 2014 6.4 The high temperature operation feature The ambient temperature range of MY1.5MW-82 is from -10 Deg C to 40 Deg C. From 40 Deg C to 45 Deg C, the WTG can operate with reduced output. The survival temperature range of MY1.5MW-82 is form -20 Deg C to 50 Deg C. The temperature control zone of MY1.5MW-82 can be divided into three parts: hub, nacelle and tower base. It is further divided into nine subsystems. The detailed design requirements and schemes are as below. 6.4.1 Pitch system For high temperature operation, the pitch system of MY1.5MW-82 model has additional cooling fan to prevent high temperature damage to the electrical components. Dehumidification system also is provided to prevent high humidity damage. The operation range of pitch system is as below. Operation temperature range -10 °C to + 45 °C Storage temperature range -20°C to + 50°C average humidity density 85% Max. humidity 95% (condensation) 6.4.2 Drive train The temperature control of main shaft bearings is achieved by grease lubrication. The seal system of the main shaft bearings of MY1.5MW-82 is optimized to fulfill high temperature operation requirement. Suitable grease is also chosen for lubrication. 6.4.3 Gear box The heat dissipating surface, the air flow and motor power are increased to improve the gearbox cooling efficiency. 6.4.4 Generator Air to air cooler is used in the generator. The air flow is speeded to improve generator cooling efficiency by increasing the power of fan motor. In addition, the central lubrication system is provided for the 8 POWERCHTNA XTBEI ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report—November 2014 rotor shaft bearings. 6.4.5 Nacelle control cabinet and tower base control cabinet A/C is used in both nacelle and tower base control cabinets to reduce the temperature. 6.4.6 Inverter The max. ambient temperature of the inverter (located at the tower base) for the HDPPL project is 45 Deg C. 6.4.7 Control scheme of safety and protection operation Control scheme of safety and protection operation of MY1.5MW-82 is designed to fulfill the HDPPL site requirements. 6.5 Rigid tower design Rigid tower design has been adopted for MY1.5MW WTG. This design has high intrinsic frequency which avoids the rotating frequency and the flap wise frequency of the blade. The rigid tower can avoid the tower resonance without changing the rotating speed, therefore, it extends the operation speed range of the generator and keep optimized tip speed ratio and maximum Cp within the whole operation range of the generator. The power generation efficiency and production of the WTG /wind farm can thus be maximized. Ming Yang tubular tower has complete safety protections for human beings. The tower is designed to suit all adverse site operating conditions. 6.6 Independent intellectual property right of control system Ming Yang owns the IP rights of the entire control system including the source code. This advantage allows the engineers to adjust and optimize the wind turbine parameters according to the wind regime and weather conditions, improving the overall wind power efficiency by maximizing the power generation efficiency of the wind farm. 9 POWERCHINA XIBET ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED A/e Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report — November 2014 Table 6.1 MY1.5MW-82 Technical Parameters Technical description MY 1.5/82 Rated power (kW) 1500 Rotor diameter (m) 82 Hub height (m) 80 Rated wind speed (m/s) 10.8(Standard) Cut-in speed (m/s) 3 Cut-out speed (m/s) 25 Power adjustment Speed regulation through variable pitch Generator Double-fed induction generator Operation temperature -10—+45°C Anti-salt mist design Available Tower weight (Foundation ring not 140.834 tons included) 12.965 tons Foundation ring Extreme wind speed (m/s) (m/s) IEC Class 59.5 IEC Class S Notes: the air density is 1.17/m3 10 POWERCHTNA XIBEI ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report — November 2014 Chart 6.1 Power Curve MY1.5MW-82 Power curve MYI.5-82 ( p=1. 225kg/m3 ) 1800 1500 1200 900 600 300 0 0. 0 5. 0 1. 0.0 15. 0 20.0 25. 0 Vwind (m/s) Chart 6.1 Thrust Curve MY1.5MW-82 Thrust coefficient MY1.5-82 p =1. 225kg/m3 ) 1. 200 1. 000 0. 800 :a:, 0. 600 <7.) O. 400 8 E. O. 200 0. 000 0. 0 5. 0 15. 0 10.0 Vwind (m/s) 20. 0 25. 