October - Choctaw Lake
October - Choctaw Lake
published by Choctaw Lake Property Owners Association 2875 Oneida Drive, London, OH 43140 Advertising Rates - Call 740-852-2593 www.lakechoctaw.com OCTOBER 2008 Agenda for Property Owners’ Meeting October 22, 2008 • 7:30 P.M. 1. 2. 3. 4. Call to Order Minutes (October 24, 2007) Unfinished Business New Business Road Assessment Proposal 5. Treasurer’s Report — Connie Feliks 6. Committee Reports: Beautification — Connie Feliks / John Foote Sr. Lake, Drainage and Roads — Shannon Hastings / John Foote Publications/Public Relations — Shannon Hastings Recreation — Dwain Dorr / Bill Laney House/Office — G Brundige / Ruth Sowers Land/Facility — Robert McKinley / Tom Boyd Long-Range Planning — McKinley / Dorr / Tom Boyd Water Plant/Utilities Report — Jim Moran 7. Manager ’s Report — Mike Hexamer 8. Patrol Report — Dan Summers 9. Motion to Adjourn Entrance Signs by Mike Hexamer The new entrance sign for both the East entrance and the West entrance are in the construction phase. These are mock up pictures of what will be in place, with landscaping added to enhance the look. The West entrance will be completed first with the East to follow shortly thereafter. The east side due to size limitations will necessitate moving the existing message board to the first lake access area on East Choctaw. Hopefully, we can squeeze the side lattice that you see on the west sign. Accent lighting will finish the project. The beautification committee of Board members John Foote, Sr., Connie Feliks and volunteer Brian Killian and myself have taken great care to design what should be a very pleasing first impression of the community. October 30TH from 6 to 8 p.m. SOME SPECIALS THIS ISSUE INDEX CLPOAMeeting Agenda ...................................page 1 Advertising Rates ........................page 15 Calendar.......................................page 14 Patrol Report..................................page 6 Wind Damage Pictures .......................................page 3 Board Minutes ...............................page 2 Classifieds....................................page 15 Procedure for Viewing Records ....page 6 CLPOAMinutes 10/24/07..................................page 7 Booster Club .............................pages 4-5 Club Presidents............................page 15 Viewing Your CLPOA Records.....page 6 2008 Junkyard Boat Derby Pictures..............pages 8-9 Building Permits..........................page 11 Delinquent Accounts .....................page 6 Youth Page...................................page 13 2 The Peace Pipe, Choctaw Lake, October 2008 CLPOA Board of Trustees Meeting • August 12, 2008 (These are unapproved condensed notes as provided by the Board and in most instances will not be the complete recorded minutes of that particular meeting.) Substantive Motions Approved in this Meeting — Motion 08-010: Gene Brundige made a motion to accept the revised rental rules. John Foote, Sr. seconded the motion. Motion carried. Motion 08-011: John Foote, Sr. made a motion to adopt the proposed rule change “Containers, bags and other trash items may be placed along the roadside no earlier than 9:00 am the morning before pick-up and must be removed from the roadside and properly stored by midnight the day of pick-up.” Tom Boyd seconded the motion. Roll call vote: John Foote — yes, Bob McKinley — no, Tom Boyd — yes, Dwain Dorr — yes, Gene Brundige — no, Bill Laney — yes, Shannon Hastings - yes. Motion carried. Motion 08-012: Bill Laney made a motion to grant a variance for erecting a shed on lot 397 because there is no other location on the property due to setbacks. Gene Brundige seconded the motion. Vote was taken. Motion carried. Motion 08-013: Bill Laney made a motion to grant a variance for erecting a shed on lot 352 because there is no other location on the property due to setbacks. Gene Brundige seconded the motion. Vote was taken. Motion carried. Motion 08-014: Gene Brundige moved to add the following to Section 5A number 7 of the Building Code: All gutter downspouts must be piped and buried, and either tied into a drainage ditch or drain into the lake. This will prevent shedding of water onto a neighbor’s property. Choctaw Lake personnel must inspect all piping before soil is placed over piping. Bill Laney seconded the motion. Vote was taken. Motion passed. Call to Order: The Board of Trustees meeting convened at 7:00p.m. in the CLPOA conference room. A roll call was taken as follows: Shannon Hastings: present, Tom Boyd: late, Connie Feliks: excused, Bob McKinley: present, Bill Laney: present, Ruth Sowers: excused, Gene Brundige: present, Dwain Dorr: present, John Foote, Sr.: present. Mike Hexamer (CLPOA Lake Manager), Dan Summers (CLPOA Patrol Chief), Chuck Plantz (CLPOA Building Inspector), Brian Killian (CLPOA Building Committee) and Craig Smith were also present. Property Owner’s Time: Alan Homewood (lot 958 & 959) was present to speak about donating funds to have a sign at the west entrance that clearly shows people this is West Choctaw and that East Choctaw is further down Old Columbus Road. The purpose is to avoid having people drive around the west side looking for an address on the east side. The Board shared plans and the prototype for new entrance signs that should eliminate this confusion. Mr. Homewood also discussed the length of time given for a home building permit, which is currently six months. This will be discussed under new business. Al Hedrick (lot 397) was present to ask the Board for a variance so he can build a shed. Since his house borders the water on two sides, he is bound by the 50-foot setback. This will be discussed under new business. Karla Redding of the Loving Care Hospice was present to inform the Board of the services the organization provides. She would like to use the Lodge for a fundraiser event. She would like to hold it here to attract a different crowd than their other fundraisers. This will be discussed under new business. Jim Boghossian (lot 352) was present to ask the Board for a variance so he can build a custom shed, which matches his house. He said the proposed location is the most logical for his lot. This will be discussed under new business. Minutes: Bill Laney made a motion