list of pace activities 15-16 - Jawaharlal Darda Institute of
list of pace activities 15-16 - Jawaharlal Darda Institute of
JAWAHARLAL DARDA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, YAVATMAL Professional Activities: - Department Of Computer Science & Engineering PACE CLUB List of Events Conducted along with Photo (SESSION 2015-2016) Nature of Activity Date of Activity Objective of Activity Benefits for Students 1 Reformation of PACE Club 05/09/2015 To reform the committee of the club. Students can improve their skills by taking involvement in various activities. 2 CELEBRATION OF TEACHER DAY 05/09/2015 Celebration of day with Teachers Creating a new trend & decency in minds of students 3 TRADITIONAL DAY CELEBRATION 21/09/2015 To motivate about cultural activity To motivate about cultural activity 4 FRESHERS PARTY 09/10/2015 Welcoming the Fresher’s to the department Introduction of Fresher’s to department To imbibe the students and youth with the philosophy and ideals of the Swamiji. (Expert. Mr.Umeshji Vaidya) Know about the Swami Vivekananda’s life. 5 YOUTH DAY CELEBRATION (Expert. Mr.Umeshji Vaidya) 12/01/2016 6 COVER PAGE DESIGINING 22/03/2016 Develop the skill Develop the skill and technique. To gain knowledge from event 7 Farewell -15 07/04/2016 To final year student Passing out students share experience with junior students. 1 and 2 REFORMATION OF PACE CLUB & CELEBRATION OF TEACHER DAY 3. TRADITIONAL DAY CELEBRATION 4. FRESHERS PARTY 6. YOUTH DAY CELEBRATION 7. Farewell -15:-Dasvidaniya