0 11 POWERCHTNA XTBET ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report — November 2014 7. Comprehensive analysis and evaluation MY 1.5MW-82 is a upwind, variable pitch controlled, equipped with doubly-fed induction generator-converter system which was jointly developed by Ming Yang and Aerodyn of Germany. MY1.5MW-82 equipped with 82.6m rotor diameter, 80m hub height, the range of rotation rate is from 9.7-19.5rpm, rated rotation rate is 17.4rpm, 5320m2 wind swept area, rate rotation rate is 10.5m/s, cut in wind speed is 3m/s, cut out wind speed is 25m/s, survival temperature form-20 Deg C—+50 Deg C, operation temperature from -10 Deg C^+45 Deg C and the design life span is 20 years. MY1.5MW-82 meets the IEC-61400-1 standard and also conducted a grid adaptability test, including voltage deviation, frequency deviation, three-phase voltage and harmonics. The results show MY 1.5MW-82 meets all the interconnection requirements. During the evaluation process, a study of several costal wind farms has been conducted which also includes a case study of Dongfang Gancheng Wind Farm in Hai'nan Province. (an area having similar environmental conditions like HDPPL Wind Farm.) It shows that the Dongfang Gancheng Wind Farm has a excellent performance in power generation, operation and maintenance, which also experienced the Typhoon Rammasun (the strongest typhoon in southern China in 41 years) during the summer this year (2014). It shows that the Dongfang Wind Farm has a outstanding performance comparing to the other similar wind farms in China. Therefore, it concludes that MY 1.5MW-82 is suitable for hostile conditions such as typhoons, high temperature and salt mist, having a capability of survival in a 50 years extreme wind speed of 59.5m/s at hub height 80m. MY1.5MW-82 has a good power generation track record because of its mature technology specially in coastal areas in China similar to the conditions of HDPPL wind farm. It has the design characteristics for high temperatures, coastal and anti-salt mist, which is a suitable design for HDPPL Wind Farm. Based on the conditions above MY 1.5MW-82 is appropriate for HDPPL wind farm. 12 POWERCHTNA XTBEI ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED Ming Yang Wind Turbine Evaluation Report — November 2014 8 Annexure 8.1 MY1.5MW-82 Design Certification 8.2 MY1.5MW-82 Type Certification 8.3 Ming Yang WTGS Grid Adaptability Report 8.4 Ming Yang WIGS LVRT Test Report 8.5 Ming Yang WTGS Power Quality Report 8.6 Acoustic noise measurement report 8.7 MY1.5MW Product Brochure - International Version 8.8 Reference List 8.9 Customer tracking letters 13 POWERCHINA XIBEI ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED 20 ..4{/ Generation Licence HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) Limited Near Port Qasim-Bhambore Gharo Creek District Thatta Sindh SCHEDULE-II (Revised) Modification-II al Annual Full The Total Installed/Gross ISO Capacit G) Availability, Load Hours, Average Wind Turbine Ge cility/Wind Farm (in Total Gross Generation of the Gewatto Availability Losses GWh), Array & Miscellaneous Los,Ses, (GWh), Balance of Plant Losses (04/h) and Annual Energy Generation (GWh) of the Cpeneration FaCility /Wind Farm of Licensee is given in this Schedule Page 1 of 3 of Schedule-II Modification-II Generation Licence HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) Limited Near Port Qasim-Bhambore Gharo Creek District Thatta Sindh SCHEDULE-II* 1. Total Installed Gross ISO Capacity of the 49.5 MW Generation Facility /Wind Farm (MW/GWh) it 2. Total Annual Full Load Hours 3. Average Wind Availability 4. Total Gross Generation of thez,iGenertioil 41387trsvith_ Facility/Wind Farm (in GWh) Turbine ,,, 2641,ra Generator WT .Q 6 ?).-')i-11- '6-,,, 5, 0/0 5. Array & Miscellaneous Lbss,eS:G -7 MIL 23 , Ik; ( G.35GWh 6. Availability Losses GWh /2, 92(7k1/114. 1-278Wiv 67. 7. 8. 9 BalaNe o rPlan An r aIJ'E v -,,, EP) GWh 656 kVA, 9752.Gw4 sSes GWh ,, apacity Factor As provided by HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) Limited 3o. 3 eneration (20 year equivalent 1 30.01 ok ri§) RaG1STRAR Page 2 of 3 of Schedule-II Modification-II Generation Licence HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) Limited Near Port Qasim-Bhambore Gharo Creek District Thatta Sindh Detail of Generation Facility/ Wind Farm (A). General Information 1.1 ‘11 * .. OIL Name of Applicant/Company Registered/Business Office (iii ) . Plant Location ) (iv ' Type of Generation Facility HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) Limited 18° Floor, B.R.R. Tower, Hassan All Street, off: I.I. Chundrigar Road Karachi 74000 Near Port Qasim, Bhambore, Gharo Creek District Thatta, Sindh Wind Power (B). Wind Farm Capacity & Configuration (i). (ii). (iii). Wind Turbine type, Make & Model Installed Capacity of Wind Farm (MW) Number of Wind Turbine Unit/Size of each Unit (MW) Type 3, Ming Yang, MY1.5MW-82 49.5MW 33 x 1.50MW (C). Wind Turbine Details (a). Wind Turbine (i). Quantity 33 (ii). Rated Power 1.5MW (iii). Number of Blades 3 -4 Generation Licence HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) Limited Near Port Qasim-Bhambore Gharo Creek District Thatta Sindh (iv). Diameter of Blades 82 m (v). Rotor Swept Area 5390m2 (vi). Cut-in Wind Speed 3m/s (vii). Rated Wind Speed 10.8m/s (viii) Cut-out Wind Speed 25m/s (ix) Survival Wind Speed 59.5m/s (x) Hub Height 80m (xi) Rotational Speed 9-17.3 rad/s (b). Generator (i) Generator Capacity 1500 kW oil I Power Factor of Generators 0.982 (iii) Rated Voltage 690V (c). Compact Pre Fabricated Substation (i) Quantity 33 (ii) Voltage Level 22kV (d). 