to accept the July minutes. Seconded by Gene Brundige. The Board approved the minutes. Patrol Report: (Presented by Dan Summers) Dan Summers discussed patrol activity during July. Thirteen patrol reports were written including disorderly conduct/underage consumption, unauthorized use of a vehicle, misuse of credit cards, and a missing person. Two Choctaw juveniles removed two kayaks from boat access #2 without the owner’s permission. The parents have been notified and the juveniles are making it up to the victim. Dan reported on the July 22 storm and cleanup efforts. Dwain Dorr was asked by a property owner why the boat patrol was on the lake during a time when there were no other boats. Dan said that the patrol is scheduled to work certain times but will go home if there is little activity. This property owner also thought that some buoys have been moved and possibly some are missing. Mike Hexamer reported that one buoy broke free and is now back where it belongs. The Board discussed a few places on the lake where buoy locations may be confusing as to where no-wake areas begin. Maintenance Report: (Presented by Mike Hexamer) The maintenance report was accepted as submitted. There were no questions. Office Report: Carla Dye was not present. No office report was given. Treasurer’s Report: Connie Feliks was not present. No treasurer’s report was given. Manager’s Report: (Presented by Mike Hexamer) Mike discussed the dump truck repairs. The road salt is causing problems on this 15-year-old truck. Mike distributed a list of required remedial measures to be taken for the dam and the area surrounding it. BBC&M is trying to have the repair work bids in by the September meeting. Mike reported on the storm cleanup. He said there were about 25-30 trees down. One of them resulted in vehicle damages totaling $2300. It is being handled by removing additional trees in that area and having the property owner repair the vehicle. Committees: • Beautification — Brian Killian has designed a new sign for the entrances and a Styrofoam mockup has been made. Ben McCoy from London High School used the new routing machine at the school to cutout the mockup. The Board discussed what text should appear on the sign. • Lake Drainage and Roads — nothing to report. • Publications and Public Relations — nothing to report. • Recreation — Bill Laney is finalizing plans for Community Days. • House and Office — Gene Brundige reviewed the revised rental rules. Gene Brundige made a motion to accept the revised rental rules. John Foote, Sr. seconded the motion. Motion carried. See Motion 08-010. Gene distributed proposed amendments to the CLPOA employee handbook. He asked members to review it before the next meeting. Gene requested that the Board go into executive session later in this meeting to discuss legal matters. • Land/Facility Use — nothing to report. • Choctaw Utilities — nothing to report. • Sewer — There was no August Sewer Board meeting. The next meeting will be held October 7. • Long-range Planning — Bob McKinley has reserved the conference room for a meeting on August 26. The Board discussed the importance of having a quorum at the next property owners meeting. • Security — nothing to report. Old Business: Mike reported to the Board a list of all issues that the Health Department will not get involved in. Household swimming pools are on the list. Bill Laney will take the list to the next Township meeting. Beautification committee has a proposed rule change regarding trash containers. The Board discussed whether designated times should be included in the rules. John Foote, Sr. made a motion to adopt the proposed rule change “Containers, bags and other trash items may be placed along the roadside no earlier than 9:00 am the morning before pick-up and must be removed from the roadside and properly stored by midnight the day of pick-up.” Tom Boyd seconded the motion. Roll call vote: John Foote — yes, Bob McKinley — no, Tom Boyd — yes, Dwain Dorr — yes, Gene Brundige — no, Bill Laney — yes, Shannon Hastings — yes. Motion carried. See motion 08-011. New Business: The Board discussed Mr. Hedrick’s shed variance request. Mike and Chuck Plantz informed the See Minutes on page 3 October 2008, Choctaw Lake, The Peace Pipe 3 Minutes continued from page 2 Board of the location they have worked out. There is no other feasible location. Bill Laney made a motion to grant a variance for erecting a shed on lot 397 because there is no other location on the property due to setbacks. Gene Brundige seconded the motion. Vote was taken. Motion carried. See Motion 08-012. The Board discussed Mr. Boghossian’s shed variance request. Mike and Chuck Plantz informed the Board of the situation and the suggested location. Bill Laney made a motion to grant a variance for erecting a shed on lot 352 because there is no other location on the property due to setbacks. Gene Brundige seconded the motion. Vote was taken. Motion carried. See Motion 08-013. The Board discussed Mr. Homewood’s proposal to revise the time granted for building permits on new homes. The Board asked the building committee to review the proposal and bring back a recommendation. They would like to strike a balance between allowing additional time for larger houses and still encouraging contractors to finish in a timely manner. The Board discussed the request from Loving Care Hospice to use the Lodge at a reduced rate. They asked Mike to work with Karla Redding. The downspout proposal from the building committee was discussed. Gene Brundige moved to add the following to Section 5A number 7 of the Building Code: All gutter downspouts must be piped and buried, and either tied into a drainage ditch or drain into the lake. This will prevent shedding of water onto a neighbor’s property. Choctaw Lake personnel must inspect all piping before soil Lodge roof being repaired. 2640 Sarsi is placed over piping. Bill Laney seconded the motion. Vote was taken. Motion passed. See Motion 08-014. The Board discussed adding better quality sand to the beach area. Beautification Committee will look into this and other improvements to the beach. ————————————————————— Bill Laney made a motion to enter executive session to discuss legal matters. Gene Brundige seconded the motion. The Board entered executive session at 9:00 pm. The Board returned from executive session at 9:05 pm. ————————————————————— Bill Laney made a motion to adjourn. John Foote, Sr. seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m. — Minutes recorded by Craig Smith. Runaway pontoon boat. Damaged fence in this yard. Uprooted tree A&M SERVICES NOW RESIDING AT CHOCTAW LAKE WITH ALL YOUR SWIMMING POOL NEEDS S Chemicals S Openings S And more... 2225 Yuma Drive London, OH 43140 • S Service S Closings 614-441-3909 • • • • 4 The Peace Pipe, Choctaw Lake, October 2008 Booster Club News Choctaw Lake Booster Club The Booster Club meets the first Thursday of every month at 7pm in the lodge conference room. If you have any ideas for a community event, please attend and share your thoughts. You do not need to be a booster club member to attend. Volunteers are always welcome. Please contact a booster officer if you wish to volunteer with any of the upcoming events. 2008 BOOSTER CLUB OFFICERS President ..................................................................... Kim Yousey (852-5072) CALENDAR OF EVENTS Date Oct. Event 2 Chairperson(s) Booster Club Mtg. (CR) Oct. 31 Halloween Dance Nov. 6 Booster Club Mtg. (CR) Nov. 8 Annual Craft Show Dec. 4 Booster Club Mtg. (CR) Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve Party Chairman needed Kim Yousey Susan Malone, Laura Hotchkiss Watch the calendar for more events to come! Volunteer and chairperson opportunities are available. Please call Booster President Kim Yousey @ 852-5072 or attend our monthly meetings for more information. Have an idea for a community event? Bring your ideas to the next Booster meeting. Vice President ............................................................Susan Malone (852-5028) Treasurer ...............................................................Charlotte Beaver (852-6255) Secretary ....................................................................................Laura Hotchkiss Website......................................................................clboosterclub@yahoo.com Annual Choctaw Lake Fall Craft Show Saturday, November 8th, 2008 9 am to 3 pm Choctaw Lake Lodge Great time for holiday shopping For more Information contact: Kim Yousey (740) 852-5072 October 2008, Choctaw Lake, The Peace Pipe 5 C.L.P.O.A. PROPERTY OWNERS’ MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2008 • 7:30 P.M. COME DRESSED TO IMPRESS THERE’LL BE A CONTEST! DJ • DANCING • FUN • FELLOWSHIP Sponsored by the Choctaw Lake Booster Club CHOCTAW LAKE LODGE $5 PER PERSON TO HELP COVER DJ BRING YOUR OWN DRINKS BRING YOUR OWN MUNCHIES For questions, please call Cindy Cole @ 845-0128. REMINDER OUR SPEED LIMIT IS 25 MPH Watercraft Maintenance Winterize with eco-friendly anti-freeze. Includes summer start-up so coolant doesn’t leak on your property or in the lake. Call 614-580-4320. 6 The Peace Pipe, Choctaw Lake, October 2008 CHOCTAW LAKE DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS CHOCTAW UTILITIES DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS NOTE: Contact the office to find out how to remove your name from this list. NOTE: Contact the office to find out how to remove your name from this list. NAME LOT # Anderberg, Kris & Sherie ADDRESS AMOUNT 259 & 260 1629 Suqulak Trl NAME LOT # ADDRESS AMOUNT $ 5,699.78 Lien/Atty Ewing, Thomas & Alice 785 2105 Huron Dr $ 1,004.55 Barker, Jeffrey & Terri 239 1844 Suqulak Trl 5,619.24 Lien/Atty Dyckes, James & Brenda 787 3000 Trensa Dr 997.19 Spradlin, Wayne & Jill 952 2410 Yuma Dr 4,277.76 Lien/Atty McMurphy, Candi 590 1880 Shoshone Dr 891.77 McMurphy, James & Candi 590 1880 Shoshone Dr 3,949.72 Lien/Atty Spradlin, Wayne & Jill 952 2410 Yuma Dr 712.16 Ewing, Thomas & Alice 785 2105 Huron Dr 3,710.03 Lien/Atty Snyder, Robert & Geraldine 90 1393 Itawamba Trl 632.20 Mocniak, Bradley & Jennifer 763 2950 Pueblo Dr 3,363.74 Lien/Atty Nolan, Dan & Laura Snyder, Robert & Geraldine 90 1393 Itawamba Trl 3,305.76 Lien/Atty TOTAL Davis, Keith & Patty 489 1180 W Choctaw Dr 3,048.10 Lien/Atty Dyckes, James & Brenda 787 3000 Trensa Dr 2,494.08 Lien/Atty Harris, Gregory & Teresa 951 2400 Yuma Dr 2,397.73 Lien/Atty Haskins, Scott & Susan 153 2375 San Chez Trl 1,661.51 Lien/Atty Sexton, Jeffrey & Kathy 344 1995 Itawamba Trl 1,509.88 Lien/Atty ACTIVITIES 1,211.30 Lien/Atty Dispatches................................32 House Checks ........................854 Business Checks ....................263 Standbys...................................48 Other Assistance ......................72 Open Doors ................................4 Thefts .........................................5 Criminal Mischief ......................6 Alarm Drops ..............................2 Dogs ...........................................4 Suspicious Vehicles....................8 Suspicious Persons.....................5 Squad Runs ................................5 Fire Runs....................................1 Domestic Dispute.......................1 9-1-1 Hang Up ...........................1 Deputy Backup ..........................0 Bike Patrol Hours.............................1 Schrader, Brian 514 1540 W Choctaw Dr Patterson, Robert & Paula 151 2385 San Chez Dr 918.10 Lien/Atty Wallace, William & Lori 583 1885 Shoshone Dr 827.74 Dowler, Toby & Jenifer 85 1383 Itawamba Trl 589.02 Nolan, Dan & Laura 1082 2623 Cayuse Dr 520.55 Schatzke, Matt & Valerie 901 2329 Pawnee Dr 490.11 Davis, Pamela 208 1855 E Choctaw Dr 449.78 Lien Benson, James 248 !805 Suqulak Trl 425.27 Willis, Sherri 215 & 216 1731 E Choctaw Dr Wilson-Hibbs, Karen 657 2020 Cherokee Dr TOTAL 370.65 360.26 ________ $ 47,301.62 Property Transfers Lot No. Name of Buyer Address Name of Seller 255 Joseph Ouellette 1695 Suqulak Trl Michael & Erica Schmidt 565 Lawrence & Nancy DeRoo 1839 Shoshone Dr Mary Frea 610 Paul & Jacqueline Porter 1850 Huron Dr Thomas Clark Procedure for Viewing CLPOA Records 1. Written request with: Information requested Date Purpose Signature 2. President and Secretary to approve or deny request within three (3) working days. 3. If denied, it will be brought up at the next Board Meeting. 