132kV Substation (i) Main Transformer 2 (ii) Type 50MVA 132/22 KV ONAN WITH OLTC (e). WTGs Foundation (I) Quantity 33 (II) Type Borehole pile oil (iii) Natural Foundation Features Offshore tidal flats with ground water at shallow depth from 0.43m to 1.03m consists of clay and fine grained sand. Generation Licence HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) Limited Near Port Qasim-Bhambore Gharo Creek District Thatta Sindh (f). Compact Pre Fabricated Substation Foundation (I) Quantity 33 Each (II) Type Shallow foundation on natural ground ow Natural Foundation Features Offshore tidal flats with ground water at shallow depth from 0.43m to 1.03m consists of clay and fine grained sand. ' (g). Wind Resource (I) Annual Average Wind Speed 7.05 m/s (80m height) (II) Prevailing Winds SW III Benchmark ' Energy 130.33GWh (0). Other Details (i). (ii). Project Commissioning date (Anticipated) Expected Life of the Project from Commercial Operation date (COD) June 30, 2016 20 Years Generation Licence HYDROCHINA Dawood Power (Pvt.) Limited Near Port Qasim-Bhambore Gharo Creek District Thatta Sindh SCHEDULE-II 1' Total Installed Gross ISO Capacity of the Generation Facility / Wind Farm (MW/GWh) 49.5 MW 2. Total Annual Full Load Hours 2633 Hrs 3. Average Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) Availability 95% Total Gross Generation of the Generation Facility/Wind Farm (in GWh) 175.86 GWh 5. Miscellaneous Losses GWh (Wake, Turbulence) 23.46 GWh 6. Availability Losses GWh 12.42 GWh 7. Balance of Plant Losses GWh 9.65 GWh Annual Energy Generation (20 Year Equivalent Net AEP) GWh 130.33 GWh Net Capacity Factor 30.06% • 9. Cc El) POWERCHINA woverNIE HYDROCHINA HYDROCHINA DAWOOD POWER (PVT) LIMITED , Kb. /ffli X. 7 581. FA 42: le ft 111 18th Floor, B.R.R. Tower, Hassan All Street, Off : I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi 74000 Pakistan. Tel: +92 21-35878240-41 Fax : +92 21-35878243 Email : [email protected] A Statement Of The Impact On The Tariff, Quality Of Service And The Performance By The Licensee Of Its Obligations Under The License Under Regulation 10 (2) (c) Of The NEPRA Licensing (Application & Modification Procedure) Regulations, 1999. Respectfully sheweth, The Project is an upfront wind tariff project and therefore assumes the wind risk of any decline in output. No adverse impact on the tariff is foreseen by the change in equipment rather the assumption of wind risk by the power producer will facilitate a move towards market based mechanisms & away from public subsidies given in the cost plus tariff. Payment being only for electricity produced is the proper way forward for the electricity sector in Pakistan. Both the quality and the performance of the licensee is expected to improve with the proposed induction of the new wind turbines from Mingyang MY1.5 MW-82 which are widely used in the coastal regions of China due to their high resistance to the corrosive salt wind air, as found in the marshy land at Bhambore, Sindh. The low voltage ride through LRVT is also particularly suited to the weak HESCO network in the Gharo area and from the raw data from the site much higher extreme wind conditions can be expected during the term of the Project and the proposed new WTG MY1.5 MW-82 are the best Chinese WTG's capable of standing up to extreme winds of up to 59.5 m/sec. A detailed study conducted by Power China Xeibi Engineering Corporation in November, 2014 sets out a detailed evaluation of these WTG's and can be found attached as Annex E to s10 (2) (b) reasons in support. This change of equipment is also reasonably necessary to ensure the continuous, safe and reliable supply of electric power during the license period to the consumers keeping in view the financial and technical viability of the licensee. The tariff will not be changed, the quality will be improved and there will not be any adverse effect the performance by the licensee of its obligations under the License and is likely to be beneficial to the consumers. Dated: 05.12.2014 yit It's much cheaper to save a watt than to generate a watt Sava emarqy — Sava Me environment