1082 2623 Cayuse 255.71 ___________ $ 4,493.38 Patrol Report AUGUST 2008 TRAFFIC Underage Driver/Golf Cart Warning ................................1 Speed Warnings .........................5 TOTAL WARNINGS ...........6 ARRESTS Juvenile Arrests..........................0 Misdemeanor Arrests.................0 Felony Arrests............................0 TOTAL ARRESTS ...............0 PATROL REPORTS Assault .......................................1 Criminal Damaging or Endangering .........................1 Criminal Mischief ......................1 Domestic Dispute.......................2 Structure Fire .............................1 Theft...........................................5 TOTAL REPORTS .............11 LAKE CITATIONS Barking Dog...............................1 Open Burning.............................1 TOTAL CITES ....................2 STATE CITATIONS Speed..........................................2 TOTAL CITES .....................2 Total Miles ...............................4,037 Fuel Used..................................278.2 ——————————————— OUR SPEED LIMIT IS 25 MPH LAKE LOWERING NOVEMBER 1ST October 30TH from 6 to 8 p.m. C.L.P.O.A. PROPERTY OWNERS’ MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2008 • 7:30 P.M. October 2008, Choctaw Lake, The Peace Pipe 7 CLPOA Fall Property Owners’ Meeting – October 24, 2007 Substantive Motions Approved in this Meeting – Ray Chamberlain (lot 883) made a motion to amend the Choctaw Constitution to place lots 91, 345, 346 and 347 into communal real estate. Kelly Hughes (lot 60) seconded the motion. Vote was taken, motion carried. Call to Order: The Property Owners’ meeting convened at 7:38p.m. in the CLPOA lodge. A roll call was taken as follows: Shannon Hastings: present, Keely Carabin: present, Connie Feliks: excused, Steve Grapp: present, Bill Laney: present, Joe Wiese: present, Ruth Sowers: present, Bob McKinley: present, Tom Boyd: present. Minutes: Keely Carabin made a motion to accept the May 19, 2004 minutes. Seconded by Kelly Hughes (lot 60). The minutes were approved. Committees Reports: · Beautification – Joe Wiese discussed changes and upgrades made to the lake entrances. Total cost was about $9,000. The Choctaw sign was moved because it serves a better purpose along Old Columbus Rd. Joe has received both compliments and complaints about moving the sign. John Foote (lot 921) said that he did not like having the sign moved and would like to have it moved back. He suggested putting something in The Peace Pipe for issues such as this. He added that he would like to volunteer for this committee. Kelly Hughes (lot 60) said he loved what has been done with the sign. Being an east-side resident, he feels it designates that the entire place is Lake Choctaw. Judy Maynard (lot 943) asked why the trees along Old Columbus Rd. were cut down. Joe said that several of them had a disease. They tried to save the good ones and move them, but the root system was too large. The newly planted trees are red maples and will be very nice in years to come. Joe added that we have planted several saplings in various places around the lake so good trees will be available in the future. Steve Grapp requested that maintenance check for Emerald Ash disease. · Lake Drainage and Roads – nothing to report. · Publications and Public Relations – nothing to report. · Recreation – Keely announced that the first annual Polar Bear Swim event is to be held at noon on January 1, 2008. Todd Vrancken (lot 780) suggested adding lights to the tennis courts to extend the season. · House and Office – nothing to report. · Land/Facility Use – nothing to report. · Long-range Planning – Bob McKinley presented overheads on the three major lake expenses: dam maintenance, road repaving and security. Possible funding options for future road repaving were shown. The next repaving will involve grinding, which will drive up the cost considerably. Estimated cost is 2.5 to 2.7 million dollars. This will likely need to be done in 12 to 15 years. Benefits of having a gated community along with a model showing gate access used by other communities were shown. Various comments were voiced. · Security - Bill Laney reported on the fire protection contract change to London Fire Department. The protection is far above anything we have had in the past. The personnel are EMT trained and in some cases are paramedics. Response time has shortened. Rick Bauer (lot 6) asked whether insurance rates could be reduced due to the change. In most cases it probably will not affect rates due to our distance from the station and the necessity to transport water. · Water Plant/Utilities – Jim Moran discussed daily water usage, which peaked at 500,000 gallons this summer. The EPA has threatened to fine the utility for exceeding the 400,000-gallon capacity and strongly recommends installing water meters. Water meter costs and rates were presented. There could be a five-dollar a month meter charge for approximately six years to fund the project. Bill Dunkley (lot 359) asked how water meters control usage. Jim said that national averages show a 30% reduction following installation of meters. At present there are charges for a vacant lot, an adjacent lot, and a lot with service. With meters, the adjacent lot would be done away with and the vacant lot would have a basic service charge. Jim added that additional water is running into the sewer system causing excess wear and tear on the grinder pumps. Pat Campbell (lot 756) asked whether additional storage has been considered to overcome the fluctuations in water usage. He also questioned about selling water outside Choctaw. There was discussion about wear and tear on the plant equipment and required upgrades to sell water. In addition, the utility company would fall under additional guidelines and requirements. The system being considered would have the water meters installed inside the home. A remote readout would be placed near the wall that can be read while walking by the house. Todd Vrancken (lot 784) asked about having an outside spigot removed from his adjacent lot. Jim said it could probably be removed if requested. Shannon asked for a show of paddles if water meters could be installed at no cost to property owners. Roughly 75% of people raised their paddles. Timing of installation was discussed. There are no immediate plans to install meters. Manager’s Report: (Presented by Mike Hexamer) Mike stated that the budget is running on target. Lake lowering will begin November 1. It normally takes 16 days to get to winter pool. All the roads have received crack sealing except for a few places on the east side. A workday will be scheduled to build a boathouse for the patrol boat. Patrol Report: (Presented by Mike Hexamer) Dan Summers is unable to attend. Mike stated that the four full-time deputies are CPR and AED certified. Choctaw deputies responded to 365 calls from the Madison County Sheriff’s department and completed 97 reports though September. They have completed 9,024 house checks to date. Uncovered shifts dropped from 562 hours to 2. The patrol has assisted on 32 squad runs. They checked 158 suspicious persons and 101 suspicious vehicles. The deputies have logged 36,127 miles. The boat patrol logged 608 hours and issued 50 lake citations this season, 40 of those were for stickers. Road striping has increased safety, especially at night. Old Business: There is no unfinished business. New Business: Shannon Hastings asked for a motion to add lots 91, 345, 346 and 347 to the Choctaw Lake Constitution Article XIV communal real estate. They would become green space and property taxes would be reduced. These lots would no longer be sellable or buildable. Lots 345, 346 and 347 are within the protection zone of our water wells. Lot 91 is currently being used for mailboxes and is un-buildable due to water drainage. Ray Chamberlain (lot 883) made a motion to amend the Choctaw Constitution to place lots 91, 345, 346 and 347 into communal real estate. Kelly Hughes (lot 60) seconded the motion. Betty Cummins (lot 253) commented that our mailboxes look horrible. She would like to see something done to centralize our mailboxes. Following further discussion, a vote was taken, motion carried. Kelly Hughes (lot 60) questioned the Board about whether Mike Hexamer is the official Lake Manager. Shannon announced that effective January 1, Mike would officially become the Lake Operations Manager. Mike is doing a great job and making Choctaw look better and run better. Joan Crabtree (lot 494) a 36-year resident, would like the Board to consider a reduced dues and assessment rate for Choctaw seniors. Chuck McCracken (lot 372) asked if there has been any discussion by the Board concerning the proposed mega-dairy farm. An application has been submitted but not yet approved. Public meetings are being scheduled but have not taken place yet. The CLPOA Board is not making a stand on this issue but is willing to help the community by offering available resources to educate residents. Joe Wiese said that after the Buckeye Egg incident, the state of Ohio drafted a new set of rules to regulate these mega-farms. In this case the Department of Agriculture will either approve the permit or send it make for a revision. This could be a lengthy process. Paul Nutt is a good contact and is up to date on this issue. John Foote (lot 921) made a motion to move the Choctaw sign back to the original location. Due to people leaving the meeting there was no longer a quorum. Steve Grapp made a motion to adjourn. Bill Laney seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 9:38 p.m. — Minutes recorded by Craig Smith. www.lakechoctaw.com 8 The Peace Pipe, Choctaw Lake, October 2008 Choctaw Beach was sunny on August 31st, but the wind was kicking up waves that mimicked an ocean beach, just to add an extra challenge for the 7th annual J lined up to pit their boats against each other in three age-defined heats. As usual, there was an array of wacky, innovative designs, some more compatible with the wa each year as the contestants further refine their boat-building skills. The race results are as follows: TEAM NAME Genera-tion Gap Sea Stallions of Choctaw time NAME OF BOAT More Barrels Drakkar Coffee Queen Shoshone Race Team Flamingo Floaters Boat 1 Kope Kini Wa’a (Coffee Can Canoe) Nelson Flying Flamingos Shoshone Race Team Sinkable Shoshone Race Team Shoshone Race Team Choc & Roll Sinkable V Shoshone Race Team Shoshone Race Team Neely Team Shoshone Race Team Neely Team Neely Team Speeders Trasher 2 No Mega Dairy! Ye Olde Fish Chocness Monster Cyclops The Mantis Lightning McQueen Flamingo Floaters Boat 2 Flying Flamingos 2 The Ice Fishers The Ice Fishers UD Flyers UD Flyer TEAM MEMBERS John Lane Chris Carabin AGE 66 51 CATE-GORY ADULT ADULT TIME 1:00 1:09 PLACE 1st Place Adult 2nd Place Adult JUDGES’ AWARDS Jim Jones Sally Lane 51 65 ADULT 2:01 3rd Place Adult Choctaw Lovely Drew Nelson Chris Whitacre Dan Blazer Mark Perkins Sam Thomas Michael Nelson Alex Thomas Brian Thomas Nick Perkins Eric Perkins Taylor Neely Danny Perkins Keith Neely Garrett Neely Alexis Eckleberry Corrie King Cameron Whitacre Caleb Whitacre James Zawodny Sean Atchison Amanda Blust Grace Blust 18 40 58 45 47 46 17 13 13 13 12 11 10 8 10 10 6 9 10 10 9 7 ADULT ADULT 2:28 2:48 ADULT 3:17 ADULT 12-17 1:03 12-17 12-17 12-17 Under 12 Under 12 Under 12 Under 12 1:52 3:01 4:15 2:06 2:15 3:09 4:26 Under 12 4:40 Choctaw Spirit (whole team) Under 12 4:50 Choctaw Disaster (Most Likely to S Under 12 5:04 Choctaw Trendsetter Mike’s Pizza Worst of show Choctaw Spirit (whole team) Spectator’s Choice Didn’t finish 1st Place 12-17 2nd Place 12-17 3rd Place 12-17 1st Place Under 12 2nd Place Under 12 3rd Place Under 12 Mike’s Pizza Overall 2nd best time Choctaw Wacky, wackiest boat Choctaw Ingenuity (whole team) Choctaw Resourceful, best use of m Anchor Dragger Choctaw Clever, most creative boat The 7th Annual race owes thanks to many people who help make it a success. As usual, we had the paddles and trophies donated by R.N. Smith Realty, a steadfa tion. After regular host, Jon Gillespie, had to leave town, and his replacement canceled at the last minute, Shannon Hastings came to the rescue and presided over the r we do without Judges: Debbie Brugger, Vivian Ely, and Janis Hamrick; race photographers, Al Wilderman and Al Bowers; and videographer, Dave Brugger? We rely the facts straight to write this story! Don Ennis came from his home at Indian Lake to do the sound again, this time free of charge, just because he enjoys the race. He found a deal on a sound system it as well. This Guy Paints (Chris and Keely Carabin), 2CheckOut.com (Alan Homewood and Kristin Dach), Al Wilderman (ReMax), and London Apothecary Medicine Shoppe (Ernie Sparks), all pitched in to help the Booster Club purchase the system, which we hope will find many uses besides the boat race. Members of the dance group, Halé O Hula, were back to perform while the judges deliberated, and leader, Sue Blackwood taught spectators how to dance to “Tiny Bubbles”. Mike’s Pizza generously sent over certificates for 6 free large pizzas with their own categories of winners for the judges to decide. (Please see the Thank You Display Ad appreciating our all our sponsors.) We apologize for any misunderstanding regarding the timing of the race. Interviewing of the contestants began at 5:00 as usual, and the race followed. All Peace Pipe articles, flyers, and ads gave that as the time, but unfortunately it appeared as 5:30 on the front page of The Peace Pipe. Video records show that the Under 12 heat began at 5:19, the Teen heat at 5:26, and the adult heat started at 5:35. People arriving at 5:30 caught the end of the teen race and all of the adult race, but missed the under 12’s. October 2008, Choctaw Lake, The Peace Pipe 9 photos by Al Bowers and Al Wilderman 10 The Peace Pipe, Choctaw Lake, October 2008 MULTI SUDOKU These puzzles consists of two grids with overlapping 3x3 boxes. In each grid, each row, column and set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9. The solution in any set of 3x3 boxes shared by two grids applies to both. That’s all there is to it. Have fun! Answer on page 15. 1 9 8 7 3 6 740-852-2659 Fax: 740-852-2908 GOOD EARTH EQUIPMENT CO., LLC www.goodearthequipment.com 2 7 6 781 SR 56 SW London, OH 43140 6 SUPER SERVICE! 3 7 AG, CONSTRUCTION, LAWN & GARDEN, AND BOATS • ALL MAKES AND MODELS 2 4 6 5 7 2 9 LAWN AND GARDEN 3 4 6 9 4 2 2 7 6 WINTER PACKAGES PICKUPAND DELIVERY • SPRING READY SERVICE INDOOR STORAGE BOATS 9 6 BOAT PICKUPAND DELIVERY • GENERAL MOTOR TUNE UP AND WINTERIZING • STORAGE IN/OUTDOORS 9 1 1 1 9 7 SALES 9 FERRIS COMMERCIALGRADE ZERO TURN MOWER HOMEOWNERS’SPECIAL 44" CUT, 24hp, 2-YR. WARRANTY. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST $5,399.50 FERRIS “GO THE EXTRA YARD” 1 2 6 4 5 8 2 Remember the power outage? Don’t be frustrated again! Coleman standby and Baldor portable generators. Certain restrictions may apply. 6 3 5 BUSH HOG 1 8 9 7 9 6 HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 8-5 AND SATURDAY 8-12 104 Lafayette Street London, Ohio 43140 REPRESENTING CINCINNATI INSURANCE HASTINGS MUTUAL PROGRESSIVE HOME & AUTO BUSINESS LIFE & HEALTH Serving Madison County Since 1927 Call us for a quote. Deeann Blake, Agent (740) 852-2323 October 2008, Choctaw Lake, The Peace Pipe 11 Care and Use of Your Grinder Pump Building Permits A. Scope of Permits: Building Permits shall be required for the construction or alteration of the following items as defined by Section 4 Express Standards of Construction: (a) Houses, (b) House Additions, (c) Garages & Outbuildings, (d) Sheds, (e) Boathouses, (f) Driveways, (g) Fences, (h) Decks, (i) Patios, (j) Docks, (k) Seawalls, (l) Swimming Pools, (m) Siding, (n) Patio Roof, porch roof, sun room, screened porch, (o) Roofing, (p) Other structural alterations not covered above. Other Structures shall be defined as anything with a footer and / or any mechanics applied to it. (2) Building Permit fees and deposits will be paid according to the following schedule: (Amended Jan. 17 1996, Sept. 14,1998, July 8,2008) (a) House Additions up to 300 square feet .................................$1000 deposit ..........$150 (b) House Additions 301 to 600 square feet ..............................$1000 deposit ..........$300 (c) House Additions 601 to 1200 square feet .............................$1000 deposit ..........$500 (d) New Homes and Additions over 1201 square feet ...............$1000 deposit ..........$750 (e) Garages .................................................................................$1000 deposit ..........$300 (f) Boathouses ............................................................................$1000 deposit ..........$300 (g) Patio Roof, porch roof, sun room, screened porch ..............$500 deposit ............$150 (h) Driveways..................................................................................................................$50 (i) Fences ........................................................................................................................$50 (j) Decks .........................................................................................................................$50 (k) Patios ........................................................................................................................$50 (l) Docks .........................................................................................................................$50 (m) Seawalls ..............................................................................$500 deposit ............$150 (n) Swimming Pools .......................................................................................................$50 (o) Siding.........................................................................................................................$25 (p) Sheds .........................................................................................................................$50 (q) Roofing ......................................................................................................................$25 Public Notice... Property Owners must have a permit for all Permanent Structures including the following projects: House, House Additions, Sheds, Boathouses, Driveways, Fences, Decks, Patios, Docks, Swimming Pools, and Satellite Dishes over 24" in diameter. Anyone failing to secure the necessary permit will be assessed a penalty of 50% cost of the original permit. Section E-4 of the Choctaw Lake Building Code. The Environmental One grinder pump is capable of accepting and pumping a wide range of materials. Regulatory agencies advise that the following items should not be introduced into any sewer, either directly or through a kitchen waste disposal unit: Glass Diapers, socks, rags or cloth Metal Plastic objects (toys, utensils, etc.) Seafood shells Sanitary napkins or tampons Goldfish stone Kitty litter In addition, you must never introduce into any sewer: Explosives Strong chemicals Flammable material Gasoline Lubricating oil and/or grease Periods of Disuse If your home or building is left unoccupied for longer than a couple of weeks, perform the following procedure: Purge the System. Run clean water into the unit until the pump activates. Immediately turn off the water and allow the grinder pump to run until it shuts off automatically. Caution: Do not disconnect power to the unit. Power Failure Your grinder pump cannot dispose of wastewater without electrical power. If electrical power service is interrupted, keep water usage to a minimum. Pump Failure Alarm Your Environment One grinder pump has been manufactured to produce an alarm signal (120 volt) in the event of a high water level in the basin. The installer must see that the alarm signal provided is connected to an audible and/or visual alarm in such a manner as to provide adequate warning to the user that service is required. During the interim prior to the arrival of an authorized service technician, water usage must be limited to the reserve capacity of the tank. NATURAL GAS CLEAN ~ COMFORTABLE ~ ECONOMICAL A M E R I C A’S BEST ENERGY VA L U E Winter Is Just Around The Corner... But There Is Still Time To Save Money On Your Heating costs This Winter. Now’s The Right Time To Convert Your Home To Natural Gas! For more information, call: 1-888-863-0032 Madison Energy A Member-Owned, Non-Profit, Natural Gas Cooperative Association 12 The Peace Pipe, Choctaw Lake, October 2008 C.L.P.O.A. PROPERTY OWNERS’ MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2008 • 7:30 P.M. Annual CLPOA Meeting October 22nd @ 7:30 p.m. Long-Range Planning Presentation for a Road Assessment ——————————— Road Maintenance Fund Proposed In light of the fact that the residents have just paid off the road repair and resurfacing, the board thought it might be time to be proactive for the continued maintenance and repair of the roads. While the roads are in good shape currently, the board believes it would make sense to discuss building a yearly fund earmarked for road upkeep and resurfacing. In the long run, this will save you, the property owners, hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest fees the next time major road repairs are needed. The last repair would have been $1,063,660.31, but with interest added, the property owners were forced to pay an additional $45,056.91 in interest fees over and above the repair costs. Please join us at the property owners’meeting in May to debate this important topic. Get all your plumbing work done by a local licensed lake resident! Jim Yates, Master Plumber PL #11111 740-852-4343 St. John’s Lutheran Church 380 Keny Blvd, London, OH 43140 740-852-1522 • www.stjohnslondon.org Refrigerator Disposal Traditional Sunday Service: 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Sunday Service: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Fellowship: 10:00-10:30 a.m. ~~~~ Come worship with us. ~~~~ Any property owner desiring Rumpke to pick up the appliance curbside must complete the following. The refrigerant (freon) must be removed and the appliance tagged by a certified technician from a heating and cooling or appliance repair company. Unless this procedure is completed, the appliance will not be removed. Mike Hexamer Lake Operations Manager Pastor Steve Smithberger Watch our Sunday Services on Cable TVon Saturdays & Sundays at 9:00 p.m. HEATING PLUMBING • Heat Pumps • Air Conditioning Systems • Furnaces • • • • • Softeners Pumps Water Heaters Disposals Sump Pumps American Standard PLUMBING & HEATING INC. — Established 1948 — 852-5048 252 E. First Street, London, OH www.justcallmax.com 852-1155 October 2008, Choctaw Lake, The Peace Pipe 13 You Can Put a Free Ad on the Young People’s Page The Peace Pipe will print advertisements for services provided by grade and high schoolers at no cost. Baby-sitting and cutting grass could bring you some money, but will only bring you $$$s if someone knows you do it. It pays to advertise. Just give your phone number, age, service you provide, and anything else you want people to know, to the Choctaw Office; we’ll do the rest. Remember, it doesn’t cost a thing but your time. October 30TH from 6 to 8 p.m. WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE 937-653-4346 Gift Certificates Available How many words can you make? HAPPY HALLOWEEN ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ WOW Painting/Power Wash Interior/Exterior Residential/Commercial Residential • Commercial • Bonded • Insured • Registered • Licensed Est. 1996 Serving Central Ohio for 20 years. Gary & Austin Bogenrife 14 The Peace Pipe, Choctaw Lake, October 2008 THE MONTHLY CALENDAR Key: October 2008 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 2 Seniors (A) 12:00 noon 5 6 7 Choctaw Utilities Mtg. (CR) 7:00 p.m. THURSDAY A - Arrowhead L- Lodge CR - Conference Room G - Gazebo FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 4 Booster Mtg. (CR) 7:00 p.m. 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 30 31 Sewer Board Mtg. (CR) 7:00 p.m. Trash Pickup 12 13 Peace Pipe Deadline CLPOA Board Mtg. (CR) 7:00 p.m. Trash Pickup 19 20 Garden Club (A) 7:00 p.m. Property Owners’ Mtg. (L) 7:30 p.m. Trash Pickup 26 27 28 29 Trick or Treat 6-8 p.m. Halloween Dance (L) Trash Pickup 2008 Committees Choctaw Lake Board of Trustees 2007-2008 Shannon Hastings (2009) President 845-1265 Vice President 852-7730 Connie Feliks (2009) Treasurer 852-0060 Robert McKinley (2010) Secretary 852-5626 Tom Boyd (2010) Bill Laney (2009) 852-2550 Ruth Sowers (2010) Beautification...................................................John Foote & Connie Feliks Lake, Drainage & Roads ...........................John Foote & Shannon Hastings Public Relations & Publications ......................................Shannon Hastings Recreation............................................................Bill Laney & Dwain Dorr House/Office.........................Bill Laney, Ruth Sowers & Eugene Brundige Land/Facility Use........................................Robert McKinley & Tom Boyd Choctaw Utilities........................................John Foote & Eugene Brundige Sewer............................................................................................Tom Boyd Long-range Planning .....................................Robert McKinley, Tom Boyd, Shannon Hastings & Dwain Dorr Security ........................................................................................Bill Laney Standing Commitees John Foote (2011) 852-9534 Dwain Dorr (2011) 852-1525 Eugene Brundige (2011) 852-4042 ——————————————— Choctaw Utilities Company Board Ernie Sparks Board Committees President 852-1949 Tim Good 852-4198 Ken Ferguson 852-1870 Matt Dillon 852-2996 Andy Mauck 852-3133 Nominating.........................................................John Buekers, Jim Weimer Ballot Counting ...................................................................Chantal Weldon Choctaw Lake Office 2875 Oneida Drive, London, Ohio 43140 740-852-2593 • FAX: 740-852-2444 E-mail: [email protected] • Web Site: www.lakechoctaw.com Mike Hexamer ......................................................................................Lake Operations Carla Dye ...............................................................................................Office Manager James Moran ................................................................................Utility Superintendent Dan Summers ...............................................................................................Patrol Chief *** OFFICE HOURS *** Monday .......................................................10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. • 12 noon-7:00 p.m. Tuesday thru Friday ....................................10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. • 12 noon-4:00 p.m. Westside Guard House: 740-852-2976 Sewer Plant: 740-845-1284 October 2008, Choctaw Lake, The Peace Pipe 15 NOTICE: RATES FOR Peace Pipe Deadlines THE PEACE PIPE Business Card 1/4 page 1/2 page Full page NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY ALLADS MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE AND SUBMITTED TO THE CHOCTAW OFFICE The Peace Pipe goes to every property owner at Choctaw Lake. That is 100% coverage. CLASSIFIED AD RATES 12 Words (or less) minimum charge $3.00 10 cents each additional word. Ads accepted until Peace Pipe published deadline. CLUB PRESIDENTS Booster................................Kim Yousey (852-5072) Seniors ............................Al Wilderman (852-4703) Garden ....................................Joe Wiese (852-1385) Mindful Mothers..................Twila Boyd (845-0074) Tennis ..................................Sue Hackett (852-0437) Ski Club ..............................Brian Walsh (845-1466) RN ADS AND ARTICLES DUE ISSUE $20.00 $40.00 $80.00 $200.00 Call 740-852-2593 to arrange for your Peace Pipe ad for November. OCTOBER 14 NOVEMBER 14 DECEMBER 14 INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR WATER ALLDATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. All articles not otherwise indicated to be authored by an individual, should be understood to have been published by the Board of Trustees. Choctaw Lake is not liable for non-insertion of ads beyond the amount paid for the adver tisement. The Peace Pipe is printed by Progressive Communication Corp., Mount Vernon, OH. Typesetting, layout and graphic design are by Fran Datz, fdGraphics, 7510 Van Wagener Road, London, OH 43140, 740-852-5753, (fax) 740-852-5933, (e-mail) [email protected]. 1 4 7 5 8 2 9 3 6 2 5 8 6 9 3 7 1 4 3 6 9 4 7 1 8 2 5 7 1 4 2 5 8 6 9 3 8 2 5 3 6 9 4 7 1 9 3 6 1 4 7 5 8 2 4 7 1 8 2 5 3 6 9 5 2 8 4 7 1 5 8 2 9 3 6 1 4 7 6 3 9 5 8 2 6 9 3 7 1 4 Sudoku puzzle answer from page 10. 2 5 8 4 1 7 6 9 3 9 3 6 8 5 2 1 4 7 7 1 4 9 6 3 2 5 8 8 2 5 7 4 1 3 6 9 6 9 3 2 8 5 7 1 4 4 7 1 3 9 6 8 2 5 5 8 2 1 7 4 9 3 6 SMITH 1-740-852-1043 R.N. SMITH, BROKER AUCTIONEER Thank you, advertisers, for advertising in The Peace Pipe. Next Issue Deadline is October 14. FLUORIDE 1.25 m/l SODIUM .25 m/l HARDNESS 370 m/l 28-30 grains All the above are naturally occurring and nothing is added. James Moran, Utility Superintendent CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE LANDSCAPING SEACYCLE, $1300 (obo) SCOOTER, $25 SCHWINN 24" UNICYCLE, $70 RAZOR AIRGO POGO STICK, $40 ALL GREAT CONDITION! NATURAL GREEN LANDSCAPE SALLY LANE, 845-1344 5% OFF when you present this ad. Residents • Referrals Need Treatment? FREE Estimates! Clean Up Fall/Spring • Landscape Packages Design • Rebuild • Maintenance Rudolph 614-787-4500 INSTRUCTION Music Masters PIANO INSTRUCTION All Levels • All Ages Ear Training & Theory Jodine Masters Long 740-852-0827 25 Years Selling Choctaw Lake Property! Let Us Sell Your Home! R.N. (Bob) Smith 740-852-1043 3161 Old Columbus Rd. London, OH 43140 REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS REPRESENTING YOU! GEOFF SMITH KENT SMITH BOB KELLY MARY TAYLOR Auctioner/Realtor Lic. Appraiser/Realtor Realtor Realtor TERESA POWELL Realtor 740-852-0935 614-203-9509 740-873-0457 740-506-1699 614-562-4955 FALL... WHAT A BEAUTIFUL TIME OF YEAR AT CHOCTAW LAKE!!!! WE HAVE BEEN WORKING HARD TO SELL YOUR HOMES. WE HAVE HELPED SELL 6 MORE HOMES AT CHOCTAW IN SEPTEMBER! GIVE US A CALL & PUT US TO WORK FOR YOU TOO. CALL THE TEAM: JANIE, AL & RE/MAX Team Advantage AND LET US CHANGE YOUR “FOR SALE” SIGN TO “SOLD” TOO!!! RE/MAX TEAM ADVANTAGE JANIE COX 614-296-1938 740-845-1201 (Office) COTTON CLUB CANS Orange, Grape, Root Beer, Creme Soda or Cherokee Red 12-oz. cans OCTOBERST1 OCTOBER 31 , 2008 st 6-PK CONN’S CHIPS All Varieties (11-oz. bag) AL WILDERMAN 614-370-4573 WINTER INSIDE STORAGE for BOATS RV’S PONTOONS JET SKIS CARS TRUCKS 3180 Old Columbus Road London, OH 43140 CALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE... STORE HOURS: PATRICK CAMPBELL (614) 374-0572 740-852-1540 Mon.-Thurs. 5 AM-10PM Fri. 5 AM - 11 PM Sat. 7 AM - 11 PM Sun. 7 AM - 10 PM ALL BEER SOLD AT STATE MINIMUMS SMITH’S ALL VARIETIES 1/2 GALLON ICE CREAM Buy 1, Get 1 FREE We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities, Not Responsible For Typographical, Printing, or Pictorial Errors. While Supplies Last. No Rain Checks Issued for This Sale.